#both of them feel like they should have tried harder to keep their siblings away from td
brucewaynehater101 · 3 days
L.O.V.E. By sushi soucy is so ghost of a bar kid haunting Bruce after he accidentally killed them after they stepped out of line, or maybe he was just mad, and then he tried to hide it but the ghost is having none of that.
All the Barbies work in this situation individually I think
A story where Bruce accidentally murders one of his own kids and tries to hide it and lie about it?
That would be such a fucked up AU, and I'm here for it.
For this song, the singer mentions that they were killed "last summer." Therefore, Bruce was able to hide this murder for over six months. Imma build this AU:
Bruce, in a fit of rage, kills one of his kids. This is most likely to be Dick or Jason (just due to him hitting them more in comics), with Tim as the third most likely option. Something something, escalation of "communication" habits. Dealer's choice on who gets murdered.
The man then "sends" the kid he killed on a "mission" where the kid is either undercover for months or ends up killed on the field.
I think Steph should be the one to start to put the clues together. Tim would choose to protect his siblings, but, at least in this AU, it's harder initially for him to move past his bias that "there's no way Bruce would do that." This is why, despite the red flags, Tim didn't piece it together himself. After Steph brings up the points, Tim can either dismiss her, help her while disagreeing, or grimly accept the likelihood.
Cass could be someone Steph turns to before Tim or who they both go to next.
Perhaps, in some weird version of protecting them, those three decide to try to shield their younger siblings (Duke and Damian) until they get solid evidence. Perhaps they find ways to keep the two of them away from Bruce (sending Damian to TT and ensuring Bruce stays out of Gotham to take care of other business). Duke and Damian notice eventually, but it buys them time.
After gathering enough evidence, the three present their case to Barbara. Of course, it absolutely wrecks her emotionally. This is when it finally sinks in for the three that their sibling is dead.
Barbara gets to work finding irrefutable proof as the three call up which ever sibling didn't die (Jason or Dick). They then make plans to protect everyone and keep Bruce away from the youngest (as well as needing to tell them what's going on).
If you want, this could all be told from the perspective of the kid who was murdered. They watch as Bruce covers it up (and wracks himself with guilt over it [which has complicated feeling for the kid cause fuck Bruce but that's their dad]). The kid watches as Steph starts to figure it out and how the interaction with Tim and Cass go. They watch as they all suddenly understand that their sibling is dead.
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noahtally-famous · 17 days
made a 16-slide presentation for gabriel jha, i spent three days back to back on this (and planning out the fic that takes place before, during, and after tdpi that's centric around his and dave's brotherly bond, alenoah, noah and dave's friendship, and alejandro and carlos's brotherly bond)
(the slideshow reads like a character wiki page 💀)
no going back now. while i finalize the slides (idek if i should post it here, it's a full-on oc form for a character only i care abt 😭 but it would be good background info), have some before/after racing accident that had dave auditioning for total drama picrews of gabriel! (so in other words, pre and post tdpi gabriel)
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that-bitch-kat3 · 1 month
I wrote some stuff about lily and sirius talk about their siblings last night and while I'm not sure that I like it I've decided to post it. Also heres my AO3 which I guess I've never needed to post before. okay here it is:
"I did everything I could-" Lily said, but even as the words came out she knew that they were a lie. She stopped herself and sighed, but then she did something that neither of them had been expecting. She told the truth. "No, I didn't."
"What?" Sirius looked over at her, eyebrows high, but Lily didn't see his expression. She didn't even look at him. She just stared out at the sky. It was an unspoken rule that they didn't look at each other on nights like these. When they sat at the top of the astronomy tower, moping and looking for someone to trade burdens with.
Lily's confession shocked them both, but she just stared straight ahead into the night and kept talking. "I didn't do everything I could. I could've- I should've written more. And when I was back for breaks I should have tried harder, to talk to her, and to keep up with her interests." Sirius looked back out the window, going back to following the unspoken rule, but Lily had hardly noticed his gaze at all too lost in her regret to even really be aware of the boy sitting next to her.
"I shouldn't have let Sev take over my life back home, and I really shouldn't have picked fights with her." Lily sighed. "but she's just been so cold since I left. I felt like fighting with her was the only time when I could even get through to her- or not get through to her, but, talk to her?"
Sirius nodded looking out at the night sky. The moon was a sliver in the sky, but the stars were out and they lit up the sky well enough. Without even meaning to Sirius sought out the Regulus star. "I didn't do enough either," Sirius admitted and they sat in silence for a beat before he continued. "I pushed him away. I knew what they expected from him- from us, but I was so determined to not be what they wanted that in my efforts to be different, to be better, I isolated him."
Lily nodded. "I feel like I abandoned her." She whispered her confession to the darkness, but Sirius heard anyway and this time it was his turn to nod.
There were several moments of quiet before Sirius gave up one more confession, one more secret to the sky.
"I did abandon him."
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snaililita · 9 months
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♠️♥️ Lyney x Reader♥️♠️
Synopsis: Reader has some serious escapist tendencies, no friends anymore, and lives in a shell they are too afraid to crawl out of because they perceive reality as disgusting and mundane nowadays. What happens when a certain magician shows them that reality can still be beautiful as a way to thank them for the freedom they inadvertently granted him with?
This is kinda long! I also made it at 1 AM so if there are any errors it's cuz of that ('□`) I personally have been going through some things and have been finding a lot of comfort in this goofy ol'magician. So sorry if this has some darkers tones than my usual stuff! I tried to keep reader as gender neutral as I could by not name dropping anyone and only referring to them as "You" variations. If there is a slip up please tell me!
You're hardwired to be an extrovert, but you exist in an environment and place that shuns you and forces you into a shell.
You've had your voice ripped from your throat one too many times and you've been silenced for nothing more than a mere giggle.
You were raised in an isolated world, away from humanity and it's harsh reality.
You didn't have any friends growing up except for the occasional child of a parent's friend who would visit.
Your siblings would hide away and your father would yell all the time. Your mother was always at work. Your friends were in your worlds of fiction and your books. The drawings you began to make to see these adventures you had with them.
You don't know how real people act or how to speak with them, treating everything like dialogue in a book.
Friends you had made at one point eventually coined you as toxic because of your inability to speak with any of them properly. Perhaps you should've tried harder. No, you definitely should have tried harder.
Perhaps they would still be here if you had made more drawings for them. Maybe if you had kept your opinions to yourself. Maybe if you had just smiled and nodded. Maybe they would still be here.
You became a shell. Hiding yourself away from any possible relationships. Keeping yourself away from anyone else you could possibly hurt with your ignorance. You had friends, it's not like you were lonely. The characters you read about and drew all the time were your friends.
Yet, they began to feel empty. You began to feel empty. Focusing all your time on honing your talent and living in a world of fiction reality became bland. Disgusting even. This only drove you to hide away from it even more.
You were lonely, craving friends and love you knew you couldn't let yourself have. It was like an addiction. You had it once and now you want it more. But nothing else ever hits like that first high does, right?
For the sake of everyone else around you, you cut them all off. You were stung once. Being shelter your whole life you didn't know how to handle it. You gave up on everything and everyone.
You felt hollow.
You met him after one of his shows.
The magician was so insistent you see his next one.
You supposed it couldn't hurt.
So you arrived at his next one.
And then the next.
And the next.
Until you began to see every show of his.
He would speak to you after each one, ask you how your day was. He would tell you about his.
Even after he was ousted as a member of the fatui you still saw his shows. You still spoke with him. It was as if you didn't even care.
Something about him and his magic, the reality bending of it all was beautiful. The most beautiful thing you had seen in ages.
It didn't feel real, yet it was. It was magnificent. He was magnificent.
Nothing could change that. Especially not something as silly as a title or affiliations.
As far as you were concerned, he was wonderful.
Even after he began to show you his true colours.
He had shown you something beautiful, and for that you could only appreciate every side of him.
Everything about him was addictive, every single part and side. Every nook and cranny. Both sides of the beautiful coin.
That's when you realised you became too attached.
You didn't want to ruin something so beautiful with your thorns, so you stopped attending his shows.
Stopped seeing him all together.
You couldn't tarnish something so glorious by hurting the person responsible for it. You couldn't hurt the majesty of it all. The majesty he showed you.
He noticed you stopped attending his shows immediately.
He sought after you for ages. Since you hardly leave you house only for food he didn't find you for a while.
However, once he did he wouldn't leave.
He followed you around, asking all about where you had been.
You wouldn't respond.
All though he wouldn't speak of it, you in a way provided him with a sense of comfort.
You didn't even question him once after he was revealed to be of the House of Hearth.
All though you loved him for being able to break reality, you weren't a monster. You never forced him to keep up his acts. You knew even someone as talented as he needs breaks.
So when he approached you, his hair unstyled and in plain wear with nothing more than a mere request of comforting silence or idle chatter not regarding his work you obliged.
He felt as if he could show both sides of himself to you, both sides of that coin. He could be as flashy or as monotonous as he wished. You granted him a sort of freedom.
He became very quickly attached to you.
When you stopped showing up to his performances he panicked.
Perhaps you were tired of his antics?
It took a long time, but you eventually did open up about why you stopped showing up.
He felt a side of him ache.
You were just about as alone in this world as he was, yet not at the same time.
He had his siblings to talk to, the blonde traveller to talk to. You seemed to have no one.
To learn his shows were a break from the world you viewed of rancid initially and how it brought you to love every part of him.
How ethereal he was to you.
And how you were afraid you would grow obsessive and toxic and how you didn't want that for him.
How he had been the closest thing you've had to a friend in years and how attached you had become.
How worried you were for him, how you adored him so much you were willing to cut yourself away if it meant keeping him safe from something potentially toxic. Even if it meant sacrificing your own happiness.
He wouldn't let you feel this way, no, he couldn't let you feel this way anymore.
He assured you that he would never run away, no matter what sides of yourself you were to show him. After all, you did the same for him.
He would understand and help you learn how to make friends, how to properly interact with others. Yet, he would want you to be the same around him.
In a way, he wanted to help you build a mask to wear like he does but still provide you with people you can be yourself around.
He thinks you are wonderful and misunderstood, yet he understands not all can see that. He wants to protect you like he does his siblings.
It's the only way he knows how to help, and you don't seem to mind either. He can't change everyone or anyone's opinion of you. Those are to each their own. But you can. And he can help you find a way to do that.
He doesn't want you to change who you are, but but doesn't want you to feel isolated and alone anymore either.
So a removable mask seems as if it's the best answer, no?
He also introduces you to his siblings and a blonde traveller along with their adventuring party. You meet a large amount of kind people including a young man who visually strikes quite a similar appearance to your friendly magician with a platinum blonde ponytail and bright crimson eyes and a young woman with a long, pink ponytail that fades to a blue and eyes that seem to have seen things beyond the scope of what a woman her age normally would have.
If you begin to feel nervous making so many new friends and with things changing so quickly, he doesn't hesitate to take things slower. He isn't afraid to make any adjustments for you.
He isn't afraid to return the feeling of freedom you blessed him with, so let him crack that shell of yours and help you spread your wings to soar out of that black abyss of isolation you've been drowning yourself in.
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theconstantsidekick · 4 months
Captain America: Civil War ft. Static (8) | s.r
Pairings: Steve Rogers x Stark!Reader, Tony Stark x Stark!Reader (siblings)
Genre: Angsty McAngsterson!
Summary: Rhodey's down for the count, and Romanoff and Y/n are the ones to be blamed. If they'd just listened to Tony, none of this would have happened.
(These scenes incorporate y/n, codename—Static, into the pre-existing story as a character without making drastic changes to the plot or mythos. All the major plot points from the MCU remain in place with the addition of the reader as Static, who is not only a Stark but also enhanced. Whatever events from the canon aren’t mentioned, take place without much change.)
Warnings: Swearing, Mentions of Past Trauma
a/n: this took me a grand total of two fucking months
Captain America: Civil War ft. Static (7) | Captain America:Civil War ft. Static (9) | Series Masterlist | Age of Ultron (Static Origin Story) | The Avengers (ft. Static) | Captain America: The Winter Soldier (ft. Static) | Static Verse Masterlist
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He turns at the sound of the door to the observation area slamming open. But in all honesty, he feels her before he even hears her. 
“How is he?” She asks. A question thrown out into the air, addressed to no one but born of worry and desperation. She’ll take whatever she can get. He can tell—so will he.
Guilt, however, is an unfearing emotion. 
He doesn’t answer. He stares at her.
He stares at her, and he stares at Romanoff who’s shouldering her weight. He stares at his sister, desperate and pleading and all he wants to do is tell her to fuck off.
Instead he drags both women outside, out of sight, to a balcony.
“The doctors say he shattered L4 through S1. Extreme laceration in the spinal cord,” Tony replies, finally. “Probably looking at some form of paralysis.”
“Fuck,” Y/n whispers. It sounds almost involuntary, like it spilled out of her mouth without thought. Like she barely realizes that she’s said it. But then maybe the sound of her own words hit her cause inhales abruptly and screams out, “FUCK!” She’s grabbing at her hair, barely able to contain herself from pulling them out. She’s pacing up and down the frankly modest stretch of the balcony.
“Y/n!” Romanoff shushes her. She doesn’t want them to get noticed, they cannot risk standing out. They already have a target on their back, Tony knows cause he’s the one who put it there.
The rebuke, however, falls on deaf ears. Y/n seems too engrossed in her journey of self-deprecation to even notice Romanoff, let alone her plea to quiet down.
In any other fucking moment Tony would’ve felt like an absolute fucking dickwad about it but in this one?
Well, let’s just say, he’s unfearing.
“Fuck indeed, Stark!” He bites back. He watches her steps halt and her jaw clench. Her eyes shut at his tone, her head jerking away at the crudeness in it. She even takes a step back, holding on to the railings, trying to keep herself tied to the present. Tony, though, carries on without fear, “None of this would have ever happened if it wasn’t for you.” Pointing at her, he adds, “It’s all your fucking fault!”
“I know,” she replies in a small voice. “I know,” she hits herself over the head, regret laid bare in her every action. “I should have… I should have calculated better, worked faster, tried harder to slow his momentum.” She’s rambling. “I tried to—I tried to do it in my realm, but I’m not used to that place. I should have been able to control him but I barely take anyone in there. I just… Lack of practice. I was so afraid of my powers I never… I never thought I could use it to help people so I never… I didn’t…”
He can’t take this anymore. “I meant siding with Steve.”
That seems to shake something awake in her. “For fuck’s sake, Anthony. Were you always this conceited or did I punch you a little too hard during drills?”
“That would make this your fault too.”
Y/n smiles then.
Just like that. There she is. 
That’s his sister, Y/n Stark who’s always been synonymous to the word ‘unbreakable’ in his dictionary.
He sees her shift from being absolutely lost to something very close to livid.
She doesn’t need to hold on to the rails anymore. She stands up straight, meeting him eye to eye—her determination is back.
Tony has to adamantly remind himself that he is not going to regret his words.
She smiles and he can see Romanoff step away from the siblings—she’s the only team member who’s spent enough time with them to know to let the Stark siblings fight it out amongst themselves.
“Maybe you are Howie’s son after all, huh?” The words fall out of her mouth all twisted and angry, coated in venom. Before Tony can retort, she continues, “You wanted to lock us up to find a way to feel less shity about the fact that you created the fucking Terminator. Well, guess what? You’re on your own, kid. I’m not walking the plank for you. Not this one!”
“Oh fuck off!” Tony rebukes, cause when the fuck will his sister get off her high horse? “I never asked you to do that! I’ve never fucking asked you to sacrifice anything for me.” 
Y/n straight up laughs at him—mocking and cold. “Yes, yes. And Tony Stark isn’t Iron Man. it’s just a machine playing at being a bodyguard.”
“I never—”
“Tony, you might not have said the words but you knew damn well what you were signing me up for the moment you told the world you’re Iron Man,” she tells him. “You’ve never had to ask me to do anything for you but that’s simply because you didn’t fucking have to.”
“That’s completely unfair. Being Iron Man was my thing!” He beats his chest, “Mine.” Walking closer to her, “You shoved yourself into this gig because you just presumed I wouldn’t be good at it.”
She chuckles, hollow and unkind. “If you want to pretend that the bullshit you’re spewing makes sense, I’ll let you fucking continue but do not fool yourself into thinking you’re some undefeatable hero.”
Tony takes another step towards her. “I don’t think I am undefeatable! I just know I am more than capable of holding my own.”
“Yeah. ‘Course. That why you sporting that busted lip?”
It’s a taunt through and through. The lip’s bust cause she landed a (frankly—and Tony would deny it till the day he dies—damn near artistic) blow straight to his face. He’d provoked her to do it—thrown the first punch and then taunted the shit out of her. All this while knowing full-well she was completely on the defensive. 
She loves them all too much. 
The Avengers are the closest thing she has to a family, he knew she wasn’t going to lift a finger unless he made her. So he may have said a few colorful things, itching for a fight. 
And now, he’s getting it.
“You proud?” He strikes back—he’s never been to back down from a fight. Why start now? He’s going to meet her punch for punch, word for word. He is not in the mood to lose any more today. He doesn’t have the luxury. He backs down now, it was all moot.
“Excuse me?” Y/n asks, all her previous cockiness gone.
“I asked if you were proud of it? I mean, you must be. It was a good hit.” The tone’s so harsh he throws himself off too. He knows—well, he’s consciously aware of the fact that he is the one speaking the words but they sound distant. As if he’s just a passive listener as the whole scene unfolds.
But he isn’t.
“Tony! That’s not fair!” Romanoff speaks out, clearly shocked at Tony’s insolence.
Makes two of us, he thinks.
“What’s not fair is that my sister, my best friend, the one person in this whole fucking world who was supposed to always, always be on my side, is siding with her perky blond boytoy,” he exclaims, heartbroken. Because could this shit be any worse? No, seriously, could anything be worse than this?
He’s been repeating himself, shouting himself hoarse and he knows it seems like he’s overreacting—like he’s blowing this all out of proportion. But he is not. You have to understand that while he’s had the most extravagant upbringing, he’s always been comfortable and well off, he’s been alone for most of it. His father was—well, his father was Howard Stark. And his mother, God bless her, couldn't bridge the gap between him and his father no matter how hard she tried. Despite that he cherished it—having them—even in this broken way, he really did love his parents. Then he lost them. Both of them, together in one fell swoop.
Then there was that bitch Obediah. 
We don’t talk about that bitch Obediah.
Tony was too fucking smart for most of the people he’d met, no one could keep up. Some were jealous, while others just wanted to get closer to him to bask in his limelight. All of them, all his interactions throughout his life were always… transactional. He was always alone.
Except her.
Y/n came to pick him up from school, not because Mom or Dad had asked her to. Nope. She came to pick him up so she could take him to Chinatown and have spring rolls. If Tony ever asked her why she’d pick him to go along with her, her answer was always a confused look and annoyed string of words asking him, ‘why would I take anyone else?’
And the question was always, always genuine. Because Tony was her bestest friend in the whole fucking world.
Now, think about it. How would you react if your best friend sided with Steve ‘Golden Boy’ Rogers?
“Fuck you, man. I know you think you’re the center of the universe but you’re not. I’m not siding with him!” Y/n bites back, angry and overwrought.
But that’s not his point. She’s missing the fucking point. “You’re not siding with ME either!”
Her head falls then. “Tony,” she exhales heavily, hands on her hips. She’s wearing the tattered up remains of her clothes from the fight. If he looks for it hard enough, he can see her exhaustion, almost feel it. Even as she speaks, the fight’s leaving her, he can see that too. “I spent my entire life running away from this. I cannot go back. You don’t understand because it’s not the same for you…” He’s never seen her this… this jaded.
He can’t afford to get distracted.
“Because I haven’t had shit hauled at me?” Tony challenges, undeterred and unwilling to move even an inch. He may not have gone through what she has but he’s had his own share of shitty fucking experiences.
“I am not saying that, Tones. I’m not. I’m just saying it’s different for you than it is for us,” she explains, her tone patient and sympathetic.
“She’s right, Tony,” Romanoff cuts in. “We’re not downplaying your experiences, we’re not trying to take away from it. We’re just saying it impacts us differently than it does you. We have lived very… different lives.”
“We’re a little wary of ‘organizations’ insisting on controlling our actions,” Y/n surmises. 
What comes next is not one of his best moments.
It’s not something people will talk about in his greatest hits. Nope. Never. It will, however, make the top-three-dumbest-shit-Tony Stark-ever-did list. Fuck—Tony will look back on this moment for years to come. He’ll come back to it time and again, think and then rethink his words. He’ll spend night upon nights, sleepless and disturbed—knowing that he fucked up here. He’ll know that this was where he fucked up. His words won’t be held against him, no. Not by her, never by her. But he’ll still know it was the most horrible thing he could say.
But Tony doesn’t know that yet.
He doesn’t know that yet because guilt is an unfearing emotion.
“Aren’t you a little tired of this schtick?” Tony asks, cocking his head with a cruel, hollow smile. “Aren’t just a little bit tired of using that same old fucking sob story for every single decision you ever make in your godforsaken life?” He looks around, chuckling at the thought. It’s a chilling sound. “At some point you’d have to stop milking that shit, don’t you think?”
It’s only when he finally looks at her that he realizes he’s fucked up.
Her face is hard—harder than stone. There’s a fury in her eyes he’s never seen there before, even for her enemies. He’s never seen that look on her face in his entire life. It sends a chill down his spine. 
When she speaks, her words are low but prominent. “My trauma is not for you to use as a punchline for your baseless argument.” They leave no room for an argument anymore. They leave no room for anything but shitting your fucking pants. 
He overstepped.
Big time.
“Tony,” Romanoff cuts in, clearly able to sense that this discussion could lead to bloodshed. “I’d suggest you take a step back.” Her eyes are pleading him to be more cautious with his words. “Think before you speak.”
“I—” He doesn’t know what to say. He clenches his fists. Trying and failing to gather his thoughts.
The pause that hangs in the air is so heavy it’s almost painful. He thinks maybe it’ll never end.
But it has to. 
“I get that you’re scared but what happened before won’t happen again. This isn’t like Madripoor. You’ll be safe. I’ll make sure of it. And, I mean, com one, you might not trust the Accords yet but you joined S.H.I.E.L.D. right? So why not give this a shot too?” Tony questions in a softer voice, but his desperation persists.
“Because S.H.I.E.L.D. was mine,” Y/n insists. “It was mine and Peggy’s and Howard’s, and Colonel Phillips’. We found it, Tony. It was my home.”
“I didn’t know you founded S.H.I.E.L.D.” Romanoff notes, almost sounding bewildered. 
Maybe she sounds bewildered, could easily be any other emotion in the book cause Tony, even after all these years, has made no progress on being able to read the former spy. 
“I didn’t want to be on the books, I preferred my life off the grid,” She informs her. And the strain in her words doesn’t hurt Tony at all. It doesn’t sting. Of course not. Nope. “We made it for people like me, to protect them, help them.” She sounds like she’s reminiscing. It somehow rubs him the wrong way.
“And yet, you left that too…” Tony comments, disparaging and snide.
“I had my reasons,” Y/n provides, and just like every other time she’s mentioned it, there is a hesitance in her words. 
“Yeah! You keep saying that, and I have no clue what the fuck this elusive reason is.” He has never pressed her on it before, but well, considering all this newly spilled bad blood, why not push his luck just a little bit further? “You told me about all your missions gone wrong, even your run-ins with the Winter fucking Soldier, and it wasn’t any of that. So what possible reason could you have for quitting an organization that you created to protect yourself?” 
“Do we have to talk about this?” She asks, annoyed.
“Yes. You always feed me the same bullshit about how you just had to leave S.H.I.E.L.D. that you couldn’t trust them anymore, that it was the necessary choice but whenever I ask why, all you do is blame Hank Pym’s fucking haircut.” Tony’s anger comes back to him again, picking up right where it’d left off. “You bail at the fucking sight of a regulatory body, why the fuck is that?”
“Because Tony! I couldn’t trust them anymore!”
“And we’re back here again,” he takes a step to her. “WHY NOT?!”
“S.H.I.E.L.D. WAS TESTING MY BLOOD!” She yells out, shutting him up completely. “Without my knowledge,” she adds much quieter.
