#btw i'm not aspec
celestiastarshine · 1 year
Happy (slightly belated) Asexual Acceptance Day (International Asexual Day) to my Aspec peeps! Just remember that all of you are valid, and that no one should tell you otherwise.
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Aspec men deserve much more respect and recognition in the aspec community than they receive. They often face a different form of aphobia specific to them ("men are naturally sexual they can't be ace" "all men are unromantic that's not unique") this rhetoric is spouted by many, even members of our own community and I hope for a day where that is no longer the case. As an ace and demiro woman (demigirl but that's beside the point) I want to encourage folks to take the time to give the aspec men in their lives support and to the aspec men reading, you are who you say you are no matter what people say and you deserve the world. I'm sorry for the ways in which toxic masculinity has harmed you. You are a valued member of the aspec community and the queer community as a whole. No ace or aro person is broken and neither are you. I'm sorry if anyone has ever told you otherwise.
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aq2003 · 7 months
(@variousqueerthings he's so melodramatic and sad. it's soooooo </33)
"i said. i was fine. fine about you leaving. aand.. i'm not. so many of you have come and gone, i never get used to it, think i would've done by now but-but-but. No... just when i think it's all going well, we'll be together forever, you're wandering off to go save another universe or get married—how do you lot fall in love so quickly?"
"well, funny you should say that—"
"i just don't get it. but ehhh, short lives, i suppose. still, so long as you're happy, and you're with the right man, and—he is the right man? Eeehhh—yEs he is yes he is 'course he is, of COUrSe he is, and i mean, i mean, well, no man is gonna be good enough for my donna but YES yes [inhales] off you go! every time, one of you leaves. i'm not ready! i never am, you lot. uuUUhgh. [deep breath]. every one of you, a heartbreaker—"
"that's why you've got two of them, stupid. listen—"
"yeah, i suppose, but it doesn't... make it any easier, you all leave... even the robot dog left me. twice!"
"alright, doctor, i am trying to—"
"and another thing! the universe just never gives me a break! a chance to lick my wounds, a spa day, maybe? but aw, no, Giant Cloud Of Alien Death. well, fine. i'll sort that out. [inhales] one more thing. so many more things. never NEVER never ends."
/end transcript]
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rocksanddeadflowers · 1 month
Aroace monsterfucker Gerry Keay. Reblog if you agree I need to know if anyone else sees the vision.
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automatonwithautonomy · 7 months
I have decided it is physically impossible to be a detective and not aspec. Oh you solve crime? You like mystery?? BAM! Aspec.
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science-lings · 7 months
I just need people to give me fanfic to read bc I can't last a few pages of scrolling on ao3 without nearly losing my mind, one of the hardest things about dipping your toes in a new extremely well-established fandom is that there's already a billion fics out there and impossible to sift through them all to find the ones I can enjoy.
Anyway, if there are any Ace Attorney/ Wrightworth fic blogs or rec lists or just any fics that anyone wants to share, let me have it, I beg for it, please I'm going to go insane
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alicornze7 · 3 months
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Man i sure love being ace
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agendercryptidlev · 4 months
If you ever want to know how little fandom respects aromantic people and the aromantic identity RN we have a popular show with a mostly queer fanbase with a major AroAce romance-repulsed character and yet more people see that aromantic character referring to himself as another character's dad as a prank as a reason not to ship them then y'know, his orientation-
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homunculusalphonse · 3 months
as much as i love found family, i don't like how ppl narrow it into like... traditional family roles instead of it being an "unconventional" family. or a family that has friendships. to them there has to be siblings, dads, moms, that kind of thing. i also hate that ppl try to remove any romantic relationships completely from found families.
like, family can be literally anything. you and your dog. a romantic couple with no kids. friends. friends who act like siblings. an adult who takes care of a kid but does not necessarily use the "dad" or "mom" label. so on and so forth.
i'm just sick of ppl pushing a model of found family that still forces a model when it doesn't need one.
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ghostscrown · 13 days
Aroace lovepunk me obsessing again over a fictional duo whose whole dynamic is "they love each other unconditionally and weither it's platonic, romantic, something in between or something else completely doesn't matter at all"
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lastoneout · 1 year
ngl I shoulda known I was poly and ace sooner cuz I watched Bridget Jones’ Baby and was genuinely shocked to the point that it Ruined The Entire Film For Me when she actually picked a guy at the end. I just didn’t get it. In my little queer head the whole film seemed to be building to her deciding that she doesn’t need to be in a relationship with either man for them to like, be equally important parts of her life and for her to love them(or that she could be with them both) but then??? At the end she picks one???? I remember the scene where she’s going into labor and both guys hold out their hands for her to hold and it’s like symbolic of the “choice” and I was so ready for it to be this beautiful moment where she grabs both hands because she needs and loves both of them(or neither bcs she can do it on her own) BUT she grabbed just one and I was like ??????? Excuse me???????
