#but considering I've never created a pattern myself before
thisismyobsessionnow · 11 months
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My first try at creating a Joker out bobbin lace pattern 👀
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lover-of-mine · 8 months
just had an ‘oh shiiiiit’ moment bc what if it isn’t chris who gets hurt playing basketball but actually eddie? looking at the script again from a different perspective, instead of maddie reassuring buck it could be maddie misunderstanding what happened
“it was an accident, [_] knows you didn’t do it on purpose”
‘buck doesn’t say anything’
“evan. you didn’t do it on purpose did you?”
to me that could read like maddie realising like “wait, DID he??” especially bc he says nothing after she first ‘reassures’ him, kinda gives off guilty vibes
maybe buck and eddie argue and buck lashes out and eddie gets hurt? not seriously obviously, just like pushed over and sprains his wrist or something and that’s why buck ‘hasn’t really talked to him’
Dude, I've been thinking about this but I haven't felt like actually saying anything because people can be mean lol, so I'm so with you on this. He could have very much hurt Eddie. Even more with the tendency this show has of putting buddie in situations in places we will never see again (the fountain, the equine therapy place, the graveyard) so a basketball court could absolutely fit that pattern, and like, things are rocky between them, is very easy to give that impression considering where they are on the season finale, and you take freshly broken up with Buck (if the Natalia is not coming back thing is true) and you create some sort of tension between the two, to have Buck react and do something dumb, and accidentally hurt Eddie, makes sense. Like push him too hard on a play, or throw a ball he would trip on, something that's an accident but could not be if Buck analyzes it enough. And it's really easy to get hurt on a basketball court, I played for like, 7 years, and dude, the dumb ways I hurt myself are ridiculous lol, so like, it could be Eddie and Buck is scared of his reaction. Chris is the easiest to assume, and easiest to hurt, a ball to his crutches and he sprains his ankle or something, but Eddie himself is very much still a possibility. And Eddie dismissing Buck if he tried to help makes more sense than Buck leaving a hurt Chris behind. Unless the situation involves the 3 of them and Eddie is gonna go full overprotective dad because initially it seems worse than it is, let's say there's a moment they think Chris actually broke a bone or something, that lashing out is a reaction we've seen from Eddie before, fear is a powerful things, so even if Eddie doesn't react towards him because he's worring about Chris, Buck assuming Eddie is mad at him could be based on some logic. Also Eddie getting hurt and just saying I'm fine, I'm gonna go home and ice it, and Buck absolutely spiraling that Eddie hates him now is super on brand for Buck.
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tinystepsforward · 15 days
had a formal consultation w a friend (professional/editor) about mentorship/guidance as i plan my first longer-form publication so i guess now i've spoken the intention i have to fuckin do it
there's a hell of a lot of self doubt there, you know, the kind that says "you won't finish this" or "it'll never get published" or "nobody wants your work, it's too specific" and simultaneously somehow "you have nothing to say that hasn't been said before". but really all of that is about being too nervous to start something//i don't even think i'm regurgitating just the things others have said to me at this point, more inventing new ones drawn from pattern-matching with a warped ruler throughout my life as i parsed my place in the world
+ normally i don't consider myself a particularly anxious person, though with therapy i'm coming to learn that it's simply that i a) have the kind of ptsd that makes me incredible in crises but pretty fucking bad at identifying my own feelings or how much stress i carry and b) am just very good at managing my anxiety when it does become notable — but what i mean to say is that this does make me more notably anxious than usual, which is a sign that it's probably important, and something i don't want to do because it's important and i'm scared of failing. so we'll see! bc it's really about the journey and not about the... making something that makes me famous, god fucking no. historically creating has always been a process of self-discovery for me, and i feel that as i step into a new chapter of my life and a new chapter of opening more fucking cans of trauma it's time to find as-yet untrodden creative paths, and walk them, and see who i am on the other side
got a pretty loose plan for where to start scavenging my past works and thoughts + continuing my daily journal practice and seeing what turns up, and maybe adding guided prompts or weekly work-on-this sessions if i need them. still very loose but it's remarkable what paying an expert who i trust and who isn't so white they're nervous about editing my work for an hour of asking the right questions did to bring it suddenly much more into focus
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toastling · 1 month
I'm contemplating something of an experiment. Aside from Red Rocket, I have one other idea for a Pokemon game/story that's a lot less developed in my head, which I've named Shimmer. Rather than pursue it myself as *another* theoretical fangame or flesh it out alone though, I thought, what if I did something new and engage with the Pokemon community?
Here is Shimmer's premise: A sudden deluge of strangely colored Pokemon have recently appeared on the black market. While these so-called "shiny" Pokemon are nothing unheard of, the specific color palettes being described are, and there seem to be several variations for even individual species. These oddly colored Pokemon also seem to display some odd behavioral patterns, and are occurring at a rate far exceeding anything that could ever be considered to be natural. What exactly is going on to create so many oddly colored Pokemon, and who are the mysterious Team Prism that seem to be selling these odd Pokemon at inflated prices?
The way it would work is that through both AO3 comments and a dedicated tumblr blog, people can both submit prompts of their own or respond to prompts within the story and make choices to determine how the story would progress and characters would develop - within reason, of course. I'm ultimately going to choose whatever I can use to make a coherent story and character arcs, but that might not be as linear and logical as you might first assume.
Before I even begin writing and sharing the story through AO3, there would be a period of information collection through that dedicated blog where certain details will be ironed out via questions asked to my potential readers. Traits regarding major characters such as their names, interests, regional themes, Pokemon nicknames, and various other tidbits like that. Then once I've got enough starting data I'd start writing the story proper.
I've never written a fic like this before, nor have I seen one done before - emphasis on fic, of course. We all remember how Homestuck began. So this would be an experimental format for everybody I think, especially me. I normally avoid prompts like the plague since I'm very particular about only writing things I like or want to write. But! I think this might be a fun little exercise, and an interesting way to tell a Pokemon story that everyone can sort of live vicariously through, like a personalized game every player gets a say in.
If any of this sounds interesting to you, let me know in the poll above and I'll decide whether or not to really put the energy behind doing this!
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oonajaeadira · 10 months
State of the WIP Address
Okay, y'all, I've been in a really weird place where I've been avoiding...pretty much a lot of stuff. Dunno if I have to talk to my doctor about upping my meds or what, but this is why I actually went on them--my depression manifests not in laziness, but avoiding things I need to do and things I actually WANT to do. Then I don't do them and it all starts building up. And then the to do pile feels insurmountable, like I'll never get to finish all these wonderful things. So I just...freeze up and roll over. Like a fainting goat. You'd think I'd be like "yay! lookit all the things to look forward to! I have years ahead of me full of things I really want to do! I should never be bored again!" But no. Can't do them Right Now? Fainting goat. It's weirdo. We've all got our weirdo and this is mine.
