#but i see where i get it from tho😗
luffyvace · 5 months
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Wrote this on a whim when I remembered how much I liked this guy 😎
Buggy stans, assemble!!
I love buggy and I don’t talk about it enough
but like he needs more screen time
he has a decent amount I just wanna see him more :)
onto hcs!
buggy is a guy who wants to be confident but isn’t so he fakes it but you can tell
at first he’s just as phony towards you but as time goes on he opens up to you
you try to convince him he can be himself around everyone, especially his own crew he but still thinks he has to put on a show
its what he does best afterall!
buggy is subtly physical affectionate, for example, resting his hand on your waist
or putting a hand on your head
him being more flashy would be giving you a big kiss
he dips you and makes a “mmmmwah!” sound so you know it’s for show when in public
other times he does it to be playful
Another grand love gesture he does is sit you on his lap or shoulder
the man’s got some good muscle so he can hold you not matter your weight 💗
He likes make a game or show out of a lot of things you do for fun
he won’t do it if it bothers you
but he makes you laugh so much how can you not like it??
buggy doesn’t really like anyone seeing him without paint/makeup on
he gets up like really early, around 4-5 to do it
he doesn’t even want you to see very often
he says he doesn’t feel ‘buggy’ without it
ngl cabaji and mohji are wonder how buggy bagged you?? 🤨🤨
like your so fine (yes you are idc abt your opinion of yourself, You. Are. Fine.)
lowkey buggy be wondering too..😗
buggy always talks to you before bed.
he like, caresses your hair and whispers in your ear
he’s not tryna do it in a suggestive way
like in a way where he’s trying to comfort you or lull you to sleep
”how’s your day been lovely?”
“I wish I coulda been there to punch that sucker in the face. you did not deserve that.” /
“That’s good honey, why don’t you go ahead and get yourself some sleep?”
“What about me? Oh sugar don’t worry about me, you just go ahead and get some shuteye”
he kisses you atop your head as you two snuggle up and fall asleep
just for the record it took a WHILE before buggy got that smooth 😊
like he had to get comfy in the relationship before he could even think to say any of that without cringing at himself
at first he was a lowkey stuttering, blushing mess
buggy enjoys if you help him wash his hair, especially the part where you massage his scalp 😍
he loves it,
it’s his favorite part
if you wanna do his makeup tho..😗
your gonna need the rest of the crew to pitch in on a plan to capture all of buggy’s separated limbs for that one 😋
courtesy of the straw hats for giving you that idea
he’ll grumble and frown as you wash away his old makeup and apply a fresh layer :)
he’s not mad at you tho
He’s just going to kill his men once your finished 🤗
buggy is a pirate captain so he likely has a ship cook
which be thankful for that..
becauseeee this man could probably never cook in a million years..
anyway buggy’s main love languages are physical touch
because it’s easy to display his love for you
and sometimes he would make a show out of it ;)
acts of service
because I mean he just oh so loves to serve his sweet darlin’!
he lives for it even!
he lives to bring people joy and laughter from his shows
why would that be any different, especially with you??
and gift giving too
this is mostly for if he has a more so materialistic/superficial s/o
who likes the luxurious life and being pampered
or he might just get you stuff to see that big ol’ smile of yours 💛
he may be a coward sometimes
but he’s always a man in the sense of being a gentleman
It happens a lot but he gets really upset when his crew ruins what was supposed to be a romantic date for you
like picture it: everything’s going well
your dressed up and feel confident and buggy is too
you both sit down at a private reservation to a restaurant he rented
he takes your hands and kisses them as you both giggle and stare at each other, with hearts practically in your eyes
then the waiter comes in :)
*sniff sniff* “what..can I get you?..” 😢
”well you said do anything possible to rent this place since we didn’t have enough money..*sniff* so we had to sell Richie” 😭😭😭
”well you said you were renting it out so they thought you needed it for a party or something..not for a date” *sniffles*
buggy was practically on FIRE 😂
all bro wanted was a romantic date
but instead he had to go search for a LION 🤦‍♀️
Well you spent the rest of your day tracking down the restaurant staff and richie
and trust me that was a hassle
Everyone was tired and ready to give up but cabaji kept begging and crying
eventually you found the restaurant staff!…..forming they’re own circus..with richie..who was also crying
you had to fight the staff to get richie back
and they were unexpectedly strong
yeah at the end of the day you and buggy were tired and went to be early
he keeps it in his notes never to ask his crew to help him with a date again..
another topic :)
i feel buggy would really like receiving massages
like back/shoulder ones specifically
rub some lotion in his back and that’s the ultimate way to calm a angry buggy 💗
he really appreciates when you do this
he’ll return the favor too
more likely to come in the form of gifts than another massage
but if you state that’s how you’d like to be repaid he wouldn’t mind at all
in fact he’d be quite good at giving massages
especially since he can simply separate a hand or too so he can continue to manage his crew 💖
buggy likes to put you in his acts
He teaches you everything he knows and is really proud of you when you impress the crowd or master a skill
he’s very supportive and patient in that sense
and when I say the word ‘patience’ is reserved for you I mean it
he prioritizes you a lot even if he can’t afford the L he’s about to take in order to impress you
refer back to the failed date where he couldn’t actually rent the restaurant
and don’t get me wrong buggy isn’t broke or anything
it’s just he gets expensive when pampering you
like buying you lavish resorts, cruises and any other thing you could possibly want
he thinks you higher than him, better.
And in a attempt to get you to stay he gives you reasons!
lavish dates! Comfort! Happiness and laughter!
a part of him thinks you’d leave if he didn’t do those things
that you wouldn’t love him for just him and that it must be for the show
later on in the relationship when he explains that’s how he feels and opens up to you
you’ll definitely reassure and correct him about your love for him
that you’d love him even if he was a bum, nobody and total loser
he tries not to tear up but he’s tearing up
btw if you don’t like being in the spotlight/stage
he doesn’t mind :)
will occasionally try to push you out of your shell—
“your a star baby! Your meant to shine!”
”people would love you! You should at least try!”
—but he won’t force you <3
he’ll give you a front row seat to his acts and look for you to see if your smiling/laughing during the big act/climax of the show
he definitely values your opinion way over other’s and a lot of the time even his own
even more so if your intelligent
he might ask you to at least be a volunteer for his acts even if you prefer to be in the crowd
and you accept sometimes, to make him happy 😊
or maybe you work backstage!
like on spotlight or curtains!
maybe you made the props, if your an artist you may have painted them!
He compliments you on it too!
”ya worked wonders with that spotlight baby!”
“Really all I did was move it around..😅”
“Still ya did great! You’ve got a great sense of timing!
Or it may go more like this:
“The props looked wonderful tonight hun!”
”really? Thanks! It took a while!”
”hard work shows! almost stood out more than your smilin’ face in the crowd, my dear!”
Hope you enjoyed the hcs :) I really liked this experimental style I did<3
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astrhoeluvr · 2 years
Astrhoe Observations Pt.3🫂🥰🫶🏻
(Damn we’re already at part 3??😭🫶🏻 anyway thank you so much for the all love and support🥺🥳🥰)
Back to 👉🏻 my materialist 👁️🫦👁️.
