#bro. I might have to write an essay about this
puffyducks · 1 day
DCRC Week #16
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Wiggity what's up my fellow book clubbers, today we're taking a look at the ethics of treating artificially made intelligent lifeforms as second class citizens and what the qualifying factors are to determine a being as truly "sentient" and deserving of basic social rights. And by that I mean we're reading PKNA #12: "Second Draft" which is a comic where nothing bad happens!
This post is LOOONG btw.
okay we're just gonna start off our comic as normal and-
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WOAH who's this handsome young devil in his little fancy suit??? What's that? Head of Ducklair Industries?..... yeah sure that makes sense I think.
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Everett Ducklair 🤢🤢🤢 get a job stay away from him. Also this is a really nice way of saying you had to stop him from being overtaken by insane homicidal tendencies and putting guns in all his inventions btw
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Haha woah what was that. Did the fabric of reality just tear for a second there or did my ADHD meds just kick in. Probably just me.
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MASTER Donald???..... I don't even think I can write out the jokes I wanna make here they're too inappropriate for this blog sorry. But also what the fuck.
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Uno stop mothering maybe I WANT to get frostbite and lose all my fingers
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Not to take a sudden side tangent here but is this supposed to be like, a good thing? Don't the other seasons exist for a reason? I always thought fall and winter were meant to be like a cleansing period, they bring balance to the two other hotter seasons. If it's eternally spring, do some plants just never die? Are animals ALWAYS in the breeding season? Today we're going to overanalyze this one concept in an essay where-
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OH MY GOD IT'S ODIN wait nevermind hiii Odin hiiiii. what's lookin good cookin. I mean- shit. fuck. shit.
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I'm kind of obsessed with the way Odin is drawn in this comic. His whole body is all wiggly like a bendy straw. His stances go crazy.
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Guys ever since I made that post about Odin's outfits and noticed that he's barefoot here it's been haunting me. Like it might just be a coloring error in this panel but also... why'd he take his shoes off. Also sorry for immediately revealing that it's Odin but um uhh I totally don't know who the OTHER cloaked figure is.
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girlll you're giving away the game SHUT YOUR MOUTH
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TWO Lylas?!?!?!
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I'm loving Donald's shock lmao bro is fucking flabberghasted
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This picture is so fucking silly bro. Nooo you can't put Odin in jail, he has such a nice suit on :(
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Donald getting offended on Uno's behalf, not knowing that Uno is literally sitting right behind him. SURELY he'll figure it out eventually right.
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Omg guys it's Geena!!! Remember Geena? From Portrait of the Young Hero? Anyways she has a gun now
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Way to go Donald, you showed her basic empathy for like 2 panels and it gave her an actual sense of self value and NOW she thinks she deserves rights 🙄 she's gonna Detroit Become Human up in this bitch
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beaming you with my evil lasers. what if he just fucking fried her brains here I think it would've been funny
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Oh that's. probably bad.
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ohhhh noooo.....
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Ok so bad news, Geena fucking exploded and her droid rebellion is presumably over. The GOOD news though is that droids are destined to get their rights anyways, just in a less violent manor than in the timeline Geena had started. So... I guess that's a win?
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Disappears in a cloud of beautiful sunset smoke... Goodbye Odin 👋
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Donald. Please. DONALD.
Okay so there's a LOT to say about this comic (so much that I kept hitting the image limit and having to make edits to my post to make it more concise) but if I could summarize it into one word: damn. Like I'm just kinda sad now.
The whole concept of "do robots deserve to be treated like human beings" is a common argument to explore, we've seen it in all kinds of media before. The ethics that get touched on in this comic are nothing new, but I can't help but find this comic incredibly interesting to read in the year 2024. Maybe in 1997 the idea of robots integrating into our society seemed like a far-off concept, but in present day the ever-growing integration of AI technology really makes this chapter feel a little more close to home.
I mean, it's easy to be like "yeah, well of course the droids deserve to be treated like people." I mean, Lyla and Odin are droids, and we like Lyla and Odin! Odin is literally so lifelike that people don't even KNOW he's a droid. But I can't help but think about how this all ties back to the current ongoing debates surrounding the usage of AI, and specifically AI-made content. Obviously the AI we currently have is nowhere near the level of the characters in this series (chatGPT fucking WISHES it was Uno) but there's really interesting debates to be made here.
What qualifying factors determine whether or not a living being is deserving of the same rights we humans give to ourselves? Is it being biological? I mean, there are literally millions of types of animals on our planet, but we don't even treat them with the same level of respect we give to ourselves. So, is it intelligence? If we were to create a computer with the intelligence level of a living, breathing human person, would they be entitled to basic "human" rights? HELL IF I KNOW.
I love the way this comic handles exploring this topic. Geena isn't WRONG for wanting more, she's wrong in the way she went about it. Going as far as to literally alter the course of spacetime only further complicated things, for her AND for the other droids. Had Geena instead devoted her energy into droid advocacy in the modern day, things may have gone differently. This story isn't the end of droids getting rights, but it is unfortunately the end of Geena.
We ended on a happy note, but overall this story is a pretty melancholic one. Especially that whole "only machines can be rebuilt" like DAMN.
Anyways that's enough media analysis for today, time to take off my smart thinking hat and go back to being generally kinda stupid. I'm not gonna add anything about Angus Tales here at the end because I already hit the image limit lol. Umm shoutout to Angus Fangus for having like 110 parking tickets. Idiot.
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the-bi-space-ace · 5 months
The TRUST the batch has in Echo is incredible and I could write paragraphs about it and I might 👀. They know he’s skilled. They know he’ll deliver. They don’t doubt that he can accomplish whatever it is he sets his mind to. They go along with his plan because of course it’ll work. It’s Echo. ‘Relax. Echo’s on it’ will live in my brain rent free for the rest of my life.
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jaybleu25 · 13 days
whoever created apa format for essays i dont like you
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synthshenanigans · 9 months
Man its hard to have a second favorite when they're all insanely good augh
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everiistence · 2 years
. i really do not appreciate how stressful school is sometimes ngl
#lol rant time!#probably gonna delete this later#just stupid grade crap lmao read at ur peril?#things i am mad at: myself#as per usual#but also my english teacher. for inputting a 93% as an A- like bro about to drop my gpa??? took him THREE MONTHS to grade my essay#and the semester is ABOUT TO END and he goes and gives me a 50/60 which tanks my 103% (love extra credit) to a 91%#and if all the other assignments he hasn't graded yet get 100s then i have a 93 point something#WHICH IS AN A-#but apparently fanfiction is our final? so i mean maybe i can get away with that. but then again he prob wants us to put freud concepts in#this man is a freud fangirl??#istg#he gives extra credit a lot though bc quantity over quality#he's kinda weird#anyway i know an A- isn't the end of the world but i have tiger parents amen#also i can't deal w english rn i have to work on raising my chem grade it's like .20 away from being an A but i might have#just bombed yet another test#which could tank me depending on how bad i did#and if i have anything lower than a 91% after the test goes in it won't raise#back to english though im kinda pissed bc he left a comment praising my writing for like 2 paragraphs before going back in and saying BUT#welp anyway if i don't have a 4.0 gpa after this semester my parental units will be forcibly making me quit all my extracurriculars so 🥰#i don't understand this man tbh sometimes he tells me what im doing is good and then the next day he changes his mind#chem is better bc im actually just bad at it#english is like idk if i can satisfy the schrodinger's grading scale#time to go 1k over the word minimum on every assignment for that extra credit tbh#tbh i was not prepared for high school whatsoever. people think im smart but im just good at bs and memorizing crap#whatever
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hp-hcs · 6 months
i didn’t realize the riddle brothers were a "buy one get one free" type of deal, but alright — simp! overprotective! yandere! riddle brothers x gn! oblivious! bullied! slytherin! reader
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requested by 🎀!
2.5k words, not to brag 😌
i love writing the bros’ interactions with each other as like, actual sibling-core yk? they r just so cutie patootie
the reader's patronus makes an appearance in this, but i tried to make it as accessible to everyone as possible, so it's never explicitly stated what animal it is. it is implied that it’s able-to-fit-under-a-table sized though
also this is totally just pre-slash nothing that interesting happens
warnings: couple mentions of blood, mild descriptions of wounds, implied violence, implied bullying, murder
not edited!! this is my first like, really long fic so constructive criticism is welcome!
A well-timed shove to the small of your back sent you tumbling down an entire flight of moving stairs. 
You groaned as you hit the bottom, sprawled out on your back on the cold stone floor. You laid there for a moment, winded. You could hear the occupants of a nearby painting titter at your gracefulness (or lack thereof), so you rolled your head to the other side to give them an award winning smile and an unabashed middle finger. 
You could hear them all grumble about kids these days and how I never would’ve treated my elders this way. You just rolled your eyes at their pettiness. 
“Uh…what are you doing?” A decidedly alive voice interrupted your momentary satisfaction.
“Ah- evening, Riddle!” You said cheerily as soon as you recognized the speaker, scrambling to your feet and dusting off your uniform. “Nothing! Just…tripped. Couldn’t see very well in the dark, that’s all.”
Tom blinked, his lips twisted into a frown. “.....Fine. But don’t let me catch you out of bed past curfew again. You’re a Slytherin, for Salazar’s sake. Act like it.”
And that was it. Tom turned on his heel and continued down the hall without another word. Tom Riddle: prefect, teacher’s pet, and obnoxious hardass extraordinaire—he just...let you go, with no threats of detention or loss of house points. 