I only mention it here because I do State of the WIP Address to be accountable. Now, the weird thing is, I don't actually expect anyone to read these posts--they're boring and personal and totally for my own motivation. I just know myself and know if I put something out there, I'll feel bad if I don't do it and that should motivate me to actually do it.
But here's the thing....it doesn't work anymore. I'm no longer fulling for my own snake oil. The placebo has run out. If I know it's inconsequential, then my brain tricks me into thinking that I'm accountable to no one. And, in reality, it's true that I'm actually accountable to no one so the trick doesn't work.
Anyway. Welcome to Adira's brain where she finds her own thought patterns a fascinating psychological study and the lab results are inconclusive.
So I'mma try to twist the experiment a bit. Rather than list the things I know I can't get to right this second and feel bad about it, we're gonna let promises go and do it this way. It's not interesting to anyone but me and anyone who nerds out on process. But rather than listing the things I'm not working on, I'll talk about the ones I am, how it's going, what's in my craw about it, and maybe in my ramblings I'll clear the gears to start rolling again.
This isn't interesting to anyone but me unless you really wanna see how seriously I take my fic writing. Cringe if you want. I'm just being honest with myself. My fic isn't high art, but as with anything I create, I can't half-ass it either. It's "be satisfied with it on my terms" or bust.
I have one million projects happening, but these are the pieces I'm actively thinking about and working on at the moment.
SECRET SANTA Where it's at: I'm writing for someone I think is a wonderful person and want to do right by them, so the pressure's on. But at the same time, it's not. Because I know how accepting and lovely the person is and they gave me a lot of prompts and options and like a lot of the things I do and seem to like a lot of the types of things I like to write. I also know that this doesn't have to be over-complicated, that I can write my heart and it will please both of us. While I haven't actually opened up a doc to start, I know that it's the type of thing that if I have a little uninterrupted block of time, I can just sit down and it will flow. I won't say much about it here, but I will say that while it can 100% be read as standalone, it hits on a character/series I'm currently writing and acts as a kind of prequel, a reason for loving the reader as he does. It's something that is kind of missing in the planned series and I think this would be a nice opportunity to explore it before moving forward (and maybe helping propel that series a little) while also touching on one of the characters my giftee likes, a genre they are interested in that I hadn't considered with this character, and it will have a tone I think they'll appreciate. So while it's for them and being written with their likes in mind, I thank them, because it's also a little gift for me and my yearnings. What's stopping me: Time constraints and general anxiety.
TROPE FIC: MODERN DOM!PERO Where it's at: This one got a little sloppy and I'm working on it. I've been following @max--phillips' entries about what defines certain types of kinks and while my thoughts on dom!Pero started as true dom, they swung wrong when I started working on this, and now I'm just thinking myself back to the definition of dominant. And while I may still be missing the mark, it's helping me to think more about how I want to explore and frame this dynamic. It's also giving me a little trouble in that it's not coming out chronologically which causes me to waste time jumping around and retrofitting things. What's stopping me: I put this one on hold to start prioritizing the Secret Santa piece.
TROPE FIC: SEX POLLEN!OBERYN Where it's at: This piece is flowing chronologically. It's going to be longer than I anticipated and the first draft is about 1/3 done. I already know that after the first draft I'll have to do some shaping and I think maybe I got overwhelmed with the task I set for myself and that triggered my avoidance. I know where it's going, I'm excited for it, it will flow easily if I let it, I just have to do it! What's stopping me: I put this one on hold because I got distracted by tasty Pero thoughts. I blame @perotovar for the thots, but not the stopping. That's all on me.
TROPE FIC: ALPHA!JAVI Where it's at: I'm about 1/2 done with the first draft. Again, this one will be longer (and also more angsty) than I anticipated. I love love love where it's going though and reader and Javi's history is beautiful and sad and complex; I really love that half. I'm just now switching into the modern day section of it and have to make a few decisions about how I actually want it to go. My mind is over-complicating the story and I'm trying to wrestle it down a softer path. What's stopping me: I got distracted by the Oberyn story which is why this one's on hold and now this is all Inceptioning on itself.
GOOD. THINGS. TAKE. TIME. Where it's at: The asks are all sorted, there are only a few more sessions left before chapter 4. I just have to write it. What's stopping me: Here's the thing about PATS. If I was out for notes, I'd be pounding on this series, because it's my most popular one. But... really, I'm just here to dream up stories I like to tell. I put PATS down not consciously and not because I don't love him, but I got excited by other ideas. I want to finish it because I don't like having a bunch of unfinished projects lying around, but I also don't want that to be my #1 motivator for writing him. I want to enjoy it. I did enjoy putting the latest installment out, but I also don't feel like I'm letting anyone down if I don't hurry it, just because engagement is low. Again, I'm not here for the notes, I truly love the connection and the squeeing and sharing a yearn. We're all so busy now that it's tough to get to everything and the mutual timing is a bit off. That's okay. It's planned out, it'll get done, I just have to do it when I'm feeling it.
LEAVE OFF YOUR WANDERING: WINTER Where it's at: Finished plan. Yet to begin writing. What's stopping me: I was wrestling with this one for a bit because I had two directions it could go--soft and fluffy without much meat, or weaving all the details together and serving a story that gets rather dark, a little sad, and serves as a fix it. On one hand, I felt like I would be betraying readers by not keeping the euphoric escape. But I would also feel like I built this whole backstory that needed to manifest itself in a test for Joel and Meadowlark, as well as the fact that--other than backstories--there hasn't been any canon hardship or violence displayed. It's like I'm missing a huge chunk of who Joel and Meadowlark are. In the end, that's where the story wants to go, so I'm going there. And I have to not think about what anyone else wants, just me. Not just for selfish reasons, but I know that's when I do my best. It doesn't mean there won't still be fluff and a happy ending. It just means I have to write darkness and perhaps it will serve me better to do it in the season in which it takes place.
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erinelliotc · 3 months
I hadn't written almost any fanfiction in my life until my hyperfixation on Ed, Edd and Eddy hit me hard. Before that, I had only written two: an Adventure Time fanfic, and an Ano Hana fanfic (my biggest story), and I never finished any of them.
