#brown people should be allowed to be evil
sepublic · 3 days
The core to Belos’ character is that he’s everything wrong with the United States of America. Why else is he a Puritan, a group of racist settlers who helped found the U.S. and contributed to the genocide of the Native Americans? Why else does he dress up like a Founding Father when not in papal robes, with a ponytail resembling a powdered wig?
Luz thinking he’s a great explorer, only to find out Philip is just an entitled asshole who takes credit from others to make himself look better, is a play on people IRL finding out that people like Christopher Columbus and Thomas Edison were assholes who stood on the shoulders of others. It’s a play on white mediocrity and how white guys do the bare minimum and expect to be praised.
Belos is a bigot whose entire motive and goals are based on genocide-level bigotry, and he refuses to unlearn any beliefs; Being a historical Puritan he is 100% racist and misogynistic and unlike Caleb, didn’t take the chance to grow out of it. He wants to believe he’s born special and better than everyone else, and that’s why he buys into white supremacy.
There is an explicit connection between the colonial genocide of Native Americans and Belos’ genocide of witches and demons, down to imposing a Christian misunderstanding of the local religion. He feels entitled to their magic but does none of the work to understand, nor does he cultivate a sustainable relationship with the land the way indigenous people do, hence consuming palismen.
He coined the term Savage Ages, with Savage having racist connotations. His fantasy is the Monster Hunter, the idea that it’s okay to dehumanize anything and even anyone that’s different to kill them. He believes in the Evil Races trope which is of course inherently racist. Belos treats Luz like his White Man’s Burden, a brown child who needs a White Savior to civilize (just as the U.S. kidnapped Native American children to assimilate), and then tries to kill Luz when she doesn’t go along instead of just. Leaving Luz alone or dragging her into the human realm with him anyway.
Belos makes exceptions to his religion when convenient, allowing himself to use magic but then demonizing those who do, just as homophobic Christians and Republicans do. Think of all the anti-gay politicians who are caught being gay; They’re not repressed victims, just hypocrites who think they’re entitled to special treatment. Philip didn’t rat on Caleb for hanging out with a witch for the reasons Pro-Lifers let loved ones have abortions; Caleb was important to him, and he’s not one of the witches Philip planned to murder. And even then he still killed Caleb for ‘crossing a line’!
The Puritans and other groups informed the Alt-Right in the U.S., as well as Evangelicals who rage about how something as innocuous as Pokemon is a Satanic influence (Yes this happened; The Conformatorium doesn’t seem so unrealistic after all, and remember that Dana’s father gave her a copy of Pokémon Red before he died that she latched onto). But like the Televangelist, Belos indulges in material wealth and glory via the glamour of Catholicism, because he’s not even consistent to Puritan values either.
He’s Trump, he’s Elon Musk, he’s Ron DeSantis. He’s the incel/mass shooter who fell down the pipeline, who feels cheated out of the promises of a white supremacist society and takes it out on minorities but not other white guys, because he thinks the system’s idea is fine it just isn’t working as it should, at least he’s better than those guys.
Belos’ reaction to Caleb being with Evelyn was undeniably motivated by racial disgust at his brother for committing miscegenation and making Philip related to a savage in the process, it’s why he never brings it up because of the scandalous shame of it all. He thinks taming a wilderness and murdering its natives makes him a tough man because he’s insecure. He has a sniveling victim complex that can’t comprehend why minorities would dislike him, except that they’re mean. Belos epitomizes the U.S.’s racial and colonial violence, its white supremacy, and its global police narrative that decides the existence of another, independent world is an inherent threat to his own.
The conflict between Philip and Caleb was over racism, and so it’s black and white because racism is always wrong. Making it ‘nuanced’ would take away from the fact that the motives for real life racism are inherently nonsensical and insincere; Caleb wasn’t selfish for living with another culture on its terms, instead of staying in the racism village (The Gravesfield statues corroborate Philip being an adult when he arrived in the Demon Realm, according to the memory portraits; Caleb waited until Philip was an adult before leaving). Philip was not a weird kid, he was adhering to his social norms with games about how anyone different or actually weird should die, and he wanted to do this, he’s a Conformatorium prude like all the rest and let his fear of Evelyn justify and evolve into violence.
Even if he was weird, Belos isn’t telling other people they should fit in for their sake, he’s telling them they should just die (Unlike himself, because he’s ‘special’); It’s what he admits to the Collector in the finale about not bothering teaching them anything, just wiping them out. Belos uses magic only to kill magic and discards it out of disgust when he’s about to leave, but makes an exception for the life of the non-human he’s become.
And the choice for the villain to be a genuine Puritan makes sense, because this is a show about weirdoes, so who’s designating them as such and why? Luz has a conflict with the IRL system since the first scene and Belos symbolizes the system, his Puritan ideology marked the foundation for it and the U.S. Belos killing Caleb is just the cherry on top of his actual motives and what his character was always about, that’s why his death scene isn’t him lamenting about Caleb or how lonely he is, it’s him being racist and demanding special treatment for his race. A racist white man feels no guilt for the witches and demons he murdered, just his white brother and clones; He still keeps killing them too btw.
Deeming someone a lost cause and killing them instead of working to rehabilitate is un-Christian, because Belos is not secretly bound by his religion, he picks and chooses. His guilt is not Catholic, he is the Protestant belief in his own superiority. Belos isn’t just a Nazi, he’s an American racist, he’s the KKK; He’s a condemnation of American Values and Exceptionalism, and lowkey I think that’s part of the reason why Family-Friendly Disney canned TOH, because Belos is a condemnation of a major consumer base. Disney being more progressive than other companies means jackshit because it’s performative and the bar is in hell.
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misseviehyde · 2 months
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“I already told you - fuck you bitches and you better stay away from my friends too, or else. You know I don’t give a fuck and my uncle is one of the school governors, I can make things very difficult if you don’t leave me alone.”
Alice Brown calmly folded her arms and looked at the three biggest bullies at her school with a level, unconcerned gaze. She radiated stoic resolve and even an air of quiet menace. She was smaller, less popular and less powerful than any of the bitchy girls in front of her - but she did possess a lot of bravery and backbone.
Keisha, Mia and Chelsea all sneered and pouted their pretty pink lips, but there was also rage and frustration behind their eyes. The three bitches towered over their would-be-victim and usually had no problem dominating and bullying little loser nerds like this one - but in Alice they had finally found a victim not willing to break.
Keisha’s long acrylic nails flexed like bitchy claws as she contemplated just grabbing the little loser by her hair and dragging her down the corridor. She was the head cheerleader and her tanned toned body rippled with muscle and athletic strength. It would feel so GOOD to physically dominate Alice and wipe that smug nerdy smile off, but she knew that unlike the other girls she bullied - this bitch would tell on her and probably be believed. Keisha’s Daddy was powerful, but Alice had her own connections and it could cause problems.
Meanwhile Chelsea leaned forward in annoyance, her massive tits heaving against her blouse. Her perfect teenage titties usually were intimidating for other girls, her body was ripe and mature in a way that put the other girls here to shame and she loved being a cocktease. Her pink lips were perfect at sucking cock and her tight pussy was like heaven. She was an evil horny slut, and if she hadn’t have been so popular and powerful she’d have probably been called out for it.
The last of the three, Mia was their leader. She was smart - super fucking smart - but she used her intelligence for evil. She was a twisted evil bitch who seemed to get off on breaking other girls and had the most deliciously twisted mind. Mia could always think of a cruel put down, an insulting nickname and a plan to get what she wanted. She knew how to manipulate people and she was pretty and innocent looking, but with the dirtiest most depraved mind you could imagine. Mia’s black book was legendary as a source of blackmail material. Her burn book gave her power over everyone else - no one would cross her, not even Keisha and Chelsea.
All three girls were rich, pretty, talented and totally evil. A lifetime of having a silver spoon, pretty privilege and the power to get whatever they wanted had ruined them and made them into mega-bullies. Everyone either wanted to be like them, or was so afraid they wouldn’t dare challenge their power.
Everyone except Alice.
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Alice had moved to the school a few months ago and the bullies had tried their usual tactics to assess, then dominate the new girl. Once they realised she was a nerd, they had assumed it would be easy to turn her into another one of their victims - but to their shock and horror, Alice had fought back.
Although she was small, studious and lacking in their popularity or resources - her quiet determination and kind heart had allowed her to confound the bullies power. She was now the leader of a small faction of nerds, losers and outcasts that she had brought under her protection. The bullies power was waning as the rest of the school began to see it WAS possible to stand up to them. This was a situation that could not be allowed to continue.
“Girls, let’s leave this little smug bitch to wallow in her pathetic loser lifestyle. We have more important things to do,” sneered Mia - clicking her fingers and indicating the others should follow her.
Alice watched them walk away with a palpable sense of relief. It wasn’t easy to stand up to these horrible bitches, and her heart was hammering. Hopefully they’d finally get the message and give up soon. After all, she wasn’t going to let them walk over her and her friends anymore.
Mia clicked her tongue in annoyance against her perfect white teeth as she idly ran a finger up and down the expensive silver necklace she held on the palm of her hand. The other girls were arguing and shouting; Keisha pushing Chelsea away as the other girl shoved her boobs into her face and they battled for dominance. Alice’s defiance was already causing their bullying friendship group to splinter and collapse. Mia needed to act fast.
“Why didn’t you just pick up that loser and ram her head down the toilet like we did to everyone else who ever stood in our way? Are you scared or something?” mocked Chelsea as she tossed back her hair and gazed defiantly into Keisha’s blue eyes.
“I don’t know bitch, I’m surprised you haven’t found a way to fuck her boyfriend and cuck her like you usually would. What’s the matter? Losing your slut appeal?”
“Shut up both of you,” commanded Mia quietly - experiencing a thrill of control as the other girls immediately obeyed. “Alice is a threat we must neutralise, but the usual tactics won’t work. We’re going to have to get creative. The only way to deal with a snake like Alice, is to make her destroy her own reputation and I have a plan.”
The other girls moved closer, hypnotised by Mia’s delivery and the sneering confidence in her voice. She held up the silver necklace. “This beautiful little thing has been passed through my family for generations. It allows the wearer to enter the body of another person and possess them. With this necklace we’re going to take control of Alice and make her destroy her own life. By the time we’re done, she’ll be a broken shell of who she is now.”
The three girls began to laugh, their eyes gleaming with malicious hunger as Mia began to tell them the full plan. Ohhhh yes, this was going to be so fucking good.
The sliver necklace tingling round her neck, Chelsea watched from around a corner, a big grin on her slutty face. Alice and her nerdy boyfriend Nathan were walking down the corridor. He was a quiet and shy boy, a total loser in Chelsea’s estimations. How could any self-respecting girl date a pathetic nerd like that?
Kissing Nathan on the cheek, Alice laughed to see him blush and she playfully bumped him on his shoulder. “What are you getting so embarrased about?” she giggled.
“I’ve never had a girlfriend before,” he shyly shrugged. “It’s kind of nice.”
Chelsea felt like she wanted to be sick as the two love birds looked into each others eyes like they were in love. Pathetic. She’d soon deal with this.
“Babe, I just need to use the toilet, hold my books will you?”
Nathan waited patiently outside whilst Alice went into the washroom. Chelea felt a surge of excitement. It was time. She waited a moment, then struck.
Walking over to the door, she ignored Nathan and walked straight into the bathroom. Her timing was perfect. Alice was at the mirror, her back turned as she washed her hands. It could not have been more perfect.
Walking up behind her victim, Chelsea groaned in pleasure as she simply walked up to Alice and then pushed inside her. She felt her hips and waist slide into Alice with a hot wet pop, she felt herself begin to slide and flow into her victim - filling her up and taking control. The necklace glowed with arcane power and the two girls were surrounded by a bright light. Alice gasped, suddenly panicking as Chelsea flowed and merged into her, her body becoming numb as Chelsea took control. “Yesss, this is my body now,” laughed the bully - sliding her torso into Alice and pushing her legs into the nerds with more sucking wet pops.
“Yessss, that’s it bitch, your body is all mine now,” hissed Chelsea. “Let me fill you up and make you into a real woman.”
With a crack, Alice’s hips pushed out and as the bully flowed into her her ass expanded too. She moaned, a delicious feeling of ecstasy filling her changing body as the superior bully flowed inside her. Chelsea’s big tits and ultra-feminine body was too slutty to be fully contained by her own skinny frame. Alice’s body was stretching and accommodating to suit her bullies sexier body.
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Alice’s tiny tits began to grow and swell as Chelsea’s massive boobs forced them to swell up and grow. Her clothing ripped, but even that was merging with Chelsea - her own designer clothing transforming Alice’s into a tight black jump suit that showed off her massive new cleavage.
