#but i can fix him... with my rewrite headcanons
wildflowercryptid · 2 years
i know people who marry shane get pegged with having a "i can fix him" mentality when romancing him, but let's be real... that really should apply to sam lovers instead, considering all the military kid deprogramming you'd have to go through with him.
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last updated: may 17, 2024
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☾ -> fluff/ comfort
★ -> smut
✧ -> angst
blank -> miscellaneous
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imagines/headcanons ☾
seeing stars - you and matt share a tender night after his nightly patrols ★
right here - matt comforts you during a depressive episode ☾
don’t close close your eyes - elektra comes back to town with one goal in mind: to get matt back. she’d do anything to get him back, even harming his girlfriend (from a request/ prompt) part 1/2 ✧
through your eyes - matt is struggling to come to terms with the death of his girlfriend. part 2/2 ✧
extra credit - you’re a struggling law student at columbia and seek out help from your temporary professor, matt murdock★
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ruin you ★
encounters ★
switch up ★
growing by one ☾
rooftop apologies ☾/✧?
girls night with matt ☾
lunch [no] date ✧
about time ☾
lunch [no] date part 2 ☾
behave ★
days apart ★
pillows ★
work break ★
before breakfast snack ★
spillage ☾
valentine’s day ★
after patrol delight ★
sweet treats ☾/✧?
first time ★
black lycra ★
meeting matt’s friends ☾
roof-side to bed-side ★
four times a charm ★
past, present and future ☾
dessert delivery day ☾
that’s not my cologne
surprise at breakfast ☾
adoration ☾
you can take it ★
me or her ✧?
satin secret ★
bandages ☾
morning ‘kisses’ after josie’s ☾
shouldn’t have said that ✧
accidental break✧
peanut butter and pretzels ☾
mine ★
like that ★
accidental break part 2 ✧
klutz ☾
unintentional ☾/✧?
I spy ★
in tune ★
girls night out ☾
fort stories ☾
wasn’t about me ★
want to choose you ✧?
sandalwood ☾
birthday boy ☾
nsfw alphabet// hc’s ★
reward ★
parking bay play ★
red tinted ☾
through the wall ★/ suggestive
“answer it” ★
headspace ★/✧?
I know you can ★
worth the wait ☾
in good time ☾/✧?
(un)lucky number seven -> suggestive
friday’s ★
fall girl ☾
matt fixing you up ☾
sabotage ✧?
apartment hunting hc’s ☾
sub matt hc’s ★
12 days of christmas ★
leap ☾
gentle loving ★
nosey ☾
distance ✧?
heartbeats ☾
daredevil vs matt murdock ★
few minutes spare ★
study buddies ☾
when the day is done ☾
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© little-miss-dilf-lover // all work is my own. please do not copy, rewrite or translate any of my work on any platforms.
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msnihilist · 5 months
Headcanons for my ideal post-canon dynamic (that I just now thought up while in the shower):
Timmy becomes a fairy (shh don't ask how, it's not important)
Because he was a human, he's significantly bigger than most fairies. He can make himself smaller via shape shifting but usually prefers to just be in his default form, which is ~18 years old, physically. He's got the tiny wings and crown, though :) Those don't scale up.
He has his own place kind of on the outskirts of Fairy World. He doesn't spend a lot of time at home, so he doesn't care what it looks like/where it is. When he is in Fairy World, he's usually at Wanda and Cosmo's place, anyway.
Poof being all "my big brother will beat you up" if he gets picked on by other fairies, and Timmy shows up just absolutely towering over them, haha (he wouldn't actually, but he and Poof always get a kick out of the look on fairies faces when they see him)
He is not anywhere close to being as big as Jorgen, though.
Speaking of Jorgen, he gave Timmy a job! No, really. It was supposed to be an unpleasant job as a sort of jab at Timmy, and because Jorgen is annoyed that he became a fairy in the first place.
Basically, Timmy's job is to enforce Da Rules. He gets paged about godkids making rule-breaking wishes and has to go put a stop to it, much like Jorgen does in canon. This frees up a huge chunk of Jorgen's time for actually rewriting some of Da Rules themselves and otherwise keeping up with Fairy World.
Jorgen expected Timmy to quit within a week, but he's actually good at this job! He likes seeing the other godkids, and Timmy has so many stories of his own that they love seeing him, too. The stories double as lessons — don't make the same mistakes that Timmy did, folks, otherwise you might end up rewriting reality as you know it! This "scared straight" tactic works much better with actual examples instead of Jorgen's big muscles.
Timmy's job means that he gets to be "in the field," so to speak, and occasionally will run into Cosmo and Wanda! It's not their fault that their godkids always seem to be troublemakers... (And, okay, maybe Cosmo sometimes encourages dumb wishes just so Timmy will have to come down and fix it, even though Wanda tells him not to, but Jorgen can't prove that!!)
Wanda and Cosmo have two sons, that's it, that's the post :)
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jordosprout · 5 months
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What do you think the batch spends their time doing on Pabu? What occupies their time now that they are retired? I have only pieces of ideas but I have been tryna find some other folks thoughts. But to get er' rollin' I'll share my ideas.
• He's definitely a community man from what we saw so
- Maybe he babysits
-Maybe he helps fish like we saw in the past
- Or perhaps he carries heavy equipment for repairs/building
- Maybe he helps figure out the best fishing spot for every passing day
- Maybe he builds boats or surfboards? Definitely got old surfer vibes from him at the end of Bad Batch (I am so sorry but I could not get Barbie's dad(?) from that one surfer movie out of my head)
• Cross was the hardest to figure out for me due to how little of what he is skilled at outside of being a soldier. But once I thought about it I couldn't stop LMAO
- I think for a long time he struggles with figuring out what he wants to do now that he's free to be whoever he wants to be. He's used being told what to do, and now that he doesn't have someone controlling him he's having a difficult time adjusting. He probably asks Hunter to give him tasks frequently, and after a while he's given the task of taking care of himself. Learning what he wants.
- I definitely imagine him trying multiple things such as: fishing, farming, all the good stuff
- I see him landing on something creatively driven like tattoos and painting. But I do think it takes a lot of time and soul searching before he gets to that point.
- Probably really distant for awhile, he wants to be around the others but feels he doesn't deserve it
- Reluctant on getting a prosthetic, I can see him choosing not to have one
• Omega wasn't too difficult for me, seeing what she ends up going off to do at the end of the last episode.
- After using pieces of the Marauder to fix up her own ship with Phee (and Tech depending on your thoughts on it), I see her convincing Phee (again, and Tech depending on your opinion) to give her flight lessons.
- She practices the Tech Turn often, doing her best to perfect it. (If you think Tech should stay dead then let's say she does this late at night on her own and has gotten in trouble for it a plethora of times. She can never quite do it as he does. But if you're like me and he lives, then of course he'll help teach her.)
- Omega probably sneaks off a lot, wanting to explore her new home
- Then I think she eventually gets into contact with Herra, and that she's the one who convinces her to become a rebel pilot
• In my perfect Bad Batch, Tech is alive. He will always be here in my mind; even if I'll have to mourn him as a character in canon alive and well.
- Tech spends much of his time recording and noting down the things he learns about the new island he lives on. Likely going off with Omega.
- I think Tech and Phee try a relationship at one point or another, maybe they decide to break up, maybe they're together for the long run. His calm nature mixing with her unpredictable one perhaps. She helps him feel more comfortable with himself, and he reminds her she doesn't need to change her stories to make them enjoyable. I think he'd love hearing about the artifacts she brings to Pabu. But it's possible their personalities don't mix well. We didn't get to see as much of their relationship on screen as I would have liked. (Came to rewrite this a bit. Was worried with how I wrote it didn't come across as I wanted)
- Tech probably has his own repair shop, or maybe he creates his own inventions.
More Group Stuff
- Definitely live together at least for a long while
- I think Hunter would get into a relationship before anyone else, then Wrecker getting into one kinda on accident? He'd be super oblivious and go on dates without realizing that's what they are. I think Cross n Tech would be last if they were to get into relationships (personally I see them on the aromantic spectrum, specifically Tech being demi and Cross being recip-romantic or Grey-romantic)
- They do a lot of stuff together, swimming, getting tattoos from Cross, therapy, family dinner all the lovely stuff
And I Think That's All I Got
Thanks for letting me ramble in your feed :)
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mr-president · 2 months
hello helloooo ^^ (on anon bc i get anxious talking to cool ppl)
so i have been. completely obsessed with your revived bedman au that you made. the one where he’s Chaos’ research assistant
so i wanted to send in an ask to see if you had anything else to share about it! like lore bits or headcanons or anything really!! :3 i’ve been so deeply autistic about this au i need more material to think about and mentally shake around in my head like a pinball machine
okay that’s all ^^ keep doin your thing you’re very talented and cool friend!!
howdy! thanks for your kind words!
and luckily, i have quite a bit to share:
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A lot of this au is based on Chaos’ words that in another story, he could easily make himself the hero, rewrite GG reality, and rinse and repeat. Hence, Bedman’s role is to research how Chaos can feasibly insert himself into different realities or rewrite them in a way that wouldn’t completely eradicate time and space as we know it, likely in exchange for ensuring Delilah’s safety and health. As depicted, I’m certain Chaos’ taste for eccentric…”camp” that makes existence agonizing for everyone else is a clashing point between the very utilitarian Bedman and him.
Bedman’s absolute world would have any wish or any will come into fruition, like a lucid dream, essentially eliminating suffering and consequence and opening up infinite possibilities. Chaos’ ideal world is that of overcomplexity, unnecessary suffering, and tropes. It’s a fun dichotomy, especially since they’re both complete yappers just with entirely different ideologies.
Either way, in a sense, this is Bedman’s personal hell, and he himself views this experience as “punishment.” Not like he has a choice in just disobeying anyways.
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But another thing i really wanted to explore in this AU is that of Bedman and Nagoroyuki, both who are unwillingly exploited by Chaos. Nago’s kind of a “frame of reference,” a “straight man” in all of this, as well as an unwilling actor.
They both have to see the other suffer, basically, and in a sense, they both want the other to get out and forget this whole experience. For Nago (who doesn’t have the frame of reference that Bedman did, in fact, commit terrible atrocities), this is some child Chaos exploits for his own gain. For Bedman, this is an unwilling bystander caught in the crossfire and chained and muzzled and ordered like a hound.
