#but if anyone needs/wants me to clarify my thought process on this thing i can do so on request
nostalgia-tblr · 1 year
Just to say
I'm not changing any fic titles this week, not because I think the End OTW Racism people are in the wrong to want some sort of policy on racism at at AO3, but because my first thought was "that's not going to work, the OTW board are seemingly very resistant to actually doing anything about this and the only thing that will shift them is a loss of funding or people getting on the board and changing things from the inside" and then my second thought was "but I should do it anyway, in case people think I am pro-racism," which led to my third and (currently) final thought of "oh fuck off, nos, then it's just being performative to fit in, that's worse than just not doing it because you think it's useless." So that's where I am at the moment. I am supportive of anyone who is doing it, and I hope it does have more of an effect than I expect it too, but I'm not doing this specific thing myself because I know that my joining in wouldn't be genuine. This is a me thing, not a you or anyone else thing. (And probably to some extent it's also an anxiety thing, but that's always a factor in almost anything for me.)
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"Defying the Default"- Skin Tones and the Presence of Black Characters
Okay, this one is going to be half lesson and half a thought experiment- it may get a bit frustrating, as conversations like this often do- but remember, discomfort is not always a bad thing! So I ask that you walk with me for this one.
It’s also interesting, because I’m going to direct this towards everyone (readers included!), but specifically towards my fanfic writers of media with no visual medium, as I’ve noticed this pattern there, and it makes up a good amount of creators on this site. Okay? Okay.
Behold! Many shades of brown!
I had to wade through a lot of colorism for this, and even this link is subtly racist in its introduction- the idea that brown is ‘unexciting’ 🙄.
Anyway, you know where I’m going with this:
"Chocolate and Coffee"
Even the link above pulled this! Writers who use this... they’re not ‘wrong’ per se but… often uninspired. It feels... Lazy. When you can tell an author has put no thought into the brown of choice, it makes Black readers feel like you believe these are the only shades of brown- that that’s all we look like. Even chocolate is more diverse (white, milk, dark, marbled, cookies and cream?) Coffee can come in numerous shades as well (light, medium, dark roast? Type of bean?)
My first direction to help with this: make it a point to know what shade that character is (whether canonically, or if you're the original creator, look at a reference and write it down) and find a name! Be consistent! Find similar browns to one another. If the canon Black character's skin color is done poorly, find something similar and use that! (I'll get more into this in the next lesson!)
Our skin colors may modify as we age, it changes over the seasons/presence in the sun, and some people even have vitiligo! But we're not gonna be “dark roast coffee” one morning and “light milk chocolate” suddenly. We're not chameleons lmao.
And you know what? That shade you choose might very well be 'coffee'! But it's not going to be because you didn't look and assumed we're all some random brown! That’s the intent showing! If we can find endless ways to describe the beauty of white/pale skin, we absolutely can for brown! Be willing to unpack why you may not believe brown to be capable of beauty, and work through unlearning that- it will show in your writing! One way is by pausing with yourself, and recognizing when you had a biased thought. Even by this, you’re learning!
Here’s where I want us to get into the thought experiment:
I want you to think about the description of characters in stories (as a whole). Challenge yourself- in the fics and stories you read, how often is anyone blatantly labeled 'White'? Read a story or fic; how long can you imagine them as not-White before it's ever clarified? Because not even 'pale' automatically implies a White person!
You know how I’ve mentioned before that 'Black people are not a monolith'? I can find you at least some examples of Black people fitting some of the common descriptions of white characters.
"Brunette with brown eyes"
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(Fun fact: I actually learned back in my Masters program that genetically no one has ‘black’ hair- our eyes are processing it as black, but it’s really just dark brown due to eumelanin. Regardless, if you stand us in the direct sunlight, you will see that our hair is usually just dark brown!)
"Red hair with pale skin"
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“‘tanned’ skin with hazel/green eyes”
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“blond hair" (period!)
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Now, I’m not saying that blond haired Black people or Black folk with albinism are overly representative of my people. What I AM saying is that it needs to not be taken for granted that a reader is automatically assuming a character is White in your piece of fiction- I can assume your character looks like anything if it's not stated! Especially if the OG source is a book or a podcast! We’re just used to assigning these features- and characters- as white until ‘proven not’! The default!
I am guilty of this too! Even still, I reread many of my works and go ‘ah, I didn’t clarify.’ And I have to work on doing better at it. This is having intent for your Black characters, but really, it’s having intent for all of them!
(This doesn't mean going “the Black man said,” the way sometimes people say “the Chinese said” (which…. Tbh we should all stop doing that anyway, it's weird and racist))
My Next Challenge:
Some people may disagree, but- Ahem:
Breathe lmao! Take the time to recognize that it's OKAY to introduce a character as Black, to say Black, it's fine! Obviously be sensitive about it, don't shove it in there to “win your diversity points”, but like… People are Black. It's not a bad word. What matters is the context in which you used it!
You don't even have to say it every single time. Really just the first, introductory sentence will do. For example:
“[Character A], a bright, young, Black girl with knotless braids to her mid back, glittering hair clips matching her bright green t-shirt, and a brilliant smile that shined against her bistre skin.”
I recognize that some might argue that by saying “bistre”, you don't need to say Black. But 1) you don't have to be Black to be brown or dark skinned, and 2) There's a social stigma behind even saying Black- of discussing race in general, because it leads to discomfort. Race (as a sociological construct) exists. When we say nothing about it, allowing Whiteness to be the default, we're still emphasizing race, however silently! If you're already doing it... Why not mention it? 🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️
(here's a good clip of Ijeoma Oluo discussing the difficulty of discussing race; while I highly recommend the whole thing, the relevant clip is 4:25-5:39)
Maybe they're in the Black student organization in a lead position, maybe they're in a Black main cast of a play- it's okay to have those things in the story to help develop the idea that your Black character is actively Black! Just do your research to make sure you’re not leaning into stereotypes!
“There’s no races in my fantasy/future world!”
That’s fair! But I want to give you an example of how people will still project these identities onto your characters anyway:
No one has an explicitly stated 'race' in Avatar: The Last Airbender (afaik); they’re all divided by element culture. YET, many people were offended that a mixed-Korean actress was cast in her role in the live action- they ‘just didn’t see it’, because subconsciously they'd imagined her ‘face claims’ as WHITE, despite it never once being mentioned in the canon! (there’s also a firm sexualization and east Asian fetishization argument to be made about it, but that’s not within the scope of this particular conversation.)
Point is, if you are including humanoid characters in your fantasy stories, fine. You don't need to say ‘Black’ outright. But, that just means that you’re going to have to be even more detailed in your description. Because if I were watching a TV show and a Black actor shows up as an elf… I know what features I’m seeing! Entire protests have occurred over the casting of Black actors in a role ‘meant for a white person’; so... everyone sees it!
This is another reason why intention in character design and writing is important! Context clues and socialization help me understand who your character is. If it works like this for white characters, it can work like that for everyone else! You just have to know enough about me to write it in (and that's where the social and societal bias lie, because how much do you really know about me?)
A way to better understand this is reading books by Black authors (for fantasy, I would highly recommend Raybearer by Jordan Ifueko and Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi) as well as Black literary classics! Finding and reading Black fic authors in fandoms with Black characters! By learning how we describe ourselves and our skin colors, you’ll learn and practice how to appropriately describe us!
Now I can't make you do any of this! But I do want you all- writers especially- to start noticing our bias, how we may default to the experience of whiteness- and how that affects the way we write. When we have Black characters, and really any character of color, we need to start paying attention to how often their features, culture, and activities are emphasized, even for what we may consider to be 'background' details. That’s how we normalize creation and understanding, and become better at writing!
It’s just something to practice; remember, it’s the thought that counts, but the action that delivers!
In addition, if you are interested in a simple read into why approaching race is so uncomfortable as a whole, I've attached Robin DiAngelo's book here! Thank you to the PDF guru @toiletpotato for the link!
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suzukiblu · 9 months
more of the one where Clark panic-adopts his teenage clones, yes including the supervillain one:
"I don't know why people keep doing this," Superman sighs as they stop in the air high above the cloud cover between them and the Lyon lab. 
