#but i honestly dont think i can handle doing anything else tonight either.
you-are-constance · 2 years
this past week has been the weirdest when it comes to homework and whatever
like last sunday night i submitted like 5 assignments. then on monday i had literally nothing to do.
and like last night i had nothing due (good bc i was at the school until 10:30 at night) and now today i literally feel sick due to the stress. so. this is great /s
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Here's chapter 5! Sorry for the late update but I work full-time and am getting ready to move so I've been super busy! But this chapter is extra long to make up for it 😁
I would like to apologize in advance for Uncle Wayne 😔 he is one of my favorite parents to come out of Stranger Things, but I honestly really love making my characters feel so much pain only to make them heal and become stronger later. There's probably a term for that 🤷🏼‍♀️
As always leave any suggestions or comments as you please and here's chapter 4 if you missed it :)
The case was closed after three days in Nebraska and the team was quickly packing up files and papers at Quantico to hand in to Hotch and take the next two days off.
Spencer hadn't mentioned the radio to Eddie or the voice on the other end, and she hadn't either. He had watched her the next day and she didn't seem tired or worse off for most likely having spent a night up and talking to someone else.
She didn't bring the radio out in the day time and so Spencer let the matter drop, who was he to say someone was acting weird?
"I'm thinking a night out with drinks and dancing to decompress, anyone else in?" Emily was asking as the agents were crowding in the bullpen to leave. JJ, Derek, and Penelope all quickly agreed and they looked to Spencer and their newest member for their answers.
"Ah, no thanks, crowds and flashing lights aren't really my thing." Eddie sheepishly grinned at the boos that were starting.
"Besides ive still got an apartment to unpack and that is taking ages." Penelope seemed to perk up at that and grinned brightly.
"We can help! It'll go a lot faster with more hands helping!" Everyone else around her started making noises of consent, making Eddie start to protest, "No, you guys go have fun, I can handle the unpacking myself." But they fell on deaf ears, "I'll bring pizza!" Derek said as he started calling someone on his phone, "And I'll bring the drinks!" JJ threw her hand up to volunteer.
Spencer gave Eddie a small grin, "There's no point in arguing, but we are rather efficient. If this FBI thing doesn't work out we could definitely start a moving company." His grin got wider as Eddie let out a quiet laugh, "You all just want to snoop don't you?"
She gave everyone her address and they all dispersed in the parking lot, walking to different cars.
"Do you mind if I just catch a ride to your place? I don't see the point in riding the metro twice tonight." Eddie told him to hop in and they were smoothly driving out of the parking lot.
The ride was silent for a while before Spencer started to talk, "So what made you join the task force? You said you joined right out of high school, right?" Eddie's grip on the wheel tightened before she deliberately relaxed her hands.
"It wasn't my decision, not really. The other members of the team were my friends. We were all approached and recruited together and they decided to join up so I followed them."
Spencer was pretty shocked by her answer but before he could ask anything else she was pulling in to a parking lot, "You live in the sister building to mine!" Spencer exclaimed before he could help himself.
"Yeah? The taller one right there?" He nodded at the building she was pointing at.
"Seems silly for you to keep riding the metro everyday then."
"Oh, you dont-"
"Spence, literally it takes no extra time in my commute, your building shares a parking lot with mine." He blushed as she laughed brightly and began the trek up her stairs.
Not even an hour later and JJ, Penelope, Derek, and Emily were in various parts of her living room organizing and unpacking from boxes, asking questions about things they found and laughing through their own guesses if Eddie pretended she couldn't hear them.
Penelope opened a new box and let out a large gasp, "Guys! I found the nerd box!" Everyone gathered around her to look at the contents. Figurines and banners and tshirts from multiple different franchises spilled out and on top was a large stack of DnD Manuel's, notebooks, loose paper drawings, etc.
"Munson, you weren't kidding about the DnD stuff, what is all of this?" Derek whistled as he started leafing thru the large stack.
"Hey I never kid about Dungeons and Dragons. I was DM for the club I started in my highschool. I met some really good people thru that group." Eddie explained shuffling thru the pile and smiling slightly.
Garcia gasped and dove her hand in the box pulling out a stack of frames with various people in them.
"Look! Baby Eddie!" She cheered and showed the group the top picture of Eddie surrounded by a large group of people, are varying ages. They were all smiling but it seemed that most of everyone had been crying right before the picture was taken.
"Who are all these people?" Emily asked her, touching the faces of a couple of them.
"That's my family. That was the day we left for training for the force." Eddie whispered, smiling gently at the picture.
She cleared her throat abruptly, "This is Jonathon, Steve, Robin, and Nancy" she pointed to each individual person, "they were in the task force with me."
The group looked thru the other three pictures, the same people sprinkled thru each one except the last, the last one was just a selfie type picture with a teenage Eddie and an older, greying man that hadn't been in any of the other photos.
When Penelope uncovered it, Eddie took it gently from her.
"That's my Uncle Wayne, he took me in when i was 11 after my dad got sent to federal lock up for the last time."
"Is he still in Hawkins?" JJ asked her, noticing the sad smile on her colleagues face.
"No. No, he died my senior year, earthquake took out the trailer park we lived in and he was home, got caught up in the rubble." Everyone looked away to give her some privacy to wipe the tears gathering in her eyes.
The crackle of a radio turning on broke the atmosphere of the apartment and made everyone look at the dining room table.
~Jonathon and Steve requesting roll call.~
The voice on the other end sounded strained and tired, making Eddie walk over to it immediately and put the speaker to her mouth, but she paused before she said anything.
One by one different voiced came over saying different names, obviously replying to the roll call.
Finally Eddie clicked her button
At that the radio went silent, until Eddie started talking into it again.
~He's okay. It was another terror, but I brought him out and he wanted a roll call. He's back asleep already, I gave him some medicine so hopefully we can avoid a migraine in the next couple days.~ the answering voice was tired, it was the same man who had requested the roll call but it was whispered now, trying to be quiet for someone.
~Okay, let me know if he needs anything.~
~Will do.~
When Eddie turned around to face her team she had to turn back around so she wouldn't cry again.
They were silently unpacking boxes again, not one person looking at her confused, waiting for an explanation, but letting her have her moment with her family, as strange as it was.
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corruptedsilence · 2 years
@bigveee​ -  idk how many issues you have had, but when it comes to things with ME plz dont think they were ever anything serious. Ya never were out of line or said anything offensive to me. Cleared things up very easily and you handled it all very well.
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That’s the thing though Finn, I didn’t handle it well. I broke down and had a meltdown over worrying and letting my anxiety suffocate me and choke me out. I didn’t approach you until I literally had panicked for a while because I was terrified of situations repeating themselves even though as you said I shouldn’t worry with you, you haven’t given me a reason to, and earlier i was just terrified that if I say anything about my anxiety with anyone else they’ll take it as me assuming the worst about people which sadly is true.
I’m not feeling emotions like fear, it’s just anxiety. I’ve experienced it when i first started my last medication that I could *feel* my emotions and actually describe them as spesific things, but lately at the end of taking my last medicine (which was a second reason i stopped taking it) and right now I feel my emotions aren’t spesific, they’re just basic-- fear, anxiety. If I’m happy I’m happy but im nothing else and I’ve felt what it’s like to not be like that, I know it’s possible but now it feels hollow. It feels heavy. The emotions i had are no longer just emotions but they’re weights pushing me higher or plummeting me.
i dont know how else to describe it?? but i know what im feeling now isnt right, it doesnt have to be that way either but i dont know if i can outside of medicine access this and it’s why i need to talk with my therapist and why im sorry because i need to do better to actually realize this. It took breaking down talking with my GF (neeko) about a situation i cant speak about (this happened literally tonight) but makes me so enraged despite the fact i shouldnt be, what triggered it shouldn’t be a problem and i realize that but I couldn’t stop myself and I honestly was, and am, scared.
I haven’t spoken about it but these emotions, terrify me. It felt too similar to the (unintentional) suicidal action (i took 8x the amount of an over the counter sleeping pills i should have in a 24hr period) I had done earlier this month? (october or september i cant remember), i wasn’t in control, i wasn’t in my body, i was just this one single emotion, not a person not a human just this one feeling, and im really scared what’s going on. which is why I want to say im sorry for not realizing it sooner, and im sorry for damage or if I had hurt you and i realize i need a lot more help than i first realized. i thought i was doing okay, but i wasn’t and its hard to accept that
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enviedear · 4 years
secrets that you keep → peter parker
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DESCRIPTION ⌙ in a consolation trip back to europe, the kids of midtown high are eager to have a normal vacation, finally. but you on the other hand are on a mission. something weird is going on with peter parker, and you’re going to figure it out.
PAIRING ⌙ peter parker x fem!reader
“-smaller group than before, but we’ll still have fun guys. the tour company has made precautions for you kids. there will not be a repeat of last year.” mr. harrington babbles.
you sink lower into the bus seat. you did not want to be back in europe. truthfully you want to be anywhere but here. wherever, here, was. no one knew. cell service went out about five miles back and the bus driver didn’t speak english. 
“yeah guys, don’t worry. this trip is going to be ten times worse than the last. it’s already started bad since we don't know where we ARE!” flash yells, running a hand down his face.
mr. harrington tries to calm him and the rest of the bus down, to no avail.
you block out the commotion and stare out of the bus window. grass, farm, cattle, shack, more grass, more farm. and not one single cell tower in sight. this is it, you think, this is how it ends, stranded in a foreign country with the most annoying people you’ve ever known.
“guys, GUYS! my service is back,” betty yelps. “it says we’re in wiveliscombe, and that it’s going to be three hours until we reach london.”
her words are met with groans.
“at least we have cell service now.” jokes peter parker, who’s sat in the seat across the aisle from you. he’s cute and nice, but weird. last year’s trip he had about a thousand excuses as to why he’d leave the group and if it happened this year, you were gonna figure out why. no matter what it took.
“mhm, and since we have access to the endless possibilities of the internet again, we don’t have to talk..” you huff.
“i.. sorry. i didn’t-” you cut him off by placing your earbuds back into your ears and turning the volume up. 
something about peter irked your nerves in a way you couldn’t understand. maybe it was the way he knew fucking everything. maybe it was the way his body became incomprehensibly fit in such a short period of time. you really couldn’t understand that. even went as far as to do research on steroids, but found there was no way he could be using those. most probably it was the nonsense of his idiotic excuses. he might be able to fool everyone else, but not you. you knew there had to be something going on.
he and his stupid cute little brown curls, button nose, and six pack were under your firm watch.
by the time the bus reached the hotel the sun was beginning to set. jet lagged and in need of a long shower, you’re one of the first to fly into the hotel.
“It's me and you for the next week.” mj smiles, holding out a room key for you. truthfully, you really liked mj. she was cool and liked a lot of the same things as you. but she had one fatal flaw in your eyes, she used to date peter parker.
it was a short lived relationship, almost everyone saw it as a fling. peter and mj were just… too different. but they remain close friends.
it’s not like you were jealous... just, a tad bit jealous. besides, that ship had sailed and your goal wasn’t to end up like mj on the last trip to europe. no, you had other plans.
“cool. we can watch murder mysteries tonight and grab some snack from the convenience store down the street.” you grin.
the rooming situation for everyone else took entirely too long. it started with flash being upset that his room requirements weren’t being met. he wanted nothing to do with a roommate. this, caused his previous roommate, zander, to object to rooming with someone so, ‘coddled’.
took a full twenty minutes to resolve the issue. 
“mj, you still wanna visit the national gallery tomorrow?” asks the one and only peter parker.
“uh, yeah. y/n, wanna join?” she questions.
you were ready to object, finding it far more intriguing to stay in and sleep but then you remembered your little mission. if you wanted to figure out what peter parker’s deal was, you’d have to be around him. 
“sure. nothing better to do.” you shrug, peering straight into peter’s eyes. 
“i, uh- i thought we’d get an early start to the day. ned wants to go on the jack the ripper tour, so that gives us until one to look through the museum.” peter rambles.
“alright, me and y/n will meet you two down here around ten thirty.” mj clarifies.
“see you then. night mj,” he looks to you. “goodnight y/n.”
you narrow your eyes at him, “sleep tight parker. busy day tomorrow.”
with that you and mj enter your room, ready to sleep off the jet lag. and soon enough, sleep carries you into her open arms, preparing you for the day ahead.
the next morning consists of peter and ned rushing in and out of their room. the duo forgetting nearly everything they needed for the day. it was extremely annoying. but you’d take watching the two ninnies scramble about over this tour you’re forcing yourself to get through right now.
the national gallery was proving to be a bore. maybe it was you. or maybe it was the dull ass tour guide. either way, you’re finding it hard to focus on any of these artworks around you.
“this is the arnolfini portrait. it’s the work of jan van eyck and it is believed to depict an italian merchant named giovanni di nicolao arnolfini. this painting has remained in the national gallery since 1843.” the tour guide drones.
you peer up at the art, searching for anything to interest you about it. you try to focus of the dark green of the woman’s dress, then the small dog, but nothing about this art is appealing to you. instead, you find the whispered conversation going on behind you to be much more intriguing.
“ned how am i going to make it all the way to japan and back here before the ripper tour?” peter grumbles.
“i don’t know, but i really don’t want to go on a tour of the most infamous and creepy serial killers of all time without my best friend.” ned whispers.
“but mj will be there, and.. y/n.” peter assures.
“great. they both creep me out. that’s like, two extra loads of creepy added onto the already creepy tour.” ned huffs.
“dude, i have to go… mr. stark is waiting on me.” peter pleads.
you hear ned give an annoyed, “fine.”
you wait a few seconds before turning around to face peter’s friend.
“where did peter run off to?” you ask, as innocently as you can.
“uhhhh- the bathroom. the uh, hotel bathroom. yeah, must have been those tomatoes he ate with his breakfast today.” ned gulps.
“mhm. well i think i’ll meet up with him. he shouldn’t walk all the way back alone.” you smirk, shoving past ned and running the direction peter went.
it took a good minute to find him outside, the boy running into a bakery. but once your eyes find him, you rush straight in, right behind him. eyes narrowed and full of questions. 
the brown haired boy quickly enters a bathroom and you grin. 
no escaping now, parker.
you wait outside the bathroom eagerly. only for minutes to pass. no sound escapes the room and you furrow your brows.
you knock on the door, no answer. annoyed you open the door, only to be met with an empty bathroom. 
an empty bathroom with an opened window.
what the fuck?
“we’ve been upgraded!” mr. harrington gleams, looking down at our tired faces.
“last time we were upgraded we almost died.” betty sighs.
“ah- what did i say, we’re not going to repeat last year,” harrington retorts. “now...how do you guys feel about paris?”
well those words certainly livened up the breakfast table. train tickets are soon passed around, and you study yours, spoonful of yogurt still in your mouth.
“hey y/n, mj and i are gonna go to the louvre when we get there,” ned grins. “wanna come with?”
you chuckle, “another museum? nah, i’m good.”
mj quirks a brow at you, “this museum is home to the mona lisa. it’s not just any museum.”
“and the mona lisa is not just any painting… it’s an ugly one.” you huff.
ned guffaws at you.
“honestly, i might skip out too.” peter says.
you turn to face him, “great. you and i can explore paris while mj and ned explore another museum.”
he shifts in his seat, “i dunno i was thinking of-”
mj cuts him off, “i think that’s a great idea y/n. don’t you, peter? you remember what harrington said.. no repeat of last year.”
her eyes are cold as she awaits his answer and he fidgets more in his seat.
“i just think it might be best for me to stay here… ya know in case mr. stark needs anything.”
you roll your eyes, “dude, you’re just an intern. what could he possibly need that his other ten thousand interns can’t do.”
“technically he only has like six other… interns.” peter mumbles.
“but uh.. they can handle whatever mr. stark needs from you. i mean they’ve been av- uh, interns, for a while.” ned says, eyes pleading with his friend.
peter sighs before smiling at you, “alright, me and you versus paris.”
no peter parker, me and myself versus your dirty little secret.
somehow you got to sit next to peter in an empty train car for the ride to paris. and holy shit.. could he talk.
his eyes did have a way of lighting a fire inside you as he talked but, that, was not the point.
it was between an empty car with peter or full car sat between flash and harrington.
peter is always better than the latter.
“-anyways, how’d you convince your parents to let you go back to europe?” he asks.
“i didn’t. they made me.” you say simply.
peter slumps into his seat a little, “uh, why?”
“because when they were younger they traveled the world. i dunno, i guess they expect me to want to as well.” 
“oh. well, are you enjoying it so far.” he asks.
i’d enjoy it more if i could figure out your damned secret, parker.
and then, finally, peter is quiet. 
but not for long, as the train comes to a screeching halt.
over the train speakers comes a booming voice, “veuillez rester calme. le train s'est arrêté en raison d'un dysfonctionnement du moteur.”
your body tenses and you look at peter, “please tell me you understand french?”
“a little.. i dont think we need to worry. they said it’s just an engine malfunction.” he nods, looking around the train car.
you try to breathe. 
everything is okay. there’s no evil robots coming to destroy a train car with two innocent teenagers. that’s so pre civil war. just breathe. 
suddenly a loud bang is heard from the car behind you. not just any bang… a gunshot.
“holy shit.” you whisper, stiff as a board.
peter on the other hand is rummaging through his bag.
“parker! what the fuck are you doing?” you hiss.
“i.. just trust me okay? when i tell you to run… run.”
you look at him with a scowl, “i’m not going to be the sacrificial pig for slaughter, asswipe.”
he rolls his eyes, “i’m going to run with you. we’re going to find an empty car and then… wait for spiderman.” 
you blink. the kid’s gone insane.
“peter. listen, i know coping with your own inevitable death can be hard but, spiderman.. really?” you groan.
another loud bang comes from the car behind you. 
peter looks at you, taking your hand in his. 
the door to your car bursts open.
“run!” peter yelps, rushing into the next car, the gunmen not far enough behind.
“holy shit i’m gonna die.” you scream.
peter throws something at the gunmen when the two of you enter the next car, separating the two of you from the monsters.
but the kid didn’t throw just anything at them. motherfucker threw a damn door. a metal train door.
by the time you process the information, peter is pulling you into a cramped bathroom.
“i don’t have much time but basically, hi, i’m spiderman. those guys back there are people tony stark pissed off really bad and i need you to hide in here until i fix this issue.”
with that he pulls his jacket off revealing the spiderman suit you’re so used to seeing on the news.
“that’s your secret? this entire time i’ve been hanging around you trying to figure it out, and it turns out you’re spiderman. i would have thought anything before fucking spiderman.” you dwell, eyes wide.
he slips his mask on, “wait, you only hung out with me because you thought i had a secret? i mean.. i did but-”
another loud bang interrupts him, “nevermind. we’ll talk about this later. stay here and don’t tell anyone what i just told you.”
you nod, and watch him exit the bathroom.
so much for “not a repeat of last time.”
“at least it wasn’t witches this time.” mr. dell sighs.
your entire fourth period groans. 
“what! our world is infested with witches now. i don’t even know why i’m teaching science. i’m gonna turn around one day and suddenly i’ll be teaching witchcraft.”
your eyes return back to your desk, staring a hole into the old wood. your trance is broken by a crumpled piece of paper. you roll your eyes and turn your attention to peter, who after europe has been watching you like a hawk.
you open the paper to see, ‘listen, mr. stark said i need to get written evidence that you won’t spill the beans. please sign below.’
you grimace but sign at the bottom of the paper and hand it back to your new ninny friend.
that’s right. friend. despite being one of the most annoying people on the planet, with the weirdest secret ever.. peter was nice. he was really nice. he liked almost everything you did and listened intently to whatever you had to say.
“earth to y/n.” his voice calls from beside you.
“oh? is class over?” you ask.
he nods and holds his arm out to you. you take it and give him a half smile.
you may find peter parker to be the weirdest dude ever, but you can’t deny that the secret superhero is starting to flood your mind. you never thought you’d be the one to say it, but peter parker is the coolest weirdo you’ve ever met.
and besides, your mission was a success. you figured out his secret and obtained a friend along with it.
well, friend, until you could complete your newest mission.
telling him you like him. like, a lot.
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littlegiantposts · 4 years
movie night
pairing: todoroki x f!reader
warning: strong language probably. possible anime/manga spoilers! grammar mistakes :( I suck at writing
summary: It’s not that Y/n didn’t want friends, it’s just people always found her intimidating
a/n: this is completely self-indulgent lol sorry about that, so like yeah I’m gonna be saying y/n, but also i am deriving her personality, attitude, looks from a character that I’ve sort of made up in my head haha. also idk if this is like a headcanon, imagine, or like a scenaro....so sorry. And like, sort of a side note, I love making main characters that are like sorta op so y/n’s quirk and story is sorta insane, but you guys dont really have to worry about it too much because its not really in this so....yeah, i guess its just some context. I wrote this while listening to a playlist I made, titled, “ur a badass hero with class 1-a” on spotify so if ppl wanna hear it, I will post a link to it lol. OH and class 1-a are in their second year! That’s a lot, sorry! But, I hope you enjoy!
y/n’s quirk (if ur curious): controlling the 4 elements (aang from the last airbender vibe lmao); but she also got a companion named koda (think of Moro-no-kimi from Princess Mononoke for the look) 
Y/n was never good at making friends. It’s not like she didn’t try, because she did. When she was a little kid, living on Catalina Island, she made a lot of attempts to make friends with fellow children in her pre-school and middle school. It just seemed that they wanted nothing to do with her, talking bad about her behind her back or acting as if she just didn’t exist. 
It started to get exhausting for Y/n to keep trying and ending up always failing. So, when enrolling in the top hero school, UA, Y/n thought that maybe, just maybe, things would be different. 
Nonetheless, it’s not like she had absolutely no one. She had Koda! Her best friend in the whole wide world, well her only friend, which was her pet wolf. However, Koda doesn’t like being called a “pet”, let’s stick with her companion. They are quite the inseparable duo. 
Y/n looked down at Koda from her desk who was lulling herself to sleep on the floor as Present Mic was teaching an English lesson. Y/n wished she too can sleep at this moment, “It wouldn’t hurt if I just closed my eyes for just a couple minutes.” Y/n thought. Oh, she was wrong though.
“Alright! We are going take a short break since we need to get our new textbooks,” Present Mic’s voice rang through her ears with all his elongation and passion, “Y/n and Todoroki! What about you two go get the books from the library!” Y/n would have jolted at the mention of her face, but she was honestly too tired to do so. 
She nodded her head, got up from her desk, and looked at Koda if he was going to follow her. Of course, he perked up at the mention of her name and was going with her. A small smile was now on Y/n’s lips. Y/n was glad that she knew she can depend on Koda, always in her corner.
As she pushed her chair away from her desk, getting up and walking towards the door, she didn’t realize that most of the class was either looking at her or the half and half boy, for he had to endure the trip with the enigma that is Y/n. 
The class just doesn’t know Y/n that well. She was one of the new students this year, along with Shinso. However, they at least knew of Shinso from last year. Y/n was a  brand-spanking new addition to the class. Not to mention, her introduction to the class was nothing short of intimidating.
