#but i'm not equipped to make the call on like. how bad it is. bc my knowledge ends at spotting a Likely Yikes scene dressing
inklingofadream · 1 year
periodic reminder that 4thewords is great :) never timed well bc it never occurs to me to say this in november when they offer a month of free subscription time, but! it is making the process of catching up on polychives more satisfying. finishing this chapter is like fighting a literal beast, rather than a metaphorical one, because for $4 a month (or slightly less, I buy the end of year bundle) 4thewords will provide Beasts
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bonesandthebees · 1 year
i know its been a lil bit since it was brought up but how does the Brazilian polycule affect the pta au?? 0.0
tbh I have been avoiding the pta au asks in my inbox precisely bc I don't know how the brazilians fit into it yet but I'm starting to get an idea?
richarlyson is a very unexpected transfer to the school. he comes in towards the end of the year but makes friends quickly! what's more unexpected are his parents. all 5 of them.
now the pta is an accepting place. no one minds that richarlyson is being raised by 5 dudes. good for them y'know? but there's definitely judgement as to how all of richarlyson's dads parent him.
richarlyson gets hurt a lot. trying to climb up walls, using playground equipment the wrong way (like trying to climb on top of the slide), and every time the school calls his dads they always laugh it off. they're all for encouraging his adventurous spirit! but also, um, he broke his leg trying to do a flip off the monkey bars so uhhh yeah can one of you guys come pick him up-
now as for the polycule's relationship with the rest of the pta members... well, forever makes his interest in phil known the first time they meet. he flirts so much and phil kind of laughs it off at first, makes a few jokes back in a way that's obviously not serious but playing into it a bit but. but forever isn't doing it as a bit. ruh roh.
the first time phil rejects forever, he swears off phil and promises to get revenge for the heartbreak. then he just starts flip flopping between hating phil and also flirting with him every time he sees him. phil just wants to talk about the lack of proper sports equipment in the school gym but forever won't stop staring at him and he can't tell if it's a hateful glare or that he has the hots for him. (it's both).
meanwhile, it doesn't take cellbit long to become suspicious of the school admins and questions how the school budget is actually being spent. he tries to talk to quackity about it but quackity insists he doesn't know anything. bbh has also been getting suspicious of this, and cellbit is an old friend of bbh's so the two of them quickly start doing their own private investigation. maxo starts showing up to meetings again despite the fact that trump is homeschooled now, and ends up admitting to cellbit and bbh that the whole weird shit going on with the admins is part of why he decided to pull his kid out of the school. so the three of them start their investigation team, which foolish accidentally gets sucked into except he really doesn't know a ton of what's going on he's kinda just there because as always, foolish and bad are soulmates but in the arch nemesis kind of way not the romantic way.
cellbit starts having horrible nightmares and is convinced he's being haunted or mentally tormented with psychic energy from the school admins or something. he's a bit of a conspiracy theorist.
I haven't seen as much from tazercraft or felps so I can't say much about what they're doing yet, but that's what I have so far for the brazilians!!
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recentadultburnout · 1 year
Info for writer in Thai series fandom: Buddhist ceremony
Buddhism has a principle called "Ovada-patimokkha", which is sometimes called the "heart of Buddhism." In the Ovada-patimokkha, there are three main principles we see as a basic lesson and talk about a lot.
1. Cease to do evil (abstain from sin) 2. Cultivate that which is good (make good deeds) 3. Purify the heart (clear your mind from sorrow or sinful thought)
By trying to follow the teachings of this principle, it leads to an attempt to do good deeds by actions that can be seen. It consists of 3 things:
1. alms: the giving of one's possessions for the benefit of others 2. Precepts: keeping the body and speech in order. 3. Prayer: training the mind to be calm and wise.
The Buddhist ceremony is where we will do those 3 things together with other Buddhists. Sometimes it happens as a national event and sometimes as a personal event between groups of families and friends.
The ceremony that is organized for personal reasons can be categorized according to the occasion into two types.
1. Auspicious ceremonies such as merit making, ordaining, topknot shaving, getting married, moving to a new house, and so on.
2. Inauspicious ceremony such as the death of parents, teachers, or relatives. When a Buddhist dies, their family will make merit at the funeral for 7 days, 50 days, or 100 days depending on their ability and determination. They will also make merit on the anniversary of the death of loved ones. Or if other bad things happen, people will also organize a ceremony to try to make the misfortune go away or to alleviate the sorrow. 
I will not go into detail about how you should go and organize one yourself. But if you want any details in particular, please do let me know. Except if you are really about to organize one by yourself, then please consult with someone else, not me. I usually just do what others do, so I kind of know what the ceremony consists of, but I never remember the order in which things happen. 
The ceremony will begin after the monks we have invited arrive at the ceremony site, so that will be the first thing to happen. The organizer of the event will then light incense and candles and pray to the Triple Gem, followed by the churchwarden (makanayok) taking over for a while before the monks begin to chant.When the chant is over, the host will offer food and various equipment to the monks. 
Different things can have different meanings if you believe in superstition, so it can be a factor in what you choose as an offering, but I think it will be best to prioritize efficiency first when choosing what to offer or donate. Something like alcohol and accessories is forbit and if you include it, it can be considered as sin.
After the monks accept those things, they will bless and anoint/sprink holy water on the attendees. Then the ceremony is kind of done. 
