#but 308? nothing.
chronicowboy · 8 months
i have absolutely zero inspiration for class :)
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blueleads · 1 year
tag drop 3/3
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menderash · 8 months
did you guys know that the mother fucking UN's humanitarian and legal experts have been saying israel's occupation of palestine territories is and has always been illegal, as it violates the FUCKING GENEVA CONVENTION? did you know it was britain that 'gave' the land that wasn't theirs to give to found the state of israel as a tactic to get more jews to join the british army in their already-active war against the ottoman empire? did you know that just between 2008 and 2022 the idf killed almost SEVEN THOUSAND palestinians, as opposed to the 308 israelis by palestinians in the same time period? did you know that israel itself admits to 'forcefully evacuating' palestinians from their homes over the course of their annexation of the country? did you know the british army helped them? did you know that any palestinian who didn't want to have their house taken from them and given to american immigrants being shipped in to populate britain's pet project was killed on their spot? did you know that back in 2018 palestinians did nothing but MARCH in protest of their occupation and in response, the idf is CONFIRMED to have killed almost 400 of them, including FIFTY FIVE CHILDREN? did you know palestinians are not allowed to build anything on the land they have left? did you know they aren't ALLOWED TO LEAVE?? did you know over HALF of christian evangelicals support israel solely because the bible says israel has to exist in order to bring about the second coming? did you know that in 2021, over 88% of us congress were evangelical christians? did you know israel is confirmed to have knowingly bombed palestinian hospitals and the idf had been caught targeting journalists? did you know israel is committing another war crime at this very moment by dropping white phosphorus on gaza civilians? did you know the israeli press was just confirmed to have completely fabricated an account of palestinian war crime right after their own got caught on film? did you know the defense minister of israel openly called all palestinians 'animals' to justify the deaths of their civilians? did you know holocaust survivors are presently speaking out against the israeli state's ethnic cleansing of arabs?
why, in the united states, is criticizing a settler colony's active attempts at extermination labeled antisemitic because of the religion the settlers happen to practice, but rooting for the complete eradication of a muslim country that was already there and is barely still there not islamophobia?? why is religion being used as a shield to justify genocide?
when a sudden act of politically charged violence occurs, like the hamas attack a few days ago, i ask WHY? i ask WHY until i get as far back as i can. i read accounts written by all sides. i try to find out why this is happening in the first place. half of these facts have come from the israeli government itself. all of them are easily found and easily confirmed by reputable sources. a lot of them are caught on film. all of these facts lead me to know that the state of israel was created by britain in order to gain an advantage in an unrelated war. i know the state of israel has caused unimaginable harm to the country it's slowly eating, and has suffered just a fraction in return. i know religion justifies none of it.
palestinians deserve to live in their own country. palestinians deserve to not be forced to give their homes to americans. palestinians deserve to live, to leave, to stay, to wave their own fucking flag. they do not deserve to have another country plopped on top of them and then have their settlers ask 'don't WE have a right to exist?' as their own right to exist is being extinguished.
fuck the idf, fuck israel, fuck manifest destiny, fuck all settlers who think they deserve someone else's home enough to kick them out of it. literally, in israel's case. indigenous americans, indigenous canadians, chicanos, pacific islanders, filipinos, mestizos, we should all be standing with palestine, because we KNOW how colonial violence goes and what it looks like. solidarity between all colonised peoples. free palestine.
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nonsensical-pixels · 5 months
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as anyone who knows me will know, my house is a zoo i am a sucker for small rodents, especially guinea pigs and hamsters. last year for my 17th birthday i shared these deco guinea pigs, so this year today, for my 18th, have the natural progression of that post: a 4t2 conversion of @kaisosims' rodents pack! 20 new, modular, decorative fur-baby items & accessories for your sims to adore 🥰
everything that could have fitted slots has slots; the hamster shelf, notably, has a grand total of 15! all of the cages are stackable, i.e.: you can put the animals (which are purely deco) in them, then stack them on top of any other surface--the given ones, or a counter, study table, etc.! more info can be found under the cut 👇
this set was originally supposed to be my... wow... 1000 followers and 17th birthday gift. but back then my cc skills honestly kinda sucked and the slots + transparency drove me to insanity. over a year, 1500 more followers, and a mental crisis later, here we are, with the final product of over 30 hours of hard work! 👏 in any case, thank you all so much for 2500 followers!
tysm to @skittlesplays for suggesting this set in the first place btw, you know me so well anna!! if you'd like to see my other, mechtasims pet set, which i converted in her honour, check out my 1000 followers gift weekend starting here.
credits go to @kaisosims for the original ts4 meshes & textures, they are so adorable! and of course to all of you, for sticking with me through another birthday 💖
Originally by Kaisosims for TS4. Converted to The Sims 2 by nonsensical-pixels.
Pretty much everything that can have a slot, has a slot!
All cages can be placed on other surfaces, like tables, counters, etc.; if you want to place an animal inside of them, do that first, THEN place them on the surface.
Everything is decorative; nothing is functional… yet.
Art pieces are in the Paintings category, surfaces like the Cage Stand are in Surfaces -> Misc, and everything else is in General -> Pets.
You may note that some items have drastically different polycounts from the TS4 originals; this is because TS4 automates the appearance of backfaces, but TS2 doesn't recognise them, so I had to add my own.
Art (28 polys) Cage Stand (398 polys) Cleaning Supplies (424 polys) Ferret (682 polys) Food (100 polys) Guinea Pig (484 polys) Guinea Pig Enclosure (4356 polys) Guinea Pig Enclosure Top (1008 polys) Hamster (520 polys) Hamster Cage (1758 polys) Hamster Table (308 polys) Rat (456 polys) Rat Cage (2140 polys) Small Cage (988 polys) Substrate (144 polys) Treats (1876 polys) Tube (640 polys) Wood Wall Art (380 polys) Zoom Pet (341 polys)
20 items total. Collection file included for added convenience!
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much love from my lil piggies: bethany, ivory, emily, and alex!! they're getting new cages for my birthday, just like my sims' piggies 🐽
once again, thank you guys all so much for the support! i wish i could've added more to this gift but i guess this weekend's content will be compensation... 👀 if there are any issues that you find with this set, please don't be afraid to let me know! otherwise, i'll see you in the next one. happy simming, and when you download this, do keep in mind,
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Love, ~ Ky 💓
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miss-tc-nova · 4 months
S/O Inexperienced in Relationships - TWST Housewardens
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Not a day has gone by that I haven't been working on this. I'm SO sorry this took so long but I interpreted this in a few different ways and had to decide how I wanted to write it. But it's done!!!
Also, sorry for not using a fem!reader. I've apparently conditioned myself to write around that.
As for the question of my patience, I've answered that here, lol.
Premise: The Prefect is acting a bit odd
Riddle: 308
Leona: 357
Azul: 296
Kalim: 364
Vil: 351
Idia: 400
Malleus: 362
Riddle has started to become suspicious.
You almost seem paranoid—second guessing every single move you make. The foods you choose, the clothes you wear, and apparently even the path you take to class. There is nothing that seems to get the green light the first time around.
