#but i go on social media and it makes me angry and sad to see how much everyone hates each other
somethingvicked · 2 days
True love of mine part 7
An Eddie Munson story
Stranger Things AU (no Upside-Down)
warnings: female reader, angst, mentioning of drug use and death by OD. Flexible timeline.
Chapter 6.
You felt like you were slowly losing your mind. It had been a week since Eddie’s song was released, a week since your hope grew into a burning flame from the ashes.
But nothing more had happened.
The next day you actually followed him on Instagram, just so that he would know you were on social media, a way to make contact.
You were hurt once again, wondering if this had been some kind of game of his, to lure you back into his net only to dump you before anything had even happened! Did he tell his fellow musicians about you? About the pathetic girl that couldn’t get over her high school boyfriend?!
You were so depressed that when Friday came rolling around you had bought yourself a whole container of Ben & Jerry’s and a bottle of wine, decided to put on your comfiest pajamas and feel sorry for yourself the whole night.
That didn’t happen though, because someone knocked on your door before you even had put the ice cream in the freezer.
You walked over to the door and opened it. On the other side stood Wayne, Eddie’s uncle.
Your jaw dropped and in the next instant you were hugging the old man. “Wayne!” you exclaimed, tears rising in your eyes. He had been as much a part of your life back then as Eddie had and you had always liked him.
The smell of motor oil, cigarettes and coffee instantly soothed your nerves, bringing the nostalgic memories of stepping into Wayne’s trailer back then. Wayne himself hadn’t changed much and that was a comfort.
 “Hey, kiddo,” he told you as he let you go. “Is this a bad time? Can I come in?”
“Of course not, come in!” You beamed, stepping aside for him.
“Not that I’m not happy to see you, but what are you doing here? I thought you still lived in Hawkins, you poor man.”
Wayne laughed. “I do, although nowadays I live in a house, not a trailer.”
“Aw,” you couldn’t help but say. “I loved your trailer.”
“Yes, there were some good times there. But I’m not getting any younger and the luxury of having enough hot water and a boiler that won’t give out when it’s freezing outside… makes it easier on these old joints.”
You felt a little sad. You didn’t want Wayne to get old. Somehow it had seemed like he never aged, but of course he was human, just like everyone else. “That’s nice,” you told him, giving him a beer as you sat down in the living room. “Did you get a good check from the plant when you retired for all that overtime you’ve given them?”
Wayne shook his head. “No. Actually Eddie bought it for me, after he released his second album. I told him he didn’t have to, of course, but he said that I had taken care of him for far longer than I needed to, now it was his turn to take care of me.”
You looked down in your lap, feeling tears burn behind your eyelids. That sounded like the Eddie you knew. Then you frowned and your head shut up.
“Wait… so you were in contact with Eddie back then? On that note he left us it said not to look for him! When did he get back into contact with you?! And why didn’t he…”
Your voice sounded broken, your tone cracked with tears.
What the hell was this?! Had everyone suddenly gotten into contact with Eddie but no one had told you? And why didn’t he get into contact with you!? He wrote a song to say he still loved you after all these years but somehow you were the last one he contacted.
Wayne noticed your facial expression and your tears and leaned forward and placed a hand over your own.
“I understand that you’re angry and feel betrayed, Y/N. But that’s why I’m here. I’m going to explain what happened and why things are the way they are now. The correct thing would be to let Eddie tell you himself, but I know my boy… that might take another two years of misery for both of you so… I’ll do it instead.”
Wayne leaned backwards on the couch and took another sip of the beer. “As you probably remember – Eddie sold drugs back in high school. He did it to help me pay the bills. I’m not proud about that, I wanted to provide for him, but even living in that trailer money was scarce, so… I looked another way.”
You nodded; you had done the same. Well, you and Eddie even shared a joint or two back in the days, seeing nothing wrong with it.
“He rarely sold anything heavier than weed – the occasional prescription pills and sometimes Ketamine,” Wayne continued. “Neither him or I thought that would be bad enough for something to happen. But it did. You remember Chrissy Cunningham?”
You searched your memory before nodding. Of course you did. She was one year younger than you, two years younger than Eddie and had been head cheerleader the time you graduated from Hawkins High.
You had been away at college when it happened – Eddie was repeating his senior year for the third time – but you still remembered it. Chrissy had somehow died from a heart failure. The details were kept under wraps but from what you’d heart Chrissy’s heart had stopped one night and she had died.
  “Chrissy didn’t die from heart failure, Y/N,” Wayne said heavily. “She died from an overdose. She came to Eddie some months before graduation and wanted to buy Adderall from him. She said that it was so she could study for several tests at the same time, that she was under so much pressure from her mom to make straight A’s.”
Your eyes widened. “She… she died because…?”
Wayne nodded. “Eddie told her to follow the recommended dosage but it seems she doubled them. Eventually her heart couldn’t take it anymore and it gave out. The Cunninghams didn’t want ‘overdose’ as cause on the death certificate so they bribed the coroner to put 'heart aneurysm' as cause of death.
Anyway… somehow after this that Carver boy found out. He threatened to kill Eddie, and with even worse things I won’t repeat to you. But basically, Jason told Eddie that killing Eddie himself would be too easy. He would make sure, through his dad and his contacts, that I got fired from my job and wouldn’t be able to find a new one. That the Hellfire Club would be tossed out of high school and their parents in turn would be fired too.
That you…”
Wayne swallowed. “That you would be gang raped and beaten to a pulp on your campus ground, that compared to you Chrissy’s death would appear a walk in the park.”
“Eddie was desperate. He had already decided to go to the police and confess what he had done, but I’m guessing Jason didn’t know, because when Eddie asked him if turned himself in… would he then leave his family and friends – and most importantly; you alone? They had nothing to do with this.
Jason said yes. That’s why Eddie left. He went to Hopper first and Hopper contacted the state police since they are the ones taking care of bigger crimes. Eddie was sent to Indiana State Prison and got charged for involuntarily manslaughter and drug dealing.
Since he was so young and had no earlier priors he was sentenced to a year and a half but only served ten months due to good behavior and overcrowding. He may have served his punishment but he has never been able to leave it behind himself. That’s why he stopped with every illegal drug, weed included, after he got out. Rarely drinks himself drunk either.”
You nodded, trying to digest everything you had heard. Poor Chrissy. And poor Eddie! Dear God, he must have felt so… lost and scared. Even though he hadn’t killed Chrissy himself he must have felt so guilty. No wonder he ran away. Even without that fuckwad Jason, how could Eddie just pick up his regular life like nothing had happened after something like that.
“So Hopper knew?” you asked, feeling a bit of anger toward the old chief. “He knew where Eddie was and never told us. Never told you!”
Wayne shook his head. “Eddie had told him not to. Eddie was over eighteen, if you remember, and Chrissy’s parents wanted to keep it quiet. Hopper didn’t have much say in the matter.”
Maybe. But the fact that he had known all along what had happened, where Eddie was when the rest of you wondered if he was lying dead in a ditch… it still made you grit your teeth, but you let it be for now. You had more pressing questions.
“What about Jason?” you carefully wondered. “Has he backed off now?”
Wayne snorted. “That little shit. No, he doesn’t hold the same power over Eddie now. Jason is a bitter man that never grew out of his high school persona. Only difference is that he can no longer hide behind his parent’s wealth and power. He’s on his own.
No… the biggest reason why Eddie hasn’t gotten into contact with you, even though he finally bit down and told me everything, is… that he’s scared of what you will do, what you will think of him. But he has never stopped loving you. Jesus, I don’t even think he’s had a steady girlfriend ever during these fifteen years. An interviewer actually asked him if he was gay, since he’s never seen with any women.
And he’s has that tattoo you two got. I see you do too,” he told you, nodding toward the tattoo on your arm, making you rub your thumb over it.
“More than once I’ve told him to get into contact and just tell you – let you decide what you want to do with that information rather than make the choice for the both of you. That’s why I’m here now. Just giving the whole thing a little push.”
You couldn’t help but chuckle a little at the old man. He was a sly fox in many ways.
“Here,” he told you and held something out for you. It was a ticket to a new one night only concert for the new song Eddie had released. In your town!”
“Silly boy thought that if he came here and held a concert somehow you would find out and go there. Well, I’m making sure that happens,” Wayne said and you had to chuckle again.
“Go there, Y/N. Talk to him. Tell him you know and… well, what happens after this is up to you to. I’m just putting the wheels in motion.”
You nodded and walked over to him and hugged him again.
“Some things makes more sense now, uncle Wayne,” you said, without noticing you had once again called him ‘uncle’, “and it’s easier to understand. Thank you again.”
“Of course, kiddo.”
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Hawkins, 1982
Eddie and Y/N sat in his room, Y/N was reading a book by Stephen King with her feet in Eddie’s lap and Eddie was making notes for the next campaign. He was looking through one of the Dungeons & Dragons game books and raised his eyebrows:
“Wow, that’s a great design!”
“Hmm?” Y/N said and put her book down. “What is?”
Eddie showed her the image of the wyvern and Y/N’s question of “that’s not a regular dragon, right? It’s something different about it,” made him love her even more.
“God, I love you,” he said out loud and kissed her temple. “Yes, that’s not a dragon, it’s a wyvern. Wyvern has two legs, not four, and they usually have a stinger at the tail, like a scorpion.”
“Cool,” Y/N said, smiling at him. “Why? Are you thinking of adding that to your tattoo collection?” Despite the fact that Eddie hadn’t turned eighteen yet he already had two tattoos – the flock of bats on his arm – in honor of Ozzy Osbourne and a demon head on his chest.
 “I thought you liked dragons more, though,” Y/N continued, taking the book from him to see if she could find a picture of a dragon to compare.
“I do like dragons, kitten,” Eddie told her, using his special nickname for her. “But everyone likes dragons. It’s the ultimate animal. Powerful, beautiful and famous… the safe choice for a tattoo. Barely anyone chooses a wyvern for a tattoo. Or even knows they exist for that matter.”
Y/N looked up at him, her eyes held that special expression she got when something pleased her to the core of her heart. “Always looking out for the less fortunate ones, huh, Eds?” she said, leaning over to kiss him hard on the lips, the books falling to the floor.
Eddie held her face and rubbed his thumb over her cheekbone.
“You know what… I do plan on getting this as a tattoo soon, but my next one… I want to do something for you!”
Y/N’s looked up so fast her eyes almost rolled. “What?”
“Yes! I… I want to get a tattoo for you.”
“What – like… my name?”
“You don’t want me to?” Eddie wondered, pouting a little.
Y/N smiled. “No names, Eddie. That feels like bad luck.”
“Are you superstitious?” Eddie teased her and Y/N swatted his arm.
“Perhaps a little bit? I just don’t think you should push your luck. So no names – it needs to blend in with the rest of your tattoos as well, so… how about… how about we make roman numerals for the day we met?”
Eddie’s eyebrows disappeared beneath his fringe.
“We? You… you want to do it with me? A… a matching one? A couples tattoo!?”
Y/N blushed. “Yes. If you want me to?”
Eddie brought her up into his lap and got up, spinning around with her, all but yelling from joy. He already knew he would never love anyone else like Y/N. That he would marry her someday. And this… this was the first step towards that.
When you knew, you knew.
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taglist: @ali-r3n @ficsbypix @mewchiili @melodymunson @ches-86 @jenniquinn @eddiemunsonfuxks @stolen-in-moonlight @alastorssimp @pandemoniusstuff
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kaladinkholins · 5 months
i love being southeast asian.
despite whatever unhappy history, despite the rise of ethnonationalism and racism in our countries; despite the fact that most of us remain in the global south under the invisible thumb of western empires and conglomerates, exploited by rich expats and beg-packers; despite the conservatism, the bigotry, the pain and prejudice and the corruption.
despite all that, i love where i am from. this is my home.
my hands tenderly trace the lines of our history and find within it a colourful collection of influences that continue to shape us until today:
the native malays, javanese, sundanese, minangkabau, bugis, visayan, tagalog, and other dominant peoples.
alongside indigenous tribes like the iban, kadazan, sama-bajau, temuan, penan, jakun, and hundreds upon hundreds more ethnic groups.
all of us holding onto our ancestors' mysticism and spirituality and animism, the watchful gaze of legacy fixed on us as we move through an ever-changing and modernising world (and what is modernity anyway? isn't civilisation overrated?).
and then the chinese peoples. the hainanese, hokkien and cantonese and more, many of whom came here due to trade in the pre-colonial era, but then most arrived as the imported labour for the colonial powers.
but this is their home too. we live here together, and through them we all celebrate lunar new year and the mid-autumn festival. all of us give red envelopes during our many festivals. we give oranges that symbolise prosperity and ring in the year of the rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat. we hold lion dance performances in our malls and marks. we eat and exchange mooncakes.
and then the indian peoples, though mostly tamil indians from south india, but also sikhs, malayalis, and punjabis, who arrived and assimilated and spread their culture and beliefs much earlier before the pre-colonial era, causing the indianisation of southeast asia. then more indian peoples came during the colonial era, again, as imported labour, working our fields or donning the uniform of our common oppressors, kept walled away from us despite how alike we look and sound.
because truly we do sound the same. sanskrit remains an abundant source for a large chunk of our languages. i hear the vedic mantras and can pick apart words that sound familiar. hinduism and buddhism still leaves its traces in our cultures even for those of us who've shifted to islam.
and yes, islam. we're not what the west thinks of when they talk about the muslim world, but southeast asia has some of the largest muslim populations in the world. because through trade, since the medieval times, islam came here and with it brought so many arabic influences that has come to shape our languages and customs, with plenty of our cultures having since been morphed around islamic beliefs and ideas. in malaysia and indonesia and brunei (and perhaps even certain parts of the philippines) you'll find a mosque or a prayer room everywhere you go. and every ramadan millions of us fast, every eid all of us dress up and visit each other's houses for feasts and festivities.
then of course came european colonisation at the hands of the portugese, dutch, british (in malaysia and indonesia's case we got all three), spanish, and french their reigns lasting over 400 years. and from them we came european culture and more new languages, english quickly becoming a second language (or even a first language) for so many of us, missionaries building churches and spreading the word of jesus christ as the son of god; with their fair features they draw a line between us and them, between the civilised and the barbarians, between the light-haired light-eyed and the unruly dark-haired dark-eyed.
and then comes world war 2 and the japanese invasion, and for most it was so brutal and violent, and for the rest it was miserable, with famine and inflation but we were forced to sing songs in japanese anyway, to watch their planes fly in the sky towards their enemies, to swallow their ideas in our parched throats.
and then the war ended and wounds began to heal, and then came the 1980s until now with all its shiny technology: nintendo, panasonic, television and anime, and now we have leagues of people learning japanese language and culture anyway, except now it is done wholeheartedly, and as it turns out japanese isn't even that different from our own cultures anyway. houses on stilts made of wood with thatch roofs, making our living from the sea and coast, eating rice for every meal, our phonetics and theirs so alike.
and today we have waves of their expats migrating here because of course they do, we're the Global South™ and for them it's cheap and affordable, so we have little japans sprouting here and there and sometimes i go to a random street and find signs written in japanese and read bits of broken hiragana.
and it's beautiful, being able to move through this world and find the handprints we've all left upon it. it's a wonderful amalgam of so many traditions and colours and beliefs and language all mixing around in this huge bubbling melting pot.
and i'm not chinese or indian or arab or british but when i see them on tv, i'm also seeing a part of me, i hear the words in their tongue and i recognise them as mine, i eat their food and know them as intimately as my own.
but of course our politicians, our kings and our prime ministers (and the divide-and-conquer rule of colonisers now gone) continue to divide us and make us hate each other, fanning flames of distrust and fear of that-which-is-different.
it's such a shame too, because it's so special. it's what makes us us, our dozens of creoles, the way we can speak a sentence comprising vernacular from at least four languages and we all understand each other anyway.
we have a word in malay, "rojak", which is also the name of a dish that mixes a bunch of different ingredients, and is found in malaysian, indonesian and singaporean cuisine. but where i'm from, we also say "rojak" to mean anything that's an eclectic mixture of things, things that seemingly don't go together and aren't necessarily pleasing to the eye but still, somehow, it works, in fact it tastes good, spicy and flavourful and hearty.
and that's us: southeast asia, all of it, a beautiful rojak culture. and it's ours.
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thinkingaboutjaedyn · 2 months
all this lauren james discourse is making me not only angry, but also very much sad. imagine being a young black girl who looks up to lauren james, going on social media to obsess over her because young fans do that, and seeing all this racism in comment sections about her. not only a young black girl but imagine being a black girl in soccer seeing a black player who's making such a impact receive so much hate online that's just pure racism. how do you think she's going to feel? women's soccer is becoming bigger, more and more young girls are able to see women soccer players be respected and held in high regard. do all these great things... but only if they're white little girls. for black little girls they see their favorite black players being harassed and racially abused online over something that happens in a game.
y'all love to use black bodies as entertainment and for profit. y'all love black athletes when they win games for you, but when they make a mistake or slightly out act suddenly all the racism in this fandom pops out. i don't even think some of y'all see black players as human with the way a lot of woso fans talk about them. yes, lauren james sometimes act out of frustration and step on someone's foot, obviously that isn't right but she doesn't deserve racism 😐 in the most recent situation with lauren where it LOOKS like she had millie in a headlock was so bothersome to see and then for millie to turn around & like a comment & reply to that comment about the headlock is insane. THEN for some other engwnt players to comment or like that post? if i was lauren, i would be angry. they probably liked that post not even thinking about it but that's what so frustrating. these white players can go through this space not worrying racism. it's a privilege to just casually do something like that and not realize what could happen after. the fact jess carter who is black liked that post too / commented on it is ridiculous.
there are so many players who are more aggressive than lauren by far or act out way more than lauren. not just katie mccabe but there's players like lindsey horan who i have literally watch videos of her acting out on the pitch after an opponent does something to her.
some of you woso fans just want black players for entertainment but forget the person behind it. you want them to win you games and take your teams to great heights but treat them like shit. black women are dominating women's soccer right now. be thankful to lauren james because half of those chelsea/engwnt goals wouldn't exist without her. be thankful to trinity rodman for being a force on the field. be thankful to jaedyn shaw who's been scoring in nearly every game she starts for the uswnt. be thankful to khiara keating who is a brick wall at just nineteen. be thankful to bunny shaw who is a top scorer for man city. there are so many other black players i can list which just shows much impact they have on this sport. stop treating black players like shit because these teams y'all love so much wouldn't be anything without them.
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unreliablesnake · 8 months
I want you, but… [Ghost x reader (platonic)]
Summary: Ghost doesn’t like to see you date someone else. But when he has the chance to get what he wants, his common sense wins.
Note: We’re all sad bitches in this house (that’s me, I’m the sad bitch) so no happy ending. Ghost, I love you, but you’re an idiot. / If you want to know when I post new stuff, follow @unreliablesnakefics and hit the get notifications button.
Part 2
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Ghost usually isn’t the jealous type, but with you it takes very little to lose his cool. You’ve never been together, he knew he had no right to be mad at guys who flirted with you, he had no right to be angry with you for letting them, but it still happened sometimes.
One of the new doctors at base who treated your wound was really nice to you. Ghost was there, he volunteered to escort you to sick bay, making sure you didn’t collapse on the way, and when he saw the way the doc was looking at you, the kind, humorous way he was talking to you, he immediately knew what this was all about.
