#but i thought I’d post anyway cause I tried? I hope that’s okay
bee-wg · 1 month
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Year 3:
Now that I think about it, football has been a constant in my life for five years now. I’m not sure if I enjoy football anymore; it used to be about the fun we have passing the ball, now it’s all about the stats or the perfect form. 
I stood up from the bleachers to hand Brad his towel.
“I’m going to leave the team, Brad,” I said.
“What? Where did this come from?” He said frantically.
“Everyone knows I’m still on the team because you’re the team’s captain now,” I said.
“I don’t want to cause tension between you and Coach. There’s nothing I could do wobbling around the field anyway,” I added.
“Dude, you know I started playing football because of you, right?” Brad said.
“Bradley, relax. I’m not dead. You can come over to my house whenever you want.” I said.
“Theo can make you some lemon pudding cakes if you want to come,” hopefully this will calm him.
“Fine. Just so you know, I’m not happy about this,” he said, sounding like a brat.
“Okay, got it. Have fun at the party,” I chuckled.
“I won’t. I’m going to make the DJ play Lana Del Rey,” he said before entering the locker room.
There might be an oversight of me quitting football.
It’s literally the reason why I quit. I don’t know why it never crossed my mind.
How the fuck am I going to lose weight now?
“Maybe I would’ve thought it if the word, “exercise” was anywhere on my to-do list this past year,” the voice from the back of my head said.
Shut up, rational thought. I was just a little too cocky, that’s all.
My mind spins around the paths I could take to shed the fat.
Back to the gym for the bodybuilders to laugh at me jiggling like a puddle of slime on the treadmill.
No. Hard no.
Stop eating whatever Theo puts in front of my face.
Productive, but I’d rather die than miss out on the joy of the world.
Post my weight loss journey edits on social media, reminiscing on my rock-hard abs like a depressed, fat person.
No? No, actually it might just work.
My thumbs got to work. It took me an hour to choose a profile picture that represents me. I could go for a vacation photo by the beach, or the classic black and white moody gym pic. Except, I don’t have a picture of myself on my phone, so I chose the picture of an orange cat eating a banana.
With my camera set up, in my favourite green tank top. I pressed record.
It was an embarrassing experience editing myself, watching my belly sway every time I made a movement. In the end, I closed my eyes and uploaded the video.
“Oh! First comment already.” I said.
“Look at those milkers spilling out the tanks!”
3. Post my weight loss journey edits on social media, reminiscing on my rock-hard abs like a depressed, fat person.
The following weeks consisted of me eating my feelings. At least half of my classes are online this semester. I can be embarrassed in peace.
The pounds kept creeping up with each spoon of ice cream down my throat. In the blink of an eye, I am dangerously close to 300 pounds.
I finally worked up the courage to ask during a normal family dinner.
“Honey, what happened? You’re not eating as fast as usual. Is Theo not cooking enough?” Mom asked.
“No, Mom, I just…I just hope you guys can ease up with your little cooking competitions.”
“Oh honey, you know Theo and I will stop with the food whenever you ask.” Mom tries to reassure me.
“No! Obviously don’t stop the food. It’s just that I’ve been blowing up like a pig and I don’t know what to do about it.” I said.
“I didn’t know you were sad about it. I just want my family to be happy, you look the happiest when you eat,” Mom said
“It wouldn’t have helped when you guys lost for the past two years,” Mom added.
“Well, Dad likes to eat better, and no one eats like him,” I replied. 
“I’m sure my cooking was the reason we won. David is a gym teacher, he walks off the food easily,” Mom said.
“Theo is a professional though, no offence but no one on the planet cooks like him. I’m sure football was the reason we lost,” I said, trying to talk some sense into her.
Theo stares at us with wide eyes.
“Jacob, I’m sure you didn’t mean it,” Mom said with a blank face.
“You know what? Keep doing your competition, this time again next year we’ll see who’s the winner,” I said.
I am clearly a failure at losing weight. The only thing I’m good at is eating. If I’m going to gain weight anyway, I’m going to go all out and win this shit once and for all. Once this is settled, I can get back to normal. Not wanting to disappoint Theo when we lose again was probably the thing holding me back. I can’t wait to eat all the delicious things Theo is- I can’t wait for this to be over.
“Alright, Jay,” she turned to Theo and said.
“Theo, my boy. I’m looking forward to seeing the results next year,” Mom said with a determined smile.
Everyone knows not to mess with Mom when she has that look. Even then, I feel like we could still win. Theo’s food is hypnotic already when I am restrained; imagine what it will do to me when I’m going all out.
“What’s going on again?” Dad asked with cheeks full of pasta.
“Don’t worry baby, you just need to eat a little more next year,” Mom answered.
“Okay, as long as I get my lasagnas,” Dad said.
Later at night, struggling to sleep, I contemplated on the bad decisions I’ve made. This one might take the crown to be the stupidest thing I’ve done. Yet, I don’t regret it.
“You didn’t have to stand up for me,” Theo said.
“It’s the least I can do when you wake up early to prep for my food, or go off on the weekends for groceries when you could’ve been doing anything else,” I explained.
“Thank you so much, Jay. You don’t know how much this means to me. My family wanted me to do anything other than cooking, but you guys have been nothing but supportive,” he said.
I smiled at the ceiling. The gremlin is nicer than I remember.
“Now, I won’t allow you to slack anymore with the amount you’re eating. Not until the competition ends.”
Theo had stuck to his word and increased the amount he was cooking. I am now eating the amount of three people in each spread-out meal, still lacking behind Dad’s impressive five person’s amount per meal. So I have been playing catch up with him this entire month.
I realized quickly that I had underestimated the gap between Dad and my appetite. In the last few years, for the most part, I have been eating whatever I want, leaving the rest to Dad. With the exception of eating for the team once a week, I have been slacking. That was quite a hard pill to swallow. I’m 300 pounds, yet not doing a good job as a fatass. How is that possible?
So far I have gained about 23 pounds in the past two months. Normally, I would freak out and have a breakdown in bed because I’ve gained more than my freshman year in two months. Right now with my messed up head, all I can think about is how far I am behind. If we lose this again, it would be once and for all, and I would never let myself live this down. Theo deserves better with how good he’s been treating me.
With my new bulk, the stairs have been an increasing challenge. So, a few weeks ago I moved downstairs to a tiny guest room that was converted to a storage room.
The moment I moved down, I could hear Theo’s voice yelling, “Yes, Finally! Goodbye insomnia,” In my old bedroom. Before, I would’ve yelled for the brat to shut up. Now, with my stomach full. I just wanted a nap in peace.
It took me no time to adjust to the new arrangement. With more time home from all the online classes, I get to be as lazy as I want. Dad has a similar arrangement at home. He retired from being a high school gym teacher and football coach, now he tutors history at home. He also abandoned his hobby of brewing in order to laze on the sofa all day.
On weekdays, Theo would leave an abundance of food for me to consume with a list of how I should eat them to expand my capacity. The weekends are like heaven. From the moment I woke up, Theo would prepare delicious appetizers and pancakes for me. From then on, I would have a constant stream of food flowing into my mouth every thirty minutes. Sometimes, I would move my hands and my mouth would start to chew unconsciously. Alarming, but helpful. 
My belly started to expand outwards on my lap each day as I sat in front of the computer. The arm rest would feel more snug when I move around.
I have now discovered the perks of being a fatass. I can explore things I never had time to do, like the anime Brad has been begging me to watch, games I always wanted to play. Best of all is to experience all of these without moving an inch. These are the things I would definitely look back on with fondness when the competition ends.
Today is my rare outing of the month; the bus is late again but I don’t blame them this time. The downpour of rain is gathering at the clogged sewer, creating a puddle. People are supposed to grow out of stepping in puddles when they’re kids. These undeveloped assholes apparently didn’t. Several cars saw the puddle and decided to splash it straight to my face.
It’s fine. It’s all fine. I will feel better later.
I walked a small trail after getting off the bus.
Great. The angels decide to stop peeing from the heavens when I’m about to get inside.
Dad is buying a new SUV, maybe I can drive it next time. It’s too big to sneak off though.
I thought as I skipped through the stone pathway. The usual grass is covered by the water, creating a small pond.
“Annyeonghaseyo,” I said to the door cam.
After pressing the doorbell several times, it replied.
"안녕, fuck boy. Back so soon?" Number Seven said.
“Yeah, yeah. Just open the damn door,” I said, trying to hurry the fucker.
Number Seven’s face appears in front of me.
“You’re soaked! Come on in,” he said.
His house appears to be orderly. Clean. He must’ve had another fatass here not long ago.
“Woah, you look—Wait, let me guess. Another fifteen pounds since last time?” He asked.
“Come on, let’s cut to the chase. I really need it right now,” I urged.
“Hahaha, not even a shower. Desperate much?” He said.
I walked inside his bedroom, dimmed the lights and took off my shirt.
He walked towards me. Grabbing me by the belly hang in one hand, he pulls down my underwear, causing my ass to vibrate.
“Fuuuuck, can you take it out first?” I asked, trying not to moan.
“Sure, you think you’re ready for me today?” He asked.
“Yeah, I think so,” I answered. 
He slid his hand behind, right down my ass crack and slowly pulled the vibrator off. I applied it before leaving home, without accounting for the possibility of the bus delay.
“Mmmmph, fuck,” I groaned.
I’ve been training towards today for a while. In the beginning, I would come to his house and he would suck me off. If I’m feeling experimental, I would suck him off. It stayed like that for about a year and he never complained. Then I asked him for more. He would start fucking me between my moobs or between my ass but never enter. One day, I told him I was ready for him to start fucking me.
Big mistake.
He’s a manwhore for a reason. I didn’t think an 8-inch would be so hard to take. How the girls and twinks take them in porn is beyond me. It was painful when he entered, even when he said he had “loosened my hole” with his fingers. I shouldn’t have believed him, the fucking thing was massive.
After the incident, he gave me small dildos and vibrators to get used to it. We eventually worked our way up the scale until the one he’s holding now. Why did I do all this work to have a men’s dick in my ass? Who knows. I have already accepted that I’ve lost it.
He sucked on my nipple suddenly. The sensation took me by surprise.
“Dude, some warnings please,” I asked.
“Yeah, sorry. Those tits are just so plumped. Your nipples have grown larger than my thumbs now,” he said, about to continue.
“OKAY, I get it. Can you get to work now?” I asked.
My boobs are what everyone thinks about when they see me these days. I’m sick of it.
“Hahahaha, can’t wait to be fucked, my pig?” He said before pushing me down the mattress.
I held my belly to stop it from jiggling. 
He raised one of my legs and opened the bottle of lube with his teeth.
“There’s something by the pillow. Put it in your mouth. It will distract you and dull the initial pain,” Number Seven instructed.
I reached out to grab a—frosted pound cake?
I’ve never seen people doing this in porn, but I’m smart enough to know not everything in porn is real. 
With my mouth full of cake, I spread out my legs, trying to relax so I don’t end up like last time.
He pushed two fingers in, slowly massaging me, then three fingers to stretch my hole. When the frosting melted in my mouth and I finished the chunk of the cake, he signalled me that he was done.
Another piece of the pound cake fills my mouth when he aligns his cock to my hole. He was right, I was fully consumed by the sweetness to notice any discomfort. I quickly swallowed the cake so he could proceed. 
It was unbearably slow as he entered. I don’t understand what all the fuss is about with people bottoming.
He kept asking for reassurance. At this point I just want him to st—
“A-ahhhh oh shiiit!” I moaned.
“Fuuuuuck, what the hell was that?” I screamed.
I must have been too loud and spooked him.
“Are you alright? Sh-should I call an ambulance?” He asked.
“No! Don’t stop, please,” I begged
“Okay, just so you know, I’m not all the way in,” He said.
How? This is already longer than any toys I’ve put in there.
“Gnghhhhh~” I moaned as he thrusts all the way to the bottom.
He kept a steady pace all the way in then almost all the way out, leaving me feeling empty.
“Hurry! Faster,” I asked, almost in tears.
He looked at me with a devious smile and thrust right into the spot.
“Mphn- Yes! Keep going,” I urged.
Every small movement rubbing my G-spot feels like masturbating for hours without release.
He thrusts quicker with more force, causing my belly and moobs to shake violently. 
I try to stabilize my belly with my hand before trying to reach my throbbing cock.
“Help, I-aghh fuck, I need to touch my dick,” I asked.
“Let go of your belly, fat boy. Or I’ll stop,” He said.
Immediately, my belly returned to wobble violently.
“I can’t believe you turned into such a pathetic horny mess in such a short time,” He said.
”Come on, Seven. I just need you to hit that spot. Please, I’ll do anything!” I begged.
He keeps deliberately missing it. I need to be fucked there!
“Keep your hands on your nipples,” he ordered.
The over-sensitive nipples drive my weeping cock into a frenzy.
Fuck, I need to touch my cock right now. If only my fucking belly is not on the way.
“You know, when I first saw you, I thought you were the kind of jock to gain a beer belly in college, and not get fat until you turn thirty,” he said, before ramming straight into my prostate.
“Fuuuuck yeahhh,” I said unintelligently. 
“You are much more of a pig than I realized,” he said, thrusting straight into it again.
“Helll yeahhh,” I said, trying to rob my ass to his dick.
“How do you feel seeing your bubble butt balloons four times the original size?” He asked, followed by another thrust. 
“I fucking love it! I love how it wobbles around whenever I walk!” I said, moving my jiggling ass back to his dick again.
“How do you feel seeing your abs growing before your eyes, knowing you could stop it if you just stop eating?”Another thrust.
“I can’t help it! I love eating too much!” Maybe I am meant to be a fat ass.
“Right answer. Now you’ll get your reward,” he said and sped up, hitting the spot perfectly every time.
I imagine his face to be someone else, someone far from my league.
My cock rubbed against my sensitive underbelly, and I shot out jets of cum for what felt like forever.
As white clouded my vision, a euphoric relief spread over my body, melting me into the mattress.
“You passing out again, fuck boy?” Seven asked.
“No, just enjoying the bliss. I can’t believe so many men in the world are missing out on this,” My hole already feels empty. How am I going to go back from this?
“Aww man, I’m all sticky and shit,” I examined my body, cum shots and rain definitely don’t mix well together. Some of them even got between the fat folds. I swipe my finger in between the fat. “Oof, I stink too.”
Seven looked at me and signed. “You’re somehow still a stupid jock inside.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” I asked.
“I got you the fast food you asked for,” he said.
“Yes!” I rushed to the kitchen.
Ignoring his stupid laugh, I microwaved the burger and fries.
The breeze of the air conditioning reminds me of something.
“Shit, I ran out here naked.”
When I ran back, he had already put my clothes in the dryer, and I got into the shower.
When I got out, Seven brought me an old shirt I left here. It fits me like a glove with half my belly exposed. He stopped laughing when I was about to throw myself on him, then brought out a shirt with the Flash’s symbol on. Probably from another fat ass he fucks. The shirt still looks painted on, revealing the shape of my nipple and the dent of my belly button. At least he’s driving me home.
Staying at home has been a life-altering experience. 
The only time I ever move is going out of the bed to the desk, or to the bathroom. All I have to do is sit back, relax, and eat some fried food. 
With more time with myself. I’ve realized how much I dislike all the people in school that only approached me because I was one of the football jocks. I could’ve been anyone. Now, I am me. Not a worry about whether or not I’m muscular enough like other jocks, just a bigger Jay.
Sitting beside me, Dad scratched his belly and released a belch without a care in the world. He has adapted to fat guy mannerisms quickly. I’m catching up too. Today is movie night, usually we have pizzas and beers. We started this when the football season came, he asked to skip it. It was the first time we’ve skipped watching a Super Bowl season. I guess I’m not the only one losing interest in the sport. We decided to watch the Lin-Manuel Miranda Monkey movie instead.
Being on the couch with Dad made me realize I was getting closer to my goal. I can’t wait to see the results.
“Hell yeah, my man, you can do it!” Brad said, slapping my shoulder.
“What are you doing here?” I asked
“You said I can come in whenever I like,” he replied.
He’s been breaking into my house for no reason, just to stay on the second floor the entire time doing god knows what.
“I’ve brought some beef jerky here to celebrate,” Brad said.  
The scale has been set up, we’re only waiting on Mom. They’re doing some last minute catch up; mom is using a funnel to pour some milkshake in him. I am not concerned though, sticking to Theo’s strict diet every day has not been easy. I have to eat until my stomach is fully bloated. Every morning, I watch my belly deflate a little less, every evening, it bloats even further. 
“Don’t worry, Jay. We’ve got this,” Theo assured me.
“By the way, what are we doing again?” Brad asked.
Dad came out, looking absolutely massive. With Mom on his side, he stepped on the scale.
The numbers keep going up and don't seem to be stopping.
Holy shit, Dad gained a hundred and forty pounds this year. 
With more uncertainty, I took my step on the scale.
“Woo-Hoo, Jay man, you got this!” Brad shouted quietly.
I try to look under to see the number, but my belly is too big for me to see the scale.
Theo stepped closer and read. 
“Four Hundred and fifty yes!” Theo cheered.
“I won? Yes, finally!” I said and did a little jump.
The scale made a “Pop” noise.
“Oh! Sorry, Mom. I know this is really expensive.”
“Don’t worry, sweetie. We need to upgrade anyway,” Mom said, then she walked towards Theo.
“Congratulations Theo, you made me pull out every trick in my book. It’s so nice seeing you improve so much in front of my eyes, in terms, you pushed me to improve too,” Mom said, then hugged Theo.
“I can’t believe my boy is bigger than me now. Excellent work, Jay!” Dad said and hugged me, too.
Last time I was bigger than Dad I had sculpted abs, the body I dreamed of. This time, I’m almost three times the size as I was, fully covered with fat. Yet, I feel less empty inside.
“Thank you Dad,” I said, hugging him back. 
After all this time, I finally have a body I like being in. The belly doesn't look so wrong on me anymore.