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a lil disclaimer : these are just my personal observations, so don’t take any of them to heart🥳.Some could be applicable to you and some would differ, so take all of them with a grain of salt OKIE! enough of me blabbing let’s get on with it🫶🏻🥰
🐠😗📸: No one:
Pisces Placements in every single picture: 😗✌🏻
(Always pouting their asses away like a lil fish 🐠 bwhahaha😭👀 makes sense because their astrological symbol is literally a fish 🎣)
🌗👩‍👦: The house where your moon sits in could show where your mom guided you the most.👩‍👦‍👦
Eg. Moon in the 1st house could mean your momma played an important role in moulding your personality. With this placement you learn a lot from your mom and you could also look very similar to your momma!👀😗. Moon in the 11th house could mean your momma taught you how to work with technology 💻 or how to make friends 👯‍♀️🫂.
If moon is negatively aspected the results might vary and instead of encouraging you, your momma might criticise you in relation to the house your moon is placed in and the themes revolving around that house.👩‍👦🥲
☀️👨‍👧: Same goes for the sun and your dad. The sun in a certain house could highlight where your dad played the most importance in your life.
Eg. Sun in the 2nd house could mean your dad helped you out with financial matters💸, buying you a lot of gifts 🎁🥺 or even teaching you how to draw/paint/colour🎨✍️👩🏻‍🎨. Sun in the 10th house could indicate your dad having a huge role in choosing your career path. Or on the advice of your dad you pick your career.💪🏻💼 But ofc if the sun is negatively aspected, it could take a whole 180.🤸🏻‍♀️🫠😬
🫂🤞🏻: You will definitely share 2 or more placements with your family 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦. For egs. My mom and I are Aries moons and my dad and brother are Aquarius moons.
🔮🧿: Planets in the 12th house could show what you subconsciously hide from the world🫣🕵🏻.
Eg. Moon in the 12th house could hide their emotions from the world because they could feel people might look down on them or judge them.
Mercury in the 12th house could indicate being shy with your words. Having a lot to say but saying nothing kinda beat yk?🤫🎙️🗣️
🖐🏻😗👀: Gemini Lilith/ Chiron could have felt insecure about their fingers or hands in general.🥲🫤🖐🏻!! DO NOT FEEL BAD, y’all have gorgeous HANDS AND FINGERS AND DON’T LET ANYONE TELL YOU OTHERWISE 🤺.
🤩📸🏜️🌅: The house where venus is placed could indicate what you like taking pictures of 🤳🏻📸🎞️.
Eg. Venus in the first house LOVE taking selfies🥵 do I blame y’all tho?? SUCH BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE ISTG. Venus in the sixth house could indicate taking A LOT of pictures of your pets📸🐈🦮. Their gallery would definitely be filled with pictures of their pets!! LIKE WHY DO YOU HAVE 500+ pictures of your cat sleeping??👀🤨
🥵🤤: Okay but like what is it about Capricorn placements and being so damn fine??? The way the carry themselves, the way they speak, their determination and dedication UGH. They get me weak in my knees frfr🛐🛐😩
🫶🏻🤑💳🌺: Earth Venus individuals could literally give their lovers the “princess treatment”🛍️🏬💵🎁💐. Showering them with gifts, acts of services, words of affirmations. Literally the most thoughtful and considerate lovers🥰🤩. This could also very much be applicable to Water Venus peeps🫶🏻.
😈😳: Scorpio placements lowkey like it when their partner acts possessive or protective over them and even more if it’s outwardly expressed (not in a toxic way ofc). Their partner could say “YOU ARE MINE AND ONLY MINE YK THAT RIGHT?”😤😩 and on the outside they’d be like : yeah cool ik that haha 😃😐🧍🏻‍♀️but on the inside they’re like : hell yeah😳🥵😏🤩🤯😍😩. Don’t deny it y’all, I SEE YOU 👀🫵🏻
Okay that’s all for today luvs🥰🫶🏻
(Please do not copy or plagiarise any of my work <33)
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- san✨🍵🪴📖🧘🏻‍♀️
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faithst · 1 year
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pairing zb1 x mostlygn!reader
genre fluff, a bit suggestive in hanbin and jiwoong’s
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— zhang hao
hao isn’t the type to talk about it openly imo,,
but like everyone can tell he’s so into you
when you dress up for a date and another person comes up to talk to you, he would pull you away by the waist and back-hug you
“mine..” taking in your scent as he buries his head into your neck 😗
isn’t afraid to let people know that you are his 🫡
— sung hanbin
usually compliments you on a daily basis but OHO when you’re all dolled up for him, the compliments get more often
it starts off nice and sweet “wow, you’re amazing..”
then he gets more touchy
starts holding your hands more
“okay, did you know you look absolutely stunning?”
then it becomes more,, sensual
“is it just me or it’s really hot in here?” “btw, you look very kissable.”
— seok matthew
literally adores you
jaw dropped when he saw you
boasts to everyone on how you’re his s/o
“yeah, that breathtaking one over there? they’re mine”
so proud and cannot comprehend how happy he is
— shen ricky
like hao, he doesn’t show it openly
though, who knows whats going on in his brain after seeing you
first, he’s proud that you’re wearing the gifts he got for you and wants to look at you often
second, he gets bright red when he looks at you so he tries not to
you catch him lacking though and he’s as red as a tomato
— park gunwook
he knows you look good and at first is very proud to tell everyone that you are his partner
then he gets jealous but it’s in a way where he just won’t say anything about it
but it’s clearly plastered on his face that other people winking and trying to talk to you is bothering him
he’s so cute abt it tho, he gets extra touchy
extra touchy as in not leaving your side and stuck to you like glue
— kim taerae
i said this a million times, i’ll say it again: ✨ABSOLUTE STARS IN HIS EYES LIKE ✨
treats you like absolute royalty
listens to every word you’re saying and does not let you get up to do anything or get anything as he does it for you
it’s as if the world stopped and everyone except you is blurred
he’s usually very charming but this time; he’s a total sweetheart
— kim gyuvin
suddenly he cannot form coherent sentences
his vocabulary is literally only pick-up lines now
“hey, do you like raisins? how do you feel about a date?” “gyuvin, we are on one right now.”
winks at you from time to time
“so like can i have your number?”
— kim jiwoong
when he saw you, he eyed you up and down
then his face became 😏
just stares at you, enjoying what he sees
he’s VERY bold
“you’re like really hot right now.”
whatever happened next is your imagination
— han yujin
honestly, when he saw that you dressed up for him, he was very happy
like, he didn’t think you liked him enough to do such thing even for just a small hangout
super smiley the whole day
gets super shy at the thought that you like him
puts twice the effort into his attire for you after that
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© keiwook
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charlottemount · 1 year
THE LITTLE THINGS — Mason Mount (part 01)
summary: where a single, young and talented model first meet with mason mount from chelsea in a 🔥 photoshoot for gucci brand, and slowly started to fall in love him. will he has feeling for y/n too?
warning: english not my first language! i’m also not a runway model
smau! series (part 01/?)
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Liked by hunterschafer and 931,330 others
y/username Another day another casting 🦋
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kerrileemiller hi
y/username hi bbe 💗
tomfordforgucci.00 Hey! heard that you’re going to have a photoshoot for gucci? is that real??
howard.cooper What is one message you would give to your fans?
dianaweelch Are you real?
