#but again one person can't do it all regardless of strength
reckless-rider · 8 months
thinking abt Gojo
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sipsteainanxiety · 10 months
izuku's love for you is—stifling.
like you've been wrapped thickly in a well-loved blanket, and no matter how hard you claw and writhe, it just gets tighter and tighter and tighter. unrelenting. inescapable. it's something you've grown used to. something you've learned to deal with in your own way, because at the heart of it, you know it's because he cares.
it's easier on certain days. days where he's had a particularly good patrol or where he's had nothing else to do other than relax at home. it's those days where you wake up to dappled sunshine through the window—falling across the smooth planes of his freckled face in a way that's utterly breathtaking—that you breathe easily and know he's safe. the light turns strands of his hair into a gold that contrasts against the deep green, and you brush a hand over his forehead in a way that makes him sigh in his sleep.
safe, you tell yourself again. where you can reach him. he spends so much time outside, jumping around the city to save whoever he can in a flash of green lightning. and you know he takes each and every single life he's saved and stores them in his heart. putting himself on such a high pedestal and holding himself to a standard that you think is debilitating, at times. hero work can be so personal, after all.
he holds the weight of the world on his shoulders, but here—at home—he can be himself. he can be izuku, not deku, and he can laugh and smile and dance around with you in your little, shared kitchen. he can love you without fear of this love being used against him, and he can hold your hands together and promise you another day where it's just you and him.
on other days—it's not as simple. not as easy.
it's the days where he's tasted some form of defeat, you think. some form of wretched helplessness or tragedy that strikes him at his core and topples the very foundation he's based his selfless heart on. he takes all his losses and holds onto them tightly—obsessing and dwelling over them in a way that's unhealthy. a way to cope with his agony.
sometimes he tells you what's happened, sometimes he doesn't—believing it be better if you don't know. but, regardless, at the end of these days he always comes back home—to you. unprepared, unknowing, you.
on one of these days—a day where you think something truly... shook him, deep within—you hear the door open to your home and expect to hear his familiar, cheerful voice. telling you how much he's missed you or about something memorable that's happened on his patrol. but you don't hear a word. it makes you pause and you slowly edge towards the front entrance to peek at him and see what he's up to—if perhaps he's tired and needs help taking off his shoes, or if he's deep in thought about this or that.
instead what you see is his weary, shadowed figure. standing hunched in the entryway with his hair covering his face and a hand gripping onto the edge of the wall where it opens up into the living room. he's breathing heavily, you realize, and you're just the tiniest bit wary before you find yourself hesitantly calling out his name.
it's like a trigger for him. his head snaps up, and you have just enough time to see a small, dark pupil, before he's lunging towards you and sweeping you up in an embrace. tight tight tight can you breathe you can't breathe.
you choke and feel his grip flex around you even further. "izuku—? what—"
"you're here," he murmurs quietly—so quietly—and then he's setting you down and letting his large, gloved hands pass over your face. then your neck. your shoulders and sides. then back up again. feverishly, nearly revenant. you don't say a word, eyes locked on that burning gaze of his—small and shadowed. "i'll keep you safe. you know that, right?"
it takes you all the strength in the world to unstick your tongue from the roof of your mouth. and your answer is teeny tiny. "of... of course. you will. i'm here."
you don't know if he's seeing you, really seeing you. however, you've dealt with this izuku before. and it never gets easier, not really. but you are experienced. so you let him obsess over you. let the look in his eyes pull you in deep deep deep until you relive those feelings of drowning in all that makes him, him. stifling, you think.
and he holds onto you. and he doesn't let you go.
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evilbihan · 3 months
Bi-Han is an honorable man
I can't believe that I'm making yet another post pointing out the obvious but every time I go into a Youtube comment section I'm starting to question whether me and the rest of the Mortal Kombat fandom have even played the same game.
1. He shows opponents mercy
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Sub-Zero: You want peace? Let us be. Liu Kang: The Lin Kuei's sins aren't easily forgiven.
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Sub-Zero: Surrender and Shao will show mercy. Mileena: If you believe that, you're a fool.
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Sub-Zero: Walk away while you can. Raiden: I'll never give up, never surrender.
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Sub-Zero: I won't hold back, Brother. Scorpion: Do your worst.
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Sub-Zero: We have no cause for dispute. Kitana: You aided Shao's attempt to steal the throne!
These dialogues honestly speak for themselves already, they don't even need explaining. Compare that to actual villains like General Shao who sends Reiko after Bi-Han to kill him simply because he "doesn't like loose ends" even after Bi-Han saved him or Shang Tsung who killed Reptile's family out of nothing but sheer cruelty.
The fact that Bi-Han is willing to let people walk away from a fight, that he gives them a chance to walk away alive, speaks volumes about his personality. He warns his opponents in his intros and even during his end of round taunts ("Flee now and live."), he tries to solve things peacefully and without violence if possible. He's not bloodthirsty, malicious or eager to kill anyone, but will do so if given no other choice.
Despite Bi-Han's flaws, a man willing to show an opponent mercy is an honorable man. SPOILERS AHEAD: May I again remind you that Kuai Liang is not willing to show a defeated and dying Bi-Han mercy when he gets turned into Noob against his will? Not only that, but Kuai Liang wouldn't have hesitated to kill Frost who is probably around Hanzo's age at his own wedding if Harumi hadn't stepped in to save her. Harumi had to beg Kuai Liang to show someone mercy, while Bi-Han grants it without a second thought. Like it or not, at least in that one aspect, Bi-Han is the better man.
I don't know why some people think of him as this aggressive guy going around trying to pick fights with everyone when all he wants is to be left alone? It's wild to me how people think he's the problem here.
2. He respects/admires their fighting skills
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Sub-Zero: You will surely test my might. Ashrah: I will overwhelm it, Sub-Zero.
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Sub-Zero: This fight I will long remember. General Shao: Who says you will survive it?
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Sub-Zero: I'm pleased to fight Outworld's foremost mage. Rain: Will it also please you to lose?
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Sub-Zero: I hear your skills are formidable. Li Mei: As are those of all who have been Umgadi.
Can we also talk about how respectful Bi-Han is towards his opponents? He compliments them on their skills as opposed to Kuai Liang who even talks down to his own allies. Yes, Bi-Han is arrogant, but he can still acknowledge other people's strengths and respect them, even if they are his foes.
3. He admits when he's wrong
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Sub-Zero: I was wrong to trust you. General Shao: Yes, Earthrealmer. You were.
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Sub-Zero: I wasn't aware of Shang Tsung's experiments. Liu Kang: Had you known, would your choice have been different?
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Sub-Zero: Your mother's death is regrettable. Kitana: I consider you complicit, Bi-Han.
You can say what you want about him, but he certainly takes responsibility for his actions and even shows regret over some of them. Bi-Han might not be the most compassionate character, but he does express some sympathy towards others. Compare that to Kuai Liang who tells Havik it's his own fault that his face was burned off as if he had nothing to do with it. Yes, Bi-Han doesn't show much sympathy towards Baraka for his condition, but neither does Kuai Liang. Why Kuai Liang is still considered the more honorable brother regardless of that and his very obvious ableism, is beyond me.
Bi-Han's good traits are all too often overlooked. I don't know if it's because people don't pay attention to intros, but it's so easy to see he's not a bad person deep down. It's just the media comprehension skills of most MK fans that are seriously lacking.
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love-toxin · 6 months
ellie!!! do you have thots for welt as well because i am on my knees for this man. daddy
ab-so-fruitely bro his idle animations make me go nutso fr....
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welt -> casual dominance dilf....he's not a public person but on the express there's a total 180. makes up for all the times he doesn't touch you in public with a kiss here, a grab of your hand there, touches on the small of your back, gloved fingers digging into your inner thigh while you sit together. the belts aren't just for show, he has you wear one of his like a garter so you can carry a concealed weapon for safety. sure. it's really just so he can tie it tight every morning and look up at you on his knees, for him to know there's something of his on you always so you can wear it like a wedding band. 100% husband duties even when he's just a friend, but he doesn't stay a friend for long. he eats up your attention regardless of the role he plays in your life, and eventually it gets to the point that he just simply cannot exist without your love. he needs a dose of it every day or he feels his strength slipping out of his grasp. you make him feel young, and handsome, and desirable, just like he did back when he was a bright-eyed young adventurer. the whole universe is open to him, but when he looks out at the horizon all he sees is you.
