#but i will do it gradually but at a good pace too bc i have to get the scarlet emperor shu 5* when that fs comes
4giorno · 2 years
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this was honestly such a mistake im aware of that, but i dont regret it at all. i also got the kitty ritsu card (i accidentally tapped away before taking a screenshot 💀) which im so happy abt so all in all this was such a nice thing for me atm and i needed it 💖💖
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ilongfor-the-arts · 2 years
A REQUEST FOR LIP PLEASEEE!! him getting hammered in a party then he calls you to rescue him or smth then you gotta drag him and drive him back home. he asks you sleep over and you stayed! thats basically my idea u can develop it however u like <333 can be fluff alone or added w a bit of spice🤭 but we’ll enjoy it nevertheless
Drunk Mind, Sober Heart
Pairing: Lip Gallagher x fem! Reader
Warnings: mentions of alcohol, angst (nothing happens bc Lip is drunk), dirty talk, language
Summary: *in req*
Word Count: 2.5k
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An ear splitting noise startled me awake. I shot up, my eyes flinging open, only to discover that my bedroom was completely dark.
Was that my alarm?
No, there is no way in hell it was eight in the morning already.
I groaned in frustration and reached for my bedside table. As my eyes adjusted, I ran my palm along the smooth wood, my bedroom gradually coming into view. Unfortunately, my vision was not properly adjusted to perceive the small black box. My hand pushed a mysterious object, and a soft thud echoed.
I exclaimed. I threw my torso off the bed and inspected the carpeted floor for my phone.
Whoever was calling me at this hour was gonna get it.
When I realized I didn't have much time before the call went to voicemail, I quickened my pace, grunting from the unexpected effort.
The artificial glow burned into my retinas as I flipped the phone over to expose the screen. I was forced to squint so I could see who had the audacity to call me at such an inconvenient hour.
I rolled my eyes.
Of fucking course.
With a sour attitude, I accepted the call. I was miffed at Lip for ruining my perfect night of restful sleep.
“What? This better be good Lip, or I’m gonna be really pissed.”
I flopped onto the bed and fixed my gaze on the boring ceiling. On the other end of the line, there was a cacophony of voices and screams. It was so loud that it resembled a roar. To prevent going deaf, I moved the phone a few inches from my ear.
“Heyyyyyy Y/N. How are ya?”
Every syllable lacked clarity. Oh, come on, why did I have to be the one getting booty called tonight? I disregarded his inquiry and instead put forth my own.
“Lip, what time is it?”
I inquired in part to gauge his level of inebriation and in part because I was too sluggish to remove my phone from my ear to check the time.
“Uhhhh- that’s a great question.”
There was rustling from the other end of the line.
“It’s 9 oh 3.”
I cocked a brow.
“You sure about that?”
“Uh-hold on. Gimmie a sec.”
“Do you read from left to right or right to left?”
I couldn’t help but laugh. At the very least, this would make a good story in a few days after I recovered from my extreme sleep deprivation.
“Left to right, at least in English.”
“Okay, thanks. You’re so smart.”
“Okay, it’s 3 oh 9. Well… 3:10 now.”
I tried to shake the sleep from my brain by closing my eyes and gently kneading my soft eyelids.
“That’s just perfect. You do remember me saying I had an 8 am class today, right?”
“Yes I do. I just-I lost my phone, and yours is the-the only phone number I remember.”
He had never been this drunk before. Lip had a very high tolerance for alcohol. The number of drinks he must have consumed to get to this point is beyond my comprehension. His speech was becoming more slurred by the second, almost as if he were nodding off.
I completely ignored the fact that he used his phone to call me. He was comprehending very little at this moment.
“How many drinks have you had, Lip?”
“Uh-that’s another great question…”
His voice trailed off. I sure hope he didn't doze off on me.
“Alright Lip, don’t fall asleep.”
I threw myself into a sitting position and switched on the bedside table lamp. The room instantly filled with bright light. My eyes watered. I squinted to accommodate the abrupt change.
“Where are you? I’ll come pick you up.”
I tucked the phone between my shoulder and ear as I reached down to put on my slippers.
“Uh-I don’t know the address.”
I rolled my eyes.
“Alright, well, can you give me any information that could help me find you?”
I stood, the phone pressed to my ear. I threw a light jacket over my shoulders to hide the fact that I wasn't wearing a bra.
“Uh-it’s down the street from an old gas station.”
I knew exactly where he was. There was only one party host who lived next to an old gas station.
“Are you at Christian’s house?”
“No. Well, actually, I don’t know.”
I walked to my front door, shaking my head in disbelief. I plucked my car keys from the wood tray by the door, twirling them between my fingers. The silence that engulfed my apartment complex was deafening compared to the soft jingle.
“I’ll come and get ya’. Just give me ten minutes. Don’t move a muscle.”
“Okay. I’ll be waitin’ for ya on the front lawn.”
I drove slowly, not in a hurry to arrive at Christian's house. Lip could handle himself when he was drunk. Sure, he said stupid shit at times, but if I truly believed he was a danger to himself, I would increase my urgency.
Not even a meek flicker of light could be seen in the windows of nearby houses. My car was engulfed in darkness. Everything was pitch black save for a few street lamps that did little to penetrate the gloom. The world was still and silent.
It reminded me of the twilight zone. I was imprisoned in an environment where time did not exist. I was alone. There were no people who could guide me. I was trapped.
That was the impression I had up until I arrived at Christian's house. The street was lined with parked cars. There were sober individuals mixed in with those who were stumbling drunk. Christian’s house was bursting at the seams. People could be seen congregating on the lawn, in the upper windows, shoving their way inside, and shoving their way out. I stopped my car in front of the grass. Sure enough, Lip was standing on the front lawn, gazing at the street with a blank stare.
I giggled. He looked lost.
I opened my car window and protruded my head outside.
“Lip Gallagher! Your chauffeur is here!”
I shouted sarcastically. My joke elicited a few giggles from various partygoers. A stupidly uneven smile appeared on Lip’s face as he awoke from his stupor.
“Oh hi, Y/N! I didn’t even know you were coming!”
“Get in Lip. I’m gonna take you home.”
Lip walked over, nearly tripping ten times in the short distance he had to cover. I laughed at his erratic behavior.
“You're gonna sit in the back, Lip?”
I caught a glimpse of him in the rearview mirror. His head was leaning against the headrest, and his eyes were closed. He looked serene. Lip jerked awake. His half lidded eyes hurriedly scanned the back of my car as if expecting company.
“Uh-no. I’ll sit in the front.”
I anticipated that he would exit the vehicle and move to the front seat. Instead, he launched himself over the center console.
“Jesus Lip!”
I exclaimed, a flurry of limbs obstructing my view. His body relaxed as he sank into the passenger seat.
“That’s better. It’s much more comfortable up here.”
I scoffed and decided not to participate in this pointless conversation.
Lip didn't speak once during the entire drive back to his apartment, which surprised me. His breathing evened out. I could only assume that he had dozed off. His head would softly crash into the window when I crossed a bump in the road. Although the position didn't appear to be comfortable, Lip was too far gone to bother.
I parked in front of Lip’s dorm complex.
The mere mention of his name caused Lip to instantly become alert, his hands fumbling all over my car.
I grinned.
“Do you need help walking or can you manage?”
“I got it.”
Lip stumbled out of the vehicle and looked up at his run-down dorm building. Thank God he was at a dorm and not in his chaotic home. Only occasionally have I had to pick up Lip from a party. Yet, I always seem to run into one of Fiona's conquests who is using the cover of night to elude detection.
“This isn’t my house.”
“Yes it is.”
“No, it’s not.”
“Lip, you moved. You live in a dorm now.”
Lip squinted, still not convinced.
His eyes widened as his face relaxed.
“Yeah, I remember now.”
We moved slowly as we ascended the stairs. Lip kept stumbling forward, tripping, falling, then shooting back up. The cycle was then repeated ten steps later. Eventually I caved and slung his arm over my shoulder to quicken the process.
“Are your roommates home?”
I wanted to ignite a casual conversation because I could feel Lip growing heavier. I was struggling under his weight and quickly ran out of breath.
“Yes. Actually, no. I don’t think so. I think they left town.”
“Where did they go?”
“They went… to- somewhere.”
Thank God. I could throw Lip on his bed, tuck him in, and leave without any awkward encounters.
I threw Lip’s dorm room open and reached for the lightswitch.
“Noooooo. Don’t turn on the lights.”
I reconciled.
“Alright. Whatever you say.”
It was the home stretch. Lip’s bed was in sight.
I threw him onto it. Under his weight, the springs groaned loudly, disturbing the peace.
“Alright Lip, looks like my work here is done.”
I couldn't help but smile as I turned to leave. Even though I adored Lip and knew this would make a great story, I was eager to crawl into bed.
He said meekly.
I turned, exhaling an exasperated sigh.
“What now?”
In the ten seconds that I was looking elsewhere, he had somehow gotten himself into a seated position.
“Come here.”
With the most threatening voice his inebriated mind could conjure, he demanded. I rolled my eyes as I approached him.
His expression was sluggish. He seemed to be in a drug-induced coma. Lip’s eyes were half lidded and the corners of his mouth were slightly upturned in a silly manner.
I came to a halt about a foot and a half in front of him.
“Come closer.”
I scoffed, crossing my arms over my chest and taking a step forward.
He was undoubtably fucking with me. But whatever, I’ll play his stupid game. I took another step forward, our knees brushing.
A slight smirk appeared on his lips as he glanced at me through his thick lashes.
What have I gotten myself into?
Lip encircled my thighs with his large hands, tugging me forward until the waistband of my shorts was level with his nose.
The air hitched in my throat.
I exclaimed.
Lip began pressing tender kisses to the tops of my bare thighs, maintaining intense eye contact.
“Come on Y/N, live a little.”
I chuckled, my face flushed with embarrassment, despite the fact that Lip was completely unaware of his actions.
“Lip you really are drunk out of your mind.”
Lip chuckled against my skin.
He mumbled.
“No, not maybe, definitely.”
His voice was remarkably crisp and clear. Lip was in his element. He was truly demonstrating his ability to woo any woman, even when his mind was under the influence of alcohol.
“Okay, I’m a little drunk.”
I couldn’t deny that he looked unbelievably sexy with his hot mouth trailing along my thighs.
“But I bet you’re already wet just thinking about me inside you.”
His tone was sultry.
How did he manage to flirt drunk better than I could flirt stone cold sober?
Smug bastard.
I couldn't refute his accusation because he was completely correct. I could already feel the wetness pooling in my panties and all he had done was kiss my thighs.
“Come on Y/N, just let me fuck you.”
He pushed the hem of my shirt upwards, exposing a thin strip of my stomach. Lip’s fiery touch ignited an expanse of goosebumps along my soft skin.
He pressed several hot, open mouthed kisses to my lower abdomen.
I shuddered.
My knees began to shake.
I placed my hands on his shoulders and meekly pushed him away. Lip resisted, his mouth remaining pressed against my body.
“You’re so tense all the fuckin’ time.”
I gulped, squeezing my eyes shut. If I continued to maintain eye contact, I would never have the strength to put an end to this.
“You need to relax… and I can make you relax. I can eat you out and make you cum all over my face- I can fuck you real slow- make you feel really good-“
His warm mouth was hovering just above my waistband.
“Lip, we’re friends-“
“Friends fuck. Friends fuck all the time.”
He moved a hand forward, rubbing soft circles into my clothed clit.