Tom, having just returned from a full night’s shift of prefect hall duty, flopped face-down onto his bed, his cheeks aflame as he let out a muffled shriek into his pillow. 
His brother, in the process of getting dressed for the day, paused at the scene in front of him. 
“Dude, what’s your deal?” 
“L/n,” Tom said by way of explanation, kicking his feet as he shrieked into his pillow again. “They acknowledged me. And they know my last name.”
“Most people know our last name, Tom,” Mattheo rolled his eyes.
“No- you don’t understand,” Tom said emphatically. “L/n is like…the cutest person to ever exist. And they’re so sweet, and smart, and funny, and-”
“And terrified of us?”
Mattheo rolled his eyes, putting his hands on his hips. “You talk about them too much. It’s getting insufferable.”
Tom just scowled and flicked his fingers to cast a wandless spell that straightened Mattheo’s tie and neatened his uniform. “The way you dress is insufferable. Slob.”
Mattheo stuck out his tongue at his brother before ruffling Tom’s hair to purposely mess it up. “Dick.”
Mattheo glanced up at you as you hovered uncertainly by the corner of his desk. 
“Can I sit here…?” You mumbled shyly, your cheeks flushing as the pretty dark-haired boy in your year smiled up at you.
“Course!” He grinned brightly before realizing that might have been too enthusiastic of a reply for eight in the morning and quickly tried to cover up his slip. “Uh…Y/n, right? I’m Mattheo.”
“Yeah, I know who you are.”
Mattheo’s stomach dropped.
Fuck, that’s not good.
“You let me copy your homework in third year for that essay on the properties of wormwood, or whatever.” You said offhandedly, like it wasn’t batshit insane to remember that pointlessly tiny detail. “Thank you for that, by the way. Potions sucks ass.”
Before Mattheo could even think, the words left his mouth. “I could tutor you if you want.”
You looked at him oddly, but grinned after a second. “Yeah, sure. That’d actually be really helpful. Snape hates me, man.”
“Really? Even though you’re in Slytherin?”
“Mhm, his baseless nepotism only extends so far.”
Mattheo barked out a startled laugh as your deadpan humor caught him off guard. You just grinned at him in response, causing the tips of his ears to immediately burn bright red.
He cleared his throat awkwardly, ducking his head in embarrassment. “Um…do you wanna meet in the library after school today? For our tutoring session,” Mattheo hurriedly added. 
“Sure, alright.” You shrugged. “See you there.”
He beamed, giving you that stupidly adorable grin once more. “Awesome! Yeah- yeah, cool. Awesome. See you there then.”
You were still shit at potions.
It had been six weeks of tutoring, and you’d learned pretty much nothing. Although, that wasn’t an issue on Mattheo’s part, but rather on his annoyingly hot older brother’s. 
Tom Riddle was surprisingly funny. For someone who gave off almost exclusively stoically austere bastard vibes, he enjoyed cracking jokes and enlisting your help in pulling pranks on his brother a bit too much.
It became your routine. Every Tuesday and Thursday after school, you would meet the two brothers in the library, waste like three hours joking around and getting absolutely no work done, and then going back to your dorm and ranting to your roommate about how fucking cute they are and how you would gladly pay for the opportunity to make out with one- no, both of them. 
(Your roommate is so fucking tired of hearing about the Riddles. You’d better buy them a latte and a cake-pop as an apology.)
You struggled to get up, your legs giving out. You cursed under your breath, putting a hand to your forehead as it throbbed in pain. 
It came away sticky with blood. 
This wasn’t going to work, you realized belatedly. With what remained of your strength, you were able to reach out and grab your wand, murmuring a quiet, “Expecto Patronum.”
A spectral creature formed in front of your eyes, remaining motionless as it stared at you. 
“Go find Riddle,” you mumbled to the Patronus, your eyelids growing heavy. 
You barely registered the wispy glowing animal immediately bounding off at your instructions, your vision doubling before your body went completely slack, the wand slipping from your fingers and hitting the tile floor with a clatter. 
Mattheo doodled mindlessly in the margins of his parchment as his brother droned on and on about the properties of willow bark in potions and really, this is important, Mattheo. Pay attention.
“Why isn’t Y/n here yet?” Mattheo asked his brother for the third time. 
Tom rolled his eyes. “I don’t know, Matt. Just like how I didn't know when you asked me five minutes ago. Maybe they just don’t want to see your stupid face any more, huh?”
“What if they’re in trouble? Or hurt?” Mattheo worried, chewing on his thumbnail and ignoring his brother’s insult. “They’re never late, Tommy.”
Tom wrinkled his nose at the use of the dumb (albeit endearing) nickname Mattheo gave him when they were children, but the sinking feeling in his gut at hearing his brother’s distressed tone didn’t help to ease the niggling worries at the back of his mind of maybe they are in trouble.
As if on cue, Mattheo shivered as something icy cold brushed against his ankles. He glanced down. A glowing spectral creature nudged his leg, looking up at him expectantly with unnervingly empty eyes. 
A Patronus. 
Y/n’s Patronus.
They followed the Patronus down the deserted hall, the animal occasionally pausing to make sure the boys were both still following it before bounding forward again.
The Patronus stopped in front of a bathroom door, giving them both that same unnervingly hollow-eyed stare of expectancy.
Tom gulped and pushed open the door, fearing that he might find the worst.
He did.
Your eyes cracked open slowly, and you winced at the multitude of stinging and stabbing pains that wracked your body.
You had to blink a couple times for everything to come into focus. You were in a small room with white walls and white flooring, and the gentle dawn illuminated the quiet space with soft rays of light. The steady beep of a vitals monitor faded into the background as you stared down at yourself.
You weren’t wearing a shirt, for one, or even a hospital gown. Pretty much your entire upper torso was wrapped in bloodstained gauze. The jagged edges of a brutal slash across your chest peeked out of the top of the dressings, and you had to close your eyes and hold your breath for a moment to keep from throwing up. Once you’d calmed back down, you opened your eyes, startled to see that you weren’t alone.
Mattheo had pulled up a chair to the side of your hospital bed and crossed his arms on the mattress, using them as a makeshift pillow. His dark lashes fanned across his cheeks, his breaths slow and even. He looked so peaceful and...unguarded in his sleep. You reached down to brush a loose curl away from his forehead.
“Having fun?”
You startled, jerking your hand back. 
Tom leaned against the doorframe of your room with an amused expression, quirking an eyebrow and wiggling his fingers in a wave.
“Shut up,” you hissed back in a whisper, your cheeks flaring red. 
Tom’s amused grin only grew at your dark blush as he invited himself into your room fully, closing the door behind him.
 “Your secret’s safe with me.” He jokingly winked, tapping the side of his nose.
“You’re insufferable.”
“So I’ve been told.”
“What am I doing here?” You quickly changed topics, refusing to even look down in Mattheo’s direction. 
Tom sighed, any amusement on his face rapidly vanishing. “You sent us a Patronus, thank Merlin. Pomfrey said you would’ve bled out if you hadn’t.”
You had no memory of casting the Patronus charm at all, but you trusted Tom’s recollection of events better than your own jumbled and spotty one. “Bled out?” You questioned, your heart hammering in your throat as your voice climbed an octave in anxiety.
Tom nodded, his face carefully schooled into a blank and neutral expression. “You were hit with the Sectumsempra spell. You've been out for three days now.”
Your brow furrowed. “Malfoy got hit with that last year though—and was in and out of the infirmary in less than a day.”
“Snape knew the counterspell and found ‘im just in time last year,” Mattheo mumbled sleepily, his eyes still closed as he tuned into the conversation at hand. “But whoever hit you with it just left you there to die.”
“Charming.” You mutter under your breath.
“Regardless of what happened in Malfoy’s instance,” Tom interrupted briskly. “You were on the brink of literal death. So I’ll ask you this one time and one time only. Who did it, Y/n?”
“I brought you a cookie from the Great Hall,” Mattheo grinned widely, climbing into your hospital bed next to you and unwrapping the napkin in his hand. “And the notes from today’s Charms lesson, but those’re boring and we both know you won’t actually read ‘em.”
“Aww, you know me so well.” You teased, breaking the cookie in half and handing him one of the pieces.
Mattheo cupped the cookie fragment in his hands like it was a priceless treasure, staring down at it in unrestrained awe. 
You just shook your head at his antics and brushed the odd reaction off.
You woke up this morning and just felt like shit. You were nauseous, and dizzy, and felt borderline faint. Tom’s voice, usually soothing and comforting to hear, sounded like nails on a chalkboard right now. He rambled on and on about the delicate process of making the temperamental Felix Felicis potion. 
“Tom,” you interrupted, your voice scratchy and quiet. “Can we take a break? Please?”
He blinked, surprised at being interrupted, but nodded slowly. “I suppose…? Why?”
“Don’t feel good,” you mumbled, setting your textbook down and rubbing your eyes. 
“I wouldn’t expect you to,” Madame Pomfrey said brusquely as she bustled around your hospital room, shooing Tom out of the way to stand by your bedside. 
(Poppy Pomfrey remains the only person who can and has shooed Tom Riddle III and lived to tell the tale—and all without a single ounce of fear.)
“I’ve raised your dosage so that you can be out of here in time for your N.E.W.T.s.” Pomfrey elaborated upon seeing your confused look.
“Fantastic.” You mumbled dryly, grinning sleepily up at Tom as he grabbed onto your hand and interlaced your fingers together. He ignored the way his heart skipped a beat in favor of letting you hold his sweaty palm.
“Go to sleep, L/n,” Tom muttered under his breath. “Potions can wait.”
