#but i also want young palestinians to literally live
so you’ve all been pirating Percy Jackson right…right ?
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taylovelinus · 11 months
every single time i see some goober on instagram (or here on tumblr for that matter) demonizing jews and israel, all I want to ask is:
1) what is your opinion on indigenous rights?
2) are jews white?
3) have you read hamas’ founding document (their 1988 charter)?
because these really get to the root of their hypocrisy. these so-called leftists always claim to support indigenous rights and land back movements until it comes to jewish people, because they have a fundamental lack of understanding of jewish history, jewish ethnic and racial ancestry and identity, and the relationship between jews and that land. (also it shows how American-centric their worldview is that they see this conflict almost exclusively through an overly-simplistic lens of color, wherein they see jews as white/white europeans and palestinians as a generalized, vague group of people of color who are only ever victims instead of as a complex group of people with their own history, culture, and identity). and you KNOW they haven’t read the charter because they sincerely believe this is all solely about “liberation from oppression” and have no idea about the very real and very violent direct, explicit antisemitism that is the very basis for Hamas’ ideology. their original charter completely denies that jewish people originate from the very same land they claim to originate from; they say that they only way for the three abrahamic faiths to coexist peacefully is under islamic rule and regulation (which if you know literally anything about how jews and christians were treated under dhimmi status you’d know that they were treated as second class citizens at best); They directly cite this verse from the quran as justification for a holy war against the jews — "The Day of Judgement will not come about until Moslems fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Moslems, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.” (and don’t even get me started that the charter also explicitly states that women are valuable to the movement... but only “because they are makers of men” and because they stay home and rear the children.) I’ll concede that their 2017 revised charter states that they have “no problem with the Jews”, however this is moot when you can easily find video after video of young children saying explicitly that they want to kill Jews (yahood) and eradicate them from the land. these kids aren’t being taught to separate Jews and Israel/Zionism like Hamas leads people to believe (like they have convinced you westerners to believe); make no mistake, it’s not about cleansing the land of only "zionists", it is about eliminating all jewish people, denying their equal claim to the land, and denying their autonomy and right to self-determination.
i strongly, STRONGLY disagree with israel’s policies towards palestinians. i fucking hate Netanyahu, i hate his cronies, i hate that they court the far right in israel, i hate everything regarding how they have handled and continue to handle this entire conflict. and EVERY single other jew i know feels the same way. but jews have been stepped on and abused and slaughtered by their muslim/christian/pagan neighbors for literally thousands of years at this point. they were murdered en masse within living memory (and updated estimates put the death toll of the Holocaust at somewhere between 10-12 million, by the way. we are still finding mass graves in eastern europe all the time). jews deserve to govern themselves and live in their historical ancestral homeland. palestinians also deserve to live in peace and security, and israel has a responsibility to ensure that. but i will never ever support the complete erasure of the state of israel because i fundamentally believe in jewish sovereignty and indigenous rights, regardless of how much time they’ve been away, especially considering they were forced out and into a diaspora -- their leaving the land was not their choice. if the notion of jews standing up and making a space for themselves and ensuring their security upsets you, then perhaps the world should have actually treated them as human beings instead of slaughtering them. if we say that antisemitism is part of this conversation, and that the antisemitism should be condemned, and your first instinct is to either deny or deflect, you really need to examine your own antisemitism and how you have been thinking about this.
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timetobeaghost · 10 months
Wow, I got legit antisemitic hate messages. Never seen this kind of bile. They are far gone.
I am not in fact, as they think, jewish nor Israeli. That makes this so much easier for me, of course. I can not speak for jews or Israelis, but I speak in deep solidarity with them! From my point of view.
I do stand in solidarity with Palestinians who just want to live in peace and thrive! I do not stand in solidarity with genocidal, islamist terrorists. I also do not stand in solidarity with radical Israeli settlers, who want to displace people.
But dear harmless nice young fandomers, who like humanity. Do not fall for the hate mongers. Because many do. You don't have to.
They say Israel has no right to exist where it it because Europe Blabla stolen land Blabla colonialism. They literally say that, no right, none.
Do you agree? Do you really think a person your age born in Israel, has no right to exist? Or has to be displaced at least, has to go and beg for a right to stay elsewhere, because they do not have the right to stay where they grew up and their parents grew up? And if they don't go willingly, they should be slaughtered? How about Christian or Muslim Arab Israelis? Do they have the right to exist? Why is it different for Jews? And how about non native Americans, is it different for them? Why? Pretty sure there was something with Europe and colonialism in that history...
This is literally what they believe. You take your "Free Palestine" and "genocide in Gaza" and "Israel bombed quadrillion babies specifically" talking points from people who think the genocide of Israelis is a must, people who really do want a one-sided "ceasefire" from Israel in order to help Hamas to commit genocide. Which is the Hamas' declared political goal, do you know that?
Is that what you stand for?
PS: Anons, if I reply to stuff strictly about the Israel-Hamas war from now on (and once already), I don't tag Byler or Noah anymore, you can see by clicking on my blog. I'm not posting the antisemitic bile, but I didn't delete it, I can show you if you want.
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evansbby · 9 months
I miss Gaza. I miss my family. I miss my friends. I miss my home. I miss the walks on the beach with my cousins. I miss the corner shops where everything was cheap. I miss going to the mosque with my friends and family. I miss going to the park with my brothers. I miss my school. I miss my kitten Kiki. I miss the summers spent at my grandparents. I miss walking to school with my brothers and talking about what we're going to do afterwards. I miss going to the library every day and constantly reading new books. I miss picking out new dresses at the store. I miss riding my bike with my cousins. I miss my neighbor Mohamed who I would always play chess with. I miss Palestine, my home.