Jesus, he was touching me through two layers of clothing and I was still getting insanely hot and bothered.
Hell no.
“Sure, but sober friends don’t fuck drunk friends.”
I was more assertive in my actions. I pushed him away from me. Lip's mouth disconnected from my stomach with a soft pop. His hands landed in his lap.
He asked with a sarcastic pout.
“Maybe another time.”
I said despite knowing Lip wouldn’t remember this tomorrow.
“Okay. But I got ya thinkin’ about it, didn’t I?”
He asked smugly.
“Yes, you did.”
Lip fell to one side, his head hitting the pillow.
“Will you stay with me?”
I chuckled.
“What are you, seven?”
Lip groaned, his eyes shut.
“No-I’m at least 10.”
Despite my jokes, I wanted to be with Lip. I'd possessed a small crush on him for the many years we'd been friends, but I wasn't sure if it was something I should pursue. It was always a minor nagging thought in the back of my mind, never something to take seriously.
Until tonight.
“Well, you’re not wrong.”
I crawled into bed with him, slinging an arm around his waist.
“Love ya Y/N.”
His voice was slurred to the point where his words could barely be understood. But I recognized what he was saying. When it was time to say goodbye, he always told me he loved me (platonically, of course). I'm grateful that drunk him still clung to our traditions.
“Love you too Lip.”
Lip smelled like stale tobacco and cheap alcohol. It wafted into my nose in waves, lulling me to sleep.
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luvfy0dor · 7 months
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“Hands Under My Sweatshirt, Baby Kiss it Better ♡⁠˖” Fyodor Dostoevsky x GN!Reader ੈ✩‧₊˚
Warnings; BSD Spoilers, mentions of death, ch. 112 events, soft!fyodor
Description; Having a nightmare about your partner dying and waking up to him comforting you
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Everything felt so real- you watched as your lover got into a helicopter with a briefcase containing an antidote, expecting a swift escape from Mersault only to be impaled by an iron rod. You watched as his eyes widened and his slender fingers wrapped around the pole. Blood trickled from both the new piercing in his midsection and between his lips while his breathing became shaky. He glared at another man in your dream who has been rendered faceless while speaking, although everything in the dream was silent so you couldn't make out any particular words or sentences.
The night terror didn't stop at your boyfriend being impaled, as a matter of fact it made you watch as the helicopter was messily flown directly into a tower and burst into flames with Fyodor still inside. You tried to hurry towards the aircraft, but it exploded before you could reach it. The blast didn't effect you, not scorching you or propelling you backwards at all, but letting you stand there and watch as all hope of getting Fyodor out of there shattered like glass. The crackling embers of fire surrounding you gradually became accompanied by a soft whisper-one that was all too familiar and thick with sleep. You were still in shock from the dream when your eyes snapped open, your legs curled inward with Fyodors chest to your back and his hand soothingly rubbing your side. "It's okay, Moya Lyubov, what happened?" He asks you, his eyebrows furrowed and his breath warm against your ear as he presses a chaste kiss to the nape of your neck. "Nightmare. You're...you're okay." You murmur, relief taking over your heart and mind. You rolled over, your body pushing his backwards a bit. "Ofcourse I'm alright. I'm not going anywhere, y/n, I promise. Was the dream about me getting hurt?" He correctly assumes, his tired gaze fixed on your own. "Mmm, worse, dying." You say, your heart finally returning to a steady pace.
"Ah, that makes more sense. You were very restless, you know." He tells you. "It's easy to tell when you have nightmares, you're like a dog. You make some distressed noises and kick your legs." He says with a grin. You sigh and close your eyes, pressing your head to his chest. "It's better than being stiff as a board though, 'cause that means you'll pick up on it and be all sweet and affectionate." You say. Your arms wrap around his torso like they would with a stuffed toy. "I'd say I'm rather affectionate regardless. You're just needy." He looks down at you and pushes your head out from his chest, kissing your forehead while his other hand slides up the back of your sweater and rests on the small of your back. You hum and twist the fabric of his tee-shirt between your pointer and thumb. "M'not needy." You roll your eyes and look up at him through your eyelashes. "If you insist." He says, closing his eyes and readying himself to delve back into a dreamless sleep. "Mhm..g'night, Fedya, I love you." You say, pressing a quick kiss to his lips that gets his eyes to open right back up. He kisses you back and smiles faintly. "Good night, Y/n, I love you too, sleep well." His arm drapes over your side with the blanket strewn messily over the both of you. Now you could sleep a little more peacefully with the reassurance of your lovers presence in your arms, and more importantly, his safety.
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A/n; i speedran this tbh, so I'm sorry if it's not great. Also, would if I made like,,, a taglist would any of y'all wanna be on it because I see so many people do it and it looks cool but I've been too nervous to like say anything or ask bc I don't want people to be like "ew no wtf" THATS LITERALLY NOT GONNA HAPPEN BUT LIKE IDK I'm scared djsjjfjekekak
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subskz · 10 months
hi! i just wanted to say, i’m a sub and i avoid sub skz stuff bc it’s not really my taste. i scrolled though the lee know smut tag like a few weeks ago, and i came across strawberry lemonade. i know i avoid sub skz, but i decided to give it a try anyways. and oh my god, i think that was the best decision i ever made. i haven’t read any sub skz fics because i figured that i probably wouldn’t like it, but i’m so glad that i gave it a try because honestly i think i’m kind of into it. the way you write is actually so delicious. your use of descriptions is actually scarily good like it was so easy to visualize it all, and like oh my god your descriptions sounded so hot. and the dialogue too…sooo good!! i loved how it transitioned from playfulness to something more, i don’t know, hot? idk the whole fic is just hot. all the teasing and calling him kitten?? oh my god. dragging the cold popsicle against his skin and then licking it up with the warmth of your mouth?? the sudden change in temperature is just so hot. and oh my god, putting the popsicle on his cock??
“You rolled the treat lower to emphasize your question, wedging it against his balls and making his cock spasm wildly,”
HELLO??? THE VISUAL?? imagination running wild. balls unfortunately don’t get enough love, so that line made me go a little crazy. and the way his cock spasms wildly because of it is so ridiculously hot. and even when you’re doing all of that, he still tries holding onto his pride, which is actually soo cute. and then wrapping your lips around his cock?? ughhh, if just doing it against his thighs got me going crazy, this one definitely got me going even crazier. the contrast in temperatures is <33333!! and using the popsicle where your lips didn’t cover?? you’re gonna be the death of me.
“Gradually, you built up a steady pace, timing the strokes of the popsicle with your mouth so that every inch of his dick was being stimulated at once. Hot and frigid, sloppy and smooth, like you were freezing his body over and setting it back on fire. It wasn’t long before the dizzying blend of sensations became too much for him to handle.”
i’ll let that paragraph speak for itself because holy shit was that hot as hell.
“Don’t make me beg for it.”
“But you sound so cute when you do.”
HELLLLOOOOOO?????????? ugh your writing is just so scrumptious!! oh my god and when he finally lets go of his pride and starts begging, it’s sooooo <333333
“The strawberry slush dissolved against your tongue, cooling the inside of your mouth to create an icy blend of saliva that was far too much for his hypersensitive body to handle.”
OH MY GOD. i’m in love. and the part where you stop just to make sure he doesn’t get hurt is just so adorableeee!! many fics are just pure smut with no feelings, so it’s absolutely lovely when you included this little bit that shows that you care about minho <33
“Even the popsicle lasted longer than you.”
PLEASEEEE i lost it at that omggg.
sjiwnfienenf this fic was a masterpiece. was it kinda unsanitary? yeah. but does that matter? absolutely not. i loved it omg. super hot. i stalked your blog afterwards. read almost everything, just need to find the time to start reading butterfly bandage and a few others.
also, i wanted to hear your thoughts on domming skz for the first time? but if you’re not comfortable writing switch reader, then maybe pegging for the first time? (reading “safe” made me lose my mind omg)
hello hello! first off i just have to say that your entire message has me in shambles oh my god i can’t believe how sweet u are!! 😭 thank you so much for all your kind and encouraging words, it means a lot to me that you liked it! esp since sub skz isnt ur usual cup of tea i’m delighted that you took a chance on strawberry lemonade n ended up enjoying it <33
the way u caught on to so many little details throughout the fic and immersed urself in the descriptions is incredibly touching to me, you really read w a keen eye i appreciate it so much!! even to the point of sharing lil excerpts that you liked and noticing the slight tone shift at the beginning…ur too kind ㅠㅠ the contrasting temperatures was kinda what inspired the whole thing so i’m glad to know u found that hot hehehe what better way to slowly chip away at lino’s pride right~ and yes!! i try to sneak in softer moments whenever i can to show some love for the boys, i’m very happy u took notice of that part and that it’s smth you value as well! 🥰
thank u again for taking the time to send such a lovely message u really brightened up my day!! butterfly bandage is a bit of a journey haha…if you do end up reading it i hope you’ll enjoy the ride angel 💗💗💗
as for ur question! yes i don’t do switch reader, but i think i could do smth like going from a vanilla relationship to domming skz for the first time if you’d like? either way, i’ll add first time pegging thoughts under the cut here ^_^
chan - so shy, so so shy. he’s extremely self-conscious abt it bc he feels guilty for wanting smth that, in his mind, is almost solely for his own pleasure instead of yours. he’s a lil giver who always wants to satisfy you first, after all! still, he can’t deny how bad he craves trying it, he definitely researches pegging on his own (shoutout deadpool) and gets off to the thought of it, then feels insanely embarrassed w himself after. he doesn’t have the courage to ask you outright, but since u know him well enough, it becomes pretty clear to you what he wants through his indirect roundabout channie ways of hinting at it. saying things like “ur always slapping my butt *giggle* why do u like it so muchhh~” or “i saw some videos the other day and um. yeah haha. i was like wow, ppl are into some pretty interesting things, yknow?” or ofc the infamous complaining abt how fat his ass is…lmao. and after one too many times of him fiddling w his ears and giving u hopeful glances as he stammers his way through dropping hints, you finally accept that this man is never gonna ask for it himself and decide to take initiative instead
when you do, he bursts into flames 😭 he tries desperately to play coy n oblivious, but it’s so clear how much the idea excites him w how he goes bright red, he’s not fooling anyone~ channie is such a good boy though. even if he’s nervous, he does his part to try and prep himself for you on his own, experimenting w fingering himself and even looking for the right toys to get him used to being opened up. he does whatever he can to be ready for you and make the process more convenient, but he’d definitely still need to ease into it little by little. starting w you fingering him so he can adjust to being filled up like that, testing out some smaller toys, then eventually leading into the actual pegging after a few days or weeks. he needs you to take it slow the first time, be very gentle w him! bc not only is it a bit nervewracking to try smth new, he also just feels kinda vulnerable and insecure abt it. needs lots of convincing that this is smth you want too, and that you get all the pleasure you need just seeing him blissed out and falling apart underneath you <3
he’s a flustered wreck the entire time, squirming and avoiding eye contact and covering up his body bc he feels way more exposed than usual sprawled out for you, leaking against his tummy w his legs spread. but no matter how embarrassed he is, he’s still so loud once youre inside him. if you thought he was noisy before, the sounds he makes as you start to thrust into him are like nothing you’ve ever heard before, and he wouldnt be able to contain them to save his life ㅠ his moans are so sweet, emotive, and grateful. with the way they spill out of him nonstop, it leaves no room for doubt in your mind that he’s feeling so good that all his misgivings have washed away. he tries his best to stay communicative so you know what he likes, that he’s still okay and comfortable, but once he fully adjusts to the rhythm and feel of your strap inside him he gets lost in it pretty quickly and has a hard time staying verbal. all he can really manage is a broken groans of “ah, good”, whimpering your name over n over and slurring out pleas for more, but those are more than enough to let you know that he’s enjoying himself~ it kinda dawns on him as he’s being drowned in all this pleasure how lucky he is to have you and how safe he feels in that moment, he might even start to cry if his emotions are running particularly high that day. he needs a lot of praise through it bc, again, he wants to be reassured that he’s doing well for you when all of the focus is on him like that; it’s one of the few times he won’t religiously try to deflect all ur compliments. i think he’d wanna be in missionary despite his shyness, bc he wants to feel close to you. he’ll be hiding behind his hands or unable to hold your gaze most of the time, but he still wants to be face to face with you for kisses and soothing touches <3 he’ll definitely wrap his legs around you when he’s close to pull you in deeper, like he’s worried you might stop. or he’ll tug needily at your arm to pull you down against his chest, begging you to hold him as he comes undone. aside from the emotional intimacy of the position, he also feels a lil relieved that he can bury his face into your shoulder and hide away. if you pinned his hips down the mattress to steady him while he cums, he’d go absolutely wild. later down the line, he’d be very open to you fucking him rougher. he’d esp love for you to “mahandle” him a lil bit. even if he’s bigger/stronger than you, he gets such a thrill from feeling kinda helpless as he’s bent and folded and tossed around into any position you want. he’ll crumble instantly under your hands, just to hear you call him a good boy for obeying so eagerly <3 but despite that secret desire in him, for his first time i definitely think he’d need it to be soft!
