#but idk . i wonder how much gender factors into this
francisforever2014 · 2 years
i hate the term “female friendship” like it annoys me
#listening to the binchtopia podcast episode on comp het.. v interesting#but that kinda stuff just reminds me that i am not a ‘female’ 😭#i’m like why can’t i relate to all these stories about female friendships and female comradarie… and i’m like right bc u aren’t one bestie#sigh i hate how cis centered gender studies and feminism can be even though it’s very important#idk how to fix it or if it even needs to be fixed but yeah . it’s both annoying and freeing to not be able to relate to a lot of these#discussions#anyways . who up and wanna have a ‘female friendship’ w me (sex)#also i wonder how many of my ‘female friendships’ weren't fulfilling because of my lack of cisgenderness. like i was always the other#and these cis women were looking for comradarie in another woman and i just wasn’t that. and they could tell#i always used to wonder why i wasn’t getting the same thing out of female friendships as everybody else was or how liberal women make it#sound. and this is definitely a factor . which idk how i didn’t realize it sooner#also ofc being gay and having straight friends when i was younger#but even in my ‘female friendships’ with other lgbt women something is missing#like the most fulfilling relationship i’ve ever had is in fact with a man .#and idk how much of that is just chance like we just happen to click . and how much of it is bc i feel like i can relate to him more than#i ever could my ‘female friends’#also we have other things in common like he’s an lgbt person of color i’m an lgbt person of color etc .#but idk . i wonder how much gender factors into this#like i’ve had that in common with women and STILL something is missing#sorry for centering men in my life hashtag problematic hashtag internalized misogyny#also not to say that my current friendships with women aren’t fulfilling i love them . and it does help that they’re all lgbt poc#but there’s always this border i feel. like when they’ll be talking about hashtag womanhood and i just . don’t get it#SORRY for the long ass tags omg
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goldxnfemme · 2 months
heya im here because i saw your femme post and i was wondering if you have any resources about how femme is a lesbian identity(especially wrt butch/femme). ive been seeing too many instances where femme is used as a tie in for non lesbians in distinctively lesbian spaces and its driving me insane how its being taken away from lesbians(if its understood that butch is a lesbian term why cant femme get that same recongnition??)
So, I've considered whether I wanted to answer this or not, and how.
And that's because while I fully understand where you're coming from, the answer is somewhat complicated. The answer is complicated because I have a feeling it'd be close to impossible finding a source that says that in an objective, direct way, aside from you know, oral history, about something that we (lesbians, as a community) don't universally have a consensus about. So even if you did find it, there's a chance there are other sources out there and detailing of experiences that would dispute it.
Therefore, I'll give you more of an analysis instead, I hope that's ok.
A dear femme friend of mine mentioned, when I brought this up with her earlier, that: "It’s reminding me of the discussion we had about historical use of high femme. Hard to pinpoint but we know we’ve seen it (as a sexual role, opposed to stone butch). But they want “scholarly” in areas where we’re more likely to have oral tradition and life contemplative writing, which is seen as less authoritative.
Especially in an era where the people writing about us academically weren’t doing so kindly and likely not as part of the community."
And that's a bit of the frustrating part of lesbian history and lesbian archiving, our individual and subjective retellings aren't seen as serious. Plus with time and the changes in the LGBTQ+ community and our community itself, we have diverse perceptions of concepts and to who they apply.
The way I manage my feelings about these issues:
There will always be someone to fight you on these things from either side and my solution is to make peace with the fact that the way I see it, won't be the way everyone sees it, even if my way makes sense to me. And it's up to us to curate our surroundings as much as we can, if it bothers us in significant ways.
Especially if you're looking for historical validation, it'd be 500 hoops to jump to explain the changes and how we got here (to the point that you're trying to make), in ways that would actually give people you don't agree with the argument of "yeah, but historically" so idk
Quick and extremely simplified historical run through:
At the time lesbian started fully being used, late 1800s/early 1900s, after people started looking differently at female friendships (that basically functioned as marriages in many ways) and noting attraction that may be there, it was used as an anomaly and for the longest time (still is today though :/ ) pathologised, along with many slurs, in order to promote that separation between "normal" and us: basically it was strictly highlighted attraction to women. Now we move right along the last 4 or so decades, we've expanded the concept to exclude attraction to men, right? People attracted to multiple genders have carved a space of their own, their own labels, experiences etc and we have these little separations. But not everyone adheres to those differences and separations.
So, in a way, it's also about making peace with the fact that things have changed because of many factors, that I won't get into here because this is quite long already, and people won't always be in the same page as you about the changes and why do they mean something to you.
Another quick historical recap, that came from a dear butch friend of mine, is that our understanding of butch/femme (that you're talking about, that i discuss in my blog, not the ballroom concepts of it) is first used and seen in lesbian spaces/bar culture spaces/house parties, in celebration of same gender attraction and spaces that first gave these women the "freedom" and autonomy to exist as they were, considering that for a long time there was a distinct separation between family/work life and social life. *
Participation in that butch/femme culture existed within that context of attraction to women.
Also, if I were to guess, I think a factor that affects the way people see femme as not necessarily lesbian, is the fact that many femmes, historically, were sex workers or pulled tricks to gain favours and bring it back to their partners. So that's something to think about, it didn't necessarily mean they were attracted to men, but some people perceived it that way.
So as you can't see, there's not really an easy answer and I apologise for that.
I want to add though, anon, that if this matters to you, it's important that you keep reading, read as much as you can and read about arguments you don't agree with as well, so at the very least you understand/have an idea where they're coming from and what those arguments are based on. And if you're reading a book that you don't really agree with, try to consider the context of it/time it was written and published, that has helped me tremendously in my reading, to note the differences between my present and theirs.
Here's some books you might enjoy, though unfortunately they won't give you that direct answer you're looking for:
Boots of Leather, Slippers of Gold: The History of a Lesbian Community by Elizabeth Lapovsky Kennedy and Madeline Davis
Odd Girls and Twilight Lovers: A History of Lesbian Life in Twentieth-Century America by Lillian Faderman
I've read this enough that it's starting to blur in my mind, so I very much hope it makes sense lol
And shout out to my very own butch/femme community, my friends, that discuss these things with me and allow me each day to have a more grounded understanding of myself as femme and our culture.
*Yes, I know some gay men were there too, I'm aware, however there were spaces with the majority of their public being lesbians, especially with mentions of the way that lesbians socialised being different than the way gay men did. Funnily enough, because of the work/family life being separated from social life, sometimes gay men would be beards for lesbians in family gatherings.
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catominor · 6 months
ok heres everything i have written about romegaverse in my drafts .... putting it under a readmore so that i dont have to subject anyone who is not interested in this beautiful horrible world weve created to my extensive romegaverse worldbuilding. also this is unedited so if its incomprehensible sorry i have a very rambly way of writing when im thinking through very important questions such as these.
ok but what about gender roles. obviously omegas are stereotyped to be more feminine, and this is certainly true for female omegas (who i imagine get stereotyped as oversexed and promiscuous, but are simultaneously lusted after/desirable) but male omegas, after gaining civil rights, have worked very hard to dispel stereotypes of them as effeminate and useless in 'male' spheres (which has only partly worked). perhaps if a male omega is married to a male alpha or beta he's called a wife and expected to take the wife's role in the relationship in private, but still at the same time expected not to act 'effeminate' in his public life (if he has one, which most high status male omegas choose to) and is held to similar standards about this as other men, because he is still a man.
i imagine there'd be weird double standards about both male and female omegas? like they'd be simultaneously revered and reviled. a male omega is highly desirable because he has, in romegaverse society's view, the brain of a man but with the ability to reproduce like a woman. but there;s also a distrust of his effeminate role in private life and whether that makes him untrustworthy. female omegas, again, are highly desirable but also distrusted because of their exaggerated femininity.
