#but for my sake i'm saying that it's faster than it seems and a first try would probably wind up with an accident
stephlynndrawings · 1 year
Fulfillment of a prompt from the @nirnwrote discord server!
Prompt:  “you’ve made your choice so live with it” Given to me by @blossom-adventures
No content warnings that I can think of.
Getting gifts from friends is a long-time tradition between the races of Tamriel… However, one hardly ever got pieces of Dwemer technology by the time the Second Era rolled around. That didn’t stop Neramo from gifting his favorite adventuring buddy, the Vestige, a special piece of technology he came to own. 
The Vestige, naturally, was over the moon at such a big gift, but when she asked how she was supposed to use it, the Altmer simply shrugged before leaving to catch his ship, leaving the Bosmer and her companions lost on what to do.
Several days later (after moving the giant automaton to a place outside of the town they were staying in) the group gathered around the golden contraption, each having their own ideas on how to use it.
“Maybe it has lasers? That would be useful.” Ember suggested, tapping her claws on her staff. Isobel and Bastian shared dubious looks while Mirri inspected the front of it.
“It clearly is meant to be sit in, but is it just a chair? If so, it wouldn’t have the legs.” Isobel mused, though with her lack of experience with Dwemer creations, she was very doubtful. Mirri looked up and over at the Breton, her lips quirked in a way to show she was considering the suggestion. 
“That may be it, but there’s clearly an engine of some kind under this decorative piece.” The Dunmer stated, gently rapping her knuckles on the golden metal. Wylarin, who had been under the machine inspecting what she could, suddenly sat up eagerly, slamming her forehead into the hull of the spider-craft. The other four winced in sympathy, but otherwise waited for what their friend had to say so suddenly. 
“That really hurt- Anyways! I know what this is! Or at least what it most likely is. Based on the parts and how they are used, this is essentially a giant Dwarven spider. And this-” She paused to clamber on into the front seat before motioning to the bent rod sitting in front of her, “Is most likely used to steer. It’s a mount! Like a robotic horse that two people can ride at once! Except it’s a spider, but still.” She grinned at her friends, her eyes sparkling with joy and excitement.
“Darling, do you have any idea how to use it? Or turn it on?” Bastian asked, his amused look laced with concern. 
“I imagine the steering apparatus is the controls, but as for how to turn it on, there’s a slot that’s perfect to put a soul gem into.” The Bosmer explained, pulling her bag up onto her lap to rummage for a soul gem. Once she had one, she carefully placed it into the slot. Immediately, the dull blue markings on the front lit up and the clearing was filled with the familiar sound of Dwemer machinery at work. 
Wylarin let out a sound that was a mix of a scream and a cry of joy, her face looking like a child on Saturnalia. 
“It works! Try moving it, try moving it!” Ember cheered, just as excited as Wylarin. Mirri was excited as well, but Isobel and Bastian were much more wary of the vehicle. 
Wylarin shifted in the seat to get more comfortable before grabbing both sides of the steering mechanism, a determined look set on her face.
“Alright, here goes nothi-” She cut herself off with a shriek as she pushed the rods forward all the way, sending the spider off at high speed. Right off a hidden ledge.
“Shit!” Bastian cried out, pulling his staff out of it’s holster as he ran with the others to where Wylarin disappeared. When they peered over the ledge, they saw the spider upright and still powered up with Wylarin still seated looking perfectly fine if not a bit startled. When she felt the stares of her friends, she looked over and smiled at them brightly. Bastian sighed and put his staff away, shoulders slumping in relief. 
“Maybe someone should ride with you and let you know if you’re gonna run off a ledge again.” Mirri suggested, jumping down from the ledge to better assess if her partner was alright or not. It seemed the other three companions took her suggestion and action as her volunteering herself because they all sat down and got ready to watch what could happen.
When she realized her mistake, the brunette whipped her head around to stare at her other partner, looking at the smug looking Imperial with a look of betrayal, “Basti, you can’t really think I was volunteering, where you?” She asked, her tone laced with mock offense. 
Bastian narrowed his eyes at his two partners before smiling coyly at Mirri, “You’ve made your choice so live with it”
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dear-tortured-adam · 28 days
/ 𝐬𝐥𝐢𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐬𝐥𝐨𝐩𝐞 /
\ humans were much more fragile than he thought. \ ft. mammon x gn!mc | careless scars | wc ≈ 1.0K
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"What's.. I... how do ya even injure yourself like THIS!?"
"I... don't know...?"
You gave an awkward smile. Eyes shaking from what remained of the adrenaline rush, your hands resting atop your stomach while you lie down on the couch.
"Oh for fuck's sake, treasure," Mammon cursed, removing his sunglasses as he pinches the bridge of his nose. Seriously, you barely even started your day. There you were: bedridden and partly immobile, with every sway of your leg hurting a tad more than the last.
Not that you can say anything, but it was a careless accident.
It was more careless than it was accidental. The shelves within the grand library at the House of Lamentation were far beyond your reach. By genius design, you had no choice but to use the dark spook tree ladder that was left isolated to the corner shelves.
You could try to use magic, though you are unfamiliar with the general book's looks, for you only knew the title and the name of the author. 'course you also had the option to ask Satan for guidance, but the blonde had whisked himself away to the barricaded doors of the attic --- who knew what he and the youngest had planned for their measly prank.
And who knew how slippery unattended furniture can get.
You have not a choice: by deduction, the best course of action was to use the ladder and manually look for it yourself.
With the success of finding the book, surely a long, carpentered, intricately designed slab of wood wouldn't betray you. Now would it?
The first step downward was manageable.
The second step caused the old ladder to wobble, near stumbling back to the floor; yet otherwise stood still as you maintained balance.
As the third step came, as if by some imaginary liquid, you missed. You lost your grip.
There you came tumbling down with the sharp wooden edges grazing against your leg. And then you landed on the floor, upright, yes, but your left leg stuck against the fifth to the last step.
Your leg a swollen red, a long scratch from your ankle stretched upward towards the lower knee - where blood dripped down the open scar.
"Shhh...f-" you hissed, taking your leg off the ladder and- oh. You might've misplaced a bone there. You had to drag your leg up to a nearby couch, taking sharp deep breaths to take your mind off the pain.
So that was the story. When you told Mammon the first time, he gave you a dumbfounded look. Nonetheless, when he found you, he was worried as hell.
Beyond the grave.
But the golden boy had to rush and rummage through every cabinet to find the human-safe emergency kit. You admit, it was adorable watching him slip from his "superiority" facade.
Ahhhh.. your train of thought came to a halt at the stinging sensation. Causing your leg to jerk up, but Mammon held it down by the knee.
"Aye- Don't move," he said, while he tried to gently disinfect the scar with the isopropyl alcohol. Not a sensation you weren't familiar with, but god it burns.
"I'm sorry, but, could you please go a little faster?"
"Ya sure, human?" he scoffed. His finger traced along the long bump of the scratch, watching the skin scorch crimson before he shook his head. "Nuh uh."
You tilt your head up to get a better look at your golden boy, raising a brow. "What do you mean 'nuh uh'?"
"Ain't no way I'm leavin' ya alone after pullin' that stunt."
"It's just once!" You raised your hands in feigned surrender. "I'll be careful next time."
Mammon huffed his cheeks in a pout, grabbing the wool bandage off the red box. Carefully wrapping it around your calf, careful not to put too much pressure on your shin, lest you kick his face.
"Bullshit," he muttered. There were more words said, yet you couldn't seem to make them out. His usual voice in an ever soft tone: slurred words that only he could comprehend.
You did manage to catch a string of words. "not on my fuckin' watch you aren't" while he tries to fix the jumbled up bandage.
Seriously, it looked good but tying it together had always been a challenge. After all, the great avatar of greed was more known for breaking things unloose, not putting them back together.
He tried. Mammon tried. Not the best of the best, but Mammon tried his best.
You can't help but give a soft smile, watching him mumble curses as he finally figured out how to tidy up the loose ends: finding the metallic clip and pinching it on there in hopes that it sticks.
He lifts his gaze one more time to meet yours. This time, Mammon was the one raising his brow. Looking annoyed, but his intrigue was betrayed by the curious glint of his tinted sapphire eyes.
"Whatcha lookin' at me for?"
A small chuckle escaped your lips, tilting your head to the side. "Thank you."
Two words. Mammon scoffed, averting his gaze. "S-shut up. Of course ya should thank me!!" as by virtue it is a great honour to be served by the GREAT Mammon.
Though you lay there, smiling like an idiot in his eyes. How you're transfixed with the cherry red creeping up on his tan cheeks, how he subconsciously purse his lips, puffing his cheeks to not let his words betray him. How despite everything he says, he still works his way to tend to you.
To care for you. To love you.
Or to simply keep you company when no one else could. Honestly, it made the future all the less scary. The uncertainty is all the less terrifying. The possibility of your bones giving up just feels all the more natural than ill-driven.
While selfish, greedy to an extent, you figured worrying in the future might just be a hoax. A fantasy in your head.
They say to get your head out the gutter, yet you couldn't help but examine each worse case scenario.
And if it's with him to your aid? It will all feel right.
