#but however whatever comments i get back will make my brain tell me i did a bad job yannow?
thewenglishwarlock · 1 year
3 notes · View notes
megamindsecretlair · 7 months
Fall Into You
Pairing: Kevin Atwater x Black!Fem!/ Plus Size reader
Warnings: 18+, Minors DNI, You are in charge of your own reading experience. Intentional use of AAVE. SMUT. PWP, cursing, PIV, oral (female and male receiving) teasing/mocking, cum play, size kink, dirty talk, praise kink, all consensual. Slight power imbalance, Kevin is a landlord and reader is the tenant. No sexual favors being exchanged.
Summary: Hoping to beat the storm, Kevin comes over to fix your sink. However, the power goes out and you get to know your new landlord a little better.
Word Count: 7,402k
AO3 Link
A/N: Hello, my loves. This has been on my brain for a while and a special gift for @babybratzmaraj. I guess I should stop apologizing for writing so much, the story gon' need what it needs. ONE SHOT. Please, please consider commenting and reblogging to help support writers! And please put ages in bios! Or get blockt!
Taglist: @planetblaque @browngirldominion @we-outsiiiide @iv0rysoap @thecookiebratz
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The doorbell tore you from your thoughts as you looked out of your window. The TV stated that the storm was only getting started. Only getting started…
You inwardly groaned and fixed your glasses, heading to your door and checking the peephole. Kevin Atwater stood on the other side and your heart fluttered just seeing him. You stepped back, took a deep breath, and opened the door.
“Kevin! Thank you! You didn’t have to come today. This storm looks nasty,” you said. 
Kevin smiled and shook his head. He wore a black puffer jacket zipped up and carried a small toolbox. “No problem, I promise. Chicago’s seen worse and you need a working sink,” he said. 
You stepped back and let him inside, hoping that your glasses didn’t fog up from the sheer sexiness that entered your apartment. 
“Huh, you decorated since last time,” he said.
You looked around at the cozy space. The walls were standard, plain cream, but you made sure to dress it up with paintings in soothing blue and ocean pieces that reminded you of your hometown. The boxes had been cleared away since the last time Kevin was over to fix your bedroom door.
“Yeah, had to make it look like I actually live here,” you said with a giggle. 
Kevin laughed with you. He placed the toolbox on your small, round kitchen table and took off his jacket. You busied yourself with tidying up your clean apartment. You picked up the bowl of fruit just to…put it right back down on the sink. 
You had to look anywhere but at the deep burgundy button up he wore. Or the peek of a black tank underneath. His bulging arms or the way his hips sloped just so. You had to look away so that he wouldn’t see the neon “horny” sign on your forehead.
You could not crush on your landlord. It was several kinds of wrong. But how could you not? He was so tall, charming, funny, and sweet. His juicy pink lips have been the star of multiple fantasies lately. 
“...help you with that,” Kevin was saying.
“Huh? Sorry…” you said and gave him a sheepish smile. Your mind tended to go on little vacations. Especially where Kevin Atwater was concerned. 
He smiled at you and began rolling up the sleeves of his shirt. “I said what did you do with the boxes? I told you I could help you with that,” he said.
You waved him off and dropped down into a nearby kitchen chair. “You already do so much for me, Kevin. I really should be paying you,” you said. 
“Rent’s just fine with me. I told you to call me for whatever you need,” he said. His eyes lingered on you a second too long before he licked his lips and started rummaging around in his toolbox. 
You were incapable of thinking anything but dirty thoughts when he spoke. Whether he meant it that way or not. He brought the toolbox closer to your sink. He flipped the faucet and the pipes groaned. A loud, groaning sound as if there were ghosts dancing in the pipes. 
He flipped it back off and gave you a look. “You ain’t tell me it was making that kind of a noise,” he said.
“I told you it was a noise,” you said. You shrugged your shoulders and he chuckled, licking his lips as he went back to looking at the sink. 
“I was thinking it was a small noise. Like something just needed some WD-40,” he said. “That…sound bad, right?” He asked.
“You’re asking me?” You shook your head dramatically. “If I knew anything about fixing sinks, I wouldn’t have asked you here during a storm.” You still felt guilty about that. You told Kevin that you could wait until it passed, that running water wasn’t that important in the grand scheme of things. You had bottles of water and the bathroom sink worked just fine to wash your hands. 
As your mind wandered, you weren’t paying attention to Kevin getting closer. You didn’t notice as he stood in front of you and dropped down to a squat to look you in the eye. You shrieked when you finally saw him as he seemed to have teleported from the sink. 
“There is no way in hell I’ma let my favorite tenant live here with no running water. So no more need to apologize, right?” 
His raspy voice made you lose all coherent thought. You twiddled your fingers since he was too close and you gave him a light, nervous giggle. “Stop. I’m not your favorite tenant. I’ve seen the way Mrs. Brennan looks at you. Like you hang the moon,” you said.
Kevin chuckled and stood up, going back to the sink with the toolbox in his hand. He hummed. “I helped her out with something and now she keeps trying to set me up with her granddaughter,” he said. 
“Oh? Does Kevin Atwater have trouble meeting women?” You teased. 
He laughed as he opened the cabinet underneath. You hadn’t had a chance to get to the store for proper cleaning supplies. So far, all you had was bleach and Pinesol, a small bucket, and a pack of sponges. It was on your long, long, long list of things you needed in order to feel settled in this place. 
The wind roared outside and it shook the windows. It howled. The heater was on but did little to combat the chill in the air. You would never feel settled here. The winters were a different breed. Designed to freeze you to the toes and wrack your body with uncontrollable shivers. 
“I meet plenty of women. But timing and circumstances are never there,” Kevin said. He settled onto his back and turned off the water to the sink. He began working, leaning forward to grab a tool and then use it under the sink. 
His shirt rode up revealing a soft middle that you wanted to sink your teeth into. He was solid and stocky, built for sturdiness. 
“What do you mean by timing and circumstance?” You asked.
“Well, I did have a thing with someone but wasn’t exactly healthy. She didn’t like that I’m a cop,” he said. 
“Hate to break it to you, but you’ll find that a lot of people won’t like that you’re a cop,” you said. For you, it was always, “fuck cops”. After meeting Kevin, now it was, “want to fuck that cop in particular”. 
You looked useless sitting there at the kitchen table, but what else were you supposed to do? You still had some unpacking to do but you didn’t feel right leaving him alone. The place didn’t feel like yours yet. Your manners prevented you from leaving him to it as if he were some servant only here to do a job. 
“That’s fair. But can’t stop me from trying,” he said.
“That’s the spirit. Are you a romantic?” You asked. You heard the words after you spoke them and shook your head, not that he could see. “Sorry, that’s rude. You don’t have to answer that.” You pushed your glasses back up your nose and blew out a quiet sigh. 
“Nah, it’s cool. I guess, yeah, I would say I’m a romantic. Just waiting for the right girl. How ‘bout you come help me? Hand me that wrench,” he said. He pointed to something in his toolbox.
You stood up and got closer to him, getting down to your knees and sitting back on your legs. You picked up the nearest wrench and handed it to his outstretched hand. You shared a look with him as he took it from you and began loosening a bolt on the pipe. 
“You? You into the whole thing about romance?” He asked.
“Uh, yeah. I believe it exists. How anyone can find love here when you’re freezing your ass off is beyond me,” you said.
“It’s all about layers. Undershirt, thermal, overshirt, sweater, hoodie, jacket. You’ll be warm enough,” he said.
You giggled. “Warm enough? I’d be sweating worse than…” You successfully caught yourself before mentioning sex. You bit the corners of your mouth to prevent you from giggling about that. Something about Kevin Atwater turned you into a giggling mess like some kid with a crush. 
“Worse than what?” Kevin asked. 
You glanced at him. His pink tongue poked out between his lips as he worked on the bolt. The screeching from the metal grated a bit and you winced. 
“Worse than a sauna,” you finished lamely. He flicked a glance at you as if he knew that wasn’t what you were going to say originally. He left it alone as he hummed and returned to the bolt. 
“You get used to it,” he said.
“This type of cold? No thanks,” you said.
Kevin chuckled. He sat up from the sink and fixed his shirt, lowering it over the glimpse of his stomach. He looked at you and smiled. “There’s more to Chicago than just the winter time. We have the best pizza. Everybody friendly, they just loud about it. Tell you what, why don’t you finally take me up on my offer to take you to Molly’s? It’s run by a couple of friends. They’re nice people, we’d all protect you, and you’d be able to get out and enjoy some things around here,” he said. 
“A bar full of cops, doctors, and firemen? I’d feel so intimidated,” you said. You shook your head and giggled. 
“Don’t. You need to get out,” he said.
“Pot, meet kettle. How many times have you been out this week?” 
“Fair. But if you go out, I will too,” he said. 
You held his stare and bit the corners of your mouth again. “I have so much to do here already,” you said. You didn’t like that you kept turning him down but the thought of meeting that many people at once? You wouldn’t survive it. 
You knew Kevin would be nice and show you around but being at the center of attention was unbearable. 
“One day I’ll get you to say yes. If you’re gonna be here, you may as well make some friends. I think you’d get along with Stella. You remind me of her,” he said. 
“Yeah, tough, no nonsense, funny, sweet,” he said. 
“Please,” you said and giggled. Was this Stella single? Did they have something going? 
Kevin opened his mouth to say something else when the wind howled louder, tearing your gaze to the window. The window shook and the lights began to flicker before they spasmed out. You shrieked as you were shrouded in darkness. 
The pale, white glow of the outside gave your apartment a blue and gray tint. Like waking up in the morning and the sun was still hiding behind clouds. You stood up and went to the window but you weren’t sure what you were looking for. Only that the snow and hail seemed to fall harder, peppering the ground. 
“Shoot,” you said. 
Kevin stood up and moved behind you, placing one hand on your hip while he leaned behind you to look outside as well. His warm hand scorched your skin as he looked one way and then another. 
“Let me see if it’s just us. Lock this door behind me,” he said.
You’d never seen this side of him yet. The kind that took charge. A new authority entered his voice, one that did not entertain disobedience. He turned and walked out and you followed behind to close and lock the door. 
You paced your kitchen as you waited. You didn’t know why. Lights went out all the time. He was perfectly safe going to the basement to check the circuit breaker. Minutes passed while you piddled around, cleaning up runaway socks on the floor around the hamper. 
Still had things to unload in the bathroom, but without light, you couldn’t see what you were pulling out of the box. It was too awkward holding your phone’s flashlight and the items. 
A knock on your door made you jump but then you checked the peephole. Kevin stood there with his hands in his pockets, glancing around. You opened the door and let him back inside. 
“Power’s out on the whole block. I already put in a call with utilities. With this kind of storm, there’s no telling when they’ll get out,” he said.
You sighed. “Oh, Kevin, I’m so sorry!” You said. You should have pushed him harder to stay home. To fix it another day. 
“Hey, what did we say about apologizing?” He asked.
“Sorry! I just feel so bad. Oh! I said it again, sorry,” you said. You slapped a hand over your mouth as you couldn’t stop apologizing for trapping him here. Now what were you going to do? He couldn’t fix your sink in the dark and there was no power to cook so you couldn’t offer him a meal. 
Kevin crossed towards you, invading your personal space. “No more apologizing. It’s okay,” he said.
“Well, I was going to save these until after. Since you’re stuck with me, we have cookies to hold us over,” you said. 
“If I had to be stuck anywhere, I’m glad it’s with you,” he said. 
You smiled and tugged on the sleeves of your purple shirt. Now that the power was out, that meant your heater was too. “Shit,” you said, realizing.
You told Kevin and he nodded. “Have you unpacked something to drink? I’ll show you how us Chicagoans stay warm,” he said. 
“That’s the first thing I unpacked,” you said. You left his overwhelming presence and went to your kitchen. The plate of cookies were wrapped on the short sink so that he wouldn’t have seen it. You wanted to surprise him with gratitude for all the hard work he did around your place.
You opened a cabinet and grabbed two glasses. They clinked together as you placed them on the sink and went to a small pantry, taking out a bottle of whiskey. Kevin joined you in the kitchen to help and he whistled at the bottle. “Basil Hayden?” He asked.
“Did you expect something girly?” You asked. 
“No ma’am, just didn’t take you for a whiskey type,” he said. He grinned and joined you at the table. 
“Now, we don’t want to get wasted but the goal is to keep a steady drink going to stay warm. So how ‘bout some questions to get to know each other? Since we got all this time,” he said. 
“Is this an interrogation?” You asked with a giggle. 
“Naw, just two friends getting to know each other. So we either answer truthfully or take shots. Up for it?” He asked. 
“I’m game if you are,” you said. Kevin took the lead by pouring tiny shots for you both in each glass. He pushed your glass towards you.
“You can go first,” he said.
You tapped the glass and thought about a good question to ask. “I’ll go easy. What’s a secret you’ve never told anyone?” 
“That’s easy?” He asked.
You nodded. You pointed to his glass. “You can always drink up if that’s too hard on you,” you said.
He smirked. “A secret I’ve never told anyone…I once met my celebrity crush at a mall signing. She signed a poster for me. I…still have it,” he said and smiled.
“Who! Who’s your secret crush?” You asked.
“Aht, it’s my turn. Worst heartbreak?” He asked.
“Easy questions, huh?” You asked.
He shrugged. “You don’t become friends by finding out each other’s favorite colors.”
You thought about it and nodded. You told him about your worst heartbreak and how you dealt with it. How difficult it was to move on from it. 
You went back and forth asking safe, but deep questions that required more than yes or no answers. You learned more about him and if it was possible, you fell for him even more.
“How in the world are you single?” You asked when it was your turn again. 
Kevin chuckled and played with his glass. So far, you had taken a few shots too nervous to answer the questions he asked. He had only taken two. One for when you asked about his parents and one when you asked about his first love. 
“I wish I knew. I date; you make it sound like I hide in my house after work. The shit I see every day, sometimes I just need to get it out of my head. Dating on top of that just seems cruel,” he said. 
You nodded. You could respect that. You had no idea what it was like being a cop. Seeing the worst humanity had to offer and still have to come up with hope for the people who survived. Dealing with the press and the community painting cops as modern day boogeyman. Still. He was too sweet and strong to not have someone. It was criminal. 
“How come you don’t have anyone?” He asked.
You fixed your glasses and shrugged. “May be a surprise to you but guys these days are…nasty. They send unsolicited dick pics, they can’t hold a conversation, and think women owe them something for buying them a drink. Like…I didn’t ask for the drink so why does that mean I have to open my legs or suck them off? Especially when they won’t even go down on a woman!” 
Kevin’s surprised face made you suddenly feel the alcohol loosening your limbs and warming you up. It definitely loosened your tongue. You groaned and rubbed your forehead. “Sorry, that’s TMI,” you said. 
“I would say take a drink every time you apologize, but then this bottle would be gone.”
The word was on the tip of your tongue and you bit it to keep from speaking it. He smirked at your attempt and you rolled your eyes. “You don’t know everything,” you said. Well, the door was open…
“What is your ideal woman?” You asked.
“Ideal? Shit, I just want someone I vibe with. That thinks like me. Has goals,” he said. 
“Beauty? Brains?” You asked.
“Why won’t you go to Molly’s with me?” He asked.
You smiled, remembering that it was only one question per person. “I don’t know anyone. Meeting new people sucks. I don’t have the personality for great first impressions,” you said.
“You know me,” he said. “I would make sure you’re good. And you are great at first impressions. I wouldn’t have rented to you otherwise.”
“You are just being nice like always. Why is it important for me to go to Molly’s?” 
“I want you to feel welcome here. Feel like you belong so you can stay,” he said. 
You ducked your head, playing with your glass. The soft slide of glass on the table was the only sound in the room. Outside, the wind continued to howl as the storm carried on. You shivered, despite feeling toasty from the whiskey. Your skin felt icy. “I moved here, Kevin. That’s about as permanent as it gets.” 
Kevin scooted closer. He had to spread his legs wider to accommodate your chair. The smell of him invaded your senses. The smell of whiskey on him made your head fuzzy. He brought his hand up to caress your cheek. He gently turned your head to look at him.
“This may be the drink talkin’, but you feel this too, right? Between us? If I’m imagining it, let me know now,” he said. 
You looked at his lips and then back up to his eyes. He caught the movement and did the same, his gaze drifting down your face and then back up again. 
“You’re not imagining it,” you said. 
Kevin leaned over and captured your lips in a sweet, tender kiss that warmed you up quicker than the whiskey. You returned the kiss, sighing, tongues dueling with each other. 
“Hmm, knew you’d taste sweet,” he said. He pecked your lips once, twice, and then lingered on the third time humming. 
Emboldened by his actions, you leaned out of your chair. You climbed into his lap, wrapping your hands around his shoulders. Kevin sighed and put his hands on your hips, squeezing every so often. 
“You don’t have to do anything you’re not comfortable with,” he said.
You smiled and kissed him again, rolling your hips. He groaned and his hands went lower to grab your ass. He gripped and massaged your ass, squeezing painfully enough to make you cry into his mouth. He growled hearing the sound, kissing you with more passion after each kiss. 
“I want you, Kevin Atwater,” you said against his lips. 
“Are you sure?” He asked. He leaned back and looked into your eyes. “If you’ve had too much to drink–” 
“Shut up,” you said with a grin and kissed him. 
You had been playing this subtle game between each other for weeks as you signed your lease and moved in. The first time you called him to tell him about your stuck doors, he showed up the next day he was free. He made conversation easy as he fixed the doors. He immediately put you at ease. 
He found that your closet door was stuck too but he didn’t have time to fix it at the time. He told you that he would be back and again, he made it so easy to talk to him and time flew by when he was around. It was like you didn’t have time to think about being nervous when he was telling you about must see attractions to Chicago. He kept talking about the pizza and promised to bring one over.
He made moving there for work not feel so lonely. You were worried if you would find friends outside of work. No matter what, work friends were not true friends. 
You kissed him again, your hands drifting down to start unbuttoning his shirt. The alcohol wasn’t affecting you in the way he thought. It only lowered your natural anxiousness about being bolder. Funner. More open. Going after what you wanted.
Now that you knew you weren’t crazy, that he wanted you as well, a dam broke. Kevin matched your desperateness to get your clothes off as well. 
“I know another way to stay warm,” you said. 
Kevin chuckled. “I told you I can help with whatever you need,” he said. “I keep my promises.” 
You finally got his shirt loose and pushed it off of his shoulders. He had huge muscles, showing off a physique that made you lick your lips in anticipation. His thighs bunched underneath you and you moaned, rolling your hips against his pelvis. 
His erection was thick against his jeans. Kevin grabbed the edges of your shirt and pulled it off you, revealing your bra. He moaned and kissed around your chest. His hands traveled up and down your back, warming it up just like he promised. 
The black tank he wore underneath looked damn good on him but it had to go. He stopped kissing your chest long enough to let you remove it.  Your hands explored his chest while he put his mouth over your nipple through the fabric. 
You moaned, throwing your head back and giving him better access. He took the opportunity you presented and sucked on your titty until the fabric was soaked with his saliva. Your nipple became increasingly sensitive under his attention. You were hissing and shaking by the time he finally let go and admired his handiwork.
He switched to your other nipple, giving it the same love and attention as the first. You squirmed in his lap, unable to stop moving. Your hands moved to the back of his neck and held him to you. He groaned and continued to tug and suckle on your nipple until it was sensitive as well. 
As a big girl, it was not easy to feel small. Dainty. Delicate. But you felt like that in Kevin’s capable hands. You felt worshiped. Adored. The soft light coming from outside made the room feel like a bubble. Like time stopped somewhere outside and you were free to explore. To breathe. To cherish this moment with Kevin. 
He licked the swell of your breast outside of your bra and you moaned. He kissed up your neck until his lips found yours. Until he was nibbling on your lips and licking away the sting. He sucked on your bottom lip and you felt the tug in your pussy. 
You were uncomfortably wet. You felt your arousal dampening your panties. You didn’t know how much longer you would hold out. Or survive. 
“You squirming a lot there. You feelin’ good?” He asked.
“Yes,” you moaned. 
“What I’m gon’ find when I take them panties off?” He asked. 
“Me, excited. Ready for you,” you said.
“Ohh, you a little naughty on top of being sweet?” 
You didn’t have time to answer. Kevin stood up, holding you, cupping your ass so you didn’t slip. He kissed you while he held you. But your heart was thumping. Thundering. “I got you, don’t you even worry,” he whispered against your lips.
The apartment was small so he crossed the space in a few steps to get to your bed. He gently laid you down and stepped back to admire how needy you were. How you stretched out on the bed and made a sublime vision of wantonness. 
He bit his lip with a smirk as he unbuttoned your jeans and tugged them off your hips. Your breathing was rapid, out of control. Your chest rose and fell in quick succession. Your skin felt alive and electric. Like he needed to enter you right this second or you’d spontaneously combust.
“Look at you. Needy little thing,” he commented. His hands spanned the expanse of your thighs, rubbing and kneading. 
“Oh, Kevin,” you moaned. 
“So you ready for me, huh?” He asked. You watched through slitted eyes as he tilted his head. How could he be in control right now? Had it been that long for you? 
You were too busy packing and saying goodbye to family and friends to worry about getting your rocks off. You were too busy working and unpacking in Chicago to worry about finding someone to relieve the pressure. The past few weeks, it had been you and Roman the Rose. 
“I’m so ready,” you said, making him chuckle. 
He took off his shoes, socks, and jeans and you watched him unveil parts of his body you imagined. Lusted over. Pictured way too often to ever tell him the truth. 
“Mhm, we gon’ see,” he said. He joined you on the bed. Kneeling on it, the bed groaned under his weight and you smiled. Your bed had been previously unprepared for someone of his size. He dropped his lips to your chest slowly. When his breath fanned over your nipples, you moaned and twisted away from him.
He completely covered you, however, so there was no place to go. He licked the swell of your breasts again, glancing up at your reactions. You were mesmerized by him. Under his spell. One of his hands slipped up your thigh and you twinged. Goosebumps pebbled your skin but you felt like you were on fire. 
He pressed a thumb over your panties and pushed in, digging the fabric past your pussy lips and groaned at the wet glide of it already. “Oh shit,” you moaned. 
“Hm, look what I found,” he said against your skin. 
His fingers played with your pussy over your panties and you kept moving, twisting, writhing against your bed and underneath him. Every so often, his thumb would grace your pussy lips. That hint of skin to skin contact made you hiss and roll your hips against his hand. 
Kevin used his teeth to drag down the cup of your bra. He grinned finding your dark nipple and then he latched on, swirling his tongue around it in a way that let you know he’d do the same to your pussy when given the chance. 
Your breaths were choppy. Belly flipping. Pussy throbbing. Hands clutching your sheets and yanking. 
Your orgasm was tearing through you, stealing your breath like a thief. Stars exploded behind your eyelids as rippling pleasure traveled throughout your body. Kevin hummed through it all. 
“Look so damn pretty when you cum. Gon’ look even better when I get in there. I bet you’re gonna feel good ridin’ this dick,” he said. His raspy voice was its own brand of magic. Your nipples were still sensitive under his ministrations and the painful tug felt delicious. 
You whimpered. He used his teeth to drag down your other cup and gave it attention as well. His tongue flicking across the dark areola. “Shit!” You moaned.
“Mhm, let me hear it,” he said. His warm breath fanned across the wet spots he left behind and you shuddered. 
“Kevin, please,” you begged.
“Naw, that beggin’ shit don’t work on me,” he said. 
You whimpered once more as he rolled your nipple between his teeth. His hand went back to rubbing your pussy but this time, he finally slipped underneath. His thumb teased the area around your clit, never quite hitting it and teasing you with no mercy. 
“Oh fuuck,” you moaned. You turned your head to the side and bit your sheets, turning distraught at the realization that he was going to take his time with your body. He was an explorer. He was a master conductor fine tuning your body and learning the sounds you were capable of producing. 
He sucked hard on your nipple and your back left the soft sheets, arching away from the bed. “Augh,” moaned. 
At the same time, he dipped a finger into your entrance getting his finger wet up to the knuckle. “Nice and fuckin’ wet. Fuck,” he moaned. 
You hissed as he moved his finger in and out. His thumb continued to tease your clit, never directly touching it. It was a dual sensation that drove you insane and contracted on his finger.