[y/n and mason story]
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Liked by gucci, jazbenham and 3,410,572 others
masonmount Sneak peak of today photoshoot
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gucci ❤️
masonmount 🔥❤️❤️
sydneylee First, are you and y/n have a photoshoot together? If it is then my dream come true 😩😩
gucci 🤔🤔
sydneylee So its true? Isn’t it
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y/username Job done, refreshing with some mango 🥭🥭
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williehanson You’re my idol y/n, beautiful, talented
y/username thats so cute and thank you xx
stephaniekimm.33 Have you ever attend any football match before?
y/username Of course 😗 I’m a BIG Man City fan tho, hbu?
stephaniekimm.33 I’m actually Chelsea
y/username Well my dad is a Chelsea fan so
delaylawthan I’m also @.masonmount fan
y/username 🔥🔥
gianaa I’ve been follow you from the start
y/username that’s mean alot to me, tysm ❤️❤️
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Liked by y/username, masonmount and 20,391,400 likes
gucci Mason Mount & Y/n Y/l/n photoshoot for new Spring 2023 collection. Check out for more on our bio!
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nicolaannepeltzbeckham THAT’S MY GIRL @y/username RIGHT THERE GUYS!!!!
masonmount Love this
y/username See you at the runway next week @.gucci
janetroggerss This, this is masterpiece
masonmount.png Needs to see the whole concept of this photoshoot!!
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Liked by gucci, rubendias and 4,729,031 others
masonmount Oh, hii there @y/username
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y/username Oh hi to you too silly man 🤪
y/n.mygirl So close already?
ccais This is what i’m sayinggg, we’ve been waiting for this for way too long 😩
joshuaelen @ccais This is GOAL! ✨
helenajanei Not a fan of her but i gotta say this gucci shoot are PERFECT
gorgiap_ I hate the fact that he’s touching her 🍑😩 i wish i was herrrrr
roberttthompson Why her? why?? Not other who much more famous than her, like Gigi or Bella? Why y/n??
archiveof.y/n Stop being so rude, its just a photoshoot for GUCCI new collection :)))
masonmount_y/n.pdf Why not? and at least she better than you @.roberttthompson son of a bitch
roberttthompson She ugly, unprofessional, and she isn’t famous, no one knows about her 😀 is that enough reason for you?
nicolesanchezz The way he said that he don’t know who she is 😂 man she don’t even know you’re exist on this planet so stop being like a “A list celebrity” and trying to get more hate
next chapter >
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nikatyler · 2 months
✨ Ross Goes to Baldur's Gate ✨
Welcome, Ross enthusiasts! I'm currently on my second bg3 run and I'm sort of livetweeting it. But, since I like to look back at what I play, I decided I'd archive those threads here. Yeah, I could make a thread on twitter, but honestly, reading it here is more comfy.
So yeah, enjoy, and warning, these are going to be long! ✨ Also, this goes without saying but obviously there will be spoilers, so proceed at your own risk if you haven't played yet and would like to in the future. (Please play in the future. And say it was my influence. Pretty please.)
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Trying balanced difficulty this time... we shall see if I was too confident
Okay I'm already too damn indecisive about what he should look like, this is harder than I thought 🙈 I'm spoiled from the sims. With Zeph it was easy because they were a completely new character
I don't like any of the faces for him help 💀
Folks I don't knowwww, what do we think
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It's probably the jump from his usual sims maxis-matchiness to this artstyle that makes me feel a bit 🥴
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Also, I couldn't decide what body type to go for…one is too slim for him imo, other too buff…I'm overthinking this I know I know…maybe I'll eventually take a look at some mods for him. Not tonight tho
Actually no, I'm looking at some sims pictures of him and this body type is ok, see I told you I was overthinking it
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should I make the catfish -- errr, the guardian resemble Caleb? for funsies and as a reference to where we started? 🤭
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teeheee yes we're doing that indeed. I'm gonna call him...Fakeleb. Like. Fake Caleb. Caleb from Wish, if you will
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THERE'S MY BOY he's alive for now
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Of course we fail the very first check 💀💀 not the smartest tool in the shed, I know buddy, I know
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BAE'zel time 😗😗
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I'm taking a lot more screenshots this time around
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he's growing on me btw, i'm starting to like his face
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worst hangover of his life, last time he checked he was a happy little sim guy, how did he get here?!
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he didn't pin him to the ground? where's the fun in that 🥺
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Anyway, time to stop today, it's late. I really enjoy being back in act 1 though!
Original thread.
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blair-the-juggalho · 2 years
Hey, my beloved Blair! Can I reuquest the Ericson gang x reader who play fights with them a lot? like they're just standing there, and reader tackles them to the ground and fights em, they find it funny but when reader has then pinned down just kisses them and they're just so stunned bc they just walk out like it was nothing
Always for you my lovely!!!!! Loves the request (as always!)
TWDG Ericsson’s gang with an S/O who play fights them, kisses them, then acts like newts happened
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She didn’t really have an opinion on play fight
She did hate it or love it!
But she did find it cute when you’d start wrestling her out of nowhere
You walk into the room and decide to be a cheeky little sod and play fight her
You tackle her to the ground (which is already enough to make her blush)
and then you slowly lean in and kiss her
And she’s STUNNED
They you just get up n leave! Just like that!
She just kinda sits on the floor for a few minutes going over what just happened
Did that actually happen?
Should I go after them?
When you see her again she’s just staring at you (still with a red face) giving you a questioning yet amused look :)
“What’s up with you, eh?” - reader
“You know.”
“Hmm I don’t think I do >:)”
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Now this man LOVES play fighting
It’s one of his favourite ways to express love for his partner!
So you too usually do this a lot
This time however after you pinned him down
He was too busy laughing to notice that you where going in for a kiss
You lean back ,after you stole a kiss from him, and just give a mischievous smile
Mitches whole face goes bright red.
He really liked that even if it did shock him a bit
He was going to say something but the next thing he knew you’d already ran off , totally unbothered
Now this man is confused
He gets up and chases after you
“The fuck was that?”
“We where messing around then you kiss me and leave.”
He low-key wants you to do that more often
He loved every second of it
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This man likes his fair share of play fighting!
So when you come into his office and start tackling him
He’s laughing away and gently fighting back
You’ve managed to stick him to the floor while he was distracted and that’s when you took your chance
You lean down and kiss him
And this man is just like “😯”
He wasn’t complaining though
That was until you just walked out lmao
Then ,like mitch, he got up and chased you
“Well what?”
“Why’d you run off after that?”
“No reason :)”
This man will get his revenge.
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This man doesn’t have an opinion of play fighting but he does finds it funny!
You guys where just playfully shoving one another
Then the next thing you know
You’ve pinned him to the ground
And this bastard is laughing his ass off
“Oh hello there, how’s the weather up there.”
While he’s too busy dying of laughter you give him a kiss on the lips
And then he starts getting all flustered
Literally like:
He’s started questioning you and you just smile and walk off
He doesn’t go after you but he just lies here and smiles to himself
Heaven forbid anyone find him in this state, they’ll think he’s high
He will bring it up to you all the time later tho lmao
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This man isn’t really into play fighting but that won’t stop you lmao
He was yibbering on about some random thing and you got bored and started to pin him down
Man is both too flustered and shocked to speak lmao!
You laugh at his reaction and give him a kiss
And omg he nearly passed out
You laugh at him again then leave to go do your own thing
He’s just silently contemplating life for a while
He can’t keep eye contact with you for the rest of the day lol
But trust me he did like it
He liked the occasional play fight!
You two where just goofing around and having fun and then you decide to pin him down
He’s a little thrown off but regains his cool
He just laughs and you and admire you for a while <3
You kiss him and you can just see all the love he has your you in his eyes <<<<333
Then you just leave.
He is so confused.
