#but for now. cozy callie
rychuart · 8 months
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callie my beloved... everyones frostyfest outfits are so good
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lullabyes22-blog · 1 month
Snippet - Just Like Powder - Forward but Never Forget/XOXO
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Forward but Never Forget/XOXO
"Why?" Vi whispers. "Why'd you bother?"
"Because—" Jinx's shadow doesn't slip, but something in those eyes does. It's like a layer of film coming undone. Behind it, raw optical nerves are exposed. The pupils burn dark as bullet holes. "Because I owed you."
"Owed me?"
"That's how we started, right? When we were kids. Me, a little pipsqueak. And you, the big hero. Always keepin' me safe. Giving me what I needed." Her breath husks in her throat. "This isn't home. Not like the Last Drop. But it's your room. It's where you sleep. Where you bathe. Where you... y'know. I couldn't just leave you to them. They have no right to our business. Our Safe Spot."
The anger bleeds out, and all that's left is the blown-apart ache of memory. Powder, nestled into the crook of Vi's shoulder. The threadbare blankets a cozy cocoon.  The curve of their bodies, a snug fit where there'd been no space for heartbreak.
No room for anything, but the two of them.
Their Safe Spot.
"You used to call me your Little Star," Jinx says quietly. "Do you remember?"
Something in Vi's chest caves in, the way the Bridge had done during the Siege. A deep, shuddering crack that splits Vi at the seams, and swallows all her defenses. In their place, there's only the soft, bruised pulp of her heart.
"Yeah," she rasps. "Of course I do."
"You used to tell me stories," Jinx goes on, "before I went to sleep. And you'd sing me songs."
"I—I did."
"You had such a nice voice. Like Mom's. At least, I think so." An introspective pause. "I don't really remember hers. It's a little fuzzy now. Like her face. Except for the smile. That's still there. Right on your stupid mug."
"When you're dreaming. You look just like her."  The rafters creak. A single arm drops, fingers starfishing. Mapping out, almost, the shape of a lost compass.  "Sometimes I stick around. Just a little while. Just to watch."
Tears sting the rims of Vi's eyes. She eases closer. Without being aware of it, she's reaching up. Her fingertips touch her sister's. Slowly, slowly, their hands meet, and interlace. Vi feels the film of new calluses overlaying the old ones The ones from Powder's girlhood, when her hands had been a blur, her brain a spool, her tongue a flippant fount. When the world had been theirs, and they'd belonged to each other.
When nothing, not even their worst fears, could rip them apart.
"I'm sorry," she breathes. "I'm so sorry."
"Sorry for what?"
"For not being there. For leaving you." Thick tears threaten to spill. "If I'd stayed—"
"Don't." The small hand in hers quivers. "It was always gonna end like that. Maybe it's better that it did. You know, in a way."
"How's that?"
"Cause if you'd stayed, he'd have killed you. Killed us both. And there'd have been five bodies in that sinkhole. Not three." The quivering deepens into a full-body tremor. "He'd have done it, too. I could tell by the look in his eye. The way he looked when he stabbed Vander in the back.  When his knife went in and out."
Silco. A blade, flashing in the flames. A splatter of blood, Vander's scream, and a lifetime of pain.
Vi remembers, too.
"But you'd left me, and I was alone. That changed something. Flipped the script. Suddenly, he couldn't look at me... and not see himself. The night Vander turned on him, and left him for dead. I was hurting so bad, and the only person who could make it better was gone. You were gone. So I made do with the next best thing."
"With Silco," Vi croaks.
"He saved me." Jinx's thumb smooths the curve of Vi's lifeline. "Stole me, but saved me, too. He taught me the same lessons you did. To be strong. To let nobody knock me down. To keep fighting no matter what. Only difference was, his lessons came with teeth. Lots of teeth, and lots of hurt. But I didn't mind. Hurting was better than dying. Better than letting the hole you left swallow me up."
"Jinx." The hand jerks, and the touch recedes. "Quit calling me that."
"It's your name."
"Not anymore. I've picked another one. A better one."
"You—or Silco?"
The shadow ripples in the rafters. An eyeblink later, Jinx is crouched on the ledge. Her body's all the colors of a stormfront: the bruise-hued blue clouds; the livid, bloody lightning; the deep, drowning midnight. The space surrounding her seems to warp somehow: a displacement of hundreds of vibrating atoms.
Vi is staring into a force of nature. And it's staring right back.
"You," Jinx says flatly, "are obsessed."
"I'm not obsessed."
"Yes, you are. With who I was, and what you lost.  Always—you, you, you. That's why you're still running around in circles. Trying to save a world that doesn't exist. One that you've made up so you won't have to deal with the real thing. The real me. Because, guess what, sis? Jinx has been there the whole time. Even before Silco met me. Even before—before. She was always there, and you were totally fucking blind."
"Don't say that," Vi protests. "You were never—"
"But I was. You want Powder. Your Little Star. And, y'know, maybe I did, too. Once. But Powder's gone, Vi. She doesn’t exist anymore. Because the truth is, her days were numbered. Her own loneliness was killing her.  The kind that twists you out of shape, and makes you a sad, sorry excuse of a human being. Powder knew that, deep down. It's why she was so scared. Why she always shrunk herself. So she'd fit in your big dumb hero fantasy. Always be the girl who needed rescuing. Who needed you. 'Cause then, you'd never leave her."
There are wan shafts of sunlight piercing the rafters. In the brightness, the maze has chipped away. Vi stares, and her sister is no longer a comet or a phantom or a poltergeist.
She's a girl: flesh and blood. 
And tears.
Vi can't see them, but she senses their dangerous proximity. Not the crocodile kind from before, but the real deal. The ones that hide deep in the atmosphere, and only fall when the heartache is too heavy to carry.
Vi's own threatens to rupture into a storm. She's felt its foreboding pressure pounding behind her ribs all night.
If it breaks, it'll drown them both.
"I never meant to leave you," Vi forces out. "If I'd known what he'd do to you—"
"Oh, gods, would you shut up about that!"
All at once, Jinx has poured herself from the rafters. It's a fluid motion: nearly frictionless. Her boots collide squarely with the floorboards, and she unfolds to her full height. In the petaling brightness, Vi can see her fully. Her sister is dressed almost entirely in black: leather cut-off shorts, fishnet tights, and a tank-top with a long-sleeved mesh jacket. A pistol—PuffPuff, she calls it—is strapped to one hip, and a fistful of grenades hangs from the other. The blue of her hair is a neon flame.
She is armed to the teeth.
Dressed to kill.
"Silco didn't twist me," Jinx says. "He just saw me as I was. He let me be, and helped me become."
"Become what? A killer?"
"Psssh." Her chin juts in challenge. "Killers are like fleas: a dime a dozen. They don't change the game. Not like we did."
"We?" Vi is all volition, and yet there is no control. No recourse. Only her body, advancing with fists locked and jaw steeled to close the gap between them. They square off eye-to-eye. "Are you really going to keep pretending? After everything he's done? Everything he's taken from us?"
"Puh-lease. Spare me the sanctimony. You think Zaun would be real if he hadn't cut Topside down to size with his bare teeth? If he hadn't put the gangs in line and the chem-barons in their place?"
"With what? Shimmer? Chem-fiends in the alleys and corpses in the canals? D'you have any clue how many lives he's wrecked?"
"It's called 'collateral damage,' Vi. It's the cost of business. What, did you expect him to just wait around while Topside ran us into the ground? While the Council kept bleeding us dry?"
"He could have done something different!"
"Oh, yeah? Like what? Take a page outta Vander's book?" Jinx's eyes are two red, glistening wounds. But fury sizzles the tears in their sockets. "Newsflash, genius: his way didn't work. He thought making nice and playing along was the answer, and where'd that get him? A knife in the back. Literally."
"Because of Silco!"
"You think someone else wouldn't have done the same? Especially once word got out that he was in cahoots with the Enforcers? Please." Jinx's jaw juts. They're both inches apart now. Breathing heavily, two boxers braced for the starting bell. "Guess what, sis. There's a hundred would-be Vanders out there. And one thousand would-be Boy Saviors. Big, strong bozos who want to do the right thing. Who wanna save the little guy. But they don't have the balls—or the brains—to make a difference. Not like Silco did."
"Not like he did, by killing his brother?" Vi erupts. "By stealing a girl, and using her to kill his enemies? By blinding her until she forgot who she is?"
"The only blind one's you!" The girlhood mottle is back in Jinx's face. It's the same flush she'd gotten whenever a fight got too real, and the hurt burrowed too deep. "You, and Ekko, all those suckers who stuck their heads in the sand! That's why you're so mad. Because you wanted Powder to stay the same. Be the girl who needed saving. The one who'd never make it without you. Well, guess what? She has. And if you think I'll let your sorry ass wreck everything, you've got another thing comin'!"
"If you think," Vi shoots back, "I'll stand by and let Silco's craziness infect you a second longer, you've got another thing comin'!"
"Craziness, is it? Crazier than you going from Superbitch to Bootlicker? Twisting yourself up into knots over a Topside twat who's already tossed you over for the next skirt who comes her way? Plotting a hit against Silco with nothing but a rustbucket revolver and no bullets, no back-up, and a head full of hot air?" Jinx laughs. Not her usual manic cackle. Her real, honest-to-gods guffaw. "Oh, you got me beat, Vi. You got me beat good."
"It's not a hit," Vi grits out.
"Really? What else d'you call a plan to gun a man down in cold blood?"
"I'm not—"
"Don't even try it. I know you, remember? A punch, a prayer, and hey! Presto! Problem solved."