I love writing, it's one of the things that gives me the most pleasure in life, and as an autistic person, writing allows me to communicate and express myself in a much clearer, detailed and spontaneous way than speaking. However, I'm much more into writing informative and personal texts with my thoughts, analyses and opinions on different subjects. Writing fictional stories is something I always wanted and tried but I always had a lot of difficulty. I didn't really know what or how to write, and when I did, I only wrote the beginning and didn't know how to finish. I don't consider myself a very creative and imaginative person in general...
One thing that bothers me about my stories is that they tend to be made up almost entirely of dialogue. As much as I have good writing skills (at least I was always praised at school and college for it), ironically, I don't have the habit of reading books (but I've always read a lot of random content on the internet), much less fictional stories. I believe that my lack of reading works of fiction, and the fact that I consume fictional stories almost entirely in audiovisual format (series, films, cartoons, animes...), must have influenced my writing of fictional stories to focus on dialogue.
I don't know if this is really a flaw or if it's just a particular characteristic of my writing style, but I think my fanfics are so different from others because of this. I tend to write a looot of dialogue and almost no description of what's happening, especially if I'm writing in English since it's not my first language, so I don't feel comfortable going into so much detail in a language in which I don't feel 100% confident to write pleasantly, fluidly and without making mistakes.
Now that I'm hyperfixated on Ed, Edd n Eddy, I've written so many beginnings and parts of fanfics and comics that I don't even know how many I've done so far. This hyperfixation awakens my creative side in a way I've never seen before. The stories are so spontaneous that I feel as if they wrote themselves and even that they're beyond my control. Sometimes I plan something for a story and suddenly it takes another direction, as if it were alive and the characters were deciding on their own. The ideas just come to me without me having to put in any effort and that's really amazing and unprecedented to me. I don't find it difficult to continue the stories, and on the contrary, I find it difficult to stop writing them (which is also an obstacle to finishing them).
I feel like especially in my Ed, Edd n Eddy fanfics my writing follows this pattern. I think it's because I try to make it feel like a real EEnE episode (I even like to play with fourth wall breaks in this written format, such as the characters referring to the number of lines in the story), I try to keep the vibe of what an EEnE episode would be like, so I focus a lot on the dialogue and not so much on describing the scenario and what the characters are feeling (I'm not saying that I don't make these descriptions, just that they tend to happen eventually or to be very straight to the point compared to other fanfics).
I don't know, my impression is that the dialogue in my stories is enough to understand what's happening and the characters' feelings, but I need to be careful because since I'm the one creating the story, it's obviously easy for me to imagine what's happening, and maybe that won't be so clear to other readers. But I think I also like the idea of ​​letting the reader have the freedom to imagine how things are happening themselves.
A very positive point in Ed, Edd n Eddy is that the characters, especially the 3 main ones, have such unique and distinct personalities that it's practically not necessary to identify who's speaking because it's easy to know. So that's one more reason why I don't feel the need to interrupt the dialogue in my stories, because the dialogues are fluid and hardly broken by a (Name) said.
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dollsonmain · 9 months
So, my mom got me a mini diamond painting coaster kit for Christmas (the only thing I got.....) and I'd been avoiding diamond painting because I know me, and I know that I would end up obsessing over sorting and organizing the little, plastic gems instead of doing actual projects with them.
I was considering not even opening the kit just to avoid even tempting myself with it, but also figured I should see if I would get sucked in horribly like I thought or would I be able to handle it.
The biggest problem I foresaw was ending up needing to buy and label storage containers for the gems, and the labels and containers would have to all be the same, and they'd all have to look perfectly aligned, and they'd all have to be. THE. SAME. but it would take me forever to figure out how, exactly, I wanted them just like my pony photos that I keep re-re-renaming and.......
I already had tiny zipper bags meant for beads and stuff, and I was able to find them (almost never can find them when I want them), and decanted each little un-re-closable bag of gems into a zipper bag with a bit of paper that had their number or letter on them, and that's been fine. I managed, so far, to store the gems in a simple way.
Another problem I'd foreseen was wanting all of the nice, fancy tools and stuff that people use to do their paintings.
I've been fine with the exceedingly cheap applicator pen and itty little block of wax.
I let myself overdo it in the hopes that I would lose interest BEFORE wanting to buy a bunch of stuff and I think it's working. I've done 4 out of 6 coasters yesterday and would have done all 6 but I ran out of light.
Not good, though, that I'm tempted to create my own patterns which would require purchasing sturdy paper, spray adhesive or large sheets of double-sided tape, and hunting down the right colors of gems leading to storing and labeling and.......
It's better I don't, even though it might be fun to make my own kits to sell.
I mean, it's just pixel art.
I don't know what I'll be doing with these coasters when they're done. They're still sticky all over because there are areas where there aren't gems (I know there's a setting spray but I don't want to spend money on this), and I figure if they were to get wet or hot the glue would let go and the gems fall off anyway.
As an aside, ye olden ADHD has proven to be an absolute bitch while trying to make these little coasters. I could be looking for every little A, for example, and as soon as I had covered the last dot and went to put the unused gems back in their bag am unable to remember which bag they go in or which letter or number I'd just been working on.
I have to make sure I remember to keep that bag separated while I'm working so I don't forget.
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cidylee · 9 months
Welcome to the Future - Kicho x Y/N (Ikémen Sengoku)
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Here is my entry for A Series of Firsts hosted by @aquagirl1978. I'm super nervous to post it because it's the first time I'm writing a fanfiction and English is not my first language. Also, I know only a little about Kicho. I've only read a few of his birthday events available on the Enslig server. So, expect it to be out of character.
Prompt: First look
Pairing: Kicho x Y/N (but consider it a self-insert)
Word Count: 1628
There are really few spoilers from his route. I think we all already know where he has been and when.
The story takes place in the present day. A university student travels to Japan for her master degree. She visits Honno-Ji temple. There is a thunderstorm and she finds... a man?
The wind is blowing through my hair, bringing with it a light scent of greenery, reminiscent of the few threes around. I can also smell the scent of wet wood and wet stone. The sky is grey. Not a grey that conveys sadness, just an old plain boring grey, perfect for the boring days.
I’m so stupid. So, so, so stupid. What did I decided to do my master’s degree on Dazai Osamu? I’m studying French literature not Japanese literature. At least, since it’s only a master’s degree, not a doctorate degree, I could write my mémoire based on translations. My university allows it. The thing is, French and Japanese are incredibly different. Reading Osamu Dazai in French is not the same thing as reading him in Japanese. I want to respect the creator’s work, so I told myself I would learn Japanese and visit Japan. Such a good idea. A degree that should take two years to finish has been extended to at least four years. I am already twenty-six-year-old. After my university studies, I’ll need to find a job.