“You gon’ feel this good squeezing on my dick?” He asked.
“Uh-huh,” you said and nodded. Hell yes you would. He just needed to believe you and get inside you already. You moved your hips against his finger and he hummed in appreciation. 
“Oh, impatient too. You wanna cum again?” He asked.
You nodded. “Yes, please, I wanna cum,” you whined, your voice tinny and weak. 
“Good girl, using your words without me having to tell you. A’right, I’ll let you cum,” he said. He pushed a second finger inside you and then began pumping in earnest. His thumb moved to rub circles around your clit and you came instantly, shouting and twitching.
“Shit, shit, shit,” you moaned as you came, eyes rolling into the back of your head. Kevin placed kisses along your chest as you did so, keeping up his particular brand of torture. He slowed down as your breathing returned to normal. 
“Hmm-mm,” I can get used to that,” he said.
You struggled to your elbows and looked at him. “Fuck,” you panted.
He grinned and stood up. He slipped his fingers out of you and then licked them one by one. He moaned, closing his eyes. Fuck. It was the hottest thing you’d ever seen. He licked his fingers like runaway scoops of brownie mix left on the spatula. 
You were getting worked up looking at him. He was distracted. You smirked as you leaned forward and pressed kisses to his stomach. He tensed up at the contact and you looked up at him. 
He grinned at you, grabbing you by the throat. Your eyes fluttered closed. He hummed. He pulled you into a kiss. A wet, sloppy, loud one that made you hiss and scoot closer to him. You were dripping, soaked. Every movement you made called attention to the fact that you were wet as hell.
“I got somethin’ for you, but I wanna eat first. We didn’t get to them cookies you baked,” he said. 
Your eyes turned watery. “Please, let me touch you, Kevin,” you said. 
He planted another kiss on your lips, lingering to swipe his tongue around your lips and diving inside. Your pussy ached. You’d never felt so empty in your entire life. “You’ll get your chance to make sure my dick wet for you. I don’t wanna hurt you when I finally fuck you,” he said.
You sighed painfully through your nose. Your vision swam with tears. You were beyond horny. You didn’t think you were this insatiable. You had two orgasms already but you wanted more. You wanted more from him. 
Kevin licked his lips and removed his hand from your neck.. He rubbed your lips with his thumb and then gave you a sweeter kiss this time around. “Now lean back and let me get to eatin’,” he commanded.
You needed no further encouragement as you flopped back onto the bed. He peeled your panties off, cooing at the dripping mess you were. “Hm-mm,” he sighed. He kissed your thighs as he slipped your panties off. He licked your calf. He threw your panties somewhere behind him and it landed with a soft, wet plop. 
You would have felt embarrassed usually. But there was nothing but pure, uncut lust. You could taste it in the air. Feel it burning you inside and out. 
Kevin hummed, stroking himself through his briefs. He spread your legs and watched as your arousal slowly leaked out of you. You felt it roll down the crack of your ass and shivered. Cool air blasted from somewhere. The wind continued to howl, adding to the soft orchestra of sounds you were currently making. 
Kevin knelt down slowly and got into position between your legs. He put them over his shoulders and yanked you down to the edge of the bed. His arms hooked underneath your legs and spread you open for his meal.
He blew slowly across your wet clit and you shivered. The anticipation was worse. You couldn’t stop moving, shaking, yearning. Kevin laughed and kissed your clit. He hummed. “Taste so fuckin’ good already. You’re so wet, baby,” he said. “Gonna drown in this pretty pussy.” 
“Fuck, Kevin!” You shrieked. 
He chuckled. “Calm down, what you cussin’ for? I ain’t even do nothin’ yet,” he said. 
You whined, rolling your hips. “Please, please, please,” you begged. You couldn’t take this teasing. You weren’t used to it. Had you even had sex before this? You thought you had decent lovers before. Men who knew what they were doing and had you screaming until the cows came home.
But Kevin? Kevin eclipsed any man that came before. You were a virgin all over again. This was your first time and your partner was an expert. A sex demon sent straight from hell. 
“The more you beg, the longer I take,” he said. He licked outside of your pussy lips. He went as far as the seam and pulled back, licking down ‘till he reached your entrance. His tongue just crested the surface of it. 
“Okay, I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” You yelled and huffed. 
Kevin continued to tease you, drawing curses and screams and yells as he explored your body. Your thighs shook violently. Tingles turned to pinpricks against your legs the longer he held them open. 
Wave upon wave of desire flooded your system. Your hands played in his hair as he worked, savoring you. He hummed every so often when you tugged on his hair or made a sound that sounded like you were near death. Near leaving this plane of existence forever.
You stopped trying to plead with him. You become engrossed in the pleasure he was giving you. You and it were one and you surrendered to the feel of him. He finally pushed in further, drawing his tongue close to your clit.
“Auhh,” you croaked.
Kevin kept going, swirling his tongue. His sloppy, loud eating was seduction personified. He sucked so hard that he made noises with your pussy. 
You couldn’t say anything to let him know that you were enjoying yourself. You couldn’t encourage him to keep doing what he was doing. Your mind was gone. Gone on a different trip this time. 
He sighed against your pussy and then flicked his tongue on your clit. It was your undoing. You cried out, pupils blown wide as you came and came and came. Shivers wracked your body. Kevin held you down in his powerful arms, helping you weather the tempest rushing through you.
Your fingers dug into his wild hair and pulled. It didn’t seem to faze Kevin. He continued to eat you out as if searching for the next meal course. He ate you on the way down from the high. You moaned and bit your lip, hoping pain would help dull this type of ecstasy. It did not. 
Kevin smacked his lips as he slowly stopped, rolling his tongue one more time. He leaned back and surveyed his work. You heard him smacking his lips. “Makin’ such a big mess for me,” he whispered. He kissed your pussy and then leaned back. 
Your eyes found his. He smirked. His beard dripped with your essence. Entire lower jaw was wet and you saw trails of your slick in his beard. He rubbed it in, moving his hand to work in what you left on him. 
“How you feelin’, gorgeous?” He asked. 
“Like I died,” you said.
He chuckled. “Well, now you got some work to do. Get this dick wet,” he said.
He helped you into a sitting position. You yelped, feeling the giant pool you made on the edge of the bed. You were definitely going to have to wash these immediately. He grabbed your throat, tearing your thoughts away from the bed and back onto him. 
He leaned down and kissed you. Fuck, you tasted good on him. You smelled yourself and it only turned you on more. He sucked on your bottom lip and then swiped his tongue up. He made out with you and you somehow dripped more. You were a veritable slip and slide at this point. If he entered you, he’d face no resistance.
He pulled back and you smiled goofily at him. He smiled back. “Even better than I been dreamin’,” he said. He leaned back and let you go. You watched as he removed his briefs. Your eyes widened at the size of him. 
He was long and thick, a deadly combination. Maybe all the prep time was more from necessity. Had he tried entering you without lube or without foreplay, that shit would hurt. You were no punk though.
You fixed your glasses and greedily took him into your mouth. You were not as nuanced as he was. You did not have time for games. You had been desperate to touch him, taste him, and explore him in the same way he did to you. You sucked the tip of him and he hissed, hands going to the side of your face.
You pushed past his hands, sucking as much of him down as you could. You used your hands on the area you couldn’t get to. You spat on his dick and used it to let your hands glide better. 
“Sweet fuck,” he moaned. 
You sucked on him, remembering to breathe through your nose so that you didn’t pass out doing this. Your pussy throbbed as he continued to moan and throw his head back, rolling his neck. Your drool slipped past your lips and coated his shaft. You flicked your tongue across his tip and he jerked his hips forward.
His hands on the side of your head gripped you harder and pushed you down on his dick. Deeper than you would normally take someone. You had been worried that you would puke or something. However, you relaxed your throat and worked together to soak his dick with your saliva and make sure that he wouldn’t hurt you on entry. 
“Fuck, right there. Right there,” he moaned. 
You moaned right back, loving the way he took control of his pleasure and used you. “Let me cum in that pussy, baby,” he said.
You looked up at him and he licked his lips. You nodded. “Yef,” you said around his dick.
He slipped out of your mouth and you sucked in deep breaths. Your head was light. Floating. Soaring. You licked your lips and rubbed your cheeks to get the ache out. But Kevin grabbed you roughly and flipped you over on the bed.
“Ouee, shit,” you groaned. You sniffled. Fuck, he was ruining you for any other guy. You would never be able to have sex with anyone else ever again! Was it too early to propose? Was it too early to ask him to move into this tiny apartment with you and deliver this every night on demand? Would that scare him away? 
His large hands wrapped around your waist and pulled you back. One hand left as he guided his dick to your entrance. You sighed. There was no reason to beg him not to tease you. He wouldn’t listen either way. 
Kevin shoved inside in one hard thrust that brought those stars back to your mind’s eye. “Fuuuuuuuuuuuuh,” you moaned. 
As suspected, he slipped in easily thanks to the foreplay and you sucking him off. He groaned as he was fully seated and began rolling his hips, giving you long, deep strokes. He grinded in your pussy and you began to shake and shiver on him. 
“Throw that shit back like you want it,” he said. 
You listened, throwing it back. He was stroking so hard that you couldn’t brace yourself. You dropped down to your elbows and raised your ass higher. He moaned as he stroked deeper, hitting your sweet spot and making your toes curl. 
“Kevin, Kevin, Kevin,” you chanted.
“Yeah, I know I’m hittin’ that shit. Bounce it back,” he said.
You moved your hips faster, matching his pace. He grabbed a fistful of your hair and yanked back. Your head snapped back, a bite of pain on your scalp. “Auh, auh, auh,” you croaked.
His thrusts made your ass clap on him. “Mhm, gripping that shit,” he moaned. He twisted your hair again, yanking your head back a little more and stroking into you with precision. 
“Oue, baby, I’m gonna cum,” you moaned. “I’m cumming, baby.”
“Cum on then. Cum on this dick so I can nut in this pussy,” he said.
You cried. You exploded. You were ripped apart as the orgasm burrowed through your system. Your legs shook and twitched. Your pussy gripped him tight, making him snug as he pounded. 
Kevin continued stroking until he groaned and busted inside of you. Hot pulses of cum signed his name in the crevices of your pussy and you moaned with him. 
He slammed inside of you two more times and stilled, panting. He slowly worked his way out of you and you groaned. You immediately flopped onto the bed. Strength left you. Your energy was gone. 
Kevin’s quiet huffs let you track him through the apartment. You heard water running and then he was back, cleaning you up. You whined, crying and pushing away from him. He cooed at you and gently cleaned you up. 
Sleep tugged at you. You yawned. Kevin returned. You were putty in his hands as he moved you away from the mess you made. “I know another way to warm you up too,” he said.
“Hm,” you sighed. 
He chuckled as he got you out of the puddle. You sighed, curling up now that you were in a dry spot. Kevin placed something onto the wet spot and then got in bed with you, pulling your back into his chest. He spread out covers over you. 
You had just enough thought to take off your glasses and put it on the nightstand next to you. 
His hand came around to rest against your titty, still clad in your bra. He threw one leg over you and your body instantly warmed up. He was a space heater. You snuggled into his warmth and were out like a light, with a giant smile on your face.
The END.
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The Secret Kevin Atwater Files
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boba-at-323 · 4 months
Stay-home dates with RIIZE !!
Note : OMG !! I had so much fun writing thisssss <333 || DID NOT PROOFREAD PLEASE || Also Idk what to tw but I have mentioned snacks a whole lot of time + I TRIED MY BEST TO MAKE IT GENDER NEUTRAL BUT LIKE SINCE IM FEMALE SO EXCUSE ME ;-; please enjoyyyy !!
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Osaki Shotaro <3 !
Hmm, not a big fan, but as long as you're happy he is too !!
Omg !!
You ask him to film TikToks with you and he's MORE THAN HAPPY !!
So like you've saved a lot of trends and dances you wanna recreate with him.
He's so excited and gets all giggly over it!
Takes it a little too seriously…
Like you're looking at him with your jaw dropped and eyes wide because how did it take him one look to literally MASTER the dance.
Laughs embarrassed when you praise him !!
But you tell him that he's too fast for you ';-; so he apologises and suggests teaching you the dance step by step!
The two of you continuously burst into fits of giggles when something goes wrong.
You'd film like 29837209 TikToks and just have fun goofing around.
You might also end up exhausted on the floor reviewing the videos you filmed.
Thinks you look very cute and asks you to do this often with him!
Might get bored if you don't have a lot to do.
Would love to talk to you about anything really.
I feel like he's someone who enjoys conversing, so you might actually start having deep conversations that will last for hours.
Hmm rating 8/10 PLS HES SO ADORABLE <3
Rest of the members under the cut !
Song Eunseok <3 !
This man is literally so chill with everything.
Like you'd suggest going for a picnic on a volcano and he'd be like "lol ok."
Okay, maybe not that much but yk what I mean !!
So yeah you're probably sitting with him binge-watching some anime or series.
He's quiet the whole time and is actually very immersed in the story.
However, he will be passing comments every now and then.
And I tell you, these comments are so out of pocket???
Like you can't help but burst out laughing.
And he's just gonna look at you like "😐".
So yeah be prepared cuz the witty comments he's gonna slip will crack you so bad.
Like it actually makes you question how his brain works
But it's okay, that just means he's having fun!
Also, it's very hard to concentrate on whatever you're watching cuz he looks so pretty next to you.
Like you keep on looking at him, smirks 100%
"Yeah I know I'm too hard to resist"
Also makes sure you get your share of snacks!!
I'd rate it a solid 9/10 cuz it's really entertaining!
Jung Sungchan <3 !
But after much convincing, he gives in.
"At least we get to spend time together, right?"
But what happens is like,
You're standing there tying your hair back, you ask him for help with your apron.
Gets a little too touchy
You have to slap his arm away and give him a death glare.
Pretends he doesn't know what he did rn 😔
Is actually a very good helping hand.
Like helps you out, follows everything you tell him to do, however...
Has his doubts, and totally shakes his head if he thinks smth is going wrong.
"Y/n are you sure it's 2 cups sugar?" "I don't think we should be using butter…"
Like he said, he takes up a large radius.
So this clumsy baby probably toppled over a lot of things, making a very big mess ;-;
Apologises repeatedly with sad puppy eyes 🥹
You kiss his cheek and tell him it's fine
Though you ask him to sit it out and let you handle the rest of the process yourself.
I'd rate it a 4/10, this man is NOT meant to be confined to a small space.
Park Wonbin <3 !
Would prefer them actually !!!
He'd absolutely LOVE to cuddle with you throughout the day.
Like he'd just be clinging onto you telling you literally everything that happened to him cuz for some reason he gives me yapper vibes
Though he'd appreciate listening to what you have to tell him, leaving a trail of kisses all over your neck.
Also he LOVES your voice so much omg !
So he can also pull out his guitar and have a serenade with you (english 💀).
Would ask you your favourite song, and if he doesn't know it WILL make sure he knows it the next time you guys have an at-home date
If he knows, he plays it for you encouraging you to sing.
you tell him you think your voice sucks.
"Nonsense idc i just wanna hear your pretty voice <3"
Literally heart eyes for you once you start singing,
Like might actually melt, give you the softest, most lovesick gaze EVER !
There is a possibility he ends up messing up the cords cuz you distracted him !!!
He's so cute pls </3
Omg also, the two of you might also end up in the kitchen cooking smth together, blasting a playlist he made for you!
But you don't know that <3
He actually so desperately wants to do cliche romantic things with you but is too shy to initiate </3
It's giving that "Idk how to flirt so I'm just gonna stare at you till you marry me" meme
Be prepared for endless back hugs because he's just so SO soft for you <333
Anyways yeah 11/10 (+1 is probably cuz I'm so down bad for him)
Hong Seunghan <3 !
My manz I miss him all day everyday ;-;
He's so sweet I tell you, agrees to literally everything.
Putting mbti and stuff aside, I think he'd actually plan out a few activities you could do together.
Like if you're going over to his place, hes prepared snacks and stuff for you.
Hmm !! Video games are a must I believe !!
Like I read he plays FIFA online???
SO yeah, if you know how to play, the both of you would spend hours playing together
I don't see him getting very competitive but will whine if you keep on beating him!
However, will also compliment on how great you are at the game!!
However, if you don't know how to play and absolutely suck (like me ;-;)
When you mess something up, or like if you can't understand something, the pout on your lips makes his heart EXPLODE.
Like he thinks you're the most adorable ever, he'd start squealing if his pride lets him.
Ends up attacking you with kisses and hugs.
The game is long forgotten, just a clingy Seunghan showering you with love because of how adorable he finds you.
Lee Sohee <3 !
Unlike Seunghan, I can see him playing board games and such with you!
For example, the two of you could be sitting on the floor playing UNO.
But that got boring CUZ HOW DO TWO PEOPLE EVEN PLAY UNO !!!
So takes out a Jenga set because he thought it was very entertaining!
Both of you are screaming SO much when either chooses the wrong piece to remove.
Which is unfair to you and you WILL whine about it.
"All is fair in war and Jenga"
Laughs at you because you're definitely the one who's going to topple the tower over.
So yeah you all spend a lot of time giggling and screaming over board games!
OMG ALSO !! Thanks to Anton, he bought some Lego sets too!!
You all start good but eventually get so frustrated because you can't find one tiny piece.
Ofc you give up and spend the rest of the evening with his karaoke machine !!
HE !! WANTS !! TO !! SING !!
And please you're just so mesmerised the whole time he's singing.
Like woah??? His voice is so good even when he's goofing around? INSANE!!
Though you aren't losing to him, so the both of you get SUPER competitive.
Lee Anton <3 !
Like Wonbin, he'd also enjoy stay-at-home dates.
I can see him enjoying doing anything, to be honest.
Like for example, the two of you could just be lying next to each other sharing with each other reels you see.
Or just him listening to you telling him some tea from your workplace/college etc.
Sitting on the bed together with a variety of snacks sprawled around.
Like Sohee, I can even see him building Legos in silence with you cuz this guy is so patient !
Oh also!
He'd pull out his laptop and shyly ask if you'd like to listen to the music he's created.
After listening, your face is the shocked Pikachu meme.
"Woahhh my boyfriend is so cool :OOO"
Get's blushy over the compliments you shower him with.
Brushes it off saying it's nothing.
NEways, teaches you how to try making music.
Laughs if you cry about how difficult it is, he thinks it's adorable.
You ask him to delete the trash you've made, but he creates a separate folder to save everything you've made with him.
Plus he treasures it so much like only if he could somehow just make you feel how much it means to him !!
Pretty cute, very cozy, overall nice experience 10/10 <3
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Thank you for reading reblogs and reviews are appreciated ! <3
Title : Stay-home dates with Riize || Word count: 1652 || Genre: fluff ! || Pairing: Riize x implied Fem!Reader (tried making it gender neutral pt.29382938)
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ladybirdswritings · 4 months
Pretty Thing - Cooper Howard (Ghoul) x Reader
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Summary: You're a shiny, pretty prize worth more caps than can be counted on ten hands altogether. There's something special about you, and the Ghoul is determined to figure out just what it is.
Notes: Part threeee :) Lmk if u love this and I'll write more (feel free to leave me lots of comments and interactions, they motivate me!!)
last chap | A03 | masterlist
part 3
Vicious and prominent throughout each and every bone and dip within your body.
Horrible, familiar ache.
The sun was blinding, scorching redness onto your skin like ripe cherry tomatoes.
A few soft, scattered blinks and your gaze parted to white. Squinting amongst the hazy glow, the silhouette of an old, brimmed hat and a noseless shadow centered.
It was him.
“Mornin’ sweetheart.”
Your back was stiff, pressed against the decayed, withered roots of an old weeping willow. Your body was postured straight, tied tight by ropes you wanted to scratch at with haste if you could.
It took you a few more blinks, a few more moments past the confusion to remember just about everything that had transpired.
The experiments, the cage, the brunette and the Ghoul. The same Ghoul who was chewing on rotted straw with dark, curious eyes admiring his rope-work, running up and down your pallid figure.
Your heart rate sped then. You didn’t much like being contained— and it seemed as though you had only been traded from one cage to another.
You gon’ make me lots of money…
His distant words pounded against your skull in an infinite echo, swelling at your brain like a bee sting.
It all settled, then.
Your eyes widened, breaths more labored now as you struggled against the ropes with the very small amount of strength you had gained from your slumber. It wasn’t much.
He only watched you for a moment with a rather unimpressed expression on his mangled face. But then he smirked.
“Don’t get too rowdy now, sweetie. I won’t hesitate to tighten them ropes.”
The ropes cut into your purpled skin the more you fought against them. They were knotted in more places than you could count. Effortlessly crafted to keep you.
“Where are my keepers?”
Your voice was an awful rasp. A horrible, guttural sound. You didn’t recognize it. Then again, you didn’t recognize anything about yourself.
Your question, too. What a silly thing to ask. As if you’d prefer being with them instead.
The horrid creature, the place where his brows would be lifted in surprise. He took his time, his sweetened— honeyed time getting up. Swinging a leg round the scraps he sat upon and lifting to tower over everything in sight. A chill met your spine, acquainted with it.
He was silent, silent as his boots crunched against the bloodied ground. Closer and closer, even closer and never once did his eyes fall from your face.
“Oh… don’t tell me you miss em’ now, darlin’. Yous a masochist behind all them chains and ropes, pretty thing? Hmm?”
He smelled of bitterness and smoke, invasive and poisonous. It didn’t take him long to be a mere step before you— but he invaded it. Your breath left your lips, you poor— confused thing. You were in disarray as you turned your head so to escape him.
That wasn’t allowed.
His hand was a rough, unpleasant thing. Torn up and stitched together by frayed threads. It was foreign yet warm against your chin as he roughly redirected your gaze to him again. Demanding your attention. He hummed in dark approval when you lifted your wide eyes to find his.
“Hope not. They took all that meat off them bones o’ yours. We gon’ have to sweeten you up again, ain’t we?”
He was suffocating you. Every fiber of you. So close now that his breath was kissing your cheek.
Your gaze narrowed, jaw blooming with tension-coiled poppies.
“I could kill you.” You practically spat and God— how right you were.
You didn’t know the how or the why, the reason or the answers. No, you didn’t know any of that at all. What you did know, however, was that whatever fueled the crimson laced in your palms was enough to bring any ghoul to their knees. He could be no different.
And yet?
He laughed. A raspy, weak sound. Golden teeth on full display. Your head fell into a tilt of confusion, he followed it— huffing out a breath when he was done getting a kick from your words.
“Oh I know, sweetie. I know. But do you?”
But do you…
Three simple words forming a question that brought more fear to you than any ropes or chains ever could. You couldn’t remember. That was just the problem.
The sound of sharp metal scraping against worn leather made your wide eyes dart toward his free hand. The mangled Ghoul lifted a shined, silvered blade from his holster and pointed it right to the most vulnerable place at your neck.
You gulped, lips parting as your chest rose and fell. The cruel creature… he was teasing you, and he was enjoying it. There was mischief lit up like golden globes in his eyes, a soft and sadistic kind of smirk just ghosted on his lips. He scraped the blade against your soft skin, dragging it from your collarbone, up to your jugular, then right to your chin— all the while following the dangerous path with his eyes.
He could have sunk the blade in. Ended it. Turned in your body for far too many caps to count but… he didn’t. No… instead he brought the blade to the same ropes he caged you with and he set you free.
Your body was a home for every pin and needle in existence to dwell. Soon as your ropes fell to the dilapidated ground, you fell with them. On your hands and knees before his scruffy boots.
He stood there like that for a moment, looking down at you kneeled at his feet. Perhaps he was waiting to see if you’d run. You didn’t. Not because you didn’t want to but rather because you were afraid.
Afraid and confused.
Your eyes darted to your surroundings and every single inch of them was unfamiliar. How would you survive?
When the Ghoul was certain you were staying put, he parted from you; walking slow back to his seat of scraps as he ruffled some papers away from his coat.
With a clear of his throat, he began…
“Y/N Y/L/N. Age? Unknown. Species? Radioactive superhuman. Now ain’t that some wild shit, darlin’? You. Little ol’ you and you ain’t the least bit scarred or mangled, huh?”
You blinked, his words only a blur of nonsense you couldn’t quite break apart enough to be coherent. You cautiously lifted your head, gaze settling in on him again. He sat proudly, satisfied with all this. Right ankle rested atop left knee and stained paper gripped in ancient hands.
