#brits 2016
28mindgames · 2 years
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louis during the tribute to bowie at the brits 2016
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reunitedinterlude · 19 days
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lofi phantasy: the album
track 19: blue and black
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dua-source · 1 year
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DUA LIPA attending the 2016 BRIT Awards (February 24, 2016)
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humshummerypoot · 8 months
My roommate, ranting about Moana: “They’re sending the wrong message to young girls! It’s not about a man’s hair or bod. It’s about what’s on the inside.” Pauses thoughtfully. “Whether he turns eels into coconut trees.”
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jbowerherondale · 1 year
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Jamie at the Brit Awards in 2016 💫💙
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zot3-flopped · 6 months
In Part 203 of Louies are the Most Stupid People on the Planet, we have this anon on Sea who Sea did nothing to correct:
The unfortunate thing is that because BBC is basically who chooses the lineups for the reading and Leeds festivals Louis can never be on those lineups.
🤣🤣🤣 Sea really does need to visit her doctor and get a referral to a neurologist. Reading/Leeds has nothing to do with the BBC. This is the guy who has overall responsibility for organising it and booking the talent. It is an alternative music festival and doesn't book mainstream pop acts so anything 1d related is anaethma to them.
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spite-and-waffles · 2 years
The way even shipping-neutral people in this fandom stan that one overrated, racist hack writer makes my teeth grind. The fact that she's surrounded by antis of the Good Dad Bruce cult should have tipped y'all off. Or maybe you don't care.
Why should you care about all the queer people driven to mental breakdowns and PTSD over anti-shippers? Why should you care that the current anti-shipper movement was started by exclusionists who decimated aro and ace communties online? Why should you care if it's radfem ideology they're spreading? Or that they're co-opting racial discourse to drive their witch-hunts? Why not keep silent and collect buttons for your meta essays?
The aforementioned hack writer is also shipping-neutral and likes to keep out of fandom discourses afaik, which is convenient because she can foster friendships with all the most toxic antis in the fandom and collab with them. I was a fan who was reading her work when it was posted for the first time in 2016 and talking with her in the comments of every chapter, overlooking her atrocious British dialogue, because she seemed to really understand child abuse and PTSD. Till she decided to take a Bill Willingham-shaped shit on Leslie and a Morrison-shaped one on Talia, all to woobify Bruce. And told me that Bruce couldn't possibly be abusive because otherwise the kids wouldn't love him, and "these aren't stupid kids". I especially remember how badly that triggered me, coming from someone whose work I loved, during one of the worst years of my life. Re-reading her work now I realize how mediocre it is, but it was important to me back then to find an author who seemed to care. And now I come back to find an entire contingent of the worst people in fandom drawn around her.
Those of you who elect not to care are so much worse than the ones who are deliberately malicious.
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broekhart · 2 years
check out the house of the rising sun if you can. song of the summer
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scifipinups · 5 days
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Brit Marling The OA (2016)
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lifewithaview · 6 months
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Brit Marling in The OA (2016) Champion
A journalist approaches the family with an offer. At Hap's, a bond is forged with Homer and the others as they hatch a desperate plan.
*The song Rachel (Sharon Van Etten) sings is Etten's original song "I Wish I Knew" from her first album, "Because I Was in Love."
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wild-at-mind · 7 months
Seeing some posts on my dash that are kind of in the wheelhouse of the stuff I was just posting about. I really like their posts normally and I don't want to unfollow but :/.
