#but I felt like I could attach to her and make her an interesting character to interact with
lab-gr0wn-lambs · 2 years
Oh Steven Universe season 1 my beloved
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alwaysmanages · 11 months
For the ask game: Little My & 1
My first impression of them
"Hehehe angry little girl, feral thing, will bite." I kind of zeroed in on her after looking at the rest of the cast and thinking "cute. cute. I see why Snufkin's the popular one" then comically pushing the line up aside to absorb who SHE IS because I was very interested in picking her up as a muse to roleplay.
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cluescorner · 2 months
There's no feeling stranger than knowing that something is bad but liking it anyways. Not in a 'it's so bad it's good' way. Because that implies that it has become good. I'm talking like this thing is just kinda bad in the normal ways things are bad, but i like it anyways.
#honestly I'm talking about Batgirls rn#because like...it has its moments but I wouldn't call it good. it even has some of my own personal pet peeves#specifically the overabundance of narration boxes that aren't from a character and rather the author is speaking to us.#if I wanted an overabundance Authors Notes I would read fucking early 2000s fanfics#and Babsgirl existing but I've made peace with the fact that we'll only get an Oracle story in a Black Label or similar thing at this point#I love the art and it has among my favorite designs for both Spoiler and Black Bat#don't get me STARTED on the covers holy fuck. the 90s rewind in particular lives in my head rent free because ajlkdfjdsalk;fjdlsa;kf#it also has both moments of REALLY FUCKING BAD characterization and REALLY FUCKING GOOD characterization#Cass being like 'ok but do we HAVE to save Seer?' horrible! demonstrates an egregious misunderstanding of her. what the hell?#Steph being abnormally good at solving the Riddler's puzzles and knowing basically every cipher because of Arthur? then getting incredibly#upset at even the MENTION of him to the point that she gets fucking stabbed by the RIDDLER of all people?#wow thanks for actually addressing a very interesting part of Steph's character that is often left by the wayside. good job.#issue 14 is amazing and it makes me want to implode every time I read it. like I actually recommend it without any caveats attached#it is straight up good. it's the high-point of Batgirls and it's not even close imo.#and wow! there is almost no dialogue and NO NARRATION BOXES??#it's almost like the whole appeal of comics is telling incredible stories through art or something. and that when you have good art#and good art direction you should just fucking let it speak for itself or something#and that maybe using what words you DO have to let your CHARACTERS speak in a way they normally wouldn't is a good idea#even if the in universe reason is that Steph is basically leaving this note as a 'I am either dead or close to it' type of thing#like holy fuck how did they do that?? AND SO LATE IN THE GAME THAT NOBODY FUCKING TALKS ABOUT IT??#and obviously there is a conversation to be had about 'was Batgirls queerbaiting' but honestly since it was cancelled IDK#I could see a universe where given time it could have made a natural shift to a love story between Steph and Cass#I'm not upset about it but I get why other people might be. there are some panels that like...come on.#and as always I am most fascinated by missed potential. because Batgirls showed that it COULD be good with Issue 14#and arguably other of the better issues. the art was incredible and as the issues went on it felt like the kinks were getting ironed out#plus getting a series focused on 3 of my favorite characters was a dream come true for me. ESPECIALLY because we rarely get good#stuff for Cass and Steph.
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nellasbookplanet · 2 months
In the wake of FCG' fate I've been thinking about death in ttrpgs, and how it kind of exists on three levels:
There’s the gameplay level, where it only makes sense for a combat-heavy, pc-based game to have a tool for resurrection because the characters are going to die a lot and players get attached to them and their plotlines.
Then there’s the narrative level, where you sort of need permanent death on occasion so as not to lose all tension and realism. On this level, sometimes the player will let their character remain dead because they find it more interesting despite there being options of resurrection, or maybe the dice simply won’t allow the resurrection to succeed.
Then, of course, there’s the in-universe level, which is the one that really twists my mind. This is a world where actual resurrection of the actual dead is entirely obtainable, often without any ill effects (I mean, they'll be traumatized, but unless you ask a necromancer to do the resurrection they won’t come back as a zombie or vampire or otherwise wrong). It’s so normal that many adventurers will have gone through it multiple times. Like, imagine actually living in a world where all that keeps you from getting a missing loved one back is the funds to buy a diamond and hire a cleric. As viewers we felt that of course Pike should bring Laudna, a complete stranger, back when asked, but how often does she get this question? How many parents have come and begged her to return their child to them? How many lovers lost but still within reach? When and how does she decide who she saves and who she doesn’t?
From this perspective, I feel like every other adventurer should have the motive/backstory of 'I lost a loved one and am working to obtain the level of power/wealth to get them back'. But of course this is a game, and resurrection is just a game mechanic meant to be practically useful.
Anyway. A story-based actual play kind of has to find a way to balance these three levels. From a narrative perspective letting FCG remain dead makes sense, respects their sacrifice, and ends their arc on a highlight. From a gameplay level it is possible to bring them back but a lot more complicated than a simple revivify. But on an in-universe level, when do you decide if you should let someone remain dead or not? Is the party selfish if they don’t choose to pursue his resurrection the way they did for Laudna? Do they even know, as characters, that it’s technically possible to save someone who's been blown to smithereens? Back in campaign 2, the moment the m9 gained access to higher level resurrection they went to get Molly back (and only failed because his body had been taken back by Lucien). At the end of c1, half the party were in denial about Vax and still looking for ways to save him, because they had always been able to before (and had the game continued longer it wouldn’t have surprised me had they found a way). Deanna was brought back decades after her death (and was kind of fucked up because of it). Bringing someone back could be saving them, showing them just how loved and appreciated they are. Or it could be saving you, forcing someone back from rest and peace into a world that's kept moving without them because you can’t handle the guilt of knowing you let them stay gone when you didn’t have to. How do you know? How would you ever know?
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tiredmamaissy · 1 year
Ralak te Sepwan ieyk’itan: Chapter One
An Illustrated Collaboration with @zestys-stuff
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Masterlist ; Rut/Heat/Knotting Info
🔞 minors, do not interact 🔞
Hyperlinks are attached to specific paragraphs that when clicked on will lead you to its illustration by Ralak's creator @zestys-stuff. I love her and all her art so much that when I saw Ralak I was so compelled to write a fic for him. I hope you guys enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it. Teytey, you knocked it out the park with this one (as you always do, my love).
Characters: Metkayina!Ralak (24) x Sully!Omaticaya!Reader (19)
Warnings: shit ton of fluff, profanity, age gap, a lot of sexual tension, size difference, let me know if i forgot anything?
Word Count: 4.4k
Requested: Yes || No
Author’s Note: I hope I did this gorgeous man justice and wrote his character well. It was an interesting challenge to introduce his character and build a plot with it. Chapter two and three will be out shortly! I’m beyond overjoyed that you guys are excited for this 😊 I hope I don’t disappoint lool
Synopsis: Your family seeks uturu with the Metkayina in the village of Awa’atlu. You have a difficult time adjusting, and are assigned your own special teacher, Ralak.
Next ->
The Sully family adopted you from birth, taking you in as their own. They were more than patient with your delayed milestones, moving at the slow pace you set since childhood. You completed your iknimaya a cycle later than your siblings, despite your eagerness to prove your self-worth as one of the Sully’s. Being a late bloomer and smaller than the average na’vi never put a damper on your optimistic attitude, though. It only added fuel to the fire.
The news to seek uturu with the Metkayina came as a shock not only to you but the rest of your siblings, and soon became the leading topic of discussions at family dinner. Jake explained that this is what was necessary, and that you would need to ‘pull your weight’ and ‘make a real effort’. You knew he didn’t mean it as harsh as it sounded, but the words stung nonetheless, plucking out a couple heart strings when they pierced through your chest.
You’ll never forget the day of your arrival here.
War horns blew loudly, signalling your arrival to the village of Awa’atlu. All the members of the clan swarmed the shore to see what the fuss was all about. Even the little ones that could only toddle wriggled their way out of their parents’ arms to get a glimpse. It was overwhelming – to say the least – to have all these eyes on you, scanning every foreign feature of your body, walking around you to inspect you further. You’d never felt more objectified in your life.
When Tonowari and Ronal made their grand entrance on their skimwings, your heart thud furiously in your chest. Sure, the large, winged fish took you by surprise, but the man to Tonowari’s right shook you to your core. His head tilted in wariness, hunting knife secured cautiously in his right hand and the leather wrapped reign gripped tightly in his left.
Wet, long hair plastered to his chest; he eyed you down momentarily before averting his gaze to the rest of your family that calmed their ikrans. His eyes widened ever so slightly at the winged creatures, large with armoured skin, much like the beast he’s bonded with.
You couldn’t help but stare aghast at his sinewy, chiselled features – sculpted by Eywa herself. It didn’t take long for you to understand why he was Tonowari’s right-hand man. His expression of indifference remained fixed on his face. Embodying that of an akula, his presence brought an intimidation like no other.
But what you couldn’t understand were the butterflies that plagued your stomach.
Your gaze lingered for a moment too long, the akula himself now returning the leer. It sent shivers down your spine, turning your butterflies into knots. You looked away, gaze falling onto your toes that burrowed their way into the sand. You felt his eyes bore into you, taking in each dark blue stripe on your tiny body, your slender extremities and thin tail.
You peeked at him through the corner of your eye, to see his gaze locked on your tail as it swished side to side. You saw his ears perk up, and the minor curl of his lips, a sight only a person staring as intently as you would see. You watched as his expression morphed into one of confusion, just before he dropped his head all together. 
You would later come to find out that he couldn’t quite understand his own butterflies in his stomach.
The giant stayed seated on his winged beast, as Tonowari and Ronal dismounted theirs and crossed the shore in only a few strides. Initially, they were wary of your arrival, thinking your family would bring war to their village. After your father reassured them, they were gracious enough to grant uturu for your family, and even dispatched their own children to teach you the ways of the people.
Naturally, you had a hard time adjusting to the new biome, water was never really your thing to begin with. You were slow in the water, slender body only holding you back more. The olo’eyktan’s son, Ao’nung, quickly grew agitated with you, handing you off to his sister, Tsireya, who was already overwhelmed with teaching your siblings. You felt like a burden, holding everyone back during lessons. There was absolutely nothing that you were getting the hang of, not even the ‘finger talk’ as you brother calls it.
For the first in your life, you felt completely defeated.
The sweet, determined girl disappeared, leaving nothing but her shell behind. You started missing lessons, making up reasons to stay back in your family marui pod. You often found yourself alone sitting on the shore in the height of the eclipse, dipping your feet into the warm water. Jake would always find his babygirl, demanding to know what was wrong. But you could never reveal the truth, not after what he said to you before your departure. Especially not now, not after failing so terribly for two entire months.
At this point, your siblings had passed their iknimaya, and you were the only one left.
Tsireya presses two fingertips right above your navel, resting her other hand on your chest, fixing your posture. “Breathe from down here. You must slow down your heartbeat, y/n.”
You’ve heard this a million times by now. You know this, but it didn’t matter. No matter how hard you tried, you just couldn’t get it. Frustrated, you exhale harshly, gritting your teeth so you won’t speak the words flooding your mind.
“Look. I know you’re frustrated, but you are getting so much better. If we just keep –”
“No! I’m fucking tired of this. I’ll never get it. Alright?!” you shout, shuffling to your feet to.
You scan the circle of surprised na’vi, all of which are staring up at you in disbelief. You could see Tsireya’s face screw with hurt, which only makes your heart ache more. An apology brews in your chest, when all five pairs of eyes flicker to something behind you. Turning on your heels, you see what everyone is looking at.
Jake, Tonowari, and his right-hand man all standing in front of you, presumably listening to your every word. You stand there for a bit, eyes bouncing between Tonowari and Jake before landing on the giant. He stands tall, staring off into the distance with that same deadpan look on his face. His hair is tucked behind his ears, revealing the stud in his lobe, the freckles on his jaw – the deeper blue markings on his neck.
This is the first time you’re getting a good look at him, seeing the first time you two met things were... eventful.
His freckles are conspicuous, even in broad daylight, beautifully patterned and abundant throughout his body. Perhaps it’s his lighter-cyan coloured skin and swirls for stripes, but his freckles twinkled just right from the reflection of the water. They even seemed to trace his stripe pattern on his forehead and brow bones. A single tahni under each eye... his ocean, impassive eyes.
A sleeve of tattoos covers his right arm, a sleeve on his right knee to his ankle, and a tattoo of stripes below his navel that went underneath his – oh. Your brows lift slightly, tensed facial muscles relaxing.
That’s an interesting place for a tattoo.
This tattoo continued between his prominent v-lines, under the band of his loincloth. You begin counting the stripes.
One, two, three, four, five... six.
It takes the sound of Jake clearing his throat for you to reluctantly peel your eyes away from this poor man’s crotch.
“Right, babygirl. Ralak here is going to be your teacher from now on.” Jake motions his hand over to the Metkayina, who’s now visibly, and unsuccessfully, trying to appear friendlier.
You couldn’t help but scoff, frustration now bubbling over in your chest once more. “So what? I’m so shit at this that I need a ‘special’ teacher?” you glance over at Ralak and roll your eyes.
“Language!” Jake whispers harshly, giving you that look. The look he gives you when you’re embarrassing him. 
“No. I’m tired of this. I want to go home.” you shrug, storming past him just for him to wrap his hand around your upper arm and drag you back.
