#but for real follow him cause he's nice and cool and good at art
bestfurryhusband · 8 months
i NEED to know who the character is your header is and what the rest of the picture looks like because OH MY
Oh that's Gredorim who is owned by @the-blue-tempest! He was very nice and let me use his art as the header (and promised to make art of whoever wins the bracket!!!) As far as i've looked that is the full picture but here's more of our lovely header model! (Greg if i overlooked the full pic im sorry >_<)
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Anyway go follow him cause he makes amazing art and was super kind to let me use his art for the header!
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curlyhairedsimp · 1 month
Cupid’s Sense? Failed Successfully :)
Mabel starts to see her brother and Pacifica hanging out more so she starts to think they might be secretly dating.
Meanwhile Pacifica is pulling teeth with Dipper on how to woo his sister and sort of get his approval. He meant a lot to Mabel (and she really likes her)
(They are like 16 in this fic.)
Mabel had noticed something strange going on with Pacifica whenever she was around her brother. All three of them would go hang out and Pacifica would make a real effort to get to know them. And by them she really meant Dipper. Mabel even had a list of things Pacifica did to prove it. She had at least 4 reasons.
The first super obvious reason was that Pacifica started to come on their mystery adventures that Dipper took them on. Even though she complained the whole time she kept being helpful. Like making sure Mabel didnt fall behind when running away, catching her before she fell, and she even figured something out before dipper could! She thought that was pretty cool.
The second reason was she had noticed Pacifica arguing with Dipper more. Like there was tension between them and Pacifica always seemed to swallow her words. LIKE SHE DIDNT KNOW HOW TO EXPRESS WHAT SHE WAS FEELING- ehem in Mabel’s humble opinion.
The third reason was cause she was actually being really nice to Mabel herself. She imagined Pacifica thought she needed to get in her good graces. She did tons of nice things for Mabel like taking her out to lunch, listening to her about her art projects, helping her with her art projects, and she takes hours to helps Mabel with her summer homework. Even when Dipper gave up on her for the day! So yeah Pacifica was awesome. Sure she wasn’t straight forward about her intentions and was a little mean in execution but the thought was definitely there.
“So what do you girls think? Dipifica? Pacdip?”
“Uhh I don’t know Mabel. What’s the forth reason?” Candy spoke up and looking at her with her head tiled to the side clearly thinking.
Mabel proudly announced, “My Cupid Sense!”
“Cool! Does it come with the twin thing?”
“Nah that’s just my epic eye for romance!”
“Did you ask Dipper how he felt?” Candy asked with her arms crossed and eyebrow raised.
“Oh come on Candy like he’d admit it!”
“I don’t know Candy I have to go with Mabel here. Dipper always doubles down when it comes to her and Pacifica doesn’t bother with people she doesn’t care about.”
“I don’t know something just doesn’t feel right.”
Candy look to be really contemplating but Mabel knew just what would convince her
“I’ll prove it to you Candy!“
“How?” Grenda asks and Mabel grins.
“You’ll see!”
The “you’ll see” in question was Grenda and Candy following them. By them it’s Dipper, Mabel, and Pacifica who were going to the carnival that was passing by this summer. Mabel has asked Pacifica to come with her and dipper which she jumped at the opportunity. Pacifica looked good when she came and while it was still extravagant it definitely had more of Pacifica’s style in mind. She looked very pretty Mabel admitted to herself. She felt her cheeks get hot at the thought and fanned herself a little bit.
“Is it hot in here or is it just me?”
“Mabel we’re outside in the summer.”
Dipper was giving her a look of judgement. Mabel deflected and turned her head away from him. It’s not like she was gonna say the real reason here!
“Can’t a girl complain? Jeez Dipper.”
Dipper rolls his eyes before mumbling,“whatever”
As Dipper walked away Pacifica put the back of her hand on Mabel’s head and mumbled, “ You don’t feel hot.”
Mabel didn’t know why but her blush deepened.
Mabel didn’t know why she was being so loud but it didn’t even seem to startle Pacifica. She just smiled and laughed a little bit.
“We should catch up before Dipper does something dumb again.”
Pacifica actually grabbed her hand like she usually has been doing a lot too recently actually now that she thinks about it.
“Yeah totally-!” Something caught Mabel’s eye a Giant Llama Plushie IN A PINK SWEATER! “IS THAT A LLAMA PLUSHIE?!”
Pacifica was quick to act and take her to the stand. She pulled her hand a little and started walking to the booth before saying, “come on don’t you wanna win the plushie?”
“But what about Dipper-?”
Pacifica cut Mabel off, “He’s a big boy. He’ll be fine. Come on we have a Llama plush to win!”
Mabel didn’t argue with Pacifica and followed her without much resistance. Pacifica paid for her turn and got it first try for Mabel. Mabel squealed in excitement in receiving the plush. It was one of those stupid knock down the pins but clearly were extra glued to the wood. Grunkle Stan taught her how to notice those tricks and Pacifica had a really good arm also great aim. They had run around a couple stalls cause Mabel had seen a few more things she liked. Pacifica managed to get each one she wanted.
“These are so cute! Thank you Pacifica!”
Pacifica got a little embarrassed started to play with her gloves when she got shy.
“It was nothing…You taught me the stupid tricks.”
“Yeah but I have noodle arms compared to you! Didn’t you start softball last summer? You must have gotten better!”
“I’m gonna be team captain next year.”
Pacifica said proudly and confident like she had no doubts in the world. Mabel always thought that Pacifica speaking that way was something she admired about her.
“I bet you are-! Wait! Oh crap! Dipper!”
They had left him behind ages ago!
“The knucklehead is over there talking to Wendy.”
Mabel looked to where Pacifica was talking about and yeah Dipper was talking to Wendy. Dipper had stopped crushing on Wendy last summer but he still admired her. She was really cool still. Mabel was worried at Pacifica might not know that and it bothered her. What if Pacifica got her feelings hurt cause Dipper is an idiot and can’t figure out his feeling?!
She put the Llama in Dipper’s face getting him away from Wendy and she looked back to see Pacifica was smiling. Which made her smile.
“Ugh Mabel! Get it out of my face! I can see it!”
“But she’s so fluffy Dipper! And Pacifica was so cool!”
“Oh yeah? The little west got you the plushies?”
“Yeah! She knocked down the pins like bam! In one go and her got so much better!”
“Oh yeah little west must have spunk. Maybe she’d like to go wood cutting. Good exercise for the arms and we can see how strong she is.”
Pacifica made a face and was about to speak up but Mabel had spoke up first.
“Oh my gosh yes! We can all were match lumber jack outfits so we can fit in and look cool like Wendy! Pacifica please come!”
Mabel was practically begging and completely forgot about her initial plans. Pacifica looked up and sighed before looking back at Mabel.
“Fine but we’re going shopping together.”
“DEAL! This is gonna be so fun!”
Mabel was hugging Pacifica and practically jumping for joy. Before she realized she was hugging Pacifica and how nice she smelled. And she hugging Pacifica. She felt her face to bright red and she pulled away from her quickly. When she realize Pacifica cheeks were a little red and she was looking away. When Mabel turned her head Dipped had a smug look on his face.
“What was that?” Mabel said feeling a little sour.
Dipper looked at her and said, “Nothing.”
Mabel liked that answers less but before she could complain Wendy pointed out that they should probably head home before Stan or Ford comes to look for them. Before they managed to leave the park Grenda and Candy were waiting for them at the entrance. Which admittedly Mabel forgot they were following her today.
“Northwest. Bring my sister home safe.”
“She’ll be brought back happy and healthy.”
“Huh what? Aren’t we going home together?”
“Nope. I’m gonna walk Candy and Grenda home. Then I’ll see you at the Shack. Mabel do Pacifica a favor and listen to what she’s gonna say.”
Dipper put a hand on her shoulder while saying that before lightly patting it and leaving with her other friends. She was left in confusion and Pacifica clearly was anxiously messing with her gloves again. Which made her feel really bad.
“Ugh Dipper is such an idiot! How could he just not even notice that you like him?! Leaving me with his crush and-“
Instead of Pacifica getting upset with her. She took off her gloves and shoved them in her pocket. She gently took both of Mabel’s hand holding them almost preciously.
“Mabel… I uh- I don’t really know how to say it.”
She breathed in a looking actually scared. That struck something in Mabel since Pacifica was a naturally confident person even in distress. She really should listen to Dipper sometimes.
“Hey i-it’s okay! I’m a really good listener!”
Mabel tangled their fingers more to comfort her.
“Just listen Mabel. Don’t cut me off.” She shot her a weak glare and Mabel nodded seriously. Cause she can be serious. “I don’t like Dipper.”
“But I thought-” Pacifica glared, “Sorry. Sorry.”
“I like you. Like actually like like you.” That made Mabel’s jaw drop but Pacifica kept speaking, “A-And I know you might not like me back. I’m not the kindest or most compassionate person. I’m really bad talking about my feelings and I can be really mean to you-”
Mabel tried to be romantic and cut Pacifica off by kissing her but she ended up hitting her braces to her teeth. Which ouch.
“I-Im sorry! I didn’t mean to- are you okay?!”
Pacifica uncharacteristically broke out into a fit of giggles which relieved Mabel. Pacifica looked actually relieved though.
“I-If you want still w-we can try again. I’ll be more careful. Promise! Only if you want to-!”
Pacifica this time kissed her and it was perfect. When they separated felt like she saw stars.
“Here I was nervous that my hands were sweaty.”
“Does this mean I can kiss you whenever I want?!”
Pacifica giggled a little and nodded her head putting their foreheads together. “You can kiss me whenever you want.”
“Really?! Does this mean we’re girlfriends?!”
“Yeah… I think it does.”
“Heck yeah! I got a girlfriend before Dipper!”
That made Pacifica snort and Mabel thought it was adorable but Pacifica made her promise not to mention it in front of other people. Which soon after they went back to the shack. Mabel got left at the door step since Pacifica said if she came in now Mabel would definitely tell everyone they’re dating the minute they got inside.
“But can’t I tell people that we’re dating?”
“I wanna take you out on our first date before that… I-I wanna do it properly or something.”
“Ah shucks! You’re making me feel all special.”
Pacifica smiled at her and tucked a strand of Mabel’s hair behind her ear with a little smile.
“That’s the point. I’ll see you next time.”
She kissed Mabel’s cheek before saying goodbye and Mabel went into the shack absolutely swooning. Dipper was there with that smug look from the carnival. She gave her brother one good look before she threw her arms around him rubbing their cheeks together.
“Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!”
“Never suggest I like Pacifica Northwest again.”
“But we’re twins Dipper you can’t tell me you don’t find her gorgeous and cool!”
“Get off! No way!”
“Liar! Liar! Pants on fire!”
(Author’s Note: I was thinking about getting The Grunkle’s react along with her friends I told you so. Or at least Candy’s. Maybe do another one about their first date if this does well)
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therummesoccupied · 2 months
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Keeping with standard Review!Tay tradition, I'm very late to the party again, but at least this time the new issue doesn't come out tomorrow, so I'll take the wins where I can get 'em.
You've likely heard by now, but this issue was really, really good. Like, I'm not sure I even could find anything to complain about, even if I'd wanted to. Every single aspect is thoroughly on point. The closest thing I could even fathom to complaint is that I don't really care for Sonic Riders, so this arc had to kind of win me over, but even that was accomplished early in the previous issue.
And just like last issue, the first thing that really had me in this one's corner was the art. I've already spoken at length about how much I adore Min Ho Kim's and Aaron Hammerstrom's pencils, and with the phenomenal showing from Kim in Issue #69 (nice), Hammerstrom has absolutely followed up.
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Keeping true to his Uekawa-inspired style, his art manages to drive the intensity and motion of the high-speed scenes, while also utilizing strong character design elements and posing to really sell certain panels. He even gives us some real Henshin shit out of Sonic here.
The writing also continues to entirely slam in this issue. I think I remember Evan Stanley once talking about her reputation for writing fluffy, low-stakes, side stories, and seeking to show how well she can handle action and drama, and I'm really glad to say she totally pulls it off here. The action never feels dull or slow, and the characters all feel active and driven.
Speaking of the characters, this issue might have the strongest character writing in the entire comic, hands-down. It's been said by other IDW Sonic aficionados before, but every single character gets something to do here - something that matters to that character specifically.
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We get Sonic as the Phantom Rider, which I absolutely love. I said last time that I like Sonic occasionally displaying some roguish behavior, letting the noble, heroic persona down for a bit and being the daredevil showoff the series sells him as. He spends the entire issue daring the authorities in charge of the race to do something about him, and doing everything in his power to piss Jet off. Sneering in the face of power and taunting his opponents until they're red in the face is what Sonic does!
And it's not even like he's being a total asshole here.
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Like, people get to be in danger, and he still helps, but like. Even then he tries to hide that he's doing it. It's Good! This is peak Sonic!
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Surge gets some interesting stuff here, chasing off the Phantom Rider and being met with unexpected praise and applause. This is a really neat angle to play for her, because she was kind of built to crave Hero Worship by Starline, and she is the way she is partly because, when she was working under Starline, every single thing she did was met exclusively with negative reinforcement - a reflection of Starline's time spent working under Eggman. It's kind of neat that Eggman's treatment of Starline continues causing him problems long after Starline's death like this.
Then there's Jet:
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And Jet gets to be all pouty because, not only did the Phantom Rider steal his spotlight during the race, but now Surge is stealing the spotlight after the fact, despite the fact that he won! This seems to be setting up a budding rivalry between Surge and Jet, which was a story beat I had never considered. I'd always wanted to see what Surge would do confronted with another one of Sonic's rivals like Knuckles or Shadow, but seeing it happen with Jet, somebody with an ego to match her own, is really cool. Also they're both green. They're the only two Sonic "rivals" outside of Metal Sonic that haven't experienced some form of heel-face turn, and remain pretty explicitly bad, or at best neutral, guys. And they're greeeeeen.
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Our big bad, Clutch, treats the whole thing with relative unease, but I like how calmly he approaches it. Once more, he plays this manipulative businessman villain archetype really well, keeping his cards close to his chest until he knows what he's dealing with. He also sends Mimic after the Phantom Rider, which has some really cool implications.
It's entirely possible that Mimic and Sonic are on their way toward some form of confrontation, which I said last time would be a really neat dynamic to explore since they've never really met, and neither is the kind of opponent the other typically deals with. But more than that, with Mimic being under specific orders to quietly unmask Sonic, I could see things playing out so that they learn of one anothers' identities, with neither being able to blow the other's cover for risk of blowing their own.