I’m dumb. Even a lifetime won’t be enough to fully understand Osamu Dazai’s work. Will I ever be able to read his novels in their original language? Scrap that. I will never obtain my degree.
I sigh as I walk through Honno-Ji’s main entrance. As an international student, I get to visit a lot of places. I am quite pleased to be able to explore Kyoto. I mean, a trip to Japan is not complete without some sightseeing through Kyoto, right? Though, for some reason, a friend of mine recommended me to go to Honno-Ji temple. It’s not that I lack culture, but... I didn’t know what that temple was. I never saw it passed on travel guide. Oda Nobunaga was a name I’ve never heard before. Yet, here I am, about to pay my respect to that guy.
There are few people around. They are talking or looking at their phone. Yeah, nobody cares about Oda Nobunaga.
Suddenly, the surroundings are darkening. Well, I guess it’s going to rain. A lightning tears the sky, creating a root-like pattern. Seconds later, the thunder resonates in the air. The people around are quick to get up from their seat and find shelter under the roofs. Once they are safe from the rain and the thunder, people resume talking and looking at their phone. The storm seems to worsen. Light and electricity are spreading in the sky. Thunder is deafening. I hear a shrill noise in my head, like a powerful ringing. I cover my ears with my hands.
The rain splattering against the ground. The blinding lights. The roaring of the thunder. The heat and the dampness. The tense atmosphere I seem to be the only one feeling. It’s too much. I’m out of breath. My legs are trembling. My heart is about to burst out of my chest. My blood is boiling. I’m about to faint.
The next moment, a lightning strikes the memorial. The ground vibrates under my feet, and I collapse. All eyes are converging where the lightning struck. There, I see a man, lying down. What the… What is he doing?
People around are screaming, pointing at his direction, but nobody goes to help him. I understand. Even if I could move, I wouldn’t risk my life.
Soon, there is no more lightning and thunder. After a while, the sky is clearing up and I can see the sun above. The few people disperse, and I find myself alone in Honno-Ji memorial with a man only meters away. Is he unconscious? He didn’t run away when the storm was raging. I… I don’t want. I don’t want to go look after him, ask him if he’s fine, if he needs some help… I’m not good at that.
Despite my reluctance, I find the courage to look after him. I get up while holding myself against the wall, then walk in direction of the man, my heart still beating fast. Cautious, I lean over him. The man is soaked. His eyes are close, but his chest is slowly rising and falling. He wears a kimono, way too open in the chest area. His black hair falls on his face. He is unconscious, yet he looks irritated.
OK, time to wake him up. I kneel next to him and shake his body. Soon enough, his eyes flutter open. Well, that was easy. It means he is not seriously injured. The man stares at me with green orbs. I can’t help but notice the bags under his eyes. They give him an annoyed look. He’s still quite attractive. His jaw is sharp, his neck long and he possesses an elegant flair to him. I don’t think I’ve met a guy as handsome as him before. Now, what do I do?
"Hello?" I said in a broken Japanese. "Are you alright? Do you need help?"
The man stares at me, confused and more irritated. That’s it. He didn’t understand a word I said. I try again:
"Are you hurt somewhere? What is your name? Should I take you to the hospital?
The man stares at me for a while, and I feel more nervous. He scoffs at me and says something. What… what it is? That’s… I understood nothing. I look at his clothes again. He wears a kimono and the way he is speaking is weird, it is not the Japanese I usually hear on the streets. We are in a temple. The man is handsome… He must be an actor acting the role of a Japanese of the ancient times! He is certainly taking his role seriously. If I were him, I would’ve break character the moment the thunderstorm started. He even kept acting when I woke him up. That’s what I call talent and dedication.
"You’re an actor, right? You’re good, but I don’t think you need to keep acting. I just want to make sure you’re alright. Can you, maybe, answer me in modern Japanese? Please? If you tell me you are alright, I promise to let you alone."
The man scoffs again. He is talking again and… something mysterious happens. I hear him talking to me in Japanese, yet I understand him as if he were speaking to me in my native language.
"Your Japanese is horrible to the ears." He smirks, and I hate him. He’s not wrong, though. "You’re not from here."
"Of course, I’m not from here! It’s written all over my face and body. Do I look Japanese to you? Arg… Anyway, are you not supposed to be an actor for the Honno-Ji temple? If so, shouldn’t you be a bit nicer to the visitors? I was worried about you!"
The man’s gaze darkens. He is not smiling anymore. He scans the surroundings, and he looks confused. "An actor?" he repeats.
"Come on! Don’t pretend you don’t know what I’m talking about. I’m not dumb to the point of not knowing there was some sort of actors back in… the old days."
He frowns. "Where are we? What is this place? It’s terrible. Whatever you are wearing is distasteful for a woman… or just any human being."
Geez… That man is something else. "We are at Honno-Ji temple, where Oda Nobunaga died… hum… many years ago."
The man appears to be even more confused. Then, he puts one hand on my neck and forces me to look at him right in the eyes. The effect is immediate. I lower my gaze to his lips. He seems to notice as he sighs, but he doesn’t comment about it. "You said Oda Nobunaga is dead?"
"Yeah… He died some 450 years ago, or so my friend told me."
The man’s eyes widen. What is going on? My heart’s rate hasn’t slowed down since the end of the thunderstorm. I can only keep staring at his lips, his neck and chest. Did he hit his head that badly? He looks like he really doesn’t know what is going on. I should take him to the hospital.
The man has now a serious expression. "Introduce yourself. What is your name? What year are you born? Where do you come from? What year is it?" His voice is commanding, and I see no problem to answering his questions. "I’m Y/N. I was born in 1992. We are now in 2018. I’m from Canada."
I didn’t think he could look more surprised, yet he seems even more dumbfounded. "Canada?" At the end of the 16th century, Canada had already been discovered for some decades. Either the information had not yet reach Japan at that time, or Japan didn’t know Canada by that name. "It’s a far away land. Now, would you tell me who you are?"
The man answers a few seconds later. "My name is Kicho. I am a vassal of Oda Nobunaga." he murmurs. I nod, then I grab my phone, searching for "Kicho". Oh, OK. That guy definitely hit his head. Kicho is a woman, and she is Nobunaga’s wife. "Sorry, but Internet is telling me Kicho is Nobunaga’s wife. She is also known as Nohime." "Nohime?" repeats the man calling himself Kicho. He then stands up and grabs me by the wrist. I am forced to get up with him. "Y/N, you are coming with me. You will show me around and will explain to me everything about this place, and about Canada too." His gaze is piercing, and I feel compelled to obey, but I am not afraid.
