#but being serious these two are definitely verse
plistommy · 1 month
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pov: you just told them steve doesn’t bottom
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7ndipity · 22 days
Dating A Foreign Partner
Ot7 x Reader
Summary: How the members would handle being in a relationship with a foreign S/o.
Warnings: brief mentions of racial/cultural discrimination,
A/N: Thank you to @bethanysnow for requesting this, I hope you like it!😘💜 I tried to keep these a bit lighter, but if there’s something more specific that any of you would like to see, lmk!
Sounds cliche, but I think he would really enjoy trying foods from where you're from, especially some of the more ‘unusual’ ones(I literally found out the other day that pb&j sandwiches are considered weird in Korea??)
I think you two would accidentally confuse each other with lesser known cultural differences, like when he first asks you to be official after only like two dates(which is normal in korean culture, but not so much in western dating)
Would become very aware of the prejudices and discrimination that foreign couples deal with in both your countries. Like, obviously he was aware it was an issue before, but dealing with it first hand made him realize just how much of an issue it was.
It would make his heart soo happy to see you learning how to speak Korean or embracing different parts of his culture.
(Secretly studies your native language to surprise you for your birthday or anniversary)
I might be projecting a lil bit, but I can honestly see him having a foreign partner. Idk, I just see him not really paying much mind to things like race/nationality, he likes who he likes and that’s it.
Might be a little shy about how much more comfortable you are with things like casual skinship tho, but he also kinda secretly loves it.
He would really love that you’re so direct sometimes, rather than trying to ask for things in a more roundabout ‘polite’ way that is considered proper in Korean culture. He would love that you’re to the point, like him.
Would be so flattered if you made the effort to learn Korean, grinning so big the first time he hears you use even something little like “Hajima” correctly.
He’d do the same with your language too. Learning about your culture would be really important to him, he wants you to know that he appreciates you and where you came from.
Tbh, I totally see him with a foreign partner, he would love the variety and unique energy that you bring to each other's lives.
I think he would tend to forget some of the differences in how you both grew up until you mention something more drastic like school safety drills and he has to do a double take like “wtf?!”
I think he would love how open and expressive you are about your home and culture, and loves learning about where you came from. You’re his favorite person, he wants to know as much as possible about you!
Would have soo much fun teaching you about all the different holidays and traditions in Korea that differ from where you’re from.
Would be soo surprised if you learned to speak Korean, even if it’s just a few phrases at first. He just gets so happy and giggly hearing you speak.
I think most people consider him the most likely out of the group to have a foreign partner, and tbh I kinda agree.
He would make a serious effort to learn as much about your country/culture as he could, possibly even wanting to visit there sometime with you.
Despite being pretty well versed in a lot of other cultures, he would definitely still have little moments of culture shock over random things like educational systems. Like I can imagine his surprise/confusion over the more lax approach in some schools or someone being homeschooled(hi).
Would be super impressed if you already knew some korean when you met, but if not, he’s more than happy to help you learn.
Lowkey quite protective over you, bc he knows how harsh Korean media can be towards celebrities having foreign partners.
Thinks your Korean is super cute! He finds it absolutely adorable the way you say certain words, and he loves the way you speak slowly and softly when you’re focused on pronouncing certain phrases correctly.
If you’re new to living in Korea, he would do his best to help you settle in and adjust to the differences in day to day life, as well as comforting you on the days when you feel homesick.
Loves learning about your culture, tho I think he would prefer learning from you than on his, just so he can watch how excited you get talking about your home.
Would be soo excited if he finds any similarities between your cultures, whether it’s how you celebrate certain holidays, or a similar dish. He loves finding those little connections.
Another who would be rather protective over you, especially if he knows you have anxieties about certain things due to public safety issues where you’re from. He just wants to make sure you to feel safe
I know a lot of people see him as rather traditional when it comes to things like dating/relationships, but I could very much see him with a foreign partner, especially since he talked about wanting to live abroad at some point in the future.
I think he would find your different perspectives really refreshing, you really help broaden each other's horizons.
I honestly think he would be another who would sometimes forget the differences in how you both grew up until he brings up something and you’re like “We never did that??”
Lowkey brags about you every chance he gets like “Oh ,Y/n’s from (country name), and they were teaching me about-”
He never treats it as if you’re some sort of novelty tho, he just really loves you and wants to show you that he supports you and shares your pride for who you are and where you’re from.
I think he would have a lot of fun with a foreign partner, learning about each other's cultures and sharing stories about your upbringings.
Might take him a while to adjust to things like your relationships/dynamics with other guys, just bc that’s not quite as common in Korea, but I could see him actually really enjoying it if you fit into his friend group bc of that.
Another that would feel rather protective over you for similar reasons as Joon. If anyone so much as looks at you weird, he’s gonna shut them down soo fast.
He loves hearing you speak in your native language, there’s something about it that’s just so soothing and melodic about it to him. But it’s only when you're speaking, it’s not the same with anyone else.
Would ask you to teach him so that he can hear you speak it more(study dates where you help each other would be super cute and cozy)
Taglist: @sopebubbles-replies @btsw1fe @this-must-be-my-tardis @whitefoxgirl @bethanysnow @coffeedepressionsoup @main-bangtansmauyeondan @feminympho @a-gayish-unicorn @dfqcsqueen @mother2monsters @comingupwithacoolnameishard @bo0o0o0ooo @captainorangegoose @k4ngelz
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omniuravity · 4 months
The Vees in a romantic relationship!!!
@bloodypeachblog @fatgumsurpremacy-remastered @pr3tty-jennie
Some NSFW ahead
Vox is probably the most well versed in genuine romance out of the Vees.
He's kinda old fashioned, so he'd take you on lots of dates and spoil you like a princess/prince.
He just wants you to be his pretty/handsome little house spouse.
If you work for VoxTech, he'd definitely tease you at work.
Meanwhile, if you work for Velvette as a designer he'd find excuses to go and see you. He needs you to fix his suit or fit him for a new one.
Finally, if you work for Valentino, he'd definitely be your highest paying customer. Val doesn't mind pimping you out to his friend for a "reward" every once in a while
Being Velvette's partner is more like being her bestie. You might not even know you're her partner until she posts about how much she loves you.
She'd also spoil you every chance she gets. That cute new pair of shoes? Yours. That expensive handbag. Of course, babe.
Velvette loves posting about the two of you. Basically, anything you two do is posted on her social media.
If you work for her you definitely keep your business and romantic life separate. She keeps things serious on the job.
Meanwhile, if you work for Vox or Valentino she often finds ways to drag you away from work. Got a broadcast for Vox? Nope, you're going shopping. Have to do a show for Val? No way, gotta do a "photoshoot".
Valentino would take a while to tell the difference from the love and lust. Though he does figure it out.
He also loves to spoil you, but in very...different ways. He mainly spoils his partner with sex, lingerie, and sex toys, but occasionally he'll take you on a shopping spree.
He's very possessive of his partner. If anyone even mentions wanting to be with you he wouldn't hesitate to hurt them.
If you work for Valentino you would do a few strip shows, but they're mainly for him, not the audience. However, he wouldn't pimp you out. You're his after all.
If you worked for Vox or Velvette he would also drag you away from work for "private time" with you.
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genderfluid-insomniac · 3 months
For the NSFW Asks, what are Macaque and Sun Wukong favorite spots to fuck their S/O?
NSFW alphabet with Macaque and Sun Wukong (separately with reader)
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
He’s the best at aftercare since he is already well-versed at reading people and you’re no different. You both are very good at communication so unless he’s fucked you so your only able to mumble you’re able to say what you want. Usually, it consists of a warm bath for both of you and drying off with a warm before drinking some water or warm tea as you cuddle together.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His favorite body part of yours is your thighs and neck because there’s so much soft skin to mark up and bite, not to mention how plush they are for him to grab and rest his head on. Your neck is the perfect place to take in your scent and mark up your neck for all to see that you’re taken.
Your favorite body part of his is of course his beautiful six ears and how they’re all so sensitive, fluttering and twitching at every touch or kiss you press to the shell of one of his ears. Another favorite part is his chest, how it’s decorated with beautiful scars showing how strong your mate is in addition to his conviction to protect you and the flustered reactions you get from trailing kisses down it.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He likes to cum in you as a sign of possession and he loves how it looks when his cum is dripping out of your hole. The feeling of you squeezing him as he orgasms in you makes him feel like you’re his and how he’s able to do something no one else can as your mate.
He will respect your decision if you don’t want him to cum inside you and pull out, smirking as he cums on your face and kissing you. Regardless of wherever he cums he’s going to clean it off with a warm damp cloth.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He’d never tell anyone this but he would love to be worshipped and praised for hours about every aspect of him. Specifically about his ears and how he looks without glamour because he’s already very hesitant to show people what he really looks like and if he hears praise from you he’ll be putty in your hands.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
As much as he acts all suave and smooth he isn’t that experienced however it doesn’t mean he’s terrible at it. On the contrary, Macaque learns very quickly by your reactions and what you like and don’t like. Even finding little favorite spots to worship on your body that you didn’t even know existed and always checking in to see if you’re alright or if anything he’s doing is hurting you. Either way, he’s going to find out through soft lustful whispers or silent lewd actions.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Macaque’s fine with any position as long as he gets to see your face and those gorgeous expressions of pure ecstasy you make. Because of his trauma with Lady Bone Demon, he doesn’t like being in any restricting position like having his hands or legs bound and unable to move like he’s caged in. He generally wants to be close to you, to kiss you, and to hold you.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Macaque’s a mix of both but is more serious than goofy and does tease you or playfully mock you.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Granted he is a monkey so the word “groomed” has a different meaning for them and he is very well groomed (you help him since it’s a relaxing activity for both of you). He knows there’s definitely animal fur-safe dye but one he’s not taking any chances and two he just doesn’t wanna dye his fur.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He tries to be romantic but Macaque has his own way of being romantic towards you and though to others it might seem strange or distant you know it really is loving. He is very intimate though and gives so much loving pleasure that shows every ounce of care he has for you.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Macaque does masturbate whenever he can’t be with you when he’s aroused since he’s not going to steal you from any important work you’re doing to fuck you as much as he wants to. He has patience.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Primal play games, breeding, praise, body worship, teasing, and marking.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
His favorite places to fuck you are private places and places that are his. He doesn’t want to risk anyone walking in on both of you for obvious reasons but the risk factor of possibly being seen makes his heart rate spike and makes him even harder. It should go unsaid that any place that either of you find uncomfortable or don’t want to fuck in is going to be respected on both sides.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Any reactions you give when he’s training or working out since it’s very obvious for him to feel when someone is looking at him. Seeing you sweat from post work out or flushed face.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
This is obvious but anything that hurts you or brings up any trauma for both of you. Other than that he’s willing to try stuff out but will draw lines for your safety both physically and mentally (green, yellow, red color codes check-ins).
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He has no preference for giving or receiving but he adores giving you oral sex because he knows how to play your body like an instrument and fully loves drawing orgasm after orgasm from you while anchoring your hips so you can’t pull up unless you yell the safeword.
Like before Macaque doesn’t have much experience if any but he’s a very quick learner and becomes very skilled just by trial and error with your reactions. Even more skilled if you tell him what to do and what not to do in regards to what you like or want.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He can be both if it’s been a rough day and some things that irritated him or someone came onto you then you’re in for a rough fucking (ofc your safety is the top priority even though it’s intense). If you’re both feeling soft toward each other then you’ll have very sweet loving and sensual sex.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He finds them okay and is open to them since he can make them just as pleasurable as long sessions and it can be done just as skilled.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He’s willing to try stuff out and experiment as long as it doesn’t hurt either of you.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
It’s Macaque. Someone equal to Sun Wukong. He can go for hours and will still have a good amount of stamina thanks to the regular training he does.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He does not own toys and doesn’t know how to use them well but one quick Google search or conversation with you will solve that.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
This should be obvious as Macaque will tease you till you give up or can’t function and is merciless.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He isn’t that loud despite how he is very dramatic and makes hushed moans and groans. Loud enough for you to hear and for his voice to become scratchy if you both do have sex for multiple rounds.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He’s a possessive motherfucker so expect your body to be covered in hickeys and bruises. Most of them he purposely made so you can hide them but there are a few that are pretty hard to hide so others can see you already have a mate.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Again with the training he does and the amount of battles he’s been in he’s pretty toned and muscular which he’s more than willing to show off. However, with everything he’s gone through his body is littered with scars, and many of them he purposely hides because he thinks they’re all ugly, especially his blind scarred right eye.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
It depends if he's worked up then it’s pretty high but most of the time it’s a normal amount if the world isn’t ending like the normal hijinx that happens.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He’s not going to fall asleep until you’re asleep and taken care of.