(nsfw -> fem + masc pronouns, daddy kink)
fem!reader -> being a daddy dom feels a little odd after so much time separated from it, but he slots back into the role quickly and efficiently as he does everything else. and it helps for you, because welt is an absolutely deplorable munch. your pussy could be categorized as an obsession, but it teeters on the edge of addiction for welt. he fixates on how it pulses, what makes you the wettest, how it resists him like it wants out but sucks him back in like it also can't let go, how just his fingertips brushing through your folds can have you squirming with need....fascinating isn't quite the right word, but he is fascinated with everything that lies between your legs. there are times he'll soak a hot, damp stain in the front of his pants and not even realize it, his touch-free orgasm coming in second to his attempts to make you squirt. he starts wearing contacts with his glasses just so when he's gotta take them off he can still see you in all your glory. he loves calling you pretty baby while you're cumming, "my pretty baby, you're so precious, let it all go for me" he can't quit blabbering so he tries to talk you through it with that deep, gravelly tone that vibrates right through your clit and up your whole body. never did he think he'd feel guilty for making a beautiful girl cum so many times, but the process of teaching you the art of squirting means you're left shaking and soaked more often than not, your grip almost crushing him as you cling to your lover and let him kiss you down from the high.
but daddy's only sweet like that when you're good. when you're a brat--teasing him in public, distracting him from work, interrupting him on repeat--you get your tongue grabbed, your ass thoroughly spanked with a belt, and not a hint of the spoiling you usually get as he makes you get off on his cane. only once you rub yourself up against it enough will he let you use his leg next, and maybe, maybe if you cum quietly and beg him for forgiveness, he'll perch you on his good knee and let you kiss him while he catches up on the work you interrupted. but try acting up again in the process, and he might just have to slip his cock into your mouth and lock a belt around your neck to keep you there--and keep you quiet--until you can behave like a good girl for daddy.
male!reader -> your nickname is pretty boy for sure. he feels like such a dirty old man for corrupting you like he does, but it's hard to help when you just sound so pretty mewling "daddy" into his ear. he can't even bring himself to gag you when you're getting too loud, so he just clamps one of those gloved hands over your mouth and urges you to hush, cause if you don't stay quiet like you promised then daddy won't rub your cock like you need. and as often as he knows you've gotten off when he's gone by humping his pillow, he knows you do need him to touch you when he's here cause he's trained you to. you're daddy's pretty boy after all; needy, whiny, cute, and absolutely ripe for a good railing to ensure you don't get too mouthy. brat training is in his blood, and it's definitely something he likes to spice things up, but you both like it much more when he gets to reward you, right?
and just like he is with pussy, welt is just about obsessed with your pretty cock. he loves the veins and the way it twitches when you moan, how the tip gets all flushed and shiny as his tongue strokes over it. there's always a good reason to give you a polish, even if it's been a long day or a strenuous battle and welt just wants to rest. it's a bit like a stress reliever for him; sitting you on his face or with your cock in his mouth is his preferred way to unwind, especially since it saves him the strain in his hips that would come even with normal, daily activity. but of course, if you want to be on top, he's not necessarily opposed to that....he just has to make sure you're either very gentle with him, or his schedule can easily be cleared for the next day. cause when he's bottoming, whether it's your strap or your cock, there's a good chance his legs won't stop shaking when he gets all that love and attention turned back on him.
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mari-lair · 8 months
I want to talk about Killua and Gon's separation.
There is a lot to untangle so let's start with Killua's mentality after the Chimera Ant Arc.
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Killua is aware of how much Gon hurt him, and he understands that even if Gon's bond and dept with Kite is not something he can relate to, this pain isn't something he can brush off either, yet, he comclude his self-reflection by calling his dilemma a burden.
This need to be valued by Gon is what made him take things personally and feel useless during their invasion.
Regardless of his own feelings and issues, Killua blames himself for not sucking up and staying there with Gon. He has for a while... Take note of how horrified he looks after Palm tells him he is the one Gon needs the most.
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Any possible joy he could have gotten from being important was far too small compared to the crushing realization 'Gon needs me and I left him alone while he was suffering.'
But Killua is hurting for himself too, at how he was put in a situation where everything felt out of his control.
That makes him angry.
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When yelling at Gon about how reckless and selfish he is, Killua thinks to himself "apologies...?" as a question, a question that comes right after thinking "this time I won't forgive you'', like he is trying to find an answer to how he is feeling.
He doesn't really know what he wants from Gon, how or even where to direct his anger.
But he does know what he wants from himself.
'I will definitively make you better.'
It makes his declaration feel more like a "you will be alive to apologize. You will be here when I figure it out" the apology itself isn't nearly as important.
Because his recovery is so important, Killua doesn't allow himself to think too hard about it. He can't get emotional and make mistakes again, he needs to be level headed and get things done.
Even if the ever-present fear that he will be too late to save Gon is there.
He was too late once after all.
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Killua immediately loses his calm when there are no hospital curtains or glass windows between them.
Even with Nanika by his side to give him strength, he is tense from the moment he reaches for Gon's hand. It breaks him to witness exactly how bad Gon state has become.
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Translations vary but the sense of urgency is prevalent, even with his mission accomplished, his wish a touch away, he shows zero relief, he acts like he is too late again, desperate to help him.
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There is no 'Gon is invincible. He heals super fast from everything.' mentality anymore, and even the hope he has been clinging to that 'Nanika is amazing, she can heal Gon' gets destroyed.
Is just him and the brutal reminder Gon can fall.
So when Gon gets up, against all odds, Killua is happy. The joy is stronger than his grief.
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He downplays his worry, and keeps it casual, when he tells Gon to watch out for himself, but he is genuinely happy when Gon thanks him.
That's what I believe Killua really wanted from the start, not an apology but a thank you. It always hit him hard when Gon thanks him, be it when Killua is happy, or at his lowest:
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Killua just didn't believe he deserved a "thank you", not after being put far too many responsibilities on himself and drowning in failures. But now, things are okay.
For as difficult as Killua's life is, he does like to focus on the good, so when he talks to Gon, who is alive and no longer blinded by grief, while being able to hold on to his little sister's hand, who is happy and free, he has no regrets, it was no problem. He would do it again and again and again for them, and Gon showing appreciation of what he has done is the cherry on top.
Killua doesn't really care about the apology anymore, because he already understands Gon didn't want to hurt him, he has been by Gon's side for years, and he knows better than anyone that Gon is a kind boy who loves his friends very much, and is far too harsh on himself.
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So Killua acknowledges his pain but he keeps it light-hearted and brief. He doesn't want his best friend to focus on this, as Gon is prone to, so after Gon gets on his knees to apologize, Killua thanks him.
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Which is something Killua rarely does, most of his thank yous are either casual or in monologues Gon isn't privy to. But he want to focus on the good he gained, on how his adventures and feelings for Gon are what let him take the needle out and go to Alluka's rescue instead of how he learned to fear loss.
He believes Gon is just as important to Alluka's rescue as Alluka was to his recovery. And he acknowledged Gon's issues but still value him.
So he does what he has always appreciated, and lets Gon know how valuable he is. Hurt or not, he always wants what's best for Gon. To cheer him up, to put his mind at ease.
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And now that things have gotten more peaceful, they both decided that's what they focus on, on how valuable the other is. How much they enjoy each other's company and how hard it is to go their separate ways.
Even what Ging says about "What I was I looking for isn't what I ended up valuing" parallels their arrangement.
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This is the end of their journey to travel the world in search of Ging, and the Chimera Ant disaster will definitively mark them, but they are still friends, and proud of it!
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Which brings me to Killua's "you're number two" claim.
Personally, I do not believe he is being literal or trying to measure their value when he claims his sister is No.1. He just doesn't want to put too much pressure on Gon when he can tell Gon is still beating himself over how he treated Killua.
Palms's "You're the most important person to Gon" speech broke Killua, it crushed him with pressure, and it wasn't even Gon himself saying. Imagine how bad Gon would feel if Killua said "You're my most important person" or showed in any way how highly he holds Gon after the way Gon had snapped at him.
Add in how Gon already feels indebted to Killua, who had witnessed Gon destroy himself over his debt to Kite, and how hard it is for Gon to let Killua go... I can understand why Killua would want to downplay the situation as much as possible. Make it easier on Gon.
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I don't want to downplay Alluka's importance to Killua though, she is the main reason they separate, the one that gives Killua confidence to turn his back on Gon despite how sad they look about diverging their paths, and makes Killua keep going.
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Killua had nothing he wanted for a while. Now he wants to take Alluka and Nanika to travel the world, and while Gon is amazing and fun, he is also deeply intertwined with danger.
And Killua already has a lot of danger on his hands.
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He needs a break from danger. From stress.
He can't protect Alluka and Nanika, while keeping an eye on Gon in their usual adventures. And he can't let himself go wild with Illumi on the hunt.
His priority is to keep Alluka safe and happy. Show her a taste of freedom and all the fun he knows exists out there.
And Killua is emotionally smart too, for as much as he is attached to Gon, I think he does realize they need time away. They will see each other again, they promised.
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but right now they are too dependent.
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((The movie ain't even out yet but here I am-))
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• The big bad turtle monster falls in love easily. When he first laid eyes on you, he knows you're the one for him. His one true love.
• Bowser doesn't have a type, he generally goes for anyone whoever he deems a perfect partner for him.
• Does NOT take "no" for an answer from you. If you try to resist or ignore his advances, he will forcefully take you as his. Stealing you away in the middle of the night on a flying ship. Luckily, two Italians lend a hand to help set you free.
• If you agree to advancements like his gifts and terrible cheesey poetry, Bowser will be head over heels for you even more than he was before. Someone FINALLY loves him back! Oh great joy! Bowser might just not destroy another kingdom for a while ;)
• Bowser will take you on extravagant and expensive dates. He'll take you to dinner, an amusement park, a museum, anything! Your wish is his command. Bowser only wants to make you happy. The dates always have to be perfect. Always. If something goes wrong, say the waiter forgets your drink or someone accidentally bumps into you, Bowser will flip his lid. He'll start shouting that to the person that they're ruining his date. You have to hold him back from hurting the poor bystander.
