#but ferrets second choice
thecooler · 4 months
Feel free to specify in the tags :) if the animal is one that needs company assume you'd have multiple
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telvess · 11 months
Record of Ragnarok: What kind of pet do they have?
I'm like Tesla 🤣
I once read that people who are broken or haven’t experienced much love as children tent to choose animals that are less popular and sometimes seen as bad omens, such as black cats or ravens. So I see that Jack has a rat as a pet. They are intelligent and very clean animals, with an unfairly given bad reputation, and I think that suits Jack very well.
Nicola Tesla
Hear me out, Tesla is the proud owner of a turtle. There's a joke going around turtle owners that every time the turtle does something - such as yawns or falls asleep - you take a photo or video of it and happily show it to everyone. This is Tesla. The entire science crew has a mailbox full of this kind of spam, and their all sigh whenever Tesla sends them a new video of his pet doing absolutely nothing.
I think he likes animals in general. He despises humans and most gods for not behaving as they should, but animals are themselves. They do what is expected of them, they are excellent at being themselves, if that makes sense. So Poseidon probably has a dog that he has trained very well. The dog listens to all commends and generally behaves very well.
It’s canon that Hades has a pet - cockatoo. These animals require a lot of attention from their owner, which makes sense because we all know how lonely Hades is. He is literally playing chess with it! The parrot probably knows some fancy words like „magnificent” or „mellifluous”, and a whole bunch of wine names that it randomly says. Adamas, by the way, puts some effort into educating the bird too and incidently teaches it how to swear.
Given how little he cares and how little he CAN care, the only option he has is fish. He gives it a good tank, he remembers to feed it and that’s it. They just exist. Damn… how depressing…
Two options. First: SAND ANT FARM. He watches it from time to time, mocking the ants for poor direction choices or just messing up with them for funnies. Second option is ferret. Loki finds them both annoying and interesting. There’s no boredom with them.
Ares thinks highly about himself, after all he is a part of the most powerful pantheon and the son of Zeus. He believes that he deserves only the best, which mean that whatever animal he gets, it will be a pure breed. If he chooses a cat or dog, it will receives a golden pillow to sleep on, a silver food bowl, the fanciest toys, the best caretakers, and… „the best owner”.
Thor has a cat. Most of the time they simply exist in their spaces and don’t interact. But every now and then a cat comes to Thor and demands a scratch, which Thor gives without hesitation. Loki once overheard Thor talking to his pet in those rare moments. Surprisingly, he speaks in a very gentle and caring tone, almost like mother to her child.
He probably has a tank full of dead fish. Never cleaned, never fed, never bothered.
Lu Bu
Lu Bu has a pussy. He had no intention of having a pet, so the cat had to choose him, and Lu Bu obligated. He gives it lots of scratches and plays with it. Lu Bu is unfazed by the claws. Hearing her meow when he isn’t close puts him in a fighting stance. Nobody hurts his cat girl.
Budgies! The guy has a lot of responsibilities, he's probably the last to fall asleep and the first to wake up, but he still finds time for his melodious pets. They always get the best snacks and for some unknown reason they become very excited when Zeus is around.
She has hamster, as small and cute as she is. Göll tries very hard to provide it a happy life, which probably means she’s trying too hard. She asks all his sisters for advice, and knowing how many siblings she has, she probably ends up with very conflicting opinions.
Definitely rabbit. They are both full of energy, do not pose a threat and just enjoy themselves on a clearing somewhere.
He doesn't have a pet, but he occasionally looks after Zerofuku’s and Göll's pets. He complains that he doesn't have time and that he doesn't care, but in the end he has a great time with the rabbit and hamster.
I think he ends up with a pigeon. He just feeds it from time to time in the same place and slowly tames it. Before he knows it, the bird becomes a new part of his life. He tells it about his problems, about Luna, Jack, Mother Goose and Shakespeare. This pigeon has therapeutic properties.
Definitely a husky. I see just two idiots keep talking to each other and arguing over nothing. The more the emperor demands something, the louder the husky's tantrum will be.
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chiskz · 1 year
[ ▶️ ] . . . SKZ 사우나 (SKZ SAUNA) #1 & #2|[SKZ CODE(스키즈 코드)] Ep.37 & Ep.38
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┏ ♡𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: @alyszaen , @smh-anon , @neohyxn , @stealanity , @alixnsuperstxr , @juliawritingblog , @rizzshimura , @elizalabs3
[xxx] - editors' notes ┛
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└ Ep.37 ┐
♡ Aesthetic
When Felix enters the sauna, Chichi immediately quietly enters behind him and they sit inside together, a little pressed together as if that would somehow help them survive the heat [two boiled eggs].
CHICHI: I can't make it!
She called out and left the sauna on all fours after about a minute.
Changbin: If you can't stand five minutes in the heat, how can you stand seeing me on stage?
There was an awkward silence... [*cricket sound*]
As Seungmin was putting a mask on Hyunjin's face, Ichi reached over and took Hyunjin's hand gently.
CHICHI: Today I will be your manicurist, sir.
Hyunjin lifted his head up for a moment.
Hyunjin: Are you sure? Yours are always unpainted.
CHICHI: A good cook doesn't eat his dishes!
She assured quickly and took a cotton swab with liquid to wipe his nails first, then got down to her choice of nail polish.
CHICHI: Should I file them first?
She asked others, but more herself. Seungmin glanced at her from above the bowl with the mask.
Seungmin: No, because you'll still wipe his fingers...
CHICHI: Maybe it's a good thing, less work.
She replied as if nothing ever happened and got to work, and Hyunjin just looked at her with eyes big with fear [stressed ferret].
When Chichi finished Hyunjin's she sat down with Bang Chan and Jeongin with a sheet mask [all of them busy...]. She opened it with her teeth and, at the mirror, put it on her face, correcting it carefully with fingers.
CHICHI: Wow, it's really soft... How do I look?
Lee Know: Like a ghost.
He answered at once without even raising his head from above Han's nails. Ichi lowered her eyebrows. She squeezed out the rest of the serum from the package and approached Lino from behind, then began to massage it on his cheeks. Minho turned around immediately and hurriedly put the nail polish down on the floor, then pulled his towel off his head and started chasing her with it. Chichi squealed with laughter until she finally hid from Minho in the sauna. He, however, was fine with it - he sat down on the floor and leaned with his back against the sauna door so she couldn't get out. Chichi's face turned dark at this point...
In later scenes (after Chichi has already been released from the hot prison), Changbin can be seen in the background painting her nails just like his - he painted the nails of both of her pinky fingers pink, which they showed proudly in the scene where the members talked about what they received during their little spa time [perfect match of pink SKZ members!].
♡ Pillow Jenga
Lee Know: Let's do it by age, so Chichi begins!
Chichi laughed nervously and rubbed her fingers together.
CHICHI: Ah, what should I do...
She pondered a moment looking at the bottom row of Jenga pillows. She crouched by the tower and tried to pull out the middle pillow very carefully, but still a little too fast - the tower tilted and fell apart instantly. Chichi opened her mouth wide and froze as loud sounds rang out in the background - sounds of laughter, embarrassment, disbelief and disappointment.
Seungmin: How can you lose by being the first! After all, then how can it be the easiest!
Felix came up to her and crouched behind her embracing and shaking slightly.
Felix: How could you, how could you!
Chichi stood up and embarrassed faced the wall pretending to hit her forehead against it [total failure...].
Lee Know: It's time for punishment!
He opened the sauna door especially for her, and she went inside for three minutes without a word of objection.
I.N: I actually feel sorry for you.
He said that when Chichi lost in the second round as well. She looked at him hunched over near the sauna, from which she had only just emerged after her second punishment. Jeongin took her hand and took her with him to the cafeteria, where she could choose whatever she wanted on his private bill [the kindness of the youngest knows no limits].