Alice’s braided hair untied itself and cascaded down her neck in a soft perfect wave and her features shifted slightly - becoming prettier with thicker lips and hypnotic eyes. Her short stubby nails grew into a perfect manicure as with a final, slurp, Chelsea slid fully into her body. The sliver necklace was now around Alice’s neck and there was no sign that anything had happened, other than her new improved body. The possession had only taken moments.
Chelsea purred as she checked herself out in the mirror. “Not bad loser. Now I’m inside you giving you curves in all the right places, you’re quite the hottie. Mmmmh, boys are gonna want this ass so badly.”
Chelsea could feel Alice’s spirit crushed and subdued deep inside her. This body was hers now and Alice could do nothing to stop her. “Ohhh mmmh, that’s right loser. You’re going to be such a slut today. By the time I’m done, your boyfriend won’t ever speak to you again - your friends will all think you’re a slut and your reputation will be trash.”
Laughing, she turned and swayed out of the washroom, enjoying the feeling of her slutty new body. This was going to be fun.
Alice groaned and opened her eyes, her vision swimming. Where was she? What was happening? The last thing she remembered was washing her hands in the bathroom, then there had been this strange feeling and then it had all gone hazy.
Her body ached, it felt different… strange somehow. Her tits… her tits were bigger. MUCH bigger. She reached up with unfamiliar nails and brushed back long silky hair. Her lips felt swollen and her face different somehow.
Looking around, Alice saw she was in her bedroom. Crawling over to the mirror, she gasped as she saw the girl in the mirror. It was definitely her - but a her that looked like she had been inflated and transformed somehow. Her tits were now huge, her ass rounder and her body generally prettier. Big hooped earrings hung from her ears and her clothing was tighter. She looked just like a…
The words were buzzing on her phone.
Gasping Alice opened her phone and her heart skipped a beat as she saw message after message from everyone at school.
There was a video attached. A social media video that had thousands of views.
In the video a girl was on her knees in the boys locker room. The entire football team surrounding her. Big hard cocks were being pumped by two eager hands, thick blowjob lips sucking another. The girl in the middle was a moaning, eager, fuck-slut. Her top was down, her massive tits swinging free as she gulped and sucked and swallowed. Cum rained down over her giggling, moaning face… a face that Alice recognised.
Her face.
“No… noooooooo,” she groaned, the phone dropping from her numb fingers. This was impossible. This couldn’t be!
Glancing down at the screen, Alice saw that Nathan was now the laughing stock of the school as well. Her relationship with him was over.
Alice began to cry…
“WHAT THE FUCK HAS YOUR STUPID NECKLACE DONE TO ME!” screeched Chelsea as she examined herself in the mirror, her once pretty face contorted in rage.
Mia and Keisha looked at their friend as she raged in front of the mirror. This hadn’t been part of the plan.
Chelsea’s once magnificent chest was now average, the boobs smaller and normal sized. Her ass was flatter, her lips now thinner. She just looked kind of average.
Mia shrugged. “It looks like you left part of yourself inside Alice when you possessed her. I was concerned this might happen. Don’t worry, there will be a way to reverse it. I just need to consult my family records. Meanwhile, the plan worked perfectly. Your little suck-fest in the locker room means Alice is now seen as the biggest slut at school. But we aren’t done yet. There are still those who will stay loyal to her and forgive her. We need to totally isolate her and that’s where you come in Keisha.”
Keisha shook her head, pouting. “No fucking way, not after what has happened to Chelsea.”
“If we don’t follow through our plan,” snarled Mia, “then what has happened to Chelsea will be in vain. We need you to possess Alice next, I’m telling you that this imprinting effect is temporary. I’ll find a way to get Chelsea her assets back.”
“Are you sure?” asked Keisha suspiciously.
“Of course I’m sure,” smiled Mia. “Trust me.”
“Look, I don’t know why I did what I did or how I ended up looking this way,” said Alice as she looked at her friends. None of them would meet her eye at first - but as she spoke they began to listen.
“Please guys. There’s something weird happening and I know what I did is wrong and disgusting. But please believe me when I say I wasn’t myself. I know Nathan will never forgive me and maybe you all won’t too, but I promise you I’ll get to the bottom of this.”
Grace, Sarah and Tina all nodded. They were willing to give their friend at least a chance to find out what was happening. “Look we have athletics practice and then after we can talk properly.”
Alice shuddered as she walked into the locker rooms and began to change. She hated how good her new body felt. Her big tits did feel nice on her chest, and she had to admit - now she was prettier - people seemed to want to listen to her and give her more of a chance. Ironically whatever had happened to make her sexier may have led to her being labelled a slut, but it was almost as if being pretty meant it didn’t matter as much.
She didn’t notice as Keisha entered behind her, the silver necklace gleaming round her neck…
Keisha felt good. Really fucking good.
Alice’s body had been so easy to slide into. The changes that Chelsea had already made had made the little nerd hot - but now she was even sexier. Keisha's toned cheerleader body and athletic skills had flowed easily into Alice. Every inch of her body was now tanned and toned. She had a thigh gap and she was taller, more dominant and physically powerful than ever before. Her big tits bouncing with every step, Keisha felt like a Goddess.
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“Hahaha you fucking looooosers,” laughed Keisha as she kicked open the locker room door to find Alice’s friends. The four girls who only minutes before had been considering giving their friend another chance, screamed as she strode into the room.
Grabbing Grace’s hair, Keisha dragged the other girl down and laughing straddled her face.
“I’ve changed my mind you little loser bitches. I don’t need you to forgive me, I just need you to fucking FEAR me. You’re all gonna eat my ass and if you fail to please me - you’re all getting the shit kicked out of you? Understand?”
Keisha laughed as the other girls obediently knelt down. After this they would hate and despise Alice. Mia was a fucking genius, she really was…
Alice gasped as she awoke again from a fog of confusion. Once again her body felt different, once again she was dazed and confused. She was in her bedroom again and she still had the big tits and ass she had woken up with last time. This time though, she also appeared to be several inches taller and she was now perfectly toned and proportioned.
A new grace and athletic ability permeated every limb and as she stood up, muscle memory kicked in. Alice knew if she wanted to, she could now backflip, do the splits and more. She was a cheerleader now, with all the skills and abilities that entailed.
“What the fuck is happening to me,” she groaned walking to the mirror and trying not to be pleased at how she was looking. “I look like a total bitch.”
Her pussy got wet as she said it and without being able to control her actions, she began to touch herself…
"I'm a bitch... oh ffffuck, why does that feel so good to say? Mmmmh I'm a FUCKING BITTTTCH!"
Alice screamed as she began to cum...
“Damn it,” hissed Mia as Keisha and Chelsea screamed at her. “I told you it’s temporary, calm down.”
“That’s easy for you to say,” snarled Keisha who was now a short average looking girl. All of her toned athletic muscle was gone and the former cheerleader was now a nobody.
“Thanks to your dumb necklace, we’re now both average looking losers,” cried Chelsea. “You promised this would let us deal with Alice, not cause us to lose the best bits of ourselves to that useless nerd.”
“She’s hardly a nerd anymore is she?” spat Keisha. “She has your amazing tits and my toned physique. She’s taken everything from us."
“Calm down,” shouted Mia. “I told you - I’ll find a way to get your attributes back. In the meantime our plan has worked perfectly. Alice is now a social outcast and will no longer be able to stand up to us. Now leave things to me. Trust me. I’ll deal with Alice… I’ve had this all planned out from the beginning.”
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Alice had to admit she felt good. She had orgasmed six times before leaving the house and her new stronger, sexier body did make her feel more assertive and powerful. Sure - everyone thought she was a mean cocksucking slut now and she appeared to be losing her mind, but other than that things could be worse.
Her new massive tits wobbling enticingly with every step, she was on her way to school when she saw Mia approaching. Mia was on her own and she obviously wanted to speak to Alice.
“Hello babe,” grinned Mia with a surprisingly friendly expression on her face. “I’m so pleased to see what you have become. My plan has worked perfectly - let’s grab a coffee and let me tell you what has been happening to you…”
Alice felt her mind reel in shock as she found herself obeying her former bully and linking arms with her.
What the hell was happening to her?
A few moments later at the coffee shop - Alice barely touched her latte as she listened to Mia’s insane tale.
Alice shook her head in amazement. “So you’re telling me you sold out your two best-friends in order to groom me as their replacement?”
“That’s right,” smirked Mia. “When you stood up to us, I saw you had the potential to be a powerful bully. You just needed the right assets and I knew I could corrupt you if I made those two idiots use the magic necklace to possess you. Now their hot bodies have imprinted onto you, you are the beautiful dominant bully and they are just average no-bodies. Together we can become besties and rule this school.”
“But you destroyed my reputation!”
“Only amongst nerds. The popular boys are all obsessed with you now. A few blowjobs in the locker room is something your reputation can recover from. Meanwhile the nerdy girls are all frightened and obedient. All you have to do is embrace your new status as a bad bitch and everyone will fall into line. Together we could rule over everyone.”
“You really do have an evil, bitchy mind,” marveled Alice. “You’re totally evil. I could never be like you. Well, not without help.”
Mia suddenly felt a strange snick round her wrist. Looking down she saw the silver necklace. Whilst she had been talking to Alice, the other girl had gotten it out of her handbag and sneaked it around her wrist.
“What are you…?”
Alice grabbed Mia and pulled her in hard for a kiss. The bullies eyes widened in shock and horror. “Yessss, merge into me Mia… give me your bitchy personality and evil mind. I fucking need it.”
Mia groaned as she began to flow into Alice. She couldn’t help it as she was sucked inside with a hot wet pop.
Alice could feel Mia’s personality taking control, but whereas when she had been possessed before she had been unaware of what was happening this time she was in control.
Using her disciplined mind she greedily sucked up the attributes she wanted from Mia, her bitchiness, her intelligence, her knowledge. She allowed the bullies personality to flow into her and become her own.
“Yessss, fucking change me… make me like you,” hissed Alice, her eyes rolling in ecstasy as she took what she wanted from the bully. Then with a moan, she ripped off the silver necklace from her wrist and felt her body divide and split.
Mia was thrown out of Alice, her personality and mind drained. She too was now just an average loser.
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“Mmmmmh, that’s so much better,” grinned Alice, a slutty smirk appearing on her face. She stretched her perfect bitchy body flexing her manicured claws and enjoying the feeling of being a Goddess.
“Alice… no… what have you done?”
“I’ve taken it all you fucking loser. All your mean, evil, manipulative thoughts exist inside me now. Thanks to your dumb plan, I now have Chelsea’s slutty body, Kenzie’s toned athletic perfection and your cruel bitchy mind. I am a fucking GODDESS!”
Reaching down Alice laughed as she scooped up the silver necklace. “I hope you enjoyed your time inside me like those other bitches did, but I’m tired of being the passenger. I’m in control now and I’m never going back.”
Mia backed away in fear as Alice loomed over her.
“Your reign is over and mine is just beginning…”
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Flanked by her two flunkies Grace and Tina (now perfected after they had drained the attributes of the other girls at school) Alice blew a kiss into the camera. It was six months since she had been fully transformed into an evil bully and she now combined all the worst aspects of her three former tormentors.
“Girls, once we finish here, let’s go find some hard cock to fuck then we can go round up some losers and bully the shit out of them.”
“Hehe, like we do everyday Alice?”
“You bet Grace. Being evil and spoiled never gets old does it?”
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miniwheat77 · 1 year
American Honey. Pt. 2 (Alejandro x Reader.)
!CW! NSFW, Smut, unprotected p in v sex, reader nearly gets injured, pregnancy, poorly translated Spanish, (sorry if I missed any.)
*not edited*
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The difference everything had made for you, was astounding. Everyone was nice to you. They included you, showed you respect you’d never been shown ever before on this base.
You had to give it to them, they were loyal to their Colonel.
There were still a few of them that were skeptical after everything, and very few people knew of what had actually happened during the time you and Alejandro spent out there.
Rudy was one of them.
Alejandro was making you get check ups to make sure you were okay, he was getting them too but there was a risk for pregnancy. That’s what he worried about.