At first he lets it go, seeing as it doesn’t interfere with his duties. But as the problem persists, it does begin to interfere in the relationship. This wasn’t a thing before you started dating.
He never thought he’d frown upon fastidiousness, but you checking and double checking that little book of yours has interrupted far too many activities and is beginning to irk him.
So he demands the book only to be stunned at the Queen’s rules written inside.
You had been spending hours upon hours trying to abide the Queen’s rules that Riddle knew by heart.
However, Riddle has recently come to terms with the idea that not everything has to be perfect—that people can just live. So while he admires your dedication to adhere to something he finds important, he’s concerned for your wellbeing.
When he questions why you would go to such lengths for this, you shyly, embarrassedly admit that you were afraid of losing him. You’ve never had many friends, let alone significant others. You didn’t really know what made a strong, enduring relationship.
But you knew the rules were important to him.
Riddle finally understands, warmth bleeding through his chest as a smile pulls at his lips.
“I don’t mind if you know the logistics of a relationship or not. What matters is that we build this one together. And while I admire your dedication to study the Queen’s rules, I would much rather you preserve your health. You’ll learn them in due time. Until then, please, just be yourself—my beautiful rose.”
Leona’s ire is growing.
This is not what he thought your relationship would be like.
Sure, he didn’t expect you to be throwing yourself at his lap or hanging off him, but to not even smile when he approaches you? If he didn’t know better, he’d say you weren’t even dating.
He’s starting to go out of his way to get a reaction out of you. Taking things out of your hands and pretending to examine them—sometimes returning them, sometimes not. Leaning against you, and if you manage to resist, he’ll just go limp until you crumple beneath his weight.
In some rare occasions, if you’re having a conversation with someone, he’ll just pick you up and walk off. Honestly, he’s impressed you haven’t snapped at him yet.
Eventually, while your attention is focused on studying, Leona snaps. He snatches the book from your hand and hurls it over the balcony of his room, leaving you stunned.
When you ask if he’s okay, he turns the question back on you. When you insist that there’s nothing wrong, he demands to know if you regret agreeing to go out with him.
Denying that accusation is not enough as Leona persists that you “don’t act like it.” Your retort turns out to be that you don’t know how to “act like it.”
His confusion finally gives you a moment to explain. You never had many relationships with anyone, including romantic kinds, so you have no idea what you’re doing in this relationship. All you really know is that Leona isn’t into clingy types so you tried your best to be the opposite.
It takes Leona a moment to soak in the information before he promptly tells you that you’re an idiot through a smirk.
“Look, I can’t say I’m a relationship expert but do what you want. Pretendin’ to be someone you think makes me happy is just stupid. And clearly not workin’ for ya, so you might as well go back to bein’ that person I asked out in the botanical gardens. Now get over here. We’re takin’ a nap. No, you can get your book later.”
Azul regrets his decision.
At first, he thought having you take on some of his responsibilities was a great idea. He didn’t even ask you to; you volunteered.
You can easily run the Lounge in his absence, scheduling shifts, obtaining stock, and whatever else that needed doing. Hell, he even trusts you to facilitate contracts on his behalf.
He’s thrilled to have the free time to look into new ventures.
Except, with all this free time, he starts to notice that you have none.
You’re always on the move, always writing, always busy. And it seems to be taking its toll. You look tired, the spark in your eyes gone.
Regret sinks in, mostly because he can’t remember the last time the two of you actually spent time together.
It takes several attempts to pry you away from your work to finally talk and Azul starts right off with reducing your workload. When you refuse, he persists, his suspicion growing until he finally asks why you’re being so stubborn.
You crack. The last thing you want is to lose him because you aren’t good enough. Friends, let alone partners, aren’t something you understand very well for lack of experience. Without that knowledge, you concluded that becoming as useful as you could was best.
A smile tugs at his lips as the man pulls you into his arms.
“My darling, I promise I’ll be just fine running things without you. But more importantly, I promise that nothing will change between us. And while most may find experience advantageous, I think I more enjoy the idea of us learning to be together, together. Now, I’ve taken the liberty of clearing both our schedules for the day. And I would enjoy nothing more than to spend it with you.”
Kalim is…confused.
He loves you and he is absolutely basking in all the affection you shower him with.
But it doesn’t feel like you anymore.
Shortly after you began dating, you began fawning over him at every opportunity. Your arms were always wrapped around him and you always kissed his face when entering or leaving his presence.
The thing that really clued Kalim in to something being wrong was the constant smile on your face. You had a beautiful smile when it was genuine. But this smile is forced.
On top of that, you aren’t the kind of person to be this overly affectionate. It must be draining to keep up such an energetic façade. And the last thing Kalim wants is for someone close to him to pretend to be someone they’re not.
He mulls over how to ask you about something that you might find sensitive.
Then he catches you without your mask. You look tired and anxious. And he can’t hold it in anymore.
Ignoring your smile, Kalim gets to the point, asking point blank what’s wrong.
You deny at first, but he begs you not to lie to him. He cares too much and, after what happened with Jamil, he refuses to let someone else suffer in silence if there’s anything he can do.
So you tell him. You tell him that you were pretty much alone in your world, no friends or romantic partners. You don’t know how to act or what’s expected; you’re even more lost when it comes to dating a freaking prince. You can’t offer anything that he didn’t already have. All you have are your feelings for him.
Hearing your worries, Kalim drags you into his arms. Of course he’s happy that you would shower him with love, but he wants the real you, all the time.
“Mmm, I don’t really know what romantic relationships are like either. But I don’t think it really matters. It’s okay to not be happy all the time. I mean, I love seeing you smile, but I love you no matter how you feel. So please don’t pretend just for me. Oh, there it is—the most beautiful smile.”
Vil holds his tongue a bit too long.
Initially, he’s impressed by the sudden, significant effort you put into your health and appearance.
This included morning workouts, tracking every meal and drink, and spending hours making sure you look perfect for the day. Not a hair out of place nor a frayed hem—all the best you could do with what you had.
And Vil encouraged you. Yes, he noticed that you weren’t exactly thrilled with the new regime, but no one really is in the beginning. But he wanted to support you.
Yet the longer he observes your efforts, the more he realizes that this attempt to “better” yourself is having the opposite effect.
Sure, you’re more glam, but your emotional state hasn’t improved. In fact, you seem exhausted. You smile and act bright, but a true actor could see through it. He’s ashamed he let it get this far.
But he’s not letting it continue.
He catches you on the way to your next workout and gets to the point, asking why the sudden uptake of your rigorous routine.
You tell him you’d always meant to be healthier and just never had the motivation to. So he retorts asking what this new motivation might be.
This is where you hesitate, growing embarrassed. Vil’s gentle insistence coaxes your worries into the open. You were a loner in your home world so you have no idea how you managed to catch the eye of one of Twisted Wonderland’s biggest celebrities.
You gush about how perfect Vil is but you’re just you. You’re terrified to lose him, so all you could think to do is adopt Vil’s way of life.
