#but i had some Points lol i think is sad that i didn’t bring up by proxy of not posting lol and this is one of them lol
akkivee · 1 year
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genuinely asking: where tf did saburo get this picture from
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clockwayswrites · 4 months
Danny/Wally, blue, mint
WC: 547
Depending on who and when you asked someone, the Speed Force and Clockwork could be many things to each other: friends, enemies, lovers, brothers, each other, or the very same person. They were both, after all, masters of Time and that had to bring some sort of a connection. On the other hand, they both handled Time very differently from each other which more often brought conflict. Throughout all of their different labels and ever shifting moods one thing was true: the Speed Force and Clockwork were gossiping old biddies about everything and everyone that ever was or would be.
(And, if occasionally, they came together in way that no mortal mind could ever comprehend, well, then that was their business and no one else’s.)
The gossiping old biddies part is what was important in that moment. Not to most people, of course. Most people didn’t have the constitution to be aware of temporal fluctuations, and, even if they had, the current wibbliness of time really only mattered to two people: one Wally West and one Daniel Fenton. Or by other names which might matter more at the moment: Kid Flash and Phantom, the Speed Force’s chosen and Clockwork’s cog, and, most importantly, beloved pseudo-grandsons.
It’s just, the Speed Force sighed, or came as close as a cosmic entity could manage to a sigh, Wally keeps falling instantly for people that he knows are unattainable.
They sounded young right then, like a dramatic teen, and Clockwork unconsciously shifted his form to match. “If they’re unattainable, why does he fall for them?”
Because they’re unattainable. I think he’s afraid to fall for someone he could have because… because of me.
Clockwork snorted. “Isn’t that a bit egotistical?”
The space around them sparked with static. No!
Really! He’s afraid because of what I’ve given him! He’s not simple a person anymore— he’s a cosmic force! The static faded to a sad sputtering and then stopped. All of existence seemed to drag around them. And how often is he going to run into someone who handle that? He’s afraid of trying, my poor boy…
Clockwork nodded in commiseration. His form aged and shifted until he floated hunched over himself. “I see. Danny has become like that as his power has grown. He has pulled away from the living and dead a like. I have concerns about his bonds if it continues.”
The Speed Force jolted, reality spinning in a sudden whirl. That’s it!
“Stop that,” Clockwork ordered, wrenching things back into control with a firm hand. “What are you on about? What silly idea do you have now?”
Danny is cosmic.
“Yes,” Clockwork agreed dryly.
Wally needs someone who understands cosmic! Danny needs someone who has strong ties to the world! Wally’s whole self is saving the world. It’s perfect.
Clockwork actually took a moment to consider the thought.
You know I’m right.
“You’re never right.”
“But,” Clockwork said slowly. The Speed Force buzzed in anticipation. “This might at least be worth a try.”
I told you!
“They can’t suspect it’s a set up though,” Clockwork admonished quickly.
Of course not, too damn stubborn. But… it wouldn’t be too hard to make their paths cross, now would it?
“No,” Clockwork grinned. “No I don’t think that it would.”
AN: Okay, so we didn't actually get to Danny/Wally but this idea got in my head and lol. Idk maybe I'll continue this one at some point down the road!
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(I didn’t find any info if your askbox is closed or not, if you are not taking up requests you can ignore this!)
But hi :) how are you? how you are doing well
this is a bit personal, but would you mind doing either a Headcanon or scenario with reader x turtles (romantic/crush stage) with a…Hopeless reader? Kinda someone who had to tell themselves that love isn’t on their life journey and that seriously bother them? Lol
this weekend I’m gonna attend a friends wedding, while meeting with some shared friends before the wedding, one of them quoted corpse bride’s scene “to Emily, always the bridesmaid, never the bride” for me (most of my friends are married or dating long term), usually I handle the lack of a love life fairly well (by not thinking about it or just making jokes about it lol) but tonight it kinda really bothered me, a lot.) a lot of my friends treat me being single as something I don’t out efforts in it? But holy shit I do, and it really hurts to see them saying or acting like I’m not doing enough? Anyways. I guess the request would be how the turtles would react to a reader who kinda just lost hope, who agrees with the quote even if it makes her very sad? Kinda trying to wing the night lowkey but turtles can sense it hurt her (maybe Vern said the quote lol, or something similar… that’s something stupid enough for the falcon to do 😅)
I hope makes sense, if not I apologize for the messy ask. Have a good day / night
I'm sorry that happened. Your friends definitely need to stfu about that lol dating and relationships are fun, but nobody NEEDS them. If they need a RELATIONSHIP to feel fulfilled, they have shit to figure out.
Definitely been there tho. And being single can be horrible. I see you
Scene: Your turtle has been secretly pining for you for a while now. Hasn't got the guts to say anything yet.
TMNT x Lonely Reader
- He could sense your reaction instantly, despite how well you hid it.
- Your micro expressions, the slight but sudden shift of your bodyweight away from Vern- Leo almost didn't catch that you had smiled and laughed at the comment.
- His own reaction was visceral and overwhelming, at least it was to him.
-He remained still by your side, but the urge to...he didn't even know. Hide you. Push hard at Verns shoulder- something.
-Geez. He hadn't felt like this since he was a child. Like he could protect his little brothers or you from judgment or cruelty.
-He couldn't.
-He sucked in a breath through his nose, scrambling for self-control; watching you handle the interaction like an adult. Forcing himself to as well.
-But it did satisfy him to see that Vern physically felt his animosity. The guy took once glance at Leo before he instantly stuttered an excuse to walk to another conversation.
-"Vern is an idiot." Leo scratched out, desperate to keep what he really wanted to say to you at a minimum. "There's absolutely nothing wrong with you."
-You seemed surprised at that, glancing up at him. But your quite, sincere smile made it it worth it.
- "Always the brides maid, never the bride, huh?"
- "What?" It was a reactive response. Before you could even register what he had said, or the sudden amount of hurt- or embarrassment you felt.
- Raph had turned wide, expectant eyes on Vern as well, something Vern noticed instantly.
- "Well, yunno." Vern stutteres, trying to stay focused on you. "I've seen ya at these events a lot but you never bring a guy around...or-"
-"See that girl over there?" Raph suddenly said, leaning down a little to point your gaze in the right direction.
- "Yeah." You said quietly.
-"Who's that girl, Vern?"
-Vern looked back at you guys, shrugging and putting his hands back in his pockets with an air of pride. "She's my girlfriend."
-Raph smirked, his voice somehow both condescending and unusually soft. "Vern met her a week ago. That makes her..." Raph trailed off, looming back into his full height, towering over Vern. "The sixth one this year, right. Makin' you real good at givin' advice to pretty girls, Falcon boy. Careful with that."
-"Jesus. I'm just- I'll be over there." Vern sighed, awkwardly stepping aside then walking out of sight.
- Raph said nothing, instead turning to you. "You alright?"
-You were desperate not to say everything you wanted to. "Much better." You said instead, looking up at him. Hoping the softness you saw there was a reflection of what you felt for him too.
- Donnie couldn't even react or register the words before you were handling it. Shrugging and waving Vern off.
-He was horrified. His eyes were glued to Vern, completely confused that the guy had missed how rude of a statement that was.
-The conversation came and went, and while he had a wonderful time, he was entirety focused on you.
-While you didn't seem MISERABLE, you were different. Something had obviously changed. And it was Verns fault.
-You had no reason to feel pressure of that kind. You were perfect the way you were! No one should ever, ever, ever make you feel anything less.
-The thought that you did made him physically sick to his stomach.
-He might not have caught it in time to say anything in the moment.
-But Verns apartment locks, car, computer, and bathroom pipes all giving him a hard time all in the next 24 hours?
-A complete and utter mystery...
-"Yeah you should listen to him." Mikey said.
-Shock coursed through you. "What?" You looked at him, wide eyed, heart in your throat- "W- I should-"
-"You should listen to him." Mikey repeated, noding solumley, starting to confidently strole around Vern. "This guy has fantastic dating advise. You don't even know, girl. Look at him!" Mikey's smile was as bright as the sun, gesturing to Vern as if he was a plater he was showing off to you.
-"He's been on this earth so long, his life experience exceeds our very comprehension, girl."
-Vern made a sudden puzzled expression while yours melted quickly into a smile.
-"He's got recipes too. Qualifications, evidence, the whole nine yards. Guy has like- twelve grand kids-"
-"I- C'mon, Mike-" Vern was catching on.
-"Ohhh.. yeah, that's right. No grandkids. But he does have a wife. They just had their fiftieth anniversary-!"
-"I'm not that o- He's joking with you." Vern tried to explain. "I'm not married."
-Mikey snapped his fingers as he had remembered something, suddenly getting much, MUCH closer in Verns personal space.
-"Oh yeah, that's right. You're not married. I forget that your on, like, your sixth girlfriend this month. Maybe actual advise sounds like..."
-Mikey stepped away from Vern, standing infront of you. "Keep those standards up, girl. Pretty face like yours? You could have anyone you want."
-You couldn't stop smiling.
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juyeonszn · 8 months
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PAIRING jacob bae x f!reader
GENRES smut lol
WARNINGS 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, mature language, fawn writing about jacob bae yet again but i swear this time was necessary!!!, porn without plot but also if u squint there’s a little bit of plot, roommates/best friends with mutual pining, i mixed so many tropes in here tbh, vaginal fingering, unprotected sex (pls be safe), mirror sex, soft? dom!jacob, lmk if i missed anything!
SUMMARY the two times jacob bae derails your saturday night plans.
MORE FAWNTOBER DAY 2 IS A GOOOOO 😈 i’m actually doing pretty well timing wise and as far as im concerned, i’ll actually pull this thing off 😭 anyways.. enjoy!! pls remember to reblog if u liked what u read! and stay tuned for the rest of the fics coming out this month <3
PERM TAGLIST @winterchimez @maessseongs @itsbeeble
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If it were up to you, you would just stay home for the evening. You’d kick your feet up into the ottoman and put on a random movie, latched onto Jacob’s side like a little leech. You were lucky your roommate was just as much of a cuddler as you were. It’d be kind of awkward if he wasn’t.
Unfortunately, your Saturday night plans would have to be postponed.
“It’s gonna be fun, N/N, I promise,” he tries to convince you, hands clasped together. “Sangyeon even said he’d pay your tab.”
“But I’m tired, Cobie,” you pout, knowing full well that your puppy dog eyes would always be his weakness, even if he’d never admit it to himself. “I don’t wanna go out tonight.”
He must’ve really been looking forward to going out and meeting up with the guys if not even your guilt-tripping face worked on him. He goes off on a tangent about how you always stay in, and despite loving that to an extent, sometimes he wants to enjoy a night out. You were still confused as to why he didn’t just go by himself. Why did he have to bring you along with him?
It’s not like you were dating or anything. You were just roommates. Really close roommates. Roommates who cuddled every other night. Roommates who often found themselves sleeping in the other’s bed rather than their own. Roommates who were so undeniably attracted to each other but masked it by pretending they weren’t.
Couldn’t you have been sucked into a different trope?
“I just think you’re not giving the idea enough credit,” he raises his hands in surrender. “Besides, wouldn’t you feel left out? Wouldn’t you get major FOMO?”
You sigh. He had a point. Even if you didn’t really want to go clubbing, knowing all of your friends were there without you would make you sad. Imposter syndrome came way too easily for you. “Fine, I guess I’ll go.”
Jacob fist bumps the air, dragging you from the couch to your bedroom so you could start getting ready. He knows you take a while and the arranged meet up time was two hours from the current time. You move as quickly as you can, because even if you were only interested half heartedly, you didn’t want to be late. Especially because Jacob had a knack for constantly being punctual.
You kiss your teeth as you stare at your closet after you’ve finished showering and doing your hair and makeup. You felt like there was nothing good enough to wear. This wasn’t just a bar that you usually frequented, so you couldn’t dress casually. But it also wasn’t so fancy that you had to go over the top either. And for some reason, none of your clothes could fall into the perfect in-between category.
There was one dress.
You hadn’t worn it in a while, mostly because you never found the occasion to and it brought bad memories. It was a confidence booster, that was for sure. A tight black dress that stopped just below your ass and showed the perfect amount of cleavage. The moment you put it on, it’s like you’re a new person.
Staring back at you is someone you haven’t seen in a couple years, someone you shoved into the recesses of your subconscious. She used to party every night until she was black out drunk, making out and sleeping with random strangers until she was satisfied. She was stuck in a loop until she became friends with Jacob Bae, eventually moving in to get away from that lifestyle.
You never tell him how grateful you are. Part of you wishes to keep your past buried, hidden from the light of day so you never have to face your mistakes again. But at the same time, you could never tell him thank you enough. For saving you in a way, for helping you close that chapter of your life.
There’s a knock at your door, and you call out a “Come in” before your brain catches up with you. You make eye contact with Jacob in the mirror, watching his expression shift slightly. It wouldn’t have been noticeable if you were anyone else, but you knew him almost as well as you knew yourself. Maybe better.
He walks up behind you, brushing your hair behind your shoulder with a featherlight touch. “I haven’t seen this one on you in a long time.”
He’s so close to you, it’s kind of driving you crazy. You bite the inside of your lip, trying to keep your voice steady. “Should I wear it?”
His fingers start at your waist, trailing down to the hem of your dress. His knuckles skim across the bare skin of your exposed thigh, provoking your body to shudder. “Hmm, I’m not too sure,” Jacob rests his chin on your shoulder, looking at you through the mirror. “Seeing you in this is making me rethink going out tonight. Kinda wanna keep you here, all to myself, like that night at Hyunjae’s party.”
Okay, so perhaps you might’ve skipped a tiny detail in the retelling of your first encounter with Jacob Bae.
The reason you two became friends was because he actually happened to be one of those random strangers you slept with. It was a stroke of luck that you kept in contact with him after that night, considering he was supposed to be nothing more than a nameless face. But he was cute and he was funny, so when he asked to hang out a few days later you couldn’t help but cave in.
“Jacob…” You breathe, chest rising and falling rapidly. “D-Don’t you wanna see the boys?”
His lips press to the juncture between your neck and collarbone, a soft kiss that already packs your head with cotton. He hums into your skin, hands bunching up your dress around your hips. Someone was impatient. “Not important. We can reschedule.”
