#breakfast coord
faeryndipity · 2 months
Emily Temple Cute Cereal
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JSK- Emily Temple Cute Berry Necklace- Metamorphose Pancake Necklace- Q Pot Brooch- Erstwilder Blouse- Offbrand
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marshmallow-manju · 1 year
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Today’s outfit is Eggscellent
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nuzzle · 1 year
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breakfast at tiffany's, along with afternoon tea. had the pleasure of indulging in the most delicious finger sandwiches ever! the pastries were so soft and buttery smooth, they made for a perfect snack. i would have much preferred to wear a tiffany blue coord for the occasion, but all of my sax items were quite a few shades too light in comparison.. maybe next time!
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sweetsuenos · 2 years
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Matching pancake beret and satchel are not a want they are a need!!!
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lunawings · 3 months
Himitsu no AiPri 11
I didn't make a post about last week's episode because it was like well, pretty much everything I predicted came true, what is there to say?
I saw other people saying this and I was starting to wonder as well: Is AiPri actually going to be a short series? Because a lot of the story beats that took much longer in PriPara are being resolved much quicker in AiPri. (Specifically, remember Sophy's arc and Gloria's arc?)
I was thankful that Himari/Mitsuki/Tsumugi didn't actually go as far as to form their team by the end of the episode (I was like, surely they wouldn't...) because that would definitely point to the above theory. But they didn't.
And now, despite just becoming friends with Tsumugi, we have a pointless Himari/Mitsuki filler episode which could have taken place at any point during the series. So. I guess we are in it for the long run and it will could take months before we find out what the true plot/goal of AiPri is. Anyway.
The episode begins with Mitsuki searching for a lost cat and asking Himari to help. About a minute later, they find the cat. But it takes them another couple minutes to realize yes, this is THE CAT. Like, the one they were JUST talking about.
I think I understand now, though. I think the reason everyone in AiPri is functioning on one brain cell is they are trying to do a Blues Clues. In other words, five-year-old me is supposed to feel smart shouting out MITSUKI! That's the cat! Behind you! Or THAT'S HIMARI! She's an AiPri! Sakura is an AiPri too! Etc.... So I'm just gonna have to bear with it if I keep watching.
Mitsuki's coord in this episode is my favorite AiPri coord I've seen so far.
And that's about it.
(I'm watching the episodes on Ciao channel lately so I haven't seen next week's preview yet.)
Oh. PS. They reused the animation of Himari eating that cheesecake/castella thing for breakfast again except now she was eating it for lunch. Pphjhhhph ahha.
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kizunagatari · 1 year
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RAN day 2 coord: Ode to Pipa!
And my breakfast~
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sillygonk · 6 months
Strings of Devotion [ao3]
pairing: Johnny Silverhand/V
word count: 4,4k
<- Chapter I Chapter III ->
Chapter II – How I met my Mortal Enemy
V stirred from her slumber, groggily blinking away the remnants of sleep when morning light filtered through the blinds. Stretching her limbs, she grimaced at her back pain and let out a loud yawn, feeling the weight of yesterday’s exhaustion still clinging to her bones. There was definitely too much emotions in too little time.
The apartment was quiet, which meant that Misty had to be out for the day already – if she sniffed hard enough, she could feel the smell of incense sticks that her roommate was lighting up every day. The only thing she could hear were the distant sounds of the street coming through the windows of their shared Heywood apartment. Other than that, the morning was calm and quiet.
And that’s when Nibbles greeted her with soft, gentle “meeEEeeEooOOOOOW!”
“Jesus Christ, I’m up, I’m UP Nibbles,” V groaned, but reached out to stroke the little bald head. “Give me five minutes.” Cat responded with a contented purr, before darting off to investigate a sunbeam streaming in through the window. With the cat out of her hair, she flopped back onto the bed, burying her face back in her pillow. She immediately started to drift back into a blissful state of half-consciousness.
And that’s when her phone rang.
“Oh, fuck me…” she groaned again before picking up. “Hello?”
“Yo, V. If you ain’t busy I got a gig for you.”
“It’s really fucking early, Cap.”
“It’s well after nine,” Muamar laughed. “But the gig is good and I promise you’ll like it.”
She opened one eye. If El Capitan says she’ll like the gig, that could only mean one thing.
“Is it klep work?”
“It’s work on creative license. But yes.”
“Aight,” she finally sat on the bed, blanket still wrapped around her. “You have my attention.”
“A beautiful Colby Butte. Already have a client for it. He’s a bit... Demanding. And snippy to be honest. But what is that to you, two minutes of work and we’re set. Just try not to scratch it while racing, which I know you’ll do.”
V sighed and rubbed sleep from eyes.
“Sure, Cap. Send me the coords and I’m on it.”
“Fabulous. Info on your way. Mwah.”
After that he hung up, and V got out of the bed. She shuffled to the kitchen. Nibbles, suddenly not interested in sunbathing anymore, hot on her heels, purring loudly. Even though she knew that Misty fed the little shit already, she pretended to forget about that once in a while to make her cat happy. V and Nibbles shared similar values when it came to food after all – it was never too much and it was never too often, so who she was to deny this furless little creature a treat.
When Nibbles was focused on the breakfast, she pulled the cupboard door open, and then frowned at the sight of the empty coffee canister. “Damn,” she muttered under her breath, realizing she had forgotten to restock. Again. But who was she kidding, even if she remembered, she would most probably still wouldn’t buy it since the prices were shooting up like crazy. Sighing in resignation, V reached for the next best thing – instant coffee. It wasn't ideal, but it would have to do for now.
As she boiled water on the stove, V pulled out her phone, shooting off a quick text to Jackie.
[V] have a gig from Capitan wanna meet after? sent – 9:43 am
It didn’t even took him ten seconds to respond.
[Jackie] sure thing chica, come to the studio received – 9:43 am
[V] preem, will be there in 2 hrs tops sent – 9:44 am
She quicky prepared her coffee and left it on the counter to cool down. Since she was starting a day with a gig, she opted for a quick shower to soothe her muscles a bit. After fishing out some fresh clothes out of her wardrobe, she tossed them onto her bed and made her way to the bathroom. She turned on the water and waited for it to warm up. Leaning against the sink, she ran a hand through her short, tangled hair, grimacing at the sight of split ends and unruly knots. She really should stop bleaching them so much. With silently vowing to ask Mamá Welles to trim her hair, she shed her pj’s and stepped into the shower, sighing when hot water cascaded over her back.
The tranquility however was short-lived as a sharp pang shot through her lower back again, and she couldn't help but wince. She gritted her teeth against the pain, silently cursing her body for betraying her yet once more. Grimacing, she reached for the nearby shelf where she kept a bottle of painkillers, quickly popping on in her mouth and washing it down with a handful of water. V sighed again, forcing herself to push through and hurriedly scrubbing herself clean despite the pain.
By the time V turned off the water and stepped out of the shower, she felt the tension slowly ebb away. She quickly dried herself off and, with her hair still damp and clinging slightly to her forehead, she padded back into her bedroom to get dressed. After pulling on a pair of old ripped jeans, loose tee and heavy boots, V did her make-up and packed – she tossed her notebook and a couple of pens in her bag, and, just in case, the painkillers and a bottle of water. She put a gun into the waistband of her jeans, slipped her leather jacket on and leaned down to give the cat a quick kiss on the head. “Be good, Nibbles.” With one last glance around her apartment, she headed to the door.
And that’s when she saw her forgotten cup of coffee on the kitchen counter, already cold.
“Crap,” she sighed, but still gulped it down on her way out.
Her klep gig work on creative license went smooth as always. And, as always, she lost the tail within seconds, hacking pursuers cars for good measure. This little Thronton could really do the trick on the road, despite not being a race car per se. But, in her mind, every car was a race car if you were a good enough driver, and she was a good fucking driver. And that was a cool fucking car.