It had been a couple months since everything had happened and you avoided Alejandro like it was the plague. Any glance he sent you had your skin crawling. The evil bug in your brain convinces you that there’s nothing else to discuss between the two of you. He doesn’t like you, he tolerates you. He didn’t actually want you. How could he? So. When you held that paperwork in your hands, bloodwork from your latest exam. Your heart fell apart right in your chest. “I’m so sorry Y/N.” The medic sighs. Resting her hand on your shoulder. “It’s okay. It’s fine. Just..” you sigh. “If Alejandro asks. About anything. This is between you and me. As far as he will know everything came back fine, and the test was negative.” You look at her, holding her close to look you in the eyes. She sighs. “But Y/N.. I can’t lie to h-“
“Please.” Your voice is unsteady. “I will tell him when I’m ready. Just.. please. Keep this between us.” You hold onto her hand. She sighs. “Okay. But you better tell him Y/N.” She sits down on the small cot with you. “What are you going to do?”
You look down. “I don’t know.”
After gathering your thoughts, you stand up. Making your way out of the infirmary and into the hallway. It’s cold, the lights are flickering from the storm outside. This was going to be a long night.
A knock at your door has you standing up quickly. Opening the door and allowing him inside. His jacket was damp, but he gave you a small amount of comfort. Passing you a brown paper grocery bag.
“What.. what do you need this for exactly?” He asks.
You sigh. “I just.. need to know for sure.” He sighs. “Y/N. They took your blood, that can’t be wrong. You’re pre-“ you raise your hand to stop him. “Rudy please.” Your voice is shaky. “Okay.. okay. I’ll wait here.” He sighs, sitting down on your bed. You disappear into the bathroom.
A few minutes later, you’re coming back out. Tears gathering in your eyes. He sees you falling apart and sighs. “Come here, Querida.” He sighs, waving you over to him. You sit down next to him on the bed, and he pulls you into a hug. “It’s going to be okay. You’re always welcome in our home, and my mother in law and wife know absolutely everything there is to know about children and all of this. They will help you through this, I promise. And.. Alejandro will take care of you.” Those words split a hole right through your heart, burning pain from holding in a sob branches out of your chest and finally escapes your lips, leaving Rudy sighing and pulling you into him tighter. “He can’t know, Rudy.” You look up at him. “What?”
“He didn’t want this, I don’t want this. He doesn’t even like me, he called me Gringa up until everything happened. He treated me like a prisoner Rudy. He can’t find out. Not until I want him to.” You suck in a hiccuped breath. Hearing Rudy sigh. “Listen to me. It’s going to be okay. No matter what. But as long as this baby has you, it will always know love. And I know for a fact that Alejandro has always wanted to be a dad. He doesn’t deserve to be cheated out of this, I know he’s been cruel. But he’s.. he’s just difficult.” Rudy sighs.
He hates going behind Alejandro’s back, discussing this with you when it should be him instead. “You will be okay. I promise. How about you come over for dinner on Saturday. You can talk about it with Maria, I’m sure the kids would love to see you.” He sighs. You nod your head, smiling. If there’s one thing you know about Rudy, is he loves his family. “Okay Rudy.” You nod. “I promise, it will be okay.” He grasps your hand in his.
Rudy doesn’t know what it is about you. Maybe it’s the deer in headlights look you always had when you got onto the base that had him falling in love with you, in a platonic way of course. You were just like his little sister, you always teased each other, and he was the only person on base that had any respect for you. Him and his wife took you in like they were a family you had missed out on. Once you had calmed down enough, Rudy left to let you sleep.
He closes your door quietly, turning to head back to his own room when Alejandro staring back at him has him jumping out of his skin. “Jesus Christ!” He breathes. Alejandro laughs, arms crossed. “Little odd to be leaving her room so late, hermano.” Alejandro raises an eyebrow. Rudy looks at him in confusion before what he’s implying has his eyes widening. “Woah- no. No no. I was just.. my family misses having her around so I invited her over to our house this weekend for dinner. I had to do it before I forgot.” Rudy says nervously. Alejandro nods. “For an hour?” He laughs. “¿Qué pasa con la presión, hermano? ¿Crees que soy una especie de jugador?” Rudy crosses his arms. “No, just hope you’re not risking your marriage.” Rudy shakes his head. “There’s not one woman on the planet that would make me risk Maria.” Rudy shakes his head. “Y/N is like a little sister to me.” He shakes his head. Alejandro nods. “Solo estoy jalando tu pierna. ¿Se encuentra ella bien?” Rudy nods. “Still stressed but she’ll be fine.” He nods.
Alejandro questions him more but like he said he would, Rudy says nothing.
Rudy hates keeping stuff from Alejandro. You needed to tell him. Soon.
After a big fight between you and Rudy, you knew it was over.
“You can’t go. You have to tell him now.” Rudy growls. “No. I can’t. Not yet.” Rudy sighs. “You’re risking your baby Y/N. You cannot go.” He groans. “I have no choice Rudy.” You growl. You try to shove passed him but he stops you. “Please. If you go, you tell him when it’s over. Or I will.” He swallows hard. You tug your hand away from him. You send him a glare, leaving the room. Walking away in a hurry. “Uh.. girl trouble?” Alejandro asks. Seeing Rudy slicking his hair back in frustration. “She’s just.. being a woman. You get it.”
Rudy was watching you like a hawk for the entire mission. He helped you up and down any steps or ramps, he was always at your side, and Alejandro was getting suspicious. Very suspicious. He helped you onto the helicopter and down. As you cleared out the base, he was watching your every move. When everything was clear, he was ushering you back to the helicopter. “Rudy. Quit it.” You mutter. “No. I need you out of here safe so that he doesn’t fucking kill me.” The both of you are alone inside of a building.
A gunshot sounding off, followed by a bullet flying passed your head is his final straw. You fall back onto the ground, eyes wide. “No!” Rudy yells. Opening fire on the assailant. Alejandro hears everything, rushing in quickly. Rudy is seething as he looks at you, crouched down to make sure you’re okay. “No more, no more of this. Es hora de decírselo. Si no lo haces, lo haré yo.” Rudy sighs. “No!” You stand up. “Goddamnit Y/N. Tell him now!” Rudy raises his voice. Alejandro looks between the both of you, worried. “What the hell is going on?” You look at Rudy. Eyes begging him to keep his mouth shut. But it’s too late. “She’s pregnant.” Alejandro’s mouth goes dry. Eyes going wide. “What?” He asks. His voice is quiet. “She’s been keeping it a secret for a couple months now. I’m sorry.” Rudy sighs.
“It’s.. it’s alright. Rudy. Thank you.” Alejandro nods. Rudy nods. Moving passed Alejandro to give the both of you space. Alejandro makes his way over to you, reaching a hand out for you to take. You look up at him. Taking his hand skeptically. He helps you back up to your feet, making sure you’re okay. “Y/N..” he sighs. “Why didn’t you tell me?” He asks. “Because. It’s not your responsibility.” You breathe. “It’s both of ours, how could you keep that from me?” He asks. “I was going to tell you Alejandro I just..” your voice is getting uneven. “You don’t like me, why on earth would you want this?” He breathes. “That doesn’t mean anything. That doesn’t mean that I won’t take care of you. Merezco saberlo.” He sighs. “And.. this mission. You being out here. It’s a huge risk. I can’t believe you would endanger yourself like this. We need to go.” He shakes his head. “We’ll talk more later.” He sighs. He’s still holding onto his rifle tightly, shaking his head as he walks away.
You’re standing in your mirror, putting your hair up. It was still damp since you had just showered. Your shirt is getting too tight on you, you hate it.
A knock at your door has you sighing, you expect it to be Rudy. But you’re surprised when it’s Alejandro coming in. He takes in a deep breath when he sees you. Your bump is already forming and Alejandro can feel the ache in his chest. “I uh.. I brought you this.” He reaches his hand out. It’s a bag of cookies. “Maria said you liked them.” He smiles. You smile, taking them from him. “You talked to Rudy..” you mumble. “Sí, amor.” He sighs. “I.. I was mad. So angry at you.” He sighs. “But I talked to him and he made me realize. That.. you think I don’t like you, that I don’t want this.” You look down, avoiding his gaze.
“We started off wrong, and I want to make it up to you, Y/N.” He sighs. “I was an asshole, I know that. Por favor, perdóname.” He breathes. “Alejandro.. I don’t expect you to-“ he knows it’s against his better judgement to do it, but he cups your cheeks. Kissing you hard. You melt right into him, kissing him right back.
When he pulls away, you’re breathing hard. “Alejandro, I don’t know ab-“ he removes the hairbrush you’ve got in your hands, pushing you back into your bed. He kisses you again, lips sloppily moving with yours as he moves himself on top of you, avoiding resting any of his weight on you. “I’ll show you. You can be mine, American Honey.” He breathes. You smile up at him, cheeks burning red. He kisses down your neck, and you can’t help but pant as he touches you. The feelings he’s making you feel are intense, and you’re drawn to him more than you ever have before.
“I know you feel it too.” He breathes. Chewing nervously at his lip. “Lasting effects of everything maybe. Or maybe.. there’s still some of that drug left over.” He breathes. His fingers gliding over your bare skin has you gasping out. He leans down again, attacking your neck once more. Kissing down your chest. He squeezes your breasts through your shirt and you whine. Lifting your hips up into him. His mind is fuzzy, clouded with lust, or maybe this is what love feels like. He’s pushing your shirt up over your chest, kissing down your chest. Taking his time, running his tongue over your nipples. You’re a mess, whining out his name. “Ah- Alejandro.” You pant. He’s kissing down your body, stopping to press a gentle kiss to your stomach. He moves lower, helping you remove your shorts. He looks up at you once more, before swiping his tongue over your clit. You tense up, a gasp leaving your lips. He moves you closer to him. Tugging you down the bed with your thighs. “So sweet. Such a sweet fucking pussy.” He gasps. The sounds he makes as he devours you are lewd, filthy. The only thing you can hear throughout the room aside from your cries that have to be quiet.
He reaches up to cup your breasts with his hands, rolling your nipples between his fingers. He moans into you, the vibrations sending chills up your spine. You raise your hips into him, telling him you want more. He holds you still, taking his time pleasuring you.
He pulls away, seeing your blushing clit. Swollen and abused just like he wanted it. He removes all of his clothes quickly. Moving himself over you. He kisses you again, feeling you relax into him. He looks between the both of you, biting his lip and looking at you for permission. You nod your head. He kisses you again, brushing your hair out of your face as he lines himself with your entrance. The feeling of him sinking into you is too much. Sparks shooting through you. Maybe there was some of that drug somewhere inside of you. You moan out, but he quickly covers your mouth with his hand. “Shh.. try to stay quiet for me darling.” He breathes. Another gasp leaves your lips when he slides in completely. The way that he stretches you out, fills you completely full, not an inch of you that he hasn’t touched.
You tilt your head back, moaning out quietly. As he starts rocking his hips into you, you’re falling apart. Tears filling your eyes before looking at your tear ducts and running down your cheeks. He presses his forehead to yours, forcing you to look at him. “I will take care of you. You’re mine, my honey. I have you now. Se siente tan bien.” He grits his teeth, his lower stomach is already tight. The way you feel wrapped so tight around him is too much. He pushes your thigh up, raising your legs to hold onto you, kissing your calf as he thrusts into you. His touches are soothing, doing the opposite of what his cock is doing to you, working you up. Orgasm building up inside of your core. You’re ready to beg for it. You’re biting your lip to stay quiet, admiring the way that his tanned skin looks. His chest is hairy and he has a couple tattoos on his body. He’s toned, lips parted as he pants. He’s feeling good too.
Your thighs shiver, and you look up at him. “Alejandro, M’gonna cum.” You whine. He raises your other leg, holding them together as he props himself up, keeping a steady pace.
“Go on. Muéstrame cómo te corres, niña bonita.” He’s holding eye contact with you as he rocks his hips into yours at a steady pace, working an orgasm out of you. Your chest starts to raise faster and you reach forward to rub gentle circles on your clit. “Yeah.. there you go.” He breathes. “Give yourself to me.” He breathes. You clutch the sheets with your other hand, eyes rolling back as he fucks you through your orgasm, feeling you buck your hips up. Crying out and whining his name. He should cover your mouth, quiet you. But he can’t.
Once he’s worked you through your high, you open your legs, forcing him back away from you. He looks confused. “Lay down.” You nod. “Wait, no. Let me take care of y-“ he gasps lightly as you shove him back, moving on top of him. You sit on top of him, moaning as you slide down onto him. You rest your hands on his chest, whimpering as you rock your hips into him. He’s not going to last long like this.
“Ah- fuck. Se siente tan bien cariño.” He hisses. Holding your hips and guiding you into him. He’s got a look of pain on his face, but it’s the opposite. “Ah- just like that. Just like that, I’m going to- Ugh!” He moans out, eyes shutting tight and he lets his head fall back. You’re rocking your hips into him until he’s gasping, trying to hold you steady. Breathing hard from the way that you’ve just made him feel. He’s panting as he comes down from his high. Sliding to the side so that you’ll lay next to him.