"Jinx, listen to me—"
But Jinx is laughing again. Laughter with a cutting edge of hysteria.
"Gods," she says, "I shoulda known. This is how you always handle things. If you can't be the big dumb hero—be the big dumb martyr.  Nevermind that the minute you pull that trigger, it's him who'll go down in history. Him and his legacy. While yours goes straight down the gutter. Just like Vander. Just like Mom. Just like..."
She swallows. The laughter dies, and the tears begin to fall.
"...just like Powder."
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moonshynecybin · 1 month
Hi Callie, hope you're feeling better today, was trying to think of a soft FCO thought yesterday but I fell asleep so back to it today it is.
It doesn't fit with the main timeline I drew forever ago but it goes with something you talked about once so.
Valencia, Marc and Valentino, things finally reaching a good tentative point between them, being told on Thursday that they've done a good job throughout the year and they don't have to see each other during the break and they'll be fine to post about them breaking things off sometimes soon.
Now, scene sometimes during the weekend, can be on Monday for testing as well (very much a detail, anyway).
Can't decide where it happens exactly (paddock, pit lane, etc) but Valentino intercepting Marc while he was walking somewhere (garage, motorhome, etc), grabbing Marc's hand and pulling him close.
Marc's first reflex is to look around to find the cameras, his eyes anywhere but on Valentino until Valentino squeezes his hand, calling for his attention, using his name as well.
"Hm?" Marc turns his head back to Valentino, almost bumping their heads together.
That's where he realizes they're close, Valentino's nose now pressing against his temple, his other hand on Marc's waist.
"Easy," Valentino says, his breath brushing against Marc's cheek, left thumb applying pressure to his stomach, rubbing over the material of Marc's jacket twice.
"I'm not sure it's smart to be all close and cozy right now if we're supposed to break up in a couple of weeks."
Getting the words out is a more painful process than Marc would ever want to admit, his attempt at regaining control of the situation thrusted on him a couple of days ago pretty bad for now.
Valentino tenses up next to him, his recovery quick but not enough for Marc not to notice.
There is a kiss pressed to his temple, soft. And then, Valentino pulling away, squeezing his hand one last time.
"Careful today, I'll see you tonight."
[Debated for way too long whether or not Valentino would also say something along the lines of "Don't be stupid" or "Don't think too much, you're going to hurt yourself" but maybe went the vulnerable wayTM in that one.]
HELPPPP i DO love the idea of this being post vale essentially saying he’ll nuke the relationship by being seen at a club with someone else but it hasn’t happened yet… they both know that they have an expiration date after the race weekend and they’re dreading it but they have this soft little language built between them where they still reach for each other… marc can’t believe he let this happen to him AGAIN so he’s shut down—lashing out but it’s just stating fact— and vale would think the same thing he did in sepang, that marc is looking at him absent minded, like he doesn’t care— but he’s spent enough time with him now to see through it, a bit. not enough to call off the breakup (he wants to be sure marc wants him for HIM and he can not, will not, allow himself to be vulnerable enough to have that convo. yet. we need to torture him some more. maybe they DO break up the fake relationship and marc goes on a date with another guy…..) but enough to still put a hand on his shoulder, his waist… enough to press a soft kiss on his forehead and feel the way marc flinches like he’s been punched…
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smashingdollz · 1 year
hihi<3 could I request callie and raihan x
Streamer s/o? s/o wants to be the best streamer ever and really likes wearing cute stuff for their streams :3?
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
hi hi anon! i dont write for Callie but i can give it a try! also i love this prompt so much oh my gosh- thank you for the request! have a nice day anon! <3
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-Callie tends to use her status as a pop star and former Inkopolis air host as a way to promote your streams! whenever shes in an interview and they ask her what she likes to do in her free time she replies with, "I enjoy watching my partner, Y/Ns streams! theyre really entertaining and fun!" in general she always finds a way to mention your stream.
-and because of Callie youve grown a lot as a streamer, you used to go live for about 50 people a day. which you didnt mind because the community was wonderful. but now thanks to her, youre averaging way more! thanks to her youre community has grown a lot! so many nice people who are fans of Callie join your lives and say so many nice things! youve grown quite a big online family.
-and Callie makes sure to call out the people who say negative things in your lives and reassures that youre the best. she lurks in chat while you steam and whenever she sees a mean comment flow by she calls them out for it. she says, "If youre mean to Y/N, then youre no fan of mine"
-since you enjoy wearing cute stuff in your streams Callie loves to choose out cute outfits for you to wear! and if its a lazy stream were youre just chatting shell pick out a cute cozy onesie for you! she might even make you a cute outfit herself or have one of her designers to make one for you, as a somewhat signature outfit for your streams.
-sometimes Callie will even join you while your streaming, and when she does shell match whatever cute outfit your wearing that stream. this leads you guys into doing a fashion show for youre viewers. youll go find cute outfits and ask chat for their opinions.
-(the two of you would play those cute little dress up/fashion games. and definitely those "Papa's Freezaria/Pizzaria/etc" games)
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
-much like Callie, he also uses his reputation to promote your streams! whenever hes in interviews hell do the same thing as Callie and find a way to mention your streams! he'll even post about you from time to time.
-he'll buy you cute clothing and cute pokemon onesies for you to wear on stream! he'll have you pose with him and take a picture of and post it online with the caption of; "My partner is live right now! go check them out!" and you automatically get a lot of nice people and comments on your streams!
-he'll happily play games with you on stream. but it will take a lot of convincing for him to put on a Pokemon onesie and sit down with you as you chat with the viewers, he of course gives in because he cant say no to you forever. soon he fully embraces it and takes a photo of the two of you in matching Pokemon onesie and posts it. and sometimes the two of you dress up your own Pokemon in cute things and have them join in on the stream! the viewers really enjoy that.
-he defiantly supports your goal of being one of the best streamers. hes always there to take care of you when youre in need while streamin, need water? hes on it. youre humgry? he makes you a 5 course meal so you could enjoy, he doesnt mind you watibg or drinking on stream but sometimes he makes you take a break so you could actually enjoy yourself and not strain yourself. he makes sure streaming doesnt stress you out and that its something that you should enjoy and not feel like a chore.
-as i said before, he loves to play games with you while streaming. thet two of you would be playing a horror game and people would expect you to be the one screaming and holding onto Raihan, but its actually the opposite. hes screaming at the horrific visuals holding onto you as you concentrate(youre carrying the whole game, he died and just let you go on without him), trying to beat the game so you guys could play a happy two player game.
-(i also feel like he would be absolutely terrified of those Roblox horror games 💀)
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i hope you enjoyed this! i had so much fun writing this! (oh also i didnt realize you didnt specify if you wanted a story, headcannons, etc. so i did headcannons by default. next time please specify if you want something specific! /not mad)
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deedala · 10 months
Deanna, I LOVE your cozy gifset 💖 and I feel that they would make their apartment so cozy this time of year?
Like, maybe both of them have disliked winter for various reasons but now they’ve got their own place with good heating and a fireplace, they can make it so nice. So winter doesn’t seem so bad.
They’ve got special cozy bedding that’s really soft and warm, a scented candle that smells of trees that Ian bought which Mickey complained about but now loves, they can be so warm for the first time in their lives. When the snow falls they can enjoy it rather than worrying about feeling cold. They’ve got plush blankets on the couch that they wrap themselves up in and cuddle. They buy some ~expensive~ hot chocolate and marshmallows and drink it while they listen to the crackle of the fire. They hang up lots of colourful lights and decorations.
They create such a cozy place for themselves, full of love and warmth.💖💖💖
hi calli!! eeee~ thank you 😊 i really wanted to spread those warm-fuzzy snuggly feels with that set!! 🥰 You're so right about how Ian and Mickey would make their home so warm and soft. After growing up in houses where sometimes the heat isnt even working in the winter? Yeah, they're absolutely keeping it toasty in their west side apartment!! And that fireplace that Ian was so excited about?? Oh yeah, that thing is on all the time. As soon as the air outside starts to get chilly, if those boys are home you better believe that fireplace is roaring!! Please, can you imagine Mickey pulling out the box of Christmas lights and they're all tangled? The man would have a coronary. He'd be pulling out his switch blade within seconds and Ian would have to physically take them away. And then Ian would be trying to untangle them for like an hour before he gives up and they just artfully drape the half-untangled string lights over a chair back, plug them in, and call it a day. Everything they buy from then on is pre-lit. SO many warm soft plush blankets around the house, draped all over the place. (Folding blankets and putting them away, who is she?) You cannot sit down in their apartment without there being a blanket behind you or underneath you primed and ready to wrap around your body. They invest in a new cozy (not shredded) robe for Mickey. They become slipper people. Like thick warm socks AND slippers. No Cold Feet Allowed in the Gallagher-Milkovich household. 😊 Mickey likes to spike his hot chocolate. He also gets extra marshmallows. lol okay well thank you for the cozy message and thanks for letting me play along!! 😆 💖💖💖
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nazukisser · 2 years
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➺✧ ┅ CHAPTER 05 | To the "Wonders of the Suou Estate"
SYNOPSIS | “Duke, will you marry me?” You never thought you’d be saying these words until now, when you’ve realized you’ve been reincarnated as the first side character to be killed in a series of tragedies in a novel series called “Trails of Misfortune & Misery”. As a lady forced into an arranged marriage with the greedy son of Duke Drakos who aims to use your power as a sorceress to gain the Emperor’s favor and is eventually is killed as a sacrifice for his schemes, it seems the only one who can truly assist you is the Duke of Suou, Tsukasa Suou.