Tom lay in your hospital bed beside you, running his thumb over your knuckles. “Please? We promise we won’t do anything.”
“Yeah,” Mattheo chimed in from the other side of your crowded bed, one arm tossed over your waist as he rested his chin on your shoulder. “Or at least, nothing we’ll get caught for.”
You sigh, tired of their ceaseless pleading. “Alright, alright, fine. I’ll tell you who it was.”
Both boys leaned in close.
You sigh again and roll your eyes at their overprotectiveness. “Alright, it was-”
Tucker Thompson and Devin Dobbs: Gryffindor Sixth Years Found MURDERED at Hogwarts! Dumbledore: “No comment at this time.”
You tilted the newspaper so Madame Pomfrey could read the article over your shoulder as she replaced your IV bag. 
Pomfrey just sighed and rolled her eyes. “I don’t understand how Skeeter is still employed at the Prophet.”
“Cause shock value will always hold weight in the media?” You answered dryly around a mouthful of depressingly plain infirmary wing toast. “And Skeeter’s good at nothing if not coming up with bullshit shock value titles.”
“That may be true,” she began, snatching the paper from your hands. “But patients shouldn’t be reading about such dark subjects, and certainly not while under my care. And don’t talk while eating. I rather like your company, and would hate to see you choke.”
You rolled your eyes at her suffocatingly motherly behavior. “So are they? Thompson and Dobbs; they’re really dead?”
Madame Pomfrey hesitated.
You let out a relieved breath of air that you tried (and failed) to hide behind a cough. “That’s…terrible.”
She narrowed her eyes and studied you for a long moment, her fingers mindlessly worrying the deckle edge of the newspaper in her hands. “It was them, wasn’t it? Your boys.”
“My boys?”
“Yes, yes, Riddles one and two. Your boys.”
“Oh- we’re not…”
She raised an eyebrow, pursing her lips as she tried to hold back a laugh at the utter obliviousness of teenagers. “Do they know that, dear?”
You spluttered out a half-assed rebuke to her statement, but Pomfrey quickly interrupted you.
“They’ve been staying here for hours every day for the last month. They want more than just your friendship, hon.”
“No way. We’re just friends.” You insisted firmly. “That’s all.”
Madame Pomfrey rolled her eyes. “Uh huh. Friends. Keep telling yourself that.”
You stared after her, open-mouthed in bafflement, as she rolled up the Prophet, tucked it under her arm, and turned around without another word—leaving you with zero reading material and a million questions.
you have to love how pomfrey could not give less of a fuck that the riddles murdered two students as long as she gets her ot3 absolutely iconic behavior
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captain-mj · 6 months
Bro you cannot just drop prep/jock soap and goth ghost and dip. We need you to give us your brain worms so we can analyze it like a science project
When you have time of course
I will put my worms in a petri dish for you
Soap was an artist! He liked sketching and painting and the act of making art. But he didn't like art essays. The explaining over and over again each detail. Breaking down everything until it felt like a bunch of paint strokes instead of art.
But part of an art degree is a ton of art essays. So Soap went to the museum to write what he needed. He preferred museums to finding art online. A big part of art for him was texture. His preference would've been to touch the art, to feel the paint underneath his fingers. But the assignment specified art from the Baroque period and therefore they had to be older and no museum was going to allow his grubby hands to touch the art.
Soap glanced down one of halls to see if there was anything interesting there when he faltered.
Oh lord.
The man was big. His shoulders. His height. The thighs he had that looked like tree trunks. It was all covered in tight black fabric and silver chains. A work of bloody art himself.
Soap had to hold himself back from wolf whistling.
Once he was done objectifying admiring the man's body, he looked higher up. There was a mask covering the bottom of his face, the only thing visible being his eyes which had heavy eyeliner on them. He could still see the locs of bleached blond hair that surrounded him like a halo.
Soap wanted to paint him.
"You gonna stare all day?" Someone snarked at him and he jumped, glancing at a slightly smaller blond man. He looked at him like he was gross and for a brief moment, he worried he might be about to be hate crimed. The man looked a lot the other one actually now that he was looking closer. Dressed the same way too.
"Aye, what's your fucking problem with it?"
The man's face scrunched. "Ew." He walked away, leaving Soap rather confused but now a bit determined to talk to mystery man.
Pretending to be looking through the paintings, he got closer to him.
Dark brown eyes quickly glanced over at him before glancing back at the paintings.
"Hey. My name is Soap."
Ooh, he's from Manchester and sticks with his aesthetic. Nice. He'd prefer a not British person, but as far as British people go, he could do worse than Manchester. He glanced at the painting Simon had been admiring.
The Raising of Lazarus by Rembrandt.
"It's a lovely painting." Soap put on his normal charm, acting suave and polite.
"Aye." Ghost gruffed and went quiet again, staring in simple contemplation. His arms were crossed, making already large arms flex.
Soap started to take notes for his assignment. Although he was definitely hoping to score well in more than one ways, he did need to take notes for his assignment.
Ghost glanced over at what he was writing quizzically and Soap answered the unasked question. "I'm doing a project."
"Fun." He huffed and looked back at the painting.
Soap looked down at his chest and licked his hips. "Yeah, it's a good one." He kept writing stuff. "You a college student?"
"What do you study?"
"Forensics. I'm assuming you're art?"
"Chemistry with a minor in art!" Right as Soap went to mention how funny it was that they didn't share any classes, Ghost interrupted him.
"Wait. Johnny? Johnny MacTavish? We share several classes."
Soap brightened. "Do you dress like this all the time?" There was zero chance he did or Soap would already know his name, address and dick size.
"We have morning classes together. I don't dress up for morning classes." Ghost said decisively. He stretched and shook his head.
How did he manage to not notice the shoulders though at least? The man was huge. He was also several inches taller than Soap and therefore the majority of the class. Maybe if he sat in the back and left later than everyone?
Soap nodded. "Understandable. You look nice."
"Nice huh?" Ghost smiled at him. He could tell cause his eyes scrunched slightly.
"Yeah. Nice." Soap said softly, his chest doing something weird.
They stared at the painting a while before Ghost pulled away to start exploring the rest of the exhibit.
Soap finished up the notes he needed to write his paper and then started to walk with him. He tried to find his opening during all of this.
Ghost stopped at a very specific painting.
The art was... stunning. The red, faded from time and wear, was still beautiful against the white of the blankets.
The women held him down and there was a movement to it that Soap wanted in his own work. His fingers trembled with the want to touch it. To feel the texture of the paint under his fingers. Ridges and bumps and smooth layers of the different strokes.
Ghost hummed. "I don't really get art. It's pretty but some people look at it and it... gives them something. An epiphany."
Soap hummed. "I find touching it helps."
Ghost looked at him, raking his eyes over him. "I see. Do you want to head out then?"
Soap frowned. "Why?"
"You're a piece of art and I'm looking for an epiphany."
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4sh--tr4y · 3 months
The Outsiders Mythical Creature Headcanons. because i positively cannot keep this to myself any longer
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[The Curtis Bros:]
-Centaurs (because I couldn't just NOT take that opprotunity)
-Their house is HUGE by human standards, but small by centaur standards
-(Edit: all the curtis brothers were gonna be 10 feet or taller but I reaslised how FUCKING MASSIVE 10 feet+ is)
-his bottom half is a Clydesdale horse
-Darry is 7'5
-Still works in contruction, but tends to haul around heavy equipment more often than not
-Stomps on the ground really loud with his front hooves to get people's attention
-..Chest hair. Lots.
-Ties his tail up in a bun so it doesn't get in his way while hes working
-Socs tend not to mess with him cause he could buck them into next tuesday
-his bottom half is a thuroughbred
-Sodapop is 7 feet tall
-Tends to work outside when at the DX because hes big and he likes it better outside
-a bit easier for socs to mess with, as long as you're in front of him
-prances and marches around all fruity (I know what you are, Sodapop.)
-his tail is his baby, he would die before messing it up
-Bottom half is a paint horse
-Ponyboy is 6'3
-On the track team but Darry always tells him to "go easy" on the non-centaur kids (he only listens because he'd actually leave half the other kids in the dust)
-Trains for track like a madman, if he doesn't have something to do he's doing laps around the backyard (probably while reading, fuckin showoff)
-Socs find him easiest to pick on, but its still hard because you've gotta get him down before you can do shit
[The Greasers:]
-Merman/sea creature
-is able to breifly get out of the water but he doesn't really do it much because, well, he cant walk
-His scales kind of look like denim
-The scar on his cheek is actually from a fishing hook that accidentally got stuck there
-The others built a little river that connects to a pond next to the curtis house/barn so he could hang out with them, they probably mske him a stupid little fish tank inside the house that they can just carry him to
-sharp teeths :3
-Vampire (but like, he can go in the sun and wear silver because vampire rules are lame)
-Red eyes in the dark, white in the sun
-Throws late night parties with any other nocturnal creatures he knows
-Usually drinks animal blood or eats raw meat in replacement of human blood (but if he gets his hands on human blood he wouldn't necesarily be upset..)
-knows ecolocation
-Gorgon/Medusa-like fucker
-Why? it's just a feeling, really. And Two-Bit seems like the type of guy to like snakes
-Blindfolded most of the time so he doesn't turn the others to stone, he can only imagine what the others look like, when Ponyboy wrote his essay (don't ask how johnny ran away and stabbed a kid without being able to walk, maybe it was a 'write a fictional story' essay instead of 'write about an expirience) he actually liked it a lot because it gave him an idea of what the others looked like
-Probably has a walking stick if he isn't helped around by other greasers
-Half-minotaur/bull-human type hybrid
-Covered in piercings. It might just be a bull thing but he has earings, nose piercings, septum piercings, piercings on his chest and horns. Bro goes CRAZY
-The only person allowed to ride on Sodapop's back (for convinence, they say.)