“A new beginning, Cariño. I’ll take care of you. I promise.” He breathes, resting his hand on your stomach.
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You are literally going to get people killed by pushing them to vote third party. People voting third party is why Trump won in 2016, which allowed him to stack the Supreme Court with conservative garbage which is going to negatively affect us for DECADES to come (already has, since it led to the repeal of Roe v. Wade which has LITERALLY killed people). I'm baffled, because you've done so much good work on this website (like I still go back and regularly reread your posts on whiteness etc because they're so informative), but advocating for voting third party going into one of the most important elections in recent memory is actively harmful.
Like have you heard of Project 2025? In case you haven't it's literally like a 1000 page manifesto for the Republican party to reshape the federal government to essentially let the President become a dictator. It also expressly mentions plans to roll back rights for women, the LGBT community, and pretty much any other minority you can think of. I know things are bad now - not arguing that at all - but if Republicans win next year, things will get EXPONENTIALLY WORSE.
You can sit there and yell about Democrats being "just as bad" until you're blue in the face, but it's literally not true. The Democratic Party itself is obviously just another problematic institution and there are definitely Dems who showed their entire asses with supporting Israel, but like... Progressive Democrats do exist and while they're obviously not perfect, it's absolutely a step in the right direction. Not to mention Republicans literally need to cheat by gerrymandering and attacking voting rights for minorities in order to even get elected in a lot of places, whereas Democrats tend to win when more people are registered and actually show up to vote. They are not the same, and the harm they do is not the same.
Again, I have a lot of respect for the work you do, especially with your recent posts on the Palestinian genocide. But I vehemently disagree with your stance on voting third party in this upcoming election. Ideally I would love if we could vote third party and actually have multiple options that more accurately represent us as a population, but our current system is a two party one and unfortunately we literally do have to vote for the lesser of two evils, because one option sucks but preserves what little democracy we have (and gives us a chance of making it better) and one will literally bring genocide against trans people. I would personally rather not see that happen.
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How can you say this and mention the Palestinian genocide in the same ask.
Democrats are getting people killed. In fact they're committing one of The worst crime against humanity possible and then only thing you're worried about is that things might get worse for gay people if a Republicans wins.
I'm the biggest queer I know. I'm native. I'm brown. I'm almost definitely on a watch list. And listen to me and understand the depth of my words when I say: my people have been oppressed the way Project2025 outlines.
And maybe you personally cared or helped us protest that. But most people didn't. In fact I can't remember the last time the US supported native rights at all.
But now that YOURE under threat I'm supposed to risk my life because the queer community can't be bothered to stop discoursing about neopronouns long enough to actual give an shit about saving the community?
Y'all got a lot of damn nerve, let me tell you.
Go bark up some other tree cuz this is not the one.
Also I'm not pushing anyone to vote 3rd party. I'm laying out facts. Facts are a Gallup poll says 63% of people would vote 3rd party. Facts are my Tumblr poll says that number is STILL at least 45% on the hellsite.
And since people are interested in voting 3rd party they should know their options. The people who say "I would vote 3rd party but they don't have support" also deserve to see the articles that said 63% of people would join them.
They deserve to know that 3rd parties currently hold a not insignificant amount percentage of support from the two main parties. 20% of votes. When 33% is an even split are good odds. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Sorry, blue Fascists, but this country is in fact still a democracy and just because you Want people to vote blue doesn't mean they have to and you feeling they're the best doesn't make you right!
Other people aren't "wrong" for not wanting your conservative Jurassic party in power anymore.
They can vote how they want.
And if you see a poll that says 63% of people would rather NOT vote for either major party and your first thought is not: wow 63% is enough to elect someone we want, I'll support that.
And instead you go: how can I force them to vote for my party instead.
Then please understand it is not THEM splitting the vote. Biden will get MAYBE 40% votes. You gonna force 63% of the country to vote for someone they don't even want?
There's a name for that yeah?
How'd it work out in 2016 when y'all "forced" us to vote for Hillary by putting her on the ballot? She lost and she wasn't even actively commiting a genocide.
But you think Biden will not only earn votes from that 63% but he'll also win the election. Against trump. Which less blatantly shitty democrats have struggled to contend with?
Democrats are legitimately delusional.
Your problem is you see Democrats as being better than Republicans. While the rest of us see less and less of a difference every year. And you can only say you're "better" if you're different enough.
See this is what happens when you vote for the "lesser evil." Eventually that evil balances back out and you're left with the truth that your two main options are just evil.
Now the only people actually different enough to make that argument are third parties.
Coincidentally, that's what people are drawn to right now.
I know, go figure. It's almost like it makes sense to lose support when you consistently prop up shitty candidates nobody asked for every 4 years.
We do not have a two party system and you know that, that's why you sent this ask.
Cuz you're stressed dems might lose. Cuz you KNOW people have other options.
Good. Cuz they will lose if Biden is the democrat's nominee and Claudia de la Cruz stays in the race, which she will since she's running with PSL not democrats. So there's no competition. Her party is organized and chosen her and a VP already, she's guaranteed every one of their votes because her party works like a union does.
It's a wrap.
Biden can't use his "lesser evil" script with Claudia De La Cruz on the ballot actively challenging his genocide and imperialism.
Vote Claudia De La Cruz cuz you are a scooping water out of the Titanic trying to get 63% of Americans to think voting for a Genocidal warmonger is what's best for any of us, let alone the planet. And we didn't want him BEFORE he did any of this.
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elliebyrrdwrites · 7 days
Nott Manor looked like something that was built based on a Victorian Era Gothic novel. In fact, it was built during the Victorian Era after demolishing the old home that was wrought with decay and dark magic. The home sat on nearly 35 acres that had been passed through the male lineage and was located right in the middle of Derbyshire, surrounded by thick woods.
The home was all slate gray stone and bricks built into a three story manor that donned pointed rooftops and cylinder shaped columns on either side. The home had been there so long that the earth wanted to gobble it up. Ivy was growing alongside the front of the house and along the edges, almost all the way up to the second story. Age and weather darkened the shingles and along the edges, appearing to be a rather sad little home, even in the middle of a bright and sunny afternoon.
Overall, the home looked quaint, even for a manor that had passed through generations of Notts. But these lands were heavily guarded by dark magic and impenetrable wards. Not even the ministry bothered Theo. They knew what he did for a living, often hiring him themselves. But the history of the Nott family and the danger of entering into their land without Nott’s permission was too dangerous.
And beneath the home was the most wicked slice of property.
It was accessible through the woods that hugged the southside of the property. A cellar door was built into the middle of the woods and inside of this door, were stairs that led them deep underground. The cellars were stone and frigid cold. Moisture dripped from the walls, as if the land itself wept for anyone unfortunate enough to be placed within.
The cellar went deep and consisted of a very large, open room that held several small cells barred off. But each cell allowed a view into the middle of the room where a large, stone slab dais sat. A table for working on prisoners, adorned with leather straps bolted into the rock.
Currently, Cormac McLaggen was huddled into the cell furthest in, huddled against the stone walls and Draco could barely recognize the man. One of his eyes was so badly beaten that it was swollen shut and the skin was tight and black with blood that was trapped beneath the surface. He had a broken nose that appeared to be healed several times before it was beaten again and again. His golden brown hair was tainted red and his clothes were dirty and also covered in blood.
Theo went to town on him, apparently having a field day with him before allowing Draco to have his turn.
The sound of Draco and Theo’s shoes clipping against stone and dirt caused McLaggen to jerk his head up in fear and his back to press further into the corner.
His one good eye was following their every step as they stepped into view.
With his hands in his pockets, Draco tilted his head to appraise the man who fooled the world into believing that he was decent. Into making everyone believe he had coveted Granger only to willingly hand her over to a psychopathy.
The memory of the way Cormac’s hand had gripped on Hermione’s. The way he had tried to lure her with lust in his eyes and evil in his heart...it was enough to make Draco want to kill him now.
And, he could.
He could kill him quickly, with a curse. He could take his time, dismembering him as he cried out for help. He could do it anyway he chose, because nobody would ever know.
Nobody would ever find him. He’d shrink each limb down into little bite sized pieces and then toss them into the fireplace that Theo’s ancestors installed into this room for that very reason.
But, he had to stay focused. He needed Cormac to talk.
“McLaggen,” Draco drawled as he stepped up to the bars. “Enjoying your stay at Nott Manor?” Cormac said nothing, only gulped and lifted his chin in defiance. “You should feel lucky.” Draco gripped onto a bar and slid his hand up, looking around at the tiny cell. “Not many people get invited inside.”
Theo chuckled, shaking his head as he leaned his hip against the raised, stone slab in the middle of the room. Along the wall opposite of the cells were tools meant to cut, cut and inflict the most amount of pain onto the human body. There was no need a wand here, in order to make a man speak. Draco didn’t need the magic that thrummed inside of him as he watched the man cower away as Draco moved to the cell door. Because this man had willingly pursued a woman he never intended on dating. He only had ill intentions and Draco found it hard to feel any remorse for what was about to happen to him as Theo flicked his wrist and allowed the door to spring open.
Cormac pushed himself further into the wall, uselessly kicking his bare feet against the dirty floor. They slid and slid and he went nowhere.
Nowhere, at all as Draco slowly stepped inside of the cell and pinned his cold dead stare onto him.
It was easy to slide back into this colder version of himself. It was where he had to live most of his life, particularly in public. And it wasn’t until his father was arrested and put on trial did Draco allow himself to reach the tips of his finger out for a bit of something good and warm.
It was what allowed him to kiss Granger that day outside of the courtroom.
But remembering the way she had hugged him before he kissed her? The way she had responded to him when he did? It was what allowed him to slip into this terrible person he had dreaded becoming again. Because he would do it if it meant she would remain safe. He would do it if it got him the answers he needed to make sure she stays alive.
“You have been a very naughty wizard, haven’t you, Cormac?”
“Tsk, tsk, tsk.” Theo clicked his tongue against his front teeth and wagged his finger at the man, illiciting more fear to grow in his eyes.
Crouching down in front of him, Draco rested his elbows on his knees and peered at him. Cold, murderous eyes met wide, frightened ones and for a moment, Draco said nothing. He simply allowed the fear and anxiety to build and build as he waited for whatever may come.
When Draco inhaled, McLaggen winced. Draco smirked as he spoke. “I’m going to give you one shot, Cormac.” He held up a finger. “Just one.” His eyes refused to release Cormac’s. “To tell me everything I want to know. When you, inevitablly, fail to give me what I want, I will have to force it out of you.”
Theo started to bounce on his heels, Draco could feel the anticipation in his friend from here.
“And there is no need for Veritaserum, here.” Draco waved a hand over his shoulder, gesturing to the wall of tools meant for today’s session. “Because you will, eventually, talk. You will tell me everything I want to know or I wont hand you over to the DMLE. I will not take pity on you. You will remain her, enduring anything Theo wishes to inflict upon you, every day.” He paused and allowed his eyes to roam Cormac’s face, reading the fear and disbelief hidden in his eyes before he finished. “Until your body gives out and your mind has checked out.” He stood and slid his hand back into his pocket. “And then you will die here. Alone.”
He spun on his heels and jerked his head at Theo. “Shall we get started?”
Theo wiggled his eyebrows before rushing past Draco and into the cell.
Cormac started to kick and scream. “No, no. Malfoy!” He was clawing at the floor and the wall as Theo grabbed a foot and began to drag him across the cell floor and toward the stone slab.
Draco turned around to observe the archaic and primitive devices of torture when the sound of bone snapping echoed in the room before Cormac’s howl erupted.
Spinning around, Draco lifted a brow as Theo let go of the man’s foot. It was twisted at an unnatural angle and was already turning black and blue. It was broken, twisted and snapped at the ankle. Draco sighed and lifted something off of the wall.
“Really, Theo?”
Theo rolled his eyes and shrugged before pulling his wand from the holster on his chest and aimed it at the man. Cormac’s body levitated into the air before it landed, clumsily, onto the stone slab. The straps quickly cinched over his ankles and his wrists before they tightened and pinned Cormac’s body to the rock.
“I really felt like he needed a reminder as to who, exactly, we are.”
“You’re fucking Death Eaters!” McLaggen lifted his head and snarled before he descended into a groan of pain as his broken ankle strained against the binds holding him down.