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note.s : lesson learned, always watch your step when climbing down ladders.
check out my masterlist | divider by adornedwithlight
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queenlucythevaliant · 4 months
clean your sword
i. Peter had thought many times about dying for his brother, killing for his sisters, as all oldest children do.
ii. He'd imagined it a hundred times: how if his mother and father were ever killed, he'd get some low-skill job and make sure Lucy's clothes still fit her as she grew. How he'd make fists and fight dirty if Susan was ever threatened. What he'd do if Edmund ever had to flee the country on a dark, windswept night.
iii. Yet when he heard Susan's horn that day, he still froze. Only for an instant, he thought, "this can't be my job, right?"
iv. The blood on his sword shone red when it was all over. When he wiped it on the grass, the stain it left was almost black.
v. They'd put Susan in his arms when he was two years old. Peter didn't remember it, but he knew he'd been waiting for her till then. He wasn't a real person until he was a brother.
vi. And when they walked back to the pavilion, Rhindon bumping Peter's hip, all he could say to his sisters was, "I'm sorry I didn't come faster."
vii. The High King was almost obsessive in the way he cared for Rhindon. When he grew older and required weapons larger than those made for a child, he obsessed over them too.
viii. He told the others, in no uncertain terms, that if it ever came to it in battle, they were to leave him and live. As their brother and high king, he commanded it.
ix. The first time Edmund risked himself for Peter's sake, Peter didn't speak to him for a week.
x. He was oiling his sword when Edmund found him. "See, the thing is, Peter, being brothers goes both ways. If you can love me enough to die for me, than I get to love you just the same."
xi. Peter agreed with him then, to avoid the argument. He was sick of not talking to his brother. Yet privately, he knew that Edmund was wrong. That sacrifice was Peter's special prerogative, as the first-born.
xii. Back in England, his mother noticed that Peter had become more fastidious. She didn't notice that his protective streak has grown - and maybe it hadn't, really.
xiii. It was uncanny, how Peter would always show up just when his siblings needed him. He'd round a corner, and there was Lucy stamping her feet and scowling at a bully. There was Susan, crying, and now his knuckles were bloody.
xiv. He cleaned the blood off in the sink so carefully. The water ran red for a second, and it almost seemed black.
xv. When Caspian asked for the High King's advice, looking so very young, Peter jerked his chin towards the sword a Caspian's hip. "Be ready to use that," he said. "Keep it clean, and close."
xvi. Susan forgot Narnia and she forgot Aslan. Yet selfishly, Peter still hoped that she would never forget how quickly he came when she called.
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erosiism · 3 months
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prompt: the moment he fell in love with you | reader is childhood friends with claude (OC), both are planning a rebellion to usurp the throne.
character(s): duke, you
warnings(s): nil
note(s): male reader, second person, past tense, not beta read, excerpt from my fic on wattpad, to make amends
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Claude never knew what to make of the strong feelings he felt for you. 
He classified it as annoyance, at first—the way his heart seemed to swell strangely when he saw you, the way his heart seemed to beat irritably faster when you were around; the way his thoughts would soon start to cloud about, cutting off any thought of what should have been more important: the rebellion.
He thought of himself as closed off from others. You were merely a loyal aide, a childhood friend—nothing more than that. Feelings would get in the way, and Claude Valeria did not have feelings for you. Love for a trifle thing he did not want to get involved with.
And you knew that.
"Your Grace," you spoke. "I have listed down all of the candidates that are of marriageable age, and are good prospects for the rebellion. Would you want me to reach out to them?"
Claude furrowed his eyebrows.
"Yes," you said patiently. "Of course, if you are uncomfortable with it, we can put the plans to a halt. But you stated before you were alright with having a loveless marriage."
Somehow Claude was deeply disturbed by this.
"When did I say that?"
"A few weeks ago."
"I don't recall," Claude said shortly, and you couldn't help but laugh at his expression. "I will think about it."
"In your exact words, you said, and I quote: I don't care who I marry. I won't fall in love with anyone, and I would prefer a spouse who doesn't love me back. There's always the option of divorce, of course," you suggested brightly, sheafing through documents. "Until after the rebellion is over."
Claude grew even more exasperated. For some reason your words vexed him and pierced his heart in a manner he couldn't fathom. "You don't seem the least bothered about me getting married."
I do, you thought, feeling your smile slip off for the briefest moment. I care more than anyone else. I'm the one who loves you.
"Everything will be for the rebellion, right?" You answered lightly, yet you turned your back from him. "I work towards whatever is best suited for you. For us. For the sake of the rebellion."
"...No," Claude said quietly. "I will not marry."
"I will respect your wishes. Yet I'm curious to know: is there any reasoning behind your actions?"
Truth to be told, Claude didn't know himself.
"It's none of your business," was all he said, before he started to focus on the documents splayed in front of him. "Just reject whatever marriage proposals that have come."
"...Alright then, Your Grace." You gave a long sigh, before you walked away.
Claude didn't know it then, but in that moment, in a heart cold as ice, a crack was created, and a flower bloomed.
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like/reblog! comments are appreciated!
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AITA for refusing to pay mere 15 bucks for a while?
I (34F) started working at a supermarket, everyone is friendly and nice there. This one woman (29F) in particular was very nice, shy and doesn't talk too much but I liked her so much and wanted to be friends. I approached her and we hung out everyday, and we even commute together because I don't drive. I assumed it should be free because it's not my car and i shouldn't be responsible for it but offered to pay a part of her gas bills anyway since it's a she was nice enough to match my schedule and sacrifice a part of her time to pick me up and drop me off, we agreed that she would only drive me if she was free so it wasn't a commitment, and i only needed her for evening shifts because my husband is available on morning shifts. Her only condition that I should never be late because she's always on time and I promised her that.
To thank her properly I even bought food for her everyday, the same sandwiches and cakes I like. I'm not sure if she like them too but I can guess because we seemed to have a similar taste in food. The first couple of days she accepted them with a simple thank you but she told me I shouldn't had to. By the third day she started to reject them insisting that I shouldn't have to, and that she brings her own lunch with her. I insisted on her to accept my gifts and she did reluctantly but told me to stop doing again, because it's my money and i should spend it on myself. I told her we are friends and what's mine belongs to her, and wondered if the food I pick didn't suit her taste so I asked her if she liked it or I should buy different things for her. She said she liked them actually she just didn't want me to spend my money needlessly. I continued buying her food everyday regardless. She stopped thanking me for my act of kindness and awkwardly accepting the food, and every single time she tells me I shouldn't do it again but I insist. This continued on for 2 weeks until she told me she wanted to diet, and I should stop buying her food and specially cake because she is trying to lose weight. I agreed but asked her about her diet so I know what to buy her, but she refused to tell me and I stopped buying food for her.
After a while I started commuting with her on morning shifts too because i can get home faster than with my husband but I noticed she wasn't always available because she make many plans after work. She just informs me she has plans but never tells me what they are, so I started to think she's lying and get sad about it. I never confront her because that's not my style so I just tell her it's fine then vent to my other friends about how she keeps ignoring me. That's not the only reason I think she's ignoring me mind you, she also sometimes doesn't hang out with me during breaks.
She found out what I told other friends and got mad at me insisting that I was lying, she said she was just busy sometimes and can't hang out all the time or that she didn't want to disturb me when I was hanging out with other friends, she also reminded me that she isn't obliged to drive me around all the time because that's not what we agreed on.
We had another fight for something irrelevant but we made up, however I felt that we were growing distant after that. She hanged out with me less and less, because I told her she didn't have to sacrificer her plans for my sake ever and that we I don't have to match our schedule anymore, but I still felt sad about it. I knew venting to my other friends would anger her so I kept my mouth shut this time, so she doesn't accuse me of lying again.
We still commute together specially in evenings shifts, but not too much in morning shifts because she keeps having plans. I don't complain about it even when my husband is unavailable.
I received a message saying she hesitated to tell me something but she had to increase the price for our commute if I still wanted to be with her, and the price she set was insane! 2.5 bucks for each ride meaning I had to pay 5 bucks everyday day! she said driving isn't just about gas and that gas is already expensive because her car isn't economy and specially because we live in a hot climate and we need the AC all the time. I didn't like it and tried arguing with her over it, but she didn't budge and I didn't want to lose our friendship over it and tried to forget about it and I actually did forget it so after a month she told me I had to pay 75 buck for the entire month and I got angry because it was too much. For reference this is not the US and 75 bucks is more than enough for gas, my husband's car needs 50 bucks monthly but her car probably needs about 100 bucks and i'm paying 75% of that! She reminded that it was the price she set and she calculated it carefully so she doesn't accidentally charge me for extra rides. For the next couple of month I only commuted with her when necessary and had to pay around 50 buck each month. Also because I pay her much more I thought I might as well get the most of these ride so I always did grocery shopping after work while she waited for me. It's just 15 minutes usually and she shops sometimes too so why can't I? I started doing grocery whenever I needed without asking for her permission even though she asks mine when needs to shop, but after all I'm the one who practically pays for our rides. She's using me for gas so I might as well use her, I felt I should have never suggested helping her with gas, I'd get free rides and these problems would never happen.