When he’d see you later on he’d ask you about it
Nothing negative of course I did love it after all he just prefer that next time you stay with him lol
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Was never really into play fighting but every so often she’d allow it
You where where in the green house and you try to distract her my hip bumping her
You then start your light fighting
You end up pinning her to one of the fungus infested table
She was blushing a lot and making excuses to get back to work
Before you let her go, you gave her a sweet little kiss
And she gasps
You smile and walk off and now she’s livid
She’s chasing you and proper lecturing you for that lmao
Again, she was never into play fighting but she wouldn’t mind it once in a while <3
Your both just kinda chilling and you just start play scrapping her
You pin her to the nearest surface and this girls face goes RED
You gives her a kiss then walk off
And she’s too shocked to do aught
She loves it
She’s just stunned
However later on she’d mention that you shouldn’t tease her like that lmao
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armando-triplepapito · 8 months
Camila being close to Marcela is so random, like how does it get to the point where your daughter is besties with her dad's former fiancé especially considering how things went down? 💀 And if she actually prefers Marcela over Betty that will be insane, I hope they don't go for that route. This is just lazy on the writer's part, why not have her be close to Armando's long lost sister? They could have introduced that character. Marcela for sure changed, at least I hope she did and healed and even married someone else tho I haven't heard anything about that.
It looks like Patricia and Nicolás definitely got together. And she is either pregnant or was at some point because people zoomed in on a portion of the script Lorna was holding on a IG story she shared and it said something about a pregnancy. Not sure how I feel about it. On the one hand, Gaitán must have had a good reason to avoid getting them together. I mean Patricia hardly changed her ways during the original run, but I've also heard that during the failed sequel, Ecomoda, the original plan was to bring Marcela and Patricia back at some point, but I don't know how accurate this is.
So far, I agree with you that this looks like a cash grab. It seems to me that AMO and JEA had wanted to do something together for years, but it didn't materialize until Betty was back on the table. This is why I hope that at least their chemistry is on point so at least this will be its saving grace, a couple of love scenes won't either, just putting it out there 🤭 But it there's tension between them since the beginning, and then Armando's memory loss plot is introduced, and we spend the rest of the episodes seeing Betty trying to make him fall in love with her again, probably there won't be as many romantic moments that truly reflect how their relationship has fared over time. Oh well, I'm not trying to get my hopes up, but I'm sure I will still be disappointed 😂 don't want to spread any negativity tho, you are such a sweetheart and don't want to spoil this for you if you are excited. Thank you for reading, have a good day 🌷
It’s so random!! I don’t even know how B&A even let that happen!! If I were Betty I would never let my child near Marcela! Yea maybe Marcela has matured and changed her ways but I would still be wary. Afterall you never know what an ex might do or say to your child just to get revenge on you. If I were Marcela I’d definitely tell Camila that her mom is a home-wrecker (even tho that’s not true) just to cause drama😗. They better not go with that route. If Camila ever chooses Marcela over Betty imma riot! If anything I would love to see Camila close with Armando’s sister afterall she was technically named after her! But I have low expectations from the writers😑
It’s been confirmed by Natalia Ramirez that Marcela is divorced. Tbh I kinda find this sad. I was hoping she found her Prince Charming especially after what she went through with Armando. Who knows tho, maybe a side plot of the sequel is Marcela falling in love! That would be lovely ❤️
One of my fav ships in ysblf is Patricia x Nicolás. So I’m kinda happy that they end up together! Tho I doubt she’ll be pregnant during the sequel cause isn’t Patricia in her mid 50s? Isn’t that too late to be pregnant? Maybe she was pregnant and has a kid! That would be exciting! Imagine Patricia with a kid? That’s a sight to see😂. Someone mentioned that Patricia would’ve been a bad mother but idk motherhood can change a person so maybe she changed for the better? It would be interesting if Patricia got pregnant by a rando and Nicolas stepped in and took care of them just like he said he would during ysblf. Tho I understand why they weren’t meant to be during ysblf. They were both fakes so obviously their relationship went no where but things would’ve been different if they restarted their relationship after ysblf afterall they would’ve known each other better.
Ooh my I wonder why they wanted to work together again ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).
I’m so happy they’ve returned together! If there’s one thing that can save the sequel it would definitely be the chemistry between AMO and JEA. I hope we see something spicy in their office🤭 afterall we were robbed from one😭 I think what the writers are going for is for “new love” again. I for one would’ve also love to see how their love fared over time. One thing I’ve hated is how Armando couldn’t read Betty well in ysblf like the day she read the letter. I would’ve loved to see him understand how Betty feels and be able to communicate with her just by watching her. That’s something someone like Armando can only achieve over the years and if he gets amnesia then we’re gonna be robbed of this😭 Once he gets amnesia he’s going revert back to the person who can’t even read the room again. Tbh I’m scared to see asshole Armando again. I’m serious he better not even sniff another women or imma riot! I just hope the writers aren’t complete idiots.
Don’t worry I don’t think you’re spreading negativity or anything! One thing about me is that I love spoilers! You can tell me all the spoilers you want and I’ll eat them up. I like knowing everything before and while I’m watching a series. May be weird but it is what it is😂 hehe thanks for messaging me! I had fun! Have a great day🥰❤️
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batfam-my-beloved · 2 years
Peak Batfam Character Design Headcannons
Bruce Wayne
• Jewish/Japanese/English (Idk where I saw it but someone drew Martha and Thomas Wayne and headcannon Martha as a Jewish Polish immigrant and Thomas as half Japanese half English and I really really love that headcannon) [Edit: it was @not-another-robin ]
• Stubbly scratchy
• Thicc thighs (save lives 🙏🥵)
• Under bite
• Scars all over
• Sharp features/high cheek bones
• 5ft 5in (we support a short king 🙌)
• Wide set sholders/back muscles of the ✨️gods✨️
• Has a scar right that goes through his left brow
• Pierced ears that he got when he was a teenager and going through his "goth" faze (let's be honest it still hasn't ended)
• Mainly sticks to wearing classic black/diamond studs
• Secretly misses his long dangling edgy earings
• Panromantic demisexual
• Autistic /OCD/PTSD
• Pls let him ramble about his special interests 🥺👉👈
• Romanian descent
Dick Grayson
• Built but lean
• Very flexible
• Lovely tan skin
• Cute dimples
• The prettiest dark blue eyes you ever did see
• ✨️Nice ass✨️ (obviously)
• Long leggedy legs
• Floofy mullet hair
• Tall boi 6ft 3in (exactly 1 whole inch taller than Jason and it infuriates him 😋)
• He had to get braces at one point and it was the worst time of his life (drama queen 🤭)
• Low key a fuck boi
• He still sweet tho 😘
• His stomach is an endless black hole
• This ain't no lie this boi is bi bi bi
• Adhd go brr 💨
Jason Todd
• Latino Jason for the win baby! Specifically Mexican because I'm projecting 😋
• Built like a shit brick house
• Sturdy but soft like a weight lifter
• No six pack only tum tum 😤
• 6ft 2in (1 inch shorter then Dick and hates it 🤣)
• Stubbly scratchy (like his dad 🥺)
• Thicc thighs that can crush heads (also like his dad 😅)
• Also is riddled with scars as well, mainly bullet wounds
