#while lilia shares quite a few of their traits
riddlerosehearts · 1 year
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good to know that my "lilia is a combination of maleficent's goons and the three fairies" agenda is also winning because this is literally just the cottage aurora stayed in with the fairies in sleeping beauty
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So, i don't know how you would react at this BUT, i just read all of your posts and i think you're really amazing while answering ask's, so i just thought it might be good to share with you a ( kind of? ) headcanon that i have about Silver.
Like, i don't know if it actually makes sense. And pardon me if there's any grammar erros, i'm quite bad at english.
BUT i just feel that he is pretty "incapable" of truly expressing himself, unless it's when his knight mode are on, but even in this mode, has some difficulties. ( and by incapable i mean he has some pretty relevant difficulties with expressing himself in a sentimental way ).
I just have this sort of feeling that his creation with two non-human ( and one half-human ) beings as he was human have a large impact on him mentally, specially because Malleus and Lilia are not the most open ones in terms of sentimentality and Sebek is just bad at this as them and also have some issues with expressing himslef and being sociable.
Like, despite all the efforts Lilia put to make sure Silver grew up to be a good person, he couldn't really be that good on the social and emotional part and Malleus weren't the perfect teacher of it either, not even Sebek. So Silver just grew up subconsciously trying to follow their behaviors and manners, while the culture from Biar Valley also moulded his way.
( and I also see Lilia as someone who hides his true feelings behind this mask of energetic and teasingly playful guy. )
The sleep curse might had put some extra inner barrier in Silver's mind, as or he is completely afraid to trying be sociable or he just are indiferent to this because he don't actually think he is capable of something like that due to the curse making him sleep anytime plus all the baggage of being raised in a country were his specie in not viewied with good eyes and being raised by people he eventually knew that would live a lot many years than him, that compared to them, he's really just a common human with a short lifespan. I doubt this hasn't fucked up his mind.
I don't remember if it's actually mentioned something detailed about his relationship with his club partners but, i do think he can be respectful and chit chat for a few minutes, but just having a long, deep and intimate conversation with someone might be too overwhelming to him, since he practically lived his entire life having constant interactions only with his family. He's just caught in this cycle where his adopted dad hide his true feelings, Malleus pretty much do this too and Sebek probably doesn't even think about how he really feels, so he just follow them and lock himself in his own bubble.
So, i really don't know if this make any kind of sense. But i would enjoy if you share your opinion on this silly headcanon i have.
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Hello and thank you for sharing your thoughts ^^
I originally wanted to keep this short, but I kept having more and more thoughts and continuously added to the post until it became an absolute behemoth 😅 I still feel like I could have said even more, but I’ll leave it at this for now.
Please look below the cut to read my response!! (Note: the focus will be mainly on Silver and Lilia’s relationship, as those two are usually the ones described as father and son + we know the most about those two as Silver grew up.)
Mmm… Firstly, I don’t know if “being incapable of truly expressing himself” is something that’s exclusive to Silver; this is a pretty consistent trait among the prideful students of NRC. They demonstrate this in different ways (Rook is secretive, the twins claim they would throw Azul away if he becomes boring, Jamil represses his desire to be free while serving Kalim, Cater does not outright tell Trey he wants to be besties but implies he wishes Trey were as close with him as he is with Riddle, etc.). Very few are willing to allow themselves to be vulnerable with one another, and this feeds into a lack of “deep and intimate conversations” amongst all of them, not just between Silver and his peers.
That being said, I do not believe that Silver generally has issues expressing himself. In fact, I would actually argue for the opposite: that Silver is one of the more open students (at least when it comes to his feelings). He has talked about his deep love and respect for his father on multiple occasions. He has many animal companions whom he communicates with. He has given various speeches about how he wishes for a world in which living beings of all races and live happily together. (This last example was vital in Fairy Gala: If; it was Silver’s heartfelt words that moved the pixies to return what they had originally taken from NRC.) He has said on more than one occasion that be is thankful for his father and owes him a debt, that he must somehow “repay” Lilia. He becomes concerned about not being alert and that others may think of him as rude for falling asleep mid-conversation and seeks to correct this. He also worries about his classmates thinking of him as scary and emotionless (and, again, tries to solve this problem). He sees the best in others, he lets them know it (for example, assuming that Jamil is worried about Kalim in Endless Halloween Night), and he gives earnest advice. He understands that Sebek’s abrasiveness is a way of hiding his embarrassment and expressing gratitude, knowing that, deep down, Sebek is caring—so Silver is patient with him and asks others to do the same. He has no trouble asking for help either (something which the other NRC boys have trouble doing). He openly demonstrates awareness of his shortcomings (such as how he always falls asleep at bad times) and is happy just knowing that others may lend an ear to him. He has a lot of tenderness that’s hard to find at NRC. Silver is simply earnest and speaks his mind, even if it can come off as blunt or perhaps a naive way of responding to the world. He has a very simple way of thinking and forming opinions (Vil asks him what’s the most beautiful? “You,” Silver says. Azul asks him what he thought of the food? “Good,” Silver says.)—and his lack of facial expression certainly doesn't help in conveying his emotions, no matter how earnest they may be.
The one major time Silver actively demonstrates repressing his emotions is in book 7, when he stows away his true sadness for the sake of seeing his father off with a smile. He breaks down when he’s away from the party and with Malleus, venting his frustrations about himself and how he cannot even fulfill his father’s final wish. Silver apologizes to Malleus for his “unsightly behavior”, referring to his tears, indicative of a negative emotion, as something to be ashamed of. This, in of itself, is not odd. There’s always a handful of subjects a person may feel uncomfortable talking about even with their friends and family. Maybe it’s finances, personal flaws, or failures. For Silver, it’s in relation to his life span and “owing” Lilia. That’s nothing unusual; most people are not willing to divulge everything to their loved ones; there’s typically something negative or shameful held back. (For example, Deuce wouldn’t be so eager to tell his mom about the violent outbursts he had at school since he’s trying to reform himself. I doubt the OB boys would be eager to tell their own families about their overblots, etc.)
What I deem to be Silver's greatest strength is his empathy, and I think that comes across in how he communicates. When he's talking with others, Silver is entirely emotionally capable, willing to hear them out, and even lend his support. Where he falters is when it specifically comes to matters of his place within his family (which is not present most of the time; most of the time, Silver is in that default empathetic state). This is a point of insecurity for Silver, and it is a large part of his character arc in book 7.
