#but got his ass kicked and as the early games go by he learns that he has to try and be a better person if he wants to be liked
vaugarde · 1 year
in my kirby verse im trying to figure out how taranzolor can work (because i cant get over ships i liked when i was 14 lmao) since in this taranza finally makes progress in moving on after the events of TKCD (which is a LARP session gone wrong here) and in that game and star allies they bond while magolor is trying to improve himself as a person and i imagine it was initially formed on a shakier foundation? bc magolor was a better person by TKCD albeit traumatized from the events of RTDL, but yknow he still was a fuckhead and liked to mess with people and a part of him did still crave to be something more and felt aimless and meaningless without something like the master crown to run after, and i think taranza would have seen sectonia parallels in that and basically just went “i can fix him”. and its like taranza trying desperately to keep his new friend/crush from destroying himself with power and greed and an outside force tearing his body apart like sectonia did (even though ironically he is also carving out his own destruction by focusing so hard on the past).
except they both need to be fixed they both need a therapist but like AFTER they get the therapist magolor learns to be satisfied with where he is and how to cope with what happened, taranza learns to move on and not punish himself constantly for what happened with sectonia and not focus so hard on the past when he has his whole life ahead of him. and they realize they still have their futures and decide... maybe they can figure it out together if they don’t have much else (at that specific point)
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intoxicated-chan · 2 months
𝐃𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐞𝐥𝐭
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Summary ➳ Gambit lends an ear and his comfort to you. 
(A/n) ➳ I feel like I spent too much time writing this because I wanted to get his accent right. But I thank all those who gave me advice, especially @a-roguish-gambit. I also started playing RDR2 so you guys can expect content for the game soon too!
Word Count ➳ 1.1k 
Content Warnings ➳ Female Reader, swearing, violence, blood, pet names (cher), mentions/fear of abandonment, light sexual content, cock blocking??  
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It wasn’t your choice to be pushed into the Void after Wade and Logan. When you watched their bodies disappear, you too were taken to the Void without putting much of a fight. And from the moment you arrived, you knew you were over your head. 
From the moment you arrived, Wade and Logan’s bickering and banter was constant, and their fights weren’t often but deadly. You stood on the sidelines whenever they fought because you knew they could easily take you out. 
Especially now.  
What was supposed to be a ride to find the Resistance members became a bloodbath, the first sign of a fight starting was your cue to leave the car and wait for them to calm down. 
You sat against the tree, watching the two grown ass men throw kicks and punches that could kill a person with ease. Logan's claws pierce Wade’s body and how Wade’s katanas and knife slice through Logan’s outfit and skin.  
“Guys, seriously?” You muttered, this fight would’ve been much entertaining if she had food with her. You were tired of it, physically and emotionally, and you weren’t surprised when you fell asleep to the sound of them battling.  
But when you awoke, you were in a different place. Some kind of hideout.  
But with three others who you learned to be Blade, Elektra and Gambit. All of them talked about getting back into Cassandra’s lair, but Wade did most of the talking as Logan did all the drinking.  
“You?!” Wade suddenly shouting in some kind of encouragement, pointing directly at you.  
They all stared at you, waiting for a response but you had no idea what they were agreeing on, going back in her lair or getting a way out.  
“It’s the same thing, kid.” Logan interrupted your thinking, as if he read your thoughts. But it seems he was tired of the fighting and wanted to a seat to drink in peace.  
“Sure, I guess.” You said, mainly to get the stares off you. 
Everyone agreed that they would set off early in the morning, giving you the chance to look around the hideout. You peeked your heads in the room as you already felt like you were trespassing, so you promised yourself that this would be the last room before you ate something. 
“Bonjour, cher.” Gambit’s voice made you jump, quickly pulling your head out to turn and look at him. “Ain’t polite to be peekin’ in on folks, now is it?” 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to-” 
Gambit reached out to push the door open further. “Ain’t no harm done.” With a wave of his hand, he welcomed you in. “Don’t be shy, cher.” 
You walked in once you got his approval, he followed right behind you, closing the door with a click. The room was not what you expected, with mismatched furniture and some playing cards lying around, it spoke of him.  
It was Gambit’s space, and it felt like an extension of him. 
“So, how long you been stuck in dis here Void?” Gambit asked, sitting on his couch and patting the cushion beside him.  
But you shook your head, choosing to lean against the wall. “Not long. I got caught up in Wade’s mess.” 
Gambit raised an eyebrow, his expression changing to surprised. “You’ new to all dis chaos, eh? Coulda fooled me.” He grinned.  
You shrugged, trying to laugh. “More like I got dragged into it. Wade... He stopped getting in trouble for some time but this time, I wasn’t quick enough to dodge it.” 
“If dere’s somethin’ on your mind, cher, you can talk. Sometimes it’s easier t’spill your guts to a stranger.” Gambit noted. 
You looked at him, seeing sincerity in his eyes. For a moment, you hesitated, but you broke. “I’m worried. Scared.” You admitted, whispering. “That this plan won’t work. If it doesn’t, everyone in my universe... They’ll forget me. It’ll be like I never existed.” 
You didn’t mean to say much, but once you started, you couldn’t stop. “I’ve been abandoned once before, left to fend for myself. I worked so hard to make a name but now it’ll be for nothing. Everything I’ve done, everyone I’ve known... Gone. Just like that.” 
You felt embarrassed after you finished ranting. Your eyes widened as you raised your hands, stumbling over your words, a poor attempt at explaining yourself. “Shit! I-I know you said-” 
But before you could finish, Gambit was there in front of you, pulling you into a tight embrace. His arms wrapped around you like a shield, protecting you from your worries.  
“It’s alrig’t cher. You’re alrig’t.” He whispered, his voice soothing as he held you close. “You ain’t gotta apologize for feelin’ like dis. Everyone gets scared, even Remy.”  
You felt yourself slowly relax in his embrace, the steady rhythm of his heartbeat calmed you a little. In that moment, you didn’t care about the fear that’s been eating you away.  
You hesitated at first, but then you wrapped your arms around him. You both stayed like that for a while, neither of you saying a word, just taking comfort in each other’s company. 
Eventually, Gambit pulled back slightly, just enough so he could look down at you. You met his faze, your breath hitching as you realized how close you were. 
And then, he leaned in, his lips meeting yours in a gentle kiss. It was slow soft at first, a mere brush of lips, but it deepened as the seconds passed, both of you losing yourselves in the moment.  
You felt his fingers running through your hair as you reached to cup his face. You shut your eyes, your hands moving to his coat and attempt to take it off him.  
The door flew open with a loud slam. You jumped, darting away from Gambit. 
“Hey, what’s going on in here?!” Wade shouted as he strutted into Gambit’s room. His tone was annoyingly cheerful. “We don’t have the budget for intimacy coordinators! Johnny must’ve taken it all.” 
You cleared your throat, crossing your arms as you felt your face become warm. “Wade! I... Uh... Nothing, nothing’s going on.” 
You could tell by how the whites of his suit widened that he was smirking under that dammed mask. “Oh really? ‘Cause it looks like I interrupted something juicy!” 
“Jus’ havin’ a lil’ chat, mon ami. Nothin’ to get excited ‘bout.” Gambit fixed his coat, seemingly normal. 
Wade then shrugged, turning around. “Alright, but if I hear any smoochin’ sounds, I’m comin’ right back!” 
As soon as the door closed behind Wade, you let out a breath you hadn’t realized you were holding, your heat still racing from the near discovery. You glanced at Gambit, who was watching you with a smile, and couldn’t help but laugh. 
Gambit stepped closer to you, hooking his finger under your chin to have you look at him. “As we were, cher?”  
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© Intoxicated-Chan 2024, I do not allow my work to be copied, translated, modified, adapted, or put on any other platform without my permission. 
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blue-blue-blooms · 5 months
Eddie Munson Headcanons
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Eddie Munson x Reader
Established Relationship
You and Eddie had been dating for a while, pretty much since the summer of '85.
You were Dustin's babysitter which meant you knew him and his friends pretty well. This meant that when they tried to hide a psychokinetic, bald child in Mike Wheeler's basement, you caught them pretty early on.
You hadn't expected to become friends with Steve Harrington and Nancy Wheeler, but when they proved themselves to be different from your preconceived notions, you became close friends.
So, yeah, you'd fought alongside the party, kicking Demogorgon ass. You'd also gotten drugged and interrogated alongside your friends. You were aware of just how fucked up Hawkins really was.
You thought that it'd be hard to keep all of this a secret from Eddie but you found it surprisingly easy. It was nice to be around someone normal for once, even though Eddie didn't really classify as 'normal'.
You'd go on dates to the movies, share a milkshake at your favorite diner, hold hands as you walked around the woods.
Eddie would try to get you into metal music but you weren't really a fan. It made Eddie pout and stomp his feet like a child sometimes but you were a goddamn babysitter and that shit didn't work on you.
He tried to get you to play D&D but was immediately shot down.
"Last time I chose to participate in a D&D game, a child went missing. So, no way."
He understood that.
He understood a lot, actually. He didn't pester you with questions any time you jolted awake in your sleep, sobbing. He'd just hold you in his arms and sing to you until you'd calmed down. He'd pepper your face with kisses any time you seemed upset. He'd pretend to fall over or hurt himself to get a laugh out of you.
You weren't sure how you'd gone your entire life not having known him. But you knew for sure that you'd spend the rest of your life getting to know him, every version of him.
When Eddie gets caught in the middle of everything, he's incredibly surprised to learn that you already knew. He asked you why you'd never told him anything to which you promptly replied, "I signed an NDA, Eddie. I don't want the government after me." He couldn't really argue with that.
After he found out what happened at Starcourt, he'd thrown a shoulder around you and smacked a huge kiss on your cheek, "You're telling me you fought off actual Russian spies, got drugged, fought a fucking Mind Flayer, and made it out alive? Damn, babe, I didn't know you were such a badass."
He nearly fell over after he found out you broke Billy Hargrove's nose after he nearly killed Steve.
"That's really hot."
"Is this actually turning you on?"
"I mean...I wouldn't mind if you punched me in the face."
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justwinginglife · 17 days
Thicker Than Blood, Pt 2.5
Guys, don't mind me, I'm just fucking around at this point. This is another fic that came about completely by accident. Hope you enjoy as much as I did!
Soshiro wasn’t very good at keeping secrets from you.
He had never needed to. He had never wanted to.
But lately, you had started to notice little bits of pocket change disappearing here and there, not enough to be concerning but enough to be curious. You’d notice he’d sneak off to the basement whenever he finished dinner early, and you’d noticed that with each passing day, he started finishing his dinner earlier and earlier. 
He still doted on you. Thanked you for the meal, complimented it endlessly. Did the dishes when he was done eating. Kissed you before he left. But some way or another, and only as of late, he was always leaving, and you wondered what it was that he was running off to. 
You trusted him, but still, you were curious. You knew you needed to allow him independence, the basement was his safe space after all and you didn’t want to take that from him, in fact, you’d holed up in your library more times than you could count, getting lost in a good book and a cup of tea, and he was always respectful of your space, but seeing him run off like this made you wonder what he was hiding. 
You just wanted to know. If he was running off to take naps down there, if he was learning how to dance, if he was teaching grannies how to knit, hell, if he was running a drug ring out of your basement, you just wanted to know. And you wanted in. 
So, one day, your curiosity got the better of you, and you crossed the threshold. You descended into the basement.
You started to pick up on muffled noises, and as you made your way deeper into the basement, you realized he was fighting someone. You weren’t sure who, you weren’t sure why, but you didn’t care; you were ready to back him up, no questions asked. If he had robbed a bank, you might’ve even fought the police off of him. 
When you burst into the room he was in, fists at the ready, fire in your eyes, you were shocked to find that he was yelling at a TV screen and… your child was yelling with him. If you weren’t so stunned, you might’ve laughed at the sight.
Soshiro had your daughter on his lap, arms around her tight, as he held up his controller for her and instructed what buttons to push, cheering,“Yeah! Yeah! You show him, baby girl! You show him! You tell that punk he’s a goner!!”
She had one tiny hand mashing at the controls, and the other raised in a triumphant fist, “Did you see me, daddy? Did you see me? I showed him! I showed him good!”
He nuzzled against her ear. “Yeah baby. I saw you. You were amazing. Now, keep at this, and you might really be able to beat Uncle Gen, yeah?”
Her eyes lit up. “Really? I can beat uncle? Again, again! Go again, daddy!”
And he smiled, kissed her head, and started another round for her on the TV. 
“Ahh, so this is where my two favorite people are always running off to, huh?” You finally pulled yourself off the door frame and joined them on the couch.
Soshiro rubbed his head sheepishly when he felt you snuggle up against him. “Sorry, love. Gotta start them early, ya know?” He held his hands up to shrug and almost dropped the controller.
“Daddy, daddy! You gotta hold it! I’m not big enough to hold it yet, daddy! Don’t move, I almost got him!”
He quickly brought the controller in front of her again, apologizing profusely and smothering the back of her head in kisses. She giggled.
You smiled warmly at him and ruffled his hair. He closed his eyes, sighing at your touch. 
“So you mean to tell me,” You laughed, “That you’ve been hiding away down here, trying to teach her some video games?” 
He shook his head. “Not just any video games,” A sly grin spread across his face, “Gen’s video games. We’re gonna kick his ass.”
Your eyes darted to the child on his lap, trying to see how much she’d overheard. He quickly clapped a hand over his mouth, realizing he’d just sworn in front of her. “Butt, butt. We’re gonna kick his butt. His butt.” He repeated, but it was too late.
“Ass, ass. Gonna kick Uncle Gen’s ass…” She sang to herself as she continued to jam at the controls.