Sun Wukong~ A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
You’re going to have to tell him what to do or give him some advice besides common sense since he’s not totally familiar with them. He can help with a lot i.e. bringing you to the hot springs on the mountain to clean you up, cuddling with you in his nest of blankets, or getting you food or water from the orchard or freshwater streams.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Without a doubt, his favorite part is your hips or thighs since there is so much space to mark up for others to see you’re his mate and lover. They’re also so plush and easy to grab and squeeze when he’s worshipping you.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Like Macaque he wants to cum inside you because someday he’d love to have kids and would love nothing than to breed you. Of course, if you’re not okay with it then he’ll gladly pull out and if you’re on birth control you’re gonna have to explain it to him cause he doesn’t exactly get how he can cum in you but not get you pregnant.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Even though you both are bare to each other Wukong still wants to keep his glamours up since he thinks he looks ugly without them and in his mind who could blame him? From being thrown into the trigram furnace which gave him his scary red eyes, being burned by the samadhi fire which singed his fur in many places to having scars around his head from the circlet. So please give him all the love he deserves which is all the love you can give and more.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He acts like he has experience and knows what to do but he has zero experience and it kind of shows even though he puts on a good act of being confident and cocky about it. Of course, he has a rough idea of what to do but he wants to make it as pleasurable as he can for you so help him out and give him some advice.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
He doesn’t really know the names of any of the positions just more of an idea of how each person is positioned but he adores being able to see all the faces you make when he’s fucking you stupid. He’s not as flexible as people might think but he can do a lot of positions and is very curious about trying different positions with you.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Short answer, yes. Long answer, have you seen this man er- monkey rather because he is so silly and that doesn’t stop for when you’re in the bedroom. He’ll make jokes on occasion about your reactions or act like he can’t hear what you when you beg just to hear you more.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Granted he is a monkey so the word “groomed” has a different meaning for them and he is very well groomed (you help him since it’s a relaxing activity for both of you). He knows there’s definitely animal fur-safe dye and can be convinced but it takes a lot with the promise that it can’t be extreme or large.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He’s very intimate and loving during the moment. He loves to be cheesy both in and out of the bedroom, it comes out way more when he’s with you than with the others, and mostly falls into laughter because he catches himself staring lovingly/lustfully at you (it’s become a habit at this point.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Because he’s extremely isolated and unfortunately can’t always have you with him or you can’t take him with you he only has one option if he gets horny. He masturbates more than one would think but he is extremely touch-starved (both him and mac are).
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Primal play games, breeding, praise, body worship, and marking.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
His favorite places to fuck you are private places and places that are his. He doesn’t want to risk anyone walking in you both since that thought alone makes him furious and of you for obvious reasons since you’re his mate and his alone. It should go unsaid that any place that either of you find uncomfortable or don’t want to fuck in is going to be respected on both sides. However, it is difficult since both of you worry that one of his siblings will walk in which is bad for both sides since neither one of you wants the monkeys to be traumatized from seeing something they shouldn’t of.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
All it really takes for him is to see you working out/ sweating or especially affectionate as much as he will deny it because if the time gap between you both seeing one another is big then yeah he’s going to be motivated.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
This is obvious but anything that hurts you or brings up any trauma for both of you. Other than that he’s willing to try stuff out but will draw lines for your safety both physically and mentally (green, yellow, red color codes check-ins).
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He loves giving you oral sex because of the noises he can coax out of you and how your body writhes in pleasure with each orgasm he causes. He won’t stop you if you want to suck his dick and very much enjoys it, praising you for what you’re doing and not stopping the moans leaving his mouth. All in all, he is more leaning towards giving but is happy receiving.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He can be both if it’s been a rough day and some things that irritated him or someone came onto you then you’re in for a rough fucking (ofc your safety is the top priority even though it’s intense). If you’re both feeling soft toward each other then you’ll have very sweet loving and sensual sex which is usually what happens since he loves worshiping you while taking it slow.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Doesn’t like it much but it is helpful when MK is coming over to train he forgets so he’s trying to convince you in his way that you both have plenty of time despite knowing you don’t. He can and will make them just a satisfying compared to when you take your time.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Wukong is absolutely down to experiment (as long as it’s safe and consensual) with different kinks or positions and may suggest some himself. He is a risk taker but it’s more toned down now and he’s more wary of the consequences from said risks, doesn’t mean he’s going to half-ass fucking you stupid until his name in the only thing you can say.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
It’s Sun Wukong, The Great Sage Equal to Heaven. Someone who took on all of heaven and didn’t break a sweat. He can go for hours and will still have a good amount of stamina thanks to the regular training he does.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He doesn’t own toys because of the obvious reasons of he doesn’t need sex toys since he doesn’t even understand why someone would want a machine in you even if gives you pleasure. You’re going to have to explain it in other ways ;) and he’ll come around, seeing how/why people like using vibrators, dildos, butt plugs, gags, nipple clamps, etc and how he can make you’re body melt into euphoria with the help of these help little devices. He will tease you if you own any and ask if you’ve thought of him whenever you use them.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He doesn’t tease as much as Macaque but he still loves the reactions you give when he teases you and much prefers to fluster you with spooking you in different forms like when he was a bird or a butterfly. He teases you maybe 2 or 3 times a day but loves every second of it.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He’s loud and makes a lot of groans, praising you about how warm you are and how you grip his cock just right.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He for sure asks you if he can use his clones in the bedroom and the moment you say yes is when 3 or 4 Wukongs, including the real one, are marking you up so people know you’re his. He doesn’t get jealous of his clones usually but there are times and they’ll all compete to see which one can make you cum the fastest or give you the most pleasure.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Again with the training he does and the amount of battles he’s been in he’s pretty toned and muscular which he’s more than willing to show off. He does have a bit of a dad bod which isn’t bad but you find it cute and especially the little peach colored heart on his chest. Unfortunately because of his actions against heaven and his tough journey to deliver the scriptures with his master the king has many scars from serious injuries as well as the samadhi fire burning (singes)his fur in places. One of his insecurities is his fire red eyes from the trigram furnace. Every one of his insecurities under his usual light armor you find attractive and beautiful, complimenting how handsome he is whenever he undresses and kissing each scar with so much gentle love.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Wukong’s sex drive is pretty high given he is clingy (in a good way) and wants to be around you so much, if it’s including how touch-starved he is then he loves to make love to you as it’s the best way to show how much you mean to him.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He’s very tired after any session since it’s definitely more than one or more rounds but he wants to make sure you’re comfortable and relaxed. Wukong tries his very best to do aftercare right since you’re his mate but sometimes he wonders if there’s anything else he can do to make you more comfortable. Maybe tell him what you want and it’ll be yours, if it cuddles then you aren’t getting away from him until morning or until you have to leave.
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livwritesstuff · 30 days
heyo! loving the steddie dads. was wondering if either of them suffer from nightmares or ptsd after everything they've been through? and how they might deal with that on a day-to-day/anniversary basis.
Hi friend -- took some time on this one because this is a Topic for me.
Short answer – yes, 100%. I don’t think any person on the planet could experience that kind of thing and not come out of it with some serious issues to work through. 
Longer answer, and not to abuse my psych degree, but it’s really tough to say how they would be affected 10, 20, 30, etc. years down the line because PTSD and trauma are both so unbelievably complex – for many reasons, but in part because PTSD can do two things (sort of) simultaneously.
Wane over time
Completely and permanently alter the “wires” (neural pathways) in your brain
I think that there’s sometimes this perception in the ST fandom that every character in the show who experienced a trauma would have PTSD by default, but that might not necessarily be true. Stats actually show that the majority of people who experience trauma in some capacity will in fact not display PTSD symptoms. I think Mike and Dustin at the onset of season 2 are a fantastic example of how two people can go through the same events together and come out of it affected very differently.
(Sidebar: I think Stranger Things has a fantastic opportunity to show how varied the effects of trauma can be. Granted, I don’t think that’s the story they’re telling, but they totally could.)
Experiencing a traumatic event is not necessarily a one-way ticket to PTSD symptoms and/or a PTSD diagnosis – to be clear, this doesn’t mean that there are not lasting negative effects from that traumatic event, but it is still distinctly different from PTSD (in its official definition) – and right now it’s not clear why this is the case. 
I have individual thoughts about each character as it relates to what they specifically experience and how I think they would be affected by it long and short-term, HOWEVER I also recognize that I haven’t answered your actual question, so I digress.
Rather than dive into whether or not I think Steve and/or Eddie have PTSD, we’re just gonna call it capital-T Trauma and move along. You’re welcome.
Anyways, by the time Steve and Eddie (as they exist in this ‘verse) are in their fifties, I doubt that any residual effects of their Trauma would still be anywhere near debilitating. Generally speaking, they can go about their day-to-day lives without thinking about what they went through all that much.
I do think that those effects may temporarily worsen around anniversaries, but even that really isn’t all that noticeable by the time they hit the 2020s.
They’ll still occasionally have nightmares and I don’t think Steve ever fully lets himself believe that it’s truly done in a way that Eddie doesn’t relate to because he never had to experience what it’s like for it all to come back.
(Small potatoes, but I also don’t think Steve could ever own a dog no matter how much his daughters campaigned for a puppy when they were in elementary school).
I think the Trauma that Steve experienced shows itself in his adulthood when it comes down to raising kids. 
I’ve talked before about how Steve has a moment when Moe turns ten where it kind of clicks for the first time just how young Erica had been when he allowed her to get caught up in everything. He hadn’t been able to see it until he was a fully-fledged adult raising a ten-year-old, but he gets really hung up on it, and then he spends the next few years being like – Moe’s eleven, that’s how old Eleven was when she broke out of the lab; she’s twelve, that’s how old Will was when he got stuck in the Upside Down; she’s thirteen, that’s how old Dustin was when he almost got eaten by demobats in those tunnels. 
Then the girls start hitting their high school years and Steve starts realizing – oh, it wasn’t just the younger ones. I was also a kid still and put in a really fucked up position. It’s the thing that makes him truly see how few adults he had in his corner.
Eddie has a similar moment when Moe graduates high school and he realizes that his oldest daughter is as old as Chrissy ever got to be.
That being said I also don’t think Eddie gets as torn up over Chrissy as the popular opinion suggests but i’m a little afraid to voice that one lol
I definitely think Eddie and Steve never let themselves forget how Max, Chrissy, Patrick, etc. were vulnerable to Vecna’s curse because of a very specific circumstance – they were grappling with something internally that they didn’t feel they had the resources or people they trusted enough to address outwardly. Sure, they know that their kids aren’t at risk of being possessed and murdered by an evil monster, but the notion of bad things happening when people don’t have the support that they need is a very real phenomenon with very real consequences. By no means was that exclusive to Hawkins and it certainly didn’t go away with the Upside Down. 
I think that this becomes the crux of Steve and Eddie’s mentality behind parenthood – to make sure that their kids never feel like they can’t go to their dads for support, to never allow their children to be in a position where they have to suffer in silence. That, to me, is absolutely rooted in the parts of their Trauma that re-wired their brains irreparably.
Anyhooooo this is really just the tip of the iceberg imo but this is long enough already lol (but if anyone wants to hear more about the Stranger Things-Trauma paradigm, let me know because I could probably talk about it for hours).
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igotanidea · 1 year
five years later : Jason Todd x fem!reader
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the graphic is not mine, found it on Pinterest, all credit goes to the author.
Another piece of Cheshire!reader!verse aka what happened earlier, when Cheshire (Y/N) found out Jason was not in fact dead.
Other parts are: Cheshire cat and That damn gala and can be read regardless.
Warnings: all of it. Smut. Insecurities and mentions of scars. Angst. Mentions of Jay flings and Y/N unsatisfying relationships. Fluff at the end. MINORS DNI!
Loosely inspired on the song "Lost in the fire" by The Weeknd.
The air in the room was filled with so much tension and palpable electricity that the slightest spark could set it able. Y/N and Jason were sitting on the opposite sides, eyeing each other. She was suspicious, cold and unwavering. He was a bit nervous, shy and unsure what to say.
“So….” she started crossing her arms over chest “ you were dead”
“Did you get bored?” she mocked
“What?” the visible hurt in his eyes did not make her change this tone. She was angry, she felt betrayed and most definitely were not going to let him get away with everything he has done easily. “How could you….?”
“did they kick you out of Hell?”
“No, Jace. Did they kick you out? I bet even the devil didn’t want you after he learned you played a trick like that on your family and …. friend….” She hesitated on the last word. Honestly, she had no idea if they were friends? Lovers? Frenemies? Before everything turned to shit they kissed a few times and were trying to become something more but now she wasn’t ready if what they had before was still on.
“Well that is far from a warm welcome I was expecting…..” he looked down a bit depressed. If she did not want him he truly had nowhere else to go. Bats rejected him, he was not going to turn to Bruce and she was his only hope. Apparently gone now.
“Are you serious?” her tone was cold as ice and so was her gaze “it’s been five freaking years, Todd” oh, shit, she was using his last name now. Silent fury, the worst kind. “You were dead. And they I just get a call from Dick with the most mysterious message : he’s alive. And apparently he has been for a while now. Tell me, Red Hood, because that is who you are now, right? Was is fun? Was it worth it?”
“It’s not like that.”
“Then what is it like? Go on, I’m being merciful here, you have one chance to explain it and then I don’t want to see you again. “
“I was dead” he sighed deeply “and then…. Then I got resurrected.” He sighed deeply knowing well enough she was not going to believe him
“Don’t give me this religious shit about bringing people back from the dead” she rolled her eyes and stood up in frustration
“Y/N….” he raised to her height as well, now his 6’4 figure towering over her “please, you have to believe me, I’m telling the truth. There’s this place called Lazarus pit. I… I was thrown there and …. came back.” He absentmindedly reached for her hands but she moved away.
“Yeah, I heard a legend about it. But sure as hell you did not crawl there by yourself. Who helped you? Was it someone I know?” Jason muttered something incoherently “sorry? What was that? And don’t try to lie, you know I am a human lie detector.”
“Thalia al Ghul.” He mumbled and his cheeks became a bit flushed
“Shut up!” she let out a desperate laugh.
“It’s true.”
“Oh, I know, I see it in your eyes. And on your whole face. God damn it! Thalia Al Ghul. Like Dami’s assassin mother?” still laughing she raised an eyebrow making sure she put the two dots together and hummed in satisfaction when he nodded “that is crazy. Wait till I tell him……”
“Don’t you dare!” he yelled moving closer to her.
“Oh, there you are. Not so quiet and repentant anymore. Good, nice to know you still got problems with anger management. Now, one more thing. Should I tell Damian that you and his mother actually had an affair?” she smirked with venom in her voice “that you….”
