#but i have no idea what that's supposed to mean because silver and sebek don't seem inspired by the fairies AT ALL
riddlerosehearts · 1 year
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good to know that my "lilia is a combination of maleficent's goons and the three fairies" agenda is also winning because this is literally just the cottage aurora stayed in with the fairies in sleeping beauty
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snail-migraine · 3 months
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Requested by: @elysiumrealms
Sure! I did think some fleshing out on how the rest of the family acts around them would be cool to write. Sorry this took so long btw, my inbox gets stuffed pretty quickly and it was finals week. Anyway thanks for the ask!
Anon-Yan 💌‧₊˚❀༉‧₊˚.
Platonic Yandere Malleus
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For you, the time before your punishment was nothing but a blurry mess.
Genuinely you don't remember all your horrible habits and manipulative tactics, you just remember acting on your insticts and not really thinking before you acted.
The few things you do remember is the interactions you had with your other family members.
The most memorable were the ones with Grandpa Lilia, when you were younger he loved cuddling you upside-down. Even if his grip was iron-strong it still felt so warm that you didn't want to leave.
When you got older he would allow you to play with some of his video games, he was always so sweet and helpful. Making sure you never got too frustrated at one certain part before taking the controller from you and completing whatever challenge had you stumped.
Lilia just loves babying you in a way he never got to with either of his original children.
He never failed to make you feel like the spoiled little brat you were.
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"Ooh! Don't cry Darling, there's no need for that. Here, do you need Grandpa to help you? Okay sweet-pea. Don't worry, grandpa's here for you"
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Then there's uncle Silver, who whose probably the most boring person to hang out with out of everyone in the family.
Don't get me wrong, you enjoyed his company but nothing even vaguely interesting happened whenever you hung around him.
He always really apologetic about it though, even going as far to bring you a little toy everytime he was allowed alone time with you. Typically is just a teddy bear, so that at night when you fell asleep you would think of your uncle Silver.
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"Sorry we weren't able to play today. Here, have this. It's so when you fall asleep at night, you'll always remember your uncle Silver."
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Your uncle sebek on other hand, he was hard to forget.
He was always loud, his voice commanded battalions after all. So a voice like his would definitely need for job like that.
Or whatever that was supposed to mean. You never really understood his way of thinking. While he was screaming his head off about not being good enough for you, you had sit and listen to him whilst daydreaming of all the video games Grandpa Lilia would play with you later.
It was boring, and eventually as you grew older you learned to tune him out.
Though I guess that wasn't the greatest idea, because within a week of learning how tune out his voice he came to you sobbing on his hands and knees begging for forgiveness.
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But I guess that all leads you to where you are now. Stuck in a boring old rickety tower. Stuck studying and doing chores all day. At least Father allowed for your family to visit from time to time.
Their faces and voices make the endless cycle you've been going through day-to-day slightly more bareable. But to be perfectly honest, with every passing moment that you're stuck here; in this damned tower made to be your prison, you lose a small peice of your sanity.
A peice of your mind that can never be returned to it's owner.
Trully a cruel thing to do, especially to your own child. Isolating them from everyone and everything they've ever known to prove a point, when it wasn't even truly their own faults that caused such a mess? Foolish, and downright cruel if anyone asked you.
Ah, but what can you do?
You did do this to yourself after all, might as well own up to your mistakes and pay the price.
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yuri-is-online · 1 year
Congratulations on your 500 Followers!🎉 Hope you will grow more! I would like to choose the number 1 prompt, "Someone decides to ask you for your opinion about someone, and you decide to take advantage of your anonymity to admit your feelings. For some reason this flusters them."
For Jack, Sebek and Silver please
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1. Someone decides to ask you for your opinion about someone, and you decide to take advantage of your anonymity to admit your feelings. For some reason this flusters them.
Thank you very much friend! I really hope this is to your liking, and I really hope that you continue to find things that entertain you posted to this account.
notes: they/them used for Yuu, mutual pining, I find Jack really hard to write for because of his whole soulmate thing but please know he loves Yuu so fucking much he is in pain, Sebek thinks he's slick, and Silver is oblivious to a lot. The other event requests can be found on my masterlist.
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There is a distressing lack of fluffy tails within your line of sight in the ballroom this evening. A feeling has been growing within you these past few months, similar to a crush but so intense it makes you want to fall over with the strength of your longing. You have no idea if Jack feels the same, he has continued to treat you with the same degree of feigned indifference he's held you at since the day you met.
And now he has left you all alone in the middle of a ballroom full of people that very much aren't him. Well that's how you feel it's not like you made any sort of concrete agreement to meet up beyond the typical first year friend group "hey let's all get together" texts that always populated your group chat when the school hosted events like this. You suppose your feet were always going to hurt at an event like this, but you had been hopeful that your heart wouldn't ache as well.
"Come here often?" A strange strangled voice asks, clearly trying to break the ice and not at all serious. You are both leaning against a pillar after all.
"Not really." Your stomach is still firmly in your throat, this person is massive and you see no sign of the comforting ears and tail of a wolf. "You?"
"Nope." And though neither of you make much a move to keep the conversation moving, you don't move to leave either despite the growing awkward aura around you both. You look out across the ballroom, eyes drawn towards Leona desperately searching for a sign. Your strange new friend takes note, he also seems to be looking at Leona. "Not afraid of staring are, you?"
"Is that what it looks like?" You ask slightly distressed.
"Most people just tuck tail and run when they see Savanaclaw." He almost sounds disgusted, but you can't quite tell with who. "I'm surprised you can stand to look."
"I've got good friends in Savanaclaw." You huff. Sure there's a chance this guy doesn't mean anything by what he's saying, but this is NRC. There is a much bigger chance that he does.
"Oh? Like who, Jack Howl?" This bitch-
"No." You cross your arms. "Friends don't make you want to explode."
"... I'm sorry?" The strange man apologizes, and it really does sound like he means it if the way he's scratching the back of his head is anything to go by. Unfortunately you have been sitting on these stupid feelings all night and really need them out in front of someone who isn't Grim, seven knows he doesn't care.
"Seriously like- wolf beastmen have only one soulmate? Forever? So it doesn't matter how I feel I just- never have a chance like ever. Ever ever ever, he's just always going to see me as some annoying hanger on- well maybe not annoying because I actually put in an effort you know?" The captive audience doesn't nod but that's ok, you just keep charging on. "And I know he appreciates that because his tail wags every time one of us do and it's so cute to watch."
"'m not cute."
"But that just doesn't matter he's got somebody already he just hasn't met them yet and I don't even know the right music to try and get rid of my feelings to. It's not like I can just ask him out and hope rejection will make the feelings go away because there is just no way he would be like in anyway nice about it-"
"What if you were that person though?" The stranger's voice is so strangled it's almost recognizable, and it successfully snaps you out of your stupor.