She fixed a quick text to the fixer after exiting the garage.
[V] wheels in the cave sent – 11:03 am
[El Capitan] profesh as ever eddies sent your way received – 11:03 am
V smiled at the notification. Without giving it a second thought, she decided to hit up Muamar once more.
[V] if the client will change his mind, add this baby to my bill sent – 11:05 am
[El Capitan] got bored of the bike, eh? received – 11:06 am
[V] nah, but those wheels are preem sent – 11:06 am
[El Capitan] as everything i offer received – 11:06 am
will let you know if the client will have a change of heart if not, will keep you in mind next time maybe will add a discount for preem work received – 11:08 am
[V] sounds good, Cap sent – 11:09 am
Her smile turned into a grin. She really liked to work for Cap. Klep jobs from him were the ones she enjoyed the most. Sure, it was not the same as being paid for their little music gigs, but it put food on the table and kept the bills paid. For now, they all had to endure with their monotony day jobs. Nova was a bouncer at Lizzie’s, kicking gonks asses if they were not following the club rules. Raf in the kitchen at some slurp shop in Kabuki, constantly burning his hands in the shitty, dirty kitchen. Misty in her little esoterica shop, still fighting for peoples spirituality. Prime… Doing God knows what, God knows why. And V, with her merc gigs and occasional shifts as a waitress at the same place Raf worked at.
Their situation was less-than-ideal, but they were hopeful and knew they will crawl out of this fucking shithole one day. They will get there. They will make it big.
They had to or they would lose their fucking minds.
Meandering through the streets as if on autopilot, V’s train of thought was abruptly shattered when she collided with a tall figure coming from around the corner. Startled, she stumbled backward, barely managing to regain her balance.
“Shit, sorry,” V said, feeling a flush of embarrassment heat her cheeks. “You good?”
She looked up at him. A guy, probably around her age, with short stubble and dark mid-length hair framing his sharp features. With his hands casually tucked into the pockets of a worn leather jacket, his outfit was a striking resemblance to her own. And, she couldn’t deny, he was kinda handsome. Or at least would be if he would stop sneering at her, that is. But there was something about him that set off alarm bells in her mind.
When he met her gaze, his sneer turned into a brief shock, and then into a smirk.
“No harm done,” he said in gruff voice, his smirk widening as he took in her appearance. “But maybe next time watch where you’re goin’, princess.”
Oh, so he was also a dickhead.
“Said I was sorry, didn’t I?”
“You sure did, doll, but that doesn't change the fact that you nearly knocked me over, does it?”
She sized him up with a scoff, her eyes narrowing slightly. He was at least half-foot taller than her, lean but not lanky, with broad shoulders that stretched the fabric of his jacket. Yeah, she almost knocked him over.
“Sure I did,” V rolled her eyes, brushing past him and continuing down the street, muttering under her breath. “Asshole.”
She heard him chuckle behind her back, but if he said anything in return, she didn’t catch that. She adjusted the strap of her bag and quickened her pace, this time actually watching where she was going. As she walked, she couldn't shake the feeling that he was still watching her for some reason. She resisted the urge to turn around, her irritation growing with each step. She fished a cig from the inside pocket of her jacket and lit it, taking a deep drag to calm the fuck down.
When V finally arrived at the studio, slightly calmer, the familiar sight brought a sense of relief. Pushing open the heavy door, she stepped inside, greeted by the techie guy, Ben, letting her know that Jackie was waiting for her in the back. She thanked him with a smile and went in the direction he pointed.
Jackie’s tall frame was hunched over the mixing console as he tinkered with the dials. He looked up as she entered the backroom, a warm smile lighting up his face.
“Hola, chica. Lookin’ good.”
“And feelin’ shitty, but thanks.”
“Ay. Need a hug?”
V couldn't help but chuckle at his offer, touched by his thoughtfulness.
“Fuck yeah, I need a hug.”
Without hesitation, Jackie crossed the room and enveloped her in a warm embrace, his arms wrapping around her. V closed her eyes for a moment and sighed. “Thanks Jacks.”
“Anytime,” he ruffled her hair. When she stepped back, he frowned a little. “Issues with the gig?”
“Nah, gig went good. Actually it’s the only thing that went good today,” she nervously rubbed the back of her neck, brushing the edge of the spine cyberware with her fingertips. “It’s just, dunno, bad day, I guess. I'm sleep deprived, my back is killing me again and some asshole practically plowed into me on the street and made it look like it was my fault. And I’m hungry.”
Jackie raised an eyebrow. “Shit. That’s a one rough morning, huh?” He thought for a moment and gave her a small smile. “Y’know what? I have something to show you actually. Wanted to do it after talking the detes with Wakako, but fuck it,” he sat at the desk, clicking on the console again. “Was working on a new demo. Only have a short bit for now, but I think you're gonna dig it.”
“Aight, lay it on me,” she ginned, settling onto the edge of the desk next to him and nodding at him to play the track. She enjoyed listening to every bit of his work, no matter what stage it was at. To be fair, he did the same for her.
They listened in silence for a while, but V’s smile grew wider every second. She didn’t knew shit about making music like this, but could appreciate a good beat when she heard one. After it finished, she laughed. “Shit, this beat slaps harder than my mother.”
Jackie looked at her sternly.
“V. Ain't funny.”
“Yea it is, you just have no sense of humor.”
“Yea, and you’re deflecting trauma with dark humor.”
“Okay, ouch. Touché tho. But really, it’s pretty fucking good.”
“Glad you like it,” his eyes lit up with excitement. “Because I will need a short chorus for it and I want you to sing the part. We would record it for my first album.”
She froze.
“Wai- What?” her eyebrows shot up in surprise. “Are you serious?”
“Sure am, V. Was thinking of a collab like that for some time and I want you for the first one I do this with.”
V felt a lump form in her throat as Jackie's words sank in. Maybe this day wasn’t so bad after all. She sniffed, blinking back tears, before nodding slowly.
“That’s a yes?” he grinned.
“Well, how the fuck can I say no?” he laughed while she wiped her eyes and leaned in to hug him again, which he returned right away.
“Good,” he pat her back lightly. “Now c’mon, let’s get some fucking food. I’m starving too.”
When hours later V made her way to their hideout – a rented garage near Coyote – sun was already dipping low on the horizon. They had a quick jam session planned and V wanted to finally blow off some steam. Even though the meetup with Jackie made her day ten times better, she still felt antsy for some reason.
She walked to the back entrance and smiled at Prime, who was sitting on the curb next to the back door, smoking a joint.
“Fancy seeing you here,” V stood next to her, snuffing her cig and taking a puff from Prime’s doobie when she offered.
“You too,” the drummer nodded. From those two words alone, V could tell that she was less baked than usual. “Nova will be late, they had some situation at the bar.”
“Drunk gonks or something else?”
“Dunno, wasn’t really listening when Raf was talking,” she cleared her throat and added quietly. “But Dex is here.”
“What?” V frowned and crouched down in front of her. “Why?”
“Said he had some info about the Battle or something,” she took the joint back and took a drag. “But he didn’t say much else.”
V sighed and nodded. It wasn’t that they didn’t like to work with Dex. Well, they didn’t, but that was not the point. It was just that he always had only his own biz in mind, not caring much about them and their goals. He didn’t support them or promoted them as he should. They were only a source for a quick eddie, no matter how small the eddie was. So yeah, they did resent him a bit, but right now he was the only one they could afford and they needed a manager if they wanted to move forward at all.
“Aight,” V sighed again and stood up. “I’m goin’ in. My ass is freezing,” she opened the door and looked at her friend. “You comin’?”