Aizawa knew Y/n had a lot of strengths. In fact, he used her skills as a type of learning lesson for the class. Not to mention, he completely singled her out during the “lesson” as he instructed the class that Y/n will have a bell that is tied around her belt. All they had to do was get the bell. Y/n, being the competitive person she was, didn’t back down at this challenge. Safe to say, no one was able to get the bell that day.
Y/n sighed at the memory. “Maybe, if you had some chill, you would be able to get a friend, Y/n” a voice in her head said, causing Y/n’s shoulders to shrink and her hands to be stuffed into her pockets. (Yes, she has pockets with her uniform. Yes, she’s still wearing the school uniform skirt. She sowed pockets into them for this very habit.) 
“Uh, hey wait up.” a deeper voice called, already identifying who it is.
Y/n turned to right, looking at Koda for a brief second. From far away, one would think he was just grimacing, but as Y/n was closer, she can see he was very close to full-on growling at the sound of his voice.
Koda doesn’t really like Todoroki and Y/n always found it funny. Koda found everyone else real entertaining. As much as Koda was a wolf, he really was a people’s person. If Y/n didn’t know any better, it seemed Koda had a better relationship with her classmates than she actually did.
Y/n adopted a tired smile as she reacted to Koda’s growling at Shoto. She then looked behind her, seeing Todoroki jog lightly towards her. Her small smile soon faded away.
“Even if you try again to be a friend, you know that people will always end up fearing you.” Y/n honestly wanted to bang her head against a wall because this annoying voice was truly the bane of her existence. 
Y/n stopped in her tracks. Koda made eye-contact with her, almost telepathically asking her, “Why are you stopping for him?!”.
“I may be aloof, but I have to at least be polite.” Y/n told her wolf companion. Koda only let out a breathe of frustration as he also stopped as well.
Todoroki soon caught up to the duo and was on Y/n’s left side. And the three began their trek to the school library.
There was some silence.
For Todoroki, it was so awkward. “Why don’t you say something to her?” he asks himself, “Or are you going to let another opportunity slip?”
You see, Shoto Todoroki admired Y/n. She was incredibly skilled with her quirk. She was confident, but not arrogant. She was an innovator, while still accepting old principles. She was naturally smart, but always open to learning. To him, she was so balanced. He couldn’t help himself as the admiration started to soon feel like a crush on the dark haired girl.
For Y/n, she didn’t think anything of the silence. In fact, she was grateful for the silence. More silence, means less time for talking. Less chance of Y/n making a fool out of herself.
“You seem more tired than usual. Trained a lot yesterday, I presume?” And Todoroki broke the silence that Y/n was trying to insist.
“Yeah, trying out a new technique with my water.”
Y/n was surprised.
She really could have been more blunt with her answer.
Theoretically, all she really had to respond with was a “yeah”, but she decided to add that last part.
Why? Why did she feel inclined to go into more detail? Now, Y/n was confused. 
“That’s cool.” Todoroki wanted to hit himself in the head. “That’s all you got to say? What a conversation this is” Shoto mentally sighs. He feels like his heart is going to burst at how fast its going. 
“I’m actually trying to freeze it, but that turns out to be harder than expected,” Y/n almost slapped her hand on her mouth.
Why is she going into more detail? This doesn’t make sense. She’s been quite blunt lately when people try to talk to her, so what gives?
Is it Todoroki, himself? “Maybe he put a spell on me or something.” Y/n didn’t think the “icy-hot bastard” would dabble in witchcraft, but things were just not adding up in Y/n’s mind. All these thoughts woke Y/n right up, ridding herself of her tiredness. 
As for Todoroki, his mind was going into overdrive. “She’s having trouble with freezing water? She must know that this is my specialty. Is this her way of spending time with me? Does this mean the feelings I have for her are mutual? Perhaps, we can train together and I can help her with freezing.” The mere thought of spending time with Y/n outside of class made his cheeks warm up. 
He was an absolute love-struck fool for Y/n. 
“Oh, we’re here.” Y/n stated the obvious as they stand in front of the school’s library, halting Shoto’s mental mumbling, which almost resembled one of Midoryia’s ever-present babbling. 
Shoto Todoroki immediately shot his arm forward to open the door for Y/n, but Y/n was thinking the same thing and they reached for the same handle.
Their hands touch. 
And Todoroki thinks he can die happy now. Y/n’s hand is so soft. Much to his dismay, Y/n immediately drew her hand back as if his hand was scalding hot water. 
Y/n mumbled a quick “sorry” and places her hand on the other handle as there are two doors to the library, she opens it and immediately walks through it as Koda follows in tow. Koda dawns an absolute confused look as he didn’t know what the hell that interaction was about.
The actual task of getting the books aren’t that hard. In fact, it was an easy and quick task.
So, why is this causing Y/n’s mind and heart feeling like they are overheating.
As they walk back to the classroom with stacks of textbooks, Y/n thought, “Okay, there’s no way in hell that he will try to talk to me again, especially after that awkward incident. Now, let’s breakdown why the actual hell you acted that way, Y/n.” She mentally scolded herself like she was a child. 
Todoroki, as always, had a different plan and decided to continue the conversation, “You know, if you need help with freezing water, I can always help you since that is part of my quirk.”
Y/n has officially short-circuited.
He is voluntarily asking? Voluntarily. Asking?
Asking if Y/n wanted to train together?
This has never happened before, and she doesn’t know how to respond. “I would like that. I typically train in the morning and sometimes after school” is what Y/n felt like saying. It is as if her mind and mouth were working against each other.
However, Y/n’s thoughts were cut short as she heard the chatter of some of her fellow classmates. They three of them were very close to their classroom as their door to the room was wide open. 
“Hey guys, if we’re having a movie night tonight, do you think we should invite Y/n?”
It was Midoryia who asked the question. Y/n, Shoto, and Koda stopped dead in their tracks at the mention of her name. Shoto and Koda looked at Y/n with a worried expression. For her own good, she probably shouldn’t be listening, but she couldn’t help but be curious of her classmates’ plan in regards to her.
“It’s not that we don’t want her there. It’s just that, who is up for asking her?”
Silence. No one responded to the question.
Koda notices how Y/n’s grip on the textbooks tightened. Shoto noticed how your head was now titled downward, hiding your face.
“She’s just so intimidating. And not to mention that training exercise we did when we first met her. She’s sort of scary, to be honest.”
“Scary. You’re scary, Y/n. Terrifying.” She couldn’t help but repeat her classmates’ thought of her. She was just torturing herself at this point. No point in dwelling on first impressions, but as this is affecting her current relationship, or lack thereof, with her classmates, she couldn’t help it.
“Y/n-” Todoroki tries to interject before Y/n gets the wrong idea.
But, it’s too late.
“No, it’s fine. Thanks for the offer though, Todoroki.” Y/n’s words were slow. As much as her brain was going a million miles per hour, her mouth was evidently slower as her breathing was heavier.
She wanted to disappear, or at least get swallowed by the ground. She kept her head down as she strode into the classroom. Her classmates being oblivious to Y/n’s knowledge of what they truly think of her, paying no attention to her.
Shoto was basically frozen in place, next to the door, but he gained composure and walked in the class as well, a couple seconds after. Y/n quickly placed her books on the front desk where Present Mic sat behind of, she sat back in her seat that was in the back of the class.
Y/n watched how Shoto was still standing in front of the classroom as he was stopped by his classmates. Now, they were just chatting, probably talking about the upcoming movie night.
Y/n felt jealousy bubble up inside her. She wished she can chat like how Shoto was effortlessly talking away to his classmates. Or how Midoryia stopped him with such ease to talk about a social event.
Y/n yearned for some friendly interaction. That’s what she wanted when coming to UA. 
She wanted to be normal. As normal as she could be. A normal teenager.
“Things don’t always go according to plan, huh?” Y/n pouted and placed her head on her desk and just waited patiently till the school day was over.
Koda worriedly looked at Y/n. “She’s going to want to train after this. And I bet she’s going to push herself harder because of today.” Koda knew Y/n very well. Knew her like the back of his hand, well, paw. 
And, Koda was right. Y/n was in gym gamma, completely exhausted. Sweat covered her body as her muscles were screaming at her take a break. Her labored breathe continued as her body was trying its best to keep up.
Y/n was frustrated. “Why? Why am I like this?” she kept repeating like a mantra.
“I want to be normal. Why can’t I be like them?”
“You’re a monster. It’s actually quite simple.”
Y/n threw a punch with her fist encased in water, and it wasn’t until after that punch was thrown, she realized that there was now an evident hole in the thick, solid concrete wall. 
Y/n fell to her knees. Koda hurriedly made his way to her, making sure she didn’t do anything too stupid. Once Koda was close, she was doing something unexpected. 
She was crying. 
Hot streams, cascading down her face. She started to hiccup, her breathing erratic. “A-am I scary to you, Koda?” her voice was so small.
Koda nudged his way in between her legs and nestled his head into her neck. Y/n, full on sobbing now, wraps her arms around Koda and her cries are muffled by his fur. Wailing and self-deprecating questions can be faintly heard from her if anyone were to enter the gym.
A couple minutes passed. Y/n’a breathing returned to a calm rhythm.
“Thanks, Koda. I needed that,” Y/n sniffles, “C’mon let’s go make dinner, I’ll whip you up something special for putting up with me today.” Koda’s tail immediately began to wag at the thought of Y/n’s cooking.
Y/n was an independent person. She likes doing things on her own as much as can. She doesn’t eat the food from the school cafeteria, instead, she opts for making her and Koda’s meals from the kitchen that is provided to them in their dormitory. And indeed, she made a delicious dinner for both of them. 
Now, the hard part. Because of how long her training took, showering, and making dinner, Y/n knew that her classmates were in the common space already, probably preparing to have their movie night. And, she had to pass them. It was a short distance, short walk, Y/n was trying to reassure herself. Just walk straight towards to the elevator and you’re safe.
Y/n takes a deep breathe and walks out of the kitchen. The chatter of her classmates emerges to her ears, but as she walks towards the elevator, the chatter dies down.
“Oh no.” Y/n’s eyes widened in fear. “Way to go on ruining the mood, Y/n.”
Thankfully, the elevator was quick and the doors slide open, making an easy escape for Y/n and Koda. She let out a breathe she didn’t even realize she was holding in as the doors slid shut. Y/n looks at Koda, who was already looking at her, “It’s better this way, anyway” Y/n didn’t know if she was telling Koda that, or herself.
On the other side of the elevator’s doors, her classmates collectively let out a sigh, “Well that was another chance we wasted.” Kaminari was the first to break the awkward silence.
“Tch. Like any of you have the guts to actually ask her.” Bakugo chimed in.
“Oh please, Bakugo, I know she intimidates you, too.” Mina fired back.
“She heard you guys.” Todoroki suddenly talked. Everyone casted their attention to him, “Earlier today, I mean. She heard you guys when you were talking about inviting her to movie night.” 
The once light-hearted atmosphere in the room was now tilted with guilt.
“She heard all that?” Midoryia incredulously asked, only imagining what you would be feeling because of their words.
“She must feel terrible.” Ochaco openly voiced her thoughts.
“She probably hates us.” Kirishima adds in.
“She means well, I promise. I think we just need to give her a chance.” Todoroki tries to reason with his classmates.
“First, we need to apologize.” Midoryia proposes as he looks among his classmates. His classmates collectively nod their heads in agreement
“You’re right. Well, good luck Midoryia.” Kaminari pats his back as encouragement. Everyone else either gives an encouraging smile or a thumbs up.
“Ha?! What?! You guys already decided that I’m going to be the one to apologize?” Izuku was flailing his arm around and was checking everyone else’s reaction.
“Well, yes. It’s your idea and you are one of the most apologetic people here.” Iida explained to an overthinking Midoryia.
After regaining composure, he realized that this was probably the best option, “Okay, I’ll, I’ll go now.”
Midoryia makes his way to Y/n’s dorm room. He was nervous. He only had very limited interactions with Y/n. So, he really didn’t know what to expect. Before he knew it, he was before your door.
On the other side, Y/n was chowing down on her food. She took a swig of her water, “So, how’s the food? I tried a new technique on roasting the veggies.” Y/n babbled on for a bit, but she realized that Koda’s plate was hardly touched. Her gaze landed on Koda who was sitting on her bed with a very obvious frown, staring at the door. Y/n immediately knew why.
“Hey, if you wanna go hangout with them, I can push the buttons on the elevator for you-”
Koda was irritated at how difficult Y/n was being, she can just ask them if she can join. It was simple. Koda used his mouth to latch on to Y/n’s sleeve and started to drag her to her dorm’s door. 
“H-hey Koda! Not cool, man! You know, I can’t go down there.” Y/n tugs her sleeve away from Koda. 
Koda turned to his last resort. He did his signature pout. 
“Oh, please. You know that stopped working on me awhile ago. Besides, we can have our own movie night, right?” Y/n tried to reason, but her reasoning just felt sad.
Before Y/n could step away from her dorm’s door, she heard a knock. The two quickly tuned their heads at the door as if something miraculous just happened.
Y/n took one step toward the door. 
“It’s Midoryia.” Koda began to wag his tail, “don’t get your hopes up too quickly.”
Y/n opened the door only a slit for her head to poke out, “Oh, hi Midoryia. Is something wrong?” she asks.
“U-um, no nothings wrong.” he responds as nerves start to take over and he doesn’t continue on.
“Okay.” With that, Y/n closed her door. Koda wanted to scratch his eyes out. This was her chance! For someone who was the top student in her class, she was so stupid. “He didn’t want anything. Sorry to disappoint, Koda-” another knock interrupted her.
She looked at the door, “It’s still Midoryia.” Koda rolled his eyes.
Y/n went to to open the door, again, only opening a bit, “Yes, Midoryia? You sure something isn’t wrong?”
“Uh, well I was wondering if we can talk for a bit.”
“Oh, yeah sure.” Y/n stepped out of her door, and shutting it.
However, Koda was right on her trail, but was shut out by the now closed door. He pouts at the door. And how holds his ear to the door, interested in the conversation that has yet to come.
“So, what’s up?” Y/n asked the green-haired boy.
“I, we, as a class, wanted to apologize for our words today.” Midoryia spoke in a remorseful and quiet tone.
Y/n was taken back. “So, they know that I heard what they were saying? Must have been Todoroki’s doing.”
“Look, it’s fine. I know I’m intimidating-“
“But it’s not fine. We shouldn’t have treated or talked about you that way.”
Y/n was stunned at his words. He took that as a sign to continue, “and we were hoping, if you’d be okay if we start over and become friends.”
Y/n remained cautious with her walls, “You know, friendship isn’t really a perquisite for this course.”
“Of course, I know that. We all do, but it doesn’t hurt to have them, right?”
Y/n felt like tearing up. She wanted to believe him. She wanted to put her trust in that last statement of his. 
“I’ll be be down in 5 minutes,” Y/n stated rather blandly, but it didn’t matter to Midoryia.
“Great! See ya!” He waved and started to head back to the elevator, before he pressed the button, Y/n called him once more,
“Thank you.”
“No problem.” and nods his head. He couldn’t be more thrilled that this will all work out.
As for Y/n, she opened her door to her dorm, and closing it as she stepped inside.
As soon as she was in the comfort of her own room, she broke into her happy dance. Her fists clenched, eyes shut, shoulders scrunched, jumping in the air, squeals make their way pass her lips, with the biggest smile on her face
Koda felt a wave of relief of wash over him. He was glad that she was finally experiencing acceptance. 
After the moment passes, Y/n sighs and looks at Koda, ruffling his fur on the top of his head.
“Well, shall we?” Y/n said in an extravagant manner as she opened her door and bowed.
Koda, playing along, held his head high and strutted out. Y/n let out a light-hearted laugh and they made their way down, together.
Once Y/n actually made it to the common room, all of her classmates were looking at her, stopping their conversations as well. The confidence that Y/n help was long gone, feeling now awkward yet again.
However, the silence didn’t last too long as the class enveloped her in boisterous apologies, hugs, and pats on the back. 
To say Y/n was overwhelmed was understatement. She had never been around these many people, giving attention towards her. It was new territory she had yet to cross. 
“Guys, you should probably let her breathe.”
That was Todoroki. Y/n pried her eyes away from Mina who was asking what conditioner she uses, and looked at Shoto. Y/n mouthed a “thank you” and he simply nodded.
The class went back to their seats, muttering apologies again for getting in her personal space.
Now, Y/n faced yet another problem:
Where is she going to sit?!
She kept standing where she stood for a good couple seconds, scanning the area for any good spots.
However, there was actually only one spot open. And, it just happen to be next to Todoroki. 
Y/n mentally prepared herself and started her path towards him. Of course, Shoto knew this. He was the one who made sure he saved a seat right next to him just for this occasion.
But things don’t always go according to plan, right?
Rightly so, right before Y/n could take the unaccompanied seat, Denki was coming back from the kitchen with a bowl of popcorn, plopping right down on the seat.
“Oh, hey Y/n! I’m glad you made it! You want some popcorn?”
“No, I’m good, thanks though.” Y/n was able to play it off as she chose to sit on the floor in front of the couch, which coincidentally was in front of the seat that Shoto resided. 
Shoto was irritated. He wanted you to sit next to him. For crying out loud, that was the whole reason he had this seat open in the first place. All he does is sigh, catching Y/n’s attention.
Y/n turns back to Todoroki, sending a small smile his way, but then turning back to the screen as her fellow classmates were arguing on what to watch.
Y/n put her hand to her chest. This is weird. Why is her heart rate so high? She’s not usually like this. Maybe Todoroki did cast a spell on her.
Y/n couldn’t think about it too much as the movie began playing.
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whencallstheheart · 3 years
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We’ll find out tonight if our predictions are correct! 
Responses to the written questions are under the cut.
Where is Ned and what is he doing?
No idea
Business trip
Dealing with some financial issues.
Doing business in UC or Hamilton. Nothing major
He stayed behind next episode and will be back in the finale.
I think planning something for Florence, maybe expansion for the mercantile?
I don't know
I have no idea, wth!?!?
Yo i have no idea. I'm gonna take a wild guess and say he's trying to contact Florence's daughter who wasnt there for the wedding
Maybe he's visiting his daughter? Or expanding the Mercantile somehow
With Mike. Oil pipeline
It sure
I have no clue honestly, maybe planning a surprise for Florence?
Perhaps...expanding his store? Or ordering something new to begin to be shipped to his.
something related to factory
Sussing out suppliers
Maybe something to do with the Wyman guy?
visiting his daughter
Buying a new house or a surprise for Florence
Visiting Abigail
Planning something special for Florence
He is doing something with his daughter
No clue
With his daughter
Planning to expand the mercantile to include deliveries (Hope Valley Amazon) lol
Not sure
I really dont know!
Made out a Will since he now is married to Florence
Business in Union City
Business, but he’ll be back
I don’t Know
I dont know. This one threw me!
Literally have no idea
maybe he will come back with his daughter who will come to live at HP
some sweet surprise/gift for Florence
He is involved im some growth in HV.
Taking care of business.
He's making a business deal somewhere
I have no idea. I think it was a weird to put in o.O
Making purchases for the store.
Business stuff somewhere
I don't know
i don't know
ned things
He just took the long way home...
Adopting Flo's son
He is picking up a surprise order gift for Florence, and it’s taking longer than expected.
Fighting attempt to take over mercantile
Talking to a divorce lawyer. Or putting a pillow over Abigail's mom's face so she can bury her already and come back to Hope Valley for his buddy Henry's sake.
Honestly I’m not sure but interested to find out!
Idk honestly. Probably actually doing something sweet for Florence but she doesn't know it.
What's up with the Pinkertons?
Not sure
A storyline to bring a change of pace to the show.
I really Don’t know
Not sure, but I don’t think it will be resolved this season, maybe it’s the cliffhanger?
I don't know
They’re hired thugs like they were in S1, just there to show Walden is a bad guy despite appearances
Factory related
Up to no good! Don’t trust them.
Yo i dont even know. They look totally sketch but they are probably the good guys actually. I'm predicting they are after someone who's been wanted for a long time. I think it may be too easy to link them with the guy who took Jesse and Clara's money
Not sure yet
Working for Waldon
Sneakily buying land
I couldn't care less about them
Perhaps something is in the cabin/someone they don't want found.
No idea
Something to do with the mine disaster (even though it's been ages).
we will see in season 9
Setting up a good storyline for season 9
Not sure maybe something to do with the new factory that might be built
Maybe it has to do with Henry
I have no idea, but I do not like them!
No good
Buying all the land
They have Jesse. Someone wants to reopen the mine and seek revenge on Elizabeth for his son going to jail (Spurlock).
Looking for some kind of hidden good
Shady dealings going on
Guarding the future factory site. But something extra at the cabin connected with Spurlock.
An even bigger I dont know on this one. Like, what in the world???
Holding Jesse captive
I think they kidnapped Jesse because he found out what they were up to but I have no idea what that is
stumped on this one
That is difficult. He is apparently connected to S1 Spurlock. Is he there for revenge? Or, just a heavy hand like his relative?
Revenge? They want to take over Hope Valley.
Something sketchy, probably bigger than just whatever is going on with the cabin though.
Land grab
No clue but they'll be one of the big bads next season
They are probably the goons of the Industry dude
They are working for somebody bigger.
They want to take over the town
I don't know
i'm worried about Nathan
idk they are the bad daddys of the season
they can only be there to cover up a crime, or some valuable find
No clue
They’re wanting to uproot Hope Valley for better business by destroying the town.
Keeping identity of mastermind safe from townspeople.
Maybe looking for Ned, who alternatively is a serial killer and now on the run. Possibly for the murder of Abigail's mother?
I’m so confused lol
Creating a monopoly & doing some villain nonsense (as it would seem the show is hinting).
Any other thoughts going into the finale?
There will be at least one surprise- not sure what
There are too many loose ends to tie up in one episode and I just want Elizabeth and Nathan together (and perhaps quickly married in this episode!)
I’m honestly really nervous, I’m rooting for Nathan but I have a feeling she’ll go for Lucas, I really don’t mind Lucas as a character but like what storylines can they do with them as a couple? The manuscript is finished, they’ve gone on every sort of date at this stage and she’s been in his office. What else can they do? With Nathan they can do the being scared because of his job again but making it different, there’s children involved now, it’s not just Elizabeth. Jack won’t understand but Allie will 100% feel worried for him. Also Allie having a mother figure, especially at this stage in her life, how could you not want it! The blended family as the main family would be so nice for this show, I know it’s been done before but they will be fairly front and centre in the show. Sorry for the rant, I love your blog so much! I don’t have tumblr so I can’t leave comments or like your gifs but I thoroughly enjoy all your theories and opinions!!
Just ready for this stupid love triangle to be over!
I’d love to actually see Henry meet up with Abigail, but doubt it. I hope they have Clara do something heroic for Jesse, but also doubt it. Henry will definitely be putting Hickam in charge at least temporarily. I think Ned will return but we won’t get a full explanation yet. And the dramatic ending won’t be the triangle choice, it’ll be Elizabeth losing the school.
