#but I Have Opinions
local-redhead-bookworm · 11 months
So I was having a conversation with a classmate yesterday, and we wound up talking about House of the Dragon. She was Team Black, I was (technically) Team Green because I prefer the characters for that team. The conversation ended civilly, but essentially, my classmate didn’t care for Alicent because, in her opinion, Alicent accepted and perpetuated the patriarchy instead of fighting against it.
But that’s the thing that makes Alicent so interesting and tragic to me. She has spent her whole life doing as she was told. Obeying her father and her husband, producing heirs for the Targaryen line. Following the faith of the Seven. Never complaining. Never fighting back. She does her duty to her king, her children, her country, and her faith. And yet, she sees Rhaenyra getting away with anything she wants.
Rhaenyra never experiences consequences for harming others or putting herself in unnecessarily risky situations. And yes, Rhaenyra absolutely shouldn’t be held to a different standard than male rulers are. But the fact is, she still experiences an insane amount of privilege as a princess. She repeatedly flirts with Daemon in spite of everyone warning her to stay away from him. She goes off on her own during Aegon’s nameday celebration and nearly gets herself killed. She orders Criston to sleep with her when he can not truly turn her down. She goes so far as to accuse a 10-year-old of treason when he states that her children are illegitimate, which is objectively true. A leader that calls anyone who opposes them a traitor is not a just leader. She isn’t a good fit for the crown.
I’m not Team Green. Aegon isn’t any more fit to rule than Rhaenyra is. But I do think that Alicent demonstrates actual skill for leadership. She feels a strong duty for her people, tries to make peace, takes charge when Viserys dies, and is brave enough to step between her son and a dragon. She’s not without her flaws, I will concede that. But I genuinely believe that, out of all the characters in the show, Alicent is the most fit to rule.
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six-costume-refs · 9 months
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Meg’s Parr skirt moodboard
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rainypebble07 · 1 year
It's silly because Mike Wheeler's Guide to the Undead is my favorite fic that I've ever written (I believe it's my best work writing-wise) and somehow it has fewer hits than all my other fics. Even IWABT (Rewritten), which just came out and already surpassed it.
Idk what I need to do to get you guys to read this fic.
It's super cute because it takes place right after season 1, but here's the thing. The premise of the fic is that Will actually died in the Upside Down, but then Mike is at his grave and witnesses him come back to life as a zombie. It's LITERAL ZOMBIE BOY.
Mike helps him becuse they need to figure out what's going on, but they can't tell the adults bc they'll tell the lab, so it's super pre-byler-blyer (miwi?) and so adorable and heartwarming but also kind of angst but also sweet and Nancy and Mike interact a lot and Dustin and Lucas are there and everything.
Other reasons you should read it:
There's a scene where they have a heart-to-heart while sitting on top of a crypt in a foggy graveyard
it has a very happy ending
Dustin hating on Ted Wheeler
Troy Walsh gets what he deserves
Dr. Owens shows up???
It could technically happen and not change the rest of the stranger things plot
Jonathan and Mike solidarity at Will's funeral???
It's from Mike's POV, but it's young Mike so it's ok
Multiple people told me it was one of the best fics they've ever read
Like, idk what else to say other than it is my pride and joy and I have no idea why all my other fics have so many more hits than it! I love it and I think it deserves so much more hype than a lot of my other fics.
Okay, that's the end of my PSA... but if you were intrigued... maybe give it a chance?
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cynthia39100 · 7 months
Merlin rewatch -- S1E7: The Gates of Avalon
The timing of Arthur's enchantment
The timing at which Arthur started to be enchanted is so vague in this episode... Did Sophia charm him somehow from the start? Did the failed attempt in the woods still partially affect him? Was he only enchanted when his eyes turned red?
It's very important as to whether Arthur's behaviour in this episode could be excused by enchantment or was just OOC.
For me, I think Sophia's enchantment started the next day Sophia stayed in Camelot, which means in that scene where Arthur asked Merlin to cover for him, he was not entirely himself.
Gaius’ and Merlin’s conversation after the first stock scene seemed to suggest Arthur’s behaviour (neglecting his patrol duty) wasn’t normal. Gaius questioned it even before Merlin told him it was Arthur's idea instead of Merlin being self-sacrificing.
