#but he finds out the moms are also passionate about cooking and have the best tips on laundry detergent or grocery sales
logicalbookthief · 2 years
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Kazuki is literally wearing the mom sweater drip. When is he joining the brunch group
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kikyoupdates · 7 days
Otherworldly Attraction ⭑˚🔮⭑ 𝑎 𝑠𝑢𝑑𝑑𝑒𝑛 𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟
yandere!jjk x f!reader
yandere, reverse harem, isekai, jujutsu kaisen x fem!reader, slowburn, slowburn yandere
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You don't know how or why, but you've been isekai'd into the world of Jujutsu Kaisen. Although your first instinct is to stay away from the plot, you've been blessed with an abnormal amount of cursed energy, and for better or worse, you find yourself sucked into the storyline. You decide that you may as well use your newfound powers for the greater good, and if you're lucky, you might succeed in rewriting some of the characters' fates. But it turns out that your presence in this world is an even bigger deal than you first thought, and soon, everyone wants to make you theirs.
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The door slides open to reveal two students, a girl and a boy, sitting around a table while they eat their lunches. Itadori steps inside, still grinning widely, and their heads turn at the sound of his voice.
“Hey, guys! I just dropped by for lunch, if that’s okay. Oh, and I brought a friend! This is [Name],” he happily introduces. 
You’re too stunned by the fact that he just referred to you as his friend to process much else, and by that point, the two students have already stood up. 
“It’s nice to meet you, [Name],” the girl greets with a smile. “I’m Sasaki, a second-year.” 
“And I’m Iguchi, also a second-year,” the boy chimes in. 
Needless to say, you already know who they are, too. Even though it was indirect on their part, they’re largely the reason why Itadori ends up at Jujutsu High, thanks to the fateful events of a certain night spent on school grounds. 
At this point in time, Itadori has yet to give them Sukuna’s finger. You’re not sure exactly when it’ll happen, but there will probably be some warning signs, like Fushiguro showing up on campus to look for it. 
Still, for obvious reasons, you feel like you shouldn’t get too involved with these two. The plot is going to proceed normally, as it should. You’re worried that something might go wrong with your interference. It’s probably best if you keep your distance, and—
“Would you like to join the Occult Research Club?!” 
Yeah, you probably should’ve expected that. 
Itadori laughs. “Come on, guys. I didn’t bring her here to try and recruit her. I just wanted to introduce all three of you! I’m not sure if [Name]’s into that kind of stuff, anyways. It’s not really everyone’s thing.” 
“It’s true,” you nod. “I’m, uh, not that great with scary stuff…” 
“There’s nothing scary about the paranormal!” Sasaki insists. “It’s just interesting! Mysterious! Imagine what could be out there! Don’t you have a thirst for the unknown?” 
It’s precisely because I do know what’s out there that I’m scared…
“Sasaki, you’re coming on way too strong,” Iguchi chides. He turns to offer you a reassuring smile. “Don’t worry. We just can’t help but get excited when new people show up to our club room, but we know this kind of thing can’t be forced. You two are more than welcome to stay here during lunch.”
To some extent, you can’t help but feel a bit bad, because you know how passionate they are, and soon, Itadori won’t be around to keep them company anymore. He has no choice but to go to Jujutsu High. It’s his fate as the protagonist of this world. 
You know you can’t possibly be a substitute for someone as irreplaceable as Itadori, but once all the craziness with Sukuna’s finger passes, you’d be happy to be their friend, if they’ll have you.
“Ooh, your lunch looks really good, [Name],” Itadori remarks once you sit down and unpack your bento box.
“Thanks,” you smile. “I’ve been cooking for a while. My mom cooks too, but I just got used to making food for myself. The process helps me take my mind off things. It’s kind of therapeutic, in a way.” 
Seeing as being sucked into a fictional world is kind of—or rather, really fucking insane, it’s safe to say that you cooked up a storm when you got home yesterday. You packed up most of the leftovers for lunch today, so the food didn’t go to waste, but still. You ended up emptying a good portion of the fridge.
Itadori takes a big bite out of his onigiri, but he keeps eyeing your lunch all the while, so you chuckle and push the bento box closer to him.
“Go ahead,” you encourage. “You can have some if you want.” 
“Can I really?” he blinks, a few pieces of rice stuck to his cheek. It’s kind of ridiculous how adorable this guy is. You have the sudden urge to pull him into your arms and give him a big squeeze, but mercifully, your intrusive thoughts don’t win. 
“Of course. I packed plenty, so I can afford to share.”
“Oh—wait, but earlier, I was saying that I’d be the one to treat you! I can’t just eat your lunch! I still owe you big-time for what I did to you!” 
Itadori firmly shakes his head in refusal, then crosses his arms and makes an attempt at what you can only assume is meant to be a stern expression. But again, he’s so ridiculously cute that it’s a bit hard to take him seriously. 
Sasaki arches a brow. “What did you do to her?” 
“I, uh, may have hit her in the face with a soccer ball,” Itadori replies, shamefully shrinking in on himself.
He is literally baby. 
“Why would you do that?” Iguchi gapes. “Come to think of it, her nose is a little bruised…” 
“It obviously wasn’t on purpose!” Itadori protests. He turns towards you with an imploring expression. “[Name], I promise it wasn’t on purpose. I swear I would never do something like that!” 
You chuckle softly. “I know you wouldn’t. You definitely don’t seem like that kind of guy.”
Itadori lets out a sigh of relief and resumes munching on his onigiri. Meanwhile, Sasaki stares at you from across the table. 
“So… [Name],” she says. “You’re a first-year like Itadori, I’m assuming?” 
“I’ve never really seen you around.” 
“I’m a new student. I only just transferred in.” 
She pauses for a few moments, and you can see her eyes glistening with excitement. “So, that must mean you haven’t joined any clubs yet, right?” 
“Sasaki, not this again,” Iguchi sighs. 
“I’m telling you! Not everyone is drawn to the occult right away. It takes trial and error to figure out if it’s something you’re actually interested in. I’m not saying she has to join our club or anything. But while she’s here, she should at least dip her toes in, right?” 
Before Iguchi can protest on your behalf again, Sasaki grabs a large board from one of the bookshelves and turns towards you with a mischievous grin. 
“...you’ve heard of Kokkuri, right?” 
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After school, Itadori stops by your classroom. 
“Hey, [Name],” he beams. “Thanks for hanging out with all of us during lunch. It was a lot of fun. Hopefully that game of Kokkuri didn’t freak you out too much.”
“I had fun too,” you nod. Truthfully, you’ve never really been fazed by this kind of stuff. Horror movies and the like don’t often get much of a reaction out of you. You never bought into ghosts or vengeful spirits. Well, not in the real world at least.
Unfortunately, in this world, there’s plenty of freaky shit to go around. 
“It means a lot to those guys,” Itadori says, a tinge of sadness to his smile. “We’re the only people in the school that seem to have an interest in the occult. I signed up for it because I thought it’d be fun, but we just barely meet the three-member minimum. Thanks for going along with it to make them happy, even if it’s not really your kind of thing.” 
“There’s no need to thank me. I know I said I wasn’t crazy about scary stuff, but I actually ended up having a good time. I’m glad you invited me to hang out with you guys,” you smile. 
Itadori returns your smile with one of his own—seriously, he’s almost always smiling, but you certainly don’t mind—and before you realize it, a phone has been placed into your hand. 
You blink. “What’s this?” 
“My phone,” Itadori replies, still smiling.
“Um, I mean, I know that, but why’d you give it to me?” 
“So you can give me your number. That way it’ll be easier for us to stay in touch!” He pauses, just for a moment, to frown. “Oh, but I guess I should’ve asked if you were okay with it first. I got a little ahead of myself. Would it be cool if we exchanged numbers?” 
By some miracle, you manage to reign in your excitement, and instead of hardcore fangirling and squealing out at the top of your lungs, you just nod. 
“Sure thing,” you say, trying to play it cool. Still, despite your best efforts to act indifferent, your fingers are trembling as you pull out your own phone and refer to the number you have saved in a notes app (because you definitely haven’t memorized it within less than a day of being here). Once you’re finished inputting your number, you pass your phone over to Itadori so he can do the same.
And just like that, you have a new contact saved. Itadori Yuji. He even added a little smiley-face at the end of his name. God, he’s so fucking cute. 
“Sweet!” Itadori grins. “Thanks, [Name]. I’ll be sure to text you lots! Sorry I can’t really stick around much longer. I just wanted to stop by real quick before I left to go visit my gramps at the hospital.” 
Right. His grandfather. A point deep in your stomach throbs uncomfortably, and you’re hit by a sudden wave of guilt. It feels awful to know that his grandfather’s end is rapidly approaching. It feels awful to know that you can’t change it, or even warn him. All you can do is feign ignorance and hope that he enjoys these fleeting moments while they last. 
You muster up a smile. “I hope you have a nice day with your grandpa. Feel free to text me whenever.”
“Will do! See ya!” 
Itadori waves you off, every bit as cheerful as always. Yet another thing that causes you immense guilt is the knowledge that his happy days won’t last forever. Soon, he’ll be thrown into a dark, sinister world that teems with death. A world that, in your opinion, is far too harsh for such a gentle soul. 
Unfortunately, there’s nothing you can do about that. Fate will run its course, and you must simply stand by and let it happen. 
Despite the nice day you had, your spirits are admittedly a bit low as you trudge home, having to consult Oogle Maps in order to find your way around. After being injured yesterday, the nurse called your parents to inform them of what had happened, and your mom came by to pick you up. This is technically your first time finding your way home by yourself. It’s not just a new school you need time getting used to, but a new home, a new city, a new world… all of it is bound to get a little overwhelming at times.
You wish you could say you’re completely aware of your surroundings, but that’s far from the truth. Every so often, you have to stop and squint towards the street signs to make sure you’re heading the right way. Jujutsu Kaisen is set in a fictional world, of course, but it’s a world modeled off the real world, and there’s plenty of similarities. This version of Japan is every bit as busy as the real one, for instance. Which is why you keep getting swept up in the crowds and losing your sense of direction.
Still, it’s not rocket science. You can mostly figure out where you’re going. Oogle Maps is idiot-proof, after all. Well, sort of. 
But the fact remains that you’ve never wandered these streets before, and naturally, you’re as disoriented as anyone would be in a foreign place. Hence why you don’t notice him until it’s late. 
A man with long, black hair, who’s staring right at you. 
You get jerked around by the crowd of people hurrying home during rush-hour, enough that you end up tripping onto the sidewalk and falling onto your knees. Your socks only reach up to your calves, so unfortunately, your knees get scraped open and start bleeding. 
Man. Only two days into this isekai thing, and you just can’t seem to stop getting hurt. 
“...are you alright?” 
Some guy is speaking to you. Presumably, one of the bystanders that saw you trip. Your cheeks flush, because falling in public is one of the most embarrassing things that can happen, but you instinctively reach out to grab his hand anyway. 
At the same time, your gaze pans upwards, and his eyes meet yours. 
Oh, balls. 
That’s the most appropriate response you can think of. After all, the man you’ve just had the misfortune of running into is hardly the type to be your friend. He’s not like Itadori. He’s not one of the good guys. 
He is Geto Suguru. Or rather, the curse user that’s pretending to be him. The real Geto is long dead. He was killed by his former best friend, Gojo. 
Those scars on his forehead tell you everything you need to know. The curse user’s name is Kenjaku, and he is merely using Geto’s body as a vessel. As things stand, you’re probably the only person who knows his true identity.
Regardless, the details don’t matter right now.
You’re just really fucking scared. 
Kenjaku pulls you to your feet, and unlike with Itadori, when you wished you could keep holding his hand forever, this time, you pull away viscerally fast, as if you’ve just been splashed with hot oil. 
Naturally, Kenjaku notices. 
“You didn’t answer my question, miss,” he chuckles, a cunning smile spreading across his lips. “I asked if you were alright. You took quite a tumble there. It must have hurt.” 
“I-I’m fine,” you reply, praying your fear isn’t absurdly obvious. You need to stay calm. There’s no reason why an ordinary person would be afraid of him, and if you let it show, he’ll know something’s up. 
“Your knees are bleeding,” Kenjaku points out. He leans closer to you, and you swear your heart nearly explodes. His dark, thin eyes are even more eerie from up close. “And you look like you just saw a ghost. I admit, I’m a bit worried.”
That’s bullshit if you’ve ever heard it, but nevertheless, you can’t allow your expression to crumble. There’s no reason for him to kill you out in public like this. Unlike cursed spirits, people can see him. He won’t risk drawing that kind of attention to himself. 
“I’m just… socially awkward,” you say, chuckling shyly for added effect. “And, uh, I’m not good at talking to handsome guys like you. I get nervous.” 
To be honest, what you just said isn’t even a total lie. Sadly. 
Kenjaku stares at you in silence for a few moments, then smiles yet again, his eyes crinkling at the corners. 
“I’m flattered by your words,” he muses. “Well, just be careful not to trip again. You got off with a small injury this time, but if you’re not careful, it could be a lot worse. And nobody likes to hurt, do they?” 
It’s hard to tell whether or not that was meant to be a thinly-veiled threat, but you have no intention of sticking around to find out. 
“Thank you for your help, mister. I appreciate it.” 
