#but he also really doesn’t have an ultimate talent. he really is a normal talentless dude. it’s not a bad thing either
going to tear my room apart thinking about how Makoto Naegi genuinely is a normal guy. Even more so in the games where he doesn’t quite have the same explosion he does in the anime adaption— he made up his mind before the trial even started that he wasn’t going to give up no matter what happened to him because his friends had given their last trying to live, and he had to survive for them. He didn’t see surviving but choosing despair as surviving, he wanted to do what they entered the room prepared to do, he wanted to fulfill the declaration he made when he survived his execution: as long as he was alive, as long as he was breathing, he wasn’t going to give up. He saw Junko, he saw everything she presented, and he’d already felt that utter despair. He had the chance to give in as early as Mukuro’s first trial, where he could have chosen to suspect Kirigiri. But he refused to be manipulated anymore, he refused to play the game, even if it meant everything he had, and that’s where he changed from hiding to fighting. When he made the decision to hide Kirigiri’s lie (he did NOT know he was going to die, actually!!! He thought they’d be able to work out the trap bc there was never a time limit before that trial!! That said it’s still incredible that he refused to break even when he realized it would cost him his life.) that was when he broke from his fear completely. That was when he officially bowed out of the game. He wouldn’t be subject to the game’s demands anymore, he was going to win no matter what. He chose to have reckless faith in his friends no matter what, he chose to pursue a truth that would end the game for good. It’s not entirely normal for anyone to do, for sure, but that doesn’t mean he was the only one capable. I’ve said that before in a previous post, that Makoto didn’t do anything that was impossible for any other person. Just like despair was innate in every person and everyone was capable of it, so was hope. That’s what Makoto brought out. But even he stumbled. Even he needed his friends there. And the other survivors are the ones that took Makoto’s prompt and used it to break free of Junko’s influence, Makoto didn’t force them to. He didn’t brainwash them or manipulate them or do anything to influence their thoughts any more than reminding them hope was still there for them, that it wasn’t over yet. They did the rest themselves.
And then they left, and the title Ultimate Hope got away from them all, into a world ideologically influenced by Junko’s despair, and in its absence after her death, it latched into the next powerful force one to replace what it has lost, but it needed a figurehead. So Makoto was chosen, as the one that refused to submit in the face of Junko. He was viewed as an ultimate, elevated, the world placed on his shoulders, and the same wave that brought about the Tragedy turned towards Makoto. People may have needed something to hold onto that felt as powerful as what they’d been facing, but Makoto wasn’t the only one that fought, and he wasn’t possessing some inhuman ability to always resist despair or anguish. Makoto is both exceptional in his determination and stubbornness to keep moving forward and being optimistic, and also not in the slightest, because it isn’t a talent. It isn’t an ultimate ability, it isn’t something no one else can measure up to. His uniqueness comes from his ability to choose that even if he’s standing alone. But, like I said, he’s not immune, he’s not incapable of falling. He will just do everything in his power to resist up until the end, because that’s the decision he made.
It’s weird how he’s Schrödinger’s normal. He’s the most normal guy in the world, but his view of himself as such is also flawed. He isn’t nothing. In fact one could say it’s abnormal that he’s so normal. And he DOES have something that is unique about him, even he can’t deny that fact despite trying to downplay it. He’s optimistic. He’s chosen to try and be positive or at the very least choose to keep going forward in life. That IS abnormal to an extent, despite not being some ultimate, or something no one else is capable of. It is abnormal to never entertain the idea of slowing down, getting bored, or giving up. But at the same time, Makoto DID have moments like that in the game. The only time he really stopped doing that was in the final chapter, when he was pushed to his absolute limit and those parts of him exaggerated themselves so that he could feel like he could survive. He’s the weirdest normal guy alive, I guess.
Anyway I’m rambling and this probably doesn’t make sense bc I pulled an all nighter for the final class trial but I’m losing my mind over Makoto Naegi all the time
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velvetroomkeeper · 5 months
Why I hate nagito komaeda
I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say that nagito is one of the most popular characters in the fandoms and is loved by many except for me so yeah this is kind of a hot take
Now I want to clarify that some of these complaints are subjective and that this is my opinion if you disagree that’s fine so let’s
Issue 1 nagito’s plans are kind of dumb
What’s is nagito’s goal? To see a great hope shine How does he intend to see it through? By pitting his classmates against each other to see who’s hope will succeed all this sounds like an interesting concept and it would be we’re it not for the small teensy weensy detail that we’re in
To me in a killing game the number one priority (outside of you know ending the game) is to minimize as many murders a humanly possible and for someone like nagito who wants to see hope shine brightly and to see the ultimate’s triumph over despair it really strikes me as jarring that someone like him is willing to side with the murderer potentially risking everyone’s lives after all wouldn’t it be more hopeful if every ultimate survived and overcame despair instead of putting one life over many
It’s things like this that make me question nagito especially considering how vocal he is about hope and how he’s constantly portrayed as one of the most intelligent characters in the series to me at least
Issue two nagito’s treatment of hajime
Nagito and hajime meet each other in the first few minutes of the game and hit it off instantly (curious how Komahina’s like to call hinanami forced and yet everyone in that camp swears hajime loved nagito despite knowing him for two days) then nagito reveals his darker nature hajime feels betrayed and it goes south from there. Now I am fully aware that despite hajime being annoyed with nagito throughout chapters 2 and 3 he still cared about him I ain’t denying that however it’s chapter 4 and 5 when a few red flags start rising for me
Now one thing I need to point out is that hajime was the only student that nagito genuinely cared about as a person (even during the deaths nagito’s laments were more to do with the talent as opposed to the person) so to see him treat hajime like this annoys me
Now normally somebody actually like someone is worthless isn’t enough for me to warrant their behavior as abuse heck it can even be funny at times
However if this is the only guy on the island who you cared about and you’re treating him this poorly over a subject he is very sensitive about over what basically amounts to “not knowing your place” (especially ironic considering the academy pushed him into it) I think we are going to have some problems
Now some have tried to argue that nagito doesn’t actually look down on hajime for being talented and that’s he’s actually just conflicted and I take issues with this because through the chapter nagito treats hajime how he describes a talentless person which to be blunt dead weight he acts condescending constantly tries to upstage the trial repeatedly talks down to hajime and insists he’s only good for sacrificing himself to the others
(“But hajime was ultimate despair” quiet you I’ll get their in a minute)
Issue 3 nagito’s reaction to the news
A common rebuttal towards these criticisms is that these students are ultimate despair and that we shouldn’t be so condemning of nagito and okay I suppose that’s fair however once we learn the truth in chapter six the argument is like this now
Yeah turns out the ultimate despairs were brainwashed (this isn’t a retcon look it up) which makes nagito’s whole gambit look really stupid in hindsight especially considering junko’s plan as well as considering he contributed indirectly to one of the murders
This also brings into question why nagito would trust what monokuma said because isn’t he despair? Hasn’t he been proven to be untrustworthy? Don’t you hate despair more than anything? Why are you trusting him! You should be smarter than this
Compared to asahina where I can feel more empathy towards her getting fooled because of how the situation was framed however I see no reason whatsoever for nagito to trust monokuma’s words especially since those typical lead towards disaster
Issue 4 nagito’s development (or lack therof)
Nagito has caused a lot of harm throughout the series and is the reason ai Chiaki is dead no one in the class really trusts him so what do you do with a character like this post sdr2
You give him the (bleep)ing Steven universe treatment
One of my biggest gripes with nagito’s character is how he was easily forgiven despite causing so much harm he caused to everyone
Now I’m not saying that nagito’s was the only bad person in the group by no means is that true however since these characters typically face consequences for the actions a la execution (and some even getting redemption arcs can you tell I love fuyuhiko) however nagito instant forgiveness without having to actually change or own up to his mistakes while others had to face consequences makes this especially jarring and makes this feel completely half assed
What doesn’t help is that in the same ova we learn that deep down nagito doesn’t genuinely feel this way and deep down wants to be normal and to be accepted this is good stuff and what do you do with it
More reasons why I hate the ova a lot have fans have tried to argue that he has changed subtly and one every argument I’ve seen feels like reaching especially with how limited his screen time is in the hope arc and two if he did it feels way to short to be believable
Now this is just my opinion and you can disagree if you want heck by the time i post this I expect the inbox the be filled with complaints from nagito fans within the next 10 hours or so but whatever this is why I hate nagito
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lexacoolfox · 3 years
Is it ok to have nagito with a talentless fem S/O Whos really sensitive to the whole talentless topic and argues alot to defend herself? (while crying cause shes such a crybaby)
This is my first ask and I’m so excited! Even though I’m sure while I’m writing I’m will be slowly dying inside! But thank you for the ask!
Nagito with a talentless Female S/O who sensitive to the whole talentless topic and argues to defend herself. Also the reader Is a bit of crybaby
Warning: I might add sentive topics like toxic relationship, obsessive behavior, and of course angst.
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As much I would love to lie and say you guys have a Great relationship. It’s not true
Nagito being…well Nagito…has a pretty messed up mind set on your relationship
He didn’t know why he fell in love with you. Your talentless! He’d be disgusted with himself at first. But then he gets this idea in his head that ‘you do have a talent! You just need help letting it shine!’
You love Nagito, afterall he’s sweet, caring, and super cute. But his obsession with ultimates and Hope is a little concerning and scary.
You didn’t mind not having a ultimate, you thought it was kinda like a chain. Your whole life is revolves around a single thing you do. You think as a talentless person means you have more freedom.
But Nagito makes that kinda hard to do.
You have hobbies like anybody else, but these hobbies to Nagito are ‘potential ultimate talents.’
“Nagito, why are you obsessed with me finding an ultimate talent!”
“S/O, I know you have an ultimate talent! You just need help finding it!”
“If I did wouldn’t you think I would’ve found it by now!”
“S/O. This is important! You can be a shining beacon of hope for the future!”
“Nagito, is all you look for in a person is their ultimate talent!?”
“S/O why are we talking about this? Why don’t you want an ultimate talent?”
“Cause it’s like a chain! My whole life revolved around one thing I’m good at? What if I like other things! When I’m talentless I’m allowed to explore my option! And I might not be an ‘ultimate’ at somethings but I’m at least good at them.”
“But if your an ultimate you’ll be in the main course at Hope peak academy. You know the best school in the world!”
“I already goes to Hope peak! And I might not be in the main course, I’m in the reserve course! I think that’s good enough for me.”
“S/O you shouldn’t settle for this! Come on let’s find your ultimate talent!”
This argument just broke you. You started crying. You didn’t know what else to do.
“Nagito…do you only love me because you think I have an ultimate talent?”
