spibder · 3 months
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rokishimizu4 · 1 month
Blood drive rush: Alfred outfoxed once, and only once
BatFam & Symbiotic!Reader and gang
“Young master Tim and Mr. Constantine’s list is quite… long.” Alfred mumbles under his breath as he finishes setting the groceries, as he wanted to do his own shopping, into the back of one of the extra cars.
He checks his pocket watch and noticing how much time he had until dinner, decided to get an early start on his own theories.
He begins to open the driver side door, still on the bloody wrong side of the road, but notices a man dressed in a white suit and a blood red tie. A black fedora covers the man’s face from Alfred’s eyes.
Usually, he would let this go, reporting and tracking the person from a distance, like a proper butler. However, the blood bag cooler that the man was carrying, made him think twice.
Alfred checks for a Blood Bank nearby, easily finding one with people going in, and notices how he was the only one to notice the strange man, wearing nothing to indicate that he worked for a hospital or such.
Years of training and being the butler to the Wayne’s family, and living in Gotham for most of his life, tells Alfred to follow.
And follow he does
It doesn’t take long for the man to turn down an alleyway to a ‘abandoned’ warehouse, and starts whistling an Italian song under his breath.
”Ciao Mr. Spy~! I would have hoped that my little tricks would work on you as it did the nice ladies and gentlemen of the gourmet blood bank.” The man says as he spins around to face Alfred, and tilts his fedora up to give him a wink.
“It has been a while to find someone to brush off my abilities. Very interesting. I would invite you for some wine and homemade pasta, but I’ll have to make it into a rain check.”
Alfred stands his ground, cautious of the man’s words and the strange, almost hypnotic, red eyes. If it was a different situation, he would accept, as it has been awhile since he had homemade pasta that he hasn’t made himself.
’Maybe I should make some for dinner tomorrow night. It has been awhile.’
”I mean no harm, simply interested on the reasoning behind the blood bag cooler. It won’t do to accuse an innocent man of stealing if he is simply delivering it or has bought it himself.”
”Hmm, a man after my own heart. I have paid for it, though I do not have the time to waste on paperwork. The blood is from a common type and the woman it once belonged to is still alive and well.” The man smiles, canines on display, and with a snap of his fingers, Alfred finds his body moving against his will.
“I apologize for my rudeness, dear butler. But I do have very little time to waste. Maybe next time. Caio~!”
Alfred blinks his eyes and finds himself back at the older car, with very little to his memory of the past few minutes.
His phone gives a few beeps and he checks it.
“Hey Alfred, how the FUCK do you keep a kid from throwing up brains?!?! HELP!!” From Young Master Jason.
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chiropteracupola · 9 months
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Sovay, Sovay, all on a day / She dressed herself in man's array...
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icycove · 9 months
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Borrowers Patton and Virgil visiting their human friends! They found Logan first~ Logan’s pleased to see them again
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They’re just little stick guys
Original version under the cut!!
Time taken: 2.7 hours
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The top one is the experimental version where I added more color and a background! I wanted to add hair but after 41 frames I decided I’d get em next time 😆😂😃 here’s the original ‘blank’ one
Virgil didn’t want Patt going to visit the humans again alone…he’s nervous but hey it’s telling he let them go again at all. They’re growing on him, me thinks~
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accidentally sapphic stack to get me started for June 👀 I'm not gonna only read LGBT+ books during Pride month but these will keep my queer lit cravings satisfied
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weirdowithaquill · 1 year
Traintober 2023: Day 12 - Something Borrowed
Maybe Don't Borrow Henrietta:
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When Toby awoke, she was gone.
“Henrietta?” he asked tentatively, not seeing her, Annie, or Clarabel in the carriage sheds. It wasn’t normal. Annie and Clarabel, he understood. They had to go with Thomas on his first train of the day – but Henrietta was always waiting for him.
“Henrietta!” called Toby again, clanking through the yards. Had someone moved her? It didn’t make any sense. The tram engine circled through the entirety of Ffarquhar yard once, then twice. Percy opened a sleepy eye.
“What’s the matter, Toby?” he asked, yawning. Toby didn’t answer at first, instead ringing his bell and calling out his faithful coach’s name again.
“Toby!” Percy whistled, eyes now open. “What is going on?”
“Henrietta’s gone,” Toby replied frantically. “She’s gone! Percy, I can’t lose Henrietta – we need to find her.” Percy’s mouth set into a grim frown.
“We can’t leave our duties to go find Henri—” Percy was interrupted by Toby shooting him the darkest glare the poor little engine had ever seen. Percy went silent; Toby hurried out of the yard and down the line.
“What is going on?” demanded the station master.
“Henrietta is missing, and Toby’s on a warpath,” Percy replied. The stationmaster raised an eyebrow.