You didn’t seem to mind the attention, in fact you encouraged him by keeping up the playful conversation despite being in pain. Ghost took a hesitant step forward, planning to ask how you were, if he could bring you something, anything that could break the spell you were under, but he changed his mind last minute. He should keep his distance, he had no right to stand in the way.
He had been more irritated lately as he had been before. Johnny’s usual jokes simply went over his head, he didn’t even feel like being around others. You and that doctor got pretty close, pretty fast, and there was nothing he could do to stop this relationship from blooming.
Ghost picked up women for one night only, trying to forget you at least until he was fucking someone else, but all he could think about was you. Your smile, your laugh, your stupid sense of humor. He missed you, especially when you were both back home and there was no way for him to reach you.
All he could do was stalk you on social media. You barely posted photos of yourself, but when he saw a picture of you and–based on the size of the hand–a man clinking glasses at a bar probably, his heart sank. You were happy with someone else, feeling so confident about the relationship that you were ready to share it with your family and friends.
But then he checked the caption. “Sometimes ‘let’s stay friends’ isn’t an empty promise.”
He sat up in bed and reread the sentence. Did this mean you broke up? Hope filled his heart at the thought, even though he wasn’t sure how this could help him. He was your superior, the two of you getting together would cause a scandal for sure. Price wouldn’t be happy, the others might begin to believe he would play favorites with you, so everything pointed in the direction that you could never be together.
A few weeks later you were back on a mission together, and Ghost didn’t really know what to do. He was nervous around you, always carefully thinking about what to say before opening his mouth.
One evening Soap pulled out a bottle of booze from his bag, inviting the core team for a drink to relax a little. That one bottle turned into two, then three, the number growing because you were having fun together and apparently everyone brought something to drink just in case.
“So what’s with you and that doctor?” Gaz asked out of nowhere, almost causing the lieutenant to choke on his drink.
His eyes were glued to you, and your eyes traveled from one person to another until they locked with his amber ones. “It didn’t work out,” you admitted before turning to Gaz again. “Also, he’s going back to a civilian hospital. Less stress, he said. But I’m not sad or anything.”
“He doesn’t know what he’s missing out on,” Soap noted casually as he raised his glass.
Around one in the morning Price told everyone to go to sleep, saying they all needed some rest to sober up. While Price, Soap and Gaz left, you stayed behind with Ghost, your hands folded behind your back as you watched him with an anxious smile. The lieutenant didn’t really know what to say to you, so he decided to remain silent.
Even though he turned his back to you, he could still feel your gaze on him. “What is it?” he asked when he turned around to face you.
You inhaled then exhaled slowly in an attempt to calm yourself. But then you took a hesitant step towards him and said, “Are you happy that I broke up with him?”
“Why would I be happy?”
“You liked the photo I posted weeks ago. You know, the one about let’s stay friends. Also, there’s another thing,” you began, but you stopped talking. Ghost raised an eyebrow, waiting for you to continue. “Peter told me something that made me think. He said you were giving him death glares ever since he first talked to me in your presence after I got hurt on the field.”
Fuck, he had noticed. It’s not like he tried to hide it, but he sure wasn’t expecting the doctor to pay so much attention to him. What was he supposed to say? That yeah, well, I’m sorry, but he wasn’t good enough for you? In the end he let out a long sigh and put a hand on the back of his neck.
“I hope he didn’t break up with you because of that,” he noted quietly.
You raised an eyebrow at this in question. “What makes you think he was the one who broke up with me? Maybe it was me who let him go.”
“Did you?” You nodded. “Why?”
“Maybe there’s a big, scary guy I would rather spend my time with,” you replied with a playful smile.
Ghost wanted to kiss you so badly it hurt, but he kept his urges under control. When he stepped a little closer to you, you did the same, and eventually you closed the gap between you. He reached out to push a stray strand of hair behind your ear, watching as your breath caught in your throat from surprise.
After gulping loudly, you reached out to take his hand. “Was he right? Do you like me, lieutenant?”
“It doesn’t matter. I’m your higher-up, it wouldn’t work anyway. Go to sleep,” he told you, even though this was killing him.
He could see the signs. He could pinpoint the exact moment your heart shattered into pieces because of his response. Biting on your lower lip to stop yourself from crying, you nodded and left him standing there, making him hate himself more than ever before.
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cookierin-simp · 1 year
I was thinking to publish my smut fic about threesome with Lucifer and Diavolo but I realised how long it was so... I'm just going to keep it in my draft... I'll make a new one 4 ya! Meanwhile, enjoy my ridiculous headcanons about demons!
warning : one explicit headcanon.
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Beel thought that human is as fragile as an ant so he tried his best not to touch MC (failed, though)
Mammon has a fixation with technology just as much as how Levi enjoyed it
Lucifer have his own collection of S/M toys
Most restaurants in Devildom hang a portrait of Diavolo (it's a thing to hang a portrait of your ruler in any institute)
Satan have wrote few books and was called an author
Barbatos hates it when someone modified his recipe
Luke once modified it to suit the taste of Micheal and Barbatos wasn't angry, rather sad.
Sometimes, Solomon teleported himself to MC's room without any notice, and MC yelled so hard that all of the brothers broke down MC's bedroom door.
Lucifer actually love hanging people/demon from the ceiling because it felt like he has power over someone's freedom and admiring the way he tied the rope. So he always looking foward when MC causes disaster.
Lucifer like it when someone is obedient yet hard headed. It feels like a challenge to him to keep them.
Luke is terrified of dogs, despite him being called chihuahua
Mammon downloaded the app that can merge his face and MC to see how their children will look like.
Belphegor actually focused in classes and that's why he was so brilliant considering the fact he has never study and always asleep.
Outside class session, Belphegor slept a lot. Even in recess, he preferred to sleep rather than eating.
MC was once bullied by the demons in the class. Mammon then came into MC's class and preached about racism. (followed by Satan and Beel)
MC must got a lot of hates from the fangirls of the brothers in Devildom
Lucifer will be the type of guy who only post announcements regarding RAD in social media.
Beelzebub had his account on private.
Diavolo has disguised himself as a normal demon once when going out of town
There are female demons out there who have crushes on Simeon
Mammon always gets anonymous cute note and presents under his desk. It was from the demons who had a crush on him
Lucifer actually aware of demons who had a crush on him. He usually will become extremely intimate with MC when his fangirls are near, just to amuse himself with their jealousy.
Mammon watched conspiracy theories
Satan tried to solve mysteries in human world like missing plane
Asmodeus once took a photos of him and MC together in his room, which cause a sensation in Devildom. It's safe to say that Lucifer didn't let MC out from the HoL because of paparazzis camping outside, waiting for MC to give comments about that post.
Mammon was the only brother that always commented on Asmodeus's post and Asmo always pinned it.
Levi watched hentai, Mammon watched porn, Satan read smut while Lucifer indulge in explicit audios.
Before MC stayed in HoL, the brothers (except Lucifer, Belphie and Satan) have a tendency to only wear shorts in the house. Eversince MC stayed in HoL, Lucifer made a new rule to always clothed in the house.
Satan never knew about hairless cat, until MC showed him.
Lucifer have a power to fix things yet he rarely use it to teach his brothers to handle their ugly consequences without depending on his magic.
please wait for my upcoming fics! Meanwhile at that, check out my other works!
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drewsbuzzcut · 11 months
I Can See You
nico hischier x hughes!reader
warnings: slight slight angst, alcohol consumption, and I think that’s all
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Coming to New Jersey to visit Luke and Jack is starting to feel like a big mistake that’s about to blow up in your face.
Nico just has to be with them when you arrived at their apartment.
Nico just has to join the three of you for dinner.
Nico just has to join the three of you at a small bar that Jack likes.
Throughout the entire day you can feel his eyes on you, the goosebumps on your skin is proof. There was one point he tried to get you alone to talk, but you escaped into Luke’s room.
You’re angry. Plain and simple.
He made it seem like he had feelings for you. It’s not like he doesn’t have your number or your social media profiles. He just decided to leave you high and dry. You’d like at least an explanation or an apology.
You down your third drink of the night when you feel his body sidle next to yours. His cologne makes you dizzy in the best way possible, but it makes you angrier.
“Can I get a beer?” He asks the bartender, slowly turning towards you on the barstool.
“Y/n?” You can hear the caution laced in his words.
He reaches for your hand that’s resting on the bar top, you pull it away before he can grasp it.
“Leave me alone, Nico,” you say his name, no “cap” or “captain” that he loves so much.
“Please talk to me, y/n,” he begs. Desperation washing over his face. You think you see sadness in his eyes.
“Oh, so now you want to talk. You’ve had months to talk to me. A call or even a simple text would’ve sufficed,” you spit out, removing yourself from the barstool.
Nico follows you, reaching out to grab your hand to turn you towards him.
“Tell my brothers I have to leave,” you say, ripping your hand away.
“Let me take you home,” he suggests.
“No. I don’t want anything from you anymore. Leave me alone, Nico,” you finish, walking away and out the door.
You’re sitting on a curb outside when you hear the door opening, with everything in your body you know it’s Nico.
“Please let me explain myself. You can hate me all you want, but please let me explain,” he sits next to you, feeling hopeful when you don’t move away.
“We should talk somewhere private,” you whisper, berating yourself for giving in so easily, but you’d do almost anything for Nico.
Nico agrees and you and him take an Uber to his apartment. The ride is tense and quiet, but you can still feel his eyes watching you. The ride in the elevator is even more tense, the space tight and suffocating. You can feel a gravitational pull working overtime to pull you into each other’s arms. When you catch his eyes, you send him a glare in return. He can’t know that you’re starting to let your walls come down.
As soon as he lets you in through the door, he’s talking.
“I’m sorry I didn’t talk to you at all for so long.”
“I just want to know why.”
“You’re younger than me,” he says but you scoff at his lie.
“3 years is nothing,” you retort.
“It’s a lot when things get complicated. I’m not always around as you know, and the age gap will just further complicate things. We’re at different places in our lives.”
“That’s such bullshit. I know what it’s like with all the travel! Three! Three of my brothers are hockey players in case you forgot,” you point out.
He huffs and stays quiet which frustrates you to no end.
“You know what? Why’d you even want to talk to me if you’re not even going to bother being honest?” Your anger starts to boil.
“You’re Jack’s little sister. You’re also Luke’s sister, and I’m their captain. It’s like mixing business with pleasure. At the end of the day, you’re younger than me and my teammates’ sister,” he finally explains.
“Okay? Is there some written rule stating that you can’t date a teammate’s sister?” You’re livid.
“Well, no, but it’s implied,” he mutters, fidgeting with his fingers, something you noticed he does when he’s nervous.
“So screw me and my feelings, right? You just kissed me for the hell of it, then? I’m just someone’s sister and you’re just untouchable. I hate you,” you blurt out, your tears surfacing and heart dying little by little.
“No, please! You don’t understand,” he reaches out for you, holding your hands in his.
“I understand you loud and clear.”
“I want you, more than you know. I just don’t want things to become weird between me and your brothers. I also really happen to enjoy our friendship. I don’t want to somehow ruin things even though I already have,” he admits.
You have to stop yourself from leaping into his arms and attacking him with kisses. You need to be in his arms.
“Why not tell me that earlier?” You ask, trying to mask your tone with annoyance, but you can deny that you have the biggest soft spot for him.
“I didn’t want to pull you away from your life. You deserve someone who’s always there. I won’t always be there for you,” he says sadly and you can feel your heart crack at his admittance. You want so badly to reassure that he’d be the perfect boyfriend, but in reality you don’t know him as a boyfriend. Maybe he’s trying to shield you from himself when intimacy starts to take over.
At this time you realize your hands are still connected, so you pull them away and watch his face fall.
“I’m sorry. I really didn’t mean to hurt you,” he adds.
You card your fingers through your hair and take a deep breath. You look down and around, anywhere except his eyes. You know he’s sincere. You can tell by his watery eyes and the crease in his eyebrows. You feel the lump in your throat just thinking about him being sad. You also think about why he thinks of himself so poorly. Maybe this is happening for a reason. Maybe you should be nothing more than a kiss, but when you think about Nico, you know in your heart that you want to feel everything with him.
“I accept your apology, but it’s too late Nico. I would’ve loved to hear you say what you just did months ago. Now, I have a boyfriend back in New York,” it kills you to say, but you want him to feel that empty feeling that you felt for the past 7 months. It may be a bit immature of you, but you needed to see what his reaction would be.
“Oh… that’s… yeah, that’s stupid of me to think everything would be just fine after all this time. Good for you, though. You deserve happiness and I hope he treats you better,” he says through voice cracks.
“Um… I’ll take you back to your brother’s,” he finishes, walking past you towards the front door.
“Cap,” you whisper, reaching out for his bicep to stop him from walking out the door. Any thought you have in your head gets washed away by the one thought that resides in your heart. You want him and you are willing to take your chances.
He turns back to you, about to ask what’s wrong when you place your lips on his. You bring him into your body with your arms wrapped around his neck. He can’t help but let his hands fall to your hips.
“What about your boyfriend?”
You snicker, hiding your face in his neck.
“I may have lied about having a boyfriend. I just wanted to keep you on your toes,” you admit shyly.
Nico sighs in relief, leaning back in for another kiss. You giggle into the kiss, very pleased with his reaction. You card your fingers through his hair, making his hands fist the material of your blouse.
“How are we going to do this?” He breaks away, finally taking a breath.
“We’ll figure it out.”
“We can’t tell them, not right now at least,” he hesitantly whispers, afraid to break the moment.
You falter for a second, thinking about how telling your brothers can possibly ruin things, so you agree with him.
“Okay, captain. It’s our little secret,” you say simply, but it’s anything but simple.
He caresses your cheek and you know he is starting to figure out his way through the cracks of your tough exterior.
“I should probably get back to the apartment. Take me home?” You ask, kissing his lips chastely.
“I’ll take you anywhere you want to go.”
Take me to your heart.
a/n: So, I forgot that I was supposed to post this piece before the one I recently posted, but here it is! Enjoy!
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gay-wh0re-slut · 8 months
Thank you so much for doing my angst request! It was so good!Can I request a new one? I’m in a mood for angst lately, but with smutty ending lol
Reader and Rhea have broke up a while ago, but Rhea is taking it harder than she thought she would. She hears that reader is going on dates (which is actually just to kill time and as an effort to move on, but Rhea doesn’t know that). She feels angry and jealous that she’s replaced so fast and confronts reader about it. During the argument things are getting heated and “somehow” they resolve the misunderstanding horizontally 😅
i’m so glad you liked it! I’m hoping it was the one with the prompt bc that one was fun to write. thank you for making another request!
after writing: it’s a bit more sad than angry bc i lowkey went thru this a while ago lmaooo so sorry bout that but i hope you like it hahahahahaoops and they’re not really horizontal but it’s still hot lmaoo
rhea x fem reader
content: angst-ish with sad rhea, smutttttt, oral sexxxx, fingeringggg, hot buff goth woman kissing youuu ooooooo
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It’s been two months since you and Rhea have broken up. The first month was hard on you but the second month you wanted to get your mind off of it so you decided to download all the dating apps you could think of. You’ve been on a few first dates and a few second dates but none have lived up to your expectations.
It has been really hard on the wrestler though. She claimed that she did it because she was getting so busy that she felt it wasn’t fair to you that she wasn’t able to be around as much as she wanted. So she decided to end things, unfortunately for her, she didn’t realize how much she relied on you to get away from all the buzz.
You haven’t spoken or texted Rhea for three weeks and it was hurting you, but she was the one to end things so why should I try? you thought. You and her had mutual friends that you would hang out with sometimes and they would try to tell you updates on her but you didn’t want to hear them.
“She really misses you,” they would say.
“Then she shouldn’t have left me,” said the anger stage of grief.
Part of you knew that the friends were telling her that you were going on dates and how you were doing but you didn’t care. You wanted to seem like the ‘bigger person’ and make it seem like you moved on.
One night, you had been chatting with a girl on one of the many dating apps and things were going suspiciously well so you set up a date for the next day, just to see. It was at a local coffee shop because you wanted it to be in public in case something went wrong.
You wore a long maroon, but sort of tight dress that showed off your curves just right, some light makeup, and your hair natural; you didn’t want to try too hard. The time came and you headed to the shop, ordered coffee and sat down at a small table in the corner.
People came and went and you were there for about twenty minutes, checking your phone and scrolling through social media. Because you were waiting for quite a while, you didn’t want to come off as someone who got stood up, so you decided to text her.
“You still coming?”
“Sorry, something came up, maybe another day?”
Of course. This wasn’t the first time this happened and it sure wouldn’t be the last.
“All good,” was the only thing you said. You didn’t like putting effort into something that wasn’t going to go anywhere. If they wasted your time, then they don’t care about you, your friend would say, but something seemed off.
You brushed it off, drank your coffee and enjoyed your time alone, it was nice. You rarely went out by yourself, so it was good for a change.
You finally finished your latte, so you head back home. To your surprise, there was a familiar black truck in your driveway.
“No fucking way,” you growl as you park the car. You sit for a few minutes contemplating going somewhere else in town, maybe a movie or something long enough to where she would leave on her own, but you decided against it. “If she wants to talk then let’s talk.”
You slammed the car door and stomped inside to her helping herself to a glass of water.
“Sorry to show up out of the blue,” the australian admitted.
“No you’re not,” you threw your keys down on the counter.
“Excuse me?”
“Obviously you have something to say that you couldn’t call or text about so…” you crossed your arms keeping your distance.
She was silent but you could tell she was trying not to go off.
“So?” you push.
“You’ve been going on dates,” she finally said.
“Yeah and? Why does it matter? You broke up with me,” the lump in your throat began to form, you were never good with confrontation but you swallowed it down.
“It’s only been two months!” she barked as she threw her hands up.
“People grieve differently!”
“You’re not grieving, you’re trying to get back at me.”
“I’m not. I’m trying to move on,” you glare.
“Moving on means seeing other people after two months?” She walked to the kitchen table and leaned on the back of one of the chairs, gripping it tightly.
“Yes, it does because I’m tired of throwing myself a pity party every night.”
“As if I haven’t done that?” she gestured to herself.
“You broke up with me,” you reiterate.
“Doesn’t mean I can’t miss you!” She walked to the bar area of the kitchen counter.
You let the words hang in the air, you genuinely didn’t have a response to that.
“It’s like you didn’t even care to reach out,” she sighed under her breath.
“The phone works both ways,” you rebutted.
“Doesn’t mean I didn’t want to talk to you.”
“I didn’t think you wanted to!”
“Of course I did! I wanted to remain friends,” her cheeks were flush.
You try to calm your breathing and think hard about what you’re going to say because you didn’t want to get her feelings anymore than you did, apparently. “It’s hard to remain friends with someone you had fallen in love with and been with for a year.”
“As if I don’t know that?!” She crossed her arm and held her forehead with the other, “I had hope that we could work our way back.”
She took a long deep breath, before looking back up at you, “so you don’t want to try?”
“Literally when did I say that?”
“You didn’t have to say anything! I can tell with the way this is going that you don’t want to,” she was trying to calm herself down but you could tell she was struggling.
“No, no, no, back to the main question, why do you care that I’ve been seeing other people? We broke up!” you uncrossed your arms and got yourself some water too, your hands needed to do something.
