#but he can''t commit to it wholeheartedly
foe-wrestling · 2 years
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the cinnamon tography..............
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starboyshoyo · 1 year
The Summer After Graduation pt. 2
Pairing: Malleus Draconia, Silver, Sebek Zigvolt x fem!reader (separately)
Fandom: Twisted Wonderland
Genre: fluff, domestic
A/N: @ryker-writes ;) you know. It’s so early and I’m exhausted, so if there’s mistakes I’ll go back and fix them later.
Where does life take you, after you move back to Briar Valley with them?
Part 1 (Kalim, Deuce, Epel, Trey) || Part 2 (HERE)
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Malleus Draconia
In Malleus’ eyes, the moment you agreed to be his was the moment you became engaged. A relationship with him starts and stays serious and committed due to the traditions of his species. So naturally, after the two of you graduate from NRC, you move back to Briar Valley with him and his family as his first friend and first love.
There are some difficulties with hostile fae at first. The traditional council would be very against your relationship with him. But according to Briar Valley lore, draconic fae children can only be born from immense love and care between a couple. So even if the royal advisors disagree with the prince’s choice of partner, they couldn’t deny him his happiness if they ever hoped for an heir.
So despite the protests of some narrow-minded fae, Malleus is free to bring you home with him, to live as his partner and lover. Of course, Lilia is In complete support of the two of you, as is Silver. Sebek took some time to come around- he complained a lot about how no one, human or fae, could be worthy of Waka-sama’s affections. But once Lilia pointed out how happy you made Malleus, Sebek quieted down. No one had ever seen the crown prince smile the way he did when you were around.
Moving into the royal palace takes some time to get used to. It’s easy to get lost in the corridors of Castle Draconia. The hallways can also seem gloomy and cold at first, and almost frightening when you walk the stone passageways at night. If you get nervous, Malleus will do his best to be by your side as much as he can, holding your hands and cuddling you at night. If not him, then he’ll send a guard or two to watch over you.
If you want to take part in more diplomatic duties in Briar Valley and insist that you get to know the citizens as their future queen, Malleus will be worried but support you wholeheartedly. You’re considerate, responsible, and kind, three qualities that make for the best ruler. And besides, he doesn’t want you being cooped up inside all day the way he was when he grew up. While the work you’re doing may be dangerous, Malleus trusts you to handle yourself. Just make sure to bring Silver with you along with the rest of your personal guards, just in case. Fae can be unpredictable at times.
When Malleus isn’t busy with his princely duties, he’ll seek you out and whisk you away to a private wing of the castle using magic. The castle is old, and even with hundreds of years of free time, he hasn’t been able to explore every nook and cranny of it. The two of you will roam the hallways, naming the various statues you come across and slow-dancing in empty ballrooms with ancient music echoing from an unknown place within the walls.
“Briar Valley has come alive, my dear. Do you hear that? They are greeting their new ruler. This is all for you.”
At night, nothing makes Malleus happier than returning to his bedchambers to find you cuddled up in the sheets. He’ll slide into bed around you, tail unfurling to curl around your body and hold you close to him. He’ll spread his wings and rest them over your body to protect the two of you while you snuggle through the night.
Malleus might not know much about romance, but he does know when he’s found the one. He’ll have to ask the royal jewelers for a ring soon- infused with magic and inlaid with his love.
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All his life, Silver was trained to become a knight for Malleus. It’s exactly what he did in the years he attended NRC. But what Silver hadn’t realized yet was that it was more of an obligation than his true calling. After meeting you and moving back to the Valley of Thorns, Silver began craving a quieter lifestyle- one where he could enjoy your company without having to be on guard duty 24/7.
It’s Lilia who first notices Silver’s restlessness, and he takes the matter to the young king. The two of them surprise you and Silver with a little graduation present- a cottage deep in the forest. Malleus tells Silver that he’s promoted him from the title of knight to that of a lord- the land that the cottage is built upon is now his to care for and do as he pleases. He’s already had servants move yours and Silver’s things there. Silver was initially worried that he was being fired from his job for falling asleep too much, but with some reassurance from his father, the two of you were on your way.
The cottage is gorgeous, situated in a clearing with a meadow and waterfall. The sun caught the water just right every morning- creating rainbows through the spray that danced in the dawn. It’s the perfect place for you and your boyfriend to live a peaceful, quiet life. The nearby villages are peaceful ones, and don’t mind having two humans living in their vicinity. They occasionally come by to drop off homemade food or ask for Silver’s help, but otherwise it’s just the two of you.
Silver’s animal friends come by daily to help out with the chores, making the workload light. The birds do the laundry for you and hang clothes out to dry, while deer often come by to help weed the garden. Even the squirrels play their part in helping to patch up holes in the walls and roof.
With only light work, your days are spent by Silver’s side, going on horseback rides through the meadow and napping with him in the garden. Finally, you have time to learn all of the things you’ve ever wanted to do. Speaking another language? Reading a book? Learning to sew? You have all the time in the world.
Date nights become a regular occurrence; something that you couldn’t do back at the palace. One of the most memorable dates is a time where Silver covered your eyes and led you to a beautiful meadow on the mountain, overlooking a valley. As you watched, songbirds swooped down carrying a picnic basket and blanket, setting up a romantic little spot for you and Silver to lay together and watch the sun go down. While you were busy watching the stars come out, a gentle smile graced your lover’s features. Yes, the sky was beautiful- but he could never take his eyes off your smiling face.
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Sebek Zigvolt
Sebek Zigvolt has always known his dream was to serve Malleus Draconia in any possible way. A love life and career don’t always mix, so he feels grateful that he found you- always so willing to support his dreams. It helps that you and Malleus are on friendly terms as well. Nothing makes Sebek happier than seeing his lover and his Lord get along well.
Life with Sebek in Briar Valley is pretty similar to life at NRC for a while. Besides the fact that you don’t have to attend classes, Sebek still gets up at the crack of dawn every day to do weight training and go on a morning run, to train for the royal guard exam. He’ll ask you to get up with him, but ultimately leaves it up to you. If you have trouble sleeping, he wouldn’t want to tire you out. But for a while, you won’t be getting many lazy mornings with your boyfriend.
While Sebek is gone, his family will keep you company. Sebek’s mother loves to gush about her son’s younger days and show you embarrassing photos, while his father is quite happy to have another human around for once. His brother and sister love teasing him- who knew that grumpy Sebek would end up falling so hard for a human?
It’s a little-known fact that Sebek is actually afraid of horses- he tolerated being in the equestrian club because he needed to know how to ride if he wanted to be a knight for Malleus. Sebek will want to hold your hand before he goes to riding classes in the afternoon, and he’d appreciate it if you’d watch him- he’d feel safer if you did. He’ll do the same for you when you need him to be strong for you as well.
The both of you will be so proud when Sebek finally passes the class, and is certified as a real Briar Valley knight. Lilia assigns Sebek to lead a new, special battalion, one directly under his and Malleus’ command. Sebek will wear his uniform with the crest on it- a peacock with honeysuckle and iris flowers surrounding it, and a tail made of eucalyptus leaves- proudly. He’d probably wear it to sleep if you didn’t remind him to change out of his work clothes.
Sebek is a big deal in Briar Valley, and gone for work trips often. While you do miss his company, it also gives you time to plan surprises for him, such as learning to speak his native language. While Sebek has mostly gotten over his prejudice towards humans, he’s still immensely proud of his culture as a nocturnal fae. If you take the time to learn the language of his heritage from his mother, Sebek will realize that the feelings he holds for you are not between a human and a fae, but one between soulmates.
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anthurak · 1 year
Something I’ve started noticing upon rewatching Unhappy Campers is that there is an interesting thematic parallel and contrast between the respective conflicts between Moxxie/Millie and Blitzo-Barbie, and how those conflicts resolve by the end of the episode:
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First we have Moxxie and Millie pretending to be siblings while Blitzo and Barbie are actual siblings, setting up the parallels. Then towards the end of the episode, we have Moxxie and Millie getting into a big fight, and we learn that something bad happened in the past between Blitzo and Barbie.
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And here’s where we get the interesting contrast: After the fight with Millie, Moxxie effectively immediately owns up to his mistake and fully commits to patching things up between them. Ditching everything else and wholeheartedly supporting his wife in her performance just as much as she’s supported him. And thanks to this, the pair end the episode with their bond and relationship just as strong and close as it was before.