“Don’t you dare finish that sentence!!” he was now even closer but she was the one who always liked to play with fire and push on his buttons.
“That you fucked his mother? Because you did, didn’t .....?”
Before she could finish this sentence Jason had her pressed against the wall, his chest moving up and down in frustration, panting
“Auch!”she mocked, but the impact really was painful even if she did expect it.
“You are a brat. Always have been. Guess nothing changed for the last five years.”
“Or maybe your time with League of Assassins exacerbated your temper? I mean you always had issues but now it’s seems completely out of control. Didn’t they teach you how to keep your cool?”
“How do you know about….?” He moved back, surprised with her words. He did not tell anyone what he was doing during the last years.
“Come on. Thalia? You just said it yourself. If she helped you, you definitely stayed there. It’s simple dots connecting. Oh, my god. That would be a spit and disgrace for Bruce if he ever were to find out! I can literally imagine his face right now.” She laughed hard, not moved by the fact that only a second earlier she was brutally pinned against the wall. She was a vigilante, things like that did not bother her.
“Will you just shut up!?” he yelled in frustration.
“Don’t worry. I won’t be the one to tell him. That’s one thing I can do for you” she smirked “Cheshire knows exactly how to keep a secret and yours is safe, all right? Now will you just calm down?”
“How do you expect me to calm down?” his gaze fixed on her and for the first time in a long, long time she was completely frozen by the look in his eyes “Do you know what you are doing to me?” he groaned
“Jason……” her eyes went wider and wider when he started moving towards her again and soon had her cornered. “Fuck!” she hissed. There was nowhere to run now and she mentally facepalmed herself for not taking precautions. She was not scared. Jason could be angered and violent, but he would never hurt her, right? Despite that rational part of her brain, telling her that it was still her Jace, her vigilante instincts got the best of her when she ducked under his arms and moved to the other side of the room.
The sound, the groan that came from the back of his throat when she wriggled out of his reach was not human. God, she always knew how to get on his nerves. So why the fuck did he still love her? Why did he want her? Now. Immediately. He wanted her under him, writhing and moaning his name in indefinite pleasure as he would go down on her, getting exactly where she needed him and giving her everything. He wanted to feel her against him, caressing her perfect body, showing her how much he missed her for those last years.  He needed to feel her and her touch on every scar he got from his fights. He wanted to kiss every place, every square centimeters of her smooth skin, her neck, collarbone, her breasts and belly button. He wanted her lips and those sweet sounds he knew she would make. He wanted to make her feel so fucking good. He craved to assure her that she was the only one on his mind. Ever. He needed to hear her whisper that she was his. He needed to know that she loved him too, that he was the only one for her. Fuck! He saw it in her eyes and if he was someone else he wouldn’t even hesitate just took her right there, right now, without asking, without waiting for her to say yes, just getting what he wanted. That was what Red Hood would do. However, she was still his sweet, beloved Y/N. Unruly and challenging but still he never wanted to break her. And just to her, he didn’t want to be the vigilante, the anti-hero. He wanted to be Jason Todd, the boy she knew before, hoping this would be enough and that she wouldn’t turn him away. Oh, he was getting such dirty thought…. The fact that he spaced out did not pass her
“Jaybird?” his eyes got a bit glassy when her voice switched from Cheshire  mode to concerned words of Y/N as she used his nickname “Jay?”
His lust filled eyes landed on her, pupils blown unnaturally, dark and with so much need and …..love. she involuntarily took a deep breath and just by seeing her like this, now completely vulnerable, with chapped lips, so innocent and frightened made him hard.
“Jay, why are you looking at me like that?” her voice trembled. Was she scared of him? That is not what he wanted. Slowly, carefully not to made her run away from him again he took a step forward. And then another and other, getting braver when she did not move, eyes searching his face “why are you…..?”
“You know I want you…..” he whispered “I always wanted you. Even when I was with…. anyone else, there was only you.” his face was now inches apart from hers and he could tell she wanted him too and were struggling to keep her composure and self-control. That was what she was learned, never give up control.
“Wait, you thought about me when you were having sex with other women? Ugh. That is seriously messed up and sick.”
“Y/N….” he whispered against her skin, brushing his nose over hers “You know I’ve always loved you…. I know I messed up, but give me one chance to fix it.”
“Just…. Just one chance.” She gasped and he leaned to kiss her but she put a finger on his lips  “What do you want to do to me?”
“I want to fuck you. Slow. With the lights on.”
“Ja…. Jay….” She whimpered “I…. I don’t…..” who would have thought that tough and independent Cheshire would suddenly become so shy and embarrassed because of physical intimacy.
“Don’t worry, kitten. I will make you feel good, I promise. I will devour you….” he whispered and finally, finally their lips met when, surprisingly, she was the one who pulled him down to her by his neck. Oh, she still wanted control. Even when he grabbed her hips, lifting her up with no effort and wrapping her legs around his waist making her feel how hard he was for her. She was still fighting for dominance when he bit on her bottom lip and his tongue sneaked into her mouth making her moan so sweetly. She was still resistant when his hands moved under her shirt, up, up, to her breast, cupping and massaging it gently through the thin material making her whole body shiver.
“Jay….” She gasped when his mouth moved down her neck to the collarbone, at the same time pulling the shirt over her head.
“Fuck, I love you…..”  he bit on her pulse point, definitely leaving the hickey. He wanted to mark her whole. “I so fucking love you.” he pulled away only to take her in. Her flushed cheeks, her parted lips, her wide, innocent eyes.
“I love you too Jace. But don’t stop.” she moaned
“I have no intention to do so, baby. I will take my time with you. We have so many years to make up for…..” he carried her towards the bedroom, throwing her onto the bed, losing his own shirt on the way and climbing up to hover above her body. All his scars were now visible and she gently, seductively, but also lovingly traced her fingers over them making him close his eyes. He was still insecure about how his body looked.
“My poor boy. My wonderful boy…..” she whispered “you’ve been through so much, haven’t you?” her hand travelled up to his cheek cupping it “Jace, look at me….”
“I hate them…..” he whispered
“Well I already love them. I love you. I don’t care about those scars. You are beautiful. So, so, beautiful. Each part of you….”
He could not hold it back any longer when he leaned in to kiss her with all passion he had. He wanted her closer, he wanted her to feel the love and longing and every emotion he had for her.
“Tell me what you want, Y/N. I’ll do everything, just tell me.” He kissed her neck again as she played with the hair at the nape of the neck.
“I…. Can we turn the light off?”
“Well, you are not the only one who’s insecure. And…. And I am not as experienced as you, so…..”
“Fuck. I wish you could see yourself through my eyes now. You are a goddess Y/n. I’m gonna show you” his hands moved down and behind her back unclasping her bra and as soon as her breasts were free he started kissing them with feather light kisses switching between left and right one. His tongue circling over her sensitive nipples as she was already falling apart. “Hmmm” he grinned moving down “we’ve only just began and you’re already  a mess. “
“Jay….. please, please…..”
“Don’t worry, princess, I’ll take you over the edge.“ she shivered and barely noticed when he moved down her pants and underwear pulling her legs apart. “so wet for me.”
“Come on!” she urged him, arching her back and moving her hips up to signalize him what she wanted.
“As you wish.” He dropped in between her thighs immediately hitting the perfect spot. She moaned and he grinned “there then?”
“Yes! Fuck! Yes, Jace, please, oh, please, please. I need you…..” she threw her head back and he sped up wanting her to cum, to feel all the pleasure.
“Tell me you’re mine, babygirl. Tell me who do you belong to?”
“You! You Jace! Please, fuck! I’m so close, so fucking close!”
In some other circumstances he would tease her more, but the way she squirmed and begged for release was too much. He just couldn’t keep edging his treasure. She deserved the best. A couple more licks and gentle circles on her clit and a few words “come for me babygirl” and she was over the edge, her vision turning white, her whole world limited to him. Jason. Jace. Jay. Her Jay. It took her a few seconds to get back on earth and the first thing she saw was his smiling face.
“Was that good? Was I good?”
“Fuck, Jay. That was… that was… fuck. I don’t even want to know who taught you that, but you were just phenomenal…..” she gasped locking her hands on his neck making him lean his forehead on hers “I want more…..” she closed her eyes.
“Needy now, huh?”
“Can you blame me? I bet you got enough stamina to keep me satisfied.” She smirked
“’Is that a challenge?”
“You know I never back down from such. You want me inside you, baby?” he started unzipping his pants and soon they were on the floor along with his boxers, his cock hard and swollen springing out.
“Oh fuck, you’re huge…. I don’t know if….”
“You can do it. I’ll go slow, all right? Just say a word and I stop. No need to rush.” He assured her, capably putting on condom.
“Good….” He lined himself against her entrance but once again she stopped him from taking any action.
“Jace…..” she whispered looking anywhere but on him finally making him grab her chin and force her eyes on him
“Second thoughts?”
“No. No, of course not. I…. I trust you.” he melted when she said that, his hands started to shake, heart swelling with love and affection. “I just…..”
“Tell me what you want, baby. What do you want to do? I’m listening.”
“I want on top.”
“Getting confident, now?” he grinned “Can’t lie, I like that.”
“I just…. I’m not sure if I know how to…..”
“You never….? Wait, weren’t there any men?” he muttered and regretted that a second later. If there were anyone else in her life, touching her and loving her he did not want to know.
“A few. But…. Most of the times, even after…. I just had to take care of myself……” she tried to look down but he didn’t let her, softly caressing her cheek.
“You poor thing. Neglected and kept unsatisfied by a bunch of losers.  We’ll make sure it will never happen again. You….” he whimpered “you trust me?”
“Yes.” No hesitation in her voice. Zero inhibitions.
“I’ll make it worth it.” He pulled her up, making her sit on his lap so he could prepare her for his huge cock, his fingers circling her clit at first and soon getting inside. One. Two. three fingers were moving inside her and she was moaning and saying his name like a prayer. “You think you’re ready?”
“I…. Yes. Just… help me with it….”
“Come here” this time it was his turn to groan and moan when he grabbed her hips and guided her onto his cock slowly moving her down. “Fuck! So good, so tight!” she whimpered when he bounced a bit due to his excitement “sorry, baby” a little kiss on the lips “you’re good?”
“I think so….” she smiled shyly and looking more beautiful than ever
“God, you’re so hot. So beautiful. Do you even know it?” he said absolutely hypnotized by her widened eyes, messy hair and lips swollen from the kisses.
“All red and sweaty and sticky?” she laughed “you can’t be serious, Jay….”
“Look at me, babe.” She slowly lifted head to meet his eyes “You. Are. Fucking beautiful. And I’m so lucky you let me make love to you…..”
“Oh, so now we are making love? I though you said something about wanting to fuck me….”
“Changed my mind. You deserve so much more than just fucking.” his grip on her hips tightened when he pulled her closer and she moaned “That’s it baby. Show me how good you feel.”
“Jay…. I want to….”
“Ride me?”
“Yes...." She threw her head back in ecstasy.
“Go on then. You’re in control. Use me. Take what you need.”
“I don’t know…..”
“Just do what you feel like. Don’t worry about me. It’s all about you now, ok?”
“Mhmmmmm…. Ok.” She started to move her hips, slowly, testing the waters. That was new, and she did not want to hurt him or embarrass herself by doing something stupid. However soon it started getting more and more natural and easier.
“You’re doing so good, baby, so good” Jason praised her, fighting the urge to guide her hips to move a bit faster. “you can pick the pace up, its…. Ah, fuck!”
“Enjoying yourself?” she smirked, much more confident now, as she observed his blissful face and his half closed eyes and some sort of pride crept on. She was doing it to him.
“Oh, you little tease.” He moved and she bounced on his cock, squealing when she lost balance and quickly grabbed his neck for support “you first.” He started moving his hips against her, and the heat started building inside her. “close?”
“Mhm. So close. You?”
“Come for me baby boy” she used the same  sentence as he did before and with one final snap of their hips, she was sent over the edge, feeling his cock twitch inside her.
“Fuck!” he panted, holding her closer not ready to pull out. “I should…..”
“No…. hold me like this. Just for a while…..” she sneaked her arms around him clutching to his chest and his heart nearly jumped out of his body “I missed you.”
“Well, who am I to deny you this little koala moment?”
“koala?” she chucked against his skin, her laugh so beautiful
“Sorry, I forgot. You’re a kitten.”
“Not just any kitten. Cheshire. I can play with your mind….”
“You don’t even have to try. You already made me crazy for you. " He kissed her temple lovingly. "Now, let me clean you up.” He pulled out, removed and threw away the condom and collected a cloth to clean her up from her own juices. “You have no idea how I missed you.”
“I’m hoping you suffered through the fact you knew I was alive. I was living in grief but in belief I would never get to see you or touch you or…. be more than friends. Cause you know, your death left us in a very ambiguous relation.”
Jason lied on his back, sighing deeply.
“Come here” he urged her and the girl put a head on his chest, tracing patterns on his abdomen, while he run a hand up and down her arm “now you got me back. And if you want to…..”
“Sh. Don’t.” she silenced him “We don’t need to have that conversation now. Let’s just live in the moment for a while. Blissful, peaceful moment before we put a tag on it. And before we figure out how to reconcile my work with your family and you solo Red Hood killing spree. Is that all right with you?"
“Perfectly perfect than….” She muttered slowly drifting off. In his arms. Where she always belonged.
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keegansgf · 2 years
“price headcanons”
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pairing: John Price x reader
tags: domestic bliss, fluff
A/N: RAHHHHH sorry my seasonal depression has been terrible to my motivation. I still have a few things to finish in my requests so let's speedrun those
I always thought he was the guy to be really serious about his morning coffee. He's that one guy that critiques a random café quietly for making his coffee too sweet or being able to tell that the coffee beans are too old. 