• End the debate: he has heterochromia one blue and one green eye
• Crooked nose from constantly being broken
• J scar on the cheek (do NOT mention it)
• His eye sight is shit but he refuses to get glasses
• He caved once started have trouble reading without getting a headache 🤓
• Panromantic asexual
• PTSD cuz this boi gots ✨️trauma✨️
Tim Drake
• Vietnamese/Irish (cuz I said so 😤)
• Long lean Built
• Floppy hair with a middle part
• Tooth gap ❤️
• Has one (1) singular dimple on his right cheek
• When not on the clock as Robin he is clumsy and always covered in bandages
• Scraped knees and elbows
• Cuz he was a Skater boi and said no I ain't wearing a helmet
• ✨️Skater boi aesthetic✨️
• Also a gamer boi
• Yes he got the cat ear headphones 🐈 😻 🐈‍⬛️
• His eye sight turns to shit over time cuz he's always on the computer
• Yes he got the hipster glasses 🤓
• Bi disaster
• OCD go brr 💨
Damian Wayne
• Arabic
• Lean muscle like an MMA fighter
• Hopes to hit a growth spurt soon but he will still end up short just like his daddy 😈
• Lovely dark skin
• Very sharp features (like his dad)
• Beautiful green eyes (like his mom)
• Long slender nose
• Teeth and ears are slightly pointed due to his demon blood
• Under bite (it's genetic at this point 😋)
• Neat clipped spiky hair
• Prides himself in not having as many scars as the rest (sign of strength in combat)
• Nonbinary/Gender Queer
• Asperger's Syndrome
• His special interests are anime, animals, and swords
Cassandra Cain
• Chinese decent
• Ballerina body with a bit more muscle around the arms
• Ballerina feet (they hurt 🥺)
• Nice olive skin
• Cute round face
• Hands have lots of little scars and bruises
• Selective mute
• ASL and Chinese sign language✌️
• Bob hair cut with an under cut
• Wanted to peirce her ears when she saw that Bruce had his pierced
• They get matching earings ❤️
• Pan 💖💛💙
• Joining Jason in the PTSD and trauma club 😗✌️
Stephanie Brown
• Hungarian decent
• More square around the shoulders
• Stacked like a classic boxer
• 3 ears piercings on each ear
• Dirty blond hair reaches a little passed her shoulder blades
• Also has had braces at one point
• Nail polish is always chipped
• Has fought several people at 3am behind a Waffle house
• Bi icon
• Low key has anger issues but is going to therapy for that now 😗✌️
Duke Thomas
• African American
• Classic athletic build (like dorito)
• Large thick hands (so that he may hold the people he loves 🥺❤️)
• Square jaw line but also soft around the edges
• Short clipped hair with his little zig zaggies shaved on the side, sometimes he changes up the design when he feels daring 😘
• Ears stick out a little (very cute 😍)
• Also has pierced ear that he's had since he was 8yrs
• He to gets a matching set with Bruce and Cass ❤️
• Over bite
• He is an ally and very supportive 💕
• His lips are chapped cuz our boi gots ✨️Anxiety✨️ and is always chewing on them
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beauspot · 2 years
so by like…i wanna say season 4 i think the bear will have a michelin star or at least i think that’s what syd and carmy are striving for.
you know one of those rinky dink places that isn’t like well known for its aesthetic but has delicious food? but i think while sydney wants it(and her season 1 self would probably push harder for it) i think carmy is actually going to be the one who becomes obsessed with actually getting it and if we’re following my 4 season plan of syd and carmy getting together the breakdown of their relationship starts end of season 3 start of season 4.
this could be caused by carmy being so engrossed in getting recognition from the culinary world he starts to neglect everyone’s needs, mainly syds and she thinks this is a sign of him reverting to season 1 episode 7 carmy so she backs off cause she doesn’t want to deal with that and THEN he realizes once she no longer wants him how hard he’s been pushing everyone and how he’s driving everyone away. the thing he’s been working on to NOT do.
So then he stops trying so hard to get the star and starts to focus back on syd, but oops she’s met someone else while he was being all in his own head, blah blah blah she ends up with this other guy(or girl/person doesn’t matter) but while she’s with them carmy is still trying to get her back cause he doesn’t care morality wise and he has no shame. you could say he’s…shameless.
and syd is trying her hardest to move on from carmy(wait this might be a five season plan) but still has feelings for him. anyways they begin working together again, in sync this time and they are notified that they are up for consideration for a michelin star. they’re so happy and they stay overnight to continue working and emotions are running high which leads to a tense moment between them at the restaurant where they’re staring at each other like…are we gonna do this? have a consensual workplace relationship? and then they kiss(infidelity arc EGAD 😱) also richie sees them because i think he would make the biggest deal out it and cause drama and we need drama it’s a tv show
so syd being upset she cheated goes back home and again is like “i gotta get over this guy somehow” and tries again to just forget about carmy putting distance between them and this time carmy is like “oh this is bad we really fucked up” and so he gives her space. it’s a few days later and sydney’s super broken up about what happened so she breaks up with the other person(they kinda know she still has feelings for carmy and they know that’s the reason but they don’t know they kissed) and somehow carmy finds out(cause i don’t think syd would tell him first i think she’d tell tina or marcus or something(WAIT. what if the person she’s dating IS marcus that’s even MESSIER))
he tells her he’s sorry and he stares at her with them big ass puppy eyes which nobody can resist and he really is sorry then in the middle of all this shit they find out THEY GOT THE MICHELIN STAR. everyone is bummed out tho and richie being richie decides that’s the perfect moment to expose syd and carmy(and if marcus and syd were dating then there’d be a sever in the relationship between carmy and marcus which sucks because i think marcus could be become another friend of carmy’s aside from syd)
but this splits the kitchen on who’s on who’s side and suddenly we’re back in mess because of course we are, just got a michelin star and everyone’s life is falling apart.
then we end the season with carmy being like “i’m sorry i hurt marcus but…i’m just tryna get with you sooooo😗” and syd is like “fuck it, let’s do it.” and yeah. season 5/6 maybe starts off and chefs kiss is secretly dating and everyone except like richie and tina probably are mad at them. richie doesn’t care what they did he’s just a dick and he thought it’d be funny, which carmy is annoyed by.
i say secretly but carmy can not keep his big ass spacial deep blue sea eyeballs off sydney so it’s amazing no one has figured them out. bit of a kanthony tease!
i don’t know why i wrote all of this.
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luffyvace · 5 months
Katsuki Bakugo x Shoto twin reader
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These are for my good friend irl :) ENJOY!!
btw this is written with fem! Reader in mind. Yes I will likely do a male reader version dw 💗 (i don’t think it’ll have shoto twin reader)
So bakugo in a relationship huh? Not the first thing I’d think he’s into but hey, it’s already happened now! 🤷‍♀️
About kats and todo’s beef tho….
at the beginning I mean
katsuki isn’t the type of person to lump people in with your siblings or wtv
buttttt if you and shoto are similar/have similar personalities or interests he might somewhat dislike you at first
if not he doesn’t mind
but it’d especially tick him off if you and todo gang up on him in fights/arguments
but again he decides his opinion of you based off what you show him him or how you present yourself
which is why he didn’t remember most people’s names at the beginning of the show
bc he didn’t have anything to remember them by-
he may come up to you on some sunny callin you icy hot 2.0 n stuff but if you assert your dominance and show him you deserve respect then he lets go of that quickly
not out of fear but because katsuki doesn’t really pick on the people he respects
best jeanist is a great example of what I mean!