I can imagine their relationship paralleling that of Baiken and Delilah over time, and maybe that way, they can overcome Chaos. If there was to be a good ending, which I think there would be.
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Also, Bedman’s able to retain more sanity than Asuka thanks to Nago being there and also being like “yeah that guy is Fucked Up, you shouldn’t have to deal with that.” But also Chaos just thinks Nago’s the coolest shit ever, which is why he creates storylines for both of them specifically.
I’d imagine if this was legit, Axl would be the one to fix everything, recalling when he waltz’d into Bedman’s dream world in Xrd. Or maybe Asuka would see himself in Bedman, and Bedman in him, helping prevent the inevitable spiral into madness from dealing with Chaos every waking moment
But that’s all I have for now—if you have your own ideas, I’d love to know :]
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sapphic-agent · 4 months
Momo rewrite anon here!
Good news! I'm making the Momo rewrite AU it's own thing with it's lore, worldbuilding, characters! It'll have a similar structure to MHA, but not entirely. I would love to hear what you all personally wanted out of MHA and I will incorporate into this new world! I'm making a blog for it, so it can be a collaborative effort! I'll be working on it soon!
Anon, you're the coolest person I've ever met.
This is genuinely so cool! A collective effort to not only give Momo the justice she deserves but also fix Horikoshi's atrocious world building and characters.
Personally, I'd like to see:
Depth for Momo, of course: her home life, why she wants to be a hero, how she got so good at using her quirk, etc. Some people headcanon that she's the product of a successful quirk marriage, so that's something to consider
More exposure for the female pros and girls in the class (also, please fix Mirko and Midnight, I'm begging Horikoshi did them so wrong)
Autonomy for Izuku (your trans Izuku ideas are great btw)
Actual consequences for Bakugou (I personally don't mind if he's redeemed or not, as long as his actions aren't treated like they're okay)
Endeavor losing everything (I need to see this pls)
Justice for Rei
Dad Might (and also insight into Toshinori's trauma because I love him as a dad but jfc this man has been through hell)
Rewrite of Hawks' character, anything is better than what we got in canon
Rehabilitation options for villains (doesn't have to be for all or any of the LOV specifically)
Actual exploration into Eri's trauma
These are just a few of my suggestions! Feel free to use or ignore any of them. And message me when you do make the blog!
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the-kinning-hour · 25 days
My favorite thing about fandoms has to be obsessively sharing them with my best friend. Like, we got our own damn universe connecting ALL of these MK games. We got dead characters. We got revived characters. We got complicated family dynamics and relationships that only exist because one of us saw a piece of fanart by some obscure artist on Twitter or something and went, hey actually this is lowkey good! No one can tell us what is or isn’t real because we just make shit up. Our world.
So far some of our headcanons, not in order of randomness, include:
-Johnny Cage grew up in Texas
-Johnny and Kano being brothers who BOTH grew up in Texas (unfortunately Kano got downgraded by choosing Australia for his “I need to get tf outta this state” vacay. Johnny got the cool version with LA. Regardless they both are bullied at family functions.)
-Sonya and Stryker, older sister younger brother
-Mk1 Raiden, like his godly counterpart, is 7 feet tall.
-Mk1 Raiden also is an autistic man, I will fight on this hill
-Titan Shang Tsung actually just transitioned. That’s it. Her name is Damashi now. She’s just an evil little woman doing evil little things
-Bi-Han is the shortest between him, Kuai Liang and Tomas
-Tomas is also Venezuelan
-Fujin was the equivalent of Kung Lao’s father. And Raiden was Liu Kang’s. And they were all happy and nothing bad happened (for a while)
-Liu Kang is incredibly short
-In au contexts, to keep both versions of Shang Tsung relevant, Mk1 Shang is often a young man whilst Damashi is his elderly grandmother.
I could probably keep going, but I think the list gets boring after this. Generally, my point is: Reject canon and you will just have 110% more fun in every fandom you’re in. Rewrite those characters. Fix that chunk in the timeline you don’t like. And post it unapologetically. Chances are someone out there, even if they don’t say it out loud, is looking at this and screaming “Hell yeah!”
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alma-amentet · 2 months
Why do you dislike the DLC main story so much?
Not to argue or something, just wondering after seeing you ranting in the tags.
I just don't like it. It didn't meet my expectations. In the end, yeah, it comes down to preferences... Though I agree on 'bad writing', and it's just good to know I'm not alone in this.
You know, I'd like it. After all, I knew what I was messing into and didn't expect a happy ending, Age of Abundance (though it was in cut content, so...) or something. It could've been a beautiful tragic story of Miquella loosing parts of himself as a last desperate attempt to fix things but failing.
There are good rewrites, this is one of my favorites
But there are major things that I'll never accept as canon.
Promised consort Retcon. Makes no sense. Bad writing, and I will really die on this hill. Bc no evidence of this in the base game and a weird idea in general. Also how drastically they ruined the battle of Aeonia. Like... really? This feels like fanservice/trollery (assuming fandom's past fights). Horseboy's story should have ended with the festival (for me it did).
'Mohg beating allegations' and all that evil charm thing. First of all, no way he did, he's still an evil bloody cultist. Secondly, him being charmed makes it actually more problematic in some ways. I liked him as a well-designed villain acting on his own and Formless Mother's behalf, the new reveals ruin his character for me. Third, there are known plotholes (like others not acting this way under the charm or why would he travel to the Haligtree and back - could've stayed there or something). In the end, I think it's Ansbach who's a real charmer, charming the fandom. Luckily I'm not into handsome old men, so not buying it. He's devoted to his lord, that's all, no matter how wise and reasonable he may seem (still devoted, mind you).
There are other new bits of lore that look more OK... Though they have plotholes and contradictions, too (questioning ideas of godhood and the Shattering itself - that's what I can remember).
Much's been said in general, not gonna repeat (you can find it in my older posts and reposts). I see people analyzing and rationalizing new lore, enjoying the DLC. Good for them. Even envious at some point. As for myself, no matter how I miss my prev happy times in the fandom, now I see not much sense in discussing it, finding deep meanings etc. Loved to watch lore vids, now I mostly can't even if I want to. Maybe rewatching my older fav ones, but not most new ones. Some content is just upsetting. I'll need it anyway for my own AU and headcanons, so hope I'll find strenght, but not now.
Again, It feels like a joke or trollery, and if the authors themselves treat it this way, why should I bother wasting my time/energy?
There are some other details that are still interesting (like Marika's backtory n stuff), yet again, could've been a beautiful tragic story... but oh.
I used to be in kids/tween fandoms, which were silly by default, neither deep meaning nor dark complex philosophy. Yet some of them were making even more sense in writing, while others were not given high expectations right from the start, that's it.
Not leaving the fandom bc it's not done so easily, will even do some fanarts (finally. hopefully). I think I'll dwell solely on AUs / fixes / rewrites and some visuals without much context. Also on things I liked before the DLC and things I still like (like Maliketh/Marika), and filtering unsettling content as much as I can. But yes, you'll see me venting and supporting other people's rants. Untill my passion fades naturally and switches to something else.
I'll pick up the base game back when I can (my current PC won't run it by any chance), but will notbe buying the DLC. At least, for now.
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attyisavailable · 3 months
Any random headcannons you have for Cole and Anon? Those two are also my faves.
Sorry this took a while to answer. My drafts kept getting deleted, and it was a pain in the yk to keep rewriting it 😞🙏
ANYWAY- Cole and Anon headcanons (both with and w/o Marshmallow!)
-He has a tendency to clean the entirety of his house often. Sometimes, his (totally normal) hobby makes it so he gets stains on his clothes and in his house. He can't have anything be dirty, especially when you visit! God knows what wrong ideas that'll put in your head.
-Prefers psychological horror rather than supernatural horror. It thrills him much more, plus he loves seeing what messed up things people come up with.
-Also loves thriller movies. I mean, how silly is it to watch a movie in which there's a dangerous person around? You won't have to worry about that, there's not anyone like that in the city.
-Knows how to bake, cook, and do all sorts of neat tricks with food and cooking supplies. Can make a delicious velvet cake, though sometimes you'll see the stains on his clothes but not a single cake in the kitchen.
-Isn't too into arcades or places like that, he just prefers reading at home or doing something where there aren't many people nearby. Genuinely, he just doesn't like interacting with people much.
-(If you're AFAB or have a uterus) He's pretty educated on female anatomy. He doesn't find it weird when someone is on their period, God no, he'd be a jerk if he found simple human anatomy odd. Well, there are odd parts about anatomy, but not that. Plus he's great with cleaning up blood—don't ask—so you wouldn't have to worry about stains.
-Knows all sorts of weird facts, like how it takes around 75 to 155 espresso shots to kill someone.
-Along with being a germaphobe, he's also a neat freak. Likes having things in certain places where he can always expect them to be. That way, it won't be such a hassle to look for something so small, like his glasses.
-Constantly tries getting you to play different games, none of them similar to the others. One day, he'll try getting you to play Resident Evil, the next he'll make you play Animal Crossing.
-Ever since turning into a lemur, he never got rid of the urge to swing from branches. To fix this issue, he often goes to a nearby playground to hang out on the swings and play games on his phone.
-SPEAKING OF PHONES AND LEMURS, he once accidentally dropped his phone as a lemur.. while he was climbing a tree. He was absolutely devastated, especially since there's no way he could get it repaired without having the employees look at him weird, wondering why an animal was in the shop.
-He can't focus on games while you're around (also mentioned in his phone-fling I believe), he'll constantly try stealing glances and that'll make him lose whatever game he's playing. If you ever mention it, he'll go on a ramble about how you're more attractive than a game with good graphics.
-Knows how to draw but doesn't know anything about animation. He wants to learn how to animate in order to create a game of his own, though it's difficult when he spends most of his time playing rather than working on his own project.
-Has a collection of fatass plushies in a corner of his room. He calls it his cuddle corner, but he mostly just collapses onto it if he doesn't wanna bother with his bed.