(as an aside i imagine female alphas would be viewed as undesirable to most men, but would perhaps have a special place in society? maybe have some kind of priesthood a lot of them are in or religious significance to them? there also probably wouldn't be very many of them depending on whether secondary gender is visible from birth (in which case a lot of them would probably be exposed) or appeared later, in which case there'd be an amount of them proportional to male alphas)
more romegaverse thoughts: i wonder if they would end up with a dearth of women in the population if men could get pregnant? like, having a daughter wouldn't be as useful as an omega son because a daughter wouldn't also be able to participate in politics like an omega son would, and you can still marry off your omega son too for alliances so it's like the best of both worlds (though obviously it would depend on your finances; it would cost a lot of money to both give your omega son a dowry and finance his political career). im picturing a world where like. 1/3 of people each are alphas, betas, and omegas. maybe due to this they've ended up with like a 60/40 or maybe even 70/30 male/female divide? fluctuating through time probably based on other factors like the economy and so on.
as for discrimination against omegas i imagine there was a big movement for more (male) omega political rights in like the early or mid republic. mayhaps even an omega war. so now they are able to participate in politics but theres still a lot of stereotypes about them and distrust of them/view of them as less capable than other types of men. i also don't think they would be allowed to participate in warfare due to their ability to get pregnant maybe?
marriages: id imagine any union that could produce children would be a marriageable one, but any combination of sexes that couldn't would not be marriageable. so a male alpha could marry anyone except another male alpha or a male beta, a female alpha could marry anyone at all, and so on. (this is assuming that male omegas and female alphas have both functioning reproductive systems? idk is that how it usually works?) (also not sure about female alpha/female beta or omega marriages? they wouldn't have much legal rights; but maybe it's a kind of right of three children type thing where the female alpha gets limited legal freedom once she marries another woman? or maybe female alphas always have that type of legal position by virtue of being alphas? probably the latter.)
relationships: it's socially disapproved of for said non-able-to-have-children couples to be in a relationship, but not necessarily illegal. it's also socially unacceptable for a man to have a relationship with a male omega who isn't his wife. (more to think about here but i am so tired)
hiding status?: i think it would be possible for people to hide their status (for instance, if an omega wanted to be in war) but it would be probably a lot more difficult for high social class people. because it's not necessarily immediately obvious on the outside whether someone's an alpha, a beta, or an omega, if you could get anyone who knew for sure either on board to lie for you or to at least keep quiet, you could probably use some kind of medication to disguise your smell or whatever (is that how it works? its like smell or pheromones based right?) and pretend to be a different status. (perhaps in an earlier period it was much stricter/society was more repressive about disclosing your status, but now that omegas have more rights it's less stringent)
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purkinje-effect · 4 months
Are you by chance a trans man/trans masc?
I have an OC who is a trans man, and has had top surgery but hasn't had bottom surgery yet?(idk if they'll ever get it) and I was wondering if that would be considered transphobic?
I have other trans OCs that are vastly different in terms of their bodies, but I don't wanna be accidentally transphobic or anything.
Hi there! Thanks for the DM.
Well, I'm nonbinary, but I will try my best. I welcome any transmascs/transmen to help me out here, and reblog with their own advice and input. Their feedback's going to be more valuable than mine.
I'm also not sure whether you're creating a character for art, stories, RP, etc., so I'm probably giving you a lot of information that might not be pertinent to your character building.
But, you've asked me something that I feel quite passionately about, so this became a bit of an essay.
There are many variations to the trans experience. Not all trans people necessarily pursue every possible gender affirmative care/procedure available to them. Plenty of trans individuals never have bottom surgery. They're no less their gender for their current or desired combination of affirmative care. If they're of a binary gender, not getting certain procedures, treatments, or surgeries still does not make them "less binary." (Likewise, if they're nonbinary, they can pursue strictly binary procedures, and still be nonbinary at the end of the day. And cis people can have any number of such procedures and still be cis. As all this holds true in reality, so goes it double in fiction, esp in sci-fi and fantasy genres where there might be invented races, etc.)
If you're worried about your decision to have the character have this combination of traits, then the focus should be less on their traits and more on any plots you intend to use them in, and on what kind of interactions and scenarios you'd like to put them in. It's not so much about the fact, as it is how it's treated.
For example, I'd be less worried about a transmasc character that hasn't had bottom surgery, and more about the way the narrative they exist in respects and upholds their identity when it comes up. That's not to say characters that interact with them can't ever have misguided or intentionally bigoted perceptions of them--anyone can make mistakes, even with the best intentions. Unless the narrative they belong to is working through themes of prejudice and misunderstanding, then the default presumption of the narrator and/or other characters probably shouldn't be "oh hey, this guy's trans, he must have had bottom surgery" or "this guy isn't trans enough if he hasn't had The Surgery." But, it can be good worldbuilding if world views factor into their experiences and encounters, even if it means that doing so highlights that your trans character might be a minority or outlier, or even outcast. And it can be good development for a recurring character if they learn and grow from making transphobic mistakes, just as much as any mistake. (It can, to exhaust the point, also be fantastic characterization, if such a character instead doubles down on their bigoted mindset, thus underscoring that character's intractable moral compass, principles, and possible "no I'm 2000% right about this" mentality, for the worse. "Bad" characters can be very, very compelling, and provide complex opportunities for antagonists and foils.) Recurring characters don't have to experience growth to be part of your OC's hypothetical support network either.
I think I'd suggest three rules of thumb.
One, every trans person's got their differing comfort levels on how realistic any bigotry is depicted in the media they consume, or just how much the character's transness is core to the narrative. Some trans people just want the comfort of pure, frictionless, positive depictions of transness. Others want to power through rough and unforgiving antagonism and poor decisions in a fictional outlet. And while some might want a character's transness to be the main plot and have everything be about that character's transition journey, others would like a character to just happen to be trans.
Your narrative could place your character in a place that's very welcoming, supportive, and accepting of their identity. The character might have very few people they can be openly trans with. Your narrative might even place them in a position to have no support net. Uplifting, harrowing, or outright tragic, they're all valid narratives.
What I mean to say is, because there are so many different types of transness, and so many different narrative choices to make, even if you go a route that isn't transphobic, you're still likely to encounter trans people in fandom who aren't going to relate with your depiction. And that's okay.
Two, trans characters are more than just their transness. They can be proud of their identity, and it can be core to who they are, but they're always also their personality, taste in music, fashion, and culture. They're also shaped by their ethnic and national backgrounds, possible disabilities, friend circles, community, pets, socioeconomic standing, education, possible romantic history, and hobbies. Just like any other character, your transmasc character is a composite of traits. Even if being trans is a big core component to who your OC is, they still celebrate that identity their own unique way.
And three, though this one may be considered more controversial. Just like any other character, your transmasc character can be a composite of traits, both good and bad. Characters can be as complex and flawed as you want, full stop. Having a trans character make poor decisions, have bad faith opinions, and generally creating problems for themselves or others is perfectly acceptable, even if their transness might factor into the cause for those decisions or actions. As we move away from the Hays Code era, we've seen a 180-flip on LGBT in media where such characters can do no wrong. Yes, it's important to vary the depictions of queer lives. Yes, we need more variation than having no options than harmless unassuming backdrop characters or queer-coded villains. But LGBT people are people, and LGBT characters need to be permitted to embrace the same scope of humanity that cishet characters get to, and that includes what themes and traits we're allowed to explore in fiction. LGBT characters can suffer through internalized transphobia, or struggle with correctly gendering themselves. LGBT characters can be fantastic gay allies, but be extremely biphobic or racist. LGBT characters can be corporate criminals, shoplifters, manipulators, murderers. They can be as skilled or inept at anything as you want. As likeable or unpleasant as you like. LGBT characters can be given opportunities to grow and learn--and they can take those opportunities or refuse them. And they're still human at the end of the day, even if their choices create less than ideal outcomes.
That's the great thing about a character: they can do and be just about anything.
I hope this helps. My inbox is still open, and again, if any transmascs/transmen would like to weigh in on any of this, please do
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freckliedan · 1 month
I never knew your lore!! What was it like dating in a triad if it's sth you're comfortable talking about. Especially with someone you obviously loved a lot. What were your feelings for the other person? How did you even manage to communicate enough to be able to do that? Was it complicated at all? Was it fun/hot? Sorry if it's a lot but I've had someone proposition this to me and I just was so confused I didn't know better and said no. Now I regret it bc I feel so attracted to these people and would honestly love that (but more in a friends with benefits kinda way)! But I'm not in love with either so that made it easier for me to consider it at least? If I were, idk how I would handle it bc I'm quite insecure/easily jealous person
it's not lore i've talked the most about! but i've been increasingly open about poly stuff on here and i love the people in my life very much so i'm happy to talk about it! under the cut tho, bc this will get long.
when i was dating in a triad w/ my ex, they were actually the newest addition to the relationship—the third person is art, my now husband! and we all have different genders now than we did at the time we all three dated.
in a lot of ways it was very cool and wonderful being in a triad!!! like. they to this day are two of my favorite people in this world. it ruled loving them and being loved by them and it still does though the forms have changed.
me & art were best friends for a couple years before we started dating in 2014, & when our relationship changed to dating it was very much a case of "we're best friends and want to be in each other's lives forever, we just also want to kiss & probably have sex someday about it & to belong to each other".