"But first, we need to find you new clothes. You can’t go flashing your tits like that."
Kicho’s eyes widen, then he frowns. "Flashing my what? My… tits?"
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ashtxeman · 9 months
*Slam dunks myself into ur inbox*
You got any tiger or bull hcs?
Also, are you willing to talk about ur cool au?
~ fan-mans
Ooo, a lovely ask to see, Fan-Mans! Well, lets start with the big one.. my 'cool au' (thank you!!!). Assuming you mean my interpretation of the wacky Punchout world, I can't reveal too much.. tension building and all, but I'd be delighted to share a little synopsis and drop a few important notes to build off. After a tragic event in 1998 that rocked the very core of the WVBA, things started to fall apart. Famous faces departed, shady deals were made, everything was emerging into a new dawn. With Mr Dream gaining ownership of the company from its original founders Phillip Margo and Terrence Lemming, a company named Sun Corp was intergrated into the WVBA behind the scenes, slowly replacing medical employees and other roles with their own. Sun Corp pledges to create a better world for boxing and revolutionise the sport, but they might have ulterior motives that need to be looked into.. The Sun Corp website provides a lot of information on the AU, and has a bunch of secrets to find that have some vital stuff if you haven't looked already. Looking now.. there's about 8 things to find! https://sun-corp.onepage.me/sluncekorporace If you have any other questions, maybe I'll let some info slip.. feel free to send in any more asks! And now I can get onto the purer stuff, headcanons! We'll share some Bull info first, shall we? - Bull doesn't have any personal pets, but has plenty of farm animals (and several bulls) back in Turkey that he gets along well with. - Bull has never even considered dating. As a child he wasn't interested, as an adult he's too closed off to try anything. He would need a lot of convincing to give anything a go. - Bull barely tolerates anybody.. except Soda. He finds Macho annoying, he finds Aran aggravating and he's just fine with Sandman, because he's quiet. - Bull has been involved in a cover up by the WVBA for something he did. - He's blind in one eye, he will not discuss it. - I've mentioned it before, but his actual name is Burak Binici! - Bull is admittedly terrified of being noticed. He hates large crowds, ironically, and that means he often gets overstimulated. As a coping mechanism, he hits his head to try and concentrate on that pain rather than what's going on around him.. it's not very healthy, but it does work. Whenever he goes out in public, whether it's alone or with friends, he'll usually cover up with a hoodie or a coat to make himself less noticeable. In a worse case scenario he'll even make those going out with him cover up so they don't draw any attention, like the one time he took Joe out to a restaurant and had him wear a fluffy coat the entire time until he passed out from heat exhaustion. It's definitely an issue for him, but he refuses to work on it because he refuses to talk about his issues. It just makes him frustrated.
And now some Tiger info! - Tiger owns a white tiger called Gahana. - Tiger is fine with everybody, except Don who he constantly argues with and the rest of the time just manages to tolerate. - Tiger is very interesting for scars. He has tons all over him, and it gives him a kind of tiger stripe pattern. They're a mix of accidental magic injuries (teleporting into dangerous spots, burning himself with fire, etc etc). But there's a scar along his palm that's from a blood pact he made with an old friend, who was convinced they could get some of Tiger's magic if they did one (which was completely untrue and just ruined the friendship).  - His actual name is Zeeshan Kapoor!
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melsdreamweaving · 8 months
Seasons Will Change
At the age of 21, my life took an unexpected and challenging turn. Growing up in a family struggling with financial constraints, I was intimately familiar with the concept of sacrifice. My childhood was marked by the family's financial woes, particularly after my elder brother strained our finances by failing to repay debts for major purchases. My family dynamics were unique, with a nine-year age gap between my brother and me, shaping our distinct life paths. I was groomed to pursue a career in medicine, while my brother was encouraged to follow in our grandfather's footsteps in the Airforce.
Our household often felt like a sanctuary of exhausted adults. My mother and uncle, consumed by their work, had little time or energy for interaction, leaving me to entertain myself in quiet solitude. This pattern extended to my brother when he started college, reinforcing a household norm of silent coexistence. These experiences instilled in me a determination to achieve financial and emotional stability before considering parenthood.
My mother's eyes were usually very tired. Sometimes I felt like a poorly rendered child NPC in her eyes. Despite the weariness that often clouded my mother's eyes, there were moments when a livelier version of her emerged, particularly in the company of friends. This contrast in her demeanor influenced my belief in the value of chosen families over biological ties, a perspective further reinforced by my brother's supportive network of friends.
As I grew older, the familial responsibilities intensified, especially when our family matriarch fell ill. My mother and uncle, grappling with their own challenges, were unable to provide the needed support, leaving me to shoulder the burden. During this period, I resorted to various means, including nude modeling and taking on less desirable jobs, to financially support my family. This journey was not without its personal sacrifices, as I navigated the complexities of young adulthood and relationships, including a tumultuous period with my then-boyfriend, who later became my husband.
Through sheer determination and hard work, I managed to keep afloat, balancing multiple jobs and educational commitments. However, the emotional toll of caregiving and dealing with judgment from those around me was immense.
"Oh you seem to happy"
"Oh you need to smile more..."
"Oh everyone has problems."
"Why do you look like you're carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders?"
Well, that's what she wanted me to do. Carry everything... And yeah I didn't do it perfectly. From her hospital bed, she realized it was too much for one person. So I let her and my uncle handle the finances while I paid rent for the last few years. This worked out in our favor and my mom was in and out of the house dealing with her psychotic episodes. In most Latino cultures things like vulnerability is swept under the rug. We are told to never feel our emotions. To grin and bear it because everyone else is watching and what will they all think if they saw? Well... what does that even matter now? I've met some amazing people that just do them. They do art and inspire people while not being hateful or spiteful. We all came from the same area, and each one of us inspires the other to keep going. You better hustle that art... we used to say. This was before things became much more complex. Some of them turned out alright, others do things that fill our teachers with shame. Before I moved, one of my teachers called me back. Saying to please visit, I want to see at least one of you...