I always ask her how much I owe her immediately after getting our paychecks on the 27th, but I need a few days to prepare the cash so I don't pay until after a week usually. We had a fight because she claimed I was always "late" so I decided to finally stop commuting with her, I paid her the 40 bucks I owed her for that month after I stopped talking to her. It was the start of a new month I never rode with her or talked with her, yet when we got our paychecks she told me I owed her 15 buck! I called her out on her lies and told her to stop using me and stealing my money because I haven't commuted with her for the entire month, but she told me it was for the 28th, 29th and 1st day, three days after the paycheck so they would be paid the next month.
I did the math and realized she was not making it up, I didn't apologize for accusing her because I'm still right, she's very greedy for charging me that much. I didn't pay the 15 bucks because that's such an insignificant amount and it didn't matter. She sent an angry message the next month saying she wants her money and I was overstepping boundaries because "I'm getting too comfortable at her expense". I called her out for annoying me just for the sake of 15 bucks, I don't know why that's important to her. I told her I regret even suggesting to pay her, she blew up on me saying it was common sense to pay the driver and that I'm the one who assumed I was riding for free. She claimed she actually told me about the money beforehand but I embarrassed her by assuming she was giving me free rides, and that her embarrassment caused her to not charge me enough at first. I don't remember any of that, I know I have a week memory but I think she is making all that up to get my 15 bucks, so I refused to pay. I reminded her that I bought food for her everyday and she was so ungrateful for that, which proved I'm generous but she's greedy. I also told it's her fault she allowed and forced me to ride her car!
I blocked her number before she replied so I don't know how she responded to that but I decided to go to HR. Unfortunately HR said our commute is none of there business and my ex-friend had the right to charge me as much as she wanted to, and if I didn't agree to that price I shouldn't have rode in her car in the first place!
I paid the money after that, I even gave her 30 bucks because I'm generous and told her to stop bothering me. She refused to take them because I only owed her 15 bucks but I left before she could return the money. She's TA for charging me too much and being ungrateful but am I also?
What are these acronyms?
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kpopsexstories · 7 months
QUICK FIX #8: The first time you have sex with NCT Haechan, he makes you come before he fucks you harder for his own pleasure
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Member: NCT Haechan
Content: Missionary, Rough
Word Count: 643
This story is part of my Quick Fix Dirty Kpop Imagines series. Check it out for more smut and other members and groups 😊
To your surprise, Haechan is excellent in bed. The way he controls his body, and knows just what to do to bring you to the edge. The way he touches you in just the right places, and moves his soft ass at just the right speed and angle. It's as if he can read your mind, and you've never experienced anything like it.
You're on your back with your knees in the air when you orgasm. He's on top of you, leaning to the side on one elbow, massaging your boob and holding his breath. His attention is fully focused on your pleasure. Your thighs squeeze tight around his waist when you come in his arms.
When the orgasm settles, Haechan slows down but doesn't stop. “Did I satisfy you?” he asks with a playful smirk, while he keeps moving his hips slowly and stimulating you with his cock.
“Yeah,” you moan, relaxed but still shaking from the orgasm.
Haechan seems pleased with himself. Now, he's eager to come too, and he no longer feels a need to hold back for your sake.
When he feels assured that you're happy, he gradually picks up the pace again. This time, he starts going a lot faster than before, and quickly begins to pant above you. With his mouth half open, he places his lips near yours and closes his eyes.
You caress his legs with your feet, and let your hand glide up and down his spine. His skin is soft to the touch, and heat radiates from his body.
“Grab my ass,” he suddenly says.
Your hands slide down his back, until you have a firm grip around his cheeks. Despite their mushy softness, they feel tense and hard as he fucks you.
Suddenly, Haechan sits up on his knees. He grabs your waist and pulls your ass closer to him, while slamming hard against your pelvis. You spread your legs wider, tilt your head back and arch your spine.
You feel his eyes admiring your body. For his pleasure, you begin to squirm and massage your boobs.
Haechan starts to grimace and groan. “Ah, ah, ah!” he says repeatedly, as he slams his cock inside you.
“Ahh, I'm gonna come, I'm gonna come!”
When a strong sensation rushes through his body, he holds you tighter than ever, to the point that it hurts around your waist and the pain almost becomes too much for you. He's sweating, flexing his muscles, and groaning in front of you.
He lets out a deep sound that comes the bottom of his throat. “Aahrg,” he says, as he ejaculates inside you. His face becomes twisted and every muscle in his body is working at full capacity.
This is a different, wilder side of him that you get to see. You like it, though not as much as the sensual way he pleasured you before. Still, fulfilled and satisfied as you are, you're happy to let him fuck you in whatever way he wants.
With a few slow but hard final thrusts, Haechan empties himself inside you. When he's finished, his body starts to relax. His lungs and chest expand and retract rapidly, and his stomach moves far in and out. It's quite hot to watch, the way his v-line becomes visible with each exhale, and disappears each time he inhales deeply.
When he's completely empty and spent, he falls on top of you with a heavy thump. You smile as you hold is hot body, and the sweat on him rubs off on your skin.
“Thank you,” he says when his breathing steadies. His stomach is still moving up and down on top of you, and his whole upper body with it, but with each breath he breathes a little slower, and feels a little heavier on you.
“Thank you,” he repeats. “I really needed that.”
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hwajin · 2 years
#! — ʟᴀsᴛ ғɪʀsᴛ ᴛɪᴍᴇ
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genre: smut, fluff
pairing: jisung x virgin!fem!reader
wc: 1.2k
warnings: first time/ losing virginity, PROTECTED SEX i've never written protected sex before oml, very soft tho
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"Alright... are you ready?"
When you have laid on the bed, your boyfriend hovering above you, lips greeding to taste the other, to inhale every scent and breath and sound, you had known what'd come next. Known because the wet patch between your heated thighs was insufferable, known because Jisung's hips seemed to grow a mind on their own, known because your thoughts went further and further and further, drawing sinful pictures that promised so much more than what you as of now been used to.
And then you have called out that you have never done this before. That you have never been this close to another, never flushed bodies so closely you could barely catch your breath. That you have never kissed anyone this hungrily, in such intimacy, in such want and hurry — hurry, not because you wanted to get it done and over with; hurry, because you needed more, so much more than you were getting, a type of satisfaction you have only ever heard about, not yet experienced.
"Ji wait-- I'm —. I've never done this before...", and then quiter, as though embarrassed, "...I'm a virgin. This is my first time."
And to say all hell broke lose within your boyfriend was an understatement. When thinking about, he didn't care, not really. Not about the fact that you have never gotten around to experience such intimacy with another person, that you were a late bloomer, not screwing around much as a teen, and maybe too busy when you entered university and jobs, adulthood. And not about the fact that he would take your virginty — he hated viewing like that. Because it wasn't something he could be taking, possibly, it wasn't in his power. Rather — and he liked that point of view a lot better — it was you who gave him a piece of yourself, willingly, because you wanted him, trusted him, saw him as your right choice.
And with it, there was a certain nervosity. One that he tried overplaying for the sake of you, one that he didn't want to allow to get to his head. Because screwing it due to his nerves, giving you a bad experience because he couldn't keep it together — he wouldn't be able to excuse himself that, ever. Jisung didn't want to show you a first bad example, didn't want you to go home with disappointment lingering within — simply put, he wanted, needed, desperately so, for you to be able to announce to your friends that your first time wasn't as bad as it so often turned out to be, that you were left satisfied, that he managed to leave you satisfied, and coming back for more.
And in the same breath, he knew sex wasn't about the performance. Knew that the more nervous he grew the worse he'd make you feel — because sex wasn't about proving, anything to anyone. Sex was exploring, together, even if it meant taking a while to figure stuff out; and maybe that was the best part of it all.
"Yeah... I'm ready. Just- go slow. Please."
You had noticed Jisung's change in behaviour when you have announced the news. You didn't plan to say much initially, thinking the simple fact that you've never got laid before might take away a certain easiness, might make the both of you uneseccarily giddy and nervous — and yet the words have left your lips faster than you could think, even. But you didn'r regret it. Most partners prior momentarily grew all sorts of strange whenever met with that simple of a sentence. Either didn't understand, couldn't possibly get it into their head that not every person has fucked someone with the ripe age of 16. Or — and the scenario that you despided so much more, by any means — they got a kick out of it. And though Jisung did have a reaction to your words, it was one that you adored, if anything. He had moved more carefully suddenly, a nervousness behind his eyes you sensed right away. But despite that, despite his obvious change in demeanor, he hasn't said any more than "I'll go slow... please tell me whenever I should like, stop. Or go slower. Just tell me." There was no cockiness, no play of ego or power. And that alone made you feel the most secure about your desicion.
You were long naked at that point, and anticipating. Bodies hot and both of your nerves calmed, replaced by need rushing through your veins. And your boyfriend was going slow, keeping his promise. With every inch he moved further, and a bit deeper he made sure to give you time, to get you to understand the feeling, to get used to the type of stretch you've never experienced like this before. Not painful necessarily, yet a burning in your thighs and abdomen — and you liked the feeling already, knowing it wasn't half of what was yet to come.
"You- you good?"