“No…” It can’t be. “No. Dad—Dad wouldn’t let that happen,” Tony tries to argue. He can’t be sure though, he didn’t know his father well enough to bet his life on it. But he wouldn’t have let it happen. He wouldn’t.
“He’s the one who was running the tests.” 
For anyone following along, Tony’s heart hasn’t been doing well since he got abducted by his own fucking father figure, but this somehow seems to break his heart all-together. He never saw that coming.
Romanoff seems to be just as surprised as him, ‘cause she looks pale and remains absolutely mute.
Y/n is the one who talks then, trying to cut through the silence. “He… He was worried. He thought if he understood my powers, he’d be able to help me. And, I mean, can you blame the guy? You house this random teenager in your house and every night you wake up to a fucking earthquake cause she had another nightmare. Anyone would want an explanation, a way to control the powers.”
“But… He was your best friend,” Romanoff says and Tony feels like he can’t fucking breathe.
Y/n, though, just shrugs, like it wasn’t a cruel breach of trust. Like Howard Stark hadn’t stabbed her in the back. Like it was any old thursday. “He was,” she agrees with ease, before turning to Tony and continuing, “and sometimes friends do stupid shit in a naive attempt to try and help.” Fuck me with a chainsaw and call me Samantha, Tony thinks. “It wasn’t all bad. He’s the one who figured I wasn’t all alien.” She says it with a smile, like it was fucking nothing. 
“Why didn’t you tell me before?” Tony manages to ask, confused beyond words.
“And give you another reason to hate him? You had plenty. It was between us, we solved it and moved on like adults,” she tells him, calm as ever. 
“Y/n! He broke your trust!” Tony argues, taking a step towards her, finally finding his voice again.
She just rolls her eyes, “He got curious, Stark. He’s a scientist, can you blame him?”
“So am I! And I would never do that!,” He yells. And only when the words are out of his mouth does he understand what he just said. “I would never do that to you,” he insists in a smaller voice, with a softer tone.
She smiles then, true and open. “I know, Tones. I know.”
It’s… It’s hard for him to process this information. He doesn’t know where to put this, how to categorize it. He has absolutely no clue what to do with this.
So he asks instead, “Did mom… did she know?” He’s scared but it’s better than the alternative of having to come to terms with the whole situation..
“No, no nooo!” Her hands move around animatedly to drive the point home.”If Maria had known he wouldn’t have been alive long enough for you to exist,” she shakes her head with a fondness he doesn’t know where to place. “No, she didn’t know. He got the ass-reaming of the century from Peggy, we burnt the leftover blood samples and called it a day.”
Fuck. “Fuck!” Tony curses, absolutely lost on what he should do now. Cause what the fuck is he supposed to do now?
“Stark,” she urges, softly, “let’s focus on the problem at hand, let’s deal with the fake doctor, let’s handle that and then we can come back to this. We’ll fight this, together, united. The Avengers stay together, we fight our way through this. We agree on a document that works for us, for all of us.”
Tony shakes his head, tumbling back. “You don’t understand Y/n, you have to sign the Accords… there are no neutral parties. There can’t be. You sign this or it’s over.” She tries to say something, but he marches on, he needs to get this out. “After what happened in Sokovia, after the collapse of S.H.I.E.L.D. after Lagos, the world governments are not going to settle for anything less. You have to see that.” He sighs, exhausted and man, can someone fix this pain in his shoulder please? “You can make amendments,” he suggests. “However many you want, okay? Make amendments to your heart’s content. Once you sign this, we can fight about the specifics, Y/n. We’ll have the best lawyer in the business on our side! Just sign it, Y/n. Please. They are out for blood, Ross more than anyone else. He will not let you go.”
“He won’t be able to find me,” Y/n tells him, with a straight face.
“If he can’t find you, how will I?”
He cannot lose her. 
He just fucking can’t. Not… Not over this.
It seems to hit her too. It’s only then that he notices she looks a lot less fierce than she usually does. “Tony, there is no scope for amendments.”
“Once you sign—”
He’s cut off. “Tony, read the fucking document. Come on! Have I taught you absolutely nothing? Read the thing before you sign it. There is absolutely no scope for amendments. There are too many loopholes to stop the issues from even being raised. It’s solid as a stone, I won’t be able to barter for even an ounce of freedom.”
“Y/n…” He’s fucking desperate. “We need regulation.”
“Tony this isn’t regulation… I can’t sign this.”
This is when Romanoff speaks up. “Tony, Steve's not gonna stop. If you don't either, Rhodey's gonna be the best case scenario.”
And somehow her words are harsh enough to make him angry all over again. “You let them go, Romanoff.”
“We played this wrong,” she tries. But he’s not taking any prisoners.
“'We'? Boy, it must be hard to shake the whole double agent thing, huh? It sticks in the DNA,” he throws back.
“Anthony,” Y/n scolds him.
“Are you incapable of letting go of your ego for one goddamn second?” Romanoff rebukes.
He doesn’t know what to say to that, so instead he tells her, “T'Challa told Ross what you did, so… they're coming for you.”
Just as the words slip out, Y/n’s phone chimes. 
“Either Tony’s a fucking psychic or the Secratary of State just has impeccable timing,” she comments looking down at her phone. When she looks up at them her face is stern. “He’s on his way, he’ll be here in 5. You should go.”
“Me?” Romanoff asks her, bordering on pissed. “We should go.”
Y/n just shakes her head. “We leave together, we won’t be able to lose them. You go ahead, I’ll buy you time.”
“Y/n—” Romanoff’s protest is cut short.
“Just go. Given the fact that my superpower is straight up teleportation, I think I’ll fare much better than you,” Y/n assures her. “Go.”
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Reluctance clear on every inch of her face, Natasha Romanoff unwillingly begins to walk away. But not before one last (metaphorical) punch to his gut. She looks at Tony, “I’m not the one who needs to watch their back.” With that she makes her swift exit, leaving the balcony and seamlessly blending in with the crowd.
Slowly, both siblings, without words, come to stand next to each other leaning on the railing, looking at the view ahead.
“How are you planning on buying time?” Tony asks her then.
“Will you tell on me to the teacher, Stark?” She asks, teasing.
It’s a truce. It’s temporary. 
He still thinks they should consider signing the Accords and she still believes it’s not the way to go.
But despite all that, Tony can’t help the way lips curl up. “I’m not a rat.”
“Aren’t you?”
He rolls his eyes. “Shut up.”
“Cause that’s what all the rats say,” she tells him with a mischievous smile. “I would know, I’ve been the rat.”
A chuckle slips out from his lips.
She joins him easily.
He might not be sure about much right now, but he knows for a fact that if he were to lose her, he wouldn’t survive it. “What happened to Rhodey… you know that wasn’t your fault, right?”
The smile drops from her face. “Wasn’t it?”
“You have to know it wasn’t.” He needs her to know at least that. He needs her to know no matter what happens, this was not her.
“If I’d known my powers better, had I… I don’t know. If I had not been so afraid of them, if I’d practiced once I knew I was safe, none of this would have happened.” Her head falls back, eyes closed. “If I had control over my powers, Wanda wouldn’t have been enough to break me. Would have saved us so much trouble.”
“There would still be a raging Hulk on the loose,” Tony contends.
She rolls her eyes. “People know the Hulk. They understand—scientist gets angry, becomes green and Hulk-y. It tracks in their head. But it was different for me, the first time I ever showed my powers to the world was when I was out of control…” She closes her eyes, head falling. “Maybe it would’ve been better to not hide them in the first place,” she whispers.
“We don’t know that,” he ventures, ‘cause it’s true. “We don’t know what could have happened. All we could say with certainty is that we’re both a couple of dumbasses.”
“I’ll have to agree on that one,” Ross’s voice booms as he walks onto the balcony. 
Both siblings turn to eye the intrusion. It’s Ross flanked by… Ross—the other Ross—Everett and some other dude in a suit he’s never seen before. But he looks annoyed, old and has glasses on so he just presumes the man must be important as well.
“Nice to see you too Mr. Secretary,” Y/n replies with an easy smile. But it’s not open. It’s the one she wears just before she’s about to make someone’s day a lot worse.
“You’ve got a lot of nerve showing up here, young lady. You should have taken Romanoff’s approach and run when you had the chance,” Ross comments. And honestly? Yeah, Tony kinda wants to rescind his fucking signatures cause siding with this man is seeming less appealing by the minute.
But Y/n just laughs. “It’s not like you’ll be able to stop me if I were to run even now,” and just to fuck with him, she glitches an inch off to the side.
Ah, that’s where I got the innate need to be an ass.
“Now you’re just showing off,” the smaller Ross says, sounding more charmed than pissed.
The smile doesn’t leave her face, “Maybe I am.” She glitches a step closer to the group of men. “So, Mr. Secretary, did you need something from me?”
“Still a fiery little thing, aren’t you?” Ross mocks. Tony can’t help but roll his eyes at his hubris. “It’ll die out soon enough, once we get you situated at the Raft along with the rest of your team members.”
Raft? Wait… What does he mean by the Raft? Why would he put them there? That’s not—it’s not right.
He’s losing his shit.
But Y/n frowns, innocent and demure, like she knew about it already. Like she knew that’s where they’d put them. “On what charges am I getting arrested, Mr. Secretary?”
And on his part, the Secretary of State takes her mock naivete in stride. Letting out a short laugh. “Well if you’ve taken the time to read the Accords, you’d know that using your powers on the field without the explicit say-so of the UN committee is illegal.”
“I didn’t use my powers.”
That finally breaks whatever rope was holding the bridge of Ross’s anger together. “Do not play dumb with me, Stark. This might have worked with Fury, but I’m not him.”
“Don’t I know it. Never thought I’d miss that old croak, and yet…” she comments, still smiling. “But my point still stands. I did not use my powers.”
Before Ross can say something that might put a sailor to shame, the shorter Ross intervenes, “We have footage of you fighting Barnes at our facility.”
“I didn’t fight Barnes, I fought the Winter Soldier. And on that issue, I’ve got two words for you, self defense,” she tells them easily and a smile just slips out on his face. He may not agree with her on this—profoundly divisive issue, but he’ll never not be in absolute admiration of his big sister fucking around with authorities.
“You can’t be serious,” the shorter Ross throws back, with a confounded smile.
“Check the footage if you like,” Y/n takes a few steps back, leaning on the railing behind her and pulling out a box of cigarettes from her pocket. “I didn’t throw the first punch…” She puts one between her lips, casual and easy. “I didn’t even use my powers until he came at me with his fucking metal arm and his fucking enhanced strength.” She pulls out her lighter. “What did you expect me to do then? Get beaten up?” She lights the cigarette.
“Yes,” Ross supplies.
She smiles at him, taking a drag. “Might be your style. Not mine.”
“And what about at the airport in Germany?” The shorter Ross asks.
Y/n shrugs. “Never threw the first punch.” Another drag. “Besides, I was defending myself from a rag-tag group of superheroes who were after me with a vengeance.” She smiles at her own words looking at Tony on her side.
And just for that, he decides to be a bitch too. “What if I were to sue you for assault?” 
Her smile drops instantly and for a second he thinks maybe he won that round, but alas. “You could have, if you’d fucking listened to me! You should’ve let me come to you. I have told you about a million times; you are not the biggest guy on the field. You fight well but not well enough to be cocky, you are supposed to let your opponent come to you.”
“The best defense is a great offense,” Tony says lamely.
“That’s what idiots say when they have shit defense! If you let them come to you, you get the advantage of not just using their momentum against them, you also get to know the move they trust most because 9 times out of 10, you want to start the fight off on a strong foot so you use the move you’ve practiced often, but also the one that you’re most comfortable with,” Y/n scolds him, hands waving everywhere, clearly annoyed with him beyond words.
“That seems like an exaggerated statistic,” Tony tries.
He fails.
“It’s not,” the shorter Ross supplies. “She’s right.” He earns a stern look to shut up from Ross.
“You could’ve sued me if you’d just listened to me. I’m easy to provoke, especially when the person provoking me is you.” She takes another drag. “Look at me right now, I want to punch you so bad.”
“You’re welcome to try,” Today clearly has not been a day of peace thus far, so why not continue to choose violence?
“That’s enough!” Ross yells. “I’ve heard enough out of the both of you!” The man looks like he’s well past blowing a gasket. He looks at Tony, “Stark, you are well past your 36 hours to get me Rogers,” he turns and fixes his gaze on his sister, “And as for you… Stark, feel free to cry to the judge about how it was self-defense when you’re on trial. Till then there’s a cell with your name on it on the Raft, that’s where you’ll have to throw whichever fit comes after this one.” The way he speaks it’s evident he doesn’t believe that she’s a threat, not to him. “We’re putting you under arrest.”
“Oh?” Y/n asks. She waits a second and then suddenly there’s a sound of static that rings out. She is next to Tony one second and the next she’s standing against Ross, toe to toe. She pulls the cigarette out of her mouth. “You and what army?”
A vein pops out on Ross’ temple. 
“You’re forgetting who you’re talking to, Stark,” Ross warns.
“Or maybe you’re forgetting that I might look like a young and ‘fiery little lady’ but I’m not. I have been doing this since before you were even a thought in your father’s head.” She takes a drag, slow and somber. “You best learn to respect your elders, son.”
And just like that, she’s gone. Glitched into nothing. 
Tony tries his best not to let this little spark of pride overtake his guilt.
Read the next part here. Find the series masterlist here. Find other Static Verse works here.
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beeindaclouds · 2 years
Hi Mama! Can I request DSMP as Disney love story? For example: each character is a different story based on a Disney movie.
(Sorry if this kinda messed up, English is not my first language)
-🥀 anon
Hallo! I just wanted to say, it was so friking hard to choose a love story for all of them because most of the stories didn't really fit the DSMP and I didn't like the idea of writing them, SO, I made it off of any Disney couple from animated, non animated, dcoms, ect.
Hope you enjoy <3
DSMP as Disney couples
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*A.N: keep in mind that the gender of the Disney couple doesn't affect the Readers or DSMPs gender
Includes: Dream, Georgenotfound, Sapnap, Badboyhalo, Quackity, Karl Jacobs, Wilbur Soot, C!Technoblade, Nihachu, Eret, Punz, FoolishGamers, Awesamdude
Click here before requesting, please ^^
Reader: GN - They/Them
Dream: Tangled
I can see Dream being Eugene-
Like him being a good thief, trying to use the smoulder on you, helping you escape from the tower and having to deal with your mood swings, taking you to see the lights and then, while you fall first, he is the one who falls harder for you kdndkd- It's too cute T^T
Georgenotfound: The Sleeping Beauty
Did I choose this because George is the one who "sleeps most of them time"? Yes, but, hear me out-
In this version George is Aurora, living with the fairies (Dream, Sapnap and Bad), naturally befriending all the animals and then he meets you in the forest
You two instantly click but, unlike the Disney version, you two secretly meet up for a few years before the inevitable birthday comes and George falls into a deep slumber after getting pricked
The fairies fly to you, asking for your help, knowing that you were the only one who could help George and wake him up from his deep slumber. So you made your way to the castle and faught whatever came your way, just so you could share a kiss with the boy you had fallen for...waking him up from the curse
Sapnap: Frozen
Sapnap reminds me so much of Kristof and I can't see anyone else.
Him being kind enough to help you get to your sibling, meeting a talking snowman along the way (who for some reason I think it would be either Karl or Foolish) and going on an adventure with them. Sapnap tried his best to save you after you got hit with ice, he was sad to have to let you go to someone else... especially after he had started having feelings for you, but in the end he got you back and you both decided to take things slowly, even if you were head over heels for eachother
Badboyhalo: Geek Charming
If y'all have never seen it, I highly recommend it!
In this story, you're the usual "popular" kid, while Bad is the "geek" who is trying to win a film festival, so he decided to make a movie about "Popularity". But upon working with you, he realizes that you're not really the stereotypical popular person, you're just like everyone else. You're secretly smart, a bit of a geek yourself and just a fun person to hang around; you gave in to this whole popularity thing just so you could win a competition and feel closer to your mother, who had passed away.
Quackity: Coco
Ok, let me explain, cause I'm not only going off of the whole "Oh, he's mexican"
I see Quackity as being someone who gets really into his work and would do anything for it, but one day he realised that he wasn't happy if he was without his family. But when he was trying to come back to you, and your child, he was betrayed by one of his close colleagues. You two meet later on again, in the after life during the day of the death, your grandson helping Quackity explain what had actually happen and finally giving him the recognition he deserved.
Karl Jacobs: Enchanted
To me this is just, perfect!
Karl coming from a fairy tale universe and you saving him from "entering the fake castle". You two having to live togheter. Teaching eachother and learning the ways of love, what you should expect from it and how you should act on it; only for you two to fall for eachother and leaving your others partners togheter
Wilbur Soot: Starstruck
For some reason every time I think of Wilbur I think of enemies to lovers-
So, unlike the movie, Wilbur isn't as much of a douche as the protagonist but he is pretty confident in his skills and his career. You two do meet and don't immediately hit it off, but with the challenges of having to hide from paparazzi and his fanbase, you two are basically obligated to spend time togheter; which leads you into some interesting situations and some questionable sparks
Technoblade: Beauty and the Beast
This was predictable wasn't it? But it just first so well!
The big scary Blood God, who hid himself far away in a castle to never be seen by anyone and you, a simple commoner who teaches him to love himself no matter what others say or how he looks.
Nihachu: Little Mermaid
This could go both ways.
You could easily be the mermaid that falls in love with the princess at sea, Niki, with her beautiful smile and radiating confidence. Or you could be the royalty that the mermaid Niki falls in love over, to the point where she would give up anything just to be with you.
Eret: Cinderella
I honestly feel like I had to with this one
The beautiful Eret, who is kind and caring to every people, creature and plant but still hated by some, specifically her step mom and sisters. You, the royalty of the town, knew that you couldn't let her go as soon as you got to know her. So you scavanged the whole town, in hopes of meeting the one who fit the shoe
Punz: Princess Diary 2
Specifically the second one, because...
You two are put at "rivalry" for who's gonna rule over Genovia. Punz taking every opportunity to make fun of you, joking about how you could never rule a country. But the more he looks at you, the more he realizes how devoted you are to the country and especially it's people, making him fall for the soon to be royalty
Foolish: Hercules
This is another obvious one
The all muscle and heroic Foolish, son of Zeus, who could get every person to fall of him. You knew you should have stayed away, especially since you worked for Hades, but under all that cockiness and "hero" image he was just as kind and charming as people make him out to be. But, you would never say that you're in love, right?
Awesamdude: Descendants
Honestly I can just see Sam being the son of Belle and the Beast, the soon to be king
And you, the child of Malificent, sent to Auradon just to steal the wand and free the villains from the isle...only to fall for the prince, who showed you that you were capable of love and that weren't your parents.
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Previous chapter / Next chapter
a/n this is an upsie chapter because I wasn't supposed to write this today. But still hope you'll enjoy it. 🤍✨
The longer Eris didn't return, the more your worries grew. The sun had painted the evening sky with bright colors, but you couldn't bring yourself to enjoy the view. What was taking so long? It should have been quick, and in no time he had to return to the cabin.
You watched Tabias playing with Juniper outside, both clueless about the absence of their brother. The same love that filled Eris's heart was pouring out of Tabias when he looked at his little sister. The hint of protection never left him, no matter what the two of them would come up with. You tried to keep your worries at bay. To not show them that you had a feeling that something went wrong. Smiling at Juju every time her head turned to the porch you were sitting on as if she was making sure that you hadn't decided to leave them as well.
So lost in your thoughts you didn't even feel a hand slipping onto your shoulder, "I'll have to leave soon", it was Lauriel, she tended her herb garden all day, refusing your help but letting you stay in the warm sunlight if you only wished. However, not long after you came home, Rory came rushing in from the deep parts of the forest, and the elderly lady raised her head immediately. From what you understood, there was an attack carried out on one of the healer camps. Most of them were killed, leaving some wounded and with no shelter. The two of them asked if they could leave at dusk to help their people. With Eris away, it was you their eyes leaned on, and you couldn't deny their wishes.
"I made some food for you all. Tabias will most likely feed Juniper, you just don't forget to feed yourself", you rested your hands a top of hers, "You two be careful if anything just... calls out... find a way to reach me and I'll do anything to help". Offering you an anxious smile, she turned to go inside and prepared to go.
Where are you, Eris? You called from deep within. Give me anything; just let me know that you are alive. The fear of being left alone with his two siblings wasn't helping your nerves either. They weren't just any siblings. They were Eris's whole world. The only two he genuinely considered family and Lucien, of course, but that relationship appeared to be more complicated. 
You watched Tabias and Juju play some more, feeling the shiver run down your back as the much colder evening wind blew onto your skin. The teen had happily accepted the role of a dragon as he spun his sister around as if they were sailing through the skies.
You called them in shortly after. The moment the forest darkened and you could barely see through the fog that began to lurk closer to the cabin, you wanted them safe inside. Hoping that the cabin door would give you some advantage in case someone decided to visit you. While the two of them ate, you made sure to bring extra wood from the back, placing it neatly beside the fireplace. Eyes admiring the fire that burns within. Yet it did little to warm you.
"Eat, 'cause if Eris finds you dead once he returns, he'll think it was me," you chuckled under your breath, "Don't worry, I'll make sure to leave him a note," but the boy only pushed the bowl closer to you.
"I'm not joking." He moved to clean some of the dishes as you sat down, pushing your food around the bowl and taking bites here and there.
"Did Eris tell you when he'll be coming back?", you told yourself that you weren't going to say anything, yet lying to Tabias seemed way harder. From the tone of his voice, you could tell that he was uneasy. The same dagger he pulled at you was strapped to his side. Even the fact that he was speaking was clear enough evidence that something was so deeply troubling him that he chose to swallow his pride.
"He said that he needed to prepare for a meeting," you admitted, choosing honesty in hopes of building trust with him. Tabias frowned, "That means he went back to Beron", "Tobias, has he ever not come back on time?", the boy tossed the towel to the side as his eyes met yours. You could feel him scanning every part of you before he breathed out, "You care, huh?"
Your gaze was drawn to the bowl. Truthfully, you didn't know what you were feeling. You had no control over your emotions, it seemed. You knew that there was something more. You could feel it, but it felt like you were hitting a huge brick wall every time you wanted to reach for it. As if someone was keeping it away from you.
"I didn't mean to make you cry", you quickly touched your cheeks even yourself not realizing that you had indeed started crying. "It's not your fault; don't trouble yourself, Tabias. Just a lot to take in," the boy nodded his head before turning to look at his sister, who was feeding Cinnamon most of her after-dinner snacks.
"He's never late.", he admits before turning to leave the room. His words made your heart clench with worry even more. "By the way, call me Tab; I don't like my full name", with that he slipped out, leaving you in the dim kitchen. Tabias walked Juniper upstairs soon after. You passed the living room for a couple of hours. Trying to hold yourself back from going out there and finding the Vanserra mansion, seeking out Eris yourself but leaving the two on their own felt reckless, so you scrapped that idea out of your head. Eventually, walking upstairs, even if you knew there was no way you were going to sleep until Eris was back.
"Can I come in?", through the slightly cracked door, you could see Juniper standing there barefoot. "Of course, darling," she tiptoed toward you, making you wonder if Tabias had fallen asleep, leaving her on her own. "I can't sleep if Eris doesn't tuck me in", pushing some of the hair away from her face you kneeled before her, "Should I tuck you in?", "No... T already did, it's not the same", giving her a sad smile that matched hers, you picked her up once again bringing her back to your bed. She reminded you of a little unsettled flame as she tossed through the furs until the comfiness satisfied her.
"Should we look through some constellations?", you asked her as she cocked her head to the side. "Wouldn't we have to go outside? Tabi said to never be outside at this time". For some reason, the fact that she knew and followed the rules made by her brothers made you feel a little calmer that her curiosity wasn't going to get the best of her.
You rubbed your fingers slowly before opening up your fist. It looked like there was a universe of its own in the palm of your hand. This side of your power was the only thing that you had growing up. The only thing that made you feel at ease. You spent many restless, sad nights just looking at the sparkling stars in your hands. You heard Juju gasp before her teeny finger reached to touch one of them, sending it falling from the sky. Her big eyes turned to look at you before she let out a loud shriek.
