#but i wrote every word of this for the love of nik!
leilanihours · 2 months
🗝️ "I brought you dinner” with Nika Mühl
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pairing: nika muhl x reader
word count: 470
warnings: none !
prompt: "i brought you dinner"
⭑ from lani: i kinda hate how i wrote this :(
celly masterlist !
main masterlist !
"Y/N, I'M HOME!" nika announces from the front door as she kicks off her shoes and sets her bags on the floor.
she had just gotten back from an errand run and mini-shopping spree, randomly deciding that she wanted to treat herself after the end of the basketball season.
but when you don't answer, she furrows her eyebrows in confusion before trailing throughout the house to look for you.
"y/n, my love, where are you?" she calls out.
"in the office!"
nika freezes, her shoulders dropping as she sighs at the realization. you were still studying.
"baby, you were studying when i left and now you're studying when i get back?" she whines as she enters your workspace.
"i gotta be ready for finals, niks," you explain, "and you weren't even gone for that long!"
"i was gone for over four hours," she deadpans.
"oh," you mumble, still typing on your computer.
"have you even eaten dinner?"
"um," you start, "it might've slipped my mind."
"what?" you ask with a nervous laugh, "i'll just microwave some mac and cheese, it'll be fine!"
"you're joking, right?"
"no.." you mutter, still svoiding her eyes as she stands in front of your desk.
"baby," she starts with a softer voice before coming up behind you, "you have got to ease up and remember to take care of yourself. i know you're working hard but you can't work too hard. your beautiful brain is gonna fry."
you let out a small laugh at the last comment, pausing your writing to absorb your girlfriend's words. you lean back against your chair, sighing in content when the brunette brings her hands up to your shoulders, massaging gently.
you close your eyes and allow yourself to relax for the first time in what feels like days.
"maybe i should take a break," you contemplate.
"please do," nika says, "i have a surprise for you."
"just follow me," she giggles as she drags you out to your kitchen.
your jaw drops as you register what's laid out on the table: your favorite comfort dinner, still hot and steaming. it had been so long since you'd eaten it, you couldn't even remember.
"nika, wha-"
"i know this is, like, your guilty pleasure or whatever but the way i see it, you've more than earned it," she smiles.
"thank you so much, baby," you grin as you place a soft kiss on her cheek, "what about you? did you eat already?"
"no," she starts, making you pout, "but i know how much you hate eating alone so i went ahead and got myself something too."
"ugh, you're the best girlfriend ever," you pout, "i love you."
"i love you, too, my love," she blushes, kissing your lips sweetly, "now let's eat because i am starving!"
— leilani signing off ! 📁
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siilvan · 1 year
Could you please write a platonic fic with reader and Nikolai? Maybe with a little bit of peril involved so they are both worried for each other?
crash site
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characters: nikolai
summary: after your pilot crashes in the middle of a war zone while trying to extract you, a reverse rescue mission ensues.
genre: general, gn!reader (bravo 0-5; no desc.)
warnings: semi-proofread, cursing, canon-typical violence, mild descriptions of injuries, inaccurate medical care, nik and reader get hurt, mutual worrying, i wrote this w/ a migraine i’m sorry
word count: 3.2k
note: anon i hope you know i love you for requesting something that i already sorta wanted to write
also so sorry this took so long, i hope you enjoy <3
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you instinctively raise your gun when a bullet flies past and pierces the half-destroyed concrete wall just in front of you. various shouts in a language you can’t understand soon follow, and your heart races as you spin around to confront the enemy.
the mission was supposed to be simple. get into the city, take out the target, and get out without being compromised.
the first two objectives went without any trouble, but your escape was compromised the second the target’s body hit the ground. that’s how you ended up in this situation - with a single magazine in your gun, a city of armed men pursuing you, and no signs of backup in sight.
not to mention the approaching sandstorm, you mentally add to the list, blinking back tears as rough grains of sand whip around and obscure your vision.
you manage to take out the group actively giving chase, which then leads to your next problem: you’ve completely run out of ammo. even your sidearm was emptied as you fought through the small militia, and you lament the speech that price is going to give you about "being prepared" once you make it out.
vaulting over the short wall brings you to a city square. you crouch low near a stack of crates and building supplies, hoping that the chaos of the situation and the sandstorm would mask your presence to the various search parties nearby. you scan the area for any weapons while moving undercover; the last thing you need is to be caught without a way to defend yourself.
if you had a nickel for every time things did not go to plan today, you’d be rich enough to retire. a yell and a bullet landing near your feet signaled that, despite your best efforts, one of the parties spotted you.
you rise to your feet and lift your hands, praying that a surrender would buy you some time. the square fills up, and soon you’re stuck in place as several dozen guns are pointed right at you. there was no way you’d be getting out of this, even if you did miraculously find a weapon during your brief search.
the apparent leader of the group steps toward you, repeating some command - or, perhaps a question, you couldn’t tell - while the others slowly form a half-circle around you. several of the soldiers look antsy, hands twitching as they adjust their grips and rest their fingers against the trigger, like they were just waiting for an excuse to open fire. your stomach churns at the thought of someone getting a little too anxious.
your radio suddenly crackles to life for the first time since you confirmed the target’s death. at the same moment, a distant silhouette in the sky catches your eye. you focus on it and squint, trying to make it out through the ever-increasing cloud of sand, before a familiar voice catches your attention.
"0-5, get down!"
before you can even register who the voice belongs to, you follow the order and drop to your knees. the sound of heavy gunfire surrounds you immediately after, forcing you to lift your hands in an attempt to protect your head as every other person in the city square was gunned down. you bite back a panicked noise when the men closest to you are dispatched, worrying that whomever was in control would accidentally hit you, as well.
when the dust settles, both literally and figuratively, you cautiously lower your hands and lift your head again, scanning the area once more.
as expected, every soldier around you laid dead. some laid on their stomachs due to the unexpected ambush, others were on their backs after attempting to confront the source. your eyes flicked back to the sky, towards the silhouette you had seen before.
even through the sand and dust, you could make out the all-too familiar helicopter hovering near your position. it was a little unsteady, clearly a victim of the intense wind and debris in the air, but you grinned at the sight nonetheless.
"ace shots, nikolai." you let out a relieved laugh after reaching for your radio. "i’m surprised you can fly in these conditions."
"not for long, so let’s make this quick," he says, and you watch as the chopper attempts to land on one of the nearby roofs. "the storm will be here any minute. seems like i got here just in time, no?" he adds with a smug chuckle.
"i’ll be sure to send a thank-you card after this!" you huff and rush to the building he was landing on. for the first time today, things seem to be going according to plan; a ladder inside leads directly to the roof, which you quickly ascend with renewed vigor, and wait impatiently for the chopper to touch down.
you aren’t sure why, but a wave of cold dread washes over you once you reach the rooftop. your attention shifts from your escape to the nearby buildings and streets as you give your surroundings a once-over. surely it’s just adrenaline, you tell yourself.
you spot a figure in the window of a house just a block away. they’re kneeling behind the edge, eyes trained in your direction, pointing something directly at the building you were standing on top of. you stare at the mysterious object in their hands, until they carefully shift their aim a little higher. directly at nikolai, you realize just a second too late.
"watch out–!" you frantically shout into your radio. even if the weapon, which you now recognize as an RPG, hits the building and damages it, your chances of survival were far superior to nikolai’s own.
before your warning can reach him, however, a rocket is fired at the helicopter. you can only watch helplessly as it connects with the tail and sends the vehicle spiraling out of control. despite the damage, nikolai manages to maneuver it upwards while attempting to regain control. a second rocket is fired shortly after and hits the engine, stripping the pilot of any control as the vehicle practically falls from the sky. it crashes into the ground a decent distance away, and your stomach drops at the scene.
you scale the side of the building at breakneck speed and start towards the crash site, completely ignoring the eminent threat at your back as you pray for his safety. you didn’t care about empty guns, failed escapes, or compromised assassinations - you’d take a hundred of each before losing any of your teammates.
you’re swiftly given a cold reminder of your situation during your mad dash to nikolai. you duck into an alley and press your back against the wall as a team rushes down the street, no doubt heading to the same place as you. with a deep inhale, irritating your throat as sand and dust contaminates the air, you push off and follow their path.
come on, nik… you mentally beg the man. this is no way for you to die.
the combat knife tucked in your vest, your last line of defense, finds its home in the neck of one of the soldiers when you attack him from behind. you grab his rifle and dispatch the nearby soldiers, silently thanking the sandstorm for finally hitting the city in full force. it was impossible to see more than a few feet in front of you, but such was the same for the enemy.
"0-5… can you hear me?" a strained voice comes through your radio and just barely cuts through the raging storm. nikolai. thank god.
"i hear you– nik, what’s your status?"
a pained grunt and the sound of creaking metal answers your question. "i don’t think we will be flying out of here–" he cuts himself off with a sharp hiss. "i’m not sure i can even stand."
"i’ll get us out of here," you tuck yourself into the shadows again as a patrol passes by, the lights on their guns permeating through the dust cloud and highlighting their position. "just stay put for now. get to cover if you can, i’m on my way."
"the enemy will have me surrounded within minutes, 0-5. you cannot fight a militia alone."
you click your tongue and shake your head from side to side, as if he could see you. "i’m not leaving you, nikolai. i’ll sooner drag you out by my teeth than abandon you." a stiff laugh and a muttered comment about your "stubbornness" was his only response.
the group that previously passed you was now stopped in an intersection, exchanging words with another small party. you squint at them and manage to count eight in total. difficult, but manageable. you had the benefits of stealth and surprise on your side, at the very least.
with a slow inhale and exhale, you open fire on the group. you take out two of them before the others start their search, frantically pointing their guns in every direction. once again, the lights gave away their positions; your rifle didn’t have a flashlight, allowing you to stay concealed as you picked the remaining members off one by one.
you reach for your radio again after you confirm the kills. "still doing okay?" you ask, continuing towards his location.
a second passes before you get a reply. "i am still alive, at the very least," nikolai grunts softly, and you recognize the sound of not-so-distant voices through his radio. "they haven’t found me yet. too worried about you to conduct a proper search, i assume."
"hopefully i can reach you, then. it’ll be difficult, but it’s not impossible to slip by." you notice the crash site after rounding a corner and running a few more blocks. it was yet another area that resembled a plaza, with several soldiers dotting both the inside and the outskirts.
"be careful." he speaks slowly, and you push down the worry that stems from his tone. instead, you try to reassure him. "always am, nik. just try to keep your blood in until we get out of here."
you approach the entrance and quietly dispatch the trio standing in your way. judging by the sounds of panic that followed, the gunshots weren’t entirely drowned out by the winds. that’s fine, you inwardly boast. even if they investigate the noise, they’ll come up empty-handed; you move on before the alarm is even raised. weaving through their sights is easy enough, thanks to the soldiers’ scattered and uncoordinated paths. nonetheless, you take out as many as you safely can.
before long, you come across debris from the crash, and you follow it until the main body of the helicopter is visible. you physically cringe at its ruined state until a whisper-shout of your name from somewhere nearby catches your attention. doing your best to follow it, you shove some metal scraps - hot to the touch, even through your gloves - out of the way.
you have to choke back a relieved sigh when you finally locate nikolai, leaning against more of the wreckage while clutching his side.
"never been so happy to see you," you chuckle and reach for his free hand. with a soft grunt of effort, you pull him to his feet and guide him to rest his weight against you. "i’ve got you, just lean on me."
"we need to hurry…"
nikolai’s words are brushed off by your gentle shushing as you make for an exit - easier said than done with the state he’s in. "i know, i know… we’re almost there, just need to get out in one piece."
"you don’t understand–"
his warning is cut off by bullets whizzing past your legs. you regret brushing him off as your adrenaline is sent into overdrive, and you practically carry him out of the plaza. you search for cover before your eyes settle on a small house with boarded windows; inconspicuous, but you really don’t want to back yourself into a corner.
an acute pain in your shoulder makes you reconsider the latter concern. you stumble forward, tightening your grip on nikolai as he nearly collapses from the sudden movement, and resign to your fate.
your lungs are burning by the time you reach the building. you shove the door open and haul the both of you inside before kicking it shut again. cautiously, you scan the interior, fingers twitching as you prepare to grab the rifle slung over your shoulder. the house was meager, you realize; a small sitting area bordered an even smaller dining room, with a modest kitchen that was surely emptied a long time ago.
you stagger to the torn-up sofa in the sitting area and maneuver nikolai to lay on his back, apologizing under your breath at every pained noise that left his lips. the rifle is leaned against the wall as you shove a tall wooden shelf across the room to block the front door, creating a decent barricade.
well, "decent" was a generous description. it would buy you a precious few seconds, at most.
the sharp pain in your shoulder bleeds into an agonizing throb from the effort, and you desperately try to shake off the feeling. your minor injury didn’t matter right now.
"we don’t have much time," you say while shifting your focus back to nikolai. "i’ll patch you up as much as i can. no point in escaping if you bleed out, yeah?" you add with a forced chuckle, trying to ease the both of you. the only interior doors lead to a bedroom and bathroom, and you search both for any supplies.
following the apparent theme of this mission, the only useful items you find are fabric, some foam, and a basic first-aid kit. the kitchen and dining room are equally as frugal, with a half-emtpy bottle of alcohol and a pair of small metal rods as your only rewards.
"you’re not a medic," nikolai says, staring at you from the corner of his eye while you gather the supplies on a nearby table. you huff and begin looking over his injuries. "it’s me, or a grave. pick your poison." you briefly meet his gaze and smile. he concedes and remains silent as you continue the examination.
considering what he had been through so far, his injuries were surprisingly minor. the worst of it was a laceration on his forearm and a fracture below his knee. there was also the bruised and broken ribs, but you couldn’t do anything about those. the smaller cuts just needed to be disinfected and bandaged, depending on the severity - all things that you were perfectly capable of doing.
despite the bad luck, you managed to gather just enough to make a splint for his leg. a shitty splint, but it’s better than nothing.
you start with the fracture, doing what you can to stop the bleeding and disinfect the wound. he hisses in pain when you try to move his leg to apply the padding, and you mumble another apology. the rest of the process goes as smoothly as it can, given the circumstances. you manage to make the splint and wrap his lower leg with the cloth you found, securing it in place.
after checking the splint, you move on to his arm. the first-aid supplies included a suture kit that you were already loathing having to use. your hands shake as you prepare it and clean the wound, taking a deep breath and internally recoiling at the scent of blood.
the stitching is about as torturous as you expected, for nikolai more than yourself. he is remarkably calm, though the occasional grunt or groan still escapes his tightly pressed lips. you finish the procedure as quickly as possible for his sake, tying the thread off and cleaning the area again before wrapping it in the leftover bits of cloth.
"it’s not much, but it’ll suffice for now." you send him another smile. he breathes deeply and nods his head, inspecting your work.
"you are a better medic than i thought," he confesses and nods again. "i’ll definitely put in a good word with the captain." he chuckles softly. his gaze shifts to you, and you’re reminded of your own injury.
before he can say anything, you stand up and grab your gun from its spot. "i’ll be fine. we’ve already spent too much time here, anyway." you sling it over your uninjured shoulder and head to the wall opposite of the front door. the planks boarding the windows were weather-damaged and easy enough to pull off. you detach one and peek through the gap.
the street was quiet, thankfully. the soldiers must have lost track of you after you ducked into the house - at least, that’s what you hoped for. further down the street, you spot a car. your escape.
"see anything?" nikolai asks. you turn back and hum affirmatively.
"there’s a car down the road. if it has fuel, we can drive out of here."
"the militia won’t follow us outside of the city."
you nod towards him. "exactly. i’ll head over and check it out."
nikolai jolts upwards, before grunting and clutching one of his various injuries. "you’re not heading out there alone. the enemy could easily ambush and overwhelm you like they did before."
"it’ll be far faster for me to look at it alone," you argue while pulling the other planks off the window frame. "you can’t walk on your own, let alone fight, nik. this is our only option."
you swing one leg over the edge of the window and shoot a glance towards him. "i promise i won’t be gone for long."
the storm immediately takes you off-guard again, and you clutch your weapon close as you jog towards the car. it was an all-terrain vehicle, left behind by one of the militia groups. you check the fuel gauge and sigh a breath of satisfaction at the half-full tank of gas. best of all, the keys were left in the ignition.
must’ve abandoned it during one of the skirmishes, you think. those weren’t so unlucky, after all.
you head back to the house and find nikolai trying to lift himself from the sofa. "so impatient," you comment, pulling his arm over your shoulders and offering yourself as a support once more. "seems like the car is going to work. just a little further, nik."
he mutters something in russian that you assume is positive, based on his relieved tone, as the two of you head for the exit. both of you stumble towards the car together, fighting against the storm and your own exhaustion that is slowly but surely creeping in, ignoring the painful ache that plagues you from head to toe.
you get nikolai settled in the passenger’s seat before circling the hood and turning the keys in the ignition. the vehicle sparks to life, and every horrible twist and turn is all but forgotten as you speed down the street. the edge of the city isn’t terribly far from your current location, you can make it.