“Do you even love me for me? Do you like my personality? Do enjoy spending time with me? Do you even like the way I look? Do you even care what we do together?”
“Wow…you can’t even answer.”
You had a bag with like a week of clothes and shoes and other things. You walked towards the door and put on a coat. And opened the door.
“Ah! S/O! Where you going?!”
“I’m going to stay at my friends for a while. I think we need a break. I want to clear my head.”
“Wait! S/O! Let’s talk about this!”
You saw your friends car and dashed to get inside not looking back cause if you did you know you would change your mind.
But you needed to do this. You needed to think about you and Nagito.
Nagito on the other hand was losing his mind. The second the car lost his sight it felt like things broke.
He started rethinking his actions. He realized he wasn’t thinking about what you thought or how you felt. He also pressured you into something you didn’t want to do. He also started remembering all the things you would do together. Like your guys first date to the fair. Or how you made him delicious chocolates for Valentine’s Day. he still remembered how good they tasted. you would always try your best to cheer him up, when other would call him weird or crazy. You would step in and say “no he not, he just thinks a different way! It’s what makes him fun and interesting!” you were a wonderful partner to him. What was he. Just a jerk who pressured you into finding an ultimate talent. He started texting you saying how sorry he is and begging you to come back.
Your POV:
You were at school sitting in class waiting for the teacher, you arrived early so you wouldn’t have to see Nagito. Hajime a friend of yours walked in and noticed how sad you seemed.
“Hey S/O, why do you look so down today?”
“Me and Nagito got into an argument and we are taking a break. It’s just I want to clear my head but I feel so horrible. Like trash.”
“Hey isn’t that Nagito’s line?”
You chuckled at that a little. Which was Hajime intention.
“How about you hangout with me and chiaki near the fountain after school?”
“Chiaki…isn’t she that ultimate gamer girl you always talk about?”!
“Yeah. Me and her play games by the fountain near the school.”
“Yeah I think that could be fun, but if I see Nagito there I’m going to have to leave.”
“Ok ok I’m sure you won’t see Nagito there.”
Nagito POV:
Nagito didn’t see you at the front gate, he waited until he had to go to class. Everybody seemed to notice how sad he was. Nagito normally no matter what has a smile on his face, but he was just staring at his desk and tapping his finger on it. Kazuichu went up to his desk
“Yo Nagito, what your deal man? Why do you look so, out of it?”
“I’m just think what a horrible boyfriend I am.”
“Oh did something happen between you and S/O did she finally dump your crazy *ss?” Hiyoko asked
“No she wanted to take a break. I don’t know what to do.”
“W-well ma-maybe y-you should a-apologize.” Mikan timidly added
“I’ve tried texting, calling her, but she won’t answer. I even waited like an hour and a half at the front gate for her.”
“Oh. she was already in here classroom before you showed up.” Peko added
“What did you to get into an argument about?” Sonia questioned
“Sonia we really shouldn’t ask. it’s their personal business.” Mahiru said
“But if we now what it was maybe we can help.” Akane said
“Do you guys have nothing better to do than to get involved in peoples love life?” Fuyuhiko asked annoyed
“Well I mostly like to know cause I like drama!” Teruteru said
“Both you shut up! Nagito tell us before we have a classroom battle.” Akane said
“…me and S/O had a fight about her having an ultimate talent…”
“Nagito are you serious! You know she’s sensitive about that topic!” Mahiru scolded
“I know I know. But it’s just I think she has an ultimate talent and I want to help her find it!”
“Do you think she not good enough for you if she doesn’t have an ultimate talent?” Peko question
“Is all you look for in a relationship is somebody skill or talent?” She also added
“No! Of course not! She’s great even without an ultimate! But I think she could be even better with one!”
“Nagito, I hope your listening to yourself man! Imagine saying that to her face. What do you think she would feel?” Kazuichu said
“Nagito, she would feel like she good enough the way she is! That can result in two things. One she’ll change herself for you, she could be somebody with an ultimate but not somebody who happy and joyful. She could end up being miserable. Or two she’ll feel like you’ll only love her for her talent, and S/O is smart, she will know not to stay with you if you only loved her for that.” Chiaki said surprising everyone, she was normally very quite.
“Yeah, you guys are right! I could be forcing her into a terrible life!”
“Now the question is how you going to make it up to her?” Mahiru said
“I don’t think an apology will be enough.” Hiyoko said
“Yeah maybe you should do something special!” Kazuichu said
“Like what?”
“Oh you could write her a song! Ibuki will help you get your lover back!” Yelled ibuki
“No, he should take her to a remote spot somewhere and have a delicious meal! Yours truly could prepare it for you too! A classy dinner by candle light.” Teruteru said
“M-maybe to t-take h-her too see a m-movie.” Mikan suggested
While everybody was brainstorming on what Nagito should do. Nagito thought of a wonderful idea. He quickly told everybody what he wants to do. Everyone who was in on the planning thought it was a great idea.
“It’s kinda funny, you used to say how you hated people without ultimates. But you ended up dating somebody without an ultimate.” Fuyuhiko said
“Yeah I don’t know why but I know I’m not ready to lose her!”
“I thinks a creature beyond thins mortal dimension had put an enchantment on the both of you, hence drawing you two together!” Gundham said
You ate your lunch in the bathroom, in walked chiaki from Nagito class! You panicked and was ready to put your lunch away and run away!
“S/O can I talk to you?”
“As long it’s not about Nagito.”
“…fine spit it out what do you want to know.”
“Well, actually Nagito was wondering if you can meet him up at this certain building at the top floor later tonight around 9:00pm. He has something for you.”
Honestly you were skeptical but also curious, your curiosity got better of your skepticism and said you would go. She left so you could enjoy your lunch. You texted Hajime telling him you had a change of plans.
Later at some building on the top floor at 9:00pm
You went to the room chiaki texted you and with a heavy sigh you knocked on it. Not even a second later it opened. You could see Nagito with tears in his eyes
“You actually came! I’m so happy!”
“Hey Nagito…what did you want to meet me here for?
“I have a surprise for you!”
He covere your eyes and guided to an elevator and pressed a button. When you made it to your destination, your eyes were still covered but you feel a gust of wind. You guys were on the roof! He uncovered your eyes and you saw a gorgeous sight
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He set up a little spot for you guys.
“I set this up for us! I brought a Bluetooth speaker so we can listen to your favorite songs! I set blankets and pillows around so we’re comfortable! I also brought some of your favorite snacks and drinks! Also some food teruteru made for us! I got lights so it couldn’t get too dark! I also set the blanket up and brought a projector so we can watch a movie, any movie you want! I also thought we could star gaze!”
You were speechless. Nagito set this all for you! You started crying.
“S/O, Darling, my love, My hope! Please forgive me for how I treated you. I was so foolish to realize that your perfect with it without an ultimate talent. That is a decision for me not to decide! That’s yours! All I can do is ask for your forgiveness!”
“Nagito! I-I! Of course I forgive you! I can’t believe you did all of this for me!”
You both shared a passionate kiss. The night was spent watching a movie, listening to music and maybe a bit dancing, had some snacks and drinks, at one point you guys were lying on the blankets and looking at the stars, out of nowhere a bunch shooting stars were flying across the sky. It made everything so beautiful.
“The stars are so beautiful!”
“Yes they are, but I see two especially beautiful ones.”
“Really where?”
He turned your face towards his and softly cupped your face with his hands.
“Your eyes. They shine brighter than any star in the sky.”
You blushed at that. Your love for Nagito probably grew 3 times that night.
“S/O, I really am sorry for how I treated you. Will you please stay with me?”
“I forgive you Nagito and of course I will stay with you!”
“Wow lucky me! Hehehe this might be wrong to say. But I think I found your ultimate talent.”
“Really what?”
“Your my ultimate lover.”
“Hehehe. I think your my ultimate lover too.”
“I love you my hope.”
“I love you most Nagito.”
Not the ending you were expecting right! I really hope you enjoyed it! Also thank you nuttytalepatrol for this suggestion. It was a challenge but one I enjoyed, also summer break is coming soon! So expect more posts from me! Also sends ask and I’ll do my best. I prefer if you ask for characters I’ve already done. Until next time!
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With 4th of July finally coming to an end.... it’s time! Time for the story we’ve been planning! That being said:
Danganronpa V4: A New Ending
(Title pending?)
Pairing: Hajime x female reader
Summary: a whole new killing game, with a different group of participants, and a whole new character
The first chapter will come out soon, and when it does, you’ll find the link here!
Here is all our people starring in this story!
Y/N L/N, The Ultimate Forensic Scientist
A spunky young girl with a spunky young attitude. She tends to keep to herself, but isn’t necessarily shy. From her school file, it’s highly assumed that she somehow stumbled across a crime scene as a child, how she actually got there is unknown. Although no older than 13, she was easily able to point out evidence that the forensic specialists already in scene missed before she was quickly escorted away.
Seemingly unbothered by the corpses she witnessed, she then pursued her newly found interest in crime scenes and how to process them, along with collecting evidence.
Her quick learning caught the attention of many, including Hope’s Peak. They offered to pay for her entire schooling if she attended, and she agreed. As Y/N got dressed and ready for her first day at Hope’s Peak, she could have never guessed she would be forced to fight for her life along with 15 others, and put her talent to use.
Hajime Hinata, The Ultimate???
A hotheaded teen who seems to have amnesia, being unable to remember his talent. His uptight nature puts off some of the others, but a few seem interested in him, some even offering to help him discover his talent.
Although he’d never say it, he feels self conscious due to not knowing what his job is supposed to be.
Admires most, if not all, talents, especially the ones that directly make society run better.
Not much can be said about him, he’s still trying to figure out who he is.
He remembers getting ready for the start of the school year, walking out of his home, and then everything going black. Then he woke up on this island, and now has to keep himself and those he cares for alive.
Kokichi Ouma, The Ultimate Supreme Leader
A spry young boy who refuses to really speak of his past. It’s unclear what in his school file is even the truth. He claims to be the supreme leader of an evil organization called DICE, an organization with elegidly 10,000+ members. Hence his talent title. Almost everything that comes out of his mouth he claims to be a lie, so it’s hard to tell what he is actually like.
While he doesn’t ever go into detail of his organization, it seems to be one of the only things he actually cares about and wants to get back to.
He seems hardly bothered by the idea of a killing game, even saying, hopefully joking, that he’d make the first kill. Most are unnerved by his presence and stay away.
Mukuro Ikusaba, The Ultimate Soldier
A quiet, stern girl who does not speak unless absolutely necessary. The older fraternal twin sister of Junko Enoshima, a fashionista famous in Japanese magazine’s. Mukuro seems completely indifferent to anything unless it’s about her sister, to which she grows immediately passionate, almost like a different person. Doesn’t speak about why she and her sister have different last names, claiming it shouldn’t matter.