I could even see this breaking really bad for Sonic if he even tries to expose Duo as Mimic, as Silver tried to do that once before and was not only seemingly proven wrong, but also had the trust the other Diamond Cutters had in him entirely shattered, while their trust in Duo was only strengthened. Sonic is already putting a lot of good will on the line with his Phantom Rider antics, if he ends up falling for the same game as Silver, it's possible he could not only ruin the faith the Diamond Cutters or the Restoration have in him, but in the image he has with the world at large.
Not that I'm entirely certain he'd care, mind you. Sonic has already shown in stuff like SA2 or Black Knight that he doesn't really care if he's in trouble with authority or if not everyone sees him as a hero. He just does what he thinks is right and that's good enough for him. So who knows?
The Diamond Cutters are a little less present in this issue, mostly trying to bring down the Phantom Rider, but there is one subtle little bit of storytelling I really like here.
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Lanolin, attempting to corner the Phantom Rider, knocks him into one of the course's glass tunnels, which shatters with the added weight of Clean Sweep's security crew, putting the racers inside at risk. The expression on her face and the small "no..." seem to reflect a bit of horror at realizing that her actions have directly put people in danger. A lot of folks have been hoping for Lanolin to face some kind of reckoning over her decisions as a leader, and while I really like Lanolin as a character, I think it would be interesting for this, and the eventual reveal of Duo, to really shake her faith in her skills and make her reevaluate her approach.
In addition to the Diamond Cutters themselves, we get a real quick bit with Jewel here:
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Ever since Sonic and co. were disqualified from the tournament, Jewel has been trying to reach out to them to check in, but Duo, who appears to still be acting as her assistant - yikes - tells her over and over that he's tried every means of communication (which is, of course, a lie), and that he's had no luck getting in touch.
And here, we see our first little bit of someone within the Restoration having their doubts about Duo. I don't know what tipped her off - she seemed just as invested in him as anyone after the incident with Silver - but it's clear she doesn't buy everything he's saying here. She knows something's up. The question is: What will she do about it? What can she do? As Clutch pointed out last issue, she's got a lot of eyes on her. She's not an action-hero like Sonic or the Diamond Cutters. She's an organizer. But in this respect, she works as a perfect heroic foil to Clutch, who does not boast any special abilities of his own, just a diligent mind and a willingness to follow carefully laid plains with a subtle demeanor.
Lastly, we get a bit of Amy and Tails sneaking around the Restoration shuttle.
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While Tails gets some nice bits here - namely a neat little nod to Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog with his dumpster diving - Amy is really the one with the best display here.
Amy has spent so much of IDW, and really a lot of recent Sonic media, being the collected one. The beacon of normalcy in a rag-tag group of child prodigies and daredevil speedsters. While she fills this role well, it also leaves her somewhat meandering for things to do in terms of character dynamics. There was a time when Amy had a hot-headed attitude to rival Sonic and Knuckles. She was a bit reactionary, and it gave her some neat character quirks.
There's a balance to be struck between these two extremes, but I think we're finally nailing it down with this arc. With Amy knowing her way around the shuttle after her time spent there during the Metal Virus, but then excitedly dragging Tails along, grimacing at his ruffling through the trash, shrieking with terror as a weird robot hand grabs onto her face, and barking in anger as she realizes whose hand it was, I get the sense that we have the real Amy here again!
Yeah, she's still "the normal one" (kinda, they've been playing up her ridiculous strength again lately as well), but she also has the spark that made her chase after Sonic on his adventures in the first place. I really like her here!
So, once again, this arc (Extreme Competition, as its been named in the TPBs) leaves me thoroughly impressed in way that I did not expect from a Sonic Riders-centric arc. This is some of the most on-brand Sonic writing with some of the most accurate art I've ever seen. It seems to me that, after all this time of IDW being good but not quite hitting the mark for a lot of fans, the series is finally hitting its stride. I remain excited to see what comes next, and hopeful that there's still lots, lots more to come after this arc wraps up.
One other thing to mention: It was revealed in the Fan Letters section at the end of the issue that there is currently an IDW Sonic crossover in the works:
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Now, speculation has been rampant about what this crossover could be - TMNT, Transformers, MLP, even DBZ with the recently-announced TMNT/Naruto crossover setting a precedent for anime/manga crossovers - but I'm throwing my hopes and dreams behind what appears to be the popular theory: Godzilla.
It makes sense. Godzilla and Sonic are both properties IDW currently has the comics rights to, both owned by Japanese companies. Godzilla fits the notion of a "BIG threat" to Sonic and co., both in terms of size as well as the implication that the figure crossing over will serve some form of antagonistic role. Godzilla even works relatively well within a Sonic storyline, and Sonic is no stranger to kaiju fights. It'd be very easy to do a story about Eggman trying to awaken/control some kind of ancient, powerful creature, only to reveal that said creature is Godzilla, over whom Eggman swiftly loses control, and Sonic and friends have to find a way to stop his rampage and return him to his proper place.
Honestly, they could make it a canon story if they wanted to. Hell they should make it a canon story! I love Godzilla!! Make him canon to Sonic!!! FOR ME SPECIFICALLY.
Time will tell what the big crossover is, and where the comic will go next, and I'll be sure to be fashionably late with my review.
Till then, thanks for reading!
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 1 year
Opinions on Dream? :^
SO many feelings about him omgg rant under cut please forgive me
okay so i don't really talk or draw him much cause honestly,,,most of the times i just think he's a bit....boring? or more accurately plain? not in a mean way either but just in a 'fades into the background' type of way like don't get me wrong!! he's a really nice friend to his peers, his feelings about his powers and aura making his relationships harder to navigate and trust along with his whole conflict with nightmare and morality about what's good and bad IS very cool!! and i love it whenever they write him to be complex and not on this black and white mentality or when he's just straight up following along his friends with no free will or with a dubious purpose without ever addressing his issues or feelings! it's just unsatisfying to me :')
or when they're making him the 'naive' and oblivious, (sometimes childish?) character being marked as the obstacle and villain along with the other star sanses from the fic's pov, always talking about doing good things while fighting his brother and not hearing him out about the balance, (and for weak reasons most of the time. like it's been so long and you STILL haven't sat down with him when he's, generally, basically begged you to just have a talk? guys please :'( ) or when they go for the victim sad dream always missing the old nightmare, where corrupted nightmare is the incarnation of evil, with no sympathy or emotion except anger and sadistic glee, killing and hurting everyone and dream's just trying to protect the multiverse and dream's always been in the right. such extremes!!!
LIKE!! i hope i'm not the only one that thinks a 500+ year old should have had enough time to idk. learn things? about people and manipulation and deceit? after knowing what the villagers did to night? about the bad things in the world and how there's a lot of grey areas in life and that he maybe reflected on his past enough to process and ask himself if there should to be a convo to settle his differences with nightmare (and you can make nightmare the stubborn one too! or have them BOTH be petty and imperfect and have some things wrong and some right at the same time like why do i always see the good guy vs bad guy cliché with these two when they're the perfect example of why positivity doesn't have meaning without the negativity!! as long as there's a satisfying evolution or growth that doesn't leave me empty i'm good yknow?)
plus i believe dream really isn't as dumb as people view him. i do get some of you saying he probably can't read or write since that's actually a pretty interesting idea to explore! but in general please let him have emotions other than pure sunshiny happiness or endless sadness like he's gotta have more depth than that! let him make mistakes, have flaws that don't just make him the bad guy that's always in the wrong by default, and be angry or suspicious or jealous or bitter or battling his mental health problems/depression or malicious or smart or witty or mischievous and silly or sarcastic or ANYTHING dude i just want him to be put into different scenarios where he can be serious or lighthearted like it doesn't even have to be long or perfect but make him feel real.
it could definitely be that i don't read or see much art about dream or really look for it hard enough but also i just. i feel bad for even saying this fr and i wanna be honest about why i don't enjoy most stories about him cause he always gets the worst treatment along with ink!!! especially ink omg the poor guy has it the worst i think like wow do they mess him up :'(
always one dimensional in non shippy fics, or too plain or easily replaceable by other, more entertaining people in the significant other's life in most of his ships like man. i have read fics out there that made me genuinely FEEL and root for him and love his character so much it restored all hope for me!!! but i can only name one on top of my head and the others? it's been so long i don't even remember their names i just legit feel terrible cause i love him still and i can't find many headcanons that fit my interpretation of him yknow?
not to say people who write him very happy, mislead or sad are ruining him like that's silly- if i see something i don't like i just. move on bro i wouldn't force people to feel or think the same way i do about him cause anyone can have whatever headcanons they want!!! just talking about what i personally look for in him and why i can't exactly find it since most of the stuff out there just isn't my cup of tea :')
hopefully i didn't set anyone off with this rambling opinionated essay i just pulled hhh xD i know i know he's a popular character and i know a lot of people like dream so *sobs* please please recommend me artists and fics about him that you think is good it's been so looong since i've read or seen anything new that makes me attached to this little guy aughg<33333
#ask#rambling#delete later?#probably xD i just wanna love him SO much but sometimes he's just *sigh*...forgettable#i tried to explain myself but also it's like 4 am and i skimmed through the proofreading so don't take this too seriously HHH#like really even when i do read good fics about him he's not on the forefront of my mind and it's painful to me :'(#i used to see him as my third fav but now? ever since i've read and seen characters who get heavier more in depth plots?#i can't say it with as much confidence :') and dream lovers out there i am not bashing your choice or even your headcanons#to each their own but i really wanna hear someone be passionate about him in my feed or askbox like TELL me about him#i've seen ink rants out there that are FIRE like so true!!! but where's the dream defense team???#maybe it's just me tho :') btw i still like cream but not the same way as before if i'm being real#it feels the same...all of it and it makes me wanna bite something ARGHGG#i know i know i ship some stuff that's basic too hhh but dream and cross are always written the same and dream is too innocent#and nightmare is too weird in some of these fics like if MY brother ever tried to literally attack my hypothetical partner????#i wouldn't give him the :'((( sad face and weakly tell him to 'please stop...you're hurting him'' like NO girl they're TWINS#they're the same age i would tell him to BACK off and not insert himself in my love life after years of ignoring and fighting LIKE#especially since most of the time cross is actually good to dream and all- so he doesn't have a good reason to disrupt his bro's dates#UGH i just have so many opinions but basically i would love him a lot lot more than i do now if they also let him be more flexible#and shake things up like with shattered and stuff! gimme alternate versions of him even if it's too ooc like we do for all the other sanses#jaa i am SO sorry you had to read all that dude thank you so much for passing by :'D
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loosesodamarble · 9 months
Hiya Erika 😁!! Ooo for the character ask game may I ask for 1, 6, 13, and 17 for…Yami and Finral please 🥰! (I hope it’s okay asking for two 🙈!)
It's very okay asking for two characters, Lyra! It just means that I'm gonna take a little more time to answer. Hope you don't mind that.
Yami Sukehiro
1) Why do you like or dislike this character?
This is going to sound weird but I like Yami because he's like an older cousin who is told to take charge and watch over the others but 9/10 times he does his own shit since the younger kids can manage just fine and the last 1/10 times is when shit get real like a robber breaking in.
He's an older role model to his squad. But he doesn't act like an authority figure to them. He doesn't force them to follow any rules and lets them take care of themselves to become who they can/want to be. Yami's character is able to balance responsibility and freedom to the benefit of the other characters around him.
6) What's something you have in common with this character?
Is it a cop out if I say me being part Japanese is a commonality between me and Yami (since Hino is the Japan of BC)? Because I can't really think of anything else that he and I share.
13) What's an emoji, an emoticon and/or any symbol that reminds you of this character or you think the character would use a lot?
💀 Skull. No, I don’t think Yami is going to die (if it was about a character dying or being dead Morgen would have this emoji/j). And while I don’t think Yami would be a big emoji user, I get a kick out of imagining Yami typing “your days are numbered 💀” when someone pisses him off through text.
17) What's a ship for this character you don't hate but it's not your favorite that you're fine with?
Yami x Nacht. I've joked that they have the energy of ex-lovers and there is potential in that kind of dynamic. Seeing romantic potential in a platonic dynamic is nothing new and that’s something in Yami x Nacht which I can’t find fault with. It’s fine. People make good art for the ship. But I don’t seek out content for the ship (I see it on my dash because of who I follow and because of the fandom tag). And I don’t feel strongly enough about it to make content for it either.
Finral Roulacase
1) Why do you like or dislike this character?
-I like that he's a coward without being an ass about it. If he was some kind of selfish coward that ran at the expense of others, I wouldn't like him nearly as much. -He is loving and forgiving towards Langris, someone who really needs it. I will never not like characters who forgive without hesitation. That stuff is my jam. -Awesome magic. Teleportation is always going to be cool. -He really is a pacifist through and through. His magic can't attack because he's just that kind to his core. -His pacifism doesn't equate to uselessness. He will still do what he can to support those around him who can fight because that's what needs to be done more often than not. -Literally just a cute guy. Looks and personality wise. I want to protect Finral. -In a real life situation, I would want to date someone like Finral. He's fun-loving but also realistic. He's giving but still fights for what he wants (at least post character development). Finral is troubled but not jaded.
6) What's something you have in common with this character?
I too would be chill with my siblings if they almost caused my death. I love my family very much (mostly because they’re genuinely nice people) and I don’t think I’d ever have the heart to hate them regardless of how they hurt me.
13) What's an emoji, an emoticon and/or any symbol that reminds you of this character or you think the character would use a lot?
💖 The sparkling heart emoji. Finral’s got a big heart and I giggle at the thought of shoujo romance sparkles around Finral when he tries to flirt (even when he fails). He’s just got a sparkly personality.
17) What's a ship for this character you don't hate but it's not your favorite that you're fine with?
Finral x Vanessa. It’s another case of romantic potential within a platonic relationship. And given how their stories parallel in some ways (both not displaying abilities that their abusive parents desire and running away from home), I understand why people would want to ship them together, for that paralleled lovers dynamic. I get it but I'm not too into it. I've stumbled upon content for it and some friends ship it but I'm not someone who would seek it out or create for it.