lino - curious kitty #1…he is most definitely interested in trying it out. one of the hungriest for it out of all the boys, actually, and he’s honestly a lil frustrated that you haven’t suggested it yourself yet. bc though he can be pretty shameless abt asking to try new things, he also doesn’t wanna risk the blow to his pride if you reject the idea. his version of dropping hints is literally just staring holes into the back of ur head, hoping his telepathic signals will reach you and you’ll just know what he wants without him having to say it, bc god forbid he looks desperate in front of you (he is, but you dont need to know that). if you don’t bring it up yourself, eventually he runs out of patience and just deadpans it to you one day that he wants to try pegging, but he frames it as a joke just in case so he can giggle in ur face n act like he didn’t mean it if you aren’t into it lol. if you’re the one to suggest it, his heart kinda flutters bc lino really wants to be wanted by you. he wants you to go crazy over the thought of him writhing in pleasure underneath you, to see how pretty he looks getting fucked so you become just as hooked on it as him and ask yourself why you didn’t do this sooner. he definitely plays up his seductive behavior around you to try and get you to initiate it like the sneaky lil kitty he is
though he acts all fussy n huffy as if he’s doing you a favor, he’s actually very thoughtful behind the scenes just like channie. he tries to prep himself in private and does a lot of research on how to do it safely and properly for the first time. partially to make things easier for you, and partially so he can blow u away w how much of a “natural” he is heh…despite what he leads you to believe, he really wants to please you, too, even if he’s very adamant abt being pampered. he absolutely 1000% sucks your strap before you fuck him. even if he’s never done it before, he treats it like a must, and the way he works his mouth would make you believe he’d been doing it his entire life. he wants to show you what he can do for you too, kinda like he’s reminding you of why he deserves to be fucked so well in the first place~ given how experimental he is, you’ve probably already tried fingering w him before so it’s not smth entirely new to him, but the complete fullness he feels once you inch your strap all the way in is like nothing he could’ve ever prepared himself for. he gets obsessed w it instantly, both the pleasure that’s so intense in an entirely different way, and the whole new lvl of intimacy it brings to your dynamic
he tries to keep quiet at first, just letting out cute little grunts and hitched breaths as he gets used to the stretch. but the moment you start to consistently bottom out inside him, you’re in for the prettiest, most angelic sighs n moans you've ever heard from him. he might wanna start out in missionary bc he likes the eye contact and he feels more comfy being able to see you…he will be looking directly into ur soul w the most intense, sultry gaze that shows how much he really trusts you, it’s very hot in its own way hehe. that, coupled w the way his thick thighs wrap around you to urge you in deeper, tell you everything you need to know abt how much he loves it, even if he refuses to admit it outright. the faces he makes and the sight of him rocking his hips to match your movements are mind-numbing…he’s a dancer after all, he’s got very good muscle control and knows exactly how to move when he really wants to put on a show <3 as the pleasure picks up though, he gets a lil too drunk on it and becomes needier n needier, you can tell his composure is slipping as he starts to shake more w each thrust. he’s so focused on feeling good that he forgets abt his pride and starts whining for more, for you to go deeper, harder, faster. that’s how you end up in doggy style w him grinding himself down on your strap to meet each rock of your hips, grateful that he can whimper and drool into the pillows instead of letting his cries ring out in full volume. he’s usually pretty good at holding his noises back if he really wants to, but when you’re filling him to the brim over and over like that, there’s no chance for him to keep quiet. he’d love it if you squeezed n kneaded his thighs until deep imprints were left behind for days afterwards. and if you reach out to play w his nipples from behind or hook your fingers into his mouth, pulling his head back and making him salivate all over them as you repeatedly hit his prostate just right, he may just cum on the spot
binnie - w binnie, i can see it going either way when it comes to who suggests it first! he can be a lil clueless and detached from the world sometimes so he may not even really know what pegging is until u explain it to him. the way his face would change as you go into detail would be so adorable, he’s all nervous nose scrunches and awkward squirming. you can physically see how excited the idea gets him, and he’s down for it almost immediately. he’s honestly pretty flattered that you want him that way hehehe typical binnie, it fuels his lil leo heart like nothing else even if he’s a bit embarrassed over the idea of being in such a vulnerable position in front of you. he’d definitely end up looking up things like “how to look cool and sexy but also cute while getting pegged” as his version of preparation lol. if he’s the one to ask you for it, he’s so so endearing abt it. strangely quiet and timid, ducking his head, shuffling his feet as he struggles to mumble out the question…he’s literally one step away from sinking to the floor and covering his face once he manages to stammer the words. he gives you the most irresistible pout when you tease him for it, if you rest your hands on his hips n tell him how pretty he’s gonna look filled up w you, he will melt instantly. literally weak in the knees over just the thought of it, suddenly he's ready for you to take him right then n there hehe. lots of dramatic whines and swatting shyly at your shoulder through the entire process, bc even if he thrives off your attention, he’s still a teensy bit of a tsundere when he gets so much of it <3
his anticipation is obvious w the way he’s watching everything you do w wide, starry eyes and wiggling around constantly in the sheets. but even so, he tries to put on a brave front bc he wants to impress you, show you how good of a boy he can be for you! when you first push into him you’d get a lot of nervous babbling though 😭 he goes from “don’t hold back, i can take it” to “ah wait wait wait it’s big, slow down” to “it actually d-doesn’t feel that—moans” to “faster please, harder please, deeper please” he gets so talkative and vocal over every little move you make like he’s narrating his thoughts, it’s so cute. esp when you thrust into him extra good and suddenly he shuts all his rambling up w a sharp, high-pitched moan. he is so ridiculously whiny too, esp if you start to make playful comments here n there abt how he’s being such a good boy, taking you so well, moving his hips so well, like his body was made to be fucked like this <3 it simultaneously makes him glow w pride and flusters him out of his mind bc he isn’t sure it’s normal how turned on the thought of being your pretty lil doll makes him (it might be too much for him during ur first time but if you eventually added breeding into the mix he’d lose it mind). like channie, he’s extra starved for your praise when you peg him, so showering him w compliments is a must!! even if they make him pout for you to stop embarrassing him, he isn’t very good at hiding how much he basks in it. drag your hands all over his body and fawn over how strong n beautiful it is, call him your pretty boy as you pull him closer by his hips to reach deeper inside him, murmur how irresistible he is right before you sink your teeth into his broad shoulders ❤️‍🔥 he will literally be making the filthiest, most shameless, wanton sounds you can imagine, and hearing them only turns him on even more. i think binnie definitely has a thing for listening to his own moans when he’s really far gone hehe it makes him feel so slutty in the best way…his voice gets so sweet and cute when you’re making him feels worlds of pleasure he’s never felt before, who could blame him for loving the sound of it, really. also…cup his chest as you get rougher w your thrusts and he’s a complete goner. esp if you squeeze his pecs together and tease him for how they’re so big that you have to hold them down bc they keep bouncing hehe. all it would take is leaning down to suck on his nipples and he’s cumming untouched
hyunjin - he is most definitely thinking abt it from the moment you two get together. it’s smth he wants so bad but if he had to say it out loud he may actually just die of sheer embarrassment, so he keeps it to himself no matter how much he craves it. the question of if you’ll ever bring it up w him is constantly on his mind, bc even if you’re in a d/s relationship, he isn’t sure if you’d be into that aspect of it n he’s worried you’ll think he’s weird for wanting it…hyune’s another shy one who can have a hard time voicing his desires outside of the bedroom ㅠㅠ i think the only surefire way you could really draw it out of him is in the middle of a scene or right after one, where his emotions are still running high and he’s completely controlled by his desire without any of his usual inhibitions, that’s where he tends to say things that he’d be too hesitant to say otherwise, then blush over it later. he might get too lost in the adrenaline rushing through his veins and starts moaning abt how he wants you inside him, to fuck him until he can’t remember his own name, to make him yours in every possible way. it’s very intense and sensual, and at first you wonder if he’s just saying these things in the heat of the moment. but when you ask him abt it afterwards, he suddenly gets so quiet and shy, burying his red face into your neck n mumbling that he can’t believe he said those things out loud </3 and his reaction is all the confirmation you need to know he meant every word~
hyune’s neediness will be battling it out w his awkwardness the entire time you’re prepping him. poor baby is very self critical and can’t stop thinking abt all the things that could go wrong—if you won’t enjoy it, if he’ll look weird, if his size will make it a lil awkward to navigate…you’d need to be very observant of him n pay close attention to his expressions to make sure he’s fully relaxed bc his emotions show all over his face! once your fingers slip inside of him though, he starts to let loose, you can tell by the way his voice rings out loud and clear, suddenly not having any care in the world other than how it feels to be stretched out by you. seeing him slip into that headspace that’s so vulnerable yet so passionate is always smth to marvel at ❤️‍🔥it’s no secret that jinnie is very good w his hips and he makes perfect use of that talent in this situation. he’ll end up grinding down desperately against your palm without even realizing it, rolling his entire body and begging for your strap before you’ve even had the chance to add a third finger n fully open him up. just like chan, his reservations go out the window the moment you actually push the toy inside of him. he makes the most insane facial expressions, eyes rolling back, plump lips swelling and coated w drool from how much he bites down on them, thick brows scrunching together…when his sleepy eyes are blown wide w lust it makes for the most gorgeous sight <3 and if that isn’t enough to tell you how good he’s feeling, he is also extremely vocal too. lots of needy whimpers and groans that are so stretched out you’d think he was exaggerating them. even if he’s bigger than you, he’ll let you toss him around like he’s completely weightless into any position you want, he’s like putty in ur hands. he’d go crazy if you pulled his legs up on your shoulders (speaking of…catboy anon once had the idea of hyune spraying perfume on his ankles so you can smell it when they’re up by ur head and…he absolutely would 😵‍💫 he’s so thoughtful n romantic even when youre putting him through the mattress) if you snaked your hand up his body while taking him from behind and wrapped your fingers around his throat, he would fall apart in a matter of seconds. especially if you pulled him back against your chest by his hair or throat and held him there
jisung - han jisung has been waiting for this moment his entire life 🙏 from the beginning he hardly makes it a secret how desperately he wants you to peg him, he’s probably the one who asks for it first! even if you also have it in mind, he’s so eager that he doesn’t even give you the chance to pose the question, he’s one step ahead of you. long before you two ever discuss the idea, he’s already become very familiar w fingering himself and using all kinds of toys on himself…baby’s got bad hehe. he might even already have a strap prepared bc he’s hopeful that one day he’ll get to try it w you…n he’s definitely gotten off to the thought of it countless times 😽 he’s honestly a lil shameless once he learns that you’re just as down as he is, but his reaction is so endearing. he goes from stuttering out the question through breathy, awkward chuckles, to perking up like an excited puppy when you respond positively. his eyes practically gleam and he breaks out into the widest, sunniest smile repeating “really? really really? like, seriously? you’re not making fun of me, right? i’ll get really sad if you’re just teasing”…w his big doe eyes n hopeful face, who wouldn’t give him anything his lil heart desires