A soft laughter escapes him as he presses a kiss to your head.
“While I admire your efforts to emulate my lifestyle, the last thing I want is for you to be miserable every day. You can make little changes; I’ll support your every step. But even if you don’t, you’re still perfect. And who has a better eye for perfection than I do? That’s right. You are my perfect, little gem..”
Idia may have missed his cue.
A new patch released on one of his games, so of course he was lost to the world.
Throughout the whole thing, you kept quiet, never interrupting his game as he spent endless hours hunched over his keyboard.
However, the moment that end credit scene concludes, the young man sits straight, rubs his eyes, and immediately notices a distinct lack of you.
Ortho informs him that you haven’t been around for a few days. Seeing as you spent nearly all your free time with Idia since you two started dating, that sounds suspicious.
When his messages receive no reply, he forces himself to trudge out of the dorm for the only person he’d brave society for.
In Ramshackle, he finds you doing homework. But as he opens his mouth to tell you about his fantastical adventure, he stops himself. Even as you look up at him, your mouth is shut, but even more, you look sad.
Awkward as hell, Idia sits beside you. He’s grateful for your courtesy of letting him enjoy his game, but even he admits that ignoring you was rude.
So he asks why you didn’t interrupt him.
Your shoulders shrug. Idia had been excited for this expansion. You’d never been in a relationship before, but it felt wrong to rain on his fun. Besides, you were used to being alone so you didn’t see a difference.
He stares, lips twisted shut. Then he stands and leaves, marching straight back to his dorm where he gets to work for the better part of two days—including shipping.
Then he returns to drag you back to Ignihyde. His cluttered room is a little more so—filled with empty boxes and wrappers. But right next to his desk is another, set up very similarly. Meanwhile, Idia himself fidgets, a tint of pink on his face.
“So, yeah, I was a major jerk for going AWOL and I totally deserve to be reemed. But I’d totally take being interrupted over tanking our relationship. ‘Sides, the OG you is way more valuable than any platinum. I know! Cringe! But, if you’re interested, maybe we can just party up instead? Yeah, it’s got the latest specs and I already downloaded the best RPG so we can play together. No worries, let Gloomurai show you how to stomp those other noobs! Why are you laughing? Oh geeze.”
Malleus can tell there’s something, but isn’t entirely sure what.
The shift was minute, the slow withdraw.
All was as it should be when your relationship began. Malleus could not have been happier.
Then the creases worked their way across your face. Sure, you smiled with Malleus, but when conversation lulled, it vanished and your eyes turn downcast.
You always seemed lost in whatever concerns occupied your mind and, soon enough, even Malleus couldn’t regain your attention very easily.
Inevitably, he gains some clue when a song of praises of the great heir come exploding from Sebek’s mouth. As the freshman demeans another student for some trifling reason, the dragon distinctly notes your aura recoil. The floor has your attention and you’ve never looked so uneasy.
This worries him. All his life people had kept their distance, but to have the love of his life do so as well—he’s not sure he could stand it.
So the prince bides his time, waiting for a moment of privacy before his fear becomes unbearable. And with a heavy heart, he asks if his status has finally gotten to you.
You bashfully admit that it might have and he feels his heart cracking.
But you continue. Your experience in relationships is miniscule. You’ve only just begun to learn what it means to have friends but in romance your knowledge is woefully non-existent. The thought of maybe one day needing to lead a whole kingdom of people is terrifying. What if you mess it up?
Word by word, Malleus begins to realize that this isn’t about him or his status. He scorns himself for thinking you would care about that; nevertheless, it does ease his own worries.
Because he has nothing but faith in you.
“After everything that’s happened, it’s peculiar that you worry about such things. I may not be well versed in relationships myself, but I’m not concerned with whether or not you’re good for my kingdom. You’re good for me—perfect just as you are. And together we’ll learn and be an example of what it truly means to care for one another. Mm? Are you blushing? Was it something I said?”
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alphynix · 21 days
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Nicknamed the "Y animal" or "wye", Escumasia roryi is an enigmatic fossil organism known from the Late Carboniferous Mazon Creek fossil beds in Illinois, USA, dating to about 308 million years ago.
Growing up to around 15cm tall (~6") this strange soft-bodied creature was Y-shaped, with two slender "arms" on each side of an apparent mouth opening, a flattened sac-like body with another opening on one side, and a long stalk ending in an attachment disc. Some specimens have uneven arm lengths, which may indicate damage from predation.
Being only known from the exceptional preservation conditions of Mazon Creek, and with nothing else quite like it in the known fossil record, Escumasia's evolutionary relationships are still a mystery. It's been tentatively linked to cnidarians – but this doesn't really fit based on its anatomy, and little further study has been done on it since its discovery in the 1970s.
It was probably a filter feeder, living attached to the seafloor and capturing suspended organic material or small planktonic prey with its arms. The environment it inhabited was a shallow tropical marine bay, located close to the equator at the time, near a large river delta that would have made the surrounding waters rather brackish. This ecosystem was dominated by cnidarians, particularly the anemone Essexella, along with various arthropods, lobopodians, polychaete worms, molluscs, echinoderms, fish, lampreys, hagfish, and other difficult-to-classify weirdos like the famous "Tully monster" Tullimonstrum.
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Clements, Thomas, Mark Purnell, and Sarah Gabbott. "The Mazon Creek Lagerstätte: a diverse late Paleozoic ecosystem entombed within siderite concretions." Journal of the Geological Society 176.1 (2019): 1-11. https://doi.org/10.1144/jgs2018-088
Nitecki, Matthew H., and Alan Solem. "A problematic organism from the Mazon Creek (Pennsylvanian) of Illinois." Journal of Paleontology (1973): 903-907. https://www.jstor.org/stable/1303070
Wikipedia contributors. “Mazon Creek fossil beds.” Wikipedia, 10 May 2024, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mazon_Creek_fossil_beds
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delafiseaseses · 11 months
Y'know what I think makes Jeannie May Crawford stand out so much amongst Fallout villains? Not just the fact she's associated with Boone and one of the horrors he's dealt with, but because she's different than most other Fallout villains, big or small.
[I'm not gonna be going into the cut Ghoul bigotry in Come Fly With Me even though it supports me point, as that is, well, cut and therefore not-canonical actions. Though it is in-line with her other behaviour.]
I know why Jeannie May feels different to me. She's an advocate of Normality. What do I mean by that? Well, it's simple. Her motive for her Big Evil Action is pretty clearly the fact that Carla didn't like Novac and was overall an annoyance to her status quo. The perfection of her town. Her "little desert oasis". Jeannie May is basically the leader of Novac. She owns the Dino-Dee Lite and by extension the entire town. To her badmouthing Novac is badmouthing her and that is a crime she cannot stand. No punishment is too great. Carla and her unborn child deserve to suffer, in her mind. She knows what the Legion do to women, but she didn't care.
