#but honestly who the heck know.
July 9: Festival
It should come as a surprise to absolutely no one that Harry didn't particularly enjoy art museums.
Art was pretty enough, he supposed, but honestly he wasn't quite sure what he was meant to do. How was he supposed to critique things? How was he meant to not say that some things that people put on display and called art looked just plain hideous?
His friends had insisted he come to a charity art gala exactly one time before realizing the catastrophic mistake they'd made and informing him he was never allowed in polite company again. Which honestly suited Harry just fine.
Still. Luna was a different matter entirely. Harry never had quite worked out how to say no to her. And with Ginny glaring menacingly behind her when she invited him to the art festival where she was displaying some of her work, he was hard pressed to say no.
Which was how he found himself wandering into a muggle park with white tents set up all over. Trying very hard to avoid making eye contact with the artists or looking at any of the art for too long. Especially the pieces that he didn't understand.
It felt like it had been an eternity of looking for Luna's tent, he really ought to have gone with someone else, when one of the artists at a tent got a little too enthusiastic to sell him something because he'd peeked in trying to find Luna. He did the only thing he could do and pretended that he'd been looking for the tent next door.
Only, the art in this tent was actually really pretty. "Woah," he said to himself as he took in the vibrant landscapes that had been lovingly brought to life on the canvas. The brush strokes, the paint itself seemed to bring the work to life in a way that made Harry wish he could jump in.
Without really thinking about it he started to reach out to touch the canvas, the hankering desire to feel the art vibrating at the core of his being.
"Potter," a voice he'd recognize anywhere drawled, "surely you know that you aren't supposed to touch paintings."
His hand snapped back and he turned to find Draco Malfoy leaning against the table in the back. Malfoy looked nothing like Harry remembered and he had a difficult time reconciling what he'd expected to see with what he was seeing.
Gone were the stiff, fussy outfits of their youth. In their place, Malfoy wore a pair of high-waisted flowing trousers; they were a pale pink and looked soft to the touch, swishing against Malfoy's body when he moved. On top was a white crop top that was fitted through the bodice but had flowing sleeves, and intricate straps that layered and crossed over each other and left tantalizing bits of shoulder and collarbone displayed. Malfoy's long blond hair was loosely braided, daisies and buttercups woven through.
"Oh for Salazar's sake," Malfoy snapped and Harry was brought back to himself. "Out with it, Potter. Whatever vicious slurs you want to throw at me, go ahead. I've heard them all already-"
"What?" he yelped. "No!" he said, "no," he reiterated, shaking his head for emphasis. "I wasn't thinking anything mean-"
"Right," he sneered, hands bracketing his narrow hips. "I'm sure that you wer-"
"I was thinking that you're really fucking pretty," Harry spat before he could actually think through the consequences of that sentence.
"Oh," Malfoy murmured, looking a bit stunned, cheeks flushing a lovely shade of pink.
Harry swallowed, "I just wasn't expecting it. I wasn't thinking anything mean," he repeated.
Malfoy's chin tipped up, "I'm gender fluid," was offered like a challenge.
He wondered how often that had led to a fight, wondered at Malfoy's bravery for a moment before asking, "What are your pronouns?"
Malfoy's shoulders eased, "they/them is my preference."
"Alright," Harry replied. "Do you still go by Draco?"
"I do," they said, looking at Harry appraisingly for a long moment as though he was something inconceivable.
"Can I call you Draco?" he asked because this person standing in front of him, free in their body for the first time since Harry had known them, was not the person he'd spit the surname Malfoy at when they were in school.
"Do you want to?" they replied a bit helplessly.
He couldn't help but smile, "Yeah. Yeah I do."
Harry'd stayed at Draco's tent listening to them talk about their art, about the way they'd traveled; just left the whole world they knew behind to explore all the things they'd never known. "And it was beautiful," Draco said wistfully. "Merlin, it was so beautiful. And I just wanted to capture it all," they said gesturing around the tent helplessly. "Muggles have amazing technology for capturing images on their phones but it's not the same as actually creating it."