You hastily bow to him, then waste no time before speed-walking away. The further you get, the easier it is to breathe.
But since you’re too scared to look back over your shoulder, you don’t realize that Kenjaku is still staring at you with a contemplative look on his face. 
He hums to himself. “So much cursed energy. Is she a sorcerer? But something about her seems strange. I just can’t put my finger on it.” 
Well, no matter. He’ll leave you in peace for now. He can’t very well attack you in broad daylight, and he doesn’t even know if you pose a threat. There are far too many variables to consider. 
Besides, something tells him that this won’t be your last meeting. 
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queenie-avenue · 10 months
Can I go where you go?
—> Domestic Jumin Han Headcanons with you!
↪ SFW, slightly suggestive at times, fluff, reader is not specified to be male nor female
🦋 ⤻ archives.
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— Jumin always makes an effort to cook breakfast for you, even if he has a chef. His mornings are one of the only times he gets to fully spend time with you, so he makes sure he cherishes and takes full advantage of that time.
— Doesn't mind getting called Cat Mom/Dad after getting together with you because technically, you are also Elizabeth's Cat Mom/Dad which means both of you are married and have a child. (I feel like he would think like that, idk why.)
— Loves doing chores with you.
— If you are doing dishes on their own, he will make sure to wrap his arms around your waist and sway a bit and kiss your neck sweetly.
— Jumin makes a big effort to know about your interests. If you like anime, they will make sure to watch the summaries on YouTube of their favourite anime everytime a new episode comes out. If you like painting, they will learn about the best museums to bring you to.
— Loves when you dress traditionally.
— Will buy a vinyl and various disks with elegant music and play it every night. When both of you are in the mood, Jumin will invite you to dance and twirl you about softly while kissing you.
— His kisses normally follow the pattern of Hands —> Arms —> Shoulders —> Neck —> Jaw —> Cheeks —> Nose —> Forehead —> Lips. He makes sure to take a lot of time so you feel good.
— Although he loves the passionate kisses you give, he finds himself falling in love with you even more everytime you kiss and squeeze his hands at the same time. (BONUS POINTS FOR KISSES ON KNUCKLES)
— Dislikes it when you turn away from him in bed. He prefers sleeping while facing each other, cuddling too.
— A lot of different sleeping positions (not like that, get your mind out of the gutter): his head on your shoulders/heads/chest or your head on his chest. He especially likes when you cuddle closer if it's too cold and Bury yourself into his chest.
— Loves when you wash his hair in the bath or vice versa. (Inspired by that one wholesome reddit post. Does anyone know whether that couple is still together?)
— Likes to put his hand under your shirt to trace your spine, collarbone or any bones, really.
— His Favourite Nicknames for you are 'My Queen, Lover, Darling, Sweetheart.'
— You're the only one he allows to call Elizabeth, 'Elly'. He doesn't like to admit it but he also catches him calling Elizabeth 'Elly' at times.
— Loves to see you playing with Elizabeth.
— After a stressful day of work, he will silently drop everything at the door and bury his head into your chest.
— If he ever finds you crying, he will kiss and lick the tears from your eyes.
— Whenever he sees a photo of you on an online article or anywhere in the Media, he will complain that they cannot capture the 'True essence of your beauty.'
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davinashifts333 · 4 months
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⚫️summary; once again, first part to Hongjoong’s section in the new ATEEZ fics or requests I am taking, so REQUEST!!! & STREAM GOLDEN HOUR!! LET’s GOOOOO!! see all my fellow ATINY at the Arlington concert!!🩷🩷🩷
⚠️warnings; fluff, Joongie being Joongie, Ateez idiocies, craziness, some swearing, implied smut, etc. IF YOU’RE NOT 18, GTFO! disrespectfully.
-dating Kim HongJoong is also becoming a mother of 6 & a sister wife to Seonghwa.
-dating HongJoong means late nights where you walk around Han River with snacks from the 24hr convenience stores & chat about your days but also, early mornings for the days off he has & has planned a full day of activities for you two.
-dating HJ is like being his best kept secret but also his most prized possession, he is so protective & loving to you, it’s weird for the boys.
-dating Joong is being at his dorm as much as possible because once he had you? he never wanted to let go, he swore he hated skin-ship but with you? nahhh. that was out the door.
-dating Joongie is like having a boyfriend, husband, best friend & confidant all in one because he is so respectful & sweet but also so serious & dominating that it sometimes scares you how quickly his personality can switch. (but it’s also hot asf because Captain?)
-dating HongJoong is being BumJoong’s bestie & little sister, when HongJoong is off on tour? you best believe BumJoong, momma Kim & anyone from HongJoong’s family is calling you & visiting you to make sure you’re doing well.
-some nicknames he would call you based on his initial vibe/aura & personality seen on camera; Baby, Babydoll, Love, Sweetheart, Darling, Little one (because he finally found someone smaller than him), Beautiful, Dove, etc.
-dating HJ is moving fast but it feeling right? like a month in & he’s flying you out to Seoul to visit him or coming to visit you (if his schedule permits because baby boy is BUSY).
-being HongJoong’s girlfriend means also being his true right hand, the person he wants to learn about everyday, the girl of his dreams, the one who he asks for advice all the time but ultimately protects with his life & the best part of all, the person who sees his true self & softest parts of him & his personality.
-dating Joongie is meeting his family early on & going on vacations with them but also becoming so close with his mom he just sits & pouts that you’re stealing her from him & Eomma Kim is stealing you from him too.
-you & Eomma Kim cooking for the fam & her loving you so much because you remind her of a young version of herself (be that you’re foreign or not, she find attributes about you so calming & similar to hers).
-dating HongJoong is a blessing & curse st the same time, let’s be real this man is a Scorpio, he is DEMANDING. but, also the sweetest & most sensitive & emotionally open person you know, he truly understands the beauty of the world, of people & is driven by passion so, if you are similar to him? he would be most grateful because he would feel so understood & like he could truly open up to you.
-dating HJ means truly learning the deepest parts of his soul, his drive, his motivation, his passion & the reasons behind all of them. him showing you & teaching you the way he sees the world through his eyes & loving that you understand & see it the same way.
-soft launching on your IG & the ATEEZ acc because you’re also a musician/artist/producer/singer (whatever) & you do a challenge with him & some other members.
-being his girlfriend would mean also being the group’s baby sister, each member loving you for a different reason & you often hang out with them but, yes your boyfriend/future husband gets jealous so he steals you away & keeps you to himself. (we all know this man is jealous, be for fucking real).
-“Ya! Jagi, why are you with Wooyoung & not me? Am I not enough for you? Wooyoungie, go away, she’s mine.” & so he does, San is already waiting for Woo in the living room of HongJoong’s dorm so you both can have alone time in his room.
-“Don’t worry, we don’t love Y/n at allll. It’s not like she’s OUR friend too.” Woo yells back as he walks off to steal Joong’s snacks he has “hidden”.
-you laughing the whole way Joong drags you to his room.
-Joong being a complete baby & softie with you despite the persona/front he puts on for the cameras.
-ATINY loving that they get to see this side through small snippets & stories on your IG/YouTube/Twitter/TikTok, etc.
-posting pics together & also him posting pics he’s taken of you on his camera/polaroid.
-being his muse, he literally has made 10’s of playlists & is working on songs that include things about you that only the members, him & you truly understand & know the meaning behind.
-being his all time biggest supporter, he DID meet you wearing a MATZ t-shirt so, it got him flustered & thinking about how you could he so calm while seeing him in person.
-yes you were ATINY before you dated, like dude, come on. who couldn’t love these 8 idiots.
-playfully arguing with Mingi over how you can’t choose between their rap styles because they’re so different & both so good.
-movie nights with the members where you & Joong end up sneaking off to be alone & they start hounding you both about not being able to keep it in your pants.
-he’s a passionate lover, so hidden marks, body to body, eye contact, multiple positions, etc. are for SURE his go to.
-he loves to be in control but whenever you do try to take control? it only riles him up more & has you walking funny for a few days after.
-your personality & aura is made up of leadership energy, dominance, bluntness, strength, etc. but, the real you is a soft & loving person, he is definitely the type to like someone like him, who looks so dark & scary on the outside but is truly just so intelligent, caring & creative as he is.
-dating Kim Hong Joong is like breathing underwater in a dream & no longer fearing anything, it’s like giving into your deepest & darkest desires & fighting no matter how hard the fight is. It’s like being worshipped & worshipping at the same time, it’s a push & pull of who loves who more but ultimately it’s so equal because you BOTH are so equal, it’s insane. It’s air in lungs that haven’t been able to take a full, clean & crisp breath in the longest time. It’s feeling so high & happy like you’re on cloud 9 24/7, 365.4 days a year & more.
-being his person, his lover, his best friend & future wife? is a dream written in the stars but only time could bring you closer. it’s poetry, passion & pain all in one but truly, a love so deep & understanding you could never consider it vain.
A/N: I AM SO EXCITED TO GET BACK INTO WRITING, I HAVE MISSED SPILLING MY THOUGHTS & IDEAS ONTO THIS BLOG. FELLOW TX ATINY, SEE YOU SOON, even if you don’t know who I really am (my real name is NOT Davina & you’ll never know the real me BUT) LET’s STREAM GOLDEN HOUR!! MI GENTE LATINA!! LET’s GOOOO!! also, i am so close to 200 followers & I’m so excited & curious why I have so many followers but!! let’s get to 200!! (i’m at 199 rn)
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seungbinbin · 1 year
stray kids interacting with their hispanic s/o’s family
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i had to take a trip back home and now that i’m here i’ve been thinking about how skz would be around a hispanic family so…here’s this!
chan who already looked up how to greet people and how to show respect in a hispanic household
chan who finds a way to understand your abuela’s instructions on how to set the table, even when it’s all in spanish
chan who will laugh and smile and entertain all your primos and primas that want to learn korean words or ask about his accent
chan who is quick to make friends with your mom, and promises to come around more often for a cafecito in the morning
minho who will dance with you even if he doesn’t know the song playing
minho who will try his best to keep up with the quick merengue beat playing loudly from the speakers
minho who’s a fast learner and starts spinning you around with a huge smile on his face because dance is his passion and a big part of your culture and it makes him happy
minho who gets stolen by your tías and they won’t give him back because “está bien guapo”
changbin who insists on getting there on time to make a good impression but doesn’t understand how hispanic time works so you get there before anything is even set up
changbin who has no problem being bossed around by your mom and does his best to help put everything where it needs to be
changbin who doesn’t refuse when your mom tells him to eat more, and it makes her smile so brightly
changbin who plays a la lucha libre with your little cousins, throwing them up in the air and making sure they don’t get hurt
hyunjin who immediately has your aunts complimenting him and touching his face just in case they gave him mal de ojo
hyunjin who gets comfortable around your family so quickly that they include him in the inner family chisme debrief
hyunjin who lets your little prima braid his hair and shows her how to draw all the pretty things she can think of
hyunjin who will take the time to learn how to pronounce the names of your family members, and will be patient while they learn how to pronounce his (they call him juan hyunjin and that’s fine!)
han who is immediately given a nickname by your family, and you have to explain that’s their way of accepting him
han who now knows to respond to “flaco” whenever he visits your family
han who is the only one that can calm the youngest primito down, and is happy to hold him so that the mom can go dance and enjoy herself
han who can only smile and blush and laugh when your abuela pinches his cheeks and coos at him “¡ay, mi nene guapo! ¡mi flaco!”
felix who insisted on bringing a dessert to the next family party, and spends weeks perfecting his flan
felix who has been learning spanish behind your back so he can sit and talk to your immigrant parents (“¡[y/n], tu novio habla puro español!”)
felix who is so interested in what and how your family cooks, asking for recipes so that he can make them for you at home
felix who insists on helping serve the food, and that it didn’t matter that he was “visita”
seungmin who brings beers for your dad because he’s a little scared of him and wants to make a good impression
seungmin who has been learning all the hispanic songs you have showed him, and joins in when it’s time to sing with the family
seungmin who is now known as “el que canta” and your family begs him to sing your favorite song every time
seungmin who is el novio favorito, gets added to the family group chat and included in the pictures
jeongin who is so stoked to find out that there’s double christmas in your household, but also confused because they celebrate on the 24th
jeongin who has the worst luck ever and gets the baby jesus from la rosca de reyes
jeongin who is suspiciously good at playing dominoes and you wonder if he practiced before coming over
jeongin who listens to the stories your tíos are telling, gasping at all the things they did when they were young and back in their home countries
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misslovasstuff · 7 months
Whole cake island arc has the best writing in one piece. The parallels between Sanji and his father, Luffy and Sanji’s mom, the representation of trauma down to the details of body language, the string of hope and intense emotions that follows it through. Sanji being brave enough to go back and face the nightmare he went through 13 years ago when he was just a kid, a kid that had to apologise for being born ‘weak’, a kid that went through heavy abuse and trauma and found his only comfort in his mom but not for long.
Sanji being afraid to risk his friend’s lives for himself but in the end he was stunned by their determination to save him regardless the dangers they could face.
Sanji staying to save his abusing family because of the morals and values he was raised by and because of his kind heart, because as Luffy said ‘that’s how you are.’