He was breathless, the excruciatingly slow pace getting to him. And it was sweet he asked, in the first place, as if your whines and whimpers of pleasure weren't enough of an indicator, were saying more than words ever could. You nevertheless hummed out in agreement to his question, unable to react any further — your body as though burned in desire, in overwhelming satisfaction, contracted and squirmed under Jisung's touch. And your knuckles turned white when your boyfriend finally bottomed out, after teasingly long moments of testing the waters. And your fingers entangled in his hair when he set a slow pace, ready to blow right then and there already, yet keeping his composure — for the sake of you.
He was a goner as were you, the rich feeling of him against your insides so all intaking, so strange yet strangely familiar already that your head fell back into the pillows. You couldn't bring yourself to open your eyes, as badly as you wanted to see your lover, trace his feautures and remember his face in a moment so vulnerable and intimate like this. And your fingernails clawed into Jisung's shoulders, the stinging pain nothing but egging him on, increasing in speed minimally, checking for a sign of discomfort in your behaviour. When he didn't see one, met only with a sight so incredibly sinful and seductive, your skin glistening in sweat, slightly reddened and mouth parted, calling out his name and sounds as sweet as honey he only moved faster, this much deeper, this much more precise. Two of his fingers found your clit, trying to push you over the edge — because he himself was so close already, could barely keep it in, yet he didn't allow it himself to let go first, your pleasure his priority.
And then your body nothing but shuddered up, thighs shaking against Jisung's sides, your back arching and a drawn out moan leaving your throat, the sound hitting him right in his core. It was so deeply filled with emotion, with pleasure and need and love that it didn't take him any longer than seconds to follow you, filling up the condom, imagining it were your insides he painted white instead. Jisung thrusted a couple more times, until your body was writhing in overstimulation, until his legs gave out and his limbs became heavy and numb. You were laying side by side, hands still touching because you didn't seem to have enough of each other yet, and reassuring words rolled over lips; "You okay?", "You came, yeah?", "You need something, water, some food?", "You wanna go clean up?" — and you've never been so sure in your decision, to have trusted Jisung, to have let yourself go into him entirely.
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@etherealeeknow @linoskitty @unexceptional-h @rseanne @diue @es-kay-zee @urcracksisx @jeyelleohe @yunkiwii @meloohmel @nyrasneedy @seochhj @spidercomics @chans-starlight @angelwonie @lix-ables @yvniek4ng @ppiri-bahng @sstarryreads @svintsandghosts
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lost-in-fandoms · 3 months
Your wingfics live rent free in my head. I can't stop thinking about it. They were so good omg. It's such a beautiful universe, so amazing ♥️ Do you plan to write more about it? 🥹♥️ I hope so but if the answer is no, I will read them again and again because I love them ♥️😍
adsfndjd anon you are the sweetest!!! I'm so happy you enjoyed them and were so kind to tell me, I really appreciate it!
Sadly, I can't promise anything for the future tbh. I have been really struggling with getting back into writing after a really long drought, and I'm giving my brain the chance to just put down whatever it fancies, instead of forcing myself to write something specific just for the sake of it. I am always open to be prodded by an ask like this or a prompt though so always feel free to drop by! A lot of the things I write don't actually live in a wider universe, they just spawn out of nowhere, get thrown down on paper, and disappear in the void, but usually I can still create more around it if someone asks. Another reason why I really appreciate you saying this, because for once my wingfic does have a wider universe around it, and I am always glad to put one more snippet into it.
This is little baby Max in his first year in the rbr seat (part 1 and part 2)
cw: mentions of Jos not being a great father related to unsafe and painful wing care practices, description of said practices, littlest blood mention
Max doesn't like his wings.
He doesn't dislikes them either, but if he could get rid of them, he would. First of all, he can't actually use them to fly, his bones aren't hollow and his back muscles aren't powerful enough anyway, so having wings that don't actually work seems like a taunt from the universe. They're also very inconvenient when driving. Papa has taught him how to keep them clipped to lower their weight, and how to keep them tightly bound in an harness to have them take up less space in a kart, but neither of those things is exactly pleasant. Sometimes, when he drives for too long, his whole back spasms because of his wings being constricted, and sometimes when he clips too much, his wings bleed and molting becomes painful.
It's worth it, of course, to be able to race faster and better, but a part of him does wish he just had Papa's fish scales, or even Mama's diaphanous dragonfly wings.
Cleaning his wings is also annoying, because it's hard sometimes to reach all the spots, and after long days on the track it feels like there will be itchy dust and grit clinging onto them forever.
He's not one to get stuck on made-up scenarios, but it doesn't mean he has to like them.
Daniel is not the first bird-winged racer he meets, of course, but he is his first teammate. He has a completely different relationship with his wings than Max, always keeping them shiny and clean, no clipping or binding. He seems to love them and to love taking care of them, parading them around and showing them off.
Max doesn't understand. Not that it matters, he doesn't need to understand Daniel to be able to beat him, but. It's not that he's jealous, he's not, but sometimes he feels the heaviness of his wings on his back, skin irritated by the dirt stuck to it, looking patchy where he's taking longer to molt, and he wishes. He wants.
Most of the time though, he knows it's just a waste of time, to care about how they look so much, when it doesn't even matter, when it doesn't affect his driving.
And then one day, Daniel doesn't knock.
Max is carefully peeling his race suit off his shoulders, hissing slightly when it goes over his bound wings, when the door slams open.
"Maxy, hey, have you seen..." Daniel doesn't finish his sentence, eyebrows knotting together, eyes zeroed on Max's back.
Max feels his skin prickling under his gaze and he's almost tempted to do his suit up again, but his wings are aching, and he wants to take a shower, so he just turns around to face Daniel, frowning just as hard.
"What do you want?" he snaps, hating the way he feels his cheeks heat up. He doesn't know why he's reacting like this, he's done nothing wrong, but the way Daniel is looking at him, a mix of unbelieving and horrified, makes him feel ashamed.
"Do you always do that?" Daniel asks instead of answering his question, taking a step forward. Max instinctively takes a step back, bumping into the massage table behind him, hating himself for not standing his ground. It's his driver room, Daniel has no right to judge him in here.
"Do what, Daniel?"
He goes to cross his arms, but the movement tugs on his still trapped wings, making him wince. He wants Daniel to leave, so he can finally finish undressing, but Daniel steps even closer instead.
"Do you always keep your wings like that? Max, that's dangerous!"
Max decides to ignore the worry in Daniel's voice, feeling himself bristle.
"I am of course able to drive safely!"
"Drive?" Daniel gives a short laugh, so different from his usual one Max feels himself shiver. He wishes he had more space to put between them. "I am not talking about driving, I am talking about your wings!"
Max opens his mouth, ready to tell him to leave him alone, when his back spasms, a hot flash of pain traveling from his neck down his spine, wings straining against the constrains, and what comes out is a strangled gasp instead.
A second later, Daniel's hands are on his shoulders, forcing him to turn around with a swear.
"Did you put this on this morning? Let me help you take it off."
Daniel doesn't give him a chance of answering, fingers already working on the buckles on Max's side, as Max scrambles to push him away.
"No, no, you cannot, you have to..." he breathes in sharply as the harness start to loosen, wings cramping as they try to flutter, eyes snapping close.
"Max, you need to..."
"Slow," Max interrupts him, clutching at the straps to keep them from slipping open all at the same time. "You have to, one at a time."
He doesn't open his eyes again as he undoes them carefully, feeling Daniel hover just in front of him, keeping his wings tightly pressed against his back until he can slip the straps over his shoulders and down his waist.
"Max..." Daniel doesn't try to touch him again, but Max can hear the stress in the way his vocal cords curl around his name, mixing it with an involuntary warble.
Max ignores him. This is always the worst part, but he is practiced enough to make it go quickly.
He takes a breath, wrapping his right arm around his waist until he is able to grasp his left wing's tip, and then holds it as he works it open, fingers sliding along the length of it, straightening feathers as they come. Pain shoots through it, his back burning, his shoulders tensing, but when it's fully open, he works to close it again, and then it's done, just a dull ache left behind.
He lets himself take two deep breaths before repeating the whole thing with the other.
When both wings are resting along his back again, he shifts his shoulders, trying to get rid of the tension there, and then finally opens his eyes.
Daniel is looking at him, eyes wide and horrified, mouth slightly open. His hands are shaking. Max doesn't know what to say.
"It is of course fine, see?" is what he settles for, fluttering his wings to prove it. It's slightly painful, especially his left one where he clipped a bit too much and is bleeding a little, but Daniel doesn't need to know that.
"Fine?" Daniel chokes out, eyes widening impossibly more. "You're hurting yourself! That's not safe, Max!"
Max scoffs, letting the harness fall on the massage bed and pulling his undershirt off, carefully easing his wings through the slits in the back.
"I'm fine, Daniel."
For a second, it looks like Daniel is going to scream at him, eyes narrowing and fists closing, and Max wonders if it would be inappropriate for him to flee the room half naked, but then all the fight seems to leave Daniel's body. He sags a little, raising a hand to drag it across his face and sighing, shaking his head to himself.
"Listen, I don't know why you've decided this is the right thing to do to yourself, but you're going to take a shower, and when you're done we'll go back to the hotel, and I'll preen your wings."
Max opens his mouth, ready to argue with him, he has data to go over before tomorrow's qualifying, but Daniel doesn't give him a chance to, turning around and leaving the room as quickly as he had come in.