One can say Silver repressing his emotions related to this occurrence is a learned response due to a combination of things. For one, he doesn't want to disappoint his father by ruining his celebration with tears. (Silver cares a lot about others, usually prioritizing them over himself, whether it's putting their needs over his own or literally throwing himself in harm's way to defend them.) For another, Silver, as a human, may have developed insecurities or a complex from having grown up in Briar Valley, a place known to have a very low human population AND a history of war with humans (meaning it's possible that humans are discriminated against). I don't know if the "culture" of Briar Valley had an impact on Silver's communication, since we ourselves are not fully aware of what this "culture" is or how people normally express themselves. Just because fae can be standoffish to outsiders doesn't mean fae are standoffish to other fae when Silver happens to be in the immediate vicinity. We don't really know if Silver has previously expressed worries about the difference in his life span versus those of fae either, but I'd imagine this is something he had to learn for himself and come to terms with, much like the discovery of his adoption. I wouldn’t go so far as to say this "fucked him up" since it wasn't touched on or implied prior to book 7. Because of this, I don't get the impression that it's deeply concerning to Silver until the point it became relevant for his father and paying back the "debt" Silver feels he owes. (Then again, I acknowledge that perhaps these thoughts were not shared due to Silver's... unique style of communication.) I’m not going to speculate about the sleeping curse since we don’t fully understand how it works and I don’t want to make assumptions while I’m still uninformed.
While it’s true that Silver had limited interactions with people outside of Lilia, Malleus, and Sebek in his childhood, I wouldn’t attribute all of Silver’s characteristics to “he learned how to repress his emotions from them”. There were many other factors that contributed to the kind of person Silver would eventually become. His level-headedness comes in part from having to “grow up” fast since Lilia lacks the homemaking skills to look after him. Silver had to learn to cook (have you tasted Lilia’s food?) and clean (have you seen Lilia’s room?) in his place, as well as look after their cottage home whenever Lilia left on trips. He’s the calm that balances out his father. I’m not going to comment on Malleus since I’m not sure how frequently he visited Silver (which would impact the degree to which he affects him). Sebek, however, is also someone that Silver spent a lot of time with because 1) his grandpa already knows Lilia and 2) there are very few kids Silver’s age in Briar Valley. The circumstances just worked out that way. This also exposes Silver to Sebek and his family, as they looked after him on occasions when Lilia could not. Sebek’s two older siblings and parents, then, are also people Silver could look to as models. Otherwise, he seems to have mostly lived in their forest cabin and interacting with few living beings aside from the animals. He states that he rarely went to the capital (which we learn is because Lilia is banned from there) and that he didn’t even go to a middle school (implying Lilia home schooled him before NRC), so… yeah, he’s mainly isolated in the woods. This grants Silver a lot of time to slow down, to be introspective, and to consider both his own feelings and those of others. His awkwardness, then, may come from his social circle being small and not having an opportunity to interact with people beyond it. This creates a lack of awareness for how he may come off to others, as he’s so used to how acclimated Lilia, Malleus, and Sebek are to his usual demeanor. Silver doesn’t realize that his stoic expressions can read as unfriendly to others.
I think there are flaws in saying that Lilia is the type of person to hide his true emotions behind a smile: it’s true from the understanding of the PLAYER because we’ve learned in book 7 that Lilia kept secrets from Diasomnia. Silver’s origins, about the war, why he’s in a hurry to leave early, how Malleus hatched, etc. We as the players understand that Lilia tries to hide his own pain and suffering from those he loves. But… the issue is that Silver doesn’t know this (so how could he “copy” Lilia’s penchant for covering up his true emotions if he never picked up on the initial deception?). Silver fully trusts his father and does not really suspect Lilia of hiding anything from him (excluding maybe the occasional prank). Additionally, I would not conflate keeping secrets and hiding own’s emotions with discouraging sentimentality in Silver. Lilia has hard conversations with his son (like in book 7 right before he handed over the ring from Silver’s deceased parents), and that shows some degree of emotional intelligence and vulnerability. Isn’t he modeling a healthy way of dealing with feelings here? Isn’t Lilia right here, right now, telling Silver how proud he is of him? Lilia is able to be vulnerable too in these moments, regardless of what other secrets he may keep.
Another discrepancy is that both Lilia and Sebek (the ones whom Silver probably spent the most time with as a child, since Malleus had to stay in the castle and be trained and tutored) tend to “hide” their real feelings with very emotional methods (ie covering up one feeling with another feeling)—yet Silver himself didn’t learn to use do the same thing. If we include Malleus in the count, he’s the more consistently “emotionally repressed” character but still has his outbursts of rage and upset. Silver does not “copy” this either. He and Malleus are both calm, yes, but they come from different backgrounds which could breed this calm personality, not necessarily from one mimicking the other. (Silver was mostly in his cottage, Malleus is as in his castle.) This is, again, why I say that it would be faulty to attribute how Silver acts in large part or entirely to Lilia, Sebek, and Malleus. He has been impacted by far more than them and does not pull all of his knowledge on how to socialize from his dorm mates.
The last point I’d like to bring up is that wearing your emotions on your sleeve isn’t necessarily a good thing all the time, nor is it the only way one can express themselves. You can show your love through acts (Silver often thinks about what he can do to best support his father) or gifts too (Silver mentions Lilia puts a lot of thought into picking gifts for everyone). From this angle, we can see that Lilia (Silver’s primary caregiver and guardian) has demonstrated and taught healthy ways of expressing one’s feelings too, and how Silver is capable of reciprocating in his own ways.
Now, am I saying that Lilia and the others were perfect in modeling emotions to Silver? Obviously, no. Misunderstandings happened—but what’s important is learning and growing from them. For example, Lilia failed to understand that Silver might be hurt to learn that he was adopted and thus Lilia acted in a callous way by laughing. But given how their relationship in present day is not strained, we can surmise that Lilia and Silver made up and that Lilia has become more attuned to his son’s sensitivities (as Lilia states that he can easily read Silver’s emotions). Lilia says as much in Malleus’s Dorm Uniform vignettes, telling Malleus that humans have different sensitivities than fae do. A lot of the values Silver had—such as the importance of unity among the races—must have also been instilled in him through Lilia and extensive talks. Again though, Lilia’s not perfect and sometimes he acts in ways which still earn Silver’s ire (Endless Halloween Night is a big one). Malleus himself also makes multiple mistakes when interacting with humans (overstepping with his powers, not paying attention to times, scaring them with his presence, not making an effort himself to reach out). Sebek regularly insults them despite being half human himself. (That’s a whole other can of worms; I’d recommend this analysis for my thoughts on Sebek and his whole deal.) But what I really love about the Diasomnia found family unit is that they balance out each other's flaws really well. Silver's empathy is a great asset to the group, as he's often the one settling disputes between Sebek and his peers or apologizing for Lilia's mischief. He's simultaneously the "heart" of the group and, to some extent, also the "brains" when the others need to be reeled in.
