#breakdown agreed to help if he's actually gonna do it
transingthoseformers · 7 months
Inspired by the Megatron trying to steal Optimus :3
I'm just imagining Megatron pouncing on Optimus when he's out for a drive or whatever and stealing him away for a quick romp.
Optimus just goes, "Oh no. I've been kidnapped. Whatever shall I do." He's not serious, but since he's Optimus, you can't really hear that.
Really, Megatron could just get a mould of his spike made. It's easy. But he likes the thrill of the chase and the cuddles when their romp lasts longer than usual.
Do you think the first time this happened Optimus thought he was being murdered, or that Megs gave him a heads up on what was gonna go down? Because I kinda prefer the second option
Megs: you. I need you for a click.
When I imagine pouncing is it accurate I imagined literal bayverse style quick jet to root mode tackling
Because I did
I wonder if there are nights where Optimus goes out on a drive hoping he can catch Megatron lurking in the sky (he's had a hard day okay)
I'd suggest Megs gets a copy just to keep while keeping with this dynamic, let's see if Optimus can take what he gives
look I cannot tell you how fucking funny it is to imagine that in Optimus's most flat and relatively casual tones possible
Knockout doesn't even care about how his Lord is fucking the Prime, he just wishes Megatron would do better to hide it
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blindrapture · 2 years
also when venting to a friend last night it occurred to me that I do have the terms required for discussing my father
He is a Dirk, he raised me like Bro raises. Instead of puppets, my dad has Web Robots. He builds robots who build websites for his interests (such as movies, and horse racing). And he is a *genius*. He was using computers back when they took up entire rooms, he taught himself all classes of programming, and it was vital to him that all three of his kids had computers of their own to grow up with. The computers, I am so thankful for. Living with a Dirk who doesn't recognize you, a Dirk who honestly sees you as another program he created... that hurts more.
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padawansuggest · 9 months
Anyways. I just think that Anakin on Mortis, when he’s given knowledge of the future, should have been allowed to escape.
Because. He would have gone straight to Palpatine to nerf his ass before telling Obi-Wan exactly everything that could have happened and how all he had to do was end Palpatine and they can fix the rest of the corruption from the inside, and you know what? Obi would be like ‘lmao yeah sometimes visions do that to a person’ and Yoda is all ‘put all our stock into visions we shouldn’t… but right about Palpatine being a Sith, this one was’ and he’s so annoyed about agreeing with the problem child but accepts it.
But you know what would get me the most? Is that Anakin would be up to speed with Force Ghost Anakin’s level of knowledge. He’d understand way more with 20 years of extra experience (and also immediately demand to be allowed to track down Tag and Bink so he can adopt them lmao) and all the confidence of that older Anakin, who knows exactly what power he has, and the surety to accept that even at 40k midichlorians (as Lukas implied was his ultimate number and his 28k was a suppressed number) and able to pull full ass starships from the sky, Obi-Wan can still kick his ass to high hell, even without the high ground, AND loves him so much that even if he did the worst thing ever, Obi-Wan still couldn’t kill him.
Anyways. I think that foreknowledge could have saved Anakin, and they should have let him escape Mortis cause I think Ani would have gone for Palpatine’s throat. I’ve actually mentioned this idea before but before I thought Anakin would have a breakdown afterwards, with this new info about his character tho; I think he would have gained a confidence that could get him through freaking anything and sorta gone quiet because he’s still not sure what to do. So obviously he’s gonna call up force ghost Qui-Gon and demand him and Obi-Wan talk to him about the future he saw. Obi-Wan is pointing at Qui-Gon the whole time screaming that he KNEW visions would help one day he fucking KNEW it and Qui-Gon has his head in his hands for eternal sighing.
And then Anakin picks up his smol girl Soka and carries her off for naptime because they are fucking tired and just killed three gods.
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estrellami-1 · 5 months
I’m not super happy with the ending but I would die for Jemma.
When the bell rings, Robin wearily sighs, stands, and affixes her hat on her head. “I hate you,” she mutters to Steve on her way out the door. “You and your stupid fair plan.”
Steve chuckles, knowing she doesn’t actually hate him or his plan; she just hates when it’s her turn to serve someone.
It’s a fairly straightforward procedure, which means Steve is surprised—and a little concerned—when through the door, he can hear Robin floundering her words. “Oh, no- don’t cry, please, it’s- it’s okay, it’ll be okay, um- Steve? A little help here?”
He forgets the hat, walks out of the break room in three long strides. “What’s wrong?”
He blinks when he sees a little girl standing in front of them, big blue eyes watering. “Oh,” he murmurs. “Hi, there. Where’s your mommy?”
Her lip quivers even more. “Calaf’wnya.”
Steve’s brows hit his hairline. “Okay, uh, where’s your daddy?”
That, apparently, was the wrong question to ask. She bursts into tears. “I dunno!” She sobs and hiccups, and Steve and Robin turn wide eyes onto each other.
“I do not know how to handle kids, Steven,” Robin hisses at him, looking about four seconds from her own breakdown.
Steve doesn’t think he’s fantastic with kids, but he’s at least better than Robin, so he nods. “Can you handle the store while I help her find her dad?”
Robin nods. “Please.”
He nods to her, then moves to crouch in front of the little girl. “Oh, hey, it’ll be okay. I’ll help you find your daddy, okay?”
Her eyes seem even bigger and bluer with the tears. “Pwomise?”
“I promise,” he nods. “Can you tell me your name?”
“Jemma.” She crosses a black curl in front of her face, like she’s embarrassed.
“That’s a beautiful name, Jemma. I’m Steve. Can I guess how old you are?” He grins at her excited nod. “Okay. Hmm… are you… three?” She shakes her head and holds four fingers up. “You’re four? Oh, wow. You’re so big! Can you guess how old I am?”
She looks at him with big eyes and asks wonderingly, “Two hundwed?”
He ignores Robin’s snort as he picks Jemma up. “Not quite,” he answers. “I’m twenty-six.”
Her eyes get even bigger. “That’s so many,” she says wonderingly. “Do you know evewything?”
Steve stifles a laugh. “Not quite everything, but I do know a lot. But I bet you know a lot, too. D’you know your daddy’s name?” She shakes her head. “That’s okay. Do you know what your mommy calls your daddy?”
Her face brightens. “Asshole!”
Robin collapses in giggles onto the countertop. Steve fights not to follow her example. “Okay,” he says. It only comes out a little shaky. “Does she call him anything else?”
“Eddie,” she nods. “Sometimes baby, but that’s when she has hew juice and is happy.”
Steve’s heart clenches. “Okay,” he answers. “How about if I put you up on my shoulders, so you can be way up high and see everything, and we go yell for your daddy?”
“M’kay’!” She agrees, so Steve situates her on his shoulders before turning back to Robin.
“You gonna be okay for a few minutes?”
“I’ll be fine,” Robin nods, grinning at Jemma. “You’d better help her. She needs it more than me.”
Steve chuckles. “You’re the best.”
“And don’t you forget it!” She calls on his way out of the store.
In the main hall of the mall now, Steve’s breath tries to catch in his throat. There’s a lot of people, and he’s not exactly sure how to do this. Finally, he decides to just go for it, parading up and down as he yells. “Eddie! Jemma is looking for you!”
“Daddy!” Jemma tries to help, even if her voice is too small. Steve gives her a high-five anyways.
On his way down a side hall, he hears someone behind him. “Jemma!”
“Daddy?” Jemma squirms on Steve’s shoulders, and he turns around to see a man running their direction. “Daddy!” She squeals, kicking in earnest, trying her best to swan dive off Steve’s shoulders.
He quickly lifts her off and holds her securely enough she won’t fall as he and Jemma’s father move towards each other.
“Oh, Jem, I was so worried about you,” he says quietly, taking her from Steve. “You can’t do that, okay? You can’t run off, remember?”
Jemma’s lip wobbles. “‘M sowwy, Daddy,” she says. “I wanted ice cweam.”
He kisses her forehead and hugs her close. “I’m so glad you’re okay,” he whispers, then looks at Steve. “Thank you so much for helping her.”
Jemma wiggles in his grasp. “Daddy! Daddy he wowks in the ice cweam stowe! An’ he helped me! An’ his name is-” she frowns, turns to look at Steve. “I fowgot.”
Steve chuckles. “My name is Steve,” he tells both her and her father. “Eddie, right?”
“That’s me,” he confirms with a nod. “Please tell me she wasn’t too much trouble.”
“None at all,” Steve promises, then grins. “She’s an absolute riot, actually.”
Eddie winces. “What did she say this time?”
“I think this might be my fault,” Steve admits. “I was trying to find out your name, so I asked what her mom calls you.”
“Oh no,” Eddie whispers.
Steve nods. “She was very confident. And, uh, very willing to share.”
Eddie winces again. “Baby? Or-”
“Both,” Steve nods, then smiles. “But it worked out in the end, we found you. And maybe you two could get a couple of cones? On me?” He grins. “I’ve found there’s not much that a good ice cream cone can’t fix.”
Eddie smiles apologetically. “We’ve actually got to go,” he says, then shifts. “But maybe I could give you my number? Buy you dinner to thank you?”
Steve grins as he looks Eddie up and down. “Just dinner?”
Eddie stares at him. “I’ll try to get a sitter.”
“Deal,” Steve grins, offering his hand to shake.
When he makes it back to the store, he grins at Robin. “Put a tally on the scoreboard, Robin, I’ve got a number. And, if I play it right, a date.”
Robin judges him with her eyebrows. “Did you really hit on a girl out there?”
Steve snorts. “No. But Jemma’s dad is very appreciative. He wants to thank me over dinner.” He smirks and leans over the counter to get into her space in a way he knows annoys her. “And he’s gonna get a sitter.”
Robin narrows her eyes at him. “I don’t know what you are, Steve Harrington, but one day I’ll figure you out.”
Steve snorts. “I don’t doubt it.”
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barbiiecams · 3 months
Can you write about Drew with his little family visiting him for his days off from filming? 🩷
Also I love that you write about black oc readers!! It’s rare in this fandom to find that.
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dad!drew starkey x mom!reader, not proof read, & yes more black representation for the obx fandom pls! also this is kinda long soo enjoy 😖
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drew had been gone filming for about a month now.
for you, it was easy not to get so hung up over the fact he was gone for such a long time.
when you first started dating, it was definitely a tragedy. and it pained you everytime that you couldn’t just go with him.
and even now, of course you missed him like crazy. but after all these years of being together, you’ve learned how to deal with it and it got easier.
but for his baby aaliyah who’s never been separated from her daddy? oh this was hell.
she couldn’t even stand the sight of him walking out the door for 10 minutes, so now that he’s walked out the door, and hasn’t come back for weeks?
she definitely was not having it.
you knew how she was going to react as well, so for weeks you prepared yourself for the endless tears and tantrums.
“you know she’s going to be a pain when i’m gone, right?” drew reminds you while you guys get ready for bed.
“trust me, i know. im getting myself ready for it as we speak.” you reply as you start to wrap your hair up for bed.
he chuckles. “you guys can always come with, though. that’d be a good idea especially for her.”
“maybe like a visit for a few days, but i don’t think her being out of the country for that long is a good idea.” you said as you laid down in the bed. drew agreed with that statement and you both moved on to the next topic.
that was weeks ago. but now? you were starting to consider whether or not you should’ve just taken drew’s idea.
you tried so many resolutions with liyah, and nothing seemed to work.
the girl never seemed to tire herself out either. she just recently turned one, yet you were already seeing the tunnel to the terrible 2’s somehow.
to be fair, she was an angel. but once she got started, you didn’t know if and when she was going to stop.
currently you were trying to feed her. you had ms rachel on your phone in front of her because that seemed to calm her down in the tiniest bit when she would get upset.
it was going good, until drew had started to call you.
and as soon as she saw the picture of you and him pop on the screen, waterworks flooded all over again.
“i just calmed this baby down and now he wanna call me.” you mutter to yourself, partially annoyed even though he couldn’t control it.
facetimes never seemed to make her feel better and it actually quite made her even more upset, but maybe hearing his voice at the very beginning of a breakdown could ease her, so you went ahead and picked up.
“hello?” you propped the phone up on the table then picked her up and tried shushing her.
he didn’t even need to ask ‘how are my girls?’ because he could clearly tell.
“awe, i miss my baby too.” he pouts.
you picked up the phone and put it in her face so she could see him. “talk to her, your voice might help.”
“hi my love. shh, it’s okay daddy’s right here.” he says through the phone.
she stops wailing, but she’s still making whining and crying noises.
“she’s taking this even worse than i thought,” you say. “i knew it was going to be bad, but not this terrible.”
“she’s just a true daddy’s girl. what can i say?” drew smirks through the phone.
“you might find this funny but i have real life headaches from her, joseph.” he laughs at the use of his real name.
“i bet you do, im sorry baby.” he says, “why don’t you guys come and visit for a little bit?”
this time, you were quick to actually be on board.
“i think that’s a good idea too.” you started bouncing aaliyah up and down and gave her kisses. she wasn’t as loud with her whining, but she was still continuing. “i think it’s time we go see daddy.”
drew smiles, “i can’t wait. i’m gonna take some time off and buy your tickets. when do you wanna come out?”
“shit, tomorrow.” you sigh.
he laughs again at your comments but knows you’re being completely serious at the same time. “get to packing then baby.”
that’s all he had to say for you to pick the phone up and make your way upstairs with liyah.
first you started in liyah’s room. drew was still on the phone with you, talking way more than you were because she seemed to be getting quieter and quieter. it bothered her that she couldn’t feel him, but right now she’s was taking whatever she could take.
you showed him outfits, he decided whatever or not he liked him. you made sure to pack a whole separate bag for all of her baby necessities as well.
because you were connecting with drew in some way, it felt like an easy task you were able to accomplish. you knew for a fact if he wasn’t on the phone it would’ve taken you the rest of the day with her wailing and screaming.
when you were done packing her bag, you tried putting her to sleep. of course it took about an hour, but eventually she was soundly asleep. all you could do was thank heavens.
placing her in her crib, you had to really tiptoe out the door. if she woke up while you were in the middle of trying to walk out and leave, that would be another meltdown waiting to happen.
you and drew stayed on the phone even after she was liyah was put to sleep, but you made sure to keep the volume of the phone down so that his voice didn’t travel to her. now it was time to pack your clothes. he helped you pick out your outfits, and you did a mini fashion show for him with your outfits.
he loved them all, and occasionally gave a ‘do a little spin for me.’
every moment with him, or even just talking to him was great. no matter if you were actually next to him, or through the phone.
but unfortunately, you guys couldn’t stay on the phone forever. it was soon time for him to start filming again.