"it’s funny," you say, barely audible over the turbulent winds. "usually you are the one driving and saving our asses, but now the roles are reversed."
nikolai shakes his head. "one save does not make up for a hundred, 0-5. you still owe me." he replies with a self-satisfied grin, earning a frustrated curse from you as you cross the city border.
sure enough, the captain had his speech prepared before you even left the medical bay.
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bullet-prooflove · 5 months
3500 Follower Celebration: A Little Too Late - Vostanik Sabatino x Reader
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Tagging: @thiashazzywriting @words-and-seeds @novamariestark @whateversomethingbruh @a-noni-love @reneejett4 @trublu2u @stelacole
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Nik doesn’t know about the letters from Kessler, not until he accidently opens one of them because he’s been up most of the night, chasing a fugitive up and down the country and he’s dog tired.
At first he thinks its from an old boyfriend.
My angel, it reads, you have no idea how much I think about you.
He rubs his palm across his mouth as he reads the words written in another man’s hand. It’s a love letter, he thinks, something twisting in his chest. He’s reading a fucking love letter.
You don’t understand how disappointed I am that you married him.
Vostanik Sabatino…
Do you say his full name when he makes you come or do you call him Nik?
It’s only as he continues that the tone shifts. He feels his jaw clenching, the paper crumpling between his fingers as the words sink into his brain.
I am going to fuck you Alana. I’m going to hunt you down and I’m going to make him watch every filthy thing I do to you before I kill him.
It gets worse from there, he goes into detail, so much detail that Nik can see it playing out in his head like he’s watching a video. It makes his stomach churn and bile climbs up the back of his throat as he forces himself to continue.
It’s when he makes reference to the other letters, that Nik realises that you’ve been keeping secrets. This isn’t the first one Kessler has sent you, it’s just the first one Nik knows about.
He’s waiting for you when you come home, the rest of those letters spread out across the kitchen table. He’d found them tucked away in a shoebox stashed at the bottom the closet, they were wrapped in an elastic band, sorted in date order. He’s spent hours reading them, going over each and every awful thing that Kessler has written and the only thing that’s stopping him from heading upstate and murdering the other man is knowing that his incarceration is about to become a lot more uncomfortable. Nik’s made sure of that.
“You should have told me what going on.” He says, his voice rough as he pushes the latest depiction of Kessler’s nauseating fantasies towards you. “I would have put a stop to it the second I heard about it."
“That’s why I didn’t.” You tell him, your gaze coming to rest upon the letter. “I don’t want you to stop it, you saw what he wrote at the end about the girls, he’s giving me another lead…”
“Alana, he is lying to you.” Nik snaps, jabbing his finger at the letters. “He’s been manipulating you since this whole thing started.”
“Nik, if there is a chance…”
He can hear the desperation in your voice and he knows that’s what this all stems from. Kessler had been trafficking minors for years before you’d caught him, selling them on the darknet. That last shipment, you’d missed it by barely a couple of hours. Three tender age girls sold to men who would brutalise them the same way that Kessler had. That’s what this psychopath is holding over your head, the possibility of finding them, of rescuing them from their misery.
“Alana.” Nik says, his tone softening as he meets your gaze. “Those girls are gone, they were gone the minute Kessler delivered them. All of this is just a way of torturing you and you’re letting him…”
Nik’s voice breaks because this, this has been going on for months. He suddenly understands what the nightmares are about, the restlessness. He thought it would settle now that Kessler was in prison but now he knows you’ve been trading little pieces of yourself to a monster, feeding him, sustaining him.
“You need to let this go.” He tells you, swallowing hard against the ache in his chest. “He’s killing you Alana and you don’t even see it.”
“You can’t tell me what to do Nik.” You say quietly, your eyes lowering to the letters laid out across the table before you use your fingertips to shift them back into order.
“No, but I can hope you make the right decision, that you chose yourself over him.” He says as he picks up his jacket from the back of the chair and pulls it on over his shoulders. “I’m going to give you some time, take a beat,  but those letters, they need to be gone by the time I get back or I swear to God I will burn them myself. I won’t have him in our home Alana, he doesn’t get to have that.”
It’s a couple of hours later that Nik returns, he lets himself in quietly, toeing off his boots by the door before he hangs his jacket up on the coatrack. He’d gone to the studio tonight, taken up one of the private booths. His throat is raw from the singing, his fingertips tender from playing guitar.
You’re standing in front of the sink when he steps into the kitchen, the scent of smoke fills his nostrils and he watches as you ignite the final letter with the lighter you use for candles before dropping it into the basin.
“You were right.” You tell him as you watch it burn amongst the ashes of all the others. “He got in my head, he’s been living there rent free ever since the first one came and I let him…”
“It’s more complicated than that.” Nik whispers as he comes to stand beside you. His lips brush over your temple as his palm comes to rest on the nape of your neck, his thumb rubbing soothing circles that tense spot. “He weaponised your guilt.”
“I failed them.” You say and he can hear the agony in your voice, the devastation.
You’re crying when he wraps his arms around you, tears leaking down your cheeks. They soak through his shirt as he cradles you close.
“No.” Nik says resolutely. “You didn’t fail them, you did everything you could. Sometimes, sometimes we just get there a little too late.”
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a-cloud-for-dreams · 11 months
Trick-or-Treat Gift Exchange (@choicesfandomappreciation)
This was my first year of doing a gift exchange in this fandom and I'm so happy I did because it ended up being super fun! My secret pal is @ladylamrian aka one of the sweetest creators I know on this app <3
I haven't played ITW yet so ofc I decided to make a Nightbound edit/mini blurb about Alex and Nik! It's a page from a scrapbook and occurs a year after she decides to stay with Nik and the gang. I don't know if she actually keeps a scrapbook in your headcanon, but I thought after finding out she's half-fae, she would be inspired to commemorate her favorite moments. Hope you like it!
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"Hey, Rook!" Nik calls out when he enters his apartment, wait, their apartment. "You home?" There was no sign of response, and that made him nervous. Alex wouldn't just disappear on him, not after things have been going so well this entire year, right?!
His first instinct, against his will, was to panic. He needed to calm down now. Alex wouldn't do that, think rationally.
He strolls over to the coffee table near the couch and finds a note written in Alex's handwriting. He picked it up and skimmed through what she wrote.
Hey! I'm sorry I had to leave without calling. Garrus wanted me to pick up decorations for the party later, so I'll be back a little late. And before you tell me, I'll stay safe I promise. But I do think it's sweet how caring you are, XOXO! - the love of your life (Alex)
He chuckled at the short note, her enthusiasm lighting the room through mere words. Oh, thank God. See Nik? Maybe Katy was right, thinking rationally can pay off...
His gaze turned to the scrapbook next to the note on the same table. It was opened to a page Alex seemed to be working on before she left. It was a collage of Polaroids with notes jotted next to them from over the past year.
He picks up an untaped picture of the two of them on their first date after defeating Thomas. She looked even more gorgeous that night than usual, her unique silvery hair glistening under the warm lights. Nik begins to smile and picks up the hefty scrapbook, his interest piqued. He reads the notes she's written on the side, one in particular challenging him to another sparring match.
Oh, you're so on, Rook, and I won't go easy this time.
He would have kept looking, but Alex unlocked the front door and was welcomed by the sight of his girlfriend. She raised an eyebrow as she saw him with her scrapbook in hand.
"I thought you said you didn't like my 'sentimental scrapbook'" she emphasized with air quotes while mimicking his voice.
He furrows his eyebrows and frowns. "I don't sound like that."
She laughs in response. "Oh yeah? Everyone last night said it was pretty realistic." Nik rolls his eyes. She sits on the couch and motions him to sit next to her. "It's nice, huh? I took so many photos this year, I don't think I'll be able to fit them all! In fact..."
Her voice fades as she enthusiastically explains her plans to explore more of the supernatural world. He gets distracted by how mesmerizing she is. Maybe it was because she was part Fae but every moment he spent with her never failed to make him feel like a real person again. Alex notices his lack of response and tilts her head in confusion.
"Nik! Are you paying attention to what I'm saying?!" She crosses her arms.
He chuckles. "I'm just...happy you're here, Rook."
Her expression fades into a soft smile. "Me too."
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sirtadcooper · 3 years
🎨 (ah i just saw this! if it’s not too late!!!)
Nik, thank you so much for sending this! It’s probably escaped everyone’s notice by now but this ask game actually expects me to pick one of your latest ten edits. I just thought that was worth pointing out because that is not happening with anyone else and it’s certainly not happening with you. I also usually try to put them vaguely in order of preference but not this time because they are all my preference.
SUN and MOON - Only the first edit I am going to review and already a Masterpiece. The gif layering! The animation! The use of colour! It’s all so pretty and well thought out. The first gif is probably my favourite of the four, it’s just so neat. The falling snow with the yellow filter over it almost looks like sparks, it adds to the pretty.
DIN DJARIN + Troubled Birds Memes / GROGU + Troubled Birds Memes - There are memes and then there are Memes and both of these posts definitely fall into the latter category. When I saw that gifset of Din and the troubled birds for the first time I was laughing so much, I was so tickled by the idea and how well chosen the quotes were. You have managed to have gifs with impeccable comic timing! The way that on some of them the whole quote doesn’t appear until just the right frame... ugh, it’s perfect.
I want more... and I know I shouldn’t. - I love the text effects in first and last gifs, the unexpected use of pastels in association with Darth Vader of all people! It works! The big letters in the boxes are really neat. The layering of scenes is perfectly done. They both bookend that glorious middle gif with the rippling water. I... I don’t know how you did that but it’s incredible.
KELLY MARIE TRAN - Oh how I love this! The way that you’ve picked a colour palette and stuck with it is fantastic. The second panel with the TVs is great and probably my favourite part, just such a clever idea and it’s coloured so well. The first and last panels with the torn paper to tie them together are really pleasing and how could I not mention her gorgeous angel wings and halo in panel three? This is just wonderful. It’s what she deserves.
Day 7: Free Choice - The way these panels are all so different in style and yet they go so perfectly together... I’m in awe. You just have a great instinct for positioning things within a space and using colour to its full potential. You’re amazing.
“Beopero? That’s how they say Pedro… on Mars?” - As usual I don’t know how you did this but I love how it’s animated. Just takes this post to a whole other level! The little “like” heart that pops up, the incredibly realistic swiping animations, and the cute videos! Excellent choice of posts as well and I love how you have coloured them.
Escalating degrees of laughter/wheezing - Gosh this gifset makes me smile so much! I love that I have something in common with Pedro, and that’s the wheezing and rocking back and forth when I am really laughing. I love that you have told the story of Pedro’s laughter, it’s not just a random collection of moments of him laughing, it’s in order of his self control. You’ve really thought about this. That’s very galaxy brain of you.
Kingsman: The Golden Circle (Agent Whiskey) - Sometimes on Tumblr.com an edit is so good, you remember the first time you saw it no matter how many more times you come across it. This is one of those times. This was my first time seeing rotating text like that and it blew me away. You know the best part? It’s seamless. These boots are made for walkin’ just goes around and around and Whiskey in the background just goes around and around and you don’t know where the gif actually begins. That’s brilliant. The text animation on all of these gifs is inspired but it’s the first gif that lives in my mind rent free.
“How would you like to ride home on a real cowboy?” - You... *through tears* made this. I love that you have used a more muted colour palette this time around - I associate a bright blue with Whiskey so strongly, it’s refreshing to see other colours with him. The ye olde Western style just works so well here. Each of these posters has clearly taken a lot of time and effort. I think my favourite is the first, it was just so unexpected but wonderful!
“They all hate you, Mando, because you’re a legend.” - This colour palette! The little animations! The glitching helmet! Wee Grogu and Din with shadows that overlap... oh the Symbolism. This is just perfection.
“Sometimes you gotta do bad things to catch bad people.” - Your poster series is beautiful! This is another favourite of mine. I love that the colour palette is the colours of the Columbian flag. His own words on his skin on the fourth one as he struggles to carry the weight of them... really powerful. The colourful silhouettes on the third, the way they move! And the relatively simple first one with that bright red. The use of black and white and shades of grey throughout, like Javi’s morality... Yes. This is the good stuff.
Purple Rain - Fun fact! This was the first edit of yours that I ever saw (on 11th March, please write down our anniversary for future reference) and I loved it! It was so creative, I thought. Using the photo of him in the water was very clever. I naturally have a soft spot for this one. :)
If you don’t accept me for who I am with my frog then… go away. - This post baffles me. Where are the notes!? I thought this was funny! Din loves him despite the warning signs frog. The frog in Tom Holland’s mouth has mysteriously disappeared recently... Grogu has declined to comment.
trust me, i went to college - Just a big “YEAH!!!” for this post. You have captured my thoughts completely. Why he so broaaaaaad? I love his floof. His happy crinkles. This!!! Yeah, this is a Good Post.
So, Nik, I have made it to the end of your creations tag. I have written this very long essay for you. Your creations here, what you can do with Photoshop, is just incredible. I barely mentioned how perfect your colouring always is but that’s because it constantly gets overshadowed by the creativity you pour into each of your posts. You’re always experimenting, trying something new, surprising us. You have just got a talent for this. You’re an inspiration to me and, I’m sure, many others. I wish you and your Photoshop program a very good day. :)
creators send me 🎨 and i’ll tell you my favourite of your last ten creations and why
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lantsovsupremacist · 3 years
i saw that you asked for requests and i also saw that you wrote some nikolai stories based on taylor's songs (i loved). so you could write something based on wilders dreams or you are in love or call it what you want, you choose pls
MY BRAND yes of course i can.
nikolai lantsov: you are in love
and you understand now why they lost their minds and fought the wars...
“marry me.”
you shook your head. while any other girl would likely collapse onto the cobblestones had they the pleasure of hearing those words from the king, you would not. you could not. the possibility of accepting his proposal was a lie you no longer could afford.
“i have a certain inclination to your use of words, darling,” nikolai caught up to your strides easily, “without them, you answers are so very unclear.”
you stopped your pace, shutting your eyes. obviously, nikolai only meant to try and persuade you of his reasoning. he was unaware of how the repetition further shattered the pieces of your heart.
“stop asking,” you requested unevenly, “i cannot marry you because i cannot be a queen.”
“cannot or will not?” nikolai dropped his calm disposition. his words now swam through endless seas of exasperation.
eyes widening at his assumption, you glared, “your people will not accept a grisha on the throne. they will not make an exception for love because they cannot understand how such a thing between you and i could exist.”
albeit offended, nikokai softened, “and i wish i could do more to protect you but even i am unable to offer you reprieve from your own doubts.”
however bold or brash his words seemed, you took them because there was no other conceivable explanation. you refused to argue with him further, not when your remaining moments were already beginning to slip away.
“you have too much hope in the world.”
nikolai scoffed, knocking his shoulder into yours. you saw through his sly smirk and glowing grin, and he knew it. the fox could hide away from just about anybody but never you—not that he ever wanted to.
so, he would pretend for a minute or two, rile you up with his plethora of personalities. then, he would sober up, resounded to your ability to penetrate his defenses. your keen awareness of every notch in his armor, every foothold to climb his fortress, both aggravated and comforted him simultaneously.
“somebody has to,” he chided you, content to snake an arm around your waist and pull you flush against his side, “i don’t want to forget.”
“forget what?” you questioned, turning to face him more fully as a soft pout formed on your features.
“that i have this,” he motioned to your entwined limbs, “you,” he kissed your forehead, “to come back to. i only ever hoped my heart would find its home.”
you stilled. surely, an artist from above could have captured the moment perfectly because of it. they would have to gently shade your individual silhouettes into one, execute the softness of his gaze, and reproduce the muted lighting with watercolor.
you liked to organize your life into two categories; there was the before nikolai lantsov and the after him. before saltwater became the first thing to invade your senses in the mornings, you would have set fire to the bridge of any desperate man’s creation. after you learned to never assume anything impossible, you willingly gave up a piece of your heart to the most lovesick of them all. the one you simply could not have.
gingerly grabbing ahold of his fingers, you aimed to kiss the tip of each one. as always, he pulled away before allowing you to complete your objective. with a frown, you ran your thumb over his cheek.
“i only got to six. none of that,” you minded him with a calm look, “sobachka,” you began to warn him. 
“it’s more than five,” he commented with a reference to the day before. quickly, he kissed you to remove any possibility of a retort. you could not escape his lips even if you intended to try, which you did not.
the need for air ultimately pulled you away from nikolai. you frowned discontentedly his way, still frustrated by his actions. you understood his insecurities and accepted the validity of his feelings, but it did not ease the pain of watching him crumble before your eyes.
“my love,” you urged, “i have never understood many things and ended up running,” you held him off with a look, “but i want to stay and learn every part of you.”
bashful, he tucked his head into your neck.
“you have to spare some hope for yourself,” you said softly, leaning your head onto his.
he groaned, indicative of him sourly acknowledging your truth. you turned to kiss his temple, giving your lips the respite to linger just beneath his curls. you sucked in a breath when he responded with one of his own, planted upon the column of your throat. tender yet unexpected.
“but i want you to have it,” he responded, careful to inject the appropriate dose of his personality to make you smile without doubt of his sincerity being a means of withdrawal from the subject.
rolling your lips into your mouth, you melted under his gaze and into his arms, “okay.”
he smiled as radiantly as the sun, with a blush to match the artistry of it setting. you thought you could stay in that moment with him, that not even he could carry you to the next quite yet. you should have known better to predict his unpredictable behavior.
