#but UnHuman? absolutely love talking about
kennothythebard · 2 years
Hi hello, random do you have any OC’s you’d like to share about or stories you’ve worked on that you’d like to talk about?
I hope you have a lovely day!
Thanks for the ask! I was about to respond in the negative but then I realized I technically do, it's just I don't usually think of them like OCs which is totally bizarre??? Anyway
(placed under a read more bc this got LONG)
My main medium of choice is playwriting and I have written some stuff. I wrote a musical starting when I was like 16 and finished the first draft of the libretto when I was in college, but I kinda dropped it shortly after that point because when I went off to grad school I just didn't have time to work on and edit it. But it was called losing faith and it's about this girl named faith who goes to a catholic school who accidentally tells people she doesn't believe in god and the fallout that arises from that. It was very much an exploration of being a teenager and feeling isolated and coming to terms with queerness and all that. I actually reread that script recently and its not as bad as I feared it might be, just needs some work. I love talking about them but I could literally spend hours talking about this story (i think i made an askblog at one point? lowkey cringe but eh what can you do we are all cringe) so i'll leave it at that The thing that I've done the most writing for recently has been the SCP Foundation, where I'm like a solid D-list tale author, though I've been off the site for a bit bc grad school. I had a couple of tale series I was really proud of, most notably the stuff in a series I created called UnHuman (which eventually became a canon). The basic premise of the setting was it was a post-apocalyptic world where only anomalous things survived (anything "fully human" perished in the apocalypse, which most survivors don't actually know what it is and call it "the calamity"), and the foundation and like every group basically is gone but tone is fairly light (it's v inspired by kipo and the age of wonderbeasts, fallout, adventure time and the like). My flagship series for that canon is Goodbye Nightflower, which is about two young women of unclear anomalous origin named Mio and Gabriella who know nothing about the world they live in and so decide to run away from home and make a documentary about their experiences, but they run into a zombie "promethean" named Nitro (pronounced with a short i) and a crab monster that, due to eir name being unpronounceable in human noises, the girls decide to dub Sebastian. I only have four tales of that out but i have SO MANY PLANS for these dummies i love them so so so much Nitro is just an absolute stoic only man who's like "in the wasteland... you can't trust no one but yourself...." and sebastian is just this gentleman ball of sunshine who's like "hi nitro and I trust each other with our lives and we would do anything for each other :)" and the girls are learning SO MUCH and the setting!!! I HAVE PLANS IM JUST BAD AT THE FOLLOW THROUGH. if you wanna start reading that you can check that out here or if you wanna just like check out my other scp stuff that's all available here and if you really like my stuff for some reason theres even a cheeky little kofi link at the bottom but absolutely no pressure
There's also like OCs from like little projects. I have this trio of friends from a short play that I wrote where it's a gay enby and the crush they have on their somewhat oblivious bi himbo friend and also the enby's roommate who's a chaotic lesbian and i love her but like after the play was done im like "i wanna follow these folks more" and have fruitlessly been planning follow up short plays and ahhh. and there are even more but they're not quite as interesting but im always happy to talk about them
in fact im always happy to talk about any of my ocs and stories, hence this overly long answer, and if you feel like knowing more about any of this, feel free to send another ask or a dm, i always love talking about things. thanks so much for the ask!!!!
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smok3r7 · 1 month
They Always Come Back
Aaron Hotchner x f!reader
Explicit, 18+
So Much For, Dumb College Love
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Main Masterlist & Series Masterlist - My AO3
Summary: You and Aaron met in college, Criminology Major, funny enough. Throughout your five years at George Washington College, you and Hotchner had this on and off again relationship; it was all fun until you started to realize that you loved him. After graduation the two of you cut ties and left it as dumb college love, going your separate ways. After a decade you finally land your dream job, a seat at the BAU; however when you notice the name copied on the email, you can’t believe your eyes.
Chapter Summary: Some souls are meant for each other and some aren’t.
Word count: 3.3k
The finale is here guys…I’m so proud of this story and am so happy that you guys love it! I hope this is all you guys hoped for, these two will forever hold a special spot in my heart<3
After a grueling week, working on one of the most challenging and traumatic cases you’ve encountered since you started half a year ago, the team decided to unwind with some drinks at their favorite dive bar - The Diamond. Tucked away on a quiet corner, the place is smaller than most bars, with just a jukebox to fill the air with nostalgic tunes.
The ambiance is calming but also lively, with the sound of laughter and chatter blending in seamlessly. The dim lights cast a warm glow, making everyone feel comfortable and at ease, as if they have found their own little sanctuary in the bustling city.
As you all sit around a table, the weight of the week slowly lifts off everyone's shoulders. Laughter fills the air as stories are shared and jokes, finding solace in each other's company. In this moment, surrounded by good company and good vibes, you feel grateful for them all and for the simple pleasure of being together in this hidden gem of a bar.
The bartender, Josie, is a gorgeous young woman they have come to know well and absolutely love; her radiant smile and effortless charm always make your heart skip a beat. With a flick of her wrist, she expertly pours out your favorite concoction, a Jack & Coke, the perfect balance of sweet and fiery that never fails to soothe your soul.
Especially after cases.
As you take the first sip, the cool liquid slides down your throat, and you can’t help but marvel at how Josie always seems to know exactly what you need. In that moment, surrounded by the comforting buzz of the bar and the soft murmur of familiar voices, even with all the disasters you and your team endure, this is the life you want.
The dimly lit bar provides a cozy sanctuary where you can forget about the horrors of the case, if only for a few hours. After a second drink, the team finds themselves opening up about their fears and struggles, forging a stronger bond in the process.
“Alright,” Garcia slams the last of her drink, “Enough dark nasty talk! What’s everyone’s plans for the weekend?” She’s never been one to keep up with the unhuman behaviors the rest of the team can, which is perfectly normal - and necessary. Sometimes you and the others can get caught up in the sad side of reality, when there’s so much more to life.
While J.J talks about how she’s going out with her two boys this weekend to her moms, you can’t help but notice the small glares from Aaron, the tension thick in the air. The conversation then moves to Emily, who says she’s going to Atlantic City tomorrow early afternoon and hints at her ‘Sin To Win’ weekend. You can’t help the small cheer that leaves your mouth before you chug the last bit of liquor and soda, clinking glasses with the girls while the guys chuckle to themselves.
But with a flash of light Derek, the observant one and jokester in the group, notices the brief glances between you and Aaron, he can’t resist commenting, "Love birds…will you two just give it up already?"
Suddenly, with the attention being brought to you guys, you can’t help but laugh at Derek, a genuine but terrified laugh. Then, you and Aaron exchange a sheepish smile, the air between you crackled with unspoken attraction, nerve-wracking more than anything. Laughter bubbles up, masking the underlying meaning, but the rest of the team observes, sensing a shift in the dynamics between you two but brushing off the fact of it all.
What began as a mature decision to work together now seems to be evolving into something deeper, more stirring. With each shared glance and lighthearted banter, it becomes increasingly clear that there’s a spark between you that refuses to be ignored - ever since the unplanned kiss. The realization dawns on everyone present, prompting knowing looks and whispered conversations.
As the night wears on, the playful teasing continues, but this time with a hint of something more meaningful. Perhaps the weekend drinks have let some of the team let their tongues loose more than normal, which you really don’t mind but you just wish that topic would change.
The main concern being that Derek saw you and Aaron kiss that night in Aaron’s office a few months ago. He hasn't treated you any differently besides making jokes here and there about you and Aaron, a lot like how Garcia and him do. It's not any of Derek’s business right now, especially when you don’t even know what the kiss means.
You try to push the thought to the back of your mind, focusing on work and daily tasks. But every time Derek cracks a joke or gives you a knowing look, you feel a pang of guilt and confusion. Was the kiss just a moment of impulse, or does it signify something more between you and Aaron?
You can’t help from the memory of the warm, familiar kiss from Aaron a few months ago lingering in your mind, you just can’t stop thinking about it or him. The music loud, the atmosphere vibrant, but all you can do is look at Aaron. The moment replays over and over, like a record.
You had longed to feel his touch again after a decade of separation, but now that he’s your boss, everything feels different. The forbidden nature of your desires adds a layer of complexity to your relationship. But it somehow makes you want more.
“Well,” Aaron announces, slamming the last of his scotch followed by the sound of the glass on the table, “I’m going to head home, you guys enjoy the rest of the night.”
The table erupts in sarcastic boo’s as Hotch backs out after just a couple of drinks, a familiar sight for you and everyone else. Despite his tough exterior, Hotch was always the first to leave after difficult cases.
It makes you wonder if he carries the weight of these cases heavier than the rest, or if he simply needs a break from the relentless demands of their job. Perhaps both reasons rang true in their own way.
As you watch him slip away into the night, a sense of understanding washes over you. In a world filled with chaos and uncertainty, sometimes the strongest ones need a moment of solitude to process it all.
“Bye man!” Derek raises his glass with a tipsy smile on his lips.
“Drive safe!” Your tone is a mix of giggles and seriousness, the liquor making you more bold than normal, but you instantly regret it.
The last thing you want is for the team to think you’re obsessed or pining over Aaron, even though you are, they don’t need to know that. The ache of unspoken affections weigh on you as you watch Emily and Garcia giggle at you as they take a sip of their beverages, you wish you could turn back time and keep your feelings hidden.
Stumbling towards Aaron's apartment, you feel disoriented and confused as the world spins around you in a hazy blur. You have no recollection of how you got here, or why you are in such a drunken state.
The memories from earlier in the night are fuzzy, but you vaguely remember drinking with Emily and Derek, the last remaining ones of the night. Flashes of laughter and camaraderie float through your mind, mingling with the haze of alcohol.
You drunkenly giggle to yourself while slightly bouncing from wall to wall down the hallway, making sure to miss apartment doors. Your blurry vision adds to the challenge, but you're determined to reach his apartment no matter what.
Each bounce brings a wave of laughter, echoing through the quiet corridor. The dim hallway lights flicker above, casting shadows that dance along the walls.
You stumble but manage to regain your balance, feeling a rush of exhilaration with each step. The sounds of your footsteps echo in the empty hallway, guiding you forward. Despite the haze of alcohol clouding your mind, you feel a sense of freedom and adventure in this moment.
With a mischievous grin, you continue your tipsy journey, eager to see where the night will take you. But then you feel something tell you to stop in your tracks, looking up from the floor you notice you’re in front of his place, F268. You stand outside Aaron's door, you realize the gravity of your situation - you have no idea what you’re here for.
With a headache forming and a sense of uneasiness, you reach out to knock on the door, hoping that Aaron will let you in. Your mind races with thoughts of what he’s going to say or even do when he sees you.
The lingering taste of alcohol on your tongue is a bitter reminder of the night's indulgence. Emily and Derek dancing, laughing, and singing with you till closing, the memories bounce around your pounding head. Your heels cause you to stumble, even while standing in one spot, causing you to giggle a bit louder.
What happened after the drinks and laughter? And how did I end up here, at Aaron's apartment? The answers elude you as you struggle to make sense of the night's events.
Knock, knock.
Next thing you know, he answers the door in nothing but dark blue plaid pajama pants, pleasantly surprised by you drunk in his hallway, he rubs his eyes, still trying to process your unexpected visit. The faint smell of alcohol lingers in the air as you meet his gaze with a mischievous grin.
"What are you doin' here?" Aaron asks, his voice laced with confusion and sleepiness.
You can't hold back a drunken giggle and blurt out, "Thought I'd surprise you."
His thick eyebrows shoot up in surprise, but a smile tugs at the corners of his lips. The dim lights in his foyer reveal Aaron's puzzled expression as he stares at you, a subtle smile plays on his lips, but his puzzled expression gives away his confusion. The tension in the air makes you feel uneasy, almost as if you have disappointed him in some way.
“Your place is closer than mine,” you confess shyly, leaning your back on the hallway wall behind you for balance. Aaron's gaze is piercing, making you squirm under his scrutiny, “I’m too drunk to walk to mine and I just figured you be okay with me-“
"Just come in.” He cuts your drunken rambling before you make even more of a fool of yourself, grabbing your wrist to pull you in, causing you to stumble on your heels. The room spins as you try to regain your balance, the smell of warm candles and Aaron overwhelming your senses.
You catch a glimpse of his intense gaze, filled with a mix of concern and frustration. As he calmly guides you to his warm toned couch, you mumble an apology, but he just shakes his head, a small smile playing on his lips.
"You need to slow down, dear," he says softly, his voice cutting through the haze in your mind, “I’m gonna grab a water, just- sit here, please.”
It’s easy for you to read him, even when drunk. You can tell he’s confused on how you even found his apartment, but he let you in regardless - because you know he really cares.
With the best of your ability, while he disappears into what you can only assume is his kitchen, you scan his living room. It's simple, like any man, but it’s got a sense of comfort with it. The worn-out armchair by the window, the stack of books on the coffee table and a bunch more on his shelves that fence the large tv, and the flickering candles creating a warm ambiance - all familiar sights that make you feel at home despite the haze of alcohol clouding your mind.
You catch a glimpse of old photographs on the wall, each telling a story of a moment frozen in time, then you stop. A picture of you and him in college hangs above a side table with a record player on it, the one of you both from the fair in your hometown, your breath catches in your throat and tears brim your eyes. He’s missed me just as much.
After all this time, he still loves you.
You always believed he was fine without you, but now you realize the depth of his feelings. The realization brings a smile to your face as you think about the moments you shared together. Despite the distance and time apart, there is a strong connection that still binds you.
"Aaron..." you mumble and get up from the couch, the room swirling slightly from the multiple Jack & cokes. Slowly, you make your way towards the familiar picture hanging on the wall. The golden frame catches the dim light, casting a warm glow on your smiling face next to his. Memories flood back as you trace the outline of his features with your fingertip, feeling the nostalgia strike deep in your heart.
In the quiet moment by yourself, surrounded by the echoes of the past, you feel a sense of peace wash over you. You remember the moments shared, the dreams woven together, and the heartbreak so many years ago. As you reflect on the times you spent together, you realize that Aaron will always be a part of you, no matter where life takes you.
“I couldn’t find anywhere in my heart to get rid of that.”
In the dimly lit room, Aarons smooth voice startles you, causing you to turn towards him. Your eyes fall on the two tall glasses of water placed on the coffee table, one for you and one for him. The alcohol coursing through your veins makes you feel comfortable yet emotional.
You struggle to utter any words, but ultimately they fail to escape your lips. Your gaze shifts back to the wall, a bittersweet reminder of the past, but you can't help from wondering how things could have been different.
A soft silence lingers between you and him, the weight of untold words hangs heavily in the air, filling the room with unspoken truths and lingering regrets.
“Do you think that- that this could work again?” You softly whisper as a small tear falls onto your warm cheek. Your feet hurt from the heels you’ve been in for hours now, causing you to sit back onto the couch, all while staring at him.
Aaron doesn’t respond, it's hard to tell if his silence is intentional or if he's just at a loss for words, either way a sharp pang of hurt pierces through you. You wonder if he even hears you, or if your words are falling on deaf ears. It’s really unsettling how much you don’t know him anymore, college you would know exactly this kind of silence means. But you don’t know.