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sieglinde-freud · 3 months
grabs ur hands dm ur reasoning rn *looks at you with my big eyes*
YOU GUYS ARE PEER PRESSURING ME WTF... but ok im just gonna post it here then hi tc thank u for the ask :) going under the read more because my initial ramblings were literally 3k but let me see if i can chop it down. cw: LONG. also pic for reference so we know what im talking about
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so the placements all assume the only headcanon thats real going into this is that the morgans are siblings. no canon second parents which means no chrom!inigo or anything like that they all have single moms or whatever idk not important but just clarifying none of that is impacting their placements because i dont want to think about that
black eagle placements were the most fun because the fun thing about that route is that it splits into two more! one thing thats always bothered me is that when that route splits, the only thing that changes is that you either lose edelgard or hubert or you lose flayn. are you really telling me those are the only three students with enough free will to not let byleth pick the rest of their life for them? ferdinand would NOT go to the church i dont care!!! this is something they fixed (kind of) in warriors but in general when picking the black eagles i wanted to keep that in mind too
so kjelle was the first character i looked at and went “i know where you go.” i think she looks at edelgard and goes “you are everything i want to be and more” because what edelgard fights for and how she accomplishes it. kjelle is a very “the strong must protect the weak by any means necessary” which is kind of harsh when its presented to the player in awakening but it is literally edelgard’s whole philosophy. and kjelle is very egotistical (not hate i love her ass so much underrated fav!!) she thinks incredibly highly of herself so for her to bow down to anyone they would have to 1) echo her ideals and 2) be stronger than her. sorry shes never bending the knee to dimitri and claude i dont give a fuck she doesnt like those men. i think she’d understand edelgard’s idea of putting power in human hands and fully commit to the ends justify the means. this isnt really a gameplay rewrite thing im trying to do but if byleth picked the church she would leave. also… please. please please consider edelkjelle… okay guys… for me……..
on the opposite side nah was my second immediate “ohh i know what im doing with you” and its because if byleth picks edelgard, shes out!! granted, i could just put her with lions or deer but how is that fun. its not. nah, being a manakete, would probably be much more understanding of rhea and willing to reach out. being a manakete is probably a pretty isolating experience for her, ylisse or fodlan or otherwise, so i think her finding solace with rhea and flayn and seteth during her time at the academy would allow her to get closer to people more like her, and understand on some level why rhea is the way she is and why governs the way she does. though, still being housemates, she’d befriend edelgard and i think she’d admire edelgard’s conviction and maturity during the academy arc. but when edelgard betrays the church i think she’d take that very hard, and i dont think anything edelgard would say to her would get her to turn on what is basically the family she never got to have (theres also second gen angst potential in here somewhere…)
inigo was interesting to think about and i did almost saddle him in with golden deer but i like the potential of him with edelgard a lot more when i really sat down and thought about it. im pulling more from his characterization as laslow i think but at first i wasn’t really sure if i had a case for him picking between the empire and the church but i decided to go with the empire because i do think in the time he has with edelgard, he’d be a voice of reason for her (to hubert’s dismay). edelgard’s problem is that she has literally no outsider pov and is going based on her own sense of justice that, while its based in good intentions, has a lot of unintended consequences and failure to acknowledge how it impacts everyone else. i think inigo could take a unique role, similar to ferdinand (or lorenz to claude, felix to dimitri) in that he challenges edelgard but on a much more friendlier level. the thing about how that role normally plays out is that its formed on some personal grievance rather than genuine better interest of the people, and i think of all the lords, edelgard needs a friend the most (its why shes so attached to byleth???). and just looking at how hes able to handle xander in fates and how much more introspective he becomes, i think it’d play out similarly here. also i think with the forces of him and dorothea combined they would give ferdinand the worst bisexual panic of his life. ik i mentioned felix/inigo WHICH I STILL LIKE but imagine the layer of angst if they are on opposing sides… ok thanks
was on the fence about gerome until beloved mutual (hi woocy :3) convinced me he would be beagle and im completely down with that. for me, i struck out blue lions immediately. so after that its just a matter of do i think he fits in better with BE or GD and quite honestly. for some reason golden deer gets the rep of being the meme house but aside from lorenz looking a little funny anf claude putting up a facade YOU ALL FELL FOR this straight up is not true. the funny house is black eagles and by GOD it would piss gerome off to be there. i dont think they chose their houses, by the way. i think they got to fodlan and rhea vibe checked all of them immediately so he didnt have a say in this. not only is he stuck with inigo, hes stuck with watching kjelle—the strongest warrior ever probably the only one in the second to match him in terms of raw strength—stumble over herself over their house leader because wwaauuw women pretty LIKE COME ONNNN. though, i do think he’d respect edelgard for her strength, and theres a lot of interesting dynamics for him to explore. dorothea pissing him off, bonding with petra over their enjoyment for wildlife, he would definitely be training partners with caspar, and i think he’d actually be like. really good at talking to bernadetta? maybe seeing her reminds him of how he was when he was younger. maybe he gets her out by introducing her to minerva. much to think about. but in general he would keep mostly to himself with standard gerome “cant get close to people that i cant guarantee will stay with me” fashion i think he probably wouldnt be as close as say someone like inigo or nah would be with the house. so when the time to choose a side comes… i dont think he’d have the relationship with edelgard to pick her. i think he would oppose her ideals, and go with nah, if not flee fodlan entirely because omfg who careeesss…. WHO CAREEESS his ass is in wyvern valley (no i think he’d fight. but he’d def consider dipping)
m!morgan is here because i think it would challenge him. guy who is so cute so earnest so ready to be happy in school learning everything hes ever wanted hoping to come home and make momma proud and oh my god he got put in the most crazy house imaginable. whoever his professor is is probably like wow morgan you have a gift for tactics! why dont you try managing the class for a mission? and being morgan he’d go YES ABSOLUTELY!!! unfortunately this house has hubert. and ferdinand. and bernadetta. and linhardt. and caspar. the thing about robin and the shepherds is that most people immediately respected robin as their tactician and robin was able to connect and befriend most of them fairly easily because they were mostly all sane and normal people. the black eagles are most definitely not and have you guys seen that black eagles seating chart post? well. i just think it’d give morgan a hard time and between him and f!morgan its funnier if its him. also splitting him from the justice cabal for timeskip angst sorry. also i think it’d be cool if he took edelgards side. i dont actually know which way he’d lean thats a tossup like this is a character that i could believe would trust byleth’s judgement and go with them but if its edelgard i think that could set up fun conflict between him and nah. grima vs naga part 2!! though i actually did have him for blue lions first if only because of the three houses the blue lions probably need a tactician type the best but. i like this one better.
so for blue lions i immediately clocked owain like look at this guy. i think owain would see the house of cool knightly chivalrous types fighting for justice and being cool and having swords and i just think he’d be in heaven. i also think, to him, dimitri would be a figure to look up to similar to lucina, but with the difference that they are not family and owain might put him on an even higher pedestal because theres this sense of familiarity he had with lucina thats not really there anymore? kind of similar to ashe and dimitri. and when the timeskip comes, i think he’d be endlessly devoted to dimitri even still, never forgetting who he was before and striving to bring him back, still thinking of this idolized version of him, even if it puts himself at risk. i also think in general, owain would thrive in the blue lions house. felix, ashe, ingrid, dedue, annette— those are all prime support partners for him that have a lot of potential. the blue lion house is very… the way that they are. and something owain shows in fates is that though hes very good at using his theatrics to ease people, whether that be on purpose or otherwise, and by god do the blue lions need it. look at them… jesus.
cynthia is in the blue lion house for similar reasons but i think she has a key difference from owain. while i think owain is the type to go down with the ship, i think cynthia might actually serve as an opposition to dimitri and potentially go against him in a similar fashion to felix and annette in thats hidden in the games files and was never put in the game (WHEN IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN. dimitri doesnt get enough push back in azure moon!! another post for another time though). in their time at the academy, while owain is fangirling over dimitri, i think cynthia would too at first. but fodlan is very different than ylisse, and in particular faerghus treats its knights and specifically women knights very differently than cynthia wouldve otherwise been treated. i think this would push cynthia into questioning faerghus’s ideals (especially in getting close to ingrid who im sure she’d find friendship in) and eventually dimitri in how he seemingly upholds those ideals. when he goes down a darker path in the timeskip, she’d probably take felix’s more critical approach, and i think she could turn on him. for the empire? probably not. but i dont think she’d be as down as owain or ingrid to keep following him when hes not taking accountability for what hes doing. she might find her way back once hes come back to himself but who really knows. not me (<- girl who is writing all of this)
yarnes a funny pick because lions are supposed to be brave and fearless and hes a Rabbit. but obviously yarne would be very aware of that irony and i think it could serve as a push for him to come into that bravery, and thats something i think the lion house could help him do. i think he’d look to dimitri for solace similar to how he does with lucina, and dimitri would be very happy to provide that for him. when the timeskip comes and dimitri is lost, i think yarne would have to find it in himself to abandon that anxiety for a bit to come help ease dimitri, sort of repaying him for his initial kindness (read: i want eyepatch scary dimitri to find stress relief in petting a big ass bunny). also i dont need yarne to be in the same house as petra and marianne for him to interact with them. dont worry thats a thing. also if youre a real one you recruit marianne to blue lions everytime. no i dont know how they’d handle bringing a taguel to fodlan i dont really care either
for severa i think, even if she would rather not admit it, justice and loyalty are very key parts of her character. its buried underneath her mean girl attitude and like five pounds of trauma but its there. and what are the blue lions if not loyal knights with very LOUD auras of sadness? she would be similar to felix in terms of their views on knighthood, and obviously her whole thing with cordelia would put her at odds with the whole dying for your king/for glory thing faerghus has going on. similar to cynthia she’d be very critical of faerghus and dimitri except she’d be that way to his face. she doesnt have the same personal beef with him the same way felix would, and might be a little more like how i imagined inigo would be to edelgard, criticism with the better interest of the greater good rather than formed of personal beef. in the end though, i think she would stick with dimitri. also i think she’d have insane sexual tension with ingrid like i dont think theyd like eachother but like. my vision… do you see it.