Sanji that didn’t make a whole 360* change of his personality when he realised Pudding’s true intentions but instead still treated her respectfully and even understood her feelings when he asked her if she has been fooling herself as well. He protects her until the end and doesn’t hold a strong grudge.
Sanji that could only find happiness there with his friends and got worried sick, pacing and smoking the hell of his cigarette worrying about them, even though he tried his best to push them away for their own good.
Sanji that couldn’t convince his captain that he’s spoiled, mean and a traitor because how could the kind cook that risks his life for all his friends ever be this cruel?
The moment that absolutely crushed me was when Luffy asked Sanji ‘what do you want?’. That cute blond is always putting a show of hiding his emotions and placing others before him so you can imagine the intensity of his emotions when he was asked this question and admitted that what he wanted the most right now was to get back to the sunny.
Themes of love which prove that it cannot be faked but only developed when one is true to another. We have pudding who had also gone through a difficult childhood, paralleling somehow Sanji’s struggle in fitting in and being called the ‘odd one out’. When she’s complimented for something she’s been ashamed of her whole life, her demeanour falls and it’s shocking for her to hear such a thing, especially from the men she’s trying to assassinate.
It’s surprising how well Pudding encrypts Sanji in the first meeting, describing him as a wonderful man, he has lovey-dovey eyes but he’s gentle, he has twirly eyebrows but he’s kind. Her falling in love with him was inevitable for they share the same passion of cooking, but also the same need to be accepted as they are.
I don’t trust anyone who doesn’t have this arc in their top 3 favourites because wow, this arc makes you cry, laugh, reflect and realise by seeing how Sanji made a step towards making peace with his past, realising that he can rely on his friends and not take everything upon himself to carry. Realising that he’s important, he’s enough, and that that kindness of his is a trait resembling a treasure to be kept sacred and loved forever more.
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lionlena · 6 months
Headcanon: How do they cook for you? (Pedro Pascal characters) 🥕🧑‍🍳🍓
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🍳 Joel Miller
Joel is not the best cook. Of course, he had to learn how to cook for Sarah, but he always kept things simple.
He is a supporter of one-pot meals. What he cooks for you is really delicious, but simple. There is no culinary madness about it. That's why Joel prefers it when you make dinner.
But it doesn't bother you anyway. Especially since Joel loves making breakfast for you. Whenever he can, he will get up earlier and make you a delicious breakfast: scrambled eggs, pancakes, waffles... Everything you like.
And if he finishes making breakfast and you're still asleep, he'll bring you breakfast in bed. He will kiss your forehead and whisper, "Get up, baby girl. I made you coffee and breakfast."
From time to time, Joel will also take you to your favorite little restaurant. This way neither of you has to cook and you can enjoy your time together.
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🍽️ Oberyn Martell
Cooking is the last skill he needs, which is why he can't cook. As a prince, he never had to worry about this. Food was always served to him on silver trays. Even when he was a warrior, he didn't have to worry about it.
Of course, if he and you find yourself in a wild desert, he can easily hunt something and roast it over a fire. He would never let his Queen starve to death.
However, you can't count on Oberyn to stand in the kitchen and prepare something for you.
On the other hand, you don't have to do this either. Just tell the servants what you want and your dish will be brought to you after a few minutes.
Oberyn loves to surprise you and organize picnics for you. By the river, in an oasis in the desert, in the gardens... Once he even organized an evening picnic for you on the roof of the palace.
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🌮 Javier Peña
Cooking isn't something he's great at. But he is a specialist in making drinks.
For most of his adult life, Javier learned to eat out or buy home-cooked meals.
However, it's not like Javier can't cook anything. There are a few special dishes that his mom taught him to make. And although Javier may feel insecure about his culinary skills at the beginning of your relationship, the longer you are together, the more willing he will be to prepare these dishes for you.
If you cook, you can always count on Javier to wash the dishes and clean the kitchen. After all, he doesn't want your beautiful nails to get damaged.
You just have to sit on the couch and enjoy the drink he prepares for you.
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🥞 Jack Daniels
This may come as a surprise, but Jack is very good at cooking. All because he was a mama's boy when he was a kid. He loved helping his mom in the kitchen and cooking with her.
Now he loves cooking for you and you can't help but admire how Jack transforms in the kitchen.
It's so cute to see him without a stetson and jacket, with his shirt sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and wearing an apron with the "Kiss the Cook" written on it.
Sometimes you just can't help yourself and hug him from behind and then steal a piece of carrot or sausage. You then hear his scolding voice: "Sugar, don't steal... Remember your manners."
But you know he's actually smiling and it doesn't bother him at all.
But what Jack does even better than dinner is... Cakes and desserts! You've never eaten such delicious muffins, desserts, croissants... Jack always watches with a wide smile as you eat these sweets, knowing full well that you will reward him later...
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🍴 Dave York
Dave doesn't cook, he doesn't even try to learn. He thinks you're better suited for it because you're a woman.
Don't get me wrong, Dave is not some fucking misogynist. He will support you in your career and support your passion and women's rights. He doesn't think that women are only good for cooking and bearing children, but... Dave grew up in a traditional home with a traditional division of roles. And he just never felt like cooking.
You don't even know if he's bad at it because he's just never tried it.
But that doesn't mean he doesn't help you with other household chores. Dave doesn't mind cleaning. In fact, he's actually really good at it, because it's part of his job (cleaning up the crime scene). He can also do laundry or iron his shirts without any problems, but... He stays away from the kitchen.
But that doesn't mean you have to cook all the time. If you don't feel like it, no problem. Dave will make sure to take you out to a restaurant or order takeout at least three times a week. You are his princess and he will never let you think otherwise.
Besides, the kitchen is sometimes not meant for cooking (if you know what I mean.)
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🍔 Frankie Morales
To say that Frankie is a disaster in the kitchen is an understatement. Frankie tries really hard, but he can burn anything... You never thought that somebody could burn scrambled eggs.
But he is a great helper in the kitchen. Nobody cuts vegetables as quickly and precisely as Frankie. To top it off, he never has a problem doing shopping for groceries. He doesn't even need a list. Just tell him what dish you want to make and he will know what to buy.
Frankie also knows all the best places to eat cheap and delicious food.
But surprisingly. Frankie is excellent at making barbecue. You don't understand how this is possible, but it is. And no one makes burgers as delicious as Frankie.
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🍲 Din Djarin
Din hardly cooks. Most often, he makes broth and always adds too few spices. Sometimes he will also roast what he hunt over the fire, but he doesn't care what he eats.
Years spent as a bounty hunter and many planets visited had taught him to eat anything. Literally everything. Sometimes you think Din's stomach is made of beskar too.
Unfortunately for you, Grogu also has some strange food preferences (like father like son). You've seen him eat a frog more than once! But he, like you, thinks that soup with live 'octopus' is not normal!
That's why you forced Din to add a kitchen to your little house on Nevarro.
"Yes, Din, we need a kitchen!"
And you like cooking, especially for Grogu, who always accompanies you in the kitchen, because this little one is always hungry. But Din appreciates your cooking too, and you know it when he sneaks up behind you while you're cooking and gives you a sweet kiss on the cheek.
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🥗 Marcus Pike
Marcus loves cooking for you! And he's great at it, he just needs to have time for it. He used to order takeaway food very often, but not because he didn't like cooking, because he didn't have time.
But since you became his wife, he slowed down, wanting to focus more on family life. Cooking is his form of love language.
Sometimes you even have to force him out of the kitchen and tell him that this time you will make dinner. But even then, Marcus will offer to help you with cleaning and washing the dishes.
Marcus loves experimenting in the kitchen. He doesn't always get everything right, but you always praise him because you love seeing his happy smile and his eyes shining with joy.
If you get pregnant, Marcus will fulfill your strangest kitchen whims.
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🧇 Javi G
Javi (like Oberyn) never had to learn to cook, he always had cooks or could afford expensive catering. However, Javi is not against cooking, especially if it makes you happy.
Just tell him what kind of dishes you like. Italian? Mexican? Chinese? No problem. Javi will hire a top chef to give him a cooking lesso.
Then he will proudly cook you your favorite dish. He will watch with impatience and nervousness as you take your first bite. When you tell him that something is delicious, Javi will go crazy with joy.
Of course, he won't finish with just one dish. After all this is Javi! Your hyperactive, passionate husband. So you can count on lots of interesting dishes cooked with love.
But of course Javi will also take you to expensive restaurants. Sometimes he just wants to spend more time with you and hold your hand while you wait for someone else to cook for you.
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For the first time, I am ready to cheat on my husband Oberyn with my husband Jack or with Marcus… Oberyn, don't look at me like that, if it weren't for the servants, we would eat fried scorpions every day…
Pernament tag list: @harriedandharassed
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wonderlandhour · 2 months
First Year Funfacts
Sebek goes quiet and peaceful in the rain, especially a good thunderstorm
Deuce knows a lot about tea and had a few custom blends that get mailed to him regularly
Ace has 3 siblings, two older brothers he calls Jack and Ocho and one younger sister named Regina. the sibling he has that no one ever really talks about his is decade older half sibling, Folly.
Sora refuses to eat most veggies cooked, stating he doesn't like them. his mom just boils them all so he doesn't like them cooked until he finds ash roasting some. his favorite veggies made by Ash are roasted brussel sprouts and sauteed asparagus.
Ash's favorite food is passion fruit in twisted wonderland. she'd never and fresh ones before but in TW it's slightly less sweet and has a naturally stronger flavor.
Sebek starts giving Sora one of his favorite apples every time they see each other and it takes Sora weeks to realize why he gets excited whenever he sees Sebek
Ash thinks it's absolutely hilarious that Sebek Pavloved Sora into liking him. this is what gets the verb form of Pavlov into TW.
Ortho is a giant parrot and likes to copy things he hears others say in the same way they said it.
he and Idia both hack into things to see who can do it faster for fun. on occasion Ortho has hacked into things for Ash. he will not do it for anyone else in their friend group.
Ace has called Jamil 'mom' and 'team mom' on more than one occasion. apparently it started with Floyd.
In a burst of anger at Azul once at club, Grim yelled at him 'you're not my dad!' Azul didn't let him forget about it for ages.
Grim only verbally admitted he considers Ash like a mom to him once, right after getting her back from her treatment at STYX. when edged on by Sebek and Ruggie, loudly states he will never see Malleus or Leona has a dad. But they're welcome to try and tempt him! (it's a ploy for fancy tuna)
Epel has also called Vil mom and finds it hilarious that Vil refuses to accept it when he responds to being referred to as mom without fail.
Jack howls sometimes to see who's where, forgetting that his friends are not wolves. however it doesn't stop them from answering. if they can hear him, Ortho, Epel, Deuce, and Sora all answer no matter what. about half the time Sebek, Ash, and Grim will answer. Ace only answers if he's by himself or no one can see him at that moment (he has the best howl out of everyone).
whenever Ash isn't in a mental position to take up leadership of their group, Ace steps up into that older sibling role seamlessly.
at the beginning of their second year, Ortho returns from summer break with a new body entirely, less robotic looking with more functions, and he looks about 14-15 in age. He's the one who designed his new body.
Ash is a minor sugar baby of the other housewardens and thoroughly enjoys it . . . with the exception of Vil and his need for her to have a giant expensive (in Ash's opinion) skin care routine (it's five things across morning and night).
Sebek once accidentally gave Ash an alcohol that's nearly indistinguishable from water that belongs to Lilia. as it turns out, ash has zero alcohol tolerance and spent the entire night as diasomnia giggling at Malleus for being pretty and looking for her faovrite people for cuddles. it ended in the biggest slumber party in NRC's history across pretty much every dorm. (she almost killed Sebek for the hangover.)
Grim can't cook for shit, he's burned water and has been banned from even attempting to cook at both Ramshackle and the main school building.
the others can tell if she went out with Malleus or Leona depending on if she comes back with beads in her hair or a new necklace. Ash cannot figure out for the life of her how they know who she's meeting up with before the date even happens though.
Epel has three piercings in his ears and one nose piercing he rarely wears since getting into NRC for minor fear of Vil giving him a lecture about them.
ear piercings for beastmen are pretty intimate because of how sensitive their ears are. Jack didn't have any before NRC, but got his first ones from Leona after his overblot. Ruggie also got his first piercings from Leona. The earrings in his ears are both a gift and a claim from the prince.
Deuce has a tongue piercing and no one finds out until the first time he and Ace kiss.
Sebek goes hard with a deep scary rumbling purr when you scratch his chin and upper neck of the scales along his back. he does not move when you do that either.
Sora is a pegsus beastman but pegasi have a lot of bird instincts compared to horses which means that the number of times he's perched on top of things and ended up scaring the shit out of people in very high. because he also goes completely quiet when he does that sometimes. Ortho almost shot him once when he scared the shit out of Idia and Ash threw a knife at him the first time he did that in the middle of the night.
one time when there was a small group of students from the Land of the Red Dragon visiting, they were highly impressed by Epel's fruit carving ability. he found of from them that the ability to peel a fruit as close to the peel as possible is seen as a test of how good of a wife a girl will be. it's also common though for parents to show their kids they care with peeled and cut fruit. it causes epel, who has a hard time saying how much people mean to him, to show it with platters of cut and peeled fruit.
if any of them need help or advice with life or relationships, they go to Ash. if any of them need history homework help, they go to Sebek. if they want math help they go to Ace. Ortho rarely ever helps them with homework since he considers it cheating since he has access to the literal internet.
