#brozone cats
poppibranchlover · 5 months
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What's up, everybody? I apologize for the long delay because I've been so busy for a few months and haven't posted anything ever since, but here I am in my brand new comfortable house where I have so much privacy for myself to work peacefully now! I might share about my new place tomorrow because I haven't got much time left for today. In the meantime, I would like to announce a new Trolls Band Together-related fanfiction I'm planning to make because I knew that idea would be amusing for you to see.
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Here it is! What do you think of the cover? 😁
The story's synopsis: After a successful rescue mission at Mount Rageous, Branch and his four brothers – John Dory, Bruce, Clay and Floyd – are ready to hit the spotlight in their new era of music and happiness as the harmonious boy band collectively known as BroZone. As they prepare for their next big concert, an unexpected magical accident landed on the brothers. They've all been transformed into…CATS! Branch, who's long been facing a similar dilemma in the past, must lead his brothers on a new adventure to find a cure before it's too late, and before they drive each other crazy.
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Here's what each BroZone brother look like when they've been turned into cats! Unlike Branch, his four older brothers' accessories became smaller after they've transformed.
1. Branch
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• Branch was still the same little cat we all know and love in Nine Lives, One Fight. The only exception was that his cat form will be more modified in this story, and he will be dancing for the first time in feline mode.
2. John Dory
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• John Dory's feline body shape looks incredibly chubby and adorable, and his legs are thick and stubby. He had a thin tail that was shorter than Branch's. In addition, his green goggles got shrunken down and remained attached to his forehead. To complete his look, John Dory decided to put a cat-sized version of his spotted white furry scarf around his neck in order to match his usual clothing because he didn't want to be completely unclothed in his new form.
3. Bruce
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• Bruce was a fat tabby cat with his design bearing a striking resemblance to Garfield the cat. He had blue fur, four dark blue stripes on his back, and a big tail with a thick dark blue tip. His four legs and paws are larger than any of his brothers, his cat ears are quite smaller, and his whiskers are slightly longer. As with John Dory's goggles, Bruce's necklace accessory also shrunk along with the rest of his body.
4. Clay
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• Clay becomes a slimmer cat with thinner legs, a skinnier tail, and longer ears and whiskers. His teeth were much sharper than his brothers'. As with John Dory's green goggles and Bruce's necklace, his wristbands got shrunken down to cat-size as well.
5. Floyd
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• Because he had the similar body shape as Branch's when he was a Troll, Floyd's cat body shape looks identical to his own cat form and he was just about the same size as him. His black earring gets shrunk and became attached to his left cat ear, which used to be his left pointed normal one. My headcanon is that Branch would purr along with him whenever they were with each other.
Yes, I know it would be great to make Branch's four brothers as cats because their littlest brother had been one ever since the previous fanfiction, Nine Lives, One Fight. CatZoned serves as a sequel to Branch's first cat adventure, and I'm thrilled to share another purr-fect story to everyone in the fandom. Unlike my past fanfictions, creating this story would require enhanced editing skills on my photos, so I hope to get it done by late 2024 or early 2025 if I’m risking it all to do it. Wish me luck on all the hard work I needed to do! 😄
Plus, I've updated my profile banner at the same time as the announcement! My 2021 profile photo would still remain though, but it still goes along with it. What do you think? 😉
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Oh, and by the way, my birthday was scheduled for this coming Thursday. If any one of you would like to create BroZone's cat forms similar to what I did, I was hoping that would amuse me a lot more. 😊
Thank you for acknowledging my prolonged absence, and I hope to see you again on my birthday! 🥳
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bbc-trolls · 9 months
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Hc Branch is premium cuddle real estate.
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yippee-optimistically · 10 months
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broppy 😿 trolls 3 was sooo good i spent like 5 hours watching all the movies back to back and you should too
bonus bruce ↓
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felsicveins · 3 months
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We've mentioned Cory's friends before but now we have them! Andrew is an actor/ singer and he's in a lot of the local productions. Lloyd is also an actress but she helps out with tech/ set stuff. Webber... Really only got involved once Cory started working for Brozone... For obvious reasons. He was a gaffer or something idk
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jillianfahey · 1 month
I saw a picture of an orange kitten with a sign behind it. The sign said, "Julius, pure of heart. Dumb of ass."
My first thought was, "If that doesn't fit John Dory I don't know what does".