└ Ep.38 ┐
♡ Consonant Game
Chichi was very focused, most of all of the members. Games that required knowledge of Korean were still stressful for her, and she was afraid that when she made a mistake the hate for her lack of knowledge of the language would return.
During the next song of the second round, Chichi did not speak at all, all the while silently looking at the given letters and moving her mouth mute. When she heard the hint that it was their choreographed song, Chichi jumped on Seungmin squealing loudly.
CHICHI: Red Lights, Red Lights!
Seungmin: Red Lights?
Bang Chan: Red Lights?
Everyone looked at the staff, who confirmed the answer, then their gaze immediately fell on Chichi.
HAN: She saved our food!
Changbin: Chichi, we apologize for everything!
He yelled pretending to cry with emotion.
Seungmin: She loves tonkatsu so much that it moved her brain cells.
After a successful game, everyone sat down to eat. When Hyunjin told a story from his childhood, Chichi also opened up and put down her chopsticks.
CHICHI: When I was young I had the opposite problem, it was impossible to get me to eat at all. I was able to not eat for days, because I just didn't feel hungry. Until one day I smelled something in our kitchen, something I hadn't known until then. When I went there it turned out that my mother was making tonkatsu. That was the first time I really craved food, I must have eaten about three plates. Since then I kept asking for it all the time! [this time she didn't have to - delicious tonkatsu on the Stray Kids table!]
Bang Chan: Who was the funniest person today?
I.N: Felix and... and Chichi.
Chichi stuck out her lower lip [the biggest loser of today].
Seungmin: She was condemned to the sauna practically all the time today.
HAN: I wonder why you chose the sauna and not the cold room.
Chichi looked at him and put down her chopsticks again.
CHICHI: Why didn't I do what?
She blinked in surprise.
CHICHI: I had the choice?!
Lee Know: No, we had the choice. You didn't.
He nodded and continued eating, while Chichi threw the soy sauce package at him.
Chichi was the last to get her key from Felix, as she didn't answer any previous questions in order to stay as long as possible and eat tonkatsu. She only left the dining room with Hyunjin and Felix.
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atopvisenyashill · 3 months
what role do you think shiera seastar played in daeron ii's governance of westeros?
okay so first of all. shiera is roughly the same age/generation as all of daeron’s kids - the timeline is vague but the gap of years she could have been born in is like right at the tail end of rhaegal and maekar’s births to several years after. so i imagine that not dissimilar to daenerys, daeron takes more of a very distant brother/paternal role with her. a girl is not a threat the way a boy is, she’s young enough to be his own kid, and she's a motherless child, so it’s fine, she’s raised at court with his kids and he doesn't complain too much about it. i do wonder if part of shiera being raised at court is instigated by myriah and also what "raised at court" could even mean - Maekar is anywhere from like 4 to 10 when daeron becomes king (bloodraven is roughly around the same age as Maekar, maybe a year to four years older) which means Shiera is under 10 as well, as young as a toddler (i mean hell, if she's born at the tail end of Aegon's reign, she could be the same age as Valarr who is Daeron's grandson). So depending on when it is she's born, is she at KL or does Daeron ask for her to be brought to Dragonstone? I mean, how set up was Daeron's court at Dragonstone? It had to have existed at least on a small scale because Daeron takes the capital bloodlessly after Aegon IV dies.
SO. Anyways I think it's not likely she does very much at the beginning of his reign due to being around the same age as, at the oldest his second youngest son and at the youngest the same age as his first grandchild. Coupled with the fact that her mother is dead and foreign born, being from Lys, she likely lives the life of a typical lady at court but potentially without the pressure to marry. Yes, she's a bastard, but she's a legitimized one, beloved by the royal family, with a sister-by-law who comes from a culture that seems to believe if you have a bastard, you best act like a responsible parent for that child (not to say Dorne doesn't have it's own bastard based issues, see: Obara BUT I do think someone like Robert would not be allowed to just leave all his bastards all scattered about willy nilly. I think it's likely those children and their mothers have the ability to push for acknowledgement in a way a lot of bastards north of the marches don't). I also think the fact that Shiera's mother is foreign born would help ingratiate her with Myriah and Daeron's kids - we know Larra felt like an outcast, I think it's likely Shiera bonds with the royal family over feeling like she's culturally on the outs.
By the time she's an adult, the Blackfyre Rebellion is in full swing. So - does she take on a more advisory role when she gets older? I think it's possible. Here are some choice quotes:
"You've known queens and princesses. Did they dance with demons and practice the black arts?" "Lady Shiera does. Lord Bloodraven's paramour. She bathes in blood to keep her beauty. And once my sister Rhae put a love potion in my drink, so I'd marry her instead of my sister Daella."
-the Sworn Sword
Bloodraven proved to be a capable Hand, but also a master of whisperers who rivaled Lady Misery, and there were those who thought he and his half sister and paramour, Shiera Seastar, used sorcery to ferret out secrets. It became common to refer to his "thousand eyes and one," and men both high and low began to distrust their neighbor for fear of their being a spy in Bloodraven's employ. 
-The World of Ice and Fire
"You can know a man by his friends, Egg. Daeron surrounded himself with maesters, septons, and singers. Always there were women whispering in his ear, and his court was full of Dornishmen. How not, when he had taken a Dornishwoman into his bed, and sold his own sweet sister to the prince of Dorne, though it was Daemon that she loved? Daeron bore the same name as the Young Dragon, but when his Dornish wife gave him a son he named the child Baelor, after the feeblest king who ever sat the Iron Throne.
-the Sword Sword
We know very little about Shiera at this moment in time but I think it's not unlikely that for the middle part of Daeron's reign, when it seems Baelor & Valarr have taken the lead on going out and about in the kingdom, that Shiera was acting in some sort of advisory capacity (nothing official, similar to Elaena in that she's working behind the scenes rather than sitting on the council) and some people had a bit of an issue with it. I think it's not unlikely that as Daeron got older, he might have distanced himself from her but by that point she had an in: no i'm not talking about bloodraven i'm talking about Aerys. Aerys immediately made Bloodraven hand and while I give Daeron some shit for not getting Bloodraven under control, it's ultimately Aerys that really lets Bloodraven go crazy with his police state and I think Shiera has big hand in that, perhaps on par with Lady Mysaria. Or at least, I hope she does lmao, and I think it's interesting that both Mysaria and Serenei, Shiera's mom, are from Lys. Maybe Shiera being mentioned in conjunction with Mysaria and Bloodraven is nothing, but I think what's most likely is that as Shiera got older and started dabbling with more magic, she took up a sort of Court Sorceress role a la Melisandre, at the behest of King Aerys I himself - and why wouldn't he turn to her? It's likely they were raised together!
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haydenigmatic · 9 months
Lady Verena (veh-REH-na) Sarpe (/sɑːrp/)
Introducing Lady Verena, the captivating scion of one of the eight kingdoms' powerful families. Renowned for her beauty and political acumen, she weaves a complex tapestry of seduction and strategy to navigate the intricate web of courtly affairs. What twists await her?
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As for a face claim there are a few: Katie McGrath as Morgana Le Fay, possibly Eva Green, even Alicia Agneson and of course she reminds me of Morrigan, all of them are a mix of what I picture her.
Now for her voice I think; Kathleen Turner the voice of Jessica Rabbit, I love her no matter what her health condition has done to her voice.
Main Family Dynamics:
Duke Veneger - The Spymaster:
Her father, is the spymaster serving the king. His absence from home due to his court duties creates a void in her life, contributing to her independence and self-reliance.
Duchess Jyne - The Ailing Mother:
Her mother, was once a significant influence in her life. However, her illness has made her unable to interact, creating a longing for the nurturing connection they once shared.
Veredus - The Heir with Reservations:
Her elder brother and the heir to the family, harbours reservations about his sister's unconventional ways. He views her with scepticism, wishing for a more traditional sister who would conform to societal expectations.