You didn’t want to reschedule. You wanted to get out of this apartment, fully clothed, with an excuse to ignore the hammering of your heart in your rib cage and the fluttering down there. If you stayed here any longer, Jacob would successfully charm his way into your pants. (Dress?) And you didn’t want to think about the consequences that may come with.
But it’s not like he gives you much of a choice, invading your headspace with every nip and suck of your jugular and jaw. His slender fingers run a line down the front of your panties, a small groan leaving the back of his throat when he feels how wet you are for him. With heavy eyelids, you watch the entire thing in the mirror, lips parting with a gasp at the sight.
“Fuck, baby,” he curses in your ear, pulling you backward so the two of you are sitting on the edge of your bed, still facing your mirror. “You want me just as bad don’t you?”
You whine, squirming as he dips his fingers into the waistband of your underwear, collecting your slick and smearing it all over your lower lips. He helps you shimmy out of your panties and dress, leaving you completely nude for him. His fingers resume their previous activities, easily pumping the ring and middle digits in and out of your cunt. His free hand grips your jaw, forcing you to keep your eyes on his movements.
“Cobie,” you whimper, spreading your legs wider to give both of you a better view. “Feels so good…”
His thumb circles your clit, mouth beside your ear to whisper all the filthy things he wants to do to you. Your toes curl at the same time his fingers do, brushing that sweet spot in your pussy. A strangled moan escapes you as you hit your climax, walls tightening around his fingers and back arching into his chest.
“That was so hot. You did so well for me,” he praises, thumb rubbing lazy patterns into your clit to bring you back down. “I just need you to do that on my cock. Can you do that for me, baby?”
“Mhm,” you nod, hands reaching behind yourself to free him from his jeans, fumbling with the button and zipper in your haste. “Need you inside of me already.”
You hope Jacob doesn’t have high expectations for you since you came so quickly with just his fingers. You’re not sure if he’s anticipating you to last longer with his cock. From what you remember, he wasn’t the longest, but he was definitely the thickest, and that’s what scared you the most. You were afraid of how full he’d make you feel.
Once the clothes from his bottom half are removed, you risk a glance at his dick in the mirror, your pussy clenching around nothing. Despite not knowing if you’d be able to take him without turning into a blubbering mess, you really wanted to try. You wanted him to fill you up like a plug in a bathtub drain.
He takes his girth in one hand, sliding his dick through your folds languidly, lubricating himself with the wetness of your cunt. He groans in your ear again, squeezing your hip to steel himself. “You ready for me?”
Your head bobs up and down quickly, patience wearing thin. He chuckles before impaling you on his cock, both of you moaning from the feeling of one another. The stretch burns, but it’s fucking heavenly, your pussy feeling so stuffed you can barely think. (Not that your thoughts were coherent beforehand anyway.)
“You’re— oh god, Jacob— you’re s-so deep,” you mewl, hands supporting yourself on his thighs. “I feel so full.”
He keeps his grip on your waist, fucking up into you as slowly as he can as to not disrupt your adjustment to his cock. Your head lolls back onto his shoulder, lips parted with a gasp every time he thrusts into your tight pussy. He shakes his head, urging you to stay upright.
“I need you to keep your eyes on the mirror, baby. Watch me fuck you until you can’t take it anymore.” Jacob commands, voice as deep as his dick inside of you.
You comply, hooded eyes nearly rolling to the back of your head when you take in the sight of him bouncing you on his cock. Your nails dig into his skin, lip splitting from the force in which you’re biting it. He looks so hot, focused on getting you both to that peak you desperately need to reach.
It’s such a stark contrast to the sweet Jacob Bae you’re used to, this one pounding into you without mercy, eyebrows knitted together in concentration. That first time you had sex, years ago, was pretty vanilla thanks to you both having a little too much to drink that night. You don’t even think you remembered most of it. Had you known he was such a freak, maybe you wouldn’t have pretended your attraction to him was nonexistent. Maybe this would’ve happened a lot sooner.
You don’t dwell on that regret much longer, Jacob yanking your attention back in by rubbing your clit with his middle finger. The amount of overstimulation fogs your vision, voluminous, pornographic level moans reverberating around the room. The words bubbling past your lips don’t make any sense, reduced to babbling until an encouragement is uttered into your ear.
“Cum on my cock, sweetheart,”
A cry is ripped from your vocal cords, your body writhing above him and continuing even after he’s orgasmed inside of you, fucking his cum into your cunt as he calms you down. You whimper when he grasps your jaw once more, egging you on to stare at the mixture of your cum running down your legs.
You both look absolutely feral, skin sticky with sweat and chests heaving up and down as if you’d ran a marathon. Jacob makes no move to pull out, leaving open mouthed kisses on your neck, back and shoulders. Your eyes flutter shut as a wave of exhaustion rushes over you.
“I think you’re pretty close to succeeding in your mission,” you say hoarsely. “I can hardly function right now.”
He laughs, such a melodic sound it almost doesn’t belong in your current setting. “Yeah? Do you wanna help me pass it?”
And in spite of being on the brink of passing out, who are you to deny such a promising offer?
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© juyeonszn. do not steal, claim, or repost.
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whirlwindimagines · 1 year
‘When you’re lost in the universe, don't lose faith’
a/n: Not requested! This is a sequal to 'In the moment where lost and found’, I just want to be by your side.’ Nobody asked for this but I wanted it lol i had written both pretty much back to back, only this took some time. its almost 2000 words! Title is a lyric from Hand of God by Jon Bellion
Edit: I AM SO DUMB? Why didn’t I finish the last paragraph?
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You don't know why you are surprised when you wake up to an empty room, at first a deep sadness settles into you, and then anger. Ripping the blankets off and ignoring the pain that flares up in your shoulder you rush out of the room and down a flight of stairs. 
Slamming your hands on the hotel front desk you startle the man behind said desk. “Blonde guy with a red coat, where is he.” Your tone leaves no room for argument, as the man looks at you shocked. The moment stretches out too long, and you lean forward getting into the guy's face. “Well?” you snap at him, which makes him move. 
“Erm... I guess this is for you then.” The hotel clerk hands you a sheet of paper, which you yank out of his hands, turning around to read the contents. 
‘Y/n… I'm sorry. I can't keep my promise to you, it's better this way to part now before you get seriously hurt because of me. Bad things happen around me, and I care about you too much to let me be your downfall. You deserve better, we’ll see each other again one day! But for now, it's goodbye, I’m sorry that I'm too much of a coward to tell you all this in person, but you know I've always been better at running away.’ 
You began to shake either out of anger or something else, how dare he make this decision for you! You wanted to travel with him, the risk meant nothing to you. Stuffing the note in your coat pocket, you turned back to the clerk who flinched at the deadly look in your eyes. “How long ago did he leave this?” 
“The sun just began to rise, so not even an hour ago!” The clerk said, his eyes darting towards the front door. You called out a ‘thanks’ while you rushed out of the hotel, how far could get in an hour? Pretty far, you tracked the whole damn desert if you had to just so that you could wring his pretty neck. If he was sorry for leaving you, he’d be really sorry once you found him.
Thus began the search, you asked any person you came across if they had seen even a hint of Vash’s red coat. You had a feeling Vash wouldn't leave town, no he would make sure you were okay and had some footing and a plan. Because even if he was a coward, he wouldn't leave you in danger. 
You just kept asking people, some pointed you in the right direction and others were wild Thomas chases. Morning turned to afternoon and then to dusk. Frustrated with yourself and Vash you sat down on a bench head in your hands. He would be gone by morning; you knew it deep down. Leaning back to look at the sky, you could feel yourself began to cry. Wiping your eyes harshly you stood. Damn him! Shoving your hands in your pockets, you fisted the material of the note he left you bringing it out. Maybe there would be a clue.
You flipped it over, eyes widening it was a receipt for a Sand steamer. It was a stretch, but you ran to the station hoping that he would be there. Why haven't you looked at that before, shaking your head, it didn't matter you need to move before you ran out of time. 
Making it to the station you looked around frantically. 
You’ve finally spotted the telltale sign of a red coat, without thinking you rush forward grabbing a fistful of said coat with your hands and yanking back hard. You hear Vash yell out startled, as he hits the sand ass first. He looks up at you as if he’s seen a ghost, it's much more like he's looking at one very pissed-off demon.
You stare down at him, hands shaking at your side. He has the gull to look shameful, he then looks away unable to hold your glare. Vash sits up placing his arms over his knees and his head hanging. He looks small, so unlike the man you're used to. It pains you, but you're going to have to hurt him to get him to understand. 
“You left.” 
“I know.”
Silence, you were tired of silence of unsaid words, you’ve had enough. “I got hurt, and it was your fault. Is that what you want to hear? That your right, I’ll probably continue getting hurt because of you. Because someone always going to be chasing you, and I'm making myself a target?” Your tone was harsh, and he flinched not picking his head up. 
“But you know what you hurt me.” Your voice broke, and it caused him to look up to meet your gaze. “You're hurting me right now because you're shutting me out. You think leaving is going to protect me” He doesn’t say anything to you, he just holds your gaze and you can see the tears begin to pool in his eyes. 
“Well, it's not!” you snap, God you’d just wish he’d say something, yell at you get mad something! “I'm going to get hurt again, and you're going to get hurt as well. And you know what? I’m not leaving!” You took a step closer towering over him, maybe you were being too cruel. You needed him to understand, it was you and him till the end of the line no matter what happened between then and now. 
You watched as he clenches his fist, he looks at you sharply pushing his glasses up to rest on top of his head, you watch his tears fall and you ignore the pang in your chest. “I’m scared!” Vash finally snaps at you; his tone is cold but you're just glad he's talking. “I'm scared, that I won't be enough and that I’ll lose you like I've lost everyone else!” he ends the statement with a sob into his hands, “I'm never enough, and I can't let you suffer because of it.” 
Your gaze softens and you drop to your knees in front of Vash, you gently grab his wrists to pull them away from his face. You hold his tearful gaze, with a tearful one of your own. “I’m scared too.” You whisper, dropping his wrists and leaning forward to pull him into a hug your arms resting around his neck and cradling his head in your chest. “But I would rather be scared together than apart.” His arms wrap around you suddenly he pulls you impossibly close and sobs. You hold him as tightly as you can, hoping to convey everything to him. 
“You’re such a crybaby,” you say it as if tears aren’t steaming down your own face, Vash laughs it’s small and way too watery but it’s something. “You’re crying too.” You let out a huff, you continue to hold him as you both cry. 
“Ya know maybe I want to protect you too? Ever think about that?” You muttered as you rest your cheek on top of his head, the silence stretched out, you were just glad to have him in your arms. You shivered as the night air settled over you, Vash squeezed you before dropping his arms and leaning back to look up at you. 
“Why?” His voice was small, you smiled cupping his face in your hands. “Because that’s what you do for the people you love right?” Your words settled over the two of you, a risk, a chance, a choice. You held his face lightly letting him have a chance to pull away, his next actions would determine everything. 
His blue eyes became impossibly wide, and they filled with more tears. You knew you were fully crying at this point as well, but you needed to give Vash a chance to figure things out for himself. So, you waited, and your hands begin to shake as the silence continued. 
It happened in a flash, but Vash stood pulling you up along with him, both on your feet he grabbed your hands and intertwined his fingers with yours, he looked into your eyes and gave you such a bright smile you knew everything would be okay. “You love me?” he asked it quietly, his voice filled with hope. 
You step forwards, to be closer to him. “Yes.” His hands shook, he begins to pull back “It's not safe.” Your own grip on his hands tightened, to keep him in place. “Vash look at me, as long as we’re together nothing else matters. We’ll figure it out. Okay? But God Vash, I love you and I don't want to be apart from you for even a second.”
Your confession was like a trigger for him, Vash pulled you towards him you let out a light shriek as he wrapped his arms around you and begin to twirl with you. “You love me!” Not a question this time, but a loudly proclaimed statement, he continued to spin you until he lost his footing and the both of you toppled to the ground. He managed to break your fall as you landed on his chest. 
“You love me...” you laughed, picking your head up to meet his gaze, “Yes I think we’ve established this.” 
“I... I love you too.” Vash whispered it so softly as if he was still afraid to admit it, it was real now. You both knew there would consequences, but at the moment the thought was far away. He was still scared and you were as well. Your future with Vash was unknown and dangerous, this was a risk for both of you a chance to get hurt, but it was your choice to love him and you would with everything you had. 
You sat up looking down at him, as he only stared at you eyes wide and filled with warmth. You smiled leaning down and you placed a gentle kiss on his beauty mark below his eye. You leaned back, but before you could get too far Vash reached out and placed his hand behind your head to bring you back down to him.
Your lips were only inches apart as he stared at you, a question in his glance and a shyness to his movements. “I want to kiss you.” 
“The feelings mutual.” You replied closing the distance, the angle was awkward. And you were sure Vash could not be comfortable on the ground, but all the same, it was perfect. 
You pulled back, but not before placing another soft kiss upon his lips, you could do this forever and you would never tire of the feeling of his lips on yours. You helped Vash sit up, “can you say it again?” He couldn’t hold your gaze when he asked. His voice was so small, right then and there you decided you were going to spend every day showing Vash how much you love him.
Smiling gently, and leaning in to rest your forehead to Vash’s you spoke quietly into the night 
“I love you, Vash.” You laughed as you watched his face heat up with an obvious blush. You didn't know what tomorrow would hold for you too, it could be peaceful it could be dangerous but you would face it together. He helped you stand; you didn't let him get too far away as you gripped his hand. Leaning in for another kiss, you knew that at this moment it would always be worth it to love Vash and him you.
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junicult · 10 months
I love how you write harvey sm!!! You had me swooning with every words !! So sweet, short, and straight to the point but very flavorful and entertaining! i'm so happy i came across your blog !
I have a prompt that u can feel free to use!