My world turned upside down when my parents told me we were moving, seeing them hastily pack up everything. I was eleven years old, not knowing why we had to leave our home. I remember hearing my mom cry in the other room on the phone with my aunt. I remember my dad driving in a hurry. Nobody wanted to tell me what was happening, but deep down I knew. And then we were in Egypt, my parents were scared that we'd get sent back, if it wasn't for my dad's connections I think we'd be dead by now.
Next thing I know we're on a flight to, in my mom's words, "the big tower clock country" (we were going to London in). Seeing my uncle waiting for us at the airport and talking to me about how much fun it is here and how I'd make lots of friends. All I could think about if there was a chance that l'd ever be able to go back home. Eleven years later and I still haven't been able to go back home. I had to learn to live with the racism, the Islamophobia, the zionists, the constant hate against my people. I had to learn to cope with the dead of my family members, my friends, my neighbor. Luckily some of my close family could also leave, but then a lot could not and I'm honestly not sure how many are still alive.
I'm incredibly grateful and lucky that I was able to get to a safe country, yet I still miss everything back home. I'm so incredibly thankful to everyone who attended the march for Palestine in London and overall just in any city over the world. Hurts my heart seeing Noah Schnapp holding stickers that says 'zionism is sexy' while Bella Hadid got death threats because she speaks up about Palestine. My point in sharing my story is to remind people that the Palestinians you hear about in the media getting murdered, ALL had lives, they all had dreams, they all had friends and families, they all had their whole world taken from them. They are innocent human beings.
I still hold out hope that one day, I'll be able to take my kids to see the Gaza that I saw. 🇵🇸🩷
I’m so sorry 💜 I know nothing that I say could even comfort you at all. But thank you for choosing to share this with me, I can feel the pain in your words. The pain of being forced to leave your home and being so young that you don’t even understand why. And being so scared and confused… my heart truly goes out to you and the millions of others in Gaza who have been displaced, or lost their homes, lost the land they grew up on, lost their lives or the lives of their loved ones. It’s an actual modern day horror, what we are witnessing.
This is real, individual people we are talking about. As you said, they all had lives, all had dreams, all had hobbies and interests the same as we do. And it’s crazy the luxury we have, us who have never known the struggle or heartbreak of being displaced. Of experiencing a literal genocide. I am so privileged to be able to sit comfortably in my bedroom knowing that no one could just come and claim it as theirs. That no fuckass rich white bitch from Brooklyn New York could just shack up in my house and call it HER land. (Sorry for my language, it just makes me so angry. The way some people are reacting across the world makes me so angry… and I know it makes you ever angrier and more upset.)
My heart goes out to you and I pray to Allah that you will one day return to a free Palestine. To a free Gaza and your people can rebuild what was so cruelly taken from them. The same people who were so cruelly dehumanised by the Zionists and their religious ethnostate of “Isr*el.” I have no sympathy for the Zionists or their supporters. I have no respect for privileged celebrities like Noah Schnapp and others like that woman from the big bang theory, who can sit so comfortably in their mansions and feel like they know what is going on and try to persuade others to support their Zionistic views. When there are brave Palestinian children, women, men, babies, all innocent, all dying and they think the world has turned their back on them. All they have now is their faith.
I’m speaking to you straight from my heart, I know I don’t know you. But what you’ve said has touched me so much and I wish I could do more. I’m happy that you were able to escape and your immediate family is safe, I’m happy your father had the connections he did. I mourn the loss of your homeland, but I’m praying for you and all your people. And I will not forgive or forget what every single Zionist (celebrity or every day person) has said, how they have acted, what they have chosen to support. Years from now they will say they were brainwashed, misguided, they’ll sweep it under the rug and they’ll be forgiven but I will not forgive them.
There is hope in my heart seeing how many people (1mill+) that showed up every Saturday to protest in London, and all over the world in support of Palestine. The strongest thing in this world is hope… and faith. In my opinion. And it hurts, because reading your vivid memories, and how well you remember your home… But I know it won’t be for nothing. Idc if this sounds sappy but I’ll hope and pray for a free Palestine, and for you to go home one day.
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kolechiagears · 1 month
Hello friends!
🍉I am Mahmoud Ayyad, a Palestinian from the besieged and destroyed Gaza 😭😭, coming from a family of young children, women and elderly ❤❤ who have been suffering😭😭 for 300 difficult days of an aggressive war. Our lives are harsh because we lack all the basic necessities of life. Everything has become scarce and difficult to obtain. There is no food, no water, no medicine.
So, I ask you to help me keep my family safe and alive, especially after we lost all our sources of livelihood.
Please do not leave my family to struggle and suffer these difficult days alone. You can support my campaign by donating whatever you can or by sharing my posts to reach others who can help us survive the war to safety and peace. You are helping the lives of many people with your small contribution. ❤❤🍉🍉
Every donation makes a difference in our very difficult lives. But this is a legitimate campaign and has been checked by 90-ghost
your family is so beautiful also, and I wish nothing but for you and your family to be safe and well soon. what is happening to Palestine is incredibly unfair and sick. Hamas has done nothing but be brutal to you all for the past almost year and the expenses are terribly high.
I'm still so saddened to mention that i'm unable to support via donations and that i'm a small account, but i hope by sharing people with kind hearts are able to donate or at least use arab.org to help. the tragedy the people of Hamas and Israel have brought upon Palestinians is horrendous and ugly.