The silence between you grows, it feels thick like a heavy fog descending upon the room, which starts to make you angry. You just asked him a simple, yet loaded, question and the least he can do is answer it. You look up at him as he sits down next to you, leaving a couple inches of space between you and him.
Frustration bubbles up inside you as you wait for his response, your patience wearing thin, faster than it normally does. The question seems to hang in the air, demanding to be acknowledged. You can’t understand why he remains so quiet, so distant.
Finally, unable to contain your irrational emotions any longer, you break the silence with a trembling, yet stern voice. "Why won't you fucking answer me?" Your words echo, pleading for some semblance of understanding.
But still, he remains silent, his eyes betraying a turmoil of emotions you still can’t decipher. Another few seconds of silence go by and you finally feel like you’ve had enough, so you push your hands on your knees and stand up. You try your best to balance yourself before you storm off, while telling him to fuck off.
Just when you think you are free to walk away, Aaron's sudden move catches you off guard. His grip on your wrist is firm, yet tender, pulling you close to him against your will. The intensity in his dark brown eyes sends a shiver down your spine, as conflicting emotions swirl inside you. You can feel the heat of his breath against your skin, his presence enveloping you completely.
In this moment, as you stand locked in a silent battle of wills, you realize that he’s head over heels for you just as much as you are for him.
“Yes,” Aaron loudly confesses, “I do think this can work again. You don’t know how hard this past decade has been for me, even harder the last couple of months having to work with you.” With his arms still around you, he purrs your name, “I love you more than anything.”
As his words sink in, the tension between you dissolves, replaced by a flood of emotions. The past grievances and misunderstandings fade away, leaving space for a new beginning.
With his dark eyes staring down into yours, he squeezes your body closer to him, "You make work enjoyable again. You make me comfortable in who I am," Aaron firmly tells you, "When you broke it off before we graduated, I felt like I lost a huge part of myself. But I know we wouldn't have lasted long after, it needed to happen."
The honesty in his words sends shivers down your spine as you realize the depth of his feelings. In the soft candle light, you see the vulnerability in his face as he speaks to you. His brows are relaxed but stern at the same time, revealing the rawness of his emotions.
His words echo in your brain, You make me comfortable in who I am. It's a simple statement, yet it holds so much weight. You realize, you have the power to ease his insecurities, to make him feel understood.
As you gaze into his eyes, you see a glimmer of gratitude mixed with a hint of fear of rejection. And in that moment, you know that you hold a piece of his heart in your hands—a fragile, precious gift that you vow to protect. And with that, you wrap your arms around the back of his neck and pull his face into yours in a gentle, yet needy, kiss.
The warmth of his touch ignites a fire within you, a fierce determination to shield his vulnerability from the world's cruelty, even with the cruel job.
As you hold him close, his heartbeat echoes in sync with yours, a symphony of love and longing. In the silent language of your entwined bodies, you find peace and understanding. Each kiss is a promise, a whispered vow of eternal devotion to each other, once again.
In this timeless embrace, you and Aaron are bound by an unbreakable bond, a fusion of souls that transcend words, ultimately meaning to end up with one another. Together, you forged a love story written in the stars, a tale of two hearts intertwined in a symphony of passion and tenderness.
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pbaintthetb · 6 months
Invincible s2e5
It's here, it's here!! Some of my thoughts. Spoilers ahead
"He's never on the hook for the lives he destroys. Just leaves it for everyone else to clean up. Again and again." -> incredible
Brothers eh!! and also Debbie saying mark must get his nobility/reluctance to abandon people from her side ;-)))), especially since this is like one of if not the only time mark is compared to his mum and not his dad. (Whether it's a you're nothing like you're dad, you will be your dad, your dad doesn't influence my view on you)
debbie taking time off work ot look after mark's brother just after they all said they wer so glad she was back :-(( I get that she priortises mark's education though
oop the donald sub plot, forgot about that but now Im hella intrigued again, he a cyberman, though he's the six million dollar man to hear Cecil tell it (we can rebuild him...)
william boxed up mark's stuff.... oof that must have been rough (for william i mean, assuming he's dead)
cecil stfu and stop being a creeper- although if he wasn't like that he wouldn't be cecil, his job is to be a bastard in order to do what he deems necessary
"He's an alien. We're more qualified to take care of him."- very ominous very uncomfortable, glad to see mark isn't having any of it but still. actually ingernal loving mark's convo with cecil
Cecil's little side eye at the end, he's scared ohohoh. and that petty "im sureyour mum will love ooking after her ex's kid" like uh, no but she said she'll do it for mark and otherwise mark will do it so so?
Mark and Amber are cool, and yeah it's nice to see him listening to her problems even if maybe it's revealing that uh... yeah he can't be there for her and that's complicated (as mark said)
Rudy and monster girl is intersing, like i get why she's pissed and i get where he's coming from
DECEASED they all knew he was from mars.Almost disappointed because him desperately trying to be human was hilarious but also this reveal was the funniest fucking thing so, even his reveal felt so unhuman
also how noble and excited the abckstory is until the awkard... so I sort of tried to kill him but I didn't even do that right and now he's coming to earth to kill us all possessed by a hive creature
"No, before, I was lying. Now I'm telling the truth. It's very different." hilarious, might steal that.
Rex, gonna go OOC real quick, then pan to Atom Eve AMV... iconic, I wonder what this could mean /s
Ok I was like, stop commenting on everything but like Rex is a prick but the absolute funniest, saying that maybe Eve's parents WANT her to be abducted because they still haven't fixed her broken window lock killed me
also more seriously actually the familiarity with which they talk and rex moves around eve's room (the l atter would be weird if it weren't so obvious eve could make him stop if she wanted) is great? Because yeah they dated for a while, like they should know each other even if they don't get on anymore and it's great to see the evidence of that Similarly the fact taht Eve reveals at teh end she knew rex just wanted something but that she also does think he genuinely helped her see that she helps people
Man, mark :-( spread too thin, and he's realising it but what is the way out?? Butter spread over too much bread and you can't just put it back in the tin
Shapesmith's intonation and diction and also just his timing of what he says is, mwah, chefs kiss, incredibel
when is the shapesmith show coming, we've already had "Allan"???
was gonna say "nice fight scenes" then kate happened, and i mean they're still good but oh fuck holy shit oh god hog do
.um. well post the homeward guardians fight all I have to say is that it seems that Rex is ranking guardian after all.
Or um, them some cliff hangers amirite, sure do hope everybody is fine
but no did like Rex's last line of the episode and also King lizard's smarmy evil pragmatism ooh very nice.
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havesomehunter · 2 years
Personal understanding about Chosen Hunter(May have a lot of misunderstanding & over-interpretation)
⚠️I’ m really not good at English, so I apologize for any mistakes which I may have made.
First, about his defection. 
In my opinion, Hunter’ s defection is just as difficult as his siblings because of his coolest judgments. (It is worth mentioning that his free will come from it.) And these judgments caused him to suffer from severe “Political Depression”, crushed by powerlessness and despair, and therefore he convinced that there is no way to escape, and even death can not save him from the elders. 
  As we all know, Hunter is “an unequaled military tactician”, and he has absolute confidence in his ability. Thus, under his analysis none of strength can stop the elders’ steps, which means XCOM is a tiny group of fools who have irredeemable courage.
  So, to sum up, he might argue, it is the best and the only choice that to obey the elders’ command (very reluctantly) to make his life a little better. In this case, capturing him without a tight control will almost ONE HUNDRED PERCENT lead to betrayal and even suicide. Unless there is evidence strong enough to prove that XCOM is very likely to achieve the final victory, and Commender is completely different from the elders. The difficulty is that the Hunter will never believe any irrational excuses such as “ love” and “faith”, otherwise he will believe the words of the Elders first. 
  Secondly, about his character.
  I think he has the most elusive disposition, which is reflected in the fact that he behaves easily and friendly at times, but acts like a mad murderer after a moment. Especially he have admitted that he “ just like kill things”when player get into his strongpoint. I prefer to understand it as the result of a combination of genetic modification, self - perception, and Political Depression.
  The modification provided him with an instinct of predators, and this makes part of unhuman immanence about him. Besides, I don’ t know whether the experience as a Reaper also influenced this. And about his self-perception. At least he doesn't prefer to his alien status, otherwise he won’ t kill the aliens to have fun. Although it’ s easy to break out, this one gives him a delicate intelligible rind. This “rind” conduce to a human-look outside of him. Unfortunately, his Political Depression makes this fragile shell more vulnerable to damage, after this, internal animal comes out.
  On the other hand, I’ d like to describe him as someone who has self-destructive tendencies. So far, all the disgust he showed and all the aggressive words he said for the “elders’ pets” is ultimately directed at himself. Because he is one of the elders’ pets who can’ t struggle to free himself. Considering the assessment of the elders, Hunter feels “satisfied” with the death of his siblings, I would explain it as self-imagery which means he regard death as the best ending to this “farce”.
  I don’ t exactly know whether he has already determined who he was, but think of his excellent ability of intelligence processing, well… But it doesn’ t look like he’ s going to dwell on the old stories.
  At the last, I’ m going to talk about his moral concept.
  Before we make a discussion, I would like to praise his tenacity. Even the elders’ brainwash can not wash his own color, and even the people all around him are propagating those lies can not move his mind. After all of those torture, he still clings to his romance and humor. So he knows exactly what he is doing. It’ s different from what most people think, “When he left the elders, he will regret his actions”“He will feel guilty about the people who was killed by him”, well, I don’ t think so. We need to remember what he said— “ killing is just the same.” People kill others to achieve their goals, the elders are the same, XCOM is the same, and Hunter is also the same. No matter what good reason you have, you are still killing. For Hunter, he is hunting for fun, and he really enjoys the game of chase. He may obey his own rules such as dislike killing the weak, but it’ s simply because hunting is not slaughter. Don’ t put hopes in morality, which is just a hypocritical game of human society for him. 
  He is the Hunter instead of Tomko, Hunter will not stop hunting, just like cats will not stop being interested in killing little creatures. Don’ t try to “fix” them.
  He is such a badass with indelible self - esteem and mature philosophy. His personality is like an uncontrollable chemical reaction which makes him dangerous and full of charm. He has a soul that cannot be tamed. That is why I like him so much.
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genshinlover101 · 3 years
Hey can I request something headcanons for Jean, Kaeya, Beidou, and Sara with a s/o who gives off very much Winter Soldier vibes? Like very much skilled, borderline unhuman levels of strength, dead silent, and absolutely terrifying to fight?
Usually their s/o is very polite and cordial even if they're not very emotive, but in instances where the characters or someone else is in danger, it's almost like it's a completely different person emerging, no remorse or hesitation to get what needs to be done, done.
Them with a Winter Soldier Vibes S/O
Characters: Jean, Kaeya, Beidou, Sara x gn!reader
Warnings: gore, mentions of blood
A/n: Ah I finally write for Kaeya :,) I’ve been able to avoid write for him after four months of being cursed with his constellations back-to-back on the standard banner 
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• Jean loves how polite you are, she thought it was so wholesome and cute. You were so obedient and a perfect addition/representative of Mondstadt’s citizens. She’d expect nothing less of her lover.
• She acknowledged your skill and strength, it was almost inhuman how powerful you are. She would’ve given you a captain position in the Knights of Favonius, but she rather preferred if you stayed by her side as her “body guard” (not that she needed one).
• When you lost your cool she couldn’t believe her eyes. She had to do a double-take. A treasure hoarder attacked from behind almost giving poor Jean a concussion, and you lost it. She wasn’t scared of you, but scared of your hidden unrivaled strength.
As if on cue from your peripheral, a massive stick rained down on Jean. You stopped it with your bare hand just moments before it made contact with her head. Not only could she hear the heavy impact but she could feel the gust of wind from the blow.
The realization of the damages that could’ve happened to Jean drove you crazy. Your iron stare piercing the fat man, he knew he messed up. Jean tried to stop you with a light nudge, but you ignored it. You knew you had to dispose of anything and everything that threatened Jean’s life.
You heard Jean gasp in horror as you gripped the man’s wrist. His bones cracked under the pressure, all you could hear was his screams in the valleys of Mondstadt. “Please have mercy,” the treasure hoarder begged. As if you had selective hearing you chose to ignore his pleads. Twisting his arm and kicking him to the ground in submission.
Jean had seen it all, nothing surprised her anymore when it came to fighting. But this was an exception, she’d never seen you so worked up before. This time she grabbed you tighter, making her presence and orders loud and clear, “that’s enough.”
As the Acting Grandmaster, even though she was in danger, she couldn’t allow cruel and unusual punishment. You wanted to continue, but you knew it was morally wrong. Withdrawing, you both went home in complete silence. The inevitable talk at home regarding your behavior would be rather interesting.
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• Kaeya thought your attitude was very interesting for someone as strong as you. You were so gentle and yet he could sense your power was immensely greater than you lead it to be. It made you often a target of his antics. He would love to push his work onto you and joke around about it, you didn’t mind though.
• Although he’s never seen your superhuman powers he found you amusing,  allowing you to accompany him on dangerous missions. Besides the Acting Grandmaster, you were to only one he trusted to have his back.
• Whenever you got pissed he braced himself. He knew he couldn’t hold you back physically, but perhaps his emotional ties with you would do the trick. He’ll watch in amazement for a good second, and then restrain you to the best of his abilities.
Kaeya was assigned to investigate a random overwhelming surplus of treasure hoarder camps surrounding Mondstadt. He analyzed the documents, invested in the evidence before him. Almost so invested that he allowed himself to get easily distracted to notice a treasure hoarder who had not quite lost consciousness. 
He aimed a rock straight at Kaeya’s head, making contact with his forehead. A loud thunk was made upon impact, and blood trickled down his face. The sheer sight of Kaeya’s blood made your vision fuzzy, the dark red stream enraging you. 
Without checking up on Kaeya you approached the man who barely was able to stand. Kaeya just watched with amusement and curiosity about what was going to happen, he’d never seen you so stoic. “How interesting,” He mumbled, the injury barely phasing him despite the blood loss.
You stomped on the man’s head multiple times using all of your force. The ground below dividing below with each stomp. The man must’ve knocked out on the first blow but you were so blinded by that deep red on your boyfriend’s forehead that you didn’t notice. Your only objective was to kill.
Kaeya grabbed your arm to bring you back to your regular self before you could carry out the final blow. The treasure hoarder laying limp before you. “That’s enough, it’s not very chivalrous to continue to beat down an enemy who is barely alive is it?” You hung your head low in shame, you didn’t know what possessed you.
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 • Beidou thought you were cute, such a polite person such as yourself was so rare to come by nowadays. Usually, people would try and swindle her, but your intentions were always pure and kind.
• Beidou knew your strengths, but she never knew the extent. She knew you could hold your own against a mere hilichurl camp, but when it came to sea serpents attacking the Crux she didn’t trust you. Ordering you to go back to your quarters immediately like her and her crew dealt with it.