He facepalmed and you laughed.
“Now see what you did.” You teased, nudging him playfully. “Our baby has a potty mouth cuz of you.”
He groaned, turning bright red. He buried himself in her hair to escape his embarrassment.
She giggled and pulled away, “Daddy that tickles!”
He grinned. “You know what tickles even more? This!” Then he launched his assault on her sides, attacking her with his fingers. She laughed so hard she got the hiccups and you had to fetch some water for her. 
When she had finally calmed down some, you stole the controller, claiming it was your turn and you wanted to beat Gen too. He wrapped his arm around your waist as you played and the two of them took turns cheering you on, snacking as they watched.
“Mommy, you gotta hit the red button. The red one.” 
“Ah, okay, thanks sweetie.” You pat her on the head and resumed your playthrough. 
“She really knows what she’s doing,” He chuckled. Then he nipped at your ear and murmured, “But I know you’ve got a way with your hands too, love.”
Before you could react, your daughter peered up at you with her big brown eyes, and asked as sincerely and innocently as one could ask this question, “Mommy, what do you do and daddy do with your hands?”
You nearly choked on your spit and you jabbed him in the ribs.
He laughed so hard that it shook her in his lap and she couldn’t help but giggle too even though she had no idea why they were laughing. 
When he finally composed himself, he said, “Oh mommy and I get up to lots of fun.”
“Soshiro!” You slapped his arm, mortified. 
He smirked but his lips were sealed the rest of the night. 
Over the next few months, you’d spend endless hours in the basement, just the three of you trying to outdo each other. When you were all satisfied with your skill levels, you decided to invite Gen over to see how you stacked up. 
Of course, he had no idea that you had all been practicing. Soshiro was the only one who had ever beaten him in a game; when he wanted to feel better about himself, he challenged you to a match, and if he was feeling really pitiful that day, sometimes even your daughter. 
But today, things would change.
“Gen. Come on in, the girls are waiting for you inside.” Soshiro opened the door and gestured for him to come inside. 
Gen looked him up and down before deciding to enter. “How many times do I have to tell you, it’s Narumi to you.”
Soshiro laughed. “Ah, thing is, Narumi just sounds stupid.”
Gen’s eyes narrowed. “And your wife is a Narumi.”
Soshiro smirked. “I think you mean she’s a Hoshina. Has a better ring to it than Narumi, don’t you think?”
You rolled your eyes. “Gen. Shiro. If you don’t stop comparing dicks, I’ll chop em both off.”
Your daughter came up behind you and grabbed hold of your leg. “Mommy, what’s a dick?”
Soshiro fell to his knees laughing and Gen’s eyes looked like they were about to bulge out of his skull. 
It appeared that in the span of just a couple months, you and Soshiro had managed to teach your daughter an entirely different set of vocabulary. You groaned and pinched the bridge of your nose. You blamed the gaming. 
“Sweetie. Baby. You can’t say things like that,” Gen knelt in front of her, suddenly overprotective and overbearing; nothing like he’d been mere moments ago with Soshiro. He ruffled her hair. “Lemme take you away from these hooligans and we’ll have some real fun, yeah?” He hoisted her onto his shoulders and started heading towards the basement.
“Ooh, can we play games, uncle? Can we?” She chanted as she raised her arms high. 
He beamed. “Girl after my own heart, huh? Yeah, sweetie, we can play games. Uncle Gen’ll teach you everything there is to know.”
As you watched him descend into the basement with her, you felt Soshiro wrap his arms around your waist and rest his head on your shoulder. “Ah, poor guy. He’s in for a rude awakening.” He smirked. “She’s gonna kick his ass, for sure.”
“It’s butt, darling. Around here, it is now ‘butt.’” 
He chuckled. “Right, right. Sorry, love. She’s gonna kick his butt.”
Laughing, the two of you followed behind them, hand in hand, eager to watch the scene unfold.
It didn’t take long for Gen to realize she’d been trained. 
His eyes narrowed as he looked from you to your husband. “Alright, which one of you bastards taught her how to play?”
Soshiro shrugged. “Maybe she just picked it up from watching you all those times.”
You all looked over at your daughter who was now skipping around the sofa, singing, “Kick his ass, kick his ass, gonna kick Uncle’s ass!”
Gen jerked a thumb towards her, glaring at you both. “And which one of you taught her that, huh?”
You turned to bury your face in Soshiro’s shoulder to muffle your snickers. He patted your head to settle you down, but he was biting back his own laughs. 
“And what’s so funny Y/N? Maybe you’d like to have a turn next?” Gen demanded.
Soshiro nudged you forward, grinning slyly. “Yeah babe. Have a turn.” 
“Oh, I’d love to.” You sank onto the couch next to your brother, the perfect picture of innocence. “Take it easy on me, won’t you, Gen?”
The first time you beat him, you claimed it was beginner’s luck and Gen was more than happy to agree. The second and third time, he started to sweat. By the fifth time, he had rage quit. 
When your daughter asked for another turn, Gen vehemently rejected it. Of course, he caved in when she started crying. Big, strong Captain of the First Division, and all it takes is big, brown eyes to get him weak. So he got his ass handed to him all night by his little princess. 
It was officially the worst night of Gen’s life and the best night of Soshiro’s.
You baked a pie as both a consolation prize for Gen and a celebratory prize for Soshiro’s award winning idea. 
When Gen begrudgingly took a slice of the pie, and murmured that it was so good he could cream himself, your daughter chanted back, “So good, I could cream myself!” 
Gen choked on his pie. 
If none of the humiliation and embarrassment up until that point had engraved the night into his brain, the trip to the ER certainly did.
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dr-spectre · 3 months
If Callie wasn’t brainwashed then what happened? Wasn’t it like she just grew disillusioned with inkling society and decided to go underground?
Alright so, I've said this in other blog posts and i have gone into it multiple times, BUT! I'll try and sum it all up on what happened to Callie in Splatoon 2. It is very vague and i don't entirely blame people for coming to certain conclusions because the game didn't do a good enough job in my opinion, and the English translation has issues too which doesn't help at all...
So during Splatoon 1 and when it was getting content updates, we got to learn about Callie and Marie. If you look at the dialogue present in Naughty Vs. Nice, Early Bird Vs. Night Owl and Callie Vs. Marie Splatfests, their dialogue is rather harsh and personal towards each other, showing that Callie has these dark traits about her.
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These mean and harsh qualities of Callie were built up since Splatoon 1 and they come into the forefront in Splatoon 2 and I'll go over that shortly.
After the final Splatfest and Marie's victory, the Squid Sisters became a lot more famous and stepped down from their news presenting duties and gave it to Pearl and Marina. During this period, Callie and Marie became more estranged with each other as Callie became more and more popular, meaning she got a LOT more busy and had to work day in and day out every single day at an acting gig. In the Squid Sister Stories web series, Callie is stated to be "lost at sea herself" meaning that her acting career and fame are taking a tole on her, and it's pretty easy to see that with the Sunken Scrolls in Splatoon 2.
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At some point Callie and Marie managed to hang out and they decided that they would go to Calamari County to visit family. However.... As we know, it didn't pan out that way. Callie at some point in chapter 7 became flustered at work and basically ran off, which her manager thought she wanted to go home.
But... She didn't... She stumbled across DJ Octavio after he broke out from his snow globe (don't ask how, we don't know and plus, octopuses are very clever and can easily get out of trapped spaces).
Now, Octavio is a man who knows how to use manipulation and propaganda to his advantage. He is the leader of an entire race of people that are on the brink of collapse, it's either they all die, or he pulls the right strings to motivate his people to fight and take the Great Zapfish so that they don't die. And now we have an emotional and mentally unwell Callie who is suffering from so much attention and overwork, of course Octavio, the main antagonist, wanted to take advantage of that. Callie is a very powerful woman with the ability to influence and inspire others with her voice, of course Octavio wanted that kind of power to help his race and get them motivated again after their loss in Splatoon 1.
So what did he do? Did he grab her and kidnap her and put on some "evil brain warping shades" and brainwash her while she was kicking and screaming trying to stop him? WRONG!!!!!!!!!! As stated by the OFFCIAL Splatoon 2 relationship chart that i love to bring up all the time, there seemed to be an on going conversation about Callie joining the Octarians, Octavio possibly appealed to her sense of isolation, hidden resentment for Marie and her being so overworked. And she says "Ok, fine. I'll hear you out." Does that scream kidnapping to you? I don't think so.
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She's even called "the lovable rebel" implying she felt some distain for Inkling society from the way they treated her and wanted to rebel. Would the developers and writers of a character who was forcibly brainwashed and kidnapped display as her a rebel and pose her like this? I don't think so.
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Like you would not see Marina Agitando for example in these sort of poses in artwork because the circumstances and conditions are so vastly different.
So now let's get into those god damn mother fucking bitch ass hypnoshades. As their name suggests, they are shades with an element of hypnosis of some kind, if they weren't hypnotic shades and just turned people evil and forced Octarian ideals into their brains then they wouldn't be given that name. "Hypno" is a very specific word choice and it's done on purpose. Callie was hypnotized, not brainwashed, that word is only used in English translations of the game and outside media and if you ask any hardcore fan of a series made in Japan then you would know that English scripts kinda fuck up the Japanese ones most of the time. Take me for example, I'm a Sonic the Hedgehog fan, the Japanese versions of Sonic stories are vastly different from the Western versions in tone, dialogue, call backs, personalities, etc. Same thing with Splatoon unfortunately. Take the English translation of the Splatoon scripts with a MASSIVE grain of salt. Like a meteor sized grain of salt lmao.
Now, what is being hypnotized like? is it like being a mindless puppet that follows the orders of the person doing the hypnosis? Well... Nope. Not true actually. The way it' s portrayed in media is completely wrong and untrue. Hypnosis is similar to being in a flow state, or being incredibly relaxed while also having heighten attention and suggestibility. Imagine being in a daydream while still having hyper awareness of the stuff around you. Now that part about suggestibility is important because this is where people mess up. If a hypnotized person is given a suggestion that goes against their morals and ideologies, they will NOT!!!!!!!! follow through with that suggestion. If a hypnotized person is told to murder their family, they will not do so UNLESS they secretly want to murder them and it's in line with their psychotic and fucked up wishes.
If Octavio told Callie to murder Marie instead of Agent 4, she wouldn't follow through with the suggestion. Callie doesn't wanna murder Marie but instead she wants her to leave because their relationship is ruined. Callie doesn't mind trying to kill Agent 4 because firstly, she's mentally unwell and isn't thinking clearly from having a mental illness, and two, she doesn't have any personal attachments to Agent 4 so she can just listen to the suggestions from Octavio and follow through with them. Even in the rematches, Callie doesn't know Agent 4 all that well compared to Marie and it's clear Callie is still not doing so well after Splatoon 2.
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Callie while under the hypnoshades is more like herself than not. Like this line for example is just typical Callie but she's more aggressive and mean.
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If she was truly brainwashed then her personality would be A LOT more different. She would be a lot more subservient to Octavio and the Octarian race and her dialogue would show this too, but it does NOT! In fact Callie berates and talks back to Octavio during the final boss.
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The only real differences between Callie and Hypno Callie is that she's more harsh and angry compared to regular Callie. However this anger... this rage... this hate was always there. It was always under the surface, and due to Callie's mental state from being overworked and now under hypnotic shades, that pain and anger is at the surface and is clouding her mind and making her not think rationally. She's more chaotic, she's aggressive and doesn't care for Marie anymore.
Now i do wanna discuss this line as it has been brought up multiple times to me and other discussions on Hypno Callie i see online.
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First off, like i mentioned previously, the English translations of Splatoon stories and media sometimes gets it wrong. If you want examples then look at Commander Tartar and Marina's dialogue in Octo Expansion. You can look up retranslations of Octo Expansion to see the differences of the English and retranslated version. The only other mention of remixing a brain is in the Dutch translation. The other translations mention hypnosis and nothing about warping Callie's brain directly.
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Second of all, DJ Octavio is... you guessed it... A DJ! He says musical terms to make puns and he's a loud personality.
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In fact that "remix" line is actually a call back to the Splatoon 1 final boss and you know what, I'll give prompts for the English translation team for doing that... Still hate them for everything else tho lol.
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DJ Octavio didn't literally remix her brain with evil brain warping shades. He is just saying that because it's to show that he got Callie on his side. So the "remixing" is just Callie becoming "evil" and hearing out Octavio.
Brainwashing implies that there is a forcible aspect to it, however from the evidence i just laid out, that cannot be the case as Octavio didn't force Callie into anything she didn't want to do. He didn't torture her, he didn't abuse her. He didn't put the shades on her by force as if he tried to do that he would get destroyed by the more energetic, younger and stronger squid woman that isn't a disabled 130 year old Octoling stuck in his octopus form.
He let her decorate bases and added glittery ink which motivated and inspired his people. Hell his approval ratings went up because the Octarians were happy and inspired by Callie's presence.
Now you may say "but didn't she lose her memories while under the shades and therefore she got brainwashed?"
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Well.... Not really. I want you to put yourself in the shoes of Callie, you're in a very focused and hypnotic state, like being in a very concentrated flow state and you have a lot of anger and aggression in you. Your head is so cloudy and you're under a lot of mental distress. So imagine an ink bullet flying at your eyeball, flinging you out of that hypnotic state in a very fast fashion. It's like someone snapping their fingers in front of your face while you're concentrated on a task, or someone smacking you at the back of your head while you're working on something in a deeply concentrated manner. You are left confused and dazed and need a second to gather your composure back. Callie when the shades are removed from her, acts dazed and holds her head like she has a bad headache, only left to sing and dance cause she's an idol and that stuff is natural to her.