“Because!” she huffed, “Because I still care for you and I don’t want you to get hurt,” she sighed once more, “and I miss you.”
You stop in your tracks and set the glass down gently before your impulse took over to throw it. You glare at her, “then why did you leave?”
“Because it wasn’t fair to you! We barely saw each other and when we did we would fight! I loved you too much to do that to you,” tears began to form in her eyes but she didn’t dare let them fall.
“I was perfectly fine letting you do what you love and was willing to work it out, you never talked to me about how you felt! You just up and left!” you threw back.
“Are you serious?! I had a flight that morning I had to leave, it was nothing to do with you.”
“You could’ve waited,” you growled.
“And make you feel more miserable?”
“I wasn’t!! That’s what I’m saying! I loved you, hell I still do, but that was bad the way you did it and you know it,” you pointed at her, hoping that she didn’t catch that one part.
“You what?”
Damn it, “you heard me.”
She sat at the bar and hung her head in her hands, sniffling.
“Rhea…” you start, and the lump in your throat was getting bigger, “I was distracting myself so that I could stop thinking about you. You consume my life, I think about you all the time,” a tear fell and you wiped it away before she could see. “I couldn’t do anything that first month, I was miserable, I had to do something.”
She lifted her head, her face was red and covered in tears. “I never stopped loving you,” she admitted.
“That makes two of us,” you said under your breath. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
“Because I didn’t want to hurt you again,” she wiped her nose with a paper towel.
You couldn’t think of anything to say. You sat there staring at her, thinking of everything you’ve ever done together and where it went wrong, but it never came up. “What do you want me to say?” you sigh.
“I don’t know,” she caught your eyes. Those icy blue perfect eyes staring back into you.
“Then what do you want from me?”
She sat for a minute racking her brain, trying to think of an answer that was different from what she wanted to say, but what’s the use, she thought and decided to shoot her shot anyway, “Another chance?”
You contemplate for a few short seconds, “You have to promise me-”
“I’ll do anything please, baby,” she didn’t mean to call you that, but you let it slide.
“You have to promise me that you’ll keep me informed on your schedule no matter what. We will make it work. Take me with you, I’ll pay for the extra bed, I’ll pay for the tickets, just…” you take a deep breath, “don’t give up again.” You didn’t think you would fold so quickly, but here you were.
“I promise, I’ll send it right now, the whole month. And when the next one comes I’ll send you that too,” as she took out her phone and sent it, “we can download a shared calendar app.”
“Thank you,” you took a sip of your water and set it back down. “Now are you going to admit that you were supposed to meet me at the coffee shop or what?”
“I had to get to you somehow,” she smiled nervously.
“You didn’t think that Leah Shipley wouldn’t raise an eyebrow?”
“Hey, what can you do?” she shrugged.
The two of you sat in silence for a good minute smiling at the thought of her trying to trick you.
“So are you going to kiss me or what?” you said a little too confidentally.
She basically ran around the counter and slammed her mouth against yours, holding your jaw. Your hands grabbed her waist and pulled her in tightly.
“God, I missed you,” she breathed.
“Shut up,” as you kiss her again.
She carefully walked you backwards towards the counter as your lips danced against hers. Your hands found themselves roaming her body naturally, like it was never gone.
She picked you up onto the counter, carefully moving things away. Her hips shoved their way in between your thighs pushing your dress up as she went, as you wrapped your legs around her, pulling her in as close as possible.
A hand found its way into your hair and yanked it to the side letting a whimper spill out of you. She kissed down your neck, biting delicately sending shockwaves down to your core. She kissed her way down your chest until she couldn’t find anymore bare skin. Suddenly, her arms pulled you forward to where you almost fell off the counter, yanking your dress farther up. She planted soft kisses on your inner thighs which made you crazy.
“Can I-” she whispered before you cut her off.
“Do it. I don’t care just fuck me, please baby,” you had missed her touch so badly. No one had ever made you feel the way she did, it was insane. She knew how to work you out just right.
With a devilish smirk she bit harder on your thighs spreading them as far as they would go. Your hand tangled itself in her hair as you used the other one to lean back. She grabbed at the waistband of your underwear and slid them off of you. A shiver hit your body as the cool air hit your hot center.
Her eyes widened at the sight of you basically dripping onto the counter, “Damn, baby, you missed me that much?”
“Shut up,” you said once more and shoved her head into you.
She immediately began lapping at your juices. You moan loudly with your head slamming on the cabinets behind you. A small “fuck,” fell from your lips followed by another moan. Her hand grazed up your thigh, lightly scratching its way up. It reached around to the small of your back and pushed you more forward into her. Riding her face, your hand gripped hair tighter. The hand sneaked its way back around and prodded at your entrance.
“Please, yes,” you whine.
And so she did, gently plunging her two fingers into you. “God,” you groan as your eyes rolled back.
She kissed the inside of your thighs before returning to your neck and kissing her way up to your lips. You grab her face, kissing her intensely, as she’s now pounding into you. Her other hand returns to your now swollen clit and adds to the knot growing inside of you.
“You missed me, baby?” she coos.
“So… fucking… bad,” you breathe.
“Then show me,” she growled.
Only a few seconds pass and you released all over her hand with a loud moan, squeezing your legs closed but was stopped by her hips blocking your way. Your back arching into the woman in front of you, “ffffffucccckk,” you whine as she kisses your neck. Your nails are digging into her shoulder blades as she continues to pump in and out of you letting you enjoy the high.
As you came down, catching your breath, you release your grip on her shoulders. Your head lolled forward leaning onto the wrestlers forehead for a few breaths before leaning back onto the cabinet. She gently pulled her fingers out of you and brought them to her mouth, cleaning them off.
“I forgot how good you taste, princess,” her accent was so thick you almost came undone again.
“It’s been too long,” you sigh.
“I guess we have some catching up to do, then huh?” she smirked. She picked you up with a giggle coming from both of you and began to carry you to your bedroom.
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luvrsux · 9 months
i absolutely LOVEEE your mafia Shanks babe not to mention i adore any and eerryyyy thing you do!!! Was wondering if you could write honestly anything for Shanks who is just absolutely obssesed with reader. Live action Shanks did a NUMBER in my well-being that man’s SOOO FINE (literally has me in a chokehold) Have a GREAT day loverrr 🤭😩🤍
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thank you for the request \(◦´-`◦)/♡
“I Can Be a Better Boyfriend”
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word count: 9k
summary: shanks is obsessed with you but unfortunately youre spoken for. what you don’t know is that your boyfriend isn’t very loyal and shakes wants you all to himself
cw: NSFW, obsessive behavior, mentions of weaponry, choking, oral (receiving and giving), fucking while on the phone
a/n: my longest fic⁉️
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There was a slight tension in the room you sat innocently in, surrounded by chatter and laughter. You had a cold cup of an alcoholic beverage in hand while you sat close to your chatterbox boyfriend, where the tension lingered. You sensed the tension coming from him and who it was toward. You’d flicker your eyes between your close friend, Shanks, and your boyfriend, seeing how transparent the jealousy was—but it was a party, you thought. No need to cause a scene, right?
“Let’s play truth or dare!” The drunken cowboy said waving an empty bottle in the air before letting it roll in the center. His scruffy brother Luffy yelled in agreement.
Your eyes trailed towards the redhead who now had a smug grin directed straight toward the man that held you close beside you. You gulped.
Your boyfriend and Shanks never had the best relationship. The oddly overprotective guy would always tell you how he was bad news, and shower you with flirtatious comments like how you were too good for the likes of him. The way Shanks would go on and on about you was the very thing that made your partner want to rip him into shreds. You loved Shanks, though. He was there for you since day one and was always your ride or die. You didn’t want to throw him out for a guy, and your partner respected that.
In reality, Shanks was infatuated with you. Since the day he laid eyes upon you, he wanted you all to himself. He dreamed of wrapping you in his own arms any given chance he wanted, even in public. During the years you two shared a friendship, he remembered each and everything that made you smile, laugh, sad, or angry. Shanks knew you better than you even knew yourself. He was obsessed with you—and boy was he upset when he found out you were spoken for.
Shanks made it an ultimate goal to make you his sooner or later. It’s something he craved, itched for. He made it painfully obvious that he loved you far more than just a friend. Those flirtatious gestures were just the beginning. He’d sometimes stalk you on social media when you didn’t talk to him, and even go out of his way to “accidentally” bump into you when you were out. Nothing, absolutely nothing, could get in between you and him. Not even you’re good for nothing boyfriend that has been cheating on you for months right under your nose.
Shanks knew, from the beginning. You weren’t the only person he’d keep tabs on, necessarily. He found out your liar of a partner had been betraying your trust with random women for some time. Shanks could never tell you because the thought of him being the reason you were upset over someone who wasn’t worth it broke his heart, despite the fact he didn’t even do the unfaithful act. Believe it when Shanks found out, he was furious. Luckily for the man himself, he had a few tricks up his sleeves already…
Back to reality, you happily agreed to play truth or dare with the little gathering of Shanks’ friends and your own. You all sat on the carpeted floor while Shanks kept slouching on the love chair. He couldn’t keep his eyes off of you.
“I’ll go first! Me, me!” Luffy pushed his brother aside and received an angry ‘Hey!’ in the process. He did his iconic giggle while he spun the bottle in the middle. It landed straight at Roux, who had a beaming smile.
Roux picked a dare that was asked by Luffy and it was simple enough. Luffy dared Roux to finish Beckmann’s plate of food and he ever so happily obliged. You giggled at Benn’s furious remarks now that his plate of food was nothing but thin air.
“Who’s next?” Shanks asks. Ace pushes Luffy aside, who is ready to steal a turn, and raises his hand. Ace leaned over to the glass bottle.
“I’ll spin” With that, the bottle spun in circles before landing directly at you. You went wide-eyed, not expecting to go so soon. You noticed Ace forming a devilish smile.
“Truth or dare?” He asked.
Maybe the alcohol was getting to you, or maybe it was the amount of adrenaline circuiting through your veins since you were the second pick but you immediately said dare. Ace chuckled under his breath quite deviously.
“I dare you to sit on… Shanks’ lap for the rest of the game” Ace clapped his hands together and laughed. Shanks looked at Ace with a pleased smile before resting his head on his knuckles to look dead straight at you.
Your jealous partner grabbed your hand in objection when he realized you were getting ready to oblige. He stared at you with sinister eyes, not wanting you to go near the redhead, who now was more than amused by your jealous boyfriend's reaction.
“Babe, don’t… You already know how I feel about him…” He ironically says. You smile and leave a peck on his cheek as comfort, to which he didn’t deserve.
“Trust me, it’s fine. Me and Shanks aren’t like that. I’ll chicken out of the dare after a few rounds, okay?” You whisper.
The group stared at you two, anticipating if you’d chicken out or not, which had a punishment. You weren’t too excited to receive a possible hardcore punishment from the reckless boys, so you decided to go with the dare. Your boyfriend just scoffed and let you be, not even caring about your words.
Shanks had eyes trailing along your body like he had just seen a goddess blind him as you walked yourself over to him. He had beaming eyes as well as a devious smile. He didn’t hesitate to sit up straight for you to use him as a newfound seat. Since he felt your body press against his crotch, he was ready to show everyone in this room, including your scumbag partner, who he truly loved. You felt your cheeks flare up once your back grazed against his partially exposed chest. Your body was stiff and you wondered why you became so flustered around the redhead. Shanks avoided touching you, for now.
A round or two went on and your partner looked aggravated. He barely participated in games and just chose truth for every round. Shanks enjoyed the angry view of your partner meanwhile you started to feel a bit bad. Shanks caught a glimpse of your empathetic attitude and quickly wanted to make a stop to it. ‘You shouldn’t waste a single breath out of your pretty face for him, (F/N)’
Your partner got chosen again and, lo and behold, he chose truth. He had daggers in his eyes towards Shanks and you, who sat on his lap so innocently with doe eyes. He saw Shanks whisper something in your sweet ear and you sprout up in giggles. As soon as you covered your face with your palms from your silly laughter, Shanks made absolutely sure he made eye contact with the boy across from you.
“Are you jealous of Shanks and (F/N) right now?” Someone asks your partner. Your laughter dies down upon hearing the question, your expression growing more serious. You watch your partner exhale deeply and form a fake smile.
“No, of course not! I trust my girl, she’s the best” He bullshitted. In reality, he wanted to rage at the redhead and yell at you for condoning the behavior. Shanks saw right through his fake facade and gave him a glare.
He murmured. You heard a rumble from his chest and you turned your head around. The scent of your shampoo slithered into Shanks's nose and he formed a smile.
“Said something?” You ask innocently. He looked you up and down with a relaxed smile and half-lidded eyes.
“No, don’t worry, doll” He cooed. His tone of voice made your body shiver. You didn’t know how to process the new nickname he gave you, but chose not to say anything.
“Aww, how cute”
“I’m surprised”
Unlike Shanks, everyone bought into your partner's fake lies. Shanks hated that no one knew who he actually was. Your fraud of a boyfriend gathered the praise to only fuel his fragile ego even more, and the redhead you sat comfortably on didn’t like it. Soon, you felt a tender arm wrap around your waist and a half-bare chest press against your back. You slightly inhaled sharply at the sudden feeling.
“Sorry ‘bout that. Needed to get comfortable, y’know?” Shanks chuckled right beside your ear. You could feel his breath slightly tickle your neck.
He displayed quite the show in front of your now-boiling partner. You could’ve sworn you saw a vein come out of his forehead. Steam might as well be coming out of his ears at this point. He cleared his throat and slammed his drink on the floor, causing a loud thump.
“Wow, it’s late. I have work in the morning, I’ll see you guys” He, yet again, created a fake mask to prevent any scene from happening. You heard in his tone was quite on edge and jolted. The firm arm around your body restricts you from easily getting up.
When you saw your partner approach the door with his coat, you finally broke free of Shanks to chase after him. The scene made Shanks want to hurt him, but he could only curse under his breath.
“Babe, babe…” You say, grabbing his hand. He whips at you with daggered eyes. You felt your heart sink a few feet into the Earth's core.
“Don’t ‘babe’ me… He was all over you” He hissed. You opened your mouth agape to rebuttal but were interrupted by him facing the illuminated screen of his phone rather than you. He seemed as if he had a message he needed to read.
“Who’s that?” You abruptly ask. He angrily tucked his phone away and finally faced you. His arms slithered through his jacket and slipped it on.
“Just a coworker. Look, I gotta go. I’ll text you tomorrow” He gave a quick peck on your cheek as well as a quick glare at the staring redhead, to which you had not noticed. You stared at the door in defeat.
“Love you…”
You said to yourself.
In actuality, lately, you’ve grown skeptical of your partner. You’d notice that he couldn’t go a second without his phone and have a heart attack if it went missing like it was his own kin. The moment he got defensive about you snatching his phone from him, you started to overthink and rethink your trust in him. Your trust and overthinking would fluctuate as days passed. One day, he’d be absent-minded and forget your plans no matter how much effort you’d put into it. Another day, he’d shower you with gifts and compliments. On days like those, it’d make you quite delusional and forget the rather questionable behavior he’d project. You also began to sense a bit more animosity from him towards you. He’d blame it on work, but he couldn’t seem to not stop pouring out his anger onto you. The only person who could comfort you on those heartbreaking days was none other than Red-Haired Shanks.
While you stared at the blank door in front while chatter, laughter and music played behind you, you sighed in complete defeat. Now that your mood completely plummeted by your fraud partner, you had no reason to keep the party going. You wished you hadn’t hosted the get together at your own home but here you were. You felt an arm wrap around your shoulders.
“Everything alright?” A voice spoke to you. You quickly averted your menacing stare from the door to a more oblivious gaze at the redhead.
“Oh, erm…” You stammer. You couldn’t help but shrug in defeat. “Guess I’m just tired… Can you tell-“
“Don’t worry your little pretty head”
Shanks winked and patted your head. Shanks immediately caught onto the situation as if he didn’t eavesdrop on the entire quarrel. You made eye contact with his back while he stood tall in front of the partying group.
“Alright guys, (F/N) needs rest. Party’s over”
You heard Shanks try to escort everyone out of the comfort of your house so you can decompress your stress from your failing relationship. Everyone groggily objected to leaving before being dragged out by their more sober friends. You watched Shanks push everyone out of the front door from the sidelines, admiring his charm and kind gesture. He immediately knew you needed space and quiet. The way he could sense everything about you made your heart skip a few beats.
“That should be everyone” Shanks chuckled, clicking the door shut. You rubbed your arm nervously and hummed, gazing at your close friend. He approached you with loving eyes. You felt his finger tuck a lingering strand of hair behind your ear.
“You sure you’re alright?” He asked, rather close to your face. With one single push, you were bound to crash your lips against his own. You gulped.
“Yeah… Promise” You murmur. Shanks gazed at the features on your face as if he couldn’t get enough of it. He’s seen your face a million times and stared at your pictures on social media for ages but he still couldn’t get enough. He chuckled.
“I’ll stick around and clean up. You get rest, doll” He repeated the nickname once again. You still didn’t know how to feel about it and why he called you that, but for some odd reason, it made you gush.
“Are you sure?” You asked, watching him already get to work on tidying your messy living room. He hummed.
“Promise. Now go sleep”
You gave him one tight squeeze of his chest. You could faintly hear his heartbeat for a moment before you pulled away. Shanks resisted every urge to keep you there.
“Thank you, Shanks. You’re the best” You beamed.
Those words made Shanks fall in love with you all over again. He saw you skip away to the hallway that led to your very own room. Shanks let out a small chuckle before continuing to pick up the lingering cups and cigarette buds.
Shanks made sure you went to bed alright before he could leave. He escorted you to your room and saw you tuck yourself in bed. He felt like slithering his body next to yours, but that’d have to wait a little bit longer. As soon as you saw him make his merry way to your door, you sat up.
“Wait… Do you maybe wanna… Sleepover? The couch is right there” You offered with a sweet smile. Shanks was more than on board to take the offer, but there was something he had to do.
“I’d love to, doll. But I have to do something at home” Shanks painfully declined. The sight of your small frown made his chest tighten.
“Alright…” You say softly. Shanks gave you a comforting smile in hopes of making that frown turn into that smile he loved dearly.
“I’ll come in the morning to check on you, don’t worry. I’ll bring some breakfast on the way” Shanks smiled. Your disappointed demeanor shifted like whiplash by Shanks’ mere words.
“Really? Oh, thank you!” You beamed. Shanks was happy that you were now pleased. He hummed and gave you one last sweet smile.
“Anything for you” He murmured before leaving the room.
He exhaled out of pure euphoria by simply talking to you and seeing you as sweet as ever. For a moment, he forgot why he even had to leave in the first place. Before he could consider slumping on the couch, the buzzing of his phone snapped him back to reality.
Yassop - 11:56 PM
target is at the scene just as planned, cap
His memory traced back to him as soon as his eyes trailed along the message sent by his trusty partner-in-crime. Shanks carved a menacing smile and strutted his body to leave the comfort of your home.
Shanks - 11:58 PM
on the way
Shanks sat in his car as casually as ever. Completely brushing off the fact he was about to do something completely against the law. The orange street lights slightly illuminated against the dewed window beside him and he stared up at the building before him. He kept his eyes locked on a specific window which showed a silhouette of his newfound target. Shanks could feel himself getting antsy as he’d been meaning to do this for a while, and the time as finally come. With glossed photo captures in his raven trench coat and a steel, sharp dagger tucked away on the other side, he exited his car when the moment was right.