• You're the only one who can calm him down. If Bowser is having a temper tantrum or a fit, you have to comfort him before he destroys the whole castle. He quickly lightens up whenever you're around. Dropping one of his poor servants and going to you like Bowser is your lap dog. The best way to calm Bowser is to let him lay his head in your lap as he grumbles about what's been bothering him. Usually, something about the koopa troopas or the Mario brothers.
• Wants LOADS of kids. TONS. Bowser had always desired a big family when he was younger. So, be prepared for a bunch of little ones keeping you up at night or having to separate fights. Ah, but you'll love them regardless.
• No question asked, he is the big spoon in bed.
• Bowser will sing for you during one of your many romantic dates. He did a whole concert for you at one point! And he'll do it again. If you're into music too, Bowser is going to want you to sing and preform with him. You can't say no to him, he'll beg you too.
• Depending on who you are as a person, Bowser might become better or worse. If you're good, he'll try to do good things for you. Like stop invading other kingdoms and learn to control his temper. It'll be a drastic change from who he originally was. Bowser would do it because he loves you very much. Heck, he might even apologize to the Mario brothers and peach but don't get your hopes up now. If you're bad, mamma mia, you're essentially encouraging his behavior. Bowser will destroy an entire civilization to make you happy! Steal goods and jewels, giving it to you as a present. He'd create a new galaxy and make you it's queen/king! You two are the worst villian couple known to exist.
• Bowser loves showing off for you. Whether it's proving his strength or how tough he is, Bowser wants to make sure that you know your "hot boyfriend" isn't scared of anybody.
• has the koopas build you a custom throne right next to his throne. He wants you to be with him at all times and he thinks it would make for a great birthday present.
• Bowser's partner only gets the best clothing, food, and jewelry throughout all the kingdoms. Feeling peckish for something sweet? His bakers will make you five layered cake of your favorite flavor. Perhaps wanting a new outfit? Bowser purchases the entire goddamn mall so you can have a shopping spree. Maybe feeling a bit cold? He's got you covered, just wrap your arms around him and you'll warm up soon enough. Bowser doesn't mind at all. He'll work in some new plans or arrangements while you hold him tightly.
• Kamek didn't like you at first but eventually grew to. As long as you make Bowser happy, he's happy.
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sasusakucoded · 5 months
Headcanon per sscoded number (1 to 100):
Sasuke uses his sharingan to learn regular chores (e.g. back massage).
Sakura looks at the ring that Sasuke gave her whenever she misses him.
Sasuke likes to be bathed by Sakura.
Sasuke falls asleep instantly when he's with Sakura.
Sasuke doesn't want to die in a battle because it will make Sakura sad again.
Sakura once told Sasuke that he can touch him anywhere and anytime and he takes it literally.
Sasuke visits Itachi's grave whenever he has free time and updates him about his own family.
Sakura initiated their first kiss absentmindedly.
Sakura still admires Sasuke's face that she stares at it when they sleep.
Sasuke loves slurping Sakura's tits.
Sasuke will always talk about Sakura and Sarada's strengths.
Sasuke loves hugs and cuddles.
Sarada studies Sasuke's hobbies so they can spend time together doing them.
If Sasuke likes something, Sakura will still wear it even if it causes her discomfort.
Sasuke believes that Sarada would love kawaii tomato more instead of kawaii peanut.
Sakura makes bitter chocolates for Sasuke for Valentines Day because he dislikes sweets.
Sasuke pretends to be sick when he wants attention and Sakura is well aware that he's faking it but will still give in.
Sasuke, as a touch-deprived person, likes being touched by Sakura very much.
Sasuke doesn't say I love you to his girls directly but has a way of letting them know via letters.
Sakura was not good at cooking at first but promised herself to be better for Sasuke and their future family.
They practice taijutsu together, which always ends up in a steamy fight.
Sasuke tried many times to create a ring for Sakura but failed, so he was surprised when he made a perfect one on the spot.
Sasuke loves tongue kissing.
Sakura always gives the best part of food to Sasuke (including her favorites).
Sasuke will never sing or dance unless it's for his wife or daughter.
Sasuke marks a dimension if it's beautiful enough for his family to have a vacation.
Sakura buys books for Sasuke and puts notes or reminders in random pages.
Sasuke makes sentimental gifts from his travels for Sakura.
Sakura asked Sai to create a photo album for Sasuke's younger years because he didn't have many photos.
Sakura loves making Sasuke moan.
Sakura sends song lyrics (oftentimes her favorite at the moment) to Sasuke when he's traveling alone.
Sakura hates it when she gets sick but loves it at the same time because Sasuke takes care of her.
Sasuke asked Aoda to take care of Sakura (and their daughter eventually).
Sakura's infinite tsukuyomi dream is to be with Sasuke and have their own family while Sasuke's dream is to have his family back (technically they're both living their dream).
Sakura will do something for Sasuke even if she hates it (e.g. bringing a bag).
Sarada asks Sasuke to buy her things from his travels and he complies all the time.
When there's an event that Sakura or Sarada wants to attend, Sasuke makes it a point to go home for it.
Sasuke has low tolerance to alcohol but even Sakura can't tend to him when he's wasted because in his head, his wife (unaware that Sakura is the one taking care of him) will get jealous.
Sasuke personally thanks anyone who has helped Sarada (regardless if it's small or big favor).
Sasuke loves to tease his wife by sending cropped pictures.
Sasuke and Sakura like to have evening tea outside their house and talk about random stuff.
Sakura's birthday present to Sasuke is coitus, so a year after that, they have Sarada.
Sarada loves giving sentimental and well thought-out gifts to Sasuke.
Like a normal couple, Sakura would ask Sasuke silly questions and he would respond to her with sillier answers just to make her happy.
For the first time after a long time, someone takes care of Sasuke from his clothes to paperwork, which he's truly grateful for.
Sakura didn't want to assume that they're together officially because they had no label but to Sasuke they're already a couple when they traveled together.
The ninja ranking is a running joke in the Uchiha household because they have a jonin, chunin, and genin in the family.
Sakura was worried that their baby will take after her (i.e. no kekkei genkai) but Sasuke assured her that it's fine if ever that happens.
Sasuke doesn't like it when guys (like patients) give Sakura random gifts, so he destroys them and replaces them with the same kind that has a huge Uchiha crest.
When Sakura and Sarada go shopping, they find themselves buying more things for Sasuke.
Sakura had odd cravings during her pregnancy and Sasuke made/bought them regardless of the time.
Sakura makes the best bento (i.e. complete meal with all his faves) for Sasuke's travels.
Sasuke and Sakura's favorite sleeping positions are anything intimate or any position that touches the other person's body.
Sasuke and Sakura have tried many sex positions and enjoy learning new ones.
Sasuke didn't ask Sakura to come with him for his atonement journey for the 2nd time because he automatically assumed she's coming with him.
Sasuke likes doing husband and dad duties when he's home.
It was unclear to Sasuke what he was trying to achieve in his atonement journey at first until he realized that he needed to forgive himself. ||| Sasuke hates it when people downplays Sakura's abilities. [Yes there are two sscoded no 57 because I'm dumb]
Sasuke missed the fun when he was a kid because all he did was train, so Sakura and Sarada try their best to heal his inner child.
Sasuke sneaks food into Sakura's office when he feels she doesn't eat on time.
Sarada gets pranked by her parents every once in a while.
Sasuke is very clingy when he's alone with Sakura.
Sakura always compliments Sasuke and praises him to other people regardless if he's around or not.
Sasuke rarely compliments anyone but he's very generous with his commendations when it comes to Sakura.
Sakura wanted to be put under genjutsu (like what Itachi did to Izumi) when they get older but realized it's unfair for Sasuke to be left alone.
Even if he's a bit inhibited because of his left arm, Sasuke likes to build training equipment for Sarada.
Sasuke enjoys any form of bonding (e.g. listening to their stories, watching them sleep, etc) with his girls.
Sakura tries to be a wife and a mom as soon as she leaves the hospital but Sasuke assures her that it's okay to deal with whatever's bothering her (i.e. unfinished work) even if she's home.
Sasuke always finds his clothes full of pink hair (even the inner part because he invites Sakura into his cloak when she's cold).
When Sasuke and Sakura traveled together, he started getting hardons often when she got too close.
Sasuke was bothered that his wife's back hurt from carrying their baby all night and that Sarada cried like she was hurting, so he learned how to cradle her with one arm.
Sarada didn't know that every girl in the village liked her dad when he was young, so she's surprised whenever she sees women bother/flirt with him.
In his atonement journey, Sasuke realized that he has regrets when he left the village when Sakura tried to prevent him from going.
Sakura and Sarada do everyday things (e.g. peeling shrimp, cutting his steak, etc) that are difficult for Sasuke to do.
Sarada has seen her parents do the cliché sweet TV/drama moments of couples many times.
Sakura makes Sasuke use facial and body cream for his protection and wellness and Sasuke follows even if he hates sticky things.
No matter how many times Sarada has pranked Sasuke about the lipstick stain on his mouth, she still gets him and he would always try to wipe it away.