“so,” he drew out, “marry me, then.”
“nik-,” you breathed, fighting a losing battle with a smile of your own. his persistence did not force you to agree, rather charmed you to.
“no!” he cut off deliberately, “no,” the delivery of his words now intentionally softer.
“nikolai,” you enunciated, “if i’m a queen,” you caught the exact second light filtered back into his eyes, “i will never have you again in the same way—not how i do now, at least.”
“i don’t understand,” he frowned between his mumble of the phrase.
“we will be closer than ever before,” you voiced, “but i fear that could push us further apart than we have ever been,” you expressed with a sunken tone.
not letting you pull away either emotionally or physically, he took you into his arms. already feeling more grounded, you breathed in his scent of sea and pine. he was all around you, and it was enough.
“i could never not love you,” he countered.
“that’s not what i’m saying,” you refuted, “but what if you don’t like me anymore? after we are stressed and overwhelmed and stubbornly disagreeing?”
nikolai giggled, kissing every inch of your face, “i like every single piece of you,” his thumbs slipped down your cheeks and onto your throat, pushing your head back for further access, “i like you more than any travel i have been on, any adventure i have sought, and more than any squabble we might face.”
looking up at him under a thick set of eyelashes, you quirked a crooked smile, “really?”
“oh, yes,” he divulged, “i like you more than anyone else—even myself,” he began to taunt you, “and i happen to like myself quite a bit.”
“fine,” you relented with a light sigh, “let me show you just how much i like you and i’ll be your queen.”
a smirk stretched across his face but before he could dip his head to yours, you grabbed his hands away from your neck.
“i like you,” you began with a breath, leaning forward to kiss each of his fingertips, “one, two, three,” you continued as he watched you delicately, “eight, nine, ten.”
blinking rapidly, his gaze softened, “don’t be my queen,” nikolai mouthed, a single breath away from your lips, “continue to be my best friend, the woman i look for in every room, the reason time moves way too fast.”
“thank you for sharing your hope with me,” you spoke and drew your lips in a straight line, “thank you for letting me be in love with you.”
“i never let you do anything,” he began to sway, “could only hope you would keep coming back.”
“i’m in love with you,” you insisted, “and i happen to like that very much.”
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l-r-christian · 3 years
Can i request a klaus mikaelson imagine where the reader already knows about the supernatural and knows what klaus is bc she knows the mystic falls gang and shes dating klaus and he accidentally shows her his hybrid face and he expects her to be scared and abandon him but she asks him to show her again and shes mesmerized and fascinated by his hybrid side?
More Klaus fluff yes
Warnings: Fluff, Elena and Co being assholes
Y/N knew all about the supernatural even before she met Elena and her friends. As Y/N grandfather was ecstatic about the supernatural and would write books about it only to be called an crazy old man. But Y/N got her grandfather's love for the supernatural and moved to Mystic Falls.
"How is grandpa crazies books going to help?" Damon asked the girl when she came over to help when a vampire came to town to take Elena.
"Damon my grandfather had wrote many things of the supernatural." Y/N said sitting down opening a book that her grandfather gifted her that he hadn't published.
"An Original? What is that?" Elena asked reading over the page as Y/N brighten up excited to explain.
"An Original is the first vampire and papa found out there was a family and had interview one." Y/N said eyes lighting up as she showed them the page while explaining.
"Niklaus, while I understand that you are after Elena. Do not harm Miss L/N." Elijah tells Klaus as the hybrid looked up.
"L/N? That old man's granddaughter that you allowed to question you?"
"Yes. I made a promise to him that she wouldn't come to any harm." Elijah tells Klaus fixing his cufflinks as Klaus smirked.
"Of course brother. I'll be sure she meets no harm." Klaus said walking out as Elijah watched with narrowed eyes.
Y/N had found herself in a happy relationship with Klaus much to her friends disappointment and they came up with a plan to break them up.
"Plan is Bonnie puts a spell on Klaus that makes him show his hybrid side to Y/N then she gets scared and leaves him." Damon explained as the group nodded and had someone to find Y/N and Klaus.
"Bonnie do it." Stefan whispered as they got word Klaus with Y/N in her home. Y/N was excited to show Klaus her grandfather's books mostly on all about werewolves.
"Papa did alot of studying of a pack he followed."
"It seems your grandfather was smar....." Klaus stopped talking dropping the book holding his head making Y/N worry.
"Nik?" Y/N asked softly jumping back when Klaus looked at her showing her his hybrid face. Klaus got his face back to the soft handsome man she knew as he worried that she was going to leave him.
"Y/N.....love please." His voice cracked as Y/N had yet to say a word as Mikael's words rang in his head. Klaus didn't want to lose Y/N as he found his falling in love with her and she became his whole world.
'Nobody cares about you, boy.'
Klaus snapped out of his thoughts when Y/N cupping his face her eyes twinkling with excitement. Y/N couldn't help but find Klaus's hybrid face attractive.
"Show me again." Y/N tells him as Klaus was shocked and showed her is hybrid face again. Y/N stared in awe gently moving her hands along his face.
"Fascinating." Y/N whispered her eyes filled with awe and adoration as Klaus blushed softly not used to such praise.
"Love, it isn't that."
"Yes! You are beautiful like this." Y/N tells him as Klaus stared at her his heart swelling with love for Y/N. Klaus pulled her close kissing her deeply making her moan softly kissing back.
"I love you Nik."
"I love you more beloved. Now let me show you what a hybrid can really do." Klaus said picking her up taking her up stairs with a smirk on his face seeing her flush ready for him to ravish every inch of her body.
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dandelioncrownns · 3 years
random grishaverse facts/trivia (mostly tgt/kos, tbh), because i love useless details. Also, attempted organisation, because i like order too. + ft. my unwanted commentary
the darkling
has a sweet tooth
loves animals and nature in general
for those of you who have read demon in the woods, he got to meet the white tigers :)
his bedchamber walls are carved into trees bc he loves the woods
his favourite trees in particular are pine trees (or just evergreen trees in general)
he used to be afraid of the dark (many possibly worrying? interesting? implications to this; i won’t get into it here tho)
he likes bright colours, but wears black all the time basically for the aesthetic
he met his younger half-sister, Ulla, when he was a seer’s apprentice in Fjerda 
the darkling is a musician! He plays the fiddle, and growing up, he played the balalaika and oud (i wonder if he can read tablature,,) 
His father was a very powerful heartrender (maybe this is why the corporalki are valued so highly by him?)
she got an amplifier between the end of R+R and the start of KoS (kestrel bones)
Genya used Dekora Nevich, the Ornamental Blade, to poison the King
It smells like cinnamon and is a warm golden colour
the royal family / nikolai’s bio family 
the King once cut himself on his own sword
genya named the queen’s dog 
until she was like 11, Genya was like the daughter the queen never had (omg i really wonder how Nikolai and Vasily felt about that? ik it’s not really mentioned, and Nik kinda acts like he just met Genya is S+S, but they must have been a lot closer, right?? I mean genya was almost always at the grand palace with Queen Tatiana, and nikolai just really wanted his parents’ attention, there must have been some kind of maybe one-sided jealousy/sibling rivalry thing, right?? I digress- for now)
also the queen in a dog person
p. sure Nikolai is a mommy’s boy
(possible explanation:) he looks exactly like his real father (except for his eyes). Nikolai even has the same laugh as Magnus
the queen was also fed up with Vasily and his horses
Vasily rides a white gelding horse and Nikolai rides a speckled grey horse (called Punchline)
speaking of, vasily is definitely a horse girl, but like... just the worst (darkling 🤝vasily)
Queen Tatiana’s letters to Magnus Opjer were ���very racy” 
 She doesn’t approve of women in trousers
Linnea is ~1 year younger than Nikolai
she is good at math + studies engineering at ketterdam (I wonder if maybe she and Nikolai crossed paths when he was at uni- they’re around the same age, so maybe?)
The King and Queen hired a clown for nikolai’s 10th birthday (the worst birthday party he’d been to, inclusive of the night Vasily died, according to Nikolai)
Nikolai is afraid of spiders (and also clowns???)
he can juggle
Nikolai sucks at learning languages 
he once spoke Fjerdan so badly a man named Knut offered him a ruby to stop
his Kerch seems pretty good tho
Nikolai met The Darkling when he was 14
Nikolai is a baritone (as is Jesper!)
In his free time, Nikolai writes bad poetry (remember that time he got stabbed w/ a letter opener bc his poetry sucked?)
he went through an emo phase/ existential crisis before becoming sturmhond.
during said emo phase, he wrote rhyming poetry pretty much exclusively
He also took philosophy classes at uni (PPE?)
alina tried on the same rose dress that the Queen watched vasily die in
Nikolai gifted Alina a VERY low-cut cobalt lace gown (In the words of Nadia, “The bodice might as well be cut to the navel.” )
Alina hates herring, but Zoya and Nikolai love it
She is VERY sarcastic and snarky!! I feel like this gets glossed over so much in the fandom, and just why?? (she’s so gloomy and over everything 90% of the time, i love it so much)
So this isn’t technically a fact-fact, but there is no way Alina wasn’t at least a little bit into women. Did you read how she talked abt genya? Zoya? there’s no way she wasn’t into them
Alina doesn’t really like hard cheese
zoya + zoyalai:
Zoya’s horse is called Serebrine
Zoya can use her lightning as a defibrillator (I’m sure other squallers can do this too with the right training)
Zoya likes Nikolai’s hands (and Nikolai likes Zoya’s feet lmao)
she has ‘weird (long?) incisors’  
she definitely had a crush on Nikolai since Ruin and Rising
Kaz grew up on a farm in Southern Kerch, in Lij
Kaz is a both a cat and a dog person  (he just likes strays)
Matthias is a dog person, obviously
All the other crows are cat people 
He likes hot chocolate
both he and nikolai like brandy
hates cereal
Kaz is obsessed with magic + likes puzzles
actually very funny if he wasn’t terrifying (honestly?? at leat 70% of his dialogue is just witty quips/jokes)
Kaz’s right leg is the one he broke, and the dregs usually get their tattoo on their right forearm
the other crows:
Jesper has been known to go line-dancing (and would like country music) 
Mal and Jesper were friends in S+S!! (Probably) Jesper has a not-really-secret crush on sturmhond. 
He also had a VERY not secret crush on Kaz before wylan, ofc
Matthias’ middle name is Benedik
Nina would win in an arm wrestling contest against Jesper
Inej has a thing for Kaz’s eyes
Nina was at the orphanage with the other grisha kids in R+R
In the opening scene of CK, Jesper was wearing a navy waistcoat with little gold stars (his fashion is just top tier honestly)
grisha- powers, etc.:
A solar eclipse would have no effect on the Darkling’s powers, but it would make it harder for Alina to summon.
Fabrikators can make flowers bloom
The twins have shark teeth amplifiers
Adrik and Leoni are saints
general world stuff:
Gay marriage is legal in Kerch!
there was a landbridge connecting Shu Han and Kerch but the council of tides covered it
Antimony is used as mascara
kruge is pale purple paper currency
ravkan currency has Nikolai’s face on it (ig not anymore tho?)
Hringkälla is celebrated on March 20th
the distance between Ivets and Os Alta is only about 100 miles? (i’m just going to willfully ignore this, because thats,, so small?)
Mermaids and dragons exist(ed) in the grishaverse
the daughter of the duke of ivets has a daughter who can play the harp
there is not fourth tale of krigi
The baroness Natasha Beritrova is fifty (as of KoS) and has lands near caryeva
Elke Marie Smit is from one of the most powerful Kerch families and is just 16 in KoS
Oncat is an orange tabby
Anya liked Joost a lot :( (I got way too attached to them at the start of SoC and was so sad + confused when they died lol)
david eats hard boiled eggs for his working days in the shops
‘Malyen’ is the Ravkan version of ‘Malcolm’ (very fitting)
Nikolai brought the kids at Keramzin toy boats + frequently sends Alina and Mal gifts 
The triumvirate would also visit them every feast of Sankt Nikolai too :)
star signs / birthdays (ik the gv constellations aren’t the same as ours, but idc):
Inej: Cancer (june 21st - july 22nd)
Kaz: Capricorn (december 22nd - january 19th)
Nina: Leo (july 23rd - august 22nd)
Jesper: Gemini (may 21st - june 20th)
Matthias: Taurus (april 20th - may 20th)
Wylan: virgo (august 23rd - september 22nd)
Kuwei: aries (march 21st - april 19th)
Darkling: aries
Nikolai is most likely either a gemini or cancer (but he could also be a Leo or Taurus). Whatever it is, he is a summer baby.
Alina and Mal have the same birthday (they were given the Duke’s birthday when they came to the orphanage)
Jesper is 6’2” - 6’3”
Kaz is 6′
Matthias is 6’4
Nina is 5’9”-5’10”
Inej is 5’3” - 5’4”
Alina is ’short’ (5’3”?)
Mal and the Darkling are ‘tall’ (tbf, like all the characters are tall >:( I want my short people rights)
Nikolai  (well, stumhond, but i think they’re the same height) is described by Jesper as tall (so 6’2”+?? why is everyone so tall??? I-)
Zoya is several inches shorter than nina (zoyalai height difference lets go)
Kuwei is slightly shorter than Wylan (who is about 5’8”?)
there’s definitely more, so if you made it this far and have any more, pls add to the list!
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madeofcc · 3 years
1, 2, 13 for the storytelling asks!
Aaaaah Nik ♥ I love you for sending these ask, thanks a lot. I'm going to answer that for Destiny Harbour serie as it's my main project.
1/ what’s the last screenshot you’ve taken for your story?
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it's not really for the story itself, I thought about making my new main but still hesitating so I don't know. I still didn't take any DH2 screenshots that haven't been posted on ep 0 but I'm working on it so it might start sooner than I thought !
2/ describe your story in three words or less
Occult inclusive mess :)
13 / from basic planning to a finished post, how long does that take you?
If basic planning is the idea of the story/post well it can take me years as I wrote the entire plan for the entire 5 seasons, I know where I'm going. I like to work on editing after I wrote the main script first. The script isn't super detailled but it is in my mind, it's mostly what you read with the post with just dialogue and few indication about what's going on around. This can take few hours, a day or more, even weeks if I'm uninspired. After that I have to make the lots and sims prepared (I usually like to prepare the lookbooks in advance as I know what scenes are coming) which usually takes a week or two depending on my computer and motivation and then I start the editing process with the pose using in game that takes around 2/3 hours each evening when I start. I try to take all the screenshots I need for a full chapter which is around 30 screen, I take a bit more so I can choose which angle looks better. Then there's the editing process that doesn't take me a lot of time as I don't edit my stories heavily, but I want to try new things so it might take me more time this time ^^ So let's say that it usually takes me around 2 months with a 2/3h daily session to usually make DH. It takes more time if you include the posting time as well though.
Honestly, I feel like this has become like a second job as I'm working on it at least an hour or two every day I think. I took a weekend off last weekend and felt guilty a bit because I didn't work on my story but we all need to rest a little so I try not to stress myself too much over it either, it's not like I'm making millions with it and I know that my readers are patient enough and have plenty of awesome stories to read around here (yours is still in my top 3, even top 1 with the BK legacy) so I'm confident for what's to come.
Thanks again @xldkx for these asks ♥ I wonder how many time it takes you for Papercuts now !
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zodiyack · 4 years
In Regards Of My Stupidity
Pairing: Niklaus Mikaelson x Female!Reader
Warnings: Swearing, angst, fluff
Words: 1,670
Summary: Left alone in his empty castle with guilt, memories, and Hayley and his siblings’ words of advice to keep him company, Klaus hopes to reconcile with the woman he loved and betrayed.
Note: I suck at words.
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Taglist: @matth1w​, @redspaceace-writes​, @fandom-puff​, @jenepleurepasbaby​, @darling-i-read-it​, @simonsbluee​, @sebastianstanslefteyebrow​, @dpaccione​
Masterlist | The Originals Masterlist
Part One. Part Two. Part Three.
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He attempted many ways of apologizing without having to verbally admit anything. Klaus wrote a letter, then two, then three, then four, then gave up when he’d ripped out every page in the notebook out of frustration with his lack of words. Then he tried thinking up some form of speech, one he could memorize then recite to her. He fantasized of preforming it with the ending of her running into his arms and them riding of into the sunset to live their happily ever after again.
But even that was a bust. He couldn’t think of anything, nor could his mouth agree with his brain. Each word seemed to contradict one another. Every replacement he made for the words that clashed only had the same affect. He tried and tried until all the words jumbled up into a heap of disappointment.
“I’m sorry.” He muttered softly, like Y/n could hear him even though she wasn’t there, as he rubbed his forehead. All Klaus wanted was his wife back but to do so, he needed to apologize, which meant admitting quite a lot of things. It became a challenge. Especially with Klaus being as stubborn as he was.
To atone for everything he’d done wrong under the influence of Aurora would require something much greater than just “I’m sorry”. Allowing Aurora the power of having him under her influence at all deserved thousands of apologies greater than those two meek words.
He needed to think.