Chapter 4 ->
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neytirisheaven · 9 months
i can’t lose when i’m with you
warnings: you know the drill: no use of y/n, strong language, sirius calls reader “darling/my darling”, reader is a gryffindor, reader almost gets attacked by remus, slightly suggestive near the end, ooc peter (NO YOUNG PETER SLANDER), a few smoochies at the end, this is barely proofread so i apologize for any mistakes
sirius black x fem!reader word count: 6.5k
summary: in which sirius struggles to ask you out on a date, so the marauders assist him in his goal, aka the 4 times sirius black tries to ask you out and the 1 time he succeeds
notes: so…….. let’s not talk about the fact that i posted this so fucking late and let’s talk about the fact that it’s sirius black…..!! anyways so this is probably not cohesive and there are probably a lot of plotholes and inconsistencies in here but i was STRUGGLING to write this okay, like i would write 700 words and then dip because i literally couldn’t pull anything else out of my ass
LUCKILY, OUT OF the seven years you’ve spent at Hogwarts, you’ve never been so much as looked at by the infamous Marauders. Sure, they messed around with your friends, and you’ve attended their rambunctious parties after a Quidditch win, but you were fortunate enough to not be bothered by them. 
That was, until the one and only Sirius Black laid his eyes on you. 
You had vowed to never even come close to fraternizing with a Marauder—besides the occasional conversations with Remus—let alone fall into their trap of tricks with their corny pickup lines and their woo-worthy smiles. 
And you were going to stand by that vow. No matter what. Or so you thought.
i. i’d touch that fire for you
It all started when you were peacefully sitting at your regular table in the Great Hall, talking to your friends about the newest gossip about a few of the prefects in the year below you. You prodded at the slice of your pumpkin pie, not too interested in the food as you were in the drama that seemed to be unfolding before your eyes.
But, to your demise, your gossip was cut short by a loud declaration of your name—wait, your name? No, this had to have been a joke. Right?
You slowly turned around in your seat to find Sirius Black standing right behind you, a bouquet of flowers magically appearing in his hands as soon as you locked eyes with him. He tossed his luscious hair over his shoulder and beamed brightly at you, gaining a few coos from the girls sitting around you. 
“My darling,” he began, “it would be an absolute honor if you would allow me to take you out on a date to Hogsmeade next Saturday. Would you fancy a trip down there with me?” It was probably the fanciest he had spoken since he had dinner with his whole extended family, and he could’ve only hoped that he could woo you over and finally gain your affections.
You, on the other hand, were not willing to fall for what was obviously supposed to be a prank. Why the four pranksters had chosen you, of all people, to be the butt of this prank, you would never know, but it didn’t mean you were to act clueless about it the whole time. 
“Go find someone else to prank, Black,” you muttered under your breath, sending your friends a confused look as you turned back to them. Only a few moments later, you felt the gentle tap of someone’s finger on your shoulder, causing you to turn around once more and look at the same boy that had now turned the bouquet into a three-tiered cake in a matter of seconds. You repeated yourself once more, “I’m not interested in your little jokes. It’s not something I look for in a person. But good job for trying.” You sent him a pitiful smile and returned to your conversation with your friends almost immediately, as if you were desperate to get out of the situation you found yourself in. You were desperate.
Sirius’ face fell as soon as you turned around, finally understanding that you were serious about everything you said. He just assumed you were playing hard to get. He didn’t think you saw it as some prank he was trying to play on you.
His dejected eyes met James’ soft, brown ones, only encouraging him to go even more all out compared to what he just did. It wasn’t the best idea, and both Remus and Peter could see it, but when Sirius was as enamored with someone as he was with you, it meant he was serious. Pun intended.
The raven-haired boy practically skipped over to his friends, James transfiguring the layered cake back into Remus’ water goblet and placing it in front of his friend. “We thank you for your sacrifice,” he spoke with no humor laced in his tone, causing the brunet to scrunch his nose up and return to the Muggle book he was currently reading; The Hobbit.
Sirius’s gaze flickered to the thick book in his friend’s hands, then shot up as if a bolt of lightning had struck him. “That’s perfect, Moony! My darling loves reading Muggle books! I’ve seen her with them in the library many times,” the boy exclaimed excitedly, bouncing around like a kid in a candy store.
“You go to the library? Willingly?” Peter questioned with his mouth full, earning a chastising smack to the back of his head.
Remus spoke up, “He’s trying to get her attention. We’ve got to give him some credit for that.”
“Thank you,” Sirius thanked the boy through gritted teeth, a bit peeved that one of his best friends had no faith in him. They had known of his crush on you for all of two months, and in all of his experiences with girls during his time at Hogwarts, he’d never been prepared for a feeling like the one you gave him. “Anyway, since you’re so invested in all your Muggle books, d’you think you could grab me one on your next visit to the Muggle bookstore?”
The three boys tried their hardest to look past Sirius’ flushed, pink cheeks as he requested a simple yet slightly embarrassing task. Peter and James shot each other a look before the latter leaned over the table with some brotherly advice hanging off the tip of his tongue.
“Just don’t be too annoying about it, Pads. You don’t have seven years for it to get less annoying like I had with Lily. Just, y’know, charm your way through it like you always do. I’m sure you’ll do fine.”
ii. long as you dreaming ‘bout me, ain’t no problem
The atmosphere of the Quidditch stadium was always tense, especially whenever it came time for Gryffindor to play against Slytherin. The stands were full of students boasting their house colors, strictly separated into hues of greens and reds. Linus Spinnett animatedly narrated the gameplay, throwing in a few jabs at the Slytherin players here and there. 
You watched as James and Sirius sped past you, side-by-side, unable to avoid their gazes. The latter called out your name, but you only ignored him and hid the bottom half of your face behind the scarf wrapped around your neck. He took a sharp turn and began spinning in small circles right in front of you in an attempt to get your attention, but you remained unbothered.
“Don’t you have better things to tend to, Sirius?” Your friend groaned from beside you, wrapping a comforting arm around your shoulders as she tried to shoo him away. “Go win the game, and maybe she’ll talk to you.” 
Planting a chastising hand on your friend’s bicep, you whispered through gritted teeth, “Don’t encourage him! He’ll have the wrong idea.” Before you could even turn to Sirius to correct your friend’s statement, he already flew away with a dopey grin plastered on his face. It only motivated him more throughout the game, the quaffle landing in his arms more than anyone has seen before. Even James was surprised. 
“Pads, what’s with you?” The Potter boy muttered, inching closer to his best friend. His eyes were trained on the bludgers being beaten around, but his complete focus was on his friend and his out-of-character actions. “I appreciate the need to win, but mate, don’t you think you’re being a bit harsh?”
Sirius took the time to look around at the stadium, his eyes landing on the three Slytherins clutching their arms, then at the scoreboard that showed Gryffindor leading by thirty-five points. “I’m being perfectly normal, Prongs. Thought you’d want to win.”
“I do, but–” James’ rebuttal was cut off by the sound of Linus’ voice echoing through the stadium, rejoicing in the Gryffindor seeker’s successful accomplishment.
“Berthia Thomas has caught the golden snitch! Gryffindor wins the game!” 
Sirius’ ears perked up at the exclamation, immediately soaring down to the young seeker and not-so-gently taking the snitch out of her hands. “Do you mind if I take this? No? Great, thanks!” The ends of his Quidditch robes chased closely behind him as he flew all the way up to the stands, meeting you with a smug grin. The golden, engraved ball sat peacefully in his hand, its wings flapping softly against his palm. “For you, my darling,” he smiled at you, offering the snitch like an olive branch in a peace offering.
You eyed the small object in his hand, then glanced up at the scoreboard with the teams’ respective points: Gryffindor, 220 and Slytherin, 70. With a heavy heart and a sharp glare at your friend beside you, you reluctantly took the golden snitch from his hand and held it between your thumb and your forefinger. 
Sirius felt a shiver climb down his spine at the feeling of your soft fingertips brushing against his calloused palm. Even the slightest touch between the two of you could make him melt. 
“Thank you, Black.” Your voice was almost as soft as your touch. Offering him a small smile, you ushered your friend away from the front row and pushed past the crowd that was now gawking at the supposedly sweet actions of the infamous Sirius Black.
But you didn’t want to fall for it. Everyone who attended Hogwarts, even the clueless first years, knew about them. Everyone who attended Hogwarts had either witnessed, experienced, or heard of their silly little pranks, and you were not one to be fooled so easily by them. 
With a fleeting glance, you looked back over your shoulder to see the boy’s figure slumped over the end of his broomstick, sadly looking down at the area of his palm where your fingers so happened to touch.
iii. i don’t got nobody, just with you right now
“Oh, come on! He’s practically courting you at this point! Just let him confess to you, and maybe you’ll see that he’s not trying to pull some elaborate prank on you!” Your friend lectured in the safe space of your dorm room, tugging on the collar of your sweater to try and knock some sense into you. 
You protested her points, “You say that as if he isn’t known for leading girls on and breaking their hearts. I don’t want to be another girl for him to add onto his list.”
“James has matured, look at him and Lily! I’m sure if you give him the chance–” “Have you seen him? Potter may have matured, but I’m not too confident in Sirius. He has to do more than just offer me a golden snitch or flowers or a three-tiered cake. Physical offerings do nothing to rid him of the reputation he’s been building for himself since first year. If he’s serious about fancying me, then he has to do something meaningful.” 
Before your friend could refute you any further, you looked at her with a heavy gaze to effectively quiet her. The two of you returned to the light gossip you were talking about prior to bringing up Sirius Black, and a few hours later, you both agreed to part ways so you could find a comfy spot in the library to study.
She dropped you off at the entrance on the way to her rendezvous with a Ravenclaw boy in your year, bidding you a curt goodbye before breaking out into what could be considered a skip through the long hallways of the castle.
You pushed through the doors and felt solace in the smell of the books and the soft rustling of students passing between the aisles. The librarian promptly gazed at you and offered a nod, to which you returned with a small smile. 
Gazing up at the tall shelves of books, you thought to yourself and began trying to think of which books you required for a successful study session for the evening. Your feet seemed to be leading you to the very back of the library, where you noticed the smallest flicker of yellow light behind a multitude of bookshelves. As you inched closer, your ears picked up the softest whispers being passed between what seemed to be two people.
You furrowed your eyebrows, wondering who could possibly study back here, where the bookshelves are impossibly closer to each other and leave no room for a singular person in the aisle, let alone two people to comfortably study. Grabbing a book off a random shelf to incriminate yourself less in case it was two students chatting about something not meant for curious ears, you pushed past the last row of books to find—
Sirius and Remus? In a rather spacious area, might you add. 
They sat at a table placed flush against the wall, a small candle being the only source of light besides the sunlight from the windows that barely reached the back of the library. It was a comfortable spot, albeit the many efforts it took to get past all the tight bookshelves. They hadn’t even noticed you at first, too engrossed in a piece of parchment they had placed onto the table. 
The two boys only noticed you when James had joined in, your eyes bulging out of their sockets when you watched him walk through a bookshelf. Well, it was supposed to be a bookshelf. You weren’t surprised that he had seemingly walked through a solid object, no. You’d done that plenty of times whenever you boarded or left Platform 9 ¾ throughout the years. You were left rather bitter that you put in all the effort to squeeze through all the stacks when you could’ve just walked through the bookshelf. Not that you would’ve known, though.
You looked up when James called your name. Sirius and Remus did, too. “When did you get in here? I would’ve noticed if you walked in,” the curly-haired boy frowned. 
“I, uh, wedged myself through those bookshelves. Didn’t know there was an actual entrance.” You jutted a thumb over your shoulder and pointed to the very compressed bookshelves. Feeling quite awkward in your current position, with James frowning at you (or more specifically, how you got in), Remus smiling softly at you, and Sirius staring at you, you shuffled closer to the exit. “I’ll see myself out, now. Sorry. I won’t tell anyone about this, either, if you’re worried about that.”
As soon as you stepped foot past the fake bookshelf, you heard Sirius whisper-shouting at James to bring you back into the secret space. 
“Wait!” He called out for you louder than he should have, quite possibly alarming the whole library of their whereabouts. With pursed lips, you swiveled on your heel and walked back through the bookshelf, shooting James a questioning look. “So, uh,” he repeatedly looked at you, then behind you, then at you again, “you said you went between those small gaps in the bookshelves?”
You nodded your head, unaware of how Sirius was urging the boy to keep the conversation going while Remus struggled to fish something out of his bag.
“We’ll have to seal that, then.” James spoke more to himself than to you.
Glancing over to the gaps, you spoke up once more. “And just so you know, the only reason I came back here was because I could hear Remus and Sirius whispering. You might want to look into that since you yelled rather loudly. Don’t want anyone else coming back here, do you?”
At your revelation, James immediately turned to his two friends with his eyes blown wide. You then heard a whispered chorus of “You didn’t cast it? I thought you did! Well, I didn’t cast it!” and before they could say much more, you lifted your wand and silently casted Muffliato around the whole area. 
Sirius looked at you with more admiration in his eyes than ever before. He was practically looking at you with heart eyes, as if you were all the stars in the world joined together into one girl. 
“Also, those gaps are wide enough to be peeked through. You might want to seal it up or put some charm on it so that no prying eyes look through.” The bell of the clock tower rang and bounced around the castle walls, almost as if cueing you to leave. “Well, that’s where I take my leave. And I stick by what I said earlier. I won’t speak a word of this.”
Finally leaving, you walked through the exit and shuffled through the aisle, only to be caught by the wrist. You looked over your shoulder to find Sirius smiling cheekily at you, holding a book in his hands. You turned around, a bit uncomfortable at how your arms harshly grazed at the wood of the bookshelves on either side of you. They were much more spacious compared to the shelves on the other side, but it still left little room for two people to be standing together.
He held the book up to you, allowing you to read the cover. “I bought this for you. I know you’ve been wanting it for a while,” he offered, gently putting it in your hands. “I also wanted to let you know that I didn’t conjure it up or anything. I bought it with my own money and all. If that means anything to you.” Bringing a hand up to his nape, he shyly rubbed at it as he watched your eyes dart from the book to his face.
Your mind was running at unfathomable speeds, trying to figure out how Sirius Black, of all people, found out how you wanted that specific book. You only told two people about it, and you and Lily had only spoken about it today in the confines of your N.E.W.T.-level Potions and Arithmancy classes, neither of which you shared with any of the Marauders. It wouldn’t have been enough time for Sirius to go out and buy it himself, if you were to trust his word on it.
That only left—Remus. You were quietly discussing it in Transfiguration while Professor McGonagall was helping a struggling student. The both of you had already completed the task as soon as she assigned it, so you turned to each other and talked about your shared love for Muggle books. Merlin, you felt so stupid. You thought he would respect your wishes of not wanting to be bothered by Sirius, but apparently not. “Remus,” you whispered lowly, quiet enough for the boy standing before you to barely hear what you said.
“What?” Sirius’ face flushed. “No, no. Moon—Remus didn’t have anything to do with it. Well, not really. But I bought this because I overheard you telling him about it in Transfiguration last week.” 
You brushed away the odd nickname for Remus and visibly relaxed, hesitantly hugging the book to your chest. “I see. Well, in that case, I’ll use this book well. Thank you, Sirius.” Turning around and walking away, you spared no time exiting the library with the book in your hands, leaving the raven-haired boy to celebrate. 
You had accepted his gift and called him by his first name! Two wins in a row!
iv. how can i snooze and miss the moment?
Surprisingly, Sirius had left you alone for the past three days. You hadn’t seen a day without him at least trying to court you, but for some reason, it was as if he’d turned into a ghost. It wasn’t like you minded, but it felt odd. Unnatural, even. 
When it came nighttime, and you’d officially been left alone for three whole days, you decided to take a walk down to the Black Lake. You wanted to be left alone with your thoughts, the cool breeze of wintertime nearing, and the glimmering light of the full moon. The sound of a wolf howling flew past your ears, but you paid it no mind as you knew you were safe. There was no such thing as a werewolf on school grounds, it was impossible. You’ve had some suspicions in the past, but they can’t have been true.
Your hands plucked at the blades of grass beneath you, feeling the lush plant life beneath you. You had found a spot against a tree facing the lake and watched peacefully as the ripples of the water distorted the mirrored image of the moon and the trees around it. 
Twigs snapped behind you, and your right hand flew to your coat pocket where your wand lie, but you were just taking precautions. It was probably just some other student wandering around after curfew, too. Everything would be just fine. 
After half an hour of thinking to yourself, the sounds of the nature around you were becoming more stressful than relaxing. With a cautious step to the side and a meek glance past the thick tree trunk, you slowly made your way away from the Black Lake and towards the castle. 
The faded footpath beneath you had turned into a muddy walkway long before you began attending Hogwarts, but it still felt unsettling. The canopy of the tall trees blocked the moonlight shining down on you, and their rustling leaves became ominous rather than peaceful. 
Your hand remained snug in your coat pocket, feeling the wood of your wand against your palm. The howling wolf that was once far, far away now sounded impossibly close to you, and the multiple twigs snapping all around you caused you to grip your wand even tighter. “Hello? Is anybody there?”
No response. More twigs snapped. The ground beneath you began to shake.
“Hello? This isn’t funny! If this is supposed to be a prank, then cut it out!”
Still no response. 
And then, out of nowhere, an earth-shattering growl echoed from right behind you. You turned slowly, pulling your wand out of your pocket in a fearful manner. Coming face-to-face with a werewolf, you realized all your reassurances of it being impossible were wrong. And you were about to die.
Pointing your wand at the creature, you looked into its eyes. They seemed familiar. Comforting, even. But this was a werewolf, and they were monstrous creatures, according to your Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. You took a small breath and shakily held your wand up.
Just before you could cast a spell in its face, you got pushed to the side. You fell back against a tree with a wince, watching as a stag headbutted the werewolf in the chest with its antlers. “What the—” Your words were cut short by the feeling of something harshly tugging at the hem of your coat, successfully dragging you away from the scene. A yelp left your lips, your fingertips clawing at the ground in an attempt to escape whatever wrath you were facing now.
Looking down, you found a black dog pulling you by its sharp teeth, its eyes boring into you like you’d known each other before. You stopped trying to escape. You just let everything happen as you stared back down at the dog. ‘What was so familiar about these animals,’ you asked yourself, unaware of the werewolf bounding after you. 
It had gotten past the stag, which was nowhere to be seen. You assumed you were going delusional. The werewolf, still familiar as ever, picked you up and growled, your wand now in your hand as you prepared to cast as many offensive spells as you could. Incantations left your mouth as quickly as you’ve ever casted before, but they did nothing to stop your impending doom. 