“Missing? Thomas borrowed Henrietta earlier for his first train – didn’t he mention it to Toby?” Percy winced. Thomas was about to be in for a wild ride.
“No… he did not,” Percy said.
Further down the line, Thomas was whistling merrily to himself as he dropped off passengers by the airfield. It was a lovely day! The birds were singing, the breeze was gently rustling the leaves in the trees, Toby was charging at him looking like he was about to fight the devil him— wait, what?
“Toby?” Thomas tentatively called out. The tram’s eyes locked onto Thomas; the blue tank engine gulped.
“Henrietta…” hissed the tram engine. Thomas nearly sprung a leak. From the rear of his train, the tram’s faithful coach piped up.
“Here I am, Toby!” she called. Toby hissed again, scalding steam blistering the edges of Thomas’ paintwork. Thomas jolted back. A few curious passengers tried to step forward to look – the stationmaster hurriedly herded them away.
“You took her,” Toby snarled. It was not a question. Thomas did spring a leak, water trickling out from under his tank and onto the track.
“I was just borrowing her!” wailed Thomas, sprinting out of the station. Thankfully, the stationmaster had uncoupled Henrietta, making sure she stayed put while Thomas sped for the safety of his own shed.
Henrietta sighed, watching as Thomas retreated.
“Did you have to scare him so much?” she asked. Toby didn’t respond at first, instead buffering up to his coach and trundling in the other direction.
“I don’t want to lose you,” Toby said softly. “You’re—”
“Mine,” finished Henrietta softly. “And I’m—” “Yours.”
Henrietta chuckled softly. If there was one thing Toby wouldn’t ever allowed to be ‘borrowed’ again, it was her. It just took poor Thomas springing a leak for the other engines on the branchline to figure it out.  
Back to Master Post
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tobbesdiscordkitten · 5 months
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Tom Bones casually wearing Mary Goore’s studded belt.
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crunchycrystals · 2 months
if i were a youtuber/tiktoker/had a social media presence anywhere aside from here i would do a library haul to offset all of the mass consumption there
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seldomscilence16 · 11 months
Whumptober day 30:
"It's okay just to say 'I'm not okay'."
Borrowed Clothing | Bridal Carry | "Not much Longer…."
Fandom: Bat Family
Prompts used: All
Ive been reading dpxdc but am not confident yet, so heres some OOC Bats, based mostly on Wayne Family Adventures, tried angsting some new people for once! I have only read Duke in WFA so hes probably the most OOC forgive me. But let me know, Id love to hear from ya'll on any of my posts :)
TW for blood and injuries, near death experiences
"I am never letting you talk me into this again."
Tim glares at the far wall, hanging by his feet, arms tied to his chest. He's in civvies, and his brothers WILL owe him a new outfit after this.
"Oh come on, you were the perfect bait!" Jason's voice comes through the comm, barely holding back his snickers.
"Hush Little-Wing. I'll take you to your favorite coffee place- at a reasonable time- to make up for it BabyBird." Dicks voice is far more sympathetic and even tinged with the anxiety that comes with seeing his brothers in harm's way.
"Then Jay owes me a new outfit." He murmurs a tad petulantly.
"TT, I still think we should have snuck in instead of this, convoluted, plan."
"That would have been fine if we had known where they were located, hence this plan." Duke yawns as he finishes his sentence, pulling a double shift for this case.
"Next time, someone else can be the hostage." Tim grumbles as a headache grows with all the blood rushing to it.
"Whatever you say Timmy." Jason placates mockingly.
"Is anyone else concerned about how long they've left Red Robin alone?" Barbara's exasperated voice comes through the comms, bringing everyone back.
"The lack of blood in my legs should definitely be considered." Tim comments, swinging slightly to try and look around.
"Well, it looks like everyone is-"
"Leaving the building!" Duke cuts Dick off, Jason curses,
"Looks like we got some rats to catch!" He calls, leaping from his hiding spot before the others could react.
"Hang in there Tim, we'll be back!"
"I regret my existence."
"TT is that all?" Damian is a millisecond behind Jason, Dick and Duke give each other an eye roll of comradery, before they are following.
They put up a fight. Seemingly desperate to escape- though it's not super odd- they seem more scared of not being able to leave than of the Bats themselves.
"Not much longer…" The anxious mutter comes from the goon closest to Signal.
He’s quick to pin him, nerves flying in his gut, telling him that they were missing something important.
“Until what?” He pulls his best Batman voice, tired gravel helping him hopefully.
Pinned against the building, Signal doesn’t really need an answer from the goon, the light gives him a glimpse of exactly what he needs to know, but the answer comes anyway,
“Guys, we’ve got a situation! I’m going in for T- the hostage!” Duke catches himself throwing the guy to the nearest Bat, “Find the bomb!” He dashes into the building.