Tabias came rushing through the door at the sound of that in an instant. Still dressed in the same clothes. Probably drifting off without realizing it. "Look, look! T, Y/N makes stars!", the boy hesitated, but curiosity got the best of him. His own eyes went big at the sight of it.
"Should I just leave them floating in the room while you two get comfy and try to sleep?", your hand ran over Juju's hair, but it was Tabias that you worried about most. The boy was jumpier, and every sound made him go frantic. Even if you felt like rejection was the reaction you'll receive you still reach your hand out towards him. His eyes stayed focused on the stars in the night sky as he placed his hand in yours, scrubbing onto the bed himself. You let the two explore the sight they had never seen as it slowly lulled them to sleep. Tabi wrapped an arm around your middle as you slowly felt his muscles relax. Leaning in, you kissed both of their foreheads, once again being left on your own as you waited for Eris. It was way past midnight when a strange sound from downstairs made you stir. It sounded as if someone was fighting against the lock of the door and not finding a way to open it. Only when you heard it open did you reach for the dagger that was still close to Tabias. Carefully slipping out of bed, you lurked out of the bedroom and into the darkness.
The last bits of the dying flame draped a slight sheen on the first floor. Whoever had made its way inside was in the back room. From the sound, it seemed like they were trashing the place. As quietly as possible, you turned around the corner and were about to throw the dagger when a familiar set of hair came into sight.
"Eris, are you out of your mind?", the male quickly turned around as the sound of your voice started him. "Eris..." you muttered once again as you saw his face. He had cuts all over him, his arm holding onto his side for support, adding pressure. "What happened? What hurts? Let me help you sit down." To your surprise, he didn't even argue. You draped one of his arms over your shoulders as you walked him to the sofa and rushed out to get stuff so you could patch him up. Eris's head was lying against the back; his breaths were sharp and uneven. You started to wonder if maybe you should just go try to find Lauriel, afraid that you might only make things worse, but you had helped Madja so many times. Had you patched up your brothers, Az... Shaking your head from memories of them, you looked at the body in front of you.
"Tell me what hurts," you said, your fingers pressing onto his cheek. Eris almost hummed at the delight of your cold skin against his burning one, "Wrap up my ribcage; that's where most of the damage was done."
Nodding your head, you moved to help him get out of his clothes, taking the torn-apart material that was stained with blood in your hands. Reaching out for the bandages, you placed your hand on his chest to hold the starting piece in place as you leaned over to reach behind Eris's back. Gasp left your lips as you dropped the bandage to the floor.
His back was practically all covered in long, deep scars. There wasn't a part of his skin that wasn't abused. Your hands came to cover your mouth, your eyes unable to look at anything else. They appeared old, so you knew this wasn't the aftermath of whatever had happened today, but you still couldn't bring yourself to imagine the amount of pain Eris had gone through while receiving them. You heard him curse under his breath, "I forgot that you don't remember. Patch me up, for now. We'll talk about it later." His voice was cold, colder than usual, but you nodded your head to continue the action prior. Easing at the sight of him relaxing once the comfort of the tightly wrapped bandage soothed some of the aches. Dipping a piece of cotton in the water, you moved to wash the dried blood off his face.
"What happened?", you asked once most of his face was clean, and you could see the cuts starting to heal slowly. "Beron is causing problems. The situation is getting out of hand," Eris said, as you turned to reach for a clean cloth to dry off his skin before saying, "Does this have something to do with the killed healers?" Eris only nodded his head as his jaw clenched. "We need to sway your brother to our side during the meeting. Do you understand? His role in this is vital", you couldn't help but shiver at the mention of him. The last thing you wanted to do was see Rhys. See any of your family. But now not only will you be forced to see them, but you'll also have to bow down like before. Making him the winner once again.
"I want to know everything about us before we go," you had plenty of time to think about it while you waited for Eris to return. You weren't going to take any action until you were one hundred percent sure about it all.
But Eris dismissed that idea immediately, saying, "You can't trigger any more memories. You're too weak", "I deserve to know", you argued back not understanding why was he still holding back if he felt the same pull as you. "You do," he stated blankly, causing you to plead, "Then show me", "You can't go into this meeting knowing what happened." Why was he being so political with it? So tactical, as if you were a little child who didn't know any better. "I won't let it affect me", "Will you not?", his words cut you deep, anger started to build up inside you. "Fuck you," you said, rising from the sofa and swiftly dragging your hands over your face.
"You don't understand. Cause in my head," you tapped your finger angrily to your temple as you turned to him once more, "I told Azriel that I've never kissed a male before. I gave myself to him, and I was convinced that was true. My whole life, I vowed to love him, but you were kissing me, meaning... Do you understand that nothing makes sense to me now?" Your hands started to tremble as you wrapped them around you, trying to provide yourself with even the tiniest bit of comfort as your mind started to spiral again. "Come here, sweet," Eris was bracing himself against the sofa, reaching for you. "No, don't smother me; I don't want to listen to lies anymore," you turned away from him. Eris slowly walked to stand right behind you. His hands rested on your waist as he leaned in to kiss your shoulder.
"I can't, okay? I can't. It's not that I don't want to. I simply can't", you didn't dare to face him but didn't protest at him touching you, "I can't show you, I can't tell you. I believe it's..." Eris stopped as if he were looking for the right words, "It's like a curse." You shook your head in confusion, turned to face him, "Whatever that's been done to your mind. It did not only take away your memories. It prevents me from ever sharing what we had. Cause every time I mention something, I erase some random memory that we shared."
You bit the inside of your cheek. Mother, how much more? What else? Why can't it finally be over? "It was Rhys who did it, wasn't it?", you felt Eris's body tense up at your question, but his mouth stayed shut. Your hands cupped his face. "You don't have to say anything; just look me in the eyes. It was him, wasn't it?" The amount of pain that flashed behind his eyes almost made you want to turn away. It was too much. It was unbearable. A part of you wished that you didn't know the answer to that. Still grasping for any hope that maybe at least this had nothing to do with your brother. It felt almost comical considering how against invading someone's mind, let alone controlling their memories, Rhys was. But here, you were the victim of his actions. Action that he swore to never carry out.
"We'll have to hide the fact that you're weak, so be sensible about how you use your magic", this side of Eris you enjoyed the least. You didn't feel his love or warmth as he spoke his words. It was calculated, yet you couldn't help but feel as if he was slipping away, "Only use if it's necessary." Don't forget that we need him."
In a way, you wished that he would just sulk alongside you over the fact that you two were torn apart, most likely against your own will. But you understood his need to plan everything right. To add up the risk. So you let him talk. Walk you through everything. So, if necessary, you could persuade Rhysand to play the role.
For what felt like internally you two were turning through endless amounts of books. Looking into different laws. Trying to find any straw of advantage. A tiny gain to stop whatever Beron had started. Eris would momentarily slip away to take account of the situation in the city. The more time passed, the more complicated it was. Different families were packing up and trying to run. Cross the border and escape the madness that Beron was creating. Something had to be done, and it had to be quick.
Lauriel was braiding your hair for the meeting. Your makeup was already done, and the dress Eris had picked was hanging right behind you. He had picked like a true male. The less material, the better. The first time you saw it, you couldn't help but shake your head. But the gown was stunning; you had to give him that. The deep emerald green was without a doubt the most beautiful you'd ever seen.
"Dear, you're glowing", you met the healer's eyes in the mirror, "Although more sleep last night would have done you wonders", you laughed at her words. You and Eris did get scolded like little kids this morning as you stumbled back into the cabin with the early morning sun. Clothes soaked, parts ripped to shreds, but the smiles on your faces were the brightest Lauriel had ever seen.
"It was worth it," you admit as she lets the last curl drop down your back before helping you into your dress. Your breath hitched as you looked at yourself. Finally, you're feeling like it was you. Like this was what you were supposed to look like all along. The knock on the door made you turn to the side instantly as two heads popped into the room. 
"Oh, wow," Tabias exhaled, "I doubt you'll make it to the meeting if I'm being honest," earning a slap on the head from Lauriel as she shook her head, "You look really pretty, Y/N/N," Juniper pulled at the fabric of your dress, admiring how it glistened in the light. You felt terrible that the two of them had been mostly left alone for the last few days. At times, when you were looking through different paperwork on your own, you let them come into the back room. Juju would wiggle her way onto your lap as Tabi spun in the chair in front of you. Eris didn't allow them in once you two were discussing more serious things. But a part of you knew that at least Tabias had found ways to listen in.
"Will you come back?" Juju asked, making grabby hands at you, but Tabias held her back so she wouldn't crinkle the delicate material. "Of course, I will. We both will, and then we're going to have that day together, as I promised you," she beamed at you, nodding her head just as Eris slipped into the room as well. His eyes looked you up and down as he drank you in. Gods, was he lucky. Never before had he wanted anyone the way his body craved you.
"You look... you look just gorgeous", blushing slightly you gave them all a little twirl. "Well, you picked this out, so you're the one with good taste", his arms reach for you as you pressed your hand onto his chest. 
"Ready?" he muttered to you. You nodded your head before turning to the two younglings by your side. "We'll see each other soon, okay," you said, pinching the little girl's cheek slightly, causing her to chuckle. Eris brought his brother closer to his chest, "You're a man of the house now. Look after the woman." It felt oddly sad. As if you for some reason weren't going to see them again. It's just a meeting. You were just going to crash at the end. You decide not to interfere while everyone was there. You were going to wait for Rhys to be alone. After all, he was your main target.
You felt the familiar feeling of anxiety rippling through you as you and Eris crossed the halls to where Rhys was supposed to be. Eris walked in first, causing Rhys to growl in annoyance at the sight of the future high lord. But once you stepped foot in the room, it felt like the world had stilled for a moment. "Y/N," your brother breathed out in disbelief. Even Azriel looked like he had seen the ghost. The two of them darted toward you, but you raised a shield in front of you, making them stop in their tracks.
"I thought you were dead. My shadows," Asriel said, eyes filled with such raw emotions that it almost made a shiver run down your back. Of course, he had searched for you. Eris's shield around the cabin was too strong. It masked you. Your whole existence. So you appeared to be dead in his world. "Seems like while I was away you learned to act out your emotions, bravo", you clamped as they gaped at you. "What did you do to her, you prick!", Rhys turned his gaze to the autumnal male. With each passing second, he appeared to become more irritated.
"Unlike you, I've done nothing to alter her mind. I've been helping her remember. Since you sat her on a random male's cock for your pleasure," Eris's words were bitter, yet he said them with his famous smirk. Making all three Illyrian males scowl his way.
You felt it before you saw it. A dagger flew across the room. Directed at Eris, but considering the height of your senses now, you were in front of him in a split second. Catching the dagger before your throat the tip slightly nudging at your skin.  
Your eyes went dark, and you felt them overfill with fog-thick darkness as you leaped across the room. One arm wrapped around Azriel's neck, pressing your heels to where his knees naturally bend, making him sink to the floor as you pushed the dagger right under his chin.
"You try anything like that again, and I'll shove this right up your brain," you whispered under your breath as swirls of mist floated around the two of you. Shadowsingers heart beating right under your fingertips.
"We know you're preoccupied with the war against Hybern and such, but you need to finish some incomplete business in Autumn first, or everything might fall," Eris continued as if nothing had happened, your grip on Azriel didn't loosen. "You're using her," Rhys yelled before turning to face you, "He's using you to kill his father and rule. That's what you are to him, only a piece in his game", you let out a bitter laugh as your foot came in contact with Azriel's back as you pushed him away. 
"Who's talking now?", You smoothed your dress before making your way over to Eris. "Let's quickly talk about our dear father's powers. Technically, they belong to me, but you twisted the narrative and stole it from me. So, Rhysand, don't talk to me about using someone else; you're not a saint." He tensed at your words. Never before had you even talked about the desire to have that power. In his eyes, you never wanted it. But his eyes didn't know you that well.
"I brought you all the accounts from Autumn. Beron had broken more than a handful of laws. Our people are filling up different courts. Soon that's going to become an issue", your eyes fell on Eris, the way his muscles moved as he spoke. You knew it wasn't the time to think about how attractive he was, but you just couldn't help it. Rhys turned through some of the paperwork that Eris had dropped on the table.
"And I'm supposed to care because?", "Because you fucked enough shit up", those words for some reason didn't sit well with Azriel as the male grabbed onto Eris, bringing him into a chokehold, as an Illyrian blade was pressed right at his chest where his heart was beating. 
"I'd be really careful with that," you said, smiling at Azriel. A wave of confusion washed over him. In your words, he felt something more than a simple threat. You pushed the side of your dress up as you pulled your dagger out. Giving the shadowsinger one last smile, you ran the blade over your skin. The cut wasn't deep, but the rich red blood trickled down your white skin, regardless. Eris smiled as he lifted his hand. You two locked eyes, smirking at each other almost proudly.
"You son of a bitch," Azriel mumbled, letting Eris go instantly. There was a part of him that still had no intention of hurting you. He wouldn't forgive himself. "What did you do? What did you do, Y/N?, after letting out a high-pitched belly laugh, you tilted your head back, enjoying a tiny victory.
"See, I had a feeling that you'd pull something like that. Daggers, bows, and poison. I had a feeling that you'd want Eris dead." Rhys shook his head, and you knew that he already had a feeling, but he didn't know the depth of it. Considering that he sat down at the words that the fireling spoke. 
"Lovers enchant twisted vows", Eris said it proudly as if it was nothing as if you two last night hadn't run through the forest to the priestess that Eris had found. Not to get married, not to have a mating ceremony, not to tighten a bargain. While you two lurked in the back room together preparing for this, you couldn't help but think that to overpower them you needed something more. Something that would link you two in ways so deep that nothing and no one could interfere. So there you were, both dressed in white, as Eris walked into a little pond. The moon shined brightly above you two. The priestess handed you an enchanted blade, and you both locked your fingers around it.
"I give myself to you. Body and soul. Flesh and blood. Not a single part of me belongs to anyone else. For what I am—I'm yours" you two spoke word in word. Hearts beating fast as the water around you started to bubble and glow. You two turned to the priestess, handing her the blade. Her hands rested on both of your heads as she muttered a prayer and the following parts under her breath. Not for a moment did Eris' hands slip out of yours.
"I give you my blood," Eris said as the woman left a cut on his left palm. Your right hand quickly intertwined with his as you spoke, "May our hearts beat at the same pattern for the rest of the days."
The priestess did the same to your left hand as you spoke, "I give you my blood", you felt Eris's fingers intertwine with yours, "May what we are become unstoppable forever". 
Eris pressed his forehead to yours as you breathed together before he offered you his left hand, and your wounded palms came together. The glow around you was overpowering the moon itself. You were one now. One body. One soul. One. "May I add that your sister is a delightful creature to be bound to?", you could see that Rhys wanted nothing more than to rip Eris to bits, but instead his fingers sank into the wooden table.
"The thing is, I don't trust you, Rhys, and I won't let Eris trust you until I do so myself." Your words were way calmer now, but Rhys still didn't look your way. "You need Autumn on your side for your war. I'm allowing you to gain an alliance", he quickly stood up clearly on his way to argue, "Sit back down while I'm speaking Rhysand. You help us save the people in Autumn bring back peace to the court, make Eris a high lord and then we'll fight on your side", your brother's eyes were cold, drained even. They didn't look half as purple.
"Even if that's not fitting, you do realize that my father wants your court, right? He wants Valeris. That's where his mind is at now", your brother's shoulders sank as his head fell into his hands. No one spoke a word. No one even moved. Only Eris reached for your hand, giving it a little squeeze that you returned instantly. You knew that was his way of checking on you.
"Fine...", Rhys crocked out after a while, making both Azriel and Cassian argue back, but the two males were waved off, "But with one condition. Y/N comes home with us."
Taglist: @highlady-ofillyria @starrstrucked @lahoete @esposadomd @percyjacksonspeen @powerfulpantera @bionic-donut @azzydaddy @marigold-morelli @meritxellao @mis-lil-red @piceous21 @atz-diary @shamelessdonutkryptonite @baebeepeach @sarai-ibn-la-ahad @brekkershadowsinger @kindaslightlyacidic @mali22 Post
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magnuficent76 · 1 year
Summary: Wanted to write, so I did! Lockett and Marsi have gotten horribly lost once again ! Woop woop.
Characters used: Lockett (Luis); Marsi (Marshmallow); Some new friends…
Words: 4k 915 words !!
Warnings: (Almost) freezing to death, light mentions of blood.
Author notes: Whenever something is in brackets [like this], it's because the character is speaking a different language ! Keep that in mind for when you read through this bc it pops up a bit :3 there's also a dictionary at the very end of any words used that don't actually mean anything in english. Story under cut !
Sequel to this
Once upon a day, there were two small titans walking across the tundra.
The two had been travelling for a very long time. The older brother, Lockett, walked in the front, guiding the smaller one through snow diligently. It had been frigid for days, and food was almost done with. They were both hungry, but neither could bring themselves to actually eat, should the threat of not being able to in an important moment ever rise.
Marsi squeezed his sibling's hand tightly as the wind swept across his face. On the tip of his ears and underneath his nose small icicles began forming. Lockett could feel him shaking, to the point where it was starting to drag down the woollen coat he wore. He stopped in his tracks, crouching down to be at eye level with him.
"How are you feeling? Is the cold too much?" Lockett asked, pulling the large coat back on Marsi's little form. "I could give you my coat if it helps." The small titan sniffled, shaking his head vigorously.
"I don't want you to be cold too. I can-" Before he could finish, a sneeze escaped through his nose. The shaking seemed to intensify as well. "I can tough it out,"
Lockett checked his temperature, and the corners of his mouth tugged into a frown. It was hard to tell if he was sick, but regardless, he was most definitely cold. Another thing to worry about once they find a village. Without another word, he scooped Marsi into his coat, cradling him so he wouldn't fall through. He still wiggled, in weak attempts to get away.
"No!" Marsi protested, "I'm fine!- I don't need you to carry me-"
"Marsi." He said, in a sterner voice than he normally used. "You're cold, and your feet aren't protected enough, you could get frostbite here. I don't get cold, so I can manage us both, okay?"
After a moment of silence, the smaller one sniffled again, and arranged himself against the crook of his brother's neck. "Okay…"
Back to walking.
The added weight of his brother made it harder to navigate through the many layers of snow beneath his paws, but he pressed on regardless. Scanning the fields around him, Lockett tried to pinpoint any possible points of interest they could go to. As far as his vision allowed, it seemed that there was only snowfall for at least two more hours of walking, a grove of thin, dead trees up the north, maybe a frozen river if they were to wander further, and no sign of life outside of the two. A sigh left his lips, and he decided their best bet would be to continue walking east. The forest would be dangerous in their current condition, and civilization seemed like a scarce option seeing where searching for that has landed the two of them so far. The possibility of a river meant they could fish for food, gather up water and rest for a day, even if it'd take longer than the latter option.
Unbeknownst to both brothers, a creature did stalk them through the white blankets of the tundra.
Black, beady eyes poked through the frozen ground, reflecting minimal light off its surface. It watched the two boys with interest, following them slowly, soundlessly, readying itself to strike when the time came. Smelling the air, the creature chuffed at the scent in their tracks, their unaware exhibition to a hungry predator.
The massive tomarath crept up behind them, not daring to strike just yet. The bear-like creature waited for an opportunity, clacking its jaws together at the prospect of food.
Lockett's eyes widened, and he froze. His ears twitched around hastily, listening to the crunching of snow not too far behind, and a familiar, dangerous clack that could only be described as teeth clattering against each other. He held his brother closer, and turned around, scanning the ground for the carpetine beast.
A silence filled the air. Between the falling flakes of frost and the creature's camouflage, chances of escaping this situation fully were highly scarce.
"Marsi," He whispered, putting a hand on his sword's grip. His breath was suddenly hitched, and his eyes were unable to stay in one place as he anxiously tried to locate the tomarath. "Marsi, I'm gonna put you on the ground, and you're going to have to run, fast as you can, okay?"
"What's going on-?" Marsi replied, fear creeping in his voice. His ears were flat against his head, and he turned around quickly as a particularly large snow mound crept closer and closer still. "Lockett-?!"
"RUN!" Lockett yelled, dropping him to the ground and swinging at the creature.
The tomarath shrieked, and stopped its lunge as the sword almost hit its head. It growled, keeping itself to the ground as it surrounded the titan with its long body. Marsi ran as fast as his legs could bear to take him, a small fiery trail following along as a result. His roughened breathing caused smoke to form in front of his face, making it hard to see much, but by the time he stopped, he was already miles away. He hid underneath a snow mound, and waited, shivering for a very long time, both out of fear and out of cold.
Lockett observed the beast's movements, keeping eye contact all the way as he extended his sword forward to keep it out of his personal zone. This tomarath had seen better days— shaggy white hairs followed its body down to the back legs, with several patches seemingly having been scratched out, scarred even. Arrows were plunged into its left front leg, leaving it walking with a limp. It must've run into people before, which must mean there's hunters of some kind nearby. Shelter.
His thoughts were interrupted as the beast lunged forward again, claws exposed and ready to tear. He dodged by inches, having some of his jacket's sleeve cut. Underneath, a sliver of sapphire blue blood slithered down his arm. He picked himself up, and countered with a hefty blow to the creature's head, managing to crack one of its massive fangs. It reeled itself back, stunned by the sudden pain.
"YEAH, HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT, KITHAR? YOU SCARED?" He spat out, raising his arms above his head to make himself even larger. The beast must've taken illy to that, because right after, it lunged again, trying to smack his sword out of his hands. Lockett refused to give in, rolling to the side and hitting them with a solid slash, drawing some blood off the creature. It growled, swiping furiously at his legs and clattering its teeth in warning. 'You are making a mistake', it must think, 'You are nothing compared to me'. Lockett runs around it, then throws a heavy rock at its head.
The tomarath roared agonisingly loud before jumping on Lockett once more, this time leaving little windows for defence. It loomed over him, growling as its drool fell down its mouth, ready to take a large bite out of his face as he struggled to get his arm out of the crushing grip it had over it.
Breathing heavily, Lockett used his free arm to repeatedly smack its face, trying to hit its eyes to no avail. It clenched its jaws onto his shoulder, thrashing its head around to rip a piece of it off, and it made him scream out in desperation- A shrill, piercing cry echoed through the tundra. Through a scream and pulsating adrenaline, Lockett broke the tomarath's bottom jaw wide with one concentrated punch, making it get off him scrambling with moans of pain. He followed it, barely being able to lift the dull sword over his head and onto the creature's body twice more. It wasn't enough to kill it, but it retreated at last, running off to the distance with an even greater limp than before.
"YEAH, AND DON'T COME BACK! I'LL RIP YOUR DAMNED TEETH OFF ONE BY ONE YOU OVERSIZED EXCUSE FOR A COAT!" Lockett yelled victorious and out of breath, partly for his own comfort and partly to really show it to the thing who was in charge. 'This isn't over' it called out, a mouth full of blood, 'I am going to find you again. And this time, there won't be a thing you can do'. He chose to ignore it.
Promptly after, he placed a weak hand over the mauled shoulder. Blood flowed to his clothes, down to the floor. He let himself plummet face first into the snow after a few seconds, turning the white covered snow a pungent blue. He was breathing still, thankfully, but he couldn't tell for how much longer.
Out of the wound, once that deep indigo colour stopped spilling, a black substance started blocking in the wound. Lockett winced, but didn't move, feeling the dark sludge clump up over the injury. It felt like cement being poured over a building's cracks, patching up the hurt but not erasing it. In a matter of minutes, it had reconstructed the wrecked shoulder, leaving in the pain regardless. He stood up slowly, his head still spinning due to all that happened.
Right. That's treated then. Now, to find Marsi- He can't be too far. He thought, starting his stride to find his little brother. I'm coming for you, please, please just hold on a little longer.
Meanwhile, Marsi's little life was burning out, like a candle by a window. He had been waiting for a while, unsure of whether or not danger had already dissipated, and cold as he could be. Any attempts of a fire he attempted to start quickly were extinguished, and running on an empty stomach just meant he hadn't much more energy to rely on.
'You could close your eyes', whispered the cold, temptingly, 'just for a moment, just to rest. Don't you feel tired?'
"No…No I can't, I'm tired, but I need to wait for my brother. We'll sleep safer together," The tiny titan muttered, curling up on himself. "He's coming to get me, I know it."