“Yeah. Let’s get this over with,” Prime flicked the remainder of her joint into the alley and followed V inside. V greeted Dex with short nod and smiled at Misty and Raf, sitting on the couch next to them, dropping her bag along with the jacket and her gun.
“Does it feel for you like we’re being called into the principal's office when he shows up?” Raf asked her quietly.
“Every single fucking time,” she whispered and he chuckled.
They sat, mostly in silence, tension filling the air. He of course couldn’t just sent them the info, because why make their life easier, right? He was insufferable sometimes. Wasn’t helping them with their career but was micromanaging them at the same time, just to be sure that they knew their place and stayed in line.
Finally, after what seems like hours with Dex in their space, Nova arrived, with a pout on her face, looking as if someone pissed in her cereal.
“Hi. Sorry, shitty shift,” she said, shrugging off her jacket and throwing it on the hanger in the corner. “You’d think that if we’re fucking closed then gonks will stop try to come in, Jesus fuckin’-” she finally looked up and stopped in her tracks. “Oh. Hi Dex.”
“Hello, Miss Foster,” he lit up his cigar and V gritted her teeth. They were not supposed to smoke inside and he knew it. They will get another fucking earful from the proprietor. “Come on and sit down. I have some news about this Battle of the Bands thing for y’all,” he pulled out his phone and quickly found something he was looking for, while Nova sat on the armrest next to V, exchanging knowing glances. “Got the info from the organizer. You're officially signed up for the event as performers,” Dex stated. “There will be five bands in total, the opening is scheduled for next Saturday. They want each band to do a short presentation as an appetizer before the real competition will start.”
“Do we know the dates of each performances?” V asked.
“Not yet, they’re still working on the program. All info about the phases of the competition should be available this week. Will send them to you. Any other burnin’ questions?”
“Yeah. You had to come down here to let us know about that?” Nova raised her eyebrow.
“You know me, Miss Foster. I like to look y’all in the eyes when talkin’ biz.”
“Riiight. Thanks Dex.”
“Of course. So if that’s all-“
“Actually, wait,” V quipped in. “One more. Is there a list of who else made it in?”
He scrolled down on the info.
“Yes, there is, Miss V. Sending you the detes,” they all got a notification as Dex turned to leave. “If they will inform me of anything else, I’ll let y’all know.”
With that he took his leave and all of them sighed in union.
“We really should stop giving his detes in any papers, fuck me,” Nova said.
“That’s, like, literally his job, Nova,” Raf rolled his eyes.
“Well, I don’t like him,” she leaned to pull out a beer from the crate laying on the floor next to the couch and opened it, but when Raf reached out to her, she sighed and handed him a bottle, reaching for another one. “And I know you gonks don’t like him too. We would be better off alone, to be honest. V handles more things than him, and better,” she pointed her finger at V. “We pay him for nothing and you know it.”
“Yeah, I know,” V sighed and pulled out her phone to open the message from Dex. “But you know that we need someone. Let’s just… We’ll talk about it after the competition will be over, aight?”
Nova was quiet for a while, mulling her words. She wasn’t exactly in a mood to push V and she saw that V would also lose her shit for that today. “Yeah. Yeah, you’re right. Let’s just focus on the Battle for now.”
“Thank you,” V let out a sigh of relief and stood up, wandering in circles while scrolling the detes. “Okay, there it is. List of bands qualified for the Battle; Thunderforge. I have no idea who they are,” she glanced at her teammates, but they also shook their heads. She returned to the list. “The Shouty Hearts. I actually heard of them couple of times.”
“Yeah, they’re pretty good,” Nova nodded. “We were at their gig at Dicky Twister some time ago, remember?”
“Oh, that’s right,” she slapped her forehead.
“You went to a gay bar without me?” Raf scoffed.
“We went for a gig without you,” Nova smirked and sipped her beer. “Not the first time too. Okay, who else do we have?”
“Fivedust. Again, not sure if I know them.”
“They’re okay,” Prime stated. “Less hard, more like a funky vibe, but they’re pretty good.”
“Aight. So that leaves us and…” V scrolled further down and froze. “Samurai? Fuckin’ Samurai?” She read in disbelief.
She heard about Samurai, alright. They all did. Samurai was slowly carving out a reputation for themselves, much like them. They were a rising force in the music scene and she knew about their growing fanbase. Apparently they were able to captivate a crowd without much effort. They were a threat that couldn't be taken lightly. The realization hit V like a punch to the gut. This shit just got a whole lot more serious. If they were going to compete against Samurai, they needed to bring their A-game and be prepared for every-fucking-thing.
They couldn’t catch a fucking break, could they?
“Well that’s just fucking fantastic,” she reached out for a bottle with trembling hands.
“Samurai, whoop-de-do,” Nova rolled her eyes. “What about them, choom?”
“The fuck you mean what about them?” Raf interjected and narrowed his eyes. “They’re huge!”
“I’m kinda with Raf on that one to be honest,” V sighed and sipped her beer.
“Yea, me too,” Prime shrugged and Misty nodded.
“Fucking, thank you!” Raf yelled.
“Uh, no? They’re not huge,” Nova scoffed and looked at them with disbelief. “What the fuck you’re all talking about? They’re in the same spot as us. If it were otherwise, they wouldn’t take part in this competition.”
Well… V couldn’t argue with that. She started to nervously chew on her already destroyed nail polish, until Nova slapped her hand. She sighed. Maybe they really were exaggerating. Maybe Samurai wasn’t that good. At least not much better than them, she hoped. Maybe Nova was right. They were in the same boat, after all. But then Misty said something that sent her down the spiral again.
“Didn’t they start a fire at Rainbow Cadenza some time ago?”
Oh, and also they did that and were the talk of the week. It was a dumb marketing, but if something was stupid but worked, then it wasn’t stupid. And this stunt fucking worked. V cursed under her breath, feeling more and more pissed.
“Okay, enough,” she pointed her finger at them. “We all need to chill, aight? We're not some fucking small-time act. We've earned our place there, and I know you know it too,” she huffed, downing her beer before continuing. “I’ll admit, seeing their name on the list was like a fucking slap, but that’s our wake-up call, you know? That’s the proof that this is not a fucking playground anymore.”
They all nodded slowly, Nova with satisfied smirk on her face.
“Finally,” she raised the bottle with a mocking toast and V rolled her eyes.
“Yeah, yeah, shut up.”
Nova only laughed her loud pearly laughter and downed her beer too. Raf, Misty and Prime exchanged glanced, and, at last, Raf sighed.
“Yeah, you’re right. We ain’t gonna back down because of couple of self-centered wannabes.”
“They’re mostly not half bad from what I heard,” Nova shrugged. “It’s only Silverhand who struts like a peacock.”
“The vocalist, right?” V sipped her beer.
“Yep. That means you need to crush his ego,” Nova smirked, poking V's arm and she finally laughed. Hurray for another day of emotional rollercoaster, she guessed.
“Yeah, no prob, choom.”
“Are there any pics of them online? I want to at least see if he’s as cute as they say,” Raf exhaled dramatically.
All girls rolled their eyes at him, but Nova pulled out her phone to look for any sign of them. It didn’t take her long to find their fanpage. She muttered something about setting up one for Banzai Riot too and handed Raf her phone. He tilted his head while zooming in on the pic and shrugged.
“Meh. I’ve seen better. The one with mullet is cute tho,” he smiled and handed the phone to Misty when she reached out to check them out too. It went on a tour round the room so all of them could see their future competitors, and when it finally got into V's hands, she choked on her beer.
“That asshole!”
Her bandmates exchanged surprised glances.
“What asshole?” Misty frowned.