“That’s enough.” Jake growls, bending over to meet you at eye level. “Tonowari has been kind enough to arrange for Ralak to help you. He was once a fisherman.”
“The best. At about your age.” Tonowari stands proudly as he utters the words, “And now he’s one of the best warriors. I hand selected him myself.”
Your eyes flicker over to Ralak, whose ears lay flat against his skull, brows slightly pinched, jaw clenched. It’s hard to tell what he was feeling, his mask of indifference fixed tightly on his face. Was he grimacing? Or maybe he was trying not to.
Regardless, it looked as if the words upset him. Maybe there was something more beneath this cold exterior. Something that maybe you can pry out of him. Something that intrigued you. The corners of your lips curl upwards, an expression that any outsider would perceive as happiness, but Jake knew you had something else in mind.
Something more mischievous.
“I apologize, sir. I am... just frustrated.” your eyes shift from one giant to the next as you bow before the olo’eyktan. “It would be an honour to have Ralak be my...” you glance over at him, “...karyu [teacher].”
Jake remains silent, pursing his lips as he watches the scene unfold.
“Ah. I understand.” Tonowari smirks, shrugging his shoulder. “It is decided, Ralak will teach you.” he looks at Ralak, giving the order, “Today.”
Jake raises his brows at you, as if he were telling you to behave and not cause any trouble. You tilt your head and subtly stick out just the tip of your tongue. Tonowari walks away, a large hand brushing against Jake’s back to signal him to follow. Jake turns around and joins the larger na’vi, two olo’eyktans now making their way back to the tall mangroves.
“Hey, karyu.” you sing, eyes fluttering as you stare up at the towering man.
He looks down at you for a moment, eyes flickering between your eyes and lips. His ears twitch as he swiftly turns around, walking away from you. “Come.”
So that’s what his voice sounds like.
It’s gruff, yet smoky. Deep and husky, thick with... nothing but his Metkayina accent. It was flat and monotone, revealing nothing of his true character. You follow closely behind him, already excited about how you plan to get him to reveal more about himself. He seems to be a man of few words, reserved and... composed. You couldn’t deny that there is a part of you that wants to poke at him, to see how far you can take things with him.
Before you know it, you’re standing in a secluded clearing on the shore, nestled far away where the fishermen tend to hunt. You look around, scanning your surroundings with curious eyes. You see a secluded marui pod, seemingly larger than all the others you’ve seen thus far. It's tightly woven with orange and red sturdy material, secured tightly to the thick mangrove roots around it.
“That yours?” you stick him with your first poke of the day, eager eyes trying to look inside the marui.
His gaze remains fixed on the fishnet that he’s gathering in his hands. “Yes.”
“Pretty big for...” you mumble, shifting your gaze towards him to be met with the sight of him unbuckling his cumberbund. “...just one person.” your voice dwindles in volume, fading out into a breathy whisper.
If your eyes could protrude from your head anymore, they would. You always had a hard time masking how you feel as your facial expressions were quick to give it away. His cumberbund falls into the wet sand, embellished razor sharp akula teeth piercing its surface. Your eyes trail up his body, settling on his bare chest.
“Today, fishing net. Tomorrow, ilu.” he mutters, putting his hair into a loose bun as he ventures further into the water.
“O-kay.” the word comes out broken and awkward.
Venturing out into the water, he settles in the spot he used to go frequently as a fisherman. Waist deep into the water, he looks behind him, chin meeting his chest to land his gaze on you, chest-deep in the water. He realizes that he's gone too far out for you, and walks towards you.
Your beaded top plasters to your chest, revealing your peaked nipples as your breasts bounce with the tide. His eyes quickly avert to the shore, eyelids fluttering a little faster than they should.
“Come.” he walks past you, prompting you to follow him once more. You bounce your way back to the shore until the water is crashing into your stomach. “Watch.” he says, fixing his stance to show you a demonstration.
You watch intently, focus being on the wrong thing, honestly. Your eyes had a hard time looking away from his chiselled body – from each dip and ridge of his muscles on full display. How could you focus? Especially now that he’s barely thigh deep into the water, loincloth clung to his bulge. You swallowed thickly at the sight, was that huge thing really his –
“Erm. Got it?” the sound of him clearing his throat snaps you out of your deep thought.
“Mhm!” you nod quickly, doe eyed and genial smiled.
He nods once, handing you the netting. You take it slowly, buying yourself sometime to figure out how to throw this thing. Standing with your left foot in front of your right, you bend your elbows out, holding the yoke of the net close to your chest.
He grunts in disapproval, settling behind you to fix your stance. He gently kicks your feet apart, putting your dominant foot in front. Large hands grip your tiny waist, shifting your stance slightly to the left. They slip up your sides, and run along the length of your upper arms, stopping at your elbows to tuck them in. He’s so focused on correcting your poor posture that he doesn’t even realize how he’s pressing himself against you.
“Like this.” he huffs, hand enveloping yours to shift it further from the yoke of the cast net. “Hold here.” his other hand grabs the lead line and plunks it into yours.
Heart pounding at a dangerous speed, you take a few deep breaths. Perhaps it was the nerves of casting your first net, or maybe it was just how this gentle giant is pressed against you. Either way, you can’t ignore the butterflies that flutter in your stomach again.
“Now throw.” he says barely over a whisper, backing away from you.
You twist your upper body, core tensing when you throw the net as hard as you can, only for it to clump together rather than spread out. Your shoulders drop and lips press tight, a wave of disappointment washing over you.
“Again.” he orders, pulling the net towards him.
Ralak had you throw the net half a dozen more times before giving you your first break. You prodded and poked at him, trying your best pry personal information out of him – to no avail. He remained unaffected by your persistent jabs, revealing nothing other than how he pined for the days of being a fisherman.
“Karyu. I-I’ll never get it.” you huff in frustration, gathering the fishnet from the surface of the water for a tenth time.
“Again.” he says patiently, unbothered by your frustration.
“Karyu. Please. It is not working. Can’t we try something else?” you beg, arms and back sore from throwing the fishnet so many times.
He looks at you for a moment, taking in the slouch of your back – the strain on your face. He felt bad for you, but he could also see that you were so close to learning the skill.
“No. Again.” he orders monotonously, taking note of your gaze drifting off to the mangroves nearby. “Focus. Eyes on me.”
“How am I supposed to focus when you look so, so –” you cut yourself short with a sigh.
“So, what?” he tilts his head and raises a brow.
You shake your head and roll your eyes, landing them right on that damn tattoo again.
Why was it so low? Didn’t that hurt? Why there of all places?
“Look. I see you –”
The words make your eyes snap up to his, heart thumping wildly in your chest.
You didn’t realise you were lingering until he pointed it out. How could you not? Surely, he chose that spot for a reason. Perhaps his mate wanted it there, so she could trace the lines with her tongue, all the way down to his –
Am I... jealous right now? I don’t even know this man.
“Who did that tattoo?” you question harshly, green flame of envy igniting in your chest.
“This one?” he chuckles softly, tugging at the hem of his loincloth.
You drop your head, gaze locked on your hands fiddling with the net, hoping to hide the blood that’s rushing to your cheeks. “Yeah. That one.”
“Again. And I tell you.” he pulls the hem back up before crossing his arms over his chest.
Your gaze snaps back up to him, eyes wide with excitement. This is the first time he’d be revealing anything personal about himself. A smile splits your lips as you fix the net in your hands once more, burrowing your feet into the sand. Your eyes narrow on the target – a school of fish off in the near distance.
Twisting your torso, you cast the fishnet, watching it splay out perfectly and trap majority of the fish. You stare in awe, surprised that it even splayed out much less caught some fish. Once it registers, you jump up in glee, quickly turning to your teacher to see his pleased expression and slight nod.
“I did.” he utters, a smirk barely pulling at his lips.
Adrenaline still coursing through your veins, you’re perplexed by his two words. “Huh?” you huff, brows pinching together in confusion.
“I did the tattoo.” he says, holding eye contact with you.
“Oh.” your lips pucker at the words, furrowed brows now raising in understanding. Being so surprised by yourself – finally getting something right – you forgot about your little deal.
He breaks eye contact to look over at your perfectly casted fishnet. “If you ride an ilu, maybe I show you the rest of it.” he says through his thick accent, making his way towards the fishnet. “Since you are so... interested.”
“I-I’m not – it, it is just in a – an interesting spot.” you stutter, eyes locked onto your twiddling thumbs.
“Ah.” he gathers the fishnet in his large hands, bundling it together to call it a day. “If you say so... vultsyìp [stick; tree branch]”
“What did you just call me?” your leer snaps up, eyelids squinting at his tensed back muscles that flex and relax as he gathers the net.
A smile pulls at his lips, although you can barely see it from the angle in which he’s facing. It’s contagious, causing your own lips to curl, and soon enough you’re giggling into your hand.
Ralak became the light in the darkness, pulling you out of your shell and filling you with the purpose that you once lost. Things came quick to you, thanks to him. He was a great teacher, always patient with you, never showing his agitation – or any other emotion for that matter.
You learned how to hold your breath properly in only a week, due to his persistence and confidence in you. He’d always be quick to praise you after you accomplished something, whether that be with a quick clap, a gentle tap on the back, or – in bigger accomplishments – a hug.
The bond between the two of you strengthened. Overnight. You put a crack in his walls, and bits of his true self began to shine through them. And that was your biggest accomplishment yet. To see a person with the strength of five men turn into a little water puppy in front of you, and you only.
There would be moments where his façade of indifference would drop completely. The moments where he would chuckle a little too loudly, a little too long. Where that shy smile grew wide enough to flash his lengthy canines, and a primal part of you that you tried to supress, desired to know what they felt like sunk into your neck. Clamping down on you while you writhe underneath him, being tamed by his touch.
The moments where you’d tease one another about your differences. His stature in comparison to yours. Pressing your hands together, only for yours to be lost in his palm. And when you pulled away, your fingers intertwined ever so slightly, prickling the skin all over your body. He loved to tease you. Honestly a little too much, poking at your chest with a figurative finger about how you favoured that of a vultsyìp. It’s what got you riled up the most and soon it became your nickname.
Until the day you successfully rode your first ilu.
It was an exhilarating experience, nothing like what you had experienced prior. You glided through the water effortlessly, flowing with the movements of the blubbery creature. When you broke the waters’ surface, Ralak stood proudly in the shallow end, arms crossed over his chest with a smile on his face. It was a rare occurrence – that smile.
And when you laid your eyes on such a sight, the butterflies flew back into your stomach, fluttering and flapping harder than they ever have. They soon became plenty in number, filling your stomach to the brim until you can no longer suppress the way you feel. The flutter in your stomach radiated throughout your body, sending your legs fluttering too. You swam quickly to him, surprising yourself with your speed.
“You did it. Like I said.” he smiles smugly.
“Hope you didn’t forget about our deal.” you grin, wringing out the water from your hair.
“You would not let me.” he scoffs, shaking his head as he uncrosses his arms. “Ready?” he asks, cocking a brow while his fingers glide down his stomach, finding purchase under the under the band of his loincloth.
“From the moment I saw it, karyu.” you say, voice feigned with confidence.
He could see through your disguise, though. It only makes him chuckle, to see such a little thing act so big – so dauntless. He tugs his loincloth down, taut strings now sinking into his upper thighs, revealing not only the entirety of his tattoo but also the base of his length.
“H-how did you manage to do that all on your own? Didn’t it hurt?” you ask sheepishly, voice laced with concern.
“Bottle of fermented fruit and a rag to bite. No pain.” he answers, Metkayina accent thick.
You examine it a little closer, leaning in to have a better look. It’s raised, very slightly – invisible to anyone not staring as intently as you are. Most definitely because it’s hand poked, by himself of all people. An innocent thought floods your mind, so loud that you couldn’t stop the movement of your own hand.
How does it feel?
“Can I –” you glance up at him briefly, hand hovering over the tattoo, “Can I touch it?”
His brows and ears shudder for just a few seconds. He quickly regains his composure, swallowing silently before giving you a single nod. Fingertips experimentally graze over the tattoo, taking in its bumpy texture. Your digits trace each line of his tattoo, down to his pelvis. A sudden jerk of his hips causes you to yank your hand back.
“S-sorry, Ralak.” you mumble, feeling a little ashamed that you may have made him uncomfortable.
But in all honesty, your innocent, little touches were arousing him and he didn’t want you to know. 
“Nothing to be sorry about.” he states, fixing his loincloth.
You straighten your spine, a foot stepping back to create space that you think he wants, only for him to pull you in for a hug.
“You did well today, vultsyìp.” he mumbles, hands resting on your head and back. “Tsurak [skimwing] next and you will be Metkayina.”
“Hmm. I’ll think about it.” you giggle, warm embrace and snarky commentary ebbing away whatever feelings of doubt tensing your chest.
It’s the way his huge arms engulf you that make you feel so protected and accepted. It’s something you always looked forward to after a big achievement. You lean into him, laying your head on his chest. The smell of sea salt mixed with leather hide wafts up your nose. You take a deep breath, holding it in your lungs until you feel light in the head. Releasing your breath with a loud huff, you smile widely.
It’s so enticing, so addictive.
“You always do that.” he chuckles breathily, swiping back a few strands of hair stuck to your temple.
“’ts not my fault you sea people smell so good.” you mumble into his chest, taking in another deep breath.
“Ah.” he exhales, hand cupping the back of your head. “My hì’i vultsyìp [little stick]” he almost grimaces at his words, it just wasn’t fitting anymore. Not for situations like these. Not when his chest feels so tight.