#it's a certian kind of rhetoric#like honestly i don't talk about this but i got kind of a bit...radicalised into some antisemitic beliefs at one point in about 2016#because i didn't know what i was talking about or understand how antisemitism works#a lot of this makes me think of a horrible murder case in the uk that caused an outpourting of right wing radicalisation#lee rigby was a white soldier who was off-duty when he was attacked and killed by two British Nigerians who claimed#to be avenging Muslims kill by the British army.#i mention this because it's long enough ago to not be super fresh and raw in people's minds#and because it makes me think many things at once and none of them contradict each other.#1. this murder was from day 1 basically tailor-made to incite far right hatred and that is terrifying to all Muslims in Britain#and all black Brits too.#2. Lee was a human being and did not deserve to die#3. a lot of the valorising of Lee as a person focuses on his position in the army fighting for queen and country and help for our heroes#and as someone who does not like the armed forces and is anti-war i find this rhetoric troubling and likely to become very jingoistic#4. Lee's mother had to go to the press MULTIPLE TIMES asking people to please please PLEASE not taint the memory of her beloved son#by using what happened to him to incite hatred of Muslims even more than what was already happening in the UK at that time#Ok list over now with all of that do you think that anyone at all who claimed that Lee's attack was some kind of justified revenge#would have been helping the cause of Muslims at all? ESPECIALLY if it came from a white British non-Muslim lefty type??#If you said this do you think a Muslim terrified of being attacked in 'revenge' for Lee would have cheered you on?#Or would they have wanted you to stop deliberately making tensions worse??#ETA i realised i never returned to the point about me being radicalised- i had to do better and i hope i have fully moved away from that.#the thing is saying that it's wrong for you to be asked to mourn for the terrorism victims in Israel is kinda right#for the same reason no one should have been forced to perform grief for lee rigby to seem virtuous#but also it's your duty especially if you are someone without any ties to Israel or Palestine#to not make tensions worse at a time when they are incredibly inflamed already
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awakeonsundaynight · 2 years
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lewisvinga · 4 months
yes to heaven | george russell x fem! reader
summary; 3 important times during y/n’s and george’s relationship where she says yes to heaven
warnings; cursing i think
word count; 2k
taglist; @namgification @louvrepool @locelscs @thehufflepuffavenger1
notes; rahhh
‘born to die’ series masterlist.
masterlist !
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“Y/n!” A familiar British accent calls out. Y/n turns around and is met with a familiar set of blue eyes and long lashes. She lets out a soft gasp at the sight of him.
“George! You’re back!” She exclaimed, wrapping her arms tightly around him. It had been weeks since she had seen her best friend and she had no idea he was coming a week earlier than expected.
“Came to surprise you.” He said with a smile. He had been gone for weeks due to racing, and he thought about her every day. She was on his mind every week, every day, every hour. He was as in love with her as any other teen boy, he was completely infatuated.
How she smiled at him and immediately started to ramble about her week caused him to gain a bit of courage. “Y/n, actually,” he interrupted her.
Y/n pauses mid-sentence, her complete and utter attention on George and his crystal blue eyes that she slowly fell in love with. The Brit cleared his throat out of nervousness before finally blurting out, “Will you go on a date with me?”
His eyebrows immediately furrowed up as her lips parted in shock. The Brit in front of her quickly started panicking and took a step back. “Forget I-“
“Wait, what-“
“Yes, I’ll go on a date with you, Georgie.” Y/n softly says with a smile on her lips. “Been waiting forever for you to say that.” She added, letting out a quiet giggle.
His anxiousness and nervousness immediately washed away and he felt a sense of relief. “Thank God. I’ll let you know the details, yeah?”
“Sounds perfect to me.”
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“Mate, you look like you’re going to shit yourself,” Alex says in between snickers at the look George wore on his face as they entered a jewelry store. “Relax a bit, yeah? I’m sure the ring is perfect.”
The Mercedes driver had gotten a custom-made ring to propose to his girlfriend of 6 years. He had placed the order months ago, thinking it’d be ready by at least a month before the proposal. Unfortunately, there was a delay which meant that he was going to the jewelry store the day before the proposal.
He was nervous, scared even that the ring would look horrible. Alex had to hold back on joking even more when George asked him to accompany him to see the ring.
“I’m proposing to her tomorrow.” The Mercedes driver took a deep breath, looking around for the sales associate he talked to over the phone, “What if the ring looks horrible? Or what if she doesn’t like it? What if it doesn’t fit her? What if-“
“George!” Alex loudly exclaims, ignoring the stares of other customers. “You’ll be fine. Besides, Lils and I are helping, remember? We’re gonna get it all set up and all you’re gonna need to do is get down on one knee and ask. Besides, I’m sure the ring is perfect.”
His words only calmed George down so much as he made his way to the sales associate. He zoned out as he waited for the sales associate to bring out the ring. Moments later, a black box was shown to him.
George let out a large sigh of relief as the box was slowly opened. Inside rested the ring he had been waiting months for. The diamond resting in the center was as big as the wide eyes Alex had as he stared at it. On the band right under the diamond, there was a bow shape lined with smaller diamonds.