But it doesn't just stop there. That's the thing. She doesn't just hate people disliking Novac. Jeannie May also resents the idea of people not being very social as Alice McBride says this "Oh, we keep to ourselves, for the most part. Try not to pry. I think Jeannie May gets bothered that we aren't more sociable, but it's just our way. Ain't that we don't appreciate what she's done, managing this town like she has, but I worry she feels that way anyhow." the McBrides were probably not at risk of the Carla-treatment, but who knows what Crawford would've done to them if she got too upset at their lack of sociability.
Oh, also, the reason she kept the document that got her killed? 500 caps. That's it. In the Bill of Sale it says "Payment of an additional five hundred bottle caps will be due pending successful maturation of the fetus, the claim to which shall be guaranteed by possession of this document." considering Jeannie May is a landlord to so many people that sum has to be nothing to her. The entire 1500 caps was nothing. But she was confident, arrogant. Nobody would discover her actions. Boone's suspicions wouldn't go anywhere (and he'd never suspect her). It was her town and she was safe in it. Everyone was unable to see past her act (except No-Bark if you believe that one thing he says is an indication he knows something is off about her).
Of course, when you're so confident that you'll never be caught, the thought never enters your mind anyone will find out. The only thing that enters your mind is... a .308 round.
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dollfaceksj · 7 months
yoongi berating OC for lying all the time but he’s definitely hiding some stuff too. i support women’s rights and wrongs!
can’t afford love | myg (m) #16
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“You.” — 67,5%
“Taehyung.” — 32,5%
308 votes
you chose:
you take a deep breath
lick your lips
bore your eyes into his
gather your courage to just swallow your pride
and say these next words to your EX husband
“you.” you bring you hand up to tuck some of his locks behind his ear. “i’m only this wet for you.”
he stares at you, tongue swiping along his bottom lip
he starts nodding and before you know it, he’s pushed into you
you gasp at the intrusion
the stretch burns so good
you squeeze your eyes shut
“shit,” you whisper, digging your nails into his back
“shh.” he buries his face into the crook of your neck as he adjusts to being inside of you. “fuck. gonna cum so fast. couldn’t stop thinking about fucking you.”
so he’d been thinking abt you
you merely hum in response, trying to get used to him inside of you again
“that so?” you whisper, slightly bucking your hips in order to tell him to move
he slowly starts moving, thrusting in and out of you
he nods. “pussy so fucking good. i’ll bust in no time.”
you love how much he likes stroking your ego when he’s fucken balls deep inside of you
“give it to me then,” you whimper
but you almost regret it
because the way he starts thrusting into you at an animalistic pace makes your legs shake
you bring your hand up to your mouth to shield yourself from moaning as he continues to pound into you
“you want it?” he mumbles into your ear, hips still snapping into yours
you quickly nod
try to swallow down your moans
“i want it all to myself,” you tell him, clenching around his shaft when you hear his breathing become ragged
“yeah? all to yourself? still wanna claim me? hm?” he sits up to push your legs back and starts fucking into you like he’s got somewhere to be
makes your breasts bounce from the momentum
“ah, fuck,” he continues, “am gonna cum.”
you nod. “i want it.”
“you want it?”
“i want it.”
“then you get it.”
his eyes shift to your sexes when his thrusts start getting sloppy and inconsistent
“shit, shit,” he mumbles, unable to stop himself from spilling inside of you
ropes of his cum shoot straight into you
feels so fucking good
he doesn’t cum this fast often but it only confirms he must’ve had blue balls just from seeing you in that dress
you wrap your legs around his waist to keep him trapped
keep him in your embrace
he thrusts a few more times before collapsing on top of you
you both try to catch your breath
sweaty skin on sweaty skin
he lifts his head to look down at you
you stare at his plump lips for a solid 5 seconds
they look
“want to kiss me, do you?”
you roll your eyes. “you wish.”
he chuckles and slowly starts pulling out of you, watching as his cum erupts from your pussy
“look at that,” he mumbles as he runs a finger up your slit and pushes his cum back into you
he knows it’s done
what needed to be done has been done
can’t help himself it seems
he then shifts his eyes back up to you. “can i at least make you cum?”
you stare at him for a moment
but you know damn well that there’s nothing you’d want more than that
you slowly nod your head and it doesn’t take a second longer for him to hop off your body and lie next to you
propped up on his elbow
using his dominant hand to slither from the valley of your breasts down to your pussy
he gently kisses your neck as the tips of his fingers start rubbing circles onto your clit
you gently sigh
“oh, fuck.”
you can barely breathe
he runs his fingers up your slit, collecting all of the cum that seeped out before pushing it back in, using his ring–and middle finger
starts pumping his fingers into you as he presses his lips to your collarbones, prepping your skin in his kisses
“you smell so good,” he mumbles, nose nudging against your skin
you squirm and quietly moan under him
which he simply shakes his head at. “shhhh.”
your hips involuntarily buck up
needing more
wanting more
he cuts you off. “wanna give you everything you want and more.”
everything you want
and more
you mewl
his hand picks up in pace, palm repeatedly pressing down on your clit as he slams his fingers into you
you arch your back off the bed, eyes shut tightly
your stomach starts tightening
and he knows you too well
he kisses your earlobe. “you gonna cum?”
you quickly nod your head
he presses a soft kiss to your temple as he focuses on stimulating your clit just right
“you’ve never cum like this for anyone before, have you?” he whispers and you hate how right he is
you’ve slept with maybe two other guys before getting with yoongi
yoongi took your virginity
you had a year long break with him in your second year of college
kind of fooled around with other guys simply to piss off yoongi
but neither of them cared enough to make you cum
neither of them cared enough to learn your body the way yoongi did
of course you were young back then and so were those guys
but even from your first time with yoongi
you don’t recall a single moment of feeling uncomfortable, pain or disappointment
yoongi has always taken good care of your body
treated it like something sacred
took him 45 minutes of foreplay and prep before he shoved his dick into you when you lost your virginity
and you didn’t feel any pain
and you haven’t slept with anyone since getting married to him (obviously)
“am gonna cum,” you whimper as you tighten around his fingers
he nods. kisses your neck. doesn’t speed up or slow down.
you buck your hips up uncontrollably as your body starts shaking
orgasm washing over you
several curses leave your mouth as you come undone under him
he simply nods. kisses your temple as you cum on his fingers
his fingers slow down but he leaves them inside for.. some reason
you sigh quietly
try to catch your breath
“how do you feel?” he whispers into your ear, gently pumping his fingers into you a few more times before pulling out
you swallow. open your eyes.
see him right in front of you
you nod your head. “good.”
he smiles and presses another kiss to your cheek before getting up
tells you to not move an inch
cleans you up himself
even wipes the sweat off your forehead with a nice cold cloth
you’re in the midst of putting your clothes on when you glance at him over your shoulder
he’s sitting in his boxers on his bed, folding some of his laundry with his back to you
you can’t help yourself
you’re thinking
when yoongi didn’t answer the question
THAT question
have you been with anyone?
you know what would be FUNNY as FUCK
should you?
should you not?
to be continued.