Ultimately, I don’t agree with the suggestion that Silver is “afraid of trying to be sociable”, is “indifferent to socializing”, or that “he doesn’t think he is capable of socializing”. I don’t think Silver would find long, deep, intimate conversations “overwhelming” either (unless, of course, it relates to his own particular insecurities. Recall that he has given those speeches about his hopes for all races to be united; that requires a degree of vulnerability on his part and Silver laid it out smoothly. Lilia has also had tough conversations with him too!). Silver is not a socially anxious person; I think it would be more accurate to say that he comes off in the eyes of his peers as someone who is hard to approach because of how stone-faced he is. Silver himself does not fear or shy away from socializing. He just speaks in a plain way to get his point across and because that’s how he communicates—it’s not the result of him wanting to close the conversation ASAP so he can get away. His sleepiness is another factor to consider (Silver worries others think of it as impolite), but it never outright discourages him from speaking to people to avoiding social interactions altogether to minimize the drowsiness impacting his life. He tries to find ways to stay more alert instead (trying to fix the root of the problem rather than a symptom of it)
I think an excellent encapsulation of Silver’s entire character is his Dorm Uniform vignettes; in them, Silver’s classmates express that they think he is unapproachable and that he has no emotions. Silver overhears these comments and becomes concerned that his peers do not like him, so he asks his friend, Kalim, and Jamil for help learning how to smile. We then learn through a series of comedic events that it is physically hard for Silver to smile or to make a different facial expression which matches his feelings more. What finally gets Silver to smile naturally is when he gets so lost in an activity that he isn’t even aware his expression has changed. Lilia and Malleus, who are watching him, remark on Silver’s uncanny empathy. Then Lilia says, “[Silver] conceals some powerful emotions beneath that poker face of his.” To this, Malleus corrects him: “I wouldn't say he actively conceals [his emotions], per se. I suspect he simply doesn't betray much emotion.” Lilia agrees: “I suppose that's fair. Not that I find him difficult to read, of course!” It’s then that Silver’s classmates realize they were wrong about him and they begin to act more friendly.
To summarize: Malleus outright says it in Silver’s Dorm Uniform vignettes; it’s not that Silver does not have emotions or finds it difficult to communicate in a sentimental way, it’s that peers tend to misread him because of his face and his frank way of speaking. He thinks a lot of the people around him and makes numerous attempts to adjust his behavior so that they are more comfortable being around him. He asks for help and offers help in return. His one weakness is not being able to fully come to terms with the fact that Lilia loves and accepts him as he is, that Silver IS enough for the family he now finds himself in. He may have learned things from Lilia, Malleus, and Sebek, but those three should NOT be held entirely accountable for Silver being the way he is. Several other factors played a role in shaping him to be the cool, level-headed knight we know and love. Silver is… Silver, and sometimes Silver is hard to read or struggles with self-acceptance! That’s just who he is, and that’s part of his appeal.
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meefy · 1 month
Diverse Autistic Characters in Akagami no Shirayukihime
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I could go on for hours about my dislike of how autism is, for the most part, portrayed in popular media - the butt of a cruel joke; autism representation by a non-Autistic actor; or centered around the plot of the story itself, where it boils down to the Autistic person "overcoming" their autism or some outside force "fixing" it (or, semi related, an Autistic character being shoehorned in as a token minority).
I think that's one of the reason I love Akagami no Shirayukihime so much. While none of the characters are confirmed as Autistic, the ones that are quite blatantly Autistic-coded are so diverse and so welcomed by the cast that it's both sweet and refreshing to see.
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I have talked at length about Ryuu and why I love his character so much, so I don't want to get into it too much here because I've said most of what I want to say. He is, at first glance, the "typical" popular culture depiction of autism: the male child savant who has no friends, can't socialize, and has the niche restricted interests in science that seem to characterize every big Autistic character in media. But it doesn't take long to see he is so much more than that! His interests in poisons has granted him a field of study and work where he thrives and does what he loves day in and day out. His mentor, Garak, supports him and treats him as an equal, and looks for opportunities for him to grow - as does everyone around him, including Shirayuki.
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Ryuu's time in Lilias was so beautifully depicted. The years he spends studying and working there are not him masking his Autistic traits or "beating" them; they are years of him feeling safe and supported enough to test his comfort levels and branch out because he knows he won't be mocked or scorned for it. He has found an environment where he thrives because of his Autistic traits, not in spite of them. And so, as of most recently, we see that he wants to remain in Lilias to continue his studies there because of this. His growth is not reduced to finally acting neurotypical; Ryuu being Autistic has not changed. But he has found others who share his passions, who support him, and who encourage him without changing who he is.
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I also want to touch on Kirito specifically, because he is one of the few people Ryuu's own age who interacts with him. Kirito is too young to hold back his questions about Ryuu's behaviour. Why is he running away from a crowd of people? Why has he never had a snowball fight? But Kirito doesn't dwell on Ryuu's quirks; he accepts them, moves on, and focuses on what the two have in common - which is what I would hope for any Autistic person, myself included.
What is particularly special to me about how Autistic characters are depicted in AnS is the diversity. Too often I see Autistic characters depicted in the same way, like the author read a WebMD checklist and created a character around said list. Autism is a spectrum, and with that comes two ends of the spectrum.
Which brings me to Lata.
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Although I haven't explicitly mentioned at length Lata + autism the same way I've discussed it about Ryuu (and although I could write a whole essay on it), I do want to go in a bit more depth because his overlap and contrast with Ryuu is exactly the kind of Autistic representation I live for. Ryuu actively wants to work to help people; Lata seeks to work in solitude. Ryuu is open and generally friendly with others, Lata is blunt and evasive. Ryuu's expressions are generally flat (and his voice monotone in the anime); Lata is quite expressive (even if he doesn't smile often, and neither does Ryuu). Yet we see certain similarities between the two; for instance, both have their own niche hyperfixations that they absolutely live for, and neither is totally at ease in crowds.
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But leaving Ryuu out of the equation, one of my favourite things about Lata's character is that none of the Lyrias crew seemed genuinely bothered by how he acts. Like, even Obi's teasing is, by and large, in good faith. They're just like "Oh, that’s just how Lata is..." and move past it. Most recently in Chapter 133, Shirayuki is visibly happy to see him. And related to that, the other scholars always go out of their way to include and invite him to their outings - to their banquet celebrating the successful germination of the phostyrias, or to see them blooming in their lab. Even if he always declines, and they probably know he will always decline, they ask. Speaking on a personal note, I am like Lata and really, really hate parties or any large gathering; so people (understandably) stopped inviting me. And that hurt; even if I knew I'd say no, and wouldn't go, people actually thinking of me meant a lot more than they likely realized.
So, seeing representation of people actively trying to invite and include their Autistic comrade means so much to me.
