#but if trouble finds them?
egophiliac · 8 months
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this is basically what happened, right?
(these guys are very lucky that everyone at NRC 1) has the combined intelligence of a sack of bricks, and 2) is easily distracted by shiny things.)
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#art#twisted wonderland#twisted wonderland spoilers#stage in playful land#stage in playfulland#these two are SO sleazy and i am utterly delighted by them#can't wait to find out their tragic backstory in approximately 3-4 weeks!#fortunately i have like a month to figure out how the heck to draw their hair (spoiler: i will never figure it out)#also. god. i love it whenever leona accidentally reveals his Mom Side.#he doesn't care about any of this but he WILL be tagging along to make sure no one else gets into trouble#once again he has to be the Responsible Adult and he hates it. the whimsical hat weighs heavy upon his head.#anyway this is me so excuse me while i now talk about diasomnia for three hours#but lilia being all 'kids gotta have some adventure in their lives!' is hilarious#specifically because you know silver would NEVER.#100% silver not only never snuck out but he always went to bed on time AND brushed his teeth AND flossed even when nobody made him.#lilia: aww but you should be enjoying your youth! >:c#silver: i am. i enjoy being respectful and disciplined and honoring you as my father.#lilia:#lilia: maybe i'm TOO good at raising kids#you know i was going to say none of his kids would be involved in this but i actually think malleus definitely would#he would not see it as a moral quandry though. he would just be excited to be invited along.#(the only reason he isn't there is because he was busy admiring a termite-infested beam somewhere and yuu didn't get a chance to ask him)#i mean MAYBE if lilia as his single authority figure told him no then he would have some reservations#but lilia's the one who's screaming HELL YEAH LET'S SNEAK OUT AND DEFY AUTHORITY while dabbing so moot point there#sebek would never and he would rat on everyone else. unless malleus is going in which case he's already there.#and i guess if everyone else is going silver probably would too#but he'd. y'know. feel conflicted about it.
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uncanny-tranny · 7 months
It's honestly frustrating that I've seen non-Russian queer people almost bragging about how they would be illegal in Russia, labeled an extremist or terrorist. Russian queers are in danger, their government has made it clear where it stands, and it's made this effort for the better part of a decade (even longer, perhaps). This will kill people, don't mistake this for a quirky little proclamation from a government, akin to somebody saying the sky is pink. Russian queer people were already expressing their fear, and the least we can do now is express our love for them, and advocate with them.
Russian queer people, I love you. I love you all so much. I am so sorry, I cannot begin to express the grief that I feel, and I hope that you are safe. Words cannot encapsulate how I feel as a non-Russian, and I cannot hope to comprehend how it feels to actually be in this situation.
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petricorah · 1 year
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long hair sokka truthers lets goooo [id in alt]
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ninjasmudge · 3 months
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im just fucking with him your honour (read: trying to figure out how to draw him)
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yasmeensh · 1 month
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I drew chimpanzees.... for no particular reason (I watched Kingdom of the planet of the apes) refs from watching chimpanzee northwest sanctuary videos.
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stacotto · 8 months
Shoutout to all the "troubled girls who find happiness and love with a 'monster' that treats them better than humanity did for most of their lives"; gotta be one of my favorite genders.
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portraitofadyke · 7 months
I love that the whole fandom agreed Stede topped the first time.
However, if you think that's how they will keep doing it forever you are wrong. Stede finally got the man he wanted and got to do something so good with him it made Edward Teach throw out his leathers and become a housewife, and now that he got a taste, this hedonistic little man who found out what Good Sex With Someone You Love is like, is about to try every flavor of it. he will see Ed having a good time and think 'I want what he's having'
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And Ed. Look at him and tell me that's not a man who's willing to do anything to make his boyfriend happy, and this is not a look of somebody who Will introduce this repressed man to his prostate later. That's a service top in the making.
They are two super inventive, imaginative men who are so obsessed with each other and trust each other, who live in the middle of nowhere. if you do not think they will invent 858 new ways to have sex, probably publish a new Kamasútra for queer pirates and publish it in hard binding and sell it at the inn's gift shop, you're wrong
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heich0e · 7 months
au in which touya ends up having to watch natsuo put his hands all over you because you took something offered to you at a sketchy warehouse party that has you panting and whimpering and burning up and his own hot hands can't provide you any comfort but his little brother's cool-quirked touch can
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canisalbus · 4 months
Fun fact, in Chinese belief, two moles beneath the eyes mean misfortune and bad luck, as well as turbulent love life. It fits for Vasco.. considering his napkin gets ripped up. :(
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kingkatsuki · 8 months
More fic ideas that I have absolutely no intention of writing.
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Knight Bakugou who’s positioned to guard you. The King wants the best to protect his Princess, and Bakugou is the best. Besides, it’s not like the man had a choice, he doesn’t want to lose his job— or his life.
You hate to admit that Bakugou is good at his job, much better than the men that had tried to guard you before. Making it difficult for you to sneak out into the gardens in the evening to watch the stars, or to sneak into town for the weekend festivities.
You should hate him for ruining the routine you’d managed to work yourself into over the years, for stealing away the freedom that you’d rewarded yourself when no one else would offer you the same luxury. But somehow you can’t force yourself to dislike him, there’s something behind his cold and brash personality that has you inquisitive to find out more. Enjoying trying your best to rile him up or push his buttons— spilling your evening tea over his pristine boots, or dropping your towel in front of him when you prepare for your evening bath.