Vardan - The Second Son:
Her other elder brother, He has a knack for exploration and is often away on journeys to distant lands. Despite the physical distance, Verena and Vardan share a bond forged through occasional letters and updates, maintaining a connection despite the miles between them. He is more of a silent observer in the family dynamics. He neither openly opposes nor supports Verena's choices, maintaining a neutral stance.
Here are some random details about her:
Memorable Quote: "In this world, one's reputation is a weapon as sharp as any dagger."
Is an excellent horsewoman and loves nothing more than taking a spirited stallion out for a ride in the countryside.
Has a secret love for sweets and often indulges in them when no one is watching.
She is obsessed with collecting rare and exotic perfumes from all over the world.
Wears tight, low-cut dresses exclusively designed by a renowned tailor who understands her unique style.
Developed immunity to poisons, both a strength and a vulnerability. While it grants her a certain invincibility, it has also become a dangerous addiction.
love for the theatre isn't just limited to being an audience member. She actively participates in local productions, taking on various roles that allow her to explore different facets of herself.
Her white ferret companion is named Kavi. Originally intended as a meal for a serpent she had, changed her mind and kept the ferret as a pet. Becoming a constant, sneaking companion, often resting on her shoulder or within the folds of her elaborate dresses during social gatherings.
The illness that befell her mother left her unable to interact, creating a void that she struggled to fill, until Countess Roderick took her under her wing, she viewed her as a mother figure.
Countess Roderick became a surrogate parent, filling the void left by Verena's ailing mother and absent father. Visiting every day or extending invitations to her estate, the Countess became both mentor and confidante. However, her teachings went beyond the conventional, delving into the realm of feminine power and manipulation. Countess Roderick believed in arming her with the tools she'd need to navigate the treacherous world she was born into.
Fuelled by a mix of rage and political calculation, her father orchestrated the demise of Countess Roderick and her husband. This act, intended to protect the family's honour, irreparably fractured her trust in familial bonds and propelled her into a world where power and cunning were her only constants.
Her Network of Informants: "The Eyes of the Snake" maintains an extensive network of informants across the Eight Kingdoms. Information flows seamlessly through their channels, allowing her to stay well-informed about potential threats or opportunities.
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slytherin-girly · 1 year
You are so dead/A Draco Malfoy one-shot
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House: gryffindor 🦁
Blood: muggle
Warning: swear words(if you aren't comfortable with the use of swear words you don't have to read this) :)
|This one sucks|
"You mudblood!"
"You asshole ferret!" I shouted, I was currently having a shouting match with the one and only, draco malfoy aka ferret boy
But this however is daily, the shouting thing
"Ferret?! You filthy little-"
"Mr Malfoy, ms L/n, please stop this immediately!" Yelled one of the professors, we stopped and once he walked away we tried to punch each other
"Y/n! He's not worth it!" Yelled Ron, both him, Hermione, and harry trying to restrain me from giving him a nasty punch right in the face
Blaise and surprisingly Parkinson was trying to restrain him too
"Mate, let it go" blaise said trying to pull draco away
"Jeez, and I thought potter and draco hated each other a lot- oh- come- on!" Parkinson yelled trying to pull him away
"This will be probably- the first- and last- time- I will ever- agree with- you- y/n let it go!" Hermione yelled, also agreeing with pansy
"I will if he does! He started it!" I snapped
"No! She did!"
"You called me a mudblood first you little ferret! Let me at him!" I shouted
"Jeez you two act like an old married couple" muttered ron, a little too loudly
I stopped and looked back at him
"Uhm- hi?" He said letting me go and taking a few steps back
"And I reckon that Ron has about five seconds before he faces death" said Hermione sighing
"Ronald weasley!" I shouted
"You're in for in ron" said harry also letting go
"I'll be back for you!" I said turning to Malfoy," ronald weasley you have a five second head start!" I shouted
"And five! Ron you are so dead!" I shouted chasing after him
"You weren't meant to hear that! I forgot how good of hearing you had!" He shouts back screaming as he was running into gryffindor tower heading up to his dorm, lucky for him, fred and george grabbed me so he could get away
"Well hello little one" fred said
"Trying to kill our brother aren't you" said George
"Well of fucking course I am" they chuckled
"We still need our brother little one so don't kill him"
"Yet." George finished
"I'm not little you two are just tall" they chuckled again
I turned back
"I swear I WILL GET YOU BACK FOR THAT RONALD!" I yelled over their shoulders making our way back to find hermione and harry, maybe if I find Malfoy I could punch him along the way
We were making our way into the great hall for dinner, ron had decided to come out of hiding
"Ms l/n were you trying to kill mr wealsey yet again?" Dumbledore asked me jokingly
"I would.. but I can't kill my best friend... or can I.." i said the last part quieter
Dumbledore chuckled and told us to go to dinner
We all sat in our usual spots
"You are.. a demon!" Said ron
"Am not! I'm an angel now! Since the devil kicked me out of hell" I said back in a sassy way
"That's right y/n!" Said fred and george giving me a high five
"You-" ron started but I cut him off
"Dont make me say it"
"You wouldn't"
"Oh yes I would, hermione, ron has-"
"Dont you dare finish that sentence!"
"Say it!" Fred and george said in unison smirking evily
"Ron has liked you since first year hermione" I said trying to hold in my laugh
"You are literally a demon!" He shouted turning red
"Am not!"
"But I know something too"
"And what would that be"
"That you like-"
"Ron do you honestly have a death wish?! She already tried to kill you today!" Harry shouted
"I wouldn't say that unless you have a death wish brother" said george
"I agree george" said fred
He shrugged it off,"I know you like Malfoy and he likes you.." he said
"You are evil! You should be lucky if I don't kill you in your sleep Ronald weasley!" He gulped probably rethinking all of his last choices thinking about how he should spend his last hours in this world
"How is she not in slytherin?" Harry asked
"Wanna say that again" I glared at him
"Anyway, what does it matter.. he hates my guts.."
"I- i- just guessed that but okay.." ron said awkwardly
"I just don't understand why you are so oblivious!" Hermione sighed, and ron groaned
"Will you stop groaning Ronald!" Hermione sighed
"Will you stop sighing hermione!" He mocked her, then she wacked in on the head with a book
~~~next morning~~~
"Potions, and potions then free period right" I said
"With the slytherins as always" hermione sighed
"Will you stop sighing hermione!" Ron said remembering yesterday
"I'm tired of them" I said yawning
"Malfoy too?" Ron smirked and harry chuckled
"Do you two want to live a little longer?" I asked
They gulped and nodded
"Then shut up and let's go"
~~~after potions~~~
I sighed walking out of the classroom and then I saw Malfoy and his goons coming towards us
"Oh how lovely" I muttered
"Try not to kill anyone y/n" hermione whispered
"No promises"
"Well, look how it, we have scarhead, weaselbe, and mudbloods"malfoy smirked
"Shut up already!" I shouted
"Don't talk to me like that!" He shouted
"You talk too much!" I yelled
"Asshole." I said getting angrier by the second
"Wh0re!" He yelled
"You mudblood! Shut the fuck up already!" He yelled
This place about to blow
"You ferret! Spoiled rotten daddy's boy!"I shouted at him again
"And you're a slvt! Dating every weasley and probably scarhead too! Slvt!" He shouted louder
"Don't even try! Go! You are so dead!" I yelled motioning for my friends to go
I walked up to him, "what the actually fuck is wrong with you!" I yelled
He grabbed my wrist and smirked
"You may be a mudblood but no one else's blood as pure as mine will ensure that your children won't be muggles" he said he leaned in and kissed me passionately
"I happen to love you and hate you at the same time" I said after we pulled away
"I love you too"
"Ron you owe us 19 galleons" I heard the twins whisper
"But I'm broke!" He whisper yelled
"20 galleons then," the twins said
|I don't know what I just wrote 😳|
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bearr02 · 2 years
Safe and Sound |Chapter Two|
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Pairing: Hybrid!Ot7 x F!Reader
Chapter warnings: None :)
Summary: You have worked at a hybrid rehab and adoption center for years, enjoying being able to help people others only see as their animal side. You thought you might end up taking in one or two, what you didn’t expect however, was to take in 7.