"So you just what?" he asked with a laugh, "picked up a paint brush and got to it?"
Draco flushed, "Well," they said, "Art is taught to pureblood children from a very young age. It's not a suitable career, but it is a prestigious hobby."
"Bucking all of those traditions, then," Harry laughed, gesturing around them at the tent.
They gave Harry a tentative smile and tucked a loose strand of fine blond hair behind their ear, "I like to think so."
Harry knew he was grinning like an absolute sod but he couldn't seem to stop himself. Then, "I don't have any artwork in my house."
Draco blinked at him, "Sorry?"
He shrugged, "I don't have any artwork. Like I just don't understand how to pick artwork that is right for a space."
"Honestly," they laughed, rolling their eyes. "It's not that hard."
"Would you help me?" he asked before he could really think through what he was asking. "Like, I would pay you," he continued quickly, "I just," he shrugged, "I really like your art and the way it makes me feel," he added a little sheepishly. "It would feel nice to have my house full of it."
Draco was blinking at him uncomprehendingly, like they couldn't understand what had just happened.
"Or not," he said backpedaling. "That's probably a really weird thing for someone to ask an artist for in retrospect. Right?" his palms felt itchy as he tried to fix it. "Sorry-"
"Harry," Draco said, their voice calm and warm, and it soothed something inside of him. "I would love to," they replied earnestly, "I've never had anyone ask me to do that, but I'd like to try."
"Great," he said, his tummy flipping at the thought of spending more time with Draco. "What, uh, what would you need next?"
"Do you know what you want?"
Harry shook his head.
"Sizes of paintings you'd need for your rooms?"
He shook his head again.
"Price range?"
"Money isn't," he cleared his throat, "Money isn't a problem."
Draco smirked, "There were rumors about the Potter vaults, you know."
"I did not," he replied with a little laugh.
"I always wondered when I was young," they said, "when nothing could fill the void of not being who I was, how you managed to not use your money at every conceivable moment."
"Sorry," Draco said, standing up abruptly, "That was too much, I didn't mean-"
"Hey," Harry said, reaching out and grabbing their wrist, brushing his thumb along the smooth curve of flesh over bone. "You're not too much."
Draco looked like they wanted to run.
So Harry repeated himself, softly and slowly, keeping his eyes locked with Draco's, "You're not to much for me."
Their eyes slipped shut and the tension drained from their body.
And just as Harry was about to say something else, something about wanting rather desperately to know everything about Draco, another customer wandered in.
Draco pulled away, "leave me your number and we can schedule a time for me to look at your house so we can make a plan."
"Right," he said dazedly, hastily scribbling down his number on the pad of paper on Draco's table. "I'll talk to you soon?"
Draco gazed at him for a long moment before nodding. "Soon."
Soon, as it happened, was a couple of hours later when Harry was having dinner with his friends, celebrating a big sale Luna had at her tent.
His phone buzzed and he looked down to see a message from a number he didn't recognize
Hello. This is Draco Malfoy. I wanted to reach out about a time that might be convenient for me to come and look at your home and make a plan for the art commission we'd discussed. My week this week is fairly open but I start traveling again next week.
He smiled down at the message before starting one of his own.
Hey! Thanks for getting back to me. Is tomorrow morning too soon?
He hit send then sent another:
I really liked seeing you today. Is that too much?
A message popped up a second later
Tomorrow morning works for me. Is 9:00 suitable? It's not too much.
He grinned and was about to reply when Ron said, "What's got you grinning at your phone like that?"
He laughed and shook his head, not quite ready to share Draco with his friends yet. It was too new, too exciting. And honestly he liked Draco too much to want to hear what his friends might say.
"It's not a what, it's a who," Luna replied airily.
Ginny perked up at that, "What's his name?" she asked at the same time as Ron spoke up again, "What's her name?"
"Their," he corrected absently.