“Actually,” Draco slid the device up to Cormac’s hand and shoved his fingers in. A large metal screwed was attached to two slabs of metal. Once one was to start twisting the screw, the top slab would lower and lower until the fingertips were crushed and rendered useless. “I was the Death Eater.” Draco sniffed and began to twist the screw, watching with intrigue, as the top metal plate began to lower. “Of course, I didn’t want to be one, mind you. But, if you’re going to go around throwing accusations, you may as well get your facts straight.” He huffed when the plate finally met the pads of his fingers. “But, you know, we are not the ones in question here, McLaggen.” He twisted and twisted and Cormac began to growl in pain. His one good eye squeezed shut as his groans turned into screams.
“Yes.” Theo hummed and tilted his head, watching the fingers turn red and then blue as the bones began to break beneath the pressure. “What are you, McLaggen? What kind of prosecutor gives his date a glass of poisoned champagne?”
Draco’s lips pulled back as he bared his teeth, twisting and twisting the screw until skin began to break.
“I didn’t know it was poisoned!”
“Liar!” Draco stepped back and shoved his hair away from his forehead. “I saw Moore help you escape. You have been hounding Granger, practically begging her for a date.”
“Because I fancy her!” Cormac cried. “I’ve fancied her since school, you idiot!”
“Then why did you poison her?” Theo asked, calmly as Draco moved and grabbed a poker off of the wall. With his wand, he lit a fire and held it up to the tip of the prongs.
“I didn’t know it was meant to harm her.” He was panting through the pain, his eye wildly searching for Draco. “It was only supposed to knock her out.”
“Why?” Draco’s eyes glanced from the poker, to Cormac.
“Because I wanted to take her home with me. Moore told me that he would help me win her over.”
Draco snarled and stabbed him in the shoulder with the poker. “Win her over? How on earth would knocking her out win her over? What the hell did you plan on doing with her once you got her home, McLaggen?”
Theo rested his elbow onto Cormac’s chest and tucked his hand under his chin as he grinned down at him. “I think you should take his good eye, Dray.”
“His eye?” Draco frowned and pulled the poker out of his shoulder and held it up so that Cormac could see it. “With this?”
“Yes, he doesn’t need it to speak.” He batted his eyes down at Cormac. “Do you?”
Cormac was panting, gasping for air, his eye rolling around in pain. But he balked at Theo’s voice close to his face. “I wanted to fuck her!” He admitted, causing Theo to suck through his teeth and shake his head.
The heat of anger dissipated, and Draco was struck anew with that frigid cold. it was like death, seeping out from his pores. Death he could deliver to anyone he deemed worthy of it.
“You knew she didn’t want you.” His voice was just as cold. Just as dead.
“You or Weasley don’t deserve her!” Cormac’s angry was suddenly bursting out of him. “Weasley is a useless idiot and you!” He laughed. “You are nothing but the worst kind of trash.”
“And you?” Theo continued to dig his elbow into Cormac’s chest. “You, the mighty prosecutor with big dreams to turn politician? What was your end game? To force Granger into being your wife so that you could run for minister and have all of the support she fought for to be bestowed onto you?”
Draco could see Cormac’s death, now. It would be so fucking easy. And it would feel good. He didn’t want to use the poker. He didn’t want to use a knife or even a wand. He wanted to use his hands.
“She would have made the perfect trophy wife.” Cormac sneered up at Theo.
But Theo was smiling, serenely. As if Cormac had said exactly what he hoped he would have said. Unbeknownst to him or even Draco, tucked into Theo’s right hand which was resting on the slab just beside Cormac’s right side, was a knife meant for gutting game.
Cormac grunted as the blade jabbed into his side, right between two ribs, while Theo kept his eyes trained on his and watched the man grow pale as the knife twisted.
Theo was taking over for Draco because he had to. Draco was going to kill Cormac. And then they would never get the information they needed. And then his soul would be tainted in a way he had worked to avoid for years and years.
Because, he wanted to save his soul to match Hermione’s. The idea reminded him that she was at home, waiting for him. She knew he could be a bad man and she wanted him anyway.
Draco dropped the heavy, iron poker and watched Cormac flinch as it clattered against the stone. “Tell me about Moore.“
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showmey0urfangs · 2 months
This person on twitter said that any sex between loumand after 1949 is considered rape by deception. If i don’t agree on this, does that make me a bad person? is this even true at all?? i promise im not starting shit, sometimes im genuinely confused on how to navigate this show (and the fandom) because im not educated enough about its heavy themes. and now i dont even know if i can continue shipping loumand if thats how ppl think of them. you dont have to answer this if you dont want to im sorry if i bringing you discomfort i just dont know what to think and i have nobody to discuss this show with. https://x.com/dhampirdulac/status/1812391085974454647?s=46
Hi Anon! I've seen this same kind of talk floating around both on here and on Twitter. I don't agree with it personally. I think it stems from wanting to apply human morality and human logic to creatures that are not. These are monsters, as beautiful and alluring as they may look.
If we follow this logic, then every single sexual encounter Louis had with Lestat in season 1 was also rape. Lestat gives Louis the dark gift under duress and false pretenses, and he lies to him and manipulates him throughout their entire relationship. How dare people ship them and find their sex scenes enjoyable?! Jail!!!
I've also seen people argue that the only reason Louis continues to have sex with Lestat is because he uses it as his only bargaining chip to avoid further violent outbursts. Or that he traded it in exchange for making Claudia. Therefore all the sex between them is also rape by coercion. And if you enjoy it then you are an immoral pervert! Jail!!!
I've also seen folks argue that due to Armand's past trauma, he's unable to fully consent to the type of dynamic that he and Louis engage in. He's using BDSM as a form of self harm and evil devious former pimp Louis uses it to manipulate him. So he's also being raped each time he has sex with Louis or that Louis orders him to bend over face down ass up in the coffin. Jail!!!
I've also seen the argument that in s1 ep6, Lestat allows Louis to rape him in a similar way to what Magnus did to him. But Lestat allows it to happen because he feels it's the only way to get Louis back. So if you enjoyed the hate fuck scene in that episode, jail!!!
And of course, you also have the issue of the vast and problematic age gap with Armand and Daniel. A brown man who is former sex slave dating a white man who once referred to him as a rent boy and mocked his religious beliefs. Outrageous! But on the flip side, you have a vulnerable and frail old man who is attacked and coerced into vampirism by an infinitely more powerful being, and who is now forced to be connected to him for eternity. How can Daniel possibly consent to sex in that situation? Unacceptable! Jail!!!
Oh, and Claudia is also being raped by Madeleine because she's older in human years and clearly has a penchant for younger partners. But on the flip side, Madeleine is being raped by Claudia because Claudia is older in vampiric years and far more powerful than her. Immediate Jail for both of them!!!
So basically by this logic, all the characters on the show are constantly raping each other left and right, and we as an moral and righteous audience should not be enjoying any of it lest we be branded apologists and perverts.
I find this to be such a laughably surface level and reductive way of looking at the complex dynamics between these characters. And again, it seeks to define them in human terms and to confine them to a human understanding of what a "healthy" loving relationship looks like.
At this point I have no interest in engaging with any of this because we've been having this same discourse for the past two years. Once you scratch beneath the surface, it very quickly became evident that all these arguments are just strawman. It's a way for people to minimize and dismiss ships or characters they don't like and prop up the ones they do. It's a way for them to virtue signal and pretend they are better and smarter than all the other unrefined peasants who are consuming this show 'wrong'. They are morally superior because they prefer one blood thirsty serial killer over all the others. It's a boring, sterile and useless discussion.
I'd say keep shipping Loumand if you want to, or don't if it makes you uncomfortable. But I think the people making these arguments need to consider that perhaps a dark gothic romance about toxic monsters that kill for a living is not the right show for them. Like I said a year ago, if you want bland, sanitized, PG rated, unproblematic vampires, there is always Twilight. ✨😊
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jewish-vents · 2 months
Don't ever forget that Israel's shitty government(s) has always been just a convenient excuse. Israel has done terrible things but it's never been about that. The moment goyim realised we were still alive (Insert Dara Horn quote here) and could fight back and be capable of wrong like all human beings, we became the enemy. We became the enemy when they realised we aren't just some sob story that they can cry about. Even if Israel had the best government in the world, they'd still hate us. Why? Because they want us to die at the hands of the Muslim extremists. They want us to die so they can cry about how oppressed we are and then die of guilt because all they ever do is feel guilty and let that control them. That's why they "care" about Palestinians and even Romani people. They see Palestinians as inherently weak, as they previously viewed us. They view them as inherently innocent and victims no matter what hence the fetishisation of their violence which then results in the extreme Hamas support that we are witnessing. They basically switched us out for Palestinians, hurting both groups. The Nakba replaces the Holocaust. They view Palestinian history the way they used to view Jewish history; as Palestinians being inherently unlucky and being violently oppressed for no reason all the time (I remember seeing goyim talk about us being treated badly in most countries and being "unlucky" and treated as this common boogeyman, many years ago).
Why hate this group? They've never done anything wrong! Is the way that they think. Now they see that we are human beings which means we are capable of doing bad things makes us evil and the Worst. I cannot stress this enough: Israel would always be seen as bad no matter what. Even if the history was different, the message is clear: JEWS ARE NOT ALLOWED IN THE MIDDLE EAST. We are meant to be slaughtered in Europe and that's it. I remember this "activist" tiktoker I used to follow. He posted a tiktok about how Germany should be split into two: one part being Germany and the next part being Israel. The logic is simple here. We are white Europeans and that's it. Additionally this removes the guilt of everyone else, especially the Middle East which prouldly supported Hitler. He even met with Muslim leaders.
According to everyone we must politely die without any inconvenience. The fact that the Nazis were portrayed as white worked in our favour. They pretended to care then. But once they realized our enemies, the ones who hate us so much they need to kill every single one of us and wipe up off this earth the same way they describe zionists and israel to be, were brown, they showed us who they truly are: they chose the brown side. We transformed into evil white people overnight. Why do you think almost every Jewish celeb has been accused of being a zionist? It's because everyone's becoming nazis. I don't use that word lightly. They're literally discovering that many in Hollywood are Jewish for the first time. They didn't care before. But they do now. It's angering them. They're thinking: why are so many Jews in powerful positions? They'e starting to think: this is not normal....the Jews are responsible for everything bad! Except they get to hide behind the word zionist. As a result Josh Shapiro gets singled out and had a reduced chance of being VP. Why do you think so many of them are now saying "Zionists control the media/the world/etc"? Because they're having their nazi phase (well here's to hoping and wishful thinking lmfao). How is this any different from white supremacists who angrily scream about how we control everything? Every time a big world event happens or anything happens tbh we get blamed by the progressives. We're getting blamed right now for white supremacists going on rampages throughout England. How dare they?! They use the words pogrom and nazi every second to describe what is happening in England right now. How dare they take our words and use them for everyone but us and then say we are the real nazis and the one and only evil in the world. And we're the colonisers?!
Lastly I cannot get rid of the bitter taste of irony. They are trying to paint Israel as the ultimate evil and the things they lie about Israel reflect what everyone has done to us. But they'll never see it because we're the ultimate oppressors.
Marilyn Monroe converted to Judaism and Muslim countries banned her movies. Muslim countries have historically banned Holocaust movies. If you want to see real ethnic cleansing and genocide look at what the Jewish populations of Arab countries have been forced to experience.
We cannot afford to be trembling Jews with shaking knees. We must stand up for ourselves. No one else's gonna do it. All we have is ourselves. And our small but amazing allies of course. But it's limited. We need to support each other harder than ever. A Jewish American woman didn't feel safe as a Zionist abortion advocate. She then created her own space for Jews/Zionists. Of course gentiles harassed her. But our love will always be stronger than their hate. It's hard but stay safe. Have a weapon if you must. There's so little of us that they can overpower us as we've seen countless times especially recently. We need to fight back. We cannot afford to be cowards.
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purrlockholmesbooks · 2 months
Jekyll and Hyde
This is a piece I wrote a few years ago about the morality of fiction writing. I swear it's not boring – I mean, it has pumpkin-spiced murder in it!
One night I dreamed that I found a severed head under my bookshelf.
Unable to sleep, I turned on my Kindle to read something soothing that contained no decapitation – hardly a tall order, I thought – only to find Dracula (decapitation of vampires), Tales of Terror and Mystery (the line ‘but where, pray, is Myrtle's head?’ is self-explanatory) and The Father Brown Stories (three cases of beheaded corpses). The one safe book was Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde – hardly a bedtime story.
I supposed I should have expected it: my reading list has always reflected my latest writing expedition, which at the moment is a story about a Victorian lady investigating a series of murders committed by a reanimated pumpkin-headed corpse that decapitates villagers to create more pumpkin-headed people. In the end, the Victorian lady runs away with the creator of the monster (an equally misanthropic doctor) and the pair set off to plague society with their creations.