"But I'm not." You want to scream it, but it comes out so very quietly. "He was really clear about that, he'd just know."
"I'm stupid. I mean he is. Stupid. And you're human, maybe the feeling's different because there's a chance for rejection. It's not like humans always have soul mates." A dull silence falls over you both. Unease working it's pesky way back into both of your minds.
Not all humans have soul mates, but you most certainly do. Just... give him a moment, a ball is not his scene. But later when you're all alone, traipsing your way through the woods towards that lonely cottage there will be a wolf primed to strike. Just why did he ever worry Jack wonders, glad for the mask hiding his grin, he knew he only needed to be lucky once.
"Just what is your opinion on Malleus anyway?" Sebek tells himself he is asking you this for safety reasons. It's a question he has asked you before, just louder and with force enough to "blow down a barn door" to quote Epel, but this damn mask had a mockingly fitting enchantment that pitched his voice down and quieted it the more he tried yelling. He almost sounded like he was impersonating Jade, something that would likely deeply amuse the strange upperclassmen and seems to have a soothing effect on you. Not that he was jealous!
"Tsunotarou and I are bros." Yuu puts up what Master Lilia had told him was a "peace sign" and "extremely cute" but makes him seethe with rage and actual jealousy, not whatever that sickening feeling he'd had before was.
"You are not." The mask makes his dull roar sound like a middle aged mother gleefully scolding her friend for buying a particularly saucy pair of heels and not the justified rage of a royal retainer. "If you are bros just what does that make you to his retainers hmmmm?" That makes Yuu falter for some reason, mouth moving before the words are fully formed like they are considering hiding something.
That scares him. Because it compromises his lord's safety. Obviously.
"Well, I think Lilia's super cool." An objectively true statement human. A bit sparse on the praise but then what use would Master Lilia have for a human's praise? It would be better spent on him anyway. "He's really smart and happy to talk about what he knows, even if he lies about things sometimes, gotta have fun with yourself sometimes I guess. Silver is a bit dense, but he tries so hard you have to respect him for it." Again Sebek finds himself agreeing with Yuu, but the praise stings for some reason. It's minimal, but he supposes Yuu's avoidance of addressing the issue- not that they are he supposes, they may have stopped speaking but he doesn't think they intend to not give an opinion about him.
"And Sebek?" But he prods for it anyway because he wants it. He knows himself, he is not exactly ashamed of himself but Sebek knows you would never tell him the full truth of your opinion to his face. He can't even call Yuu by their name, why should they-
Sigh, like a besotted Princess in a fairy tale, play with the edges of their cape like a Prince questioning his propriety in voicing his desires but unable to swallow their emotion-
"He's really something else." You mean it, not that you are too sure why you feel like telling this stranger your deepest secret or why you chose to phrase it like a complaint. But the compliment suits Sebek like that you think. And the stranger doesn't stop you. "Knights are sort of out of fashion where I'm from but I've always liked them, and Sebek's the perfect image of one you know? I just wish there was some room in his heart for someone other than Malleus... not that I think his devotion's a bad thing y'know? I just- want to be treasured by a knight too."
"Just a knight?" The stranger asks. "Silver's there too I suppose."
"Nah he's not really my type." You shrug. "I like my guys a little pathetic. Look-" You barely notice the familiar way the stranger splutters as you bow to signal your exit. "I gotta go get Grim before he lights the place on fire, if you see Sebek tell him I'm looking for him? I want to dance with him at least once I just know he's good at it." And with that they're gone leaving an extremely competent and not at all pathetic thank you very much! Flustered mess of a man behind them.
"Oh hello Prefect." You have no idea who this student is but it is not unusual for people to know who you are given everything that's happened at this stupid school since you accidentally enrolled. "Nice to see you are enjoying yourself, the rolls are really good." And he is not judging you for the amount of bread you have in front of you so as far as you are concerned he can stay.
"They really are." You nod sagely, offering your new friend some of your hoard which he happily accepts as you both turn towards the ballroom to people watch. "I shouldn't be surprised at how good the food is, but somehow I always am." The stranger nods ruefully.
"I know what you mean. After eating so much of fa- Lillia's cooking you forget what things are supposed to taste like sometimes." Oh so this guy is in Diasomnia then? You'll have to compliment Tsunotarou later, this guy is super polite.
"Yeah I can see that, it makes feel bad for Silver sometimes what with how close those two are." You continue munch on your bread, too caught up in the fluffiness of it to notice how the "stranger" pauses, a thought forming in his mind he is sure to regret later but is unable to fully resist.
To long is human, which he is, painfully so.
"Do you think about Silver often?" He hopes he sounds playful, you fluster, looking the man up and down wondering if maybe Lilia has decided to alter his appearance to tease you some.
"More often than I should." Even if this is Lilia, it's not like anyone can really mock you for this can you? It's a Masquerade Ball, you're allowed to spill your guts to a stranger and reasonably expect nothing to come of it. Hell, just because this guy's in Diasomnia doesn't mean he'll say anything. "He's hard to ignore you know?"
"Not really." Silver picks at the bread, half hoping you will drop the topic, half agonizing about how to feel if you do. "He... doesn't have the best reputation in our dorm. People think he's too intense."
"Hmmm." You can see why, people who lack facial expressions often find themselves failing to express their intent. "That doesn't bother me." Oh he could practically soar, his whole body straightens in pride when you say that. "Silver is one of the few people I feel truly safe and... well sometimes I feel cherished around him. But I don't want to put pressure on him since we aren't even really friends I don't think."
"Why wouldn't you be?" He is deeply confused, he knows Lilia's advice is always coached in jokes but Silver didn't think the flowers he asked his animal friends to find would hinder his progress too badly. You were even wearing them tonight, it was how he found you, so it's not like you hated them... right? "I- He cares about you, I mean you know that right?"
"Maybe." Is all you say, eyes looking for someone in the crowd that's sat right next to you oh so painfully unaware- "But if I said I liked him would he even know what I meant? Would he still want to be friends... if..."
"Of course he would." Silver means it, but somehow he feels like he is missing something. The weight of your hand maybe, as you leave the "stranger" in search of... well he hopes "Silver" because if he knew you loved him, because he thinks that was what you meant maybe he wouldn't want to be just friends.
Best friends maybe? He'll have to ask Li- his father later.
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harunayuuka2060 · 2 years
Malleus: Your Majesty...? What are you doing here?
The queen: *his grandmother* *has come to Night Raven College without any notice*
The queen: I just wanted to check in on my precious grandson. Also, to see a certain spectral dragon who has been hiding from me for thousands of years.
Malleus: ...
Malleus: You mean... Nonna? She's teaching right now.
The queen: Bring me to her location.
Malleus: If you barge in, you'll cause a commotion. And where are your royal guards?