The winds blew harder, threatening to collapse the very trees that he was using for shelter. 'There is no bargaining with nature, boy' said the cold, 'You're coming with us'. Snow began to fall more still, and it began covering the hole he hid himself in.
"No! I'm not going anywhere! My brother is coming for me!" Marsi said, shoving the snow out of the hole's entrance in a futile attempt to keep it out. He couldn't feel his fingertips anymore, and he kept sneezing every few seconds. His throat felt dry, his stomach felt frigid. The inside of his body no longer held the warmth it was supposed to.
"He's coming for me, I know he is…" He held on tighter to his coat, curling into a little ball on the very deepest part of his improvised home.
'Marsi?' A voice called from far away.
'Marsi, I'm right here for you, come out,' It said.
"Is it really you-? Brother?"
'Who else would it be, mosi? It's me, it's your brother' it kept insisting, 'Come out, I'll lead you back to warmth. Don't you trust me?'
Marsi hesitated, but just hearing that voice seemed to almost put him at ease. He felt the warmth returning, welcoming him back to normalcy. As he crawled out, he almost didn't notice how the frost fell harder on his body.
"I'm coming, Lockett! It's me! It's Marsi!" He shouted out, walking out into the vast whiteness.
'I'm here, Marsi. I'm right in front of you. Come give me a hug.' It whispered, coming from everywhere all at once.
Marsi started coughing, and his vision blurred almost completely. His feet became numb, and he fell on his side.
"Lou…" He whimpered, clutching his sides "… I'm so cold… where…"
'Shhh, shhhhh… hush now, dear brother. You're going to be okay. You won't even notice it…'
"Lou… I wanna go home."
'We're going home, okay? Together.'
Before he could even notice, the snowdrift had covered him completely, like a blanket of light, and he fell asleep.
Please, please be okay out there. Lockett thought, running around aimlessly looking for the little one. I can't lose you too. How far did he go? Where was he? Was he hidden? Was he well?
"MARSI!" He shouted out, as loud as his lungs allowed it, "MARSI! ARE YOU OKAY? WHERE ARE YOU? CAN YOU HEAR ME?"
Far away from there, a group of explorers came across an almost frozen body.
"MARSI, IT'S ME, LOCKETT!" He kept shouting, searching even with soulsight to try and find his brother. The extended use made his nose start bleeding. "Where… Where did you go-?" He asked no one, looking around for longer still. Running around for what felt like hours through identical tree husks, the same snow covered fields, the same vast emptiness. "Please, Marsi, where are you?"
"[Is he aasyran?]" One of them says, uncovering his small frame out of the snow.
"[Not sure, but I don't think so.]" Says the other, wrapping him around their scarf.
"Hngg, spirits…" Lockett muttered, feeling the exhaustion set in on his body after finding a rock particularly comfortable, "I can't- No, no, I need to find- MARSI! CAN YOU HEAR ME?" He wasn't sure who he was screaming to anymore. His vision was hazy, all the light was confusing, it just kept getting worse.
"Marsi… anyone…"
He fell to his knees, barely being able to make out two figures not two far away.
They seemed to get closer, shining weapons drawn to his face. He couldn't make out what they were, what they were saying. At this point, it was easier not to do anything at all. He fought as much as he could. Maybe a quick death would be easier to deal with here…
"[Another one?]"
"[Are these two related-?]"
"[We'll need to make room, right? They're not in any condition here.]"
Yeah. Just a little nap through the years.
Floating through the darkness, Lockett could barely make out the shape of his hands. They were swirling, half formed, as if he was looking at them through water. Just a white outline of his body, distorted and wrong. His limbs felt numb, but not in the sense that he couldn't feel them no—it was more like he was being pricked with thousands of needles, as if his whole body had fallen asleep, but he was still awake. It was also weirdly warm.
There was a sound–multiple? He couldn't tell at this point– of someone, something calling his name. Colours were muddled together messily, spiralling, with no rhyme or reason. Then, it all became strikingly clear, horribly so.
A conjunction of reds and browns, greys and black filled the sky. Soldiers were dying, the earth was scorched, and he was unable to move. Why? Why now must he remember? Blood left his heart at an alarming rate, and things seemed to blip in and out constantly. There were screams, and smoke, and- Oh god, oh gods all his family was dead. His parents, his friends, his spouse, it was all gone, all because of-
Lockett woke up in a cold sweat, ripping the blankets off of him and throwing them to the furthest side of the room, hugging himself tightly in an attempt to calm down. It was a dream, he thought, a mere terror, it already happened and there's nothing to be done about it. Breathe. Breathe…
Feeling the anxiety dissipate, the titan took a deep breath, and finally grounded himself. It's all okay.
Now, with that out of the way.
Just where is he now?
He took a look around the room he was currently in- Great, kidnapped TWICE in the same month. New record.
Except, this time it didn't feel like he was imprisoned. No- This wasn't a cell of any kind. He was provided with a bed, a blanket, and warmth, he wasn't even chained this time. Upon further inspection, the room was also clearly designed for some kind of child, with colourful posters on the wall and toys tucked away on a corner.
Either this was the worst kidnapper of all time, or he wasn't kidnapped at all, and this is actually someone giving him shelter.
And for some reason, that's even more suspicious.
Lockett got out of bed slowly, making sure to leave it made as well in case this new captor isn't fond of messes. He looked around the room more carefully, analysing the posters on the wall and the many decorations— It was neat, but with some hastily done cleaning on certain spots. The wardrobe was used, with the paint used to cover it being scratched and peeling off on the corners and bases. One of the handles was also missing, which can only be because someone was way too rough while opening it. There were constellations and flowers drawn on the ceiling, on some of the walls, and even engraved in the furniture. The toys all seemed to be in well taken care of condition, assembled on shelves and inside the box in a particular order. All things considered, now a bad bedroom at all, being clearly meant to be used by a child, but why was he specifically here?
That question would have to wait. His bag was kept inside the wardrobe, but his sword was missing. Shit. Well, I guess that if anyone tries to mess with him now, they'll just have to talk to his fists then.
Lockett approached the door, uncertain if it would be open at all, or if he should even attempt to leave. On one hand, his brother was out there somewhere by himself, he couldn't be wasting time pleasing the same people who kidnapped him, but on the other hand, perhaps it'd be possible to negotiate an agreement with these guys? There wasn't much time to weigh out the pros and cons, Marsi needed him fast. He ultimately decided to just leave. After all, if he happened to stumble on his kidnappers, they could probably talk it out or something.
With a deep breath, he turned the doorknob, and…
It opened effortlessly.
That was easy.
Too easy. Something is going on.
Putting his guard up before he left, he tried getting a bearing to what kind of house he was stuck in. Seemed like it was a residence of some kind–big family, with several rooms for each member. The problem with that theory, however, is the fact they were all labelled with signs he didn't understand, likely numbers. Maybe a hospital? And this was also the second floor.
He slowly descended the staircase, holding onto the railing with both hands for security's sake, and being as quiet as the creaky steps underneath his feet allowed him to be.
The first floor seemed to be much of the same thing, save for more open space. There were bookshelves near the walls, more posters, several chairs, and propped up weapons. What were those for? He didn't want to find out. Walking through the room, it seemed to be a living space of some kind- some kind of waiting place? For what? Maybe this really was a hospital. It made him slightly more relieved, but it was still unnerving enough to make him want to take one of the daggers off the wall.
"Marsi? Are you here?" He called out, not too loudly, as to not alert anyone else in the vicinity. "It's me, Lockett-"
Lockett walked around for a little longer, until his ears suddenly perked up with the sound of indistinct talking. Not in a language he recognized, but it wasn't in a tone of voice meant to be threatening, either. He followed the noise, eventually ending up in what seemed to be the actual proper healer's den of this space, and crouched behind some of the beds when he saw the man who was speaking.
He was very large, like an adult titan, with long blond hair trapped up in a large bundle on top of his scalp, but bone-white horns adorning the sides of his head instead of what he was used to. He seemed to wear some kind of white cloak, with pink accents decorating the sides and bottom of it. His tail was swishing peacefully from side to side as he talked to a patient- a child? It was hard to tell, his body covered them entirely.
"[There we go, little one,]" He spoke again, in a low, gentle voice. If it wasn't for the fact Lockett didn't understand a word of what he was saying, it might've even been soothing to hear. "[That should cover your injuries. Are you still feeling cold? We could get you closer to the fireplace if you'd like!]"
"Thank you for the patches mister," Marsi-! "But uhm, I don't think I know what you're saying. My brother speaks a lot of languages, maybe you could talk to him instead!"
Hearing Marsi's voice again was a relief, but he seemed confused, was he in danger? Unlikely, but the healer man being so close was still setting off alarms in his head. Without thinking twice about it, Luis came out of his hiding spot and extended the knife forward-
The man turned around, finally giving Lockett a glimpse of his face. He had a long, greying beard tied into one single braid, with his moustache hair having little ribbons on the ends of it, and glasses, as if he didn't look enough like a nerd. On his forehead, there were two more horns, significantly smaller than the ones on the back. This man must be aasyran. Lockett had met a handful back in the day, along with… eugh. Anyway,
"[Ah, you must be this little guy's brother! I'm happy to meet you. My name is Fehal'ri, what's yours?]" He spoke again, with a smile on his lips despite being threatened under knife point. This man was much larger than Lockett, so maybe he just wasn't intimidated enough… or maybe he didn't understand what he was saying either.
"Get away from my brother. Or I WILL hurt you." Lockett said warningly, approaching slowly and looking directly at Marsi. Either this guy gets the hint or he gets stabbed.
"[Hmm, you must not speak Aasyr…]" He muttered something, putting his hands up slightly and getting off the way to Marsi "[Very well. I see you look threatened, so I will allow you to converse with your brother first before we can make proper contact…please do not stab me.]"
Seeing as how the healer seemed to comply, Lockett slowly went around him, keeping eye contact locked all the way, and then grabbed Marsi, going to the other side of the room with him.
"[Oh, uhm-! I was expecting you to, ah, allow me to finish his medical check-up first-?]" The aasyran attempted to approach again, and Lockett promptly put a knife to his throat as a warning not to do so. ["Ah. Understood. My apologies. Carry on"]
He waited until he was comfortably out of zone, then pocketed the knife and gave Marsi a tight hug, almost squeezing his horns right out his skull.
"Marsi! You're okay- oh by the spirits you're okay, I'm so happy to see you… is everything alright? Did this guy hurt you? Were you okay out in the snow a little while ago?" Lockett asked in rapid succession, holding the smaller titan by the cheeks gently.
"Slow downnn!! I'm okay!" Marsi smiled, hugging his brother back "Everything is fine now. I uhm, froze a little bit back there, but this guy treated me! He's nice, don't worry. I don't understand a word of what he's saying though."
"Man, me neither. I'm just happy you're alright…" He held him tight, but guilt tugged away at his brain. He froze? How long was he out fighting that tomarath for? Was he cold? What happened? Is it because he was just too far? He shouldn't have let him go on his own, he should've-
He snapped out of it, looking down at his brother with a slight smile. "Don't worry, I'm fine. Was just… worried for you."
The aasyran man watched from the other side of the room, fascinated by their speech, trying to annotate anything he could understand in a little notebook. Lockett noticed, and, as he picked up Marsi to leave, he kept an eye on him.
"We're leaving now. Don't try to stop us. You will get hurt."
He didn't seem to understand, but after a moment, things seemed to click-
"[Wait! No! You can't leave yet, you're both very vulnerable, your brother is recovering from the glosel, you need to stay!]" He said, getting up suddenly and reaching out to them, which resulted in Lockett promptly slashing his fat fingers.
"[OW- Rude!]" He yelped, wiping the blood away before covering them with his other hand, which started glowing almost immediately upon making contact with the injury. "[Ugh- hold on-]" He says, reaching into one of the counters behind him to grab something. A weapon? Something to punish the two with? They're not sticking around to find out.
Lockett bolted it, holding onto Marsi as best he could as he went through the door and out into the living space. The way out must've been a corridor away, until all of the sudden-
"[Hold on now, little man!]" Some other person said from a distance, using magic to hold him in place. Panic set in, and Lockett held onto Marsi as tightly as he could. If they want to hurt his brother with their weird magic, they're going to have to go through him first.
"[Oh, thank Sol you caught him, Uri. I was really scared they were gonna get out.]" The man from before appeared, with some kind of cards underneath his arm. Oh gods, they're really gonna have a conversation now aren't they.
"[I was watchin' the whole thing happen, I figured two skittish lil' dudes like these were NOT gonna stick around for long with the way you were talking to them.]"
"[I was trying to be friendly! I thought it came through!]"
"[Hah, man it did not at all.]"
Lockett watched the two with confusion, eyebrows furrowing deeply as he tried to make sense of whatever the hell these people were talking about. Inside the magic bubble made the world outside look like deeper shades of pink, with the aasyrans outside looking like warped up versions of themselves, but it wasn't that uncomfortable, to give them credit. Just annoying.
"[Look, I speak a little bit of titanic, maybe they'll warm up better with me.] Ehem…" The second person cleared their throat, crouching down to meet the titan's gaze. "Halo, mi namers ise, U.R.I.E.L. was your?
Lockett had to really squint to understand what they were saying. It was a very… foreign accent, to say the least, and it was vaguely based on what sounded like Icia Comora, a common-grounds language that his village used to trade with others.
"Ah, finally, someone I understand. Well, I'll tell you my name, but you have to take me out of this shitty bubble first." He said, as slowly as he could so the other person didn't get confused. They nodded, and said something to the healer before actually bursting the bubble, which caused him to fall through to the floor.
"Okey, this good?"
"Mm, could be a lot better. What do you two want with us?"
"Ahh," They said, trying to come up with the right way to say what they wanted, "We ar not enem. We heal. Your brot, he urt"
"Okay." He paused for a second "What do you want with us though."
"Ah," They seemed confused, as if they already stated what he wanted to know. "Err, we help? We help heal your brot. You aso urt, we help"
"Okay- we're really not getting anywhere here. Look, awesome of you to have helped, but we don't need more healing."
"Ah! But! Where go nex? Your brot, stille stick?...sok- [ugh hell on earth, how do you say this-] sic! Calt out, very icky"
Lockett thought for a while. Marsi could definitely still be sick- His healing factor isn't nearly as strong as his, and it could be a few days until they can find more civilization. Staying here could definitely be beneficial, but what would be the terms?
"...What do you think Marsi, should we trust these guys?" He asked, unbothered with the person's need to understand him now. "It could be a while until we can stay someplace like this again."
"I think these guys are pretty nice… we can probably trust them, right? They did heal me"
"Hmmm… Alright. You guys win. We're staying. What are the conditions?"
The aasyran seemed… dumbfounded by that.
"You know- What's the cost? What's the catch for us living here?"
"Oh-! No no no! No cost! You cood ! God? Gud. You gud. Stay long, til heal, key?"
"...Alright. Sure."
The person seemed ecstatic, shouting out to the other person about something. Both seemed okay with the two staying here for now, so maybe this wasn't such a bad thing…
Maybe it could be like this for a while. Just some quick downtime. Then it's back to the road… soon.
Tomarath: A large arctic creature resembling that of a bear, with a longer body and fur, protruding fangs and claws.
Kithar: A shiifiice insult that basically means "cowardly" or "pathetic". Or it could just mean c☆nt. We'll never know :]
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purpleturtle9000 · 11 months
@dropkicks-self-off-cliff you mentioned Alpha and Cobalt having a cat that purred and this was beamed Directly into my mind
By now, he's very familiar with the variety of noises that can mean uh-oh, I didn't mean to break that. This is not one of them, but it is close, which makes him wonder just what Cobalt was doing in the two minutes he was out of view.
He glances over, and does a double-take, because Cobalt is half hidden behind a mass of fluffy fur. Ah, right. The Damn Cat.
From the moment they saw each other, they'd been inseparable. Why, Alpha still has no idea. The thing's missing an eye, and chunks from both ears, and he thinks may also be missing a couple toes.
It looks like the kind of thing that gets thrown away, but he can't say that more than once, because last time, Cobalt looked like he was going to cry, and Alpha always panics when he cries.
It's not that he's bonded, like a certain old blue turtle likes to say. He just... doesn't like it when Cobalt's sad.
So when Leonardo tried to say that Cobalt couldn't keep the cat, Alpha had hissed at him, low and warning, until he relented. Tello bonked him over the head for threatening their twin, and he'd promptly turned on them, drawing blood twice before they shoved him off and he gave up on the idea of biting them a third time.
While all that was going on, Cobalt had decided to name The Damn Cat, except he decided to name it Blue, and Leonardo pointed out that they already had a brother with that name.
It ended up getting named Stitch, after some movie character. Alpha doesn't want to know any more than that, because if he shows any interest, he'll get dragged into another movie night, and Cobalt keeps wanting to watch horror movies. And then he gets scared, and stays up all night, and Alpha doesn't mind the sleep deprivation because he's used to it, but he also doesn't like being angry that Cobalt's not okay.
Having siblings is complicated. Having one that likes him is even more complicated.
"What did you do?" he asks.
"I dunno! But I think I broke her."
Alpha's not sure he wants to know how to break a cat. He really hopes that Cobalt didn't drop the thing.
"Listen," Cobalt says, and Alpha always does.
Weird. No, wait, Tello told him about this - it's got a name. A meaning.
"She's purring," he says after a moment. "It means she's happy. That she likes you."
She should. Cobalt's very likeable.
"Cool." Cobalt grins at him, and then manages to carry the cat over. Alpha has no intention of picking her up, but then Cobalt does almost drop her, and Alpha steps in before a crisis can be caused.
The Damn Cat keeps purring when he holds her against his plastron so she won't fall. It sounds almost... familiar. Not that he's heard cats purr before, exactly, but something almost the same. But not a cat sound.
He's still puzzling about it as Cobalt makes himself comfortable. The beanbag is a massive thing, capable of fitting three turtles, or two turtles and a cat.
He lifts his arm so Cobalt can fit under it, close to his side. He's wrapped in Alpha's favourite blanket, but it doesn't occur to him to be bothered by the theft. Not like Sunflower and Echo - they seem to like bothering each other more than anything else.
If he's being honest, Alpha doesn't understand it at all. Most of the others don't seem to care when arguing or even shoving happens, and he's seen Leonardo and Tello snarl at each other like a pair of dogs, but his skin crawls when any of them act like that toward him. He's always afraid of snapping and hurting them.
Used to be scared of Cobalt, too, just like all the others, but somehow it became harder and harder to remember what a danger he was, when Cobalt saw him as safety.
He closes his eyes. Leonardo taught him to calm down by seeking his senses. A touch, or taste, or sound that he could use to anchor himself in the present and not the darkness. Even when he's all right, he likes to do the same thing. Bask in what it feels like, to be safe and surrounded by love.
Stitch purring, regular but with dips and peaks to the sound. Cobalt's yawn, then a slight pressure as he leans closer to pet her. The almost-too-soft blanket that Cobalt will end up kicking off because it gets too warm. A prickle of whiskers against a chip in his plastron and the base of his throat.
That's what it is.
He's not sure how he remembers it, some genetic memory, maybe, but it's there all the same. He's just never... tried. He was always scared, before Leonardo found him, before Cobalt trusted him.
What's one more change for the people he loves?
It takes some trial and error, but eventually he gets it right, he thinks. The low, rock-rough almost-growl, starting deep in his throat. Not exactly a cat's purr, but nearly the same.
"Whoa," Cobalt breathes out. "You can do that too?"
Alpha nods.
"How come you never did it before?"
The rock-growl stops, and he blinks, looking away and then down at Stitch. Her front legs stretch out, one foot pawing gently at the bottom of his chin.
"Never felt safe enough," he whispers.
For a minute, he thinks that's all Cobalt has to say, but then-
"I feel safe with you too. I just don't know how to purr yet. Maybe I can't."
"I'll teach you tomorrow, if you want."
"'Course I wanna."
He says it so naturally, like he thinks they meet in every universe, like Alpha's always going to be there to look after him. Even now, Alpha's not used to it.
Someday he will be, though. He starts purring again, until Cobalt dozes off with The Damn Cat sprawled across his shell, and doesn't mind staying awake to watch over both of them.
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luxmaeastra · 1 year
"How could you?"
Narcissus jerked his head up. He stiffened seeing Anastasiya glaring at him. He sighed and went back to the fire he was stocking.
"It's complicated and I wouldn't expect you to -"
She moved kicking dirt on the fire. He glared at her and she held his gaze.
"It's really not. She was jealous of the attention you gave me. She was jealous of everyone protected me because of some arbitrary stars in the night sky when we were born. She was jealous because instead of choosing her you tried to have both of us."
She stepped toward him, he newly didn't throw his powers up as he felt hers slip in. He barred his teeth.
"You know half of the story Anastasiya. You - just leave it."
Her eyes only narrowed and her hands tightened in fists.
"No. No you broke the one person in this family would kill for -"
"You'd kill for all your siblings. Anastasiya stop getting involved in things that don't concern you."
He kept his voice neutral as he stood and went to find some more dry sticks. He could feel her glare at his back.
"Your right I'd kill for all of them. But for her? For her I'd burn every bridge I have to avenge her. I never want to see her cry like she was."
His icyness wavered and he nearly turned to ask. Who was with her if she was here? Who was comforting her if she was slipping more into thar darkness? Who was with her when those thoughts got -
But his spiraling didn't last. He felt her power swell and slam into him. He knew he'd fallen to his knees. But everything else was silent except for her voice in his mind.
You will let me in Narcissus.
This wasn't a request from his sister-in-law. This was an order from his Asteri. This was a demand from a God and he folded agaisnt it. He'd heard those stories and had never understood how a Stelari let it get so far out of control.
Why would they let them in? Why would they open themselves up to that horror?
But now he understood. Now he could do nothing but let her in.
For how do you deny a god?
She saw it all. All those moments from his perspective. He had never truly saw her as anything but a child trying to mimic her favorite sister. A little girl hero worshiping a male who could do no wrong in her eyes.
It should have stung a little. But she only dug deeper not caring the damage she did. She barely heard his scream as clawed at the frozen earth.
She stopped at the memory of her at 16, Nirtea was falling. She forced herself to watch. To see him leave Amaratha's side. Something else was calling him. Something stronger than his love for her sister was dragging him away.
She watched as he moved to where she had fallen. How her hands were broken and the bones shattered. How her legs were pinned under a pillar. He flung it aside picking her up. She remembered that feeling of electricity now. So many years past that pain.
She understood it now. They were bound and he had never told her. He had never said damn word. She withdrew watching him twitch and pant on the ground.
She wondered what she could do to him. What would her sister want him to do?
No. She'd forgive him. She wouldn't let Narcissus get off that easily.
She knelt before him and gripped his chin. She felt him wrestle internally against her power. She braided it through harder and tighter. He would suffer like her sister did. He would suffer till he was broken like she was.
"You will go back to the citadels. You'll spy on them for me. And report back. You will become the one thing you hate Narcissus."
The moment when everything changed. The moment when he found himself drawn away from the life he had known, the one he had been building. Love had not been enough to keep him fully loved, even as he had always felt Amarantha down the bond, the pull of another always draw him away.
In those moments it had always been the idea that Amarantha was strong, she had not needed him. It was the small moments when Anastasiya had been needing, when someone had hurt her or when she was upset. He always seemed to be there at the right moment.
Those nights had been the moments when he had finally returned to their chambers and found Amarantha asleep in a chair, or by the bassinet of their son. He shook over the notion she had been waiting for him, that she had been busy doing something and lost track of time.
His heart ached at the thought, that aches almost forgotten from the pain that coursed through him because of her. Because of Anastasiya as she came her become, his body jerked in protest as he could do nothing but glare at her with pure hatred in that moment.
Dark eyes rose from the floor she had been staring at, ignoring the gentle tugs of the brush that was being pulled through her hair. The attention she was receiving at the hands of Lady Zefera, the quiet of her own chamber as her sister attended to her baby son.
Her heart felt heavy, even looking at Einar she had felt she couldn't do anything but cry as she looked upon his face. She saw his face in it, she saw Narcissus looking back at her. How had she become so woven in this? When did she become so foolish and weak? Yet all she could not ignore what she felt.