(probably someday on the sex due to. we were 18 and had both never kissed anyone before. we took it slow).
ex has been one of both of our other best friends since that same point in time, & we dated him from 2017-2018. it was a very similar start to our dating relationship w ex—we already were best friends and wanted to hang out forever, we were just adding more to the relationship we already shared.
and we all had a great dynamic when all 3 of us were spending time together, but also each had individually strong relationships? me and art hung out just the two of us, but so did me and ex & ex and art. adding a new dimension to it all was the easy part?
we spent a lot of time that summer walking dogs and camping and fooling around and laughing together and getting stoned.
& yes it was very fun and hot. i shan't elaborate. but there was a point in time where i'd EASILY had more threesomes than anyone else i knew.
it was sometimes complicated and hard but not because it was hard to have that much love in our lives? i am the opposite of a jealous person and had mostly worked thru the insecurity i felt in the first few years of me and art's relationship/did not see his relationship w our ex as something that could replace what he and i have bc we're all very different people so was not insecure abt it.
it was just. a difficult time in all three of our lives individually? none of us were in a good place with mental health, & largely due to factors outside of our control. i'm not going to get into art & ex's sprcific struggles, but i was being medically neglected, freshly had gone no contact with my mom, & was just out of a toxic/abusive living situation.
(& my ex roommates were also COWORKERS of me and art. yes they treated me like shit at work bc art was full time in classes and only in like once a week. and then ex started working with us too.
one of the ex roommates had also been friends with us since high school and was our ex's ex. i had known the other ex roommate since i was 7 or 8 and she was the assistant manager. they were homophobic to me the whole time i lived with them and started dating after i moved out)
(yes the drama went fucking crazy but i have literally always maintained the moral high ground).
ANYWAYS. i think i was in the best place mental health wise of all three of us at the time. insanely enough. with that incomplete list of hell going on in my life.
but i was the only one of the three of us who had strong social support outside of our group of three, & i was the one who realized that our individual struggles were making it hard to communicate at times & that it was hurting all of us.
so i was the one who realized that if all 3 of us wanted to stay in each other's lives, we needed to break up with ex.
which sucked! a lot! it really hurt ex, but being newer in the relationship than our established dynamic was also hurting him.
he and i both walked away from the breakup feeling like it was uniquely our fault because we wanted too much. it has been amazingly healing to have maintained our connection & been able to process our breakup like. with each other. bc we both went into future polyamory w approximately the same baggage LMAO.
we moved in with each other a little less than a year after our breakup & lived together for almost 4 years! and we'd been living out of each other's pockets for the two before that—art & ex lived w their families like a five minute walk apart and i spent most of my time living out of my subaru btween the two of their homes.
so like. i don't regret it. i will spend the rest if my life loving both my husband and our ex so much it goes beyond words, no matter what form our relationships take. we would probably still be together if our relationship had started under literally any better of surrounding circumstances.
after our breakup i spent some time as a lesbian and that overlapped with ex's gender veering into man so attraction stopped there? though who knows what the future holds.
idk! i would rather my husband adopt a dog with ex and be the cool step parent that never actually takes on a parental role for the dog. i wish we were neighbors/lived near each other rather than states apart bc in a dream world ex and i would have keys to each other's homes and would just get to hang out doing our own thing in one another's room at least 3 days a week.
there's no one size fits all for poly relationships & there's definitely Other friends i want to/do blur the lines btween romantic and platonic with at this point in time.
no other triads currently happening in my life though and idk if it will happen again?
no sorries! & i'm nor sure how helpful this ramble will have been but i appreciate the chance to talk about my experiences bc it's not something that comes up a lot but it means a lot to me and has been such a significant part of my life.
if the proposition was on the table before for you, and it's something you do know you'd be down for & that you're prepared to communicate a lot about, is it for sure off the table now? if it's something that might still be possible for you and it's something you can talk about w the people in question then have that conversation!
worst case scenario, it's an awkward conversation where yall realize you have different expectations and wants out of a triad and that that means it's not something that's going to happen.
best case scenario, you get to have some fun and sexy new experiences?
i'd say it's worth it to try! & if jealousy and insecurity are a concern for you, they might be for the other two in some way, too. i think talking about whether it might come up for you guys and how to proceed if it does as an up front thing would peobably be a smart idea?
for real though! if it's something you want amd that the other two people were down for in the past, i hope it can be an option again in the now too. good luck anon and thank you for listening to me run my mouth.
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13 is funny right bc like. okay shes both tesla And byron. shes bumbling little awkward cuteboy inventor And uh "a man proud, moody, cynical, with defiance on his brow, and misery in his heart, a scorner of his kind, implacable in revenge, yet capable of deep and strong affection". that.
and heres the thing i wonder bc these are both like, archetypes girls like, right? it's like when i was 14 going if i were a companion i simply wouldnt fall in love with the doctor rip to rose but im different and then being 22 going oh no im not different, right? like these are,, the Types. this is why people went so fucking insane bonkers over 10 right? hes also both. obviously because hes the same character and also he looks the part. 12 also is the same guy but he doesnt look the part. he looks like,,, well idk like a sorta wannabe punk anarchist i guess
im being meandering bc im not sure what im trying to say but i have a Wonder bc like. basically i wonder if 13 does the same thing as 10 does. i mean like as a character not like their literal Actions i mean their Effect on their Audiences does it come from the same Thing
bc wait heres another thing that goes in here right bc like 10 was based on david tennant doing casanova right? i havent seen it, i have it downloaded but like, it's sort of in the name you can kinda see where,,,, it all comes from. and then 13 was based on adult life skills anna right? now i HAVE watched that and it's EXTREMELY 13 but is it a byronic hero no it is not. it is nonetheless extremely appealing to me in a fangirl big embarrassing crush kinda way. like in a 14 yo fangirling over david tennant kinda way. im assuming. like technically it's definitely a 25 yo fangirling over 13 kinda way but how different is that really
and thats actually i think exactly what im wondering. how different IS that really. is the thing that appeals abt 13 is that what people feel abt their wet men? im watching that video essay abt snapewives again btw maybe good context to have. bc theres this thing abt the wet men people like right? like, theres this aspect of wanting to like, save them? like youve got a wet sad prettyboy and you can cheer him up. or youve got a wet sad meanyboy and he only likes you. right? theres thoroughness & nuance im missing but thats what i understand. with my head bc with my heart ive never been close. unless 13 counts bc then im very close but im very much wondering if she counts and if she doesnt then why not
IS 13 a byronic hero in how we ('we' here defined as people who have a gay little crush on her) relate to her or is she NOT bc she doesnt look the part? like 12
another question: if 13 is not a byronic hero is that because she doesnt look the part or bc of other factors. are the other factors there BECAUSE she doesnt look the part? if thats the case i'd expect it to work the same with 12. does it? (i mean like, people's biases abt age and gender subconsciously affecting either/both which traits we highlight/notice in them?)
if 13 is NOT a byronic hero, ARE there women byronic heroes i could use to compare here? (kinda expecting like an woman in gideon the ninth series here which i still havent finished)
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carpedzem · 2 years
okay so, i don’t know if you’ll be able to answer this or not but you seem like a good person to go to with this question. are people with she/her pronouns allowed to write dnf fanfic?
i see stuff all over twitter all the time of people saying certain people aren’t allowed to do this and that and it’s always been something i wondered about.
hopefully me asking this doesn’t come off wrong or anything, i’m just genuinely curious and want to be more educated on everything
oh wow anon I'm not sure if I'm the best person to answer that tbh. I think I get why twt is saying that buuut it's not as easy as they are trying to pretend it is.
i saw a lot of wlw people openly taking how they like creating and consuming mlm stories because there's more of them than wlw stories, and that they can relate to them more than to straight couples stories. and i think that's valid, if that how they want to celebrate their identity? who are we to take it away from them.