• When you lost your control Beidou wondered who was the monster. The sea or you. She’d never seen such a display of strength from you before, she wondered where her innocent little lover was lost in the eyes of the shallow monster before her.
Beidou got swept off her feet by a sea serpent. With the tentacle wrapping around her ankle, she could’ve lost her life as her crew was rendered useless in this situation. Beidou being dangled in the stormy sky like a tree ornament.
You knocked the doors down to your room, despite them being locked from the outside it didn’t pose an obstacle to you. Emotionless you collected her fallen claymore from the wooden dock, and with a giant leap you cut the tentacle off, the sea monster going crazy in pain.
Before Beidou could crash against the wooden floorboards you caught her in your open arms. Your emotionless face scared her, she had never seen you so uncouth. “Are you alright?” She asked flustered at your appearance.
You didn’t respond, and that’s when she knew you weren’t the same person she’s known all these years. When she looked into your eyes she saw the real you trapped in jail as whoever stood beside her took control. You were about to leap into action but before you could take off, she slapped you hard right across the face.
“Get a grip,” she commanded you. Tearing her claymore from your hands she was preparing to set you in your place. “Go back in in your quarters. The crux doesn’t need whoever you are to help us.” She knew if she let whoever continue to fight, you might never come back to her as you were before.
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• Sara respected you for your quiet personality. It was perfectly suited for a Tengu and she thought you were brilliant. Serving for the Shogun mutually, there wasn’t anything more she could ask for to quench her loneliness.
• Sara acknowledged your strength, she’d allow you to come on missions with her as her right-hand man. It was an honor for her to serve beside you, fighting righteously for Inazuma.
• Whoever you were when you lost control she did not recognize. She admired your strength and tenacity, but she wouldn’t allow your abuse. She’d shut you down immediately, even if you saved her from danger.
Your goal was to apprehend a vision, Sara was sent personally to confiscate it as three other officers had failed previously. She couldn’t think of anyone better to accompany her than you. But at the last moment the man used his pyro vision to land a dirty strike Sara. Her face bleeding from the impact.
You went berserk, someone hurt Sara… a lowly pedestrian hurt your lover. The blood ran down her forehead. You couldn’t stand it any longer. As Sara rejuvenated her strength, you didn’t hesitate to rip the vision from the pouch it dangled on.
You then slapped the man on the face with twice the amount of force. But that wasn’t enough to satisfy your revenge for her. You slapped him again and again till his face was so bloodied and bruised he could no longer see clearly. You were too absorbed in your little session that you failed to notice Sara’s astonishment in your actions.
Before you could slap the man again she grabbed your wrist. Her strength exceeding yours, she looked at you sternly. She didn’t recognize you at all, you may have looked the same physically, but even your facial expressions were altered. “Who are you?” She asked with a pained look.
Without an answer you wanted to slap the man once more, Sara wasn’t going to be enough to stop you. That was until she was about to shield him with her own body. “I won’t allow you to punish him any longer. It’s not in your hands to deliver his sentence, it’s the Tenryou Commission. Cease now and I’ll forget your transgressions.” Her speech was formal, she realized she had to talk as if she didn’t know you to reach you.
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lizandbo · 3 years
Chubby crushes pt 7 w/ hq bois
kk so it’s been awhile since I’ve been on here but hewwo I’m back bitches
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- he would be soooo timid holy fuck
- the stutters from trying to speak with ya is almost unhuman
- kk maybe not that harsh
- but your body is so sexy to him
- he loves when you were jeans
- it just fills yo curves out a bit too nicely
- when he does try to talk to you, his head is usually always looking at you but not your head
- its so funny when moto is casually talking to his friends and when you pop up in the middle of the convo without knowing that you were there
- the immediate shock is too cute to resist
- just a little jumpscare
- would really want to hold your hand
- there is no absolute way in the boiler room of the pits in fuckin hell that he won’t get a hold of those little fingers of yours and playfully chomp them
- i mean when you become official
- from a long distance away he’ll WILL get a long ass peek
- he prolly will boast about being together in the future to his friends a lot:D
- and when you eavesdrop on when he says those words
- i mean you can’t help not wanting to see the fuck is goin on once you heard your name around the corner
- the guy thinks he’s slick but nah
- I almost put he thinks he stinks
- when he bought you flowers for some odd special reason I mean he totally ain’t falling like a love sick fool or anything
- but whether you appreciate them or not, he thinks that he did the most daring thing in the world holy shit
- but in the future he’ll totally play with your hands, fiddle, kiss everything
- look he has a thing for hands ok? But he loves the tum tum too
- the muffin tops he think its adorable
- i mean anything really looks like the most adorable thing in the world tho
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- passive aggressive love, ok?
- prolly 100% names that aren’t really mean or rude based but still on the weird side
- like pet names + weird names..?
- it really depends on the appearance
- jigglypuff is one of them
- if you dont like it, at first he’ll be like oh boo hoo who tf cares
- but when the crushing starts to get real hard, then he won’t be as mean
- hut still an ass
- he loves you sooooo much
- holds a lotta respect towards ya
- when he gets a chance, he’ll get a little sneak peek of what ya look like all the time
- those thighs man, he just loves how squishy they look
- lives for the personality better tho (I mean your body is a beauty to him tho too)
- gives you gifts for no reason, or completely random compliments
- either one he still wants to do it at least every week
- dude is trying to fight Oikawa to not still his future girl
- like he desperately wants you
- and he knows damn well that he’s a girl magnet
- so like, he tryna protect ya understand
- he wants a smooch too bad holy fuck
- secretly fanboys to oikawa about you
- when he does confess it’s like not too formal but nat half assed either
- he’s jus so happy when you also declare your love towards him, realizing the feelings are mutual
- like he just wants to jump up and down through the mcfucking roof
- squeezes your thighs too when ya done confessin
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undertaker1827 · 3 years
Can we have our beautiful Red Queen Grell with a male demon s/o who actually loves her? He is willing to fight Sebastian if he dares to even touch a lovely hair on her head. Whether headcanon or scenario is up to you.
Ooo absolutely!! I went for headcanons, enjoy!
Also I apologise for my absence, but I’m back!
Grell will stop chasing after Sebastian literally as soon as she realises you actually love her
Sebastian is more of a pastime anyway, a distraction from her work rather than someone she would be genuinely interested in
Not that she’d tell him that though
She was her usual fun and flirty self when she first met you, though she massively scaled up the charm when she realised you were reciprocating her behaviour, and you meant it
You were pretty much inseparable after that first meeting, somehow always finding time to see each other despite her busy work schedule and your contractor, who seemed incapable of being without you for even a moment
This meant your meetings were often late at night
You had countless long conversations beneath the stars, feet hanging off the edge of the tallest buildings you could find, moonlight painting a beautiful contrast onto Grell’s perfect skin on the nights when the moon wasn’t concealed by clouds or smog
You talked about anything everything during these times; your conversations ranged from the deepest secrets which you dared not to entrust to anything else but each other, to the mundane things like how much each of you were being overworked
It was nice really, having someone you knew you could trust and who trusted you equally in return
Grell of course was entirely unconcerned that you were a demon and she a reaper, it made no difference to how she felt about you whatsoever
It did however give her something to annoy William with, someone else who she only chased after as a pastime
He was set rigidly in his ways and still couldn’t stand the sight of a demon, so she took every available opportunity to talk about you either to him or in front of him, just for the sake of it
She was much the same when it came to Sebastian
She talked about you as much as she possibly could whenever she saw the other demon, also intending to irritate him as much as possible given that he had done everything possible to avoid her for such a long time
When the two of you weren’t working or simply talking on rooftops, you often took long strolls together
These were usually at night as well, the only time each of you could really get away long enough to have time for them
You tended to stop in graveyards, sitting down among headstones and just enjoying the peace and quiet
The city was empty at these odd early hours, the occasional hoot of an owl echoing from one of the great parks and every so often a dog barking, but you rarely if ever ran into another living being
Most reapers and demons avoided the human realm at all costs if it was at all possible, and the only humans you were likely to find in the places you walked were up to no good - not that it mattered to either of you, you both greatly enjoyed terrifying them by enhancing your decidedly more unhuman qualities
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violetevents · 2 years
you and me from the night before
pairing: stede/edward word count: 500+ a/n: i was listening to taylor swift’s new years day today and thinking about waking up with the worst hangover ever but you’re together and uuuuhhh... then i wrote this :) pure and absolute FLUFF 
When Stede wakes, it’s because there’s a piece of ribbon in his hair that’s tickling his cheek. He groans when he feels pain shoot through his head, and as he gently tries to sit up, his stomach does an uncomfortable lurch.
He decides to give up on the whole sitting upright business and looks around blearily, realizing he’s actually sprawled on the deck of The Revenge. The deck itself is strewn with ribbons and glitter, and where the fuck did they get glitter? He shifts to observe the mess better, and hears a groan from somewhere near his abdomen.
Stede looks down only to find that Ed is splayed out next to him, head resting on Stede’s stomach, seemingly knocked out. He’s breathing though, evident by the groaning noise he just made and the soft rise and fall of his chest. Stede gently nudges him.
“Five mo’ minu’s” Ed mumbles in his sleep, and curls on his side. Stede nudges him a little less gently.
“Hnngggff,” Ed says, quite eloquently, slowly blinking awake. “Why,” is all he states, and if he feels anything like the way Stede is feeling, that’s a fair assesment.
“Party last night got a bit out of hand, I reckon,” Stede’s voice sounds sleep rough and hoarse, and he tries to clear his throat. He would kill for a bottle of water right about now.
Ed snorts, “Understatement. Was fun though. Forgot how much fun we could have.” He says the last part almost wistfully, and Stede feels a small pang of guilt. It’s been over a month since they’ve reunited, and they’ve talked it through more than once at this point, but he still wishes things had gone differently.
Ed seems unbothered by this. “You make things fun,” he says, smiling dopily at Stede from his spot on Stede’s stomach.
“No, you,” Stede says, smiling dopily back at him.
Ed slowly sit up then, with a loud and almost unhuman sounding groan. “We are getting to old for this shit.”
Stede follows suit and gently sits up, ignoring the absolute banging in his brain. “Speak for yourself, old man.”
“No, you,” Ed counters, eyes sparkling with mirth, and Stede can’t do anything but lean forward and softly kiss him. Ed tastes like stale liquor and bad morning breath, and Stede never ever wants to stop kissing him.
Ed is the one who pulls away. “We should probably check on the crew,” he says.
Stede makes an unhappy noise and falls back down on the deck, pulling Ed with him. “They can wait.”
“You make some excellent points there,” Ed says, happily snuggling into Stede’s side.
The sun is slowly rising above them, and it’s throwing a beautiful soft morning glow over Ed’s features. The half updo in Ed’s hair is coming undone and sticking in every direction, his eyeliner is now somehow on his cheek, and there’s some glitter sticking to his chin. Stede has never seen a man more beautiful in his entire life.
“I love you,” he says, reaching up to gently wipe the glitter off Ed’s chin.
“I love you, too,” Ed says, smiling softly, before face planting himself in Stede’s chest. “Nap time,” he announces, and Stede can’t help but laugh.
Sometimes, Stede thinks, happiness is feeling like absolute garbage and still finding joy in the little things.
Then he promptly falls back asleep.
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thefanbasewhore · 4 years
United as One. || Part 1.
Summary: Din returns home after fulfilling his mission of saving his foundling, after completing it he can now claim his rightful spot as clan leader. There is one problem he needs a wife to secure the future of his clan but his clan is not to happy with his choice and they make that very clear.
Warning/content: None for this part except for blood, wounds and angst but future ones will be 18+, have mature themes, pregnancy and etc. This does contain chapter 16 spoilers!!! No use of y/n. 
Clan leader Din AU. Also not edited because im lazy. 
paring: din djarin/female reader
Part 2. || Master post. 
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Din holds the child close, it's a bittersweet moment as Grogu is finally untied with his father. Tears threaten the Mandalorian's eyes, he's thankful of helmet at this very moment. His eyes find her, another reason to get emotional. He realizes just how much she’s grown on him during this journey, and could easily admit he didn’t want to say good bye. She can't help it as her own eyes gloss over as the words are said. Din leans over, cool helmet flushing against the warmth of her  forehead. “Now that the child is safe I must return to my clan.”
"I'm glad we found him Din, I'm glad you can go back home." Din sighs, the leather pad of gloves rubbing the highest point of her cheek, soaking in the feeling of skin. "I wish you could stay."
“It’s my obligation." Din mumbles, metal kisses her ear as he presses his forehead into the her collarbone. He was close, never wanting to let go as he pulls her in as much as the child will allow against his chest. "The clan needs me, I'm to be the new leader."
"I know, someone out there needs you more than I do." It's a whisper only meant for his ears, the rough edges of his visor meets her face, surprised at the words. She can’t see it, the way his bottom lip quivers with emotion, the longing eyes that just want her. Those words mean something to him. 
“Come with me, I can’t be without you.” he admits, he wishes Boba and Fennec weren't close by, he wishes he can tell her to shut her eyes so he can feel the softness of lips, the rush that fills him whenever he kisses her. Pink, soft and plump, the perfect fit for his own.
"Din I'm not -."
Din doesn't allow any excuses, "I love you. I need you."
"You're making this hard." Tears swell immediately, sucking her bottom lip between her teeth with a soft sob, disguising it as a laugh. Din doesn’t move a single muscle, just stares intensely. 
"Please." He begs, the hand against her cheek lowers to her hip fingers pressing in attempt to close the gap between the two.. Grogu's soft fingers touch her collarbones, his own quiet plea. Cheeks rise to form wrinkles under eyes as her smile makes Din's heart rate increase.
"Okay. I'll go." Din let's out a breath he didn't realize he was holding in, chest expanding once again, a ghost of a smile. 
"I wish I could kiss you Cyar'ika, I am so thankful for you." Din's heart felt like it was going to explode, the unbearable emptiness of leaving her here was suddenly gone. "You're are my other half. I can't wait to share my home with you."
While the ride was long, Din manages to make it manageable, he tells stories of his clan, talks about the different types of foods, the ceremony that will be held in days time when he arrives. It’s cute.. how passionate he is about his people. It never really hit her before.. Din is to be a leader of his clan and it fits him, a little to perfect. He’s a protector but caring, it’s the perfect blend for one. 
Din's fingers squeeze her own as the ship lands, reinsuring as he senses the nervousness seeing her shift her weight from one foot to the other. Standing tall, stiff and uncomfortable. "It's going to be okay, you look nervous."
"I am nervous." Fidgeting with the hem of tunic says it all, he leans in closer he smell of him is almost enough, but the warmth is what really calms her down. Din's fingers fill the gaps in-between hers, his own little way of saying he's here, there's no reason to be nervous.
The ramp of the ship is slowly opening while her eyes dart over his side profile over and over again; of course it’s just his helmet, but somewhere in those points of basker bring comfort. The moment he does notice, she’s blushing, caught but he doesn’t seem to mind. 
"There's no reason to be, I'll always protect you my love." There it is, the love of the man that got her nto this in the first place. It's a small gesture, a glove hand pressing softly into her cheek, dragging across smooth skin. "I mean it, I'd do anything for you."