Genre: fluff, angst, eventual smut, non-idol au, hybrid au, strangers to friends to lovers au,
Word count: 2.2k
Member’s hybrid types: Namjoon: Bear, Yoongi: Bobcat, Hoseok: Ferret, Jin: Wolf, Jimin: Red panda, Jungkook: Bunny, Taehyung: Marble fox
A/n: Second chapter! I hope you guys enjoy!
Last - Next - Masterlist
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The doctor looked over Jimin, most scratches weren’t too bad, only one or two which only had a mere bandaid put over. You bid your goodbye to Jimin once you were sure he’d be alright, heading back to Jin’s room.
You knocked, hearing some shuffling inside before the door opened to reveal a sleepy looking Seokjin. “Hi, I’m sorry I left so suddenly, we had a situation with a hybrid, but I could show you around now if you’d like? If not I’ll let you get back to your rest.” You say, smiling softly making him return your smile. “We could do it now, I was only getting a Power Nap.” He says as he opens the door a bit more, inviting you in with a gesture of his hand. “What happened with the hybrid? Are they okay?” He asks, brows furrowed as he looks at you. “Yeah, he seems fine..he had an interaction with hybrid control though.” You say, making Seokjin frown. “God why do they exist.” He says under his breath, yet you catch it. “Right! You guys are human too, I mean sure you can shape shift into animals and you have animal DNA but damn.”
You rant, missing Seokjin’s fond smile as he watches you go on about how much you’d wished HC wasn’t a thing. He’d never met a human like you, nor did he think he would again.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have ranted to you like that.” You apologize when you realize what you had just done, bowing slightly making Seokjin laugh. “It’s fine. I’m glad you feel comfortable enough with me to rant. Makes me feel like some people don’t just see me as my animal side.” He says making you smile. “Ready?” You ask making him nod before following you out of the room.
You first bring him to the cafeteria, showing him where he’ll eat every meal unless he prefers it somewhere else.
The last place you showed him was the adoption area, you never liked it, but hybrids were seen as pets and couldn’t live on their own. You could see sadness in his features, knowing one day he’d have to be in this very room. “Well..I’ve showed you everything there is to see here, dinner starts in about an hour so till then you can do whatever you’d like.” You say, smiling softly at Seokjin making him return the smile.You part ways from each other, Seokjin going back to his room while you head for Jimin’s room.
You knocked lightly on the door, hearing shuffling from the inside before the door cracked slightly, Jimin looking through the crack in the door. “Hi.” You smile making him exhale in relief, “hi.” He returns, opening the door wider before going back to his bed. “Dinner’s in about an hour, where do you want to eat?” You ask making him stop and look at you, you can see nervousness in his eyes before he responds. “I uh..I don’t know.” He says, sitting down on his bed still looking at you. “I could bring it to your room?” You say making him nod, letting out a small sigh before smiling. “Thank you.” He says, you nodding before turning around to exit the room.
“Y-Y/n..?” He tentatively calls out making you stop and turn around. “What’s going to happen while I’m here..?” He asks, fiddling with his hands making you sigh. “It’s your choice, if you find it fitting you can go back out into the world, if not you’ll have to be adopted.” You say making Jimin frown before looking down. “What if I don’t want either..?” He asks, voice barely above a whisper. You sigh before you close the door, making your way to him. You crouch down in front of him, noticing a few tears well up into his eyes. “Can I ask why?” You say, noticing the uncertainty in his features. “Well for one, I don’t want to mess with hybrid control again, two, my last owners weren’t the best. The only one who ever loved me got rid of me because she couldn’t afford me.” He says, a few stray tears making their way down his cheeks. “Maybe you’ll find someone? I wish we could keep hybrids here, but we can’t. We need the rooms so we can keep helping others.” You say, sympathy noticeable in your voice.
Jimin nods before looking up at you, small but feigned smile on his face, “I understand.” He says before looking away. Before you can properly think about it, you lean up and pull him into your embrace. You feel him tense up beneath you, gently rubbing your hand up and down his back as you rest your chin on his head. He slowly wraps his arms around your middle, pulling himself closer to you and basking in your warmth.
You slowly part from him, Jimin reluctantly letting go, holding back a whine as you look at him. “You’ll be okay, I promise.” You say, smiling softly making him smile back. “Alright, it’s about time to eat, do you want to go ahead of time and grab it, or wait for me to get it for you?” You ask, making him think. “Could we grab it before? So I can see what’s there?” He asks making you nod, standing up fully and offering him your hand. He takes it into his, grasping on semi-tightly before standing up, following you out of the room.
You lead him toward the cafeteria, poking your head through a door making sure there weren’t too many people. When you only saw the chefs, you opened the door fully, walking in with Jimin.You felt him maneuver so he could stand behind you, clutching your hand tighter at the sight of people. You glance behind you at him, smiling softly at an attempt to reassure him before continuing toward the counter.
“Hi Y/n! What can we do for ya?” One of the chefs, Haneul asks. “Could I get some food? We got a new resident and he doesn’t seem too fond of a room filled with people.” You say, smiling softly making him smile back. “What’s his name?” He asks, moving to try and get a peek at Jimin. “Are you alright with him knowing your name?” You ask, turning to look at Jimin. He looks up at you, reluctantly peeking around your body and catching Haneul’s eyes. “J-Jimin.” Jimin says, moving around your body a bit to get a better glimpse of Haneul. “I’m Haneul, what would you like to have?” Haneul asks, smiling softly as Jimin thinks. “C-could I have Kimchi Jjigae?” He asks, moving to stand next to you, still grasping your hand tightly. Haneul’s eyes flick to your interlocked hands, and Jimin swore he saw a flicker of jealously in Haneuls eyes, yet he pushes it down when the man nods.
Haneul turns around, telling another cook what Jimin wants. Jimin then turns to you, gently pulling your hand making you look at him. He looks over at a table and tugs again, silently asking to go over there, you follow and head over there.
“Do they usually do whatever you ask for?” Jimin asks making you nod before shaking your head. “Kind of, they will do it if requested or for newer residents but besides that they appreciate if they don’t have to make a different dish.” You say, noticing how a wave of gilt wafts across Jimin’s features for a moment. “Hey no, they don’t mind, it’s oka-” you get interrupted when a familiar voice calls your name. “Y/n! Hi.” Seokjin says as he walks over to your table, you notice how Jimin tensed up slightly as the sight of the other hybrid. “Hey Seokjin.” You say softly as the man sits down, smiling at you.
Jimin feels a pang of jealousy, no it’s not jealousy, no way. He barely knows you, why would he admit he’s jealous of another hybrid you’re helping? No! I’m not jealous! He’s taken out of his thoughts by your soft voice calling him. “Jimin, this is Seokjin. He’s another new hybrid here.” You say, smiling softly at both men.
Jin then directs his attention to Jimin, smiling as he reaches out his hand for a handshake. Jimin reluctantly takes it, firmly shaking the other man’s hand before letting go.
Jimin watches as you fall into conversation with the other man, asking how his stay here is. He fiddles with his fingers under the table, lost in his thoughts until you suddenly got up, bidding goodbye to the man and offering Jimin your hand he hadn’t realized he’d let go of.
“Well, I’ll see you around. Let me know if you need anything, bye Seokjin.” You say, waving before looking at Jimin. “Come on, your food is done.” You say, keeping your hand extended in case he wants to take it.
Jimin reaches out and grabs it, getting off the chair and following you to the counter. He picks up the bowl, letting go of your hand to carefully handle it as you both make your way out of the cafeteria.