I've said all the COD men are early risers, and I still think Price is too, but I think he's an aggressive early riser. Dude has an alarm clock and everything. The first thing he does in the morning is (loudly) stretch and make his side of the bed, but I think he's nice enough to not wake you up.
Price is like your secondary news outlet. The first few things he'll say to you besides "Good morning" and "Did you sleep well?" are weather-related and local/world news. If it's supposed to rain that day, both of your umbrellas are already at the door before you leave for work or an outing.
This guy sucks at fashion. He has the most repetitive wardrobe that consists of dark-colored jeans and solid t-shirts. He has a few formal pieces, but besides that, the only accessories he ever wears are a watch and a belt. Shopping for clothes for him is kind of impossible, so don't even try. 
On the rare occasions you both take public transport together, he lets you sleep on his arm or shoulder. He usually wakes you up a stop or two before you get off. He much prefers driving or walking places with you, especially for dates.
Going further on that, he's a home person. If he had to live anywhere, it would be a small neighborhood with a few local storefronts– one of those neighborhoods where everything you need is pretty local. You're both frequent customers of one of the restaurants in town, but sometimes a nice dinner at home is better than any reservation you could get.
I think he has extremely dark humor. He tries to catch himself if it comes out at the wrong time because it's a bit eerie in certain situations. 
He talks about you to Laswell occasionally when she brings up her wife. 
Price does NOT wear the hat in his day-to-day life, but it's definitely sitting somewhere in the house.
I don't think Price is well versed in art, but he does appreciate it– especially fine arts. If you happen to be an artist, he'll briefly talk about what you're working on, but ultimately he has no clue what you're doing. 
He's the type of guy who has throw blankets put around the house where you like to take naps. 
Deep pressure therapy works for his PTSD, so he drags you onto his lap when he feels down. 
Absolutely kisses your hands, knuckles, and your ring finger.
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whiskersz · 4 months
HELLOO you Definitely don't know me ;) ...but I'll still wish you luck for all the matchups <3
My name's Alexander, I go by they/them and at times he/him, I'm gay and on the ace spectrum!
I'm a pretty chill person that oscillates between too much energy and too little. I rely heavily on humor in most circumstances and I've been told I'm great at it (loads of dirty jokes, puns and absurd humor). I'm also good at improvising things as a theater and musical enjoyer. I'm a blend of emo, goth and punk, and enjoy the culture greatly. I'm very passionate about my interests, though not much confident in sharing them. I struggle with emotions a shit ton but I'm working on it!
A little (orange) birdie told me I could have both matchups, soooo. ;) I'd obviously prefer a male romantic matchup but I'm most open to either for platonic!
I love creating, mostly drawing and writing but it includes animating or sculpting and even playing piano/elec. guitar. I love chess and logic games/puzzles, as well as video games of all kinds (fantasy usually!). I also enjoy darker topics, since I'm quite fascinated by the human nature.
I love to hang out with friends, bake, watch shows, talk, etc, quality time is a big love language to me. I also like physical contact, as long as we're close!
I dislike physical activity, conflict of any kind, and loud noises/bright lights for too long. Another no are outright gore or some kind of horror (I have paranoia which can lead to a lot of anxiety.)
I don't exactly have an ideal type but they must be open-minded, ideally make me feel like they're interested in whatever I have to say, be willing to hang out and be honest!
Thank you for doing this, sending lots of love from the coolest bat in your area ;)
Hmm I wonder who this could be... ;3 As I was reading this I kept nodding to myself...like yes, very true, definitely! And it also reminded me of how intriguing of a person you are – not that I don’t think that all the time, of course.
Anyhow, enough of my silliness! Let’s move our focus on somebody else’s silliness, as I romantically match you with...
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Right off the bat I should mention that you and Lucifer share an interest which is creating; both of you spend the majority of your days bringing life to your little creations, so imagine how fun it would be to work together and show each other the fruits of your work at the end of each day! He is definitely enchanted by how many skills you possess, but his favorite thing is when you finish writing a story and you ask him to read it. He does so out loud, imitating the voices of each character and making you laugh by doing so. As he continues reading though, his tone shifts into a more serious one, a sincere smile remaining on his face. He doesn’t want you to think that he doesn’t take your work seriously, plus he’s genuinely fascinated by how easily you can bring to life the characters in your stories.
You love baking and he loves sweets, I couldn’t think of a better combo! Many a times you drag him into the kitchen and he follows diligently, ready to help and possibly make a bit of a mess as he’s not the most well versed in these kinds of activities. But! He definitely tries for you, passing you the ingredients as you carefully try to follow every step of the recipe correctly. He’s also a bit of a chatter box himself, so rest assured you will have a lot to talk about as you break eggs and mix the ingredients! He sometimes brings up how he misses doing these things with Charlie as well, and you kindly remind him that he’s free to invite her over to do this any time as you’ve grown quite fond of her as a friend.
Returning on the topic of Lucifer being quite talkative, he really appreciates how much your interests vary as this allows you two to have conversations about anything and everything. While I feel like some things he wouldn’t be into himself, such as video games, there’s nothing that he loves more than to listen to you excitedly talk about an interest that he’s not really familiar with, because this just means that there’s more things to learn directly from you. You of course have to do your part in listening to him talk about whatever he might be into but you’re not, though!
Lucifer adores the fact that you can play the piano and electric guitar, as he’s able to play some instruments himself! It’s not rare for you two to play together, making up songs between piano keys being pressed and bows being drawn across the strings of his fiddle. The little concerts last for hours, and they always end with you sharing a tired but satisfied kiss with each other.
If there’s something that Lucifer understands about you it’s your struggle with emotions; his own are a mess, especially seeing that he struggled with isolation and depression after he and Lilith separated, but also because his humour is generally a little unpredictable. After meeting you though he’s able to pace himself slightly as you inevitably bring joy into his life, and so he manages to be helpful in your times of need. At first he might push you a little to still spend time together even though you’re claiming you need space, but once he’s got you figured out he’s going to give you all the space that you need and let you come back to him at the end of the day, offering you a warm embrace by wrapping you up protectively with his wings. And then, with a little pun here and a light joke there, he’s going to get a smile out of you again.
Speaking of hugs, he absolutely adores them. Getting to be lazy with you and cuddling is one of his favorite activities,  as it also means not having to look after the obnoxious residents of Hell for a while. Rest assured he’s going to ask for five more minutes of cuddling with you every single morning, and if you don’t give them to him he’s definitely going to get pouty.
All things considered, Lucifer is glad he’s not alone anymore, instead he found great company in you and he appreciates all the love that you decide to show him in your unique ways. He’s of course more than willing to shower you in affection, and though he might go a little overboard sometimes, being a bit dramatic and all, you know he means well and you don’t get actually mad at him.
Platonic matchup
Now that you’ve gotten your lover, let’s move on to your platonic matchup!
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First of all this came as a surprise to me as well, as Lucifer and Alastor don’t seem to get along very well, but allow me to demonstrate why you would get along with both!
Alastor values good manners, cordiality and intelligence a lot in others, which you all possess, in my opinion. He’s fascinated by your mannerisms just as much as you are by his, and admires the fact that you seem to have many skills. Some of them he might even take part in himself, such as playing chess and delving into darker topics. This would lead you to spending quite some time together, discussing such topics over a chess board.
The friendship between you and Alastor could be seen as unusual by most other people, but in reality it’s based on a very deep trust. You both trust each other to not cross boundaries; you don’t like physical touch from somebody who isn’t close? He’s going to respect that, he’s actually just the same. He’s not the biggest fan of sexual remarks? Sure, you’re going to be relying on other jokes, primarily puns as he seems to be a big enjoyer of those.
You and Alastor enjoy the occasional planned hang out with each other, usually opting for recitals and musicals as you both enjoy those a lot. You respect each other’s wish to quietly follow the play but at the end of it you’re very eager to have an open discussion about it.
Alastor, as the good friend that he is, also tries his best to take care of any kind of conflict that may arise while you’re together for you. Will you have to hold him back from doing anything too crazy? Sure, most of the time a little scare is enough...
He’s also pretty closed off with his own emotions, so a positive thing is that he’s never going to push you to talk about things, even in general. He does worry though, you’re his dear friend, and his way of showing it is by tolerating more than he would usually. May that be a short hug or whatever you might need from him to feel better, he’s willing to make an effort to provide it to you.
Hi! I hope you enjoyed; I made the platonic matchup a little bit shorter, I hope that’s alright, if not I can give you some more headcanons...I don’t mind at all! Tell me what you think, love you <3
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pt 3 to the taylor!verse or they definitely learn how to communicate. 
content: not entirely smutty, but alludes to smut so 18+ only please, hurt no comfort, matty lies :/
matty’s departure for a tour usually pans out in one of two ways: a. you aren’t even privy to the fact that he’s left until he sends you a random dick pic in the middle of the afternoon, claiming it's two am his time and he misses you so so so much, or b. you’re getting woken up at six in the morning because he’s conveniently forgotten to secure a ride to the airport.
so, you sit and wait for the text. either one would work at this point, (though you’re a bit impartial to not being woken up with a picture of his dick).
you don’t just get a text however, you get multiple. a slew of messages wake you up from your slumber. multiple are him just asking if you’re awake because he’s bored out of his mind without you. others are him telling you all about the city he’s in and that you have to come visit because there’s so much good food and record shops and the vintage store he found has the best band tees he’s ever seen so he needs to know your size as soon as possible so he can buy you one. there’s an interesting use of emojis, too. you laugh to yourself as you begin to reply, but you’re immediately cut off by an incoming facetime from the man in question.
this continues for a few days- him in constant contact and you both ending your night on the phone together with him making promises of sweet nothings and baseless love. it's like he took a page right out of the “how-to-be-a-boyfriend-without-the-label handbook”, the perfect page at least to make you feel that deep down maybe in some parallel lifetime you were his and he was yours. and when he talks you through a mind-numbing orgasm later that night, having you puppeteer a ghost of what he would do to you had he been there, he asks you if you're his. and like you always do, you say yes through gasps for air and contorts of pleasure. you never ask if he’s yours though, the thought slips your mind at the moment. but you don’t need to because you know.
the next day, he calls and asks what your schedule looks like. you tell him there’s a lull in filming at the moment and that you’re free until a little over a month from now. he giggles, deviously, and you have half a mind to ask him what that’s all about. but he ends the call before you can. your confirmation comes about an hour later when you receive a text message with hotel and flight information and a cheeky “see you soon x”. you don’t push the envelope by questioning his intentions. instead, you make sure you tie up any loose ends for the next week and pack a bag.
he picks you up from the airport in yet another rented red convertible.
“you have a type, don’t you?” you laugh.
he shoots you a look, tossing your bag that he insisted on carrying for you into the backseat. “piss off.”
it only fuels your laughter, watching the way his face scrunches up as he rounds the car to get in the driver’s seat.
“mean it. I’ll leave you here,” his tone sounds serious, but there’s a hint of a smile on his lips and a glimmer in his eyes.
you roll your eyes as you hop in the car, “who’s going to get you off then, hm?”
he doesn’t respond. his hand finds itself on your thigh and that’s the answer you need.
for the first few days, it all seems normal. you fall into a sense of routine quite easily; waking up in a new hotel room, eating the hotel’s excuse for breakfast, lounging by the pool for a few hours, getting ready, going to the show, leaving for the after-party, leaving said after party early with matty whispering filthy promises in your ear, ending up in his room yet again, and then sneaking back out to your own hotel room before anyone would notice you were missing. it’s easy, to fall into this routine with him- especially on the days he has off and you two muck about in new cities, acting like tourists and finding new vintage stores. it’s like there was no ignoring and pining, just two friends (who happen to know each other’s bodies like the back of their hands) exploring and having a grand old time. painless, fun. easy.
until it isn’t.
she shows up on the fifth day of your trip. a woman mirroring your features. she’s an actress with a name that sounds like yours.
you had hardly noticed until you go to breakfast the next morning and she’s sat next to matty. your seat. he’s laughing at a joke she’s telling, wrapped up in her effortlessly. you don’t blame him. she’s funny and beautiful. you don’t blame her either for the way she looks at him because it's the same exact way you do.
he introduces you as his friend, with his arm wrapped over her shoulders and a permanent smile on his lips. the knife is twisting deeper. the wound only grows larger as she giggles out how matty’s told her so much about you and how much she loved the last movie you were in and did you know that matty and george had a hand in the soundtracking, they’re so talented, aren’t they? through a pained smile, one that matty would’ve picked up on (should’ve picked up on) had he been paying any attention to you, you’re nodding and thanking her. you excuse yourself before you can endure anymore, blaming it on a conference call. you feel stupid. used and stupid and confused.
you don’t notice matty’s eyes following you out of the room, a sallow expression overtaking his once gleeful smile.
there’s a knock at your hotel room. It’s just after two-thirty in the morning. you’re barely even opening the door before he’s pushing his way in, taking you in his arms and kissing the breath from your lips, sucking all of the air out of your lungs. you melt into him as you always do, fingers tangling in his hair and whines vibrating onto his lips. he takes you apart bit by bit with his tongue like his life depends on it, building you up to a blinding finish over and over and over again. you’re practically pulling him off of you in an attempt to hold onto whatever sanity you have left. and when he kisses you again, you taste yourself in his mouth; a small sliver of the remnants of your fantasy. he kisses you like he’s yours; your own perfectly curated shade of blue, a color mixed so tenderly and carefully like no other you’ve ever known.
you don’t ask him if he is yours, because you don’t have to. you never have to. not with the way he looks at you, a reflected image of your own dazed smile.
the last girl leaves and is replaced with another mirror of you. his late-night visits become far and few. time’s slipping away as quickly as he is, and there’s only three days left before you’re due back home for a photoshoot.
you didn’t notice it all until george brings it up as you two share a smoke on a balcony overlooking a new city. the air is crisp and the warmth brought by the blanket over your shoulders is a necessity.