It was perfect and George finally felt a bit of relaxation. However, the feeling of relaxation went away minutes after walking out of the store at the realization he was going to propose to Y/n.
Alex was right, he and Lily made sure the setup was perfect. For a private proposal, the couple decided to decorate the backyard of George’s and Y/n’s home. White roses and pink peonies led a path through the house and towards the backyard. A light-up sign saying ‘Marry me’ stood in the backyard surrounded by more white roses and pink peonies.
A few other drivers and their girlfriends along with Alex and Lily were waiting at George’s and Y/n’s home, waiting for the couple to come back from dinner. They made sure to hide just enough so Y/n couldn’t see them but they could still get all the good angles to record.
“George? What’s this?” Y/n loudly asks, signaling the others that the couple has arrived. She furrowed up her eyebrows at the sight of roses on the wooden floors.
“Why don’t we follow it?” George says with a smile to cover up the shakiness of his voice. She slowly nods and hooks her arm with his, still confused about why there were flowers.
She still hadn’t put two and two together as he led her through the living room and towards the door leading to the backyard. She saw a faint light through the blind and glanced up at her boyfriend.
A loud gasp escaped from Y/n’s lips once he opened the door and she saw the light-up sign. “Yes!” She shouts while jumping and turning to George who lets out a loud laugh. “Oh my, George! Yes!” She continued to shout from excitement as he led her down the path and stopped right in front of the sign.
“You didn’t even let me give you my speech.” He joked, grasping her hand.
“Shit! Pretend I haven’t said anything yet.” She quickly replied as she ignored the way her eyes filled up with tears. She quickly smooths down the red dress she wore as she tightly grabs onto his hand.He couldn’t help but smile as he reached into his back pocket to pull out the black velvet box.
“Y/n,” George breathed out with a smile so wide his cheeks began to hurt. “I’ve been in love with you since the day I met you at the playground when we were just 12. You’ve been by my side ever since. You’ve seen me at my best and you’ve seen me at my worst. I can’t be apart from you ever. If you dance, i’ll dance. If you fight, i’ll fight No matter what, I’ll stay with you. I honestly can’t imagine someone else I’d rather spend my life with. You are truly everything to me.”
“So, Y/n L/n,” He continued. He slowly gets down on one knee and she finally lets the tears stream down her face at the sudden realization of what’s happening. “Will you marry me?”
“Yes! Yes! A million times yes.” Y/n exclaimed with a shaky voice. With one hand, she wiped away the flood of tears trailing down her cheeks as George slipped the ring onto her ring finger, trying to blink away his own tears.
He stood up and was quick to grab her by her waist to pull her close. He lets out a laugh of relief as she wraps her arms around his shoulders. She closes the small gap between their lips and finally kisses him, ignoring how some of the other drivers and their girlfriends randomly appeared and started cheering.
Y/n couldn’t help but also laugh as she finally pulled away, resting her forehead against George’s forehead. “I love you so much, George Russell.” She whispered.
He places a kiss on her forehead before whispering back, “And I love you, Y/n L/n.”
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“Y/n!” Francisca exclaims, slowly opening the door to the bridal room. “Are you ready? Mentally and physically? Because we’re gonna have to walk down the aisle soon.”
“What if I trip and fall? The train is very long.” Y/n began to panic, gesturing to the long lace train of her white gown.
It was her special day and everything was perfect. Her dress and the diamonds adorning her neck and wrists were something out of a dream. Her hair was curled to perfection and not a single strand was out of place. Her makeup was perfect and timeless. She knew the decorations and the venue were magnificent.
Everything was perfect but she was still overthinking.
The Portuguese model lets out a breathy chuckle as she walks over to the nervous bride. “You’re not going to fall, I promise. Besides, we all know George would do something 10 times more embarrassing.” She says, rubbing her shoulder in a comforting way.
“That’s true.” The bride mumbles, glancing at herself through the mirror.
The door to the bridal room opened again; this time, Lily was peeking inside. “The most beautiful bride, it’s time!” She exclaims with a smile.
Y/n takes a deep breath while smiling at herself through the mirror. “I got this. I got this.” She mumbled to herself as she stood up. Kika and Lily led her out of the room and by the end of the aisle.