“i gotta go baby, but i love you so much, and i’ll see you two soon.” he said while walking back to his set. “kiss my baby for me.”
“i will. i love you too.” you smile then hang up the phone. you sighed and rubbed your face, thinking about how quick this was happening, but how ready you were at the same time. if it was going to get her to stop crying so much and was also going to get you to see your man again, a win is a win!
after everything, it was about 5 pm. this was a late nap for liyah and she would be up end up being bouncing up off the walls, but maybe that was good cus then she would sleep on the plane ride tomorrow.
heading back downstairs, you made dinner for yourself & made sure to leave a little for liyah cus she’ll get hungry out of nowhere.
you also made it a chore to clean the entire downstairs of your house, because coming back to a clean house after a few days on vacay is always a nice thing.
surprisingly, liyah didn’t wake up once. you weren’t too loud, but loud enough for her to start yelling, waiting for mommy or daddy to pick her up.
you love that girl to death, but her tantrums are for the birds.
after you were done, you went to check on her. she was still soundly asleep, most likely for once tired herself out with all the noises. soon, you were going to have to wake her up so she could take a bath. but you weren’t worried about that at the moment. you were finally able to pamper yourself for the evening, then deal with her later.
your phone dinged, and knowing what the message was you opened it right away.
2 attachments from drew, and they were your tickets to morocco for 10 days at 6 am.
hearting both of the attachments, you started to get excited.
one month wasn’t too much of a long period of time, but it was always enough for you and your baby to miss him more and more each day.
you could finally see him again, and you’d be reunited as a family.
the night went smoothly. she only woke up once, and that was to bathe and eat a bit of what you had made. she was easy to put back to sleep, and that’s what matter the most. you could’ve had more sleep for yourself, but the hours were efficient enough.
sooner than later your alarm rang for 4:30. you weren’t a morning person whatsoever, but you definitely did not have a problem waking up right now since you knew what was to come in only a matter of time.
it was going to be a real long ride of 11 hours, but the outcome would be worth it.
getting up out of bed, you brushed your teeth and washed your face with your products, then put those into your suitcase.
you let liyah sleep for a few more minutes, then woke her up knowing you were just going to put her in her mini uggs and throw a coat over her pajamas.
and as for you, you were keeping your hair the way it was and throwing on a hoodie and sweatpants.
you took this time to order the uber to the airport, and bring both of your suitcases and her baby bag downstairs.
walking back up to her room, you picked her up from the crib and started to pat her back while bouncing her. the movement would keep her asleep and peaceful instead of awake and cranky.
“we’ll see daddy sooner than you know it, mama.” you whispered to her.
not even bothering to make breakfast since it was too early for the both of you to be eating, you turned off everything in the house and waited for the car. it was now 5:15 and the car was going to pull up any minute.
liyah woke up for just two seconds, “mama?”
“yes baby?”
“where dada?”
“we’re gonna see him in a few hours, don’t worry.” you softly laid her head back down so she could close her eyes again. as she was falling asleep, the car pulled up and it was time to go.
stepping outside with a baby and one hand and dragging suitcases in the other, the driver stepped out to help you load up, and you placed aaliyah in the car seat you had requested the driver to have.
he closed the trunk and hopped right back into the car. he pulled out from your driveway and made small talk with you. you tried your best to keep up, but it was just too damn early.
after a 10 minute ride to the airport, he unloaded your things for you and helped you bring them inside while you carried liyah. you thanked him, then did all the stuff you needed to do before waiting to board the plane.
aaliyah was still asleep, clearly all the tantrums finally caught up with her.
you texted drew a few times, even though he was most likely resting.
but about 30 minutes later, it was time to board the plane. you had all your luggage ready, and you guys were finally able to start the real travel.
the plane ride was long, but it wasn’t bad.
you kept liyah busy with movies, coloring, and eating a few things.
she didn’t eat everything since plane food isn’t the greatest, but she ate some and so did you.
you had boarded the plane around 6 in the morning, well now it was 4:30 and you had just landed.
aaliyah had a burst of energy, and you knew she was ready to just play and be carefree again.
thankfully, the passengers were nice enough to help you walk off the plane and help with your luggage when they saw you with a baby, so the plane experience overall was definitely a 10/10.
you had called drew on the plane, and he let you know he’d been waiting with open arms. you were overjoyed, practically jumping with excitement on the inside and out.
but if you think you were over the top happy, seeing the look on aaliyah’s face while you walked to find drew waiting at the morocco airport had you all the way beat.
“DADDY!!!” she screamed in your arms once you started to make it towards him.
you giggled at her her volume, and was also just happy enough yourself to laugh at anything knowing you were finally with drew again.
he walked towards the two of you and met you halfway, “is that my baby girl?” he smiled and took her from you. their bond was something so special to you, and you were so grateful for how strong their relationship was.
he gave her many kisses and tickles, which made her laugh. this was the first time you saw her so excited in a while.
“and my other baby girl.” he turned to you, pulling you in and giving you a passionate kiss. you weren’t holding back either, you hadn’t seen your man for far too long now. because of this, you covered liyah’s eyes which made drew laugh.
finally pulling away, he kisses your forehead. “i got our whole week planned out.”
this made you smile. “and what will we be doing?”
“there’s restaurants i want you guys to try, there’s a really nice beach, and i got us a really nice hotel. i promise you these 10 days are gonna make up for the month i left you with this little drama queen,” he started liyah a bit at the last part which made her laugh again. her laughs were always so contagious and it made the two of you laugh as well.
“i know they will, you never disappoint.” you kissed his cheek.
he gets close to your ear and whispers so liyah doesn’t hear, “and i promise once we wrap filming, i’ll make you finish everynight, baby.”
this gets your cheeks hot. you can’t lie at all, you really did miss being tossed and turned by him once she was asleep at night.
“be careful with what you say,” you point a finger at him, “i’ll make you a daddy for the second time.”
he laughs, “please do.”
you roll your eyes at him, then start walking out to where his car is.
drew spent the wholeeee time talking to liyah, even though she mostly still speaks in her baby language.
he was having so much fun too, constantly giving an occasional ‘oh really’ and ‘what happened after that?’
it kept him entertained and so did you. you stayed recording the entire thing and could barely hold in your laughter.
you made finally made it to the hotel (not before stopping for some real food though of course.) and he was definitely not lying when he said it was really nice.
nice wasn’t even a good word, it was gorgeous.
“wow,” the three of you walked in. your hands dealing with the cart of luggage while his carried aaliyah. “this really is beautiful.”
“i know,” he looks like he’s in awe himself while he takes in the hotel. “only the best for my girls.”
you smile at him and he wraps an arm around you, the three of you making your way to the hotel room.
you were very happy you took this vacation.
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majycka · 29 days
hi i love your posts and as a gojohime shipper.. i feel sad that there is alot of hate towards this ship since people keep saying she hates gojo or it does not make sense due to limited reactions. What do you feel about this. i think it is just a cute fun ship .. it sadly not canon due to lack of significance and screen time utahime's character. Do you think there is alot of wasted potential with jjk even without gojohime? like with female characters like Shoko and Utahime and character arcs.
Thanks for this ask, anon! I’ll break my answers into parts cuz I’m too much of a resident gojohime yapster 😩✊
Gojo and Utahime’s dynamic
I do think that Utahime does hate Gojo because she actually have valid reasons for it BUT this does not mean that I agree with the way people shit on this part of gojohime cuz they reduce their dynamic too much on “Utahime ABHORS Gojo,” the type of abhor like wishing death on someone, but like that ignores the nuances in their dynamic as well as the individual characters themselves.
At first, Utahime and Gojo’s dynamic seems strictly professional like you know that type of situation where you hate that one person at work but you put up with them to stay “professional” and not have your personal feelings interfere with work. It makes sense because the jujutsu world is such a tight knit community that they’re just stuck with each other, and for both Teacher Gojo and Utahime, they ultimately share the goal of nurturing a better generation. That’s why Utahime puts up with him. 
However, of course, with my shipping goggles on, one thing that makes this so delish (aside from their trust on each other) is the man Gojo himself. Utahime tries so much to maintain her “dignity” and “professionalism” but Gojo just keeps on poking and annoying the fuck out of her as if like begging for her attention, and he does get a reaction from her that he seems to like(10 years of it cough cough plus he genuinely thinks that Uta's annoyance to him is their inside joke LMAO)! Comparing this “teasing” to Ijichi and Nanami, Utahime is the one that likely buttheads with him and you know what? Utahime does have valid reasons for “hating” and genuinely getting angry at Gojo. I’m gonna hold Gojo here accountable for the teasing because some fans might think that it’s just him going “haha JK!” but considering how merciless he is in insulting people “weak” and swings around his “The Strongest” title around people, Utahime has the right to be that mad and in some sense, this is like Utahime wanting Gojo to be accountable for his actions and just stop being a dickhead. Like sure, sure, it’s true that it makes sense Gojo is arrogant like that because he’s literally “The Strongest.” He’s literally untouchable.  Ijichi is intimidated by him so he’s passive with his teasing. Elders always are shitting their pants when he’s being unpredictable because they can’t stop him. Jeez, even Jogo is scared of him. His arrogance does get him somewhere though (especially when he’s beefing with higher ups to protect his students) and it allows him to get away with being an arrogant brat. 
That’s exactly why Utahime’s constant butting heads to Gojo has so much flavour compared to his interaction with others.
Utahime’s constant “respect your senior” just wants Gojo here to see her eye-to-eye, not someone who’s weak or below him but treat her like a human person because she's strong willed like that, and of fucking curse, Gojo being the complicated one here, afterall the “haha weak” teasing, did ask for her help. It’s such a whiplash that Utahime even doubted his request, and Gojo being Gojo responded with his “cuz your weak” reasoning. *Cue that iconic gjhm scene*
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BUT ME? Nah, I wasn’t TOO convinced. Gojo’s a complicated guy and this is why I even did a breakdown on why his “haha weak” to Utahime questions is a weak attempt of him tryna cover his emotionally constipated ass.
Manga spoilers but ever since this manga panel dropped,
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it basically confirmed that Gojo sees himself as a separate category of people because his “The Strongest” title made him believe that, and this thinking puts him in a strained relationship to most people in his life. He tries to do things alone because others are just “too weak” to support him, like apparently it’s a constant game of a “it’s a skill issue” when it comes to relying to others. He does this to himself when the dude badly needs support, like my guy, you said it yourself that you can’t reform the entire jujutsu system alone lol. 
But you know what’s crazy? His cahoots with Utahime is the closest thing to him letting others support him, especially someone he DEEMS “weak.” While yes later on, Gojo did ask Ijichi’s help for the Sukuna fight but Utahime gets a special mention here because she’s THE first. These two just stuck to each other despite being cities away. Moreover, both Utahime and Gojo are teachers who aim to nurture a better generation. They kinda understand each other in that department, ykyk. But then Gojo here isn’t really letting Utahime in because she’s supposedly “weak” and there’s the strained dynamic that surrounds it. Here’s an excellent post that isn’t mine that kinda explains this stuff too.
In other words, I do think Utahime hates Gojo because of how he treats people which is super neat to me cuz she wants him to be accountable and not get away from being an arrogant brat. Meanwhile, Gojo here, in an emotionally constipated, seems to yank her attention A LOT, and I even dare to think that even with walls that he builds, he craves for support but can't be totally upfront about it.
JJK and the wasted potential
The jjk fandom (even how divided we all are at times) can universally agree that Gege fumbled a lot of female characters. I have specifically talked about Utahime, Mai, and Nobara (And I’m working on another Utahime plus kyoto tech actually that was an ask from..months ago hehe) As for Shoko now, yes. I’ve read this one great post about her in how she goes against the “healer of the group” trope presented in shonen anime (example: Naruto’s Sakura and Bleach’s Orihime being the healer shown to have their hearts on their sleeves). I guess what I can say is there’s so much fun to explore with Shoko is her relationship with Utahime because even though she appears distant, she does in fact maintain a long term relationship with Uta. Another potential is her interacting with the students because the number of adults in the manga are literally almost next to none, I see her having the character arc of learning to open up to them and being that aunt who gets real with them why being an adult sucks over alcoholic drinks lol 
As for the overall wasted potential from jjk, ngl I go through the cycle of grief whenever I felt this about jjk like yes, I do feel like Mai and Maki’s arc are handled badly and yes, I am saddened by the lack of kyoto tech exploration in the manga. There’s Nobara’s and Yuki's death. However, when hitting the acceptance stage, I just grew to understand that jjk is a bleak ass manga (and it rightfully established itself like that from the start with Junpei’s death) and deaths are a huge part of it which I think a huge chunk of the fandom sometimes FORGETS. Second, Gege’s just not interested in exploring shit that I like. So yeah, I just came to the conclusion that Gege is Gege and the only way he actually makes me keep reading jjk (even with the many heartbreaks of wasted potential I have with it) is how he’s handling Yuuji and Megumi right now cuz I’m pretty invested in them.
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elzdaizy · 2 years
It All Started With Pizza
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Eddie Munson -  One Shot 
Summary: It’s 1988 and Eddie is in his first year of college. You can’t really stand him but he’s been picked as your partner for a project so you’ve both been spending a lot of time together the past month to work on your project. Study sessions have somehow turned into movie nights and suddenly you start to forget why you dislike him so much. 
Warnings: 18+, Sexual themes, body image insecurities, swearing. 