“The one that- Shit,” she rubbed her forehead, realizing that they haven’t heard her story from before yet. “I bumped into some guy on the street today and he was all pissy about it at first and then smirking and shit. And he acted as if I was the only one not looking where I’m fucking going. That’s him! That’s the asshole!”
“Which one?” Nova frowned and V pointed her finger at the tall, broody one. “That’s Silverhand.”
“That’s him?”
“Great. Fucking amazing,” she sneered and reached out for a cig. Fuck it, Dex already smoked inside, she won’t make it worse.
“Did he know who you are?”
V blinked in surprise, taken aback by Misty’s question.
“Nah… No, I don’t think so,” she frowned.
“You don’t look convinced, you know?”
“Well… When I think about it now, he was acting weird.”
“Well, maybe he did recognize you?” Nova questioned. “We played some gigs in the city too, maybe he saw one?”
V shrugged. There was some possibility of him stumbling across their concert one time. Or maybe he had found across them online. She knew that some of the audience recorded their stuff and posted it without a second thought, even if they didn’t know who was playing. Or maybe it was just a chance encounter and she was reading too much into it. V didn't know anymore. She was sure of one thing, though.
This competition is going to be one hell of a ride.
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yuribeam · 8 months
5, 15, 25!
ty!! 🩷
5: Do you take drugs?
a great many prescription, enough OTC tylenol to kill a small horse, and one recreational
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15: Favorite movie?
tie between Howl's Moving Castle and Star Trek: The Voyage Home! 🐋
25: My idea of a perfect date
oog tough question
breakfast in bed ✨extra yuri style✨, get dressed up in lolita with the missus (I will get her in a goth or EGA coord someday.. scheming...) , go to some antique stores, have a cute little walk photoshoot and picnic in the park (cherry blossom season) (must find dogs to pet), probably back home for post lunch crash cuddle nap, out to dinner for tofu pad thai and sushi perhaps even mango sticky rice, and then go to the Hozier Mitski concert of my dreams together 😩 dreaming big here lol
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anna-neko · 2 years
organizing some files, thinking about International Lolita Day and just... fell down a bit of a rabbit hole which then turned into an existential crisis....
mah dudes, it's one thing when joke "have DVDs older than you" but ... but... but... have a Gothic Lolita burando piece that isn't just "older than you been into this fashion" (not condescending, plz keep at it!), *rubs bridge of nose* this was not an EGL Comm Sales nor LaceMarket "vintage"/second-hand buy THIS WAS BOUGHT BRAND-NEW AT ORIGINAL RELEASE (in dark ages when buying direct-from-Japan needed either u knowing this One Girl on LJ who was going on a trip, or jumping 20hoops for a shopping service! (which was just another lady living in Japan at the time) and hoping they'd spot the piece u wanted) This specific brand, bless, deemed us worthy of international shipping BUT ANYWAY rambles are boring, lets look at pretty pictures instead shall we
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Meta calls this piece simply "Gingham Check Tiered Skirt" (ギンガムチェックティアードスカート) seasonal collections or pieces getting fancy names that are sometimes absolutely random girl names or bad engrish translation is a fairly new phenomenon, sometimes a literal description is best
✧ 2005 did u think I was kidding about its age was gifted this lovely skirt, and literally just ... pulled whatever was black/white to wear it out immediately! Hilariously, getting the big butt-bow tied was A Challenge: he couldn't do it because boys can't bows, I couldn't because can't see what doing behind me, his mom couldn't help because she didn't raise girls so out of bows-tying practice....
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✦ 2006 - Disney trip, of course brought it We did Lilo and Stitch breakfast and Every. Single. Time. Stitch passed me, he'd tug on the skirt's bow *taps hairbow* made it myself to go with the skirt! (using the very proper GosuLoli Sewing patterns mook no less!) and every couple years a friend send me his FB memories snap he took of me with Princess Jasmine in this, and we both cry over the date
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an otaku pilgrimage stop on drive back
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✷ 2007 ya hear of burando~whores? Well have we got a treat then a full Meta coord: blouse, skirt and headdress!
something something pale vampire
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♡ 2008 One Braincell, Much Frills
very smart ladies freezing in the New England snows, send help. Also, as can clearly see, now with a matching gingham headdress (still Metamorphose, this "brand wh0re" business ain't a joke)
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and then went on a trip to London and you freakin bet this was packed along! fondest memory was absolutely fangirling over a life-sized DALEK statue in a bookshop, and someone came up to tell me, "your outfit's brilliant"
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♪ 2009 how cool are my loli~friends? We dressed up to go play RockBand and mofo at-home DDR! all you kids with your TikToks and ...and... Zooms.... u will never be this cool
Fun fact: that headdress from before? The tiny bows were detachable! So could use them as separate hairclips for other looks
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♫ 2010 - do not think anyone comprehends just how FULL this skirt is! It's 3 gathered tiers, and that bottom one is freakin miles of fabric. Plus the waist ties, and full lining with tulle sewn in
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♠ 2011 are you tired of this nonsense yet? 'cause it keeps a~goin!
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♢2014 oooh bit of a skip! did own a lot of other pretty dresses, skirt was packed away for a bit fun fact: am actually freezing in NYC winter outdoors.... we went to see a play staring Sir Ian McKellen & Sir Patrick Stewart!!
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and finally 2022, on the most freakin FREEZING negative-degrees day in January we went out for honeytoast and I was like .. ya know what... oldskool coord!
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is my skirt old enough to drive? ... yes... yes it is.... As always, hope everyone enjoyed and for the love of Mana, don't do the math... OMFG plz don't even try to math this one out
Not writing up coord break-down, other "brands" featured are in no particular order: Fan+Friend, Baby the Stars Shine Bright, rando shit from HotTopic and Kohls (or as the kids say "off brand"), LipService, Bodyline, Secret Shop, Innocent World, AnnaHouse and a bunch of cute Etsy jewelry bits
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yesterday.. let's see, who was around. echo was here in the morning and then sporadically throughout the day. she watched Sailor Moon with my girlfriend, she made herself a cute macaron necklace to go with her coord. i was around, ashmira and tigerlily were both around on the walk to the breakfast place definitely because tigerlily was talking about lemurs and how you can feed them grapes if you go to the zoo at the right time, and ashmira was there about five minutes later because we were walking down the main street in my town and suddenly didn't recognize it. i could feel her discomfort shift to curiosity when she realised i was still co-con with her and knew where we were. i can't describe it but it was such a weird feeling of simultaneously knowing something and not knowing something. she was like 'looks and smells like a british seaside town, but it's not MY british seaside town' because i moved here in 2017 and ashmira hadn't fronted since 2009. wild.
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20dollarlolita · 2 years
Cheap coord challenge pt 1
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Coord total: $146 | Cumulative coord total: $146 Other entires will be posted on the "20dollarlolita coord challenge" tag.
Okay, cheap coord challenge, first entry. There will be several, but I don't want to wait and make one master post.
So, the rules I'm following for the least expensive coord challenge: 1) Each coordinate's value must include all items being worn except for petticoat and medical devices. If we're including glasses and hearing aids and shoe orthodics then these are going to get expensive really fast. 2) the challenge of "how many coords can I make for the cost of a really expensive coord" only has to count an item one time. If I wear the same shoes for seven coords, the cumulative total only has to add the shoes one time.
This wasn't the first one I wanted to do, but it's the first one that I ended up wearing, so here we are. This is $146, with 41% of that total being the cost of the shoes.