You both walk back to his room, you opening the door for him since his hands are full, yet as you’re about to leave he calls you.
“Wait Y/n..” he says softly making you turn around, confusedly staring at him but smiling nonetheless. “I—are you going to be like my caretaker?” He asks, staring at you, unreadable expression as he nervously waits for your answer. “If you want me to be, but I’m mostly just one of the workers here to help you.” You say, smiling softly as his question. “But what if I don’t want another worker? You’re the only nice person I’ve encountered so far.” He says as he shyly looks down, unsure how you’ll take it, missing your wide smile. “Thank you.” You say before turning around again, heading for the door.
Just as you reach it, you turn around to look at Jimin, already seeing his gaze on you. “Get some rest, okay? The doctor is going to come and check on your wounds at about 9-ish.” You say, Jimin nodding before looking away. “What’s up? You got a look on your face.” You ask making him look back slightly. “Could you maybe stay in the room with me again.? I don’t really trust people much..” he whispers, barely audible yet you catch it. “Yeah of course. I’ll try and be here before him, okay? Now get some rest.” You say before walking out of the room and closing the door behind you.
You walk down the hall toward the employee lounge to grab your stuff before heading home. As you enter the lounge you see your friend Souyun.
“Souyun! Hi!” You say as you enter, waving at her enthusiastically before walking toward your locker. “Hey Y/n! How are you?” She asks as she walks with you. “I’ve been good, we got a new hybrid, he seems scared of people. I’m surprised he trusted me so fast but I’m glad. If you could check up on him I’d greatly appreciate it.” You say, opening the locker and grabbing your jacket and purse, turning to face your friend with a smile. “He’s in room 63. Tell him I sent you to him.” You say, hoping he’ll trust her at least in the slightest.
You bid your goodbyes, exiting the room and walking down the hallway toward the lobby.
As you reach the lobby, you see how empty it looks besides a girl sitting at the front desk. “Bye Y/n! Have a good night.” Sun-hee calls out, waving with a smile. “Bye Sun-hee, you too.” You reply, repeating her action before making your way to the door. The soft breeze that follows the open door makes you sigh in contentment. It’s the middle of September, the breeze is near perfect, sometimes a bit colder because of the approaching winter.
You walk the short distance to your car, unlocking it and getting in. Before starting the car, you set your things down and check your phone, not seeing anything new, you set it back down into one of the cup holders, starting the engine and roll down your windows, getting ready to go.
You reach your apartment building, grabbing everything before heading into the building, walking toward the stairs.
You climb the two sets of stairs it takes to get to your floor, walking to your apartment. You sigh, hanging your jacket and putting your keys in a bowl by your door, hanging up your purse after.
You head toward your kitchen, pulling out a simple microwave dinner from you freezer, not wanting to go through the hassle of making dinner at the moment. You toss it into the microwave, sitting on your counter while scrolling through TikTok.
-2 minutes later-
Beep beep!
You hop off the counter, opening the microwave and taking out your food, setting it on the counter to cool off. You lean back against your kitchen counter, letting your mind wander.
‘Why did it feel like there was something there?..Whenever I looked into their eyes it just…felt right to be with them.’
You quickly shake these thoughts down.
‘There’s no way I’m attracted to my patients.’
You get a fork and peel back the plastic, taking your food to the table and sitting down.
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A/n: Thank you for reading! This is my first fic series so I hope it’s good, I’m not sure when the next chapter will be, but I will start writing soon. I will start doing tag lists if any of the posts reach enough people, if you do like the post and want to be on a tag list, let me know and I’ll start one.
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bambiraptorx · 8 months
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[I.D. A redesign of Splinter from ROTTMNT as a ferret mutant. He is shown in two mirrored versions of the same post, a full body drawing at a three quarters angle. In the first one he's facing to the left, smiling slightly, and holds his arms in front of him in the t rex arms position, his tail curled downward behind him. He is somewhat chubby. His face is mostly grey, but he has a dark brown, mask-like patch of fur that circles both his eyes, and his hair is gathered into a bun held in place with a hair pin. He has pale yellow eyes, a light pink nose, and a small notch in his right ear. At his jawline, his fur transitions from grey to dark brown. His body is mostly covered in dark brown fur, except for lighter patches on the backs of his arms and legs and the top of his tail. In the second drawing, he faces to the right, wearing a reddish brown robe with yellow trim and a red circular flower design on the left side of the chest. From this side, his hair pin has the shape of a dagger hilt. End I.D.]
This is a project I've been planning for a little while, but I finally got around to my splinter redesign! I've never particularly liked drawing his canon design (and I don't care for some of its associations), so it was nice finally getting a chance to draw him as something other than a rat lol. I'm currently planning to make this design canon to my fics, actually, which I think will be fun.
Anyway, here's some lore specific to this version of Splinter, as a ferret:
Rather than a pet rat in the Battle Nexus, he had a pet ferret. It was a sort of emotional support animal and it was actually allowed by Big Mama, but she used it as a way to manipulate/control Lou Jitsu. He may or may not have had it with him when the gargoyles took him to Draxum, I haven't quite decided
He has a different hairstyle from canon! This is 100% because I saw a girl at school with a hairpin shaped like a dagger and thought it would be cool lmao
He has plenty of other hairpins I just like the idea of him using an actual weapon to hold his hair out of his face and everyone thinks its an aesthetic choice lol
The reason the turtles wear masks is because as kids they all thought their dad's face markings were the coolest thing ever and wanted to imitate it
If you have any questions or art requests for this version of Splinter, send them my way! I need the practice so I can get more familiar with drawing him lol
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elwenyere · 5 months
Hello! The conversation about careening had me wondering--how do you like to do research for your stories? Are there any topics or sources you particularly enjoy delving into or including in your work?
Hello, my friend!!! What a wonderful ask: thank you for these great questions.
After reflecting, I think I could describe my process as having two general categories: as-needed research and broader worldbuilding research.
The first category is a part of almost every fic I write, and it involves things like sourcing locations, verifying timelines, tracking down character names, and (very often) looking up what it feels like to receive various injuries. If it's a Star Wars fic, at least one Wookiepedia visit is a given (the raw materials page is a frequent hit). And there are likely to be a few other general internet searches I repeat several times ("aviation terms," for example, or "New Orleans plant life," depending on the fic and fandom).
The second category covers the exploratory reading and viewing I do for fics that involve more worldbuilding because they extend further outside (or completely outside) canon. The Codywan Pirate AU has me doing all kinds of targeted searches for naval ranks and sailing ship terminology, for example, but I've also been browsing maritime museums for descriptions of what life on ships was like from day to day (look at this cool page about sailor libraries and sailing literature!) and for images that give me a visual sense of the environment. I also love looking at digitized resources through academic libraries. When @festiveferret and I were collaborating on Citation Needed, an MCU professor AU in which history prof Tony is writing a monograph about weapons development during WWII, I used the online special collections at University of Massachusetts - Amherst to learn what the primary documents (enlistment records, ration cards, etc.) featured in the fic would look like. (Ferret then did incredible edits for the epistolary portion of the fic: this post has the collected documents.)
In a couple cases it's actually been the research that has come first and inspired the fic. The initial ideas for Separation, for example, which is a Top Gun fic that leans into the context of the AIDS crisis in the 80s and 90s, came from prep that I'd been doing for a queer literature class, so I was listening to music by queer bands in the period, reading poetry and essays about queer life in NYC and San Francisco (including this piece that discusses Nan Goldin, Thom Gunn's The Man with Night Sweats, "The Fall of 1992" by Randall Mann, and Alexander Chee's essay "After Peter"), and watching the documentary How to Survive a Plague, about the ACT UP movement. Much of that research informed the choices I made in writing the fic, even if it doesn't all appear directly.