The most you did was a large gash along the creature’s arm, but the injury only aggravated it more. Lifting you up as high as it could, the werewolf threw you to the ground as you braced for impact, feeling your body hit the ground just before you blacked out.
When you woke up, you found yourself in one of the infirmary beds with Madame Pomfrey tending to your injuries. Your collarbone was shattered, and you received a few cuts on your cheek, but it was nothing the lady couldn’t fix. You were only in the infirmary for observations and precautions. 
As soon as she stepped away, you were met with the embarrassed smiles of James, Sirius and Remus all on infirmary beds opposite of you. “Wha—why are you three here?” You questioned suspiciously, examining each of their injuries for ones similar to the wounds you saw on the creatures the night prior.
James had bandages wrapped around his ribcage and an ice pack on his head. Sirius had multiple gashes along his side and a cast on his left hand. Remus had the most wounds of them all: a large scratch along his cheek, a deep cut on the side of his head, a bandage wrapped around both his forearms, a cast on his right foot, and a gash on his bicep.
Wait, a gash on his bicep?
“It was you, wasn’t it?” You spoke quietly, finally realizing why Remus always disappeared whenever it came time for a full moon and why James and Sirius always missed classes the day after. “James, y—you were the stag. Sirius, you were the dog, weren’t you? And Remus, oh, Merlin,” you gasped softly, remembering all the painful spells he must have had to endure from your wand. “I’m so sorry. I should’ve known.”
The lanky boy shook his head, “No, there was no way of you knowing.” He tried to reassure you even though they all knew it become more obvious every month. “And if you’re concerned about the spells, I’m fine. I got more wounds from these gits than from whatever you casted.”
“Only if you’re sure,” you muttered softly, eyebrows furrowed from the concern for someone you hoped to consider a friend. In fact, you hoped to consider all of the Marauders friends. It was obvious they’d matured from the pranksters they used to be in their younger years, and you were frankly relieved to find out that they were as bad as you thought they were. 
You didn’t seem to notice how Sirius looked at you like you held the earth up with your bare hands, and if you did notice, you didn’t mention it. You kept your focus on Remus, his terrible injuries, and how he seemed to be unfazed by them. You felt horrible.
“Stop looking at me like that,” Remus said lightly, as if reading your mind. “I know what you’re thinking. You don’t have to feel bad. I’m used to it at this point.” Opening your mouth to explain how that was why you felt bad, the boy shot you a look and spoke your name chastisingly. You stayed quiet for a while.
“Sirius?” You called out for the boy in the bed directly in front of you. He reacted far too quickly and far too eager to not be embarrassed, but you ignored his actions and spoke up once more. “Why did you save me? You could’ve helped James with Remus.”
The boy pushed himself up so he could sit properly with his back leaning against the headboard of the bed. He ignored the sharp pain in his hand and shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. “Couldn’t let you die before the Hogsmeade trip. Speaking of that, since I saved your life and all, I think it’d be a great opportunity to repay me by being my date to Hogsmeade?” Sirius’ statement came out as more of a question. His shoulders were tense and his breathing became rapid, though he wouldn’t admit to anyone how easily you could break down all the confident walls he’d built up. 
“I would’ve rather died, then,” you joked. 
“Ah, then I’d just have to save you all over again.”
“I don’t doubt it.”
Sirius beamed brightly at you. “Is that a ‘yes’ to Hogsmeade?” 
Shaking your head at him, you let out a small chuckle. “We’ll see.”
While you and Sirius playfully bantered back and forth across the infirmary, James leaned over to find Remus smirking right back at him.
“Are they flirting?” The curly-haired boy mouthed to his friend. 
“It seems like it.” Remus mouthed back, a smile tugging on his lips.
“I bet five galleons we catch them snogging after Hogsmeade.”
Remus smirked between you and Sirius, still too engrossed in your conversation to notice what was going on around you. “I bet you ten galleons we’ll catch them snogging as soon we get released from here.”
v. you just too important
After you got released, you returned to your classes like usual and dodged the multiple questions your friends asked daily. You only brushed them away when you couldn’t come up with a sorry excuse as to why you ‘suddenly started talking to Sirius Black,’ but you always told them the most extravagant lies you could string up when you had the chance. 
The more time you spent talking to each other, the more you realized why all the girls dropped to their knees at the chance of being with him, even if it was just for one night. The more time you spent talking to each other, the more you realized that you were starting to fall for him. And it scared the hell out of you.
You even tried avoiding him when you first came to the realization that your feelings for Sirius were more than simply platonic, but your efforts only lasted a day before the boy sought you out and annoyed you until you were forced to give in. 
So, as the days went by, you became closer and closer. And your feelings for each other became stronger and stronger. This time, though, you didn’t want to fight it. Not at all.
“Darling,” Sirius called out in his usual sing-songy tone as he strode into the Gryffindor common room. He ignored all the odd looks he received from the others and grinned once he found your figure next to the fireplace, entertaining a first year by feeding the flames a few old textbook pages. “Ah, there you are! Remus and I were looking for you!”
You smiled softly at the sound of the boy’s voice, but you didn’t turn around to let him see how he’s finally broken down your walls. “Did you need me, Siri?” 
The new use of the nickname might have made Sirius scream his lungs out if he wasn’t in public and wasn’t still actively trying to hide that he was terribly in love with you. Instead, he only stared at you with a lovesick expression plastered onto his features, causing you to scrunch your nose up at the lack of a response.
You turned your head to look up at the boy, your doe eyes only pulling him in even more. “Sirius? Are you okay?” Chuckling awkwardly as he continued his intense, locked gaze on you and your pretty face, you redirected your attention to the equally awkward first year sitting beside you. “Well, if you’re going to stare, then you might as well sit down, yeah?”
Almost immediately, the raven-haired boy fell to the ground and sat crisscrossed, politely placing his hands in his lap as he watched you speak quietly to the young girl, her body relaxing when you placed a comforting hand on her. It was weird to have Sirius just staring at you in the beginning, but after a while, it was like he wasn’t even there. All he did was observe and listen.
He observed how you smiled gently at the girl whenever she spoke up in her small voice. He observed how your eyes lit up with fondness whenever you felt her touch. He observed how she leaned into you without hesitation when you offered to braid her beautiful, light brown hair. He observed how amazing you were with people younger than you, with kids. And he sure as hell observed how you would be a great mother and how he so desperately wanted to make y—well, that was a thought for another day.
Your gentleness was so endearing to him, it only made him fall for you more than he already had, if that was even possible.
Peter, who had been watching the interaction from afar, seemed to have had enough of the lingering tension and opportunities that weren’t acted upon. He wasn’t as aware of the whole situation as Remus and James were, but he was smart enough to piece all the little details together and figure out that both you and Sirius were too scared and were just waiting for the other to make a major move.
So, the boy took the situation into his own hands and dragged his friend away by the collar, taking him up to their dorm room despite the many, many efforts (albeit weak) made by the stronger boy. 
“Wormtail,” Sirius whined as soon as he heard the door shut. He pretended like he didn’t know what was going on, but in reality, he was grateful that Peter inserted himself into the situation before the pining became too strong. “Why’d you bring me up here?”
“You know why,” the boy hummed as he scoured through his bedside drawers, looking for his stash of food he always had stocked up. “She likes you. A lot. And Pads, if you don’t make a move on her now, who knows who’ll be there to take her away from you. I know how you feel about her, she knows how you feel about her, and practically everyone else at Hogwarts knows how you feel about her, so just snog her already!”
To Sirius’ surprise, as soon as his friend found the box of chocolates, he didn’t take any for himself and instead walked straight out of the dorm room. The blond boy walked down the curved stairs of the tower and found you sitting in the same spot you were in before he dragged Sirius away. 
As soon as you laid your eyes on him, you furrowed your eyebrows and beckoned him over. “Peter, did something happen with Sirius?”
“Ah, perfect! I was just coming to find you. Pads says he doesn’t want to eat, and I was thinking that if you offered him some chocolates instead of me, he might want to eat them. He hasn’t eaten the whole day.” The boy was speaking out of his ass, but he was tired of your unbearable pining, and frankly, so was everyone else.
You furrowed your eyebrows, confused by the sudden shift in character, but you shrugged your shoulders and took the box out of Peter’s hands. Patting the first year’s shoulder, you bid her goodbye and explained your task to her, pushing yourself off the ground and following the blond boy up to his dorm room.
The light box sat in your hands as you watched him rap his knuckles against the door, backing up until he stood behind you. The two of you patiently waited for Sirius to open the door, and as soon as he did, you felt Peter’s hands on your shoulders. Before you knew it, you had fallen directly into Sirius’ arms, effectively pushing the both of you back into the dorm room while the door shut behind you. 
The box of chocolates fell from your hands, but it was the least of your concerns when your front was pressed against Sirius’ chest and your faces were centimeters away. 
“Oh, um, I—“ you stammered, placing your hands on his chest to gently push him away.
Sirius, on the other hand, had other plans. He wrapped his arms around your waist with a smirk, his eyes flickering down to your lips every few seconds as he spoke. “You know I fancy you, right?” You only nodded at his question, but your flustered expression was enough to encourage him further. “And I fancy you a lot. Like, a lot, darling.”
Your inability to hold eye contact with him may have been embarrassing to you a month ago, but right now in his arms, you could care less. He spoke softly to you, his gaze filled with awe. He made you feel loved, despite all your past thoughts about him and his attempts to get you to go out on a date with him. 
Sirius’ voice grew impossibly quieter as he looked into your eyes. “Please tell me you like me, too.” 
Looking at his pleading expression and the way his lips just looked a bit too tantalizing with the way he bit it while awaiting your response, you couldn’t help but wrap your arms around his neck and pull him in until your lips collided.
It felt like fireworks, the way his lips moved perfectly with yours. It was like nothing you had ever experienced before. Granted, you were never too occupied when it came to your love life, but Sirius was the best kisser you’d ever come across. His hands were planted on the small of your back, bringing your body even closer to his, and your hands raked through his luscious hair.
Pulling away and ignoring the small complaint that left his lips, you smiled at the boy, “Yes, I like you too, Sirius.”
Despite the fact that you had just kissed him, his eyes still lit up brighter than you had ever seen before. “Really? Are you serious?”
“No,” you laughed, the teasing glint in your eyes telling him exactly what you were about to say next. “You’re Sirius.”
He threw his head back and groaned at the joke, “Merlin, you’re perfect.” And then he pulled you in once more. 
The kiss, this time, was more heated, more intense than the first. It was hungrier, with your lips mashing together and your teeth clashing. But it was still filled with love. Filled with the thing Sirius had fought for when he approached you that day in the Great Hall. Filled with the thing he was desperate to gain when he offered you that golden snitch after his Quidditch game. Filled with what he hoped to receive when he bought you that Muggle book you were obsessing over. And most importantly, filled with the very thing that took over when he saw you at the Black Lake, terrified of what would happen if he lost you. 
You were both so engrossed in the kiss that you didn’t even notice the door creaking open. James, Remus and Peter peeked through the small crack to find you and Sirius all over each other, your hands tangled in his hair and his hands inching lower. 
Remus smirked at the curly-haired boy squatting next to him, holding his hand out with a cocky grin. Annoyed, James pulled ten galleons out of his pocket and begrudgingly placed it into his best friend’s palm, but all three of them knew that no matter who lost the bet and no matter how annoying Sirius would get later on, they were all just happy that you two were happy.
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educatedsimps · 3 months
Heyo! Quick request here because my FYP wants to make me suffer with all the Bokuto angst I’ve been seeing related to different fics (like in another life, ect). WHY DO FANFIC AUTHORS KEEP KILLING HIM OFF??? ITS DRIVING ME NUTS 😭😭 Anyway, I’d like to request some fluff with Bokuto to counteract the angst I’ve been seeing. Maybe the reader wakes up from a nightmare similar to what’s been going on in these fics and he cheers her up by being his normal happy self? Take that my FYP hahaha
(I love your writing btw! I literally pause whatever I’m doing to read anything you’ve posted! You’re my fav author on this website <3)
≪ back to fics masterlist
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bokuto kōtarō x f!reader
a/n: nah bro in another life fucking broke me 🥲 i read it in like 2021 (i think??) and that angst still haunts me to this very day 😀 anyway ofc bae i literally had a fic with this nightmare/comfort idea in my google keep drafts for the LONGEST time so it's time to finally put it out there lol. ALSO I'M SO GLAD U LIKE OUR WORKS omg "favourite author"??? MY HEART ✋😭 TY FOR READING ANON ILYSM 😭💕 hope u enjoy this bae and thanku for requesting, it was truly a joy writing this!
cw: idk man just bokuto fluff and comfort typa thing cuz he’s bokuto and the B in bokuto stands for best boyfriend (b)ever
"so he’s killed in the straight aus and sent back to be with akaashi cause we will nvr recover from in another life" -yves 2024
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Jolting awake, you felt fresh tears rolling past your cheeks and staining your pillow. Eyes wide, you scanned your surroundings. Same room, same bed, same pyjamas...
Was that all a dream? But... It had felt so terrifyingly real that you had woken up in a cold sweat with ugly tears streaming down your face. Heart palpitating, you tried to regulate your breathing and convinced yourself that it was just a dream.
Feeling a warm breath brush the back of your neck, you turned to see your boyfriend, Bokuto Kōtarō, sleeping soundly next to you. His breaths were slow and deep, and you watched as his bare chest rose and fell. With a beefy arm slung over your waist, he held you close to him throughout the night, keeping you warm. The dim moonlight from your window illuminated his features and his face looked so peaceful (and beautiful) you couldn't help but stare.
Breathing a sigh of relief, you soaked up the warmth radiating from his body. Not wanting to wake him, you furiously wiped the tears from your cheeks and tried to quiet your sobs.
Unfortunately for you, Bokuto's hearing was as sharp as an owl's, and he stirred with a groggy "Y/n?"
A sniffle.
He jerked his head up to look at you clearly. Your head was buried in his chest. "Y/n?"
Another sniffle. He was starting to panic.
"Babe! Babe, what happened?" He asked softly, placing a hand under your chin and tilting your head up. He swore he heard his heart go crack when he saw your tears. You responded by burying your face in his neck again.
Realising you probably weren't ready to talk just yet, he decided to distract you first. Pulling your trembling body to his, he gently rubbed circles on your back and pressed a sweet kiss to your temple.
He hummed, "You know, I was thinking the other day. Maybe we could install a small spinning light thingy in the corner of our room so it's not so dark at night. I know you don't really like it when it's pitch black in the room sooo I figured maybe that could help! I was scrolling online and saw some designs I thought you'd like, but I forgot to copy the link to send it to you but I can look for it again and show it to you later-"
He paused abruptly when you raised your head, sitting up and looking at him with a half-smile on your face.
"You okay?" He asked, concern taking over his features. He shifted so that you both were half sitting with your legs still tangled under the blanket. "Wanna talk about it?"
With yet another sniffle, you nodded. As you recounted your nightmare, Bokuto continued rubbing your arm soothingly, occasionally wiping away your tears with his thumb. His head was tilted to the side in the most adorable fashion and his eyes were fully focused on you as you spoke.
"And... and then you died," You whispered, voice hoarse and shaky. Looking into his bright amber eyes, you continued. "It was so scary, Kō..."
"But I’m right here, aren’t I?" He asked almost immediately. Bending down to your eye level, he looked at you with such a pure and genuine smile. Your heart beat faster under his gaze.
"And I’m gonna be right here forever. I’ll be here when you wake up from bad dreams and good dreams, and I’ll be here on the nights you can’t fall asleep. I’ll be your protector, Y/n!” He continued, beaming. He swiftly placed a kiss on your forehead. “I’ll protect you from all the nightmares, I promise! And see? I’m totally fine! Those killers ain't got nothing on us. I won’t let ‘em touch my baby.”
He concluded his little cheer-up speech with a sweet kiss on your lips. His hand brushed your jaw, pulling you closer. If you weren’t seated firmly on the bed, your knees probably would’ve given out from how sweet the kiss was. Either that or you would’ve gotten severe cavities before the kiss ended.
Pulling away, he wrapped you up in his arms and you felt your lips pull into a smile. His cheery mood really was contagious.
Gently pushing you into a lying position, he grabbed the blanket and pulled it over your bodies, essentially bundling the two of you together.
“Time to get some sleep, babe. I’ll be right here, ‘kay?” He said, now hugging you under the covers. You hummed, feeling safe and content.
“Oh yeah, we should definitely get a spinning light thingy. It might help with the nightmares ‘cause it won’t be as dark,” you piped up. Chuckling, Bokuto agreed.
“I love you,” he whispered, closing his eyes.
“I love you more,” you yawned.
“I love you the most-est!”
You felt another kiss on the crown of your head before you drifted off to sleep.
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a/n: UMMM i hope this was nightmarish/comfort/cheery enough?? IDK IM SORRY IF IT DIDNT MEET THE REQUIREMENTS 😭 but still, tysm for requesting and thanku for reading too!! hope u liked it :,) (feel free to request another part if you’re not satisfied)
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© educatedsimps 2024. do not repost, copy, translate or plagiarise any work from this blog on tumblr or any other platforms. if you do, the simps will hunt you down. likes and reblogs are appreciated!
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samkerrworshipper · 11 months
togetherness | pt.2
part 1. | part 2. | part 3. | part 4. | part 5 |
longawaited and has been sitting in my drafts for weeks now cause i wasn’t quite sure if i liked the direction it’s gone in… but highliting different issues n stuff so i hope y’all enjoy! again i’ve edited this on my phone whilst reading from my kindle lol so not going to lie i’m aware that the editing could be shocking… there’s a few more parts sitting in my drafts so lmk if y’all want more
warnings: child exploitation, themes of sexual assault of minors, just general hurt with protective n supportive tillies
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“Now that we’ve settled that, is there anything, anything at all that you’d like to tell me that I could help you with?”
I gulped, there were about six things I could think of just off the top of my head. I was tentative though. I could feel tears starting to form in the back of my eyes as I tried to make the decision in my head.
“No judgement?”
Sam’s immediate nod in response was comforting and apparently enough to get me talking.