— enjoyed it? you can always show your appreciation by buying me some coffee if you want ☕︎♡
@pamzn @jknoah @ahgasegotarmy116 @jaiuneamesolitaiire @rrrapmonste-rr @Teddytaee @pnkmyg @yoongallery @agustdswifey @purp13st4r @busanstarkoo @busanboykoo @llallaaa @kookssecret @p34rluv @xumyboo @jojowantstocry @minjenna @codeinebelle @Futuristiclovedreamland @rirushu @taegicity @namgihours @ultminyoongi @swinterr @butterymin @partyparty-yah @bettybloop @secfir @coffeedepressionsoup @keroppitae @manuosorioh @whoa-jo @etaerealboyv @kaiparkerwifes @luvjiminandyoongi @luvbeomkai @petalsofink @paradiseyoongies @gaby-93 @MMFranklin @llallaaa @vickyyy97 @osakis-gf @luna-astro-star @shabbamadapot @rrrapmonste-rr @jjeonjennie @yoongisducky @s3l3n0phil3 @Itsmina29 @namjoonsbuspass @hoseokshobagi @laurenrodr @keshiadeija @acquiescence804 @swga-ficrecs @sato-hana02 @honsoolhour @gaby-93 @kimseokgen @Imene1609
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stupittmoran · 7 months
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In 1992 a man that had no record of violence whatsoever was approached and entrapped by the feds illegally.
After he was sent the wrong court date and failed to show up, his innocent son, dog, and wife (while holding their infant daughter) were all slaughtered because of it.
Randy Weaver and his family lived in an isolated cabin in the mountains of Ruby Ridge, Idaho.
An undercover federal agent targeted him and entrapped him into selling him a sawed-off shotgun.
The agent ingratiated himself to Weaver for weeks. He kept asking Weaver if he would sell him a shotgun. Weaver initially hesitated but finally agreed. Then, the agent asked him if he could saw it off first since he didn't have the tools. Though he warned FBI guy it was illegal to do so, he was nice enough to do it anyway. The agent then also had him drive out of the way across State lines to add charges.
After Weaver was sent the wrong court date and (understandably) failed to show up, the feds used this as permission to do anything and everything they could to take him down.
Marshals called in military aerial reconnaissance and had photos studied by the Defense Mapping Agency. They prowled the woods around Weaver’s cabin with night-vision equipment. They had psychological profiles performed and installed $130,000 worth of long-range solar-powered spy cameras. They intercepted the Weavers’ mail. They even knew the menstrual cycle of Weaver’s teenage daughter, and planned an arrest scenario around it.
On August 21, Marshals outfitted in full camouflage and carrying machine guns trespassed onto the Weavers’ property. Three marshals circled close to the Weaver cabin and threw rocks to provoke the Weavers’ dogs. As Weaver’s 14-year old son, Sammy, and Kevin Harris, a family friend, ran towards the barking, a marshal shot and killed his dog. Sammy Weaver fired in the direction those shots came from. As he was leaving the scene, a marshal shot him in the back and killed him. Harris responded by fatally shooting a federal marshal who had fired seven shots at them.
Snipers from the FBI Hostage Rescue Team were sent in the next day and ordered to shoot to kill any adult male outside the Weaver cabin. Randy Weaver was shot in the back after he stepped out of his cabin. As he struggled to return back inside, they shot and killed Vicki Weaver (his wife), who was standing in the cabin door holding their 10-month old baby.
From the testimony of Randy Weaver: "On August 22, 1992, completely without warning of any kind, an FBI sniper shot and killed my wife, Vicki. He was using a .308 caliber sniper rifle with a specially weighted barrel and a 10-power scope. He was using match grade ammunition. He had years of training to kill. I heard him testify at the trial that he wanted to kill. He shot my wife in the head and killed her. She was not wanted for any crime. There were no warrants for her arrest. At the time she was gunned down, she was helpless. She was standing in the doorway of her home. She was holding the door open for me and Sara and for Kevin Harris. She was holding Elishe a our 10-month-old baby girl, in her arms. As the bullet crashed through her head, she slumped to her knees, holding Elisheba tightly so she would not drop her. We took the baby from her as she lay dead and bleeding on our kitchen floor."
Weaver and Harris, who never fired any shots at FBI agents, surrendered after an 11-day siege.
Thankfully after all of this was said and done, the FBI conducted an "internal investigation" and guess what? They did nothing wrong. SHOCKER.
Randy Weaver and his daughters filed a wrongful death suit for $200 million which was related to the killing of his wife and son. In an out-of-court settlement in August 1995, the federal government awarded Randy Weaver $100,000 and it also awarded $1 million to each of his three daughters.
The government did not admit that it had committed any wrongdoing in relation to the deaths of Sammy and Vicki.
The moral of the story is, if the government wants to kill you, they'll find a way to do it. They are not your friend. They do not have your best interests at heart.
If you are an enemy of the state, if they don't like you, the Constitution seemingly doesn't apply.
These federal agencies (FBI, CIA, ATF, USMS, etc.) Do whatever they want, stay in power indefinitely, and have effectively unlimited funds. Not only should they be defunded, they should be abolished entirely. They do nothing but make us less safe and are wholly incompatible with a free society.
The fact that people want to give the government more power, more control, and take away our means of defense (gun control) is absolutely beyond me. If they could pull this off in the 90's they can do it now. I assure you.
Never give up your guns. Your government will kill you.
Dylan Allman on Twitter/X
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Banners/dividers made by @/natimiles
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Words: 308 CW: None | SFW Pairing: Harrison Gray / Reader (unnamed, feminine pronouns) Note: I was writing something else for a prompt and this came to me in the middle of that. Whoops. Not posted on any other sites.
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People always say actions speak louder than words. 
Intentions can easily be hidden with embellished statements or fancy adjectives or sweet nothings; a compliment here, an exaggeration there. It is far more difficult to obscure falsities behind one’s actions. 
Harrison Gray is no exception to this. 
The Curse of the Lying Fox certainly results in a disproportionately high number of spoken falsehoods. However, though his voice will oft facilitate untruth, his gentle touches belie the soft cadence of his words. 
The truths that his words obfuscate are made clear by the sincerity behind everything he does. A guiding hand to the back when walking together, the way his gaze would settle on her from across the room; Harrison’s actions betrayed an honesty that he could not speak aloud. He would take her into his arms when he returned from work and press a tender kiss to the top of her head in greeting. When she was sad, Harrison would brush his lips across her cheeks or her forehead. When he was working, Harrison would often return home with small gifts such as flowers or a trinket he spotted in a store that he thought she would enjoy. No one could mistake the things Harrison does for anything other than the actions of a man in love.
Sometimes she found herself doubting Harrison’s words, but she could never deny the love and care that he bestowed upon her day after day.
When she met Harrison, she didn’t expect him to so quickly become an irreplaceable facet of her existence. He is a standard; an expectation in her life. Where she goes, Harrison is soon to follow. Her future is factually bound to his. 
Harrison may not be the most honest man out there, but he was hers, and he loved her unconditionally. She wouldn’t have him any other way.
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Taglist: @natimiles
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ruexsdrty · 18 days
Petty Thievery
Pairing: The Ghoul x Reader
Note: Mentions of the game Fallout 4 setting/gameplay because duh I played it too fucking much.