He looked on at you once, satisfied to know he had earned your attention again. With a deeper smirk now, he continued louder.
“Subject can absorb harmful radiation n’ process it to gain sustenance. Oo’ wee… n’ there’s more. Y/L/N possesses the innate ability to manipulate any form of power er energy and project it from her very hands— my my. Look at you. A god damn X-Man, ain’t you?”
His words, though understood in your conscious mind, you didn’t understand the importance of them. All you knew to be true was that people were afraid. Horrified.
Yet not him.
Not him…
Your breath left you, exhausted by the heat and position, and you bowed your head again. He silently skimmed through whatever else was printed on that precious page, and when he was satisfied? He tossed it aside and focused his attention back on you.
“Now I had thought that I was real damn lucky to have found you, you little money maker. But no, oh no darlin’— that just ain’t true. See, I ain’t got no use for ya’ if you kill me fore’ I get my payout. N’ you can— kill me. Ain’t a fool to admit it. You ain’t like me, you ain’t like vaultie or any of those tin soldiers. Nah, yous real special. Different. I thought bout’ dumpin’ you when I read this ol’ thing but damn it, sweetie… I must have a lil’ thing for strays.”
His tangent was laced with only parts you could keep up with. You were worth something, but he was unlucky to have you. He had a thing for strays, but he was set to dump you. You weren’t like him, but he too was a monster.
“You’re awfully contradictory…” it left your lips far before you could stop it, moving to sit or rather slump back against the tree as you spoke. Your ribs poked against your skin.
“Mm.” Is all he offered, staring on at you for a few more painfully long moments before he lifted again. He was even slower now, even more cautious in his approach. Towered before you and shifting so to squat— eye to eye you were again.
“See truth be told, sweetie, s’ you that needs me. Even exchange, really. Gon’ use you for all you’re worth, and you gon’ be fed real well. Ain’t gonna be held by no chains or rope. N’ I’ll teach you how to really, truly hurt a man enough to keep m’ down— understand?”
He wanted to help you…?
You didn’t have much experience at all with being, well, alive. That you remembered, at least. Living truly, not just breathing. Even so, if you searched hard enough beneath the surface of his words, you understood them. He needed you for your powers, as everyone else seemed to, and as a courtesy in return? He’d teach you all the things your keepers wouldn’t dare to, all the things orbiting planet freedom.
He was a stranger.
Then again… everyone was.
Your silence, your unspoken dilemma confined in your aching mind— it was enough to provoke his voice again.
“You can go on n’ run into that city, you know. Oh I ain’t gon’ stop you, pretty thing. No I ain’t. You know what will, though?”
Your gaze became a glare, and yet he was expectant.
“Go on, ask me.”
You didn’t quite follow, and yet if one thing was clear in your gaze and your consciousness? It was him… his commands.
“What?” Is but all you whispered, and it satisfied the mangled man enough to make him sigh.
The same awful, torn up hand that had lifted you into his arms. The same hand that had tied you hostage with rope and flipped through your dilapidated file, that same hand, it lifted once more so to brush away the hair sticking against your dampened forehead. You shivered at the sensation.
Gentle… the most gentle you’d ever felt in your entire consciousness; and from a Ghoul.
His eyes glazed over you like jam to buttered scone and with a twitch of his jaw and a tilt of his skull, he gave you the answer you were silently seeking…
“You will…”
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Summary: Negan coaches college ball for a small community college. One of his players however keeps up a little game that he is tired of playing
Warnings: swearing, age gap (early 20s reader, Negan is mid 40s), smut, p in v sex, daddy kink
Negans POV
There she goes again, purposely wearing those fucking short shorts. They hugged those thighs tights and made her ass pop. Fuck, what I’d do to her if she was mine for one night. But I can’t risk my fucking job over pussy. I try to ignore the way she sways her hips when walking past me and how she’s able to be a star during practice. There is no denying that most of these girls are crushing on me but Y/N just has to make her desires known in a more outlandish way. She was by no means shy about the attraction, sometimes I would slip up a flirty comment to amuse her game. But never actually go to touch her or anything stepping over that boundary.
Tonight was a scrimmage game to see how well we are prepared for the season. Along with to see what we need to practice on. As the game went on, a few students watched in the gym and I focus on different plays.
“C’mon girls! Defense, defense!” I call out and blow the whistle for a quick time out. They came over to the side line and gather in a circle.
“We’re doing great so far, but defense needs work. It doesn’t really work out well if we can’t keep the opposing team off our dick, right?” They laugh at my joke and nodded in agreement. I blew my whistle once more to set off the game again. Much improvement in our team and I shout out my criticism and let them finish out the last quarter as champs. We had a little get together after they showered up in the cafeteria. Apparently, there was a little froyo social, bullshit that college campus’s do. I snuck away as the girls started talking whatever girl language they do. Hopefully, they have fun tonight. I sigh and walk back to the gym to gather my stuff to go home. As I unlocked the gym door, I go to my office and flip the light switch.
“What are you doing here?” I sigh looking at Y/N on my desk, her legs are crossed. “Not much. Just waiting for you…Daddy.” I hissed as I heard that nickname and shook it off. I move pass her and grab my duffle bag.
“Get out of here and go to that gay froyo social.” I say making sure all my things are in my bag. I then heard movement around and hoping she left. But instead heard the locking of the door.
“Y/N. I’m telling you one more time, leave.” I say in a stern tone and remove my hat. I run my fingers through my hair as I turn off my computer.
“Am I not attractive?” The question made me turn my head towards her. “You are very attractive, Y/N.” I say throwing my bag on my shoulder.
“Am I not your type?” She keeps on asking and trying to trap me. “I don’t have a type.” I say trying to dismiss her. “Then what is it? I’m twenty one, so it’s legal and I’ve caught you staring at me numerous times…” She says reaching to touch me but I dodge the advance.
“This is inappropriate and you know it.” I say going to unlock the door and then heard her let out a dramatic sigh. “I see how it is. Coach Smith is just too scared.” I gripped the door handle tight, I knew exactly what she was trying to do. I just shook my head and unlocked the door to make my leave. “Fine. Run away like a coward.” I heard her say in a disappointed tone.
Another week passed and I was grading the last few exams. I hated graded these papers especially since I’m supposed to be hands on. But can’t be so lucky as the curriculum calls for state testing and at least a few tests to exercise their brains. I sigh feeling bored already and sip the coffee from my thermos. It was late evening as I got stuck here. I did however procrastinate my duties, I had a couple dates with a few faculty members. Unfortunately, they were boring and even worse no pussy either. I growl under my breath and felt it was too long since I’ve felt the warmth of a woman. Two long months and not getting my dick wet. I lean back in my office chair and ran a hand over my chin. As I took a break, I heard some noise outside of my office. It sounded like some stupid kids finding the empty gym to fuck. I would leave it alone but hearing some guy get lucky instead of me, just pisses me off. I go to stand up and open my door to see some frat boy with Y/N.
“Shit! You fucking lied to me!”
“Hey! I didn’t know he was still here.” She retaliated and I was fucking furious. For one, she was here with this idiot and the other thing was that she intended to let another person have her.
“That’s no way to speak to a lady. Now, I’ll give you two options. One, you can leave and I won’t do a fucking thing. Two, I’ll suspend you and fail your sorry ass.” I say looking at them both. I scowl at Y/N to make her feel how angry I was.
“Fine. I’m out of here.” He walked away quickly and Y/N was shooting daggers at me. “Thanks a lot! I was trying to have fun but I can’t get that when you’re around.” I shook my head and grabbed her wrist. “I’m so sick and tired of your ass. You need someone to fuck you? Fine, I’ll change your fucking life.”
She didn’t put up any physical protest or verbal as I lead us to my office. I could practically feel her excitement as I push further inside and lock the door.
“Get your ass on the desk.” I say removing my cap and see her immediately jump to my orders. I smile to myself seeing how happy she was, I was too. Finally get to feel that tight cunt on me along with her ass. I bit my lip and approach the desk. Her thighs opened for my body to fit and instantly my lips were on hers. I held her by the waist as I leaned down to deepen our kiss. Fuck, they were so soft and tasted like honey. I groan into her mouth and felt her hips buck. I grin against her lips as I felt her thighs going around my waist.
“Eager?” I teased her and grind against her, she let out a cute whimper to feel my semi erect cock. I bit my lip and moved to bite her neck. Her skin tasted just as good as I sucked a dark hickey on her bare neck. Want everyone to see that she’s owned by me. And me alone. I growl as I move lower and felt her body through the thin shirt.
“Fuck. Coach.”
“Not coach. Negan or Daddy, either one is fine as long as you scream it.” I heard her breath get heavy at the statement and took the opportunity to kneel down. Y/N looked down at me, all that cockiness she had was out the window. It turned me on even more, seeing her slick mouth shut and her actions were all shy. All because I have her trapped under my grasp. Her limbs were trembling as I had my head between her thighs. I bit my lip looking at her turn red.
“Someone getting cold feet?” I teased as I reach to tug away her shorts. She tensed instantly and almost pushed me away. I look up at her and stopped my hands from going further. I can read how nervous she was to do this and pecked my lips on her knee.
“It’s okay. Just relax baby, Daddy won’t hurt you.” I coo as I gently massage her calf. I move to stand up and moved my hand up from her leg toward her chin. I held her cheek gently in my hand as my thumb swept along her skin. She was still flushed and I saw how she wanted to hide from my gaze.
“And I thought you’d be more fiesty. Guess that was all bullshit, but don’t worry. I know how to treat a fine piece of ass.” I kiss her again but this time, softer and more attentive. She moaned against me and I reached my hand lower to touch the front of her shorts. Her thighs daring to close but I stop the resistance. “Be a good girl. Let me touch your pussy.” I purred and her muscles slowly untensed. I caressed her through her shorts and felt her hips buck.
“Mm baby. You like that?” I say pressing harder and kissing the mark I left. She only nodded and I bit down on that spot, making her let out a wince.
“Use your fucking words.” I warned. “Yes, I like it.” She whined feeling my hand go beneath the fabric. I felt the little damp spot on her panties making me growl. Fuck, I barely even touched her. I could feel the excitement in her body after making such a noise. I go by her ear and nibbled her earlobe as I growl again. She let out a moan this time as my finger teased her clit.
“Negan, it feels-“
“Oh yeah. Tell me baby, tell me how I feel.” Y/N moaned and went to hide her face in my chest. Her hands reached to grip onto my sweatshirt. I laughed lightly and shoved her panties away. I moaned at the warmth of her nectar hit my skin. I felt her erect clit practically twitch against my touch. Her body clings to me as I finger her dripping cunt. Her noises were muffled into the fabric of my sweatshirt and I kissed the top of her head. Her thighs dared to shut. Damn, she must be close.
“Don’t do that. Be a good girl and let me make you come.” I say against her ear and felt her pussy clenching on my fingers. “Daddy!” She squealed into my chest as I felt her come. I groan feeling her sweet juices coat my hand and brought her into another kiss. I groan and pulled away to take off my shirt. I heard Y/N catching her breath and guided her hand on the buldge of my sweatpants.
“It’s big…” She said in a shaky tone but I reassured her motions and pulled down the waistband. My cock sprung out almost hitting poor Y/N in the face. She visibly shook at the sight of me.
“Don’t worry about putting it in your mouth. We’ll do that another time, for now…” I take her hand and had her touch my shaft. Fuck, her skin was soft and warm. “Just play with it. Get a good feel for me, sweetheart.” Her palm gently went down my cock and back up. She was still shaking but it only made me twitch in her hand.
“Don’t be scared to get a little rough. Go on and give a firm squeeze.” I instructed and she obeyed immediately. I bit my lip feeling her slowly jerk me off. “Oh shit. That’s a good girl.” I praised and see her body language change, she must like that. I smirk to myself and go to stroke her hair. “You want to be my good girl, don’t you?” I asked and gently massaged her scalp. Y/N let out a light sigh at my attention and it encouraged her to go faster. I moan and starting to buck my hips against her. Her grip grew tighter as I felt her.
“Shit. This is making Daddy feel so fucking good.” I smile and brought my hand to lift up her chin up at me. Her eyes were full of desire and I wanted to fill that need. Along with her pussy.
“Behind? Or do you want to face me?”
“What?” She asked and I laughed lightly at her question and squeezed her chin. “How should I fuck you? Behind or do you want look at me?”
“Can I look at you?” She says in a hesitant tone and I gently push away her hand off my cock. I lean over her and kissed her lips as tugged for her shorts to come off. Her hips lifted up and I quickly toss them onto the floor. She shivered feeling the cool touch of my wooden desk as my hands brought her legs to my waist.
“Like this?” I ask knowing fully well how embarrassed she was having me doing this to her. Her cheeks were flushed and her thighs tensed. “Hold on to me, I want to feel you scratch my body as I make you all fucking mine.”
“Yes Daddy.” She whispered and I felt my cock turning to steel. Y/N’s arms go around my shoulders and I lean lower to guide my body to tease her wet slit. I groan at the feeling and heard her let out a moan. I bit my lip and eased the tip inside. She was already squeezing me and I go deeper watching her expression closely.
“Relax for me.” I whispered and stopped my movements feeling her clenching harder. Her nails scratched my shoulder and eventually her velvet walls relaxed.
“I’m sorry. I’ve never felt someone this big.” She winced gently moving her hips up making me moan. I took the opportunity to go all the way inside and moaned at how good she felt.
“Fuck. Tight little pussy on you, feels so fucking good on me.” I moan slowly moving my hips as she whimpered to feel me stretching her cunt. I reached my hand to hold her hip as I kept my thrusts slow to make sure she was adjusting to my size. I was really giving her the special treatment, might as well savor this. I lean closer to her face and kissed her softly. She moaned on my lips and I moved up for her legs to go onto my shoulders. She let out a surprised noise as her back landed onto the papers on the desk. I could careless about that shit right now.
“Oh Y/N.” I groan as I move inside of her as her cunt started overflowing with her sweet juices. Her hold grew tight on me as I started to pound her into the desk. I couldn’t hold myself back, it felt too fucking good.
“Fuck! Daddy!” She whined as my hips seem to have control over me. Well fuck, I think I might be in love with her cunt. “Good girl, letting me have you like this.” I groaned feeling her clench down on my cock.
I growled as those perfect manicured nails dug into my skin and I pumped my cum deep inside this perfect pussy. I moan and dug deep to hit that special spot and watched her mouth hung open. Her eyes shut and tears roll down her cheeks. Fucking fuck fuck fuck! This might’ve been a mistake….
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yelenasdiary · 10 months
Don't Chicken Out
Pairing: Kate Bishop X Fem! Reader.
Summary: Kate gets upset thinking you’ve started dating somebody. 
Word count: 1.4K
Warnings: mentions of alcohol, 
Type: Fluff & Angst
AC: This is a request from my old
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“Pizza is here!” Kate excitingly jumped up from the sofa and ran to the door, “I’ll get the beer!” I said as I walked to the fridge. I grabbed two bottles and opened them, “What are we watching tonight?” I asked Kate as I made my way back to the living room. Kate and I have been friends since she joined the Avengers and I loved having another person to hang out with who was close in age. Don’t get me wrong, I love hanging out with the others but something about Kate makes her my favourite. 
“Whatever you want?” she replied, placing two slices of pizza on a small place for herself. I handed her a bottle of beer as I sat down next to her. “Uhm…what about Blended?” I suggested. “That one about Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore going to a resort?” she asked. I nodded, “yeah, it’s pretty funny!” I added. “Let’s do it!” she smiled. 
It was normal for Kate to cuddle up against me while we watched movies, it was in her personality. She was bubbly and sometimes annoying but in a good way, you feel? 
“These love movies are so corny, but I love them” Kate spoke as I gently played with her hair. “Look how sweet he looks at her” she added. “I guess so” I replied. I wasn’t too big on the romance side of the movie; I just enjoyed the comedy of it. 
“I guess so? You don’t want somebody to look at you like that?” she sat up. I looked at her, confused, “I mean, sure?” I shrugged as she raised an eyebrow, “What? I like comedy, I don’t really look at the romance” I added. “Have you ever seen titanic?!” she asked.
“No no no!! You have a mission we have to train for tomorrow, we are not watching a 3 hour movie tonight” I shook my head. “Fine… party pooper!!” she groaned as she returned to her original position. “How long will you be gone for this time?” I asked, returning to play with her hair. “However long Clint needs me for I’d say” she replied. 
After the movie, we cleaned up the living room before Kate walked me to my room. “6am tomorrow morning Kate, be ready!” you said to her as she walked down the hall to her room. “7!” she called back, “6!!” I shook my head to myself before closing my bedroom door. 
The next morning I help Kate train before she left with Clint for her mission. “So clint, how long you taking my best friend for this time” I joked. “Looking like a 2-3 month job kid. Don’t worry, she’ll be fine” he replied. “Oh, it’s not her I’m worried about old man” I joked as he rolled his eyes. 
“We’re watching Titanic when I’m back, you know that right” Kate spoke to me as she entered the conference room. “Really? Do I have too?” I groaned. “Yes!” she smiled. I rolled my eyes playfully at her and then hugged her tightly, “be safe okay” I said softly to her. “Always” she replied, hugging me a little tighter this time. I watched as her and Clint walked out the room. 
Kates POV:
“Let’s go home kid!” Clint spoke as we entered the jet. Finally, the mission is over, I’m tired and score from combat but so ready to make Y/n watch movies with me again and relax. “How’s those feelings for Y/n going?” Clint asked, catching me off guard. “Sorry..what? I don’t.. no…she’s my best friend” I stuttered. Clint chuckled to himself. 
“What?? I don’t. We are just good friends, plus I don’t even think she likes me if I did..like her… and im not saying I do because I don’t.. I mean I do but not like that” 
“Oh boy, you’ve got it bad kid!” Clint looked at me. “Shut up!” I spoke at my defeat. 
“Why don’t you just tell her? Save her from watching Titanic” he laughed.
“I think she’s seeing somebody else…”
“What makes you say that?”
“Her Instagram account…”
“Oh god, Social media is going to fry your brain kid. If she is seeing somebody, she’ll tell you but don’t just assume” 
“I’m not assuming but she did comment the word babe on this woman’s photo” 
Clint rolled his eyes and didn’t reply. 
Once we got back to the compound I went to my room and had a shower before I walked to the living room where I saw Y/n sitting on the sofa, texting. “Hey” I smiled, she looked up from her phone for not even a second, “hey you’re back!” she said, still typing. 
“Yeah…” I sighed. Her attention still glued to the phone in front of her. “So… uhm, do you wanna watch a movie or play a card game or something?” I asked. 
“Yeah sure, whatever you want” she spoke, still glued to her phone. I rolled my eyes in frustration, “actually, I’m kinda tired so I might just go lay down” I explained. “Okay, we’ll do a movie later then” she spoke without looking at me. 
I turned and walked to my room, pashing clint on my way. “Woah, are you okay?” he asked, stopping me in my tracks. “Told you she was seeing somebody” I sighed and continued to my bedroom. 
*2 week time jump*
Y/n’s POV:
“Clint, what happened on your mission a few weeks back with Kate?” I asked him as he sat reading the newspaper. “What do you mean? It went well” he looked up at me. “Well… Kate, she hasn’t been the same since she came back. She’s basically been ignoring me for like 2 weeks. All I get from her is grunts and mumbles” I explained, taking the seat across from him in the kitchen. 
“Ahh, right. Maybe you should talk to her about this” he spoke.
“Did you not just hear me? She won’t talk to me”
“You’re a smart kid, you’ll get through to her. Go talk to her, listen to her mumbles, maybe that’ll tell you something” he explained. With a sigh, I got up from the table and made my way to Kate’s room. 
I knocked gently and waited for her to open the door. 
“Go away, I have a headache” her voice travelled from the inside. 
“Kate…it’s me, please open the door” I spoke. I heard her grunt before the door opened. “What do you want?” she asked. 
“To talk…are you okay?” 
“I’m fine”
“Kate, you’ve been ignoring me for like 2 weeks, you don’t seem fine” 
“I’m not ignoring you, I just want some space”
“Kate. I know something’s wrong… please talk to me, I’m here for you”
“Fine… come in” she sighed as she opened the door for me. I walked in as she closed the door behind me and flopped herself back on her bed. “Did I do something to upset you?” I asked. 
“No.. I mean…not really”
“Not really?” 
Kate sat up and looked at me. “When I came back you basically ignored me, you were too busy texting your new girlfriend and couldn’t even look at me and it just bothered me because…bec- it just bothered me.” She explained. 
“Because why?” I slowly sat down next to her and took her hands into mine, rubbing my thumb over her knuckles gently. “Because I like you…I really like you. I like you the same way I like when you play with my hair and I like you the same way I like pizza on a Friday night and I know you’re seeing somebody so I’m sorry for dumping this on you but-“
“Kate… I’m not seeing anybody” you cut her off.
“You’re not?” she looked up at me with a soft smile, I shook my head softly, “I already like somebody else” you told her. Her smile dropped, “oh” slipped form her lips. “You” I said softly. She looked back at me with her big brown eyes. “You don’t think I notice how you look at me?” I added causing her to smile. “I’m sorry for how I’ve been acting….I wasn’t sure how to tell you and whenever I tried I just got overwhelmed and chickened” she chattered. 
“You fight all these bad dudes and stuff but you couldn’t tell me you liked me? That’s cute” I smiled at her. “When you put it like that…I sound weak almost” she chuckled. “Are you going to chicken out or kiss me already?” I asked. Kate looked at me for a moment then to my lips, slowly she leant in closer. “Nope, I’m going to chicken out” she laughed. “Oh, come here” I cupped her face and kissed her tenderly. 
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Taglist: @red1culous | @bentleywolf29 | @kiwiana145  | @lissaaaa145 | @high--power | @parkerdaramitzzzz | @mmmmokdok |  @wackymcstupid | @kiwiana145  | @valiantmugcowboyscissors | @observeowl | @nattyolw | @ripofflizzie | @goofy-goonie | @makegoodchoices | @musicinourlips | @apollo2907 | @marvelfan98 | @wandaroman0ff | @dumb-fawkin-bitch | @lovelyy-moonlight | @santana1437 | @fluffyblanketgecko | @inluvwithfictionalwomen | @jaymieflorissssssss | @tita001 | @youralphawolf72 | @natashamaximoff69 | @a-dorkier-book-keeper | @hehehehannahthings | @blue-serendipityy | @secrettoallofyou | @romantic-slaps-on-the-asss | @marvel-fan-2021 | @mmmmokdok | @riveramorylunar | @ripofflizzie | @scarsw1fe | @toldthatdevil | @itsmv3 | @katiemay-025 | @boredandneedfanfics | @wandamaximoffspuppup | @xox-little-troublemaker-xox | 
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therealcocoshady · 7 months
Recovery - Chapter 28
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Eminem x FemReader Fanfiction
Summary : Em and Reader just got back together and Paul presents her with a NDA.
Tags : Fluff - Angst ?
When you woke up, you were alone in bed. Marshall’s bed. You almost had to pinch yourself to believe it : after all this time, you got to wake up next to him again. Well… Almost next to him. The bed was empty. Still, you were surrounded by his scent, wearing his clothes… It was enough to make you smile. You got out of the bedroom and into the rest of the penthouse suite, searching for Marshall. You found him sitting on a couch, listening to music in his headphones. You greeted him but his eyes were closed and you obviously couldn’t hear you. You stared at him for a second. He looked adorable, all focused. You couldn’t help but plant a kiss on his cheek. He jumped and let out a gasp, absolutely startled. 
Hi there, you giggled. 
Oh fuck, I nearly had a heart attack, he chuckled. How did you sleep, my love ? 
Like a baby, you said with a smile. I think the company might have something to do with that. 
Oh, am I good company ? He mused. 
Absolutely, you replied. I always slept better with you by my side. 
Good, he said firmly. Because now, you’re not getting rid of me. 
You chuckled and joined him on the couch, curling by his side. He gently cupped your face and kissed your lips. You cuddled for a while, exchanging sweet love words. 
What do you want to do today ? He asked. 
Aren’t we supposed to hang out with your daughters ? You reminded him. 
They said we can do whatever we want, he shrugged. We can do that, though, if that’s what you want. 