“It’s going to sound stupid and I don’t even know what you could do about it considering that I’m probably somewhere in the wrong with it as well.”
Sam looked like a mixture of intrigued and perplexed.
“Y/n, even if I can’t do anything about it, you look like you just need to get it off your chest, I can be that for you as well, just tell me what’s been bothering you so much.”
I sniffled and nodded at Sam, this situation was so abnormally vulnerable for me.
“You know that I was rough around the edges when I got here, I know you haven’t heard the whole story, to put it simply I went through a rough patch when I was 14 and 15, before I got here. I’d just had spine surgery, I thought that I was never going to walk again, let alone play football. I turned to a lot of things, drugs, alcohol, anything. I ran away when I was 14, I don’t remember much of it, just that when I returned home my parents had had enough and they sent me off to the AIS for Tony to train me. Anyways, I’m rambling. Somewhere along the road I sent some explicit videos, photos and texts to my ex boyfriend, graphic ones, there’s a lot of them. He’s been posting them on reddit and twitter and they haven’t gotten any attention yet but with all the media coverage and bad press I’ve had recently I’m worried they are going to be brought up and I don’t know what to do about it.”
Sam’s expression was one thing, completely deflated and shocked. She was typing furiously into her phone whilst she was listening to my story. It took a few minutes of silence for her to reply to me.
“First off I want to start off with telling you how grateful I am for you sharing that information with me, it can’t have been easy and you are incredibly brave for telling me. I’ve got some follow up questions that I need to ask, you don’t have to answer them, I’d just appreciate it if you could try your best, okay?”
I nodded quickly in reply to Sam.
“Okay. How old were you when you sent these videos and how old was your boyfriend at the time?”
“I was 14 or 15, he was in his mid twenties.”
“So that puts him in his late 20s or early 30s right now, if my maths is correct. Did you take these photos and videos or did someone else?”
“I took most of them but he took some.”
Sam nodded at me again.
“Okay based on that question I can tell you that this ex boyfriend of yours is legally in possession of child pornography, that’s an indictable crime. If you want this to well and truly stop then we can go up that path. I want us to talk about this with Tony, it’s ultimately your decision but I think it would be very sensible to take this up with him at the very least. Y/n, you have done absolutely nothing wrong, I need to stress to you how important it is that you understand that. No one is going to blame this on you, because it isn’t your fault, you are a victim of a crime. That isn’t something light. I promise you that I have your best interests in concern when I’m telling you this. I have to ask, have you talked to anyone else about this? Your family? A therapist? A friend? Leah?”
Leah Williamson, my arsenal team captain and my best friend/mom/girlfriend. I shook my head at Sam, I’d wanted to tell Leah, she was the only person I probably trusted enough to tell but I hadn’t seen her in weeks.
“Do you want to talk to someone about it?”
“I was going to talk to Lee about it, eventually. Just with her ACL and us being in different places it didn’t make much sense, plus this stuff is so fucking stupid I didn’t want to bother anyone with it, I’m sorry for bothering you with it, Ellie was right I’m being fucking selfish.”
Sam’s face was unreadable, it was clear she was pretty deep in thought. She sat across from me for a few minutes, in thought, before she stood up and walked around the table, sitting herself down beside me.
“Can I give you a hug?”
I nodded and relaxed a little bit as I felt Sam’s arm snake its way across my shoulders, inevitably bringing me closer to her and into her chest.
“Williamson would want you to tell her, she’ll probably be mad that you didn’t tell her earlier. You are not being a bother to anyone, you have human emotions and this situation you are in is a hard one. You aren't being selfish, you are asking for help, which is a very human thing and you very clearly need it right now, there is nothing wrong with that. Now, how about I call Williamson for you, I’ll see you if you can get down here? I’m going to call Tony down here, I’ll brief him and he’ll help, okay?”
“I don’t want to tell Tony, he’s going to be mad and he’ll probably tell me this kind of behaviour isn’t wanted on his team and then I’ll get sent home.”
I could feel the material of Sam’s jumper that she must have thrown on after training soaking up my tears, that was embarrassing.
“I know you don’t want to, and I can promise you that Tony is going to be nothing but supportive, you’ve done nothing wrong. There is nothing illegal about what you did, now or then. Tony is not going to send you home, I promise. Now, do I need to call Williamson or can you do it?”
Realistically I probably could have, but I really didn’t want to.
“Can you?”
Sam nodded at me immediately, which comforted me a little bit.
“I wouldn’t have offered it if I couldn’t. She should be in Sydney right now to watch the Lionesses play tomorrow night, yeah? I’ll talk to her and we’ll see what we can work out for you. I don’t have her number though, so can you call her on your phone and I’ll talk to her.”
I nodded quickly, shakingly pulling my phone out of my pocket and pushing it out onto the table. I very quickly pulled Leah's contact, I’d called her last night so it wasn’t hard to find. She was the only person in the world that I could talk to when I was at my lowest, the only person who actually cared about me. So last night, whilst I was mid panic attack, on Ellie's and I’s ensuite floor I called her and she’d talked me through it. I should have told her then, it probably would have saved me this whole interaction with Sam, but I hadn’t wanted to worry her anymore, so I blamed it on pressure of being selected to start this week and she’d accepted my answer.
We’d been texting most of the morning, her asking me if I’d gotten sleep and if I was feeling alright, I’d answered shortly with an array of 'yes', because I didn’t want to worry her anymore. I passed the phone over to Sam once I found her phone number and she clicked the call button before pressing the phone up to her ear and standing up from her seat, starting to pace between the seats.
“Hey Leah, this is Sam, Sam Kerr, from the Matildas. Look, I’m here at our Sydney training facility with Y/n, we’ve just had a pretty serious conversation with her about some problems that she’s had recently and I was wondering if you were around so you could be here for her.”
Sam pulled out her own phone again as I assumed she listened to Leah’s response. It amazed me as to how fast her fingers danced across her own screen, it was a different kind of multi tasking.
“Yup, Mmm. Alright, I’ll send you the address, it’s not far from you guys hotel from recollection. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate you being able to do this for her, I’ll see you soon and we can talk about it then.”
I gulped as Sam said her farewells and then hung up the phone before walking back over to me.
“She’s coming down, should be here in fifteen or so. She sounded worried about you, mentioned something about you having a panic attack to her on the phone last night and that she was concerned about you. I’ve texted Tony, he’s finishing up with Ellie and then he’s going to be down here. I’m going to get Steph to meet Leah downstairs when she gets here and she’ll bring her up, Y/n, we’re all here to support you however you need, alright?”
Me and Sam stayed silent in the room until about ten minutes later there was a distinct knock against the door.
“Sam, it’s me, unlock the door.”
Steph’s voice was pretty distinct, even through the heavy door. Sam stood up almost immediately, walking to the door and unlocking it before a grumpy looking Steph and a flustered version of Leah made their way through the doorway before Sam had the opportunity to relock it. Leah’s eyes went straight to my own, her whole facial expression was very controlled, she could command an entire room with that face, I knew from experience.
“Are you okay?”
Her words were directed at me, and only me. I pressed my tongue against my front teeth and lip, trying to decide how to answer the question.
“There’s some stuff that’s been happening that I haven’t told you, I’m not in trouble, or at least that’s what Sam is telling me. It’s some stuff from my past, when I was a kid. Explicit images and photos, on the internet, from when I was a kid. They popped up a few weeks ago, starting when I was in Spain with you before we came here. I didn’t bring it up because I thought I was at fault for it as much as the person who has possession of them. Sam told me that it isn’t, that I’ve done nothing wrong. I’m sorry, I know it was fucking stupid and I should have told you about it or not done it, I don’t even remember taking any of the photos or videos, it just happened and now I don’t know what to do because I don’t want it getting out to the public and I just, I don’t know how to deal with it.”
Leah’s face relaxed a little bit as I progressively talked and rambled. Once I was done she walked over to my spot, seated on one of the chairs and wrapped her arms around me.
“Hey, it’s alright, we’re going to sort this out. She’s right, you didn’t do anything wrong and you should have told me earlier but I am so grateful that you are telling me now, yeah? You are so brave kiddo, that’s child exploitation and whoever has possession of those materials is the one who’s in the wrong, okay?”
I nodded into Leah, Steph and Sam were whispering between each other behind us.
“You have to take legal action though.”
Those words made me feel like I’d been stabbed and my guts had been ripped out of my body cavity.
Leah let go of me very gently and pursed her lips.
“Because this isn’t going to go away if you don’t, and I know that you are strong but you aren’t going to be able to live if you know that this person who has possession of these materials is still out there. You’ve been checked out for weeks now, since before Mallorca. You aren’t going to check back into your life until this goes, I know it. I need you checked in, I need you to be my girl, not the skeleton of your own body that you inhabit as a coping mechanism when something bad happens.”
I think Leah would have said more if it wasn’t for the incessant knocking against the door that came again. Sam was the one who went to the door again, letting Tony in. He looked flustered as well, and a little bit worried. I’d known the man since I was 15, he’d seen me in some pretty interesting situations. Sam intercepted him before he could say anything, pulling him aside and giving him what I assumed to be the rundown of the last hour.
“I don’t think I can handle this getting out, it will, if I take legal action this is going to get out and then I’m going to be Y/n Y/l/n, the Matilda’s exploitative rookie and I’ll never be back here. My career will be over, Jonas won’t want me back, everything I've worked for will be done.”
Leah took a deep breath before wrapping her arms around me and working her hands through my scalp and hair.
“If you take legal action you will be supported, I’ll make sure of it. We are a part of a community of women that uplift us for everything you do, this won’t be any different. There will be some who judge, there is always going to be someone there to judge you. Y/n, you need to do this for your sanity, I won’t lose you to your mental health again, not like last year. Kerr has done the right thing here, bringing this up, it shows me that she cares a lot more about you then you think, it also shows me that she knows what’s best for this team and you. She wouldn’t be doing this if she didn’t think this was the best course of action.”
I nodded into Leah, trying to convince myself that her words were correct. Eventually, after Sam had given Tony the full rundown he sat down across from me, exactly where Sam had been beforehand. Sam and Steph both stood behind me and Leah, Sam’s arms resting gently on my shoulders, it was grounding.
“Sam’s told me about what’s happening. First of all I want to say how sorry I am that you are going through this, it’s not something that anyone should have to deal with, ever. Second of all I want to let you know that this team, this whole nation is in support of you. Look, it’s too late for me to take any action now. I’m going to get the police to come down tomorrow morning, you aren’t in trouble. I just think that they are going to have a better understanding of this situation than any of us could. They’ll come down, we’ll have a talk about all of this, they’ll ask the questions they need to. We don’t need to make any decisions now, we’ll talk to them, Sam and I will be there to advocate for you. After that we can make decisions about taking legal action and whatnot. Otherwise I just wanted to tell you genuinely, from the bottom of my heart how much we all care about you and value you here, we are all going to be here for whatever you need in the future, you are a valued part of this team and family and we are all here to look out for your needs, okay?”
I gulped, I could feel fresh tears springing to my eyes again. I was petrified of the police, to say the least, but Tony’s voice was so reassuring. He was the father that I’d never had and when I was 15 and he’d met me I’d been in a bad place, I’d needed him to be that figure in my life and he had been. He gave me a routine, gave me something to wake up for every morning. I probably wouldn’t be alive if it wasn’t for Tony. He’d given me a chance when no one else had been prepared to and for that I would always be in debt to him for.
“Okay, I’ll get in contact with the police, we’ll get a constable down tomorrow morning and we can have an open conversation with them about it, you are not in trouble, nothing is going to happen that will end in consequences for you. I think though that you need to head back to the hotel and get some proper sleep, your body needs it. So head back, don’t worry about any of this, because I’m going to sort it out and we’ll talk about it in the morning with a clean slate and mindset, alright?”
I nodded at Tony, I didn’t really have much to say.
“Thank you Coach.”
He nodded at me, before standing up and walking around to the other side of the octoval table and giving me a pat on the back.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, don’t worry about this anymore, it’s going to be okay. Get back to the hotel, we’ve got an early wakeup tomorrow.”
I nodded at Coach, watching as he left the room just as quickly as he’d entered it.
“I’ve talked to Steph, her and I are rooming together so we’ll switch, she’ll stay with Ellie and you can come and room in with me, I think we’ll keep it that way for the rest of the tournament.”
I looked over at Sam, nodding along with what she was saying. Leah reached her arms around me, a big bear hug.
“And I am here, I expect you to check in with me, at least twice a day. When you guys head off to Melbourne or Brisbane I’m not going to be able to be there, so I need you to stay in contact with me, okay? Anybody does so much as look at you wrong I want to be the first to know, okay?”
I nodded at Leah, half in fear, half in adoration. She was the only person in the world that I actually trusted in. Our bond had been forced, when I’d moved to London to play for Arsenal I’d been moved into the spare room in her apartment and in a very short amount of time we’d created a bond that extended beyond the realm of friendship. I loved her, she was the first person besides Tony to give me a chance and he was obligated to give me on, Leah had chosen to fight for me and to stick by my side even when it wasn’t easy, she was a good person, better than I was sure I’d ever be.
“We’ll drop you back to your hotel on our way home Williamson, it’s the least we could do considering you got here so quickly, can you just give us five minutes to grab our things from the locker room?”
Sam���s voice held no room for argument, she was insisting on giving Leah a ride home and Leah didn’t try to object.
“Please, call me Leah and if it’s no trouble I would really appreciate it. I can meet you guys down in the foyer in about five, I need to go to the loo, so whilst I’m doing that how about you guys go and get your stuff together?”
Sam, Steph and I all walked back down to the change rooms in a comfortable silence. It was when we actually made it back to the rooms that I realised I still had my boots on, the cleats that were spotless from not even getting any wear at training. The cleats that a few hours ago had seemed impossible to tie up. I made quick business of pulling them off of my feet, throwing them into my kit bag and pulling out the pair of Nike dunks that I’d worn in earlier when we’d all come down here for our match analysis. Sam and Steph both made quick work off slipping out of their training kits and changing into sweat pant duos that matched with me. After they’d gotten changed and refreshed we all grabbed our bags and whatever other things we had lying around before making our way down to the foyer.
Leah was waiting for us, tapping her foot violently against the marble floors. When she spotted the three of us out of the corner of her eye her stress ceased almost immediately. I’d learnt a lot about Leah in the amount of time I’d known her. One thing about England’s captain was that she was not as fearless as everyone credited her as being, she put on a brave face, a bloody good one, but she was just as human as everyone else and sometimes it showed, especially when she felt uncomfortable in a situation or she didn’t think she deserved to be where she was. I’d moved in with her initially just before she'd led the Lionesses to their victory at the euro’s, and at the time Leah had been a basket case to be nice. I think that was how we’d bonded, through our similar insecurities of not being good enough to fill the shoes that had been passed down to us.
“C’mon cap, let’s get going.”
Leah smiled at me and nodded. We’d been keeping our relationship under wraps for a few months now. Neither of us were insecure in our situation and we were happy to enjoy our private, happy and blessed life together. Plus we hadn’t really seen much of each other in the past month or so, being caught up with our obligations to our national teams. Leah was also very committed to her rehab and I couldn’t be there for every step of that so we’d spent some time apart. We’d both agreed when the new Arsenal season rolled around that we’d tell the team, but still keep it under wraps from the public for as long as we could. Neither of us were worried about the public finding out, I was out, had been since I was 14. Leah wasn’t officially but she’d also never dated a man and in the eyes of the female soccer world that pretty much means you're gay. It would come out when it did and we were prepared for that to happen.
We walked out to Steph’s car, piling all of our bags in the boot before Sam and Steph slid into the passenger and drivers seats whilst Leah and I both took seats in the backseat. Somewhere along in the drive her hand made its way to my own, resting gently on top of my knee cap. I interlocked our fingers and smiled up at her, this was the part of a secret relationship that I liked, getting moments just between the two of you that only the two of you understood. The sweet nothings. I felt my heart plummet a little bit as we arrived out the front of Leah’s hotel and I realised that I was going to have to say goodbye, potentially for a few more weeks. That was the suckish part of being a professional athlete messing around with another professional athlete, there wasn’t always a timeline on when you’d see each other next, sometimes it was just situational.
I made the call to walk Leah to the door of the hotel, when we got to the doors I gave her a hug, a big, long hug. She hugged me back, tightly. Leah was good at hugs. When we finally had to come apart I looked up at her, with my big green eyes and apparently she couldn’t resist because she reached down and honoured me with a peck. It was nothing more, a small gesture but to me it was everything.
“I love you okay, be safe, text me, call me. I am always here for you, don’t keep me in the dark on things that you think are going to burden me, they aren’t, call your therapist, please.”
I nodded at Leah, she was using her captain's voice with me that she knew I couldn’t refuse.
“When you get back to the hotel I expect you to eat some proper food, not of those bloody granola bars that you insist are nutritional, proper food. Hydrate, at least a litre of water. Sleep, you deserve to sleep, let yourself sleep. Call me in the morning and tell me how you are feeling, okay?”
I gulped and nodded at Leah, an action that I was becoming aware I might have done too much of tonight.
“Love you too, thank you for being here for me.”
“Anytime, I’m only ever one call away, now go home.”
I gave Leah one final look before walking back to the car, closing the door behind me only to be bombarded with googly eyes from the two co captains sitting in the front of the car.
“You and Williamson?”
Sam’s voice was the first one to break the sound barrier, it scared me a little bit.
I made it sound like it was a non fact, like every person on the planet knew that I was in the bed sheets of the Lionesses Captain.
“Fuck, I knew it, McCabe owes me fifty quid.”
Steph’s voice was steadier and surprised me a little bit.
“We all had bets, how long have you guys been together?”
“We’ve been dating for 6 or 8 months, fucking around with each other since I joined Arsenal so about a year or so.”
Steph’s eyebrows rose to the top of her forrid, obviously very surprised by my answer.
“You're trying to tell me that you and Lee have just casually been hiding a relationship behind closed doors for months.”
“I mean we’re roommates, it wasn’t that hard to hide, plus we just aren’t rabbits who need to fuck on every surface unlike Sam and fucking Kristie, I’m never going to be able to mentally burn the image of you two getting at it on the pool table after the olympics, that was fucking traumatic.”