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Lastly, I want to talk about Shirayuki. It's not terribly often that Autistic representation in media is a female character, let alone the lead character. I know I am not alone in thinking Shirayuki is Autistic, but I do love its subtlety unless you know what to look for. The long running theory that there is a "girl" autism (versus the stereotypical "male" autism that is most commonly diagnosed and seen in popular culture) is absurd; autism is a spectrum, and just where some Autistics are reclusive, have a flat affect, and exhibit quirky behaviours and interests, there are plenty that are the complete opposite, or somewhere else along the spectrum. In many respects, this describes Shirayuki; she seems to have no trouble making friends, attending parties, or showing emotion.
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And yet, she has the intense focus in herbalism and pharmacology that mirrors Ryuu's in many respects; she just does not express that interest in the same, "typical" Autistic way. She reads her textbooks to relax and spends time in a garden (the latter of which is, stereotypically, a perfectly expected behaviour for someone of her gender). It's easy to forget that, much like how Ryuu ran away from the crowd on his first day in Lyrias (a depiction of an Autistic shutdown), Shirayuki ran away from Zen when her feelings for him became too overwhelming. She asks Zen for a comfort object of his when she leaves for Tanbarun, much like how many Autistic people have a particular tangible object that gives them comfort. Shirayuki is also blunt; she tells Prince Raji to act more like a leader she can be proud of, and rebuffs the knight who insults Ryuu at the beginning of the story - her low rank does not deter her. Autistic people are sometimes known for apparently "not understanding" power dynamics and rules (which I doubt, as do most Autistic people - I think it's more likely that the rules and dynamics are simply unfair, and created and upheld by neurotypical people) - Shirayuki's behaviour certainly seems to fit this. She is not rude by any means...but where it might intimidate many others, a person's title does not keep her from speaking her mind. In many respects she reminds me of myself!
I could go on and on about this topic - and how different Autistic traits are present in different characters - but I'm comfortable stopping at Ryuu, Lata, and Shirayuki (at least for now), and reiterating that media like AnS proves that diverse Autistic characters can exist without being a punchline, can grow throughout the story without shedding their Autistic traits, and can be accepted, supported, and loved by others for who they are. This series is dear to my heart, and this is but one (albeit huge) reason why!
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twistedroseytoesy · 2 years
Riddle- Queen of Broken Hearts by blackbear
Trey- Candyman by Christina Aguilera
Cater- What else can I do? from Encanto or Happy Face by Jagwar Twin
Ace- Troublemaker by Olly Murs
Deuce- Best of Me by Neffex
Leona- Be prepared from The Lion King
Ruggie- Last Surprise from Persona 5
Jack- Wolf by Siames
Azul- Deal with the Devil by Tia
Jade- Tangled Up by Caro Emerald
Floyd- I can't decide by Scissor Sisters
Kalim- Sunshine, Lollipops, Rainbows by Lesley Gore or Prince Ali from Aladdin
Jamil- Darkside by Neoni or Arabian Nights from Aladdin
Vil- Lucky by Britney Spears
Rook- Le Festin from Ratatouille
Epel- Try Everything from Zootopia
Idia- Blame by BB Cooper
Ortho- Hey Brother by Avicii
Malleus- No Friends by Cadmium
Silver- Once Upon A Dream from Sleeping Beauty
Sebek- Never Smile At A Crocodile From Peter Pan
Lilia- Life Is A Highway from Cars
Not sure if you agree with these because I just thought of which ones matches certain traits the characters have
first off thank you so much for so many ideas! After listening to the songs I’ve got a few things to say about how well it may or may not fit, I’m honestly happy to try any of these. Might take a while, but I’ll defenetly get quite a few of these done!
Riddle- I really do like the lyrics for this one, can envision overblot riddle singing it as he is overcome with the blot. the beat is pretty cool and I can already see some sort of nightmare that he may have, or I could try and write out an animatic base for the song with him. Very good song and I really like it! perfect first suggestion!
Trey- Would need to change a few lyrics here and there, fun jazzy song though! could have it so the MC is trying to ask him out by singing this. or another story with some other singing. Love the energy, just not into the innuendos in the song.
Cater- The song from Encanto is so, so, so good. Love that song and how it shows how crushing expectations can affect one's life. This definitely fits well with Cater's personality, having the mask of always being cheerful and bright, when in reality he's a bit cynical and hard on his true semi-introverted self.
The second song was deep, it has a wonderful beat and rhythm to it. The lyrics work super well to the deeper side that Cater has to his character, how he "puts on a happy face" despite his inner turmoil. could see this as an animatic writing piece, or the MC gets some sort of potion to get a look at the character's inner music. If I had to choose between the two songs, it would be this one first. Then maybe the Encanto song to help him realize he can be more than the face online.
Ace- Really fun song, with a good beat, and very fitting lyrics for the dumbass that is ace. Can definitely see MC singing this to him when he's pranked them. The energy is great! would change some lyrics here and there to fit him better.
Deuce- A very good song for deuce! very inspirational and shows how he wants to become better than he once was. "I've made mistakes but mistakes make you strong" had me really thinking about Deuce, and how he's become strong-willed due to his past. Despite the world against him, he's still here to become his best self. Another animatic-like thing that I could write. him talking with others and growing over the course of the story sharing what he knows with Epel, supporting the MC and the others, leading up to him getting his unique magic and proving he's better than he has ever been.
Leona- This one is pretty obvious, very fitting for Leona to sing Scars song. Very good idea for him to sing it too, using others to do the dirty work so he can be on top. Could have him sing this as he's scheming with the savanaclaw dorm to take out malleus and the other spelldrive leaders in book 2.
Ruggie- right off the bat the song sounds like something from mission impossible. interesting song, but not really feeling the Ruggie vibes for this one. seems too planned, Ruggie does plan but isn't cocky about how smart he is. I can see a few things in the lyrics but not enough to rewrite it. good suggestion but didn't vibe quite right.
Jack- Really nice beat and rhythm. nice vocals, and the lyrics are pretty good, but not quite the Jack I know. This version seems more obsessive, not really fitting for the standoffish wolf. Also, the first result for the song is a really intence and cool video.
Azul- The lyrics are very fitting for Azuls mindset and the way he does things with his contracts. The only downside is that the song is in another language... I can't really work with that as I'm american and only know english. Really cool song! im just incompitent when it comes to other languages 😭.
Jade- somewhat dark jazz kind of song, the lyrics aren't very fitting for Jade, The tangled-up main section of the song doesn't give his kind of vibe. It's a good song, just not quite Jade.