"Stealing your DNA?" Match asks. 
"Kidnapping a sixteen year-old," Superman says like he thinks it's some kind of correction. Match frowns. 
"Superboy is two," he says. And closer to physiologically eighteen at this point, even accounting for the temporary stall in his aging process. Definitely not sixteen by either count, though. 
"I–well, yes," Superman says uncomfortably. "But you know what I mean." 
Match doesn't, actually. 
"It won't be difficult to crack the lab," he says instead of admitting that. "Security won't be prepared for an external assault from your full powerset." 
"Because they think I wouldn't come," Superman says, sounding resigned. 
"Yes," Match confirms. 
"Because of your reports?" Superman says. 
"Yes," Match says. "And you never did before, either." 
Superman frowns, sparing him a confused glance. 
"Why would I have come before Superboy was even here?" he asks. 
"I was here," Match says. 
Superman's frown deepens. He looks over at him again. Match isn't sure why; the lab is the current concern. 
Maybe he assumes that he's lying about the security. Or that he's going to tell the Agenda that he's here. Those would both be fair assumptions. 
"The Agenda thought I might come for you?" Superman says. 
"The theory was presented, initially," Match says. "But you didn't, so external security in the newer labs is less intensive." 
"Why did they think I'd do that?" Superman asks. 
"Superboy and I only exist because of you," Match says. "And the Agenda knew he'd reported my existence to you." 
"I wasn't actually involved in either of your creations, though," Superman says, still frowning. "My DNA was stolen." 
"Yes," Match agrees, tilting his head. Did Superman think he didn't know that? "Because you made your DNA valuable." 
"What?" Superman frowns at him again. 
"Your DNA was stolen because it was valuable," Match clarifies. "Because you demonstrated it was valuable. You don't use science or tricks or magic or owe any gods or countries or labs any kind of allegiance. You just exist on this planet and you're the most powerful thing on it just because you're here. You can do anything you want, whenever you want, and no one else can stop you. Not even if they kill you." 
Superman doesn't say anything. 
"And you told everyone that," Match continues. "You told everyone that you were the most powerful thing on this planet just because of your very valuable DNA and the fact that we happen to be revolving around a yellow sun. That you can't even die. That you'll always do whatever you think needs done, no matter what anyone else thinks or who tries to stop you from doing it." 
Superman still doesn't say anything. 
"So Superboy and I only exist because of you," Match finishes, and then looks back down at the lab below through the cloud cover. Thirteen is down there right now. Or he should be, at least. 
Maybe he's already escaped. 
That's a very Thirteen kind of thing to do, after all. 
"That's how you feel?" Superman asks, all careful-voiced again. 
"That's what I know," Match corrects. "Would you prefer to go straight in or should I provide a distraction first?" 
". . . I'll be the distraction," Superman says, still watching him with an absolutely indecipherable expression that Match doesn't understand the purpose of. "Find Superboy and say my name when you do. Then I'll get you both out." 
"The Agenda will want me back, though," Match says with a frown, not understanding. 
"Do you want to stay with them?" Superman asks. 
Match has absolutely no idea how Superman can even ask him that. It's not a choice if he stays with the Agenda. 
It's never been a choice. 
"They made me," he says. "They own me." 
"That isn't true," Superman says. "You don't have to stay with them just because they made you. Not if you don't want to. Superboy didn't stay with the people who made him, did he?" 
". . . Superboy lives at Cadmus," Match says, more than a little confused by that statement. "He works for Cadmus. He's a field agent." 
"He–what?" Superman blinks. 
"Did you not know that?" Match asks. That really seems like something Superman should've known. Especially since it's something the Agenda knows. "They're under new management. But it's still Cadmus." 
"I–he's still there? I thought that was just . . . why would he still be there?" Superman asks, looking troubled. 
Match really, really doesn't understand Superman as a person. 
"Because he requires food, shelter, and financial support," he ticks off on his fingers. "Also presumably other resources. And he has no legal identity or legal guardian to either obtain or provide said resources. Therefore: Cadmus." 
Therefore: the Agenda. 
It really doesn't seem like something that should need explained, to him. 
Superman looks at him for a very long moment. 
"Find Superboy," he says, finally. "Then say my name." 
"Understood," Match says.
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my personal thoughts/headcanons on shipping lin, in case anyone is wondering:
Lin is not straight. A bottom line headcanon for me is that during/post TLOK, if she ends up with someone long term, that someone is a woman. Maybe Lin is a lesbian who was suffering from comphet when she was younger; maybe she still feels attraction to a man every now and then, but either way, after how things ended with Tenzin she decided she was done with men and their bullshit and would only be dating women. Am I projecting? Well, shhhh
Honestly, there's not really any character that we see on screen in Korra that I think would be a good fit for her. Maybe if Kya was more fleshed out or Izumi had more than like, two lines - maybe if either of them had ever really interacted with her so we could understand how they get along - but as things are I just don't have any evidence and can't even say I feel the vibes. She would probably fit best with another earthbender (or an airbender, I was going to say RIP to that idea post-Linzin breakup, but then I realized that there could be someone among the new airbenders) for reasons I may or may not expand on in fanfic I may or may not write
She comes across to me as a very difficult person whose partner would have to be someone pretty special. They'd simultaneously have to have thick enough skin to handle the ways she can be brash and emotionally unavailable, while delicate enough to get through her shell and help her open up and process things without spooking her or making her feel cornered. And of course they would have to be someone she knows is 100% trustworthy, because if her partner were to share something that she wanted to stay private, she would be mortified. (I need to clarify that I don't mean like, the normal amount of mortified that you would expect from anyone in this situation; I mean, like, her privacy and space to process her feelings, trauma, etc. in her own way and on her own time is one of the things she values most, and if she let someone in to that part of herself and they betrayed her it would probably be her breaking point. Again, am I projecting? Well, shhhh.) IMO OurImpavidHeroine's OC Lozan fills this role really well (and Impavid really gets Lin in general), it's just that - as I already said - I really don't see Lin ending up with a man long term.
She's incredibly physical when she's in a relationship. Earthbenders as a whole are a pretty physical bunch just thanks to the nature of the element, but when you have seismic sense, it makes sex mind-blowing and intense every time because you can feel your partner with your earthbending as well as your non-bending senses. (I may or may not expand on this more in fanfic I may or may not write)
Honestly at the end of the day I ship her with myself 🤷 but I get the vibe that's not terribly uncommon with Lin fans lol
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implausiblyjosh · 11 months
I made a post a couple days ago about the Quinton Reviews situation. I'm deleting that post.
In that post, I expressed my emotional response and thought process as to why I saw vague posting from Lady Emily and Sarah Z as fucked up, and how it seems like people are vaguely alluding to Quinton being creepy without providing anything other than vibes and a handful of awkward DMs posted publicly on twitter in early 2021. In my mind, here's two people who I have seen with my own eyes have a history of spinning a narrative in bad faith, sometimes in the face of clear contradictory evidence, and one of whom has a negative history with the person in question. Since it was all vague posting, there are no specifics. There was just a pattern of history to go off of, and it looked clearly bad to me. I expressed that sentiment on here, and clarified questions and points people had when the post started getting traction.
Yesterday, Sarah Z saw it and reblogged it to her followers with clarification that her vague post was actually about Colleen Ballinger. Since then, she and others have suggested or demanded that I delete the post because it's misinformation, that I shouldn't have made a call out post for something I didn't have the full picture of, that I should have just asked her what was up, and that I was aiming to make a viral post.
The post was never a call out post. I was, very clearly, expressing frustration at something that was bothering me with public vague posts I was seeing. There was no call to action, I wasn't warning people about anyone, I was simply saying "this shit sucks!" about what I was seeing online. If that's your definition of a call out post... I'm not sure what to tell you.
I also do not really understand the "you should have just asked me" line. Not only because all lines of personal messaging to you were closed off, but why would I try and ask about a vague posting, seemingly vent post, wherein you say it's a red flag to vent to your audience because it leads to bad things. On top of that, I really don't need to reach out for comment, I'm not a journalist. I'm venting frustrations with public vague posts.