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artstelle · 1 year
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Not Mine To Keep
The first time Arthur came to Merlin's shop, he looked so out of place, unsure of what to do. Merlin guessed he was either too "manly" to be seen buying flowers, or a rich prat who never had to buy his gifts himself. Neither were exactly wrong guesses. He felt bad for the woman the man was buying the flowers for.
They had a rather unpleasant encounter that day and Merlin was sure the man would never, ever come anywhere near the shop again, and would probably tell everyone he knew not to buy from there either. So it was a surprise when he saw the other man again. He said that while the employees were rude, the place unfortunately had the best flowers around. Of course, that would be a better excuse if the man actually bought any flowers that time.
After that, it became a regular thing, Arthur visiting once a week. At first, he asked questions about flowers, then it turned into them chatting, insulting each other sometimes and joking, laughing.
Merlin knew he shouldn't, but he was sad and depressed when the man – Arthur, he learnt – stopped coming. He was worried when Arthur didn't show up for two weeks in a row, but weeks turned into months and he accepted that the other man had probably just grown bored of their little conversations.
And then, he just showed up. Merlin welcomed him as he would any other customer, tried not to stare or ask demand an explanation as to why he just vanished. But he knew he had no right to, they were two strangers having casual conversation, that was all. If Merlin had feelings for that gorgeus blond man who turned out to be actually funny and charming, then it was his problem alone.
Arthur stayed silent for some time, and he seemed nervous, god knows why. He looked at his hands, the flowers, the walls and anywhere other than at Merlin. Just as the silence started to be too much and Merlin thought maybe he should say something, Arthur opened his mouth.
"I had things to deal with. Things to arrange. Both personal and business issues." Merlin wanted to say there was no need for explanation, but was too shocked by Arthur's next words to say anything. "I am sorry."
Arthur Pendragon did not apologize. He would show that he was sorry, but never put it into words.
But Merlin had to talk, because the man was looking at him, obviously waiting for an answer. "Oh, um... O-ok." What he wanted to say was: why do you look like a kicked puppy? "It's fine, life gets busy sometimes." That seemed to ease Arthur's mind, if the smile that formed on his lips was any proof. His beautiful lips, how nice it would be to kiss them. Oh for god's sake! Merlin had to get rid of those thoughts.
"Well, is there anything you want? If you aren't going to buy anything, I can get you a chair, but you're blocking the way. Though I don't think I can talk much, there's a big order I need to prepare." He didn't mean to sound harsh, didn't want Arthur to leave, but it was hard to go back to how they used to be. Maybe in a week, he would stop wondering what the personal matters he had to arrange were.
"Actually... I want to. I'm here for a bouquet."
Oh... Ok then. That was unexpected. Merlin remined himself that there was nothing for him to be sad about.
"Ok, which one?" He showed the bouquets that were prepared for customers to choose from. It helped them to see how the thing would look before purchasing, it and was faster to have some made up already when it was busy. And if they didn't sell, Merlin took them to the local hospital to give someone a little smile. "Or do you want a custom made one?"
"A custom one. But I was hoping you could help me choose the flowers." Arthur twisted the end of the ribbon on the counter around his finger.
"Sure, it is my job." Stop being so nervous, Merlin told himself firmly. "What kind of bouquet do you want?" He didn't want to know but he had to ask.
"To show... Something that says 'You are important to me' and 'I think of you all the time.'"
Merlin's heart hurt so much he was afraid he wouldn't be able to hide it. It was no surprise the bouquet was for Arthur's lover, but he would never have expected Arthur could say such things. He must really love her. "And 'I wish to spend more time with you.'" Arthur looked at Merlin for the first time since he had entered the shop that day. Merlin wished he wouldn't. "And..." Please, enough, go tell those things to her yourself. I don't want to hear them! "'I love you.'"
Merlin turned his back, knowing he should be happy that Arthur had found someone he loved. Arthur often talked about the girls his father threw his way and how he never had any feelings at all, at least most of the time. Whenever that happened, Merlin thought about Arthur's first visit to his shop, the bouquet he'd bought, but he couldn't bring himself to ask who it had been for.
"I'll make something." He bit his lip while choosing the flowers. Merlin stared at the bright lamp to prevent the tears from falling down his cheeks. He didn't want to make a fast and simple bouquet just to get away from the situation. It was important to Arthur, and if Merlin couldn't be happy for him, at least he could do his job right.
After who knew how long, he had the flowers ready. "Here, I hope she likes them."
But Arthur did not reach out to take them.
"I hope he does," he said instead. "Keep them, please. They're for you."
Look… I drew that in November. Then when I was posting, I realized I forget to add the bouquet and since then it is waiting to be posted in my wip folder. Not even wip! I put that in completed folder cause like, it was mostly done. I wanted to pick flowers with correct meanings. I gave up and just drew a pretty bouqute cause it is better than never finishing it. Please pretend they have suitable meanings to what Arthur wanted to say.
I wasn't planning to write something that long! Wow.
Edit: I posted it to ao3 too. Here is the link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48305071
Flowershop AU for @merlinbingo
art by @artstelle
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feralkwe · 2 months
An """""AU""""" where Elidibun is real, current time.
were all the quotation marks necessary? must you grind this in and wear at my willpower? (the answer is yes and why you are my bestie)
au where elidibun au isn't an au:
1. as you were kind to point out, given the timeline i've established, she would not know until the end of the dawntrail msq, possibly into the patch content. thus, she's able to move through all that happened relatively unaffected by it. possibly a little run down, but in no way she can attribute to anything other than the general realities of the circumstances of the plot. she's been able to just enjoy the adventure for adventure's sake, focus on healing, helping wuk lamat, and the utter whiplash that is her ever-complicating relationship with urianger and thancred, though that is still very much in the background. it would still need to be y'shtola who works it out, however that does or does not fit into the way lore and y'shtola's aetheric vision works. without y'shtola's part here, there would be a lot of confusion, as you might imagine lol.
2. this would... undo a lot of the peace she's found in dawntrail. the foundation of her being able to put elidibus in the past, remember him with only joy instead of pain, and look to the future being shaken by that one fucking moment on the gondola with g'raha, there would definitely be a period of unraveling. it would initially break much of what she's managed to heal. the temptation to go back in time again, or even to find a way to bring him back, would rear up hard, and it would take a lot to bring her back from the realization that none of that is possible. thankfully, i genuinely think that reconnecting with and patching up her friendship with g'raha would be a boon here.
3. the fragile are-they-or-aren't-they of kit/urianger/thancred would initially upset, just like in my actual au story. however, i think koana's position in things (whatever that looks like, i still don't know because fuck you squenix) will be in their favor. given how much those two respect koana, i can easily see him being able to coax thancred through his initial, bitter reaction more quickly than happened in "dream on." thancred would have his moment of "for once i am going to do the right thing without royal-guardedly fucking it up first" much faster, and he and urianger would shift into supportive dads much faster.
4. unless the patches give me reason to decide otherwise, i'm gonna go ahead and say elidibun is born in tuliyollal. in her way of finding and creating utter joy in everything she does, i think wuk lamat (and probably koana, too) would be insistent, and kit unable to say no. she's healed here, and while i cannot see her ever settling in one place indefinitely, given her hand in instilling peace there, and urianger and thancred's, uh, appreciation for it, it seems like the right place for this chapter of their life to take place. her legend isn't quite as large in tuliyollal, which would give them a modicum of privacy they may not find elsewhere. given the sheer volume of questions sure to arise, they will take whatever shreds of it they can get.
5. while i am pretty sure kit has never wanted to be a mother, she will come to love it. certainly a journey rife with anguish and grief, i have no doubts she will find joy in it. it is, after all, another adventure, and with the support of her friends around her and experience she has, she will make it work without giving up her traveler's soul's desires or thirst to see the world. in a way she will see it as part of the fulfillment of her promise to remember. a part of elidibus--a part born of a single moment of love--will live on. some element of it--the utterly cruel hand fate dealt him--will always quietly devastate her. she will always regret his absence and lament that by his sacrifices he was denied this, too. she will ensure that hora sees the world that his father gave everything to save, even if it was not the world he envisioned. and when he is old enough to understand, she will tell him the truth, all of it, and ensure that he never doubts that his very existence is possible because so many people loved so deeply.
thanks for the ask, but also fuck you (affectionate) because i am crying in a diner writing this. byyyyye!
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amethystina · 4 days
Watching The Devil Judge eps 5 and 6 again and I completely forgot about Ga On and motorbikes. Do you think that now after the show with Professor Min, he would start to ride one again if he got the chance?
Also, I absolutely love you're fics and the tags you add to them! Every time you add an updated my whole day gets better
I think he might, depending on how his life plays out. In that way where I don't think that's something he'd prioritise unless someone pushed him to try it again, you know?
Because I think Ga On would tell himself that he's "grown up" now, so he shouldn't have those kinds of hobbies. Not only does a motorcycle cost a lot, but he's supposed to be a responsible and respectable member of society etc. etc. and all those things Professor Min taught him.
Now, to be fair to Professor Min (definitely a sentence I never thought I'd write), I don't think he meant that all motorcycles are inherently bad, but he definitely got frustrated with the way Ga On was using his. Because, clearly, he was driving recklessly and getting into trouble. They were at a police station, for heaven's sake x'D If Ga On had had a bike and not gotten into trouble, I'm not sure if Professor Min would have cared either way.