Her mouth open to say the same words back but the smell of fresh pine, earthy tones of moisture are distracting, there is absolutely nothing, just trees and dirt that run for miles. The small child is asleep but stirs in the bag that wraps across his neck and down his side. 
"We have to hike there." The Mandalorian throws a pack over his shoulder, hand finding slipping into hers again. "The clan survives by being a secret, no one but us must know the location."
"Not even Boba?"
Din's eyes drag along her face, looking back at herself in the reflection of his helmet. "No, he is not a Mandalorian."
"Either am I." Din steps out in front of her, hands still crossed in each other, extending it until your feet move out from under her.
"You're with me, no one will say anything." He pauses, slight amusement in his voice. "If they know what's good for them."
"Come on." Despite Din controlling the pace it does not meet up to expectations as he pulls her closer and slightly in front of him. "Stay right next to me and we have to move quicker, it gets dangerous around here at night time."
Dark was near, hanging right over the horizon as the planet’s sun begins to set lower, it was quieter then when she first arrived, the small animals and bugs of the forest seemed to also agree with Din.
The big fill moon on display provides just the amount of light needed to maneuver the thick brush and trees. It’s peaceful, beautiful, the forest is different hues of greens, pinks and blues from growing flowers make the trip just a little more bearable. 
 It’s serenity, peaceful and ebbing so gently throughout the darkness. Din’s hand never leaves her own except when he drapes his cape over shuddering shoulders, or to check on the child, the darkness brought a chill with it. 
It’s happens in an instant, suddenly all of her breath is knocked out of as Din pushes her with a shout, “Get down!” Protective hands press accidently press her face against the foliage of the forest, the heavy body shielding her own from harm.
Large sharp spikes take wing above them. Both of their hearts thump at the crunching of leaves in the distance with the snapping branches falling all around when a loud unhuman sound fills the air, a growl so close she couldn’t decide if the hot air was it was coming from under Din’s helmet or snapping of jaws in front of her face. It’s covered in fur black red eyes peering as it’s long claws reached for both of her but Din is quicker, his fingers grasp her hips, yanking up and pushing her back as he secures the bag against his chest. “Run!” 
The sounds of chanting could be heard, a group large in numbers just ahead in the tree line, a large bright light that an only resemble a large fire burning, the smell makes her nose twitch, it’s so close but very very far for the predicament the pair find themselves in. 
She couldn’t breath, air ways blocked by paralyzing fear that swirls deep inside of her stomach sending her whole body into a frenzy. Feet ran with a blur, not being make out anything due to how fast she were going, the pitch dark didn’t help either, but Din was were to guide her, with one slip up he was pushing her into the right direction.  Alarms and bells began to sing, loud drums as chaos broke out, yelling and the sound of blasters as she finally hit the tree line. Din’s finger press into her shoulder to finally stop her from running, the beast did not dare past the tree line.
Only because of what in habited it. Loud wheezing falls from burning lungs, long, shallow breaths as she lean one hand against the ground for support. It was obvious her body was still in flight mode when hands try to touch her face only to be pushed away with brutal force. 
“It’s me, it’s just me. Breath with me.” The Mandalorian’s face is in front of her own, pressing his hand against the swells of her chest to remind her to breath. As her body starts to calm, it feels hot. The sound of crackling and popping as scarlet flames dance right in behind her, Din doesn’t like the close proximity as he stands between her and the warmth. 
“Come over here, you’re too close to the fire.” As she starts to take in the rest of the environment she can’t help but notice the faces around them, well some were faces the rest were similar to Din, the helmets weren’t as seek, silver as him but a variety of different shaped eyes, symbols and lines. Now she understood why the creature didn’t dare cross the forest lines. There was a small amount of commotion, some eyes question her but the majority seek out Din.
“The Mand’lor has returned.” Din nods in acknowledgment, hands pulling his girl from the ground. Din’s fingers swipe her hair from her forehead as he sees the look of disapproval on the few bare faces. 
“Listen to me.” He pleads, watching as a smaller woman, elder woman slowly ascends towards them. “Anyone can challenge rank in the clan, you must fight if need be.”
“Wh-What?” Wide eyes meet his visor, stomach twisting as Din’s words stun her. It was too late, the elder’s staff is pressing against her throat harshly. “Who is this woman you’ve brought us?”
The growl that Din lets out is enough to scare that monster in the woods, it’s protective, frustrated but expected, how did he ever think his people would accept a outsider? especially a non-mandalorian one. The elder sneers at her, different symbols of no legitimacy are painted against her forehead, black charcoal lines that reach to her lips. “Let her go. She’s with me.”
The elder’s eyes shift towards Din. While Din may be the leader of the clan, the elders are responsible for making sure the rules are followed, guidance for such a leader. The pressure releases from her throat but the venom in her tone says it all. “She doesn’t belong here.”
If a staff to the point of almost unconsciousness doesn’t say you’re not welcomed here the words make her cheeks red with embarrassment. Din’s fingers find her shoulder quickly, pulling her against his chest protectively. Eyes turn in disgust as they realize, the way he flushes her against him, his willingness to protect her. It’s wrong, so very wrong to the clan but Din doesn’t care. All eyes are on him as he steps in front of her, the child now awake is shoved against her chest, Din’s fists ball against his sides, he’s strong, sturdy like a wall as the crowd meets his own gaze. “She is under my protection, if anyone wants a challenge, they go through me first.” 
Just like the the tension leaves the air, no one dares to step forward as the cold, icy gaze of the visor warns them, then to the elder that stands a few feet from him. “Is that understood?”
Watching all these people cower at his words makes her throat dry, Din Djarin was passionate, a little rough around the edges but never this scary. Shaky finger rub against her throbbing throat as another wheeze leaves her burning throat. Without a second glance Din is dragging her along the field, the peaks of houses just over the land. 
“Are you okay?” She doesn’t answer, only presses herself into his hold as they near one of the biggest huts in the field. 
“Where are we?” It’s cold, but clean. Neatly organized books against the walls, a fireplace with two comfy leather chairs, the kitchen is small, almost right next to the living room but it is cozy. Din manages to find some matches to light the room up, “My home.”
The child fights against her grasp as she sits down on the brown chair, large dark eyes meeting her own as he lets out a whine of frustration. . It doesn’t register, everything happening to quickly doesn’t give her time to even breath as she looks up at the Mandalorian.  When Grogu is finally free, he manages to find the other chair, curling up comfortably in it “What just happened?”
Din tries to speak but she decides for him. “They don’t want me here, why did you bring me here?”
Din shakes his head, falling between her thighs, hands press against them with intent to comfort but it makes her more frustrated. “They’re not used to strangers, and you’re not Mandalorian, it caught them by surprise.”
“Din I saw the way they looked at me, that old lady almost murdered me. “Did you know it was going to be like this?”
He bites the inside of his cheek, bringing his helmet forward to her shoulder. “Yes but no one will challenge you for now, not until you’re part of the clan.”
“No one wants me here.” Tears of frustration slip past eyelashes, rejection sitting deep inside the pit of her stomach.
“Sweet girl.” Din’s covers her eyes with his palm using the other to pull the helmet off placing it next to him. “Close your eyes.”
Even if she wanted to she couldn’t open them, they’re too heavy with emotion as Din presses his fingers against tears, wiping them gently. “No tears, for the love of maker, no tears.”
“I-I’m -” Din doesn’t let her finish, instead he uses his lips to taste the salty mixture that formulated from her pain, lips meet hers gently. 
“They will love you, they haven’t seen a stranger since I left two years ago, give it time.” Din promises, hands wrap around just below her breast, pulling her against his chest. “The clan is sacred, they just see -.”
“An outsider.” The sourness of the words taste strange in her mouth, “Why did you bring me here then?”
“I love you.” It’s the first time those words move past those lips, “I can’t be without you.”
It’s hours later when Din returns to the tent, while many hours have past she was still asleep. The bed was comfortable, stuffed with feathers, covered in layers and layers of animal pelts. Soft fur smooth against skin, perfect for the chilly night.
The child notices, instantly perking up to extend his arms out to his father. The foundling coos as Din’s hands hold him close to his chest, “Hey buddy, are you hungry?”
The next few days are almost enough to make her regret coming with Din, she’s alone half the time, Din leaves her for what he called ‘very important business, and snarled at when she leaves the hut. Never in her life has she felt so.. unwelcomed, out of place. She has never been a person to care about things like these, but the child was soon becoming her only source of social interaction and everyone knows how well that is. 
“What are you doing out here?” Din’s voice startles her, the child in her arms jumps as she does. 
Eyes shift in confusion at the Mandalorian, the raspiness of his voice, hands bare but open cuts painted across them, dried blood show signs of a struggle as she tits her head. “What happened?”
“Nothing you need to worry about sweet girl.” The hand finds the crown of her head, rubbing the hair softly, then to the child’s head before disappearing silently into the hut, while it was very Din the tone of his voice was very uncharacteristic. 
“Din?” It’s much later in the night, so late that they should both be fast asleep like the child tucked between them. Din’s helmet reflects the dying fire across the room, despite the inches of distance between them it felt like miles. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing.” He sighs, turning onto his side so he can look at her. He was stripped down to a thinner tunic, comfortable pants rid of all amour except his helmet, the fire was still alive. “It’s just -.”
He cuts himself off, bringing his hands forward to her hips fingers dig into the flesh to pull her close against him. “What is it?”
“The elders.. they don’t like that I brought you here.”
“i know that.”
Din turns his back towards the fire, the broadness of him dimming the room almost instantly. The helmet falls to the floor with a thud, lips meet the junction between her clavicle and sternum, nose pressing against her skin. “I want you to stay here with me.”
“I don’t feel welcomed here, no one even knowledge me.”
“Marry me.” The words make her choke, body momentarily freezing as fingers release his hair. Din freezes as well, not believing the words fell from his lips so easily.
“If you marry me, they will have no choice but to accept you. You will be my queen.” A pregnant pause falls amongst them, Din doesn’t dare move from his spot but pushes further. “They will make me take a wife anyways, I want it to be you.”
Emotion is heavy in her throat, “It feels forced, you’re only doing this for me. For you can have me.”
“I’m doing this because I love you, I want you to stay with me. The elders have no control over what I’m saying to you. I want you to marry me because I love you.” The words aren’t forced, they’re spoken with carefulness but freely mumbled against her chest.
“Marry me, I’ve always known you’d be my riduur from the moment I met you.”
A/N: I swear its going to get much better, first chapters are always so slow. Thank you for reading, I’m accepting tags just comment below, thank you!
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I would love for you to talk more indepth about the montage. To me it feels so off and weird. Almost like a parody? So many scenes in it are "funny" moments that just don't make sense in the context of an emotional overview of the road so far... (Like all the scenes where Dean is eating, Donna with donut dust on her face, Sam getting hit during the game show.) I don't know. Isn't the montage supposed to make me nostalgic, teary-eyed? This one definitely doesn't do it for me!
Here I am! Yes, I absolutely agree. The montage is Weird(TM). It’s kind of a tone rollercoaster. It’s very full of funny/silly moments, with some serious moments smacked in. And it definitely looks like... there’s something about it.
For an easier consultation I will reference the gifs I have made of the montage sequence here.
[Gif 1] It starts pretty much like I’d expect a Supernatural goodbye montage to start. The two brothers meeting for the first time in the pilot, a reminder of their childhood with John, their banter still from the pilot, a couple moments of them driving in the car in the first seasons, Dean saving Lucas in 1x03 which is the first Dean-heavy episode and also an extremely symbolic moment for Dean’s entire journey - just think at how Lucas as a mirror was still relevent during the “drowning” Michael possession arc. Everything feels normal so far. We’re starting from the beginning! Now--
[Gif 2] Interesting and weird choices start here. Them pretending to be high school teachers from After School Special 4x13 - actually a very iconic moment for the fandom, remember that post of Dean in shorts from that episode that you had to reblog when it came on your dash? (Actually I’m not sure if I ever reblogged it lol.) Dean celebrating getting young again from The Curious Case of Dean Winchester 5x07 (and Jensen showing off his agility). The two of them showing their FBI badges to Jesse Turner’s biological mother in 5x06. Dean mowing the lawn of Mary’s house in the Djinn dream and immediately after Jess and Sam kissing also in the Djinn dream, from What Is And What Should Never Be 2x20. Then Dean after killing the witch when he was under the memory loss spell, in Regarding Dean 12x11. Sam happy when they celebrate Christmas in A Very Supernatural Christmas 3x08. Them being “lucky” under the effect of the rabbit’s foot in Bad Day At Black Rock 3x03. Sam also happy in Baby 11x04.
Again the present, then the montage starts again with the water-related ghost from Red Sky At Morning 3x06, a Bela episode, and then Bela herself from her first episode, 3x03 again.
What do these moments have in common? Not all of them, but for many of them I’d say reality being manipulated. The Djinn dream, the rabbit foot, Dean’s aging, the Antichrist... and it’s not over yet. Also, them pretending to be teachers, agents etc - not “real”.
[Gif 3] The tone suddenly gets more serious and relevant to current events: Chuck in The Monster at the End of This Book 4x18 (eh). Death in Two Minutes to Midnight 5x21 (the first appearance of Death, while now we’ve had Billie’s last and a very short-lived new one), and then two major moments from Lazarus Rising - Dean emerging from the grave and finding the handprint on his shoulder. Crowley’s first episode, Abandon All Hope 5x10. Zachariah’s death in Point Of No Return 5x18. Anna from The Song Remains The Same 5x13, where she is the antagonist having been brainwashed successfully by heaven. Michael burning and Sam jumping in the cage with Michael in 5x22, then another moment from 4x01 (the brothers hugging after reuniting). A moment from The French Mistake 6x15 (reality fuckery again!). Sam in Frontierland 6x18.
[Gif 4] Reality fuckery continues with Becky marrying Sam in 7x08. Funnily enough, this is the peak of Becky’s obsessive behavior which she went to therapy for and grew away of - it definitely emphasizes how far Becky has come. Donna’s first appeance in 9x13. That iconic shot of Dean in Bloodlust 2x03 because he’s pretty. Charlie’s first appearance in 7x20 while she dances to Walking On Sunshine (relevant?), Kevin’s first appearance in 7x21 when he becomes a prophet (lots of firsts). Abaddon’s first appearance in As Time Goes By 8x12. Then there’s the first appearance of the bunker, in the next episode, a couple shots in fact. Then more 4x01, Ruby pretending to mistake Dean for the pizza man (eh). Then more present...
This section seems to be mostly “first appearances” - including Ruby’s s4 meatsuit, i.e. Genevieve’s first appearance.