Deuce knows a lot of random fun facts and spends a lot on audio books to listen to while running. he might not understand everything he listens to but he retains the information really well.
Sebek is austistic, Sora is ADHD, Deuce had both dyslexia and dyscalcula, Ash has PTSD and Depression. Ortho hallucinates things sometimes when he runs for too long without taking a sleep cycle (2.5 days. think low battery Baymax on steriods.) Grim has separation anxiety and some basic training as a therapy animal for all of them but mostly Ash. As the only 'normal' member of their group, Ace regularly complains about it but has never once turned them down when they need help.
Ace regularly forgets that Jack is also a 'normal' one because he's one of the quieter ones and doesn't talk about it. Ace will say no while actively helping you. Jack will show he cares in a softer way, solely with actions.
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ayeeedomino · 5 months
Ateez 9th member
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Roux’s dynamics with each member:
Roujoong: Hongjoong and Roux bonded over their shared love for music production and songwriting. They often spend late nights in the studio collaborating on new tracks, drawing inspiration from their diverse backgrounds to create music that resonates with fans worldwide. Also Hongjoong is constantly giving her tips on everything, if Seoghwa and Roux have a brother-sister relationship, what Hongjoong have with Roux is a literal dad-daughter relationship. He is quite protective of her.
Rohwa: Seonghwa is like a protective mother to Roux, always looking out for her and offering guidance. They share a love for traditional Korean culture and often explore the streets of Seoul together, trying out new foods and visiting historical landmarks. As a mom would do to her child, Seonghwa is constantly talking about life and the dangers, always making sure she is safe, and god forbids Roux get sick, he will be the one that will cook for her, bring her medication, make her company and all that.
Yunroux: Yunho and Roux have a golden retriever black cat dynamic, constantly teasing each other and engaging in friendly competition. They push each other to strive for greatness, whether it's during intense dance rehearsals or impromptu rap battles backstage. They also share a great friendship full of big hugs, tips about life, and funny moments.
Yeoroux: Yeosang and Roux share a quiet bond, often finding solace in each other's company during hectic schedules. They enjoy deep conversations about life, love, and the pursuit of their dreams, supporting each other through the ups and downs of idol life.
Sanoux: San and Roux share a fiery passion for performance, electrifying the stage with their dynamic energy and powerful stage presence. They often collaborate on choreography, pushing the boundaries of creativity and innovation with their electrifying dance routines. They are also very close since both of them are close to Wooyoung, often spending time together, or should I say, Roux third-wheeling 24/7.
Rouxi: Mingi and Roux are the same, just different genders. They both bond for their love for hip-hop and street dance. They often freestyle together, exchanging verses and moves as they express themselves through the art of music and dance. They are also very similar style wise. They are often wearing outfits from each other, overall a twin relationship really.
Youngroux: Wooyoung and Roux are the chaotic duo, always finding ways to make each other laugh and lighten the mood during stressful times. They enjoy exploring Seoul's nightlife together, dancing the night away and creating unforgettable memories. They share the same rumor, fans also love to say that Wooyoung is babygirl coded and Roux is daddy. They often play around each other and act together like they are 16, always making Hongjoong question why he made the decision to be a leader.
Roung: Jongho and Roux have a strong bond rooted in their shared dedication to their craft. They often support each other during vocal training sessions, offering constructive feedback and encouragement as they strive for vocal perfection. They are also the maknaes of the group.
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fishsticksloser · 2 years
Hello, Can i request rottmnt platonic hc of mom reader (she's co-parenting with splinter and they're relationship is platonic) and enjoys spending time with her teenager turtle kids?
Like she likes to talk about science stuff with Donnie, she praises leo and boost his confident, she sewing for raph teddy bears and cook with mikey.
But i guess her only down part is whenever she gets kidnap by anybody she immediately pull out her album and show her kids's pictures to other villains, mostly big mama, that's why the kids try to save her faster before their secrets are exposed 😂😂
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RotTMNT + fem!reader
Warnings: platonic fluff, movie stuff mentioned, vague mentions of nightmares and injuries
A/N: Could you imagine if they had a mom? Donnie and Mikey are 100% a mama's boys and you can't tell me different. Each parent gets a twin (me and my twin are much the same)
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Nicknames: DeeDee, Donato (the real name of the artist), Galileo, Aristotle, Archimedes, and much more.
You once called him Grimace when he was upset and he never forgave you
You are the only one allowed to hang out around Donnie's lab
You are the only one who listened to his info dumps
If the others actually listened, they might find it interesting
You might not understand all of what he's talking about, but seeing your son so passionate makes you so happy
You are the one he goes to when he has a nightmare
Donnie enjoys you singing him to sleep, its peaceful
It reminds him of when things weren't off the rails
He installed multiple trackers on you because last time you were kidnapped you showed Hypno pictures of the Turtle Tots
It made Hypno a little nicer, but there were some embarrassing memories
He once threatened to destroy your camera because of you showing the album to anyone near
Nicknames: Len, Lenny, Blue Belle, Cookie Monster, Ace, etc.
You are his biggest supporter
He goes to you when he needs help, when he's not feeling his best
When he was younger, he often bunked with you and Donnie
He just didn't like being away from his twin
He didn't come to you often when he was little
In fact, he doesn't go to you very often as a teen
Opting for Splinter
But you can't be everyone's favorite, you knew that Leo needs Splinter like Donnie needs you.
Leo isn't embarrassed by the pictures in the album, in fact he looks at it quite often
Nicknames: Lino, Angi, Michi, Goldie, Firecracker, Giorgione, Caravaggio, etc.
Cooking with Mikey was always a blast
He was energetic, but serious
Music would be playing while you 2 worked
You could also be found painting with Mikey
Whether it was on the walls of the skate rink or if it was on canvases in his room
Mikey always comes to you for advice
Splinter and his brothers have a tendency to underestimate and protect him, but he knows you won't
You were the person he ran to about his hands after he saved Leo
He cried, but you showed him how strong he was
How even with shaky hands, art can still be made
Why would he be embarrassed by the album? He helped make it
Nicknames: Rafa, Alfie, Ray, R.J., Bubs, Cuddles, etc.
You and Raph grew apart as he got older, but you still make him sweaters and outfits for his bears
He loves you, he just feels like being 17, he needs to stop relying on you and Splints
When he was younger, he would watch you make him teddy bears
You'd let him name them, write their names down on a heart shaped piece of fabric and place it inside (like Build-A-Bear)
He still had those bears
Although he didn't sleep with them in fear of destroying them,
They sit nicely on the shelf across from his bed
So they watch over him
Absolutely goes nuts when you get kidnapped, knowing you're probably showing whoever it is baby photos of him
He was a cute kid, but not everyone needs to see that!
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leadenn · 11 months
part four I think I don't fucking know I write I don't do math
Raph follows Shen around like a little duckling, all the boys do when she's home since she's gone most of the day, but Raph is basically her little shadow. She calls him that, she arrives home from work and locks the door behind her and she asks where her little shadow is. Then Raph, upon hearing her voice fucking barrels towards her at high speed and demands he be picked up. Mikey and Leo also demand hugs when she arrives home but Donnie would prefer a little pat on the head when she ccomes home.
She's very much a boy mom not in the weird gross way but as in she just loves her sons and gets dirty and gross playing with them bc they're four boys that live in the sewers eight months of the year. Also, post move into the sewers Shen doubles her budget for hygiene bc she can deal with being the crazy widow recluse lady with a cane but she REFUSES to also smell while being that lady.
The risk of being stinky is the only thing she doesn't like about her family life tho, like she adores her sons.
She spends time with Donnie by helping him learn (he often doesn't need help, but she knows he doesn't want to hurt her feelings by telling her that. Shen finds it very sweet) and reading to him. Tbh some of the books he asks her to get for him are beyond her understanding but anything to make her little genius happy. If he wants to listen to free lectures online about physics? She'll happily listen with him. She never wants him to lose interest in learning or feel embarrassed about his passion for science and learning. Despite their situation, she knows that her boy will do great things.
Leo and her read together, and it's things more within her area. History and literature. Sometimes Mikey joins them, but books are usually a Momma and Leo activity. He also is the most interested in their heritage. She's happy to answer any questions about history or folk tales from their culture, and the way his little eyes light up remind her of Yoshi back when they were kids and Shen would tell him and his disgrace of a "brother" stories from her books. She also notices he likes helping her and Yoshi care for his brothers but she never lets him think that it's his job. She does enjoy watching him play big brother though, it was adorable
Mikey has a giant imagination, and he loves to play pretend. He doesn't need to hear stories, because he prefers to tell them. He makes plays up, he makes little puppets out of things he finds around their home in the sewers, and he puts on shows. He likes books, but Shen thinks he'd be better at writing them than reading them. She's happy to encourage his creativity, and she'll always be his biggest fan. If he wants to write or make art as he grows, Shen will move heaven and earth to show how talented and bright her boy is. How? She doesn't know, but she'll do it.
Raph, her little shadow, is happy doing anything she does. He helps her with chores, he helps her cook, he asks her questions about people and what the surface was like, and despite how much he loved their home and family she could tell he wants more. So Shen and Yoshi did their best to give him everything. He loved ninjutsu, he loved playing with his brothers, he loved the books and movies Shen provided them, but he wanted more. As sweet as her little shadow is, he acted out because he wanted to have more than what was safe. It breaks Shen's heart, but there was nothing she could do to make the world a safe place for her boys. Most days, he's content to be Shen's little shadow and be a good student for Yoshi. Shen knew that this wouldn't go away with age.
Also I think Yoshi would assume Shen no longer loved him or felt attracted to him bc of how he looks and just stayed to help take care of their sons. That isn't the case and it takes several years for Yoshi to really accept that Shen loves him no matter what he looks like.
"Are you still 6'1 and muscular?" Shen asked him, and he stopped cutting the cucumbers for the smashed cucumber salad they were making. He had casually mentioned it being okay if Shen was uncomfortable around him. She had just let out a sigh of annoyance. Yoshi was confused, but nodded in reply. "Then don't worry." She said, leaning over and kissing his cheek.
"I love you." He said, because he felt as if he never said it enough. He didn't save their daughter. He didn't save Shen from getting injured to the point of disability. He was a giant rat. The only thing he's provided her in their marriage that he didn't eventually ruin was their sons. Yet she stayed with him, she loved him, she ran her hands through his fur, she kisses him many times a day, and she melted into his arms when he held her.
"I love you too, Yoshi." She said, leaning over to kiss him. She stopped, and glared at the cutting board. "And if you want me to continue loving you, you'll cut the cucumber slices correctly."
He smiles, and kisses her nose. She pokes his with her finger. He smiles wider.
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urnumber1star · 20 days
OC Deep Dive!
Thank you so much for the tag @sunset-a-story here!
I think I'll do two characters. I'll do the twins Talia and Ray because I don't talk about them enough despite them being main characters.
What uncommon/common fear do they have?
Talia: She hates deep water.
Ray: Abandonment.
Do they have any pet peeves?
Talia: Just rude people. She hates rude people with a passion.
Ray: Being interrupted while he's working on one of his bots or other inventions.
What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom?
Talia: Painting supplies scattered around, her bass, snacks
Ray: Every robot or piece of tech you can imagine, books, he and Talia's homework.
What do they notice first in a person?
Talia: Their attitude.
Ray: Their face.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance?
Talia: 7/10? She also goes out as a superhero along with Micheal so she does need a high pain tolerance.
Ray: 4/10. There's a reason he acts as tech support instead of actually fighting.
Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure?
Talia: Flight. If she thinks something is dangerous she will avoid it at all costs.
Ray: Fight. He's very good under pressure. He has a very strong protective instinct.
Do they come from a big family/are they a family person?
They're twins! It's just them and their mom and dad. And some other family members that don't live in the city.
What animal represents them best?
Talia: Dog- Loyalty, kinship, bravery, perseverance, happiness, protection, and reliability
Ray: Fox- Cunning, deceit, value to humankind, and wealth
What is a smell that they dislike?
Talia: Lemon. She just hates it. She hates anything lemon.
Ray: Oil. Which sucks for him because he works with it daily.
Have they broken any bones?
Talia: Yes. She was a really clumsy kid.
Ray: No. (Somehow)
How would a stranger likely describe them?
Talia: Very sweet and helpful.
Ray: Usually quiet unless the conversation had to do with something he's interested in.
Are they a night owl or a morning bird?
Talia: Night owl.
Ray Night owl.
What is a flavor they hate and a flavor they love?
Talia: She hates lemon but she loves watermelon.
Ray: He hates strawberries but loves chocolate.
Do they have any hobbies?
Talia: Painting, playing bass, reading
Ray: Making things, cooking (He's actually a very good cook)
Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprises?
Talia: Overjoyed and laughing.
Ray: Confused and suprised at first before smiling happily.
Do they like to wear jewelry?
Talia: Only rings and earrings.
Ray: Nope.
Do they have neat or messy handwriting?
Talia: Neat.
Ray: Neat.