I'd also like to say that the angle that I was intentionally trying to make a viral post is silly at best. My initial post had no tags on it, and I cannot control what posts of mine speak to people. I'm also not sure if ~2k notes (at the time Sarah Z brought up the viral angle) is really viral, but I don't think I've ever had a post crack 200 before this weekend. Feel free to correct me on that. Additionally, you reblogged this to your audience instead of messaging me. All my lines of messaging on here are open, and it wouldn't have spread as far if you didn't reblog me.
I do not think my read of the vague posts were out of line. I laid out my reasons to think that Sarah Z is someone who spins a narrative, sometimes in the face of clear contradictory evidence, in her published work. I've also seen a pattern of making digs at him, on top of the posting of the DM from him. I simply do not trust her in this instance, and seeing it all line up just so made it seem like it was a dig at him. And while she's saying that I'm wrong, and that the post wasn't about him, she's still implying he's a creep in that clarifying post. So while she says I'm wrong about the vague post, my "seems like people are calling him a creep based on vibes and awkward DMs" point seemingly still stands.
At the end of the day, I wanted to vent on here about something that was bugging me. I didn't wanna dance around my specific points, so I was specific in what bothered me. I do not think I was as clear as I could have been in what my specific issues were, and for that I'm sorry. If/When I make criticisms in the future I will be sure to be as clear as I possibly can be.
The post is now gone, and I'll leave this pinned on my account for awhile.
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teenandbeyond · 5 months
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Shoto T. x Dom. Fem Reader
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Tumblr won't let me edit once in drafts?? Idk
Want more from me? Masterlist 2
☆*: .。. .。.:*☆☆*: .。. .。.:*☆
Warning(s): Smut, kinda choppy cause this was done forever ago between classes, curse words, idk what else
Shoto misunderstands your arrangement...
“This is my friend, [Name].”
Oh, you hated that sentence with a burning passion.
Especially considering you were more than that.
You leaned into Shoto’s ear, “I didn’t know a friend ate out another friend the way you did yesterday night.”
Only you saw the subtle bob of his Adam’s apple.
Shoto knew very well of the activities that you engaged in.
The only problem that you hadn’t realized until this evening?
He seemed to think you were only friends, despite you making it very clear that you’d passed that level.
Though you couldn’t blame him, he was new to relationships more intimate than friendships.
Hence, why he thought you were still friends. Even though every other night he’s balls deep—
He knew you liked these stuffy galas as much as he did.
Which wasn’t at all.
All anyone would do is come up to him and try to make connections since he’s a high-profile hero—all night.
That’s how he met you, during his escape one year, he ran into you.
And then he’d take you as his date to any of them he didn’t prefer, letting you be his excuse to leave early.
“I’m sorry, I have to go. My friend [Name] here is exhausted, you understand.”
At some point, you became more than his excuse to leave, first a friend, then whatever you were now.
You were his first experience with something intimate, it was a process of years to build him up to his level of sexual comfort now.
And he appreciated your patience.
Now, Shoto craved something more with you…he didn’t know what it was, what was missing.
But he knew he wanted it.
He didn’t know why saying you were a friend left a bitter taste in his mouth every time he said it.
Or why he felt like strangling the men who looked at you hungrily at every stuffy party.
Or why he had sudden urges to kiss you, even in front of all the people.
Why you made him feel all jittery even outside of the bedroom.
He wanted to know why.
But he couldn’t ask you, never. He feared it would cross the boundary of friendship you had.
And the last thing he wanted to do was ruin what you had.
You pulled him out of his thoughts with a request to dance.
“Of course, you know I love dancing with you.”
The only time he liked dancing was when it was with you.
He liked holding your waist, your hands touching his body with even the purest of touches.
But he loved the eye contact the most.
Even from the beginning, you were never thrown off from his eyes. And he loved the connection he felt.
By the second song, he allowed a small smile on his face.
“Hey, [Name]?”
“Thank you for being such a good fri–”
He was cut off with a finger to his lips.
“I swear if I hear you say that one more time.”
He raised a brow, utterly confused.
“You know? I think I need to clarify this confusion for you,” you traded your index finger for a thumb that teased his bottom lip.
Shoto involuntary shivered at the look you gave him, he knew that look.
“Think they’ll mind if we leave way too early?”
You couldn’t hide the surprise on your face, though you were intrigued, “Here? At your father’s little party?”
“He’ll be looking for me later—my stupid speech thing. I don’t want him harassing me with phone calls if I leave.”
“I see. You want to be a good little son, hm?” you couldn’t stop the smirk that appeared.
“Quite the opposite,” he teased your thumb past his lips.
└── •✧• ──┘
“Take it off.”
Shoto shed off the suit jacket of his three-piece suit.
It didn’t take long before there was nothing left to hide his torso from you.
You kissed his neck.
He let out little pants, a little embarrassed he would still tremble at the feeling.
“I won’t–leave marks so you can still look allll pretty for your daddy~”
“I want them. Want them all to see.”
You couldn’t say no to a cute little whine like that.
You didn’t hold back all the love bites, his neck, his chest, his delicious abs.
“[Name], I want to—I want to touch you, too. Please.”
“We have something to clear up first,” you trailed the hand that was at the band of his pants even lower. You giggled as the gasp he let out.
“Clear up? What do you—fuck.”
You rubbed your hand over his eagerness.
“You seemed to be confused with what we are. What did you call us? Friends?”
“We-we are…”
“No, no. Sho, that isn’t what we are. Friends don’t make friends feel like this, don’t touch them like this.”
He couldn’t think properly once you’d pulled him out from his slacks.
Then you kissed him roughly, passionately.
He desperately kissed you back.
Then you pulled away before he was ready, he tried to chase your lips.
“We’re a lot more than friends. Friends don’t kiss like that.”
“I want–want more, please…” he gasped out.
You smiled, “I’ve noticed you learned how to ask nicely. Good job, Shoto.”
You didn’t miss how he twitched in your hand at the praise.
“Please, I—” his breath hitched.
“What do you want, baby?”
Your mouth, he wanted your mouth but he couldn’t find the words to say.
“Mouth—You, I want—I need—Hah~”
“You’ll have to earn it, Shoto. You know how to do that, don’t you?”
Within seconds he was lifting up the bottom of your dress and placing you on a desk.
“Someone’s eager.”
You openly watched as he dove in, his nose brushing a wonderful spot before he dug in.
A high-pitched gasp left you, Shoto was a quick learner, he’d learned what to do and how to please you.
This was different.
He had a whole different vigor, gripping your thighs tight. And the contrast between his hands and tongue never gets old.
You run your hands in his hair, moaning your approval.
“You know, if we were just friends, you wouldn’t have this. Someone else would.”
“I don’t wanna…” was all he could groan out before he lost himself in you again.
He didn’t like sharing. He wanted your body to only be for him and his only for you.
He decided he’d convince you he deserved you, putting a whole new level of effort into it.
And you noticed, you were unable to hold back your sounds of pleasure as much as you usually did. You were getting loud. And when you felt your eyes about to roll back, you had to stop him. You couldn’t lose control here.
He leaned away on his knees, chest heaving. He looked up at you in desperation, eyes blown out.
Your legs quivered a little and his eyes flicked back down, hungry for more.
“Your turn.”
“But I didn’t make you…I should’ve–”
“–Your turn.”
A few minutes later he was bucking into your mouth, begging, pleading.
“Please, I want to—I need to—Please~”
You pulled away, him whining at the action.
He watched as you slipped off your dress, trading the noise for silence. Only watching.
Almost a little predatory.
Maybe there was some dominance in there somewhere that was hidden, hidden until he got a little more comfortable to try.
Perhaps you’d explore that with him another day.
For now…
“Now, let’s get something clear–Sit down.”
You had motioned to the desk, but he was so out of it, he sat in the chair.
It didn’t matter, you supposed.
You caged him between your arms, “We aren’t friends. We’re more than that. The things we do are things that lovers do.”
“Only lovers touch each other the way we do. Kiss each other. Fuck each other.”
There’s was something else to call what you were? Shoto didn’t realize.
“I want to be that.”
“Good. So we’re not confused anymore?”