What do you think Harvey is like when he & the farmer just got married? For example, is he very timid that he couldn't sleep when next to the farmer? Is he very hesitant to hold them? Or other things u think/headcanon? Would love to read your thoughts! Thank you so much for your time !!<3
!! harvey as your new husband
contains ; domestic fluff. another post of me rambling lol. entirely sfw! gn!farmer / gender is never implied. short drabble.
note ; i’m in a harvey brainrot rn that every time i try to sit down to write for the other bachelors, i just end up staring at my screen doing nothing 😓
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when you were only dating, it wasn’t rare for harvey to come over while you were working after he found some time of his own.
even once, after you invited him over and sighed about how dirty you felt the cottage was since you hardly had time to clean—he became accustomed to do so just for you.
bringing over his own cleaning supplies just to sweep the dust, help with laundry, clean your kitchen and make dinner for you.
and he didn’t even mind doing all of it, just to help you lift the weight of your chores.
so after that one time, and you came home to see a squeaky clean home, and your excellent boyfriend after a particularly exhausting day—you could’ve cried.
not to mention, he goes the great mile. those large yellow gloves over his hands, non-slip shoes and a hardware apron over his clothes so he wouldn’t get himself dirty.
some may say it’s a bit dramatic, but he says prepared.
anyways, it became a routine he was fond of doing.
harvey came over a lot. to the point where his own house didn’t really feel like home anymore.
he hated those nights when he couldn’t come over, forced to sleep in his own bed without you by his side. it would take him longer to fall asleep if he couldn’t feel you next to him. he probably had to hug a pillow just to feel something lol.
so when you got married, it’s safe to say he was ecstatic to be moving out of his lonely apartment. especially when you made time to come help him, packing stuff in boxes.
it really made him realize how life changing it is. to see you labeling each box, sorting through his cds and tapes while talking about your future together.
“i think these would look nice in our living room, i could move my bookshelf over and we could squeeze this in…” you ramble on, face full of concentration.
it made his heart gush, even just hearing you call it our living room.
when you’d “ooo” and “aaa” at items of his you looked forward to decorating the house with, and “uhh” at the ones you didn’t. he couldn’t possibly be upset, if anything, he’d laugh at your honesty. there’s nothing that’d make him upset right now.
so when you were finally married, you had to work but he spent the majority of the day squeezing his stuff into the house like you both planned, it still felt right.
you didn’t have to be beside him, helping him unbox for him to be happy. he found everything seemed to fit in place.
settling in didn’t feel as much of a task as you both thought it’d be. there was always a cloud of sadness when he’d have to leave, so finally that experience was tarnished after the knot was tied.
there’s no leaving anymore, because he always comes right back.
at this point, his nerves being around you were fizzled, but of course he still got butterflies when he’d see you.
any moment he was intimate with you still made him feel much younger with the way his heart would pound and his palms would grow sweaty. even if you were just leaning in to kiss him.
so the first night you two were living together as a married couple—i don’t think he’d be so nervous.
or at least, not nervous in a bad way.
“which side of the bed should i sleep on?”
“harvey, we’ve slept together before. this isn’t new.” you tease.
“well we’ve never slept together as a married couple who lives in the same house. this is the start to the rest of our lives, i want to make sure we’re making the right decision,” and after he realizes what he implied, he’s widening his eyes and shaking his head, “no! not like that! as in, what if i sleep on the right side, but i sleep on my right side so my back is always turned to you—“
“harvey, honey…i’m not going to be mad at you if i wake up and you’re not facing me.” you giggle.
he really knows how to overthink everything.
but once you’re finally tucked in bed together (you on the right, him on the left) i don’t think he’ll overthink at this point.
by now, you’re both so in love that he doesn’t second guess reaching over to hold you anymore. he doesn’t need to rethink all of that.
when you latch onto him, pressing your face into his chest and wrapping your arms around him—he’s bound to get butterflies. you may even hear his heart beat a little quicker. but he’s not shy to give you the same treatment.
if he could, he’d hold you all day. he never wants to let go.
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btsqualityy · 1 year
BTS Dating Series #11: When He Leaves for Tour
Members x Reader
Genre/Rate: 18+, angst, and some fluff
Summary: The reality of the members’ jobs sets in. 
Warnings: Sadness and emotional goodbyes...prepare yourselves lol
Kim Seokjin
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“I can’t believe that I’m being forced to go out on tour and leave you here!” Jin exclaimed loudly as he pulled two shirts out of his dresser drawer, throwing them on top of his open suitcase that sat in front of you on the bed. 
“You’re so dramatic,” you giggled as you grabbed the shirts and proceeded to fold them correctly for him. “I know you’ve missed touring. It’s been what, a year and a half since the last one?”
“Yes but I wasn’t dating you a year and a half ago,” he pointed out as he walked over to the bed and sat down next to you. “It’s different now because I’ve never left someone so important behind when I go to tour.”
“Well, it’s different for me too,” you murmured. “I’ve never had anyone that I was dating leave for months at a time.”
“We both have a learning curve then,” Jin chuckled and you nodded with a smile as you placed both shirts, now neatly folded, inside of his suitcase. “I can tell you one thing, though.”
“What’s that?”
“I’m going to miss you so much,” he confessed and you could feel your cheeks warming up at his words.
“I’m going to miss you too,” you whispered, sighing contentedly when he leaned over and kissed you firmly.
Min Yoongi
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“Hey Y/N-ah,” Yoongi called out to you and you hummed in reply as you laid on his chest, feeling drowsy from the marathon sex session the two of you had just had. “I have something I need to give you.”
“What is it?” You mumbled as you lifted your head to look at him. “It’s not another round is it? Because I’m telling you, my vagina can’t take anymore.”
“No,” he laughed before reaching over onto his nightstand and grabbing a small slip of paper. He handed it over to you and when you opened it, your brow furrowed at the sight of the numbers on top. 
“What are these for?”
“That’s the code to my studio,” he revealed and you looked up at him in surprise. “While I’m gone, I want you to have somewhere you can go in case you miss me. I’ve already cleared you with HYBE security and everything.”
“Yoongs,” you smiled, leaning up and kissing him firmly for a few seconds before pulling away. “Thank you. I know how much your studio means to you.”
“Do you know how much you mean to me, though?”
“I think I do,” you nodded. “Almost as much as you mean to me, probably.”
“I can’t wait to get back home to you,” Yoongi told you. 
“I can’t wait either,” you replied before kissing him again. 
Kim Namjoon
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“I’m not bringing mines because I know Jungkook will bring his,” Namjoon chuckled. “I have my earphones though.”
“That’s everything then,” you smiled softly and Namjoon sighed as he looked at you.
“Come here,” he beckoned, holding his arms open and you didn’t hesitate to step over to him, allowing him to wrap his arms around you tightly. 
“I’m gonna miss you,” you mumbled into his chest.
“I’m gonna miss you too but I’ll be back soon,” he promised and you lifted your head to look up at him. 
“Go kick ass, baby.”
“I don’t know how to do anything else,” Namjoon smirked before kissing you. 
Jung Hoseok
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“You know that you can talk to me, right?”
“Y/N-ah,” Hobi called out and you turned over in his bed to look at him. “I’m serious.”
“And I hear you.”
“So talk to me then,” he urged. “I know your mind is turning on it’s axles. You’ve been quiet for the past day and a half. Is it the tour?”
“Kind of,” you shrugged lamely. 
“Ok, that’s progress,” Hobi chuckled. “Can you elaborate for me?”
“I just...this is the first time you’re going on tour since we got together,” you began. “And it was different when we were just friends because I didn’t have to worry about what you were doing but now...”
“You’re worried I’ll cheat on you,” he finished for you.
“Well, yeah. You could always find someone better, more patient, more affectionate.”
“Baby, you’re who I want,” he stated firmly. “There’s no one else that I could find because there’s no one out there better than you, and I know that for a fact. I love you and I’m not going to risk our relationship for anyone, especially a random.”
“Ok,” you nodded, leaning over and pressing your forehead against his. “Thank you, for knowing I was scared.”
“I got you baby, and that’s always,” he promised you. 
Park Jimin
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You got out of your car, waiting until Jimin had grabbed his suitcases from the backseat to grab his hand and let him guide you into the airport. Today was the day that the members were leaving for their world tour and you had decided to come along to see them off. 
Once Jimin had checked in and the two of you made it back to the private terminal that the members would be departing from, you turned to look at Jimin sadly.
“Hey, none of that,” Jimin chuckled softly, noticing your teary eyes. “The time will fly by, I promise.”
“All the months we’ve been together and this is when you choose to lie to me for the first time,” you giggled, shaking your head when your laughter tapered off into a whimper. Knowing that you were seconds from letting the tears flow freely, Jimin stepped over to you and gathered you in his arms.
“Baby, I’ll call you and text you and FaceTime you as much as I can,” he promised. “And you’re coming to see me too, remember?”
“I know but we haven’t spent this much time apart since we met,” you pointed out through a sob. “I’m gonna miss you so much.”
“I’m gonna miss you too baby,” he sighed as he tightened his arms around you. The two of you stayed that way for at least a few minutes until one of the groups’ managers called out to Jimin, letting him know that it was time to go. 
“Do you have to go?” You tried and Jimin laughed gently.
“I do,” he nodded and you pulled your face out of his neck to look at him. “I love you so much, baby.”
“I love you more, Jimin-ssi,” you replied, moaning softly when Jimin pressed his lips to yours in a passionate kiss. He pulled away a few seconds later, bringing his hands up to cup your face as he used his thumbs to wipe your tears away. 
“I’ll call you when we land, yeah?” Jimin said and you nodded your head before giving him one last quick kiss. After grabbing his bags, Jimin waved to you and you watched sadly as he followed the members to their plane. As he did so, Jimin felt tears beginning to well up in his eyes, wanting nothing more than to turn around and kiss you again.
Kim Taehyung 
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“Coming!” You yelled as you jogged to the front door of your apartment, pulling it open to see Taehyung there. Having decided that you weren’t the biggest fan of going to see the members off at the airport, Taehyung had promised to come see you before he went to the airport. 
“Hey jagi,” he greeted you as he stepped inside. 
“The members outside?” You wondered. 
“Yeah, they’re in the van,” he confirmed. 
“Ah,” you mumbled, not knowing exactly what to say but not wanting to say your goodbyes just yet. 
“Come here,” Taehyung said and you stepped over to him, allowing him to cup your face in his hands. “We’ll be fine, ok? It’s only for three months.”
“Only,” you chuckled as tears began to brim in your waterline. “It’s gonna feel like forever.”
“I know, trust me,” he sighed heavily. “But I promise, you call me anytime you want and I’ll answer. Even with the time differences, ok?”
“I can’t ask that of you, Tae,” you rebutted. “You’re gonna be working.”
“But you’re still important to me,” he insisted and his words made the tears finally fall down the apples of your cheeks. “I’ll be back home to you soon, ok?”
“Ok,” you nodded. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” Taehyung smiled, leaning forward and kissing you softly. After a few more minutes of multiple kisses, he managed to pull himself away from you with an ‘I love you’ before whisking out of the door.
Jeon Jungkook
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When the sun peaking through the curtains made your eyes open in the morning, the dread instantly began to cloud your mind. Today was the day that Jungkook was going to be leaving you for three months and although you knew deep down that everything would be fine, you still couldn’t help but to worry. 
Jungkook was a member of the largest band in the world and he’d be off jet setting for the next few months while you stayed back home. You wondered how the two of you would handle the distance and not being able to stay in your special little bubble together. 
“Y/N-ah,” Jungkook mumbled deeply, his morning voice fully on. “You’re thinking so loud that you woke me up.”
“Oh, I’m sorry,” you said as you turned your head to look over at him. 
“You thinking about today?”
“Yeah, couldn’t help it,” you shrugged and Jungkook sighed heavily, reaching over and grabbing one of your hands in his. “I’ll miss you.”
“I’ll miss you too, baby,” he replied. “But the time is going to fly by. Hell, with the way you’ve been complaining about my snoring, you’ll probably enjoy the time apart.”
“Yeah, I’ll miss everything but that,” you laughed. “But I will miss your presence.”
“I’ll miss yours too,” Jungkook smiled, leaning over and kissing you firmly. 
“Can you hold me until you have to leave?” You requested after pulling away from him. 
“Of course,” he agreed instantly and you didn’t hesitate to snuggle into him, tucking your face into his neck and throwing one of your legs over his lower stomach while he wrapped his arms around you. “I love you, Y/N-ah.”
“I love you too,” you murmured, feeling your eyes fluttering shut as you reveled in your boyfriend’s warmth.
Tag List: @addictedtohobi @brittneymccray @cursedcursives @arata18nanami @leftieaquarius @devilsbooksworld @starmyy @werewolfbanshee-love @li-moonchild-il @kpop-servant
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fookinavocadosman · 1 year
episode 4: sex money feelings {HS}
y/n and harry get to spend a night in the private suite, the ultimate test of chastity. Can they resist the sexual temptations or will they indulge in a night of pure bliss. 
warnings: theres gonna be a couple. teasing, oral sex (fem receiving), handjob, fingering, slight choking (lol).
word count: 3.9k
I lay on top of Harry and we stare at each other as I tease him moving my hips around in a circle. He drops his head back smacking my ass lightly in an effort to get me to stop. 
“Baby if you don’t stop I will fuck you right now.” He groans and I laugh stopping my movements. I lean down kissing his chest before moving my way up to his neck. 
“I’m so very sorry.” I murmur between open-mouthed kisses making him groan. I continue teasing him until I’m flipped over and find myself underneath Harry. He spreads my legs so he can fit between them and connects our crotches thrusting once making me gasp. 
One hand holds my right thigh keeping me open and the other comes up being placed on my throat and a fire ignites in me. He leans down slowly tightening his grip and tilting my head up. 
“I told you to stop.” He rasps close enough to my lips that he could kiss me. He lets me go sitting up and I’m left catching my breath. 
“Fuck.” I mumble under my breath and I hear him chuckle. 
“If I had a dick I’d have the fattest boner right now.” I tell him and he laughs pointing to his crotch. I flick my eyes down seeing the bulge in his shorts and I drop my head. 
“We just got here we have to at least try and connect before doing anything.” I say and Harry sits up against the bed frame before grabbing me by my underarms and pulling me to him. He turns me around so I can face him and settles me in between his legs and I can see how hard he is. 
“Well then let’s talk.” He smiles at me his hands finding comfort on my waist. 
“What do you want to talk about?” I ask him and he shrugs, thinking. 
“When did you lose your v-card?” He asks me and I laugh. 