PAIRING| Suou Tsukasa x fem!reader
LINKS| series masterlist | taglist form | prev chapter
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Bang! The knights only had to hit once to open your door. The clank of the armor on the wooden floor was much too jarring, but not as much as their voices. 
“Are you alright?” in unison, they almost yelled. At this rate, everyone would be awake. You nodded. They didn’t need to hear your voice. They didn’t even bother to address you correctly, nor did they really care. All they cared about was that you were alive, and if so, that you were not injured. That’s all that mattered to get their pay.
“Are you injured?” one of them came up close to you. You needed no words to communicate. Your hand dripped with blood, just barely illuminated by the moon. 
“Call the doctor immediately!” one of them yelled out, and the other went to find the doctor. You thought you heard footsteps approaching your room, then running farther away, but you might’ve been hearing things. 
“My lady! Let me help you,” Callie ran in, seemingly a little out of breath. You couldn’t help the small smile that appeared on your lips. Perhaps Callie was the only one who saw you as a person, rather than the employer’s daughter or the lady with rumors surrounding her, especially after what had happened recently.
You looked at the clock. It was half past four; you should go to sleep. Mairi wasn’t going to come back. She’d already escaped. That’d be it for the night, and hopefully that’d be it for a while too. Yet, you couldn't shake off the fear that maybe she would. 
“I can stay here if you want,” Callie offered. You refused. That didn't seem to fix anything. Callie didn’t take another moment to think, “Then, do you want to stay in the maid’s quarters?” 
If she came back, she’d come back to your quarters. After all, it was part of the “noble code” that everyone sleeps in their own quarters. If you weren’t there, she’d likely leave. Plus, there were a lot of people there. Most of the maids didn’t truly care about you, but they didn’t mind you, mostly. Perhaps it was because you were around them a lot, and they were decent people. Though, it seemed that everyone did things the way father liked it; after all, he held their paycheck… you couldn’t blame them for that one. 
You accepted Callie’s offer of staying in the maid’s quarters. It seemed she always had something good in mind, though her sarcasm wasn’t funny sometimes. Callie had a spare bed. There was an odd number, and being the attendant closest to you, she was able to have the room all to herself. There was nowhere to put the other bed, so she’d just kept it there, though as a little bit of storage. She put away her things into a box she hadn’t been using and put sheets and a blanket and a pillow, the ones that came with the room. She’d kept them in one of the cabinets. 
The room was simple. There were hardly any decorations; that was a lot like Callie. There were maybe a couple of things that you would add to spruce up the place, make it appear like someone was actually living there instead of using it as a makeshift guest place. But it was casual, peaceful, and it was cozy, surprisingly. It didn’t have a fireplace, but since it was still summer, there wasn’t a need for it now- during winter, most likely they’d all appreciate having one. 
You bid good night to Callie, and it was a wonder that you slept until it was almost lunch. She didn’t even wake you up; you only awoke with the smell of lunch coming into the room. 
“My lady, we have some soup for you,” she came in, holding a tray with the soup, some bread, and a bit of snacks to have after. Your favorite ones, at least. You thanked her for that. It was nice to sit in a bedroom and eat; as a noble lady and with eyes all on you, always criticizing, the very least you could do back then was to get dressed, walk all the way to the dining hall, and greet everyone you passed by. It was nice that so many people got to work in the mansion, but there were days where it was simply too much. 
You ate, and Callie sat down to take her break. 
“Oh, and your father is looking for you,” she mentioned, as if it wasn’t important. He was her employer, not you. So why was she looking after you, and pretending that the head of the house wasn’t as important? You asked why he was looking for you, and it turned out that he was upset with what happened yesterday. Upset, with you? “Upset in general,” she said. 
You sighed. You finished your food without talking to Callie until you decided to go out. You needed to change into something presentable even just to see your own “father”- society was really something else. You asked if Callie had other things to do, and all she said in response to that was, “I can take care of my own responsibilities.” and you both left it at that. Probably, she was supposed to be helping out somewhere, but she was with you. 
She walked almost alongside you as you walked the halls, and whispers spread- even in front of you. People loved to talk; life was so slow that perhaps the only thing they could fill their day with was gossip. No one made the effort to even pretend like they weren’t talking about you- talking shit about you, for a lack of a better term. It was hard to ignore them when they were so damned obvious, but when Callie started to pick up her walking pace, you had something else to worry about (Callie leaving you behind, though she never would- especially when she’d get bashed worse for walking in front of a noble when she wasn’t supposed to)
Callie shut the door as you reached your room, and Callie pulled out a dress for you to wear. It didn’t matter what dress, just any dress that would do. She helped you get ready; the painful, extensive and horribly normalized noblewoman’s get-ready routine should have been abolished. If anyone could do it, it would be Lady Lilianne, the dressmaker who’d made an exception for herself, but if she could, why wouldn’t she have changed it for all? 
You didn’t even know where his office was. If he was anywhere, it was there, but what room was that in this whole place? Everyone knew except for you- probably because you simply hadn’t needed to go there before, and the previous owner of the body spent her time in the library, studying sorcery. Callie led you there, thankfully, and indeed, he was there.
He didn’t greet you, nor did he look up from the paper he was reading. Seriously, you’d gone to see him, at his own request, and he didn’t pay any attention to you? What happened to respect? 
“You’re here.” he noted, looking up from his “beloved” paper. Yes, you were. 
“I heard you were attacked last night,” you could almost hear a How’d it go?, though he probably wouldn’t say that. He was too “noble” through and through to throw that phrase around. “I believe we need to increase security. I will be arranging for that as soon as possible.” 
Okay, that was it? That’s all he had to say, after making you go to his office? After all that effort? If that was all, you’d leave. 
“And you will not be able to leave this mansion until everything has been settled.”  
You turned around. What? Was he keeping you captive? In that case, this would just be an extended prison cell, but living more nicely- but still a prisoner, nonetheless. When would “everything be settled”? What was “everything”? You asked, but all he could say was “Don’t worry about it, go.” In anger, you grabbed Callie’s arm and left, and you only let go once you were halfway to your room. 
You still had to go to the Suou estate to write and sign that contract with Tsukasa. If you couldn't go out, that wouldn’t be able to happen, and you might get snatched away by Erebus- and you’d be done for. You couldn’t write it in the mansion; it was too risky. Security was tight now, for sure, but if one of the workers saw it and reported it to the head of the house, which they probably would, especially those looking for a raise in their paycheck, you’d be done for. Even if the Duke were to take it home with him, it could get lost in an ambush. The contract was a risky move, but it needed to be done. 
“My lady, we can write a letter to Lord Suou,” Callie suggested. Well, she was right; right now, there wasn’t any other good course of action. He may have restricted you from going outside, but he said nothing about sending mail to somewhere else. He still had mail going out too; it wasn’t like the mail delivery was going to stop because of what happened. He still needed to get his work done, and so did you. 
So, once you got to your room, you began to write the letter, detailing what happened. It was weird to tell Callie about everything, because it just felt like she already knew. It was strange. Maybe she was a divine creature in her past life and just knew things like that. It was nice to tell Tsukasa about it, and he wouldn’t mind hearing about it. In fact, if he didn’t hear about it, the scene of him throwing a fit was easy to picture. 
The mail service was coming over in a couple of hours, so you finished your letter, not bothering to make it look extra nice or special- just heartfelt. You didn’t know why, but he seemed like he would appreciate that a lot. It wasn’t long before the main service came to pick it up, and you hoped he’d get it on time and would be able to send you a response quickly. Though, you understood that he may have been busy; he was a Duke, and a Duke always had something to do.
The people who worked in the mansion always had something to say- you could nickname this place “gossip central”, if only the other houses weren’t exactly like that too. Really, there was nothing in this house to do. Sorcery wasn’t exactly interesting, especially when all the sorcery books had been studied by the previous owner, so it wasn’t really quite new knowledge to you either. You’d gotten the information she’d learned already by this time. So, you tried something new. Surprisingly, Callie didn’t stop you- instead, she actually supported you. Was she trying to get fired…? If the two of you got caught, you’d probably be put on probation from anything, which was just additional jail time, you supposed, but likely, even though Callie had been working there just about her whole life, it wouldn’t be surprising if she was fired- though, it would be horrible not to protect her after everything she’d done for you. 
What did you decide to do, then? Dressing up as a maid. Yes, you’d dress up as a maid and sneak around the mansion- all you had to do was avoid the head maid. (And Callie said that she’d keep her busy while you were out doing her own thing.) You could go into the kitchen and eat leftovers, which weren’t as great as the food served on the dinner table, since they were leftovers, but there was just something magical about eating whenever you want and not having to really bother anyone else for it. It was a sense of freedom perhaps, while you were still trapped in the mansion- maybe just a little fun. 
“Someone’s stopped by the gate, someone really important!” “Who?” 
“I heard someone say it was the House of Suou, but I don't know.” 
The maids were good at talking. Tsukasa? He stopped by? But you hadn’t received a letter yet? Before you rushed to the front gate, you realized that you couldn’t be caught in a maid’s dress, and you rushed over to your room. You hurriedly took off your disguise and put on a dress that Callie would’ve possibly picked out for you today, and you didn’t even bother to fix your hair; that was fine, that made the sense of urgency even more apparent. 
You ran all the way downstairs to the front gate and asked what the commotion was about. It was quite loud, and you would’ve probably heard some of it from your room if you were up there. 
“It’s nothing. Please return inside immediately,” the guard paid little attention to you. Surely, he knew who you were. You asked why that is. He gave no answer. You asked who ordered that. No answer. If he couldn’t answer, then there wasn’t a chance that it was father; he always made sure that his orders were his orders and that everyone knew about them- unless they were to be kept secret. Something like this wouldn’t be, though. 