Floyd- Holy heck, this song definitely has Floyd vibes, with unnerving lyrics and crazed talking, with a jazzy upbeat song. But it's so good just on its own, I wouldn't know what to add or write for this! the only way I could possibly try and write this is by making some horrific dream sequence for him doing all kinds of horrific things to other students to get MC all to himself. amazing choice!
Kalim- Another perfect fit!! could absolutely write Kalim singing this as he and MC are dancing, could make it where he has a crush as he's singing this. Fun short and sweet song for the boy of sunshine!
Listened to both versions of the song, super fun and extravagant parade that Kalim 100% would do if he is able to. But it would be a bit too difficult to change up the words to be fitting to the ray of sunshine, super fun song, and happy to have the suggestion!
Jamil- very deep and booming low pop song. the vibe and lyrics are fitting for Jamil's inner turmoil as being under someone he knows he could be above. Being forced to hide his true better self because of his servitude to someone he hates. A very good and fitting song I could absolutely work with. maybe the potion of one's inner song could come for this one.
Another really good suggestion is Jamil introducing the dorm or the MC going over what happened in book 4. A perfect animatic-like sequence I could write out. The original song is fairly short so I would most likely go with the 2019 version of the song. Perfect suggestion!
Vil- Pretty good song for Vil! Shows how he is super popular and has just about everything a celebrity could want, yet he doubts something, he checks Mira so much and despises the results he gets to his question. Could do this song, but its already so perfect theres not much to adjust. and I cant really think up a scenario where this could be sung.
Rook- I love this song, so much, I just can't do much with it since I have no way to adjust a french song. I'm unable to use songs that use another language, but I can definitely see rook humming or singing this to himself as he watches his friends from afar. The lyrics when translated are pretty lonely and also about food cause of course. good suggestion, I just cant write it out.
Epel- I love this song, and the upbeat feeling it has. Not really an epel vibe though, he's very stubborn and brash at times. As good as this song is, it doesn't quite fit epel, or even someone else trying to help Epel. Good song, but not quite right for him though.
Idia- Really cool base-heavy song with electronic undertones that are very fitting to Idia. The lyrics are fairly fitting for him too, I just don't want to get stuff wrong about his backstory, but I'm trying to wait for the Ignihyde story to come out for us English players. Very good suggestion and song, I just don't know Idia well enough to do it justice.
Ortho- interesting choice but the country song doesn't seem very Ortho-like. The family vibes are good but It just doesn't fit him. sorry.
Malleus- First off and foremost is the title and giving it to malleus is a bit mean, if not fitting. The lyrics are very fitting to our lonely dragon boy... It hurts to say that this song is really him, just the pop rhythm doesn't really fit, but that's okay. Just wow.
Silver- Another character singing their inspirations song. Silver singing this would be very sweet as he probably is with his woodland friends. Maybe the Mc interrupts him similar to how the prince did with Arora all that time ago.
Sebek- HILARIOUS song, could be the first year's smack talking a bit about sebek. really good song, not very fitting of sebek himself but funny making fun of his croc like tendencies and attributes.
Lilia- Loving the meme song being one of Lilias. It's a good rock song that Lilia would love. Very fitting for Lilia's worldwide traveling and the adventures he's been on. The lyrics are fitting for his way of life and how he's happy to go have fun and make friends, helping others and his family. Perfect song for him to sing when he's practicing on his bass.
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local-ground-apple · 4 years
Are you doing requests right now? If so, then can you do headcannons of the dorm heads with a female s/o who is strong, smart, and resourceful but doesn’t like seeing them crying. Thank you
Here we go~!!
It’s been a while since I did headcanons, the rest of my inbox are purely one-shots
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🥀 loves, adores, cherishes those traits of yours. He simply finds them admirable and commendable, 
🥀 you stopped one-braincell duo too many times to count. You always come in the right moment to stop Adeuce from destroying Riddle’s perfect and peaceful day, 
🥀 Ace calls you a “big-brain”, while you remarks that if he actually read and did his homework, he would be as smart as you, 
🥀 you are always able to find your way out of painting roses. Always. You even constructed a rather complicated and intricate machine that would paint them for you, 
🥀 You managed to snatch his heart, as well as make Riddle focus his attention solely on you with your strong will, intellect and resourcefulness. He finds those traits rather attractive,
🥀 he knows that he can rely on you and you are often entrusted with important tasks. You are crucial help especially while organising VDC. Whenever an unexpected problem arises, you always come up with a solution within few seconds, sparing everyone hearing Riddle’s rants,
🥀 You, as well as Riddle view crying as being weak, so you two never catch each other weeping or sobbing. No, no. You both understand why you wouldn’t want to be seen vulnerable and you respect that, 
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🦁 Ruggie thinks you’re a blessing and a gift sent from heavens as an act of pity towards him. You surely help him a lot and he will make sure to remind you about this, 
🦁 at first, Leona didn’t even notice how resourceful you are. Whenever there’s a problem in Savanaclaw, you’re always able to find a solution (a good one, may I add) and stop the eventual chaos,
🦁 he takes advantage of your brilliant ideas, a lot
,,Could you find me a place where I can finally nap in peace?” “nO”
🦁 Jack and Ruggie are placing bets who is more resourceful and smart - you or Leona. You haven’t noticed since you two began competing for that title. Leona by trying to come up with new ways how to nap without anyone disturbing his beauty sleep and you by trying to think of better solutions than Leona’s,
,,Are they truly having a contest on who can nap smarter?” “It appears so”
🦁 you both cheat absolutely everywhere and whenever you have the opportunity. As once Jack stated - you both use your intelligence for unmoral purposes, 
🦁 Leona sercetly admires how strong you are and how he had never caught you crying. He certainly views you as a strong, yet he reminds that it’s okay to cry and seek comfort in his arms,
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🐙 Azul simply finds you endearing and is absolutely intrigued. Which may be considered a good and a bad thing in the same time,
🐙you often feel his inquisitive eyes trailing on your figure and you can’t brush off the feeling of being watched by Leech twins. You attracted the attention of this greedy octopus and it’s only natural that he wants to taste your intellect and challenge your resourcefulness,
🐙 your intellect and emotional strenght attracted him. Azul will do his best to get you to sign one of his intricate contracts,
🐙 he simply views this as a game or challenge. The battle between two smart individuals. He enjoys trying various strategies, seeing how quickly you can adapt to current misfortunes caused by no one other than him,
,,My, my, what a pity~! I’m deeply sorry for your current state, perhaps would you need a hand?” “Azul, I swear if you don’t stop those games of yours!”
🐙 Azul wants to test you. Check whether you can outsmart him or manage to avoid being dragged into a contract, He may not admit it directly, yet he would want to see you break down in tears in front of him, after dooming your existence with a mere signature,
🐙 oh, how delightful that sight would be!