Time is funny like that. I still create, but it feels like a ripple in an unforgiving ocean of creation and competition. I've known graphic artists who really just looked online and stole from other creators... And I've known brilliant creators who recluse because their hearts wanted the shallow bimbo with no real depth. Just a poisoned heart that she wanted to infect myself and others with. I think that's where the term poisonous maiden came from when I started school a long time ago. Sometimes I wish the venom some of my older sisters infected me with would dissolve and it does, with meditation thank goodness. It was like being taught o be cruel against your will as a survival mechanism.
"Be careful, the traffickers will get you..."
The once far away warning became so real in recent years. When I remember the people I've worked with and warped things they started doing to survive in a relentless current that never really lets up. Mothers hurting innocent young women because they see the face of their own daughters in mine. Little did they now, I used to cook for my hungover mom. Trying to remind her that she was divine, and to not let the poison of the world infect her. But it seems like one of my sisters was right...
Sometimes love is not enough...
So here I am, starting somewhere new. Away from the cold judgmental faces of my fellow Miami residents... And I'm happier than I've ever been. My husband confessed last year and we decided to elope and run away from everything.
"You were always mine..." He says often.
It's true, I always looked for his face and personality in other people because if it weren't for him... One of our terrible classmates would have hurt me out of a misguided sense of self entitlement because he smelled blood in the water around me. My advice, be mindful of yourself. There is a whole big world out there. I was right to quit school and start college early, but I should have been mindful of the older students and things they said around me...
They are still covering their tracks, and that is sad that they feel like covering their toxicity by hurting others. but C'est la vie...
My story is one of resilience and perseverance, a testament to the strength required to navigate life's unexpected challenges.
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phdmama · 1 year
Helloooo! 🪄, 💞 and 🌿 if you fancy it for real fic writer asks!
ooo thank you!! xox
🪄what is your post-writing/sharing aftercare? How do you take care of yourself or celebrate yourself when you've finished a fic?
I don't do it well, honestly. I like to drop a thing, post the tumblr post and then disappear for a bit while simultaneously obsessively checking to see if anyone noticed! Which honestly doesn't feel... great. I tend to immediately jump to "okay what's next" and not spend time with the moment? I do need to give my stuff a bit of time before I can go back and reread it (and spot every typo I missed uggh) but I do like to reread my stuff!
💞what's the most important part of a story for you? the plot, the characters, the worldbuilding, the technical stuff (grammar etc), the figurative language
I think it's the overall cohesiveness that is really important to me. I can accept lots and lots of different worlds, but they have to make sense. People have to act in a way that I think real human beings would act (and I can imagine lots of possibilities for that) and I don't want to write characters who don't behave realistically. I've tried to loosen up a bit and let myself play a bit more, but yeah. Fundamentally, I like things to make sense.
Plot really matters to me, I guess is what I'm saying!
Language also really matters to me, like a LOT. The kind of voice I tend to love (and strive for) is one that's fairly plain, perhaps a bit dry but funny (I love reading/writing things that make you laugh), and I work really hard on word choices. Words mean things and I want always to use them accurately. @julcheninred. is amazing for that! Grammar also matters to me though I am less intense about it than words.
Character development also matters? Again, I like people to make sense!
🌿how does creating make you feel?
I know I've talked about this before, but it's really really powerful for me. Growing up, I never considered myself genuinely CREATIVE because I played music other people wrote but didn't write my own. I took photographs of things that already existed. I created things from other people's patterns. Acted other people's scripts. I did write (poetry mostly) but my older sister was the "writer" (we divided it up I guess? I was the math and science kid) and I never felt like I could venture out there. And then I didn't write creatively for a really long time.
Finding a community. Finding a voice. Finding stories inside of me that I wanted to tell. These things matter so much to me. I've created over a million words on Ao3. It's changed me, beautifully and irrevocably.
It feels amazing.
Let's Get ((REAL)) fic writer asks
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ificanwecan · 1 year
Day 5
Today I am thinking a lot. I heard the following from a Tiktok "You are the one creating the simulation... and all the characters in it." Now, I don't really subscribe to the simulation as life theory but... there is definitely some truth here that I want to unpack a little for myself.
I grew up in a space where my feelings were not validated. I then proceeded to continue to have romantic relationships with men who did not validate my feelings. I have often felt the victim in these relationships.. always wondering why they couldn't give me what I consider to be basic respect. But the truth is... after I left my parents' household.. I chose the people in my life. I chose who came in and more importantly, I chose the people that I let stay.
I've chosen what has felt familiar to me, not what I actually want. Or to put it another way, I have wanted what was familiar and not what would actually be good for me. Over and over again. It's time to stop being mad at other people. (As much as I can anyway)
In the case of my ex-husband.. I have to give it to him. It's not like (after the first little bit of our relationship) that he pretended he was emotionally mature. He readily admitted he wasn't. I am the one that kept him around... and at times... made sure he stayed around. Why? If I knew he couldn't be different, and by not being different he would continue to hurt me over and over... why in the world did I continue in a relationship with him? Trauma does funny things to people.
The good news is... I'm no longer walking around not knowing that's what I'm doing/have been doing. And I can't un-know it. I have some trepidation in regard to the future.. and wonder how I am going to break this pattern... but I also am carrying hope I never had before.
I am the one with the power in my own life. I choose. And I am working really hard to make sure that what I choose moving forward matches what I know now I am worth.
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funkymbtifiction · 2 years
Hi, sorry to bother you, but I'm going through a type crisis and need your help! I think I may be the reverse version of that trend of INFPs mistyping as INFJ just because they want to be INFJ really bad, but I can't be sure. My brain is just too confused. The types I currently have on the table are INFP, INFJ, INTJ and ISFP which is kind of upsetting because those types are each so different and it feels like I'm practically at square one again.
For reference I think I'm an attachment type on the enneagram which might influence/explain my behaviors as well. Although I love telling people to be themselves and value self-expression myself, I always find myself conforming to the group and am very sensitive to what other people think of me. I love aesthetics and appearance and will dress 'quirky' not just for myself, but if I think people will view me positively for it. I tend to turn to outside sources for validation or information. Even when I'm by myself, free from judgement, I have this internal fear of being 'cringe' that I need to overcome because it makes me feel like a hypocrite.
This is indeed strong attachment and probably a social dominant instinct (so/sp is most likely). Social 6 or 9 would both feel this way, but I lean a little more towards social 9w1. It could also be Fe, yes.
However, I am also very withdrawn from others like a 9 and spend a lot of time in my head fantasizing and daydreaming. I'd rather be drawing or creating something than exhausting myself with other people though I do always end up enjoying it when I leave my comfort zone.
That fits with 9.