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notkitsune · 9 months
hello! this is wonjae, my second muse for this group! (this is a side blog, so i can’t follow back! sorry bout that!)
excited to plot with him, he is very different than my other muse here :D you can access his about page here, but in the meantime, below is a little intro to him and some potential plots! dm me or ask for dis/cord if you’d prefer! tw in the first few bullet points for dv, will be marked below the cut as well
wonjae was born and raised in seoul!
he was mostly raised by his mother—his father wasn’t very involved in his life
(tw: dv) when his father was around, it was mostly to cause issues—getting very drunk, fighting with his mother, etc
when wonjae is 17, he fights his dad & basically kicks his ass then tells him to never come back. happy ending
overall, throughout school, wonjae was in and out of trouble. as a rather obvious anomaly, he was no stranger to the meanness of other kids
he likes to say he was cool, calm, and collected, and never let it get under his skin. thats a blatant lie—he would get angry and throw punches, scratch, bite, etc
he eventually was sent to a special “scare em straight” no nonsense type of school
despite his rough exterior, wonjae was always a creative soul. he started channeling his emotions into his art—his favorite mediums being painting, sculpting, and photography
eventually he attends sua as a visual arts major, and now has started his first year in a masters of fine arts to continue his education!
he’s been a member of house gangcheori since his undergrad, but has since moved up to vice captain. he’s very loyal to this team!
while he loves sporting rallies, he dislikes any other sporting events (he sees anything else as boring)
while wonjae was a very angry kid/teen, he has since calmed a bit (read: learned that remaining cool in the face of adversaries is usually more frustrating for them than getting pissed)
(he likes to think so at least. something about sporting rallies still brings out the beast inside. competitive ass)
he can still definitely reach that point though. which is great because emotional outbursts can make him turn into a fox sometimes. fun stuff
he’s overall a self-absorbed type, very confident in himself and often erring on the side of cocky and arrogant
he doesn’t like to open up—he’s very good at making it seem like he’s sharing a lot about himself when he really hasn’t told you much of anything
despite this, he can be a fun friend to have—certainly fun at parties!
if he does like you, he can be nice. i prommy he’s not JUST an asshole
oh also fun fact since he has a tail he taught himself to sew to fix his pants to be tail friendly. but then he just found he liked it, got better, and now makes a lot of his own clothes!
that went on super long but anyway here are some potential connections!!
people who knew him in school? maybe before he was sent off as a delinquent? or someone else who attended this scare em straight type of place?
fellow artsy types? collaboration on art projects? similar/complementary art styles?
a muse—someone who inspires his art, who would be open to random “i need you to come model” texts
while wonjae has never been in a real relationship (that requires #OpeningUp which is a big no-no), i’d be open to plotted ex flings, casual hookups, fwb, you name it
could even play with the emotions of this—was your muse cool with it being casual? did they feel misled or was this a mutual understanding? etc
enemies? he’s kind of a bitch so i’m sure there are people who do NOT like him
fellow house gangcheori members! do they like him? not like him?
other sporting rally house members! do they actually hate each other, or is it a joke?
handsome man just spontaneously became a fox right before your eyes wyd (i’m mostly joking about this but it does make me laugh)
literally anything i’m open to discussion!!
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silvertsundere · 7 months
Silver Talks AniManga (11/02/24)
very sad weeks back to back, losing two good manga in cipher and mma, while other worse series continue along but oh well
green - new series/new to me blue - finale/completed
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Undead Unluck Ep18
it's a shame these past few eps have been so heavy on recapping past stuff, to the point where most of the footage in the ep is reused. hope it isn't a sign there's underlying production issues. considering the nature of the next episode there's prob also gonna be a lot recaps but after we get into the autumn arc proper I hope it goes back to normal or it'll be worrying
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Pokemon Horizons Ep39
the last few have been p weak so this one was pretty good in comparison. I haven't played scarvi yet but I've always liked tinktaton's design and this made me like it even more. it's a cute little creature, looking forward to see it being part of the cast in the future
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Super Psychic Policeman Chojo Ch1
hey for a gag manga that was pretty decent, much better than ichigoki at least, not like that's hard. reminded me a lot of saiki but that's for obvious reasons. the author had a manga some years ago, samon the summoner, tho I never read it myself I knew it existed and saw it around sometimes. anyway like I said, this first chap was p decent, suffered a bit from pacing and repeating gags, but when it's the normal lenght it'll probably be fine. I'm not usually the biggest fan of gag manga like this, but this chap alone was a lot more tolerable than ichigoki so I'll be looking forward to maybe being surprised by it
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Martial Master Asumi Ch32 (Finale)
it's a real shame mma got axed like this. kawada is a jump veteran and it really shows, everything about the series was a lot more polished and well executed than the other newcomers but it got axed while something like nue, shockingly, continues to truck along. it's a shame jp readers seem to have such bad taste in recent years with good series getting canceled too early while others stick around for way too long. anyway, it's a good manga. art's really good and the fights are cool and easy to follow. the cast, including the rivals, is all likeable. the cameos from hinomaru sumo characters was also cool (the author's previous work). it also portrayed dementia really well and respectfully so that was a nice thing to see. I was originally gonna give it an 8, then decided to bump it down to 7 cause it got cut short and felt like it didn't do everything it could've, but after looking at my scores for some other canceled series I decided to bump it up to 8 after all. looking forward to kawada's next manga. hopefully shueisha puts him in another magazine, doing a seinen or something, where a more mature audience can appreciate him
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Two on Ice Ch19
only commenting on this cause the chapter's title was "I Write Sins Not Tragedies" which made me lose my mind cause there's no way it's a reference to that song right? and then I read the chap and it actually is, this shit hit me so outta nowhere it gave me whiplash. I know the author referenced a justin bieber song in an early chap but he's mainstream so while weird to see in a manga I didn't think much of it, unlike this which took me completely by surprise anyway this series should be getting axed for the next serialization series so I'll talk about it again then probably
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beevean · 1 year
Ok just to give everyone an idea at the disparity:
Try giving both IDW Sonic and Netflixvania overall scores:P
If you wish you could also specify certain elements,like writing, art, characters etc
I don't even know where to start...
Well, generally speaking, I like this chart:
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And following this guideline, NFCV would get a 2/10 and IDW a 3/10. Even NFCV has redeeming qualities and some nice potential, but, well, you know how much it has hurt me :') IDW doesn't have those genuinely offensive bits, the worst it ever got was with the Whispangle drama, so in that it's a little better.
If I wanted to break them down...
Story: NFCV starts off as a relatively passable adaptation of CV3 + the CoD mangas, before crashing sideways and trying to focus on too many plotlines, resulting in things like Isaac getting all the best scenes while you might as well remove the Trevor&Sypha bits from S3. IDW is still ongoing, doesn't even try to adapt the games (although the first arc has similarities with Heroes lol), and it really depends on the arc: the best ones are the fluffier ones like the Chao Race Arc, but it has some real stinkers such as the Metal Virus Arc and the Imposter Syndrome arc, with the former having some of the worst character moments in the series and a disappointing ending, and the latter wasting away all of its cool potential for angst reasons. Speaking from a purely structural standpoint, NFCV is overall stronger, although I don't know how fair it is to compare a show with a comic.
Art: NFCV wins again, by the benefit of some impressive animation, and a much more consistent artstyle. IDW used to look good, great even, but before it had many different artists working on it which caused a wildly inconsistent (:P) artstyle, and now only two people are working on it and while Stanley is pretty good, ABT is clearly doing the bare minimum.
Characters: dear mother of god.
I hate them :( I hate them all :( every character is OOC or straight up an OC in all but name :(
What do I choose: an adaptation that swears up and down to be canon, or an adaptation that doesn't even care to be faithful, but gets called as such?
Hell they even have the same problem of characters simply not reacting like real people do in similar situations D:
... fuck it. Point goes to IDW for only one reason: it may disrespect some of the characters, such as Eggman and to a lesser extent Tails (hell, even the OCs aren't spared, just ask Starline and Surge), but it never reaches the levels of outright malice of NFCV.
Villains: IDW wins. Its villains range from tolerable (Rough and Tumble) to dripping with potential (Starline, he should have stayed a simp :( ) to seriously annoying (Surge). Oh, and then all the other ones are forgettable. Eggman doesn't count because the comic sure as shit doesn't count him.
NFCV has Dracula, who is pretty cool and tragic in S1 but then becomes That Depressed Guy in S2... and he's the best one. What's next? Carmilla the #girlboss? Death the Redditor? St. Germain the incel? Lenore???? :^)
fucking hell i will never get over this, how isn't the whole lenore plotline treated as the equivalent of bella attempting suicide i will never understand
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topconfessions · 2 years
You are so real for saying the thing about the main reason TOP was chosen for the dearmoon crew. Im not throwing shade. It is was it is. The man doesnt get enough credit for his networking skill. Dare I say he is naturally better at the game than most people would think. Everything about his personality just magically aligns to create this image of warm-on-the-inside cool guy which is already appealing to most people, which I believe he really is but to a much more exaggerated degree in the case of stage image. The thing is, people expect him to be this wild card so even its just him loosen up a bit its already a game changer. He effortlessly charms everyone that way. I think he definitely awares of this power and knows how to use it well. And thats just the tip of the iceberg. Unlike SR, TOP is lucky his main interest is arts. Artist circle has always been full of elites and old money. These guys know how to keep their things behind the curtain. And idk if most fans are aware it, unlike what TOPs trying to do give off that aloof vibe, he care a great deal of what others thing of him. With dearmoon, he definitely has good intentions but it seems lacking self-awareness the way he put it as “for greater cause”, especially when we also have a space-dedicated youtuber on the same crew. Tbh the way I see it, dearmoon is a space business trip lol. TOP just happen to tick all the boxes they have in terms of needing someone with big social influence.
Thank you so much! yes, I had to keep it a 100 and call it for what it is. If top never knew that billionaire or made a close friendship he would never ever be a part of something like this cause technically if we're following merits it should be GD instead of him but TOP is more cultured, wordly and sopthsticated than everyone else in BB by default cause he expanded his interests in mature and lucrative things that he knew would keep him paid for life and elevated. His networking through the art and high art industry paid dividends for him and I'm a little upset for GD not reaching that level himself....He really doesn't get enough credit but at the same time, TOP is seen as so cool and smart that nobody feels the need to credit or praise him cause it's innate and he got it like that LOL.
Yes, exactly. You get what I am saying, TOP picked a lucrative and highly esteemed hobby that has done more for him than he has done for it, but top gives the illusion he has done a lot for the industry. Seungri got wrapped up in the maknae curse of not outgrowing his idol and agency duties of picking activites and business ventures where you yourself have to work overtime to exert physical involvement and be the hype for your product. Seungri played checkers and TOP Played chess, you don't see top involving himself in activities and deals that require him being in public pandering, putting in a lot of work and literal socializing to make his projects a hit like the aori ramen (I may have gotten the name wrong) or burning sun. Burning sun was the worse investment SR ever made and he had to over involve himself in it and overexert himself meanwhile TOP, I mean this nicely, picks hobbies he can be physically lazy in that he already has great interest in that is easy to finnesse if you know what you're doing. what top does despite his immense passion for it, is no different than what a typical tumblr user who loves art just as much as him does. He just incorporates it into his personal and professional life with consistency and the aura of being a master at what he knows.
Also, yes, top knows what he's doing. TOP has excessive spending habits and loves a lavish lifestyle now. He knew and knows he needs an interest / side career that can keep that lucrative income in his pocket. Art is old money and new money combined, the most powerful people in the world are invested in art or have some inclination to it. Seungri took a carrie bradshaw ignorant route and involved himself with ventures that don't pay at all and don't keep your money long, sigh. Good for top though. honestly, if I ever dated an older man or someone of means, I would rush straight to the art scene and snag a man LOL. Sothebys auction house baby, here I come. I'm still waiting for him to do more work with Sothebys but it seems on a stand still and a one time thing back then. TOP needs to get his wine into another business that sells all sorts of wine and not just be a self seller of it, he's too big for that. Also, although it's criminal, you can launder and store money through expensive paintings so we never know if top is the tax evading type to do that.
another thing: I think top avoids relationships at least that serious and mature like the plague cause he knows he wouldn't have the freedom and room to be fully focused on the art world and his wine if he was with someone. this sounds mean but dating is like being a parent to an adult you are having sexual / romantic relations with. I know thats a weird analogy but it is. Especially with top dating the younger girls. it's a responsibility and you can't really rise in the art world with a hanger on unless it's a woman who has her own wealth and interests or is from the same industry.
Basically. He fit what they were looking for and he had great influence but wasn't TOO overhyped or like craze worthy i.e a bts guy that would have distracted from the mission itself. The billionaire chose well in picking top. Yeah, this is honestly just a pleasure cruise and space business trip for experimenting. It's not for any charitable cause or specfic Nasa research, you know how top is, he has to verbally elevate things to make it grander than what it is LOL.
goodluck to top and I hope he has fun this will breathe new life into him for sure. He will accomplish something many humans never have. This is what he needed to rehab and repair his image. Once he does this space mission he will no doubt have the weed scandal 100% behind him especially if he can capitalize off of it more. I hope he continues working on that album too.
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dungeonsandblorbos · 2 months
Hello and Welcome to D&B!
hi folks! amidst all the housekeeping i've been doing, it felt like a good time to introduce myself again and make a new pinned post.
about me
my main blog is @persnickety-peahen, so that's where all my follows will come from. i'm in my mid-twenties, happily married, queer, and neurodivergent. you can call me C or any variation of either of my blog names, and i use they/she pronouns.
some of my favorite non-writing activities include listening to podcasts, baking, taking wiki walks, and playing Stardew Valley. lately i've also started teaching myself how to do pixel art because i have reached the level of blorbo hyperfixation that i physically needed to have a new artistic outlet, and pixel art is both really cool and a lot easier for me to actually do as an aphantasiac* than other digital art mediums.