You lift your head and stare up at him with eyes of innocence. He looks down at you, ocean blue eyes searching yours. You’d never even noticed the little yellow ring around his pupils until now, how they shimmer when the light catches them just right. There’s an unspoken tension, thick in the air – so thick it makes you swallow the spit pooling in your cheeks. Your smile fades, lips parting as your breaths turn hot.
Eyes growing heavy, they almost close in anticipation that he might – just might – kiss you.
“Tanhì.” he mutters, eyes minutely shifting between each freckle on your forehead. He’s counts them, admiring how they embellish your supple, dark blue skin.
Your smile returns like it never left, except it’s wider – brighter. The last ray of sun shines through the sliver of a gap between your silhouettes, averting your attention to the oncoming eclipse.
“Thank you, karyu.” you whisper, reluctantly pulling away from his arms to make the trek back home.
“Tomorrow...” he watches your small figure shrink as you walk away. “...my tanhì.”
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crezz-star · 7 months
Why Luffy is highly attached to Zoro and why Zoro is highly attached to Luffy, and why the straw hats is aware of this and accepts it.
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(some rare rambles of Mine. This is based on my own character studies and observations. COPY PASTED FROM MY X [twitter] )
Firstly, we have to look at how Luffy grew up.
Luffy was given to Dadan by Garp, told her to take care of him. While Dadan introduced Luffy
to Ace and Ace at first was not very... Friendly. And I will not sugarcoat it, Ace did not care about Luffy as first and went through dangerous places that could have killed Luffy, and Ace again, shows how he did not care if that happened. Yet, just like with Shanks, Luffy was doing his best for Ace to accept him and let him join him.
It was always Luffy who was making an effort chasing after people he admires and began to care for, but was always getting denied.
And so being left alone.
Yes, Ace did accept him but not after Ace mentioned, along with Sabo that they should kill him first.
Luffy, being so young back then, and impressionable even, now have it engraved in his mind that if he isn't useful, he will never be accepted by anyone or anywhere.
And so, its become a fear in Luffy deep down, a fear he would push far back in his mind. But would reflect in his actions when he grows up and finds his crew. Luffy is afraid to be useless and abandoned by people he shows interest and care for. Which is why he gets possessive of what is his. That when anyone shows desire to leave, he gets upset and emotional and... angry. That he doesn't want anyone to leave, doesn't allow anyone to leave. And if they still do leave. It deals a blow to his emotional and mental state. He becomes irrational to the point that to bring the person back, he will let himself be walked on like a doormat.
That's where Zoro comes in.
Luffy first heard Zoro's name and immediately felt intrigued. And when he finally met Zoro, who was in obvious predicament, Luffy was hooked especially knowing that Zoro was a good person, and decided that ah. He wanted this man to be in his crew. So being the typical Luffy to do all he can to gain favor towards people he shows clear interest in, he tells Zoro, if I bring back your swords, you WILL join my crew. Because in his mind, if he's useful, people would accept him then! He was sure of it. Since that's how it was with him growing up.
Zoro would find this odd. Even calling Luffy the son of a demon because of how messed up his thinking is. But I think this would be the start of Zoro's observation of Luffy and how Luffy would need someone to correct him in his thinking and actions later on.
So Zoro joins Luffy not just because he freed him and gave his swords back, but because of the strength Luffy showed. One that Zoro acknowledged and respected.
Luffy gaining his first mate would then start to make Luffy be unconsciously more aware of how his crew acts and he would notice how Zoro, unlike everyone else in his life, got his back the most
Zoro chooses to follow him of his own accord. And this would get even more evident when: Nami, betrays Luffy and Zoro told him they should just let her be. Luffy insisted of course, but it shows Zoro's protectiveness of his captain. Sanji favoring Nami and making it almost seem that his reason of joining was her, (this was cleared up later in the crew barrel vows of course), still Zoro did not like him any better as he still thinks Sanji would most likely value women more than their captain.
Usopp leaving the crew and even challenging Luffy for a duel to be captain, which is a huge disrespect to Luffy. Yet Luffy was about to accept him with open arms again as if nothing happened. That's why Zoro stepped in to keep him in check.
This was one of the important moments
Luffy sees how Zoro really truly have his back. Zoro always returning to his side no matter how many times they got separated throughout their adventures. Zoro taking care of his crew, that of which Luffy all recruited himself (Zoro did not trust them all too easily), and now, + 
Zoro giving Luffy a hard life lesson to be a good captain.
Zoro really was looking out for him. So much. Sticking by him all these times no matter how many times his Life got put to danger.
That's why when Zoro mentioned if he fails as a captain, it will be him who will leave, Luffy would panic at the thought and was enough to make Luffy listen and stop desperately chasing after a crew who disrespected him.
Not Zoro. He doesn't want Zoro of all people to leave him.
So Luffy listens. Reflects. Learns how to be a better captain.
but I think one of the most important moment Luffy saw how Zoro will never leave him , like everyone else he cared for in his life did, was when Zoro made his vow to him in Baratie.
That's when he knew, Zoro will not betray him. Will never leave him. That's when he knew, he can trust Zoro with his life and his future crew. He knew Zoro would keep everyone safe.
Luffy felt like he doesn't have to chase after Zoro so terribly desperately the way he did with Shanks or Ace. For the first time in his life, someone CHOSE to stay by his side. Vowed to stay by his side.
It made Luffy happy. Glad. Acknowledged. For some it would seem like the vow was someone serving Luffy. But in Luffy's mind, Zoro made that vow, not because of a master and servant thing, it was because they would be partners, equals in chasing after their dreams. Someone Luffy can face the world with. Give and take.
And this is why Luffy is so attached to Zoro. Because he knows Zoro will never leave him. Zoro will never betray him like what the others did (even if they had their own reasons). Because Zoro chose to be by his side. To be his anchor. His voice of reason when he's washed over with irrational emotions. Why he listens to Zoro the most, becoming silent to listen close to every word that Zoro would say.
Zoro takes care of him and the crew and family Luffy had built.
Zoro stayed and choose to keep staying and returning to him, and because of this, because of Zoro, Luffy learned that he doesn't have to chase after anyone again. That if people wants to stay, they would. That if people wants to stay, they should be the one to ask Luffy. To tell him. To beg him. Because Zoro knows and sees that Luffy is a person worth following and being loyal to.
Now on to why Zoro is attached to Luffy.
I would be lying when I deny the idea of Zoro seeing some parts of Kuina's personality with Luffy.
Kuina did her best to get stronger and prove herself as a great swordsman despite being female, because Kuina believes that, just because she's female, she was weak. Unless she works hard, but still she still have such thoughts buried in the back of her mind. This is why she desperately pushes herself so much. To make people acknowledge her for her own skills and efforts, because she's afraid to be disregarded, left behind. To be not be taken seriously. To be useless.
Who else have this unspoken desperation to be acknowledged and fear of being useless?
Zoro most likely saw the similar personality traits, and seeing how Kuina is important to Zoro, how their shared dream is what pushes him forward, it may have helped him to somewhat lower his guard, even a bit slightly, towards this funny rubber boy.
Humoring him by joining his crew. And eventually, Zoro being able to see the strength Luffy has, and if there's anything that would gain Zoro's favor and respect? It's strength and heart.
Reason why despite seeing him as his enemy, Zoro respects Mihawk, and even the opponents he had hard time defeating.
And towards Luffy, Zoro sees that endless pool of potential And power.
Making him accept Luffy more and more, not just as his captain or the person he dedicates his loyalty to, but as his equal. Just like he did once with Kuina.
He saw her not just as his goal, but also as his equal.
Zoro's treatment and view of Luffy as a simple naïve pirate became something more and was solidified when he saw how Luffy truly valued his dreams at Baratie. How Luffy took it very seriously even knowing that Zoro might die. Zoro took that as full serious acknowledgement and felt that Luffy DID respect him. That Luffy was serious after all.
The way Luffy stopped Johnny and Yosaku from interfering in Zoro's fight Gained tons respect from Zoro. Because that dream of his, isn't just his. It was Kuina's too, and Zoro felt as if through that, Luffy respected Kuina's dream too, Why Zoro was thankful to Luffy. That's why Zoro began to follow Luffy. Because he knows, if anyone can help him accomplish his dream, a dream he shares with his old childhood friend, If anyone can help him reach his goal, it would be Luffy. His dream is safe with him.
Along the way, Zoro would also see how Luffy is reckless. That his kind - and at certain times naive - heart was also going to be his downfall, that's why Zoro keeps Luffy in check, at first Zoro was doing all of his caring for Luffy as means to reach his goal, but spending time with him and understanding him, Zoro saw something more about Luffy, saw his potential quality for greatness and Zoro wants to.. NEEDS to see it.
The way Luffy carries burdens of others and liberates them.
It's something Zoro finds not just as something respectful, but something he admires.
With Luffy by his side, everything and anything feels possible.
That's why as early on as Alabasta, Zoro had already developed a desire to make Luffy's dream, one of his own, his new dream. But still prefer to keep quiet about it when someone asks.
Zoro's attachment to Luffy started as something reminding him of a long passed friend, but as time passed, began to see and understand Luffy more, seeing him as a person/captain worth following, and as well as his most trusted best friend.
Which is why Zoro will do everything he can to help Luffy. Protect what's his and what he built. Help Luffy in reaching his goal, crowning him as king of the pirates, by making Luffy's dream part of his, and is also now his priority as well.
Now on to why the straw hats accepts this.
They all have their own mistakes and majority of the crew, Nami, Usopp, Sanji and Robin, all 'betrayed' Luffy. I say that with a quotation because they all had their reasons. I'm well aware they really didn't do it wholeheartedly and they were just.... In a certain predicament or internal turmoil
They know how Zoro would do everything he could to protect Luffy. How amongst all the older og crew, Zoro was the ONLY one who never even dared to betray Luffy at all. Not even having thoughts about it. That Zoro was EXTREMELY loyal and protective of their captain. Making Luffy favor Zoro the most even if he doesn't notice it himself.
They can see how Zoro and Luffy once at each other's side, can be immersed in their own little world. How when they fight, the silent looks they give one was enough for each other to know what they were planning.
The crew sees this and accepts this. Because deep inside, they have their own guilts. Except perhaps for Franky , Brook and Jinbei but those three are the mature types to already accept that what level of bond that Zoro and Luffy has, None of them can EVER have nor break.
Thus the whole strawhats understands this.
Understands that Zoro and Luffy is inseparable. Is attached at the hip and that's okay. Because they have their whole faith in them, as captain and vice captain. They trust them with their life. Especially with how Luffy gave them a home and Zoro protecting them.
How both Zoro and Luffy would agree to save them
Strawhats is their family and Zoro and Luffy are the protectors of the family
Luffy, the savior and liberator.
Zoro the guardian and protector 
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 3 months
Could I maybe get a Hisuian!Reader who came to Paldea through a space time rift? They remember everything, they still have all their old Pokemon, they like to share stories of their adventures (anything from taking on Volo to "Oh yeah, I caught this alpha garchomp after a half-hour standoff, here's her gigaton ball lol."), they've got little scars here and there from accidentally standing too close to Pokemon attacks or taking fall damage, and they give descendants of their Hisuian Pokemon to their blueberry friends (BBE4, Carmine, and Kieran) during their trades. To make things even more interesting, I wonder what that reader would think about bloodmoon ursaluna, Perrin, and modern Sinnoh - seeing their dear friend Adaman in someone alive today and seeing just how much things have changed over the years
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The PLA fixation is real so YESSSIR I finally got around to this one. I separated the headcanons by region and their respective characters
Paldea (Arven, Penny, Nemona)
After finishing your mission in Hisui, you decided to confront Arceus, being satisfied with everything you've done for the Survey Corps and the good people of Jubilife Village.
You fully finished the pokedex, fulfilling Professor Laventon's dreams, and were ready to return home.
After some reluctance, Arceus agreed and ensured you wouldn't lose any of your memories, as you didn't want all your feats in Hisui become lost to history.
It warned you that you'll never get to see Rei/Akari, Professor Laventon, the Wardens...or anyone else ever again.
But you've said your goodbyes and were ready to go back.
One warp through a space-time rift later, you were dropped off in Paldea-
Right where Arven, Penny, and Nemona were discussing whether to call off the search for you or not.
As it turns out, you've been missing for months, not long after the Area Zero adventure, and so it's a rather tearful reunion when they realize the person in the old fashioned clothing was you.
You looked tired, scarred, battle-hardened...and yet you smiled as you joked about being "back from the past".
Since then, easing back into modern life was..trickier than you expected.
You still had the habit of crafting pokeballs and potions as you were taught, rather than spend money buying them in bulk (even though you had boatloads because of your champion status).
You tried getting the trio to follow your directions, but they kept fumbling with the tumblestones and didn't know where to attach the iron chunks that made up the clasps.
When you start talking about feather, wing, leaden, and gigaton pokeballs they stare at you in confusion until you realize "oh shit those are outdated".
Nemona is VERY curious about the gigaton ball, however, and so you show it to her--revealing your Alpha Garchomp branded with the "Former Alpha" mark. She got to keep her height.
"Oh yeah, she was a real feisty one. We had a half-hour standoff on a slippery ice mountain slope but I showed her who's boss haha." You laugh as you share the story of how you encountered and tamed her.
Your fellow champion now thinks you're 10x cooler for actually facing a Pokémon head-on....while poor Arven and Penny are shook(TM) and wondered how you made it back alive.