Nor could she ignore the sensation of his suffering down their bond, even after he had walked away she couldn't ignore it. She refused to cut it off, she had refused to reject it in anyway. She turned and looked towards the doors as Clythis came in, confusion upon her face.
"Why...why do I feel pain?"
0 notes
Word Count: 1,547
Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Reader
Pairings: Dean Winchester x Sibling!Reader
Warnings: angst, heart disease, small fluff
A/N: writer’s block 
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“And have you ever heard of arrhythmia?”
“No, not really, it’s a heart thing, right?”
“Correct. Causes can be anything, stress and anxiety, drug and alcohol abuse, some cases have proven to be even genetic. Your heartbeat is irregular, it's hard to make predictions of what you need to do and what you need to stay away from.”
You and Dean pulled into the empty hunter’s cabin, while Dean shook your arm to wake you up.
“We’re here,” he said.
“That didn't take long,” you yawned.
“Yeah, well let’s see how long it takes San to get our message,” he replied.
Dean was finally back from purgatory. After almost a year of hell, pain, and suffering, things seemed better. Except for not being able to find Kevin.
You had hoped Sam had some sort of lead, it had been months since you last talked to him.
“It’s really been months since you talked to him last?” Dean asked.
“We both agreed to go our own ways. It worked out for the best,” you knew you were lying, but Dean couldn't tell.
The last conversation you had with Sam ran through your heart clearly.
“He’s dead, (Y/N)! There’s nothing else we can fucking do!”
“We didn't find a body, he is still out there, he needs our help!” 
It had been months since then, feeling longer. Your diagnosis was only 5 months ago and it felt like 30 years. 
You never could find the exact cause, you were stressed because Dean was gone, because you were stressed you tried to drink away your worries. Drinking only led to more pain and problems, which you solved by taking more drugs. 
Now you were a complete mess, and no one else knew what was going on. You didn't know how to tell Dean.
“Well, you look worse than me and I went to purgatory,” Dean tried to joke as you scoffed.
“I’m just tired. You should go to sleep, I’ll be on the lookout,” you replied.
“You sure you’re okay, kid?” Dean frowned.
“Firstly, not kid. I’m literally older than you,” you started.
“By five minutes. And I’m taller-”
“Height is irrelevant to this conversation. Go to bed, Dean,” you could see a smirk on his face while a small smile grew on yours.
“Okay, fine. I’ll switch with you in a few hours?” he asked.
You nodded before you pressed a small kiss to his forehead.
After making sure he was in the other room, you let out a shaky breath, feeling your chest aching.
Your hands were shaking slightly as you took your medicine out of your bag, swallowing the pills.
After a few hours, you found it nearly impossible to keep your eyes open before you heard the front door opening. 
You quickly jumped up, Dean ran out of the room, able to hear it as well.
“Gun?” you threw him his gun before holding your silver knife up, along with some holy water mixed with borax.
As soon as Sam opened the door, Dean instantly pushed him down, while you heard him yell out in shock.
“(Y/N),” you felt the world spinning as you handed Dean the silver blade, be deep handing him the holy water and Borax.
None of it affected Sam, while you offered your hand, helping him up.
“Dean,” he said, in shock.
“Now do me,” Dean said.
“No, I know it’s you,” Dean groaned in annoyance before using the knife on himself, proving he was human.
You watched as he and Sam gave each other a painful look, before wrapping their arms around each other.
You could feel Sam’s eyes on you, while you gave him a small smile.
I didn't tell Dean you mouthed.
He nodded before Dean broke the hug.
“Been a while…”
Finding Kevin was the easy part. Castiel coming back was hard, the trials were harder.
Every day you could feel yourself growing weaker, no one knew about your condition yet. 
You currently sat alone in the bunker, waiting for Sam and Dean to return.
You lied to them, you told them you needed to stay back for research, you were too tired to hunt.
“That wasn't the point, Sam! I was supposed to do the trials, not you!” you sat up, wrapped up in a blanket while you made your way to the door.
“What’s going on?” you asked.
“Dean, there was no other way! I’m doing this, we can’t just start again!” Sam yelled back.
“What happened?” you asked again.
“Sam did the first trial,” Dean replied, you could hear the anger in his voice.
“You guys told me you were going on a hunt,” you said softly.
“You look like you’re about to die, we weren't going to let you come with us,” you ran your fingers through your hair before shaking your head.
“You shoulda still told me,” you said softly.
“It doesn't matter now,” Dean shook his head.
“Well, what are we supposed to do now?” you asked.
“Wait for Kevin to figure out what the next trial is,” Sam said.
“No, we’re gonna find another hellhound, and I’m gonna kill it this time,” Dean yelled.
“Look, just calm down-”
“Calm down?! He’s going to be in danger!” you leaned back on the chair behind you, rubbing your head as you felt a slight headache rise.
“Do you not care or something?!” Dean yelled at you.
“Of course I care, Dean. But what can we do? Sammy’s strong enough to do this,” you nodded your head.
You felt a shiver up your spine while you curled up into yourself.
“The hell is your problem?” Dean continued to yell at you.
You could feel the pain in your chest increasing as you rolled your eyes at Dean’s words.
You looked at the time, seeing it just past midnight.
You had forgotten to take your medicine.
“Are you done yet?” you sighed.
“You don’t care, do you? Still mad at Sam for whatever the fuck?” 
“Dean-” Sam tried to intervene.
“Of course I care, Sam's my brother too,” you shook your head.
“Then why don’t you-” 
You pushed yourself out of the chair, clearly irritated in Dean as he went silent.
You clenched your jaw, giving both of them a look before you made your way back to your room, ignoring both of them.
“Go away, Dean, please,” your voice was low, you could even hear the pain as you sat curled in a bell, breathing deeply.
Your chest was aching, worse than ever before. Your head was pounding, you could barely make out anything in front of you.
Your throat tightened as you held back your cries, you couldn't make out Dean's words from the other side of the door.
You pulled yourself up, immediately collapsing on the floor.
“What was that? I’m coming in,” within two seconds, the door was broken down as Dean’s face changed from anger to fear.
“H-Hey, what's going on, (Y/N)?” he ran to you, putting his hands on both sides of your head.
You shit your eyes tightly, holding back a loud cry before he gave you a worried look.
“W-What’s wrong? What do you need, what should I do?” 
“Hospital,” your voice was barely above a whisper as your chest ached harshly.
He pulled you up, leading you to the Impala before speeding off.
Your head was buzzing as you rested on the hospital bed, leaning on your hand before sighing.
Dean was somewhere outside, he was talking to your doctor.
“You have arrhythmia?” you heard his voice waver as he walked into the room, his arms crossed.
“Dean-” you started.
“How long have you known?” your eyes watered slightly as you ran your fingers through your hair.
“(Y/N),” he said again.
“When you went to Purgatory… things got really hard, Dean,” you said softly.
“Almost two years?” he scoffed.
“It was never the right time to tell you guys that I can just die at any second,” you shook your head.
“You didn't tell me. I am your twin, I’m your brother, I’m your second half,” you felt a tear slip down your cheek as you looked up at Dean.
“I’m sorry I didn't tell you,” your voice was barely above a whisper.
“All his fault,” Dean started.
“Stop it. It’s not Sam’s fault, Dean,” you tried to speak.
“If they were there for you, you coulda had help-”
“I pushed Sam away. I said that they didn't care about you if they didn't want to come with me to try to look for you. I was drunk half of the time, I was high the other half. Sam was safe away from me.”
“That’s not the point, you're gonna die!” Dean yelled.
“It doesn't matter, Dean. We’re here for a good time, not for a long time,” you tried to joke as Dean scoffed, looking to the floor.
He looked up at you, his eyes red and filled with tears as he sniffled softly.
“I can't do this without you,” he whispered.
He walked to you before wrapping his arms around you tightly, while you buried your face in his chest, crying softly.
“You have to promise me that you’ll keep fighting,” he said softly.
“I promise,” you cried.
“I promise.”
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captains-simp · 3 years
hi! can you write a yelena x fem!reader based on best friend’s brother by victorious where reader is nat’s best friend but falls for yelena?
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I love the best friend's sibling trope🤧 Yes, I used Google translate for some parts. Yes, I am sorry in advance
7k words
Warnings: brief injury description and R getting tipsy (and having less of a filter than usual 👀)
[ masterlist ]
Buy me a coffee ☕
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"Nat you're not going to believe what I just saw! It has single handedly made my week- whoa!" You exclaimed as you threw your hands up and backed against the nearest wall.
"Who are you?" Demanded the blonde from the other end of her gun. You glanced frantically between her hand gun and her stone cold grey eyes, not knowing which you should be more afraid of.
"Y/n." You answered shakily, your mouth and throat suddenly feeling like sandpaper.
"Yelena!" Natasha shouted as she came into the living room. "Put your gun down you сумасшедшая сука (crazy bitch)!" Yelena hesitated as she gave you the once over and slowly lowered her weapon. You didn't fail to notice how she kept it in her hands until Natasha snatched it away.
"Hey!" She argued and tried to grab it back.
"You get gun privileges back when you stop pointing them at my friends." Natasha said as she put it in the safe under the kitchen counter.
"She didn't knock!" Yelena defended with a thick accent.
You were still stood awkwardly against the wall as you watched the interaction. You had no idea who the blonde was much less why she had acted like a paranoid guard dog. Not that you were offended, being friends with someone who had a lot of protective friends and coworkers meant this had happened more than you wanted to admit. JARVIS actually had some very over the top weapons pointed at you twice.
"I don't knock when I go to her place." Natasha pointed out. You smiled nervously at the blonde when she looked over at you again.
"Well as your new roommate it seems like something I should know."
New roommate? Natasha hated the idea of a roommate and had always been very vocal about it. It was why she insisted on having her own apartment rather than living in at the Avengers compound.
You glanced around and couldn't see any moving boxes or suitcases or really anything that indicated anyone else was living there. Either Yelena had already packed or she just wanted to keep all her personal things to herself.
"Temporary roommate." Natasha corrected making the blonde huff. "Who still hasn't gotten the groceries." Yelena mumbled something under her breath in Russian as she trudged towards the door. She glanced your way once then looked back as if second guessing you. She narrowed her eyes slightly and you fidgeted on the spot, feeling nervous under her gaze.
"What did you see?" She asked.
"I'm sorry?" You replied, not knowing where the question came from.
"What did you want to tell Natasha about." You stared at her blankly for a second before you suddenly realised what she meant.
"Oh! I saw a man walking seven ferrets." You said with a fond smile as you remembered the way their leads were getting caught up as the scrambled over each other. Yelena stared back at you. "Seven is a lot." You said. She still didn't seem to get it. "I like ferrets." You mumbled as you felt embarrassed.
She didn't say anything as she looked you over one more time and opened the door to leave, shutting it firmly behind her. You released a breath you didn't know you had been holding once the door clicked shut.
"Seven?" Natasha teased with a smirk as put some toast in the toaster. You grumbled as you walked over to the kitchen island and leant against it.
"She's intense." You commented and whipped your head around to the door, afraid she would walk back in.
"She's my sister." Natasha said casually.
"Sister? What?! Since when did you- Sister?!" Natasha chuckled at your reaction and shrugged simply.
"It's complicated."
"Everything with you is." You fired back. "Look I'll tell you our life story later." She waved off. You had known Natasha for years and considered each other your closest friends. You told her everything but you understood early on that there was a lot about her life she couldn't talk about. Whether it was because it could endanger you to know or it was simply to painful to recall, there would always be something.
"And I'm sorry about her wanting to shoot you. She's a lot." Natasha sighed, clearly tired. She had been away for months and you guessed she had found Yelena at some point during that mission. She had only been back a week and clearly needed a break. You wondered if she would finally take Fury up on his promise of a vacation.
"She's just protective." You shrugged. "Like someone else I know." You eyed the redhead with a smile. Yelena honestly seemed nothing short of terrifying to you, but you weren't going to admit that to your friend who would remind you of it every chance she got.
"Trust you to defend someone who put a gun on you." Natasha rolled her eyes and pushed a hot drink towards you.
"She seems nice." That wasn't the right word and given the look Natasha gave you she agreed. "Witty?" You tried. Natasha pulled a face in disagreement and you sighed in defeat. "Whatever, she's cute though." You thought aloud. Natasha shot you a warning look.
"Don't go crushing on my sister, y/n." She said with a serious edge to her tone. You laughed at her sudden shift and fell down on her sofa to grab the remote to start binging the shows Natasha had missed with you.
"I wouldn't dream of it."
It was a Friday night when you saw the blonde next. The bar you worked at was surprisingly quiet for the day but you didn't mind at all. Less people meant less chance of having to deal with a drunken fight. Not that that ever really happened there.
You worked in a small bar that had been running since long before you were born. It wasn't the most out there establishment and combined with it's location on the quieter, arguably more sketchy, parts of the city, it wasn't massively popular. In fact, everyone who showed up at the bar you recognised instantly, lest the rare groups of people who stumbled upon the building. No one who went there was all that talkative, but you had come to know each of them over the years.
It wasn't that the bar itself was sketchy. It wasn't involved in illegal gambling or drug dealings. It was just that it seemed to remind people of home. You had alcohols there that you just couldn't find in shops or other bars. Behind the bar was everything from Mexico's brightest palomas to Russia's strongest vodka. The latter was what had drawn Natasha to your worn down place of work the first time you met her. While she didn't like to be reminded of her past in Russia, like a couple other customers you had, she couldn't deny she missed the booze. So you guessed you shouldn't have been surprised to see Yelena joining her that night.
"Just give it a chance will you." Natasha scolded her younger sister in a hushed voice. You smiled at the encounter as the pair came towards the bar. Everything the redhead had been able to tell you about her time away was evident from the way the siblings interacted. It really hadn't taken them long to fall back into the squabbling sisters role, like they hadn't ever been apart.
Yelena grumbled something in Russian as she glanced around the bar, her eyes soon landing on yours and just as unreadable as the last time you saw her. The memory had been playing a lot in your head.
"Hi again." You smiled at her before turning your attention to your friend. "The usual?"
"For this one too." Natasha nodded to her sister as she sat down on a stall, soon followed by Yelena.
You took two shot glasses from the shelf and put them infront of the sisters and opened a bottle of Natasha's favourite bottle. You filled the both to the brim and put the bottle on the counter, knowing the redhead wanted it there. Natasha wasn't really a regular drinker, but when she did enduldge herself she didn't seem to have a limit. You had never once seen her drunk.
Natasha didn't hesitate in tilting her head back with the glass at her lips and didn't flinch when she swallowed the drink. Yelena rolled her eyes but copied anyway.
You carried on with drying some glasses and tried not to pay close attention to the blonde's reaction. You always loved the moment that customers realised they had found the drinks of their country. And as Yelena was harder to read, it took extra attention to detail to spot the moment of realisation. Natasha was watching for it too.
Yelena shrugged. She shrugged, clearly underwhelmed. "It's good." She commented. Natasha sighed dramatically and poured herself another shot as she grumbled about never being able to please her sister.
You went back to your duties properly and shook your head with a sigh. First time for everything. However when you risked a glanced at Yelena you saw a hint of a smile tug at the corner of her lips. You grinned to yourself, deciding then that you were determined to see a proper smile from the blonde at some point.
"What's got you smiling?" Natasha asked with a smirk.
"Am I not allowed to just smile, Tasha?" You quipped back.
"I take it your date went well." You groaned at the mention of the event.
"It actually really didn't." You huffed. It was actually one of the worst dates you had ever been on. You had been giggling like a school girl when Natasha told you a shield agent had eyes for you. The two of you exchanged numbers and arranged a date but it became clear to you pretty quickly she wasn't as ready to date again as she thought she was. "She's definitely not over her ex." She grimaced. Natasha hummed in thought.
"Okay, but do you want me to key her car?"
"She paid for my coffee!" You laughed, she always had to be dramatic with her protectiveness.
"Is that a no then?" Yelena asked. You honestly had no idea if she was joking or not.
"It's a no." You confirmed with a smile.
"I'm sure I can find you someone else." Natasha said confidently. You hummed in response and watched her pour another pair of shots.
"That's okay, Tasha. Maybe you should focus on yourself and a certain other redhead." You grinned. Natasha shot daggers at you as Yelena whipped her head around to stare at her sister.
"You have a boy..." She paused and scanned her sister quickly. "Girlfriend?" She concluded. You snickered and poured a drink for another customer, focusing on him momentarily as the pair bickered further.
"There is nothing going on with me and Wanda!" Natasha exclaimed.
"The magic one?" Yelena asked with interest.
"The magic one." You confirmed with a grin.
"What's she like?" The blonde continued as she leaned forward.
"She's better than you Сволоч (jerks)." Natasha mumbled as she rolled her eyes.
"And a total babe." You added and leapt back when the redhead went to hit you.
"Y/n!" You spun around at hearing a familiar voice. Joseph, your oldest regular, was making his way through the room towards the end of the bar, a fond smile etched into the deep lines on his face.
"Hey, pal." You smiled back and went to prepare his usual as he started to chat away at you.
"You never had anything with her?" Yelena asked boldly as she tilted her glass towards you.
"Y/n?" Natasha was surprised to say the least. She had never thought of you that way and no one else had ever asked about it. "No." She chuckled, thinking of all the times you had done everything in your power just to get her and Wanda alone in a room together. "Why'd you ask?"
"I just wondered." She said as she tapped her glass in thought, grey eyes watched you actively engage in conversation with the older man. Natasha narrowed her eyes at her sister.
"Right. Just don't crush on my best friend." She warned as she poured her sister another shot.
"You got it." She nodded and threw her head back as she downed the shot.
You ended up seeing Yelena quite frequently. Not only did she join Natasha in coming to the bar, but she seemed to always be there when you visited your friend too. She wasn't much of a small talker, you learned that quickly, but the passing moments you happened to be alone in each others company stopped being awkward quickly.
Yelena was surprisingly easy to get along with. Once you had found a common ground of interest (making fun of Natasha) you could easily carry a conversation with her, but she was still closed off - something you were expecting given her past. There was one evening that made that as clear as it could be.
"I'm just saying the Avengers would be very happy to have you!" Natasha exclaimed with a smile as you sat giggling next to her.
"I'm not going to be a hero." Yelena waved off. She had quickly began agitated when she had nothing to do. There had always been something. Some mission. Some test. Some important training. Anything. And now she was free from the Red Room Yelena was struggling to know what she could do. You could tell she wanted to have a meaningful role, you just doubted she was going to admit that.
"There's always bounty hunting." You suggested as you flicked through the thin file in your lap. Sometimes when Natasha was struggling with a particular case file she gave it to you for a new insight. You never got a name or any big details in the files and it still wasn't entirely within the rules, but sometimes you actually helped.
"He bled to death from the stabbing, then he was shot." You muttered to the redhead as you passed the file back. Turns out being a drop out med student was good for something. While Natasha was the best of the best, she was still human and there were things even she overlooked from time to time that you picked up on.
"That's a good one." Yelena agreed as she sipped on her beer, pondering the suggestion.
"But why even go for something like this at all?" You said. Natasha and Yelena gave you a confused glance.
"I'm sticking to what I'm good at." The blonde said slowly.
"I'm sure you're skill set expands beyond all...this." You waved your arms around aimlessly. "Was there anything you remember enjoying before?" You asked curiously and Yelena instantly stiffened.
"No." She said bluntly and put her bottle down on the table. "Bounty hunting sounds good, I'll look in to it." She said as she left the living room area and headed towards her room without a second glance.
Your throat felt dry suddenly as guilt washed over you. What kind of a question even was that? She was only a kid when it happened, part of you wondered if she even remembered the part of her life before the Red Room.
"She's okay." Natasha assured, as though reading your mind.
"I shouldn't have asked." You muttered.
"Probably not, but for what it's worth" Natasha started as she went to put the shield file away "I thought you were onto something."
So you never asked about her past again, but that didn't stop you from thinking about it. You wondered if it was something she and Natasha talked about, only able to confide in one another about the nightmares they shared. Or was it an unspoken thing, something that they kept in the deepest darkest parts of their minds? You didn't expect to ever get an answer to that question.
Not so deadly assassin: THERE'S A FUCKING RAT IN MY ROOM
Not so deadly assassin: come deal with it!!!
Not so deadly assassin: Y/N
Not so deadly assassin: oh NOW you have a life
Not so deadly assassin: if you don't come over in 5 minutes I'm killing it
You huffed as you took your phone out of your pocket to see who had been blowing up your phone. You skimmed over Natasha's messages and sent a quick threat telling her if she ended the rat's life you would end hers and sped up your walk.
Luckily you were only a few minutes away from Natasha's apartment and after running up the stairs a few at a time you knocked on your friend's door and licked your partly spilt drink off your hand with a curse.
Yelena opened the door and motioned for you to come inside, seeming unfazed by your arrival and no doubt knowing why you were there. "Is she okay?" You asked as you looked around frantically.
"She just got called away for a mission." Yelena said as she led you through the apartment to Natasha's room.
"I meant the rat." You mumbled and spotted it in the corner. Yelena snickered at your comment and leant against the door frame as she watched you slowly approach the rodent.
"How did it even get in here?" You asked as you cooed and held your hand out to the rat that considered you curiously.
"Came in through the window apparently. I think Natasha wants to tear down the fire escape now." Yelena deadpanned.
"Like either of you need it anyway." The rat came closer to you and sniffed your hand before walking onto it. You picked up the small creature and placed her down gently on the fire escape before shutting the window.
"Was that so hard?" You said with a smile.
"They carry disease, you know?" Yelena fired back.
"So do we!" You exclaimed and paused when Yelena gave you a side eye. "Okay some of us." You corrected as you washed your hands.
"I hope she didn't call you away from anything important." Yelena said as she glanced at the hot drink you had left on the counter.
"I was just about to go to the pharmacy." You shrugged.
"It's your lucky day, I need band aids." Yelena declared as she picked up her satchel bag.
"Band...aids?" You questioned with a shit eating grin as you grabbed your drink and headed for the door with the blonde behind you.
"Yes, y/n. I need band aids. You're as bad as Natasha, she doesn't seem to think we need them either. We have everything in that bathroom except band aids!" You giggled as you watched her ramble in exasperation, finding it undeniably cute when she got lost in her own world about something.
"So if you're bleeding to death you'll be fine but if you get a papercut then things are gonna get bad?" You teased as you left the building. Yelena rolled her eyes at you but seemed to not be able to stop the small smile fighting for it's appearance, tugging at the corner of her mouth.
"It's a pretty big papercut." She mumbled as she inspected the cut on her forefinger.
"Well I think you're very brave." You grinned.
You walked in a comfortable silence for a while until your eyes landed on something that spiked every happy hormone in your body. "Yelena!" You grabbed at her arm and pointed across the street. The blonde was understandably alarmed at first and you noticed her reach into her back pocket for something until she saw what you were pointing at.
"Seven ferrets." Yelena muttered as she watched the small animals half run down the street infront of their owner.
"Seven adorable ferrets." You corrected as you watched them continue to scurry along.
"I can see how that could be the highlight of your week." Yelena recalled and you couldn't help but blush slightly. "I think this is the highlight of mine." She admitted.
"You're only human." You sighed as you turned around to keep walking, a content smile on your lips.
"Why don't you have pets if they make you so happy?" Yelena asked curiously.
"Not allowed in my apartment." You said gloomily. It was probably for the best, you would have a lot of pets if you could, too many to handle.
"If you think about it, rats are just small ferrets and you see those everyday. You could go find some more." Yelena teased and you chuckled.
"Haven't you heard? They carry disease." It was Yelena's turn to laugh lightly at that. You smiled proudly at causing the beautiful sound and felt your stomach do a small flip.
It turned out all the Avengers were keen to have Yelena on their team. Tony and Steve had introduced themselves to the new Russian one evening and bored (Yelena's words) her with stories of their latest successful missions and how great it was to be an Avenger. She didn't buy it.
Then she started getting emails and texts from the team, inviting her to different events and trying to get on her good side. Tony had even sent an extravagant gift basket to the apartment one day. Yelena had asked you to spend the afternoon sorting through it with her, snacking on all the expensive chocolates on the way as you told the blonde you thought she had a secret admirer.
It was early in the afternoon when she finally agreed to meeting the whole team.