he’s ready to go right away, you may actually have to stop him from running to go retrieve his strap and bring it to you right then and there 😭 he’s so grateful and so enthusiastic, neither of you really anticipates the sudden bout of shyness that inevitably hits him once you actually start to lead up into the pegging. he’s fingered himself plenty of times before, and that knowledge makes for the perfect opportunity for you to tease him a lil, telling him to finger himself open in front of you so you can see how he likes it slide into him w ease~ he whines like crazy but still does his best to obey…lying down n spreading his legs for you, unable to mask the neediest whimpers that build in his throat the more he pushes into himself, wishing it was you instead. though his face is burning w embarrassment, he also sees it as a good opportunity to appeal to you, too. he tries to show you a preview of how pretty he’ll look once you finally fuck him, playing out his moans and facial expressions to rile you up. eventually, though, his patience wears thin and he just starts begging for you to take over ): after all, poor hannie has done this alone far too many times, he needs you. he’s so ridiculously squirmy once you finally ease into him, to the point where you might have to hold him down or restrain him somehow so you can fuck him properly. it’s difficult for him to sit still no matter how hard he tries, he’s just so full of energy and reactive to every lil bit of stimulation, keening desperately when you pull out of him and gasping dramatically when you thrust back in all at once. he’s never felt this full in his life and he feels like he could sob from relief finally getting to experience it. he wants to try everything—one minute he wants you to take him softly n sensually, the next he wants you pounding into him. he’d keep begging for smth new every few minutes bc he’s so eager he’s just aching to try it all, like he might not get the chance to again. that goes for positions too; missionary, mating press, doggy, full nelson, cowgirl, reverse cowgirl, etc. he esp loves riding you bc he feels like he’s putting on a show for you! he gets to bask in all your attention and praises as he bounces on your strap, not bothering to hold back his whines and moans in the slightest bc he knows how much you love them <3 if you could manage to hold him up against a wall and fuck him like that w his legs hooked around your waist, he would absolutely lose his mind, he likes being manhandled a lil bit too. he wants you to just completely wreck him in every way possible, to the point where he’s covered w hickeys and bite marks and can barely walk afterwards. he will most definitely try to subtly brag abt it to the other boys abt it the next day, complaining abt how sore he is and letting out cute, exaggerated noises of discomfort when he sits down or exerts himself too hard…he’s a lil proud of it hehe but if anyone actually points it out he’ll turn beet red and curl into himself, trying not to get turned on all over again from the mere memory of what you did to him
felix - curious kitty #2! in lix’s case, it’s not really a matter of if, but when. pegging is smth he’s always wanted to try out given how eager he is to explore every kink under the sun w you, to him it’s more a matter of whether or not you would be willing to. you both fall into the roles so naturally in a way he's longed for his entire life, and once that trust is established n fostered between the two of you, he’s more than ready to give you his all knowing that he’ll be safe n accepted w you <3 even if he's a lil reserved n awkward abt it, he really makes it no secret what he wants, and he has the added privilege of looking so unfairly innocuous even when asking you to do the wildest things to him…you never quite know what to expect from him next. he’s definitely experimented w fingering himself in the past, but bc his fingers are so small a lot of the time it’s difficult for him to hit the right angles or satisfy himself properly, so he just ends up even more frustrated and needy, wishing you were the one fucking him instead ):
lixie’s a very thoughtful boy just like chan and lino, he wants to make things go as smoothly as possible to show you how grateful he is that you would do this for him! but he ends up being pretty reliant on you through the whole process, he can’t help but look to you for guidance on every little thing so his tendency to overthink means you might have to coddle him a lil more than usual ㅠㅠ he’s so sweet and obedient though, literally the good boy of your dreams following each gentle command you give him w a giddy smile. like minho, he’d absolutely love to suck your strap beforehand, both as a way to get it nice n wet and to turn you on…do not fall for those big, angelic eyes looking up at you as he takes the toy as far down his throat as he can…he knows exactly what he’s doing ❤️‍🔥 it also eases his mind a bit to be able to do smth for you, he gets so into it he almost forgets what’s to come and would gladly keep going until his voice is hoarse. once you first enter him (w plenty of lube…i think lix would need it hehe) he’d also love to just stay that way for a bit and “cockwarm” you…he gets a lil sappy abt it and just wants to be in your lap, face to face w you nestled inside him as he adjusts to the stretch. w lots n lots of kissing!! eventually though he starts to get a lil squirmy, letting out soft lil grunts, and you can feel him growing harder where his cock is wedged between the two of you. so you grab hold of his waist and encourage him to start riding you <3 lix would be another one who loves positions where he can feel small, even if he’s bigger than you! he’d feel so safe and secure nuzzling into your neck as he bounces on your lap, and being held down w his legs over his head in a mating press would make his brain melt into mush. i think his favorite would definitely be full nelson though hehe…smth abt how helpless and exposed he is in that position turns him on to an insane degree. he’d also definitely find a way to hold your hands in whichever position you take <3 the noises he makes start out very low and husky w your careful thrusts, but the more you pick up the pace the higher and louder his voice gets. he sounds so sweet and angelic, the moment you first hit his prostate he makes a sound that you have trouble even believing came from him bc of how squeaky it comes out, like a cute lil shout. if you had him in missionary, his legs would be wrapped tight around you the entire time, making it a lil more difficult to move bc he’s got some strong thighs but the gesture is so cute u dont mind. it also makes for the perfect opportunity to tease him that he must want you to finish inside him n fill him up…you can physically see the effect those words have on him. his eyes go so wide and his whole body shudders, and just like that he’s climaxing <3 a few days later you’ve got lixie looking innocent as ever, beaming at you as he presents you w the new ejaculating strap he got to make it a reality hehe
seungmin - minnie is shy!! not necessarily in the giggly, blushy, stuttery way like chan. seungmin is more modest, reserved, and quiet—a lil awkward abt it. out of all the boys, i think he would be the least inclined to try pegging, and he definitely isn’t the one to bring it up, so that’s all in your hands. when you suggest incorporating it into your dynamic, at first he’d probably be pretty unwilling to explore it and just flat out says no bc he just doesn’t think he could feel fully comfortable w smth like that. but, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t spend a lot of time mulling it over in private, even after he’s initially rejected the idea. his lil analytical virgo brain starts to think abt why you’d be interested in pegging in the first place, the new kinds of pleasure it would bring you both, the intimacy of an act like that, and how it might bring you and him closer together to experience. do not be fooled by his composure, kim seungmin is a sentimental softie who is very in touch w his emotions!! his desire to connect w you however he can extends to all facets of your relationship, and as daunting as the vulnerability of subbing can be for him sometimes, that vulnerability is the exact same reason why he values it so much. so, eventually, he decides that the same can be applied to bottoming for the first time and he changes his own mind hehe
he wants to be good for you. he’s so disciplined and obedient, he takes it very seriously and is genuinely a perfect sub (when he wants to be lol, sometimes he’s difficult on purpose) but when trying smth so out of his wheelhouse for the first time, he has some trouble shaking the awkwardness which makes him a lil stiff, a bit less pliant than usual. poor seungmo can’t help but be hyperaware of every sound he lets slip out, every expression he makes, every embarrassing, involuntary reaction his body has to your minstrations. so you can imagine how all of that would be turned up to a 100 when it comes to pegging bc all the focus is on him and his pleasure. he isn’t used to having that degree of attention on his body, esp not…those parts of his body. he’s even shyer than you’re used to during foreplay, just letting a few sighs and grunts slip and looking away timidly when you stare at him for too long. you’d have to be extra observant of his reactions and facial expressions to see what he likes the most, bc he has a tendency to suppress himself. one thing he does make sure to do though is periodically let you know that he’s still okay, through a quick lil nod or hand squeeze. he’d prefer to start out w him lying on his tummy, not facing you. it spares him the embarrassment of you seeing his features twist in pleasure, and he can also push his face into the pillows to mask all his noises. he might wanna wear a big hoodie or sweater to cover up his body too. i think he’d spend extra time adjusting in comparison to the other boys, partially bc he’s nervous n partially bc he wants to bask in the moment a bit. kinda like lix, he really values the closeness of just being connected like that and stays unmoving w you inside him for a while <3 he starts off swallowing down his noises so they only come out as cute, hushed lil whimpers, but as you start to ease in and out of him, even he can’t hold back as much as he wants to. it feels so strange but so relieving, almost like you’re fulfilling a desire he hadn’t even known was there until now. he mostly lets out gentle exhales and mewls, and when you hit his sweet spot for the first time, a full on gasp, which is pretty dramatic for seungmin hehe. even if you can’t see his expressions, you can see his fingers digging into the sheets and his muscles clenching with effort and his hips starting to rock into the mattress. if you leaned down to press kisses down his spine, he would shudder so beautifully n let out the sweetest moan for you. when he’s far gone enough to give in completely to the pleasure, he goes limp beneath you and allows you to flip him over so you can finally get a look at his pretty blissed out face. and when you do, he looks up at you w the most adoring lovestruck puppy gaze like you put the stars in the sky, just pure hearts floating in his big brown eyes that immediately lets you know he’s way more into this than either of you thought he’d be 🥰
jeongin - like binnie, i think there’s a good chance he might be kinda clueless as to what pegging even really is, so he wouldn’t be the one to suggest it first or even consider it an option. when you first introduce the idea to him, poor innie sputters smth like “eh? that’s a thing????” and you can practically see a whole new world of possibilities opening up in his wide, sparkly eyes. it makes his heart race a bit if he’s being honest, but he also feels a lil unsure abt it bc he’s never even really thought abt having anything…go inside of him…just imagining it gets him all squirmy, red in the face, n playing nervously w his ears. he’d probably call you a perv at first for even wanting smth like that and acts like he isn’t interested in trying it…however…just like seungmin, do not be fooled!! he spends the next several days thinking abt it, maybe a lil too often. in innie’s case he keeps going back to it partially out of curiosity, and partially bc he is very much a pleaser who craves your approval deep down, almost to the same degree as chan and jisung. he just doesn’t want you to know that hehe…unfortunately for him it’s kinda obvious in the way he brings it up many times afterwards, mostly through asking questions that he thinks are casual like “so…*clears throat* how big would it even be?” or “is it really supposed to feel that good?” or even nagging you like “seriously, why’d you have to say smth so weird? now i can’t stop thinking abt it” w lots of awkward giggles to make it seem like a joke but when he’s constantly making lil comments abt it unprovoked you quickly start to catch on hehe…he looks so genuinely hopeful and curious without even realizing, you can’t help but tease him a bit for how transparent he is
i think innie really wants to impress you! as you’re leading into the pegging he’s extra nervous and kinda out of his element, bc he feels like he can’t really do anything to appeal to you like usual…he sometimes tends to lean into the role of a service sub bc he feeds off your praises like nothing else. he loves when you teach him how to please you properly, even more so when he does it right and earns a proud reaction from you, a moan or a headpat and a "good boy". but when he’s the one getting all the pleasure…well, as much as he craves being the center of your attention, he inevitably gets a bit bashful. he will be hiding his face a lot, covering his eyes w his fingers or clamping his hand over his mouth trying to stifle himself bc the sounds that are leaving his lips are embarrassingly loud. like channie, he'd need a lot of praise and reassurance through it all! he can't even try to pretend like he's confident or knows what he's doing, and the entire time he's watching you w the widest, most fascinated gaze that gives away how much he really depends on you to guide him through it. he giggles so much, both out of shyness and in an attempt to ease his nerves. he can barely get a sentence out without tripping over his words or letting out breathy lil chuckles, and you have to periodically remind him to loosen up a bit as you're fingering him open bc he stiffens every time a jolt of pleasure passes through him. it’s all so unfamiliar but so good, he feels like he has no control over his body anymore, and that only amplifies once you actually slide your strap inside. he is gasping and writhing and letting out the most shameless moans he's ever heard in his life, but as much as it makes his face burn red, he wouldn’t be able to stop himself no matter how hard he tried. the best way to get him to relax and completely melt into it is to whisper sweet words to him through it all, tell him how pretty he looks and sounds when he’s feeling good, how well he's taking every inch of you even when he’s so tight, how he's such a good boy and a fast learner <3 jeongin quickly learns that the praises you give him simply for getting fucked into a cute moaning mess make his brain short circuit like nothing else, he could get addicted to it. i think he’s one of the most likely to go a lil dumb from it hehe…he leans a lot more into the guilty pleasure side of him that’s used to being pampered n doted on~
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boba-beom · 2 years
❦ second heartbeat | kang taehyun
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pairing: taehyun x f!reader
genre: fluff, highly suggestive | oneshot
warning(s): MDNI, (newly) established relationship, pet names (princess, good girl, baby, sugar🤭) taehyun a little possessive and jealous, mentions of consuming alcohol, taehyun introduces you to a little bit of thigh riding, taehyun’s a tease, public setting, implications of something more at the end. let me know if i've missed anything!