“Wow way to break the ice.” He laughs with me as I compose myself to tell him the answer. 
“Well I didn’t lose it until I was 19 and the guy I lost it to was a total dick. He kept sending me mixed signals and I kept overlooking them and then told me that if we wanted to date he needed a time commitment that I physically could not fulfill. All after he took my virginity, so I ended things with him a couple of weeks later and since then I’ve been single. What about you?” I explain and Harry gives me a sad smile. 
“That guy is a total wanker, look at the amazing girl he lost.” He comforts me and I smile waving my hand. 
“It’s fine I’m over it now.” I clarify and Harry clears his throat. 
“I was 17 when I lost my virginity. I was with my girlfriend at the time and we were both absolutely plastered and it just happened. We broke up soon after 'cause she regretted it and the rest is history.” He tells me and I nod. 
“Damn we have some sad v-card stories.” I laugh and he laughs along too. 
“Do you want to play truth or dare?” I ask him and he smiles nodding his head. 
“Okay, Harry, truth or dare?” 
“Truth.” I bring my finger up to my chin tapping it lightly in faux thought. 
“When was the last time you had sex?” I ask him and he leans his head back in thought. 
“Maybe a couple of days before coming here.” He answers before asking me truth or dare. 
“Hmmm, truth.” I answer and he immediately asks me a question. 
“What’s your favorite sex position.” I laugh shaking my head as I think. 
“Uh, maybe missionary? Or from the side? I don’t really know, I like being able to feel or see whoever I’m with.” I answer him and he nods his head lost in thought. 
We play a couple more rounds of truth questions, Harry revealing that his favorite position is cowgirl, and the weirdest place he’s had sex was his mate's hallway at a party, while I revealed the craziest place I’ve had sex was in a bar’s booth, and I hated doggy style. 
“Alright last round.” I smile at him as his hand rubs up and down my thigh. 
“Truth or dare Harry?” I quirk my eyebrow up at him and his hand squeezes my thigh as he answers. 
“I dare you to guess one of my kinks by acting it out to me.” His hand freezes on my thigh before a sick smirk crawls up his face.
“Well, I already know you have a praise kink and a choking kink, your reactions to me have said that much.” He starts and I nod along confirming his answers. 
“But.” He leans forward now grabbing my jaw and pulling me to him. 
“I bet behind that innocent face you put on every day there's a dirty little whore hiding behind it.” My breathing picks up as he speaks slowly and I close my eyes thinking that it would help calm me down but if anything it just turns me on more. When he finishes his sentence I’m a malleable mess. He lets go of his grip on me sitting back and leaving me on my knees in front of him. 
“I’m going to take that reaction as a point for me.” I can hear the smirk on his face and I nod my head as I try to form any coherent thoughts. I sit back down and his hand finds its home on my thigh again rubbing up and down for comfort. Once I can gather my thoughts I open my eyes, seeing his pupils blown out in lust and I’m sure mine are too. 
“Poor baby, your pupils are nearly exploding.” He teases me and I shake my head holding up my middle finger to him. 
“You win.” I groan out dropping my head but he tsks. 
“No, it’s my turn to ask you.” He pushes and I wave him on. 
“Truth or dare Y/N?” 
“Dare.” I say feeling like this can’t get worse than what just happened to me. 
“I dare you to try and not kiss me tonight.” I stare at him in shock. 
“Can’t take it, baby?” He mocks me and I scoff at him. 
“Oh no I can, just didn’t expect you to cockblock yourself.” I fight with him and he scoffs back. 
“Oh no you’ve got it all wrong, we can do whatever we want tonight the only thing is we can’t kiss.” I shrug my shoulders moving his hand off my thigh and flopping down next to him. 
“I can resist however, I don’t think you’ll be able to.” I tell him pretending to be uninterested but I’m secretly dying inside. 
This motherfucker seriously had to ruin tonight with our egos. 
He flips onto his side placing his hand on my stomach letting it rest there before starting to rub lightly. 
“Oh, that’s where you’re wrong. By the time I’m done with you, you’ll be begging for me to kiss you, but guess what? I won’t.” He finishes his sentence by dipping his hand completely into my shorts and cupping my heat. I throw my head back as I gasp yelling a fuck. He teases me running his fingers up and down my slit never touching my clit or entrance. 
“Harry I swear to god.” I breathe out and he pulls his hand out of my shorts as he climbs on top of me. 
“Hmm what? You swear to god what?” He mocks me and I groan as he leans in his lips nearly brushing mine. 
“Fucking do something.” I snap and he chuckles. His hand that’s not holding him up comes to the base of my throat to hold me in place as he teases me. 
“What do you want hmm? My fingers, my tongue, my cock. I need you to tell me.” He emphasizes every word and I let out a whine, as the anticipation builds up in my stomach. 
“God I don’t fucking care anymore! Anything please!” I beg desperate for any form of relief and he chuckles his grip tightening and making me moan. 
“All you had to do was say please.” He finishes mocking me before sitting back on his knees and pulling me up. He tears the shirt over my head throwing it behind him before pushing my chest back down to the bed. He moves back with his hands on my waist and once he’s in a suitable position his fingers hook into the waistbands of my shorts and underwear pulling them off my legs. 
Once he’s discarded the items he sits back admiring my body. How my chest rises and falls from my heavy breathing, the curve of my breasts, my flushed face. He observes it all. He leans down placing a kiss on my sternum before moving lower and lower murmuring out how beautiful I am between open-mouthed kisses. My hands find refuge in his hair as he spreads my legs apart hands resting on my thighs. 
“Beautiful.” He mumbles leaning in and placing a kiss right above my clit making me gasp. My fingers tangle in his hair as he continues to tease me with kisses so close to my center but never giving me the relief I crave. I drop my head back letting the pleasure wash over me as I play with his hair. 
He pulls away for a second and I lift my head to see what he's doing before he dives straight for my center. His tongue connects with me and I let out a huge moan my body jerking back as he grabs underneath my thighs pulling me to his mouth. He licks a stripe up my cunt and I moan gripping his hair tighter. 
“Jesus barely even touched you and you're soaked.” He moans into my core and I drop my head back as he begins to suck on my clit. He alternates between sucking and licking me and the fire in my stomach continues to build. 
“H, I need more.” I beg through breathless moans and he removes one of his hands from my thighs bringing it up to my entrance. He thrusts two fingers into me making me scream as he sets a brutal pace. 
His fingers curve hooking my g-spot as his tongue rolls around on my clit. My fingers tighten in his hair as I feel the pressure in my stomach growing. My back begins to arch as my hips chase his fingers, meeting his thrusts and I clench around his fingers hard. 
“Gonna cum huh?” Harry detaches his lips from me looking up at me as I nod my head furiously. 
“Yeah.” I whimper and he moves his body up continuing the movement of his fingers. 
“Bring your knees up.” He demands and I listen planting my feet on the bed, freeing his other hand. He leans over me his face so close to mine as his free hand wraps around my throat. My back arches again making him grip my throat harder to keep me in place. 
“Just a fair warning, once you cum you’re not going to stop.” He whispers into my ear his grip loosening on my throat as my lips part in shock. He presses his forehead against mine as he moves his body closer ramming his fingers into me. 
“Come on be a good girl and cum for me, baby.” He orders, lips barely skimming my own as my back arches. His hand follows my movements before his grasp around my throat leaves moving to my stomach and pressing down. A long moan escapes me as I connect my eyes to his and as soon as they connect I knew I was a goner. 
The pressure in my stomach bursts and a wave of pleasure washes over me as I drop back down onto the bed. Moans escape me as his fingers continue working me through the high. As I start to come down my body screams at the overstimulation and I go to grab his hand to stop his movements but he grabs my wrist pinning my arm down onto the bed. 
“I already told you, you’re not stopping.” He smirks at me as my mouth falls open again in pleasure as I try to catch my breath. 
“Harry.” I breathe out as my stomach contracts making me moan. Not long after my first orgasm, my second one blindsides me making my free arm shoot up to Harry’s arm digging my nails in as my back lifts off the bed. I let out wild moans and he soaks them up leaning back to watch what he’s doing to me. I can hear the wetness every time he thrusts his fingers and I know he’s going to make me go for a third but I can’t my body is wrecked. 
“Harry, please. I can’t.” I beg, in between gulps of air and he slows his thrusts listening to me. He finally pulls his fingers out, licking them clean before leaning close to me. 
“You were right about one thing.” He whispers and I suck in a breath before replying. 
“I can’t resist you.” He finally says before pressing his mouth to mine. Our teeth clash as we both fight for control but he soon gains it slipping his tongue into my mouth. I moan into his mouth as his teeth nip at my bottom lip and I reach my hand out palming his cock. He moans into my mouth moving his hand to the back of my head to pull me closer to him. 
I continue stroking and palming his cock over his shorts until he groans against my lips. I pull back breaking the kiss as I sit up making him fall back on his knees. I grab the waistband of his shorts and boxers pulling it down and releasing his cock. Harry helps me take his pants off completely before I turn him around putting him where I was. When he’s in place I begin to observe his cock, his tip is bright red and leaking pre-cum. I spit into my hand before reaching out to his cock and wrapping my hand around it. 
Harry lets out a loud moan the moment I begin to stroke him dropping his head back in pleasure. I sit on my knees between his spread thighs as I swipe my thumb over his tip collecting the pre-cum. I continue stroking his cock and relishing in his moans before I decide I want to suck him off. I lean down to start but he wraps his hand in my hair stopping me. 
“I can’t handle your mouth right now.” He moans out and I nod. I sit back on my knees looking up at him through my eyelashes as I continue my movements. He locks eyes with me as I look up at him and his eyes roll back into his head. 
“Fuck. I’m going to cum.” He moans out dropping his head back slightly as I quicken my movements to pull him to the edge. I continue to stroke his cock and he lets out a loud moan before he starts cumming. His cum lands on my chest right above my breasts and he grabs my hand once the pleasure becomes too much. He drops back against the bed sucking in air and I sit back on my knees. Once he can finally be coherent again he sits up looking at me and groans. 
“You look so fucking sexy with my cum on your chest.” His eyes roam my body as I scoop some of his cum onto my fingers before licking it off and his eyes nearly roll back into his head. 
“Fuck off.” He groans dropping back onto his back leaving me to giggle as I climb off the bed. I turn on the bathtub in the room heating it to my desired temperature and letting it fill. Harry eventually finds his way to the bathroom wrapping his arms around me from behind as he kisses my neck. When the tub fills up I turn it off, getting into the water, and sighing as the hot water soothes my muscles. Harry dips his foot in yelping at the temperature making me laugh. 
“Jesus how are you not burning!” He asks in shock and I shrug my shoulders. He eventually makes his way in slipping behind me, making me sit in his lap. His arms wrap around me as we sit in comfortable silence as he places kisses on my neck and shoulders. 
“You know I could just slip my cock into you and no one would know.” He whispers in my ear making me laugh. 
“Way to ruin the moment.” I giggle shaking my head. “I’m sorry but I think the cameras would capture the reactions on our faces and know something's up.” I reason with him and he groans dropping his forehead onto my shoulder. 
“You’re right, but I hope you know the second these stupid rules don’t apply I’m fucking you out of this world.” He bites down on my neck making me yelp and I bring my hand up smacking his arm. 
“Oh, you better.” When the water turns cold we climb out of the bath, drying ourselves off and Harry heads back into the bedroom to grab our clothes. He comes back wearing his boxers before handing me just my t-shirt. I slip it on covering myself back up before he grabs my hand leading me back into the bedroom. He grabs the covers lifting them and letting me get into the bed. Once I get myself comfortable he follows suit pulling me into his arms. 
“I had a really good time.” I smile at him and he smiles back agreeing with me. My head rests on his chest and I let the beat of his heart lull me to sleep.
The next day I woke up with a smile on my face. I woke up next to Harry and we spent the morning wrapped up in each other talking about anything and everything. I learned a lot about him and he learned a lot about me. We only get ready to leave the suite once the producers came and told us we had to go. 
On our way back Harry decided to head back to the bedroom and I decided to head down to the beach where I could see all the girls. He kissed my cheek goodbye and I head down, when the girls see me they start cheering. I sit down in a free chair as Ava jumps up ready to ask me questions. 
“I need all the details.” She looks at me with wide eyes and I chuckle taking a deep breath. All the girls are leaning toward me with interest, smiles lined across their faces except for Brooke. I tune her out as I begin. 
“I mean it was amazing. The suite is beautiful, it has a full-sized bed and in the bathroom, there's a bathtub but I mean that room is literally made to tempt you.” I tell the girls and some of them start to squeal. 
“We like talked a bit and played truth or dare to make it more interesting.” I smile as I remember what happened between us and Riley shoots up.
“Did he touch you?” she asks and I can’t hide the smile that forms on my face. 
“Yeah, he did. And it was worth every cent.” I flush at the memory before Kate pipes in. 
“Did you have sex?” I laugh a bit in shock at the question before shaking my head. 
“No, we didn’t.” I confirm and Ava and Riley jump up coming to hug me. 
“Girl! I’m so proud of you.” Ava nearly yells in my ear as she moves me side to side with her hug. Riley is the next one to praise me and Sage is the last one in line. 
“Yeah it was really hard, but I knew that we couldn’t go that far and Harry definitely knew too so that made it better to not just fuck him right then and there.” I explain and Sage squeezes my shoulder smiling. 
“Look at you growing.” Riley says seriously and I nod. 
“I’m really proud of myself. Before this I wouldn’t have even thought twice before having sex with him but even though we did lose money I feel both of us have grown through it.” Everyone sends me smiles before we get up and head inside. 
I run into the dressing room and get changed out of my clothes from last night before heading over to the cabana with everyone else. Harry and I sit next to each other seemingly having the same conversation with the boys as I did with the girls. His hand rests on my thigh as we wait for Lana to ding. 
“Hello. Harry and Y/N have breached the rules.” Lana says to no one's surprise. 
“Yeah, yeah just tell us how much we’ve lost.” Kate grumbles at Lana. 
“The list of offenses includes kissing.” Lana pauses as almost everyone awws for us. “Oral sex, and two counts of manual sex.” Ava lightly slaps my arm as I didn’t tell her the last couple of parts and I giggle sinking back into the couch. Harry grabs my hand squeezing it as we wait for Lana to tell us the damage. 