The redhead had his head ducked down until he stepped inside the apartment complex. The stairwell is rugged but fortunately empty. At this hour, people were sound asleep in their own peaceful dreams. Shanks, having done this a couple times before, knew exactly which door was the gateway to his target's demise. As soon as he landed his sinister eyes on the locked door, he never felt so much adrenaline in his system when he gave it a single knock.
“Yeah, yeah babe I know- Hello?”
There he was. Your partner, on the phone with someone who most definitely wasn’t you, swung the door open to a smiling Shanks. He pulled his device away from his ear to eye the tall, blood-haired man up and down.
“What the fuck are you- Mmmph!”
Shanks made himself feel welcome and shoved a hand against his mouth. His hand gripped his jaw so tightly, that he thought he could’ve shattered it right there and then. Your boyfriend stared up at Shanks with widened eyes that had his whole life flashing before him. The unfamiliar feminine voice on the other line could be faintly heard, frequently saying “Hello?” “Are you there?” “What’s going on?”. To avoid suspicion and the police locking Shanks in handcuffs, he had to put an end to that conversation.
“Hang up the phone”
His voice rumbled against his trembling ear. He could’ve killed someone with a single sinister tone with the way he spoke into your partner's ear. He nodded frantically, already obeying Shanks like a dog and he hadn’t even pulled out his dagger yet. He let go of his bound-to-be bruised jaw and let him speak.
“I’ll- Call you back” He stammered. Shanks could faintly hear the voice continue to bombard him with questions but to no avail. He had already cut the line before explaining. Seeing as how he had a tight grip around his jaw, he wondered what else Shanks was capable of if he didn’t oblige.
“What do you want…?” He gulped. Shanks chuckled. He just looked and paced around the comfort of your boyfriend’s home as if it were his own. He trailed his eyes on an opened can of beer and an opened pizza box.
“Takeout? You must’ve known I was coming, I’m starving” Shanks ignores his shaken question. He picked up a slice, which was rather cold to his liking but it sufficed. He nonchalantly took a happy bite and washed it down with the freshly cracked open beverage.
“You have pretty good taste, I’ll give you that much,” Shanks said with a mouthful. Your boyfriend watched the scene with horrified eyes. He was completely distraught and it might as well give him whiplash with the way he behaved. Just a moment ago he had a hand around his face that was ready to snap it, and now he’s acting like a house guest.
“What the hell do you want, Shanks?” He says more confidently. Shanks notices his bolder tone rather than his more scared one like before. He gives him a bit of a menacing side eye before rummaging in his pocket.
Suddenly, 4k resolution glossed images spread on the table Shanks was feasting on. Each image presented a quality image of your liar of a boyfriend going behind your back with several different women. Some contained regular romantic dates while others were more explicit. Each one captured a clear view of his face to make sure it was undoubtedly your unfaithful partner. Upon glancing at each and every one of them, he felt his heart drop miles into the pits of the Earth. He thought he was being discreet and slick about his actions, but the truth always unveils itself, doesn’t it? Especially by someone as obsessive as Shanks.
“How did you-…” He began. He furrowed his eyebrows to a Shanks that continued eating at his pizza slice innocently. He clenched his fists into balls.
“Don’t you dare go and tell (F/N) about this-!” He begins but is cut off by a devious chuckle. His face dropped upon hearing it from the redhead. He watched him drop the half-eaten piece of food on the floor carelessly and rummage around in his pocket. Before your partner knew it, another hand clenched his jaw. What made this time entirely different and a lot more petrifying was now he felt a cold, steel item lightly pierce into the flesh of his neck. He watched the blade with bloodshot, scared eyes while Shanks did as well with a smile.
“I won’t tell that pretty girl, I don’t want to break her precious heart” He cooed. Shanks leans into his ear to yet again use that sinister voice to his advantage.
“You’re going to tell her about each and every time you were an unfaithful dick to her before sunset tomorrow” Shanks could hear his frantic, horrified, shaken breaths. “And, trust me, I’ll know. You’d consider this interaction a lot nicer than the one I’ll give you if you don’t do as I say. That a deal?” He asks. No response due to the sheer shell shock Shanks provided.
“I said is that a fucking deal?”
Shanks's devious smile dropped to a stone-cold, serious look. After repeating himself once, your “boyfriend” was afraid of what would happen if it happened a second time. He frantically nodded as his life depended on it. Shanks could feel a wet, warm sensation on his hand. He pulled his head away from his ear to reveal the once bold guy grew tears on his face.
“What a pussy…” He pushed him aside for him to collapse on the floor. Shanks wiped his dewed off to dry. He exhaled, his job finally done for the night and now completely satisfied. Although, he was a little disappointed that he couldn’t draw blood.
“Thanks for the meal, greatly appreciate it. See ya!” He says rather cheerfully before exiting the room.
Shanks never had such a big beaming, evil grin on his face before.
You sat on your cushioned couch, minding your business. You had your eyes locked on the screen mindlessly, not a single thought behind those eyes. That is, besides the thought of your “partner”. He hadn’t messaged you at all since the gathering. You’ve been sending him several messages but they all met the same fate; left on delivered.
The only thing that made your day better was that Shanks kept his word. He was invited into your home with open arms with fresh breakfast in hand. You remember sharing the meal together. One thing, in particular, was the moment Shanks had a finger wipe off the lingering sauce on the side of your mouth only to lick it off of his own finger. Something about the interaction made your stomach flip. After Shanks's unfortunate departure, you were left alone worrying about your relationship. You didn’t want to bother the redhead about it considering he’s heard it a million times, but he’d hear it a million times more in a heartbeat.
You were just about to finally call him to ask him what he was doing. Those skeptical feelings came flooding back as usual. The thought of there being someone made your stomach turn, but it’s been such a recurring thought for a while that the feeling of heartbreak became more bearable. Your thumb hovered the call button until it was quickly pulled away by your own body from the sound of your door knocking. You presumed it would be Shanks since he liked to surprise you often.
You trotted your feet towards the door that, for some reason, grew more frantic knocks—like the person needed to get ahold of you. You sighed and adjusted your clothing to seem more presentable and less lazy-like.
“I’m coming, I’m coming” You annoyingly say before twisting the metal knob to the side. You swung the door open, hearing the mass impact of the raining water meeting the ground. You stare up at your drenched boyfriend with sad eyes.
“Babe…? What’s wrong? Are you okay?” You frantically ask, your once annoyed demeanor completely vanishing. Without a word, he pushed passed you like you didn’t say a single thing. He created small footprint puddles on your hardwood floors as he walked. You quickly shut the door.
“I-… I need to talk to you, (F/N)” He used your actual name, which he started resulting in a lot more than before. He spoke in a horse tone as if he’d been running a marathon. You quickly trailed him to the couch to get him comfortable.
“What’s up? C’mon, talk to me” You placed a hand on his forehead to check his temperature, knowing the probable chance of him getting sick from the pouring rain.
“Listen,” He began. His eyes were filled with absolutely nothing but guilt. He wrapped his soaked hands around your warm and dry ones. “You have to get rid of Shanks” He blurted.
You blinked, staring at him completely dumbfounded. You two have slightly argued about Shanks but you’ve done everything in your ability to prove to your insecure partner that you were loyal and not into Shanks, so you thought. You nervously tucked your hair behind your ear.
“What? Why, what are you talking about-?”
“He- He- He came to my fucking house” He cut off and started speaking frantically. You watched in disbelief. “He showed me pictures and told me to tell you-“ He realized he’d been speaking too much, not intending on doing what Shanks told him to initially do. He thought Shanks’ little threats were a bluff, but the weird feeling of him being watched said otherwise.
“…Tell me what?” You ask. You noticed that he realized he spoke too much, and you internally began piecing everything together. He felt your hands slip from his grasp.
“That-… Doesn’t matter. The point is that he’s fucking crazy-“
“What were pictures, (NAME)? What do you need to tell me?” You asked more sternly, hoping and praying you weren’t about to be right about your speculations.
“C’mon, babe… He tried to threaten me” He formed a smile to woo you onto him but to no avail. You just raised an eyebrow. He scoffed.
“They were pictures… Of me” He tried to end it there but you weren’t satisfied. Shanks wouldn’t go that far for simple selfies.
“Of me and some… women” He finally admitted, attempting to say the last word in a lower tone in hopes you didn’t hear—but you did. You abruptly got up from your seat. As soon as he saw you were about to shout, he quickly tried to cover it up.
“But babe I love you, I promise! Those-… Those were just-“
“Shut the hell up!”
You held all that pent-up anger and finally released it with that one scream. He jolted and kept his mouth completely sealed. You began to swell with tears but blinked them away to refuse to show any sense of vulnerability.
“You come to my house after ignoring me all day to shit talk my best friend when you’ve been cheating on me?” You stepped forward to him only for him to laugh nervously and step back.
“I’ve actually known for a while but refused to believe it! And there’s photo evidence?” You didn’t stop yourself from getting up in his face with a seething glare.
“You’re a gaslighting piece of shit! I never want to see your face again”
With those words coming out of your mouth, he glared right back at you. He huffed, running his fingers through his locks to finally speak.
“I wouldn’t be surprised if you were cheating on me with that redhead, anyway” He turned his body to snatch his jacket. Unsatisfied with the fact he couldn't manipulate you into believing him, he decided to just flee.
“I sure as hell should’ve so you can understand how the hell it feels, asshole” You chased him to the door so you can continue embarrassing him now that his little plan of him manipulating you didn’t work.
“Have fun sucking Shanks’ dick, (F/N)” He cursed at the doorway. His remark made you grin sinisterly.
“Oh, I will and maybe I’ll send pictures to your mailbox to prove it”
You slammed the door with all the remaining might you have left thanks to adrenaline. You breathed heavily while your body was shaken from shock. You let out one last frustrated groan before stomping to your couch. After a few seconds, you finally snapped back to the harsh reality of the fact your trust got betrayed. You finally let out those tears you held captive while you were shouting. You palmed your eyes and sniffled for minutes on end, not knowing what to do for the future. You finally grab your phone to call the only person who could make you feel better.
“Hello? Everything okay, doll?”
“He-… He cheated on me…”
Shanks had been lingering in his car, not far from your location. Your sobbing words made Shanks grin menacingly. He internally celebrated that his plan worked out thoroughly. Once he realized you were sobbing over the phone, he hit the pedal on his car to speed his way to your home.
“That’s awful… He’s such an idiot” Shanks tried to hide his excitement from the sole fact you were not available. But, of course, your vulnerable state was far more important.
“Come over, please…” You beg, murmuring over the phone. Shanks hummed, feeling his heart slightly tear at your low and saddened voice.
“Of course, sweetheart”
His soothing, sweet, charming voice made your tears suddenly halt. You hum and hang up the phone to wait for your new knight in shining armor to make all your sorrows disappear.
“Oh, doll, you look horrible,” Shanks said with a sympathetic frown. He cupped your face, wiping down your drenched cheeks until they were dry. You let it happen and stared into his caring eyes that trailed along your features.
He pulled you into the same couch you rotted in previously. He sat you down and quickly poured you a glass of water, fully knowing you hadn’t kept yourself hydrated.
“What happened? Did he tell you personally?” Shanks innocently asked as if he wasn’t the sole reason this whole ordeal occurred in the first place.
“He came and began accusing you… He told me you showed him pictures of him with some women?” You turned to him, who had stopped his sudden movements. He decided to play along, not expecting the guy to snitch on him.
“That son of a bitch- Yeah… I did. I told him to tell you a few days ago” Shanks said, approaching you with a cold glass of fresh water. You watched with doe, red eyes.
“I didn’t want to tell you because you mean a lot to me. You deserve to hear it from him” Shanks smiled, handing you the glass. You believed every word and wrapped your hands around the glass, brushing your fingers against his own which sent slight shockwaves.
“I’m surprised you believed him. Sometimes people in your shoes believe his shitty lies” Shanks wrapped an arm around your shoulder to physically comfort you.
“I was suspicious for a while, I was just… Too delusional to do anything” You say lowly, entirely out of embarrassment. You felt a finger pull your chin up his face.
“You did the right thing, sweetheart. He was a terrible partner” Shanks formed a small smile to help one carve from your lips. It was contagious and you couldn’t help it.
“Yeah, I suppose so…” You say. You stare into his eyes and slightly blush from the sudden position you are in. If anyone were to catch a glimpse of your current state, they’d assume you and Shanks were a couple.
“Why do you call me those things, Shanks?” You abruptly ask. Shanks hummed and tilted his head, ever so slightly inching it forward.
“You want my honest answer?” He says with a grin. You paused for a moment before you could muster up a response. All you could do was nod submissively.
“I love you, (F/N)” He says proudly. Those words shot through your heart and everything made perfect sense. Your now ex-boyfriend’s suspensions were correct, to which you’d always deny.
“I have been since I laid eyes on you. You’re absolutely perfect, and I can’t get enough of you” You felt his fingers brush through your hair and slither from your chin down to your palm.
“I should’ve told you sooner if it meant you wouldn’t be crying over that scumbag” He planted a chaste kiss on your hand. He looked up at you with lovesick pupils and you didn’t know what came over you.
You didn’t know if it was your vulnerable emotions or the fact Shanks was being hot as hell but you slammed your lips against his as soon as he lifted them off of your hand. Shanks didn’t object, rather more shocked than anything. He placed an arm around the hook of your back when you began towering over his body. You let out a small noise once Shanks slipped his tongue into your mouth and he already began breaking through his pants.
You hungrily ran your palms on his half-exposed chest only to fuel your lust more. You felt his toned chest at your fingertips but you didn’t separate your lips. You felt Shanks’ eager hands grope the fats of your ass tenderly, only to birth a moan from your voice. With a single grind against his crotch, Shanks immediately pulled away.
“Wait, wait… Doll, do you want to do this?” He breathes. You eye his face up and down, now expecting the sudden change of direction. You bit your lip and collected your emotions. Your sex was already ready for him to tear you apart, but the way he’s been so caring and tender to you proved everything Shanks said to be true. If you were going to have sex, Shanks would be the perfect partner.
“Yes, I do…” “Are you sure?”
You nodded confidently, greatly appreciating his gesture to make sure you were comfortable and on board. With that single nod, Shanks wrapped his hand around your neck to pin you down. You hitched, not expecting his sudden course of action. It’s like as soon as you agreed, you unlocked a whole new person.
Shanks removed his hand and curiously traveled his hungry hands along your body. He groaned, leaning against your ear. You felt his strands of hair tickle the crook of your neck.
“I promise I’ll fuck you better than he ever has”
His words sent a wave of lust down your body. You couldn’t help but let a whimper escape. Shanks immediately tugged off your comfortable pants to leave you in your own lace. You inhaled.
He pressed two digits against your slit to feel the dampness from it. He bit his lower lip, immediately turned on even more by the fact you were already soaked from his touch.
“Such a good girl, already wet for me” He cooed. You felt his teeth clamp on your thin lace to slowly pull them off. He stared into your eyes each second until they were off.
Shanks gently spread your legs further apart to get a beautiful view of your cunt. He swore he was caught in a trance now that he was finally able to cherish this moment with you. He gave you one last glance before lowering his lips.
He trailed his wet tongue along your slit slowly, getting a small wave of moans from your mouth. He was only testing the waters, seeing how you taste and how much he loved each drop. Pressed his mouth against your slit and let out a hungry groan which sent vibrating sensations through your core.
He made sure to focus his mouth on your clit to give you waves of pleasure. It wasn’t long before you filled the entire living room with your, what he would call ‘pathetic’, moans, completely overshadowing the chatter of your TV.
Shanks pulled away from your throbbing clit to slip in two digits. He curved his fingers just the right way to hit your sweet spot with ease. The way you bucked your hips into his fingers was a sign he was making you feel euphoric.
“Like that? You like that?” He asked with a smile despite him already knowing the answer. You frantically nod.
“Yes~! Oh mmmph yes~!”
Your vocalization made Shanks groan and immediately show love to your begging clit. The rapidly rammed his fingers inside of you while he sucked and swirled his tongue around your bud. You never felt so much stimulation before. You immediately clamped your hand to tug Shanks’ bright locks, shoving his face into your cunt. You could feel his stumble rub just a bit against you.
Shanks rumbled once you shoved him further. He went at a rapid pace, forcing a faster pace inside of you. You felt that knot begin to snap and breathe heavily. Shanks’ remaining hand clenched your thigh out of anticipation.
“Shanks! I’m gonna- I’m gonna cum~!” You cry out. Shanks formed a slight smile while he devoured you whole.
“Mhm, mhm…” Shanks encouraged your climax. With a tight wrap of your thighs around your head and an arch of your back, you spurted on Shanks’ mouth with your entire might.
You heaved your chest once you rode your high on Shanks’ now drenched face. You unclamped your hand and thighs to set him free. He exhaled with a pleased smile and wiped his mouth dry. He gave your count a small slap.
“Such a good little girl, hm?” He hummed. You giggled and pulled him into another hot make-out session, tasting a bit of yourself on his lips. After a few moments, you pulled away.
“Your turn” You sang. Shanks paused for a moment, baffled you still had the endurance to keep going. He happily agreed and pulled his body off of yours.
You plopped your half-dressed body on the floor on your knees. Shanks man spread his legs before you with a smile and half-lidded eyes. You used your hands to lift your body on his crotch, pressing your breasts on his groin for him to feel. He bit his lip.
You unbuckled his belt that locked his rock-hard member in his pants. Once it was opened, you eagerly unzipped his pants. You felt Shanks lift his waist up to pull down his pants and boxers. The length of his member springing straight into your face caught you by surprise. You wondered if you’d be able to even get halfway down the shaft. Shanks exhaled, feeling relieved now that his hard member was set free from restriction.
“You sure you can handle it?” He asked, that same smug smile on his face. You gulped, wondering if you’d be able to. You eyed it up and down, replying with a nod.
“Then be a good girl for me and suck me dry”
You looked up at him with submissive eyes that he loved so much. The sight of it could make him cum in an instant. You kissed the tip of it, tasting the sleek pre cum. You wrapped your lips around the first part to slowly lower your head. You heard Shanks hiss.
“Mhmm~..” He hummed.
You were barely halfway there before you believed your mouth couldn’t take more. You moved slowly, drenching the first top of his member. Shanks bucked his hips ever so slightly into your mouth which would cause a gag to form.
“Lemme help you, princess” He smiled. You felt a hand grab each strand of hair into his own makeshift ponytail to lower you down. You whimpered, starting to feel it go past your actual mouth. Shanks finally lowered you down to the base and you were already tearing up.
“Theeeere you go. Take it alllll in your- mmm~ Mouth” Shanks groaned. You bobbed your head up and down to suck all of him off. You couldn’t stop gagging and choking despite your slow pace.
Shanks would huff at the warm and wet feeling of your mouth. He’d cock his head back a few times before he needed something more. He clenched your hair tighter to control your pace for you. He moved your head faster and faster until you had no more control over your own movement.
“Fuck, your mouth is so perfect f’me” You heard him growl. He had his mouth agape to let his pleasurable sounds escape his mouth. You looked up at him with dumb eyes that were swelled with tears. Shanks growled at the sight, wanting to paint your mouth white.