if your relation to todo is really similar however
he might find you a bit more annoying at first
he just thinks of you as the off brand version of todoroki until you give him a reason to respect you 😗
Although if your talking more mature kats when it’s like s4 around then he’s more likely to view you as your own person first time around
he also doesn’t do any of that crap anymore and doesn’t mind that you and todo are twins
he used to always mutter ‘your wretched brother’ this and that
but he cut that out
i mean unless you nipped it in the bun back then 🤪
and to do that you likely have to humble him
So after that phase is over nicknames can range from a shorter version of your name to aliases he/people have given you
like how shoto’s quirk is hot/cold so he calls him icy hot
But whatever he comes up with for you isn’t said with a bad intent by him, of course
And w/ cooking you already know his is FIRE 🔥🔥💥💥
like it’s canon this man can cook like 💃💃🕺👯‍♀️👯‍♀️
(that’s you dancing bc his food’s so good)
he be using all types of seasoning so you KNOW it ain’t dry
especially if your a spicy food lover
like I feel he genuinely doesn’t get people who doesn’t like spicy food
he may think your a bit of a wimp..🤓
If you inherited endeavor’s fire quirk he finds it useful that you can lite his barbecues or make fire for cooking in the woods for example
he still heated that explosions don’t work 🤦‍♀️
but ngl he’d rather you than shoto sooo..🤷‍♀️
For love languages his is quality time, acts of service and a bit of gift giving
with quality time he likes to ice skate with you since (if you inherited the ice quirk) you can withstand the cold
He’d try to impress you by saying he’s not that cold (even with a coat on) but he actually is
why would he admit that tho
he’s actually cold don’t torture him by staying longer than you need to
(or do I ain’t gonna judge 😂)
kats likes challenges because it makes him feel accomplished once he completed them
So he likes to do freezer challenges!!
(basically it’s this challenge where you go into a walk in freezer and see who can last the longest—don’t try this at home I’ve only seen this on YouTube and idk if that’s the actual name)
and of course your immune to the cold so it’s easy for you
so if he beats you it’ll make him feel proud
don’t think that just bc your his girlfriend he doesn’t compete with you
there’s no way he’s seeing an opportunity to become the number 1 hero and not taking it to let his girlfriend be happy
don’t blame him who would……
when you first get into your relationship things might be a little awkward and you may or may not be a little intimidated by him
which if you are he feels sorta bad and he doesn’t want you to be
he doesn’t want people he cares about to think he’s some monster
if you were just come class b rubbish what does he care what you think?
but your his girlfriend and probably his first of course he cares what you think of him!
you likely address this early because he doesn’t like the feeling it gives him
so no worries :)
if you were never intimidated by him tho
its probably just awkward silence..
even more so if you were as aloof as todo was back in the first season
or if your just a quiet/socially awkward person
kats isn’t awkward he just doesn’t really know what to say either..
deeper in relationship tho!!
things are a lot less tense and more casual
a thing you do a lot is kinda just be sprawled in bed together doing your own thing
not necessarily cuddling but your both just comfy
you guys have picked up on your couple routines and habits and what not
so things have definitely smoothed over
with baths kats prefers not to take them together
like he just doesn’t see the point
and it’s prob quicker separately
yeah no he’s not doing it
if you’ve been together for years by now, however
he might let you wash his hair
only cuz he likes the way you scrub/scratch his scalp
its relaxing
he still doesn’t wanna do it all the time tho
You two def always work out together
so at least that
he always makes sure you pack everything before going to train/work out
he’s more meticulous than you know and it annoys him when one of you forget something
“it’s fine katsuki just leave it!”
”no I’ll just go run and get it it’s fine!”
you might as well wait bc he just has to have this one thing
idk why
you guys take a good amount of water breaks and such but you go really hard core while your at it
He’s probably either silent or a yelling motivator..no in between
Your friends lowkey ship you guys
and tease you
mina tries to get you to do pranks on katsuki
mostly bc she gets more backlash if she does it
like little stupid pranks like drawing on his face or acting like your cheating 😊
“give in to peer pressure!” >:(
Dont katsuki will explode
ok my bad but I just had to put at least one bad joke in there..
I had fun writing this and it didn’t take long at all :)
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tiodolma · 1 year
So, as you're watching Camelot, who's the better Merlin? 😗 Physical appearance, character, magic, the way he behaves?
As of writing this, i have only been finished watchcing 5/10 episodes of Starz Camelot (2011). I’m going to just answer with what I know for now.
Will contain some spoilers.
I love Colin Morgan but without a doubt, Joseph Fiennes’s Merlin is the best Merlin adaptation I have seen so far. (tbf i've only seen like 3 arthuriana adaptations or 4 if u include monty python)
Physical appearance: I wish his Starz Merlin wasn’t bald. He looks too modern. But BBC Merlin is still more modern-looking compared to him. Starz Merlin’s baldness could be a dealbreaker to some. I know because I had been skeptical at first. Anyway. This Merlin is OLD. No one knows his true age (im still at ep5). This is key because he’s a lot more famous, respected and feared not only coz of his magic but because he knows and has seen things.
Character: It’s like Starz Merlin popped straight out of Prose Merlin. Starz Merlin has the madness, the mystery, the wisdom, the experience. This one is a proper kingmaker, strategist, and an actual tutor to Arthur. He is still very protective, caring and watchful for him not in a “i am your servant” kind of way but more like in a “you better not fck this one up, kid. I placed all my bets of the future in you so can you pls live up to your birthright and pendragon name ffs.”
Magic: He’s as powerful as BBCMerlin (i think). He does not flaunt his magic because the consequences are too great. He’s a proper sorcerer tbh. He’s witchy and etc. His logic and motives are mad and you better just say yes to what he will say. This Merlin is plagued by visions. He can scry effortlessly and without the use of magical objects like waterbowls or crystals. If u watch the show u can see how he does it. He uses his scrying to his advantage tho (which is frkn great i love it.)
The way he behaves: if BBC Morgana has her trademark smirks then Starz Merlin is kinda the same lol. Starz Merlin is crazed and barely holding it together and yet still getting things done. He masterminds a lot of the organizing, the propaganda, the political maneuvering... just to prove arthur’s legitimacy, claim and worthiness. It’s very close to Merlin from the legends I think.
Power Comes At a Cost
What’s important is that Starz Merlin’s main thing is “power comes at a cost”. This is vital in the characterization and what I had been looking for in the entirety of BBC Merlin. Both Starz Camelot’s Merlin and Morgan get hurt or suffer terribly from using their powers. I think it’s also why Starz Merlin has a lot of other skills. Unlike BBC Merlin who rarely shows any regret when he kills/hurts somebody using his magic or just for the sake of “destiny”, Starz Merlin does feel remorse and is afraid of the fact that he can kill people if they dont give him what he wants. This makes his character a lot more nuanced and compelling.
The Plot and Other Characters
I have to admit though Starz Camelot’s storyline is more solid. The characterization of Arthur, Guinevere, Morgan is also strong and goes on par with Merlin’s. They’re not caricatures imho. Plus they act In the age they are supposed to be in the show. Arthur and Guinevere are the youngest but they slowly grow out of impulsivity and into maturity and assertiveness. Morgan Pendragon shows the result of 15 years stuck in a nunnery while stewing in magic, knowledge, revenge and hatred against Uther and Igraine. It’s not a Monster of the Week kind of thing so there is not a lot of senseless killing involved —make no mistake, there is killing involved but it’s not the main focus....unlike in the BBC Show where the story at its core is to “secretly eliminate every threat to the pendragons” due in part to the Monster of the Week format.
The main focus, as of ep5, for Starz Camelot is Arthur growing to be A King with and without Merlin’s constant guidance and protection. This makes the plot and writing better and more coherent (in this first 5 episodes anyway). Moreover I do not think the good vs evil plotline is rubbed in one’s face. In fact there is no blatant mention of good vs evil (which is a relief gdi, everyone in Starz Camelot have a bit of asshole energy in themselves).