it's not like every queer person gets letter at age of 14 explaining that yeah they are queer. people can discover some things about themselves much later, or things can change or whatever. i literally know a person who wrote their first fic identifying as a cis person and now they can point out stuff they put there and say 'yeah well i was struggling with my gender identity here'. so let them discover themselves
we 👏 are 👏 on 👏 the 👏 internet 👏 people 👏 can 👏 lie 👏 if idk imagine it is a rule that people identifying as she/her can't write dnf fic. do you know what you can do? remake your account. edit your bio. you literally don't have to put anything on ao3. i know that twt is in general less anonymous with selfies days etc. but you can literally put no personal info on the internet and you will be fine
finally, that's probably the smallest issue but fandom spaces are dominated by young girls, and it's so cool that in general this fandom is full of any kind of folks, but it's still not balanced, and it will get us a quite some time to close the gap. do we really want to take away a creative love expression from like half of the fandom? like, if we are taking it away from fic writers, then probably for the artists as well? which means i'm out, which then is not really holding me in the fandom anymore? fandom exists for fans from fans, idk if restrictions will help it be growing, living place
it's getting long now sorry!! i hope you get why it's not as simple as 280-characters tweet from a random person. it's not like twt is completely in the wrong, because I understand the source of their worries. I just think it's way more complicated and there's a lot of different factors and not everyone is the same and there's no point of pretending everyone is only because they share one label
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fellhellion · 1 year
sometimes i wonder if miguel having a bad relationship with both his parents impacts how he relates to their respective cultures / both sides of his own heritage. like idk if that's a weird way of phrasing it but like...i like to think about character family dynamics a lot especially parental ones and miguel's relationship with his parents is very analysis-worthy
it's a really interesting idea to chew on yeah but I think there's a couple different aspects to digging into it.
The 90s run imo, writing wise, isn't doing a ton of work on the textual level of looking at how the dimension of race would affect a character (their self perception, how/if they conceptualise themselves within a specific cultural community, how this aspect intersects with class/gender on a structural lvl etc etc).
so while there's interesting nuggets like Stone blatantly anglicising Miguel's name, and a valid interpretation of that scene being that it's a microaggression, we don't really get a lot of introspection from characters like Miguel or Gabriel on how how they conceptualise themselves/their experience as poc, beyond some nice little details like them enjoying dia de los muertos or Gabri joking about how Miguel isn't going to be sweetness and light being Mexican-Irish (even if he's actually not technically the latter fjsdhf). So while it's a really interesting thing to think about (how his relationship w his parents would affect how he relates to his heritage, i mean) sadly we don't have a ton to work with textually.
But also, as this post points out, there's enough there with the environmental factors Miguel grew up with to paint a compelling picture for what's influenced him into being disconnected to a certain extent from his mother's culture. And I think even with where we can argue the writing is lacking in interogating that aspect of his character overly much, you can still analyse how those factors could affect the character's relationship w his heritage.
Another thing to consider on your point is that miguel's relationship with conchata vs george and/or tyler is damaged in very different ways.
george was an abusive shitheel of a man miguel has tried to distance himself from in every way, and the worry that he's too much like him is actually one of the biggest wedges in his relationship with conchata. so i personally believe even before Stone as bio dad reveal, Miguel wouldn't have been overly interested in examining irish heritage he believed he had a claim to at the time.
with conchata it's...complicated. i think on the conscious level, miguel is more preoccupied with how their relationship has been damaged by him believing conchata thinks him too much like his father (where instead for conchata this seems subconsciously to be rooted in the fact he's too much like her), so it's hard to determine how this extends over into how he thinks of his cultural heritage. but there's something very interesting to read into about what kind of effect it would have upon someone when your mother believes she lost you from the moment you were taken away to boarding school and YOU believe she can't see anyone in you but the man who hurt her, and you both feel mutually alienated from one another because of that.
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samthecookielord · 1 year
💘 (Assuming we can get the characters access to multiverse internet) How do you feel about the Chocolate Guy, Amaury Guichon?
1 says: "After seeing some of his work, I must say I'm quite impressed. I may not be a chocolatier, but I can tell just how much precision and effort must've went into building these intricate and detailed designs, with a fragile material even."
2 says: "oh yeah that guy oeace on earth love it when he shows up on my tumblr dash and im like yo whatcha got for us this time o chocolatey one. except now i CANT see him because THIS GUY doesnt even HAVE A TUMBLR literally outrageous i have to go ask his friend (in quotation marks) for a tumblr dash to look at"
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1 says: "And let you have the upper hand by telling you? I don't think so."
2 says: "shrimp🦐🦐🦐🦐🦐🦐🦐🦐🦐🦐🦐🦐🦐FTW!!!!YEAH WOO LETS GO SHIRMP!!!!!!"
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1 says: "Though exploring both is very tempting to me, I do have a bias for outer space, as indicated by one of my earlier responses."
2 says: "WA. ON one hand......thers shimp in tha sea.....BUT...... space is so swag cool......................girl idk im hypothetically exploring both baybee you cant stop me im already doing it in my brain get naed"
(tourney post)
Previous answers:
1 said (R1:M5) - Q: "amogus" - A: "Interesting invention of language. I'd like to study you."
1 said (R2:M3) - Q: "What would be your dream job? Specifically, if it could be literally anything, even if it would be impossible." - A: "I have a few ideas. I suppose you'll want to hear my most interesting one, yes? Well, a dream job for me would be to lead in an intergalactic expedition. So many new frontiers to discover... And I'd love to see it with my own eyes."
1 said (R3:M2) - Q: "what is the most Mediocre color in your opinion?" - A: "Hm. Mediocre? Personally, I don't really see any perceived wavelength of light as 'mediocre'. So many wonders of science in these hues..."
1 said (R4:M1) - Q: "I probably asked this before but thats okay new set of people would you smooch a ghost" - A: "Hm. This answer may not resonate very well with you, but I do not believe in the existence of ghosts. However, speaking in a hypothetical situation in which imaginary concepts may exist... Perhaps I may, as you say, 'smooch a ghost'. It would depend on many factors though. Is the ghost hostile? Is the ghost a complete stranger or someone I may recognize? Is the ghost from present day or centuries old? Does the ghost want to interact with me? Did the ghost ask me first? I could be asking questions all day."
1 said (R4:M1) - Q: "Say something nice about yourself :]" - A: "For starters, I've created many impressive machines in the last few years. [insert list of them here because i cant be bothered to actually come up with any rn lol] Plus, I was a top student in practically all subjects back in the day. My husband and I are also currently working on the blueprints for something big... but I won't spoil the surprise."