Some of the side effects that may occur when under hypnosis include headaches and nausea, and look at Callie when she's flung out of that hypnotic state, it looks like she has a headache and is in pain.
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Now when Marie plays the Calamari Inkantation, what is actually happening here is that the song is energizing and motivating Callie. It is not freeing her from "brainwashing." That is a very common misconception about the song, implying that all Octarians are brainwashed and are just mindless drones when that is NOT TRUE AT ALL and is yet another case of bad translation. The song is just extremely catchy and it gives Octarians the motivation to wanna leave to the surface. It also makes Cuttlefish get the strength to break out of his restraints in Splatoon 1 and makes Smallfry transform into Hugefry. The song is so damn powerful and catchy, that's all it is, it is not a mind control cure, that is fucking false.
So what is happening with Callie is that the song is motivating her and flooding her head with good memories of her time with Marie. When the shades are flung off of her, she's still mad at Marie and still fights Agent 4, it takes a while but eventually she starts thinking more rationally, realizing that Marie has come to get her and what Callie has been doing was wrong. Songs are VERY powerful tools for memory and hearing a song you loved back when you were younger can bring out certain feelings and memories. Those happy memories flood Callie's mind and she goes "wait... what am i doing!? This isn't me, I REMEMBER! YEAH!" And she jumps into the air and transforms back into her iconic outfit sailor moon style.
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With all of the information and context i presented, it really elevates everything that comes after. It makes Spicy Calamari Inkantation more powerful as a song as Callie has truly reunited with Marie. Fresh Start makes sense and fits perfectly with the narrative the writers wanted to tell. If you take the common and untrue narrative that people keep saying about Callie, Fresh Start literally makes zero sense in that untrue context.
It makes her eventual healing in Splatoon 3 and return to the public WAY MORE SATISFYING!
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Callie has matured, she has grown up, she's more comfortable being in the spotlight again and can handle it as she has worked out her relationship with Marie. She used to suffer from being overworked and having an addiction to the shades as it gave her an escape from her life. She would rather be in a hypnotic state then go through her current life. It was only when Callie and Marie came together and truly changed things is when Callie was able to finally heal and get better.
That's why I'm so passionate about this, Callie truly went through a character arc, even it was rushed and poorly presented. I care about Callie and want people to get her story straight. Splatoon 2 was always about the Squid Sisters breaking up and eventually coming back together and becoming stronger. Callie is my comfort character and i want people to treat her better. She wasn't a powerless kidnap and brainwash victim. She was a woman with deep flaws, anger, sadness, aggression, that pain is gone now from her. She's finally... Happy. And that... makes me happy too.
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yyxandere · 11 months
Hello! I have a small idea about the attitude of several yanderes from the Tojo clan towards their darling (this will be drastic and inexperienced, be careful 🤺):
Daigo, during his idle period, may take you for granted, neglecting you, but after Kiryu knocked some sense into him and became chairman, he began to greatly regret his behavior in the past. Therefore, he tries in every possible way to make amends to you like a beaten puppy. Mine tries to help him with this, looking for all the information about you and keeping an eye on you, reporting all the details to his master. If Daigo finds out that some men are too close to you, he will "convince" you to behave more decently (if they are lucky enough to survive).
Nishikiyama is not shy about showing his affection for you by giving you gifts or taking you on dates to expensive restaurants. Such an obvious braggart for you both before the events of Kiwami and after. He rarely takes his eyes off you, so I don’t rely on myself for a particularly long time.
Kiryu is so awkward when it comes to expressing his feelings, but he really tries! Oh, how he loves it when you spend time with the children! The way you take care of them even including Haruka just makes his heart swell with respect and love for you. In addition, Kamurocho is rich in all sorts of places for entertainment such as bowling alleys, game clubs and especially vending machines with plush toys. So you two are definitely not bored.
Kashiwagi may seem callous and cold at first glance, especially in Yakuza 0, but this is only at first glance. He expresses his concern when no one is looking. Did you leave after preparing food for him? He devoured it in a short period of time like a man possessed. Were you offended by some idiot? Don't worry, he's already kicked his ass. Do you want something? Everything is settled, the desired item is already on your coffee table! But over time, he becomes more open about his feelings towards you, becoming softer and more relaxed. Imagine his indescribable gratitude and happiness when you still agreed to be with him even after he left the Tojo clan. He is completely yours, your honor!
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Anon. I will kiss you on your sweet, delectable lips right now. CAUSE THIS ASK IS HEAVEN SENT.
It’s been so long since I played Yakuza, so if the characters are OOC then please forgive me cuz it’s really been a long time (ノωヽ)
Daigo in his early day would definitely be an asshole to you, he won't lay a finger on them but he would definitely ignore his you. Daigo loves them all right, but after what happened (Him and Ryuji), his pride is shattered and because of that he acted more of an asshole and of yes, in that period of time he really took you for granted, but when Kiryu saw or heard of what was happening (maybe you and Daigo still in a relationship, no kidnapping yet) Kiryu would absolutely slam him and like what you said knock some sense into him, he will give Daigo an ear of how to treat you properly.
After he became chairman, Daigo grew into a much more level-headed person, he thought more logically and more of a decent person rather than a brute. It wasn't easy for him, but he finally managed to learn better ways to approach you. However, you were always very cautious around him since he has been so cruel in the past, he knows. So he started to pay attention and he is trying to get closer to you. And he is making progress by spending time with you even if it's a fraction of time. Let's say even if he tries to spend time with you it doesn't work because you can't really seem to love him anymore because of his past. Then he got that part covered, you are now dating one of the strongest Yakuza clan in Kamurucho, hell even if you leave the city, the Tojo clan's reputation and influence is everywhere, so no matter where you are you're always going to be found, plus is it not for the better if you stay with him rather then leave? If you leave Daigo you won't have any protections against other Yakuza rivals, plus he is a whole new man mostly for you.
And since he is the new head of the Tojo clan he will have many men on his side, and one of the most loyal of them all is Mine. he is absolutely devoted to Daigo and will do anything to keep him happy, so if Daigo requested him to set up cameras, Mine would obey his command without hesitation. Daigo need information about the friend you were hanging out with? Bam, he has all of their records, their family, their last hospital check, their messages, whatever Daigo needs is there. Daigo's schedule may be full but if he does manage to make time, be prepared to be snuggled with love and riches. You've been eyeing that bag for a while now? He will come inside the store with you grab it and give it to you THEN pay for it and whoever decides to even harm you both on your outing, their ass be prepared for an ass whooping of a night and after that maybe if they are still conscience he will call one of his men to deal with the random thug. Most of all, Daigo now as a chairman will be more soft and loving towards you, like you said anon, like a puppy.
UGH MY FAVORITE KOI TATTOOED MAN NISHKIII :(((( (i just really wanna hug him bro)
Now Nishki was never afraid to show his love, it was like he was always in that honeymoon phase in the relationship, always bringing you flowers, you and him going out on walks or him giving them chocolates, you kept on telling him many times that he shouldn't do all of this, but he disagrees. St first you thought that it was only a phase in the relationship, but nope, many months in and he still does it, and slowly it's getting quite overbearing, even if you ask Nishki to give you some space, Niski is going to look at you with eyes like a beaten puppy and so ever since you have not said anything, worrying that you might hurt Nishki's feelings. Nishki is a huge romantic, he would always hold your bags and all and he would always pester you about living in the same apartment as him, you told him that it was too quick, Nishki at first would give you some space, but that wouldn't stop him from asking over and over again.
Now if we go the Nishki who is a different man than before, it's now like talking to a different person, Nishki before was a romantic wherever you went, he would always give you kisses and whatnot, but our blood-stained Nishki doesn't, don't get him wrong he loves you dearly but now it is a WHOLE different level. Remember you don't want to live in the same house as him? Too bad, he doesn't even ask the question, your'e already at his house with high security, so make sure that you will never leave. Nishki had been through hell and back, losing his brother, being compared to him, swallowing his own pride in front of his men, and the cherry on top, the passing of his dead sister. Nishki grew more paranoid, he became selfish he is like a feral dog protecting a bone or such, he is fuming and ready to blow someone's head off if they EVEN think to take you away from him, his keeping you captive is like a defense mechanism after all the things he went through, screaming and yelling won't do anything, it is much better to be quiet and do whatever he wants rather then be starved or slapped by him.
Can't make a post without mentioning my GOAT!!!!
Ah, Kiryu. The Dragon of Dojima is such an honorable and respectable person, the art that was placed on his back signifies the power and strength he holds, everyone knows his name in the city of Kamurucho or the dark underground, he is what a man wants to be, strong, respected and cold- wait is that him with a person holding their hands?! And in a closer look, HE IS BLUSHING?!!!
Jokes aside, our main man, Kiryu is an absolute oddball, he's a strong and composed man and can manage to have a clear line of thinking even in a dire situation, but whenever you near, or even hold his hands, inside of him, he is FLUSTRED, let us just hope that you're oblivious to that or else this man will go in a blushing state, good thing that Kiryu doesn't show to many expressions and just shows a stoic one. Like you said noonie, he really tries to show that he really loves you, Kiryu knows that he can be kind of bad when it comes to FULLY expressing what he wants to express, so he does a lot of acts of service, he regularly listens to your problem he even tries to learn how to cooks so you won't ever eat anything unhealthy.
Now if this is the time when Kiryu has Haruka, that's when things start getting interesting. Kiryu desires a normal life, especially a domestic one, he doesn't care who wheres the apron not, and he doesn't care at least you're happy, heck he would be content if he is a stay-at-home husband, and while you work, every time you went back home after a long day you would smell newly cooked food and steamed rice ready, while Haruka helps Kiryu with preparings the plates, but of course if you want to take a bath first, the tub is already filled with warm water its really your choice. Kiryu trusts you, that you won't go away or leave cause of Haruka, You heard what happened to Haruka and Kiryu knows your kind heart and in that moment knew that you won't ever leave Haruka or him, such thoughts could make you feel guilt for the rest of your life., you'll be another parental figure to Haruka no matter what.
Still, on the idea of domestic Kiryu, I would imagine all three of you go to a family outing or some such, maybe a weekend when you guys are in the park eating picnics or even the nearby arcades, both Haruka and Kiryu are gaming nerds. If ever Haruka wins a plushie from a vending machine, she will give it to you and the scene always makes Kiryu's heart flutter since Kiryu is a family man, if there was someone who would be foolish enough to hurt his family (even if you guys aren't married yet) he will show them that living in the Yakuza for many years showed him many different punching techniques…
Now…for my favorite old man……
Devotion. That's one word to describe Kashiwagi when it comes to your love.
You know how much he cares because even after all of those years with you he never lost the way his heart beats faster or his cheeks burn red, because of you, because of what you did and made of him, it is hard to imagine the day where he doesn't feel your presence, your heartbeat in his ears. When you first met him he was cold, and his piercing gaze was frightening, but with some kind of miracle both of you decided to see each other, he became softer, of course, but is still cold and stern when it comes to the Yakuza business, but at home or whenever yall meet, hell ease up his worries. I highly doubt that anyone would even dare stand where ever you are when beside you is a menacing man, who they do NOT wanna fuck with. He is very overprotective of you especially when he is a high-ranked officer, so there are going to be many enemies just waiting to strike against you.
And oh lord, whenever you do such domestic things like, make him coffee, give him his bento, or even kiss him after a long day doing shady business, he will just become putty on your hands, your hands are like magic to him and I feel like his men know about you, so whenever you visit Kashiwagi whenever he's in a bad mood he will immediately lighten up keep his voice to a minimum to not scare you.
After he left the Yakuza, he would do more acts that he had to restrain because he was in the Yakuza, most of the time he would kiss you (on the cheek only) when there were few people around. You also bet your ass that yall are gonna get married, he always dreamt of marrying you when you both became a thing muttering your name with his last name or better yet both of you having kids of your own. So when both of you were married he was crying his eyes out man, seeing you in a white shiromuku (traditional Japanese wedding dress) just comforts something in him and the ring on your finger signifies the love you both have for each other. If you ever have a kid (biologically or adopted) he would give them all the love there is, he might be a stern father but he has his sweet and soft moments with them (I find him having a girl). Like Kiryu, he is a family man, and whoever touches his small family must know that this man was in the Yakuza and knows his way to pummel people to the ground.
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gaybananabread · 11 months
Helloo Casey!! For augtickletober number 27, would you mind writing lee bakugou & ler shoji? hehe, Thank you!!
TickleTober Day 27 - Hysterical
I’m trying my best to get these pumped out, sorry for the repeated lateness! Shoji has amazing ler potential! It was really fun writing for him, and I always love wrecking Bakubabe. Have a great rest of your day, and Enjoy!
Lee: Bakugou
Ler: Shouji
Summary: Bakugou is talking big game to his peers, as usual. Only this time, Shouji gets sick of it. He decides to put the explosion-quirked user in his place.
Warnings: rougher tickling! This is a tickle fic, so if you don’t like that, scroll away!
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“I could destroy any of you extras, no sweat!” 
Bakugou was showboating once again, talking down to his peers. They were all more than used to his mouth, though a few teeth were ground as he continued. 
“None of you could tough it out to Number One!” Then, because he’s Bakugou, he took things a bit too far by individually telling them how bad they were. “I mean, do you see dunce face ever getting to even Number twenty? Or pink cheeks going anywhere near pro level? She’d probably puke on the evaluators! And don’t even get me started on big lips or rock face!”
That ticked off the others. All of 1A knew that he had a temper and a mouth, but that was just too far. One student in particular got pretty miffed at him for insulting some of the nicest teens in their class. Shouji stepped forward, all his arms crossed. “How about we put that to the test?”