Klaus went outside, breathing in the New Orleans’ air. He felt much more at peace, but not because he could breathe the fresh air. As he closed his eyes, listening to the gentleness of the serene night, controlling his breathing and taking in the world with an empty mind, he imagined his happiness, his home.
“Do you like it?” Klaus snuck up behind her, placing his hands over hers on the railing, lacing their fingers, and leaned into her. She rested her head back onto his shoulder.
“I love it.”
1918 was a good year. It was the one before his father drove them out of New Orleans. He’d been proud of the town they’d made, and he promised Y/n that it was there that they would reign. She kept him grounded, and for the first time in forever, he was ready to be the good brother.
He lifted his arms, lifting hers as well, and wrapped them around her frame, holding her closer. Craning his neck, he peppered kisses along her neck before reaching her ear and whispering, “It’s ours, my love.”
She moved her head to face him, causing him to move his own back a bit in order for them to make eye contact. “Are you being serious? I swear, Klaus, if this is some bloody joke-” He chuckled and cut her off by pressing his lips to hers. Her words were almost instantly forgotten as their lips molded together passionately.
The need for air separated them but gifted Niklaus the opportunity to speak. “I promise you, love, I’m being serious. This,” he let go of one of her hands and extended his newly freed arm to the world around them, “this is ours. It is mine, and it is yours. This is the place where we shall be safe from harm forever. It’s a place we can finally call, home.”
He promised her New Orleans was a permanent setting. Only a year later, Mikael showed up and turned his promise to shit. Y/n assured him with a teary eyed grin that it would be alright. Pressing kisses to his face and reminding him that they were alive, she promised it wasn’t his fault. He’d asked what they were going to do and she merely smiled.
She told him they’d wing it.
The apology was ready, but not in a sense he had confidence in. He left his home feeling a lack of fortitude but continued forward nonetheless. It was time he owned up to the promise he lovingly made long ago and atoned to the mistakes he blindly made recently.
Klaus decided he would wing it.
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“Niklaus.” Elijah greeted emotionlessly. “I’ll retrieve Y/n.” He returned inside but didn’t come back out. Instead, Y/n took his place, but stood further from Rosseau’s than he was to avoid them hearing their conversation.
“It’s nice to see you ag-”
“Please,” she couldn’t bring her eyes to his, at least, not that very second. They were so full with her sadness threatening to seep out in the form as little droplets that would slide down her skin. “Just...get on with it.”
He understood the lack of ill-intentions behind her words and urgency. A calming breath filled, then left, his chest. And then, he obliged. “I...I was uh...I was dumb and... And I should’ve been a better husband and...” His nerves destroyed whatever bravery he had left in “winging” his apology. Sweaty palms, dry mouth, shaky hands and butterfly filled stomach, how was he ever going to get through this?
Moments had gone by and the tension grew thicker. He could see that Y/n began to grow annoyed, understandable with his drawn out stalling. Klaus had to say something. Preferably something that wouldn’t worsen his situation.
But he was Klaus.
“I understand that I hurt you-”
“Understand that you hurt me? You have yet to even ask me how I felt! You can’t empathize with something you only know one side of.”
Her words were true. The only thing he could think to say were her own words, too far late too matter though. “H-how did you feel?”
“You want to know how I felt, Nik?”
“Let me ask you this; have you any idea the pain it caused me to even think about moving on from you? Hayley told me it was more than likely going to happen one day and that I should try when the time comes that I feel as though the ache of not having you in my life is too much for even me to bear, but I cannot picture myself with another man. I cannot fathom a life in which I am wrongfully torn from you, or torn from you at all, generally speaking.”
“Does that-”
“No,” She winced and clenched her eyes shut, “Klaus.” She opened her eyes and made eye contact with him. He saw the sorrow that drowned in her e/c orbs, and his heart broke a little more. “That does not mean I’m willing to just forgive and forget. I want to be with you again, I want to be by your side forever and always, just like I vowed to be but-”
“We can go home-”
“Can you just listen for one fucking second!” She cried out, disbelief strewn across her face. “I have been by your side whenever you needed me to be, even in times where you were too pigheaded to admit that you needed someone. I may never be confident in my ability to brave life without you, but hopefully, I never have to.”
A sigh left her mouth, “So...if you have something to say, do so now...please.” Their eyes reconnected as she waited in anticipation for him to speak his mind.
“I...I don’t...” He couldn’t think of anything. “Just...please, come back with me?”
She scoffed and turned away, eyes red and face scrunched with pain. He fucked it up more. She believed in him. She believed he’d fix it. And so did he.
Then, faster than the speed of light, it hit him. It hit him like a bus, or an anvil over his head like in a cartoon, a lightbulb over his head and exclamation points around his noggin. “Wait!”
Y/n paused but didn’t turn to face him.
“I- I don’t need you to come back with me. I don’t need to go there with you either. I just need...to be with you.” He shrugged with watery eyes and a shaky voice. “I was stupid, blind and mulish. Cowardly, if you will.” He threw his hands up then let them drop to his side.
“I will never forgive myself for hurting you, even if we move on from this, some part of me will always carry the guilt of every time we quarrel. It is unlike us to be so far gone for so long, however, it has opened my eyes to see...” he sucked in a breath, “to see that this time, among all others, I did the unforgivable.”
Klaus sped in front of Y/n, catching her off guard slightly. He took her hands in his. Though she didn’t fight him, she still avoided his eyes. “When I married you, I vowed to be there for you, through thick and thin, I vowed to be loyal and trusting and honest, just as you have been to me, but I failed you. I failed you, love, when I did the worst thing a husband could do.”
“Well...” she laughed lightly, sniffling through a few fallen tears, “it wasn’t the worst, but it was a fucking shit thing to do.”
They chuckled together and her eyes finally met his. “I love you, Y/n, I really do. I look at you and I see the woman of my dreams, my world...I promised you New Orleans was our home, but, when I look at you, I see my true home. Not some silly little place from a time in history, but the woman who I want to spend my immortality with. The woman whom I never deserved yet was chosen by, of all people, to spend her immortality with.”
“And I’d do it again.” She smiled sweetly, drawing a smile of his own. “Even if you are a stubborn bastard,” he held a sheepish grin, “I still love you.”
Even if Mikael ruined Klaus’ promise of a home, he learned that the promise wasn’t about New Orleans. Taking a poetic turn, he came to the realization that she was his home, and he, hers. And now, he was finally coming home.
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cranetreegang · 2 years
Creasta - Part 2: Valerius x MC/Court Magician
Summary: You get the tour of the magnificent city of Creasta and your worries of trouble are quelled... for now.
Part 2 of 4 of a miniseries
Read Part 1 Here
Word Count: ~1,200
Arcana Masterlist
The ride was tame as we all slipped into an easy conversation which carried throughout the three day ride. I was feeling silly for continuously looking for some looming threat behind every curve, only to find none. I decided to try pushing the dark thoughts I had going into this aside as me being overly paranoid from my last diplomatic mission.
I had heard rumors of the grand city of Creasta, but to see it first hand was something to behold. They had built their entire city in the middle of Lake Creas on a rocky island then had four bridges which spanned the entire length of the lake going in four different directions. 
The gray towers with azure domes could be seen for half the day looming over the rolling golden hills before we began to cross one of the bridges. We followed along the brick path through the city while I wrote a brief letter to Valerius notifying him we arrived. With the guards accompanying us, most of the citizens were staring as we passed by. When we arrived at the palace, Queen Edelina was waiting with her Court; Nik being a familiar face among them. 
We exchanged brief pleasantries before making our way into the palace for the grand tour. I felt a rush from my message bag signaling Valerius had responded to me and as we toured the keep, I managed to sneak out his letter and nearly let slip an audible laugh at the formalness of it.
Dearest Witch,
I am pleased to hear you have arrived, safely, to Creasta. I will notify the rest of the Court you, and the Countess, have arrived at Creasta.  I hope their hospitality extends to both you and the Countess. I have matters here under control, despite extraneous circumstances. 
I look forward to your next update.
With love, 
His penmanship was remarkable and I could picture him sitting down at his desk to write back to me. I bit my lip to keep myself in line while we finished the tour and headed towards the dining hall to dine with the Creasta Court. Under the table between courses, I managed to write:
My Dearest Consul, 
I am also pleased to hear you have everything under control. I’m to assume Edernton has been assisting you? I know he would be most valuable to you while I’m away, as he usually is.
I can see the scowl you’re making now, and I long to see it.
The palace here has a wonderful vineyard and I’ll be sure to snag a bottle for you. Nik plans to take me to the dinanar crystal cave tomorrow. 
I can’t wait to hear from you,
With my love,
-Your Witch
I didn’t have to wait long for a reply and I couldn’t help my smile as I read over his response. 
My Vexing Witch,
All the wine in the city would not make up for what you wrote. But, if you do wish to apologize for your pitilessness, I will accept nothing less than a Creast Viognier. 
Edernton has insisted he should be the acting Magician in your stead, and when questioned about his knowledge, or base qualifications, of magic, he had the gall to say, ‘Well, it must not be too hard. She makes it look so easy.’  
Gods, the simpleton. 
I miss you. Terribly. I almost want to hate you for making me long for you so. 
Yours Always,
Once dinner had concluded and I was shown my room, I wrote to him again and we exchanged a few more letters. Our interactions grew less formal and more back and forth as if we were speaking to one another.
By the next morning at breakfast, we had dropped our greetings and signatures altogether. 
Edernton asked one of the serving girls if she was pregnant. She was not.
Portia and Nadia shared a room together and Edelina wondered why Nadia had her Handmaiden with her all night and if one of them was unwell. I’ve never seen them so red before. 
Harriet wanted to have lunch with me. I pawned her off to Edernton. I suppose that was a bit cruel.
You are cruel. But, that’s why I love you.
My, my, witch. Saying such things. How despicable. I suppose I love you as well.
After our affairs were in order, Nik and I rode on horseback to the dinanar crystal cave outside the city. I was amazed at the raw magic I felt even before we stepped foot inside. When we walked through the cave, I could feel my mouth agape with the sheer beauty of the place. The cave seemed to be an endless cavern with jutting crystals spanning from the ground to the ceiling towering above us with some forming slanted pillars which were wider than my entire arm span. 
The crystals ranged in colors from deep purples to light reds all the way to vibrant blues. The place thrummed with a soothing energy and there was a sweet jingle which was pleasing to my ears. 
“It’s like they’re all singing.” I said to Nik, who had a wide grin at my awe. 
“It’s because they are. They’re all connected. Even when you take one far away from another, they still sing. It’s what makes them so prized amongst us users.” Nik smiled with a wink.
I placed my hand on one of the crystals. The crystal hummed against my palm and reached out to greet my magic with a warm embrace. “It’s amazing so much magic can be in one place. How do you counterbalance any surges or overloads?”
“There are certain measures in place. But, the dinanar are very resilient. Whenever there is a surge, they’re able to balance the spike and share the power with all the crystals in seconds. It’s very fascinating.” He went over to a cluster of crystals and pried a aquamarine colored one from the ground. He handed the palm-sized crystal to me with a wide grin.
“For you. I can see it in your eyes. The mysteries of the dinanar are hard to ignore. I look forward to what you will find.” 
As we returned to the city, Nik and I continued our discussion of the crystals, with him being forthcoming in what he’s ascertained thus far. Valerius had been rather quiet since my last message and I had checked my bag several times for a letter only to find it empty. I decided not to dwell on it too much, pushing the thought aside as him being busy with meetings. 
When Nik took me to his lab, I was envious of his setup. He had access to an actual observatory and numerous assistants eager to help. Creasta was embracing the magical studies and I was left with numerous thoughts on how I could transfer these ideas to Vesuvia. I wrote to Valerius stating my excitement and was met with silence even throughout dinner. 
I was combing my hair about to go to bed when I felt the rush of his response in my bag. I leapt across the room to read his reply and my exuberance flipped to a heavy dread sinking into the pit of my stomach at what was on the parchment in my hands. 
Help Ahesh Captured
Part 3
A/N: dun dun DUUUUN... yeah probs could've had more build up to this, but idk couldn't picture anything to put down that didn't feel like filler/padding so figured it best to keep it like this.
what did y'all think of the letters? any feedback is welcomed! i love hearing from y'all!
Also... rip any nadia stans for the next chapter cause... yeah
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Title: Kismet {8}
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Henry Cavill x Famous OFC Aliya Taylor
Warning: Plot, Tiny Slow Burn, Mild Cursing, Dialogue Heavy, POV Changes, Small Time Jumps
Words: 6.6k
Summary: Aliya is a singer turned model turned actress. Since she was fifteen, she’s been creating her empire in the entertainment world. As the daughter of a famous fashion model/designer and Hollywood director, you’d think life is easy for her, but her past has been anything but easy. Due to past trauma, she’s forever changed and no longer trusts any man that is not in her family and a select few in her team. She’s sworn off love and serious relationships and has planned never to fall again, but love isn’t something that can be planned. It just happens when it’s meant to. Can Aliya outrun a love that seems hellbent on holding tight to her, a love that is Kismet?
If you enjoyed this please LIKE, COMMENT, REBLOG!! 😘  
As always, thank you so much for reading. ❤️❤️
***Loosely Edited/Proofread***
Previous Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
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The minute he woke the next day and the alcohol had worn off; he instantly regretted his actions. His head was pounding and his nose stuffy, which was always what the morning after a drinking fest looked and felt like for him. the pain in his head made him painfully aware of everything he’d said to you. More than half of him wished he would have just held his peace and moved on, but the other side of him—the stubborn bull side felt nothing but satisfaction from what he’d done. It was time, especially seeing that you completely had the wrong idea about who he was and his character. He couldn’t help but wonder what you thought about your conversation, but instead of dwelling on it, he decided to push it to the side and do the logical thing. Move on.
 It was now five days since that conversation, and though it felt strange the first couple of days to not send you a message when you ran across his mind, he did it and adapted. He now was throwing himself into work because there wasn’t a shortage of it. Most days, he was in pre-production for Witcher two, and that in itself was a lot of work. Production decided to kick fight choreography up a notch because last season wasn’t badass enough. The choreography this season was definitely taking it up several notches, and it meant more long hours of training and even more potential for him to be hurt.
By week two post convo, he was steadily counting down to his vacation time. Training was kicking his ass, and the more and more days that passed, the more he thought of you. That wasn’t all though, the more the way he thought of you changed. In the beginning, he thought he was infatuated or possibly obsessed. When he was around you, he always felt as if he wasn’t in control. He felt like there were forces that were controlling your interactions and pulling a starry blanket over his feelings. He expected this time away to act as a purge, but it hadn’t, not in the way he’d anticipated.
 “Come on, her name is Becca, and she’s super cute,” Alisha said.
 “Why is it that all my brother’s wives want to set me up?”
 “Because we care. You’re too great of a guy to be alone,” Halley complimented.
 They all nodded, and his eldest brother painfully squeezed his cheek.
 “Plus, look at this face,” Nik teased, making all of them elate.
 It had been like this since they were kids. Nothing had changed.
 “I’m perfectly fine being alone,” he answered.
 “Doesn’t mean you should be,” Amee piped out.
 No matter what, he said it wouldn’t be good enough until he gave them what they wanted. He had no intention of doing it, though. He wasn’t sure if it was really his loathing of being set up or because he didn’t want to pretend to want anyone else. Whatever it was, it had him declining to their annoyance. He could stick it out for the next two weeks until he got out of London.
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“You fucked up, plain and simple,” Amaya blurted out as she flipped through a magazine.
 You rolled your eyes and tried to continue writing notes to the song you’d just wrote. As sure as you were that it was pitch black outside, you knew she wasn’t done—not by a long shot. A minute passed in silence, but as projected, Amaya began again.
 “Just explain to me why you don’t want to be happy.” Amaya tossed the magazine aside, giving you her full attention. Still, you ignored her and kept your eyes glued to the note pad.
 “Liya, come on. At some point in your life, you’re going to have to be honest with yourself.”
 She was right. For the last few weeks, you’d spent a lot of sleepless nights doing just that. Since Henry’s call, you’d been forced to look at your situation in a light you’d ignored. It wasn’t that you were doing it maliciously. It was just easier and neater to see the worst in every situation hence the worst in people. You’d been the girl who dug deep for the best in people and only focused on that and their potential for too long. It made more sense from a survivalist standpoint to be different.
 You’d went back and forth and round and round your situation, and perhaps you were too quick to jump to conclusions. The bottom line was the things he said had affected you, more than you liked and more than you could ignore. A few days after his call, you saw his picture in The Sun. He wasn’t alone. It looked like he’d had a long night of partying. You deduced it was probably the same night he called you. Though he was obviously drunk, he still looked so damn good. In the last few weeks, you’d thought about him a lot. On several occasions, you’d taken up your phone for the sole purpose to stalk his Instagram or even scroll through your gallery to gawk at his pictures. Never though, did you attempt to call.
 The main reason was that you hated being the one in the wrong. You hated feeling like the asshole and what was worse was that you also hated apologizing. So, you bit your tongue, pushed your thoughts and emotions aside, and just hoped time would make it all fade. It didn’t.
 Closing your notepad, you stood. “We’re going to miss the flight.”
 “Whatever! It’s a private jet. It’s your private jet.”