Blouse: Bodyline, $30 Skirt: $6, one of the first lolita things I made Overskirt and headbow: $20? Both of them were small items from lucky packs from Souffle Song, so I'm not sure how to count that Tights: $10 Wrist cuffs: $4, diy'd while I was at work specifically for this Jewelry: $16 from thrift stores, handmade, or the 14 years of my life that I had to go to Sunday school plus the year in confirmation class that I went through to be given the cross as a reminder of the pledge that they allowed a literal child to take to vow to spread the word of the Lord which became a vow that I never really honored, so this cost me disappointing Jesus, but didn't cost any money Shoes: $60
If we don't count the shoes, we're down to $86, and I'm not sure if it's fair to count the shoes since I wear them literally everywhere (they're the shoes that have the fancy ankle orthodics so they're my saily shoes). But including these is in the rules, so we're counting them. The whole reason I decided to sort of take a punk route with this coord was because I was going to wear those boots anyway. I started this look out by going to get breakfast with my grandma, and that original iteration is the look on the right of the collage with the flowered tights.
The thing that I really like about this look is how flexible all the pieces are. I have a lot of ideas planned out for this challenge and almost all of these pieces except the skirt are getting reused somehow. I also really like doing pink and black together, because that's what tiny me wanted lolita to be all the time. I also have a lot of nostalgia for that skirt just because I was so proud of it when I made it. The bow has a little book charm on it that says Holy Bible on one side and has a Chi Rho on the other side. I usually just hope that no one notices that, but today I went fuck it and wore a cross. I usually don't do that (religion is my sister's thing, not mine) but it made my grandma happy.
Things I'm not happy about: Boy is that skirt boring and way too long. It's so hard to work with but I'm so fond of it because babylita me made it. I wish I had something that reads a bit more punk than the blouse for this? I'd really like a graphic cutsew instead of a button-up blouse. These wrist cuffs are the reason I now understand exactly how long of a wrist cuff is too long, and they also need some adornment. I'm so incredibly tired of wearing those boots all the time, and I'd love to use some shoes that really take the look over the top a bit more. I also used to be able to tease my hair up pretty big and get this cool look, but since I've cut it shorter I've needed to re-learn the art of alternative hair teasing and instead it just looks like a 1960's flip hairstyle.
I wasn't planning on starting the challenge with an experimental coord, but I didn't decide what day my grandma's birthday was, did I?
Y'all know the rules, concrete is good and you can submit it anonymously if you want.
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faeryndipity · 7 months
Mungbean Icecream Morning Toast
I finally got my Vegemite bucket hat so to celebrate I made an entire coordinate themed around Vegemite toast because why not? I love Vegemite.
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rumblelibrary · 3 years
"How many times can you look me in the eye and lie to me?" Also with Ernest, break my heart please 💔, I need like angry and broken Ernest
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“How many times can you look at me in the eye and lie to me” - with Ernst Schmidt x Fem!Reader
Warnings: masturbation, mention of attempted murder
I wasn't ready to write this and when I was, I still wasn't.
Ernst smiled at you, he just woke up to find you laying beside him like very morning, his little corner of paradise, your silky nightgown clinging sensually around your shape, that amazing curve of your body always getting him more and more turned on.
“Good morning, Ernst”
You said to him and he smiled happily whispering it back to you.
“Oh, looks like Dr Schmidt is more awake than you”
The way you giggled and nicknamed his dick would have made him blush if he wasn’t so aroused by your presence.
“Get naked for me, I don’t have time”
You pouted but then you obliged as you stood on the bed slowly giving him a strip tease, you even hummed the music waving your body in front of him.
Your voice only rang through him, the way you sang was pure poetry.
You swayed from side to side as the silk slipped off your skin like water, you picked a moan as you touched over your body as he pumped himself nicely.
“Fuck, show me your ass”
He cursed as he went immediately hard on himself, he was hungry, needy for you and yet he didn’t have time to fully give into the pleasure.
You obeyed, you rolled your hips turning around as your panties made their way down your ass and quickly precipitated to your ankles before being kicked out of the way.
The way your hands moved, the moans that escaped you as your hands travelled between your legs gifting pleasure to yourself.
Ernst was thrown into a very fast orgasm against his own stomach while staring at you.
“Your breakfast is ready now”
You smirked as he chuckled “I hope not this one” he said pointing at his chest as you giggled jumping off the bed.
“I need the calculation for this”
You nodded providing him the answer in a moment, you worked side to side and you were his right arm, always helping him.
“So? How long is it going to take freak?”
Volkov voice made you roll your eyes.
He annoyed you like hell, but he really took a tool on Ernst.
Don’t let him get into you
You typed it on the computer for Ernest to see. He now needed to be focusing on the task ahead instead of the teasing, he pushed his glasses further on the bridge of his nose as he looked up at the screen ignoring the Russian.
Thank you he typed back to you
;) your answer
Nevertheless, the experiments kept failing and you kept working tirelessly with him. Where it was the error? What could it be?
“Ernst, I brought you something to eat” Lin said as she came to the control room and stared up at you for a moment, you leaned your head on side, you glared at her but smiled, it wasn’t even polite as a smile, it was just circumstantial.
“Don’t worry, I don’t need it”
You said it quite harshly earning a look from Ernst that made you turn around and go back to your calculations.
“Forgive her” Ernst said for you and Lin shrugged “I am worried for you” she whispered to him “you’re getting too much into this, it is not healthy, do not listen to Volkov but I need you to be awake and ready more than anyone, you’re our only physic here”
He chuckled lightly “the one who could survive here among you crazy heads” he joked as you looked back at them interacting and frowned lightly.
That evening he was applying some cream to ease the bruise Volkov left on his face after last experiment.
“That man should have been checked, with such a temper he shouldn’t be allowed on the mission” you mumbled as you stared at him while programming the dinner on the big screen to be delivered. Usually you would fetch it but the beating accident pushed Ernst to be asked to go to his rooms earlier than usual.
“I know, but I gave him his fair share and it is good like this. We are all stressed on board, Lin taught me this word which means actually stressed because of the pressure due on the mind, I need to ask her again about it”
“You like her, don’t you?”
You asked it like a firing shot, he rolled his eyes “please, not again with it”
You frowned as he dismissed always that topic but you hated it.
“You think she is more attractive than me?”
“That is not possible” he just said and you looked down at your floral shorts and top coord pyjama.
You looked back at the screen as you downloaded the exercises he had been prescribed before leaving the Earth to keep his back and neck healthy after so many hours on the computer.
“Would you fuck her?”
He glared at you “I said it is a closed topic”
You sighed nodding lightly, you nibbled your bottom lip but just carried on with the evening.
It was like an accident, Volkov was checking the oxygen reserve as always when he started to feel dizzy. He frowned as soon as he realised he rushed to the door. There was a leak. But when he rushed to the door it was locked and not even the code worked to open it.
He really thought it was the end but Lin saw him and with the help of Kiel managed to get him out of there.
Volkov didn’t speak to anyone for the rest of the night.
But Ernst knew perfectly who he had to talk to.
When he came to his quarters and locked the door you were wearing a nice deep blue dress, one of his favourites with off shoulders and a tight skirt, the dinner was ready for him to eat and some soft music playing in the background.
“You’re out of your mind”
He only said that and you looked at him confused “What? Why? Don’t you like salmon?”
“Don’t you play innocent with me Y/N, I saw the codes, you hacked the door, a clean job but you should know I can find your ID print anywhere, even behind the electricity system”
You frowned “I probably messed up, what door got blocked?”
He laughed out loud smacking his hand loudly over his forehead “How can you even be such a liar? Killing Volkov won’t solve anything”
You frowned as he spoke like that “He beat you Ernst”
You said it finally after a long silence “he handles you in that way and punches you and threatens you constantly, I can’t see him do this for more years”
“Killing him is not the solution”
“I was just trying to protect you!!” You screamed to him.
He stood straight in front of you, cringe colouring his features as you stared at him helplessly.
“What do you even know about protection? You’re not even -“
“I love you, that’s what I know”
He looked at you as you said that, the disgust on him turned to pain and then to rage.