He loved the sound of slurping, gagging, and whimpers you let out on his member. He couldn’t get enough of it. His moans began to get more reckless the more he crept up to his climax.
“Good girl~ S-Such a good fucking girl” He seethed through his teeth while he skull fucked you with no remorse. Despite your waterfall eyes, you enjoyed Shanks demolishing your throat. Once you felt his cock twitch in your mouth, you pulled your mouth right off his shaft, making a popping sound. Thanks to your slippery mouth and saliva, the member was lubed enough to stroke it just as fast as your mouth was. You heard Shanks grunt and jolt his hips to thrust into your palm.
He spurted his seed all over your face. You stuck out your tongue with a smile to catch some of it into your mouth to taste. You loved it. Shanks coated your face with all of his love juice which seemed to go on forever. He loved the sight of your dirtied-up face.
You swallowed the excess cum that entered your mouth and Shanks smiled in delight. He sat up straight to tilt his body closer to you.
He grabs you, gently, by the neck to lead you back on the couch on your back. Much like before, Shanks planted his lips on your own as an intermission. He was far from exhausted and so were you. You never experienced this much pleasure and euphoria from sexual activities with your ex-partner. Shanks showed you a whole new world of pleasure.
He parted his lips from yours and huffed. He ripped off his shirt that sluggishly covered his body to expose his toned body. You admired it like it was a museum exhibit. Shanks ran his fingers through his locks before leaning into your ear.
“I’m gonna need a condom because I’m about to fuck the shit out of you, princess” He grinned, biting the lobe of your ear. You giggled in pleasure and kissed the side of his cheek.
“In the second drawer on my nightstand, baby” You cooed. Shanks chuckled and ripped his body off yours after leaving a kiss on your forehead.
He tucked his member back into his loose pants temporarily to grab the contraceptive. You sat up and huffed, a dope smile on your face from the sheer amount of pleasure Shanks brought you. You remembered to finish cleaning your sin filled face until suddenly, your phone began buzzing rhythmically on the coffee table beside you. Considering Shanks was busy at the moment, you thought it wouldn’t hurt to answer.
You saw the caller ID and frowned. Of course, he was calling you to beg for forgiveness. For some odd reason, something told you to answer only to tell him off more.
“What do you want?” You say coldly.
“Babe, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean anything” He pleaded. By the congestion of his voice and how shaken it was, it seemed like he had been crying for quite some time. The thought made you grin when you realized you’ve been getting pleased by Shanks while he’s been pathetically crying.
“Uhuh, right… And I’m guessing you didn’t mean to cheat on me either?” You say, laying on your stomach while the phone is on your ear. You heard footsteps.
“No! I swear I was stupid and I regret every second, Trust me (F/N)! I…” He went on and on about excuses but you listened blankly when you felt hands grab your hips, forcing you into an arched back position.
You whipped your head back to Shanks to rip open the bag with his teeth. He effortlessly slipped on the condom along his shaft and rubbed it against your entrance. While your ex cried over the other line, Shanks leaned against your ear.
“Don’t hang up that damn phone yet, sweetheart. I want him to hear me fuck you a little and cry even more…” He sadistically spoke into your ear. You replied with a grin and turned your head around straight ahead.
“Why are even you calling me?” You cut off.
You felt Shanks slip in his length inside of your entrance. You bit your lip to hold back a moan while Shanks just lowly groaned when he felt your walls wrap around his member like he longed for. It felt better than Shanks expected.
“Because I want you back, (F/N)! You- you mean so much to me and I swear I didn’t mean it”
Shanks had a hand on your lower back when he began thrusting. The sounds of skin making contact couldn’t travel to the other line of the phone, yet. Shanks moved at a decent pace and it became harder to hold back a moan the more time passed.
“Y-Yeah… You do- haah..~” You say, barely paying attention to his cries over the phone. He could hear your heavy breathing and stopped his frantic attempts to get you back.
“Are you-… Alright? Why are you breathing so hard?”
Shanks heard his question and it was his queue to recklessly slam into you at a rapid pace. Now, the sinful sounds from both bodies made their way to the phone. Your ex could now hear it clearly.
“Ah~! G-Gotta go, cya!” You frantically say. You pull your phone away from your ear to hang up. You could faintly hear him shout and scream once he caught on the fact you were getting the brains fucked out of you. You threw your phone aside once the line was cut and filled the room with the moans you held back.
“Ah~! Fuck, Shanks~! Mmmmph~!” “You feel fucking amazing, baby~.. Fuck~”
Shanks would throw a mixture of praise and degradation which you loved more than anything. Shanks threw his head back and grabbed your love handles to pound into your body like his life depended on it.
“Augh~! Fuck, princess~!”
You repeatedly and messily moaned left and right, your brain going completely blank. The way Shanks mercilessly pounded into your core made your brain go white and all you could do was mewl and scream from Shanks cock. You felt a sudden rise of pleasure burn up, on your way to your second orgasm. Shanks felt your thighs shake.
“Gonna cum? Gonna cum f’me?” He let out a heavy pant and grunt. He didn’t stop his pace, he didn’t slow down a second. You nodded submissively.
“Yes, yes, yes~! Mmmh~!” You let out a sweet little cry and left your mouth agape to let out shaken, rocky moans.
As soon as you felt your juices begin to spurt out of you, you moaned rapidly. Shanks chuckled from the pure excitement from your second climax. He felt beads of sweat from on his forehead and his breathing grew hoarse.
“Shanks~! Oh, fuck Shanks~!” You shrieked once you released your juices on his still rapid-pacing cock. He enjoyed the view, not taking his eyes off of it for a second when you let your high rise out of you. The way he didn’t slow down even then made your brain flatline. Your moans got raspy and hoarse from the never-ending thrusts.
“Just a bit- mmmh~! Longer, baby. I’m about to cum” He caressed your skin to comfort you just a bit after your intense orgasm. You hummed in agreement at Shanks’ words. “You’re so fucking beautiful, you slut”
With a few more pounds, you felt his member twitch inside of you. Shanks impulsively yanked on your now tangled hair to yank your head upward. He wanted to hear you shout with that last slam before he’d release every warm drop of semen “inside” of you.
“Fuck~!!” With that last shout, he filled the condom damn there to the brim. He wished he could cover your walls with his sticky seed until it poured out of you, but this would suffice for now. He slowly kept going for a few more strokes. “God, I fucking love you, (F/N)”
You felt Shanks let go of your hair which left you to collapse on the couch when he pulled out. Shanks huffed as he pulled the used condom off his shaft to throw it away. While he did his thing, there you laid on the couch with your legs shaking and feeling like you ran a marathon. You began to regain consciousness after getting your brains fucked into the next week. You felt Shanks pick you up into his chest and walk you to your dark bedroom.
The sun already set and it was the nightly hour. Shanks laid you down on your bed and pulled the sheets over your worn-out body. He removed the remaining strands of hair stuck on your face with a finger as well as a satisfied smile. Sure, he was a menace while fucking you but he didn’t lie about loving you. Even if you were half asleep, you deserved aftercare, he thought.
“Cuddle me…” You murmur.
You heard Shanks chuckle before walking to the other side of the bed to slip his body close to yours like he imagined yesterday. You immediately latched your body onto his, feeling his arms around your own. All your sorrow and sadness vanished just by being in trustworthy arms.
“Do you really… love me?” You groggily ask. Shanks hummed, looking up from the ceiling to you. All he could do was smile.
“More than anything. You’re perfect for me, (F/N)” He caressed the back of your head to reassure you.
Knowing Shanks for quite some time, you knew he wasn’t lying. You just found it baffling how he showed you his undying love for you right after you found out the truth about your previous relationship. You giggled.
“So you wanted me to break up with him, huh?” You call out.
“Guilty as charged”
You heard him chuckle. You then remembered the phone call you had while Shanks was fucking your guts out. You let out yet another amused giggle.
“Do you think he actually heard us?” You ask. Shanks let out a hearty chuckle at your question, remembering about the whole ordeal. It seemed like his orgasm made him forget about everything that wasn’t your moans.
“Oh, definitely. Must suck for him” He said sadistically, but it only caused you to continue giggling. Now, you have zero remorse for him compared to just yesterday.
“How about I take you on an actual date sometime?” Shanks offered.
The thought of having a more romantic moment with the man you trusted sounded just as good as the way he fucked you. He smiled on his chest and shut your eyes closed to end the night at this perfect moment.
“I’d love that, Shanks”
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all licensing and ownership belong to Eiichiro Oda
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bangtanficsforyou · 1 year
They Reject You (maknae line)- part two
Pairing: Bts maknae line x Reader
Word Count: 8.8K
Warnings: swear words here and there
A/N: here's my patreon just in case you enjoy reading my stuff!
Park Jimin
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Jimin's eyes light up when he spots you in the cafeteria. You're sitting alone with a cup of coffee and typing away something on your laptop and he can't help but feel like the chair next to you is practically calling for him. 
He makes a quick beeline towards your table and occupies the seat. "Hey, sweetheart."
You don't bother looking up at him as your eyes remain fixed on the screen.
"You shouldn't be sitting alone, if you needed company you could have just texted me," he suggests taking hold of your coffee cup. His plump lips wrap around the straw and he draws up the liquid extra loudly, knowing very well that the noise annoys you.
However, you pay no attention to his lack of table manners.
"Do you know we were supposed to have an exam today but it got cancelled?" He speaks in a tone of disappointment, knowing you'd agree with him. It's one of your icks when you've worked hard for something and have shown up for it, but ultimately do not get the chance to prove yourself.
But you still remain focused on your work and give no reaction or response.
At this point, Jimin finds himself feeling curious as to what might be so important in your laptop that it has all your attention. He leans forward to take a peek and realises that you're working on an assignment.
"Assignments are now more important than me, I see," sighing dramatically he looks down as if upset by your lack of acknowledgement. Not even a moment later he looks up subtly to check if you're looking at him.
When he realises that you aren't, the slightest bit of annoyance sparks inside him.
"If you're not going to talk to me, I should just leave," he keeps his tone casual, not intending to let the fact that he's feeling grumpy, be known.
You tilt your head cutely and mumble something along the lines of vertices having a degree two to yourself. 
Jimin's jaw drops in complete shock. The last time you two had a proper chat was three days back and now that he's trying to talk to you, this is how you treat him?! If that's what you want, fine. He isn't going to sit here and beg you to pay attention to him.
"Fine, I'll leave. I have better stuff to do anyway," he grumbles and takes his leave.
If anyone were to take notice of Jimin's expressions, they'd probably end up laughing. He looks angry but that little pout on his lips and the sad look in his eyes makes him look like a little child throwing tantrums. 
It's a good thing your eyes are not on him. Not even when he makes his leave.
Two classes later, Jimin is scrolling through his Instagram when he comes across a reel of a cute puppy doing the usual puppy antics. His first instinct is to send it to you. However, when he clicks on the share button, he doesn't find your account on the list of people to send. His brows furrow in confusion and he types your account id on the search bar only for the screen to read a message saying no matches found. 
Have you....have you blocked him?
He exits the application and opens WhatsApp. When his eyes land on your contact he notices how your profile picture is appearing to be blank and it only makes him desperately type out a message to you. 
Throughout the class, he keeps hoping that he'd notice a double tick to assure him that you haven't blocked him but unfortunately, no such thing occurs.
At the end of the day, he goes to sleep with a displeased frown. How could you do this? How could you just ignore him during recess and then block him on social media out of nowhere? He didn't even do anything wrong. 
Did he?
He tries to recall the last time the both of you had a proper conversation and his mind goes to the events that occurred on the night of the frat party. 
It's true that you had snapped at him and that the conversation you had, would not fall under the category of 'friendly'. But he didn't think it was serious, either. Both of you had silly arguments here and there, but it never seemed to matter in the long run. Somehow or the other, Jimin always managed to get under your skin and get a reaction out of you. Sooner or later, the two of you would fall back to the rhythm of him annoying the shit out of you and you talking back to him. 
The more Jimin recalls the little fiery banters you two have engaged in, in the past, the more his confidence grows. He tells himself this time would be no different. It may take a little more time but Jimin is sure you'll be talking to him again. 
It's true that you have never blocked him before. Or never have downright ignored him like this. Even when you would appear to be mad, there was always that little twitch of your eyes or you poking the inside of your cheeks with your tongue, which let him know that he was being successful.
But it doesn't matter. 
Maybe you're really really mad at him this time. But he's sure he will melt that anger away with his smile and charm.
It works on everyone, no doubt it will work on you as well.
With a wide confident smirk plastered on his face, he walks into your classroom and looks for you. 
His smirk softens into a small smile when he spots you with your head buried in books. 
He ignores the hushed whispers and the dreamy stares and walks to your seat before sliding next to you. 
"Hey sweetheart," he says, putting the effort to make his voice extra sultry and smooth. That always works on the girls. 
And for a moment, Jimin thinks he has won when he notices the look of complete surprise on your face. However, his victory is short-lived as your surprise fades quickly and once it does you're back to your work without paying him any mind.
"I got you a gift," he places the said gift on top of your notebook. A rose. "I looked at it and it reminded me of you."
Your hands falter for a brief moment as the nib of your pen is met by the flower. You use your other hand to move the flower out of your way.
Jimin huffs. He is starting to get annoyed and there's this sense of unsettlement in his veins but he tries to look amused. If there's one thing that bothered you to no end, it was when he found your anger as a source of his amusement. 
"Awww," he coos with an underlying tone of mockery. "Are you angry at me?" 
You don't react. Jimin is neither surprised nor flattered. 
"It's so cute though," he comments, and only if you were looking at him would you have known it's only his voice that gives the faux impression of him being amused. His eyes, his frown even the curve of his lips don't hide the fact that he is anything but not amused. 
Jimin feels a mix of frustration and desperation, which makes him snatch the pen away from your hand.
You seem startled by his actions but instead of arguing with him for being such a pain in the ass, your hand makes its way to your pencil pouch. However, before you can take another pen out, Jimin is taking that away from you as well. 
"You aren't getting these back until you talk to me," he declares, as he hugs the pouch and your pen close to his chest as if shielding them away from you.
You sigh, not out of agitation or anger. You seem bored. Something that scares and hurts Jimin, at the same time.
"What do you want?" You query, finally talking to him directly. After four days.
"What do you mean by what do you want?" He scoffs, making air quotes to mock your question. "You aren't talking to me and have blocked me on socials. What do you think I want?"
You sigh, once again and once again you look bored. As if you'd prefer to be anywhere but here. "I thought you had a reputation for being a fuckboy or something."
Jimin's brow furrow in confusion. "What does that have anything to do with this?"
"As a fuckboy whose commitment lasts for only one night, you must have faced many instances where you just wanted the girl to just take the hint," you state, speaking in a tone that's so calm that it makes Jimin squirm in discomfort. "Wonder why then, do you not know when to take the hint yourself."
His eyes fall and suddenly all traces of anger and frustration is gone and is replaced by sadness. Jimin looks a like sad kid who has just been told Santa isn't real. 
The look in Jimin's eyes catches you by surprise. He is an expert at making sad eyes to lure someone in. You know that because you have been a victim of it. But Jimin's eyes always had that little spark in them. Something that gave away his act and highlighted the mischief brewing within them. Something that let you on the fact that he's only pretending to be sad. 
However, now that you look into his eyes, they just seem dull. Making it seem like Jimin is sad, maybe for real this time.
You ignore the urge you feel to comfort him and maintain a blank face. Why should you even feel bad for choosing yourself? How many times has he thought or cared about his words and how they have made you feel? How many times was he there to wipe the tears that he made you cry?
Not even once. 
You may be someone who's tough and headstrong but you're also just as soft and loving on the inside. If you give in now and comfort him just to see him happy, you know you will be repeating the same cycle with yourself. And it would be so damn toxic.  
"Are you really not going to talk to me?" He whispers, in a soft voice. 
"I don't want to, trust me." This time your voice is not cold. This time you sound like you. The you, Jimin is familiar with. You don't even seem mad. And that's exactly how Jimin knows that you mean what you're saying.
Jimin has had a tough week. 
Nothing out of the ordinary, perse. He has been going to parties, has been getting drunk and has been the same him. But maybe that's exactly why he is having a tough time. Because despite doing regular 'Jimin' things, he hasn't been feeling like himself. 
He doesn't even know what's wrong. Or maybe he does, he just wants to ignore it and pretend that everything is fine. That he's fine. 
He does his classes and tries his best to focus on the material that's being taught but somehow or the other, he zones out. 
But it's not like it's a big deal. It's normal and all cool. He's fine. 
During football practice, he misses the opportunities that present themselves to him as if he's a blind man. 
But again, that's normal, right? Even the best of players make mistakes. Who's Jimin to not make one? It's fine. He's fine. 
During lunch, he accidentally puts pepper instead of salt in his food. But that's also normal! Nothing out of the ordinary. 
He's fine. 
He repeats these two words in his mind as he makes his way to the next class. However, he is met by a sight that has his steps halting.
It's you. 
You have your head thrown back and you're laughing at something your friend said.
The scene causes a stir of emotions inside him. 
One of the first things he feels is longing. Any other time he would deny it with everything in his being but now that you're in front of him like this, he simply can't. He misses you. He misses talking to you. He misses teasing you. He misses how your nose would scrunch up in annoyance. He misses the way you would chew on your lower lip to hold back from smiling. 
He misses everything about you.
The next emotion that hits him is anger. Here he is, feeling like he can't act and function normally without you, and there you are totally unbothered. 
The thought also scares him. What if, what if you just don't care about him anymore?
If that so happens to be the case, Jimin at least needs to know for sure. He can't be going around like this with a hole in his chest and having unanswered questions in his mind regarding what exactly happened for you to suddenly cut him off like this.
So, the next thing he knows, he's walking towards you. Ignoring the surprised look on your face, he grabs the courage to speak. 
"Can I talk to you for two minutes?"
You look at your watch simply because you need to make an excuse as to why you can't give him the two minutes. "Sorry, I have to head for my class."
Jimin nods, having expected something like that. "We can talk while walking. I'll drop you to your class."
"You don't need to–"
"I want to," he cuts you off with a determined look on his face, not willing to take no for an answer.
Truth be told, you have no intention of talking to him. But somewhere, at the back of your mind, you're curious as to what he might have to say. After all, after one whole week of Jimin not trying to bug you, you had honestly assumed that that was the end of whatever friendship (if you can even call it that) you two had. 
Jimin takes note of the indecisive look on your face and before you can come to a negative decision, he takes hold of your hand and gently tugs you to a side. 
"I am sorry but I had to," he says with a tone that conveys nothing but sincerity. 
You're half pissed at Jimin's behaviour but you ignore it nevertheless, thinking that whatever it is that he has to say, it must be serious. Because you have never seen Jimin being like this before. 
"Whatever you want to say, make it quick," you say with a sigh. 
"Why are you cutting me off like this?" Jimin's words are out of his mouth the moment he knows that you're ready to listen to him. It's like he has been waiting for ages to ask you this particular question. 
Your brows furrow for a split second before you scoff. "Is that what this is all about?"
He is confused as to why you're looking at him as if he has asked a really stupid question.
"Yes?" He responds hesitantly. 
You sigh once again, this time much louder and in disbelief. "Oh my gosh, I can't believe this," you mutter to yourself before looking at Jimin and he does not miss the gleam in your eyes. 