Finally, I should confess that I am pretty self-indulgent with my fic research: I spend a lot of time studying and tracking things down when it's a subject I find interesting and/or when having more information will allow me to texture the choices I'm making in ways I personally find compelling; but I am also very unfussed about leaving other things vague or about fudging some details in service of the story. It's not at all out of the ordinary for me to spend 30 minutes looking up the names of camera models that hit shelves in 1991 and then write a sentence that says "when he gets off the carrier in mid-July, he goes to the mall" without specifying which carrier or which mall, because I couldn't be bothered to figure out the military logistics involved. This is one of the joys of writing fic for me: freedom to pour energy into those areas where research helps get me closer to things I want to discover and describe.
Thank you again for the terrific asks, my friend!!! This was very fun to write. <3<3<3
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dailydoseoffanfics · 1 year
damn another spiderverse x reader idea thats crazy
what the title says. i've also thought about this for a while.
Spiderverse x reader, but the reader is a magical girl!
Y'know, where they wear a cutesy frilly dress with a cutesy weapon and they transform infront of the villain for 30 seconds while the villain doesn't know what to do? (think of it like sailor moon, cardcaptor sakura, winx club, any precure shows, etc.)
Like, reader was either destined to be one/had no choice or got convinced by one of their mascots. Something like that asdfghjkl;' (mascots are also important too! y'know like how every magical girl has a mentor that is either a cat or just any type of animal...i also imagine like reader's mascot to be some kind of ferret...a talking ferret being a mentor for y/n.....yup 😁.)
(ALSO ALSO FORGOT TO CLARIFY, reader isn't exactly like a spider-person, and also isn't like a part of the spider society either no shit sherlock 💀, reader is just a silly fella that possesses powers. however, if you're planning on making this type of story and want reader to be a spider-person AND a magical girl, go ahead! i won't really mind)
ANYWAYS, i can just imagine one of the spider people losing a fight with a random powerful villain, and as a villain about to finish them off, smoke appears out of no where, a silhouette is beating the shit out of the villain and when the villain gets defeated and the smoke clears off, the silhouette reveals to be...... a person with a sparkly and frilly dress with a cutesy wand?
confusion and amazement are evident in the spider-person's face, but before they can question who that person was, that person already vanished. now, the spider-person is determined to find out who reader is.
OKAY OKAY SO you know how in some of the magical girl shows, despite the protagonist having the same hair, face and voice as their civilian form, people for some reason...don't recongize them. Cartoon logic am i right? BUTTTTT, in this case, reader already covered their face!!! so the spider-person will have NO CLUE who they are!!
thats pretty much it! i also think this premise is cool and if you're planning on making this story tag me 😁👍‼️
FORGOT TO MENTION: once again, you don't have to credit me. this was also just another random idea that popped into my head since I have an obssession with magical girl shows lmao
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thatsleepymermaid · 7 months
Tidepool's Top Five List of Environmental Books
(personal opinion this is just a list of book recs)
Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmer This book expertly blends indigenous knowledge and Western scientific methods. Highly emphasizes precocity and living with the environment instead of separating ourselves further as many Western green movements would have you believe. This book also has realistic strategies for dealing with the climate crisis other than just personal choice.
Hope for Animals and Their World by Jane Goodall Amazing conservation wins from animals that have been brought back from the brink of extinction by zoos and aquariums. Stories like the California condor and the black-footed ferret are featured prominently. This book gave me hope that there may be a solution to saving species from extinction.
We Are All Whalers by Michael Moore Focuses on threats the northern right whale and other whales face out in the ocean and the connection we all have to it as consumers. This book does not shame consumers for their choices though, but rather calls for systematic changes in the fishing and plastic industry. One of the four books that made me cry while I was reading it.
Fresh Banana Leaves by Dr. Jessica Hernandez Amazing criticisms focusing on the Western Conservation Movement and the role of displacement in the environmental movement. The editing could be a bit better, but the message that indigenous knowledge should be centered in the environmentalist movement is impact.
Undrowned: Black Feminist Lessons from Marine Mammals by Alexis Pauline Gums: This book is the second in the "Emergent Strategies" anthology. While all the books are amazing this one is my favorite. The book focuses on the shared relationship between white-western colonialism and the current ways we are affecting the marine environment. She gets a few scientific facts wrong regarding marine biology, but this book is so beautifully poetic I'm willing to over look it.
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ficklyficing · 10 months
On the Other Hand AU (title? Maybe?) notes to keep track and spread
Cariana is for sure Arcane Archer, just like Kyborg.
Gave her the Druidcraft cantrip, instead of Prestidigitation which Kyborg had.
for the AU timeline, they are level 8, so Cariana going to have three types of Arcane Shots, Piercing, Grasping and Enfeebling Arrow for herself.
Giving her two feats as well, want for sure one to be Piercer but debating on the second one to be different or maybe Gift of the Chromatic Dragon as well. Not Lucky. It doesn’t fit her like Kyborg. Also debating on Wood Elf Magic or maybe Gift of the other dragon feats like Metallic or Gem.
Cariana is kind of going to be like the big sister of the group. Like she wants to give the others cover and look out for these younger boys. Teases them as well, noggies and such but will punch anyone that dares mess with them.
Kydron is a Rogue/Fighter multi-class, still an archer fight style but going with I think the Assassin Rogue subclass.
The biggest debate is how many levels of each. I know I’m not actually playing but just for flavor and what skills I can use for the storytelling lol.
Kydron isn't going to be Kyforge. He will have arms on both side of his body, not just one side.
Still not sure on the title or not. Want to finish chap 1 before posting anything.
Also for other characters, small hints of changes to this universe.
Bart - Bard still, but thinking of embracing the pirate part of his background and going with the subclass of College of Sword.
Mudd - He does have a pet but it's not Gumbo, I know sad, but different choices. Debating on owl, hyena, ferret, or fox...
GumGum - He gets adopted and has a loving Mama and gets a big family
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eggs-can-draw · 2 years
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you probably missed those because I copied your tags before saying anything so you couldn't tell from the notifs, which I spammed, mostly with rbs that didn't add anything, it's understandable that you didn't check all of them, so I screenshotted them for you. Again, no hate on your choice of a cat breed, I love all cats, I think I just have a problem with coming on strong when I have an alternative idea. And the way I pictured Monaca's possible involvement, is her recording it for her tiktok or something tiktok adjacent. Komaru tried to install some sort of parental control on her phone that'd make it impossible for her to download it, but out of the two Monaca is far superior in dealing with technology, so Teaching Babies to Swear Pt.9 goes viral
I never responded cause I didn't wanna be annoying or anything I'm bad at people sometimes aaaaaugh 👉👈
Listen. Listen to me. Look me in the eyes. At least in my opinion, you come off strong in a good way. You're PASSIONATE!!! I FUCKING LOVE TO SEE IT BESTIE!!! NEVER LET ANYONE PUT YOU DOWN FOR BEING PASSIONATE!!!!! The thought of Kokichi with a ferret is fucking inspired and I LOVE IT SLINKY LITTLE GUY FOR THE SLINKY LITTLE GUY. also YES HAJIME IS SUCH A BASIC BITCH. I could totally see him going to a shelter or smth and just adopting the first kitty that comes up to him. love at first sight. He did not realize how much he would miss the constant chaos 24/7 until he's helping Kokichi with his little backpack (no leash attached this time) and watching him run into school. Sometimes a gremlin is what makes a house a home. (also them having a tabby means so so so much to me now, I had a tabby growing up and she was the sweetest cat ever) Also LMAO I LOVE LOVE LOVE TIKTOKER MONACA. SHE IS AN ABSOLUTE MENACE. KOMARU HAS TRIED EVERY PARENTAL LOCK IN THE BOOK BUT MONACA STAYS SILLY. also just. ough. this one. this one actually makes me sob. I LOVE THIS SO SO SO MUCH IVE BEEN REREADING IT ALL DAY JUST. THINKING. so so so so so so so many thoughts AGH. THE AFTERMATH. HAJIME BEING TOSSED INTO THE ROOM WITH THE PARENTS, TOTALLY PASSED OUT (they got him with a second horse tranq when his back was turned) KOMAEDA WATCHING HAJIME AND THE DOOR LIKE A FUCKING HAWK, SONIA WANTING TO REACT BUT SHE KNOWS SHE FUCKING KNOWS IF SHE DOES ANYTHING THEY'RE ALL GOING TO BE IN EVEN MORE TROUBLE. She takes a deep breath. Pulls out her perfect practiced princess quality smile. She speaks like the queen she was built to become. She wants to tear them apart limb from limb. (also just throwing this out there because I thought of it earlier, Naegi was "Formally Escorted Off The Premises" after the punch) also just. ough. it's an important distinction with the origin of their talents. The dr1 and sdr2 squad's talents are talent born from despair. The v3 kids have talent that's born from hope. Hope for the future hope for themselves and it just. mmmh.