The queen: I've left them. You should not be concerned. I've assigned someone to keep an eye on my place while I'm away.
Malleus: ...
Malleus: Please be patient. I'll inquire with Lilia.
The queen: Good. I want to talk to him too.
Malleus: ...
Lilia: *kneeling before Her Majesty*
The queen: Do you know why I've summoned you here?
Lilia: I have no idea, Your Majesty.
The queen: ...
The queen: Where is that despicable spectral dragon?
Lilia: She might be on break as of this moment.
The queen: Could you bring me to her? Or rather, drag her here.
Lilia: *troubled chuckle* Who am I to do that to her, Your Majesty?
The queen: I am displeased, Lilia Vanrouge. Stop making excuses for her.
Lilia: ...
*Crowley and the others evacuating the students as per Lilia's advice*
Ace and Deuce: *have stayed with MC because they don't understand why they need to leave*
Deuce: It seems the situation is quite urgent.
Ace: Eh... But the headmage didn't say anything.
MC: *looks chill* According to Lilia Vanrouge, we have an important visitor.
Deuce: Who might it be?
Ace: Right? I feel like they're someone scary.
MC: We will find out.
*then the sound of the horns*
Ace and Deuce: !!!
Lilia: *steps in* Bow down to Her Majesty, The Queen of Briar Valley.
Ace and Deuce: Eh? EH?!!
Sebek: Bow down, humans!
The queen: *walks in elegantly*
Ace and Deuce: ...
Deuce: Th-That's the queen of Briar Valley? What is she doing here?
Ace: I don't know! And let's kneel before she notice us!
The queen: *her eyes already fixated on MC*
MC: *meeting her gaze with equal fervor*
The queen: Are you not going to show your respect?
MC: I'm still tired from teaching a large group of children today. I'll do it when I feel like it. Still, take a seat.
Silver and Sebek: *stunned*
Lilia: *trying to hold back his laughter*
Ace: Eh? Madame? Are you sure that's how you talk to a queen?
Deuce: Ace is right, Ma. That seems... rude.
MC: My intuition tells me that we are on equal footing. So no.
MC: Lilia Vanrouge, am I mistaken?
Lilia: No. You are completely correct.
The queen: ...
The queen: *smiles* And here I am thinking you've finally changed. You're still as brazen as ever.
MC: I'll take that as a compliment. And I would appreciate it if you use our indoor shoes.
Silver: The Madame... She's really...
Sebek: ... Fearless.
The queen: *doing what she says*
The queen: Your house a filth.
MC: It's a vintage.
Lilia: *already crouching on the floor, silently wheezing*
Ace: Ah... So she came here to see how she's doing?
Malleus: Yes. I was worried at first, however, knowing my grandmother, she's the type to visit her friends whenever she feels the need to.
Deuce: I see... I'm getting more and more amazed with Mama. I wonder if I could be like her when it comes to creating connections.
Crowley: A-Ah! That's good to hear! I will let the students know that it's safe for them to come back and resume their classes.
Malleus, Ace, and Deuce: ...
Ace: Headmage, you amaze me sometimes.
Crowley: *frowns, crossing his arms* Don't try to be sarcastic on me, Trappola.
The queen: Now that we've exchanged pleasantries.
The queen: Explain to me why you broke your oath.
MC: ...
MC: Oath... I don't remember ever doing one.
The queen: ...
The queen: It seems Lilia is right.
The queen: You have no idea who you are.
MC: If it isn't anything frightening, I suppose I don't need to sweat the details.
MC and the queen: *clinking their wine glasses*
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sbk-zgvlt · 1 year
1. I’m honestly impressed about how you two made a whole ass fan fiction which I heavily enjoy with just a simple question
2. I’m hoping onto that Peter Pan idea train
3. This random idea which has less Angst. Basically one day at NRC, all the main cast suddenly get transported into to a story book where they get each character is transported into a different story that best matches there personalities(or in author sense what there character was inspired by), so when the Diasomnia group get transported to the story of sleeping beauty, the can’t find Sebek anywhere. Meanwhile, Sebek is wondering where the hell everyone is and why he’s on a deserted island in the middle of nowhere, where’s there’s apparently pirate ships. (I also imagine sense Sebek is half crocodile fea he has a crocodile tail which can disappear and reappear)
1. We're just that cool
2. I think i need to make a tag for that now...
They probably messed around with this cursed storybook that Crowley keeps in his office and now they suffer the consequences.
The thing is though that they have to complete each story by their order in the book to actually progress. So, we start with Alice in Wonderland where Heartslabyul is stuck in. The further down the story is in the book (First story = Alice in Wonderland, last story = Sleeping Beauty), the longer the dorm has been inside.
For example, Heartslabyul have only been stuck for a day. Savanaclaw for a week. Octavinelle for a month, etc.
The basics of how this works is that while the first story is being played out, the others haven't even started yet. They're basically on pause. It's like Heartslabyul is trying to finish the story in a day while Savanaclaw is stuck inside the story 1 week before the events actually happen.
When Heartslabyul finish their story, they get transported to the Lion King and meet with Savanaclaw. They finish the story, then meet with Octavinelle in Little Mermaid, so on and so forth.
They eventually reach the Sleeping Beauty, only to be met with a frantic Diasomnia who have been stuck in the story for 5 months (They don't age or something by the way...when they return to the real world they've only been gone for a minute).
Turns out they have NOT seen Sebek at all, and Silver is in a FRENZY. Malleus is starting to embrace his villain role a bit too well in the story, and Lilia has practically reverted back to his old war veteran days.
The cast finally snap them out of it when they're able to finish the story, and Riddle suggests that maybe Sebek wasn't affected by the storybook for some reason? Or they'll be able to find him once they reach the true end of the book.
So, the true characters of thr story finally manifest so Diasomnia can just watch things play out with the rest of the cast as well.
They watch Aurora get married, some get a bit teary-eyed while Leona and Malleus argue over the color of her dress, then all they have to do now is wait for the end of the story-
Everyone gets transported to a room. The Darlings' room. Everyone freaks out because WHAT THE FUCK I THOUGHT WE WERE SUPPOSED TO GO HOME???
Diasomnia are inconsolable because they think that Sebek was left behind in the Sleeping Beauty story and will be stuck there forever and are continuously trying to find ways to go back-
"Uh, you guys aren't Wendy." Everyone turns towards the window. Peter Pan, in all his glory, was sitting by the windowsill with his arms crossed. He thinks that they broke in and is prepared to beat their asses until Jack and Trey explain their situation.
Peter hears about this Sebek guy and goes "Oh! You mean ole' croc? I know where he is!" Diasomnia pause and then immediately start screaming at him to bring them to him.