wc: 1.3k
note: this was written when tyun had silver hair, i know that was a while back T T and i’m testing the waters here— this is my first suggestive post for taehyun :’) feedback would be nice bc i’m actually really nervous oop. count this as another late birthday fic for tyun hehe
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within the first couple of weeks of your new relationship, you were still getting used to holding hands, lingering touches, cheek kisses and public display of affection in general.
you've been friends with taehyun for quite a while. after all, both of you having mutual friends made it easy for you to meet up until he kept asking you to hang out, just the two of you. things have escalated since then and you've grown extremely comfortable with each other. one thing that was still in the works was just the pda in general, it was something you were still taking a while to adapt to.
"it's nice to see you again, princess." yeonjun greets you, showing off his boyish grin, a hand hardly hovering over your mid back as he leans in to greet you with a sweet peck to your cheek.
"you too, jjun." you send him a gentle smile, your eyes looking pretty in the dim but warm lighting on the rooftop.
"you too, jjun." you send him a gentle smile, your eyes looking pretty in the dim but warm lighting on the rooftop.
"i see you and taehyun are finally together, huh? took you some time." yeonjun jokes with you, and you laugh along until you see taehyun with the familiar expression from last time.
"yn, come greet the others." taehyun stands behind you, his hands resting on either side of your waist before guiding you to the direction where beomgyu, kai and soobin were sitting.
you could feel the tips of his fingers rubbing your hips through the silky material of your midi dress. a sign he's gradually becoming agitated from yeonjun flirting with you, again. you turn to face him, cupping his cheeks leaning forwards and meeting your lips with his. you could feel him let out a sigh of relief into the kiss, the tension melting away. it was completely bold of you to do that in front of others, but that was the only way you could reassure him that things are okay.
taehyun and yeonjun were the closest to each other among the group, but that also meant in terms of relationships and introducing new people, taehyun has always been weary about yeonjun flirting with whoever he introduces.
yeonjun raises both his hands in defeat while taehyun momentarily gives him the side eye, walking away until the others greet you with the respect that taehyun didn't see from the eldest of the group — light hugs and pleasant greetings.
after a couple of hours in and a few drinks consumed, you're sitting on taehyun's lap, while the others were sitting on the plush seats around the table. one of your boyfriend's arms were wrapped around your waist while the other rests on your thigh, meeting the exposed skin from the slit of your black, satin dress.
the soft exhale through taehyun's nose meets the nape of your neck, and you immediately shiver from the sensation. you couldn't see his face at all, but you can tell he's smiling to himself, remembering the conversation you two had about pacing the physical things in the relationship.
yes, you've shared a few kisses and wandering hands behind closed doors, but you haven't taken anything up a notch just yet. all you knew was that tipsy taehyun meant touchy taehyun.
your mind is going haywire as you feel the tips of taehyun's fingers lightly skimming across your plush thigh, concentrating on steadying your breaths around his friends. you were thankful the table was tall enough to hide your boyfriend's lingering touches, which were sliding up painfully slow. all worries about pda out the window, you were way past that now.
beomgyu starts talking about his recent achievements with his song writing and that he'll be producing more in a couple of weeks. you were wanting to join in and exclaim how happy you were for him , but that's all you took from the conversation until you started to tune out. it took you no longer than a second to notice the wandering fingers fiddling with where the slit of your dress meets, resting just below your hip.
you clear your throat whilst shifting on taehyun's lap, sitting higher up on his lap but he had other plans. both of you shifted, him moving you over one of his thighs, situating it between your legs. your dress manages to drape over his leg on one side so a passerby wouldn't even suspect a thing, but you can't help but think of the possibility of someone watching.
his leg starts tensing every now and then, able to feel the muscles of his thighs flex underneath you. attempting to tune back into the conversation, soobin is now talking about how he's becoming an uncle again, followed by beomgyu and hueningkai teasing him about how he should start dating again.
amongst the chaos from the trio sat opposite you, all you could focus on was the warm breathing fanning against your skin, and the irregular pulsing between your thighs. you shiver, feeling a sudden chill down your back when taehyun's fingers start to inch closer to your inner thighs. his smooth fingernails skim around the sensitive area, he loves the way your thigh twitches in response to his actions.
his other hand moves to your other leg, delicately kneading your thighs back and forth. the movement in your hip follows his hands, the light friction felt new to you, repeating the subtle movement for a few seconds. you've never done this in any of your previous relationships and it's something you haven't explored with taehyun yet. you mentally curse at him for choosing this exact moment to proceed with that, feeling the intensity of the throbs down south.
the silver-haired male leans forward, his lips lightly grazing by the shell of your ear, "you know I can feel that, right?" your brows softly knit together, figuring out what exactly he's implying. turning your head, he sees the expression he finds so adorable. leaning in again he whispers, "your second heartbeat, baby."
his voice laced with sultry, it made your cheeks heat up incredibly quickly. from the tone in his voice, he's overly smug that he's been able to tease you this whole time, but you weren't going to fall for his games; two can play.
you balance your weight on one leg as you move higher up his lap, stopping when your hip meets his. your butt gently brushes over his crotch, but he doesn't think much of it, thinking you were just shifting to sit properly. his breath hitches as you do it the second time, with a little more pressure.
now he's caught on what you're trying to do, applying a strong grip on your hips, holding you in place while he breathlessly scowls, "what are you doing to me, sugar?"
you smile to yourself, content with his response to you feeding him his own medicine. you give him a nonchalant shrug while you scan the group and accidentally make eye contact with yeonjun, in which you had a feeling he's been observing the both of you the past few minutes. his eyes bored into yours, the subtle smile still on your face while you lean back a little to whisper something in taehyun's ear, remaining that eye contact.
"I can't wait to go back home with you." and that was enough to have taehyun tighten his grip on your thighs. he shuts his eyes just from the way you implied something more, something that both of you have never done before and it was safe to say that you managed to excite him more than he'd like to admit.
he adjusts you in the smallest way possible, having you sit directly above the growing tent in his slacks, feeling your pulse against him. he tucks a loose strand of hair behind your ear, his index finger trailing down your neck and stopping in the middle of your back.
"be a good girl for now, and then show me later."
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taglist: @bb-eilish @ericyjun @bluejin0812 @luvsoobs @yeonyeonyeonjun @junniieesbby @kyrkitten @hyuntaena @day6andetcetera @amethysts-1620 @dainsleif-when-playable @choiwrld @ahnneyong @potaeto-writes-on-wp @wccycc @dearkamal @lizdevorak @fairybin @laylasbunbunny @acaiasahi @ttyunz @cha0thicpisces @fairybinie @vatterie @yunkiwii @prodsh00ky @ashxxgyu (fill in this form to be part of the taglist)
couldn't tag: @itmehc @TXT
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© boba-beom ; all rights reserved. do not repost, copy, alter or translate in any way or platform.
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witheringwidgetwrites · 11 months
Obey me brothers with a submissive submissive partner??? Like quiet and shiza- idk if that makes sense .Low key projecting lol bc all of the submissive HC and fics I see have brat undertones but I full up would thank someone for beating me up - yes sir, oh what’s that? You want me to throw myself down the stairs? I- ok sounds good
I did sfw general relationship stuff but if you'd like nsfw lmk!!! ♥️
Lucifer probably has the most fun with a submissive partner. It's definitely a change of pace for him, having someone who listens to what he says. But he enjoys it. He's a little gentler with you as well, he doesn't feel the need to boss you around or ask you multiple times to do things, he appreciates your personality. Overall, he's thankful.
Mammon wouldn't mind a submissive partner! As long as you make conversation with him. He's smitten with you already. He doesn't mind your quietness, but he does bug you fairly often. Also has a tendency to confused your quietness for upset-ness, which you often have to correct. Generally, Mammon doesn't mind a submissive partner! He'll drag you along for his schemes either way.
Leviathan is hard to get to know, as he himself is already super submissive. But once you grow closer, you both are able to come out of your shell. He learns slowly but surely how to take the lead on things, and he take pointers from his games. He has a really hard time asking you for small things, like, "hey, can you hand me that?" but he learns! Baby steps! Having a submissive partner would be a little challenging for him at first, a learning curve for sure, but gradually he would learn how to work with it, and it might really help him become more confident!
Someone who might have trouble at first is Satan. It's very possible he'll assume you're scared of him at first. And he's a little offended. Once he learns that's not the case, your friendship grows quickly! And you grow on him, fast. Before you know it, he's pushing book recommendations onto you before you can say no. Satan generally would enjoy a submissive partner, but it might be rough during some of his episodes.