bradys in lions partially due to mutual influence (hi zorua) but also because i ended up liking his potential with the lions as opposed to the deer or eagles. he’d have a very cute friendship with mercedes and annette i think, playing violin for them and having tea party gossip sessions. i think he and dedue could bond over being kinda scary but doing what they can to ease people’s fear of them. since thats an insecurity for both of them that brady purposefully takes steps to get rid of (ex: him hunching over is so that he can be eye level with children and people shorter with them so as not to come off as intimidating or more powerful) i think brady could help with that. though if im being so real i dont think he would like dimitri. i think he would stay and stick around and help dimitri get better. but i dont think he’d approve of his bloodlust and be very open with his issues in regards to how dimitri handles and carries himself. sorry guys im not meaning to have dimitri catch so many strays here 😭 i love the guy i just also like when theres conflict here i promise
laurent is in the golden deer because i think he and claude would be very like minded people in terms of trying to discover the secrets behind fodlan and what that means and how to better navigate fodlan as uncharted territory. theyre both foreigners, as are all of the second gen kids, but thats something claude keeps under wraps that i think laurent would be able to tell very quickly (not that it was hard. claude doesnt hide it well its just that everyone in fodlan is either stupid or all the smart people are kept away from him) that claude is from almyra. i think this knowledge could help him serve as something of a confidant to claude. obviously he wouldnt tell laurent everything but when claudes supposed closest allies are lorenz (guy who hates him and prays for his downfall) and hilda (girl who is racist and from a racist family) its just like. well maybe claude should have another friend who is normal adjacent at least, and laurents not the type to go blabbing anyways. obviously both lorenz and hilda (eh. well.) get better about their mindsets post timeskip but i think in the time of the academy laurent would be a very valuable friend for claude and vice versa. in general laurent would do well anywhere because i think most of his interest would be with the technological and scientific advancements of fodlan which is flexible, but i think, with rhea purposefully halting progress and claude being the main guy who wants truth above all else, this is the best spot for him. could hear an argument for him going to edelgard (potential recruit out of house recruit fs) but i do like him with claude a bit more. gerolau angst also.
lucina is in golden deer because i dont want her in the other two houses but also because i do think, similar to laurent, she’d be very valuable to claude and vice versa. awakening world building is horseshit but from what little we do know there is quite a bit of political discourse that lucina probably knows quite a bit about. even if her timeline was thrown into war when she was young, she probably had some form of royal training and can help claude navigate fodlan a little bit. i also think coming to fodlan would just be a very refreshing experience for lucina as the burden of everything is no longer directly on her shoulders, and i think she’d be looking for a broader perspective on life and finding another purpose for herself now that grima is dealt with. i think claude would be able to help her with that and i think she’d be genuinely interested to learn of his homeland once she figures out where hes from (i do think laurent beats her to the conclusion but not by a lot. remember this is lucina aka marth aka woman her disguised her own royal status and was very successful at it. just saying). also while i did say that golden deer is in fact not the meme house, i think they are more light hearted overall in terms of character (does NOT mean meme house or funny house. look me right in my eyes and say the house WITHOUT hubert and linhardt is the meme house. fucking liar) and i think lucina would love that. i want her to get the chance to be silly and childish for a little bit. characters like raphael and marianne and lysithea might help her heal that inner child that she never really got to let out and i just think the golden deer house would be the best place for her
morgan is here because i didnt want her and marc in the same house thats too easy. but while i think claude is the least in need of a tactician type character, him and morgan would be sooooo funny so cute and i need someone who can keep him on his toes. i think he blurts out a plan and morgan goes “ermmm ackchully” and half of the time her rebuttals are complete nonsense she just wants to argue. i think they both enjoy it. i also think, similar to lucina, a light hearted house would be a little better for her. shes much more prone to mischief than m!morgan is i think and i think the deer would benefit from that if only so she can target lorenz and make me laugh. i also think separating the twins would make for fantastic angst down in the timeskip but for now shes just hanging out having fun being a piece of shit. #girl also i think its funnier if one morgan is absolutely thriving and the other is barely keeping his shit together and by god it is way funnier if its f!morgan getting away with everything
noire is here because. i. could not think of a reason for her to go anywhere else! i thought about putting her in beagles but i dont think making that choice between the church and edelgard would be as interesting for her? and i dont think putting her in lions would do anything for her. i think the best lord and the best house at helping her through her issues and being understanding of her mood changes is probably claude and the deer. i could see hilda and leonie reaching out to her, or ignatz and her getting on pretty well, but im not quite sure on the specifics of that. my least thought out placement but also it doesnt matter because it keeps the placements balanced to put her here. i’ll have to give this one more thought…
anyways if you can believe it this is the cutdown version. i know right. i hope i didnt forget anyone that would be really embarrassing
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rubywolf0201 · 5 months
How I would fix the Gang War Arc in BUCCHIGIRI?! (Part 2)
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Click here for Part 1
So I made a lot of changes that happened in Episode 3-4 but I don’t think I’ve ever mentioned how I would change Episode 1-2. Now, I don’t think it would experience much change compared to the last one but I’ll definetely try to change some things here and there. Also it is very long too so bear with me:
[Read More for details on the rewrite]
- So first off, I’ll change Arajin’s whole motivation from the get go. Instead of making his goal of losing his virginity, he would instead wish to be a cool guy. As in he would revolve around being the cool new kid at school. This of course means donning a pair of glasses and a bass to show off. (Which of course would make everything ironic and also play more into the Aladdin parallel)
- The two guys that appear in the temple back in the first episode and frequent visitors of the Tomoshibi family restaurant would still appear but I’ll also have them be like commentators regarding the ongoing events that happens in the episode. (I’m assuming that they’re attending the same school as the rest of the cast or different ones)
- Matakara’s intro wouldn’t change and the same goes for the Teacher as well explaining to Arajin the small basics of what he is going to experience in Ichizu High.
- Instead of Arajin going after Mahoro, it is Mahoro who goes to Arajin after the latter made his first introduction. He would still have it bad for Mahoro but I’ll change his reaction to ‘Huh, wow I can’t believe she would be into me but I’ll play it cool.”
- The scene where Zabu and Komao meets Arajin wouldn’t change but I would have them be a tad forceful towards the poor boy in that they want him to join their club. (In fact, I headcanon that the gang members, be it from Minato Kai or Siguma Squad, tends to happen with any new kid on their first day of school with some exceptions)
- Chase scene and the whole reunion between Arajin and Matakara would still happen while Zabu and Komao are bewildered and Arajin being uncomfortable with Matakara claiming him to be the coolest and strongest person he knows. (Which makes his cool kid motivation all the more ironic because Arajin wasn’t honest to the one person he knew since childhood, Matakara)
- Marito’s establishment scene along with the Siguma Squad base first being seen is still the same.
- In fact, I’ll have the rest of my rewrite of the first episode play out the same way as canon for the most part tbh but there would be some notable differences.
- Arajin wouldn’t go to the stone shop to make a soapstone for Mahoro, since in my rewrite I toned down his relationship with Mahoro in that he doesn’t desperately simp for her to the point he’s ignorant of everything happening in the plot, but that he has a shift at the family restaurant again. (Emphasizing more of his helpful side and that despite being rude to his mum, he still helps her and such, especially since he’s helping her take over the family business at some point).
- Arajin’s second meeting with Zabu and Komao can still happen. But instead of them meeting Arajin just so that they can lure him to the NG Boys and humiliate him, I’ll have them meet Arajin by coincidence where they’re heading over to a minimart to help run errands for Matakara.
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- Of course, Arajin is exasperated at seeing them because of their association with Matakara and that they have ulterior motives (they do), but not wanting to put up with the hassle, he decided to just put up with these two and help them with their errands all the while hoping that once they’re done, they can leave him alone.
- While they’re walking to the minimart, Arajin came across an unknown group of boys (NG Boys) beating up some scrawny guy with a red hat and yellow hoodie (Hagure). Arajin was shocked and appalled at this scene and asked his two classmates if this is a common occurrence. Both Zabu and Komao stayed silent and looked away from it.
- This would of course establish that they, or rather some of Minato Kai, hold prejudice on their rival gang, Siguma Squad, seeing them as bloodthirsty babarians and such.
- Arajin would still have gut problems but he wouldn’t leave to go to toilet instead I’ll have it represent the unconscious guilt at what transpired between him and Matakara since childhood.
- This frustrates Arajin because of their indifference to what’s happening in front of them, so he decided to help out the poor pink hair boy that was being harassed by the men in white uniform. He first threw a pebble to get their attention and once the NG Boys grunts saw him, decided to give chase to Arajin.
- Zabu in particular was pissed at the fact that this new kid they met yesterday threw himself into the fray at those guys but the moment he and Komao, saw Hagure getting up from his injuries, decided to duck out from the scene. (Because he’s a Siguma Squad member) But unfortunately for them, this would spark a bitter rivalry between them and another person who just came out from the minimart.
- Basically, I establish Hagure and Jabashiri a little earlier in the above scene. Speaking of, Jabashiri came out of the minimart with shopping bags containing snacks for the Siguma guys to enjoy but he was shocked at seeing Hagure injured. Hagure brushes it off that he is fine before wincing from pain. Jabashiri scanned the area to see who caused it and the moment he caught a glimpse of Zabu and Komao running away, he immediately assumed that it was them who hurted Hagure.
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- Zabu and Komao on the other hand, instead of relaxing back at the bathhouse Matakara is staying at, they would come back panting from all the running they did but were disappointed they turned up empty-handed.
- Matakara on the other hand, was still busy working out (yes I kept the workout scene for our puppy boi) but the moment he saw his two friends panting for breath, asked his two best friends what has happened.
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- Zabu and Komao looked at each other and both kinda lied that they tried to get the stuff Matakara needed but they ran into Arajin and how he treated them to his family restaurant’s cooking instead (I like to think it was Komao who said most of it and that he interrupted what Zabu was about to say lol).
- This of course backfired hilariously because now Matakara has his attention on Arajin and this fueled Zabu’s jealousy. (I still kept the scene where Matakara put Arajin on a pedestal but the scene is now played out differently)
- NNL Segment still happens of course since they’re the Greek Chorus of BUCCHIGIRI?! and I think it’s personally entertaining in some parts.
- Back with Arajin, he tried to run away from the NG Boys harassing him until he, unknowingly, reached Honki Temple. He tried to lock the door from the NG Boys but to no avail, they bust through the door and Arajin was left cornered until he saw a box containing a flintlock gun right behind him. (The scene would still be the same but Arajin has his clothes intact on him albeit dirtied)
- The scene of Arajin trying to attack the NG Boys grunt is still the same as his is meeting with Senya so I’ll leave it alone.
- Back in his room, Arajin tried to do an Internet search regarding Senya and what he is but the search results weren’t reliable (Which is the same scene after Arajin acquired Senya ofc but I’ll have Arajin be more curious towards Senya and his origins)
- While Arajin is sleeping, he started to experience nightmares of him as a child witnessing child Matakara beaten up by the thugs targeting them and how he ran away. And when Arajin yelled out, Senya in his chibi fairy form, came out and asked Arajin why he screamed.