Sorry this was so long haha. Gently tagging @kaylinalexanderbooks, @agirlandherquill, @melpomene-grey, @mysticstarlightduck +Anyone else who wants to!
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rocknrollbabe14 · 2 years
No Place For The Likes of You (Enjolras x Reader)
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WARNINGS: Sexual themes, sexual language, one night stand, drinking, premarital sex, oral sex (female receiving), missionary (unprotected sex), slight bondage?, creampie?, ANGST, death? If I left anything out, let me know.
Also, let me know if this warrants a second part?
Thank you to @josephs-quinns for my amazing header ❤️
One day your mother had tasked you with taking some food to your father and the others who were fighting for more rights for the French. There had been an uprising and your father took part in it, much to your mother’s dismay. Your father reminded you this was not a woman’s place. A revolution of this caliber was not a woman’s place. Her place was in the home: cooking, cleaning and having children. You were young but had yet to find a man to sweep you off your feet. Your father, of course, would have to approve. You’d been asked by a few men to be courted, however, they were not up to your father’s high standards. He only wanted the best for you. 
Tensions had significantly risen since then, especially since Enjolras had taken his place as the unspoken, charismatic leader of the Friends of the ABC, the revolutionaries your father had joined. Enjolras appeared to be very standoffish when you first met him. Sometimes you thought back to your first meeting with him. He looked you up and down, perhaps curious as to why you were in the local pub bringing your father and his fellow republicans food. Some of the men were talking about their love interests or wives back home, Enjolras immediately reminding them they did not have time for romance, no time to be lovesick schoolboys before explaining to them this wasn’t the place for the likes of them if they were going to worry more about women than the revolution.
His solution for romance was to replace it with a revolution. He was ignited with passion, something that drew you to him. He was willing to fight for his country, even vowing to fight to the death if that meant freedom. It was noble of him, but you couldn’t help to fear your father may meet that fate. Some nights, you’d lay in bed and think about him. You didn’t know anything about him other than his passion for freedom. There was something about him that made your heart skip a beat. It was clear he wasn’t looking for a lover or something serious. 
You both had shared some passing glances, his eyes following you as you left the room. There was no way you’d ever be able to tell him how he made you feel—he’d never be receptive to it. His mind was clear on what he wanted and a woman didn’t quite fit into that equation. It was the night before the planned attack, the day they said would go down in history. A lot of the men were asleep, Enjolras telling them to rest and that they had a big day ahead of them. You had come to tell your father you loved him. You feared it would be the last night you would see him alive.
Enjolras was outside, drinking. He looked as if he had a lot on his mind. You were sure he did. The shine in his brown eyes made it seem like he knew what tomorrow was going to bring. 
“Going home so soon?”, Enjolras asked, his speech slightly slurred from the amount of alcohol he had consumed.
His question caught you off guard, causing you to jump slightly before turning to meet his glance.
“Um, well, my mom is probably wondering where I am. It’s late.”, you rubbed your arm nervously. 
“Your father is a hell of a man.”
He edged closer to you, putting his cup up in the air before taking another sip, giving you a chance to admire his Adam’s apple as he swallowed.
You smiled easily. “Thank you, he’s always been very strong-willed.”
“I can see you take after him.”, Enjolras took another smaller sip from his wine.
A small smile spread across your lips, but all you could think about was the possibility your father wouldn’t return home. Your mother would be crushed, but she understood this was an important cause to your father. 
“Can I ask you something?”, Enjolras brought you out of your thoughts. 
“Of course.”
“Have you ever been with a man?”
His question took you aback. “I’m sorry?”
Enjolras inched closer to you, so close the aroma of alcohol tickled your nose. His brown eyes stared deeply into yours, seeing if you would falter the least little amount. You could almost feel his breath on you, it made your insides twist and turn. 
“Have you ever had a man ravish you? I’ve seen the way you look at me.”
You felt your cheeks growing hot. The air was cool, but your cheeks were warm. 
“I don’t know what you mean, Enjolras.” 
He smirked easily. “I’ve seen the way your eyes meet mine when you come to see your father. Like you want something…desire something.”, he hummed. 
“Perhaps I’m just curious about you.”, you match his tone. 
He smirked easily. “Why not let your curiosity get the best of you tonight?”
“Elaborate, Enjolras.”
He came closer to you, the sound of his inhale reaching your ear. “I may not be promised another day. Tomorrow may be my very last day, tomorrow I may die for freedom. Would you let me ravish you? Share this one last night together? Feeding both of our devilish desires?”
You had never been with a man before. His offer was bold, however, you admitted to yourself you had fantasized about him. You felt his free hand find your waist, fingertips touching the soft fabric of your dress. You felt his breath on your neck, an indication of just how close he was to you. But you also knew if you slept with him, you’d be committing an act of sin. You were supposed to wait until marriage. But how could you when the opportunity was right in front of you? Especially with a man who was the caliber of Enjolras.
“If my parents find out—”, your mouth was dry.
“They won’t find out, we can go up to my room. You just have to be quiet until we get there.”, he breathed.
You were quiet, pondering his offer. Enjolras was the epitome of what you wanted in a man, but you knew in the long run he wasn’t concerned with finding someone to settle down with. Not right now, not when there was a revolution. If he did live after tonight, what would become of you two? 
“What do you say, amour?”
He could tell there was some hesitation about his proposal. But you were ready to give in.
“I will, Enjolras.”, you breathed. 
A smile spread across his lips. He brought the cup of his wine up to your lips, the aroma instantly filling your nose. You had never drank. It wasn’t very becoming for a woman to drink alcohol. 
“Take a drink. It’ll help relax you......”
Your eyes looked to the side, just catching a glimpse of his arm. How Enjolras was causing you to come undone morally in just a matter of moments showed just how much of a hold, how much power he had over you.
“Okay.”, you breathed.
He tipped the cup, your mouth opened ever so slightly. You felt the liquid hit your tongue. It was sour but not the worst you had ever tasted. It tasted like grapes that had gone sour. You felt Enjolras watching you, seeing how much you could take. You were able to withstand more than you thought you would, Enjolras moving the cup away from your mouth. You swallowed your last drink, taking a deep breath. 
“It’ll hit you in a little bit. Impressive for someone who’s never drank before.”
You nodded feverishly, just wishing he’d take you already. But if you knew anything about Enjolras, he took his time to execute his plan. He finished off the wine, tossing the cup to side. You felt his other hand soon meet your waist. 
“You never answered my question earlier…..”
“Which one?”, you asked softly.
“Have you ever been with a man?”, he repeated.
“N-no, I’m a virgin—if that’s what you’re asking.”
“You mean I’m gonna be the first one to have you?”, he hummed. 
He hummed again before his lips met your neck. “So nice and sweet that….you’re willing to give me….my dying wish…..”, he placed kisses down your neck, meeting your chest.
“You don’t know that you’re going to die….”
He stopped in his tracks. “I think I will, I quite literally have had a target on my back for months now.”
To be honest, you didn’t want to think about him dying. You didn’t want to think about anyone dying. No one needed to die. But you had heard Enjolras speak. According to him, someone must die. 
“You may come out of this.”, you said, trying to keep on the bright side of things. 
You heard his breathing hitch. There was mostly silence in the streets tonight, most everyone resting up for tomorrow. You heard the distant sound of music, an ominous hum. Enjolras didn’t speak for a few moments, going back to placing kisses on your neck, causing you to release soft sighs and borderline moans. You could feel him smirk against your skin. 
“Have you had women before?”, you choked out, voice hoarse.
Enjolras chuckled softly against your skin. “Do you really want to know?”
You nodded. “Mhmmm….”
“I have……..a few…….but none as pretty and innocent as you…..”
You felt a blush coming down your cheeks. “I’m sure that’s not true.”
“It is……”, he groaned softly. “Are you ready to go upstairs?”
You nodded. 
You felt his lips leave your neck, causing you to whimper at the loss of contact. Another smirk spread across your lips as he realized how delicate and innocent you were. He grabbed your hand, leading you to the door of the pub. There was an apartment above the pub, you assumed this was where Enjolras had been staying for a few months now. He put his pointer finger over his lips, reminding you to stay quiet as he opened the door to the pub. All the men were asleep in different places. You all tip-toed past them, Enjolras leading you to the staircase. 
“Miss the third step, it creaks terribly.”, he whispered.
You nodded, making sure to miss and avoid the third step on the series of steps. You all reached the top, Enjolras opening the door to his apartment. You saw a bed, some of his clothes, books, maps, and his weapons. There was nothing super personable to him. For a man, it was fairly organized. It caught you off guard, surprised. He closed the door easily behind you, the room only illuminated by candlelight. The window was cracked slightly, a cool summer night. The day had been so warm, almost sweltering. 
“Where do you want me to start?”, he asked, softly. 
“However you wish.”
“This isn’t all about me.”, he began. “Contrary to popular belief.”
You reached for your hair, letting it down easily out of its tight constricted low bun. Enjolras watched as you shook your head easily, blowing it out. His brown eyes widened at the sight, a smile spreading across his lips. 
“I don’t know.”, you responded breathlessly. 
“I have an idea but we have to get you out of this dress.”, he breathed as used your shoulders to turn you around easily. 
You were wearing a thinner dress, thankfully. It was a dress specifically for summer. It was white with some lace, a sign of purity. Something you were about to tarnish. You stepped out of your shoes easily, leaving yourself in your stockings. Enjolras bent down and grabbed the bottom of your dress, beginning to lift it over your head. He laid it on the back of the chair that he used at his desk. You felt overly exposed in just your stockings and undergarments, your corset sucking in your waistline. 
“God, just look at you.”, he breathed.
You looked back at him, gaining just a glimpse of him as he came around the front of you. 
“Enjolras.”, you breathed.
“What? Simply stating the obvious. God.”, he breathed, beginning to palm the bulge in his pants.
You swallowed hard, your eyes immediately going to where his hands were. His brown eyes were fixed on you as he began to unbutton his pants, allowing them to fall to the floor. Your eyes widened as you saw the more prominent bulge of his rock, hard cock. You weren’t oblivious when it came to sex, but there were things you didn’t exactly know. You knew where children came from and how they were made. The act you were about to commit was how children came about. 
You opened your mouth, ready to speak when Enjolras spoke first.
“Finish undressing.”, he breathed. “Wanna….wanna watch you.”, he groaned as he undid his undergarments, allowing them to meet the same fate as his pants. 
Your eyes widened as you saw his cock spring free, hard, and erect just for you. It had to be for you, didn’t it? You gulped, bending down to slide your stockings off. 
“Um Enjolras….”, your voice breathed meekly.
“I need help with my corset….”
He abandoned stroking himself for a moment, coming behind you, moving your hair to the side before he began undoing each string, feeling relief as you could breathe easier. 
“You know you don’t need this.”, he breathed.
“Why not? Men like little waists and bigger breasts, do they not? That’s what mother has always said.”
He sighed. “Most men….there’s nothing wrong with you as you are. You’re beautiful. Besides, do you want other men to look at you?”
Your face crinkled in confusion. You weren’t used to hearing compliments from men. Out in town, you were used to being asked for a quick lay or having men say indecorous things about you. Even though this was supposed to be strictly about sex, Enjolras managed to make you feel butterflies in your stomach with his compliments.
“Why would I not? I’ve yet to meet a man who gets my father’s approval or one who wants more than just sex.”
Enjolras was quiet again. “If it counts for anything, I would love to make you more than a one-night stand….if it wasn’t for this revolution.”
Your heart stopped in its tracks, your breathing instantly hitching. “You surely…surely don’t mean that.”
Enjolras reached the end of your corset, proving this was not his first time undoing one. Your corset fell to the floor before he reached down and picked it up, placing it with your dress. 
“I do….I just don’t feel as though your father would want you with a man who values a revolution and freedom for the French as much as I do.”, he breathed. 
You had watched your father and Enjolras interact, their rapport appeared to be superior to the other men. There was mutual respect between them. Your father respected Enjolras as a leader. He may have been younger, but your father thought he had bright ideas, intuitive for his age. Your father always complimented Enjolras when telling you and your mother about him.
“You’re passionate about it.”, you breathed easily.
“Very much so. People who have spilled their blood for France are living as beggars. Their children starving while a fat king sits on the throne, what’s there not to be passionate about?”, he breathed, you finally seeing the charismatic, caring side of him coming through. 
To be honest, it was very alluring when Enjolras talked about how passionate he was about the revolution. He was a very educated man, clear he had done his reading and research. There was a pause before he began to undo your bra, tossing it to the chair. The cool, summer night air drifted into the room, causing the curtain to move slightly, sending a chill down your spine, and causing your nipples to instantly grow hard. His hands wrapped around your waist, fingertips on your abdomen.
His fingertips drifted down to find the hem of your underwear, beginning to tug them down slightly. 
You felt him slide your underwear down your legs, and you instinctively stepped out of them.
“Damn, you’re so—alluring.”, he breathed.
“You really think so?”
“I do, I really do……”
His hands moved from your waist, beginning to undo his button-up. You heard him toss his shirt and under shirt to the side. You felt him wrap his hands around your waist, one moving up to find your breast. You felt his cock becoming hard against you as he began playing with your nipple, taking it between his fingers. Your breathing hitched, trying to fight back the loud moan threatening to escape your lips.