"Ah," Luna said and Harry glanced over to see her broad smile. "I'm really happy for both of you," she said genuinely.
And their friends started clamoring over each other to ask Luna, which Harry found mildly amusing since she never gave straight answers. He turned back to his phone in the ensuing chaos.
9:00 sounds perfect. What do you like in your coffee? Do you like coffee?
I'm fairly certain that coffee is my one true love.
Stiff competition, then.
Are you flirting with me, Potter?
On what?
Is it working?
There was a long pause and Harry worried a little that he'd pushed it too hard, too fast.
"Harry!" Ron shouted, from his tone it wasn't the first time.
He looked up, "What?"
"When are you seeing this mystery person again?" he asked and everyone seemed very invested in his answer.
His phone buzzed and Harry couldn't resist looking down to read the message.
Might be. We'll see how the coffee is in the morning. ;)
He couldn't stop the grin on his face if he'd wanted to. Draco Malfoy sent him a winking face.
"Well?" Hermione asked impatiently.
He looked up at them once more. "Tomorrow morning."
Part 2
July 8: Postcard | July 10: Skating
Read more of my gentle July ficlets
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moeblob · 28 days
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Every single time I draw for an anime I think to myself "never again will I draw for an anime" and then I am proven wrong. So here, take my daughter Lulu.
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licorishh · 7 months
Y'all laugh at the fact that Tartaglia randomly falling into the Abyss one day as a kid ended up being the catalyst for Fontaine's eventual predicted destruction but all this means is that from the start Tartaglia was intended to fall into the Abyss and become a Harbinger and thus has always been doomed by the narrative
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amid-fandoms · 2 months
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"so the dog is a capitalist-"
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there is just something so beautiful about songs about the joy you get from such mundane things.
like singing about how the weather's sunny or the weather's rainy but in a way so heartfelt and uplifting the song stays with you, close to your heart for years to come even if you don't know its name
like singing about how much you love your best friends. not because they recently did something that particularly amazes you but just appreciating them being there for you and just generally genuinely making you happy
the most mundane everyday things can become the most meaningful and heartfelt and it's probably just because I'm aroace but I feel that they're so much more genuine than songs about how happy you are because you and your romantic partner got back together or something
i remember seeing a youtube comment a short while back that was along the lines of "I know that usually it's only love songs that are meaningful but this song is the exception" and just thinking dear god how sad must this person's life be if they can't find beauty in anything other than something to do with love. Have you never just stared at a bird perched in a tree singing? Never seen a painting so full of colours that compliment each other in such a way that they each make the others look brighter but it never becomes a clashing over-the-top mess but a harmony of rainbows? Never just eaten a really good meal?
I would trade a thousand shallow, boring, generic songs about romance or heartbreak in exchange for one song about the beauty in the mundane things we take for granted.
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pocketramblr · 1 year
I tried but couldn't add any words to my "for legal purposes Tensei had to marry Masaki" fic however different idea: au where Masaki and Tensei said they'd marry each other if both reached 30 single, and Masaki is now just like "ah ha he's going to be dating someone in two years tho right. In eighteen months right. In one year right-"
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gloriousfemaleworrier · 5 months
*I emerge from my long hibernation from fandom activity to write a detailed heartfelt and emotional series about Tedbecca*
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cj-the-random-artist · 9 months
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Started inking the comic I said I was gonna make
I’ve only done one page lol
But that’s ok cuz it’ll be good ish when it’s done methinks
I. Completely forgot how to comics so this might be a hot minute or maybe longer. Idk I’m apparently in a weird art spot
Also I’m thinking maybe at some point I’ll do just some illustration pieces for this AU too?? Cuz I know I made it to practice making comics but ehh if I have ideas for stuff why not
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Also bonus pink Jimmy that I doodled yesterday on a piece of scrap paper
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ninja-knox-ur-sox-off · 10 months
Just wanted to let u know that ur AMVs are literally THE BEST in the LMK fandom - or any other fandom I've ever been in full stop, really, in my opinion. THEY'RE SOO GOOD! =D
The way you keep some of the shows dialogue in, the scenes mashed together and the song choices are all impeccable - literally, every song u use has the same vibe AND I RLLY LOVE UR MUSIC TASTE! XD
I'm not exaggerating when I tell u I have watched each of my fav three of your AMVs (Out of Touch, Stop! and I'm Blue) forty times over. Not an inch.