[Gif 5] We suddenly jump to more recent events with Kelly and Jack in heaven in Byzanthium 4x08. Jack’s iconic hello from 4x16 Don’t Go In The Woods. Dean teaching Jack how to drive in 14x07 Unhuman Nature. But then we suddenly go from Jack things to something completely different on the surface: two consecutive moments from Changing Channels 5x08, including the iconic Nutcracker scene, and Sully from Just My Imagination. We are actually back to the previous theme: reality fuckery. Gabriel’s episode was about placing them in “television shows”, Sully, while real, is literally a child’s “imaginary friend”. And then... a moment from the cartoon part of Scoobynatural! It doesn’t get more reality fuckery than that. Oh, wait! Charlie and Dorothy going to Oz in 9x04. That’s a pretty strong contender. Dean being hit in the face by a fairy in 6x09 - also about a realm Dean briefly went to. And, in case we felt like we hadn’t gotten enough 4x01 yet, Pamela’s first appearance (her last, albeit a hallucination, was about the whole “How come you only want what you can't have?” thing).
[Gif 6] We continue again with a mixture of firsts and weird things. Ellen’s first appearance in 2x02, Dean and Cas in 4x18 (we saw Chuck from that episode earlier), Jody’s first appearance in 5x15 Dead Men Don’t Wear Plaid. Rufus in 6x04 Weekend At Bobby’s (not his first but a good episode...), Garth in 9x12 Sharp Teeth (not his first but the first in which he is a werewolf and is married... relevant to recent lamp events??), Missouri in 1x09 (her first appearance).
Then Gabriel from 13x21 Beat The Devil (an episode where he plays a trick on Lucifer) and Rowena from the same scene (in fact a scene where they’re flirting).  Then Eileen coming back to life in 15x06 and smiling at Sam. Jo flirting with Dean in 2x02 - her first appearance, again. Funnily enough, she had been introduced as a love interest, but ended up being repurposed as a sisterly figure. Tempted to say it’s relevant in an ironic way. Mary in 14x11 Damaged Goods, when Dean has a goodbye mother-son moment with her. Amara in 11x09 Oh Brother Where Art Thou when she was looking for her brother. Then Lucifer in two different vessels (12x07 Rock Never Dies and 12x21, when Lucifer regains control over the vessel).
Then Metatron doing the find a wife make babies speech to Cas in 8x23! Relevant??? Dun dun dun. Then Ketch for some reason (the first episode where we see his face, 12x08 LOTUS).
[Gif 7] Then Jo/Anael in 13x13, another first appearance. (I cropped these horribly I should have cut them when the present happens lol.)
Sandwiched between two shots from the present, Dean Sam Mary and John having dinner together in 14x13 Lebanon.
Then we start again with Dean riding Larry in 12x11, Dean and Cas dressed as cowboys in 13x06 (mini pattern here...), Asmodeus with the archangel blade in 13x13 (insert meta about Asmodeus in Christian lore here), and the really intriguing “Intermission” shot from the play in 10x05.
[Gif 8] To continue a certain pattern we might be tempted to see, Dean eating piecake from 14x06 Optimism (an episode about a distorted version of romantic love), then Dean eating noodles from 10x13 Halt & Catch Fire (the ghost is a husband that passes on thanks to his wife). Dean after his dentistry session with Garth in 15x10. Meg from 6x10 Caged Heat (the episode with the pizza man porn). Dean and Sam investigating in 4x12 Criss Angel Is a Douchebag (an episode about growing old poorly). Crowley in 10x16 Paint It Black (that episode). Dean playing that game in 14x17 Game Night (the episode Cas calls for God, and when Mary dies - the one playing the game was God...). Sam and Dean getting out of the car in 13x05 when they visit the traumatized kid (peak mourning Dean episode...). Then we go into reality fuckery territory again with 14x15 Peace of Mind, Sam under the psychic’s control and Cas disgruntled about it.
[Gif 9] Mick Davies from 12x16 Ladies Drink Free, when he learnt a lesson about monsters. Dean geeking out about the Hatchet Man - so heavy with mirror significances - in 14x04 Mint Condition. Belphegor - Jack’s dark mirror - in 15x03 The Rupture, the break-up episode. Donna’s first episode again, this time Dean and she eating donuts. Dean, Sam and Mary hugging in 12x22 after the confrontation in Mary’s head. Kaia in 13x09 The Bad Place, when Jack uses her to find the way to where Mary is (Mary pattern?). Claire&co rescuing Jody and Donna in 13x10 Wayward Sisters. Dean in 1944 dresses as a sailor in 11x14 The Vessel. Baby nyooming in 15x11 The Gamblers...
Aaand more Changing Channels, the genital herpes ad. It’s almost like reality fuckery is a theme. Followed by Sam drinking the anti-cold concoction at Garth’s in 15x10 and the two of them outside the monster fighting pit in the same episode. Then Cas, Dean, Sam and Jack on a video call with Ketch in 14x09 The Spear when they talk about the egg to trap Michael.
[Gif 10] We stay in the same episode with the four of them heading to Michael. Then the four of them celebrating Jack’s return to life (after Cas’ deal with the Empty). More present, and then the iconic “we’ve got work to do” [trunk closes] moment from the pilot.
So: some of these moments seem like genuine moments you’ll want to put in a montage, but there’s a weird predominance of characters smiling and looking happy or goofy. It’s kind of... not exactly representative of the show as a whole, you know? There are moments that fit as, you know, iconic steps in the story, but surprisingly few, and many moments you’d expect to be in a “final” montage are blatantly not there. Several moments with, let’s put it like this, suspicious meta connotations. Moments that, well, we don’t know what happens in the finale yet, but smell like they might be relevant to future developments. (Metatron’s speech to newly human Cas anyone?)
What really strikes me is the amount of moments connected to reality being manipulated or distorted in some way. Lots of Changing Channels, fantasy elements of various kinds (the Djinn dream, Scoobynatural, Oz, the imaginary friend Becky’s wedding to Sam, the fairy, ...), them acquiring luck (s3) or losing it (s15), and so on. It’s almost like the sequence is telling us something...
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mynameseri · 4 years
Akutagawa x F!Reader: Slow Motion
Song: Slow Motion by Slander
Warnings: 18+, N/SFW, alcohol and drug use, dub-con
Word Count: ~2,870
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Summary: A seemingly dull night takes a turn for the better, when Akutagawa takes you to a party. Mixed drinks, loud music, foreign substances all lead to lust fueled decisions with the man of your fantasies.
A/N: Honestly, this is just super self indulgent. The idea came to me randomly one night as I was falling asleep and Slow Motion by Slander came on and the rest is history. If you read it, I’d love to hear your feedback <3
We are dancing in slow motion
We are feeling all the potion
We are loving in slow motion
We are feeling like this new other way of love
It wasn’t solely the red string of fate that ended up with you meeting Akutagawa. It was more than that. Over the past few months, your friends had been constantly trying to set you up with him, yet you came up with every excuse in the book for why he just wasn’t the one for you. You didn’t want him to be, or at least that’s what you told yourself. Although, the thought of him was enticing, absolutely thrilling; your fantasies of him were unrivaled by any other thoughts that had ever crossed your mind. The last thing you wanted was those fantasies to be shattered by a looming reality.
As you twirled your straw in your drink and sank into the barstool, you began to drift into those ever comforting daydreams. Imagining his hands tracing the details of your body, what would he say about you?  How many hours had you spent memorizing the photos on his social media? His edgy, short captions? Looking through his new followers wondering if they were a love interest of his? Despite actively avoiding him, you were intrigued. Maybe that’s why you kept your distance.
You had only ever met him a few times. Brief interactions. Did he even remember your name? You couldn’t forget his. Akutagawa. It felt so natural rolling off your tongue. You couldn’t help but imagine how it would sound, coming from the back of your throat as he pounded into you. Lewd thoughts raced through your mind anytime your friends brought him up in conversation. Had he ever thought about you in the same ways, with your thoughts always circling back to him? The day dreams were beautiful, but they were just that, a dream. Right?
It wasn’t until you felt a chilling hand on your shoulder that you were shot back to reality.
“Y/N, right?” his soft voice caused your heart to race. “What are you doing in a dingy place like this?” The heat filling your cheeks was a mix of intoxication and embarrassment. You always ended up at this bar by yourself on lonely weekend nights. It was conveniently located near your place, sparing you the hassle of finding parking or catching an Uber. There was no way to explain this to an outsider without sounding absolutely ridiculous though. After a couple seconds of awkward silence, you let out a lighthearted laugh.
“Akuta..gawa…” Your surprise was no secret, as you fumbled over saying even just his name, “I might as well ask you the same thing, should I not?” You mustered all your confidence into that one question, knowing anything after wouldn’t be nearly as smooth. He smirked back at you, surprised by the boldness. He had no business being on this side of town, but you had no right to question him further on the matter either.
“Let’s save the questions for later and get out of this place,” he mumbled, pulling you from the seat by your hand, a movement so seamless you eased right into it. Without any deeper thought about it, you left with him. As you headed toward the exit he leaned into you, “I won’t tell you where we’re going, it’s a surprise. But keep an open mind.”
Talk about a long night trip, no-no-no
Don't ever wait
You kept traces of my bounds
Your friends are divided in my thoughts
The car ride was a blur in your mind. It could have been 5 minutes, it could have been 30. Time wasn’t even a concept to you in this moment. Between your phone blowing up with messages from your closest friends and trying to admire the man of your dirtiest fantasies, you were torn. It was surreal. It would take a lot of sobering up to figure out how things fell so perfectly into place, like a board game you managed to get the upperhand in.
Checking your phone only made your heart flutter even harder; your friends were blowing up your messages with their hype, encouraging you to make the most of it. Thank god Akutagawa wasn’t trying to make conversation right now, you didn’t have the brain power or attention span to even fake it. He could probably see that just from looking at you.
As you pull up to a mansion hidden deep in the woods, the reality of it all starts to hit you in the form of anxiety and nausea. The mansion was surrounded by cars - luxury, standard, even some motorcycles. Bassy, loud music blared through the house with so much volume, you could hear it from the outside. Flashing, strobing colored lights shone through the windows. There had to be no less than a couple hundred people inside from what you could see as he parked the car.
“We’re here.” He stated nonchalantly, exiting the car before walking over to your side and helping you out. Once more, he took your hand as you walked up to the entrance together. It was a simple gesture, but it provided you the reassurance you were looking for. Spontaneity wasn’t usually your thing, making this adventure a little out of your comfort zone. But, you had a feeling that right now you were exactly where you were meant to be.
We all love
Dance so I can feel your lips, oh, no-no
Don't ever look away
You fill the spaces in my heart
Your friends are nowhere to be found
We're tripping all around, oh, no-no
A transparent capsule with a white substance inside lingered in your hand. Akutagawa had just popped a couple himself before handing one over to you.
“Ever tried molly before? I think you’d like it.” He rasped, as he gulped some water to clear his throat. Am I really about to take molly with almost a total stranger right now? You thought to yourself as you prepared your throat to swallow it down. You were already taking so many chances tonight, living on the edge. You had no plan to stop now. Music filled the house and excitement rushed through your body as you downed the pill, eager to see where the night would take you.
How long had it been? An hour? Two? The euphoria consuming your body distracted you from such minute things. Akutagawa’s body felt so perfect as it pressed against yours while you danced along to the songs together. You hardly noticed the masses of people around you on the dance floor. The jealous stares of lustful eyes, the scowls of strangers clearly judging you. He was a very desired man to say the least. You were sure they were asking themselves: why you of all people? But you didn’t care. As far as you were concerned, it was just you, him, and the music. A couple times he had leaned in for a kiss, a small peck but you craved more than that. He smoothly worked his hands up and down your body, over your clothes, riling you up. Conversation was minimal, but you weren’t bothered since you were occupied by your feelings and thoughts.
“I’ve been waiting forever to get some one on one time with you, (y/n).” He whispered into your ear, the words sending chills down your spine. A familiar heat flooded your cheek as. every fantasy of the past flooded back into your mind. Could this really be happening? You didn’t dare want to lose this chance. The chance to make your fantasies into reality.
“I can honestly say I’ve been thinking the same thing,” you confessed, cupping your hand around his face, pulling him in for a kiss. The molly fueled you with a new found confidence, unafraid of any consequences. “I want you.” Without a second thought, you pulled him into a nearby bedroom, hastily undressing each other as soon as you closed and locked the door.
We don't know nobody
There's people all around
Oh, girl it's a private party, oh, no-no
We don't know nobody
There's people all around
But love, it's a private party
Your tongues crashed against each other, in a war of lust as your bodies melted together into the silky sheets. You had your fair share of wild makeouts and spontaneous happenings in the past, but nothing could even slightly compare to this. Each kiss lingered with the right timing, each time you pulled back for air your eyes met his, stirring up arousal in your core. He looked so beautiful, so vulnerable, here with you right now. The sounds of the party going on in the background faded away as nothing else in the world seemed to matter other than taking in every second with him.
With the way the night was escalating, it was no surprise the vibe between you and Akutagawa became more passionate and heated. His tender lips were so addicting, pulling you back in for more. You couldn’t get enough; it was everything you had ever wanted and more. Removing his hand from where it rested on the backside of your head, you pressed it up against your chest, inviting him to explore your body however he’d like.
With no explanation, he pulled his hand away from your body and retracted from the kiss. He gazed longingly into your eyes as a soft look came over his face, one you had only seen in your daydreams. “Are you okay with all of this?” He asked, cupping his hand around your cheek, “Is this what you want?” He rubbed his thumb gently up and down your cheek causing your heart to beat frantically in a rhythm that almost felt unhuman. Your response was a shy smile as you nodded approvingly. There was no doubt in your mind this was what you wanted. Sober or not, it was always him.
We don't know nobody
There's people all around
Oh, girl it's a private party, oh, no-no
We don't know nobody
There's people all around
But love, it's a private party
It wasn’t like you to make the first move, but in this altered state of mind you couldn’t help yourself. Starting at his neck you peppered kisses down his soft, pale skin, occasionally taking it between your teeth and gently nibbling on it. He breathed out lightly moaning with each kiss, his enjoyment of your touch was no secret. You made your way down to his length, stroking it a few times as you prepared your mouth to take it.
“Quit teasing me, (y/n). This molly is hitting so hard...” Akutagawa breathed as he entangled his fingers in your hair, pressing down on your head and filling your mouth with his cock. “I want you so badly.” His moans were angelic to say the least. You flattened your tongue against his shaft, taking him in and out of your mouth, trailing your tongue from the tip to the base. “Fuck.” His tightening grip on your hair was euphoric, proof that he was clearly being satisfied. You placed a hand on his cock, moving it in motion with your mouth to pleasure him further. A smirk formed on your face as he involuntarily bucked his hips into you; he was so riled up he couldn’t even control his body.
“I won’t let you cum just yet,” you laughed sweetly, after removing his length from your mouth. He smiled back at you, a hot mess, so worked up from your touch. He looked so helpless beneath you, entranced by your touch, unable to predict what your next move may be. Rather than let you continue to toy with him, he began to stroke his cock with one hand and pulled you up to his chest with his other hand.
“Don’t be such a brat.” He groaned as his lips met yours once again. With no hesitation, he flipped you onto your back, leaning above you and kissing down your neck purposely leaving hickeys as he went. It was your turn to unravel beneath him, craving his touch as he lived up to every expectation you had built in your fantasies. He stopped at your panties, licking your growing wetness on the fabric.  A smirk grew on his face, as your desire for him was all too visible.