"Let me spell it out for you, you were an asshole to me," you state, your voice having a certain hint of anger to them. 
"A-Asshole? How?" He stutters, looking even more confused than before. 
"You knew I had feelings for you, but you couldn't give two shits about it. I had no issues with you not liking me back, but rubbing all your sexual escapades on my face, and flirting with me is a total disregard and disrespect to how I feel."
"I didn't–"
"It doesn't take much for someone to realise that. Anyone with the minimum common sense can figure that out for themselves. But just because your feelings have always been shallow does not mean that the people around you are shallow as well."
There are a lot of responses that come to Jimin's mind but he knows none of those are good enough.
"Do you know how much of a fool I felt when you were being ignorant of the fact that I am a person who feels? I felt so stupid to be hanging out with you when you couldn't even pause and give me the minimum respect I deserve."
Each word of yours hits him like a bullet but he thinks this has been a long time coming. He is willing to take as many hits as it requires, but he just hopes this is not the end. That somehow he gets to redeem himself. No matter how difficult it is. 
"But at some point, you realise that you shouldn't put up with someone who doesn't appreciate you. I know how I deserve to be treated and it's obvious that you don't know how to treat a woman with respect. Hence, I'm afraid we can't be….friends anymore." 
You paused briefly before using the word friends as if you were not even sure if that's what you two were. And it sure as hell, makes Jimin feel shittier than he did moments ago. 
Oh my goodness, he really has messed this up, hasn't he? 
When you turn around to leave, Jimin doesn't stop you, knowing very well there's nothing much he can say to prove that you mean much more to him than what he has made you believe. 
So he lets you go. 
But only with the intention of earning your forgiveness.
Kim Taehyung
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Tae 🐻:  did you reach home?
You: yes, just did!
Tae 🐻: i see
Tae 🐻: take rest and sleep well
Tae 🐻: also, i got a little something for you 
Tae 🐻: *image attached*
On clicking the picture, you're greeted with a small little teddy bear that looks adorable in every way possible.
It brings a smile to your face and there's a part of you that knows that it's his way of apologising for the dimmed smile you had throughout the day. His words may have been upsetting but at least he knows the effect they have had on you. And you know he's sorry for it. Mayhaps, that makes it a bit easier for you.
You: it's cute 
Tae 🐻: i know 
Tae 🐻: that's exactly why it reminded me of you 
You chuckle and shake your head softly.
He never leaves a chance to flirt.
You: you won't believe what happened
Tae 🐻: what
Tae 🐻: What
You: a cat just snuggled against me.
You: like i used to be so scared of them 
You: but now i think they are just soft little balls of fur
You: now i want a cat for myself
Tae 🐻: this is so cute for some reason
Tae 🐻: i can just imagine your bright excited smile *sighs*
Tae 🐻: I'm glad you are not scared of cats anymore 👍😌
Tae 🐻: but but but 
Tae 🐻: idk how to feel about you getting a cat
Tae 🐻: what if you get one and then your whole attention is on them and then you forget about me 👉👈
You: 🙄
You: is this supposed to be a joke?
You: can i not have a bear and a cat at the same time???? 😒
You: also, don't worry i doubt the cat can ever get as annoying as you're 
You: so in a way, you'll always be special 😌
Tae 🐻: uhh thank you
Tae 🐻: that's very reassuring 🤗💖
You: well why, you're welcome 🤗
Your phone rings making you alert of an incoming call. Checking the screen you realise that it's Tae. 
"Hello?" You greet in a sing-song voice, your mood suddenly turning bright.
"Hello, my lady," he greets back in a British accent. "How have you been?"
"Same old, mate, same old," you sigh, mimicking his accent. "Work has been hectic."
"It's even worse that I haven't seen you for so many days" he huffs, his accent gone and voice sounding whiny and complaining. Something that makes you think he has a cute adorable pout on his face.
"I know, work decided to be the biggest bitch ever," which is why you and Taehyung have not been able to find free time to spend with each other. 
The lunchtime for his department changed, making it impossible to have lunch together. Your department has way more workload than his does and as a result of which, you always have to stay back at least an hour to complete your share of work.
Taehyung doesn't wait for you or for your work to get done. And in a way, you're glad. You can't imagine how tiring it can be to wait a whole hour after a full day of work when you know you have the option to just go home and lay in bed and do nothing. 
Everyone deserves good rest and sleep after spending a whole day in front of a computer and that includes Taehyung. You'd never expect him to wait for you or do anything that would be at the cost of his discomfort.
Anyways, it's not like you and him have been out of touch. You text him about every silly little thing that would occur throughout your day. It could be a lizard staring at you intensely as if judging the way you're brushing your teeth, and Taehyung will be the first person to know about it. Hence, yes you do miss his presence physically but your days have been filled with him. 
You both have chatted for hours on end, sometimes via text, other times on a call.
This time is no different. You two end up talking for a whole hour before, he says something that ends with your heart skipping a few too many beats.
"Hey man, I won't say I love you on the phone," he jokes, but there's just something in those words that tells you he knows this isn't just a joke. "That's not fair to the both of us."
It is said out of nowhere, yet it fits the context of the conversation as well as of the situation you both are in. 
"Umm, w-well, say it in person I guess." Your cheeks warm up, a bashful smile that is so incredibly shy at the same time, adorning your lips.
"So I will," he whispers as if even though you two are only connected via call, he knows how gentle this moment is and what it means to you.
And then, the conversation is loud again. You with your silliness and him playing along with it and laughing loudly at your antiques.
"Why do you look down?" You query as you munch on popcorn.
Taehyung shakes his head, denying anything's wrong. "Nothing, I just feel tired, I guess."
Bullshit. You know Taehyung well enough to know when he's lying. His eyes just twinkle in a certain way as if on alert about being caught. 
"Do you want to leave?" You whisper, paying mind to the people around you. The last thing you want is the people in the movie hall shushing you or glaring at you.
He shakes his head, again. This time more vehemently. "No, I want to watch this movie with you."
You sigh but then speak in a gentle tone. "You know you can tell me right? Anything that's bothering you, you can tell me."
Taehyung looks at you and there's that certain look of vulnerability as if he's scared and worried. But whatever it was that he was looking for, he finds it in your eyes. It makes him decide that yes, he can be honest with you.
"Remember Kira? I saw her today and I guess it just triggered something within me."
How can you forget that name? 
Two months in your friendship and the both of you had discussed your lists of shitty exes and Kira was a topic discussed in detail.
Kira was his first and only girlfriend whom he loved a lot. Their relationship was filled with ups and downs but he never let it come in the way. He was there for her in ways you only see in movies and shows. But alas, things did come to an end. 
What hurt Taehyung more than the relationship coming to an end were the comments made by Kira. She didn't stutter while saying that he's just not the kind of guy she's into. He isn't bulky or muscular. He laughs too much and smiles easily. He isn't intimidating and is very gullible and naive. 
That...that was what broke him.
You remember the day he told you about Kira. It had made you so angry. How could anyone ever say something like that about a person? If you're not interested you're most welcome to leave but why go an extra step to be an asshole and scar someone? 
What was worse was the fact that you could tell Taehyung believed in those words. He thought they were a down point to his character and that it made him unlovable. 
It's also since that day, that you have developed this protectiveness over him. He may not see it but he deserves the absolute best. He deserves to know that it isn't difficult to love him at all, in fact, it might just be the easiest thing in the world. 
But right now, you know that her words from the past are probably being repeated in his mind over and over again. Hence, it becomes your goal to make him see that those words are not true. 
"I understand why it may have been triggering for you," you comment taking hold of his hands and playing with his fingers. "But I assure you, she was only being a bitch because she knew she losing a gem."
Taehyung smiles a smile that does not reach his ears. "Thank you."
"Don't thank me. I'm not done yet."
For the first time this evening, the briefest spark of amusement enters his gaze. 
"I know she hurt you, but if you need a reminder that what she said to you was total bullshit, I'll serve as one."
Your voice comes out firm but there's that tone of love and affection to it, that is simply unmissable.
"People say and do mean things and they hurt us. But their choice of actions and words define them, not us. At some point, you have got to stop and realise that you can't keep hurting yourself because of what someone has said. It's difficult to do that, I know but that difficulty is worth it. You are worth it."
A small, tiny smile appears on Taehyung's lips at your words. Before he can get the words out to express his gratitude, you're speaking again.
"Also, all those things that she made you feel were unlovable about you, make you just that much more lovable. Because that's what makes you, you."
Once you're done, you feel the insecurity hit you that you may have been a little too passionate or that you went overboard. But Taehyung resting his head on your shoulder and muttering the softest of thank you's makes you relax. 
And that's how you watch the rest of the movie. With his head on your shoulders and him constantly wanting some part of his body to be in touch with yours.
You were promoted. 
You won't say it was out of the blue, you had seen it coming. Despite that, being recognised and awarded for your hard work, felt nice. 
But your promotion also meant you were now working in a different branch of your office. Same city, a different building. This also meant the chances of you and Taehyung meeting in between work had slimmed down to zero.
But again, it didn't seem to affect the bond you two shared. You two chatted with each other about your day almost regularly. It just didn't feel right, without telling him about the itsy bitsy details of your day-to-day life. 
It was your second week in the new building and by now you had become comfortable enough with the group of fellow employees you were mingling with, for them to ask the very important question. "Do you have someone special in your life?"
The question was asked in good spirits, with raised eyebrows, teasing smiles and mayhaps with an underlying hope that the answer to the question would be 'no' so that they can set you up with the company sweetheart Jeon Jungkook, who you have a hunch, has a crush on you.
Nevertheless, the question makes you stutter. 
It's not a difficult question to answer if the answer is a simple yes or no. But in your case, it's not so simple. It's complicated. 
But how do you explain it to them? 
You don't even know where you and Taehyung lie. You both have never directly addressed the feelings except once or twice. But what does that mean now? Do you two fall under the category of "more than friends, less than lovers"? 
You don't know.
You don't know if he still has feelings for you. What if it was just a phase and now all that you two are is just good friends? What if you're the only one who keeps thinking of the time you had confessed and what if you're the only one to whom the moments spent with the other, mean something special? 
But what if the opposite is true? What if he still has feelings for you, what if it wasn't just a phase? What if the moments spent with you, mean something to him as well?
Gosh, this indeed is complicated.
You take a deep breath and conclude that irrespective of whatever his feelings for you may be. You're someone who cares for him. A lot. 
You don't want to be someone who hurts him, ever. Knowing of the few instances that he has been hurt and the way he has been hurt, you never want to make him feel like he failed at love again. Or that, he isn't worthy of love. 
You don't want to assume that Taehyung has feelings for you. At the same time, you don't want to assume that he doesn't. Because you know, if you assume that he doesn't have feelings for you and act accordingly, and then it turns out that he still did, he will feel crushed.
"Let's just say, I do have a certain someone," you answer with a shy smile.
Your new coworkers look disappointed for a brief second, most likely because now they won't be able to play matchmakers but the disappointment is soon replaced by excitement. 
Multiple questions are thrown your way to know about this special person and you spend the rest of lunch trying to answer them as swiftly as possible.
You: why the 🙄 next to her name?
You ask in reference to him re-posting a status update of a co-worker on Whatsapp. Something about company lunch.
Tae 🐻: cause she's annoying! 
You: lmao why so 😂
Tae 🐻: oh boy she has no respect for boundaries 
Tae 🐻: her jokes are in such poor taste and inappropriate
Tae 🐻: it's just annoying and hence would explain the emoji choice
You: damn 
You: that's harsh 
You: but I'll trust your judgement
Tae 🐻: as you should, yes 😒
You: but this has me curious, if you were to put an emoji next to my name, what would it be? 👀
Tae 🐻: damn that's a good question
Tae 🐻: let me think
Tae 🐻: How about this one? ✨
You: huh? 
You: that's kind of unique 
You: why that one though?
Tae 🐻: because you shine, duh
Tae 🐻: and you light up every room you walk into 
Tae 🐻: and this ✨ just suits you 
Yet again, you feel the familiar warmth in your chest that at this point is just very common every time you talk to him.
But that doesn't make these little moments any less special for you.
Work was extra tiring today. You couldn't catch a breather. Couldn't even go to lunch. Stayed back after work till eleven.
And now here you're, finally home.
While having your ramen, you decide to respond to texts that you haven't and so open WhatsApp. 
Once done, you check through the status updates of people. It's always nice to know what fun people have been up to while you were being drained of all energy.
However, you frown when Taehyung's status appears on your screen. There are a few paragraphs written about love and how it can change the way you view life. When the next slide appears, it's a picture of him with a girl. He has his arm casually on the girl's shoulder as they smile at the camera. That added with the heart emoji as the caption causes a weird nervous sensation in your stomach. 
You type out a question as a reply to his status.
You: what is all this about? 😂
You add a laughing emoji next to it just to make sure you sound casual and curious.
Taehyung so happens to be online and his response comes quickly.
Tae 🐻: did you not see my status updates? 😂
Tae 🐻: I'm in a relationship ☺️
And just like that, your hands start shaking and the food in front of you gets forgotten.
Jeon Jungkook
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It's been almost a month since you confessed to Jungkook. 
During the first week, you tried to reach out to him because you were so angsty to just get some sort of response. You didn't care if it was in the negative or was harsh. Anything was better than this. Anything was better than him just straight out ignoring your presence as if you never existed. 
You just couldn't understand. Did the friendship you two had mean nothing to him? Did you ever mean anything to him? If you did, how could he possibly treat you this way? Did you not deserve at least a proper explanation as to why he was doing what he was doing?
But after a week, you gave up. Your hurt turned into anger. You didn't care what his possible explanation could be. You did deserve better than this. So you ultimately stopped trying to reach out to him.
It's not like it doesn't bother you. Sometimes, it still does. But the difference is, you have stopped expecting anything from him. And that admittedly, makes it a little easier for you.
"What are we doing today?" Namjoon asks with a bright dimpled smile as he took his seat on the chair. 
"Four short interviews and then a late-night show," you reply, quickly opening your pouches to get out the brushes. 
He sighs. "Another round of answering what our love life looks like."
You snicker, finding it hilarious how done he looks. "Another round of you answering on behalf of the team that you all are a little too busy to find time for dating."
Namjoon shakes his head. "Sometimes I wish I didn't know English." 
The thought makes you laugh with your head thrown back.
"Well I can't imagine anyone else being the spokesperson, it would be damn funny."
You really do think that would be the case. Each of the members has a very distinct personality and just imagining what they would be like, is nothing short of amusing to you. 
Your amusement, however, dwindles when your mind comes up with the question about what Jungkook would be like if he were the one translating other members' words into English. But then your mind leads you to imagine how cute his English is, despite being broken. And then your heart ultimately shrank and you had to remind yourself to not think of him.
Namjoon seems to notice your distress and quickly changea the conversation to something else. 
Thankfully, it works. There are no other sad moments where your mind goes to Jungkook and you find yourself enjoying your conversation with Namjoon and that was more than enough. 
It's three in the afternoon, you conclude after checking your watch. Which means another interview left and after that the boys can rest, until the late-night show of course. This also, means that there's another hour for you to just relax in the AC room. After that, you will have to get to work to remove Namjoon's makeup.
You lay down on the sofa and scroll through Instagram. What's better entertainment than this? 
Your fingers get to work and start scrolling, one meme after the other. Some you find hilarious, some you need to read twice to get and some you simply roll your eyes at. But you guess, that's just how memes are.
However, it's after a few more posts that you find one which simply makes you blink in disbelief. 
It's a picture from the news outlet dispatch. The picture in question is of Jungkook's with his arms around a woman. On reading the caption you realise that the said woman is, Niki from the girl group JION. And to no one's surprise, the photo has caused a stir on the internet and apparently, everyone's talking about it. 
You exit Instagram and open Google. You search for Jungkook and Niki are immediately met with a bunch of articles. Each of them discusses their possible relationship and whether or not they are dating. 
When you feel like you have had enough of the sick churning of your stomach, you close all apps and just shut your phone. 
This is something.
It leaves you perplexed and with a bunch of emotions, you have no idea how to deal with. 
Was he already seeing the woman when you left that note? Gosh, if that's the case, it would be so embarrassing. 
Is that why he thought it would be best to just get rid of you? Was that why he made that sudden move out of nowhere? Couldn't he just tell you that he is dating someone else? Learning this from a news outlet, for every reason, feels painful.
It's not even the fact that he is dating someone. It's just the fact that you both have become such strangers that he feels like a distant person you once used to know. All because you decided to trust him with your feelings.
But most likely it didn't matter. Your feelings didn't matter. You're someone who's always behind the scenes, someone who no one knows. But him? He is the world-renowned artist. He is the one who earns in millions and has an army of fangirls, quite literally. Why should he waste his time caring about how you feel? More importantly, why did you expect him to? 
It was undoubtedly a mistake on your part to have trusted him. As they say, expectations lead to heartbreaks and maybe you had to learn it the hard way. 
But that doesn't mean the pain is anywhere near acceptable. You needed a way to vent your anger, so you do the only thing that comes to your mind.
You block him on all social media sites.
Two weeks since the rumour about Jungkook and Niki dating begun and it's still all over the net. Why, you ask? Because the two people involved in the matter aren't helping their case at all. 
They have been spotted several times together and thus have been fuelling the rumours further. 
It angered you. Weren't idols supposed to be very careful about their relationships? Why were then, these two, flaunting their relationship for the world to see?
You're aware you sound bitter and ridiculous because no one should have to hide if they are dating someone but you just can't help yourself. No matter how hard you try, news about Jungkook and Niki would somehow or the other appear on your feed, be it on insta or Google. It just became unavoidable as these two were everywhere.
The comments didn't help either. People adored them. 
Apparently, these two were the perfect match for each other. Both maknaes of their individual groups and both fan favourites. 
It made it suck all the more for you. 
"Have you seen my chapstick?" Namjoon asks as soon as he enters the room. "Hobi just lectured me about how I should always keep my lips moisturised." 
"It should be in the drawer," you reply and get up to look for the chapstick. "Let me check once."
As it turns out, it indeed was in the drawer. You hand the small tube to him and as soon as you take a seat again, the door swings open to reveal someone you would have never imagined seeing. 
"Namjoon oppa," she smiled, putting her dimples on display. "I was looking for you."
Namjoon turned around at the sound of his name. His expression too turns into that of surprise when he realises who it is. "Niki! I didn't know you'd be coming."
Huh, makes the two of us. 
The two idols chit chat and you ignore all of it. Simply, because they seem to get along really well and if there's one thing you know about Namjoon it's how protective he is of all the members. But if he likes and approves of Niki, well you guess she and Jungkook might just be the perfect match. 
It's not like Niki totally ignores your presence. She shoots you a smile that's sweet and warm, and you smile at her right back. Your's looking a tad bit less sincere.
Thankfully, whatever conversation the two of them were having soon comes to an end and Niki leaves the room. 
As soon as it is just you and Namjoon, you blurt out the question you have been wanting to ask for a long time. 
"Are they really dating?" 
Namjoon doesn't seem too surprised by your question, if anything he looks like he expected it. However, he does look hesitant to answer. "Umm, yes they are."
You don't know why you had to ask the question but you did, and now you got your pretty little confirmation and now you're hurting again. 
Well, shit, indeed.