But anyway. I say I need help because I've always thought of myself as INFP until recently I realized I might possibly be a Ni-dom. I guess I never considered it before because I'm not a psychic wizard and I don't ponder the meaning of life daily. However, my thought patterns feel like Ni nonetheless.
Most people don't really understand Ni, and it's difficult to wrap your head around it if you don't have it. Have you read my Ni section?
Ever since I was a kid I've loved to create epic plans for my future and make lists of the things I would need. I would come up with these outlandish ideas (for example, I imagined building a swimming pool full of fish like an aquarium!) but still tried to fact-check and make it 'realistic' to be sure I could really do it. Since I've grown up a bit, those far-fetched ideas have been replaced with more reasonable ones, but I still have a tendency to think big and go deep, like when I get struck with an idea at 2AM and meticulously plan it out before I can do it and get no sleep.
The attachment to realism is either a strong sensing function or a strong thinking function. An ISJ would try to be realistic with their future ambitions and so would an ISP. The fact that you imply that your dreams were "far-fetched" and you've now matured out of them might mean you have a strong sensing function. Meticulous planning can be Si-driven if that's about all the details, or Ni-driven, if you are envisioning exactly what you want and trying to see how to get it.
I'm very introspective but mostly of myself (this isn't Fi, is it??) and often get super 'meta' with my thoughts which obviously has made this typing process a hell of a ride, lmao. I can kind of see Ne in my thought process as well but I'm not really 'scatterbrained.'
Ne is more how outside ideas cause you to get more ideas of your own -- it's not really scatterbrained (that's a stereotype), so much as A reminds you of X and that gives you an idea of how to use Y. You may want to read my ENP sections, as well as my IFP sections, on the above mentioned website to get a sense of them, because you are using broad generalities / stereotypes when referring to functions and it's hard for me to give you an objective analysis when I'm not positive you "know" what each function does internally.
[...] I just don't relate to the emotional distance, and definitely not the bluntness, of Te. I'm only emotionally detached when I feel like being heartfelt is too 'cringey', but I find that happens more within close circles without the external validation that it's OK to show empathy. Again, that could be my enneagram softening that up, but I really feel like I'm too considerate of others' feelings to be Te.
Of course you won't relate to it. IFPs can never be emotionally detached unless something is wrong (a Te grip). They filter everything through their feelings and moral judgments about the situation. So you are not going to relate to TJ descriptions.
On the other hand, I don't relate to the 'we' or group mentality of Fe. Even when I want to, I'm not super good at knowing what to say to comfort other people and find listening to people vent to be very draining and not worth my time. <- this is definitely not FJ; eww, don't come at me with your problems is more Fi-dom/9.
Finally, my opinion on the sensing functions. I have a pretty bad memory, and I'm not a traditionalist or super reliant on the past, so I don't think Si. I can sometimes get struck with impulses that I will follow through with if no one's around to judge me for it, and like I mentioned earlier I do enjoy aesthetics, dressing up, making things look pretty, matching and well-coordinated. So that's my argument for Se. 
You sound IFP, so dig more into Se/Ni, since you could be ISFP.
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soulrph · 2 years
anon s again, if you have the time describe some of your favorite tropes of all time or that you might've seen recently (whatever way you wanna tell me, prompts dialogue or just word vomit) i'm taking a break from writing and may or may not be curious
it would be my pleasure!! gonna leave it under the readmore tho bc i. i got excited. and it's only two examples bc if i did more of them i'd never stop writing and reading!
okay, so for starters, this one usually gets a lot of criticism for the fact that, in the past, it's been historically written off as convenient to the plot. and i think they call it a deus ex machina, but i googled that, S, i googled it and i have to disagree bc when it's done properly, it's a thing of true BEAUTY! it's basically the trope where someone's about to get hurt or killed or whatever, and then someone else shows up and saves them before it happens. and recently i've been watching shows where this trope is done SO well! a solid example is when the darkling saves alina from the druskelle. it's written off as a basic "ah yes, she's the sun summoner, he's the general, it's important she survives to save the world". but the darkling's motives are later revealed as being far more insidious in nature, so his interest in saving her life isn't actually to save the world, it's to serve his own purposes.
( basically, if it's done correctly, it reveals details of the characters and their goals. the darkling wants alina to expand the fold, so he saves her life. similarly, inej and kaz are at massive odds because they disagree on whether or not alina is an actual genuine sun summoner, but they both become invested in keeping her alive because inej believes alina is a saint, and kaz believes alina can keep them all alive while in the fold. inej's faith and kaz's survival instincts are both reflected. )
okay that turned into an essay and !!! and i'm blanking now bc i'm not overly observant, i just react well to certain things and it never occurs to me that it's a pattern!
but recently i've been thinking a lot about stranger things, and more recent installations of the mcu where the decisions that are made by the characters aren't necessarily easy nor morally clear ones. and i really really love that stuff too! in particular, jane's choice in the season finale ( i don't wanna spoil it. it's been three months but jesus help me S i cannot bring myself to lend actual words to that in case anyone hasn't seen it! ) is one that carries immense weight, because it's a very difficult choice and very grey area that has ramifications that haven't even been considered yet.
also, eternals brought about another debate that's easier to take because it's fictional, but it's also not so far from comprehension, either. the group of eternals all end up debating whether or not to allow the emergence to take place. on one hand, the entity that emerges from earth will go on to create countless planets and species, and so is it really okay to sacrifice all of that for One Planet?? but the other argument is one that compels the entire movie and drives the plot; ajak literally dies over her insistence that earth carries immense power as a result of the last twenty years, that the people are spirited and strong and deserve to continue the lives they fought so passionately to have all along. in the end, of course, earth survives. but the arguments resonate. the days of purple aliens wanting to kill half the universe are gone. and now we have these more complex matters to debate. i think civil war attempted to have a debate going on too, but it's something spectacular when you leave the theatre wondering if you even know if they did the right thing or not!
i feel like that one mightn't necessarily be a trope, but that's okay! i definitely have more favorites but my brain is just blue screening tonight! so yeah, i'm much more invested in character development as opposed to plots lately. like a lot of people can get very caught up about plots, but i think the characters are vastly more interesting!
god, i rambled quite a bit! thank you for asking this question, my lovely friend!! what are your favorite tropes??
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kennieswrld · 2 years
bad hair-good hair, long hair-short hair
All my life I've wanted long hair. I've never been shamed into hating my hair length or anything, it just felt like the "prettiest" girls in my classes in elementary school had long, straightened hair. Hair that fell and rested upon their backs and waists, and god did I fucking want some.