Note: This is a super long one, so get your popcorn, grab a drink and brace yourselves. Enjoy :) I also really appreciate feedback! Comments and re-blogs are cherished dearly! 
“Okay - No, stop stop. I can’t watch this anymore. What are you doing?” Eddie asks from his spot next to you, where he’s sat closer than he needs to be.
He’s glancing from your naked pizza slice, then to your face with an incredulous expression.
You look to your pizza slice and back to him. “Knitting a sweater, what does it look like I’m doing?”
He rolls his eyes, wiping some sauce from the corner of his mouth away with his thumb before sucking it into his mouth and releasing it. “Smart ass. Look, I was able to look past the pineapple on pizza thing - you psycho, but I can’t sit here and watch you eat the topping and then the base like some lunatic.”
You just give him a blank stare so he continues his rant, “it’s like watching someone take a bite out of the middle of a burrito, or taking a bite out of a whole Kit Kat instead of breaking it apart - were you raised by savages?”
This seems to really be bothering him and you find it fantastic.
You watch his face as you turn your empty pizza slice around, bringing it to your mouth as you take a bite out of the crust first and watch him look like he’s about to have a mental breakdown.
“Some people just wanna watch the world burn, Eddie.” You shrug, fighting the urge to cackle at his mouth hung open with wide eye mortified eyes.
“You’re gonna eat the rest of your pizza like that now, aren’t you?” He looks disgusted by the thought and you love it.
“Absolutely.” You agree without missing a beat and turn your face away to watch the tv again, ignoring Eddie who’s staring at you while you continue to bastardise the simple act of eating pizza.
You continue to watch the movie whilst Eddie sits his pizza box on the coffee table before asking if you were finished with yours; to which you nodded and he placed the box from your lap and onto the table.
As you continue to watch the movie, you realise you much preferred it when you were eating, having something to distract yourself and stop you from fidgeting with your hands, because now they’re just fidgeting in your lap which isn’t being helped by Eddie’s periodic stares at you.
“You’ve got an interesting way of watching movies..” You dig at him with a dry tone, when his eyes are focused on the side of your head instead of the tv.
“You’ve got an interesting way of eating pizza - we’ve all got our quirks.” He throws back, refusing to look away and you want to squirm on the spot with how anxious it’s making you.
“Watch the movie, weirdo.” You huff, barely able to pay attention to what you’re watching on the screen; wanting to bite your tongue off when you accidentally glance at him and your eyes go to his mouth before snapping away.
“Far more interested in what I’m watching right now actually.” He says with a tilt of his head, and you close your eyes with a drawn out frustrated sigh.
He leans closer, barely keeping an inch between the side of your face and his nose, you feel his breath against your cheek. You just keep your eyes firmly planted on the screen and dig your nails into the palms of your hands to soothe the way your heart nearly jumps out of your chest.
“You okay (y/n)? Something you want?” He asks with a suggestive amused drawl that makes you clamp your teeth down on the inside of your cheek.
“I want you to watch the movie.” You blurt out with your voice hitching in your throat, which only makes him smile and look even more pleased with himself.
He hums a disbelieving “mm-hmm.” But leans back; facing the tv again. You fight to nearly throw yourself off the couch when he shifts to lay down all of a sudden.
He throws his feet up over the arm of the couch, laying his back to the pillow, his head on your lap; lacing his fingers together to rest on his chest as he watches the tv with a casual expression.
“Um, what are you doing?” You ask, hovering your hands above him with no idea where to put them, while he tries to hide his lips twitching up at the corners.
“Watching the movie like you told me to do.”
You don’t know what to say, or what to do with your hands so you just stay rigid; swallowing down the dry feeling in your mouth as you opt to rest your arms along the back of the couch to avoid touching him, which only makes him grin.
The rest of the movie was like being in hell, you couldn’t even concentrate on it. 
There’s a moment when you swear on purpose, Eddie moves one hand down to pull up the hem of his shirt over over his stomach; acting like he had an itch he needed to scratch but then just left his hand on his exposed soft stomach and carved hips that his pants had shifted dangerously low on. 
He rested his other arm hung above his head, the top of his arm rested against your thigh while his hand rested against the couch and his fingers made a habit of grazing against the side of my bare thigh occasionally. 
By the time the movie was over your stomach was in that many knots, you swore it was practicing to be a sailor and your muscles ached in your body from how tense you’ve been that whole time. 
Eddie acted completely oblivious to your distress, moving up off the couch and asking how he should go about putting some music on and when you explained how to; you gave him another suspicious look when he put The Smiths on from your tape collection to play into your stereo speakers. 
He returns to the couch to sit next to you, raising a brow and pointing a finger in your face. “Don’t act like you’re the only one with ‘good’ music taste.”
You roll your eyes, but Eddie just looks over your figure, “You seem tense.” 
It reminds you of the night you two played pool at the Bar last week, and your heart thumps at the memory of him leaning over you and pressing his body against you. 
You don’t say anything, too distracted from the memory and Eddie grabs your attention by grasping your hand, “I want to try somethin’, loosen you up a bit.” 
You look at him with panic flashing across your face, which makes him clarify what he means straight away, “I just meant give you a head massage -I’m really good at them.” 
You shake your head, leaning back, “Oh no, I’m good. I don’t like massages or people touching me. It’s torture, not relaxing for me at all.” 
It’s true. You hate physical contact for the most part, you’ve never understood how people got massages or things like pedicures as a form of relaxation because to you, a stranger touching you is the worst thing you can possibly think of. You’d literally pay someone to not touch you. 
He pulls his lips to the side with a disbelieving look, and tugs at your hand again, “If you really don’t want me to touch you, i wont - but i’d like if you gave me a chance, I might surprise you.” 
You press your lips together in a flat line when he gives you the most pathetic begging puppy dog eyes you’ve ever seen. Oh for fuck sake, you think. “Fine. But i’m telling you, I’m going to hate it.” 
His solemn expression turns into a bright smile, and he gestures between his legs spread apart where he is sitting, “Just say the word and I stop whenever you want - come on, sit on the floor between my legs.” 
You roll your eyes again, “Bet you’re gonna love that, getting me on the floor between your legs.” You sigh, pulling yourself forward up off the couch and moving to sit on the ground between his legs with your shoulders against the back of the couch and his knees either side of your head. 
“Doesn’t do much for me unless you’re on your knees, sweetheart.” He jabs back, and for some reason it doesn’t make you uncomfortable. It’s like you’re just becoming accustomed to his crass sense of humour. 
At least, you though he was joking, right? 
“It could be a cold day in hell before that happens.” You quip and hear his laugh under his breath as he starts to run his fingers through the top of your hair to pul it back away from your face. 
“Oh I dunno,” He grins, shifting forward on the couch so his thighs are either side of your shoulders; how he manages to spread his legs in those jeans, you’ll never know. “If you knew the shit I’ve seen - miracles happen every day.” 
“In your dreams.” You scoff, feeling your muscles constrict when his long fingers slide into your hair up from the base of your neck. 
You’re fighting your natural instinct to recoil away, and panic over someone being so close. You don’t know how this is anxiety is ever meant to feel good. 
You still don’t rightfully know why you’re even letting him do this. 
...You know the answer is buried deep down, you’re not stupid but you’re refusing to acknowledge it because it will tumble you off a cliff that you’re not ready to go down. It’s better to keep those doors closed in your mind, you’re just humouring him. 
Eddie stays silent, as his fingers begin to work against your scalp; massaging his fingers in slow motions as he moves up your head. You’re shocked by the feeling, it’s like you had strings pulled taught on every limb in your body that have just been cut and your body slumps; and the more his long fingers work it starts sending waves of tingles radiating down your spine. 
Goosebumps prickle over your skin, and your head lulls back while your eyes close. “Just relax.” He coos, keeping his voice soothing and you think to yourself, this doesn’t feel terrible at all. 
“How about we share some secrets?” Eddie asks, and even though your eyes are closed you can feel his eyes fixed on you as your head slumps further back. 
You feel like a limp doll, like all of the tension in your body is melting away and to be perfectly honest you’ve never really had that. You’ve always been wound up too tight to let it happen, let alone have anyone do this. 
You’re always tensing some part of your body every second; whether it’s subconsciously clenching your teeth or jaw, tensing your shoulders or clenching your fists, you’re always on edge. Even in your sleep. 
“Okay” You agree, feeling far too compliant at the moment with these warm waves washing through your body as his fingers somehow unravel every bit of tight pressure in your body. 
“That was easy.” Eddie points out in surprise, but doesn’t hesitate to take up the opportunity to ask the first question. “When was your last relationship?” He asks, smoothing his fingers up from the base of your neck. 
You swallow, wetting your lips. “three years ago.” 
You wish you could go back to who you were before you met your ex, he damaged you almost beyond repair. 
Eddie gives you an acknowledging hum and you decide to start your own prying, “What about you?” 
“I was with someone for two years, ended five months ago - is this ex the reason why you haven’t been with anyone else?” 
You let out a long sigh but it’s not an anxious one, its almost a pleasured one from the feelings flickering around your body over how nice this feels. 
You’re barely even paying attention to what you’re talking about. 
“Partly, but not entirely.” You drag out, relaxing your head back further as Eddie keeps his fingers laced in your hair and moves them to massage the side of your head. “Do you miss your ex?” 
Again his answer is simple and fast, but he doesn’t even sound like he’s concentrating on what he’s saying as his own voice becomes slow “I don’t. Don’t you miss it though? Someone making you feel good?” 
“Can’t miss what you’re never had.” You reply under your breath without though, feeling your breathing shallow and you could literally moan at how incredible this feels. 
It’s the truth though, it’s a large part about why you’re so complacent about sex. Sure it feels okay but if you’re being totally honest, you don’t think you’ve ever loved a single hand that’s touched you. It’s never been about you enjoying it, it was always about you being enjoyable for the other person. 
It was never about you or how you felt, it was always about them. Your pleasure only mattered if it benefit them but for the most part they wanted you to inflate their ego, not actually make you feel good. 
You could’ve won an oscar with some of your performances. 
Eddie’s fingers pause in your hair and it makes you slowly blink your groggy eyes open, jumping when you see his face much closer to yours that you expected. 
His pupils are blown out, with his lips hooding his eyes but his brows are pinched together as he darts his gaze over your face. 
There’s several mixed emotions mixing together over his face that are confusing you; there’s sadness, irritation and to be honest you don’t know if hungry is an emotion, but he looks that too. 
Eddie’s fingers slip from your hair as he slides his hands to hold either side of your face, and he leans closer flicking between your eyes. 
It’s getting harder to breathe, it feels like everything else in the room has evaporated - you can’t even hear the music. 
His tongue darts out to dampen his lower lip, and his voice is soft but low as he speaks. 
“I could show you, you know... I could make you feel good... if you let me.” 
Your chest tightens at the same time your stomach jolts when he dips his head down to lean close enough that his nose nudges your chin. “Can’t stop thinking about it to be honest.” He murmurs, hovering his mouth over yours but not going further. 
His long fingers are around the underside of your jaw, tilting your chin up more till there’s barely a hairs width between your mouths and you can almost feel his lips touch yours as he speaks. 
You don’t think your heart knows whether to give up or beat a hundred mile an hour, it feels like it’s trying to do both and your breathing is so shallow you barely feel it. 
Eddie takes the fact that you haven’t smacked his or yanked yourself away from him as a positive sign, because he nudges your lower lip with his own before murmuring “Dyin’ to kiss you - but that’s up to you... Do you want to kiss me?” 
Both sides of your brain are screaming at each other while your skin heats over your whole body, and you can barely make out what the war in your head is arguing about. 
Eddie sighs, slipping his tongue out to ghost against your lower lip and every organ you have clenches while you ball your hands into fists. “Go on (y/n), do what you want...” he dares in a low whisper. 
It’s a split second before I’m sucking in a breath and closing the fraction of a distance between the both of you, pressing your lips against his; feeling completely out of your mind. 
As soon as the pressure of your lips touching his happens, Eddie takes a firmer hold on your jaw; drawing in a sharp breath through his nose before he starts to mould his mouth against your own. 
Everything feels like it goes from this frozen tense moment, like cracks slowly splintering in glass until the pressure gets too much and it shatters. 
The kiss only lasts a few seconds, then his mouth is being torn from yours while he grabs under your arms to pull your up to your knees; turning you and tugging you up until you’re crawling onto him, but the second you’re facing him again his lips are connecting with yours as you struggle to keep up. 
You’re not even thinking, your body is just doing whatever the fuck it feels like apparently. It’s almost like you’ve blacked out, your mind going blank and all you can do is feel. 
He keeps pulling you towards him until your knees end up either side of his hips; panting out low moans into the kiss that just become more intense the second he taunts your lips with his tongue and you welcome it with your own. 
Your skin feels like it’s on fire, boiling your insides along with it while you have your damn reality shattered and his hands roam around your body like he can’t decide where to put them. 
He breaks his lips away, only to nip and kiss at your lower lip between his words “Tell me what you like.” He takes your lip between his teeth, to give it a gentle tug before releasing it and teases his tongue over it, “I’ll do whatever you like - tell me.” 
Eddie waits for your answer but insecurity cripples you because you don’t know what to say to that, because well, you don’t know the answer. 
You’ve had plenty of sexual experience but it’s never been about what you liked, you’ve never even thought about it. 
Eddie pulls back at your hesitation and his brows crease, “Don’t be shy, you can tell me.” 
“I, uh...” You clear your throat, feeling flustered, “I can’t tell you because... I don’t exactly know.” 
His brows scrunch even further in confusion and you shrug your shoulders “No one’s ever asked me that before.” 
His expression falls with a sigh as he presses his lips into an annoyed flat line “We need to have a serious talk about the kind of assholes that you’ve been with - but we can do that later.” He taps his fingers on your thigh as an indicator for you to get up. “C’mon, hop up.” 
You give him a confused look, with your stomach dropping as you stand; thinking that the fact you told him this has made him change his mind and not want to touch you. 