*i have aphantasia, a neurological condition characterized by the inability to produce voluntary mental images; in simpler words, i have no mind's eye. this has significant impacts on diverse areas of my life, especially my autobiographical memory and spatial reasoning, as well as how i perceive and interact with art and literature.
about D&B
i've been enamored with writing from childhood, but since university, a lot of that energy has gotten channeled into TTRPGs instead. hence this sideblog merging the two!
right now, dungeonsandblorbos is mostly where i reblog things from the wider writblr, whumpblr, and TTRPG communities (including pretty dice!), but i'd like to start being more active on here this year. original content includes stories from my big four campaigns (more on those below the cut), out of context session notes, and other kinds of mentally ill blorbo-posting. someday i might even get around to posting some of my pixel art or an actual narrative recap of one of my campaigns!
i'm tag-game friendly, and my ask box is always open, so please feel free to send me asks about any of my characters or campaigns, D&D/TTRPGs in general, or even about aphantasia and how that affects my writing and TTRPG experience!
current ask games
not-so-nice ask game (has some whump vibes) red ask game (real mixed bag; some cute questions, some mildly violent ones, you know how it is)
to keep this post from getting too long, i've put my story/campaign info and additional notes under the cut. thanks for coming by!
my stories/campaigns
Ruins of Runet Status: Temporary hiatus System: D&D5e, homebrew setting Tags: #ruins of runet, #ariel sentera alvedes Short premise: Six hundred years after its sudden disappearance caused a worldwide societal collapse, Magic has returned to the world of Runet. The gods, however, are still gone. Several powerful factions have promised great rewards to any party that can successfully uncover the truth behind Runet's new magic, and help them claim its power for themselves—but perhaps there's a good reason that magic disappeared in the first place. Genres: Medieval fantasy, Existential horror, Eldritch horror Rating: Mature General content warnings: strong language, mature humor, immature humor, alcohol consumption, some sexual themes, some religious themes, fantasy violence, blood and gore, body horror, major character death. Posts will be individually tagged with any relevant warnings. Full campaign and character intro: link
Curse of Strahd (homebrewed) Status: Indefinite hiatus System: D&D5e, Curse of Strahd playbook + a metric shit ton of homebrew Tags: #curse of strahd homebrew, #cerris dalca, #meow meow milo, #dos holy boys, #cos memes, narrative tag TK Short premise: The once-prosperous valley nation of Barovia has been trapped in the Shadowfell for roughly the past 400 years, and its immortal king Strahd von Zarovich cursed with it. For now, at least. He believes he's found a loophole—and the perfect party of would-be heroes to unwittingly help him. Genres: Medieval fantasy, Gothic horror Rating: Explicit General content warnings: strong language, mature humor, drug and alcohol consumption, some sexual themes, some religious themes, fantasy violence, blood and gore, body horror, child endangerment, unintentional cannibalism, and oh my god so much more. Posts will be individually tagged with any relevant warnings. Full campaign and character intro: link
Cauldron & Kettle Questing Company Status: Completed System: D&D5e, Acquisitions, Inc. playbook + a bit of homebrew Tags: #cauldron & kettle questing co., #jun vyardes, #jun and tim Short premise: Acquisitions, Inc., is a wildly profitable adventuring company with a long track record of success, both at its main branch and across its many subsidiary locations. Sure, sometimes they mistake a group of newbie interns for an experienced party and set them on a quest to stop a chaos-worshipping cult hell-bent on tearing a rift in reality and destroying the universe as we know it, but hey, as long as they get the job done, who cares, right? Maybe they'll even get a raise out of it. Genres: Medieval fantasy, Corporate fantasy Rating: Teen General content warnings: strong language, mature humor, immature humor, drug and alcohol consumption, fantasy violence. Posts may not be tagged due to the generally mild nature of most of this campaign's content. Full campaign and character intro: link
The Orphic Uprising and The Amazonomachy Status: Completed System: Cypher, setting based on Percy Jackson series Tags: #confusion crew, #nina grayson Short premise: After a simple game of Capture the Flag at Camp Half-Blood goes horribly wrong, a ragtag group of demigods are called upon to save Olympus—and more importantly, their loved ones. Genres: Urban fantasy, YA Rating: Teen General content warnings: strong language, mature humor, immature humor, fantasy violence, teenage protagonists, second-hand embarrassment. Posts may not be tagged due to the generally mild nature of most of this campaign's content. Full campaign and character intro: link
housekeeping/additional notes
if you'd like to be added to my list of people i @ for tag games, please interact with this post: i'm back bitches (friendly)! link
if you'd like to be tagged in posts related to one or more of the above campaigns or characters, please let me know in a comment on this post or the relevant intro post, or by sending me a message!
if you are a player or DM from one or more of my big four campaigns, hello and happy to see you!! please bother me as much as you like and send me a message letting me know so i can follow you and stay connected!
i may periodically update this post; e.g., updating links for active ask games, updating the rating and content warnings for active campaigns, or adding links for new campaign info posts; so feel free to check it every few months :)
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artzee-bee · 3 years
Popularity is overrated anyways | Rory Keaner x gn!popular!reader
Fandom: My babysitter’s a vampire
Request: “ Hello! Your writing is so amazing, truly! Could you write Rory x Gn!Popular!Reader in which the reader falls hard and so they try flirting and try to impress him? I think that would be an interesting dynamic to explore cause I usually see things going the other way around. No need to take this request if you don't want to write it of course! Have a great day/night<33 “
Pronouns: none specified
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: none
The first time you saw Rory was in art class. It was your first day and you were somewhat nervous, but he walked in as if he owned the place. He yelled "Good morning gays, gals and pals" with this kind hearted smile and you couldn't help but laugh at how comfortable he was around here. How he seemed to be at home. 
At the end of class, you decided to walk up to him, say hello. At the very least learn his name, except by the time you were done packing your things, he was gone. You felt a little lost looking at the empty seat he sat in just a moment ago but you were already dead set on getting to know the blonde kid better.
Since then, you've made lots of friends, partly due to you joining the photography club, which was pretty well known around the school. You were also best friends with the star of the football team which sure gave you a big boost on the popularity chart, not that you cared. Even with your newfound attention, you still felt like you were a little behind Rory. You'd see him every week in art class, always cracking a joke, making you and everyone else around him laugh. You often saw him hanging out with the same 2 brown haired boys and you couldn't help the jealousy you were feeling, so eventually you decided you've had enough. You were going to get closer to Rory!
The perfect opportunity snuck up on you one Friday, when you saw Rory eating lunch in the cafeteria alone. You excused yourself from your friends, making your way instead towards the blonde
"Is this seat open?" you said motioning to the seat right in front of him
"Yeah!" he replied with a bright smile, as if he was more than excited that you wanted to sit with him "I'm Rory!"
You sat down and gave him your name in return. From where you were sitting, you could see your friends.They were sitting around their usual table, glaring at you as if they couldn't understand what you could possibly be doing there, instead of by them. In fact, mostly everyone in the cafeteria was now watching you and Rory with judging looks. You knew Rory wasn't the most popular person in school, but you also didn't care. For what it's worth, he seemed to be a lot cooler than any other "popular" kid you knew.
"Is that a V for Vendetta pin on your shirt?" he asked, reaching over to touch the little handmade pin you had. You felt his fingertips press into your collarbone and sucked in a deep breath, suddenly shy at the unexpected contact
"Yeah! I made it myself out of an old coin a while back!"
"That's so cool! I used to make pins out of beer bottle caps when I was little! I didn't actually drink the beer, I would sneak the caps from my parents at family events!"  you giggled. You barely knew the boy and yet this seemed like such a ‘him’ thing to do
"And how did you make them?"
For the entire lunch break, you sat next to Rory, listening to him talk about his pins and his favorite comic books, which just so happened to match a lot of your favorites. You were more than excited by finding out that you had a lot in common. You liked the same bands and the same movies. He was full of stories about the supernatural and you have always been passionate about that kind of stuff.  
You always knew you kinda fancied the blonde boy and you weren’t ashamed of that, but now, actually being with him, talking to him, connecting with him, the feeling of butterflies in your stomach was almost insufferable.His mere presence was making you dizzy. He was so cute and his smile was worth millions. You loved listening to him talk and seeing his bright eyes sparkle with joy, but than the bell rang and you had to leave for your next class
"I had fun talking to you Rory!”
"Thank you, you're really cool, we should hang out more!" he said, making you blush
From that point on, you and Rory were much closer. You would hang out during school hours usually, which bummed you out, since you really saw Rory as more than a ‘convenience’ friend that you got along with simply because you saw each other almost everyday. You wished you could get closer to him, get to know him more intimately, but you didn’t want to push him into anything. The week after your first real interaction, Rory came to sit next to you in art. You were too engulfed in the video you were watching on your phone to notice when he walked in, but he made sure to make his presence known by wrapping his arms around you from behind
"Hi friend!" he said in a sing-song voice that made you giggle. He dragged his chair as close to you as he could, so you 2 could whisper to each other during class. Now, being so close to him, you could hear each of his sarcastic jokes and clueless questions better, each one making you laugh and smile. At times, he would lean into you to whisper something in your ear and you could feel his breath on your skin, sending shivers through your entire body.
One thing you learned about Rory during art class was just how competitive he was. Each class turned into a game of seeing who was the better artist. You weren't a huge fan of drawing, but you gave it your everything knowing that Rory was going to study your picture. He never said anything bad about it, he was too nice for that, but with each drawing you tried to impress him more and more.
Eventually, one day, you noticed Rory heading out of the school and decided to quickly followed him out
"Hey Rors! Wait up!!"
"Hey Y/N, wazzap?" he said in the funny voice he always made, making you smile
"All is good. I just had a question for you"
"Ok, shoot!"
"Are you free Saturday?" the boy looked at you with a confused smile
"I think so, yes. Why?"
"Would you like to go to the movies with me?"
"Yeah! That sounds awesome!! Who's coming?" his eyes were bright with excitement, only making you more nervous
"I mean...I was thinking it could be just the 2 of us..."
"Just us?"
"Yeah, you know. Like a date..."
"A date?"
"With me?"
"I mean if you want to, I'm not..."
"I would love to!" he smiled
"You-You would?"
"Yeah, sounds awesome!"
"Ok, um, great! Can I get your number so I can text you the details?"
On your way home, you held the little piece of paper with Rory's number in your closed fist, your face hot from excitement and happiness. God, you could barely wait for Saturday!
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doctorofmagic · 3 years
My thoughts on What If... Doctor Strange Lost His Heart Instead of His Hands?
The very title of the episode sends a shiver down my spine. And this is where we’re going to start.
~ long post under the cut ~
A year ago, I wrote this post as an attemp to dive into one of the most important traits in Doctor Strange’s personality: love. Stephen is a being made of love, made to love, no matter which interpretation you have when you watch Infinity War. If you don’t read comic books, you’ll understand the moment you meet Donna. You’ll begin to understand how her death reshaped his entire subjectivity out of fear of failing, being powerless and unable to control everything around him (especially death), thus the arrogant and yet a disaster of a man we all know.
Where do I even start? Stephen loved her sister deeply and felt responsible for her death. And then, slowly, he also lost his parents and his brother. He fell in love with Clea but he also pushed her away. He loved Zelma platonically and lied to her, which was enough for them to break their bond. He felt attracted to Kanna but screwed things up, even though they remain friends. He was forced to kill the Ancient One, the only father figure he had ever since his father died. And lastly, the only person who would never leave his side... also left. Yes, even Wong. Stephen has SO much love to give but he’s also afraid because he’s cursed. He truly believes his love in poison. And would you look at that? What If really delivered a story where this is actually true.
What If Doctor Strange Lost His Heart Instead of His Hands?
The level of understanding when it comes to the character is... inconceivable. What could possibly reshape Stephen into following a dark path but love? The very premise of the whole episode. This is so much more than a love letter. This is literally too much, in all senses.
Fine, let’s begin.
What if the best of intentions has very strange consequences?
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No. You used the word “strange” for the pun but this is not the word. Nah-ah. I’d go with ATROCIOUS, for starters. Things are gonna escalate so quickly, my friends.
Seriously, tho? Christine is SO SO SO SO beautiful, they’re so cute together. I have this feeling that MCU!Stephen was quite toxic because of his arrogance and this is why they didn’t work out. But WhatIf!Stephen???????? He’s always praising her, teasing her in a healthy way, respecting her and listening to her. HE TRULY LOVES HER, I’M GONNA CRY ALL OVER AGAIN, PLEASE, NOT THE CRÈME BRÛLÉE, PLEASE
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I’m going to leave this shot here because we need to go back to it later. Hold that thought.
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And bonus points to “Yeah, well, I would call that quite remarkable.” / “Well, I would say the same about you.”
So in this reality, Stephen didn’t caused the car accident because he was checking his phone while driving. Also it was not the reckless attempt to pass the truck. Well, maybe it was the consequence of this act? The fact is, the car behind them loses control, which makes them crash. Does it matter? We’ll learn later that no, it doesn’t.
And yep... Christine dies. Have you noticed the shattered heart? Ah, the pain only gets better and better.
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Again, Stephen blames himself. More than anything, this is so important because Stephen is all about guilt. We still need to meet Donna so we can add yet another layer of guilt. But the feeling exists. This is what corrupts Stephen’s heart and soul in all his iterations. This is what makes him the character I love so much. I love this SO. MUCH. In addition, his stubbornness to accept his condition. Man won’t take a no. This, this is Doctor Strange in character. Stop complaining about NWH Stephen, it’s pathetic.
Okay, “grief-stricken”, Stephen found the Mystic Arts and became a sorcerer. That’s when he learned about the Time Stone, the Eye of Agamotto and Dormammu. Nothing changes, he saves the universe. But time does not heal his deepest wound.
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I love Wong so much. Every time Wong does something, the world is healed. Really. We’re going back to him as well but for now I’ll just leave this shot.
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Aaaaaaaannnnnnd then he did.
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He goes back in time. It’s been two years since he lost Christine. I think he reacted pretty nicely, despite the circumstances. Now let’s go back to that shot I said I was saving for later.
Stephen is so light-hearted here. Also, during the first time he lost Christine, he had no idea what “The Price is Right” was. He knows now, which means he probably tried to learn more about the show because of her, because of grief. HAHAHA MORE PAIN
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I’M-- *ugly sobbing noises*
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Apparently, not.
And this scene when he simply... closes his eyes before she dies again...?
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This is where this episode had me in endless tears. It got me the four times I watched it. I’m dead serious.
Okay, so, next the Ancient One appears to Stephen, explaining that Christine’s death is an Absolute Point in time. It cannot be changed. Stephen needs the accident to become the Sorcerer Supreme and defeat Dormammu.
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And this is where Stephen starts his journey into darkness. “Nothing is impossible, you taught me that. I only require more power.” Disobeying the Ancient One, Stephen then travels in time, seeking the Library of Cagliostro. Now, if you’re not aware of that, Cagliostro was a sorcerer who studied time in comics, and later became Sise-Neg (there’s a recent post on this because of the new Defenders run). It’s funny to think that Sise-Neg also destroyed the world when he became a god, however he grew past his pettiness and remade reality. Stephen did not possess such power, as we’re about to see.
PS: “Stop torturing yourself, Stephen.” Naur but he should use this line like a mantra. Especially comics!Stephen.