-His mom was a human and his dad was a minotaur
-Stamps his feet in place when hes bored or irritated (like a child)
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bbanghiitomi · 9 months
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| i think you're something i have been looking for
synopsis: one day your sister sends you a google document link to their position paper because she needs your help, you have no idea that she had a partner for the essay and that you didn't change your email account.
— nonidol!sportsjourn!mdanielle! × nonidol!athlete!fem!reader
(⁠ ⁠´⁠◡⁠‿⁠ゝ⁠◡⁠`⁠)(⁠ ⁠´⁠◡⁠‿⁠ゝ⁠◡⁠`⁠)(⁠ ⁠´⁠◡⁠‿⁠ゝ⁠◡⁠`⁠)(⁠ ⁠´⁠◡⁠‿⁠ゝ⁠◡⁠`)
BEEHIVE tavern
minji: [sent an attachment]
minji: y/n YOU LOOK GOOD
minji: finally!!!
y/n: fuck you mean by that?
hanni: i'm so proud you have an achievement other than being hopeless romantic!!
y/n: when can i actually get a compliment without an ill intent?
y/n: and thanks btw, this is like my 10th regionals my whole table tennis career
y/n: doubt i'd get any further, i always lose when i'm about to get a spot
minji: this is your time to change that!!!
minii: plus, you can't just weep when you've won. you're gonna be the talk of the region once you reach nationals!!!
hanni: IKR you can't keep being negative, just grab the chance!
hanni: you might meet the one in the regionals!!!
y/n: how many times have you said that???
y/n: thanks guys, that's why i always do my best during training.
y/n: i'll try reaching for the nationals spot, promise.
minji: we appreciate your hardwork bro! you're like super busy with training and such!
minji: and we want those hours of hardwork to be worth it!
hanni: ya plus, you really deserve it this time!
hanni: if you need something you can always ask us!
"unnie! come here!" you look up from your phone to the living room where your sister is sitting on the couch on her laptop for something. you sigh before standing up from the dining table chair and making your way to the living room with your phone. "what's up?" you ask, standing beside the couch, darting your eyes on your sister who is leaning on the laptop. her face is almost close to smothering the monitor of her laptop. "don't sit like that, do you want to be a shrimp forever?" you tell your sister before putting a hand on her back, causing her to stir and sit straight, looking up to you.
"oh hi!" youngseo sighs before turning the laptop for you to see. "unnie, can you help me? i've been working on this position paper for a while but i really can't take a grasp of it." you nod and take the laptop to read what your sister has written so far.
"i assume this is a position paper?" you ask, youngseo's face lights up and she nodded.
"yeah! we were asked to pick an editorial cartoon and make two positions for it, then choose one and make a position paper out of it." youngseo answers, she leans on the couch and scratches her cheeks, pursing her lips. you nod as you read the paper, apparently it's about the spread of fake information with the use of social media — having some experience in writing before, you expected the paper to be a lot more easier.
with that in mind, you turn to look at your sister with pure confusion. "what's so hard about this? it's just a position paper." you tell your sister who then sighs and shakes her head. "no! you don't get it! we were given a 10 page format for the paper, i really did think too that it was easy but it's not." youngseo protests, shrugging and standing up, she walks next to you and gives you a side hug. "come on unnie! please help me..." she whispers and buries her head to your shoulder.
you couldn't help but sigh of course, you still have the laptop in your arms and you look at your sister. "i'm really worried about you, what if i wasn't here?" you tell her with a chuckle, the younger girl pouts and sticks out her tongue. "but you're here and you have no choice." she lets go of you and you take it as a chance to place the laptop on the coffee table and cross your arms.
"alright, i'll help. send me the format and this google document link." you tell your sister who nods and smiles brightly at you. "thank you so much sis!" she laughs and claps her hands. you shake your head in faux disbelief. "make sure to check out the document and be updated." you remind her before leaving and making your way to your room which was upstairs.
"okay unnie! i love you!" you hear your younger sister as you leave.
it's funny, you really did have good intentions for your sister when you finally received the link of the document and the paper format — youngseo was right, the formatting of the position paper required was different than the usual, it followed certain paragraph forms that aren't usually used.
when you opened the google document link, you started editing some stuff and entering new paragraphs, making sure you follow the format and the right grammar — the thing is, you didn't know that you were using an email account you didn't mean to use.
another thing is that, you didn't know another person beside you was making edits and writing on the same document. your sister had never mentioned that the work she was doing that you were now working on was a project that is done by pair.
"minji's pinky toe..? is this youngseo?" a certain girl behind the account: [email protected] muttered under her breath, they've been working on this project for almost 1 week as the allotted time for the work is 1 month, in those 7 days she and jiwoo shared — the girl had never used this account and have been using her school account.
now this account that is sharing the same document as she was is an account she had never seen before, not only the name was questionable but it's also quite peculiar how much work the person behind the account has done in just a span of an hour — usually youngseo would be asking several questions and will take time before writing a new paragraph just to make sure she's doing the right thing.
danielle scrolls to the recent paragraph that the account is currently working on.
your eyes spots the anonymous puppy in the document and squints your eyes. "is youngseo active?" you look up to see there's another account working on the paper and click on it to see the email.
"huh?" you whisper to yourself. you watch as the person starts typing out a sentence besides the one you just finished.
youngseo? why is your email account named like that?
"like what?" you ask yourself before clicking to check the email you're using and to your surprise, you immediately gasp as your eyes lands on the account that hanni made in your laptop. "oh my god, what is this?" you start to panic realizing that the person in the same document might have thought that youngseo is the one behind the email account.
"holy shit..." you mutter before typing an answer to danielle's question.
oh my god, i'm sorry i was using the account my sister's friend made.
danielle blinked as the anonymous raccoon finally answered.
you couldn't help but sigh and slap yourself due to embarrassment and now you'll hear youngseo whining into your ears for putting her on an awkward situation.
y/n: dude what the fuck?
y/n: [sent an attachment]
hanni: LMFAOOOO what's the context?
y/n: don't you ask my ass you know what's up.
hanni: what?
minji: what's the matter?
y/n: dude hanni made an account on my laptop named minji'spinkytoe and youngseo's classmate saw it.
minji: bro what the fuck? my what? ಠ⁠_⁠ʖ⁠ಠ
hanni: ur pinky toe.
minji: hanni what the fuck!!??
hanni: look it's supposed to be a joke since you sent me a pic of your toe.
hanni: and ofc i didn't know ms. lee right here wouldn't notice.
y/n: how am i supposed to know? ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ
y/n: my sis asked me to help her with her paper and i didn't know someone else besides her was working on the document.
minji: DUDE WHY MY TOE ┻⁠┻⁠︵⁠ヽ⁠(⁠`⁠Д⁠´⁠)⁠ノ⁠︵⁠┻⁠┻
minji: why not y/n's toe instead?
hanni: cause it's funny okay!!?? →⁠(⁠°⁠ ⁠۝ ⁠°⁠)⁠┗
y/n: youngseo's gonna scream on my ears tonight (⁠●⁠´⁠⌓⁠`⁠●⁠)
turns out you really weren't wrong because as soon as you got downstairs your sister suddenly appeared as if she was teleporting. "youngseo—!" you're caught off guard and your sister crosses her arms on her chest with a sharp glare. "why did you use that horrible account?" she asks.
"youngseo look, hanni made that account and i accidentally used it because i didn't know!" you explain watching as she turns her back to you and walks upstairs to your father's office with her feet stomping on the floor. "hey don't tell dad!" you tell her but she turns around to you with a frown. "then why did you tell dani that it was me using it?" you laugh sheepishly and shrugged.
"cause i didn't want her to think you're letting your sister do the work." you answer, youngseo takes some deep breaths and raises her hand to your face. "keep it, thank you for your help but starting tomorrow i will be working on that paper again." she tells you and leaves to enter her room, leaving you confused with her sudden change of mood.
marsh danielle
youngseo: hey dani, i was just gonna say it was actually my sister who was using that account.
youngseo: i asked for her help and lent her the google document.
youngseo: she just really has the most annoying friends ever.
danielle: hey youngseo!
danielle: it's alright, i did kind of think it was funny tho...
youngseo: yeah she's goofy and stupid.
danielle: her name's y/n right? and your youngest sis is hyein?
youngseo: yup, why?
danielle: nothing, i heard your older sis is joining the regional table tennis competition and might make it to the national team.
youngseo: ohhh yeah, but she has to win the regionals first and then she's going to compete in japan before qualifying for nationals.
danielle: that's awesome! good luck to her.
danielle: i'm competing for the regional journalism competition and i'm covering for sports so i was a bit curious.
youngseo:...so you want to meet her or something?
danielle: yes, kind of.
"oooh isn't that danielle?" hanni's voice rolls inside your ears while you are tying your shoes, you look up at your two friends who are whispering towards each other. "who?" you stand in the middle not too far from the duo who both look at you at the same time. "the sports writer for HYBE chronicles." minji answers, you look towards the girl's direction and then to minji.
"you know her?" you ask, minji shakes her head and looks at hanni. "do you?"
"of course not, she's pretty popular okay? and she's attending your competition for the HYBE chronicles." hanni answers, you look once again to danielle and try to decipher what memory you have that reminds you of her name.
but to no avail, you really don't remember anything.