Especially when they discover your scars are from falling and vicious Pokemon attacks
Introducing your Hisuian starter to your Paldean starter was...a little awkward. One recently became a champion's Pokémon and the other faced Giratina itself.
But they eventually shake hands and become besties, becoming members of your party whenever you wanna battle Arven, Penny, or Nemona again.
You keep accidentally calling out agile/strong style in your commands (ie "Avalugg, make an Agile Avalanche!"), but your Pokémon like to pretend they still know them.
Kitakami (Perrin & Bloodmoon Ursaluna)
Returning to Kitakami felt most familiar..and quite comforting considering how traditional everything is.
Festival of the Masks came back around, and while you didn't get to spend it with Kieran nor Carmine this time...you did wind up spending it with somebody else...
Perrin, who you were drawn to after seeing her Hisuian Growlithe getting into trouble with an Arbok and trying to stand up for itself.
Reminds you of a certain late lord's son..
She expresses her thanks for rescuing her buddy, and mentions how you got there "right on time".
You just look into her eyes and see Adaman: the Diamond Clan leader, the kind man who gave you the celestica flute and came to your aid when you got exiled from the village.
He may be gone now, but time didn't allow him to be forgotten.
Because he lives on in somebody else.
Perrin gets concerned when she sees how emotional you're getting, but you just wipe your eyes and say she just reminds you of an "old friend".
When you show her your other Hisuian Pokémon, she's THRILLED and wants to take all of their pictures, delighted to have proof that these creatures existed.
That leads her to ask how you acquired them, and you start talking about your adventures in the very region she's been studying...including the fact you met her ancestor who used to worship Dialga and had an easygoing attitude like her.
Girl is taking notes fr.
Together you seek out the "Bloodmoon Beast", only to discover that it was an Ursaluna who travelled alllll the way to Kitakami from Hisui, the environment causing it to change appearances and abilities.
You were fascinated, wondering what Lord Ursaluna or Calaba would think of him, and made him a member of your team after quelling his rage.
While going on more casual photoshoots with Perrin, you ask her about what Sinnoh is like now or if anyone there knew about Hisui.
She mentions how the elderly folk talk of it, and how the subway battle system was being run by one conductor due to the other going missing...
You find yourself holding your breath---until she says "oh but apparently he came back like yesterday" and you were SO relieved.
'Ingo made it back home, too. Thank you Arceus.'
She plans to invite you to Sinnoh someday, seeing as you're so curious about what it all looks like now.
BB Academy (BBE4, Carmine, & Kieran)
When you got to study abroad at BB Academy, you...sorta forgot all the beef you had with Kieran until you saw him berating a student out in the terarium.
A year later, you're Paldea's champion AND the one who saved Hisui, but you couldn't exactly tell him the latter.
But now you understood why everyone back then calling you a "hero" made you a little uncomfortable.
Ogerpon (who was worried sick about where you've gone all this time), was SO happy to see you were back and got to meet your Hisuian Lilligant. Two plant gals just vibing together.
You find a Kleavor in the canyon biome and become a bit sentimental, happy to see a descendant of the Lord of the Woods had survived to this very day.
He must've known you were the one who helped his ancestor (albeit not without receiving some scars from flying wood chips), as he bowed and began walking alongside you, loyal to a tee.
Least to say, he became a valuable ally when you finally battled Kieran in the championship.
He sees that you've definitely changed a lot, too. You look tougher and he was concerned about where that scar across your eye came from....
But he's still obsessed with winning, and his attitude when talking about Terapagos afterwards reminds you of...well...Volo.
It's such an extreme comparison, and you hate how your brain immediately jumped to that considering that was a legitimate monster of a man who betrayed you.
Yet it feels like such a similar situation when Kieran pits the turtle against you in the Underdepths, obsessed with power and wanting nothing more than to be recognized as "worthy".
At least he wasn't planning on ending the world, just yours.
After you both reconcile, you spill the beans about where you've gone for the past year, expecting him to laugh or shun you again for keeping such a big secret from him.
Instead..he has this star-eyed look and wanted to know MORE.
So during your next visit to Kitakami, you tell him and Carmine some stories of your Hisuian adventures, showing off Kleavor and your Alpha Garchomp.
Seeing that you still liked to make authentic pokeballs and potions made Kieran appreciate you a lot more. Kitakami used to have a lot of those apricorns, tumblestones, and leeks before everything became mass-produced.
Like him, you really became out-of-touch with today's technology, so while he's learning it, you're re-learning it along with him.
Eventually you tell those same stories to the BB E4, who are all just as shocked, amazed, and bewildered as the twins were.
And when they all came to offer up a trade, you knew what to do:
For Drayton, you gave him a Goomy, insisting that he trains it fully, not wanting to spoil the "surprise".
As lazy as he is, he does so and is stunned when Sliggoo is revealed to be chilling in its own shell, and Goodra had its whole shell on its tail, capable of withdrawing into it anytime
Ngl it makes him wish he had his own shell to withdraw into just to escape situations.
For someone like Kieran who likes old-fashioned stuff, you figured a Hisuian Voltorb would suit him best.
Its appearance reminds you of the olden ways pokeballs were made, and he got the hang of crafting a few himself after a little trial and error!
He gets nervous about it exploding like Kantonian Voltorbs at the slightest touch, but is happy to find out it's super friendly and discharges just to spook humans.
As for Carmine, the sharpness in her golden eyes reminds you of a certain ghost type's...and thus you believed giving her a Hisuian Zorua was ideal. You had a feeling she'd love its evolved form.
When she does evolve it, she's stunned that it has reddish highlights like she does, jokingly asking if this is her in "another life".
Least to say, she loves it indeed.
While you were adamant about giving Amarys your Kleavor, you ended up trading her a Scyther and give her a black augurite afterwards, explaining how it's the secret to its other evolution.
She mentioned deposits of that mineral existing within the canyon biome, but it couldn't actually evolve the surrounding Scyther population due to being simulated.
But thanks to you, she gets to witness that in-action because you held onto an authentic piece of it, and she gives you her thanks.
As for Crispin, well, you believed a Hisuian Growlithe was perfect for him. It was energetic, loyal, and full of fire..just like him.
He got teary-eyed at the story you told of the late Lord Arcanine, his son, how you quelled his frenzy, etc..and feels inspired to train the pup you've given him into something incredible.
One thing Kantonian and Hisuian Arcanines have in common? They love spicy foods.
For Lacey, you trade her a Hisuian-born Petili, encouraging her to use the sun stone right away.
She does and is delighted to see Lilligant as such a graceful dancer..who really packs a punch when it counts!
She'll definitely doll her up and ensure she knew Charm (the only fairy move Hisuian Lilligant could know, alas).
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firelxdykatara · 3 months
I too ship Zutara and think they should have been canon. Although for me it's important to know how such a rewrite would go down. I tried to think, and I'm lost.
After Mai betrayed Azula for him, will he just go "sorry, not interested"? He isn't obligated to date her because of this, but her redemption hinges on Zuko and I don't see it being satisfying if he ends up rejecting her after this.
I thought the solution would be to rewrite her arc in boiling rock to make her have a moral realization, but then the problem with Maiko is practically solved. Their relationship wasn't salvaged by her redemption because last time they talked, Mai still didn't understand what's wrong with the Fire Nation and only changed because she loved Zuko. So how do you make it both satisfying & logical?
With Kataang the problem is the Chakras. The problem with the original (in my opinion) is that after he opened his chakra, letting go of his attachment to Katara, he's still attached (forcing a kiss on eip). Should TCoD get rewritten so that Azula shoots him before he opens it? Then why wouldn't he just open it later? Maybe the chakra would be locked so he feels as though he doesn't need to overcome his attachment just yet. In that situation, how would his chakra even unlock? The stone thing felt like nonsense, so how would I do it?
So yeah I have no idea how to approach this. How would you? (Thanks)
I've been rotating this ask in the back of my head like a rotisserie chicken for a few days--it's interesting because I don't generally stop to think like, how would I write them out of these relationships, I either ignore the relationships completely (which isn't hard, they were barely footnotes in the cartoon) or play a little bit with jealous exes or something. Thinking about like, In A Perfect World where Bryke wasn't in charge of ATLA post-canon (because if zutara had been canon, you can be sure they would've made us regret it) is interesting, and I do have thoughts on how I'd handle their relationships in a rewrite.
(this got long, so the rest is beneath the cut)
Assuming you mostly want to keep canon intact, I think maiko would be the easiest to work around, given how little relevance their relationship has in canon. The problem with maiko as an endgame ship is that it was not set up that way--if it had been, it would not have begun entirely off-screen and their whole relationship would not have been a study in misery and utter inability to connect emotionally. His relationship with Mai was there to showcase just how much he had changed and how little he fit into the life he had been so sure he wanted more than anything since his banishment. It worked very well to highlight Zuko's growth--how that contrasted to Mai's lack of it and why she could not understand him even at his most open and vulnerable--and did not work nearly so well when she was shoved back with him in the epilogue, after he'd quite literally forgotten her existence (he never mentions her again after Boiling Rock, not even to say a word of mourning, considering he'd have every reason to believe she was killed for defying his sister).
I don't think you can fix this by giving Mai some moral realization, because there simply is no room for it. As @araeph says in the essay I linked:
As a character, Mai is very useful to the story during Zuko’s return, because she represents everything that Zuko gains by sticking by his father. A girl who cares about him; the ability to indulge her; the authority he has over others at the palace; we see it all in his interactions with Mai. But this makes Mai a tether to a life he has long outgrown. Her function is not to advance Zuko’s character development, but to obstruct it, which also unfortunately means that Mai gaining a full understanding of Zuko’s trials would be disadvantageous to the story. If she knew everything about him and still wanted him to stay, it would give Zuko more cause than he should have to remain in the Fire Nation, but if she knew and encouraged him to leave and join the Avatar, it would rob Zuko of the triumph of making this decision on his own. In other words, there are good narrative reasons for keeping Mai in the dark; it just doesn’t make their relationship any stronger.
The seeds of a genuine redemption arc (one that includes some sort of moral realization and change to her moral framework) for Mai would have to have been planted far earlier than five episodes from the end of the series, but doing so would have of necessity detracted from Zuko's own character arc and the realizations that he makes despite his attachment to Mai (or more specifically to their relationship, which I feel like he was clinging to more out of a sense of abject loneliness he couldn't shake rather than genuine feelings and emotional connection).
So, in my mind, since we're tackling this with an eye towards getting rid of maiko with the fewest ripples to the overall story anyway, the easiest way to do this would be make one slight change to the end of the Boiling Rock two-parter--have Ty Lee (who had always been the least gung-ho of the trio about bowing to Azula's whims and had to be textually threatened into joining her in the first place) save Zuko's life, and then have Mai (who showed the most genuine affection for Ty Lee anyway) save Ty Lee. I love Zuko more than I fear you always fell flat for me as some epic declaration of love, anyway, since a) Zuko is not around to hear it, and b) unlike Ty Lee, she never showed much fear of Azula to begin with, so it wasn't a very high bar to clear. It was a cool line that was entirely unearned, and I don't think it would be missed, there would be some cute mailee crumbs this way, and a throwaway line of getting them released from the prison after the war ended could wrap up their presence in the story pretty nicely.
Now, kataang is a little trickier, if only because the last leg of Aang's character arc is almost completely derailed by his refusal to let go of his possessive attachment to Katara, to the point where he never naturally reopens his chakras, he has to have the Rock of Destiny hit him in just the right place, and the deus ex lionturtle there to give him a way out of having to make a hard moral choice. (I've maintained for years that if you work the final act of your main character's overall arc in such a way that it could have been solved by one good session with a chiropractor, something got fucked along the way.)
The thing about Aang's chakras is that, narratively, his whole thing with Guru Pathik and leaving his training early to save his friends was basically his version of Luke running away from his training with Yoda on Degobah because of his Force vision, only to find out that his friends were in the process of rescuing themselves and then losing his hand because he hadn't completed the most crucial part of his training. What's missing, therefore, from the last act of Aang's character arc, is the return.
See, in Star Wars, Luke pretty explicitly makes the wrong choice when he chooses to prioritize saving his friends over attaining enlightenment and fully mastering the Force. It was the only choice he could have made, but it was still the wrong one--because, like Aang, his friends did not actually need him to save them, he actually almost makes it harder for them to get away by requiring them to save him because, like Aang, he loses a battle in a very critical way. This was a lesson he desperately needed to learn, and it is clear he has learned it by the time he makes it back to Degobah and witnesses the end of Yoda's life, his own enlightenment having already been reached.
But Aang never goes back to the Guru.
And the text refuses to allow us to sit with the fact that he made the wrong choice in prioritizing his attachment to Katara over his ability to master the Avatar State. He is actually narratively vindicated about it, because the plot bends itself into a pretzel so that he doesn't have to spend any time during the last book trying to reopen his chakras and regain access to the Avatar State, handed both in the final battle with no excess effort on his part, and handed the girl into the bargain. (The girl who never even wanted him, so far as we can tell from all the lack of cues she gave him that she actually returned his feelings.)
And I think this could have been solved with a few scattered scenes. Let Katara actually have some agency in her own romantic relationship (or lack thereof), insofar as noticing Aang's advances and clueing the audience in to how she actually feels. Let Aang struggle with the fact that he can't reach the Avatar State, that his mastery of the elements is in limbo because he can't access his full power, rather than ignoring all of this until the end of the show. If we're trying to keep the shape of the last season roughly the same, let Katara confront Aang about the invasion kiss.