“Harry and Y/N’s actions have cost the group $17,000.” My mouth drops and I look at everyone's reactions. 
“Oh my god, I didn’t know it would cost that much!” I exclaim as Sage jeers us saying that everything was hopefully worth the money deduction. 
“But..” Lana speaks up over us and everyone goes silent. “Y/N and Harry were not the only ones who breached the rules last night.” Lana breaks the news to everyone and we all gasp. 
“Ava and Zayn, Louis and Sage, your kisses last night have cost the group $6000. Your prize fund now stands at $56,000.” Lana announces and I look over at Ava smacking her lightly. 
“Bitch you didn’t tell me!” I tease her and she rubs her arm with a pout on her face. 
“I didn’t have time too.” She defends herself and I let out a fake huff of betrayal. 
“Harry and Y/N. You failed the ultimate test of chastity. However, I do recognize that by not going all the way, you have demonstrated a level of growth that is encouraging, and you are forming a deeper connection.” Lana finishes turning off as everyone else begins to cheer. 
Louis pats Harry on the back as Ava engulfs me in a hug. After the meeting is over everyone goes their separate ways but Harry, Riley, Niall, and I all stay back at the cabana. 
We all talk and connect about being the only ones to have stayed together since the beginning and we also all plan to see each other once the retreat is over. 
When night falls upon us we all head back to the bedroom only this time Harry and I once again share a bed.
taglist: @golden-hoax @nikkisimps @matildasatellite @tiaamberxx @behindmygreyeyes @panicattheuc @jessitpwk
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bronx-bomber87 · 5 months
Happy Wednesday fandom :) I love this episode. The aftermath of 5x01. I remember being so very excited every week cause I knew this was their season. I was so giddy for every era we were getting. This ep started the hurts so good/pining era. Nothing better than having your ship on the cusp and getting excited every ep to see what comes next. Return of Genny in this one yay missed her. Imma need more in s6. Looking at you writers.
5x02 Labor Day
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We start the ep with a guilt ridden Lucy bringing Chris home to her apt. We all know at this point that’s the reason they’re still together. She nearly cheated on the man for loophole sex with her best friend. Not only that but almost partook while he was dying in the process. Still glad it didn’t go down that way but guilt is the main factor here IMO. Lucy is getting him settled in when there a knock at the door. Love how this detective comes up and doesn’t even care she’s interrupted them.
Legend already haha Says her name is Detective Misha Porter. She teaches at the UC school In Sacramento. Lucy looks star struck saying she knows who she is. Mischa said she’s been doing recruiting and her name keeps coming up. Of course it does Lucy is amazing. Saying she’s worked several impressive OPs. That makes for an ideal candidate. That she is here to recruit her.
Lucy looks guilt ridden once again as she looks at stupid Chris. Just holding her back in so many ways it’s painful. She asks when classes start? Porter tells her next Monday. Saying it’s short notice but they had someone fall out. She’s sure her sergeant would approve it. Lucy lights up for first time at the mention of Tim. Knowing he would. He would do ANYTHING for her career. Something we will see of more at the end of this ep.
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Lucy continues to hesitate. Porter sees this and says her classes will open up a ton of doors for her. Lucy tells her she knows. That Detective Harper has told her all about it. She hands her the folder. Saying every unit will want to poach her from patrol after this. Lucy tells her she will think about it…Oh my girl he is not worth giving up UC for. That guilt truly dominating all her decisions.
She returns to Chris and even he tells her to go for it. We see the stress and continued weight of what happened control her. Saying no it can wait. It’s almost like she needs someone else to push her in that direction...Also that someone else is the real reason she doesn’t want to leave. *cough Tim cough*
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We see Tim pull up to meet Genny. What is it about him driving that big truck that is so sexy? Mmm. Also in civies. Yum take me now sir. Haha Love that smile of his when he looks at the house. Thank you to your wife for having you do this. It sounds like Genny is having an argument on the phone. Tim asks if she’s ok? She sweeps it under the rug like a classic Bradford.
She just needed his signature on some stuff before the open house. Tim looks so excited this is done and they can finally move on. Genny looks extra sad about it. Seems like it's more than just the house. Tim picks up on this and tells her not to get sad over this house LOL She should be excited they’re gonna get half a mill each for this place. He then is sweet and tells her to call him if she needs anything. Such a good brother ❤️
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We return to Lucy at home with Chris. He’s going over her packet saying she has to go. I will give him this and ONLY this. He isn’t trying to keep her from UC school. Now he is trying to do the thing only Tim can. Which is talk her down and have her see some reason. Not gonna happen with you clown. You are not the one for that job. Lucy saying this is where she wants to be. It’s not though…
Lucy is still so angry as she talks about Rosalind. As she should be that’s some serious PTSD for her. Once again not the guy to help her through this anxiety. The guilt is eating away at her and nothing Chris can say will help. Because he is part of that guilt. She almost cheated on him while Rosalind got to him. That’s what’s really eating at her.
Another reason I’m glad it didn’t happened. Would’ve tainted their time together. That would’ve been a painful hill to get over. So no thank you. I’ll be forever grateful it unfolded the way that it did. She is putting off UC for one reason she can’t tell Chris about. Would only add to never ending weight on her soul currently. I wanna hug her.
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Oh how I love this scene with Angela. First off I adore him giving her half his burrito ha besties. Second she truly is a cheerleader for Chenford. Also for Tim’s happiness. She just wants to see her grump of a friend be happy. Angela knows that answer is Lucy. It’s been her forever. So she does a little poking around in this scene. Fishing to see what answers she can get. Starting off asking Tim the question that’s been on her mind since Vegas. Even more so since Chris got attacked.
‘How’s Lucy?’ We all know this question isn’t as innocent as it appears. Because well Lopez. He’s out of his damn mind if thinks she gonna let any of this go. I adore this friendship so very much. We notice how Tim likes to surround himself with strong women. His bestie is one of them. His wife another. Only ones he allows to talk to him this way. Heh. I love it. The teasing she does early on in this season is amazing. We were all rooting for her doing this.
Calling him out trying to get him to face his feelings. Do something about them. Angela is as perceptive as they come. And they are as blatantly obvious as two humans could be. Even Nolan knows LOL Tim starts off with a standard answer. She’s shaken but taking time off with Chris. Angela doesn’t care about the Chris part. Asking why he was even there in the first place to find him? Her instigation makes me laugh so hard. Trying to get a real answer out of him. Tim deflecting as he attempts to hold it together for the moment. Just saying he was dropping her off after Vegas. Lies lies and more lies.
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Angela’s face is everything. Her 'Mmm-hmm' Calling Tim on his BS answer with her facial expression alone. This is so funny. Tim catching onto what she is throwing down. Asking what she’s implying? When he’s knows EXACTLY what she’s implying. Because babe you almost did what she is suggesting here. You’re just upset cause you're getting caught in that suggestion. I love her throwing back ‘What do you think?’
She is trying so hard to get him to cop to what almost happened between them. Tim goes back to his platonic answer of ‘Just dropping her off. ’ Although his voice gets a little higher in pitch when he does,. Angela’s second ‘Mmm-hmm.’ Is everything. She isn’t buying what you’re selling Timothy. Not for one second. Angela Lopez is a QUEEN. I love her sfm. Man is lying to himself and she just wants him to realize that.
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Poor Lucy is desperate for another opinion. So she seeks out her UC mentor. She is so cute when she says Harper is glowing haha I love her sfm. Lucy is asking everyone except the one person she knows would have her answer. So she is hitting up a very pregnant Harper LMAO Who is in no state of mind to be helping her out.
James basically ushers her out of the house. My girl. She needs advice so much and isn’t getting what she needs from those around her. Trying to find someone to validate her skipping for Chris. Thing is she isn’t going to find that. No one is going to validate this guilt of her's like she is seeking. Once again just wanna hug her.
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We see Genny waiting in the parking garage for Tim. She called him earlier in the day about offers. Saying they had a developer who wanted over asking. But also a sweet family who wanted it for asking. Tim telling her to go with developer. Cause he doesn't care bout the house. So he makes a crack when she shows up about selling it to a sweet family for 100 bucks ha Such a brother things to do to her. Genny says no.... She has another reason for meeting up other than the house. It’s here we learn about why Genny has been stressed all day. Her and her husband are getting a divorce. Tim tells her how sorry he is. He has most definitely Been there.
Tim asks about the house and who they’re gonna sell it to? Asking if they’re gonna pick the happy family? Genny says no the highest bidder. That divorce isn’t cheap. HA That’ll it’ll soften the blow for her financially being a single mom now. Tim asks if her husband is moving out? She says no she wants to move. Here actually. Asking Tim if that’s ok? He lights up. If there’s anything he needs right now it's family. Especially with all the messy stuff with Lucy atm. It’s so sweet how excited he is. Also their hug is also very adorable. I just adore them so very much.
They nailed casting for his sister. They have an excellent sibling rapport. Good chemistry in that way. Also they do look like they could be related it’s unreal. I love the smile on Tim’s face as he hugs her. My heart. Family is so important to have around. Especially when you’re close to them. This is what Lucy wanted for him out of 4x08. Them to not be torn about their dad but be there for each other like this. Getting me all emotional cause what I have with my baby sister. You know he’s excited he will get to see his nephews more and such too. I love it.
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We finally reach their first scene of the ep. It’s a doozy everyone. But such a good one. This is the stage I like to call it 'Hurts so good.' I will always take good productive angst. Well written angst. It’s the BS teenager angst I cannot stand. These people are in their thirties. They don’t got time for that crap. The secret child or breaking up for no reason other than just to make the miserable. Nothing makes me angrier than useless angst just for the sake of having it.
This right here is the good stuff. They did a damn fine job with their angst. It leads us right into that good pining era as well. There is a knock at Lucy’s door. It’s Tim looking mighty fine if you ask me. Says he’s checking in. Asks Chris how he’s feeling? He replies Lucy is taking care of him. The sweet almost sad look to his smile gets me.
Knowing first hand how caring she is. She cared for him long before he was ready for it. When he didn’t appreciate like he would now. This moment is their breakup before they even got together scene. Because that’s basically what it is. We all know Tim included why she’s really holding back from UC school. Her front is Chris. When really it’s Tim and everything they haven’t untangled from Vegas. They haven’t talked about it whatsoever. Tim is there to clear the air.
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Lucy is a little bristly with him at the door. He doesn’t let it deter him. Asking her if he can talk to her? She says yes and follows him out into the hallway. Ahh this hallway where so much happened last time. The context and situation so much different this time around. Tim being straight with her right off the bat. Saying he hears she’s on the fence about UC school. She has been hunting down opinions all day long. The one she needs the most comes to her. I love this sfm. Kudos to the writers for setting up this scene so well. Lucy is shocked Chris called him.
Tim says yes it was unexpected..but he wanted him to talk to her. Interesting how Chris could know Tim would be the voice of reason for her. But can’t figure she’s in love with the man and vice versa. Lucy telling him it’s not the right time. Tim won’t stand for this answer. That she owes it to herself to go. Lucy has been the voice of reason for him many times. There to absolve him of his guilt when he blamed himself about Mitch and Caleb. She couldn’t stand him bearing a burden that wasn’t his.
The beautiful part of this heartbreaking scene is he is now doing the same for her. He came not only about UC school but for her guilt. The guilt she is wearing like armor at the moment. About Chris, about what almost happened between them while he was dying. Tim telling he’s going to be fine. That what happened to him ISN'T her fault. Telling Lucy what she used to tell him. Stop weighing your soul down with guilt that isn’t yours to carry.
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Lucy brings up what they were about to do. ‘We were about to..’ The way she says that line there is some longing in there. How yes, she’s still with Chris and the guilt that exists with that. But her desire for what almost happened is still there. She doesn’t want to ignore what almost happened between them.
Tim following up with ‘But we didn’t. We didn’t.’ Gah some longing in his voice too. He too is sad they didn’t. The softness in his voice as he delivers that line. Gah it’s so good. Part of him still wishing they had. They had this awakening of their feelings mixed with UC. Then Chris almost dying throwing a nasty wrench in it all.
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There is so much subtext behind the lines they’re saying to each other. Lucy then notes the thing she’s been clinging onto. Being his go-fer. Asking if he’s getting rid of her as it? The hurt in her voice *heart clutch* It's written all over her face. Last thing she wants is for Tim to push her away. It’s why she was avoiding UC school in first place. She doesn’t want to lose working with him if she can’t be with him. It’s the closest thing she has to that and now he’s proposing taking that away.
This feels like a breakup because well it is. Their work dynamic/relationship is a huge part of who they are. It’s how we got to this place we’re in. It’s a sacred thing to both of them. Tim is trying to ease her hurt with his reply. Telling her 'No…he’s just trying to look out for her.' The emotions in his voice as he says this. I wanna cry. They both have pre-tears in their eyes. Tim knows this is the right thing to do. Nothing and I mean nothing is more important to that man than protecting her career. Protecting her. Look how far he has come.
Was almost rabidly against her doing UC. Now he’s encouraging it because he knows it’s what best for her. Even if that means leaving him behind. Tim refuses to jeopardize her career in anyway. It’s why he fought her being his aide at first the way he did. Didn’t want anyone to question her or why she got to where she is. Didn’t want any hand in people thinking less of her when it wasn’t true. That even if it hurts them both he is going to look out for her first and foremost.
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Lucy can't believe what she's hearing. It's all over her expression in that first gif above. The hits keep coming with this scene. Tim telling her it’s time to move on. When he’s really saying is about them. They had their shot and now it’s time to move on. That they have to accept it's not going to happen for them. Gah kills me as I’m writing this. Took the man years to realizes he was in love with her. Now that he does he can’t have her. So he’s willing to do the honorable thing. Step aside and put his feelings on back burner.
Set aside what he wants for what she needs. Because he knows Lucy. How selfless she is for those she loves. He refuses to let her give up her aspirations for him. Lucy is crushed with his retort of moving on. They’re both so vulnerable in this scene. It’s what makes it hurt so damn good. Props to Eric and Melissa once again. Conveying so much with their words, eyes, and expressions. We are truly lucky to have them as our ship.