I wouldn’t mind exploring the city, you said with a smile. I haven’t been here in a long time. 
Great then, he said with a smile. I’ve been here a couple of times already, but I haven’t had too much time to visit. Except some weed shops and the red lights district, of course. 
Why am I not surprised ? You giggled. 
Come on, it was twenty-five years ago, he chuckled. 
Did you really go to the red lights district, though ? You couldn’t help but ask. 
I’ll plead the fifth on that one, he replied with a smirk. Let’s order something to eat, shall we ? 
You chuckled and he called the room service, ordering almost everything that was on the menu for breakfast. Meanwhile, you grabbed your phone and took a quick selfie in Marshall’s tee-shirt to send to Talia, letting her know that everything was perfect. 
You’re into morning selfies now ? He chuckled. 
No, you said embarrassed of being caught. It’s for Talia. Just letting her know I’m ok. And that we’re ok.
Give me that thing, he said with a smile. 
He grabbed your phone and took you in his arms before kissing you on the cheek, taking a selfie at the same time. 
I think this one’s better, he said with a wink. I think she’ll get the message if you send it to her. 
You can take a good selfie, you playfully commented. 
Well, I wasn’t going to use promo shots for my Tinder profile, now, was I ? He shrugged. 
His reply left you a bit puzzled. You weren’t sure whether or not he was serious. The reasonable part of your brain was telling you it didn’t matter and that, after all, the two of you were back together. The other part, however, was freaking out. Still, you thought it would be a bad idea to let it show. Breakfast arrived and you went to the dining room area. Marshall seemed famished but you weren’t. You weren’t used to eating too much anymore. 
You’re not eating, babe ? He asked after a few bites. 
I’ll just have orange juice, you said with a smile. 
Should I be… worried ? He asked carefully. 
About what ? You asked innocently as you took a sip of orange juice. 
He stared at you and sighed before taking your hand in his. 
Am I supposed to pretend not to notice you’re like half the weight you were six months ago ? He asked with a raised eyebrow. 
Well, I did lose a little weight, yes, you said in embarrassment. 
A little ? He repeated. 
Well, about fifteen kilos, but… 
How much pounds ? He asked sternly. 
You stared at him silently. You knew just how bad you looked and you weren’t about to play this little game with him. If he was unable to convert weights, it wasn’t your problem. 
How much ? He asked as he stared in your eyes. 
Thirty, you whispered. 
That’s not a little weight, Y/N, he said sternly. That’s a lot. 
You lost weight too, you pointed out. 
Not as much, he shrugged. And I don’t look like a corpse. 
Why, thank you, Marshall, you said as you got up and back to the bedroom. 
You sat on the bed and groaned. Last night, he was telling you how beautiful you were and now, he was telling you you looked bad ? Way to talk to a woman… You sighed and buried your face in a pillow. Marshall entered the room and sat next to you, gently stroking your back. 
I’m sorry, he whispered in your ear. That was insensitive. 
You think ? You groaned. 
You have to understand, baby, I’m just worried, he pleaded. I just want to make sure you’re ok. Did you do that on purpose ? 
I didn’t, you sighed. I just… Wasn’t hungry anymore, you know ? And then, I got back to France and moved in with my Dad and he kept on pointing out that it’s good that I didn’t put on too much weight in the US, so… I didn’t stop eating on purpose, but I didn’t go out of my way to eat either, I guess. Being depressed doesn’t help in that department either, I guess. 
I see, he hummed. I just want you to be healthy, my love. 
I know, you said. I’m sorry I snapped. 
Try and eat a few bites for breakfast, ok ? There’s pancakes, I know you like these. 
I like your pancakes, you clarified. 
I promise I’ll cook for you when I get the chance, he chuckled. In the meantime… 
Fine, you sighed. I guess I can try and eat that pathetic excuse of a croissant. 
Snob, he giggled. 
You tried to humor Marshall and ate a few bites of croissant. It wasn’t much but he seemed satisfied. Besides, it meant there was more food left for him, which seemed like a good thing given the fact that he was guzzling everything that was on the table. 
I need to eat, he explained. Performing takes a toll on the body. You’re losing water and burning calories. If I don’t eat, I lose thirty pounds in a month of touring. 
You’re like an animal on stage, you pointed out. 
You should have seen the shows years ago, he chuckled. That was something. At the beginning of my career, I could do like three shows in a night. 
I wish I could have seen that, you chuckled. That must have been good. 
I guess, he said. Although I was on a lot of drugs and booze, so I’d say I’m a better performer now. 
Is that why you don’t tour so much anymore ? You asked. 
It is, he confirmed. Besides, I never liked touring too much. Performing, yes, but never being home, not seeing the kids grow up, the constant opportunities to fuck around, drink and do drugs… Not my thing. 
I’m glad you did this tour, though, you said softly. 
Me too, he said. I’d do a thousand tours if that’s what it took for you to be back in my arms. 
You sat on his lap and nuzzled his neck as he kept on eating. You stole a few bites of fruit from his plate, making him smile. You made small talk and researched fun places to visit in Amsterdam before getting ready for the day. As you were getting dressed, you heard a knock on the door and Marshall went to open. It was Paul. 
Hey man, Marshall said as he let him in. You know today’s a day off, right ? 
I know, but I needed to see you, the managed said. I have paperwork. 
Sure. Let’s get this done quick though, we were just heading out. What do I need to sign ? Marshall asked as he sat at the table. 
It’s for Y/N, actually, Paul clarified. 
You stared at him in surprise. Paul acknowledging you was enough of a surprise but him having paperwork for you was definitely new. 
What’s up ? You asked. 
Well, seeing as the two of you are together now, we have to take some steps, he said. You know, usual precautions. 
As in… ? You asked, not understanding. 
I’m having you sign a non-disclosure agreement, Paul explained. 
He handed you some paperwork as Marshall groaned. 
Are you serious ? Marshall groaned. You’re seriously asking my girlfriend to sign a NDA ? 
The last ones did, Paul reminded him. 
Man, we just got back together. 
Well, you didn’t provide me with the details, Marshall, Paul sighed. It’s just my job as manager to ensure everything’s taken care of. You can never be too careful. just a quick signature, Y/N, if you don’t mind. 
Let me have a look at it quickly, you said. What is it about ? 
This is a standard non-disclosure agreement, designed to protect Marshall’s privacy and public image. Basically, it’s restricting the disclosure of any personal information regarding him and his family, or any sensitive matter, Paul explained. 
Ok, you hummed. So, basically, you guys can… sue me in case anything happens ? 
Well, if you disclose anything confidential or publicly slander Marshall or his family, yes, Paul said.
You stared at him in disbelief, a bit insulted by the implication that you would hurt Marshall on purpose. If you were temped to slander anyone here, it was the manager. Marshall was staring at you with an annoyed expression on his face. Clearly, he wasn’t at ease here. You squinted and took a deep breath. 
Paul, can I ask you a few questions before I sign ? You asked. Just so that I actually know what I’m signing. 
Of course, he said as he took a sit. 
You’re a man of law, correct ? 
I am, he confirmed. I am an agent and manager, but also a lawyer.
As a man of law, would you agree to the premise that a relationship, in and of itself, is an agreement ? You asked. 
I would say that all relationships are contractual, yes, if that’s what you’re asking, he replied calmly. 
Now, wouldn’t you say that the basic term of this contract should be mutual trust and respect ?
Indeed, he said, but…
I hope you don’t mind me asking, you said with a smile as you cut him. I’m just confused because I don’t really see the trust and respect, here. 
You have to understand that you’re in a relationship with a celebrity, Y/N, he stated sternly. It comes with obligations. I don’t mean to doubt your intentions towards Marshall, of course, but he is not only my friend. He is my client and it is my job to protect his image.
I’d say it’s a little rich considering that I’ve known him for a while and I’m the one whose image has suffered the most, you pointed out. You might have forgotten about that diss track but I haven’t. 
You heard Marshall chortle softly. Paul looked at him sternly before turning back to you. 
I don’t suppose there’s any clause protecting me, in that NDA ? You asked. 
No, but you have to understand that Marshall would have absolutely no benefits slandering you or divulgating information, Paul replied. 
Right. It’s true that it’s unlike him to write tracks based on his personal experience, you said sarcastically. 
Hey ! Marshall said. 
Sorry, babe, it’s for the sake of the argument, here, you said softly. My point is, I trust you and I would never ask you to sign a contract promising that you won’t slander me, because it doesn’t even cross my mind that you would. We just got back together and I would appreciate going on at least one real date before we get paperwork involved. 
She’s right, Marshall told Paul.
If you want me to sign an NDA, I’ll do it, you told Marshall. But the request has to come from you, not Paul. And if we do this, I might have a few addendums of my own. 
Really ? Paul asked sternly. 
Oh yes, you said as you crossed your arms. At least two : one about potential diss tracks that Marshall may write about me, and another about your team’s duty to protect me. 
I will let the two of you talk about it, the manager said as he looked at Marshall. But I will get back to you on that matter. 
Wouldn’t expect anything else, you said sarcastically. 
Have a good day, Paul said. 
You too, man, Marshall said as he tried hard not to laugh. 
Paul left the paperwork in front of you and left the room. As he closed the door, Marshall looked at you and smiled as he shook his head. 
You are one feisty woman, he pointed out. 
No one gets to insult me in the morning, you replied. I know Paul doesn’t like me, but that’s a low blow. Seriously, Marshall… a NDA ? 
Well, yeah, that’s his job, he replied apologetically. I didn’t even think about it. Of course I trust you, baby. 
If it means that much to you, I’ll sign it, you said. But I’m a little hurt by the implication. 
Don’t think about it, he said. Let’s just enjoy our day, alright ? I’ll talk to Paul. But you standing up to him… that was something. 
You liked it ? You giggled. 
Are you kidding ? Little you putting that grown-ass man in his place by using his legal slang ? That was hot. 
So I take it that you like women with a temper ? You joked. 
Well I do, he chuckled. But smart women with a temper are even sexier. You are the hottest thing, right now. 
Is it the use of the word “addendum” that has you all hot and bothered ? You chuckled.
Maybe. Let me show you just how sexy you are when you’re feisty, he said with a grin as he took your arm and led you to the bedroom. 
A few hours later, you joined Hailie, Alaina and Stevie for a visit of the city. You even managed to get Marshall to tone down the security thing, arguing that it was Europe, Amsterdam of all places, and that having bodyguards would only draw more attention to him. You only had one security guy with you, dressed casually, and Marshall was dressed unassumingly. He seemed a little nervous at first, but when he realized you were right, he started to relax. You went to Museumsplein, enjoying the architecture and heading to the Van Gogh museum. The girls seemed happy to spend some time with their father and were ecstatic that there wasn’t a ton of security. 
Someone’s relaxed, today, Alaina pointed out. 
Must be old age, Marshall joked. Seriously, Y/N, you were right. Amsterdam is chill.
It’s one of my favorite cities in Europe, you said. 
Do you come here often ? Hailie asked. 
Not really, you said. Obviously, I’ve lived in Detroit for the last five years but back when I studied in France, I took a couple of trips here to… enjoy. 
Meaning drugs ? Stevie teased. 
Yes, you chuckled. I smoked my first blunt here when I was nineteen. My last one, too, actually. When I was twenty-one. 
Did you try anything else ? She asked. 
No. I’ve never been too attracted to drugs, you shrugged. 
Aren’t you in recovery, though ? She asked, visibly puzzled. 
Steve, maybe leave her alone ? Marshall interrupted. 
It’s fine, you said with a smile. I don’t mind. 
You let her ask you a few questions about your journey and your recovery and you answered them truthfully. The others were listening, too. You didn’t mind the curiosity and you thought you’d rather have them ask you questions directly than to assume the worst. Marshall was holding your hand as you walked around the exhibit. 
Now that we’ve filled our brains with culture, how about some shopping ? Alaina suggested. 
We still have a few days here if we want to do shopping, Stevie pointed out. 
How long do you plan on staying here ? You asked. 
About three days, Marshall said. 
Then, Dad planned on flying to Paris to see you, Hailie recalled. 
You girls know about that ? He asked surprised. 
Yes, they replied in unison. 
And I thought I was being discreet with my plans, he chuckled. Well obviously, the plan has slightly changed. 
I would gladly enjoy Europe for a while, Hailie said. I’d love to visit Paris, go to Italy… 
That would be a nice family vacation, Alaina agreed. 
I guess, Stevie shrugged. Although I can’t wait to see my boyfriend.
They just moved in together, Hailie explained. They’re still glued to each other. Kind of like you and Dad, she added with a smile as she stared at his hand in yours. 
We can chill in Europe for a while, Marshall said. I have about three weeks off anyway. 
Seriously ? Hailie asked in excitement. 
Sure, he shrugged. You can even fly your boyfriends, fiancés, whatever, in. It’s going to take a bit of logistics, but I guess we can make that work. 
You are the best Dad ever, Stevie said as she hugged him. 
I’m on it, Alaina said. I don’t have to work for the next two weeks. I will organize the best family vacations for us. 
The girls were excited and Marshall was all smiles. Obviously, making them happy made him happy as well. They talked about their plans while you stared at a couple of paintings. 
It’s nice, you commented. You having family vacations with your grown-up kids. 
I’ve spent so much time touring lately, I’m happy to spend time with them, he said. 
You’re going to have a blast, you said with a smile. 
I hope so, he replied. What do you say, pretty girl ? Do you want to tag along ? 
I should just let you enjoy with them, you said. 
I want you with me, though, he said as he kissed your temple. 
One condition though, you said. I’ll stick around if they’re ok with me being here. 
That’s fair, he said. 
He turned to his daughters. 
Girls, we just said partners are allowed for this vacation, right ? He asked with a smile. 
Yes, Dad, Y/N is invited, Hailie chuckled. But we still want some time alone with you, though. 
You got it, he said with a smile. Thank you ! 
You smiled at them and mouthed a “Thank you”. You were happy they included you but you didn’t want to intrude. You got out of the museum and went for some shopping. Now that you were sticking around, you needed to buy a few more clothes anyway. 
We’ll have to do some shopping, just the two of us, Marshall whispered in your ear. 
We’re already shoppin nowg, you pointed out with a smile. 
Yes, but I can’t take you shopping for lingerie with my kids, he chuckled. 
Might as well hit some sex shops, too while we’re at it, you joked. 
I think I’m going to enjoy these holidays, he said with a smile. 
It was a joke, you quickly said. 
We do have six months to catch up on, he said seductively in your ear. I hope you’re not planning on walking too much because you might be disappointed. 
You blushed and giggled nervously, like a schoolgirl. He flashed a charming smile at you and went on to talk to Stevie, who was getting bored while her sisters were browsing the store. You were looking at a couple of items when Hailie came to you. 
Can I talk to you ? She asked. 
Sure, you said nervously. 
The two of you went outside of the store. Everything was good with Hailie, but you were still a bit nervous. She might be a girl your age, but she had definitely inherited her Dad’s charisma and the memories of the day she went off on you were enough to make you worry about what she had to say. 
What’s up ? You asked after a few seconds of silence. 
I just wanted to thank you again, she said. Dad seems really happy that you’re here. I haven’t seen him this relaxed in years. I mean, family vacations out of the blue and hanging out without tons of security usually doesn’t happen for us. 
Thank you for flying me in, you said. 
Also, I wanted to clear the air… Obviously, I disapprove of you cheating on my best friend to be with my Dad but I see how good the two of you are for each other. And since Josh is over you now, I don’t see a reason why I should keep on being mad at you, she said. 
Thanks, you sighed in relief. You know, I’m not a cheater… I’m not going to deny that I cheated on Josh and I know how wrong that was. Believe me, I still hate myself for it. But that’s not who I am. 
I hope so, she said with a smile. Because if you cheat on Dad or if you hurt him, I will be your worst nightmare. 
I don’t doubt that, you chuckled. But believe me, I will not hurt him. 
She gave you a small hug and you went back to shopping while making small talk. As the afternoon came to an end, you went back to the hotel and spent a bit of time there before going to dinner. You were getting ready for his birthday dinner. You got dressed and joined him in the living room area. 
You’re stunning, he said with a smile. 
You don’t look too bad yourself, you giggled. 
Next to you, I look like a peasant, he joked. I don’t know how I got so lucky. 
You look incredible, you said as you stroked his cheek. In fact, if we weren’t almost late for dinner, I would gladly show you how attractive I think you are… 
You’re such a tease, he groaned. 
And you love it, you chuckled. Come on, we’re going to be late ! 
I swear, the second we’re back in the room, I am tying you to this bed. 
The two of you went downstairs to the restaurant, as directed by his daughters. In the elevator, it was just the two of you and he took it as a great opportunity to make out. You loved having him all over you like this. It was the best feeling in the world. When you got to the restaurant, you were greeted by his daughters, his team and some other people who had flown in to celebrate him. He seemed genuinely surprised and happy to see everyone. As he was making his rounds and saying hi to everybody, you spotted Talia and Jamal. You immediately ran to hug them. After all, you hadn’t seen them in ages. 
My baby ! Talia shrieked. 
I missed you guys, you said as you took them in your arms. 
We missed you too, sis’, Jamal chuckled. 
It’s so great that you are here, you said in excitement. 
Of course, we wouldn’t miss Em’s birthday, Jamal replied. 
You know me, I could care less about this old man’s birthday, Talia joked. I came to see my bestie ! 
I heard that, Marshall grinned from behind you. 
The four of you giggled and he hugged them before grabbing your hand. 
Sorry guys, I have to steal her for a minute, he said with a smile. 
You better give her back, Em, Talia warned playfully. 
I just need to introduce my girl to a few people, he said. 
He grabbed your hand and took you to meet a few of his friends. This time, it did feel like something official. You weren’t used to holding his hand in public, but it was pleasing. You would have expected him to be more distant with other people around and, in a way, he wasn’t as touchy-feely as when it was just the two of you, but he was still extremely soft with you. 
Guys, this is Y/N, my girlfriend, he said with a smile. Y/N, this is Andre and Curtis. 
By “Andre and Curtis”, he was casually referring to Dr Dre and 50 Cent. Your hip-hop knowledge may not have been the greatest but you were still very much aware that you were in front of two legends. You felt suddenly shy. 
Nice to meet you, you said shyly as you shook their hands. 
Very nice to meet you, Y/N, Andre said. 
We didn’t know you had such a pretty girl, man, Curtis said with a smile. Kept her hidden ? 
Kind of, Marshall chuckled. 
So, what do you do, Y/N ? Dre asked. I mean, besides putting up with him, which is probably a full-time job. 
With lots of overtime, you joked. I’m actually a PhD Researcher in communications. 
A doctor, actually, Marshall corrected. 
Right, you chuckled. 
So what you mean to say is that she’s really smart and still puts up with you ? Curtis asked. 
I’m not too sure why, but I’m happy she does, Marshall grinned, causing you to blush. 
How did you meet ? Andre asked. 
In the studio, Marshall simply said. She put up with me while I recorded the album. 
And you’re still here, Y/N ? Curtis asked. We all know how that man can get when he’s in the zone… 
They all chuckled, as it was apparently generally accepted that Marshall could be an ass when he was in recording-mode. They got to talking about recording and some newly released albums that they thought were good and you listened. Hearing him talk so passionately about hip-hop was always fascinating. He also seemed truly at ease and relaxed. Obviously, they were good friends of his and there was a lot of mutual respect between them. 
At dinner, you sat next to Talia and Jamal, enjoying their company. You had missed them a lot and you were almost emotional. They told you how happy they were that you and Marshall were back together. At the end of the meal, dessert came : a huge cake with fifty-two candles. 
Make a wish, you whispered in Marshall’s ear. 
My wish came true yesterday, he chuckled. 
Another one, then, you giggled. 
He closed his eyes for a second and blew the candles in one breath as everyone clapped. 
Time for presents ? Dre asked. 
No need for presents, guys, Marshall shrugged. You guys coming is enough. Unless it’s a Lions victory for the Superbowl. Then I want that. 
He got a few great presents but the stars of the show were the plaques he was presented with, by Dre and Fifty, celebrating the album that was already certified platinum in the US, as well as Track 12, that was streamed more than 50 000 000 times already. 
I believe that deserves a speech, Curtis suggested. 
Fuck, Marshall said, visibly emotional. Uh… Ok. Obviously, I’d like to thank all of you for coming here and celebrating my birthday, especially while I’m on tour. I’m thankful for all of the surprises. I’m very grateful for everyone who was involved in planning the album and the tour. I know I’ve been a pain in the ass this year and I can’t promise I’ll be easier to put up with as time goes on but I appreciate each and everyone of you and…
He took a deep breath. 
This album means a lot to me. I’m lucky to have had an amazing run and I’m not sure I will put out a lot of albums in the future, but regardless, I can say that if this had to be the last, I’d be proud to end on such a high note. And as for Track 12… You guys know I don’t really care about numbers but this one holds a special place in my heart. It’s the last track we produced for the album. We made it in secret a few days before wrapping the project. Very few people knew about it and the fact that it turns out to be such a success is crazy to me. I have to thank my man Jamal for the beat, Skylar, of course, without whose voice I couldn’t have done it and… Y/N, he added as he looked at you lovingly. The track would not exist without you and you are an incredible lyricist. 
He kissed your cheek as he sat down and you couldn’t help but blush. Everyone chuckled and clapped before eating cake and over-indulging on champagne, for the most of them. The party went on for a few hours and you enjoyed yourself. It was really chill and you got to spend time with all the people you had missed since you left Detroit. Eventually, people started going to bed and you decided to do the same. The only problem was that Marshall was the one who had the key to the room and he was nowhere to be found. 
Have you seen Marshall ? You asked Royce. 
I think he’s outside with Tracy, he shrugged. 
You went to search for him and, indeed, you found him with her. You hadn’t seen much of Tracy yet. As far as you knew, she was a longtime member of his team, working as some sort of assistant. You had never met her before, but it wasn’t too surprising seeing as Marshall was in album mode back then. They seemed to be in deep conversation and didn’t even notice that you were approaching. 
Does she know about us ? She asked. 
Nope, he said. I don’t see why she should. It doesn’t matter. It’s in the past anyway.
I sucked your dick in your hotel room two days ago, Marshall, she said sternly. How can you say it’s in the past ? 
You unintentionally let out a gasp, causing the two of them to look at you. She covered her mouth with her hand, as Marshall stared at you with terror on his face.
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dmercer91 · 6 months
ebug's sister, dm91
found the first two stills from @heavenlyhischier (thank you for inspiring this post) the rest i keep in my camera roll for lols and i forget where they're from, probably twitter 😀
last season! (2022-23) part one / part two / part three / part four / part five / part six / part seven / part eight / part nine / part ten / part eleven / part twelve
(2023-24)! part one / part two
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liked by nicohischier, jackhughes and 7,221 others
blakefriarr_: welcome back all, i hope you've missed me (i know you have, the hoping is just a formality)
this is definitely an episode of the thing. i both seem to have forgotten what i call it and how many times i've done it. uni brain fry, or something.
however, i remember that it's my civic duty to provide a rundown.
the first two photos are of my boy and my son being all smiley and giggly. they're the cutest
the third slide is me finding out that one day i'm going to be married to someone with the middle name jpg. i don't really know how to feel abt that one since i'm definitely more of a pdf file girlie.
it is also me finding out that i was wrong all along, and luke is the one who wears 86 and plays forward... i'm gonna have to delve into that a little more cause i've been calling them the wrong names and nobody even said anything ://
and in the last slide, we have.... that. despite the fact that i was indeed the one to take this incredible photo of captain eyebrows, i cannot say for certain what is actually happening. a sneeze? a kick? an accidental kick, mid sneeze? more to come.
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holtz_10: son??
holtz_10: i did not agree to this
→ lhughes_06: just let it happen man there's no way out of it
dawson1417: hold that thought, actually, does this make me a dad????????
→ holtz_10: no.
→ blakefriarr_: alex be nice to your father
→ dawson1417: i'm not ready to be a dad
→ holtz_10: yeah man no shit you're like three months older than me?
→ blakefriarr_: will you be my son if i demote dawson
→ holtz_10: . fine
blakefriarr_: @/lhughes_06 you have a new brother !!
→ jackhughes: does that make me and quinn also your sons...?
→ blakefriarr_: you were put up for adoption and quinn filed for emancipation
→ _quinnhughes: i fend for myself cause i figured i was better off being cared for by an actual adult
→ blakefriarr_: is the adult in the room with us????