But he stands when you do, grasping your hand and starts walking you both towards your bedroom; looking at you over his shoulder and notices the insecurity on your face when he matches with a soft but determined look. “You don’t know what you like, and we are gonna do something about it. I’m gonna help you figure it out.” 
Your eyes widen at how matter of fact he sounds, but he stops just as you reach your door and you hear wheezing and trotting footsteps behind you. 
Eddie looks behind you to see your dog following, then looks to your face cocking his brow. “I know you love that dog - but he can’t watch, doubt he’s gonna wanna see what I’m gonna do to you.” 
You give him a flat look that makes him bite on his lip with a cheeky grin, a look that makes you want to kiss him again instead of slapping him, like it used to. 
You look at your dog and point to the couch, ‘Sorry, couch tonight - I’ll make it up to you I promise - go on, off you go.”  
Your dog huffs and whines before turning and hanging his head; walking away with slow sad steps and you immediately feel terrible.
Eddie noticed the guilty look on your face, and pulls on your hand; tugging you into the room and shutting the door behind him before you can protest.
As soon as the door click shuts his hands are grabbing your face; crashing his lips into yours to kiss you so hard that you would’ve fallen over if his hands didn’t immediately let go of your face and grab behind your thighs instead; hoisting you up until your legs wrap around his waist and you squeak in shock at the action.
He walks you both towards the bed, stumbling while he tries to blindly find his way and you’re surprised that you both made it without him tripping and eating shit, hitting the ground when he turns and falls on the bed.
You throw your hands out to hit the bed as he does this, to stop yourself from nearly head butting him; but his mouth continues to attack yours while he moves your legs either side of his hips and grabs the hem of his shirt; tugging it up and only breaking the kiss to tear it up over his arms and head before he’s tossing it and latching his mouth onto yours again.
Both of your chests are heaving while the air in the room feels like it shoots to a thousand degrees, and Eddie grabs your hands to place them on his bare warm chest before his own hands explore over your torso in greedy, frantic touches.
His hips roll up from underneath you, grinding his centre against yours with a whine in the back of his throat and you’d snap your legs together at the sound, if you could.
His fingers grab the hem of your shirt as he starts to tug it up but then pauses, “is it okay? Can I take this off?” He checks, his words muffled against your lips.
You’re nodding before you can stop yourself, mumbling and agreeing “mhmm.” Against his lips; and next thing you know the material is being pulled up and torn off you, thrown aimlessly and his hands go back to exploring all of the new exposed skin that they can. His hands feel like they’re scorching every inch of skin they go over. Your head is spinning faster than a thrill ride at a funfair.
His lips kiss down your throat where he latches onto it, sucking the spot above your collarbone with his ragged breathing hitting your skin; making you whimper as he sucks and laps at the spot while his palms smooth up your back and his fingers stop at the back of your clasped bra.
“Can I undo this?” He rasps, snapping the band of the back of your bra against your skin.
You feel like you’ve been possessed because you didn’t even recognise your voice before it answered.
He swallows as he continues to pant, dragging his warm slick tongue up your neck to your jaw as his fingers undo the clasp with impressive ease.
The material of your bra starts to slip from your body; and you gasp in surprise when his hands go to your shoulders, grabbing you and flipping you both quicker than a crack whip and he’s hovering over you.
He pauses looking down at you with his face flushed and unruly hair draped around his face, glancing to your bra laying loose over your chest and he takes hold of it; not taking his eyes away while he slips it down your arms and tucks his bottom lip under his teeth.
As soon as he drops your bra next to you both on the bed, your instinct is to cover your chest; looking away from him and cursing yourself in your head that you’re so ashamed.
You don’t know how to feel comfortable or proud of your body and the confidence Eddie has is something you envy, you can’t even look at yourself naked in the mirror.
“Don’t you dare.” Eddie scolds out of breath, grasping your arms to pull them away. “Don’t hide yourself.”
You close your eyes when he removes your arms from in front of you; wishing it made you invisible because you could curl up in a ball with how self conscious you feel.
“Fuck…” he cusses under his breath and you don’t know if that’s a good or bad thing. “Look at me, honey.”
You keep your eyes closed and his voice gets more stern. “Look. At. Me.”
You force your eyes open, sucking all the air into your lungs the second you see the look on his face; it’s enough to make you want to shrink back into the bed as he stares at you under his brows.
He licks his lips, placing his palms against your stomach and you try not to cringe.
You often wonder what sex would be like not caring about your body, not spending the whole time wondering if the other person is disgusted by you or not.
“I don’t know what the hell you think is wrong with your body… because I can’t for the fucking life of me figure out a single problem with what I’m looking at right now.” He says, slipping his palms higher. “But I’m not you. I don’t see what you do - but we’re gonna work on that too… Because wanting to hide this,” his fingers knead and grope at the skin as they go higher, and he gestures his face down referring to your bare torso, “hiding this is just unacceptable.”
You swallow the harsh tightening in your throat, a mix of your own personal discomfort from feeling so exposed and the tension from his humid hands sliding up your skin.
He leans down, keeping his eyes on your face; kissing between your sternum and then drags his lips up over your left breast with his breath heating on your skin. “If I had it my way you’d never wear clothes again - I’m hooked now.”
You don’t know how something that was meant to be a compliment also sounded like a warning, but all you can do is watch helplessly as his mouth tastes and teases all over your chest.
You think you’re about to hyperventilate, you’ve never had something or someone be so intense.
To be fair, usually the sex would be over by now from your past experiences. Very in and out, over and done with. But he seems like he’s in absolutely no rush at all.
He pulls away just after he kitten licks at your nipple making your back arch up, and crawls off of you to stand at the edge of the bed; keeping his starving eyes on you as they dart all over your body like they can’t decide where to stay and he starts to undo his jeans, tugging them down once they’re open.
He lets out a relieved groan, once they’re down past his hips, which you’re assuming is from the lack of restriction he has now and you try not to look while he shuffles them down his legs to kick them off but the hard bulge, begging to get out of his briefs is hard to miss.
He brings his fingers up to push his hair away from his face and sighs, looking like he’s in pain, “You’re making it real fuckin’ difficult to have self control right now, (y/n).”
You just stare at him with your brows twitching together thinking, how? You haven’t done anything?
You chew on your lip, not sure what you should say while your chest rises and falls in slow but harsh breaths.
Eddie rubs his hands over his face, groaning a strained ‘fuck’ into his hands, before dropping them and stepping forward to hook his fingers under the material of your shorts; flicking his intense eyes up to yours. “Can I take these off? I want you to get under the covers after I do - if it’s okay?”
You give him a shy nod and he gives you a warning look. “You’ve got a voice, use it.”
“It’s okay.” You blurt under your breath, your ovaries feeling like they’re strangling themselves over the stern demanding tone of his voice.
His mood flips again as he smiles, holding the tip of his tongue between his teeth - which looks far too adorable of an expression to have while he’s getting you naked and starts pulling your shorts down along with your underwear, but keeps his eyes on your face.
You hold your breath when he slips them off your legs and drops them to the floor next to the bed, gesturing his chin towards the pillows. “Under the covers.”
You will your body to move, shuffling up the bed as he watches your face and once you tug the covers back and climb under he moves to follow you.
“You’re leaving those on?” You question, glancing to his briefs and have no idea where you even got the guts to ask that.
Intimate moments are when you’re most insecure and not even your wit can save you.
He slides into the bed next to you, nudging you to lay on your back then urges you to roll on your side with your back facing him. “Trust me, much better for my self control if I leave these on this time.”
This time? You think. So he’s already on the next time assumption thing.
You scrunch your face up in confusion but then jolt when he scoots up behind you; wrapping his arm around your waist and slotting your shoulders flush against his firm chest that radiates heat through your body.
He rests his mouth near your ear and starts to trace patterns over your abdomen with his fingers. “I know it was a lot, letting me see you, so I thought we could try something else… I want you to be comfortable - we don’t have to rush anything…” 
There’s a strange tug in your chest, over how observant and thoughtful of that he was and how foreign it is that someone is being so attentive towards you.
“I’m gonna ask you some questions, you can answer however you want - there’s no wrong answer but I need you to use your voice, okay? Nodding isn’t gonna work for me.” He says in a gentle tone, flattening his hand against your stomach.
“Okay.” You breathe, biting down on your lip so hard you nearly taste blood when he leans up and his mouth goes to your neck again.
“Don’t be offended - but you’ve had an orgasm before, right?” He asks between slow kisses down your neck, making his way to your shoulder.
You think one word answers are the best you’re gonna be able to drag out, because you’re even struggling with just those. You have no idea where this is going.
He lets out a thoughtful hum, nipping at your shoulder as his hand moves higher to massage over your breast. “Has anyone else ever made you come? Or just yourself? Be honest.”
“Just myself.”
“Thought as much.” He sighs in a mutter, sounding annoyed but not towards you, your answer just seemed to frustrate him but he doesn’t sound surprised. “So you’ve never come during sex? Or from someone else touching you? Ever?”
“No.” You clear your throat, deciding to add, “just assumed I was defective or something, because I couldn’t.”
Eddie pauses and leans over to look at the side of your face, but you just stare at the wall. “There’s nothing wrong with you, understand me? If you can make yourself come, so can someone else. Whoever you’ve been with either didn’t know what the fuck they were doing, or didn’t deserve to touch you in the first place - the idiots never stopped to to ask you what you liked or tried to find out - they’re the fucking problem.”
His words are firm and direct, and you’re so used to his cheeky light nature that hearing him sound so harsh and serious makes your muscles tense. You don’t know why all of this has struck such a nerve with him, but he obviously feels very strongly about it.
“Point taken. I don’t have a broken vagina, good pep talk.” You quip with your voice tight, and the tension from Eddie’s speech breaks when a bright chuckle vibrates in his chest.
“Definitely don’t think it’s broken… maybe a little neglected but not broken” He teases, and you’re just about to fire back at him but he slides his hand down to grab your thigh to lift it; running his fingers up the area where your leg meets your groin. “Only one way to find out though.”
Your belly coils that tight you just about choke, your muscles twitching when he tickles his fingers over the hair on your pubic bone. “Can I touch you?”
You bite down on the inside of your cheek, hard. Your hips have the urge to shift forward of their own accord to encourage him, and you’re trying to adjust to constantly getting asked permission.
The normal side of your brain would have been sarcastic, but the hormonal one is the part that murmurs a shy “Yes.”
That three letter word has Eddie’s fingers ghosting down; making you grit your teeth when his careful fingertips drag a slow stroke between your folds; a deep long exhale leaving his mouth as he does.
His fingers move back and forth, exploring every slick bit of skin he can and you feel him shift on the spot behind you, like he’s trying to get comfortable.
“Feels pretty perfect to me, (y/n).” He murmurs, leaning down to press an affectionate kiss to your jaw, “Just relax, want you to do something for me.” 
You try ignore that voice in your head, the one that said you should’ve seen this coming and everyone wants something; because feeling him touching you feels exhilarating, even if it’s terrifying to finally be so vulnerable around someone. 
You feel safe and for you that’s an unusual feeling in this situation. 
He removes his hand from between your legs, taking your hand that you hadn’t even noticed was clamping the sheets and moves it down with his own, “I want you to touch yourself - what feels the best for you. Just place your hand on top of mine and move my fingers however you want.” 
“Eddie I can’t - I can’t do that.” You stutter while you try and comprehend what he just said - you’re not confident enough for that, but he just tuts you. 
“Yes you can.” He dismisses, placing both his and your hand between your legs and moves his fingers to rest against the sensitive spot that’s started to throb. “Just close your eyes, and breathe. You can do it, and I’m not moving my fingers until you do - it’s up to you.” 
He applies more pressure but keeps his fingers still and you cuss under your breath, squeezing your eyes closed. 
“While you’re deciding...” Eddie starts with a coy tone to his voice, still not moving his fingers that feel torturing at this point, “I’m pretty wrapped about the fact I turn you on, feeling how soaked you are. Enjoy kissing me that much do you?” 
You can’t answer, you’re too distracted by the ache that’s getting worse between your legs that you haven’t felt in what feels like an entire lifetime ago. 
Eddie just sounds amused now, and keeps talking with the smug expression evident in his voice “What else turns you on?” 
You’re huffing out breaths through your nose, fighting to keep your hips still, and Eddie moves his lips to your ear. “What about dirty talk? That get you off? Let’s see if it does.” He drawls in a low voice that feels like it shivers down your spine from the drop to it. 
“Wanna know how much you turn me on, sweetheart?” He breathes against your ear, his words slow and sound filthy enough from his tone; his hips press forward, his hard length clothed underneath his briefs circling against your behind and he moans - It has to be on purpose with how drawn out it is, before he continues to speak, “You feel that? Rock fucking hard for you, and it isn’t the first time either.” 
“Know what I did last night?” He drags out, continuing to rock his hips against you while that ache between your legs makes you want to scream; and when you try to shift your hips he cups your hear, pinning you back against him to hold them still, “Just move my fingers, babe, you know what to do.” He taunts and you growl in frustration in the back of your throat which only makes him smile. “Now where was I? - Oh yeah, last night... I had a shower, know what I did while I was in there?” 
You try to stop the strangled moan that echoes in your throat when he circles his erection against your behind in slow hard movements but your body betrays you like it has since you met this stupid boy. 
“Was thinking about you, thinking about kissing you.” He murmurs, moving his head to press a kiss to your shoulder, “And I got so fucking hard; I couldn’t even concentrate. So I wrapped my fingers around myself... leant my other hand against the wall and started to fuck my fist; started slow and got faster and faster the more I thought about you, what it would be like to touch you... Have you in that shower with me... all the things we could do - and then you know what happened?” 
You can even explain what is happening to your body at the moment, it feels like every nerve ending you have is screaming. 
Eddie’s breathing gets heavier as he continues to grind himself against you, while his voice becomes thicker and he damn near moans his words out, “I came... really... really fucking hard. Could barely hold myself up, making filthy sounds I couldn’t control... if felt so good (y/n), so damn good.” 
The image that is now burned into your brain is going to kill you, along with the sound of his voice. 