“You can let it out.”, he whispered against your neck, placing another kiss on it.
You sighed, finally releasing the small hiccups of moans as he toyed with your nipples, pinching and flicking them between his fingers.
“Your moans are such a sweet sound in my ear.”, he breathed. 
He was met with another string of moans from you, his hard cock rubbing against the back of your thighs. He was very hard, causing you to moan softly. 
“Let’s move to the bed, amour.”
You fumbled trying to walk with weak legs to his bed. It was astounding the amount of power he already had over you. You easily climbed into the bed, feeling his eyes on you as he followed suit. He began kissing you—softly and slowly at first. His kisses were warm and sweet, everything you imagined them to be. There were soft smacks as you deepened the kiss, pulling him towards you. His beard was rough against your delicate skin. He was towering over you, running his hands through your soft hair. 
“Can I taste you?”, he breathed between kisses.
You abruptly interrupted the kisses. “Taste—taste me?”, you stammered.
“Yes….I’m sure you taste as sweet as you seem.”, he kissed you again, looking deep into your eyes. 
He inched his body down the bed, his fingers tracing your body as he reached your core. He looked up at you, again asking for your permission. You nodded easily, beginning to feel a little tingly presumably from the alcohol. His fingers ran up your thighs, tracing your entrance. A moan escaped your lips, your head falling back onto the pillow with a soft thud. Your inhibitions were slipping away and quickly at that. 
“Can I feel you?”
You nodded. “Mhmmm, please Enjolras…..”
He accepted your invitation, slipping two fingers inside you causing a gasp to elicit from your lips. You had never felt anything like this before—you had nothing to compare it to. His eyes were concentrated on you. Your back instantly began arching, allowing him to shove his fingers further inside of you. You gripped the sheets easily.
“Feel good, amour?”, he breathed, working his fingers in and out of your wet folds rhythmically. 
“So good, Enjolras.”, you moaned, your eyes fluttering shut. 
He spent a few more minutes, working his fingers in and out of you. He was making sure you were going to be prepared for him—for his length and width. You were so tight, having never been with a man before. Enjolras placed soft kisses on your thighs, causing soft moans and sighs to escape your lips. 
“Ready for me to taste you?”, he asked, suddenly. 
His own breathing was hitched at this point. You nodded feverishly, sighing once more. Enjolras was ready to hear your soft pleas.
“Please….”, you moaned softly. 
If it was anything like his fingers, you were in for a treat. Your soft ‘please’ was all it took for Enjolras to oblige your request. He parted your legs gently, laying down between your legs. His deep, brown eyes looked up at you a final time before you felt his rough, coarse beard between your legs. You inhaled deeply, closing your eyes again. His tongue traced your entrance, sending shock waves through your body. 
It lasted for a minute before his tongue entered your core, beginning to lick, suckle, and nibble you making you grip the sheets so hard your knuckles turned white. Enjolras seemed to notice, taking a moment to look up at you. Seeing how much you were enjoying it was only fueling him further. Unbeknownst to you, he had thought about you before. He saw the way you innocently walked in front of him, swaying your hips—whether it was intentional or not. There were a few nights he’d be alone in his room, frustrated and needing release. 
He knew exactly what to do. All he had to do was think of you. He would instantly unbuckle his pants, letting his cock spring free. He’d throw his head back and instantly fantasize about you—undressing you, admiring your beautiful body, tasting your sweet juices, taking you, and stripping you of your innocence. Taking your virginity while you moaned his name. He had thought about it a few times if he was being honest. 
But now, he was getting to experience it in reality. It was no longer his fantasy when he needed to come undone, to feel a little less stress. You moaned softly, the sweet sound continuing to fill his ears. His tongue encircled your clit, lapping at it easily. He noticed your grip tighten on the sheets. It was causing his cock to grow harder by the second, watching you come undone just by him tasting you. His cock was pressing hard against the bed, begging to be inside of you. 
His breathing almost immediately hitched when he thought about entering you for the first time. He could hardly wait. You felt the deep, aching feeling in the pit of your stomach growing. You didn’t know what an orgasm exactly entailed. You had heard it mentioned before, but what was the warning signs that it was near? Enjolras eyed you as he came up for a moment, his tongue abruptly leaving your heat. You were breathing hard, whimpering at the sudden loss of contact.
In the small amount of candlelight, you could see the glisten in his beard from how drenched you were.
“So—wet—just for me….”, Enjolras heaved, trying to catch his breath. 
“Wh—why did you stop?”, you asked, your chest heaving. 
Your brain felt overstimulated, trying to catch up with the events that had happened up to this point. Focus was out of the question except if it came to Enjolras. 
“Just to get a little breath, amour. Don’t worry, I can finish……but God, my dick is so hard for you, amour…..begging to enter you…..”
You swallowed hard as you watched him reach down for his hard, erect cock taking the length in his hands, beginning to stroke himself. Small moans fell from his lips, causing that hot, aching feeling to quickly return to your stomach. It was hard to say no to Enjolras when he was in the current state he was in. Your needs other than him inside of you were slipping away, your eyes pleading for him. 
“Please….”, you pleaded softly.
“Please what?”, Enjolras asked, stroking his cock, his eyes closing and head falling back just for a moment, just enough to drive your desire deeper. 
“Enter me…..”, you pleaded, desperation laced in your voice.
A smirk came across his lips, continuing to stroke himself. “But amour, I have no condoms……”
“Don’t—care…..”, you moaned softly. 
“If fate should serve us well, you won’t have to bare the burden of birthing my child.”, he leaned down, beginning to kiss you. Softly and slowly, just like before. 
The thought hit you like a ton of bricks. Your inhibitions may have been faltering, but there was no way you were prepared to bring a child into this world—especially without its father. It would be referred to as a bastard. No man would want you if you bared another man’s child. A dead one at that. It was very taboo for this time period. Your mother and father would be so ashamed. You could imagine what people in town would whisper about you. Enjolras continued to kiss you, quickly making those thoughts and fears melt away. Nothing else mattered at this moment—except for him.
“Ready to take me?”, he breathed, voice slightly raspy. 
All you could muster was a nod, consenting permission for him to ravish you.
He was towering over you, easily parting your thighs. Leaning down, he placed soft kisses on the inside of your thigh. Goosebumps began appearing all over your body as you felt his stubble against your soft, delicate skin. You let out a soft sigh, watching him come back up, positioning himself between your legs. You felt his cock brush your thighs, causing your eyes to widen. You immediately noticed how erect he was. 
“Just gonna get you used to my size first, okay?”
You nodded again, feeling sheepish for not being able to form a simple one-worded response. But Enjolras didn’t give you much time to ponder it before you felt the tip of his cock tracing your entrance. He watched for your reaction. You moaned softly, biting your lip. Your mind began to race, imagining how this would feel. You had no experience. Your heart felt like it was going to thump out of your chest. He continued to brush his tip against your entrance, seeming to intentionally tease you. It was as if he wanted you to beg for him to enter you. 
You bit your lip, fighting the urge to moan his name. He could tell you were holding back. 
“You’re holding back, amour.”, he breathed, adding pressure as he traced your entrance immediately causing your breathing to hitch. 
“Am—Am I?”, you choked out, desperate to moan his name.
He nodded before adding more pressure as he traced your entrance. “All you have to do is moan my name—just one time and I’ll enter you—”
“Enjolras….”, you moaned, cutting him off quickly. 
He smirked, hearing all he needed to before he traced your entrance one more time. It caught you off guard when he finally pushed his tip into you, causing you to gasp and grip the sheets. The sensation was so overwhelming and overstimulating to your body. You had never been with a man like this—you had never had sex with a man. 
“So tight—”, Enjolras groaned, attempting to slip into your pussy further. 
You swallowed hard, feeling him stretching out your tight, virgin pussy. Another moan fell off your lips, Enjolras taking the opportunity to push into you further. There was pleasure in the pain as your moan grew louder, sharper at the end as he was almost completely inside of you. 
“Just a little more.”, Enjolras encouraged, his hand brushing your cheek.
Your chest was heaving—your body trying to catch up with the thoughts racing through your brain. Enjolras noticed, brushing your hair out of your face. You were silently thankful it was a cool summer night. 
“Go ahead.”, your breath was raspy.
“Are you sure, amour?”, he asked.
He was almost completely inside of you but wasn’t moving. You could feel him pulsing inside of you.
You nodded quickly, lessening the grip on the bed sheets. You were slightly beginning to not feel like a fish out of water. You felt embarrassed knowing Enjolras was experienced when it came to sex. You were sure he had women who were better than you.
He steadied himself before pushing further inside, the feeling of him stretching you out turning into a burning sensation, however, it disappeared quickly. It was evident he had bottomed out. It was all over his face. All you could do was moan and pant as he went as far inside you as he could. 
“Shit—feels so good….”, he groaned as he began to slowly work his way in and out of you. 
You nodded, gripping the sheets easily. 
“Tell me how good it feels….”, his breath tickled your bare skin. 
“So—good Enjolras.”, you somehow managed to choke out. 
Another smile spread across his face. You could see the sweat beginning to form on his forehead. For once you were glad the night was cool, giving you all some relief from the steamy activities occurring in his room. He leaned down, beginning to kiss you as he thrust inside of you, tearing you apart at the seams. The burning had turned into pure bliss. The more he worked inside of you, the more the burning, aching feeling in the pit of your stomach grew. 
Your toes began to curl, and a long sigh fell from your lips. You were edging towards a release. Your legs were shaking, unintentionally as he thrust into you. With each thrust, Enjolras grunted, causing your insides to twist into a knot. Enjolras knew that look on your face—he had seen it before from other women but somehow, it was different with you. He wanted to continue to chase this desire he had. Would just one time be enough? It had to be. In the back of his mind, he knew tomorrow could very well be his last day.
His brown eyes fluttered shut as his thrusts grew longer and deeper, pulling you in. He was damned determined to make you orgasm. He wanted to feel you all over him—it was his dying wish, after all. 
“Enjo—Enjolras…”, you choked on your own words.
His brown eyes shot open, waiting for the rest of your words.
“Think I’m—going—to——”
“Going to what?”
“Have—an—oh! Oh—my God.”, your words were drowned out as a rush washed over your body. 
Your toes curled instantly, your hands gripping his shoulders. Your fingernails sinking into his shoulders caused him to moan. You could feel the blood rushing from your toes to your head, it was unlike anything you had ever felt before. You felt yourself contracting around him. Pure euphoria cascaded through your body. For once, all the intrusive, worrisome thoughts had dissipated. Through hazy, groggy eyes you looked up at Enjolras. 
“Oh—feels so good on my dick….can’t wait to make a mess all inside you, amour….”, he grunted, his thrust soon becoming sloppy. 
You nodded lazily, resting your head on his pillow. He gripped your thighs, raising your hips up so he could get better angles and leverage. Just seeing you spent, laying in front of him, and letting him sex you like this was driving him towards his release hard and fast. He could feel himself beginning to lose this uphill battle. His dick was so hard he couldn’t stand it, thankful you at least had released on him. 
“Please—make a mess of me Enjolras.”, you breathed.
He smirked, your words marking your fate. 
“Oh—amour, here it comes.”, he warned through a grunt as his hips stuttered, his grip on your hips tightening.
His cock began pulsing inside of you. Your purity was over. 
Your eyes closed as you felt his seed filling you full, his breathing labored as he tried to catch his breath. How could a man like Enjolras make you forget all your promises and morals in a matter of a few hours? You felt him pulse inside of you a few more times before he felt satisfied enough to pull out. You cried out, missing him inside of you and making you feel full. 
He ran a hand through your hair. “I have one last request, amour.”
“What—is—it, Enjolras?”, you ask in a pitiful, pathetic tone. 
“Can you stand up for me?”
“I’m sorry?”
“Can you stand for me?”, he repeated more firmly. 
Enjolras knew this was going to be a lot to ask of you, especially since he had just made a complete mess of you. Part of you wondered how you were going to even lift yourself off the bed, much less stand. Enjolras felt his dick becoming hard again, just watching your innocent, pathetic attempt at obliging his request. You grunted softly, heaving yourself up from the bed, your head spinning in circles endlessly. Enjolras extended his hand, helping you sit up.
You felt some of his seed running out of you, but you were doing your best to ignore it. The only other thought your brain could register was the amount was a lot—more than you had expected. Your legs were weak, threatening to give out at any second. You took a deep breath, praying you could hold yourself up as long as he wanted you to. 
“Just turn around and lean on the bed, amour. Hands behind your back.”
His words puzzled you. 
“Hands behind my back?”
“Mhmmm.”, he hummed.
His hands were reaching for something. You felt his seed mixed with your own release seeping down your legs, causing you to feel slightly embarrassed. Your cheeks were growing hot, the words you wanted to say catching in your throat. 
“Look what a mess we made. What a naughty girl you’ve been. What would your father think?”
Your breathing caught again as his hands traced your hips and lower back, helping bend you on over the bed. You felt his fingers trace your wrists, the next sensation becoming the one to throw you off. You felt a soft, velvet fabric. The dots were finally connected in your brain. You felt him tie the soft fabric around your wrists—your mind thinking about his handkerchief immediately. His fingers left your wrists, leaving your hands bound together behind your back. 