“Take it back”
“I said” he came closer to you, his voice tone lowering “Take it back, now”
You shook your head as you felt tears forming in your eyes, your chest starting to hiccup as you tried to hold back the fear and the sadness of his reaction.
You daydreamed so much of him telling you that little ‘I love you too’.
And yet, here you’re.
“No, no Ernst, this is over”
You paled up as he moved past you taking his tablet.
“Ernst, but it is true, I love you, I swear, it is love” you said, your voice trembling as your tears started to roll down your cheeks “Every day, you’re my only thought, you’re what I live for, I live to see you smile at me, to see you happy, to see that little quirky smirk you do when all the analysis work. The way you look at me when we are alone, the way you smile at me, share things with me. That’s all I wish for. Please. Please Ernst. You have to believe me”
“Liar.” His answer was dry, filled with anger and disgust, his eyes not even gracing you.
“I am not lying, I can’t lie to you. Ernst. I beg you, talk to me”
“How many times can you look at me in the eye and lie to me??” He shouted at the top of his lungs taking his dinner plate with his free hand and smashing it on the wall in front of him.
“Ernst” yours was a whisper, his name your only reason to live left as fear was now dominating you “please”
He glared at you, jaw clenched, hand locked into fists so tight that his knuckles were white.
He pressed something on the tablet that he still clenched on his side and on the big screen in the room that usually projected a night skyline for dinner appeared a red notification:
Are you sure you want to interrupt the hologram?
Yes - No
You stared at the screen as you closed your eyes, tears rolling even more down your cheeks.
“I love you Ernst”
“You’re not supposed to love, Y/N” his voice betraying the pain simmering after that mask of rage you know too well by now.
The tap of his finger on the tablet screen the last thing you heard before being caged back into your code.
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grvntld · 2 years
hi mejj tinatamad ako magkwento lately but know that im a-okie hehe im surrounded by people i love and people that genuinely love me
💓 i also get to do my yoga everyday and stick to my morning routine which y'all know im all for hihi i love waking up and drinking water and tea and having breakfast and just sitting in silence and just basking in serenity
💓 plus i got myself a bunch of silk and satin coords, dresses, and robes for lounging and sleeping so you could bet im super duper comfy sleeping and just going about my day
💓 i have therapy on fridays too and church and counseling on sundays which help me big time to accept and process the current ganaps in my life
💓 im still hurting and angry but most times im good and i know better than doing what has been done to me which is hurt others just because im hurting too
💓 eniwey i took my family out to dinner on one of my fave casual dining restos, marugame udon, and im so happy they loved it too hooray
💓 speaking of treating my fambam hehe i got my younger bro basketball shoes yay it's kd15 violet and neon colorway awiiiiiih~ he was so excited unboxing it and it is such a joy watching him wear it and take good care of it
💓 more about shoes hihe i got mahself new boots too yiE im such a happy kiddo bc it's thigh high and i feel so sexy and powerful wearing it
💓 i plan to get myself sneakers too which i can use for walking in the park or maybe doing zumba with the titas at the park or court lol idk yet but yep im looking at a few options and one of them is actually basketball shoes which imma use just for walking or jogging since idrk how to play basketball lmao
💓 work is fine too since im updated with almost all of my tasks yippee imma check each one of them tomorrow too just to make sure yay
💓 omg ive been blabbering for a bit already but i still havent mentioned how im watching sen cal kapimi and alchemy of souls so yeah im watching those hehehe sen cal kapimi has me getting kilig while alchemy of souls has me hooked and waiting for this weekend's new episodes lol
💓 in general, im for keeping my peace of mind, healing, taking care of myself even more, and just focusing my energy on things and people that really matter and that are really relevant in my life
dazz all for now. been a while since i shared something here and that is because ive been doing a lot of things while things that are out of my control are also happening at the same time.
i wish and pray for y'all's peace of mind too, especially when it comes to troubles that you cant even bring yourself to talk about yet. as always, sending y'all love and light! ♡
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anothertimdrakestan · 4 years
Hot Stuff (Tim Drake x Reader)
Words: 3k
Req: “can you do a fic where the reader has to get protected and she doesn't want to and thinks it's dumb but like otherwise someone is gonna try to kill her so a batboy (of your choice) has to protect her and they like realize they like each other? i just think it would be really cute sorry haha you can ignore me.”
I’m not gonna ignore you!!! this is adorable! also i let ppl vote not knowing the prompt and they picked tim hehehe so this will be fun! you really left me a LOT of creative freedom lmao so i tried my best but had a lot of fun lolz hope you enjoy angel!
It had been at least 5 years since you had ever shivered. And the last time it happened you were like 20 seconds away from dying so the fact that it was becoming a common feeling was definitely a problem. But your near death every couple minutes was a pretty dumb excuse to get you holed up in the batcave being watched over by none other than Mr. Batman himself. 
The whole problem arose when all the cold-powered super villains decided it was time for their equivalent of a crossover, deciding that if the world was frozen over they could... steal shit? Then unfreeze it or something? They were always a little slow (call it brain freeze if you will) but the beginnings of their plan worked and the temperature of the Earth was dropping steadily which didn’t bode well for a hero like you who’s powers revolved around heat and energy, the colder you got the weaker- making this the reason you were in a makeshift furnace set up discreetly in the Batcave. 
“Morning y/n let’s see how you’re doing” Tim greeted you with a wave, grabbing a tablet that was tracking your internal body temperature and other boring statistics on whether or not you’d live. “Oh man, okay, lemme turn it up” Tim tapped at the tablet while you folded another paper airplane and threw it at the glass. “I feel fine man, like really, I’m just chilling” you shrugged, incinerating the paper airplane with a small flame in the center of your palm while Tim chuckled. “Well ya see, you ‘chilling’ is actually quite a bad thing, but yeah a couple minutes with extra heat and you can come to breakfast!” you rolled your eyes at his smothered laughter. “How long you been sitting on that one?” you teased him. 
“Long enough Sparky, now warm up I’m hungry” Tim started you on a burst of energy while he moved on to the main BatComputer. “Whatcha solving today? Anything I can help with?” you squinted at the screen hoping for something interesting. “Bruce is going out to see if he can find the location of all the machines dropping the temp, and no, you’re definitely not going outside anytime soon” Tim chided you while you groaned and let sharp flames jutt from your clenched fists. “I’m not a child, I can regulate my temperature on my own, hell I can still make fire so clearly I’m fine” you said matter-of-factly holding up a flame and letting it dancing into a small burst. 
“And I’d like to keep you that way y/n let’s not risk it, now c’mon I think you’ve taken in enough energy” Tim opened the door to your little glass room, his eyes widening at the heat that brushed over his face. “Dude you ever got hot in there?” Tim questioned, fanning his face from the exposure. “Nope, I’m kinda like that all the time” you explained, casually taking his hand to show him how your skin practically radiated heat. “Oh- wow, you’re really warm but it’s kinda cool.” Tim mumbled, pushing your palm flush up against his, the tops of his fingertips curling around yours while he grinned, “your hands are so small” you snorted, “whatever Drake, I could cook you like a bird if I wanted to,” you laughed, racing up the steps towards the kitchen ready to warm up some breakfast.
That afternoon you were helping Damian through homework hoping for any excitement in the pure boredom. “Alright, done. I’m going to take Titus out you can come- uh actually nevermind.” Damian shot you an apologetic look before grabbing Titus’ collar. “No actually I can go! I’m super warm and got the go ahead!” You quickly stood up, telling yourself a little getaway was necessary. “Really? I believe Drake said-” you cut Damian off, “Tim is like never right about anything yaknow? Let’s go!” You zipped up a couple of your jackets with a grin while Damian led you outside. 