While not thrilled at the thought of a killing game, she shows extreme faith that her sister will find and rescue her. Most people avoid her, she is the ultimate soldier, after all. Out of everyone, she’d be able to kill the most efficiently.
Doesn’t mind that people avoid her, she likes the quiet anyway.
Makoto Naegi, The Ultimate Lucky Student
A simple, average teenager who lives a simple and average life. He was randomly selected to go to Hope's peak, so he doesn’t really possess any actual talent.
Although talentless, he does seem to possess a decent level of smarts and gets along with everyone easily. No one really fears him, he’s too small and sweet to be capable of murder.
While he doesn’t pose a threat to others, he poses a threat to the mastermind, or anyone who lays their hands on his sister.
Komaru Naegi, a normal student
Komaru possesses no actual talent, much like her brother. However, she is different in the sense that she wasn’t even accepted into Hope’s Peak since she wasn’t quite of age to even be considered as a possibility.
She remembers being taken hostage after she and her parents sent off her older brother, only to awaken on an island, her brother right beside her.
She wants to trust everyone, and takes relief in having her brother by her side.
Shuichi Saihara, The Ultimate Detective
A shy boy who hides his eyes behind a black cap. He seems rather insecure, despite having the talent that poses as the most useful in the current situation. He is quiet and doesn’t like interacting with others, but seems to get more comfortable as time goes on.
He doesn’t like the idea of the killing game, obviously, but he’s mostly worried that some of his classmates will take it seriously.
K1-B0, The Ultimate Robot
Created by a man called Professor Idabashi, a prominent figure in robotics engineering. He created K1-B0(has told others they can call him Keebo) as a culmination of his work.
Keebo doesn’t quite understand human emotions perfectly, but he has a decent idea which is impressive in of itself.
Much like Mukuro, he has faith that he will be saved by a family member. Seeing as he refers to Professor Idabashi as his father. He says he has a tracker, and that when the professor realizes he is missing, a search team will be sent.
Toko Fukawa, The Ultimate Writing Prodigy
An extremely shy and timid girl who does speak to many people. Those she does speak to tend to be weirded out by her... odd and even perverted nature.
She had written multiple books and does seem to be extremely smart, her only issue being her timid nature.
Accused most (if not all) the boys in her class of being perverts.
Angie Yonaga, The Ultimate Artist
Angie loves art in any form, obviously because of her ultimate.
However, she also stands out due to her belief that she is the Devine interpreter for the god Atua, a god she says her people worship.
Angie believes Atua will have his way, and that the killing game is part of something bigger.
Rantaro Amami, The Ultimate Adventurer
A chill, laid back boy who believes in keeping the peace. His calm and collected personality is soothing, leading most, if not all, of the other students to trust him and listen to what he suggests.
Some seem off put by how calm he acts, but most understand that he’s just really good at staying calm and knows that panicking won’t always help.
Often tells tales of his travels to distract those who are afraid.
Nagito Komaeda, The Ultimate Lucky Student
Yet another lucky student, chosen to attend Hope’s Peak at random like Makoto. However, he seems to also have an.... interesting relationship with luck.
His luck has caused death and destruction around him, but he still manages to stay calm and even cheerful in the face of a literal killing game.
Nagito believes hope will prevail no matter what, so he chooses to pretty much just “go with the flow.”
Byakuya Togami, The Ultimate Affluent Progeny
A stuck up and condescending teen who makes it very clear that he does not approve of being trapped on an island like this. This isn’t a funny prank or initiation.
He is rather rich and will inherit the Togami company, after competing against 14 other siblings to “take the crown” and earn the inheritance. He was the youngest of the sibling, or candidates, and is the first youngest to ever come out on top.
Gonta Gokuhara, The Ultimate Entomologist
A.... sweet young man who loves anything and everything bugs. He isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed, but he has a good heart.
(Jsvshsv I don’t know what to write for Gonta I’ll finish his later)
Mikan Tsumiki, The Ultimate Nurse
A clumsy and frightened girl who somehow manages to find herself in compromising positions constantly. On accident.
With her and Y/N present, people are at ease, seeing they have practically a full medical team in case something were to happen.
While she often does more worse than good due to her clumsy nature, she has a good heart, and people know that.
Kiyotaka Ishimaru, The Ultimate Moral Compass
A stern and strict boy who believes in respect and following rules contstantly. He is probably one of the only students who respects the killing games headmaster, Monokuma.
While not thrilled about the idea of a murder game, he sticks to the idea that it is a prank from upperclassmen.
And that’s our introductions! Sorry some were shorter than others!
Stay tuned!
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Do you have any headcanons for Makoto interacting with class 77??
oh bOY DO I-
Makoto interacting with class 77
(AH i started typing out his interaction with the remnants + post sdr2, but then I thought maybe you meant something more like the literal class + their school days/pre-despair? so here's that, sorry if it's not what you meant-)
(Also I got a bit excited and this ended up being less so headcanons and more like- how Makoto befriended the entirety of Class 77-B and then some, and because it’s long af, I decided to put it under the cut for the sake of both mine and your sanity, anon)
Makoto Naegi and class 77 (and Hajime Hinata because I just want to include him ok-)
• Chiaki Nanami- honestly I think him and Chiaki would get along well. She wants to make friends, and he's extremely good at it- I can imagine him walking up to her one day whilst she's alone and shyly asking if she'd want some company. I think he'd probably be a big help in her trying to befriend the rest of her class, and I think she'd probably come to him for advice/to complain. She'd probably look up to his outgoing and extroverted nature, and try to apply that to herself. He probably gives her some suggestions on how to get everyone closer. I also like to think she'd come to him when she needs a break from the rest of them too- she loves them, but they're a handful, and Makoto is sweet and soothing to be around, he's very open and easy to read, which can be comforting. Makoto and Chiaki are the “glue” of their friends, they help keep everyone connected (after all, it’s only when those two ‘die’, that everyone completely falls into despair). Whilst I think they enjoy and are proud of that responsibility, the expectations might get a bit much sometimes, understandably so, and they’d need to let it out to someone who feels the same. They both cherish their friends a LOT, and it’s sweet to imagine them gushing about it how awesome everyone is and how much fun they have spending time together. Chiaki and Makoto will be seen playing video games together to blow off steam from time to time.
• Hajime Hinata- he probably gets introduced to Makoto through Chiaki, and the two bond, if not instantaneously. Hajime and Makoto are VERY similar, in that they're both "normal". Hajime straight up doesn't have a talent, and Makoto only kind of does? He got into the main course through a lottery, and his luck is nowhere on the level of Nagito's- he's just as "ordinary". I think Hajime would be jealous of Makoto at first (after all, they're not that different, and yet it was Makoto who got to be part of the "special" group), but that would quickly turn into being comforted by him. Makoto also believes in everyone's potential, and whilst he admires talent and Hope's Peak, he doesn't believe that only the talented are worthy or capable of producing hope. I like to think Makoto harbours a little bit of an inferiority complex, being surrounded by talent all the time, and Hajime can definitely understand that. I think the two of them could form a strong bond, and a close friendship, due to their similarity. It's one thing to hear about your worth from someone 'better' then you, it's another when they're on your level. Makoto is very humble, and that's what Hajime needs- someone on his level to get real with him and be a friend. Additionally, Hajime is someone Makoto could maybe confide in about his own insecurity- lord knows he couldn't with his own class, or any of the other Ultimates really, but Hajime gets it. The two could bounce off each other well. I know a lot of people joke about them being ‘brothers’, but I can really see them forming a close, caring bond. Hajime doesn’t really have friends, and whilst he might be prone to bitterness and agression, he’s also got a good heart and cares about doing what he feels is right (dr3, when he tries to befriend the Kuzuryu sister and demands to see Mahiru (I believe it was). They both have an advocacy for justice, but a self-sacrificing nature too. They’re similar but yet also opposites in a way. They’re perfect as each other’s support and as their mirror perspective. 
• Nagito Komaeda- oooohhh boy. We all know how Nagito thinks of his own talent *wheeze*, let's just say at first he's not- the kindest to Makoto. He doesn't understand why Makoto is so carefree and friendly when he's so 'worthless'. He sees Makoto as being overly confident and cocky (when the opposite is true), and almost finds it insulting that he can just casually walk up to the others and act like they’re ‘equals’. However, as time goes on, he comes to realise that Makoto's attitude and approach to life is truly extraordinary, and that he has a way of inspiring hope in others that Nagito has simply never seen before. I think Makoto would be a little hurt at first by the harsh treatment, but would continue in his endeavour to reach out to and connect with Nagito (and Nagito would find that persistence astonishing- no one has ever tried that hard with him). Unlike the others who either ignore or are irritated by Nagito's continuous self-deprecation, I think Makoto would instead be primarily concerned and do what he always does- try to help. Makoto is an excellent people-reader, and he'd be able to tell that Nagito's hostile and antagonistic attitude towards him (and other "normal" people) comes from a place of self-loathing and a twisted admiration for hope (a feeling he's admitted isn't entirely foreign to him). I think Makoto could grow close with Nagito, and maybe help him to see his own worth. After all, if someone as "talentless" as Makoto could be (what Nagito considers) the Ultimate Hope, what's to say Nagito doesn't also have worth? I think Nagito would go fanboy once he figures out Makoto's true talent though (maybe not as hardcore as dr3 lmao) and Makoto maaay have to reel him in a little (it's definitely jarring to see Nagito jump from disdain to total adoration towards him in the span of like- half a week). Makoto probably wouldn't like being idolised (he's definitely not used to it), but he wouldn't put Nagito down or push him away because of it either- he recognises that it's not, well, the healthiest, but he also knows it's not from a place of malice or impure intent. He thinks that Komaeda's outlook on life is similar but different to his own, and respects him for making him consider hope from a new viewpoint- and the same for Nagito. Makoto admires that Nagito chose to turn to hope instead of despair, despite the hardships he's endured. I also like to think Makoto (alongside Chiaki, probably) would play a pretty important part in getting Nagito to interact more with his classmates (he has a tendency to just... watch from afar), and open up more to people in general.
• Also on the note of Nagito- I've seen people suggest that Makoto could cancel out Nagito's super luck with his own- making them both just average. It's definitely interesting to consider! I believe somewhere Nagito stated that he just wanted a normal life and that he resents his luck for making him endure such suffering? (His poor dog ;-;). I'm going off into my own little Komaegi world at this point I'm sorry sjjdjssjdh but if that's the case then Nagito would be extremely comforted in Makoto's presence, finally not having not worry about something extremely bad happening to someone else due to his luck. He gets to feel what it is to be "talentless", and to his surprise- he enjoys it. It’s not so bad being ‘normal’. (secretly it’s all he’s ever wanted).