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Lucy does some double talk of her own. Saying some time away would be good. Really meaning she can’t be around him especially after him breaking this off. That if she can’t be with him better to be away from him. That this far too painful for her. For them both really. Tim trying to build up her saying what a great opportunity this will be. We know how hard this conversation is for him to have. But it shows the depth of growth in him to have it.
This is so very hard on him to give up. Lucy can’t even say more. Her heart is breaking in this moment. Her person is sending her away from him. All she can muster up is ‘Mmhmm..’ because if she speaks any further she’s going to cry. Tim most definitely won’t be able to handle that. Tim with tears in his eyes telling her she should go for it. Even if it’s killing him inside to be apart from her. To walk away from their potential romantically.
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Tim feels the best thing he can do for her is distance himself. He is going to fall on his sword to make sure her future is secure. Now that is love. My goodness. The way she is searching his face in the first gif. Oof. She looks so hurt and angry at him for this. She also is trying to keep her shit together. It breaks my heart. This entire scene does. Then our boy walks away and she looks devastated. He has a smile on his face till he turns away from her. Then we see the heartbreak evident on his beautiful face. Ugh.
How she can go back in Chris after that I don't know.. After this scene I knew this season was going to be a hell of a ride. This was the perfect productive angst for them. Hurt like a SOB to watch. A true gut punch to your feels. But damn so well written and acted. I loved it sfm. Oh my lord I love this season.
Side notes-non Chenford
Nyla’s entire birth SL is hilarious. It’s an insane ride that I love. ‘It’s a girl’ LMAO LEGEND
Thank you thank you to all you amazing readers. Wouldn’t have gotten this far without you all. Your likes, reblogs and comments fuel My soul to write. Shall see you all in 5x03 :)
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mickeym4ndy · 28 days
ooooooh my god, would love to hear more about this milkovich sibling reunion fic idea! i always hoped they'd find their way back together.
Hi💗 Aw thank you! It’s something I’ve only thought of recently but I love the Milkovich fam too and would love if they got closer post canon, especially now that Terry’s dead.
This fic idea is kind of sad and intense ngl, but it would have a happy ending! (This ended up being sooo long I’m sorry, didn’t realize how much I’d actually thought about it lol).
I have the idea that it starts with Colin coming to Mickey asking for a job at the security company (he’s heard Sandy’s working there) because he found out his girlfriend is pregnant.
He had been living the Milkovich life (robberies, scams, dealing etc.) up until that point but a bunch of his “colleagues” (or I guess other family members) recently got caught for a big job they had going and are looking at 10+ years in prison.
Colin wasn’t there so he wasn’t caught, but he had been involved and realises how close he was to having to watch his kid grow up from behind prison glass so he’s had a bit of a wake up call.
Mickey agrees to take him on on a trial basis because he is family at the end of the day, but warns him that he needs to stay on the straight and narrow or he’s out.
And there are some growing pains in the beginning but he’s trying.
Mickey & Colin end up hanging out through work and they both sort of remember how much they like hanging out with each other.
Eventually Colin reveals to Mickey that he hasn’t seen Iggy much since he started at the company because Iggy’s got a pretty bad drug problem. Mickey goes to see him at the old house and really sees how bad it’s gotten.
Mickey feels guilty for letting his brother get that bad even though it wasn’t his fault.
They start trying to help Iggy get clean but Iggy’s not really interested because he thinks this is all that’s meant for him.
Ian & Mickey (mainly Ian) talk to Mandy a lot but Mickey doesn’t tell Mandy at first because she’s doing well and he doesn’t want to drag her down.
But then Iggy OD’s and nearly dies and Ian calls her and tells her because he knows she’d want to know. She shows up at the hospital then after she finds out.
Mickey, Colin, and Mandy convince Iggy to go to rehab. Mickey says he’ll pay for it too (because the company is doing well) and all 4 of them drive up to the rehab together to drop Iggy off, and they realize it’s the first time they’ve all been together in years. And it’s the first time they’re all together without Terry alive. It’s weird and hard for all of them. But also kind of nice in a weird way, because there’s elements of themselves that nobody understands but each other.
I think maybe even family therapy would be an element of Iggy’s rehab and NONE of them want to do it because talking and therapy are NOT Milkovich things, but they all want Iggy to get better, so they do it for him. They don’t say much in the first few sessions and it ends up being very difficult and rough, and eventually a lot of shit is revealed and confessed over time and it’s really, really hard. (Not really sure of the exact details of all that tbh, but I don’t think the boys know about what Terry did to Mandy and I don’t think anyone knows about what actually happened to Mickey and Svetlana).
But having to talk about it all does end up being good for them in the long run.
Anyway, it would be a long road and being around each other would bring up feelings that all of them had kept buried for so long, and it would be difficult and they’d all struggle in their own way. (I’ve read a bunch of fics where Mickey gets nightmares and panic attacks and I think that’s pretty accurate). (I think Colin having a kid would make him really realize how awful Terry was to him too). But at the same time, they realize they are actually happy to be together again.
And it would also be the first step on a healing journey for all of them. Both individually but also as a unit because they’re finally able to have a relationship with each other outside of Terry.
Mandy tells Mickey that she’s been seeing a therapist about everything for a while now, and tells him that he really should try it himself because it’s been really helpful. Eventually, after a particularly rough night, he agrees to see someone. (Ian is thrilled because he’s been trying to get Mickey to talk to someone for so long).
Mickey & Mandy also just start talking more in general, especially about their mom.
Iggy gets out of rehab they all help out and try to keep him clean and they all just end up hanging out and talking more, and try to heal together.
There would be a lot of Mickey trying to get Iggy to understand that they’re all better than Terry and that they don’t have to follow in his footsteps just because he’s their father, and that futures aren’t already decided for them just because they had rough pasts. They’re not actually “fucked for life.” (which I think would be interesting because I think it’s something that he still struggles to believe himself).
Eventually Iggy starts to believe him and see a future for himself.
Colin is terrified of becoming a dad because he’s so scared he’ll be like Terry, and it’s actually Iggy that convinces him that he could never be.
They all meet Colin’s gf and she’s great, and her & Ian become fast friends. Family BBQ’s and stuff start happening.
Not really sure of the exact details from there, more stuff would happen but idk exactly what (feel like Colin’s kids birth would be v dramatic and they’d all be at the hospital for it lol). But yea the idea is that even though the circumstances are tough, they grow back together and try to heal over time and actually get the chance to be a family again🩵
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── ༊*·˚⋆ 𝘀𝗮𝗺𝗲 𝘀𝗵𝗮𝗱𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝗴𝗿𝗲𝗲𝗻
paring: mum!florence pugh x fem!reader
tag(s): fluffy fluff, flo being a mum, uncle toby, r interacting with flo's kid, flo with heart eyes looking at them, doubts from flo
warning(s): fluff, so sweet it's kinda funny, grammatical errors
word count: 1.1k
note: First, I kinda wish this was longer but I think is quite sweet. Second, I'M RUNNING OUT OF NAMES IDEAS FOR FLORENCE'S KIDS. Like I know nobody gives a shit about their names, but for some reason it is so important to me. So if I ever repeat them just ignore it lol. Also, I saw an opportunity to bring marvel up and I don't regret it on bit. I'm not an english speaker, so please let me know about any sort of mistake. Hope you guys enjoy! <3
requests are open! + check my rules here + masterlist <3
‧₊˚❀༉‧₊˚. Part 1 | Part 2 ‧₊˚❀༉‧₊˚.
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You smiled at her, she looked like an angel in disguise, the moonlight reflecting on her eyes made it look like they were actually green aventurines, and you couldn’t help but get lost in them. 
“What?” she asked you, a smile forming on her lips. 
She shared the same amount of love you had for her, you could see it in those soft green eyes of hers.
“I just wish we could have more time,” you confessed, a bit of sadness in your words.
Florence and you were right at her front door. Your date had ended a few minutes ago when you parked the car in front of her home. Eventhoguh, the two of you had been dating for almost 7 months now, this was the first time you had driven her home. Which you did think was a bit odd, but never thought much about it. 
“Do you want to come in?”
You were taken aback by the question, not actually expecting that kind of request to slip out of her lips. 
“Do you want me to come in?”
“Of course, silly. I wouldn’t have asked you otherwise. Come on, we can watch a movie and you can stay the night if you want to,” she looked at you with big doe eyes, how could you say no to those beautiful pickle green eyes?
“Okay, yes,” you kissed her cheek, eager to be wrapped around her arms for the rest of the night. 
She looked for her keys, but soon the door was being opened from the inside by someone else. 
“Hello,” Toby said when the door was fully opened. “I’m sorry, Flossie, we didn’t expect you to come just yet. But we are on our way out, don’t worry. Hi, Y/n,” he said, finally looking your way and you returned the greet with a smile.
“He’s here?” Florence asked, she sounded both worried and comforted. 
“Mummy!” you heard someone shout, and a few seconds later a little man came running to Florence’s arms. 
Your eyes winded in realisation, as you watched them tightly holding onto each other, as if they haven’t seen each other in decades. This was Florence’s kid, a kid you had no idea that existed until now. 
“We’re sorry Flossie, Aaron here couldn’t sleep without his teddy bear. But we are leaving right now,” Toby said, gently pulling the kid away from Florence and trying to head him out the house. 
“Wait a second, uncle Toby. Who’s that?” he pointed at you, noticing your presence right next to his mum.
You looked at Florence, not sure what you were supposed to say. She looked back at you, also not knowing how to approach the situation. This was not how she expected for you to meet her child. Hell, she wasn’t even sure if you liked kids. Her eyes got watery when she realised that this was it, she had lost you forever. Who could ever want a woman with a child? Who could ever want a woman that had never said anything about having a child?
Maybe it was for the best. Maybe you and Florence weren’t a good match after all. And even though she felt so much love for you, her kid would always come first. Even if it broke her heart doing so.
“I’m Y/n,” she heard you say, interrupting her train of thoughts. 
She blinked her tears away, and focused her sight on you. You were kneeling in front of her child just so you could be the same height as him. 
“And what are you doing with my mum?”
You chuckled at the little boy’s tone showing how much he cared about her mother, “We just were about to watch a movie, right Flo?” you try to find her eyes seeking some kind of comfort for the both of you. 
She locked eyes with you, and realised that you weren’t angry, you were just a little confused. But Florence could work with confusion, she could explain everything to you and things would be alright in no time. 
“What are you guys watching?” he raised his brow at you. 
The more you looked at him, the more you could see Florence through his eyes. They were the same shade of green, the same brightness to them as her mum’s. The only difference between them was that his hair was darker, way darker than Florence’s, almost pitch black.
“Aaron, we have to go,” Toby tried to step in but there was no use. 
“What are you guys going to watch?” he repeated his question, completely ignoring his uncle. 
“Aaron, you should go with uncle Toby,” Florence tried. 
But you had his whole attention. 
“I don’t know, which one would you pick?”
“Well, I like superhero movies,” he gave you a warm smile. 
Good, you thought, he’s loosening up. 
“No way, I love superheroes. Which one is your favourite?”
“I really like Captain America, but I also like Hulk, because he’s so strong. And you?”
“Well, I am more of a Spidey kind of person, you know?” you trailed off. 
The two of you were so engrossed in your conversation that you didn’t notice Florence smiling at the two of you. Relief washed over her as she realised how much you and Aaron had in common, even though he was just a 10 year old and you were a proper adult. She laughed to herself realising how childish you could be sometimes. 
“Okay, Aaron, we have to go now,” Toby interrupted the two of you. 
“But I want to stay, I want to talk to Y/n some more,” he pouted and looked at his mom with big puppy eyes. 
You laugh at him, the same doe eyes Florence would give you when she deeply wanted something from you. 
“Baby, Y/n and I need to talk and—,” but you cut her off. 
“Oh, come on. You said we could watch a movie, right? Why can’t he join us?” 
“Yeah, I can join the two of you,” Aaron agreed. 
“Y/n, I don’t think that is a good idea…”
“Come on, Flor, we can talk tomorrow morning, okay? I want to get to know this little guy a little bit better,” she watched as you winked at Aaron.
“Yeah!” Aaron once again agreed with you, trying to convince his mum as well. 
Florence looked at her son and then back at you. The two of you had just met and you were giving her the same pouty lips. She playfully rolled her eyes at the both of you, maybe this was always how things were supposed to unravel. 
“Okay, he can stay,” she finally agreed. 
“Great, I’m the only one who isn’t wanted right now,” Toby joked. 
“Yeah, see you later, uncle Toby,” Aaron said gently pushing him out the door. “We have some movies to watch.”
Before Aaron shut the door on his uncle’s face, Toby laughed and quickly waved the three of you goodbye. Once Aaron turned around his eyes met yours. 
“So, Y/n,” you could hear the playfulness in his words. “Team Iron man or Team Cap?” he looked at you dead in the eyes. 
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i-heart-hxh · 11 months
Hey! Hope you’re doing well, I’m sorry I haven’t responded to that last question of mine you answered but I absolutely loved it! Your answers are always super insightful. Today though I want to ask about another scene that I believe has big Killugon implications, but I have yet to see a single person really cover so far. I noticed it as I was re-reading the manga and instantly I knew something was up (oh and apologies in advance for the image quality but I had to take them off of my physical manga copies with my phone lol):
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Now for context this scene takes place in the direct lead up to the palace invasion, which each character having a short inner monologue about how they feel in the lead up to the fight. In the case of Shoot he chooses to focus on Killua and how he has changed since they’re fight, noting how Killua look very sad every “once in a while”.
Now when I first got to this panel I was a little caught off guard as I feel most readers would be, the reason being that prior to this scene we haven’t had any indication that Killua was sad at all. After all this is post-needle Killua after his big emotional fight with a Rammot, he hadn’t shown any signs of further sadness since then and, as Shoot says, was a lot more confident in himself and his abilities. So why would Togashi deliberately choose to draw attention to Killua’s feelings this way, and why now when there was no prior indication that he was feeling bad at all?
Well, I think the reason lies in a pair of scenes that happen prior to this revelation by Shoot, the first of which is this:
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Again, this is in the lead up to the palace invasion where the gang is working out their final plan of attack, while Palm is already enacting her part of the plan in the palace by herself.