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Draco Malfoy and his Rose Pt.3
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Word Count: 2,227 words
Warnings: cursing, making out, some fluff
November 16th, 1996. The Room of Requirement. 12:36 am.
Hope tugged her hair into a low ponytail, trying to make sure none of her curls were hanging out giving Draco a dirty look. The blonde looked irritated, running his ring cladded fingers through his gel free hair eyeing the angry looking girl as if she had grown two heads.
“A Death Eater!? Malfoy, are you out-of-your-mind?! What in the hell is-”
“Keep your voice down!” The blonde hissed, slapping his hand over her mouth his eyes wide.
Hope parted her lips not hesitating to lick a stripe up his palm, which made him pull away from her wiping his hand on his trousers an annoyed look etched on his face. The small witch felt tears pricking her eyes, looking up at the ceiling in an attempt to stop the tears from streaming down her cheeks.
Draco had never felt so broken, and so lost in his life then he had at this very moment. He was watching his best friend having a break down at the thought of him being a Death Eater.
He let out a shaky breath reaching a hand out, having it moved away by Hope who just snapped her head at him a harsh glare set on her face.
“Don’t. You. Even. Dare.”
A loud sob managed to escape her lips raking through her body, closing her eyes shut as everything started making sense.
The reality of the situation just now hit her like a ton of bricks, feeling her whole body shaking as more heartbreaking cries left her parted lips sinking onto the floor. She covered her face with the sleeves of her hoodie, the hot tears seeping through the grey material as more and more tears streamed down her face.
Hope had never felt so broken. She lost her best friend, in more ways than one, and she knew there was absolutely nothing she could do about it, “Draco... p-please just hold me,”
Draco didn’t hesitate for one moment, letting his knees rest on the stone floor scooping the sobbing girl into his arms tightening his hold on her. He whispered sweet nothings into her hair, rocking her back and forth as he rubbed small circles on her back. The trembling girl clutched at the black button up of his shirt, resting her forehead on his chest as she hiccuped a few gibberish words.
“Lovey... I swear to you on my life. I did it because I had no choice. Besides, nothing will happen to me or you-”
“Draco. The Dark Lord could ask you to kill any of us without a second thought, what would you do then, huh?” The blonde struggled to answer, knowing she had proved a point with her statement.
“You’re telling me,” She pulled away from his chest to lock eyes with his soft stare, “You would not hesitate to kill any of your friends? What if it were Blaise? Or how about a ‘lousy Gryffindor’ like Ron? Or better yet... what about me, Mal?”
A shaky breath left her as she stared intently at his face searching for an answer, feeling her heart shatter as she saw nothing but sorrow and a darkness that wasn’t there several months ago when she saw him up at the Astronomy Tower. 
“Malfoy, you didn’t do it because you had no choice. You always have a choice... if they had tried to do you harm I would be there in an instant. Anyone at this bloody school would stand in front of you, regardless of what you’ve done. You are loved, Mal. Always have been. If Narcissa and Lucius refuse to see what they are doing to their only son, then they really need to re-think each and every single decision they have made up to this point.”
“Is this your way of saying you’re leaving?” He angrily spat, this glare in his eyes sending dagger at the girl who was currently sprawled across his lap. Hope shook her head cupping his cheeks, sensing the boy visibly relax.
“Of course not. I am... I am going to help you through this. This is too much of a burden to carry all on your own. But, if things start involving the harm of any of the students here in Hogwarts, I will not hesitate to turn you in a ferret and leave you in this dingy room.” She tried to make light of the situation, making the blonde turn a shade of red at the statement nodding to her words. Hope leaned down pressing a lingering kiss to his cheek, holding him tight as he hummed appreciatively.
“I love you, Rose,”
“I love you too, Draco,”
November 17th 1996. The Great Hall. 1:16 pm.
Hope let out a chuckle as she saw the Golden Trio making their way over to her, a flushed expression on their faces. She popped a few grapes into her mouth, chewing thoughtfully as they took a seat on either side of her, with Hermione on one side of Ron flashing a quick smile. Unbeknownst to the smiling girl, there were a pair of grey eyes already watching her, stabbing rather angrily at his salad. 
“Hi Hope,” The redhead breathed out rather heavily, his cheeks almost as strikingly red as his full head of hair. You pursed your lips, fighting off a smile as you eyed the pair.
“Hello, Ronald... Why do you guys look like you’ve just finished running from a herd of Hippogriffs,”
“Harry thought it would be a bloody good idea to go on a rant about a certain toad. She happened to turn the corner at the same time, but since there were several other kids in the hallway we decided it be best if we hurried here as quickly as we could so she wouldn’t remove any more house points.” He choked out, taking a swig out of Hope’s cup, some of the orange juice making it’s way down his chin. After Hope smacked him upside the head, all she heard after that was Hermione scolding him for being a pig, before they got into a heated discussion off to the side. She rolled her eyes, facing the dark haired Gryffindor her cheeks flushing pink as she caught him staring at her. A teasing glint gleamed in his eyes, wetting his lips as he caught her growing flustered at his small action.
“Hey, H,”
“Hi... you look really pretty today,” Harry smiled at the brunette, reaching up to brush a stray curl out of her face her grin growing wider. Feeling her breath getting caught in her throat as she felt Harry scooting in closer to her on the bench, attempting to get as close as possible without being weird.
“Thank you, H. I don’t think I can say the same about yourself-”
“Oh sod off,” Harry laughed shoving her playfully, sending her into a fit of giggles as she almost bumped into the redhead behind her, “You love me, Lupin,”
“You are very much correct about that,” Hope sent the grinning boy a sly wink, fiddling with the hem of her skirt as she leaned in close to the boy whose eyes had widened, “Remember that morning in your dorm room-” At those words Harry felt himself growing flustered, nodding tentatively, “And what we talked about when we went down to the Common Room.”
“I made up my mind. If the offer still stands, I would love to go out with you, Potter.” Harry practically beamed at her words, cupping her face eagerly pressing his lips against hers as he poured all the emotions he could into that kiss. Hope gingerly place her hands on his chest, melting into his touch before pulling away from the heated kiss. She failed to notice the bickering friends behind her had stopped arguing, now sitting gaping at the action they had just witnessed.
Draco dropped his fork onto the table, making it clatter rather loudly a wave of rage washing over him. He felt sick to his stomach watching Potter and his dear Rose lip locked, nearly gagging at the sight focusing on his salad having lost all of his appetite. The sound of Draco fuming beside her had made Pansy shut her mouth turning to face Goyle instead as she watched Draco, anxiously awaiting his next move.
“I don’t think you understand how happy those few words made me,”
“Well, I mean... I could take them back-” Hope teased, letting out a giggle as the boy recaptured her lips in his, laughing into the kiss as she caught sight of pout resting on his face, “You’re a big baby, Potter.”
“Ummm... hello?! When in the hell did this happen?” Ron exclaimed, a shocked expression on his face eyeing the pair who just sat there looking flustered.