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clueless-romantics · 5 months
comfort characters
longtail and JD
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otterlytired · 5 months
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Whoopsies heres brozone
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janahanooo · 10 months
My head is currently filled with the Trolls Band Together sound track and that one video of the cat that goes "Chipi Chapa~"
Send help
I need to study but I can't think because of them
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joslincox · 3 months
Ozzy and Drix in 2023
Travis and hector hyped each other up to go to the five nights at Freddy’s movie for sure. both of them also seen Mario too
OZZY AND DRIX LOVED SPIDERVERSE, and the boys took Leah and Maria on a date to see Spiderverse
Drix liked young sheldon
Ozzy, Drix, Maria, and Leah went all out and feud on Family Feud
What was I made for was on, and Christine cried to it
NASTY GOODIES REMIX ON SOUNDCLOUD????? Leah and Maria went nuts to that
Ozzy started blasting Kendrick Lamar’s recent diss tracks (they’re just too good)
Leah, Maria, and Christine totally vibed with Barbie
The Mayoral election was coming up, and Spryman's opponent, a brain cell named Sylvian Fisher, was using a secret growth formula in order to cause destructive unnatural growth spurts and hurt the Mayor's image. Ozzy and Drix had to stop this plan, which became more difficult when Sylvian took the growth formula himself and became a raging and muscular monster.
Hector ate too much candy before Easter, creating a sugar rush that sped up all the cells and caused the bacteria population to swell. When his parents cut him off sugar as a result of this, his drop in blood sugar slowed all the cells to a crawl. However, the bacteria needed sugar, so they formed an army to raid Hector's sugar reserves. Now Drix and an extremely sleepy Ozzy, with the help of the Mole, had to take on the bacterial army.
Hector had recurring nightmares after seeing Five Nights at Freddy’s before Halloween, keeping everyone in the City of Hector awake. Ozzy and Drix promptly went to the Subconscious Network, where dreams are produced, and entered Hector's nightmare in order to help him face his fear. Whatever happened to Ozzy and Drix in the dream happened for real.
Everyone inside Hector forgot who Ozzy and Drix are when Hector experienced a concussion, forcing them to locate the site of the concussion so they could reboot Hector's memories before Hector crashed.
Hector ate an under-cooked chorizo and got sick to his stomach, leading him to get two flatworms Trichinella spiralis in his body. The male worm died, but the pregnant female survived. Ozzy, Drix, and a captain had tried to kill it before Hector's stomach was infected.
Hector discovered hair growing on his chin; the testosterone gang tied up the Mayor and wreaked havoc, causing Hector to get into trouble, especially when sneaking out to an all night party in a dangerous part of town when his parents forbid it. Ozzy and Drix had to stop the testosterone gang and save the mayor.
After getting injured on a police case, Maria was sent home to rest for the week. She decided to use this time to work on a family reunion coming up for her. Drix noticed a rip on the corner of Maria's family picture. Maria didn't seem to want to talk about it, but then her brother Ricky came in and started putting the puzzle pieces together. Maria and Ricky shared their past with Drix, which turned out Ricky being the family troublemaker. Maria lost her trust in him, so Drix decided to help Ricky get it back. He allowed him to be a private eye along with Ozzy with good results, and Ricky actually became one of the best. However, Ricky was working for Strepfinger, who ploted to create a tumor out of Drix's medications, but now Ricky was reluctant to hurt Maria again. Meanwhile, both Hector and Spryman had their quincenaros/15th birthdays and celebrated Day of the Dead.
Hector used a nose spray to clear his congested nose, and Drix's aunt Auntie Histamine appeared. Suddenly, Hector's water levels dropped, and Ozzy realized Drix's aunt was causing it, thanks to Hector's carelessness.
Hector was super-sizing at fast-food restaurants too much which not only made him gain weight, but it also gave a cholesterol named Stickety Lipid, the chance to kidnap a fat cell family's child in an attempt to clog an artery. Ozzy and Drix (and the new navigational system, installed by Drix, named Backseat) had to return the huge blob to his parents in time. Hector also had to get in healthier shape.
While snowboarding with Travis in Christmas, Hector crossed an off-limits area. Hector started to freeride but fell and ripped his snowsuit. This caused a virus named Cryo to drop Hector's temperature. Ozzy and Drix were getting ready for a day at the beach, but now had to stop Cryo from making Hector die of hypothermia.
Christine saw the trailers for Trolls Band Together and even owned the movie soundtrack and saw the movie in theaters.
All the female cells (especially in Christine) started wearing pink clothes to school (#BARBIECORE)
Christine went BIG and ended the year by going to see Disney's Wish in theaters.
Ozzy went on vacation inside Christine's body (#BADDIE)
Hector, Christine, and Travis graduated from middle school and are now in high school.