You took a moment to think. He was clearly one of the guards who was hired as “upped security”- but who was he to make that order and keep it? In fact, everyone at the door was from this “upped security”. You’d passed by Valhyle, a guard who’d worked at the mansion for years; he and the original owner of your body almost grew up together; he’d have something honest to say. 
You rushed inside, hoping that in that time, Tsukasa wouldn’t decide to leave. Valhyle was still there, as expected. He answered promptly. He knew about not letting anyone suspicious in, but certainly, Duke Suou and his people weren’t considered suspicious people. He’d wanted to intervene, saying that there weren’t orders to stop the Duke- because your father really hadn’t sent an order like that- but he knew something was wrong, though acting rashly could end him up somewhere he’d really not want to be in. However, if you ordered him to, he’d gladly stop those hired guards- the “upped security”. After all, you were the second in charge in this mansion. No one could stop you except the head of the house- even then, he usually listened concerning small matters like these. If you got Tsukasa to side with you, even better. He loved sucking up to the people above him. 
“I’ll grab Felix and Justo’s units as well! Please wait, my lady!” Valhyle was off. You waved him goodbye, and you waited for him by the gate. Luckily, Tsukasa persisted. 
You had to be loud. It was easy to wish you had a speaker, luckily, before you spoke, something clicked: you had magic. You called for Ranchea, a familiar who could manipulate sound. She was absolutely adorable, and she kissed your cheek when you called for her. She had her little nod when you’d requested for her to raise the volume of your voice, and you gave your order that the Duke of Suou was to be let in. Tsukasa came running to you; it seemed he was proud. Well, that put a smile on your face, too.
Valhyle, Felix, and Justo’s units took the “upped security” away and stationed them elsewhere, although they responded a bit violently. It seemed they quickly learned their lesson that they had no authority in a place totally new to them. 
“Let’s go somewhere we can talk,” Callie led the two of you. You didn’t need to say anything, besides thanking Ranchea and letting her rest on the way there. Tsukasa looked tense; perhaps it was because he hadn’t been to the mansion before, or maybe the “welcome” he had received wasn’t quite a welcome at all- or perhaps, it was both. You didn’t realize how you were looking at how he played with his hand as the two of you walked, and when he called you out for it, he offered his hand out to you- oh, right, you were supposed to play fiances. There was no reason to refuse, so you took it. 
“I’ll return with some refreshments from the kitchen. Excuse me,” Callie ran off. Callie hated going to the kitchen. She was stressed ever since last night; you could tell by her expression all day. So, was she really going to the kitchen for refreshments? There was a question weighing on everyone’s minds- and no one but you knew how good she was at getting all sorts of information from the local gossipers- so, perhaps, there was a certain piece of information she was trying to find you. It was hard not to be excited for what kind of gift she’d bring. 
“My lady, I-” he started, but you had to stop him before he stumbled on his words and got all embarrassed. It was easy to tell he had a thousand thoughts in his mind, especially with how he conveyed himself. You assured him that you were fine from the incident, the cut wasn’t deep. You apologized for what the guards did to him; hopefully, Callie would catch wind of something to explain what happened. 
Tsukasa’s pained expression was painful- for you, somehow. Seeing him so sad and hurt, even though none of this happened to him, made you feel bad too. 
“Would it be possible… if you moved to the Suou Estate?” 
You blinked. Once. Twice. Thrice. Many times. He was asking you to move in with him? Though… would this count as kidnapping? Father still hadn’t truly approved of the marriage, and although you doubted that Tsukasa would back out on you, having the contract could get you out of a bunch of legal trouble. Courts often ruled in favor of men rather than women, unfortunately. Plus, there would be that bit of extra motivation to try a little bit harder- at least on your end. Tsukasa was surprisingly into playing the role of  your fiance… 
“I’m sorry if it’s-” 
Callie opened the door, “My lady, Duke. I have returned with no refreshments, but a lead.” You gave her your go-ahead, though she’d probably said it regardless of whether you did or not. 
“Those men were under the order of Erebus. Your father had requested for House Drakos to provide additional support. It was free, supposedly.” Free, my ass. They wanted his support, and while he didn’t have to pay a silver coin, he’d have to be paying in something else. Nothing was ever free.
“Then, I really believe we should make preparations to move into the Suou Estate, then,” Tsukasa insisted. In no way was he going to have his fiancee under the “protection” of his “rival”. 
“I agree. Shall we pack our belongings then? It will not be long,” Callie suggested. Tsukasa agreed to that; this place was basically a place to spy on you, so all three of you were in. 
What was there to bring? Books? You asked if the dukedom had books on sorcery and he described something much grander than what was in the mansion. Perhaps you’d be fine. 
Clothes? You asked Callie to pick some clothes for you, but apparently “they are too long and heavy to carry on a spontaneous trip such as this, and thus we can avoid packing them.”
Then, what would you wear? “The Duke will have clothes made for you.” Did Callie… hate your wardrobe? “Your wardrobe is out of fashion, my lady. It would be a good idea to keep up with the current trends.” 
And she did it again. She answered your question without you even asking. Not that it was a terrible thing, but just how did she manage to do that so well? You could almost hear her say, “I just can.” 
You picked up a few of your things and things that were important to the original owner’s body, and you headed into the room you were in before. Surprisingly, Callie was still gathering her stuff (maybe because she had a bit more than you to bring). You called for the Duke, but he wouldn’t answer. His eyes were closed. Was he asleep? You called the Duke again, next just Suou, Tsukasa, Kasa- nothing. He lightly snored, and after all that, you knew he was asleep. 
He was peaceful, surprisingly. Before you could leave, you had to wait for Callie to be done. Hopefully, she’d be done soon, although seeing Tsukasa like this was oddly peaceful- cute, even. He breathed a slow rhythm, and while the mansion was still bustling about as usual, it was as if the fast tempo slowed. Your eyes soon fixated themselves on Tsukasa’s face, watching the breaths go in and out. Your face rested on your hand, and the time flew by.
“Duke, my lady, we will be departing soon,” Callie walked in with her bags, and she offered to take yours as well. Even with that, Tsukasa hadn’t woken up with it. It felt a little harsh to wake him up, though it was time for the three of you to go.  You nudged him awake, and at first he held onto you before he’d rubbed his eyes awake. It took a few extra minutes, but was it worth it? Perhaps, maybe you wouldn’t have seen his blush like that otherwise.
You stepped into the carriage that waited outside for you, and all three of you hopped inside. The excitement from the fact that you’d arrive quickly was much stronger than you thought. Perhaps, would you be able to see the “Wonders of the Suou Estate”?
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WORD COUNT | 3649 words
NOTES FROM QIAN | hi this series is extremely self indulgent. if you would like to join the taglist, please send an ask, thank you! [ tags in the reblogs ]
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fbfh · 2 years
living with the fosters hcs
wc: 800
pairing: moms!stef and lena + siblings!adams foster kids (brandon, callie, jesus, mariana, and jude) + (gn) adams foster!reader
warnings: tooth rotting fluff, found family, comfort, brief mention of various drama from the show (breakdowns, trafficking, suicidal tendancies, relapses, general bad decisions) (again it's incredibly brief like one bullet point for all of that), stef and lena are amazing moms, optional masc/male and fem/female hcs, I think that's it
a/n: falling down a fosters rabbit hole again!!!! adopt me pls!!!!! also brandon needs all of his siblings to gang up on him once in a while. he's the worst and callie is a close second. also if you don't know why you were tagged in this it's bc it falls under the domestic life/found family trope lol
@yesv01 @youkissedareaderinthedark @girlfriendwhoseawitch @mrscarolscaramoucheplease
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Wailing screaming sobbing
First of all
Stef and Lena are the ultimate parents
You never had a good mom?? Now you fucking have two
You have a whole passel of siblings in a warm cozy house full of love
If you share a room with Callie and Mariana 
Get ready for some peak sister core moments
Mariana will frequently get second opinions on what color combos you think she should do for her next mani pedi 
Callie will act like she doesn’t want to talk about anything then ten minutes later she’s telling all about her current boy problems 
Helping Mariana do the back of her hair and doing Callie’s eyeliner for her because she insists she can’t do it as well as you have become as much a part of your morning routine as brushing your teeth
If you share a room with Jesus and Jude
It’s boy core healthy masculinity core all the way
Just guys being dudes
(or in Jude’s case, guys being Judes)
Jesus will constantly interrupt your attempts to do homework to ramble about his latest hyperfixation
Which is usually skateboarding or wrestling or 5 hour long youtube documentaries 
Jude is (affectionately) a little easier to get along with
Most of the time he only interrupts your homework for help with his 
Or to ask for help with a hard part of the level he’s stuck on in his video games
He puts stickers on his DS sometimes and loves getting your opinions on which ones should go where 
Brandon is super busy trying to get into music school and everything
But he makes sure to catch up with you at least a couple times a week 
Usually when it’s yalls turn to clean up after dinner
You’re both pretty busy, but you still make an effort to stay up to date on what’s going on with both of you
He tells you about all the drama in the music scene 
Even though he has to explain half the jargon and terminology to make his stories make sense
You tell him about the drama in your friend group at school 
Mariana and Callie will frequently ask you to settle arguments
And Mariana and Jesus 
And Mariana and Brandon 
Mariana just has a lot of hot takes
Stef and Lena work so hard to make this house a home
And they do
Everytime you come home from work or school or anywhere else
You’re always greeted with two warm hugs and kisses on the forehead form Stef and Lena
“Hi, love,” 
“How did everything go, sweetheart?” 