- Sweating from fear, Arajin took a quick look at the outside view from his window and then his alarm clock before he realized that he is late for school but then he realized ‘oh it’s the weekend!’ but he had another freak out because he has to help his mum with some important client elsewhere in the early afternoon. (I expanded the Tomoshibi family restaurant a bit in that they also offer catering services to important events 👍🏻)
- Of course, while getting dressed (which is basically the outfit he wore in his and Mahoro’s ‘date’ btw), Arajin checked out the metal dot that is in his temple, curious regarding why it’s here. Mrs Tomoshibi, who is still in her pyjamas, asked Arajin if he can go to the client’s meeting place by himself, since she has yet to be dressed. This of course pissed Arajin off and he yelled at his Mum to get changed quickly.
- And so, he walked to the park to cool off and also because the event is nearby as well. Of course, there’s Senya and he asked why he couldn’t go there by himself to which Arajin answered in an exasperated manner that he doesn’t want to be there early.
- The ‘date’ scene with Mahoro would be different in that instead of a ‘date’, Mahoro was passing by to meet up with her big brother (Marito) and his friends. Arajin was surprised by this coicidential meeting and so, the two of them chatted for a bit.
- Because I changed the scene where Arajin doesn’t make the soapstone for Mahoro and doesn’t confess to her, I would have him try to be friends with her but just as they’re walking, suddenly a horde of NG Boys would then come by.
- Arajin was shocked because he thought that he scared them off until he realized that there’s are the same exact guys who chased him but the only notable differences is that he bought backup.
- The NG Boy grunt (who is basically a higher up to Akutaro) wanted payback for what Arajin has did to him and his friends and for interrupting their beat up.
- Of course, Arajin is scared and his gut is growling because of the paralyzing fear he is experiencing. And of course, the NG Boys would then jump on Arajin while the other would take Mahoro hostage.
- However, Mahoro wouldn’t let it happen and decided to fight the random touching her. (Yes I gave Mahoro some fighting skills that she picked up from Marito but in a unrefined fashion)
- Zabu and Matakara can still have a scene together where both guys are watching the scene of Arajin being brutalized and Matakara is the one who took action while Zabu is ignorant of it.
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- Senya lamenting at his host being weak and trying to leave not before Arajin says his wish and merging with Senya prior to Arajin being knocked out from th last attack would still be the same.
- Arajin’s wish invocation would be different as I stated in the first point in that instead of losing his virginity, he wishes to be cool instead. (It’s still ridiculous from Senya’s POV lol)
- Arajin would then beat up the NG Boys harrassing him and Mahoro with sending some of them flying.
- Matakara managing to arrive at the scene to see Arajin’s powerup and being in awe Utsumi-style would remain the same lol.
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- In fact, I have most of the earlier scenes of Episode 2 play out the same except that Siguma Squad arrived a little later, probably because Mahoro called her brother over to deal with the NG Boys but instead of helping her out, Marito turned his attention to Arajin instead who is still powered up by Senya, this of course catches Marito’s interest.
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- Mahoro on the other hand is not amused by this lol and the Siguma members even wonder what does their leader even see in this plain guy.
- Arajin had no idea what just happened and why there are a lot of NG Boy goons lying on the ground before Senya chided him for the ridiculous wish invocation he made and Arajin retorted back that he had no idea why that came to his mind.
- Unfortunately, one of the NG Boys got up, albeit still injured and proceed to send both Arajin and Senya flying into the pond, like what happened in canon.
- Matakara rushed in to help Arajin out of the river but he bumped into Jabashiri like in canon and Jaba having an intense hatred for Matakara.
And that’s my basic outline of rewriting Episode 1 and the first half of Episode 2. I would tackle the later parts of Episode 2 and the expansion of Episode 3-4 in another post. I know I made Marito a tad bit bland in my rewrite but I rather have a slight buildup to his character. Though you are free to add in anything.
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sweetmariihs2 · 8 months
🪄Cedric The Sorcerer headcanons 🔮💫
*it's a big post and the headcanons are pretty diverse*
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I lost half of this post because Tumblr didn't save it, then I rewrote it and even continued to write a little more, but again Tumblr deleted everything and returned to the first version of the post. I spent from midnight until 5:40 am writing this and I simply lost the text. I rewrote everything again :) I literally cried out of frustration, the post was almost done
I found some parts in my cell phone "área the transferência" (that thing when you copy a text and the last things you copied remain there), I tried to organize it and rewrite everything that I lost, but I still feel like there's something missing.
Edit: I fixed some grammar errors. I know there's more, but I couldn't find it. English is not my main language!!
Cedric's unhealthy habits (before Sofia entering the castle and after) and how he deals with his insomnia
I don't know if this counts as headcanon since it's practically canon, but I believe that Cedric is not very healthy, he has a very unbalanced sleep schedule, he doesn't eat well and he doesn't exercise. The things he does most all day are preparing spells and potions, and reading.
I think a lot about what pre-Sofia Cedric was like. I think his habits were even worse, and he was even more bitter and antisocial. He had a terrible posture and was always tired and moody, had dark circles due to lack of sleep. I also believe that there moments quite constantly where his vision would go dark and he would suddenly become weak. He always seemed sick and pale, quiet, and when he interacted he made mistakes in front of everyone and everyone saw him as an idiot, weird-looking guy. Sofia brought him some motivation (getting the amulet of Avalor) and that's why he seemed more active and minimally healthier after she arrived. Maybe before he was just very tired and was hopeless of gaining the recognition of the people in the castle, but after finding a chance in the amulet, he became more motivated and active.
He stays up all night reading and making potions (even Wormwood sleeps more than him), only to leave his tower in the morning to get breakfast trying to act invisible, so that no one sees his presence there, and so they don't ask him to do anything he doesn't want to do.
For context: I believe that breakfasts at the castle are like hotel breakfasts, a room full of food where everyone can take what they want and leave without having to pay anything at all. This goes for all meals and the royal family has their own dining room, because of course, they are the royal family.
I imagine both pre-sofia and during-sofia Cedric staying up all night reading and passing his time, only to go get his breakfast early in the morning (he hasn't eaten since about 10 hours ago, and his last snack was a jam sandwich) and having to face everyone in the castle together in the same hall walking everywhere, trying to act as unremarkable as possible, to prevent anyone from bothering him (it's very easy to notice him, he's the only one who wears a black robe and walks like that. no one just cares enough to notice him there). And then Baileywick appears full of information and orders sent directly by the king, while Cedric rolls his eyes and replies exhausted that he will do it (his attempt to hide failed).
I can imagine him (mostly pre-Sofia Cedric) going to the kitchen at night to get some snacks, and he knows he won't go to breakfast in the morning because something humiliating happened to him at his last meal and he refuses to face all those people publicly again.
Pre-Sofia Cedric constantly forgot to eat because of his work and when he did eat, it was never healthy food. He was hungry and starting to feel weird because his last meal was 10 hours ago? He's gonna get just a piece of apple pie.
Pre-Sofia Cedric didn't had the energy to do his own tasks, let alone useless favors for James and Amber or entertain the king's parties. Today he can do this easily, as he is a little healthier (and more motivated) but before it was a sacrifice. What always kept him busy were the tasks he set out to do himself, such as reading magic books he hadn't yet specialized in, making potions he hadn't yet made to add them to his collection (if he ever needs them). As I said, today he does that easily, because his health is a lot better, and he can balance it with his other tasks and practicing his hobbies or taking care of himself, even spending time with Sofia.
Pre-Sofia Cedric definitely deals with insomnia (till this day) and the vast majority of the time he doesn't sleep through the night, to the extent that many in the castle are already aware that Cedric is a night owl and is always awake, no matter how late it is. This is why he sometimes takes naps in the afternoon, but this only happens when he is so exhausted that his eyes can barely stay open, sleeping for 1h30 only to stay awake for another 22h without breaks. Now that his habits are a little less unhealthy than before (they're still bad) he sleeps maybe 3-4 hours per night. But he still need to take naps during the day and yes some nights he doesn't sleep at all, it's just not as often as before.
I think that during the nights when he can't sleep he stares at the moon from his window, or goes out of his tower to take a walk in the garden, or even in the castle. There's something so comforting in staying up late. During the day there's people everywhere, conversations happening, events where someone needs his help. During the night everything is silent and he can have his own moment, there's no people to disapprove him or order him to do something he doesn't want to do. Cedric is definitely a night person.
There's a book that I like that I won't give too many details about, but there's a character who simply doesn't sleep at night and the entire staff from the establishment is used to it. She is a patient in a mental hospital, all the patients are sleeping, and she just stays in the living room, because everyone has already accepted that she doesn't sleep, that's a fact. She spends her time reading, smoking, painting her nails, sometimes talking to the nurses. I imagine the dynamic is similar, but the difference is that Cedric is a little more antisocial. Everyone knows that he doesn't sleep and they couldn't care less about it.
(Cedric fanfiction dating a maid he met during the nights he was walking through the castle because he couldn't sleep???? Hell yes. Late night talks in that giant castle, everything is silent besides the echo of their voices in the halls and their footsteps, knowing that unlike the day, the night is very calm and they can rest in peace, without worrying about obligations. Talking in whispers 👀 silent kisses omg)
I can totally imagine him encountering Sofia at late night just walking in the castle, and he's just like "Sofia? Why are you awake?" Because he's usually the only person who stays up that late (except for some guards and maids). And then she tells him she can't sleep so that's why she's not in her room. They spend some time talking to eachother about how everything is being so overwhelming recently.
He doesn't know how to deal with his new life, now that everyone seems to praise him as a good sorcerer and that he saved Sofia's life. He loves the fact that he's finally being recognized, but it's just something he's not used to. Sometimes when people are telling him about how amazing his spells are, or the King tells someone about how good is his royal sorcerer, or his new fame on the kingdom. He was treated badly so many times that everything seems so unreal. It makes him wonder if he really deserves everything that is happening, or if people are really telling the truth. (And I say this based in my own experience, that feeling is so real)
What if some citizen girls are screaming his name in royal parades or when he goes to the village? He has a fanclub now???? People want to date HIM??? And he just smiles and waves because he just doesn't know how to react to all of this, and the girls starts to scream out of happiness or some of them pass out and he goes "Oh no... my bad.. i'm sorry :(". Even younger girls that are really too young for him, that's certanly something he wasn't expecting to happen. Baileywick makes fun of him saying that he's such a heartbraker now, Cedric rolls his eyes.