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🦂 Jamil doesn’t think you’re useless, which is an achievement of some sort. Resourcefulness is appreciated in Scarabia and you blend in well with the other students and they sometimes mistake you for one of them,
🦂 you are the only braincell in your relationship with Kalim and always save him from consequences of his bad decisions. Always. It’s either you or Jamil,
🦂  Jamil may not say it publicly, but he actually appreciates you. With you around Kalim (and your braincell), he can catch a breathe for a moment. He sometimes jokingly calls you Kalim’s babysitter and well, you can’t really deny it,
🦂 generally you’re a rather cute and well-paired couple. You’re the brain and Kalim is the heart and it works quite well! You both compliment each other, 
🦂 Kalim adores hearing your smart remarks and intricate, yet useful, new ideas. You always manage to come up with a fresh and good solution!
🦂 you’re often that person that drags Kalim out from whatever shitty situation he yeeted himself into. 
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💜 you dislike crying? Good, cause he doesn’t like seeing you crying either. It doesn’t serve you right and for aesthetic reasons he would prefer not seeing your sobbing face with mascara running down your cheeks. Vil just hates it when you’re sad, it makes his heart break in two,
💜 you both have never seen each other crying. Never. Vil views crying as ugly and vulnerable, while you want to present your strenght to others. So whenever one of you need to shed a tear, you excuse yourself and diseappear in your room, 
💜 Vil adores hearing your smart remarks and brilliant solutions. After all, isn’t intelligence simply endearing and attractive?
💜 you’re resourceful, so you actually managed to successfully sneak Epel out of Pomefiore without anyone noticing for two hours, which was the longest period of time he was outside and Rook was inside, 
💜 he appreciates every effort you put in conducting your creative and unique ideas and bringing them to life. He’s one of your biggest supporters who always have your back!
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💀 please share some of your resourcefulness with him, 
💀 Idia really respects you. He finds your intelligence, strenght and dilligence truly commendable. You always know what to do or how to avoid any sort of unpleasant or awkward situation, or at least make it work in your favour,
💀 sometimes Idia wishes he had your skills. You always remind him that he actually has braincells (even tho Idia denies it and you both end up trying to convince one another that you’re both smart and resourceful)
💀 Idia has never, ever, seen you crying. Whenever your eyes get watery or he catches a glimpse of tears welling up, you’re always quick to leave the room, 
💀 he understands why you wouldn’t like him to side that side of you, but in his eyes you’re one of the strongest and brightess persons he had ever met,
💀 if you ever wanted a shoulder to cry on, Idia would be more to happy to offer his, 
💀 your intelligence never fails to amaze him. You’re often seen with Idia trying to pass next level in intricate, puzzle-solving types of games, helping him score more points,
💀 ortho thinks that’s cute
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🐲 Malleus finds your strength amusing and intriguing. You may not be strong physically compared to him or any fellow Diasomnia member, yet your mental strength never cease to amaze him. After all, aren’t humans simply endearing and fascinating?
🐲 you and Lilia get along just well, since you’re both master of resourcefulness. You both may or may not compete with each other, trying to find the best solution in given situation, 
🐲 Malleus thinks you could easily pass as one of country’s advisors. Your ideas are innovative and unique, 
🐲 sometimes Malleus wishes you would let yourself be vulnerbale for a brief moment. He adores your strenght and character, yet he would love to comfort you. After all, he’s here for you and only you,
🐲 however, Malleus deeply respects you and if you wish not to be seen crying, he will quickly excuse him and leave you alone in tears, even if it breaks his heart, 
🐲 remember, this ancient dragon is more than willing to listen to your worries, whip your tears and help you find a solution, 
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addicitedtowriting · 5 years
True Luck
Author: @addicitedtowriting
Rating: General Audiences
Tags: Victor Nikiforov/Yuuri Katsuki, Yuri Plisetsly, True Mates, Arranged Marriage
Summary:  It is the day of Alpha King Viktor’s wedding. He is to marry Yuuri Katsuki, an Omega chosen by his advisors, for the benefit of his country. What he doesn’t know, is that there is a surprise in store for him at the altar.
ao3 link
Words count: 2421
True mates that found each other were lucky.
Viktor couldn't help but think as he watched his younger Omega cousin, Yuri, laughing with his Alpha, Lord Otabek Altin. They had found each other after the late Lord Altin had brought his oldest son and heir to the castle to be introduced to the royal family. The two boys, still quite young had accidentally knocked into each other and the whole room had lit up with a blinding light.
It was the most beautiful thing Viktor had ever witnessed.
It did not happen a lot. Most people chose to settle down and have families with other people. Viktor knew many couples, his late parents, Yurio's parents and their grandparents, who had all been happy with their partners.
On the other hand, there were Yakov and Lilia, Beta True Mates who had not worked out. They still cared for each other and were a formidable team and yet their marriage had ended in a huge pile of ash.
So, yes, most people were happy with the partners they found themselves. Those who found their True Mates were not guaranteed a romantic or even a happy ending with them.
Still. Most children dreamed and told stories of finding their True Mates someday.
Viktor had never been one of those children.
As the heir to the throne of a small country still recovering from the civil wars from his great grandfather's time, he always knew his marriage would be arranged for the good for his country.
Which was today. In a few hours, Viktor would stand at the altar and vow to cherish an omega chosen by for him by Yakov and Lilia.
"Hey," said Yuri, "What are you moping about?"
"I am not moping little Yuri," said Viktor, smiling, "I am contemplating,"
"Contemplating what, old man?"
Viktor shrugged, used to Yuri's mannerisms, "Life,"
Yuri snorted.
"Being dramatic as usual I see. You should probably pull yourself together. You're getting married and that poor omega is going to have to-"
"Alright Yura," said Otabek, gently, "We should leave Viktor alone for some time. You have to get ready too, my love,"
Yuri huffed but nodded. As Viktor's only living family member, he would be walking the young King down the aisle. Despite his rough language, Viktor knew Yuri took the responsibility seriously, just as Viktor had taken the responsibility of walking Yuri down the aisle two years ago.
Georgi slipped into the room just as the other two slipped out. His arms were filled with clothes and different things needed to get ready for a wedding.
"Hello there love, How are you today?"
"I'm well Georgi. You?"
"Good. Good. Well, it's time darling. Let's dress you up,"
Viktor smiled at his longtime friend and per his instructions, got up to stand on the small podium. Georgi must have sensed his mood because he put on some music and got to work silently.
As he mindlessly followed instructions to move, bring up his arm and so forth, Viktor's mind wandered to the Omega he would be marrying.
Yuuri Katsuki.
Besides sharing the name of his cousin, much to Yura's chagrin, he was also the second royal baby born to a vast empire. His parents presided over at least five countries directly and had a strong influence in three other, something they would soon have in Viktor's home country too.