• Kazuichi Soda- Kazuichi seems to really crave friendship and connection with others. (I don't know a lot about him, but apparently he had a real tough/abusive childhood, and a bad experience with his peers lead to him developing trust issues) He puts on a façade, but we all know he's really soft underneath. I think someone like Makoto, who's very open with his feelings, honest, and naturally friendly, is the kind of person Kazuichi would appreciate. Makoto has a LOT of patience, and he could deal with Kazuichi's antics and goofiness a lot better then the others. Kazuichi is one of the more "normal" characters (personality wise anyway), as he acts a lot like you'd expect from a teenage boy. He's relatively carefree, he's talkative, he likes girls, etc- Kazuichi and Makoto would have a very typical "bromance"- they both offer a bit more of a typical friendship then their classmates. Kazuichi can be pretty clingy, but I don't think Makoto would mind too much. It probably feels nice having someone actively seek out his company and companionship instead of the other way around. Kazuichi could also teach him some stuff about mechanics- which comes in usual for anyone, really. (Once Kazuichi finds out about Makoto cancelling out Nagito’s luck, he insists that Makoto accompany him whenever he knows he has to be close to him for too long- he always seems to get the brunt of it around that guy...)
• Gundham Tanaka- Gundham can be very... enthusiastic, sure, but Makoto is used to the overabundance of energy from his own classmates already. At this point I feel like he's started to be able to read in between the lines when people talk to him, and he'd be able to see Gundham's gentle and caring nature, espeically when it comes to his furry friends. He'd see that Gundham probably craves company and connection, but due to his fear of intimacy, covers that up with an appearance of self-grandeur. In actuality, Gundham appreciates the time Makoto spends with him. I feel like Makoto understands that Gundham struggles with conveying his emotions and thoughts, and instead communicates his own feelings of friendship through Gundham's own love language- his animals. Makoto probably even goes out of his way to learn more about hamsters just so he can show he's made an effort- something Gundham is extremely grateful for. Makoto helps him with coming out of his shell a little, and Gundham helps Makoto learn to appreciate life a lot more when he's not cleaning up animal poop haha.
• Peko Pekoyama- Makoto is definitely no stranger to strong female fighters, especially the quiet and reserved type, so he'd be able to click with Peko. Whilst I think he’d be a little intimidated at first, he'd soon see past that icy exterior and realise that Peko isn't necessarily cold or emotionless- she just doesn't show her emotions visibly much. He'd learn to recognize that she speaks more with her actions then her words or even her face- as she often will do subtle things (such as buy him a drink or offer up her own time to talk with him) to communicate their friendship, something people don't realise at first. Peko has a lot of trouble communicating her feelings to Fuyuhiko in particular, and thus Makoto is more then happy to help her "practice" her communication, not just for Fuyuhiko's, but for her classmates' sake too. (Also it's mentioned that she likes cute animals and I just- imagine her struggling so hard not to reach out and ruffle his hair because omg he’s literally just a pupPY-)
• Akane Owari- Akane is a basically the lovechild of Sakura and Hina lmao. She's this wonderful mix of Sakura's strength and Hina's personality- I think Makoto might be a little intimidated by her (especially as she can be... aggressive at times), but he'd quickly warm up to her and vice versa. I think it was mentioned that Akane likes "small hungry things"? She'd definitely feel protective when it comes to Makoto, since he's so small and sweet- and not outwardly the strongest. I like to think he might remind her of her little siblings, who she adores and almost misses looking after. Whenever they hang out, it's normally at lunch, and Makoto will always make an effort to bring her some kind of food or snack if he knows he'll see her, a gesture she's extremely grateful for. Akane is great company on days where Makoto wants to be active, since she's like a big ball of energy. She's also laid back and carefree, and sometimes they'll sit in the grass and just eat and talk about stuff. Akane doesn't like to bother herself with complicated thoughts and feelings, so she's great to spend lazy days with too.
• Nekomaru Nidai- (apologies I don't know a lot about him but-) like Akane, Nekomaru is quite protective over Makoto. We've seen that he's got a righteous heart and strong protective streak, and he's unafraid to show his emotions, even if it gets him mocked by others. He's very passionate, much like Makoto. Makoto is very honest too, and I think the two of them would click over that. Nekomaru could act as support and encouragement for Makoto, as well as help him with organisation (he IS the ultimate (team) manager after all). I think Nekomaru would recognise that Makoto's talents lie elsewhere then his physicality, and instead of mock or belittle him for it, acknowledge that proudly.
• Teruteru Hanamura- ah yes, the little perv. Much like everyone, Makoto would probably be annoyed by Teruteru's... suggestive-ness at first, but I think after they spent some time together, Teruteru would ease up on the perviness, and treat Makoto with a bit more respect. Seeing as he's bi as hell, I can definitely see him developing a little crush or infatuation with Makoto (at the very least find him hot lmao). Makoto definitely wouldn't be used to someone expressing their attraction towards him so forwardly, and he'd be a little flattered (if not also rather disturbed-). Teruteru has been shown to have a real soft spot for his mama, and him and Makoto could definitely bond over their deep love for their families (the Naegi sibling relationship is so cute gah-). Makoto would learn to see past Teruteru's persona and recognise that underneath, is a boy who loves him mama and cooking food for people to enjoy more then anything. (Teruteru will complain at him for his "trash junk food" prefences, but Makoto will pretend not to notice when he secretly sneaks a bite because he knows it reminds him of his mom's cooking).
• Sonia Nevermind- Sonia is definitely a bit overwhelming at first. Makoto struggles a bit to not treat her as an figure of authority (she is royalty after all, it feels weird to treat her like a close friend right off the bat), but he soon gets over it. Sonia has expressed she wants to live like a "normal Japanese highschool girl", and I think Makoto would understand that, doing what he can to make her feel comfortable. He might find her obsession with Japanese culture and general misunderstanding things a tad off-putting (having her stare at him for 15 minutes straight while he slurped up some instant ramen was... an experience) but he understands it comes from a place of curiosity, and chalks it up to her being a foreigner. He actually finds it very sweet that she's trying to learn about different cultures and educate herself, and he's the last person to judge for it. He doesn't mind sitting and explaining things to her, and it's also interesting to learn about her life too, as vastly different as it may be from his own. She doesn't have to worry about him treating her badly or trying to take advantage of her occasional naivety. (He also recognises that she's a lot smarter then she may first appear, having in-depth knowledge of warfare, economics, and the complex hell that is international politics-). Her love for the occult and spooky stuff would remind him of Komaru- he makes a note to set up a ouija board session for the two of them someday.
• Ibuki Mioda- Ibuki is definitely an interesting person! She's very upbeat and friendly, and whilst it throws Makoto off a little at first ("M-m-makoto-chan?!") he gets used to it. After all, it's not like the others aren't also... quirky. It's stated that Makoto likes pop music (probably a result of his friendship and early feelings for Sayaka), so he'd probably be pretty fond of/interested in Ibuki, being a musician. She'd probably help him branch out into some more...*ahem* niche music tastes, and to his surprise, he actually ends up liking some of it (the absolute whiplash his own classmates get when one of them accidentally rips out his earphones and intense heavy metal comes blaring out-). Ibuki isn't exactly book smart, but she has a lot of emotional intelligence, like Makoto. Unlike Makoto, whose empathetic (or I suppose sympathetic) and caring nature is pretty obvious at a first glance, Ibuki isn't as much so, which is why Makoto finds it interesting how her outward punk appearance doesn't match her inward very caring side. She really values individualism, and encourages him to be himself, thinking it's dumb that he feels inferior for his "talent"- she thinks it's cool that he doesn't have an obvious focus or persona like everyone else puts on, that he gets to explore his personality and expression for himself, and she tells him as such. Makoto is grateful for this- he worries that he's too bland or doesn't have a ‘real’ personality and isn't special, and Ibuki is quick to refute him, pointing out all the little quirks and aspects of his personality she finds super duper cute (to his embarrassment)! Like with her music, Ibuki is able to find the beauty in places one typically wouldn't look, and Makoto admires that about her. Ibuki is pretty good at reading the mood, and if she senses something is off, will do her best to lift up Makoto's spirits without needing to outright confront him about it- similarly, Makoto will happily listen to her rant or gush about things without judgement- she knows that her interest and personality isn't what people typically expect from her, and he doesn't care. She doesn't feel like she has to hide her emotions or put on a mask to make him feel better, like she might with others. She knows her negative feelings won't bring him down, so she feels comfortable expressing herself around him, even when it's not always happy. They appreciate each other's honesty in being who they are. They bounce off each other's energy well, being such optimistic and enthusiastic people.
• Mikan Tsumiki- Mikan is a very, very vulnerable person. She's nervous and insecure and has some very obvious self-esteem issues. Unlike Komaeda however, she isn't *confident*, and is therefore very meek and timid and easy to take advantage of. Girl's got a lotta issues (i just read through her page on the fandom wiki and- man-), and someone gentle and understanding like Makoto would be really good for her to form a healthy relationship with (hopefully just the start of one of many). Unlike others, Makoto wouldn't want to take advantage of Mikan, and I think he'd genuinely want to help her improve herself, both in becoming more assertive and also in learning to have a little more faith in people, not always assuming the worst from them. He'd help teach her that there are good people in the world too, and that by learning to view herself with more respect, it will be easier for her to (rightfully) demand respect from others too. I honestly don't want to go into the more *unhealthy* sides of Mikan's potential for obsession, but as with Nagito, I can see her developing a bit of a crush on Makoto. (Whether or not that goes anywhere is up to you of course.) I think Makoto, whilst understanding that it stems from an unfortunate past, would appreciate Mikan's sweet and helpful personality. Makoto is very clumsy, partly due to his fickle luck, so I can see him getting bruises and minor cuts and stuff often due to it- Mikan ends up being the first person he goes to when this happens, and she doesn't say it to his face, far too shy, but he knows she's grateful to be considered a help to him.