Allie’s adoption finalized and reaction to Elizabeth choosing Nathan is something we should see.
Glad the triangle will be DONE!!
I hope that Elizabeth follows her heart and not pick someone who is a safe option.
I wish Faith were leaving instead of Carson. Also, I think there will be lots of set up for problems with the school board and Elizabeth. Also, I want more little Jack scenes but i don't think we'll get much since child acting laws and covid combined make that difficult
Excited for Elizabeth to move on from her past and enter a new adventure with either of the two men and really just everything else (Rosie and Lee, Fiona, Henry.)
I hope Faith doesn’t end up with whoever doesn’t get chosen by Elizabeth.
hopefully the finale will clear up the drawn out love triangle
The triangle was waaaaay drawn out. Be done and choose.
Nathan and Faith......would be great......
No matter who Elizabeth chooses I'm SOOOO READY to get this over with!
Kindness matters - no matter who she chooses. Isn't that why most of us watch the show
I am so over the love triangle and just want to know who Elizabeth picks.
Worried about the fandom more than anything
Elizabeth please pick Nathan
It's just a TV show and no matter what , it's there for our entertainment. I do think they're setting things up for the return of Abigail in some way.
The must be a Season 9!!!
I hope Fiona does not get involved with Mike.
Hopefully things get back to normal for Elizabeth and Rosemary
Interested to see the other storylines. I want Elizabeth to choose Nathan but I think JT will throw us off. From the promo pic, it looks like they will try to put Faith with Nathan.
- I just want Elizabeth to chose so that this storyline can come to an end and we can finally get to see her marriage and functioning has a wife. - Wonder what will become of Lucas once her choice is made. - I would like Lucas to have a proper storyline that doesn't involve Elizabeth or the love triangle. - I would love to see Rosemary and Lee finally become parents however that may happen. I feel like the writer just left them in limbo about it and keep teasing but never delivering on anything.
Hopefully will end with Nathan but the very last minute. I would prefer more romance before the finale
Elizabeth will have to decide on what’s important with school.
Jack might make an appearance in a dream scene?
So excited! I hope I don't wake up my kids while watching.
I hope they don’t pick Lucas
Just excited for this to be over. I know we needed it and I think overall it was handled decent enough, but I'm glad to finally move on.
Why is everyone so scared?
The whole season has been about getting over your fear. Elizabeth doesn’t have to deal with her emotions or real life with Lucas because school is out for the summer and she is working on her book. She needs to make up with Rosemary and get over the loss of Jack and fear to be with Nathan.
this season has been totally not what I expected...I thought the hug at end of season 7 was definitive and we'd get at least some Nathan courtship, not a complete U-turn to Lucas (with hopefully a turn to Nathan at the very end). I now think Season 9 will be what I expected season 8 to be, and I am very much looking forward to that.
Something sudden will allow Elizabeth to bring her feelings to light for everyone...Nathan. I think she will have decided by the time she takes of the rings, but will not have the opportunity to share with the man until later. Until she faces the prospect of him being in danger again? Full circle from the end of S7.
I need Elizabeth to really apologize to Rosemary. Rosemary has always been there for Elizabeth.
I’m so afraid :(
Hated the triangle
I am so ready to finally move on from this triangle!
They put waaaay too many storyline in the last 2 episodes, they will never manage to conclude them all and we'll have another weird random cliffhanger which will not tie in with the Christmas episode (If we're getting one ?)
I hope the guy who loses, has a good life in later seasons
The annoying love triangle will finally end. Elizabeth/Nathan are endgame, unless Jack suddenly comes back from the dead. But, I doubt it. I hope Lee/Rosemary are pregnant, or decide to adopt children. I just want Lee/Rosemary to have children. Can't wait to see how this season ends. Hopefully, it won't be a cliffhanger.
Nervous as hell
Elizabeth and Nathan get married
i kinda hope someone dies tbh it would make everything more interesting
Elizabeth was so tiresome this season, they could have told her story of overcoming grief in a much more relatable way. Why did they not just have her talking to Rosemary about how sad or exhausted or numb or angry she feels all the time? You know, something a widow would actually go through. At the very least she could have been stoic, instead she was just kinda bitchy.
Faith and Nathan will have some sparks; Elizabeth will choose Lucas and they will kiss twice one being at bridge one being at her home inside with baby jack present.Carson will leave; Jessie will be found; Ned will come back safely.
Lucas endgame, Nathan and faith have sparks, Rosemary paper, Jessie and Clara make up.
I think Henry will take his own advice and leave to find Abigail to see if there is still any hope for them. Though I like his character, I want him to finally be happy, and if that means staying with Abigail, then that’s what it means. I don’t think TPTB will bring back Lori soooo.... that means Henry would be the one possibly leaving. I also think some scare will happen with Nathan between him and the Pinkertons. Then it may come full circle at the end where Elizabeth runs to him like she did last season, but instead of hugging him, she’ll kiss him instead.
Hallmark execs dictated ending and will cut salaries to bring back Abigail, hence Paul leaving.
My condolences to whichever guy gets to look forward to being bored by Elizabeth for the rest of his life. Are we sure Jack's death wasn't a suicide?
Ready to see how it ends and already looking forward to next season!
I will be really disappointed if she chooses Lucas but I’m afraid that’s where it’s headed. Either way I don’t understand how they’ll end in “the healthy place” they’ve said it will be with so much left for one episode.
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aaronhart93 · 4 years
text || aarotin
Discord text thread featuring: Aaron & @quentindelancret
When: January 22nd, early morning into early evening
Mentions: @romanbeckett @davieslandon
Description: Aaron and Quentin fight about Quentin’s drug addiction 
Trigger Warnings: addiction mentions, arguing
you okay baby?
I haven’t heard from you and I just wanted to check in. I love you
I love you too and miss you
Des has just been cranky all night.
oh man, I’m sorry baby. Is there anything I can do to help? I know it’s late but I can bring breakfast in the morning or anything you need
I think she's sick
i have to play the morning by ear. Depends on how she wakes up
okay baby. I hope she’s not sick though. Just let me know and I’ll help out any way that I can
thank you baby. I miss you
I miss you toooo
miss you more
Impossible. I’ve been thinking about you all day. I miss your scent
you have my hoodies. put one on babe
are you at home?
I already did
I am home. I’m supposed to go snuggle Romie but Delilah brought over drugs and now I’m too hyper for life lol
oooo yeah i was gonna ask you to go check on him...but it's okay
I will. I’m just trying to chill out for a minute. He’s gonna leave a key for me
I mean if you’re high...maybe just stay home
uhmm okay
i just dont want you leaving the house so late
I know
I’m sorry
i just....if you knew you were going to go over to his place to take care of him...why would you get high
I didn’t know exactly. He said he was gonna sleep but then he couldn’t, and Delilah was upset and I told her she could come over and talk. Then she had coke and I just... I’m sorry
please don’t be mad at me
im not mad im just
feel some type of way about it
about the coke?
not necessarily. the fact that our partner is sick....you knew i had des tonight so couldn't go over there...i guess i just figured you'd be a little more responsible
it's okay...i dont want you to be worrying about these things anyway
ill take care of both of you.
I can be responsible Aaron. I thought he was gonna sleep. I’m still gonna go over there and take care of him. You both come before anything else for me and I’m sorry I misstepped. But I’m not gonna just leave him hanging.
even if he fell asleep and woke up and needed something...seriously though. i want you to have fun and live your life, im sorry i brought it up
Aaron.. stop it. What is going on with you? I’m fine. I can go over there right now. But you seem... on edge. Are you okay?
I wanna have fun and live my life with you and Roman. I fucked up okay? But I feel like there is something else nothing you
i fought with Landon the other day
Des might be sick
work sucked today and im stressed about Ro
im sorry
baby, I’m sorry. I know the whole Landon situation sucks. I wish I could fix it for you. I know I made things shittier before but I don’t wanna do that. I wanna be here for you. I can come see you after I check on Roman? Help you with Des and give you a massage. I’m worried about you
I’m coming. I won’t take no for an answer. I’m gonna give you a massage and get you in bed. Then I’ll go see Romie. I wanna be there for you both
Quentin, I love you. and thank you....I don't know how to tell you this but...I don't want you around Des if you've been using tonight.
Fine, I’m not gonna argue with you. See you tomorrow then?
I’m sorry
im not mad
It’s okay. I understand.
I love you
dont be upset
of course I’m upset. I want to be there for you and I can’t
im okay, Q.
that’s not the point
I’m sorry I fucked up. I know you don’t want an addict around Des and that’s my fault
you're sick, i can help you
I’m sick?
addiction...its a diseae
wow, Aaron.
yeah, I don’t wanna talk about this right now
you...brought it up...
yeah, I know. I guess I just didn’t really think you would agree with me
that i dont want someone on drugs around Des? Quentin...
you are making this into something it isnt
no, that you think I’m sick and need help.
I understand you not wanting me around Des. But it’s not like I’d ever hurt her
i know you would never and I'd never keep her from you
just sober up...and we'll talk in the morning i guess
I don’t even know what to say
I’m just sorry I’ve been such a burden.
yeah, we will talk tomorrow
back up
you're not a burden
Quentin, stop making things up in your head
I feel like I have been.
I don’t wanna add any more stress for you
Quentin, listen to me.
i cannot live without you.
I’m just sorry
dont be. im sorry i was harsh
it’s fine.
I love you
i love you too. bring me breakfast in the morning??
of course. Let me know if you need any cough medicine or anything when Des gets up
thank you, my love
anytime. Goodnight baby
early evening...
I’m sorry about last night
I’m trying to do better
it was my fault. Don’t worry about it
it wasn’t your fault. You told me how it is and I’ll fix it
good talk
well do you wanna keep talking about it
Nope, I really don’t.
I don’t know what else to say because I don’t either
I’ll just leave you alone
or like we could talk about literally anything else
I missed you today, okay?
yeah, I missed you too
like a lot
I pulled Des from school and had a day with her
it was nice
that sounds fun
it was
I’ll let you get back to it then
oh okay
I love you
you too
I’m sorry okay?
it’s fine. I’m really just moody today.
I’m trying to stay away from the happy pills ya know?
I don’t want you to do something that you’re not ready for. If you aren’t ready to stay off of them, then it’s okay
the thing is Aaron, I’m never gonna be ready. I take molly literally every day. Most times people can’t even tell it’s that bad.  But I know it bothers you and Roman and I’m done
that’s brave
and makes me happy. That’s one of the reasons i know you love me
of course I love you
I know
I’m just so sick of disappointing you
I’m not going anywhere okay?
I’m serious
are you mad at me
no I’m not mad. I just don’t feel like we’re as close as we used to be
because of an argument?
No not because of an argument Aaron
because you just seem distant all the time
im sorry. It’s not on purpose
it’s fine
how can I be better
I’m just gonna take a few days to myself
oh okay
I don’t want to make anything worse by staying here
I get so all over the place with my emotions and without drugs I’m scared of what I might say or do
maybe tell your doctor? For medicine?
I don’t have a doctor
and I don’t want one honestly
they just make me relive shit I don’t want to and that isn’t gonna help anything
I can get you into a primary care doctor with no issue
not a therapist. Just a regular doctor
Quentin. What have I done wrong? It’s obviously something
you didn’t do anything. It’s just me.
tell me how I can help
my expectations and my delusions of how I thought things would be. It’s fine, I’ll handle it, I’ll make it better
how did you think things would be?
well what can we do better baby
I will do anything for you
it’s not you. I’m pretty sure it’s all me
ya know.. how I get in my head and shit
what can I do for you when you get in your head
to help
I don’t know. You can’t fix me. It doesn’t work like that
I’m just, I’m tired.
well now I’m scared
of what?
don’t be scared Aaron. I love you. I just, I can’t see you right now. But soon.. okay?
two days. That’s it.
where are you going
why can’t you see me
I’m just gonna go see my brother I think. Maybe fix things with him.
I can’t see you because I know if I do I’ll change my mind about taking some time away
but it’s okay, I wanna see you. Come see me
alright I’m coming
good. I love you
I love you so fucking much
the feeling is very mutual baby
I promise it’s gonna be okay. Alright? I just need to get my head right
and it’s not your fault.
its me, I swear it’s me. That sounds cliche but it really is. I’m gonna fix it
I mean, honestly. All I can think about right now is how I wanna jump on you when I see you and never let go. But I need to stop being so closed off. I know that just makes you closed off and then I blame you. But it’s not you. You just .. you have this effect on me that really scares the shit out of me
is that effect a bad thing?
I don’t know. Is it?
I don’t know. Is it a good scare or bad scare
how do I scare you?
It’s like... you’re so out of my league and I don’t wanna do or say anything to make you leave. I’m like, I’m a lot, and I know I can be. It just scares me that makes I’m too much sometimes
I am not out of your league.
you are 1 of 2 of the hottest men in Kingsboro and I have both of them lol
you are totally out of my league. You’re like, God, I can’t even put you into words. Then there’s me. Partying, acting crazy, doing stupid shit. Idk. It’s like I’m an embarrassment next to you. But I mean, if I’m that hot I must not be so bad lol
you’re also like.. so hot! I can’t breathe lol
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luciferpens · 4 years
Birthday Sweetness || Wesley & Raye
What: Raye’s birthday surprises; Making things official and cute presents. Basically its just fluff.  Where: Wesley’s place When: July 16, 2020
Raye was turning thirty, and there was no way that Wesley was going to allow himself to miss it. If the two of them were going to move forward, then they had to just embrace their present instead of dwelling on the past. So, that was what had him text her asking if she had plans for her birthday around dinner. When she’d accepted spending it with him, Wesley had asked her to come over to his house at around seven. Typically he’d have picked her up, but it just so happened that day he had a job off the isle. If he was going to get everything else ready and pick up her gifts, then he’d never make it to picking the voice actress up. When he heard the knock on his door, Wesley was just pulling the dough he’d prepped earlier out and placing it on the island. “Coming,” he called out as he wiped his hands with a towel before heading towards the door. “Hey birthday girl,” he greeted. “Come on in and embrace the thirties.” After debating what he should do for maybe five seconds, Wesley leaned down and gave her a kiss. Pretending like they weren’t going to try and work towards fixing things would do neither of them any good. Plus, it was a celebration!
It had been a surprise to get a text from Wesley about her birthday; sure they had talked, they had kissed and were on speaking terms…. And sure she had fallen asleep on his chest that night and she didn’t know what that actually meant for them. Yet somehow the text still had caught her off guard and made her heart flutter. She quickly responded that no she didn’t have any plans, they had only plans during the day with her friends and sister, and that yes, she would love to spend dinner with him. When he told her to meet up at his house she just went along with it, not having any idea what he had planned. Dressed simply in some black jeans, a striped black and green shirt, hair up in a messy bun she stood outside his house and smiled and knocked on the door. Seeing Wesley instantly brought a bright smile to her face, and his sweet tone only made it better. “I don’t want to embrace my thirties, I liked my twenties.” she playfully whined only to stop when she felt his lips on hers. She let her eyes close and returned the kiss. "I could get used to that again,” she said as her eyes fluttered back open. “So -- what’s this big idea you had? You were vague over texts.”
“You’ll rock your thirties. I mean, I make it look awesome, don’t I,” he asked teasingly as he led her further into the home. “You know, we can make that a regular thing,” Wesley responded in regards to the kiss. While they could dance around things for awhile, that wasn’t how either of them operated. For first timers maybe, but both of them had loved each other for years. The night he hoped started them back on a path towards happiness. He wasn’t naive enough to think they could immediately pick up where they left off because life didn’t work that way, but Wesley was ready to put in the work. A smile formed on his lips when she asked what they were doing that evening. “It’s good that you wore comfortable clothes,” he teased first. Building suspense was always fun. “Still, I got a birthday girl apron for you because I don’t want you to stain anything.” As he spoke, he held up the apron that he’d brought her and shook it slightly. “Well, first we’re going to make pizzas for dinner, and then we move to opening presents.” Yeah, presents. The silly apron was only part one of three.
Raye rolled her eyes as she followed him deeper into the house, unconsciously following where he stepped, unsure of whatever traps Mira may have laid around the house. "I can't lie, you make your thirties look fantastic. I guess it wont be that bad if I can make it as good as you" she chuckled as her cheeks slowly warmed. "Oh? We can?" she asked eyebrows shooting upwards, "I wouldn't mind that one bit." She added a moment later. And really, she wouldn't. Being with Wesley, being around him and kissing him felt like home. It felt right and brought her a sense of peace she hadn't had since -- well since she had left him. She glanced down at her clothes then back up at him, brow furrowed and a slight frown on her lips, but when she heard apron her eyes shot towards the kitchen then back to him. "Apron?" she asked realizing that meant they were cooking something. But when she actually took in the apron she froze in place. There on the apron was the logo of a video game she had lent her voice too and was that the character she lent her voice to peeking out of the pocket? Yup. There was the talking -- creature she had spent six months voicing throughout the open world game. "You got me an apron with Morgana on it?" she laughed "That's the sweetest thing."  she took the apron from him and slid it over her head quickly tying it around her waist as he spoke. "We're making our own pizzas?!" She said clapping her hands together rather excited, "And you got me presents? Wes. You didn't need to do any of this you know... But thank you."
“You’re always beautiful, and I don’t see that changing. Plus, you really don’t look thirty. If someone looks at you and guesses you’re thirty, they’re lying out of their ass or cheated,” he said honestly. The woman looked like she’d barely aged a day since they had first started dating, so he doubted entering a new decade would be any different. “Um, yeah,” he said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. “I mean, I’ve been kissing you, holding you, and wanting to take care of you. That treatment is only for significant others. Should I have used my words to make that more clear?” In his mind, it had been obvious. The idea of asking her to be his girlfriend or fiancé again seemed silly. Like, which did he ask? She still had the ring after all. It was too complicated. Wesley was always proud of the work that Raye did. Even when they weren’t together anymore, he’d done his best to keep up with her career and support it. “I played the game and loved it,” he said honestly. “When I saw this,  I just had to get it for you. It helped that it went well with tonight too.” He couldn’t help but smile at Raye’s excitement as he pulled out the dough that had been proving. The flour was already on the island along with his surface tablet to show them the YouTube video on how to make the pies. “Its your birthday. Of course I did. So, I learned that using a rolling pin is a big foul, so we gotta stretch the dough into a circle with our hands.”
Her cheeks warmed at the compliment, Wesley always knew how to make a girl feel special and adored. She had missed that the past year away from him, had missed his silly jokes and sweet words, no one she had met in her life compared to his ridiculousness or his kindness. She scrunched her nose and smiled at him as she laughed, "Or they're psychic. Could be one of our demi-god friends who can read our minds or something." she chimed in. She paused in her movements when she heard his explanation. "Wesley!" she laughed shaking her head, "I never want to make assumptions, so yes, using your words to be clear about where we stand I dont want to say one thing and you mean something else and then get wires crossed when talking to mutual friends. I don't want to assume we're one thing then hear from your sister or someone else that thats not what you actually meant." she said with a roll of her eyes. "Really! I'm so proud of you!" she chuckled. "And i'm glad you liked it, they'll appreciate knowing they have more fans out there." she still kept up with most of her former bosses, partly to see if they had more work, but mostly because they were always doing interesting things. "Well, I appreciate it" she said pressing a kiss to his cheek. "Its a foul to use a pin for pizza.. good to know. I have a feeling I'm going to end up punching a hole in mine." she said as she poked the fluffy dough.
”Being around all these demigods can be a big intrusion of privacy sometimes,” he said with a shake of his head. A lot of them were jokers too, so using their powers to mess with on another was definitely something that could happen. Wesley had been guilty of adjusting someone’s strength so they couldn’t pick up simple things or pulled a door handle too hard. It was hilarious. “Oh, words, right,” he said with a smirk and a nod of his head. “Well, then I guess we need to have a discussion which should be easier because I want to be with you so no fear of rejection or anything.” Not having to worry about being hurt always made things much lighter. Plus, after handling a much harder conversation and coming out pretty unscathed, they should be able to tackle anything. “You were my fiancé. Where do you see us picking up? I mean, do you want to be my girlfriend and put the ring back on when you’re ready or be a fiancé?” So complicated. That was why he didn’t like words. 
Wesley bowed in thanks to her praise because being silly was always his default mode. “You know I follow anything you’re in, so anyone that hires you has me as a fan.” It wasn’t so much about the game or anything else as much as it was him loving seeing his girl’s work. “Probably, but we’ll both fumble through it. The mess ups are part of the fun,” he said as he poured some flour onto the island. “I have toppings too. Pepperoni, olives, basil, peppers, sausage, and stuff like that for us to mess with.”
A laugh escaped Raye as she nodded her head, "You're not wrong." she hugged, "Their powers mess with to many of us." she shook her head thinking on the fact that if she had just -- not listened to Ava she would have been fine and her life... her life would be totally different right now. She quickly pushed that thought far and deep deep down. Today was her birthday not a day to think about the sadness.  "Yes, words" she teased scrunching her nose and shaking her head at him, she instantly smiled though and listened to him as he talked. "A discussion..." she nodded as she moved to pick up her little pile of dough and started to play with it. "Obviously there's no risk of rejection here." she said as she rolled it into a ball. "I --- I mean, in a perfect simple world, where we left off, but " she looked down then back up to him, "Girlfriend is for sure a good place to start. I didn't want to assume you'd keep up with anything I did after how we left things." she said pursing her lips but smiling, "I honestly figured you hated me for the past year." she continued as she tried to stretch her dough out. "Play the video lets try getting these pies made before my stomach makes its own album" Raye said just as her stomach started to growl. "Ohh good toping choices. We can make some yummy pizza."
”I mean, I’ve definitely pulled a few pranks, but being on the receiving end of it is not fun,” he whined slightly. For some that would make them rethink committing the pranks in the first place, but not Wes. All that told him was that he had to be on even more high alert to not be caught off guard. Hitting play on the video, he listened to the instructions and tried to use his hands and gravity do the work of stretching the dough. The guy made it look easy, but it so wasn’t going to be. Wesley just knew it. “Girlfriend it is,” he said with a smile. ”As long as you’re my girl, then I’m happy.” That was really all he needed to know. Everything else would sort itself out. After about three tries with the dough, he finally made a sort of decent circle with no holes in his pie. That was the win he was going to go with. ”So, not wanting this to take like three hours, I made the sauce that we’ll be using earlier,” he told her as he gestured towards the pot on the stove. It had cooled down which was good since it was going to go into the oven. ”As for hating you, I could never. I was hurt and angry, but I didn’t have it in me to hate you. Plus, that wouldn’t have made things easier. It just would have replaced the sadness with another all encompassing emotion that would be just as heavy.” In all his years the only person he ever hated was his mother’s first husband. Wesley didn’t even give him the decency of calling him a dad.