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By contrast, Blitzo’s attempts to reconnect with Barbie after what happened between them long in the past get thrown right back in his face. Making it clear that this bridge between them has been thoroughly burned by this point.
I think the implication here is that like Moxxie with Millie, Blitzo hurt his sister somehow at some point in the past. Unlike Moxxie however, Blitzo didn’t own up to his mistake and work to try and patch things up between them. At least not before their relationship deteriorated long past any hope of repair. Note also that despite his concern for and wanting to reconnect with his sister, at NO point while talking to Barbie this episode does Blitzo try to apologize or otherwise take ownership for whatever he did. Again in sharp contrast to what we see from Moxxie.
In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if it turns out that the whole conflict between Moxxie and Millie this episode is hinting at whatever happened between Blitzo and Barbie. We know that Barbie Wire was the more talented/capable performer between the two, given how she had a successful acting career while Blitzo’s own attempts crashed and burned. So I think it’s no stretch to assume that a younger Blitzo developed a petty resentment towards his sister much as Moxxie develops towards Millie in this episode.
Though I think we can also assume that what happened between Blitzo and Barbie was much BIGGER than what we saw between the M&Ms this episode. Both in terms of how long Blitzo’s resentment was festering, and in terms of WHAT he actually ended up doing. For as much of a dick Moxxie may have wound up acting this episode, he didn’t actually do anything worse than some petulant whining about it.
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By contrast, I have a feeling that whatever Blitzo wound up doing to his sister, even if it wasn’t entirely intentional, was a WHOLE lot worse. I mean, something had to end Barbie’s performance career and drive her into substance abuse. How much does anyone want to bet that Blitzo was responsible for that? Certainly it was something bad enough for Barbie to cut off ALL contact with Blitzo and put as much distance between them as she possibly can.
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In addition, something else that this train of thought has gotten me thinking about is how Fizzerolli might fit into all this. We know he was in the circus with Blitzo and Barbie, and from the flashbacks in the Season 2 premier, we know they’re all about the same age.
Consider: In the past, Blitzo was part of a close-knit trio with two other imps during his childhood. And in the present he is trying to form a close-knit trio with two other imps.
I don’t think it’s at all a stretch to assume that we are going to end up seeing some major thematic/dramatic parallels between the past trio of Blitzo-Barbie-Fizzerolli, and the present trio of Blitzo-Moxxie-Millie. And that Blitzo isn’t just trying to create a family dynamic with his two employees/co-workers, but specifically (consciously or otherwise) trying to recreate the family dynamic he once had. The family unit he very likely destroyed…
Consider some of the things we already know about Barb’s and Fizz’s past with Blitzo: All three were in the circus together, but both Barb and Fizz were/are clearly MUCH more talented and capable performers than Blitzo, and each went on to have successful solo careers while Blitzo’s own attempts crashed and burned.
Now, this happens to line up surprisingly well with the M&Ms: Despite his neuroses and other hangups, Moxxie is a pretty capable and skilled musician and performer, certainly way moreso than what we’ve seen of Blitzo. And from this latest episode, we know that Millie is actually a VERY talented singer and general performer herself. While we don’t know enough about Barb and Fizz to determine whether Moxxie and Millie are specifically paralleling one or the other, I think taken together the similarities line up very well.
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Consider also the hints we’ve gotten that Blitzo and Fizz may have been a couple at one point, which could provide yet another parallel to the M&Ms. As well as the surprising amount of sexual tension we’ve gotten between Moxxie and Blitzo.
Now obviously, I don’t think there are going to be any straight ‘one-to-one’ parallels like Moxxie being directly paralleled to Fizzerolli or Millie being directly paralleled to Barbie. But I definitely think Vivzie and the team are setting up some kind of ‘history repeats’ narrative with Blitzo, Moxxie and Millie in order to explore and confront Blitzo’s deep-seated family trauma.
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64yrsold · 2 years
you know where the city is
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a bit different today! we're doing write anything that you want to week with @imightgetbetter <3 today's theme is early matty, so i decided to write about hearing "the city" on the radio for the first time :-) hope you all enjoy! - love, 64
I watched his hands jump over each other on the steering wheel, driving us around another winding curve. It was almost a spectacle, watching the light expose his bare arms, travel up his black t-shirt and crawl up his neck, then disappear before it could illuminate his mouth. Then he’d be covered in darkness again, until we reached the next street lamp.
“You can drop me home, if you’d like,” I offered, turning down the radio so he could hear me.
“Come on, stop it,” he frowned, glancing over to me, “We can stay out as long as you want.”
“I think my parents-“
“They’re fine,” he interrupted, reaching a hand to squeeze my knee, “They like me, don’t they?”
“Maybe not after tonight,” I quipped, rolling the window down. The air here always felt like a childhood memory, like after-school walks and first kisses. I liked the way it blew against his curls, frizzing the ends. He pushed a few strands behind his ear.
“I’ll get you home soon,” he sighed, hand firmly planted against my thigh, “Just wanted to show you one thing.”
"Oh, are you surprising me?" my voice wavered with excitement. He nodded, bottom lip wet as he smiled.
"I was out driving with the guys-"
"I don't want to know," I said quickly, earning a boyish giggle.
"No, it was very innocent, babe. I'm behaving, I promise," he stated, but his grin said otherwise. He looked at me from the corner of his eye, finding me unconvinced, "Whatever, I'll just show you."
"You boys need to focus on the band," I scolded, fingers tracing his cuticles.
He scoffed, "You know how committed I am."
"Mhm," I hummed, "You're very good, you know."
"I know," he half-joked. His palm opened around the steering wheel as he turned a corner. Trees were thick on either side of the road, the pavement transitioning to gravel.
"Where the fuck are we going," I whined, "Is this where you finally murder me in the woods?"
"Yeah, I've got the axe in the back," he nodded, slapping my thigh playfully. The radio was cutting out, fizzling with static as we drove further into the wooded area. I changed the station, trying to find one that was intelligible. We approached a clearing, and I switched the station once more, hand frozen when I heard a familiar punctuated bass drum. He slammed on the brakes. I lurched forward, hand against the dash.
"Is this..." I paused, staring at him with parted lips. He threw the car in park, tangling his hands in his hair.
"Holy shit," he whispered, stars in his eyes, "Holy shit!"
"What the fuck!" I yelled, grabbing him by the shoulders.
"What the fuck!" he returned, jaw hanging open. I could see the tears rimming his waterline, and he quickly covered his face with his hands. "I sent this song to every fucking station I know, but nobody got back to me, I-" He interrupted himself with a guttural scream. I screamed back at him, the car reverberating with his voice on the radio.
He dropped his hands to my neck, searching my face wildly. My face was aching from my splitting grin, my pulse crawling up my ears.
"This is it," I mumbled, tears stinging behind my eyes, "This is really it."
"I can't fucking believe it," he cried, grabbing my jaw and pulling my mouth to his. He laughed against my lips, emotions swirling between us. He kissed every unspoken word into my mouth, and I could taste the excitement like pennies on my tongue. He pulled back to scream the chorus, and I joined him, chanting the words wholeheartedly. I dropped my head on his shoulder, finding a sky of milky stars mirroring the faint lights of the city below.
"Don't forget me when you're all rich and famous," I whispered, wrapping my fingers around his.
"Couldn't if I tried, love," he smiled, "How could I ever forget this?"
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sciderman · 1 year
hey sci.how do you get wades personality to a T! I desperately wanna make a comic but I’m worried I’ll fall short to his character.Any Tips?
oh bless you! i don't think there's any sort of guide to getting wade's character right - all the canon writers write him so, so differently - he really is the sort of character that can be anything the author needs him to be (for better or for worse)
i know i've received complaints over the years about how i portray wade - sometimes people think i make him too emotional, or what-have-you, but i think the biggest crime anyone can commit when writing wade is him not being funny. (i know, that's so, so subjective.) i think when wade falls short for me in the comics or in any characterisation it's usually down to me just not finding the jokes funny! i can kind of forgive anything at all, as long as it's funny.
i've seen a lot of more serious depictions of wade in fanfiction and it kind of throws me for a loop - he's a showman. he'll always be cracking a joke, and if he isn't, you're in trouble.
i think something i'm kind of obsessed with when writing wade is the intentionality behind his words and actions - he's kind of a master of deflection. i think i do love to see a hyper-competent wade, who only plays the part of the idiot because it's what the audience likes to see. he's never stupid, he's just unlucky. when things go wrong for him, it's not due to stupidity - it's either self-sabotage, or he's a victim of the narrative. i think that's where my depiction of wade differs from daddy nicieza's - i think daddy nicieza's wade is big stupid, most of the time.