The fiery blonde stared down the taller student, as if the extra inches and muscle mass were nothing. He was never one to back down from a challenge. “Oh yeah? You think you could take me, arms-a-plenty? You’re fuckin’ on!” 
They set a time and place; the main training gym after class, that day. Bakugou was ready to fight like hell. Shouji, however, had other plans. Something to really put the blonde in his place without hurting him. All he had to do was wait.
None of the other students went to the gym, knowing it would probably be an aggressive match. The possibility of crossfire from an angry Bakugou wasn’t something anyone wanted to be stuck in; those two had the entire gym to themselves.
Bakugou was wearing a tight tank, showing off his muscular arms. Shouji didn’t mind; just made his job all the easier. He was wearing something similar, though his was a turtleneck. Both seemed primed to fight, though only one intended to do so. That boy, of course, had plenty of trash talk. 
“You ready to get your ass kicked, octopus arms?” He sighed, rolling his shoulders. “So creative, Bakugou.” The simplistic nicknames didn’t bother him, but when it was toward his friends, he got angry. That jerk was gonna learn his lesson…
He growled, priming his palms with little sparks and pops and getting into a fighting stance. Shouji copied him, going over his plan in his head. Dodge, pin and destroy. Easy enough, if he could do the first part without getting blown off the Earth. 
With a nod from each side, the spar began. Bakugou went in hard and fast, wanting to do as much early damage as possible. The multi-armed student blocked and dodged what he could, taking a few minor hits. He did not, however, fight back. All part of his plan.
Bakugou, rather predictably, took offense to that. “Why’re you goin’ easy on me, huh?! You think I’m weak?! I’ll show you weak, you bastard!” He then, also predictably, charged Shouji, getting a bit sloppy in his attack due to overconfidence and an inflated temper. 
Shouji sidestepped the assault, wrapping his strong, webbed arms around the blonde. He took a few explosive shots, but after taking him down and pinning him, the blonde was subdued. Thrashing and cussing his head off, yes, but subdued. “THE HELL?! GET OFFA’ ME, YOU BASTARD!” 
The masked student chuckled, forcing Baku’s arms above his head. “There really are other things you should be worried about, Bakugou. Like being nicer to our classmates. Actions, especially words, have consequences.” One poke to the side was all Bakugou needed to realize what he meant. “YOU WOULDN’T FUCKING DARE!”
“Oh, but I would.” With that, four hands descended on the explosive blonde. One on his ribs, one on his belly, and one on each of his sides. A pair kept his hands firmly pinned above his head. That damn quirk… It made everything so much more unbearable. He had tried to hold in his reactions, but the moment one hand reached the top of his ribs, he was done for.
“GEHEHET OHOFF, YOU AHAHAHASS!” Shouji was going in strong, not wanting to give the other teen a chance to escape. He was strong, but not strong enough to keep a wily, enraged Bakugou pinned for long. “I don’t think I will. You need to be nicer to your classmates, or no one will want to be around you.”
He sounded so painfully nonchalant about it. Like the bigger student wasn’t trying to tickle him to pieces; he wouldn’t ever admit it, but he was also succeeding. “FUHUCK OHOHOFF!” 
Bakugou couldn’t believe it. He had never considered the multi-armed teen a threat before. Sure, he was built and had skill, but not enough to put him on the “Destroy” list. Now, though? Shouji was in slot four. That ass was going down when he recovered. 
“You like to cuss, don’t you? It’s not very becoming of a hero.” He didn’t really care about the boy’s language, but it was something else to tease him over. It was nice to see him laughing so much; Shouji was just getting started. 
Bakugou would have cursed at him some more, but was cut off by a rather goofy sound. The sound of someone blowing a raspberry on his stomach. “GYAAAAH! YOUHUHU- YOUHU’RE DEHEHEAD!” 
Works every time. Shouji had the mouth blow more smaller raspberries along his stomach, driving Bakugou up the wall. He bucked and squirmed to no avail; Shouji had him pinned, and the tickling wasn’t helping his thought process. “You’re not as threatening when you’re laughing like this. It’s a good look on you.”
One of the hands on his side moved to his thigh, squeezing and poking along the outer edge. A snort broke up his laughter, quickly followed by more as the squeezes continued. “SCREHE- *snrk* SCREHEHEW YOUHUHU!”
“Still insulting me, huh? Midoriya was right; you really never learn.” Shouji was thoroughly amused. It was fun to put the boy in his place, as well as hear his laughter. It was loud and boisterous, just like him. To a few other students in their class, Shouji was a rather feared tickle monster. He added Bakugou to that small list of “victims.” Whether he enjoyed it like the others was a mystery of its own. 
He was just about to yell out a rebuttal when he felt a torturous, dumb, killer sensation on his death spot. Shouji had changed the damn hand there to a mouth, having it blow raspberries right at the top of his ribs. Oh, that absolute *dickhead*. “KGUAHAHAHA! YOHOHUHUHU- *snrk* AHAHAHAHA!” 
That hysterical reaction was exactly what Shouji was looking for. He wouldn’t kill his classmate, of course, but he needed to learn. With Bakugou, lessons always needed to be learned the hard way. It was the best way he could think of without hurting him. It was the most fun for Shouji anyways.
Bakugou tried to get loose, tried to tell him off, tried to do anything other than laugh his ass off: but he couldn’t. The raspberries, merciless tickling, and childish nature of it all was just too much for even him to handle. Tears of mirth sprung in the corners of his eyes, his cheeks and even neck becoming a deep, vibrant red. 
Okay, that was far enough. Shouji stopped, pulling all his appendages away from the blonde. He giggled like a maniac even after the tickles stopped, cruel phantom sensations keeping him in stitches. The white-haired mutant let go of Bakugou, climbing off him. He playfully nudged his side with his boot, the smugness in his voice almost suffocating. “You alive, Bakugou? I didn’t go too far, did I?”
The explosive teen shot him the bird, making him snort. “Okay, you’re good.” Growling, Bakugou started to pull himself together. The giggling got quieter as he sat up, wobbly smile giving way to a determined glare. Shouji took that as his sign to get out of dodge. “I’ll leave you to it. And don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone.”
The bigger teen briskly made his way to the exit as Bakugou managed to get to his feet. He found it cute that Shouji was trying to run after that. His stamina was something to be feared, especially when revenge was on the table. Baku staggered over to the gym exit, slowly but steadily regaining his energy.
Oh, that multi-limbed menace was going down.
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saltygilmores · 5 months
Thoughts While Watching Gilmore Girls, 3x8, Let The Games Begin. Part 5 (Richard Gilmore Has A Slutty Past)
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Heh, they did the thing where they say the title of the episode inside the episode again.
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Goody. Our fearsome foursome is off to Yale. *drinks heavily* Emily won't allow Lorelai to bring a sealed thermos of coffee into the car. Frankly I hope Lorelai spills it on her lap and gets a mild scald. It would humble her. Ya know, It's never stated whether Lorelai has alcohol or coffee in the mug, just that Emily is adamant she can't drink liquids in a vehicle. Frankly, I would understand Lorelai's need to self medicate with booze at 9am before a road trip with her parents, but on the other hand, as I stated earlier. She also didn't have to come. She could be home playing Hide the Cocktail Sausage with Dean. We could skip to the part where Rory and Jess smooch at the gas station. Never fear. The next scene that follows, the calm before yet another storm, if you will, turned out to be a highly entertaining and enjoyable romp for me. Enter: Richard Gilmore The Man Whore.
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After having already toured Harvard a year ago, Lorelai is still in awe over how many freaking geeks attend large universities. Richard: I spent a lot of time in the Yale art gallery. Emily: I'll say you did. Richard: What is that supposed to mean? Uh oh. Huh. Was this art gallery some kind of idk, hub of intellectual and artistic curiosity slash whorehouse where a young man could go to find sexually liberated artistic chicks for easy pickings? But like, in the 50's? What a concept.
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Jess would kick his own ass if they called it that.
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Richard GIlmore, you dog.
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(you have to imagine Jess is feigning interest/ knowledge in the penis octopus portrait to a young lady or perhaps another bicurious young man and not his uncle) Emily: He was the master of the "Frown, step back, wrinkle, and sigh" Okay, my curiosity is piqued. You got me. Please explain?
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Knowing Richard Gilmore was such a skankbag in college just like Jess is the gift I didn't know I needed today. Jess can do the frown, wrinkle and sigh during a poetry open mic night at the Truncheon, where he takes his latest conquest. Tuesday nights at 8pm. Light refreshments of coffee, potato chips, and chocolate chip cookies will be served.
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Be proud of your skanky past, Richard. Your grandaughter's stepcousin sure was of his. RIchard: I'll have you know was happily involved in a very serious relationship when your mother decided she simply had to have me. We were engaged. She had met my parents, invitations were mailed out. Emily: You'll give these girls the wrong impression. Lorelai: That you were the Helena Bonham Carter of the society set? Emily: I did not steal your father, I simply gave him a choice. Richard: When you showed up at my frat party in that blue dress, I had no choice. I know who HBC is but that's another topical early 2000's reference that has escaped me. I guess she was a man stealer of some sort. I"m thinking it must have something to do with Jonny Depp. Anyway, I don't think you have to worry about modeling healthy relationships for Rory or Lorelai. Its too late, the horse has already escaped the barn there. Lorelai: I can't believe you were The Other Woman Emily:This is ridiculous. Lorelai: The other woman should be saying "this is ridiculous" Rory's inner monologue: I want to be just like Grandma when I grow up.
We learn Richard proposed to Emily at Yale next to a trash can, and it seems to be a tradition in the Gilmore family to get proposed to next to a trash can. And in Lorelai's case to reproduce with the trash can, continue to have sex with the trash can over the next two decades and eventually, to marry the trash can.
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lazuliquetzal · 5 months
Whee Fight Scenes! (This Is A Seirei no Moribito Advertisement)
For the past couple of years I have been almost exclusively writing fanfiction for action-fantasy video games which has led to me developing opinions on writing fight scenes. I used to hate writing them because what even happen fight, really, like what the hell??? But now I’ve learned to tolerate them! Sometimes I even enjoy writing them! So now I will share my wisdom with you. 
(Disclaimer: This post was written so I could avoid writing a fight scene.)
My credentials: I occasionally write fight scenes in my action-fantasy video game fanfictions, and I have seen Seirei no Moribito the anime several times. I do not claim to be an expert on fight scenes, but I do claim to love Seirei no Moribito to bits.
Part 1. The Set Up
There’s this excellent anime about a mercenary on a life-long quest for redemption who ends up taking a cursed prince under her protection. It’s about unraveling propaganda and colonialism, and also about kicking ass. The first time I watched this anime, when I got to the episode 3 rice field fight, I thought, “holy shit, I see now that a good fight scene requires not only a kick-ass fight, but also narrative/emotional build up in order to give the scene weight and tension.”
Like, lots of anime have excellent and extremely iconic fights, but this was the show that really made the writing aspect of it stick in my brain. Seirei no Moribito is also an adaptation of a book, which might why this stood out to me: the way its fight scenes are constructed are not as reliant on the actual visuals so much as they are on everything else (the animation for the fight is gorgeous, too, like, just watch this show please it’s so good). That said, I haven’t actually read the book. But I have seen this show several times and the rice field fight gets me so hype.
(And also every other fight scene. I’m never over episode 13. If you have to watch only one (1) episode of Seirei no Moribito, watch episode 13. But also, don’t do that. Watch the entire thing you coward.)
Anyway. What’s going on in Seirei no Moribito episode 3?
Part 1a. The Narrative Stage
Ep3 is early on in the series. The rice field fight is not the first action scene, but it is the first fight scene. This is what we know going in:
Balsa, our main character, is a formidable mercenary with a practical mind and a strong sense of honor. She has sworn to protect Chagum, the prince of the Empire. Her goal is to keep Chagum alive at all costs, because saving his life is crucial to her personal goal of redemption.
The Emperor (Chagum’s father) has dispatched his elite warriors to kill the prince, as they believe that he is possessed by an evil water spirit. Their goal is to kill the prince because the evil water spirit is a bad omen for the empire, and they believe that killing the prince will save the kingdom.
Balsa’s spear is damaged, and she is outnumbered. She has the disadvantage.
We are, of course, rooting for Balsa and Chagum at this point in the story. Balsa’s our main character, she’s super cool, and child assassination is a bad look. We know that Balsa is strong: we’ve seen her do athletic stunts, and it’s been alluded to that she is extremely skilled with the spear. This fight is the first time we get to see her use it, so it’s very exciting to the viewer. We want to see her in action.
Part 1b. The Emotional Stage
Chagum doesn’t have much of a personality at this point: we know he’s a child prince, and we know his dad wants to kill him. So we don’t know him well, but he’s already sympathetic due to circumstance.
When Balsa and Chagum get to the rice fields, they are almost home-free. They’ve spent a lot of effort trying to redirect the emperor’s warriors and the plan almost worked. We are extremely close to safety, so the fact that this is when the emperor’s elite catch up is very tense and frustrating.
All this puts the audience in the mindset of: oh man, they’re so close, I really need Balsa to win! I don’t want the kid die! You can taste the safety, you are almost there—it’s the type of tension that gets you invested in the outcome of the fight.
Part 1c. The Physical Stage
The first half, and the faster-paced portion of the fight takes place in a rice field at night (a classic). Wide open, with water to splash in, and nowhere to hide. It’s right on the edge of the thick forest, which gives Balsa and Chagum an immediate goal: get to the denser terrain so that they might break line of sight of their pursuers.
The second half of the fight is less of a fight and more of a close-up, emotional moment of action. It takes place in a clearing by the edge of the forest.