"Oh, what pranks have you pulled prank master?" she asked in a teasing voice as she watched the man explain stretching the dough. “How does he make it look so simple...” she muttered already having broken a hole in hers. Which caused her to rereoll it into a ball and try again. As Wesley spoke her cheeks warmed up and she smiled. "Well then you'll be happy to know that I'm all yours for as long as you want me," she said leaning over and placing a kiss on his cheek. It was so easy to slip back into their old ways, to just be themselves without the worries and fears, and honestly, that by itself was the best birthday present she could ask for. Raye was on her fourth try and puffed out her cheeks before finally getting a circle. "Stupid dough" she grumbled. She watched as he moved towards the stove and pulled out the sauce, "Smells yummy." she said getting a good whiff of it as it was set down. She took the ladle and poured some of the sauce onto her pizza before scooping more and looking to him "How much?" she asked offering to ladle it out for him. "Then, I'm glad you never slipped into that side of a breakup. Made this much easier..." she said after pouring his sauce. "Otherwise I would have returned and tried to break down all your walls and that would have been a pain, but I would have done it." Raye gave him a tiny smirk knowing that she would have figure out how to get passed the walls even if he had hated her.
Wesley smirked as he thought about the pranks he pulled. ”Oh, you know. I just recently made some delivery boy’s strength evaporate so much for a second that he couldn’t pick up the tiny box he was going to deliver. It was pretty hilarious,” he said with a chuckle looking back at the memory. Wesley wanted to say, “then forever,” in return to her words, but they’d just decided to start as boyfriend and girlfriend. That was proposal talk, which was hard to bit down on because he’d already done it before. It was all so weird. Still, he could handle a little bit of weird. ”Good. Just make sure you talk to me even if things are scary, okay? Then we’ll be fine. This whole thing will be something we look back on as what made us stronger one day.” He paused, “Thanks, babe,” he said as he smiled proudly. He’d come a long way from only being able to make grilled cheese dinners when he was eighteen. Thankfully, the community cooking classes offered at the university were a huge help. ”Um, the in between of extra sauce, and a little sauce. So, like Goldilocks portion.” There really was no better way to explain it. Fortunately their pies didn’t look like they’d be too thick which was good. He wasn’t a deep dish pizza guy. ”The idea of hating you is weird. I mean, I was really pissed at you and hurt for awhile when I was stuck in the hospital, but I can’t hold on to all of that for long. I’m just glad you came back,” he said honestly as he moved back to the island and pulled out all the different toppings they could choose from. He’d put them each in bowls, so it was easy for them to have access to all of the options. ”I didn’t ask, but where are you staying since coming back?” If she was staying in the same rundown kind of apartment as Gianna, he was seriously going to riot and complain to whatever board he needed to. Gianna had kept him at bay for a long time, but having two people he cared about there would drive him nuts.
Her mouth fell open as her eyebrows shot upwards. She let out a surprised little gasp and then shook her head as she punched his side. “Wesley! That’s so rude that poor boy” she said almost sounding truly offended, but the smile on her lips was a dead give away to the fact she was joking. “I will for sure talk to you about anything that freaks me out — or in any way involves you.” she said with a little nod. She works never make that mistake again. Besides, she wanted his opinion on everything anyways. It just made their lives so much better if they were just on the same page. “I like to think it’s already making us a stronger couple” She gave him a playful look “ Did you practice a lot while I was gone?” she asked as she tasted the sauce. “It tastes a bit — sweeter” she paused, licked a bit more off the tip of her finger, frowned, and looked at him. “missing something.” she said before leaning in on him and placing a small kiss to his cheek, then taking another taste test of the sauce. “Ah much better, you’re the sweetness,” she said tossing him a wink before she went back to smoothing out her sauce on the dough. “What’s that old saying, if you love something -- set it free?” she glanced to him “Well I set you free and you set me free and yet, we ended up back together. I guess that just means I’m yours” she winked and pulled out some cheese laying it ontop. “Oh, I rented a little apartment near the center of town, three-bedroom place, Delilah lives there with me, the third room is a makeshift studio.” she explained, she didn’t hate the place, but it wasn’t as nice as where they lived before everything happened. And it was nowhere near as nice as this.  "You'll have to come over and see it"
Wesley waved off the concern and laughed. ”He’s fine! Builds character,” he joked back. ”Everyone needs to learn to laugh at themselves anyway.” People were often way too serious about themselves and life in general. There was a balance in being a prankster, a fine line between being a a jackass and a break from the seriousness of life. ”Then, you’re right. With that alone, we’re already much stronger,” he replied with a wink as she worked beside Raye to get their dinner in the oven. One of the things he’d missed so much from his girlfriend was how affectionate and sappy she could be. It wasn’t something everyone knew, but man, she had the ability to be incredibly corny when she wanted to be. ”I’ve missed how sappy you can be,” he teased lightly as he put cheese and pepperoni on his pizza. Wesley waited for Raye to be done decorating her pie before carefully maneuvering both of them into the oven. After quickly setting a timer, he leaned against the counter and chuckled lightly. ”Good because I didn’t like the whole being without you experience. Tried it and can comfortably say no thanks.” They had about twelve minutes until the pies were ready, so Wesley moved towards the bar to start making them something to drink. ”I’ll go over whenever you want me. What are you feeling to drink tonight?”
Raye just shook her head once more rolling her eyes at her boyfriend -- boyfriend. The idea of even thinking of Wesley her boyfriend and not fiance was odd. But she brushed the idea further back into her mind and smiled at him. His wink though made her blush and she slapped at his arm a smile still on her face. “Oh you haven’t seen half of it. It’s been a long while since I’ve been able to be sappy, you’re about to get months worth of sap” she said, placing some toppings, mostly pepperoni and jalapenos on her pizza before happily stepping back and admiring how nice her pizza looked. “I haven’t ever actually made my own pizza before.” she chuckled. . She watched as he moved their pizza into the oven and smiled brightly at him. His little smile and laugh had her stomach flipping as he looked at her but as he spoke her stomach felt like it was filled with butterflies. A feeling she hadn’t felt in a long time as well. “I can safely say it sucked too. So yeah, no thanks to that ever again.” she smiled moving to kiss his cheek. She watched as he moved to the bar and smiled. “Feel free to swing by whenever you’re near by the police department.” she then quickly explained the building and street name before smiling. “Surprise me -- but preferably something with rum in it.” she said. “So, pizza, jokes, some flirting and spending time with you, gotta say this is shaping up to be the best birthday ever.”
Wesley chuckled again at the woman and shook his head slightly at her antics. One of his favorite things about the two of them was that whenever they were around one another they were always laughing and having a good time. They could be doing something extravagant or something simple like making dinner, but they would make sure it was a great time either way. ”Should I start calling you maple or pine,” he joked lamely as he worked on making her a rum punch drink. He happened to have a lot of tropical juices in the house, so it worked out nicely. If only he was super fancy and had pineapple glasses. ”Me either, but we both like pizza enough to have it every once in awhile, so I figured it would be like most things and taste better from scratch.” There was very little foods that didn’t taste better when they were home cooked rather than ordered from a restaurant. ”Excuse ma’am, I’m a good boy and am never near the police department,” he teased. ”I can go out of my way though to visit a pretty lady. Plus, I haven’t seen Delilah in forever.” With both drinks done, he moved back towards the island and placed on in front of Raye before taking a sip of his own. It was more fruity than his usual taste, but he could work with it. ”You haven’t even gotten all of your presents yet. There are two left.” Wesley then placed his drink down and moved to stand behind Raye and wrap his arms around her. ”Have you gotten smaller,” he asked with a smile as he rested his chin on her head.
Raye gasped in the most dramatic fashion she could, a hand to her chest, ever so slightly curled in on her self and mouth agape. “How could you call me anything other than Maple!” She laughed now, “I’m as delicious as Maple syrup. Pines smell good but meh -- their sap isn’t yummy.” she said as a smile slid back over her red lips. “We should make it more often in the future. It’s been fun -- but you have to teach me how you made the dough and the sauce. I want to help make it totally from scratch next time.” she said as she watched him make the drinks. . She gave him a look that said she didn’t believe him at all but smiled anyways. “You could still be over that way to go to King and Daisy’s or the museum!” she said with a roll of her eyes. “It’s not like this island is big.” she added a moment later. “Good, I’m sure Delilah will be thrilled to see you and to find out were back together.” she said knowing that when she went home to see her sister they would end up having a long talk about all this. She picked up her drink and took a small sip before letting out a happy moan. “Yum” she said, “Oh -- wait three?” she asked her eyes growing wide. “You didn’t tell me that!” She squeaked, “I mean I guess I should have assumed there was more you did say presents plural. But... What are they! I'm so curious now” she trailed off and shook her head, She glanced up at him and glared. “No you’re just a giant! You must have grown.”
”I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Maple is all that you shall be called,” he said with a slight bow. If there was one thing they did, it was highlight how ridiculous they could be. Although, she also took it a step further into sexual mode with her next words, and Wesley genuinely had to close his eyes and count to ten to not go there too much. If he did, he’d say screw dinner really quickly. ”We’re going to touch back on you tasting like maple syrup later after dinner and gift giving,” he said with all the implications of a promise. If she’d let him, Wesley would not at all object to going there. They’d spend so long without one another that he’d be lying if he hadn’t thought about it. ”That will mean us spending more time together, and I’m always happy with that, so yes. Whenever you want, babe. Just let me know.” Wesley nodded his head in agreement. ”I’ll probably be by the furniture spot because that’s Gianna’s ex/current guy’s business. It’s a complicated story,” he said with a shake of his head. ”I’m happy your sister is a fan of me. Now we just got to work on your dad, and we’ll be in business. Lucky for you, I’m pretty sure Ares couldn’t care less who I end up with.” His dad had been much more involved in his life than many other demigods’ parents, but caring about his love life was not a topic they talked about. As long as Wesley was happy, then his dad was cool. As she realized just how many presents there were, the timer went off, and he moved to take the pizzas out of the oven. While they weren’t perfect circles by any means, they definitely looked delicious. ”You’ll see them after dinner, or we can do them before if you want,” he said with a shrug. He was focused on moving the pies from the pans onto plates and getting them cut into eight slices. When done, he moved them towards the small dining table and smiled as Raye brought over their drinks. ”What do you think” Wesley asked as he held Raye’s seat out for her.
Raye wiggled happily and smiled at Wesley, “Good.” she chuckled. It was so refreshing to be back to ridiculousness and playful things like they used to do. Seeing him close his eyes and a couple of moments of silence passed between them, Raye raised a single eyebrow and smirked. “You okay there hot stuffs?” She asked. “Oh oh really? After dinner?” She said, looking him up and down a smirk still lingering. “So far away but fine.” Raye said dramatically, letting her body slack a bit as she talked. She had thought about him a lot and being bcak with him in that way -- but she would never push that, not after being the one to leave in the first place. “Maybe I can make us some pie, you know, actual pie, one day too. Show you how to make a crust, how to make all the filling…” was she willingly making small sexual references? Yes. It was to much fun. 
“Sounds…. Complicated… You’ll have to tell me the story sometime.” she said with a little nod, “She is, but your sister … I doubt is a big fan of me. I need to try and fix that.” she sighed shaking her head. Raye knew that Gianna was bound to hate her for a while, but she just hoped that one of these days Gianna would become more chill with her. “My dad will come around though, when he realizes you make me happy.” she smiled, “Especially once I smack him with a newspaper for being a jerk.” Raye huffed and watched as he pulled the pizza out of the oven. The smell instantly filling the house and she licked her lips. “I can do whatever you were planning hun.” she shrugged right back as he cut the pizza. She set the drinks down on the table and grinned at him as her seat was pulled out. “Thank you” she said taking a seat, “I think we did a pretty good job for our first time!” she clapped. “I just wish they were cool enough we could eat without burning ourselves.” she laughed but picked up her wine glass and looked to him, “To us figuring shit out and becoming a couple again.” she smiled.
The look on Raye’s face told him that she knew exactly where his mind went  which made him roll his eyes lightly at the woman. ”Totally cool. Just having a highlight reel go off in my head, but you know, that’s nothing to complain about,” he answered back easily. Both of them were very open people, and when it came to their attraction to one another that was only exasperated ten fold. ”After dinner and your gifts because I know you’ll love what I got you.” Since they’d ironed out what they were together, Wesley really didn’t see the point in taking too many steps backwards. They weren’t picking up where they left off, but there was no way anything would be able to cool them both down completely. However, it seemed his girlfriend was determined to make it nearly impossible for them to make it through dinner. ”You’re a giant tease, you know that? Wait til I get you back.” Wesley was more of a tease during the act than anything else. He’d delay things as much as possible until his girlfriend was almost begging which Raye knew all too well.
Wesley knew things were awkward between the two women, but he believed that it would sort itself out. ”I told her what happened because she was here to help me wrap my mind around everything. She understands more now, and I’m sure things will be easier to move forward. I know my sister, and she just wants me happy and safe.” That was all they both wanted for one another. As long as the other was taken care of then they trusted their judgement with partners. It was a relief really that neither one had to worry about ridiculous significant other expectations. Parents could be nuts about that. Wesley laughed in his seat across from her at the small table. ”Only you would get away with hitting the God of the underworld with a newspaper so go for it.” Wesley and Ares had never really fought. The God didn’t act like a traditional father figure and trusted his son to figure most things out on his own. When Raye lifted the glass to toast, Wesley smiled and lightly clinked his against hers. ”And to a much brighter future.”
Raye chuckled and picked up a slice of her pizza as they talked, her eyes lingering on Wesley for just a moment as he rolled his eyes.  “Enjoy that highlight reel -- and keep in mind I started working out more in the past year since I knew I was going to physically be on screen,” she said with a little smirk and a wiggle of her eyebrows. “Oh you think your presents are so good I’m gonna wanna jump your bones?” she asked but kept a smirk on her lips. “I mean, the presents are gonna have to be really, really good to get me to jump you.” she said in her most serious tone, though it was a total lie. She’d jump his bones now if she could. “Try and get me back then” she winked ready to play the game of who could tease the other the most. . But she nodded her head at the conversation of Gianna. “I’m glad to hear that. But I know you,” she paused looking at him. “Don’t feel bad for telling anyone what happened to me.” she continued, “Especially your sister or your best friends.” she said reaching out and rubbing his arm but flashed him a smile. “The god of the underworld is a fucking nerd who needs to be smacked in the head with a newspaper.” she said and then took a sip of her drink “Much much brighter and I’m sure with bells in our future sooner than later.” She said with a little wink and a smile before picking up another slice of pizza and groaned “The dough and the sauce is so good.”
At Raye’s words, Wesley let his head fall back against the back of the dining room chair and groaned. That was not what he needed to hear in order to keep himself cool throughout dinner. His girlfriend was always hot. Literally, the computer engineer rarely bragged about anyone more than the voice actress for both her physical appearance and brains. So, the idea that she thinks her body could look even better was tempting to say the least, but there was one gift in particular he wanted to get to before he scratched the rest of the night and carried her to the bedroom. ”You know damn well I can’t hold out on you at all, so stop being mean. I already think you’re the most beautiful woman in the world, so you implying that you think your body looks better is cruel. New rule, no giving me a hard on before gifts.” He stayed quiet on the gift though and just smiled. There was no way he was giving anything away about either present. ”You’ll have to wait and see.” 
Wesley finished his second slice of his pizza as he listened to Ray talk. While he didn’t like disclosing too much of their personal life, he knew that both of them had the same belief system with family. Fortunately, they liked one another’s family and friends, so there wasn’t any awkwardness or problems. ”You know I’m not a guy to disclose a lot of serious talk, but to those that need to know, I talked about it. Really only Gianna and Mira.” The latter lived with him and had very much noticed how off he’d been once he heard everything. Now, he was still sad about it, he figured a part of him always would be, but his focus was also divided with wanting to see what he could find out about the disappearances. The moment his little sister got upset, it was game on to him. ”I’m glad you like it,” he replied genuinely happy that the plan had gone well. While he wasn’t too worried because he had years of knowledge and experience with Raye to go off of, there were some jitters. The rest of dinner was filled with small talk, teasing, and playful banter as they finished their pizzas and drinks. Wesley was relieved with how simple it was for them to get back into a small rhythm as he moved dishes back into the kitchen. As Raye insisted on rinsing them, he placed them in the dishwasher. Within five minutes the kitchen was clean again which led to him taking Raye’s hand and leading her to the living room. On the coffee table were two small boxes, and he handed one over once his girlfriend was situated. ”Go on. This one first.”
She couldn’t help but smirk at his reaction to her comment on working out. After the attack, the loss, Raye had been working on making herself better either emotionally, physically or mentally a little bit every day. She vowed that since her little one never had the chance to better the world that she would make sure she at least, bettered herself in hopes that she could better the world. But she smiled at Wesley, gave him a wink as she wrinkled her nose. “oh trust me, I know you can’t hold out. It’s what makes it so fun. Your inability to keep it in your pants when I’ve been teasing you just makes it all the more fun. Delayed gratification and all” she mused “But fine! No more teasing.” she huffed crossing her arms. Though it only stayed that way for a moment before she uncrossed and started to eat. She nodded her head as he spoke about Gianna and Mira. 
As their night and dinner continued on it was so easy to fall back to old habits, old comforts and ways. She leaned on him as they talked, playfully shoved food in his face when they joked and happily helped clean up. She placed her hands on her hips and grinned as she looked over the clean kitchen. “Done and done.” she said b hut followed him into the living room and slid onto the sofa with a tilt of her head. Her eyes danced over the small boxes and she raised an eyebrow. “Okay...” she said playfully suspicious of what he had gotten her. Her fingers wrapped around the little box and she shook it. “Heavyish .. and noisy.” she mused and lifted the cover off the box. There inside was a beautiful silver charm bracelet. A small gasp fell from her lips and she scooped it up slowly looking over each charm. A small skull for hades, a microphone for her acting , a Greek helmet for Ares, each of their birthstones,  a heart, a couple monuments that brought back fond memories of their travels, some surprising ones of simple logos or characters from shows she had been in and hilariously a slice of pizza. She shook her head and quickly slipped it on. After it was fastened she leaned over and placed a kiss on Wesley’s cheek “That was adorable.” she said smiling.
After a moment she returned her attention to the second box and repeated the process of shaking it. This one she wasn’t even remotely sure of. It didn’t weigh much and it was relatively quiet in its packaging. “You really didn’t need to get me anything else Wes. Just spending time with you is enough.” she continued as she opened up the box and — froze. A second later she chuckled and picked up the key. “You know, I already know I have the key to your heart. You didn’t have to get a physical one” she joked but looked over at him, she knew what it was, she would be an idiot not to. “A key… to the… house?” she asked and bit her lip looking at him.
It was always astonishing to him how no matter how old Raye became, she still acted like a kid with presents. She loved trying to solve the puzzle of what they were before opening them. When she finally saw the first gift, Wesley smiled as he leaned back against the couch. The kiss on the cheek was one he happily received, but he was more anxious for the second box. While he knew in his heart that it was the right idea, he couldn’t help but be a little scared. Not of Raye’s reaction, but of opening their future again. His heart was still a little battered and bruised from before, but he knew that he’d feel hesitant until he just jumped in. “I know, but I think you’ll really like this one,” he said as he nodded his head towards the package to hurry up the process. He rolled his eyes at the corny joke, but was grateful for it. Raye definitely knew how to release tension when necessary. “Yeah,” he said before biting the inside of his cheek for a second. “I bought this place for us, and well, it doesn’t feel right having you knock or needing to ask when to come over. So, you have a key. This is as much your home as it is mine.”
Raye felt her heart swelling, her stomach flipping and a huge smile stretching up over her lips as he explained. She glanced around the house; she knew it had been bought for them but to know that she had a key, that this was her place now too. Butterflies. Butterflies were the only real explanation she had for how she felt. "I mean --" she swallowed and looked up at him, tears in her eyes. "Are you sure?" She knew this was a big step to take, a big part of his soul to reopen to her and she didn't want him rushing it for any reason. "I totally love it, don't get me wrong, I just .... don't want you to feel like you have to do something like this... " She clutched the key in her hand for a moment; she knew deep down that if he had spent the time to wrap it and do this then he was serious but... she couldn't help but make sure. To make sure he knew that she didn't expect anything. "I love this house." she said softly. "And I love you Wesley" she continued "You're too good for me." Raye said "What did I do to deserve such a wonderful boyfriend?"