Hope you have a good weekend and get lots of rest! :)
HGJKLSAJDFASJFL;KJASFD AAAA!! THANK YOU!!! THIS IS SO NICE?? HECK! FORTY TIMES IS SO MANY PLS (tho i must say I likely have watched my avms just as many times cause i'm a totally normal person yup)
I put a lot of love into my amvs and honestly have so much fun making them so it always means a lot when i hear people like/enjoy them ;-; <3 thanks for taking the time to type this all out and send, it's super sweet and a lovely way to start my morning, made me smile <333
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whalehouse1 · 2 years
“Unlike his predecessor, Dick Grayson, Jason was impulsive, violent and full of rage.”
Me, looks back at literally any of Dick’s fights as Robin: So…was Jason nuking criminals face-to-face, cause that is legit the only “unlike Dick” you could get in terms of those adjectives.
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bangcakes · 7 months
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sealovinq · 2 months
i need friends /gen (slight rant in tags)
#xelle.txt#i noticed i don't really have a permanent circle of friends. at least irl#i have one online but they're also busy and i just can't dedicate my time to one friend group#i don't know - it's just the people i thought who were nice turned out to be the exact opposite#and when i found out about that i just kinda. lost interest in making any more friends#my partner is the only person i interact with on a daily basis. the irl friend group i was referring to earlier i'm not exactly close with-#-them either#i feel like if i didn't only give my time in nurturing my romantic relationship i would have done the same for my platonics too#that's still a problem of mine. my time management between love life and friends. heck i even got myself into an unsolvable problem because-#-of my inability to stay consistent#also my brain is kinda fried from reading 20+ pages so pardon any grammatical errors but yeah anyway#honestly i've been craving for interaction here. but i know i won't be active and it'd just be pointless#to gain more friends or followers. i don't exactly make content as consistently as i did before#the other day i had to vent to an ai (would you believe me if it was cha.tgpt) about my troubles because i had no one else to talk to lol#there's just so much going on irl 😭 ya girl's almost starting college and they're throwing so much tasks at us!!#and i feel very very stressed about it because they're usually done in groups i am ALWAYS the assigned leader#which gets exhausting especially when there are lazy members present#anyway#hopefully this weekend i get some time to cool off. but next week i'm back to grinding and working#lol i don't even think i'm in the top ranks anymore. i'm so burnt out.#this is what being an academic achiever gives you oops ZZHSIAHAHAJAHHS#imma sleep now 😭#idk you can just interact with me or recommend someone you know who self ships in the same medias i do#goodnight everypony 🫶#vent tw#rant tw
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logicandinstinct · 3 months
To be honest, I find funny how in Zelda theory videos ppl twist their minds into pretzels in order to link Botw, TotK and the overall 'timeline' in general, meanwhile I'm pretty sure Aonuma, Fujibayashi and co. are just doing whatever the fuck they want while still adding vague hints of "continuity" just to keep the fans happy...
And you know what? Good for them
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system-of-a-feather · 2 years
I literally can't believe we are on our way to having our own job and regular income and supporting our rent by ourselves for ourselves soon. The relief at the idea of cometely shedding dependence on my family and actually opening up the open world that is life sounds so fucking nice. I feel like I've been railroaded in a torturous tutorial mission for 22 years. The fucking grind to do everything perfect just to advance to the next stage and get out of the railroad andninto the open world makes the first two hours of Cyberpunk NOT sound and look tedious jesus fucking christ.
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mutogamingco · 2 years
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I just watched the Enterprise episode "Simlitude" for the first time and
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I'm fine.
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