The physical location of the fight ties in with the short-term goals of the characters: the open field forces Balsa into direct confrontation even though she wants to run, and the clearing by the edge of the forest gives Jin (one of the emperor’s warriors) the illusion of privacy when he tries to kill Chagum, and it gives Balsa cover to hide until she can intervene.
Part 1 – TL;DR
Even before you get to the actual fight, the setup of the fight has inherent tension and intrigue. One can reasonably assume that Balsa and Chagum will survive, because this is episode 3 of a 26 episode anime. But you don’t know if her damaged spear will hold out. You don’t know why the emperor wants Chagum dead. You don’t know if Balsa will kill the emperor’s guards, or if she’ll be able to make a clean getaway with the prince. All these uncertainties create mystery, which creates tension. And tension is what makes the fight fun.
Part 2. The Purpose
I mentioned earlier that this is the first actual fight in the show.
It’s the payoff for a bunch of little questions that have cropped up so far. How strong is Balsa? Is she good enough to win, even when outnumbered? What does her fighting style look like?
A lot of action stories have big fight early on, and that’s because a well-done fight scene squeezes in a massive amount of characterization. In this fight, we learn a lot about Balsa, and we learn a lot about the Emperor and the difference between the Emperor and the people who work for him.
Some questions that get explored: How do they think under pressure? What kind of fighting do they do? Are they strategic? Reactive? Brute force or trickster? How do they solve problems? How far are these people willing to go to achieve their goals?
There’s a moment in this fight when Balsa is wounded, and the emperor’s warriors retrieve Prince Chagum. Balsa ends up retreating into the forest. Jin says something along the lines of: she’s a mercenary, she works for money and she’s already been paid; she won’t risk her life to come back and get the prince.
But she does. Even though she’s been wounded, and even though she had the perfect opportunity to walk away, she comes back and saves Prince Chagum at the expense of her own health. Balsa keeps her promises; Balsa’s personal quest for redemption is more important to her than her life. We know her, now!
Fight scenes are great for characterization because it’s a deviation from status quo. A person’s default state is not “battle,” and stories thrive on extraordinary circumstances. “How does this character change/act/perform under pressure?” is a really great characterization question, and a fight scene is the opportunity to show the answer rather than tell it.
Fight scenes are also great for thematic debate. You get the opportunity to literalize the conflict between different philosophies via characters fighting each other. EZ story moment. You know that one Howard Ashman quote about how, in musicals, the characters sing when they’re too emotional to speak? That’s what fight scenes are to me. The characters fight when they can’t talk to each other.
And then, of course, a fight scene is also moving the plot along. The conflict is happening, information is being exchanged/discovered/buried. Some characters life, some characters get hurt, some characters die. A fight scene is a way to physically bring characters to the state they need to be in for the story to progress (in the right emotional state, the right physical state, the right location, etc). Lots of things going on, which is good—you want all of your scenes to be purposeful.
Part 3. The Details
All of that had to do with the zoomed-out, overall story view of the fight (how the fight fits into the overall story). I am now going to continue to gush about the episode 3 rice field fight up close (how does the fight scene work in isolation). Because Seirei no Moribito rocks.
Part 3a. The Setting
I already mentioned the open rice field/dense forest dichotomy and how that affects the characters’ short-term goals. It’s also a great choice to establish Balsa’s superior technical ability with her spear. The rice field is wide open and relatively flat—no obstructions or distractions, with everyone on equal ground. There are no tricks to pull, no environmental quirks to exploit: this is a clean fight between Balsa and the emperor’s warriors. When she comes out on top, it’s because she’s better than them.
Depending on the character, it might be better to change the terrain. Have the stealthy warrior fight in a forest, where they can appear and reappear and use their sneakiness to their advantage. Put a trickster in a situation where they can improvise traps. There is an aspect of your character that you want to show off, so set the stage so that they can show off. It’ll be totally badass and fun.
Part 3b. The Short-Term Goals
When you read a story, you can reasonably assume that the protagonist will stay alive (especially if you are not near the end of the story). Knowing the outcome can make a story stale if you're not careful. You can lose tension if there’s no risk. Some stories try to create a world/tone/atmosphere so that anyone can die. A lot don’t because that’s a little depressing.
My friend @yellowocaballero has an excellent post on this regarding OP protagonists, but to summarize: if you know the protagonist is always going to win the physical fight, you have to make the win condition not about that. Balsa isn’t OP, but giving characters goals beyond “win the fight” can make a fight so much more interesting.
In the rice field fight, Balsa does not have to defeat the emperor's warriors: she has to get Chagum and herself away alive. Her goal is to make a clean getaway. When the warriors show up, she makes the decision to confront them, and her goal is not just to win, but to win so decisively that they won’t be able to follow her. When Chagum gets caught, she changes her goal to ‘keep him safe at all costs, no matter the harm done to myself’, and she gets seriously wounded. She can succeed in some goals, but fail in others, and the story reacts and keeps changing. It’s the same principle behind why rolling a nat 1 is so entertaining in D&D. The more you fail, the more creative you have to get. 
Part 3c. Monkey Brain
There is just something so cool and so satisfying and so fun about seeing a character kick ass. There is also something very cool and very satisfying about seeing a character get beat up. The rice field fight has it all: Balsa kicking ass, and also getting beat up. It’s fun! Fight scenes that know exactly why they are cool are just so good. Hell yeah, overindulge and use every single weapon despite how impractical they are. Yes please show someone pulling off an unrealistic move for the coolness factor. Absolutely include the explosion-that-would-definitely-kill-but-doesn’t. 
Part 3 — TL;DR 
If you want the fight to be cool, make it cool! Set it in a cool place! Give your characters opportunities to show off! Make it interesting by changing the win conditions! Conflicting goals forces characters to prioritize and it makes scenes fun!
Part 4. Words???
Unfortunately, as mentioned, Seirei no Moribito is an anime and I haven’t read the book so I cannot analyze and gush about its prose in this section. Otherwise, the advertisement would continue. You’re safe for the moment.
Re: prose, there’s probably a post out there that goes over the language of fight scenes better than I ever could. I write with the diction of a middle-grade author because I read PJatO too much as a child and it rewrote my DNA. This is not a bad thing, this is just a fact. So I’m just gonna fire off fight scene writing advice I heard from around:
Filter words — if you want a more immersive reading experience, you want to avoid filtering the action through the narration. So use sentences like: “Her arm hurt” as opposed to “she felt her arm hurt”. But if you’re trying to distance the reader, like recreating the feeling of shock/dissociation, then filter words would help achieve that effect.
Make the rhythm of your prose match the energy of the fight. Short and choppy feels fast in the brain. Long and wordy feels overwhelming. Fragmented sentences and run-ons are chaotic. Customize the vibes.
Establish the important details of the setting beforehand so that you don’t have to stop the action to describe the specific placement of a relevant tree stump. I think I heard this one from Brandon Sanderson on a podcast somewhere, but I think about it a lot when I write because blocking is hard enough and it's even harder when you have to stop and attempt to translate the movie in your head into words. I can’t tell you how to block a fight scene. We need to find someone else who is smarter that can tell us.
Part 5. The Point
Fight Scenes are Fun, actually. They can be really effective if you set them up properly! If you know what you want to do with them, you can arrange it to be as cool as possible! You don’t have to be in a visual medium to make fights fun. You just have to figure out how to translate the cool bits into prose, which I think is mostly done through giving your fight cool shit on both the macro story level scale and the micro scene level scale. 
Also, watch Seirei no Moribito.
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callsign-bunnie · 2 years
One-shot prompt or HCs, you choose: Alejandro & Ghost and Rudy & Soap (&Gaz?) friendships, or old married husbands parenting their Cowboy children lol
Ah, so I'm pretty bad with children, myself, anon. I got no clue how they work, so I'll settle with the friend ships. (Personally, I think both would have children in a different universe, tho.)
Ghost and Alejandro:
Ghost and Alejandro are those best friends who act like brothers in that they fight at the drop of a hat but would kill for each other. They’re not quite as close as Alejandro and Rodolfo, but Alejandro considers Ghost his second best friend.
They frequently go to bars, together, and also make sure to stay in touch when the other is on a mission
Alejandro has to duck when he walks by Ghost if he’s wearing a hat because Ghost will knock it off
Ghost regularly just silently walks into a room and stands behind Alejandro until he notices to scare the shit out of him
Alejandro is teaching Ghost Spanish
Both are lowkey bad at cooking on their own so they always go out when they have “bro” nights
Ghost told Alejandro most of his backstory when he was drunk one night and Alejandro did the same
Wrestle quite a bit for dumb reasons
Alejandro matches Ghost in physical combat skills, weapon free, as long as Alejandro knocks Ghost off guard.
Ghost has a hard time using his tactics on Alejandro because if Alejandro isn’t fighting for his life, he doesn’t bother to strategize, so Ghost can’t counter strategize
Play Uno. Both are bad at it, their games last for hours.
Alejandro and Ghost both use chess to keep their minds sharp. Alejandro picked it up from a mentor and Ghost read somewhere that it helps with critical thinking skills. They frequently play against each other since no one else will play with them because they’ll win.
Alejandro is really good at trapping in Tik Tac Toe, and Ghost cusses him out every time.
Ghost regularly gets on top of tall things to scare Alejandro when he walks into a room. (Look, Soap has gotten too used to him to scare and Ghost refuses to scare Rodolfo. And Price threatened to kick his ass if he kept scaring Gaz.)
Alejandro gets revenge by playing spooky music very quietly in the hallways so Ghost loses his mind trying to find it.
Dressed up for the batman premier and went. They’re taking that secret to their graves.
Has been told off by Rodolfo for arguing at bad times. (Soap thinks it’s funny and riles them up)
Constantly scheming together to do dumb shit. Occasionally Soap joins in.
Price and Laswell frequently stop them from fighting by grabbing them by the backs of their collars and dragging them apart like cats
Rodolfo and Soap:
Soap and Rodolfo regularly hang out together
Soap helps Rodolfo have fun when he’s too mission brained and Rodolfo helps Soap stay calm when he can’t be hyperactive
Definition of ADHD friend meets Autism Friend
Soap is chronically late and Rodolfo is chronically early. This stresses Rodolfo out quite a bit
Soap buys Rodolfo stuff for Rodolfo’s hyperfixations whenever he sees it.
Rodolfo is usually in charge of the money when they hang out, because Soap is an impulse buyer
Rodolfo keeps energy drinks in his quarters in case Soap needs to self medicate
They play board games a lot, usually with Soap making at least one remark of “they call it a board game because you’re bored” He secretly enjoys them a lot
They watch telenovelas together and Rodolfo usually has to explain everything to Soap, or remind him
Actually secretly went to a live filming of one, together. Rodolfo had to give Soap a crash course of Spanish, which is actually where Soap learned most of what he knows.
Soap is actually almost completely fluent in Spanish because of telenovelas
They watch TV with subtitles on because neither can understand a word without it. They’re Spanish subtitles.
Have fallen asleep on the couch together and had to be separated by respective boyfriends.
Just really good healthy friendship, save for when they’re arguing over who should pick who in their shows.
Bonus Soap and Rodolfo and Gaz:
Gaz usually only hangs out with them when Price or Farah are busy but he enjoys spending time with them
They all have deep conversations on their perspectives of growing up lgbt (you can pry trans Gaz from my cold dead hands) in their respective cultures.
Soap drags them both out to bars every other Saturday, though
Gaz’s tolerance is horrible, Rodolfo’s is average, and Soap’s is sky high (genetics, not due to being scottish. He’s low key super mad about it) so Soap is DD and usually drinks soda since he’s not gonna get drunk anyway and it’s cheaper
Gaz and Rodolfo share an interest in poisonous mushrooms.
Gaz pretends not to like the telenovelas but when he’s hanging out and they put them on, he sits and watches and asks questions.
He once came in in the middle of an episode, and he asked so many questions that they just restarted the episode
Gaz has a soft spot for fantasy shows, so they watch them with him
They also frequently go to the shooting range
Soap has the best stationary aim at a distance, but Gaz is more accurate with moving targets. Rodolfo is faster at hitting targets during stealth drills
Everyone expects Soap to be the one out of the three to get in fights at bars but it’s usually because someone decided they could push Gaz around and Rodolfo knocked them flat on their ass
Soap has definitely thrown both Gaz and Rodolfo over his shoulders to get out of a bar before they started a huge fight.
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With the Random Hobie HCs Post, I'd like to add that he probably advocates heavily for education in general. He absolutely holds little meets for students where they can learn history that they'll never find in the textbooks.
He would absolutely make sure students get the uncensored version of history. He's absolutely a strong believer of "if you don't know history, you're bound to repeat it"
He also makes sure to include the good parts of history as though to say "this is what it could be".
Overall you got my brain smiling at the idea of Hobie being a reader tySM
Teacher!Hobie Headcanons
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No wonder he's so good with MayDay.
Like imagine, Hobie is strolling along and hear Peter foreloin that MayDay is having trouble with her shapes and colors. And MJ really wants to start her ahead on early pre-k. Get the big Parker brain going and all. And Peter's so frustrated and is he doing this dad thing right and maybe- Then he walks past a room while complaining to Miguel, only to see Hobie and MayDay sitting there with cards, practicing shapes and colors. She's delighted, it's like a game to her, and she's bright eyed and reacting. Hobie doesn't stop to acknowledge Peter and Peter doesn't interrupt, but he's so incredibly happy. He later tries to thank Hobie, but Hobie is like 'My pleasure, mate. Great kid."
He probably gets it from back home in 138, where he's more often 'Hobie'. I could see him in his time off, hanging out with local organizers.
Spider-punk sneaks in and steals books that are set to be burned or destroyed, and Hobie passes the books on to them.