-- lets just say there was a fade to black this night --
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different anon, but heck yeah u should definitely infodump about lucid dreaming!! im really interested in it
aaaaa okay !!! uh hold onto ur ears yall im abt to talk em off lmao
so !! if u didnt know, lucid dreaming is basically when you become aware that you’re dreaming while youre in a dream. once you’re aware, you can take control of the dream in literally any way u want — u can do anything, go anywhere, meet anyone, all with the knowledge that nothing can hurt u and nothing can stop u
its a fascinating concept and, the feeling when u actually become lucid for the first time? its better than anything else in the world. its the most invigorating thing u can ever feel, i think. but actually becoming lucid is, ,, , , hm. a time and a half. 
putting the rest under a cut bc, hooooo boy this is gonna get long
first things first! you absolutely have to keep a dream journal. forgetting ur dreams is all well and good when ur not trying to accomplish anything in them, but if you become lucid and then wake up with only the vaguest memory of what you actually did? thats painful.
u can either go all out and get a fancy journal and write them down physically each morning, or u can do what i do and just download an app. i personally use the app Dream Catcher, which lets u tag ur dreams for easy organization. just get in the habit of writing down your dreams every morning, and if you really, really cant remember anything, just write down that you didnt dream anything that day. you’ll train your brain to remember your dreams better
secondly! reality checks! are absolutely imperative! the idea behind them is that, if you do something throughout the day that “proves” your reality, eventually you’ll start doing it in your dreams as well. for example, a common thing in my dreams is that i’ll have extra fingers, so i check my hands a lot throughout the day. 
it can’t just be a casual thing, too. if all you do is glance at your hands and b like “yo looks normal, we gucci”, then you’ll do the same in your dreams even if you have Weird hands. trust me, Dream-You is an idiot, you gotta be obvious with this stuff. take a few moments, look at your hands, count out your fingers, and really think to yourself “am i dreaming?”
try to get in the habit of doing that at least 15 times a day, and eventually you’ll start doing it in your dreams too. 
now, if you just stick with doing those two things — which is what i’m doing right now — your chances of becoming lucid will raise astronomically. even just those two tiny things can train your brain into realizing when the world around you is real and when it isnt. you can also attempt something really easy called a MILD — a mnemonic-induced-lucid-dream — which can help your chances even more without upping the effort 
whenever you go to bed, just take a few moments — even just five minutes can help — and just. lay there. and think to urself, again and again “the next scene will be a dream” or “i will become lucid in my dreams tonight” or something similar. get ur brain really focused on lucid dreaming right before you fall asleep and chances are, those Vibes will bleed over into ur dreams and you’ll become lucid
practice those three things consistently, every day, and pretty soon you’ll start becoming lucid. it takes time, though! dont be discouraged if you end up not becoming lucid for the first few weeks, or even months. sometimes your brain just needs a bit of extra training
that’s what ive been doing for the past year or so — bc damn do i Not have the energy to actually put in too much effort — but!!! there are other techniques!!
my personal favorite is the WBTB, or wake-back-to-bed method. with this technique, you set your alarm for roughly 5-6 hours after you go to sleep so you’ll wake up inside of one of your REM cycles, specifically one where your dreams will be the most vivid. dont do anything, just roll over and go right back to sleep. 
you can even use a MILD along with this, repeat whatever mantra u usually use as you fall back asleep. you should start to see hypnagogic imagery — blobs of color and vague shapes floating before your eyes. just observe them. at one point, they’ll start forming more familiar shapes, and places, and maybe even people — and there should be a moment, a snap, where you go from observing these images to actually being in the scene. you literally build the dream around yourself, its magical
i have read that WBTB can cause sleep paralysis, but i’ve never personally experienced any problems with it, aside from the fact that im always tired the next day.
another thing that could severely increase your chances of being lucid but also involves Effort — meditation. specifically mindfulness meditation. the act of bringing full awareness to your Existence, honing in on just Your body, Your mind, Your breath, will make you a more aware, mindful person, which in turn makes you more perceptive of dream signs. also, the ability to clear your mind and center yourself with a moment’s notice really comes in handy when the dream becomes destabilized and you have to take control
if ur an adhd lad like me — or neurodivergent in any way, really — the idea of meditation can be,,,, terrifying. honestly, i havent meditated in like six months now, because it really wasnt?? doing anything for me?? mostly because im absolutely incapable of sitting still for that long without Something to stimulate me
so! loophole! guided meditations. having someone else guide you through the process can make it a bit easier to focus. just find one that works for u on youtube. there are even guided meditations made specifically to prime ur brain for lucid dreaming!
so thats how you get lucid. now for when youre lucid
at first, lucid dreaming is going to be extremely hard. dreams fall apart very easily — if you get too overexcited or if a dream-character looks at you the wrong way or if you cant seem to do what you want to do, your lucidity can fade and you’ll either go back to being your normal dream self or you’ll wake up. dreams are volatile and hard to control, and even harder to master
thats where meditation comes in handy. youll have a much easier time controlling your dreams if you can look at the world around you, take a breath, center yourself, and know that you can control it. that being said, you can absolutely learn to take control without ever having meditated a day in your life. its all about your mindset!
you have to go into it with confidence. the key to controlling your dreams is knowing that they’re your dreams. you cant forget that you’re in control. thats why i feel like learning to lucid dream doubles as a lesson in self-confidence — you have to learn to trust yourself, trust that you can handle any scenario thrown at you and come out on top.
if you can achieve this mindset, you can literally do anything. ive had maybe 50 lucid dreams since i started learning about them — which… is honestly a really low amount, but. i havent really had the time/energy to really throw myself into it  as much as i want to. but just in those dreams, ive flown, ive shapeshifted, ive met my sides, ive teleported to vast, gorgeous lands and seen some of the most beautiful things ive ever seen. anything is possible in a lucid dream; thats why its so worth it to put in the effort
but when youre first starting out, itll be extremely hard to maintain that mindset. like i said, Dream-you is dumb as shit — you’ll forget youre dreaming, you’ll be unable to control anything, you’ll wake up before you manage to accomplish anything. more often than not, the dream will destabilize, which is Not Fun
if the dream starts to destabilize — basically, if things start going fuzzy or vague, if you suddenly cant see, if you can feel ur body in bed, basically anything that points towards you waking up — there are ways to fix it. literally just spinning around helps for some reason? spin around, fall down, run ur hands along anything u can find and feel the texture, or just demand that the dream stabilize itself. most of the time, thatll work
and if it doesnt, dont be discouraged. theres always another night to dream
so basically: start a dream journal, do reality checks, mmmmaybe meditate if youre up for it, and your dreams will become like. at least 10x more interesting. trust me, try flying: its literally the best feeling in the entire world
its just !!! such a huge, incredible thing, and its so fascinating to learn about too. all the different ways you can train your brain, all the different things you can do, all the studies done on the subject. i suggest reading about Steven LaBerge or keith hearne. hearne led the study that proved lucid dreaming existed in the first place! he got a lucid dreamer to signal to him that he was conscious while asleep using REM (rapid-eye movement), because lucid dreaming happens during the REM state. also, robert waggoner’s book Gateway to the Inner Self is really fascinating too!
hm wow i really went ham here lmao
thanku for giving me a chance to infodump im very happy rn
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Gunmax and Deckred first time having sex.
"Yo, Double Deckerd. I'm going out for a ride, you coming?"
Deckerd looked up from his screen, to a grinning Gunmax. Gunmax was always a promiscuous type of fellow, who hit on basically anyone, and Deckerd didn't mind it, afterall, he worked hard for the team, and cared for Yuuta. Everything else was irrelevant. And Deckerd wouldn't lie, the attention was rather nice. Deckered chuckled.
"I have to decline. I have to drive Yuuta home tonight, it's getting close to his bed time."
He was about to stand up to do just that, when Shadowmaru put his hand on his shoulder, making him sit down.
"I'll take him, Deckerd. You deserve a little time off babysitting duty. I'll hold the fort until you get back."
"Are you sure? I know you and Duke had something planned tonight."
"Oh it's no trouble. He just told me he's a little tired tonight. Really, you two go have fun."
"Oh. Well, I'd love to then, Gunmax. Give me a few minutes."
Deckered walked out of the break room, to his own room, and Gunmax grinned, fist bumping Shadowmaru. 
"I owe you one, Bowser babe."
"I'm not going to address that one. Purely because I'm beyond tired of the dog jokes."
"Must be ruff."
"....Yuuta! Let's go before I kill Gunmax!"
It wasn't very long until Gunmax rode down the freeway, with Deckerd in tow. Ever since that weird event with the world almost ending, and the whole alien thing, things have been rather quiet in the city. Occasional crime here and there, petty thieves and breaking speed limits, but no giant robots for about a month or so. Things were so calm, that even the road they drove on was barren. It was nice. The road was gently lit by street lights, and the cool air brushed against his front. It was relaxing, but Gunmax was everything but calm. Feeling the bike murmur under him, and feeling Deckerd's body pressed against his own, bringing warmth to contrast the chilly night air. He turned his helm a little, looking at Deckerd.
"D, how you holding up back there?"
"I'm doing just fine! This is nice. I'm glad we're alone together, Gunmax."
Something about how he said that. Something about how he squeezed his midsection, was too much for him. Gunmax WAS a horndog, he wasn't going to lie, but Deckerd looked and felt too good to not handle this. He pulled up to the side of the freeway, and put the brake on the bike, stepping off of. Deckered raised a brow, swinging his body to the side, facing Gunmax. 
"I'm sorry, did I say something wrong?"
"...no. The issue is, you did the exact opposite."
Before Deckerd could ask exactly what that meant, he felt his lips on his own. Deckered froze up, unsure what to do. He didn't return the kiss, nor did he shut his optics, or pull away. All he could do was just gawk. Gunmax caught onto this, and pulled away from the kiss far sooner than he wanted to. He had leaned himself against the bike, wedging Deckerd in between a rock and a hard place. In Gunmax's case, a VERY hard place. 
"I...sorry. I guess I just...kinda like you. I mean, you get me. And not a lot of people do."
He kept himself where he was, not wanting to give Deckerd a chance to escape. At least, not until he knew something important. 
"You're my friend. My leader. I got your back, and I know you got mine. And I don't like you JUST because you're well built. It's just, you and the kid? You're some kind of special. I wanted to say thank you in a way I knew how. But, I'm not getting that same feeling from you. So, just forget I even offered. Alright?"
Deckered didn't say anything. There was a slight panic in the back of his processor. Nothing too awful, just little shocks of doubt. There was just something about that still face. He pushed himself off the bike, holding his hands up in surrender.
"Hey, mark me down for inappropriate behavior, but at least SAY something. You're making me get all kinds of shaken up."
"I...I'm sorry. I knew you found me attractive, like everyone else-"
"Okay but can you blame me?"
There was a scowl from Deckerd, and Gunmax nodded, acknowledging he should shut up now. He let him continue. 
"But I didn't think I emotionally meant anything to you. And I'm...flattered, Gunmax. But I...hesitate to let you touch me."
"Too soon?"
"N-no. I...I have thought about it, once or twice. But I...I dont think im ready for that sort of thing. I don't do this sort of thing often."
"...oooh. I feel you. Really, I do. But tell you what. Why don't we just try it out? You don't like it, I'll knock it off. We'll go easy."
"Oh come on, we've already stolen stuff, might as well cross 'indecent exposure' off the bucket list."
"Oh for gods sake Gunmax…"
Gunmax shrugged, not all that ashamed. And from how Deckerd pulled him into a kiss, grabbing him by his face, Deckerd wasn't really either. Cute, really. Gunmax was the first to pull away, and the first to get this party started. He popped his panel open, and lightly whistled at the sight. They didn't hesitate with this guy, did they? They were a bit different from each other, with Deckerd being slightly thicker, with a bit of a curve, while Gunmax was more straight (ironic, he was aware), and on the slimmer side. Gunmax carefully grabbed his spike, and slowly stroked it, very much enjoying the hitch of the others breath.
"This is cool, right, Deckerd? I feel like this is something to ease you into this sort of thing. You don't mind, right?"
"I...do. I'm the only one out."
"Heh. You could just ask, you know."
Gunmax exposed himself, and allowed Deckerd to touch and stroke him at his own pace. Deckered wasn't his first, and certainly wouldn't be his last, so he clearly wasn't as sensitive as the other. Deckered put his forehead onto the others, staring into his optics. Deckered wasn't used to this, given how quick and jerky his strokes were. But honestly, Gunmax would take it. Gladly.
"Gunmax...t-thank you."
"My, someone's a good boy, thanking me~"
Deckered wanted to continue, but hesitated, feeling Gunmax's thumb press onto the head of his spike.
"No I'm...thanking you for trusting me. Partner."
Oh. Oh he throbbed at that, to his surprise. Gunmax lightly panted, slowly moving his hips back and forth into the others palm.
"Say that again."
"Thank you for trusting me?"
"No no no, the P word."
Oh that felt good. Damn good. Gunmax nodded, and gripped tighter on the others spike, making the others helm toss back. Gunmax couldn't help but wonder how often Deckerd touched himself. At least, properly. Being a babysitter to the entire team didn't leave a lot of room, he was sure. And it sucked, because Deckered deserved a damn good overload. And as he gripped both of their spikes together, he thought about giving him JUST that. He took advantage of the exposed neck, pressing his lips against his cables, much to the others delight.
"Yeah...partner. That's exactly what we are. Now you let me help you out, and you help me out. You wanna know how you can do that?"
"Just sit there. Keep liking what I'm doing...and remind me just what we are."
"My p-partner?"
Gunmax wasn't at all surprised that they were already slicked up with fluids. Not with how Deckerd's lips moved when he said that word.
"Yeah...that's it. Partner. Just keep calling me that, big bot."
"My p-partner."
Gunmax refused to let him halt. Deckered needed no more prodding however, starting to repeat those words as Gunmax only went on and on. It wasn't long till Deckerd was laid back onto the bike, whimpering of how good his partner felt, rubbing up against him. And Gunmax was LIVING for it. Deckered was probably more so, given how he appeared to be absolutely melting. Gunmax leaned down, and pressed his lips against Deckerd's, swallowing his moans, just in time to stifle the sound of his overload. Gunmax grinned once he pulled away, tempted to just jerk it right onto such a helpless, content face. But he was their captain, he'd give him just a little more respect than that. Not too much though, definitely not enough to not pat his cheek, just a bit roughly.
"How'd that feel, partner?"
"I...I...I feel guilty."
Gunmax tried not to get nervous. Did he regret this? Did he ALREADY regret being his partner? He was going to ask just what he meant, when Deckerd sat up, wearily smiling.
"Afterall, you didn't overload."
Gunmax looked down at the mess in his hands, chuckling.
"Hey, no worries. Afterall,"
He licked at the fluid on his palm, grinning at the color on the others cheeks.
"This won't be the last time you're gonna overload on my hog."
"But...this isn't a harley davidson."
"...you're lucky you're a looker, partner."
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fairycosmos · 6 years
Sorry for bothering(feel free to ignore this I just wanted to rant). lately I’ve been in this ‘idk’ kinda mood where I just sit in my room and do nothing all day. I keep flaking out on friends too. Like tonight I was supposed to have dinner w old friends and I cancelled. I feel like they’re annoyed w me and I feel bad but I know that I’m not in the right mindset. I love them ofc, they’re living they’re best lives and I feel like such a failure. Esp since I’m the only one who didn’t get into uni
i’m not going to ignore you man wtf you’re not bothering me ghjfkdeslw!! but honestly ugh big same, i can’t tell you how much i relate to this :( i’m sorry angel, i know how difficult it is. even the simplest tasks feel draining, dont they? i’m proud of you for managing and for trying your best to handle it all. you should give yourself some credit, too. it sounds like you have a level of self awareness about your situation, which is a really positive sign. you know you’re not in the right mindset, so you can use that knowledge to try not to act on/believe your negative thoughts. of course, that’s easier said than done. but it’s something you can work on. it’s alright to feel down, and to think negatively sometimes. it’s how you cope with those experiences that counts. look, if you have no self esteem, there will always be a part of your mind that will try to convince you that others are mad at you - but you need to realize that assuming how other people feel without directly asking them is disrespectful to them and to yourself. i’m sure they’re not sick of you at all, dude. they probably miss you a lot, actually, if you haven’t been around for a while. and they probably understand more than you realize. try to hang out with them soon, even if it’s just for an hour or so. isolating yourself won’t solve anything, and it’ll make what you’re dealing with feel 100 x heavier, you know? it’s good to be around people and to get out of your own mind for a while. once you’re out with them, you’ll realize it’s not so bad. you might even see that it’s better than just staying in your room. i’m not saying you have to suddenly develop the energy to constantly be social. but take it in baby steps, yeah? make one small, positive change per day, or even per week to begin with. that’s more than good enough.
is there anything that happened recently that made you feel this way, or has it been a gradual decline? do you think this is circumstantial, or something more serious? either way, if it persists, i really think you should talk to someone about it (maybe your doctor, or your parents to see if they can help you get in touch with a counselor/professional, or a hotline to begin with.) the way you’re feeling could be a sign of an underlying mental health issue - one that can be controlled through actual treatment. it’s not the end of the world, and it doesn’t have to be a big deal. i know it’s scary to accept the idea that you need to open up to someone. but confronting this is the only way to truly make it go away. you need to figure out why you don’t want to do anything, what the root cause is, cause then you can face up to it. if it’s a chemical imbalance, you may also be prescribed medication which could really help straighten out your perspective. the truth is that you’re mental health is just as important as your physical health. and you need to make the active choice to take care of it. even if you just start by working on it by yourself - researching healthy coping mechanisms, getting yourself into a routine, outlining a care plan. even considering it shows that you’re strong enough to actually go through with it, even if you don’t think you are. of course it’s hard. and not every day will be a success, but if you’re trying, if you’re making a difference - then you’re doing just fine. you’re going to be okay. as for uni, you know that’s not a measurement of your worth or a requirement in life. i get that it feels that way. most people my age are in uni, too, and i’m just not. but at the end of the day, that is a choice that you’re free to make. it’s not a reflection of who you are as a person. and it’s nobody else’s business, really. please consider talking to someone. and try to go a little easy on yourself, even when your brain is screaming at you. you’re a lot more than you know. and this is all more temporary than you realize, okay? i hope you feel better soon honey. i’m sending you my love. hmu if you need a friend.
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thrufiyah · 3 years
Midnight Sept 28 2021 12:30am
Midnight thoughts
Finally got babygirl to go to sleep hopefully she’ll stay asleep. Homeboy over here dont even know I got up or that I’m sitting up typing rn ha smh. Anyway... honestly... lately been feeling lonely but with support if that makes sense...
Lots of paperwork here to fill out reg benefits, insurance, etc but it’s working out gradually. might be able to get a cabin soon for my own lil fam so we’ll see how that works out and we plan to move next year so we’ll see how that works out too... 
kinda leaning towards going our own way bc its a lotta hands involved and the left doesn’t always know what the right is doing or diff views on everything kinda confusing rn but itll work out
def an adjustment period. but just kinda feel lonely bc not rly anyone to talk to about honest thoughts? honestly? sometimes doubting... but excited in planning? now that were officially getting our own room to fill up w our own stuff is kinda sorta cool but not sure how it will go when the weather is bad
just gonna just keep typing as i go until i get rudely interrupted. lol
kinda bummed that i won’t be able to do this once lo arrives bc thatll be two bebes to constantly watch and never have time for myself
i always told myself not to have kids until i was financially stable and i broke the one promise to myself...... the one thing i didn’t want for my life..... but GOD you make a way when there’s no way
what else... worried about bebe growing if she’s ok normal all parts eating enough growing enough just idk.. always gonna be wondering... 
ill even be wondering when both kids grow up and things will come up like disabilities along the way and that scares me. not in the fact that i can’t handle it but how their life will be as they grow up
just hoping they have everything that they need and grow up happy and feel loved all the time and able to express themselves....
my patience does run thin these days but maybe its my hormones? but again maybe not lol haha
wow everytime i come back here i feel different and im always at a different stage in my life. 
missing my family in the way of how they remind me of who i am and where i came from they say ive grown up and that im independent but idk how much of that is really true
what else... dont rly talk to anyone much either... if anything it’s hb’s mom and then hb and even that isn’t much
daylight savings time is diff - sun didn’t go down until 7pm-8pm and it felt different. finally found my favorite grocery store that gives me a little piece of home and got to see a new side of town with the shops near the mall.. that was exciting lol
it’s really such a trip how much of a stop life is at the moment rn but i guess its a way to tell me we got to slow down hashtag cashaley haha
teddyswims and allenstone were dope on that yt video though lol
i oughta listen to more music to mellow out! haha. DEF need my own headphones or earpods... which HB didn’t give away my freakin mpower flames... lol. but headphones be hurting my ears but also i be needing them sometimes to chill or watch a movie
idk what the future holds but im holding on jesus lol im holding on....
hmm what else. lately ive been WAY TOO addicted to chocolate... and hmm what else... i need a journal just for notes like shopping lists, to do lists... etc.
glad im back in the tumblr and pinterest world lol. but pinterest to me seem like fleeting dreams and a whole lotta money mama does NOT have haha
hoping my work visa comes in soon so that i can apply for the residency one in december as soon as baby is born lol. 
i can’t believe i dont remember if i bled a lot or not after giving birth last year... but last year was such a year of turmoil trials and tribulations... so to me i get it.. but yeah anyway
it’s weird... i feelike im here and not here.. maybe bc of lockdown and now in level 3 but a lot of empty dreams happening! but goals are def being met and worked on and completed so i can’t complain about that
i get worried everyday if bebe in there is still kicking so many horrifying and sad stories around the world its just no way to protect your kids idek
as far as self care... i was kind of doing it but at least im cleaning more and helping around the house more? i just hope im not slacking where it’s most important
what else.... hm.... what else is on my mind tonight. body be SORE LIKE A MF. from having to be a 25/8 366 day arm pillow, having huge ass legs to lay on my side, damn i miss my side lmao, to having to share a freakin blanket lmao.
idk just a lot going on and not rly any outlet to do. this mf still aint notice im sitting here lol anyway
what else is on my mind.... for some reason i really wanna find more haircare stuff lol. i need pa’us lol and rubberbands, scrunchies, bins, what else... idek but i need it alll please and thank you lol
babygirl is kod rn so cute but baby just dont move sleep peacefully by yourself for now haha
anyway we’ll find out this week if we’re gonna move to the next chapter and hopefully nana approves of our new plan idek
what else... i swear i clean up and two seconds later its a mess again in here
trying not to be too paranoid about stuff in here but it gets to me when they all start to puss ugh yuck fkn gross man but well get by maybe the nzbugs aint used to american fat skin haha
fitness is something im def looking forward to out here... kinda need to go for walks more often whether its just down the street or the small park nearby which here is called the bush lol
dont even get me startttttted on vocabulary... lets see what ive learned so far here...
bush / wop wops - foresty tree area, gumboots - rainboots, jumper - jacket or longsleeve? dairy/superette - small convenience store not connected to a gas station, what else... rubbish - trash... idek cant think of anything else... oh chocolate is specifically chocolate and lollies are gummies and others i guess... newspaper rolling for all food leftover or compost i guess... idk thats all i can think of for now
what else..... that was GROSS bruh. haha tay said don’t lose your venacular... lol. maybe if i keep listening to throwbacks that remind me of home...
ok i feel better i guess now that i wrote down some thoughts gonna try to put these clothes away and then get some rest for tomorrow
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dndfuckhouse · 4 years
CuriousCat Archive
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A series of Q&A’s that were sent onto the group curiouscat, now imported here for readability and easy editing :y
Q -  would psalm suck toes? y/n
Psalm: When would I ev-? Actually, never mind. The answer is no, of course not.
Q -  Does Amos only eat cheese...
Keva: he takes when he can get
Q -  plum you ever smoke weed before just curious
Q - Han what is your hair care routine
Han: well its less mine and more a friend of mine's... they just gave me some gooey stuff that smells real nice and told me to use it once a week!! i dont know what to do about the growing black roots tho..... :(
Q - mister finn have u ever kissed before...
Finn: T-thats a very personal question! How rude... I've done it once, of course.
Q -  han, would you drink with finn again? are you two getting closer?
Han: ...its easier to get close the more drunk we get so ye....
Q -  Han, whats your favourite liquor? -Finn
Q - Psalm, do you believe in fate?
Psalm: Fate is a very romantic notion, and in the past I probably would've said no. Right now I have no choice but to believe in it, I think.
Q -  on a scale of 1 to 10 han how much did you enjoy your fight with psalm (the one from the rp channel)
Han: ONE!!!!!! IM GLAD HE ACCEPTED BUT I DIDNT FUCKING WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but ill win next time watch out psalm this tiger is OUT FOR BLOOD Psalm: :psalmface:
Q -  on a scale of one to ten how much did PSALM enjoy his fight with han !
Psalm: It was enjoyable because I won, although I was hoping it'd last a bit longer. 7. :psalmface:
Finn: Classy red wine!
Q -  rokka what do you think about your street performance career? do u have any ambitions?!
Rokka: IT’S FUN! I enjoy watching people's amazed faces especially the children. Ambitions...? Maybe? *rokka falls into thinking man pose for a very long time*
Q -  Rokka, how do you keep your fur so soft and pretty? -Finn
Rokka: ⭐STEPS TO ROKKA'S FUR CARE !!!!!! ⭐  1) bathe in lakes! or rivers! (I personally like lakes hehe) 2) SHAKE IT DRY! shakeshakeshake (be careful of dizziness!!) 3) lick palms and smooth down ur fur. (this is the secret) 4) DONE! (congrats u have nice fur!!!!!!!)
Q - What was your first kiss like finn?
Finn: Thats a little secret between me and god.
Q - :):(
Rokka: who are you and what does this mean Psalm: It's a secret code. Why not try deciphering it?
Q - finn whats your favourite blood type? pls and thx
Finn: I'm usually not open about this, but I only consume animal blood. I dont have a favourite. Beef based strikes me as the least worst so far.
Q -  psalm does it hurt to cough up smoke? how bothered are you by it?