You’re about to start wheezing, your throat feels like it’s closing on itself and you can’t take this anymore. You suck in a sharp gasp and use every ounce of non-existent confidence you have. 
You grab his hand, placing yours over his and press his fingers against your aching nerves, whining at the relief when you start to move his fingertips in slow circles. 
Eddie’s lips pull into a grin against your shoulder, and he hums to himself “Mmm, guess we can add dirty talk to the list of things that turn you on then.” 
You circle your hips back against his fingers, whimpering at the feeling and christ, if you knew this is how food being with another person was meant to feel, you would’ve ended up like Eddie a long time ago. This is mind numbing. 
“You really enjoyed that, didn’t you?” Eddie coos, sounding breathless as his hips grind harder against you, “Didn’t know it was possible for you to get even wetter - making a mess of my fingers lovely girl.” 
You’re going to have to get a priest to bless your shower head, so you can cleanse yourself under the water for a week straight after listening to that mouth of his. 
You decide you’re not going to be the only one that’s a mess, and push your behind back against his centre as you start to work his fingers faster at the pressure and speed you know will unravel this painful knot in your gut that way you need it to. 
Eddie grunts a low, guttural sound with a strained “Oh fuck.” following it, and thrusts his centre hard against you; dropping his humid forehead against your shoulder. 
His fingers keep up the rhythm you have going, pushing you closer to that devastating feeling that’s making your stomach muscles start to tremble and you drop your hand away, unable to keep it there anymore and dig your nails into the mattress. 
You haven’t even had a thought about what you should be doing, the sounds you should be making or how you should be reacting because that’s all you used to do - make sure you were reacting the way the other person wanted but right now you can’t think of a god damn thing, all you’re doing is relishing how incredible it feels. Your head is so quiet, and calm - it’s blissful. 
His fingers continue to mimic the exact motions you showed him, playing your body like an instrument he mastered in minutes and you start to writhe against him while he grinds his centre against you like he’s consumed by his own movements. 
“Oh god.” You gasp, your breath hitching in your throat as that pressure starts to ripple out from your centre. “Faster- please, I need - please go faster.” You beg sounding incoherent, you just need that last little push to unravel everything. 
Eddie moves his face to hover over yours, and you barely recognise his voice with how low and hoarse it is. “You gonna come for me, lovely girl?” 
You bite down hard on your lip, scrunching your eyes shut tighter with a sharp desperate nod and Eddie nudges his nose against your cheek, “Kiss me - and I’ll go faster, I’ll make you feel so good, just kiss me.” 
You turn your face, with his lips capturing yours as soon as they’re in reach and immediately the kiss is desperate. It’s wet tongues and careless lips while his fingers quicken against your sensitivity and he captures every single one of the choked moans that leave your throat. 
Every muscle in your body tenses as the coil in your abdomen unravels and pulses out from your lower half through your body in shock waves; spasming your nerves and constricting your stomach as it does while your hips thrust and roll to ride the feeling as it washes over you. 
Eddie’s fingers continue to drag the feeling out, pulling high pitched whimpers and strangled moans out of your chest while your kissing becomes uncoordinated until he spills his open mouth against yours when his hips jolt forward. 
He chokes out a whimpered “Oh my fucking god.” against your mouth, his own body jolting and trembling while his centre rolls against your behind until you feel a liquid warmth against your skin soaked into the fabric of his briefs. 
You jolt your hips away when you become too sensitive from his fingers, and his hand cups against your heat, pulling you against him like he’s trying to sooth the feeling while your body twitches from the aftershocks firing through it and you try to float back down from the high you were just on. 
Both of you are panting, with Eddie’s forehead against your own and his long hair that’s become damp in places is tickling against your cheeks. 
He presses several lazy kisses to your lips, sighing to himself and finally slips his hand from between your legs when your hips still; hugging his arms around your waist like he can’t get close enough. 
“You feelin’ okay?” He asks with a tired but light inflection to his voice. 
“M’good. Really good, I’m great.” You sigh sounding groggy, and can’t string a sentence together. You’re so sleepy now. 
Eddie laughs under his breath at how spent you are, sounding pleased with himself. 
“Thanks for letting me help.” He taunts and if you didn’t have pudding brain again you’d have a smart ass remark for that. 
He lifts his face from yours, and your head drops to the side against the pillow like it’s a dead weight which makes him laugh again; but he just cuddles up behind you. 
“You know, I haven’t come in my boxers since I was about twelve - so thanks for the nostalgia too.” He muses, sounding thoroughly entertained with himself. 
“You’re welcome.” You hum, half asleep and barely playing attention to what he’s saying. 
There’s a long silence as you both just lay there with each other, Eddie’s nuzzling into the crook of your neck and you get closer to drifting off into sleep from the sedated state your body is in; you just feel so damn content. He feels so comfortable and warm curled up against you. 
“(y/n)? I need a favour - before you fall asleep.” 
You murmur a sleepy “Mmm?” 
He pauses for a moment, and then sighs and for once you hear the slightest hint of bashfulness in his voice. 
“I need to clean myself up before I fall asleep - but uh, I kinda ruined my boxers... So you wouldn’t have any shorts I could sleep in, would you?” 
You smile to yourself. “Yeah, I do.” 
And you think to yourself, they’re gonna look fantastic on you, Eddie. 
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Milo Murphy's law, holy shit
I was watching a popular video on YouTube about Milo Murphy's Law, now despite the people in the comments having a collective trauma boner they can't get rid of, yes I said what I said and you'll know why, everyone OUTSIDE of that confined space actually agrees it's a funny, happy, underrated show.
Because in that comment section everyone was complaining that "Oh Milo doesn't care about the stuff going on around him" and "It would be so much better if he was constantly filled with anxiety" or "I always wanted him to break down and cry about the things going on around him" or "he should feel guilty about the things going on around him and have a breakdown"
Milo cares, he clearly does as in every episode he's helping everyone after mistakes get made because of the jinx out of his own kindness, even going out of his way to do his best to avoid stuff. He's just happy and positive and nonchalant about the outrageous comedic calamity that follows him wherever he goes not because he doesn't care but because he's dealt with it since birth, he stays optimistic and prepared as that's all you can really do. Being upset constantly, although justified, would not help or fix anything. If you made him constantly sad, guilty, and depressed constantly over the things he can't control (mind you he has gotten upset because of it before, multiple times) then that would ruin the whole message of the show and of Milo's character that Dan tried to display. Which is that things are gonna happen sometimes that are out of your control, but what matters is making the most of it and enjoying the things in life as they come. As even when they are bad, that doesn't take away the good that can happen. It's okay to get upset over things out of your control, but sometimes the only thing you can do is make the most of what you have and find enjoyment through the daily life of chaos.
But NOOO ppl would rather have this literal happy optimistic child in a hilariously chaotic and shitty situation be constantly depressed, on edge, anxiety ridden and guilty because if we can't be happy in that situation then they can't be either, and in the words of Milo Murphy "Does that sound like more fun to you?"
SO yeah, if you are trying to make something dark and depressing to be more relatable then take a good, HARD, look at yourself and revaluate. This child should NOT be upset because nothing that happens around him IS HIS FAULT. It's, let me repeat, literally OUT OF HIS CONTROL. And yet he STILLS helps everyone around him constantly DESPITE THAT.
We gotta stop getting upset at realistically positive characters in shitty situations and immediately getting upset that they have an optimistic outlook where we wouldn't. That's not to say don't take every situation not-seriously when it's needed (Which they have taken serious situations seriously and respectfully mind you), but for the love of god people need to stop self projecting. We all have our own traumas, and it can be validating seeing someone in your same shoes, but that doesn't mean every happy character needs to be as upset as we are.
Maybe, just maybe, they can serve as a happy reminder that, no matter what comes your way, sometimes there can be good found in even the craziest and shitty situations. That maybe, just maybe, we all need a bit of fun and happiness and optimisim in our lives because bad things are always going to happen that's out of your control. But what matters is focusing on the good in our lives.
Also before you say "WeLl It Was SaId Milo Wouldn't WaNT a CuRe foR MurPhy'S laW-" No, Milo's best friend assumed he wouldn't want that, that's not saying he wants to keep it because he likes it and will let ppl suffer because of that, but it was literally stated, and displayed in many other shows that use Murphy's law in a literal sense, that the "cure" for Murphy's law is literally passing it on elsewhere or onto someone else, and that was literally stated in the show too later on. Milo wouldn't want that and Melissa knows it. She also knows if there was a cure, they would've found it already, which means there is a reason why they still have this curse. Murphy's law is who he is, and him having it keeps it from affecting someone else, even if it causes problems he tries to see the good in having it around.
(And P.S., before you say "BuT tHe PaF Crossover MaDe ThIngS-", NOPE GET THAT, ALTHOUGH UNDERSTANDABLE OPINION, OUTTA HERE. It's a Dan run show, he's gonna do crossovers, he's gonna connect the two together and Doof being brought back as the fun uncle in the house with a platypus friend is amazing. You don't have to like it, but you gotta accept that others do.)
So, people, as a society, DO BETTER
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cutekittenlady · 23 days
Even More BDKO Earthspark Headcanons
First set of headcanons
Second set
I'm evil sooo~ I'm gonna say Velocitron was unfortunately destroyed by its sun in Earthspark rendering all of its citizens who managed to escape through the space bridge refugees on Cybertron. I'm gonna say that Velocitrons sad end occurred before the Civil War started but during the time period were the tensions that caused the Civil War was running high.
All of that to say that Knock Out is a Velocitronian refugee.
He avoids talking about the destruction of his birth planet or reflecting on how its loss and his desperate attempt to escape its destruction effects his tendency towards preserving his own life above all else.
OR how falling in love with Breakdown has created some very complicated feelings in the wake of that unaddressed trauma. (i.e. having a person whose life, freedom, and happiness, he also wants to preserve just as much as his own)
Essential information for the next headcanons; Motormaster is like a gang leader or mob boss. He frequently refers to the stunticons as his "family" and used this metaphor to threaten/guilt its members into doing what he wanted.
Breakdown was deep in this mindset when he was with them. Actively trying to look after the other stunticons, especially Dragstrip, and thinking his rough and cruel relationship with the others is just what combiner teams/families are like. Its only after leaving that he realizes otherwise.
Dragstrip is deeeeep in the mindset. She actively thinks of the other stunticons as her "stupid little brothers" (even though shes actually the youngest on the team) and believes shes Motormasters "favorite"
Deadend knows the whole "family" thing is just Motormasters way of controlling them. But he thinks that all aspects of family and relationships is just a pointless attempt at filling the void and pretending our existence means something.
Wildrider barely notices the metaphor. Only caring that Motormaster lets him bust stuff up.
Knock Out is the one who, in a moment of opportunity, managed to break Motormaster out of prison in the hope that he'd in turn help him rescue Breakdown. Counting on the power hungry combiner being so hyperfocused on wanting to reform Menasor that he wouldn't question why Knock Out wanted Breakdown free. He hoped to doublecross MM by using him as a distraction while he and Breakdown escaped leaving MM alone to be taken down by GHOST and the Autobots.
On Motormasters end he fully intended to kill Knock Out after he was released from stasis up until Knock Out revealed Megatrons betrayal. Deciding he could kill Knock Out anytime he wanted, MM agreed to team up with KO in the interest of collecting the other stunticons, reforming Menasor, and taking out Megatron.
Once Knock Out finds out about Breakdowns escape he changes gears to helping Motormaster find the other Stunticons in the hopes that it would allow him to reunite with breakdown. Caring about nothing other than getting to be with Brakdown again.
Since Breakdown never talked about what being the stunticons was actually like with Knockout, KO assumes Breakdown would jump at the chance to rejoin his old combiner team again. In fact, through Motormasters angry insistence that Knock Out destroyed their "family" he develops a bit of guilt. He begins to wonder if he took Breakdown away from people he cared about.
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ramattra-simping · 1 year
I know the stories are gonna be slow but please take your time when doing this, mental health is important 💜 but I might suggest a story, Reader having a mental health breakdown during a mission while working with Null Sector’s leader Ramattra. Look after yourself okay
Thank you for your patience. And sorry it took me that long to answer to your request.
S/o having a breakdown while working with Ramattra
You knew from the moment you agree to work with Ramattra that it wont be easy.
Especially when you are a human and everyone knows he hates them.
But you once helped and omnic when he got beaten up and repaired him after it.
Ramattra heard of you from the omnic you helped and literally forced you to work with him as in "Your people cause this damage . You will fix it"
You agreed mostly because you felt bad for the omnics and want them to have a better life.
Time pasted and to your surprise Ramattra got a little nicer to you and you? Well you just fall for the null sector leader. How did it happen? If only you know
And because of it you got even more stressed when you fix another omnic. "What if i mess up?" "What if Ramattra doesnt need you at some point anymore?"
After a mission Ramattra got damaged. Not much but it still needed a check up so he went to you.
When you saw it was him who asked for your check up your stress level went high again.
You were on the edge of a breakdowm. 1. He got damaged/injured and that worried you. 2. You needed to check him up and repair the caused damage. 3. If you mess up he will be mad and surely kick you out.
You didnt even notice you were a shaking mess until he asked you what the matter would be. You just said you were bit cold hoping its enough for him
You started working now still very shaky but try your best.
But your thoughtd betray you.
You dont know why but your hand start to cramp and you let the tool fall you used.
Both you and Ramattra looked down to the tool and he is actually the one piccking it up for you. "Im so sorry! Im sorry! Please, please dont be mad!" was the first you could think of saying.
If he could he would rais an eyebrow at you.
"Now what is there to be sorry about" he asked you not looking away even when he placed the tool away.
"For messing up. For being so stupid!" small teares roll down now.
Ramattra understood fast. He may be n ot found of humans but you are a good one, who is on the side of the omnics right. He could trust you.
So he can see what is going on with you.
"Now, Now do not speak of yourself so low. You are not stupid nor did yu make any kind of mess."
"Yes i am. No matter what i do its always wrong." you know its not true yoursekf its the stress speaking now.
"Do you truly think you make everything wrong? Because if it would be true i would have already kicked you out."