This would have been the perfect time to establish that Katara actually does feel some type of way about Aang prior to the epilogue, and it could have saved us from the exceedingly cringey EIP kiss that Aang never apologized for. How it comes across now, of course, is that Katara basically pretends it never even happened, to the point where she doesn't even know what Aang is talking about during EIP until he reminds her--the death knell for any shot their relationship had at looking requited, because I can tell you, as someone who's been a teenage girl, if someone I had conflicted but burgeoning romantic feelings for had kissed me, I would not have completely forgotten about it only a few weeks later--and we never get any indication as to what she actually felt about the kiss (which was not mutual, despite what Aang's dialogue in the EIP scene implies) except for the fact that she looked away and frowned afterwards. (A change mandated by Bryke, who wanted to leave her feelings completely ambiguous; the original storyboards had her smiling to herself.)
So, with an eye towards wrapping up Aang's puppy love crush and establishing Katara's distinct lack of romantic feelings for him, have her talk to him about the kiss. A good frame of reference for this would be Meng's conversation with Aang in "The Fortuneteller", where she finally realizes that he doesn't like her in the same way she likes him. Katara and Aang's conversation about the invasion kiss could be a callback to this, with Aang having some important realizations--that just because Katara doesn't share his feelings doesn't mean she loves him any less, and just because he can't have her the way he wanted doesn't mean he has to love her any less, that she doesn't belong to him but that's ok, because she's still his family and they'll always have each other's backs. Which could have functioned well in helping him take another step towards unblocking his chakras. Going back to the Guru directly may not have worked, since by this point in the story we're hurtling towards the final confrontation and Sozin's Comet, but let Aang reflect on what the Guru told him with new understanding granted him by his experiences throughout the first half of the season.
To keep the stakes high and up the suspense, obviously, he shouldn't have fully unlocked his chakras and the AS before the final fight, but the seeds could be planted--little moments like a talk with Katara about the invasion kiss, maybe a little more empathy and understanding from him about why Katara needs closure in TSR, etc--and then, during the final fight, rather than hand him all the answers on a silver platter, have him almost lose. He still can't go full Avatar, he's out of time, he still doesn't know exactly what to do about Ozai given his own pacifism and desire to preserve that part of his culture--he tries to fight but he's pretty quickly overpowered. Idk how I would've animated this, and maybe it wouldn't have looked as cool for the final fight, but the true climax of the finale was the Zuko and Azula agni kai anyway, so it hardly matters--I'm picturing him doing the rock-shield thing and going into a brief meditative state, where he finally achieves the enlightenment necessary to unlock the AS on his own, no rock of chiropracty necessary. And at this point, I'd give Ozai a Disney Death, since leaving him alive causes more problems than it solves and it's not necessary for Aang to kill him for him to die--they're fighting on a mountain ffs--but if you don't want to change that part then him figuring out energy bending as part of becoming a fully realized Avatar would at least feel more earned than the lionturtle just handing it to him. (And that could've been foreshadowed better by seeding the idea for it earlier in the season.)
After all of that, particularly if you up the emotions during the agni kai and have Zuko and Katara kiss there (or something less explicitly romantic but still tender, like a brief forehead touch), it'd feel pretty natural to have a just friends ending for Aang and Katara. Maybe a brief, slightly awkward but ultimately amiable conversation if Zuko and Katara had a ~thing at their final fight, and then the final shot of the series could be the gaang all together, maybe zutara holding hands or Katara resting her head on his shoulder or something, but since they already kissed there wouldn't feel like a need to end the whole show on romance, something which I've always felt missed the point of the series.
And then, y'know, after that, the world's your oyster! This is how I'd do it if I were trying to keep the bulk of the final season intact. Of course, breaking it all down to its component pieces and rebuilding from the ground up is also an option, but that'd probably be a longer post lol.
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exrellian · 4 months
Replaced MC AU
I’m pumping this out cuz I’m motivated! Still in third person
TW: the brothers being mean, MC getting bullied-
Part Two!
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Everything is Changing
Mammon was the first to fall for Amelia, then Levi, Asmo, and Beel followed quickly
Satan, Lucifer, and Belphie were… weary about the new girl, the three found it odd how quickly their brothers fell for Amelia, seemingly forgetting MC completely
“Hey Beel, Hells Kitchen has a new menu item, it looks delicious! Want to go try it together?”
“Sorry, Amelia and I are going to try it in a couple minutes”
MC shrugged it off, happy Amelia was making friends
“Mammon, I’m bored, wanna go to the casino tonight?”
“Amelia and I are going to watch some movies tonight, no can do human.”
What? MC started to feel weird about this, not really too phased by the fact that the two were hanging out, but the fact that Mammon so nonchalantly called him ‘Human’
“Asmo..? Want to go clubbing tonight?”
“Hm? Not with you, not really. Sorry!”
“Levi? Want to play Raft together? I heard a new update came out!”
“I already beat it with Amelia, it was really fun!”
“Oh? Well would you mind playing it with me?”
“Amelia used your account, so we would have to start over for you to really see the update and that would just be boring”
“Oh um… alright, I’ll just play it on my own!”
This went on for about a month before the next brother dropped
“Hey Belphie, do you still have my blanket? It’s kinda cold in my room”
“Oh, I let Amelia have it because she was cold.”
“You gave my blanket to Amelia? Why couldn’t you give her one of yours?”
“She liked yours, don’t be selfish MC, you can just go buy another.”
MC left, frustrated and still cold.
It was then when the worst so far came to be.
“That will be 18 Grimm”
MC swiped his card and it… declined? That was weird, he had more than enough Grimm! He had a part time job for a while and was payed by Diavolo for hosting events at RAD too! He opened his DDD and checked his account
-143 Grimm
He puts his DDD away and pays out of pocket for the blanket before returning home in a rush and going to his and Amelia’s room. Luckily for him, Amelia wasn’t there. Grabbing his laptop and checking his bank account he sees a bunch of online purchases on various video games. He slams his computer shut and runs to Leviathans room to see Amelia and Levi playing some random gacha game.
“Are you on my account Amelia?” He tried to keep his voice low and calm but he was shaking
“Oh! I’m sorry MC, Levi said I could!”
“Did you buy anything?”
“Well yeah! I didn’t like your account so I reset it so I could get the characters I wanted! Levi said his card was attached so I could spend as much as I wanted! Wasn’t that so nice of him?”
MC was writhing
“MY card was attached to that! You drained my account completely!”
Amelia looked almost… happy?
“It was your card attached? Sorry MC” leviathans tone was disingenuous and annoyed
“Since it was meant to be your money can you just pay me back for what she spent? I was saving up for something!”
“I’m not giving you my money MC, you need to stop being so selfish. Get out of my room.”
“No! Amelia spent all my money thinking it was yours so clearly you have the money to reimburse me!”
Levi stood up and walked over to MC
“I don’t know what has gotten into you, but you are not the person I fell in love with. You are almost more selfish and self centered than Mammon. First you go bullying Amelia, then you think I have to give you money for a little mistake. Leave my room MC, I don’t want to see you.” The hatred in Leviathans eyes struck a fear into MC that he hasn’t felt since he first arrived in the Devildom, weighing his options, he left, deciding it would be in his best interest to talk to Lucifer about it. He arrived at Lucifer’s study to find it empty, he then checked his room, finding it also empty
MC [Hey Lucifer, are you home?]
Lucifer [I am in a meeting. If you need to talk meet me in my study tomorrow.]
MC [K.]
Tomorrow could not come sooner
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alzirrx · 2 years
So apparently I’m the only person that actually liked the Tyler/Wednesday dynamic, despite a couple things, so I’m about to make an entirely uncalled for essay defending them because I became very emotionally attached in the one night I spent watching this show
To start, I liked how awkward Tyler’s character was right off the bat, because I feel like you don’t see that kind of character type as love interests in much media. A lot of the time it’s overshadowed for the Golden Retriever or Angsty Brooding Type™, and it was really refreshing seeing a different archetype as a love interest. The way him and Wednesday coupled together was always kind of awkward and uncertain, but it felt kinda more real that way considering that’s how a lot of high school romances start out. I really loved the idea of a kind of “baby hold my flower” dynamic between the two, crazy obsessive outcast gf/laid-back supportive normie bf who makes posters to cheer her on during her rampages
On the flip side, once the reveal happened there was so much potential. I wanted his redemption so bad. I wanted him to go back to how he was, while also letting loose more on his more angry feral side while also getting a scene where he got to be redeemed. I was waiting for him to turn to their side any minute, with a speech afterwards about how yes his actions were bad, and while they weren’t his choice persay he just might have enjoyed them, but that doesn’t mean he never liked her! That was all him! Because in all honesty I liked his sweet and caring side contrasted with her cold unfeeling demeanor, although I do see many arguments being made in favor of the serial killer/serial killer stopper dynamic which could be explored
And in terms of canon: the date was adorable, well thought out and showed he actually knew her (like how a scary movie wouldn’t actually scare her: a chick flick would), the way he liked her dancing at the Rave’N, how he always brought her quads, the birthday cake + coffee, all the little sweet gestures of his
(I know that’s only the things he did- but this post is more about him than Wednesday)
I’m fairness, the “I thought you were sending signals” bit felt a little out of left field since she acted the same the whole time, but I’ve learned from experience that if you like someone and you hope they like you back, you can basically turn anything they do at all into a signal
All I’m saying is, ship what you want, but I feel that they worked a lot better than some people give them credit for, and if he hadn’t have been the Hyde they would’ve been really good together, and they still could be
TL;DR, Wednesday x Tyler worked and would also have worked better under different circumstances
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Cozy Secrets || Chp 2
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Character: Spy!Bucky x Roommate!Reader
Summary: Y/N found herself at her high school reunion, accompanied by her unexpected fake boyfriend, who also happened to be a spy.
Chp 1 , Chp 2 , Chp 3 , -
Main Masterlist || buy me Ko-fi 🥹💓
Thank you to anyone who gave a like, reblog, and left a comment. It motivated me to write more. 
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Bucky, raised by spy parents, embraced espionage early in life. Constantly moving, he found comfort in blending into diverse surroundings.
His nomadic existence shifted when a mission led him to an apartment owned by Y/N, a hardworking individual who works as an interior designer.
Amidst a stakeout from his ideally located residence, Bucky grew attached, especially during rainy days. He revealed his spy identity to Y/N and confessed he didn't want to move out.
Offering to be her fake boyfriend, he declared, "With my skills, I could impress everyone."
And so, Y/N found herself at her high school reunion, accompanied by her unexpected fake boyfriend, who also happened to be a spy.
The day of the reunion arrived, and Y/N felt a familiar knot of anxiety tightening in her stomach. Even though she had a secret weapon in the form of Bucky, the thought of facing her high school bullies again sent shivers down her spine.
Bucky, on the other hand, seemed unfazed. He had donned a sleek suit, his hair styled to perfection, and he exuded an aura of confidence that Y/N couldn't help but admire.
As they walked into the venue, it was like entering a different world. The once awkward teenagers were now transformed into polished adults, some more successful than others.
Bucky's charm worked its magic as soon as they entered. He effortlessly navigated the social scene, engaging in conversations with old classmates and making new acquaintances. Y/N, initially hesitant, found herself drawn out of her shell by his infectious energy.
As expected, they soon ran into the infamous mean girls. The leader, Tiffany, still sported the same arrogant smirk Y/N remembered. This time, however, Y/N was prepared. With Bucky by her side, she felt a newfound sense of confidence.
"Hey Tiffany," Y/N greeted, her voice surprisingly steady. "This is Bucky, my… boyfriend."
Tiffany's eyes widened in surprise. "Boyfriend? Since when?" she asked, her tone laced with disbelief.
Y/N, summoning all her courage, met Tiffany's gaze directly. "Let's just say we reconnected recently," she replied, a subtle smile on her lips.
Bucky, sensing the tension, stepped forward and extended his hand towards Tiffany. "It's a pleasure to meet you," he said, his voice charming and smooth.
Tiffany, unable to resist his charm, shook his hand. "The pleasure is mine, Bucky," she replied, her cheeks flushed.
Y/N watched in amusement as Bucky seamlessly played the role of the loving boyfriend. He engaged Tiffany in conversation, asking about her life and career with genuine interest. Y/N couldn't help but be impressed by his acting skills.
As the night progressed, Bucky continued to weave his web of lies, telling elaborate stories about his "exciting" life as a high-profile businessman. (Easy for him to lie).
The other girls, impressed by his fabricated persona, showered him with attention, leaving Y/N to observe in amusement. She couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction seeing the tables turned on her former tormentor.
However, the act started to wear thin as the night progressed. Bucky, unused to such social interactions, began to lose his composure. He stumbled over his words, and his carefully crafted facade started to crumble.
Fearing things might escalate, Y/N decided it was time to cut their losses. She grabbed Bucky's arm and led him towards the exit.
"Let's go," she whispered. "I think we've had our fun."
Bucky, visibly flustered, agreed. They slipped out of the venue unnoticed, leaving behind the fading sounds of the reunion.
Once outside, they both burst into laughter, the tension of the night finally releasing.
"Wow, that was… intense," Bucky chuckled. "I almost blew my cover a few times there."
Y/N smiled. "You did great, Bucky. Even if it wasn't exactly the truth."
Bucky shrugged. "Well, you never told me you wanted a knight in shining armor, just a date to the reunion."