But but but, why was Namjoon hesitant to answer? Was he perhaps aware you had feelings for Jungkook? Had Jungkook told him the reason of requesting a change? 
Fuck, you should really have kept your curiosity to yourself because now your mind is running wild and it's not helping you at all. 
"But, I don't think it's anything serious," Namjoon adds after a beat of silence then nods as if reassuring himself that it was the right thing to say.
It makes you even more paranoid that Namjoon knows about your little more than crush on Jungkook and it makes you want to flee from the spot. 
"Uhmmm, I need to pee," you squeak out and immediately shut your eyes because gosh that was stupid. 
"Uhh, okay." Thankfully, Namjoon isn't weirded out by your silly choice of words. Instead, he looks amused and there might have been something else in his gaze but you are too embarrassed to take notice.
You quickly leave the room and rush your way to the washroom. As soon as you're in, you splash your face with water.
What the fuck? Does Namjoon know? Does it mean that the other members know too? How are you ever going to face them again? 
Shit. Shit. Shit.
This is no good. You should have never confessed. You should never have listened to those excited beats of your heart and to those fluttering butterflies. Look where it got you.
"Don't worry about it, babe. It's all cool, it's all under control now." A voice reaches your ears from one of the stalls in the washroom. 
You assume the woman must be talking on the phone and you ignore it.
"Yes, I know how you feel about it but trust me this whole thing with Jungkook should be over in like a few weeks."
Now, that has your ears all perked up in attention. 
"You know, I don't even like him like that."
What. The. Fuck. 
"I'm not mad at you for it, relax babe, I love you."
And just like that, you hear the toilet flush and the doorknob jiggling followed by Niki stepping out. 
You pour the liquid soap on your hand and wash your hands with them just to look like you weren't eavesdropping on her conversation with her babe. 
Although, could it really be called eavesdropping when she was speaking so loudly? 
Thankfully, Niki doesn't find your behaviour suspicious and leaves the washroom with a small smile lingering on her lips. 
Uhh okay then. 
This is something. 
As soon as the shock dials down and you could think, you knew you had to tell someone. 
You don't know what and how to say, though. You can't just claim that Niki is cheating on Jungkook, despite your initial assumption being that. Because people call their siblings babe too right? Or their best friends? Yes, you can't just assume that she's having an affair behind everyone's back. 
But what you're plenty sure of and have heard Niki admitting is that she does not have feelings for Jungkook. What the heck is going on then? 
Before your mind can start running in circles, the door swings open announcing someone's arrival. Much to your relief, it's Namjoon, someone you can be honest with, without worrying about the technicalities. 
"Listen, I need to talk to you about something," you say, your voice coming out nervous yet firm.
Namjoon takes notice of your nervousness and smiles at you warmly, hoping to put you at ease. "Sure, go ahead."
"I went to the washroom and uhm, I heard Niki talking on the phone about something and I think you should know about it."
A small frown appears on Namjoon's face because of all things, he did not expect that what you had to say was anything related to Niki. He, however, keeps quiet and gives you an encouraging hum to go on. 
"I–She told someone over the phone that she doesn't really have feelings for Jungkook."
Namjoon looks as shocked as you had been but his shock wears off much much quicker than yours did. 
For the first time, he looks a little awkward having this conversation. Scratching the back of his neck, he gives you a small awkward chuckle. "I see what you're saying."
Your first thought to this reaction is that he does not believe you. It would make sense for that to be the case if Jungkook really had told Namjoon about the note. But that does not mean you don't feel incredibly offended and hurt right now. Just because you liked Jungkook does not mean you'd be lying. Is that how much faith Namjoon had in you?
"I'm not lying!" Your voice doesn't hide the emotions you're feeling, not that you were trying to hide them anyway. 
Namjoon's eyes widen and he immediately shakes his head. "No, no, no. That's not what I meant."
You cross your arms and look at him with a scowl, refusing to believe his words. "What did you mean then?" 
He yet, again looks a little sheepish as he answers, "It's just that I don't know what to say."
"You don't have to say anything to me," you reply without missing a beat. "This has nothing to do with me. It has to do with Jungkook. Tell him that this girl probably has some ulterior motives or something. Save him from the heartbreak he will inevitably go through when he comes to that realisation himself."
"You're right, that's exactly what I should do." Something in Namjoon seems to click and he nods. "Wait, I'll be right back."
Just like that, he's walking out in a hurry leaving you all alone in the room. 
It's been fifteen minutes since Namjoon left. 
At first, you were walking with hurried steps from one end of the room to the other but then your anxiety got too much for you and you decided to sort out the skincare items and put them in place. 
Productivity is better than burning calories by walking in circles in a room. Right?
You were only putting the new moisturizer in the drawer when someone clears their throat to announce their presence. 
It rightfully startles you and you let out a small yelp. 
However, when you realise who the person standing in front of you is, it makes your stomach sink. 
The same Jungkook you have been avoiding for weeks. Not that it was difficult though, he had never really made any effort to reach out to you. But whatever. 
You swiftly look away from him and get back to work, not wanting to pay him any attention. Why should you? You're not his makeup artist anymore, he does not have any business to be here. 
"Umm, I need to talk to you about Niki." 
You don't respond.
Your silence is met with a sigh from Jungkook. 
"Hyung told me what you heard Niki say. Ummm can you please not share it with anyone else?" 
Maybe it was something about the way the words were phrased but they did not sit well with you.
Your hands pause and a scoff of disbelief makes its way past your lips. Is...is that what he wanted to talk to you about? 
That too, of all things to ask you to not tell others about it? As if you had told Namjoon about it to spread some sort of gossip. The only reason you bothered with it was because....well, you were worried for Jungkook. 
But imagine caring about someone despite being treated the way Jungkook treated you and then that person coming to talk to you for the first time in weeks only to tell you not to get involved. As if it was by choice. 
One thing was for sure, you were this close to letting out the words you have been holding in for a long long time. Your position as a makeup artist be damned. 
"It's just that if word gets out she will be framed as the wrong guy."
She....she will be the one framed as the wrong guy? And you being the one who could potentially do it, doesn't make you sound like the villain? What he's saying is you could do something that could end up making Niki the victim.
That's it. You have had enough. 
"Do you even know what you're saying?"  You speak the words out with your tone laced with every bit of anger you have been keeping in for weeks. 
Jungkook winces. "I do–"
"Let me finish. I have no business telling people what I heard Niki speak on the phone with lord knows who. Heck, if I was selfish I would have just stayed out of it because who's gonna believe my words against those millions of articles and fans shipping you two? But the only reason I thought you should know about it is because what if you really loved her or something? Knowing it later when you're much more invested would be way more painful and crushing." 
Something enters in his gaze but you're too furious to notice or to even pause to give him the time to form a response.
"Not to mention that you treated me like trash. Didn't bother talking to me. Changed your staff without giving a proper reason. Heck, I might just be a make-up artist and you might be a world-renowned artist but I thought we were more than that," for the first time since you started speaking, your voice goes quiet. "To me, you were more than the idol everyone sees. Maybe that's why I assumed I was also someone more than just a make-up artist to you."
"But I guess I was wrong," your voice cracks and as soon as the sound of your wavering voice reaches your ears, you know it's time to shut up. Because no way in hell are you going to cry in front of Jungkook. 
But somehow that single voice crack says a lot.
You have seen Jungkook cry in pain and frustration. You have seen him laugh until his stomach started to hurt. You have seen him drink until he's all giggles and smiles. Those moments had led you to believe that you two were friends, at least. But then if you two ever were friends, he has disrespected that friendship way too much for you to be calm about it.
Jungkook looks at the ground as if it would magically give him the answer to the question of what he should do now. When it doesn't, Jungkook battles himself and ultimately decides that it's best for him to simply say the truth.
He has complicated things enough.
"Niki and I aren't dating." 
Permanant Taglist:
@bloodline1632 @embrace-themagic @jeonsorchid @fragmentof-indiffernce @royallyjjk @jeonninja @variety-is-the-joy-of-life @blairscott @jungkookslittlebun @hunbun07 @chimchimmarie
Fic Taglist:
@coffeedepressionsoup @perfectlyfangirling @armydgirl
623 notes · View notes
lmaopuli · 7 months
Never Leaving
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*credits to gif owner
Christian Pulisic Angst
Warnings: argument, angry Christian, sad Christian, swearing
Word count: ~1k
“Are you… leaving?”
You jumped at Christian’s question, not expecting him to come into your shared bedroom already. You didn’t want to look up at him yet, for him to see the tears still lingering in your eyes. You kept your gaze on the laundry you were folding, realizing it looked like you were gathering clothes to pack up and leave. You sighed, hoping and praying your voice wouldn’t give away your broken heart, “No, I’m just folding up our clothes.” You were hurt, really hurt, but you would never leave.
Christian lingered around the doorway, too nervous to come close to you yet. He had no idea what you were feeling, about the fight, about him. You still haven’t looked up at him, but if you did, you’d see the tears still lingering in his eyes, just like with you. He brought his hand up to face, fingers pinching the bridge of his nose at the memory of how he spoke to you just moments ago.
“I’m fucking sick of you saying the same shit over and over again every time we come home!” Christian snapped.
“What the hell am I supposed to say as your girlfriend, huh? Am I not supposed to support you?” You spat back, tired of the way he’s spoken to you, not just today but the past few weeks. “You want me to say you guys played like shit today? That you won’t be getting better? Is that what you want?”
“You keep suffocating me!” He responded. He’d regret his words later, but now, he was seeing red. “Just leave me the fuck alone!”
“Fine” you mumbled, shocked that he’d go that low. Tears were welling up in your eyes, but you turned around before Christian could see. You couldn’t deal with this anymore. “I’ll leave you alone.”
“I thought you wanted space. What are you doing here?” you sniffled, annoyed with yourself that couldn’t keep your emotions in check anymore.
You looked up at Christian, and his heart squeezed uncomfortably at your blotchy eyes and red nose. He did this to you. He upset his perfect, angel of a girlfriend, and he didn’t know if he could forgive himself for it.
“God, baby—fuck, I'm sorry—I don’t want space from you. I didn’t mean that,” he stumbled, but you didn’t let him finish.
“Then why did you say it? It was so much worse at Chelsea, and you never spoke to me like that then.”
You were right. Some weeks were absolute hell at his old club, but one of the things you admired most about him was that he could separate it from your relationship. You were his safe space when things got tough. He couldn’t care less about what fans were saying on social media, as long as he could come home to you. You couldn’t figure out why a few tough games at Milan, when overall he was doing great, could get to him like this.
Christian sighed, trying to figure out a way to convey how he was feeling. You could sense the turmoil in his eyes, and motioned for him to sit next to you on the bed. A few moments ago, the last thing you wanted was to speak to him—but now, you needed to know what was clearly bothering your boyfriend.
“Chris, talk to me, please.” You pleaded after he sat down, placing your hand on his knee.
“This move to Milan’s been harder than I thought it was going to be.”
Your heart dropped at his confession. The fans have been amazing to him, so have his teammates and coaching staff. What? Your brows knitted in confusion.
“I just feel like there’s been a lot of pressure from everyone with how my time at Chelsea ended,” he continued, “I wanna prove that I can do really well here, and not just for a season.”
“Baby you’re doing amazing so far—”
“But the team isn’t right now. And I’m scared they’re gonna start making me the scapegoat again.” The tears previously welled up in Christian’s eyes were now flowing down his face.
It took you a few seconds to register what he said, and you felt sick at how long he’s been keeping this from you.
“Why didn’t you tell me this before?” You asked, trying to brush the tears from his face.
“Because this is a huge adjustment for you too. You’re in a new country, learning a new language, trying to get along with the other girlfriends and wives and—”
“That doesn’t mean you can’t talk to me about this. We’re a team, okay? You take care of me all the time, listen to my problems, give me advice,” you gently grabbed his face, making his red, teary eyes meet yours, “I wanna do that for you too.”
Christian didn’t know what to say. He tried to calm his ragged breathing, but you pulled him into your embrace, comforting him yourself, rubbing his back and leaving kisses on his hair—like he’s done with you countless times before. You had no idea how long you both were sat there, it could’ve been anywhere from a few minutes to an hour.
Christian mumbled something into your neck, but you couldn’t understand him with the way he was pressed into your body.
“What was that, baby?” you asked, imploring him to repeat what he said. He reluctantly lifted his head from your neck. His eyes were still a little red and cheeks had some remnants of tears, but he was looking a lot better.
“I said I’m terrified to lose you,” he said softly, voice cracking slightly.
You felt a pit in your stomach, tears pricking your eyes for the third time that night. Pecking the corner of his mouth, you whispered back, “You’re never gonna lose me,” and then you pressed your lips against his, showing him you weren’t going anywhere, that you would never leave.
Christian is my first footballer love, and this fic was so out of my comfort zone, but I hope you Puli girls enjoyed it 🫶🏼 as always, feedback, reblogs, and likes are so so appreciated :) MUAH
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bangchansgirlsblog · 7 months
My Biggest Regret
Part two:
Fate was on her and Chan's side. She knew it. She felt it and she could taste it. Even if It had been 3 years…
3 years.
The calls were now non existent and the texts were now disappearing. She knew the only way to know if he was okay was through social media so she kept checking all her socials to watch over him.
She had accepted the fact that he was now a busy idol. He was making hits and creating a big name for himself and his group. He was now basically non existent in her life.
Don’t get it wrong, he would try to call her here and there but it was so awkward that she just stopped picking up once and for all. He also saw that they had nothing in common at all so he also stopped calling.
They had grown apart. It was painful but that was reality.
She still visited his parents and his sister once in a while just to check in but it would end up with a lecture about how they are very upset with Chan for not keeping in contact with her but they would eventually get over it by the end of the evening after some tea and cookies.
Hannah on the other hand was so upset and angry at her brother but Y/n couldn't blame her. He had missed every important mile stone in her life (not intentionally Ofcourse) but still how "dare" he be so busy and lie.
Y/n knew she had to be her rock though. She knew she had to step in and take care of her.
"My love, you'll get wrinkles on your forehead if you continue to be upset," Y/n tells the young girl as she slowly helps apply Hannah’s makeup for prom. They were sat in her room on vanity.
"I don't get it! How are you so okay with what he has done?" The younger one whines like usual. To be honest Y/n was a mess inside. She was constantly sad and even though it had been years she still felt really sad and upset. She had lost her bestfriend and she didn't know if she would even be around when he came back.
"Hannah, you should be proud of him and not upset. Look at how much he has accomplished. He has grown so much and made a big difference in the industry. We should just be patient with him and we shall all be back together again." Y/n smiles as she finishes the makeup look. "There you go, so beautiful!" She claps and admires the work she had created.
“Let me see! Let me see!” She squeals and turns. Hannah gasps when she looks into the mirror shocked.
"I love it so much Y/n! Thank you!" She squeals again and held out her phone to take a few selfies.
Y/n loved seeing her happy. She was like her little sister and she since she didn't have siblings of her own she put her everything into Hannah.
"Here let me take a picture! Turn around and say Cheese!" Y/n takes a short video of her beautiful dress and posts it on her instagram. She had a few followers not as many as a normal teenager would but she was satisfied with her small account. It consisted of people she loved only.
"Oh I think my dates here!" Hannah smiles and grabs her purse then Y/n's hand. They all walk down stairs where Chan's father had the camera out.
"Oh my girl! You look beautiful!" Her mum coos and stared at the both of them. Hannah and her date took a few pictures and finally left, Ofcourse after Y/n gave them a long lecture about protection and drinking which left Hannah completely embarrassed.
"Thank you for helping her Y/n, you really have her wrapped around your finger," Chan's mum says while pouring some water for Y/n in a cup.
They were sat on the dining table having some dinner since his dad had insisted.
"Oh it's no worries! I love her like my own little sister," she gives them a genuine smile before grabbing her chopsticks and starting on the meal.
"How is medications going? What has the doctor said?" Chan's dad asks turning the atmosphere all so serious. He always had a soft spot for Y/n ever since his bestfriend (Y/N's mum) pushed her out, he had admired her, loved her and cared for her like his own. He was the only father figure in her life.
"It's okay, just trying to push through everyday. The doctor says that the tumor has decreased but he isn’t sure by how much or if it'll stay like that," Y/n shrugs and continued to eat her ramen. This topic wasn't new for her. She was used to the question. She was used to the usual nagging from both Chan's parents and her mum reminding her to take her medication or to go for her appointments.
She was now used to it all.
"That's good sweetheart. Keep taking care of yourself please. I don’t want you to end up in the hospital again.” He tells her softly almost as if he was scared to bruise her with his words.
“I will uncle-“
“Speaking of that,” Chan’s mum interrupted the small conversation. He groans knowing exactly where the conversation was going and he automatically felt bad for Y/n because they had been through this for the 50th time, “Did you ever tell Chan about it? He keeps asking me about you Y/n and I want you guys to get to talking again. I feel bad for lying to him.”
Y/n let a sigh out. She hadn’t told Chan about when her condition got worse. She hadn’t even told him about her ending up in the hospital for months and she wanted to keep it that way.
“No I haven’t told him yet, I just don’t want to put a lot on his plate plus I’m fine now and out of bed rest,”
“I know sweetheart but-“
“My love! Don’t get involved in their love life, I keep telling you this,” Chan’s dad interrupts his mum. Y/n had always admired and craved their love. They were such a cute couple, such a happy couple.
“I know darling but if they won’t even talk, how will they get married?!” She exclaims causing Y/n to choke. Married?
“Look at what you’re saying now! You’ll chase the poor girl away. Let them be please!”
“Fine, Fine. More dumplings?" She asks dumping a few more dumplings on Y/n’s plate.
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sebastianthemadlad · 5 months
Why I don't like the trans woman Vil headcanon
You probably saw my repost of another person talking about this but I wanted to rant about it by myself so here we go.
Before you start calling me transphobic, I'm not angry BECAUSE he's being headcanoned as trans (I actually headcanon him as trans myself, but as a trans man) and at the end of the day he's just a fictional character and it doesn't really matter so do whatever the hell you want.
That being said, a huge part of Vil's characters is not liking gender roles/stereotypes
This scene with him and Epel speaks for itself:
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Why is this a problem? Well the main reason I'm seeing a lot of people headcanon him as a trans woman is because he is feminine-
My reaction:
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Ah yes because feminine men totally cannot exist! They HAVE to be a trans woman! Same with tomboys they have to be trans men! Oh my god-
I want to clarify I'm not blaming trans people for this, in fact I've seen mainly trans people in the twst wonderland fandom call this out and mainly non trans people headcanon Vil as a trans woman.
To be fair, a lot of trans people started out as masculine "women" or feminine "men" before they realised they were trans, but that doesn't mean ALL feminine and masculine men and women are trans (or at least not transitioning to be the opposite gender I have met plenty of masculine trans women and feminine trans men)
Like the post I reposted said, if Vil truly WERE a trans woman, s/he'd probably be a tomboy, because a huge part of Vil's character IS 👏🏻BREAKING 👏🏻GENDER 👏🏻ROLES!