Hector had to go to a dentist's appointment and then take a driver's test
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lixxen · 8 months
In the Feral Branch AU, once Viva (also feral) is living back in the village with everyone, her and Branch force BroZone and Poppy to lay in a giant pile. In which the two lick them clean like a cat
Poppy and Clay are 100% used to it and jokingly whine about it. But John Dory LOVES it and tells Bruce and Floyd (who find it cute and amusing) that if they don't he's going to get them in the middle of the night and they need to support their brother and his girlfriend's sister
It becomes such a regular thing and eventually they find out that Kismet has been also doing it with him this whole time by Branch having glitter in his mouth from when he licked Boom.
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poppibranchlover · 5 months
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Here's something I created to commemorate my big day! Apparently, BroZone becoming cats surely made my day! I hope to finish their story soon. 😁
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Now that the celebration is ongoing, give me loads of cat BroZone fanart and drawings!!! 😸
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misscinnamonroll16 · 7 months
Headcanons for brozone
Floyd is a clothing thief. He does not care that this shirt is huge on him, it's his now!
John Dory walks around the bunker in his underwear. When Poppy comes over, she announces as she comes down "hey, I'm here. Puts some pants on!" Viva doesn't do that, she's quiet until she sees JD and yells at him to "put on some God damn pants!"
John can bake. He had a love interest that he went all out for with baked goods but sadly they didn't feel the same.
I've already said Floyd is a decent artist, his favorite medium is either charcoal or paint. It's being able to see how much work has been done by how dirty he is. The bunker gets a fresh coat of paint once Floyd gets in there (and is feeling up to it).
JD leans back in his chair constantly. Like lifts it off the ground leaning back. He's fallen a handful of times in front of the others. It's embarrassing but it's his own fault
John and Bruce can and will hit the others with a wooden spoon when cooking. Clay runs in while one of them is cooking and tries to sneak a taste and gets his hand smacked with a wooden spoon. They got it from their grandma.
I feel like Floyd is the brother that would put ranch on everything
John is definitely the one to announce when he's gotta take a shit. Half bc he knows one of the others has company and it will embarrass them, half bc he has no concept of socially acceptable behavior or bc he's just that comfortable around his brothers
Clay read Harry Potter and is a Slytherin. He made Viva take the test as well (she's a Gryffindor)
Clay's special interests as a child were dinosaurs and math (he's a nerdy kid)
Clay can burp on command and has tried to burp his ABC's
John is a sad drunk. He gets super upset over nothing. "I don't cry easily." "Just last night you were crying over snakes." "They don't have arms, it's sad!"
John has chapped lips bc he keeps biting the skin off. It's from his anxiety
Clay likes doing weird voices and impressions
Floyd used to call his brothers bubby. Not so much now that they're older but every so often one slips out.
Clay is naturally funny. He doesn't have to try or force it, it just happens
John Dory taught Bruce who to flirt. Bruce just got better at it than him.
All of the brothers are sassy as fuck. Sassy and sarcastic.
Floyd likes wearing dresses and skirts sometimes
Floyd stretches like a cat.
Floyd still gets pains in his arms and legs from the V&V incident
Clay can braid hair. He's not as fast or as good as Viva but he can still do it
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brights-place · 8 months
John Dory X Country Troll! reader? PLEASEEE
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John Dory X Country! S/O
Pairings: John Dory X Reader
Warnings: Fluff, Slight Angst at the end neheheheh
A/N: Ah yes the country trolls I LOVE THEM SO MUCH THEY ARE SO CUTEEEEEEEEE! anyways love yall ( ˶˘ ³˘(⋆❛ ہ ❛⋆)!♡ - COUNTRY TROLLS ARE SO CUTE LIKE OML HAVE YOU SEEN THEIR DESIGNS?!? OMG LIKE THEY ARE SO COOL LOOKING! - John dory once he broke up with brozone explored and met diffrent genres but then... He met you when visiting the country trolls - You were an country troll and you were gorgeous you had the basic troll body type from the waist upwards and wore you usual country troll attire with the lower half of their bodies being that of a horse, complete with hooves and tails. your F/c tail and hair and 2nd f/c skin - Your hair was fluffy and puffy it was gorgeous and made john dory eyes widened you were talking to delta with an huge smile the two of you sitting at an table together as you re-tuned delta is banjo - John dory couldn't help but slow down his walk to stare at it before seeing you noticing John dory as an look of confusion appeared on your face - You walked over staring down at John Dory and the fact you towered over him made him blush slightly as he stared "Uhm- I-" he started as you raised an brow "Whats your name sugar cube?" you said as he became even redder - "John... John Dory" he said trying to sound tough and dominant but became quiet once you raised an brow "John what?" You asked again as he blushed as Delta raised an brow judging John dory - You decided to welcome him but delta judged John dory and telling you to be careful which you were but you wanted to make him feel safe with you guys - Delta soon was fine with John dory around as Delta spoke pointing towards you doing your daily chores "Don't be scare bumpkin'! Our precious (name) is one of the best cowboys in town and you won't find someone like her! She's like a needle in a hay stack, she is!" Delta said chuckling as John dory watch you from afar - He asked about you and country trolls whenever he was wondering and you explained some common values and beliefs often associated with Western societies include individualism, democracy, human rights, the rule of law, freedom of speech, equality, and a strong emphasis on personal and economic freedom. - He literally paid attention to every single thing you said and literally fell in love with you the moment you turned to him smiling and then asking him about pop music and pop troll culture - You wanted to know stuff about him? he literally smiled talking about himself self and he introduced you to some pop music which you then decided to introduce him to country music showing him and teaching him about country music but you literally froze when he spoke up - "Whoa... so its hillbilly music?" literally had to run away as you chased him around he easily lost the small cat and mouse chase and was close to being beaten the shit out of by you - Delta and other cowboys had to hold you back before you told them what he said and everybody was close to beating Up JD who apologized quickly but got stink eyes from many Country trolls
- Since most of country trolls eat  BBQ good most of the time you make him food for fun - He likes when you take him out on rodeos or take him out for dinner whenever he finds it nice and relaxing - He was dancing with you at an barn dance and you placed your cowboy hat ontop of his head and walked away some country trolls jaws drop - "Wow! They done give y'all their cowboy hat? Y'all have a good time now, (Names) sure are picky 'bout what they like." Delta said chuckling patting John dorys shoulder as John raised an eyebrow at her confused "What?" - Wear the Hat and ride the cowboy IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!!! -Because of your four legs your quite fast at running, have great endurance and are quite strong all of country trolls are but loves when you run around with him sitting and chatting with you as he tells you stories about his trips while you do your duties
- You two started to get close and he'd randomly kiss your cheek whenever he can or pull down your cowboy hat to tease you while your chatting with country trolls who snicker at both of your interactions - You would go on picnic dates and teach him how to do survival skills and he'd learn them and find most of them useful using them himself when he goes exploring - You and Him would have an photo of both of you together smiling and singing that some country trolls took - But John dory explores and travels around he doesn't stay in one place that's normal for him but for you... you were hurt - You cried calling out to "John Please you can't just leave" you said tearing up "(name please you know I move around alot you know this had to be coming right?" You stared to the sand floor before looking up to him with furrowed eyebrows as he spoke "(name)" he started but you cut him off as he reach an hand out to you "Don't... John listen if you do this I won't forgive you we literally are together and if you do this I'm repeating myself but I won't forgive you and what we have will no longer - He left... like he did with the other genres of trolls he left you after you begged him to stay longer or just live with you
reblogs + comments are appreciated ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
©brights-place 2023 — do not repost on another platform, copy, translate or edit my works! if you fit my DNI list please don't interact!
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draco-after-dark · 9 months
Feral! JD au
Info dump time weeeeeeeee
HATES music (Mainly his old Brozone songs)
If he hears the song "Perfect" start playing anywhere he beelines for the speaker and yeets that shit into tomorrow (rip that one kid's b-day party)
Talking is difficult since he hasn't used his voice in years but secretly practices by himself
Gruff voice
Hissing, grumbling, rumbling, scoffing, huffing and growling are his main ways of communicating until he relearns to start talking
Branch and Clay are the main ones to reteach him but Bruce and Floyd also help. Poppy and Viva too
He cannot read, like at all (Clay figured this one out pretty quickly)
Tends to stand and stare alot (at first this kinda creeped all the brothers out but then they all collectively realized it was his way of spending time with them)
Has a sixth-sense of when one of his brothers is having a bad day
Big sharp claws
Floyd once watched JD pick a lock with his claws and doesn't know whether to be impressed or concerned
Runs on all four but can still walk and everything (its just faster for him on all him on all four)
gets the zoomies
will bite as a warning
s t r o n k
perching on high objects/things
will smack shit
cat behavor zero table top items are safe
His goggles got shattered because he headbutted one of those spiders from the first movie once to scare it off. He was sad about breaking them but still has them
Fur cape because he may be feral but still has style (caveman royalty fit)
Master at hid and seek, tag or any game that involes moving quickly
Became grey when he relized that Branch (and mostly likely the rest of the family) were all dead or eaten after the events when he returned to the tolls tree
Keeps memorabilia in his hair from each brother
When he first got captured by Velvent and Veneer they were thrilled but then imediatly scared of him so they shoved him in a bottle and put him in the closet cause he was to loud
Veneer had to get a Rabies shot because JD bit him (multiple times)
Veneer "Does this look infected to you???"