Y/N couldn't deny that Bucky's presence had boosted her confidence and allowed her to face her past without fear.
Because of his help, Y/N told him that he could stay. As long he never ruined the apartment again. Bucky, relieved to have kept his apartment, was up bright and early the next morning.
The following day, Y/N found Bucky ready to leave. "Don't wait, and try not to miss me too much," he said with a wink. Y/N understand he's going on a mission.
Y/N rolled her eyes but couldn't deny the emptiness after he left. The apartment, once lively with his presence, now felt oddly quiet. As much as she craved peace, she couldn't help but miss the chaos Bucky brought into her life.
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Join taglist ? 💗💗💗
Chp 1 , Chp 2 , Chp 3 ,-
Main Masterlist || buy me Ko-fi 🥹💓
Thank you to anyone who gave a like, reblog, and left a comment. It motivated me to write more. 
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sophswritingthings · 7 months
I’m eating up these Mizu fics you’re doing such a good job!! 💕
I was wondering if you could do a continuation of the baby fic or maybe something completely separate, where the reader finds a baby is like ‘ok cool this is mine now’ and Mizu becomes very attached to the baby
I just crave some domestic fluff with Mizu and a lil baby💕
pairing: mizu x fem!reader
warning(s): swearing
a/n: ya'll love that mizu and children domestic fluff, don’t you! 
summary: you found a young girl on the streets; an infant. you and your wife, mizu, decide to take it into your care.
word count: 581 words / 3,057 characters
you duck into the alleyway, under the lights and the frills of it all. a small girl—an infant—probably not even a year old.. sits just in the back of the alleyway, tucked in pieces of cloth and trash.
you glance at mizu over your shoulder, your eyes hopeful.
“we can’t just leave her here,” you whisper. “can we..”
she sighs, folding her arms across her chest. she wasn’t one for children; or an extra person to feed and take care of—but she knew how upset you'd be if you had to leave it there.
“fine,” she ducks out of the alleyway, waiting for you to follow with the baby in your arms.
you did so, cradling the infant in your arms as it whined and cried.
that look in your eyes; that look of happiness and kindness. that’s what fueled her decision to allow you to take it. to see you happy was all that she ever wanted.
“we can stay here, tonight,” she walked into an empty cabin, the light of fire warming the building. once you walked in, she shut the door behind you to keep the cold out. 
“here,” you handed her the baby, to which she held quite awkwardly—and away from her body. you giggled at her action, wading into the kitchen. “watch her while I make food.” you call from the other room.
she settled down on the mattress, removing her hat and overcoat. 
she was looking down at the baby, which was now rested in her lap. the young girl looked up at her with interest. mizu raised an eyebrow at the girl.
she giggled, reaching her hands up to grab at mizu’s face, effectively dragging down her glasses.
mizu couldn’t help but smile at the action; chuckling a little. 
she stuck out one finger, allowing the small girl to latch onto it. in which she did, smiling and giggling up at mizu.
the girl reached up again, tugging on mizu's strand of hair that poked out from her chignon. 
“hmmm,” she hummed, allowing the girl to mess with her hair, her hands. her glasses, even.
you popped up behind her, resting one hand on her shoulder, the other holding a bowl of noodles.
“see, she isn’t that bad, is she?” you smile, sitting down beside your wife and resting your head on her shoulder.
“I—guess not,” she mumbled, obviously not wanting to admit how much she enjoyed having the child around already. it was as if you and her were a normal couple; with a child and all.
“hm,” you hum, lifting the baby from her lap and cradling her in your arms as you began to feed her.
she couldn’t help but blush at the sight; she felt like a girl with a crush on you again. as if you weren’t her wife. you looked so beautiful like this, you really did. the care and attention you put into the young one warmed her heart.
she leaned down to press a kiss against your head.
“hm?” you glance up at her, raising an eyebrow with a smile, “what is that for?”
“you just look so lovely,” she smiles, kissing your head again. “and I love you.”
your heart melts at her words. mizu would never one to be very expressive with her feelings; but here she was, pouring those very feelings out to you.
“yeah? I love you too, darling. and soon this little girl will know our very love and affection, too.”
a/n: also thank you 😮‍💨 I am a very tired lil author who is trying to balance forty requests, school, and choir competitions!! so hearing i am doing a good job is very nice… 🥲
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flicklikesstuff · 5 months
Hazbin Hotel Ep 8 Ramble and Theory
⚠️ SPOILERS!! ⚠️
Surprisingly, the show’s first season really got me hooked with its storyline and I can’t wait what’s in store for the upcoming season 2.
I’ve had my suspicions with Alastor since the pilot, and it just keeps growing with every episode. Even then, his real motivations are just hard to really see and it’s what makes his character intriguing. One moment, he’s lurking in the shadows like some sort of villain, and then the next, we see him maaaybe caring for his friends?? If he even considers them that. Idk 🤷
I’ve always thought that maybe he’s sticking around and playing nice to get Charlie’s guard down in the long run. Waiting for her to get desperate so he can strike a deal with her. So he could ask her for any favour in the future. And guess what? That’s what he exactly does in Ep 7.
And if I’m recalling correctly, Alastor helped Charlie with the war, but Charlie is yet to grant her own end of the deal. Alastor STILL is owed a favour from her.
(Where am I going with this theory and analysis? I’m getting there-)
At one point, maybe he did genuinely care for the hotel and the people in it. Regardless what his motives were. He even admits it’s a “surprising thrill” to watch them form connections. But the word choices he uses in this scene are just sooo…weird?
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“Almost??” “Could get accustomed??”
It sounds like he admits feeling attached to the other characters but at the same time, doesn’t want to commit to it. Does he have far more nefarious intentions in mind for them and that’s why he’s so distant?
Alastor probably noticed this in the ending of Ep 8 too. His altruistic self almost got control of him. He almost risked his life to help his “friends.” And he didn’t like that one bit. Perhaps, he sees this trait as a weakness.
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It really sounds like the verse“Great Alastor Altruist died” is equal to him stating that “there’s no more Mr. Nice Guy” from now on. He’s disconnecting and staying firm to whatever his highly vague motives are. And it’s highly likely that whatever’s holding him back from his full power is the deal he made itself. And he’s going to try anything to get out of it. Maybe that’s the reason why he approached Charlie in the first place.
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And I’m going back to Charlie’s deal with him here. The only condition she has is that she won’t harm anyone for him. But knowing Alastor, he’s going to twist the words a bit there. Maybe he won’t harm them physically. But maybe in some other way. Indirectly. One that Charlie won’t see in the long run. Maybe he uses this one favour to help him break free of this deal or loosen it in some way.
And Charlie already has so much trust in him after the battle, she most likely won’t see it coming. It’s perfect.
(Not exactly sure how these soul contracts work buuut, she’s the princess right? Maybe she’s powerful enough to do smth about it? Maybe that’s why Alastor was so interested to gain her trust and potentially free himself?)
But anyway! Onto the second part of my theory!
Alastor’s probably going to optimise his one chance of freedom through Charlie’s owed favour. But I have a feeling he’s not only going to use just Charlie.
Who else is at the hotel that the other main cast members trust? Who he could freely command under his control? To show up at his will? Answer his beck and call? Whose souls that Alastor owns?
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I swear. It is NO ACCIDENT that these two were standing side by side. NEXT TO ALASTOR. In the ending. (Or maybe I’m overanalysing, but whatever. This is MY ramble)
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When Alastor comes back from the “dead”, everyone was happy to see him. Especially Charlie. And surprisingly Vaggie? I guess she’s warming up to him. Idk if that’s good or not.
Everyone except Lucifer and Husk. Lucifer’s still bitter on the whole ‘dad’ thing. But I just really felt sooo bad for Husk here. 😂 My guy had maybe a few happy hours of what he thought was freedom. Then he sees this guy come back and he’s just: “Ahhhh… SHT-!”
Now I’m just saying, I don’t think Alastor can just casually go up to Charlie and just easily demand that favour. Especially now that Lucifer might be staying around(?) Also, Alastor sounds like someone who would strategically play the long run if it means benefits. Albeit, less truly altruistic than before since that approach almost costed him highly.
He’s maybe going to have to pull some strings to really make Charlie feel like she HAS to do him a favour. To better solidify his chances and so she’s less likely to be hesitant/reluctant/suspicious. After all, Alastor is only owed ONE FAVOUR. Maybe he’ll pull some strings to win over Lucifer’s own trust too so he won’t be stopping Charlie? (I’m not sure, these two are not in good terms.)
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(Look me in the eyes and tell me this is the face of someone who’s definitely not going to use this hotel for his own personal gain. Things are going to start getting ugly with Alastor’s new approach. I’m also still like 80% sure these 3 characters are placed together for a reason. It CANNOT be a complete coincidence, right?)
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Now I’m really curious how Husk and Niffty would react under this sudden new approach. The angst potential here is smelling strong. It’s obvious that they’re starting to get highly attached to the hotel and really consider the others as friends. Something Alastor didn’t allow himself to.
And it’s not like they have a voice in the matter either. No matter what Alastor tells them to do to secretly manipulate things around the place so he’ll appear like he’s “helping out more.”
Who knows really? What kind of errands he’ll force them to do? “Mr. Nice Guy” is really no longer an option here. That guy is dead. Adam killed him.
And all at the same time, Alastor wouldn’t be breaking Charlie’s condition. He’s not making her hurt anyone at all. Just helping a good old pal, who’s done so much for her, to maybe loosen the constraints his deal has. Or whatever else he wants, I don’t fcking know-
(But Srsly though. The angst??? Niffty and Alastor are fond with each other, but Niffty is also starting to like her new friends too. Will that create some sort of rift? Niffty actually being hesitant??
And don’t even get me STARTED on Huskerdust. Like wtf-? Husk has already stepped out of line before and it left him completely shaken. What else could he do? And a heartbroken Angel finding out he’s behind all this when Husk is the first person to truly reach out to him? Husk not being able to meet his gaze out of guilt?? THE FCK-???)
Yeaaaahhh, can’t wait what Season 2 has for us all….
Remember fellas, this is just a theory. A Hazbin theory! :))
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finnydraws · 28 days
Bowline (B.B/Reader)
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Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw/Reader (slight jake/reader)
a/n: big shout out to @vivwritesfics who helped me with figuring out the plot in my head and finding a name for Jakes soulmate, I probably wouldn't have gotten back into writing fan fiction with them
Word count; 2574 (!!)
description: Bowline knot: a fixed knot used to tie a square sail to the bow of a ship to keep the sail from being taken by the wind.
Nobody said having a soulmate was easy
genre(s) Soulmate au, angst, slight hurt/comfort, rebound dating
warnings: implied age gap (rooster is canonically 38, reader can be read as anyone 20-25) implied sexual content, rebound dating, cheating, canon character death 
Bradley doesn’t remember when his string finally attached to another person. He remembers being a kid and asking his mom why it was short, hanging limp from his ring finger and so close to him he could see the end, but no soulmate. She would always console him, tell him the universe was just taking its time on his special someone. His mother didn’t like to talk about her own string however, at least not after his father died. If he asked her though, she would regale him with stories of her short time living with her soulmate, how when they first met Nick had attempted to tie the string into a heart but failed so miserably Carole spent the first two hours of knowing him trying to unknot it through her laughs. She would never tell him how when she looked down to see the frayed end of her string her heart almost stopped in the grocery store. All Bradley remembered was looking down some time in his teens, and suddenly having a person on the other end of it, suddenly having a person fated to love him. When he entered the naval academy he hated that string. Hated how he was so scared of leaving whoever was on the other end like his mother, forever staring at that damn torn string and mourning a person they might have ripped from them too soon. Learning to fly only made him hate it more. He was too cautious, too distracted by the tug on that damned tug to fly properly at first. His first deployment was the worst, the string getting pulled so taut that he thought it might cut his finger. His flying got better after that deployment but his thoughts about soulmates were only solidified.
He hated soulmates.
This wasn’t fair. Why is he being forced to love someone he's never met? Why is he fated to think about how every time he gets in an aircraft, he could hurt them as bad as his mother was? Bradley probably spent days of his life trying to untie that cursed string.
You never had that apprehension, from the moment you were born the string stretched into the unknown, moved, was alive. You grew up experimenting with that poor little red string, trying to see how tightly you could pull it, how far you could run before you felt even a smidge of movement. In middle school, when the first boy showed you any interest, you demanded he show you his string before you would date him. And when you saw no red on his finger, you told him you didn't want to waste anyone's’ time when you weren’t destined to be together. Your string only pulled tighter on your finger after that day. To you your soulmate wasn’t the same burden Bradley saw you as. His existence being a gift for you to unwrap when the universe felt you deserving. So, you decided to do whatever you could to make yourself ‘worthy’ of your soulmate. Going to the naval academy straight out of high school and entering the United States navy as an aircrewman mechanical officer and spending any and all time you could doing anything to help those around you. Tutoring, volunteering, anything you could to learn more about people. Anything you could to bring you closer to him.
It was always interesting when you felt the string fluctuate between tightening and going lax on your finger, every deployment forcing you to think of where in the world your soulmate could be. When stationed in a country besides your own you wondered if that string would even loosen. On the deck of the ships you've been on would it tighten as you spent months on the sea?