“Remember that day where Seamus, Dean and Neville were making fun of me very early in the morning, and we woke you up?”
“Uh huh...?”
“Well, the reason they were making fun of me was because they had caught Hope in my room, a-and the curtains happened to be shut around my bed,” That sentence caught Ron’s attention, a cheeky grin spreading across his face eyeing the couple who just blushed. The red-head 
“Oh you dirty dog,”
“Ron! You’re one to talk. What about you and Lavender? You guys were horrendous at least they had the decency to do it behind closed doors,” Hermione scoffed, slapping the red head upside the head making him sulk as he rubbed the sore spot, “But I’m happy for you guys, truly. You guys are cute together-”
“Lupin. Professor Umbridge would like to speak to you. At once,” The sound of someone practically hissing her name caught her attention, looking up to see an angry looking Draco. She flashed him a soft smile, picking up her hoodie off of her lap giving a quick wave to the group making her way to follow the blonde. A hand wrapped around her wrist, stumbling backwards into a broad chest.
“Hold on,” Harry cupped her face, pressing his lips against hers holding her close to him. Hope’s eyes fluttered close, feeling her chest tighten at his intoxicating touch, her nimble hands clutching his robes before she hear someone scoff behind her forcing her to pull away from him.
“10 points from Gryffindor. Lupin unless you want Umbridge to hear about this, then I suggest you hurry,”
“I’ll see you later, H,” Hope mumbled, briskly following behind a seething Malfoy whose pace only seemed to increase struggling to catch up to his long strides. “Slow down there, buddy,” She rolled her eyes as she felt him grab a hold of her arm, dragging her into a nearby empty classroom locking the door with the flick of his wand.
“What-in-the-hell, Rose-Anne?” He growled, turning on his heels facing the brunette who had taken a seat on top of one of the desks, setting her books and wand on the open desk beside her, “How long?”
“You know, people think you’re crazy every single time to call me Rose, considering they all know me for my name; Hope.”
“Lupin, I have called you Rose-Anne since I knew what words were... If it bothers you that much then I’ll quit-”
“No, no. I find it cute,” You made the blonde blush, his already reddening cheeks growing a shade darker shaking his head at your comment. Attempting to ask you the previous question he had asked you, wanting to know when you and Potter had grown all lovey dovey.
“Potter and I? Not long. I guess we always just had slight attractions to one another since the beginning, but we didn’t do anything besides hang out and hang out a few times on our own until like a couple weeks ago. Since then, we’ve just been testing the waters,” Draco angrily ran his fingers through his hair, throwing his head back rolling his eyes at her words. Potter. Of all the guys in the Hogwarts, she chose the scummiest of the scum. He thought to himself, swiping his tongue across his lips wetting them in the process. 
Hope hopped off the desk, making her way over to the boy who looked like he was going to burst in any second. She tentatively rest her hand on his shoulder, his body stiffening before relaxing at her touch. He let her wrap her arms around his waist, her head resting on his chest humming softly at his warm embrace. They stood there for a few moments, enjoying one another’s presence, before he parted from her holding her a few inches from him. His light grey eyes scanned her face, trying to see if he found any sort of sign of her lying to him.
“Does he make you happy?”
“Yes... he really does.”
“Then... as much as it pains me,” She giggled, messing with his black robes peering up at him, “I’m okay with it. If you’re happy, then that’s all that matters. But, if he lays a hand on you in any way, or if he even dares to dream of hurting you. I won’t hesitate to hex him,” Draco teased, a serious underlying tone in his words making her smile nodding her head.
“Thank you, Mal. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you earlier, I don’t really think I could considering we just made it official about...10 minutes ago,”
“About that, if you start snogging like that anywhere where I can see you, I will not even begin to second guess myself before taking points.”
“Oh shush. Let’s go back and finish lunch, I didn’t even get to eat all of my grapes,”
a/n: this took me 5397394 years to finish. please lemme know if you guys have any questions, or if you have any feedback. my requests are always open. thank you lovelies <3.
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what-if-nct · 1 year
What kind of really odd animals do you think the nct boys would be? Cuz like. I'm going thru a capybara phase rn and I was like "Taeil. Taeil is a capybara" they're both just so wholesome and loveable by all 😭
As I write this, Haechan is a ferret. Lil weird and hella chaotic but good company. But you can't leave them alone
Taeil is such a capybara, he could just vibe with anyone and is just a sweetie. If it was legal I'd have a pet capybara. Haechan is such a chaos noodle, ready to get into mischief at the next sign of freedom. Yangyang gives me raccoon energy. Like he looks like a cute baby raccoon and will politely take food with his tiny hands but will bite at any second and probably has rabies. I was just thinking Hendery is like platypus cause no one knows what's going on but he sure is a fun silly little guy. Johnny Lemur, I can not explain it but he's a lemur. And Taeyong is a bush baby the eyes, the eyes. I know Han is a quokka but look at Jungwoo he's also quokka I mean look at his smiley little face. Shotaro is a Squirrel so bright eyed so bushy tailed and, just that little face. I miss that little face so much. I miss my son. Though Hamster is the most perfect choice for Jisung. That is a little hamster boy. No changes there at all. Doyoung, prairie dog. No explanation.
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sitp-recs · 2 years
helloo i am in need of an angsty fic with a happy ending and was hoping youd help me? i was thinking like a evilish snape where he uses crucio on harry during a detention and draco finds out. It would be a great help! thanks x
Hello hello! Unfortunately I don’t know of any stories like that because I usually read post-Hogwarts fics. Maybe my followers can help? In any case here are some of my favorite “angst with a happy ending”. I tried to cover different tropes and lengths, hope they work for you!
Kissed by @potteresque-ire (2015, M, 12k)
Draco Malfoy was attacked by a rogue Dementor on the night of his Azkaban release. He self-exiled to Muggle London and opened a late-night chocolate shop called Kissed.
Between Myth and Man by @slytherco (2020, E, 16k)
Draco, lost and a little broken, navigates post-war reality convinced that people like him should not be allowed to make their own choices. To solve the problem of his self-sabotaging tendencies, he starts taking a few drops of Veritaserum every morning.
Vortex by @xanthippe74 (2020, T, 20k)
Who would want a soulmate who was a schoolyard bully, a Death Eater, and a convicted felon? Certainly not Harry Potter. And Draco is determined to take this secret to the grave.
Vale Sanare by RurouniHime (2011, M, 23k)
Draco’s world gains a new component just when he thought he’d sorted everything out.
Stain of Silence by brummell (2013, E, 28k)
After the war, Draco serves out his sentence in Harry Potter's house.
On One's Knees by pir8fancier (2008, E, 34k)
The war is over and to the victors go the spoils. If you are triggered by infidelity, this is not the fic for you.
As Souls From Bodies Steal by Femme (2012, E, 41k)
Hope may be found in the oddest of places, even in the bleakness of winter.
Kept in Cages by @sweet-s0rr0w (2022, E, 76k)
Deep in the heart of the Ministry lies the Beast Division: a hidden room where ancient beasts roam, and winged creatures soar, and grumpy giant ferrets eat all your biscuits unless you keep them well hidden. Draco Malfoy would know – he’s been working there for five years now, after all.
Super Rich Kids by @thusspoketrish (2020, E, 81k)
Draco Malfoy has become disillusioned by the glitz and glamour of the scandalous lives of the Post-Second Wizarding War Pureblood Elite. Enter: one existential crisis, one group of thieving cynical friends, and several terrible, terrible decisions.
Yours is the Earth (Hold On, Hold On) by chickenlivesinpumpkin (2014, E, 127k)
After a serious accident in the Forbidden Forest, Draco's personality begins to undergo subtle changes. At first, Harry credits this to a new enthusiasm for life. But as the days pass and Draco's behavior becomes more and more mysterious, Harry begins to suspect that something bigger--and darker--is at work.
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