“Now,”, Enjolras breathed against your neck. “I’m going to spank you—discipline you for how naughty you’ve been. And I want you to count each one, understand amour?”
You nodded, gritting your teeth in preparation for the first hit. 
“Good girl. Maybe you can redeem yourself.”, he rubbed the globe of your right backside.
He could admire them much easier with no dress in the way.
His hand left your backside, and you held your breath as you waited for what was to come. Your face was pressed into the bed. 
“Alright, let’s start counting. Ready, amour?”
You nodded breathlessly, your mouth going completely dry. 
Even though you had given him permission to start, you weren’t prepared for the sudden, abrupt impact of his hand against your skin. You yelped with the first spanking to your right backside, your throat sore and your face hot. 
“Un.”, you choked out in French. 
You closed your eyes, bracing for impact again. Enjolras sent another smack to your left backside, causing you to jolt.
“A little louder, amour.”
That was all the advice he mustered up for you as a third strike came to your backside. 
Your voice was hoarse, you were trying to find your voice. The vulnerability was coursing through you, no one else had seen this side of you. Maybe Enjolras had fed you sweet lies tonight, but nevertheless, he had a spell on you. He just had some power over you. There was beginning to be a numb stinging to your backside, making it less painful with each spanking. You felt his thick, bare hand caress over your backsides. During this, spankings four and five occurred.
Another smack. Pain melting away into pleasure by this point. 
“Maybe you’re not such a naughty girl, after all.”, he hummed, rubbing the tingling, burning spot on your backside.
A small laugh escaped your throat. Should you go over the list of things that made you a naughty girl? For one, you flirted with your dad’s leader. Two, you drank tonight. Women didn’t drink. It was unheard of. It was very unbecoming of you. Three, you had premarital sex with Enjolras. There could be grave consequences for your actions. But you were doing your best to not think about that right now.
The seventh smack to your backside was harsher, probably a result of your laughing, causing it to cease very quickly. 
“Se—pt.”, you choked, this number broken. 
More of your all’s mess cascading down your legs, them beginning to shake. Laying down sounded so good right now.
“H-how ma—many more?”, you moaned out. 
“Three, unless you’re naughty and laugh again….”, he breathed.
You nodded, closing your eyes. Another smack to your backside. He was now giving you longer intervals in between them, teasing you. 
You tried to pull your arms in front of you, but the piece of fabric didn’t budge, stalling your arms in their current state. All you wanted to do was rest your arms in front of you, and become close to dozing off as he finished. 
“Not yet, amour.”
SMACK. This brought you out of your stupor rather quickly. 
Your response was softer. 
“One last one.”
Your legs were beginning to buckle, you feared they’d give out before he finished and send you crashing into the floor. 
You nodded. This was the last one. If you could just make it through this last one. 
“Dix….”, you choked out, legs caving before Enjolras grabbed your shoulders easily.
His arms were strong enough to support your weight, while he took his free hand, unknotting his handkerchief making it look so easy. 
“So good, amour. You did so, good.”, he breathed, placing a kiss on your neck. 
He could see in your eyes that you were caught in a state of limbo—between euphoria and facing the reality of what you both had done. 
“Help me get my clothes?”, you asked softly. 
“You’re in no shape to go home.”
“My mother has to be worried about me.”
“She may be—but you can’t go home like this. I’ll help you in bed and just sleep for a bit, amour.”
You debated his offer, softly humming for a few moments. “Are you going to sleep?”
“Probably not, but I’ll wake you before your father and the other men wake up.”
The way your legs felt, you knew Enjolras was right. But what would you tell your mother? Those thoughts couldn’t be processed right now. 
“Okay.”, you said softly. 
He nodded, helping you up in bed, pulling the covers over you. You yawned easily, your glossy eyes looking up at him as he bent down and kissed your head. His brown eyes were watery—or were you seeing things?
“Sleep well, amour.”
He brushed his thick fingers over your forehead, moving the stray hair out of your face. You nodded softly, drifting off to sleep. Little did you know, Enjolras stayed up all night long, watching you sleep in complete silence. He studied his maps, all his plans only breaking every few minutes to look at you, making sure you were still resting. Part of him began to feel guilty thinking of all the results that could come from his actions. 
He had wanted a normal life—find a woman, settle down, and have a few kids. But the revolution changed those plans for him. He couldn’t sit by and let this go on any longer. What was the point in bringing children into this kind of world? That’s how he rationalized it. But that didn’t mean he couldn’t mourn the life he would never have the chance to have. He’d love to have it with you, but he knew that could never be. Your father would never agree to that. You were too good for the likes of him. 
The sun began to rise on the horizon, causing the blanket of darkness to lift. Enjolras blew out the candle before coming over to kiss your forehead, hoping to bring you out of your slumber easily. 
“Is it morning?”, you asked softly, stretching.
“It is amour. I’ll get your clothes.”
You nodded, sitting up. You rubbed your eyes quickly, hoping to get a good glance of Enjolras. This could be the last time you see him alive. The thought made you sick to your stomach. Enjolras took a deep breath as he helped you get dressed, taking his last opportunity to breathe in your beautiful body. He was not an emotional man, but he was feeling something he had never felt before. It felt like a dream that he finally was able to become one with you, but not under the circumstances he had.
“I’ll lead you outside.”, he took your hand easily.
You looked down at your hands before looking back up at him. He led you down the same set of stairs you all had come up last night. You’d give anything to get that night back, to get a chance to do it over again. But that was impossible. No one was out on the street as he opened the door to the pub, the warm morning summer breeze meeting you. 
You almost could feel tears beginning to pool in your eyes, cursing them back quickly. You had no right to cry over a man you had shared one night with. You all stared at each other, looking into each other’s eyes. His hand was still in yours, you both trying to find the right words to say. 
“See you later?”, you asked easily. 
“See you later, amour.”, he smiled bittersweetly.
Your hands finally broke apart, you nodding as he turned to back inside.
He turned to view you one more time, watching you walk away. That was the hardest part. It was different with you. The other women could leave, it didn’t bother him. He hadn’t given them a second look. There was something different with you, or was he just mourning what is and what will never be? He was choking back tears, quickly reminding himself he had to get it together. There was a revolution to start today. 
Your mother asked you a million questions once you got home, doing your best to quietly sneak in. You had failed miserably. Giving her very generic answers, she finally gave up. She asked if you had been with a man to which you responded ‘no’. A mother’s intuition never seemed to be wrong. She proceeded to tell you how much she had worried about you, how little sleep she had gotten. You felt guilty about causing her to worry, but didn’t regret the night you had spent with Enjolras. 
As the day progressed, you tried to take your mind off things and help your mother with the chores around the house. She was nervous, afraid your father wasn’t going to make it back home. You were nervous, afraid Enjolras was going to die today. You tried to reassure her while trying to reassure yourself. You almost dropped dinner, feeling clumsy. All you could think about was your parting glance with Enjolras, thinking you may never see him again.
“Dear, are you alright?”, your mother asked you.
“Fine, mother. I’m sorry. Just worried about father.”, you responded.
Part of it wasn’t a lie. You had just left out Enjolras. 
She nodded, placing a hand on yours. “Me too, dear.”
As the day turned into night, you all had barely eaten any dinner. You were waiting for news—anything to let you know your dad or Enjolras was alive. Silence lay between you both as you sat by candlelight. This time last night, you were with him. You closed your eyes, fighting back the urge to cry. It was silly to feel like this over a man you had for one night, wasn’t it?
A defeated knock came to your door, jarring you and your mother out of any thoughts. You looked at one another before rising from your chairs, quietly asking the other who was going to answer the door. Quietly, you decided you would be the one to get the news firsthand. If it was your dad, you could ask him about Enjolras. Your hand began trembling as you placed it on the knob, turning it. Your eyes widened, seeing Enjolras standing there.
He had a somber expression on his face, covered in soot and dirt, his brown eyes were almost the only thing visible. His white shirt was filthy. Part of you wanted to cry from happiness, the other worried as to why he was here at your doorstep.
His name threatened to fall from your lips.
“L/N residence?”, he asked.
Your mother nodded behind you. 
“My name is Enjolras.”, he began, mouth dry. “I regret to inform you that your husband didn’t make it.”
All you remember hearing was the shrill cry from your mother before she collapsed in your arms. Tears pricked up in your eyes. All he could do was look at you, feeling defeated. He was supposed to die. Not the other men, especially not your father. He wanted so badly to take you in his arms and comfort you and tell you everything would be okay. He wanted to tell you about the last few moments of your father’s life. 
“Did he suffer?”, your mother asked through tears, clearly distraught.
“No, it was quick.”, Enjolras closed his eyes, preparing to hear your mother cry again. 
You eyed him easily through tear-stained eyes. Your pain was quickly turning to anger, you immediately began to blame him in your head.
“If you’d let me come in, I could tell you about the last few moments of his life.”
“No—,”, your tone started out harshly. “No, please just leave. Thank you, Enjolras but my mother and I need time to process this.”
Your tone ended softly. He was surprised by this change in you. He didn’t argue or with your reasoning, turning to leave. It killed him to not be able to comfort you, but he understood you needed time to process this. You were caught between a rock and hard place—thankful Enjolras was alive but distraught your father was dead. That was the last memory you had of Enjolras in weeks. 
The days had been darker since your father had passed. You had been sick in bed, with terrible stomach pain and aches. Racked with nausea and vomiting, your mother worried that you had come down with cholera. She sat on the edge of your bed, brushing through your hair. It was early morning and you had finished vomiting as she placed a cool cloth on your forehead. It had been seven weeks since you had seen or heard from Enjolras. 
“I can’t lose you.”, your mother sighed.
“Mother, I’m sure it’s just something I ate.”
“For four weeks now? I will send for the apothecary.”, she got up, leaving the room. 
You sighed, closing your eyes. That’s when the feeling hit you like a ton of bricks—you had slept with Enjolras seven weeks ago. Your mouth became dry, beginning to think about your symptoms. Your vomiting was always in the morning. Not to mention, you had missed your monthly. You felt exhausted all the time, breasts began to feel sore. All of it was adding up, beginning to make sense. 
Fate had not served you well, it appeared you were with child.
“The apothecary should be here this evening.”, your mom sat down on your bed, holding your hand. 
You nodded numbly. 
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sugarywishes · 23 days
A more simple question this time: What is the favourite & least favourite activities for the Afton Family & The Kids to do? Everybody has that one thing they love or hate doing after all, so I can't help but be curious what headcannons you have in mind for all of them.
By kids I assume you mean the Afton kids? If not, please correct me in the comments and I'll fix my mistake in the reblogs 😭😭 Answers below as usual!
We're starting off with Old Man Willy (before killing children lmao) his favorite thing to do is brainstorm and think. Yes, really. He likes planning things out or creating concepts for animatronics and their mechanisms (Ex., The funtimes, yikes!) He enjoys the creative thinking process of things. (I think they mean he also liked drawing, I guess?
His least favorite activity is making robots. Sure he took a robotics class and literally creates robots but he only did it because it was a career path that would keep him financially stable. He hates having to do hard work and is always finding the easiest way to have things done. Which explains a lot about his actions from making the Springlock suits so shitty, killing children instead of adults and all that stuff. He also hates going outside and doing normal things like...idk going to the pool?? Or shopping or something like that. He thinks it's really annoying to have to see people he doesn't care about. He hates socializing and prefers watching.
Moving onto Clara, her favorite activity is as one would expect, dancing. She was a very passionate soul when it came to her hobbies, so much so that she still practiced her ballet moves in the house when it was just her or one of the kids. She also likes reading, she became really interested in literature growing up and she occasionally still reads to relieve her stress. She also sews and knits from time to time because her mom had taught her when she was younger and she actually really liked it. And she LIVES for social events, she really likes talking to anyone who isn't William or doesn't disrespect her. (She's probably the one who would encourage normal family activities like going to the beach or something, of course it usually led to fights :( )
For least favorite, she hates cooking and cleaning and doing housework, her family had taught her that it was the only thing she should be good for besides having kids. And now she does do all that so that's lame. So I guess she just doesn't like being a housewife which is understable I get you girl
For Mike (when he was a teen), he liked ditching class and pulling pranks and being an overall troublemaker. He got a ton of enjoyment from doing so, he also liked hanging out with friends (and he's lucky he even got any considering most of his family is friendless lmao) he liked doing typical teen in the 80s stuff. And he also liked watching TV and reading comics, which inspired him to get into drawing (so many artists in the Afton family!) But he doesn't like letting people know he draws just to keep it low key yk? He just liked not having to deal with his family so he's one Afton you would expect to see outside a lot. As for when he gets older, he still likes watching TV and drawing, but now one of his favorite activities is taking his dad down! (How's that going for him...)
For least favorite, he hated doing homework and shit, so he'd get some of his friends to do it for him (or on desperate occasions ask his mom or dad for help, William would usually scold him for being dumb and wouldn't help him but Clara always did her best to assist) he also hated spending time with his siblings, sure he could deal with Liz but she is still a little...weird. And don't even get him started on that crybaby! He also hated doing anything with his dad, they didn't have any 'father-son' bonding time in general. And once he gets scooped he also started to hate going outside and talking to people because you know, he's a rotting corpse! Of course people will freak out and try to pull a "Kill The Beast" moment on him, so he'd have to resort to disguises and stuff.