“I… want..” you moaned trying to hastily remove your panties. His hand quickly swatted yours away, as he took the fabric of your thong between his teeth and slid them off your silky legs.
“I know what you want.” He teased as he pressed his tongue to your clit, licking it in circular motions while aggressively grabbing your thighs. Clenching the sheets with your hands, you desperately tried to hold back your moans, but it was useless. He knew how to touch you in just the right way, forcing you to let out the sounds you were depriving him of. Sensing and hearing your pleasure, Akutagawa eagerly pushed two of his fingers inside of you, curling them and pumping them in and out of you roughly. As he continued to finger you, he pulled his face away from your core and looked you in the eyes before whispering: “You want… me.” You did and you were craving more. He was bringing you so close to the edge with just his fingers and mouth, you were desperate to find out how much better it would feel with his perfect cock buried deep inside of you.
“On your knees, now.” He commanded you sternly, withdrawing his fingers and leaving you aching to feel some part of him inside of you again. You complied with no hesitation, arching your back so he could hit the most sensitive parts of you with ease. “Good girl.” His praise alone stirred up even more fire inside of you. Akutagawa had no intentions of taking it easy on you tonight, whether this was because of the molly or if this was just how he was normally, you found it extremely attractive, craving him more by the second. 
It was obvious he felt the same, as you kept wanting to take it further, consumed by the euphoria overwhelming your bodies and your mutual attraction to each other. As he positioned himself behind you, you inhaled deeply as you felt the tip of his cock press against your warm, dripping entrance. He let out a breathy groan as he bottomed out inside of you and dug his nails into your ass cheek, causing you to whine out his name. Holding back a chuckle, he leans against your body kissing your spine while he pounded his dick in and out of your tight, wet core. 
“Gonna… Cum.” You whined between moans, as each perfectly paced thrust brought you closer to your impending climax. His rough hands smacked your ass in unison, a strike so powerfully painful yet enjoyable, you yelped in response. While continuing to fuck you, he moved his hands from your ass, bringing one to grip your throat and the other to pull your hair. Euphoria. Pure ecstasy. The drugs. The sex. The roughness. It was perfect. You were so overwhelmed by being fucked senseless while drowning in so many emotions. “Akutagawa!” You choked out, feeling your pussy tighten around his cock as waves of pleasure rippled through your body. It was the most intense orgasm of your life, unlike any you had ever experienced before.
“That’s so fucking hot,” Akutagawa moaned, not loosening his grip on your hair or throat, “But, I’m not done yet.” He rammed his cock into you, deeper and harder than he had at any point in the night, making the most of your pulsing core around his length. He continued to fuck you aggressively as you quivered from the continued stimulation, chasing the euphoria of his soon to be climax. Not long after, his thrusts became sloppier and slower in pace as he released inside of you, while letting out the softest, hottest moan you had ever heard.  
Listen, talk about a long night trip, no-no-no
Don't ever wait
You kept traces of my bounds
Your friends are divided in my thoughts
We're tripping all around and though
As you began to sober up from the molly and pleasure that had guided your night, you laid breathlessly in Akutagawa’s arms. Questions, thoughts, feelings all flooded your body now that you had a moment to rest and process it all. From start to finish, you would have never guessed this was how your night was going to play out, lost in the fact that this was completely unlike anything you had ever experienced before. The silence of the room contrasting the dying down party in the background was comforting in a way you couldn’t explain. Tracing your fingertips around Akutagawa’s arms, he hummed happily as his lips pressed against your head.
“I’d like to see you again.” He breathed, catching you completely off guard.
“Then please do.” You responded effortlessly, thoughts of the possible future clouding your mind. Akutagawa pulled you closer into his body, giving you one last kiss before you both drifted into sleep.  
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disaster-ace-is-me · 3 years
my favorite lyrics i've written
hi, i'm making a list of lyrics that i wrote in my songs that i absolutely love because i want to <3 (i'll be adding more as i think of them)
"i don't know what made me fall in love with the rain/was it the feeling of drowning or all my troubles washing away?" - somebody else
"i see your face in every sunset/your name tattooed on my lips" - lights with the fast cars
"so i'll stay out of empty dive bars/if you steer clear of the lights with the fast cars" - lights with the fast cars
"so as i pour another bottle of wine/i wish i never had your number memorized" - no i don't
"and since you won't be missing me/you don't know where i'll be" - where i'll be
"and as i stare out an open window/lost in this song's crescendo" - if you're listening
"but now you're so out of reach/that i'm just left to dream of you" - if you're listening
"at least let me know you won't catch me when i fall" - if you're listening
"and now the weight of my world is finally off my shoulders/and you're with some other girl and my bed is so much colder" - camera film
"hearing your voice through polaroids" - camera film
"i lurk in the dark as part of your collection/i live in the stars that shine in your reflection" - no brother of mine
"conqueror, you conqueror of my most glorious land/monster, you monster of a godforsaken man" - no brother of mine
"and i lost you when i didn't know i had you/but i guess you found yourself fine" - ephemeral summer days
"cover my wounds with believable laughter/if it's an art then i am the master" - don't feel better
"you do more than haunt with your cursed letters" - don't feel better
“stop motion pictures probably ain’t gonna work this time/looking for the old color videos back when they were easier to find” - the year
“what's left of me is the echoing of a broken drum” - the year
“the heartache needs a melody/or the music will fade away” - the year
“and i pretend i’m alright/‘cause if i lose my fury, then my vision’s blurry and you’ll start to worry” - blankets
“and you’ve never felt the pain/of having someone burst at your words with all this hurt” - blankets
“so i’ll wrap myself in blankets and try to fake it till i make it/but what if i’m breaking?” - blankets
“from up above, the stars shine brighter/i’m losing ground after soaring higher” - blankets
“your fearful grip is getting tighter/‘cause the circumstance’s getting dire” - blankets
“you had my walls broken/and left my door wide open” - cool
“bend until we break/break until we bleed” - holy tomb
“i gave you my all, you never gave me your hand” - heaven and hell
“if heaven and hell collided, i know you would stay the same/and if the earth subsided, i still wouldn’t have won your game” - heaven and hell
“your love is a war and you had me drafted/you saw my rainbow and had it refracted” - heaven and hell
“drinking champagne with all my enemies/then drowning in whiskey with all my family/i’m flying but i’m not soaring” - broken by a broken man
“what if i die without ever knowing who i am?” - broken by a broken man
“you’re damned if you don’t and you’re damned if you do/you’re what everyone wants if you’re broken and blue/i’ve been crying but do you even miss me?” - broken by a broken man
“i was on fire, but that’s all turned to embers now” - smoke
“and now i’m fine with not being the brightest flame” - smoke
“i didn’t notice i was breathing in my own smoke” - smoke
“like a small candle, i now burn with peace and serenity” - smoke
“i didn’t like dancing in the rain but now i don’t mind” - smoke
“you expected better, and honestly i did too/for the last time in forever, i’ve got everything to lose” - bruise
“it’s kinda dark in here/and this floor feels kinda weird/but it’s alright for now” - dark
“i see a light under the door/dad can’t find what he’s looking for/time might be running out” - dark
“but in the corner i found some of my old toys/so it’s alright for now” - dark
“the colors are so much brighter out here/i haven’t smiled quite like this in years/‘cause it’s alright now” - dark
“now i wear my heart on my hand/don’t you ever let it go” - pink
“you’re my favorite shade of pink” - pink
“and instead of sleeping i’m dreaming/and wishing we talked like we did before/and instead of lying i’m writing/this song to tell you that i miss you more” - i miss you more
“after all these years of tears you would think we’d learned/but we fought fire with fire and we both got burned” - remember
“you keep whispers in your locker/but rumors in your pocket” - the outside
“i still sing the songs that we made up as we went/but it’s a little hard to sing the solo and not duet” - i wanted to thank you
“i’m so glad that i could preserve your purpose” - i wanted to thank you
“and as you drive on by/i won’t say i got butterflies” - i like you
“the flashbacks blend too well with the fantasies” - won’t be today
“but nothing heals the past like time/unless that phrase was just another lie” - won’t be today
“i keep thinking that you should come home/but that’s just ‘cause i don’t wanna be alone/i keep wishing that you would come back/but that’s just ‘cause i wanna get my mind on track/and in the end i know everything will be okay/but that won’t be tomorrow/and it sure as hell won’t be today” - won’t be today
“you would think time would pass me by/a little while after we’d said goodbye” - sorry
“but you’re still here/burned into my mind” - sorry
"i hate that i feel like everyone hates the way i drift in and out of conversations" - sky harbor
"like i'm waiting for the ocean waves to/take me under, so i can drift away forevermore/and they can carry me from this old coastline/but that road isn't stable, and i don't know what i'd be heading towards" - sky harbor
"and i just took off from sky harbor/but my mind feels like it's drowning in the water" - sky harbor
"my mind takes off faster/than the planes in sky harbor" - sky harbor
"five long years of the drought/my mind was running out/of reasons to keep pushing through" - in better circumstances
"i still feel like a stranger in my own skin/but at least i can say i've got someone to face it with" - in better circumstances
"i know in better circumstances i'd love you the same" - in better circumstances
"the tables turn/you live and learn/you crash and burn/and your demons return" - time flies
"and i'm laying on my deathbed/and i can't close my eyes" - time flies
"the golden age of broken bones/and kingdoms and thrones/and journeys to the unknown" - time flies
"but then i moved on/and the nights got too long/i forgot my favorite songs/and where i belonged" - time flies
"love every last drop/of innocence on your face" - time flies
"you make me feel stranded in my own crowd" - single me out
"push all my buttons 'til my circuit's fried/and then push me aside" - single me out
"i'm holding my heart out in my hands/tryna figure out where we stand" - dangerous
"i don't know if i love or hate you/but there's no taking back the tears that i gave you" - dangerous
"who do we think we're fooling?/with you i feel so unhuman" - dangerous
"every little fight breaks me up/more than i would like, we're dangerous" - dangerous
"every path we walk is treacherous/i think we both know we're dangerous" - dangerous
"my mind's flooded with empty words/but clearly they mean something to you/blank love letters and unsent messages/that you'll never know true" - limitations
"when i was 15, nobody believed me/when i said 'nobody wins these days'/now we're all living proof that when you're broken and blue/everything you worked for fades further away" - limitations
"i write so much about moving on/but my past still circles in my head" - limitations
"and i know i could go so much father/if i didn't focus on all the expectations/but every time i try to work harder/i never seem to beat my limitations" - limitations
"have i always felt this alone/or do i just say that in all my songs?" - limitations
"then why's it hard to be myself?/look to the looking glass for help/realized i've done this before/god what was all that healing for?" - oh here we go
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atendersun-archived · 3 years
Who are some of Muu's closest friends? And does he mind to be friends with kids, old people? Neither gender is not an issue for friendships?
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For simplicity reasons, I'm breaking this down into different points:
Muu's main goal in life is to experience having friendships (and even romantic relationships as well) that are built on a strong foundation between both parties it includes. Although he may be the type of person that needs to be explained the same thing over, and over again until it reaches a point in which it is more frustrating than anything else, he is not so dense that he is oblivious to the fact that he isn't exactly ideal friendship material. He's not really great at making other people around him aware of the fact that he deeply cares about them, since he seems too interested in talking about himself than hearing about anyone else, his interests are not incredibly age appropriate or all that interesting, s, and he is far more sensitive than what is probably necessary for a twenty four year old man. With all of that being said, however, he is so self aware of the downfall of his differences that he wants more than anything to give everyone a chance at being his friend as a way of bettering his odds of finding people that will actually have the patience and willingness to keep him around.
With that being said, anyone and everyone is indiscriminately treated by him as someone he is eager to get to know and get to like him. Age, gender, sexuality, socioeconomic status, etc. None of it particularly matters to him just as long as he either receives kindness from them to some extent, or he THINKS he can earn said kindness by pleasing them in some way. This has understandably led to a lot of toxic friendships in which the other party has made it clear they want nothing to do with him, or they make it abundantly clear that they are only utilizing him for some sort of manipulative gain, and yet he knows there is still some chances that he might repeat those behaviors. Something he's learned from spending too much of his free time on Tiktok, though, is that the anxiousness that presents itself with attempting to receive something other than neglect or abuse from someone that will never give any proper praise is addicting to the brain. That it begins to feed off of the fear and uncertainty in those moments so frequently that it begins to crave it. In a way, he knows that is why he tends to find himself placing himself into purposefully dangerous situations, or back into the company of people he knows won't truly respect him as a person. It is because not only does he subconsciously feel that negative attention such as that might be the only thing he truly deserves to have instead of selfishly asking for unconditional love instead, but also because he thrives off of the abuse in some way. Lately though, however, he really has made nothing but really wonderful friendships with people that have made it very clear that they genuinely enjoy his company, and want what is best for him, so it has really been a challenge in rewiring his brain to expect that condition of living instead of slipping into a state of survival mode that can make or break how he is treated that day.
In the past, Muu would have definitely stated that he preferred male friendships on the basis of having someone he could turn to for protection and security as someone that wasn't particularly very strong physically and emotionally. As time shifted to places in which that security and protection was not offered to him, or was overstepped completely when placed into very dangerous circumstances involving himself and another man, Muu found himself gravitating more towards women. To him, they are safer company. They tend to respond to his emotional needs in a way that is more caring instead of belittling him, or responding aggressively. Also, even though a lot of his friendships with women typically cross a line into something more than friends with the addition of sexual intimacy, he has not felt an underlying sense of predatory behavior like he has with some of the men he claimed to be his friends in the past.
Trigger warning for the information ahead. Basically, the most condensed version of the answer to male vs female friends that I can offer to old & new muns alike is: Muu doesn't have the same experience of being able to state that he's been consistently emotionally, verbally, physically, and even sexually abused by female friends as he can with the men he admired to the point he blindly trusted them through some really difficult times, so, therefore, he just generally feels safer around women more than men. He's really trying to work through that though, and bring himself to a point in which he can really let go of all of that in favor of having the strong male friendships he always wished to have growing up.
I am basically just rattling off names at this point. I am sure I can locate more as well, but it is getting late here so who I am able to think of at this hour is under the cut:
Adrian and Gael of @romantxcxsm quickly come to mind because both have, right from the gate, been nothing but genuinely very kind to him. Muu assumed to really only consider Gael as a threat in the sense of having to fight him as an act of making himself the most dominant person the room from taking down the biggest guy he saw, but he never anticipated him and Adrian actually being the most emotionally intuitive people he's ever met. Muu could probably listen to Adrian just chatter on about being this seemingly extroverted person who takes people in on a whim without a second guess for hours. Same as he could just stare at Gael in knowing that even though they only seem like a tall, quiet to the point of almost being mysterious, they actually very sweet and sensitive underneath that exterior.