 You were already out of the room, which meant thankfully, you didn’t have to see her face. The drive to the private airfield was about forty-five minutes. For the entire ride, you could feel Amaya’s annoyance with you. she didn’t say one word. Instead, she kept her nose buried in her phone scrolling her life away. It was okay with you; you had plenty of work to do. Plus, you knew this wasn’t over, not by a long shot.
 Sure enough, twenty minutes into the flight to London, she was back at it. The difference between Amaya and Alicia was simple. Where Alicia liked to leave me be until she knew the perfect time to go in because she knew the perfect time would come when you would be more receptive to it, Amaya preferred to go in all the time. She was always on one hundred. You loved both your best friends dearly, and they both spoke to different sides of you, but sometimes you wished they were wrong a lot more often than they were right.
 When you got pulled into a phone meeting, you were grateful and even more so when it lasted for almost two hours. By the time you ended the call, Amaya was napping. Though you thought the silence was what you wanted, it was a blessing in disguise. It meant you now had peace and quiet to think, and your thoughts more often than not went right to Henry.
 When you landed in London and checked into the hotel, it was after midnight. Once you’d taken a shower and answered a few emails, you popped two sleep aids in hopes they would knock you out because you needed all your energy tomorrow.
  -The Next Day-
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Hectic was an understatement for how your morning and afternoon had been going. One of the great things about being you was that when you got bored with one career avenue, you had three more to distract yourself with. For the last several months, you’d been focusing on your acting career and had been able to complete two films and three guest appearances. In between acting gigs you were also able to do a few modeling events, including Fall and Spring fashion week.
 What had fallen to the wayside was your singing career. It was almost time for you to fulfill your contractual obligations by releasing another album. You’d been focusing on writing new material for the last few weeks, and tonight you were putting on one of the last stops on a mini-tour your team had planned months ago. The travel alone was killing you. You were exhausted, even more than usual. With every show, you felt your body telling you it would soon be time to slow down or stop for a few months. You needed a break.
 “I should have flown in days ago. I hate feeling like this isn’t perfect.”
 “Aliya, it’s fine,” Alicia countered.
 The perfectionist in you didn’t believe her.
 “I promise. I wouldn’t lie to you. You have to go anyway. The show is supposed to start at six; it’s already three.”
 She was right. Though you hated it, you would have to cross your fingers and hope things looked cohesive. After finishing up the last-minute wardrobe adjustments and a quick pep talk with your dancers, you made your way back to the hotel to get in a little bit of pampering before having to get back to the center for prep.
 As you laid on the table and enjoyed your deep tissue massage, you allowed the worries to float away. There was nothing you could do about it now anyway. You were also sure it was perfectly fine, and just your obsessive nature taking over. Tuning everything out, you focused on your meditative breathing. Before you knew it, it was time to get back to the center to get into wardrobe and put on a show worthy of the hundreds that were spent on tickets. You were determined to perform your ass off.
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He couldn’t have gotten out of tonight no matter what. He’d tried. When Charlie announced to everyone that Heather had made plans for their adults' date night, he rolled his eyes. Now that he thought of it, it was around the time that Amee tried to set him up with that woman. This was supposed to be a blind date, and since he’d declined, he was here alone while all his other brothers were snuggling up and whispering to their significant others.
 Here he was an hour and ten minutes into your show, and he’d never had more fluctuating thoughts and feelings. At first, it was surprise; then annoyance, then it transitioned into awe until it moved to arousal and admiration. Now he was stewing deep in all of them, and it was not a good look. Your voice was incredible. He’d always known how talented you were. Your stamina to dance and sing blew his mind. Then when he watched those dance moves closer, it was impossible to keep his thoughts pure. It also didn’t help that the outfits you were wearing only fueled his imagination more.
 “What’s wrong with you? You said you liked Aliya Taylor,” Amee shouted over the music.
 Plastering a smile on his face, he nodded. “Yeah, she’s great. I’m tired.” It wasn’t a complete lie.
 When you came out for the final song in a flowing low cut white gown and barefoot, he staggered backward when he envisioned you walking down a flower aisle.
 “Fucking hell!”
 All eyes snapped to him, and the curious looks on their faces only had him needing air even more.
 “I—I’m gonna get a head start to the cars.”
 Not waiting for a response, he turned and walked through the crowd, not daring to look back at you.
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Amaya and Alicia laughed together at something on Amaya’s timeline. No doubt it was some picture of one of her boy toys. You sipped from your flower decorated porcelain teacup while staring out over London to the Eye. Just behind it, Big Ben stood tall and proud as it chimes for four o’clock echoed through the city. This was a city you’d spent a lot of time in thanks to your grandparents on your father’s side. Not as much time as they’d like, but there was only so much free time you had. Big Ben and the Eye were two of your favorite things about London.
 You should have been on cloud nine after another successful show and checking another thing off your extensive to-do list, but you weren’t. You felt almost as gloomy as the rolling clouds in the sky that threatened rain.
 “You seem depressed.”
 Alicia’s voice had you turning back to them you softly smiled. “I’m not.”
 “You look it,” Amaya slid home.
 Rolling your eyes, you finished your cup of tea and gently placed it on its matching saucer with a shrug. “I don’t know what to tell you then.”
 Amaya then gasped with a smile in her eyes. “I know what it is. You’re finally missing your grade A prime beef of a man.”
 Snorting, you shook your head. “Oh god. Try again.”
 “You might be right, Mya,” Leece started placed her elbows on the table to peer at you closer. “This all started the night we had dinner with him. What’s his name again?” Both of them pretended to wrack their brains to remember his name, but they knew damn well what it was.
 “Ah, Henry,” Amaya cooed, making you roll your eyes even harder.
 “Both of you stop. You’re not funny.”
 “We approve.”
 “I second that,” Alicia added.
 “What? Really?”
 “Are you kidding? Yeah. Not only is he gorgeous, like drop dead gorgeous, but he is also super nice. Throughout dinner he was very courteous and sincere. You know I’m a good people reader,” Amaya attested.
 “He’s funny, and he seemed to be genuine with his efforts to get to know Mya and me. He also was putting in effort into proving something to you.”
 Sighing, you took a few sips of your water.
 “Honestly, I couldn’t find anything wrong with him.”
 “Really? Perfection?”
 You couldn’t believe your ears. Yes, you’d suspected they liked him, but the perfect word was just uttered. It was never spoken of, not by them.
 “Pretty much,” Amaya doubled down.
 “Tell me about it. Move on that before some other chick does. He will not be single for long,” Amaya added.
 For some reason, this was the first time you’d thought about that, and you couldn’t believe it. She was right. He was gorgeous, among other things, and women already fawned over him. He wouldn’t be licking his wounds much longer. A knot formed in your gut, and a sour taste in your mouth followed. Glancing away from their penetrative gazes, you looked around the restaurant and nearly dropped the water glass when you saw Henry across the restaurant laughing. This was the first time you’d seen him in person since your breakfast in New York weeks and weeks ago, and he looked great.
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Your eyes drank him up, taking their time soaking up every detail of his face, the slight stubble that decorated his chiseled jaw, his perfectly imperfect smile, his hair that fell slightly longer than you remembered. When he spoke again, you watched his mouth move and quickly got lost. You didn’t have to hear his words. You knew how he spoke them. You knew the effect his voice had. At the thought of that effect, you peeled your eyes away and tried to keep them on either Alicia, Amaya, or the table. Of course, it was impossible. Your eyes continuously found him, and it was on him they remained until you forced yourself to look away.
 “What do you keep looking at?”
 Amaya glanced around the restaurant. You knew she’d found him because when she turned to face you again, her smile was as wide as a thief's.
 “Oh ho ho, looks like fate is on mine and Leece’s side.”
 “Stop. Be cool, act natural. Don’t make a scene,” you pleaded.
 “Look at that, same place, same time, just mere feet away.”
 From the tone of her voice, you knew she was tempted to fuck with you.
 “Stop, Amaya. Don’t.”
 Trying to keep your voice down and the panic from your face, you pleaded again. “Just don’t.”
 Amaya studied you for a few moments before she nodded in defeat. Relief flooded you. Though you tried, you couldn’t get your head back onto lunch and off of him no matter how you tried. The three of you left shortly after passing his table on the way out.
 Thanks to a little free time, you, Amaya, and Alicia were able to soak up some shopping in London and before getting back to the hotel for a quick change, then dinner. Even though you tried to stop thinking about Henry’s face earlier, you weren’t the least bit successful, but you played it off like everything was cool. You didn’t know if you fooled either of them, but you really didn’t care. You were so ready to get the hell out of London.
  -That Night-
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Big Ben’s chime for one in the morning ringing out all around you. It was yet another night of sleeplessness. From your seat at the window, you could feel the nice breeze. It still smelled like rain, but for whatever reason, the rain was staying away. Finishing your glass of wine, you sighed out and nearly leaped out your skin when your phone rang in the quiet room.
 “What’s wrong?”
 You smiled from the unexpected sound of your gramaw’s voice. It was like the concrete gate you had around your heart that was constricting it to the point where it was challenging to breathe loosened.
 Sighing, you leaned back, reclining against the surface.
 “I think I fell in love,” you whispered.
 “In love?”
 Hearing the words said back to you made you close your eyes and shake your head.
 “Yeah, at least I think that’s what I’m feeling. I can’t sleep well, not that I could before. I feel a little depressed, and I can’t pinpoint why, but when I think about it, I feel this way when I think about him. Not to mention, I think about him all the time. Christ, I even dream about him.”
 Pausing, you glanced at your phone to find his picture there. It was the last thing you’d been looking at before tossing your phone away.
 “I truly feel like I did something wrong, like I was wrong,” you confessed.
 “Have you talked to him?”
 Hitting your head back, you groaned. “Not since he called me and told me I’m missing out on him and gave me all the reasons why I should realizing I’m missing out.”
 You couldn't help but smile at his words as you remembered them.
 “Do you feel like you’re missing out?”
 Your Gramaw always knew the right questions to ask. She was one of the few that did, one of the few that you’d even listen to. Bowing your head, you sighed again.
 “Maybe. Normally I’m sure about someone and sure that I don’t need or want them in my life, but with him—I have doubts with my snap judgment.”
 “Oh no, snap judgments are never a good thing, Aliya.”
 You groaned hearing the disappointment in her voice. “I know, jeez do I know.”
 “What do you feel like doing?”
 You scoffed, if you knew that you wouldn’t be going through this struggle.
 “I’ll be to you in a few days. I’ll see you soon.”
 “Your heart, Aliya, not your head,” she cautioned before you ended the call.
 For the next thirty or so minutes, you paced the balcony of your room as you debated with yourself over what you were going to do. After psyching yourself up as much as you could, you bit the bullet dialing Henry’s number before you talked yourself out of it. After one ring, you almost hung up but forced yourself to stick through the terror running through you. Two rings passed, then three. At the fourth you began to lower your hand to end the call and then his voice echoed through the speaker.
 You froze drawing a blank and forgetting for a moment you had a voice.
 “Hello,” you whispered.
 The rustling on his end was loud but brief.
 Swallowing the lump, you took a deep breath. “Yeah. Hi.”
 “It’s after one in the morning. Is everything all right? Are you hurt?”
 Your heart lurched, and a soft smile spread across your lips. “Yeah, I’m okay. I’m not hurt,” you assured.
 He sighed, then yawned.
 “I uh—I know it’s late or early. I know you, um, probably have something better to do than be up. I’m sorry if I woke you,” you half rushed and stuttered out.
 “You’re rambling, Aliya.” You stopped your pacing then and slapped your forehead.
 “Yes, I am. I do that when I’m nervous,” you blurted.
 “Why are you nervous?”
 Pausing, you gripped the rail on the balcony and used it to center yourself and get your nerves under control.
 “Well, I’m about to ask the man I told I wouldn’t be with to meet me somewhere at nearly two in the morning. I’m—sending major mixed signals.”
 Henry didn’t speak right away. Instead, he waited, making you chew your bottom lip as your anxiety increased.
 “Wh—why? Why what?”
 “Why should I?”
 Stunned, your jaw dropped. “Oh, wow, out with the hard questions. Okay. Um—well—you should meet me because uh—it’s not often that I realize I was wrong or did something wrong and when I realize that, I like to say so.”
 Again the silence over the phone stretched for long moments. After a full minute of it, your anxiety peaked.
 “Still there?”
 Henry sighed. “I’m here. I’m thinking.”
 His voice sounded so deliciously deep. Either you had woken him, and this was his sleepy voice, or he was purposely giving you that sexy baritone.
 “By all means. Think as long as you need to. Um—I’ll be at the eye until 2:30. I um—I hope you show. If you don’t, I understand, really I do and no hard feelings.”
 Quickly you ended the call and panted as if you’d been running a marathon all in an effort to calm yourself down. It had been years since you’d put yourself through something like that, and you had a feeling it was only the beginning of you making amends.
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Being Aliya Taylor afforded you some perks, and one was being able to have access to the eye well after closing. All it took was one call, well two to be exact, and voila, you were sitting in one of the cars anxiously waiting for Henry. You had no idea if he’d show, and the more and more time that passed with him not magically appearing, the more and more your brain worked overtime. The scenery helped a lot, but when you glanced at your watch and saw that it was almost 2:30, the scenery could do no more. Your nerves and anxiety had erupted like a volcano.
 “You shouldn’t be out here alone.”
 Spinning, you saw Henry at the door still on the platform. You released a relieved sigh, realizing he hadn’t stood you up.
 “Good thing I’m not—anymore.”
 Henry stepped into the car and took a few steps to you but stopped when he was still a ways away.
 “London after two is not safe,” Henry informed.
 “I know.”
 The doors closed, and the contraption began moving.
 “How in the world did you get them to open this for you?”
 Smiling, you shrugged. “I may know people in high places,” you replied, which made him smile.
“This is one of my favorite places in London,” you announced as you walked around the car, taking care not to get too close. You didn’t know if you could handle it right away, and you had to feel him out to see what his coming really meant.
 “You can see all of greater London from here and out to the countryside if you really look once you’re up high.”
 Henry also walked around the car, mirroring your intentions. Neither of you came close enough to touch one another.
 “How often do you come to London?”
 “A lot. I have some family here, plus I prefer the countryside.”
 “So you have some British blood,” Henry inquired, half a question, half a statement.
 “I had to. Only the Bris would dare think to send their daughters off to finishing school,” you quipped.
 Henry’s laugh filled the car, making you smile widely. He walked to one of the many windows turning his back to you. Slowly you looked over his broad back, taking in every detail. Your fingers could still remember what the dance of his muscles felt like underneath them, and they itched to feel them dance again. Taking a deep breath, you fiddled your fingers.
 “Uh--I hope I didn’t interrupt anything important by asking you here. Like I hope I didn’t impose on—anyone.”
 You were fishing, it was obvious, and you felt no shame.
 “Eh, who needs sleep anyway. I can sleep when I’m dead,” Henry replied with a shrug of those magnificent shoulders still keeping his back to you.
 “Were um--were you uh—sleeping—alone?”
 Your heart was pounding so loudly you could swear he could hear it. He didn’t speak or turn around. He just stood there torturing you. You wondered if he knew it was sheer torture what he was doing. Did he even care? The longer he remained quiet, the more you freaked out until you decided to backtrack all the way back.
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“I’m sorry. Don’t answer that. It is absolutely none of my business. I don’t even know why I asked that,” you rushed out, rubbing your forehead from embarrassment before beginning to pace the car.
 That was when Henry chose to turn around.
 “I know a woman doesn’t say something she doesn’t mean, and usually when a woman asks a question, she wants to know the answer either to prove herself right or in hopes she’s wrong. What is it for you?”
 His voice made you stop in the midst of pacing to watch his mouth as he spoke. There was something poetic about how he spoke, and it always distracted you. Nibbling your bottom lip, you thought about how to respond. You were already tired of the verbal Olympics and talking around each other.
 Sighing, you rolled your eyes. “Henry--.”
 “You know that’s the first time you’ve said my name without the word goodbye in front of it.”
 That made you snap your mouth shut. Had it?
 “That’s not true,” you protested.
 “It actually is. I was beginning to think you like saying goodbye rather than hello.”
 You took a step to him. “That’s not true. I like saying hello way more than goodbye,” you defended.
 The neutral look on his face gave you no confidence to go on, so you rolled your eyes and continued to walk around the car. This would be harder than you expected, you thought.
 “I was sleeping alone. I’ve slept alone for quite some time now,” he informed just as you were looking out of the window to the city.
 “Look, Henry, I-,” you began again, but then henry cut you off.
 “That day in New York those weeks ago, I should have plain and simply laid it out for you. I should have told you everything. I was with Francesca--.”
 “Don’t, don’t, don’t. I honestly don’t want to know.”
 “But you need to know. There is no way you can begin to trust me or begin to let yourself gravitate to me the way you’re entire being wants until you know,” Henry slid out. Pressing your palm to your abdomen, you tried to slow the butterflies that began flitting.
 “I was with Francesca for about two years. The whole time I knew she wanted a family in life. She was always vocal about her wanting to get married young and have kids. I knew, but I never paid attention to it. I was away filming something for a while, and when I came home one weekend, I caught her with someone else.”
 Your eyes widened, hearing his words.