Sam’s face had flushed, we constantly brought it up with her. After our bronze loss to the US in the olympics a lot of the team had gone out in celebration with the Americans, what I hadn’t expected to find that night when I’d walked into the room that I thought was the bathroom was Sam eating her secret girlfriend out on the table. It had messed with my brain permanently.
“Hey you're the one who’s always bringing it up, maybe you were secretly into it, secret fantasy between you and Williamson.”
I loudly gagged from my spot in the backseat, extremely displeased by Sam’s imaginative imagery.
“Nobody thinks that Sam, it’s just you and all of your lost brain cells.”
There was something so comfortable about the dynamic between Sam and Steph, something so sisterly and bonded. They were like family, they messed around with each other and pushed each other but they loved each other and the both of them knew that at the end of the day. They might not have been the closest on the team, they weren’t each other's best friends but they were family and that was all that mattered.
“Whatever you say Stephy.”
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chaosduckies · 25 days
Person getting lost in the woods, borrower person appears (reluctantly) and shows them the way back...
Use whoever, possibly even the two from my last ask...
I have no idea why I kept getting so distracted with this one, but I had lots of fun writing! I love these characters so much, but I don’t really know how I felt about the writing, but it’s okay! We post it like there’s no tomorrow! Hope you enjoy :3 (Probably a lot of mistakes cause I didn’t edit but we post anyways!)
Word Count: 3k
CW: very, very minor blood warning
Lost In The Woods
The fog around me grew thicker, and all of a sudden I could barely see my own two hands out in front of me. My skin was burning from the cold, making it harder to get through the many bushes and occasional boulder. I pressed my hands against, my mouth, trying to warm them up. If I had realized that this stupid bonfire wasn’t actually real then I might not be lost right now. But here I was, cold, late, tired, a little hungry, but of course I was lost. My phone didn’t have any service, and they farther I walked the thicker the fog grew, showing no signs of people. 
“Hello? C-can anyone h-help me!” I screamed for help, thinking of my parents and how they think I’m out having such a great time with my nonexistent friends. Why couldn’t I see that they were lying straight to my face? This would have never happened! I’d be at home, under my blankets and watching tv in my room with some popcorn. Why was I so gullible. 
I walked further, in hopes of finding a road, or even something to give me a hint at where I’m at. There has to be something to help me… But it’s like my luck just became worse and worse the longer I stayed here. There was absolutely nothing. No sounds of a river, not the sound of distant cars traveling through the highway, no light except for the small amount emitting from my phone. Absolutely nothing. 
My legs were tired from walking around for the past two hours. I sat up against a tree, crunched up to stay warm, though that barely even helped. All I could think about right now is getting under all the blankets at home and falling asleep. Instead the cold air pricked at my skin like icicles, barely keeping me awake. I sighed, resting my head on my knees and wrapping my arms around. Come on there has to be something… 
I looked around for what seemed like the thousandth time, still not finding anything. I sighed in defeat, already knowing that I’ll just hav to make it through the night unless some strange miracle appeared. It’d be better to travel through the day anyways, the fog would be gone, less of a chance to get eaten by wolves- I gasped at the thought, now listening closely for the sound of hungry wolves. Do they even attack people? Or do they just attack when they’re provoked? Either way, it’s a new fear unlocked now that I was thinking about it. 
“Can someone please help me…” I muttered, tears threatening to fall down my face as I tried my best to blink them back. This was by far one of the worse pranks ever. I mean the teasing is fine, but… this? I could actually die here like this. I shuddered at the thought, hoping that I’ll make it through till the morning. 
As much as I disliked seeing humans in the forest… this one seemed like they were genuinely freaking out. What for? I didn’t know. They had been asking for help from someone who wasn’t even real. The only person who heard it was me, but I didn’t want to show myself. That would just create more problems for me and I did not feel like finding a new place to live. 
The forest pretty much gave me everything I could ever need. Food, a place away from humans, peace. It was nice for someone who was three inches tall and didn’t exactly need everything your average person does. Perks of being a vampire I guess. I didn’t have to worry about gathering fruit or anything, mostly because I could just find any animal and… well I guess you can take a wild guess. It was fine though. Only a few humans have ever seen me, and when they did I just ran. What were they going to do anyways? Tell someone that a three inch person was just running around by himself trying to find a place to call home? Hah- unlikely. 
I watched as the human curled in on himself, trying to warm themselves up. Did I feel bad? Absolutely. But he shouldn’t have come here in the first place if he knew it was going to be cold. So technically it’s on him that he’s here now. I couldn’t help, otherwise he might come again looking for me if I did… and I’d rather stay by myself where no one could hurt me. I cringed at the thought of being in another humans hand. I know they were strong, but I think I could match their strength with my own if I tried hard enough. I bit the bottom of my lip, still watching the boy tremble as the air grew colder. Should I help them?
The thought never left my mind as I continued to watch carefully. The human shivered, whispering unintelligible words that even I couldn’t hear. Partially because of the strong winds that made the cold air hit my face even harder. I sighed, unaffected and merely found it annoying in the least. I knew it was wrong of me to just leave the human there, possibly lost and probably thinking that some kind of animal would attack him if he stayed for too long. I just couldn’t bring myself to help him. I knew what would happen. The horrors. As soon as I helped him get out of the woods, he’d turn on me and I’d just be some pet. Of course I would fight back, but I knew there was only a sliver of a chance that I would ever be able to escape. Vampire or not, I was still tiny. There was also just… something keeping me from doing such an unpredictable thing. 
Even though I decided that I wasn’t going to help them, I still stayed. A part of me just wanted to believe I could help this human out without getting hurt in the process. Not just physically. But what if a did help him and he leaves? That would be a good thing. That way we would both get what we wanted. He could go home and be in the warmth of his home, while I stayed here. Alone. My temporary hut I made out of sticks and some missing items I find when humans are nearby. I groaned quietly to myself. Why couldn’t have been turned into a vampire get rid of my feelings? 
Slowly, I made my way towards them, cautious not to make a sound even though I was a hundred percent sure that they wouldn’t be able to even if I wasn’t trying. Still, I treaded carefully. If I was even the slightest bit wrong about this it was running away and finding another home for me. I held my breath, not noticing how shaky my arms were until I had hid near the small bag strapped around their shoulders. I observed before stepping out, my steps slow, taking deep breaths to calm myself as I circled around to directly in front of them. Was I scared? That seemed… out of character for me. There was no way I was scared. Just because my last interaction with a human didn’t end so well didn’t mean I was scared now. I’m wayyy over that- Right? 
I crossed my arms, pushing away those thoughts and opened my mouth to speak, “Do you need help?” I had to yell over the harsh wind for them to be able to hear me, my voice slightly strained but nothing I couldn’t handle. They slowly brought their head up, not noticing me and turning their heads frantically in all directions, blinking a few times before his eyes trailed down in defeat, landing right on me. My body nearly jumped, but I kept my composure, eyes unsurprised and arms still crossed. 
Their eyes widened, cheeks red from being stained by the piercing cold. We held a silent staring contest, their mouth opening and closing as if they had wanted to speak, but couldn’t think of anything to say. I let out a sigh, speaking for him, “I can help you get out of here.” 
He stared at me blankly, his finger pointing to me, a confused expression showing on his face while he struggled to keep his eyes open as a gust of wind blew through, pushing the stinging cold onto his face. He held his hands up to his face to shield himself. I struggled to keep upright, given my height, but I managed. 
“H-help me? You know the way?” He excitedly announced, slightly making my ears ring, but I just ignored that for the time being. Why wasn’t he questioning what I was? Humans are naturally curious creatures, shouldn’t he be poking prodding at me like some science experiment? Instead he skipped the entire “what in the actual heck are you.” Maybe all he really wanted was to be tout of here? I mean he didn’t exactly look like the type to hurt anyone… Can I really trust that though? 
“I do. I’ll show you.” I shrugged my shoulders like nothing was going on in my head. Everything was going on. Everything that could go wrong, what happens after this interaction. Would he tell people about me? Would I have to find a new home anyways? What if I help him and nothing happens? Just stay lonely with nothing but animals to be my “companions” and sustenance for the rest of my immortal life? It was sad to think about really. 
“O-okay. D-d-do you want m-me to h-h-hold you?” He motioned to his hands, cupping them in front of my as he squinted one eye because of the cold. I felt all color drain from my face as I screamed, “No!” Not realizing I jumped backwards, slightly hissing like some animal. We both stared at each other before I fake coughed, recomposing myself, “I’ll just… walk.” I started walking in the direction, hoping that he wouldn’t step on me. I shuddered, hoping nothing like that was going to happen. But the thought crept in and wasn’t planning on leaving anytime soon. 
They stood up and followed me, as I lead the way they kept at least two steps behind me at all times, no matter how slowly the intervals were between them. No words were said between us. Mostly because even if I bothered to talk he wouldn’t hear me. I was too quiet. A good and bad thing. 
Over time, the wind gradually gave up, enough to where I could hear leaves crunch every time they took a slow step. I had no idea how they came to be so far from here, but I guess there was always a way. There was still some part of me that didn’t trust any part of this, but another part of me that kept saying that this would end differently. That I wouldn’t get hurt or anything bad would happen to me. I found it hard to choose between the two, and kept moving, ignoring the voice in the back of my head. 
I don’t think I really cared that a three inch-tall person was guiding me out of the forest. I just wanted to go home, wrap myself in a blanket and fall asleep being warm. It was still freakishly cold outside, but not as much as before. The wind was dying down as I noticed that it was easier for the tiny person to walk now. I had offered to carry them, but considering their reaction that was entirely out of the question. 
Of course I had plenty of questions for them. Like how they’re not bothered by the frigid air surrounding us, or what they ever were. Where they came from. How they know the way out of here. I kept them to myself. They didn’t seem like they even wanted to be asked anything. They just wanted to me to get out so they can live their life in the forest unbothered. There was no way I would be telling anyone about this though. Not like anyone would believe me in the first place. 
After a while, they had looked like they kept looking back at me, like they were afraid I would do something. I guess I would think that too if I were as small as he was, but I don’t think I could ever hurt someone. Including him. Even if we had just met. Plus, hurting someone smaller than you just doesn’t seem fair at all. He probably has a life too, why not leave him alone? He’s already helping me plenty, it’s the least I could do. Maybe he would let me come back and give him something to eat? I wouldn’t think there would be a lot of things for him in the forest. That or something easy for him to get. 
“Um, are y-you sure you don’t w-want me to help you?” I laughed nervously, the cold still stinging but not as much. So much for some great party they were inviting me too. How did I not realize that it was a trick? Who would even invite me to anything? I sighed to myself, looking back at where we’ve been. We have to be close by now… right? At least to a road? 
“No, I’m okay.” He responded, never wavering. I took a small step, watching him look back and cringe away slightly. He was scared of me. That was something I never thought I’d see on a persons face towards me. I didn’t like it. At all. 
“Are you sure? I’m pretty sure you’re cold and I can at least try to help with that.” I looked down at my hands, pausing as he stopped moving. Was he actually thinking about it? I was expecting him to say no, but I guess this was good too. Except for the fact that I’ve never held an entire living person in my hand before! What if I drop him? What if I move wrong? Would it even be comfortable for him? 
He looked up at me, debating his decision before groaning loudly, “Okay. But I swear if you drop me I’m not helping you anymore, got it?” He threatened. I nodded my head, crouching down on the forest floor and laying my hand palm-up. I figured this would be better than just grabbing him. Given his earlier reaction. 
It felt weird to be carrying someone in your hands. They felt full, but then you realize that there’s an entire person trusting you with their lives. I gulped and kept walking straight, moving a lot faster but made sure almost ever second to make sure that the being in my hands wasn’t bothered. He sat, his arms draped over the barrier I had made with my thumb just in case. I was a little nervous, but there was no way he’d do something without knowing what could happen to him. 
“So uhh, what’s your name?” I asked, laughing nervously as I kept my eyes forward, afraid that I would trip over a loose stick or a rock. It usually happens to me. Just my luck. 
He stayed quiet for a second before answering, “Atlas, and you?” He turned his head to face me, for a brief moment showing fear. I bit the side of my cheek, hoping it wasn’t noticeable, “Hayven. Th-thank you for helping me, Atlas.” 
Atlas looked at me, surprised before he scoffed like he didn’t believe me, “No need to thank me. I’m doing both of us a favor.” He harshly stated, turning his head back down to the large drop below him. At least to him it must be. I stopped moving at the sound of a car, seeing the headlights in the distance. I shook my head and walked towards it, “So what exactly are you?” I asked, not expecting an answer. 
“Vampire.” Was all he responded with, but it left me extremely confused. Vampire? Was he messing around, or did he really mean it? I laughed playfully, “You’re messing around with me ri-“ I winced at the sharp pain that came from the side of my hand, seeing a tiny bite mark. I stared at Atlas, who shrugged his shoulders, though I felt him tremble like he thought I would hurt him for it. So, did he just have really sharp teeth or… Vampire? I probably shouldn’t dwell too much on it. 
“My turn. Why were you all the way out here?” He never turned around. 
“Um. There was supposed to be a party here. But… I guess they lied to me.” I sighed sadly, hearing even more cars now. 
“This is close enough. I’ll get off from here.” He announced, pushing himself up and peering down over the edge of my hands. I crouched down, letting him off easily as he looked up at me. I couldn’t read his expression, but I could almost tell that he wanted to ask me something, but never did. 
��H-hey uh. I know you probably just want to go home and… do whatever it is you do, but how about I give you a nice place to stay at for the night? It’s the least I offer after helping me so much.” 
Atlas stared wide-eyed at me, staring up at me like I had said something that offended him. He looked back down. I noticed the trembling, but I couldn’t tell if that was from fear or the cold. Most likely the first option. He didn’t know me. He probably thinks I would keep him as a pet or something. I was disgusted just thinking about it. 
“No tricks?” He asked. I shook my head, “I know you probably have your own thoughts about me, but I genuinely just want to repay the favor.” I didn’t want to force him, but the guilt would eat at me later. 
He debated for what seemed like hours before taking a deep breath, “Alright. But I want to be back here before night tomorrow.” He demanded. I laughed, nodding my head and agreeing to his demands. He climbed back onto my hand effortlessly, but I still felt him tremble. Even if he was scared, something about Atlas screamed at me to keep him company. Maybe we could both keep each other company?  
They’re just both very lonely, but it’s okay because they’ll keep each other company! :D
Again, I wasn’t entirely sure how this came out, and I do realize that I rushed the ending, but it’s fine TwT (No it’s not) But thank you for the ask because I absolutely love writing these two! I might even turn them into an official little fic. Just some silly little one-shots :D
Hope you liked it!
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thebigbadbatswife · 10 months
Internal Conflict (Part 3 of 3)
Pairing - Batman x F!Hero!Reader Series - Under Your Skin Part 1 here | Part 2 here
Summary - In the aftermath of Harley's ambush, you and Batman actually have a civil conversation with each other. Could this be a fresh start for the two of you?
Warnings -Potential medical inaccuracies. Injury mentions. I think that's it?
A/N - This is getting posted a lot later than I had wanted, but life happened and kept getting in the way. But it's here now and, as always, hope you all enjoy 💜
Taglist - At the end of the fic. Please message me if you would like to be added/removed.
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The first thing that Bruce was aware of was the dull throb in the side of his head. He groaned as he opened his eyes only for him to immediately shut them again as the light assaulted them. His first thought was a concussion. Which made sense since the last thing he remembered was Harley and her damn mallet.
He opened his eyes again, this time slower. Giving them time to adjust to the bright lights of the batcave’s medbay so he didn’t overwhelm them again. Slowly, and certainly against what he should be doing, he began to move to sit up. He groaned again as he rested against the back of the bed. Fuck, it had been a while since he had last felt this bad.
Since he was still alive, it was safe for him to conclude that you had managed to deal with Harley. Not that he had doubted it, but he was mad. At you. At Harley. At himself. The fact that it had happened at all and only because you hadn’t listened to him to begin with. He exhaled slowly. Getting worked up was making the tension in his head worse. Besides, maybe if he tried to calm his anger before he saw you next, there might be a chance for the two of you to start over.
“Finally decided to rejoin us I see.” Alfred walked over to the medbay, silver tray in hand. A glass of water and a couple of slices of toast sat on the tray.
“How long was I out for?” he asked, reaching over for the water.
“Several days,” he replied. “Mr Kent brought you back to the cave.”
Clark had brought him back here? Then what had happened to you? Were you okay? Since Alfred was unable to tell him, having been focused on assessing just how badly injured Bruce was, he texted the last person he knew to have seen you.
“You could have just texted back,” Bruce grumbled as the Kryptonian approached his medical bed. He shrugged.
“I was going to come by anyway so I figured I’d just tell you in person,” Clark replied.
“So what happened? How is she?” he asked again, slowly getting more frustrated.
“She was shot and she needed surgery, but she’s wake and doing well.”
Some of the tension faded at hearing that you were doing well. Though his brow furrowed a the thought of you being shot. There was no doubt in his mind that you were pissed off yourself at everything that had happened. If he approached his future conversation with you with his own anger, he was sure that the distance that had already painfully grown between the two of you, would grow further. And that could put the entire team in jeopardy. 
This could be his chance to fix things, but only if he managed to keep the conversation civil. Which meant swallowing his anger and doing his best to be more open and forthcoming. It was going to go against every instinct that he had, but it was likely the only way that was going to work to try and bridge this gap.
Now all he had to was wait for his opportunity to get out of here and back to the Watchtower.
The lights of the medbay were fluorescent and were making your eyes and head hurt. They had been since you had woken up here a few days ago. By all accounts you had got lucky. Very lucky. The worst of your injuries had been the bullet wound. You had needed surgery to remove it and repair the damage it caused. While your arm and ribs had been bruised down to the bone from the force and strength behind the throw and hitting the hard ground. You had been told that if you had landed just a little bit wrong, your arm likely would have snapped. Again, you were very lucky.
You don’t remember much of what happened after getting shot and triggering your SOS beacon. A lot of it blurring into one as shock settled in and you quickly lost blood.
You had yet to see or even hear from Batman yet. According to Dinah and Oliver, when they had come to visit you, Superman had taken him back to the batcave to recover there whilst Wonder Woman had made sure that Harley Quin was returned back behind bars.