When Sasuke got back from his journey, he visited and stayed with Sakura for the night and nobody in the village knew.
Sasuke would do anything (like eating his most hated food, natto) to impress Sakura's parents.
Sarada thought that it's only her dad that had fangirls when he was young until she found out that Naruto, Rock Lee, and others had a crush on her mom too.
Sarada was with Sasuke when she had her first menstrual period and they both panicked.
Enemies don't take Sarada seriously because she's cute and looks nerdy until she uses the abilities she inherited from her parents.
Sakura plans trips for their family whenever her husband is available but Sasuke knows that she is very tired from work, so sometimes they just stay at home and cuddle.
Sasuke and Sakura have been caught doing the deed many times and Sasuke just erases the memory of whoever saw them.
Sakura would send random lyrics to Sasuke via a hawk whenever she misses him.
Sasuke wants to help with the grocery but he always ends up buying too many or too little of something.
Sasuke as a dad is very proud of Sarada's achievements but he keeps it to himself and celebrates silently.
Sasuke and Sakura found a way to communicate using codes.
Whenever people praise Sarada's skills, Sakura is quick to say it's because of her Uchiha blood but Sasuke thinks it's because she takes after Sakura.
Sasuke and Sarada bond over books.
Sasuke makes the simplest passwords which makes Sarada frustrated, only to find out her mom is the same.
Sakura rarely gets jealous but sometimes she does and when Sasuke feels it, he assures her that there's nothing to be jealous about.
Sarada couldn't imagine Sasuke being chatty with anyone including Sakura until she heard them talk about random things for hours.
Sasuke is awful at surprises because it's so obvious when he's taking notes about his girls' likes and wishes.
When Sasuke says, "you forgot something," Sakura assumes it's a kiss but usually it's something else.
Sasuke has seen Sakura's memory when he was away (i.e. her fight against Sasori, healing Kankuro, etc) using his sharingan and became prouder of her.
Sasuke wants to make it up to Sarada, so whenever she wants to spend time with him, he makes sure to cancel whatever previous plan he has.
Sasuke had separation anxiety when he had to leave his family and the only thing that kept him going is the letters he got from Sakura.
When Sasuke has a mission in a new location, he checks it out for any medical advancement to share info with his wife.
Sasuke will do any of Sarada's requests including the cringiest things (like singing).
Sasuke proposed many times and erased almost all of them from Sakura's memory because he wanted it to be perfect.
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umbra-mayhem · 1 month
OCD!Simon "Ghost" Riley
I have ocd and I can't stop thinking about Simon Riley, so I'm making him suffer like me :/
(tw: SH)
He'll lay in bed for hours analyzing and scrutinizing every action he took during the last op. False memories plague him, his mind trying to convince him that he killed that kid instead of saving her or that the enemy he shot was actually a civilian or one of his own. It's especially difficult when he has vivid nightmares about doing horrible things. He'll wake up and struggle to tell if what he remembers is a dream or something he actually did.
He doesn't speak much. Not because he doesn't have a lot to say, but because he overanalyzes and obsesses over anything that comes out of his mouth. He's so worried about hurting people with his words or saying the wrong thing, so one of his compulsions is to just avoid speaking unless absolutely necessary.
His teammates probably assume that he wears gloves all the time because he doesn't like germs, but that isn't it. Rather, he's convinced that he himself is morally tainted and that anything or anyone he touches will become tainted as well. It takes a long time for Ghost to believe that he won't ruin Soap by touching him with his bare hands.
He's also afraid to touch his teammates because he is convinced that any touch he gives will hurt the other person, regardless of if he wants to hurt them or not. So fighting out on the field isn't a problem. But any casual, friendly, romantic, or sexual touch that he gives is stressful and causes him to obsess and overanalyze. So he tends to avoid it. Which especially becomes a problem when he meets Soap and wants to touch that man constantly.
Being touched is difficult for Ghost too. Again, it doesn't really bother him in fights; he's a bit too preoccupied with not dying. But those casual, friendly, romantic, and sexual touches...those are harder. For a long time, Soap thought Ghost was touch averse. But eventually he realizes (either through Ghost telling him or just through astute observation) that Ghost needs everything mirrored. Once he begins balancing the touches he gives on both sides of Ghost's body, Soap discovers that the man is desperate for contact. He just needs it to be even.
Ghost has also trained himself to be an ambidextrous fighter. He can handle all of his weapons skillfully with either hand. He doesn't favor a side when he fights. This is partly to ensure his need for things to be even. But he's also convinced that if his strength or skill becomes unbalanced, he will not fight effectively and will die. He'll even go so far as to try to mirror the injuries he gets on ops just to make sure his body stays balanced, even though that ultimately weakens him overall.
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drbased · 1 month
Does it ever make you ever feel depressed that men have more variation in IQ? That means even though there will always be more male idiots, there will also be more male geniuses. So women can excel in any field, but a man will almost always be the "best" in it. It just makes me feel inferior every time I think about it, way more than strength difference does. Not only that, but they also have higher variation in all types of brain structure. That would mean men are naturally more diverse, personality-wise.
Sometimes I get into these negative thought processes about stupid shit and it totally consumes me. This is my latest one... Please help
Well firstly, IQ is a completely fake concept designed specifically for eugenicist purposes. You can train for an IQ test, your score can change depending on the day, and your score doesn’t mean anything apart from how good you are at IQ tests. It’s not a measure of intelligence, and ‘intelligence’ isn’t real anyway - as in, there is no such quality of uniform intelligence. I think it stands to reason that the highest IQ scores will be from men, because the tests are constructed around a fundamentally male world-view and value system as well as a white one. And that is what depresses me more - that ‘intelligence’ is viewed as some innate quality that only oppressors can possess so they can prove that they deserve their place in a meritocracy. It’s like that controversy about men winning more at Jeopardy than women - the world is structured around male interests and values, so men achieve in mainstream contests and use that to retroactively justify the legitimacy of those values and interests in the culture.
I’m less interested in the concept of a man beating a woman at certain activities because of him being smarter than her, than I am about him beating her because he's socialised from a young age into enjoying and valuing those activities - but also often regardless of his actual performance, he's also by default assumed to be better and more competent than her purely because he's a man. Take for example that study where when they did blind auditions for orchestras, men still got in more than women, but when they put carpeting down so women's heels couldn't be heard, there was finally a more equal ratio of women getting in. Or those studies where identical CVs given out and names that are typical of women, black people etc. get seen as less competent than those with male and white names.
We don't live in a world where we can objectively measure men's 'natural' abilities at anything psychological. But we do live in a world where we know that women's skills are massively undervalued - women have all sorts of intelligences that make the world run round; we're excellent negotiators, we're less violent, we're great at remembering, we have greater compassion, we make good leaders, we are more responsible, we have greater tact, we are safer in the workplace, we're more conscious of social issues and the environment, etc. etc. And none of what we have is seen as 'intelligence'; in fact, quite the opposite - many of our intelligences are dismissed outright as sentimentality and pearl-clutching.
Once again, though, I don't believe these traits are uniform across all women, or that they're 'natural' to us, just as men's traits aren't 'natural' to them. In the nature-nurture debate, there are too many factors in nurture that can't be realistically measured - and I have a suspicion that for many, feminists included, simply saying that men and women naturally possess certain traits is an easier narrative to swallow, because for many women the fear exists that if men can be socialised to be better, then dismissing them as evil would be morally wrong. But I don't think people need to be intrinsically, ontologically evil for us to dismiss them as oppressors - I simply judge by behaviour, which is more measurable.
Going back to intelligence, I think it's also worth saying here that women are socialised into not recognised or appreciating our skills, and to partake in behaviours that psychologically hobble us. Take for example in that orchestra study - under a feminist lens, wearing heels is a form of hobbling that's both literal and psychological. The woman is performing a feminine ritual, wearing a physically debilitating item that submissively marks her as a woman. Not to say that she would be respected more if she was gnc, but I find it interesting how women accidentally lost their spot on the orchestra in the study because their performative clothing made them noisier and easier to recognise as women. And on top of that, we have stereotype threat - there was a study done where men and women were performing some sort of test, and in one half they were in normal clothes, and the second they were in swimwear. In the second one, women performed more poorly than they did in the first, and men saw no change. Once again, we have two inexorably interlinked factors at play, here - women's swimwear is not built for utility but rather to be sexy, and women's bodies are considered inherently sexual; that's not to say that if women were wearing men's swimwear they'd do better at the test, but rather women are socialised to be self-conscious of themselves but also expected to show more skin - we're expected to dumb ourselves down in the name of being sexy.
The upside in all of this is that the moment you recognise that these things aren't set in stone, and rather that these are all skills you can develop if you gain confidence in yourself, you develop a robust sense of self that you can be comfortable and happy with regardless of external measure of male-approved success. I, for example, found confidence in myself and my writing, and now I'm finding success and getting praise online by women on tumblr. It seems you're best finding yourself environments surrounded by other women, especially feminist-minded women who are consciously choosing to fight against established biases by valuing the skills of women that are undervalued by society. Devaluing male interests and achievements in your own head is something you can also do, and I once again recommend feminist spaces as an excellent opportunity to de-program (obligatory plug for my side blog @learningwomanhood where I do exactly that).