Some deployments were weirder than others, you would swear up and down that the whole time you were on the ship your string would stay loose enough to slip from your finger if you wanted to. You never tried. On those deployments you tried to pay extra attention to who was on the ship with you, you tried to see if you followed the string if you could find him more than once only to come up empty. This surprised you at first, it's a finite space, surely someone would have the other end, would the vast sea hide the string? Pull it underwater and out of your view, even if it hadn’t on any of your other deployments? But no, every time you would leave the ship alone, not having noticed the string tightening as the pilots took off. Not wanting to think your soulmate was avoiding you.
But he was. The second he discovered you were his soulmate, Bradley informed any friends he could trust to understand his stance on soulmates and created a system. He had a look out at all times, someone there to warn him you were near, or distract you long enough for him to make a quick get-away. His whole system crashed when he arrived back on deck after the uranium mission, everyone was too busy celebrating his and Petes survival for anyone to notice your eyes zeroing in on the red string on his hand. At first, you’re ecstatic to finally have the missing piece to your puzzle, the giant keyring finally producing the key to your lock.
It's only then you notice him actively avoiding you. You count at least five times before the ship docks back in San Diego
The first is immediately after you find out he’s your soulmate. He catches your eye and slinks off in the dispersing crowd, removing his helmet at some point to blend in a little better with the other sailors and pilots.
The second is later that night, you approach him on the way to eat and get cut off by Jake, who insists on standing so Bradley is just out of your line of sight no matter how many times you try to side step him. You don't pay attention to a word he says, you don't respond either, but the heartbroken look you don the second you realize Bradley has slipped from your grasp nearly makes Jake give up on his quest then and there.
You almost catch him the third time, running into him by accident as he leaves the shower talking with a sailor you can’t remember the name of. He pretends not to hear you calling out for his attention. Pretends like you're not calling out for ‘the man with the mustache’ since you don’t know his name. The sailor he's speaking with questions him on it but Bradley excuses it as having not heard you.
By the fourth time you try and get his attention you've nearly given up. You learned his name and callsign from an aviator on deck not aware of his plan on avoiding you his whole life. Bob feels terrible for you when you inform him what’s going on between you and his friend, and readily gives you the information, making a mental note to chew Rooster out for hurting an innocent person, for never explaining himself. You approach Bradley when he’s just barely sat for dinner, expecting him to stay seated at least, but nope! The second you call his name He stands and leaves. What hurt the most was the sad looks his friends give you as you stand at the end of the table, doing your best to keep your bearings and not cry in front of the dining hall.
The last time you count him ignoring you it’s about an hour later, when he catches you crying and trying to pry the string off your finger, begging whatever higher power to give you a soulmate who would love you back. Begging for answers to what you did so wrong to deserve this.
He doesn't comfort you.
After that night you stop counting. You stop trying to speak to him, just stare at the string and hate it, hate who's on the other side. It isn’t until several months after the deployment you see him again, out at the hard deck flirting with a girl in a skirt that hugs all the right places, in a shirt that makes her chest pop. Rooster isn’t looking at her eyes. The brandy in your hand is downed quickly while you ignore the sting of a drink meant to be sipped. You really try to hate her for the way she was able to get so close to your soulmate. Closer than you’ve ever been.
It could have been the alcohol, or the heartbreak that spurred you to find a rebound, you aren’t quite sure. All you could think was finding someone to dull your pain, to be your firsts, to hurt him like he hurt you. Your brain, ever the genius, lands on Jake. Before you can change your mind, you steel your nerves, bee line for the all-American man, and pull him out to the beach by his wrist. He seems to be just as drunk as you feel because as soon as you stop his hands are on your hips, and he's asking, “what can I do for such a pretty girl?” he practically purrs in your ear as his hands start to wonder at your sides.
You aren't expecting your own quiet voice to respond with “take me to bed pretty boy, make me forget.” you lay your own shaking hands against his biceps leaning into his chest and hold on tightly, afraid if you pull away even a little bit you’ll lose him too. Jake is all too happy to agree, pulling you to his truck and taking your firsts, the entire time you try not to think about Bradley, or the red string on your finger shackling you to him forever.
This dance with jake goes on for months, the two of you do on a date that ends at the hard deck, you hang onto him all night while you steadily get more drunk (if this bothers rooster he doesn't show it) and when you feel that the two of you are drunk enough you beg him to take you home and sleep with you. The whole time he does you try not to think about how badly you wish it was your soulmate sleeping with you. After about 4 months of this the pain of Bradley not wanting you starts to fade enough that you can start joking with the pilots at the hard deck, you’re more comfortable staying sober in the presence of Bradley, more comfortable thinking of Jake as your boyfriend. You make some great friends during this time; Bob and you get along so well that you begin Friday night movie nights. With Jake and you beginning to rebuild your opinions on love. You’re happy with him for about a year before he meets Rosie.
There’s nothing off with your relationship with Jakes after he first meets her, he takes a little longer to answer your texts, sure, but then again, he always took forever to answer. He doesn't invite you out to the hard deck as much but then again you don’t always have to be with your boyfriend. You actually don't notice anything is off until Bob calls you from the hard deck and asks you nicely to join him for a drink. It’s when you arrive that you notice something off, hanging off Jakes’ arm is the perfect, glowing woman. The two of them seem so perfect together that you already know why Bob called you over. You appreciate him for uncovering the truth for you, but this appreciation doesn’t fix the sharp pain in your heart at seeing the happy new couple.
You barely even hear the shout of your name as you swiftly walk out the doors of the Hard deck and onto the beach, you barely notice that it's Bradley running after you and not Bob. When you do notice him, you anger starts to simmer in your stomach and you turn on your heel to face him “What, Bradley. What could you possibly want from me now.” you bark at him, not waiting for his response. “YOU’RE the one who didn't want ME, remember? I tried to get to know you, I tried to be it for you. And you didn’t want it. And now I'm trying to be alone just like you wanted and yet, here you are!” By this point the anger in your stomach is boiling over, spilling into your soul and slowly infecting it. You let out a loud, drawn-out groan “It's not FAIR, what have I done! What did I do to you?” The yelling is hurting your head, you thought you ran out of tears to cry over Bradley years ago but here they are, threatening to spill over. “Why don't you love me? I'm supposed to be yours…” your voice breaks, and so does the dam. Tears flow from you freely now and you drop to your knees sobbing.
“It's not you.” he softly promises to you “When-” Bradley takes a deep breath before beginning again “when my dad died, it broke my mom. She couldn't truly be happy without him, no matter what we did.” Bradley begins to silently toy with the red string as he speaks to you softly, like a wounded animal he risks spooking off. “At first, I didn't have to worry about leaving anybody behind, I didn't have a soulmate, so I always planned on flying. But then I looked down one day and there it was, going all the way to you.” The word vomit from Bradley isn’t seeming to stop, he explains everything to you, from how his mom felt after the death of his dad to the fear he felt when he first started flying. How if he flew too far the string would tighten and all he could think about was putting this faceless person through the same thing his mother went through. The entire time he’s tying a knot in the string, untying it, and retying the same knot.
“This is a bowline knot.” he states after being silent for a moment “Mav taught me it. Sailors used to use it to keep the wind from blowing the sail away. I'm not very good at it.” he laughs softly and begins to wipe the drying tears off your face “I'm not good at relationships either. But I'm willing to try. I want to try not to get blown away in the wind.” he inches closer, peering into your eyes. “Will you let me try? Will you let me make it up to you?” you can’t muster up the strength to speak, instead nodding your head. Bradley leans in, just a little further softly kissing you while cupping your cheeks. It's not what you thought kissing your soulmate for the first time would be like, there were no fireworks or life changing revelations. It wasn’t overly Passionate, like you would never get this chance again, you weren't used to the feel of his mustache yet. It was just a kiss, an awkward kiss, but it held so much promise, promise to stick around, to work it out. It was like he was trying to communicate all the emotions he didn't know how to articulate to you. So much that you're inclined to believe him.
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waterdeep-weavemoss · 12 days
Hi! I'd love to hear your thoughts on Dark Gale! I feel like the concept I'm thinking about (read: gnawing at the pulp of my brain) is OK, but could be better. Any insight you have is greatly appreciated!
Hello! Thank you for asking about dark Gale! Do you have a snack and a drink? Alrighty. So.
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Gale to me is a pretty dark character already. His ambition becomes obsession, and he seeks to cross boundaries he should not cross out of (well placed) anger and a deep insecurity.
On first meeting he is sweet, kind of bumbly, personable. The first thing you do to help him out is take his hand and wrench him from a portal. It’s a far cry from Astarion holding a knife to your throat, Lae’zel pointing a sword at you, Shadowheart judging you for keeping Lae’zel’s company. First meeting Wyll, he says he needs to kill a devil. You meet Karlach because you’re trusting him that she’s a devil and needs to die. All of them have some kind of violence attached to them whether that’s from being martial themselves or in Karlach’s case the huge amounts of blood you follow to get to her.
Gale? Nah. He’s just stuck. He needs help, you pull him out, he shakes your hand, assures you your kindness will be repaid. If you send him to camp instead of recruiting him then and there, he says he’ll cook for you! And what he’s done here is ingratiate himself with Tav, make himself as indespensable as possible by volunteering an essential task, and he’s offered knowledge regarding ceremorphosis.
Later in camp, you can talk to him about what’s going on and he’ll compliment you (‘you’re a good sport’ / ‘spot on’) and if he’s a little arrogant well that’s because he has the skill to back it up and he is kind and he does cook, so you forgive it. You get to the grove and if you’re a good aligned Tav you step in front of Arka’s crossbow, you save Arabella, you rescue Mirkon from the harpies. Gale approves. Alright then, he’s a pacifist? He likes kids. This is a safe guy. And you can forgive the magic item consumption because well. He’s a good guy and he wouldn’t hurt anyone and he’s useful around camp and you seem to get along well. That’s fine. It’s like a chronic illness. We can manage that.
And then he can’t keep quiet anymore. The consumption of the weave hardly has an effect now. His guilt compels him to be honest, so he gathers everyone together. He calls himself a walking shadow, he admits to being a magical prodigy and his relationship with Mystra. Alright then. He used to be far more powerful than he is now, well so was everyone. The man clearly resents Mystra for not allowing him the kind of power he felt entitled to.
He kneels in front of Tav- kneels, this powerful mage, because is is trying to get them to see- and lets them into the dark. All this time, he has been walking around with parisitic magic in his chest, dark magic, something corrupting. He’s not said a word about the danger he poses not only to the party but to a good chunk of the surrounding area.
Gale is deeply self preserving. He can be persuaded to stay after massacring the grove by saying there’s strength in them staying together, in the survival instinct. By contrast Karlach just ups and leaves. His morality is grey and it’s what makes him interesting. In the grove, if you say it sounds like he has something to confess, he pointedly asks Tav if they’re without vice or sin, and then says no. He doesn’t think they’re quite that boring. He will bend the rules or break them if needed, it doesn’t take much to nudge him onto the darker path. He is just like Astarion in that his insecurity manifests as hunger for power and control. Unlike Astarion however, Gale is a rich boy who voluntarily isolated himself, and where Astarion becomes gentler as his story goes on, Gale becomes insistent and obsessive and even possessive. He says he’s getting that crown ‘for us’ in his act 3 scene, and… no he’s not. He’s still doing it for himself, it’s just now he can tell himself it’s for something greater because he’s in love. Just like Astarion insisting that ascending will keep him AND Tav safe. No. They’re both wrong, and frankly they’re two sides of the same coin.
Nevermind his combat lines, all misconceptions about him being a pacifist are utterly shattered when he admits to Tav that it turns him on to see them post battle, sweaty and bloody. He clearly revels in it all. I don't think it'd take much for him to go seeking a fight just for the thrill of it.
And if you happen to dump him, well… he reminds Tav of the bomb in his chest. He says maybe it’s best not to shake such a vessel as himself. The threat is subtle, but it is there. Hells, if you take him to meet Astarion alone he threatens to incinerate the vampire if he uses that knife on Tav. He’s not a gentle person and he’s created this incredible persona that hides it well under layers and layers of politeness, kindness, amiable chat, a willingness to take important tasks off Tav’s hands.
This isn’t to say I don’t absolutely love the guy. He is wonderful in many, many ways, but that undercurrent of darkness runs deeper than first appears.
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ieirism · 8 months
I'm absolutely in love with your fics, I saw requests were open and I had to pop in! If it's not a problem, could you write a little scenario in which Kazuha knows s/o is crushing on him? Maybe s/o isn't aware of their own feelings yet but they dote on Kazuha like crazy and that makes him so 🥺
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pairing: kaedehara kazuha x gn!reader
contains: fluff and possibly ooc kazuha bc i struggle writing my favorite characters for some reason please dont hate me
for @yandere-romanticaa <3
note: ana you are so amazing and i'm so sorry it took me way too long to fulfill your request. i’m so honored that you took time to send me an ask and i hope you enjoy 🥹
You’ve known the familiar saltiness of the ocean breeze for as long as you can remember. All your life you’ve been at sea as the doctor of the famous Crux fleet. Even now, the splashing of the waves against the sides of the docked ships fills your ears with their gentle greeting and calms your aching body.
Your eyes slip closed as you take in the scent of the sea, and try to steer yourself away from focusing on the alcohol rushing through your veins. For being part of the crew of a famous pirate captain known for her love of alcohol, your tolerance is embarrassingly low.
Beidou, leader of the legendary Crux fleet, is a household name admired by many, including yourself. You’ve always longed to be as courageous and bold as she is. Yet, you’re seemingly cursed with your shy and soft-spoken personality, unable to emerge from your shell.