He stands up now to stand right in front of you and looks downa t you.
"You are a good human compare to evryone else. You help my people no matter what you and we all are gratful for it." after his little spech he placed a hand on your shoulder.
You didnt know what came over you but out of instinct you hug him needing some comfort even if its a cold omnic chest.
He is taken back at first but lets you hold him.
He even pats your back to help you calm down. "Now, why wont you rest for the rest of the day and take your time? You humans are fragile after all"
You just nod your head at him frist before breaking the hug "Thank you Ramattra. Really"
This time he just nods and gave one more pat on your head before leaving.
While he is leaving one thing was for sure in his mind, no matter what he doesnt want to see you like this again rather just your happy smiling self.
I hope you enjoy it. I also will finish all the other request i have before i shut this account off (not deleting) for a while because im planning to do something else and with work and all it will take a lot of my time.
If i find time again i of course would come back to writing here.
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itzynabi · 5 months
summary: in which someone talks to eve
set: 3 nov 2018
word count: 3.1k
warnings: talks of depression & mental health, mention of food. pls tell me if i missed anything
an: the gif is mine. if im being honest, this was a very self indulgent scenario of things i wish i was told, but it was surprisingly hard to write bcs i had no idea how i wanted to be comforted. anyways, i hope you like it! words im bold are english. feedback and reblogs are much appreciated 💐
eve’s masterlist
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A plate of food was placed in front of Eve. “How are you feeling?”
She looked up at her brother as he sat down opposite her at the table. “...I’m not sure.” She could tell he wasn’t satisfied with her answer, but he didn’t push it. Thankfully.
Following her breakdown five days ago, Kibum became very involved in her life. Every morning and night, he would ask her how she was feeling; she had to write in a journal — she didn’t have to show him anything she wrote, though; they went on walks together with his dogs. He wanted to help her.
“I’m going to meet up with Taeyeon today. You’re going to training, right?”
Eve shook her head. “The trainers are still sorting out whatever the problem is. But I’m gonna go to a dance class with Chaeryeong and Ryujin. Then we’ll get lunch and they have to do homework, so we’ll go our separate ways.”
“Okay.” Kibum nodded. “On your way back, can you pick the dogs up from the day care centre? I’ll send you the address.”
“Okie dokie,” she agreed. “Can we eat now?”
“Yes. Yes, we can.”
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Ryujin groaned as Eve massaged her shoulders. “Everything hurts.”
The three girls had finished their dance class at a studio. It was their first time going to that studio, so they didn’t know what to expect, and they quickly realised how under prepared they were. The two hour class started and ended with thirty minutes of cardio to ‘help with their stamina.’ Or so they were told.
Chaeryeong returned to their booth with a tray full of their food. “My legs felt like jelly when I was fetching the tray,” she told her friends.
“It’s only my back that’s sore,” Eve said. She stopped massaging Ryujin — causing the girl to groan louder — and turned to face their food.
Chaeryeong slid into the booth, groaning in relief when her legs stopped paining. “You’re lucky, unnie.”
“How isn’t everything sore for you?” Ryujin asked, taking her soda.
Eve answered as she sorted through all of their food, giving each girl their meal, “I did this type of stuff in strength and conditioning for ballet. It wasn’t really cardio focused, but everything would get worked out and exercised.”
Chaeryeong slumped against the booth. “I should’ve gone to your school. Then I would’ve been so strong.”
“Even the teacher said she has good muscle,” Ryujin commented, dipping one of her chips into tomato sauce.
Eve picked up a slice of her potato and bacon pizza. “I’m only strong because I actually work out,” she said before taking a bite.
“We also work out!” Chaeryeong argued, sitting up so she could start eating her cheeseburger.
“But unnie works out every week,” Ryujin pointed out as she took the gherkins out of her hamburger, putting them on the side of her plate, “we work out once a month. Sometimes once every two months.”
Chaeryeong nodded in agreement. “True. She could be a national athlete with how much she works out,” she joked with a giggle.
Ryujin nodded, also giggling. “She should do women’s footb–”
She stopped speaking as the intro to La Vie en Rose started playing from the restaurant speakers. Both her and Chaeryeong glanced at Eve, who was too busy enjoying her pizza to notice. She looked up from her plate when she noticed the silence at the table.
“What’s going on?” She asked, putting her pizza back on her plate. She looked around the restaurant in confusion before hearing Eunbi’s part of the verse playing. “Oh.” She simply said, returning to her pizza with an indifferent shrug.
She hadn’t told anyone about her mental breakdown, but she knew her friends knew that something was up with her. Eve tried to conceal the way her hand trembled slightly by using two hands to eat her pizza.
“You don’t have to, like, act weird around me,” she said when she noticed how Ryujin and Chaeryeong were trying — and failing — to pretend they weren’t watching her.
Chaeryeong chuckled awkwardly, fussing with her hair. “We’re not acting weird.”
Eve rolled her eyes dramatically with a groan as she put down her pizza. “I flopped my way out of debuting in IZ*ONE. It’s not the end of the world. I’m okay. You can talk about the group, or the song, or anything — I won’t freak out. It’s not a big deal.” Even to her own ears, it sounded like she was trying to convince herself of what she was saying.
“Well, yeah, it’s just… I mean, you really wanted to debut, Nabi unnie. And we were all voting for you and everything and… It’s just a bit awkward because you don’t seem sad but you also do?” Ryujin said, scrunching her face more and more as she spoke. “You haven’t said anything, but we can tell that something’s upsetting you.”
Eve sighed. “It’s just the normal disappointment that comes with not getting something you wanted. You guys know what it’s like, you both didn’t get to debut through the survival shows you were on. I’m dealing with it in my own way, but I’m fine. Besides, I don’t want you to feel like you can’t be proud of your sister,” she told Chaeryeong. “I didn’t debut, but she did. That’s great!”
Ryujin nodded slowly. “Acting like this must make it harder to get over it, right?”
“Yep,” Eve said, popping the last P. “It’s almost suffocating.” She stole a chip from her friends’ plates, trying to lighten the mood again. She knew she succeeded when Ryujin took one of the cubes of potato off of her pizza and Chaeryeong took a sip of her soda.
The three girls finished eating their food as they talked some more. Within another ten minutes, they had finished their food and had left the restaurant. They stood outside the building, watching as cars drove by.
“Well, it was nice hanging with you guys,” Eve said, knowing that Ryujin and Chaeryeong were going to do their homework. “Enjoy doing your essays.”
Ryujin and Chaeryeong shared a look before the former girl stepped closer to Eve. “Unnie, we’re not going to do homework. We’re… We’re going to the company.”
Eve blinked repeatedly, shaking her head. “What do you mean? There isn’t any training. There hasn’t been for a while.”
”It’s because we’re not training, we’re debuting,” Chaeryeong said. “That’s why there hasn’t been any training. Just like when TWICE sunbaenim and STRAY KIDS sunbaenim were preparing for their debuts.”
“Oh,” Eve said, not knowing how to react. She felt a bunch of conflicting emotions. “Um… I’m happy for you!” She weakly cheered. “You guys are… gonna do so well. Um, I have to go fetch Commes Des and Garçon now, but… Wow! Congratulations! Really. Bye.”
She turned around and walked away, not waiting to listen if her friends were going to say anything. She quickly went to fetch her brother’s dogs and returned home. She put some dog food and water in their bowls, still thinking about what Chaeryeong and Ryujin told her.
Eve truly didn’t know how to feel about it. She obviously was happy for them — who wouldn’t be? But she was also… jealous. She worked insanely hard to be good at her craft, but it wasn’t enough. Jinyoung wasn’t kidding when he said that her performance in Produce 48 would affect whether or not she would debut in the new girl group.
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Kibum entered the passcode to his apartment, walking in. “Thanks for coming, noona,” he said as Taeyeon walked in behind him.
“It’s okay,” Taeyeon waved him off, “don’t mention it. By the way, where are Commes Des and Garçon?” She asked, noticing how the dogs didn’t rush to greet them and how they weren’t in the living room.
Kibum frowned as he looked around the room. “I don’t know. Nabi said she’d fetch them. Maybe they’re on a walk?” He poked his head into his room, not noticing how Taeyeon went to open Eve’s bedroom door.
“I found them,” she whisper-shouted. She heard Kibum walk towards her until he was standing behind her, staring at the sight in front of the both of them: Eve curled up in bed with both of the dogs in her arms as she slept. Garçon wasn’t facing them, and therefore hadn’t seen them, but Commes Des was staring right at them. Both dogs were awake, watching over Eve as she slept.
“Was she crying?” Taeyeon asked, noticing dried tear streaks on Eve’s face. She started walking forward, but was stopped by Commes Des growling.
Kibum groaned, “Why are you growling? What’s the problem?”
Commes Des squirmed his way out of Eve’s hold, standing just in front of her as Garçon turned around to face the two idols. Eve stirred softly as Commes Des kept growling.
“Bro, chill,” she mumbled, raising her right arm to gently stroke his back. “Relax.”
“He was about to attack me,” Taeyeon joked, nodding her head slowly and squinting her eyes in the way she usually did.
Eve sat up slowly, still holding onto Garçon. She yawned as she fully woke up and rubbed her eyes. “What’re you doing here, ahjumma?”
“Kibum-ah asked me to talk to you,” she answered, pointing at the man.
Eve simply blinked. “Are you my therapist?”
Taeyeon chuckled, walking fully into the room and sitting down next to Eve. “I’m not your therapist, no. I’m just… here to talk. About whatever you want.”
“I’ll be next door,” Kibum said, turning around to walk away. Garçon and Commes Des followed him out of the room, probably so they could force him to play with them.
“Do you want me to close the door?” Taeyeon asked, pointing at it. Eve hesitated before nodding and Taeyeon got up to close it before returning to sit next to her. “So…”
“So…” Eve echoed. “What did ahjussi tell you?”
Taeyeon sharply inhaled. “That you broke down–”
“–, that your depression is worse–”
“–, and that he’s worried about you and doesn’t want anything to happen to you.”
“Oh! Also that you wrote a song.”
Eve nodded. “Oh, yeah. I did. Would you like to hear it? Or read the lyrics? I didn’t actually record it, so…”
Taeyeon nodded. “Yeah.”
“Okie dokie.” Eve stood up and walked to her desk. She ruffled among the many papers lying all over the desk, letting out a soft ‘Ah-ha!’ when she found the exam pad she wrote the song on. “I wrote it in English, but I wrote a Korean version of it,” she told Taeyeon as she walked back to the older girl and handed her the exam pad.
The room was quiet as Taeyeon read over the lyrics, only the sound of her flipping the page to fill the room. Eve used the time to observe Taeyeon. She knew that Taeyeon also had depression — she sang about it. It was through talking with her and Jonghyun that she realised she might have depression. She went to a psychologist to get diagnosed, but didn’t see the point of going to therapy because she felt it wasn’t serious enough for therapy.
When Taeyeon was done reading, she closed the exam pad and put it down next to her. “Well, that’s… Well, it’s sad. Do you want to talk about it?”
“There’s not much to talk about really,” Eve said with a shrug. “I mean, it’s all clear.”
“Okay. Then can you tell me why you were crying?” Taeyeon asked, gesturing at Eve’s face.
Eve visibly hesitated. “Um, my friends are debuting. That’s why there hasn’t been any training. The company stops training when a group is preparing for debut to stop the chances of the song or choreography being leaked. I found out today when we were eating lunch. It was just… PD- nim told me he wanted to debut a new group. He told me that my performance in Produce 48 would affect whether or not I debut in the group and… I didn’t make it into the group so… Yeah.”
Taeyeon’s eyebrows furrowed. “I’m sorry, Nabi.”
“You don’t have to apologise for anything. It’s not your fault. I should’ve done a better job on Produce 48, it’s my fault.”
“It’s not your fault,” Taeyeon told her.
“Yes, it is. I was the one competing, I was the one that performed, I was the one that didn’t do her best. I’m the one that’s at fault,” she said, feeling herself get emotional again. “I’m happy for my friends, but I feel like…”
“Like that should be you?” Taeyeon finished for her, Eve nodding.
“I’m not saying they don’t deserve it, I just want it for myself,” she explained. “I’ve been a trainee for so long, I’ll never debut at this point. I should just switch to becoming a full-time ballerina. I can audition for the national ballet and–”
“Woah, woah, woah.” Taeyeon waved her arms around. “Nabi, you’re going to debut. You just need to keep going.”
Eve scoffed. “Unnie, I’m not debuting. It’s been six years, okay. I’ve showcased everything that I possibly could — I have nothing left. The company’s probably going to cut their losses and just tell me to end my contract. I wouldn’t fault them or anything. I pretty much embarrassed them. So, I’ll just reinvent myself and do bal–”
“Why are you so adamant on giving up?”
“Because I’m tired!” She exclaimed. “I’m tired of everything. I just want to stop.”
Taeyeon wrapped her arm around Eve, squeezing the younger girl’s shoulder. “Agi-yah, I know it’s hard right now, but it’ll get better soon. Unnie promises. I’m here, Key’s here, everyone’s here. And we’re going to support you, okay? Just hold on a little longer.”
They were silent for some time as Eve calmed herself down. From outside her room, they could hear Kibum trying to bargain with the dogs to get them to let him rest. “I don’t know what’s wrong, it’s… Something is broken,” Eve said. “I’m broken.”
“You’re not broken,” Taeyeon comforted. “I know it feels that way — I know that’s what your brain is telling you —, but trust me, Nabi-yah. You’re not broken. All you need is to get help — professional help.”
“Oppa said the same thing. We’re in the process of looking for a therapist that won’t tell me it’s all in my head.”
‘I mean, technically, it is all in your head,'' Taeyeon joked, trying to get Eve to smile. “It’s a mental illness. In your mi–”
“I get it, oh my goodness.”
Taeyeon chuckled. “You know I’m here for you if you need anything? We’re in this together, okay? I don’t call you Kim Maknae for nothing, so come to me whenever. I know what you’re going through — I’ve been there. I won’t leave you to go through this alone. We’ll take it step by step by step by step. You’re doing so well and I can see your hard work.”