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In the commentary they said there was a deleted scene in which Sophia attempted the enchantment on her first night at Camelot, which meant that at the point Arthur asked Merlin to cover for him he at least was partially affected.
It's arguable that since Sophia failed at enchanting Arthur the deleted first and the second time we saw in the episode, he was still himself. But Bradley did say in the commentary that he showed the gradual enchantment effect by squinting his eyes. And he already looked a bit enchanted before we first saw Sophia chant the spell. (fully-enchanted face on the right for referece)
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Arthur looked more dazed when he asked Merlin to cover for him the second time, after the interrupted enchantment session, proving that an incomplete enchantment still affected him. There was also one shot where his face was hidden in the shadow. Making him look suspicious.
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In conclusion, Arthur was enchanted since the first night Sophia set foot in the castle of Camelot and thus became reckless and ignorant of his duty.
(If only they didn't put that final gag there for no reason other than a laugh and sabotaging Arhur's character...)
Next -> [other episodes]
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kittykatcar · 8 months
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ask-calico-jack · 9 months
drug recs for a first time drug doer? I've drunk alcohol obviously but never done anything harder.
Other than booze which I love, Rhino Horn is definitely my favorite. Helps me get shit done but is also fun. But it's not like that for everybody. Eddie basically only does it when he's in a mood and Mary doesn't fuck with it at all, she's more of a stoner than a tweaker. Weeds fun every once in a while. I don't really like opium because you just sit around and nod off. You feel really happy but you don't do much and I like to be doing shit. Can't have a coconut war on opium, and it's a bit of a waste of medical supplies anyway. I basically only do it if there's nothing else on the boat. Mushrooms are great for an afternoon, kinda like weed in that it's for a special occasion where you want to sit around and giggle at stupid shit. You know if you mix mushrooms with lemon juice it dissolves em a little bit and it doesn't last as long but it hits you way harder.
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hoforwonho · 2 years
The whiplash I got going from warrior/power/no mercy to crash/stop it...
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bonivers · 2 years
every semester i can only either A) rewatch a show or b) watch a sitcom and rn i have dived back into s2 of himym and it’s sooo annoying to see ted and robin together. it is criminal that they end up together
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knamil · 1 year
i have so many more opinions about pride and prejudice than would be immediately obvious based on literally anything i have ever said previously.
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trans-cuchulainn · 8 months
i do think there is a degree to which certain kinds of Instagram activists have convinced themselves that traumatising themselves in solidarity is a useful form of activism. "I'm having nightmares and crying so much I want to be sick because of all these videos of dying children but I can't look away while people are getting hurt" I mean don't you think you'd be able to help more if you weren't having nightmares and crying all the time?? don't you think this is a one-way trip to burnout? don't you think maybe increasing the amount of trauma going around is counterproductive? I dunno bro there's something to be said for bearing witness but there comes a point where you gotta look hard at yourself and go "am I helping, or am I just making myself suffer so I don't feel guilty for not suffering while somebody else is experiencing bad shit"
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kenapiece-main · 1 month
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Can you believe I'm having to make this meme even after successfully finishing up taxes and applying to job
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princesskuragina · 3 months
My last post was being snarky but here's my genuine pronoun etiquette opinion in case you actually want to know: it's pretty much never a good idea to directly ask someone their pronouns in front of a group of people, especially if you're in a position of authority, i.e. a teacher. The stakes of this question are very high for some people and you are putting them on the spot to decide what they want to share and what is safe to share. If you have decided you want to ask for pronouns at all, you can introduce yourself with your own to remind people that they can share theirs if they want to. And for the love of god whatever you do please do not just single out the most gender non-conforming or "trans looking" (to you) person and ask only them and no one else
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sunshinem0ths · 7 months
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club meshis
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mercuriallily · 2 months
I finally listened to the West End recording of Beautiful from Heathers and uh. Hmmm.
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astr0disiac · 1 month
"toxic yaoi" this "password" that
THIS being one of stan's lowest moments is the saddest thing i've seen and no one has talked about it what the freak :(
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