"her name sounds familiar" you tell your friends who both look at you in unison. hanni laughs as if mocking you, she points her index finger towards you with a smirk. "what? she talked to you before?" she says.
minji raises her brows and looks at you with surprise written on her face. "wait really?"
you roll your eyes and shake your head. "duh, no. i just remembered my sister mentioning it once."
while the three of you talk, danielle turns her head around to spot you out of all the people that are present in the park inside the school premises.
"can i excuse myself for a bit?" danielle asks the people who are also a part of their organization, she gets an approval before she takes her leave and makes her way to you and your friends.
you feel minji nudging your sides and you glare at her. "dude what the hell do you want?" you tell her and notice she's staring right in front of you, hanni also was speaking. you turn your head to see danielle making her way to you with a smile.
"hi! your youngseo's sister right?" danielle asks you and you feel your knees shaking, your shoulders feel stiff under her graze. this must be your sister's classmate, yes you figured it really might be her. you look at your two friends who just had their eyes on you with a worried expression. you smile at danielle before scratching your cheeks and nodding.
"oh yeah, right. i'm her sister, is there anything i can help you with?" you ask danielle who only smiled brighter and even giggled. "wow, i've been hearing a lot about you since the division competition and i was so stoked to see you." minji and hanni exchanged looks as you and danielle stood face to face between the duo. you feel your blood boiling upwards to your cheeks causing it to glow red.
you're super sure you've never seen a girl as pretty as danielle, maybe there were some before but if you were to be really honest it really feels like you're talking to the sun itself with the way the girl glows right in front of your eyes.
it's blinding and even the way she smiles doesn't help it.
"ah, yeah... i'm also excited about it. you're also competing right? for the HYBE chronicles..?" you ask her, sounding so cheesy and sheepish hanni felt like she was about to vomit on the spot, but danielle only nodded and even gave you a small tap on your shoulders.
the way her soft fingers trailed on your blazer caused you to almost fall. almost.
"yes! we're publishing our online newspaper and we'll also take our legacy by printing out these papers and submitting them in an international competition." the way danielle talks about it, made her seem more amazing to your eyes — you barely even know this girl but the way she carried herself almost had you wanting to carry her too, with your not-so-flimsy arms.
"god... that sounds amazing." you barely even understand whatever she was saying but you were sure enough that you knew what that meant: danielle is everyone's it girl.
hanni grimaced at your response and minji couldn't help but chuckle, even putting a hand on her mouth. "i know right? you must feel very happy about yours too, i can't wait to cheer you on! good luck." with that, danielle bid her goodbye and left, leaving you with your two idiotic friends.
"ho! ho! hold on! what was that?" hanni asks, holding her hands to your face with a surprise look on her face, minji shrugs and smiles— seeing your lovestruck face at the encounter with such a gorgeous girl. you smile, blinking your eyes slowly, watching danielle go back to talking with her friends. "i don't know..." you mutter.
"wow, she actually knows you? i didn't expect she'd care." minji laughs, she's kidding actually, it's not like you're not that popular too but she likes messing with you sometimes. "you're pulling girls now?" hanni asks, raising her brow at you, you shake your head and bury your face on your palm, smiling. "no! god leave me alone hanni." you say, but smiling hard as you turn away — the duo looks at each other and shrugs.
"i'm still embarrassed by the fact i used an account named minji's toenail and danielle saw it." you sigh as you plopped down your bed, you had your two amazing friends to stay with you in your room before you go through a long training session for the tournament. minji rolls her eyes at your statement.
"how are you more embarrassed? that's literally my toenail." minji scoffs, earning a laughter from hanni who gripped the edge of your table. "i'm so sorry minji, just don't send photos of your toenail next time alright?" hanni says, wiping a tear from her eyes.
"why not? that was such a silly impression to make." you tell your friends, minji sits next to you on your bed — her weight sinking. "since when did you care about your impression to girls? last time i checked you couldn't even answer a simple mathematical problem to impress a girl." minji crosses her arms on her chest, looking down at you.
"and you used to have stomach aches when a girl talks to you." hanni adds, this causes you to scoff with how true their words are.
yes, you used to never care about your impression on girls even if you'd regret it after since you used to have the biggest and most pathetic crushes on girls you were sure you can never have.
maybe because you've grown or was it really because it's danielle — but you can't ever fuck it up, you don't want to mess this up, there's no way you'll let go of the chance god has given you to crawl your way to danielle's life.
"call it puberty hanni, but i swear i've never seen a girl as pretty as danielle before — not as smart and not as kind." you sit up on your bed and look at your friends, minji scrunches her face at you. "again, how sure are you? you don't even know her." she says. you give minji a deadpan look and answer. "do you? that's why i need to make a good impression and get to know her so we can be friends and eventually i can ask her out."
"i do admire you for considering being friends first with her. but hey, i think you've already made a good impression i mean she did approach you, right?" hanni being a good friend for once says. you look at her and shrug. "really?" you ask.
minji rolls her eyes. "you have a fucked up sense of self-esteem huh? she literally said she's stoked to see you because she's heard of you. she's the head of the sports writing and chief editor of the HYBE chronicles. how will she not have such an impression of you?"
you stand up and look at your friends, your back facing your door as you raise your hands. "woah, you mean i have the chance?" you ask your friends, causing them to grimace together. hanni looks at you with disbelief. "of course you have dumbass!" causing minji to laugh.
"we'll support you in your tournament just in case danielle's present there."
the door opens slightly and your friends all look surprised to see the person behind you, you turn around to follow their gazes only to see danielle standing there with the doorknob in her hand. "oh! sorry, i didn't know where youngseo's room was." you stare at her with no words and smile. "it's okay... you'll sleepover in youngseo's room?" you ask, fully turning your body around and blocking your friends' view of danielle.
"yes, we have another project together and i thought it would be a great idea to stay over for the night." danielle answers, smiling at you brightly — your face lightens up, warmth engulfed your cheeks and ears start to burn red. "really? have you eaten dinner yet?" you ask again, tilting your head with a silly smile. danielle shakes her head and giggles. "not yet, i have just arrived." you put a hand on your cheek and look away. "oh okay, the door next to mine is youngseo's room —"
"danielle! what are you doing there? my sis and her annoying friends are there." youngseo exits her room and looks at you with a deadpan expression. danielle nods and waves at your sister. "oh, i thought this was your room." danielle looks back at you and peeks at your friends waving her hand. "bye guys and..." she looks at your again and taps your shoulder. "bye y/n." before leaving and entering your sister's room.
"oh my god is that danielle!?" hanni stands up from her seat and puts her hands on her head with a surprised look on her face. minji laughs and slaps her thighs. you turn around and close the door with a stupid smile, limply making your way to your bed to throw yourself again. "you should be nice to your sister, she's carrying all these interactions on her back." minji says, patting your back.
you breathe heavily, trying to process the situation with the way danielle touched your shoulder. it felt like a feather fell on your way with how soft her fingers were.
you push yourself up with a determined expression. "i have an idea." you propose.
"you'll cook a meal for youngseo and her friend?" hanni asks, following you as you enter inside the kitchen and starts checking for ingredients around the cabinets. minji stands next to hanni, nodding her head. "no, i'll cook meals for us." you correct her and continue rummaging around any drawers or cabinets you see. "but technically because danielle's here. i mean, when did you cook for us anyway?" minji raises her hands and raises her brows.
"don't forget some nights." you grumble and glare at minji as you prefer the ingredients, minji scrunches her face. "reluctantly." she corrects you.
you ignore her and start chopping garlic and opening the stove, placing the pan on the stove to let it heat while the duo takes their time to gossip together at the kitchen diner table.
"i didn't think about writing academic papers being this hard before, i can usually ace them without doing so much." youngseo sighs as she leans on her coffee table with a small grumble, muttering a curse about how writing papers at their age seems to have been more difficult than it did before. lately, their projects have been revolving around writing lab reports and academic papers such as essays and position papers, even manifestos.
and youngseo is smart herself but usually she's more of a science and mathematics smart not writing smart, good thing she met danielle who's known for her writing wits, whether it may be creative writing or not.
"academic writing is like driving school, there's sets of rules you need to follow and it's really hard to master writing but once you get a hang out of it — you'll find yourself looking for the thrill again and again." danielle says, leaning on the table too and giving the younger lee a bright smile.
"oh, by the way — we haven't had dinner yet and i think there's food downstairs. wanna come?" youngseo stands up and rushes to her door with danielle following her. "okay, i don't mind." she smiles and follows youngseo downstairs where they walk past the living room to the kitchen where they see kim minji and pham hanni discussing personal topics as well as you cooking on the kitchen.
"woah why are you three here?" youngseo asks, walking behind minji who remains seated, while hanni follows youngseo with her gaze— danielle stands at the entrance watching the four girls. "your sister's cooking dinner for us and uh, i personally love her cooking." hanni laughs sheepishly and looks at minji who smiles at danielle and offers her a seat. "yes, i think danielle would love her cooking." minji says, danielle smiles at her and shakes her hand.
youngseo looks at you and to the pasta you're making. "i'm gonna remember this." she whispers and takes a seat beside minji, the three girls start a conversation and danielle makes her way to you. "what are you cooking?" she asks, hands behind her as she sways delicately to the melody of nothing, the delicious smell of the food wafts around the place and danielle just couldn't help but take a peek.
"oh vegetables? i love vegetables!" danielle says, you laugh but still have your eyes on the pan and nod at her. "yeah me too but minji hates them." you say, causing her to giggle too.