It’s not just small talk, they really do care about how things are going for you
They love you so much
They always keep your favorite cereal in the pantry 
They show up to as many of your events and extracurriculars as they can 
They’ll help you keep track of any meds or medical appointments 
They might even break their no coffee for the kids rule for you
It’ll take a little convincing but you know them well enough to know what cards to play 
They’re just so supportive too
Like you can wake them up in the middle of the night just cause you had a bad dream
They’ll hug you and ask if you want to talk about it and offer to make you tea
They really do have your back 100% of the time
And like
They’re so accepting 
Any problems you’re having 
Anything that’s causing you stress
You can talk to either of them 
Or both of them
Whenever you want
Even if you’re just feeling off
If you just need a little attention
Your mom and mama are there for you
They check up on you a lot too
Not too much, just checking in to see how homework’s going
If you’re hungry
How you’re feeling 
Anytime something scary happens 
Anytime there’s an argument or some other drama
Mariana’s ex boyfriend has a mental break down, Callie voluntarily enters a trafficking ring, Sophia tries to walk into traffic, Brandon spends his juilliard money on an apartment for his single mom girlfriend and her kid, Mike relapses
You know
The usual
Whenever there’s drama, Stef and Lena always make sure to check on you
They always take extra time to talk you through what happened or whatever crisis is going on
Make sure you know that they’re right here if you need them
And their hugs are the best too
They’re so warm and supportive
Literally and figuratively
Honestly you couldn’t ask for better moms 
They have your back through everything
Every injustice, every rough patch, every failure and low and problem
And every win and success and happy exciting joyful moment
They’re there for you through all of it
And from the bottom of their hearts, they couldn’t be more proud of you
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lovevalley45 · 1 year
#fictober23 day one
"Don't worry, I got you."
fandom: naddpod (campaign 3/ba2mia)
word count: 707
Calder knew that he should have felt safe and cozy inside Callie’s Tiny Hut. It should have been impossible to feel anxious or tense in a magic Airstream flush with duck decor. 
Yet, as he sat on a comfy pillow, knees pulled up to his chest, he still felt as frigid as he did in Ultris’ helm. The toasty warmth was almost suffocating after endless weeks, months, years in the barren arctic prison dimension.
It was only the three of them - well, four if he counted Foster, which he did - back together again in the spell’s protective radius, along with the bronze serpent. General Bronzebeard and Kenna had decided to make camp out the hut, saying they’d keep watch. He was pretty sure they were just giving them space to reunite, catching up on lost time themselves. That made the hut feel even more cavernous.
Calder couldn’t help watching Sol and Callie from his spot on the floor. The two of them had done their best to catch him up earlier, but it’d come at him so fast he was sure he’d forgotten a good third of it already. They’d chugged along without him, even picked up one of the Titans of Bahumia as their legendary chaperone. They’d saved him, like he knew they would. But things weren’t the same as he’d left.  
There was, of course, the serpent Callie had dubbed Honeysuckle whose back she casually stroked. That hand was much frostier than he remembered it being, cool ice crystallizing against its shiny surface. She’d taken up his frosty mantle, sliding from spring into winter. Calder couldn’t help longing for her to bloom again. 
Beside him, Sol attempted to repair a burnt hole in his scarf of displacement, a thick needle between his webbed fingers. When he’d emerged from the helm, he’d seen Sol’s knuckles covered in the mushrooms he’d gotten from King Shroomrot. However, they had dripped with a deadlier fungi than before. 
After everything, he should have just been happy to be out. But only worries plagued his mind. 
Sol yawned, snapping him back to reality. “Boy, I am pooped.” He set down his scarf. “I think I’m ready to turn in.”
Callie stood from her spot beside Honeysuckle, stretching her arms above her head. “Yeah, it’s a long trek back to Irondeep,” she said. 
“Right. Yeah,” Calder said, nodding. “I guess we should sleep.”
Ultris wasn’t going to get in. Ultris was gone. He was gone, right? Those thoughts raced through his head as Sol and Callie made their bed for the night - one big nest, just like old times. Though he’d spent the last few days with Jaina, the two had kept their distance in his makeshift camp. Now he found himself hesitating. 
“Calder? You coming?” Callie asked. 
“Uh huh.” He stood from the pillow and sat on the edge of the nest, hands resting on his knees. 
“Are you just going to sleep like that?” Sol said. 
“No. Obviously not. Let me just-” Calder laid down and did his best to shimmy into place, right into the space Sol and Callie had left for him. As he did, Foster flew in, landing on his chest and nestling in. He was effectively trapped by a duck. 
He felt Callie’s cold skin brush against him, ice against ice, and couldn’t help his flinch. “Sorry. Are you okay there?”
“No,” he admitted. “I feel like I’m going to wake up in the helm again.”
“Well, we don’t have any Molsons,” Sol said. 
“We might. It would probably be a hot Molson, though,” Callie added. 
“Dang,” Calder muttered. 
“But you don’t need a Molson. You’re okay now. You’re back with us,” she said. 
“Yeah. Don’t worry, I got you. We both do,” Sol told him. 
Calder looked up at his friends. Though they’d not left each other’s side since he got out of the helm, the same joy of seeing them after so long rushed over him again. He thought about the carvings he’d left behind, his attempts to not forget their faces. 
“Thanks, guys,” he said. 
As the three of them made themselves comfortable, trying not to jostle Foster and fit together, Calder felt truly warm for the first time in a long time.
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soupthecoolest · 9 months
wow i put my girl through a lot tonight. so the past couple sessions she was actually mind controlled, and forced to hurt the first friends she had made in centuries! what FUN!!!!
she was put in as a boss battle against the party and forced to kill her idiot brother guy, dee. annnddd thennn got freed from my mind control by said brother and got COOL SCARS!! CUE EPIC REDESIGN!!!
cozy girl nation. she’s got a shawl now… drags hand down the wall…. i love you callie….
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cyrene-meadowforge · 10 months
It haunted her, how familiar this situation was. How foreign at the same time.
When Cress had risen into the Arena, Cyrene had found herself in Calli's bedroom back home, cuddled up in bed with her little sister. Eyes on the TV, private and cozy and so hopeful it still choked her up today to remember what once had been.
Almost seven years later, Cyrene once again found herself in Callisto's room, though this time alone. By herself in a strange room, a cold bed, in a building she'd never wanted to end up in. This time it was Callisto entering the Arena. Cyrene clung to the hope that Calli would return to her, without allowing herself to think of the cost. The cameras were just now panning over the freshly set scene, crystal blue waters and versatile, enticing islands, when she heard the door open. Cyrene turned her head, posture stiffening. Thinking it was once again the escort or cleaning personnel, that she'd have to fight off people intent on chasing her out again.
When she recognized Cress, she relaxed. "Hey," she said, voice a hoarse mutter. She couldn't quite think of what else to say now. What followed was a mere pat on the spot on the bed next to her, and a lifting of one corner of the blanket. An invitation. A plea.
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undressmewithyoureyes · 3 months
Run For Me - TWO
I know what I saw. I saw a man with some kind of sack style mask in my bathroom. Not only did I see him, but I could also feel him. The energy around him was pure sinister. I should have listened to my gut when something was wrong on the way here. I never do and I have always regretted it.
               “You cant be that tired from the ride up here soul snatcher,” Jordan says to me as she pours another shot.                Night came fast, but I guess when you feel like you’re being watched, time slips away. Callie kept asking if I was okay after she opened the bathroom door. It must have been the look on my face. I told her I was fine and that the anniversary of my dad’s death was coming up. Thankfully she bought it.
               “She’s got a lot on her mind,” Callie responds before I do.
               “Well, whatever it is, wash it away as well as your sins with your favorite tequila.” Jordan has always been the partyer. Nothing wrong with it and she’s always going to have a good time wherever she goes. 
               I take in a deep breath, “Fuck it.” I take the shot and toss it back. The harsh liquid making my face scrunch as soon as it hits my tongue.
               “There she is!” River yells making us all laugh.
               One shot turned into two and two turned into four. By the fifth shot, I could give a fuck less if there was a masked man in this house. As Jordan said on the way here, ‘we’ll fuck them’. The bad thing about me and alcohol, I love the way it makes me feel. So much that it makes me immobile – but my hangovers are a gift from hell.
               “Alright girl!” Jordan yells louder than she should. She’s always been the loud drunk, “Its now time for our infamous game of Never Have I Ever.”
               I throw my head back, “Ugh.”
               I hate this game.
               We pile in the living room. All of us bringing our shot glasses and Jordan with the bottle of Tequila that is now over halfway gone. The living room is cozy. A large couch that faces the fireplace and two chairs that are sat at an angle to face the couch on either side of the fireplace.
               Jordan and Callie take the couch. I take the chair on the right of the fireplace and River takes the other one on the left. “Alright bitches,” Jordan starts off. Callie busts out laughing at Jordan already slurring her words but trying to act sober the best she can.
               River’s face is beet red from the alcohol hitting her system and me…well, I feel light as a feather. Like the wind could just take me off.
               “You know the rules bitches, five fingers up,” Jordan demands.
               River snorts, “I thought it was ten?”
               Before I could stop the words from coming out of my mouth, I say, “Instead of fingers, why don’t we do shots?”
               Callie and Rivers eyes grow wide, but Jordans smile spreads across her face, “Now this bitch knows what she’s talking about.”
               I snort as Jordan gets up and heads into the kitchen. “Are there even enough shot glasses? I mean who keeps that many anyway?” River asks. Her words slurring now.
               Jordan doesn’t answer and the eerie silence causes the feeling of being watched to creep back in.