When I attend a ceremony organized by my school, there is no lunch break because it will finish before that time, but if it is organized by my relative, the food offering will happen at lunch time (before 12 p.m. bc eating after 12 p.m. is against the rule for Thai monks), and we will offer other things after everyone eats lunch, and we will pour ceremonial water somewhere near the end.
If the one who organized the event requests the monks will preach on the requested topic, I'm not sure when but they will. 
Other things
Attendees are expected to chant some parts along with the monks. I never sure which part and just copy someone who sit near me.😅
pouring ceremonial water is a symbol of the intention of giving the merits that we have done to those who have passed away. We will pour water into the ground or pour it into some sort of container and then into the ground or at the base of the tree afterward. When there weren't enough jugs, many people have a habit of touching one another, starting from the one who has it when it's time to pour the water in order to participate.
Ordination can occur from many intentions and occasions. Some people might do it with the intention of being a monk for life, while others might do it only for a short period on a special occasion. The occasion can be when a close relative or a benefactor passes away and he enters the priesthood while the body is being cremated, before he gets married, when something bad happens, or to make his parents happy. Sometimes it was even to redeem oneself. When a person does a bad thing and feels guilty, they might choose to compensate by ordination and, in some cases, they will do it as a life-long commitment. It was also a way for the poor to give their children access to an education in the past. Because when a child becomes a novice monk, they get to learn how to read and write. Most Buddhist men will be ordained at least once in their lives. 
5 and 8 precepts. 5 precept is to abstain from taking life, stealing, sexual misconduct, false speech, alcohol or other intoxicants. 8 precepts is the same as 5 precepts but with 3 more, which are don't eat after noon, don't partake in entertainment such as dancing, singing, and also anything related to making yourself pretty, and don't use a high and soft bed. 
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nevermore117 · 6 months
figured I might talk a little about how I've been making soap so yall can judge my dirty ass workstation
I'm making a new batch this evening so it seems like a good way to show everything from the top. This is a long post, I just like sharing my hobbies and I think soapmaking is fucking cool ok
Part 1:
Essentially, when you make soap you're mixing sodium hydroxide (or another similar base like potassium hydroxide) with water and oils and blending them up. When mixed they go through a process called saponification, during which (from my rudimentary understanding) the fatty acid tails break off from the fat structure because the hydrogen atom in the NaOH (sodium hydroxide) really wants to bond in that spot instead. The Na is an ion and breaks off from the molecule in water anyways, and it and the remaining O bond with the fatty acid tail and make a soap. Don't ask me any more please I'm not out of gen chem 2 yet.
All that means is, you take some water and some oils and some sodium hydroxide and mix it together, let it react, and you get soap. The key is the ratios of oils, water, and sodium hydroxide.
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The thing is, sodium hydroxide is a strong base. Which is kind of like a strong acid in how bad it is to touch. You don't want it on your hands, you don't want it in your mouth, and jesus fucking christ it WILL blind you if you get it in your eyes. So PPE (personal protective equipment) is a must. And not just some gardening gloves either, you need proper eye and skin protection.
I have latex gloves, a long-sleeved denim shirt I got from my old job for free, and some decent protective goggles. All of this goes on before the lye is opened and doesn't come off until I'm completely done with everything. PPE isn't a joke.
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Anyways. When you're making soap you need stuff like measuring bowls of course, since like I mentioned it's the ratios that matter. I measure everything by the gram with a digital scale. Silicone spatulas are also a must, I have two.
I also have an immersion blender. You COULD stir by hand, but I'm not eager to splash 10M lye around willy nilly so I got the blender. It just makes it easier and gives a better final product. I keep my tools separate from anything I would eat with bc, yknow,
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, so no smoothies for this bad boy. Not pictured are plain spoons for adding stuff to the measuring bowls. I use glass bowls bc the lye can corrode metal.
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Once I measure out an oil/butter I dump it into a big glass measuring cup. I could use a bowl but the measuring cup has a handle and I'm gonna be heating it up later.
Did you think I was done fearmongeroing about sodium hydroxide? Nope! It isn't just bad to touch, it's also bad to breathe! And it generates heat when you dilute it! That's hardly unique to lye, but it's still a little scary and cool.
The lye comes in little round pellets that I have to dissolve into a specific amount of water to get the right concentration of sodium hydroxide solution, and while that's happening it gives off vapors that SUCK to breathe. Ask me how I know. It's not "gonna kill you, call 911 asap", but it's "OWCH my LUNGS". You know if you breathed some in, it stings for a bit when you breathe in like something irritated the lining of your esophagus. Because it did.
So you have to make soap (or at least dilute your sodium hydroxide) in a well-ventilated area. Hence why I do this in my dirty ass garage instead of a nice clean kitchen. I have a big fan set up right next to my water bath (for keeping the lye cooler as I dilute it plus emergency water for washing), and I open the garage door to get that shit out. No enclosed spaces for me, please.
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Now... actually making the soap look and smell nice. I have fragrance oils I add, plus I can also add stuff like soap colorant (NOT FOOD DYE), clay (like a clay mask), exfoliants, etc. I just kinda fuck around with trying new oils together. The appeal of this hobby for me is trying new things and experimenting.