"i think it looks great and definitely tastes great too." you nod at her and smile, finally turning your head to look at her — it makes her heart flutter, something that feels nice but new, something she was happy to welcome with open arms.
"of course, i made sure it does." you tell her.
"come on minji, how are you almost 20 and still can't eat vegetables?" hanni grumbles as you all start to eat and you serve minji a plate of pasta without some of the vegetables. minji ignores hanni but earns a laughter from youngseo.
after eating dinner, you ask for all of them to leave as you were about to clean the table and plates but danielle insists on staying to help you out — this was a cue for the two of your friends to drag youngseo out of it. "oh come on! what are you doing you two!?" your sister complains as she was being dragged away.
"that was such a nice dinner, i loved it!" danielle says as she helps you take the plates out of the table, you smile at her and feel the way your blood runs hot to your cheeks, causing you to look down to avoid her gaze.
"thanks, i rarely cook here since our mom does most stuff but she's out with dad so — i kind of thought maybe i'll cook again." you tell danielle as you place the plates on the sink, she looks at you with glimmering eyes. "i did hear youngseo say the same thing before and she mentioned how she likes your cooking too."
"my sister is a little tsundere sometimes you know?" you laugh as you tell that to danielle, she giggles and nods her head. "she's so nice though and smart." danielle adds.
danielle helped you in washing the dishes, you talk about your experiences at the table tennis career of yours, what dreams you have for yourself as well as danielle's life as the chief editor of the HYBE chronicles journalism organization, how her journey started and what traits you share in common.
she's pretty spontaneous but likes to plan ahead cause it excites her, she likes vegetables and loves her family so much, she can get a little stubborn and she's always happy, she wants to bring positive vibes to everyone around her.
you tell her a lot about yourself too, your relationship with youngseo, how much your sport means to you and your friends too, how amazing they are even though you'd rather die than tell that to them cause hanni's gonna make fun of you.
"thanks for tonight." danielle gives her brightest smile, and it's almost like you were given the chance to take a peek of the milky way galaxy from her eyes the way her pupils shine bright lights. you couldn't help but smile too, you nod at her and try to keep looking at her eyes. "yeah, thanks too it's not much but i had so much fun." you stare at her for a while before looking away, both of you standing in the middle of the corridor where your room and your sister's room were located.
the lights were turned off already and the only source of lights were the window where the moonlight was present.
once again, danielle gives your shoulder a light tap to get your attention.
you steel yourself before turning around and you're greeted with her face close to yours. "don't tell this to anyone but — if you ever get the chance to compete in japan, let's go on a date, yeah?" danielle whispers and you feel yourself about to crumble to the floor with how close she was, you blink almost too many times to try and wake yourself up from what kind of dream this was but it wasn't working.
"ah, uhm... yeah, sure..." you mutter, still surprised but danielle couldn't help but giggle at your reaction, seeing how flustered you were.
you feel embarrassed but happy too, yes, you're definitely happy — who wouldn't right?
you began to laugh sheepishly and this had danielle laughing too.
"you're so cute," she pauses and reaches for your cheek to pinch it. "see you tomorrow." she continues before leaving and not even waiting for your response because she knows you wouldn't be able to function after what she did.
"i need to win and get to the nationals!" as soon as you enter inside your room you surprise your two friends with your shouting. "oh my god y/n! can you not do this tonight?" hanni grumbles before standing up and grabbing your shoulders. "what's gone into you?" she stares at your face.
"i need to train tomorrow!" you shake hanni's hands off of you. "18 hours practice, yes that's perfect!" you walk around your room whispering encouragement to yourself that had your two friends thinking you're possessed.
"you should cheer on your sister." danielle says as she enters your sister's room. youngseo sighs and rolls her eyes. "she's such a big baby." youngseo mutters before going back to reading her book, danielle laughs and sits next to youngseo, embracing the younger lee in a hug. "oh—! what's gotten into you? did her crazy friends possess you?" youngseo asks, trying to push danielle off of her.
danielle only smiles, not pulling away. "i just think your presence will help her win... i'll accompany you if you want." danielle looks at youngseo with a persuasive smile.
youngseo gives her a deadpan look before speaking. "you like her don't you?"
danielle laughs and shakes her head. "no!"
"really? danielle don't you dare lie to me!"
"i swear."
did you really come here to see her?"
danielle pushes youngseo away.
"i doubt it."
"well, yeah maybe a little."
"oh come on dani!" youngseo jumps on danielle on her bed, causing the girl to burst into laughters.
that night made danielle realize that maybe it's not like something or someone has been missing in her life for a long time, it's just that maybe a part of her is looking for that something as an addition to her life — she needed a bit of color, she found that it might be that she have only realized it when she first saw you, it's not on that day you first saw her on the campus after you embarrassed yourself using your friend's account — but it's has been a long time since that fateful day when you handed her a copy of your textbook, you didn't even bother asking her name or telling yours, it's so funny because you don't even remember that day.
ever since then, danielle has been looking out for another day the gods above will tie your strings together again.
and when that time comes, she'll never let your strings go again.
she's been so patient, always cheering out for you from afar, hoping someday you'll eventually notice her and to her surprise — and to yours, that day brought you two together again as funny as it sounds, it was destined to her eyes, it was meant to be.
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theoutsiderscomfort · 3 months
I feel like all the focus in this fandom is on Ponyboy, but I think Darry needs so much more love for all he goes through. I’d greatly appreciate it if you could write some hurt/comfort in which people actually support Darry, particularly Sodapop? How do they support each other? How does Darry show love to his brothers and how do they show love to him? I’m excited to read your thoughts.
Thank you for giving me an excuse to ramble about Darry more. This is going to be Soda and Darry centered mainly because otherwise the post is going to be long af. I might make a seperate post for how the gang supports Darry.
Sorry in advance for all my rambles and also my one hour of sleep thoughts
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Darry isn’t the kind of person to accept support. He doesn’t want his younger brothers supporting him when he is meant to be supporting them, being that he is the oldest brother and guardian
He also doesn’t accept help from the gang either. He again thinks because he is the oldest, he is responsible to support them and not the other way around
So Soda supports him in subtle ways like slipping a bit of his pay into Darry’s wallet when he isn’t looking or signing all of Ponyboy’s permission slips after Darry has had a long day at work
Once Ponyboy runs away, Soda becomes more obvious with his support. He is helping Darry with the phone calls and asking people if they seen their kid brother. Staying by his brothers side and supporting him in whatever way he needs
He won’t let his brother push away his support during a time like that
I headcanon that Soda has to physically support him when they get the call that Ponyboy was in a fire
Darry almost falls to his knees before Soda is lifting him back to his feet and supporting his weight so he wouldn’t fall
Darry does say that he thought he lost Pony like they did mom and dad so he would of been thinking worse case scenario when he got that call
Darry supports Soda through finding out that not only that Sandy was pregnant but it wasn’t his kid, she was cheating and now she is moving to Florida
He would have held his brother as he cried. Soda really loved Sandy and Darry knew that
Darry would of sit there comforting his brother as long as he needed him to
Once everything settles after the events of the book/movie, Darry would start to actually show his love for his brothers
Something about seeing someone his brothers age get shot knocked some sense into him
Ponyboy’s essay is also one of the things that makes him realise that he doesn’t show his love for his brother enough
It would start off simple with quick pats on the back, which would slowly turn into quick bro hugs. It would transition to proper hugs where he holds them close
I feel like Darry shows his love more than he says it. If it does say it though, it’s in more subtle ways and not just straight I love you
“I got you a copy of the book you were talking about a few weeks ago Pony” that’s his way of showing his love to Ponyboy. By proving that he listened to his brother
And also by loosing up a bit because Soda pointed out how strict he was being and “come on Darrel. He is only 14”
Showing his love to Soda would be unspoken. They both know that they love each other
Darry does however show his love for Soda by letting him hug him despite not being 100% fond of long hugs all the time
Which I mean it’s Soda, of course every hug he gives is a long one. This man enjoys physical affection
Ponyboy is open about his love for Soda. Everyone knows that Pony loves his older brother and that Soda loves his younger brother back
Darry however is a different story
It would take a while after everything happening for Ponyboy to show his love for Darry. I mean their relationship is still being mended
The first time he shows that he loves his eldest brother (after everything that happened) is when he goes to Darry instead of Soda which is a shock to Darry
Ponyboy would be coming into his room after a nightmare that he had and asking if he can stay with him for the rest of the night
Ponyboy never came to him after his nightmares, especially since Soda is right there, so this says a lot
It’s a strange way to show that he loves his brother but Darry can feel the love somehow
I’m going to leave this here otherwise this post will go on forever.