Not gonna lie, tho. This place reminds me of the Temple of the Vishanti from T&T (of course I was going to insert T&T somewhere, it’s me).
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And of course they’d go for a pun with his name haha. I don’t know how to feel about this, tho. I feel like the episode is too heavy and dark for comedy. But it is what it is.
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Okay but why some books are in cages??????????? And wow, it seems Cagliostro also gathered knowledge about several fields of magic.
And then Stephen learns that, in order to break an Absolute Point, he needs to absorb more power. This is when I went “oh-oh, here we go”.
And for real, is this Shuma-Gorath? Why are they keeping his name a secret? Is this the same creature from the first episode with Captain Carter, right? RIGHT? It has to be Shuma-Gorath.
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Of course he tries to be polite and ends up all hurt haha. O’Bengh warns him about love but he will not listen. “Love can break more than your heart. It can shatter your mind.”/ “Is she worth the pain?”. Please, this is Stephen. He eats pain for breakfast.
Also, also, let’s take a break. We’re finally going to get monsterf0cker tentacle-lover Stephen Strange. It will cost us everything but here we goooooooooooo (yes, I went frame by frame for your more obscure fanservice needs)
Gods, I love this sequence so much it hurts. Okay, here we go.
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The grasp this man is holding on me right now...
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Some of you will understand. I’m with you.
And here are the grostesque ones. These are hard to take SS but I had to.
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Animation, sound effects, OST? CHEF’S KISS TO ALL
And lastly... the tentacles. Yeah, if you’re new... this is a thing.
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Fanservice. Fanservice everywhere. (low-key the reason I also waited to write this review, I wanted to enjoy this part so badly but I was too sad for that lmao)
Okay so. O’Bengh is suddenly OLD and DYING, until we realize that Stephen spent CENTURIES absorbing mystic beings. CENTURIES. WTF STEPHEN. He had nothing in mind but the goal to save Christine. And people wonder why he went insane???? I’m sorry, O’Bengh, but I can’t take you serious when you still call Stephen Sorcerer Armani. Oh, and also because you watched him absorb beings for centuries in silence lmao. But I guess I have to because you said that Stephen is split in two since the Ancient One cast a spell on him, splitting the timelines and making them exist in the same reality before he could travel back in time. I know, it’s complex. Anything for the plot.
And now good!Stephen has an evil!twin who wants to absorb him back in order to become whole and break the Absolute Point. Cool.
I said I wanted to talk more about Wong because I think people are not talking about him enough. Wong is so important in this episode. He’s the one who’s trying to heal Stephen after Christine. He’s Stephen’s anchor.
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So, for the sake of our understanding, I’m addressing the characters as evil and good!Stephen. Let’s go. Evil!Stephen summons good!Stephen and gods, he still holds such a strong grasp on me... unbelievable. THE DEEPER VOICE BENEDICT USES???? PLEASE, DIDN’T WE HAVE ENOUGH?
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Imagine his strength to hold so many beings inside him, fighting to control him. BRO, THIS IS TOO TOO MUCH
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Fine, I’ll not post SS about the fight because I’d be here all night long but I WILL say this: NOT CLOAKIE!!!!! NAAAAAAAAAAUR
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Also if you ask me if I recognize any of the spells? Maaaaybe the Flames of Faltine, the not-so-crimson Bands of Cyttorak and a little trick Magik does with her portals. That’s how far I go.
I’ll not comment on the “seducing yourself to stay in the trap”. I will not. I’ll just say that the first person Stephen thought of when “Christine” was talking about the crème brûlée was Wong. That’s it.
And finally evil!Stephen absorbs good!Stephen and releases... UNLIMITED POWER (I love when the stone goes red as if it was bleeding aaaaaaa)
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I can fix him...
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This scene here? Poetic cinema. (I love his wings so much)
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And when Stephen says her name and the other monsters’ voices echo “Christine”, AAAAAACKKKK
Oh, but it’s too late anyways because Stephen broke reality haha. This scene is interesting because Stephen is the only one who sensed and/or talked to the Watcher until now. I read an interview that the Watcher kinda showed up but it’s also about Stephen’s keen senses. Bit of both, let’s say. Still, man, 616-Watcher is not that cold. 616-Watcher would watch this and say “how about I intervene anyway?”. WhatIf!Watcher is brutal.
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The way Christine looks at Stephen one last time also KILLS ME, DESTROYS ME, BREAK ME INTO A MILLION PIECES.
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And this is where my soul left my body.
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This is how they end the episode. This is how you leave me speechless and with teary eyes. This is how you give me a whole existential crisis.
This... this was brutal to watch. Really.
What can I say after this? I’m used to reading painful things when it comes to Stephen. Aaron’s and Cates’ runs are heartbreaking on so many levels. Hickman’s New Avengers is not easier. Coincidentally, What If? Magik Became Sorcerer Supreme and The End. And now Death of Doctor Strange. And yet, after everything I’ve been through, I’d never expect to watch something so brilliant, so tragic, so heartbreaking and unexpected in the MCU. Never. This is top tier content and this is my favorite character with SO MANY LAYERS and SO MUCH UNDERSTANDING. I can’t put into words how meaningful this whole episode is to me, or how deep it touched my heart and soul.
I’ve been struggling to find the proper words since then, I still can’t. All I can add is, I cried for the 4th time now. This is too, too much, even for Stephen stans. Even for the ones who are used to pain, regardless of which media you’re into: comic books, live actions or animated movies. This is literally more than I can take and yet I’m so, so grateful. The voice acting, gods, how did Benedict manage to create a better Stephen than the one he’s literally playing in real life???????????? HOW
This episode really took the max potential Stephen had to offer as a character, added tons and tons of layers based on his grief, depression, arrogance and need to control everything and created a tragic masterpiece. In 7 years of being a Doctor Strange fan, I've never read or watch something that could go this deep into the character. The closest I can think of is Mr. Misery and the metaphor of Stephen's depression. This is a whole new level of respect and understanding. This is more than a love letter. This is peak maestry. It’s perfect, it’s heartbreaking, it’s... gods, I can’t.
Sorry for dragging you until this far. Before I wrap up this review, I just wanted to remind you all that Stephen will appear again, he will smile again, he will be surrounded by people again. So this is not the end. It was painful but be brave. We still have a few more steps to take.
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cynassa · 2 years
I am going to comic con tomorrow and you follow DC comics closer than I do. Jim Lee has a panel and I am only familiar with some of his art. Do you know anything about him as publisher?
Hello anon! I hope you enjoy Comic Con!! I've never been and I'm so jealous. I hope I saw this when you sent it, because Tumblr continues to be a hot mess.
Idk how helpful I can be, I'm not fond of Jim Lee in any sort of creative control position tbh. He's done some wildly interesting stuff as an artist, including Hush, some bits of Gotham Knight, and I used to follow WildC.A.T.s way back when, so it really isn't nice to have to say that he should have stayed in his lane. But. He really should have.
Short summary of his career as a publisher/creative editor because I don't know how much you know: Image Comics was formed in 1992 and Jim Lee joined them to create WildStorm. Lee then sold it to DC in 1998 but continued to exert some amount of editorial control from time to time. God knows how much or when, because he is all over the place with it. (This is a theme with him. He was supposed to collab with Grant Morrison on WildC.A.T.s in this period but that fizzled out I guess?) You might have read Warren Ellis' The Authority, which was one of my absolute favorites, and was one of the few good things to come from this.
Now, in 2010, when DiDio took charge, Jim Lee was named co-publisher with him. At the same time, Wildstorm got shelved. And after that is when shit hit the fan imo.
I've got two major issues with him, and one minor gripe which I am putting under a readmore bc no one wants that naked on their dash lmao.
Major Issue 1. The New 52. I'm not going to go on a rant here, because we all have our own opinions about the New 52, and it was what it was. The thing is, Dan DiDio keeps getting blamed for it (rightfully, the abusive, predator-shielding asshole) but Jim Lee was also there!! Because DiDio was a loudmouth who kept giving his opinions whether or not they were asked for, everyone forgets that this was Jim Lee's idea too. And when Johns was booted in 2018, he was Chief Creative Officer too. Either he was fully onboard and had no fucking clue that they at least should tell the writers what backstory their characters have, or he was just.... MIA. Too busy dealing with Batpenis, maybe.
In the last 2 years since Jim Lee got complete creative control, sales of DC stuff have tanked, continuities now make no sense, and I don't read Green Lantern but from what I've heard, they still haven't recovered entirely from the Geoff Johns/DiDio/Jim Lee era. The usual suspects blame 'wokeness' for it, but that's absolute nonsense. I will not get into what I think the real problems are, but there we go. Jim
Major Issue 2: DC killed WildStorm. I don't know if they intended to, or whether they never bothered reading a single comic before buying it up and trying to grab Alan Moore any way they could. I'm just going to quote Bleeding Cool's summary from 2010 here:
Minor Gripe: He keeps trying to shove together WildStorm and DC legacy characters. It doesn't work, they don't need to share an universe, and if this is what he wanted to do, why did he try to go for creator-owned comics in the first place. The New 52 reboot of backstories was the worst in many ways, but making WildC.A.T.s characters share the same universe as the actual Justice League was........... A Choice.
Mark Millar would grab news headlines around the world and cause Paul Levitz to personally intervene, changing dialogue and finished art because they offended his sensibilities. It would cost editor John Layman his job. Mark left for Marvel and went exclusive. He would not write for DC or Wildstorm again.
Alan Moore wrote a number of books for Wildstorm, including WildCATS and then his ABC line. DC just managed to keep Moore on board by the skin of their teeth when buying the company, and indeed he would do his first work for hire for DC in ages on the Albion book as a result. However conflict, especially over V For Vendetta and League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen with Paul Levitz would see him leave, taking League with him. It would cost editor Scott Dunbier his job. Moore would not write for DC or Wildstorm again.
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godlygreta · 3 years
i never stopped loving you | j. kiszka
title | i never stopped loving you
summary | jake and y/n have known each other since grade school, they’ve been neighbors forever. a bit of romance ensues, but ends fairly quickly when complications arise while the boys are touring. a trip home from college ends in a slightly drunk confession.
warnings | some mature themes (bit of sex, but not explicitly), swearing, slight angst
word count | 2.5k+
author’s note | hi! this is the first thing i’ve written for any of the boys, so i hope you enjoy. i’ve written for other bands before, so writing isn’t new to me, but writing for greta is.
“I never stopped loving you.”
It slipped out. It didn’t mean to come out. Jake didn’t necessarily want it to come out. They say drunk words are sober thoughts, right? At the same time, who trusts the words of a drunk person? Usually it’s just brushed off as babbling, but Y/N couldn’t ignore what Jake said. Especially because she couldn’t blame it on not hearing him. There was no music playing outside the bar. The music was faint enough that anything Jake had said was heard.
High school was rough for Y/N with hormones mixed in with academics, horny teenage boys at every turn. Y/N wasn’t even interested in dating, not due to the fact that nobody was necessarily interested in her, but because she was too focused on her studies to even give a damn. School dances were a nice break from academics. There was a shift, though, when one boy in particular would start to really pay attention to her.
Jake Kiszka was charismatic in every sense of the word. Him and his twin brother, Josh, were always the two sweetest, yet most famous troublemakers in all of Frankenmuth High School. It got even worse when their younger brother, Sam, ended up in high school with them as a freshman. Jake had girls wrapped around his finger from the moment he had gotten a haircut. His hair was a lot shorter than before and barely even touched his forehead. Y/N didn’t really give a damn. To her, he was still Jake Kiszka, neighbor.
Their parents were friends and always hungout on the weekends. Y/N’s family had a cabin on the lake which they always vacationed at and occasionally would bring Jake’s family with. One particular summer, they stayed there for a week between the summer of sophomore and junior year. The summer’s were always hot, but this week in particular was hotter than the other summer’s before. “It feels like the Devil’s asshole out here.”
“I know, Mary, but that’s the exact reason we chose to come here this week. The kids can swim in the lake, it’s a lot cooler in the water than on the grass.” Y/N’s dad spoke, returning the conversation from her mother. He gave her a quick kiss on the side of the head and returned to unpacking the car. Y/N and the boys had already gone into the house and picked their rooms. The boys shared one, and Y/N got one of the spare bedrooms. 
Dinner was made as soon as everyone was settled in. Everyone sat around the dining table, laughing and eating as they did almost every weekend. “You excited for Junior year, Y/N?”
“Yeah, I’m sort of nervous about taking the SAT and ACT. I’ve been studying when I’m not working at the shop.” She picked at some asparagus on her plate as she answered Mrs. Kiszka’s  question. Jake and Josh weren’t entirely ecstatic about it, it didn’t really matter to either of them. Music was their passion and that was never going to change.
Smores after dinner was a tradition that started when they were all really little, barely old enough to eat them. The fire was lit by Mr. Kiszka and Mr. Y/L/N. Jake, Sam and Josh had always played music while the rest of them made their smores. Y/N always made extras for the boys for when they were done playing music. Whenever they had no idea what to play, Y/N always knew the answer. Running out of songs to play, though, was a rarity in itself. The Kiszka’s knew so much about their sound, nothing was in their way of playing songs that fit it. However, every once in a blue moon they would ask their friend what she would like to hear. “C’mon now. You should know I’m a sucker for The Beatles.”
Y/N could recognize the sound of Blackbird the second it started playing. She had only listened to it eight million times that summer. She hummed lightly along as they played. Everyone clapped as soon as their song was over, the boys immediately delving into their smores. Y/N had finally taken a seat next to Josh when she was finished making their smores for them. Once their parents had gone inside, though, Y/N and the twins dipped into their parents' cooler of beer.
Neither of the sets of parents cared, they knew their kids would be safe and unharmed if they drank at the cabin. Jokes were told and stories of the past school year were discussed, as well as the future. A topic so vast for high schoolers. “I still can’t decide between a lawyer and an art teacher.”
“You’ve always been great at arguing,” Josh joked, “Practically got fuckin’ Lindsey McNeil out of that suspension.”
“It wasn’t fair. All she did was stand up for herself and what she believed in, plus that teacher is fucking creepy and everyone knows it.” Everybody laughed, the beer in everyone’s hands was getting a little warmer with every minute that passed by. Everyone filtered out one by one. Sam went in first, followed by Ronnie (she was slightly upset about coming, having made other plans with friends for the hot weather), and then Josh followed, leaving behind Jake and Y/N.
“Did you want to go inside yet or stay out here for a bit longer?” The silence beforehand hadn’t been awkward for the pair. “Cause I was thinking of going swimming for a bit.”