“where’s matty?” he asks, exhaling the cloud of smoke in front of him with an outstretched hand holding the joint out to you.
you gladly accept, shrugging your shoulders and taking a hit, “haven’t seen much of him besides when he’s on stage.”
his eyebrows furrow and a tilt of his head comes soon after. you don’t like that look. it bubbles a deep feeling in your chest that radiates throughout your body and out into the air. you exhale as a means to eradicate it all, trying to push it away but there’s no use.
“weren’t you with him last night? i called and heard a voice in the back, sounded like yours.”
with the look you give him, he knows he’s ultimately shit the bed. your mind starts racing to matty telling you he was going to be busy for the next few nights, something about rewrites and creative processes but your mind was too hazy from the pleasure induced matty high to have it really resonate with you. you remember how he answered a phone call in the other room, just out of earshot so you wouldn’t be able to hear him. the feeling only grows.
“i uh, i wasn’t. i thought he was with you,” you swallow, thickly. your throat feels dry, but you’re accepting the joint again anyway.
george just shakes his head, offering you a solemn glance.
you feel sick. he’s on tour; singing songs he’s written about you yet, still shacking up with girls that aren’t you but look and act like you at the end of the night. so what's the matter with you, exactly? he makes you promise him that you’re his and you’ve never once asked him if that was reciprocated. he’s never once said it. but he acts like he’s yours in the middle of the night and under the covers and over text messages at ungodly hours. he tastes like he’s yours when he kisses you with so much fervor and longing that you forget how to breathe.
there are two days before you have to leave now. after the revelation on the balcony with george, you find yourself packing your bags, hurriedly. deuxmoi is calling her his next girlfriend, going on and on and gushing about how happy he looks for once. you’re sick to your stomach, excusing yourself from the gig that night with a lie about some casting call with your manager.
it’s late when they get back and matty is still riding his stage high. when he sees you outside the hotel, hushing furious secrets on the phone, it all comes crashing down. bile rises to his throat and he approaches you with a cigarette tucked between his lips.
“so we lie to each other, now?”
you jump, not expecting to see him until morning. your scoff falls into the air, ignored as he stares at you indignantly awaiting your response.
“you’re one to talk, matt.” the name feels foreign on your tongue, syllables that haven’t escaped your vernacular recently.
“if you didn’t want to come tonight, why lie about it?” it was a blow to his ego, no doubt, to not have you there tonight. but he deserved it.
“i’m not the liar here.” your words cast a heavy dark cloud over him, “why have you been avoiding me?”
“i didn't... i’m not avoiding you,” he sputters.
your reserve breaks, another lie.
“did you invite me here just so you could sleep with me if one of your friends didn’t feel up to it?”
the words leak out of your lips, dripping with malice like white-hot venom. they’re out in the open now, there’s no way for you to take them back as you wait for his response. the end of his cigarette illuminates as he takes another hit, eyes forward now. he didn’t dare make eye contact, too afraid of the nonsense that would boil over if he did.
“it’s not.. it’s not like that-”
“then enlighten me, matty.”
matty looks at you, finally, pensive as if waiting for you to go on, “i don’t understand.”
“why did you invite me here?”
“i think it’s pretty obvious?” an awkward laugh falls from his lips.
“god, i’m so fucking dumb,” you groan and run a hand over your face, wishing the earth would just swallow you whole, “i’ve been here waiting for a sign that maybe just maybe things were changing and i didn’t waste years of my life pining after a man who doesn’t care about me but instead sees me as an opportunity to get laid when his long line of women runs dry.”
“that’s bullshit! you were off doing the same things i was-”
“yeah, but i stopped because i…”
“you what?”
“i fell in love with you,” you confess.
you watch as his mouth bobs up and down. the air feels as if it’s been sucked out of your lungs, yet again, and you so badly want to just take back everything you said, beginning with your inquisition and your later revelation to him. you’re not sure if you even want him to say anything at this point, knowing that whatever he says is not going to help you lick the self-inflicted wounds or heal the mess you’ve so brilliantly perpetrated.
there’s an utterance of your name as he tosses aside the ember of his cigarette. you shake your head though, don’t want to hear what he has to say. the moment has come and gone, fleeting like a flash of lightning before a clap of thunder. he steps towards you, hands shifting as he wonders if he should touch you or just keep them to himself. he chooses the latter and you have to swallow down the tears as they sting at the corners of your eyes. you’re not about to give him the satisfaction.
“you don’t have to say anything,” your voice permeates the thickened air. his eyes search yours relentlessly, but you remain stoic in how you speak. “but if it isn’t obvious. this,” you gesture between the two of you, “i can’t do it anymore. at least not like it was before. and i’m not about to push you into something you’re not ready for. so, i’ve decided to just take myself out of the equation.”
“well that’s hardly fair,” he scoffs, his voice laced with his own thick emotion.
“i need to do this for me, though.”
“if you just give me some time-”
“matty, i can’t. if it’s taking you this long to even remotely have a response towards me telling you how i feel then it’s not going to happen and we both just need to move on.”
“but,” he swallows, “i want you to stay.”
“i can’t, not like this.”
“you knew what this was when we started, so i don’t know why you’re getting like this. can’t we just forget this happened? i won’t see her again if that makes you feel any better,” matty’s eyes are red and bloodshot and you watch as he blinks a few times as if to ward off tears.
“you can’t treat me one way behind closed doors, telling me you’re mine and kissing me like that and filling my head up with this faithless love and then make it out to be like none of that has ever happened.”
“that’s how it’s always been!”
“why can’t you just face the fact that things have been different between us?”
matty looks down at his shoes, “i didn’t notice that…”
“that’s bullshit, matty.” you cry out.
“i don’t want you to leave. not like this.”
“then give me a reason to stay. tell me that it’s not just in my head, that you feel what i feel, and that i’m not just imagining it all,” you plead, “tell me you want me the way i want you.”
matty stays silent for a minute or two, you’ve stopped counting. instead you’re holding your breath to put off crying, trying to will some kind of higher being to reverse the clock. you feel your grip on the upper hand begin to slide when his eyes meet yours again. he utters your name, begging with you. but it’s too late, you’re exasperated and tired of the back and forth and on and off and hot and cold. you just want to hear him say it. you’ve never had to ask him before, but your assumptions have left you feeling empty and slighted.
the second utterance of your name is all the confirmation you need. your eyes are stinging and you just shake your head at him, but he keeps speaking anyway. you wish you could stop listening, stop falling into his trap.
“i do want you. always," he steps towards you somberly, hands outstretched.
“you know that’s not what i mean,” you whisper in fear of what your voice would sound like even a decibel louder. you’ve lit the candle from both ends, enjoying the feeling of claiming him as your own and having him around without the vindication that he feels the same way. and now you’re left with the ashes of what was, forced to clean up the mess that’s left behind and hopefully clean up yourself as well. for years, you’ve put him first, let his entire being consume you whole, and paint you a shade of blue. but it was all a hoax, a game constructed by the man who stood before you so he could have his cake and eat it, too.
that seems to be enough for him to drop your hand. you hadn’t even realized he picked it up. and that’s the worst part of it all, you think, is he’s letting you go now without so much of a fight. the war is over, a winless fight, and as the dust settles all you can think about is how you’ve never once gotten the clarification.
you never asked him if he was yours because you never had to. but in hindsight, maybe you should have.
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bp-zb1fics · 1 year
hi! i read your yujin post and i LOVED IT and it kinda inspired this idea/request
male reader and ricky have been close friends for a long time. reader was always the sociable one who dotes on ricky all the time while ricky was always quiet and more intimidating one. one time reader gets sick and expects to take care of himself but to his surprise ricky comes over to take care of him (maybe because ricky was always in love with male reader?🫢)
you can adjust or even skip this one if you want😅
Tall & Handsome & will take care of you~
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pairing: ricky x reader
genre: highschool au (same verse as shy, shy, shy fic), fluff, romantic tropes
tw/tags: long time friends meet again, banter, yunseo cameo, slightly jealous lovelicky, swearing, kisses, dog mafia as protect yujin’s eyes squad, sickness (not serious), hand massages, squishmallow gift, ricky is taller than you for plot purposes
wc: 1905
summary: you’ve known ricky for a long time but he still manages to surprise you.
a/n hi anon! thanks for requesting this, i really had fun with the ricky/reader dynamic and since you loved the yujin request so much, it only made sense for me to set it in the same universe. For those who read shy, shy, shy~ I left a little easter egg that will definitely tie up to the part two of that fic that was requested by another lovely anon so keep an eye out for it!
Check my pinned for more fics~
part 2
As the class vice president, you were tasked to assist Park Gunwook, your class president, in greeting and orienting the new students. When the teacher ushered them in, the first one you saw was a tall, unfairly attractive brunette boy. You and Gunwook exchanged glances. How the fuck could someone be that good-looking? 
The first new student who introduced himself as Kim Gyuvin also looked vaguely terrified of Gunwook who decided to spend the summer bulking up. Discreetly, you rolled your eyes. Sooner or later, he’ll find out that the intimidating impression was a front and Gunwook was nothing but a big baby that whined at you to get out of class president duties he disliked. 
Your attention is directed to the other new student who walks in, blond hair expertly parted, silver necklace and earrings gleaming. He’s also tall, unfairly attractive and worst of all, you knew that face.
“Ricky?” You sputtered out.
You’ve known each other since he was a scrawny kid with a mouth full of braces. While you kept in contact when he had moved overseas, he never mentioned anything about moving back and more importantly, transferring to your school.
The teacher, Gunwook and Gyuvin all freeze as you throw your arms around your long-time friend. 
“Why didn’t you tell me, you little shit?” You hissed into his ear while you tried to squeeze the life out of him with your hug. “Fuck, I’ve missed you.”
“He’s an old friend.” You tell the teacher enthusiastically after you’ve released him and let him introduce himself to your dumbfounded companions. “We’ve known each other since we were kids.”
Only now, he’s tall, blond and stupidly handsome, you think. You really need to get yourself together. 
After getting over the shock of that is Ricky, you’re your usual bright, chipper class vice president self, showing him and Gyuvin where they’ll be sitting, what the class schedule is like and including little tips about each class. They draw quite a few stares, most likely for both being over 180 cm and looking like models. 
Still, you get through the day with Gyuvin being less afraid of Gunwook despite the latter’s uncomfortable staring which you’ll need to talk to him about later. Because no Gunwook, even if the new student looks like a damn prince, we don’t stare at him for that long. The class resident joker, Kum Junhyeon, seems to have taken a shine to Gyuvin which is good because he’s making friends but also bad for the chaos you see in your future.
Meanwhile, Ricky seems to be unbothered, settling in almost immediately. He looked so comfortable that you’d almost think he’s been in this class the whole time. You’re still most definitely ambushing him at lunch break. There’s going to be a lot of catching up to do.
Three absolutely chaotic years later…
“Ricky!” You scold the blond while shoving another snack into Yujin’s hands. “Stop it, you’re scaring him.”
While his glaring dials down, it’s still obviously there and Yujin gulps before thanking you and hurrying back over to where his own class president is being doted on by Junhyeon, Gunwook and Gyuvin. You’ve taken to calling those three the dog mafia, their joint antics always go big but also a little clumsy.
Frowning, you walk over to Ricky who’s finally stopped glaring and swat him weakly.
“You scared away the baby. You know how excited I get whenever those three bring them over.”
Ricky has the audacity to look unfazed, reaching to take one of the snacks you’re holding.
“They were taking my snacks.” He stated simply.
“Excuse me mister, your snacks?”
You give him a look and he stares back, shameless. Then a ridiculous thought pops into your head and you smack him playfully.
“Awwww, is little Lovelicky jealous?” You coo almost imitating the aegyo voice that Junhyeon likes to do.
“....Nope.” He answers without missing a beat. You pout, smacking him again.
“God, you’re no fun.”
You turn to the dog mafia and pause when you see that they’ve got their hands over Yujin and his friend’s eyes.
“Uh…what are you doing?”
“What does it look like?” Gyuvin fires back.
“We’re protecting our children from the horrific sight of our cool ice president and class vice prince flirting.” Junhyeon chimes in, scrambling words as per usual.
You sigh and look at Gunwook for help. He shrugs.
The chaos you see in your future indeed.
“Ah, excuse me.”
You look up from packing your things. Gunwook’s already stepped out, the latest student officer meeting having wrapped up. 
“Ah, Yunseo-ssi, what can I do for you?” You say, smiling at the other boy. 
Ji Yunseo is the vice president of one of the other classes in your year. He’s also unfailingly nice and never a pain to work with which you can’t say is true for some other officers. Along with Gunwook, he’s always been supportive of the ideas you propose.
“Wahh we’ve been working together for three years, don’t you think it’s about time we speak casually?” He says, playfully thumping your arm.
You stifle a giggle as you finish placing everything in your bag and return his banter. 
“Ah it’s because we’re colleagues, Yunseo-ssi, got to stay professional.”
Yunseo smiles at you, watching as you heave the bag over your shoulder.
“Let me carry that for you,” he offers.
You’re about to decline politely when the bag is lifted off your shoulders.
“I’ve got it.”
You turn just to see Ricky slinging the bag over his own shoulder like it weighs nothing. His expression is the usual impassive, almost holier-than-thou that he does particularly when Junhyeon and Gyuvin get up to their shenanigans.