He shook his head.
But something was still missing, he swore it.
“I want to…go on dates and things like that…”
Your body language was open, listening, he continued.
“I want to only belong to you…and I don’t like when other guys look at you how I look at you. I want to kiss you. A lot and…all these other things I don’t understand.”
It seems both of you had misunderstood what you desired to be.
You thought he had just misunderstood there was a difference between friendship and what you were—what you thought, anyway.
He wanted to be more than lovers.
He wanted to be with you.
Was it strange that it made you feel warm inside?
“That would be…something more than lovers, Shoto.”
“Something more?”
“That’d be a romantic relationship. That’s what being exclusive to each other in a romantic way is. You do a lot of things together other than sex. Is…that what you want?”
He nodded his head.
That made all of this different now.
Your next kiss was gentle.
So gentle it made him flush harder than he ever had.
“I’ll make this different okay? It won’t be like the other times.”
He bit his lip as you settled onto him; slowly.
You moved slow at first, his hands settled on your hips.
“Shit—Shoto, you’re mine. All mine, you got that?” you groaned out.
“All yours, yes.”
It didn’t take long for the pace to get faster.
But it was different, it was filled with something Shoto couldn’t put into words.
It made him feel whole. Made him want to scream. Made him want to smile. Made him want to cry.
He expressed it with his hands, squeezing before one moved lower.
“Yes, touch me right there.”
You tightened around him, making him whimper into a kiss.
He was close.
Your kisses went down his jaw, then his throat, “Go ahead, baby.”
He gasped, releasing it all. His hips were out of control as he emptied everything.
But eager to please you, he kept moving until you did, too.
It took a few minutes to recover, bodies pressed together in the chair.
“So, Shoto?”
“Whose office is this? You seemed to know exactly what room to go to. Do you know when they’ll come back?”
All he did was breathlessly chuckle.
The only reason he’d be laughing like that, with a hint of mischief in his tone…
“You didn’t!”
“I did. He’ll never know.”
You pulled away enough to laugh, “It’s your dad’s office! That’s like, the biggest ‘fuck you’ you can give.”
“It’ll take a while to fully forgive him, I couldn’t help it since I had the opportunity. He deserved it.”
You fell into a fit of giggles, “Petty ass.”
At some point, you finally got straightened up and dressed, leaving the room on your way back to the party.
Shoto raised a brow when you stopped him.
“Where’s your tie?”
He looked down and noticed it was, in fact, not on him.
“Did you forget it in the room?”
He smirked, “Well, guess dear old Dad will be getting a little token of our appreciation, for the used space.”
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kingofthewilderwest · 4 months
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@bovivinator hope you don't mind me responding on main!
Gosh. I feel for you. Sympathetic high five. I also had a decade long queer journey starting my senior year of high school. While I've since let that side of me depart because, among other things, I realized it wasn't giving me satisfaction nor improving my own life, I will forever feel a full and overflowing heart to everyone who is stuck in this situation with religious institutions' poor outlets to safely question, analyze, and think for themselves.
It's extremely uncomfortable having a foot in two worlds where each side is condescending and antagonistic about the other. You can't get all your questions, help, and emotional needs met either place because both may hold strong negative thoughts against what's inside you. I know for many of us it can feel scary, isolating, intimidating, painful, turmoiling, with no answers or help in sight.
Given your context, I think you may be interested to know that Moral Orel is a show with attention to queerness. There are multiple main explicitly queer characters, each with their own way of handling the juxtaposition between their sexuality and their relationship to the church. Now: there are absolutely jokes where the homosexual characters sorta get the butt, in line with the show's black humor, especially at the start. I won't say anything more because that'd get into minor spoilers, but there is far more nuanced and heartful stuff, too, and there is no point in which queer characters are treated as any morally different or distinct than anyone else in Moralton. I could talk a long time about how interesting Moral Orel's treatment of queer topics is. There's lots to process.
Regarding Moral Orel, I do want to clarify to anyone following the conversation: I wouldn't recommend this show to everyone. In fact, personally, there are more people I wouldn't recommend it to among my irl and url friends. I think it's a masterpiece and I hope others will be able to draw to the show and love it. (I'm already rewatching and I NEVER re-binge a show immediately upon finishing!) But I want to be upfront many will be uncomfortable with how the show centers on and portrays religion. And even if that doesn't bother, the show's black humor pulls no punches and will target anything and everything. I see the fandom get angry when it's compared to South Park, but analogously to South Park, a person shouldn't watch it if they're gonna get offended over that stuff. And if anyone needs answers to questions like, "Does the dog die?" Moral Orel is a show to check on that, either for its jest or serious moments.
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quaranmine · 3 months
The Backcountry Permit Situation
Rereading Firewatch AU again and I want to make a clarifying comment about the backcountry permit thing, since it's a such an important part of the plot from Chapter 5 - 10. I haven't seen anyone be confused about this yet fortunately, but in my opinion the distinctions in the plot get pretty in the weeds here. So this is just me walking through it.
The Forest Service IS supposed to be in the wrong about the permit. That was an actual mistake that probably cost Mumbo dearly in a roundabout way. They are also wrong to have not disclosed this to Grian or Mumbo's family.
But here's where I say that it's not a conspiracy. Grian's thoughts about the mistaken permit is that it impacted Mumbo's search process. He thinks that the Forest Service wanted to cover up their mistake, and as a result botched the search to hide it. Admitting that they made a mistake with the permit would indicate they were at fault, and they don't want to be at fault because they're the government, so they continue to search the Cloud Lake Trail like nothing happened. Grian thinks that they knew Mumbo wasn't there and kept searching it anway to make themselves look good. He thinks they purposefully searched an area Mumbo wasn't in to hide their mistake. He thinks that they should have pursued other areas, but didn't want the liability of admitting Mumbo wasn't on the trail. He and Scar both think it was unprofessional to not, somehow, explore areas that weren't even connected to the original trail because SAR should have been "able to predict that."
The non-conspiratorial reality is much simpler. The Forest Service mistakenly issued Mumbo a permit for a trail that hadn't been reopened yet because the person who issued it simply didn't know. It's pre-computer, so it's not like they had an electronic system to flag this. So when Mumbo is reported missing, they have 1) Mumbo's permit for that trail, 2) Mumbo's car at that trailhead, and 3) a witness who said they saw Mumbo on/near the trail. There is NO reason to assume Mumbo didn't go there anyway. All evidence actually points to him being there. In fact, as stated in the files Grian later stole, the SAR incident commander had determined that the damage to the trail made it more likely for Mumbo to get lost. He would have entered altered terrain where the trail was obscured, and might have taken a wrong turn since everything was no longer marked or clear. I have seen real life cases where this happened to hikers who got lost!
It's stated that the SAR did do aerial searches of some other locations around Cloud Lake, but only of official trails off the same road as Cloud Lake. Since, you know, those are the ones that officially connect and are close to where his vehicle was found. Grian himself says he never made it to Cloud Lake because he was "asked to help in other areas." So we can already see that there was search acitivity that wasn't concetrated on the the rockslide area.
When Scar asks what the Forest Service thought about Mumbo's things being found on a completely different trail, and why he was permitted for a closed trail, he's told they were "operating on information inconsistent with reality and conducting an investigation of it." They both treat this as sinister-sounding but it's pretty much just a roundabout polished governmenty way of saying "we have no clue why he was at Pinnacles either and are looking into it" lol.
When Grian confronts the District Ranger, he's mad. The District Ranger admits fault to him about the permit, but explains again that they didn't see a reason why Mumbo wouldn't be in the Cloud Lake area. Grian accuses them of purposefully blocking off the spur trail Mumbo took—essentially saying that the Forest Service knew Mumbo took that path, and quietly blocked it off without mentioning it. The District Ranger replies that the trail crews were just doing their jobs. That's the truth. Since the Cloud Lake Trail needed repairs to reopen, a trail crew worked heavily on it. Part of their job is streamlining the trail.