Mahmoud Ayyad's link to help to help their family - Please donate if you are in a place where you are able
If you are unable to donate, please use Arab.org to support Palestinians and other causes, its free and its literally just a single click, or reblog this post and maybe even the Mahmoud's post.
please reblog to spread awareness
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the-rainbow-lesbian · 4 months
few things piss me off more than seeing people say “there are no israeli civilians.” there is no way to say something like that without being violently antisemitic. they also forget that israel is quite literally the most diverse country in the middle east, and one of the most diverse countries, period. so, what about the druze? arab israelis? samaritans (although the population is at less than a thousand, following millennia of violence, displacement and forceful conversion to islam)? what about refugees from african and middle eastern countries (both jewish and not jewish) that had no where else to go? were they supposed to just die instead of going to israel? what about the mizrahim that were literally kicked out of their home countries in the middle east? were they supposed to just roll over and die rather than seeking refuge? and, lastly, what about the children? kfir, the infant who wasn’t even a year old when he was kidnapped by hamas along with his brother and the rest of his family? was he supposed to just not be born? how does he participate in the occupation of palestine?
also, how does hamas know to differentiate between the jews of israel and the non-jews? they literally kidnapped a young bedouin hijabi and her family on october 7th, did they think she was a settler? or maybe, just maybe, is hamas a violent terrorist group that is not set on liberation, but destruction and domination? because that’s the only conclusion i can come to after seeing all of this. the fact that hamas kidnaps and murders literal CHILDREN is just further proof it isn’t about liberation. because young children are innocent by all metrics. they literally don’t understand war or countries or anything like that. so what benefit for the palestinian cause does it serve to kill children?
it doesn't serve palestinians because when they corner israel and give them no option but to retaliate then their own children die in the war, but october 7th wasn't war, it was a massacre and dare I say genocide, because hamas' eventual goal is to kill all jews, people seem to overlook that inconvenient detail.
people assume since israelis are required to serve it means each single one of them is a competent combatant who has killed palestinians for fun (not true obviously) never mind that conscripted service is necessary since israel is surrounded by hostile entities that want to eliminate them. then they say "well what did israelis expect living on occupied land" which is hilarious when it comes from americans, canadians and australians, you really want to talk about occupied land??? the mental gymnastics these people be doing just to avoid saying they hate jews, like no no trust me, this time unlike the nazis I have a good reason to hate the jews! I am a very good compassionate person which is why I am ignoring all the humanitarian crises around the world and focusing on this one 🙄🙄
also on a personal note, as an arab woman who lived the majority of my life in the middle east fuck you all 🖕🖕do you want to talk about fascism and ethnostates but say nothing when our governments violently subjugate women, gays and lesbians, and exmuslims, and all the other religious minorities?? and imprison and torture people for just speaking out against the government or islam? sure they totally totally care about arabs or whatever/s
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libraryleopard · 1 year
Okay, so I'm reading The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches by Sangu Mandanna and I need to know if anyone else has had the same issues as me because I'm fifty pages from the end and I'm kind of losing my mind at how this apparently cozy fantasy novel keeps dropping in things that to me read as incredibly fucked up without really unpacking them
So the first thing that an established part of this world-building is that due to a curse, all witches are orphans because their biological parents will always die shortly after they're born. Which is honestly, like, something that could be in a horror novel and not a fluffy contemporary fantasy novel, but it's meant to explain that the main character, Mika, is an orphan who didn't have a family growing up. But then the novel adds in the fact that the protagonist's grandmother and and mother where both witches who didn't want to have children because of this but did anyway. There's a conversation Mika has with her childhood guardian, Primrose, where Primrose says "Neither your mother nor mother or grandmother ever planned to have children. I think they would have liked to if it hadn't been for the spell, but they did not have the luxury of choosing in the end." Which has also sorts of fucked-up implications to me–rape? violation of bodily autonomy? forced pregnancy?–but not does seem to be a thing that the novel is going to revisit or explore. And also there's no mention of Mika, say, being on birth control to avoid having a witch daughter and dying prematurely even though she has a spell to ease period cramps????
The second thing is that Mika, who is Indian and was raised in England by a witch white after her mother died, is hired to be a nanny for three young witch orphans, Altamira, Rosetta, and Terracotta, who are Black, Palestinian, and Vietnamese, respectively. After their parents died thanks to the witch-curse, the three girls were taken in by a white British archaeologist witch, Lillian, and renamed after notable archaeological discovers. There's, like, one mention of the current guardians of the three girls hoping that Mika could be kind of a role model for them since she's an older woman of color, but I find the fact that a white British lady took in three orphans of color, gave them these weird twee names instead of keeping the names they presumably already had, and is raising them with no connection to their birth cultures weirdly…colonialist? But the main worries of the novel seems to be just getting the girls to control their magic so they don't have to live in isolation. Sangu Mandanna is British Indian so she's coming to this with a different perspective than me (white American), but it just seems weird to me!! Like, there's a whole sequence of the adults preparing for Winter Solstice celebrations and I was just like damn none of these guardians seems to care about keeping the girls in their care in contact with the cultures of their birth families?
Also, the love interest has a really disturbing backstory where his older brothers were horrifically abusive to him after the death of their father (like, he recounts that they would whip him with his father's belt and say it was like he was being beaten by his father) and it's literally resolved in one off-page confrontation with the brothers where he decides they aren't as scary as they were when they were kids.