 “turns out she was beginning a relationship with someone else, someone who she thought would lead to marriage and kids,” Henry added. His voice held steady, but you could imagine the pain going through those memories again.
 “I’m sorry.”
 Henry shook his head, “It’s not necessary. After a few months of her trying to make amends, I thought we’d try again.” He scoffed then rubbed the back of his neck. “I’m a hopeless romantic. After months of trying, I knew it wouldn’t work, but I kept a relationship of sorts with her.”
 You understood. They were bed buddies.
 “I then met Abby, and what started as a fling developed into something more. Long story short, I got wind of a rumor she was using me for fame and money, so I distanced myself from her. after some time of her telling I had it all wrong, I decided it was easier keeping her around though my heart wasn’t in it. I wasn’t juggling them. I hadn’t slept with either of them in a long time. I just—I felt it was better to have someone who misses me and wants me than living the lonely actor life.”
 His honesty had you frozen. When he began to explain, you hadn’t expected him to reveal so much. You expected a bare minimum explanation, but what you’d gotten revealed so much more about him. You felt bad.
 “I guess allowing the attentions and affections to remain is just as bad as juggling them. I was playing with their hearts. I’m not proud of it.”
 Henry dipped his head, showing he felt some shame for his actions.
 “When I met you, I realized although I had these two women sort of vying for me, I was still lonely, but those moments we were together, I didn’t feel alone. I felt--,” he paused as if trying to find the right word. His hesitation made you look down.
 You knew what you’d felt.
 “When I met you, I felt someone I’d never felt before, something I don’t fully understand. I don’t know what that means, but I know I want to find out—with you.”
 Finally, able to release the breath you held, you took another, then cleared your throat. “I’m not juggling two guys. I was dating two guys, but not sleeping with both. I was with Liam first, and we had an okay relationship. We were busy, never saw each other and when we did it wasn’t for long. He um—he got annoyed and broke up with me. He said I was impacting his work, and he needed to focus.”
 You remembered how he’d said it too. He’d said it like you were the one to blame for the roles he’d gotten or hadn’t gotten.
 “I was fine with it, and during those five months apart, I met Jesse. We worked together and had fun and began dating. It wasn't anything sexual. Then Liam comes back and wants to pick up where we left off. I told him about Jesse, and he was fine with it.”
 The shock on Henry’s face almost made you laugh. Alicia and Amaya were also surprised they’d chosen that unconventional path. Amaya, of course, thought you should have kept it secret from both of them.
 “One day, Jesse sees Liam and me out, and it pissed him off enough to end things. Three weeks later, I lay it out for both that I don’t want to choose, and I don’t want anything serious. They were both fine with it, and so it went on. Six months later, I decided I needed to be on my own to focus on work and me. They didn’t like the decision. They call and text me to try to—rekindle something.”
 Henry scoffed, and you watched a soft smile tickle his lips.
 “I haven’t physically seen either of them in weeks, now maybe months,” you finished.
 Henry was quiet for a few seconds before he snorted.
 “They were mad.”
 “No, mad, bonkers,” Henry clarified.
 “Oh, crazy.”
 “Yeah. To be okay to share you, be willing to do something like that. I couldn’t do that,” Henry informed, making you smile in the process.
 “Well, men do crazy things.”
 “I can attest to that, but I’d never do something that crazy. I can’t share what’s mine. I won’t.”
 Your eyes locked, and your body swayed toward his. It was like he was metal and you a magnet. Everything in you wanted to be close to him. The more you tried to fight the pull, the harder it became to breathe. The harder it was to breathe, the dizzier you became.
 “I—I—I—I,” you began before gulping the knot in your throat down that was making you speak in a raspy whisper. “I don’t—know what this is.”
 Henry nodded.
 “I am not used to not knowing and being out of control,” you continued.
 “You feel less controlled too?”
 You couldn't help but to nod. Once you did, Henry took a step to you. You took a step back.
 “Hold on. I like control. I like control a lot. Anything that threatens that control is not for me.”
 Henry’s eyes lowered but only for a moment before he was looking right back into yours.
 “But—I really want to find out why you make me less controlled,” you finally admitted.
 The uncertainty on his face spoke volumes.  “What does that mean? Where does that leave this—us?”
 You chewed your bottom lip; you realized how ill-prepared you’d been.
 “Honestly, I didn’t think this meeting out that far. I only planned up to when you showed up. I’ve um—I’ve been winging it this whole time.”
 His smile started small but spread wide in seconds; then, he laughed loudly.
 “So you won’t mind me making a plan?”
 Oh lord, you thought, feeling his alpha pop out. You bit your bottom lip again.
 “What kind of plan?”
 Henry closed the remaining space between you. Every step he took had you shaking even more.
 “A plan that I’ve envisioned every night since brunch.”
Stopped in front of you and held you captivated by his gaze and the sheer dominating energy rolling off of him. The way he stood there taller than you made your mouth run dry.
 “Jesus, you’re freakishly short,” Henry teased in his perfect Englishman voice.
 Smiling, you shook your head. “I know, I debated wearing heels but didn’t—I wanted you to see me normal for someone reason I don’t under--.”
 Henry’s sudden movement cut you off. He dipped down the entire foot he overshadowed you and lifted you into the air to hold you flush against his body. Then he lowered his lips to yours, taking and keeping control of an intensely passionate kiss. A kiss you hadn’t known you craved until it began, a kiss you were not prepared for. You moaned against his lips, and that moan triggered his. Wrapping your arm around his neck, you clung to him, and every sensation you were feeling and even new ones he was awakening within you.
 Slowly, Henry pulled his lips from your, but he kept your body to his. You kept your eyes closed, relishing the lingering effects.
 “You’re shaking,” Henry whispered.
 “So are you.”
 You opened your eyes and gazed into his as he slowly lowered you back to your feet.
 “What else is part of your plan?”
 Henry's smile spread across his face. “For me to carry out any other part of my plan would be completely rakish of  me.”
 His smile was adorable, but still intimidatingly sexy.
 “I take it you’re not a rake.”
 “Not in the least.”
 “All right. So, alternate plan?”
 He smiled again. “Still pretty rakish.”
 With that, he brought his lips back to yours, but this time he didn’t pull back for several long minutes.
 Though you knew people in high places, it didn’t mean you could keep the eye open all morning. After three trips around, the two of you got off then walked around London holding hands and eating ice cream. It was such a weird sensation allowing someone to hold your hand. It had been a long time since you’d ever wanted to. The entire time you laughed and talked about everything and nothing at the same time. One thing was clear; neither of you was in any rush for your time together to end.
 But end, it had to. When Henry walked you back to your hotel, it was almost time for the sun to come up.
 “Home safe and sound,” Henry joked.
 “Yes, thanks to Superman.”
 “No, no, I’m just the man. Henry Cavill.”
 He held his hand out to you. Smiling, you rolled your eyes.
 “Now is when we get to this?”
 His goofy smile and shrug had your head skip a beat.
 “Aliya Taylor,” you said, shaking his hand.
 “Nice to meet you. Mind if I call you Aliya or Liya, that's all a mouthful,” Henry teased.
 Your laugh was loud, and you had to clamp your hand over your mouth, remembering what time it was.
 “Yes, you can call me either. Can I call you Henners or Hank?”
 “No. My friends call me that.”
 “So, I’m not your friend?”
 “If I have anything to say about it, which I do, then no. I don’t want you as a friend.” Henry replied, making you smile like a little girl at Christmas.
 “Then what do you want me as?”
 Your eyes lingered for a few seconds before Henry was pulling you closer to brush the back of his hand against your cheek.
 “For now, I’ll settle for my girlfriend.”
 The man was an expert at charm. You bit into your bottom lip and tried to stop smiling. “Girlfriend, wow. That’s a loaded title. What does it entail?”
 “Well, for one, it entails being your true self with me, accepting my true self, being there for me when I need you, letting me be there for you when you need me or when I need you, allowing me to be your strength when you’re weak, your hope when you’re hopeless. Allowing me to grow with you, learn with you. Giving me your time and attention, enough of it so what we have can grow. Trusting me and letting me spoil you rotten.”
 If he weren’t holding you against him, you would have fallen back.
 “Is that all?”
 Henry leaned closer kisses your cheek. “To begin.”
 “And if I refused to be this girlfriend you speak of?”
 “Then I’d just have to convince you,” Henry cooed.
 Right on que, Henry dipped his lips to yours. The second they touched, you moaned and held him close. Why resist when you could enjoy it, you thought. His tongue swirled with yours before he nibbled then sucked your bottom lip. When he pulled back, your eyes remained closed.
 “I’m convinced.”
 Henry pecked your lips once, then twice. “Good. Girlfriend.”
 Your eyes locked again, and you forgot all common sense for what felt like an eternity.
 “Eh-em—I have to be on a set in the morning.”
 “Which is now,” Henry filled in.
 Still hazed in the brain, you stuttered and smiled like a fool.
 “Mm, did I stay out all night?”
 “You did. I hope it was worth it.”
 Smiling, you kissed his jaw. “We’ll see,” you whispered as you backed away from him, making your way to the door.
 “Good morning, Henry.”
 He smiled again, watching you disappear inside the hotel. As you walked to the elevator bank, you couldn’t stop smiling or stop the butterflies that had been flying all night in your stomach. As you stepped onto the elevator and watched the doors closed, you recognized the feeling you felt as happiness. It had been absent for a long time.
***If you want to be tagged please SEND AN ASK SO IT WILL BE EASIER FOR ME TO KEEP TRACK OF. Thank you for reading!!!***
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119 notes · View notes
redinkofshame · 3 years
 1. How many works do you have on AO3?
17! My favorite number.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
178,176. Dang!
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
@theDuckPond Solavellan slow burn? smlungst, 62,553 words
New Life papae!Solas with lots of smut, 6606 words
Marigolds in the Hanged Man Varrigold! :D Varric/Marigold, 43,527 words
(3.5 is Dreaming With You (Solas x Reader), but I’m only a partial writer on that one so I’m not counting it.)
Labor and Loss papae!Solas with lots of sad, 4097 words
Kirkwall Karaoke f!Fenhawke drunken shenanigans, 7023 words
Wow I wasn’t expecting my karaoke fic to be on this list! And you guys really like your papae!Solas :D
4. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I do, yes, because when I leave comments it gives me anxiety that only seeing them reply fixes and I want to do that for other people. Unfortunately back when I updated every week (lol) I got in the habit of replying to comments when I posted something new... So now when I go a long time without posting a new chapter I leave the comments on read for a long time. Sorry guys!!
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Honestly? This Nonsense. (Link is to a long series of messages to @keturagh at 3am, no joke.) 
But, since then, I’ve figured out an alternative ending that’s much happier. I can’t help it. I want happy endings.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
As per #5, all of them lol. The first one that came to mind was Marigolds, but honestly my soulmate au Vhenaslin feels the fluffiest to me. 
And, of course, there’s this one ;) 
7. Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
I haven’t, not yet :( Like, I like the concept but no combination I’ve thought of has given me even the slightest bit of inspiration.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Yep! I received one that was something like “Congrats! You’ve written the most insufferable OC I’ve ever read!!” and it was fucking hilarious because it was on, like, chapter 6? You read 6 chapters about a character you didn’t like and somehow it’s my fault?? lmao
There was another one I can’t remember, too, and twice people have called Elle a bitch. All of these happened to Elle from Duck Pond, so if that’s not a glowing recommendation~
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
ROFL yeah that’s why I’m here. Like literally why I joined the fandom. 
Everyone I’ve written is m/f and not particularly kinky but pretty damn explicit. Sometimes I do fade-to-black or gloss over for pacing, but mostly... Yeah. There’s smut. let Solas nut
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of. Sure af hope not.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope. At least, not that I know of!
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! There was a Solas x Reader post on tumblr that people were reblogging and adding a little more too, and I guess that the foreplay went on too long because @keturagh sent it to me like ‘you’re the expert of getting the P in the V!’ and I’ve never written Reader fic before (or since) but who am I to disappoint!! 
Then someone compiled it all and put it on AO3 here. I don’t have a damn clue where my writing begins -- other than I got the P in the V lol. Every once in a while I get a notification of a comment or kudos on it and  every SINGLE time I’m like
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13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Very clearly Solavellan. Though I’m also very into Opal/Nik from the Minimum Wage Magic books by Rachel Aaron. I listened to the audiobook because Patrick Weekes shared their reading list on twitter once and it was on there and I’m a HUGE sucker for juxtaposition. Gets me every time. 
I’ve since read uuuhhhh almost everything Rachel Aaron/Bachs has read, and there’s lots of great stuff in there, but MWM is still my favorite series of hers by far. My own personal Couch AU. 
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Uuhhhh.... So many? Or more like I’m scared I never will, in any case. I started drafting a list of my WIPs and it got... long. I can’t think of any I made a deliberate choice to never finish. There’s only 1 fic that I wrote that I didn’t post.
15. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue, pacing, and sex~ 
I consider my dialogue my biggest asset as a writer tbh
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
WRITING THE WORDS DOWN and also how do plot?
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
In the fandom there’s a tendency to write lines in elvhen and then put the translation at the end and yeah no it drives me bonkers. It completely destroys the immersion and pacing for no pay off. I’m not going to scroll down to understand your story. I just read it straight and try to figure out what’s going on based on context. 
I stick with the well-known canon lines that most of us obsessed fans know by heart. I think sometimes I put a translation in there for newcomers, maybe? One time I used a feature on AO3 where you can hover your mouse over the work and it has like a footnote? that you can use to translate. But I immediately stopped bc #1 I don’t know how that works on mobile and #2 it really doesn’t seem like that’s going to work with screen readers. But otherwise I just say ‘they said in elven’ or have the narrator translate it themself for the reader. 
Also, a lot of people use the elvhen translations from that BNF’s project and like... If you WANT him to say ‘I want to paint you with my cum’ then just have the courage to say it straight! 
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
lmao Harvest Moon. Yeah. After that was Tamora Pierce (modern girl in Tortall yep). Then was like a 15 year gap until I got frustrated at the slow pace of the romance with this egg in this game so I wanted to see if there was smut... (Cue Googling: Is FanFiction.Net still a thing?)
19. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Oh gosh. Hmm. I love all my girls, but Duck Pond was/is a major work of love. Unlike my short works I really had the chance to explore more in a full length fic, you know?
(Marigolds is also full length but it was my first fic and there’s some spots that I’m not too proud of.)
That’s all the questions but I’m adding:
20. What’s a fic you’re proud of that hasn’t gotten much attention?
because I want an excuse to mention how hard I worked on Kirkwall Noir and how I’m surprised how little readership it’s gotten. It’s Varric! It’s Marigold! It’s super short, unlike most my stuff. Maybe that’s why people don’t like it?
Hmm, I also used a AO3 pen name, but it would still show on my page, right? 
Thank you for the tags, @roguelioness and @thevikingwoman !!  Consider yourself re-tagged so you can answer #20. Also tagging: @blarfkey @broomclosetkink @elveny @bardinhightown @keturagh​ @luzial​ 
14 notes · View notes
Contemplative Raccoon Times pt IV
This is just me talking to myself for like 900 words. Not really story related to anyone. Also me talking about how I interact with NSFW content. 
It’s kinda like a vent? Idk I just like processing this stuff like this so. You’re under no obligation to read it just me talking to myself okie doke drink your water and have a good day loves 💛
I’ve been thinking a lot about the assumptions that I grew up with. I’m not going to get into them, but I was raised pretty conservative. I’m taking this point in my life to really question them and see what I think on subjects. 
I like this world a lot better. 
Lately, the one that I’ve really been looking into is how I relate to sexual or NSFW content. It was something that I was taught to be shunned, to not really be talked about or discussed. And for me, it was really easy to just hand wave. In fact, I didn’t understand why everyone else was so hung up on it?? Like, it’s not that deep?? 
And then I found out I’m Ace lol. Queue the “OHH” sound effect. 
But really tho, it’s just not something I tend to think about. But now, I’m circling in this; “Do i disregard it from pure disinterest or because I’ve been told I should?” 
I like NSFW whump. I follow blogs that mainly do it, I have troupes I like and all that. There is some incredibly fantastic writers in the community and I love them all dearly. Artists and writers and creatives of all types. 
I just can’t write it. I’ve tried, really. I had an old OC that I wrote like 2 pieces for and then I had to scrap because it felt so deeply incorrect for some reason. Again, I like NSFW whump, it was just something about me writing it. I scrapped him. 
If anyone remembers Mark Davies, one of the reasons I had trouble relating to his story was that it included Romantic training in the BBU. I struggled with it, and eventually had to drop him as an OC because of it. 
If it’s just that NSFW is not interesting to me, that’s fine. I don’t really care. BUT, if it’s that I have some sort of hang ups about the “appropriateness” of NSFW whump… mnmnmnm i don’t like that. So i’ve really been thinking and examining how I interact with this type of content. 
And I still don’t know. 
As for me writing it, I think it’s just a side effect of how I write. All of my characters are me. Really. They are all part of my personality that I added other bits to until they seemed like a different person, but I’m the root of their emotions. I find it incredibly therapeutic. 