But it probably left a lasting impression on Ga On and so some part of him still thinks that motorbikes are a frivolous and irresponsible thing for him to own.
Which is where Yo Han comes in.
Because Kang "Look at my collection of ridiculously expensive luxury cars" Yo Han would disagree. And would definitely try to convince Ga On to get a new one. Because, in Yo Han's mind, if there's something Ga On enjoys and something Ga On wants, Ga On should have it. He couldn't care less about whether or not it's proper and, slowly but surely, would chip away at Ga On's conviction that it's a bad idea.
I mean, Yo Han offhandedly offers to get Ga On a motorcycle in chapter 29 of Who Holds the Devil as a way to tease him, but Yo Han is 100% serious. And he definitely meant it when he said he'd bring it up again at a more appropriate time. He's not going to let that go, partly because he thinks that Ga On deserves the world and wants to give him anything he could possibly desire, but also because Yo Han can guess why Ga On seems to think it would be a bad idea. That's to say, that it's tied to the expectations that have been put on Ga On by the people around him to always be calm and righteous and perfect and not Ga On.
And Yo Han has made it one of his life's missions to undo as much of the harm Professor Min (and Soo Hyun, to some degree) has caused Ga On's self-worth and perception of himself and the world.
And you know what Yo Han is like when he's set his mind on something.
Ga On is getting a new motorcycle — sooner rather than later.
So yes, I do think Ga On would start to ride again, but he kind of needs someone to tell him it's okay first? Or maybe it could happen gradually on its own, too, but I think it would take years in that case. Yo Han's way is definitely faster xD
And thank you so much, darling! 💜 I'm currently trying to write chapter 42 of Who Holds the Devil but I admit it's slow going. Work has been hectic this week and the resulting fever is no joke. But I'm chipping away at it! :D
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mysteryshoptls · 1 year
SSR Cater Diamond Halloween Personal Story: Part 3
"What a bunch of lies"
(Part 1) (Part 2) Part 3
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[Hall of Mirrors]
Silver: Please don't push. There is no entry permissible into the Hall of Mirrors
Man A: Eeeeh, come on! I came all this way out the remote Sage's Island just to see Malleus Draconia.
Man B: We're trying to do the Draconia Challenge! C'mon~
Woman C: He's inside, right? The real Draconia! The Malleus!
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[lightning flashes]
[thunder rolls]
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Silver: This was supposed to be a special event. And Malleus-sama himself stepped up to help host these guests…
Silver: And yet for this sort of thing to happen…
Silver: You all should leave now. Malleus-sama is extremely angry.
Man A: We all spent a ton to travel all the way here. Doesn't he know the meaning of noblesse oblige?
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[Exterior Hallway]
Cater: So, even Malleus-kun's gotten pissed off at all the Magicam clout chasing guests, huh?
Sebek: Correct. At first, he was so calm that he was even telling me to settle down…
Sebek: But then one fool grabbed at his horns and did some sort of pantomime.
Lilia/Cater: GAH!!!
Cater: Don't know if that was brave… or just reckless…
Cater: So then, all those dark clouds and lightning that's looming over the Hall of Mirrors is Malleus-kun on a magical rampage?
Cater: Wait, he wouldn't overblot over something like this, would he…!?
Lilia: Don't fret. He won't overblot just by using that amount of magic.
Lilia: This is a mere temper tantrum. Back when he was a wee one, he would also completely reduce crags to mere pebbles with his lightning whenever he threw a fit like this.
Cater: Hahaha… He's just on a different level entirely.
Cater: It was smart that we sent Kalim-kun along to go call for a professor.
Sebek: When Vil-senpai realized what was happening, he evacuated my liege, and is putting up barriers to make sure to no harm comes to the visitors.
Sebek: Also, it seems Jade-senpai is working on trying to persuade the young master to come back to his senses with his own tactics…
Sebek: All of these humans who still don't understand just how grave this situation has become are just causing further ire to my lord, and things are spiraling out of control.
Lilia: We'll have to use our last resort.
Lilia: In order to keep the "worst outcome" from happening, we should forcefully try to subdue all these rubberneckers.
Cater: Wait, Lilia-chan. I got an idea. 'Cause it's not like they all are here 'cause they hate Malleus-kun.
Cater: But that doesn't mean they really like him, though… More like, they're just trying to stick with what's "in" right now.
Cater: Basically, just like how my old acquaintances are doing.
Lilia: ?
Cater: Alright, first, I'm gonna snap a pic of you, Lilia-chan, since you're dressed the same as Malleus-kun!
[shutter clicks]
Cater: Next, I'll use the tool that every influencer needs. This photo editor'll stretch Lilia-chan's picture vertically!
[swipe, swipe]
Cater: Then, I'll just quickly slap some text on there. And then upload it alongside the picture!!
Cater: #MalleusEncounter #DraconiaChallenge #UnexpectedMeetingOnTheSchoolGrounds #NRCHalloween
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Man A: H-Hey. Look at the DraconiaChallenge tag.
Man B: Looks like he's at the sports field right now. That's Malleus for ya. He's so much faster than us!
Woman C: Ooookay. Let's head over there, everybody!
Silver: What is going on? Malleus-sama should still be within the Hall of Mirrors.
Cater: Whew. The storm should calm down now… Right?
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Vil: For goodness sakes. Accidents are an unavoidable part of being on stage. To react as such to instigating visitors is such an amateur move.
Vil: Well, this is where I leave you, I will be heading back to my dorm for a moment to freshen up my appearance.
Jade: Well now, that was touch and go for a moment there. Malleus-san's power is quite mighty, isn't it.
Jade: I had wanted to persuade him to stop by utilizing good, strong eye contact, but it was much too far out of my depth.
Jade: And now, I shall also leave to return back to my station. Have a pleasant Halloween, everyone.
Malleus: I fear I almost stoke the coals on the relationship between our species during a mere school event.
Malleus: I must learn to control my emotions better…
Sebek: There is absolutely no blame that should fall on your shoulders, my liege! The fault purely lies at the feet of those indecent humans!
Silver: Malleus-sama just said he did not wish for any hostility between species. What do you hope to gain by exacerbating that hostility?
Lilia: Malleus. Have you forgotten the promise we made when you were naught but a wee one? Whenever the emotions in your heart are tumultuous, you should call for us.
Lilia: We may not be connected by blood, but we are family. Understand?
Malleus: Lilia… My apologies. And to everyone else, as well.
Silver/Lilia/Sebek: ……。
Cater: …Family…huh.
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Lilia: ―I think I understand you.
Lilia: Just as you professed earlier, Cater, perhaps one truth to it all is to avoid becoming too attached to certain people.
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Cater: (What a bunch of lies.)
Cater: (Lilia-chan's built up these priceless relationships from being with them together for a long while…)
Cater: (How can he even hope to understand my stupid, pathetic little feelings?)
Cater: Hi, Trey-kun. What's up?
Cater: Eh? Our night-time rehearsal for our stamp rally site's starting now?
Cater: And my fellow committee member Deuce-chan's so shorthanded that Ace-chan's helping out?
Cater: Augh, Ace-chan's definitely trying to get me in his debt!
Cater: Gah! And Riddle-kun's on the verge of exploding? I'm on my way right now, Trey-kun, so try to calm him down for me!
Cater: I was just caught up in what could have been the biggest, most terrible crisis of this Halloween Week!
Cater: No, really! I'm not lying. Come onnn, don't be so cold to me, 'kay?
Cater: Alright, now that the Diasomnia fiasco has calmed itself down, time to get hyped again.
Cater: It'll be the same here, anyway. Once four years pass, we'll all go our separate ways. …Well, guess not if I get held back~
Cater: So, I gotta make sure I enjoy the "now" as much as I can!
Cater: I'm gonna rock this skeleton costume and scare everybody!
Cater: I'll show 'em all just how hard Cay-kun can go.
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(Part 1) (Part 2) Part 3
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asterefflores · 2 years
I like to think that the others underestimate Cale's ( Not Rok Soo's because they've already been traumatized enough, that man needed constant supervision because he just won't stay still) insane creativity at being self-destructive, like I can't find the right words to describe it but Cale, at least in your story, had this air around him that seems like his careful, that they can trust him he won't get hurt, that at least they can trust him with his health because look, he's exercising so that he would be healthy, unlike Rok Soo who would rather skillfully neglect himself until he's nothing but skin and bones, at least we won't have to worry that he'll overwork himself till he faints like a certain someone-
Then BAM-
He just run headfirst into what most likely is his impending doom, fearlessly flirting through unnecessary dangers and throwing himself into certain death and oh- This one isn't different at all, if anything he's worse.
Because at least with Rok Soo, he isn't alone. He'll take Choi Han with him, he had the children with him, he'll bring companions with him when he's feeling like butting in with somebody else's business but this one however, he goes into his suicidal missions by himself, with only his wit and overly destructive powers alone like the crazy bastard that he is.
While I was reading through your story, the chat with Xavian stuck in my head like glue, because to me, it just seemed to be hinting about Cale's personality, that he won't drag others into his mess for their safety, that while he can ask for help he won't because he can't endanger them. I've always felt like the difference between Rok Soo and Cale is that Rok Soo is willing to accept help if it means it'll lighten the burden and finish the job faster while Cale just simply draw the line earky on and do it himself, even if it means it's slow-going.