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himbo rights.
but even then, his wade isn't as big of an idiot as he acts. and a lot of it is an act. he's putting on a show. i love a wade wilson who's actually so much more intelligent than he lets show. a wade wilson who's perpetually holding all his cards to his chest because he doesn't want anyone to be able to pin him down or predict him.
all his cards. on terms of capability, and also his emotions. he's so calculated about what other people get to see of him, particularly when he's wearing the mask. (when he's out of the mask he has decidedly less control over what people see of him.)
i think there's a few things that turn me off from a deadpool characterisation - mostly when i see a wade that's too sugary (i think that's why i can't care very much for the most recent deadpool series) - wade always has demons to overcome. always. being heroic isn't something that comes naturally to him. it isn't something that comes naturally to anyone, but at least wade's honest about it.
i like to see a wade that's a jerk. because he is. he's always been. it's like, his first ever personality trait. he is a jerk. a selfish jerk. please, oh please god, do not forget that he's a selfish jerk. i really love portrayals of him that don't shy away from that, but make him endearing anyway. you really don't have to erase all the bad parts of a character to make them likeable. you really, really don't. those bad parts are the tasty bits. makes me keep coming back for more.
when i see a wade that is not a selfish jerk i am like "wha. whuh. who is that. that's not wade. that's not my son. why is he not spitting in my eye right now."
i kind of have to hate him just a little. that's like, the whole point. you're meant to love and hate wade simultaneously, all the time. anyone who loves wade knows this wholeheartedly. to love him is to hate him.
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second to that, please don't ever make wade wilson a sexual predator. that's a real problem (hate that).
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qprsmackdown · 1 year
c!Emerald duo propaganda:
Let me tell you. We've got two guys. They live together. They live miles away from everyone else but they live in a little cabin in the snow together. They would die for each other. One HAS died for the other. One is in a monogamous relationship with the personification of death and the other is one of the most widely headcanoned aroace characters and it in no way ever devalues what is considered as one of the most unshakable relationships in the story
"For you the world" — Technoblade to Philza. They are so loyal to each other, legit the healthiest and strongest relationship in the fandom
"For you, the world, Phil." -Technoblade "Sometimes one friend is all you need." -Technoblade “I’m following Techno to the gates of hell... and if he wants to take over the world, god dammit I’m gonna help this man.” - Philza “I followed him to the ends of the earth, through fire and flames.“ - Philza (about Technoblade)
They live together. They kill together. They're raising a polar bear and a very anxious enderman hybrid. They committed so many war crimes and looked good doing it<3 "For you, the world" quote my beloved. Anarchism swag😎
Silly guys of all time! They took over the entire world together once <3 (pre-dsmp but still canon to dsmp) they blew up a country together <3 gotta love 2 guys who commit Literal Actual warcrimes. Also the way they trust eachother just unconditionally is just soo ouuuugggghghhhh i love them. iirc I remember a part where techno was basically just talking about how he'll basically never trust anyone again. TO Phil. Who was very obviously an unspoken exception to the "never trusting anyone" thing. It's been a while so idk if I remember it right but aaaouuuugggg their relationship was so good. Also "for you the world phil" AAAAAUUUUUUU (although the context of that line is much sillier than people usually remember but they are silly guys <3). Ooouugghhh I have so much I could talk about but it's late so I can't think of it right now but they are sooooooo important they are everything to me. This is kinda bad propaganda bc I don't know if I'm even remembering things right and am vaguely incorrect but AUGH. EMERALDDUO
Consider: the fanon immortals being very old friends thing which is a trope i will never not love, and also taking over the world with your qpp is so pogchamp of them
Two anarchist immortals who have been besties for an indeterminable amount of time, but at least for hundreds of years. Took over the Earth once just to show that they can. Back-To-Back Badasses. Each other's consciences and also enablers. Lived together in the middle of nowhere tundra biome, in connected little cottages with their bazillion pets.
THOSE BITCHES WERE LIVING IN THE ARCTIC TOGETHER IN THEIR GAY LITTLE COTTAGE WITH LIKE 100 ANIMALS!!!! They’d both often talk about how they’d kill and die for one another, they’ve been together for centuries despite Techno being all but confirmed Aroace and Philza being married to someone else!! I think they definitely had a QPR going on because like. The person you’re closest to and have lived alongside for god knows how long u gotta at least have SOMETHING going on there imo.
They are both imortal livelong best friends who have been there for each other through war and and other personal hardships They are partners in crime, both arnarchists who took down a nation together and both live in retirement together They only trust each other wholeheartedly (aka they both belive the other wont betray them) and Phil is the only person Techno feels he can be himself around (aka be soft around).
Apparently their qpr had drama in the past bc of this one fic but tbh i dont really get why These two are literally just. The best. There's absolutely no romance between them, but they're the closest of friends, and they care about each other so so much. And they deserve all the things. They live together in a house in the arctic in a commune for anarchists. Basically everyone in the Syndicate are their adopted children. 'For you, the world, Phil' -Technoblade (Just like to say this too, Techno is not Phil's son in the DSMP universe. It's been canonically confirmed.)
They’re two dudes who spend all their time together, built their houses next to each other (and connected it w a bridge), started a commune together, took over the world together, have FRIENDSHIP EMERALDS, and are genuinely such good friends (these are the characters but the irl guys were really good friends until techno died too)
Just a bird and his pig chilling as kings
"for you phil, the world" is treated like this big dramatic line as they take over smpearth but in context its bc they were arguing over something silly and techno laughed and conceded to him and like... just look at then they're ride or die besties emerald duo ftw (on a sadder note i constantly see philza wearing techno's merch on streams and videos and just... man i miss seeing them together)
immortal warriors who have promised to follow each other to the ends of the earth, through fire and flames. they are each others most trusted person without a doubt. when trying to retire from the wars that plagued the server, they both retired in an arctic tundra where they lived together.
These guys cant be seperate from each other anymore than like three days. Like, on top of also doing the antarctic empire together in earthSMP, they just moved to the arctic together to just enjoy life and retirement together. They understand each other like no other bc they've known each other forever. Also bc if we take the titles of bloodgod and angel of death literally you get something something being willing to spend eternity with the other because you care abt them. These two are fine being isolated from everybody else and chilling on their own bc thats all they need
Their relationship is defined by a connection that has lasted for centuries. Despite everything, they always go back to each other. They live together in a cabin in the arctic. They also like murdering together a little too much.
old men committed terrorism and then they settled down :)
For you Phil, the world Immortal best friends spend thousands of years together, conquer the world, found a empire. Phil has a kid with his goddess wife, Techno wind up joining the kids rebellion against the country he founded. When that goes wrong they start a commune called the Syndicate. They are so ride or die. I love them
please they live together theyre best friends theyre immortal together they love each other and phil is married to a god PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE
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sl-newsie · 6 months
American Woman (Thomas Shelby x American OC) Ch. 11: Bump In The Night
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“He’s not back yet?”
It’s been a few hours since Thomas went off to talk to Ada and darkness is beginning to descend. Am I going to have to keep dinner waiting every night?
Polly looks up from the newspaper she’s reading. “He’ll come about when he’s calmed down and cleared his head- though don’t hold your breath. You know as well as I do that Tommy can be as stubborn as one of his horses.” Now she looks over at me with perceptive eyes. “Ada never mentioned anything to you, did she?”
I shake my head. “No. I only knew she’d been having an affair.”
“Then why didn’t you mention it?”
“I didn’t ask who. I told her that I’m not a Shelby. That she should answer to you, not me.”
The woman slowly nods with a wise look in her eye. “That’s very loyal of you. Someone could take advantage and act as their own authority in private family matters. But you’ve kept from telling and shaming our family. Thank you.”
“No thanks necessary, Polly,” I respond wholeheartedly. “Loyalty is just as important to my own family. I would be shaming them by carrying out disgraceful behavior.”