Hey that looks like a good one shot prompt (after his redemption arc), a witch who admires him a lot because of what she heard about him finally gets the chance to live in the castle (because of other circunstances), and now she has the chance to meet Cedric. And Cedric is surprised by how she treats him like he was some kind of hero, because only he knows the humiliations he went through.
Pre-Sofia Cedric usually watched the balls from the window of his tower instead of participating with them. He didn't felt welcomed, and even if he was indeed there, people would just stare at him like he's some kind of ghost or a disgrace and his night would be terrible. He was invited, obviously, all the castle's employees are, but he would never fit in there. He felt sad, excluded at some point, alone- but all his sadness turned into bitterness as he watched all those royals, riches and other employees of the castle having fun and partying, like he was supposed to do. Cedric would only make a fool out of himself if he ever thought about stepping there, and he didn't needed to! He didn't wanted to go anyways! Or at least that's what he told himself...
Cedric's love life (+how he views love and his past experiences)
I actually made a headcanons post about who his first love may be: Queen Lorelei. That's not a really popular headcanon but I'm not the first person to talk about it, and once you read about the subject you'll see that it's actually a pretty nice headcanon, so give it a try.
Cedric doesn't believe in "true love", "love at first sight", "true love kiss" (until it's his turn to experience that). Well he does, because there's magic about it, there are many stories of princesses that just had their happy ending because of a true love kiss and everything, there are many spells and curses where love is involved. But he thinks romantic people are so naive, they live for love like there's nothing else in their lives that it's better to do. He has work to be done, you know? People say "mimimi true love" and he just slightly rolls his eyes and huffs (when deep inside he wish he was one of these people. Oh to have someone to love). But when he's in love he's lovesick and can't think about anything else just like those he found irritating. Such hypocrite.
But when he suffers a love frustration (like that one with Sasha) he realizes again that love is irritating and his previous thoughts return. But deep inside he knows that they're not true, he's just bitter because he's single.
HE'S BISEXUAL !!1!1!1!!1!111!1!1!!!!1!!!!1!1
But he doesn't know that this actually has a name so it's more like, he just experiences his feelings and just know that they're feelings, that's all
I believe that during most of his life he only had girl crushes, and it didn't happened that often because he wasn't used to be really focused on anyone. These girls crushes happened when he was a kid to when he was a teenager. But during his young-adult years he started to notice that sometimes he found some masculine traits atractive. At first he was really confused by that, because he thought he liked only woman, but apparently no. Nowadays he already understands how he feels and just treats it normally.
He doesn't like to talk about his love life (he gets nervous sharing such intimate information about himself with people)(and he is single which makes the situation even worse, being in his 30s without someone) and then everyone assumes that he only likes women, and that he's naturally a bachelor because it is what it is. No one is interested in a weird old guy like him. (I am)
Imagine a group of maids talking to eachother in the kitchen while doing their tasks and mentioning "what about that royal sorcerer? he's always lonely. I don't think he has a lover or something, or else we would know" and the other one mentions "he's too scary to get along with anyone. not exactly scary, but he's weird, very slender, always crawling around. I highly doubt any lady would want to have anything to do with him."
(Bonus points if someone put a similar scene in that Cedric x maid character fic, and our protagonist is just silently infiltrated among them knowing that she was kissing him last night, and she responds to them "don't be so hard on him, he's not that bad. he is actually very polite." And the rest of the maids just react like "hmmmm very polite sure girl what else do you have to tell us? Are you hiding something? Do you know something that we don't?")
Cedric doesn't talk much about his romantic interests, implying to everyone else that he doesn't care (which is true), but it's also because he gets nervous about sharing this information. That's why the few people who silently wonder about it just assume that he just likes woman, because he never tells anyone about being interested neither in woman neither in man. And he also avoids talking about it because needs to admit out loud that he is a 3_ year old man and that he's single, and he doesn't want to put himself through this humiliation. The best thing to do is worry about his spells, he's too busy to talk or to think about that. (Deep inside wishing he had someone)
He's like that single uncle for Sofia. You know, a variation from the "cats aunt" and instead he's the "spells uncle". Absolutely no bitches, but his shelf is full of potions and books. Single uncle Cedric!!!!!!!!! (He hates it)
I think he had many crushes in his life but never really had the oportunity to date someone, or this person wasn't interested, or he was too dedicated in his studies. Imagine a younger him in his teenage days (or even in his childhood) really liking someone but too embarassed to say anything. Or when he goes to the person he tries to start a conversation but then his mentor just goes like "no we don't have time for this, you need to train now" and pulls him to practice his spells again. He never had the chance to date anyone, and even if he said something to the person, this person probably would make fun of him because of his reputation in the school.
That makes me wonder if he ever had any past lovers or if he didn't even had the oportunity because everyone saw him as a loser. Teenage Cedric occupies my mind longer than I'd like to admit
I think that the idea of him having past lovers is nice, but at the same time it doesn't fit very well for some reason? Imagine him talking to Sofia "Oh... ___.... she was my first love... I wonder how her life is going today" after she asked "Mr Cedric have you ever loved someone?"
Actually I think he would say first "Sofia, what kind of question is that? Um.. I don't know, I mean... there was a person, but it was a long time ago... her name was ___...."
I never told you guys but I write fanfiction too (top 10 useless facts) and I never wrote for Cedric
I have a big question for you rn: do you guys think he's a virgin? 👀 I think it makes sense actually
His way of flirting is compliments and acts of service. He would never, in the first option at least, directly show interest with phrases like "are you single?", "you're really cute." He would be extremely gentlemanly, he would offer the way for his romantic interest to pass, he would open doors, pull out chairs, offer his arm for his "lover" to hold. Everything would be very subtle, as he wouldn't hit on their romantic interest, but instead would be extremely polite, interested in their company, things that would make them say "Oh, thank you so much, you're such a gentleman" and he would just blush and smile. And he would absolutely say "We are courting", rather than any other word. He would ask their permission to start treating it like this, something like "Can I court you from now on? I understand if you don't want to."
It's easy to make him flustered since he has no romantic experience. Even a simple question about his love life can make him nervous. And if it's a crush who's responding to his light flirtations he becomes very giggly. Even a small crush can have him in their hands.
He certainly has a thing for confident woman (they can make him stutter and feel nervous pretty easily). You know those woman who have that strong feminine energy? His legs get all wobbly.
But he likes delicate girls too. He just needs to assume a different role in the supposed relationship they would have, and his treatment would be more responsible and more chivalrous.
In my opinion, his tastes are the exact opposites. He likes feminine woman, the most confident and mature ones (like Sascha) and the most delicate and sweet ones. But for men he likes very masculine men, who are more than himself, like strong guys, or even, in not so extreme cases, just someone who's similar to him but who has a more confident and mature attitude, that knows what he's doing. Because Cedric constantly feels like he doesn't know, that he's very insecure, so when he sees someone attractive and confident, he gets all nervous and giggly, and offers his services.
I think he would like chancellor Esteban from Elena Of Avalor tbh. Guys like him
Oh my god
Cedric's academic life and his young years
What reputation you may ask? I think he always was like this, being nervous and making mistakes. During that episode where him and Sofia go to Hexley Hall, nobody seems surprised by his failures. Not even in "The Day Of The Sorcerers" episode. Everyone is too familiarized with him being a failure and I think he was bullied in school because of that (most specifically when he was a teenager)
Was he always shy and insecure in front of everyone, or he was dedicated to his studies and when people said "hey let's do something together?" He responded with "I can't, I need to study" and this person just said "omg you're always studying, you have no life don't you?"
"I need to study so I can get better and better everyday", just like he said in his song during the episode "Substitute Cedric"
He can't concentrate if there's too much noise. Imagine him doing a test and he just can't read the paper because there's someone behind him banging their wand on the table and this makes him fail the test. "Ok class, we're going to have a practice test this time, Cedric please turn this feather into glass" and when he was about to make it someone made a bad comment about expecting him not being able to do the spell and because of that he turns the feather into mud, and everybody laughs. People in the school know him as a failure too because this kind of thing always happened.
I found this on pinterest:
That's why if one day he confess his feelings for someone at school this person would laugh at him, and maybe that's why he never did. Or he did and that exact thing happened, so he never did it again.
He was a bookworm. Loved to sneak out of the dorm at night to read books in the library, whether they were magic books to complement his studies, or just story books. He has spent whole nights and evenings there. He does this till this day, like I said before.
Cedric's teenage years in Hexley Hall with the rest of the sorcerers (Greylock, Grimtrix,+) just makes me think about Dead Poets Society. Same vibes 🫶
Let's pretend that Hexley Hall is an institute for a moment. Maybe they also sneak out in the middle of the night to do meetings or studying and walking through the dark halls of the school in the middle of the night all alone. Idk going to the library. Maybe the school staff was really strict with studies during the day and during the night they were strict with bedtime. Maybe some popular students such as Grimtrix and other ppl (also girls) spread the secret news during the whole day saying that there would be a party at night in some specific place on the school grounds where everyone (or just some selected people) should secretly escape from the dormitories. Maybe Greylock leaned on Cedric's shoulders asking if he was going to the party and Cedric complained saying he had more important things to do like studying and sleeping, but when Cedric was alone in the dormitory at night and realized he was lonely he decided to give it a chance. There is something interesting about stories of students at institutes sneaking out of their dormitories at night to escape the strictness of school and have some fun. It would be something interesting to see.
Random Cedric Headcanons
He likes wine, but he doesn't drink it too often. I have a post about his relationship with alcohol here.
I think he doesn't like to be drunk. He doesn't like to think that he can do something that embarrasses him or that he's out of his mind, he prefers to have everything under control. It doesn't happen very often either.
He hate the smell of smoke and cigarettes. He finds cigarrettes disgusting.
He likes tea.
His favorite fruits are berries and he likes them better in sweets.
He doesn't know how to cook.
Cedric has a sweet tooth, he loves chocolate, cake, everything that's sweet.
Cedric enjoys gardening. He just doesn't do it because of his busy schedule, but he has a good knowledge of plants so that he can make his potions, and he goes out with Wormwood to get ingredients to make them. This happens in one episode, actually. Wormwood also needs to know about plants so that he can help him find the ones he want. Maybe he knows because of all the years he's been by Cedric's side.