For Liz, she loves tea parties, likes planning them and attending them! She usually won't do them at her own house (mostly because William refuses to have anyone over at his place that isn't his family or the Emilys) so she does them at school or at Charlie's place. She also likes playing with dolls and role-playing with them like a few girls tend to enjoy, but that of course doesn't stop her from liking other activities like catching bugs (and killing them, Charlie always tells her that the point is to catch and release them) or making a big mess like most kids do.
For least favorite activities, she doesn't really like drawing or writing because she thinks it's difficult and annoying. She doesn't like talking to other people her age, so she doesn't actually have other friends besides than Charlie (I mean not to say that she got bullied or anything like people didn't mind her but Charlie is her only friend in her mind) She doesn't like spending time with her mom, she only likes hanging out with her Dad or Mike or sometimes Evan (I mean before the birthday party thing) and she hates being alone. (Hmm...)
And last and least according to his siblings and everyone else in his life, Evan! I said before in a previous headcanon post about him that he likes collecting (or should I say hoarding) family things! Mostly things that would get thrown away or sold like old toys or jewelry or other stuff like that. So sometimes you'll find old baby things or old clothes hidden somewhere in his room! It reminds him of when he was peacefully oblivious to everything. He also really enjoys playing with toys, a little more than most kids his age should (to be fair he's been isolated for ages) and he does not discriminate, he also liked tea parties and role-playing with his toys and dolls too! He liked fixing broken toys too since he learned some sewing skills from his mom (not like she taught him but he'd watch how she'd do it and learned it himself) and he learned how to repair some of Liz's old broken down dolls himself! (Does sneaking into his siblings room even count as an activity, because he does it often and he really enjoys it lmao) He also liked watching cartoons and reading comics and books like other kids bc yk, he was still a child! And he loved hanging out with his bestest friend, Fredbear! (and his dad too I guess)
He doesn't like talking to people either (these Aftons and their anti-social behavior bruh) it's not like he doesn't want to start making friends, but he's very hesitant to socialize with anyone he doesn't know because of his bullying days at school and at home, and also cause William keeps filling his head with ideas that no one can understand them and that they're always gonna be outcasted so to him it's kind of like "what's the point??" So he's kinda forced to like being alone. He doesn't really like going outside, he doesn't like spending time with Mike, I mean he always scares and pranks him anyway so what's there to even like? He doesn't even relate to him in any way since Evan does actually like learning and isn't a jerk lmao 💀
All in all, can these guys PLEASE go touch some grass
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bonefall · 1 year
i would love to see more about bb!crowfeather, if you haven’t done a post about him already? (i tried digging but couldn’t find one, dunno if that’s just tumblr search being broken tho)
I'll make him a big summary post once I've settled on a design I like for him, I'm stuck up on if I want him to be smooth or spiky. So here's a little doodle page + some casual notes
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Me: "I'm not a fan of projecting real world culture onto BB redux cats,and if I ever was giving a character an in universe accent it would specifically be to give the smartest character on screen a very thick northern english one to stick it in the face of the way southern english accents are associated with intelligence"
Also me: "but crowfeather is italian"
BB!Crow is pretty different from canon
My Crow is a very passionate guy, it's never lost from his young warrior days. Many of the late Po3/early OotS moments where Leafpool is confessing her love in front of his wife and children are from him to her instead
Mudclaw and Torear are some of the best cooks in WindClan during the late Thistle Period. Crowpaw was super close with his mentor Mudclaw, and picked this up from him
For the Great Journey, Crow mashed up his personal collection of mealworms to make tunnelbun rations for everyone
And SPEAKING of the Great Journey, he was already a warrior at the time. His name was Crowfoot, for his mom and dad
Both Dead and Ash were old friends of Bluestar, members of the forget-me-nots.
Ashfoot shared this with him when he was young, and also that Tigerstar was responsible for killing his dad
This feeds into some changes I'm making to have Crow be slightly less frustrating during the Journey. He's still angry, short tempered, and dramatic, but MUCH less openly antagonistic
Squilf and him are usually involved in food related escapades, youll see when I finish the notes of TNP
Feathertail's death changes everyone. Crow most of all.
Crow is an impulsive young warrior. He throws himself headfirst into things, often forgetting that he isn't the only person in the world who matters. Feathertail felt like cool water, reminding him how to slow down and take a breath
The romantic affection was mutual, but imo I don't think it would have lasted.
But no one will ever know if it will, least of all Crowfoot, who is convinced that they both died that day in the mountain
Tallstar’s final name is Crow's honor title; Crowfeather.
And then Leafpooooooool
When she ultimately isn't willing to, like, throw away everyone she's ever loved and go live in the wildnerness with him, Crowfeather loses his marbles, convinced now that Actually He is Unlovable
And still he gets with Nightcloud, thinking that he can't possibly be hurt any more, he must re-prove his loyalty after he vanished for a week... it really was a pretty knee-jerk choice he didn't think through and rationalized post-hoc
No consideration for Nightcloud here.
This post isn't about Nightcloud btw but she is actually pretty reduxed too. The fact she was involved in the raid to kill Onewhisker is politically relevant to Breezepelt later
And Breezy, poor fucking Breeze
Crow is a garbage dad. Breeze is really not in a good environment with him and Nightcloud.
Through points in Po3, before Breeze becomes the villain who kills Firestar and sees a redemption in AVoS, I am planning several moments to establish that Breezepaw is perfectly capable of being a loving cat if he was in a better life situation
To Crowfeather's benefit, age will do wonders on mellowing him out.
He does tend to struggle with compassion though, and remains a pretty harsh character for most of his life.
Crow wanted to be a Light in the Mist to even begin to apologize to Breeze, but Breeze knocks him out lmao no more Crowf worship thanks erins
Anyway. Onto design stuff
Hollyleaf and Breezepelt look a LOT like grandpa Deadfoot, but I'm not sure if I want Crowfeather to look a lot like him
I'm leaning towards him looking like Ashfoot detail-wise but have Deadfoot’s face.
Btw you can observe, here, the WindClan Tail Tuft.
Most WindClan cats have a lighter-colored tail tuft to help them be seen in tall grass, it's a feature like the ThunderClan Mane you may have noticed in a lot of my TC cats.
Ashfoot and Morningflower have a cloudy swirl on their tails, and a "whispy" sort of vibe. Deadfoot and his dad Chicorynose have a dragon-arrow.
Holly got the dragon arrow because She Deserves It
I'm fond of this redux lmao, let men be dramatic
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bumblingbriars · 4 months
I don't often do this, but I feel like I should start being more open about my ocs lol. Might help with my cringe culture conditioning.
Anyway, here are my BB ocs (so far!)
(Picrew link)
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🎶 Luna Elise Fitzgerald
Birthdate is February 20th, 1955. 16 in her first appearance in fic, 43 by BB2K.
Face Claim: Lorna Luft (That is her in Grease 2, which released just 2 years after TBB)
Occupation: Music Teacher
Gender/Sexuality: Cis Female, Straight
Five Key Traits: Gentle, Organized, Loud, Loyal, Positive
Three Fun Facts
Has perfect pitch. Since her ambitions used to be rather humble, she saved it for parties and her students. She can also play quite a few instruments due to this, though prefers the piano.
Loves wearing sun hats, as her mother has a huge collection of them. It makes her feel close to her as they live cities apart. She has quite a few, including one or two from her mother's collection.
Loves to bake more than cook--she tends to stress bake as a consequence. Loves baking cakes the most--her favorite to bake is chocolate forest and cheesecake.
Name Origins: In universe her name is due to her deceased father, who was a literature professor and studier of mythologies. He loved the olden works of Virgil, and found the name Luna in his work Georgics. He and Luna’s mom loved this name a lot and gave it to her. There’s also a secret reason, but that’ll be revealed hehe. for irl, I thought it’d be neat for her to have a fantasical name like Elwood does. Her last name comes from the jazz singer, Ella Fitzgerald.
Love Interest: Elwood J. Blues
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📚 Gretchen "Etta" Sophia Carter
Birthdate is May 25th, 1956. Her first "appearance" would put her at 24 as she's sort of in tbb, but her first real appearance is at 34.
Face Claim: Jessica Harper (that's an image of her in 1990, the year Etta and Jake met)
Occupation: Author, freelance editor (mainly for magazines and novels). Previously an English tutor and diner cook.
Gender/Sexuality: Cis Female, Bisexual
Five Key Traits: Understanding, Passionate, Ambitious, Articulate, and Humble
Three Fun Facts
Has been writing a poetry/short fiction mixed book on and off for years. It's her true passion, to write books... perhaps she'll be able to publish it soon.
Very well read. Originally wanted to be a professor at Columbia, but ultimately decided against it as getting her bachelors was hard for several reasons. She debates sometimes whether or not it was the right decision.
Loves to cook after writing. Finds it calming and endearing as she loves learning new recipes and loves making people happy through food. It's the easiest thing for her. Due to this, she used to be a cook at a diner in her younger years before doing freelance.
Name Origins: In universe, she's named after her maternal grandmother who was a famous actress. It wasn't out of the best intentions, but that's all I'll say for now. She gave herself the nickname Etta as she disliked the name Gretchen and felt it didn't fit her vibe at all--though she does respect her grandma. She does at least like the meaning though. In irl, she's named after two singers: Gretchen Parlato, and Betty Carter. Etta James actually wasn't the inspiration for her nickname, I just felt it'd fit her. It just came as a plus lol. Also, her original last name was actually Jones, but then I found out there was an actual Etta Jones (a jazz singer, too!) so I had to change it lol.
Love Interest: Jake E. Blues
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⭐ Katerina "Kat, Kitty" Anita Carter
Birthdate is November 18th, 1990. She's 15 1/2 in her first appearance (Summer 2006 is when the fic takes place)
Face Claim: Erm... (I find finding face claims for fan kids extremely hard, plus there's a lot of specifics to me that make narrowing down a face claim difficult. All I can really say is that she looks a lot more like her dad, with only a few of Etta's genes surviving the war. It's what Etta would prefer, anyway)
Occupation: Student, eventual Blues Brothers member
Gender/Sexuality: Cis Female, Bisexual
Five Key Traits: Passionate, Witty, Outspoken, Caring, and Courageous
Three Fun Facts:
On top of her love for the blues, she also loves punk and rock. Secret love for 2000s musicians too lol (like Britney Spears or Avril Lavigne)
Has a huge sweet tooth, inherited from her mother. Combined with a hard time brushing her teeth equals quite a few cavities in the past. Can't stop won't stop lol. She does get better at brushing with time, god bless
Was reading at college level by sixth grade. If she wasn't so shit at math, she probably would've been placed in advanced courses...
Name Origins: In universe, I'm keeping it just a bit of a mystery as to how Kat's name was workshopped as it’ll be revealed later. I can say her mother, Gretchen, really loved Anna Karenina. However, she didn’t want her name to be a full on reference to the book. Katerina was born! This isn’t a spoiler cause it’s subtly revealed in the first chapter lol, but her middle name, Anita, is from Anita O'day. Irl, tbh I really liked how Katerina sounded, plus I love characters that have long fancy names but prefer nicknames (thus, Kat). plus, I wanted the name to have Kat in it somewhere so she could eventually get the nickname "Kitty” (no bearing on my own nickname, I'm not projecting that hard) as many blues and jazz singers get that nickname. As mentioned in her mother's profile, her last name comes from Betty Carter.
Love Interest: Heh... wouldn't you like to know (it's a secret! No it's not Buster btw ew)
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🖊️ Georgia "G, George" Louise Smith
Birthdate is June 18th, 1988. 17, nearly 18 in her first appearance
Face Claim: Erm... (She's not a fankid however since I can't find a fc for Kat, I decided to let Georgia be faceless as well)
Occupation: Student, eventually band/social media manager
Gender/Sexuality: Cis Female, queer/sapphic leaning
Five Key Traits: Organized, Shy, Polite, Calm, and Optimistic
Three Fun Facts
A big lover of boy bands. Collects posters and memorabilia. Never grows out of this, either--she'd be insane over Backstreet Boys coming back for example. She also heavily prefers 2000s musicians and Y2K culture. Jokingly debates with Kat about whether or not tbb are a boy band (Kat insists on being included despite not being a boy)
Despite being older, she views Kat as the older sister in their sisterhood. While more responsible, Kat is much more leader-oriented and outspoken than her. She's even taller than Kat by several inches but due to Kat's loud personality she's always felt small compared to her. She's a little envious of this.
Due to being entrenched in current trends, she also keeps up-to-date with social media and has a small following. Uses Myspace a lot, will eventually have at least two accounts on almost every social media. One personal, one tbb business
Name Origins: In universe, Georgia wasn't named by her parents. Instead she was named by the nurse who found her, as she was abandoned at a hospital. Smith is more or less a common last name she was assigned, as the nurse didn't want to become too attached to her </3 Unlike the other ladies on this list, irl Georgia wasn't named after any particular singer. She's instead named after a song, the famous "The Devil Went Down to Georgia" due to Kat's perceived influence on her (also "Georgia on My Mind" by Ray Charles is a plus) And yes, this will be mentioned/joked upon... eventually.
Love Interest: Only God knows atp
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