The front door opens and Arthur and John walk in. John looks exhausted and Arthur has a grim face that looks as if he just committed murder- or is that always how he looks? 
“Where’s Tommy?” John asks.
“You tell me,” Polly shrugs. “Hasn’t been back for hours.”
The pair both grunt and walk off down the hall. Now I see it’s not just Thomas that’s gloomy all the time.
“No use in setting the table,” Polly says. “Finn can eat when he’s done with his chores.”
I clean my own plate and excuse myself to prepare for bed. While I slip on my nightgown I can’t help but feel concerned about Ada. Is she coming back home? Do the other Shelbys know yet? Will the child’s father wed her? Since I’m the only girl of five brothers I’ve never seen the experience of pregnancy but from what I’ve heard it can be very stressful. I hope Thomas doesn’t press Ada too much or it could be bad for her or the baby.
A noise jolts me awake. What time…? It’s three in the morning. What on Earth is going on at three in the morning?
There it is again. It’s coming from the wall- the wall connected to Thomas’ room. Is he back yet? Quietly, I sit up and tiptoe to the door. I peek my head out to make sure the hall is clear and creep over to knock on Thomas’ door. Instead of the door opening I hear another loud thump from inside. Is he fighting someone?! I know he has the privilege of privacy but if this keeps up he’ll wake everyone up.
I turn the knob and peek inside the dark bedroom where I see Thomas’ figure on a bed thrashing around under the blanket. The thumping sound’s origin is his fist punching the wall.
“Wha-? Tommy? Tommy! Wake up!” I hurry over and try to think of how to wake him. “You’re having a nightmare-!”
Suddenly Thomas reaches out and wraps his hands around my throat. My instincts cause me to try to pull away as the air is sucked from my lungs.
“T-Thomas- Mr. Shelby, it’s me!” I rasp in a panic.
In the dark I see him pause and seem to do a double-take. Then his hands soften around my neck and he pulls them away to pat up and down my shoulders.
“Sorry! Sorry, love… Are you hurt anywhere?”
I take a second to catch my breath and shake my head. “Are- Are you ok?”
Thomas sighs and rubs his forehead. “I’m sorry… ‘s just flashbacks, ‘s all.”
“From the war?”
He nods and doesn’t say more. He doesn't have to. Shell shock is no light matter. If he fought in France then he has every reason to seek help.
“Have you talked with someone?”
Thomas scoffs. “I ain’t a woman. I don’t need to ‘talk about it.’”
“Your own mental welfare is more important than biting away shell shock just to keep your ego, Thomas.” I don’t wait for him to argue and take a chance to sit on the bed next to him. “I’m so sorry you have to go through this. When the war started I was too young to understand what was going on, but I remember the day my father came home and my mother burst into tears. It wasn’t until a few years later that I knew what happened. I pray each and every day, thankful that he returned safely, because I know others weren’t as fortunate.”
Thomas stays still and keeps staring straight ahead with a blank expression. Does he want help? There’s no use trying to help if he doesn’t want any. He doesn’t even want me here.
I look away and stand up to walk towards the door-
“Would you feel uncomfortable if I asked you to stay?” Thomas asks.
He wants help? Or just a woman to hold? I’m prepared to help Thomas but I will not stoop to extreme physical touch.
“Keep your hands to yourself and I’ll agree.”
Surprisingly Thomas nods agreeably and moves over to give me space on the bed. In the corner of my eye I see what looks like a pipe sticking out.
“What’s that?”
Thomas sees where I’m looking. “Opium. Helps with the dreams.”
He resorts to opium? Is Thomas really so stubborn to be tough that he relies on drugs to suppress his trauma?
“I’m sorry,” I reply softly.
“Sorry won’t be enough.” Thomas responds darkly.
“I know. I’ll never be able to fix that. Nobody can.”
It goes quiet and for a while we sit in silence listening to the ticking of the clock. Normally I’m not one for sitting in silence with people but it’s different with Thomas. We don’t need to speak. He’s thinking and just needs to know someone is there to pull him back.
“Can I be honest with you?” Thomas eventually asks.
I frown. “You mean you haven’t been this whole time?”
“No I have, it’s just… Can I tell you something personal?”
Personal? So I’ve ascended from a tossed out nobody to my boss’ therapist. Should I dare to get this close?
“If you trust me enough, then yes. I will keep it confidential.”
“People I haven’t had sex since before the war,” Thomas states bluntly. “That’s not true. I was seeing a whore up until a few months ago.”
This leaves me stunned. What do I say to that? I didn’t think this would be part of the therapy process.
“Oh. Um, alright.” I awkwardly fidget with my fingernails. “I can’t really speak for that matter.”
“Why? Are you a virgin?”
“It’s none of your business,” I snap and regain control. “But since this is confidential, yes. I am a woman of God and do not just throw myself willy-nilly at anyone, unlike lots of the women I've seen walking the streets.”
Thomas groans and leans against the wall. “I assume you know about Ada?” When I don’t answer right away he continues. “My own sister, gonna have a baby. I tried to get her to tell me who the father is but she won’t budge.” I feel him put a hand on my shoulder. “You’re a woman, Verena. What should I do?”
Wow. He sees I’m a woman. Fascinating. 
“If I ever came to my parents in her situation they would cast me out for having a child out of wedlock. If I were you I would encourage Ada to marry.”
“I don’t even know what bloke she’d be marrying! How’s this supposed to look for our family image?”
“Thomas, this is a pregnancy we’re talking about. This is a blessing no matter who the father is.”
Silence takes over again and Thomas lays down to stare up at the ceiling. I share his concern for Ada but that’s no reason so shame God’s miracle.
“Can I ask you something else?”
“That’s what I’m here for, Thomas.”
“You don’t think of me differently because I have Gypsy blood?”
That comes out of nowhere. What sort of question is that? Never once has my mind processed to acknowledge the Shelby genes.
“Why would I?” 
The blue-eyed gangster looks over at me with an unfamiliar expression. One might say he almost looks vulnerable.
“Gypsies aren’t welcomed everywhere, Verena. That’s part of why I have to stick up for the whole family because people will walk all over us if I don’t.”
That’s why… 
A small smile grows on my face and I take Thomas’ hand. “Maybe it’s because I’m American but in my family we don’t judge someone by their blood. In America there’s way too many blends to do that. I judge a man by his heart, not the blood that runs through it.”
Silence ticks by. Does he believe me? Then Thomas shows his response by slowly leaning in to give me a quick hug. The Thomas Shelby just gave me a hug. I didn’t even think he knew how to hug.
“You have no idea how much I needed to hear that. I don’t know if you’ve noticed but the people in Small Heath aren’t complete angels.”
I’m stunned. He’s being… nice. My whole body goes stiff to the new physical contact and- Yup. Those are his abs. Dear God! I’ve never been this close to a man who isn’t one of my brothers. From what I’ve read it’s a normal response to have a quicken heartbeat when put in new situations so that probably explains why my chest feels like it’s going to burst. Calm down, Steenstra. He’s being thankful. Thomas hardly says thank-you so it’s a big deal.
“I understand why you have to be so cold sometimes,” I try to speak evenly. “But once in a while you need to show your family that you’re more than just their shield.”
Thomas doesn’t pull away and shakes his head. “There’s not much left of me that cares about what other people think of me, even my family.”
“But deep down you still do. We’re our own worst enemy, Thomas. Life can be cruel but we all have our own part to play… no matter how insignificant it might seem.”
“This world will remember me,” Thomas states with certainty. “One way or another.”
God, he’s stubborn. “What may seem like a small gesture to you can speak volumes to others, Thomas. Besides, men who only live for money or work for fame are not guaranteed happiness. You can be more than a great man.”
The gangster pulls away but keeps close, analyzing me. “If not great… what else can I be, love?”
I shake my head with pity and squeeze his hand. “You’ll understand one day. You’ll never fully appreciate something until it’s gone, Thomas. Just… think about it.” I look up at the clock and see it’s been an hour. Only a short while until I should get up. “Both of us need sleep. Do you still feel scared?”
Thomas scoffs. “Tommy Shelby is hardly scared.”
I raise a very skeptical brow. He gives me a side glance and sighs.