Psalm: I wouldn't say it hurts, but it feels about as pleasant as you'd imagine coughing up smoke would feel, which is to say, not pleasant at all. It mostly just makes it hard to breath, but considering the reason it happens I'm not sure I'm allowed to complain. I'd rather not take my chances.
It does bother me though.
Q -  keva, do you prefer being alone or with friends?
Keva: friends
Q - keva, whats your favourite food?
Keva: roasted quail
Q -  Does plum always text in all caps? Do they do that to show all their suppressed anger
Plum: does it seem suppressed.... DOES IT SEEM SUPPRESSE
Q -  plum, why did you decide to go to the ball as a guest with vinny? did you think it was better cover than being a guard?
Plum: just didnt think id be much use as a bodyguard also i wanted to dress up...
Q - to everyone: would you fuck on the first date ? 🤔
Han: i only fuck on the first date Psalm: No. Finn: What is it with these rude questions? Rokka: UHHHHHHH---? WH=HAHA WHAT? Keva: no Plum: what the fuck Cimmorro: i’ve never, but i don’t see why not if we liked each other enough. i’ve to say i’m difficult to impress on the first day gyahaha    
Q -  actually to everyone, whats your favourite food?
Psalm: There's a dish back in my hometown that we'd eat on holidays called “Smelt and Salt". Most travellers tend to find it salty to the point of being inedible, but I think its delicious. Finn: The servants at our residence are quite skilled, I enjoyed almost everything they make. When I was alive, I favored simple chicken breast with baked vegetables though. Rokka: Nothing can go wrong with a big ol' pot of beef and potato stew! I love soups Han: we dont get a lot of fruit way south so i was so surprised when i saw lots of it at shorewater!!!!! ITS SO SWEET AND DELICIOUS!!!!!!!!!! Plum: theres this stew that my whole family comes together to make for special occasions and we put a lot of roots and flowers and vegetables in it its pretty good. havent had it in a while
Q -  *like a kpop interviewer* to everyone: so what would your ideal partner be like? >:3c
Han: if they can dish out as much as they can take Psalm: Someone who is fun to be around. Loyalty is nice too. Finn: Someone who can handle me and is genuinely interested in all facets of my life. Rokka: Someone who can enjoy the world with me especially nature. Accept me! P.S. Psalm, I am fun and loyal........ :pleading: Plum: uhhh... someone kind i guess Keva: (visibly uncomfortable and unwilling to answer) Cimmorro: honest and devoted. someone who is easygoing would be a nice addition.
Psalm: Not saying I'm the culprit, but you honestly could just check first. Rokka: I always try to remember to put it down! Although, I may or may not have forgotten once......................or 10 times.................................. Keva: you're tall enough to look before you sit
Q -  Rokka, don't forget you owe me a drink the next time we find a tavern. - Psalm
Rokka: you got it, boss! but........can we have round 2.........please...........please.............................please.............please............................plea--[commercials cues]
Q -  birthdays? birthdays?
Psalm: My birthday is on the 8th of Solstitium. Plum: 32nd of soltrice  Keva: (briefly crinkles nose and doesn't answer) Han: i dont know! no one in my tribe kept track of things like that. judging by stories i think it during elfons? Rokka: hibernon, solvo 74! Cimmorro: 55th of umbrois. i’m expecting presents now that you all know!
Q - favourite season
Psalm: Aestas. It's a bit silly, but my birthday falls around this time so I've always been rather fond of it. Keva: elfons Plum: elfons Rokka: Elfons! where the grass is greenies Han: elfons... i like it when it goes from cold to warmer temperatures :) Cimmorro: rahtumna.
Q -  before making a call (over sending stone or message or whatever) do you ever rehearse what you're going to say? why?
Psalm: Depending on the circumstances, yes. Rokka: No need to think when speaking. Cimmorro: depends if there are specific people i’m contacting. i generally don’t really care though.
Q -  if you could be anything job-wise and nothing could hold you back, what would you want to be?
Psalm: I've never really given that much thought. I don't really make any grand plans for myself, as they tend to go awry fairly often. I think I'd enjoy writing plays...perhaps. Keva: don't know, never thought about it Rokka: I've also never thought about this <:9 Han: ah... i would like to travel again... Cimmorro: i like the way things are right now. [mumbling] if anything, i’m more worried about losing it...      
Q -  what would be a "perfect" day for you?
Psalm: I enjoy plays quite a bit, so if I could spend an entire day watching a good series of performances I'd be quite happy. Some good company wouldn't hurt either. (As long as they don't talk.) Keva, after thinking for so long it seems like she's not going to answer: being home with nothing important to do Plum: I JUST WANT TO GO HOME Rokka: running through a grassy land and bask in the sun (๑→ܫ←)
Q -  when did you last sing to yourself? to someone else?
Psalm: My singing voice is rather unpleasant, so I don't do it often. Keva: a month ago? i guess? who would even keep track Rokka: I like to sing every time I bathe! rubba dub dub rubba doot doot rubba dee dee its nothing but a squeaky clean me!!!!!!!!!! Han: (flushes) it was a while back Cimmorro: i was part of the choir in my childhood. i was pretty okay! can’t say the same for the present though ahahaha
Q - what was the last dream you remember?
Psalm: I'd rather not say. Keva: (doesn't answer) Rokka: *thinking face*
Q -  toilet paper over or under?
Psalm: Over? I'm not an animal. Plum: what.... the fuck is this asking Rokka: Is there a difference...?
Q -  if you could change anything about the way you were raised, what would it be?
Plum: ...... [plum is starting to look uncomfortable] Keva: (laughs, doesn't answer) Psalm: I'm perfectly fine with how I was raised. Han: (laughs) oh, throw the whole thing out Rokka: nice answers everyone. NEXT QUESTION! :D Cimmorro: wait, hmm… not so much on the way of raising but more on a certain part of the situation, i suppose?  
Q -  what is your most terrible memory?
Psalm: *Looks somewhat distressed.* Plum: THIS IS MAKING ME ANGRY. IM NOT ANSWERING ANYMORE OF THESE TONIGHT. Rokka: please stop asking these questions you're making my friends upset. This is upsetting.
Q - is there something you've dreamed about doing for a long time? why haven't you done it?
Psalm: I wouldn't say for a long time, but I haven't done it because I can't. Simple as that. Keva: can't anymore Rokka: Life hands you lemons so you gotta eat them. *nods* ( ̄ー ̄) Han: i wanted to learn singing. why... well. life doesn't work sometimes. Cimmorro: when i was a child, i dreamed of being at the top of the clergy’s hierarchy. then that immediately got crushed when i was told that only women were allowed to lead the church bahahaha! that was back then. right now i’m satisfied with my position and still have much to learn. but if the opportunity arises and i meet the requirements, i wouldn’t say no to seating as the high mother.     
Q - if a crystal ball could tell you the truth about yourself, your life, the future or anything else, what would you want to know? 
Psalm: I'm torn between knowing the truth about one thing from the past, and a very selfish glimpse into the future. Keva: (doesn't answer, but seems to think about the question) Rokka: *vibrates* Han: there are so many things i want answers for, i dont think i could choose. Cimmorro: [visibly cringing as several things come to mind]     
Q - of all the people in your family, whose death would you find most disturbing? why? 
Psalm: Lots of morbid questions here. I'll pass on this one. Keva: orin Rokka: please i'm begging you..............please stop with these questions...... Cimmorro: … [quitely glances at how the others respond instead of answering]  
Q -  how close and warm is your family? do you feel your childhood was happier than most other people's?
Han: (laughter that becomes progressively louder in volume) Psalm: I quite enjoyed my childhood, but given the reactions of the others it seems I might be the only one fortunate enough to be able to say that... Keva: i liked a part of it Plum: dont know what the fuck psalm is talking about. ive had the happiest childhood a halfling could have thank you i wish i could be back home right now, actually Rokka: it had its up and downs. i mean, who doesn't!! Cimmorro: [laughs] i think mine is seen as particularly “strange” by most people, but i personally have enjoyed it regardless.
Q -  how do you feel about your relationship to your primary caregiver growing up? 
Psalm: At the moment, I'd say its rather complicated on my part. I'm ashamed to say why. Keva: i don't Han: *looks visibly sick for a second* ... poorly :) Plum: as in my mom and pop? i love those two Rokka: Tough love? Finn: Cold. Cimmorro: [beaming] grateful! i love em! would do anything to treat them at least even half as much as they’ve treated me.
Q - what roles do love and affection play in your life?
Psalm: I just LOVE to be AFFECTIONATE with people, so I'd say quite a large one :psalmface:. Rokka: i got to befriend han! and finn! Also, psalm it's not good to lie to the people. Finn: R-rokka I'm touched... Right now, love and affection couldn't be further removed from my life but hopefully one day, they'll play a bigger role for me. Han: (shrugs) i like having sex Cimmorro: i take pride in making sure that people who are important to me know that they are. it’s also the way they have treated me.
Q - for what in life do you feel most grateful for? 
Psalm: ...Well I made it to Shorewater somehow. Rokka: meeting Han! Han: *was about to say something different but is so touched by rokka* dude......really? q_q me too dude.... Finn: My uncle. But recently I've made some good friends, I feel... Cimmorro: the goddess’ guidance.
Q -  what is the greatest accomplishment of your life? 
Psalm: I- . Hm. For now, let's say it was beating Rokka at stone, parchment, shears. Keva: i'm here Rokka: PSALM PLEASE ROUND 2 Finn: So far I have nothing to my name, but that might change soon. I pray it will.
Q -  if you were to die this evening with opportunity to communicate with anyone, what would you most regret not having told someone? why haven't you told them yet? 
Psalm: Where I hid my buried treasure. Han: i wont die. Psalm: I like that answer. Rokka: Why are you like this, anon? Finn: I'd want to talk to Orin one last time. 
Q - share an embarrassing moment from your life
Psalm: I fumbled a joke I was trying to make with Finn the other day. I won't go any further into the past than that, thanks. Finn: Ah, so it was a joke? Please don't worry about it Psalm. Rokka: nearly burning my friends alive because I sneezed. :( 
Q - what's your favourite weapon and why
Psalm: For reasons I won't disclose let's just say I'm not very fond of weapons, my current one in particular. :psalmface: Spells are more useful. Keva: daggers, easy to carry around and hide Rokka: I guess my scimitars? They can cut plants and meat well so i can (try to) cook! Finn: I love swords!! All swords! (he sparkles with excitement) Han: i like being close and personal with someone but also enjoy the quiet rush of hitting a target from a bow Cimmorro: i use a dagger but if i had a spear or an axe that would be kinda awesome actually.     
Q - questions to fall in love here we go! 1) if you could invite anyone in the world to dinner, who would it be?
Psalm: ...I have a friend I haven't seen in a while, so I suppose I'd invite him. Keva: do they have to be alive Psalm: I was wondering the same thing. Plum: i would want to eat dinner with my whole village but if its only one person then my sister. dont really like going to dinner one on on if i can help it but maybe thats something halflings dont like because theyre not antisocial bastards Rokka: Do I HAVE to pick one? :( Finn: ... Rokka! I'd love to dine with everyone though. Han: oh, maybe aster? or ferrie chris? or uhh... (Han starts to look bashful and stops answering) Cimmorro: willow.     
Q - if you all were on a boat (lmao) and it was sinking and you could only save one person from the party who would it be
Plum: rokka or finn but i wouldnt be on a fucking boat if i could help it Psalm: Plum, as they are arguably the only one I could carry. Oh, and Finn I suppose. Plum: WOW THANK YOU THOUGH YOUD PROBABLY SINK LIKE  A STONE Keva: finn Finn: T-thank you all... (blushes and gets too distracted to answer) Rokka: This question is stressing me out. I'm stressed. This is stressful. Han: myself? is this trick question Cimmorro: myself so i can do this: [casts water walk] don’t worry bros i got this
Q - complete this sentence. "i wish i had someone with whom i could share..."
Psalm: I have nothing to share. Rokka: ...this drink with! (psalm, round 2 please) Finn: my fate. Han: my past, without fear
Q - what, if anything, is too serious to be joked about?
Psalm: I'd say death, but ha. Rokka: what roomie said Finn: I don't like jokes about my family and especially my uncle. Cimmorro: Wee Jas. 
Q - when did you last cry in front of another person? by yourself?
Psalm: I haven't cried since I was a kid. Rokka: can we have more fun questions please :( Finn: I rarely ever cry. But last time I did, I was comforted by someone precious. Han: oh that was... (han becomes embarrassed) it is stupid Cimmorro: [wearily looks over where ezra is currently sitting across the room]
Q - do you have a secret hunch about how you're going to die
Plum: i wouldnt say secret but yes Psalm: Ugh. Keva: had a few, anything goes now i guess Rokka: why would you ask this? I don't like this question. :( Finn: Not just a hunch. Han: i won't die!!! what's with these questions Cimmorro: nothing in particular. i just hope that it will be by the goddess’ fates.  
Q - fmk vinny cole ezra
Psalm: (What kind of agenda is this?) F - Vinny, M - Cole, K - Ezra. Keva: fuck ezra marry cole kill vinny Psalm: Ah Keva, finishing your doppelganger's job for her I see. That's a bit harsh. Keva: (lifts her hands in a halfhearted shrug) Rokka: Friend: cole, Meet: Vinny, K....klean for ezra......................... (in the periphery of the shot keva stares into the camera for the entirety of rokka's response) Han: fuck ezra marry cole kill vinny Finn: Who are these people? What is "fmk"? Cimmorro: f-vinny, m-cole, k-ezra
Q - Everyone, where would you like to visit someday?
Psalm: I'm not really one for traveling but since we seem to be headed there already, Vargonia sounds interesting. There's probably a lot to do there. Rokka: I like open land so anywhere with one? Finn: Sharrif!! If I wasn't dutybound at home I'd love to move there. Keva: never thought about it Han: oh oh oh! some guy passed the inn and said there are mountains that reach into another PLANE in sonnate!!! i wanna go there!!!!!! Cimmorro: i’d like to see the arcane well myself heehee     
Q - what's your earliest memory? is this too spoilery idk i'm shooting my shot
Psalm: I'm pretty sure it was when my mother dropped me into the ocean by accident. Why I have no fear of swimming because of this has yet to reveal itself to me. Plum: i remember........ bumping into the kitchen table when i was younger and something might've been a rolling pin hitting me on the head and then fucking crying obviously and my parents swinging me around Rokka: I remember seeing a little bug flying around and chasing it all around so that I could tell them I thought they looked cute.....I was too small to reach the little bug on the tree though haha Keva: i don't remember her name Finn: Playing with my cousins, surrounded by our family. Han: being held by big, heavy hands. close to the chest. Cimmorro: falling off a cliff lol
Q -  i had assumed psalms arcane power was new to him but is it actually?
Psalm: An interesting assumption. I'd love to know why you think so.
Psalm: I'll think about it.
Q - how do you sleep the best?
Rokka: laying sprawled on my back is the best! Sometimes fetal. Finn: I actually... do enjoy sleeping in my coffin. So in confined spaces I suppose. Sharing a bed with Rokka was very comfortable too. (Rokka self-fives himself in the bg) Psalm: Having horns makes sleeping on my back a bit of an issue, but they sit just on top of my head enough for me to sleep reasonably well on my side. Cimmorro: i don’t remember anymore… can’t say i’ve slept very well the last few years
Q - what was your mode of travel to shorewater?
Rokka: mode..? Oh, hard mode! Finn: Hard mode? Keva: (looks at the camera) Psalm: Boat. Han: foot, the odd cart here and there. Cimmorro: i stayed on land as much as possible through various modes.     
Q - around what time do you prefer to eat dinner?
Rokka: any time is good in my book! Keva: late enough to not be hungry before i sleep Finn: .................. Psalm: Early evening? I've never given it much thought.
Q - if you knew in one year you would die suddenly, would you change anything about the way you're living? why?
Psalm: My life right now is not something that is within my ability to change. Rokka: Same as roomie here...I don't think I want to be falsely accused of murder... Cimmorro: … no. i’ll just have to keep trying until such time comes.
Q - what’s your typical bed time? any routines?
Rokka: Never too late! I like to do some quick stretches after a long day for a good nights rest! Most of the time I just plop down lol Finn: I like to stay up past sunrise actually. Psalm: No. I usually go right to sleep. Preferably as early as possible since I don't like being tired. Cimmorro: i try to keep a strict and healthy routine but [sigh]
Q - what's something you might like for (insert gift-giving custom for holiday equivalent here)?
Finn: Jewellery and swords. Psalm: A good book would be nice. I also like masks. Rokka: I'll like anything as long as it came from their heart! Just the idea of them thinking about me warms me up. Cimmorro: same as rokka.  
Q - how do you stay fit?
Rokka: 250 Push-ups, 250 Yard Handwalk, Jump Rope- 2000 Times, 250 Straight Punches to Heavy Bag, 250 Roundhouse Kicks to Heavy Bag, annnnnd 500 Squats. Finn: Thats quite impressive Rokka: ... (Rokka salutes) Psalm: I wouldn't say I'm the most physically fit man out there. (8 STR) Cimmorro: morning walks, maybe even jogs, if i’ve got the time to spare… which is almost never. does carrying stacks of books count?  
Q -  to everyone: do you like anime
Rokka: what's anime? :0 Psalm: ...Animals? They're alright. I like small ones, like puppies, kittens, chicks etc. Finn: If you've seen Promare, please DM me.
Q -  do you prefer meat or veggies
Rokka: meat......but veggies are good too.......can I pick both? Psalm: Meat. Finn: Meat as well. Han: meeeeeat Cimmorro: i find it difficult to enjoy a meal without having both.
Q - what is your most treasured memory
Psalm: :psalmface: Rokka: :) Finn: ^___^ Han: (Han thinks briefly and then blushes, embarrassed)
Q - how do you feel about physical touch? yea? nay?
Finn: I dont experience much of it but I enjoy it when I do. Keva: depends Psalm: I prefer to keep to myself. Rokka: YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! *hugs Psalm* Psalm: *Sighs* Han: (shrugs) everyone was always touching me, so am used to it. Cimmorro: big no! unless we’re close, don’t touch me.
Q - what does friendship mean to you?
Psalm: God is that you? Rokka: Everything! Psalm, is God your friend? Psalm: *suddenly regretting his answer*
Q - coffee or tea?
Rokka: TEA! Psalm: I'm not particularly fond of either, but if I had to pick, tea. Finn: Tea! What kind do you favor Psalm? Psalm: Chamomile or mint, depending on what's available. And yourself? Finn: Oh, I quite like that one too. My favourite is Rose Petal Blend though, perhaps we could share a cup- *remembers vampirism* Ah- perhaps I could have... a cup of blood if it doesnt disgust you. Psalm: That wouldn't disgust me at all. Just pick a day. Finn: *crying cat* Keva: never had coffee Cimmorro: coffee. though one of my parents often share their special tea brew with me in the afternoons or long nights of work. it’s pretty much the only kind of tea i like… i miss it. 
Q - what's a favourite feature of yourself? can be external or internal, or both
Finn: I took good care of my hair before I became undead. So my hair would've been it.  Psalm: Regarding physical traits...my mother and I have identical eyes and horns. Mum found it cute, so I guess I grew up being somewhat fond as well... Interal, I don't self reflect that often. I'll leave that unanswered. Rokka: I like my blue fur! and eyes!  Keva: (shrugs) don't think about that sorta thing Han: (Han becomes increasingly despondent the more she thinks) none is good enough. i need to be better. Cimmorro: my cleric magic!!!!!!!!! \\\\o//// i also like my hair and tail a lot!
Q - what’s something you used to be afraid of as a kid?
Finn: My aunt was quite scary haha. Psalm: When my mother got mad at me... Rokka: Loud noises Keva: throwing up Cimmorro: oh i used to see a shadow of a demon in my quarters quite often for a few years. freaked me out a lot of times but i believe lady wee jas protected me since that demon never did come to harm me at all. :D   
Q - do you know the muffin man?
Rokka: The muffin man..? Finn: The muffin man... I would like to meet him. Keva: what
Q - what’s your preferred weather
Rokka: Sunny! but with a nice breeze! (≧▽≦) Finn: I dislike rain, but fog can be nice to watch. Since I only operate at night now clear weather is preferred. Psalm: I like sunny weather, but rainy days are nice when I don't have to be outside. Keva: warm and clear Cimmorro: same as psalm.
Q - are you an early riser or late sleeper?
Rokka: EARLY WOLF CATCHES THE DEER Psalm: Depends on when I need to get up. Keva: depends Cimmorro: both…. 🤦‍��️   
Q - what are your feelings on pda
Rokka: What's "peh-dah"? Psalm: I have no problem with it, although I dislike drawing attention to myself, so then again... Cimmorro: depends, but especially dislike it during work.   
Q - what’s your best “my coworkers are crazy” story?
Rokka: (nervously glances back at everyone) Um...Uh...Haha (forced smile) Keva: (doesn't break eye contact with the camera as she gestures at the rest of the party) Psalm: I was partnered with a friend once for a... well a thing that we had to do, and he somehow managed to gamble away all of his clothing. Cimmorro: all of this right now   
Q - what's your favourite type of bread
Keva: bread Rokka: Any is good! Psalm: Croissants are nice. Cimmorro: any as long as it’s fresh out of the oven.
Q - when was the last time you laughed so hard it was hard to stop? what was so funny?
Psalm: Refer to the "coworker" answer.
Q - guilty pleasures?
Psalm: I like to read poetry. I only feel guilty about it because a friend of mine said it made me seem too brooding, and now I'm a bit self conscious Cimmorro: playing pranks on my coworkers during break
Q - are you still in touch with friends from your childhood?
Keva: some of them Rokka: I wish I could say that Psalm: Not for a couple months now, no. Finn: Yes! My friend Sagessa and I are penpals, so even if we're far apart we can always talk!! Han: (han shakes her head dejectedly) Cimmorro: mhm   
Q - who's someone interesting you met recently
Rokka: Finn!!!!! He can turn into things! so cool Psalm: I would also have say Finn, as I'd never met a vampire before now. Not to say the rest of you aren't interesting enough. Finn: *turns into a bat and hangs himself upside down from Rokka's shoulder* Han: (han looks around warily) (whispers) psalm BUT DONT TELL HIM THAT!!!! what is that guys DEAL Cimmorro: i agree about finn    
Q - what's the best day you've had recently?
Rokka: Hard to say with whats been happening Psalm: "Recently" is a bit of a stretch. Finn: I had a good time at the ball with Orin! Cimmorro: the king consort accepting my offer was cool and exciting. feel like i haven’t had a normal job in years with how long these weeks have been going pffff
Q - do you have siblings
Psalm: It's entirely within the realm of possibility, but none that I'd ever care to meet. Keva: don't know Han: yes Cimmorro: in a way, yes
Q - how important is fashion to you
Finn: If I dont look good whats the point of anything. Psalm: Not very. Keva: it's not Rokka: Somewhat? I just bought my first and only shirt ever!! that's pretty fashionable of myself if you asked me. B) Han: (gets bashful) there are some cute dresses i see around town but... :wiwi: Cimmorro: [gestures at all of himself] :-) 
Q -  do you have any personal belongings that you would feel upset about losing? what are they?