Now this scene is interesting to me for a few reasons:
1. Togashi is using all this space (almost two and a half pages of it) to convey to make it clear to us how worried Gon obviously is about Palm since there’s a high chance she could die or already has at this point.
2. Togashi chose Killua specifically to be the one to explain this part of the plan to Gon, even when the more obvious choice would have been Knuckle or Shoot since they were with Morel and Knov when the plan was first made.
3. Killua is very clearly annoyed/dismissive/generally just put off by Gon’s worry about Palm, and is so harsh to Gon in the way he handles it that BOTH Knuckle and Meleoron call him out on it. Clearly there’s something more going on with Killua that Togashi wishes to highlight here, to the point where a scene about Gon’s feelings and worries about Palm quickly turns into a scene about KILLUA’S feelings about Gon’s feelings and worries about Palm!
But that’s not all! There’s also this science which takes place directly before we get Shoot’s reflection on Killua’s feelings:
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Again we see Gon ask about Palm the second he has the opportunity and is once more clearly upset by the fact that there is still no word from her.
So why do I bring these two scenes up? Well because when Shoot says that “once in a while” he sees Killua get very sad, we as readers have to then ask the question of when he would have the opportunity to be around Killua enough to gauge his emotions this way, as prior to this the gang has been very much speedster from one another for awhile.
In fact, some of the only scenes we see Killua and Shoot even in the same location are both instances where Gon asks about Palm, which would logically imply that it was some point during those interactions where Shoot came to this conclusion about Killua’s feelings. And considering how Killua’s reaction to Gon’s worries about Palm, it only makes sense that this is what Shoot saw. Killua getting visibly sad when Gon shows concern for Palm.
So essentially, I believe that what Togashi was trying to get the reader to understand in this scene was something like this: shoot comments on how sad Killua is. “Sad? Why would he be sad?” The reader thinks, “he didn’t seem sad at all prior to this, what is he sad about?” They then think back to how annoyed Killua was when Gon was talking about Palm and think “well he must be sad about that then, but he’s never liked Palm, why would he be sad that Gon cares about… OH, maybe he’s just jealous!”
And THAT I think is the point of this scene, or at the very least to keep Killua’s sadness in the back of the reader’s mind for later where it’ll come to fruition.
Now, obviously anyone who knows the story knows that Killua has his big emotional scene with Palm where he confesses that he thinks Gon cares more about her than him, and how heartbreaking that is for him to feel. When you first read that though it may seem to come a little bit out of nowhere and a bit delusional on Killua’s part if you take it on it’s own. However, in the context of this scene with shoot and Gon’s earlier vocal worry about Palm, it all starts to make sense. Killua sees this play out and gets jealous because he thinks Gon cares more about Palm, whom Killua still would think is Gon’s romantic partner because Gon never showed interest to him in stopping his date with her and they never officially called off their “relationship”. So to Killua Palm means more to Gon because she’s romantically involved with him (in his eyes) and he gets sad and… well… jealous honestly whenever he’s reminded of that fact. I don’t really see any other way to explain why Killua would think Palm is more important to Gon than him keeping the context of these scenes in mind.
It also doesn’t help that Gon basically confirmed it by pushing Killua away after he expressed so much outward worry for Palm so yeah. Oof. It makes sense why Killua thinks the way he does and this whole scene is Togashi hinting at that early on. That’s why he orders these scenes the way he does and why he brings Killua’s feelings to light there for the reader to notice.
But honestly what REALLY got to me about this scene, and what inspired me to write this whole long ass ramble on the first place, was one key detail. Togashi chose an objective character like Shoot (who’s about as objective as objective can be in this situation) to clearly highlight Killua’s deeper feelings for the reader in a way Killua himself can’t.
Sound familiar? Well it should because there is one other VERY important scene where Togashi does the exact same thing, and it happens a bit later on:
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(I had to cut out the first page for the sake of image number limits, but we both know what scene this is lol)
Isn’t it funny that Togashi would parallel Shoot’s revelations about Killua’s feelings here in the most romantically coded scene in the entire manga, with an equally objective character in Meleoron pointing out the same thing?
It’s hard to articulate this part but I hope you see what I’m getting at here.
It’s a very curious choice by Togashi indeed, to frame those hidden feelings that Meleoron sees explicitly around romantically love, and parallel that with Shoot’s earlier revelation about Killua being very sad even prior to Gon pushing him away… very curious indeed.
Anyway, wow this went on for longer than I thought but I needed to get this out of my head. If you have any insight I’d love to hear about it because I haven’t heard anyone talk about this scene and I need to know I’m not just crazy with what I see lol. To me, it’s just another case of that subtle, genius storytelling g by Togashi, but let me know what you think. Thanks!
Wow, this is a wonderful piece of meta, thank you so much for writing it all up and submitting it to me!! I had noticed/considered how snappy Killua gets to Gon when Gon is worrying over Palm, but this is a very carefully considered argument that the jealousy over Palm is an important part of Killua's sadness and uncertainty about his place in Gon's life going into the palace invasion. I had mostly read Killua's sadness here as Gon being distant prior and Killua picking up on that, Killua just generally being worried about the outcome, plus being hurt that Gon wants to fight Pitou on his own. I think those are all factors, too, but it's true that Killua is very focused and worried specifically about whether Gon considers him just a teammate or a friend.
I've always thought this whole dilemma comes off as "odd" in the sense that it wasn't long ago that Gon openly stated that Killua is his best friend in the whole world, under no uncertain terms. Why would Killua doubt his friendship with Gon? Plus there's the whole theme of not having to "qualify" to be a friend (an attitude towards friendship that Killua later passes on to Ikalgo). It's worth noting he's worrying about this prior to Gon's breakdown in front of Pitou and the "It's none of your business" (essentially) line that breaks Killua's heart. This happens just a bit before they confront Pitou.
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I'm having a hard time explaining this because it's more of a feeling I have about this scene than something I can concretely prove, but I feel like from a purely friendship standpoint, it's strange for Killua to be so fixated on whether they're friends or not when Gon has stated his friendship with Killua over and over again. Even if Gon has been more distant and insists on fighting Pitou alone (which is definitely part of the problem here), it's not as though there's some clear reason presented that shows Killua has been demoted and Gon no longer considers him a friend.
EXCEPT...Killua is so devoted to Gon that he has it in his mind that he and Gon might do a lovers' suicide if worst comes to worst. If Gon cares more about Palm than him, where does that put him? This whole struggle Killua is having of friendship vs teammates makes so much more sense when you consider Killua having romantic feelings for Gon, whether or not he's aware that that's what they are. And it especially makes sense tying in with the argument you're making, that the whole situation with Palm is a big piece of what's bothering and hurting Killua and causing him to doubt his standing with Gon. It is also a logical build up between the date with Palm and the ultimate climax of this subplot, where Palm assures Killua that he's the one means the most to Gon, and the only one who has any hope of saving him.
I think this whole friendship vs teammate thing is Togashi code for what Killua is really struggling with, which is the strong romantic feelings he has for Gon and his concern that they're not requited. Of course it's improbable Jump would allow Togashi to state this outright so of course he has to frame it differently, but as usual he makes it clear what he's really saying in a number of ways for those of us who look into it deeply, while also not alienating readers who aren't interested in viewing it in that light.
What you're pointing out here makes this whole subplot more clear and understandable, and also further cements the romantic reading of Killua in Chimera Ant Arc--bravo for pointing it out! I think you're totally right on your reading of this, it ties so much together, and it seems like carefully laid puzzle pieces all arranged in a meaningful order.
This is why I love discussing HxH with people--even after all the times I've watched and read the series, all the meta I've read through the years, there's always some new way to see things or something I hadn't considered yet. Togashi is truly a genius storyteller, and it's an absolute blast pulling apart his writing because it's so rich and filled with intention. Even tiny scenes and little snippets of dialogue that don't seem that important in the big picture can have so much meaning once you make connections like this.
Thanks again for sending this in, it was enlightening to me and I'm sure it will be for lots of other people as well! Feel free to send more observations any time!
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nicolegmattos · 4 months
My Christian best friend reacts to Good Omens (part 10): Post discussion
Sadly, this will be last part for now until season 3 releases. Then we’ll probably watch together and I’ll bring you our reactions with us both watching it for the first time.
Link to part 9 if you haven’t seen it yet.
Them: My God, I kin Crowley. I’m dead inside.
Me: *trying to console them* I know damn well how this feels. But remember what God said. “The story starts as it will finish. In a garden.” And they’ll probably end up sharing a cottage.
Me: But there can be a garden in the cottage lol. I mean… Crowley loves plants. And Aziraphale pretended to be a gardener once. Also, I’m pretty sure Neil will give us a happy ending in season three.
Me: HE’S AN ANGEL. And a Demon. We hate you with love, Neil.
Them: Hahaha. Man… I’ll need therapy.
Me: We’ll need. We’ll send the bills to Neil lol. It’s his fault.
Them: Yesss.
Me: *crying* Oh, Crowley’s eyes full of tears before he puts on the sunglasses.
Me: What’s worse is that he had the best of intentions but not only Aziraphale is a bit dumb lol but also Crowley is not that good in communicating how he feels. Imagine the trauma. The only time he tried to do that it didn’t work.
Them: They both wanted to be together. But Azi still has a lot of that thing of respecting the Divine a little too much. And that ends up getting lost with Crowley.
Me: He has an extremely toxic relationship with Heaven. I can’t get over how his gaze was so sad when he realized he had lost Crowley the moment he leaned down his head to put on his sunglasses.
Them: He’s dependent (of Heaven).
Me: Yeah. And like, he feels he needs it. When he cut off connections with Heaven he started reporting his good deeds to Crowley. He basically doesn’t know how to live without being an Angel working to Heaven.
Them: I think that’s a bit normal. Crowley is the kind of person that after a relationship is “Ok. Dead end”. But Azi has a sort of dependency.
Me: Yes. When both cut off connections it seemed like everything would be alright and that Aziraphale had finally understood how Heaven was. But the moment that was offered to him the opportunity to change Heaven from inside, all of that was lost.
Them: I even thought he would leave it there because he was doing some things out of line. BUT NO. Like, I get it that he wants to change it, but that would take millions of years. And maybe it would never happen.
Me: Unfortunately he believes a lot on everyone’s goodness and the greater good. He actually believes that the system is broken. But the thing is that the system is working exactly how it should and he doesn’t realize it.
Them: Exactly. It was like Crowley said. Both Heaven and Hell are toxic. It’s not for nothing that Gabriel and Beelzebub ran off.
Me: Yessss. And Aziraphale saw they could live without them. But on the other hand they couldn’t live on Earth and would always be hiding or running away. And not just that. He isn’t selfish to the point of grabbing the opportunity of being happy with Crowley in another place if he knows Earth and the people are in danger. Because Hell and Heaven still want the end of the world. He wants to do good. He wants to solve things. Even if it costs his own happiness. Because he said he didn’t want to go back to Heaven.
Them: YESSSS. Like, I understand both sides.
Me: Me too.
Them: But I’m sad.
Me: Sorry.
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bettdraws · 3 months
"Lol imagine if elriel is endgame and Azriel imagined another female (certainly not Elain) smiling and with her eyes glowing which sparked something inside of his chest which made him smile to himself without even realizing he was doing it, and he didn’t even know her that well…"
And imagine if sjm wrote it solely to show in the next book that it was an outside force influencing his thoughts? What then? Cuz sjm surely didn't write it in a way that seems natural. Clotho said/wrote "she deserves something as beautiful as this and i thank you for the joy it shall bring to her" and all of a sudden there's a spark in his chest and he can see an image of gwyns teal eyes? Even though moments ago he thought that he wouldn't consider gwyn a friend? And how did sjm word his thought about seeing the image? "For whatever reason... he could see it" doesn't seem like he naturally thought of her. If he did it wouldn't be "for whatever reason".
•His shadows, acted unusual. Did not sense gwyns present before he was there.
• His actions, not in his control. He had every intention to return the necklace to the shop but found himself standing before Clotho as the clock chimed seven in the evening.
• His thoughts, seems to be under some sort of influence. Otherwise he wouldn't be like "for whatever reason".
That scene was not written to have romantic undertone. It was written to be suspicious and eerie. And sjm did her best on hofas to prove the gwynriel "mate bond theory" wrong. But y'all took it as parallel language/hints.
"Like if hes the man you want for Elain thats just sad honestly, this is a romance book, I want my male endgames absolutely smitten and invested in the fmcs, with NO turning back once it started, but I guess thats just me"
Lol Then why do you ship gwynriel ? Azriel has zero romantic feelings for gwyn.
I’m so happy you put this together! They actually serve as examples of how WHOLESOME that scene was.
I see literally zero evidence that all of this was because of Gwyn’s powers that we haven’t even had the confirmation of, and in no way it was written eerily. It was written to be wholesome. It was the perfect antithesis to the wrongness of the scene with Elain. I am so sorry that your ship sank.
His shadows were content with her. They skittered AWAY with Elain (this is a bad connotation in contrast)
“He found himself” is a term that is ALWAYS used when mates find themselves doing something they didn’t expect, he wasn’t being controlled, but believe what you want without any canon evidence. He found the necklace was going to give it back but thought someone might like it, so he found himself taking it to her.
“For whatever reason” is just a way to say he didn’t know why, not because it is eerie, if it was he at least would have SOME type of suspicion on it, but he just tucked the glowing spark in his chest away inside him, like how you tuck something inside of your pockets. He could have said “he shoved those weird thoughts away” but he didn’t did he…?
Look, this is a fantasy book, it’s not that serious but you gotta admit you’re reaching at some point. The scene was so obviously romantic in a way Azriel (nor us) were expecting it. And after that scene, we never got even a whiff of elriel while we got even more Gwynriel golden banter, and remember, hes the new ribbon ✨
If anything, even if Gwyn’s powers were “guiding him” which won’t happen because thats stupid and negates too much of Gwyn’s character, it will only add to their story, a parallel of them both thinking they’re monsters, but realizing they too are worthy of love, because what will not happen is Gwyn being evil/a villain, shes an incredible character, an SA survivor, part of Nesta’s incredible found family, SJM modelled her after one of her friends, think again.