Eve nodded. “Thank you, ahjumma. It means a lot.”
She squeezed Eve’s shoulder. “It’s no problem. And you do realise that when you go to therapy, you’ll have to talk about your feelings, right?”
Eve groaned, throwing her head back as Taeyeon cackled. “I’m not looking forward to it.”
“Just pretend your therapist is me and you’ll be fine.”
“But,” Eve started, her voice slightly more uncertain, “I’ve, like… Like, I’ve…”
“Yeah,” Taeyeon encouraged.
Eve sighed frustratedly. “I don’t know, it’s… I’ve basically, like, found a way to mould my life around my depression. It isn’t constantly bad or anything like that, but it’s there. And I know how to go through life while being depressed, you know? And… I guess, I’m just… Who am I without depression?” She asked, not actually expecting Taeyeon to answer. “When I went to that psychologist, he told me that I most likely started feeling depressed when I was twelve and subconsciously found a way to, like, ignore it, or whatever, but he could see the effects it had on me. He said the reason it was getting more apparent than before was because I was feeling more and more stressed and he gave me ways to manage them. And I follow the tips, and I do the stretches and meditations, and I’ve, like, reworked my personality around this depression thing, and… I don’t know who I am,” she finished, panting lightly.
“I relate to that,” Taeyeon said after a minute of silence. “You spend so long being depressed that you can’t remember who you were before you were depressed. Or, you do remember who you were, but it’s so similar to who you are now that you start to wonder if you’re actually depressed. So then the question becomes, ‘Is it that I’ve been depressed for longer than I realised?’ Or it’s, ‘Am I even depressed enough to warrant seeking help?’ Or, it’s ‘Am I even depressed at all?’ And honestly, Nabi, I don’t know what it is. I so badly wish I could tell you the answer, but the truth is, I’m also figuring that out. Like I said, we’re doing this together. So, if you find out the answer to that question first, tell me,” she joked.
Eve nodded with a chuckle. “Okay, okay. I have no more questions to ask now,” she said.
“Yeah? I find that hard to believe, but I’ll take it.” She stood up, removing her arm from Eve’s shoulder. “Let’s go out there. We bought you a cake. And, hey. If you’re not added to that debut in JYP by the end of the year, I’ll use my connections to have you debut solo. Or I’ll add you to Red Velvet.”
Eve rolled her eyes as she stood up. “Why would you add me to a group that’s been active for four years? I appreciate the sentiment, but seriously?”
Taeyeon scoffed, opening the door. “It’s the thought that counts,” she whined as they walked into the living room.
Kibum looked up as he threw a toy for Garçon to chase after. “Are you done?”
Taeyeon nodded. “We talked and talked.”
He shifted his gaze to his sister. “Are you feeling better?”
“Yes, actually,” Eve said with a deep exhale. “Ahjumma said things that I needed to hear. Thanks for arranging this.”
“Of course, you don’t have to mention it,” he said, sighing as Garçon put the toy back in his hands. They all watched as Commes Des stalked over to Taeyeon, the idol picking the dog up.
“I heard there’s cake.”
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an: i dont go to jype so idk they actually stop training when a group is preparing for debut, but i thought it would be a cool thing to add/write about
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tagging: @seolboba // @ateezivy // @ateezjuliet // @cafemilk-tea // @smh-anon // @alixnsuperstxr // @cosmicwintr // @girlzwfun // @txt-yaomi // @moongrlz
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©️ kim nabi
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sailorgundam308 · 8 months
Wow. I didn’t expect my blurted out rant-ish analysis of Karlach would resonate so much. I had the feeling the fandom would just bash my head in (actually ignore me lol) but it was just an impression. Turns out a lot of people noticed the (darker) layers in Karlach too.
The day after posting that I read an interview with Karlach’s actor(tress? how gender work in nouns, help), where she mentioned this inner darkness and I felt less crazy for thinking so. I also noticed I didn’t emphasize Karlach’s manner of ptsd - because oh boy, she has some (and who fucking wouldn’t, the Blood War is no simple war, it’s fucked up and it has been going so long it changed the topography of Avernus completely - insane stuff).
It’s something I kept thinking about, how it makes so much sense she is singing, moving, dancing and vehemently (desperately?) pushing away any negative thought. Of course some of this is pure real joy to be out of the Hells, but Karlach’s insistence in not thinking about what she’s been through, pushing any and all questions or comments tav makes about the dread of her predicament, this seemingly incessant need to move, joke, talk… It can ALSO be her anxiously trying to shut up her mind so she doesn’t THINK.
Is it her right to do so after all the shit she’s been through (and especially cause she knows she’s on borrowed time in the Material Plane, and doesn’t want to waste it)? Of course. But it also seems like a method of suppressing humongous trauma - unprocessed, raw and too dark for her to face. But as anyone who has had a traumatic event or period in their lives knows, trauma tends to not stay quietly in the forgotten corners of our minds. On the contrary, it tends manifest itself, to return with a fucking vengeance the more we ignore it and often blows up right in our faces.
We see a bit of that in the massive breakdown Karlach has after killing Gortash. She vomits it all, anger, fear, sadness, jealousy, self pity. All valid emotions. But emotions she refuses to acknowledge until then. One burst would probably not be enough for her to process all of it, though. And unfortunately for Karlach (and my sorry ass who’s still sour with her questline) she doesn’t get that much time or opportunity to deepen this journey.
To sum it up: Her own personality, which is belligerent by nature, plus the shit pile of trauma atop trauma she’s been through obviously changed her, made her carry a heavy burden that shaped who she is in the aftermath. Then, on top, she grasps desperately on the “good side” of everything as a lifeline, because if she doesn’t, shit’s gonna go down pretty damn fast.
I’m not into simplistic characters, nor in those that are too obvious (yeah, like and edgy goth bitch). Maybe that’s why I keep focusing on this darker, complicated bits of the characters I like, to justify myself lol. Karlach at first seems to be extremely obvious (and in one sense she is), but sometimes I think SHE is actually the one donning the most perfect mask amongst all the companions.
There’s much talk about Astarion trying to seem worse than he really is (which I agree with to an extent), like he’s putting up an act. When I think about this, I can’t help but also think that Karlach’s one is way more deceiving (perhaps because she wholeheartedly wants to believe in it). Crazy, layered stuff.
Like a mad lasagna.
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catearedbeauty · 2 months
(Mostly) Hazbin Fic plots based off TTPD songs because I’m brain rotting
(Not all the songs are here, but quite a bit are, and this are free to use for inspiration or whatever as long as you link the fics to this post via reblog or comment and credit this post in the notes!! There's like, two Helluva Boss plots in here- Numbers correspond to what place the song is on the album according to spotify.)
1. Fortnight - HUSKERDUST ANGST, so like, they were dating, yeah? After a while, a fortnight, if you would, they ended up getting separated due to their respective soul contracts, but they obviously have to pretend they aren't in love anymore, and the lyrics jump around between Husk and Angel's POV, in my opinion, but maybe they don't, I dunno!!
2. TTPD - This is basically Loser, Baby but with Angel singing to Husk, and I feel like Husk is old enough that he would unironically use a typewriter and he's gotta have a mental breakdown at some point, especially having to deal with Alastor and just....yeah, the Vibes!! The lyrics tell a big story here, so it's really easy to work with.
3. MBOBHFT - This is a really, really good angsty ValAngel song, because Angel IS his favourite toy and look at what happens. And the "Cause it fit too right/puzzle pieces in the dead of night/should've known it was a matter of time/oh, my boy only breaks his favourite toys" is just the SUMMARY of their relationships since Val WAS playing the role of a doting, loving boyfriend at first, Angel was head over heels until the contract was signed. And also "Once I fix me, he's gonna miss me" could be after Angel's redeemed? Maybe?
4. Down Bad - So it starts out ValAngel, right after Angel signs the contract and Val starts getting absolutely fucking awful. Obviously, Angel's still attached to Val, still has feelings for him, just a little bit of stockholm syndrome. And he's just venting to someone about everything and they try to get Angel to just leave Val but he can't because 1. the contract and 2. He still has feelings.
6. But Daddy I Love Him - This would be Molly centric, actually!! When they're still alive. A lot of mafia family's have arranged marriages from my understanding, and I imagine it's Anthony helping helping Molly sneak out to meet the man she truly loves and trying to argue with their father about letting Molly marry who she really wants and I imagine Molly is also a bit head strong and would pull the "I'm having his baby!" card to try to get out of the arranged marriage. You could make this a little angsty and have Molly get to marry the man she actually wants to after Anthony dies but that's optional, either way she ends up with her love at the end!!
7. Fresh Out The Slammer - Angel gets out of his contract with Valentino, and goes immediately to Husk and tries to strike a deal with him so no one but Husk can have his soul. He can agree or not, but there's probably a lot of flashbacks and parallels to how Val treated him compared to how Husk is treating him.
9. Guilty As Sin? - This one is honestly my favourite, since it's super soft, it's just straight HuskerDust fluff. Angel hasn't had a soft, pure love in a while, but he doesn't want to mess up his friendship with Husk, and he genuinely feels like he's sinning or doing something wrong wanting something like that with him because Husk (in Angel's eyes) makes it clear he and Angel are just friends but Husk is also in love with Angel but doesn't want to feel like he's forcing him into anything and I feel like this could end in very, very soft, fluffy, hand holding, tooth rotting smut because this song does have pretty unsubtle references to getting off in it so I just feel like this plot should be SOME level of smutty, even if it's just Angel by himself thinking of Husk.
10. WAOLOM? - This has big, big Blitzø energy and I can't really place why but it does (I think it's because of the circus line?) and he is canonically just a mess and just keeps it under wraps aside from a few seconds around Stolas and Loona (and maybe someone else I'm forgetting) but just- Yeah! I also thought of this thing where he accidentally bit a kid that jumped in the ring when Blitzø was first performing and it scared him, so they treated him like a dangerous animal and actually ripped out all his teeth because his dad is obviously not interested him, he rented Blitzø with for a slim fit condom and a wadded up $5 and just it just angsty and Blitzø is very much having a whole breakdown.
11. I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can) - ValAngel, but it's just the fluffy, honeymoon stage where Val is just a little bit Val, but he's not bad bad, he's just a man at that point, and the people who know how Valentino actually is are trying to warn Anthony how he actually is and Anthony just doesn't listen, and Val being manipulative obviously "cleans up" his act so Anthony thinks he actually fixed him, and gets suckered into the contract, and then the "Woah, maybe I can't" moment hits and it hits HARD.
12. loml - Angel looks back into the honeymoon phase he had with Valentino, and it falls into a toxic loop of them getting back together, having another honeymoon phase, Angel falling hard again, and then Val fucks up again and it goes over and over, and I imagine it FINALLY ends for the final time when Angel moves into the hotel and Val's treating Angel as solely a toy now and Angel's hurting because "You said I'm the love of your life/About a million time" and it gets ANGSTY
13. ICDIWABH - Honestly, this is pretty much just poison with different words, but I would love to see people's take on it!!
14. TSMWEL - I imagine this as sort of Angel's thought process if Valentino ever finally replaces him as his favourite, because while Angel would be really happy he isn't the main target now, he would also be confused and hurt, because he was Val's display piece ("You hung me on your wall/Stabbed me with your push pins/In public, showed me off/Then sank in stoned oblivion) or honestly it could be that Val is giving Vox all his attention since those two are a situationship and Val "breaks up" with Angel and I know these are two separate plots but my brain is full on stream of conscience typing here.
15. The Alchemy - HUSKERDUST FLUFF AGAIN!! But also a bit of angst, I imagine Angel checks himself into an actual, professional rehab center at Charlie's recommendation since I imagine most rehab centers have a way you can safely wean off the drugs instead of going cold turkey and Angel is there a WHILE, and then when he gets back to the hotel, he still has the same feelings for Husk and they just have this chemistry and it gets all soft and sweet, Husk immediately runs from behind the bar to Angel and just!! It's just fluffy and cute and Husk is so proud of Angel!!
16. Clara Bow - Another one where Angel is free from Valentino, and it has a bit of a messy timeline, since it's basically Angel slowly separating himself from being a pornstar and regaining who he was before with his friend's help and there's three sections "You look like Clara Bow", "You look like Stevie Nicks", "You look like Taylor Swift" and I know this isn't REALLY the plot of the song, but the three things are all spaced out and I imagine the last one is maybe a hundred or so years after Angel's quit and someone comes up to him and says something, "You look like Angel Dust" and yeah!! Alternatively, those three sections could be different people trying to pull Angel back into bad deals since he is a big, recognizable star and it's closer to the line of the song about being "The next big thing" and all that and yeah!! Take it as you will.
17. The Black Dog - Angel doesn't sign Val's contract, so Val kicks him out. They never really got out of the honeymoon phase due to this, so Angel's taking it harder than he would in any other situation, and Angel sees Val around hell with other girls, and he's just hoping that no one Val sees will be as good as him and Angel is just so jealous and it's angsty and Angel probably does a lot of self destruction-
18. imgonnagetyouback - Huskerdust break up fic, but they aren't really broken up, they had a bad fight or something so they're avoiding each other and Angel's fallen back into his old ways of ABSOLUTELY destroying Husk's boundaries, dressing slutty as hell around him, the works. Husk eventually forces Angel to sit the fuck down and they talk out their problems. Husk also extends the break because of Angel's bullshittery before, but it has a happy ending (or they could fully break up because of Angel's toxic, clingy bullshit, either way!!)
20. Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus - Stolblitz!! Basically, this is from Stolas POV after Blitzø calls off their deal or just stops seeing him outside of "transactional" reasons and Stolas is just pouring his heart out into a journal that Blitzø will never see, there's tear stains on the pages, and Stolas probably has Blitzø's location because of the grimoire so he knows he's going out to places with other people and it's just angsty and sad (I actually on really on the fence about this ship, I feel like they work better as FWB's, if that?? I dunno yet!!)