I just!! don't get!!!! why a book that's marketed as sweet and cozy keeps including these things that seemly massively fucked up and not unpacking them at all. I like fluffy books and I like romance novels (and I think light-hearted novels can still unpack serious topics–like I recently read Donut Fall in Love by Jackie Lau and it's primarily a sweet romance but also features characters dealing with the grief of losing a parent in a way that felt tonally fitting), but the dissonance of these things being included and not really unpacked in what's supposed to be a feel-good read is so weird to me!!!
And I really thought that the witch curse would end up being a primarily problem characters have to face at the end (it's established as being a protection spell that went wrong and became a curse, causing witches to lead lives isolated from each other), but it seems like it won't be.
Anyway, I'm almost done and I don't know if I'm overthinking things but it's driving me batty.
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jaskierx · 8 months
people are so stupid my god. i’m on tumblr mostly as a lurker for fandoms i like, but irl i’ve been part of several local protests for gaza and palestine, with a number of displaced palestinians who live here (in a western european country) and only a handful of young people even care about the boycott. which isn’t to say it’s not a good idea but it simply isn’t well known enough. what every serious person i know who has been active in this cause asks us to do is the support the bds movement + + put pressure on your politicians + donate to good aid orgs if you can. me loving and supporting ofmd is so insignificant. it’s a joke. don’t get me wrong taika signing that letter is being a clown and i don’t ‘stan’ him, but that’s a general rule for me. celebrities are not our friends. but you can think he makes good art without thinking he’s perfect. and you can post on social media too. is complaining about tumblr blogs also not breaking the strike 🙃
right like at the end of the day, boycotting starbucks isn't going to end the atrocities, and spending $5 in starbucks isn't going to progress them. yelling at ordinary people living their lives and telling them they're participating in genocide because you've decided their tumblr posts don't show enough evidence that they're sticking to the boycott or bc they didn't follow a poorly coordinated 'global strike' that didn't even originally call for a social media blackout is fucking bonkers behaviour
there is always a humanitarian crisis somewhere in the world. there are multiple genocides taking place. human beings treat each other terribly. it's a fucking tragedy what's happening in palestine, and ukraine, and sudan, and the congo, and armenia, and literally everywhere else where people are suffering and starving and dying. but that doesn't mean that the people who are lucky enough to not be in that situation are never allowed to experience joy ever again, or that we have to give up all hobbies and comforts and sources of entertainment
what people post on their personal blogs has absolutely no fucking bearing on what activism they do or don't do. nobody owes you proof of shit. you can't just decide people are evil bc they haven't posted the exact combination of words you wanted them to write
and we can't just flagellate ourselves until the world is a perfect place. proselytising on tumblr doesn't help anybody except yourself and all you're doing is showing your ass by preaching compassion and humanity in one breath then telling people to kill themselves in the next
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pvssychicken · 7 days
Heyyy! So I'm here just to input my opinion on the Israel & Palestine (And Gaza) conflict. I'm a young 14 yo Jewish girl and here's what I know.
1. Getting rid of Israel is Antisemitism. Our entire religion is based off of the "holy land" so therefore getting rid of it would totally defeat the purpose of the religion.
2. Yes, Israel could have made better decisions. I totally agree with that. But Israels main goal is to get our hostages back. The discussion about the peace treaties that have been set then broken is very confusing (at least to me, I'm literally like 14)
3. I sympathize for Palestinians and Gazans. Even though I'm on Israels side. No one wants to see innocents hurt, just to mention, in Jewish culture it's especially frowned upon to wish hurt on others or be happy they got hurt. An example is in the Torah when we were fleeing Egypt from slavery (and other dangers) we still had sympathy when Egyptians died. Because we view everyone as gods children.
4. There is so much propaganda regarding how "bad" Israel is. It is not an apartheid state. Spreading lies about Israel is Antisemitism. I see so much news about how Israel does terrible things and how Palestinian and Gaza are the victims. Most of this news is plainly fake. I don't know where it's coming from but it's fake. "Where's your evidence it's fake?" There's multiple articles. But again I'm fourteen and it's still hard for me to grasp that the war is still in full swing, and I'm scared.
5. Hamas are not "freedom fighters". The former leader of Hamas announced on a day I was going to school that everyone should go around killing Jewish people. I live in the USA. it was still the most scariest thing to happen in my life. I was so scared that maybe I talked about my religion too much at school and someone would be coming to kill me.
At my synagogue there is an armed man with a gun at the front in case someone unsafe enters the building. I doubt you have that at your church.
To sum it up, I am not an expert. But I'm a Jewish girl who's feels constantly unsafe. I feel uncomfortable wearing the star of David necklace.
If you're gonna hate on me stop it. Commenting free Palestine does not solve anything. If anything you're being Antisemitic. I am simply a Jewish 14 yo sharing my side of the story. If anything add maybe sympathize for innocent lives who are being killed. Israelis, Palestinians, and Gazans.
Thank you^^^^^^
Literally all of these points are almost exactly i feel (excpet for the religion things bc im atheist)
And this war has literally brought so much antisemitism to the world its crazy.
Although for number two, it TECHNICALLY was Palestines land first, but (at least from what ive heard) palestine wants control over Jerusalem, because thats a holy city for them. But its also a holy city for Jewish people and christians, which is partially why isreal and Palestine have been fighting for so long.
I am so sorry that you have to feel unsafe in the places where you should feel the safest. this world is literally a cruel place
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marcescet · 11 months
all i see every time i open my social media accounts is pictures and videos of murdered, wounded, terrified innocent children of Palestine.
but i can log out and forget about it, i have the luxury to do so, but they can’t. this is the reality they live in. kids in Gaza are writing their names on their arms in case something happens to them so that they can be identified. do you realize how bad it has to be for kids to do this?