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I'll update more with actual in-progress photos once I'm done. I took these after cleaning all my supplies, I have some work I have to do before actually making soap bc it takes a while to measure everything out. Hopefully I'll find some time later this afternoonnnn
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mossbed-roots · 8 months
LU has me by the throat again, I'm working on some drabbles right now to figure voices out but heres an au idea i NEED to get out regardless if i ever make fic/art for it
modern LU ghost hunter au inspired by the "Wind sees ghosts" tag ans the vibes of 111 Winchester
Most Links have had a brush with a "spirit world" in some way or another so i feel like this is a hobby that could bring them together. everyone brings something different to the table
Wind sees ghosts (duh), has pretty much all his life. So does Spirit cause they're like cousins or smth. Wind wants to do an investigation on a creepy old house with lots of reported activity (shit's like haunted haunted, almost no one has been able to go inside). He figures he needs a team on this one and puts out a call on a paranormal forum he frequents. you'll never guess who responds
Four is haunted by the Colors as spirits that have attached themselves to him. They are relatively harmless, though they're kinda stuck to his soul and no one's sure how to feel about this. As far as he knows he's the only one who can see or hear them. they can posses Four one at a time but he really does not like suddenly not existing in his own body. Four's not much of a ghost hunter but he does know plenty about using metals and tools to dispatch evil spirits. He's in this mostly for answers about his own haunting
Legend and Hyrule are long-distance friends and the only ones to know each other before the investigation. Magic exists in this setting, but is not widely practiced, and Hyrule is VERY well-versed in magic (im calling magic practitioners "witches". Wild is one too) Rulie's very sensitive to dark and light energies, and has honed sigil and casting skills. Legend is on the more physical side of things, wielding artifacts and cursed objects from his large collection of...stuff. He's been cursed more than a few times himself. Legend also supplies some goofy ghost hunt equipment, but Twi has most of that covered
Twilight can step into the spirit world with Midna's help, where his spirit often takes the form of a wolf to protect him. He's got a sense for dark energies and can directly confront these malevolent creatures where others might have trouble perceiving them. Aside from that hes the camera guy. He brings the flashlights, the recorders, any equipment he can carry.
Wild is their Guy In The Chair bc he insists they need someone on the outside. I've decided his presence determines whether they get the Good or Bad ending
so turns out this place is like BAD haunted and oh no! Once the boys go in they can't find a way out
the house is a nexus, drawing in as many souls as it can and just feeding on them. There's also probably demons too but like the place itself is imbued with bad evil energy. Time and Wars are here but they are ghosts, drawn in and trapped for longer than they can remember. They are pretty much the only friendly ones here
Twilight finds Sky trapped in the Spirit World side of the house. think like he entered a Silent Realm and couldn't get out. Twi is able to pull him out bc of his weird dark world shit (on the outside Sky has been a missing person for months)
That's uh enough for now I think. enough of an outline for me to come back to. i am very normal about this fledgling idea
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blackjackkent · 11 months
Dealt with the minotaur attack. The weird purple stuff seems to cause a condition called "Rapport Spores" which allows affected creatures to communicate telepathically. This is kind of funny bc we can kind of already do that with the parasite, but it does explain how the minotaur (I assume?) was talking in Hector's head.
Further rambly Underdark explorations...
A very unnerving rumbling/shaking starts happening as we move up north from the ambush area. "Gods, what's happening?" Hector asks...but then it stops. >:| Concerning.
Gods these maps are huge. I keep trying to be very thorough with my explorations but there's always more around a corner.
Accidentally blew up a climbing rope by trigger a trap but was able to get up anyway in a v GW2-jumping-puzzle way by hopping up some mushrooms. Entering an area called "Storehouse" which is full of more of the weird telepathic purple gas. More rumbling and shaking with no obvious cause.
Realizing I'm treating this like an expedition journal as we go along. XD
I'm assuming the storehouse is drow in origin, based on the notes from the Selunites. No sign of them yet but I wouldn't be surprised if there's another ambush waiting somewhere.
NVM, almost as soon as I typed the above, Hector's history expertise kicked in:
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Smugglers, then. We met a Zhent trader in the goblin camp earlier and learned a bit about their black market dealings when Hector recognized their logo.
Explains all the wine in one of the crates. XD One was named "Baldur's Grape" which is entertaining. Nothing else too exciting in most of the boxes - mostly consumables and camp supplies, which is good bc they facilitate long rests, which I have a feeling we're going to need a lot of down here.
Broken elevator at the top of the Zhent camp. Perhaps it's like a Dark Souls elevator and needs to be unlocked from the top before we can use it? Too bad. Packs getting heavy; would have liked to dip to the surface quickly and sell things. (I know I still can with teleporting but I'm trying for realism damn it. :P )
In inventory organization news, I'm beginning to recognize the value of these storage containers we're able to pick up. They're not bags of holding, weight wise, but they do seem to have infinite slots and things put into them still show up on your hotbar inventory. So I've designated one for equipment nobody wants (carried by Karlach since she's stonksest) and one for each person for consumables and that seems like it will free up some mental load. Eventually if i can get more bags one will also be the random crap bag, bc goddamn there's a lot of that. I think I'm making an executive decision not to worry about any weapons/armor I pick up that isn't at least uncommon, too, bc all the common stuff seems basically equivalent.
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silveeee · 2 years
idia who's sarcastic like 99% of the time but as soon as the sarcasm comes from another person he's clueless(projection goes brrr)💀
the projection is so real
anyway ! thank you for the request :D sorry it took me so long to write, i got busy with school but i also got thrown into writer's block </3
i freestyled this a little cause idk how u envisioned me writing this ^^" hope u like it tho !!!!
btw i refuse to make Ortho call Idia "brother" in dialogue where he's talking to him bc no mf does that. anywhere. ever. in the English language. so i'm sticking with the JP appellations !