What Viktor did not understand why they were marrying their son to a small devastated country.
He had only seen the omega from afar and had small conversations from a distance while being chaperoned. Per tradition, they had refrained from touching each other.
However, from what he had learned about him, the omega had a shy demeanour that masked a great understanding of politics and deep intelligence. The soft-spoken omega, that put everyone at ease with his gentle words, could become very firm and tall when needed. Not traits needed for a King or First Queen, but perfect for a Queen or a second King and Queen. According to reports, Yuuri Katsuki had attracted the eyes of many of his family's allies, powerful allies, and yet his parents had chosen to send him here. To a King who had lost most of his family and a country that still remembered the devastation of war and illness.
It is not as if they needed the marriage for the alliance. Viktor's country had metal that they could not sell themselves and needed the help of wealthier transporters. They were desperate enough that they would have agreed to the Katsuki family's terms even without the marriage and their son could have made his home in a much more comfortable place and yet here they were.
It did not make sense. Yakov and Lilia had been sceptical too but after extensive research, they could not find any ulterior motives. Yuuri himself was known to be kind by the common people and nobles alike and his parents needed nothing from Viktor. In the end, Viktor, Yuri and their advisors and friends had decided to put the matter to rest and celebrate their good fortune. The Katsuki family, after all, could not turn on them if their own son became part of the royal family. Marriage was the best way to solidify any alliance.
It would also be good to have someone like Yuuri by his side as he continued the work of his grandfather and mother. Both who had died too early. Grandfather had been assassinated by those who had not liked the outcome of the war and both his parents and Yuri's had fallen victim to an illness that had spread throughout the country.
Viktor had been young and Yakov had taken the reins but it was his turn now and Yuuri would make the perfect partner as he continued rebuilding. Maybe they could learn to care for each other too, the way his parents had.
Georgi tapped him gently, startling him out of his thoughts.
"It's almost time darling. Mila will be here with some snacks before the wedding. Don't want you to feel peckish when you get up there,"
"Thank you, Georgi, You're a godsend,"
Georgi smiled, "It's always been a pleasure, you know that Vitya,"
Viktor smiled at him, "I know,"
Georgi took his hand pulled him into a hug, "You know we all love you,"
Viktor nodded and buried his face into the other Alpha's shoulder, inhaling the calming scent.
"We, Mila and I, have met you your future Second King. We took him out a few times. He seems like a lovely person and we hope he will make you happy,"
Viktor smiled and pulled away, "Thank you,"
Georgi kissed his cheek softly and exited the room, leaving Viktor to inspect himself in the mirror.
The was a white shirt and a white coat embroidered with gold. The pants were in the same shade of gold. There were a few rings and bracelets signifying different things. Georgi had covered his face to hide any small blemishes and the blush made his cheekbones stand out. Looking himself in the mirror, he found that he was excited to see what Yuuri looked like. The Omega was a beautiful person after all.
"Well, don't you look dashing, King,"
Viktor grinned and turned around, "Mila!"
Mila out down the patter of cheeses and pastries, "Spin for me Vitya,"
Viktor grinned and did a little spin, "Presentable?"
"Absolutely," said Mila, "Here. Eat this. Yakov had them make your favourite,"
"God, I love you, people,"
"Oh, We know. You tell us all the time," said Mila, grinning, "Speaking of Love, we had a talk with Yuuri,"
"Oh yes, Georgi- wait! A talk?! Please tell that is not what it sounds like!"
"Nothing extensive. We just told him to take care of you,"
And then the curiosity got the better of him, "What did he say?"
"He took it quite well, very good with words that one. Has quite a backbone too, wouldn't know it if you saw him though. Perfect for you and your dramatics,"
"Now I have to go slip into my dress. You wait here. Yuri will probably be here soon,"
"Alright," said Viktor, "See you out there,"
Mila blew him a kiss before leaving him alone once again. He turned back to the mirror. After a little while, Yuri slipped in and came to stand beside him. His clothes were the same as Viktor's but without any of the gold.
"Hey," he said, softly, "It's almost time,"
"You look good,"
"You too little one," said Viktor
Yuri grumbled, "Wish you would stop calling me that,"
Viktor smiled and tucked the other's hair, "Never,"
Yuri opened his mouth to say something but Lilia chose the moment to peep in.
"Five Minutes, you two. Remember your dance lessons Vitya. You too Yura. We do not need you two to trip out there,"
"Yes Lilia," said both boys, ever obedient
As soon as she stepped back out, they both burst out laughing.
"You would think she would stop that now," Said Yuri
"I know. It's been so many years and so many dances," said Viktor
"Your feet Yura!" said Yuri, doing an impression of Lilia
"Arms straighter Vitya," said Viktor and they both burst into giggles again.
"She is pretty wonderful though," said Viktor
"I know. We would be nowhere without her and Yakov,"
Viktor smiled sadly at the wistful look on Yuri's face. Viktor at least remembered their parents. Yuri had been too young to remember any of them. He had only gotten to meet his father's father. But then Nikolai had been taken from him too. It really wasn't fair.
"Anyway," said Yuri, standing a bit straighter, "It's time to get you out there,"
Yuri took his arm and lead him through the door and into the hall. From there it was a short walk to the wedding hall.
"Are you ready?"
"As I will ever be,"
The music began and the servants opened the huge wooden doors. Yuri took Viktor's arm once again started walking him down the row of outer seats. Yuuri would be coming in from the other side. The two of them would only become visible to each other once they reached the stairs to the elevated balcony.
As they got near to the stairs, Yuri gestured to one of the Katuki guests waiting on the balcony alongside Yakov and the minister.
"That is Yuuko. They say she is a type of seer and can sense True Mates. The only condition is that she has to have met both of them,"
Viktor remembered Yuuko. He had met her only once at the beginning of the negotiations but she had left an impression. She was also one of Yuuri's closest friends.
He didn't know why Yuri was telling him this though. His cousin usually did not believe in such things. But then again, once upon a time, Yuri had not believed in True Mates either.
When they got to the bottom of the stairs, the other groom came into view along with all the guests. They were all looking at them, murmuring amongst themselves about their clothes and how they looked.
Viktor could only watch Yuuri though. The Omega looked beautiful. He was wearing the same suit as Viktor, only the colours were swapped. The Golden suit fit him perfectly and made him look like a glowing being from the old tales.
When Yuuri smiled at him shyly, Yura had to tug at his arm to keep him from tripping over the stairs. He could tell his cousin was silently laughing at him.
"Get yourself together, you fool," said Yuri, all with mirth in his eyes, "You can ogle him later. Get through this first,"
"Yeah. Yeah,"
When they got to the intended place on the balcony, Viktor took a peek at the audience. Seeing, Mile, Georgi and the rest of his friends he smiled and turned his attention back to the minister.