50,000 pregnant women in Gaza cannot access health services what with the hospitals being bombed & evacuated because they’re going to get bombed, 5,500 of them are due to give birth, are they not worth fighting for, marching for, because they’re arab?
Palestinian men are heroes, pulling dead bodies from under the rubble, helping the wounded, treating them, documenting everything so we can see the truth with our own eyes, and still they’re being dehumanised at every turn. imagine if it were you, pulling your cousin, your niece, your nephew, your kid, your sibling, your parents from under the rubble of your own home, or masjid (mosque), or church, or hospital, a place you turned to because you thought it was safe, only to wake up to the smell of death and chaos? and although this man’s feet are bare, he’s giving his shirt for a woman to use as hijab (something most muslim women use, we are not forced to wear it but it is the teachings of our beautiful religion) https://x.com/yamarhaba_/status/1716031379174203737?s=46
i speak arabic, i live in an arabic country, i urge you if you see any video that’s in arabic to go and ask anyone who’s arab to translate it to you, there are many accents in arabic, some are hard for non-arabs to understand, i’ve seen a virla video of Hamas taking hostages, and although i am against doing this, but they’re turning a girl back and the translation is literally “she’s a young girl, do not take her” but of course the israelis have translated it as “this is not a prisoner, this is for rape.” which is a lie, a complete lie. so if you see any videos that’s in arabic, although i have not stumbled upon many, as they’re trying to use english as much as possible so their struggle can be understood by majority of people, go on and ask any arab person you know, they’ll tell you the truth, do not trust any israel claim. this is the video i am talking about. https://x.com/davidpgoldman/status/1716068086649139340?s=46
also, asking for the freedom of Palestine from the terrorist occupation of Israel is in no way against Jewish people, it does not mean we wish death upon Jewish people at all. we are simply asking for the freedom of Palestine and Palestinians whose land got stolen, who are being bombed essentially for as long as i could remember. and you’ll find that some Jewish people are actually pro-Palestine.
i urge you to watch this, even though it’s vile and i had to physically force myself to keep watching until the end, and by the end of it maybe you’ll understand why israel is terrorist, why your tax money should not be given for them to keep bombing the innocent, see how he is smiling throughout the video while he’s describing what they’re doing to innocent people, i don’t even want you to imagine if it was you, i just need you to realize that this has been done to an actual human being, with hopes and dreams, with so much love to give out to the world. https://x.com/one_dawah/status/1710765784765485446?s=46
i can shut up about this and go on about my day, but i will not. because i’ll have failed them, and i can’t live with myself if my words could help even if it’s so little, i’ll keep writing about them, and spreading what’s happening to them, i’ll keep help expose the lies of israel and its’ propaganda. what more proof do you need to realize that what’s happening in Gaza is genocide, they’re wiping them out, ethnic cleansing. https://x.com/timesofgaza/status/1715783997358293378?s=46
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tungledotedu · 7 months
i guess this is what passes as humour for the blue maga side of tumblr. what do you even get out of these 'jokes'? it's almost like you people want biden to lose the election.
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(moved my original tags here since this isn't only about the superbowl anymore)
#if you're on twitter how do you not know about the massacre taking place in rafah. gazans have literally nowhere else to go #'had a meltdown' just admit you don't give a shit about palestinians sprinkledsalt #i would have thought your Liberal Civil Sensibilities would maybe make you stop and think #'huh. maybe now is not a good time to laugh at this funny meme edit of someone who has been #condemned internationally for aiding genocide and is being sued for it by his own citizens' #while mocking people who are rightfully upset that the western world has done nothing for them and is turning its attention to entertainmen
(edited on 29 feb to add more screenshots of sprinkledsalt being vile about aaron bushnell)
you have to be heartless to see something as serious as self-immolation in protest of genocide and turn it into a petty dunk about voting.
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and you have no shame in calling people freaks for pointing out the nuance and complexity that liberals are oh so enlightened for worshipping (when it serves them).
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because illiteracy is something to be proud of now. this is incredibly embarrassing enough on its own, but it's even worse considering this is their political side blog where they act high and mighty about how stupid and useless leftists are. 'maybe they're only opposed to extreme acts of protest?' nope, they also think boycotts are dumb and do nothing.
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(hamas and the pflp did release a statement about his death.)
you insult people and call them 'extremely mentally ill' for understanding the rationale and impact of self-immolation. and you expect us to believe you actually care about ableism? not to mention, the idea that mentally ill people cannot make clear-headed decisions out of genuine political conviction is ableist in itself.
bushnell left his savings to the palestine children's relief fund. his last post was to ask, 'what would i do if my country was committing genocide?' he live streamed it on twitch because he wanted his message to be spread. he shouted free palestine even as he screamed in agony. there is a reason he chose to wear a us army uniform in his last moments.
yes, it was an extreme and tragic act, but you don't have to condone it or be personally willing to risk your life to appreciate the reasons behind it. but going so far as to say 'suicide is always bad' is simplistic, lazy, and anti-intellectual. even if you don't agree with what he did, derailing the conversation is useless, disrespectful to his memory, and the opposite of what he would have wanted. it's what the anti-palestine side wants. they want his death to not matter. they want to keep your eyes away from the genocide in gaza.
because that's where you should be focusing your attention. you want to talk about mental health and suicide in palestine? children as young as five are saying they want to die. a 6-year-old boy in gaza almost died by suicide after losing his entire family. later, he died of hypothermia. and this is only one story that made it to social media. we don't even know their names. what happened to aaron bushnell is nothing compared to the unimaginable suffering they've endured.