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no content warnings needed :)
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It was downright unfair. Maybe even preposterous! Idia had been pacing around his room, mumbling and talking to himself – and the sheep plushies he and Ortho owned – about what had happened only ten minutes prior to him getting back to his room.
Idia had basically been forced to go into the real world to go get some equipment from Sam's shop, where he had encountered Vil. Vil wasn't the worst person to come across, but when Vil had tried to start up a conversation with him, which eventually lead to Idia asking him what he was there for, Idia got back a reply that made sense.
But it only made sense in the moment because as soon as he started walking back to his room he realized that Vil sounded a little.. off? He didn't even remember what Vil had said back to him, which made Idia a little nervous. What if he had sounded dumb? It couldn't have been that much of a fatal reply, right?
And so there he ended up, in his room, talking to the sheep plushies on his bed.
"It just can not have been so bad. There is no way. You guys would definitely agree with me if you had come with me and witnessed the whole situation, for sure!"
The sheep plushies didn't respond, obviously, but right after Idia finished his sentences the door to his room opened, Ortho coming in through the door a second later.
"Are you getting answers out of them, Nii-san?"
"Yeah, they're spilling the world's very own secrets to me right now."
Ortho wasn't one to use sarcasm much himself, since he thought it was confusing, but Idia used it almost daily. It got more frequent when Idia was thinking about a situation where he couldn't figure out what was going on.
Ortho then quickly managed to put two and two together, moving over to pat Idia on the back. "Nii-san, even if you completely missed the sarcasm, they most likely have already forgotten about the interaction."
"...thanks, Ortho."
Maybe he should just bring Ortho with him next time.
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ty for reading !!! it was short but i also didn't really. have an exact idea for the prompt ? as i said, i freestyled it and i'm not unhappy with the result !!
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vermilionangel · 5 months
I figured I should put this here since I post almost solely ynfg stuff anyway and it'd get drowned out in my main, so I'm putting my hallucigenia hc/theory/whatever stuff here its very long but the short version is that Aya is a very protective mother with very little self worth
-Aya is aines mother, with Aya working at a theater that had various plays. I'd put Aya at 28 and aine at 7~8? -Each role in the theater is represented by the effects from older versions, with Aya sometimes filling in various roles when their usual actors were unavailable(this is why she's able to collect them despite them varying wildly in appearance). when she wasn't standing in for others shed usually play the role of indigo or red -aines father is the guy who gave you the purple effect(I'm calling him Murasaki for now) in older versions. hes immature for his age and doesn't take things seriously, which is why you find him spinning around and why his effect would mess with your movement -Murasaki actually does fine as a dad despite his personality, its just that both him and Aya were often busy so they'd let aine wander around and play in the theater as long as she didn't disrupt anything -aya has had a doll named Rusia(its the doll you find in the circus that the indigo effect made you look like, its name comes from the file name for the big picture of it) since she was young. she feels embarrassed over still being attached to it, but it means too much to her for her to be willing to get rid of it. indigos appearance is directly based off of rusia -aya does not have the best sense of self worth. she feels better when shes performing bc shed prefer to pretend to be anyone other than herself, and this is why her dream self looks so different than how she actually does(more on that in a bit) -aine is a very...creative kid, making stories based off of the theaters plays. bc said plays were often dark this would be reflected in her stories, and they form of the basis of a picture book she made in a spare journal titled "Hallucigenia". Hallucigenia contains drawings of various locations that aine imagined, and these locations are the basis of the dream worlds -aya is very protective of aine and wont hesitate to get physical if she feels like aine is being threatened. this is why she has multiple weapon effects, and it also leads to: -aines right arm was lost in an accident where heavy stage equipment was accidentally dropped on her. Aya flew into a rage over this and attacked the person who dropped it, killing them. she had been performing the red role that day, which is why red used to be the weapon effect -aya got put in jail for this and murasaki had to take care of aine in her place. the stage equipment accident made him very wary of letting aine back in the theater so he'd often leave her home alone while he was at work(this is why she spends the game cooped up in her bedroom) -aya was occasionally allowed visitors, and aine was one of them. she felt bad for Aya due to her not having anything to do, so she gave her Hallucigenia to read -while Aya appreciated the gesture, it was just a picture book made by a kid, so it wasn't exactly the most entertaining thing. still, it was all that she had available, so she got into the habit of daydreaming while going over the pictures, imagining herself exploring them -dream Aya(who im going to refer to as Indigo to make this less confusing) was born from Aya having a hard time imagining herself in her daydreams. indigo is essentially her ideal self, someone who can actually handle things and isn't as much of a wreck as she had become in jail. her appearance and name come from ayas time performing the role of indigo, and Aya has started to form an unhealthy obsession with her -aine still remembered most of hallucigenia, and often dreams about the locations in it. this is why she shares a lot of ayas dream worlds, but not all of them- her memory isn't perfect -aya will never admit it but shes still a bit of a chuuni at heart lol
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blueberry-lemon · 10 months
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Persona 5 Tactica non-spoiler First Impressions
I'm honestly pretty burned out on Persona, specifically the P5 cast, at this point, BUT...I figured I'd give them one last rodeo with Tactica. Especially bc I like seeing different takes on tactics RPG gameplay.
I'm liking it so far! Its closest parallel game is definitely Mario+Rabbids, but I think I prefer this game more than that series.
