#but good for y’all I guess
russilton · 2 years
I wanna know what’s going on in the mind of the person who tagged “everyone is a Ferrari fan even when they say they aren’t” on a post where George essentially called Ferrari too shit to challenge RB.
What’s going on Ferrari people. I don’t… understand you
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goldensunset · 11 months
a real blorbo is someone you can both write a lengthy and serious/sad analysis on yet also constantly and i mean constantly make stupid jokes about
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kandulce · 6 months
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tiredyke · 2 years
every time queer discourse surges on this site everyone is so quick to jump to “it was actually the evil lesbians who divided us” because y’all heard the term “political lesbian” and never bothered to figure out what that meant
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miss-americanbi · 1 year
shout out to all the demons (dyslexic people) who are having the time of their lives trying to spell “ineffable” or “bureaucracy” correctly post good omens 2
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crazymecjc · 27 days
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i’ll steal your heart, and free your soul 🧤♟️
my piece for @kaysa21 as a part of the @p5mixtape exchange event!! hope you enjoy!!
(song is twisted hearts by tasuku hatanaka)
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Batman is…. Busy right now
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spittyfishy · 19 days
1A with mondo and ishimaru?
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They deserve all the great big hugs!
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24hrsoda · 2 months
re: my League!Bruce AU
imagining Bruce finally being able to take Ra’s down in a spar. And Ra’s is SO PROUD because he taught him that! he trained Bruce so well!
And Ra’s gets up, puts his hands on Bruce’s shoulders, looks down at him very very proudly—and thinks about the quickest and least painful way to kill him.
His goal was to train Bruce to be almost as good as himself. Or even as good. But not better. And someone that carries all the pain and rage and anger that Bruce does, paired with naivety, makes for a dangerous combo. Especially if he becomes someone that Ra’s can’t stop.
It would be so easy to just. Put his hands around Bruce’s neck and make it quick and easy and painless and Bruce wouldn’t even see it coming and he wouldn’t feel a thing but….uh….Talia would be sad. Yeah. She would. Maybe he shouldn’t do that, because it would make Talia sad.
Not that Ra’s cares about Bruce or anything. Pssshh no. He’s lost a lot of people over the several hundred years he’s been around what’s one more? That’s definitely not a tear in his eye or anything.
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attemptinghaikyuu · 5 months
When you’re sick..
Sakusa Kiyoomi is way too close to you. He insists it’s fine.
He’s got gloves, a medical grade mask, and he’s spraying everything the two of you touch. He says it so proudly. He acts like drooping himself over your prone form, as you shuffle to the kitchen for a cup of tea is going to help you. Like since he’s your own personal knight-if a knights job was to constantly clean you-he’s doing no wrong.
And sure maybe his presence is nice, but you know you don’t appreciate the glares you’re getting from coughing. It’s not like you can HELP it.
He double downs on his glare when you point out how it’s not helping to get rid of your cough. You sigh as you suggest he stops and distances himself. Again.
He pauses and looks at you, and says your name carefully. It makes you look up at him with a little frown, and he wants to kiss it away but instead he’s lifting your hands and cleaning them, asking if you’ve touched the kettle yet.
You continue to grumble throughout the day, nursed back to health by your germaphobic boyfriend. The one you’d thought would be the first to get as far as he could from your sick self. He finishes his care off with the silliest thing you’ve ever seen from him, a kiss blown to you that he tells you to catch.
You suppose you can live with Sakusa Kiyoomi’s nursing for a day or two.
When you’re sick..
Komori Motoya is staying the fuck away from you. He loves his baby, but he isn’t getting sick for you. <3
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bookishfeylin · 4 months
Friendly reminder that Rhysand sexually assaulting Feyre Under the Mountain did not in fact save her from dying and was wholly preventable given he has the ability to glamour the guards and could’ve done anything else to “keep her mind occupied” whilst also keeping her out of the spotlight
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4pplec0re · 6 months
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do we fw sugarspacedolls (or whatever we call it ‘round here)
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violethyacinth · 5 months
Maximus telling Lucy that she smelled good and the entire following interaction was so funny and good but also made me feel so bad for the people who grow up under Brotherhood rule
Like y’all got all this time, caps, and resources to dedicate to finding goddamn toasters and shit but you can’t take a week to teach your aspirants actual sex ed so you don’t have god knows what kind of stis going around barracks because them teenagers ARE fucking do not delude yourselves.
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sin-sidejob · 2 years
Pls tell Delaney I’m free whenever if she needs a wife
Maybe in another life~
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art credit and many thanks to @olexxx who immediately jumped at the opportunity to draw this after hearing me talk about this specific ask, which btw anon, thank you
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mxtxfanatic · 10 hours
I’m gonna say it once real clear so I have a post to refer back to the moment it happens again (cause it will). I don’t give a fuck about any other reader on a personal level when I am reading a book. I don’t care who you are, where you’re from, the people who claim you, the degrees you hold and in what subject. Not a damn. When I’m discussing the book, I am discussing the things the author wrote in the book. When I am discussing characters, your personal life experiences or cultural “expertise” factor 0% into my analyses except as an addendum to my thoughts if it matches what the novel or author has already said. That means that I will not automatically bow to a reader just because they claim to be Asian in general or Chinese specifically (cause I’ve had people try to flex with both, before). I am just as capable of reading and thinking on my own, and mxtx is just as capable of conveying what she wants us to understand from her story without the “cultural translators” acting as the unwanted, unasked for middleman. Especially when that middleman is directly arguing against what the book tells me. Heritage isn’t a “get out of jail free” card for intentionally shitty analysis and willful illiteracy.
So no, I’m not entertaining your argument that a child abusing character is just fine and dandy cause “I’m Chinese, my parents beat first and ask questions later and that’s called love 🤪” You’re Asian? You’re Chinese? So what? The author is also Chinese and disagrees with you. I also have Chinese friends who’d disagree with you. Are they less Asian than you? Do they not count because they don’t confirm your self-interested generalizations? Newsflash: Chinese people are not a monolith, and the continent of Asia definitely isn’t. Unlike in this cursed fandom, most people irl can think for themselves.
I can tell you one thing, though: mxtx damn sure didn’t write any of her novels so that a particular group of Asian diaspora readers can run to a majority-white fandom to play “cultural translator” about how “inherently abusive” Chinese culture is to a round of hehe hahas at their own expense. And for what? White validation? Western approval? Over a web novel??? Does that not sound demented to you? Is that not the definition of self-hate?
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