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eddieydewr · 3 months
the sad thing is most ppl have no idea what zionism is and honestly being anti zionist imo means you are antisemitic. period. being a zionist and a jew are inherently linked and pretty much all jews are zionists cause the actual meaning of the word is not a bad thing that they try to paint it as. all zionism means, a movement which originated in the 1800s due to rising hate of jews in europe, is for jews and jewish culture to be preserved and for them to have a safe place in the land where they are indigenous because people have been exiling and trying to kill them all off for CENTURIES. if you are against that, against jews and their culture being safe in the land they come from, from which they’ve been forcible expelled for centuries, then you are either a raging bigot or are a useful idiot who has no idea what the word even means or any knowledge of history. the fact that young libs are out here talking about “raging act of zionism” and having no clue what a gigantic nazi they sound like is INSANE to me. insane. they are a bunch of morons being duped by propaganda and used by people who hate the west and all the ACTUAL progressive ideals they stand for…. noah didn’t make or hand out zionism is sexy stickers but ya know what? zionism stickers aren’t bad. they don’t mean anything bad. if you think jews should exist and have a home is a bad sentiment then rot in hell tbh
all of this. i literally look at ‘zionism is sexy’ the same way i would look at something like ‘annibyniaeth is sexy’. annibyniaeth means welsh independence :)
there are shitty people who make the ideology look bad ofc, including conservative jews (both pro and anti), so people think it’s associated with the ethnic cleansing of palestinians, or that jews are running the world. white supremacists and useful idiots agree that zionism is bad and evil for different reasons, lmao.
we have shitty people in the welsh independence movement - we don’t all agree on the same things; we have people who want to stay out of the EU, kill off the welsh language (huh??? like the english almost did then?), stop immigration, have a fully white wales bla bla, anti LGBT, and even ‘noooo we can’t be free until palestine is free’ 💀 we are meant to be a single issue movement, ffs. implement it first with everything necessary ready to set into motion when it happens first, unlike brexit. my god. anyway lmao i digress.
antis don’t care that noah also supports palestinians, they just care that he’s jewish and the fact that he has sympathy for the 10/7 victims instead of… laughing? saying they deserved it? even if he was a full on antizionist with internalised hatred for who he is, it still wouldn’t be good enough for them. roots (iykyk) said something the other day and it’s so true: people don’t care where jews live. they care that jews live.
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sassyandclassy94 · 11 months
You think "God's will" justifies the forcible removal of a group of people from their native land? God gave us a choice, to treat others humanely, or to not do so, and it seems you are in favor of the latter.
Um… have you not read Genesis? Where God promised The Promised Land to Abraham and his descendants? Aka the Israelites ??
Have you read any of the Bible? Did you know there’s more to it than just “love everyone” and “do not judge”? God tells us to condemn sin. To call it out. Did you know that Revelation and the Minor Prophets, and even in Jeremiah and Isaiah have passages and sections about the end times?
Did you know that God never backs out on His promises? The Mosaic covenant is dead because Jesus dying for us and making atonement for our sins replaced the Law. The Davidic covenant - Jesus coming to earth being born from his mine - has been fulfilled so it’s no longer still going. However, the Abrahamic covenant was everlasting. Israel is God’s chosen people, and they always will be, until Jesus comes back to conquer evil and it’s forces. There are so many obvious verses in Revelation explaining how the end and His return revolves around Israel. Literally the entire 11th chapter in Romans is about how God’s promise to the Israelites is not void and how gentiles will provoke them to jealousy in order to lead them to salvation. (Paul was a Jew - the topic was obviously a heavy burden on his heart). If He never takes away His promise of salvation then He’ll never take away His promise to Israel.
Did you know that Palestinian Hamas are literally raping women and children until their pants are soaked with blood? Did you know they are torturing and mutilation people so that their limbs are twisted in more than unnatural positions (Did you not see that poor German woman???)?? Did you know they’re shooting the Israelites’ dogs point blank in cold blood because Muslims hate dogs (a simple google search and a video on Twitter will confirm that)? Did you know that Hamas is literally beheadig Israelite babies?? BABIES!!! The most innocent creatures in society?! I guess I’m failing to understand how you see Palestine and Hamas as the ‘humane’ side🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️
Did you know that these ‘innocent’ Palestinians have knowingly elected Hamas leaders and that they are the ones that want Israel dead?
Did you know that Israel sacrificed the crucial and effective ‘element of surprise’ battle tactic to warn Palestinian civilians in hopes to save as many lives as possible?
Did you know that having your head cut off by a machete is not at all merciful and that it takes a long time? You want to say “Oh but the Israelites are blowing children to smithereens!!” Guess what? War is ugly. But being blown up is more merciful than being decapitated. Why, you ask? It’s quick. It’s over before you know what’s happening. And if these children are young enough to not know they’re sinners then it’s God being merciful because they’ll be in heaven instead of having to grow up into a brainwashed monster by Islamic terrorists.
Did you know that supporting Palestine and Hamas is you supporting terrorism, rape, and torture?
Also. This would not be happening if Sarah kept her eyes on God and didn’t have her maid sleep with her husband. If she had trusted God, Ishmael would not have existed. Hence, Arabs wouldn’t exist. But I’m not judging Sarah because it is HARD to keep trusting God and keep your eyes on Him.
This also wouldn’t be happening if Israel has obeyed God when He told them to kill ALL the inhabitants of the land (read all of Joshua and Judges please). But again, I’m not judging them because it would be hard to kill women and children. This is why we should always obey God’s orders because it’s not just us who will suffer consequences but also will our descendants thousands of years after us.
