sforhope · 5 months
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. A blood sample. Hmm. It has always been a sensitive subject with him, a one with a concern. He is not a foreigner to greedy scientists lusting for his blood to be put under a microscope and god knows what more, but this time it’s them, it’s Bruce Wayne. He knows they wouldn’t hurt him, on the contrary, they would have his back, always. Yet, he doesn’t play easy.   ❝  Does the bat need to feed?  ❞   He jokes, a smile accompanying it, but it slowly shortens, but doesn’t dissipate, his voice is not threatening nor alarming in the next few words.   ❝  What for?  ❞ 
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@bruz3r : "I need your blood." For science
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aceofshitposts · 2 years
Let Harleyrella kiss prince brooooose
now in asking
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aspiratinganxiety · 6 years
So I love when you rant and give detailed explanations about certain topics so: was Jason better off not being adopted by Bruce?
So, I’m not sure if you’re asking about any particular story line or alternate universe in which Jason is not adopted, and so I am going to answer under the assumption that you’re referring to headcanons floating around about the way things would have gone for Jay if he’d never been taken in as a Robin. 
Furthermore, I’m going to answer this with absolutely zero self-pity. Do not mistake my relating low-income struggles that were present in my life as bellyaching. There were a lot of reasons why things were the way that they were for me, and I do not need an ounce of anybody’s pity.
So, without further ado, Anon, as somebody who was raised in an incredibly low-income environment with violence, drug abuse, and all other manner of illegal activity going on in my home through my childhood into adolescence: No. 
Fuck. No.
Jason remaining in a dangerous environment, no matter how he thrived there, would not leave him in a state that I consider “better off.”
Simply through the lens of base needs, no fucking way. 
Being from a home without resources was literally the worst part of all of that nonsense. At least, for me. 
The emotional/physical abuse lingers, whatever. The drug and alcohol use was a wild ride to witness as an outside party, sure.  
Not having hot water for a shower? Not having more than two pairs of pants that weren’t pajamas and no place to wash them? Not having a toothbrush or anything but cold canned carrots from the food pantry for supper?
Not having pads or tampons as a scared 12 year old girl who then has to bear the humiliation of my school nurse going out and buying them for me because everyone knew that my family was too poor and the government subsidies weren’t being spent on keeping our home livable and providing for our needs?
Yeah. No. Jason Peter Todd was a clever, gifted child who would do well in any environment. That doesn’t mean that squalor suited him better than an emotionally stunted man-child that did the motherfucking best he could to love him and give him everything that he could possibly need and then some. 
Making Jason Robin and putting him in danger was like handing-over your keys to a car thief and accepting that you were gonna be calling your insurance the next day. Bruce didn’t have a lot of choices there. Jason already had a thirst. He already sought the thrill. The only thing Bruce thought to do was offer him proper skills, training, and equipment. 
Along the way, he loved him. Grew alongside him as a person and a father-figure. He guided him to the best of his ability, and when that backfired?
It broke him too. 
I was taken in by my eldest sister. Granted, she’s no Bruce Wayne and I didn’t oil myself up to slide into a neon crime-fighting get up. I did, however, provide so much childcare and support that I was the only person to cook, grocery shop, meal plan, or be allowed by the baby to bathe her and brush her hair by the time I was 16. My sister didn’t mean for me to take over so much domestic responsibility, it just happened that way.
I was a profoundly grateful people pleaser desperate to be somebody (anybody)’s favorite, and she had a husband who worked nights and so was basically functioning as a single mom with a houseful of 4 kids (plus me) to worry about.   
And I hurt for the nervous disorders she fed by expecting me to provide as much or, in some cases, more care to her home and children than she did. The unhealthy dynamic we fell into left me an anxious mess with little to no self-value as a human being if I am not providing others some kind of measurable benefit.
Five years out of her house and I have to work on this mentality every day.   
All the same, I got the opportunity to live in a home that was well-managed. I had clothes, food, showers and baths, school, and adults who were invested in my education and development.
Jason's situation is similar, in my opinion. He suffers for some of the damage done by Bruce. Ultimately though, he is better and more loved for having been his son.
Having the unique experience of being literally saved from a broken home (which Jason didn’t even fucking have. Poor baby was on his own) and lifted up into a household with actual disposable income, affection, education, and delicious produce regularly?
Jason Todd was the luckiest boy in the world. 
The depictions of Bruce and Jay that have them being nothing but violent and hateful toward one another hurt my heart so much, I cannot even express with words the pain I associate with it. 
I would like to note here that I do understand the abusive link between Bruce and a lot of his kids. Being idolized as a parent and literal hero sets you up for failure. Nobody can ever hope to live up to those kinds of expectations, and Bruce is all kinds of fucked up in his own right. 
The physical abuse and resentment I understand from both sides, though it kills me.
One can see how Jason returning as a man who lived to spit in the face of everything he worked so hard to foster in him would push Bruce over the edge into more progressively abusive behavior, where before he had been emotionally neglectful and selfish as a parent. Blind, even, to the non-physical needs of Jason. 
I 100% relate to Jason’s shock and horror upon being utterly disillusioned with his hero, the man acting as his father. 
He failed to save him. He failed to avenge him. While he was alive, he failed to understand him. 
What more can you do? 
Jason gave it all. 
He gave his life.
And he’s still not good enough for Bruce?
Fuck’s sake. I’d blow shit up and put heads in a bag too.
Anyway, TLDR: Though the unhealthy/abusive aspects of the relationship between Jason and Bruce are brutal and heart-wrenching for all involved, I do not think that Jason would have been better left to his own devices. He was a child who needed a home with enough resources to care for him. 