Anyway being queer really does color everything about how you view the world even if you don’t get it yet and I am still so fucking upset about the end of that movie lmao
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moinsbienquekaworu · 1 year
The struggle between being happy that all kinds of aspecs are talking about aspec experiences more and barely being able to stand the way people talk about aspec experiences
#i don't know how to say it but like. i'm aro and i hate how nobody ever. talks about us except us#if i was the type of person who comes out and if i didn't already need a powerpoint to explain asexuality#i'd start telling people i'm aro and not aroace#like just. the way i feel towards both alloallos & alloaces who try but fail at being inclusive....#towards alloace and sometimes aroace communities & the way they are & act....#legit making me think about identifying as like. non sam aro or something#yeah technically i'm asexual but i'm going to take that word away from everyone#my allo friends are trying bless their heart but they DO NOT GET IT!!!!#they're trying and they're FAILING!!! BADLY!!!!#i understand people who use certain sets of pronouns but only with specific people. holy shit#like if i see one more time that asexuality means not being interested in relationships.#if my friends ask me and only me if i'm comfortable with a sex discussion when i am participating in it#if i get told 'no bitches!! :D' as a pride thing ONE MORE TIME#i'm sorry if you're seeing that m btw. on the infinitesimal chance you do see it. it's not against you it's my aro rage#i just. i'm not ace and then aro as an afterthought.#i'm ARO and eventually if it comes up i'm ace#'oh but no bitches isn't necessarily about sex it can also be about relationships'#yeah okay. well. i'm interested in both of those. i do want bitches. not like allos but i'm not signing up to be a nun here.#the flattening of the aspec experience to 'asexual and possibly aromantic' is making me want to tear things apart with my teeth#hate hate hate hate#and let's not forget adolescent romances. listen. i'm a teenager and i love romance#but all the stuff where the 17yo alloace teen feels broken and ends up dating a comprehensive partner......#i keep seeing it like you see the fin of a shark. and that's already more than i can stand#i'm happy it's resonating with people but it's exactly as insipid as bland straight love songs to me#anyway. i didn't get everything i wanted out but i chipped away at it.#wow i have a ramble tag now
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Hello!!! You always have the best Fic recs so-
Do you have some aspec (but still alloromantic) Haikyuu fics you can recommend me? I might be on a self-discovery journey using fanfiction again lol
hiii i'm so honoured you like my recs <3
you're so real for exploring stuff through fanfic. unfortunately i don't use the bookmark function in ao3 half as much as i should, so the only fic off the top of my head is the one in my recent rec list
to clarify you're asking for ace-spec hq fics right? i'll take a look and see tmo, tho i will admit to being insanely picky over my fics lol
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I CANNOT believe I joined Tumblr legiterally ON International Asexuality Day and forgot to make a post about it 😔
Anyway, happy belated Ace day!! Especially to my fellow aspec folks!
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aroacemisha · 11 months
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Happy Pride Month! (ft. my Willow headcanons)
(Tap/click for better quality)
She’s oriented aroace, with abro queerplatonic (or alterous) attraction that fluctuates between pan and lesbian, and she’s ambiamorous - able to enjoy both monoamorous and polyamorous partnerships with little to no preference.
The flowers on the vine are an orange amaryllis, a yellow pansy, a white periwinkle, a blue daisy, and a blue anemone.
Also I draw Willow with darker skin now. And also also this is my first time drawing Clover.
Please reblog my work. Reblogs help creators reach a wider audience.
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800-grader · 2 years
I hate when people say demisexuality is just how everyone experiences attraction... like... no, it's not? Being sexually attracted to someone does not necessarily mean that you are willing to actually have sex with them??? Allosexuals can be sexually attracted to strangers without wanting to fuck them then and there, obviously. Everyone knows there are other factors involved; for most people sex is very personal and intimate and therefore they would prefer to establish an emotional connection first, even if there is sexual attraction. Demisexual people need the emotional connection to have that attraction in the first place.
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