A few pixie dust later (courtesy of a disgruntled Tinkerbell), they're flying over Neverland. Peter is about to introduce them to the lost boys only for the sound of a cannon to interrupt him.
Pirates are invading the island once more, and the cast are quick to defend themselves. They can't seem to get a single hit on Captain Hook though, mostly because of fairy tale laws or whatever.
They're in a bit of a disadvantage, and even Peter is getting restless-
Captain Hook goes pale, as well as the rest of his crew. NRC look confused only for a familiar voice to ring throughout the fight: "ARE YOU BACK FOR ANOTHER ROUND, CAPTAIN?" It's Sebek!
Except he looks...different. Not different in the way that Rook now has black hair for whatever reason, nor different by the fact that Lilia's hair is long again.
This Sebek looks older. Not too old, but there are key differences. His usual round ears are now a bit pointed, his hair past his shoulders. He's wearing something wildly different- there's no trace of his uniform.
Instead, an old, raggy pirate's cloak hangs off his shoulders that just serves to make him look more intimidating. And uh the rest of his clothes are the ones that Will Stetson is wearing in his cover of Shinunoga E-wa with black pants LOOK MAN im writing this in my notes app offline.
His magestone is no longer placed in a pen, rather it hangs off his ear as an earring.
The biggest change however is the scales and tail...as well as the ticking face of a clock that replaces his right eye.
Hook's crew are quick to retreat, not before Sebek can suddenly jump into their ship though. The cast watch Sebek raise Hook up by the scruff of his neck, and with a flick of his wrist, his claws retract.
"P-please!" Hook pleads. "Have mercy!" Sebek smiles. "I'm true to my word, Captain." And promptly slices his hand off.
He jumps off the ship with Hook's hand, Peter quick to catch him as they ignore Hook's frantic screams. Blood trickles down his claws, and once they reach solid ground, Peter puts Sebek down.
Sebek throws the hand into the sand, and with a single kick, sends it flying into the ocean. Right on time, a crocodile jumps from the water and catches it into its mouth, before retreating back into the water.
"That was so cool!" Peter exclaims from behind him with childlike wonder. Sebek doesn't react, only sighing, "HUMAN, JUST BECAUSE IVE BEEN HERE FOR A YEAR DOESNT MEAN ILL BE HERE FOREVER. SOONER OR LATER, YOU WILL NEED TO FACE THE CAPTAIN BY YOURSE-"
He turns around to continue to berate Peter, only to pause when he sees the mildly injured forms of the NRC cast.
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mysteryshoptls · 2 years
SSR Silver Dorm Uniform Personal Story: Part 2
"I feel uneasy."
(Part 1) Part 2 (Part 3)
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[Diasomnia Dorm – Lounge]
―After school
Silver: Hello, Kalim, and Jamil, too. I'm grateful you came all this way.
Kalim: Of course I'd come, especially for a friend! Right, Jamil?
Jamil: What do you mean, "right"? You're the one who dragged me here.
Jamil: …Well, whatever. So, I heard you had a favor to ask of Kalim. What is it about?
Silver: I just have this request. I want…
Silver: I want you to teach me how to have more facial expressions.
Jamil/Kalim: Huh?/Eh?
Jamil: Umm, why do you want to do such a thing?
Silver: You see―
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Jamil: …I understand now. Your classmates said that it was difficult to approach you because they couldn't read your facial expressions, hm.
Jamil: Well, I guess it can't be said that your expressions are easy to read, honestly.
Silver: So, you think so too.
Silver: Due to my lack of facial expressions, it seems I've been unknowingly a bother to those around me.
Silver: That is why I'd like to better myself. Would you help me?
Kalim: You're a good guy, Silver, and I don't think you're hard to approach at all, but…
Kalim: If you're wanting help, then I'll help. And of course, Jamil will too!
Jamil: Really… Kalim won't listen at all once he gets started. Fine, I'll help too, but don't expect too much out of me.
Silver: Kalim, Jamil… Thank you both.
Silver: I'll get right down to it. How does Kalim always show his feelings?
Kalim: Eh, even if you ask me how…
Kalim: Hmm, show my feelings… show my feelings… The thing I always keep in mind is…
Silver: What you keep in mind is…?
Kalim: ―I tried to think up something, but there's not really anything in particular! Ahahah!
Jamil: You've always been then that kind of guy…
Silver: I see. So that means that Kalim's face moves naturally without having to think about it.
Silver: It would be great if I could reach his level…
Kalim: Don't you think you're thinking too hard, Silver?
Kalim: When you're happy or sad… As long as you know how you feel in that moment, it'll show on your face.
Silver: I see… So, that means I have to focus on "how I feel in that moment."
Silver: Thank you for the useful advice, Kalim. I'll attempt it right away.
Kalim: Yeah! So, how are you feeling right now?
Silver: I feel uneasy, thinking of whether I will be to change my facial expression well.
Jamil: Yeah, that'll happen. Okay, so try to show that emotion.
Kalim: Try to change your expression, thinking, "This sucks~!"
Silver: Right. Then, here I go.
Silver: An uneasy feeling, an uneasy feeling...
Silver: …
Jamil/Kalim: …
Silver: How was that?
Jamil/Kalim: Eh?
Jamil: Oh, were you going for a troubled look just now?
Kalim: I thought you hadn't even started yet. Ahahah, it didn't change at all!
Silver: I felt I was actually doing it, though… This is harder than I expected.
Kalim: I thought that'd work, too~ Jamil, you got any other ideas?
Jamil: Hm, let me think… What about if you practice moving your fascial muscles?
Jamil: For example, try keeping a smile on your face.
Silver: I see. Muscles will weaken if not used constantly.
Silver: Perhaps my facial muscles have not gone through enough training, that is why they don't move well…
Silver: However, I was not able to move my facial muscles the way I wanted earlier, either. How am I supposed to train them up…?
Jamil: Maybe you should start by pulling up your cheeks with your fingers and making a smile?
Silver: I suppose I could try that method. Alright, let me try it.
Silver: Pull up my cheeks with my fingers, make a smile…
Silver: …...
Silver: …Urk!
Kalim: Eh, Silver? Why're you contorting your face like that all of a sudden!?
Silver: It felt I was about to pull a cheek muscle…
Jamil: You really don't use your facial muscles that much, do you…
Sebek: ―Hey, Silver. Why are you doing?
Silver: Hm? Oh, Sebek.
Jamil: It looks like the other Diasomnia students have returned…
Jamil: We shouldn't overstay our welcome and be a bother. Kalim, we should start heading back to our dorm now.
Kalim: Eh, but Silver hasn't been able to express his feelings yet though.
Silver: No, I've taken more of your time than I thought. You've helped me enough, Kalim.
Silver: Thanks to you two, I can start to unravel this issue. I will do my best on my own from here on out.
Kalim: Great, I'm glad I could help! Then, we'll head out, but if you need our help again, let me know!