It was only after the nightmare that I realised how gruesome my story was. Was I justifying and romanticising serial killing? Would I join the ranks of writers whose works were being censored? Should I put political correctness before artistic freedom? Perhaps there’s no right answer, but when I got out of bed the following morning, I knew I wouldn’t alter my story. In inveterate people-pleaser, writing is the only place I allowed myself to be selfish, and I wasn’t going to let anyone take away that freedom.
Until I started high school I was home-schooled. I was precocious, different, and everyone felt it. My peers found me intimidating so I resorted to keeping my head down and understating my abilities. It was during that time that I began my story of the pumpkin-headed fiend.
Something in my chest loosened as I wrote – and unleashed all my stifled resentment and pain, making heads roll and monsters howl.
I wrote about a young woman who had been raised to be quiet and sensible, who found freedom in creating monsters that could act in a way she couldn’t against the tide of humanity. What her monsters were to her, my stories are to me.
So, let me tell you modest and genteel Jekylls: don’t let anyone say you can’t be an evil Hyde in your writing.
About the author: Amanda spends her time writing, drawing and being far too excited over reference books about Victorian food. This is the first piece she has dared to send to Mslexia since her many embarrassing poetry submissions at age 13.
Thank you @nalesnik-z-morela for asking to read it, I'm flattered you'd want to after I described it as 'a piece about the morality of writing'!
This piece was published in the Mslexia magazine's Elevenses newsletter.
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noirsfantasy · 10 months
On the fifth day of Christmas…
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𝔄 𝔓𝔲𝔫𝔨 ℜ𝔬𝔠𝔨 ℭ𝔥𝔯𝔦𝔰𝔱𝔪𝔞𝔰
𝔭𝔞𝔦𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔤 ➛ Hobie Brown x Black!Fem Reader
𝔯𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔫𝔥 ➛ Fluff
𝔴𝔬𝔯𝔡 𝔠𝔬𝔲𝔫𝔱 ➛1.5K
𝔰𝔶𝔫𝔬𝔭𝔰𝔦𝔰 ➛ It’s time to decorate the tree, although it’s not going according to plan. You had the perfect idea of how a Christmas tree should look. However, your boyfriend, Hobie, had other ideas. You both begin to argue and it seems to be going no where. Words are said and feelings get hurt. Will you be able to fix this?
𝔞/𝔫 ➛ Guys, I can confirm that Hobie is just a big kid on the inside. But while some might think he’s spewing nonsense, he might actually have a point. I hope you enjoy!
12 Days of Christmas Masterlist
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“No, Hobes! It doesn’t go there.” I swat Hobie’s hand away from the tree as he attempts to place one of his Star Wars ornaments in the center. It's Christmas Eve and Hobie and I are facing off in front of a pile of decorations. This familiar argument about how to decorate the tree is playing out for what feels like the millionth time. My preference leans towards a more structured and organized aesthetic, while Hobie leans towards a free and chaotic approach, arguing that an orderly tree is a submission to capitalism.
“Right, how 'bout this, then?” Hobie holds up some blue tinsel, and I immediately push his hands away from the tree once again.
"I'm not putting that on the tree, Hobie. It goes gold and then red! Blue shouldn’t be anywhere near this tree." I explain while wrapping the red tinsel around the tree. Hobie rolls his eyes.
“What’s the issue? Blue’s a good color.” He throws his hands up, looking at me incredulously. Ignoring him, I continue sorting through the decorations for matching ornaments.
“Oh, so you're just gonna let the suits dictate your every move, huh? You gonna let the capitalist drones run your life?" Hobie accuses, snatching the tinsel from my hands and wrapping it the opposite way.
"Oh, don't start that, Hobie. I just want our tree to look nice and neat this year." I argue, reclaiming the tinsel and wrapping it correctly. Hobie persists, emphasizing his disdain for conforming to holiday traditions dictated by corporations.
“Yeah, you're just a conformist sheep, ain't ya? No clue what's really goin' on, just followin' the herd. Wake up, man!” He says angrily, wrapping the tinsel even more so. He looks at me as if I am completely clueless.
"Conformist to what? Santa Claus's evil agenda?" I mock, yanking the tinsel out of his hands. Hobie snickers, but he doesn’t look impressed.
“The corporations are manipulating the spirit of Christmas, so you’ll buy presents! Can’t you see that, you wanker?”
"Who gives a damn? It's Christmas for Christ's sake!" I throw my hands up and it seems our conversation is getting out of hand. Hobie scrunches up his nose as the argument escalates.
“Exactly! It’s Christmas! The day when you’re supposed to be spending time with people you love, not maxing out your credit card on useless junk. Can't blame ya, it's that corporate mind game. Same goes for Valentine's Day—just another cash grab, man!” He starts to enter into his rant about how Valentine’s Day is pointless. Ignoring his conspiracy theories, I redirect our focus.
"Don't even start! Listen, we're not putting your stupid Star Wars ornaments on the tree and that's final. Now stop arguing and hand me those angel ornaments, will you?" I huff as I hold out my hand, determined to maintain order.
“These Star Wars ornaments are rad! Come on, just a little—” Hobie protests, attempting to convince me to allow at least one Star Wars ornament. "How 'bout just the Baby Yoda? Stick it in the back, it'll be lowkey." I sigh, contemplating the idea for a moment.
"Fine, you can put it right there." I relent, pointing to the spot on the tree. Hobie's face immediately lights up when I give in and allow him to put a baby Yoda ornament up, near the back. Despite his punk rock appearance, he actually has a soft side.
"Cheers, luv," Hobie smiles at me. He quickly unwraps the baby Yoda ornament and carefully placed it where I pointed, and then steps back to admire the result. I cringe at the way it clashes with my previous work.
“So what do you think?” He asks, looking over at me. I don’t really respond, instead looking off to the side. Hobie’s smile begins to fade when he realizes that I am unimpressed by the result of his handiwork.
“What’s wrong with it?” His facial expression turns into one of confusion. “I think it turned out pretty nice,” He said, defending his choice of decoration.
"It doesn't match, Hobes. It looks out of place like I knew it would." I grumble, crossing my arms. Hobie looks at me, genuinely hurt, and his expression turns sad.
"Sorry, luv..." He apologizes, his voice soft and sincere. "I just thought it would be cool... But I guess I don't know anything about aesthetics." He puts his hands in his pockets and lowers his head. He seems genuinely upset that I didn't like his contribution. Hobie turns away from me, deflated as he walks out of the room. I feel a twinge of guilt as I turn to look back at the tree.
His shoulders are hunched up and he is obviously disappointed. As he leaves the room, he mutters, "Stupid Christmas tree..." under his breath. I can't help but feel a bit guilty as I continue to look at the tree.
I stare at it, watching the out-of-place ornament, and thinking, 'Is it really worth it?' I just made a whole argument out of something we were meant to be doing together. I'd put my need for perfection over my own boyfriend and now he's upset. And why? Because some baby Yoda ornament didn't match my idea of what a Christmas tree should look like.
It really clicks in my head. Hobie wasn't just being a nonconformist or trying to ruin the tree. He was trying to have fun with his girlfriend and decorate the tree in a way that shows both of our creativity. I sigh as I turn away from the tree and run to the kitchen to where Hobie is.
"Hobie? Babe?" I find him sitting at the kitchen table with his back towards me. He seems to be focused on something, probably sulking. I call his name again and he slowly turns to look at me.
"Yeah, luv?" He asks, trying to sound cool and nonchalant, but his hurt expression betrays him. I sit across from him and look into his eyes. He avoids my gaze. I place my hand gently on his and bite my lip as I try to find words.
"Hobie, I'm sorry." I start. Hobie feels a wave of relief wash over him when I apologize. He looks up at me and his expression softens. He's clearly still hurt, but he seems much more relaxed knowing that I still care about his feelings.
"It's alright, luv," Hobie replies, giving my hand a little squeeze as he looks into my eyes. "I might've gone a bit overboard, I get it. The Christmas vibes hit me hard, you know? Just wanted to make it extra special 'cause I know it's a big deal for you. And-" He pauses as I press my finger to his lips.
"No, Hobie, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at you like that, or tried to shut down your ideas. This isn't my home and that isn't my tree. It's our home and our tree. And it should reflect both of our creativity, not just what I think it should." Hobie's face brightens as I say that. He is a bit taken aback by my admission, but also really appreciates it. His expression turns into a smile as he stands up, pulling me with him.
"That's... really sweet, luv." He says in a soft voice and pulls me into a warm hug. "And you're right, this is our home, and it should reflect both of our tastes." He pauses and then speaks again in a more playful tone. "Even if you have bad taste."
I push away from the hug, feigning a look of offense as I playfully swat his shoulder. "I do not have bad taste!" Hobie pulls me back in and leans in to kiss my lips.
"Yes, you do. But at least you're pretty to look at." He says in a joking manner, then gives me another kiss. His lips press against mine with a tender and passionate intensity. His tongue brushes along my lips momentarily before he pulls his head back, keeping his lips close to mine.
"So, do you wanna take a break from decorating the tree and, you know...?" He trails off suggestively with a smirk and I laugh, rolling my eyes.
"Babe! We need to finish the tree!" I manage to say between giggles as I try to escape his grip. He doesn't let me pull away, instead he picks me up, wrapping my legs around his waist.
"Tree's not going anywhere, luv. We can decorate it tomorrow." Hobie mumbles against my skin, kissing my neck and starts walking towards our bedroom.
"But tomorrow's Christmas!" I shout before the door slams shut.
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luimagines · 2 months
I wanted to share this with you
Futuristic reader - reader from the year 4072, reader Witness the destruction of hyrule at a very young age, they seen everyone became corruption/ turned into the monsters by the evil king Ganondorf power then became orphan that same time. The only reason reader never been corrupt is because the Triforce of courage appeared on their hand, making them hyrule's hero.
Reader couldn't wheel the master sword because the sacred sword is lost, so reader only Option was the Mac suit that have all the need weapons and AI that would only Obey its pilot, which is reader.
The Mac suit looks like a death machine shape like a man but made of parts and strong materials and metals. Its height is near eight feet yet weights to unknown. It look Almost identical to the legendary fierce deity but Reader called the ai "fierce " since reader is ten and the Chest cavity fully open up to allow its Pilot reader to enter for their safety.
How they end up meeting the chain, a portal open up and forcefully pulled reader and the ai in and they end up in a different timeline which the ai is quick to scan the forest area then tell reader as it's chest cavity open up to allow reader out then close.
Reader's appearance - long brown baggy pants, tan long-sleeved shirt, vest, black hair middle curly length, eyes are two different colors one green the other brown.
Reader: we're not in our timeline?
Ai "fierce": it Seems like so Pilot. We should head to a nearby towns or-
The two stop to hear a loud noises of a battle from one side, reader look to the suit and suit immediately open up its chest cavity to allow reader then close up so they can head over to were the noises are only to see nine people fighting off monsters that is clearly corrupted and from were their at can see were this battle is going and reader Determine allow the ai to help the hyrulian group out the chain just the ai suit Obey its pilots command.
The chain try to keep the defensive formation trying not allow a single corrupt monster from attack their injury members til a blade slash down infront of a monster split it in two as what look like the fierce land down infront then they see him grab the blade that look like claymore but in different. The fierce then start attacking the corrupt monsters and not letting a single corrupt monster pass it as the chain watch warrior look to were time is and ask him if he still have the mask. Time already looking at the mask that's still on his belt then look to the look alike til the last corrupt monster is slain.
Twilight: what in the world?-
Ai "fierce ": Do you all need assistance?
Then the chain aim their weapons up when the fierce look alike chest split open as reader is seen.
Reader: wow! Fierce! Their all safe! Are you all okay?
The chain watch as this fierce looks alike help the ten year old out from his chest then his chest return shut.
The chain have questions and reader was going to answer but their stomach growled.
Reader: do you have food?..
For the longest second, I thought this was going to be an Amor Core! Reader even though I know literally nothing about Amor Core.
But having Fierce as the AI???? Genius!!! XD
That would explain his personality so mu- HE'D BE LKE JARVIS
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naughtybg3confessions · 5 months
not a confession but regarding kinks scenarios etc implying poor hygiene and such concerning gortash: there's a huge issue i've seen brought up multiple times by turkish and middle eastern bg3 fans asking for people to be more sensitive and considerate about the racist stereotype of brown men looking and/or being dirty or smelly that's ignored over and over by the fandom. this isn't shaming anyone for kinks but it's something that needs awareness cuz it means something very different applied to other characters than it does with gortash. sometimes it's a genuine mistake of ignorance on their part but a lot of people are knowingly using it as an excuse for colourism and exoticism and it's important to listen when poc fans are literally pleading for people to stop calling the turkish man a dirty greasy rat. i mean no rudeness by sending this i just think it should be known and to help avoid future issues that might be encountered with running a blog like this
Let me start by saying I'm only part Turkish, so I'm coming from the place of someone who hasn't experienced discrimination in the same way. I honestly had no idea Gortash was intended to be Turkish, as Turkish names and words are used commonly throughout the game. But I can see the connection here, and it's awful that there are people out there saying such things with those intentions, and ignoring the people who are most affected by them.