For me, the biggest wisdom to be gained from feminism is the psychological distancing yourself from male thought - the more things you reject that you once unthinkingly believed to be normal, the more you feel that you can truly be human, vibrant, unconstrained; and the more silly the whole enterprise of patriarchy looks. It's not nice that rejecting patriarchy means rejecting mainstream society, but the older you get the more you realise that you simply can't dwell on these things and instead have to do what benefits you within it; nobody is owed a perfect existence, and once you realise that you have to choose a life for yourself and choose to be happy with that, your life will be much more comfortable. In the end, life is all about the gestures of love you make to yourself and others. When you realise that it's your job to be your own best friend, you can carry that energy with you your whole life; you will be inpenetrable because all that matters to you, no matter what situation you're going through or what hell you're in, is that you made decisions that showed love to yourself. That could be considered a form of intelligence - perhaps wisdom itself is a form of intelligence that is devalued specifically because it's female-coded. But wisdom sounds like nothing until you internalise it - all the language in the world can't seem to really get to its essence until something inside you clicks and you understand it.
One thing I would like to say is that those negative thought processes you have are not stupid: they are a valuable part of your processing of the world and are worth attention. We have this cultural idea that with regards to mental health, the parts of us that are 'real' and 'valid' and 'truly us' are all the good parts, and the negative thought processes and patterns of behaviour are like cancerous tumours that need to be artifically removed. One of the best things I ever did for myself is to take myself seriously - because that's my prerogative, as myself and my own best friend. The only thing 'bad' thing about those thought processes is that they cause you distress; that's it. So, then, it's up to you to decide how much you want to indulge in them. I find the best way to really tackle unpleasant behavioural patterns is to simply do them shamelessly, because clearly a part of you wants to do them anyway; one of the first ways I got out of my depressive spirals was to decide that I was going to do all the depressive actions (stay in bed, eat junk food etc.) but simply embrace that those are things I want to do and not feel guilty or sad about it. That way, the depression hasn't consumed me and instead I have made a choice - I have reformed my relationship with myself as an active agent and a made a choice to show love for myself through the gesture of taking my desires seriously, not dismissing them as 'mentally ill'. I could go on but the point is that all of your head is necessarily you - as in, it doesn't come from anywhere else but you, and therefore all of it should be respected and valued. Mainstream society won't tell you that - there's always supposed to be a limit, there's always something that's 'unhealthy' in some sort of metaphysical sense, there's always a part of you that's supposed to be beholden to some external standard, that keeps you feeling insecure and needing validation. But there is no true objective measure of a healthy mind; the only thing that matters is if you're comfortable with yourself, and you can always make gestures of love to yourself regardless of your situation.
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cursedvibes · 6 months
Gonna ignore the second part of the chapter and just focus on Uraume and Hakari for a second.
I really like how their fight is shaping up and that both of them seem to at least respect the other and appreciate what they bring to the table. Seems to be kinda a trend recently that an unlikely duo is bonding through a fight in the corner, while everyone else is busy with Sukuna.
I like that we again come back to the (Heian era) understanding of what makes a jujutsu sorcerer and a person that is more than just strong. We first got the statement about shedding your humanity and attachments to become something greater from Takako and now Uraume is essentially saying the same thing (it seems to have been a common understanding among curse users in the Heian era, but I wonder if the two ever met or talked directly; Takako's view seems informed by her encounter with Sukuna after all).
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This is implies that at least Uraume thinks Hakari has approached the same level of Sukuna and them because he has the mindset that allows him to go beyond human capabilities. What I like about this is how it compares Hakari and Yuuta.
Yuuta has been born with great talent that meant he never had to struggle much in terms of skill. He is related to one of the big clans and he says himself, he is blessed. Yet his entire self-worth is reliant on how others perceive him. His life is tied to a girl he had a crush on when he was 10 and a couple of friends that are his sole motivation to live on. It was already pointed out during his fight against Takako that he just can't comprehend that you could live for yourself and not for the sake of others and those attachments are holding him back. I really hope he gets meaningfully challenged on this eventually because right now he can't even see what is wrong with his approach to life (not just for becoming a stronger sorcerer but also for a better mental state).
Hakari on the other hand was born with a modern cursed technique that made him victim of discrimination by the higher-ups and Jujutsu Tech because they see his existence as a threat to tradition. Due to being pushed out by the people who were supposed to support him, he build up his own network and became very self-reliant. Nothing was handed to him, he was not blessed like Yuuta and yet he is the one who is capable of moving beyond that limit of being merely strong and finding something that might be a very destructive self-actualisation?
He is similar to Sukuna and Uraume, although at this point not nearly as sadistic and ruthless (but he's also a lot younger). It has been implied before that Sukuna was born as an outcast from society, likely due to physical deformities and/or being a conjoined twin, and he had to build up his strength on his own. The same might be true for Uraume. Both outcasts, but sticking together. They both say they have a disregard for others, but they clearly appreciate each other and like to spend time together. It is reminiscent of how Hakari and Kirara left Jujutsu Tech to create their own fight club and more importantly build their own future regardless of what the higher-ups think of them. All three (or four with Kirara) do not fit into conventional society and have been pushed out, but decide to live on their own terms and have a selective group of people by their side who they care about.
Lastly, what Sukuna, Takako and Uraume mean with "leaving behind your humanity" could also refer to how society views them. In the eyes of others they are no longer human, no matter what they do, be it due to birth or skills (and also indiscriminate killing but that is less important in regards to how they view themselves), and they have resolved to embrace that aspect and make it their strength. Hakari is the same way in how he created his own place outside of Jujutsu Tech and is trying to build up his fight club.
It's unclear at this point what Hakari's stance on this is. Seeing how he talks about what Yuuta told him of his encounter with Takako, he just thinks this whole speech about humanity and losing or keeping it is overrated, which seems like a good stance to take. He goes with the flow and does what he likes and thinks is right and he doesn't care how others might judge it. Currently, he seems to have a much more realistic approach to Sukuna and Uraume's mindset. He doesn't claim that he doesn't care about anybody, just that he is very selective about it. Basically, he's being less edgy about the whole thing.
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Definitely intrigued how this will go and how both Uraume's and Hakari's mindsets might be affected by this fight.
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incesthemes · 2 months
the thing that drives me most insane about dean's violation via michael (rape) is exactly that sam has already experienced that same violation over and over again. meg, lucifer, gadreel, crowley, all lined up to possess him (and this isn't even counting all the other ways a person can be violated insofar as a rape metaphor goes—see angels fondling sam's soul in season 11 or lack thereof, in season 6, or perhaps going so far back as azazel's assault on baby sam). it's an intimate and vulnerable experience that sam has largely shouldered on his own, repressed and ignored and "dealt with" by not dealing with it for somewhere well over a decade or even his whole life. it's not discussed openly because neither sam nor dean have the emotional intelligence to work through this trauma, together or alone, and so it becomes an elephant in the room: unspoken and unavoidable, but something sam can't even begin to heal from because it's always there and the pain is always being refreshed and renewed.
that violation is something that has made sam uniquely isolated and vulnerable across the years. as a consequence, it's something that separates sam from dean: they have fundamentally different experiences which shapes their actions and reactions and keeps a wedge, a point of conflict, between them.
but as of season 14, this is no longer the case. dean still hasn't experienced living his whole life feeling unclean and impure, but he's "gotten a taste" of it all, so to speak. he spent weeks drowning, and he's finally in a position to truly empathize with his brother regarding this heinous violation. the wedge has been driven free, and sam recognizes this. they can merge ever closer because they've both been victims of rape, they both understand how it feels, how it destroys you, how it never really leaves you and how you will have to carry that with you forever.
what's particularly interesting about the whole thing is how dean shuts down and refuses to talk to sam about it. it's indicative of his need to both maintain control over his life and sam's, but it's also indicative of his need to remain sam's protector. he can't do that if he's weak or vulnerable, and he can't do that if he's equal to sam. regardless of the efforts they've both made to become equals in their relationship over the years, dean's instinctual reaction is that he needs to be stronger than sam because that's how he was raised, that's what he was conditioned to believe. the strong protect the weak, and sam is weak so he has to be strong. this comes up occasionally as a conflict, but it's especially interesting to see it so prominently displayed as a natural reaction to being raped. it shows how much he's taken his strength for granted, and it shows that he can't actually cope with his own weakness.
he scrambles for purchase, for literally anything he can use to feel secure again, and he refuses to talk to sam about it because talking would be admitting to his vulnerability. he can't do that, especially not in front of sam, because he's supposed to be the protector. and if he's vulnerable, then he needs protecting, and that means he can't fulfill his obligation to his father, to sam, to himself. if he's genuinely sam's equal, if they're both victims of rape, then there is no one to protect either one of them from further violations. this is the realization dean can't admit because it drops the floor out from under him and destroys his entire worldview. when kaia tells him that he's weak, dean has to push the acknowledgment out by force because it's admitting something he desperately doesn't want to—and he has to do it in front of sam. he has to verbally recognize, in front of the guy he's spent his whole life protecting, that he's not as strong as his rapist, that he couldn't protect himself, that he's a victim. that there are things in this world he can't keep sam or himself safe from. it's the worst-case scenario.
it's the whole reason he was so desperate to find kaia's weapon in the first place. because he thinks if he can just get his hands on that spear, he'll be able to escape his fear and vulnerability and become strong again. he needs to become strong again. he can't cope with the feelings inside of him, the residue of grace left over in his bloodstream defiling him, making him unclean. he's been beaten and broken and killed, but he's never been raped. he's never been made to feel that humiliating powerlessness, the invisible scar that reminds you viscerally how weak you really are. the same one that sam has carried with him forever. they're connected now through their rape, a bond of trauma they have to shoulder together. it brings them closer in the worst way, and it makes them true equals again (dean can't handle this). it melds them together because they empathize. they understand how it feels, mutually, together. it's an intimacy they've lacked before and can now share, to merge their souls further through their experiences.
dean can never return to a state of purity, and that rot that will forever be inside him brings him closer to sam. may they rot together <3
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adobe-outdesign · 5 months
geodude line review pls plus the alolan forms
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Geodude is a rock with a face and arms. Which is great if you like rocks with faces and arms. It's not my favorite rock creature (I'm more of a Roggenrola person myself), but it is simple and straightforward, and the concept of a boulder creature that rolls around to move is pretty fun. Not much to talk about visually, other than it being a very low-contrast design. Also, I like the segmented mouth.