“I’ll join you, we haven’t swam yet today.”
The sand leading into the lake was met with a bit of rocks. It was picturesque under the moonlight. The pair discarded their clothing, leaving their underwear and got into the water. The coolness of the water sent goosebumps along her skin, leaving no piece without some. Jake followed in behind her, coming up next to her before completely dipping under the water. He popped back up and shook his head.
“You know,” Y/N started, “I think you’d look really good with longer hair.”
“You think?”
“Yeah. You should grow it out.” She swiped his hair out of the way and giggled a bit. “You’ll still never be prettier than I am.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it, darling.”
The rest of the summer followed with light flirting and spending lots of time together. Junior year came around and nothing changed a bit. Prom was spent with the Kiszka family, Josh driving the three of you, as well as Josh’s date. The dance was lame, the songs were overplayed pop music, which Y/N secretly had a bit of a soft spot for. She would never tell that to Jake, though.
The pair ended up back at Y/N’s house, giggling all the way up to her room. He went into the bathroom to take his suit off, using one of Y/N’s hangers to make sure it wouldn’t wrinkle. However, Y/N was still having issues. She couldn’t manage to undo the zipper by herself, waiting for Jake to come back into the room to do it for her. He came back in, saw her still in her dress. “Need my help?”
“My zipper -- I can’t reach it.”
“I can do it,” he whispered, knowing Y/N’s parents were asleep. His hands were warm against her back, undoing her zipper slowly. The moonlight coming in from the window felt like that hot summer night at the cabin. He slid the straps down her shoulders, his mouth slightly agape. How could someone look so beautiful and delicate at the same time?
She turned around, her body facing Jake’s. He stuttered, telling her he could leave and he was honestly about to. Until he felt her hand grab his wrist. “Don’t go.”
He nodded his head, helping her get the rest of the way out of her dress. She stepped closer to him and put her hands on his chest. She could feel how fast his heart was beating. She had a hard time meeting his gaze, nervous of him not feeling the same way she had been. “You looked really good tonight.”
“Me? Everybody was staring at you the whole time, Y/N,” he spoke, one hand finding their way to her waist, the other pulling on her chin to force eye contact. “You looked absolutely breathtaking.”
There was a split second where both of them second guessed themselves. But it was over when Y/N pressed her lips lightly against Jake’s. It was such a feathery light touch, it almost felt like she wasn’t even kissing him. She pulled away slowly, her eyes closed, not really knowing what to do next. She didn’t have to figure it out though, Jake’s lips returned to hers with more pressure.
His hands had found their rightful place on her back, bringing her closer to him. Hers found their way into his hair. It felt so natural - the need for each other grew stronger with each passing minute. His mouth never wanted to leave hers, it felt as though her lips were coated in fucking drugs the way they were so addicting. He couldn’t get enough. “Do you want to..?”
“Yes, please.” It came out so needy - desperate. Y/N didn’t even care about how that presented itself to Jake. She just wanted to be even closer to him than she already was. And she got to be right where she wanted to be.
Her bed was more comfy than Jake had previously remembered. Or maybe that was because they were here under different circumstances, not just studying algebra because Jake wasn’t quite getting it. All he knew was that he wasn’t ever going to forget it. He wanted this moment to replay forever and ever. Not because he was just some horny teenager, but because holy fuck, this had just been some random thought - a daydream, almost. But this was real. This was happening.
A tangled mess they were when climaxing. “I love you,” came out as barely above a whisper. It took Y/N a half of a second to register what he was really saying before it finally hit her. She didn’t feel as if she had to say it back, if anything, he should realize that she loved him too.
“I could honestly stay here forever and stare at you until the end of time.”
“So do it. We’ve got all the time in the world.”
They didn’t though. And it wasn’t that simple. Complications arose after that night. Everything got messy and trying to tie in a relationship while the band was traveling and on the road became increasingly difficult, especially when Y/N went to college.
She came home to Frankenmuth while she was off for the summer. Her mother and father missed her a great deal and the first weekend home was spent in the Kiszka’s backyard, the boys excluded. It was weird to be at their house and not see them littered around anywhere. Ronnie was full of stories though, telling Y/N about previous times the boys have come home from touring and the memories they brought back with him.
It was painful to hear, but she was so incredibly proud of everything they had accomplished and done. Every once in a while, Y/N had checked up on their band's Instagram account. When she was really nervous — having a hard time not worrying about them — she texted Josh or Danny. Neither of them were ever going to say anything to Jake or mention it to Sam.
The two families decided to get together and have dinner at a local bar. The boys were still away, they weren’t scheduled to come back to Michigan for at least another month and a half. Ronnie and Y/N spent most of their time talking about future plans for the upcoming weeks while their parents discuss their weekend plans — what to have for dinner and who’s house to have dinner at. Time had passed quickly and before they knew it, it was 10pm.
The parents had left, leaving Ronnie and Y/N at the bar by themselves. At least, that was until the boys walked in.
Ronnie smiled widely, hugging her brothers but then proceeding to punch them for surprising her and not just telling her. Josh and Danny hugged Y/N first, Sam leading after. Jake didn’t hug Y/N. It stung a bit. It made sense though. The last time they talked — it ended in an argument which was the resulting cause of their breakup.
A few drinks were downed, a couple shots thrown in there as well. Y/N figured it was time to throw the towel in. She couldn’t handle the awkward glances and forced conversation on their part. She grabbed her jacket off the back of her chair and put it on as she said goodbye to everyone. “Boys, lovely to see you again. I’m sure I’ll see you this weekend.”
She wasn’t going to. She was gonna avoid them at all costs. Come up with a lie — say she had the flu or something. Her mother would believe her either way, as well as understand where she was coming from with her avoidance. Her mother was there for her while she cried her eyes out.
She didn’t notice when Jake had followed her out. She didn’t notice him calling her name. The only thing she could notice was the tears falling down her cheeks, wiping them as soon as she felt them.
“I never stopped loving you.”
It slipped out. It didn’t mean to come out. Jake didn’t necessarily want it to come out. They say drunk words are sober thoughts, right? At the same time, who trusts the words of a drunk person? Usually it’s just brushed off as babbling, but Y/N couldn’t ignore what Jake said. Especially because she couldn’t blame it on not hearing him. There was no music playing outside the bar. The music was faint enough that anything Jake had said was heard.
“When we broke up,” he started. “I was a wreck. I was immature. It could’ve worked out - it would’ve worked out if I wasn’t such a child about everything.”
“Jake —“
“No, Y/N, I need to say this now. I’m a little drunk so I actually have the balls to say everything I want to. It was stupid to break up over something as menial as distance. The things I feel for you are so intense it scares the fuck out of me. I was so afraid of being gone all the time. You deserved someone who could be there to help you study for midterms. I was always in another state and sometimes another country. I wasn’t… there to be able to help you through anything. Everything’s different now, though.”
She sighed, not entirely sure on what to do with the information that was thrown at her. She was sober enough to remember the conversation tomorrow, but not nearly drunk enough to be able to deal with it tonight. “Do you wanna just come home with me? Talk about this tomorrow morning when we’re both sober.”
“Yeah, I’d like that a lot.”
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wypapichulo · 3 years
𝟕 𝐝𝐚𝐲𝐬.
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pairing ; lee donghyuck x reader genre ; fluff, very very slight angst / high school au word count ; 5010 words warnings ; some explicit language? the use of the word 'shit' a few times? playlist ; dive into you – nct dream | walk you home – nct dream | best friend – rex orange county | anti-romantic – txt | can't take my eyes off you – frankie valli | backyard boy – claire rosinkranz author's note ; i hope the ending doesn't sound too rushed,, aah i just lost the vibe and wanted to get it done ;,, i hope it's alright🚶 dt ; @matchaeee <3
Making someone you don't know fall for you would have been easier. Making your best friend fall in love with you? A little bit more of a hassle But not unless they've been in love with you from the start.
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“I can make her fall in love with me in 7 days”
Haechan had said this whilst he was sitting on the sidewalk in front of the small convenience store beside an exasperated looking Jeno. “Hyuck, I’m pretty sure you can’t.”, “No I’m confident!” He continued, sipping his carbonated drink and cutting Jeno off as he spoke, “Look– I know her inside and out, I’m sure I know just the right tricks to make her fall for me!”
Jeno sighed slightly, knowing it was no use to force Haechan to listen to him. “You shouldn’t play with feelings like this…” He started, taking a sip of his own soda, “Can’t you just tell her you like her like a normal person–“, “you’re seriously no fun.” Jeno deadpanned at the statement, hand ready to reach for the brunets to pull his fingers back, “I just wanna see if she really likes me back for real!” he said, hands fidgeting with the rim of the soda can, “I don’t know, what if she doesn’t like me and rejects me when I ask her!”
“So the only logical way to fix that is by ‘making her fall in love with you in seven days’?!” Jeno exclaimed, nearly in tears at his own friend’s stupidity. Haechan grinned, “well if she doesn’t like me yet, she’ll definitely like me by the end of this.”
“I’m going to forget about him in the next 7 days.”
Renjun looked up in surprise at the girl’s statement, never having thought of the day she’d finally say it.
“You won’t.” He stated simply, continuing to sketch the tree outside the window of her room. She whined slightly, turning her attention to the boy in her room, “and what makes you say that?”
“You said that two years ago.”, “I was younger then!”, “Sure you were.”
She groaned, falling back on her bed with a thud, “I need to try… this one-sided shit is getting to me…”
Turning to look at the heap of sadness on the bed, Renjun sighed quietly. “I definitely won’t question you if you tell me you’re still in love with him by the end of it.”
“I’m only trying right?”
“How you doin’ gorgeous~”
To say she was shocked was an understatement. What?
“What do you want Hyuck.” She asked with a deadpan, staring down at the blank page of her notebook. Her plan was to study but it seemed as if the man duped as her best friend had other ideas. “I don’t want anything! Can’t I say nice things about you?” He said, taking the seat across from her.
The library was quiet, save for the few students chattering mutedly by the computers. The whole day Haechan had been fine– normal, so to speak… He sat next to her as usual during lunch–as they barely shared any classes this school year–and joked around for a bit, he stole the milk that she had painstakingly waited behind a line of first years to buy, giving her a presumably empty promise that he’d buy her another one… but then he came in the library and said that?
“You’ve never called me that before,” she scoffed, “and if you have, I’d remember.”
Of course she would. Somehow every compliment he had given her always stuck in her mind, even the few ingenuine ones that came out as jokes. The time he called her quick witted when she replied to one of his jokes, the time he said she was pretty good at math’s when she had explained to him how to find an axis… And of course there was the time he had exclaimed how she was prettier than the girl she had been talking shit about… not one of her best feats but... it was something.
So to have him call her gorgeous, even if it was just as a passing nickname… it was something that made her cheeks burn when she remembered his exact wording of the sentence.
“Well that doesn’t matter does it?” he said, leaning over the table to read through the same passage as she had been going through for the last hour, trying to fit anything and everything in her head. “Are you having trouble with anything?”
“Nothing you can help me with.” She scoffed, turning a page. “Aw, come on, don’t say that!” he laughed aloud, earning him an abundance of shushes from the few students scattered around the area. “I’m sure I, with my great expertise, can help you in some way with–“ he looked down at the chapter’s name, “intercontinental… exchange… what the hell is this–“
She laughed lightly at his confusion, “It’s economics,” she smiled, making his heart race with anticipation for some unknown reason, “you won’t get it.”
“Well maybe if you taught me, I’d understand.” He chuckled softly, sitting properly once more and sighing as he stared at the soft curve of her lips. She blushed lightly, realizing the direction of his eyes and looking back down to her book.
Barely the first day and she was already smitten once more with him… she wondered if she’d ever manage to escape from the trap that was Lee Donghyuck.
Closing her locker up, she nearly went into cardiac arrest as she saw none other than Haechan leaning on the locker right beside hers.
“Donghyuck! You almost gave me a heart attack!” she exclaimed, heart pounding at a thousand beats per second… or not– maybe she was just exaggerating…
He smirked, an image that had always and forever will be engraved into the crevices of her mind. “I hope that’s a good thing?”
She merely rolled her eyes at him, shoving her textbook into her backpack. “no.” she stated with a deadpan, turning to walk away. “Wait uppp!” he whined, following along behind the exasperated girl. If Jeno was tired of him, then she was something else entirely. How she managed to keep up with the outgoing boy was a mystery even to herself.
“Are you busy this weekend?” he asked as he caught up with her and took long steps to follow along with her short quick paces, “I was thinking maybe we could go to that new café that just opened– you know, the library one?”
She kept on walking, but her pace slowed significantly. A small tell to her interest in the subject. He smiled.
“You don’t even like reading much.” She said with a chuckle, “why’d you wanna go there?” She asked softly glancing up at him. “Well… you like reading… so–“ he shrugged slightly “–I thought you’d enjoy it…”
See this was the thing about him. Whenever she had made a commitment to stop thinking about him–leave her feelings for him in the dust–he’d always come back strong, making her feel as if he never wanted her to stop liking him. But what could she do? It seemed as if he never had the slightest interest in being anything other than friends.
She smiled softly, sighing as she opened her mouth to give out a small, “alright.” As her answer to his invitation.
“Great! It’s a date!”
The four words stopped her in her tracks between the horde of students walking to and from to get to their classes.
He only grinned, turning to face her as he walked backwards. “I’ll see you after class!”
She was frozen in place it seemed. Blinking as she watched the retreating back of the boy who had… just asked her out?
Again, confusion had begun to settle in. Was this ‘date’ meant to be a romantic date? Or just– one where they hung out as friends and had coffee?
In her confusion, she had forgotten to ask him about the exact day of which their little ‘date’ was supposed to be on… but she was sure he’d text her everything she needed to know about it, right down to the dress code.
Retracing her thoughts, maybe she was wrong… this might have been the first time he’d ever shown any interest in being anything more than friends… And to be quite honest, it may or may not have scared her…
What would she do if it turned out he really had feelings for her…? DAY 3
“I thought you said you were going to stop liking him.”
She had found Renjun in the art room as per usual, painting away at whatever his heart had decided to explore. The golden particles drifted in from the late afternoon sun as she had just finished up her own after school activity. “I want to… But he’s making it so hard!” she exclaimed, sitting on a table to the side at the back of the room.