2 said (R1:M10) - Q: "what’s your ideal burger" - A: "BURGER ! ! ! YEAW !! ! ! ! !! !!!!! ideal burger is made by the friends we made along the way"
2 said (R2:M5) - Q: "how do you feel about shapeshifters" - A: "damn that would be so swag gender. well i can kinda do that but not rlly its not like im actually shifting my shape im just like hey looking at me im tricking (like the hit game) this michaelwave or whatever lolll"
2 said (R3:M3) - Q: "Opinions on nicknames? Do you like giving them? Receiving them? Have you gotten any that stand out to you? Would you like to get more or less?" - A: "DUDE NICKNAMSE ARE LIKE. MY BRAND. i better win this one guys cmon my nickname swag is sooooo cool awesome sauce. one of my BESTIES gives me a REALLY SWAG NICKNAME its [REDACTED] oh wait i guess im not allowed to say that or else itll like ruin my anonyminity or whatever 🙄🙄 ok be that way. as if im not obvious already 🙄 cuz im just so iconic 🙄 whatever im changing this guy's contact names again"
2 said (R4:M2) - Q: "if you were a pokemon what type(s) would you be" - A: "electric/ghost baybeee. just like rotom fr :] peace on earth <3 id be like one of those silly regional evolutions probably (trust me this makes sense if you know my silly weird backstory)"
2 said (R4:M2) - Q: "What's your favourite thing about yourself?" - A: "my SWAG and COOLNESS im litearlly so hot and amazing and hilarious ooo you wanna kiss me so bad ooo"
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voltrixz · 2 years
Then do Auditor
Show us your thoughts
Ty for this wonderful opportunity
However,Woopsies this one took a while, had to condense my thoughts here and there because I don’t wanna share everything just yet (I want to talk about them more later down the line)
First Impression: I seem to have a trend of not paying much attention to one character at first and then becoming obsessed with them the next time. Anyways I just thought of the Auditor as the silly flame guy. Who had a whole agency to kill one single guy (what a loser (affectionate) Idk i just thought they looked really cool (gender envy) (another factor of me realizing I wasnt cis)
Impression Now: MANY MANY THOUGHTS, several discord messages with my friends are just about me rambling about Auditor, hell I have like 2 or 3 docs with hc’s/analysis’ about Auditor. But basically, I like to think that they’re the youngest of the employers (yes they’re all siblings, i love the employer siblings hc so much) and i think that sorta facts in with how they’re like rlly stupid and just kinda incompetent (like have you seen how much he struggled to fight hank in his mag form?) plus its been mentioned that they’re the only one of the employers to actually interfere directly with Nevada, which kinda gives me that “younger sibling that wants to prove themselves to the others but ends up messing up horribly as they’re very impulsive and kinda foolish” Also think they’re like secretly very interested in nevada and the people there, sorry i just kinda think they fit the like ‘sheltered disney royalty’ trope. ALSO!!! I think they rely too much on just how much command and how they’re like a literal god, and they just rely on that sorta status when really it weren't for all that, she would be almost powerless i think, Which i think rlly factors into how we seem him struggle a lot in fights against hank and why like in project nexus they just make people take care of everything for her. Also ermm I think they’re also like rlly into flashy entrances like the whole pillar scene thing where it rises and theres like flames everywhere, what a showboat (affectionate). So in conclusion, secretly very curious and a bit foolish while also thinking they’re above everyone else and having a really really short temper. Also ermmm took the lil tidbit of Auditor liking sugary things as a secret soft side, which I will talk about later and also ermm also gets embarrassed easily. Sorry I'm all over the place woopsies.
Idea for a story: MANY IDEAS, like one that explores the sibling dynamics in the employer family + Maker (yes i think Maker is the “father” of the employers) (he just created them from thin air and went “My kids!!! I love em!!”) anyways a lot of stories for that, sorry I love family content. For other stories, I have a bunch of au ones like the one where Auditor and Phobos temporarily took care of the knight in my madcom x hk au. Also have a few ideas of how I think Auditor views humans/nevadas and all the things that confuse them. Also a few on his day to day and like her decreasing mental state (sorry they’re my fave character ever and that means they have to suffer through the horrors) oh and a lot, a lot, a lot of Auditor/Phobos ideas, love these 2 sm. Yet also ermm will put them through the horrors (I have several solo fics about Auditor dealing with Phobos death and post fall of Nexus time) but also just a lot of stories exploring their dynamic and how i think it would develop
Unpopular opinion: Ummmm not sure here honestly since I havent heard too many people talk about Auditor sadly but ermm I guess just like a lot of people kinda brush over Auditor a lot and ermmm it makes me so sad because they’re actually so so so interesting, idk it that counts as an unpopular opinion or whatever but like eh
Favorite relationship: If you’ve been on my blog for a while, I think we all know what I'm going to say. AUDITOR AND PHOBOS!!!!! Love love love these 2 so so so much. Guys I need more people to like this pairing so I can ramble about it more. LIKE GRGHAHH love these 2 evil bastards being in love. So many hc’s about them (I have dedicated doc for them) (and a bunch of short ideas) (might share some them here tbh…) But graghhh love thinking that Auditor decided to interfere with Nevada and ended up having to work with Phobos’ annoying ass only to slowly fall in love with him. Sorry, I just really like to think about how their relationship would develop. Phobos would go from teasing and joke flirting with Auditor for Auditor to turn it around on him, until the Auditor deemed it “far too unprofessional” and called a truce. (they still hated each other but they decided to might as well try to put up with each other for the sake of this “business” relationship (ended with them growing closer and learning more about the other) (which led them to find solace in each other’s company, and enjoy their little friendship until they realized wait a minute I'm like actually in love with you, how is this happening) LIKE GRGAHHH love these 2, their dynamic is so silly.
Favorite hc: All of mine (/hj) but tbh the good thing about having a favorite character that isn't talked about, is that you get to make all the hc’s yourself. And oh boy do I have a few (MANY) but we’re doing favorites so I’ll keep this as short as possible. Auditor has a more dragon like form, which he just has large wings, a tail and horns, which means he can fly around YIPEEE!!!Also its very easy to tell Auditor’s emotions just by looking at their flames, flames will like flicer much more slowly and droop a bit when stressed/tired, when they’re furious, their flames will rise and spark violently, when they see something they like (or someone (hi phobos), little heart shaped sparks will emit from their flames, etc etc. Also like I mentioned before, very curious about mortals in nevada, despite seeing them as below them, Auditor finds them very interesting especially Phobos (they’re gay) ALSO!!! An awful cook, they just summon food they like out of thin air and will set the kitchen on fire if they try to cook anything. Also of course the usual touch starved and attention craving hc, this guys craves some sort of affection. Also!!! Definitely gets teased about her crush on Phobos by their employer siblings. Oh and woops angst jumpscare but Auditor would pick up Phobos’ smoking habit (yes I hc that he smokes) after Phobos dies as a coping mechanism. Couldnt let you guys off that easily. (evil little grin)
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royalberryriku · 6 months
// half vent? More just a thing I've realised about myself and wanna work on
So I think I have some problems with internalised sexism, transphobia and other stuff too tbh.
For added context, I come from a very conservative family that is very much also in denial it is conservative. They've always hidden stuff around a "oh this isn't bad" bow whenever I question shit they do and I've kind been stuck in this loop growing up where it's like They say thing -> I take it on because copy parents -> friends say thing is had one day in passing -> I question parents about it -> they say actually it's not bad and get defensive which then makes me feel like I need to stop saying "too much" or "being too much" because I've always grown up with this idea that I always say the Wrong Thing.
Okay actually maybe there's way too much context behind this just to do a little thing since I think the whole Clinging to Parental Validation thing might be a pretty big factor in why it's hard to dislodge myself from old ways of thinking they've taught. Like, even with myself, it's sometimes genuinely hard to see myself as anything but "female" and that's it because that's what's been reinforced over and over as what would give me love from my parents meanwhile breaking away from that has been met with the opposite. Like yeah, it's hard, sure, but it's dysphoric to feel like a woman or girl purely because I'm scared of not being loved anymore as anything else.
Basically though, yeah, I think this probably bleeds into other stuff too. Like overall not viewing people as their gender enough or fully because I have this thing at the back of my head like "no that's not allowed they're [insert agab] because that's how I've been taught to view myself. It's hard to break away from but I really freaking want to and need to, both for others and to not be shitty, but also for myself bc it causes a lot of dysphoria.
I probably only use he/him rather than like it/they bc of this too and I've been wondering also if that maybe subconsciously makes me less likely to use them for other pol too? Esp it/its and neo pronouns and particularly when there's other pronouns in a set like he/they/it, they/fae/it, etc. Like do I subconsciously use he or they more? And is that because of this internalised shit with myself where I don't let myself be anything but he/him? Is it being scared of being "too complicated" for my family? For being abandoned by people?
Idk. there's a lot to unpack there and a lot to just analyse and heal from with past bs from family.
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halfdeadwallfly · 6 months
back on the gender questioning train with the newfound remembrance of agender and demigirl
bc like- i don't really feel like i'm trans or straight up nonbinary. i don't necessarily object to being called a girl. it feels comfortable, but almost just because that's what i'm used to. like i've played around in the past with how i would feel if i called myself a boy or used they/them pronouns and it was kind of like. ok. whatever. and i just stopped thinking about it. but this weekend i was trying on dresses for a formal i'm going to, and like half of what i tried on just felt uncomfortable. i always kind of feel that way about dresses. i don't know. sometimes it's wonderful, and sometimes i just don't feel like myself. to a really uncomfortable extent. i don't like being called beautiful, or pretty, and i don't know if it's because of some self esteem or anxiety thing or if it's a gender thing. i mean i don't really feel pretty or beautiful, but it's not that i don't think i could be, but i just. don't really want to be? like idk. it just feels like a strange box that i don't feel good in. but i don't want to be handsome or anything either. i like the way i look. a lot, especially lately. i feel really good about myself a lot of the time if i'm being honest. which is almost amplifying that. because a lot in the past it's been- i don't feel good about myself at all so any positive thing feels like something to either reject or reach for, just across the board. but now i'm looking at myself like, hey, you look like how you should. i cut my hair and i feel more like myself than i ever have. not that i didn't like my hair before- i thought it was pretty. sometimes i'm sad that i can't style it in certain ways anymore. but now i feel more right. maybe it's a number of factors, but i just feel like myself with much more certainty than i often have in the past.
anyway i've been on and off about sexuality and romance this whole year, and now i'm onto gender too and it's just. my whole thought process about it is- i don't fucking care? it is what it is. i get that labels are important for people, but i'm just really tired of them honestly. i don't wanna think about being anything except for what i am. which is just. myself. i don't even want to declare myself as [not a gender] because that in itself is putting it into a gender context. i just want to. not. you know? i don't want to label the type of attraction i'm feeling. i just want to feel it, and let it exist.
it all feels so.. arbitrary.