               “Fuck yeah!” I hear her from the kitchen. Jordan comes back into the living room with a case full of shot glasses.
               “Who the fuck has that many shot glasses and why?” Callie asks as her eyes widen even more.
               “Obviously the person who owns the house and knows how to have a good time,” Jordan says back to her. “If there’s cameras in this house, Thank you!” Jordan screams followed by a laugh.
               Cameras? Great, new fear unlocked. Is this why I feel like I’m being watched? Maybe I didn’t see anything.
               Jordan sets four shot glasses in front of each of us. “Everybody should have five,” she says. “Five all together since you brought the one you’ve been using in here. So, take a shot if you HAVE done something and flip it upside down on the coffee table. First one to finish, has to write all of our next exams.”
               Since Jordan poured, River goes first, “Never have I ever,” she pauses, “slept with a girl.”
               I look around the room to see who hasn’t told us anything. Callie leans forwards and throws her shot back.
               “No fucking way,” I say. “Who?!” I bust out laughing before Callie has a chance to explain herself. Rivers eyes are as wide as saucers and Jordans is trying to pick her mouth up off the floor.
               “It was like two years ago,” Callie says as her face turns red.
               “And?!” Jordan questions with a now grin on her face.
               “Annnd, it was after rugby practice. We were the only two in the showers and one thing led to another,” Callie tells us.
               “Oh my God,” River finally says.
               “Was she any good?” Jordan asked. I snort really loud. Jordan hasn’t ever claimed to like girls, but I see the way she looks at Callie.
               “I’ve had better,” Callie says with a grin.
               I almost choke on the spit I was trying to swallow, “Theres been more?!”
               “This isn’t twenty-one questions. You’re up soul snatcher,” Callie tells me.
               Fair enough.
               I think of what I’m going to say, but hearing the wood creak from upstairs causes the hair on the back of my neck to stand up. My eyes scan over the room the best I can, but my vision is starting to double. I close my eyes for a second and wish I wouldn’t have. All I see is that man.
               “Uh, never have I ever,” I start with, “done anal.” I know Jordan and River have.
               “Bitch,” I hear Jordan murmur as she picks up her shot glass and throws it back. Movement to the right of her catches my eyes. I scan the top of the stairs and I swear in the shadows, I see him. Its vague, but I can feel him piercing through my soul.
               “Do you see that?” I say as I point to the top of the stairs.
               Jordan and Callie both hesitate but turn their heads to look at the top of the stairs. “That’s the coat rack Chloe,” Callie says letting out a breath of air.
               “Bitch, don’t do that,” Jordan slurs. “We’re all fucked up, so if someone was to come in, it was nice knowing you all.”
               I look over at River and see her passed out in her chair. I furrow my brows looking at her. “How much did she have to drink?” I ask looking over at Callie and Jordan.
               “No more…than…we all…had.” Jordans eyes grow heavy, and she leans back against the couch before I watch her body relax.
               What the fuck?
               “I don’t really feel that great either. You know how tequila does me,” Callie says as she gets up from the couch, almost knocking over her shots. “I’m going to head up to bed Chloe. I’ll see you in the morning.”
               I get up to help her up and immediately set back down. The fuck is wrong with me? I’ve been hammered off tequila before. Shit, I’ve crossed liquors and never had this problem. I look back up to the top of the stairs and the place where I swore I seen the man, is now a little lighter. Was it before and my eyes were playing tricks on me?
               I bat my eyes trying to get them to focus, but my vision keeps going in and out. I finally get up and follow behind Callie. She slowly makes her way up the stairs. Her footsteps heavy with each step.
               “Night soul snatcher,” she slurs at me once she reaches the top of the stairs and heads right to her bedroom.
               “Night lint licker,” I slur out with my head bobbing back and forth. I hear her let out and obnoxious laugh before closing the door. Too be sure, there is a coat rack directly in front of me. Right where I seen the man when I was downstairs.
               I shake my head and that causes me to stumble into the wall in the hallway. I slide against the wall all the way to the door to my bedroom before stepping inside and closing the door. I don’t even bother with taking a shower – I’ll just do it in the morning when I wake up. Right now, I just want to sleep.
               I walk over to the bed, strip my clothes and get under the covers. I always sleep naked. No matter the time or place. Callie has seen me naked plenty of times, but we’ve never tried anything. Never hinted at the fact either.
               My eyes grow heavier as I lay in the bed with the weight of the covers over me. Right before sleep takes me, I hear the doorknob to the bathroom turn slowly. My eyes feel like they take forever to look that way, but I watch as the door slowly opens and the man in the mask stands there. His eyes on me while he clutches an axe in his right hand. My heart thumps hard against my chest, but my body doesn’t react and before I know it, the darkness completely takes me.
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redslilstories · 2 years
Am I your girlfriend?
Author: lilyme (aka. redslilstories aka. me ;))
Summary: Set sometime in New York. A cozy night between two old loves. Callie ponders something. Does trouble ensue?
Pairing: Callie/Arizona
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters in this story, nor do I own any rights to the television show "Grey's Anatomy". They were created by Shonda Rhimes and belong to her and the ABC network. No copyright infringement intended! All mistakes are mine.
Merry Christmas, guys!
“Oh! Oh, right there! That's it... Ohh, God...” she moaned, as her body writhed on the living room couch. Her senses fully enraptured in the touches of strong, skilled hands.
It was a feeling she had long forgotten; and now she was growing dangerously addicted to it again.
“Shush, sweetie,” her companion admonished with a low chuckle. “You're gonna wake Sofia. Who knows what she'll think we're doing here”.
What they were doing was nothing spectacular, really. Just Callie massaging Arizona's foot after a long day at work.
A day that among other things had her standing at an operating table for ten hours straight.
It had put some strain on her today. Sometimes she found her foot hurting more than her residual limb. She wouldn't say there was an advantage to only having one foot. There couldn't ever possibly be. But she couldn't help but acknowledge that occasionally the superb prosthetic she wore and which was being well-maintained by Callie worked better than her own body.
“That girl sleeps like a rock. Just like her mother!” the blonde protested playfully, pointing out the adorable similarity the 12-year old shared with her birth mom.  Nothing in the world could rouse those two once they were asleep. Which on the negative side of course bore the problem of getting them out of bed on a school or work day. “And can you blame me?” she inquired about her inability to stay quiet just now. “Your hands are magical”. Truthfully so, as she could feel her muscles relax significantly under Callie's expert touches.
The brunette chuckled at the compliment. “Admit you missed them,” she said knowingly, and put some extra effort into her ministrations.
“Not gonna lie,” Arizona sighed in agreement.
Seven years she had been without them. Seven years without Callie's divine hands. Without having Callie this near. Without being where she knew she belonged.
Of course she had missed this. Had missed her! And now that they were back together, sharing all these absolutely mundane moments of life with Callie again... it was heaven.
And Callie could only agree.
They both had been with other people through the years. Had loved other people. And even lived with other people for some time.
But nothing, no relationship had ever felt as right as this.
And she was so overwhelmed to be back with Arizona. So grateful for this new chance and their courage to actually let it happen.
She wanted to climb the highest mountain and shout out to the the entire world that Arizona Robbins was hers once again.
That she was once again her...
“I'm wondering something,” she announced as the thought grew in her head.
“What?” Arizona encouraged and opened her eyes to look at the other woman. The fascination of watching Callie in though had never lessened. She often felt herself amused and aroused at the same time at the intense look Callie had when mulling things over, and the tiny crease her eyebrows formed at that.
The intense look with the creased eyebrows turned towards her “What... What are we exactly? The two of us?” the brunette spoke in all seriousness. What were they to each other, or to other people, in their new relationship?
And just like that Arizona's amusement faded. Callie's deep thinking sometimes conjured up... Where had that question just come from?
“We're... we're a couple. We're in a relationship,” Arizona frowned and leaned up on her elbows to look up at the woman, who not only currently held her foot, but also constantly her heart in her hands.
They were not yet living together again. Though they spent most nights together at Callie's place. Spending everyday life together and all these wonderful moments little that you could only have with that special someone.
The special someone that Callie truly was for her, despite everything they had to go through long years ago.
And of course spending this new stage of their lives with the person that was most special to both of them – Sofia. Their daughter had taken this development like the most normal thing in the world. Like it had been clear to her that this would happen again one day. That her parents would be together again one day.
And as clear as things were to Sofia and herself, Arizona thought they were clear to Callie too...
That the state of their relationship was nothing to question.
“No. I mean, yes! I...,” Callie shook her head at the confusion she was causing. That had come out way more serious and insecure than she had intended. “Of course we are,” she assured, stroking Arizona's shin in reassurance. “I just meant, what are we to each other? Like... am I your 'girlfriend'?” she stressed the word.
“Oh,” Arizona raised her eyebrows, finally the true reason behind Callie's question dawning on her.
True, they were many years older now than when they had first started dating. So maybe Callie didn't want to be referred to as her 'girlfriend' anymore.
“Well, you wanna be my middle-aged lady friend?” Arizona joked in mischief.
“Okay, that was enough foot rub for you,” Callie declared mock-offended, and dropped the extremity in question unceremoniously into her own lap.
“Hey, I'm sorry,” the blonde quickly apologized, sitting herself up fully, while Callie cleaned her foot as well as her own hands from remnants of massage oil. Arizona gained a bit of relief from the brunette's exaggerated pout. Because it showed her that she was not really miffed. Or if so, at least only a tiny bit. “I personally like calling you my girlfriend,” she argued.