“Ricky-ah, it’s okay, I can hold it.” You reach for the bag only for him to hold it out of your grasp. Huffing at him, you turn to Yunseo who’s smile seems a little less bright, eyes flicking between you and Ricky.
“What were you saying?” You ask him, still bright and chipper so not to dampen the mood like your best friend has.
“Ah nothing. I’ll see you at the next meeting.” The other boy says almost too politely before walking off.
You frown after him. “Weird.” You comment before turning back to the blond.
“I swear I can carry that by myself.”
“Come on, give it here. Ya, stop holding it over my head like I can’t reach it.”
“Ugh, fine. God, you’re impossible.”
In your defence, you didn’t think that a few late nights (a whole lot, more likely) would end up with you getting sick. Except you do. Get sick.
You wake up with your head pounding something fierce, your nose stuffy and an itchy throat. Picking up your phone, you send a quick text to Gunwook explaining your unfortunate situation. Making a mental note to check the cabinet for cold and flu medicine later, you pull the blanket over your head and pass the fuck out.
When you wake up again, someone’s running their fingers through your hair. Before you can make a guess, you smell his cologne, expensive yet comforting even with your stuffed up nose. With much effort, you slowly open your eyes to see a familiar blond head staring down on you with an oddly soft expression.
“...time is it?” You slur, almost missing the hand in your hair as he lifts it up to check his watch. Apparently you’ve slept almost the whole day away. You attempt to get up only for your body to drop back onto the mattress like a deadweight.
Ricky sighs. Suddenly there are hands propping you up gently. A glass of water and fever reducer tablet is given to you and he watches intently as you take it, snatching the tablet packet and glass out of your hands before you can attempt to reach and place it on the bedside table. 
“I brought your notes.” He said, gesturing to the stack on your desk. “Gunwook made copies of his, I’ll come back tomorrow and until you get better.”
“Wahh, you don’t need to spoil me, Ricky-ah.” You scold half-heartedly. He doesn’t try to dignify you with a response.
“You should get more sleep.” He says instead. And he stays till you fall asleep.
Over the next few days, you find out that Ricky is, in fact, not joking when he said until you get better. He’s at your home after class everyday without fail, bringing copies of Gunwook’s notes and maybe a few extra things that he insists are for the good of your health. While you didn’t know how a giant pink squishmallow would help you get better, you certainly weren’t complaining.
“Damn, even if I know they’ll probably make my headache worse, I kinda miss Gunwookie, Gyuvinie, even Junhyeonie.” You say offhandedly as Ricky massages your hand, claiming some sort of health reason that you didn’t even care to question.
“That’s exactly why I told them not to visit until you’re better.” Ricky comments as he presses his thumb up and down your palm in a motion that was quite soothing actually.
“Don’t lie to me Ricky-ah, you just want to keep me for yourself, no?” You joke.
The silence that follows is suddenly heavy as Ricky continues to keep his eyes on your hand. And then-
“And what if I do?”
Your mind goes blank for a second, watching his face, his expression not changing. He must be joking with you, right?
“Aigooo, does Lovelicky have a crush?” You shoot back weakly. 
His fingers stop massaging your hand. He looks up. To anyone else, his expression would be the same but for you, there were certain tells, the slightest pink at the tips of his ears, the subtle way he swallows, the earnest hopefulness in his eyes when he says-
“....I’ve always liked you.”
Yujin is confused.
“So they weren’t dating before?” He asks Gyuvin, the older patting his cheek indulgently as they watch you hand feed Ricky snacks, stealing kisses in between bites.
“Nope. Our lovely vice president was oblivious as always and ice prince over there was too busy scaring away the competition to realise that he hadn't even popped the question.”
“But they’re dating now?” Yujin says right before Ricky catches you in a longer kiss, Gyuvin squawking and covering Yujin’s eyes.
“You really don’t need to keep doing that, hyung.” Yujin retorts once Gyuvin deems you two wholesome again. Nevermind that you’re halfway sitting on Ricky’s lap which the blond looks almost too happy about.
“But you’re A BABY.” Junhyeon chimes in dramatically after losing interest in the conversation between Gunwook and the president of Yujin’s class.
“Might be a good idea to ask your class president out before you end up like them, Yujin-ah.” Gyuvin sagely advises after following the younger’s gaze to said conversation.
Yujin’s nose wrinkles. “Ew hyung, we’re just friends.”
“Well friends can hang out too?” Gyuvin points out. “And- OHMY! GUYS!”
“THE CHILDREN!” Junhyeon screams helpfully.
Ricky looks up from where he’s been blowing a raspberry on your neck in retribution for you poking at his sides and shoots them a withering look. You giggle as he plants one last kiss before getting up to mess with Gyuvin.
It’s been an interesting year so far and you can’t wait to see where the rest of it takes you with Ricky on your side.
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British Taxi
Panda's Notes: It's done!! The third of what was only three ideas I had for Across the Spider-Verse! ...I have at least three more ideas now. >w< I had so much fun with this one, so I hope you guys like it too. [Ao3] || [Commissions] || [Ko-fi]
“’Sup, losers?” Hobie threw up a peace sign to the small group sitting at a table in the HQ cafeteria. “Aye, Mayday.”
The trio, plus Mayday, kind of just…stared. Mayday laughed, and the others were struggling not to smile.
“Okay, what are you two doing?” Gwen finally spoke up, motioning curiously at this little arrangement. Only at the mention of there being two of them did Miles start snickering. He slightly adjusted his hold on Hobie’s legs, pacing in a small circle and looking particularly proud of himself. Hobie had one arm hooked around his shoulders, his chin occasionally resting on his head.
“Don’t really understand the question, Gwenny.” Hobie shrugged, draping his free arm lazily over Miles’ shoulder. “Ain’t doin’ much.”
“Miles, what are you doing?” She tried again, barely managing to stifle her giggles.
Miles shrugged, chuckling a bit himself. “I dunno; it was his idea.” The others around the table nodded, and Hobie stuck his tongue out at them. “He’s not even heavy; his legs are just really long.”
“Not my fault you’re still a munchkin.” He poked the side of Miles’ head, smirking as he huffed.
“Well, it’s not my fault you look like a palm tree.”
Miles spun casually, and the others giggled. “Gotta be honest; I feel like I could have picked him up before the spider strength. Like, have you guys even seen this guy eat anything? I have literally never seen him eat food.”
“Alright, you’re takin’ the Mick, I’m out.” Hobie shook his head and leaned back. He pressed his palms to the floor, heaving Miles up off the ground with his legs with hardly any effort.
“H-Hobie!” Miles yelped, flailing for a moment before sticking his hands to Hobie’s boots and pushing himself up. The table laughed and applauded softly at their double handstand, and Hobie chuckled, reaching to adjust his guitar before turning to face them.
“You two are something else.” Peter chuckled, watching Gwen crouch on the floor to get a picture of them.
“Always.” Hobie smirked, pulling a face as the camera flashed and smirking when Gwen socked his arm. “Oi, shorty, you want to switch?”
“What? And have you perched on my legs? Not likely.” Miles called.
Hobie snorted, starting to shift as if he were going to throw him off. “Nah, bruv, I’ll carry you. Go for a walkabout and all.”
Miles’ eyes had lit up, but he quickly acted as if they hadn’t. “Seriously?” He struggled for balance before pushing himself away as Hobie rolled out from under him.
“Never serious, mate.” He said with a sneer, hopping to his feet and starting to walk. “But I’ll still do it.”
“Uh, Miles, maybe you should—”
Miles turned to see Gwen shoving at Pavitr’s face, and she motioned him to follow after Hobie with a bright grin.
Hobie had glanced back with a noticeable smirk, schooling his expression as Miles turned to him again. Pavitr bat Gwen’s hand away once they were definitely out of earshot.
“Why didn’t you let me warn him?” He asked, smiling bemusedly.
She just shrugged, already snickering to herself. “Nobody warned me!”
Hobie had walked Miles to one of the nearby basic training rooms: not as big as, say, the rooms for swinging practice, or even the hallways just outside. But it was quiet, and Hobie took a deep breath before stretching a bit.
“So, you’re really going to do this, huh?” Miles asked with a skeptical grin. “You’re not too cool to carry me around?”
“I do what I want, mate; that’s what makes me cool.” Hobie joked, shoving lightly at Miles’ face. “’Less you don’t want to all of a sudden. Ain’t one or the other for me.”
He smirked as Miles swatted his arm away, watching him fidget around with his sleeves and hood for a second. He brought his own hands up, finding the buckle on his guitar strap to loosen it. He didn’t move much or comment as Miles approached him, holding his guitar slightly to one side while the teen crawled up onto his back.
“You sure we’re okay like this?” Miles referred mostly to Hobie’s guitar, grabbing ahold of it himself after hooking his legs around Hobie’s waist.
“S’alright, bruv.” He murmured as he tightened the strap and glanced back just in case. “Besides, you won’t catch me dead without my axe on me.” Finally, he lowered his arms, slipping them under Miles’ knees when he relaxed and pacing in a small circle. “Good?”
Miles chuckled and nodded. “I’m fine.”
“Alright, then, let’s see about that little tour, yeah?”
As he turned to walk toward the door, he suddenly pitched to one side; his knee bending dramatically as he took the step.
“Hobie!” Miles yelped and wrapped his arms around Hobie’s shoulders, surprised giggles catching his voice before he could stop them.
“Yeah, mate?” He pushed himself sharply to stand up straight, bouncing his passenger slightly before leaning the opposite way for another sideways step.
“What are you doing?!” Miles tried to ask, his voice jumping up when Hobie stumbled backwards as if he was falling.
He stopped instantly, probably just sticking his feet down, and glanced sideways to hear him better. “Hm? Nothin here. What do you think I’m doing?” Miles could hear the smirk on his face as Hobie casually shuffled back and forth, and he tried not to laugh again as he rolled his eyes.
“You’re not walking straight.” He said as shortly as possible, holding on a bit tighter as Hobie spun on one foot for a few seconds.
“Heh.” Hobie snickered, glancing down before moving backwards again. “Haven’t done anything straight in my life, brother.”
Miles laughed this time, giving Hobie a light smack on his shoulder. “That’s a terrible way to come out to someone.”
“Yeah? What would you know about it?”
Miles almost hesitated, but he leaned and whispered into Hobie’s ear.
“No shit?” He laughed lightly, spinning around again before continuing his backwards slide. “You are aces, my guy. One of a kind.”
Miles grinned softly, his gaze trailing down to the floor. “Wait, you can moonwalk?!”
“Oh, is it hard?” Hobie scoffed teasingly. “What do ya think, eh? We good to walkabout?”
“I am barely trusting you to walk right now.” Miles admitted, and Hobie proved his point by walking sideways again. “You’re being weird!” He laughed.
Hobie stopped abruptly, jostling his passenger. “Wanna be in on a little secret, mate?” He turned his head, not quite enough for Miles to see his face, though.
Miles couldn’t help being wary, and he shifted his legs to keep hold of Hobie’s waist. “If you have one to tell me.”
Hobie chuckled, shaking his head. “See, thing is: I cannot fucking stand backseat drivers.” He sighed, maintaining a tone as if he were serious. “So, if you want to start harpin’ on, I just might do something drastic.”
He didn’t give Miles a chance to ask questions, shifting his hands under both of his knees and hooking his fingers in as best he could. He smirked at the sudden cackles that shot past his ears, and Miles shoved at his shoulder and leaned back against Hobie’s guitar, barely getting any leeway from the guitar strap.
“Hobie!” He cried through his laughter. “Asshole, cut it out!” He tried to kick and flailed against his back.
“You gonna shut your South back there? Let me drive in peace?” Hobie gripped his knees tight when Miles tried to lift his legs out, pressing his thumbs against the sides of his kneecaps.
“Okay, okay, I get it!” Miles squealed, gripping Hobie’s vest as he stopped.
“Good. Let’s roll.” Hobie lurched forward a bit suddenly, chuckling as Miles squeaked. “Want me to run? Make up lost time?”
“Absolutely not.”
“You wanna?”
“I’m hearing yes.”
“Don’t you—” Miles yelped as he ran for maybe three steps.
Hobie laughed tauntingly, letting Miles give him light punches on his shoulders. “Alright, alright. For real.” The door opened automatically as they approached, and Hobie strode confidently into the hallway traffic.
“So, mate, what was all that rubbish about me being easy to carry, eh?” Hobie spoke after a minute of wandering. Only a few of the Peters that they passed by even noticed Miles attached to him, let alone commented. Miles mostly hid his face against the back of his neck, sneaking little waves at anyone who managed to notice him. “Like you aren’t acting a proper rucksack?”
“Can you maybe speak less British?” Miles asked playfully, stifling a squeak when Hobie tickled his legs again.
He snorted, moving a little faster and jostling Miles more aggressively as if he were a backpack. “Oh, you’re fuckin’ hilarious aren’t ya?”
Miles gripped onto Hobie’s vest again, trying to steady himself and muffling giggles against his shoulder. “Kidding! I was kidding; stop…” He whispered through snickers. Hobie flinched a little as Miles’ breath passed his neck, and he turned his head slightly when Miles went quiet.
“You try anything, and I’ll end you.” He said, unable to keep up a stern façade with his voice. He did sneak a warning little scratch under one of his knees again though, just in case. He snickered along with Miles’ giggles, hooking his arms around his legs to slip his hands into his pockets.
“Spider-Punk.” Both of them looked forward to find Miguel approaching, and Hobie kept walking as the man spoke. “Have you seen Morales?”
“Not lately.” Hobie said curtly, speeding up just a little bit.
Miguel sighed, his eyes on some projection from his watch. “Well, when you do see him, tell him I—” He had turned to call after him, heaving a sigh when he realized. “Really?”