I HC he tells the best stories, so the kids will sit around and hear stories of revolution, and indigenous people fighting for their land. Or about hippies protecting old forests. Or Black Panthers on the steps of the court house (*cough* Di *cough*)
But of course their favorite stories are the ones about Spider-punk. Hobie has told him that Spider-punk is his best friend and 'not to tell anyone'. And they make sure to keep his secret locked tight.
He tells them heroic stories of Spider-punk kicking the cops asses, and the kids all cheer - because it makes them a little less afraid when they see the pigs in the streets.
Some stuff can be hard to explain to them, or tell them - because history isn't always pretty. But they know they can ask questions and Hobie will always be kind. He always has an answer, never an 'I don't know', instead a 'I hope to learn that one day too'.
They really admire him. Sometimes hanging around the organizations and communist groups he'll read by himself, and the kids will see and run and grab their own. Sitting around him for impromptu reading time.
Even the teenagers the pass off to him. Kids like Gwen.
13 - 16 year olds, runaways looking for a better life, kids who lost their parents and are angry, ready to fight for the cause. Or sometimes, kids of cops, disgusted enough to wake up and leave.
Sometimes they're scared or quiet. Hobie always helps them open up, always figures out what they're willing to fight for. And some of them are angry, loud, some don't trust them. But he can get on anyone's good side. He understands the anger, he knows how to direct it.
Soon they just follow him because he leads by example. Everyday he comes in and ten different people are ready to talk to him about the recent developments on the fight for freedom in South America, or a recent anarchist rally over in Ireland.
Hobie loves it, because he loves people and he loves being a teacher.
Even at Society
Pavi probably didn't know much when he joined. He knew Gwen and Hobie very well, and he's been Spider-man 6 months, so he had to have joined maybe 3-4 months into being Spider-man, or even earlier.
He was probably so green, now look at him. How many 'bits of advice-' do you think he gave Pav?
If you're a new recruit with mechanical webshooters, he'll casually ask to see them - compliment their worksmanship, give you some new ideas. Or try to help out in little ways. Sewing kit in his vest for patches and rips in Spidey-suits.
Imagine learning how to Spidey-quip from Hobie!!! And having him be your hype-man during jokes in battle!
Just like he throws Pav in ATSV, Hobie throwing a Spider-person so they can get the last attack in.
Or even just helping around campus. He'll walk people to the food court if they're lost and looking for it. Or stop and talk to people who look like they need help with something.
Pulling others aside and asking if they need someone to practice training with, telling them 'Don't worry, you'll get it'.
I BET HES A MENTOR like Jess or Peter! Having him as a mentor would be so cool. Him lazily checking in on your during missions from his houseboat cause - hey he gets to work from home? cool.
Always defends you to Miguel.
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saucyjothoughts · 2 months
What would reader do with a bratty Nace??👀 Praise him and pet his hair until he’s behaving himself again😇 or punish him to make him learn his lesson😈
Dearest Anonyboo, I'm so sorry this one has been sat in my ask box for so long! I've been waiting for inspiration and oh boy did Nace being an annoying little shit in the recent Jance interview deliver.
(nsfw under the cut)
You have to be up early and don't have time for your usual morning cuddles. It isn't a problem at first but your self control has always been better than his and the cracks begin to show in his resolve soon enough.
He's desperate for your attention, getting up in your personal space, trying to get a rise out of you, but this little game is the most fun when you refuse to give him what he needs. Despite the sparkling in your chest when he's being so clingy and ridiculous, you remain stoic, never flinching, arms crossed. He's got that glimmer in his eyes he only gets when he's thinking with his dick, but you're out in public and he knows you can't indulge him, you can't put him in his place here. He's running his mouth, being loud, touching your hair and your neck without permission while all you can do is tighten your lips and keep your cool. He knows exactly what your stern countenance and narrowed eyes mean; you just wait until we're alone. You'll pay for this.
When you finally get home, he's playing innocent.
"What have I ever done?" he teases you. "I've been on my best behaviour all day, wouldn't you say so?"
Everyone thinks he's so innocent, so angelic and wholesome. Only you know the truth, only you know how naughty he is, how far he's overstepped the mark today. Only you can see his half-hard cock pressing against his clothes. And now, finally alone, you can put him in his place.
He tries to kiss you and finally you can give him the slap his cheek deserves.
"I would not say so," you scold him. "I would say you've been misbehaving all day."
He could overpower you if he really wanted to but he doesn't, not even when you're rough with him, shoving him onto the bed and gripping your nails into his wrists to remind him to keep his hands to himself.
"I'd go so far as to say you've been very bad."
He earns another slap when he tries to grab your ass with his free hand while you're securing the other one to the bedpost.
Yes, you are. But he doesn't yet know quite how mean you can be.
"No!" He's feigning pain, claiming injustice, wriggling underneath you while you pin him down with your body, straddling him so that his clothed cock pushed painfully up against your groin. "You're being mean!"
His other hand secured to the bed post, he kicks out at you as you undress him, peeling his trousers down first so that you can see the outline of that fat cock you love pressing against his boxers. Then his shirt, slowly unbuttoning to show off his chest instead of tearing it off him like you know he wishes you would. He's flexing for you but you ignore it. You won't be teased, won't be manipulated.
"I've done nothing wrong," he claims as you slip your fingers beneath the band of his underwear and wrestle them down over his fighting hips.
"Shut up or I'll shut you up," you tell him, his cock slapping back against his belly. It looks delicious but you won't give him the satisfaction.
"You wouldn't dare."
He's wrong. You rise to his challenge, wringing his dirty boxers into a twist and stuffing as much of them into his mouth as you can fit. He's gagging on the sensation, his eyes watering, groaning muffled pleas into the fabric, thick with his musk and already wet with his drool.
You climb off the bed and take a step back to admire your work. He's looking at you with big pleading eyes, ready for his punishment, ready for you to use him. Even like this, his eyes are looking over your body disrespectfully. His cock twitches, jumping for your attention.
"Who’s gonna sit on that thing now, after you've been such a nuisance? No manners at all."
His expression drops, his body stilling. You're not playing into his game.
"Now I can finally get some peace. You’re going to think about how you've behaved today until I come back and decide whether you’re good enough for me to ride.”
He's whining pathetically into his underwear, rock hard and leaking, when you leave the room and shut the door behind you.
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dawnisatotalqueen · 7 months
title: love grows :: chapter two
characters: haikyuu various x reader
notes: profanity, tsuk*shima (jokes kind of), sugawara being an angel 😍, hinata being a qt, and bestie iwa ofc
summary: after some chaos ensues where hinata and kageyama get kicked out of the gym, the boys come up with the idea for a 3v3 to settle if kageyama can be the setter. of course, you get roped into it, and you're now joining them for 5 am practice.
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Kageyama and Hinata did not get along. That is exactly what resulted in the two of them getting kicked out of the gym. You stuttered, looking between the three older boys.
You didn’t know them. You only knew the two boys who were now kicked out until they could get along.
You heard Hinata and Kageyama plead with the captain who’s name you learned to be Daichi, though he was determined in his stance that the two needed to work together.
The grey haired boy, Sugawara, told you that you could watch practice for today, then the next day you could go over what you needed to do for manager duties with Kiyoko, the other manager.
You were kind of dazed, honestly. The next thing you knew, Kageyama was challenging Daichi to a 2v2, which he turned into a 3v3 with two other first years that would be joining the team. The penalty if they didn’t win? Kageyama wouldn’t be the setter.
After Daichi put Tanaka on the two boys’ team, he had the idea to meet up and practice, which is exactly why you found yourself standing at the entrance to the school, half asleep at 5 AM.
You weren’t technically supposed to be there, but after exchanging numbers with Hinata, he mentioned it to you, and you both decided joining could be fun.
Your brain was starting to regret that.
Well, that was until you heard a now familiar voice cheer your name. You looked around, spotting Hinata and grinning. “Morning!”
He smiled brightly. “Good morning! How’d you sleep?” The two of you turned, heading onto the school grounds.
“Pretty good! I fell asleep on a call with my best friend.” You hummed, remembering how you had talked Iwaizumi’s ear off about your first day and all the new people you had met.
“Ooo. Do they go here?” Hinata tilted his head.
“Ah, no, he goes to Seijoh!”
“Wait, really?!” Hinata gasped a little. “That’s where Kageyama was supposed to go too, right? It’s one of the best schools in the prefecture?”
“Mhm! I was pretty surprised to see him here. We’ve actually been in school together for a while!”
“Really?” He grimaced. “I don’t even wanna imagine what that’d be like..”
You giggled a little. “You know, if you wanna win this thing you’re gonna have to learn how to tolerate him.” You grinned. “I get that he’s kind of an ass, but he’s not that bad, I promise. He’s kind of awkward, actually.”
“Well, he seems pretty mean to me.” Hinata huffed, putting his hands on his hips dramatically. “I met him last year during a volleyball game. I swore to beat him, but.. Here we are. On the same team. And I have to work with him!” He groaned, and you snickered, the both of you arriving in front of the gym and spotting Kageyama.
“Yo!” You called out, waving at him.
Kageyama looked over, narrowing his eyes at you. “What is she doing here?”
“She’s here to practice. Duh.” Hinata walked up to the doors, pulling on them only to realize they were locked. “Should’ve seen that coming. It’s locked.”
“Okay, let’s go through the window.” Kageyama shrugged, and Hinata turned to him, gawking.
“Are you crazy?! We’d end up getting expelled!”
You heard a yawn behind you, turning around and seeing Tanaka. “Five AM is too early..” He had his hands in his pockets, trying to keep warm.
“Tanaka?” Hinata blinked, looking at the older boy.
“You got two hours! And then, beat it.” Tanaka grinned, spinning the keys to the gym in his hands.
You gasped. “Woah! Cool, dude!”
“You’re awesome!!” Hinata cheered.
“Thank you!” Kageyama spoke, though didn’t show nearly as much visible enthusiasm as Hinata.
“Aha! Yeah, who’s your hero first years?! Call me Sir Tanaka!”
“Sir Tanaka!!” Kageyama and Hinata yelled at the same time, and you cringed.
“That’s a little far.” You eyed Tanaka, and he looked at you.
“Want my help or not?”
You let out a little grumble and sigh. “Sir Tanaka..”
“Alllright!” Tanaka grinned, walking up to the door and unlocking it.
He clicked on the lights, the entire gym brightening, and Hinata gasped. “WOWW!”
“You were just in here yesterday.” Tanaka blinked.
You snickered. “I’ll grab some volleyballs!” You went over to the supply closet, grabbing some, and when you came back out, Sugawara was there.
“Oh– Hey–” You blinked.
Sugawara looked over, smiling softly at you. Tanaka huffed, clearing his throat. “Suga figured out what was going on, so he’s here to help.”
“Oh! Cool! Okay!” You grinned.
It had been a while of practicing, and you sat up on the stage while Hinata practiced his receives with Suga. Hinata didn’t seem to be paying attention completely.
“So, like, have you been on the team since you started going here? Oo, and what position do you play?” You tilted your head at Suga.
He hummed. “Yeah! And I’m the team’s setter.”
“Ooo..” You hissed a little. “Nervous about Kageyama taking your position?”
“No, not really.” He shrugged before pausing and blushing. “Ah, sorry, that came out kind of arrogant. I just mean that if he earns it, he earns it. No hard feelings.”
You stared at him for a second. Was he a gift from God? “Marry me.”
Sugawara stuttered, blinking before a heat crept up his neck. “What?”
“Nothing.” You whistled, leaning back on your hands and acting as if you didn't say a thing.
Before you could be questioned, Hinata started bugging Kageyama about setting for him after he had set for Tanaka.
You felt bad for him, honestly. Kageyama had always seemed a little awkward, but he was downright mean to Hinata. It was hard to have too much hatred for him on Hinata's behalf since you had known him for so long, though.
The next guy you met, you couldn't say the same for, though.
The next guy you met you couldn't say the same for though. You had briefly met the other two first years during practice, but you didn’t talk to them much since you were mostly shadowing Kiyoko to see what you’d need to do.
You had managed to get Daichi to let you leave a little early with the excuse that you were walking home and since it was dark you wanted to get an early start, but really you had made your way out to where Kageyama and Hinata were practicing. Hinata was still working on his receives, and you were almost certain he was about to catch this one when a hand stuck out above him, catching the ball.
You squawked. “Heyy, he almost had that one!” You huffed, looking up and seeing the other two first years.
The blonde one who was admittedly kind of cute raised a brow. “Are you guys seriously practicing out here? You must be the first years who made all that trouble on the first day.”
The green haired one smiled a little. “T-shirts out here? Aren’t you cold?”
Hinata looked a little in awe of the blonde's height before he started to jump for the ball. “Give it back! Hey!”
“Shouldn’t you elementary schoolers be home at this hour?”
Hinata gawked at him. “Who are you supposed to be?!���
Kageyama raised a brow when he looked over. “I guess you’re the other first year players.”
“Quiet! I’ll do the talking!” Hinata huffed.
“Question. How tall are you?” Kageyama tilted his head.
“Glad you asked! Tsukki happens to be 6’2! He’s almost 6’3.” The green haired one grinned.
“6’2???” Hinata stared, mouth agape.
“What’s the point in you bragging about how tall I am, Tadashi?”
“You’re right. Sorry Tsukki.”
Tsukki and Tadashi then.
Tsukki looked at Kageyama. “You’re Kageyama from Kitagawa First, aren’t you? Tch, a star player like you at a school like this?”
“So?” Kageyama narrowed his eyes, stepping forward.
“Look, Pal! We are not gonna lose to you, do you understand me?!” Hinata huffed, looking up at Tsukki.