As far as you knew, he had yet to return to the Watchtower. You were sure if he had by now, you would definitely know about it since you were sure he blamed you for the entire situation happening to begin with. Hell, you blamed yourself. You shouldn’t have allowed yourself to become distracted like that. If you hadn’t managed to take on the hyenas and Harley, your mistake would have got the both of you killed.
Since there were no complications following your injury and, other than the pain that radiated from your ribs that the painkillers you were on barely touched, you were good to go home and rest there.
It was a slow process for you to get your suit on, your body protesting every movement, making you curse under your breath. If you’d had any other clothing on the Watchtower you would have chosen those instead, but you didn’t. Your ruined suit was all that you had. You made a mental note to bring some the next time you came back. You were already dreading removing it again once you were finally home.
“You were shot, you should be resting.”
You didn’t need to turn around to know who it was.
“Not here to shout? Blame me for what happened?” There was no bite in your words. Between the pain and the lack of energy you couldn’t be bothered.
“No. I’m not.” 
You stopped what you were doing and looked at him. What? Was he feeling alright? You scoffed. “Damn, she must have really hit you hard in your head huh?” You turned away again, returning your focus back on making sure all of your equipment was there.
You heard him sigh softly. “It’s not like that…”
“Then what is it like?” 
It was a fair question, you thought. Considering he currently had you cornered in the medbay right now. And all you wanted was to get home.
“We really need to talk.”
You sighed, but nodded. For once, he wasn’t wrong and you had known from the moment you woke up that this was coming.
“About how I fucked up? About how I almost got both of us killed?” The anger in your voice, for once, wasn’t for him. The longer you had to dwell over all of if, the more mad you had got at yourself.
“About everything.”
You looked at him again, an eyebrow raised. If he was anyone else, you would have assumed it was a joke. But you knew he was dead serious. Batman didn’t know how to joke.
“Really? Everything? Right here where anyone can overhear us?” You gestured to the wide open space of the medbay around you. Batman looked around and then gestured with his head for you to follow him.
You followed him through the Watchtower at a pace that didn’t aggravate your injuries too much. You were sure he noticed because he adjusted his own pace to match yours, while still staying ahead of you. He led you into his laboratory. As soon as you both entered the room, he locked the door. Now the only concern was Superman, though something told you that he likely already knew so what the hell did it matter anyway?
You didn’t wait for him to offer you a seat, instead grabbing the nearest chair and carefully lowering yourself onto it. You could feel his eyes on you the entire time.
“I’m fine. It’s not the first time I’ve been shot.” 
“Doesn’t matter if it’s the first time or the hundredth time, that’s still a severe injury. Not to forget the amount of bruising you have,”  he replied.
“Thought medical records were supposed to be confidential? Even here?”
“Superman told me about you needing surgery for the bullet and, taking my strength into account and the hard flooring, it would make sense that you either broke something or ended up badly bruised,” he said very matter of factly.
You nodded. “So where are we even supposed to start after months of bullshit started by both of us?”
He hummed, but didn’t say anything. Which made you scoff as you realised.
“Really? You tell me I should be resting, considering I was shot, then you say we need to talk and you don’t even know where to start? Fuck me.” Your pain killers were starting to wear off and your patience for him was wearing thin. 
“In my defence, with how you’ve been ignoring me, I didn’t think we would even get this far.” His voice remained calm, as did his body language. There was no sign of him becoming agitated despite the fact that you had snapped.
“Then how about we start with Star City?”
The conversation between the two of you was a long one. The longest that you both had had without it ending in a yelling match or sex. It certainly came as a surprise. As did his honesty.
“I shouldn’t have snapped the way I did. I let my emotions take over and I shouldn’t have let that happen.”
“Was any of what you said true?”
He nodded. He had meant what he said about making sure you could handle the burden that came with saving the world on a semi regular basis. But he had come to the conclusion that you could handle it just fine within the first couple of months. His aim had been to try and hurt you and he had no excuse for it.
You never thought you would see the day that he actually held himself responsible for his own actions. It was also likely as close to a “sorry” as you were going to get. Which was fine as it was more than you had been expecting to begin with anyway.
“I didn’t have to yell like that, could have just walked away instead. But that doesn’t mean I regret what I said.”
“Most people don’t.”
“Yeah, I can’t imagine why,” you replied, a small smile forming on your lips. I wasn’t hard to imagine the amount of people who must have yelled at him in a similar way because of what a dick he was being. 
It felt good to not need to have your guard up around him all the time, waiting for him to start on you. It was clear to you that this was his try at a do over between the two of you and you agreed. It was needed. It didn’t mean you had to be best friends with each other. With all that had transpired you doubted that would possible, but if you could be on friendly terms, it would benefit the rest of the League a lot more. 
By now your pain killers had fully worn off. Batman noticed before you could even say anything. He was up and out of his chair and left the room, without even a word to you. Which had left you wondering “”what the hell?”. Your confusion was answered when he returned with pills and a bottle of water in hand. 
“I could’ve got them myself. I’m not completely helpless,” you said as he handed them both over. He shrugged and took his seat again. You muttered a thank you before chasing the pills down with the water. 
Whilst you were waiting for the medication to kick in, he decided to keep the conversation going. Making sure that there was no chance for an uncomfortable silence.
“I never should have dragged you into that storage room to begin with. Clearly it made everything between us worse.”
His words almost had you choking on your water as you snorted.
“I could have escaped your grip and told you to go fuck yourself,” you replied, with a small shrug. “We’re both to blame for the way that escalated.” 
It was the truth. You didn’t have to go along with him any time it had happened. You could have easily walked away whenever and you hadn’t until you had finally hit your breaking point. Things never should have been allowed to escalate that far, but both of you had let it. You knew that. As you were sure that he did as well.
Batman nodded in agreement. “Are we good now?” he asked. 
“I mean, we’re better than we were. I think at least. Definitely not bestie though,” you replied.
“Of course not. That would be too far.”
You looked at him like he had just turned into his name sake. Had he just tried to joke? Today was just filled with firsts, it seemed. And it took you off guard enough for a small chuckle, which you immediately regretted as pain flared through you.
“You should get home and rest,” he said, standing up and he offered you his hand. You decided to take it. Anything to make your life just a little bit easier right now. 
“I was trying to, you know, until you decided that you wanted to talk.” Your tone is lighthearted, making sure that there is no malice within it. He scoffed softly.
Batman walked with you toward the zeta tubes. Which you were sure the others would deem a strange sight if they saw it considering your past with each other. You activated the console and selected your destination. As the machine powered up, you felt his hand on your shoulder, prompting you to look at him.
“Since you’re already involved now, and the way you handled Harley, when you’re fully healed, I want your continued help on my current case.”
“You haven’t told anyone else yet?” 
He shook his head. “I still need some to time to go through everything from the funhouse. Once I’m finished then I’ll inform the rest of the team, but since I involved you first, I thought I would ask for your help before going to anyone else.”
You nodded. You were sure it was taking him a lot to be so open. Hell, even asking for help, again, probably went against everything within him. 
“Yeah, of course. You can count on me.”
Taglist - @the-last-twin-of-krypton @bakugous-bakahoe @fromfoolishpeopletodeadpeople @little-rivers @callalily2000 @geminicinderella @warsaur @theclassicvinyldragon @aniya7 @bluebear19 @jdream55 @x-ratedhimbo
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The Scarlet Witch Alt
Hello! Been some time since I posted but I really hope y’all enjoy this lil thing. It is a Scarlet Witch reader story but it is NOT connected to my Movie Night series. Honestly I just wanted to practice writing more emotionally intense scenes and since this character dealt with a lot of loss I figured I’d just channel it here. Initially I wanted to write this scene with Bruce but somewhere along the way I changed my mind. Anyways yeah I hope you guys enjoy it! Feedback would be very much appreciated! <3
Side note: It’s Damian Wayne x Scarlet Witch reader and there are mentions of death.
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Word count: 1.9k
Dick had been walking for what felt like hours, searching through the woods but to no avail. Doubt creeped into his mind that maybe he was given the wrong location so he decided to facetime Tim to confirm. Fortunately the connection in the area was decent so after a few rings he answered. 
“Hey, are you sure you gave me the right coordinates? There’s nothing here but trees and whatever else you normally expect to see in the woods.”
“Let’s see,” said Tim and Dick could hear the quick tapping of his keyboard. “On my side it shows you’re in the right area. The energy readings aren’t as crazy as last night’s but it’s still considerably high? You sure you don’t see anything hinky over there?”
“No, but I’ll keep searching. Were you and America able to find out anything new?”
“Actually yeah, new and terrible.”
“What’d you find?”
“Remember those weird markings we saw on that giant octopus that attacked America?”
“Well according to her, all the creatures that had previously attacked her had similar markings on them. I couldn’t find any leads in our database so I sent some pictures over to the league and Zatanna reached back to me. They’re runes, Dick. Not only does this mean someone is definitely summoning these monsters to attack America but that they’re also powerful enough to control these things and send them on a chase through various different universes and it wants her power.”
“Shit,” Dick grumbled. 
“My thoughts exactly,” sighed Tim. “Zatanna’s offered to help and she’s working on locating Constantine for more assistance.”
“That’s good, hopefully- OW!” Dick jerked back as he seemingly walked into nothing. Upon impact he dropped his phone and instinctively rubbed at his forehead. He stared ahead in confusion. There was nothing in the way. At least, nothing he could see.
“You okay, what happened?”
Remembering his phone, he quickly bent down and picked it up. 
“I just walked into something that’s not there.”
“Uhh… come again?”
“Something very real, or at least it felt real, knocked into my face but there’s nothing there,” Dick paused and narrowed his eyes as he studied the space before him. “Tim, look at this.”
He flipped the camera and showed his outstretched hand. 
“Okay?” Tim replied, not exactly sure what he’s supposed to be looking at. Then Dick flicked his fingers and particles of static momentarily covered the afflicted area, similar to what you’d see on a glitchy TV screen. “Oh-kay! That definitely counts as hinky. What is that?”
“My guess would be some kind of force field, it feels tingly,” Dick replied as he flicked his hand again, causing more static to appear. 
“Stop flicking it, what if it sucks you in or something?”
“Relax, Tim, whatever this thing is it was pretty adamant on keeping me out just now it’s not gonna-” Suddenly Dick’s hand sunk into the apparent portal before him and he felt a strange tingling sensation throughout his body as more particles of static started to surround the area.
He tried to use his other arm to pry himself free but he could tell the struggle was only aiding his entrapment. Tim’s distorted voice echoed all around him as he was pulled fully into the portal until he finally landed on new ground. Dick quickly gathered himself and assessed the new scene. 
The sky was a brilliant blue and a blooming garden replaced the gloomy forest scene he was in mere seconds ago. Several rows of cherry blossom trees surrounded the area and he could hear birds happily chirping. He bent down to pick up his phone and show Tim what he found but somehow the battery was completely drained. 
“Great,” he grunted as he put the now useless device into his back pocket.
He spotted a little cottage house a few meters away and with having little to no options he walked over to investigate it. Upon finding a window he peeked inside for any insight of the owner. The home was littered with books and sheets of paper but no weapons, at least none he could immediately see. There were remnants of an unfinished breakfast on a nearby wooden table, but no person in sight. Next to the unattended breakfast was a series of sketches and he squinted to get a better look at them but he couldn’t fully make out the contents of the drawings.
The questions running through Dick’s mind were growing by the minute. Judging by the contents of the cabin, he didn’t feel like there was a threatening presence but why the secrecy? Why a force field in the middle of the woods? Why let him in?  
His train of thoughts were interrupted by someone calling out his name and although he recognized the voice he almost couldn’t believe his own eyes. 
“Y/N… oh my god,” before he could think, he embraced his estranged friend. “Where’ve you been? How have you been? What are you doing here?”
Y/N lightly chuckled at all his questions and gently pulled back from the hug, “It’s nice to see you too, Dick.” 
“Did you make all of this?” he gestured to the environment and she nodded. “Why did you take off like that? We didn’t see you at the funeral. You can’t… you can’t just disappear like that.”
“I’m sorry. After everything that happened,” she briefly looked away. “I just needed to be alone. Regroup with myself. I know my departure was abrupt but I didn’t mean to make anyone upset.”
“No one’s upset, Y/N, we were just worried. The people we lost that day…I miss them every single day. But they wouldn’t want us to deal with what happened alone. Damian wouldn’t want you alone.” 
At the mention of his name she visibly tensed up and he almost regretted bringing him up. Yet before he could say anything else, she had already changed the topic.
“What are you doing here Dick? How did you find me?” 
“Actually, I think it was you that found me and let me in.”
Y/N looked at him confused and they walked together as he explained to her how he ran into her little force field. 
“There’s this girl, she’s with Tim right now back at the cave, she’s being chased by monsters. It’s a bit of a much longer and weirder story but if you’re up for it we could really use your help.”
“I’ve been out of the field for some time now. I’m not sure I’d be able to provide much help.”
“We’ve all seen what you can do, Y/N. Don’t see yourself short. Besides you created this beautiful little utopia for yourself here, honestly it’s impressive.”
At that she grinned.
“Why don’t you bring America here?” she suggested.
“Yes. Don’t get me wrong, the bat cave is safe and all but here she’d be well hidden…” 
She turned to look at Dick as she noticed he stopped walking with her. He didn’t say anything but his look of mistrust and apprehension told her everything.The ball had dropped.
She deeply sighed and cast her look down at her feet.
“You didn’t tell me her name.”
“No,” he slowly shook his head in disbelief. “I did not.”
“You know, the hexes were always easy. But the lying… that part not so much.”
Y/N extended her hand and as she expertly moved her wrist the world she created began to fully unravel. As if someone suddenly turned off the sound, the birds stopped chirping. The garden was swallowed by her red energy and replaced with dark, dead trees. 
Even her attire changed to a dark red cloak with an intricate crown placed around her temples. Her fingertips were coated in black, the mark of the possession of the Dark Hold. The unholy book floated near her as her previous illusion finished falling apart. 
Dick’s eyes immediately went to the Dark Hold. 
“God, Y/N… what have you done?” 
“Nothing yet, but even then it’s more than what you have done.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” he replied, taken aback by not only her tone but her accusation.
“The Lazarus pit,” she snarled. “You could’ve used it on him, on them. You could have tried SOMETHING!”
“You think it didn’t cross my mind? None of them would’ve wanted that! They would’ve been nothing but a shell of who they were, a living reminder of the people we lost. The pit wouldn’t have worked the way you wanted.”
“But they’d still be here and I could have found a way to fix what the pit could not restore. I’m not who I used to be anymore, Dick. The Dark Hold has shown me so much-”
“It did more than that. It changed you, Y/N.”
“Growth is accompanied by change.”
Dick scoffed. 
“Why send those monsters after her, what do you want with America?”
“Believe me, sending those creatures after her instead of myself was mercy. All I want, all I need is her power.” 
“She’s a child! You know she won’t survive the process.”     
“I don’t relish hurting anyone, Dick. but she’s not a child. She’s a supernatural being with powers that are, quite frankly, beyond her control.”
Dick was astonished at how cold she sounded. He could not believe the words coming out of his former friend’s mouth.
“I know I can put them to better use,” she continued. “I plan on using them to leave this universe and go somewhere where Damian is alive. And despite your judgments, I’d like to offer you the chance to come with me,” She slowly started to walk around him. “You and I share the same pain, which is why I offer you this. We can leave this place. We can have Damian, Barbara, and Bruce. I can make you forget this world ever happened. It’d be as if we never lost them.” 
As she spoke, Y/N wove her hands together and summoned miniature glimpses into various universes from the book. Dick’s eyes teared up as he saw images of Barbara, Bruce, and Damian. They were alive and well having dinner together as a family in one scene and stopping a bank heist together in another. 
“You could have all of your family back,” she said as she summoned scenes of his parents, gray haired, alive and well as they introduced the performers at Halle’s Circus. “Just say yes.”
All the images and sounds tugged at his heart strings and wiped away at the tears that managed to escape him.
“No,” he pleaded. “Y/N we share the same pain. But this is not the way. I can’t trade one life for another.”
“It’s not just for one life. It’s her for them,” she gestured to their loved ones. 
“But the blood shed would not end there. In these worlds, there are other versions of us, what’s to happen to them?”
At this Y/N tore her gaze from a scene of an alternate version of herself cuddled up with Damian to him and in her eyes he saw an unrepentant gleam. From that look he knew there was no use in reasoning with her. The friend he had once known and loved was no longer there.
“You should have taken my offer when you had the chance,” she angrily flicked her wrist and the images quickly vanished. She turned to walk away but he called to her one last time. 
“What happens next?” 
“Prepare to hand over America by sunset, peacefully.”
“And if we don’?”
“Then it won’t be Y/N who comes for her. It’ll be the Scarlet Witch.”
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faithst · 1 year
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synopsis where hanbin and reader broke up but still own a pet together and he uses this as an excuse to talk to reader.
pairing ex!phanbin x gn!reader
genre angst, fluff
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it’s been a few months since you and hanbin broke up, and you convinced yourself you have moved on but one thing makes it hard for you to actually believe that.
your pet cat, milo that you got with hanbin when you guys were dating. you loved the feline with all your heart but since hanbin was the one who took care of him, you barely saw him. though, hanbin would occasionally send you a picture of the cat, whether he was sleeping or playing and that gave you something to smile for the day.
you found yourself clicking at every one of his notifications, especially his social media. one time you saw him post a picture of him with ‘someone else’ and you’d be lying if you said you weren’t jealous, especially at how easily you thought he moved on, so you tried to move on as well.
hanbin on the other hand, tried to make it look like he was fine while trying to find an excuse to come talk to you but all of them ended up making him look desperate (which he was). he paced around his room, making scenarios and projecting their possible outcomes.
“what if i tell them i left something at their house? wait no, i haven’t been there in months!” “oh! what about i text them ‘hey can we talk?’. no.. that doesn’t make me look cool.” he sunk into the couch, brows furrowed as he looked at milo, eating away the kibble. then, an idea popped up in his head.