• Hiyoko Saionji- Hiyoko is definitely... a tough one. She's very openly hostile and aloof, and she has no problems bullying others. I think a lot of Makoto's experience from dealing with Byakuya, Toko and Celeste would come into play here, as he's used to dealing with the openly mean, dismissive and arrogant types. A lot of Hiyoko's hostility comes from her past, and being treated cruelly herself, leading her to develop a harsh exterior as a coping mechanism. I think she'd be kind of jealous of how Makoto can roll with the punches so easily- I think she'd start to feel kind of bad about saying mean things to him. He would be patient with her, but would also call her out on her behaviour (without being dismissive or cruel himself) something I'm sure she didn't have people do before. She might not consider him to be like an "older" brother, but she'd respect him as an equal (since she deeply loves her father, I think she'd want a genuinely kind, good male figure in her life). Makoto is an older brother to a younger sister- I'm sure he's had to deal with Komaru being a bit of a brat before haha (am older sibling myself, can confirm). Hiyoko really appreciates traditionalism, and knowing this, Makoto might try to learn more or engage with that side of her- she acknowledges that her interests and attitudes are out-of-fashion, so she'd appreciate the effort made to understand her. Makoto might help to get her to be more sympathetic towards others. She'd offer a different perspective of their country and it's beauty to him.
• Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu- ah yes, the irl boss baby- as with everyone, Fuyuhiko would be short-tempered and aggressive towards Makoto. He'd eventually come around though. Makoto is pretty used to dealing with tsunderes, and takes it all in stride. It's a little to surprising to Fuyuhiko at first to see someone who isn't as easily deterred by his attitude as the others, and he admires that. Fuyuhiko has quite the inferiority complex, and part of that comes from his short height and youthful appearance (babyface-). It's nice to see someone like Makoto who isn't really that affected by his own appearance, and doesn't let it affect how he sees himself (Fuyuhiko is actually a little shorter even pfft). Fuyuhiko seems to want company, but has trouble initiating friendships and conversations (think back to the party from chapter 1), due to keeping up his lone wolf persona. Makoto recognises this, and will instead take on the role of instigator, which Fuyuhiko is thankful for. Though you wouldn’t expect it, he's actually also a Good Boi, and has a certain respect for rules and order (he's against underage drinking, smoking and sex, can you believe it?). Because of that, he'd respect Makoto for being the obedient student he is. I think Fuyuhiko would like Makoto's sincere and honest nature, especially considering he's not someone who's easily trusting- the Yakuza don't take friendship lightly, and once Fuyuhiko takes a liking to someone, he'll become fiercely defensive, protective of, and loyal to them to a fault (of course that doesn't entirely stop the jabs or insults- hey, he's trying). I think eventually Fuyuhiko would confide in Makoto about his own feelings of inadequacy and insecurity when it comes to honouring his family name- Makoto would be able to relate. He'd be able to reassure Fuyuhiko of his strengths, whilst also providing him with chance to experience a more typical, playful highschool boy's life. (He'll drag Fuyuhiko along with him to hang out, and although the other will complain and scoff at him, he'll enjoy it). He gets to be a bit more laid back and amiable, and less snappy or snarky. Makoto won't judge or embarrass him for letting loose a little, and vice versa.
• Mahiru Koizumi- Mahiru and Makoto are very similar, in that they both take on a friendly and optimistic attitude. They both tend to be the "caretakers" of their groups, and like to help others. Mahiru is the closest thing to a "makoto" class 77 has. They're both very kind and caring, and don't hesitate to offer their assistance and support. At the same time, they aren't doormats (well, Makoto is a bit of a pushover, but not to the level of characters like Mikan or Hifumi). Whilst I feel like Makoto is a bit more- restrained (he's seriously sarcastic and sassy, he just keeps it to himself most of the time), both he and Mahiru won't hesitate to point out when they don't agree with something. Mahiru's treatment of him due to him being a "boy" might be a little irritating, but it's not like he hasn't heard it before- (kyoko's "after all, you are a boy, aren't you?" comes to mind). He understands that she's probably had to deal with a lot of crap from guys, and doesn't take it to heart. It's been mentioned that Mahiru likes to take pictures of smiling faces? Well, I think Makoto would find that beautiful. Whereas others chastise her for it, and urge her to take pictures of other things, like objects for example, he instead encourages her to pursue what she's passionate about- after all, a talent is a gift, and you deserve to enjoy it. So what if it's "generic"? If it's what she likes, he sees no reason why she shouldn't continue to do it. He thinks her work is lovely regardless. (This is more of a personal interpretation, but Makoto gives off very foresty, natural imagery, and I think he'd maybe like that kind of thing, so maybe she'd find inspiration through his likeness to it?) Due to his innocence and pure nature, she starts to see a bit more of the appeal in nature. His smiling face is one of the first pictures of a boy she genuinely likes (though, it's not as if she'd ever tell him that).
• Ryota/Imposter- well, Imposter would probably act the same way around Makoto as whoever they were impersonating, though Makoto would probably be able to tell something was... off (though he just wouldn't be able to put his finger on what, exactly). If Imposter ever did reveal themself to him, he'd make sure to let them know that it was ok, and that he'd support their journey to reclaiming their identity however they wanted. Ryota (if he ever left his room and actually made connections with his classmates hsshhsh) would probably be the same as he was in dr3? He'd probably be a little inspired by and hold admiration towards Makoto, seeing him befriend all of his classmates, before that started to slowly turn into resentment and envy- animation is a wonderful thing, I'll be the first to defend, but Ryouta basically uses it to fill the hole in his heart that really, can only be filled with genuine human connection. Makoto could act as a stepping stone for this, much like Imposter, and act as support- him and Ryota are similar in firmly believing in and wanting to spread hope more then anything. Makoto would also genuinely take an interest in and admire Ryota's talent, giving him well-deserved validation for his efforts.
• Chisa Yukizome- news of the remarkable underclassman who managed to miraculously befriend all her beloved students reaches her, and she can't be more ecstatic! She takes whatever opportunities she can to invite Makoto into her classroom, under the guise of "important faculty stuff". Makoto's talent (luck, as they haven't yet fully realised his potential of hope) is a lot harder to cultivate then the norm (they're almost scared to experiment- the LAST thing they need is another Komaeda incident), so it's best to just- let him be most of the time. His schedule is a lot more flexible because of this, and you BET Chisa takes advantage of this whenever she can. She's extremely grateful to the young boy for uniting her class, and finds it simply wonderful how so much potential- so much hope can reside in someone so young. She makes sure to let Makoto know how much she appreciates his help, and will often leave him little gifts, like sweets and handmade arrangements, to show her gratitude. (Makoto doesn't really understand why this one teacher in particular seems to have taken a shine to him, but he doesn't mind- he finds he actually really likes having people place their trust in him- he enjoys spending time with class 77, and finds it both extraordinary and humbling that they seem to reciprocate the feeling).
• Izuru Kamukura- he doesn't understand why Makoto Naegi has had such an effect on the others. He's so unremarkable it's almost special. His talent is hardly enough to be considered "ultimate", especially not compared to someone like him, who has more talent then all of them combined (which isn't arrogance, merely undeniable fact). Someone like him, the 'ultimate hope', should be utterly bored and disinterested to the brink of tears with someone as mind-numbingly normal as Makoto Naegi and yet-
He isn't.
Perhaphs because unlike everyone else, Makoto doesn't consider him any more "worthy" then the rest of them. Unlike everything Izuru had been taught, had understood as soon as he'd opened his eyes for the first time, had known since the moment of his conception, Makoto didn't believe talent was all that was needed for hope. He believed everyone and anyone was equally capable of it, of becoming hope-
Makoto Naegi is-
Very interesting.
Aaaand there you have it, anon! ahdgjdsfhs I’m sorry it took so long. It kind of turned into more potential relationship analysis then actual headcanons oops- I might make a follow up to this that’s a bit more general-hcs style haha. I hope if anyone actually read this they enjoyed it! lemme know what you think!
tl;dr makoto is an angel and class 77 will happily steal him away hehe
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bootlegsymphony · 4 years
Being Hopeful [a *personal* Komahina writeup]
*major Danganronpa 2/2.5/3 spoilers ahead*
Someone told me to gather my thoughts into a post so here it is.
Note: Unless you’re up for a challenge to potentially reshape your opinions towards certain ships, if you think Komahina is by default a toxic ship in anyway shape or form, or if you firmly believe that Hinanami is “bestest Hinata ship OTP owo”, it’s not in your best interest to read this post. I’m not suggesting you are invalid or wrong, but you’re likely not the group of people I’m looking forward to having a constructive and evoking conversation with.
First off, I might have been recognized as an avid Komahina shipper, and my opinions towards Hinanami could be generally summarized as ambivalent/mixed/minorly favourable. I was able to acknowledge Hina/Nami’s relationship as of roughly equivalent significance in regard to DR2’s theme.
But it was impossible for me to consider the two relationships narratively equal, I was able to notice that Koma/Hina was a “meant to be” endgame relationship right of the bat, yet Hina/Nami reads as this transitory experience of an obscure puppy love, or “yeah that happened” that’s melancholic and beautiful. Evidently, the narrative strongly favoured Koma/Hina in terms of screentime, development, complexity, compatibility, and endgame potentials.
I wasn’t too confident about why Komahina screams an ultimate destination of a Hinata relationship to me, yet Hina/Nami never convey a remotely similar message. In many aspects, I didn’t ship Komahina in the past for the sake of “I want Komaeda to savour happiness” but placed more emphasis on “it would be wise for Hinata if he could ascertain that his future is with Komaeda”. However I couldn’t elucidate why I thought so.
But due to some unexpected changes in my personal life, it was so effortless for me to reach an epiphany why Hinanami couldn’t quite be the same Hinata-OTP as Komahina. And now I’m kicking myself for not being able to be more adamant about it earlier.
In short, I had a brief taste of how “true bond” or “true connection” functions. It was an estranged, uncharted experience to me prior to that “sudden change”. And in retrospect it’s unimaginable how I survived that bitter life of pure bleakness without it. But since I was able to discern the characteristics of a “true bond”, Koma/Hina, while being excruciatingly complicated and bitter in canon timeline, had a great foundation for that nonetheless, while Hina/Nami was, fundamentally “deficient” in this specific department.
Hina/Nami, either the DR2 or DR3 iteration, doesn’t go beyond being a fine relationship. It’s not bad, as adolescent crushes are typically not bad. It’s functional and somewhat sweet if Hinata was just some normal shy boy who at some point met a nice caring pretty girl. But a great, monumental relationship doesn’t come from being just fine, and Hinata is much more messy than a such-and-such average joe as what a part of the fandom preferred to project him as.
But Hinata wasn’t an adequate rival and foil for Komaeda, that ridiculously multilayered character likely in all fictions for nothing.
For starter, Hinata committed Izuru Kamakura and countless war crimes, for fuck’s sake.
I had this pessimistic outlook that humans aren’t truly designated at birth to understand each other unless they are. Real life Nanami being the talented, worthy Ultimate Gamer she was, even if she could acknowledge and validate Hinata’s struggles as a talentless person, and brought him some temporary comfort and solace, she could not understand the full spectrum of complications the struggle itself entails. Being the kind and somewhat compassionate person she was, she’d try to understand Hinata if he ever decided to open up, but she’d likely just go “yeah talent doesn’t really matter you should just be confident in yourself” as long as she’s not some Ultimate Empath like Makoto (or Junko) all at the same time. To her, Hinata’s decision to Izuru-fy is unfavorable, but not particularly tangible.