Tsukki stared at him before scoffing. “Isn’t that cute? I didn’t realize that little skirmish actually meant something to you, we couldn’t care less about it. But if it means that much to you, I guess we could throw it.”
“WHAATTT?” Hinata gawked at him.
“Fine. Throw it or work yourself to death for all I care. It doesn’t matter ‘cause I’m still gonna win on Saturday.”
“You mean we, right?!”
Tsukki laughed. “So confident! Well that’s the King for you.”
“Hey! Don’t call me that!” Kageyama grit his teeth, stepping forward before you placed a hand on his shoulder, shaking your head.
“I knew it. Rumor has it you lose your cool every time somebody brings up your old nickname. But who wouldn’t want to be the King of The Court? I mean it really suits you, right your Highness?”
Kageyama was shaking with anger and you narrowed your eyes at Tsukki. “That’s enough.” You stepped in front of Kageyama. “I don’t know who you think you are coming over here and fucking with people, but you’re not all that.”
Tsukki raised a brow. “And who are you?”
“Y/N, not that it matters but I went to school with Kageyama and you’re wrong. He’s not like that.” You narrowed your eyes on the blonde.
He scoffed. “Right. I saw him at finals.” He looked back up at Kageyama. “I still can’t believe your teammates put up with all those selfish sets you’d toss up. I know I wouldn’t.” He paused. “Oh, I bet that’s why you’re here, right? They finally got sick of you?”
“Hey, I said that’s enough–” Before you could say anything else, Kageyama moved you out of his way and grabbed Tsukki by the collar.
“Tsukki!” Tadashi gasped, both him and Hinata in somewhat defensive stances.
You and Hinata both stared at Kageyama as he glared at Tsukki before letting him go, turning around and going back to his bag, picking it up. “We’re leaving.”
“Wha–” You sputtered when Tsukki spoke again.
“Running off? Guess the King’s not a threat after all.” You saw the way Hinata’s eyes snapped to Tsukki. “I hope his majesty puts up more of a fight on Saturday–” He tossed the ball up and you’re not sure how it happened, but Hinata was in the air, jumping to grab the ball as Tsukki gawked at him. He landed pretty smoothly too.
“Would you just shut up about the stupid King?! I’m here too!” Hinata glared at him. “You have no idea what I’m capable of!”
“Oh yeah?” Tsukki narrowed his eyes and Hinata grimaced.
“What’s that look for anyway, buddy?! Are you trying to start something with me?!”
Tsukki sighed, smiling. “There’s no need to argue, alright? Let’s all just enjoy playing some volleyball together. It’s just a game, right?”
Hinata furrowed his brows. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Exactly what it sounds like. Bye.” He turned around.
Hinata huffed. “Hey, not so fast! You never told me who you are!”
The two boys both turned back to him.
“I’m Kei Tsukishima, Year 1 Class 4.”
“I’m Tadashi Yamaguchi!”
Not Tadashi then.
“As of today, we are officially your new teammates. Even if it doesn’t feel like it. Anyway, I’m looking forward to his Majesty’s royal sets.”
“Cya!” Yamaguchi called out, walking off with Tsukishima.
Hinata and Kageyama glared at the two as they walked away and you huffed, turning around. “What dicks.”
“For real! We should show them who’s boss.” Hinata grinned.
“It doesn’t matter.” Kageyama said, turning around.
“Hey! Where you going?!”
“Huh?” Kageyama turned to him.
“We still have some work to do, don’t we?”
Kageyama stared at him before setting his bag back down.
You don’t know what it was, but those guys really pissed you off, and you were more determined than ever to help Kageyama and Hinata beat those jerks. Especially the stupid blonde one.
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taglist: @writing-for-me-at-this-point @casabaswrld @one-piece-frvr7
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buggaberry · 1 year
NXX Video Game Headcanons
Avid player, plays multiple genres of games. She frequently drags all the guys into games together.
Does she play Genshin? — Absolutely. Lumine main.
Star Rail? — What do u think, her Pela is probably shredded.
Grew up with Rosa, so he's a gamer by default. They played games together all the time, this guy has every type of console in his house.
Plays Nintendo games the most, he was probably into Zelda and Professor Layton.
Equal footing with Rosa in terms of skill, they don't really take games too seriously though.
Does he play Genshin? — Probably mostly does Spiral Abyss, otherwise he's goofing with Rosa in co-op. His gallery is full of photos. Heizou main.
Star Rail? — He's definitely playing, probably mains Jing Yuan.
Absolutely a gamer in his free time, probably played with Giann sometimes when he was little.
Mostly plays PvP and FPS games— Valorant, Call of Duty, Halo, Star Wars. He's probably into Pokémon too.
Rosa kicks his ass at every game. He only manages to win if he teases her enough.
They played Phasmophobia together and he chickened.
Does he play Genshin? — He played a little when it first came out but dropped it after a little while. Definitely whaled on some of the early banners. Started playing again because of Rosa and grinded to catch up. C6 Childe main. (until he pulls newer characters) Star Rail? — Oh yeah, he's got it running in the back on his computer. He plays it more than Genshin. Blade main.
Dabbles in video games, not a particularly avid player.
He probably had a Nintendo DS growing up, the man was born in 2001. He played Ace Attorney, Mario Kart, and Cooking Mama.
Only really plays when Rosa asks him to, he'll brush up on his skills in his free time so he can play decently with her.
Does he play Genshin? — He played the quests for the lore but he doesn't really do dailies or the Abyss. Built his characters so he could play with Rosa, he had dumb gacha luck and got C2 Zhongli, so he mains him for the co-op shield. Star Rail? — Rosa introduced it to him, Artem more so casually plays but he got Luocha out of stupid gacha luck and mains him. Vyn:
Nope. Never touched a console once. He's completely clueless.
Vyn grew up as nobility is Svart, he's unfamiliar with a lot of games. He mostly just played with toys by himself when he was tiny.
NXX probably introduced them to him and he was very eager to learn. Rosa very patiently taught him and he wound up having fun. He started to dabble more in his free time to get better tho because Marius being better than him was a crime and he wasn't going to let the other guys one up him.
Ends up liking RPG and simulation games the most, he psychoanalyzes characters and likes more laidback games. He would like Persona 5 and Stardew Valley.
Does he play Genshin? — Rosa really likes it so he decided to give it a try. He made a pretty garden in his teapot to run around with Rosa. Baizhu main. Star Rail? — Again, Rosa probably introduced him to the game. He doesn't like it as much as Genshin because he can't run around with Rosa, but he picks it up and likes the plot. Imbibitor Lunae main.
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socksjinie · 1 year
✿ crime 101 — to crush or be crushed | jungkook
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Ⓒ socksjinie — all rights reserved. do not repost, translate or claim as your own.
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synopsis. buttercup doesn't warm up to just anyone, but he somehow gets her like she has never been gotten before.
genre. powerpuff girls au ; jungkook!butch ; fluff ; angst
pairing. jungkook x buttercup
wordcount. 3635
warnings. foul language, and mentions of fights
a/n. i want to apologize in advance to my dearest followers that always send love to this au for the rushed writing on this drabble,, time has been so short and funky to me lately, and this really doesn't feel worthy enough of your kindness,,, still i tried~ hope you like it ♡
a/n2. the skipping class idea was inspired by a leecheedoodles drawing
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Jungkook had been trying to win against Buttercup his whole life, and she always came on top no matter how much or how hard he tried. 
from early on it was established that she was indeed the final boss of his much-played video games. 
it started when they first bumped into each other in the kindergarten playground. Jungkook, who had never stepped out of the way of anyone, not even his villain Dad, found an insult when Buttercup with a mere 3 ft 5 stood her ground against him when trying to go for a round in a swing. he remembers having a broken umbrella by the end of the confrontation as well as a broken nose as he watched her triumphantly swing as high as she could. 
later that week, he got to watch her annihilate one of his Dad’s monsters all by herself while her sisters ganged up on a much smaller one. it all bundled up to make him feel she was able to stomp on his pride that easily. 
and she had never run from a fight. much like him, she seemed to run towards it. unafraid of anything. the only difference between them was that he was able to win against everyone and everything but her. 
and so it began his schism to defeat Buttercup Utuniom no matter what. 
and he tried, God knows how he tried. 
differently from their siblings, Jungkook and Buttercup had always been appointed to the same classes. at first, it was a challenge for their teachers, as Jungkook used his time solely to annoy her instead of trying to learn something. he went from declaring himself the anime expert every time he challenged her to a battle, to then wrecking his brain trying to pull up smart pranks on the girl. 
what no one prepared him for, was the fact that she knew all the anime including how to apply its techniques while fighting—something not even his brothers would do. or how she always seemed to pull even better pranks at him, like the time when she made everyone ignore Jungkook’s existence in seventh grade and he thought for a whole day something had happened and he was indeed, a ghost. 
even his best friends, Jin and Yoongi, who had been in the same class as him since they were infants, had always found Buttercup the girl—which says a lot because, at this age, their class was pretty much split up as it consisted of a majority of boys and the total of nine girls attending. all of them, except his rival, would gather around the same spot in the school every day to do whatever they did. Jungkook tried to pry one or two times before having his ass kicked by Buttercup. which only infuriated him even more since she didn’t even take part in the little girls club. 
Buttercup was always playing with the other boys in the class… including his best friends. but every time a boy dared to disturb the girls, she would come to the rescue. 
in his mind, her attitudes were always a mystery. revolting to say at least. Jungkook hated her guts, and he knew the feeling was mutual. 
but then came the end of the eighth grade.  
it was early June, the sun was high in the sky and the school grounds were emanating a heat wave from the concrete floors. it was lecture day, and all of the classes were gathered in the main pavilion as the Mayor of Townsville gave a speech. 
Jungkook, however, sneaked his way toward the interior of the smaller gymnasium, where the coolness of the shadows would freshen his skin and the lack of cameras or people would protect his peace. 
as he sneaked past the boy’s locker rooms, thinking of lying down on top of a gymnastics mat to catch on some sleep, and lazily opening the door to meet his temporary refuge, he is halted by the scene displayed in front of him. 
Buttercup snaps her head back as she catches a volleyball in her hands, eyebrows slowly furrowing as she is caught playing alone. 
“Why are–?” Jungkook attempts to ask but the ball previously in her hands is shot like a cannon toward him. He catches it swiftly, his body only jerking a bit back. And then she barks, “You shouldn’t be here.” 
He tilts his head, still puzzled. “No, you shouldn’t be here.” the volleyball comes to rest lazily between his hip and his arm, and Jungkook can’t help to notice how Buttercup crosses her arms and clenches her jaw shut. “This is my spot to hide… How come you know of it?” 
She scoffs before answering, “Well, duh–This is one of the few places in school without prying eyes… Besides, it’s hot as hell outside.” 
“And free water,” he adds, head pointing to the water cooler by the benches, eyebrows still knitted together as he eyes her. 
“And free water…” 
his tongue clicks and his head tilts slightly again. “Still, this is my spot,” Jungkook concludes, bothered by her presence. he wouldn’t lose that too to her. “You better find another place to skip the lecture today, Butterboo–”
She rolls her eyes, taking a few steps closer, “Bla bla bla–” she mocks him before getting serious again. “Don’t call me that. Ever. Besides, I arrived first so… Beat it, stinky face!” 
“You beat it, Butterbitch!” he says and it’s enough to get her fuming. her fists ball and she has to breathe hard to not fly toward his neck. “What?” he asks, provoking. “Afraid to get detention?” 
“Definitely not afraid. It’s just not worth it to have to look at your face there too,” 
“Huh,” he thinks for a second. instead of offering a reply, he rolls the volleyball back to her and starts carrying a big gym mattress out of a deposit room. “You know–” he discards the heavy thing on the floor before lying down on top of it. “It’s not much Powerpuffy of you to skip a lecture… You sure you’re made of the same thing as your sisters?”
Buttercup hits the ball hard against the wall, “Tsk–You too?!” she hits it again with more force as it bumps back toward her. 
“Wait.” Jungkook’s upper body jerks up and he sits, staring inquiring at her side profile. “Is that why you’re skipping it?! Because of those–” 
“No.” she interrupts him and her cheeks flush. “Shut up.”
“Yes, it is!” he points in an aha moment. “And the girls club–That’s why–! Oh wow… I can’t believe the toughest fighter is scared to face some wimpy meany kids–” 
she caught the volleyball before looking at him, “I never said I was scared of them–I just don’t have the patience to listen to their crap. It’s different–”
“To hell with them!” Jungkook snaps, “They shouldn’t be your concern–I should!” she looks at him with one eyebrow arched as he continues enthusiastically, “I’m the one able to crush you if I wanted to. They’re just weak little… Spoiled kids! You should fear me, not them.” 
“Ok?! What do you mean, ok?” Jungkook continues outraged. “I’m sure you flip out of your mind knowing I’m perfectly capable of ending you, right?! I’m the one who can do that–You know, right?! And I think of defeating you like–Every day!” 
Buttercup chuckles as soon as he finishes, “You’re being serious?” and at her question, he looks even more furious, “Oh, you are… Jungkook–I mean, yeah, I do have the urge to punch you in the face whenever I see you around but you’re not in my mind like… Ever.” she shrugs. 