“i know!”
ding! your phone lights up, revealing a message from ‘hanbin’. you open it, expecting a cute photo of the cat but its a text message instead ‘hey, i know its kinda sudden,, but i think he misses you.. can you come over soon?.’ you didn’t think of it that much at the time and never asked ‘who’ but looking back, it’s pretty obvious it wasn’t the cat.
without hesitation, you write back almost instantly as if you were waiting for his message. ‘can i come by tmr morning?’ ‘yeah, sure’. poor cat, he misses me you thought, not knowing which ‘he’ missed you.
as soon as morning hit, you eagerly got ready to visit hanbin and the cat. already memorising each path and shortcut to his house, it was basically engraved into your memory.
were you really excited to see a cat?
upon arriving to his house, reality hit you hard. you are CURRENTLY going to your exes house, happy as ever. you tried to shake off those feelings as they overwhelm you but then the door unlocked, revealing a messy-haired hanbin. its as if he was waiting for you since yesterday night.
“oh, come in..” he said, gesturing you to enter the house. he stretched a bit before bringing you some lukewarm tea that he made for you earlier that cooled down while waiting for you. “wheres milo?” you ask, avoiding hanbin’s gaze by pretending to look around for the feline. “oh, milo? i’m not quite sure..” he sheepishly smiled. “but i thought he missed me?” you ask, unsure of what’s happening.
“well, he does but..” wait, is it really? “is he.. you?” eyes finally meeting, hanbin scratching his nape in response. you stare blankly at him, not believing what you just fell for. he didn’t want you to leave so he blurted out things on his mind
“i really do miss you and i didn’t know how to talk to you in person without looking like a total loser but i probably do right now but thats okay! is there anyway i can make up to you for that day,,? it’s okay if i can’t though, it’s kind of stupid why i’d think this would work but i hope it will cause this kept me up at night and i PROMISE you that milo misses you t-“
“hanbin.” you voice out, holding in your laugh from hearing his blabbering. “i miss you too.” looking down in embarrassment. relieved, he grabbed your hand and put it in his. “let’s talk about it. everything.” he smiled as if he won all the chances
“can’t believe you fell for that text.” “what if i didn’t?” “fair.”
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© keiwook
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imabeautifulbutterfly · 6 months
The Gym Membership - Part 31 (Crosshair)
Summary: Layla tries to make amends
A/N: Hello Lovelies,
Thank you all for joining in on the 450 Follower celebration, so far it's been really well received. Which surprised me and really touched my heart. The celebration is still going, until April 2nd or until all the prompts have been used at least once. Anyway, I'm back to posting, and working on new fics and materials. Enjoy.
Love oo
Italics - inner thoughts
Warnings: Guilt, apologies, irritations, making amends. If I miss any warnings, please let me know.
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Waves of guilt hit me as he grabbed his cup and walked out, I closed my eyes trying to calm my racing heart. There were so many things I needed to apologize for; I’d been meaning to call him for a long time and arrange a time for us to sit down and talk. 
Even the girls really were trying to encourage me to lift up the phone and dial, Mel kept trying to tell me he wasn’t as scary as he appeared, and he’d even be more understanding than I expected. Which was true, something I realized the day we lost Avery, and realized how wrong I was about him.
Come on Layla, you gonna be a coward again and let your own guilty conscience beat you down? I grabbed my cup and rushed out after him. 
“Crosshair, wait!” I called out to him rushing after him towards the parking lot. Of course, as always when you’re in a hurry, that’s when everyone in the tri-state area feels it’s important to drive right in front of me. Through the myriads of cars, I could see him walking further away, I needed to apologize for my own piece of mind. I wanted us to be on better terms. 
I shouted at the top of my lungs, hoping my voice would carry over the cars driving past, God! Why were there so many cars all of sudden! I watched as he stopped in his tracks, turning back to look at me, a quizzical expression on his face. 
He’d arrived at his car, when he heard his name being called, he turned to see Layla jittering in her spot, waiting for the opportune moment to cross the street. He covered his mouth by taking a sip of his coffee, as a small chuckle escaped his lips. She really reminded him of a squirrel, the way she kept looking ready to cross the street and then holding back. Eventually, after moments of negotiating she managed to run across and catch up with him.
“I’m glad you waited” my words came out rather quickly, I wasn’t one for running, and I’d been out of my workout routine for several months now, but jogging across the street should not have caused me to run out of air that much. Lord, I needed to hit the gym again. 
“What’s up, Layla?” It’s not that he minded her really, it’s just his bad mood from that morning was still lingering, and the last thing he wanted to do was say the wrong thing, because he was irritated. 
“Right. Straight to the point. I …” I let out a chuckled sigh, my heart felt like it was going to pound its way right out of my chest. Okay, I get it. I gotta hit the gym, just calm down. I tried to tell my heart, and my nerves that seemed to be jumping out of their own accord, “I wanted to apologize to you.”
Cross shook his head as a smirk appeared on his lips, “Layla, you already got me the ice and a new cup of coffee, it’s all good.” He turned to open his car door when her hand slammed against the door. 
“No. I owe you a real apology for … for everything!” I looked into his eyes, hoping he could feel my sincerity. 
He leaned against his car, his hand carding through his hair, “Layla, what the hell are you talking about?”
I stepped closer to him, “For everything. For the way I treated you from the first day I met you, to every time I cursed you in my head. I know …” I cleared my throat as it started to tighten, “I knew it was never your fault with regards to what happened to Avery. None of it was your fault. I …” I rubbed my forehead, my well planned and thought out apology was quickly falling apart in front of me, “what I’m trying to say, is that I am incredibly sorry about everything. About how I treated you, how I made you feel, and about everything I’ve ever said to you. I know you loved my sister, that was very evident. I also know you were grieving and trying to deal with everything in your own way, I just … I never stopped to think about how you were feeling. I’m sorry.”
He leaned further against his car, he didn’t say anything as he let her words sink in, well if they were going to be doing apologies … he rubbed the back of his neck, tilting it from side to side hoping to uncurl the kink there. “Listen, you’re not the only one who should be offering an apology. I’m ….I’m sorry too. I was cold, distant and annoyed with you, partly because you weren’t her, partly because Avery was lying there, but mostly because I … I didn’t deserve to be there.”
“What! Of course, you did. You were her husband, you guys loved each other.”
“No. We … we may have loved each other as best friends, I mean I was always happy to see her, to talk to her, to touch her and feel her, but she deserved better than me. I think if she hadn’t been injured once we got back State-side we … we probably would’ve been divorced by now. Still on talking terms, maybe the occasional bed buddies, but not married. I didn’t deserve to be the one by her side, she deserved a better man.”
“Cross, did you make her happy? While she was alive, did you make her happy?”
“I tried my best to.”
“Then you are exactly the man she deserved. Even if you didn’t think you deserved to be there, she believed that you did.” 
I let out a sigh as I leaned against the car beside him, “I never told you, but she was excited to introduce you to me, she couldn’t wait to tell me all about this amazing sniper she was seeing.” Tears welled up in my eyes as I thought back to Avery, “Truth is, I was angry with you because you got to spend more time with her. Especially her last days. All my interactions with her, especially the last several months, were either letters, phone calls or emails. Even if she was going to be back State-side, she wouldn’t be by my side 24/7, she would’ve gone to see her friends, you … it’s just … our last conversation wasn’t much of a conversation. Not to mention, I kind of yelled at her.”
The warmth from the coffee eased the tension in my shoulders and heart as I took a look sip, “Listen Cross, at the end of the day we both loved her, and who knows maybe you’re right.” I shrugged, “Maybe you guys would’ve gotten divorced when you spent more time together in a more ‘normal-ish’ surrounding, but you were there when she needed you, and I’m glad you made her happy while you could.”
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starlazergazer · 2 months
Hii!! I’m the anon who asked if u had an ao3, and I’m sooo glad I can have all your fics in one PDF thank u so much 🙏 I can quickly pressed the download button so fast. youre genuinely one of my fav anakin fic writers in the entire galaxy (far far away). Your writing is so so gorgeous and complex, and it just feels soooo real—how each person has their own depth—so much thought is put into every word and how it’s framed.
I just read your latest fic, Separated, and my god I SOBBED. It was SO good. I was listening to sad songs too, to get more into the mood, and it made me cry even harder. My heart just dropped out of my body when Reader and Anakin were saying their last words towards each other through the call: they were so emotionally close but so physically far from each other. How they were imagining a different life where everything was more softer and happier, that living handle their souls more gently, when in reality one was killing her, and the other was walking towards a path of destruction? AARAAGGH IM GOING CRAZY WITH YOUR WRITING (COMPLIMENT). I can’t wait to see the second part and how you plan to execute the follow up.
Btw. Do you have any tips on how you can finish writing stories? You write so much and it’s all such high quality. How do you do it? I have so many ideas but I never actually commit to it. I have this idea where Reader is also on par with Anakin’s skills as a mechanic except she gets extreme motion sickness, which I think would be so funny considering she’s good at building ships but not flying them.
(I really hope you’re okay with me posting this I know your first message was sent anonymously so I wasn’t sure but if you’re not definitely just let me know and I’ll get rid of it) but Oh my god I sobbed reading this 😭. Genuinely this is the biggest compliment I’ve ever received and it means so much to me I’m positively overflowing right now and a little upset I cannot find the words to properly express how much this means to me. I already go back through some of the messages Ive received periodically as a little pick-me-up but I already know this one will be revisited weekly it just means so much to me the way you’ve picked up on everything I’ve tried so hard to do well in my writing making the dialog and situations and characters feel real and complex and messy ugghhhhh I love you so much this means the world 🫶🏻
As far as writing tips for finishing stories I have many cause it’s definitely something I struggle with all the time lol! I’d say the biggest thing for me is to focus on just getting something down rather than finishing a certain work. At any one time I have four or five word documents open on my computer because I’m regularly only writing a scene or a piece of dialog or literally just an idea. A lot of the time I get halfway through something and decide I hate it but keep it there anyways. What usually ends up happening though is I take ideas or scenes from all the different pieces and drop them into my “main story” if I think they fit well so it all works out in the end but just writing (even if it’s not related even remotely to what you feel like you “should” write) is ultimately what’s important.
I also regularly skip around when I’m writing. I find I like writing the big plot points or bits of dialogue the most so a lot of the time I write those first then fill in the gaps later. Finishing a story is a lot less daunting when you already have all of the big pieces in place and just need a few tiny bridges to bring everything together.
Lastly I would say again just get something down on the paper. I’ve written a lot of really bad stuff lol and sometimes I can feel it while I’m writing it and there’s a part of me that wants to just delete it and start over but having the ideas down on the page is always 100% better than having nothing and editing the crap out of what you already have is way easier than starting over from scratch.
Anyways that’s probably way more than what you wanted lol but I really hope it helps! I think just remember this is supposed to be fun, if you’re getting frustration or exasperation out of it more than anything totally feel free to take a step back. I’m known to go MIA for months at a time cause I have periods where I just am not feeling it and forcing myself through it does nothing for anyone.
Seriously though thank you thank you thank you I’m so absolutely overjoyed that you like my writing enough to want to keep it in any form it means the absolute world to me! Also good luck with your potential fic! Tag me if/when you finish it! I’ve been wanting to do a mechanic reader fic forever but never gotten far enough into actually planning it out to start writing anything so I’d love to see your take on it
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thesparklingwriter · 11 months
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22: ngl i dont think he's looking for your approval
gif banner signifies that you should read the written portion
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Zhongli finally returns to you, wiping his hands on his apron. You’re sat cross legged on his bed, pulling your hair up into a ponytail, your phone banished into a room neither you or Zhongli have access to. You slid it underneath the door, and haven’t regretted it, especially because of the happenings of the past few days.
“What is it that you needed me for, love?” He asks as you pull him into a tight hug. He smells of sandalwood and eggs and the long nights you used to spend at the harbour, talking until the sun rose.
“Thank you,” you say simply.
Zhongli seems surprised by your words, looking down at you. “There’s no need for thanks. You would have done the same for me, I’m sure.”
“There is. I came barreling back into your life at thirty thousand miles an hour and now there’s all this drama surrounding you. I know you’ll say it’s fine, but I still feel bad.” 
Zhongli chuckles at that, gently stroking your hair. “I don’t begrudge a single second of the past few months. I’m lucky to have you with me, whether that means I get photographed and posted all over the internet.”
You sigh softly. “I love you. I hope you know that.”
Zhongli smiles. “Oh, really? I wasn’t aware. You should repeat it, just so I can be sure.”
You scowl at him, pulling him into a kiss by the collar of his shirt. He obliges you, wrapping his arms around your waist. “I love you too,” He whispers against your lips, before going back to kissing you again, his smile not fading. The sound of the doorbell separates you and you feel your face heat up. 
“Itto’s back.” He says, smiling down at you but making no moves to get the door.
“It seems he is,” You reply. “Aren’t you going to let him in?”
“I’d rather stay here.”
You kiss him, smiling slyly at the way he tries to avoid parting from you.
“He has my Starbucks. Let the man in. We can finish this later, hmm?”
Zhongli sighs, adjusting his shirt and as he goes to open the door.
“I’m okay, seriously.” You repeat to Itto, sipping your drink as the three of you sit around the kitchen island. He doesn’t believe you–keeps asking you over and over, as if you’ll slip and tell him the truth. “Thank you for standing up for me,” You smile, taking his hands in yours. “I truly can’t thank you enough. And don’t say it’s your duty as my friend and self announced older brother.”
“Alright.” Itto smiles brightly. “I won’t. In that case, you owe me for that Starbucks cause I spent half an hour in the queue and I could have bought a whole meal for what that drink cost me.”
“But you’re my older brother, how could you!” You tease, pulling him into a hug.
“Hush.” Itto says. “Anyway, what did you want my opinion on?”
“To get me out of the drama, Ei and Zhongli had to say that I had an urgent project. Ei says I should drop the project in a few months and ride out this storm.” 
“I suggested that she shouldn’t do that unless she truly wants to drop out of the industry.” Zhongli says.
“Dropping out was an option?” Itto sits forward. “Not to be that person, but do you even 
 know how much of a chokehold you have on the internet right now? You’ve been trending for the past few days. Now is not the time to drop out.”
“Which leads perfectly onto my next point. Maybe I release something and make it like a last hurrah. Like an album or something. Maybe I won’t drop out completely, maybe I take on less things instead. I mean, I always wanted to go on tour but my schedule never allowed for that. And I’ve been enjoying not being under people’s scrutiny all the time.” Itto looks at you with understanding. The first time he convinced you not to quit, he knew you were tying to escape. But this time, he can see you’ve thought about it.
“So you wanna know what I think?” He says, leaning back on his stool before realising it doesn’t have a back and catching himself before he falls. “I think… I think you deserve to be happy. And if that’s being with money bags over there or laying low, I think you should do it.”
“I agree,” Zhongli says, smiling at you.
© 2023, thesparklingwriter. please do not copy, edit, repost, or translate.
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notes: this was supposed to go up yesterday but my laptop decided she didn't like shortcuts or copy and pasting anymore :3
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jimmy-valmer-official · 11 months
Gonna be so random and unnecessarily insane about this for a minute but I made a pokémon team for Jimmy. Word vomit and some pictures under the cut.
First off, the best candidate I could think of for him to have as a partner pokemon is a Raichu. The color pallet is perfect and the concept is even more so… he could use the electric abilities to power up his microphone and cameras and stuff (he probably gets shocked a bunch of times through his crutches though).
Anyways. His Raichu could have a little microphone and sit on his shoulder while he preforms. It’s perfect. See my vision? I already drew it in a previous post.
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The next pokemon I can see him having is a Mr. Mime, unsurprisingly. It has a fun-oriented personality, looks like a clown, yada yada. But the main reason I thought of it was because Jimmy showed interest in making impressions of people during his debut, and what is Mr. Mime if not an impressionist?
I think his Mr. Mine could easily be a leading inspiration for him or a breath of fresh air after getting back from a tiring comedy show. Maybe both. Sometimes it stars in the shows… Definitely has a boisterous personality that Jimmy is completely unphased by.
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Coming up third is a Jigglypuff. I’ve seen a lot of people give him a Jigglypuff, and honestly? King shit. Solely wanted to put one on his team because the idea of him getting pranked and like, being put to sleep unconventionally and then waking up to a drawing of a million dicks on his forehead is both super funny and definitely something that he’d find hilarious.
Definitely attainted it on accident, and loves it to bits. Also, they definitely play pranks together as well. That’s a very crucial part of their friendship.
Also. It just has that look in its eyes.
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Okay. I wanted to add some bigger pokemon now, and after some debating, I settled on a Stoutland and a tauros. Here’s why.
First off, again, the color pallets are amazing. But to be more specific. I wanted Jimmy to have a loyal and older partner to balance put the wonky first three. Because even though Jimmy loves messing around, he also has a very clear set of morals and isn’t solely a silly little guy. A dog-like pokemon fit him pretty well (i think hes an in-betweener when it comes to cats vs. dogs, but most cat pokemon are pretty snarky and i dont think he’d be a huge fan of that), and Stoutland is the perfect partner for anyone.
I’d say Stoutland is his main traveling partner, but he’d only ride on his back if he was really tired. They mostly just walk together, and they have a really close bond. Stoutland is definitely his number one emotional support system.
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Tauros, on the other hand, is a pokemon that caught my eye because it matches his zodiac sign (we have the same sign and im a nerd, sue me) and tends to be more stubborn. Which fits, because Jimmy is also stubborn. He literally almost got himself shot because he refused to put advertisements in his newspaper.
I think that since Tauros is naturally built like a tank, it’d make a good battling partner. Jimmy would definitely use it just to intimidate people on the field, and I can see it as one of his main (if not the main) battler. But I also think that it’d have a very sweet nature, and maybe it was one of his first pokemon. It probably tried to kill him when they first met.
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And lastly, I’m going to put my foot down and say with confidence that he would have a Nickit on his team.
Just hear me put.
Nathan’s a tricky guy, and he’s also literally the only person in the world that actively hates Jimmy. Jimmy isn’t even really aware of this either. And Nickits are very similar to Nathan in the sense that they often cause trouble.
I think that Nathan, at some point in his quest to make Jimmy’s life terrible (or kill him), gifted him a Nickit as a “friendly gesture” in hopes that it’d cause him trouble. And Jimmy would without a doubt accept the gift.