It’s somewhat similar to a moderately affluent person not knowing what an impoverished/economically-challenged life entails, they could never understand why it’s necessary for anyone to opt for crimes and prostitution and shit, if you could just “yeah money doesn’t matter you should be happy” your way out of it. Why is it necessary to choose a life path of crimes and prostitution? Why is it necessary to Izuru-fy oneself? It’s the perpetual predicament of mutual understanding in humankind. No matter how sweet and wholesome on the surface that ship appeared, Nanami would hardly ever reach Hinata’s soul beyond skin-deep, if the talent/worth debate, the rigorous societal expectations, the everlasting emotional quagmire of being under-loved and under-appreciated...everything which gradually carved out Hinata’s pivotal character (that we know of) from his embryo, was a non-issue to Nanami at core.
If there was a portion of Hinata yearning for true connection in an intimate relationship (which I doubt he didn’t), his relationship with Nanami would eventually turn insufficient or dissatisfactory, despite feeling nice on the exterior.
Normally, people don’t realize they’re empty until they’re fulfilled.
But who else struggled immensely with the entanglement between talent and worth throughout their life? Who else once resolved to obliterate their own precious being in pursuit of an almost delusional ideal of hope as Hinata did, so that they could potentially speak to Hinata on the deepest, hidden stratum of his soul?
It always pains me to read Komaeda’s first FTE where he suggested Hinata’s ultimate talent could be “Ultimate Serenity” because Hinata granted him some inner peace “just by being there”. Knowing Komaeda’s mind it’s a nearly impossible feat to make him feel peaceful. Komaeda likely didn’t even consider that a legitimate talent, he inwardly viewed Hinata “being there” as inherently valuable but he couldn’t even tell. Yet Hinata failed to just, be there, be existent.
And, I always considered Komaeda sustaining himself being alive to be a monument on its own, yet 2-5 happened, for Hope, I believed.
I once had a mentally stimulating talk about how emotional and intellectual transparency lead to a solid foundation of “true love” among people with someone before. They even expressed, months ago, that if Hinata could just speak up about his problems with Nanami he wouldn’t have necessarily Izuru-fied himself.
Yet even being the aloof and reserved fucker he was, Hinata wouldn’t camouflage himself in front of Komaeda. Komaeda saw through him even if he was having a hard time deciding on how he should have felt himself. He voiced, various times throughout DR2, that “we have similar scents” “I thought you would understand me” “we’re both miserable bystanders” “I couldn’t see you as completely separate from me”. On the surface it seemed like Komaeda was being cryptic and dragging Hinata to his level, but given how we knew Hinata took even more drastic measures as escapism, were they even that different?
It was why exactly Komahina dynamic was so embittered and resentful in the canon timeline. It was not hatred, but involuntary intimacy. Hinata was emotionally stripped naked (sorry, not to evoke any erotic visualizations, just a convenient metaphor) when it’s not even Komaeda’s intention, and Komaeda’s always emotionally naked. It didn’t turn out well not because it was a fundamentally dysfunctional dynamic, but they simply met each other in the worst, most despairful and unluckiest timeline possible. With continuous manslaughters ongoing, it’s only palpable that baring your soul to someone as dangerous as Komaeda would be intimidating, but it still had that mesmerizingly entrancing aura, especially in Komaeda’s last FTE.
They had no choice of not knowing each other well.
Unless either of them died, which they both did. But an ultimate future was born and they were granted a second chance to finally reach the destination they deserved.
In a post-HPA scenario, Komahina was not only somewhat contextually implied as Hinata’s endgame, but it was deliberately set up as a generally hopeful relationship as well. Kodaka once suggested in an interview that post-HPA Hajizuru inherited Hinata’s emotions, so that he was able to sort out his considerably complex feelings for Komaeda as it left off; meanwhile with Izuru’s analytical skills and insights into human psychology, it would likely become not as cumbersome. With Hinata’s determination and persistence it would hopefully not only cure Komaeda’s terminal illnesses, but also “heal” Komaeda from his hope fetish and other cruddy coping mechanisms, with all the support and dedication Hinata could provide. Hinata, being emotionally identical to his past self, would likely occasionally experience insecurity and low self-esteem as well, and it could require Komaeda’s weird little method of presenting challenges/creating minor inconveniences for Hinata in order to help him build up self-agency and develop infallible self-assurance.
It’s kind of the Ultimate Love that survived all the trials and tribulations, and to think of that the Ultimate Tragedy gave birth to the Ultimate Love, huh, seems about right for our two Ultimate Lucks.
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Hello! Could I please have a kin matchup with characters from DR1, SDR2, DRV3 and BNHA? Thank you! I am a very mixed person. When I'm out talking to people in public it's very obvious that I have nothing to say and that I don't want to be there. I'm a complete hopeless romantic and can catch romantic feelings quite easily. I'm a lot more talkative when I talk to people online and I always laugh at the dumbest things. I love the color pink and lovecore in general. I'm also quite insecure- haha
you can absolutely have a matchup!! hehe,, you sound really neat, i’d like to talk with you myself anon... only if you’re okay with that of course!! your kin matchup can be found under the cut, thank you for requesting!! i’m sorry that it took a bit for me to write this one,,
oh, also... i want to clarify something before we start. i was originally going to make peko pekoyama your second dr kin assignment, and i still agree with that. it’s just that writing out the explanation was rather energy sapping,,, it’s not your fault at all, but i hope you understand!!! i can definitely add it on if you’d like though, anon!
-mod tsu (mikan shift)
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first off, from danganronpa: goodbye despair, i match you with...
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hajime hinata!
this matchup contains spoilers for super danganronpa 2! please proceed with caution, if it’s not too much trouble! i was kind of torn between him and himiko, actually...! but i think you’re a bit closer to hajime! i think that hajime is... very mixed. there are times when he can come off as cynical or even cold, and times when he’s very genuine and determined. these sides of him don’t clash together, but rather make up him as a whole... and i think you’re a little similar, anon! maybe you have traits that don’t really seem like they fit together... but you make them work! i think that unless hajime is close to others, he can struggle to fit into the conversation at times. this is especially clear at the beginning of sdr2, when everyone is just relaxing on the beach, not really seeing them randomly being there as a big deal- but hajime is more hesitant and concerned about their circumstances... plus, this is especially clear in despair arc around the ultimates. he’s very much taken aback by the main course students as well as staff, and... during those scenes it doesn’t exactly seem like he dislikes the interaction. however, it does seem like he’s uncomfortable,, maybe you can relate to that haha. you also seem a little serious, anon! not to assume that you don’t have a sense of humour... but there may be times when you take a joke too seriously. um, if that’s true,, there’s no shame in that haha.. in general... your typing just had a really similar vibe to him, though it may be closer with the hajime at the end of sdr2! i know that’s a bit of a weird, intuition-based point, but... the two of you seem a little awkward, but you have good intentions and it seems like both of you are... rather motivated people. at least, when it comes to the things you really want,, i admire that !! in hajime’s specific case, you may feel a little jealous of people who can do things outside of your comfort zone really easily,, for example i don’t think hajime is very insecure in his ability to study- but people like peko or fuyuhiko, who have talents that are rather niche, i think he would kind of be in awe of how... not normal they are. and you just kind of... strike me in a similar way! sorry if this doesn’t make much sense haha.
while we’re not super sure on how much hajime gets crushes on other people... we can speculate in a way? other characters like monokuma and nagito have compared him to a tsundere, and he’s specifically said to be romantically inexperienced. i don’t think this inherently means he doesn’t have crushes on other people,, it’s implied that he’s interested in chiaki, as well as komahina being... um, a popular ship. a lot of hajime’s feelings about the sdr2 cast are left up to interpretation, and he can technically have feelings for all of them in the bonus mode. at least, that’s how i interpret it,, point is i think that he can have many crushes.. depending on how you see him, haha. sorry that it’s not too conclusive but, in general, i think that while he may be a little uncomfortable with it, hajime may also be a sort of ‘hopeless romantic’ in that... if he sees it as being the best for his friends, he’d also be willing to play a matchmaker !! i think that hajime, without the border of being face-to-face, would be a lot more willing to talk online. in a chatroom, i think he would be more prone to rambling on about something. hehe.. i kind of see him as someone who can accidentally send essays when he texts. i’m just guessing.. but maybe you do that too. hehe, it’s um... maybe a little too literal of me, but i think hajime does laugh at... absurd situations. it’s nice how in a lighter conversation with fuyuhiko, the two are able to just... laugh and have a good time together. i bring this up because... it’s because those smiles are from fuyuhiko suggesting that hajime’s the ultimate counselor. i like their banter a lot, and maybe there are silly inside jokes like this between you and your friends too !! um, lastly.. while i don’t know exactly what your insecurities are, i think that hajime is rather insecure..! he’s visibly upset about the fact that he doesn’t have a talent, and i’d say his seriousness partially comes from this. he does strongly dream of talent, and he puts a strong emphasis on being busy and studying ingame- i’d say that this can make up his seriousness in a way? like, he takes things very seriously in order to learn from them the most. ah, but back to insecurities!! hajime does see himself as inferior to main course students like chiaki and even chisa,, and whenever other people point out his talentless-ness, it is a very sore spot for him. he gets somewhat defensive, and mostly doesn’t know how to react... you may kind of short-circuit like this too, whenever someone hits a sore spot for you..!
and lastly, from boku no hero academia, i match you with...
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mashirao ojiro!
okay, so...! i realise that he’s kind of a minor character, so we don’t know much about him. however, from what we do know, i think he suits you well! like always, you had a similar kind of vibe to him in your ask. he would definitely be the type to use proper grammar in my eyes... and the two of you just have similar word choice imo!! second off, mashirao is kind of... mixed or in the middle, in terms of personality. he seems to get along with denki, a guy who’s definitely up there in eccentricity. maybe your friend group is rather versatile... like hajime, the two seem to be able to get along with many kinds of people. more specifically, they’re able to handle the oddities and ‘quirks’(haha. funny bnha joke) of their other classmates/friends. ah, but that’s off topic! so sorry .. i think that mashirao does kind of struggle in conversation, as he tends to not really like the spotlight, and other students describe him as sheepish or bashful. i think that despite his calm demeanor, he would shy away from conversations, especially ones where he has to play a large part- and i think that’s the most important part of him not really ‘liking’ to have in-person talks with other people. the two of you may be able to hold up something one-on-one, with one of your friends... but with a group of people, you’d just blend into the background. maybe that ‘mixed’-ness can make you feel like you don’t have much to say, too... i don’t think he really tries to hide this/can hide this either, like you. i think that the two of you are generally friendly and trustworthy, and maybe you both have plenty of loose acquaintances, the way that mashirao is on generally good terms with all of his classmates. i think that it’s easy for people to have a high view of you, but maybe not know you too closely or deeply. you seem generally nice!!!