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Graveler always seemed like just a better Geodude to me. It's the same premise—monotone boulder creature that rolls around with a face and arms—but they do an interesting thing by making the face smaller, adding a ridged, craggy area above said face, and giving it not one, but two sets of extra limbs. It adds a lot of interest and fleshes out the premise while not really changing anything too drastically. Surely the next evolution will be even better, right?
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Nope, never mind.
I mean, I don't hate Golem—the reptilian features are interesting and provide a unique twist on the basic rock monster model, and hey, it's at least unique. But it does undeniably come out of the left field, sporting a higher-contrast body, a separate head and limbs, and reducing the number of said limbs down to four.
I've heard a lot of speculation as to why, but most of it is just that, baseless speculation. The most likely reason is that it's a Blastoise situation, wherein two separate rock creatures got merged early in development to avoid repetition. Regardless, that doesn't make it work any better with the rest of the line.
Also, as a design itself, I can't help but not like it as much as Graveler anyway. The head makes it impossible to roll despite the 'dex claiming otherwise, and the overall design is just less coherent. Like I said, the reptilian parts are interesting, but that's about all it has going for it.
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Alolan Geodude is actually pretty solid. It drops the rock/ground typing (which I always found confusing anyway; what about the original justified it being ground?) in favor of rock/electric, represented by adding some magnetic shavings to the body.
These shavings really help the design, mostly because they greatly increase the contrast and help break things up without over-complicating anything. Those big 'ol black eyebrows just feel right, and the addition of "hair" is fun.
In addition, this design also makes the body more of a gray color (once again, fits with the dropped ground typing) and reduces the hands down to two mitten-like structures, which does feel good given the shape of the body. Overall, a solid improvement across the board.
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Unfortunately, things go downhill a bit when we get to A. Graveler. The eyebrows still look great, and I like the little shavings that accent the head ridge as well. It still retains the similar mitten-like hands, the shape of which now really compliment said head ridge.
However, it randomly adds these yellowish-orange crystals all over its body, which I just do not get. They compete too much with the shavings, and they feel like an afterthought. I guess the idea was to add more color to the design? But they already fixed the low-contrast issue with the shavings. Maybe they wanted yellow to hint at the electric-typing more? Who knows. Either way, the design would look much better without them.
Also, for some reason it goes back to a brownish color instead of retaining the cooler gray of A. Geodude. Why? The gray not only looked better, but further helped with the contrast, and dropping it just reduces the line's coherency.
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And A. Golem... yeah no, never mind.
The shavings have progressed from body hair to a straight-up beard, which is fine, I guess, though something about the body hair kind of worked; maybe it's just because it added to the "strength" idea with Graveler's bare arms, whereas the beard just feels random.
However, the beard wouldn't be too bad in and of itself... except they also added a giant rail gun to its back. It's just like, what? Why?? Where did that come from? I know that it's electric-type, but there was no thematic build-up to this (unless you count the inside yellow crystals from Graveler). It competes way too much with the beard, and makes the overall concept harder to disconcern.
Also, even putting that aside, the colors are really muddied here (still retaining the brownish color while using three different shades of gray/brown, none of which are high enough contrast), and it has these really weird baby arms. The simplified toes look good at least, and I do like the extra definition added to the face with the eyebrow ridges, but this really does not work as a whole. Which is a shame, because A. Geodude was a fantastic start.
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As a whole, the original line is simple but effective, bogged down only by the sharp turn into Golem. The Alolan line starts off strong and tries to improve the design a bit, but unfortunately gets bogged down with too many details as it goes on.
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mysteryshoptls · 1 year
SSR Leona Kingscholar Beastly Garb Personal Story: Part 3
"Whatever I feel like doing."
(Part 1) (Part 2) Part 3
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[Sunset Savanna]
Leona: Who woulda thought there'd come a time I'd be driving this many people in my car.
Vil: Are we distracting you? If that's the case, you should have just arranged for another car.
Leona: Well, we can't do that, now can we?
Leona: Regardless of how I act, I'm still a prince here.
Leona: If I said I wanted to head out of the capital by car, it'd summon one of the royal family's chauffeurs.
Leona: But, it'd be terrible of us to have them drive every which way when they're already so busy, don'tcha think?
Leona: That's why there's no other choice but for me to take the wheel.
Leona: How thoughtful of me? Oh, I know. But I'm used to driving, so no need to rush to compliment me further.
Vil: You went and got the car so you would be able to leave Kifaji-san behind. And you still said all that with a straight face.
Vil: Well, I'm willing to believe only where you say you're "used to it," though.
Leona: Hey, hey, don't pick and choose just one thing I said like that.
Vil: I mean, you're so good at driving, yet no one knows you can, right?
Vil: Sage's Island is rather small. If you were to drive around the island, someone is bound to see you.
Vil: Similar to how we sometimes see Crewel-sensei driving around in his bright red classic car.
Vil: So you basically cultivated your driving skills here in Sunset Savanna, yes?
Leona: Who knows. I'll leave it to your imagination.
Vil: Well, despite your usual laziness, you leapt at the chance to drive. There's no way you don't like driving.
Vil: And yet, the fact that you never did on Sage's Island could only mean…
Vil: You hid it because you felt it would be troublesome if anyone knew. You really are such an incorrigible man, hiding what skills you have, like this.
Leona: I think you got the wrong idea, there… I'm not hiding it, or whatever.
Leona: There was a car on Sage's Island that I could just take whenever, sure, I'd totally do something like take my precious club members into the town, no prob.
Vil: Again, just speaking with out feeling, as always. Oh, also…
Leona: Just drop it, Vil. Also, hey, Kalim, Lilia and [Yuu], be prepared to get out soon.
Leona: We're almost there.
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[Sunset Savanna – Arena]
―After the Catch the Tail victory
Kalim: Ahahah! Who woulda thunk we'd get this kind of victory parade!
Kalim: Tamashina-Mina was an amazing celebration!
Lilia: You're right. This was definitely a great trip ♪
Lilia: This memory will definitely last a lifetime. …And that includes this final ride, too.
Vil: We had just gotten a wonderful victory, but apparently we can't even finish this with elegance.
Leona: All of you need to just shut it. Just close your mouths before you bite your tongue off.
Leona: We're off. Time to leave this lame festival behind!
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[Sunset Savanna]
Kalim: There's so much rain. There's so many tiny rivers starting to flow in the savannah.
Leona: Well, the rainy season's here now. The scenery around here'll change soon enough.
Kalim: Oh, cool. But anyway, Catch the Tail was sooo fuuuun. Sunset Savanna is sooo awesome!
Vil: True. There were a few moments of frustration, but… Now that it's over, I suppose the experience as a whole wasn't too terrible.
Lilia: Those royal guards we faced in the last round were splendid as well. I could really feel the strength of this country's convictions.
Leona: …
Lilia: Oh? There's a huge puddle ahead of us.
Vil: It doesn't seem like we'll be able to avoid it. Shouldn't you drop your speed a little?
Lilia: We're getting closer to the puddle with every breath.
Lilia: Leona, hurry and brake…
Leona: …
Vil/Lilia/Kalim: EH!!?
Vil/Lilia/Kalim: GAAAAAAH!!!
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Vil: Why'd you just slam into the puddle like that!? That shocked me!!
Lilia: Ahahah! That was exciting, Leona. I commend you on being able to surprise me like that!
Kalim: That was a huge water spray! All that mud came so high and even got on Vil's face! Ahahah!
Vil: That's nothing to laugh about! All of my makeup has been ruined.
Leona: Don't throw a fit. You never know, there might be one or two beautifying effects in the Sunset Savanna mud.
Vil: Where did your driver's common sense even go!?
Vil: You were such an exemplary driver with decency yesterday…
Vil: But today, you've had no consideration for your guests at all as you drive!
Leona: Common sense, decency, consideration…
Leona: Aren't you the ones who said I had none of that in the first place?
Lilia: That's… Oh, are you talking about from back when you invited us?
Vil: Are you serious? Were you just holding that as a grudge the whole time?