"I just think it could be fun. I know they probably seem like annoying children right now, but at those parties they have to behave." You said into the phone as you balanced it on your shoulder.
"I don't think I own the right kind of clothing for it." Yelena said.
"I'm sure Natasha can lend you something, she is your big sister after all." You teased and heard her groan.
"You don't even have to stay long. But once you actually meet them they'll lay off about you joining if you still don't want to."
"It's just not-"
"Your thing." You finished with a smile. "I know, Lena. They'll get it." She hummed in thought and a silence fell over your phones until you cursed. "Shit." You muttered when the table leg fell down again.
"You need help putting that table together?" Yelena asked for the umpteenth time. You sighed as you sat back and glared at the parts sprawled out across the floor.
"Yes please."
Yelena Belova wearing a suit was something else entirely. Every outfit her sister offered her she turned down until Natasha grew frustrated and took Yelena out for a suit fitting, and god it paid off. The blazer hugged her body closely in a way you partly wished you could feel. You knew the blonde wasn't big on any form of affection, especially physical, but you loved it and Yelena had become a good friend. During late evenings when she was sitting comfortably in an armchair with a large hoodie on you thought she looked so soft and warm. You could only imagine how safe you would feel in her arms. You always had to put those thoughts aside quickly, not wanting to let your mind linger on things so intimate.
"Told you this place isn't so bad." You laughed nervously as Yelena approached you. She smiled and shook her head, her eyes looking so much brighter in the new lighting.
"I can't argue with that." The blonde shrugged and followed you to the bar.
"You um, you look amazing by the way." You said as she avoided Yelena's gaze, not wanting to let your eyes wander the way they were straining to. Unfortunately that meant you missed how she took in your attire and the admiration she struggled to hide.
"So do you." She smiled.
"Evening." Natasha said with a smirk as she came up to you and Yelena from the other side of the bar.
"This does not feel right at all." You winced making the redhead smile, more so when she prepared what she knew was your favourite drink.
"Yelena! You running away from me?" Sam grinned as he strolled towards the bar. You smiled into your drink when you saw the blonde shift on her feet in slight frustration.
"You gotta come meet Maria, you're gonna love her!" He exclaimed as he tried to steer Yelena away. She looked back at you with a face that was clearly asking for help but you just giggled as she left and waved goodbye to her.
"Has she met Wanda yet?" You grinned at Natasha knowingly and a slight blush appeared on her cheeks.
"She has." You hummed and looked across the room to spot the Sokovian in question. "And?"
"And they only just stopped talking when you arrived." You nodded with a triumphant smile, knowing the pair would get along. You missed Natasha's short analysis of your expression, trying to find the thing she knew you were hiding until someone else arrived at the other end of the bar and she rushed off.
You leaned over the bar to pour yourself another drink and started across the room. It didn't take long at all to find Wanda, or rather for her to find you.
"Y/n!" She exclaimed as she pulled you in for a crushing hug barely a second after you had turned around.
"Hey Wan." You laughed as you tried to hug her back.
"How are you, sweetie?" She asked as she let you go.
"I'm good, how have things been for you?" It had been far too long since you had seen the Sokovian and you missed her company a lot. She had such a calming presence that you always felt so comfortable around. You had told her that once, not knowing the fears she faced of her powers and the mistrust she had in herself, and she had teared up as she pulled you in for your first Wanda hug.
"So, I hear you met Yelena." You smiled after a while of catching up with the redhead.
"I was slightly terrified of her at first." She admitted with a laugh.
"She had a gun on me when we met!" You exclaimed as you remembered it clearly.
"So I heard." Wanda teased. "I also hear you guys are getting on like a house on fire." She continued as she watched you carefully.
"Yeah." You muttered as you spotted her talking to Maria. "She's pretty great." You said easily.
You spent a while catching up with various team members between drinks. You kept steeling glances at Yelena, mostly catching her in conversations she clearly didn't want to be in but a few times you caught her eye and paused to smile at her. She was always beautiful but you really couldn't get over how she looked in the navy suit.
You were sat by the bar when the party started to come to an end. You usually would have left a while ago but you wanted to be able to say goodbye to Yelena before you did.
"I'm exhausted." Came the familiar husky voice from behind you. Yelena leaned on the bar next to you and poured herself a vodka and downed the shot.
"Me too!" You said loudly with a slight slur. Yelena paused before letting a smile creep onto her lips as she watched you with an amused glint in her eyes.
"How much have you had to drink?" Yelena asked as she took your glass away from you.
"A few." You thought as you tried to calculate in your head but just shrugged in conclusion.
"легкий (lightweight)." The Russian muttered.
"Hey, come over here." Natasha called as she rounded a corner and spotted you and her sister. "We're putting a film on." She declared. You glanced around and noticed that everyone had gone. When did that happen?
"Let's go, Lena!" You called as you took her by the hand and led her through to where Natasha had gone.
"Are you sure?" She questioned as she looked down at your entwined hands.
"Absolutely!" You jumped up a few steps and saw the group sitting around the large TV on the comfy sofas.
"I missed these." You said to Yelena as you fell down onto the nearest sofa and pulled her down next to you. Natasha placed some snacks down on the table and eyed your joined hands without a comment.
You brought your legs up underneath you, not unlocking your fingers when the blonde's who didn't seem to mind. The other Avengers didn't seem to take much notice or interest in how close you were to Yelena and thanks to your slightly tipsy state you didn't bring much attention to it either. All you knew was that you felt comfortable sitting so close to the Russian that your bare arm was touching her soft blazer.
"Your hands are really soft." You whispered to her. She smiled to herself and tried to fight off the slight blush painting her cheeks that you, lucky for Yelena, didn't notice.
"So are yours." She whispered back.
What you didn't realise was that Natasha was still paying close attention to you both with Wanda smiling knowingly besides her, even when the film started and the lights dimmed. She finally stopped when she heard Wanda laugh lightly at something on screen, turning her attention to the girl besides her and then the film.
Barely 10 minutes in you found yourself growing sleepy. The dark room and the warmth of Yelena were certainly part of the cause but you found you really didn't mind, especially when your head fell onto Yelena's shoulder and she didn't shake you off.
Your eyes struggled to focus on the screen and really anything that wasn't the blonde when she shifted on the sofa to let you lean back against her. You smiled faintly as you let your eyes close and relax against Yelena, your hand still in hers.
You awoke when the main lights started to come back on and you felt Yelena stretch behind you. Her blazer was draped across your front and you smiled like an idiot when you realised. She had only worn it for a few hours and it already smelt like her.
"Hey." She husked and you felt a chill run through your body when her breath hit your neck.
"Hey yourself." You grinned back.
"Come on, let's get you home." She said as she sat up on the sofa.
"Can you get me a cab?" You asked as you rubbed your eyes.
"I'll drive you." Yelena stood up and held out her hand to help you up too. You took it happily and leaned against her for support for a moment.
You said goodbye to the team and made your way slowly out of the living area and eventually out the building in a concentrated silence. Concentrated for you, Yelena didn't have any issue putting one foot infront of the other.
"You guys okay getting home?" Natasha called from the entrance as Yelena helped you into her car. You gave Natasha two thumbs up and grinned her way as Yelena nodded. The redhead nodded back and folded her arms as she watched you carefully leave the building site.
It wasn't that long a drive to your apartment. Yelena drove in silence while you hummed along faintly to a song playing quietly on the radio, unaware of the smile playing on the blonde's lips.
When Yelena had parked outside your apartment complex she helped you out the car and up to your apartment, unlocking the door for you and guiding you through to your room where she lay you on the bed gently.
"You should change." Yelena said as she got some of your night clothes from the closet and went into the kitchen to get you a glass of water.
"You should stay." You grinned at her. She arched a brow at you in question but you didn't respond, only turning around on the bed. "Can you help me with my zipper?"
Yelena nodded and put the glass of water down on your bedside table and pulled the zipper down, trying to ignore the urge to see if the skin on your back was as smooth as it looked. She cleared her throat when she realised the zipper went lower than she thought, reaching your tailbone. Yelena took a step back and turned towards the opposite wall as she heard you step out of the dress and into your bed clothes.
"You should take some too." You said when you pulled the duvet back.
"You really want me to stay?" Yelena questioned, it looked like you were starting to sober up.
"Of course!" You grinned as you leaned on your elbows to watch her and patted the space in bed besides you.
"Okay." She smiled and got some clothes from your closet that she quickly changed into when you looked away to drink the water she had given you.
Yelena folded her suit on a chair in the corner of the room before hesitantly getting into the warm bed besides you. But she surprisingly felt a lot more at ease when you draped an arm over her stomach as you closed your eyes. Yelena sighed lightly at the contact. She never thought she was one for physical contact, but she had been wondering what it would be like to receive it from you for a while. Even craved it after you had held her hand earlier that night.
"Night Lena" You mumbled sleepily. Yelena put her hand on your waist to pull you closer to her and brushed a stray strand of hair away from you face.
"Good night y/n."
Despite the killer headache that greeted you, you actually woke up feeling pretty great. Your bed was warmer than usual and you didn't feel quite as alone as you always did in the large bed.
You rubbed your eyes and groaned but froze when you felt a hand on your bare waist where your shirt had ridden up. Yelena was sleeping soundlessly besides you and your breath caught in your throat when you took in her appearance. The sunlight seeping into the bedroom hit her face just right and you had to remind yourself not to stare, even if she wasn't awake to notice it.
You spotted a bottle of advil on the bedside table and a fresh glass of water that you took together. You tried to be careful not to wake Yelena but she started to move when you did, her soft hand slipping from your waist.
"Morning." You said after finishing the glass of water and wiping your mouth with the back of your wrist. Yelena groaned as she stretched out like a cat and looked up at you.
"Morning to you too." She smiled and you wondered if she knew she had her hand on your waist just a few seconds prior.
"Feel free to take a shower and borrow some of my clothes." You offered as you stood up from the bed and made your way across the room.
"Thanks." She hummed quietly. "Hey." You turned around by the door when she called you. "How did you sleep?" She asked curiously as she sat up to face you properly.
"Like a rock." You recalled happily. "You?"
"Yeah," Yelena smiled back, "pretty great." You nodded and made your way to kitchen as Yelena got out of bed with a content smile.
Yelena was in the shower when you started on breakfast. Usually you would have made something simple like toast or some fruit but you figured as you had a guest you should make something better and settled on pancakes. You also wanted to thank her for staying the night with you.
"That smells amazing." Yelena said with wide eyes as she trudged into the kitchen, still drying her hair. Your heart swelled at the sight of the blonde in one of your band shirts with some loose shorts. Your thought that your clothes probably looked better on her and you imagined how soft she would look in your favorite hoodie.
"Take a picture, it will last longer." She teased when you didn't respond. You snapped out of your daze and smiled sheepishly as you avoided her eye and continued to flip the pancakes. You put a plate down on the kitchen island and motioned for her to eat as you put some juice and fruit down too.
"No pressure, but what I think of you as a chef is going to be determined by these." She quipped as she started to cut the food. You smiled and turned around to watch the blonde's face change into a childish grin.
"Not too shabby." You concluded before shovelling more of the food into her mouth.
"No too shabby." You repeated with a sense of pride as you sat down next to her.
"That's what they used to say on the American shows I watched as a kid." She explained. You were about to tell her you had heard the expression before but paused when you realised it was the first time Yelena said anything about her childhood to you.
"Weren't they translated?" You asked carefully.
"No because they were copies from America. My father got them for us." She said and you noticed the far away look in her eyes, no doubt remembering that day as best she could.
"Well if you remember what the show's called we can try watch them again." You suggested with a shrug. Yelena considered you for a moment before she smiled at you softly. "Okay." She agreed. You opened your mouth to speak but there was a sudden loud thudding on your apartment door. You went to stand up to see who it was until Natasha opened the door and slammed it shut making you jump.
"I locked that door." Yelena said with certainty.
"I have a spare key." Natasha showed the metal piece before putting it back into her pocket.
"You want pancakes?" You asked as you stood up to put some more batter in the pan.
"What's going on with you two?" The redhead demanded, ignoring your question.
"What do you mean?" You and Yelena used in unison.
"You know exactly what I mean!" Natasha exclaimed as she raised her voice and looked between you and her equally baffled sister. "Are you dating? You could have told me." She continued as a hurt expression flickered across her face.
"We're not dating." Yelena said slowly but glanced at you. "Are we?" You could have sworn you heard her voice hold something hopeful rather than teasing.
"Not since I last checked."
"Can you quit fucking around and just tell me?" Natasha took a second look at the shirt Yelena was wearing before her jaw clenched.
"Oh no no no. We didn't- she just slept over!" You rambled as you started to panic. Natasha looked far from happy. You had been thinking a lot about what your friend had said the first time you met Yelena. You were never sure if she was really serious or not. All you knew was you that you started to feel guilty when your eyes lingered too long on her sister or when you felt the butterflies in your chest at her contact or really anything she did. You told yourself you kept your promise and didn't have a crush on Yelena, but it was becoming increasingly harder to convince yourself and now Natasha.
"You can tell me." The redhead said quieter as her stance softened. You looked to Yelena who seemed set on staying silent as she stared at her empty plate.
"Natasha I really don't know what to say..." You honestly didn't. You were baffled by the whole situation and Yelena was hardly helping. She really thought you were dating?
"Right, I just wanted to know." The older Russian sighed as she trudged towards the door. There was a heavy silence over the apartment until Natasha stopped by the open door to turn towards you both with a frown.
"I didn't mean it. What I said about..." She glanced around as she fidgeted in the doorway and searched for words. You and Yelena waited patiently. "Wanda said you guys are cute." A smile flickered at the corner of your mouth and you looked to the floor. "She's right." She left without another word and shut the door gently behind her. You exhaled heavily once you heard the click and leaned against the counter.
"Crazy, right?" You laughed nervously. Yelena didn't respond. "You okay?" You started filling the washing up bowl with water, needing to do something as you talked.
"She thinks we're dating." Yelena muttered.
"Yeah that's what I... that's crazy." You laughed more and scratched the back of your neck.
"Is it?" She questioned as she turned around to face you. You couldn't help but stare back at her light eyes that you struggled to read.
"Maybe not." You shrugged. The blonde looked back at the ground with a conflicted look. "No... no it's not." You concluded.
"I like spending time with you." Yelena continued. "Just hanging out, helping you put together that damn table, sleeping next to you. Even at that damn party with like one hundred people I still just wanted to be with you." She admitted and you exhaled a breath you didn't know you had been holding. "I just like being around you."
"I like being around you too." Yelena looked up and you held her gaze as your hands shook with nerves.
"Would you still like being around me if we were on a date?" She asked boldly. You couldn't contain the smile that grew at her words. You reached out and took her hands in yours as you took a step closer to the Russian.
"I would love it." Yelena smiled and stood up slowly, her eyes flickering to your lips as you licked them. You closed your eyes and leaned forward bravely, finding your hands were no longer shaking. Yelena's left hand left yours and came up to your neck to steady herself and close the gap between you, pressing her lips ever so softly against yours.
You snaked your hand around her waist to bring her somehow closer and deepened the kiss you realised you had been craving for so long. You pulled away softly and rested your forehead against Yelena's, suddenly feeling very dizzy.
"I have a huge crush on you." You admitted with a sigh, to yourself and Yelena.
"I have a huge crush on you too." Yelena laughed softly. "Can we do that date now? I think I've waited long enough." You giggled lightly and nodded your head as excitement rushed over you.
"Sounds perfect." You smiled and went to your bedroom to get changed but paused in the hallway. "You should call Nat."
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
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soft-boi-eli · 3 years
Gender neutral pls they/them
Of course! I've been having a bit of shortages on ideas. So this is so fucking welcomed.
Father CC!Philza x Emo! Reader
Summary:your old parents gave you up as a teen, overflowing you with emotions, causing depression, mood swings, and quite a bit of anxiety. When you got adopted by a man and a lady,both seemingly very kind and understanding. You felt happy. They didnt expect the sleepy bois to come and visit so soon.
Tw:anxiety attacks, mention of depression, loving clothes (not a tw but damn I sometimes miss my old fashion sense.), mention of trauma, swearing!
A huge new family
They dont blame their biological family. They knew that they were being overwhelming. Slowly shifting into a state of mind where fluffy black and colored hair was their favorite. Their outfits became more extravagant and their makeup took a turn for the darker. But they didnt have to put them up for adoption.
About a year in and out of foster families, a few months in an orphanage, then one more foster family. It was official. They were the new child of philza.
Your life got better. Both of them accepted your choice of clothes and makeup, even supported it!
They helped with everything in the first few weeks. Giving you space, letting you know that they were there. But you nor phil knew that three boys were heading down to visit.
So when you answered the door to see three faces demanding philza minecraft and one just looking awkward. They were also changing about him coming and join them you felt panic flood through you. Slamming the door on their face you held near your chest.
Your uneven breathing was heard by your father and he was quick to scoop you away from the door and have kristin answer the door.
He was sitting next to you hand lightly rubbing your shoulder and he guided you through the panic attack. "That's it. In through the nose. Hold it for a few second. Breathe out." His voice was calm.
It took less time to calm you down then you've ever had. "There ya go mate. Just keep breathing." He kept coaching you through you panic attack.
Kristen let the four in with their promise of keeping calm. Your shaking form brought major concern to the two older ones and confusion to the two younger ones. "(Y/n) I want to introduce you to the four behind us. Technoblade, wilbur, tommy, and tubbo. They are really good friends of mine." Nodding lightly you sat there, not wanting to turn because if you did the panic would strike harder. Remembering what happened before you parents left you.
A huge group of people basically shunned your for your choices and didnt want to take you in because 'trash like you' wasnt accepted in the family. But these two were different. Supporting you with your choices. How different were their friends? "Hey I think you shirt is cool! Who's on it?" A slightly hyper voice broke through the silence. " black veil brides." It was quite but a start. "Cool! So their a band right? What kind of songs?" The brown haired teen was trying to communicate with you. "Uhm. Rock." It had started small but you opened up to the teens. They were about you age and they didnt bash what you decided to like. The two older ones hung out with phil and Kristen. You three hung out in your room which was kind of softer then your appearance. It was to reflect a bit deeper into you. Bookshelves, a desk, reading corner, and a bed. Not fully knowing what to put in there.
But you, tommy, and tubbo were almost the best of friends when they had to leave. Techno and Wilbur it took a bit. After the two teens left you had came out of your room, no makeup, hair had all products removed, and your clothes changed from Jean's and a black veiled brides shirt to a black tee shirt, grey sweat pants, with a book in hand.
Before sleeping you just chilled in the living room, reading while basking in the presence of your adoptive parents. You did not expect wilbur and techno to still be there.
Plopping down on the couch next to phil you opened your book and tried to zone out, to get engulfed into the book. Nope. Two sets of eyes just watching you.
"So you like poems?" The book you were reading was a massive collection of poems. Looking up to the two on the couch you nodded lightly.
Looking back down you felt nervous. "Small talk is awkward." Looking up to the brown haired guy with an American accent you nodded. "Same." Once more you looked down at your book. You already had issues focusing but you tried to work though it. "What kind of poems are you favorite?" You sat there for a second. Trying to think of something that catches your attention.
"Mainly ones about trauma. It reminds me I'm not the only one in the word that went through something I have. It just makes it more interesting when I can relate." It was true. Sometimes the poems you liked ring a little to close to home.
"Good choice. It does really intrigue the audience when they can relate." Nodding you closed your book. "Especially when you relate. It's a must for me. Other wise I get turned away from it and just cant focus. But if I like it then I am just dead set on that poem."
You and techno bonded over poems and wilbur brought up some songs. "So what is you song preference?" "Hollywood undead, black veil brides, other then that its random. If I like the song it's in my playlist." With no other preferences with music other then it had to sound good to you there was honestly no judgement for other people's taste in music. There were little treasures from almost all genres.
For a while you talked about poems and songs. It honestly helped you feel safer with them. They didnt care about what you found intriguing. Or why. You even went on a rant and there was no care. They just listened.
But sadly they had to leave. Bit they promised that they would visit more. They were like the brothers you never had.
"So I see that you were able to talk to all of them." Nodding to your father figure you smiled "they were nice. Honestly. I cant wait to see them again."
He found joy in you wanting to hang out with his friends/technically children too.
Now meet the rest of the dream smp. It was very fast. Meeting almost all of them at the same time.
Phil was streaming and no one except for the sleepy bois knew about you. So you walked into his stream, book in hand and sat on the couch behind his set up. You liked having another person on the room. You just hated being alone. It gave you really bad thoughts. "Who's that behind you phil?" A random donation read out. Phil looking behind himself saw you in the corner reading and you normally did. "Ah that's my child. They like to have company. So sometimes they come in here to read." "Wait you have a child?! Since when?" The voice made you jump. Your book fell out of your hands and you looked at your father's screen. A green man with a weird white blob for a skin on minecraft. "Yeah. I took a break to pick them up from the orphanage." All hell broke loose. You ran while phil answered questions. You were not dealing with that. No way. Nuh uh. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Not today satan. It took phil bribing you with a trip to hot topic to get you to come back in. I mean hey you get to score a few shirts and hats. Might as well.
Meeting the server wasbt too bad. But the questions were weird. You didnt answer the ones you were uncomfortable about and they didnt care. Your boundries were up. And when tommy, tubbo, willbur, and techno revealed they knew of you they were yelled at. It was funny. Watching people say they should of said something. But it resulted in alot of compliments and Phil's chat loving you.
You were now the older sibling of the chat. Why? Cause chat said so.
When you come in from now on the chat is chanting for you. Just "(y/n)!" Over and over.
Your life? Crazy. But it became a bit better after you were living with your new parents. It was heaven.
I'm sorry if its awkward I'm not good at introductions. And I am tis but a sleep deprived human. I need sleep and so do you have a nice day and once more I'm sorry if this isnt up to what you wanted.
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zodiakuroo · 3 years
Love Thy Brother
Tumblr media
Pairing: Dabi x Fem!Reader
Content: 18+ dubcon/noncon, dabi’s canononical dick piercings  manhandling, rough sex, corruption, degradation, humiliation, manipulation, blackmail, spit, stepcest, loss of virginity, dacryphilia, mentioned breeding, blasphemy and sacrilege : 3
Word count: 4.1k
Notes: secured my spot in hell with this one for sure anyways touya-nii go brrrrr
part 2 here!
But he that hates his brother is in darkness, and walks in darkness, and knows not whither he goes, because that darkness hath blinded his eyes. – 1 John 2:11
Gaining 4 new siblings as a young adult is not something anyone expects, you think, but you’re grateful to have been accepted into Enji Todoroki’s family nonetheless.
Fuyumi was the big sister you always wanted, kind and nurturing, always happy to let you borrow her clothes and give you advice. You and Natsuo the closest in age.  He was warm and friendly and while he teased you a lot it was never mean spirited, just the kind that was typical between siblings. Shoto was quiet in nature and though it took him more time than the rest to warm up to you, eventually you two became friends as well.
And there was Touya…..
Well, Dabi as he prefers to be called.
When you first met him, you were terrified, the shock of seeing him made you hide behind your mother instinctively.  The Todoroki clan looked every bit the perfect suburban family except for Dabi. He had his hair dyed jet black, with seemingly more tattoos than clean skin. He had several cartilage piercings in his ears as well as three small studs in his nostril and a barbell through his eyebrow.  He scoffed at your scared reaction, sticking out his tongue to show you the silver ball on its surface and sending a wink your way.
Admittedly, felt guilty for judging Dabi based on his appearance, but you would soon come to find that sometimes it’s better to trust your judgement.
At first, Dabi ignored you, acted as if you didn’t exist. And the times when he was forced to acknowledge your presence in his family he acted as though you were nothing more than a nuisance. You thought that you might have offended him somehow but Fuyumi assured you that Dabi was just like that and that you shouldn’t take it personally. “He just needs to get to know you.” She said.
She was wrong though. Dabi couldn’t stand you.
Everything about you infuriates him. Prancing around in those frumpy sweaters and modest skirts like anyone would bother to lewd you anyways. Lest they attempt, you wear that gold cross necklace everywhere you like a big old “PROPERTY OF JESUS” tag. Your insistence to say a prayer every time the family dog so much as farts. The way his entire family seems to be enamored by your church girl act. Perhaps what he hates most is the way you look at him, poor delinquent Dabi, like you’re so much better than him. Sanctimonious bitch.