“A bomb?” Tims voice groans, “I am owed several coffees, thank you.”
“Maybe focus on not blowing up first?” Duke's voice is strained, not yet so nonchalant with these types of threats.
“The goons are ready for transport, we’re headed to the device, just stay calm Duke.” Dicks voice is level, and Duke takes a breath to match it.
Tim is partway untied, having been working on it since he’d been hooked, his face is flushed but he gives a lopsided grin- likely to comfort Duke.
“Signal, my man, come to hang out?”
“Har har, let's get you down.”
He steadies him as his feet touch the ground, head spinning and body reorienting, they haven’t even taken a step yet when the whole building shakes, rickety floors and creaky walls groaning with the effort.
“Uh, guys?” Duke cautions, worry skyrocketing again.
“Time to move!”
Duke doesn't need to be told twice, he scoops Tim into his arms with a grunt and finds himself sprinting once more.
“Blushing bride was not on my list.” He mumbles, hand holding his head as the other tires to keep him stable.
“Don't worry, sure it doesn't count when the blood had no other option.”
“You’d be surprised.”
The floor is crumbling as another tremor wracks the old bones of the place. He makes the decision to find the nearest window, taking the Bat route out, and sending a prayer to whoever listened that they all made it out.
“You’re ok… ‘s good…” Blood is a second skin, Jason's jacket torn to shreds as glass and wood alike protrude from his body.
“Todd.. you're…” Damian looks up at the unhooded vigilante, minor damage to himself as he see the crushing weight his brother keeps off him.
“Relax kid… Won't die frem the same ting twice.”
“Jay! Damian!” Dick coughs, the bloody hero shoving at the beams across Jays back until the two can get free. “Are you guys okay?”
“S’fine, lets get baby brat outta here.” The slur comes and goes from his tone, whether from a given effort or otherwise they can't tell. Shifting nearby has them tensing, before a light shines at them,
“Oh thank the Gods.” Duke is dusty but unharmed, moving debris ever so carefully to give them a path out.
“M’place s’closest.” Jason murmurs, leaning heavily on Damian who hadnt moved from his side.
“I can not carry you Todd, stay awake.” The youngest mutters despite his stance.
“It's okay just to say ‘I’m not okay’.” Duke interrupts quickly, taking the lead as Dick takes the rear.
“...could be better.” He concedes.
“You are not this much bigger than me. How?” Tim swims in the borrowed shirt and sweats, as does Damian, but neither seems keen to take them off either as they plop onto Jason's couch.
In the kitchen, Duke, Jason and Dick patch each other up carefully, channeling Alfred as best they can until they decide the trip is worth it. Jason grits his teeth as another stitch pierces his skin, Dick muttering a thousand quiet apologies in several languages. Duke keeps his eyes on his own job, if for nothing else than to keep from cringing and hurting Dick.
“We’re bringing the girls next time. This never happens when they're around.” Tim grumbles, ice pack on his face.
“I beg to differ.” Dick mutters.
“Is night shift always like this?” Duke ties off his last bandage and goes about cleaning up.
“Meh.” He gets several, so so hand gestures and a tutt and groans to himself.
“We’re alive, goons apprehended, I'm calling it a win.”
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neroushalvaus · 6 months
me: there's time to think in a ski lift :)
me in a ski lift: okay so which downton abbey characters would be the dumbasses who don't wear fucking ski helmets
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mccnstricken · 3 months
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i do this every couple of months but hi. (scratching my cheek) i think i can get to things again. i think.
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fictionformed · 5 months
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Shona, Hans, Zane and Thomas recently added new photos
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cryptid-killjoy · 2 years
Mornings. Valerie had never been a morning person in her life.  But she had to admit there was something extra special about that in between space before truly getting up for the day and sleep with Thomas.
(nsfw links) It was that time where lazing was okay. They weren’t going anywhere in particular. They’d been together despite the doctor’s warnings. She’d have him hold a pillow against her loose tummy so it wouldn’t hurt when she rode him from the jiggling wound as she bounced. Thomas was always so loving finding other ways to pleasure his wife. There was no holding Mrs. Laveau’s libido back when she wanted her back injured or not. Lucky man. They had fed the triplets a couple times, managed to get them to sleep again, and no rush now for a thing as the quiet settled in. The blinds were closed but she could still tell it was morning by the soft glimmer of light coming through the blinds. She knew just behind that was the beginnings of the silver thaw of her winter. She noticed the austere drizzles in the moonlight the night before.