“Fine, I was a little unnerved. No, Verena. I’m fine now, love. Thank you.” He leans in for one last hug. “Thank you for everything.”
“Never a problem, Mr. Shelby,” I say as I stand up and step back to the door. “Can’t have my boss looking blue, can I?”
That’s it, right? I’m not actually growing attached to this place. Am I? I mean sure, Small Heath is far from perfect but in some ways it reminds me of Brooklyn. Hard-working folks who want to promote their family pride. 
I quietly head back to my room (no longer hearing sounds from Thomas’ side) and slide back into the now-cold blankets. As my eyes close again I can’t help but wonder if I’ll miss this place when I eventually leave.
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dawnchorus-if · 1 month
Can you talk a little bit about the politics of the city?
Fuck yeah I can.
Okay, so the jist we already know: Queen Lyra, widow of King Cedric, has the throne currently. Cape Lyra was renamed after her as a wedding gift and she kind of has an ego problem: but she's a sweetheart I promise.
The people in Cape Lyra are taken care of relatively well. Most people are able to build themselves a comfortable life within the kingdom: human rights are there and decent, crime rates are low(ish) due to great security and any crime that is committed is judged by the queens council. Death penalty is relatively rare, though there are exceptions: Cerys' husband was executed for the kings death, Arthur will be executed if he re-enters the kingdom, etc.
^ the queens council consists of nobles, high guards (such as Kynes), influential merchants, and elected leaders of the outer villages.
There is a revolution brewing, or rumours of one at least. Many people have reason to revolt: guards that are disillusioned with only being stationed to protect the central kingdom... merchants that are reliant on trade between these outer villages... discontented nobles who own land outside of the central kingdom... the people from the outer villages that are dying because of the queens neglect.
You'll learn some more about a brewing revolution if you meet someone involved... until then, all you'll hear is rumours.
Another pressure point is Dawns succession to the throne. Cape Lyra has held tradition in the throne going to the eldest child for many years. A fair portion of the kingdom isn't happy with Dawn taking favour over Mara as the next to rule. Others trust the monarchy wholeheartedly.
if theres anything specific youd like me t touch on, dont be afraid to ask.
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darkscaleswriter · 5 months
⭐️⭐️ *Tosses stars at you for the ask game*
(ask for a director’s cut on any of my fics!)
!!! thank you for giving me the opportunity to ramble :D
SO for Write Our Names in the Wet Concrete, which I just updated a couple days ago so it's still very much on the mind, I have many many feelings about casey junior (as I'm sure anyone can tell lol I'm not subtle). specifically, I have many feelings about his relationship with his mom, bad future!cassandra jones.
I know there was some stuff from the rottmnt crew on the former bird site or something (?) about how cassandra died when casey was pretty young and he was mostly raised by future leo, but I personally do not subscribe to that. not for his backstory in wonitwc, at least. as much as i love dad leo, it's important to me that he's just as much a jones as he is a hamato, especially given that he uses the jones last name.
anyway, many thoughts about the wonitwc iteration of bad future!cassandra jones under the cut, bc i uh. definitely rambled haha ^.^
(also, important note: a lot of my characterization and backstory for cassandra is probably inspired - both consciously and not - by the mean teen fighting machines fic series by @radishhqueen, which is an absolutely incredible character exploration series for april and cassandra that made me fall in love with cassandra jones as a character. please go read it if you have a chance, it's SO good!!!)
so in wonitwc, after cassandra found casey as a baby and decided to raise him, she fully committed. it definitely wasn't an easy decision to take a step back from field work, but a baby is a 24/7 job, and the shift to handling the more organizational/admin side of the growing resistance (as mentioned in chapter 10) helped her feel less like she was costing the group by making others fight in her place. she never regretted that decision, but I think there were a few times she came close. maybe when a mission party would come back having lost someone because they didn't have enough eyes, maybe when a scout never returned after running into a trap that she knew she could've spotted.
as a parent, i think that cassandra was, honestly, not too different from what we see of her in the show lol. a bit more even-keeled with age, but still wholeheartedly committed to everything she put her mind to and not shy about it, which is why i find it extremely funny that casey somehow turned out a Good Kid (TM) who listens to authority (mostly) and respects his elders (unless theyre wrong). he's definitely got moments when his temper breaks, like when he yells at teen leo in the movie, but on the whole, his brand of feral is less… loud, i guess. not sure that's the best way to describe it but it's all my brain is coming up with right now haha.
part of casey's comparatively calmer personality can probably be attributed to the turtles and april, who also played large parts in raising him, but it's not like they're chill either. the final movie opening didn't get to really show this, but in the storyboards for a previous version of the movie's opening, it's shown that future leo has still retained a lot of teen leo's goofiness, though it's hard to say how much of that is performative. at any rate, i interpreted that as showing that the turtles were still themselves in the bad future, at least in some small part.
speaking of the turtles!! my general headcanon is that they and april informally adopt cassandra as family at some point in the future, and joke that she's a distant cousin since the hamato clan started as an offshoot of the foot clan. they get very emotional when cassandra decides to include "hamato" as part of casey junior's full name, which is a real whiplash moment from their reactions when she told them she was going to name him directly after herself lmao. anyway, casey junior grows up knowing that he's a part of the hamato clan, in name and spirit if not by blood.
cassandra was definitely grateful for the help raising casey junior, too. i don't think she ever really considered herself a single parent - raising casey was very much a team effort, even if she was his primary caregiver. cassandra is the only person that casey ever used a parental title for, though. i think she first started teaching casey to address the others by their titles out of ingrained tradition (foot clan was traditional in an oddly random assortment of ways lol) but then let him keep doing it bc it was funny. this does not help casey's Good Kid (TM) image haha.
cassandra's feelings on becoming a hamato, meanwhile, are initially mixed. on one hand, nothing brings people together like an external threat that's in the process of ending the world, so she's bonded a lot with the remaining members of the hamato clan in the apocalypse. on the other hand, she was still in the midst of finding herself after leaving the foot clan when the apocalypse hit, and the invasion triggered by her former cult definitely did not help with that. especially not when she had to put down the krang-infected foot brute and foot lieutenant. i debated taking that out, since it got darker than i expected, but it felt fitting for the tone of the chapter, so. sorry, cassandra :P
i think that cassandra's relationship with her sensei's was very much a "it didn't change anything, but it matters that the love was there" situation. they did terrible things, but they were her only family for a long time, and they cared about her. i don't think she ever fully reconciled with that. there's a reason she never really talked about them to casey junior, besides the fact that reminding people in the apocalypse that she was a former member of the clan that started said apocalypse by summoning the krang would've been a terrible idea.
but. there were times, especially when casey was little, that cassandra would catch herself wishing she could show him off to her senseis. the brute would let casey ride around on his shoulders while the lieutenant would teach him how to fold perfect origami. in another world, maybe those would've been casey junior's eccentric grandpas, visiting on alternate weekends to spoil him. fighting splinter for the position of "favorite grandparent," lol.
maybe something like that could happen far in the future of wonitwc, depending on how things go. we'll see!