Renjun was somehow her only sane friend, and even so, he preferred to stay out of her messy love life with the undeniably annoying Haechan. Not to mention that he couldn’t even talk to Haechan without bursting a nerve. “I don’t understand how you don’t see how annoying the boy is.” He said nonchalantly as he continued to mix and match an array of greens to the trees he had started on. “Just thinking of that should be enough to stir you away from him.”
Sighing in aggravation to her situation, she sticked out her tongue at the back of his head. “I saw that.” He stated, barely even looking up from his canvas. “’course you did…” she grumbled lowly, pouting and looking out of the window.
“That’s just the thing…” she started, her tone soft and her eyes unfocused, “he’s not… annoying…”
Renjun scoffed aloud, nearly keeling over in laughter. “Are you sure about that?” He said in between his dying giggles, turning to finally look at the girl who was now looking at him with an unamused look. “Shut up– you know what I mean!” she cried out in annoyance. He made a face, turning back to his painting and continuing to work on the piece. “Really, when you get to know him– he’s more than that!” she tilted her head back to rest on the cool wall of the classroom.
“Today he actually got me the milk I wanted…” she muttered softly, “It’s not much of course… but…”
“You said the other day that you had to wait a long time to get the milk cause of those underclassmen, so– y’know– I got it for you.”
“But it’s enough for you to stay deeply in love with him isn’t it.” Renjun sighed, knowing that she would start yelling as soon as the thought sunk in her head.
To his surprise, she didn’t. She simply sat in thought in the back of the class, watching as Renjun shrugged and continued with his painting. She mulled it over, what he said, and came to the personal conclusion that he in fact was right. It was no use in fighting the feeling. She really did care for him… a little afraid to say love– but she cared for him immensely nonetheless.
She got off the table and walked towards where Renjun sat with his canvas and patted his shoulder lightly.
“Thanks Renjunnie.”
“I told you not to call me that… makes me sound like a child...” He murmured, rolling his eyes before continuing, “what are you even thanking me for anyways? I didn’t do anything. The feelings were there the whole time.”
Her lips turned up slightly, and she hummed softly before walking towards the door.
“You did more than you think.” She said, turning to look at him once more as she opened the door. He merely looked at her in puzzlement, not understanding just how he had helped her in her quest of love. “I’ll talk to you tomorrow!”
“Yeah… see you…” he muttered quietly, his eyebrows still furrowed in confusion, before shaking his head as the door fell shut.
“Why are all my friends so weird…”
The living room of her house was spacious.
Very much so that she wondered why it felt as if she couldn’t even get a distance away from the clingy boy.
Haechan had come over to help her with some of her class work she was struggling with, and truly, she couldn’t thank him enough for the help… but why did he have to sit so close to her?
He had been reading a passage out to her from the book, shoulders brushing ever so slightly against one another, causing her cheeks to flare with heat. Every single move he made seemed to make her tense up all the more.
She was never like this! Each time they had studied together, even as much as she liked him, it never caused her to blush or fidget as much as she was doing now.
Maybe it was the effect of realizing that he might like her after all… The last three days were such an improvement in that area of their relationship that it made her wonder if he actually had liked her all along and just decided to showcase it all now.
“And that’s why the tectonic pressure in this area is much larger than here.” He explained– arm stretching slightly over her to point at an image on the book. For some unknown reason, she had held her breath ever so slightly as to maybe become stone in the next few seconds. He turned to look at her– their faces not too far from one another, and it was like time had stopped right in that moment, just to make her realize how much trouble she was in by falling for this forsaken boy. She could feel her face redden to the deep color of the roses on the front porch of her house, and suddenly, all she wanted to do was melt into a puddle right there and then.
Oddly enough, he seemed to be reactionless. It was as if the proximity of their faces had absolutely no effect on his own heart, bringing up the question in her mind once more whether he actually held any feelings for her other than the simple platonic ones.
“You weren’t paying attention were you?”
Her eyebrows raised to her hairline, quite literally, at the accusing statement he had thrown upon her. “I– Hey! I was listening!”
Suddenly every single feeling of embarrassment left her body as she pushed him playfully, as a means to get away from him as well. He yelped aloud, his back hitting the couch. “You weren’t!” he called out, a smile beginning to grow on the edges of his lips, “I can tell when you’re listening and when you’re not! And here, you were clearly not!”
She laughed loudly, throwing her head back as she did so. It had been ages since she had laughed so freely, and Haechan soaked up every single moment of it. His smile softened as he watched she tips of her eyes crinkle up and turn into crescents– the sound of her laughter as melodious as his own favorite song. In the moment, he wished so dearly he could just reach over and kiss her face all over, his heard filling up with affection he wished to shower her with.
Her laughter died down and she simply turned to look at him with a look in her eyes that he couldn’t quite place. “I really haven’t laughed that much in a while…” she said softly, watching as he nodded in listening. “I can tell.”
She giggled lightly once more. “Should we go back to studying?” she asked, a teasing smile gracing her features, to which he merely scoffed and laughed at.
“Only if you’ll listen properly this time.”
Another 3 days to go. If he was able to successfully make her fall for him, he’d be able to do all he wanted and more. DAY 5
So maybe accepting a walk home from the person you’re trying to forget about isn’t the best strategy to go with… but– in defense, Haechan had been more the one to tag along home, rather than ask her if she wanted anyone to walk her.
She had gotten used to it… but with the antics of the past week and the upcoming date on the Sunday (Yes he had given her all the information the night before. Yes he sent her every available picture there was of the place. Yes he was very excited and honestly, so was she.), who wouldn’t?
As Saturday was a day where she and the rest of the ’00 liners’–as they all preferred to call themselves (though their whole school year was the ’00 line’ so honestly that nickname was rather stupid)–usually had a game night at either Jeno or Jaemin’s house, both she and Haechan had settled on going to the cute little library-esque café on the Sunday.
The whole way home, Haechan couldn’t help but stare softly as she recounted the events of the day. Again, being in different classes had its perks, as there was always something new to tell each other about.
Every step he took felt heavier. He knew they both were getting closer to her house– every time he saw a bench on the side of the street his instinct would tell him to sit down with her and just talk for longer, wanting to keep all her minutes for himself selfishly.
“So that’s why she was kicked out of the class today– I honestly can’t believe she had the nerve to pull that off!” laughing slightly, she turned to face Haechan, “I’m sure you’d do some stupid shit like that too.”
Haechan snapped out of his short daze if not to cry out words of denial, causing her to laugh even louder at his insistence that he would not blend and eat drink his homework just to get extra time on a project.
“After all, I’m not stupid– I don’t need extra project time since I’m just that smart!” He huffed, glancing to the girl beside him to see if he had gauged a reaction out of her. To his delight, she laughed once more, letting him relish in her melodic laughter. “you’re really full of yourself you know?”
This erupted another fit of laughter and denial to spurt from the two, pitter patting home for the day. “I’m not full of myself! I’m just confident!”, “same difference, Hyuck.” She said between breaths as her laughter finally died down.
He merely huffed and pouted­– turning to the side and glancing at her a few times to gain her remorse for her mean words ; it clearly didn’t work as all she did was giggle softly and shook her head.
The brush of the back of their hands made his heart pound faster. He glanced down to look and there it was, the soft hand he wanted to hold in his so much. He looked back up in a panic– noticing that they were getting closer to her house.
Unknown to him, her heart was just as heavy at the thought of having to part with him for the day. Though she knew tomorrow would be another day that would definitely be spent with him, it made her sorrowful to think of the fact that they’d have to be apart for the night. Cheesy as it may seem.
As they stood in front of the pathway up to her front door, he debated internally on whether or not he should do what he wanted to do or not, his head spinning at the thought of her maybe thinking he was an idiot for what he was about to do. She smiled up at him, a silent goodbye being exchanged between them, before turning around to walk up the pavement to her house.
Her feet stopped, and in turn, so did her heart. In a good way, of course, but it stopped nonetheless. She stayed silent for a moment before turning to face the brunet once more. “Yeah?” she asked quietly, a soft smile present on her features.
His mouth dried up. He had nothing to say– stupid! Why did he stop her like that then?
“I– Uh…” he faltered in his words; eyes still stuck on her face. Lips, to be specific.
She tilted her head slightly in question, wondering what was going through that enigma of a mind everyone called Haechan. “Hyuck?”
He smiled and shook his head, opting to grin at her like the idiot in love he was. “Until we meet again tomorrow~” he said in a mock posh accent which made her giggle lightly behind her hand. She merely shook her head and turned once more, walking up to her front door and opening it slowly, turning to give him one last smile before she closed the door.
There he stood like a lovestruck fool in the middle of her driveway as he watched her back turn as she finally walked into the house.
“I wish I had the courage to give you that hug…” DAY 6
Jeno’s house was the choice of the week, Haechan and Jaemin having pestered him into agreement over where they’d all be bundling into for the afternoon.
“I really don’t see why it should have to be my house!” Jeno whined as he stepped into the living room with snacks in hand, “It was already my house last week! It should be nana’s this week…” he trailed off, grumbling as he stepped over the legs of a serious Haechan and sat between the sole girl in their group and Jaemin on the floor. Jaemin laughed aloud, “you have the comfiest sofa!” he hollered out, earning him a kick from Renjun, who’s legs he was sitting in between.
“You’re not even sitting on the sofa,” Renjun retaliated for Jeno, cutting him some slack, “you’re leaning on my legs.”
“Well they sure are comfy if that’s what you’re implying.” Jaemin said, pressing at the buttons erratically as he flurried to beat Haechan at what seemed to be a simple game of mario kart. Hey, anything to beat Haechan right?
“DAMN!” Haechan yelled, causing the girl seated beside him to jump slightly in her seat. Jaemin only laughed, leaning his head up to look at an unimpressed Renjun.
“Hyuck give me the controller, I’m gonna beat Jaemin.” Renjun said with some form of courage to beat the one and only Nana. “Sure you are,” he said, standing up and handing the controller over to Renjun. “Anymore soda anyone?” he asked, stepping to the side to head over to the kitchen. “I’ll have a soda!”, “alrighty! One soda coming right up!” Haechan called out, turning right out to the kitchen.
“I’m gonna run out of sodas at the rate you’re drinking them…” Jeno murmured to her softly, a giggle erupting out of her lips, “fine then– I’ll have a cup of tea instead, ‘s that better?” she asked softly, smiling at the black-haired boy beside her. Jeno smiled back, his eyes disappearing behind his perfect crescents, “I’ll go get you some then.” He said, standing up from his seat to get her some tea.
Walking into the kitchen, he tutted lightly as he found Haechan going through his fridge. “And what if my mom was the one who had walked in?” Jeno stated with a deadpan, rolling his eyes at the idiotic grin his friend gave him. “First off– she’s not home. Second off– your mom loves me!” Haechan exclaimed, closing the fridge behind him after finding nothing of his interest. He picked up the sodas on the counter– before Jeno stopped him. “She changed her mind on the sodas, said she’d have tea instead.” He explained, moving to the cabinets to take out some tea to brew for her, to which Haechan simply hummed in understanding before cracking one of the soda cans open and sipping it.
“So…” Jeno started, turning to face him as he leaned on the counter behind him, “how’s the love quest?” He queried, wondering about his best friends own pursuit of love. “Is she ‘in love’ with you yet?”
Haechan shrugged slightly, “I sure hope she is… if not then I’m not sure what I’m gonna do tomorrow…”
“Why… What’s tomorrow?” Jeno questioned again, tilting his head in confusion. In Haechan’s mind… he looked rather like a lost puppy…
“Date.” The only word that came out of Haechan’s mouth as he stared with a smirk on his face to the boy standing opposite him.
Jeno’s eyes widened significantly, “Date? You mean you asked her out successfully?”
Haechan grinned, “Of course I did!”, he boasted smugly, “only a fool wouldn’t be able to make her fall in love! Especially with the shitty dudes she’s liked before.”
Jeno looked up in glee, “then– after that– my days of hell are over! I won’t have to listen to your lamenting again!” He whined when Jeno exclaimed that, shaking his head, “I wasn’t lamenting, you were the one who complained about my topic of conversation–“ he paused, rolling his eyes at the grinning puppy-like boy.
“Alright fine maybe I was,” he agreed begrudgingly, “But hey! I managed to make her fall in love with me AND score a date in 7 days! My lamenting wasn’t for nothing after all!”
Their shared laughter was cut short by the sound of the slamming of the front door and the cries of both Renjun and Jaemin. Haechan looked up worriedly at Jeno, who in turn gestured him to the kitchen exit.
“what’s wrong?” Haechan asked once he reached by the front door beside the other two boys. “You!” Renjun seethed, turning to glare at the brunet, “She was already trying to forget about you and now you play with her feelings like this!”
Furrowing his eyebrows in confusion, Haechan scoffed, “I never played her like shit! I was always honest!”, “Then tell me what this stupid 7 day bet is all about!” Renjun yelled in his face, angry for his best friend who had muffled out in tears the short reason she was leaving so early.
“Bet?” he questioned, truly confused as to the entirety of the situation, “what fucking bet?”
Renjun rolled his eyes, “Don’t play stupid Donghyuck. You were talking to Jeno about some 7 day bet to get her to like you or something–”, “wait, this is all wrong!” Jeno exclaimed, “We never made a bet! Hyuck wanted to confess to her at the end of the week, and that’s why the whole week he had been making proper advances to her…”
The room stilled as the clarity of the situation which was misunderstood settled into their heads.
“I need to talk to (Y/N).” DAY 7
Checking her phone, she grumbled slightly, rereading the message that Haechan had sent to her the evening prior, or rather, spammed her endlessly.
hyuck ♡ : please come tomorrow.
hyuck ♡ : i really really have to talk to you about this :((
hyuck ♡ : please please please
hyuck ♡ : I don’t know what I’ll do if you don’t come :(((
hyuck ♡ : please? At least consider it?
Sighing quietly as she scrolled through the abundance of messages of theirs from previous sleepless nights, she jumped when she heard the call of the voice she had cried herself to sleep over the night before. Oh his treacherous voice, hurting her feelings like that with the words that came out of his wretched mouth yesterday.
“(Y/N)!” he said, jogging up to her with a grin spread on his face, almost as if yesterday had been a dream and she had simply hallucinated the entire event. But she knew better than to believe him that fast.
Giving him a curt nod, she spoke up before anything could leave his mouth– “Tell me, Donghyuck, what happened yesterday?” she started, face hard with the cut still deep in her heart. His smile faltered, realizing just how much his words had hurt her feelings the day before.