She couldn’t help but think about what all that extra moisture would be doing to the land. Her thoughts drifted to muddy bogs and what fun that would be. They just needed a couple ATV’s again and it’d be a party. They hadn’t left for much, but Valerie still heard the rumors, got texts, saw the local weather.  So many people thought it was those new, rich, folk doing something eccentric like fake snow as a ski resort would considering it seemed to politely stop so close to the property lines.  The meteorologist had no explanation for the sudden but confirmed natural weather front that would show the storm on the satellite coming from the skies.
This brought back a few of those old Laveau witchy rumors from the internet. Valerie didn’t care. She didn’t plan on waltzing around announcing she was any kind of sorceress or goddess to these folks of New Zealand. She also didn’t plan on ever making herself small again to fit in. She spent a year getting acquainted with this life, but she was tired of that. If their Scouty insisted on continuing with this public school nonsense then so be it. But, if they were going to be forced to mingle with people that weren’t always of their own choosing then Valerie was done with the low key life. She thought she could handle it with just her and Thomas alone, but that’s not how all this played out. Real life took over a lovers’ self contained fantasy for the better.  
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Mornings were starting to grow on her. 
A private moment just to admire him before hot drinks, before sun, before voices, before anything, just them. 
These moments were usually kept in such silence and serene until something of the outside world demanded true waking as she remembered dreaming. Should she tell him as he suggested or just write it down? She thought she’d whisper it unsure how awake he really was. She’d still write it down. She’d write them all down always so he could keep them. She did worry she might lose it if she didn’t say it now and she didn’t want to get up from this warm wonderful space. So whisper she did. 
“I dreamt of you.” She began which wasn’t always the case. So, it was rather fun to start her gift that way. “We we walking in a garden. Everything was too bright, too colorful. The flowers were all wrong. It wasn’t ugly. It was just jarringly orange and yellow. It was blinding. It wasn’t pleasant. I kept hearing Diana’s voice say ‘The girl in the yellow dress.’ it was also in unpleasant manner clear of her distaste. I said back, ‘Oh god she isn’t here is she? I should have brought the dogs.’ 
“Then suddenly everything was gone. That’s how dreams do sometimes. It just changes on you and it makes no sense. No garden. Just one tree in the dark. It was a big purple wisteria tree. Real flowy. Somehow lit in the middle of the darkness. You were dressed very dapper like when we go to the theater, top hat and all, but you kept looking down at me so strangely. I finally look down and I’m in this amazing yellow dress. You say, ‘I’ve never seen you in yellow before.’ I say, ‘Me either.’ Like I am also shocked not recalling putting it on myself.
 “Now in real life that’s not exactly true. I have an Amy Winehouse vintage dress that’s yellow, but it’s nothing like this gown I had on, so bright. Plus, it’s not really a me go-to. You’re gawking like you’re stunned at how gorgeous I am and I’m just watching this dress blowing so flowy in the breeze just as graceful as the wisteria branches, and my long hair, hard to describe like a scene from a southern plantation, when I see Diana again in the distance. Still, the last thing I want to be is ‘the girl in the yellow dress’ considering how she says it. She looks really upset. ‘The girl in the yellow dress.’ Like it’s me. I’m the girl in the yellow dress. Weirdly, Spock brow up, you look at her through a monocle, very sexy by the way, and then cup your mouth like you’re about to holler something back at her. But the dream went black or I woke up a minute and went back to sleep or something because it was gone. I never heard what you what said. Dreams like that are sort of the weirdest because they’re almost like a story...almost. But, you never get to find out the ending.” 
“So then I just lay there imagining things like why in the world would I dream that, or what you might have said, what happened next.” 
She kept smoothing her hand over his beard scruffles, and around his ear, through his hair, “Now I’m never going to get this vision of dancing and picnicking under a wisteria tree all fancied up out of my head even though that’s not what happened in my dream because it looked perfectly set up to do so. Like a dream.” She giggled softly. “So it was.” 
Then she’d turn with those images so vivid in her head even though the story line might not make sense. Dissecting dreams was an art, a skill her mamma taught her. She sometimes thought about the symbolism but sometimes it just ruined the beauty of the imagery in her head. Being so fluent in those “witchery” skillsets it was often hard not to see the simple language of the symbolism and pushing it away was as much of a talent and skill as making the decorative masks she wears to bottle things down. “Papa, Dr. F. He’d have a field day tearing into that one with me curled on his lap.” She had to chuckle. She couldn’t help it. 
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josephtrohman · 1 year
my brain is so rotten for rpf i suggested reading my fav fics aloud for my partner. and it happened yesterday i read (a chapter of) one out loud with him and he enjoyed it. converting everyone…so sick n twisted of me…
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troublcmakcrs · 1 year
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hext00ns · 2 years
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Thomas the train dude is p cool
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