This rant could be just a bunch of nonsense my brain spits out but I really want this out because I just really love your story, and I enjoy making my own theories about what that and this means, overcomplicating things is my specialty, so hope you won't mind!
Also, I pray for the Alberu in your story because now, he had two crazy bastards as his sworn brothers, it's double the headache. They'll most likely drive him crazy! Poor guy...
No it's not a bunch of nonsense and I like reading theories and deep anylsis on some parts anyone could overlook, please come share your thoughts often lol, and you're right in this, Cale in my story is even worse than Rok Soo. He has this habit where he separates general goal from personal, even if he has his team members let's say, he would only contact and ask them to do something for a mission if it's for their job or something they all aim for, but if it's something he alone is aiming for then he would rather do it by himself than ask their help because it's about him alone so why drag others and most possibly get hurt for his sake?
It's not like he likes to put himself in danger but it's just his past traumas that makes him prefer going around all alone and usually comes out of it unscathed or alive at least.
If his team members insist on helping he would accept it eventually, however not the case with others, he would accept from Rok Soo if not for Choi Han and others surrounding him who could go insane should anything happen to their dear person, he can't trust them not go crazy mad against him even if they are being nice and friendly with him now. Past experiences, again. So if his team members were with him currently in the story the situation would be so different. It all depends on the people around him and how they make him feel and how much they are willing to offer.
And I'm honestly amazed someone remembers Xavian, I'd like to thank you lol
And Cale here is the one driving both Alver and Rok Soo crazy lmao but to be fair, Alver started trouble first this time so he has only himself to blame
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accidentalslayer · 1 year
Word Count: 1,497 (ish)
Warnings: Implied death, violence.
Author's Notes: Health issues continued being a problem and caused this chapter to be late as hell but I finally have it done! While this part of DL feels a little boring, I hope you like it. The next chapter will give us our first peak at Reader so that'll be exciting! Also, health is doing much much better. Let's hope I write chapter five a bit faster than I did this one LOL!
Please feed me comments, hearts, and reblogs if you liked this 🌹You can find me on A03 as: accidentalslayer
Pairing: Yandere!Elijah & Klaus Mikaelson x Fem!Reader (eventually)
Summary: You should never go to second location with William Webb.
Recommended Song: "People I Don't Like" by: UPSAHL
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Chapter Four: The Prodigal Son (Part Two)
[October 2nd, 1991
Mystic Falls, Virginia]
"Isn't it just perfect?"
Carol wiggled her ring finger in front of Grace so that the diamonds on her wedding band glittered and shone underneath the dim lamplight. "I told Richard not to break the bank, but the silly man just couldn't help himself!"
"Well, I wasn't about to let my wife run around in a cheap knock-off," Rich chuckled, "What kind of husband would I be then?? My woman deserves only the best. Right, hunny?"
"Oh, Rich..."
Grace and William watched in barely suppressed disgust as the Lockwoods shared a kiss between each other. One that lasted a bit too long for it to be comfortable. At a certain point, Grace cleared her throat, hoping it would interrupt them.
"Ah, where are our manners?" Richard Lockwood asked with a coy smile, finally pulling away from his wife, "We were talking, weren't we?"
He didn't wait for either Grace or William to reply before continuing what was starting to seem like a one-way conversation.
"So, Will. What brings Mystic Falls' prodigal son back into town?? Ready to settle down and start a family with somebody special?"
Mr. Lockwood's gaze trailed (not so subtly) over onto Grace, who glowered back at him, and Will. There was cold fire burning deep within her eyes as she did. Something that was historically never a good sign when it came to Grace. William knew from experience. A shiver ran down his spine. He would need to choose his next words with care...
"Ah, no. I'm happy with being a bachelor," he said solemnly, "In all honesty, I'm too busy these days with work to pursue anything really serious."
Carol scoffed, "Oh, that's what they all say!"
"Is it, Carol?" Grace shot back, her tone brisk and lined with edges, "Is that what they all say?"
"It's how I got my Richard."
"Pretty sure you got "your" Richard another way."
"Ladies, ladies!"
The tension mounting around the booth could be cut with a knife. William sensed that he'd have to alter the course of their conversation before both women murdered each other, so he began telling everyone about his new job. And the reason why he'd come back to Mystic Falls. It was 50% half truths, 50% outright lies, but either side hooked his audience and temporarily cooled down their anger. Unfortunately, it also inspired Richard to start talking about his (running) candidacy for mayor. A topic that William cared nothing about and knew was going to steal more valuable time away from him. Time he didn't have. He needed another distraction...
"DRINKS!!" William exclaimed, suddenly bolting upright in the booth and slamming his fist down on the table, "We need more drinks! To celebrate the, uh. The-"
"Candidacy!" Grace finished his sentence, giving Will a look that told him she was thinking on the same wavelength, "To celebrate Richard's future as the mayor of Mystic Falls!! In fact, I'm gonna help this dork here order. He doesn't know an IPA from a porter. Isn't that right, Will?"
William glared at her but was forced to agree for the sake of this charade.
"What a wonderful idea!" Carol brightened at the offer, "I'll have a glass of chardonnay. Tell them to use the Grand Cru."
"Just grab me a brandy. Plain. No ice."
Egos sated, the Lockwoods scooted over, giving William and Grace enough room to get out of the booth. Grace mouthed the word 'hurry' to Will as she grabbed her purse and literally speed walked towards the bar. William followed suit, but before he was able to extricate himself completely, Rich asked him an off-handed question...
"Was it really an animal in the woods that night?"
The only answer William gave Mr. Lockwood was an icy grimace.
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"Steve! Code Crimson. I need you to make direct eye contact with me, nod your head a few times, and act like I've just ordered a few drinks," Grace announced to the man behind the counter when she arrived at the bar, "Dick is being a creep."
Steven, the most seasoned mixologist at the Grill, raised a single brow in response while he continued to work. It looked like he was making a Mystic Moon; one of the most popular cocktails on sale this month and a fairly easy drink to put together. Despite this, Steve was taking his time blending in the blueberry juice, grenadine syrup, and gin.
"Stevie, c'mon. Pretty please? For me??"
The bartender sighed, "Grace, I can 86 any other guy who hits on you here, but Mr. Lockwood is a loyal patron-"
"Oh my god, you're seriously taking bribes from Little Dick now?!" Grace hissed, "Traitor."
"I don't see you paying my rent."
"Watch it, now. I'll stop bringing you a plate every Sunday. I know how much you love my lasagna!"
"You drive a hard bargain, Grace, but I was a line cook once upon a time, remember?? You'll have'ta do better than that."
"I'll start playing Fantasy League Football with you."
"Now we're talking!"
"Ugh, I regret this already."
Steve chuckled, then went straight to pretending that she'd ordered something and left Grace with the sneaking suspicion that he'd gotten the best portion of their deal. William joined her at the bar a second afterward, similarly frustrated. The two friends sighed at the same time. Their night was not going the way they'd expected it would...
William ran a hand through his chocolate brown hair. "So, what now?" he asked Grace, "I still owe you an explanation. A real one."
"Knew that whole 'I'm here for work' story was a crock of shit," She replied while glancing back at both Lockwoods to make sure their eyes weren't upon them. Thankfully, however, Rich and Carol seemed to be distracted by another person now.
"It wasn't all untrue. It just...wasn't all true either."
Grace scowled, "Well, it's great to know I can still tell when you're lying. Let's get out of here."
Luck wasn't on their side tonight. For as soon as they exited the Grill, it began to rain. William tore off his jacket and held it over Grace's head like an umbrella while they ran through the downpour to the safety of his truck. But by the time they'd got inside the vehicle, they were both soaking wet. It was a good thing he'd fixed the heater before the trip here. William turned it on, dialing up the heat to high. Blessed warmth filled the air and fogged the windows like blurry curtains. Providing a sort of privacy that he needed to finally tell Grace the truth.
William took a deep, shaky breath in, then out.
"Grace," he started, "I know you don't remember it, but...you made me promise something on the night of the accident. We swore an oath that if I ever got in over my head with anything, I'd come to you for help. And you swore on your mother's lineage that no matter what, you'd help me. You gotta know, I never wanted this day to come. Not ever. Honest to god! But we made an oath."
A laugh came from Grace. She looked at William with snickering disbelief, "What?? Do you need a loan? You know, you can drop the whole act. It's just you and me now. You reeeeally don't have to make up a story to tell me what the fuck is going on. This isn't high school anymore."
"Yeah, I know. Things would be much simpler to explain if they were..."
William reached into the backseat for a package wrapped in deerskin. He placed it on his lap and gingerly peeled back the animal hide to reveal a pair of bracelets hidden inside. Made from pale, wooden beads that were inscribed with strange symbols, they gave off a supernatural vibe. He brushed his fingers over the twin items. That icy grimace revisited Will's face.
"I fucked up, Grace. I'm sorry," he said, turning to stare at the girl he'd once loved, remorse stuck in his eyes, "You seem really at peace with yourself, too. More at peace than I could ever dream of for you, but-"
"You're not making any sense. Just tell me-"
"-but, you're the only witch in the world who can get these shackles to work! The fate of mankind depends on it. I...depend on it."