Elriel sank by itself with his messed up thoughts about Elain, him just wanting to have one night of fucking her, saying he has not had ONE THOUGHT about a plan to be with her, did not correct Rhys on what’s his status regarding Mor, told her it was a mistake (could’ve used anything other than that), displayed toxic behavior that we know Elain is against (saying he will fight in a duel for her and kill her mate?) and even realized he had been RIGHT to stay away from her.
But yeah blame the “lightsinger” for all of this too i guess??
Also thats so cute shadowsinger x lightsinger make a beautiful parallel couple!
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ctitan98official · 4 months
Anonymous: Not sure if you’d be interested in this but could you write one for Alcina where she really wants to breastfeed reader but reader is oblivious ? Hope you’re doing alright btw!
Sure, I love it! I actually got another request for a lactation fic where Alcina just really wants to give lots of affection and take care of Y/N, so I just kind of merged the ideas lol. I love doting mama Alci T^T Let’s get into it!
Alcina is… Clingy around you. Hell, she’ll admit it. But, sometimes she can also get a little… Impulsive? Her usually sophisticated nature is thrown out the window if she sees an open opportunity to hold you or cuddle.
In fact, sometimes she is in… Desperate need of snuggles. Her newest tactic for gaining some quick and much-needed affection is to just sneak up behind you and scoop you right into her arms. Before you can even notice her approaching, Alcina has you gently cradled to her front.
You laugh in surprise at her actions and Alcina revels in the sound, holding you close. You make her so happy.
However, Alcina’s noticed that she is developing some rather… Feral maternal urges when it comes to you.
Oh, yes. She’s definitely a mama bear to the girls, but, what you don’t realize, is that she has developed the same basic instinct to nurture you as well. She wants you to think of her as your… Mama.
In Alcina’s mind, you have been her baby for a very long time. In fact, she can scarcely remember when she didn’t feel this way about you. She holds you and reassures you when you have nightmares, takes care of you when you don’t feel good, cooks your favorite meals for you, and sings you to sleep. You are so precious to her and she just… Really needs to take on the role of your mama. She wants you to trust her enough to relinquish control and let her care for you completely.
In addition to these maternal desires… There’s another wrinkle in the situation. Alcina can… Produce breast milk. She’s not sure why, but it started shortly after she got the cadou. She was terrified at first, but also… Amazed that she could do it. To be honest, it felt… Natural to her. She had always been a doting person and… This suited her.
Maybe her lactation has something to do with her rapid regeneration? Mother Miranda could probably tell her the scientific reasoning behind this, but Alcina is embarrassed at the thought of asking the priestess about it.
Alcina has been able to hide her ability to lactate from you by padding her bras. However… It’s difficult if you’re sad or cry in front of her. It could be from something like a bad dream or a nasty encounter in the village, but as Alcina holds you and listens to you weep, she begins to produce copious amounts of milk. It tears her up inside to know that you are hurting and she just wants to feed her baby and make everything better. She’s had a few close calls where she almost leaked through her dress right in front of you, but she was able to gently direct your attention elsewhere while she adjusted herself and got fresh padding for her bra.
Alcina has been so afraid to bring up her feelings with you. What if you think something’s… Wrong with her for wanting this? She’s pretty sure she would completely fall apart if you reacted badly to her desires. She loves you so much and feels like she is at a breaking point. She can’t keep passing her motherly actions off as her just being playful or funny anymore. Her brain is pretty much in tunnel vision right now. If she doesn’t tell you about her feelings soon, she’s probably going to snap and begin acting on pure instinct. She’ll start tending to your needs immediately as if you were a little baby, but she… Definitely doesn’t want to startle you like that. She needs to give you a heads up… And to test the waters.
Finally, Alcina realizes that she has the perfect opportunity to speak with you about this. She just has to work up her nerve.
She is sitting and enjoying a quiet moment with you in her bedroom. You are lying on her lap as she reads to you in her armchair by the fire.
You happily cling to her, enjoying the warmth of her body and her soothing voice.
After finishing a rather short chapter in the book, Alcina closes it, making you look up at her in surprise.
“Aw, we just started, Alci! Can’t you read more?” You complain.
Alcina giggles at the outrage on your little face. “I will, draga. I promise,” She reassures. “I just… Need to talk to you first,” She says, nervously clearing her throat.
You quirk an eyebrow. “What is it, babe?”
Alcina can’t bear to look you in the eyes right now. She’s too embarrassed. So… She softly smooshes your face right into her ample bosom and carefully holds your head in place.
… You’re certainly not complaining about this development.
Alcina sighs. “Draga, I… Need to ask you something,” She begins.
“Go for it, babe,” You say, your words muffled from your position in her cleavage.
Alcina can’t help but giggle at this before collecting her thoughts. “Um, draga… Would you like it if… We took our relationship to another level? Something more… Intimate?” She asks.
You immediately pull back a bit and peak up at her from between her breasts. “Damn it! I wanted to be the one to propose to you, babe!” You groan.
Alcina’s cheeks flush darkly. While that wasn’t what she meant, she’s definitely wanted to get married to you for a long time. She is tickled that you were planning on asking her… But… Priorities! You two can discuss this later.
“No, no, draga. That’s not what I meant,” She clarifies with a laugh and gently guides your face closer to her chest again. She takes a deep breath before running her fingers through your hair to calm herself. Well, it’s now or never… “Draga. I love you so much and… I want to take care of you. Nurture you,” She begins, biting her lip. “I think of you as my own… Baby,” She finally reveals.
You furrow your brow. What exactly is she talking about? The way Alcina said ‘Baby’ didn’t sound like a simple pet name… It sounded more… Meaningful, in a way.
Alcina realizes your confusion and sighs self-consciously before continuing. “I… Also think of myself as… Your mama, Y/N,” She admits.
Your cheeks immediately burn at this. You’re suddenly very glad you are pressed up against her and can’t see her face. Could she mean that she wants to be like… Your actual mother?
“It… Wouldn’t be all the time, baby. I still love you the way I always have,” Alcina promises as you process her words. “But, I just… Need to take care of you, draga,” She explains. “I want to hold you and rock you to sleep. I want to feed you and help you do things. I want you to… Call me mama,” She finishes.
Hey, wait a second. She’s actually feeling rather relieved after telling you of her wish. She doesn’t feel embarrassed or exposed like she thought she might. Maybe she made this a bigger thing in her head than it actually was…
She is finally able to pull you back carefully and look at your sweet face.
Your cheeks are definitely red, but… She is delighted to see a spark of hope in your eyes at her words.
Alcina is the most precious thing in your life. She has already been taking excellent care of you. Ever since you two started dating, really. You just… Never put together how motherly her actions were before. But now… It all makes sense. This feels right. “You… Want to be my mama?” You ask quietly, voice barely above a whisper.
Alcina coos at how cute you are and brings a hand to caress your cheek. “I would love that, draga. I want to be your mama more than anything,” She tells you earnestly.
You sit for a moment and think. How can you be so lucky? To find someone like Alcina who only wants the best for you and will give all of herself just to meet your needs.
Your eyes find hers again and you smile softly at her. “I love you, mama,” You tell her and bashfully hide your face in her front.
Alcina gasps. Tears begin to sting her eyes at what you just said. You called her… Mama. She is overjoyed. She looks down at you, completely in love. “Oh, mama loves you so much, my darling,” She gushes, holding you tighter and kissing your head. She gently positions you better and begins softly rocking you in her arms.
You feel your mind begin to grow warm and fuzzy at her actions. It’s as if… Alcina is lulling you into a different headspace. Something… Littler. Younger. You find it hard to talk now, but… You like this feeling. Alcina will take care of you. Everything will be okay.
The two of you bask in each other’s presence, and at the newfound bond that has just formed between you.
You look up at her and smile adoringly.
Alcina beams at you and leans down to nuzzle her nose against yours.
The gentle crackling sounds of the fireplace provide the perfect ambience as mother and baby bond.
You are both so excited to see what this new chapter of your relationship has in store.
But, of course, Alcina still has one more important secret to share with you. She… Really hopes you will be open to the idea of her nursing you.
Only time will tell, it seems…
Note: Alright, sorry I’ve got to break this into another part! I hope you enjoyed this ☺️
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venus616 · 2 years
hold my body tight even on my lowest nights; {p.p.}
Pairing: peter parker x f!reader (gif is tasm but you can interpret this as any peter parker)
Summary: something 'bout the way you hold my body tight even on my lowest nights, locked down by my side even when I'm borderline. yeah, I don't even know why i push you away. (lyrics by charli xcx move me)
translation: even on your worst days, Peter reminds you he's always there for you
Warnings: established relationship, implied mental illness(es) ( depending on interpretation but its not explicitly stated), food mention, hurt/comfort, angst (slightly imo), FLUFF lotsa fluff. 
Word Count: 1.2k
A/N: i think song lyrics are the only way i can give a synopsis at this point lol, wrote this in a day just cause but yk i hope yall like it :) (also wrote this bc i was Very Sad)
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She had laid in bed a little longer than she should’ve, knowing that Peter was on his way after she claimed she was ready. It’s not that she didn’t want to go, in fact it was all she was looking forward to after a long week of work and responsibilities, but she couldn’t find it in herself to get up and get ready for him.
She sighed deeply and cowered beneath her sheets as his voice beamed through the apartment, she cursed herself for trusting him enough to give him a key for whenever he felt like being normal enough to enter through the front door. 
“Baby, they didn’t have the fruit dip you like but I got some yogurt, I hope you still like it,” His voice faltered as she heard her door creak open. She knew his face probably dropped seeing the messy arrangement of clothes from last night on the floor when she couldn’t decide on a cute enough outfit that he hasn’t seen before and seeing the shape of her underneath the comforter, usually visible in the bright hues of her room because she loved the sunlight. 
Peter knew something was wrong because it was noon and her blinds and curtains were still closed, darkness encapsulating her.
Tears started to escape her eyes and it became harder to breathe underneath the sheets. She knew Peter could hear her which made it all the more scarier. He sat next to her figure and she sighed deeply at the added weight of him next to her. 
He said nothing for a bit, just laid down next to her. 
“Baby?” He asked. 
Her voice trembled. He sighed, rubbing her shoulder through the blanket. 
“I’m sorry.” Her voice croaked out. Embarrassed and ashamed at the state he found her in. She worked so hard to compose herself around him, that she felt it only backfired on her when he saw her at her lowest. 
“Why are you sorry?” He asks but not quizzically. His voice was layered in fear and confusion for what her answer would be. 
“I ruined our date,” She sobbed out, unable to stop once her voice cracked. 
She felt his hand on her cheek through the blanket, silently begging her to lower the sheets so he could see and console her. 
She hesitantly lowered it and met his eyes filled with concern for his girl. Her eyes were puffy and red, still streaming with tears before she spoke again.
“Are you mad at me?” She sobbed before putting her head in her hands. She felt his body wrap around her as he laid down on his back, bringing her in between his strong hold. Head to his chest to steady her shaky breathing. She couldn’t see that her question hurt Peter, and that it caused him to furrowed his eyebrows together before he piped up only to console her.
“Sh,” He cooed to her, rubbing his hand up and arm and kissing the top of her head. 
“I just couldn’t do it,” She started. Barely comprehensible through her tears, she sniffled before continuing.
“I texted you cause I thought I would be ready by the time you got here but I had nothing to wear ‘cause everything looked bad on me, and I wanted to look nice for you. And I just woke up feeling so awful today,” She lost her breath before being able to continue, only sobbing loudly now as Peter held her closer. 
“Baby, s’okay” He murmured before peppering her tears with kisses. 
“I wish you would’ve told me,” He sighed, causing you to choke out a whine.
“I know, I’m sorry Pete,” She said, detaching herself from his body completely and turning on her side to face the wall.
“I wish I didn’t waste your time.” She mumbled through her scratchy voice. 
She closed her eyes, hissing at the sudden weight of her bed lifting, thinking that this was the end. 
Peter was going to leave and never come back, that she really fucked up this time. Maybe formally break up with her on the way out, or send a text later after a harsh goodbye. 
Then she felt a presence in front of her face, opening her eyes to meet Peter’s. 
“Hey, hey, look at me,” He said as she started to stir in her position, wanting to curl up in her pillow before he could continue. Still, she listened and forced herself to look at him, feeling more exposed than she ever did before. 
“You could never waste my time,” Peter stated, taking her free hand in his to kiss it. He rubbed his thumb on her hand in comfort before reaching over to cup her face, puffy from the tears shed and previous frustration. 
“I wish you told me so I could’ve planned for a day in,” He smiled, crinkles by his eyes forming that never failed to make her smile in return, even if it was weakly. 
She shook her head in disbelief of the man in front of her. 
“Why are you so patient with me?” She cried, attempting to choke back the tears. 
“You’re allowed to have a bad day babe,” He scoffed. Of course, she should know that Peter would know that more than anyone. He always adored her for being there for him when. he was battered and bruised, or whenever his trauma flared. She didn’t realize that he always admired her for the patience she had for him. 
“I want to be there for you, and if I can’t be, I want to help you get the help you need.” He firmly stated. 
She sighed shakily from his affirmations that he was there for her, not knowing what to do with herself or this information. She tried so hard to keep this part of herself as far away from Peter as possible because she didn’t want to scare him. 
She should’ve known scaring him wasn’t even a possibility once she found out he was Spider-Man. 
“Now, move over, why don’t you.” He rolled his eyes playfully before jumping in the bed. He made her scooch over on the bed to join her before devouring her body with his lanky arms and legs and peppering her salty cheeks with kisses once again. 
She was tickled from his light attitude about the entire situation and gratitude filled her heart. Barely breathing from the combination of laughter and the sobbing from last night and tonight, all catching up to her. She couldn’t help but still have that voice of doubt in her mind as her amazing boyfriend showered her in affection.
“I’m sorry if I’m too much Peter,” she started, head resting on his chest once again as they laid on their sides. 
She looked up at him to meet his eyes.
“if loving me is hard sometimes.” She said even smaller, afraid of Peter’s response. 
To her surprise he only shook his head with a smile before holding her closer. 
“Loving you is the easiest thing I’ve ever done.” Peter claimed, kissing the top of her head once more.
They laid still for the next 10 minutes, enjoying the closeness of each other more than anything, before her breathing and eyelids got heavier, falling asleep in his arms.
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