I believe Cedric got Wormwood while studying at Hexley Hall. I'm not sure how their bond happened, but I believe they've been together since Cedric was around 11-14 years old. Wormwood has been alive all these years because he is a raven especially for wizards/mages/sorcerers, or a spell was placed on him when Cedric was young so that he would stay by Cedric's side while he was still alive. But I think that makes an exception for unnatural causes like accidents for example, he can still die. I believe that this "conditional immortality" spell must have been done by one of Cedric's mentors or superiors at Hexley Hall, and I believe that all of the sorcerers' animals that pass through there need to go through the same spell. I also believe that it may be mandatory for each student to have their own animal, a little similar to the owl system in HP.
This would explain all those animals on the Hexley Hall episode, and why they are making a meeting after "long years of not seeing eachother". How would they be alive since Cedric's school years?They all speak in a tone that implies they have been with their owners since their school days, and the fact that each one belongs to a sorcerer makes me believe that it is obligatory to have an animal. Maybe they're important for specific spells? Studies? Assistants?
He wouldn't feel remorse for killing someone evil. If that person was absolutely disgusting and was a threat to his loved ones, he's not going to spend his whole life blaming himself for having killed someone. Even though he never really intended to kill and tried to resolve things as peacefully as possible, and that this person gave him no choice. He would never kill someone as a first option, though. He prefers to avoid doing it so.
He can takes things personally pretty easily, and because he's used to people saying harsh things to him, even the smallest comment can make him offended, because he's always expecting people to view him badly.
I believe the royal sorcerer is swapped at the same time the king is swapped as well. When the throne is passed to the next generation, the sorcerer also needs to be replaced by the next one. When Cedric's exchange came he was in his 20s, and Goodwyn was so worried because his son was a disaster. He panicked because Cedric would only put his family through an embarrassment with the royal family and the next king (Roland). Goodwyn kept citing to Cedric all the rules he had to know, telling his son to be careful, avoid doing as many spells as possible, and generally panicking. Cedric would just roll his eyes and respond "I know", "okay, dad", "I know". Winifred however brushed aside his bangs and kissed his forehead, saying "you'll make a great royal sorcerer, Ceddykins, I believe in you", which made him more confident and happy.
The sorcerer exchange ceremony takes place after the king's coronation. He also had to wear a ceremonial outfit, which involved a cape and a wizard hat.
He embarrassed himself in front of everyone because it was his first public appearance and it made him very nervous, so he took on the role of royal sorcerer with everyone in the castle and village already seeing him as an idiot. Perhaps during the ceremony it was necessary for him to cast a spell, maybe to follow some specific tradition or just to demonstrate his skills to the people, and Goodwyn covered his eyes and turned away, saying "for Merlin's sake, I don't even want to see this" while Winifred stroked his arm and tried to convince him to watch Cedric's spell. Cedric noticed this and that made his confidence get even worse. Goodwyn has spent every week since the sorcerer switch was announced in pure terror and anxiety, always expecting the worst at every moment.
Roland never saw Cedric as a very powerful sorcerer, so he never believed in his potential since the beginning, and that didn't change after Cedric became the royal sorcerer.
Cedric's hair is stained because of the spell that damaged Cordelia's hair. "Ah but that's obvious", yes, I know, but I believe this happened specifically because he accidentally spilled a few drops of the potion on himself. I actually have a post where I talk about this in more detail.
He absolutely never swears. But instead he says funny words, like the classic "Merlin's mushrooms" or this long and wonderful list I found on the internet.
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He was born premature and was so small, everyone thought he wouldn't survive, but here he is now
I believe that they have "bath houses" in the castle for the employees (not the royal family, each one of them has their own bathroom) but Cedric is not a big fan of being naked in front of everyone, mostly because he's not comfortable with the people in the castle, in general. So he has his own "bathtub" (it looks like a wooden barrel but bigger and shorter) and he takes his bath alone in his tower. Well, him and Wormwood. Wormwood is absolutely disgusted by the sight but he's used to it since they grew up together. It's like "okay" for him to be in Cedric's side when he's inside the bathtub, but when he gets out, Wormwood avoids interacting or looking at him because "blerrggrg" (it's funny)
Goodwyn's parents were always treating him as the prodigy he was, so when Cordelia was born she also happened to be a prodigy and he treats her as such. But Cedric wasn't, he was a slow learner (or, using better words, a normal person) and Goodwyn didn't understand how to deal with children like that. He always demanded more from Cedric than he could do, as his sister learned quickly and was generally more praised by the family.
Cedric told Sofia EVERYTHING he did to her after his redemption. They had a long conversation, he said everything, about the sea monster being him, about the sleep spell, trying to take her amulet, literally everything. He cried in the process but he said that he wanted to tell her anyway, because he was truly sorry. Sofia felt sad and betrayed during the whole conversation but Cedric assured her that he was telling her because he didn't want to keep secrets and to prove that he was truly sorry. He promised that she was his best friend and that he could never do anything like that to her again. She understood him, respected him, and said everything was fine, but she would need a moment to digest. After that, Cedric continued to treat her well and prove himself so that there would be no more doubts.
Sometimes, in some situations when there is a bad person, Cedric gets angry with that person and plans revenge, or makes a plan against the person, to teach them a lesson. Sofia interrupts him, calling his name and saying that they already had a conversation about this, and he promised he would stop. Cedric grumbles and says it won't be anything too cruel.
He has medium size nails, squared oval shape because his nails are too detailed in the show and it makes sense. They didn't needed to detail his damn nails but they did, and they are actually a little longer than his finger, you can see that his nail doesn't exactly follow the shape of his finger. THEY PURPOSELY DETAILED HIS NAILS ON THE 3D MODEL I CAN'T (but unfortunately they are nowhere to be seen during "my evil dreams" which makes me kinda sad)
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He definitely has gray/white hair mixed in his dark brown hair due to stress, age and unhealthy habits. His bangs were pure white when he got them, but after some time it started to turn gray. Some of his natural gray hair that comes with his age/stress are mixed in the white, so overall the color got a little darker (greyish) as he got older. We love a gray-haired man.
Tall, skinny and has a long nose- has big feet idgaf about beauty standards slay king
Cedric absolutely loves to be praised. At any circunstance, any place, he will give 100% of his attention to someone who's praising him, and he will keep trying to do more impressive stuff so that he can get more praises. Poor guy it's too underappreciated. At this point it's not even a headcanon anymore
Cedric shaves his beard every week. His a 39 year old guy, he has facial hair c'mon. I believe he has a patchy beard which is another reason for him to never let it grow. And like my friend @majoresca said, he probably never lets his beard grow because he doesn't want to look like his father, not even the tiniest bit
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Not me accidentaly posting this before I finished
I'm sure I'll want to add more headcanons over time, but when I edit a post after it's been reblogged by someone, that edit doesn't appear on the person's profile, but the previous version does. So I'm going to make a link to the post available on my blog, who knows, maybe the updates will appear on the link! (I've never done this before, I want to prove my theory. If it works, pls tell me).
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far-side-skies · 5 months
How would you rewrite Atmos most wanted?🤔🤔🤔
Oh this is a good one. Anyone who's been in the discord for a while will know more or less my ideas for this one.
Unlike Energy Crisis, I have actual grievances with this episode, and they are as follows:
The Raptors' disguises were just… why? I know why, it's because Storm Hawks is a kid's show, but surely you can give your audience a bit more credit than that. It's Dark Ace in Velocity all over again. I forgive it for the most part because it's a cartoon, but Nerd Corps is on thin ice XD
The people who are on the war path after the Hawks makes no bloody sense for when the episode happens in relation to the rest of the show. Yes, the show has episodic writing but by AMW, the Rex Guardians, Absolute Zeroes and Rebel Ducks all have an established history with the Hawks. If anything, more people than just Dove should've been trying to help them clear their names.
The crimes and items stolen is just nonsensical. There was no end goal for the Raptors here, they were just being evil for the sake of it and as a result the stakes were depressingly low. We deserved a bigger threat than what we got.
With those problems established, let's go over how I'd fix them, starting with the teams who think the Storm Hawks robbed them.
This episode would've been a great opportunity to introduce some squadrons we don't know very well. Perhaps the Buff Buzzards and the Screaming Queens, both teams we've seen in passing during Velocity, but that never got much development.
As for the teams we do know better. All of them felt like they were being written terribly out of character, excluding Wren. Wren can stay the crazy accusing old man he originally was. This man almost yeeted these kids into the Wastelands on their first meeting because he refused to believe that they weren't Cyclonians until Radarr bit him.
So we have Wren on the war path making false accusations again. How about the rest of the Rebel Ducks are following him to make sure he doesn't give himself an aneurism. Meanwhile Harrier and Suzy Lu are trying to get to the bottom of these thefts before pinning it on the Hawks. These kids surely wouldn't steal such valuable and even dangerous items, would they?
Now what is actually being stolen? And why?
The Cheese Stone is funny but ultimately useless. Let's replace it with a box of high-grade explosives, because one of my headcanons for the Rebel Ducks is that blowing things up is their favourite way to get shit done. Nobody makes a bomb like a Galeman can.
The snow blaster is… ok, I guess? One of the few instances of gun weapons being seen in Storm Hawks. But let's make it a bit more specific and have it that one of Suzy-Lu's frost crystals was stolen. An extremely rare one that's capable of freezing metal to the point where it shatters.
The Rex Guardians always seemed to me like one of the most influential squadrons in the Free Atmos, so as well as old Sky Knight relics they probably have archives of current and recent goings-on in the war, maybe even things that let them access high-security locations such as prisons.
If anyone can see where I'm going with this, you can have a cookie.
Stealing the Aurora Stone pieces is a brave move, and I'm sure anyone's attention would be grabbed by an attempt at such a crime.
So we have some new antagonists, and a running theme for the items that have been stolen. What can these things be used for? What goal shall we give the thieves of this rewrite?
How about a prison break?
The Atmosia Stockade is a high-security prison that houses Carver, and no doubt numerous other prisoners of war, such as high ranking Talons, turncoat Sky Knights, powerful Murk Raiders, the list goes on. The Free Atmos would stand to lose a lot if so many dangerous individuals escaped. Imagine the chaos!
And if that wasn't enough, I have one last major change to bring out.
The Raptors aren't the thieves in this. Not the main ones anyway. Perhaps they were hired as distractions, perhaps they did help with a couple of the thefts, but they're not the primary culprits. It's the Storm Hawks Reserve team.