→ _quinnhughes: at least i know which one of your sons is actually luke??
→ blakefriarr_: omg did i accidentally send moose off instead of jachary ?!?!?!
dawson1417: jack i want you to know that i was only partially on board with giving you up
→ jackhughes: how much is partially?!?!?!?!?!
→ dawson1417: idk like 90%
→ dawson1417: 97 when you make charlie mad
→ jackhughes: feeling the love merc
nicohischier: can you call me literally anything that doesn't involve my eyebrows
→ blakefriarr_: captain slut was a good one
→ nicohischier: eyebrows it is
→ blakefriarr_: pleasure doing business with ya, captain slut
→ nicohischier: i give up
→ blakefriarr_: you lorb me
→ nicohischier: yeah yeah whatever. get away from me
tannercharlotte: no baby, his first name is jpg, he just goes by his middle name
→ blakefriarr_: 😟
→ dawson1417: pls don't divorce me before i can marry you
→ adamfantilli: what he said i can't miss being rookie of honour
→ blakefriarr_: is now a bad time to tell you jj is gonna be my dude of honour
→ jj.friar31: ..wait fr?
→ dawson1417: can i propose before you guys plan my wedding pls
→ tannercharlotte: speed it tf up then buddy
seamuscasey26: blako’s couch cushions
→ blakefriarr_: sheamo’s throw blankets ‼️
→ seamuscasey26: unreal combo
→ luca.fantilli: have i touched on how much i deeply loathe this duo
→ blakefriarr_: you’re salty cause fants’ ottomans was a flop
→ luca.fantilli: lan did say i should've gone with side tables :/
→ blakefriarr_: and you didn't listen?!?!? liked by landen.clark
ryangraves27: hi
→ blakefriarr_: hi gravy, you miss me?
→ ryangraves27: i wouldn't word it like that
jj.friar31: mom wants to know if you're coming for dinner tonight
→ blakefriarr_: what's she making
→ jj.friar31: lasagna
→ blakefriarr_: lasagna fucks tell her im omw
→ dawson1417: she made me let her drive but she would also like you to know that i'm coming and that she brought cookies
→ dougieham: bring some to picture day i want a cookie
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iloveavatar · 2 years
water and oil
enemies to lovers(?) request from @sodapop182 hopefully i did ok LMAOOOO
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if you were to ask anyone how neteyam and y/n got together… they couldn’t tell you. because they honestly have no clue either.
the two na’vi growing up, we’re like water and oil. the two never got along when they were younger. then to add to the “rivalry” they had siblings. thus, making them both the eldest of their families.
both of them were extremely protective of their younger siblings.
neteyam had to responsibly of the oldest to watch lo’ak and kiri, plus tuk ... sometimes even spider and it was a lot for one kid.
y/n had to watch her younger brother kri’olo who instantly became best friends with lo’ak. then came her sister lowal, who usually stuck by herself she’s she’s more quiet and reserved.
y/n didn’t have as many siblings as neteyam, however the stress of watching younger kids is still there.
one day as she was around the age of 13, she was watching her brother run around with lo’ak. a small smile of her face as she heard her brothers genuine laugh.
she kept the small smile on her face until she her him.
“i see that you’re starting to make stalking a new habit of yours?” neteyam questioned teasingly
she rolled her eyes as the smile dropped from her face.
“no i’m not stalking. if anything you’re the one that’s stalking since you’ve clearly been watching me. why are you even here” she angrily said
“i’m here to watch over my brother and make sure yours doesn’t do something to him.” he stated as if it was obvious.
she furrowed her “brows” and whipped her head over to his. “why would my brother start something? if anyone was to start an issue it would be your brother.. since you know, creating issues runs in your family. i mean you do it so well!” she sarcastic declared
he rolled his eyes so far back y/n was pretty sure he could see what little brain he had in his head.
“oh whatever” he scoffed
“you know, since you’re annoying me i would much rather go and be with lo’ak instead of you” he declared while starting to stand up
she made her way over to the two boys who were playing tag.
neteyam watched as she joined in on the game. he saw how carefree she looked in that moment. how she was able to have fun while watching her sibling and not constantly worry.
he envied her.
he wants to join in on the fun, but knowing his luck someone would get injured and he would get a lecture from his father.
so instead he chose to sit back and watch how she was able to live life with the ability to have fun. neteyam always had this weight in his shoulders.
he always felt like he had to become the perfect son for his family and the clan. he was the eldest of toruk makto. he had to be perfect. he can’t be fooling around like children.
yet he still longed to be able to.
he wanted to make y/n smile like how lo’ak was able to.
imagine the two of them getting along and just running through pandora, with not a care in the world as smiles adorned their faces. one could only hope.
two years passed to where they were both 15 years old. the two were pretty much the same. still arguing about absolutely nothing yet everything at the same time.
whenever the two started to argue, the people of the clan just turned the other way and walked off since they’re used to the fighting.
it was just the two of them now and they were still involved in a heavy argument. as the years passed their petty arguments started to grow more and more heated to the point where they’re both in each others faces with scowls.
the topic of the argument was currently on behavior. neteyam passed a comment about how y/n never took anything seriously and y/n passed a comment about how neteyam only took things seriously.
“i just don’t understand why you can’t just focus and not be so lighthearted about everything!what if we were in a battle huh? oh who am i kidding,you probably wouldn’t even take that seriously!” neteyam yelled
“well maybe because i don’t have a stick shoved up my ass neteyam! it’s not that hard! not everything in life is so serious!” y/n snapped
“oh really? you try being the next head of the clan! that’s serious y/n! important to the clan even! i wouldn’t expect you to know anything about being important to the clan anyway.” he stated with a scowl on his face
y/n’s eyes widened as she took in his words. she stopped flailing her arms in anger and let them drop down towards her side. her ears started to lower. the major sign that neteyam knew he screwed up.
“you know what? you’re right. i’m not important to clan like how you are neteyam. i probably never will be in all honesty. but to take your anger out on me is exhausting. i’ve had it! you make me exhausted neteyam. i’m done.” she stated while sighing. you could see the pain in her eyes from his comment, however she didn’t dare cry infront of him. she wouldn’t give him another thing to throw back into her face.
she turned around and started to walk away until she felt a hand on her wrist.
“w-wait i didn’t mean what i said. i really didnt. you mean a lot to the clan and i’m sorry for everything i’ve just said to you. you don’t deserve it all” he said while avoiding eye contact
she didn’t say anything. she also avoided eye contact with him.
the tension between the two was suffocating
“i guess i’ve just been always jealous of you and now it’s finally made it’s way to the surface” he said while looking up trying to make eye contact with her.
she snapped her head up so fast it will probably be sore tomorrow.
“you. jealous of me? HAH what.” she asked astonished.
“i guess watching you grow up and be able to mess around with your siblings, even my siblings and now have to worry about being perfect made me jealous. i feel like i’ve had this expectation that i need to live up to since my father is toruk makto. the pressure of being perfect for the clan. i was always jealous of you. you were able to have fun and run around, enjoying the little things without a care in the world.” he admitted in a small voice
his hand moved lower to grasp her hand.
“oh neteyam… you could’ve just said something. we would’ve loved having you in our games when we were younger. even now! you shouldn’t feel pressured to live up to your father. your father is his own person. you are your own person. you are not him. you will never be him because you are neteyam. in order to deal with the hardships of life and the pressure of the clan, you need to take breaks too. go enjoy the wonderful things that could be shadowed by the stress you carry” she softly spoke while grasping his hand and slightly squeezing. “everything has a balance. right now you need to have a little fun in order to take care of the bad…” she trailed off
“what are thinking?” he questioned suspiciously
“i know just how to get your mind off the stress!” she exclaimed excitedly with a giant smile
“come. follow me and call for your ikran. we’re going flying.” she stated while dragging him a certain way.
the two spent the night flying together while doing all kinds of flips and turns. neteyam was smiling and not a single thought about the clan came to mind. he was having genuine fun with y/n
who knew.
after all the years of arguing and the two finally worked things out.
the two of them spent the entire night laughing and joking around as if they’ve never argued in the first place.
a year later the clan heard that they were dating and were absolutely taken back. it took the clan a solid week to finally accept that the two stopped bickering.
it was almost entertaining to the clan and now that they’ve stopped with the arguments the entertainment has disappeared. however the nosy na’vi have now made it their mission to get the two together whenever they have the chance.
if neteyam was going to be the next head of the clan… he would need a mate to rule the people beside him.
the clan was more than happy to accept y/n. in fact they were waiting for the day neteyam announced they were mates.
however until then, the two stuck to their nighttime flying where they both got to relax.
they both finally realized that in order to have balance in their lives they needed the other to help them, instead of going against each other.
who would’ve thought.
i feel like this is super rushed and i DEEPLY apologize. i have another piece of writing for neteyam that i actually have FINISHED! that’s what took me so damn long in the first place however i’m gonna wait to post that a couple days after this bc all of you are so supportive and i honestly did not think my writing would get recognized until i saw all my notifications!! so thank you sm to each and every single one of you! 🫶once again send me more messages so i can figure out what i’m writing more about!
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partyanimal167 · 2 months
Never a Shortage PT 2- Miguel x F!Reader
Chapter Two: Too Old to Make the Same Mistakes
The voting was SUPER close with this chapter, but I'm excited to indulge into my salt-n-pepper Miguel fantasies. Low key at work, there's an older guy who looks almost how I imagine old man Miguel to look (like 60). We're shooting for like mid 40s with this one (not that that's old), but reader is def older than 21 so
Any way! Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you enjoy~
PT 1
CW: SMUT, mdni, black fem reader in mind, older!Miguel variant, mild cussing, dirty talk, jealousy trope (not crazy toxic), praise kink, age gap, almost bed breaking sex, brat taming, author knows some Spanish
Life had a funny way about making things work out even when it seems like it isn't. You had the plan , but duty still called. However, maybe by the grace of the universe and LYLA, things could work in your favor.
In the moment was the idea to prove to Miguel that you had plenty of options great? Yes! However, you were now pondering how that was going to even happen when things in the Spider Society had been so busy that you and Miguel only had time to brief missions and work.
Boo! Work! Potato!
Things had gotten like this before, but that was when canon events and universes were at stake. This just seemed like an uptick in anomalies and necessary research. Which, hey, is not as stressful, so there's that. But you had fun to plan.
Things had finally been quiet for a couple days when your gizmo (watch) went off and Lyla popped up.
"Hey girl hey~" You could never truly be mad when she sounded like that. You stayed slumped in your bed and threw up a peace sign. "Wow totally unenthusiastic."
You laughed as you sat up and gave her more of your attention. "My bad. You know I've been running around everywhere." you sighed. "Don't tell me there's an anomaly here. Please, I'll cry."
Lyla's face glitched into a laughing emoji before she waved her hand while giggling. "No, silly! Pierre on Earth-161 needs some assistance on a recon mission. It's just some fancy party, but he'll need some close support if things don't go well."
It seemed easy enough, so you nodded along. "Miguel's sending me?"
Lyla popped her gum before shaking her head. "Nuh uh, he actually went home for once, so I'm just helping with the little tasks. Hopefully, he can get some rest. He was being a bit grumpy--well more than usual." You hummed as your brain was starting to roll with ideas. "Anyway, I'll send you some information while you rest. Party's tomorrow. Bye~"
You laid back down once Lyla was gone. You hadn't gone on many missions with Pierre, but he seemed like the strong, silent type. He mainly nodded and worked without comments. It kinda reminded you of those silent films except there were no text cards to see what he says or thinks. However, you never really heard Miguel complain about him, so that was something.
Speaking of Miguel...
You were a bit stuck on how to poke back at him for his little comment. You weren't lying when you said there were definitely people willing and waiting to bed you (some even again), but for whatever reason, a piece of you wanted a bit of a chase, a thrill, something new it seemed. You briefly thought about flirting with Pierre, but while you are curious to see if it got a reaction, you didn't want to accidentally hurt the guy's feelings. Who knows how he'd react?
You groaned as you swiped through wardrobe suggestions Lyla sent over and let your mind drift off.
The night was smooth-sailing as you looked around the buzzing gala hall as people spoke amongst themselves while others danced.
The mission's setting was safe and secure. You knew that Lyla and Miguel did their best to avoid sending people to universes where they could easily run into and/or interact with that universe's variant. You knew that there were no canon events at risk on this mission, but Lyla assured you that seeing another you wouldn't occur. It did bum you out though sometimes. It was nice to see the other versions and traits of a person. How were they living elsewhere? Did they pursue a dream that another had given up for something else? It seemed that the paths of life were literally endless.
For now though, you just surveyed the area while Pierre swept the building in search for some files and data. You sat pretty in a strapless navy blue dress with white fingerless evening gloves and gold accents from your earrings and necklace and hair pinned up. You weren't really a fan of dressing up, but it was nice to play the part once in a while. You also didn't mind the fun, consequenceless flirting with people who stopped to talk to you. You easily gave a fake name and believable backstory. The night was turning out to be more fun than work, and you wouldn't complain.
You glanced at your phone and saw a message from Pierre saying that he was transferring a large amount of digital wares to his base and it would take a decent amount of time. You chuckled that he texted; even earlier, he had only quietly thanked you after you confirmed the details with Lyla.
A server walked by with a tray of champagne, so you decided to take one and head outside for some fresh air.
The moonlight was bright with clear skies above. You hummed quietly to the distant music from inside and relaxed. Your body swayed along as you listened and melted into the moment. These moments were always nice to get lost into.
Suddenly, that familiar tingly flashed too late, but you barely gasped when large hands held your hips and your back met the hard chiseled chest of the stranger behind you.
"Ah, you're usually so much easier to scare. I must have lost my touch with time." the voice rumbled through you--deep and husky, but a light playfulness that made your heart skip and brain pause for a moment.
You decided to play innocent instead of going into fight mode. After all, this was a simple mix up. You weren't from here. You didn't turn towards the man but giggled sweetly in your hand. "Uh sorry, I think you might have the wrong person sir." You turned then and were surprised by the sight seemingly as much as the man was with you.
This was definitely Miguel O'Hara, but not the stressed out, authoritative boss of Spider Society. This man was an older version--modest sections of gray hair and a charm in his eye that came with time. He was still fit and large, but there was some taut skin that highlighted full veins on his neck and hands. There was a deeper set of brown in his complexion from years in the sun, soft lines around his mouth and eyes. You blinked a couple times seeming to want to capture this appearance permanently in your mind.
The gentleman spoke first. "Mi querida, you're so young."
The softness in his eyes and tenderness in his voice caused your brain to pause. It was very...sweet. You had those moments with Miguel of course, in the after glow. But the man seemed as if he would build the world from scratch for you. Fight battles for you. Destroy and create life for you.
It was shocking.
So you quickly turned away and ran.
It wasn't your best moment, but you made it back into the crowd before the man could stop you. You were thankful that you could walk comfortably enough in these shoes to get away. This wasn't really the place to shoot off a web and fling into the air. For a moment, you thought about calling Lyla to see if you could cut your mission short, but maybe you were being dramatic. Nothing was disrupted, and you got away. If you were lucky, this Miguel was just your average citizen.
You made your way to a secluded area of the building where small groups of people chatted quietly and took a breather from the fun. You stood by a pillar that faced one of the floor-to-ceiling windows and let out a deep breath. For now, all you needed to do was keep a low profile until Pierre finished up.
That tingly feeling again appeared; your eyes flashed open when a large presence blocked out the moonlight and loomed over you. Two arms caged you in, and you squeaked in response to the seeming growl that emitted.
"Amor, you should know better than to run from a retired leader of the Spider-Force." he looked down at you amused. It was just your luck--an older, wiser Spider-Man of course. Wait! Why didn't Pierre tell you anything? You were so going to cuss that sneaky quiet man out later. You pressed a little more against the pillar and felt the stone slightly give from your unrestrained strength. The man grinned. "So what game are we playing now? Is someone trying to tempt me with delusions? A clone from the past?"
And even if those were apparently threats, you could tell that man didn't mind at all. Even from the way he eyed you in place felt full of confidence. Not quite the same as with the other "main" Miguel. This felt more like control and assurance than cockiness. If anything, you felt more captured than him.
"Uh, no, sir," your brain randomly landed on that term, "this is really all a big misunderstanding. Um, maybe Spider-Man, Pierre, can clear things up; I'm not who you think I am. I'm from-,"
"Oh jeez, please don't tell me this is related to that dimension-jumping shit. I told those young ones to focus on what's happening here." the man grunted as he leaned back and pinched the bridge of his nose. He looked more annoyed than anything. You stayed pressed against the pillar unsure of how to proceed. He kissed his teeth before taking a look at you. "Excuse me," he held out his hand, "Miguel O'Hara--retired Spider-Man, decrepit geezer who now just gives back to the city and fusses at the new kids." his smile made your heart flutter.
You took his hand and shook it firmly. "I'm y/n, Spider-Woman to Earth 1019. Pleasure to meet you, sir." Miguel chuckled at you calling him that. "And well, I must say you're definitely not decrepit." Wait why did I say that?
"You're a Spider-Woman and a flirt now? And I thought I had you all figured out." he grinned. Your eyes flicked down to the canine that peeked before meeting his eyes.
Crisis averted, so you could at least relax a little. "Well I'm sure you know, but I'm not exactly the same as the...me who lives here. I'm sure there are things you don't know about me."
And for some reason, that felt like a challenge. "You sure, princessa? Maybe I know things about you that you haven't realized yet."
You huffed out a laugh. "Like what, sir?" It didn't surprise you that a Miguel seemed to think they had you figured out. It'd be fun to see even this one be shocked.
You gasped as your chin was tilted up, and that gentle calloused thumb rubbed your bottom lip fondly. Miguel rocked a little to the side as if examining you. The moonlight reflected and sparkled on some of his gray locks. You bit your cheek to stop from whimpering. "Well an easy one is that language kink of yours. Sabes que te puedo a decir las palabras todas a hacer te mojada." he leaned in closer and lowered his voice. "And you only call me sir when you're being a brat, so maybe it's been awhile since you've been fucked properly." the moan slipped past your lips before you could even process it. "Mmm, so that's it. La princessita necesita mi boca a sentir bueno. Have you been a good girl? Maybe I can show you what you get when you behave."
It felt weird to be told about yourself. As much as you wanted to argue and fight it, the things he said felt too sure and real to ignore. Plus, your body made it very clear that he was telling the truth too. You hummed as you stick your tongue out and lick his thumb before nibbling. "You can try your best."
It was crazy; everything was crazy.
Nearly everywhere that handsome man touched felt as if it was on fire. Whatever challenge you threw his way, he eagerly matched it. You thought it'd be polite to warn him about your superhuman strength, but all Miguel did was chuckle and wink.
He was gentle with easing off your dress and mindful of your hair--all an illusion. Because as soon as your hands were on him, it seemed to have awaken something feral that was hidden beneath. You devoured the sight of brown skin with its own scars and stories of the past. The moon's glow made a nearly ethereal image which threatened your bratty nature.
And Miguel noticed it all. He pushed his soft hair back before reaching down to removing your heels. He knelt down at the bed before kissing at your ankles and caressing your calves.
"You look good down there." you taunted before gasping into a moan after a sweet spot of yours was nibbled.
"Behave," was all that was said before Miguel continued to kiss and lick up for legs. He fawned over your thighs and mumbled to himself. "La reina de mi sueno, you look so delicious." And you couldn't hide the shiver that went down even if you wanted to. "Mmm, I know mami, thanks for my meal." And the man tore off your lace before beginning to devour you messily.
You immediately begun to thrash and shake a bit, but your body seemed to barely move with how easily this Miguel held you and kept you connected to his mouth and tongue despite your best attempts. You moans bounced off the walls and grew once Miguel so graciously gave you a thick finger to stretch you out. You bit your lip and threw an arm over your eyes feeling that rare shyness make an appearance.
That earned you a slap on your thigh. "Ah ah, no you don't. I get to see how you feel pretty girl. Keep those eyes on me." And you so obediently listened.
Miguel continued. His tongue traced over your clit and sucked at your lips. He built more of a rhythm and fucked his fingers deeper inside. You didn't care about being loud anymore. The room was far away from the festivities any way. You groaned and held on tight to the man's shoulder and nearly anywhere you could get your hands on.
Soon, your orgasm was approaching; you chocked on your whines and sobs not even being able to hold out longer as Miguel sped up. "Come on my face reina, give it to me." The order was simple, and your body listened. You gasped as you gushed and clenched on Miguel's fingers. You nearly whimpered as he continued through your high, but you didn't want to fight. Even as it felt nearly too much, you still wanted more.
Your chest heaved up and down trying to get air in your lungs. Your mind was fuzzy, and you could barely make out that that slick that decorated Miguel's handsome mug. There was that cocky expression. "Aww bebita, I haven't even fucked you dumb yet." And if it was even possible, you felt wetter. You made a half-assed attempt to turnover, but a lazy flick of the wrist kept you on your back and looking up at this handsome man. Miguel simply kissed his teeth at you. "No, no. You don't get to hide from me. I wanna see those pretty tears, reina." He brought one of your ankles up and rested in his shoulder. He gave it a light peck. "Been dreaming of wrecking you for years."
And even though, you knew he didn't really mean you, you couldn't help the shiver that shot through or the whimper from your throat. "Fuck me sir...please."
And Miguel's grin in response was nearly feral. "Good girl."
It seemed as though both Miguels' knew that you could handle a bit of teasing. This one rubbed his tip on your clit and only chuckled as you whined and shifted--though his tight grip on your hips let you know that he could handle all that power you kept control. Whether you were super strong or not, Miguel could keep up and more.
A complaint was just on the tip of your tongue before you gasped at the sudden full penetration that made you melt. His member was in deep and pushed against your soft soaked walls. You groaned aloud and immediately went to grip on the headboard. The needy, lustful gloss in your eyes made Miguel fill with pride. "Hehe, don't go breaking my things, reina." And with that, he started a full and steady pace that had you split between losing yourself and minding how you only aided in the bed's abuse. Then, he started speaking again. "Damn, you feel so fucking good." and if you paid more attention, you'd notice how the sweat had Miguel glowing and how his hair flowed a bit more into his face. He was groaning and panting with how delicious you smelled and the softness yet fire in your eyes. Miguel knew he was whipped from the moment he met your variant all those years ago, but seeing you like this just like when you two met had him nearly blushing and busting from fulfilling that secretive long-time fantasy.
Those deep strokes continued as Miguel leaned forward and hungrily captured your lips. You were gone at this point. It was too much; everything was burning, yet you still wanted to keep going. Your eyes glossed with tears once Miguel started hitting your g-spot over and over. There wasn't enough air in your lungs as you panted and moaned feeling something give a little under the weight of your hand. You were clueless as Miguel brought your hand into his while the other started playing with your clit. He growled in your ear.
"Naughty girl, you're starting to break the bed," but he didn't sound upset at all, "maybe next time I'll web you up." He kissed right below your ear. "Mmm, but you're a strong girl. I'll keep you nice and cozy and bound. You don't get to escape me." He took in your hazy expression and bit his lip. So beautiful. "Now, let me feel how this pussy cums on my dick," he huffed and panted "now reina."
And you barely let out the broken cries of his name as you came and felt such a stretched out orgasm. You were floating yet sinking at the same time. You hummed and moaned as you came down and barely heard the praises or felt the gentle rubs in your hair.
"Good girl. Now's time for round two."
You sat blushing as you peered over the unfamiliarity skyline and sipped your tea. The warmth of the cotton robe was enough to keep you comfortable, but your heart occasionally skipped a beat when you caught the broken bed that was favoring one side. (Definitely not your fault).
You also pondered what you were going to say to Pierre once you saw him. In the heat of your...side quest, the man had reached out letting you know he was done. However, he sent a message thanking you once he didn't get a reply after thirty minutes. You couldn't remember if your gizmos were connected, but you hadn't been woken up by an irritated call from boss-Miguel, so hopefully Pierre had your back in the end. I'll need to get him a little gift or something...I'll ask Lyla what he likes.
A large hand pressed into a sore spot in your shoulder, and you were reminded of the exact events that lead to your..side quest. You couldn't totally feel bad. You got a good look as this Miguel took a seat across from you with his own mug. The soft sunlight was warm against his skin; he certainly looked gentler than last night.