The air was crisp, like a fall day that was on the verge of shifting into winter. “You’re not going to die on me are you?” Damian glanced at you while you breathed in the fresh air peacefully. “No haha, this is just regulating my temperature using my powers for a little while, I get ill when I do it for too long, let’s go!” you raced down the street loving the freedom even though you could feel the cold creep in. 
“Y/n? Y/n? Guys I think her eyelids are moving! Y/N! Can you hear me?” a familiar voice buzzed over the white noise while you began to regain your senses. Slowly you blinked your eyes open to see Damian, who looked pissed, Bruce, who also looked pissed, and Tim, who looked worse than ever. “WHAT WERE YOU THINKING YOU LIED TO DAMIAN TO GO OUTSIDE THEN ALMOST DIED!” Tim was waving his hands and showing you charts of your warmth-cold ratios being at all time lows and spouting off concerning facts about your health while Bruce just looked at the ceiling asking ‘why me’. 
“I thought I’d be fine” you whispered, feeling your throat scream at it’s use. “It’s like freezing outside- freakin colder than winter- and you wanted to go outside???” Tim looked exasperated, he was in a loose tank top and shorts, it looked like he’d been sweating so he had probably been next to you for a while during your recovery. “I didn’t think I’d get so cold” you mumbled, flexing your hands while you tried to regain your strength. 
Eventually Tim calmed down, he went back to working on cases but you noticed him frequently checking to confirm you hadn’t left your new room. Damian chastised you for lying and told you how you essentially fainted a couple blocks into the walk, it was just way too cold too for you to function outside. But the small taste of freedom was worth it. 
“Hey hot stuff,” Tim gave you a little devilish smile at his new nickname for you. “Cute Drake, but what’s up?” you called back as he approached your makeshift oven-room. “Nothing much just thought I’d come hangout- warm up your cold dark heart for once” you shook your head at all his heat-centered puns. “Tough talk for a glorified shish-kebab” you said with a laugh, letting a little spark dance on your finger tips. 
“What does it feel like? The powers and being cold?” Tim asked, his eyes still staring at your palm. “Mhm it’s a part of me yaknow? So when it’s cold its like a piece of my being is being stifled, like choked out of me. But normally, it just flows through me and I can channel it and what not but right now it feels... rigid, like every ounce of warmth is being used to circulate through my own body” you said with a sign, missing the freedom and immense warmth. “We’re gonna fix this y/n you know that right? This is only temporary, I promise.” Tim whispered, inching closer to the glass. 
You felt a tear slip out, quickly you pushed it away feeling it evaporate in your hands you looked up at Tim who was inches from the glass, his cheeks were red from the heat radiating on him as he stood bundled in a sweater. Slowly he gave you a hopeful smile, putting his hand up against the glass. With a small smile you uncurled your hand up to meet his, for a second you just met his eyes and knew you were safe. Even when everything seemed so cold Tim was warm, and he was always there for you. 
A couple days later you were stable, but constantly needing reheating. You’d spent a lot of time with Tim who had set up a little workspace outside your room. He’d work on cases and talk to you, sometimes he’d catch a few minutes of sleep, his cheek pressed adorably up to the warm glass while you stifle giggles as his sleepy breaths fog the glass. Your situation was bearable with Tim, and you were really starting to enjoy his company.
“Red Robin we’ve got something” you watched Tim shoot up from his work as Bruce descended into the Batcave. “Barry Allen and the rest of Star Labs have reason to believe the frost machines aren’t actually underground, but their above us. Think pumping out cold air like an AC machine for the Earth” Tim nodded, sitting down at the batcomputer as he began typing rapidly. You were straining your neck against the glass to try to see what he was doing. 
“Got it, try here, here, and here” Tim was pointing wildly at a map while Bruce sent out the coords. “Suit up, if we’re right this’ll be a real fight” Bruce said as he left to go get the others. After Tim was in his suit he came up next to your room with a grin. You looked at him with hopeful eyes, “you think this is it?” you asked Tim while he flashed you a hopeful smile. “I hope so y/n, if we’re lucky this will be it” he answered, taking a deep breath and clenching his hands into fists. “Well you need extra luck” you told him, he nodded then stopped short when you burst out of the room, throwing your arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug. “My hugs are super lucky” you whispered into his chest while his hands wrapped around your back. “I’ll take all the luck I can get” he mumbled, lowering his head into the crook of your neck. The hug was easy and perfect- until you started to shiver. Quickly Tim deposited you back into your room, turning up the heat. 
“Guess I’m not hot enough for you” Tim snorted while you rubbed your shoulders. “Shut up dork, now go fix the world so I can give you a proper hug” you placed your hand against the glass again. With a nod he placed his hand to yours, “will do” he said, dashing off towards Bruce and Damian who were also all suited up. 
“Y/n I must inform you they have in fact found the base and will be going into battle shortly” Alfred called from the computers while he monitored the team’s location. “Yes!” you shouted, pumping a fist in the air while you paced around your room. 
The plan was clear, there were 10 giant AC machines pumping out the frost across the world, some heroes had been separated into teams each tasked with taking out their respective machine then any hero strong enough to lift the machines were in charge of bringing them to an undisclosed location on one of Bruce’s private islands for inspection and dismantling. Alfred had Bruce, Dick, Tim, and Damian’s vitals displayed on the screen as their suits were consistently monitoring them and you’d been craning your neck to keep track of the little bars. “god Alfie how do you take it? You can see every hit they take, every injury, you’re basically looking at it all going wrong!” you felt like tearing your hair out, watching the screen light up with every hit each boy took. 
“You get used to it Ms. Y/n you must have faith that they’ve seen worse and can survive anything” Alfred answered cooly but it didn’t stop you from wincing everytime Tim’s bar lowered or lit up meaning he took a hit. 
Over the comms you heard Bruce and Damian confirm their machine was sufficiently broken, as well as 8 of the other machines. As it turned out, Tim, Dick, and one of those annoying speedsters had been sent to the head machine, a few members of the league were at the other. You watched Tim take hit after hit, clearly him and Dick were struggling. “Alf is it just me or are Tim and Dick’s bars not going up” you were pounding at the glass of your room. Slowly Alfred nodded, abruptly standing up. To your shock he began moving around the cave, setting up what looked like a makeshift hospital room. “There will almost assuredly be some injuries after this battle. But how are you feeling Ms. Y/n as over half of the machines have been taken down” Alfred drew you away from the flashing bars as you realized you were feeling better, still not top shape but better than you’d been in days. “Yeah you’re right I’m definitely feeling better-”
“Hey Alfie Tim just got buried in snow any recommendations?” you heard Dick’s voice come over the speakers. Your head whipped to his bar which was flashing wildly as you shrieked. Alfred replied quickly, “Master Dick you must remove him immediately and wrap him with something warm as his suit cannot regulate him in freezing temperatures.” as he made his way back to the batcomputer, talking Dick through his next actions. 
“Will do, he’ll be okay but he’s kinda a popsicle right now” Dick’s voice came over the comms again while you let out the breath you’d been holding in as you saw Tim’s bar sliding back up. Shortly after they were aided by the rest of the league, promptly taking out the final machine and finding the villains hiding inside. 
Dick, Tim, and Damian returned to the cave shorty, Bruce was busy with league business interrogating the villains. Damian came in first, declaring he now hated the cold after how freezing that mission was. Following him was Dick who was walking with a slight limp as he called to Alfred explaining that he just twisted it when he dug Tim out of the snow. And last, Tim made his way into the cave. His hair was wet, clearly melted from being buried under snow. He was wearing a Star Labs sweatshirt and sweatpants as he held his waterlogged suit in his slightly shaky hands, and a towel was draped over his shoulders. “Alf you want my suit? Pretty sure I fried half the tech” he called as he shook his head, little water droplets flying from his hair. “I’ll see to it’s repair Master Tim” Alfred nodded, gesturing for Tim to place it next to him. “Also, might I recommend you spend some time with Miss Y/n as she is quite capable of warming you up” Alfred gestured towards your room before going back to examining Dick’s ankle. 