...please excuse this second half being really short. like hajime, we don’t really know his status on crushes,, but i honestly headcanon him as bi due to him having... ‘softer’ friendships with other people, if that makes sense? not that that inherently means attraction... i just think that he could be very interested in and enjoy other people, leading to crushing of varying intensity. he kind of has a pink... vibe to him if that makes sense? ghgghgh we’re not sure about what colours he likes, but he seems to have a lot of lighter ones in his overall design and outfits... maybe a baby pink would fall under that! i think he would also be a lot more talkative online. um, my explanation for this is very similar to hajime’s. he may not feel such a strong need to be polite or accommodating through a screen! though i think he still would be out of respect. mashirao also seems like the type to find the more strange antics of his classmates funny... once again, he seems rather close to denki, and is described as a “straight man”(like, composed or deadpan in contrast to their more eccentric partner). maybe you’re also the type to go along, but have a more level head as things get ~weird~. lastly, like hajime, mashirao does seem rather insecure. he doesn’t really get why he got into UA with a quirk “like his”. he’s rather humble and doesn’t like to accept results he feels like he doesn’t deserve. in fact, he even dropped out of the sports festival because he felt as though he didn’t properly earn his placement in it. maybe you’d be more or less active in voicing this than he is, but the two of you generally have underestimating your own abilities in common. at least, that’s what i gathered, haha.
you all know what time it is, hehe... from dr, you also remind me very strongly of peko pekoyama, and somewhat of mukuro ikusaba, himiko yumeno, mahiru koizumi, toko fukawa, and kazuichi souda. from bnha you also remind me somewhat strongly of fumikage tokoyami, ibara shiozaki, and kyoka jirou, as well as lightly of toru hagakure and shoto todoroki !!
i hope this helped you out anon!! thank you again for requesting,, if you need anything about this changed or edited please let me know!! i’m happy to edit this, it’s not a bother at all... getting requests kind of makes my day, hehe..
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piyoduki · 4 years
Some rambly thoughts about Ishimaru and the themes (is this the right word?) of SDR2/DR3 (Side Despair) because I need to put them somewhere. Also an essay on why Hinata and Ishimaru should have definitely interacted and not just because I happen to like them both.
It got... a bit long... and my thoughts are all over the place...
Anyway, I'm pretty sure everyone has already heard people talk about how Ishimaru was a waste of potential because he definitely was. :P So I’m here to ramble about why he had so much potential not in DR1 but... in SDR2/DR3?!  SDR2 and DR3 have a few themes, but one of the most obvious and important ones is the whole view DR’s society has on talent, which wasn’t really explored much in DR1. Anyway, this is the main focus of Hinata’s personality, motivations and character arc of being the only talentless person in the main games (woohoo!). We learn about the existence of the reserve course, how they’re treated as inferior by the school/society for not having any talent, the questionable Hope Cultivation Program that preyed on Hinata’s inferiority complex and desire to gain a talent and recognition. 
There’s people like Komaeda, who because of his luck cycle and past shares a similar view that talentless people are worthless and to be used as stepping stones for the Ultimates because in this world, talent is everything and without it you are nothing. 
Then there’s a certain DR1 character whose views on the matter are almost opposite to Komaeda. Ishimaru hates geniuses (especially those that don’t work hard to accomplish anything aka Kamukura Izuru), and sees himself as a normal person like Naegi. He doesn’t believe people should be given special, or preferential treatment just because they have a talent, but because they have worked hard to earn it.  Anyway you can probably tell where I’m going with this. Ishimaru’s views on talent directly oppose the DR world’s and HPA’s. He believes that anyone can become successful as long as they work really hard. (Of course, he has his own issues with being unable to relate to other people and understand that not everyone is as obsessed with studying as him but that’s another thing entirely.) 
However, the school deliberately separates the main and reserve course students. They just use the reserve course students as a source of funding, to bleed them dry from ridiculous tuition fees, that is more than likely used to mostly fund the main course and HPA’s shady human experiments while the reserve course only get the bare minimum support. 
Of course, Ishimaru and his family is also in huge debt from a mistake his grandfather/former prime minister made, which is just even more reason for someone like Ishimaru to absolutely despise the school the moment he finds out about it’s dark secrets. It’s highly unlikely for him to share the same campus with the reserve course students and not be curious enough to find out what is going on with them. And I also doubt that none of the reserve course students have publicly voiced their complaints with the school anywhere at all, so it’s extremely likely that Ishimaru would find out about HPA’s superior/inferior treatment of talented vs talentless students and putting reserve course students into debt. 
Ishimaru is not the type of person to sit around and do nothing, rather he would most definitely try to protest for reserve course students’ rights and send many angry complaints to the headmaster. With his strong sense of justice he might even think about quitting the school entirely. The existence of the reserve course is everything Ishimaru stands against. 
But of course, none of that will ever happen because Ishimaru’s just a fodder character for a double murder wooo!
Other than that... I think Ishimaru and Hinata are interesting to compare with each other. Hinata being a normal guy who might put in above-average amounts of effort, only to realise he doesn’t actually compare to the most talented of people who are the only ones recognised and celebrated by society. Ishimaru being someone who is naturally extremely hardworking (possibly fueled by his desire to help his family financially and clear their reputation) to an obsessive extent (to other people, to him this amount of work is ‘normal’). 
Hinata who keeps failing to be number one in anything and eventually realises he might be chasing an impossible dream that only gets crushed more and more as he gets exploited and treated like trash. Ishimaru who through his dedication and effort manages to make a name for himself as an Ultimate, and constantly strives to work even harder so that he would not be considered just merely on the same level as a ‘genius’.
Hinata, who despite everything is a down-to-earth person who still tries to reach out to others, lend a listening ear and give advice for all their problems. Ishimaru, who shuns and is shunned by others because of his strict opinions on how others should act, who does not know how to empathise with others. 
Ishimaru, whose emotions got out of hand and caused his death. Hinata, who got his emotions erased, turning into the very embodiment of a person which Ishimaru would despise, that ironically ended up giving him a second chance at life in the end. 
But most importantly, Ishimaru would have called Hinata his senpai, why were we robbed of such wholesome content?? 
I don’t really have a conclusion besides Ishimaru’s character, backstory, personality and motivation just fit in really nicely with one of the main themes of SDR2/DR3 and Hinata’s arc, and they are... good kids. 
tl;dr: ishimaru is my favourite dr3 character
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strangefellows · 6 years
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Okay, so...first of all what just struck me about this is that this doesn’t sound like Nagito later on in the game? Not at all. It’s very telling. He’s talking about how his luck really isn’t anything special, how it’s “just” good luck, how it can’t do anything amazing, and even wonders if it exists at all. That’s...really strange, given how much absolute faith he claims to have in it later on, especially given how much it’s ruined his life.
The only thing I can think --- and this connects with my theory that I’m gonna mention in a bit --- is that Nagito, normally, though he is well aware his life is the world’s biggest cosmic horror shitshow, he doesn’t...consider it a talent. I mean he even says that in his introduction, that he’s ordinary and talentless --- so what does he consider his luck and his horrific circumstances? A curse? A burden? Something else? Why would he consider something that ruins so many lives including his a talent? Unlike the others, all he’s good for is bringing disaster to himself and people around him. That’s not being a symbol of hope, therefore it’s not a talent and he’s not an Ultimate, really.
(The theory I’m going to posit later explains the shift in his opinion about his luck as well as the shift in his opinion about What Creates Hope, tbh.)
But also something that strikes me here is “it's not like it comes from hard work” --- which again, is something that runs counter to what he says in the opening of chapter 2 and again and again later in the game, about talent being something you’re just born with, and you can’t get it through work if you don’t have it.
Seriously, the more you pay attention, the more you can see that in the first two days, Nagito Komaeda is so different from how he is every other day after this. He’s still our boy who loves hope more than anything else and who clearly has a lot of self-loathing, and who is just very nonchalant and blunt and awkward, but so much of his true mania is just not there.
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hcpefulmarshmallow · 7 years
Misconception: he seems to dislike "normal people" (without talents), but I think deep inside he wants to be normal too.....
Sore Wa Chigau Yo!
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Strap in, kids, because this one’s kind of a doozy. I’m about to tell you two entirely opposing accounts of what goes on inside Nagito’s head, and rest assured, they’re both mutually exclusive, and one as valid as the other. 
 Let’s start with the side of him that absolutely, definitely puts Ultimate Talent above all else, just because it’s the side we see more. I’m going to be quite short about this because I think about every other user, as well as the game itself, has covered this more concisely than my drivel machine of a brain.
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 Obviously, Nagito absolutely values hope above all else. (What is hope in his eyes? We’ll come back to that later.)
 He would die to bring about a little more hope in the world. 
 He would also let others make the choice to die for hope. 
 In almost every scenario, he would put the wants of an Ultimate above the needs of someone who is talentless, as he sees Ultimates as being in a class of their own, far above everyone else. He has a deep, devoted, platonic love for such people. 
 He wants to see “hope and despair collide”; and for a stronger, more shining hope to come out on top. 
 He believes that strong hope will overcome weak hope and despair.
 He believes that anyone who is talentless should be honoured to do anything for an Ultimate, as that’s assisting hope by proxy, in a sense. 
 He’s no hypocrite, and upholds these tough standards for himself. 
 Nagito considers his luck to be the only special thing about him; and even that, he doesn’t consider a talent. 
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 At absolutely no point to I want to minimise the importance of this particular part of his characterisation, so please keep all this in mind as I bring up some lesser-acknowledged stuff. 
 We start with his character music. As much as Nagito claims talent is all that matters, Megumi Ogata, his Japanese VA, is out here spilling all his tea and I love it. She refers to the song Zettai Kibou Birthday as how he feels on the “outside”, and Zanzakura -Zanka- as how he feels on the “inside”. 
 ZKB is about meeting a mysterious someone on campus who he was “born to meet”, and the situation gets quite sexual from there. However, the entire song is metaphoric (remember how I referred to him as a great, big virgin?) It nods to his deep love of hope, and desire to be close to another person, seeing the two as one and the same - it doesn’t necessarily mean he has a literal hope fetish. You have to look pretty close, however, to see anything besides that. 