If you're wondering if you can play this game without playing Persona 5, I would say yeah probably. Maybe read like a 1-sentence synopsis of who the Phantom Thieves are so you know who the cast is?
Non-spoilers impressions below:
Love the art style. Love the dialogue portraits and the 3D cutscenes, which I honestly like more than their counterparts in actual Persona 5. I was unsure of the character designs when Tactica was first teased, but I grew to love them. Everyone's really expressive.
New character, Erina, is great. Love her.
Fun tactics gameplay. Definitely leans slightly in the direction of "puzzley tactics" rather than "all-out brawl" tactics if that makes sense. What I mean is that like, battles can take a hard swing for the good or the bad depending on whether you made a huge mistake. I did one side quest that definitely felt like a "puzzle", in that there was a specific way to beat in the required amount of turns. The main story missions are a nice blend so far. I guess I would call Final Fantasy Tactics an "all-out brawl" tactics game.
If you play this game, definitely make sure you digest the main mechanic of the game: knock an opponent away from cover, then hit them when they're out in the open. That gives you an extra turn. This is absolutely crucial to surviving.
But on that note...the game generously offers, like, 5 different difficulty choices!
Character customization is nice and streamlined. I don't think the game cares at all if you're a nerd about Persona fusion, you can kind of just go with the flow. Your choices are a combination of equipping Personas and also leveling up a character skill tree.
I honestly like how the Personas themselves are handled in this more than in Persona 5. Each character has their signature Persona at all times, PLUS equips one of your homemade fused Personas. So Joker can have Arsene + Jack Frost, for example. To account for this, I think each Persona only has 2 Skills each.
Each party member has their own, like, "Ultimate" ability and Passive ability that's unique to them, so that's nice.
No hub world to run around in, which for me is a HUGE plus. Just a pleasant hub menu with things to do in between battles.
The game does a GREAT job of slowly unraveling the mechanics so that it doesn't overwhelm you all at once in the beginning
The story is whatever so far, if I'm being honest. But it's inoffensive and you can easily skip a few cutscenes without missing any crucial information.
I don't think the game is gonna blow any Persona fan or tactics fan's mind, but I think it's successful so far. It feels like an alternate choice to Mario+Rabbids, with a slightly different take on how to make a similar game.
Good job Atlus!
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inkedmyths · 2 years
S2: E4 "Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things"
This episode featuring: Don't cry and drive, interrogating the grieving, stupid men making bad decisions, and lessons that I'm SURE will be taken to heart
Ohhh this chick having a breakup or a death or something and this guy gets her alcohol and chocolate and emo rock. Thats so nice
Whshsgsg did she climb out the window
Or call and drive and yeaaaah thats what I thought
[ Kayla inquires about this, and I amend it to being a sobbing mess while at the wheel. Kayla then goes on a continuous tangent about how much she's cried while driving. Friends, if you're reading this, please be aware that Kayla is not a model for any behavior you should be exhibiting. ]
Oh their dad's necklace on their mom's grave. Ah :(
Ohhh its a dead tree so spooky. What are you looking at Dean
Ooookay the dead grass circle is actually spooky. Uh?
Sam neither you or Dean are doing any kind of coping
[ Kayla says that if they were, we wouldn't have a show. ]
I get its for the job but :(
GOD THIS POOR DUDE IS LIKE. HES SO SO SAD BC HIS DAUGHTER DIED and then Dean's like "Yeah yeah so do you ever feel like she's still ~present~ orrrr" and Sam's clearly glaring at him to STFU
Traumedy at its finest
[ Theres some discussion now on Dean and how he handles things, due to how he was raised and his position as the Older Brother. Basically, he handles things badly, for a variety of fucked up reasons. This isn't news. ]
Sam is, in this case, right. But Dean is going to continue repressing!
Oh hey is this the best friend guy?
Or the bf?
Boi you're so dead
Ohhh spooky reflection
Oh he deeaaaad shooocker
Dean. What are you doing.
Dean has now ended up with a sad crying girl and he's sitting there with the clear expression of someone SO not equipped with what's happening
This is why you don't break and enter. You end up being faced with emotions.
Dean being such a brat but when is he not
Every new thing they impersonate is funnier than the last
Except maybe the priests. Idk if anything will top that
[ Kayla says it will. I am delighted by this. ]
Ok I was right the guy was her bf and was cheating
Grave digging. Of course. I get it but also Why
[ Kayla says something in spoiler text, and Aspen says to stop posting easy to click spoilers. Kayla says to stop clicking the spoilers. How do you think I feel? You people will have paragraphs of spoiler discussion. Right in front of my salad. ]
Oh shit there she is
I mean. Ok. Make out with a dead girl. Yeah. I mean I guess I would assume I'm dreaming but also man doesn't that raise any red flags my dude.
Also Sam yelling at Dean so true
Dude? Red flags?
I seeeeeeeee I seeeeeeee
He resurrected her bc he wanted her back
[ Kayla and Melon discuss the existence of zombies in SPN. I mostly ignore it. ]
Ohhhh oh the roommate
Uh oh girl!!