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Gloved fingers gripped at the slicky thin bobby pin, twisting and turning gently just in the await of that sweet click. The wind was strong tonight but her overhanging hood saved her eyes from the unforgiving—and probably radioactive—sand. It was ironic that a radaway bag hanged on the inner side of her coat while she donned a gruesome ghoul mask on her face like second skin.
She had found it hanging alone on a wall shack in the corner of an empty costume house when she was seeking cover from the blazing raiders and mutants outside. There were a few of them until she had shot one with her .308 pipe revolver, awaiting a horde of sick grunts and snarls only to be met by silence. That was when she realised that it was no feral, just a harmless mask. Those were probably zombie masks but, well, there was nothing she couldn't fake.
‘Well, I had this idea...’ she narrates, her eyes catching the glimpse of a distant man coming towards her again through the sides of her vision. She wasn't mistaken, that silhouette was distinctively clear in her head. Only one man she knew held himself with grace and sickening danger altogether. The cowboy hat, the overhanging coat... ‘And when I thought I could handle lying about being a ghoul with wastelanders and other ghouls alike, I wasn't fucking counting him.’
Her fingers trembled as yet another bobby pin snapped, spitting curses under her breath that would make a sailor blush. She heard the familiar reload click of a shotgun a few feet away.
“Tell me why I shouldn't just shoot you right now, sweetheart.”
Oh, yeah, that voice. She knew it, was familiar with it. She has had one too many run-ins with him whenever she played the role of a runaway vaultie, and she could recall none of them to be pleasant. She just hoped he won't recognize her voice.
The flickering neon board hung overhead, a few lights hanging off its hinges, it read, ��Pharmacy’.
“Nothin' wrong with a woman trying to survive,” She grumbled with an intentioned rasp in her voice, deepening it. ‘We practised this,’ she told herself to take deep breaths, ‘Just don't overdo it.’
“Well, darlin',” His southern accent was strong, dripping off each syllable, “Ain't nothin' wrong with a man wanting it all to 'imself, eh?” The barrel of the shotgun dug into the sides of her forehead through her hood. Ofcourse he'd want the whole store. Who wouldn't?
She sucked in a deep, slow breath, quiet and shaky. “That's not nice.” At a loss of words, that was all that she could've come up. She wasn't particularly proud of it, especially when even he couldn't bite back a short laugh.
After a long pause of silence, she huffed, “If you kill me, you can't get it. The lock's pretty tight!”
“Yeah?” He drawled, she peeked through the edge of her hood to catch a glimpse of his uninterested eyes. “And what gives I don't just break the damned glass?”
Again, a silence befell them. “I'm fucked then.” She had stopped fumbling with the lock now, looking at him with distrusting eyes while the wind furled gently against her hood. His fingers repositioned around the trigger.
A guttural growl filled the air as heavy steps shook on the ground they stood on. Their gazes widened at each other. He hit the barrel on her head lightly to accentuate the tension, “Get to it,” he barked.
She returned to pick the lock, the nearing footsteps of the wasteland creature and the edge of the gun digging on her head pushing her hands to shake more. With an irritated groan he knocked the glass with his elbow before opening the lock from the inside. With heavy breathes they rushed inside and pushed the door close.
He turned to her with an exasperated frown. She huffed, a hand to her chest to contain her beating afraid heart. “Don't blame me for having performance anxiety!” He looked at her incredulously like she was crazy.
It was dark, her feet hitting some clutter or the other as she creeped closer to the wall for safety. She stumbled behind the counter and slid down the wall, sitting on the floor as she stared out the glasses in fear. The sudden ticking of radroaches' mantis caught her off-guard and she let out a yelp, fingers curling around the revolver in her holster and shooting the creature before it could close in on her. Silence befell and she collected her breath with a heaving chest. Her legs sprawled in front of her, back hitting the wall in exhaustion but her fingers stayed tightly clutched on her revolver.
The Ghoul clicked his tongue, “You don't sound much like a ghoul.” Was that a joke? A threat? An accusation or just an observation? Whatever it may be, she knew she didn't way to stay around him much longer than necessary.
The fucking Deathclaw outside was an absolute epitome of her bad luck.
Heavy footsteps neared her. It was The Ghoul this time. For some reason, she thought it'd be easier to take down a Deathclaw than this man. “Gun,” he demanded with an outstretched palm in front of her face. She glanced at it once.
“And why should I?”
His foot striked down her wrist, the gun falling out of her grasp to the floor. He stood over her, kicking the gun to the corner and out of reach. His boot planted on either side of her legs. There wasn't much she could to save herself in this situation... or, well, position.
“Smooth skin, soft voice...” He observed, “When did ya' start turning?”
She hasn't done her research. “Seven.” But she figured seven years might hit the sweet spot.
He hummed and leaned downwards, the barrel nudging against her shoulder. ‘Don't panic,’ she met his gaze. He tilted his head down at her, sighing heavily in thought. He laughed short, fingers tightening around the trigger. Gunshots don't kill ghoul, at least not until their brains paint the floor.
"Well, sweetie,” he drawled, his voice deep and ruthless, “Let's see how much of a liar you are, huh?”
Deafening gunshot filled the small store.
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plethora-of-imagines · 3 months
If you and the Master (can be whoever you want) are running from the police on an alien planet where the only punishment is death, and Master has no time to think of a suitable escape plan. reader thinks for the two of you who have to divert suspicion from you two and pulls the master to a corner and kisses him. (sorry if your requests are closed you can disregard it, thank you)
“If we die because-”
Your words were cut off by the Master yanking you into a hidden corner. The whiplash leaving you momentarily breathless. 
“Yes, yes, if we die because I didn’t bother to be sneaky you’ll be very upset.”
Scowling at the dismissive tone, you pushed past him to peek around the corner. They were still chasing after you, they were sure to have seen which corner you both turned.
“So what’s the plan?”
The silence was deafening. 
“Master.” Trying to hide your fear and desperation, your words were short. “What. Is. The. Plan.”
He grimaced. Shit.
“Working on that pet.”
“Working on it!” You whisper yelled as the heavy footfalls pulled closer.
Mind racing you tried to think of anything that you could use to help you. Any little fact about the species, or legal workings that could save you. Death penalty for everything, trials held after the death to award retributions to the family if there was a wrongful death, excellent far distance vision, faceblind to an extent if the person was not fully visible which is why they had such colorful clothes. Very dedicated to both security and reproduction efforts.
Wait! That’s it! 
Just as the men turned the corner it was your turn to yank the Master. Crashing your lips together violently. Grinding against him as you felt the men pause to look at your passionate display. The hands that the Master had thrown up uselessly slowly reaching to tightly grip onto you.
The fear- and lack of air from the kiss- had your head spinning.
“-chcks. Let us leave the lovers alone. Our criminals must have gone another way in respect.”
Only once they were gone did you pull away with an unintentionally cartoon kiss sound.
“That meant nothing!” You rushed to state.