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chunniwritesalot · 1 month
home - nh27
HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! welcome to my 3rd haas related fanfic 😍😍 i think i should be named the nh27 queen by the amount of ff i'm writing about him (not that im complaining... i want to eat this guy...) if you dont follow me, or check my rambles (go follow me PLEASE... im a desperate gal) you wouldn't know that im going to vacation so i wanted to write something super quick before i left. when i get back- TRUST an smau WILL be made, probably for nico because this man is so beautiful 🤗😋 the writing on this is super rushed but i've been out of practice (uni is starting soon PLEASE SEND HELP) because i major in english and BRO i write so many essays that when i get to break i just stop writing all together. my creative writing is SAUR shit because all i write are analysis's and shit like that BUTTTTT im taking a lot of creative writing courses this year (2) so watch out because i might become Shakespeare cw: sad, cursing, you have a son but your gender isn't included, mentions of crashing (obviously, its about the monaco grand prix), mentions of hate, banner is mine but photos aren't, use of yn, bad writing style
Tumblr media
you didn't watch f1 races because of your love for the sport. in reality, you hated the sport. the loudness, the chaos, the danger. you thought that maybe nico would've finally listened to you, he would retire and you two could finally live... peacefully, that you could live your life not fearing the fact that the love of your life could quite literally die almost every week. you watched those stupid fucking races because nico was your husband, and you would never forgive yourself if you weren't watching and something unspeakable happened. so nico promised you that he would always come home to you, and he would never break that promise.
sometimes you wished you never got involved in this stupid sport, because then maybe you wouldn't find yourself sitting in the haas garage with your 3 year old being restrained in your grip as you watch the screen. everything going in slow motion as the two haas cars and the redbull collide in with eachother. was it bad to say you hoped most of the damage went to kevin or checo? you didn't care, f1 made everyone a bad person. you were sure louise, who was glued right next to you, thought the same thing- that most of the damage went to nico or checo. "shit" you muttered, your son looking up at you. he was too young to know what was happening, but you could tell he was worried.
"its okay love, just an accident." you whispered to him, he wriggled out of your grip to go run around the garage. not that you cared, right now, you were focused on nico and lord, were you fucking mad. mad that he broke his promise to you, mad that he never listened, mad at this fucking sport. you hated nico for this, hated that he sacrificed his entire life to this sport, when he knew that he had a 3-year-old son. when he knew you were waiting for him, and you would never forgive him if he didn't come back. you sat there, arms crossed as nico made his way back to the haas area after getting checked with the medics. you watched as he approached you, a flash of guilt on his face. louise seemed to get the message because she quickly got up from the seat next to you and made her way over to the children as she waited for her own husband. "y/n, i'm sorry." nico cracked out quietly, reaching out his hand to take yours. he grimaced when you snapped your hand away and stiffened at his words. "what if you died?" you spat out, "god nico, i-" tears burned in your eyes, "i hate you." nico watched as you stormed to the bathroom, not bothering to follow you. he knew you needed time to cool off. after a while, you came back, sitting next to your husband again. "even y/s/n was fucking worried." you whispered to him, "nico, you-." nico stayed silent, his gaze never tearing from the TV infront of them, he nodded slowly. "i was thinking about you the entire time." he started, "and i'm *sorry*, i'm so fucking sorry." he slowly turned to you, "i-i would never forgive myself if something happened to me, love. i-" he stopped, reaching out to wipe your tears, "i'm... i know you hate this sport, but- its my..." you shook your head, motioning for him to stop. sure, you hated this sport, but you didn't hate nico. you loved nico, and loving him meant you would always be there with him. even if that meant you had to watch all his stupid grands prix. because as much as you knew nico loved his sport, he loved you more, and nico promised he would always come home to you and y/s/n.
"i..i don't hate you" you said back gently, "i'm sorry." nico cracked a smile, "i know, my love. don't be sorry." he reached out again, and this time? you didn't pull away, because nico kept his promise. he was always going to come home to you.
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spot-the-antisemitism · 2 months
Looking at tumblr, to me it seems like there is an attempt by various groups to redefine Holocaust. Instead of it being attempt to exterminate all Jews, they try to shift to being genocide of various groups of contemporary left like liberals, socialists, LGBTQ.
And I think part of the reason for current attempts to redefine Holocaust is because Jews are evil zios that drink baby blood. And for some morbid reason, people also think being a victim of one of the greatest genocides in history is somehow an advantage. So to them, Jews don't deserve to have Holocaust.
Which is why I often see absurd takes like claims like Anne Frank was prosecuted for her sexuality, just as many gays were killed in Holocaust as Jews, Hitler only killed socialist Jews while Zionists were collaborators, and so on.
And you'd think considering how often the word is thrown around that people actually understand what word Nazi means.
Hitler killed socialist Jews, he killed gay Jews, he killed liberal Jews, he killed religious Jews, he killed capitalist Jews, he killed Jewish converts to Christianity, he killed Jews that fought for Germany in WW1, he killed Bundist Jews, he killed Zionist Jews, he killed Jews collaborators.
It's almost as if this Holocaust thing might be about Jews and ideologies Hitler blamed Jews for.
Dear anon,
thank you for your essay
The nazis didn't even know Anne might have been bi, I'm not sure Anne knew if she was bi or not. I will kill personally put on blast every goy queer who says that
Nazi means "person I don't like" to these fuckers and if they hate Jews holocaust inversion ensues
G-d it's like Jews and Roma can't talk about the genocides of their own people without some gadjo goy queer being like "but acshtaully my people were genocided for their race MORE than you and haven't murdered anyone or stolen anything so I'm morally superior to you in every way"
I'm sorry did YOUR ancestors barely survive a genocide or do you just share a demographic with the the people Hitler killed and lack the empathy to relate to those who aren't your particular flavor of LGBT like a gay and trans version of a gamergate bro who can't watch a movie with a poc and a woman protagonist?
Don't answer that holocaust appropriating white queers we KNOW the answer is yes.
Please write again,
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thebluestbluewords · 19 days
I have a lot of very specific headcanons about Auradon Prep, and one of them is the fact that Jay is both a Smart Guy, and also chronically incapable of turning in assignments on time. For. Reasons.
this might be about one of those reasons.
Carlos looks up from his plate as Jay wanders over. “Dude, where were you? We started eating without you.” 
“Talking to a teacher. I submitted an assignment wrong, or something.” 
Carlos nods. He’s got a fork dangling from one hand, and there’s a leaf stuck in his hair. Sunlit from behind, Jay’s pretty sure that he’s the prettiest boy on this side of the barrier. “Oh, man. Was it Demorra? She’s super strict about the rules, especially for the online stuff. I could’ve helped you figure it out bro, you don’t have to get through her bureaucratic shit on your own.” 
Jay sets his tray down on the opposite side of the table. “Nah. It was Williams.” 
Carlos frowns. “The international lit teacher? Really?” 
They’ve been reading through Jay’s lit assignments together. Auradon expects them to type up all of their homework, so he’s been getting by with the hacked dictation program on his laptop and locking himself in the bathroom to read his essays out loud into the program with the minimum of background noise. 
There’s a peer writing tutor who does proofreading two nights a week for free, but Jay’s not gonna take his shitty essays in to her when he’s pretty sure he’ll just get laughed right back out of the student study room for the giant default font Carlos set on his computer. 
It doesn’t exactly make reading his own assignments easier, but it doesn’t make it worse either, so they’re calling it functional for now. Auradon Prep is all about “helping students embrace their unique academic talents”, so Carlos and Evie are both being pulled for more advanced classes, which is great for them, and terrible for Jay’s essays because it’s seriously starting to cut into their free time. 
That, and the trouble they’ve been getting up to after hours. 
The assistant gym teacher still hasn’t figured out who to blame for French braiding all the climbing ropes together. 
“She couldn’t read my handwriting.” 
That’s about the shape of it. Handwritten assignments are few and far between, but Jay can’t bullshit his way through all of them. “Haha, yeah.” 
Carlos thunks his head down onto the table. “Ugh. Fuck. I can make you a handwriting font on the computer, but that’ll make in-class assignments worse if you can’t keep it up.” 
He sits up. There’s a dent on his forehead from pressing it into the table. “Eat.” 
“Not hungry,” Jay says as cheerfully as he can manage. It’s not gonna fool Carlos, but he’s not gonna show weakness in front of the royal rabble. “Anyway, we’re not going to the honor board. She’s willing to settle it with some sorta evaluation. Have you heard of dyslexia before?” 
Carlos blinks. “Dyslexia? No. I mean. It’s gotta be dis from like, disinterested, disintegrating, some sort of anti? Or else it’s dys from like, dysentery. Some sort of illness, maybe. Lex has gotta be from lexicon, lexicography. Something to do with either anti-words or a words illness? Does she think you’re sick of words?” 
Jay shrugs. “She said it’s why I’m bad at reading. Wants me to do an assessment so she can know what’s going on.” 
Carlos already has his phone out. He’s typing with one hand, the other one curled around his plate in a defensive hunch that’s almost casual. “Huh. How’s that going for her so far?” 
Jay snorts. “Fab. Nah, she didn’t do it yet. It’s a whole special test that she’s gotta send me down to the psych for.” 
“Can you reject it?” 
“If I wanna meet with the honor board and explain why I apparently have great handwriting, but only when they can’t see me do the assignments.” 
“Yeah. At least she was cool about it.” 
Carlos groans. “Your handwriting sucks, dude. You’re not sick of writing, you’re just— your handwriting sucks.” 
“Yeah, and my fucking reading comprehension. I—“ Jay cuts himself off abruptly as the shadow of more people falls across their lunch table. “Hey, guys.” 
Mal sets her lunch tray down on Jay’s left side, leaving Ben the spot on his right. Evie’s not eating with them today. They have other friends in theory, but between Doug’s science club buddies and Carlos’s general disinterest in socializing with other humans, they didn’t bother picking a table large enough for anyone else.  
“Sorry,” Ben apologizes, even as he’s nudging his shoulder against Jay’s. It’s nice not being the only tall one sometimes. “I couldn’t help overhearing.” 
Jay leans back into the contact. “We were talking out loud, dude. It happens. You got any hot tips for the stupid assessment I’ve gotta do later?” 
“Have you tried being better?” Mal suggests. “I find that cheating works great. I could find you a spell to let one of us borrow your hands for a few hours, and so long as you can tell us what you want to write, we can control the muscles and get better handwriting than your usual chicken scratch special.” 