"Who is standing with the grooms today?"
"I am Yakov. Viktor's guardian between the age of ten to the say he became a man,"
"I am Yuri, Viktor's blood cousin,"
"I am Mari, Yuuri's sister,"
"I am Yuuko, Yuuri's advisor and friend,"
"Wonderful. Let us begin. Yuri, Mari please extend the grooms' hands toward each other so they might clasp them,"
Mari took Yuuri's right hand while Yuri took Viktor's. Viktor's hand went palm up and Yuuri's hand was placed on top of his palm down.
Viktor was not expecting what happened next.
A gasp went through the room as a blinding white light emitted from their hands surrounding the two grooms until it felt to Viktor that they were the only two people there.
Viktor and Yuuri stared at each other for a few seconds before the light was dying down and they were plunged back into a room filled with shocked murmurs and movements.
Through his daze and surprise, Viktor noticed that while Yuuri looked dazed too, he did not look that surprised by them being True Mates. A glance around showed that neither did Yuuko and Mari. But how-
They had known.
What had Yuri said? Yuuko had to meet both mates to know. Now that he thought about it, the marriage had not been a suggestion until after he had shaken hands with Yuuko.
They had known.
When he looked back to Yuuri, there was a sheepish and apologetic look on his face. Well, that confirmed it.
But why had they waited so long to test it?
Why not tell him beforehand and get it over with?
Why wait? Did that want a spectacle?
Were they trying to keep Yuulo's power a secret?
So many questions. So few answers.
However, as gazed at Yuuri, his soft brown eyes filled with intelligence and kindness, his flushed cheeks and gentle smile, only one question came out.
"Can I kiss you Yuuri?"
In response, Yuuri surged up and locked their lips together in a passionate kiss.
Viktor could not help the full body shudder that resulted.
Finding your True Mate did not guarantee you a romantic or even a happy ending.
True mates that found each other were lucky.
Viktor certainly felt lucky.
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hey, could i ask for rook, idia, jade, lilia and leona seeing their s/o getting giddy over something, like over this new snack they got from a friend or their socks being extra fluffy for example? just, s/o being super happy over something seemingly ordinary, please and thank you!
Curiouser and Curiouser...
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Rook delights in knowing that you’re similar to him—able to appreciate even the most mundane things in life, from the birds’ morning warble to the crisp evening breeze. It makes him feel all the closer to his beloved!
He likes to watch your face light up when you get excited. There’s just something so magical about how the corners of your mouth lift, and how your eyes glitter and crease from happiness.
Rook supports and encourages your giddiness, oftentimes adding other minor things to be delighting in: the clear blue sky overhead, the pleasant warmth of the sun, the aroma of wildflowers upon the wind... Sometimes you spend whole afternoons just leaning against one another and exchanging positive remarks on the world around you
Knowing that you get excited by even ordinary things, Rook goes out of his way to grace you with small acts of affection. He might produce a little flower from behind his back—just a common daisy plucked from the courtyard lawn—to tuck behind your ear, or give you a wink in passing. Rook wants to take every chance he can get to bring that pretty smile to your face.
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Idia really doesn’t get why you can get so excited over little things. If it were him, he wouldn’t be satisfied with just consolation prizes or participation trophies. Idia tends to think in formulas and strategies that will produce the results he wants (which is usually nothing short of an overwhelming victory), so it’s very difficult for him to understand your point of view.
He eventually asks how you can be happy with getting the bare minimum (that crappy common item, or the pitiful free R card, instead of an ultra rare raid drop of an OP SSR with a 0.01% chance to pull). Idia is visibly startled and confused when you reply that you can’t explain it at all, it’s just how you are.
He just shakes his head and mumbles that he really, really doesn’t get you at all--but that he’s glad anyway, since you can be happy with what you have, instead of what you could have. The feeling of missing out has caused Idia to whip out his wallet on more than one occasion to snap a limited time SSR only for it to be powercrept a few months later, and he doesn’t want you to experience the same things!
Your optimism shines a patch of sunlight into his gloomy world. Idia may not express it out loud much, but he’s glad to have you at his side to keep him from straying too far into the darkness.
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Jade may not always empathize with your sentiments, but he finds viewing your reactions to simple things to be one of the greatest joys in his life. While he tends to take sadistic pleasure in everyday happenings, he also finds your pure, unadulterated feelings to be amusing take.
At times, Jade teases you by pointing out that your giddiness is like that of a kid in a candy store. In truth, he’s right--but you never let that bother you, you just roll with it and banter right back.
He doesn’t often get to take a break between his busy school and work schedule, so he often considers your enthusiastic rambles as one of his few chances for repose. There’s just something so soothing to him about listening to you gush about such innocent things after a long, frantic day.
Jade particularly appreciates it when you get excited about nature, as it gives him a reason to join you in geeking out. He enjoys being able to share his knowledge of various plant and fungi with you through his mountain expedition logs and notes.
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Lilia finds your ability to be pleased with little things admirable—and quite an odd trait to find in humans, actually! Most take their lives for granted until late in age, so it’s refreshing for Lilia to see a younger human taking a different approach.
Despite having lived for quite some time, Lilia’s willing to try out both old and new things alike to get a fresh perspective on them. In fact, he asks you to “teach him” your ways--which you happily oblige.
Whatever you show Lilia, he gets just as excited as you do to experience them. He enthusiastically wiggles his toes in a brand new fluffy pair of socks and eagerly offers a bite of his chocolate biscuit sticks. It surprises even you a bit how appreciative Lilia is of the things he has no doubt already experienced countless times already in his lifespan.
With a toothy grin, he reassures you that every experience is worth reliving and holding close to his heart, especially now that he gets to share them with you.
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Leona barely budges or bats an eye at whatever it is you’re excited about, and he makes little to no effort to pretend like he’s interested. He grumpily tells you whatever you’re worked about over isn’t worth kicking up such a fuss about. (Sometimes he’ll mention that your behavior reminds him of his furball of a nephew, Cheka.)
His selfishness and arrogance get the best of him . He can’t understand what’s so great about the little accessory you bought today--by comparison, he has his eyes trained on a far greater prize in the long run: the crown.
Though cheeriness over small things grates on him from time to time, Leona tries to be patient with you and give you a chance to share your excitement with him... but he usually starts drifting off to sleep or losing interest in the middle of it, instead allowing his eyes to wander all over your mouth and face.
... But, if Leona is being entirely honest with himself, he has to admit that he finds your enthusiasm (annoyingly) endearing. For that reason alone, he secretly looks forward to seeing a dumb smile plastered on your face again and again.
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