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mouseymousey · 8 months
Kung Fu Panda Headcanon
I always see jokes on the internet that Po is the Dragon Warrior by chance, because he's a fast food worker, etc. I think the real reason he's the Dragon Warrior is because of his body mass, and when watching the movie from this perspective, everything seems to click into place. For one, Po first ends up in front of Grand Master Oogway because he was late, something that happened solely because he was unable to climb the stairs on his way to the temple. His love of Kung Fu and the Furious Five meant he still made it to the top, full of the dedication and commitment. Both his body type hindering his speed and his dedication to Kung Fu make him get to the temple at the exact right time to become the Dragon Warrior, even if he doesn't realize it then. Instead of giving up (even though he has had the chance to twice cow from the lack of accessibility AND the doors shutting him out), he builds a rocket system. This rocket system would have probably worked to get over the wall on a smaller person. He goes a good ways up and over the wall and picks up a lot of speed. However, he's too heavy, landing him in the center of the arena instead of an empty area in the back he could have quietly snuck into the crowd from. Again, his body mass and dedication were the main contributors to him becoming the Dragon Warrior. Think of Master Oogway. He's fast for a turtle, but knowing that most people in this universe take on characteristics of their animal counterparts (like birds with flight), he probably wasn't taken seriously as a fighter when he was younger, but he became a Grand Master anyway. Despite being looked down upon and not believed in, he became a wonderful and well-respected Kung Fu fighter. He also, due to his shell, was probably very skilled in defensive combat. This would be the main fighting techniques his predecessor would teach to Po, and his age (being an elder turtle) is probably why he believed in fate so strongly. Grand Master Oogway is very old, and he can tell when fate is in action or not from his years of wisdom and experience. Master Shifu, an opposite force to Oogway, is hyper and fast. He specializes in offensive combat. He doesn't respect Po because he is quick to judge him, but he's also quick to get over his first thoughts when he sees Po's natural skill. In the cookie scene, Po reaches Monkey's cookies on the top shelf in a matter of seconds. Having a bird as a father, Po probably had to learn to climb at a very early age up and down the shelving that his father could easily fly up. Ladders would break under his weight (even ones made for hogs), so he has to climb onto the shelves themselves. He's also a panda, meaning he should be able to climb up bamboo shoots, so he can climb up 13,000 feet. Po is the perfect Dragon Warrior because he is a being of perfect balance. He has equal offensive and defensive fighting techniques and a powerful dedication to his home, his people, and his art form. When Shifu is ready to retreat, he refuses to. During the final battle, Tai Lung attacks him swiftly. He's the fastest, faster than any opponent the Valley of Peace has, however, Po begins wholeheartedly laughing at his attack, leaving him confused. Po doesn't need to be quicker than Tai Lung because the punches are absorbed into his body fat. His agility allows him to go on both the offensive and defensive in a way no other animal could have archived in its lifetime. It leaves Tai Lung feeling out of place, confused, and dizzy. He has never fought an opponent like this. It's only then that Po pulls out his finishing move, something anyone else would have glanced over, but Po is a fanboy. He pulls out the Wuxi Finger Hold. He's both warn out his opponent and trained hard enough to pull it off. Every other person who learns Kung Fu in this universe specializes in one natural attribute and spends there whole life perfecting it, but Po was able and willing to learn from everyone he met, including those that didn't have lives tied to Kung Fu like his father. He's the perfect Dragon Warrior because of his range. :D
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gerbelx2000-blog · 11 months
Confession about P5
I am well aware of the crimes the Persona 5 villains committed. And I despise their actions wholeheartedly. I mean, you won’t see or hear me enjoying smut fanfics of dangerous people such as Jeffery D**mer, T*d B**dy, that elf rapist from SAO.
I just get tired of getting beaten over the head(even if they haven’t talked to me) over the fact that “Hey, this villain is BAD because he does BAD THINGS!” With not only tumblr post rants but also…UGH M-Rated fan fictions(like, SERIOUSLY can I get one piece where villains aren’t being assholes?!)
I’m a sucker for villain Headcanons(like Kamoshida being bisexual for example) and redemptions. I just like seeing new stuff that doesn’t involve hammering my skull with “X is bad! Y is good!”
Villains being evil for the sake of being evil isn’t always good writing. In fact, it’s often times lazy writing.
Also there is unseen footage of Kamoshida’s backstory as to how he got to be the bastard that he is. Sum up: He wasn’t always this predatory or this arrogant, in fact he was just nervous and just wanted a friend who can understand them. If only he had time to get therapy, then maybe he wouldn’t be so horrible. But sadly Atlus wouldn’t want that in their M-Rated Game.
This isn’t me being a criminal apologist, kids shouldn’t be raped or physically assaulted, extorted, or other harmful ways. But I just get tired of villains being nothing more than a fuel for the character’s and other Internet people’s fiery rage.
(I don’t want to get into heated debates involving this topic. I just like to say my opinion)
Sorry for my rambling. I’m sorry if it’s bad.
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evansbby · 3 months
OH MY GOD MENS ICKSSS- like there are few for me but when i get them its like an allergic reaction!
- when they do those internet dances FUCK ICK!! like the Dab or something fuck. (Except for that one video where benedict cucumber did it cyz that... that confused me. that made me produce an egg. NEXT.)
-slippers... idfk... sandals. mens toes are ew. with the fucking long hair on their toes and theyre so UNAPOLOGETIC about how thick and fat their toes are fucking GAG.
- when they flip their coat/shirt collars up (except for benedict as sherlock??? shit. AGAIN IDK WHY i might have to look into this and self refect.)
- when they have those super unfunny group chats with their friends where they talk as if theyre all geniuses ahead of the game wtf why do all men have those group chats??? and its never funny??? but they think it is??? everytime i catch a glimpse of it im like bitch the fuck 😭 im funnier than that surely. and they sound so fucking dumb everytime but PROUD. ick vicky wicky.
- when they cant deal with standing in lines. its like theyre too cool for it. bro no, you don't clean ur nails, stand in line like a normal human being and accept the shame u weirdly associate with being patient.
- when men barely talk to their children during family outings... thats just asking for me to commit a hate crime. not even an ick.
- cartoon shirts... anime shirts... quote shirts... id rather they wear banana patterns t shirts or something like... ITS FINE WHEN IM UNINTERESTED IN THE DUDE but like after fhat i cant help but look at it and wonder... "doth he hentai?" and then "is thee childish???" and then it makes me hate myself because im judging them way to hard and its double damage. coz im ick with him and ick with myself 😔
- SMOKING which is less icky then FUCKING VAPING WHAT. Both gives me loser vibes fucking pupping in a desolate corner every hour, begging for a light maybe. standing around awkwardly with people and delighting in your addiction. the whole thing is super mega ducky ick. Like WHY??? (the only exception is tommy shelby and sherlock- SPECIFICALLY the fictional characters. I saw benedict on the streets once and phsically cringed and crossed the street i wish i was joking thats how bad my ick was.)
- Long hair. no no i know some guys apparently look hot in it but i dont SEE it and i REFUSE TO BELIEVE IT. i had to INVESTIGATE for years why people found harry styles hot and had to cover the sides of his head with my hands to see him in short hair to understand he had potential. not. one. guy. with long hair looks hot. nope. even daemon i was like hUh? until he showed up in that one ep with short hair and i was like 🤤 Papa? Be my uncle ❤️ then his L'Oreal hair came back and he looked like a 🐴
- guys who try to be fashionable but they just look so shit. with the fuckin berets and big leather pants and vests and gun harneses 🙂‍↕️ my guy u look like what invented delete. like some dudes can do the shit out of and it just works but my guy... a clean shirt and some black trousers...
- guy sending sexy selfies... like who r u pouting for my dude 😭 just smile please 🤌✨
idk if these are icks but i felt these to my soul 🥹 im sorry its long i just had to get it off my chest HAHAH
luv u xoxo
oh wow bestie this is some list!!!
if by internet dances you mean like the tiktok dances then yes i wholeheartedly agree.. my man should ONLY have a tiktok for watching purposes. if he posts a thirst trap or him dancing to some trending song then that's it, he's not my man anymore lmfaoo. like that's so CRINGE tiktok dances are for the girlies!!! my man needs to have minimal social media presence hehe.
i kinda agree with the sandals one but i don't mind when men wear sliders sometimes in a casual way haha.
boys group chats are the worst most misogynistic cesspools of debauchery ever like truly boys are SO LAME when with their dumb friends so agree with that one.
i've never met a man who can't deal with standing in lines lol but tbh I HAVE ZERO PATIENCE therefore i myself hate standing in lines lmfaooo so my man would have to be the opposite of me. although i understand this one so this isn't an ick for me.
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Movie Review | Demonoid (Zacarias, 1981)
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The fact is, people going into an R-rated ‘80s horror movie can expect two things with reasonable certainty: blood and gore, and T&A. Okay, that was four things. Violence and sex. That’s two things. Unless you’re keeping a running count, in which it’s six. But those are things that the opening scene of Demonoid delivers. We see a bunch of people in yellow hooded robes fighting each other. (The costumes look like if the KKK had a mishap on laundry day.) Turns out one of them is a lady, so the other two tear her robe open to reveal her breasts, and then lop off her hand and put it in a fancy hand-shaped box. (It’s not clear why they tore her robe open if they were just gonna lop off her hand, but whatever, I’m not complaining.) Now, I hope you got your fill of violence and sex with that one scene, because those are two things the movie never delivers on again. Okay, there’s a bit of blood here and there, but nowhere in the quantities the opening scene might have primed you for. As you can guess from the description, that opening scene is metal as fuck. The flashes of (presumably) the titular demonoid, seen in silhouette against a foggy background that the movie throws in during choice moments? Pretty metal too. The rest of the movie? About as metal as, I dunno, Air Supply? Seals and Crofts? Not very, is what I’m saying.