The two girls quickly got into place since as bridesmaids, they also had to walk down the aisle before Y/n. She stood off by the side so no guests could see her through the wide open doors as the bridesmaids walked down the aisle.
When it was time for her, she glanced up and saw her father waiting for her. The doors were closed before they stood right in front. They share a smile as she hooks her arm with his.
“You know,” Her father spoke up, making her glance up at him, “I always knew you and George would get married. Ever since you two became friends. And now, you actually are.” He leans down, pressing a kiss on the top of his daughter's head.
“I can’t believe it to be honest.” She nervously laughs, taking a deep breath as the wedding coordinator signals to her that they’re seconds away from opening the door.
“You better believe it because he’s waiting for you at the end of the aisle.” Her father whispers right as the doors open.
A soft melodic song began to play as the two made their way down the aisle. George’s mouth hung open the moment he saw his future wife. For a second he thought he was in heaven and was seeing an angel.
Immediately, he began to get emotional as he watched her slowly make her way to him. His eyes filled with tears which he couldn’t hold back.
At the sight of her soon-to-be spouse crying, Y/n couldn’t help but feel emotional as well as she stood in front of him. She gave her father a kiss on the cheek before he left to take his seat.
She turns to George who is wiping away his tears while laughing. “You look magnificent, Y/n. Thought I was in heaven!” He quietly exclaims causing her to let out a laugh.
“And you look handsome as always.” She quickly whispered back, holding back the urge to kiss him as the ceremony began.
Before either knew it, it was time to exchange the rings. The officiant first turned to George. “Do you, George Russell, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, to live together in matrimony, to love her, to comfort her, to honor and keep her, in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, to have and to hold, from this day forward, as long as you both shall live?”
“I do.” He replied with a smile, keeping his eyes on her as he slipped the diamond band onto her ring finger.
The officiant turned to Y/n, repeating the same words, “Do you, Y/n L/n, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, to live together in matrimony, to love him, to comfort him, to honor and keep him, in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, to have and to hold, from this day forward, as long as you both shall live?”
“Yes.” She quickly replied. “I do.” Her smile matched his as she slipped his ring onto his finger.
“By the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride!”
George didn’t hesitate to grab Y/n by the waist and pull her close, tilting her back a bit. She wrapped her arms around him as she finally locked their lips together, kissing for the first time as a married couple. Cheers erupted around them from their closest family and friends.
They both pulled away with giddy smiles and laughter. “You’re all mine now, Y/n Russell. My wife.”
“I’m always going to say yes to heaven, yes to you, my husband.”
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boiohboii · 11 months
Hi! Could you do like toddler Leclerc reader, like she’s the baby sister of the Leclercs and even tho they are quite a lot older than her they love her more than anything and are very protective and doting over her, especially Charles
The three big bad wolves (leclerc!toddler!reader)
N.B: dear anon, thank you for the request......i had this in my inbox for a while, I hope you like it.... WARNINGS: not proof read, don't focus too much on age and stuff, baby leclerc having a crush on mr carlos sainz (who doesn't), I feel like I could've written the ending in a better way of sorts..... if I missed anything please let me know....
The three leclerc boys had fallen in love in 2016, Lorenzo was 20, Charles was 19 and Arthur was 16 when they saw their first love. It was when YN Leclerc was born. Her lips parted as hiccups left her small body, her hands laying on her mother's chest and her eyes twinkling as she looked up at her three brothers.
The three boys didn't think their love for yn could be deeper, could be so much more than their hearts dancing at the sound of her giggles, so much more than sitting on small chairs, having their nails painted bright colors and their faces smeared by their mother's make-up. They didn't know how far their love can go, how deep their feelings could be but when tragedy struck the Leclerc household the three boys swore that they'd not just die for their baby sister, they would kill for her, they would tear down worlds for her.
YN coming to races had been rare, Pascale rarely leaves her baby girl out of her sight, she always wants her within her eyesight scared of what the world might do to her little baby.
So when Charles made his way with YN on his hip, some would argue that she is too old for this, her face hiding in his neck and arms wrapped tightly around him feeling safe in her brother's arm. Lorenzo and Arthur were with them as well, just behind Charles, trying to get yn to look at them but to no avail.