Silver: Right. I'm grateful for both of your assistance.
Sebek: Why were those Scarabia students here in Diasomnia? What were you guys doing?
Silver: You see―
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Sebek: Hah, nonsense! There's no need to worry about what those humans say to you.
Silver: I disagree.
Silver: I am Malleus-sama's bodyguard. Would not the reputation of the bodyguard have an effect on the reputation of our master?
Sebek: Humph, as if such a thing would diminish the Young Master's greatness!
Sebek: …Yet I would not be able to stand it if there were even one blemish on his reputation.
Sebek: It can't be helped. I'll help you this one time.
Silver: Really?
Sebek: I won't repeat myself. And also, you don't need to do anything so idiotic as training your facial muscles.
Silver: Why not? It seems to be an effective method to develop my expressions.
Sebek: Because you don't need it.
Sebek: Let's train in the school courtyard today, instead of here at the dorm. Let's head there now.
Silver: I don't mind, but… What are you saying all of a sudden?
Silver: You said you would help me earlier. Are you saying this will solve my woes?
Sebek: You'll understand when the time comes. So shut up and come with me.
Silver: Hm. Alright.
(Part 1) Part 2 (Part 3)
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zigvoltage · 2 years
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𝕿his school was one of prestige and was internally full of opportunities that Silver knew would be difficult to get in his homeland. The difficulty of working a rice cooker with a timer in his home did not escape him as he learned how to use it, and it did not settle his nerves when he decided to move on from this line of thinking. Cooking is easier here and more foolproof. Cooking will be harder with his consistent drowsiness and easily lulled fatigue, but it's nothing Silver can fix without doing something major like powering it himself when back in the woods. Put a pin in that.
He had an idea that some had chuckled at, but at least he was given the greenlight and began as close as possible to the deadline he could. 
The cutting had been easy, and marinating had been a struggle during the preparation, but the seasoning was easier when everyone left him to his own devices after getting the dinner area ready. Repeat that just enough for their inner circle, and that made it just a tad bit more difficult. Keeping the idea ready, warm, and fresh by making it so close to when Sebek was supposed to come back from visiting the other students on campus was a good idea, but Silver felt unusually... nervous. Was it because his idea was the first wave of Sebek coming back for the evening and he had to serve them all?
Or was it because this was only his third fish dish he's made? 
By the time he finally plates all the salmon carpaccio and has two of them on his forearms and two in his hands to take them out to the table, he's caught before he can make it to the table. With the plates steadily on his arms, he tries to minimally turn his head to address his fellow countryman. 
"𝐒𝐞𝐛𝐞𝐤, 𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲. I'll have our lunch on the table after this, and I hope your birthday goes satisfactorily for you." He gives a small smile but really does want to put these down. It's then he remembers that Sebek enjoys giving help and asks the other politely, "Can I get a hand with these plates? I don't want to drop them."
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THE SCENT REMINDED HIM OF HOME,   or as close to home as it could get.  cutting  &  cleaning fish beside the river with his grandfather,  ones that they had spent the entire day to catch.   it was his  favorite pastime  —  few of them that he was willing to share with his youngest grandson,   who seemed to have a penchant for  anything  he could learn from his elder.   dishes made from  fish  weren’t uncommon in the zigvolt household,   not when he was bringing home various catches frequently to impress  &  out - do  his own siblings,   as if there was a bit of a competition to it.  
returning to diasomnia’s  hall,   only to be greeted with the sight of  silver  both hand’s occupied with plates  —  even  balancing  two between his forearms.   it was a miracle that none had yet to fall.   the smell was not to be mistaken,  a familiar dish that he favored since he was young.  
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“ all of this  inconvenience for a surprise? ”  shaking his head for a moment,  he struggles to rationalize the efforts put forth for a mere happy birthday for himself.  hardly ungrateful,  rather a means to shield the impending embarrassment for his lack of ability to realize the plan that was put into motion.   had he been asked what his favorite dish was ahead of time?   or rather,  it was simply something that was recalled easily after years of camaraderie.  
it is hardly a question that needs to be posed,   taking the plates that are  barely  holding on.   “ if everyone is to be invited,  then we must ensure the dining area is set up properly.  trying to do all of the work on your own behalf,  what kind of lazy human do you mistake me for?  shying away from duties on a day of celebration would be shameful.  today,  we work as equals. ”
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linawritesocs · 2 years
dorm exchange event prologue! (fake? kinda?)
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hi. my exams and assignments are still slowly killing me, but I AM NOT GOING DOWN WITHOUT A FIGHT.
so the last vignette i wrote was something like.. "a prologue part 1" maybe? or maybe it really was the "true" prologue and this is a "fake" one. (even though everything really does happen, but it's not like a first mention of this program, if you know what i mean)
so yeah, in this vignette the dorm exchange program gets announced and everyone gets sorted into their new dorms! and by "everyone" i mean my ocs because I REFUSE TO COME UP WITH NEW DORMS FOR THE CANON CHARACTERS TOO 😭😭
anyway, let's go! :D
[ night raven college - mirror chamber ]
minnie: *thinking* "and why did the raven mask guy tell all of us to gather here?"
minnie: *thinking* "if it's something stupid and it's actually not that serious.."
minnie: *thinking* "i'm not sure what i can do, even though he's an idiot, he's still the headmaster after all.."
minnie: *thinking* "oh, but maybe i can just go for his kneecaps."
minnie: *thinking and looking around* "most people here are acting like they don't really care about what's happening.."
minnie: *thinking* ".. but of course, this guy still cares."
minnie: *thinking* "wait a second."
malleus: ...
minnie: *thinking* "the draconia guy is here too? whoa, it really must be something serious, if even he got invited."
minnie: hey, sebek, can't you be a little more quiet-
minnie: wait, why am i even asking, of course you can't. being loud and stupid is, like, your whole thing.
minnie: what, you couldn't get that malleus plush that was on sale or what?
malleus: .. a plush?
sebek: O-ON SALE??
minnie: *sighs* silver, you're the one who has all the braincells here, can you explain what happened?
lilia: aww, that's not fair, minnie-chan! i'm here too, you know!
minnie: shut up.
minnie: so you care more about his intelligence and not yours.. you never change, sebek.
silver: ah.. if i'm not wrong, we had to gather here for the "dorm exchange program"?
silver: i tried really hard to pay attention but.. i still ended up falling asleep right when the headmaster was explaining it.
silver: and sebek is.. not so happy about it.
minnie: huh? "the dorm exchange program"? what's that?
silver: ...
lilia: ...
minnie: what?
sebek: OW!
minnie: *steps on his foot* if you're so smart, care to explain to me, a foolish and pathetic human, what is going on here and how this dorm exchange thing works?