“What?” Hobie turned to face him, walking backwards a few steps with Miles snickering nervously. “Ain’t seen him; what of it?” He struggled to keep the grin off his face, shrugging casually and turning back to continue.
“Miles!” Miguel called, already sounding irritated as he started to follow them.
“Hobie, run.” Miles whispered, his nervous giggles turning mischievous.
“Hm? What~? You wanna run now, mate?”
“C’mon, Hobie, please?” He glanced back to see Miguel glaring at them.
“I dunno; seems like he really wants to talk to you.” Hobie actually started to slow his pace.
Hobie’s Spider Sense had started tingling as soon as Miguel got all pissy, and the second he reached for Miles’ shoulder, Hobie broke into a sprint. Most of the other Spider People’s senses warned them in time, but he had no problem shouldering past whoever he had to. Miles laughed brightly, hooking his arms across Hobie’s neck and squeezing his legs tight around his waist.
“Hobart Brown!” Miguel shouted after them, and they heard footsteps gaining on them.
“Oh, shit.” Hobie laughed a bit himself. “You need to hold on, mate.” He shifted mid-step, springing up and throwing them both over the guardrail. He hooked one arm tight around Miles’ leg as they started to freefall, taking a necessary second to flip Miguel off with his free hand before firing his web-shooter at the underside of the catwalk they had just abandoned. He pulled them up to stick underneath it, and he quickly crawled to the nearest wall. He pulled them both back up the open tower with another shot of web, sticking himself as best he could into a corner between two of the crisscrossing walkways.
They hunkered down and caught their breath, watching Miguel from essentially three stories away. His gaze whipped back and forth over both sides of the catwalk, seemingly expecting them to just pop out from the middle, and Hobie’s hands might have clenched against the wall. Miles was clinging tightly onto his back, but he was shaking like a leaf and barely keeping it together.
“Stop laughing.” Hobie whispered through half-gritted teeth, lightly punching back at his passenger’s side. “Shut the fuck up, right now.” He had to sound demanding, because he was definitely going to start laughing if Miles didn’t stop.
“I’m sorry!” Miles whispered back, a snort slipping out of him.
Finally, Miguel heaved a tired sigh and kept walking, and Hobie visibly relaxed as he went into one of the enclosed corridors.
And finally, they laughed. They still tried to keep quiet about it, but the tension drained away as Hobie climbed over onto the nearest walkway.
“Oh my God, we’re in so much trouble…” Miles whined as laughter faded out of his voice.
“Heh, hell yeah.” Hobie chuckled. “Might want to ditch the watches before Blue gets on our ass. If it helps at all, I still haven’t seen ya.”
“Pfft. For some reason, I don’t think he’s going to buy tha—”
“What~? Miles, where are you~?” Hobie called to no one in particular, hardly even bothering to raise his voice.
“Wait, what?!” Miles giggled in disbelief. “What are you—?” He squeaked as Hobie turned suddenly.
“Ah, shit, I’ve lost track of him.” He twisted the other way, letting go of Miles’ legs without warning and resting his hands on his hips. “I’ll be damned; what do I tell the others?”
“Hobie?” Miles flinched as he almost slipped.
Hobie sighed a bit dramatically, shrugging. “Nothing for it but to tell them, I guess.”
Back in the cafeteria, both Peter and Pavitr had been absolutely battering Gwen with teasing little questions almost since Miles and Hobie had left.
“So, you were lying when you said Hobie’s never gone all tickle monster on you, huh?” Pavitr sang playfully, poking quickly up her side and giggling as she bat him away. “Ooh, I knew I should have told him you said that.”
“My threat still stands on what will happen if you do.” She said back, only to flinch nearly into his lap as Peter’s finger zipped up her spine.
“Pavi, you should know Spider-People start out as terrible liars.” He grinned, and Mayday made the sweetest noise as she pat Gwen’s arm.
Gwen whined as a faint blush crept across her cheeks, shaking her head and laughing softly with them.
“Oi! Fellas.” Hobie suddenly appeared, jogging up to the table and resting his hands on an empty chair. “Mayday. Ah, look, wildest thing: I might have lost our boy Miles.”
The trio, plus Mayday, kind of just…stared. Mayday laughed, and the others were struggling not to smile. Again.
“Oh, no, how could you?” Gwen, once again, made herself break the silence.
“I know; I know; kinda shite of me, but, see, I ran into Old Blue in the hall, and he asked about Miles. I turn ‘round and realize—” He turned, just to illustrate.
Miles reached out to them with one hand. “Help me…” He giggled, trying to whisper as he tightened his legs around Hobie’s waist.
“—realize I ain’t seen him since some minutes ago when we left here.” Hobie turned to face them again, except he spun around the long way before crossing his arms. “Started thinking about sending a search party. But he’s probably ‘right, y’know?”
“Oh, yeah, Miles is a big kid; he’ll be okay.” Peter nodded, reaching with his leg to nudge the chair Hobie had been leaning on. “You want to sit down, maybe?”
“Nah, pops, I’m good.” He shrugged, maintaining a completely straight face as he looked over at Pavitr struggling to contain himself.
“Okay, okay wait, so—” Pavitr called with a flail of his hands. “You haven’t seen him at all?”
“Not a peek.”
“Then what are you carrying?”
Hobie glanced over his shoulder as best he could. Miles poked his nose. He didn’t even smile. “’S my guitar, Pav, you know I always have it.”
Pavitr laughed in disbelief, looking over at Gwen. She just shrugged with a grin.
“Well, Hobie,” She decided to try. “Did you get some new, uh, accessories since we saw you last?”
“Don’t really see how that’s relevant, mate.” He rested his chin on one hand, a smile threatening his lips as Miles giggled into his shoulder.
“Is that a no?” She hopped out of her chair and approached them, and Hobie put his hands up innocently. “Then this is…” She reached out and poked Miles’ side, grinning as he pawed at her hand and tried to keep quiet. That only lasted the three seconds it took for her to decide to scribble all five fingers against his shirt.
“Gwen!” He laughed, one hand gripping tighter at Hobie’s vest as he reached to push her shoulder. “Hobie, come on!”
“Strangest thing, innit, but I do keep hearing his dumb little voice.” Hobie noted as he started to smirk. “Somewhere back here, like.” He reached back with one hand, his fingers scribbling under Miles’ chin and pulling out a barely stifled squeal. “I swear I’m going mental or someth—” His voice caught on a snort as Miles suddenly tickled along his exposed side, and he grabbed at the offending wrist with a sharp glare.
“Hobie, I think Miles might be attached to you.” Gwen declared, snickering into her hand. “Not positive though.”
“What, this?” He gestured purposefully with the arm he was holding, ignoring Miles’ halfhearted pulling and his little giggles. “Nah, nah, nah; this can’t be Miles, and I know it can’t be Miles because I specifically told Miles that I would end him if he tried some shit with me.”
“You told him that when you didn’t see him?” Gwen asked with a smirk, only to flinch when Hobie glared at her next.
“Wouldn’t you like to know, Gwendy?” Hobie crowded close to her, shoving Miles’ hand into her face. “Tell you like I told him, though: you start something with me; I will end you.”
Hobie smirked as he stared her down. Miles poked her nose. She laughed.
“I can’t with you two!” She barely managed to say, and Hobie chuckled as he let go of Miles’ wrist and pulled her against his side.
“Aw, there she is.” He teased, sneaking squeezes on her side. “Love to see that smile, yeah?”
She gave him a playful push, sitting down in the chair Hobie had been standing over.
“Now, what was that you said about a little spider crawling on me?” He asked slowly, his smirk turning devious as his hands moved to squeeze and scribble at Miles’ sides as best he could.
Miles laughed brightly, pulling one of his own arms back to try and grab at Hobie’s wrists or cover his sides.
“Hobie, be nice.” Peter chuckled.
“Hm, wait, let me see—” Hobie’s hands hooked under his knees again, tickling along the backs of them and hoisting him back up when he started to slip.
Miles kicked his feet, his hands pressing on Hobie’s back as he leaned against the guitar strap. “Hobie, enough!” He giggled loudly, unable to squirm out of his hold.
Hobie’s hands went still, returning to nothing but holding him up. “Miles?! My guy, folks have been looking for you, y’know?” He teased, grinning when Miles groaned and leaned on his shoulder.
“Can I get down now?”
“I don’t know, mate, can you?” Hobie hooked another empty chair with his foot, dragging it closer to his side as he lifted his hands away.
“If you spin around again, I’m going to strangle you.” Miles landed one foot on the chair, sighing heavily as he finally sank down and flopped his head onto his arms.
“Damn, ya try to have a little fun around here.” Hobie pat Miles’ shoulders and ruffled his hair. “Right, then; rest up. Anyone else after a ride?”
“Oh, I will, definitely!” Pavitr jumped to his feet, eyes bright as anything. Gwen just chuckled and let her hand fall back to her lap.
Hobie snorted, nudging her with his elbow before cracking his knuckles. “Aw, don’t fret. I’ll tucker him out real quick for ya, Gwendy.”
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ahoppingmagician · 13 days
Stolitz Rant
Now before I shit on the ship and Stolas' whole character, I have to give Spindle Horse some praise. Seeing Blitzo go off on Stolas was like eating your gran's food, comforting, something that you waited for, and fulfilling. Blitzo pleading like a desperate animal for the book was actually very potent, I won't get too much into my life but I have done things similar for people in my past to stay even though it was a dysfunction mess.
Alright that's my little hat's off to you Viv. Now let's get to my problem with this ship.
Unhealthy in a Bad Way
It's unhealthy. Now that inherently isn't the bad thing, now before you judge me too hard, I'll explain. If a pairing is presented as toxic that's not my issue but rather how it is handled. Stolitz isn't really presented by the show's narrative to be a horrible mess that should of died as soon as the two grew apart in their adult life. Instead it is presented like a us verses them. Romeo and Juliet type of romance. Now it doesn't really work that way because of everything that one side has done.
Stolas Sucks
I hate this fucking rich bird man, he was such good villian potential, until someone named Vivziepop got to attached to him, and tried to change the story for him to be a hopeless romantic who has a tragic home life, a damsel in distress who needs his knight in shiny armor to save him, instead of what he is a creepy rich man taking advantage of someone, and is definitely just seeing Blitzo as a toy in every since of the word.
If Stolas wants Blitzo to fuck him then it's fine because HE wants it. If HE decided that his daughter needs to be around someone who has ruined her family then she will because Stolas wants it, not even bothering to ask the man in question if he's comfortable with that arrangement. Blitzo doesn't like how he treats him, doesn't matter because Stolas likes it. HE doesn't want Blitzo to have the book anymore and Blitzo will just blindly accept it because that's what Stolas wants. This man with a child acts like a whiny little baby because the man who he has harassed, stalked, coerced into having sex with him, and treats like some kind of exotic pet, doesn't trust him when he gives him the stupid crystals because it goes against want HE wants to happen.
All of that was to point out how self serving this dumbass is.If Stolas wants it to go that way it just will because he deserves it after having an abusive wife. Now abuse is a serious subject, but it's clear as day that Stella was made to be abusive to make Stolas seem understandable. Also doesn't help that the story neglects to inform you that Stolas and Stella had Octavia at 19 and were both victims of the higher class by being forced into this marriage at like 16.
My Big Problem
Now I'll get into the whole contract to sex thing and how morally backrupt he is. This rich man knew how vital that book was for his obsession's business, to the point that he was literally stealing it from him on his birthday. Now like a reasonable man he kicked him out and never made any terrible decision ever, sadly no he fucked him and really liked it. So sometime later the bird man was in his bathtub and called his side piece, while Blitzo is in obvious distress he gives him an offer and won't shut up till he verbally agrees, which the imp did. Now what part of this is romantic? Or even sexy in a taboo way. Like what in the Wattpad is this arrangement. This feels like a ripoff of a book that just shows a toxic relationship like it's suppose to be good, Fifty Shades of Gray. A similar dynamic to our two men here weirdly enough. Which originally was a fanfiction. Now my dear reader like I said a toxic relationship in media isn't inherently bad, but if it is written badly then we have a problem. Why? you may ask me. Simple early teens watch this show, edgy kids watch this show. I personally think kids are fucking radical little guys, but they are also easily influenced. A show that paints this unhealthy relationship as good and worth all the fighting, that it is worth all the heartbreak and trauma because one day it might get better, key word might. For some viewers maybe it was their first gay relationship they were exposed to. This could shift the way they look at LGBT+ relationships as more taboo or sexy instead of it being just another relationship.
Now I'll wrap this rant up, next will be M&M relationship a d how I think it has some accidental toxic underlining, hopefully I can also get my solutions to this and M&M out today aswell.
As always you look fabulous, I'll eat your least favourite organ if you don't say something nice to yourself today. If your having a not getting out of bed day, it's alright the world is scary and you can try again tomorrow.
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mamidankee · 1 month
I've been thinking a lot about The Alchemy lately. One of the many, many things I love about Tay is how many different angles we can view songs from.