Unfortunately, most of the critical errors in Mumbo's case were always his own. He shouldn't have taken the unmarked trail, he should've turned around once he realized the Cloud Lake Trail was messed up. I don't mean it in a victim-blamey "he deserved his outcome due to stupidity" way. I simply mean it in the sense that we're all human and unfortunately some silly mistakes or moments of poor decision-making are final.
So basically:
Forest Service issuing the mistaken permit and not admitting it: actual mistake, they were wrong
Forest Service purposefully botching the search and focusing on an area they knew Mumbo wasn't in, to decrease their own liability: this didn't happen, Grian is wrong
Mumbo's family could probably sue them for wrongful death based on the permit thing, though. I don't know how successful it would be but in my purely amateur opinion I think there's a reasonable case to be made that Mumbo never would've been in the position to make his mistakes if he'd never stepped foot on the trail. He might've gone elsewhere and had an entirely normal trip. If only :(
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yanderelovlies · 1 year
𝕹𝖔𝖙 𝖆𝖑𝖑 𝖙𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝖌𝖑𝖎𝖙𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖘 𝖎𝖘 𝕲𝖔𝖑𝖉
Note: this was inspired by and dedicated to Juniper anon and @kate66s . Also I feel the need to clarify think of the cuffs like the ones in my hero where they suppress the wearers quirk.
Fandom(s): SWWSDJ
Character(s): Shaun, Nick, and Ian
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You moved your hands in the cuffs hoping for some kind of weak point to take advantage of , but it was no good. Grumbling you tilted your head back looking up at the ceiling.How long were they planning on keeping you here? They were friends with Ian so they must have something planned. Before you could think any harder on the topic the door to the room opened.
“Sorry for keeping you in here like this…Shaun feels it's for the best.” Nick came closer with a tray of food looking very uncertain. He looked down at the food and back at you. “How did Ian expect you to eat like this..?” shaking his head, Nick got closer pulling a chair from the nearby table to sit in front of you. “Would you mind if I fed you? I don't want to watch you struggle.”
You glared at him “So uncuff me so I can eat.”
Once again Nick shakes his head “I can’t…Ian is afraid you will find a way out of the room and-”
“And give him what he fucking deserves.”
Nick says nothing as he scoops some of the food onto the spoon holding it above the plate. “Will you let me feed you?” You simply opened your mouth waiting.
It was an awkward process at first, but the two of you got the hang of it as you were now on your last bite. “Who made this?”
Nick raised an eyebrow “Why?”
“Well, depending on who it was depends on my thoughts.”
Nick chuckled, "Shaun made it."
"Then it's good."
Nick couldn't help but laugh as he stood from the chair "then I'll give your compliments to the chef." He made his way out, but stopped halfway through the door. "It's a shame you know…..I think you would have made a good hero…." And he left, leaving you with your thoughts.
You weren't sure how long you were in there till Shaun walked in. He couldn't seem to make eye contact with you. He walked to your side lifting up your arm “Come on bathroom break.”
“How long do you plan on keeping me here?”
Shaun sighed as you stood up and began walking to the door. “Till we are able to transfer Ian’s powers back to him.”
You stopped half out the door to shoot Shaun a glare. “So you taking his side?”
Shaun glared back “It's not about taking his side y/n. It's about you going ballistic destroying half the city.”
“Maybe if he stayed in one place it would have only been his house.”
Shaun’s glare hardened as his voice raised slightly “THAT'S THE PROBLEM! YOUR FIRST INSTINCT AS A HERO ISN'T TO KILL ANYONE!”
You knew he was right. You knew as a former hero that you handled it poorly but “He used me….used me to get ahead, and when he did he CHEATED on me……i wanted him to hurt as much as I did.”
Nothing was said after that he silently led you to the bathroom where he uncuffed one hand allowing you to use things freely, but without powers.
When you got back you couldn't help but think about Shaun. The two of you had been best friends before this. Always watching each other's backs, and taking down the baddies no problem. Did you really make the right choice turning that all away? And for what? You didn't even complete what you set out to do,but you're certainly ruined other people's lives.Maybe things would have turned out differently if you were with someone like Shaun or Nick. Maybe then you wouldn't be wondering where to go from here or if you would even have a life again. You were no longer someone everyone looked up to. Now you were someone who people feared. Now you have no choice but to play the part you found yourself in. Maybe one day they will forgive you.
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lavendermage · 2 years
Characters: thoma
Genre: sagau, no gendered pronouns 
TW: fear
1.6k words
AN: The Thoma centered fic I promised! (Ignore the fact that it's in the wrong series)
AN: I hate posting on mobile
    Thoma watched you with your head down, clutching your little bag. When reached out his hand to help you, you practically jumped away from him. You held yourself like a kicked puppy, unlike how confident you were with the Arataki Gang. You wore a mask, just like Shinobu.
    “So, you go by Goldie?"
    You nodded. “Itto started, now everyone calls me that.”
"My name's Thoma. I work for the Kamisato clan, I'll help show you around. I see you've got a mask, where'd you get it?"
"Shinobi gave it to me." Your eyes crinkled as you traced the grooves of the design.
    “It's beautiful." It was, the pattern swirling around your cheeks. "Do you always wear it?”
    “Yes, unless I’m with the gang.” Several emotions swept over your face, not giving him time to decode any of them. 
    “May I ask why?”
    You laughed bitterly. “Same reason anyone wears a mask. So others can’t recognize me.”
    He backtracked quickly. “Sorry, didn’t mean to intrude.”
    “No, it’s alright. I’m just … nervous.” You tugged the edge of your kimono.
    “Is there any particular reason?”
    “I try my best to stay away from large groups of people, for safety reasons." 
    “And now you’ll be staying at the Kamisato estate.” Thoma said, thinking. “I’ll see what I can do.”
    “Thank you. You seem trustworthy.”
    Warmth flooded his body as he processed your words. Why was such a simple phrase making him feel like this? He gathered himself quickly. "I'm glad you think so."
"So, when will I start work?"
"Tomorrow. Today's for getting used to the place."
There was silence for a moment before Thoma spoke. "Do you like animals?" You looked at him and he quickly clarified. "Dogs and cats, I mean."
You nodded. "Yeah, why?"
He scratched his neck nervously. "Well if you want, tomorrow we could head to town. There's a place with tons of furry animals, we could feed them."
"Do you have time?"
"No need to worry about that, I'll figure it out."
"Alright, I'll take you up on your offer." You relaxed and smiled.
You saw the Kamisato Estate up ahead. The guards caught your attention.
"Halt. Thoma, who are you with." The guard towered above you and Thoma.
"A new servant. They've been cleared by Ayato, so there's no need to worry."
"Ayato doesn't do the clearances" He glared at you and you subconsciously shuffled closer to Thoma. 
He noticed and placed himself between you and the other man. "They're a special case. If you like, you could always bring it up with Lord Ayato." You marveled at his ability to stay calm.
"Alright, alright. You're free to go." He stepped aside. You could feel his stare boring into you back as you and Thoma passed. You sighed. This felt like the sort of thing that would be a problem in the future. 
"Mora for your thoughts?"
"Just don't like soldiers. They make me nervous." You hugged your bag closer to your chest.
Thoma made a mental note to tell the butler to assign a shift away from the guards. Plus your mask…based on what you've told him you probably wouldn't have a chance to take it off if you had a roommate. Maybe he could get you a separate room, though the only free rooms in the estate were tiny-
"So where will I be staying?"
"I'm working on it right now. What's the most important to you?"
"A separate place to sleep."
"Alright. Does it matter how big it is?"
"No, I really don't care."
"Ok. There's a free room here." He led you to the servants quarters and showed you the room.
It was bare and dusty and barely had enough space to lay a futon, but it was a room all to yourself. "This'll work, thank you!"
He looked at you in surprise. "Is this really enough?" You nodded. "Alright then, I'll start cleaning then."
You shook your head. "No, you have enough work already. I'll do it. Just show me where the cleaning supplies are."
He did and you started cleaning. He came by half an hour later.
"Are you sure you don't need any help, I'm taking a break right now."
You wiped the sweat off your face with your free hand as you stopped scrubbing the floor. "Exactly, a break! Go eat, get tea, or something." You scolded. "You don't need to work all the time, you know? You do so much already."