silver: u-uh, i can explain it to you-
minnie: no, no, thank you silver, but i want to hear his explanation.
minnie: come on, sebek, you are so smart compared to me, i can't do anything without your help, you know that!
sebek: ...
sebek: w-wait, y-you really can't-
minnie: *steps on his foot harder* THAT WAS A JOKE, YOU MALLEUS-OBSESSED IDIOT!
minnie: *lets him go* .. new dorms?
lilia: hehe, you really don't know anything about it, minnie-chan, do you?
minnie: do you want to be my next victim?
lilia: no, thank you.
minnie: so what about those new dorms?
lilia: you see, this dorm exchange program is all about nrc students getting sorted into different dorms and getting to see what it's like to be a part of that dorm.
lilia: you know, it's always good to get something new in your life, it can give you a fresh perspective on so many different things!
minnie: but.. for how long do we have to stay in our new dorms?
lilia: oh, i have no idea actually.
minnie: why am i not surprised..
lilia: but i'm sure that it will be fun! some students really could use spending some time in a different dorm.
minnie: ah.. sebek doesn't want to leave diasomnia, right?
malleus: i don't think that you will have to stay in that new dorm forever, sebek. this program is a temporary thing..
malleus: at least that's what we were told yesterday.
sebek: m-malleus-sama.. are you trying to comfort me??
sebek: y-you are so kind!..
minnie: and you are so pathetic..
minnie: come on, this guy literally has to calm you down and tell you that it's gonna end eventually. what are you, a baby?
*sebek and minnie keep arguing in the background*
lilia: hehe, look at them bickering like an old married couple~
silver: i-i am pretty sure they're gonna kill each other one day if this continues.
crowley: everyone, i am so happy to see you!
minnie: oh, here he is.
crowley: now, i am sure you all know why i have told you to come here-
riley: i don't.
crowley: ...
vance: *whispering* r-riley-kun! it's about that dorm exchange thing!
vance: *whispering* you know, that one thing!
riley: ... oh.
riley: i see. i do know now.
crowley: good.
crowley: now, i have indeed told you to come here because i need you all to participate in the dorm exchange program. you all will be sorted into your new dorms and you will spend a week there before coming back to your "original" dorm.
minnie: you heard that, sebek? you'll have to leave your master only for a week, i'm sure you can do-
minnie: .. nevermind.
crowley: now, let me check if everyone is here..
crowley: oh, it looks like everyone really did come! good, good, i am so proud of you all!
crowley: now wait just a minute.
riddle: of course, someone didn't come..
minnie: *thinking and looking around* "but who could it be? even malleus himself came and they even forget to invite him to the dorm leader meetings! so who-"
minnie: *thinking* ".. oh no."
riddle: i thought he will come later, he never misses events like this, but..
riddle: *sighs* it looks like i was wrong.
azul: it's true that he's a quite active person, but let's not forget that he can be.. a bit forgetful, haha.
crowley: minnie-kun, you're in the same dorm as him, right? do you have anything to say about this?
minnie: oh, i do, actually.
crowley: y-you do??
malleus: *shows that he's listening*
riddle: but why didn't you say so earlier if you knew why he is not here?
minnie: oh, i just got so used to him running away from nrc that i forgot that he was supposed to come here too.
crowley + most students: HE RAN AWAY??
minnie: what, you didn't know about it? this guy loves hanging out with rsa students and after that symposium-festival-masquerade-arson thing, he likes to visit the city of flowers too.
azul: b-but.. how is he able to do it so casually? i thought we all should know about it, but some of us have never heard about it!
minnie: at first he kept it secret because you guys hate rsa students so much, but then he just thought that there's no reason why he should tell you about it.
minnie: seth is just that kind of guy. he doesn't want to spend too much time in one place, he wants more new things in his life.
leona: so he's just okay with being friends with our rivals?
malleus: and the fact that he's okay with still visiting that city and school even though flamme has almost stole our magic and he hurt seth during that fight as well..
malleus: yes, it was an accident, but still.
minnie: i have no idea how his brain works, so don't ask me any questions.
riddle: i just wish he could have told us earlier that he won't be able to come today.
minnie: sorry, seth's boyfriend number one, he's hanging out with the boyfriend number three right now.
riddle: boyfriend number one-
riddle: i meant that i wish he could have told us about it because this is an important school event and he should take part in it just like all of us!
minnie: sure, whatever.
minnie: anyway, mr. raven mask, can we start-
crowley: s-so.. seth-kun actually.. d-doesn't like this school t-that much..
minnie: yeah, me neither.
crowley: HUH?
minnie: seriously, if i could transfer to rsa, i would.
crowley: HUH??
minnie: also i don't know much about nbc and the city of flowers, but from what seth has told me, it sounds fun. i'd love to visit it one day.
crowley: HUH???
crowley: oh no.. why did the ramshackle students have to betray me like this..
crowley: after everything that i have done for them- OW!
minnie: *steps on his foot* GET YOURSELF TOGETHER ALREADY!
crowley: okay. okay. i will.
ruggie: w-wow, this girl sure is scary, isn't she?
ruggie: imagine if she gets sent to our dorm, haha..
crowley: oh, about that.
ruggie: HE HEARD ME??
crowley: even though ramshackle students are magicless and they can't do much, so there's not any reason why they should participate in this program..
crowley: because i'm so kind, i still want to give them a chance and see what it's like to be a part of a different dorm!
minnie: wait, WHAT??
minnie: i- i will be sent to a different dorm too??
crowley: well, seth-kun was also supposed to get a new dorm..
crowley: but as we all can see, seth-kun is not with us today, so he won't be able to participate.
crowley: and that makes you the only ramshackle student who will take part in this program!
minnie: *thinking* "seth.. did you run away on purpose? did you know that this is gonna happen?"
minnie: *thinking* "i don't want to be the only student from ramshackle who has to deal with this!"
minnie: *thinking* "and of course, jay can't participate either, crowley doesn't even know that he exists.. it's kind of sad, actually."
minnie: okay, i agree to take part in this thing, but can i ask something first?
crowley: sure, go ahead.
minnie: why is this even happening? i doubt that the reason is actually as deep as you make it sound.
minnie: you want the nrc students to "see what it's like to live in other dorms and get new experiences"? don't make me laugh, you would never come up with something like that on your own. there must be a reason why you had to send us to other dorms.
crowley: ...
malleus: actually, i want to know the reason for coming up with this program as well.
crowley: !!
crowley: well, uh..
crowley: y-you see, the dark mirror..
crowley: the dark mirror is actually not so sure about the dorms it has sorted you all into..
riddle: huh? what do you mean by that?
crowley: basically, it doesn't think that it has made a right choice.
crowley: the mirror wants to see how you all would act if you were sent to other dorms and if it turns out that your new dorm actually fits you better, you will stay there. if you would still be better in your "old" dorm, then you will be able to come back there.