Silver is that chaotic angry energy from graduating college and then realizing that the world is bigger than you thought and you’ve ignored parts of yourself and other people for so long cause you were told you were supposed to so now you just want to try everything and sure maybe you’re making some dumb choices but they’re your dumb choices and you don’t want to live your life based on other people’s mistakes so you just keep running and going and doing. I’ve settled in that mindset, but I still know it well so whenever I want to write for Silver I use that as a base. He’s me. 
Brody is my people pleasing side. He’s how I dealt with bullies (true story). I used to tell myself/other people “People don’t hit things they think are cute as hard.” It’s the way that I ingratiate myself to people I don’t trust, it’s the only armor I feel like I have sometimes. So, by writing through Brody I get to examine that and grow in it and through it. I get to work through that stuff and have fun while I write! It’s perfect! He’s me. 
Tool/JJ is shame. Just, the shame that I lump onto myself. Academic shame, personal shame, any type of shame. How it controls you and how it can turn yourself into someone else. I haven’t stated a lot their story yet, but I know how they react to things that will happen in the future and I’m laying the groundwork for it now. They’re me. 
Nik… aw sweet baby Nik. Nik came from this inherent feeling of being trapped that I felt for a long time. Of course, I didn’t realize what I was doing at the time but I can see it now. That actually came to light IRL and I dealt with it, but when it comes back up I feel myself gravitating back to Nik. He’s me. 
(That doesn’t mean that every whump piece is me having an existential crisis - just that I tend to build characters off aspects of myself because that makes them easier to relate to. I do just enjoy making up stories and torturing them as well lol) 
So when I look at my characters; they’re all me. And I’m not personally comfortable with/interested in personal sexual expression, and it bleeds over into them. Even when I tried to make an OC specifically for it, it bled over again and I couldn’t go through with it. 
What is the point of this post??? I dunno. I have such a weird push and pull with NSFW whump where I’m right at the line and I suddenly pull away. I’m still not sure where I stand, I’m still not sure how I interact with it. I guess I just wanted to be open and honest with y’all. 
Also the idea of #raccoon after dark is a brilliant name for a NSFW tag and I kinda want to use it. 
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gothpanda · 4 years
A Little Bit of Attitude Ch. 37: Vancouver
A/N: haha three ch in under a week? love that for me
TAGS: @madamsixx @nosebleedblitz​
Read On Ao3
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February 5th, 1988
Tucson, Arizona
Nikki popped his bubblegum, resting his leg across his other to get comfortable in the dark green armchair. He waited patiently in the therapy office, looking out the wall-to-ceiling window to the Arizona desert. The sound of the door opening made Nikki's head turn, the on-edge feeling turning into a relaxed emotion.
"Sorry I'm late, Nikki. I had run into a colleague for a minute," said the Dr. grabbing his notebook from his desk.
"It's okay, Ortiz. Felt nice to think of what to say before we started," politely said Nikki, spitting his gum out onto a tissue.
"Good. It's always best to think before rambling during an appointment. Gets all the bases," said Dr. Ortiz, sitting down in front of Nikki. He clipped his pen and wrote down the date on his notes for Nikki. "So, how have we been feeling personally?"
"My mood has been good. I haven't tanked and felt depressed. It feels great to say that. I really haven't felt depressed since being here," said Nikki, scoffing at the fact of being healthy working out for him.  
"Well done then. According to my notes here, you had a group therapy session a couple of days ago with a guest? Is that correct?" asked Dr. Ortiz. Nikki nodded. "And how was it seeing a familiar face for the first time since admitting yourself into rehab?"
"I was happy, then I was scared. Scared and happy at the same time. I don't know how anyone can have those feelings together, but I did," said Nikki, rubbing his hands together, Sammi's face popping in his head.
"Why were you scared?" asked Dr. Ortiz, ready to write down what Nikki was about to say.
"Sammi and I didn't leave on the greatest terms in California. When I saw her, I was scared of what she would say about being around me when I was doing heroin,"
"And how did you feel in the end after she expressed her feelings?"
"Sad… I really didn't realize how horrible Sammi felt about everything from the moment I started. It never crossed my mind the conversation we had when we broke up. I don't want to hurt her like that ever again," said Nikki, continuing to rub his hands together.
"While it may have been a terrible feeling to hear to her side of the abuse, it helps make you a better person living a sober life and get rid of the fear,"
"What if I'm still scared of being sober?" asked Nikki, looking down at his feet
"And what is it that you're scared of exactly?"
Nikki sighed, rubbing his hands on his pants. "What if I'm a terrible boyfriend to her being sober? That's what I'm scared about,"
Dr. Ortiz is taken aback but almost lets out a chuckle. "Why would you believe you'd make a terrible boyfriend? You seemed like a great man to her and only her. Even with your troubles from all of our sessions. So why worry when you'd be healthy?"
"Because I've never been with someone I love without some kind of 'help,'" said Nikki, blushing from saying the L-word. "I've always been under the influence even to a small extent with Sammi because I needed it. Without drugs I'm a timid man who wants to be with the smartest girl he ever met," sighed Nikki. "That's why I'm scared,"
Dr. Ortiz takes a second to think before speaking, ready to talk man to man. "Nikki, I'm not going to be speaking in a way of a therapist but how a normal married man would. If Sammi dealt and stuck around long enough when you had your shit, then what makes you think she's not going to love Sober Nikki?" asked Dr. Ortiz, narrowing his eyes at Nikki.
"But she blamed herself for me dying…"
"And that is when you act like a man and treat her like the queen she is to you. Understood?" Nikki only nodded. "Very good. It's going to be a learning curve but hiding isn't going to work out,"
June 3rd, 1988
San Francisco, California
Boxes upon boxes were scattered among the small place that was now Sammi's old apartment, ready to be filled with every single little thing she can take home. Sammi kneeled in front of one labeled 'photos' as Emma and Sabrina were graciously beside her, putting other things in different boxes. Sabrina organized all of Sammi's books while Emma took the time for her snack break.
"Thanks for the help you two, even if Emma's been eating the whole time," said Sammi, smiling over at Emma in the middle.
"Your kitchen is empty for your information thanks to me so you're welcome," said Emma with a mouth full of banana, Sabrina shaking her head playfully.
"Why thank you, Emma. Is it still hard to believe I'm finally done with school? No more having to deal with grades,"
"Tell me about it. I'm starting to miss it already and I'm only taking a year off," said Sabrina, reading the back of one book.
"Yeah yeah we get it. You two are done with college while my ass is still going to classes," said Emma, pouting.
"Awe you'll be fine," said Sabrina, pinching Emma's cheeks. "Just one more year and then you'll be free to your heart's content," The three girls chuckled along, Sammi continuing to pack her belongings on the living room floor.
"Hey Sam, I have a question," said Emma.
"Do you have any regrets moving over by yourself? I'm starting to think about what I wanna do when I graduate,"
"You're gonna leave me and move away?" asked Sabrina, raising an eyebrow.
"You're gonna leave us?" corrected Sammi.
Emma giggled at the two. "No, I'm not moving out just yet. I just want to know what it's like here since it's the 'gay mecca'. I have to be with the lesbians at some point," joked Emma.
Sammi stared into the distance for a moment, pursing her lips as she thought about the question, "Yeah I actually do. I wish I never moved here,"
"What? Why?" asked Emma, scrunching her brows together.
"Think about it. I didn't make any friends here. I only met rude and miserable people when I had the chance to make friends. All I have are bad memories. Me leaving didn't do any good back home with Nikki, leading to another fight with Vince. I should've just stayed in L.A,"
"Damn I never thought about it that way," said Sabrina.
"Me neither," added Emma.
"If I stayed then maybe I wouldn't have any awkward tension between Vince and now Nikki. Maybe we'd all be living under one roof. It's just something I think about," said Sammi, looking down at the scattered photos.
"Well hey, who needs friends when you have us," said Emma, swinging an arm around Sabrina to pull her into their side. Sammi only smiled at the two with a sweet chuckle before going back to finishing the last of the photos, taping the box shut.
"You do have multiple points. Speaking of which, how are the guys since getting out of rehab?" asked Sabrina.
"They are currently in Canada working on a new album, so that's always good. Tommy, Mick, and Vince left in April. I would say they're doing great since being out. Tommy was a big help going apartment hunting with me," said Sammi.
"What about Nik?" asked Emma.
Sammi sighed. "He went straight to Canada after being released. I haven't heard from him since that therapy session," said Sammi, lowering her eyes from Emma and Sabrina. They could see the change in Sammi's face. Even if she didn't say it loud, the girls knew Sammi missed Nikki.
"You should just go visit them," suggested Emma. "I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be the biggest shock in the world to the guys,"
"Yeah but this isn't a tour date. They're  working this time, and I don't want to be a nuisance,"
"You seriously don't think Heather or whoever is dating Vince doesn't barge in when they record back home?" asked Sabrina.
Sammi did shrug a shoulder in acknowledgment until something clicked in her head. "Wait I just remembered Mick said I could visit,"
"Then go!" shouted Emma and Sabrina in unison.
"Fine! Fine! I'll make some calls after we're home and I'm somewhat settled," said Sammi, standing up on her feet and walking to see what needed to be packed in parts of her bedroom.
June 14th, 1988
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
For being summer in Canada, the country proved to be the coldest place Sammi has ever visited, needing to wear her warmest leather jacket for the trip. She was quick to learn Vancouver was a calm city with still enough action going around. Sammi made a mental note to come back whenever L. A got too hot for her.
With the help of Doc setting Sammi up in Canada, it didn't take any time to find the recording studio Motley was working at. Sammi walked straight into the two-story building, hands in her pocket as she looked at the wooden interior. She stood right in the middle of the lobby where no one occupied the front desk, surprised by the quiet. The sound of steps walking down the stairs caused Sammi to turn on her heels, facing a young man with papers in his hand.
"Uh hey!" said Sammi, smiling politely at the young man.
"Hi… um who are you?" asked the skinny young man, walking down the last steps with hesitation.
"I'm Sammi, sorry to just pop in like this," said Sammi, extending out a hand.
"Like the name. I'm Kevin," said Kevin, shaking Sammi's hand. "What can I help you with?"
"Well I was wondering if Motley Crue was here right now. I'm Tommy's little sister," said Sammi, fixing the strap of her purse.
"Oh yeah they're upstairs with their producer right now. Did they know you were coming?" asked Kevin.
"No, I wanted to surprise them. It's been kind of boring back in California," smiled Sammi to hopefully let Kevin lead her to the boys.
"Well…" said Kevin, looking up the stairs and back at Sammi. "I know their producer Bob might not like you being here but I do know you're pretty special to the guys,"
"Yeah, the guys and I are pretty tight,"
"Alright then come with me," said Kevin, leading Sammi up the stairs. Kevin led Sammi through a spacious long hallway, knocking on the second door to their right. He peeked his head inside once, opening the door slightly. "Um, sir, the boys have a visitor,"
"I said no visitors. These four don't need any female distractions," said Bob in a deep and intimidating voice. Sammi almost regretted surprising the boys if they had this man working with them.
"It's Tommy's sister Sammi, sir,"
"Sammi!" yelled Tommy, Sammi hearing his steps rush out the door. Tommy swung the door open and, in one quick movement, engulfed Sammi in a tight hug, lifting her up in the air. "I've missed you!"
"It's only been 2 months!" giggled Sammi.
"I don't care, I miss you!" said Tommy, placing Sammi down on her feet. Before Sammi could say anything, she soon noticed Nikki right behind Tommy, almost in hiding. Nikki sheepishly had his hand in the back of his jean pockets and a slight smile on his lips.
"Hey, Sammi," uttered Nikki, stepping closer to Sammi. Sammi couldn't keep her eyes off Nikki, first noting every single new thing about the man. He had more tattoos all down his arm of what appeared to be Japanese artwork. It complimented his now bigger biceps and toned body, seeing Nikki's pecs through his shirt. Tommy could see the shock and plan to gawk on Sammi's face, finding it downright humorous.
When Nikki stood right in front of Sammi, Sammi blinked rapidly and cracked a smirk. "Wow. You look…" lingered Sammi.
"Different?" blushed Nikki.
"I was going to say great. You look great with your new look," smiled Sammi, finally one take forward and hugging Nikki like normal. Nikki didn't question anything, wrapping his strong arms tightly around Sammi. She could feel the difference in strength right away.
"Come on, let's not be greedy," said Tommy, grasping Sammi's shoulder and leading her into the recording room.
Without Sammi facing the terror twins, Tommy flashed a smirk to Nikki as if the adults were back to being teenagers in high school. Mick was the first to welcome Sammi in, heading straight for a hug and a pat on her head.
"Ain't this a surprise, Little girl," said Mick.
"You're the one who told me to come," smiled Sammi, causing Mick to shrug his shoulder.
Mick was almost pleased with himself. "Didn't think you'd take the bait," chuckled Mick. Mick looking healthy was Sammi's first thought, causing the smile to stick on her lips.
"Hey Sammi," said Vince, going straight for a hug that was gladly returned. "Finally we can have some fun around here,"
Right as Sammi was close to responding when the sight of Bob caused her to shut her mouth. Bob was a big tall man whose voice matched everything about him physically. He towered over Sammi, glaring down at her with an intense stare. Sammi took a few steps back, almost hiding right behind Nikki.
"Am I really that scary?" asked Bob, breaking into a smile.
"Do you want an honest answer?" asked Sammi, staying beside Nikki. Nikki crossed his arms, puffing his chest to seem as if he was protecting Sammi. Bob nodded. "You're more than a foot taller than me and built like a football player. You are scary to me!" said Sammi. Everyone burst into laughter, any tension dissipating.
"Well I am not a mean person. It's a pleasure to meet you, Sammi. You just came at the right second, the boys are on a break," said Bob.
"I really hope I'm not imposing. I can just go back to my hotel and wait,"
"No!" said Motley in unison.
"Sammi trust us, we need you for a bit," said Nikki, squeezing Sammi's shoulder gently.
"You can stay for the rest of the session if you like, Sammi. I'm serious. If anyone needs me, I'll be in the offices. We'll start recording vocals in 20," said Bob, walking out, having Kevin follow him right behind. Sammi let out a sigh of relief, happy to not bother anyone who was working with Motley.
"See, Sam, you're welcome wherever you go," said Tommy pulling out a chair for Sammi that she accepted.
"I guess I am. But enough about me, how's the album going?" excitedly asking Sammi, smiling with bright eyes at the guys.
As the guys all settled back into their seats, Mick whipped out a piece of paper of every song for their new album, all in Nikki's handwriting. Sammi took the form for closer examination, reading off every circled name of a song.  
"Okay so we have 'Dr. Feelgood'. That one sounds cool. 'Slice of Your Pie', I wonder what that one's about," said Sammi, glaring at all the guys with a smirk.
"Get your mind out of the gut, Samantha," teased Vince.
"Rattlesnake Shake. That one also sounds cool. Kickstart My Heart. That has to be about Nikki. Without you?" stopped Sammi, scrunching her brows together. She looked up at Motley, trying to read all their faces. Vince and Tommy shifted their eyes to each other, looking at Nikki and Mick. Nikki bounced his leg a bit more than usual. "What's 'Without You' about?" asked Sammi. Nikki and Tommy glanced at each other, waiting for one of the two to speak.
"It's a song about Heather and I. You know how record labels are about having love songs on albums," said Tommy, putting on a somewhat convincing smile.
"Oh so you wrote a song!" exclaimed Sammi. "That's awesome. Did you help him, Nikki?" Nikki shook his head. "Well can I hear it? Especially if you wrote it Tommy,"
"It's not done yet, Sam. We still need the instruments on some parts," said Vince, Nikki thanking him in his mind. "Anyway! How many days are you staying in Vancouver?" asked Vince.
"I'm only staying for 2 days. I just wanted to make sure you four were still good and running," said Sammi.
"Awe come on Sammi, you don't have to worry about us. We're adults who have now figured out life. Kind of," said Vince with a proud smug smile.
"Vince is right and we can prove it to you," said Nikki.
"Oh really? How so?" asked Sammi, raising a brow with a smirk to Nikki.
"How about you come out to our rental tonight. We can all make dinner together and catch up especially since I haven't seen you in months," said Nikki, matching Sammi's smirk.
"And whose fault is that, Nikki?" asked Tommy, chuckling at the glare he received. Sammi snickered but hid her smile behind her hands as Nikki faced her again.
"That sounds like a great idea, Nik. I would love that," smiled Sammi. It was like they were in their own little world again, where Nikki only knew Sammi. Vince didn't feel the massive sting of jealousy as before, only by a quarter of the feeling. Nevertheless, he had to admit it was nice to see Sammi happy as well as Nikki.
"I can pick you up from your hotel, Sam. Our place is basically in the middle of nowhere. It's by a small lake!" said Tommy.
"Well isn't that cute. I hope you four are ready for my cooking," teased Sammi, standing up from her seat as she noticed Bob about to walk into the room again. It was time to somewhat finish what the boys started, more vocals on Vince's behalf. Sammi just sat on the loveseat right behind Nikki with a happy smile on her face.
"Okay!" Bob clapped. "Let's get back to work!"