"You think so?" He tried to keep his voice calm despite his flustered state, and it worked enough, you didn't notice.
"Of course! Everyone knows how hard working you are. Or they're stupid." This was common knowledge, right? You looked up to see Thoma blushing bright red. "Are you ok?"
He turned away and scratched the back of his neck. "Yeah, I just… don't get this much praise often."
You bit back a grin. "People don't tell you that you're a miracle worker? That you hold this whole place together? That you have a cute smile?"
"Wait, what was the last one?" He turned even redder. "You're just messing with me!"
You laughed. "A little, but it's all true."
He sighed. "Are you always like this?"
"No, You're just easy to tease. Plus, you deserve to have your ego fed a little." 
You politely ignored his lack of a reply, instead continuing to clean. "Where are the extra futons?"
"Just down to the hall." He left. He probably had work to do, or maybe he had taken your advice and gotten some food. 
You wiped the floor dry and stood back to check your handiwork. The room was sparkling clean now, you noted with pride. 
"Excuse me." You moved out of the way to see someone with their arms wrapped around the futon in front of them. Thoma's head peeked out from behind the futon. "Where do you want me to put this?"
"I asked you where it was, not to bring it here!"
"Oh, sorry. Do you want me to bring it back?"
"No, you just didn't need to do it for me."
"I wanted to." He smiled boyishly.
"Thank you. Just drop it where ever"
He placed it gently and pushed it against the back wall. "Is here good?"
You nodded. "Thanks a lot."
"No problem." He pulls out a timepiece. "Break's over, see you later."
You waved. "Sorry for wasting your break."
"You didn't. I like talking with you." 
The knock at the door woke you the next morning. You stretched, feeling well rested. The futons in the Kamisato Estate were much softer than the Arataki Gang's. You pulled on your mask and opened the door to see Thoma standing outside holding a parcel.
"Here's your uniform. Did you sleep well?"
"Yep!" You smiled, your eyes crinkling above your mask. "So what will I be doing?"
"Breakfast is in thirty minutes, and you'll be shadowing me today. Then, we can see where you'd fit in best."
"Ok, I'll get dressed. Could you stay for a bit? I'm still not used to Inazuman clothing."
"Of course! Just call me in when you need help."
You closed the door and unfolded the garment. It was much more complicated than the simple outfit the gang had given you. You succeeded in pulling it on, but couldn't figure out how to tie it. "Thoma…"
"Need help? I'm coming in." He closed the door behind him before standing in front of you. "So, what can I help with?"
You showed him the issue and he started adjusting it. He circled around you, straightening the neck, crossing the collar, reaching into the fabric to tie the knots, clearly used to this sort of thing. His gaze was respectfully focused only on his work, ignoring your body. He stepped back to take a look at his work.
"You look great!" He smiled. 
"Now let's head down before we miss breakfast." He led you through a maze of halls to the kitchen. Servants who were already eating looked up from the food when you arrived. "This is the new hire, Goldie."
You waved nervously. 
"Izumi, Chiyo, can we sit here?" He gestured at the chairs next to the two girls and they nodded. 
You sat, taking a protein of fish, soup, and rice.
"You're cute!" One of the girls said. "Are you shy?" She tapped your mask.
"Maybe he's on the run, using his mask to hide from the Tenryo commission." The other giggles.
Your eyes widened in surprise.
"Chiyo stop, you're scaring him!" The first girl- Izumi- chided, swatting Chiyo's arm.
You buried your head in your bowl to hide your face. You ate quickly, trying to ignore their joking comments. The end of breakfast was called and you followed Thoma out.
"How do you like being teased?" He asked jokingly.
You just groaned in reply.
As you followed him around it quickly became clear that you were a jack of all trades. You learned everything easily, the tools always cooperative. You even learned to dress Ayaka, with her beautifully complicated kimono.
"We can put you anywhere, really." Thoma said, his hand to his chin. He suddenly grabbed his head.
"What's wrong?"
"Headache." He groaned.
"You had it this whole day, didn't you?" His little sighs throughout the day showed his pain.
"Yes." He didn't even argue. Good.
"I'll make tea." You walked off, not even giving him the opportunity to talk back. You returned moments later with a steaming cup of tea. "Drink up."
He took it, expecting something bitter, but the tea was mellow and sweet. His headache melted away, and he felt more relaxed than he had in weeks. He hummed his approval. "Where did you get the herbs for this?" 
You gestured vaguely towards the courtyard. "They're just lying around."
"If it's not too much trouble, could you make this for me tomorrow?"
"Of course! You've helped me so much, it's the least I could do to pay you back." The sun caught your hair as you smiled and you looked angelic, at least to Thoma.
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tagged by @bizarrelittlemew and @krakenteacups! thank you!!
ARE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE? no, but someone is named after me (accidentally) (it still counts though) 😌
DO YOU HAVE KIDS? nope! never will.
WHAT SPORTS DO YOU PLAY/HAVE YOU PLAYED? high school cross country and tennis. I did run a half marathon a few years ago, but got injured and I haven't run much since.
DO YOU USE SARCASM? yes but I have a compulsive need to explain inside jokes to people who weren't there for it and that also extends to clarifying whether or not I'm being sarcastic in situations where it may be ambiguous, so uh, yes with conditions lol.
WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT PEOPLE? height! I am one of the shortest people in my extended family so I thought I was short my whole life and then I moved out of the midwest and I'm slightly taller than average here and it's WEIRD. every time someone older than me is shorter than me a part of my brain is still like "wait that's illegal"
WHAT'S YOUR EYE COLOUR? very pale hazel-y green
ANY TALENTS? compensating for my terrible short term memory by being VERY good at optimizing/streamlining/self-checking processes. this is very useful for all the pipetting I do. predicting murder mystery plots (solely based on story pacing, not clues) so well it irritates my partner. interpreting between friends with different communication styles.
WHERE WERE YOU BORN? wouldn't you like to know, weather boy
WHAT ARE YOUR HOBBIES? writing, knitting, getting my partner to watch shows I have already watched, d&d, baking, spinning (sort of).
DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS? one cat and two step-cats.
HOW TALL ARE YOU? 170 cm / 5'7''
FAVOURITE SUBJECT IN SCHOOL? biochemistry, writing/English,
DREAM JOB? recently went through a whole personal crisis about defining myself by my career and realized I really just want a job that is emotionally neutral. if my job is tremendously personally important to me, that's very stressful! I just want to go to work, be useful, and then go home to the rest of my life. what I'm actually doing isn't that important. what I like doing is solving problems for other people, and you can do that in a lot of different ways. currently I'm doing that with recombinant protein engineering, but like... when I worked at a soft-serve ice cream shop in high school I was also pretty happy solving the problem of "not having ice cream" by serving people ice cream. the only issue with that job was that they only paid me $7.25/hr.
I'm tagging @emi--rose @neonpigeons @oatmilktruther @triflesandparsnips @veeagainsttheday @chocolatepot and @werewolf-transgenderism (sorry if you've already done it and I missed it!) and anyone else who wants to!
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opinated-user · 4 months
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indeed, anon. i'm sure it means a lot for LO that you're willing to lie so blatantly. 1. that user they mentioned? not one of my followers or regular users who interact with my content. if you go to their blog, literally the only one that reblogued from any of us was this post. for the record, it was the post where i posted the screenshot of LO using the r-slur against her critics and Brittany commenting that LO later changed it to "crackhead".