BBC Merlin vs Starz Camelot Merlin
I do understand though that BBC Merlin and Starz Camelot were two different stories. BBC Merlin told the storyof Merlin growing into his power whereas Starz Camelot’s Merlin already has power but just refused to use it. In the BBC show Arthur is 2 years older than Merlin and was already trained as heir-apparent and kingdom administrator. In Starz Camelot, Merlin’s age is uknown while Arthur was basically a teenager who he just plucked out of the countryside right after Uther was assasinated. We can already see the power dynamics and scope of influence just between their ages alone. Moreover In BBC Merlin, the magic ban, the genocide, and kilgharrah/gaius, all influence and dictate a lot of BBC Merlin’s secrecy and life. They’re both very lonely characters but Starz Camelot’s Merlin has more freedom and has more control of his own life because there is no magic ban. As expected, BBC Merlin has a more uphill battle.
They both have their idealogies and act in extreme and atrocious ways to getting there but... I know I’ve said this before but BBC Merlin acts more like an indoctrinated bioweapon secret service agent rather than an actual person. Starz Camelot’s Merlin is a lot more nuanced, more grounded and more complicated. Starz Camelot’s Merlin is not the extremely self-righteous-i-am-holier-than-thou-as-the-Emodiment-of-Love-Light-and-Loyalty-creature we know as BBC Merlin Emrys.
Starz Camelot’s Merlin is A Sorcerer and A Kingmaker, in every sense of the word:
smart, tactful and resourceful
Cautious but still cunning
Knows how to handle and manipulate people
has seen things,
Has meltdowns when overwhelmed,
still sad and caring in his own way and
...most of all have a certain degree of prickly and dangerous madness (and i think he is aware of it)
This one is more faithful in spirit to the basic arthurian legends compared to BBC Merlin.
Conclusion: BBC Merlin (the character) has his charms, but he can be extremely frustrating to watch because he underperforms constantly. What I am trying to say is that everything I complained about BBC Merlin had been fulfilled/achieved/fixed by Starz Camelot’s Merlin in just 5 episodes.
I do not know what is going to happen yet but as for now I am impressed and quite satisfied.
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kpophubb · 2 years
Hello Your Hee Anonie here 😘
Also!! Guess who is gonna miss their moot court session (basically like a mock court at which law students argue imaginary cases for practice) because they are sick 😄😄 ME! ............ ://// (but it is fine cause it was criminal case and I wanted the CORPORATE LAW CASE) ANYWAY
Ik I am your Hee Anonie (love the name sm) but I am here with some Jake thoughts....cause he be hitting different these day... imagine he sees you with a cat and feels so betrayed ?? 😭😭 he gasped so loud and for what ? And if Layla was there with him ??
Boi you are in for a lecture. Get ready for a divorce. He is taking the kids. Yes kids. Layla and your (not anymore) future kids that he is carrying kehfkdj 😂😂 I MEAN HE THE ONES HE WILL ADOPT SOON IN FUTURE. He is gonna cover Layla's eyes. Acting he just caught you with another man. Layla doesn't even mind the kitten. Maybe they just sniff each for a while and then play along or smth but HIM? he is not having it. Watches you from a distance with a pout on his face. Doesn't hate the kitty but ?? Itsa dog household?? He just looks like :((. Doesn't wanna make you feel bad about your choices and doesn't want to he petty at all but still goes
" oh why don't you take your kitty and go on a date with a cat-like guy like Jungwon" BOY ISTG-
We get it you and Layla are cute doggos. 😤😤 but also Kitty Jakey !! UNTIL !!
One day you are out. He is hanging out at your place. And hears meowing. Initially doesn't pay any attention because 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️😗😗 still doesn't pay attention 5 mins later. Finally comes to the kitchen to see the kitty on the top shelf, meowing and trying to get down (poor bby looks scared ), thinks how did it even get there if it so scared ?? Dumb 😮‍💨 Layla would NEVER do this 😤🥱 he picks up the kitty from the shelf, when bringing down they both come eye level at one point. And Jake just holds it there and stares at it 🧐🧐 then 🤨🤨then😦then 🥺🥺 like fur baby was stuck there and I didn't help sooner. Feels sorry. Takes it to the couch. Fast forward when you come back both of them are just running around the house tgt. You are just there like ??? What happened?? He is like Ugh fine I'll think over the divorce.
He loves the kitten. Only THIS ONE cause he is still a dog person :00 but will never admit anything. You don't complain because your marriage (that hasn't happened yet) is saved 😲😩🤞🤞
How are you ?? ☺️ hope you are doing good. Drink water 👿
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My hee anonie 🥺🖤 do you seriously know how happy it makes me to get a jake imagine T.T like come on he be the love of my life anyway AWWW😭 this is just??!! I just know that he’s gonna be THAT DRAMATIC. Like no cap. Even if he’s not very jealous, he will be so whiny for your attention and be the drama will continue. xD and first of all, where does he think he’s going with the “custody”🤨 ?? he’s a puppy himself! And he belongs to me so 😏 but seriously tho I just can imagine him throwing his palms over his mouth and making a face of disbelief. And sulking in the corner of the room with Layla “layla can you believe how she replaced you?” Even tho poor baby would 100% be down to play with her new cute sibling lol. Jake pouting would be the cutest thing ever (ugh just wanna kiss him so much when he pouts 🥹) and he would literally fight for your attention??? Like lay on your lap when you’re petting the kitty and make puppy eyes at you, silently asking for your attention. Toss and turn in your lap, waiting for you to look at him and play with your fingers and kiss the tip of your hands in tiny. 😭 I feel like jakey loves all animals but he’d be WISHING for you to be a big dog person like himself. (I mean I might be into cats more but hey I like the cutest puppies of the century-jake & layla 🥺) and HAHAHA if it were me, I’d really go on a date with jw but I could only make it out of the door cause jake would tackle me back inside the house. “Baby how could you even think about going fr >.<“!! Since jake is normally calm and fun, I’d love to see the unusual jealous and annoyed side of him sm. it’d be next level amusement for me. I’d sleep on the bed with layla and our kittens and intentionally not leave space for him to lay down.😆 and even feed them all infront of him and kiss them, and pretend to not hear him when he asks for his share. (It would only last 10 secs for me cause believe me I cannot resist jake he really is the owner of my heart here uwu) and SUREEE, he would really end up loving the kitten more than me and play with him/her way too much >~< and pls the whole marriage-divorce thing is so funny and adorable omg why does it sound like something jakey would really do?
and now coming back to you my sweet hee anonie <3 aaah criminal law must be hard!🤧 my oldest brother studied law from UWE (university of west England) and he’d always get frustrated whenever he got a criminal law case lol. I’m doing great now that I’ve heard from my dear you🥺 I’m drinking water and working out too so I feel greeeaaaat! Hope you take care of yourself too!! :) and edit? Is it a video edit?🤩 please do send me the link :* have a great great day ❤️
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prodagustd · 2 years
omg all throughout the chapter i kept thinking it would be a perfect movie scene or music video story for “out of time” by the weeknd; i even checked to see if that was one of the songs you based it off!! also loved this chapter so much and i love how you write the mc. i get so frustrated whenever mcs are made to be delusional, or the one begging to stay where she doesn’t feel wanted but your writing of her is so real and so mature. i feel like it actually reflects how intuitive and protective woman truly are about their hearts, especially when in love. it’s so refreshing to read a character written with so much dignity and self worth to gracefully remove herself from a situation she felt disrespected in. even tho i do hope her and yoongi work it out bc i love them and know they care about each other, this chapter was so necessary and so perfectly executed!! thank you for posting i can’t even believe a story like this is free tbh 😭
Omg 😭😭😭😭 thank you for taking the time to write this you're so sweet!!! I just listened to the song and I loved it, I think it fits really well, specially the chorus.