“Would that work if you can’t see the paper?” Ben asks curiously. 
Mal frowns. “No. Not unless I modify the spell to possess your eyes too.” 
Jay represses a shudder. “Thanks, but no thanks, M. I like my eyes in one piece.” 
Carlos is scrolling rapidly on his phone, hanging half-over the table in an attempt to get closer to the three of them. “Dude, dyslexia is a brain thing that affects how you process visual input of words— aw, shit.” 
Bad. That’s the bad-news tone. Jay’s heart drops traitorously into his stomach, which suddenly isn’t feeling the tater tots on his lunch tray. “What?” 
Carlos shakes his head. “Nothing too bad. Just, I think Williams is right. You’ve said you’re shit at reading fast cause the words all look the same, right? Like, you can’t scan to identify them, you’ve gotta sound each one out.” 
Jay smashes a tater tot with the side of his fork. The destruction doesn’t make his gut feel any better. It’s not that he’s mad, it’s just— he doesn’t want to do this. Analyzing his brain sucks. He did the whole week of required therapy that the student disciplinary council required after the stuff with Mal’s mom, and he’s so fucking done with Auradon grown-ups pretending to understand why his head’s fucked up. “Yeah, so?” 
Carlos waves the phone at him. “So that’s what this is. You’ve got a brain disorder.” 
“We can fix it, right?” 
He wiggles a hand back and forth. “Ehh. Kinda. There’s techniques to make it easier, but it’s sorta like— your brain is wired for AC power input, and words are DC. It’s a misalignment. We can make an adaptor, but we can’t rip out your brain wiring.” 
“I could,” Mal offers. “I love doing illegal magic.”
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superlinguo · 7 months
Research Data Management. Or, How I made multiple backups and still almost lost my honours thesis.
This is a story I used to tell while teaching fieldworkers and other researchers about how to manage their data. It’s a moderately improbable story, but it happened to me and others have benefited from my misadventures. I haven't had reason to tell it much lately, and I thought it might be useful to put into writing. This is a story from before cloud storage was common - back when you could, and often would, run out of online email storage space. Content note: this story includes some unpleasant things that happened to me, including multiple stories of theft (cf. moderately improbable). Also, because it's stressful for most of the story, I want to reassure you that it does have a happy conclusion. It explains a lot of my enthusiasm for good research data management. In Australia, 'honours' is an optional fourth year for a three year degree. It's a chance to do some more advanced coursework and try your hand at research, with a small thesis project. Of course, it doesn't feel small when it's the first time you've done a project that takes a whole year and is five times bigger than anything you’ve ever written. I've written briefly about my honours story (here, and here in a longer post about my late honours supervisor Barb Kelly) . While I did finish my project, it all ended a bit weirdly when my supervisor Barb got ill and left during the analysis/writing crunch. The year after finishing honours I got an office job. I hoped to maybe do something more with my honours work, but I wasn't sure what, and figured I would wait until Barb was better. During that year, my sharehouse flat was broken into and the thief walked out with the laptop I'd used to do my honours project. The computer had all my university files on it, including my data and the Word version of my thesis. I lost interview video files, transcriptions, drafts, notes and everything except the PDF version I had uploaded to the University's online portal. Uploading was optional at the time, if I didn't do that I probably would have just been left with a single printed copy. I also lost all my jewellery and my brother’s base guitar, but I was most sad about the data (sorry bro). Thankfully, I made a backup of my data and files on a USB drive that I kept in my handbag. This was back when a 4GB thumb drive was an investment. That Friday, feeling sorry for myself after losing so many things I couldn't replace, I decided to go dancing to cheer myself up. While out with a group of friends, my bag was stolen. It was the first time I had a nice handbag, and I still miss it. Thankfully, I knew to make more than one back up. I had an older USB that I'd tucked down the back of the books on my shelf (a vintage 256MB drive my dad kindly got for me in undergrad after a very bad week when I lost an essay to a corrupted floppy disk). When I went to retrieve the files, the drive was (also) corrupted. This happens with hard drives sometimes. My three different copies in three different locations were now lost to me.
Thankfully, my computer had a CD/DVD burner. This was a very cool feature in the mid-tens, and I used to make a lot of mixed CDs for my friends. During my honours project I had burned backed up files on some discs and left them at my parents house. It was this third backup, kept off site, which became the only copy of my project. I very quickly made more copies. When Barb was back at work, and I rejoined her as a PhD student, it meant we could return to the data and all my notes. The thesis went through a complete rewrite and many years later was published as a journal article (Gawne & Kelly 2014). It would have probably never happened if I didn’t have those project files. I continued with the same cautious approach to my research data ever since, including sending home SD cards while on field trips, making use of online storage, and archiving data with institutional repositories while a project is ongoing.
I’m glad that I made enough copies that I learnt a good lesson from a terrible series of events. Hopefully this will prompt you, too, to think about how many copies you have, where they’re located, and what would happen if you lost access to your online storage.
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gauloiseblue · 4 months
I am literally insane for I'm only Flesh and Blood like HOLY FUCK
Imagine if it turns out he's infertile or smth. Bro would adopt kids just to keep his wife in line 😭
Does anything between them change after the attempted escape incident? Like aside from pregnancy. How would things change when he does manage to get her pregnant though? I feel like he would keep forcing himself on her until she gets pregnant. How would that go?
I hope you're ready for long paragraphs, because I'm about to make an essay out of this.
Yes, he might consider adopting another child if he fails to make her pregnant. But consider this; he chooses to hire a maid for her, and she looks a lot like Nina. It's like a cruel game for him, because she can't get attached to her. He'll kill her when that happens. But she can't ignore her too, because if she disobeys him, the maid will be the one who suffers the consequences. 
I actually planned to write a continuation for it, but I doubt the audience would like a wlw fic, moreover when it follows The Handmaiden storyline. Bc let's be honest, we want him to win.
About the incident, well, I think she'd be traumatized by it. Which is dangerous, because it creates an opening for him to get into her heart. Because when he keeps treating her well, she'll eventually succumb to Stockholm syndrome. When she comes to accept her situation and begins to see the good in him, then it's over for her.
You guessed it right. He'll keep forcing himself on her until she's pregnant. But he'll change his method. He'll make it less unpleasant for her, and will put an effort to make her cum beforehand. He won't shame her anymore, instead, he'll praise her for taking him so well. When she's positive on pregnancy, he'll become softer. He'll do things that she (subconsciously) finds loveable, like providing extra blankets for her, massaging her feet, giving her space when she needed, etc. While it seems sweet and all, it's just his way to make her more compliant. And it works.
Oh, and he'll let her walk outside once they moved to Austria. He'll let her walk around the garden, and a little further to the woods. It benefits him both ways, because it lessens the stress from being trapped inside the house for so long. But at the same time, it's impossible for her to make an escape. She has no way of knowing the exit, and she can't run that fast when she's heavily pregnant. 
It's likely that he'll hire a helper to take care of the baby. For a reason that he doesn't like having her attention taken away from him. He'll choose someone whom he can trust, and someone who can't speak her language. I might write the continuation of IOFAB, but in the helper's POV (no promise tho). I don't know, it sounds interesting to see their dynamic thru 3rd person lens.
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isatoru · 4 months
ok bro so i don't know how to make this post SDJFHSH and say hi hello i missed everyone without being awkward and facing cricket noises since it's been over a year since i’ve logged in LMFAO and ppl still following r gonna be like ??? but .... ASKDUSDL HELLO!!!!! 🙂‍↕️ to everyone that is still here ... <3
I MISSED YA'LL SM OMG ;---; i hope some of you still remember me so this won’t be too awkward 🙂‍↕️🙏
on that note!!!! i have returned because i have really bad gojo and isagi brainrot since rewatching/rereading jjk + getting into bllk fr this time LMAOO (also getou and rin... among others but currently mostly those!!) I AM ALSO CURRENTLY REWATCHING BNHA TOO AFTER SO SO LONG AND </3 getting back into that fs... shouto is currently hitting and i have not once thought abt him like that lmfaoo
+ i have so many fics i have completed that i want to post !!! i have been cooking in isolation and after much needed self growth and love in writing <3 ;v; (gojo, isagi, and nanami ones mostly lmaoo AND ALSO A SUKUNA SERIES I WANT TO POST) AND IDK WHAT TO POST FIRST LOL
also bro i want to yap about characters and arcs analysis sm lmao... i've gotten into just. writing analysis of stuff i read and get into -- i might even make a separate blog for that since i'm like heavily into berserk (like really bad bro, i willingly sat and wrote essays for fun during finals week just bc of berserk KJSDFH) and souls games too rn LMAOOO (bg3 as well perhaps if anyone is into that too!! i love shadowheart a lot... 500+ hours... and ow <3 1k+ yikes) i mostly just rlly wanna yap about blue lock and jjk and bnha somewhere even if it's to the void on here lmfaooo
also to the mutuals (that remain... <3) please do not be alarmed if u see me in ur notifs reblogging fics for my current faves and yapping in ur tags 🙂‍↔️ like in the next few days LMFAO i have been deprived of reading good fic for soooo long bruh and now im like. I NEED TO READ FOR GOJO AND ISAGI SO BAD…. i missed fic so bad...
would ya'll be chill if i posted writing out of the blue here lmao and changed my username ??... it wouldn't be too awkward ?? 🙂‍↔️ (for the username i will change it in a few days despite my impatience so i give everybody like a chance to get used to me being on their dash so it won't be too alarming LMAOO)
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