Another who might feel inclined to tone down his sass, is Asmodeus, as he has a habit of taking things just a little too far, and he knows it. But you grow on him, quickly, and he really doesn't want to seem like he's taking advantage of you! As you grow closer, Asmo tends to push your buttons, he like to tease you, and he sort of thinks it's a confidence issue. It might be. But he feels so inclined to help you work through it! It's up to you if it's something you need 'help' with or not'.
Beelzebub definitely doesn't mind a more submissive partner. Frankly, he doesn't notice how submissive of a person you are until someone else points it out. Unlike his twin, he goes with the more protective route instead of the takes-advantage-route. He might have a hard time asking you things, as he's afraid you'll have a hard time saying no to him. Overall, he'd enjoy a submissive partner! He loves protecting you, it makes him feel useful.
With a submissive partner, Belphegor might feel inclined to tone down his brattiness, at least at first. But once you grow closer, he feels more inclined to teasing you. When you're friends with Belph, he asks you to fetch things for him, run errands for him, fairly often. He's just too lazy and can't be bothered to do it himself.
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wuxia-hero · 2 months
HELLO coming out of my cave to yell about how much I LOVE The Double (墨雨云间) bc I have no irl friends that love historical c-dramas :’) I’ve been hung up on this show for a few days after finishing it.
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Overall 10/10 with a subjectively happy ending (I choose to believe the ending is happy) with really good acting. Wu Jinyan could never disappoint. The frontal camera angles threw me off quite a bit at first but I slowly started to appreciate this artistic choice.
Some spoilers ahead as usual!
Let’s dive into - the Plot. I read some of the original novel in the past but dropped it after a while. There are some differences - such as the novel using transmigration (Xue Fangfei entering Jiang Li’s body) as the main plot point, while the drama explicitly shows how Xue Fangfei’s journey with Jiang Li and how she eventually took over JL’s identity after her passing. Personally I prefer what the drama did as everything felt much more real and believable. This added a depth to the story that transmigration was unable to showcase. Plus, Wu Jinyan’s ability to showcase XFF’s pain and growth as she vows to exonerate JL (played by Yang Chaoyue) and herself was extremely captivating and I constantly wanted to root for her.
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All the flashbacks with JL thanking XFF throughout the show had me sobbing in bed at 3am while watching.
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Special mention to the king (played by Zeng Ke Liang) as well for not being a total fool - as seen in SO MANY other historical dramas. His friendship with Xiao Heng is rock solid, and seeing the ministers and other antagonists constantly underestimate it was sooo satisfying to watch. So if you hate cdramas with stupid monarchs, you'll be pleased to hear that there won't be any of that here.
Scenes of their friendship were really cute to watch too.
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The romantic development between XFF and Xiao Heng (played by Wang Xingyue) was delightful to watch. I love couples that just understand each other. Without explicitly saying anything, without any grand confessions of love, both parties mutually knew each other’s feelings and constantly looked out for each other. The slow and gradual process of them falling for each other was paced out beautifully - XH’s gaze changes as he looks at her throughout the episodes, and XFF gets more and more playful around him. The script and their bantering ticks all the right boxes fkr me. He’s the only person that knows her real identity, she doesn’t need to hide in front of him. And this makes their relationship so much more special.
And I love that there was nothing like making stupid decisions in the name of love and protection while jeopardising the bigger picture. (eg. XH giving up the entire secret army the emperor trusted him with for XFF - turning out to be a hidden ploy) Both XFF and XH were on a quest for revenge and they are determined to get what they want without making any compromise. If at any point of the plot - they deviate from this and decide to do something foolish in order to protect the other, I would have seen it as out of character.
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Bonus points for including an archery scene :D It’s one of my favourite overused tropes.
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The overall camera work and style of The Double was shot so beautifully and in a rather interesting theatrical style. From JL’s death where she falls among the pear blossoms to Princess Wanning (played by Li Meng) ’s dancing and even the scenes where characters stare directly into the camera. The opening scenes were super dramatic and really set a heavy tone for the rest of the story.
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While the staring into the camera took some getting used to, there are certain portions where Wanning’s expressions gave me goose bumps. Li Meng’s performance took me out - her Wanning was repulsive in the way she treated others, yet so broken from her past that I felt so much pain for her towards the end of the story. It was amazing.
There were even comedic elements that made some parts feel like a stage play. Like her cousin and his lackeys’ coordinated walk as they try to help her out from her room. And one of the minister’s love for theatre which was super on the nose I laughed out loud while watching it all play out. The style in which important plot points are presented is so unique and really sets this show apart from other cdramas I’ve watched.
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Everyone in the cast was amazing in their roles. While Wang Xingyue is one of the younger cast members, the emotional depth in his performance as Xiao Heng gave off maturity and a temperament beyond his years. Seeing him goof around behind the scenes, and then watching him as Xiao Heng gave me whiplash - but in the best way possible.
Liang Yongqi was a truly despicable Shen Yurong - it got to a point where seeing him on screen made my skin crawl. Liu Xiening as Jiang Ruoyan was perfectly annoying - and I can't wait to see more from her as I've really liked her since she was in Gugudan.
I could probably go on and on about how much I love Wu Jinyan as Xue Fangfei and I’m so happy that they casted her because she was perfect. (Admittedly, I’m biased). But I think you can watch the show to experience everyone's brilliance for yourself. The casting and script pacing was great and all the different pieces fit together into this story perfectly.
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Now let's talk about the somewhat controversial ending of The Double. Did our beloved Duke Su die in battle? Did they ever reunite? I choose to believe that he came back to her in the end and they got their happy ending. But Wang Xingyue's performance in that last battle - with the iconic scene of XFF's pendant in his mouth was breathtaking. Regardless, I do think the show could have done without causing the audience pain with this added arc of him going back to his duties - but I felt that it made sense.
Xiao Heng is someone who is deadly loyal to his country and to his king. He and XFF are not the kind to simply escape from the capital and its intrigues to live a happy life on their own. Both value their family and their country, they would never leave the capital to pursue their own happiness.
Also something I noticed - that made this scene so much more painful. At the start after XFF retrieves the pendant, Tong'er (her servant) tells her not to pawn off this pendant anymore. She replies with "there's no one worth trading this pendant for". And then she gives this pendant to XH before he goes off to battle at the end. Cries.
Abrupt end but I think this is most of the feels I have to get out already - I took a lot of screenshots and recordings while watching The Double (haven't felt the urge to do so in such a long time tbh) so there may be more posts from me while I continue yapping about how much I love this show and story adaptation.
smol life update: I’ve been working FT after graduation two years ago - but I was in a pretty bad environment and have decided to resign this year. So now I’m funemployed and trying to work through some health issues. Hope everyone has been well and thank you for reading this! ❤️❤️
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zoromuse · 2 years
Buggy or Shanks for valentine’s day prompt 16? 🫶 I cant waaaait!!
Buggy + “Don’t go shy on me, where’s that attitude you had five minutes ago?”
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cw. f!reader, edging, brat taming
wc. 0.3k
a/n. no bc if u give me the choice to write buggy, im gonna take it. thank u for requesting (especially thank u for requesting buggy bc u gave me an excuse to write him) and have a happy valentines day<33
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“Buggy…” you drag out the last syllable of his name, too desperate to care about how whiny you sound when you call out his name. It’s the third time he’s fucked you until you’re right on the brink of your orgasm before pulling out and watching you buck your hips, hoping to make any sort of contact before any signs of your high disappear, but it’s too late.
“Please! I said I was sorry, please let me c-cum!” you plead, but it falls to deaf ears. He grabs your face with his hand and repeats the process, starting slow and gradually building up the pace of his hips.
“Don’t go shy on me, where’s that attitude you had five minutes ago?” he asks, a wide grin on his face as he continues abusing the same spot he knows drives you crazy.
“‘m sorry, please let me cum, I’ll be good!” you beg, wrapping your hand around his wrist, harsh fingers sure to be leaving marks on your cheeks.
“Do you wanna cum? Hm?” he asks, watching how you nod frantically and raise your hips to meet his thrusts. tears messily slipping down your cheeks, the same as your slick slipping down his cock and onto the bed sheets.
“Yes! P-please let me cum! Thank y-you!” you cry under the illusion that he was finally going to give you the sweet release you had been craving. Except he doesn’t. He pulled out again, a fourth time, and stroked his cock until he came all over your pussy. You cried his name in frustration, whining and begging for him not to do this again, how you just wanted to feel good too. But he didn’t care.
“I’ve had enough of you acting out, so remember how you feel right now next time you think about acting like a brat again, ok?”
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©️ zoromuse 2023 | all content belongs to zoromuse, do not modify or repost
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beesmygod · 2 months
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the top row is from 2013. the bottom row is the re-draw from 2018. man what the hell was i on when i was doing the shadows in the re-draw. i've never had a good grasp on how top make shading effective and i'm lucky people paid this comic any attention lol. AVGN voice: WHAT WAS SHE THINKING!!!!!!!
one thing i tried to do in the re-draw was make my sound effects more visually consistent: no more red unless it's influenced by magic or the sound being onomatopoeia'd has a strong association with the color red (like a siren) and using palooka BB for clunky, "heavy" sounds. typesetting is not my strong suit, at all. it's a harder thing to get an education on outside of classes specifically designed for it and i think a lot of it is intuition. i did not pay enough attention to how i did my sound effects early on, wielding them haphazardly without enough care about HOW the sound actually sounds. and by extension, how to transfer those nuances onto the page.
part of that is because typesetting is very boring lol. it's the least fun part of the process for me because it involves a lot of minuscule futzing with font sizes, angles, outlines, ect looking for something that "looks/feels right". or at least right enough. and i have to do it without hearing any other sounds or else i can't concentrate. anything involving words requires me to lock myself in my office and run simulations in my brain like i'm super-computing.
actually, one good thing about revisiting these old pages is that i'm becoming more aware of the things i do think about while making pages now. i def was just thinking "GET SOMETHING ON A PAGE IN ORDER FOR THE STORY TO PROGRESS" at the time. which is good! but the bare minimum for comics. getting the idea onto the page and shipping it is all it takes to make a comic. but im trying to make good comics, which as it turns out, is really hard.
this comic does get better, i swear (I HOPE!!!). for a while i paced my comics way too fast bc i was convinced people would get bored with me if i wasn't constantly delivering hits ("hits"). which is a way, way too cynical approach to art and one's view of their audience. i have been trying to slow my pace, which has been detrimental in some ways but the story i want to tell is a little more deliberate than i was allowing myself at the time.