minnie: .. so this whole thing is happening because the mirror is going through it right now?
crowley: .. yes, kind of.
crowley: you don't understand, our mirror has feelings too-
minnie: yeah, maybe seth was right and we really should transfer to a different school.
crowley: NO, YOU SHOULD NOT!
epel: i-i am sorry for asking this..
epel: so if i understood this correctly.. if the mirror sees that we're doing better in our new dorms, we will be allowed to stay there?
crowley: you are completely correct.
vil: ...
epel: um, i mean- t-that's good to hear, haha..
riddle: what about the dorm leaders though? do they get sorted into other dorms too?
crowley: oh, no, you guys stay in your dorms actually.
crowley: you know, who else is gonna help those new students get used to their new dorms but you?
malleus: i guess it does make sense.
crowley: now, is everyone okay with that?
crowley: of course, you all are okay with that, why am i even asking, i'm the headmaster after all.
minnie: well, i'm not-
crowley: good, i will tell the dark mirror that you all are ready and after that we can start.
minnie: *thinking* "of course he ignored me.."
minnie: *thinking* "i guess i have no choice."
minnie: *thinking* "and i can't deny that i'm actually curious to hear which dorm the dark mirror will pick for me."
minnie: *thinking* "it will most likely be heartslabyul or pomefiore, i'm sure of it."
minnie: *thinking* "i wonder which dorm would seth get sorted into?"
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kalims · 2 years
‎˃ ᵕ ˂ . . "what are you willing to do? oh tell me what you're willing to do."
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I would,
premise. in which it's the things he's willing to do.
characters. azul, sebek, silver, idia, riddle.
note. I have 80 ideas other than this :') and i can't seem to finish them. this is quite short, just wrote what I thought and I have class again tomorrow *dies* AND WOW! just the right timing for riddle's part
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— azul
I would be free whenever you ask.
technically azul isn't free at the moment.
he's in his office at the lounge basically slaving away his days scribbling on documents, going over his plans for the day, and checking the expenses for the day. azul doesn't have a plan to go out either till he finishes, or an important 'client' wishes to meet with him.
but then there's a knock on his door. he knows it's jade immediately, only that twin would knock while the other wastes no time to barge in. he's grateful that jade atleast is polite enough despite his.. darker side. "come in. what's the matter?"
said twin stepped in and closed the door behind him. somehow still attaining a polite demeanor from his pose and posture alone. "you seem busy." jade comments, chuckling and there seems to be a glint that flashes in his eyes. "someone wants to meet with you."
he doesn't like that look on his face. "I am. please tell whoever wishes to see me that I can't, perhaps another time." azul waves his hand dismissively. picking up a pencil to draft a paper.
this time jade looks teasing, "very well. I will tell the ramshackle prefect that you aren't available."
azul's pencil breaks and he accidentally bangs his knee from the startle. "you... jade, why didn't you tell me sooner?" azul groans, dragging a palm over his face in hopes to hide the embarrassment.
(and the pink dusting it.)
as expected. jade still notices anyways. yet he still has the audacity to tilt his head, feigning innocence. "but you said you are busy." the man doesn't even try to hide the grin on his face.
azul doesn't answer and dusts himself off whilst standing, completely discarding the paper he was working on. "don't tell anyone about this."
"got it~"
he ignores the giggling that started just after he went out the door. jade can be as unbearing as his brother sometimes, azul sighs. adjusting his clothing to make sure not a single ornament isn't out of place.
he's starting to get nervous each step he makes on his way to the table that he'd practically labeled as yours. and only then does he register the erratic beating of his heart, or the clammy palm when he sees you.
you perk up in suprise. he doesn't know why. "oh! azul. I thought you were busy."
jade... azul silently curses, going ahead and telling you that he's busy in advance before informing him.. unbelievable. he flashes you a smile. "don't mind him. what would you like to do?"
he left his supposed work in the office but he can always skip it for you.
— sebek
I would defend your honor. (aggressively)
if there's anything that sebek hates about humans is how fast they believe a word from another.
it doesn't matter if they're a friend, an enemy, or a stranger. if they hear it with their own ears they start running off with their mouth as well.
which brings him to this predicament.
sebek zigvolt was in the hallways—for once not stuck, or frantically looking for his beloved young master. only being discharged from his fourth period class, many people stop to stare. probably because he has a reputation of sorts, nearly always yelling with each syllable he utters.
"I don't get how they're a prefect." the voice stops him right in his tracks. he's just by a corner so that meant whoever was speaking is just if he makes the turn. you must not engage in the human gossip! sebek reprimands himself. but then again, if they're talking so foul about a prefect then they should show them some respect!
another voice snickers. "it's cause they're privileged. if it was any other way, they wouldn't be here. I mean come on, someone magicless wouldn't survive here." this time both of them start laughing and in between laughs the other states; "basically dead meat. how useless."
how cruel. humans care so little for their fellows, it makes him sick. even more so that they're talking about you. you've done far more for this academy than their puny little selves who've done nothing but run their mouths. they should know the deeds you've done!
"their dorm is ramshackle, they don't even have students. the headmaster should've just left them as a janitor."
sebek leaps out of the corner. and the two students jump, flinching at the jumpscare. "what th—"
"HUMANS! you are disgraceful for assuming such things! we are in their debt for saving waka-sama! just know that diasomnia will be after you if you continue thinking of them like that!" sebek points an accusing finger at them as he rambles on. not caring about the onlookers that turned by his yells.
meanwhile the two stare at him in slight fear. "w-whatever man.." one mumbles, the taller one thinking that he can just play it off. "hmph. this is a violation of the school morals. I'll have you reported." for once sebek's voice tones down. terrifyingly enough it switches to a cold low.
they scurry off as sebek continues to glare at them venomously.
"I heard you screaming again."
somehow you just happened to be near. "human?! it's you!" sebek completely ignores your confirmation on his volume.
you place your hands on your hips. "so what is it this time? did they insult malleus?" he shakes his head vigorously and looks away. how could they insult such a kind person?
no. it was you. "you must address waka-sama with respect! and no. it is none of your business, human." he scolds and you laugh lightly. "alright, alright."
right.. how could they insult such an frustratingly endearing human?!
— silver
I would care for you.
NRC had a barrier that protected unwanted visitors from sneaking on campus, given how quite a lot of students there are celebrities, royalty, or whatnot. the barrier made sense even more.
it's unheard of to hear someone actually getting past. unheard of but definitely not impossible.
silver was in the equestrian club when he first heard of it. calmly, he strokes the horse's hair slowly. in return the animal affectionately nuzzles its nose forward.