I want to believe the average Gortash fan sees him as 'dirty' because of the yellow teeth, bloodshot eyes, bedhead, sloppily laced robe, and general evilness- though I guess it's also unfortunate that people associate poor character with bad hygiene. But I think he tends to attract fans who already have a particular set of kinks, and like me are probably wholly unaware of the implications. So, thank you for making us more aware. I'm not saying your experience isn't real, just agreeing with you that in some cases I don't think it's coming from a place of intentional racism. As I said, I was even clueless that Gortash was intended to be Turkish at all. I'm just not in the Gortash side of the fandom enough, I guess.
Exoticizing and bigotry are mentioned as explicitly against the rules here- I do my best to enforce this, but there are nuances to that I'm likely ignorant of. If anyone is talking about any character from that place- especially when POC are saying it's damaging- we as a fandom need to reflect on that, and not tolerate it. To anyone objectifying Gortash or any person with those intentions, you are not welcome here.
As for how I'm going to enforce this, I'm honestly not sure. I'm hesitant to blanket ban all stinky Gortash anons, since I allow those confessions for all the characters and banning them just for POC characters also has unfortunate implications, I feel. Anon or any POC followers, you are invited to weigh in on what you think I should do?
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taetaespeaks · 2 years
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The Wife / THV part.3
genre : yandere taehyung, failing marriage, mean and cruel protagonists
summery : you five were the nightmares of teachers back in high school, now adults, your cruel and violent temperament doesn’t seem to have change neither does have the obsession taehyung has for you.
warnings : mean protagonists!!!!, smut, s3xual descriptions, strong language, violence, cruelty from the protagonists themselves. here we have an evil y/n. read at your own risk ! this story is hard and violent do not read if you’re sensitive to those topics.
rate : +18 only minors do not interact
<- masterlist ->
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It must have been around two hours since you and Taehyung had started your walk around Bangtan Lake, more precisely, the lake in front of your old high school, the place where you always gathered, you, Taehyung, Jimin, Sa ra and Jeongguk to cause trouble to anyone who dared to cross your fiery teenage eyes. You had to admit that you didn't see the time pass, how could you ? As you were walking to the right of the handsome young man with neatly combed brown hair, eyes dark as night but still shining with a chocolate glow that was Kim Taehyung. You found yourself observing him, his lips perfectly drawn, his moles, every single one of them, as if to learn them by heart, only to realize that you had never forgotten them.
"...and do you remember how we became friends?"
Friends? If you and Taehyung had been just friends it would be a fact known by everyone by now. Anyone with a little common sense would notice the somewhat questionable relationship between the two of you, however, your goal was not to simply create a TV drama romance where the sad wife ends up with the so kind and brave best-friend of her mean husband but rather to give you the life you deserved, even if it meant using the boy with a boxy smile that had an old crush on you. You were tired of being restricted to the cold, unwelcoming wall of the Jeon's house. You dreamed of something else. Of passion. Plus, it wasn't like Jeongguk loved you. Realizing that the time was getting rather longer that it should have during your silence, you began to fake thinking about his question, even though you knew the answer pretty well.
"Well, it's complicated. It's a whole series of meetings. First, there was Jimin-" Your eyes sparkled at the mention of the name of your beloved best friend since childhood. Taehyung's heart sank. He looked away from your sweet face, hoping to calm his jealousy as he watched the cherry blossoms, the blue sky reflecting on the lake, and the daffodils moving elegantly in the wind, but nothing could calm the coldness and anger growing in his heart. Deep down he knew that if he could take you away from Jeongguk, you could never forgive him for separating you from Jimin, he was no fool. The pain of being away from him now when he was perfectly healthy just in another country seemed to be already too much for you, so loosing him ? Nah. "We were very young when we met, in elementary school maybe, you should have seen how small Jimin was! Smaller than me." The role of high duchess scorned now abandoned, you let yourself share your memories with your old companion with a fervor that was rare to you. Very rare. "He came from a rich family too, obviously, mother wouldn't have allowed me to hangout with him if he didn't! He came up to me one day in the playground and since then we were inseparable. For a long time, mother thought about marrying me to Jimin. We didn't have any feelings for each other, of course, but we could have put up with it, found an arrangement, not to live together or whatever... In middle school, we met Sa ra. Not at all the kind of people I'm interested in. Always hanging out in front of the tobacconists like a lost soul. Miserable. Plus, her father's business went bankrupt and her mother was a housewife, but Jimin took a liking to her, somehow. He thought she was funny. So the three of us started hanging out. You and Jeongguk came along later, in high school. You were best friends, weren't you?" Taehyung nodded silently. "Rich and handsome. You were immediately adopted. If Jeongguk was quiet, he was far more cruel and violent than me and Jimin had ever been. Sa ra loved him for that! As for you, you were different."
"How so?"
"Softer, strangely enough. Sometimes I wondered what you were even doing around us." Taehyung smiled grimly but didn't explain the reason for his sudden amusement.
"It's true."
"If it wasn't for my attraction for you, you would never have stayed in the group."
"If you say so."
Taehyung knew very well that in this pack of violent teenagers, you had always been the leader, everyone knew that. If you wanted to get him out of the way, you would have, but he wouldn't allow it. He wouldn't. Just like when he had broken the arms and nose of that little Yoongi jerk who wanted to ask you out for prom. You just didn't know about it even though you thought you knew everything.
"Would it make you so happy to see Jimin again?"
"Of course!" The answer came without delay. "Why?"
"I could arrange that." You smiled, slightly.
"How many things can you arrange for me, Kim Taehyung?"
"As many as you ask me."
"And if I asked you to make love to me in your car right now, would you ?”
Slowly, Taehyung lifted your short dress over your hips to your waist, while, with your chest pressed against the back seats of his porsche you waited for the fateful moment of his touch against your skin. Teahyung was taking his time, watching the curves of your ass standing up to him, his pants suddenly becoming horribly tight.
His long, elegant fingers penetrated you with ease, unholy noises escaping from your soaked cunt, waiting for him, already ready to welcome more of his body. He curled his fingers to reach that spot you loved so much making you moan under him. He repeated his action faster, so fast that the ball of pleasure in your stomach began to be felt so early that it came to surprise you. The wetness already dripping down your inner thighs spoke volumes about your excitement.
"You haven't changed. You still love it so much." Taehyung bit his bottom lip, moaning at the sight of your cunt so docile under his touch.
"Tae, fuck me and stop your bullshit."
He obeyed, he always obeyed.
His pants soon on the floor, joining your light black lace thong, Taehyung played with the tip of his cock at the entrance of your pussy closing and opening on air, begging for attention.
He slid into you suddenly, wringing a cry of satisfaction from you that made him cry out in pleasure himself. Unable to control himself, he began his unforgivable thrusts, moving in and out of your soaked cunt to the point that the telltale sounds of your flesh slapping against each other became the only thing you could hear. Your wetness running down your legs, now staining his, your cheek pressed against the aching brass of the seats as Taehyung watched in delight your body lunching forwards at any thrust of his as his huge member was penetrating you mercilessly, soaking itself with all your precious juice. You were driving him truly insane.
The sight of the gate of the huge mansion you were struggling to call home brought you back to harsh reality. Taehyung still hadn't saved you from the life you were leading. Your face changed, coming back to coldness and pure evilness.
"Don't sulk. I'll see you soon."
"Yeah, whatever." You answered coldly, disappointed at the sight of the so depressing facts. "Here, you can keep this." Without looking at him, you dropped your thong, still wet with your fluids in his lap, causing him to smile unhealthily at you. Slamming the car door, you staggered back to the villa where you would surely be alone since Jeongguk was probably still in the office fucking one of his whore.
Taehyung smiled, watching you, bringing your underwear to his nose and smelling you. You were everything he had ever wanted, his greatest dream. How could you believe that he had not yet done anything to provide for you? It was only a matter of time before you were his.
The water in your bath was already getting uncomfortably cold when your phone rang. Sigh. You didn't like being alone, you didn't like being with people. What did you like? Wiping your right hand on the nearest towel, you grabbed your phone from the small table where you put your perfumes and brought it to your ear.
"Jeon y/n."
"Gngngn, Jeon y/n, whatever." A slight smile stretched your lips at the sound of your best friend's voice.
"ChimChim, I'm honored to see that you haven't forgotten about me." You say, eyeing your painted nails with disdain.
"Don't start. Work is unforgiving, but you wouldn’t understand. How could you ? I mean, what, you’re probably in your hot tub, you know the one paid by Daddy Jeoncock, as we speak ?” You swallowed a chuckle.
"What do you want, asshole?"
"What do you mean what do I want? Why didn't you tell me?” Your confused silence seemed to annoy him. "Your dear handsome daddy in law owes the company Kim millions! Millions, you hateful bitch!”
You stood there for a moment, dumbfounded, sitting up in the bath suddenly, almost dropping your phone into the water where the foam had already disappeared.
"What are you talking about, Jimin?"
"I'm sending you the article."
A soft bip announced the receipt of the message and as you plunged into reading the article you almost felt your organs clench inside your body. This was not possible! Impossible!
«…Gi Jeon, the famous Korean businessman is facing prison for swindling and abusing employees as well as defaming Kim's company leader Kim Taehyung, and sexually harassing some of the women working under Kim's company. Several million dollars are at stake...»
Slowly, a smile came to rise on your lips. Taehyung. Then a hysterical laugh, louder by the second.
"Fuck, I leave for a few years and my best friend goes completely insane! I should come back within the month to support you, I mean, do you even you realize ? Mama, Jeongguk is in trouble."
"Oh yeah, right ? I know he is."
<tag list : @gethatcake @multifandombishthatlovekth>
sorry for the late uptade, college work and everything yk :/ waiting for your returns tho &lt;3
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ablednt · 5 months
"You can't remove Jewish people from Israel because they're not safe anywhere else"
1. Returning sovereignty to Palestine does not equal expelling everyone else, they'd become citizens of Palestine. The idea that restoring sovereignty doesn't equal colonizing the colonizers is a basic concept of the Land Back movement please actually listen to people
2. You can say that being israeli and being Jewish are synonymous as long as you want but it won't erase antizionist Jews OR Palestinian Jews
3. Imagine thinking Israel is safe for Jewish people like. The whole reason y'all are so loud about october 7th is because it shattered the illusion that Israel is a safe place except instead of considering that a nation that actively and violently displaces people is generating that hostility itself you blame the evil brown people for wanting their homes back
4. Even if Israel was some magical perfect utopia free of antisemitism, if that comes at the cost of violent oppression of the native people then yeah I don't care the same way I don't care when people in the US are afraid of Land Back movements because "they'll do to us what we did to them". Get the fuck over it. Yk like you've been making them do for decades to centuries.
5. To reiterate here when you say that Israeli occupation must stay in power to protect Jewish people everywhere you are quite literally saying "my safety is more important than Palistinian's" and "my life is worth more than theirs" like it's not doing you any favors
Don't get me wrong the world is a terrifying place especially if you're marginalized, especially if you're Jewish, I am not going to deny that or to minimize the centuries of generational trauma and ongoing oppression that Jewish people face. I don't blame you for wanting to prioritize your own community's safety. I just don't think that your need for safety (especially everyone who's never even been to Israel but needs the Israeli state as a symbol of safety rather than a current reality of it) outweighs Palestinian's needs for safety.
"Being Jewish is traumatizing my friend has trauma over being bombed" that's really awful and I feel for them. I also feel for the thousands of children with amputated limbs because Israel is bombing them. Right now. As I type this.
"Jewish people have been displaced for generations we lost our homes" yes and that's extremely traumatizing, everyone deserves to have a home and to feel truly safe and like they belong there. Millions of Palestinian's who made new homes after their real ones were stollen are now living in tents that are still being bombed and shot at.
It's absolutely not that Jewish people's safety shouldn't be a priority or that it's at all okay to pretend that being Jewish is what gives any Israeli their privileges or to equivalate Jewishness to oppressiveness.