Psalm: No, I've never really had any attachment to material things. I suppose there is this dagger I've picked up recently that has served some use, so maybe that...maybe. Finn: My earrings or my sword. I cherish them. Han: yeah. some weapons i have were made by uuh. a significant person in my life. Cimmorro: my headpiece and holy symbol. other jewelry pieces i have i can replace easily, but not these…
Q -  if you had a completely free day with no responsibilities or obligations, what would you do with your time?
Finn: Honestly? I'd like to sleep and dream about nice things. Rokka: I would love to go sight seeing at places i haven't been to! Han: oh me too Rokka!!!! maybe we can go together someday :) Cimmorro: mmm… quite rare the last few years but i did enjoy my day offs by fishing, spending time with the children and sleeping of course. i’ve no idea what else to do, otherwise...
Q - do you take long or short baths?
Finn: I liked to take long baths back then. Rokka: long! gotta make sure all this fur is fresh and clean! Han: i used to be in and out of the water real fast but i can enjoy a long bath now sometimes... Cimmorro: i like to take long ones whenever i can! but i often find myself having to take short baths or showers in a rush...
Q - favourite piece of literature?
Psalm: I haven't gotten much reading in recently, but I liked the stories my mum would read to me when I was younger. When I remember the names I'll get back to you. Rokka: the ones that has a picture of something and words that tells me what they are! I like those if that counts Keva: my what Finn: I love folklore and fairy tales... I hope this doesn't make me seem childish. Han: lich-reh.... is that one of those book names for a mushroom?? Cimmorro: does the white book count? feel like that’d be too obvious hehe… i like to read anything i find interesting at the time. arcane, scriptures of other churches, etc. not too big of a fan of fictions though.   
Q - ur cute have a nice day ♡
Finn: Rokka someone said youre cute. Rokka: oh..! really? how do you know?!
Q - if you could get away with one crime what would it be
Rokka: the only crime I will commit is this current crime due to being framed!!! Cin: Arson. Psalm: Murder I guess, given our current situation. Cimmorro: ...if i knew i was guilty, i’d turn myself right in.
Q - We Got A Benefit Concert 4 These Male Lesbians In Da Planning Stages How U Gon Contribute
Keva: [geralt "hm"]
Q - where is this fuk house located. I need it for research purposes.
Han: there are several brothels in shorewater, if you want i can give recommendation...
Q - how do you feel about showing skin when it comes to what you wear? are you comfortable with it, or do you prefer not to?
Han: (slaps her bare thigh) you know it baaabyyyyyyy Rokka: i feel more comfortable and less restricted with no shirt.....pants r cool tho! Psalm: Like any average person. Cimmorro: unless it’s incredibly hot out, i 100% avoid exposing any of these scales to any dirts and stains
Q - maybe in a word or two, without giving a lot away, what are you in shorewater for?
Han: i was told to get a fresh start here? whatever that means LOL Keva: repay a debt Rokka: im just s---im just sitting here Psalm: No particular reason. Just ended up here really.
Q - do you ever feel lonely
Finn: ^___^ Rokka: hard to when I'm around these fellas *gestures to everyone* Psalm: No, I don't mind being by myself. Keva: (long silence with no eye contact before answering) sometimes, lately, whatever Cimmorro: fucking homesick is more like it  
Q - what's something that makes you feel nostalgic
Han: ... some of my weapons and tools. Keva: i guess, elfonsent or whatever it's called here....big festivals for public holidays Cimmorro: Jasper.
Q - do you like to cook? what would you say is your specialty?
Rokka: does roasting something on a stick count??? Han: same as rokka... i think i always did more of preparation of ingredients than actual cooking. Keva: i don't cook Cimmorro: yeee people seem to enjoy my stuffed grilled fish the most
Q - do you like it here in shorewater, unfortunate events aside?
Han: yeah!!! its been fun! i was not here very long but i made a couple of friends!! Keva: eh, it's definitely true a lot of things happen here Cimmorro: i'm not particularly interested of this place
Q - how would you feel about getting involved in a train murder mystery that may or may not involve werewolves?
Han: WEREWOLVES???????????? HOW DO I INVOLVE MYSELF Keva: hard pass Cimmorro: [grimacing] i’d rather avoid doing anything that doesn’t involve my duties to my faith, if i had the choice. 
Q - what incredibly common thing have you never done?
Finn: So, I hear that commoners are very skilled in all sorts of handiwork? How exhilarating. One day, I'd like to fix my chair myself when it breaks down. Or shop for ingredients on a market street myself, imagine the wonders! Keva: read Cimmorro: ...a vacation?   
Q - Welcome to Good Burger home of the Good Burger! Can I take your order?
Finn: May I order some Nuggets
Q - do you prefer to be the big spoon or the little spoon?
Psalm: Neither. I don't sleep on my side. Keva: if i had to pick, big Rokka: either one...I'm not picky Finn: I have never been either. Well, perhaps the little spoon after sharing a bed with Rokka? Han: big spoon!!!!! Cimmorro: big
Q - do you like to dance?
Keva: (shrugs) it can be fun with friends Psalm: Yes. Rokka: yeah!! boogie woogie oogie Finn: Very much so! Cimmorro: yeap!!
Q - if you could have any animal or beast as a pet without any harm to you or those around you, what would you have?
Rokka: bunnies are cute hehe Han: i would have a giant dragon or chimera or some thing badass like that Finn: A dragon indeed sounds "badass". But isn't it too big?... Cimmorro: both are huge and sound tedious to upkeep nonetheless. i’m perfectly happy with Jasper.
Q - if you were to change your hairstyle, what would you do?
Han: i wonder what it would be like if i cut all off, but... Keva: cut it short again i guess Psalm: I'd grow it out. Rokka: *looks at his whole body* much to think about Finn: I'd want to cut it short again. But at the moment I'm trying to grow it out. Cimmorro: i once considered growing mine out a bit just to try, but i usually trim my hair during the summer so it never came to be. i feel like it’d be a hassle to do it now and i’ve lost interest.  
Q - Hey! What do you guys think of the death penalty?
Keva: i don't Want to think abt the death penalty Rokka: same here Finn: Sir this is a fuckhouse.
Q - have you all ever heard a voice in your head?
Rokka: the one that sounds like me? yeah Psalm: No. Finn: *blinks Yes in morse code*
Q - boobs or butts?
Psalm: Who would ask this...? *He chuckles and doesn't answer.* Rokka: Do.....Do we really have to answer this? *sweating* Finn: There's only one correct choice. Han: this question is foolish. both are great.
Q - if you could wake up tomorrow having gained any one quality or ability, what would it be?
Plum: ..................................... Psalm: The ability to go back in time would be useful.  Plum: the ability to go back in time would be useful Rokka: stop making me choose one thing i can't choose. Finn: I want to dual wield blades. Cimmorro: teleportation powers perhaps... 
Q - if you were able to live to the age of 90 and retain either the mind or body of a 30 year old for the last 60 years of your life, which would you want?
Psalm: What an odd question... I'd rather keep my mind. I'm curious how a 90-year old me would look. Rokka: This is hard Finn: *laughs in vampire* Han: body Cimmorro: body
Q - tell me about the first crush you remember having
Psalm: No. (offscreen there is a screech of a chair. keva is leaving) Rokka: Ummm...... Finn: (Finn "Hm"s) Did anyone else crush on characters from the books they've read? For me it was a swordsman, in any case. Han: (whispers to the asker) whats a crush?? Cimmorro: [tilting head at han and shaking his head] ...yeah, finn. wee jas.
Q - what’s your favourite thing about someone you admire?
Rokka: she's really tall! and strong! I admire her strengths! she's really nice!!! She's the best. Keva: that everything would be okay if they were around. or it felt like that at least Psalm: He was more friendly than me, and I envied how easily he could make friends when we were younger. Finn: He stands his ground against anyone. Han: they are so easy going and kind hearted, even when i am not to them. Cimmorro: just about everything? especially that they seem to never break under pressure and are completely capable of making decisions with swiftness and grace...
Q - would you like to be famous? in what way?
Psalm: Absolutely not. Keva: no Rokka: I don't think I have the skills to go that far. Finn: I don't aspire much fame but some renown as a swordsman seems worthwhile. Cimmorro: gaining a good enough reputation to be an influencer… i believe it would be important for the church, so i wouldn’t refuse it.  
Q - rokka how does it feel to be the funniest person in existence
Rokka: I don't know how it feels because I just found out I am funny...? How?
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Q - rokka i have on good authority that cole wants to play rugby with you what’s your response
Rokka: YEAHHHH LETS GOOOOOO maybe then we can become true friends through the bonds of rugby!!!!!
Q - rokka what do you think about shirts
Rokka: They're alright I guess? Don't really see the point of it though
Q - Plum, would you like to shop with me one day? I love your fashion sense. -Finn
Q - plum are your teeth crooked or did you lose a tooth
Plum: they're crooked
Q - cole what do you think about vinny as a boss
Cole: ooooh incredible ! The fact that i get to work under a wizard of his skills as an apprentice still bowls me over, I've learned so much and i haven't even been here all that long. I know he doesn't seem to like the Accord much but being part of their group is no joke, he musta' had some cool projects back in the day. He doesn't seem to mind when i break things either, he's a real swell guy like that, nothing like my last boss [nervous laughter]
Q - when is the last time you got a manipedi
Rokka: got a what? Cimmorro: i do my own! as often as needed!
Q - what is it like having a tail
Rokka: Idk? ok? but what's it like NOT having a tail though? :thonk: Psalm: ...Normal. This is the norm for me, so I have no clue how to answer this in a way that would be satisfactory to someone that doesn't have one. Like with any part of the body, I don't really think about it unless I remember it's there. I guess the one thing is that I don't like having holes in my clothes, so everything I wear is low waisted. Finn: I wasn't aware everything you wear is low waisted, much less why. Psalm: I always wear a waist sash, but next time I can go without if you're curious. Cimmorro: i used to trip over my own tail a lot when i was a kid. it was rather long for my size at the time hehe
Q -  you’re right rokka what is it like Not having a tail
Rokka: You Tell Me Keva: they weren't asking you
Q - rokka how do you maintain your fur
Rokka: Check out my youtube channel please like and subscribe! -> [link to fur answer above]
Q - Keva what is the way to your heart? I'm asking for a friend...
Keva: tell your friend to find smth better to do
Q - finn your hair is so shiny what’s your secret
Finn, visibly confused: There is no secret to my haircare. I simply do what everyone else does, no? Personally I use lye soap and rosewater. Perhaps you ought to try a different oil or mixture from your usual.
Q - finn what do you think about your uncle’s growing fanclub? what does he think abt it?
Finn: His "fanclub"? Well, it is true people take a liking to my uncle rather quickly, but I've yet to see him reciprocate any such affections. If this "club" is anything official I would like to be its president though, to guide others of course. I may find someone who could get along with him, he really ought to settle down one of these days!
Q - finn can you tell us a little bit about your cousins?
Finn: Hmm... from the beginning they have been more outgoing than me, I must admit I am a bit envious of that. But the Vengaboys have brought out a lot in me already, I think.
Q - hey finn how tall are your heels
Finn: 3 inches. But I have taller ones for balls and the like.
Q - orin what would it take for you to share an embarrassing story about keva
Orin: hmmmm id probably wait until she left the room first....
Q - vinny how bad is your eyesight without glasses
Vinny: bad enough that id fall down the stairs in my own store if i lost em’ [anime sweatdrop] its why they have that handy string attached to them now, and well also because the cats like to bat at my face sometimes...
Q - ezra and cole have you ever had to help vinny find his glasses. let me clarify i know he has that thing where his glasses can hang from his neck but have you ever had to help vinny find his glasses bc he lost them anyways
Ezra: never, but he didn't always have the string, he told me he slapped it on because he had that exact problem. Cole: I've only ever seen em' with that string so he’s never really lost em'... though one time he broke them and i had to help him around the store for a week until a friend of his could fix them, its the grumpiest ive ever seen him [ she makes a face like this :y and laughs ] 
Q - ezra i'm serious will you please let me buy you a new coat
Ezra: [he looks down confused at his clothes] ....
Q - ezra why won’t you get a new coat
Ezra:  ...... do i need a new coat...?  *Psalm laughs a little in the bg.*
Q - can you tell us more about your family han?
Han: ha ha hA HA HA HA HA HA HA. no. i want avoid all thought about them.
Q - han which muscle group is your favourite to flex
Han: (sits like the thinker for a long time in contemplative silence) for me, legs and thighs feel most strong. but others like when i flex arms 💪
Q - han you are very cool don’t let anyone tell you otherwise also i love you
Han: i am cool, thank you mystery stranger,  also wH-- 
Q - han do you want to build a snowman
Han: you know, we used to play game where we would roll each other in wheel, down mountain, into snowmen, and who hits most win... fun times. i do want to build snowman again, yes :)
Q - which of you know how to tell direction from the stars
Han: i know ! 😊 (quieter) but only little bit... Cimmorro: ...y’know, someone once tried to teach me how to do this but i’ve fallen asleep while we were talking. [has guilt written all over his face]
Q - han what is your favourite way to wear your hair
Han: ah...my sibling did this complicated braid on me, before... it look very thin, like basket weaving...sad, never learned how they do it (han looks a bit melancholic)
Q - what do you value most in friendship? 
Psalm: I should buy a full pitcher of beer at the next tavern, and for every question about friendship we receive just take a long sip from it. Rokka: the bond! loyalty! respect! this is more than one! oh well! Finn: The ability to confide without fearing loss or judgement. Keva: trust Han: oh, i agree with answer from finn. 
Q - han, cole, and rokka how did you get so swole
Cole: [she taps her forehead] step one...mental fortitude.... Han: (scoffs) have someone on your ass since you have memory Rokka: (taps his biceps) determination! 
Q - May I inquire where you've picked up that rodent from Keva? -Finn
Keva: while traveling
Q - psalm how long have you kept a journal
Psalm: Not very. I just started it. Helps to keep my thoughts organised, and having just reached Shorewater I figured it would be worth chronicling what I got up to.
Q -  psalm you wear a lot of black nail polish but do you have any other colors? what are your favourites?
Psalm: I'm not fond of bright colours (for my nails at least), so black is my favourite. I've never really tried out anything else, but maybe I should, just for a change of pace.
Q - do you guys like piercings ?
Keva: do i like having them or do i like when other people have them what are you asking Rokka: (points at keva) what she said Psalm: Yes, I do have them after all. 
Q -  aaaaalright heres a better question then. would you prefer for your partner to have piercings or not? do you find it attractive?
Psalm: Oh I see. I guess they are attractive aren't they? (lol) Rokka: if they like them then I like them! They can wear whatever they want! I don't really have a preference for it. Finn: As long as it is nothing obscene, I will accept it. It can have its charm, I admit. Keva: i don't really care. i guess? Han: its so cool!! i wanted some myself but aah.. my tribe was very against that thing Cimmorro: yeah and yup.
Q - hey tieflings what’s horn maintenance like for you
Psalm: Not unlike er-, "body maintenance". At least in my case I don't do anything particularly special. Cimmorro: mine are too small to have any need for maintenance. i consider it a lucky thing since it’s less things to worry about.
Q - Psalm, who is your favourite character in GBF? -Finn
Psalm: I like Vania. I have to start playing water now because of her new alt unfortunately but... can't be helped. Finn: Haha, I like that answer. Good luck with your water! Psalm: Oh? I'm glad I passed. And thank you. 
Q - would you ever wear matching couple things with your significant other
Finn: As long as it is fashionably, gladly.... That sounds like a very sweet idea, dear reader. Rokka: yeah!! I think it's cute hehe Psalm: That depends on the thing. Keva: ^ Cimmorro: absolutely
Q - hi um this question is for psalm how do you keep your hooves warm in the winter? do you have socks? leg warmers?
Psalm: That's an interesting question. While I'm not that well versed in the specifics of tiefling anatomy, I do know that keeping warm isn't really an issue for me whenever it gets cold, so I don't typically wear anything like socks.
Q - rokka do you have a favourite meat dish?
Rokka: hmm...anything roasted on a stick? But that's a stick not dish...meat buns!
Q - hey psalm han and plum your brows are amazing what salon do you go to
Han: sah lon? i dont know what that but these run in family Psalm: These are how they are naturally. I have better things to do with my own time than fuss about my appearance too much.
Q - what are your thoughts on the institution of marriage
Psalm: My parents are married and seem to like each other enough, so I suppose it's not so bad. Finn: I think it is merely a matter of who you choose to spend your life with, not marriage itself. So, I would like to be wed happily. Han: (whispers to the asker) whats marriage???? Cimmorro: [tilts head and squints a bit at han again rn]
Q - keva, do you think youll ever learn how to read? if yes, what kind of books would you want to read ?
Keva: (gaze falls to the table at the first question but at the second question she looks up and her eyes slightly squint questioningly at you) idk what kinda books there are bc i can’t read Psalm: Would you like some recommendations? I can read them to you if you want. Keva: (is getting visibly pink) Psalm: ....Is that a no?
Q - for every one, what's the way to your heart??
Finn: Hmm... you must be worthy as my rival! (he gives his rapier a test swing) That is for sure. But should you lack a passion for swordsmanship, please do your best to entertain me at a ball, at the very least. Rokka: um...? (Scratches his head nervously) I'm not sure how to answer this haha....just....please  love me??? *shy* Psalm: I've never thought about it. I just like who I like. Cimmorro: fuck around and find out! 
Q - do you own any porn? what kind
Han: asker, are you sure you dont just want directions to brothel? Rokka: what's a porn and how do you own one? What kinds are there? Psalm: "What's a porn" he says... Don't worry too much about it Rokka. Cimmorro: the only porn you all should be reading is the white book 
Q - would you or would you not try roller skates (shoes with wheels on them)?
Finn: Shoes with wheels on them? That sounds most absurd... and yet... I must inform my uncle of this. Where does one acquire such shoes... ? Rokka: (tries to picture this in his head for too long the interviewer moves on) 🤔 Psalm: This sounds like a prime setup for falling on my ass, so no.
Q - hi vengaboys. i’ve been following your adventures since predebut. i’ve been stuck at home bc of a global pandemic and i gotta say it’s really bumming me out. what should i do
Finn: I have plenty experience with staying at home. A lot of people might tell you to hone a skill or indulge in hobbies you have been neglecting and while that can be a productive use of your time, it is easier spoken than done, no? I recommend, if you are allowed, to seek out quiet places without many people around. That way you do not endanger yourself or anyone else in these trying times. Spending time in nature is quite refreshing. Please look forward to our continued performance, dear reader. Psalm: *Is somewhat amazed.* I don't think I can give a better answer than that one. Rokka: wow finn you're so smart
Q - would you ever become a vegetarian if you aren’t already one
Keva: no Rokka: I don't like salad Psalm: Sure. Finn: I would literally die. I know I like to not die, so no.
Q - To psalm and finn, what’s your thoughts on that belial guy?
Psalm: *coughs into his sleeve* Finn: *does the same*
Q - how do you like to celebrate birthdays
Finn: I think throwing a ball can be quite fun, but I think spending it intimately is far more pleasurable. I am not so vain as to demand a ball each time.
Q - do you have people waiting for you wherever you call home? if you can share, who?
Finn: My family. I can't wait to speak to my cousins again and tell them about this job, shall it go well. Psalm: I'm not sure if "waiting" is the word I'd use, but yes. Cimmorro: i can’t imagine any of those people not wanting my presence again
Q - do you like hugs
Finn: ... If they come from the right people, then yes, certainly. Rokka: oh! yes, I like hugging Psalm: What Finn said. I like them about as much as the average person, although I have a friend that mocks me for not being particularly good at giving them, whatever that means. (How can you be bad at hugging...?) Finn: Perhaps your posture is stiff, Psalm? It can make the hug feel rather "cold", so to speak. Psalm: That's what he said... (He looks lost in thought.) Rokka: psalm if you need practice hugging I am here (stands there with open arms) Finn: Consciously think about your movement. Are you actually bending your torso, properly using your arms? Try with Rokka. Keva: (was about to answer but is now biting her lip to keep from laughing at rokka and finn coaching psalm on hugging) Han: (faces away from this spectacle and slaps a hand over her mouth to not break out laughing too) Psalm: There's a lot more that goes into hugging than I initially thought.
Q -  do you prefer hot weather or cold?
Keva: hot Han: cold!! honestly its too hot in shorewater... i never thought i would miss snow Rokka: more warm than hot......but if i had to choose between the two then it would be cold Finn: I've been preferring cold weather as of late. Psalm: Hot. Cimmorro: personally i’m more of an in between guy but if i’ve no choice then i’d say cold. 
Q -  when was the last time you went on a date
Finn: I'd like to go on one in the first place :cryingcat: Rokka: I wanna go on one too!! Finn: ... Looks like we both have something to gain here. I jest of course. Psalm: *racking his brain* Can't remember. Cimmorro: a couple or so years ago.   
Q -  Hello Vengaboys! We have not had the pleasure of meeting but I am an old friend of Finnian's. He tells me about your travels in his letters and I quite look forward to reading them. Your time in Shorewater sounds like it has been quite the whirlwind! I am writing because I have always known Finnian to be a kind and gentle boy who worries about others often, and I want to be sure he is as okay as he says he is. How is he really? Please treat him well, and please do not tell him I wrote! I imagine he would be quite beside himself with embarrassment if he found out. Sincerely yours, Sagessa  P.S. I do hope we get to meet one day! May Pelor protect you until and long after then.
Rokka: Hello sagessa!! Nice to, uh, read you! I didn't know he had a friend! Yes...shorewater has been super crazzzzy. Kind of scary actually...don't come here. (Lol) you're right he is kind and well so far! He's nice to me and I like him! We shared a bed and it was nice. Also, don't worry my lips are sealed! Promise! Sincerely, Rokka. P.s. I hope to meet you soon! (saying this all outloud) 
Q - Who taught you all how to fight? Or to hone in on a specific skill?
Psalm: I've been trying to figure that out myself. Rokka: my father Finn: *side eyes psalm* I took an interest in swordsmanship early. I've had an instructor and participated in many tournaments. Your opponents are your most valuable teachers. Han: ...the whole tribe, really. Keva: i learned on my own at first. Cimmorro: good ol’ parents gyahaha
Q - do any of you know how to give good massages
Psalm: I know, but whether or not they're "good" remains to be seen. Cimmorro: we were certainly taught basic massage techniques but i don’t really have the strength for it [laughs wryly]
Q - what are your thoughts and feelings about your country or hometown?
Psalm: I'll save time and just say that they're mostly positive. Finn: My hometown is okay. Could be better. :/ Cimmorro: i like my hometown. i can’t imagine settling down anywhere else at the moment.   
Q - do you like bugs
Rokka: yeah, they're neat! Lady bugs were my favourite when I was young. Keva: as long as they're not biting me or trying to get at my food, they're fine Psalm: No, but I'm not scared of them either or anything silly like that. Finn: As a child I was less aversive to them but I must admit I find them most unpleasant and avoid all contact. Cimmorro: yeah!