 Zanka is a much sadder and simpler song. He compares himself to cherry blossoms, which are, in Japan, symbolic of mortality and the ephemeral nature of life. The flowers themselves only bloom for about a week, sometimes less depending on the conditions around them; but cherry blossoms are seen as being at their most beautiful, not in full bloom, but as they begin to wither and die. He also sings the line, 
“ To live an ordinary life, and die together with you / Oh, if that could come true ”
 Call me crazy, but that doesn’t sound like someone who is desperate to die, even for hope, at any given minute.
 There’s also the matter of the OVA to consider. This disaster of canon may be more intentional than we first considered. In case you missed it, here’s the full episode. Otherwise, I could harp all day on various things people have acknowledged before, so I’ll narrow it down to two key points:
 1 - This doesn’t have much to do with the question at hand, but it’s good to note. In a world where he’s supposed to be “untalented”, Nagito retains a somewhat warped version of his luck, where he experiences bad luck so that others can experience good. My takeaway from this is that this points back to him feeling like his luck is the only thing that makes him special; but also that he still carries a lot of guilt for the hardships his luck has caused others, and if he had a say in the matter, he’d be the only one getting hurt, and would find a way to harness it to help others. I could do a whole other thousand word essay on this, to be honest. 
 2 - Due to the traumatic nature of his death in the Neo World Program, Nagito’s mind creates a world where he can feel safe and comfortable. You’d think that, for someone who supposedly was willing to kill to become Ultimate Hope, he might make a world where that dream can come true. But what does this incredibly intelligent, creative young man do with a whole world at his fingertips? He goes to high school. 
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 He. Goes. To. High. School.
 And it’s not even some super special high school on the moon or whatever. All the faces we see are familiar to him. He gets to be with the people he’s already come to know, except this time around, they like him. These people he felt he could only look up to before have become his friends. He even expresses a desire to live in a world without talent, presenting it as some kind of barrier between people; as something that, without, no one would be better than the other, and there’d be fewer roadblocks to happiness. 
 After that world is destroyed, Nagito expresses a little bit of worry that perhaps somebody saw it, and when put at ease, says something to the effect of, “That’s just not who I am.” If that’s the case, however, then why did that world exist in the first place; of all the things his mind could have made? Granted, not everything in it is necessarily literal. He implies in-game that part of the reason he was drawn to Hajime was because he feels as if they’re alike. It’s later revealed that Hajime didn’t have a talent originally. To Nagito, he had found someone he could be on the same level with; someone with actual potential to understand him. That seems like perhaps one of the most likely meanings behind the world his mind created. 
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 Now, look, if you’ve been on this blog for more than two minutes, you know exactly where this is going next. Nagito’s finally confided in someone that he’s dying, and what does he say to Hajime about it? Insert screenshot I bring up at every given opportunity because it breaks my heart and I like to suffer, I guess.
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 There’s nothing in this world to bring out a person’s priorities like the Grim Reaper himself. When you don’t have much time left, you want to spend it on what truly matters. While Nagito has made it very clear that he wants his actual death to be meaningful and contribute to a greater good; he also makes it clear in his own, roundabout way just what he wanted to fill the space between now and then with.
 You’ve probably noticed a bit of a disconnect happening here. The docile doormat who would suck hope’s dick for a kick in the face, the Laugh™ with dreams of becoming Ultimate Hope, and the smol cinnamon roll who’d live in a library if he could and would sell his soul for a hug. What is truth? What is acting? What is fanservice? Is Mun reading way too into things? How can so many different things exist inside one character?
 Answers: all of it; none of it; some of it tbh; probably; the same way anyone else is capable of feeling extremes. Nagito is a very cleverly put-together, very complex character. It isn’t right or fair to say that one side of him matters more than the other. It seems as if there’s nothing to tie together his many personas, and I’ve spent a long time thinking about how a someone could want both life and death, and I don’t think my answer will shock you. 
 Before you roll your eyes at me, just listen. Ask about anyone what hope means, and they’ll probably say, “a positive outlook for the future” or “a feeling of excitement and expectation” or they’ll start crying and that’s how you spot a DR fan. Nagito, however, has a very specific yet very vague definition of the word, and that’s the key to how I play his character. 
“ Hope is a positive force… Everything created by it is an absolute good! ”
 I couldn’t find my screenshot of this bit oops. An absolute good. In my mind, the only way to make sense of everything he says, is to break down a few barriers here. Hope is good, but you know what else is good? Love. Honesty. Companionship. Joy. Laughter. As soon as I started looking at them as different forms of hope, I started to really find my way with this character. Remember how I mentioned that, in Zettai Kibou Birthday, he feels absolute hope from getting intimate with the certain “someone”?
 Does he want to see hope and despair collide in a magnificent show of fireworks? Yes. Does he also want the pedestrian pleasure of just holding someone’s hand and watching fireworks? Also yes. He wants the splendid and the simple; and while certain circumstances may bring out one side over the other, who honestly couldn’t say the same? That they’d react extremely to an extreme series of events, and calmly to a calm one?
 Remember, Nagito is deeply traumatised, was raised without proper guidance or parenting, suffers from more than one illness that messes up the body and mind, is facing down the end of his life, and has no family, friends or support system. Yes, he dislikes talentless people. Yes, he kind of wants to be one. Yes, he’d rather die than be one. Nothing he feels is going to be straightforward. He has a painful past, a messy present and a future he’ll never have all going on in that mind of his. Of course he wants it all. 
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TL;DR: It’s not enough to say absolutely one way or the other. Nagito is a very complex character with opposing views and strong core values he clings to in order to make sense of a senseless world.
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ladylucindae · 8 years
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Hello! I want to thank all of you for your support!
It’s a unofficial second part of my post about Hinata’s view on Chiaki and Komaeda. This time I want to show you how similar Hinata and Komaeda are and how it’s showing in Komahina & Hinanami. I used word parallel not without a reason. That’s why this time we will analyze in detail how Hinata cared about Chiaki and Komaeda about Hinata. Enjoy!
RENDER: Nemi20
Hinata met Chiaki by accident. She got attached to him quickly because with him she was able to do something she always dreamed of - spending a time with a friend and have fun. Hinata couldn’t believed that his presence was the only thing she really needed. It was strange and rather... normal. He was lonely as her but it was a problem someone as miserable like him, not an Ultimate.
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Hinata couldn’t accept himself the way he was at that time. He admired Chiaki becuase she was a part of Main Course. He tensed up in her presence and he couldn’t help being proud that she choose him as companion even if it was weird for him. Chiaki tried her best to help him and make him understand how being talentless isn’t wrong. In her eyes he was free. He could be anyone he wanted to be. He wasn’t bounded to games like she was.
Time they spend together were precious to both of them. Hinata at that point was even more frustrated to be a part of Main Course. Chiaki was there and he wasn’t good enough to spend time with her. Everyone looked down on him, even his classmate Natsumi Fuyuhiko who should understand his feelings.
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Hinata was inspired by her and that small light encouraged him to ask about what happened to her. It was the only one moment where Hinata was on the way to accept himself. “I’ll do it! I’ll find her and do something to help!”. He wanted to consider himself as Chiaki’s friend. He wanted to be her friend. Sakakura smashed his braveness without any shame. A wall beetwen Chiaki and him was too sturdy to destroy with his own determination.
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Hope’s Peak Academy made him believe that this goal could be accomplished only by taking part in Kamakura Project. There is a high possibility that Hinata being always neglected or even abused by his parents never had an opportunity to develop a healthly friendship with anyone. He admired Hope’s Peak Academy becuase he tried to find a way to make impossible possible. It was a Hope’s Peak Academy after all, who would help him better than them?
His past self was cursed by admiration.
Komaeda needed someone who could accept him with all his flaws. It wouldn't be possible without Neo World Program for him to realize that he is able to find his happiness. He was self-loathing but he couldn't accept getting close to someone without talent.That's crucial part. Komaeda believed Hinata was Ultimate even better than himself - that's why was interested in Hinata and his bystander aura.
The difference between Hinata & Chiaki and Komaeda & Hinata was that Hinata in Komaeda's company didn't feel inferior even if Komaeda was feeling this towards him just not as strong as usual with others Ultimates. Komaeda's situation is the same as Hinata's in Chiaki's case.
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Their relationship changed drastically after Komaeda's reveal. Yet, Komaeda couldn't understand why Hinata was different from all the Ultimates. He was still talking to him even if he was undoubtedly mad, he was checking on him and didn't say harsh words like Souda and he was clearly worried about him when he was in the Hospital. Again, a parallel with Chiaki's and Hinata's relationship. Chiaki was always concerned about their meetings, she was always trying to support Hinata and she was mad at him when he ditched her. This anger quickly changed into sadness and worry.
Just like Hinata, Komaeda was attached to Hinata as he was to Chiaki. The difference was in their self-awareness. Komaeda was conscious of nature of feelings towards Hinata while Hinata was admiring Chiaki because he felt he doesn't deserve her the way he was at that moment - talentless. Komaeda struggled because of those feelings and couldn't tell them directly but they were definitely there. It sounds familiar, right?
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"I love hope. You admire hope. In some ways we're similar, but maybe that difference is what's making me so emotional."
And that's the whole point! Komaeda is saying those words to Hinata after realizing Hinata is Reserve Course Student. He is confused but he can't help still loving Hinata for all kindness and support he gave him. He deep down accepted Hinata the way he was, his true appearance not the one he was imagining. That's why he took his hand after waking up from Neo World Program. He accepted Hinata as he accepted his flaws.
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“Ahh... Kamakura Izuru? No, you’re, uh, Hinata, right?”
He was in the middle of waking up and he bearly recognized anything but he heard Hinata’s voice and it probably reminded him about his dream in Neo World Program with Hajizuru. Yet, he almost already corrected himself and asked if person in front of him is the person he wanted to meet the most.
Admiration couldn't make a healthy relationship. Hinata was too focused on being equal rather on his own true feelings for Chiaki or her feelings for him. He almost made it. He almost was on his way to realize that in relationships talents don't matter but... he failed. His faith was crushed.
The saddest part of this comparison is Komaeda was able to understand his feelings and accept things way they were, while Hinata never did that in the first place. He never accepted himself or see real Chiaki - normal girl, who wanted to make a lot of friends and play video games.
Komaeda's and Hinata relationship could end up the same as theirs but Komaeda got the chance to grow up on his own peace.
I also believe that Hinata and Chiaki could develop healthly friendship or romantic relationship but only if Chiaki would survive The Most Tragic Event In History Of Mankid. Hinata was too immature in Despair Side.
TL;DR: Komaeda was in the same situation as Hinata but instead of neglecting real Hinata he choose to accept him.
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