There's this run on joke between my mother and I about my desperate need for a ponytail when I started the 3rd grade. My very black family decided to uproot themselves from the peachy state that is Georgia to the rainy depressing state that is Washington state. This caused an unknown issue my parent's didn't consider would happen to me, a culture shock of whiteness (mind you this culture shock is still under effect around 13 years later). I had never seen so many white people before, and I was obsessed with their best and most common hairstyle. The ponytail. With its sleek look and sporty nature, a buck toothed 8 year old Kenji wanted to have that hairy fashion statement atop my head. While on the other side of the story, my mother had no clue how to tell me my curly naps would never be able to just naturally slick down and straight for a simple ponytail. For a few weeks she would put my messy hair up into a puffball, but as soon as I saw her "ponytail" I would cry and cry, repeating how this is NOT the ponytail I was looking for.
I guess it's funny now, but it wasn't then. But it's funny to think how much something as trivial as that spiraled into a sort of self hatred I crafted for myself. I hated my hair for years. I wished it were longer, I wished it had a looser curl pattern and I just wished the hair on my head wouldn't be my own. My mother never allowed me to dye or relax my hair while living under her roof which made the entire hair hatred problem even worse as there was no way to escape the hate other than obtaining heat damage for a couple of years in middle school.
But as soon as I got into highschool, something changed. Seeing the same sleek and sporty ponytails whipping side to side as they ran to class just became boring. I had seen it so many times that even if I were to join the club, I would be one of the millions of members. Also during this time I began experimenting with my own hair. Creating different hairstyles for myself via braiding or funky up-do's with all my natural hair. And it was the first time in my entire life that I had ever felt so comfortable in my own skin. Being able to wear my big kinky afro amongst the sea of ponytails finally felt as normal as wearing a ponytail myself.
But after a while. I felt off. My hair was finally exactly where I wanted it to be. I had just grown into loving my hair for who she is instead of trying to make her someone else, until I realized how I was allowing my hair to dictate how other's felt about me. Everything was for others and not me. The validation I felt over the afro I wore wasn't about it being in its afro state, it was over it being the biggest afro. If I wore braids they had to be in for more months of the year than my natural hair could be out. So after some feeling of inadequacies over my hair, I watched video essay after video essay where I listened to multiple black women explain how shrinkage is beautiful, having long hair that hits your butt is not the end all be all and to just be happy with you. So I shaved all my hair off.
Since shaving my head, I have been constantly thinking about that little girl who wanted a ponytail. Now she really cant get a ponytail, and I think she likes it better this way.
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mxstball · 15 days
[Scorching Sandgems] Request to Heidi
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"You said that you had another thing for me, right?"
"I do, yeah."
"Alright. I'm sure Lati and Sapphire won't mind spending a little more time together. Is it related to this?"
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"No. It's… a little different." Lauren sighed. "I… had a conversation with Lacey yesterday. She came by to do a checkpoint on me in my dreams."
"Oh, how did that go? She mentioned to me before she went that you likely had been anticipating it."
"Yeah. She's surprisingly predictable." Lauren nodded. "I've been charting out her checkpoint pattern from the anonymous reporting service that I set up. I've been able to track and predict her appearances pretty well, so I knew that it was eventually going to be my turn, especially after my arm and wing recovered."
"Talk about thorough." Sometimes, Lauren even surprises her. "So, I guess the meeting went well."
"Well… for the most part. We spent the time cuddling. Felt kinda nice… and she felt almost exactly like you."
"Well, we're kinda the same person, you know."
"I know, but still, it was… nice. Maybe the three of us can hang out and snuggle over TV or something sometime." Lauren chuckled. 
Heidi laughed too. Of course she'd suggest something like that. If there's anything that Heidi and Lauren would do when they have free time together, they'd always eventually find themselves hugging and nuzzling each other, even in the most humid of summers. Their company was always enough for each other.
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"Huh?" Heidi quickly stopped her train of thought. "But what?"
"There was something that happened near the end of the checkpoint that I wasn't expecting." Lauren paused. "So, you know about Leaf's hypothesis, right? The one were, because there are an infinite amount of worlds in the multiverse, then that means that there is a world out there where each of us are an Arceus?"
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"Yeah. What about it? I'm guessing you asked her about your counterpart?"
"I did. I… want to meet them. Seeing how you and her interact, maybe I could see how things would be with my own counterpart, you know? Maybe the world they create or the things that they do could teach me a little more about myself."
"That's reasonable. I've learned a lot about myself when Lacey and Hera were in the picture. So, did she take you to that Arceus?"
"No… in fact, what happened instead was even stranger. She looked… scared? Like I asked something incredibly heinous."
"What? Is the Arceus version of you evil?" Just now, Heidi could sense her phone vibrate. It seems that she was getting text messages from the True Arceus now.
"Well, no. Apparently not. This Arceus is apparently not evil and isn't at risk of my safety, but… she said something about you killing her if she's responsible for what will happen."
"...? If she's not evil or dangerous, then could there be anything else that's the problem?"
"I don't know. She refused to answer what the problem was. Not only that, but she said something… weirder. She said that… I know them. Like, as in I know the Arceus in question."
"You do? Well, that's fucking weird." Heidi's phone was vibrating again. "Hang on, Lauren. Lacey's trying to interrupt us. Let me send Ghost on her and pick up on the information later." Heidi tapped her phone a couple of times before going back to the call. "Alright. Sorry."
"Seriously, what's up with her? Who could this Arceus be to get her so spooked?"
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"One of your exes, probably."
"If so, I hope it's the cute one… and that they're alive. You never know, considering Friede's antics." 
Heidi snickered a little at that joke. "So, I'm guessing you're asking me if you can find out on your own?"
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"Yeah. I know that I'm still grounded from the last time, but I promise to be more careful and bring someone capable of defending me. I'll even keep my teleport requests open for you to grab me at any time. If you want to ground me for longer after I find out, then I'll take i--"
"Bring Jeanne and Daiyu with you. Jeanne for the powerhouse and Daiyu in case you need to flee to the Distortion World. Start with Mona or Leah, and keep me posted on your progress."
"W--wait, really? Th--thank you, sis."
"Well, it's not like I'd stop you anyway when you get like this. Plus, now I'm curious, too. I'll text them both before addressing Lacey, but make sure to stay safe, alright?"
"I'll make sure to. Thank you so much. I love you, little sis."
"Love you too, big sis."
The two hung up. Heidi started texting Jeanne as she walked back to the Pokémon Center. It looks like her day is going to be busy.
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