And btw, I was talking with my sister today that we read a lot of female characters that beg to stay when they're not wanted and it frustate us so much!!! I think men deserve to suffer a little 😗 and I think that by leaving the oc will make yoongi suffer just enough 😌😌😌
Yesss, I think that it was necessary too for them to be together finally 🥰🥰🥰 I will ONLY allow happy endings.
Thank YOU for writting !!! I'm makes me happy to knlw that you liked 🥰
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belaboo · 1 year
What is love? Baby don’t hurt me :(
Hello :)
I’m back 😗
The other day, I told someone that we should stop talking because I got attached 🤡 gurly (me) really thought she could handle a premium friend (frens with benefits?) man I don’t even know if you can call us that…. smh 🤦🏻‍♀️
Damn I don’t know where to start AHAHA
Butt basically I was in this ghost app looking for someone to talk to, because I wanted to get over Shi. I wasn’t looking for anything actually, I just wanted someone to talk to… I saw this guy who was a VA so ofc I was like “OOOOO INTERESTING 👀” AHAHAHHA I wasn’t really thinking of anything weird, I was just curious :3 so I swiped right 🥰
I really enjoyed talking to him as a frend, and eventually we switched platforms and we talked everyday :D We kinda established that we shouldn’t escalate things in a romantic way bc he has baggage and I kinda did too? And he was only looking for a fubu. We were supposed to only be friends butt I wanted to try to be a hoe lol so we had this thing called “daily hoe training” (noodles iyk)…
Butt like yaurrr even if I’m deprived I do have the sense of appreciating someone without falling for them ya knowww I’m not hollow (I hope). THIS GUY KASE… Although he’s someone who sounds like he came from a frigin novel he wasn’t really my type 😶 (putang ina mo Bela). Idk he sounds like this dangerous hot guy who secretly has a heart… I like me a golden retriever (Shitt he really looks so cute tho ughhhhh why did I. HAVE. TO. MEET. HIM. >:( LIKE NOW I HAVE ALL THESE FEELINGS AND HE DOESN’T KNOW and he doesn’t have to :p he thinks I left bc I didn’t want to catch feelings butt I might have already did? SEE IM NOT SURE!!!
Anyways, the more I got to know abt him I started to develop a soft spot, and I wanted to know more… I don’t know how to explain it butt I want to take care of him??? AND SIR IS SO RECKLESS he keeps getting injured like wtf man 😭
I don’t even know what I’m feeling, I wanted to get to know him more? butt when I realized I was getting attached and all this meant that I was starting to want more from him I had to pull back… because it’s not what we agreed upon, he made it clear that he didn’t want anything like that with me… (damn 🥲 that actually hurted more when I read it lol) So yeah 😗 Man I miss him… Ya know I have full on convos with him in my head, like the things I wanted to talk abt and share with him??? Is that okay? am I still normal? lol whatever…
I might delete this, I just didn’t know how to get it off my chest, bc my frens and cousin is prolly tired of me talking abt it AHAHAHAHAH 🤪
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the-doomed-witch · 2 years
Ok, after some "post-reading-smut time alone"... now I can properly answer you with my fangirling attitude 🤭
Thank YOU for that. So damn good... SO FUCKING DAMN GOOOOOD. Tell me there is a part 2. Pretty please, tell me.. come on.. she is so dreamy to be a stand alone kind of thing.....
First: I cannot unsee Olsen in a air-hostess uniform... is burned in my mind.
Second: Holy mama...mommy/daddy play is just so.. 👌
Third: yes to oral in the crew seat, yep, yep.. totally worth the googling "where do they seat on an airplane" mishap...
Uuuh, I liked to know I have requests freedom! Don't give me too much opening, I will use it 🤭. Oh, I have so many... let me get my best one forward and I will send you later.. (claps excitedly)
About reading my fics... uhm.. hard pass. 😂 I am joking. I will get off anon and DM you one of this days - you are so nice to talk to 😊. I am writing one for Lizzie. But is far from over.
GOOGLE CAN BE SO DAMN STUPID! Like.. just ANSWER ME! Sometimes I feel like it is mansplaning me.. 😅
No new dehli? Really? Where I would stay is so very nice! My cousin lived there for... like... 10 years? Maybe is because it was a very fancy place 🤣. His photos are extraordinary! But thanks for the advice ;) I will definitely consider it when I am ready to board on a 24hour wanda-less flight 😂
Oh, I am sorry. I shouldn't have anticipated your suffering :x... I had nightmares about balance sheets not matching for years.. hahaha. I can TOTALLY see you doing 34 pages of ledgers by hand. That was a very weird phase in life for me :x.
Well, my biology is more into human anatomy and physiologic, buuut mitochondria being a gift from your mother ... who gots from you grandma, and after grandma.. and so on..is so poetic. Hahaha my geek feminist side showing...
Ok, NOW I AM INTERESTED. We need to exchange smuts indications one of this days.... 😗
My god, exactly!! And I thought I was in a very dark path when I got to know slight smut.. then I stumbled on midnightcrimson and Wanda a few weeks ago? Is safe to say my soul if on the line to take the lift down to hell. 🤣
(Arrrgh, how can I add a freaking image here?? I got a Lizzie doing yoga one!! 😒)
. .
JUBGBKDDJHJKGB 😭😭😭 i’m so so glad that you liked it anon! 🖤🖤 i’m not sure if i’ll have a part two, but i am planning a small drabble in continuation about the strap-on 🫣 still, not very sure because one thing abt me is i suck at series or multiple parts of a story 🥲
olsen in an air hostess uniform yes. yes exactly. you seriously get me. that’s what i had in my mind the whole time 🤤 sitting in the crew cabin and eating out wanda? COUNT ME IN!
also!!!!! i’ll be eagerly waiting for your request <333 & enthusiastically waiting to read your fics!! 🖤
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google a mansplainer? YOU ARE SO REAL FOR THIS. like my dudes don’t try to explain me shit #GenderfluidBossing (because girlbossing sounds very gender dysphoric to me hehe)
delhi has deteriorated a LOT over the time, the air quality index has risen to a very disturbing amount… if you plan on coming here then i suggest you to do a bit of a research, because it’s seriously dangerous. nothing is more dangerous than a flight with wanda tho. iykwim
34 pages is an understatement 😭🥲 the last time i wrote an accounts exam, i used up 70+ pages in three hours! queue this genre of taylor swift lyrics:
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human anatomy is my only strong topic in the entirety of biology. reminds me of the time i scored 50/50 in science in 7th grade 💀😭🤣 yeah no i’ll never forget that, it was the smartest in science i could ever be! but scientific poetry can consume my heart. the thing is, i love learning about science but for academic purposes is a no.
a geek feminist? you’re like a billion times more iconic to me. i am a geek feminist too. but more of in a way where they should allow people who menstruate to have considerate holidays and exam timings. having cramps while writing a stupid ass 20 mark test should be banned fr😐
the moment i started reading smut i only confirmed my place in hell. i haven’t spared myself. funny part is, i cannot even stop thinking about it 😩 sometimes when i cannot sleep i keep thinking abt smut …should i be concerned?
if you have a pinterest link to the image, you can link it to the text :)
(again, i’m so sorry, i geniunely forgot to answer the ask!)
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swe3tlifee · 2 years
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y’all… i missed ONE phone call and it was a facetime audio..
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