You’re reminded of this again as roars of laughter sound from below the crow’s nest in which you perch, your fellow crew mates celebrating another successful arrival at Liyue Harbor. If you had a single social bone in your body, you would have a half a mind to party right along with them. After all, the fleet had recently returned from Inazuma, and although it would kill half the crew to admit it, many were afraid that they wouldn’t be making it back because of the current condition of the nation.
While just as strict and frightening that the rumors made it out to be, the trip had not been entirely fruitless, especially for you.
After all, that’s where you ended up meeting him.
Kaedehara Kazuha.
A young man from Inazuma that Beidou allowed onto her ships, a runaway from the wrath of the Almighty Shogun. Mild and tranquil, gentle and calm, yet his strength and will could not be disregarded even by the most ignorant of fools. You had seen his blade in battle, and witnessed the mercilessness even a kind man like him could display.
Your closed eyes tighten, and so does your heart. You want to blame the alcohol you had poured down your throat for the ache in your chest at the thought of him, and yet, you know it’s futile. He had not only shown you kindness like he had everyone else, but also genuine interest and compassion. He had paid you what your foolish self had interpreted as special attention, offering to assist in the hospital wing, inviting you to sit with him on the deck to watch the stars, bringing you meals when you were preoccupied by your work—although you’ve only spent a few short months with him, you’ve already grown attached to him.
You had convinced yourself to be fine with living in the shadows; you have come to terms with the fact. You didn’t mind living your life with no permanent company, content with yourself and the view of the ocean. And yet, when Kazuha had conversed with you with such tenderness in his eyes, how could your heart not be stirred after being neglected for so long?
You can’t exactly describe what you feel for him, only that you long to be by his side. He’s almost magnetic to you; you’re drawn to him like a moth to a flame. You don’t know if you’ve ever felt this way for anyone—although you don’t know the word for it, it’s been consuming you.
You briefly wish you could have another drink.
You don’t typically consume alcohol, hence your pathetic status as a lightweight. Yet, a few hours ago, something deep inside you shattered when, while attempting to search for Kazuha, you heard a few rumors flitting about within the crew. Apparently, Kazuha planned to leave the crew and stay in Liyue for the time being, at least until the political problems in Inazuma had been quelled to some extent.
You were so pathetically devastated; you know Kazuha has been a wandering warrior for a long time now, so it made sense for him to not want to be tied down for too long. However, logical thinking couldn’t erase the pang in your chest, and before you knew it, you were struggling to keep your eyes open, thoughts muddled and limbs heavy.
You felt foolish for ever thinking you would truly be alright with being alone. After he came along, your whole world had changed – and if he was truly about to leave you, everything would change once more. This time, you don’t know if you could lie to yourself about your loneliness, not with the hole in your heart that had already started to form.
You had barely been able to climb up to the crow’s nest in your intoxicated state, but you managed to do so without hurting yourself. You often came up there in the dead of night when everyone was asleep. For many years, it was only yourself sitting up there, staring at the sky. Whether it was starry or foggy or rainy, having a moment of peace on your own always brought you comfort.
Despite your intentions of moping in your feelings by yourself, you’re not alone. Perhaps if you weren’t so intoxicated, you would have noticed the very man on your mind watching you from just below you on the deck. Kazuha’s scarlet eyes are gentle as they gaze upon your small form curled up in the crow’s nest, a fond smile tugging at his lips as he watches you.
You’re simply exquisite, moonlight bathing you in a heavenly glow as stars twinkle merrily behind you. You’re facing away from him, but he can happily imagine your pretty face admiring the twinkling night sky. He had gone into Liyue Harbor to buy you rice buns, which you had mentioned several times to be your favorite food. You often spoke about how much you missed food from your home nation, especially this one particular treat, so Kazuha had wanted to surprise you.
You deserve this, and so much more. You hardly ever get to rest, always tending to the injured and weak without complaint. You’re careful and tender with your hands, strong and capable with your knowledge, and kind and humble with your heart.
He’d been imagining the beautiful delight that he hoped would overtake your features, radiating the most gorgeous form of joy that he had only felt from the warmth of your smile. You would direct this pure happiness only at him, pretty eyes sparkling. Kazuha considered himself a lucky man to have been able to see this expression of yours, as you were characterized as quite indifferent by the rest of the crew.
The more selfish part of him basks in the idea that he has been the only to see your true happiness, and to a greater extent, been the source of it. He knows the effect he has on you; your stuttered words and averted gazes never did much to hide your feelings. Nor did the way you dote on him even when he isn’t badly injured, tending to his wounds with feather-light touches and soft words of reassurance.
Kazuha knows all this, but remains careful – any wrong move could drive you away, so he moves slowly, inconspicuously. He couldn’t make his intentions clear from the start, or knowing you, you may have become overwhelmed.
This never stopped him, however, from staying close to you and reveling in the way you showed your affections for him, even in the small and unintentional ways.
He’s not as amiable and kind as you might think; he doesn’t spend time with you because he pities you. Although he puts up an easygoing, polite persona with everyone around him, he always knows exactly what he wants, and isn’t afraid to pursue it. Kazuha simply can’t get enough of you, the same way he knows you can’t get enough of him.
Tonight, he’s decided to make it clear, once and for all, that he loves you just as much as you love him.
Kazuha deftly climbs up the crow’s nest, steps light and quick so as to not disturb or startle you. When he reaches the top, he calls out to you. “May I join you?” Unnaturally slow, you turn your head to meet his gaze, and – have you been crying?
“Kazuha.” You croak his name softly, a fresh wave of sadness seemingly washing over you as you register his presence. Kazuha wastes no time in rushing to comfort you, face pulled into an uncharacteristic display of panicked concern.
“What happened?” His voice is still composed and calm, but his heart is hurting, aching, at the sight of you in distress. You don’t say anything in response, only staring blankly right at him. Several wine bottles are scattered around you; it’s not difficult to deduce that you were intoxicated, and severely so.
What had made you, who typically avoided alcohol like the plague, end up like this?
Before he could continue trying to coax an answer from you, you suddenly raise one hand, reaching over to poke at his chest with your index finger, hard. Your sad expression morphs into one of frustration instead, eyebrows furrowing as you try to form a coherent thought.
“Y-You.” One word. You curl your fingers into the front of his haori. Kazuha raises his eyebrows, confused by both your reply and sudden boldness. You had never attempted to touch him besides when you were healing him, despite all of the time you’d spent together.
“Me?” Kazuha starts to worry; had he done something truly unforgivable to upset you? While he himself can’t remember any action that could’ve made you act like this, it very well could’ve been unintentional and yet warranted an apology all the same. You don’t speak for another few moments, keeping your grip on his clothing as you stare down at your lap, seemingly having lost some of your nerve.
“I-Is your arm a-alright?” Your eyes dart toward where his wound is wrapped by thick cloth, done by your own hand only hours earlier. You had tears stinging your eyes while tending to his injuries, something that never happens. After years of dealing with medical emergencies, nothing fazes you anymore—nothing, apparently, except seeing Kazuha wince slightly in pain even when you do your best to be gentle.
“Of course.” Kazuha smiles softly at you. “All thanks to you.” You’re quiet again, as if slowly digesting his words. You shift on your feet, fingers still gripping his clothes.
“...D-Don’t leave me.” Your voice comes out small. Your lip quivers. Kazuha’s heart drops into his stomach.
“Leave you?” he repeats your words quietly, in disbelief.
“Don’t.” Another few tears trip down your face. He calls your name softly, and in response, you finally lift your head to look at him again.
“Where did you hear that I would leave you?” he asks, gently taking your now unfurled hand that was still resting on his chest.
“They s-said you were s-staying in L-Liyue.” You hiccup, the hand encased in his own curling into a fist.
Kazuha pauses, finally starting to understand the situation. It was true that some time ago, he had planned to wander Liyue until he would be allowed back in Inazuma peacefully. He remembers saying so in response to several crew members asking how long he would be staying with the Crux fleet. This would’ve been the plan, if not for the defining factor that ultimately swayed his decision to remain on the ship for longer.
“Staying? I’m only visiting.” Kazuha smiles gently, revealing the bag full of rice buns and placing it in front of you. “For this.” For you.
Your eyes brighten a little at the familiar scent and sight of your favorite food. Your vision clears a little as Kazuha wipes at your tears with a careful brush of his fingers. Your mouth runs dry, completely forgetting about the rice buns you had been missing for months as you take in the sight of him.
His light hair is blessed with a soft glow from the moon, his kind scarlet eyes glittering with concern and yet a hint of… amusement? Is this even real? Is he really not going to leave? The horrible, fleeting thought that this might be an extensive figment of your imagination crosses your mind.
Kazuha continues to smile tenderly at you, thumb drawing soothing patterns across the apple of your cheek. Your heart starts beating faster, unable to contain the emotions bubbling up inside of you any longer –
You don’t know if you can completely blame the alcohol for the way you collapse into his arms, and he catches your weight as if you were a feather, holding you against him with ease. Kazuha squeezes your hand, still firmly held in his, as if to reassure you that he wouldn’t let you fall. You should be embarrassed, mortified, even, but you can’t bring yourself to care – not when you’re finally, finally as close to him as you’d always wanted to be.
Kazuha’s free hand brushes along the back of your neck, sending goosebumps trailing up your skin. He gently brings your head down to rest right over his racing heart. “Can you hear that?” he hums. “This is how you make me feel.” You sniffle, on the verge of tears once more – you’d been searching for what you feel for him, for so long. As Kazuha cradles you against his chest, even your intoxicated self slowly comes to realization.
Kazuha strokes the top of your head, allowing you to continue listening to the rapid pace of his heartbeat. Everything is perfect – his compassion, his patience, his warmth, him. You have never been more certain that in this moment that you really, truly –
“Love you.” The words leave you steady and clear, not a hint of a tipsy slur like everything else you had said to him that night. You’re not even nervous that you might’ve just humiliated yourself; not with the way he held you tighter, communicating without a lack of doubt that –
“I love you, too.” His voice was little more than a whisper, but that was sufficient – no, so much more than enough, for you.
“Please.” You lift your head, still heavy with alcohol, off his chest to meet his gaze. “Please, k-kiss me.” With all of your heart and soul, you expect, hope, want him to lean down and grant your wish, but he simply gives you a soft smile.
“Not like this, my love.”
Kazuha hopes you don’t get him wrong – he wants to kiss you, desperately. He has wanted, for months, nothing more than to feel the sensation of your undoubtedly soft lips against yours, moving in flawless synchronization and doing nothing to quell the desire in his heart, but rather, fuel it.
“P-Please,” you stutter again, with more urgency this time. Somewhere in the back of your frazzled mind, you know he’s right; it would be wrong of him to take advantage of your inebriated state. But you want it, want him. You’ve always considered yourself a rather content person, accepting of what you had and never chasing after more, but for him, you’d keep running for the rest of your life.
Slowly, torturously, Kazuha leans down, and you close your eyes in anticipation – only to feel his lips on your forehead. You open your eyes to see that he has already drawn his face away from yours, one of his hands bringing your head forward against his chest once more.
Kazuha smooths the distressed crinkle that forms between your brows as you realize that he won’t be kissing you tonight. “Don’t worry. There won’t be a need to ask again once you’ve recovered.” His lips curl into a rather cheeky, boyish grin. Your face heats up and your stomach twists into a knot – not the anxious, unpleasant kind, but one of deep yearning.
“Stay w-with me, p-please.” You whisper this as a prayer to Celestia, to him, before you let yourself finally succumb to the wine-indueced sleepiness that had been threatening to overtake you for far too long. As Kazuha rubs soothing circles along your back to ease you into a deep sleep, you feel what you’ve experienced with him and him only – safe, cared for, cherished.
The next morning, you wake up to the squawking of seagulls as well as the crash of the morning tide against the wooden planks of the Alcor. Warm sunlight is already filtering in through a thin layer of clouds, accompanied by a gentle breeze that sweeps through the sails. A pounding headache has settled in your temples, along with an incredibly unpleasant parched feeling in your throat.
The memories of last night come flooding back much faster than you would’ve liked, hitting you all at once and making you outwardly recoil at how you had – oh, my, Kazuha is –
You realize just then you’re still in his arms, his haori wrapped around the two of you for warmth. He’s fast asleep, his snoring quiet and rhythmic.
It was all real.
The gasp that you let out immediately awakens Kazuha; he’s always been a light sleeper. His scarlet eyes snap open abruptly, instinctively scanning the premises for danger before focusing on you. “Are you feeling alright?”
Your face is burning with embarrassment and you’re tripping over your words, feeling guilty for waking him up and trying to ask him to go back to sleep. After a few moments of nonsensical babbling, all you can say is, “The rice buns – “ You never forget to finish your sentence, as Kazuha silences you by placing one of his hands – large, rough and calloused from years of combat yet still so gentle – on your cheek, thumb swiping across your lips. A silent request.
You hardly have time to nod before he pulls you against him in one fluid motion, finally allowing his lips to clash with yours. He kisses you long and deep, with passion and longing lacing every small movement of his mouth against yours. If you had any worries about his feelings not being as intense as your own, they were promptly quashed by the way he greedily swallowed every breath, every noise that threatened to leave you.
When he finally pulls away, you feel like your heart is about to leap from your chest and fly far, far away. Kazuha is smiling, looking at you with something that can only be described as pure, unadulterated adoration burning in his scarlet gaze.
This alone was a declaration. Calm yet firm, and leaving absolutely no room for doubt – that he loves you.
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