Leona: No? In fact, I actually agree with you.
Leona: I think… Having to give the Sunset Warriors "Guardianship Lesson," these old customs, and all the old men who cling to these things…
Leona: They're all so stupid!
Vil/Lilia/Kalim: GAAAAAAH!!!
Lilia: Ahahah! I bet all the nearby animals are also all startled too. This is a hoot!
Kalim: This is amazing… I've… I've never been in a car that shook this hard…!
Kalim: It's so heart-pounding, I love it!
Vil: Leona! I'd like it if you didn't use us to relieve your stress!
Leona: Keh… Hahaha! Just looking at all your ridiculous reactions's really making me feel better.
Leona: I always thought that it'd be great to just jump in a car by myself and drive wherever, but…
Leona: I guess it's not too bad to have loudmouths like this ride me with sometimes.
(Part 1) (Part 2) Part 3
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murdermepeacefully · 5 months
Brahms Heelshire Headcanons
Honestly I'm not sure why it took me so long to do Brahms, given I've been writing him since mid 2022. But I've been really vibing Slasher Headcanon posts lately, and today, it's his turn!
As always, these are of course my own personal opinion, but feel free to reblog, add onto them, ask questions about them, or add them to the ones you accept yourself! I absolutely love hearing from others on their thoughts.
Headcanons from the Movie:
The Greta doll [Or the Nanny doll, for fics or content where the nanny is an OC or the reader] was never intended as anything dark/kinky/etc. It was simply Brahms mirroring how he'd seen affection shown towards him. I went into this in more detail on this post, if you're interested.
While he doesn't have the ability/time to do things like take care of his hair or shave, he does shower when the nanny is outside doing the rat traps.
When he can risk it, he'll sneak his clothes in with the laundry, but that became more difficult once his parents left. He's sometimes able to manage it by putting a few things in with sheets/blankets, but more often than not he'll simply use the clothes his dad left behind when he needs something clean to wear.
Def a clingy boy. Likes being able to have some form of physical contact with his partner, or at least be able to see/hear them if he can't do that.
Sometimes doesn't understand things that one would expect an adult to know, simply because his parents didn't teach him. The best way to address moments like this is to correct any mistakes gently, and teach him what he needs to know. [This does not mean to treat him like a child, just be patient and don't use a judgmental tone.
Occasionally has trouble processing emotions, especially negative ones, due to his father having a 'men don't cry' mindset.
Headcanons from Fanfic or Fandom Interactions:
Once he's ready to do so, he's okay with being seen without his mask. Respecting the boundary of letting him decide when that happens is a great way to show you care/trust/love him.
Definitely nervous about leaving the property, but he can manage if he's not alone at first. Once he's been out with someone he trusts enough to adjust to things like the crowds, levels of noise, and the environments, he's ok with splitting up for short periods of time.
When he goes out, he wears a cloth mask to cover the lower half of his face, so that the scarring will draw less attention.
Random Headcanons:
He's 100% the big spoon, regardless of a partner's size. While he does enjoy being held, he prefers to do so when he's holding his partner at the same time.
Really loves having his hair played with, especially if combined with kisses or cuddles.
Dog person [Cats are too aloof, and he enjoys the energy dogs can have. They're also a good way to get him going outside in the fresh air again]
18+ Headcanons🌶️🔞:
Spicy Headcanons:
This man does not know his own strength, so do not be surprised at all if you have bruises in the shape of his hands.
Definitely a switch, because he can enjoy both being the one in control and the one being controlled.
Age Regression Headcanons: NOTE: I am not intending to say that age regression on it's own is spicy or kink. However, I feel it best to keep it under the 18+ cut.
One of his favorite modern children's shows is Bluey. This is partially due to the characters being dogs, partially because of the parenting dynamics shown, and partially because there are heavier/more adult topics addressed in a way that's easy to process/understand.
To add onto the above, if a nanny/partner sees him upset and prompts 'Checklist', he will recite off Chilli's checklist from the episode The Show, while allowing himself to do the items on it. It started as a way to help him address his emotions in a healthy way, but soon became something that helps both him and his nanny/partner, as he can do the same thing with them.
The checklist is as follows: ✓ Have a Cry ✓ Pick Myself Off ✓ Dust Myself Off ✓And keep going.
Likes doing coloring pages or other simple crafts, and will often proudly present his partner with the end result.
Loves it when they put it on the fridge where it can be on display.
They turn his childhood room into a 'Littlespace' room for him to go to whenever he like. This means painting the walls a soft, comforting color, putting soft rugs on the floor, adding prism window clings to the window to cast rainbows all about the room, a permanent pillow fort, and a TV with a DVD player and VHS player on a wheeled table that can be moved anywhere in the room, with a bookshelf full of movies from their childhood, as well as more modern ones.
One of their shared favorites is Quest For Camelot.
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ourbeloved1011 · 10 months
Grow tf up. It's been 4 years since that show finished. Yibo even removed it from his bio. Theres nothing wrong with liking a show but insisting on some delusional rpf that's harming actual people??
Hi Anon,
Thanks for spending your precious time dropping by & bravely leaving your not-so-kind comments anonymously (or should I say nasty & harsh for telling me to grow tf up) when this is OBVIOUSLY a fan blog dedicated to Yizhan. It's like you're knocking someone's door uninvited & forcing yourself to rudely barge in.
Well, there must be a good reason on why I've been purposely not hashtag individual artists' names in my posts & include only related tags & mention 'this is just my personal thoughts, CPN' to STAY IN MY OWN LANE - in my own bubble & space. This is to avoid from being discovered by people who's trying to 'start something' & serve as my own effort to protect the artists from being harmed by my words. I really despise unnecessary conflicts right when I've made myself clear on my dashboard that this is a shipper blog.
In simpler words, if you don't like it, it's not my problem. No one asked for your opinion, anon. You've got the wrong place to begin with. However, since you've dropped me an ask, let me enlighten you at the very least.
Before I start, here's some of translated versions of Xiao zhan's personal statement after the incident (which I refuse to elaborate more):
"Everyone has their own choices and freedom of expression. No matter if you like me or you hate, it's your personal right. Passion should be the source of strength for everyone. I hope that this passion doesn't exhaust or harm anyone."
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You can read the rest of his statement in my recent reblog or here: https://www.tumblr.com/ourbeloved1011/723921396167819264/xiao-zhans-previous-personal-statement?source=share
Here's my personal thoughts, again, CPN.
I couldn't agree more. It's crucial for everyone to take his words seriously and it's my wish to be what he wished for. I admire, respect & support both xiao zhan & yibo whole-heartedly. It's not fair for you to judge & say that this isn't fan love.
Bjyx is a fandom made up of different individuals. Not only bjyx, any fandom or group of people in this world will have the same concept.
Now, let's talk about generalization.
You can't simply generalize a group or fandom & labelling them as a whole harmful existence. Every fandom has their own good & toxic fans. You don't have any control over that. Surely, all kind of people exist in bjyx BUT same goes with solo fans. There's no exception.
It's like labelling the whole Wen clan as evil when you know very well that Wen Ning and Wen Qing aren't the same kind. In fact, they are Jiang clan's life savior. It's totally unfair.
"You should punish the people who bit you. Wen Qing & Wen Ning have never gotten their hands on anything bloody. Or do you want to execute a collective punishment?!" -The Untamed, Wei Wuxian-
Why do you need to be the exact same way as Jin's clan judgmental behavior? We never learn, we've been here before. I won't take any sides on which fandom need to be banned or which one is the 'real' supporter. Collective stereotype will never be the final answer.
I see two people in everyone. There's no point in proving this.
However, I do believe in one same group commonality. If you continuously act excessively, intentionally crossing all the boundary of morality & bring harm to others, you will belong to TOXIC FAN and ANTIs regardless of where you come from- either you are a bjyx fan or solo. I will not support any act of sexualizing & harassment behavior towards them. There's always a limit, visible lines & common sense to conduct & follow. Sadly, EXTREMISTs do exist everywhere.
Just like what xz been telling us, it's your personal right as long as your passion doesn't harm others. Joining bjyx is our right & passion to support them in our own way. Doesn't mean that you've the right to speak up or write anything that you see as 'the right way', you also have the right to blatantly disregard those who don't share the same view as yours. That's why the word RESPECT is there in life dictionary. Otherwise, human can't co-exist this long.
If you don't have anything good to say, you can just remain silent. If you can't accept & respect, just stay away & ignore. It's that simple.
I don't understand why people needlessly hurting others with their unnecessary hurtful choice of words that can leave permanent scars to others. I personally feel sorry for these people. I don't get it. I really want to understand- what's the real reason for you to be so mean & harsh & hateful? For example, telling people to grow tf up. Who are you to judge? I'm just chilling with myself without causing trouble to others.
In bjyx point of view, we just adore & admire the beautiful & deep connection that both of these guys have. It's rare to have someone that you can click so well instantly in life. We wish to support them against all the odd. That's all.
Ironically, people who freely generalize about other groups get upset & butthurt if someone generalizes about a group that they belong to. The thing is - everyone is an independent individual & fully responsible for their own actions.This is why it's important to mind our own business & stay in our own lane.