“Wah–” he exhales frustrated. “Then prepare yourself for hell!” he sits forward, pointing a finger at her, “Imma make you think of me ALL the time! Just you wait!” 
she chuckles again, playing along. “Good luck with that, snail bait!” 
ever since then, there was an understanding between the two. where once there were three—Jungkook, Jin, and Yoongi—now there were four. 
and Buttercup was their greatest addition. even though Jin would suffer in both her hands and Jungkook’s since she maximized the latter’s sense of humor and disposition to greater pranks. 
the quartet was inseparable. they spent the lunch hours in between classes running away from school, exploring the woods of Townsville or the abandoned houses around town. In classes, they would cause trouble, and before going home the last stop was always the ramen shop owned by Yoongi’s parents. Yoongi himself was tired of being punished for the ruckus they ended up inciting there every time, but somehow, whenever they looked back at the memories, it was always worth it. 
as for Jungkook’s schism? it was still there but in a different way. they still argued, Buttercup and him… they ignited a bickering session every time they laid eyes on each other. but it was more for their personal amusement than anything else. 
Buttercup's sisters found it odd why she would hang up with Jungkook around school, but they never questioned her too much as every time they battled the Rowdyruff boys in town she seemed more than eager to give him a beating. Both Blossom and Bubbles got the idea over time that she was friends with Yoongi and Jin, and Jungkook was just a consequence—a package deal. 
Taehyung and Jimin however, got to think that the reason they had gotten closer was because of Jungkook’s master plan to overthrow Buttercup. They knew how much he was obsessed with winning against her. 
and so time passed and tenth grade began. 
it was Halloween night, the school was fully decorated with skeletons and eerie spider webs. Jungkook was sitting on top of one of the cafeteria tables scanning the place, while Jin chatted up by his side, and Yoongi was ready to disagree with the last comment when he spotted Buttercup entering the building alongside her sisters. 
the place was dark, and although only some strikes of light would dance around, illuminating selective spots at a time, Jungkook wouldn’t be able to miss her amongst the crowd. 
she walked with confidence, sporting a black and white striped suit. her hair was freshly trimmed into a wolfcut, tousled, and sprayed green. she wore strong purple makeup to give her a deadly look and her eyes glowed green just like his. he had seen the movie Beetlejuice with Taehyung once… he knew she was dressed like the character, and it only made her look tougher to his eyes. 
No other girl was dressing as disheveled as her, they all came in perfect costumes—too perfect for his liking and the sake of Halloween—like cute witches, angels, and princesses. “There she is!” Jin said as she spotted them as well and got separated from her sisters. 
as she made her way toward them, Jin continued, “You got this!” he cheered sending a thumbs up toward Yoongi, and Jungkook looked from one to another confused. 
“What? You didn’t know?” Jin asked Jungkook ready to mock him for being such an airhead. “Yoongi has had a crush on her since we wore diapers.” 
“Shut up, she’ll listen–” Yoongi shook his hand in front of Jin trying to end the chitchat, way too flustered. 
“I guess you were too busy bickering with her to notice!” Jin continued laughing at Jungkook’s puzzled face. 
before he could question anything else, or hear anything else the other two said muffled by the loud music, Buttercup approached them with a grumpy face and a red cup in her hand. Jungkook had never seen her with a different haircut other than her usual bob up until now. “I can’t believe they will serve this juice crap to us…” she complained not noticing how he studied her new look.
“Lucky for you I stole from my Aunt’s cabinet before coming,” Yoongi offered his signature gummy smile while signaling his pocket and something in the way Buttercup’s face lit up made Jungkook gulp drily. 
between receiving that information and spending the next hour watching the two, Jungkook started getting restless. somehow, holding the piece of information that Yoongi had a crush on Buttercup, made the whole group dynamic drastically change from his point of view. and if there was one thing that Jungkook didn’t know how to fully accept when he didn’t want to was that thing called change. 
it wasn’t midnight yet, the music offered by a DJ hired by the school blasted loudly and reverberated both on the decorated glass windows and their thumping hearts. Black-eyed Peas was playing and the gang felt joyful. a large crowd of students danced cheerfully to the beat as they made their way through. 
they decided to take the back door of the canteen to exit toward the soccer field and spend the rest of the night there, laughing and betting against each other—preferably Yoongi betting on Buttercup and Jin on Jungkook as to who would win this or that. 
as they went down the stairs at the back of the canteen, a group sat in a circle, right under it, called for their names. there were some familiar faces amongst them, some boys and two girls from their class. 
“What are you doing down there?” Jin, who was normally the social butterfly of their quartet, asked, immediately being pulled to join the circle. 
they had an empty glass bottle of Coke spinning in the center of the circle they were all making. the game was truth or dare. and it might have been the liquor the four of them had ingested half an hour ago—Jungkook and Buttercup way more since their organisms worked differently—or even the glee floating in the air of this school party night, but incredibly and for everyone else’s surprise, all four agreed to play. 
three rounds went on, and none of them had been chosen yet. the bottle never pointed in their direction even though they had sat in a line. Jin, Jungkook, Buttercup, and Yoongi. 
“I don’t think I can hold my pee any longer–” the latter gets up as the bottle spun again. “I’ll be back in a few!” he adds and Buttercup nods with a smile as he goes up the stairs again. Jungkook watches as Yoongi enters the loud building with a quick glance, vanishing from their sight just as quickly as the loud beats are muffled by the door closing.
“JIN!” one of the girls sitting by the circle exclaims as the bottle ends pointing at their friend. Buttercup leans forward to see his reaction, a smirk adorning her features, and Jungkook's eyes follow the movement as he leans back to make room for her. “Truth or dare?” 
Jin doesn’t take much time to ponder, “Truth of course!” 
“Do you have a crush on anyone in this school?” the girl asks and her smile sparkles, hopeful. Buttercup’s eyes quickly dart in Jungkook’s direction, accomplices of taking note the girl was probably asking for herself. and more yet, when both of them had to suppress a burst of laughter when their friend absentmindedly answered, “Eh–Not really.” 
Jin himself spun the bottle again, tipsy and anxious to witness something more fun than just love questions. the tinkling sound of the glass spinning on the concrete floor was almost hypnotizing Jungkook, who kept his arms crossed as well as his legs. He could close his eyes and be sure he would fall asleep to the sound and faint hubbub… Almost… 
“BUTTERCUP!” some shouted, and his eyes snapped open alert. 
Jungkook took a glance at her as Mitch, a boy from their class, asked with a smirk, “Truth or dare, Puff girl?” 
he raised an eyebrow at the boy’s comment and then watched as Buttercup’s eyes trailed to the bottle as she bit her lips trying to make a decision. 
“Truth,” she said finally, and some of the participants booed her choice. “Ugh, fine. Dare!” 
she glanced around as they all giggled, whispering worthy ideas to make a Powerpuff girl finally comply with their requests. Jungkook seemed the only one annoyed just as much as she was with the sudden situation, even Jin found it a tad funny. 
“What about a kiss!” Mitch suggested and Buttercup clenched her jaw. “I think she’s never done it before–” he commented with the others as if she wasn’t there. 
Jungkook felt ready to jump in but was surprised as she answered promptly. “Not that you need to know anything about my life, Mitch, but yes I have.” Jungkook noticed how her cheeks popped with a faint red and how she unconsciously kept clenching her jaw. “Boy…” he exhaled suddenly and all eyes snapped at him, including hers. “You have the Buttercup Utonium ready to do a dare, and that’s what you ask of her? A kiss? What is this?” he scoffed playfully. “Are you a fanboy of hers or something?” 
they all broke in chuckles and Mitch did his best to try and explain his part but his efforts were in vain. 
“I don’t know about you guys, but I think now I want to see that kiss happening–Buttercup and Mitch sitting in a tree!” one of the girls hummed with malice. 
“Ew!” Mitch exclaimed quickly, “Nuh-uh! Not a chance.”
“God… You’re such idiots…” Buttercup mumbled to herself while playing discouraged with the bottle by her feet. Jungkook heard her as she did so. 
“What? Besides being dumb you’re a wuss too?” Jungkook blurted trying to shift the focus solely to Mitch. 
“Why don’t you kiss her yourself since you’re so keen to come to her rescue?!” 
“I VOTE YES!” one of the other boys shouted and suddenly chuckles and whistles floated in the air. 
“KISS HER, KISS HER” they chanted together. 
Jungkook started arguing, his eyebrows knitted together, and the vein on his neck jumped. Jin looked from one friend to the other, distressed as to what he should do, Yoongi was out but still… Buttercup was his crush. 
“OH MY GOD, ENOUGH!” the girl in question shouted and they all fell silent. in a swift move, she sat on top of her feet, kneeling. “It’s a kiss you want? It’s a kiss you’ll have. Gee–All this for a stupid fucking kiss.” 
it was the last thing Jungkook heard before being pulled by the thick silver chain adorning his neck and having his mouth crushed by Buttercup’s lips. 
he didn’t react more than to close his eyes with the impact at first, hands suspended by his sides as she tugged with urgency at his necklace. the crowd watching them, including Jin, gasped, some even whistled perversely. her lips pressed on his, and as her free hand snaked toward the back of his head and tugged at his hair, he held on to her hips bringing her shily closer. 
“Get a room!” 
he only had the time to search for her lips with his once more, now parted, before she pulled back. 
Jungkook’s breathing was heavy when she did so, and her tired eyes, as she slowly batted her eyelashes, had never looked so green. iridescent emerald-green. they stayed on him for what felt like an eternity, and the corners of his mouth almost got pulled up when he saw the traces of his Frankenstein makeup left on the tip of her nose and the sides of her mouth. it had matched perfectly the hints of green she also had painted on her face purposely for her costume. But then they parted ways, looking elsewhere, and suddenly it hadn’t been enough. 
“There. Happy?” she remarked to the crowd and Jungkook’s stomach twisted as he saw her get up and walk toward the soccer field in the cold night. 
right then Yoongi came through the canteen back door, whistling joyfully the tune being played inside, and the truth or dare game resumed even though Jin and Jungkook got up leaving the circle too. “We’re not playing anymore?” the boy asked as he reunited with the other two. “Where’s B?” 
“She went ahead to the field!” Jungkook said feigning normality as he placed his arms around both boys' necks and dragged them with him.  
Buttercup was sitting on top of the goalpost, her legs dangling as she stared at the stars when they came in laughing at something Jin had just said. 
“Took you long enough,” she commented grumpy as ever, and for the first time, Jungkook froze upon her image. “I hope you have more booze though!” she opened a small smile, and Yoongi was quick to pass her the flask. 
“So…” Jin started, and things were about to get awkward, Jungkook could feel it, and so did she, as they shared a quick glance. 
saved by the bell, Taehyung landed out of nowhere, startling both Jin and Yoongi and interrupting the former. “We have to go,” he said simply with warning eyes toward his brother. 
Buttercup observed how Jungkook’s head tilted—something he was prone to do whenever confused or daring, “What happened?” he asked taking a step toward the captain of the Rowdyruff’s. she jumped out of her spot, getting prepared.
even though she warmed up to Jungkook’s presence in her life, she knew he and his brothers weren’t saints. and that was a silent agreement between the two—their work and their personal lives were very, very different things. 
“Now, Jungkook.” Taehyung barked before taking flight. 
Jungkook looked back at his friends and took a second longer at those iridescent emerald-green eyes, before taking flight after his brother and leaving a dark green trace behind. 
that was the last time Buttercup saw him. 
a few days later she got to know the Rowdyruff boys left town without notice. that was when she swore if she ever saw Jungkook again she would crush him like he had never been crushed before.
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kayforpay · 7 months
curious to know ur thoughts on equidan.....ever since i saw that post abt pretty boykings wrecking their big tough guards they've been kicking the shit out of my brain and i need to infect others
I love equidan! I think it's one of those ships that has a lot of potential because they're both at really similar mental spaces, in this case "being weird fucking assholes for seemingly no reason (but it is later revealed they had reasons and could change)".
would be a really cute situation of like, no game AU, equius being the first person eridan looks to for hired muscle once he's making the rounds as Someone To Know because he still clings to feferi for the sake of fame if not for actual closeness with her. equius probably wouldn't be thrilled but you can't break a bunch of expensive shit every day and expect your inheritance to cover it forever, big boy
so he's put in charge of eridan's health, which he assumes at the start would mean "be around to punch if absolutely needed" but immediately learns "also make sure he doesn't just rot in his recupracoon all night. oh my gog. when is the last time this guy has drank water instead of an energy drink. didn't he used to like tea? why does he have so much takeout in his fridge and nothing else"
and really sincerely equius is NOT trying to be some kind of quad for this guy. he doesn't worship highbloods so much anymore, and he has a very wonderful moirail who would just be too delighted to see it happen. but he can't say he's keeping eridan safe and see him walk out of some dodgy club wasted off his ass, hanging off a shady-looking violet's arm, and not say anything.
eridan for his part isn't playing it up; he likes to party and live fast ever since he got dumped by the first and potentially only person to really truly mean something to him; he likes vriska still, but not everything can be flarp, as much as he desperately wishes it could be. at least not for him, not since the media caught sight of him and feferi early in her showing as heir.
they fight a lot, mostly equius trying to get eridan to take care of himself, but over the course of equius cleaning and cooking and keeping him mostly safe, he starts to seem kinda cute. who knew a giant sweaty bag of horse ass could blush like that, right? and when he takes his sunglasses off he's got really pretty eyes, actually, and his jaw is cut, too
so eridan hits on him, first subtly, because to be frank he doesn't want to rush into it and get surprised by equius finally learning the real use of his "sculptures". then he gets more overt, because for Some Reason, equius doesn't respond. which sucks. he used to be easier to rile up, but he's also had to physically wash the vomit off of eridan's nude body before, so the charm might have gone.
I could see eridan staging an elaborate date where Somehow he keeps missing the intended second, so why doesn't equius just sit in? and at the end they end up back at his hive, and equius is still being proper, so eridan has to pull out the stops and go back to what he thinks might still work, despite all the time that's passed:
telling him to get on his knees and beg for it.
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