21. How Did It End? - I'm imaging after human AU, since Husk and Angel were around at the same time, and they get close since I seen another post point out the mafia was probably in LA a lot, so after Anthony got away from the mafia, he moved to go be with Husk, his family did NOT like that, ended up tracking down Anthony and killing him in front of Husk for betraying the family name and running off to be with some queer you know how that time was and they only let Husk live because NOW he has to continue his life knowing he was inadvertently the reason Anthony was killed, and of course Husk goes on to live his life, getting married, having kids, telling them about Anthony. And then they meet again in hell years later, and neither of them recognize the other, or maybe they do! Maybe there's just some little quirk, you can pick the ending!!
22. So High School - Huskerdust acting like love struck teenagers and sneaking around hiding their relationship from everyone in the hotel, making out on the bar, secret hand holding under blankets during movie night, literally just acting like high school sweethearts!! This is probably work for any ship, but Huskerdust really hits because Angel is truly in love for the first time in a while and so is Husk so they both just are all soft and awkward and it's just cute!!
23. I Hate It Here - Angel tells Husk about where his thoughts wander to when he's dissociating, and Husk listens, as a bartender should. Angel also gets too drunk and lets everything slip he'd never told anyone else, and Husk is just being Husk! Take that as you will.
25. I Look In People's Windows - More Stolblitz, but this time Blitzø actually cares about Stolas, but Stolas can't see Blitzø anymore because he has to make things work being royal and all that and so Blitzø never sees Stolas anymore and has had to disband I.M.P because the grimoire obviously went with Stolas, but Blitzø is still searching for Stolas because he just wants to talk to him, even if it's just one last time.
26. The Prophecy - This is honestly just a standard Overlord Husk fic where Angel asks Husk to win his soul from Valentino, but it could be a twist where Valentino wins and ends up with Husk's soul, and Angel is just horrified because he caused this and is begging whatever power in out there to turn back time but of course, things can't be undone and what's done is done. And of course, Val probably keeps Angel and Husk as far apart as possible, just to be a fucking dick.
28. Peter - Huskerdust childhood friends AU, probably also human AU!! They make a promise to each other that when they get older, they were going to help each other out of their respective bad situations, but the situations get worse after they separate, and Anthony ends up dying before they ever see each other again. Husk, of course, doesn't know that Anthony's dead, so he spends the rest of his life trying to find him, only to meet him again in hell and he finds out that's he's Angel now, and Husk feels so bad because he had made a promise years ago to get Anthony out of bad situations and he broke it without even knowing it and it gets so soft with Angel just reassuring him and Husk is just sobbing and it's just aaaaa!!
31. The Manuscript - From Molly's POV after Anthony dies. I imagine she went a little mad after that, since they were close, so she didn't know what to do with herself so she went and got herself into a not so good relationship, ended up pregnant, so she was forced to marry him, they ended up splitting, she went back to live with her family, and she just kept getting into relationship after relationship and her life keeps spiraling until she feels like it isn't her life anymore and I'm pretty sure she's Catholic so she goes to the confessional and confesses everything, goes home and digs out all the letters Anthony had written her when he was still alive, and I'm going to leave the ending open and vague since the way I thought was a bit triggering but yeah-
If you read this far, uh....hi?? If you have any plots you wanna share, feel free to put them in the reblogs or comments or whatever, I've just been thinking a lot and I'm probably not gonna write any of this, so I figured that maybe someone would wanna use these plots??
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raybyanothername · 6 months
The Dornish War AU
So... @arraxapologist gave me an excuse to ramble and @idontevenknowhowtolife said I can have a chapter update if I write this up.
I may not get around to actually writing this AU, but I have a lot planned. The Polycule of Power would probably feature to some degree or another if I did it properly, but my notes are all on the canon ships (at least for the older gen, Aegon ends that trend real quick).
It would start, as so many good AUs do, with someone trying to kill Viserys. ^^'
At Rhaenyra and Laenor's wedding tourney, the festivities get interrupted by an attempted assassination of the king. So yay! Joffrey lives! ...for now. Bing, bang, boom, rushed nuptials done, we move to the war bit.
They track the attempt back to Dorne, which is a bit salty about the Stepstones even though they were not * directly* involved in the conflict. Various threats are levied. Political drama. Etc!
War declared!
Now, Lyonel Strong is Hand at this point and Otto is off in Oldtown advising his nephew who just became Lord Hightower. That may relate directly to the breakdown in diplomatic relations... 😏
Essentially, Otto is in charge of the Hightower forces at this point. He and his older sons are literally the ones on the front lines in that region. He and Boremund Baratheon, who is still alive at this point, are coordinating all the ground forces. Borros gets to live his best life smashing heads a la his descendent Robert.
Meanwhile, Corlys is using his foothold in the Stepstones to establish a blockade of Dorne. A rather major escalation that pisses the Martells off Whether they were involved in the assassination is very much up in the air, but they're gonna act like they're innocent regardless cause they're not idiots.
Rhaenyra is playing her best Visenya and arguing that they either need to conquer Dorne once and for all, or let the matter go. Alicent is lowkey telling Viserys the same thing, but with more emotion cause she just found out she's pregnant again (Yay Aemond!). She and Rhaenyra are in a very rocky truce situation here. Very stand-offish, but accidentally united.
The accidentally is very important because while Alicent is fretting about her children being in danger, Rhaenyra is leveraging the fact that her father has other heirs now to convince him to send her and Laenor to the front.
"I'm to be their queen. Their protector. If I cannot protect my own family, I don't deserve the crown."
Somewhere, Daemon's spidey sense is going off the moment Laenor hands Rhaenyra a sword. Viserys sees her training with her husband and agrees, giving her final say over all troop movements on the front lines. Rhaenys goes to Storm's End. Daemon to Oldtown. Laenor to Hightower. The idea is that Rhaenyra would go back and forth between the three, checking in with ground forces and coordinating with the Lords of each.
Are any of them actually in those castles? Eh. Sometimes. The dragonriders are supporting the armies, scouting far and wide, burning the border, etc. Rhaenyra probably spends as much time coordinating with Ormund Hightower as she does keeping Otto and Daemon from killing each other.
This is the era in which Otto realizes Rhaenyra could actually be a fantastic queen. With some help... of course. He's still Otto after all. XD
During one of the battles (probably the future location of Summerhall, because I can), Joffrey is killed. Rhaenyra spends the night comforting Laenor. Things happen... and now she's flying back and forth across the frontlines while pregnant.
Alicent goes into labor when she hears about that... cause Aemond is born early in every universe.
The war continues. Rhaenyra burns the fuck out of Yronwood before she ends up giving birth in one of the camps. Syrax's roars are terrifying both sides. Especially because they are joined by another dragon...
😎 Laena and Vhagar were not about to sit out a chance to conquer Dorne okay? She was flying with the Velaryon fleet mostly, very effective deterent Vhagar. With Rhaenyra giving birth, she flies across the Sea of Dorne to lend her support.
Yronwood is having an exceptionally bad few days there. Something, something, Laena and Daemon hit it off while waring and whoring. She drops some hints about her betrothal... Daemon dones his murder hoodie. Sealord's son is out of the picture. Rhaenys and Laenor have a shovel talk with Daemon while Rhaenyra presents Lord Corlys with his first grandson.
Lord Boremund totally cackles about the boy looking more like Jocelyn and Rhaenys than Laenor or Corlys. Otto says something about Jacaerys looking more like his mother.
"The Arryns will surely be overjoyed to see their blood so prominent in the young prince's features."
The Dornish are wiley though. (I love this about them) They're not making this war easy, even with the dragons. After all, the OG Conquerors had dragons too, and they couldn't make the Dornish submit. The commanders fight more without Rhaenyra there to keep them united (*cough* Daemon and Otto *cough*) so she has to leave Jacaerys with Alicent (who is now pregnant again... Rhaenyra is definitely side eyeing her father on that one).
If the Dornish thought Rhaenyra was bad before... she's got a very adorable baby she wants to get back to now. It's full court press. The dragons are relentless. Vhagar is having the time of her life.
Eventually, an offer comes from the Prince of Dorne to have his eldest daughter marry Jacaerys as a means to end the war. Given the girl is the man's heir and Jacaerys is hers... Rhaenyra is not so keen to have the girl lose out on her inheritance. She negotiates for Aegon instead, with the girl being fostered in King's Landing until their wedding.
The night the peace treaty is signed, Lucerys is conceived. He'll end up betrothed to a granddaughter of the Lord of Yronwood before his first birthday, to cement the treaty. (Aegon and Luke are the Daenaerys and Daeron II in this AU... for reasons).
Rhaenyra returns to King's Landing and conspires with Alicent for Jace and Helaena to be betrothed eventually. Daeron still fosters as Oldtown, but he ends up betrothed to a Manderly girl. When Joffrey comes along (the result of a night Laenor blames on Qarl and Rhaenyra blames Harwin for) he goes to the Vale, because Lady Arryn needs an heir... and he is Aemma's grandson...
Something, something Baela and Aemond are utter terrors together. No one is shocked when they run off to Essos together. Except Daemon... Daemon is surprised. Daemon is not happy. Corlys and Otto are laughing at him together over a bottle of Velaryon whiskey in High Tide.
That leads to Rhaena marrying Lyonel.
The Starks have 100% noticed that the Targaryens are marrying into the most influential families and are keeping their heads down cause Cregan is a young lord. His uncle would like to remain his regent. Jace and Cregan will join their houses later though so its fine.
On the other hand... the Lannisters are frothing at the mouth about being left out. Well... Rhaenyra is still salty about *someone* implying Aegon should be heir. So when she finally has a daughter, right before her coronation at that, she ain't looking at Casterly Rock.
Her Visenya obviously deserves to be forever doted upon and surrounded by beauty, so she ends up the next Lady of Highgarden.
I've gotten distracted from the plot here a bit... but whatever. The Dance is avoided. Rhaenyra ends up queen and Aegon is living his best life getting drunk off Dornish wine with his Dornish wife. Sunfyre blends in perfectly with the desert sand when he naps in the summer.
All is well.
Jaehaera is Jacaerys' heir, because I said so.
Good night! XD
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
You motherfucker you made me cry like three actual tears /pos
Tim's health starts getting much better now that Bruce is there. He's started letting Dick leave without panicking and even Kon and Bart can leave at the same time, just so long as Bruce is there. Tim refuses to let go of Bruce for days, hugging him or holding his hand or gripping his sleeve. The moment he's not touching Bruce he will start have *serious* breakdowns. A screaming laughter that can take hours to stop. So Bruce never let's go of his son.
Which can be a bit of a problem because that means Gothem currently has at most two Bats and one is in a wheelchair as upposed to well... the entire Rouges Gallery. And it's not like other heroes can step in. Wonder Woman kicking the shit out of Killer Croc in Crime Alley would lead to basically everyone going "the Bat is gone it's time to play!"
But all of them being gone is fine for now. After all, 85% of the rouges are currently in Arkham. Until one night, all at once, all of them leave Arkham through a busted open wall.
Ooooo how to work with this and have the plot continue….
The Gotham Rogues know that Batman and his fellow Birds haven’t been out to play as much over the past few weeks. It’s their perfect time to strike.
Gotham has Oracle, Robin, Spoiler, Orphan, Signal, Alfred with a shotgun, and The Sirens. That’s a decent amount of heroes but they’re gonna need some reinforcements.
Danny calls in a favor and asks Dani to help with the Arkham break. She agrees.
Dani has met Tim maybe once before doing this but she’s seen enough to know the damage that The Joker has caused on this poor kid. She has a bone to pick with this man. Batman does not kill but the last time Dani checked, she isn’t Batman.
Pt 1, Pt 2, Pt 3, Pt 4, Pt 5, Pt 6
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misfithive · 9 months
I wish for Wille to have a bit of a break from the writing giving him situations that can trigger his anxiety and panic attacks. I know it’s inevitable for some things to do that, but s2 was really bad for his mental health and I hope Lisa didn’t add anything else that could potentially lead him to close on himself and have bad thoughts again. Unless strictly related to his role as prince. But there is no time for more and imo, even if we won’t ever get to see it, he should first deal with everything that needs to be resolved/concluded and especially he needs to work on his mental health for more than a bunch of months before more stuff. There is no time at all either.
On the other hand, Simon needs to have a bit of more drama thrown at him, bc he really needs to have a breakdown in order to properly be able to start healing and work on himself.
I am very sorry to say anon that in an interview Omar said there would be lots of panic attacks 😭😭💗
Idk if it will be Simon or Wille having the panic attacks but i think Wille will probably have at least one. Only bc anxiety does not go away and he definitely has severe anxiety so i would imagine that whatever comes from him essentially coming out will increase his anxiety. So we might get more panic attacks 😬
But i do agree abt it being related to his role/resolving a lot of the issues that have been opened vs like a New Big Bad Thing. I had not considered this happening now idk 😭cuz i agree i want a lot of what has been opened already to be resolved. But i deff dont think his mom is gonna be suddenly supportive so i forsee issues in that respect
With Simon i think everything with Sara, the new pressures/public attention of being with Wilhelm, the drug situation, his mom finding out what he’s been up to, dealing with the monarchy, and possibly new stuff with Micke, he will have lots of drama and stress 😭
I do feel maybe people should be more like open to what his growth/healing looks like. Because even him opening up, going to therapy (idk if that will happen but maybe), talking about his past, asking for help (!!!) would be a great start to his healing journey. I love simon and i do want him to have support but i think a lot of people are attached to the breakdown and may be disappointed. Does he need a good cry? Probably. I honestly think most people who feel the pressure to be strong all need a good cry and let it all out but most of us do not have the safe space to do that. Hopefully Wille provides that safe space to him and I think he will actually let some tears fall instead of holding it in but i dont know if it will be a full breakdown. i worry what it would take to get him to that point since he has already had a lot of really horrible things happen to him and been betrayed by so many people he loves but maybe it will just a buildup of everything that he finally reaches his limit. Seeing Wille emotionally support Simon vs Simon always being the emotional caretaker for everyone and crying in his room alone is what I want to see.
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