Ohhh thats scary as shit but epic
"Damn that dead chick can run"
[ Melon asks if I'm going to watch another episode, even though I'm in the middle of this one. Heathen. ]
[ Mom then interrupts to try and get me to try some foundation. I protest. Kayla says the phrase "dolled up for Dean", and Melon follows it up with "dressed up for daddy", and I immediately begin planning on ways to send them both to an early grave. Why am I friends with these people. ]
Ooooh bitch you did this you resurrected her
Ohhh you're so dead you're so stupid
Luring her in I see
Not a vengeful spirit but something turned angry and dangerous because someone decided to fuck around and find out
WHSHSHS something a little funny about Sam running from some chick in a nightgown
What's dead should stay dead! Correct Dean! Hope you all take that to heart
Don't tell me anything bc I'm already so sure they don't
There's 15 seasons and these guys love to fuck around and find out. What's a little necromancy
Pulling over? Whatcha doing. Getting out to yell at the void
Oh shit is Dean Winchester APOLOGIZING? (gasp)
[ Kayla says he actually does that quite frequently, due to generally being apologetic for committing the crime of existing. This is a fair assessment. ]
Its not your fault buddy... you couldn't have controlled what your dad did. You never could.
Oh my god men crying
Dean continues to do bad at feelings. Sam is only marginally better because at least he's addressing that there are feeling being had. Anyways, don't resurrect people, they come back Wrong, and I'm suuuure this is so totally a lesson that the Winchesters are taking to heart and therefore will definitely not be attempting any necromancy at all in the future.
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huraiyra · 1 year
Wait your parents call you their dog? What the hell?! Are you ok?
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NO IM OKAY sorry, they don't literally call me a dog I just feel like one bc I don't have autonomy. they bring me everywhere to show off how obedient I am or whatever their deal is, and they control my hair my clothes my friends my job my living situation my hobbies and my actions to some extent. like it's for the greater good and I have leniency I'm not quite a prisoner I'm just like Rapunzel :) I can paint :) and leave whenever I want I just... I just feel like and feel like I'm treated as a chihuahua in a handbag (treated really well but ultimately not really like a human and more of an accessory) (I heavily use metaphors to describe my life) and I am not at all equipped for living bc personally I don't feel human but maybe thats just my autism's fault bc I'm sure a little abuse and control doesn't make others feel this way. I wanna move out but what is my mom gonna do without me but if I stay I am subjected to psychological torture but if I leave I get no love and care and comfort and also the housing market is so bad where tf do I live haha. anyway c'est la vie!
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cerealmonster15 · 2 years
silver/kalim, you say? 👀
i havent thought of this ship before but i Am curious if you want to talk about them
YES OUGH i love themmmm. theyre def one of those ships that like, i didnt notice in main story bc they havent shown up together much, so it's very much come more from the vignette/card stories + some events. especially bc silver himself hasnt been in the main story much yet!
there are a handful of specific instances that really have me 👀 at them:
in i think leona's ceremony robes card, when leona's coming to get his mixed up laundry from malleus, silver's at peak Oblivious Mode and thinks leona's there to talk to malleus bc they are Friends, despite leona very blatantly saying they arent lkfdshgklfdj. ruggie makes a comment that silver and kalim are known by the second years for their kinda airheaded happy go lucky vibes. i think the eng translation called it 'the facepalm brigade' or something lol. like everyone else can be in a bad mood but those two never are and are just painfully oblivious lol. it's cute that they have the same sweet boy vibes :)
they're classmates! in... uhhh.. i think it's either kalim's standard uniform or silver's standard uniform story, kalim makes a point to wake silver up after he fell asleep, to remind him to change classes. it's cute that kalim cares!!! he also gets advice in kind of a funny way from kalim lol, about if he's being too hands off with malleus like sebek says he is [and then silver decides, after seeing how helplessly reliant kalim is on jamil, that silver is Right to want to give malleus space to grow LOL]
silver's lab coat story - silver and kalim are held after class and have to do make up work bc silver fell asleep in class and kalim broke equipment in class jfkldshg. they decide to stay back and work together :) silver is still having trouble staying awake, and confides in kalim [and jamil who got pulled into it lol rip] about his chronic sleep problem, kalim decides that before they work on their assignment, they should make a wake-up potion to help silver stay awake, and silvers really grateful that kalim's so enthused about helping him with it 🥺 the poor goobers both get each other so off track so easily lol. but it's so cute. you can tell in that story kalim really cares about silver and helping him feel better ;A;
a very small thing lol but in jade's halloween ssr story at the very beginning, when kalim's trying to bargain with jade or w/e, jamil complains that kalim's taking so long and silver fell asleep bc he had to wait so long. the way that convo goes just makes it sound like silver was hanging out with kalim and jamil Just Cuz and i thought it was cute kjlfdshg ANYWAY
in the second halloween event [it hasnt come out in engtwst yet so ill avoid story spoilers; im talking the endless halloween/not the masquerade one] there's a scene where jamil says silver scarily reminds him of kalim - i think it had something to do with his Innocent Good Boy Energy or something lol. and silver's response was something like "oh, thank you. kalim is nice to me in class so i am glad you think we're similar." and then later when [REDACTED] happens, silver makes a point to say to kalim that he is a good person and considers him a dear friend 🥺 this scene in particular made me SO HAPPY lol i felt SO VALIDATED!!!!
i THINK. I THINK!!! there's a similar opposite scene. where someone tells kalim that he's a lot like silver and kalim takes it as a compliment?? BUT i can't for the life of me remember the context. i'm not sure if it also happens in halloween 2 or if that's in another event/story. or if i made it up LOL <- god does anyone know what the hell i'm talking about. it's been so long. i used to be so sure it existed and now i dont KNOW!!!