"Sorry if I kept you from your mission. That definitely wasn't...professional of me." He chuckled lightly and even seemed a bit shy from the night's events. It was cute.
You smiled and shook your head. "Ah no worries. I wasn't really needed any way." You leaned forward and placed a kiss on the man's black and gray stubble. "It was fun."
The man took your hand and pecked it. "It was."
You two sat in a comfortable silence for a while before your thoughts kept poking at you and you finally gave in. "Well I do wanna know, uh, well. I mean I'm not complaining. Last night was great. And I'm sure you're attracted to me, but why-"
Miguel's hearty chuckle cut you off, and you awaited eagerly. "Why am I not with this earth's version of you?" He smiled softly and you peered a little to see the soft blush poke from under the stubble. "I just get incredible shy when I look at you, her. She's seen me through all my mess and problems. I could never do anything to lose her. She's...precious." you blinked for a moment before giggling lightly. "Nena, behave."
You smiled and waved your hand. "No, I'm not laughing at you! It's just so sweet." You hummed and stood to stretch. "I mean, you certainly care for her, and if she's been single for awhile, then who knows? You'll be a lucky man."
There was a sparkle in Miguel's eyes as he looked at you fondly. "Maybe you're right. Do you think Miguels and yous are meant to be?"
Miguel was amused by the pout on your gave after that question. "Eh, I don't know. The Miguel I deal with on the regular is an asshole. He just doesn't realize what a catch I am." You then posed.
The older man laughed fully before winking. "Well shame on him. I'll be around if you ever need a reminder." And there was a flash of hunger in his eyes.
Your face warmed up and you turned off to the side. "I will need your dimensional number if you have one...to send you some money for the bed."
"Haha, nonsense. It'll get replaced soon and it'll be a good reminder. I've got some work to do." He paused and your gazes met again. "Besides, I hope you don't mind, but I put it in there already--under my name and everything." You were about to point out the obvious problem with that, but Miguel had it covered. "Trust me, you'll know it's me." You hummed in response.
After trying to tidying up and some light conversation, you two Spiders said goodbye, and you opened a portal to your room.
You flopped on your bed and sighed deeply. That was surely not how you expected your night to go, but damn if it wasn't amazing either. You decided to check in with HQ later since it was still a bit early in the day. You'd at least reach out to Pierre for sure though.
The morning went on with you swiping at your phone and reading random stories when a notification popped up on your screen.
Sexy Señor Papi Miguel: Stay in touch, reina 😉
You laughed loudly before humming and replying. He was definitely a sexy Miguel, but corny like an old man too.
Whew! I'm actually proud of this chapter. Smut takes me forever to write bc I get in my head about it 😅🙃
I think I have an idea for the next chapter, but feel free to drop some ideas here or in my dms. I'm gonna try my best to get it out before my vacation ends 🙏🏾
Thanks for reading!!!
Taglist: @sukunash0e @jinnieminniemoon @turtlegreentia
23 notes · View notes
i-fondued · 2 years
Kinktober 2022 | Ghost - Sinners in Secret
Cardinal Copia is a possessive man, he isn’t inclined to share anything much less his particular Sister of Sin. Even if nobody in the abbey has noticed them together, she knows who she belongs to. But even some of the best pets need to be re-educated from time to time.
Pairing: Cardinal Copia x Reader/Sister of Sin x Papa “Terzo” Emeritus III Rating: Explicit Warnings: (oOohO boy ** rubs hands together **) rough oral sex, rough sex, voyeurism, google translate Italian, dom/sub vibes, bad/no aftercare, spanking, dirty talk, you know…the standards at this point
A/N: This feels like the result of a very fucky sleep schedule and the culmination of all of the dirty thoughts about the Papas drifting around. This is my magnum opus and I don’t know if I will ever be able to top this honestly (ahaha see what I did there?) Surprising to nobody I honestly think I will end up making this into a multi-parter because if I don’t get to live vicariously through my writing and watch them have a threesome I will riot against my own brain
AO3 - HERE Chapter Hub - HERE
I arched my back, rolling my hips against Copia’s as I felt his lips press against the sensitive spot by my ear. I shuttered, cupping his face and pulling him to my lips. 
Copia’s hand was threaded in my hair when the sound of someone knocking on the door startled us apart. I slipped from his lap and threw myself quickly into the chair on the other side of his desk, my face flushed bright red as I fixed my habit on my head. Copia cleared his throat and adjusted his cassock before sitting in his office chair.
“Come in.” He called, a hard edge to his voice. He hated being interrupted, especially when it interrupted our time together. I heard the door open and busied myself with looking very interested in the Latin translation I had done earlier today. 
“Ah, Cardinale!”
“Papa. Seestor.” Copia said crisply, his glare dark. “What do I owe the pleasure of your visit?”
“Afternoon, Cardinal.” Sister Imperator’s voice was sharp, I couldn’t help it as my eyes drifted to try and sneak a look at her. Unfortunately for me she was too observant and her eyes locked with mine, instantly squinting at me suspiciously. “Sister…whatever could you be doing here? Aren’t you on library duties today?”
“Sorella, don’t tell me you have a…how you say? Ah! A feeling for our dear Cardinale.” Terzo teased as he slid next to me, his arm coming across the back of my chair. 
My face instantly flushed bright scarlet, an uncomfortable giggle bursting from my lips. I looked to Copia for help but he had a quizzical look on his face, his hands steepled in front of his face while he rested his elbows on the arms of his chair. He was leaving me here to hang in front of Imperator, bastard.
“O-oh of course not!” I laughed, panic bubbling in my chest before I started to babble. “Cardinal Copia was helping me with my translation work, he is very dutiful and attentive whenever I need help with my Latin skills. He is a very good friend!”
The three others in the room all had various looks of disbelief. Sister Imperator had one eyebrow lifted, her head tilted just barely, and the look on her face read that she didn’t believe a word at all. Terzo’s face was quirked with a funny sort of smirk, his eyebrows knitted together as if he was trying to decipher something. Papa looked at me with warmth in his eyes before looking over at the other male in the room. Copia’s face was the most troublesome. 
The only way to describe it was blank, nothing on his face gave his reaction away. His eyes however..oh they spoke of my undoing. His mismatched eyes were filled with unbridled fury. They were locked on mine and I knew I would be paying for that comment. The tension in the room could have been cut with a wooden blade.
“Yes well, Sister, Papa and I have a meeting with the Cardinal. I’m sure you have some work to do elsewhere…” Imperator trailed off, gesturing to the Latin notes in my lap and on the desk.
“Yes of course, thank you Cardinal. I’ll see myself out.” I mumbled, cheeks flushed red as both men watched me gather my things quickly and scamper from the room.
As I turned to shut the door behind me, Copia’s eyes locked with mine and a chill ran down my spine. Oh I was so fucked later.
I spent the rest of my working hours in the library, partly hiding from Copia but also working on my various translation projects. It wasn’t till one of the other sisters who worked in the library came to drag me to dinner did I even know what time it was. 
Our big formal dinners at the abbey were always noisy, especially when Papa was home with the ghouls. Tables were laid out family style and siblings mingled together with the Ghouls. I actually forgot I had been avoiding Copia and managed to forget myself, smiling while laughing at the ghoul’s antics at the table. Mashed potatoes had been flung lightly at another sibling and I let my eyes drift towards the head table where Copia sat with the older Papas and Sister Imperator. 
The Cardinal wasn’t looking at me, clearly in a deep conversation with Primo and Nihil. Just as I was about to look away his eyes drifted to me. At first his face seemed to soften but then his posture changed and I could see the dark look return to his face. Before I could even think what that could mean, Terzo slid into the seat next to me. I turned to him with a polite smile and slid my gaze away from Copia. Ah, he was still sour over being interrupted.
“Sorella, how is your supper?” Terzo spoke, his voice low and syrupy. I leaned closer to him so I’d be able to hear him over the din of the dining room. He clicked his wine glass against mine and we drained our glasses together. “I hope dear Aether is not bothering you.”
“No, of course not Papa.” I smiled at him as he reached over to refill my wine glass with the bottle on our table. “It’s nice to have you all home for a change, even if it's only a quick stop. It’s been so quiet here without the ghouls.”
“It is very nice to hear you say that, Tesoro.” He teased, my cheeks flushing as I sipped my wine glass. “I too have been sick for home.”
“Do you mean homesick?” I chucked, wine flushing my cheeks even more. I hadn’t eaten much that day and I was drinking more wine than I had for a long time, feeling I needed liquid courage to get me through this. I could feel eyes on Terzo and I, deep down I knew it wasn’t another sibling who was locked on us.
“Ah yes, homesick! My English is sometimes not so good, even more after a few bottles of wine.” Terzo laughed, a loud belly laugh that caused more than a few siblings to look at us. I smiled at him but felt the heat gathering on my face. “What you say, Sorella? Care to join me for a nightcap some time?”
“P-papa?” I sputtered as I looked around me to see if anyone was paying attention to us. The other siblings were fully distracted by the rambunctious ghouls, none of them looking in our direction. “I-I don’t understand.”
“Mi dispiace, Sister. I just assumed you had been looking for esclusiva confessional time.” He leaned in, arm resting behind my chair as he whispered into my ear. “I have seen the way you look at the high table, Sister. Unless that gaze isn’t meant for me.” 
His hand brushed against my cheek, causing me to jump, before my eyes locked with his. He had a slight flush to his cheeks, one I knew was mirrored on my own, and a wicked smile on his face. I blushed more, and squirmed under his intense look in his eyes.
“Judging by the Cardinale storming from the room just now, I would say those looks were not for me.”
I felt the alcohol drain instantly from my bloodstream, the blood draining from my face. 
“W-what?” I whispered, Terzo’s face spread into a wicked grin, one that reminded me of the Cheshire Cat, as he rested his chin in his hand. “I-excuse me Papa…”
Without another word I scrambled out of the dining room, unsure of what I would do if I even ran into Copia. I knew he would be furious and my heart pounded in my chest. I paused in the hallway, thoughts swirling around, and tried to come up with the best plan of speaking with Copia. I knew I couldn’t do it now, not only would he be beyond furious right now but I was tipsy and I didn’t trust my mouth to not say something stupid. 
Also dinner would be finishing up soon and curfew not long after that. I knew I didn’t want to be caught out of my room by then. Instead of running right to Copia’s office where I assumed he would be, I did the only smart thing I could think of. I went right back to my room where I told myself I would go right to bed, collect my thoughts, and have a full explanation and apology ready by morning. With an optimistic pep in my step I went back to my room, fully intent on following through with my plan. I slipped inside, shutting the door behind me, and turning to see a red envelope on my desk with a familiar scrawl on it. 
“Oh fuck me…” I groaned, pulling the habit from my head and tossing it on my bed. 
I stared at the letter for what felt like hours before I plucked up the courage to actually open it. My heart was in my throat as I saw one simple line, there was no signature but I didn’t need one. I knew exactly who wrote to me. I paused to look at the clock on my desk, it was only nine in the evening, I knew I had a few hours to get some sleep before I would follow his commands. I slipped into my nightgown and buried myself under the covers, closing my eyes and willing my heart to calm down as I squirmed just thinking about what Copia had written.
Library. Midnight. Do not wear anything under your nightgown.
Oh. Oh. I was so dead.
I startled awake at the sound of my alarm, glad I had thought to set it before I fell asleep. I had a few minutes to sneak down to the library so I rushed to take my underwear and bra off. I couldn’t help the flush that came to my cheeks as I felt a small thrill run down my spine. I tucked my feet in a pair of simple slippers, knowing the floors would be too cold for bare feet, and wrapped my silk bathrobe around myself. 
I slipped out my door as silently as I could, noting the sound of soft snoring from the rooms closest to me. Quickly I snuck down the hall, past the other senior Sister’s rooms and past Imperator’s door. Down the carpeted staircase, the weave dampened the sound of my steps, and into the main entrance hall. I padded down the long hallway to the wing of the abbey that had the library and large recreation halls for indoor clergy events. 
The library doors were closed but never locked, the other Sisters who worked the library with me knew that sometimes the siblings of sin needed a quiet place to come in the night when they couldn’t sleep. I prayed to Satan himself that tonight nobody would be inside or come looking for solitude. I opened the door slowly, wincing at the creaking of the old hinges, and slipped inside. 
“Cardinal..?” I whispered, looking around for any source of light or sign that he was already here. I walked between the bookshelves, heading up the large staircase towards where I knew he liked to sit in the daytime. “Copia?”
I slipped between the shelves and looked over the bannister, looking for signs of anyone. I felt leather gloves wrap around my wrists, pinning me against the railing. I gasped and tried to turn around but he let go of one wrist to slip a hand in my hair, tugging roughly to prevent me from turning around. Instantly I had to bite my bottom lip to hold back the wanton moan that threatened to spill from them. 
“Sorella.” Copia murmured in my ear as he pulled my hair tight enough that my head was resting on his shoulder. “I would have thought you would have learned after last time…”
“Co-” I started before he pressed his entire body against me, pinning my body to the railing with his hips as he covered my mouth with his leather clad hand and cut off my words. The hand in my hair let go before coming to wrap around my throat
“You will refer to me by my title, Sorella.” He hissed,the muscles in his body taut. A thrill ran down my spine, squirming against him as the railing bit into my hips. “You must be taught a lesson, no?”
Copia’s hand around my throat tightened its grip, pressing firmly against my windpipe. My breath was harsh through my nose as I exhaled and tried to suck in a breath around his glove. All I could smell was the scent of warm leather and the slightly spicy scent of the incense and aftershave Copia used. It was heady and intoxicating to me, especially with the man himself pressed up against me firmly.
“Sarebbe un piacere per me, cara mia…” He practically purred, pressing a gentle kiss to my temple. I whimpered, his hand covering my mouth came down to my hip and he squeezed it harshly. 
Copia was pressed flush against me, my body practically crushed against the bannister, and I could feel his cock through his heavy cassock as his left hand began to explore my body. I felt the heat of his hand through the leather gloves as his hand skimmed from my hips, up my waist, with his fingers splayed out. Goosebumps broke out on my skin and I shuddered, my fingers gripping the wood of the bannister so tight my knuckles were white. Roughly he tugged on the belt of my bathrobe, loosening the knot till he was able to open my robe.
“Take it off, Sorella.”
“Yes Cardinal.” I whispered, voice wavering slightly as I let go of the bannister to slip the silk down my shoulders and let it pool at my feet.
 I still hadn’t been allowed to turn around and I attempted to turn my head to try and catch his eye. There was a loud crack as his leather gloved hand made contact with my ass. I hissed between my teeth, facing forward again and gripping the railing, while squirming slightly to try and get some relief for the steadily increasing throbbing between my legs. 
“Did I say you could turn to me, cara?” Copia sneered, his hand on my throat clenching slightly. I panted, heart rate buzzing in my ears as my eyes slipped closed. 
“No, Sir.”
“Do not remove your hands from the railing till I tell you, yes?”
“Yes, Cardinal.”
I felt both of his hands leave my body for a moment and I whimpered at the loss of contact, body aching for his warmth back. That was till I felt him lift the hem of my nightgown, tucking it around one of the flimsy straps. While the front hem kept me covered, my entire backside was exposed to Copia. His leather clad hands ran from my thighs and up to cup my ass before coming around under the thin cotton to skim over my stomach, the muscles clenching as they passed, before he curled around me again. He ground his hips into mine, his cock brushing against my ass, and I moaned as quietly as I could. His hands paused in their movements, pointer fingers just barely brushing the underside of my breasts as my nipples pebbled and hardened against the fabric of my nightgown. 
“This is meant to be a punishment, Sorella.” He tutted, disappointment clear in his voice. “What kind of lesson are you learning if you are enjoying it, hm?”
My cheeks flushing deep red as his hand brushed against my ass again, a quick snap of his wrist and I felt the skin begin to sting from the bite of the leather. I hissed, my bottom lip clenched between my teeth, as he spanked me again. I rolled my hips back to give him a better angle and clenched my hands so tightly to the bannister I would be surprised if I didn’t leave marks from my nails in the wood. His hand came to soothingly rub the welt that I knew was developing, I rocked back against it as I seeked out the comfort of his familiar hands. In a flash, his hand was tugging on my hair again, arching my neck back towards him as I panted.
“Sei una ragazza cattiva, Sorella…” Copia purred, his voice thick with arousal as he teased me. He kicked my feet apart, widening my stance till he was pleased with it. “I will have to punish you extra for your trasgressione tonight…”
“Please, Cardinal.” I begged, heart pounding in my chest as I started to slightly panic. I didn’t mean for that to slip out. I felt him chuckle, his chest pressed against me as he ground against me again.
“No, no Dolcezza…we are beyond the point where you can beg with me.”
I felt Copia move away from me again before his hand spanked me hard, three times in a row. I hissed a breath between my teeth, trying my hardest to not cry out in case anyone was in the halls. The last thing I needed was for someone to catch me here like this with the Cardinal.
My legs were shaking, barely able to hold my weight up. Copia’s grip on my hip as he spanked me was the only thing holding me up right now. I leaned on the banister, hands still gripping the wood tightly, and hung my head as I fought to keep as silent as possible. After a few more smacks to my poor red ass, he paused and rubbed the skin soothingly. I felt his hand slip from my hip to dip between my legs, brushing against my dripping slit. I gasped harshly and bit down on my bottom lip to stop from crying out as his gloved finger teased me. 
“So wet for me,” Copia murmured in my ear, his tongue darting out to trace the shell of my ear. “I am flattered, bella…”
“Cardinal…” I whimpered as his other hand, the one not running back and forth with featherlike pressure over my cunt, snaked up my body teasingly. His gloved fingers paused to brush against my hardened nipples, teasing the sensitive peaks, before sliding up my chest and wrapping around my throat. 
“You will need to earn your orgasam, Sorella.”
“Get on your knees.”
With a speed I knew normally I’d feel embarrassed over, I turned around to finally look at the Cardinal. His biretta had been placed on the bookshelf to his left, his hair already falling in his face. The look in his eyes was wild and predatory. His mismatched eyes, white iris especially, looked like they were glowing in the lowlight of the library. His face was flushed and he seemed to have a slight dewy quality to his skin in the evening light, it dawned on me that he was sweating from the exertion of holding himself back. Furious Copia was like an animal, just waiting to be unleashed. 
I looked up at him obediently, hands twitching in my lap, as my ass ached from being pressed against my calves and heels. I was waiting till I was told what I could do; I knew better than to just jump him like the little gremlin in my mind screamed to do. Copia smirked, eyebrow cocked, as he ran his hand across my cheek and petted the top of my head. 
“Good girl.”
A shiver ran down my spine at his low tone and the look in his eye, the heat pooling in between my legs as I squirmed on the floor below him. I watched as he leaned slightly back against the bookshelves, gesturing to his obvious tent behind his cassock. 
“Prove to me you have earned it.”
I didn’t need to be told twice, my hands drifted from my lap to run up his thick strong thighs. Slowly I unbuttoned his cassock from where the buttons started around his mid calf and up to his waist. I brushed against his hard cock as I passed his crotch before pushing the heavy wool coat open so I could begin undoing his trousers. My heart was beating wildly as I unbuttoned his pants and freed his cock, hard and hot in my hand. 
Slowly I ran my hand up and down his length, teasing the tip with the pad of my thumb. Copia groaned quietly, rolling his hips forward to add some friction. Feeling encouraged I tightened my grip and began to run my fist up and down before slowly teasing him with the tip of my tongue. I ran it across the head of his cock, tasting the precum that had beaded there, before pressing my tongue flat against the underside and taking him into my mouth. 
Copia groaned as his hand buried in my hair, fingers twisting at the scalp to tug sharply. I flinched slightly at a particular sharp tug when I began bobbing my head up and down while hollowing out my cheeks. But the ache of my scalp has nothing on the burning lust in my core, hips rolling and squirming as my knees begun to ache. I looked up at Copia and felt my cunt clench at the look on his face, a whimper bubbling up my throat.
His head was leaning back but he locked his eyes with mine, his breaths coming in sharp pants as I continued to suck and tease his cock. Copia’s eyes were hooded and dark with lust, his pupils blown wide as they bore into my own. His cheeks were flushed and his clergy paint around his eyes looked slightly smudged. I watched him bite the tip of the middle finger of each glove and tug them off with his teeth, tossing them on the shelf where his biretta sat. His warm hands came back to rest against the sides of my head as he tangled his fingers in my hair. 
“Bellissima…” He groaned before, with little warning, he held my head steady and began to fuck my face. 
I relaxed my jaw, taking him as deep in my throat as I could but occasionally gagging as he hit the back of my throat. I moaned deeply, feeling his nail scrape against my scalp as his thrust stuttered slightly. My hands ran up and down his thick thighs and reached up to cup his ass, nails digging into the fabric as I tried to keep my balance. I could feel the spittle dripping from my mouth, my eyes beginning to water with every time I gagged. I must have looked like a mess to Copia but I didn’t care. 
I whimpered around his cock and fought the urge to slip my hands between my legs to touch my core. I needed relief from the painful ache. My heart was thrumming in my chest, my breath was coming in little pants when I wasn’t choking from Copia’s brutal pace. I felt his cock twitch against my tounge and I knew he was close. I felt his grip on me tighten as I looked up at him with lust clouded eyes, tears streaking down my cheeks, his face looked positively feral as he grunted down at me. 
“Swallow it all, Sorella.” He snarled before thrusting as deep as he could manage, my nose pressed against his trousers as he finally finished in my mouth. “Like a good girl…”
I could feel his cock twitching as he emptied himself down my throat, I could barely keep up and I felt some drip from my aching mouth. I looked up at him with watery, adoring eyes with a cheeky smile as I released him from my mouth. I used my fingers to wipe up the combinations of fluids from my face, licking them clean while keeping our eyes locked together. His hand cupped my cheek gently, his thumb toying with my bottom lip. 
Before Copia could say anything I heard the sound of the library door hinges creaking open. Panic ran right through me as I scrambled to grab my robe and tuck myself into Copia, who was busy tucking himself back into his trousers and righting his cassock. 
“Sorella..?” The familiar Italian lift of Terzo’s voice made my heart rate spike into cardiac arrest. I was going to die, let Lucifer open up the pit of hell and swallow me up. “Are you in here?”
I started to step towards the banister at the end of the alcove, intending to reveal myself to Papa just so he wouldn’t search for me, but Copia grabbed my wrist. I looked back at him with a curious look on my face but he didn’t say anything, he pulled me over to him and turned us so my front was pressed against the bookshelf and he was pressed against my back firmly. I had turned my head to look over the edge of the bannister, in the low light I could see Papa peaking around the shelves downstairs, I prayed to every saint below that he wouldn’t come upstairs. 
I jumped out of my skin when I felt Copia’s bare hand cup my cunt from behind, pulling me back flush against him. I looked back over my shoulder with wild eyes, but the Cardinal didn’t say anything. Instead he pressed a finger to his lips, indicating to me to be quiet. My heart was sputtering out of control at this point; I was either going to pass away from being caught by Papa out of bed with a senior clergy member or from the feeling of Copia’s fingers teasing me. 
His fingers teased my slit, slipping just barely between them and lifting away before they would brush against my clit. I was quietly panting, my breath barely deep enough to keep the oxygen circulating, and I felt Copia lean forward to whisper in my ear. 
“Quiet, Sorella. You would not want our Papa to catch you like this would you?” He purred, lips brushing against the shell of my ear. He punctuated his comment by finally letting his finger just barely brush against my clit. 
I barely kept the very obvious wanton moan in my mouth, instead a very light whimper slipped out. Copia covered my mouth with his hand sharply and I felt my soul leave my body as my cunt clenched and I felt some of my fluid drip out of me and onto Copia’s hand. Neither of us moved at first, our heavy breaths being the only thing I could hear as my ears rang in the silence. The seconds ticked by and just when I thought we’d been in the clear…
“Sorella?” Papa’s voice came from downstairs but much closer than before. He was nearing the stairs, there were only a few places left to check downstairs before he’d have to come up. My heart was in my throat, I thought I was going to throw up.