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alottamoney · 1 year
All speculation here, of course, but that's the name of the game. But the aftermath of the stroll really makes me think that if this this was planned (and personally I think so) this was more Jennie than Tae. Jennie is out here living life -- from sound check to Cannes after party she is happy and smiling. Good for you, girl. Who knows, maybe the timing had to do with the dumpster fire of a tv show she's participating in. Maybe they are getting engaged before he enlists. Whatever the reason...Tae looks beautiful (as usual) but a bit withdrawn when you consider how much he love fashion, Paris and beautiful fashion people in Paris.
Not saying that has anything to do with the validity or wellbeing of their relationship. They are coming to this from different perspectives. As you said, Jennie has more experience in dating scandals. Also there is a clear difference between the acceptable sensuality of boy vs girl idols. Jennie is allowed or even expected to be sexy. The BTS boys still have the company covering their chest with little cartoon stickers.
It will be interesting to see how this plays out because it seems to put Tae outside of his comfort zone. As much as Tae get's painted as a "rebel" (and he has definitely had his IDGAF moments), he also really likes the BTS bubble and fan attention. So now, he may feel he has to reevaluate a new set for norms for himself, like how and when he feels he can reference JK.
I don't know -- just throwing out some random thoughts for conversation.
That's a valid point. I've thought about it too. I didn't want to stress on it because people have a tendency of veering off into misogyny territory. Yeah, this is clearly a safe relationship for her too. For people outside army twitter Jennie is the main character in this. The discussions are always in the line of "Jennie is better off dating the pretty one from BTS and not GDragon" or "I wonder which A list celeb she'll bag next" and the variations lol. People are not gonna like what I say, but Tae, his name nor him as a unique person/celeb is something that factors in a lot in this relationship. And people on this side are thinking long term- engagements and marriage etc-not saying you're wrong for it, the contrast is just funny.
This is the first time I'm seeing the adage about expression of sexuality being switched between the genders lol. I will also say, this time is unique for her too, because Dispatch never released any scandalous photos/videos for the last two dating reveals. As in, nothing people would believe if the companies hadn't confirmed. There was never a threat of hackers and seemingly a supportive company, that released cute anecdotes about those relationships but yeah, I guess you could say she's more experienced. As for Tae, idk, I think Taennies and Taekookers are expecting too much from a man who looks like he hasn't stopped internally screaming this past week.
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animeomegas · 3 years
Omega!Bakugou headcanons
Anon: Pssssss imma need some more omega Bakugou like now no it make him jealous too because why not
Anon: hi! could you do some omega!bakugou x male alpha!reader? nsfw and sfw pls <3
nesting too pls!! idk why but I love the idea of nesting sjdjsnd, pregnant bakugou fluff would be lovely too <3
Anon: Hi I was wonder if you could do omega Bakugou sfw and nsfw please 🥺
(Hey, everyone!! Bakugou is very popular in my inbox! Okay, let’s write some omega!Bakugou headcanons <3 I have another request for pregnant!Bakugou, so I’ll add that part of the middle request to another post 😊 Also, I only write for a gender neutral reader. I hope you all enjoy~)
Warnings: N-sfw under a cut, suggestive behaviour multiple times not under the cut.
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Bakugou is not an omega who is big on nesting. He does nest and he’s very proud of his nest, but he doesn’t feel the urge to nest super often.
He doesn’t keep a permanent, all year-round nest, he’s kind of a clean freak so having to constantly clean all the blankets in his nest would drive his nuts.
He does nest during his heat and late term pregnancy, and also after periods of extreme stress, but not often outside of these times.
But if he knows his alpha likes his nests, he might build them for his alpha when they’re stressed, although he’ll claim he just felt like making it and it shouldn’t go to waste.
It’s not a very convincing lie.
His nest is not in a very popular style, mainly because Bakugou overheats so easily.
It’s a simple double mattress on a very low frame, with a couple of pillows and sheet like blankets that he normally uses as a base rather than a covering.
He has a black and red colour scheme that he thinks is the coolest thing ever, and he definitely has an All Might pillow hidden somewhere at the back that he threatens his alpha to keep a secret, it’s very cute.
He likes his nest to be in an easily defendable position, whether that be inside a large cupboard or wardrobe, or a small room with one door and a small window.
Bakugou also keeps a mini fridge by his nest, as a lot of omegas do, to store water and food, but what he has that a lot of omegas don’t, is a mini freezer too.
He keeps ice packs and ice lollies in there to help when he’s in heat because his temperature tends to get way too high.
Bakugou doesn’t like being vulnerable, so his nest is a sensitive topic for him.
It takes him quite a while to let his alpha into his nest, but he’s quicker to let them chill outside of it, holding his hand and keeping him company. He would probably let them outside his nest after courting for a year and knowing them for at least two years. When he lets them inside depends on a lot of factors, including how well they deal with him from the outside of his nest. It could be anywhere from three months to another year.
Bakugou has always wanted some pups, but in a removed and distant kind of way. After all, becoming the No. 1 hero was far more important than any of that ‘family’ nonsense.
He only really considers pups when he’s in a very committed relationship and at a comfortable place in his career. He’s not prepared to take time off at a vulnerable career moment, after all.
Bakugou wants two children, because, while he would never admit it, he always wished he had a sibling when he was a kid, so he wants to give that to his children.
But he’s very conflicted about it.
Firstly, two pregnancy leaves would be a huge blow to his career. Prime hero years and prime ‘having children years’ are the same years, so in a way, he has to decide how to balance these two priorities. He isn’t sure he wants to risk his career with that much leave so close together (heroes can’t be in the field while pregnant at all, so it would be a huge sacrifice.)
Secondly, he’s nervous about how useless he would likely feel while pregnant. He’s a workaholic and being confined to his house and losing control over his quirk would drive him nuts.
So, he doesn’t really know what to do. He doesn’t share any of his concerns with his alpha, but he does take their wishes into account too. If his alpha really wants two children, Bakugou does keep that in mind. But he’s not a push over. If he decides that two maternity leaves are too many, then it’s too many. It’s his body and he won’t let anyone tell him otherwise.
So, with all this in mind, Bakugou is fucking thrilled when he finds out he’s having twins.
Two pups for the price of one pregnancy leave?? Sign him the hell up!
Bakugou has twin boys, both alphas, and Bakugou just cannot believe his luck that all his problems just fixed themselves.
“But I don’t want to go!” came a defiant voice from the back seat of the car. Both you and Bakugou sighed, not keen on restarting the disagreement that had plagued the household for the entire morning. It had taken twice as long as normal this morning to get the twins dressed and in the car because of this very argument.
You could see Bakugou about to open his mouth to tell him that they had to, but you held up a hand to stop him.
“Why don’t you want to go, sweetheart?” you cooed at your oldest son.
“I don’t want you and daddy to leave…” whimpered your youngest son, answering in his brother’s stead.
Bakugou winced and reached a hand into the back and squeezed each of his son’s hands in turn.
“I know.” He said simply. You could feel his guilt, even though you both knew it was the best for all of you that the twins get used to nursery so that both you and Bakugou could go back to focusing on your careers. They would be fine, you tried to convince yourself. Millions of kids do this every year and it works out fine.
The nursery came into view, and you refocused your attention onto finding a parking space in the little car park on the side of the building. You could hear your sons shifting anxiously in the back and it pulled at your heart strings. You pulled into an empty space and turned off the engine. You and Bakugou shared a single look before moving to get your children out of the car with practiced ease.