Then he noticed how you were with Natsuo. How you would pout and whine when he teased you and sometimes, to everyone’s shock and amusement, banter back and forth with him. Let’s be clear here, he didn’t care about you. He cared about attention. You were giving too much of your attention to his younger brother and that just wouldn’t do.
Pretty soon, Touya was in on the teasing. He started out by making fun of you for being so conservative. Low-hanging fruit. You’ve heard it all before so it didn’t wrench much of a reaction for you but that just made him more determined. Sometimes it got downright mean, earning him a scolding from Fuyumi. Not that he would listen anyways
Then it got physical. It started innocently enough, Dabi would tug on your hair, snatch food out of your hands, kick you underneath the dinner table. Albeit childish, it was incredibly annoying. You would shriek and yell for him to cut it out and after finally getting the desired reaction from you, he became hungry for more.
So he started taking more risks. When you were in the kitchen alone Dabi would brush his hand under your skirt making you squeal. That progressed to him flicking up your skirt to catch a glimpse of your panties which progressed to him spanking you so hard, you’d think of him every time you sat down for the rest of the day.
On the days when he was in a good mood (read: stoned out of his mind), he would pull you into his lap and hold you there, blowing smoke in your face that made you cough so that he could laugh. Sometimes he would let his hands wander, over your chest and between your thighs while you squirm in his hold. He’d say “Anyone ever touch you like this? I hope not, I’m sure it would piss off Jesus”
As if the touching wasn’t invasive enough, Dabi felt he was entitled to your room and personal artifacts. Often you’d come back from campus or church to find the contents of your underwear drawer spilled on the floor. You would notice a pair or two missing when you packed them back.
One time he vandalised your bible with drawings of penises on every single page.
“D’ya like my artwork princess?” he said when you confronted him. In a fit of rage, threw the book at his head. You missed (unfortunately) making him like laugh. “Surely there’s something condemning violence in that book of yours.”
You tried locking him out of your room but all that did was make him angrier. He threated to break your door clean off its hinges if you did it again.
Which brings you to your current predicament.
It had been a long day. You woke up late landing you in trouble with your manager. Your coworker fell ill and you had to cover a double shift, with no shortage of asshole customers on this particular day it seems. On top of all that, you just got stood up for date. You come home to a quiet house and you’re so grateful for this small blessing on a day like this. After a long, scalding hot shower, you lie on your bed wrapped in a fluffy, white towel, contemplating your next move.
You were home alone and with a family this big that hardly ever happens. You do what any person would do after having the day you had.
You smile to yourself, undoing the knot on your towel and falling back onto your pillows, hands already caressing your breasts.
You’re a Christian not a robot. Of course you masturbate. Sure you feel ashamed. You can hear your mother’s voice chide about how sinful it is but that all melts away when your little fingers slide between your wet folds. Shame can wait.
Being the menace in your life that he is, the eldest Todoroki chose that exact moment to barge into your room unannounced.
You scramble for your covers trying your best to preserve some modesty but it’s too late, you’ve been caught. You shriek in terror.
“Oh my god!” Dabi practically cackles.
“Dabi! It’s not what it looks like I swear.”
“Oh really?” He stalks over to your bed with the predatory grin on his face. “Because to me it looks like my innocent, holier than though baby sister is a nasty, little, closet pervert.” He’s now straddling you over your covers, you want to fight him off but that would mean letting go over your duvet and you know once you do that, it’s over. Dabi has the upper hand though. Soon he’s got both of your wrists in one of his hands, pinned above your head. His other hand, almost immediately, is pulling the down the covers, revealing your naked torso to him. “Huh.’ He muses as he palms one of your breasts. “Seems like it’s exactly what it looks like.”
“Dabi! Get off me!” You squirm under him but he’s too heavy so it’s no use.
“Nice tits Sis.” Dabi ignores your protests. “I don’t get why you keep them hidden.”
“I’m not your sister you creep!” you say with as much venom as you can muster.
“Aw princess,” he pouts and moves his hand up to cup your jaw, squeezing your cheeks harshly “it hurts your Nii-san’s feelings when you talk to him like that. I wonder what our parents would think. Should I tell them how filthy their sweet, little daughter really is?”
He revels in the fear in your eyes. You shake your head frantically. “No Dabi please! Please don’t tell them.” You whimper, words garbled.
“Don’t tell them what little sister? What were you doing?” He smirks. His hand goes back to your breast, this time to tweak your nipple.
The sadistic freak. Was he really going to make you say it? He answers your silent question with a sharp smack to your breast.
“I-I was masturbating.” You mumble, squeezing your eyes shut, cheeks burning from embarrassment.
“No, you weren’t”  he says as a matter of fact before pinching your already stiff nipple making your eyes shoot open and you yelp in pain. “You were playing with your little virgin cunt. Now say it.”
There is no way you could say those words. Has he not humiliated you enough? You try once again to break free but he’s got an iron grip on your wrists and he’s sitting on top of your thighs. There’s no way you’re getting out of this.
He pinches you again but harder this time, twisting your nipple and keeping it there.
“I was ah­ I was playing with my v-v-irgin c- Dabi! Cunt! There I said it! Let go!”
He snickers at your pain but let’s go of you entirely, shifting his weight off of you. You’re grateful for the reprieve, immediately pulling up the covers to cover up your body again. You will yourself not to cry until Dabi has left the room or else you’ll never hear the end of it. But he’s not finished with you yet.
“Show me.” He sits down on your desk chair facing you, his legs spread wide.
“What?” Surely you misheard him.
“Show your Nii-san how you play with that ‘little virgin cunt’” He smiles using air quotations.
“Dabi, this is wrong-“ you whimper
“Touya-nii.” You furrow your brows in confusion and he says again. “Call me Touya-nii. I’m not leaving this room until I see what I want.”
Say what you want about Dabi but he’s a man of his word. You know he means what he says. The last thing you want is for anyone in your family to come home and find you naked in your room with your step-brother. It’s just better to do what he asks demands.
You slowly peel the covers off you, exposing your naked body to your step brother. He’s eyeing you intently, palming the growing bulge under his jeans. His sister was hiding such a hot little body, right under his roof and he had no idea. You can’t bear to look at him. You clamp your thighs shut to hide your pussy from him, a weak attempt to save what’s left of your dignity. You wriggle your hand in between your legs and you try to move it as best you can without showing him more of you.
You’re wet?
You’re wet.
Well screw dignity I guess.
“Oh none of that.” Touya scoffs. “Spread your legs.”
You obey him and he rewards you with a low whistle. “What a cute little pussy.” He murmurs so low you’re not even sure he’s talking to you. You flinch, wanting to close your legs on instinct but a firm “Don’t” from Dabi stops you in your tracks. “Show me how my little sister likes to play.”
His words make your pussy throb but you’re still reeling, both physically and mentally at, the shock from your current position so when your fingers try to rub circles on your clit, they’re shaky and sloppy.
“That’s pathetic. Is this how you do it? No wonder you’re so uptight, you probably never cum huh? Put your fingers inside, I wanna see you stretch your little hole.”
“Dabi I-“
“I won’t ask you to address me properly again. Next time, you’re getting your ass beat.”
“T-Touya-nii. I’ve never… put them inside.” You mumble.
“Never?” He can’t hide the amusement in his voice.
You simply shake your head, unable to meet his gaze.
Fucking jackpot. He thinks.  This is why he loves virgins.
“Oh no. Does the poor baby want her Nii-san to show her how it’s done?” voice dripping with condescension.
You’re horribly ashamed. Disgusted by the whole situation. And yet you find yourself nodding.
Dabi crawls on to your bed, discarding his shirt in the process. Next thing he has you flipped over, ass in the air, lying across his lap.
He spanks you, hard. Like he always does, loud smack echoing through the room. You cry out like you always do but it’s different this time. It’s different because this time you’re naked, on top of him. It’s different because you can feel his hard-on poking into your stomach. It’s different because everything about the situation is making you clench.
He grips the sore, reddened flesh and pulls apart your cheeks to look right at your fluttering hole. His thumb finds your clit and he starts to rub slow circles into it. “I meant what said you know. This is the prettiest fucking cunt I’ve ever seen.” You let out a whine as you feel his warm, wet spit land right on your opening, before Touya slides a long, slender middle finger into your tight pussy. He uses his other hand to hit you again. “You’re a good girl right? What do good girl’s say when they get compliments?”
Your head is spinning from his ministrations, so much so that a verbal response escapes you. You’re too busy bucking your hips against his hand. Dabi snaps you out of your trance with another spank, even harder, so your feel the sting spread across your glute. “Hnnghh… thank you Touya-nii.” He rewards you with his ring finger finding its way inside you as well. “Shit.” You say through gritted teeth. You clench around him trying to adjust to the foreign sensation.
Whack. This time on the other cheek, both burning red by now, you’re sure. “Where’d you learn to talk like that, naughty girl?” The way he’s moving his fingers inside you feels like he’s looking for something, you have no idea what. It’s not unpleasant but uncomfortable. You turn your head back to look at his face. It’s the same face he makes when he’s rolling a joint or playing video games with his friends. He’s concentrating. “Fuck, relax for me princess.” You’re trying. You’re really trying. You take a deep breath, trying to think about anything other than the way you’re being stretched.
Then it hits you. An overwhelming ecstasy, spreading from your groin, all the way down to your toes. You figure out that’s what he’s been looking for.
You find yourself grinding down onto his bulge in an attempt to escape the onslaught of his fingers, but it’s no use, not with the way his thumb is circling your throbbing clit.
“Can’t even take two fingers in this tiny pussy huh? How are you gonna take my cock?” Dabi gives you a third finger and the stretch is officially unbearable.
You can’t do anything but pant in his lap while he holds you down, making sure that you keep still. Suddenly, you realise the gravity of the circumstances you find yourself in. Your step brother is going to fuck you and there’s nothing you can do about it.
“God, please slow down!” You cry out. He keeps hitting that spot over and over. It’s too much. You look back at him with tears in your eyes, pleading for reprieve. The satisfied smile on his face lets you know that he couldn’t care less. You feel an orgasm building, stronger than any that you’ve given yourself.
“No God here, doll. Just the Almighty Dabi. And guess what? He wants you to come for him.”
Even before he finishes his sentence, you’re already convulsing on top of him. For a moment you forget how debauched the situation is. Being debased by a man who you not only despise but are related to. All feelings of shame are replaced by pure, hot bliss that sets your nerves on fire. Dabi does not relent. Not until the please you feel is eclipsed by the pain of oversensitivity and you’re writhing in futile attempt to escape.
Dabi pulls his fingers out of you and wraps his other hand around your neck, dragging you up to face him. He holds his fingers, covered in your cream, right in front of your face. “Messy slut. Clean them.”
Before you can respond the fingers press against your lips. You have no choice but to take them inside your mouth. He grips the back of your head while you lave your tongue over his fingers, sucking off your release. He’s keeps a tension on your strands that makes your scalp sting. It’s a silent warning to keep your eyes on him. You’ve caught on by now that he wants this to be as humiliating as possible for you. As if coming on your step-brother’s fingers weren’t humiliating enough. He shoves his fingers deeper, making you gag around them drool seeping from the corner of your mouth.
“Good girl.” He growls as he wipes his saliva covered fingers dry on your face. Again, you fight back the tears of embarrassment. You won’t give him the satisfaction.
Dabi prompts you with cruel tug on your hair. “Gah! Th-thank you Touya-nii.” You whimper.
“Hmm.” His hands move to your hips and he rolls his hips to grind his hard cock into your core. “You want Nii-san to fuck you now?”
Your bottom lip quivers. Is he giving you an out? You pray to God that Dabi is giving you a way out of this. You doubt God cares about what you want right now but still, you hope he can grant you this one mercy, you’ll make it up to him somehow. You shake your head no. You probably look so pitiful right now, naked on top of Touya while he bucks up against you, your own spit streaked across your face, barely stopping the tears in your eyes from spilling.
“Liar.” He sneers. “You want your big brother to split that virgin hole right open.”
You’re stupid for thinking he would give you a way out. You realise that now. No point in trying not to cry. Nothing is gonna stop him from getting what he wants anyway. You can’t hold back the choked sobs anymore
“Such pretty tears, baby.” Dabi coos at you. “Don’t worry. Nii-san is gonna give you exactly what you want.”
He picks you up off of him and positions you exactly how he wants, on all fours, swollen cunt exposed for him. He kneels behind you and you hear the sounds of him undoing his jeans. You turn your head back, curiosity getting the better of you. Your eyes find Dabi just in time to see him free himself from his boxers, which join his jeans bunched at is knees. The sight makes your eyes go wide. It’s your first time seeing one in real life. Were they supposed to be that big? And… pierced?
He quirks a brow at you, smug look plastered on his face. He strokes himself in front of you, spreading his pre-cum along his shaft. He’s tilts it upwards to make sure you get a good look at the vertical barbell that goes through his tip and three horizontal, parallel bars along the underside. “You look scared. Don’t worry princess, Big brother Dabi’s gonna make it fit.” You feel his tip press against your opening and brace yourself.
You’ve heard stories from your friends. You know the first time hurts but God nothing could have prepared you for this .Touya makes good on his word, sliding his entirely until your pressed right against his pelvis. The scream you let out is ear shattering but you can’t help it, the stretch is excruciating. The way his piercings catch on your walls only, intensifies the burn. You crawl toward your headboard instinctively, it’s too much. Way too much.
He’s not having any of it. Dabi pulls you up to him with a hand wrapped around your throat until your back meets his front. “Shh shh shh. Don’t run baby. You’re gonna take all of it.” He groans right against your ear. Without giving you time to adjust, he begins to thrust into you at a relentless pace. You have no choice but to let him use you.
“Who’s fucking you huh? Who’s making you feel good?”
“My nii-san. Touya-nii is fucking me so good.”
“Yeah fuck. Love this holy pussy” He delivers a harsh smack directly on to your clit, making you quiver in his hold. He laughs at your reaction. “Gonna say a prayer for me babe? I wanna hear it.”
“Huh?” You’re barely lucid, there’s no way you heard him correctly.
“Well you’re a little sinner slut now. You should probably ask for forgiveness. Pray.”
You’re sure you’re beyond salvation now but you submit nonetheless. “Have mercy on me, O God, according to Your unfailing love; according to Your great compassion.” You gasp as he tightens his hand around your throat. “Against You, have I sinned and done what is evil in Your sight. Oh fuck Touya-nii!”
“Bad girl.” Dabi gives you another strike right on your aching clit. “Don’t think God is gonna be very happy with you.” Dabi is though. Dabi’s very happy with you. Your tight, gummy pussy sucks him back in every time he pulls back. It just makes him fuck you harder, he wants to make you scream louder for him.
“Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Ngggghh Shit. Do not cast me from Your presence or take Your Holy Spirit from me.” You’re sobbing outright, gasping to get air into your constricted throat.
“You gonna cum? My bad girl gonna come for her big brother?” Dabi grunts into your ear.
“Yeah close Touya-nii.”
“Hmm me too.”
“NOT INSIDE TOUYA-NII” You begin to thrash in his arms.
“S’matter princess? Don’t wanna have your big brother’s babies? That’s hurtful.” He snickers. He releases your throat in favour of pressing you into the mattress, large hand resting between your shoulder blades. “Better cum before I do then.”
The ridges of his piercings rub up against that same sweet spot, over and over again. You’re dizzy from the lack of air and absolutely drunk with pleasure on his cock. Pretty much the only thing tethering you to this existence is the unforgiving grip he has on your ass, digging his nails into your flesh. He reaches his hand around to rub your sore, puffy clit. It pushes you over the edge a second time. You feel every muscle contract and relax as the waves of your orgasm wash over you, making you cry out in bliss.
As soon as you come down from your high, Dabi has you flipped on to your back and is straddling your torso. “Keep praying.” He mutters. He furrows his brows, huffing as he jerks off on top of you, eyes focused intently on your gold necklace.
“Restore to me the joy of Your salvation and grant me a willing spirit to sustain me. Then will I teach transgressors Your ways, and sinners will turn back to You. Amen”
“Yeah, fuck that’s it take it baby.” Dabi sprays his come over your chest, aiming his load right on your cross, a symbol of your devotion to Christ, defiled. He looks absolutely euphoric watching the ropes of his hot cum slowly run down onto your nipples and down the valley of your breasts
“Don’t you fucking move.” He pants, catching his breath. He picks up his phone and you hear his camera click. He looks at the picture and smiles. You look absolutely fucked out. Hair disheveled, face red and bloated from crying and completely covered in his load. Yeah a real good, Christian girl. He thinks.
“Dabi! No!” You lunge forward, trying to grab his phone from his hand. Almost effortlessly, Touya shoves you back onto the bed.
“Relax. No one’s gonna see it. Not unless you snitch to mommy and daddy.”
“You promise?” You grab the tissues from your nightstand and wipe yourself clean. The smell lingers though, along with the grimy feeling, seemingly embedded in your skin. You look up at him, sniffling, tears still rolling down your cheeks. If he were better person, he’d take pity on you for being so fucking stupid.
“Promise, little sis.” He shoots you a wink as he tucks himself back into his jeans.
Before he’s left your room he’s already sent the picture to his friend, Shigaraki.
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mochegato · 3 years
Even the Losers
Chapter 6
Chapter 1     Chapter 5
Marinette collapsed onto the barstool and immediately motioned to the bartender, ordering a drink before Adrien had even sat down. She downed the drink as soon as it came and motioned for another.  The bartender raised an eyebrow at her.  “Want me to just leave the bottle?”
“Yes,” Marinette answered gratefully with a bright smile.
“No,” Adrien answered over her.  “Just another drink for now and a water for me, please.” The bartender looked between the two of them, waiting for her response to his interruption.  Marinette pouted and slumped in her stool, but didn’t counter him so the bartender nodded and left to pour the drinks.
“Leaving the bottle would be easier,” she commented, slightly annoyed.
“And more dangerous,” he warned.  Marinette rolled her eyes and looked away.  It wasn’t that she disagreed.  She knew it was stupid.  She knew she shouldn’t drink until she blacked out.  She knew it wasn’t safe, especially in Gotham.  But honestly, she didn’t care.  The entire day had been a clusterfuck of dark thoughts and tears, after their meeting with M. Fox, and now she just wanted to forget… everything.  She wanted to forget her day.  She wanted to forget the last twenty odd years.  She wanted to forget her feelings.  She wanted to forget how to feel.  She wanted to forget how to think.
“You might want to try something else,” Adrien tried instead.  If self-preservation wasn’t going to get through to her, maybe he could use her self-destruction against her.  “If you get the bottle, you’re committed to that liquor.  If you just go by the glass, you can try different ones.”
Marinette looked at him from the corner of her eye, knowing exactly what he was doing but unable to fault his logic.  Instead she propped her elbows on the bar and buried her face in her hands.  She mumbled a thank you to the bartender when she heard him set her drink in front of her but groaned when she heard someone sit on the stool next to her.  There were plenty of open seats around the room, plenty of seats at the bar, if that’s where the person wanted to sit.  
The only reason for the person to sit so close was because they wanted to talk to her.  And while she would normally be polite and give the person a smile and maybe talk with them before turning them down, she was utterly, completely, and in all ways, not in the mood.  So, regardless of whether the person was there to hit on her or talk to her because she was a Wayne, she had no interest in any kind of a conversation.
She moved her hands just enough to clearly enunciate, “Not even remotely interested.  Move along, please.”
The man chuckled and leaned against the bar himself. “Good to hear it.  I'm pretty sure the Press would have a field day with that.”
Adrien scowled at the men who had taken the seat by them and wouldn’t take no for an answer.  “Hey, buddy, she said not interested.  Find someone else,” he growled threateningly.  
The man shook his head.  “I only have so many sisters and the others don’t drink. Well, not with me anyway.”  He motioned to the bartender.  “Actually, the only other sibling we have that can drink, besides Cass, is Dick and he is going to be absolutely insufferable for months over this, trying to make you feel welcome in the family.  So I’m avoiding him too.”
Marinette eased her head out of her hands to look at the man.  She immediately recognized him from the gala.  Jason Todd.  One of Bruce’s sons.  She narrowed her eyes at him.  What was he doing here?  How did he find her?  “You followed me here.”
Jason shook his head with a light chuckle.  He looked up as the bartender approached. “Hey Jay, Roy.  The usual?”
Jason nodded.  “Thanks, Jack.”  He waited for the bartender to retreat to pour the drinks before turning back to her. “If anything, you followed me here.”
Marinette scoffed and turned back to her drink.  “I was just looking for some place to get drunk and forget about the whole,” she motioned to him, “drama.”  She glared down at her purse.  “Lucky me.  I chose this bar.  Sorry for the accusation.”
Jason waved her off.  “No.  I get it. Paranoia is justified in this family.  Welcome to the family.  It doesn't get better.”
Marinette groaned and dropped her head into her hands again.  She motioned to the bartender as he brought Jason and Roy their drinks.  “What do you want?  Same?”
“I don't care.  Whatever you have and make it a double… please.  Is a triple a thing?”  Her eyes brightened at the idea.  Adrien motioned no behind her, his eyes pleading with the bartender.
Bartender nodded.  “Yes, ma'am.  Double it is.”
Adrien let out a relieved breath and turned to the boys.  “Hi.  I’m Adrien,” Adrien finally cut in after a few moments of awkward silence.
“Nice to meet you.  So you’re the one schtupping my sister.”  Jason reached out to shake his hand.
Marinette wrinkled her nose in confusion.  “Schtup?  What is schtup?”  She downed the last of her drink as she waited for them to respond.
“Screwing,” Roy answered.
Adrien choked on air and Marinette spit out the whiskey she had just drank.  Marinette glared at him and shot Jack an apologetic smile.  “Sorry about that.  This one and the next are on the asshole.”  The bartender looked to Jason with a laugh and nodded.
“It was just an observation,” Jason answered with a smirk.
“Don’t be an asshole,” Marinette grunted.
“That’s a tall order for Jason,” Roy grinned.
“He’s tall.  He can handle it,” Marinette snarked with a shrug.  She turned back to Jason.  “No.  No we are not stooping.”
“Schtupping,” Jason corrected.
“Stopping…” Marinette tried again.
“Sch…toooo…ping,” he corrected again, accentuating each sound for her.
Marinette blinked a few times at him.  “Screwing,” she finally finished with a decided nod.  Roy laughed hard.  “He’s my brother Adrien.  Adrien…”
“Her other brother, Jason.”  Jason finished for her.  Marinette narrowed her eyes at him but didn’t contradict him.  “And this is my partner, Roy,” Jason continued, motioning toward Roy who gave a short wave before taking another drink.
Marinette waved back at him.  She turned back to Jason.  “Partner… is that another word for screwing too?”  
Jason sputtered and narrowed his eyes at her, frustrated that he walked into that so easily, but Roy laughed loudly again.  “I like her.  New favorite sibling… don’t tell Cass… or Dick.”  He grinned charmingly at Marinette.  “But no.  Business partner.  Not currently schtupping anyone.”
Jason rounded on him and glared.  Roy looked back at him innocently.  “Yes?”
“No,” he said warningly.
“Are you another Wayne?” Marinette asked Roy.
“No?”  He stared at her for a few seconds before realization set in.  “No.  I hang out with them a lot.  Dick and I used to be on a team together so we were around each other constantly for a while there.  Our families used to be together a lot.  They feel like family sometimes.”  He grinned at her.  “But, no. Not in any way related to you.”
Marinette nodded and looked back at her drink.  At least that’s one person in Gotham her… M. Wayne hadn’t adopted after chucking her out.  Jason glared harder at Roy and punched his shoulder.  “Sister,” he hissed.
Roy grinned back.  “Yours, not mine.  We just established that.  Keep up.”
Jason narrowed his eyes even further before relaxing them as he turned back to Marinette.  “So, how are you handling… you know, everything?”
Marinette and Adrien both stared at him with deadpan expressions.  Marinette looked pointedly around the bar and her drink.  “Oh, you know… well.”  She kept eye contact with him as she downed the rest of her drink, wincing at the feeling. She looked down at her drink critically. “Why do I drink this stuff?  I hate it.”
“Maybe you should ease off then,” Adrien offered gently.