Sammi shouldn't have been surprised when she first laid eyes on Motley's rental house that appeared to be a country log cabin. It subtly screamed Nikki and his Idaho roots. A beautiful two-story log cabin in the middle of the green forest with a lake within walking distance. It was a fantastic little escape for the guys after a long day at the studio, calling this home for who knows how long. In the open space kitchen, Sammi and Tommy served the five plates ready for Sammi's food. Nikki set up the dining table with forks and knives, placing the guys' drink of choice. Without asking her, Nikki popped open a bottle of Sammi's favorite red wine and poured a glass for her. It didn't take much energy for Nikki to completely ignore the alcoholic drink. Vince and Tommy set the plates of food on top of each placemat while Mick put the garlic bread basket right in the middle. Everything smelled amazing.
"Okay! Are we all ready to eat?" asked Sammi, walking into the dining room, seeing Motley sat down like well-behaved children with Tommy leaving a spot right next to him. "I'll take that as a yes," Sammi said, sitting beside her brother.
It was a comfortable silence that filled the room. Only the sound being made was of forks hitting the plates that felt like music to Sammi's ears. Silent people eating was a compliment for Sammi.
"I forgot how great your cooking is, Sammi," said Vince, finally taking a breather as he sipped on his glass of water.
"It's just spaghetti with meatballs," snickered Sammi, looking over Tommy to see Vince.
"Yes but we are used to frozen meatballs and pregos spaghetti sauce," said Mick, mouth almost full of food.
Sammi shook her head, taking another bite of a meatball. She glanced over at Nikki right in front of her, smiling at how he ate in silence. "Nikki seems to love my food. His head has been down his plate the entire time." teased Sammi. Nikki only flipped Sammi off in a matter she knew was playful. Sammi notices her glass of wine, looking around the guys. She smelled it and took a sip, happy to know it's her favorite. "Did you pour me some wine, Tommy?" Tommy shook his head.
"I did," said Nikki. "I thought you would enjoy a nice glass of wine,"
"Sam, you don't have to quit drinking just because we did," said Mick, patting Nikki on the back. Sammi didn't say anything else, taking another sip of her wine.
"So, Samantha, a little birdie told me you got your pharmacy license. How does it feel being a full time grown up?" asked Nikki, relaxing in his chair.
"I'm so happy I passed, I did not want to react that stupid exam. Now it's just interviews back in L.A," said Sammi.
"Finally settled in at your new place?" asked Tommy, finishing the last of his food.
"Yeah I just need to figure out what to put in the second room. I only have my San Francisco sofa,"
"I'm surprised you kept anything from that tiny place," said Vince. "This might sound so stupid but does a pharmist apply? All I can think of is Walgreens,"
"I am mainly aiming at the hospitals now that most have their own private pharmacy," answered Sammi, finishing the last drop of wine. "Oh! I almost forgot! I finally bought a new car! It's a mustang,"
"Hallelujah! She finally listened!" said Nikki, dropping his head back to pretend he was looking at God.
Sammi smirked and flipped him off. "Great to know you didn't leave your sarcasm at rehab,"
"Oh, I love family dinners!" exclaimed Tommy, being the first of a domino effect to rise from his seat to take his dirty plate to the kitchen. Mick and Vince soon left, leaving Nikki and Sammi alone. They stayed in silence, Sammi scratching her neck as she looked away from Nikki. Nikki kept his eyes on Sammi.
"Do you wanna go for a walk outside? I can show you the lake," asked Nikki. Sammi only nodded.
As Nikki and Sammi walked beside the stream, they still kept a fair distance between themselves, keeping a guard up. Compared to how they were only a moment ago, they couldn't speak to each other the same way in privacy. One of them had to break the wall first, but they didn't know who it would be or what they would say first.
"I'm sorry," said Sammi.
Nikki halted, scrunching his brows in deep 11's at Sammi. "What? You're sorry? For what?"
Sammi sat down on the dry grass, inching close to dip her finger in the cold lake water; Nikki sat beside her. "I started to think after the therapy session about how we started, and I realized I wasn't nice. It wasn't ideal to how a couple should start,"
"Just hear me out, please," said Sammi, biting her lip as she stared out into the water. "When I got with Vince I knew you had feelings for me, but I didn't do anything about it. I just ditched you and you have to admit that must've hurt, Nikki. Even if we got together in the end,"
Nikki sighed out, pulling out pieces of grass under his feet. "Yeah it did,"
"I should've never gotten with Vince right after we had sex for the first time, and I'm sorry I would go to you when Vince pissed me off, I shouldn't have done that either. I knew how much you cared about me and I still listened to Athena & Tommy. I should've just chosen for myself," said Sammi, finally looking at Nikki.
"Would you have gotten with Vince even if your siblings weren't in your ear?" asked Nikki.
"No… but I think I needed it. I needed that little heartbreak to learn," said Sammi.
"Thank you. I appreciate it, Sammi. I really do," said Nikki with a smile. Sammi sighed out, feeling the weight leave her shoulders.
"Also I'm so fucking sorry I called you by that name. I was just-"
"Sammi, again, I appreciate it," chuckled Nikki. Silence soon filled between them again.
"Hey, have you happened to have any 'demons' hit you up?" asked Sammi.
Nikki dryly chuckled. "If you mean my past drug buddies, only one. Veronica called me when I was in rehab,"
"Oh," said Sammi in straight monotone.
"Don't worry, she finally got the idea we're not getting married,"
"Hope she returned that fucking ring. What did she want?" asked Sammi.
Nikki smiled at Sammi, finding her jealousy amusing. "She said she almost overdosed a week before calling me, only to have her call me high off her ass. So I just wished her well and hung up. I couldn't handle that,"
"You sadly can't fix them all I guess," said Sammi sadly.
"I'm scared, Sam. I'm scared to go back to L.A," blurted out Nikki.
"Because I'm not the same Nikki that left. I know I'm going to lose friends but what if I get home and find out I really had no one this whole time?" asked Nikki, looking down at the grass. "Then what do I do?"
Sammi swallowed away her nerves, inching closer to Nikki as she laid a gentle hand on his bicep. "Hey, look at me," said Sammi. Nikki turned, eye dilating from how close to Sammi for the first time. "You have people now who truly care about you and you alone. I can already see a better relationship between you and the guys," Sammi soon grew hesitant, looking away from Nikki for a second. "And you have me. That's all you need right now after finally getting better. Remember that," said Sammi, squeezing Nikki's arm.
It took all of Nikki's strength to not lean in and kiss Sammi but be a miracle he managed. "Thank you, Sammi. I appreciate it," said Nikki. Sammi rested on her knees and hugged Nikki the best way they could. Nikki leaned into her, wrapping an arm around her waist.
June 15th, 1988
A knock on the hard hotel door almost scares Sammi, jumping off her bed and softly tiptoeing to look through the peephole. When seeing Nikki appear anxious in the hallway, she swung the door open with worry.
"Nikki, what's wrong? Are you okay? Are the guys okay?" asked Sammi in one breath, lightly placing a hand on his chest. Nikki shook his head, walking right into the single bed hotel room.
"I, um, I just really needed to give you something before you go tomorrow," said Nikki, rubbing his fingers together in a nervous habit.
Sammi eyed Nikki, not downplaying scanning him from head to toe. "Okay but just know you're scaring me," said Sammi, sitting at the foot of the bed. Nikki stood right in front of Sammi, pulling out a cassette tape from his jean pocket. He gave it one last look before handing it to Sammi, not looking her in the eye. As Sammi took the cassette, she quickly noticed "Without You" written by Nikki on the front, scrunching her brows together.
"You can play this right when I leave," said Nikki, ready to walk right out of the room. Instead, Sammi took to hold onto his wrist.
"What the hell is going on? Why're you giving me the song Tommy wrote?" asked Sammi.
Nikki sighed. "Tommy didn't write it. I did. It's finally a love song I wrote that isn't disguised… and that's about us,"
"You wrote me a love song?" smiled Sammi. Nikki nodded with a blush on his cheeks. Sammi couldn't help it any longer, standing on the tips of toes, cradling Nikki's face as she leaned in for that kiss. A kiss so soft and kind, Nikki felt his heart burst out of his chest, afraid to kiss again.
"Thank you," whispered Sammi, a smile still on her lips. Nikki scoffed, matching a smile. "But I need to listen to this right now," Sammi said, darting straight to the radio on the desk table. Nikki didn't protest, only groaned as he dropped himself on the bed, hiding under a pillow. The song in its entirety was touching but more so for Sammi, paying deep attention to every lyric. Sammi took the cassette out when it finished, looking over at Nikki's body thrown on the bed. She stretched herself on the bed, taking the pillow off Nikki's face to see his deep red flush.
"I love you," said Sammi. Nikki looked up in shock at Sammi, lips parting as if he wanted to say something. But all he caught was another kiss from Sammi with more passion. The two fell almost into the same old routine, Nikki's hand caressing Sammi's hair, Sammi's hand on Nikki's clothed chest. As Sammi started to lower her hands, the feeling of excitement turned into anxiety for Nikki in a blink of an eye.
"Sammi," whispered Nikki, placing his hands on her shoulders, giving the distance between them.
"What's wrong?" asked Sammi. Nikki slowly sat up, wiping the sweat off his hands. He took a few deep breaths, not able to look in Sammi's direction. "Are you okay, Nikki?"
"Remember when I told you I was scared?" asked Nikki. Sammi nodded. "Being with you like this was in that same word," said Nikki, meeting Sammi's worried eyes. "I-I've never been sober and doing this… with you,"
"Not even a little sober?" asked Sammi.
"When I say I was dependent, I really mean it. I needed a bit of something to bring me nerves down,"
"Guess your shyness didn't go away either," joked Sammi, rubbing her finger softly on Nikki's cheek. "Nikki, I'm not going to pressure you to do anything you don't want to do,"
"And trust me I do. It's just what if I'm bad at everything I thought I was good at between us?"
"I don't think it works like that, sweetheart. But I still don't want you to feel pressured to sleep with me. We can just cuddle and fall asleep. It'll be okay," reassured Sammi.
Nikki smiled lovingly at Sammi, leaning in to kiss her softly. "I love you, Sammi Lee. I really do," whispered Nikki.
Sammi's cheeks flushed. "And I love you, Nikki Sixx," whispered Sammi, leaning her head on Nikki's shoulder.
"Come on, you have a flight in the morning," said Nikki, playfully pushing Samami down on the bed. As Nikki stood at the bed's foot to strip down to his boxers, Sammi got under the soft white covers. The two fell back into the routine of late-night tv and cuddles. Nikki having his arm securely around Sammi with her head laid on his bare chest. The feeling of calm security quickly engulfed the two after a long marathon of danger. It was perfect.
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darkangel0410 · 4 years
Hey, ya'll, as we yell one last ‘FUCK YOU’ at the absolute hell year that was 2020, I thought I would do a fic round-up of everything I wrote this year. Enjoy!
down to the last bone (pre-relationship McEichel, shapeshifter au): Jack doesn't really meet McDavid until they're both playing at the U18's in Finland. He's heard of him, of course, everyone has, and they've run into each other on-ice, but nothing more than that.
on a hot summer’s night (Tkachuks, a/b/o au, mpreg, werewolves, sibling incest): Sometimes he’ll just be making a sandwich or watching a movie and he’ll just get hit with this urge to find Brady and beg him to fuck him, to make sure he knocks him up.
It’s fucked up for a lot of reasons, not least that they're both still at the beginning of their careers, especially Brady, and Matt isn't in a hurry to stop playing for an extended amount of time, weird biological urges aside.
So when it's mid-August and he still hasn't had his late summer heat, Matt's worried and pissed and fucking scared, but still a small part of him hopes that his alpha finally knocked him up.
falling apart (hips and hearts) (McEichel, a/b/o au, heat/rut sex):  The first time they have sex is during the run-up to the draft while they're in Chicago to watch game four of the Final.
strike us like a match (Tkachuks, Sentinel/Guides, bonding, sibling incest): They've always been close, closer than most siblings Matt knows.
sweat drips (love sticks) (Tkachuks, BDSM au, sibling incest, impact play): There's worse things for a hockey player who happens to also be a sub to be than a masochist; at the very least Matt always has a bruise to press when he's jerking off, aches and pains that he can pretend someone put on his skin during a scene if he wants to. Usually he doesn't.
just swimming in our sins (Tkachuks, dick pics, sibling incest, panty kink, rough sex): The thing is they've always been weird about each other.
Matt always thought it was just being brothers, just a product of playing hockey their whole lives and moving around a lot when they were growing up.
But now he's pretty sure that whatever weirdness they have between them has nothing to do with hockey.
feel good (on my lips) (Stromes, a/b/o au, sibling incest, not related au, heat sex): Most of the time it doesn't bother Ryan that his dad forgets he's an alpha; the rest of their family are almost all betas, so Ryan's always just shrugged off being lost in the shuffle.
It mostly doesn't matter to him in the grand scheme of things: he doesn't live at home any more, his ruts are always six months apart so it's easy for him to plan visits home around them. There's never any one that stays at his dad's house, so his old room there still smells like him, there's no other scents there to annoy him when he visits.
It does mean that his dad tends to dismiss other people's dynamics as unimportant, because Ryan is so easy going about his own.
Even when that's information Ryan would really appreciate having ahead of time.
those words, that kiss (Patrik Laine/Nik Ehlers, werewolves, a/b/o au, heat sex): As long as Nik’s happy, that’s all that matters to Patrik. Everything else is secondary to that, even hockey.
take me home (you’re the one true thing) (Tkachuks, soulmate au, sibling incest): They're exactly what they're meant to be, every part of them tangled together, and they wouldn't change any of it no matter what.
eyes closed, fingers crossed (Sam Girard/Erik Johnson, BDSM au, spanking, light punishment): Erik doesn't need to see a video to know that Sam's a good dom.
all your fevered dreams (Tkachuks, hellhounds, sirens, mating fights, sibling incest): Most preternaturals don’t recognize Matt’s scent right away.
The ocean part of it is simple: all sirens smell like saltwater, even if they’re not born at sea the way their ancestors were. It’s the brimstone that makes wolves and other shifters wrinkle their noses in confusion and lean in closer to get a stronger smell, like their noses lied to them the first time.
Matt tolerates it when it’s his teammates trying to familiarize themselves with his scent and even then his patience is limited and he’s not afraid to push them away from him if they get too annoying about it.
Hellhounds are choosy about who they let into their personal space and for how long: Matt’s no exception.
not a day goes by (Brock Boeser/Elias Pettersson, a/b/o au, non-traditional a/b/o dynamics, bonding): He's never looked at an alpha and thought mine. Never wondered how one would look with his collar around their neck.
But Brock is always right there, always within touching distance and smiling at Elias like he can't help himself. Like maybe he wants what Elias wants.
in between (McEichel, godlings au, homophobic slurs): The locker room afterwards is quiet in spite of winning and Connor knows part of it is his own bad mood bleeding over to the rest of the team, but he can't bring himself to care as much as he should.
got you under my skin (Quinn Hughes/Jack Hughes, a/b/o au, sibling incest): “Quinn's not an alpha,” Jack says automatically, even though he can smell the new undertone to Quinn's normal evergreen and oranges scent, the one that's been there since they went to world juniors last year; it’s sharp and heady, and a part of Jack can’t help but focus on it, drawn to it for some reason he can’t explain. “We're betas,” he adds, his voice unsure.
Matty scoffs but doesn’t say anything, and he doesn’t really need to: Quinn and Chucky are still fighting, snarling and hitting each other with a ferociousness that seems entirely out of place in the Tkachuk's front yard, and the air seems to be pressing down on Jack, intense with the scent of two enraged alphas, and that says more than any words could.
charlie (Charlie McAvoy/Brandon Carlo, godlings verse): Charlie doesn't remember anyone ever explaining what death, or the afterlife was to him.
beginnings in death (pre-relationship McEichel, in death au): The first time he sees Connor is at a funeral.
nobody loves you (like i do) (Tkachuks, BDSM au, masochism, sadism, rough sex): The thing is Matt doesn’t consider himself romantic or anything like that. He loves Brady: as his dom, as his brother, as his boyfriend, and yeah, he needs him in the same ways, but those are just facts to him.
i love the way you hurt me (Tkachuks, werewolves, animal death, werewolf courting, minor character death): A mate who couldn’t court properly, who didn’t have claws and teeth of their own, wasn’t a mate worth having in Matt’s opinion.
How could you judge someone as worthy when they couldn’t even beat you in a fight?
just like oxygen (McEichel, werewolves, animal death, werewolf courting, minor character death): Even back then Jack knew Connor would change his life.
just to feel you (Tkachuks, a/b/o au, heat sex): Brady knows it’s going to be him and Matt.
They still fight like cats and dogs, as eager to use their fists on each other now as when they were kids, but there's an edge to it recently that wasn't there before, something that makes Brady want to pin Matt to the floor and take him apart, bite by bite.
He thinks Matt would let him, too, the way he watches Brady when he thinks Brady isn't paying attention.
The joke's on him, Brady always pays attention to Matt and what he's doing.
Well, that’s it! All things considered, it was a pretty good year for me, creatively speaking. I did some moodboards, too, and maybe I’ll post those tomorrow or at some other point ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I hope ya’ll also had some good things that helped you through this disaster of a year, be safe and I’ll see you on the other side of 2020 ❤❤❤
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