Bruce provided that.
Additionally, they love each other.
This, of course, is not an excuse for abuse. 
Canon or headcanon, doesn’t matter: I argue that the love between Bruce and Jason was the first time Bruce truly felt a parental connection. Dick was like a younger brother. A nephew. A darling student. It wasn’t until he could contextualize his affection for Dick through the channels he developed toward Jason that Bruce realized the reason he could never see Dick as an equal companion was because he held him in his heart as a child. 
His child. 
Like Jason. 
All families are fucked up. They hurt each other. They shape one another through pain as much as they do love.
I can’t handle the especially hateful and violent depictions of Bruce and Jason’s relationship. It literally kills me, and I actively disregard them as shittily written canon with no deep concept of characterization.     
Same for Bruce and all of his other children.  
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dykesbat · 2 years
mister man!!!!!!!!!!
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meebles · 7 years
Bruce Wayne, standing in literal Hell: “I’ve seen worse”
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graysongraysoff · 3 years
Also Batman
AAAAA this is such a good one let's go:
blorbo: richard john "dick" grayson is the blorbo of all time
scrungly: TIMBO!!! TIMBITS!!! TIMOTHY!!!!
scrimblo bimblo: if you think you love alfred pennyworth enough you don't and you need to be loving him more
glup shitto: JAMES GORDON JR (and let me be clear: he is a fave villain. i do not like him and i wish he would join the joker in eeby deeby. BUT he's an obscure villain that makes for good stories so i'm always excited to see him.)
poor little meow meow: it would be too big of a missed opportunity if i didn't say selina kyle
horse plinko: brooooose
eeby deeby: the joker. i've had enough of that guy.
ask me about my blorbos
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teatitty · 5 years
schweeeppess replied to your post “batman beyond bruce is creepy :/ like hes great in btas and jl and jlu...”
nope you're forgetting 60's Brooooose.
correct! 60′s bruce is a dork and we love him
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thoughtsmash · 5 years
adhd is on overdrive i LOVE U BROOOOOSE
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loisfreakinglane · 5 years
cassandra cain
favorite thing about them
how soft her heart is, how much she tries, her sense of humor. she’s such a deeply loveable person and compassionate person. easily the most lethal and dangerous member of the batfamily but also has the most gigantic heart.
least favorite thing about them
i hate ‘orphan’. i know they don’t want her to be batgirl anymore but why not black bat!!!!!!!! WHY!!!!!!!!!!! i know that’s not actually a negative about her character but uhhhhhhhhhh. something i dislike about her actual character?? hm no. i hate how some writers take her speech issues as an excuse to make her wallpaper that only exists to be a badass ninja and then fade into the background. her being stuck in team books now is the bane of my existence for this very reason. BRING BACK HER SOLO YOU MONSTERS
favorite line
i know it’s overused but……. ‘you can change. you can.’ it just means so much to me. aside from that my favorite is one she didn’t say but was said to her, about her- 'we made you a warrior. you made yourself a hero.’ i just love it so stupid much
barbara forever but also very much jason
steeeeeph. i adore cass/steph in any capacity. also i feel like we lack in love interests for cass overall???? hit me with your cass ships i want love
i don’t want bruce/cass in my face thank you and goodbye 
random headcanon
if cass gave it half a chance she’d fucking LOVE making up her own cassandra wayne, leaning into the rich girl persona the way bruce has brooooose. i mean outrageous shopping, paparazzi, near scrapes with the law that dad needs to bail her out of with sheepish grins. 
unpopular opinion
cass is fascinating and amazing and not just a prop for your favorite batboy and if you tag her in your batfam fic only for her to pop into their window say something and then disappear until the epilogue i will not be leaving a kudos
song i associate with them
i don’t know that i’m any good at this so just have a cass/steph vid rec mky
favorite picture of them
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Okay but a headcanon that one time Dick lost a bet and had to go get a manipedi with Babs, Steph, and Cass. Turned out he absolutely loved it (got all his nails painted black with Nightwing designs) and now goes with them at LEAST once a year if not more often.
This is so perfect… the only thing I want to add is that Cass lost the bet with him and this is the only reason she would get a mani-pedi bc Steph asked (forced) her to.
Also, I can so see it being Nightwing themed and he would be so impressed like “How did she paint such details on my nails?!” 
Also consider: “Bruce, touch my feet! They are so soft!
“Dick, we need to talk about your professionalism while in uniform…”
“But Brooooose”
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cascains · 7 years
hoi i’m brooooose vain
wow did you just copy the title of my ask wow okay wOW
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whatatime30 · 6 years
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frownyalfred · 7 years
Bruce Wayne drinking at a gala to keep up his secret identity: *crashing into tables, threesomes in broom closets, drunken shenanigans, vodka and tequila everywhere*
Bruce Wayne actually drunk: *after four beers has to be physically restrained from drunk texting Jason “im sorry” with the laughing crying emoji next to it because he thought that one was the sad crying emoji*
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cuthwyn · 8 years
'My kids? Oh, they get along just fine. As long as they aren't in the same room, talking to each other, doing erm, 'activities' together or breathing the same air... they are just dandy.'
Bruce Wayne, Gotham Gazette (frequently)
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richardgrays0n · 8 years
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fishnets-and-magic · 8 years
Mother’s Day
Aka the day all the Bat Kids spoil Alfred and Bruce and Zee cry in the darkness because THEY DONT HAVE MOMS >:O
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