Now, after that opening scene, we flash forward to present day, when a husband and wife explorer team find that hand-shaped box in a mine and foolishly unleash its reign of terror into the world. The husband is played by Roy Jenson, who looks like he could play Jess Franco in a TV biopic, likely one without any nudity, so we’d get lots of scenes of him adjusting his zoom lens and maybe a few where he hugs the Lina Romay lookalike they hired. The wife is played by Samantha Eggar, who most will recognize as the stand-in for David Cronenberg’s crazy ex-wife in The Brood. Here she is not so crazy, but is certainly a welcome presence as she brings a certain level of class and poise to a movie about a killer hand. She’s also a welcome presence because she has nice marble-shaped eyes which come in handy during her many reaction shots, and sports terrific hats in a couple of scenes. Jenson doesn’t stick around too long in the movie (although not before he runs into Haji of Faster Pussycat! Kill! Kill! fame), so Eggar enlists the help of a priest played by Stuart Whitman, who brings an off-brand Father Karras energy to the role. (I know of Whitman because of his role in Guyana: Cult of the Damned, a movie I haven’t seen but is cited as the premier dictatorsploitation movie in Bill Landis’ Sleazoid Express. The only movie in the genre I’ve seen is Amin: The Rise and Fall, which is very boring but has a convincing Idi Amin in Joseph Olita. The most memorable scene has him boasting of his romantic prowess. "Let me tell you, I'm the world's greatest lover. They all want Amin! Right, baby?") It’s mentioned that the hand is trying to make it’s way to Eggar, but the decisions it makes don’t line up too clearly with that objective.
As I mentioned earlier, this is a movie about a killer hand, or rather, a series of killer hands as the spirit of the hand jumps from one host to the next. What this means is that we get a lot of hand-centric scenes of horror, like characters tearing off their hands with a car door or demanding emergency surgery at gunpoint to have their hand sliced off. (I assume the latter scene takes place at a clinic that specializes in hand surgery.) A lot of this is directed with the lowest energy imaginable, giving such scenes an amusing deadpan quality. There is however a car chase that the movie commits wholeheartedly to, blaring dramatic chase music (the wah wah pedal gets plenty of use), and the climax, set in a church with the lights turned down and a bit of a breeze coming in, is not without atmosphere. And it must be said that the hand effects look nicer than one might expect.
Listen, this is eighty minutes long and available in a nice transfer on Tubi. If you can get on its low wattage wavelength, you won’t miss those eighty minutes.
Thanks to  @thedrillerkiller​ for the recommendation!
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romeokenton · 2 years
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Name: Romeo Kenton  Nickname(s): Ro Age: 35 DOB: December 29th  Gender Identity: Male Sexual Orientation: Homosexual Relationship Status: Single Occupation: Masseur/Staff Member at the Haus Kinks: casual sex, dirty talk, orgasm control, exhibitionism, restraints, breath play Anti-Kinks:  fisting, scat, gore, vore, watersports, vomit
& Appearance
Face Claim: Andrew Garfield  Height: 5′10″ Hair Color: Dark Brown Eye Color: Brown   Tattoos/Piercings: he has one of his ears pierced, though he doesn’t often wear jewelry in it; several cryptid tattoos across his forearms (he’s got mothman, the loch ness monster, bigfoot, the fresno nightcrawler, and a few lil ghosts for the hell of it) 
& Personality
Negative Personality Traits: nosey, talkative, easily bored, commitment-phobic Positive Personality Traits: curious, enthusiastic, personable, adaptable, creative
He is generally charming and enjoys meeting people and learning new things, though it takes a lot for things to remain in the forefront of his mind. He can be a bit scatter-brained and he talks more than he should, he’s a fast learner who is very good at what he sets his mind to. He has a bad habit of rushing into relationships and leaving them just as quickly, much like he treats most things in life. Being tied to something makes him feel restless and uncomfortable. He can be a bit bossy when it comes to areas that he considers his expertise - this also carries over into the bedroom, though he can be convinced to tone it down. Especially for work purposes. 
& Background
Growing up, Romeo and his mother never stayed one place for very long. She changed cities as often as she changed partners, and she was never one to fall in love. She loved him, he was sure of that, but he was an inconvenience and he quickly learned to stay out of the way. He was an independent kid - curious and confident - with a new interest every week and a knack for making friends even if they were never the kind that stuck around for long. 
He loved school and thew himself into it wholeheartedly even when his erratic living arrangements made it hard to keep up. Romeo was particularly passionate about science and theater, his boundless curiosity pushing him forward and making him one of the most engaged students a teacher could ask for. Sure, he never really bothered with homework unless it was interesting, but grades were not important to his mom nor were they to him. When he graduated, he was no closer to finding a direction for himself - a place to call home, a thing to claim as his specialty. Without the anchor of his mother to cling to, he was a whole new kind of adrift. 
Romeo did a little bit of everything - college for a few months, then he tried acting, learned a few instruments, worked in retail and food service. He went from the usual to the more unorthodox, never settling into one thing or another. State to state, job to job, fling to fling - he stayed until something else peaked his interest more. 
He stumbled into a career as a masseur while out in California. Drawn to the beautiful beaches and the opportunity to be something - someone - important, Romeo fell in love with the place immediately. He was, however, less in love with the price tag. He was fortunate enough to find a good deal for an apartment with a few roommates, one of which was already a masseuse and introduced him to the industry. Ever the quick learner, he mastered the profession with ease, going above and beyond for his clients when they desired. Who was he to deny them a happy ending? What his employer didn’t know (didn’t acknowledge officially, more like) wouldn’t hurt them. 
One of his frequent clients - a producer on a few smaller television shows - took a liking to him personally and before he knew it their relationship was something more. He was moving out of his apartment and into the man’s within the span of a few months. Things were all downhill from there. It turned out his new beau wasn’t that great a partner and neither was Romeo with his lifetime of flaky attachments and ambiguous sense of self. Their fling went up in flames a few months after it started, leaving him back at square one. No, worse that square one. The only real good thing to come of it were connections; a few good reviews from satisfied customers went far when you knew the right people. 
Still restless and unsatisfied with his life - bound to nothing and no one after his boyfriend had ended things, the opportunity to live and work at a resort like the Haus of Perses seemed like as good an opportunity as any. Better than most. He accepted the offer without much thought, determined to make something good of it. 
& Random Headcanons 
He likes horror movies and cheesy documentaries. 
He’s afraid of needles and has gritted his teeth through all of his tattoos. 
He’s allergic to cats and dogs, unfortunately. Very sad about it. He considered getting a bird for a bit but that’s too much commitment. 
Romeo’s only met his father twice, he did not impress. As of now, he doesn’t have contact with any of his family members. His mother died a few years after he got out of high school. 
He’s kept a journal almost every day since he turned 22. It’s a good way to keep track of his whirlwind life and thoughts. For a little while he contemplated writing erotica and then gave up after about 80 pages. 
& Wanted Connections
friends: just some friends, everyone needs friends
past acquaintance/flings: he’s been many places and done many things, I think it’d be interesting for him to run into someone from his past. He doesn’t really consider his past much, preferring to leave it where it is and cut ties. Perhaps someone he was with briefly who did not appreciate it when he up and left without much warning.
regular clients
coworkers with benefits: fun off the clock
friendly competition: might as well make a game of seeing who can get more clients 
not so friendly coworkers: can’t get along with everyone
client who he doesn’t like/who doesn’t like him: perhaps they have one bad interaction, perhaps they continue to have interactions bc sometimes disliking ppl doesn’t mean the sex isn’t good 
pretty much anything and everything, honestly. I’m just excited to write with you all 
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ceohub · 1 year
Marketing Strategies for Small Businesses Mumbai- Marketing Insights from Successful CEOs and Entrepreneurs
In the fast-paced world of business, effective marketing strategies can be the key to success. Numerous accomplished CEOs and entrepreneurs have shared their invaluable marketing insights, shedding light on their journey to the top. In this blog post, we will explore seven essential marketing tips from industry leaders that can help your business thrive. From living the brand to finding the right name and beating larger competitors, these strategies are designed to give you a competitive edge. By incorporating these tips into your marketing approach, you can enhance your chances of success in today's highly competitive landscape.