Lastly: ‘Chosen’ does not mean ‘favored’, or ‘preferred’. It means ‘chosen to fulfill a plan or purpose’. Jesus is not done with His chosen people and He won’t be done with them until He destroys evil and establishes His new heaven and new earth in, where? Oh yes, baby, JERUSALEM! The PROMISED LAND PROMISED TO ABRAHAM AND HIS DESCENDANTS (meaning both his spiritual descendants - born-again Christians such as me - and his physical descendants, the 144,000 Jews/Israelites that call on His Name and recognize Him as their True Messiah after the Rapture)
Israel has always been God’s chosen people. They’ve always been a small but mighty nation. And as far back as they’ve been a nation, God has always avenged them, even when they turn from Him. Philistines: they stole the Ark; God unleashed he’ll on them with boils and tumors. Babylon: He used Nebuchadnezzar to chastise His children but then He allowed Persia to rise up and used them to punish Babylon for hurting His children. He used Rome as a way to chastise His people and bring about His plan for redemption. Rome is no more. Some day soon, Palestine will be no more. Whether it’s before or after the Rapture, they’ll be no more.
God said they’ll never have peace until His Son comes back. Israel will never be stomped out because God won’t allow it (again, ALL over Scripture). Once Israel cries out to the Messiah it’s game over for everyone. Because that’s when He’s coming back. And when Jesus comes back, it won’t be as a meek lamb for sacrifice. He will return as a roaring lion. A Warrior. And He will avenge His martyrs and destroy evil, it’s forces, and it’s followers - aka, those who hate and reject Him.
Most importantly: you saying you hate Israel and being pro Palestine is you saying you hate God and His plan, and His chosen people. And that is a very dangerous place to be in. I pray God will open your eyes to the truth❤️🙏🏻
I wish King David was alive today. He and his deep unwavering faith in the living God, along with his mighty men, would squash these Palestinians and bring Hamas to their knees. “Never back. Whom shall we fear? Never back. In Him alone! Never back! That’s how giants fall! The battle belongs to the LOOOORRRRRD!”
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mrsgojosatoru · 3 months
I think it's time for white liberals to shut the fuck up, and I am so fucking serious.
I'm so sick of "Trump will genocide them worse" THERE IS NO WORSE THAN GENOCIDE. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? PEOPLE ARE DYING NOW.
How many of you are speaking out about Palestine other than to shame people into voting for Biden? How many of you are looking at the images, the videos coming out? How many of you listened to six year old Hind Rajab BEGGING paramedics to come and get her because she was sitting in a car surrounded by her dead family and it was getting dark, and she is scared of the dark. How many of you know that she those paramedics to be killed despite facilitating her rescue with the IOF. How many of you know that young Palestinian men have been killed by the IOF raping them? How many of you know about the concentration camp where they're experimenting on prisoners? How many of you know that the miscarriage rate is up 300% among pregnant Palestinian women?
Are you talking about it? Are you calling your elected officials? Are you donating to campaigns to get people out of Gaza, or get them supplies? Are you boycotting? Are you doing LITERALLY ANYTHING other than crying harm mitigation?
Like if you're going to talk about harm mitigation you better DAMN WELL BE CRITICIZING JOE BIDEN. Criticizing his environmental policy (he's authorized more off-shore oil drilling than trump), his COVID-19 policy (didn't take a science backed approach AT ALL, ended home testing, medicaid expansion, restarted rent and student loan payments), his economic policy (allowed corporations to price gouge us, homelessness is at an all time high), criticizing his immigration policy (he has trump era immigration policies, pushed for the worst immigration policy in the last thirty years) AS WELL AS his foreign policy -- the genocide in gaza has not only taken the lives of tens of thousands (though with mass graves being found many expect this toll to rocket much higher), displaced a million people, created the largest generation of disabled people in the world, BUT ALSO has ruined our credibility on the foreign stage. ESPECIALLY in central and southwest asia.
Further more white liberals are only scared of being subject to what's already happening to minorities. You all want us when election time rolls around and then abandon us as soon as it is over.
He has done nothing to protect trans people, gay people, black people in America, or women.
I'd caution you against being the white moderate King warned about when you run your mouth about this election.
Fuck Genocide Joe. Free Palestine.