Nathan’s plans always backfire though, so I think that even if the Nickit caused trouble, Jimmy would find a way to befriend it eventually. He’d probably make an effort to understand it and end up gaining its trust.
Anyways. I think the Nickit would be a fun contrast to Jimmy and could add some small conflicts by stealing and starting shit. And Jimmy would just be chasing it around like “Oh, sorry about that miss, im not sure why hes acting like this today” after nickit steals an entire breadloaf or something (and not for the first time, either— maybe Jimmy has a little too much faith in its ability to behave). Maybe it even joined the Bloods too, who knows.
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And thats it?? I had a lot of fun putting this together and coming up with everything. I might change some stuff and draw some stuff later, who knows.
Thanks for reading if you did! I had to get it out of my system.
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ciaossu-imagines · 1 year
Hi again. I’m here with another Bandō request because I just can’t not. How do you think he would deal with a s/o who has terrible muscle cramps (dystonia) all over their body? It’s something that can happen at any point in time and most often affects their speech. Another thing that often happens is that they need to be helped out of bed (or sometimes chair) by their parents and they don’t especially like asking for help but they can’t always find any other way of escaping their situation so they have to and yet sometimes the parents are annoyed by that fact. They also don’t have much energy and think it’s annoying because they do like going out and doing things, it just takes a lot out of them because of their cramps and lack of energy. I hope it’s an okay request. I totally understand if it’s too much or too specific. Thanks in advance and have a wonderful day ahead.
I’d also like to ask you something else. If I’m not allowed to add it to the ask I’m sorry and I’ll ask again once the event is over. You seem like a kind person and are into two series that I really love so I was wondering whether I could DM you and talk to you (off anon of course). I saw you mention in a post that people can do that if they have different opinions on character interpretations but I don’t and I’m not sure to what extent you’d be alright if someone who just started following you messaged you so I thought I’d ask.
Okay, first off, this is definitely not too much and it’s hyperspecific in all the right ways, actually. I know I don’t often talk about myself or my life on here but as part of the my college courses, we had to do a lot of medical training so this is all shit that I know and love. So your request, where it hit on a disease that I am familiar with, actually makes me so happy! This is my shit! I hope the headcanons will do it justice, though I tried to focus them less on the disease (because anyone living with any kind of medical condition knows that sometimes...it's like they're only the medical condition and nothing more) and more on the impact it has on the relationship between Bandou and his partner.
Also, to answer your second part…UM, YES PLEASE! Seriously, I am so flattered that you want to talk to me and I absolutely love getting to know all my readers, whether they follow me or not, whether they’re new or old…one of the best parts of fandom and of running this blog is the amazing readers I have and getting to know them! Please feel free to message me, not just this anon, but any of you! It doesn’t even need to be for anything specific; all of you guys can legitimately reach out to me at any point to talk about anything and I will do my best to be there for you, though I can be a bit slow in responses as those who do talk to me know, just because I juggle responding around other things! Anyway, onto the headcanons!
Okay, so just in how your ask reads, it sounds like the reader doesn’t really ask for much help, so I’m running on an assumption here that she doesn’t outright tell Bandou about her condition right away, not when they first start dating. And I can see him really caring about her and being really into her, so he’s going to try to be nice and present himself at his best, but it does sometimes annoy him at first because she is slower and she can’t get out and do as much as he’d like to do with her and it’s like she doesn’t have the energy to really keep up with him as much as he’d like her too. And even while he’s trying to be understanding on his best behaviour, I could see him sometimes being insensitive or rude at first out of ignorance and frustration. He’d definitely feel bad about hurting her feelings but sometimes his frustration would just get to be a little too much and he’d sort of lash out or put his foot in his mouth.
She would need to let him in on what is going on with her body and the fact that she does have a medical condition that causes a lot of the things that frustrate him. Once she does let him know, he will feel like a huge asshole because of everything he said or did and the way he acted and he’ll get really standoffish for a couple days because like, he’s not good at handling his feelings so she would have to make some efforts to let him know that it’s okay and that she understands his feelings and doesn’t blame him and she isn’t angry with him.
Again, much like the period ask, Google is going to be this boy’s best friend because he does care about his partner, and he wants to actually know and understand what is going on with them. He’ll spend whole night’s up just searching for information on the condition, on how it can affect them, on what can cause it, on whether it can be cured and once he learns that it can’t, whether it can be managed and how. He’s going to be sending text after text asking them if they’ve tried the botulinum injections, if they take any of the medications to target neurotransmitters that he’s been reading does help, if they have to go to physical therapy, speech therapy, if there’s any special stretches or massages they are supposed to be doing. He’ll honestly go a little overboard, but he really does come from a good place and just wants to understand what they’re working with and how he can help.
If they do get the injections, he’ll want to be at the appointments with them. If they take the medications, he’ll be doing research on the side effects so he can be perfectly prepared to help with them. If they go to speech therapy, he’ll want to go with them (though he’s not allowed in because he generally glares and looks like a thug and he scares their speech therapist and the same goes for physical therapy, where he will plain out try to fight their physical therapist if it looks like the therapist is causing his partner pain and might even try to ask for help from the other HOMRA members to like...burn that particular physical therapist's office to the ground because the fucker obviously shouldn't be in business). And you are goddamn right he’s going to be first in line to offer to rub them down or stretch them out, especially if there’s any opportunity that those will lead them down a far naughtier road.
Honestly, Bandou almost NEEDS to be relied on by his partner. He wants to be someone they’ll ask for help; he wants to be someone they believe can take good care of them. He needs to be someone they trust and if they don’t learn to ask for help, at least from him, that could be a huge contentious point in their relationship because it will seem, in his mind and because of his self-esteem issues, like they’re thinking that he’s not reliable enough or strong enough or man enough to take care of them properly or that they don’t trust him to do so.
He will definitely not get along with their parents. Yeah, he might originally have wanted to get in good with his partner’s parents but the first sign of annoyance on their part with his partner?? He’s got a sharp tongue and they found that out quick and honestly, he would have been down to throw some hands at his partner’s parents if his partner would have just let him…yes, he’s still pouting about that.
He’ll still occasionally get frustrated at his partner’s limitations but it’s not that he’s angry at them so much as he’s angry that they got saddled with this condition, with this burden and he doesn’t know how to handle that properly so he can take it out sometimes on his partner without meaning to, but he’ll slowly get better at apologizing for his moments, at least in his own little ways. And god fucking forbid that anyone else make even the slightest off comment about his partner or the effects that their condition has on their energy, their movements, or especially their speech because….let’s just say that Bandou is part of HOMRA for a reason and he didn’t get to where he is inside HOMRA for no reason.
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whitewolf2759 · 2 years
Asking Her Out-Clara Oswald
Hey guys I have only just started posting my stories so there may be some mistakes but I hope you enjoy them anyway.
You had been traveling for so long you had lost track of how long however that had little effect on you seeing a you were a timelord the last of your kind or so you thought, this changed when you met the Doctor.
The events leading to your meeting was what you expect seeing as you had heard about the stories of the Doctor at the academy, the wourld was in danger and you had run into him and his beautiful companion Clara.
After saving the day the Doctor had asked you to travel with them but you had your own adventures to go on with your own TARDIS, so you had wished the two luck and left.
It had been a while since meeting them and you had decided to live as a human for a bit, you were currently working at cafe but that could change depending of you mood.
It was early in the morning and you had just finished breakfast when you heard the wheezing of the Doctor old model TARDIS.
You stood up with a smirk and quickly got dressed before skipping to the front door opening it to see the Doctor and Clara about to knock.
“I see you finally found me” you said with a smug look of your face.
“Hello pipsqueak” the doctor greeted with an annoyed look on hid face.
You never gave him a place to find your or your chosen name, you had thought it would be more fun this was and slightly annoy him.
Your chosen name was Artemis. You chose the name because you love the wild, meeting different animals and looking at night sky to see moon and stars glowing. However this cause quite a few headaches for you teachers at thr academy.
“No need to frown you get more wrinkles” you laughed. The Doctor frowned further. “okay not in playful mood gotcha”
“Who are you?” He grumble as he stepped closer to you, leaving Clara at the doorway.
You ignored him and instead looked at her, you thought she looked stunning so you gave her a wink causing her to slight slightly smile and looked back at the Doctor.
“Who are you?” He grumbled, stepping closer to you, leaving Clara just outside of the blue police box. You glanced at her, Gods was she pretty. Giving her a quick wink you looked back at the Doctor.
“I hardly think that matters” you said shrugging your shoulders.
“I think it does, you have TARDIS and I want to know how” he said
“Why not ask beautiful, I’m sure she has already worked it out” you shot back.
Clara looked at you, Her wonderful brown eyes filled to the brim with wonder and understanding.
“Are you… a Time Lord?” She asked. She glanced between you and the Doctor with concern. Worried on how her friend might react if there suddenly is another of his kind. How would that make him feel after all he’d done to their people?
“I knew you would work it out before him beautiful ,” you smile, shooting her another wink. “I am a Time Lord.”
The Doctor’s frown slipped from his face as his eyebrows raised, mouth agape ever so slightly. Pure shock displayed on his face. “That’s not possible.”
“I do love surprising people” you said smirking.
“What is it, then? Your name?” The Doctor pressed.
“I’m Artemis” you smirked. “Course, you know that’s not my real name.”
“What is your real name? Gallifrey’s gone. You can tell me.” He said
You raised a brow towards him. NI don’t think so,” your smile widened mischievously.
Your eyes locked on Clara. “You know, you’re very beautiful.” Clara looked away and attempting to hide her blush.
“I think I’d like a word alone with dear, Clara.” You said still smiling from her reaction.
“If you try anything—
“Doctor,” Clara interrupted. “Let me talk to them. I’ll be fine.”
“Very well call if she tries anything.”
He closed the door behind him and Clara looked back to you. “What did you want to talk about?”
“Clara are you seeing anyone?” you asked with a smile
“You asked him to leave so you could flirt?” She raised a brow at you, causing your smile to widen.
“Maybe, that alright with you?” you replied with a flicker of mischief is your eyes
“So Artemis who are you?”
“Hmm, are you asking my name?”
“Maybe,” she nodded. “That alright with you?”
You grinned wide this girl would be the death of you if you let her. And you were willing to. You were head over heels for this Clara, and this was your second time seeing her.
“Well,” you whispered, leaning in closer. “I could tell, but there would be consequences.”
“Consequences?” She echoed.
“Well, I wouldn’t exactly be allowed to let you walk away, according to Gallifreyan Law.”
“What would you have to do?” She leaned forwards so that your breath mixed in the space between.
“I’d have to marry you,” you grinned. Your eyes shift to her perfect lips before landing back on her beautiful brown eyes.
“Hmm,” Clara considered the idea, and smile played on her lips as well. “That doesn’t sound that bad.”
“Now, Clara, we just met,” you leaned in a bit closer, lust taking over. You wanted to kiss her, but you didn’t want to scare her off so you stopped halfway
“True,” she replied
“Maybe I should take you to dinner first,” you responded, noticing Clara’s eyes switch periodically from your eyes to your lips. You grinned a little more at the thought that she liked you too.
“Is that a promise?” She wondered.
“Are you free Saturday” You asked her”
“Definitely” she replied happy smile gracing her face as she looked into you eyes.
 “Seven sound good?” You began to turn away back into you apartment.
“Sounds great,” Clara agreed.
“Perfect,” you nodded opening the door to your. “I’ll pick you up at seven, then. See ya ‘round, Clara.” Then you disappeared inside and immediately started thinking ideas for your date.
Clara grinned at the interaction and skipped back into the blue box  where her old friend was waiting impatiently.
“Well, what did they want?” He pressed.
“I just got a date with the only other Time Lord in existence,” Clara giggled, a slight blush gracing her cheeks.
“Seriously?” The Doctor stood there aghast.
“Yes, seven o’clock Saturday” she nodded. “So you’d better get me home on time”
Clara went towards her room giddy with the thought of what the date may bring
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dirty-bosmer · 2 years
Ahhh I'm finally all caught up on your Oblivion fic!!! I absolutely devoured it and I am so scared but so excited for the ending. It was such a journey D: anyways, I hope you don't mind if I come by to ask a few questions?? This fic just kind of eats away at my brain. I have so many thoughts. 1) Who was your favorite character to write and why? 2) which chapter was your favorite to write? 3) why do you enjoy making all your characters so sad </3 running out of space now. I love you okay bye
Omg anon, I am so sorry for this late reply!! One of my friends sent me a dozen troll asks and this totally got buried lol. BUT I am glad you have been enjoying the fic, and thank you so much for reading! It’s truly more than I could ever ask for, to have someone read that beast from start to finish 😅
Now for your questions:
Hmmm, for a long time it was Lucien, but now that I'm this close to the end, his scenes are draining me lmao I know what needs to happen but the words are stuck in my brain. Other than that, I have always really enjoyed writing Raminus and Mathieu. Raminus cause he’s an awkward nerd and provided some relief from how smothering Lucien was. Mathieu cause he’s a troublemaker and exceptionally tragic (I am a glutton). Mathieu’s friendship with Nim was a joy to write. They are really quite similar in a lot of ways and by the end, they really did care for each other. I tried to add some levity to his POV scenes, and it tickles me pink that people have told me he’s actually likable in the story (or at least sympathetic) despite the overwhelmingly negative sentiments he garners post-canon quest line. In another life (one that did not involve the purification) Nim probably would have sided with him over Lucien lmao
OH MAN what a question. Maybe the party scenes from early in the fic, where I introduced Arquen and Mathieu. I miss the whimsical days of this story where I could write ridiculous things like that. It was fun. If it’s something more recent, I’d have to say  Chapter 67: A Small Death. It was the first chapter I wrote from Nim’s POV post-chaos-in-the-Night-Mother’s crypt, so there was a lot of erm... dissolution of the self to explore. It was really challenging to wrangle with her ascent to godhood while still trying to keep her character consistent with the Nim we followed through the story. Also Nim and Lucien trying to care for each other in the aftermath of the... well, the everything (lol) never fails to amuse me. They’re so pathetic sometimes. 
Honestly, I’m not sure 😂 I’m actually living a very fulfilling life and in a very healthy relationship so idk why everything I write is so full of misery and toxicity and pain. I just enjoy making messes but only in a well-contained space so I guess it’s like why I enjoy consuming horror media, gotta live vicariously through the suffering of others 🤷‍♀️  Thanks for the ask, anon! Hope I sated your curiosity :))
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the-duckless-pond · 1 month
I did it. Barely. A whisper. A memory of something I once had.
It wasn’t enough to help, but I got anxious about doing anything that would. It’s been so long all I can remember is the basic motion.
Triggering thoughts under the cut.
I did bleed a little. Tiny red droplets but not a lot. The smallest barely there amount.
It wasn’t enough. Maybe if I keep doing it it will become enough again. I’m undecided on if I will keep doing it, but it feels like something I would do. I would want to have all the necessary medical supplies on hand. I don’t have those right now.
It wasn’t enough.
It’s not worth texting Charlie about.
She wouldn’t respond and what would I even say? Hey I hurt myself and it did nothing but I’m probably going to keep doing it at least until things improve? Because no one talks to me anymore and I am all alone and I can’t handle being alone so I self destroy? Yeah right.
Callie just snuck up on me to lick my sweater and it startled me and I almost lashed out because I miss Charlie so much it makes me cry often and Callie is so lovely she doesn’t deserve to be lashed out at. She just wants to lick her favorite sweater. Maybe I’ll take it off and leave it on the bed for her so she can snuggle with it.
Ugh. Here come the tears. Go away tears. No one wants you here. It’s because I haven’t taken my antipsychotic yet which usually numbs my emotions. But it also makes me tired. And I have to stay up to give Boo her medicine. So… I guess I’m just not taking it.
I could take a half dose. But that won’t get rid of my emotions all the way like I want right now. But I probably should.
These diary entries are all things I would normally text my BFF but she doesn’t respond to me anymore so instead I put them here where they will be equally unread and unimportant. It makes me feel better than blowing up her phone. I doubt she wants to hear from me anyway.
I don’t think she loves me anymore these days. It doesn’t feel like it. Now that’s something to cut about. But instead I will take my half dose of my AP and hope it numbs some of these feelings so that I can go back to cuddling with my cat.
Just got to the living room after taking the half dose. She is curled up on the couch and it looks like she has been waiting for me. Sorry to keep you waiting my little duckling. We had been watching a show together but I’m not sure how to pass the time now. Maybe a different show? I don’t know. Maybe reading? I don’t think I’d be able to focus on a book.
I could draw I guess but the vibes aren’t right in my apartment for that just yet. I need my end table and my tv stand set up. So that I can put my wax melter out. That would give me the right vibes. So probably sometime next week. That’s the same thing I’m running in to with writing. Well, that and the anxiety attacks when I try to do anything. It’s been rough.
Ugh, that’s right. I have phone calls to make tomorrow. I planned those before I realized I’d be up so late. I doubt I’ll want to make them, which means they will just get pushed off until the next week. But I guess that’s okay. I don’t have class on Tuesday and can make them then.
This post got longer than intended. I meant for it to end a while ago but then I got lonely and didn’t want to stop talking yet. I still don’t. Also I don’t know what to do when I hit post. Like how am I supposed to pass all these hours? If I had a tv and an antenna I’d watch infomercials and have fun doing that. But I don’t so I can’t.
Man, my life really sucks recently. I love Miss Boo more than living and she is going to die. Someday. Maybe soon. I hate that. I’ve tried talking about it with all my friends and I just get ignored. Why do they keep ignoring me? Why am I not good enough for them anymore? What did I do wrong? I can’t figure it out. I’ve been trying. I really have been. But I can’t think of anything I did wrong that would cause this. So the only conclusion I can come to is that they don’t care about me anymore.
And the worst part is I am going to keep texting them because I am sad and lonely and don’t know how to make new friends so this is what I get for the rest of my life.
I want to hurt myself again. Better this time. But I’m afraid to without having medical supplies on hand. So I have to wait. But thinking about all that friend stuff really makes me want to do it. So I guess I should either change topics or end here and search for a coping skill to use.
I guess it doesn’t really matter. I’ll try to distract myself.
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