Of course considering they had been married already, referring to each other as 'girlfriends' once more might at first seem strange. However, right now it was what they were, as far as conventional dating terminology was concerned.
“I could call you my partner, but that sounds like we're running a business together”, she grimaced, and Callie agreed. “But if you like it better, I'll gladly refer to you as my Care Bear, my Cuddle Monkey?” she tried and relaxed all the more when Callie smiled at this.
“Cuddle Monkey, huh?” Callie wondered, looking into Arizona's twinkling eyes.
“If that's what you like,” Arizona repeated.
“Okay, then you are... my Baby Blue Eyes,... my Sweet Cheeks,” she smirked, the back of her left hand moving up to track just those features of Arizona's pretty face. “My... Honey Buns?” Callie went on, knowing they were steering away from the intention of her original question, but this was fun.
“Oooh!” Arizona grinned at the implications of the last one. “Wait, wait, I know... my Kitty Kat,” Arizona tried terms herself, while busy grinning at the their affectionate and dorky attempts. “My Fluff Muffin...”
Callie guffawed at the last one. “Oh, my God,” slapping Arizona's leg affectionately.
At this the blonde couldn't resist and leaned in to kiss the amused cheek tenderly.
“Please don't call me 'Fluff Muffin' in public,” Callie lived out the rest of her chuckles and rested her head against Arizona's.
That was when the blonde remembered that they were looking for a term to use with other people.
“Well, how about 'My woman' for that purpose?” Arizona suggested and looked at the brunette expectantly.
“'My woman',” Callie let the word roll off her own tongue. While some people might perceive it as offensive using this to refer to your significant other, she'd actually prefer it over 'girlfriend'. May it be because it almost came close to another special term.
“What?” Arizona wondered intrigued, seeing that little flicker on Callie's face.
And Callie startled at the blonde's perception, having hoped Arizona wouldn't notice.
But then again they had known each other for over ten years. So, Arizona could read her like a book. “I...,” she began, almost not bringing herself to form the words. But Arizona's warm eyes and gentle dimples made her proceed with what was only the truth. “I always thought 'my wife' sounded beautiful”.
There it was.
That fleeting thought that had crossed her mind for a second, maybe two.
It was a natural thing, considering what her and Arizona had been before.
But was it something they should ever be again?
Considering everything the thought of them as a couple alone should make them run.
And apparently Arizona had exactly that thought as she moved away from her, and looked about to fall off the couch in attempt to do so.
“Wait, d-don't go,“ Callie blurted, trying to stop her from running. Fearing she had just thrown everything they had rebuilt in the last years to the wolves.
“Not going,” Arizona reassured, as her hand reached an item on the floor. “I just feel like I want to wear some pants for this”. She pulled the piece on without putting her prosthetic on, indicating that she really was not planning on leaving.
“Okay,” the blonde exhaled deeply as she sat back up and faced Callie with a gentle and sincere look, and spoke softly, “Do you... Do you mean it?”
Callie gulped, as she pondered the question and how to reply.
As she wondered what she wanted her own answer to be.
As she wondered what Arizona might want her answer to be.
Did... was this something that Arizona wanted to be to her? Her face was so unreadable to her right now.
God, what had she just steered them into?
“I... do you want me to mean it?” she stalled.
“I... I'm,” Arizona stammered, most apparently unsure what to reply either. “Do you want me to want you to mean it?” she retorted. And despite the tension they both felt right now, the prospect of this game of avoiding an actual answer never ending made them both laugh wholeheartedly.
Callie slapped her hand onto Arizona's thigh and used the other to wipe her tears of laughter from her eyes.
And Arizona sat and watched her through her own joyful tears.
Finally the blonde clasped the hand on her thigh with both of hers. “Listen, Calliope,” she said lovingly, steering the conversation back to the elephant that had stumbled into the room. “I... I loved being your wife. I loved our marriage. The pride of being able to introduce you, this amazing woman, as my wife to other people. And...,” she sighed, “I hated how it all ended. That we hurt each other so much. That we weren't able to look at each other without disdain. And that was one of the most awful experiences in my life”.
She saw how Callie let her head sink and quickly continued.
“But I love the idea of us. Of experiencing all these moments with you, no matter how important or small. And I want us to have so many more, years, decades, heck, centuries together, alright?” she reassured.
“Yeah,” Callie smiled softly. She herself wanted nothing more than to grown old and wrinkly with Arizona. Cherish all the moments that could be ahead of them.
And maybe they should leave it at that.
Maybe they should do without labels and just focus on honoring what they had.
Hopefully decades of joy and love ahead of them.
Just when she had almost ended that topic for herself, Arizona surprised her, as she continued, “But I'm not saying no, you know”.
“What?” the brunette raised her eyebrows, not sure if she had understood correctly.
“I mean, not now. Because I think it's too early. ” she argued and Callie nodded in agreement. “But maybe in a year or two, we could talk about it again,” she promised. “Because it's not a horrible thought, per se. It's a thought that makes me grin with anticipation,” she confessed and did just that. “I just think we should give it time... Sound good?”
“Sounds perfect,” Callie signed deeply in contentment. Her fears of having ruined their new start by one scarily beautiful thought turning into delightful excitement.
“Besides for now...,” Arizona added with a look that soon made Callie excited for something else, “I like being your 'girlfriend'... or being your 'woman'...or, heck, Honey Buns. It's pretty, uh, it's pretty hot,” she grinned, as she casually climbed into Callie's lap.
“It's definitely hot,” the brunette agreed, as her hands instantly sought out the blonde's honey buns. “Come here,” she leaned up, desperate to taste some of that hotness. That fire and sass that had always been there with Arizona more than with anyone else she's been with.
And wife-y Arizona would never lose any of that. She knew from experience.
There were stories from their marriage. Stories you'd never believe if you only knew Arizona casually. Naughty stories that made her horny just thinking back on them.
Stories she would never let anyone else know, but was looking forward to fill an entire imagined book series with.
“What's that grin about?” Arizona asked challengingly, looking down into Callie's amused face.
“Think we can agree that you didn't really need those pants?” the brunette wondered, nestling at the waistband, ready to start writing.
The blonde chuckled at the welcome implications before leaning down and kissing her cheeky Fluff Muffin. “Play your cards right”.
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t00nyah · 2 years
you've seen plenty of my beach idol ocs - kaigara and hitodeko, so it's only fair for me to post some things i have of them
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concept arts i made in september
their whole theme is beach 'cause it's basically what kelpton is all about. it has those big beachy aethetics though not that many inkfish come to the actual beach... because kelpton has a very, very inconsistant weather. for this reason they have their own stages that are adapted for different weather, or they just go to inkopolis - because it's easier there.
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Kaigara (she/her, 19) is an inkling who lived in a poor family, but had a giant dream. she always wanted to have a nice and cozy place of her own, a bar at the beach. cocktails are her biggest passion. she doesn't even like turf wars. but she's always there if you need a fresh drink. she worked like crazy for fulfilling her dream, and she managed to do just that. she loves her family and helps them out with money now that she's kind of a local star. wait... how did she even end up being an idol?! well...
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Hitodeko (she/her, 21) is an octoling from the domes whose only relative is her mother, but she didn't leave the domes until her mother was on board with her. she always wanted to be as influensive as she is, being an elite octoling engineer with also great public speaking skills. hitodeko helped her since her childhood! and after leaving the domes she set out on a journey which ended up in a small town - Kelpton - where at some time she found a small beach bar with a very welcoming owner. kaigara's bar wasn't actually that popular for long. quite the opposite. hitodeko didn't really understand that! it's just so lovely, how could not many people come here?..
so... she made up a plan. a great plan with no holes in it.
they're gonna advertise kaigara's bar... with a song.
except none of them knows how to sing exactly and has ANY musical education OR even TOUCHED an instrument in their life.
okay, that's a problem.
but with hitodeko being her mother's daughter, they gone through all their problems: they found reena, a musician who's very into helping others due to their abilities (she's very good with lots of instruments!), who helped them make a very good song, and it was that ridiculously good that it caught people's attention to the point of mayor noticing their peak of popularity and, after a while of conversing with them, proposing them to be the weather broadcasters. hitodeko was very enthusiastic about this expirience, but she insisted on them setting everything up at kaigara's bar. it actually worked somehow and with reena's and hitodeko's help kaigara's bar finally was loved by people!
kaigara earned money to buy a pretty dress that suited her, and she bonded with hitodeko very deeply throughout this whole 'let's make an original ad gone wrong' thing, becoming very good friends with her.
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reena is just helping them with music since he knows a lot. he's in charge of instrumentals and that's it - that's just what they do for living for anyone. they're not a part of their idol duo.
kaigara's voice is actually not that bad for singing. she's just... never done that. her voice is something in between callie and marie, if i can describe it like that, not sure... i have a small attempt in doing nice squid vocals with her cover on tide goes out, but i'm not sure if it's good to hear tbh...
i'll just leave it here anyways. it's too loud sometimes i think. keep in mind that it's just me trying to figure out squid vocal and kaigara's voice at the same time. i think i kind of succeeded?... also, small note: if it sounds really weirdly off with the notes sometimes, it's intentional.
hitodeko's voice is, hm... i'm not sure if i'll be able to do that if i'm going to try to sing beach girls songs but hitodeko's voice is a little...idk...raspy, shaky...it just sounds a lot like shy-ho-shy actually in my head.
kaigara is a roller main, though, like i mentioned, she doesn't like playing sports. she's there if hitodeko wants her to come with her though, she doesn't mind. her roller is Kaigara's(custom) Kamikoi Splat Roller, gifted by hitodeko on her birthday. it was worth a lot of money!
hitodeko is a stringer main, a tri-stringer main in particular. she plays turf wars sometimes, but a lot more then kaigara.
you've seen them with their weapon of choice here!
i had some splatfest concepts with them but this is the only solid one that i really liked. you may guess what it is.