Turning to walk away, back to the TARDIS.
(308 words)
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codenamesazanka · 3 days
Reread, Chapter 306 to Chapter 328 (Edgy Deku Arc). How Does Deku Approach Saving Shigaraki? He Doesn't.
If the chapter number is not listed, it's because there's no significant development in the Deku Saving Shigaraki plotline (Deku being absent from chapter/chapter focus is about other things/etc).
Chapter 308:
When confronting Muscular, Deku thinks back to Shigaraki/The Crying Child - imagery is of them overlapping.
Deku does think: "But at least I want to learn what makes [Shigaraki] tick deep down."
When trying to understand Muscular (by asking him three (3) questions about his motives) fails to pan out, Deku says "Seems like this fight is inevitable," recalling his response to Nana about having the resolve to kill Shigaraki if Shigaraki is beyond saving. Then he KOs Muscular.
Chapter 309:
Gran Torino says "Don't be so rigid. Killing can be another way to save someone. Never forget that." Deku, consistent with his own wishy-washy response in Chapter 305 that doesn't take killing off the table, doesn't refute that; also takes Gran's cape as a gesture of carrying on Gran's legacy.
Chapter 310:
Deku mentions Shigaraki only in the context of a threat. "Don't have leads on [the Villains]" "With All For One's quirk transplanted into Shigaraki… he was too strong for us to bring down, even with Endeavor's and Aizawa Sensei's help."
Not Deku, but a note on Kudou - in a flashback to the immediate aftermath of the scene in Chapter 305, Kudou complains about devoting the vestiges efforts to "one who wants to 'save' our mortal enemy", except 1) Shigaraki is not their Mortal Enemy, AFO is? 2) Did Yoichi not made clear just in-universe moments ago that Shigaraki was a victim of AFO's?
Chapter 311:
Endeavor says: "It must be like Deku said... Right now, [AFO's] top priority might be hijacking Shigaraki." Heroes acknowledge that Shigaraki is AFO's possession victim.
Chapter 314
Deku learns about Nagant's backstory. He admits that he was ignorant, but now he's starting to see things clearly - that the world is in shades of gray, a blend of fear and anger. As he says this, among the memories he's thinking of, is Shigaraki's Jaku speech.
Deku also recalls a line from Shigaraki's Jaku speech - "…Swept their pain under the rug… With maggots crawling out." Then says "Which is exactly why I gotta extend a helping hand."
I do consider this Deku reaffirming his desire to save Shigaraki.
Chapter 318
Not Deku, but the vestiges talks about Deku. Nana worries about the burden she has placed on him. Banjo says Deku sees every cause as worthy. Shinomori says Deku seeks to save everyone as a true Hero. Kudou says Deku is choosing the right path.
Is this about Shigaraki? ...Maybe???
...And sadly that's actually it! After Nagant explodes, Deku is Very Angry about AFO. Then he's a one-man Villain hunting machine. Doesn't really spare a thought about Shigaraki anymore beyond "I have to stop Shigaraki and the League."
I'll allow that he's super stressed out and lonely and overwhelmed by the duty he's taken on... but any thoughts about even saving or even understanding Shigaraki or even the Crying Child has evaporated after Muscular.
It's notable that during the Uraraka Speech And Umbrellas Scene, Uraraka gets a flashback to Toga crying when she talks about everyone smiling together in the future, while Shouto and Endeavor think about Dabi as they promise to 'do this together', but Deku gets nothing. In fact I don't think he makes any mention or even thinks of Shigaraki/Crying Child until... Chapter 342.
Last on-page declaration of saving Shigaraki Crying Child? Chapter 305
Last solid implication of Deku wanting to save Shigaraki? Chapter 314
Last time Deku thought about Shigaraki in a context that isn't 'need to find him/stop him'? Chapter 314, when he flashbacks to Shigaraki's Jaku speech.
[As always take however much blame you think I'm unjustly putting on Deku to put on Horikoshi doing bad writing.]
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So chapter 308 and 309 reallly wants to make me cry huh?
In summary of 309
Misfit Class: As long as you guys aren't depressed and limbs attached who fucking cares about the future of the demon world?
Asmodeus and Iruma: But-
Misfit Class: No buts.
Momonoki-sensei: and also Kalego-sensei is in an evil cycle/wicked phase.
Jazz and Lied: Wait...he usually isn't?
Robin-sensei: Iruma come with me, to the Barbatos Clan as we make demons there suffer as well!
The misfit class part warmed my heart so much. The fact they only care if all of their classmates are safe and doesn't care about the demon world is lovable at least.
Chapter 308 is not any less emotional fluff than the chapter after.
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Why just why. Don't put three adorable ass characters as babies and make them cry it's wrong come on dude. Nishi why are you doing this to me.
But the well executed fluff is amazing and the fact that they say they'll wait for all of their secret's answer is amazing. Not pressuring people to reveal their insecurities is again *chef kiss*
Wow, Nishi you easily dropped two of my favourite relationship aspects in the show like it's nothing? I stan a queen 🙇 .
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gaiahypothesims · 24 days
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Ashley- Listen, I'm not telling you what you need to do with your life but I honestly think that if you're still in love with her you need to make some changes.
Harris- <scoffs> Well that's a lot easier said than done isn't it? You have no idea what it's like trying to get out from under the shadow of some fucking dynasty of a family.
Ashley- <pauses for dramatic effect> Don't I?
Harris- Hmm... maybe you do... but you're still fucking single.
Ashley- And that is MY burden to bear! I'm admitting to you that I have been THIS CLOSE to an arranged marriage because I felt trapped by my own loneliness. BUT I made a change, and now I am far much more settled. If love comes my way, I am open to it. If I can experience a great love, there is nothing that would stop me from pursuing it with the greatest of determination and zeal. For, what is all this? What is... life...? It isn't the amount of money in a bank account, a title, accolades... though those are all nice. It is the pursuit of something meaningful. Something that will be at your side when you pass from this life to the next, some ONE that will hold your hand through difficulty and pain. Your loved ones won't remember the bills your assistant pressed into their birthday cards. They remember the sound of your laugh, the warmth of your embrace, the sound of your breath as you sleep near them. Life is meant to be lived boldly, dangerously, as if every experience might be your last.
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Harris- Hmph... <long thoughtful pause> Where's the rest of the joint you've been smoking?
Ashley- I can make you a tea, or I have a pocket full of edibles. I do nothing as plebian as 'smoking', my body is a temple.
Harris- Hand them over.
Ashley- Not here. Come this way Mr. Lane.
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vivwritesfics · 3 months
Fake It Till You Make It
Chapter Two - The Monaco Grand Prix
The Princess of Monaco is wild and out of control. She needs to stop being in the tabloids for all the wrong reasons. Charles Leclerc has had a spot of bad press since his very public break up. He needs some good PR. What better way to fix their problems than to pair them up?
Series Masterlist
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Party Princess's wreckages
At the approach of the Monaco Grand Prix, we take a look back at the Princess's car collection.