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i can't speak for the other blogs though. at least they didn't ring any bells for me. just in case it's needed too: i'm stubbornly clear about how i don't want anyone reading my blog to go interact with LO in any sort of way. the goal here is deplatforming and you can't deplatform someone if you just keep validating their platform with more social interactions. not to mention that anything you say to her is just more for her victim narrative. 2. one reblog post. zero likes. the rest of their interaction are miscelanious posts that have nothing to do with either LO or our blogs. is that what "regularly interact with" means now? but even if they did "regularly" interacted with any of us... again, we're all pretty adamant about not harassing or bothering LO because it'll always be useless. so clearly this person is not listening to us either and went out of their way to go against what we try to do. i'm not happy about this person going off on LO like they did either. 3. let me get this straight. when we say that some anons write the exact same as LO does and we can recognize the tone, or it's just pathetically obvious in some other way, that's us building conspiracy theories because we can't accept that someone might actually like LO. those two things have nothing to do with each other in the first place, LO is capable of using sockpuppet accounts and also there being people who for some reason think they like her, those are not mutually exclusive, but that's what LO has said before. but when this unconfirmed anon that nobody know who they are say that they recognize the writing style of some of the anon messages we get with this other random tumblr user who only wrote something by themselves once, oh, now that's a valid thought process. to clarify, they might be right for all i know. i have no clue. i just know that this user went against LO in the most unnecessary way possible and it did nothing but anyone, so i hope at least it was worth it for them because certainly it wasn't for us. they might have also send us some anons for all i care. i just question the double standard here. when we do it, it's a conspiracy. when other people to it to defend LO, no, that's just being a smart person who just notices this kind of things. 4. "showing people 5+ instances of you being directly contacted by the blog"... what is this even talking about? what other 5+ instances are they refering to? i only just found out about this one user going on their own. this one user i might have seen once in my activity notifications and never again. where are those other blogs who are part of this side of tumblr doing this? 5. "everything going on with Poppy last month has also been very helpful." i'm so glad, anon, that you're able to be so honest and say that you're glad that Poppy violated the consent of a survivor of CSA to the point that she destroyed his trust. i almost respect that. or do you mean the multiple allegations of abuse against her that have nothing to do with us or LO? the ones that LO has majorly ignored? while treating Poppy like a potential victim only after she put the testimony of Courtney behind a paywall? truly, i'm fascinated with how you see a sex pest harming people, using them and discarding them as "helpful" to keep the good reputation of your favorite youtuber. indeed, the sign of a well adjusted and moral person with their priorities in the right places. thank god that all those people were negatively affected by Poppy so it could serve you to keep protecting a proven groomer. i bet all those victims will be delighted to know that their experiences were useful for you. but really, what i can expect from a fan of the woman who has said more victim blaming things that are more aboherrent than that? you two truly deserve each other.
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cutelittleriot · 4 months
Return to origin band together Chapter 4 part 2
Poppy quickly follows Branch who is alot faster on all fours than she thought. Thankfully she managed to find him but he isn't doing too good.
At the moment he is just sitting down his face on his knees and his arms wrapped around his tail. As much as he hates the limb it's a good thing to hold onto when sad or overwhelmed.
She quietly sits beside him. She knows that Branch is completely overwhelmed right now but she knows that what he said at his brothers needed to be said. She doesn't say anything and just let's him try and collect himself.
After a few minutes he is sort of calm,that explosion,that...everything that happened....it felt good to finally get that off his chest. "Poppy......is it bad that I wanted to be a family with my brothers again? I know they all have lives of their own now but still" He asks.
She gasps at the question why would he even ask that? "Branch of course it's not bad. You just wanted to be together with them again. There's nothing wrong with that" She reassures him. She wants to touch him but with his state right now she isn't sure that he would appreciate touch right now as it might overwhelm him.
Soon Branch gets up,Poppy thinks he is going to head back to Rhonda but he keep going straight. "Wait Branch what are you doing?" She asks. "I'm going to go save Floyd.Alone. I didn’t need them growing up, and I don’t need them now" He simply replies.
He sees that Poppy is still following him though "What are you doing?" He asks. "What do you mean? I’m coming with you" She replies there no way she's going to let her boyfriend go off on a rescue mission alone.
"Why bother? Aren’t you gonna leave me eventually anyway?......Everyone else does" He replies as his ears lower in sadness. Poppy gently takes his paw "I have been by your side from the moment we met. I have been with you when we went to go save my friends from the bergens,when I went gray you were there to help me bring my colors back. You protected me from being turned into a rock zombie. I was there when you were transforming. And throughout all of this you've been by my side too. Let's give eachother some credit here" she says smiling.
Branch sighs, he hates it when his negative thoughts show their ugly heads. He's right Poppy has been there for him for so much. "Right,uh I’m sorry. Thank you" He says smiling. "You’re welcome.And I’m not going anywhere unless it’s with you.To save Floyd." She says as their tails entertwine and they press their heads together. Branch wonders how he managed to land such an amazing woman.
The moment is cut short when they hear the sound of a tricycle. They see one coming up to them and to their surprise it's Tiny Diamond riding it. "Woah! Tiny! You’re coming too?" Poppy asks surprised. "Hey, what can I say?
I was moved by Branch’s speech and his sad, sad drawing. Now, let’s roll." The duo hop onto the tricycle even though they both have a feeling they would get there faster if they ran on all fours. But soon the trio make their way to Mount Rageous.
Meanwhile a certain married bergen couple are riding back from the water park on a motorcycle.
"Wow Grissy,I’ve never seen anyone get kicked out of a water park like that" Bridget says in awe. "All right, for the record,it was the water slide that ripped off my trunks" Gristle clarifies. "Yeah and it was so hot" Bridget says before she catches the smell of something familiar and delicious. "Wait Grissy do you smell that?" She asks as she keeps smelling. "Yeah I do it smells like" "French fries!" The couple says in unison as they stop the motorcycle. Little did they know what was about to happen.
The couple begin to walk throught the course not knowing of the many pairs of tiny eyes that were following their every move preparing to strike.
They soon come across a pile of fries on the ground but before they could even process it a giant clown head lights up. "Who goes there?!" It booms at the two who scream in fear and surprise. The mouth opens up and out comes a bunch of small colorful balls.
"Are those golfballs?" Bridget asks in confusion. They then uncurl themselves revealing to be trolls. "Oh their just trolls look at how cute they are" Bridget says as she coos at their apparent cuteness. Then through a series of events they both end up on the ground covered in sticky hands and wrapped up in tickets.
"Wow Grissy, I didn’t think we’d both find ourselves tied up on this honeymoon" Bridget says as she looks at her husband in shock.
Again very sorry for the very short chapter but the next ones will be long so that's why I'm doing this super short ones rn to get them done.
Fun fact when trolls touch their foreheads together its a show of love can be either romantic or familial.
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lostfracturess · 3 months
okay i’ve loved s&c since i started reading it but my god…chapter 8 was seriously one of the best things i’ve read and has made me just insanely connected to this story. so pls excuse me if this ask is obnoxiously long i’ve got a lot to say 😭🤚🏼
first off lol i just need to get this off my chest but the SMUT IN THIS CHAPTER…IMMACULATE. I GOT TINGLES im so immune to smut since i’ve read sm of it but oh my godd when he said “fuck i cant hold back any longer. let me fuck you already or i’ll cum in my pants” I HAD BUTTERFLIES IN TWO DIFF PLACES FROM THAT🧍🏻‍♀️…also i like how realistic the sex feels,, like it genuinely reads like two adults in this sort of complicated relationship still desiring one another, mature & sexy yet classy at the same time? bravo seriously (also reader getting the lingerie hehehehrhrh)
the way you built the tension throughout the entire chapter regarding satoru’s super mysterious phone calls and his reluctance to share anything w reader. so wonderfully laced into all of the scenes, there was this sense of dread throughout that simmered even during the fluffy scenes and oof it was a wonderful but torturous feeling haha
speaking of fluff- when he keeps mentioning “love” and now marriage!! pls 😭 it came out of nowhere but i feel like his brazenness to say it so soon makes me believe that he really means it if that makes sense?? :”) one of my fave lines from the chapter was
“he was stating it as a fact, something that was a done deal…he’s simply been waiting for you to catch up.”
that has to be one of the most romantic things i’ve EVER read in my life. a chill legit ran through me haha like if that isn’t love!! 🥲 he knew since the beginning </3
thank you for clarifying the thought process behind reader’s doubts in herself. when she said something about how she wonders if she’s cut out for it…oof i felt that. imposter syndrome is SO damn real, especially in medicine, and my fave moment in the whole chapter is when satoru really steps up in that moment as a mentor and says “taking a break isn’t giving up” <3 i totally understand her push back though, it’s hard to shake insecurities built over years
and my god. satoru’s character. i know that he is so troubled and has made mistakes but my heart legitimately ached for him during that conversation with geto. this was the moment where i was like omg this story is something so special bc you tackle the sensitivity of topics such as drug abuse so fucking well.