Live the Brand 
When T-Mobile U.S. faced a crucial turnaround, they understood the significance of marketing in their revival. By bringing in John Legere, a marketing genius from AT&T, T-Mobile found their savior. Legere fully immersed himself in the brand's culture, going as far as wearing the same uniform as the store staff. This level of dedication resonated with employees and customers, playing a vital role in T-Mobile's success. The key takeaway here is to live the brand and embrace it wholeheartedly, as it creates a strong bond with your target audience.
Find the Right Name 
2. The power of a name should never be underestimated. Richard Branson, the renowned entrepreneur behind Virgin Group, stumbled upon the name "Virgin" during a casual conversation. Its attention-grabbing and versatile nature allowed the Virgin brand to venture into multiple industries successfully. Choosing a name that captures the essence of your brand and stands out from the crowd can be a crucial element in your marketing success. Take the time to brainstorm and select a name that represents your brand's unique identity.
Get Out of Failing Industries Early 
3. Recognizing when to cut your losses is a skill that can save businesses from prolonged struggles. Will Whitehorn, a former executive at Virgin Group, emphasizes the importance of swiftly abandoning failing projects. Many organizations make the mistake of persisting with ventures that are clearly not working, leading to significant losses in time, money, and resources. Virgin Group's decision to sell its music retail business before the industry's decline demonstrated their ability to identify potential pitfalls and act accordingly. Learn from their example and be willing to let go of failing ventures to focus on more promising opportunities.
Focus on Customers 
4. Being customer-centric goes beyond mere claims and requires genuine prioritization of your customers' needs. John Legere, during his tenure at T-Mobile, discovered that customers were frustrated with their experiences. To address this issue, he made it his mission to improve customer care. Legere personally listened to customer calls and ensured that every employee shared the same commitment to customer satisfaction. By putting the customer at the center of their operations, T-Mobile witnessed a remarkable turnaround, both in customer sentiment and financial performance. Always prioritize delivering exceptional customer experiences to foster loyalty and drive business growth.
Use Your Personality 
5. Authenticity and personality can make your brand stand out from the competition. Michael Dubin, the founder of Dollar Shave Club, understood this well. With a limited budget, Dubin starred in a YouTube ad that showcased his sense of humor and conveyed the brand's value proposition. This approach resonated with consumers, resulting in a dedicated following and ultimately leading to the company's acquisition by Unilever. Combining humor, vision, and a genuine connection with customers can create a powerful marketing strategy. Don't be afraid to let your brand's personality shine through in your marketing efforts.
Scrutinize Your Product 
6. Maintaining high-quality standards is crucial, particularly when dealing with expensive products or services. Zhang Xin, CEO of SOHO China, insists on personally scrutinizing construction sites to ensure the highest standards are upheld. This level of attention to detail and commitment to excellence helps safeguard the reputation of the brand and instills confidence in customers. By maintaining a relentless pursuit of perfection, businesses can differentiate themselves and gain a competitive edge. Invest in quality control processes and ensure that your products or services consistently meet or exceed customer expectations.
Beat the Big Guy 
7. Even as a small player in the market, it is possible to outmaneuver larger competitors. Bill McDermott, CEO of SAP, draws from his early entrepreneurial experience to offer advice. When he purchased a delicatessen as a teenager, he strategically introduced video games to compete with a nearby 7-Eleven store. By identifying what larger competitors are unable or unwilling to do, small businesses can leverage their agility and entrepreneurial spirit to gain an advantage. Find innovative ways to differentiate your brand, offer unique value propositions, and tap into underserved market segments to stand out from the competition.
Incorporating these marketing tips from successful CEOs and entrepreneurs can significantly impact the success of your business. By living the brand, choosing the right name, being customer-centric, using authenticity and personality, maintaining high-quality standards, and finding unique ways to outperform larger competitors, you can position your business for growth and outshine the competition. Remember, effective marketing strategies are key to achieving success in today's fiercely competitive business landscape. Embrace these tips, adapt them to your specific industry, and watch your business flourish.
“CEOHub.in” is a one of a kind web-portal targeting business users and facilitating the need to connect to like-minded businessmen/women to help network, expand your knowledge, learn from the success of others, attain new clients and tell others about your business.
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digikraf · 1 year
Digital Marketing Strategies for businesses Mumbai- Marketing Insights from Successful CEOs and Entrepreneurs
In the fast-paced world of business, effective marketing strategies can make all the difference between success and failure. Some of the most accomplished CEOs and entrepreneurs have shared their top marketing tips, offering valuable insights into their journey to the top. From living the brand to finding the right name, here are some key takeaways from these industry leaders.
Live the brand:
When T-Mobile U.S. was in dire need of a turnaround, they recognized the significance of marketing in their revival. They sought a marketing genius to lead the company and found it in John Legere, a veteran from AT&T. Legere embraced the role wholeheartedly by immersing himself in the brand's culture. He even started wearing the magenta-and-black uniform of store staff, emphasizing his commitment to the brand's identity. This level of dedication resonated with both employees and customers, and Legere's efforts played a vital role in T-Mobile's success.
Find the right name:
The power of a name should not be underestimated. Richard Branson, the renowned entrepreneur behind Virgin Group, stumbled upon the name "Virgin" during a casual conversation with friends. Its novelty and risqué nature made it attention-grabbing, while its versatility allowed the Virgin brand to venture into various industries. Choosing a name that captures the essence of your brand and stands out from the crowd can be a crucial element in marketing success.
Get out of failing industries early:
Recognizing when to cut your losses is a skill that can save businesses from prolonged struggles. Will Whitehorn, a former executive at Virgin Group, emphasizes the importance of swiftly abandoning failing projects. Many organizations make the mistake of persisting with ventures that are clearly not working, leading to significant losses in time, money, and resources. Virgin Group's decision to sell its music retail business before the industry's decline demonstrated their ability to identify potential pitfalls and act accordingly.
Focus on customers:
While many companies claim to be customer-centric, few truly prioritize their customers' needs. John Legere, during his tenure at T-Mobile, discovered that customers were frustrated with their experiences. To address this issue, he made it his mission to improve customer care. Legere personally listened to customer calls and ensured that every employee shared the same commitment to customer satisfaction. By putting the customer at the center of their operations, T-Mobile witnessed a remarkable turnaround, both in customer sentiment and financial performance.
Use your personality:
In marketing, authenticity and personality can set a brand apart from the competition. Michael Dubin, the founder of Dollar Shave Club, understood this well. With a limited budget, Dubin starred in a YouTube ad that showcased his sense of humor and conveyed the brand's value proposition. This approach resonated with consumers, resulting in a dedicated following and ultimately leading to the company's acquisition by Unilever. Combining humor, vision, and a genuine connection with customers can create a powerful marketing strategy.
Scrutinize your product:
Maintaining high-quality standards is paramount, particularly when dealing with expensive products or services. Zhang Xin, CEO of SOHO China, insists on personally scrutinizing construction sites, ensuring the highest standards are upheld. This level of attention to detail and commitment to excellence helps safeguard the reputation of the brand and instills confidence in customers. By maintaining a relentless pursuit of perfection, businesses can differentiate themselves and gain a competitive edge.
Beat the big guy:
Even as a small player in the market, it is possible to outmaneuver larger competitors. Bill McDermott, CEO of SAP, draws from his early entrepreneurial experience to offer advice. When he purchased a delicatessen as a teenager, he strategically introduced video games to compete with a nearby 7-Eleven store. By identifying what larger competitors are unable or unwilling to do, small businesses can leverage their agility and entrepreneurial spirit to gain an advantage.
In conclusion, these marketing tips from successful CEOs and entrepreneurs highlight the importance of living the brand, choosing the right name, being customer-centric, using authenticity and personality, maintaining high-quality standards, and finding unique ways to outperform larger competitors. By incorporating these strategies into their marketing approach, businesses can enhance their chances of success in today's competitive landscape.
Digikraf is360 degree Internet Marketing Agency in Thane providing digital services
Visit Us-https://www.digikraf.com/
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