Copia seemed spurred by this and his fingers began to slip back and forth from my clit to my clenching entrance, just barely slipping in before sliding away to swirl around my clit. If his hand hadn’t been covering my mouth we would have been found by now. I was biting the inside of my cheek so sharply I was positive I was drawing blood. I was panting, eyes clenched closed tightly as I rolled my hips back against his teasing fingers searching out any friction or relief. I was leaning heavily against the bookshelf, squirming as my nipples brushed against the wood grain. 
“Hm…is it possible my little tesoro wants to be discovered by Papa?” Copia’s voice was deadly and sharp as he whispered in my ear. “Dai suoni della tua fica direi di si.”
My eyes rolled back in my head as his fingers circled my clit torturously slowly, faintly I could hear the wet sound of my dripping cunt as he moved his fingers lazily. I loved when Copia spoke Italian, he had been doing it less and less frequently as he adjusted to the siblings of sin here who didn’t know how to speak it, and the shit knew it turned me on. My heart was pounding in my chest, I was gasping breaths through my nose as I panted with Copia’s hand still firmly covering my mouth. He curled around my body and I could feel the slowly growing bulge under his cassock returning again. I couldn’t help the moan that slipped from my lips, barely muffled by Copia. 
My life as a Sister of Sin flashed before my eyes as I heard the first footboard of the stair creak. Terzo was heading up the stairs, I looked out over the edge to watch him. He couldn’t see me yet but if he came all the way up and turned around he would get a full view of Copia pinning me to the bookcase. Copia’s fingers dipped inside me, curling slightly as he thrusted them lazily. I felt the rope of my orgasm pulled tight, I was so close and self-preservation was the last thing on my mind as I watched Terzo slowly come up the stairs.
He didn’t turn around, instead he headed to the mezzanine on the other side of the large library. Copia was entirely focused on me, whispering dirty things in both English and Italian in my ear as he nipped and sucked at my neck. My legs wouldn’t stop shaking, heart thumping away painfully, as Copia’s thumb brushed against my clit as he thrusted his fingers. 
“Such a supple peccatrice you are, Sorella…” He murmured while tracing the outline of my ear with his tongue, I whimpered, my hand gripping his wrist so tight I was surprised he didn’t cry out in pain. 
I looked out over the bannister to the other side of the second level of the library and my heart almost stopped completely. Terzo stood, leaning against the banister casually as his eerie missmatched gaze locked on mine. I felt my face turn bright red, my whole body shuddering as he watched me. Copia hadn’t noticed, most of his body was turned away from that side to watch the main walkway for Papa. I arched my back sharply, moaning into Copia’s hand as his fingers picked up their pace. My legs shook violently as my pleasure began to come to a head. I could hear my blood pulsing in my ears, but my eyes never left Terzo on the other side of the library.
“What would Papa say if he saw his sweet Sorella now, hm?”
I could see the smirk on Papa’s face from where I writhed as one of his hands that was holding onto the bannister drifted to grip his cock through his trousers. His white gloves made it blatantly obvious he was caressing his cock over his black trousers and I couldn’t help the flush of pleasure at the idea of Terzo getting off on watching me. I watched as his eyes closed for a moment and his head rolled to the side, obviously pleasure written on his face. My spine cracked as I arched against Copia, rolling my hips against his fingers and moaning. As if the heavens decided to dump more on me at that moment, Copia’s thumb frantically rubbed against my clit as he punctuated his command with his fingers thrusting violently into my cunt. 
“Come for me, amore.”
I honestly thought I was going to black out as my orgasm slammed into me, shudders running up and down my body as I rolled my hips to ride his fingers. Papa’s face lit up as he realized I had come in front of him, a wicked smile on his face as he winked at me. My eyes rolled back, head landing against Copia’s shoulder and I lost sight of Terzo. I dug my fingers into his wrist, nails leaving little half moon marks in the skin as I felt Copia press a gentle kiss to my temple.
“Good girl, Sorella…” He purred and I bit my cheek so hard I felt the blood drip to prevent my desperate moans.
I felt weak, my legs unable to hold me up anymore so Copia helped hold me in place as the aftershocks rolled through me. When I looked over to where I had spotted Papa before, he was gone. I felt the blush on my face deepen before the creaking sound of the library door hinges startled me. I knew then Papa had left and there was a tiny part of me that was disappointed he didn’t stay.
I felt Copia relax just slightly before pulling back from me slightly. He reached forward and positioned my hands on the bookcase, bending me at the waist, and placing my palms flat on the wood of the shelf. I jumped when I felt the head of his cock brush against my tight opening, running up and down to cover himself in my wetness. 
“I have you all to myself now, tesoro.” Copia grunted in my ear, sliding inside me slowly. 
I bit down on my bottom lip, a whimper slipping from my lips. I felt him angle his hips as he filled me with his length, stretching my walls as I arched back and angled my hips for him. One of Copia’s hands gripped my hip tightly, controlling the speed of his slow entrance into me despite all of my squirming. The other was curled around my throat, possessively holding onto me. After another torturously long minute I felt his hips press flush against mine and I felt so deliciously filled deeply by him. 
My eyes rolled back as I shuddered against him as he barely moved his hips, torturing me with his shallow rocking. I stuffed my balled fist between my teeth in an attempt to muffle my moans unsuccessfully. Copia’s hand left my hip and before I could react I felt him slap my ass right on top of where my previous welt sat. His hand that had been around my throat came up to cover my mouth instead, muffling the keening sound that had bubbled up out of me. 
“Quiet, cara mia. You wouldn’t want Papa to come back looking for you would you?” The Cardinal hissed in my ear, his hips starting to move more aggressively and snapping just the way he knew I loved. Heat flushed in my belly and my cheeks felt rosy, my cunt clenched at the thought of it and I felt Copia pause before chuckling darkly. “Sorella…quanto perverso.”
I panted as his hand moved from my mouth to grip my shoulder, pulling me back roughly to match his more aggressive thrusts. He spanked me again and I cried out again, far past giving a shit on who found us like this. He felt so good, his cock rock hard inside me and my legs quivered as the heat of my lust began building in my belly again. 
“C-cardinal, please…” I begged, for what exactly I wasn’t sure. I couldn’t help but whimper when he spanked me again. The crack of his palm on my skin echoing in the quiet library. 
“Do not ever forget who controls you, who controls your body, Sorella.” He groaned in my ear, voice dangerously low. “Do you think that your Papa could bring you this much pleasure?”
A breathy moan spilling from my mouth was his only answer, I didn’t trust my mind to put sentences together as I focused on the pleasure he spoke of. His fingers dug into the taut muscle where my neck and shoulder met as he pounded into me, pulling me back to meet each of his thrusts. I shuttered against him, my nails digging into my palms as my heartbeat pounded in my head. 
“Answer me, bella.” His voice was tight, punctuating his statement with a particularly sharp snap of his hips. I cried out, feeling tears welling in my eyes at the intensity.
“N-no, Sir.” I whispered hoarsely, arching my back as my orgasam began to build. His hand on my hip slipped between my legs to lazily brush against my clit and I moaned again. “It’s only ever been you, Cardinal.”
“Si, Sorella, and there will not be another. I do not share.” He hissed and I felt the tears begin to spill down my cheeks, from frustration or maybe embarrassment when remembering Papa had already seen me; I wasn’t entirely sure. “Not even for Papa.”
“I’m so close, Cardinal.” I said, whimpering as he spanked me again. “Please sir…”
“Please what, dolcezza?” Copia’s voice was silky despite the wild pace he sat with his thrusts. 
My chest bounced with the force he fucked me, my hips and ass aching from his grips and spanks. I was so close and I didn’t know I could hold off what felt like an inferno. When his hips stuttered slightly I knew he wasn’t far off either, cunt clenching his cock tightly at the thought. 
“Please let me come…” I begged, nails digging into my own skin as I felt the flutter deep inside me as my orgasam threatened to spill over. “Cardinal please.”
His thrusts became more sporadic, his finger sliding against my sopping wet cunt and brushing my clit more urgently. My breath was wild, panting like I had spent a mile running, as I moaned a little louder than I meant too. Copia’s hand moved from my shoulder, covering my mouth and pulling me back flush against him. My back arched almost painfully as he began to thrust wildly into me. My hands gripped his wrist by my mouth, nails digging into his skin, his other hand came up to wrap around my throat, squeezing a warning as I fought to stifle every noise coming from my mouth. His cock hit a sensitive spot deep inside me and I felt my eyes roll back in my head as my orgasam held back by a fraying thread. 
“Please.” I repeated over and over like a mantra behind his bare hand, tears spilling from my eyes and running down my cheeks and over his fingers. I felt delirious, my heart felt like it was going to explode, and just when I thought I would pass out between the lack of oxygen and the muscles in my body fighting back my orgasam Copia spoke two words that pushed me over the edge.
“Now, amate.” His words were hissed and sharp in my ear but they were punctuated by him biting my most sensitive spot on my neck, sucking hard and running his tongue across the broken skin. 
None of this really fully registered to me as my body felt like it had been pulled taut by some unseen string suddenly as I came undone in his arms stronger than I ever had before. My toes curled, eyes clenched tightly, fingers digging my nails into his skin. I shuddered deeply, hips rolling back against Copia’s violent thrusts as he fucked me through my orgasm. I felt him shudder, cock twitching as he thrusted a few more times before he too toppled over into the abyss with me. I felt him fill me with his seed, moaning broken Italian in my ear as I slouched forwards against the bookshelves bonelessly. He crushed against me as he thrusted weakly through our aftershocks, his chest heaving against my back as I dimly registered the feeling of him slipping out of me. 
“Bellissima, tesoro.” Copia murmured, pressing gentle kisses to my exposed shoulders. “You have been such a good girl tonight…”
My face flushed at his praise, squirming slightly under him as his hands wandered to my waist. I knew he wanted to keep going but I could barely keep my eyes open. 
“Copia…” I murmured, turning my head to look back at him. “I need to get back to my rooms before we actually get caught.”
“Si, si. I understand.” He mumbled before sighing heavily. He drifted away from me, taking a moment to right his cassock which had a large wet stain from where both of our fluids had smeared on him. He flushed slightly before moving his belts around to try and cover it as best as possible. “Come, let me walk you back at least.”
I turned, reaching to the floor to pull my bathrobe back on, and smiled at him sleepily. I cupped his cheek before pressing a soft kiss to his lips, pulling away before either of us could get carried away.
“I think it would be more suspicious if I was found to be out of bed with you, don’t you?” I teased, eyebrow furrowed at him. He shrugged sheepishly and gave me a wry smile. 
“Cannot blame a man for trying to get back to your room, eh Sorella?”
I was happy his mood seemed to return more to normal, I took his hand as we slipped from the library and made our way quietly to the main entrance where he cupped my cheeks with both hands and kissed me quickly before I could stop him. 
“Goodnight, Tesoro.” Copia whispered against my lips and I felt butterflies pool in my belly at the warmth in his eyes. 
I was tempted to toss my own advice out the window and drag him back to my room myself but he slipped his hand from mine and scurried down the hallway where senior male clergymen had their own rooms. I practically floated back to my room, despite all the bruises and marks all over my body. I had started to open my door when a voice startled me, my soul almost leaving my body at that moment. 
“Ah, buona serata, Sorella.” My head whipped to the dark at the end of the hall as Terzo stepped out from the shadows. 
He had his hands in his pockets as he casually leaned against my door frame. His hair was slightly messy and he had a slight flush to his cheeks. My mind wandered to what could have caused that at this time of night and I knew my cheeks were flushed.
“P-papa…” I greeted him, head tilting in respect as I clung to my robe slightly. “I was just getting some air, I’m going right back to bed now.” 
“Hm,” He eyed me, knowing full well I was not getting air, and smirked at me. His hand drifted up and caressed my neck. “I did not know that air bit back, bella.”
I shuttered and looked down at what caught his eye, a massive bite mark that looked more like a welt. I could feel the slight indent of teeth around the outside of the mark. My eyes looked at his mismatched eyes as they drifted across my face, a knowing smile on his lips. 
“I hope you sleep well, Sorella.” He purred, leaning in close to whisper in my ear. “I am sure you will since you seem to be quite saited. Maybe next time I can be of some assistenza…”
A shudder ran through me and heat pooled in my belly, my eyes wide as I mumbled a flustered good night to Terzo and slipped into my room. I could hear him chuckle as I leaned against the wood door, his expensive italian leather shoes clicking on the marble floor as he walked away. My heart was pounding a million miles a minute as I tossed my robe over the chair at my desk and threw myself in bed, willing myself to fall asleep instantly and to ignore the pounding of my clit.
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Breakfast is served | Part 2
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Pairing | Husband!Robert Downey Jr. x Wife!Female!Reader
Word count | ~ 750 words
Summary | After waking your husband up in a particular way a few weeks ago, he can finally return the favor when you're having a very spicy dream about him. However, he won't let you finish that quickly, as he's hellbent on pulling only the strongest of finishes from your body.
Warning(s) | This is your official trigger warning. Do not proceed if any of these topics upset you. RPF, established relationship (husband and wife), porn with very minimal plot, unspecified age gap, consensual somnophilia (consent was given off-screen by both parties involved), smut (sex dream, thigh humping, hair pulling, oral (f receiving), fingering, orgasm delay, male masturbation/handjob, squirting, cum eating, slight sir-kink, dirty talk, implied aftercare).
A/n | I want to thank @ccbsrmsf1 for inspiring this one; this one is for you! I hope you will enjoy it even more than I did when writing it! If you have not read part one yet, you can find it right here. 🖤
Likes, comments and reblogs will be very much appreciated 💚
Divider is made by @firefly-graphics | GIF-credit goes to the owner
Main Masterlist | Robert Downey Jr. Masterlist
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You're sleeping soundly next to your husband, Robert, dreaming about him again. Only this time, it wasn't a regular dream; you were having a sex dream. And a very good one, at that.
Your leg's hooked behind Robert's, and in your dream, he's railing you deliciously from behind, which makes you hump against his thigh. Combined with the moans of his name that leave your lips, this wakes him up slowly, and he can tell he's rock hard already.
''Hmm, Robert, please,'' you whisper in your sleep while you keep humping against his leg, and that's when he suddenly gets an idea. For this to work, he has to turn you onto your back without you waking up, and surprisingly enough, it works.
He nudges your thighs apart and is greeted by your soaked, desperate, and glistening cunt which he spreads apart with his thumbs to get a full view which makes him twitch, and a bead of pre-cum is leaking from his tip.
''Hmm, always so ready for Sir to eat you out, aren't you? My little slut who dreams of me, bet you're dreaming about me fucking your brains out, but don't worry, I'll do that later, Gorgeous,'' he whispers against your cunt.
He starts slowly by licking a stripe from your entrance to your clit, which he circles in a slow manner with the tip of his tongue until you begin to squirm a little, but he doesn't give you enough yet to wake you up fully.
He's teasing you a little, so you're even wetter when he finally goes to eat you out like a man starved, just like he likes it. And whatever Robert wants, he will get.
He keeps going like this for a little while until his hips are slowly rutting against the mattress, and he's getting impatient. He also adds his long, thick fingers to the mix, a surefire way to wake you up.
He groans against your cunt as he keeps licking your clit, and one of his fingers slides in, and with a loud moan, you wake up, your back arching off the bed as you feel his warm tongue lapping up every drop of juice.
''Fuck yes,'' you say as your hands slide into his hair, pulling on it as his finger sets a steady pace as his mouth is sealed around your clit.
''P-please, more fingers,'' you beg, and Robert happily listens by adding another one, keeping the same pace but groaning as you pull his hair from the pure pleasure building inside you.
''Sir, please, need to cum!'' you but Robert shakes his head, notifying you that you're not allowed just yet.
The groans leaving Robert's chest as he pulls out his fingers and replaces them with his tongue are helping your orgasm build even faster, and you're not sure how much longer you can take it.
''P-PLEASE! Please let me cum; I'm almost there,'' you beg as you pull his hair even harder, and at this point, Robert has his hand almost clamped around the base of his cock to not cum yet.
The fingers of his free hand are setting a brutal pace in your cunt as he shoves them back in, and his mouth is attached to your clit as he sucks harshly, pulling an intense orgasm from you.
''CUM!'' he demands, and you feel the coil snap and a flood of warmth through your body as you squirt all over his face and your thighs right before Robert quickly sits up and straddles your abdomen.
He jerks himself off as his head falls back into his neck, and his orgasm is nearly as intense as yours, and he shoots ropes and ropes of his cum over your stomach and chest, some of it even reaching your face with the power behind it.
''Jesus, look at you, you're my dirty fucking cumslut with my cum all over your tits and face,'' Robert says as he climbs off of you and bends down to lick up every last drop of his cum before kissing you and making you taste both your and his cum on his tongue and mouth.
When he pulls away, you lay there wholly fucked out, and Robert is proud of how much of a mess he has made of you. After he's cleaned you, himself, and the bed up, he climbs in with you before pulling you against his chest and spooning you back to sleep.
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I rarely write reviews for things, because honestly, I’m just a regular person with no experience or knowledge on the details of game development, and I get anxious that I may misunderstand something due to being unaware of how certain mechanics work or subtle aspects of storywriting, but I decided to give «Cryptid Crush» a more detailed overview than just a little post full of me gushing over this project that I made originally (spoiler alert: this review actually is just one giant post of me gushing over all the things I love about the game, because I just wanted to note down everything that caught my attention). I’m putting it under the «read more», so folks that didn’t play it can avoid spoilers. And also because I got a bit into oversharing\infodumping mode (aka, a LOT of text), and there is a lot of images too. Buckle up for a ride and let’s-a go!
All screenshots are from the game “Cryptid Crush” by Drowsy Drake Studios.
This is a big read. Seriously. 3378 words. Don’t ask me how it happened, I was in the zone.
I say “review”, but it’s just my personal opinion, not entirely written in a serious manner, because I by no means intend it as some serious and professional writing.
TL;DR: play «Cryptid Crush», support it’s creators ( @cryptidcrushvn, @squidinu​ ) and check their website!
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I actually stumbled over this game by accident, because one evening I was in especially sour mood and decided to lose myself in one of dating simulators or visual novels, so I was browsing Itchio to see if anything catches my eye. «Cryptid Crush» instantly did just that, because I’m absolutely in love with monstrous characters and I loved what I saw on the game’s main page. Normally, due to whatever weird neurodivergent way my brain works, I can hardly make myself play new games\watch new shows\movies\cartoons, because that requires certain mental preparation from me (aka «the stars must allign in a specific way, or else I’ll stare at the game icon forever, unmoved like a statue»). No idea why it works like this! I have whole lists of things I want to play\watch, but I always have to catch myself in a mental state that is perfectly accepting of getting invested in a new story, even if I know there is 90% chance I will like it. And let me tell you, I’m very glad that I gave «Cryptid Crush» a go. Actually, this is now my comfort story, and there is a lot I want to praise the creators of this game for.
Click to progress the story, which means I can drink tea\coffee AND enjoy a good story. That’s already a win in my books, especially if you’re looking to settle down for a cozy, relaxing evening. Ability to simply scroll back in case you accidentally skipped a dialogue line or want to read it again can really come in handy. Actually, while I’m at it, I have to say BIG THANKS for such detailed menu when it comes to picking where exactly you want to start after you played both chapters. Rather than having to play from the beginning, you can pick a scene to start from, which is especially great for when you want to replay certain moments or conversations in the game.
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TTRPG mechanics: at first, I was a bit intimidated, because I always have troubles absorbing technical information about how certain things work (which often looks like an overwhelming cluster of information for my brain), and while I make sure to read through everything, it takes some poking around or even winging from me to get a hold of how something in the game works. However, here it wasn’t so bad at all. I love how «throw a dice to determine success or failure of selected action» here is both used in battle mode AND at a few points in the story, to see if you can get additional information from the characters or get away with a small lie.
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When it comes to fights, I enjoyed them more than I expected - said TTRPG mechanic wasn’t so hard to understand after all, and little comments and dialogue lines made the process even more lively and enjoyable. I greatly appreciate the way tutorial was smoothly integrated into gameplay and for a chance to pick difficulty when it comes to fights. I’m a simple person, I play on «easy» majority of the time, so it worked perfectly for me.
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Character customization: while the look of the main character, Robyn, is pretty much «set», there are still details you can change, like picking a different color for the coat, hair length, etc. And you can choose whatever first and second name you want (so, like usual, I just used the name of my main OC). Also appreciate the ability to pick pronouns, because I didn’t think too long before picking «they\them». Am I having some sort of self-discovery? I don’t know, but I always appreciate having that option for some reason.
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The visual part is stunning! The art style is so beautiful and cozy! I love the thicker lines on the outline (no pun intended) of characters, the soft colors, the creativity of monstrous designs. Love how big hands some of characters have (like August in werewolf mode, Oz, Jamie, Mike, etc.)!! My absolutely favorite part, as usual, is facial expressions, of course. Backgrounds also have each their own atmosphere (like cozy one at Robyn’s place, or creepy haunted one at the Elkhorn radio station. Actually, this bit has tons of details - a nice example of «environmental storytelling») and vary in level of detail, allowing some scenes to have more focus on the characters. This pencil-painting style looks great, by the way!
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The story in «Cryptid Crush» is very intriguing and allows you an easy integration in it’s world, being a good mix between supernatural and something familiar to all of us. Like dealing with mysterious curse, living in a town full of various cryptids and all the shenanigans that come with it, while at the same time being a relatively regular person, who is just trying to navigate the chaos of their life and worrying about groceries. There is a main story of searching for answers about said curse, but plenty of other storylines that entwine with it, enriching the story and making it feel so full of life. The world here truly feels alive, and there is one part that I love so much.
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Despite characters facing hardships and things being rather scary at times (like Robyn’s trip to the void, their first nightmare and what Mike had to face while dealing with Mr.Walker), the story is so. Very. Wholesome. It’s in everything, in the way characters communicate between each other, and especially in their relationships. I’m a big fan of the «found family trope», it always moves me, and I truly believe that sometimes a family can be just a bunch of dysfunctional adults that love each other and try to get along, and seeing those little details or these heartfelt talks that characters share (like the talk between August and Atlas, for example) - they warm my heart so much. My own life may be a mess at the moment, but somehow, this story gives me reassurance that it will work out. Things can be tough sometimes, but they don’t stay tough.
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On that note, I absolutely have to mention the amazing writing. Different people obviously gravitate towards different writing styles, but this one is great in so many ways. The descriptions are dosaged perfectly - they’re not dry or, on the contrary, stretch so much that it significantly slows down the story. They’re perfect in giving you enough information to imagine the scene and atmosphere well, without turning into cluster of words (I enjoy big descriptions, but sometimes they may be more fitting for an actual book, rather than a story with a certain flow). And when you’re given lore at the library, it’s also written very interestingly (and the illustrations are so great!!), giving you a better outlook on the world of cryptids. I love the way that size and type of the font (or little details, like «shaking» letters) is used to better convey emotions. All characters feel so alive, they each have their own very different personalities and little quirks. I also absolutely have to applaud the sense of humor that comes into writing and makes it such an easy and comfortable read! I don’t have enough words to describe properly how much I love the writing, okay.
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Usually, I always have a few favorite characters when it comes to stories (I’m personally very fond of Oz, for instance), while I’m rather neutral towards the others, sometimes warming up to them as the story progresses and I get to know them better. «Cryptid Crush» is an exception, though, because I actually love all characters that were introduced to us so far?? So allow me to spam a little with silly little commentaries for each of them. Also, I may mention it about dozens of times, so let me say it here: all voice actors are doing spectacular job! I’m legit in awe of the talent and range, and it’s clear they’re doing their best and having fun in the process too.
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Not gonna lie, I keep asking him for «dad advice» just for fun (I can’t believe his sound effect is straight up «hi Hungry, I’m dad»). The answers are simultaneously the worst and the best.
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I’m fairly certain they’re a mom friend at heart, being a voice of reason on different occassions. Probably unsuspecting that they’re in need of the «found family», but also I hope that it certainly awaits them. Absolutely love it how they’re just trying to ignore all the weird things that are happening in their life currently. I mean, sure, there is a ghostly cat and also now another ghost that haunts your phone. Doesn’t mean you don’t have to worry about breakfast.
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She is a little goblin of a cat, and I love her. I mean, I’m aware she is a cat, but at the same time she is so... CAT. If you know what I mean. Waking you up by putting a paw on your face (or through your face in this case), demanding food and attention. Love her, and the voice is absolutely perfect for this type of personality! And her monstrous form looks awesome!