i used to work at an emergency department and so often we would get patients rolling in w chief complaints of withdrawal, a LOT of the time young patients in their twenties, and it’s really heartbreaking to see because you can never ever fully understand the pain behind someone’s story or change the past, all you can do is try to help them and make them feel better in the present.
i feel so bad for satoru, seriously fuck sukuna for taking advantage of him like that omg give me two mins in a room w that mf and your story is gonna be missing one of its characters 😅
“walls up before anyone gets close, pushing people away because he’s convinced that deep down, he’s broken.”
siggghhh as someone with an avoidant attachment style i so relate to him. i really hope reader can show him the brighter things in life (i mean she’s definitely someone that makes him want to be a better man which is lovely), i look forward to seeing how he opens up more emotionally in the chapters to come.
im so sorry this is getting so fkn long but i simply cannot pass speaking up ab geto?? what an insanely emotionally intelligent character. the way he acts is so consistent, i looove how he’s recognized that maybe satoru’s relationship w reader, despite the forbidden aspects, is something more than just lust and is something deeper than that :”)
“there is no point, neither in life nor death. but you can either cry about the whole meaningless of the world or try to find meaning to it. to do something that gives meaning to life.”
talk about words that no longer feel like part of a story, but literally jump out of the page (err my phone screen? lol) and have you feel them in the reality of your own life. stunning, your writing is just amazing miss lostfractures
also curious if he got sued cuz he punched that student lol 🤔 or maybe it’s related to malpractice
ugh i’m so sorry this was so fucking long but it’s midnight for me rn and i just had so many thoughts while reading the chap i had to share 😭🤞🏼 thank you sm for this story, it goes without saying that i’m SO excited for more 💕💕💕
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okay i have no idea where to start but first THANK YOU SO SO MUCH! i feel insanely grateful for you to take the time to write this message, really!!
i'm smiling and giggling like an idiot rn at work omg.
so so glad you like the SMUT, this is always the worst part to write, so i'm relieved it didn't read cringey and made you feel something (i laughed at your comment about the butterflies in TWO SPOTS omg).
can relate. ngl.
and yes the whole marriage part did came out of nowhere but i guess that's just so him, like he's so clumsy with feelings and don't know what to do with them so he's just really messy but also so adorable with it, idk!!! ahhhh
your reactions to the chapter make me SO SO happy, like really, that's all us writers want to achieve, right? to make the reader feel something. so glad i could stir something within you!! <333
& yes you never know what a person might have experienced in his past to it really comes down to being patient and understanding with people, but yeah satoru surely has an avoidant attachment, like SO SO BAD. and that can be so FRUSTRATING.
his past even gets worse in the next chapter, because apparently i can not NOT make him even more miserable.
haha the whole philosophical part at the end was mostly because i read a lot of camus and kafka lately lol. couldn't hold myself back, but i guess that mirrors satoru's existential crisis he goes through, that will be more highlighted in the next chapter.
but like at the same time, he needs someone to put him in his place and the reader is gladly accepting that and is like, I'M SO DONE WITH YOU, GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER MAN.
thank you so so much from the bottom of my heart for spending your precious time to read and write this message!! i really don't know how to phrase it how happy this makes me, just imagine myself smiling and crying like an idiot <33
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leothil · 3 months
Anon who asked Evcndiaz about disconnect between old and new fandoms. I partially meant following, since bigger and older blogs rarely follow newer ones. But I also meant things like reading fics by new authors that aren’t established 911 writers, or even reblogging newer users’ meta posts and gifs. It feels like the big blogs in this fandom really only engage with each other’s work and that can be disheartening to new fans who want to share their work with a community that doesn’t actually seem interested in what they’re putting out. (I don’t mean this in a guilt tripping way, of course no one is entitled to attention and you don’t need to engage with content you don’t like. It just feels like sometimes our work isn’t even given a chance since we haven’t been here for that long.)
Hi, thanks for clarifying! I do have a few thoughts about this!
Obviously I can only speak for myself, but I do think many others have at least similar experiences. When you first enter a new fandom you usually find lots of new blogs to follow, and there's a lot of new content to engage with. But at some point you start feeling like you get everything you need from your dash and you stop actively following new people whose content get reblogged onto your dash. It still happens, of course, but at least I'm much less likely to start following someone at this point than I was in fall 2021 when I joined the fandom. And it's not because newer and/or unfamiliar blogs are doing anything wrong, your dash is just saturated and the threshold for starting to follow someone becomes higher.
I think finding new fic authors suffer from the same saturation. After being in fandom for a while, you've usually found a good batch of authors that write in a style you like, and if they're still putting out new fics to read, trying out an unfamiliar author is an extra step to take in the process. But that's not to say it doesn't happen! I keep finding new authors I like, just at a much slower speed than in my early days in this fandom. I'm also reading less fanfiction overall right now, and I think that also applies to a lot of people who've been in the fandom longer. And that also makes the process of trying out a new fic author more tedious, as you tend to prioritize new fics from authors you already know you enjoy.
When it comes to meta posts I've also noticed that many of those I've seen lately tend to discuss things that have already been talked about a lot in the fandom. Newer people in the fandom have no way of knowing that, of course, but many times when I've skimmed a post my reaction has been "well, yeah, we talked about this at length back in the break between 5A and 5B" or whatever. So there's no net new information, you know?
It is sad if newer members of the fandom feel like they're being kept out of the community, because I definitely don't want anyone to feel like that, but I do get why the situation is what it is right now. I don't really have any good solution to offer up either, other than to try not feel discouraged if your posts don't seem to get noticed by older fans, which is a pretty meh advice. I'm not sure exactly when you entered the fandom, but if it was during this hiatus, I remember the fandom always coming together and mixing much more while the show is airing and we get new material to obsess over. I found several new favourite fic authors last spring while 6B was airing!
And even if you follow me and I don't follow you back, that doesn't mean I'm not open to talking to you! I love talking weewoo with friends, mutuals, followers, and anons, and my inbox is always open for chatting, requesting or giving fic recs, or exchanging thoughts about our blorbos.
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Hey again!
Thanks alot for clear up my doubts related to my type, I've been juggling between the 16 for a long time.
A few follow-ups I wanted to provide:
1. I am not adverse to being alone at such moments, but it is generally more fun and enjoyable when you have someone at your side.
2. I myself am not sure about my mom's type, given I've been unable to type myself, but I'm fairly sure that she is a high fe user mainly because she is really nice to everyone. The type to go and meet the neighbours, introduce herself and help them if they ever need to be helped. She's willing to help anyone, even people she only vaguely knows.
3. I am inept at crafts and art but will participate in them if pushed eg. if my friend wants to paint with me. I will be hesitant at first and try to get her mind onto something I think we both can enjoy, but I have made some museum-worthy "masterpieces" due to her insistence.
4. During any argument, disagreement, discussion or debate I will lay out all the evidence I have supporting my opinion for the opposer to see. They can question them and I will do the same with the evidence and reasoning they provide. If they are unable to defend their opinion, I will consider my opinion correct but if I'm not able to defend my opinion I will revise it with what I learned in the discussion.
I tend to only voice my opinions on topics which I have formed an opinion on, by reading about them from all points of view available, unless the other person is being an idiot and unwilling to participate in civil and impartial discussion.
5. Back-up planning in the sense of if X fails I will do Y. If X does indeed fail in reality, I will most probably completely ignore Y and proceed to Z, which I hadn't thought about initially.
6. If I am invested in a project or task, I will be more process focused. What is the best way to proceed? What is the best way to present this? Where can I get the perfect data for the task? How can I fill all the information I can find into this project and make it look good?
If I do not want to do it, it is hastily clobbered together with paragraphs taken straight from wikipedia.
And I think that's all I missed or glossed over in the previous ask.
Hope this clarifies things.
Thanks! The specific thing I was curious about was argument style, and this to me sounds more like Ti; I think the desire to see all perspectives and a belief in impartiality as a possibility comes from there, which would make you an ESTP.
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