the general vibe of noble/knight is cute. like kalim is the eldest of a wealthy powerful family, to the point that he has an attendant- jamil - and silver is raised as a knight to malleus. i always thought it would be cute if later down the line, jamil's off to live his life free as he pleases, and silver like takes on that role either officially or unofficially by Kalim's side to protect him bc he Loves Him 🥺 wah wah let me have my cliches LOL
circling back to the thing ruggie said in my first bullet point lol, i found through google translating journeys lol, theres a ship tag or something for them in jpntwt/pixiv or w/e that i believe comes from that story. i think it's いらふわコンビ - if you search that it's nothing but silver/kalim lol. when i was auto translating captions with google on fanart of those two, i kept seeing the term "fluffy combination" or "irritated combination" and i was like. what the hell's that mean lol. this was before engtwst existed, so i think i eventually tried comparing the characters to ruggie's dialogue in that story ^ on youtube, and it was clllloooose but not quite the same or something. a few fan translations i saw translated the thing ruggie said as "mad free zone". like those two together Do Not Get Mad lol, or that they have a "frustratingly, easy going vibe". and a spanish sub called it "el espacia libre de locos" which is roughly "space free of craziness/wildness" whatever. anyway. いらふわコンビ. whatever it means, people use it in silver/kalim fanart lol <- there is a lot of adorable fanart of the two of them :')
not really super related but i believe the miraheze wiki says somewhere that silver, kalim, and rook are the only three students that use/specialize in light magic. i dont really know where that comes up but it's a fun fact/i think it's bc theyre the only three characters not based on villains/are more hero leaning from their origins? [besides i guess jack since hes supposedly not based off Anything lol just a random wolf boy]. it was just cute that they had that in common, like boys with the good vibes that make u think "why are you in villain school for villains" fjkdslhgf
there might be other scenes/reasons i'm forgetting but that's the gist of why i Love Them. they are sweet good boys.
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As always skip if uninterested.
Now they are saying she's "expensive" as if remodeling parts of their home to make room for her as well as him, is a bad thing. Lol
They site a necklace whose origin is unknown. It could be A for Askepot. We don't know. Or he could have gotten her the A for himself. Either way it's cute.
As if she wasn't provided with equipment or couldn't afford her own equipment for the podcast? How do you know he bought her anything other than the shoes he said he did? Why do these haters think only his wallet is involved? How sexist.
As if remaking old clothes is somehow a "new" hobby of hers when they've been harping on the fact that she sold a bunch of her clothes before Paris 22, before they were officially together. Kinda like how Margrette (IMN) did last year as well, selling resown old clothes. *eyeroll* as if she, JM, didn't have these hobbies prior to ever meeting him. But She did have these hobbies prior to ever meeting him.  Maybe they're just fundamentally alike? They seem to go very well together. 💘
How is she manipulating his mom? That doesn't even make sense? His mom likes her, and she borrowed a book. Lol how is that manipulation? Haters make zero sense. At least they're not currently calling his mom a "pushy leech licking ass kisser" for the moment. Lol
Why shouldn't he make her a creative room for her hobbies? He has an office, why shouldn't she also have her own space inside of their home for creative works? I think that's very sweet! It's their home, meaning it's hers too. And why shouldn't they have a new kitchen? She likes to bake/cook, she's always been big on it. We don't know why they need a new kitchen, sometimes stoves break and need to be replaced. Personally it feels like when one appliance dies, two more will follow. It's happened to me too lol. As for bedroom, we've never heard anything like that but if so why not? Why not fix everything up now? Better to do it all at once and be done than drag it out. Gee Hirst is fixing up her place with her guy too.
Why is this in any way bad or that she's expensive? As if she can control the cost of any renovation or do they just want to act like she's costing too much money bc THEY are renovating THEIR space TOGETHER? As if it was just her decision and she's forcing him to do it? That's so ridiculous. 
If they're blessed with babies, then I'm sure they'll fix up a place for them as well in their home. Or maybe they've already started? 
All in all, sounds like a good boyfriend to me. And he's quite handy, helping fix the place up that's great imo! It's sweet that he's changing his space, more into their space. Bc it is her home now too. I mean this should be common sense stuff, but somehow haters act like normal things in a relationship aren't normal bc it's them. These haters make zero sense.
Haters are acting like Donald Trump when he makes baseless claims like "immigrants are eating pets." Lol only someone as equally ridiculous as him would believe such a claim.
Personally I'm glad he has a real, talented, beautiful, kind, successful woman as his partner. I think they're both lucky to have each other. 💕💕😊😊 I'm hoping lots of love, success and happiness for them both.
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maggicktouched · 2 years
I do not get tlou discourse. And I know I'm late to this party bc I'm just getting super into it bc of the show and this take has probably been said a thousand times but like, people are blowing my mind.
I would like to remind everyone that Ellie is a literal child. It should not have been her decision whether or not to sacrifice herself because she was a child. And she was a heavily traumatized child which means her development and mental state were definitely impaired. There is no way she could have made an informed decision. Joel is not a macho misogynist taking away a woman's voice. He's an adult in charge of a child, one that it is heavily implied he thinks of as his daughter.
And if you want to talk about his choice and whether or not it was acceptable for him to choose his kid over the whole world I think you should remember a couple of huge factors.