Hannah @kannojo. aka his wife at this point. This woman right here is his absolute ride or die. She's put up with his ass since they were just teenagers that got into petty fights that he always started. At any point, she could have easily beat his him to a pulp, but she didn't. Instead, she fell for him against all the odds. For her to hold out for him to stop talking about men that struggled to even provide him the bare minimum in a relationship is astonishing. Out of everyone he's essentially knew since he was sixteen up until now, she has been the person he could always go to no matter what. When day after day he faced an absurd amount of ridicule from people in his social circle that berated him and beat him over him being himself, and for wanting to be their friend regardless of it all, it was Hannah he could go to when he needed some to cry to. Her love has carried over from the time he was an annoying young man that was only obsessed with boys and himself, over to when he was so down and depressed that he believed he had no worth as a person based on how others were treating him, and it still exists today as a very queer man just trying to work through an asinine amount of trauma. that's his lady right here ♡ fucking hetereos
Neff @cosmicstardreamer This lady is too all knowing that it baffles him how quickly she can figure things out about him before he can even say it himself. Never would he have guessed for them to become so connected so quickly that he can basically safely tell her anything. Aside from Hannah, who was always just an arm's length away from him telling her everything as it was happening, Neff is still the only one of a few people that know the existence of the assaults he has endured, even if she may not know the specifics of them. While he can not explain it in words, there is at least a particular feeling that he experiences in her company that he feels very rarely in the company of other people. And, to him, that feeling is of completely safety. While she might be off the hook of having to hear him go on about his ex every five minutes, she is unfortunately not out of bounds of having to hear him chatter on about how Tiktok has made him want to learn how to read tarot cards.
Hisao @angstiism. He can't quite put his finger on it, but there is something about the anxiousness that has kept him drawn to him throughout the entirety of them knowing each other. There has been a shift in their relationship as friends, though, as in the past Muu actually looked to the younger male as if the roles were reversed. Almost as though he was seeking safety in them as he saw Hisao as someone very mature and more understanding of things than maybe he felt his other friends were. Nowadays, though, he just keeps trying to make sure Hisao knows that he is the one being taken care of now. Hisao was also someone present in his life when shit was DARK so he has that to navigate as an adult male trying to move beyond a lot of it. Trigger warning again: Though he might have no intention of actually verbally acknowledging it at where they stand as mature adults, having that one friend to show and discuss the children's books on the topic of sexual abuse during a time when he was so very concerned with / very much so craving validation on whether or not being molested in his late, late teens was his fault. It is a memory he holds very dear to himself within the confines of his own heart.
Pchan @nvrcmplt. This right here is his alien. Muu has always found him to be interesting on behalf of the fact that he was sure he had never met an alien before he met this one. Surprisingly, he has never really taken too much of an interest in finding out more about the exact species and abilities the extraterrestrial as up until maybe recently. He's kind of vaguely known them to have something to do with sex as he's been aware of the kinds of friendships and interactions the other has, but since he himself has very conflicting opinions on sex he really never opts to dive deep into learning more about how something unhuman experiences coitus. Now that their friendship has moved well beyond teenager / young man and his alien buddy to an adult man finally taking the time to actually get to know his friend in ways that don't feel as though they underlyingly childish, he feels almost like a whole new sensation when in the company of the alien. He would describe it as wonder mixed in with comfort. As in he is more apt to actually effectively comprehend experiences the alien has had that make up their personality as being something other than "that's my alien friend. he has lots of sex and is nice to me". Also, Muu has no apologizes for trying to beat up Sergio on Pchan's behalf, even if he didn't actually know the circumstances behind the man informing him that he'd hurt his friend to begin with. He'd gladly attempt to bite that bastard again if given the opportunity.
Yukio and Kuen of @silvxcs even if he thinks they are buttholes sometimes. Kuen with his inability to communicate effectively and always falling asleep while he is talking to him lol. And Yukio for somehow flipping the script on him and becoming more like a caretaker than he ever anticipated. Also because he specifically paid this man to tell Akatsuki to tell him that he's proud of him while possibly holding him for a moment. He had not paid the other male to rat him out and inform Akatsuki of his concerns about the older male being mad at him. Muu still thinks he is stinky for that.
There is Sully @tximidity and Alex @dis--parity. One he may have known for a long, long time to the point of recalling who they were prior to transitioning, while the other is a new face for him, but he both loves them very dearly. Mainly because both Sully and Alex are soft individuals that have been put through the wringer, and therefore he can talk to them about difficult conversations that he would be concerned going to anyone else about. Alex, for example, is someone he can go to and either talk or listen to gender related issues without any concerns. Sully, on the other hand, he finds interesting in the sense of they are this enigma of manhood like himself even if it is in different ways. Also, Sully is basically required to be his friend at this point because he won't let someone who witnessed him cry about skin cells get away so easily.
he love the muppet @goneborne, shinya is his snuggle buddy and he is not taking no for an answer @floriogrxphy, nich @bclasaeg is a meanie that has a crush on him but wont let him see his boy boobs the same way muu flashed his without any concern. god he really values so many of his friendships with people that i can't fit them all here even though i want to so bad
basically everyone that works at Komachi @welivetoserve is unfortunately trapped into being friends with him, but he has his blatant favorites. In the event he is ever in a life threatening situation where he is only given one phone call to make, he has already decided on Ayumu. That one is very nice, so he likes that one. We all know who the absolute favorite within any association to the club is because he never shuts the fuck up about him, but that sucks on account that I would rather mention how Muu will never not get a kick out of being a tiny bit mean to Mamoru as a means of establishing dominance over the man that could very well just ban him at any moment.
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winchester19-67 · 4 years
A Fresh Start - Part 17
Pairing: Single Parent!Dean x Reader
Warnings: Little angst, Mentions of past heartbreak, Fluff
Word Count: 3,554
A/N: This is Part 17 of A Fresh Start.
Series Masterlist
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“Dean, honey, calm down,” you laugh as you reach over to rub your hand across his shoulders.
“I can’t,” Dean says as he looks over at you. “Not until those adoption papers are signed and Avery is legally mine. Then I will calm down.”
“Hey, look,” you tell Dean as you motion your head over to where Sam is sitting with both Avery and Cooper climbing around on him. “Look at those two then tell yourself that everything isn’t going to be okay.”
Dean looks over at you as he takes a deep breath. “I can’t…”
“I know that you can’t lose her, Dean,” you tell Dean softly. “You’re not going to. There’s no one else to take care of Avery and I’m sure that they’re not going to say that foster care is better than living with you. You’re here to sign the adoption papers and that’s it.”
“You know that that’s not…”
“Dean,” you laugh softly. “Don’t breakdown in the middle of the courtroom, okay?” You look around, smiling when you see who walks into the room. “Look,” you tell Dean.
Dean turns in his seat and he smiles softly when he sees John and Mary walk into the courtroom. “Hey,” Dean says softly.
“Has anything happened yet? Mary asks as they take the seat beside of Dean.
“No,” Dean shakes his head. “We’re here a little early.”
Avery gasps, causing you to look over to see Avery sliding down out of Sam’s lap. Avery runs over and climbs up onto the seat between John and Mary.
“Maybe those two should be the ones adopting her,” Dean chuckles as he looks over at Avery and shakes his head a bit. “Would you rather go live with Grandma and Grandpa?”
Avery gasps excitedly. “Can I?”
Dean rolls his eyes as he leans against the seat. “I thought she loved me.”
You laugh as you lean your head over onto Dean’s arm. Avery sees this and she stares at you before she crawls across Mary’s lap, over onto Dean’s, and looks up at you with a pout.
“Okay, jealous,” Dean laughs as he lays his chin onto Avery’s head.
“Daddy,” Avery giggles when Dean’s hold on her tightens a bit. “You’re squishing me.”
“Sorry, bug,” Dean tells her as he tries to let go a bit.
“Daddy!” Cooper hollers as he looks over at Dean and reaches out towards him.
“I’m popular today,” Dean laughs as Cooper climbs up into Dean’s lap. Cooper tries to push you away from Dean, causing you to laugh a bit as you lean away from Dean.
“I think that you have two jealous little monkeys there,” you tell Dean. Dean chuckles as he nods and presses a kiss to Avery and Cooper’s head. You reach over to lay a hand onto Dean’s shoulder, and he smiles over at you as he tires his best to calm down.
Dean wraps and arm around your waist as you walk out of the courthouse. You look up at Dean and smile widely at him, noticing the tears in his eyes.
“You alright, babe?” you ask him as you reach over to lay your hand onto Dean’s chest. Dean looks at you as he nods his head, pulling you in and pressing a kiss to your temple.
“We did it,” Dean sniffs. He turns to look at the kids to see that Sam is carrying Cooper, and Avery is clinging onto John’s leg. “She’s mine.” Dean looks down at you as he lets a few tears fall. “Thank you, sweetheart.”
“For what?”
Dean swallows hard. “I couldn’t have done this without you, (Y/N).”
“Dean, I didn’t do anything.”
Dean laughs softly. “Sweetheart, I couldn’t have done this without you at all.” Dean turns you around to look you in the eyes and he shakes his head a bit. “(Y/N), you have been taking care of my kids as if they’re your own. You’ve been putting up with my grouchy butt, and you’ve shown me an unhuman amount of forgiveness. Honey, I don’t know how on earth you stand to look me in the eyes. Now here we are, making all of this between us turn out okay. Avery and Cooper absolutely love you and you are amazing with them. Thank you.”
“Dean, you don’t have to thank me at all,” you tell him softly. “I do it because I love those kids and I love you.”
“Well, in case you haven’t noticed, we love you.”
You smile softly as Dean leans in to give you a sweet kiss.
“Ew, Daddy,” Avery giggles. Dean laughs as he kneels down to take Avery into his arms. “You happy, Daddy?”
Dean chuckles as he nods his head at Avery. “I’ll never be able to tell how happy I am, bug,” Dean tells Avery as he presses a kiss to her head. Sam tries to hand Cooper over to you so that you can put him in his carseat, but Cooper whines as he tries to hide his face in Sam’s shoulder.
“Okay, kiddo, go to Mom… (Y/N). Sorry,” Sam tells you as he passes Cooper over to you.
“It’s alright,” you laugh. “He’s been calling me Mom anyways so it isn’t a big deal.”
“No,” Cooper whines as he reaches out towards Sam.
“Sorry, Coop, but I’m sure that your Daddy wants you to go with him and Avery,” Sam tells Cooper as he reaches over to ruffle up his hair. “Need anything?” Sam asks as he looks over at Dean.
“No,” Dean shakes his head. “You’ve done enough for me.”
“You call if you need me to do anything,” Sam says.
“I will,” Dean nods as Sam turns to walk off, followed by John and Mary.
“Hey, wait a minute,” Dean hollers out to them as he puts Avery in her carseat. “Sweetheart…”
“I’ve got the kids,” you smile softly at Dean. He nods his head at you before he walks over to his parents.
“(Y/N),” Avery says as she looks over at you.
“What is it, sweetie?” you ask her as you lean in to buckle Cooper up in his seat.
Avery gives you an almost shy look. “I love you.”
You smile softly at Avery as you reach over to gently push some of her hair out of her eyes. “I love you too, Avery.” Cooper squeals out and you laugh at him. “Yeah, and you too, jealous little man.”
“(Y/N), do you think that you’ll ever be our Mommy?”
“I think that’s something that you need to let us grownups discuss,” Dean says as he walks over and wraps an arm around your waist. Avery huffs as she pouts up at Dean, and Dean laughs as he reaches around you so that he can shut the door.
You turn around to face Dean as you wrap your arms around his neck. “What was that about?” you ask him. Dean takes a deep breath.
“I had to thank Mom and Dad for showing up today,” Dean tells you. “They’re making an honest effort and I want them to know that I appreciate it.”
“Avery was happy that they were able to show up.”
“We all were,” Dean says as he smiles softly at you. “It wouldn’t have been possible if you hadn’t…”
“I didn’t do anything, Dean,” you tell him softly as you shake your head a bit at him. “I told you that I’d like it if you’d try to talk to them. You’re the one who took that step and actually did it.”
Dean shakes his head. “Can I thank one person without them being so humble?”
You laugh as Dean presses a kiss to your temple. Dean takes a deep breath as he lets go of you.
“Home?” Dean asks.
You smile as you slowly nod your head at Dean. “Yeah.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
“Daddy, please let me go.”
“I’m never going to let go of you anymore, bug,” Dean tells Avery as he tightens his hold on her.
“Don’t squeeze me,” Avery giggles.
Dean presses a kiss to Avery’s head before he tucks her head underneath his chin. Dean looks up when you walk into Avery’s bedroom carrying Cooper on your hip.
“Someone won’t let me lay them down without their Daddy,” you tell Dean.
Dean laughs as he presses another kiss to Avery’s head and lays her down. “Alright, bug,” Dean says as he tucks Avery in underneath the covers. Dean presses a kiss to Avery’s forehead and rubs his nose up against her. “Holler if you need anything.”
“I will, Daddy,” Avery says, causing a wide smile to spread across Dean’s face.
“I’ll never get tired of hearing either of them call me that,” Dean says as he walks over to you to take Cooper from your arms.
“I’ll go downstairs while you’re putting little man to bed,” you tell Dean.
“Alright,” Dean smiles as you reach over to run your fingers through Cooper’s hair. You give Dean a small smile as you turn to walk off.
“Mama,” Cooper whimpers. Dean laughs as he rubs a hand over Cooper’s little head.
“I thought that you were wanting me,” Dean tells Cooper softly as he walks into the nursery with him.
“No, Daddy’s gotcha,” Dean whispers as he bounces Cooper a bit, lightly patting his bottom.
“Yeah, you’re okay, little buddy,” Dean says as he lays Cooper down in his crib. Dean presses a kiss to Cooper’s head and lets him settle into a comfortable position before he turns to walk out of the room.
“You alright?” you softly ask Dean as he walks down the steps.
Dean looks over at you as he smiles widely. “Never been better, sweetheart.”
Dean walks over and takes both of your hands in his, pulling you in and pressing a kiss to your lips.
“Walk me to my car?”
“Okay,” Dean smiles softly as he leads you over towards the front door. Dean keeps his fingers tangled up with yours as he walks you over to your car. “Hey, sweetheart?”
Dean takes a deep breath as he stops walking and turns to face you, both of his hands tightly gripping onto yours. “I wasn’t going to say anything yet until all the paperwork goes through, but I put enough money up to open my own garage. Away from the house.”
Your eyes widen a bit. “Really? Dean, that’s amazing,” you tell Dean as you wrap your arms tightly around his neck. “I’m so proud of you moving past everything, baby.”
You feel Dean smile against your neck as he presses his lips there. “Now I won’t be there breathing down your neck when you babysit the kids.”
You swallow hard as you pull away from Dean. “Dean?”
“I don’t think that I can be the kids’ babysitter anymore.”
Dean’s face falls. “Did I do something wrong?”
“No,” you tell Dean truthfully as you shake your head at him. “No, Dean, it’s weird now.”
“Weird? What’s weird about it?”
“Well, us being together now makes it kind of different.”
Dean takes a deep breath. “Why does that have to change things?”
“I don’t know, Dean.”
“You’ve been okay with it until now.”
“Yeah, but things between me and you are going really good and…”
“I need someone to look out for the kids and you’re needing the money,” Dean tells you. “Where we stand with each other doesn’t have to change that.”