A lot of the trans male friends I have who also like Twisted Wonderland look up to Vil, because they want to break male gender roles and pass enough to be seen as a feminine guy and not a woman (what I mean by that is when trans men are feminine and like wearing dresses and stuff they are often a bit too afraid to do it due to social dysphoria and being misgendered so they usually wait until they begin passing more to wear/do more feminine things, its sad)
So when said trans male friends see the other twisted wonderland say Vil HAS TO BE A WOMAN just because he's feminine it makes them upset, they think they aren't "trans enough" and that to be a "true man" they must conform to male gender roles so they can be "trans enough"
The same goes with female characters who are masculine, trans women who are tomboys could be happy that a woman in media they watch is more masculine like them, but when people start headcanoning said woman as a trans man, it could make the trans women upset
I'm not saying headcanoning certain characters as trans is a bad thing, do whatever the hell you want, I'm not the type to get angry over fictional fun, I scoff at people wishing death upon proshippers because yeah its gross but at the end of the day its just fiction and the person behind it are often just a weird pre teen, I barely even make "call out posts" about these types of fandom stuff but subjects like being transgender often hit home for me because I have many trans friends and a few trans relatives whom I worry about because I know dysphoria can often make people think unhealthy and suicidal thoughts, so I'm just concerned about the harm certain headcanons could cause
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melancholy-valley · 3 months
Enough for me. (Roy Kent x Fem!Reader)
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pairing: (Coach) Roy Kent x Fem. reader
word count: 824 words.
warnings: roy being sad/doubting himself, roy x reader fluff, reader comforting roy, slight sexual themes suggested (near the end), roy hating on trent crimm
a/n: hi!! this is my first ever fic so... pls be gentle. this fic is based on season 3 episode 2 of ted lasso. thanks for clicking on my post out of the millions, i appreciate you :)
summary: roy comes home, frustrated and in need of some comfort after a confrontation with trent crimm about the column he wrote on roy's premier league debut.
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It was a normal day- mundane if anything. You had not too long ago returned home from work, now lazily being slumped over the couch scrolling on social media. Your shared home with the newest coach of AFC Richmond was quiet, but not uncomfortable. Roy, you expected, would be home soon, probably coming through the door stringing curses together. Something of course happened at work, the only question was who exactly he would be pissed at this time.
Just as the scenario of an angry Roy played in your head, he walked through the door. You chirped up, happy to see him after a long day, when you noticed the down look of his face. It was less angry and more...disappointed? "Hey, Roy" You spoke, gently due to the unawareness of what was happening. As you stood up and walked toward him, his eyes planted on the ground, you noticed closer the expression splayed on his face. His brows were furrowed, and he seemed to be in a deep solemn thought. It was only when you lightly touched his harm that he seemed to snap out of his thoughts.
You offered him a comforting smile, "You alright? Talk to me." After you spoke, you moved behind him, beginning to take of his coat. "I don't know." He finally spoke, his tone being gentle. Silence filled the air for a brief moment until he spoke again, "Can I ask you something?" He was now meeting your gaze. "You know you can."
"Do you think I'm good? Like, good enough?" What? A puzzled look fell over your face, and he spoke again before you got the chance to. "I don't know- fuck. It's hard to explain." His gaze diverted once again, now focusing on his fingernails he softly picked at. "Roy, I'm not sure what's going on, but you can talk to me. What happened today?"
"Today was fucking fine. It was normal until that prick Crimm had to interfere." he paused, alternating his eyes from you and the floor, "It's bad enough he prances around the fucking place like he owns it, but today he just had to come talk to me and shit." He picked at his fingernails, a little rougher this time, and you could tell he was wallowing in a mixture of hate for both Crimm and what had gone down today.
You knew he wasn't very fond of Crimm, but not exactly why. You had always figured it was because he was a-in his words-pretentious dick. But this was deeper than that, you just had a feeling. You shot Roy a concerned look. He slowly reached for his wallet and drew out a slip of paper, placing it in your hand and urging you to read it.
What welcomed you was a small excerpt claiming "Newcomer Roy Kent is an overhyped, so-called prodigy whose unbridled rage and mediocre talent rendered his Premiere League debut a profound disappointment.” As soon as you read it, you shot Roy a sad glance. You were angry for him, not believing someone had the will to write such negativity.
"Crimm wrote that." He paused to take the small slip out of your hand. "I was 17, and I had just started playing. Seven fucking teen." He gritted his teeth, grimacing. You rubbed his arm, waiting for him to start again. "I have been living my life since then feeling like I was shit. Then today Crimm revealed he did it just to be 'edgy' and make a name for himself."
Not knowing exactly what to say, you continued to rub his arm. "Roy I'm so sorry. I can't imagine the dejection you’ve been feeling all these years.” He gave you a weird look, a mixture of solemn and happy.
“You know what I really can’t believe? I kind of want to forgive his ass.” You were shocked at what you could assume was Ted’s influence. “Really?” He nodded. “As much as I don’t want to fucking admit it, yeah. He was trying to do his job I guess. I just wish he would have picked on..some other prick, I don’t know.” He was now stifling chuckles, just as shocked from the situation.
“You know what Roy?” you spoke, not breaking eye contact. “Hm?” He tilted his head. “I’m proud of you for coming to that conclusion. You could have blown up, yeah? Been angry, upset. But you handled it all well.” Your graze moving up from his arm, now on his cheek. A good minute passed as you enjoyed holding his rough face.
He leaned down to kiss you. It was gentle and sweet, spreading a honeyed heat through your being. He continued placing small kisses on your face, your neck. Slowly turning into esurient nibbles.
“I fucking love you.” He spoke through kisses.
“I love you too.” You felt him smile against your skin. “And Roy?”
“You will always be enough for me. Always.”
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nikaizkool · 1 year
Manipulative bf feral boys + sweater duo + partners in slime
Never let’s you go out. Basically traps you but since George and sapnap are living with you two you aren’t lonely
Cooks for you buys you shit but never under any circumstance would he let you go out with a guy friend “no you can go out you’ll probably just cheat on me and the fact you’d cheat on me after everything I’ve done for you is sickening”
• Sapnap
Not that manipulative just like an angry dad when your out past your curfew “babe come home now.” When you came back home he’d be very distant and sad guilt tripping you into apologizing and staying home with him
You’d break up and get together on and off very annoying
Sex lots of it he just seems like the kind of guy to have breakup sex so ▪️🦇🕴️
• George
When he wants to do something you say no to “if you love me you’d do it” if you wanna do something he dosent want to “you need to stop being selfish and be more considerate of my needs.”
Bend you over—sick fuck who likes to quick fuck. Very needy when your talking with your friends “babe can you do this dishes it’s your turn”
• Charlie
- I can’t see him really being manipulative or possessive but I feel like if he were he’d only keep you to himself.
“Oh I didn’t know you were going out tonight I was gonna surprise you with a date—but it’s alright—it’s just I really was looking forward to some alone time, I just feel like you have been going out a lot—I feel like your distancing yourself from me.”
-definitely very clingy hugs from behind in public
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Whispering stuff in your ear around your friends “your mine my love”
-does anything to prevent you from leaving, party’s, sex, dinner, dates, anything. If you both went out together he’ll be very protective and make you leave early. Very subtle stuff
-definitely like very possessive distracting you from your friends making him your only worry
- giving you everything you want, flowers, candy, blankets, anything to distract you from everything else “can you stall stream while I cook babe?”
- when you plan to leave he becomes all hot n sexy he starts feeling romantical, starts kissing your neck bear hugging you all that good stuff “but baby your not really gonna leave me here like this are you? Your friends can wait”
- progressively becomes more demanding through the relationship “what do you mean ‘can I go out’ no the fuck—we’re watching a movie babe” he’d hide your phone for a couple days then “find” it.
Puppy eyes all the time, “but my darling we were supposed to hang out today it’s, date night” never lets you go anywhere except the mall and if you do it can only be with him. He monitors everything you do.
“Where were you last night my dear? I didn’t see you this morning?” Constantly bombarding you with questions about your whereabouts. “I was on life 360 and say you were out with f/n. I told you to stop hanging out with them—they aren’t a good influence”
Strict but gentle dad energy all the way “darling may I see your phone I gotta look something up” looks through all your texts ruins your friendships with people who say you and wils relationship is toxic the deletes texts he sent.
Reloads your social media every 5 seconds when your out if you post a dance on TikTok hed create multiple accounts saying your ugly till you delete the video afterwards hed Comfort you.
Very subtle “babe I have to go—“ he wrap his arms around you whining till you give in
When you go out together and he sees you eyeing someone he’d whisper to you “Your only mine-yeah?”
After you’d get home he’d guilt you “you don’t fucking love me anymore do you? I loved you Y/n I really did I can’t believe you.”
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barcalover86 · 11 months
Can u do a pedri angst where him and reader finally make it official after months of him chasing after her but the next day the paparazzi find him getting cozy with a girl qnd its all over the media and she feels embarrassed but he doesnt think its a big deal so they get into a fight but make up in the end
Breaking News- Pedri Gonzalez
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S, f, a
I saw that you also asked someone else and they did it, but I am gonna still answer you, so I hope you will like this as well. Enjoy!
So here is Pedri's version:
Pedri fell in love with you months ago, and he knew that he wasn't your type. His schedule was always busy, and he didn't have time to be in a relationship, and you wanted something serious. That hurt him a lot, but he didn't want to give up on you. For weeks, he did everything to show you that he loves you and that he wants something serious, too.
After a lot of work, you agreed to be his girlfriend and it was the best decision. He was a sweetheart, always made time to be with you. You would go to his games to support him and he would always be there when you needed.
People knew that you were together, but it was not a secret, but a private kind of relationship. He tried to keep you away from all the social media, knowing how they could destroy couples. He tried so hard to be yours, and he didn't want to lose you.
Now, Pedri was coming home after a hard day. It was really late and he was tired, especially that people were all over him. He barely could drive, so he decided to open the window and to sign some things and make some photos for the fans.
He stayed there a lot, and right when he wanted to leave to come home to see you, a girl shouted his name to make a video of her. Pedri sweared in his mind before smiling at her phone. When he thought that she was done, the girl went over and kissed his cheek. People started to scream in surprise. Everyone was with cameras, and Pedri felt so bad.
He couldn't say much thing, especially to shout at her, knowing that this was going to be on all super media. He only said that what she did was rude and his face was really angry.
He left the place and went home to see you on the couch, waiting for him, sleepy.
He smiled at you and kissed you. The kiss started to become more hard and after some time you were both naked on the couch.
"If you are too tired we can-"
"No, no, please" Pedri interrupted you. "I really want it"
You smiled at his words and then continued what you were doing.
Next morning, you woke up in his bed, naked. The blanket being the only thing that was covering you.
Pedri was already awake, and you went to sit on his lap while he was playing with your hair. He put the blanket over your shoulders and kissed your neck slowly. The night you two had was magic. He made sure to make you feel good, and today, being his off day, made it even more perfect. You could be all day together and that made you both happy.
After he told you that he's going to take a quick shower, you went through your phone to see if are some news.
You were on ig and saw a lot of videos and photos of Pedri and some girl the night before. You knew it meant nothing, but the way he acted made you sad.
She was way prettier than you and you were afraid that he enjoyed her kiss.
When he came back from his shower and saw your uncomfortable face, he asked you what happened.
"C'mon, Y/n, please tell me!"
"I said nothing, Pedri!"
He stayed silent for some seconds before speaking again.
"Did I do something wrong..?"
"Oh, really? I don't know, did you?"
"That's why I asked you!"
He was getting on your nerves now.
"I-" he tried to speak after you showed him the videos.
"I'm not mad"
He seemed to calm down at your words a bit.
"I..I'm just...sad? Disappointed? Embarrassed?"
"Why!? Y/n, look, I'm really sorry, but I don't think it's a big deal..?"
You were shocked by his words. Not a big deal?
"Ok" you replied simply before dressing up and wanting to leave the house.
"Where are you going?!"
"Not a big deal, Pedro."
"No, no, don't go. I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, please stop. Let's talk about it, please."
"What is it to talk? You already made a conclusion. Exactly as you said 'not a big deal', right?"
"I don't want to hear it."
"Please, don't leave me. Let me at least explain!"
"What to explain, Pedro, if for you it's not a big deal!?"
"I'm sorry I said that! It was so stupid, but I promise to you that I only said it to not talk about it because I felt horrible when it happened!"
"Oh, and you decided to not tell me, but sleep with me! How mature, Pedro!"
"No, no, please-!"
"Please, what?"
"Let me explain what exactly happened"
"Go on, then. Make it quick."
He explained everything that happened. Ehy he didn't want to make a scandal and just left without going into a fight. How he didn't want it to affect your relationship and how he is really sorry.
You also explained that you weren't angry with him or mad. You just felt insecure and embarrassed that he chose you out of everyone.
"For me, you're perfect, and I only love you, amorcito. Trust me, you have all my attention"
You smiled at his words and kissed him. That day, he did exactly what you told him, in a way to be forgiven. You were laughing at his silliness, but were so happy that you were spending time with him.
All day, he made sure to tell you how pretty you are and how important you are for him. He also promised that if something like that is going to happen again, he would make clear again that he has a girl home that he truly loves.
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jhkfan123 · 5 months
enchanted- tom blyth | ch. 9
A/N: this chapter is so me when-
2nd A/N: guys i KNOW the oscars aren't directly after the golden globes but pls ignore its for the plot. 😁
you felt like throwing stuff. just throwing everything in sight. the two of them cannot tell you everything is fine, and then pull a stunt like that. not only did it confuse you, it only fueled the fire of the relationship rumors even more. at this point, you were considering deleting social media altogether. you did not want to deal with it. at this point it made every day worse. it sucked you in like a vacuum, and you couldn't escape what you didn't want to see. no matter how many times you clicked "not interested" on a post, it would not help the amount of rachel and tom content you saw. it wasn't healthy. 
you had the impulse to archive all of your social media posts and just take a break. maybe it would help. help you get away from all the things you didn't want to see. you reminisced on your actors on actors with jenna ortega. everything the two of you had said. maybe it was a good idea. you were feeling impulsive anyways. 
just to be petty, the only posts you archived were the ones that were hunger games related. at least, for now.  why not be petty? they seemed to have lied to you, anyways. 
you felt they were treating you like a child. like you couldn't handle the truth. yes, it would be hard to hear, but it's not like you wouldn't understand. you weren't a little kid. you were an adult. a petty adult? yes. but an adult nonetheless. you wouldn't have been so angry if they hadn't lied. if they had said it to your face, you wouldn't be reacting like this. but you just felt anger. 
you felt like you wanted to break something. break something like he broke your heart. you weren't going to slash his tires or anything, nothing to him. just something to destress. but there was nothing in your house that you could. so you just decided to scream into your pillow. easy solution. then, you continued to archive your posts. every single one that included tom. it was fun. so much fun. you felt a little immature, but it was definitely making you feel better. then you went through you instagram highlights. took them all down. you changed your profile picture, which was originally a picture of you, rachel, josh, tom and hunter, to a solitary picture of you. it felt so good. you knew your social media team would be mad, but who cared. 
then you cried. the situation was giving you major mood swings. angry, sad, angry, sad, really angry, sad. this went on for hours. you rotted in bed. you called your best friend and cried to her for about an hour. you just listened to olivia rodrigo. she seemed to have songs that fit every situation. you listened to get him back! and lacy on repeat. 
then making the bed came on. and then you realized. in 2024, you should not be rotting over a possible dating situation. you should not be crying for hours over a situation that you can easily question. you are the only one who is making you feel like this. you were doing this to yourself. this could easily be solved by talking to them, and even better, you had your final red carpet event of the season, where both of them would be in attendance. this event just so happened to be the oscars. it was very exciting, and even though none of you had been nominated, just going would be an amazing experience.  you had to deal with the truth, and that was, if they are together, there was absolutely nothing you could do about it. you could not go back in time and do something differently. and if they weren't together, great. 
you had to stop being immature, and start being rational. you had to prepare yourself. you glanced up at your door. your stylist had picked out a white dress. there was no way. you scavenged in your dress closet for anything better. 
after a lot of slow skincare, a shower, and digging through your closet, you eventually picked out a black, elegant, silky dress with a very high slit. you paired it with a layered pearl choker, and a black garter. the garter was visible, but not totally out there. you put on the highest black heels you owned, did you hair nicely, created your daily bracelet stack, and prepared to leave. you paired your outfit with a black clutch, and made your way out the door. you knew people would be dressed in gowns, and other elegant things, and your dress might now be as big and showy, but you had a point to make. again, it was based on princess diana's revenge dress. you really admired her, and this look made you feel empowered.
when you arrived on the red carpet, you walked with confidence. you had been on a lot of red carpets these past few weeks, so you had developed a strategy. get on, say hi to a few fans, strike a few poses, more fans, and then walk in. so that's what you did. stepping out of the car, there was an immediate reaction to your outfit. it was a mix of shock and surprised gasps, along with cheering. you went over to the crowd and began to say hi to a few people. you took a photo with one young fan who was so adorable. then, you did two short interviews. next it was time to pose. you were going to make sure there were lots of photos. on your way to the carpet, you caught sight of tom. he was maybe 25 feet away from you, posing on a different background. 
However, you accidently made eye contact with him. he looked at you, glanced down at your outfit, then up to your face once more, then down to your outfit, then up to your face. he couldn't seem to get enough of you. he seemed to be shocked at your outfit, which is what you were going for. you didn't know wether to smile at him, or to look away. 
you ended up doing a combination of both, which looked very odd. you had hoped no one caught that on camera. you saw him smile slightly, but then he turned away and posed again. you took the hint and went back to posing again. you had not found rachel yet, or any of your other castmates. still on the red carpet, a security guard gave you a fifteen minute warning to the top of the show. you decided maybe you should go find your seat. at the oscar's there was not as much of a guarantee you would be seated with the members of your movie as other events. the only guarantee was if you were nominated. 
you walked past the coat check, and over to the seating chart. the theater was huge, so finding your seat took a while. you sighed when you found that your seat was next to tom. and tom was next to rachel. on your other side, hunter schafer, and josh. you were glad to know you weren't seated in the middle of them again. you had hunter to talk to if things got weird. 
shuffling through people, you finally approached your seat. you gave hunter a tight hug, she was being so unproblematic in this whole situation, and you were here for it. you sat down in-between hunter and tom, and the second you sat down, your mind blank. you had no idea what to say to the boy next to you. do you ask him now? wait till the party? go outside? don't ask at all? that one was definitely out. you probably wouldn't be able to sleep until you asked. rachel was next to him, and while you smiled at her, you didn't say much. hunter complimented your outfit, and you returned the compliment. you noticed tom listening to the conversation between the two of you. you had a feeling he was going to butt in anytime now, but nothing yet. 
finally, you heard him take a breath, coincidentally at the same time the show started. you heard him say something, but loud music came on, and you couldn't make it out. 
"what?" you asked him to clarify, but he shook his head. well that was going to bug you. you focused on the show, still dying to know what he said. it stuck in your head the entire duration of the ceremony. 
the final award was given, and the lights came back on. it was a great show. you knew that you needed to talk to tom. you had to make sure you didn't lose him in the crowd. when everyone was making their way out, you made sure to not lose sight of him. he was walking in front of you, and also much faster. figured, he was much taller than you. 
when you finally caught sight of the exit of the building, you started calling his name. he heard you the second time. he stopped walking, and waited for you to catch up to him. you began walking again, this time with him. you made your way outside, finally, where there was fresh air. you took a deep breath, and pulled him off the driven path. 
"what, y/n?" he asked, seemingly ok with everything.
"tom, i need to talk to you. right now." 
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