Knight Bakugou knows exactly what you’re trying to do, and he’s determined he won’t fall for your tricks— which is why he’s just as surprised as you are when he finds himself outside with you past curfew in the castle grounds watching the stars. But instead of staring up at the gorgeous night sky, he finds himself turning his head to the side to see how the moonlight glows against your skin. It’s just another thing that has now woven its way into your daily routine together, and as he walks you back to your quarters each night you like to fool yourself that it’s because he wants to, not because his life depends on it.
It isn’t long before the King begins to bring in suitors from neighbouring towns to vie for your hand in marriage. None of which are out of love, but a necessity to strengthen alliances between armies. Which is why it doesn’t matter if you even like any of them, because the choice won’t be yours. The men are scheduled to fight for your hand, and as you sit and wait for them to joust you notice Bakugou clad in full metal armour across the field.
The King positioned him as his strongest guard— because he is.
A man worthy enough to beat his strongest soldier is a man worthy enough to take his daughters hand in marriage. And yet as you watch every man come head to head with Bakugou he beats every single one.
And you think Bakugou has just beat these men because he wants to show how strong and powerful he is, but secretly it’s because he’s so in love with you.
You can’t tell whether your father is proud or annoyed at the fact, especially when Bakugou knocks the son, young Midoriya, off his horse. The man that you believed the King wanted to you marry, the most suitable alliance available.
It’s a few weeks later when Bakugou is sent away on a mission by the King. The head of an army sent out to pillage a neighbouring village who threaten to compromise the power of you’ve forged.
The morning he’s scheduled to leave is the first time he lets you kiss him, he lets you get that close. As though he’s wondering whether he’ll even return home himself. Standing in his quarters in the lower part of the castle, clad in your pyjamas and your feet freezing against the cold stone as he cradles you in his arms. Pouring every ounce of emotion into the kiss as he finally allows himself to have you, even if just for a few selfish moments. Bakugou reckons it’s worth the risk of dying, to feel your lips on his again. A fellow guard, Kirishima catches you both as he takes Bakugou away from you— watching them ride off on horseback as you still feel the warmth of him surrounding you.
You stay awake each night wondering whether he’s even still alive too— whether you’ll ever see him again. The new guards are just as useless as before and you find yourself longing for his safe return.
It’s two months before your father has another man lined up as a potential suitor. Wondering who might fight for your honour now that Bakugou is gone, but you’re shocked when the King says there’s no need for such friviolity. That the wedding is scheduled, and it’s the right reason to strengthen the Kingdom. It’s not for love, it could never be when your heart belongs to Bakugou.
And even if you told your father about your feelings for his guard, it would be issuing Bakugou his own death sentence if he even managed to make it home at all.
But fate really can be a cruel, fickle thing— and as fate would have it Bakugou returns home the day you’re standing at the altar wearing a pretty wedding dress like you’d dreamed about, while you’re waiting to be betrothed to another man.
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muffinlance · 9 months
Crochet Pattern: Rollable Isopuppy (Giant Isopod Dog)
Crochet an isopuppy! As cuddled in Salvage; story and pattern both by me. Whether you’ve read the story or not, treat yourself to a Very Good Dog. You deserve it. <3
>>> Get the pattern here! <<<
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[id: Photos of a crocheted isopuppy (giant isopod dog) from various angles. It has the head and tail of a dog, with isopod legs, shell, and antennae. It is a very Good Boi. End id.]
Also that is now my site for patterns, both sewn and crocheted (Dragon Zuko is also up there), so. Subscribe if you're interested in that. If you're interested in my writing, that's at this site. Also I'm on Ravelry now.
>>> Isopuppy Pattern! <<<
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lemonebar · 6 months
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Here’s a lineup of the Adamczewski family, the brainrot is real so expect more fanart of them
(Btw Thanks to that one person who corrected me on their last name, I just assumed that Paweł is their last name lol)
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thoughtsaboutbats · 1 year
Jason: Roy, you don’t understand, this kid stalked B and me around Gotham for years! And neither of us noticed!
Roy (while working on his arrows): you said that already
Roy: you said that too
Jason: And! Apparently this little asshole isn’t done copying me, cause future him stole my whole guns and killing people thing!
Roy: You told me about that too. You also said you hit him in the head with his own gun.
Jason: Yeah that was fun!
Jason: But back on track. This little asshole gets away with so much shit! He literally tried to clone his friends and all that happened when he was found out was some yelling and his stuff being taken away! And! Apparently the little bastard has literally killed people! Like a lot! (Probably) And he still gets to be part of the family!
Roy (setting down the arrows): Wait What???
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padfootastic · 1 year
it’s funny that people write remus as this badass who’s almost rolling his own cigarettes and smoking joints in the common room or wtv when that guy gives me the exact vibe as those kids in school/college who would fake cough when walking past someone smoking while making full eye contact.
or, the scared kid who’s terrified of even being near smoker because they were a sickly child and they don’t want their lungs to shrivel and die + they’re terrified of their mom
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goldengirlgalaxy · 1 year
Some alien royalty comes to Earth to claim Captain Marvel as their husband for his power. He manages to get out if it by proclaiming that he's already engaged to the Princess of the Infinite Realms, Princess Danielle "Ellie" Phantom.
Extra: Billy is still hiding the fact that he's actually still a child from the rest of the League. Ellie is roughly his civilian age, so when the League asks to meet her, hijinks ensue as Ellie has to keep up the appearance of being far older than she actually is, both physically and mentally.
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dykealloy · 6 months
the main problem with the law luffy alliance is that law unfortunately hasn't learnt the art of setting the straw hats on an island like a rabid invasive species or perhaps deadly incurable virus and then taking a step back for a couple weeks to go. idk harvest some organs or something. get back on coke like he was in sabaody. maybe come back intermittently to check if anyone's in imminent threat of dying.
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