Joel has been fucked over by life a lot and isn't exceptionally hopeful. But he's also not fucking stupid. The world before the outbreak is our world and do you know what we've never had? An easy way to develop antifungal medications. And no he's not a doctor, but neither am I and I know this. I feel like it's pretty common knowledge that fungal infections can be really hard to treat. So that's the world he comes from, a place where this cure would likely be impossible, and now you think that Joel is going to have faith in doctors in dingy, run down facilities with decades old equipment who ran like one test and determined that it's medically necessary to kill the host? That's so stupid guys come on.
Besides how would a cure like that be replicated and distributed? Do you think ex military guy Joel believes FEDRA is gonna hand it out like candy? No. He knows how this shit works.
And you can say "oh he didn't even know/care if the cure was a long shot" but it's impossible for it to not have occurred to him. You can say "it wouldn't have mattered and he'd have done the same thing if he knew" but that is a hypothetical. Yes Ellie was his whole world, yes he'd have given up anything for her, yes he has rage issues, and yes the cycle of violence is bad.
But Joel made the right call in this scenario and it WAS his call to make because he was the caretaker of this child and beyond just how he felt, he had a duty as that caretaker to keep her safe.
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aromanticannibal · 2 years
ok this is half me brainstorming half me begging for help (/hj)
I just started working on a wip I had abandonned in which shinsou gets stuck in a cave alone for a week because I like having him suffer. and because I realized I said in the fic his leg got crushed and he's just in a terrible state I thought :
fuck this giving him a cane/crutches. you do not get your leg crushed and get out of there walking normally.
(i know, I know, healing quirks, but also fuck this I want my disabled shinsou. mostly my excuse would be that like the dude was dehydrated, starving, dead tired, and had other injuries that got infected. a healing quirk cannot heal him completely or healing quirk owner is yknow. God)
so yeah that's the plot. and
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obv I'm not hurting my baby that bad he's still gonna be a hero
so now I have two inspirations
basically the problem with his leg isn't that its just. not here, like with aizawa who got his good ol' prosthesis (omg what if. aizawa helping shinsou with that walking therapy thing i cant remember how it's called). shinsou's leg IS in fact here, it's just fucked up and he cant walk normally anymore (+ yknow the pain bc this is still my fic)
so I can't just have him get a prosthetic and boom. everything's fine (also that's not how prosthetics work). hes gonna need something to help him walk (cue the cane/crutches)
and bc aizawa isn't a dirty liar, shinsou is still gonna be a hero.
so here is where idk what to do : do I make him have special equipment on his hero costume courtesy of hatsume (miku), so he can do stuff with his legs like normal (or pseudo normal) and have him use his aids outside of hero work, OR
do I make him incorporate somehow his mobility aids into his hero costume. (this is the funkier idea bc I love the concept and also you can very much bonk people with mobility aids if you have the strength, and shinsou does)
mostly I'm inspired by that one spider-person I saw in a post on here who has crutches and looks really fucking cool, but also this spider-person is yknow. a spider person. they have spider webs to fly around more or less. so I don't know
tho shinsou does have the capture weapon and the moves that go with it very much are inspired by spider man moves so. mm
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ef-1 · 2 years
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The Armchair Expert Podcast with Daniel, but only the bits that gave me heart palpitations
-Daniel calls Dax his sugar daddy
- Bisexual Chaos ensues at the very beginning as both Monica and Dax take turns hitting on Daniel and calling him gorgeous as he giggles and says "gorgeous is a big word" what a gorgeous idiot (there is actually a v compelling bit here about Daniel performing as Daniel Ricciardo and the difference between Daniel the Performance and Daniel the person)
-Dax and Monica say Daniel is bar none the sweetest, kindest and best mannered celebrity or athlete they have ever encountered or interviewed. They literally spend the first 20 minutes marvelling at how polite and charming he is. Dax said his wife, Kristen Bell, pulled him aside the first time she met Daniel just to gush about how charmed she was.
- Daniel said he doesn't have a deference to authority, he said in a room with 6 people, he'll try to speak to everyone, and give everyone equal time and attention, not just the CEO. He learned that from being forced to attend endless sponsorship events, he said it's important to him to make everyone feel human, not just attend those events to talk to the stakeholders and ignore the fans
- Dax felt bad for texting Daniel after a bad race, didn't know whether he should have even brought it up, apologised, then sent Daniel an apology for his apology then a voice note explaining the apology, and Daniel just replied with a loooooong voice note of him laughing at Dax SCREAM
- Daniel can't swim, or more aptly his swimming is ranked: survival not recreational, says "I love adrenalin but where I'm least equipped is water, I feel like I can swim but I'm not great, I'm just a step above Monica" for reference MONICA DROWNED I'm crying
- Dax, who has interviewed everyone from fucking Obama to Justin Timberlake to Kim K to Natalie Portman to Halsey to Shawn Mendes to prince Harry AND THATS JUST OVER THE COURSE OF 12 MONTHS says Daniel is the most charismatic person he knows
- Daniel says he doesn't like having outbursts on radio because it's unfair to humiliate the team, he said it's not conducive to growth
- Daniel is very bashful about his RIC3 merch, Dax and Monica are fangirling about how his merch is literally the only thing they wear and despite Daniel sending them packages before every drop they both usually order more stuff anyway and I wanted to summarise this bit but he's honestly just radiating earnestness and passion and that's hard to put into words :(
-important Dax and Monica, like the rest of us ARE OBSESSED WITH BLAKE.
it was very good and I urge you to listen to it
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