It's not even to say that Israel's existence as a colonial project is uniquely evil or that the US is exempt from that same scrutiny (like all the white americans parroting "the only good colonizer is a dead colonizer" without a hint of self awareness)
It's that a nation built on the blood of another's will never truly be stable or safe for anyone. You can stall the violence but it will return eventually and even the most oppressed people Will Fight Back.
I will add to this to any fellow goyim though that whilst you fight for Palestine you should also be fighting to create safe places and communities for Jewish people where you live. The only way to combat the rhetoric that only Israel is safe (when it never has been and never will be) is to prove that there's safety and community to be found elsewhere.
It's important to listen to Jewish people and to take their fears into genuine consideration and act on that. What is never okay is allowing their fears to thrive at the expense of Palestinian lives.
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Princess Bee
K, couple thoughts, my devices are being weird, so even though I sent an ask, I’m going to compile a few things here, just in case
1) On Artemis being the Fox, possible lore for a name - the Teumessian fox was an uncatchable fox from Greek Myth, sent to hassle the city of Thebes as a punishment. Eventually, when the gods felt the city had suffered enough, they ran into the problem that they had created a LITERALLY UNCATCHABLE CREATURE, so they couldn’t really get the fox to stop. So, they sent in a dog, called Laelaps, who was enchanted to be able to always catch her prey, to catch the fox. The two were basically a paradox, and eventually got put into the sky as constellations (Canis Major [the dog] and Canis Minor [the fox]).
2) I headcanon that the reason the SentiKids are Sapient is in part due to the fact they are “hybrids”. They aren’t “pure” Sentimonsters, the Parents used the Peacock to basically “fertilize” an egg and make a fetus. So while TECHNICALLY a Sentimonster, it’s a little closer to, say, how Steven Universe is technically a gem. And similarly, if Steven’s Gen is damaged, he gets hurt. Like, if the Amoks got broken before … whatever they do to severe the connection, the SentiKids would be hurt pretty badly. They MIGHT be able to do something to manage survival, but the Amoks are still connected to their life force. (I hope this is making sense?) Does any of this sound … like it fits, I guess?
3) OC Chester description, so you hopefully don’t have to go hunting for it. Originally conceived as Lila’s hench person, but he doesn’t HAVE to be, I just thought it would be a little boring if Lila doesn’t have another person to talk to. You can take or leave any part of him.
Chester Fester.
Age: close to Lila and the Miracuclass parents, so … What are we going with here, late thirties, early forties?
Looks: Only thing I ever got was brown hair, face looks … ratty.
General Notes: Rats are his favourite animal. He has two pet rats, Mister Whiskers, and Morning Glory. Likes fermented and/or cured foods. He hates food waste, and sees rats as performing a vital service by eating the food people throw out. Thinks rats are given unfair press as “plague spreaders”. Hates cats, dogs, anything that could pose a threat to a rat. Was nominally trained as a chef, but has been fired repeatedly for allowing “pests” into kitchens. Always seems to be between jobs as a result. Will cheerfully allow himself to be Akumatized into a “Rat King” style Akuma (original name was Ratatouille, but I’m kind of ‘eh’ on it, especially cause at that point, he’s basically Evil Linguini). Favourite movie, the Rats of N.I.M.H..
The man is a bit … morally vague. I mean, he isn’t the kind of guy to think murder is a viable solution to most problems, but he sees a lot of Laws as more guidelines than anything else. Like, “We’d rather you didn’t do this, but if you don’t get caught, we don’t care” is sort of how he sees it. He sees breaking and entering as more of a challenge. I think the only laws he would follow fastidiously would be traffic laws. He sees why those are there, people operating several tons of metal powered by explosions should follow the rules.
Lila specific: The two met sometime when Lila was pulling a con on a restaurant. Chester was really impressed with her skills, and offered to help her, because the restaurant in question had been putting out rat poison. They’ve been friends ever since.
Chester and Lila did have a brief period of dating, before Lila figured out she was AroAce. She was sure this meant Chester would be ditching her, but Chester surprised her by sticking around. In his words “We were friends first”, and he didn’t really see why whether the two of them slept together should mean anything. People do often assume Chester and Lila are a couple, especially as the pair live together, but the two are simply chaotic besties. The best term is probably “Queer Platonic”, but the two don’t really want to label it. They’re friends. Who else cares? They do have a pact that, if they ever need to, they’ll get married, but only as a last resort kind of thing.
1.) Did get this one! Rip to your tech though because while tumblr makes asks disappear it’s happening to you A LOT so idk what it is or how to fix it.
2.) Hm! Maybe it’s a combination? Like like like. Okay I made the post about the lore of what went down with the Sentikids and Kagami actually having a dad. So how about Mr. Tsurugi managed to make Kagami entirely from scratch, which is why he died real quick. Essentially giving his Life Energy to make her. But it broke the Peacock so everyone after still got fucked up. 
Emilie tried to mitigate the effects by doing the Senti-Human hybrid trick, so she’s only dealing with ‘broken Peacock’ not ‘took too much Life Energy at once’. Same with Colt. So they’re still dying, but not as quickly as Mr. Tsurugi did.
Adjust the fuckery in age differences by having like. It’s a Senti-baby she can just make it magic so it speeds up and she’s only actually pregnant for like a month. Colt can do the same with Amelie and then just gaslight her of ‘oh we must’ve been so convinced we were infertile that we didn’t notice you actually got pregnant!’.
3.) I love everything about Chester
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i-am-autistic · 8 months
This is an ST rant I been meaning to do for a while
Honestly like the best part of being in fandoms is all the different thigns people create like......idk man Im not even often made to feel bad for the things I post except one or two that I block occasionally. But I see a lot of like Billy fans get a lot of shit and it's like I never gave a shit for Billy and he gave me the ick immediately(as a character in the show). But he was a character for 2 seasons, and enough of him was explored that was sympathetic and relatable and a different view into abuse than any other character. I never understand people who are befuddled that Billy has a fanbase.......like he is a major character in s2 and s3 obviously he has a fanbase. It's incredible to me people think that you can separate parts of the show as if the same writing room and the same writers aren't coming up with it. Im a Jonathan fan and for a long time any engagement about him was like this too....people don't remember that S1/2 Jonathan got treated just like Billy. Now that there's a decent contingent of Jonathan fans on tumblr and reddit and such you can actually talk about and engage with the character but in s1/s2 the only way to do it was to search AO3 tags because his tumblr tag was dead and everyone on reddit hated him. And it's just like you can't take out one part of the show(especially characters that are so crucial to their seasons) and say this is evil and not part of the show and all these other parts are fine and cool and cute and memeable but this other thing is so ugly and should be ignored. Which is the reaction I feel some people have to certain things in shows they like and it's such a 2024 response to shit but like can we just be normal about shit PLEASE. You can like a character who has done heinous things man, it is a fictional character they are literally made to be liked and reflect real life people. You are literally allowed and hella valid to do this even if the fanbase is small and people don't want you to and people don't get it and are constantly shouting at you not to. It's literally fandom there is more important things to fight in the world than fans of things that make you uncomfortable in a Netflix show. There is nothing at all wrong with liking a character and relating to one who has done something awful or creepy or nasty. It is literally not real, the actions are not real, there is no real crime, no real victim and no real aggressor because it's not real. Seriously all characters are somewhat of a reflection of the writers and their experiences and play a part in building the world out.....yes even the awfully written ones and the bad racist stereotype ones. and the ones that happen after the show or book series or comic or movie series or whatever "got bad". Those are still part of the story and part of the world. I feel I should clarify Im a brown person because IK people will assume and say awful things in the replies if not. And I'm sure this will still get some hate but I'll just block I ain't responding to shit, if you send stupid stuff in the replies it's just sending hate mail Im just deleting it and not responding.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk (I've wanted to do a Billy post for a while but I don't have a ton of stake in the character so it kept getting pushed back. I hope people who interact with my posts don't stop or block me because of this :(. I understand there is a lot of animosity towards the character but I think that's just sad because it drowns out a lot of discussion about him. I hope it will be understood this is not an endorsement or defense of his racist stuff and bad character traits)
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sunfloo-wers · 25 days
Puppet Link? nahh dude!
okay okay okay okay guys guys guys I have been struck with a horrifyingly delicious thought
So, eow puppet Link yes? our little guy puppet Link, cool dude, you agree? despite my use of it here, I was not aware of the use of the phrase "Puppet Link" until a few moments ago and it got me thinking (or more so got me staring at it for a while then thinking but that's besides the point): what if "Puppet Link" isn't quite the right phrase, what if this is just Link. Just Link, not puppeteer-ed or coerced or anything of the sort. Just. Link.
Now, I am very much an enjoyer of EOW Hero of Legend Link, but this doesn't have to do with that, suspension of disbelief and enjoying alternate realities with the fictional characters, okay?
And yes I know there are a lot of plot holes but give me a minute,
"But Lamp," You call over my fence, "The eyes! His eye in the first trailer were black/brown/specifically not red but now they are! that must mean magic kerfuffery! And, he was fighting Gannon there too!" Yes, I will admit that this is the main hole in my idea, but... character development? at least for the second point, they might have had a pleasant picnic (ignoring the fact that this is beast Gannon/downfall timeline Gannon and therefore can't talk), and they sorted out their differences! Now, the eyes are a bit of a problem, but I don't know dude, contacts? they got smoothies who's to say they don't have contacts and Link wanted to show off his new vibe
"Okay, say I believe you, but the Spirit of the Hero!" You say, worried for my quickly depleting sanity, "Hylia wouldn't let her hero fall to the dark side!" Now, I won't claim to know everything about Zelda lore and all that jazz, but in my mind the Spirit of the Hero isn't tied to Link. It's tied to the Triforce of Courage. I know that that is a nitpick-ey distinction to make, because the Triforce of Courage is intrinsically tied to Link, but I am making it nonetheless. Also, simply having a piece the Triforce certainly doesn't stop you from being evil. Gannon has and always has had the Triforce of Power, the Triforce is simply a piece of magical essence that plants itself on a mortal being, and has nothing to do with if they are "good" or "bad". And yes, there's the argument of the Triforce of Courage wouldn't have chosen Link if he was going to be evil, but think back to that first trailer again, what was the one thing Link did? He shot arrows at the gem holding Zelda, our unequivocal hero, shattering it, and freeing her. Thus allowing the hero of this story the chance to do said hero-ing. (I am in no way shape or form saying that Link is more heroic than Zelda in eow, or that Zelda's efforts should be diminished, just that Link did technically get the ball rolling, no more than Impa does in most of the Zelda titles). With this established we can all agree that Link did need to be there for the world to be saved, and the all knowing Dorito probably knows this, too so it makes sense in world for Link to still have the Triforce.
"BUT," I hear you say, "what about Hylia? The Golden Goddess still wouldn't let her hero fall!" And I give you Zelda, the only person(people?) in known Hylian history to have the blood of the Goddess, one of which was the Goddess reborn. Zelda, who is on the path to saving Link. Who is without a doubt more of a servant of Hylia than Link ever was. And we all know the Goddess(es) play with Hylians like pieces on a chessboard, do you really think they care about how to get from point A to point B as long as it gets done? Do you really think Hylia "Hylia loves her child soldiers" the Goddess, really cares about if her knight is bad for just a little while? If it all ends up fine in the end?
"But it's a choob/toon graphic game, it can't be that dark!" Did you really just say that? (you didn't, I did, but again, suspension of disbelief) DID YOU REALLY JUST SAY THAT! (I have actually seen this, I think it might have been a joke, but it was "bla bla Link and Zelda seeing they have detailed physical manifestations: we're not getting a happy ending this time, are we") IS LINK'S AWAKENING A JOKE TO YOU?????? that one has one of the most fucked up plots, and it's remake's graphics are very clearly a huge inspiration for EOW's.
(that is a side tangent for another day, the fact that tons of the LA sprites are used makes me so so so happy, but also so scared because that game is so emotionally hitting you with an iron mallet to the face)
I swear there was another point I wanted to dispute, but I can't think of it soooooooooo
But yeah! I love puppet Link, but we've also had so much puppet already (TP and TotK Zeldas, there might be others too), and I think it would be kinda cool if it wasn't puppet Link, and he was just straight up evil :P
You've heard of "what if the bad guys were good?" get ready for "what if the good guys were bad?", a totally never done before thing.
Anyways, yeah, having playable Zelda isn't a new thing for the Zelda franchise, but I'm pretty sure having only playable Zelda is. Like, a game specifically centered around Zelda, and nobody else. So, new things aren't entirely out of the picture.
Do I really think that this is the way the game will go? No, not really, but it was fun to think about, and I hope it gave anyone who reads through this the same amount of whimsey, thank you for coming to my ted talk. goodbye!
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