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The quote that comes to mind right away is «I only had them for an hour and a half, but if something happened to them, I’d kill everyone in the room and then myself». Many bits of his personality feel so relatable, especially the urge to infodump\overshare (like what I’m doing right now, whoops). Side note, but in Chapter 1 «Leviathan Waltz», during the phone talk before bed, I always got the picture of Atlas chilling in the attic, identical to the one at the intro of the chapter. An alternative, creepier version was unexpected, but that was a really cool surprise! In any case, I love Atlas dearly, and his enthusiasm towards things is very contagious. I’d absolutely watch a trilogy marathon with him (if there are subtitles, or I’m gonna miss 40-50% of information).
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I didn’t know what to expect at first, but with all the «Let the crimes commence» and casual trashing of the haunted radio station, I did not expect how gentle they are (not with Mike, for obvious reasons, but you know). I adore the manner in which they wrote the message to Robyn the next day after the trip to Elkhorn radio station, almost sounding like what one would write in a full on letter, as well as their overall manner of speech and also being a voice of reason, taking care of their friends. Also, they have a skull-face, which automatically makes me love their design. And bright blue details go so well with the rest of their palette! Also also, I was really thrilled to see a character that goes by «they\them» (okay, yeah, maybe I am going through some self-discovery here).
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«Mike Madhouse»
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I have to note right off the bat: Mike’s voice actor really be WILDIN’. The absolute charisma that drips off every voiced dialogue line, the unrestrained enthusiasm and madness?? Absolutely amazing. I’m not the person to genuinely laugh that easily, but sound effects for Robyn’s haunted phone crack me up every time. As much as various facial expressions Mike makes (I swear, you guys cranked it up to 200% and I’m loving the result). I’m looking forward to seeing him getting some character growth, and I was happy when he didn’t turn out to simply be defeated and leave the scene for good. He is a complex character, not easily showing his true emotions, which only makes these moments hit even harder (like the sad face he makes at the mention of Atlas, when they’re about to leave for Edith’s shop). «MeAt GrInDeR!!!» moment is definitely one of my favorite ones. (Also, different variations of sprites during the fight, like Atlas Madhouse and demonic looking Madhouse, look epic!)
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He is friend-shaped. That’s it, I don’t have anything more to say, I bet he gives the best hugs. Well, of course not, I do have more things to say. For instance, how adorable he is when he gets flustered after being called, well, adorable. Actually, I only recently noticed the blushing sprite that flashes for a second when he turns around to jump through the window right afterwards. I mean, he wanted to get out of the clinic anyway, but that was a smooth escape. Also, I adore the «I was already a wreck» pun when Robyn apologies for hitting him with a car (I actually love puns, and sometimes I make it other people’s problem, pfft). The enraged snarling August makes upon realizing Atlas forgot to turn off the oven was both terrifying and hillarious in the context. (Lowkey, love all of his sprites and the fact that he has these different «stages» of his werewolf form too.)
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I said this already, but when seeing Oz in Chapter 0, I thought he will only make a fleeting appearance and that’s it, which made me a bit sad, because he instantly caught my eye. So I was absolutely delighted to see so much more of him in the next chapter! I love how chill he seems to be, looking intimidating, but at the same time giving impression of a gentle giant who wouldn’t hurt someone without a good reason. It might be a bit challenging with a character who doesn’t speak majority of the time, but it also allows a lot of creativity with the way he communicates and expresses his feelings, and it makes it entertaining to see his facial expressions change at various comments the other characters make. The very rare «pleased» expression he makes honestly warms my heart. But also he gives a strong feeling of a «this bad boy can store so much PAIN inside-», which makes me want to give him a hug and a kiss on the forehead. I’m looking forward to see more of him in the future, his appearance in the dream sequence alone was very surprising (especially having him actually speak here). Also I loved the moment when he and August were in the middle of an argument, and Gus waited politely and patiently while Oz was writing down what he had to say. ALSO have to note that I absolutely love his color palette, which makes yellow eyes stand out even more on top of various shades of grey, black and white.
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Beloved goblin: Bird Edition! Thursday’s pleased expression is one of my favorite sprites. I’m losing it at the contrast between their «crow mode» and very sudden «deep-voiced man, enunciating perfectly clear what they got to say», the first time it took me by surprise.
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I was wondering if she is a normal human, right until that one «it’s the charm that protects you-» sprite that made me go «grandma, why are your teeth so big-». At the same time, I felt for Edith in this moment, because I felt exactly the same on multiple occassions, whenever I had to explain something obvious to a customer. Looking forward to seeing more of her, but it’s obvious she is very caring.
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She is sassy, and she clearly had enough of whatever shit she has to put up with. But she still loves her brother, even if she seems annoyed.
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Literally the most adorable ball of energy! I wish I had at least half of her energy.
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Her coat! Horns! And overall colors!! She is so pretty, and so nice and helpful! I love the way she is voiced, and I really enjoy listening to this specific kind of speech\voice for some reason. «Parsnip» bit made me snort, though.
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It’s actually very refreshing to see a Cryptid who is just as bewildered at many things about Longhope as any «regular» person likely would be. Lowkey, I loved that wobbling sprite of his when he was telling Robyn what people call cryptids where he is from. He seems to be up to some shenanigans, as well as being determined to find the «goddess sleeping at the river», so I’m hoping he will eventually succeed in his quest.
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She is a mysterious lady (and so beautiful too!), and I’m curious to learn more about her!
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«Mr. Walker»
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Despite looking rather simple, he’s got an eye-catching design (which I liked even more, because I love shadow-like monsters), and the fight had a lot of creativity put into it! It was a nice twist with Mr.Walker looking like a bigger threat and with smaller HP than the Lantern, seeming like the most reasonable target to take down first, only to swiftly come back into fight after being defeated. And the «Lantern cuts the lights» move was also nice. All in all, Mr.Walker makes easily a very disturbing and terrifying enemy, making the encounter at the graveyard so intense.
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Last, but not the least, is music (and it’s nice that you can see the name of the current soundtrack playing in the menu in the lower part of the screen). First of all, the soundtrack in «Cryptid Crush» is straight up enchanting. It always fits the mood perfectly, and I certainly got a few favorites. I kept «Dirt Nap Dreams» on while working a little while ago, and it was soothing and nice for concentration. The track itself is rather chill and a bit somber. «Thaumaturgy Thursdays» makes a perfect soundtrack for Edith, Oz and Thursday trio, having a bit of this «something wicked» energy to it. «Midway to Nowhere» appears to be rather chill, but has this very unsettling mood that is so great for certain scenes and places. And, of course, one of my most favorite ones - «Urgently Jammin’», both remixed version and the original! I swear I listened to this for days. But I also love «Supernatural Foe» for a nice beat and «Old Gods» for how dramatic it is and how it makes you really feel how high stakes are during fight with Mr.Walker.
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Second of all, I just have to mention how well sound design is used in the game and how many details go into it. My favorite examples: 1) when Atlas tells Robyn he wants to show them something, and then suddenly «Urgently Jammin» breaks off instead of «Loosen Up Longhope», when he makes a big reveal of still being possessed; 2) «casual» soundtrack breaking off into intense and terrifying «The UNWELCOME Visitor» with Oz seemingly about to get Taro on Edith’s orders, only for everything to abruptly go silent as she goes «I’m joking» and slip back into «Thaumaturgy Thursdays» as the mood changes from threatening back to casual; 3) when Hazel and Oz are having an argument, «Elkhorn Radio Intro» plays out (which is associated at this point with the fight sequence beginning), only for things to suddenly cut back to normal when Robyn and Atlas enter the scene.
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All in all, I just want to say that the attention to detail is insane here (another example I didn’t mention above is when Robyn is searching for Mike, and before you see the actual sprites of August and Oz fighting in the background, you see their icons and damage). It’s obvious how much hard work and love is being poured into this project, and I just want to say big «THANK YOU» to Drowsy Drake Studios for creating such amazing story with so many lovable characters. You’re doing amazing work, and we all appreciate it!
Again, I strongly advice to also check out their website for more information:
P.S. Apologies if I forgot or misunderstood something, it was a bit hard to properly gather my thoughts, but I did my best! If you actually managed to read all of it, you’re a champ.
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rd0265667 · 1 year
Rei x Reader: Tingles
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Permanent Taglist: @cwpiqwon@justme-idle
"For the last time, please tell me what is the definition of photoelectric effect." Rei massaged her temples "Umm, The photoelectric effect is the emission of electrons when electromagnetic radiation, such as light, hits a material. Electrons emitted in this manner are called photoelectrons." You squeezed your eyes shut, trying your hardest to remember the definition(A/N:Fuck Quantum Physics) "Good Job. How about we take a break? Jihyo's café is near by isn't it?" Rei offered, as you giggled, nodding. "Oh my god I love you so much Rei, YES!" You exclaimed, Rei trying to hide a not so subtle blush as she too nodded.
Rei wasn't what you would call someone who was open to love. She never let anyone steal her heart, come close to it, but you stole it when she saw you from a far. Rei couldn't believe it. While she had never been hurt romantically, she had always thought of love as a weird, foreign feeling. As a stout believer of science, to her, love was just a bunch of chemical reactions in the brain that makes someone think they're in love. All that changed when she saw you, that once stout belief in her idea of love shattered when she first laid her eyes on you. How someone could seem so perfect, ethereal, magical, it evaded her, irked her even. She found it hard to approach you, especially out of nowhere. She was sure you'd peg her as some creepy girl and brush her aside, but as fate would have it, the door opened for Rei, an overheard conversation between you and your lecturer about your rather uncharacteristic poor performance in Physics. Rei left you a note in your locker, offering Physics help. Needing all the help you can get, and also wanting to get close to the enigmatic girl who would appear and disappear with the bell. As the days went by, and the tutoring sessions increased in frequency and length, the two of you began what some might call a rather unlikely friendship. Both of you were introverts, and to an outsider, watching the two of you hang out might seem awkward, the two of you seating together silently, no words exchanged. Knowledge that was only privy to the both of you, however, was that the two of you found the comfort in each other's silence, Rei resting her head on your shoulder, desperately trying to quell her thumping heart as you hummed a soft tune to let her rest.
"Unnie! Can I get two Frappuccinos?" You shouted across the counter, Jihyo rolling her eyes as she worked the register "What did I do to deserve a freeloader for a sister?" She chuckled as you pouted, hands on your hips as you turned to Rei, hearing her laugh at Jihyo's comment. "Whatever Thomas." You smirked, seeing Jihyo's face morph into one of mild disgust "Jeong! One Frappuccino, and another one with a dose of Cyanide!"  "Hey Y/N!" Jeongyeon shouted from the kitchen as you chuckled, heading back to the table with Rei "So, how's things been going Rei? I heard someone from S26 is interested in asking you out." You smiled, hiding an ugly bubbling feeling in your chest "Ugh, I don't know, seems like these rumours pop up every other week now." Rei rolled her eyes, well aware of these rumors, Gauel had her ears to the walls like that. It frustrated her, but not in the way one would assume. Rei had been irked by these rumours, fearing that you would think she was actually interested in someone else, or would ask someone out, even go as far as to set her up with someone. All she wanted was the nerve to ask you out, but it seemed to escape her. Rei's train of thought was interrupted by the ringing of your phone, as you excused yourself to receive the call. Three cups in hand, Jihyo walked over, Rei clearing the table for her to set the beverages down. "So which one of these has the cyanide on it?" Rei quipped, Jihyo chuckling as she handed you a cup, pointing to the other. "So, Y/N's pretty slow huh?" Jihyo asked, sipping the cup still in her hand "Nothing to worry about Jihyo-unnie, Y/N's doing fine, progressing pretty well. Y/N's grade is going to improve, I promise." Rei reassured Jihyo "Well first of all, just Jihyo is fine. Secondly, and more importantly, I'm not talking about Y/N's grades." Jihyo chuckled "Then what do you mean?"  "I'm talking about your little crush on Y/N." Jihyo said with a smirk, Rei spitting her coffee out "What-What I don't...don't know what you're talking about" Rei muttered out, averting her gaze "Oh please Rei, Y/N might be dense, but I'm not. I'm observant like that you know? That's how I see the way you look at Y/N, the way you light up when Y/N smiles, or laughs. And I'm observant enough to know that Y/N feels the same." Jihyo continued sipping her coffee, a smirk on her face as she watched Rei go through about 32 stages of confusion.  "Ask Y/N out dummy, I promise you it'll work out fine." Jihyo smiled reassuringly, resting her hand on Rei's shoulder, a small smile on her face. "Aish, stop bothering my bestie Unnie, shoo!" You quickly rushed Jihyo away, Rei turning to compose herself, hiding her blush from you. For the next hour, you and Rei engaged in casual conversation. Well, you did, Rei mostly smiled and nodded, trying her best to hide her turbulent thoughts as you talked, as she found her thoughts lingering on you, your smile, your eyes, your lips, you. It took all of Rei's willpower to hide the blush on her face. You had noticed Rei's sudden silence, cursing yourself internally for rambling on for so long and probably seeming weird to the Japanese girl. "Rei, it's getting dark, how about I send you home?" You offered, as Rei nodded, the two of you saying goodbye to Jihyo. With a thumbs up and a reassuring nod, Jihyo gestured toward you, Rei nodding, Jihyo's smile beginning to touch her eyes.
"Wait, Rei, where are you going? Your house is that way." You asked, confused as Rei turned. "I want to ask you something, come on!" Rei said with a smile, grabbing your hand as she pulled you along with her, your body in shock at Rei holding your hand. You smiled as you saw Rei smiling like a child, rushing to two empty swings as she began to swing gently, gesturing to the other swing. Sneaking a quick picture of her, you sat next to her, watching as her face lit up, smiling with affection. "So, what did you say you wanted to talk about?" You asked, as Rei slowed her swing, closing her eyes as she not only appreciated the tranquility of the silence at the swings, but also coming to terms with the weight of what she was about to do. "Look at the stars. They're so pretty tonight." Rei said, her eyes traced onto the stars in the sky, you followed suit, smiling. Rei was right. The stars were pretty, but not as pretty as her. "Yeh." Was all you could mutter out, as you cursed yourself for your inability to speak. The universe gave you the best opportunity to confess, and you squandered it. Good going... "Some people say stars hold the key to our future. So at night, whenever I look in the night sky, I look at the stars, and think about the future, and what it holds for me. And you." Rei said, reaching over to hold your hand in hers. "And me and you." Rei smiled as she looked at you with both love and fear. "And-And that means what?" You shook your head, confused about what Rei was trying to say. "It means, I want us to have a future. Together. As more than best friends."   Rei chuckled a little as she looked at you sitting there, slack jawed, stunned as you tried your best to process what Rei just said. Rei could have sworn she saw smoke coming from your ears. After a while, however, Rei began doubting what she had just done. Had she just messed up everything? "And if the feeling isn't reciprocated, I understand, I just wanted to get this off my chest, and I understand if you don't like me back and..." Rei began rambling, before finally being stopped by your hands on her cheeks, holding her gently "You talk too much sometimes Rei." You smiled gently, Rei smiling back, before a look of uncertainty flashed across her face once again. "So...do you?" Rei asked, before feeling your lips on hers, as the two of you shared a romantic kiss. "I do." You whispered, Rei still blushing as she tried to comprehend that she had just kissed her long time crush "I do? We're not married yet you know?" Rei quipped, chuckling before recoiling in shock as you got down on one knee. "No time like the present right? Naoi Rei, Will y-" You were about to finish, before you heard a loud shout from behind you. "No No No, the two of you are much too young for this!" Jihyo shouted as she ran towards the two of you. "Aish, Unnie, I was just joking around, and, wait, were you spying on us?" You questioned, as Jihyo had a goofy grin on her face. "Well, who do you think gave Rei the push to finally confess? Well, it had to be one of you confessing, and you were too much of a loser to do it, so I had to ask Rei." Jihyo said, slinking her arm around Rei's shoulder as the two of them high fived. "Well, I guess you did good this time Thomas." You said, as Jihyo glared at you, turning to Rei. "If my dumbass sibling ever does anything, just come to me, I'll always take your side over that idiot's." She whispered, but making sure it was loud enough for you to hear. "Hey!" You shouted in jest, as Jihyo chuckled, before heading off. "So, where were we?" Rei asked, holding your hand in hers. "Well, since I am a sucker for making things official, Naoi Rei, will you be my girlfriend?" "I do."
"Yujin Unnie, can we switch spots, I'm about to throw up." Leeseo groaned as she gestured to the two lovebirds she was forced to sit next to, Yujin chuckling as she looked at both you and Rei resting your heads on each other. "Umm, love birds, you can just put your hands on the table, it's pretty obvious." Gaeul chimed in as Rei giggled, pulling your two intertwined hands from below the table, resting it on the table. "Jagi, could we head out for a while? I want to do something that Leeseo is too young to see." You whispered, but Leeseo still overheard, mock throwing up as the two of you ran off, hiding in a little cubby. Holding Rei, the two of you swayed to the tune played in the store nearby, before you pulled her in close, leaving a light kiss on her forehead. "Have I told you how much I loved you?" "Only 12 times today." "Well, make it 13."
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raccoonfallsharder · 10 months
✩࿐࿔ take a fuckin study break [new 12/5]
a surprise/unexpected update
smut-free | no use of y/n | gn reader | drabbles | word count: 1,020.
✩࿐࿔ take what you need. ࿔ eat somethin. at least grab a frickin’ snack. (wc: 576) ࿔ go to frickin bed already. (wc: 737) ࿔ get outta bed & get your shit done. & stop doomscrolling (wc: 925) ࿔ take a damn bath. (wc: 1,375) ࿔ leave your frickin skin alone. (wc: 1,579) ࿔ take a fuckin study break. (wc: 1,020) for like 80% of you probably ♡ ࿔ drink some goddamn water. [est 12/9] ࿔ stop destroying your frickin clothes. [est 12/19] ࿔ did you take your meds today?
so many of you are either already into finals or heading into them?? so like remember. rocket says to take 15-20 minute breaks every 50-90 minutes. use that time to open your window or go for a walk (even if it's cold). take some deep breaths. stretch. drink water. unclench your jaw. talk to someone who won't let you stay distracted for too long. and grab something to eat (even if it's just a granola bar). brains don't retain jackshit without sleep, nutrients, and moments of rest.
seriously i feel like so many of you are going through some form of finals right now and so i felt like i kinda had to write this last-minute (minimal editing tbh) so just. be kind to you. don't be too hard on yourself.
this is about as wholesome as it gets (for me) i think. can be read platonically or romantically. mcu-based, meant to take place post-volume 3, but headcanon however you want ♡
“Ow!” you yelp, rocking back on your stool and scrubbing a hand at your forehead. “Did you just flick me?” “I been talking at you for like two minutes,” Rocket grouses. “It’s like talking to a frickin’ wall.” You glower. “I told you. I’m studying. And writing. And studying. Leave me alone.” “Yeah, yeah,” he jeers. “Terran finals. Whatever. Sounds like a waste of time. Haven’t the humies on that backward mudball realized yet that tests don’t actually measure learning? It’s like using a yardstick to measure time.” You sigh and lean back. “Yeah, they know. Doesn’t matter though. If I want to pass these classes and get this stupid degree, I need to–” You scrub at your forehead again and sigh. “You know what? Never mind. I cannot have you  un-motivating me right now. What did you want?” He leaps neatly onto the stool across from you and sets two glass bottles on the tabletop, then leans his forearms on the little table between you, smirking smugly. “To pay you back, cupcake.” The mockery in his voice does not bode well for you. “Remember what you told me last week when Adam was whining about how I was making him study the Bowie’s schematics for too many hours?” You feel your stomach drop. “No,” you lie, big-eyed. His smirk only grows. “Lemme refresh your terrible frickin’ memory, then.” Now his teeth are sharp and he heightens his voice into a whiny falsetto. “But Rocket. Maximum productivity is only five-to-seven hours a day. You can overload the crappy baldbody brain if you go longer than that–” “Pretty sure I did not say ‘crappy baldbody brain,’” you interject dryly. “–and he could lose everything you’ve taught him already. Plus, he needs fifteen-to-twenty minute breaks every fifty-to-ninety minutes.” You stare at him flatly, unwilling to dignify his bad mimicry with a response. Unfortunately, he doesn’t seem to care. He’s snickering openly at this point. “Time to take your fuckin’ break,” he tells you. “It’s for your own damn good.”
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if you find any of these at all helpful, they're meant for you.
feel free to ✩ request reminders ✩ via reblogs, asks, and tumblr or ao3 comments if they would be helpful for you. it may take me a hot minute to get to them depending on life n stuff, but i will do my best
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@suicidalshitstick ✩ @glow-autumz ✩ @evolvingchaoswitch ✩ @wren-phoenix ✩ @pretty-chips (total word count: 5,192)
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iloveyou-writers · 1 year
I'm a writer. I've technically been a writer for a long time, but I stopped around 2019 and have recently decided to get back into writing because there were a few artists/writers who inspired me so much that I wanted to write a story. As I'm sitting here and typing out this ask, I have not only gained the confidence to upload my story out to the world, but I have a full timeline based around that story that I want to eventually share with everyone on Tumblr and the website where I upload my story.
However..., when I uploaded my more recent chapters, I started to feel...kind of jealous. Don't get me wrong, I love the people who take the time to read each of my chapters (and I know who some of my true followers are and I love them to death), but sometimes..., it gets hard for me to see other artists/writers to get hundreds and thousands of likes on any their stuff while I'm lucky to get a comment/like on my work.
So I wanted to ask you how do/did you get through it? How do/did you get through those though days where you see other artists/writers getting popular each and every day while you feel like you're putting all your effort into something and no one bats an eye?
I'm sorry this is a long ask, but this has been something that's been on my mind for a while that I wanted to ask. I saw some posts you made when you were sourpatch-encouragement and seeing those words of encouragement meant (and still mean) so much to me. I can't tell you how many times I teared up reading your posts cause it's such so nice to hear those positive words of encouragement during the tough days.
Thank you for everything. :) Your positivity, your encouragement, no matter what it is, I (as well as a few other people I bet) love everything you do to help encourage writers and artists. Thank you for being you. ❤️
First of all, thank you for the last part. Even the encourager needs encouragement that what they're doing and saying is helpful and making an impact sometimes, so thank you <3
Okay, so now to get into the question...
Honestly, I've been being asked "how do you/did you do this" a lot lately, mostly by my husband who's dealing with the death of a parent for the first time...
And I truly don't know. I just... do? I think I've just built such a hardened shell of stubbornness that even when I'm feeling discouraged, I just push through it? I've also got to be honest, I've restarted tumblr a lot. I've had many blogs.
Sometimes just getting a fresh start could really help because I could recurate my blog into whatever I wanted and sometimes having that freedom was enough to restart my brain in a way and allow me to give my all and learn from what did and didn't catch people's attention.
I'm also not a person that really cares about numbers. I mean, I do and I don't. I write because I adore the process of writing. Writing has literally saved me on so many occasions, so to me the act of writing itself is fulfilling enough not to need all the excess attention.
But you want my little secret that REALLY helped me?
It's friends. Having friends that I knew loved my writing, whose writing I loved. Having friends I could roleplay with when I was feeling discouraged about my WIPs... having friends that could reignite my fire when it was fizzling out... friends are a HUGE part of what has kept my fire burning for writing, especially at the beginning. :)
I do still get envious sometimes. No, I don't put all of my stock into stats but sometimes when you write paragraphs and paragraphs of writing, put in so much heart and effort into something and only get a few responses but then someone writes like one or two vague sentences and it blows up, it can be disheartening. But that's my problem. For me, it's a matter of "if I'm getting jealous, then I need to step back and reevaluate where my values really lie with this. Am I really doing this out of passion for it or do I want it to get attention."
I've done a lot of research on "marketing onesself." I actually have bought a few books on it, one that I'm passionately in love with... and that's also helped with my confidence, because I know if what I want IS for my writing to get seen and fire people up about it, I have tools to do so :)
So long story short: it's really hard. There are a lot of things I've had to do in response to these kinds of feelings. I think all writers deal with them on some level. But just know that your writing is still wonderful and still matters and makes a difference to those silent readers who may just be nervous and shy to interact with your works (and realizing that has been immensely helpful to me too with relaxing over the note jealousy).
Hope my prattling helps 😅
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