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well, you can check their tags in my blog if you haven't seen them before, and that's all i've got for them for now! thanks for reading all that!
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oh and by the way if someone wants to see some smiling kaigara.
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happy :3
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nintendoteuthis · 2 years
can you share your headcanons for your agents?
Yes!!!! Here they are!
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From left to right:
Kira (Captain): They take New Squidbeak Splatoon business very seriously. Thanks to sanitization and an edgy teen phase they never really abandoned, they come off stoic and reserved. They repress emotions to a probably unhealthy degree. Despite appearances, cares deeply for "gramps" (Craig Cuttlefish) and the other Agents. Too busy for Turf War anymore. Listens to rap metal. Genderfluid; pronouns depend on whether they're a boy or a girl at the moment.
Otani (Agent 4): Very energetic and optimistic. She's autistic and has lots of social anxiety; as a result she's prone to stimming and doesn't speak much except with those she trusts. Trying to do well academically; she spends lots of time studying and at school clubs. Gets urges to be naughty, but has too much anxiety most of the time. Dualie Squelchers main. Mostly listens to post-punk and 80s pop-rock. She/her.
Yma (Agent 8): Traumatized by the events of Octo Expansion, but now living as cozy a life as she can. Keeps up soft and comfy vibes. Polyamorous and flirty. Hates shoes and clutter (she will organize your stuff even if you don't want it). Trying to follow in Off the Hook's footsteps as a singer. Octo Shot Replica main. Likes 80s synth-pop and electro. She/her.
Ripley (Agent 3): Ran away from home to live in the desert. Very trusting and always sees the best in people. Regularly goes through trash for salvageable stuff, which they collect. A bit clumsy. Gets along well with Callie. Tri-Stringer main. Listens to grunge and alt-rock. Transfem and agender; uses both they/them and she/her.
Jones (Smallfry): A small, hungry fish. He will chew on basically anything. Communicates through chirps and babbling in Salmonic. Is inseparable from Ripley (and they will kill you if you threaten him). Seems to like classical music. Doesn't have the mental capacity to understand gender or pronouns so everyone uses he/him.
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spacestationstorybook · 9 months
absolutely ZIPPING through the game this time around. we're already at the tiefling party! despite doing some fights earlier than before we're still only about to be level 5 but between the creche and the‏‏‎ ‎underdark‏‏‎ ‎we should be level 6 by act 2.
-gale‏‏‎ ‎asked me if i wanted to see some magic and i was like sure man yeah :) and then‏‏‎ ‎shadow‏‏‎heart ‎went you and gale look cozy ;) and i went oh fuck that was not how i wanted that interaction to be perceived!! and freaked out and reloaded but then i felt bad and went back because i remembered there was a platonic version of the scene. but then in the end i ended up blowing him off to think about‏‏‎ ‎lae'zel‏‏‎ ‎beating me up sexual style again because i didn't know if that would affect our relationship. i'm sorry gale :( you are still callis' bffsie even if they sometimes need to call you out for wizard‏‏‎ ‎classism.
-at first i didn't really get the people on reddit saying they'd never be able to romance another companion that wasn't their original chosen partner because i like all the companions so much but i do kind of get it now because‏‏‎ ‎OUGHHHH‏‏‎ ‎KARLACHHHHHHH‏‏‎ ‎GOD i want to kiss her every time she's on screen. if i manage to get mods (geforce‏‏‎ ‎now does not support them though. sad) i need to download the poly one i need a yuri polycule.
-battles continue to be pleasantly beatable...hopefully this continues. i was worried about having two squishy wizards but so far they seem to be holding their own pretty well! so far. still though.
-the first time we fought dror‏‏‎ ‎ragzlin‏‏‎ ‎and all the other goblins we initiated battle by putting a smokepowder‏‏‎ ‎barrel‏‏‎ ‎next to his throne and blowing it up so he went flying into the chasm on the other side of the throne. it was awesome and i wanted to do it again but it didn't work this time?? he didn't fly in he just got close...maybe it has to be done while he's standing or something. but we had 4 barrels and the blast ended up killing him anyway so it worked out. shoving goblins into the spider pit is one of the most satisfying ways to kill people in the entire game in my opinion
-gale‏‏‎ ‎and wyll are both in some really stupid armor. i didn't take screenshots but i made them purple and red respectively so they were a little more matchy but they still look pretty dumb. sorry guys once we get some better stuff you'll look so cool i promise
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something awesome i noticed. idk if it's underlined because oh no another‏‏‎ ‎owlbear!!!! or omg a baby owlbear <3333 but i hope it was the second one that's how i feel. cub!
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pbandjesse · 9 months
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Today was a pretty nice day off. A true day to myself, I was on no schedule, I got a lot done. I felt good.
Some of it was sleeping better. My breathing and my nose still continue to struggle. But I woke up at 915 with no alarm and felt pretty good.
I got cleaned up and put on a soft grey jumpsuit. I felt pretty cute in a cozy kind of way.
I overwhelmed myself at first though. So many directions I could take the day. There was a dishwasher to unload. And I wanted to clean the apartment. And deal with some snails. And and and. I kept picking things up to start something but then seeing something else and I was a little frustrated with myself. Finally I just put everything down and went to have an egg salad sandwich and some chips and give myself some direction.
Once I ate I decided I would start with my candle project. I have a lot of half filled or less vanilla candles. And decided to melt them down with new wicks for Christmas gifts. I saw someone put the jars in a low pan of water and heated it over the stove. And this worked really well! It was slow going but it did work and that was pretty great. I had already added the wicks but I would need sticks to hot them straight up and I am pretty proud of how they came out. And they smell good. I put some strawberry in them too so it's a light fruity floral vanilla. Made the whole apartment smells nice.
While the candles were melting I went to deal with the dishwasher but a bunch of stuff was still dirty. So I reloaded it and put it on heavy duty hoping that would work. And it seemed too though everything was still really wet in the end. I think that something is clogged in there. I may have to investigate tomorrow.
In the mean time I worked on a Christmas card and continued to work on some sewing and some knitting.
I also spent a lot of time vacuuming. I cleaned the kitty litter. I sprayed down the bathroom. I delt with some snails. I did finally break my fish tank vacuum and will have to replace that. But that's alright. I needed to go to the pet store for vacation feeders anyway.
The doorbell would ring and it was a package for me for a Christmas gift for James. So after I ran down and grabbed that I started wrapping those as well. We are mostly out of our silk scarf collection we are using to wrap each others gifts. But I figured some old paper from last year is just fine too.
I would do some work on inventorying the gifts we have for other people. James made a list of people and I wrote all the gifts down and now we just have to make sure they all go to the right person. I was able to add my candles to the list which was nice. And they would come out really good! I am going to melt the tops with a hair dryer tomorrow to fix a few little imperfections but I'm really really pleased with how they came out.
I would spend a lot of this afternoon working on my knitting and drawing on my tablet. Me, James, and Jess are going to get some matching tattoos in January and I wanted to draw up some flash for myself because they are all small the artist was chill with us doing a few. And I have a few on my wishlist that I want to fill in my arm a bit with. My last tattoo was incredibly painful so I'm hoping that she has a lighter hand. Jess just got a chicken tattoo from her yesterday and said she was very fast and very delicate. So fingers crossed.
Callie let me know she would be coming over at 5 so we could talk about schedule stuff and Tipis and all things camp and Christmas and life. And we had gifts for each other. I was very much looking forward to seeing her.
When she got here she was dressed up all cute because she would go to meet her family for dinner after she left us. But in the mean time we talked and went over things in my computer. We exchanged gifts and they were legit perfect. She screamed over the macarons, particularly the box. She tried to get me to split one but I was like nooo they are your gift you enjoy all of them!! And she gave me a knife shaped like a fish and I could not love it more it's perfect. It's everything. I love gifts where you feel very very seen.
James would come home and jump right into their chores. Started the laundry and then ran to the grocery store. They would pick us up frozen pizza. And would be back pretty soon. Me and Callie chilled on the couch talking and having a fun time thinking about the house and the plans for it.
I am trying to be measured still but I am excited and incredibly nervous. I was joking about a TikTok I saw that was basically "everyone loves a maximalist until it's time to move" and man that could not be more on point. Cause like in moments I'm like. Throw it all on a box and get it over there but also. I hate living in half done spaces so you have to time it right. I feel like we will probably start with our storage stuff like my bikes and decorations and camping equipment. Then my studio would logically be next. Then maybe like our extra clothes. My suitcases. The extra towels. I don't think I would want to take down much of my wall stuff until we are closer to living there because it will make me sad having bare walls. I know that's silly but it's how I feel!!
Callie would head out when her family was getting to the restaurant. And I hope she had the best time. Hugs and goodbyes.
Once she was gone I continued working on some knitting. And James came and started wrapping family gifts. And I worked on a small silly gift for Jess that had Callie and James laughing so loudly. It was just a really lovely evening.
I took a late shower and started this post late when I started creating a plaque for my fish knife. That's mostly planned out now but the real work will have to wait for tomorrow.
I am supposed to have the make up private class with Naomi tomorrow. But I want to spend the morning finishing up some projects and starting to pull together everything I'm packing for our Christmas travels. I hope it is a really chill day and we get word about the paperwork for the house. They accepted the offer but we need it in writing before we can do anything!! Ahh!
Sleep well my friends. Take care of eachother. Goodnight!!
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