Grace shook her head, confused as hell, "What're you even talking about? Witches? Have you been getting high again??"
"Ha. I wish," William replied sadly, then grabbed his ex-girlfriend by the throat, "Please, forgive me for what I'm about to do."
Nobody heard Grace Baker screaming that October morning in the parking lot. Nobody had seen her leave the Grill, either. When the Mystic Falls police investigated her disappearance, they'd find nothing conclusive. Not even video footage. Nothing besides two blurry testimonies from Rich and Carol Lockwood that they'd seen her with someone earlier that evening. Although, they couldn't remember (for the life of them) who it was...
Only the rain was a witness to Grace's fate. And it couldn't tell anyone.
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jamesey1992 · 9 days
Here is my first ever audio! Feedback appreciated but note that I'm new to this so please be kind!
Short audio of a feeder who's fattened up his piggy and she's hit her goal and then some! Contains teasing. Let me know if you'd like to hear more!
Script is below if you'd like to follow along:
Good morning sweetie! How did you sleep? Good! Well, do you know what time it is? That’s right, it’s weigh in time! You’ve really been packing it away lately and it shows! I can’t wait to see the big number so let’s get you weighed in and measured up! Come on, let’s go to the bathroom, the scales ready for you.
Huh? Oh, sure, I’ll help you up. Here, take my hands. One.. two… three… go! Oof, I swear it gets harder and harder to hoist you out of bed these days. Come on, let’s go.
Ok, here we are. Wow, look at you piggy. Your pyjamas look skin tight, I can see the outline of your belly button through your shirt! And a tiny bit of tummy poking out below too! Wait, didn’t I buy you a new set of pyjamas the other week? Why aren’t you wearing those? Wait, that is the new set! Jesus, you’ve outgrown your clothes that quickly!?! Ok, now I HAVE to see the number.
Come on, strip down. Fucking hell, look at you. There’s so much bouncing, rippling and jiggling from the slightest of movements. I think your belly is swaying now, I never thought you’d get so big to do that. Man, I should’ve brought a camera and watch the footage back in slow motion! It’s almost hypnotic!
What’s wrong? Are you out of breath? Fuck, you’re wheezing! It’s understandable, I mean you’ve all the way the bathroom and removed an item of clothing! That would make anybody tired! Here, sit down and catch your breath. I’ll undress you.
Alright, you ready to get weighed and measured? You’ll need to stand for a few minutes you know, have you regained your energy? Ok, hoist that fat ass on the scale piggy. What’s up? Ooh, I forgot you can’t see your feet anymore! Don’t worry, I’ll look for you. Oh wow. Guess the number piggy. Higher… nope even higher… higher. Give up? Well, it seems you’ve passed your goal and then some! You’re 363lbs!
Well done piggy! All those shakes and feasts and lack of movement has really paid off, huh? Ok, now for the measurements. I know you can’t stand for long so let’s just do the belly for now. Let me just wrap the tape around you. And get in between these rolls here. I can barely wrap my arms around you sweetie! Oh dear, it appears you’ve gotten so plump that you’ve outgrown the measuring tape! Fuck, that’s next level fatness. Ok, so that’s 60 inches plus say 1.. 2.. and say 3! I’ll order a new tape and I think a new scale too since this one only goes to 400lbs and you seem to be expanding faster than the universe itself!
I’m so proud of you piggy! I had a feeling you’d hit your goal today so I have a surprise for you! Can you guess what it is? Yeah, that’s right a triple chocolate cake…. How did you know? Wait, you did you look in the fridge?
For fuck’s sake, piggy! You’ve eaten half the cake? When did this happen? I bought this last night and hid it in the salad drawer! Fucking hell, no food in a 2 miles radius is safe from your greedy fatass. Out of curiosity, which of your midnight feasts did you find the cake? Oh, the third one? Yes, I hear your feasts piggy, the floor creaks so much when you waddle around my flat plus you’re always wheezing. But I don’t mind, it’s cute. Don’t worry about the cake, finish the rest now and I’ll get started on breakfast. As long as it’s in your 63-inch gut that’s all that matters. Though, next time I should probably get two cakes to celebrate. What do you think, piggy?
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tolkien-feels · 2 years
Just wanted to know, since elves don't touch much, do you think an elven husband and wife would kiss or be romantic?
(Like, they may have kids and obvs they touch, but like... do you think they touch whenever they feel like touching each other, or do they ask?)
Anon, I ended up writing you an essay-length post, even though I specifically decided to answer you right now because I thought it'd be a quick answer 😅 So, under a cut for length
Tl;dr: I don't see why elves would not do All The Romantic Things™️! It just might look Weird to mortals, maybe.
First of all, unless I'm forgetting something (which is entirely possible - adhd brain sieve is a problem), it's not canon that elves don't touch much. If so, it's up to how you want to headcanon it. I will share my headcanon but just do imagine whatever you feel like imagining :3
I do happen to headcanon elves aren't very touchy-feely, but I headcanon this in a very specific way. You know how when you are 6 years old one year seems to take forever to pass, because that's 1/6 of your entire lifetime - while if you're 20, that same length of time is only 1/20 of your life and therefore seems to pass much faster? I take that logic and apply to elves - I headcanon their perception of what "a long time" is is wildly different from that of mortals, and this only increases as they get older.
So the way I headcanon it, elves feel like they touch each other relatively frequently - they are neither touch-averse nor end up touch starving themselves. But from a mortal perspective, long stretches of time seem to go by without elves touching each other, because "frequently" is defined according to your perception of time.
By that same logic, a 50 year old elf is probably much cuddlier than a 1500 year old elf - much like to us, children seem impatient. "Frequently" for them feels different. (Plus, I imagine elves have something akin to teenage hormones at some point? Can't really imagine how that would work, though, given their wacky growth patterns.)
On top of all that, there are individual needs and preferences, like humans. Both inexplicable idiosyncrasies and things like neurodiversity-related touch-aversion. And then on top of that, there are many elven cultures, and they are ever-changing, and I imagine that impacts elves on two levels - first, the culture they were socialized in, and then whatever the current culture is (a bit like expats, but the displacement I'm picturing is in time rather than in place.)
All of this to say my headcanons tend to be very specific to each couple, because there are way too many factors involved. I think someone more organized than me could probably come up with a general theory, but I haven't been able to yet.
Even within the same couple, I headcanon things like how long they have been together, and current life circumstances affect how they tend to interact. Think of how much a human relationship can change dynamics over the course of a life together, and multiply that by centuries.
Also, contrary to a lot of headcanons I see around, I don't headcanon number of children is in any way attached to how touchy-feely a couple is. Elves can actually choose when to have children, so I don't see why these things would be related.
Anyway, to address your actual question - I do very much think elves are romantic with each other just for the sake of being romantic. And while I think consent would be very strongly emphasized in elven culture, I think what that looks like really depends on the situation. If you have eternity to learn your spouse's expressions and body language, and you also have mystical quasimindreading skills, I don't think you're going to verbally ask every time you want to like, quickly kiss the person you've been married to for millennia.
But I do think, on average, elves would find it romantic to be asked about things, especially when they are still courting rather than marriage - not only because of boundaries but because it seems on brand for elves to want to add Eloquence™️ to everything. But then again, I think this would also apply to friendship - I think friends start out as actively trying to learn each other's preferences, and over time they settle into certain expectations that only require confirmation occasionally.
On that note, learning is, I think, emphasized by pretty much all the elves we know (even if it's learning their land very well rather than theoretical pursuits), so I cannot imagine an elven couple would not actively set out to learn each other's needs, wants, boundaries, etc. They are probably much more intentional about this than mortals, because they've got plenty of time for that.
We also have to remember that elves seem to prize romantic love a lot, culturally speaking. I think they would be very fond of anything that is associated with romance.
Now, would a random mortal recognize elven romance as being romantic? Sometimes, but not always, I think. Mortals would probably struggle to understand things like the romance of spending a century away from your spouse so each of you can do your own thing. They might also not be too into "Hey what if we stared at each other motionlessly and silent for a really long time" or (and this is probably a thing that the Noldor would do) "Let's go around Naming things together."
But then, I also don't think elves would particularly understand mortal things like "This food sucks but I will say I love it because I noticed how much effort you put into it" or even the concept of bouquets ("Take them to the flowers yourselves!!!" scream the elves. "OH MY GOD why would you kill so many plants for a frivolous reasons, this is not romantic, it's disturbing!!!! One flower might be okay, and a wreath every now and then is a common indulgence but oh my god don't kill a hundred flowers for someone!!!")
But elves and men do have more things in common than not, and the few elf-mortal relationships we know seem to have no greater trouble understanding each other than you would expect given people from different cultures, which leads to think the elves would conceptualize romance in a really similar way to us, actually.
I would expect, generally speaking, that as long as you account for the differences in the scale of time, we would find elven spouses pretty unremarkable 🤷 Like. They hug, they kiss, they go on dates, there's probably nothing uniquely alien about it. I don't think, on the other hand, we would understand exactly what marriage between two Valar is like. But I headcanon love of all kinds, and how it is expressed, is one of the things the Children of Iluvatar have most in common.
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