Velvect couldn't use him in the sholder pads because he was too loud and they couldn't get him to be quiet so he was left behind
Claustraphobia go brrrrrrrrr
He did not have a good time in the diamond prison
Oh god I didn't realized how long this would be and its not even everthing oop. any gonna do crawl back into my grave byeeeee
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everykindofnerd13 · 9 months
Trolls Human AU but it’s college student snack pack raising Tiny diamond as all of their kid when Guy Diamond finds himself with a child at the rope young age of 19.
The crew having a schedule of who watches Tiny at any given time on any given day. (It is extensive and color coded and Branch had a great time making it.)
Everyone explanding tiny diamonds repertoire of skills before he can even comprehend his own existence. Like.
Suki who holds a one year old Tiny on her lap while she works on mixes.
Cooper and D who switch off holding Tiny in one of those chest carrier things while they play DDR.
Poppy who will give Tiny a bag of scrap paper and tell him to make a picture inside it. (She doesn’t want to let him actually touch the paper, lest he ingest it.)
Branch who puts on science kids shows like Wild Kratts and Sid the Science Kid on the background while he and Poppy have Tiny so that he kid can start learning fun science stuff early.
Sati and Chenille who started by dressing up Tiny in their studio, but ended up just letting him use his creative guidance on them. (They hold him above a pile of fabric and whichever two he picks they have to make work as a garment.)
Biggie who has “tea parties” with Tiny and Dinkles (his cat) and is always trying to teach the baby proper table manners, it’s futile, for Tiny is a menace.
Smidge who teaches the baby to “work out”. (She actually owns a bunch of grip training baby toys that she hands him while she lifts weights.)
Barb who insists she doesn’t like babies but will happily take Tiny in for a night when needed, making little purée dinners for him and spoiling him rotten for the evening.
Legsly, who encourages Tiny to dance with her in her living room, gripping his hands and holding him up so they can “dance”.
Fuzzbert who is canonically mute and uses sign language to communicate in this universe, who loves to bring Tiny out to the park to experience nature with him, always mesmerized by the baby’s wonder at the clouds and the leaves. (Listen, I just like to imagine that Fuzzbert as someone who often finds themself unable to make themselves heard, quite enjoys the satisfaction of such a small child finding joy in the same things he does.)
Tiny who is very monkey-see monkey-do, and actually is a very well rounded kid after being raised by so many well rounded people who care about a love him.
When they’re together as a group, usually at game nights, they’ll make Tiny little “mocktails” aka, like, mango juice, so that he doesn’t feel left out while they all drink their drinks of choice.
Tiny is the most spoiled kid on earth because he has so many aunts and uncles willing to pitch in and get him whatever he wants.
Brozone and Viva also loving Tiny when they meet him one day while Branch and Poppy are in charge of him. Poppy has a little stroller with a sunshade, and Branch is happily carrying the baby bag so the stroller isn’t too heavy to push. At first, everyone’s mortified cause they thing that their baby siblings have gone off and had a whole baby without telling them, but they quickly notice the “Tiny Diamond” printed across the baby bag and realize it’s in fact their siblings’ close friend’s baby that they’ve heard so much about.
Viva making the kid candy necklaces only to be quickly shut down by Clay who explains that they’re a choking hazard, and they should not be given to a baby.
Bruce who has kids of his own and will invite Guy Diamond to drop Tiny off at his place when he and the rest of the snack pack want a night out.
JD who is terrified of children after how much he feels like he screwed up with Branch, but is still infatuated by the little boy and basically gives him anything he wants.
Floyd who mostly stays out of the way while the baby’s around but is the first to volunteer to put him down for a nap so that he can sing him a lullaby and rock him to sleep.
Branch and Poppy being very blush when old women tell them they have a “beautiful family” when they’re out and about, because while they do consider Tiny and all of their friends family, they know the older women mean something different.
Listen this AU is living rent free in my head. I have a timeline. I have a whole thing. I have backstories and modern world adaptations of trauma. It’s pretty fun.
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clueless-romantics · 5 months
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