"how unbelievable.." silver turns his head to see riddle shaking his head, looking thoroughly disappointed. it's rare to see him like that. so silver can't keep in the concern. "what's wrong?"
riddle looks to him, face turning grim and solemn. knowing full well that you're someone very close to silver. "there's there's a trespasser on grounds. unfortunately, they were quite violent. a... student had gotten into an accident with them." silver blinks, frowning at the relevation of someone getting hurt.
"ah.. I hope they're doing okay." silver says. feeling sympathic to whoever had gotten hurt and a little angry to the one that had hurt them. riddle's sad face doesn't waver, if not look more depressed by his words. silver gets the feeling that something really is wrong.
silver puts his full attention on the red head, retracting his hand from the horse who neighs in protest. riddle places a hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry but that student was (name). they've been put to sleep but you can check up on them in the infirmary."
suddenly all the sleep silver had was thrown out the window. he had the patience to spare riddle a nod before running towards the school. even sending a little prayer for you, and himself.
when you woke up the only thing you can feel was absolute pain in your head. like one of those brain splitting migraines but ten times worse. you dragged out a groan, turned and clutched your head painfully.
it was absolutely unbearable. you weren't someone who'd cry a lot but this—whatever this was wanted you to start bawling. you shut your eyes and bury your face in a pillow, aggressively holding it like your life depended on it.
meanwhile a weight shifts on your right in the middle of your questioning- life-choices episode. "(name)?" somehow you manage to blink past the teary gaze to look at silver, who looks like he had just woken up. at the sight of you the man in question blinks once, twice, thrice before he displays the most shock you'd ever seen him.
he stumbles to stand up and silver wasn't really that clumsy, right now he sure acted like he was. he stares at you worriedly, skimming past your face to seemingly look for something. though his face morphs into a mixture of sadness and anger at the sight of your painful look. "I have water for you."
at the mention of water your throat constricts as you inch forward to the glass you never saw midst your pain. embarrassingly enough, silver took the initiative to take the glass himself and bringing it to your lips.
you had no choice but to let him hold your jaw and guide the rim properly. still, you think; since when was silver so.. doting? you've never seen him like this before.
he never once took his eyes off of you. "are you feeling better?" silver questions, now sitting beside your bed as he looks you over.
you squint at him. "a little.. yeah." silver exhales in relief before flopping down next to you. "I'm.. glad. sorry I wasn't there but I'll protect you from now on."
— idia shroud
I would do it for you.
idia has a problem.
currently he's having an inner turmoil for literal days. but what's new honestly?
anyways. yesterday, you had asked him if he ever went to the cafeteria in lunch. his answer is an expected. "not really.." but you still manage to raise your brows and ask him if he wanted to come sit by you if he was ever free.
well technically he was always free.
so here he was; sitting on his bed contemplating if he should go or not. he's already decked up in his usual attire, which apparently convinced his brother ortho that he's ready to go.
he was torn about wanting to go, and not wanting to go.
'it would do you a lot of good if you did!' but idia isn't sure if that motivated him or made it all the more terrifying. a while ago he was alternating between making up his mind, a rollercoaster really. he stood up to leave then sat back down changing his mind for the 9th time.
okay he was going for you.
idia doesn't know if he should start crying or just ignore the searing stares that ranged from disbelief and suprise the period he was outside, even his residents tore their gazes away from screens to make it seem like they just got the 0.00000000.1% drop rate event.
by the time he was just a few feet away from you he was regretting his choice of obliging over a thousand times in his mind but hey, he was there now anyways right? no turning back now.
you were there—but to his disappointment your other first year friends were there as well. it was deuce whose face morphed into flabbergasted that made you follow his line of sight and eventually find idia awkwardly standing there.
your other red haired friend even paused his munching all together to stare at him.
okay he's turning around now he can't stand this anymore. "idia?"
the man in question flinches and turns to look at you once again, to his suprise you wear a pleasantly suprised smile, welcoming. "I didn't expect to see you here—" you laugh and pat the spot next to you, even scooting to the side. and blatantly shoving away ace who complains in protest. "—come, come. sit."
idia sits obediently and the other two look on like they're watching a show. (somewhere grim is robbing tuna as well.) now the man is internally freaking out both because you're literally too perfect for him and because he has no idea what to talk about.
ace and deuce share a look at the silence.
"sooo... did you add me on the game yet?"
idia perks up. the intensity of his flame brightening in excitement though he doesn't seem to notice. "YES. you're using the wrong artifacts by the way, i reccomend the—"
somehow, just somehow. time flew by so fast that idia wasn't even done rambling to you till the bell rang and for once, idia wanted to continue the conversation you had. it was a blur, he'd thought it was annoying for him to talk so much but the fact that you completely gave your attention to him gave him tingles.
idia buries his face into his knees. down bad astronomically.
— riddle rosehearts
I would tone it down for you.
it was a fine evening this day. riddle thinks, the fifth of september. meaning that there's a tea party to be held to uphold the 25th rule. the teapots weren't brimming with tea, just the right amount. they're warm, to be consumed at the perfect temperature.
all treats are on the table, of which the cloth are set quite nicely. the residents are behaving for once, including the two first year trouble makers. the flamingo's and hedgehog's have been fed already.
everything was perfect.
and then it wasn't.
riddle feels a strange sense of deja vu as he remembers this exact situation; he excuses himself from the party to take out the tarts trey had prepared for him in advance. only then when he opens the refrigerator is when he notices that the place he left the plate on was no longer there.
he holds in the scream by gritting his teeth and he's sure that he's probably have popped a nerve.
riddle stomps out the kitchen, scouring the hallways and his eyes land on the crumbles that perhaps had been left by accident. there's a trail. whatever, this works in his favor. then he steps in the common room and when he gets his hands on the thief he's gonna—!
you were there.
not only you but his precious tarts as well, set on the table as you were sat on a seat; reading a book and there's a cup of tea right by the plate. it looks like you were having a fine evening as well and riddle did as well until now.
"YOU." riddle hisses out, watching you blink and slowly look at him. pausing at his angry expression and smiling nervously. "uh.. you okay there?"
then he remembers it's you. riddle suddenly feels speechless and he deflates.
you watch his mood make a turn in the span of a second.
riddle clears his throat. "ahem. did you perhaps find that in the fridge?" he points at the half eaten tarts he would've loved to eat. you nod in confusion.
"yeah... why...." you speak as though you were wary.
oh no were you scared of him?! he jumps. "I believe those are my tarts." riddle crosses his arms and just surrenders to pull out a chair beside you, letting himself lower down as you flinch and drop the tart you were eating.
"what? I'm sorry riddle I didn't know."
this time you deflate.
riddle resists the urge to comfort your seeming sad look. he shakes his head. "mind you. atleast give me some. I'll forgive you this time, might we spend the evening together?"
you tilt your head. "isn't there a tea party today?"
"indeed. the rules didn't specify whom I had to spend it with.
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