Tim nodded in agreement, giving you a little wave as he stumbled into the room with you. Letting the relief flood your head you quickly brought him into a warm hug, focusing on pushing some of your energy forwards to warm him up. “Mhm” Tim’s eyelashes fluttered shut against your neck while he melted into your embrace. “You’re so cold” you whispered with a giggle. “Yeah and you’re really hot” Tim groaned in reply, though you could feel his lips curl into a smile against your neck. “I think you meant warm” you tried to ignore the butterflies having a rager in your stomach. “Hm no I said it right” Tim whispered in your ear making your eyes widen at his upfront response. “Oh, I- uh, thanks? I think you’re pretty cool- no not cool cuz like that’s the opposite of hot- yeah you’re-” you were silenced as Tim pressed his lips to yours. Your eyes shot open at the feeling of his ice cold lips pressed to yours but they quickly fluttered closed when his hand wrapped around the back of your head, pulling you deeper into the kiss. His lips quickly warmed up against yours making your breath hitch when he slipped a cold hand around your waist pulling you flush against him. His fingers felt like ice as they grasped your back but you couldn’t but melt into his touch. 
You pulled away first, taking in gasping breaths while you couldn’t help but grin. “You warm yet?” you teased, pulling his hand away from your back and placing your hand in his, giving it a warm squeeze. “Mhm one more kiss” he pouted, leaning down to place a smiling kiss onto your lips while you scrunched your nose. “I should seriously freeze to death more often if it means I get to kiss you” Tim said while you rolled your eyes. “Or you could just not die and I might give you a good-job kiss?” you offered with a grin. “Will do” Tim nodded, giving your hand a squeeze. 
“Goodbye oven!” you shouted, practically kicking the door open as you finally got to leave the cramped room behind. Just a day later the Earth had returned to average temperature and you were free. “I am SO ready to go home, not that I didn’t like it here” you said, giving Tim a little smile as Bruce return all your belongings after a little over a week in Bat-Solitude. “Come back soon though?” Tim piped up with a hopeful looks. “Definitely, I won’t give you the cold shoulder” you snorted at your own joke while Damian groaned, saying something about being happy he’ll be free of your puns. 
Tim walked you out, chatting your ear off about his next cases and all the time he had to come see you, over the course of the frozen-adventure you’d found a best friend and possibly something more, maybe the oven was worth it after all? 
“Okay, so I’ll see you in a couple days?” you grinned as Tim nodded. “Yup! Now before you go, I need another good luck hug- they definitely work wonders seeing as last time I got buried in snow” Tim laughed, wrapping his arms around you as he chuckled into the hug. “Not my fault you turned into a snowman Drake” You gave him a squeeze before pulling away, locking eyes with him. His hand slipped to your chin again, but this time you wrapped your hands around his neck, pulling him in for a goodbye kiss, loving the way sparks danced on your lips. Pulling out of the kiss as the car arrived Tim opened the door for you like the gentleman he is, giving your hand a squeeze.
“See you later hot stuff” Tim winked at you, shutting the door and waving as you drove away, shaking your head at his never ending puns, you smiled to yourself as soon as he was out of view, loving the idea that you’d get to tease that cute dork for the rest of your life. 
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lunawings · 5 months
AiPri episode 2
Well. I watched it.
I still find the lack of an audience super awkward. Makes me wonder if this series was first conceived during the pandemic, when they thought performing online was going to be the future of idol activities...
Buzzilume is apparently a new system that only activates based on the audience reaching max enjoyment. None of the student council members have been able to trigger it yet. They seemed surprised that it happened in the last episode, and this is why.
It's the green-haired one that has the Kansai accent. I knew it. WAIT. That's Sora Tokui right!? She sounds so much like Nico except... Kansai. AHHHH. (Possible favorite.)
Sakura says the AiPri bracelet Himari has is a new kind. So Himari DID steal it from the student council!
Himari tries to return it, but the student council says they are gonna produce her instead. If it gets out that a student did Buzzilume Change it will reach the principal, and they aren't supposed to be doing AiPri stuff while at school? I think? (She's not saying 禁止, she's saying like 自習 or 自主??)
So Himari has to keep it a secret. I see. AiPri isn't inherently a secret, it's just this specific situation??
So, it turns out that Himari and Mitsuki promised to debut together when they were young, but both of them broke the promise.
They are roommates. Making for a very awkward confrontation when Himari gets home....
Himari lies to Mitsuki about debuting. So, Mitsuki, who wanted to apologize for breaking the promise, doesn't get to say anything.
So both of them are keeping their debut a secret even though they both clearly know.
(this is like worst case scenario for me. please let it resolve within this episode.....)
Is Himari eating cheesecake for breakfast.
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(Okay I guess it's pound cake. Or toast... maybe...... I didn't see the full crust until I went back to pause it. It really looked like cheesecake when she was biting into it.)
Himari decides to do the right thing, only to find she can't because the student council is stalking her....................
Meanwhile, Mitsuki goes to talk to her brother. Apparently the reason she debuted before Himari is because she wanted to "research" AiPri first for Himari. So she says, anyway.
Himari goes to talk to her brother too. She doesn't explain the full details but he's also basically just like JUST TELL HER
But when Himari goes to find Mitsuki, Mitsuki has already entered AiPri verse and we get to see her transformation animation.
She leaves a note for Himari telling her to watch Miichan on AiPri Verse.
Damn Chii really is just a joke isn't she............. I didn't feel bad for her being ignored in the last episode but now I kinda do.
The make-up portion of coord change reminds me so much of Sailor Moon. They showed off nails (and lips too I think?) during transformations because they were selling nail polish, etc. I guess that's another reason I do like the make-up toys.
The actual coord change sequence is shorter though, which is a little disappointing. The whole coord is on one card, after all (for the main AiPri game) but she's just kinda passively floating in space as the coord appears on her.....
Miichan gets Buzzilume Change!
(Ow my eyes.)
(Like I'm not even kidding I had to shrink the window. Those lasers hurt.)
Mii beats Chii!
After the performance, Miichan announces she's changing her name to Mitsuki and quickly returns to confront Himari on... on her bed.
Mitsuki apologizes for debuting first. She wanted to study AiPri, but got carried away when she started having fun and realized she really wanted to be an AiPri. Himari gives her a headbonk and tells her the magic words her brother taught her, "I'm sorry." So Himari apologizes as well for debuting and keeping it a secret.
They realize they both had the same secret. So now it's their secret.
Mitsuki still won't tell Himari what she's gonna broadcast on her channel though heh.
(And now they are probably gonna have to fight the student council if they wanna be a team.)
Anyway, I'm glad Himari keeping her debut a secret from Mitsuki only lasted one episode.
Also glad Mitsuki changed her name. Earlier in the episode I was like umm are we gonna have Mii, Chii, and Hii?? Hmm. I was thinking Himari would just use her own name now that Mitsuki is but then again.... SECRETS.
Welp. I'm still not really feeling this, but I will keep watching. Especially um for... (okay I'll look up the name) Airi! Not that I know much about her yet just LOVE THE VOICE.
I also find it interesting how Rinrin (Lin-Lin?) has long fluffy hair IRL but ties it up when she's an AiPri. You never see that HAHA. Ahhh I can't wait to meet them hahah... Himari and Mitsuki are so bland and they make it hard to take Chii seriously.
Is this Chii's villain origin story right now omg that would be great.
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