Q - would you confess to your love interest first
Rokka: idk maybe? I've never been in this situation before do I'm not sure...👉👈 Psalm: It depends. No sense in keeping some things hidden though. Finn: If there is no other way, yes. Cimmorro: sure. beating around the bush feels like a waste of time really.   
Q - Do any of you have any second given names?
Finn: Yes, actually. My second name is Oswald. Han: (scoffs) no. threw it out.
Q - does your chain hang low does it bobble to the floor can you tie it in a knot can you tie in a bow can you throw it o’er your shoulder like a smth smth smth does your chain hang low
Finn: Psalm, do you recognize this writing ? Psalm: It...sounds vaguely familiar, but as I'm not from around here I'm not too sure.
Q - have you ever been to or in a wedding party? do you like going to weddings?
Psalm: I've been to my parents' wedding, but aside from that not really. I do like parties. Wedding parties seem like fun. Cimmorro: i ordain weddings... or, well, i used to. the parties are fun, but overseeing the ceremony itself is something i’d rather avoid.
Q - have you ever been somewhere haunted?
Psalm: I would hope not. Cimmorro: once or twice? strangely fun? i’d recommend it :)
Q - have you ever held a baby
Psalm: Probably? What kind of question is this? Han: ..yeah. Cimmorro: yeah! it was practically my job back then haha
Q - what would be an invention you’d really like to see to make life easier
Psalm: Airships were already invented, so I'm out of ideas. Cimmorro: a portable communication device more efficient than a sending stone sounds nice
Q - plum do you miss your sister?
Plum: yeah. who the hell are you
Q - keva what's your favourite hairstyle?
Keva: there’s up and there’s down idk how to do anything else Finn: You don't know how to do anything else? If you are ever interested I'd be happy to assist you in finding something to your liking. And to teach, shall you wish it. Keva: first psalm now you what is going on Psalm: It's an admirable trait for sure :-). Finn: You could simply stand to make more of yourself, Keva. Keva: you're just making fun of me now Finn: Absolutely not. But let's just say you're not going to impress anyone like this. Keva: who is there to-- i'm not Trying to impr-- okay (she is leaving) Finn laughs quietly to himself as she leaves Psalm: Hmm.. if I ever grow my hair out I'll be sure to come to you Finn. Finn: Gladly.
Q - i heard thru the town crier that you all were not in fact the ones who ruined elfonsent spell but how do i know i can trust you
Psalm: We didn't ruin the ball. Just take the kings' word for it I guess
Q - do you like to draw
Finn: I do not recall ever trying my hand at it. I've no time for such things. Plum: sometimes  Cimmorro: sure.
Q - would you get a tattoo? what and where would it be?
Rokka: What if 😳 I already 😳 have a tattoo😳 ? 😳 On my back 😳 Plum: *confused thinking about all the fur... did they shave him first and then tattoo him? the fuck would be the point if the fur just grows back??* Han: i only have all this birthmark... and if anything, i would like to get rid of them. Cimmorro: i already have one but maybe i’d get a few more 🤔
Q - when you’re not feelin so hot what do you do to cheer yourself up?
Rokka: roaming or good company is always nice...but it hasn't been that easy to have these days. Keva: find somewhere up high Psalm: Not sure. I have the tendency to avoid problems. Plum: drink, i think? pretty sure i drink Han: go as far into a forest as i can Cimmorro: drink
Q - have any of you had a job before this? i know han worked at the swallow’s perch but what about the rest of you? what was the job if you can share?
Psalm: I'm in my early twenties. I think there'd be something wrong if I didn't have some line of work before this. (He ignores the rest of the question.) Plum: i work for an alchemist over in talornia Rokka: check it (starts juggling) Han: hey im still working there ;-; Cimmorro: temple work. i help oversee almost everything.
Q - do any of you know how to play instruments?
Psalm: I definitely can't. Keva: sort of, not really Cimmorro: nah... though i was interested in learning one
Q - any favourite scary stories?
Psalm: I'm pretty ambivalent about the horror genre. Not my thing. Finn: That's a shame. I would've asked you for a recommendation Psalm.
0 notes
wannasoftimagine · 7 years
park jihoon as your older friend
(( AS REQUESTED! // jihoon scenario where you're 2 years younger than him so you think he only sees you as a little sister but he confesses to you when he thinks you're gonna date someone else bc he's scared of losing you??? this is lowkey rly specific but THANK YOU!!! ))
ure used to hearing ppl talk abt how young jihoon is, and how hes so so so cute
of course, u agree with him
everyone does tbh
still, it makes u feel a little upset bc it seems like everyone who says those things are older than him, with jobs and life experience and history and Fancy Stuff like tht
so compared to them, u feel like a toddler
even tho ure only 2 yrs younger than jihoon, it feels like theres 100 yrs between u
it doesnt help tht jihoon is always going on radio shows and reality programs, acting cute whenever someone older so much as looks his way
u know u should prob just feel grateful tht ure close friends, since most ppl dont even get tht far
but sometimes u wonder if itd be better if u werent close, bc now he only sees u as a little sibling to take care of
u wish u could say it wasnt true, but everything he does is exactly like an older brother
he dotes on u and watches over u, but instead of acting like a caring boyfriend, he just seems like someone babysitting his little sibling and u haTE IT
ure not even sure how long uve liked him romantically, but its like whenever u remember how he used to treat u even when u first met, ure stuck thinking abt how he mustve seen u
after all, who can look at a kid tht used to cry whenever their parents went to work and go “oh yeah theyre cute i like them a lot” ???
not jihoon
esp when hes already way out of ur league to begin with
as u get older, ur feelings for jihoon dont completely fade
there r times when theyre easier to ignore, sure, but its impossible to think tht theyre actually gone
whenever u guys make eye contact over dinner at a fast food restaurant, he beams at u in a way tht cant possibly be taken as platonic
ur heart is beating way too fast for u to lie to urself
u try and move on by befriending other ppl and even trying to date some other ppl
of course tht rlly doesnt work out
u turn down almost anyone tht u could possibly go out with, and even when ur friends try and set u up with other ppl, u can never make it past the first blind date
(ure too busy comparing the strangers to jihoon and watching them all fall short)
u mention some of the blind dates to jihoon
at first its bc ure hoping he’ll get jealous and confess
but as more time goes on, hes still just as supportive in his answers, and u realize tht theres no use in hoping when he clearly doesnt feel the same way
then a new guy transfers to ur school, and hes vaguely attractive and smart and funny and u get along well enough
he asks u out after school one day, and ure like why not? so u accept a first date bc u might as well give it a shot
its the first date tht ure on where u try not to think so much abt jihoon
it works for the most part, but u still find ur mind drifting off and wondering what jihoons up to
when the guy excuses himself to take a phone call from one of his friends, u manage to text jihoon to check up on him
u banter back and forth, and u cant help the way ure grinning down at ur phone with every text he sends u
at some point he asks where u are, and u realize wHOOPS guess who didnt tell jihoon tht u were having a date tonight
cmon dude whats up w that
anyways so u explain to him tht ure on a date w the new guy in ur class
and jihoons response is surprisingly short and clipped
its just a quick “oh” and ure like “???” bc hes never responded quite like tht before
so u ask him if smthns up
u see the typing bubble appear and disappear, appear and disappear, and so on
eventually it just disappears completely and he doesnt start typing again and ure even more confused than u were before
after what seems like forever, he texts u to ask if ure having a good time
u tell him tht u think u are
honestly tho, ure not too sure bc now its impossible for u to think of anything other than him
the guy comes back with an apology and a smile, and ure forced to tuck ur phone away and try not to be too obviously distracted for the rest of the evening
tht proves to be WAY TOO HARD
the entire night ure picking apart the way the guy cuts his food (jihoon looks cute doing literally anything), how he gives u a smile when u meet eyes (it doesnt look as genuine and bright as jihoons), how jihoon wouldnt even take u to a restaurant like this (u both feel more comfortable somewhere lowkey and relaxed)
if the guy notices, he doesnt say anything
at the end, he just drops u off back at ur home and tells u he had a nice time, and “maybe we could do this again?”
all u can do is choke out a “maybe” in response before ure hurrying inside and scrambling to check ur phone
jihoon hasnt rlly texted u since u last checked, and u can feel ur heart drop a little in its chest
u send him a quick msg, asking what hes up to and if he wants to facetime or smthn bc ure done with the date, and hes quick to agree
right before u call him, u see his text saying tht “i need to talk to u abt smtn too so its good timing”
ure freaking out a little bc maybe hes going to tell u abt his own s/o now tht uve told him abt ur date and u can feel ur hands shaking as the connection loads
once ure in ur room, u manage to make out his tired (but still glowing) features on ur phone screen
u greet each other with half-stilted questions, and u cant help but wonder why ure both so awkward w each other
i mean. obv u know why u are
but ure like ? why is HE acting so weird
and after a few more moments of tense silence, u finally ask him what he wanted to talk abt
somehow even thru the phone screen u can see his face turn bright red
and u would think abt how cute it was if u werent also thinking tht u mustve been right, hes dating someone else, and u can feel ur eyes start to well up w tears bc uve always known tht he didnt like u back, but this time its so painfully obvious
thts when he clears his throat like “um,, y/n,,,, we’ve known each other for awhile and i kno ure kinda young but,,,,,,”
and somehow he hasnt noticed tht ure having a mental breakdown as he gets closer and closer to saying what he wanted to tell u
“anyways y/n,,, i rlly like u so please dont go out w that guy again and mb go out w me instead??”
which. WHAT
ure literally shellshocked and hes trying to explain on the other end like “i mean u dont have to if u dont want to i just wanted to tell u and-”
its honestly precious tbh
u barely manage to cut him off but ure still a mess of emotions so u cant rlly talk properly
ure pretty sure tht u end up saying the equivalent of a keyboard smash,,,
he quiets down tho, and as ure trying to figure out want u want to say, he just looks at u w this rlly cute earnest expression and ur heart MELTS
eventually u manage to choke out tht u like him and now its his turn to get surprised
he whisper-screams the whole thing, bc he doesnt want to actually scream and hurt ur ears but hes still freaking out and cant contain everything hes feeling
all u can do is nod and grin into ur hands and hes like “uGH now i wish i could tell u in person” but hes acting all soft and shy and tbh u dont think either of u could handle it if u were in the same room right now
ure both blushing and giggling and u feel so so relieved its kinda embarrassing
but he manages to cough out tht he’s rlly rlly happy tht u like him too, and “lets meet up soon? please?”
and who are u to deny him smthn like tht
(esp when uve been dreaming abt going on a date w him since forever ago)
eventually u have to end the call
but u both go to sleep that night with ur phones nearby, smiling even as u drift off to sleep
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lilahmariee · 7 years
The line has been crossed
I'm officially done with everything. If I could go back in time like 4 years maybe I'd be happy. Things were actually good then. My life was on track, I had a really good group of friends, and everything at home was perfect. I'd give anything to have that again. Now I just want to put a bullet between my eyes everyday at least once a day. I really just wish someone had some fucking empathy for me and actually cared about my feelings and emotions and what's going on in my fucked up brain. No one does though, yet they all wonder why I can never tell them what's wrong. NEWS FLASH: when someone is saying their sad or upset or whatever the fuck, dont just push their feelings to the side and act like they are over reacting or their problems are "not as bad". You're just going to make it 100x worse and then still not do anything about it. I honestly just want to feel loved, needed, and wanted and I rarely ever do. I'm just really tired of trying to put EVERYONE before me. I'm literally destroying myself. For fucks sake I'm a recovering heroin addict if that doesn't explain destroying myself then I don't know what will. I really don't want to get back into that shit to be honest either, but I can only take so much stress, let down, put down and whatever the fuck else before snapping and completely loosing control and that's what I'm most scared of. I know it's going to happen again, I think about it every day. How I know one day I'm going to fuckup because I'm not going to be able to handle everything going on around me. I know I'll loose my shit and the dope will make its way back into my nose and into my veins. It's one of the worst feelings to have stuck in the back of your head eating at you every day. What makes it even worse is when the people you thought loved you and cared about you treat you like a completely different person. Trust me, I get I made my mistakes and they just have to be on their toes to make sure it isn't happening again, but these constant reminders are what's going to make it happen again. The constant accusing me of going out and buying drugs or using them even when I'm with said person all day or when said person can track my iPhone. I can't even have a runny nose without being asked if its drug related. The constant reminder about how I fucked up your whole life because of my drug problem is even worse. Yes you drove me to pick up a decent bit of the time. Yes you let me George, and Mike do drugs in your car not knowing if it was going to mean a trip to the hospital by ambulance. I will forever be sorry that I got you involved, but there were so many times I tried to tell you no but I couldn't enforce it because then I wouldn't see you and I didn't want that either. It just really hits hard when I hear you telling everyone how much it fucked you up and this and that and you have PTSD over it. Like, even if it is true, it hurts way more than you'll ever know. I could never tell you though, there'd be some reason as to why it didn't actually hurt me and I was over reacting. I'm just really sick and tired of feeling this way. I honestly don't know how much more I can take. I'm starting to freak out in my own skin everyday, having multiple panic attacks everyday (ones that NO one knows about because my problems are never bigger then what's happening at that exactly moment so I can never talk about them) crying almost every day. I just wish someone would ACTUALLY understand and take the time to try and understand.
I mean fuck I don't even know where I'm going this anymore I can't even think straight. I guess point is, I'm FUCKED up in the head and really don't care where my life is headed anymore or if it even goes anywhere but 6 feet under.
Just want people to see that I'm trying, trying EVERYTHING I can. Trying to be extra careful about what I say and or do. I just want to make the people I care about happy and the one I care about the most, of corse he is the least happy. I'll never be able to fix it though. I can't even talk to him about it with it. He just thinks I'm trying to attack and take over. He always thinks I'm talking shit to him or something of the sorts when in reality I'm just trying to have a normal people conversation and just socialize with you.
Idk I give up. I can't even keep my eyes open. I'm over crying. Over feeling like a little bitch.
Time to lay in bed and get stoned as shit while falling asleep to Trailer Park Boys. Maybe I won't have these thoughts tonight.
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erinravenseekerarts · 7 years
This is the Deal You Made
Alright so this is a Miraculous Ladybug fic I wrote partly inspired by this chapter in seasonofthegeek’s awesome One Hundred MORE Miraculous Drabbles. Also inspired by that one bit in JelloApocalypse's So This is Basically Miraculous Ladybug when he says "ladybubs has the power to be lucky, and catnerd has the power to kill anything he touches."
Also disclaimer don’t trust my science. Yes, I actually do have a degree. In bullshitting.
So yeah this happened. Read on my AO3 or under the cut.
Post on the Ladyblog, Today at 11:03pm.
victory once again!
theLadyblogger another akuma beat by ladybug and chat noir! you two are awesome!! ladybug totes beat ass back ther like omg ur the best herere the snaps i got frm the fight bros attachment: heckyes.pptx but srsly its like 11pm cn hwkmoth plz just take a brkkkkk alredy????
Comments on; victory once again!
cookietime at 11:10pm ladybug isn’t the best, she’s useless without chat noir
curiositykilledthechat at 11:13pm What do you mean? I disagree.
cookietime at 11:14pm i mean ladybug would probably be dead by now if it werent for chat noir
curiositykilledthechat at 11:16pm Don’t say that! Ladybug is definitely capable of taking all these akumas on her own, you know.
cookietime at 11:17pm shes literally cannon fodder w/out chat what are you talking about. i stand by my previous claim shes naive and shed already be dead
curiositykilledthechat at 11:18pm That’s a lie! Ladybug is intelligent, beautiful, and she works incredibly hard to keep the city safe every night! That’s more than many people in Paris can do.
cookietime at 11:20pm whatever. she wouldve died tonight if it werent for chat noir. dont even try to convince me otherwise.
theLadyblogger at 11:21pm the heck is goin on here!?!??!!?!?!!1?!?? this is blASPHEMY
Marinette didn’t even dare to look at the next response, closing the tab. Of course Alya had to arrive then. Marinette’s honestly surprised she hasn’t been banned yet for all the times she’s ‘blasphemed’ or whatever about Ladybug. Maybe that’s just her best friend privileges speaking.
Her phone buzzes. Probably Alya. She doesn’t even care right now, flopping back onto her bed, pulling a pillow over her head, and screaming into it. She’s so tired, it’s one of those days, and she just can’t handle it right now. Not with the late-night akuma attack, with her friends throwing praise at her alter ego all the time, not when she really doesn’t deserve it. Sometimes it’s fun, but on days like this she only fights because she’s the only one who can.
She doesn’t move as the trapdoor above her bed squeaks a little, as a small gust of the chilly night air outside puffs into the room, as a weight lands and makes itself comfortable on her bed. She feels like if she lifts the pillow off her head she’ll scream or sob and she can’t do it. Not when he’s come to visit her on a night like this. He didn’t have to argue with her online, he didn’t have to break out at almost midnight, and he certainly didn’t have to jump rooftops in the cold just to make sure she would be okay.
Marinette resists the urge to punch something, probably herself, as slivers of green light filter past her shut eyelids. She can hear Plagg muttering and the sound of a drawer opening, likely the small cat getting at the camembert she always keeps there for him. When she feels the pillow being pulled at a little, she only holds it tighter.
“Mari,” Adrien says quietly, and she lets out a sob. She’s shaking, she knows, and he scoops her up into his arms as she cries and her pillow leaves her face and all she can do is latch onto him. Either one of them could’ve died tonight and it’s just so hard to think straight and here she is, breaking down when she really shouldn’t and it’s just so difficult to keep going on like everything is normal when it really isn’t. She can’t go to school tomorrow, and she has no doubt Adrien would just stay here and play games with her for the whole day if she didn’t force him to go.
“It’s okay,” he shushes, and she knows she can hear Tikki and Plagg talking in the background but all she can focus on is how tight her grip on the front of Adrien’s shirt is because if she lets her mind any further than what is immediately in front of her she’ll snap completely. “We’re okay.” She ignores the buzzing of her phone by her leg. Alya’s either mad, or worried, or both, but she can’t care right now.
It seems like ages before Marinette's able to pull away just a little, forcing her breathing to even. Adrien still won’t budge, keeping her in a close hug. God knows she needs it.
“You didn’t have to come,” she says eventually, body completely under control once again. She pulls away. “I’ll have been fine eventually.”
“Nonsense, bug. What kind of partner would I be then?” he gives her an empathetic smile. “Besides, we both have our days. At least I can be here for you.”
More tears are going down Marinette’s cheeks but now she’s smiling faintly. She’s pulled back into the hug and honestly, there’s nothing else she wants right now.
If the next day is spent napping and cuddling and playing video games and definitely not at school, who’s to judge?
Breathing is hard.
Skeletal muscles attach to bones and move according to messages from the nervous system. One such muscle is the diaphragm, the muscle that facilitates the breathing process by expanding and contracting the space inside of the lungs, creating a vacuum that is quickly replaced by air via the bronchial tubes.
Moving is hard.
Fatigue slows the central nervous system, causing difficulties in reaction time and movement speed. As muscles typically involved in all types of movement are skeletal muscles, they rely on the central nervous system to pilot them.
Keeping one’s tired heart together is hard.
Scientifically speaking, hearts themselves cannot break. They aren’t made of a brittle substance, they are muscle. However hearts, unlike other muscles, cannot tire. They consist of a special muscle called cardiac muscle, which contains up to 35% mitochondria, supplying the heart with a nigh-limitless amount of energy. While the heart does not tire naturally, it isn’t impossible for it to tire. By the point that it does, serious damage has already been done to the fibres.
The bright screen hurts his eyes in the darkness of his room. His hands are shaking. Plagg is asleep. He doesn’t want to wake the exhausted kwami. The Ladyblog is open on his computer and he can’t keep writing. Alya’s probably pissed.
curiositykilledthechat at 9:47pm Chat Noir doesn’t even do anything useful.
theLadyblogger at 9:51pm wat the heck u talkin about?!??!?!?????
curiositykilledthechat at 9:53pm I mean, Ladybug always carries the fights. She’s the one who always fixes everything.
cookietime at 9:54pm that doesn’t mean chat noir isn’t helpful!
theLadyblogger at 9:54pm chat noir protects ladybug and makes it so she can fix everythin tho!!!
curiositykilledthechat at 9:56pm All he does is destroy things and put people in danger.
Adrien's vision is blurry. When did he start crying? He can’t read the messages on the Ladyblog. It probably doesn’t matter. His phone buzzes. Several times. Then it rings. He doesn’t pick it up, doesn’t move from his spot in the chair at his desk. When a cold gust of wind hits him he faintly thinks When did my window open? before two arms wrap around his shoulders from behind. Ah. Then. The window is always unlocked anyway. His hand grips the arms tightly, and he doesn’t protest when they urge him up and move him over to the couch to sit down. He still doesn’t look. There’s a flash of pink light as the window is shut, then footsteps make their way to him.
“Shhhhh, it’s alright,” Marinette sits down beside him and pulls him into a hug. She runs her hands through his hair as he silently struggles to control his breathing. He’s leaning heavily on her, but she doesn’t complain. He’s always leaning on her, always being a burden, always messing things up and endangering her and being controlled and destroying everything.
“Quiet now, kitty,” she whispers as he opens his mouth to say something, anything, and he buries his face further into her shoulder. His hands are shaking but he’s stopped crying now, at least.
“All I do is destroy things,” he gets out meekly after a few minutes. Marinette hums.
“What about us? You’re always saving me. You were the one to ask me out,” she replies gently.
“I’m scared,” he’s almost whispering now. “I have the power to destroy everything I touch. I do destroy everything I touch.” It’s barely audible now. “What if I destroy someone?”
“I’ll know you never meant to,” comes the steady reply. He knew that would be the answer. He just can’t believe Marinette would trust him so deeply and entirely. Because it’s happened before, that he’s tried to use Cataclysm on a person. She told him so; he’d pulled it on her during the Dark Cupid incident. He feels sick. The power to destroy whatever he touches, to kill people so easily, is terrifying to wield. He feels like he shouldn’t have this responsibility, no matter what Plagg or Tikki say. He can’t trust himself enough.
They spend a little longer in silence until Adrien is almost falling asleep on Marinette’s shoulder, calmed and purring quietly. Side effects of being Chat Noir. She eventually huffs and nudges him up.
“Come on, sleepy kitty, we have a test tomorrow and I need my beauty sleep too.” Adrien protests faintly as she leaves. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Is that okay?”
Adrien nods. “Yes. I’m okay.”
Alya and Nino are worried about their friends, sure. Sometimes the happiness seems forced, too-wide smiles and very quick "i’m fine"s followed by a change in subject. They’re better around each other, though. Marinette is less frantic when near Adrien, and Alya suspects she’s just acting all flustered and stuff now. Adrien seems less tense around Marinette, more comfortable in his own skin.
Alya and Nino know they aren’t part of whatever seems to be going on in their best friends’ lives. They know no matter how much they wish they could change the circumstances, know and be part of it, it’s something they can’t be privy to.
Whatever’s wrong, they’re glad those two have each other.
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