“No,” your eldest son shouted. “I’m not going to go. I’m staying here!”
You had tried to take him out of the car seat, but he had refused to cooperate. You didn’t want to pull him out in case you hurt him. Bakugou came to stand behind you, your youngest son clutching his neck desperately.
“Let me talk to him,” he spoke softly, handing the younger twin over into your arms.
“Hey,” Bakugou said softly, leaning down to peer inside the car where his eldest son stubbornly sat with his arms crossed. “It’s okay to be scared to go to nursery, you know.”
Your oldest son visibly flinched and avoided looking at Bakugou in the eyes.
“I’m not scared, daddy. I just don’t want to.”
“Uh huh,” Bakugou said, eyebrow raised.
“I’m not!” Your son exploded. When he realised that he’d just shouted at his father, the colour drained from his face and his bottom lip started to quiver. Bakugou wordlessly held out his arms and his eldest son accepted the embrace just in time to burst into heavy tears on Bakugou’s shoulder.
“It’s alright,” Bakugou hushed. “I’m not angry at you.”
In your arms, your youngest son was watching his brother cry and letting out little whimpers into your neck. You rubbed his back soothingly and whispered that everything was going to okay.
Out of the corner of your eye, you realised another parent was staring judgementally at your family. Bakugou clearly also noticed because he bared his teeth as a warning and the parent quickly moved on. You scoffed at the idiot who thought it was a good idea to antagonise an omega who was looking after a distraught pup, let alone when said omega was a top ten hero.
“W-What if they don’t l-like me?” your eldest whimpered out.
“Here,” Bakugou wiped some of the tears away with his thumb. “How about this, you tell me if anyone is mean to you and I’ll sort it out, how does that sound?”
“But…” your son hesitated. “But what will you do?”
Bakugou grinned.
“I’ll make their parents regret doing such a shitty job at parenting.”
You gasped, halfway between scandalised and amused.
“Katsuki!” you reprimanded and smacked his lightly on the shoulder.
It did seem to cheer up your sons, though, who were now giggling at your antics.
“Daddy said a bad word,” your youngest twin giggled to you.
“He did,” you pressed your lips together. “And it was very naughty of him.”
Bakugou rolled his eyes and instead placed the pup in his arms on the floor, taking him by the hand. You did the same and slowly, you both made your way toward the school gate. The mood dropped, but neither of your children tried to resist.
You could see a teacher standing at the gate to escort the new students and you made your way over.
“Remember,” Bakugou said before you reached the gate, stopping you all for a moment. “We’ll be back in this many hours,” he held up three fingers. “Can you guys tell me how many this is?”
“One… two… three…” they both said together.
“That’s right! See? You guys are going to be the smartest ones in there,” Bakugou boasted, ruffling their hair.
“Careful,” you teased. “They’ll turn into you.”
“Are you saying I’m always the smartest person in the room?” Bakugou grinned back.
“No, I’m saying you always think you’re the smartest person in the room.”
“Oi!” he growled, knocking his shoulder with yours. The pups giggled again, seeming to be in higher spirits. You escorted them to the gate at the front of the playground and let the teacher introduce herself.
And with one final goodbye, your pups were off into the nursery and out of sight.
You and Bakugou walked to the car in silence, digesting what had happened and processing that your little ones were now old enough for nursery. You both slipped back into the car and began the drive home.
It was weird to think that your children were neither with you, nor at home waiting for you, but that kind of existential deep dive could wait until later.
Bakugou’s hand settled just a little bit too high on your thigh. For the moment, it was time to appreciate the novelty of an empty house.
I don’t think anyone would be very surprised to find out that Bakugou can get quite jealous on occasion.
In the early days of your relationship, he’s very nervous that his alpha is going to find a ‘better’ omega, an omega who is more traditional, and leave him for them. It takes a lot of bravery for him to leave himself vulnerable to being abandoned, and occasionally the insecurities seep through.
He hates the whiny, simpering omegas that plaster themselves onto the nearest alpha, and it makes him furious to see anyone doing that to you.
He has no subtlety, no brooding angst, he just threatens the other omega(s) away to their face, and then drags you somewhere private to cover you in his scent.
Later in the relationship, things change. He’s extremely confident that his alpha is his. Why would they ever leave him? He’s the best fucking omega ever!
Instead, he gets jealous if he isn’t getting enough attention because you’re spending too much time with someone else.
He doesn’t do this in a possessive way, it’s just that he doesn’t get a whole lot of free time and when his alpha spends that free time with someone else? Another omega? He’s pissed.
He gets surly and passive aggressive about it, and it’s extremely obvious.
The best way to fix it is to just give him lots of attention, he won’t behave like this is you have to leave for something important (he understands duty like the best of them), so it’s very easy to address.
Bakugou idly stirred a pot of miso soup as the radio in the kitchen blasted out whatever awful top 40 song it had picked this morning. He had only put it on to fill the silence really, which was the only thing this awful excuse for music was good for in his opinion.
He was making breakfast for the two of you as a kind of mini celebration. He had two days off in a row, the first time in a couple of months because of his crazy work schedule and he wanted to make sure he spent every moment that he could with his alpha. And so, here he was, getting up early to prepare breakfast for your both.
There was a lull in noise as the radio switched between songs, and in the few moments of silence, Bakugou could hear shuffling coming from the bathroom. He grinned. Perfect timing.
He put down the last plate and waited for you to come out, you should be here any second now.
 Fiddling with your shirt one last time you swung open your bedroom door, bag on your shoulder, finally ready to leave. You were interrupted momentarily by a delicious scent in the air. Bakugou must be cooking, so you followed the smell to the kitchen and walked in to say goodbye to him, vaguely sad that you were going to be missing his food, but he was probably only making himself something to bring to work, anyway.
And then you saw the elaborate breakfast spread your heart stopped. Had you forgotten an anniversary? Bakugou looked just as shocked to see you dressed up and ready to leave. However, his shock soon melts into frustration.
“Why are you all dressed up?” he growled, the excitement that had been on his face when you walked in now gone. “You said you weren’t working today.”
“I’m not,” you said quietly, confused as to why he was so upset. “Izuku messaged me while I was getting dressed and invited me for brunch, I was just going to meet him.”
Bakugou’s face screwed up at your words. He went to open his mouth but then stopped. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He was doing the breathing exercises that his therapist taught him for when he was angry. What had you done to make him this upset?
The relaxing exercises clearly weren’t working for him because he stood up from the table and stalked out of the room suddenly, shutting himself in your bedroom. You winced as the door slammed shut behind him.
Oh dear… you had made your mate so upset that he had shut himself away in your bedroom. Your stomach twisted itself into a knot. It was time for some damage control (and a quick check of the calendar to makes sure you hadn’t actually forgotten an anniversary or something.)
You shot a quick text to Midoriya, apologising for cancelling and letting him know that something had come up. He sent back a ‘don’t worry!’ message and about six smiling emojis. Well, at least he wasn’t also mad at you.
Fishing out a tray from the cupboard above the sink, you stacked it up with as much food from the table as you could, thankful that it appeared to still be warm, and carried it to your bedroom door.
“Katsuki?” you called out, knocking on the door with your foot. “I’m coming in, is that okay?”
There was silence. Well, silence was better than swearing, so you carefully slid open the door and moved towards the brooding lump on the bed.
“The fuck do you want?” he growled. “I thought you were going out to eat with Deku?”
You froze at his vicious tone. Was he jealous? Well, that was a lot easier to solve than forgetting an anniversary, at least.  With a smile, you slid the tray onto the bedside table and climbed on the bed behind you mate, letting out a reassuring scent. You wrapped your arms around him, ignoring how he tensed in your embrace, and whispered into his ear.
“Why would I spend time with Midoriya when I could be spending time with you, hmm?” you whispered, purposefully blowing hot air onto his neck. You revelled in his full body shiver. “The only reason I accepted plans with Midoriya was because I thought you were going to work.” You pressed as close to him as you could and placed a single kiss right behind his ear. Bakugou melted at the affection.
“Come on now,” you continued, a coy smile on your face. “Let’s not let this delicious breakfast go to waste.”
You reached over and scooped a little bit of rice onto your fingers before holding it up to his lips. Bakugou opened his mouth with only a small grumble in complaint, and you made sure to push your fingers a little deeper inside than perhaps absolutely necessary.