“No.  Fuck off. I want to get drunk,” she glowered back at him.  Roy chuckled and motioned to Jack for her.
Adrien sighed and raised his hands in defeat. “Okay.  Maybe something that tastes better then?”
Marinette cocked her head in consideration. “Okay.  Excuse me, M. bartender?  Can I get something that will get me very drunk very fast and taste better than this, please?”
Jack blinked at her a few times and looked over to Jason.  Roy laughed at her response while Jason shook his head.  “She’s had a rough day.  You got anything?”
Jack grunted and shook his head as he looked around. “I’ll look.”
“Thank you, M. bartender,” Marinette chirped at him. He waved her off without looking back at her.
“I think you came to the wrong bar if you’re looking for something other than the basics,” Roy mock whispered at her.
She leaned in closer, leaning past Jason to talk to Roy. “I came to get drunk and away from reporters and forget about all this,” she motioned toward Jason.  “I came to the wrong bar for more reasons than my liquor preference.”  
She suspiciously eyed the drink Jack put in front of her with a grunt, but plastered a smile on her face.  “Thank you.”  She tentatively took a sip and wrinkled her nose in disgust.  There was no way she was going to be able to drink this slowly.  The only solution was all at once.  She removed the tiny umbrella she was pretty sure he added to mock her and downed the drink like a shot.  She gasped at the horrific sensation.  Adrien just barely missed getting his water away from her before she grabbed it to get rid of the taste.
She handed the now empty glass back to Adrien and buried her head in her hands.  “Regretting your decision?” he asked with a smirk.  Served her right for stealing his water.
Marinette groaned into her hands and nodded.  After a few seconds she leaned back in her chair, eyes unfocused.  “I should never have come here.”
“Told you so,” Roy singsonged.  “Now there’s a different bar a few streets over you might like better…”  The rest of his sentence got cut off when Jason smacked his shoulder with the back of his hand.
Jason turned to Marinette with a sympathetic smile. “I often feel that way, but usually after a few more drinks.”
Marinette shook her head.  “I knew it was stupid to come.  I knew I shouldn’t have,” she groaned pitifully.  “I could feel something bad was going to happen, I just thought that was the part before we came not… not,” she motioned all around her. “God, I was so stupid.  I should have known I wouldn’t be able to just sneak in and out.”  She leaned her head on Adrien’s shoulder, fighting the tears.
“So why did you?” Jason asked as though he didn’t know.
She looked over at him for a second without raising her head from Adrien’s shoulder before closing her eyes again.  “Friend needed a job.  Was getting sc… schtuped by the hiring committee at WE and scouted by a few other places that I didn’t trust… I mean Lexcorp gets blown up less than Palmer but then he’d have to work for M. Luthor.  And, yeah, I don’t think so.  So that leaves your dad.”
“Our dad,” Jason corrected pointedly.
“So you thought you'd use your connections to get him a job and didn't think you would get noticed?” Roy asked not even bothering to hide his amusement at the apparent stupidity of the plan.  It wasn’t often he got to enjoy how laughably bad other people’s plans were.
“So,” she countered pointedly, looking directly at him, “I thought I’d use my charismatic personality to charm M. Fox into noticing him and let him know one of his scouts is poaching ideas.  You were never supposed to know I was here.”  She squeezed her eyes shut and let out another long sigh.
“But I was so stupid and now everyone knows and once they know...” she groaned and let her head drop onto the bar top with a resounding thud.  She popped her head up quickly and rubbed her head.  “Ewww.  It’s sticky. I don’t even want to know what caused that.”  She pulled some hand sanitizer out of her purse and wiped her forehead with it.
“You approached Lucius Fox with nothing more than charisma and got him to do what you asked?” Roy asked in amazement.
“And my brains, but…” she leaned closer to him as if passing on a secret, “I can be very charming when I want to be…”  She looked down at herself and frowned.  “When I’m not,” she motioned to herself, “you know. A mess.”
Roy smiled charmingly.  “I believe that.  Even when you aren’t trying.  And if this is you as a mess, normal you must blow people away.”
Marinette scoffed and turned back to her drink.  Jason waited until her attention was on her glass and shoved Roy hard enough to knock him off his chair.  Adrien raises an amused eyebrow at them before shaking his head and looking down.  Marinette looked over at the sound.  Her brow furrowed in concern.  Jason smiled casually and motioned to Roy.  “Too much to drink.”
Roy narrowed his eyes at him and rubbed his hip. “Overprotective much?” he grumbled quietly enough for Marinette not to hear.
Marinette turned back to her drink, noting it was awfully low.  She swirled the contents and nodded distractedly.  “Lucky.”
Roy bit his tongue as he climbed back onto the stool to stop from asking if she wants to be, because there's no way asking Jason’s new sister, in front of him, if she wants to get lucky, ends well for him.
“I’ll have whatever he had, please,” Marinette called out to the bartender, motioning toward Roy.
“So what now?” Jason asked.
“Now… fuck,” she whined.  She almost dropped her head on the bartop again but stopped herself just before actually making contact.  She eyed the surface suspiciously and whimpered instead.
Roy took a long drink to keep himself from talking because “Is that an invitation?” was not going to end well for him either and he was not looking to get a black eye out of tonight.  He frowned at his drink.  What was in his drink tonight?  He didn’t usually have this much trouble keeping his comments in check.
“I don’t know.  Now everything is…” she made a jumbled motion with her hands that almost caused her to fall out of her chair.  “I haven’t even…” she whimpered and eyed the bartop again before grabbing a napkin and setting it down in front of her.  She dropped her head onto the napkin with an audible thunk.
“You know your hair is still touching the counter,” Adrien mentioned with more amusement in his tone than Marinette appreciated.  Marinette groaned and sat back up.  She pulled her hair in front of her eyes to look for traces of gunk.  “She only found out about all this a few days ago and by then we were already on our way to the gala and in mission headspace so she hasn’t even had the chance to deal with it yet,” Adrien explained, keeping his eyes on Marinette.
“You didn’t know?” Roy asked incredulously.
“Nope,” Marinette responded popping the p and nodding in gratitude to the bartender for bringing her another drink and motioned for another.
“What the fuck?” Roy grunted.  “That’s messed up.  How did you find out?”
Marinette downed the entire glass.  “Heard my maman talking on the phone and distinctly heard ‘if you would like to actually meet your daughter…’ and she wasn’t speaking with my papa.  And I just…” she shrugged, staring at the empty glass like it might have an answer for her.  “… knew. I had a friend trace the call. And then I was here the next day and…”
“I think B was expecting more time to deal with it too,” Jason nodded along.
“He’s only had 20 years.  If that wasn’t enough, I may not live to when he finally has the time he needed,” Marinette groused.
“Twenty years,” Roy mused.  “Isn’t that when…” he trailed off and his eyes got wide realizing the timing of Dick’s adoption.
“I think he was planning on doing something soon,” Jason said louder than was necessary for their close proximity, leaning forward slightly to cover Roy.  “And being able to ease into it, slowly, making sure you… and Damian, weren’t too overwhelmed and you could move at your own pace,” Jason offered, fighting down the odd feeling defending Bruce left in his chest.
Marinette stared at him, swaying slightly in her seat. “Did you come here to drink or defend your dad?”
“Our dad,” he corrected.
“Because you seem to be doing a lot of one and not the other,” she continued as though he hadn’t said anything.  
Jason shrugged.  “Easy fix for that,” he said raising up his glass and finishing the contents.  “So… you staying around or what?”
Marinette whimpered again and eyed the bartop.  “I haven’t thought that through yet.  That wasn’t the plan, but then again getting found out wasn’t the plan.  Getting drunk tonight is now the plan.”  She looked over at the hoodie Roy had thrown over the back of his chair and back at the bartop.  “Can I…” she motioned toward the hoodie and reached for it at the same time.
“Oh, are you cold?  Yeah sure,” Roy almost fell out of his chair trying to get out of the way so he could hand the hoodie to her.  She gave him a weak smile and thanked him before spreading it out on the bartop and dropping her head audibly on it again.  She sighed almost happily as she let her head stay down on the bartop. Roy watched her in amused fascination and let out an amused huff.  “Not what I was expecting, but glad you’re getting use out of it, I guess…” he chortled.
“And do you always need to have a plan?” Jason asked curiously
Marinette and Adrien snorted in sync.  “Do you have a plan,” Marinette mocked, raising her head purely so she could take another drink, but decided to keep it up to educate them. Jason looked over to Roy to see if he was as confused as Jason was.  “I have lots of plans,” Marinette continued swinging her glass around to accentuate her words.  
“I have plans.  I have contingency plans.  I have backup plans.  I have plans for plans,” she started listing off on her fingers.  She looked at her hands accusingly as she ran out of fingers and almost dropped her drink.  She set down her drink with a frown and continued counting off her plans.
“I have plans to back up backup plans.  I have plans for contingencies that the contingency plans didn’t cover.  I have plans for when things go sideways.  I have plans for when things go to shit.  I have plans for when things go exactly to plan,” She leaned over to them. “I’ve never once gotten to use one of those.  I have life plans.  I have death plans.  I have future plans.”
“That’s a lot of plans,” Roy noted, fascination laced his voice. “Any of them turn out for you?”
“No!”  She threw her hands up in exasperation.  “And then I have to make a new plan on the fly.”
“Sounds familiar,” Jason grumbled.
“If all your plans get destroyed before you can complete them, why bother making them at all?” Roy asked.
Marinette brought the fingers together in front of her face and stared at it as though she were holding something precious.  “It’s all about the illusion.”
Roy snorted and nodded.  “She’ll fit in.”
Marinette narrowed her eyes at Roy.  “Is that an insult?”
Jason laughed and Adrien dropped his head into his hands.  “Jesus, Mari,” he groaned.
She scrunched her nose at him.  “What?  He said I’d fit well with M. Wayne.”
“I meant his kids,” Roy assured her.
“Oh…” Marinette answered sheepishly.  “Sorry.”
Roy waved her off.  “Nah. It’s okay.  I get it.  I meant you’re smart, sassy,” he eyed her with an amused glint in his eyes, “short…”
Marinette rounded on him, mouth agape in insult.  She quickly closed her mouth and glared at him.  “Not too short to kick your ass.”
Roy laughed and grinned at her.  “Violent.”
Marinette scrunched up her nose and turned back to her drink. “Not like I’m out there every night beating people up.”  She took a swig of her drink, missing the glance Jason and Roy sent each other before looking back at her for any indication she had meant something more by it. “Anymore…” she muttered under her breath just loud enough for Adrien’s sensitive ears to hear it.
“But,” Adrien cut in.  He motioned toward Jason.  “Short?”
“Yeah,” Roy granted, “Jason’s the exception to the short part.”
“Damian’s the exception to the sassy part,” Jason added.
“Who’s the exception to the smart part?” Marinette asked.
“Dick,” Jason and Roy answered at the same time.
“Who’s the exception to the violent part?” Adrien asked, concern edging into his voice, because that wasn’t exactly a comforting quality to be associated with Marinette’s new family.  
Jason scoffed at the idea of any of them not being violent.  “We were hoping it was going to be her,” he motioned toward Marinette.
“But, nope,” Roy finished, popping the p.  “I mean Duke isn’t particularly violent.  He can protect himself but, like, he’s chill about it.”  Roy eyed Marinette analytically.  “Maybe you can be the exception to the emotional car crash part,” he offered.
Marinette snorted inelegantly, took a swig of her drink, and looked back at him.  “That wasn’t on the list.”
Adrien leaned past her to look at the boys.  “She wouldn’t be the exception.  She’d be leading the pack.”
Marinette shoved his shoulder.  “Like you’re any better.”
Adrien raised his glass to her.  “Never said I was, Bug.”  He eyed his glass with contempt.  “You know, this would be a lot more effective if there was alcohol in here.”
Jason ordered another round for them and raised his glass to Marinette when the drinks came.  “Well, at least now I know why you were completely uninterested at the gala. Because I'm your brother.”
Marinette scowled slightly and hunched over her drink at the bar.  “Not my brother.”
Jason looked at her curiously, a frown forming on his lips before a hurt look flashed in his eyes.  Almost immediately, the hurt turned into annoyance.  He pressed his lips together hard.  “Right, another blood child.  Another kid that thinks only blood matters. So adoption doesn't count?”
Marinette furrowed her brow in confusion. She faced toward him and pointed toward herself.  “Given away and never contacted again doesn't count.  You he cared for.  You he wanted.  You're his son, but I am not his daughter.”
Jason’s eyes softened looking at her and he nodded in understanding.  Feeling unwanted, he understood.  Feeling abandoned, he understood.  Feeling like you weren’t considered good enough, he understood.  Feeling replaced, he understood.  And the fact that Bruce had made someone else feel that too, that it wasn’t just him, pissed Jason off more than he could express.  He didn’t even bother reacting when Roy punched his shoulder.  “Maybe not. But you're still my sister,” he assured her.  “I want you.”
Marinette scoffed.  “You don’t even know me.”  Adrien gently bumped her shoulder with his and gave her a gentle warning look.
“I know you better than he did,” Jason reminded her calmly.  “I have more to base my decision on than he did, and I know enough to know you’re my sister and nobody can change that.”  He gave her a devilish smile.  “You’re stuck with me now.  Fuck the old man.  He did this to himself.”
“And,” Roy interrupted excitedly.  He raised his drink for her to clink.  “Now you get to be an official member of the Shitty Dad Club.”
“Oh,” Adrien perked up.  “Can I be a member of that club?”
Roy eyed him suspiciously.  “What are your qualifications?”
“Neglect, severe emotional abuse, and he was a supervillain who tried to kill me regularly,” Adrien rattled off nonchalantly.
Roy blinked a few times.  He looked to Marinette for confirmation.  She nodded almost imperceptibly.  He turned back to Adrien and raised his drink.  “Right.  Welcome to the club.  We meet whenever there are drinks.  We should get you one.  You deserve it.”
Chapter 7
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dreamkidddream · 3 years
I absolutely loved the doll! mc one with the brothers and diavolo. Could I ask for the same idea with the rest of the undateables and luke? If it isn't too much though. Thank you very much, don't forget to take care of yourself and stay hydrated!
I’m glad you enjoyed the first part!! I hope you’re staying safe through this pandemic and that you’re drinking plenty of water. I’m so happy that people liked the Doll!MC scenario so much (it even became one of my top posts and I was NEVER expecting that to happen 😳 click here to read it with the Bros and Diavolo). I got an UR card for Barbatos today and immediately thought back to this scenario cause I was just imagining the different situations with Doll!MC. Hope you enjoy!
Also, Luke’s part is strictly platonic, just FYI!
The Undateables (Minus Diavolo) with Doll!MC
Let me just say, you make this man’s day so much better
Your presence is just so calming for him. You could just be standing there (which is heavily enforced in the kitchen), not doing anything, and he would still be fully relaxed
Definitely loves you being in the kitchen with him, and will find ways to invite you so that you guys can spend time together
“MC, the young master has a tea party planned for this afternoon, and I’m afraid I may need your assistance to help prepare.”
“But Barb, I thought you didn’t want me touching anything-”
“I don’t want you touching anything that can cause you harm. I can easily handle the labor, but I do have a task for you...”
Cue to you sitting perfectly still and taste testing his sweets
“Barb, are you sure that I’m helping you like this? I don’t want to be useless to you!”
“Nonsense, MC. This is perfect. I needed someone with an exceptional palette, and you’re just the right person for me.”
Just you and him, and his sweet creations. What more could he ask for?
Maybe being in a relationship with you, but he is very sure that it’s going to be happening in the near future...and he didn’t even have to use his powers to know that
He stares at you a lot. He can’t help it, he loves to just admire you!
Barbatos is the type of guy where he doesn’t have to rely on words to express his love. His love language is acts of service: packing you lunch and extra sweets every week, giving you recipes that he wouldn’t even share with Luke, and gifting you mini accessories that you can wear with your outfits!
He gave you this adorable three-legged crow holding a cupcake hairpin and you’ve been wearing it ever since
He tries to hide his blush everytime he sees you and now he has to work even harder because of the pin lmao
You both have a designated day and time where you don’t plan anything in order to have your own tea parties
No Diavolo, no noisy demon brothers, no other exchange students (sorry Luke). Just you and him, enjoying each other’s company and him basking in your glow
If someone did try to harm you, he would already know of it and properly disposes of the problem. Lord Diavolo can’t afford to have any issues interfering with the exchange program, and he can’t afford to have anything happen to you so...no harm no foul, right?
Please continue to do what you’re doing MC. Stare at him with your bright, doe eyes and give him that lively smile everytime. It makes his day go by much easier, especially since he knows that you’ll still be there, waiting for him with your own desserts and that smile reserved just for him
Was convinced that you were an angel
Lowkey still convinced that you’re an angel
Really, you just look so...angelic
Wasn’t upset when you revealed that you were in fact human; he was happy because this meant that he could show you around the Celestial Realm!
Speaking of Celestial Realm, be prepared for Simeon to be your very own personal tour guide everytime. This could be your 50th time up there and he’ll still try to point new things out
“And over here is-”
“Michael’s favorite resting place, since the lilies always seem to bloom whenever he’s around,” you giggled. “I remember Simeon, you tell me this everytime we visit!”
He’s a tad embarrassed
“Forgive me, MC. It seems that I get so elated over the fact that you’re here with me, I tend to repeat some things over.”
“That’s okay! I still have fun with you everytime!”
Oh MC, you’re too adorable!
Which causes him to worry over you. While he knows that the brothers and Diavolo (along with Barbatos) wouldn’t dare cause you any distress, the same couldn’t be said for the other demons lurking around, both in and out of RAD
But not to fear, Simeon your friendly guardian angel is here!
I am so sorry for the rhyme lmao
He may not have been personally assigned to you, but that doesn’t mean he can just let anything happen to you! He’s only doing his heavenly duties in protecting you! He’s also being a good friend by watching over you too, his little lamb
He wouldn’t attack anyone, but if he made a complaint or a very serious concern to the right person (Lucifer or Diavolo), consider the problem handled
You have your own tea time as well, and Luke would join you sometimes. But, every now and then, Luke would have to finish some homework or study, or Barbatos would miraculously call for him at the castle, or if it was just too late and Luke just had to go to sleep, then it would just be you two. Sitting by the fireplace, discussing matters ranging from RAD to your life in the human world, drinking tea that you would take turns preparing
Not to mention the downright dainty little cakes you would bring. One time you brought him angel cakes and he found so lighthearted and precious that he requested you bring them everytime, just for him
May or may not base a character in his new story around you
Simeon wants to shield you from the horrors that are surrounding you both. You’re so pure, he just wants you safe. From the way that you would dress to the way that your eyes would just look so amazed and innocent at him, he just knows that he needs to watch over you, always. The brothers do get a little wary when they see how much time you do spend at Purgatory Hall, but they know that Simeon couldn’t possibly have feelings for you, and you were always so giddy after leaving there, they couldn’t bring themselves to say anything
And Simeon knew that he was starting to feel more than he should. He couldn’t profess his love for you now in risk of falling, but he can wait until you get your wings. Just imagining you in your cute little Ceslestial Realm outfit (which he hopes still mimicked your current style) with your very own beaming halo was enough to keep him waiting and to make sure that you stayed on the right path
He deemed that you were worth the wait
When he first saw you he could just cry
Someone innocent like you got sent down here with these monsters?! He had to keep you safe!!!
Simeon thought you were angel and then realized that you were not; Luke thought you were an angel and refused to believe that you weren’t
You didn’t have it in you to burst his bubble so soon, so you just let him run with it until Simon broke the news
It was like telling a kid that Santa Claus wasn’t real; you can only imagine how Luke took the revelation
Not well from what Solomon told you. Simeon kept saying he just needs some time to process things, and you just felt so awful about the whole thing
Which lead to you bringing him so much sweets that it made Beel jealous and very upset
But we all know how Beel can be around food, so it wasn’t a huge surprise. He chased you around all day and you had to use your pact to get him to stop!
And you promised to make him double the sweets in he forgave you so all is well
Luke was still obviously sad, but he wasn’t going to stay sad forever. Especially not after you brought this many sweets just for him!
Lucifer was not a happy demon when Simeon arrived at the HoL’s doorstep with you groaning and clutching your stomach. And Solomon took so many pictures of Luke while he passed out from his sugar high that he dedicated a whole album in his phone to it
Favorite activity to do together: Baking! (Obviously)
Trading recipes, shopping for ingredients together, baking things for each other to try (where really it was just to have double the desserts)
When you two are in the kitchen together, no one else is allowed (except for Simeon, but only if he’s looking and not touching). It’s now MC and Luke time, everybody else is gonna have to wait!
Luke only wants you to do the the activities that he sees as harmless: which is everything that doesn’t include sharp items and anything else that can hurt you
“MC get away from that! That can seriously hurt you! Let me get it for you instead!
“Luke, honey, it’s just an oven it’s not my first time using one-”
Too late, he already took it out of your hands into his own, mitts already on
Speaking of oven mitts
You guys have matching aprons and mitts!!
Barbatos may be a little bit jealous, but he likes the bond that you two have. And he knows that Luke won’t be a romantic rival so he’s alright lol
Luke is your deemed protector/bodyguard, and he proudly wears the title since no one bothers you because of him (or so he thinks). Everyone makes fun of him calling him a chihuahua, but jokes on him, when Luke complains, he complains
Won’t take long for Simeon or even one of the brothers to pick up on his whines complaints if he thinks someone is bothering you
Luke believes that while he’s small, he can protect you and try to keep you free from danger. He may be young, but he sees himself as the older brother out of you both (even though it’s really you being the older sibling and him being the baby). Always looking out for you especially since you’re too fragile to be left alone!
You’re one of the only people that genuinely likes him and don’t make fun of him. You’re dear to him MC, please don’t ever change!
Also, he definitely talks to Michael about you all the time so excitedly and sends him sweets that you both made together. Michael is a proud dad at this point
Knew you wasn’t a doll but loved to tease you about being one anyway
Was there a spell that can really turn you into a doll? You wouldn’t mind if he tried it out on you, right MC?
Don’t tempt him please because he WILL do it
“Tell me, MC. Hypothetically speaking, if I were to purchase-”
“No Solomon, you can’t shrink me down to fit me into a dollhouse, no matter how nice it sounds. Besides, I can’t bake in a dollhouse, the oven wouldn’t work!”
“I can fix that.”
You’re very amusing to him for some reason. Was it because of how doll-like you are? The fairytale way that you dressed? How you were still human and was able to live with seven of the most powerful demons and not die? Maybe it’s the way that you still radiated such positivity despite being in literal Hell?
Honestly all of the above
Poor Solomon doesn’t realize that his cooking isn’t...the best
And you took the best approach in helping him atleast cook something that looks edible
You didn’t say his cooking was disgusting like some people (literally everyone else), so he took that you giving him lessons was a date of sorts
He wasn’t complaining. Your time spent in the kitchen was scenes straight of a romcom (no matter how cheesy it sounds); his arms wrapped around your waist and dotting icing on your pretty nose
May or may not have licked some icing off of you at one point, will definitely do it again
Solomon is a very confident man, borderline arrogant (Oh who am I kidding he IS arrogant). So yes, while people may see you as an easy target, he’s here to remind them that you’re not. And that if they want to try, chances are they won’t be walking away in one piece
He’s powerful, too powerful in fact. He may not be the strongest physically, but if even the entire student council recognizes his knowledge and what he’s capable of, no one should be dumb enough to test him (keyword: try)
But he wouldn’t mind showing off if it’s for you
You’re one of the only beings to ever peak Solomon’s interest genuinely. Yes, he loved to tease and bug you whenever he pleased, but you also made him want to come around you more and more. He was drawn to you, and that doesn’t happen a lot with him (at least without ulterior motives)
*coughcough* making pacts *coughcough*
You were the only thing that made Solomon feel weak, but that wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. Don’t get him wrong, he’s still The Greatest Sorcerer, but he couldn’t help but feel himself get weak in the knees when you gazed at him with so much sincerity. He loves it and loves you
Once your back in the human world, he’s going to be so selfish with you. I mean, he already kinda was now, but this time there won’t be any interruptions or distractions around to take your attention
Us humans have to stick together, and what better way to stick together than to be together, wouldn’t you say MC?
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