♥ read the comic: A Ghost Story ♥ support the comic for as little as $1 a month on Patreon ♥ pay what you want for the re-draw of the first chapter on itch.io
you can block the tag "#AGS repost" to keep this off your dash
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gregoftom · 1 year
Any domestic tomgreg headcanons ??
domestic tomgreg my LIFE omg okay so;
when it comes to cooking, with greg; awful at it. terrible. but tries anyway. this video i think is like, perfectly greg attempting cooking for tom JDSKJDS. with tom; great cook we been knew. loves to cook for him and greg and it's always delicious. sometimes. Sometimes he'll let greg help, as in pass me that spice, taste this for me how is it, does it need anything? gradually he lets greg maybe chop an onion or something, but greg is clumsy and cuts himself easily, so it's a rare occurrence, tho when it Does happen tom will immediately turn off the heat/stop activity of cooking to suck greg's finger until the blood stops and greg is mesmerised and they get all horny and shit bc they are Not Normal about one another. obv the trope of 'fucking while the pie cooks' applies to them too.
greg is more often the little spoon when it comes to sleeping/cuddling [i base this somewhat on the fact that twice we see when greg is trying to sleep in the church and on that plane i Think to the hunting trip, he wraps his own arm around himself for self comfort]. he loves loves loves to have tom's strong warm arms around him, it makes him feel safe and it helps him sleep. occasionally they will swap when they turn in the middle of the night. greg is an ass against ya crotch titty in ya hand kinda guy. that's the placement he'll always end up in if he's spooning tom lmfao.
they will always bathe/shower together unless like, there's a very good reason not to lol. pretty much every time they'll just get in together, but if for some reason they wanna take turns, greg will just be pacing ranting all the goss and peeping every so often as tom suds his tits lol [and who could blame him!!!] then tom will get out and greg will do his usual stare trying not to jump him bc hhhhhhhhhh and try to hide his half chub, stumbling towards the shower/bath and getting in and tom is just observing him with a raised brow, enjoying the view, maybe aiming a smack at the ass if he can get one in and appreciating the squeak it gets, even though greg really should see it coming by now. tom will literally just Watch greg with a towel around his waist and sometimes greg miiight put on a bit of a show but they'd get a bit silly with it, greg humming the strip song and doing a silly dance and getting a grin from tom but it's sexy too like ugh. they're still best friends. sigh.
sometimes they will just read together in their leisure time, or greg will go on his phone, or fall asleep with his head in tom's lap being petted by tom's free hand. comfortable silences abound.
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celestie0 · 7 months
hi, love! how are you today? are you doing well? is work treating you good?
i hope you are doing well! flowers 💐 for my favourite girlie ✨
also have you got any tips for new writers? like i’ve been tryna write this fanfic but i cannot really understand how to keep it flowing without forcing it out, and i’m hoping you can help us out. its absolutely fine if you’re busy or cannot for any reason. no pressure truly🥹
hellooo i’m doing well thank you 🥺💕 work is well i just got home, its rainy where i live so i made some hot cocoa and im just in bed now. i hope you’re feeling better i know you said you were sick <3 🌤️🌤️ some sunshine for you!
ohhh to be asked for writers tips is so flattering! i tried to think of my top few, and i have them below the read line :”) hope they help in some way and if you do end up posting your works don’t hesitate to tag me i would love to read them <3
my writing tips ₊˚⊹ ᰔ
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dialogue. this one is toughhh bc i feel like a lot can ride on dialogue. my biggest tip for dialogue would be to just write all of your dialogue for a scene completely stripped down. none of the “he says” & “she says” or action verbs inbetween, just write it all out like it was a simple text convo w quotation marks. that way the words will sound realistic because you’re only picturing a convo in your head, rather than also trying to juggle all the descriptive prose. after you’ve got the dialogue, then you can go back in to fluff things up. if it’s meant to be comedic or a fast-paced argument, i think keeping it relatively stripped down is the way to go, but if it’s something intense or suspenseful then fluffing it up may be the better choice. also, i find dialogue becomes easier the more you write for a specific character, so if it’s not flowing right away, don’t worry!! their words will find you eventually once you get to know the character better :)
on choosing conflicts. this can be harddd because sometimes you just want the story to exist in happy land haha. but just like you said so beautifully in the sweet kickoff ch8 review you gave me, characters won’t always act perfect, but i think a great way to make conflict seem realistic is for them to act in character but with flaws, rather than just randomly out of character with flaws. maybe make a list of what that character’s good qualities and how those qualities could also work against them, and use the latter to brainstorm realistic conflict that those qualities could put them in (ex: a character is self-sufficient, but that causes them to rely on ppl less when they need it -> they fail to reach out for help in timely manners and leads to mistakes/regrets)
pacing. the biggessstt most important thing in my opinion for writing i believe is nailing the pacing. especially for fanfiction where people may be more interested in specific niche scenes rather than all of the stuff built around it. when starting off a story, don’t be afraid to just jump straight into it! or jump straight into the dialogue and then build the scene gradually as it progresses, rather than [gigantic block of text in beginning of scene that reader must drag their eyes through] and then get to the dialogue (im sooo bad w this myself lmao i fluff things up too much). in a world where attention spans are decreasing (rip), a lot of the times less is more. make sure the pacing fits the scene (romantic -> longer paragraphs more focused on subtle details, comical -> short paragraphs w simple n relatable diction, etc)
creating characters. with fanfiction this can be easy since you already have fleshed out characters from shows/books to work off of, but a good way to characterize is to just include little details that give them personality! not only is it a way to allow the reader to resonate with the character, but also it gives other characters in the story an opportunity to notice those lil quirks and create bonds over them as well. i just picture my friends or family in my head, the things i love about them, and incorporate it (i know nothing about film photography but my friend is a film major n thats where i got the idea for mc in kickoff)
for tone and mood. i think to get words flowing for different scenes, it can be really useful to get into the environment of those scenes while you’re writing, such as listening to a song that fits the vibe of the scene prior to/during writing (i blasted tgif by katy perry while writing the party scenes in ch6 of kickoff lol), or if its a scene at night, write it w the lights off, or watch a youtube vid w scenery that matches. may sound silly, but it could help! if i write something angsty in a really bright sunshine environment it’s hard for me to get the words
read more. this is sort of a miscellaneous one but a good way to subconsciously get better at writing is to just read more! your brain kinda learns how to write on its own when you read. also, when i’m reading, if i see words i really like i jot them down in my notes app so i have my own lil vocabulary of words that i know i would like to use in my writing
on writing insecurities. be proud of your writing!! your first draft does NOT have to be perfect. some days the words will flow, but on some they won’t, and that’s okay. don’t get too into your head about “i wonder what readers will think of this plot point or this character action” etc, i think having faith in your own process but also in your readers will bring you a lot of peace as you write :) create what you want to create and the rest will follow!! when i first started posting kickoff i was overthinking sooo many things that ended up being received just fine by readers in the end, so just stick to your plan 🫶🏼💕
use chatgpt. looool ai can be useful in writing too! i usually only use it after i'm completed with a draft, and i just plug select paragraphs into it to see if it can come up with some better words for me to use. it's also useful to come up with logistical details for aspects of your stories for world-building etc (no clue anything ab professional collegiate soccer games i've never been to one but i used chatgpt to come up with the scenes)
woooow i wrote way more than i thought i would haha but i hope this helps!! ive never given tips before so idk if these only make sense to me 💀 but hopefully they can be applied to what you’re looking to write as well :)
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rottentiger-art · 1 year
Love how the fandom basically agrees we are only watching for Loagn x Quinn and not damn Zoey 😂
hahaha yes, I'd say 90% of people will do the same.
It's not surprising, I know many of us rewatch season 4 just because of them. They really outshined the protagonist and main ship, and hope the producers don't forget than and give us a decent amount of content from them.
Why I think that is, the reason the audience lean more to Logan and Quinn or Quogan than Zoey and Choey, it's because both L and Q character's developed very well season through season. I mentioned before that I hated Logan on season 1, but he became a favorite mid season 2. Quinn was always always a favorite of mine, but she also got her development and it made me love her more. The same could be said about their relationship, they gradually moved from enemies to frenemies to friends to lovers, it was a beautifully paced thing and then we also got to see how they acted as a couple, and it was surprisingly healthy! the actors also had mad chemistry, they sold the love story very well.
Zoey and Choey however...
I disliked Zoey from season 1, I thought she would get better in the future but for me she got worse. She was very self centered and annoying and the show tried very hard to make us believe everyone loved her and she was an amazing person, but she just wasn't. I don't think she was a good friend, she wasn't a bad person, but she just,,, idk how to explain it. When I started rewatching I hoped I liked this time around, I thought "oh maybe it was just internalized misogyny or smth", but nah, I disliked her again (same for S1 Logan, god what a little jerk), she just showed no development either, and I think it was bc the writers didn't think she needed it, I think they thought she was perfect like that.
And she had no chemistry with Chase, not even with James. Zoey just wasn't charismatic for me, didn't have that charm to make her a loved character (this is all my opinion btw, it's okay if you disagree and do like her), I ended up liking any other character before her (even Logan who I hated, I think that says a lot), I ended up wishing any of the characters took over as the protagonist or got a spin off (I would absolutely watch a quogan or michael spin off, episodes about them were always the funniest. I would've even watched a Chase on england spin off. I can't fault JLS' acting bc she was just a kid ig (even tho her co-stars made an amazing job at selling a character), I mostly blame the writers.
And i wasn't like with Tori Vega, were it's understable to dislike her on the first season, but after the writers worked in making her likeable and then if you still hate her that's just on you. They never worked on making Zoey better.
And as for Choey, I think they played the will they-won't they game too long, and people got tired.
sorry this turned into an anti zoey rant lol, I really don't wanna be beefing with a fictional teen lol. But like, yea, I think that's the reason why nearly no one is watching because of Zoey/Choey.
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soleadita · 9 months
Okay. Babe. My mutual in closest proximity. Talk to me about Stargate Atlantis pls.
OHMYGOD. okay. okay. i accidentally wrote you an essay. i'm not sure how much of it is coherent. i love u thank u for sending me this it made my night. <3
disclaimer: i'm so new. many people know much more than i do. and i still have about a season and a half left; i've been watching with a bestie so i've been forced to pace myself more than i would otherwise.
plot/premise: SGA is a spinoff of a movie (Stargate) and another show (Stargate SG-1). i was told, repeatedly, to watch the others first, but i'm impatient...i was a little confused but i got the gist eventually. ANYWAY. it's like...the lost city of atlantis has been located, except it's in another galaxy, and a group of scientists and military fools are going there for an expedition to like...explore/learn things? they're kind of in space, but it doesn't feel like that too much—by my standards, at least, and i am a known hater of media that takes place entirely in space. there's a team, they're a family, they get into Situations...u know the drill.
why i, specifically, enjoy the show:
john sheppard. JOHN. SHEPPARD. babe, i have not been this down bad for a character since DEREK HALE. im NOT KIDDING. i wanted to say more about him but i don't feel qualified enough to have my own thoughts yet. (or at least, i still feel shy about saying them out loud on the internet. i can and will go on and on about him in private, though.)
i did go into this for john sheppard. i will fully admit that. (i had a few mutuals who'd put him on my dash every so often and i could just tell he was gonna do me in.) HOWEVER. i am falling in love with nearly every single character. the character development is genuinely some of the best i've seen, and the way the team gradually turns into family who have each others' backs no matter what?? I'M EATING IT UP. (here is a video of the team, i CANNOT talk about each of them individually, i'd be here all night.)
john and rodney's dynamic is DELICIOUS. they're both obnoxiously intelligent (and they're both obnoxious, but in different ways). they annoy each other. they delight in each other's presence. they're teammates. they're best friends. they keep each other alive they'd do anything for each other they know each other better than they know themselves. (AND I KNOW I'M ONLY SCRATCHING THE SURFACE OF IT MYSELF, BECAUSE I HAVEN'T EVEN FINISHED THE SHOW.......)(here is a video bc there's no way my words are gonna do it justice.)(also here are more words.)
the fic is SO good, too, and it's been especially fun bc the authors of a lot of my fav sterek fics had also written for sga back in the day, and getting to read stuff from them that i hadn't read yet....aughhhh. i love fandom.
the dialogue is hilarious, the situations are WILD (cannot tell you how many times i've been like WHO WAS IN THE WRITERS ROOM HOW DID THEY COME UP WITH THIS), and generally i'm just having such a great time.