Back to your statement. Delusional fans. I'm not actually delusional. I'm very self-aware as a person. In fact, I started as someone who's neutral. It's for my own self-satisfaction to feed my curiosity. I've always been the kind that will find & dig further to know something better. It's my personal trait. I'm not blindly being a delusional fan without basis and accept every rumors I heard about them. I do observations, selectively choosing, analyzing & eventually come to a conclusion. So here I am.
If you claim us to be delusional, you can say whatever you want because your opinion doesn't represent or reflect us. Just a side note, I don't agree with those fans who are intentionally keep overanalyzing these two with every single thing they do each time. People may get annoyed by it. I can see where it's coming from. They are two different individuals with distinct originality & identity. Hence, I only believe in whatever solid reasons I personally chose & filtered to trust.
It's not my job to convince you that they're real & it's not your job to judge, raise doubts & throw hateful comments in what I believed in. No need to make others feel bad & depressed further with your painful remarks. This world is cruel enough to live in. We don't need to be liked but respecting us is not an option. Be kind.
Yes. Yibo removed it from his bio. So what? To be honest, I don't really care much about it. Friendly reminder. He removed not only the untamed but he removed ALL his dramas. Seriously, I don't see any issue. If anything, I would be grateful to Yibo for keeping the untamed there for so long.
Let me remind you of the scene where wei weixuan is forced into a situation with practicing demonic cultivation is his only option to protect himself & survive. Again, everyone is being so judgmental towards him, only to find out later- the real reason why he chose that path. My point is, don't assume something as if we know everything. Anything people put out to share is calculated. You're allowed to see things that they ONLY ALLOW you to see.
What do you mean by these shippers harming actual people? There are plenty pictures everywhere during Yuehua concert, the whole arena was mostly filled with bjyx fans led lights, yellow, green & red- all coming to support Yibo. Not only concert, they've been continuously supporting both of them in other projects and events in the past until today.
'True' fans won't bring any harm to the artist no matter how good their intention is. Boycotting isn't the answer. It brings more damaged to the artist than good.
Tell me. Who's gonna be there if it's not for them?
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Credits to respective owners. I don't own anything.
Yibo. Did they really bring harm to you?
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Credits to respective pic owners.
Really? What were you looking at?
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Credits to respective pic owners.
Few things to ponder:
If either xiao zhan or yibo hates bjyx & don't want any fans to associate them with each other, they would've addressed this many years ago to stop. Like how they made clear stand to some of other cps & supertopics. If you ask me for proof, again, you can just find them through my reblog posts. You can easily see them right away. That is, if you really care to read & bother to know.
Let me use back your words- It's been 4 years since the show finished- but the fandom is still standing strong & able to fill in the whole arena. Just to highlight, xiao zhan & yibo have zero public interaction together since the past few years but the numbers of new bjyx fan is still continue growing until today. The irony. How is this possible? For what reason? The normal cp fandom will eventually dies down once the main actors moving to the new project in the same year. Do you ever wonder what's the reason behind this fandom to stay this long for years? Both of them don't have any same project, no collaboration together. No promotion. Literally nothing. Then how? Funny isn't it?
It still remains mystery to think of why until today, xz & yibo never clarify & make statements to clear the air that they are just close friends. They can easily shut down the fandom in one go. Doesn't it bother you to be shipped with your own close friend for years if it's not the case? Well I do.
Also, why bjyx fans were not banned from entering the venue? Why their banners & led lights were allowed to go in? This is a sign that the existence of this fandom has never been denied. Or wait. Has this bjyx fandom been acknowledged indirectly?
People may find comfort in stanning both of them. Probably, it's the only source of joy in life to some. We never know. Don't be such an asshole trying to kill it. Spread love. Not hate.
Thanks anon for giving me the opportunity to rant :)
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s1nn0hh · 4 months
In Which Ark And Celebi Have A Chat
(The latest chapter of TPiaG had me really liking those conversation bits with ms. onion fairy and arky so here's another one-off fic starring these dastardly two. The Present is a Gift belongs to @sincerely-sofie)
The Future Trio decided to pay Twig a visit. Mainly to check out if she's been doing alright, and to bring her some of the food that Dusknoir made back home.
Celebi, being the energetic and tireless little onion she was, decided to check out the area near Verdant Village and spotted a forest nearby. She chose to bring Ark along for the walk, with the Pitch Black Pokemon choosing to tag along to breath some much needed air and to avoid the death glares from a certain grass type and a certain ghost type.
During their walk, the two conversed about various Mythical matters, nothing too important or zany.
"So you're telling me that you've met a Pokemon that claimed to 'be from space', who can also regenerate from every hit that is inflicted upon him?" Ark said, rather confused and a bit of hesitation in his tone as he was unsure if he should take Celebi's take wholeheartedly.
"Uh huh! He has a sick gem in his chest, and he can also 'change forms' as he called it! He was so cool, honestly! He also had a run in with that big dragon guy that lives reeeeally high up! Raycrocza, or whatever his name was. Me personally, I could also take on that guy, but I'd rather not have Grovyle and Dusknoir worried about me." Celebi explained ecstatically, being sure to fill Ark with every detail about her newest friend in a heartbeat.
"He certainly sounds peculiar. Didn't think I'd be possible to know someone from the worlds beyond." Ark nodded as he listened to Celebi's words carefully.
"Actually, speaking of Grovyle, what did you two talk about a few days ago? Grovyle still looks a bit shaken up from it. He insists that he's fine, but I know him long enough to know." Celebi asked, curiosity present in her tone as Ark Ark could only frown after having to remember that talk after hoping that he'd never have to bring it up again.
"Nothing too serious," Ark sighed heavily after having to muster up the courage to recollect their little conversation, much to his delight. "He only told me about how much he isn't rather happy because of my presence here, and that if I were to hurt Twig, he will personally put the "mortals can't kill legends" myth to the test and make sure that I die, slowly. I told him that he was welcome to try, and we went our own ways." Ark rolled his eyes at that last part, not trying to pay much attention to pay too much attention to Grovyle's threat. He glanced over to Celebi to see what her reaction was, and while she was silent for a moment, she nearly burst into laughter when he finished speaking.
"OHOHOHOHOHOHO! That's my darling Grovyle, alright! I'd have to warn you, he definitely have the strength to back up that claim!" Celebi happily spoke as she wiped the tears of joy off, leaving Ark a bit confused by her reaction.
"Well, he can put that strength back to his leaves if he wants. I have no intention of hurting Twig, that much I am sure of." Ark spoke sternly and seriously as he maintained eye contact with Celebi. Although something stirred inside him a bit, and since he was already at it, he may as well ask away.
"Actually, Celebi.. I have something to ask you, too."
"Oh, ask away! What is it?"
"How did Grovyle even meet Twig in the first place?"
Celebi was silent for a moment. While she definitely knew the answer to the question, it would be a rather bad move to disclose it with anyone, much less with the same Pokemon that traumatized Twig and wanted to plunge the world into darkness. Regardless, she knew of a way to share just about enough, while leaving out the 'unimportant parts'.
"Well, I don't remember it clearly, but I'll try my best. Basically, when he first came across her, Twig was all alone. No friends, no family, nothing. Grovyle took her along with him, and the two eventually became friends, and sooner or later, they saw each other as a family. She was his little fire breathing sister, and he was her weird big grass lizard brother who had the back posture of a shrimp. It was a bit beautiful, honestly." Celebi explained just how the two matter to one another, regardless of how much one of them thinks they've strained the friendship with the other, and Ark's expression changed to a rather sad and somber one as he took in her words.
"Why'd you ask, anyway?"
Ark sighed heavily yet again, not feeling very content with what he'll have to say. "I can't believe that I'm saying it out loud, but I wanted to see things from Grovyle's perspective. I care about Twig just as much as he does, but I suppose that rarely even matters when he was with her from a young age whereas I am only the major inconvenience that makes her so scared and afraid." Ark lowered his head in shame as the words that he spoke could only echo through his head and taunting him while they were at it. Celebi saw this unfold, and sought to help her friend out.
"Now now, darling. Being hard and heavy on yourself never works. I know that it's hard knowing that Twig doesn't see how much you care about her, but do you remember how you said you appreciated it that she talked to you or rather rambled about those Team Skull bullies that really annoyed her? That was a sign that she trusts you, and that she slowly but surely comes around to get around your presence rather than fearing it altogether. All you to do is be there when she needs you, and she will get used to you overtime." Celebi explained, feeling a bit odd that she was explaining this to Darkrai of all people, but it had to be said nonetheless. Ark raised his head to meet eyes with her as he breathed in and out to try and relax himself.
".. Do you think it'll happen eventually?" Ark asked, gathering up some confidence to try and heed Celebi's enthusiasm and encouragement.
"I don't think so. I believe so!" Celebi enthusiastically exclaimed, and with some newfound encouragement gathered, Ark managed to be more collected and calm. Perhaps Celebi wasn't wrong, and all he needs to do now is try and be a good friend, even if the road ahead can be tedious.
The sun slowly set, and it was time for the duo to head home before Grovyle and Dusknoir will freak out and assume that the worst has happened. During the walk home, Ark thought near and dear to Celebi's words, and he decided to follow them carefully. In that moment, Ark felt momentarily peace in his heart.
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