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onlyonewoman · 10 months
"Either we share a land, or we share a graveyard." I do realise that since I have no ties to the region in any way, I'm an outsider who simply sees both sides and doesn't have a generational trauma reaching back to way before I was conceived, BUT: As someone who was in my late teens during the Al Aqsa Intifada (also called the Second Intifada), starting in 28th September 2000, I really encourage especially YOUNG people who know little or nothing about one of the most drawn out, sore and disgraceful conflicts in modern times. John Oliver does a comedy news show, yes, but he is so INCREDIBLY RESPECTFUL about this topic, showing the way in how we can condemn Hamas without lumping them together with Palestinian civilians and how we can call out the Israeli rightwing extremists without equalising them to Israeli civilians. And one important thing we can do, is to TRY and put us in both side's shoes. To be an Israeli civilian, living with the constant threat of attacks AND the historic, completely horrifying decease of antisemitism, I would assume it being quite difficult to sympathize much with Palestinians due to the Hamas attack. Or, to be a Palestinian civilian, where you and everyone you know, are treated like prisoners in your own land, oppressed by your own government while being bombed and deprived of the most basic needs by the Israeli government. All I can say for certain, is that I wouldn't bet I'd have much sympathy left for the other side, no matter which side was mine. It's the people in power on BOTH SIDES, who out of fanatism, pride, lack of empathy, blood thirst etc. are rolling dice with CIVILIANS on both sides. I applaud the Isralii civilians protesting relentlessly against their corrupt government - and I understand exactly WHY the Palestinians can't do the same. I've heard people asking why Palestinians don't rise and protest like the Israelic people does. It's very, very simple: as an Israeli citizen, you are not risking your literal life for critizising your government. If Netanyahu started killing Israelic protesters, it would be a whole other thing. But a Palestinian who speaks out? Against HAMAS??? I'm sorry, but that's not how a terror organisation works - and both Palestinian AND Israelic leaders are responsible for Hamas taking power. Corrupt, power hungry fanatics on both sides are to blame for the current situation but that doesn't mean we should shrug and turn our backs against the suffering on both sides. Every single civilian who hasn't been a part of any sort of attack on either side in Israel and Palestine, are innocent here. Men, women, non-binary, children. Old, young, rich, poor. The victims in the Kibbutz and festival attacks, as well as the victims in Gaza, WERE INNOCENT. They were people trying to live their lives. And the ones who are left to mourn, hate, despair, hope, long, suffer... they are ALSO INNOCENT. And I want to finish this sad rant with a song from Sabaton, a Swedish heavy metal band who made a record in 2012 with the theme "the great power era", another name for those almost 100 years of more or less constant wars. This song is about the Thirty Years War fought between Protestants and Catholics (and of course, for power and wealth) and the horrors and despair people suffered:
"Two ways to view the world So similar at times Two ways to rule the world To justify their crimes
By kings and queens young men Are sent to die in war Their propaganda speaks Those words been heard before
Two ways to view the world Brought Europe down in flames Two ways to rule...
Has man gone insane? A few will remain Who'll find a way To live one more day Through decades of war? It spreads like disease There's no sign of peace Religion and greed Cause millions to bleed Three decades of war...
When they face death they're all alike: No right or wrong Rich or poor... No matter who they served before Good or bad... They're all the same Rest side by side now..." Listen to it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zvdbDw5bXnQ
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hextechmaturgy · 1 year
i'm sorry but you and the person in your replies are stupid if you think "we all agree israel should be kicked from the show ❤️" is a good excuse to watch and fund by viewing a TV show that OPENLY supports israel and zionism, going as far as even having a ZIONIST SONG win one of the contests. what you're basically saying is, "Yeah, we all agree, amazon should treat its workers better ❤️" then ordering next day delivery. european or not, you're dismissing the struggles and suffering of palestinians and funding a show that openly supports israel and zionism. saying, "i disagree with israel and want them off the show," literally isn't enough. but honestly, this is the most european attitude to have towards the situation, so i honestly don't know why i'm surprised. also - some contestants holding a flag for palestine doesn't negate the support the show itself gives to israel. you need to remember that the people suffering in palestine are real and more important than a competition show for, historically, the most racist countries on earth with shit music on it. the fact that you stating "indeed!" and the user in your replies stating you're both aware of the situation is worse than being ignorant and unaware. i will block you just because you are clearly going to die on this hill because what does it matter to you, a white european person, if brown people die so long as you get to watch your silly little music show, which you know, is still openly supporting israel by not excluding them from the competition despite russia's removal. i suppose the white victims of russia are easier to empathise with than the brown lives lost in palestine. i'm embarrassed that i ever bought any of your art.
hello again :) first of all, i appreciate that you're passionate about this topic, it's a good cause to champion and i'm sure there are a lot of ignorant ESC fans that could use the reminders, lord knows you can't escape the zionists on twitter. alas, you don't know me personally, and i don't know you at all, so our back and forth here on tumblr dot com asks seems a bit pointless, especially if you're blocking me anyway? hence my brevity before, but maybe that came across as me generally not giving a damn about anything, and if so, i am sorry
eurovision's 'apolitical' stance (as if anything can be apolitical) is and always has been bullshit, whether it's about how hip europe pretends to be regarding queer issues, misogyny, and other major conflicts like the ones you brought up, such as the war with russia and, of course, israel and palestine. this really isn't a well kept secret, and neither is the response this incites in activists everywhere. there have been protests, petitions, boycotts, there's a heated discussion about eurovision every time we have eurovision, and rightly so, i fully encourage them. the sad truth in my eyes is that people people can only do so much to set things right. EBU is in this to make money and they're fucking great at it. nobody fixed russia by booing and banning them from the show, it was just more profitable to throw them out than keeping them in because 'communism bad', which is a trend among western countries
i've watched eurovision almost every year since i was a little kid, and it's pretty obvious that my stance on this whole thing is privileged. war has never been loud outside my door, i have a reliable supply of food and water every day, a sturdy roof over my head. i can spare myself some respite, and music is a big part of what constitutes my peace, always has been. i'm an enthusiast of foreign arts, of songs and languages that are difficult to get exposed to with how american-centric the music charts are nowadays
and so, the way i see it - and i understand if this is a line you're not comfortable drawing - the artists performing at eurovision aren't the EBU. i watch it for them. many of them who are just young singers looking for their big break, many others who are older and confident using their platform to say the uncomfortable things the organizers want to keep on the low. they're all gathered in one spot to represent a different culture, many singing in different languages, sharing traditional garb and dance. ethnic and LGBT minorities take to a huge stage that connects them to every point of the world, and i'm sorry if this all sounds quite silly in the grand scheme of things, but this is the one thing the show can do right in it's current state. europe is diverse, and sometimes it looks like even europe doesn't know that
i'm sad to see you go, but i respect that you've drawn this line, and i'm thankful to hear you've supported my art in the past. keep fighting the good fight, and may the world be a little less shitty sooner rather than later
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