I have been toying with the idea that this song is about her preparing for her last beard with the ogre. miss ma'am loves to break records and she can do so with the heteronormative society and a big ol' distraction. there are a lot of meathead references in here too but just like So High School, i don't think it's positive or endearing.
this happens every few lifetimes
with so much death and rebirth in her work, I interpreted this as every bearding situation being a lifetime and now we're starting a new lifetime
these chemicals hit me like white wine
which chemicals? likely, the Forget Him medication from Fortnight MV. this can be the promise of success, this can be entering back into the closet; but essentially there had to have been an BIG incentive or push. and even moreso, it was something Tay really had to swallow but was not her choice--it was prescribed by the ward. and this "Forget Him drug" could bring forth Taylor Swift The Brand. Taylor Swift The Brand comes with a manic high, a hunger for success, a desire to push through whatever she needs to overcome. there's probably lots of spite in there too.
in addition, wine drunk is super different! wine brings a warm carelessness. personally, wine makes me feel like i'm a bad bitch and life isn't that serious.
what if i told you i'm back?
the hospital was a drag
worst sleep that i ever had
they let her out of the hospital, but only when she was medicated. she's "fixed"!
i circled you on the map
a TK reference because so many dummies said he put HER on the map (fucking as if). this is one of her little jabs at him saying, "nah, bro. i put YOU in the spotlight"
(note that these 4 lines feel like a conversation with someone that you're trying to prove something to)
i haven't come around in so long
but i'm coming back so strong
she hasn't had an in-your-face PR relationship for years. so this is her giving herself a little boost. i haven't done this in a while, but i can do this and i can do it even better than before. i feel this especially because it's right before the chorus where she goes:
so when i touch down
call the amateurs and cut 'em from the team
ditch the clowns, get the crown
another jab at her beards and at TK's sad attempts to get others to put him on the map. MH is an amateur, he did not lead Taylor to the success she was looking for. TK had no luck liking baddies instagram pictures to weasel his way into the industry. but who did that? Taylor Alison Swift: The Mastermind. note how she's focused on the crown, not the actual "muse"
Baby, I'm the one to beat
'Cause the sign on your heart
Said it's still reserved for me
i took this as a line to her fans. so many people tune in to the big headlines because we, as a society, have a weakness to be fascinated by/addicted to the drama. especially taylor swift drama! our hearts are still reserved for any juicy tea she might have
honestly, who are we to fight the alchemy?
this feels like an act of acceptance and a little defeat. don't forget, taylor is still on those chemicals that hit her like white wine. so she succumbs to the fact that the world's biggest pop star and an award-winning NFL player would definitely make for lots of success. this is why she came back, to come out on top. i've seen others comment on the fact that she uses alchemy instead of chemistry. (they have the same end rhyme and the same syllables so alchemy was very intentional.) they're making gold out of robust situations, they're not sharing energy with one another.
hey, you, what if i told you we're cool?
that child's play back in school
is forgiven under my rule
i haven't come around in so long
but i'm making a comeback to where i belong
this next verse reminds me of the structure of the first verse. the first 3 lines feel like a sense of defending actions to someone else while the last two feel like another act of self-perseverance and having to hype herself up.
he jokes that, "it's heroin, but this time with an 'e'"
i really can't see this as anything other than a jab at the meathead. those illiterate tweets of his surfaced and we all found out he really is an idiot.
this line does confuse the hell out of me otherwise. if anyone has any thoughts i would love to hear!
where's the trophy? he just comes runnin' over to me
i know a lot of people find this endearing saying he chose her over the trophy. but i think it's Taylor asking "where's the trophy?" with her eyes on the prize still. and the dummy loses sight of what they are actually after
she's "high" on those Forget Him drugs throughout this whole song because she finishes the song with the same two lines she opened with.
but, yet, here we are again: swiffers thinking she's being cutesy with some dude but in reality this is about her and her success.
this song all feels like work. i don't know if anyone else played the alchemist game where you start with the most basic materials and have to make all kinds of substances, eventually getting to gold. and, man, was it challenging. just like i can imagine it's challenging to make this dirtbag into a "glamorous gentleman."
anyway! this was way more in depth than i thought it was going to be but i hope this leads to more confidence to post more OC! thanks for the read <3
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kibblbread · 2 months
Fuckity Fuck. This’ll be a long one girlies!
AK!Jason & Pizza gorl have an unconventional romantic relationship! I headcanon JT as disabled since he realistically should be. He’s canonically able bodied & can most definitely still kick some serious ass, but mentally, he’s absolutely spent. Suspension of disbelief for the sake of this being based on a literal video-game BUT also I want to world build in my little delulu arkham verse!
As always credit to my favorite fic writer @morverenmaybewrites because she made the pizza gorl fic 🤭🍕
Please read! If you have read it, reread it!
In my world these two basically obsessed with each other but PG is extremely accommodating to JT’s mental & physical traumas. She strongly encourages him to do what’s comfortable for him in their home, as she wants it to be a safe space for them both. Jason does his very best to accommodate PG as well as he possibly can to return the favor.
J prefers to sleep alone most nights.
He sleeps on the pullout couch a lot of the time don’t worry he’s not cramped because of his nightmares and general anxiety/paranoia. Despite it though, he still desires the presence of you constantly, it brings him an immense amount of comfort. The doors in the apartment normally stay open. Even during showers. He can hear you sketching, typing, reading, or even occasionally snoring depending on how quiet the night is. It’s the perfect white noise in his opinion! The gentle presence of a loved one goes a long way for JT, he doesn’t feel alone nor watched or out of place. It’s the epitome of a happy medium for him.
When you two are actually sleeping together, it’s usually really cold out. The bed is extra toasty with your XL heating pad and fluffy duvet. JT makes a habit of burying himself underneath the comforter and tucking himself into your embrace, he sleeps the heaviest on these nights. He rarely overheats. Typically these are dreamless nights for him. During the peak of Gothams harsh winter, Jason is the most consistent with sleeping in bed with the exception of a couple random nights he gets horrible night terrors. He just can’t get enough of the encompassing warmth 🤭 Not to mention it’s much harder for his mind to construct nightmares when all he’s thinking about is getting warm.
PG obviously prefers to sleep with her significant other most nights but makes it a point to respect his boundaries. As much as she wants Jason to be guilt free when sleeping alone, he still feels no better than a bag of shit when leaving her to her own devices nearly every night after all this time together; especially during holidays like valentines or something similar. To combat this they’ll usually do an activity together before sleeping—like reading aloud to one another or crocheting or even a coloring book.
PG loves to eat but couldn’t be more indifferent to cooking, it’s not a hobby or particularly fun experience for her. She does it simply because Jason doesn’t like to mix things up when he cooks. Not because he doesn’t want to either, he’s just good at a handful of dishes and hasn’t ventured beyond them. They’re both average but PG is marginally better since she cooks more.
Jason’s skin looks considerably better due to him eating more homemade food. He’s not nearly as greasy now.
JT having someone hounding him to hydrate and eat on routine gives him more energy… he’s lowkey shocked at how much more energy he actually has. PG is indefinitely annoyed at his antics but continues to nag JT to keep up with himself. He usually returns the favor by doing most of the chores, he seems to get some enjoyment from cleaning. It’s so easy for him to focus while simultaneously not actually think about anything. Head completely empty… only the sound of himself scrubbing away at grime.
Pure peace.
Sometimes when Jason runs out of things to clean it will lead to him stressing out unnecessarily. Unfortunately, it’s the only activity that helps alleviate stress at a rapid rate. The second best self soothing method is counting down from 10 thousand in increments 7 or something akin to that. But it doesn’t work nearly as well though..
As helpful PG finds this behavior, they’re both brainstorming better measures for calming him down.
Pizza can’t really go more than 24 without a shower, she hates smelling like greasy fast food! She has a lot of scented products that help get rid of the stench pretty effectively. Jason only uses them when he needs to erase the scent of blood, otherwise he opts for the simple cleansers and shampoos.
PG loves to feel just as pretty as she smells so her hoard of hygienic products is never lacking. Jason is still genuinely curious how any girl could need so many oils, body butters, & moisturizers. It’s never ending. JT never comments or judges his significant other on her affinity for skincare. Something that makes PG so clearly happy makes him happier too. Not to mention, Jason also reaps some small benefits from her extensive collection; although he usually just uses what Pizza seems to ignore the most, some of his smaller scars have evened out and much of his hyperpigmentation has lessened. Jason himself hasn’t noticed this development in the slightest, but PG most definitely has.
He’s very bashful when you compliment him and most of the time, Jason doesn’t believe you.. sometimes though, he can’t help but let his heart flutter at the directness of your attraction.
Every once in awhile, Jason will roll up his sleeves and ask you rub cream on his forearms. As tense and anxious JT will become while being touched, he wants to heal. He wants Joker to stop haunting him. Freedom is all Jason has ever wanted since the asylum. Becoming whole again is his ultimate goal; so he’ll sit through the discomfort, the self hatred and disgust of his mangled body, to exist as he sees fit. Not by what Joker had planned for him. PG doesn’t always do it as long as he’d like if she feels he’s on the verge of panic or an episode, but occasionally, Jason can beat personal records.
JT gets loads of praise from his partner either way.
Anything to do with prolonged touch is done in complete darkness 🙃 what kind of touch is up to y’alls discretion lol
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skylarbee · 6 months
Do you think the "element of surprise" could concern Miles? I'm French and my English is not perfect and I don't understand all the nuances in his texts, but there are certain sentences and the "x" that made me think of that.
it could be, or it could be just about cheating (like most songs from eycte lmao) or just about meeting someone new and falling for them.
if we want to overanalyse it, the first verse definitely reminds me of being confused about falling for someone who it didn't make sense for me to fall for (someone of the same gender; the 'heart' can say yes to them but the 'head' can't make sense of it), potentially while already being in a relationship with someone else ('losing the plot'). and then we've got the 'sneaking in the side' in the chorus, trying not to be seen, which wouldn't make much sense if he wrote it about a current girlfriend 🤔 then in verse two he could be talking about playing "games" with this person ('never-ending games that you play'), just fooling around, but which then ultimately results in something more serious, so therefore the games weren't much good for anything ('why colour in the lines if you're just painting it black?'). aaand then we have the x's, which if someone (like miles) uses it too often, they kind of lose their meaning of being a kiss and turn into a habit or wanting to seem nice while texting (also used excessively when arranging a hook-up/being flirty). but alex doesn't really care whether they are kisses, just a habit, or whether this person 'ends all the messages' with this (= realising he's not the only person they're potentially sleeping with) he would still like to hook up/meet them: 'there's nothing like the element of surprise' - which seems to be a sarcastic line - he knows that he's doing something he shouldn't, that maybe he's not special, and yet he can't resist them and is not surprised when they sneak in and end up spending time together for the nth time
so, yeah, it could well concern him😂
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I mean I would argue that the dame culture presented in game is at least comparable to drag, in the way that it's a very performative kind of gender presentation that is completely unrelated to the performers actual gender, but I totally agree that om is clearly presenting the event as something other than cross dressing or the traditional understanding of drag as a man in a dress and it's really nice to see! Its like- gender performance vs performative gender if that makes any sense? Idk lol but it's really nice to see men performing femininity without any shitty jokes
Also it's really funny to me that beel keeps breaking his heels because they absolutely make heels for drag with steel reinforcements so either he's breaking THOSE (wouldn't put it past beel) or they don't have that kind of heel in the devildom lol
Sorry you're getting weird terfs harassing you :(
No I get that!! I definitely see it as being comparable to drag (which is not a bad thing! Drag is great and allows for a lot of gender expression and there's different kinds of drag) but it also feels different? I think it's because the Devildom doesn't seem to hold any of the gender stereotypes of the human world? Which affects the entire event.
I've spoken about it in my previous posts and in some that are still on queue but;
The dressing up/crossdressing is never treated as anything other than normal. Even when the brothers have problems with it it's never with the actual part of becoming a "dame" - it's things like breaking their heels or being too lazy to put in too much effort.
Being a "Dame" is a character, just like how in drag most people play characters, and a Dame is characterized by "nobility" : the Dames are supposed to be kind, gracious, selfless, poised characters
This is shown in OM! by how Mammon loses his accent whenever he's performing as a "Dame". But there's a lot of intertwining/overlap between acting the part of the Dame and the brothers' everyday gender presentation
Barbatos and Asmo somewhat put an emphasis on show makeup (aka exaggerated makeup) versus everyday makeup, they're both well versed in both kinds
Asmo wears a lot of stereotypically feminine clothes & makeup & heels in everyday life without it affecting how he views himself as a man
Mammon and Lucifer both wear heels often enough that wearing them comes naturally to them
I think there's one card where Mammon's wearing (comparatively) light makeup and honestly I see it as being something that he's used to (you can't blend your eyeshadow as well as Mammon has in his recent card and be new to it, specially for someone who's not naturally artistic)
Mammon says that what he wears doesn't matter as long as he looks like a badass, which feels like it's more than just about this specific situation where he has to act like a Dame - it genuinely just feels like how Mammon as a person would see himself
Lucifer & Barbatos (two of the most serious and badass/dangerous characters in the game) are looked up to as "exceptional dames" despite neither dressing up for the contest. They are viewed as professionals in the area. But I don't see either Barbatos or Lucifer as people who would put on a character that is significantly different from their usual selves (the way Mammon had to)
I think what it comes down to is that drag (for most people) is something that you can at least somewhat take off at the end of the day? Like for Beel, I absolutely cannot see him wearing dresses/heels while out of his Dame character. But Asmo wears makeup/heels/stereotypically feminine clothes, Mammon wears makeup/heels, Lucifer wears heels, Barbatos apparently wears makeup often enough too, in their everyday lives while still all presenting as male that at this point it moves away from being a performance and becomes just a part of them and a part of how they present themselves/their gender. And so, at this point, because makeup/heels/dresses are just things that shouldn't be assigned genders of their own it can't really be considered crossdressing anymore. And in the Devildom no one bats an eye at that.
Does that make sense?
Also, just.... these characters are thousands if not millions of years old - of course they're not gonna stick to gender stereotypes or a specific gender presentation. Objectively, I don't think it's even possible - with the way gender & gender stereotypes change with time - even if you pick one gender and stick to it, what it means to be that gender would change over time when you've lived that long. So at some point you're gonna say "fuck it, I'm doing whatever the fuck makes me comfortable"
No listen he definitely was breaking through them as well!
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