“Do you take my feelings as a joke?” she asked again, looking to her feet in fear of her eyes betraying her and leaving tear stains across her cheeks, “because if you do then i–“
“No!” he cut, knowing that if he let this go on for longer it would only hurt her more, “No, I’d never!”
She was quiet, listening to the sound of his ragged breathing, almost as if the quietness would let her hear the sound of his heartbeat.
“Then what… what…”
He sighed softly, “I was… scared.”
Looking up, she was met with the troubled face of the person she once thought to be the largest of mysteries. “I didn’t want to be faced with rejection, I don’t know what I’d do if I ever lost you, as a friend or as…” he cleared his throat slightly, turning to the side, “as something more.”
The tension was thick, the street around them continuing on its route of life whilst they both stood in their own quiet bubble. Her eyes softened at his statement, the pieces of the puzzle which was Haechan starting to become clearer by every word.
“And you thought the most logical way to go, was to ‘make me fall in love with you in seven days’? come on Hyuck we’re not in some stupid romance movie–“, Haechan’s whine cut her voice short, “You sound just like Jeno now!” he cried, making her laugh softly, before stepping forward to take his hand in hers.
He looked down at their intertwined hands and looked right back up at her questioningly. “what…”
“If you liked me, you really should have just said so…” she muttered softly, shaking her head with a slight giggle, “If you did, it definitely would have saved us 7 days.”
He grinned widely, “so this… makes us boyfriend and girlfriend now, right?” he asked, grin turning into a teasing smirk on his face, making the girl before him scoff and laugh.
“We’ll see in 7 days.”
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Part 7
I'm considering our little serial to be completed with this chapter. Thank you @forestwitch7 for the prompts, I enjoyed writing them. I was thinking we could continue our serials with a new prompt, and my asks are open if you want to see something that could be extended over the course of a week or longer. I do have a jealous Elain prompt (non-smutty) and a jealous Lucien prompt (smutty) that I want to complete, so if you're hoping to see either of those things, they are in the works.
As per usual, this is NSFW, 18+, edited with my eyes closed, and more soft than teasing. It's also the longest chapter thus far (as warning). These two dorks can't help themselves.
Elain was nervous when Lucien stepped into the River House, a stack of paperwork tucked beneath his arm. His eyes slid through the room, surveying the occupants without betraying his emotions. If he cared she sat there, needlework abandoned in her lap, he didn’t say. Rhysand met him just outside the hall and gestured for Lucien to follow. He left without a backwards glance. Starfall had happened weeks ago and though they’d had a nice night, he’d left the next day and hadn’t said a word since. She felt nervous and, if she was honest, a little hurt. It had been her first time being intimate with a man that way and she supposed she’d hoped he might…call on her that next day.
Take her on a real date. She’d fretted over his silence to the point of anxiety and now that he was back, she couldn’t untangle what it meant. Had he come to see her or for some urgent political matter that could not wait? Elain turned her thoughts over and over in her head until she was a mess. Feyre joined her, Mor at her side, the two unaware of Elain’s inner turmoil as they drank tea and discussed the previous evening at Ritas. Elain listened absently, letting herself tune out her own thoughts in favor of their excited gossiping.
“Elain?” Lucien’s voice cut through the chatter just as the sun began to set. All three women silenced, their eyes locked on his face. Besides Solstice, had anyone ever seen the two of them friendly in the same space? Judging from the surprise on both Mor and Feyre’s faces, Elain guessed not.
“Do you want to get dinner?” He asked smoothly, arms crossed over his hunter green jacket. His expression was almost a dare. Say no. Reject me in front of your family.
“Yes,” she replied, too breathless. No one in that room believed this was the first time he’d asked her to spend time with him after hearing her response. If there was any doubt, Elain knew she squashed it when she stood quickly, tossed her needlepoint onto the chair behind her, and walked confidently towards him. Lucien was smiling with such open affection it made her heart flutter.
She waited until they were out of the River House and walking down dark, paved streets before she asked, “Are we really getting dinner?”
“I do plan to eat,” he replied, causing her to flush. “Sorry I was gone for so long. There was a disturbance…but I thought I’d show you something.”
“Oh?” She asked, her heart pounding a near painful beat in her chest. Lucien only smiled, both eyes focused straight ahead.
He stopped her in front of a pretty brick building half covered in inching, leafy vines. Lucien pulled a silver key from his pocket, slid it into the door, and gestured for him to follow her. The interior was beige and housed two doors on either side of the walls, with a staircase leading up. Lucien walked her up two flights of stairs to the third floor and opened the door with a shiny number 7 hanging just above a peephole.
“I have an apartment in the city,��� he told her with a wink, pressing a spare key into her hands. “I should have told you about it ages ago.”
“That’s okay,” she swore breathlessly, stepping inside. She wondered if Lucien had decorated it or if it came furnished. She supposed it musthave been him, given the rich oranges, browns, reds and yellows that stared back at her. It was very much an Autumn pallet, bright and lovely and put together by someone with an eye for art and fashion.
“You can come even if I’m not in the city,” he continued, walking her through the living room and down a hall where his bedroom lay. “If you ever need to get away…or you miss me.”
He said that last part like a joke. She opened her mouth to inform him she missed him all the time but got tripped up when her eyes fell on a huge, four poster bed hung with sheer white curtains. A bed. On the floor were dozens of fat red pillar candles and with a snap of his fingers, each sprang to life.
“You’ll get wax on the wood,” she whispered, frozen in the doorway.
“A small price to pay,” he shrugged, putting his hands on her shoulders. “You can say no, you know. It doesn’t have to be tonight.”
Elain nodded, her mind forcing her to compare the scene before her with her only other experience. The room had been dark and cold, sparsely decorated and entirely masculine. She’d just assumed that was the height of romance in the moment but even though Lucien’s room, too, was masculine, he’d softened it considerably with the candles and the draped curtains. Even the blankets were a soft brown with a cream-colored throw tossed over a corner, making his bedroom feel warm and inviting. She looked over her shoulder at him, unsurprised by the flame burning in that russet-colored eye. His gold eye was wholly fixed on her face, and she wondered if he could see past her flesh.
And though there had never been a choice in whether they would be together, hearing him tell her she could say no if she wanted, that he wasn’t in a hurry, did something to her. He made her feel seen, feel special.
Loved, even, though she was too afraid to admit that was what was happening out loud. What had started as her attempt to get Azriel’s attention, to distract herself from her own boredom, had become much, much more. She almost laughed at how different things were, how important Lucien had become to her. She wrapped her arms around his neck instead and pressed a kiss to his mouth.
“I want it to be tonight,” she told him softly, her lips touching his as she spoke. Lucien smiled, his skin practically glowing.
“Good,” he replied, hoisting her off her feet and into his arms. “Because I’m tired of waiting.”
Lucien dropped her to his bed, climbing onto the mattress with her. Elain yanked down his neatly made blankets as Lucien shucked off his shoes, jacket, and shirt. Her fingers moved towards the buttons at the back of her gown but he stopped her.
“Let me,” he asked, his voice rough with desire. She nodded, nervous and excited, shivering when his hair brushed over her collarbone and his fingers slid down her spine, quickly undoing the buttons of her dress. She watched, eyes wide, as he slid the sleeves slowly down her arms, the skin of his hands rough against her own.
Lucien leaned back, shirtless and gleaming beneath the flickering candlelight, eyes reverent. “You are so damn beautiful,” he murmured, reaching out to brush her cheek. The way he looked at her and the way she spoke the words made her feel as though her value to him was not just her beauty.
“No, you,” she replied, pleased when a flush stained his golden cheeks. He smiled, charmingly embarrassed by the compliment, before going back to her under garments. She let him fully expose her, resisting the urge to cover herself with her hands as she looked at her again, his jaw slack and eyes wide just as he’d been when she’d come out on Starfall. He opened his mouth to speak but no words came out. She wanted to tease him but something about his expression made her stop. Instead she settled back against the fluffy pillows on his bed and gestured for him to come to her.
He did without hesitation, his lips slotting between her own quickly. He poured all his unspoken words in the kiss as he settled between her body. She wanted to tell him, wanted to say the words but she was afraid she’d break the spell.
So she poured back. I love you. Don’t leave me again. I love you. I love you. I love you.
Lucien’s hips ground against her, proof of his want and Elain gasped as memory of his cock in her mouth flooded back. He was so very large, much bigger than Graysen had been. Would it hurt, she wondered, running her nails down his back.
“I can feel your thoughts,” Lucien gasped, nipping down the side of her neck. “I won’t hurt you.”
She frowned. Had he felt everything? “Yes,” he replied again, smiling against her skin. His fingers tweaked against her nipples, the sensation hooking roughly in her gut. He looked up, his face resting in valley between her breasts, his eyes impossibly soft. “I love you too, you know.”
She started to say it back, a giggle bubbling in her throat, but Lucien’s mouth clamped over one over sensitive nipple, and nothing felt funny anymore. Desire coursed through her veins, taking over her body just like the day he’d taken her in the garden. She felt needier now, desperate in a way she hadn’t then.
He surged forward again, kissing her hotly, his tongue messy against her own. It was a prelude to what he planned to do between her legs, and she wished he’d stop teasing her and get on with it. She was way too shy to just ask and when he broke the kiss, she whined, pushing his head down her body.
Lucien chuckled darkly, his breath warm on her cool skin. “Say please,” he whispered, rubbing the flesh of her thighs just close enough to the crease of her center without actually touching her. She lifted her hips and wondered if he’d deny her if she didn’t do as he asked.
“Please,” she begged, delighted at the groan that slipped from his throat.
“Embarrassing,” she teased, squirming against his fingers.
“Oh you don’t know the half of it, sweetheart,” Lucien crooned, lowering his mouth to her body. She squealed, delighted by both the nick name and how willing Lucien was to play along. Her thoughts vacated at that first swipe of his tongue, dragging her back to that place of limitless burning heat. She couldn’t take her eyes off him, his hair spread over his broad, muscular shoulders, one hand pressed against her lower abdomen to keep her pinned to the bed. His eyes were closed, the expression on the part of his face she could see utterly lost, as though he were experiencing some form of nirvana just by touching her. She could see his hips grinding against the bed in time with her own and she wished he wasn’t wearing pants. She wanted to see him fully undressed.
She felt electric beneath his touch, building up, up, upbefore she shattered around him with a scream and a fistful of his hair, forcing him to stay clamped between her trembling thighs. He didn’t stop, his tongue sweeping over her in quick, efficient circles until she was sobbing mess. She tugged and he came, his mouth covering hers with an intensity that excited her. She hooked her fingers in the waist of his pants and tugged.
“Impatient,” he tried to tease but the word was more groan. She watched him roll over and stand quickly to shuck off his pants.
“Wait!” She cried, drinking in the hard, naked, muscular body standing in front of her. Lucien shifted his weight from one foot the other other, his cock twitching beneath her gaze.
“Now who is beautiful?” She asked while he crawled back to her.
“Still you,” he promised, kissing her gently. She hesitated when she felt the crown of his cock notch against her entrance.
“Go slow,” she murmured. Though his expression seemed pained, Lucien nodded, his hair creating a curtain between the pair of them. She could pretend they were in their own little world where no one but them existed.
She sighed when he slid that first inch in, her body stretching but not in a painful way. It was pleasant and comfortable and by the time he was fully seated inside her, Elain regretted asking him to go slow. Lucien seemed to be strained above her, his body weight braced on his elbows beside her.
“Are you okay?” He gasped and she nodded, leaning up just enough to kiss him.
“You can move,” she told him with what she hoped was a sweet and not deranged smile. Lucien nodded, sliding himself out too slowly for her liking, grunting as he came back in. She let him for a moment, worried that perhaps he needed to prove to himself he wouldn’t hurt her, before she hooked her legs around him and drove her heels into his ass, forcing him to snap into her hard.
“Oh,” she gasped at the same time he did. “Again.”
Whatever leash Lucien held himself with vanished and Lucien thrust hard, the sound of their flesh meeting punctuating the silence around them. She was building again, writhing beneath him, doubly so when his hand snaked between them to rub quick circles over her already swollen clit. She was panting, begging.
“Harder,” she heard her voice plead, half stunned at the sound. “Don’t stop, Lucien, please.”
Lucien grunted again, sweat dripping down his back. “So fucking wet,” he groaned, the sound more animal than man. “So tight. Fuck, Elain—”
His words were drowned by the sound of her scream, so loud she was sure his entire building heard it. Lucien didn’t stop though the snarl that erupted from his throat made her shudder even as blinding white pleasure stole her last little sense of self. She was an extension of him and he the other half to her. Connected, Elain felt as though life suddenly made sense.
“Again,” Lucien demanded, somehow increasing his speed, pounding into her with an intensity that threatened to drive her mad. She was whimpering, her whole body overly sensitive beneath his hands. She moaned at the feel of one of his hands palming her breast, tweaking her nipples before gliding back to the quivering nub of flesh at her apex. “Again.”
And whatever it was that existed between them, the bond or their connected souls, made her desperately want to please him. She bit her bottom lip so hard she tasted blood, her hips unable to keep up with the pace he’d set, her thighs still trembling from her last release. He didn’t let up, even in the wake of her pleas.
“Please, Lucien. Lucien, Luci—” Her climax was edged with pain, the scream hoarse. Lucien growled with pleasure, pumping once, twice, and then once more before he held himself over her, groaning loudly with his own release. She could hardly catch her breath, her vision spotted, her body utterly wrung out when he collapsed atop her, head buried in the crook of her neck.
“Did I hurt you?” He asked, kissing along her jaw.
“No,” she whispered, her words threatening to turn to hysterical laughter. “You were perfect.”
His teeth tugged along her ear and though she was exhausted, more arousal speared through her.
“Are you hungry?” He asked, withdrawing himself from her body. She frowned, mewling with protest. Lucien merely smiled as he clambered from the bed, padded across the room, and returned with a warm rag to wipe her up with.
Elain propped herself up on her elbows to look at his flagging erection, his beautiful body, his absurdly lovely face. “I love you,” she said, tasting the words as she said them. Lucien beamed, seeming as though he were lit with some inner light only she could see. He tossed the rag back into the bathroom before joining her in the bed again. He dragged the blankets over them, cuddling her into his arms.
She smiled when he kissed the top of her head. “I love you, sweetheart. Are you hungry?”
“Yes,” She admitted, snuggling closer into his chest. “But it can wait.”
“Tell me what you want, Elain.” “You,” she said without hesitation. “With me, all the time.”
His thumb stroked over her cheek. “Consider it done.”
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