"Is that baby leclerc?"
A British voice rang through the hallway as Lando ran up to Charles, pushing Arthur out of the way to take a closer look at yn, stretching his hand to squish her chubby cheeks.
Lando's protest was loud and clear as soon as Charles moved yn out of his hands way
"Stay away from my sister norris"
Lorenzo's sharp tone scared the youn brit into moving away, allowing Arthur to squeeze himself back into his rightful place.
"Yn baby"
"Yes 'tur"
The sound of her small voice had all 4 men melting, wanting to wrap the little girl in a blanket and keep her away from everything bad in this world.
"Come here"
Arthur extended his hand so that he can carry yn, but Charles maneuvered away from his younger brother refusing to let go of yn
"You have to let her go man, you need to change anyway"
"No no, just for a bit"
"Charles!" His team principle came within their eyesight, looking at charles as he pouted, wanting to have yn in his arms for a bit more.
Not wanting to get fired Charles moved yn into Arthur's arms as Lorenzo kept running his hand through her hair upon seeing her yawn.
"Hey, little leclerc!"
All tiredness disappeared from yn's face as Carlos Sainz jr. entered the room, yn had a crush on him and it wasn't a secret. Her mother and Carlos found it cute, it was a silly little thing that she'll grow out of, her brothers however hated it they didn't want to entertain the idea that she should even have a crush before being 25 years old.
"No, go away" Lorenzo spoke as he moved in front of yn, trying to block her eyesight but it was too late.
"Enzo, moovee" yn whined as she tried to push lorenzo away from her so that she could see the Spaniard
"Come on man, it's just a baby crush, it'll go with time" Carlos reasoned as yn stretched her arms towards him and started fussing in Arthur's hold, wanting to be held by the oldest driver.
"Hey yn" Carlos greeted as he bounced her lightly on his hip, the two words making the little girl blush, a smile on her lips so wide that she would later complain of her face hurting
"Non! Not again! Carlos!" The heavy sound of racing boots running closer reached everyone's ears as they looked towards charles
"Leave yn alone! Give her here"
"Non! Charles, I want to stay with Carlos" tightening her grip onto carlos' shirt, yn looked at Charles, challenging him and making sure that he sees her little hands on his teammate's shirt as a way to make it clear that she's not going anywhere.
"Mon ange!" Charles whined as he stomped his feet
"Honestly, which one of you is the little kid?"
"Zip it norris"
"Be nice to landy" yn frowned at her older brother, reaching one of her hands towards Lando's hair as she patted it as a form of apology making all three leclerc brothers annoyed
"This is just unfair" Arthur complained as he watched his sister have a puppy crush on two drivers, they really shouldn't have introduced her to any of the drivers.
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twopoppies · 3 months
Poll idea: when did you become a larrie (from 2010-2024)
Oh, I’ve never made a poll, but that’s a fun idea. Except it won’t let me put that many choices, so I’ll have to combine the years a bit.
If you’d like, give us some specific details in the tags. What brought you in? Which year specifically?
Please boost for a bigger sample size.
Also, don’t come for me. The highlights are just off the top of my head, not everything that happened each year)
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avatar-anna · 1 year
The Young Dad!Harry Universe
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a series of oneshots and blurbs about Harry and Y/n as young parents!
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(this list is in chronological order!)
The Timeline (2012—Present/future)
The First Time
Family First (2013)
Secret Little Rendezvous (2013)
Love Games (2015)
Margaritaville (2015)
Just a Taste (2016)
A Nice Surprise (2017)
Failure (2019)
Building a Home (2019)
Mom’s Night Out (2021)
Shopping Spree
The Haircut (2023)
The Grammys (2023)
Moments Caught on Camera at the Brits
Love on Tour: The Documentary (released sometime in the near future)
Part One Part Two Part Three
Family Vacation (2025)
Curious Gazes (spans across multiple years)
The Newlywed Game (far into the future)
Before the Show (2023)
Father's Day Fun (2023)
The Final Show (2023)
Baby Fever (spans across multiple years)
Mommy-daughter dates with Y/n and Simone
The Thing About Having Six Kids (spans across multiple years)
Baby Mine
Merry and Bright (far into the future)
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