in conclusion (bc i'm cutting myself off here), i'm never really sure whether i should recommend things to people or not bc my own tastes are basically just whatever happens to hit the unpredictable switch in my brain, but GENUINELY it's just SO FUN. i'm having the time of my life. i cannot shut up about it. <3
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narwhalandchill · 1 year
been sitting on the subject of like. general vague dissatisfaction i have with the handling of recent hsr writing and after reading a comment on reddit along similar lines im realizing how hoyo kinda just? overplayed their hand with the HCQ lore?
like they leaned way too hard into the "hehehe tune in maybe youll learn the truth THIS time~ SIKE its still vague and inconclusive as shit!!!!" and trying to tease and wink and nod to extend the shelf life of the initial hype far too much to the point where the 'promise' of new HCQ content doesnt even like... really excite me as much as it just makes me pre-emptively irritated bc i genuinely dont know if theyre just gonna keep on dodging the big questions bc uhhhhhhhhh reasons!!!
its not like we havent gotten SOME answers, true, like bailu = baiheng but post dan fengs terrible horrible no good DNA soup more or less confirmed Was pretty huge but its still like. that mission still left more questions unanswered than it did answer them and it just feels frustrating when it feels the ratio of questions answered and questions unanswered hasnt changed much at all since 1.0 at least when it comes to the big lore stuff
like unironically imo if they didnt want to reveal dan hengs past or answer HCQ questions upfront and do the characters involved justice this early on they shouldve left luofu as like. the 3rd or 4th world we encounter and just foreshadowed shit much more gradually. which probably wouldve resulted in the entire luofu arc being way better too lmao. but they just had to sell DHIL asap so now dan hengs pivotal character moment is pretty much forever sullied by the writing and pacing failing both him and the larger HCQ & luofu plotline and thats just. Unfortunate
again its not like shits unwatchable or completely terrible it just. fell short. and when your gameplay loop is by default more simplistic and barebones than something like genshin factors like the story content each patch should really be as polished as possible and not... this. its ok to build up with less stakes arcs in between! spend time expanding the express gang dynamics with wacky space shenanigans! explore the setting! and then once the stakes have had the time to be established and everythings lining up thats the time for a major arc bc imho its better they leave the subject completely unexplored than rush things and feature it in a subpar manner like this
like. man. its really just that im more disappointed and sad than angry tbh.
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lord-leclerc · 1 year
OMG this became so long, I'm sorry 🤣
I feel like this year is tricky and will continue to be so because so much is going on internally.
Starting with a TP change, it is huge and I think people overlook that if Fred goes in too hard by trashing Ferrari to the media and throwing too many out at once, the higher ups might play games to muffle him and protect the Ferrariname. Personally that's what it seemed like from his comments on Spain- he's treading carefully now because he went in deep already, now he's moving more carefully. However, he's also made it clear that he's going for a championship asap with Charles. Nonetheless, Fred is not Ferrari- he can make an impression, but not the whole impact- there is a lot if work that needs to be done and politics to be sorted through before they can get there. The good thing is that Charles reallyyyy appreciates Fred as a TP, so he might stick around for a bit longer in this case.
The problems with the car are varied, but one big thing is that the data they have is not matched to the performance. So we cannot loudly scream incompetence because there is clearly something severly wrong that will take time to solve, so performance is going to hindered by that until atleast the data can start to correlate.
As for Charles, he's feeling it, but I think it will be okay and we cannot overly pity him. He realistically (unfortunately) has the best seat he can have for the next two seasons atleast. RB would only take him to get rid of the competition by making him second driver, and Merc is full unless Lewis wants to fuck around for fun and retire. Idk about others, but I would rather watch him pull miracles from a rebuilding Ferrari team than always be second to Max in the same equipment but restrained bc it's Max's team and he has seniority. That being said, it would be smart for him to renew his contract in 1-2 year increments so he can jump ship if need be lol.
Moral of this ridiculously long ass post(sorry again!), it's painful now, but there is potential. Yes - Ferrari have a shit car and are restructuring, but those can be settled slowly in through the year. Yes- Ferrari have changed TP multiple times, but this time, it's Fred who is experienced AND has a close relationship with Charles, you cannot say that existed with other TPs. There is potential that Charles and Fred can be a strong force in Ferrari. It sucks to watch Charles suffer, but he'll bounce back because he's likd that. This is the same man who still believed in the wdc last year after France, he's not going to give up easy.
oooh, don't be sorry at all! im loving these discussions.
exactly. that's the thing. fred only became the tp this year and any kind of change would come gradually. you can't just expect the car or the team or the management to magically start working wonders suddenly. whatever change happens, it will be slow and steady and we will notice it little by little as the season continues. fred and charles are obviously well acquainted and i think fred would know what kind of talent charles possesses, having seen him in his rookie year with alfa romeo. so if he wants to go for the wdc with charles, then surely it must mean something. and charles has stated that he trusts fred and hes willing to do it for them.
as for the car, it is not only lacking pace but also the tyre management is not very good. and you're right, the data is not matching with the performance because maybe the things they require exceeds the budget cap. we all know ferrari is the most successful team logistically speaking and they would have the best sorts of database but the main problem is the budget cap. it is one of the greatest teams in f1 so it surely has the largest amount of funds of all the teams but because of the budget cap, atp its mostly making the best out of the limited resources and that's what ferrari is lacking- efficiency. the budget cap having introduced in 2021, well, we all know how that season went. so i think they're not still used to not spending however much they like to get their resources and tools. now they just dont know how to get all the best equipments in limited money. other teams however already had less budget as compared to ferrari before the cost cap, so it wasn't really a problem for them.
see that's what im saying, ferrari, as much pain as it causes, is better than him going to alpine or alfa romeo. and he wouldn't go to rb imo, atleast not as long as max is there. and yes, that's what im saying, watching him or get achievements in that car, or him evolving with ferrari(like last season until ferrari happened) is certainly quite very more thrilling than watching him win in any other team so yes, he should stay for a season or two, see how it evolves but beyond that(when the team is not performing) is just stupidness. honestly i would say the same for lando, 1-2 seasons maximum because he's got good talent tbh. getting p3 in spain in that tractor of a car was quite an achievment tbh. imagine him going to rbr, perhaps he could go even faster than max.
yes, i totally agree with you. seeing him here is painful, but watching him go to some underdog and suffering there would be even more painful. fred believes in charles and vice versa. this was not the case with binotto-he held charles accountable every chance he got and charles never got the support he deserved. change comes gradually and eventually maybe they'll figure it out(though it is not any less painful)but tbh, im glad he is where he is rn, where he could also get some good support system.
what i also like about fred is though he wants to win with charles, he does not ask carlos to sacrifice anything unlike last year because that's just plain rude. it'd be a different story if charles was p2 or leading maybe but they are both practically at the same place in the wdc. so yea, this is what i like about him as a tp too that the other driver doesn't feel hes sacrificing too much.
anyway, im sorry too abt this long ass reply😭but im loving these little(not so little) discussions
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usertoxicyaoi · 2 years
I'm starting to get into working out/exercise and wondered if you had any tips for a beginner, like what kind of equipment should I get? And what's your work out routine? I'd appreciate any advice!
hiiiii anon!!!!!
so i have days where i workout at the gym and days where i workout at home. i'd say definitely during the winter months (so october - march) i workout at home, and i go to the gym more during the warmer months (apr - sept).
but it honestly depends on what your goals are. mine are, personally, fat loss and muscle gain. for that, i focus more on strength and muscle training, and less on cardio or hiit routines. so i split my week into 4 days where i do strength training, 1 day i do just cardio and i have 2 rest days.
rest days are so so soooo important i can't stress that enough!!!! your body needs it to heal!!! hence why i also do like to consider my cardio day a kinda rest day too, bc i do liss cardio training (low intensity - steady state), not hiit (high intensity - interval training). so i do things like going on the exercise bike for 40 miniutes with maximum resistance on it but i go slow, or i just go hiking or for a really long walk at a steady enough speed and incline to get my steps in (i live in a very hilly area so i just hit the hills!). hiit just doesnt work for me personally, but if you enjoy it, then by all means do it! its not that i dont do hiit at all, i just dont do it often.
okay, so for strength training. i would hiiiighly recommend you buy yourself a decent pair of sports gloves, bc you wanna protect your palms and the skin, and a thick yoga mat, to support and reduce the impact on your back and your knees. also, barbells. oh my god. i use my barbell more than i use my dumbells, bc it just helps my form more, and its better and easier to hold, manage, maintain and it supports me better. i also do use and have my own dumbells and kettle bells too.
in terms of the actual weight you're lifting, honestly, its a long, slow process. i lift heavier now but when i started strength training, about 3 odd years ago, i started off extremely light. and its honestly focusing more on your form and increasing your reps, then your sets, gradually than it is working your way up the weights rack. you've just gotta find a weight that's comfortable for you as a beginner, and then slowly build your reps up.
so for example, if i'm doing a bicep curl with a 5kg dumbell and it's my first time doing so, i'd do 2 sets of 8 reps. then 2 sets of 10 reps. then 3 sets of 6 reps. then 3 sets of 8 reps. then 3 sets of 10 reps. go slow and steady, always, and when you feel like you can push yourself a little more, then do so. and that will take as long as it will depending on your readiness.
for a single set, honestly i'd only recommend 10 reps max. not more than that. and in between your sets, rest!!!!!!! i rest for atleast 3 minutes between my sets. so if i'm doing leg day, i'll only focus and choose 6 exercises that i'll use my barbell with (e.g, rdls, wide squat, good mornings, goblet squat, reverse lunges and hip thrusts) and do 1 set of 10 reps of each exercise, then rest for 3 minutes, then go again, until i've done 4 sets of 10 and then i finish my workout.
i'd also say dont try to cram in 20 different exercises into one workout. instead choose between 6-10 for your intended body part (like legs), and just do them over and over for how ever many sets and reps you are doing, then finish. then the next day, choose 6-10 for your arms. then when you have leg day again, choose a different 6-10 than the ones you did the previous leg day. hence, you're constantly switching it up and you won't get bored either and you can focus more on working on your form at a slow and steady pace.
which is so important! go slow. there's no need to think about speed, bc that most likely will cause injury. and i suggest that your workout shouldn't even be 60 minutes long bc that's madness. 45 minutes MAX. and stretch!!!! stretch stretch stretch!!! if you go onto youtube and type in growwithjo stretching, she has GREAT videos for all round mobility and flexibility or cool down and recovery stretching. i just use them all the time.
finally, i'd say hydrate. like. your muscles NEED water. and more obviously, try to get some food in with more protein content and carbs in it as soon as you can within the hour after your workout. typically, i eat a banana and have an americano 90 minutes before i workout, and then after i workout, i have a protein shake with my dinner (which sometimes literally can be a big bowl of oats topped with whatever i desire along with my protein shake bc i workout in the evenings after work so i get suuuuuper lazy to cook sometimes!) yes your body needs the protein for muscle growth, but it needs carbs to replenish your glycogen stores that you've used up during your workout!
and please do not believe in this myth that you should workout in the morning. no, you can workout whenever you feel like and you CAN eat past 7pm. typically i workout more in the evening bc i'm only free then since i work, and by the time i finish eating and all that, its like 7.30pm. but i sleep soooo well when i workout in the evenings which really helps me since i've struggled with sleeping ever since i was 15. so its honestly up to you when you choose to workout.
i hope that helps! if you have anymore questions you can come and ask anytime!
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