As many of our readers know, Princess Y/N has owned a multitude of cars. But, unlike her brother, she does not have an extensive and impressive car collections. Actually, she doesn't have a car collection at all.
The party princess was bought the first car in her collection at fifteen, before getting her licence. The BMW M4 was expected to stay in storage until Princess Y/N had a full licence.
Most of us probably had a Fiat 500 or our big brothers old car as our first car. But a Fiat 500 or hand me down car isn't appropriate for the party princess. The purchase of the white BMW M4 shouldn't have come as a surprise to anybody.
Nobody expected to see the pictures of the totalled car. In true part princess fashion, she took her brand new car out for a joyride. That joyride lasted a total of five minutes. Princess Y/N, luckily, climbed out of the car unscathed.
This trend of wrecking new cars continued on for Princess Y/N until the royal family refused to buy her any cars. We say the ruin of the beautiful Porsche 911, the destruction of the Ferrari 308 GTS, and the wreckage of the 1963 Volkswagen Beetle deluxe. This totals to €347,865 worth of damage.
If you would like to see the Princess's destroyed vehicles, fully restored in perfect condition, you can visit them in the Prince of Monaco's car collection.
Of all the things the article could have written about, why did it have to be her fuck ups? Couldn't they have talked about her years giving trophies on the podium? Couldn't they have mentioned her friendship with Fernando Alonso?
No, they had to go into her embarrassing moments. The Beetle and the Ferrari weren't even her fault. Sure, she maybe shouldn't have let her boyfriend at the time drive the cars and crash into those walls or trees.
The article didn't even mention the driver that backed into her Porsche. She was sat in traffic when that asshole backed up out of the blue.
The only one that was properly her fault was the BMW. At fifteen she went for a joyride before she really knew how to drive. The car didn't make it back with her.
"The media has nicknamed you the party princess," Henri spat. He stopped reading the article and locked his phone. "Are you not embarrassed? Does this not make you want to calm things down?"
She didn't answer him. She kept her head against the window of the car and stared out of the window. "Fine, be childish."
The car pulled up outside of the paddock entrance and the doors were pulled open for the prince and princess. Y/N climbed out of the car in just the way she had been taught, in a way that kept her skirts covering her.
The prince and princess walked into the paddock together. They smiled and waved for the cameras as they snapped pictures of them. It was far too warm for the suit Henri was wearing, but he looked proper and put together (which was the most important thing).
The party princess was wearing something a little more appropriate for the weather. Her white, floral patterned skirt was loose around her legs, falling to her feet and her top was nothing more than a plain vest. Sunglasses covered her eyes, for once not hiding a hangover.
She followed her brother to the garages. "I'm heading to Ferrari," he said, splitting off from her. Henri might have been the biggest Charles Leclerc fan, but they were still friends. For the few Grand Prix he attended a year, he spent it in the Ferrari garage, routing for his friend.
The princess headed off to the Aston Martin garage. The year before she had been running into the Alpine garage. Whichever team she favoured was the team Fernando Alonso was driving for.
She'd met Fernando when she was just ten years old. Her brother gave Jenson button his trophy and she hesitantly walked up to Fernando to give him his. Fernando had crouched to her height to thank her and take the trophy from her hands. That was the day she fell in love with Formula One. That was the day he became her favourite driver.
"Nando!" She called as she walked through the Aston Martin garage.
The Spaniard turned around upon hearing his name. His eyes lit up and he opened his arms, pulling her against him. "Hello, your highness," he said, grin on his face. "Are you excited for the race?"
"Oh, always," she answered as they walked through the garage. "I'm hoping I can give you another trophy this year."
She hadn't managed to make it to the qualifying that year. No, she was too busy getting lectured by her father (this was before the article running through the times she totalled her cars was published, mind you). She hadn't looked up where Fernando was on the grid this year.
"I'll try my very best for you," Fernando said.
As she and Fernando talked, Henri walked into the Ferrari garage. He didn't run straight to Charles, like his sister did with Fernando. Instead, he greeted people and posed for some pictures. He had a quick conversation with Fred Vasseur and talked to Carlos Sainz, wishing him good luck with the race, before going off to find Charles.
"Prince Henri," Charles Leclerc called, spotting him first.
"Charles." Henri held out his hand and Charles shook. They might have been friends, but they kept things proper. "How have you been?"
Charles's smile became tight. His answer was quick and not entirely positive. "Anyway, how are you? How is the party princess?"
Immediately, Henri's smile dropped from his face. "You heard about that?" He asked and Charles nodded. "She's going to give me grey hairs, I swear," Henri said and shook his head. "Every news article that comes out, it's something negative. I can't imagine what it's doing to her."
Charles understood, probably more than Henri realised. Since his recent breakup and his ex girlfriend's public blasting of him, the media hadn't been too kind. Nothing compared to the party princess, though.
But Charles didn't bring it up to Henri. There was no need, he was worrying about his own media problems.
Henri and Charles continued talking up until Charles was needed on track. Y/N had long since left Fernando to prepare himself and was currently talking to a star struck Tom Holland about his role as Spider-Man.
But soon it was the start of the Grand Prix. Y/N found her brother and stood with him, watching from the Ferrari garage as the cars zoomed around the track. Now that she had seen the article, she couldn't help but identify the places on the track that she had previously crashed her cars. A horrible, indescribable feeling filled her.
Fernando did end up on the podium, alongside Max Verstappen and Esteban Ocon. Henri gave one ecstatic Esteban his trophy and watched his joyous celebration. "Félicitations, Esteban," the princess said to him. His cheeks were pink as he stood back in position.
Y/N couldn't hide her smile as she walked up and gave Fernando his trophy. "I tried my very best for you, princess," Fernando said, pulling her into a hug. It lasted mere seconds before he was celebrating in front of the crowd.
Max Verstappen was given his trophy and the champagne was sprayed. As every year, the Monaco Grand Prix was an incredible event. But the Prince and Princess couldn't help but wish the Monegasque driver was on the podium, their national anthem playing.
After the Grand Prix, the princess was taken back to her apartment. She kicked off her shoes, got changed into her pyjamas and threw herself down onto her sofa.
She ignored her phone, and the social media no doubt critiquing her every move for the day, and fell asleep.
Prince Henri was back at the castle. He scrolled through his phone as the chef placed his food in front of him, looking for anything official posted about the royal family's presence at the Grand Prix. There was one article detailing his sister and her relationship with Fernando Alonso, but it was nothing negative.
Henri was pleasantly surprised. Normally at least one news outlet or tabloid was saying something negative about the princess. But not this time. And there it was, an article about her outfit and how inappropriate but unsurprising it was for her 'to be wearing THAT'.
He kept scrolling. Soon his articles were less about the royal family, with general news from the Grand Prix appearing. Stories about Red Bull's dominance, about the celebrities seen at the Grand Prix, about the two DNF's in the race.
But then he got to the stories about Charles. They weren't about his race. No, they detailed the sordid details of his last relationship.
Oh, so Charles Leclerc was in need of some good PR, just like Princess Y/N. Henri opened his messages and sent Charles a text. He threw his phone onto the table in front of him and waited.
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