“I promise I’ll make this morning’s misunderstanding up to you.”
Bakugou’s scent is fairly sweet but still quite smoky.
When he’s upset/stressed, his scent is like burnt sugar, and when he’s very happy/excited, he smells like almost like a marshmallow roasting on a bonfire.
It’s a very pleasant scent but it does tend to divide people. Some love it, and others hate it.  Bakugou doesn’t care what anyone else thinks about his scent (except his alpha, but shh, that’s a secret!)
In his family, his father is an omega and his mother is an alpha and while they are happy together, Bakugou always promised himself that he would never end up in a relationship like that. He didn’t want some alpha bossing him around like his mother bossed around his father.
Bakugou finds meek alphas (and people) annoying, but he doesn’t like super aggressive alphas either. He’s attracted to people who exist in the middle of those extremes.
Bakugou knew he was an omega from birth, and it was something he was very insecure about for a long time. It was a big part of why he turned out the way he did as a child, he was making up for something that he viewed as a weakness by being as aggressive as possible.
His mother wasn’t great at making him feel secure in his secondary gender, assuming he would like certain things and pushing him in certain directions simply because he was an omega.
His father said that he was there if Bakugou had any questions, but he let Bakugou reach out to him instead of reaching out to Bakugou, and Bakugou was too proud to make the first move.
Bakugou ends up deciding that being an omega wasn’t going to stop him becoming the No. 1 hero. He decided that he could overcome being an omega.
It wasn’t until he was an adult that he actually started to accept being an omega was a part of him that he didn’t need to overcome, but that he could instead embrace and that it didn’t make him weak to do so.
When he does become a mainstream hero, he makes sure to always tell the omega children that he meets that they can do whatever they want and still be an omega.
N-sfw under the cut
Bakugou is a switch, mostly.
Oftentimes he switches multiple times in the same session, so his alpha needs to be quite the brat tamer to keep him from getting frustrated and trying to get on top so that he can control the pace.
He has a very high sex drive, and he likes to have a partner who can match him because he way prefers sex to masturbating.
It would be hard to find someone whose chest and nipples are as sensitive as Bakugou’s, and when he’s in heat, he can definitely orgasm just from his chest being stimulated.
Bakugou is also definitely a squirter, something which he was very shocked and embarrassed to find out.
Bakugou generally prefers slightly rougher sex. He gets bored when the pace is too slow and definitely scratches and bites (and is happy to receive the same in return).
When he’s in heat, Bakugou is a bit different.
He’s not a pillow prince by any means, but he is definitely a lot more passive than he is normally.
He’s not super loud, but he definitely swears a lot, even between waves of heat when he gets grumpy that he’s too hot and sticky. That swearing is a lot less sexy though.
Bakugou’s sexual side doesn’t really come out outside of his own home. He doesn’t like flaunting anything in public and can even get uncomfortable talking about sex with his friends, especially when they tease him with personal questions. He’s definitely a private person when it comes to sex.
Although that is not to say he isn’t confident in the expression of his own sexuality, much to opposite is true. He is definitely the kind of person to order some new toy or outfit on the internet every month to surprise his alpha.
He’s sexy and he knows it, so why not?
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jadenvargen · 3 years
Idk if youve made a post like this but any m4m animes/mangas you recommend? Im trying to find stuff thats not overly romance focused or like. Idol groupey?? Like ikemen. Also watched kaiji because I saw your art and my soul hurts from the first arc alone
IM SORRY FOR THAT KAIJI IS SO MUCH uhm... i think i know what you mean? i don’t read too many gay manga( bcs i have hard time finding ones i like also😭) but there’s some i really recommend! Been a while since I read some of these so I’ll try my best to warn but I might have forgotten something ;; ! anyway I have a few to reccomend!
Shimanami Tasogare
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you’ve probably heard of it, it gets recced a lot, but it’s for a reason. It weaves an expert narrative, focusing on a small community of LGBT+ (an older gay man, a pair of lesbian wives, a transgender bicyclist, the mysterious agender leader, and a young child who’s unsure of their gender identity and presentation) people and how they navigate the world. Its POV character is a young closeted gay man struggling with self acceptance, and finds family and love within this group. 
Homophobia, Bullying, Transphobia as central and constant, but also mentioned suicidal ideation, pedophilia, parental abuse, as well as cancer.
What did you eat yesterday?
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If you’re not much for romance, this one’s definitely for you! Not to say the romance isn’t there- it’s just very casual. A fun and honest tale about a gay odd couple and their day to day struggles, from light to major, told with the help of food recipes that they eat for dinner every day. Very comfy. Also has a delightful live action show!
warnings: Homophobia, grindr-esque fatphobia at times, domestic abuse(one of the men is a lawyer and deals with lots of types of cases), and the biggest one would be a bad bit in Chapter 2 where a woman thinks our protagonist is going to assault her while he thinks she may be homophobic. I would honestly skip this chapter. 
Hare no Hi
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A one-shot about a gay divorced dad learning his son is gay too, and struggling to know how to help him. Since it’s so short, I won’t say more but I think it’s really amazing!
the son has a crush on the dad’s friend, who’s an adult. this isn’t encouraged by him or anything(in fact explicitly rejected) but warning just to be safe!
I hear the sunspot/ Hidamari ga Kikoeru
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A HoH university student recruits the help of a go-getter shonen protag classmate to take notes, and their friendship and feelings for each other develop along the way. It’s more about the HoH guy’s struggles to fit in and what to do in life, and how to fit in a relationship in all that. I’m not HoH myself, so while I cannot definitely decide if it’s perfect representation by any means, I think the story and characters are very real and wonderful to follow. 
(The reading order is all out of whack for a lot of chapters uploaded though so I’d reccommend checking a read order thing before starting lol...Also, the last chapter is gone from most scan sites for some reasons, but just searching “chapter 29″ should lead to plenty of downloads.)
warnings: ableism, bullying
Blue flag:
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Not my personal favourite, but a lot of people swear by it! Different strokes, so it might be for you. Basically: Boy likes Girl, who Likes Boy’s friend, who Likes Boy, then other complicated factors start to enter the picture. It’s a sort of relationship drama between every character in their large friend group. 
warnings: homophobia, bullying, sexual assault mention, i think i remember some weird homophobic rhetoric that was like endorsed but maybe i’m mixing things up, katy perry and taylor swift pro gay mixtape.
not a lot because i’m kind of picky and i tend not to like a lot of what i read ;_; a lot of gay stuff is just bad yaoi, hard bara which is fine but not like.. a story lol. or like.. super focused on highschoolers and i don’t care for that. some general lgbt manga i’d reccomend other would be: 
double house (character study of trans woman cis woman roomates.. and then more:) ) 
i wanna be your girl!(cis girl in love with her real girl childhood friend but struggling if these feelings mean she’s invalidating her gender but Actually she’s just bi... the t girl is straight though so be warned.) 
Ohana Holoholo (2 ex girlfriends become roommates to raise the child of one of them, and rediscover old feelings along the way.)
Koi Ga Ochitara is explicit, 18+ but if you’re an adult gay man it is. Somehow very touching and relatable.
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cyborg-franky · 3 years
Hey Franky! I love your work!!! I was wondering, what kind of person would Zoro be into? I can kind of imagine him being into someone who carries themselves well! Idk! I can also imagine him not caring either. ✨
Hello! and thank you <3 always nice to hear feedback from readers! I've had a think about this and I've come up with some headcannons!
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- Wouldn't care what gender you identified as or how you looked. None of those things are an important factor in who he shows an interest in. - Strong psychically IS a slight bonus but something whose a strong willed person is basically essential. - Zoro doesn't enjoy being nagged to do things so he looks for someone who is laid back and goes with the flow. - A good drinking partner is a bonus, wouldn't ever make you drink but getting drunk together or having a few drinks together is a pleasant time. - Zoro needs something who isn't clingy, needy, or high maintenance. Someone willing to be patient with him. - He will slowly open up but will retreat backwards id pressured too much. - Couldn't handle someone sensitive. He has a habit of thinking without speaking after all. - A nap buddy is always a plus for Zoro, someone who will just curl up and fall asleep with him. - You need a better sense of direction then him. - Needs someone who is also not afraid to call people [and him] out on shit. Someone with BDE to match his own.
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