This ties into other rewrite ideas I've got lined up, specifically Talon Academy. I decided a while back that several members of the Reserves that Aerrow suggested in TA and that never got mentioned again what the hell were in fact Cyclonian double agents. People with a huge motivation to break people out of the Stockade. And it'd explain why the likes of Wren are so sure that it was the Storm Hawks who robbed them. They have the right uniforms, the right insignia, and they are not a pack of giant lizards in paper masks.
...Sorry, I'm a bit salty.
I want the Storm Hawks to fail in this episode. It would've been interesting to see how they handle a loss like this, and I think it would make things incredibly interesting for the lead-up to Cyclonia Rising. Imagine all the new threats we could've gotten.
So that's my extensive ideas for how I'd rewrite Atmos's Most Wanted. Maybe one day I'll do a fanfic or even an audio drama based on this rewrite, because apparently recording my attempts at voice acting is something I want to so. I hope you enjoyed my ramblings!
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rhymeswithchronic · 5 months
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SO I've mentioned several times now that What This World Has to Offer, as we know it now, is a rewrite of a story I wrote in middle school. But I was thinking about all the things that have changed between then and now and thought it'd be fun to share some of it with you guys! So here we are! Things that are brand new to this story, and things that have been fixed! First things first, the main characters. Of course, the main five characters of What This World Has to Offer! We've got some things to discuss about these particular blorbos. First off, Wilson. In the original draft, honestly, everything about Wilson kind of fell off after Wilbur was introduced. I'm not even joking, I basically threw him aside entirely. I had no backstory or development really planned for him, and some really weird hoop jumping in order to excuse his behavior as the story went on. He fell so far from relevancy that I rarely even considered him when thinking about the group. It was pretty much exclusively Webber, Wilbur, and WX-78. Speaking of Wilbur, why on earth did I choose him? The one character in the entire game with no personality traits or quirks, no story, no concept, really nothing except for the fact that he can vaguely say 'banana'. I was writing WTWHTO when Shipwrecked came out and I really wanted to add one of the characters to the story. I had never really planned on having five characters, and honestly the characters in SW I just felt didn't fit well. So, I, as a normal fanfiction writer, took the character I could have full creative control over. On top of that, I loved the idea of including each of the 'weird' characters from each section of the game, as well as the game's main character (Wilson). WX-78 represents Vanilla. Webber represents Reign of Giants. Naturally, Wilbur represents Shipwrecked. When originally writing WTWHTO, I didn't really have any backstory for Wilbur either. Instead, after I was finished, I started working on The One True Heir, a backstory for Wilbur that was made up on the spot. In the rewrite, I got to explore this backstory so much more considering it... actually existed. You know. Better than the original. I got the name Roselyn, Wilbur's mate, from the character Rosaline from Romeo and Juliet (which we were reading in English at the time) and Elizabeth, Wilbur's daughter, was named after my at-the-time best friend of the same name. Now for WX-78. At the time, I didn't realize people actually headcanoned that they held a soft spot for Webber. Somehow, it was just how their character grew as the story went on. Their relationship with Webber was left a bit more ambiguous, described simply as 'best friends', but as I got older I realized there were times it sounded almost queer-baity, so I decided to emphasize their bond as distinctly brotherly. I was posting exclusively to Fanfiction.net, which didn't have tags, so there wasn't any real way to say to the audience that shipping was not intended. If people wanna ship them, that's up to y'all, but it's not the story's intention. I am much happier with how they see each other in this version, and I feel it is more accurate to how I originally intended it to be. When I first started writing it, I did not intend to write Webber out of character. I simply... didn't know how to write characters that were soft and sweet. At this point, that boy's his own character lol Which leaves the fifth character- Nick!
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stellaferous · 7 months
some of my fav scenes from the story 👇
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all in all i really liked this event !! i'm happy that whenever DeNA writes stories with Gladion at the forefront, they end up being more fleshed out instead of the typical "shallow friendship" stories they usually make, i suppose this says a lot about gladion's character as a whole 👏
random dump on some scenes in the event:
i love when he said get lost to colress LOL i know it's part of his character to be blunt but i didn't expect that to be his response 💀
so did lear not host a party at all and lusamine just asked to borrow his manor as part of her plan??? either way she's clearly rich enough to make such a demand 💀💀
i know a lot of us were shocked to see gladion pair up with magearna of all mons, but it honestly makes PERFECT sense 😭 it's an artificial pokemon who loves to be researched upon and gladion fears it will end up being alone because of this, THIS EXACTLY PARALLELS SILVALLY 😭😭😭 his sense of justice and moral compass is so strong like this fits his character perfectly he just doesn't want magearna to suffer a similar fate
cool to see that his "sygna suit" was really just a fancy outfit he had to wear for the event and was not modelled specifically after magearna, but i guess we can headcanon that lusamine tailored that suit for him as part of her plan lol
also i honestly loved to see that gladion is capable of being formal when he has to LOL i know a lot of people object the idea of him becoming aether president but i personally dig the idea, regardless what people think happened between him and lusamine i feel like taking a job where he gets to care for pokemon and research them ethically (in a way he thinks is right) is a perfect fit for his character
^ to add a bit to this, i also like when he can just act like a rich kid with manners when he needs to, but the second someone acts against his morals he just goes back to being stubborn and brash 😭 all this fits my headcanon that sometimes he helps out his mom with aether foundation work by travelling to different regions to care for pokemon/assist pokemon professors, etc + my headcanon of him being able to speak more "proper" when needed IS NO LONGER JUST A HEADCANON 🎉🎉🎉
i LOVE when he has nice interactions with his family, especially his mom 😭 definitely a hot take but i'm perfectly fine with lusamine repairing her bond with her kids, the SM USUM timeline stuff is a bit messy but in my opinion i prefer when after she recovers from the neurotoxins shenanigans she earnestly works to fix her relationship with her kids, because i personally believe that even in SM she was supposed to be redeemable--not because "she deserves it", but because her being redeemed could strengthen the story's message about navigating a tragic family and fall from grace, ofc this depends on your interpretation on these events in the first place but i always felt like a happier ending was better suited for the aether family (i made another post abt this a while back lol... might rewrite it again)
also gladion calls her mom while lillie is more formal and says mother right??
to sum it up i love this story because everything abt gladion is true to character + his motivations for wanting to care for magearna are perfect + i love the little things they added to his character esp for confirming my headcanon + more interactions with his family + not like DeNA's typical "friendship" stories + IT FINALLY GIVES GLADION THE SCREENTIME IT DESERVES EVEN IF THIS EVENT FEELS A BIT SHORTER THAN OTHERS 😭😭😭🎉🎉🎉💗💗💗
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forever-fan · 1 year
My FNAF Hyperfixation has inspired me!
So I've been reading a bunch of FNAF time travel fix-it fics. If you don't know what I am referring to, they are basically fics where Michael/William/Henry/basically anyone else finds themselves in the past by some circumstance. They then try to fix the future.
Now that you know what I'm talking about I can actually get to the point. I have decided to write a FNAF time travel fix-it fic. It is tied to an AU, so don't come at me about "canon". Here is a sneak peek at it.
Michael wished he died in the fire. Well, technically he was already dead. He had no pulse and he couldn't breathe. His brain had long since stopped working and he got his energy from Remnant rather than digesting food. In all reality, he was a stubborn spirit trapped within his own corpse.
Michael hadn't died in the fire that Henry had set. Hell, his body was barely harmed. All he remembered was passing out before waking up in a random alley. Michael realized someone saved him, but now he was even more alone than ever before.
When the Mega Pizzaplex opened on top of Michael's old restaurant, he knew there would be trouble. Sure enough, there was. Michael took a job as a security guard and found that, while they weren't murderous, the animatronics weren't quite right.
Michael also found his fellow guard, Vanessa, to be a little shifty. She turned out to be way more than shifty when she pushed him into the daycare ball pit from a height that would have maimed or killed anyone else.
Michael's afterlife only got worse when he emerged from the ball pit and found that he was back in Fredbear's Family Diner in 1980.
This short introduction obviously doesn't tell you all the fun little headcanons that I have for this fic. I guess you'll just have to read it to find out. Of course, I haven't written in yet. But! I am so hyped about the movie that I think I'll probably finish the first chapter before twenty-four hours have passed.
[Edit: My entire document on Microsoft Word deleted itself from reality... RIP. So... I'm rewriting the first chapter all over again. :> And trust me, I looked through all of my files and drives. Let it be known, I have turned on auto-save cause it sucks to rewrite dialogue, and know for a fact that it's not the same as it was. Also, I lost a doc with half of my headcanons for a different fnaf au. Sadness.]
Real quick, I do have only a little bit of important information for anyone who wants to understand the timeline. (Also so I can remember the basic timeline I made for myself.)
Original Timeline
1968 - Michael is born.
1973 - Elizabeth is born.
1974 - Charlie Emily is born.
1975 - Evan is born.
1980 - William discovers something called Remnant.
1981 - The Missing Children Incident happens and Fredbear's barely stays open.
1982 - William begins to create the Funtimes to harvest Remnant.
1983, March - Elizabeth dies at her friend's birthday party, three days after Circus Baby's Pizza World opened.
1983, August - Evan dies a week after the bite of '83. (FNAF 4)
1983, August - Mrs. Afton [Yet to be named] dies after driving her car off a cliff.
1983, October - Charlie is murdered by William at her own birthday party.
1986 - Michael goes to college to get away from the tragedy and gets a little therapy.
1990, April - Michael receives a letter from his father asking him to find Elizabeth.
1990, June - Michael dies in the Sister Location. (FNAF 5)
1991, January - Michael assumes the name 'Fritz Smith' and works at Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria before being fired on his first day. (FNAF 2)
1993 - Michael uses the name 'Mike Schmidt' and works at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. (FNAF 1)
1993 - William dies in the Spring Bonnie suit
2000 - Michael works at Fazbear's Fright. (FNAF 3)
2010, Late December - Michael opens Freddy Fazbear Pizza Place. (FNAF 6, Pizzeria Simulator)
2010, Early January - Henry sets the fire, and Michael survives. (Still FNAF 6, Pizzeria Simulator)
2020, July - Michael works at the Mega Pizzaplex and is pushed into the ball pit only six days before the events of Security Breach.
Time Travel Timeline
[To be edited as chapters are added. Peek under the cut only if you have read the most recent chapter, or if you don't give a shit about spoilers.]
1980 - Michael arrives in the past. He is not happy.
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