“Yeah, but I feel like I’m getting paid for doing something that I should be doing anyways.”
“Oh,” Dean breathes out.
“I mean, I’m around them most of the time now anyways. I take care of them when me and you are together and I don’t get paid for it, so I feel weird getting paid for helping you with them when you’re busy. I… I don’t know.”
“So what you’re saying is that you want me to hire another young, cute babysitter to watch after my kids and also for me to fall completely in love with her.”
“No,” you laugh as you playfully hit Dean’s arm. “Technically you didn’t fall in love with me while I was babysitting. We were already in love.”
Dean laughs softly as he slowly nods his head at you.
“Look, I’ll still help you with those two because I don’t want to put you out. I don’t want you to pay me for it anymore though.”
Dean shakes his head a bit at you. “Then what will you do about the money, (Y/N)?”
“I’ll figure it out, Dean,” you tell Dean softly. “I do want to keep helping you with the kids, but less as their babysitter and more like…”
“Their Mother,” Dean says softly.
“Yeah,” you choke out. “I mean, I love those two kids as much as you do.”
“Well,” Dean says softly. “Then there’s only one solution to this problem that I know of.”
“And what’s that?”
“Marry me.”
“What?” you laugh a bit as you look up at Dean, not sure if you heard him correctly or not. Dean smiles softly at you as he drops to one knee. “Dean,” you breathe out, your eyes widening a bit.
“Sweetheart, I know that I’ve made mistakes that I will never be able to make it up to you. I want to move on from that if you’re willing to,” Dean tells you as he looks up at you.
“Of course I am,” you choke out as the tears slide down your cheeks
“I know that I said we need a fresh start and that we need to take things slow, but I can’t lose you this time around. We can go as slow as we want to after this, but I cannot go another day without you saying that you want to be my wife,” Dean tells you as he gives your hands a small squeeze. “(Y/N), will you marry me?”
You nod and let a sob escape you. “Yes,” you choke out, barely getting the word out when Dean jumps up to his feet and pulls you in for a loving kiss. Dean pulls away and rests his forehead against yours. He brings his hands up to cup your cheeks, his thumbs softly brushing away your tears as he lets his go.
“I promise not to run away from you this time,” Dean tells you, causing you to laugh and give him a light shove.
“I love you, Dean.”
“I love you too, (Y/N),” Dean tells you softly. You start crying that much harder and Dean pulls you in tightly, gently running his fingers through your hair. “Shh, baby girl, everything’s okay. Me and you are going to be okay now.” Dean holds onto you tightly as you sob and shake in his arms. “It’s alright, honey.”
“I can’t help it,” you tell Dean. “I’m really happy. All I’ve wanted all this time is you and now I have you and the kids and I can’t wrap my mind around it all.”
Dean chuckles as he presses a kiss to your temple. “Avery’s gonna be so excited when we tell her.”
“Yeah,” you laugh softly.
Dean pulls you away a bit to look you in the eyes. “We might not be able to have our own kid, but I want you to adopt Avery and Cooper,” Dean tells you.
“Dean,” you gasp.
“I know that it’s going to be a little tougher than if they were biologically mine…”
“I don’t care,” you tell Dean truthfully as you shake your head at him. “Of course I want them to be mine too.” You take a deep breath. “Gosh, you’re not going to be happy until I have a complete emotional meltdown.”
Dean chuckles as he leans in to kiss you but his lips barely touch your before he pulls away a bit.
“Your ring is still sitting in my top dresser drawer,” Dean tells you as he turns to walk inside.
“I do not care about the ring, idiot, kiss me some more.”
Dean laughs as he wraps his arms tightly around you once more. Dean smiles softly at you as he leans in to press his lips firmly to yours. “I love you, sweetheart.”
You swallow hard and nod your head. “I love you, Dean.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
“Hey,” Dean smiles widely as he opens up the front door.
“Hi,” you laugh as Dean leans in to kiss you. “They in a good mood this morning?”
“No,” Dean chuckles. “But they will be when we tell them. Especially Avery.”
“I hope she takes it better than my parents did.”
Dean’s eyes widen. “You talked to them?”
“Yeah,” you breathe out. “I thought that they should at least know.”
You shake your head. “They told me that any man who won’t work for my Dad to support me and wants to be a mechanic instead doesn’t deserve me. But that’s them, Dean. I don’t think that…”
“Shh. I know, sweetheart,” Dean tells you softly as he pulls you in, wrapping his arms as tight around you as he can. “They are right, though. Maybe not for the same reason that they’re saying, but I don’t deserve you.”
“I think that you’ve got that turned around, Winchester.”
Dean smiles softly at you as he shakes his head. “Anybody willing to forgive and forget like you have is definitely more than I deserve.”
You shake your head, but Dean leans in and kisses you before you can say anything.
“I think that we’ve got a couple of kids to make extremely happy,” Dean tells you as he wraps an arm around your waist and leads you into the kitchen where Avery and Cooper are sitting on the floor.
“What are you two doing?” Avery looks up when she hears you speak.
“(Y/N)!” Avery squeals. You laugh as you walk over and pick her up off of the floor.
“Are you two coloring?”
“Yeah,” Avery smiles as she wraps her arms around your neck. Cooper frowns up at Avery and runs over to wrap his little arms around your leg.
“Alright, let (Y/N) breathe,” Dean laughs as he walks over to pick up their toys and Cooper. “Will you take this up to the playroom for me, bug?” Dean asks Avery as he holds out their stuff.
“Okay,” Avery says as you put her down on the ground. Avery walks over to take the toys and coloring books from Dean before she turns to run up the steps.
Dean smiles as he walks over and straps Cooper into his highchair. “Can’t forget this,” Dean tells you as he turns to face you, pulling a small velvet box from his pocket.
“Dean,” you breathe out as he hands it to you. He opens it and pulls the ring out, taking your left hand in his as he gently slides the ring onto your finger.
“I needed that last night,” Dean tells you.
“No you didn’t, baby,” you tell Dean truthfully. Dean smiles softly as he takes your face between both of his hands and presses his lips firmly to yours.
“Feel better?” Dean asks.
“Much better,” you smile.
“You didn’t lay in bed wondering why on earth you said yes to me?” Dean asks you.
“Absolutely not,” you laugh softly. “More like I laid there wondering what took us so long to find each other and what on earth were we thinking when we said that we needed to take things slow this time.”
Dean chuckles as he presses another kiss to your lips, pulling away when you hear Avery giggling at the both of you.
“Alright,” Dean tells her. “Go sit down, bug.”
Avery runs over to the dining room table and climbs up into her seat. “(Y/N)!” Avery hollers as she motions over to the seat beside of her.
“No, Mama!” Cooper cries as he reaches out towards you.
“I want her to sit by me!”
“Okay, you two can share me you know,” you laugh. Avery pouts up at you.
“Scoot,” Dean tells her. Avery huffs as you help her climb over into the other chair. You take your seat, and Dean reaches across the table to take your hand in his.
“Avery, there’s something that me and (Y/N) need to tell you,” Dean says.
“What?” Avery asks as she looks from Dean to you.
Dean nods his head at you and you take a deep breath. “Avery, sweetie, I’m not going to be your and Cooper’s babysitter anymore.”
Avery’s eyes widen as they tear up and it breaks your heart. “Why? I did something bad?”
“No, bug,” Dean chuckles. “Me and (Y/N) talked yesterday and she’s going to be your Mom instead.”
Avery gasps as her little eyes widen. “Really?” You nod and Avery squeals as she launches herself out of her chair towards you.
“Easy, bug,” Dean chuckles.
“Sorry,” Avery giggles as she wraps her little arms tightly around your neck. “I’m happy.”
“Me too, Avery,” you smile at her. You look over at Cooper to see that he’s staring at the three of you like you’ve gone crazy. You take a deep breath as the tears well up in your eyes, and Dean gives your hand a small squeeze.
“You alright?” Dean asks softly.
“Yeah,” you tell Dean, nodding your head at him. “I’m perfect.”
Tags: @deans-baby-momma @ilvetaquitosmmmm @winchestergirl82 @fandomoverdose666 @satans-0-spawn @ofpoetryandlove @vicmc624  @tranquility-or-chaos​ @kaz11283​ @mrsdeanfuckingwinchester​ @a-dorky-book-keeper​ @maralisa124​ @crazybutconfidentaf​ @cookiechipdough​ @leviathans-watching​ @kalesrebellion​ @flamencodiva @onethirstyunicorn​ @meganoid1997​ @mlovesstories @jodibullock1​ @squirrelnotsam​ @supraveng​ @socalgem1124​ @perpetualabsurdity​ @captaincvans​ @spnbaby-67 @deanwanddamons​ @defenderrosetyler​ @lyarr24​ @smokey102​ @foxyjwls007​ @toomuchtv95​ @polina-93​ @poetryazenth​​ @missafairy @idksupernatural @dancingalone21 @aggressivemidget @babypink224221​ @akshi8278​ @hobby27​ @deanbowlegsackles​ @ohholywinchester @compresshischest09 @gabbie-is-sad @krys198478  @deanwinchesterswitch​ @casdean-jenmish​
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alliethealleykat · 4 years
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Okay without further ado, here is my new child. If you read his bio before, please re read this one as I have completely rewritten it from the original. To sum it up, he’s forty going on fourteen. His likes include beer, motorcycles and not wearing a shirt. His dislikes include bad weather, animal cruelty and olives. 
name: Alaka’i Inoa Keahi
faceclaim: Jason Momoa
hometown:Hale’iwa Hawaii
time lived in roswell: five months
profession: mechanic and martial arts instructor
Alaka-i , “Allie”,  was born in Hale’iwa, Hawaii to Kaikane Keahi and Isabella Archambault. And at first everything seemed normal, at least from the outside. The town wasn’t too large, they stuck to themselves and their routines, the couple ignoring the rumors spread about their out-of-wedlock baby, the questions about where the woman came from anyway, about why she seemed so odd Where Kaikane was an open book, his lover was not. She never spoke about her past, about where she was from or why she left. And as Archambault turned to Keahi and she became a permanent fixture of the community, people eventually settled and learned to accept that her life before the island was simply a mystery that would remain. After all, she was friendly and the absolute best vet in town. Always seemed to have a connection with the animals that was unmatched. Furry friends and owners alike learned to love her immensely and eventually, the gossip whispers and prodding questions died down.  
Like his mother, Alaka’i had a bit of an oddness about him no one could put their finger on. He inherited the seemingly unhuman affinity for animals that his mother had, working around the vet clinic from an impressively young age. His mother noticed, but kept quiet. As if somehow not telling him would protect him. As if keeping certain things a mystery would make life easier for the boy to navigate.
As Alaka’I grew older, his connection with animals continued to grow, but he never questioned it. To him, it was normal. And he talked about it so confidently that no one dared to question him. Most aspects of his childhood into young adulthood were fairly normal. He played sports, did okay in school, had a vibrant social life. He was well liked, if not occasionally reclusive. He spent an incredible amount of time in nature and around the animals he was so connected to. A perfect mix of introverted and extroverted. He skipped out on higher education, instead he began working as a mechanic and teaching at his father’s martial arts gym after high school, his years of volunteering at the clinic teaching him he didn’t want to follow in that path.. Everything was completely normal. He was content.
Until suddenly he began having the strangest dreams. Of a town he had never been to and didn’t recognize. A town he wouldn’t have known the name of if it hadn’t been plastered on signs in the dreams. ‘Roswell, NM’. Something about it, something about those signs stuck with him, the images burning in his brain. They called him. And when he finally broke down and looked the place up, he was shocked to find it was real. He told his parents he would have to leave for a while. That he needed to go to this Roswell place, even if he didn’t know why. The dreams and images taunted him relentlessly, and he just needed to know what the source was. Clearly the universe was trying to tell him something.
That’s when his mother’s truth finally had to be revealed to him. Isabella was born in Roswell, NM to two alien parents, an alien herself. When she was eighteen, her parents had been taken by the FBI, but she had escaped, staged her death, and ran to the first place she could find a flight to, changing her name and everything else she could about her. She had only horrid memories of that town, of being looked at like a tourist attraction, of the visions of those agents in their suits, the nightmares that haunted her about what had been the fate of her parents. She had sworn to never speak of that place again. But she also wasn’t going to stop Allie from going. She knew she couldn’t anyway. He was simply too hell bent on discovering what it was those dreams were trying to tell him. So he left, picked up and moved to Roswell. He’s just now settled in, having found a job and a place, and is still searching for why exactly the town called him here.
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skyehigh840 · 5 years
*triggersssss* r
I’m just gonna say it cause there isn’t any pretty way to do it. This isn’t going to be the same for every other Ace person and maybe I’m the only one who knows but if I’m not...I hope it helps someone else.
I am Ace. It was something only discovered (what seems like) pretty recently. I was what a lot of people considered very promiscuous and impulsive. I lost my V-card at 14 just to lose it like my friend and see if I understood what all the hype was about. No romance no cute story. From there I racked up a decent body count. Some just because..some because they just wouldn’t accept a no and I was over it and some because I thought maybe that was love. What they all had in common was that they were all lackluster. I didn’t understand why the phrase “better than sex” existed in the first place. It just wasn’t all that good even if I thought I really really might have loved them! In all that time, I thought maybe something was wrong with me but just kept letting people do what they wanted cause it was just me right? Maybe sometime eventually it’d feel different or it’d click or it’d be with the right person or maybe it was from my depression or I was just broken. I was raped and I questioned if that was even what happened because I thought maybe I didn’t understand the concept cause look at my past experiences and it wasn’t like a stranger who pinned me and attacked me in an alley. No one had been talking about how it didn’t always look like that. I didn’t even really click for years because sex was already so empty as it was. Maybe it was me 🤷🏼‍♀️ I never looked at someone and thought “ooooo I want in their pants”. I’d flirt and think someone was beautiful or handsome but sex was just a thing people did. An urge I never had..I just didn’t get it and it created so many different situations in my youth that I didn’t understand.
It took years to understand the concept of Ace and to see its movements and flexibility and to get that it matched my mind and my heart and my life experiences and even longer to say it out loud or tell anyone because I thought my body count betrayed the way I felt and that people wouldn’t understand that that was how I felt because I would still physically partake in sex and people respond that I “made that up” and that’s not human. I crave intimacy and attention. I still love and want to be loved. I have a boyfriend of three years now who I love and adore and I absolutely love having sex with him because I love how much it makes him feel good and the bonding of it. And he understands that the talking and snuggles leading up to it is where I get my fulfillment and knowing it makes me happy but it’s not the same kind of sensation as him. There is balance and understanding and flexibility and it’s not all black or white! My lack of knowing really affected many aspects of my life and hurt me in many ways and caused so much pain in other side stories I haven’t even told. I feel like that was a lot of rambling but maybe just maybe someone out in the world can relate to even just a part of it and feel a little less alone or confused and it also just feels good to put it out into a world that knows me without knowing me! You can have sex and still be Ace. You’re not broken or unhuman. It’s not just depression or misunderstanding and even more so, you’re not alone and the aches you’ve felt..not all your fault.
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