#but im so tired of my fav writers leaving
iwaasfairy · 2 years
i think this kinktober might be a big determiner of how the rest of my time on tumblr will be spent,,, bc this is taking a lot out of me, and i really really hope you guys will like the fics and it'll bring some life back into this blog! otherwise i might go ghost mode jhdcgysu
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lightbulb-warning · 1 month
i used to freehand comics all the time as a child and since the part i liked was the drawing part i would just draw panel after panel because i didn't want to stop drawing to think about icky icky words, plus the story TOTALLY still made perfect sense! to me! and noone else, but 'whoooo caaaaares omgggg its not like comics and sequantial art are a communicative meeediummmm lmaoooooo'. i spent my entire childhood telling myself stuff like "oh pfft I know this story by heart- ill SIMPLY remember the dialogue and write it later" ...and. I can't help but admire baby maiora's (call that a minora ba tm tsk) fucking audacity? hubris? confident wrongness? kid couldn't even remember to finish the comics in the first place? INCREDIBLE levels of unearned self assurance, wish that were me, genuinely- what an icon!!! anyway i think i have forever cursed myself
#maiora garrulates#the maiora overthinks the process of writing dialogue saga continues!!!!!!!#im so tired. i have been overthinking this shit in circles i have not been making any progress in any which way lmao!#im bitching and moaning for funsies this is not that serious in the Grand Scheme Of Things i just wanna improve at my fav thing#and ❤️ Unfortunately ❤️ my favorite thing in the world involves learning MY MOST HATED *NEMESIS*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! verbal communication. ew#words are fun! i LOVE words! toys!!!!! im using words right now and i didn't combust!!!!! wow look at that!!!!!!!!!!!!!#putting words in SEQUENCE? multiple times?? filtering THOUGHTS into SENTENCES???? sentences that a character would or wouldn't SAY???#AND THEN THERE'S ANOTHER CHARACTER SOMETIMES???? AND THAT BITCH ALSO HAS THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS????? AND THEY ALL HAVE PERSONAL IDIOLECTS#AND TONES THAT S U P P O S E D L Y ARE IMPLICATED BY MANNERISMS AND VERBAL HABITS AND CIRCUMSTANCES (AND THERE'S WRONG ANSWERS! ALSO!!)#AND THEY'RE IN A CONTEXT!! AND THEY'RE INTERACTING WITH EACH OTHER AND INFLUENCING EACH OTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#THE CONVERSATION COULD VARY GIVEN ENERGY LEVELS WHETER OR NOT SOMEONE'S FOOT IS FALLING ASLEEP THE F U C K I N G WEATHER#“oh dialogue is easy just say it out loud to yourself until it 'sounds normal' ^^”#screaming crying throwing up NONE OF THIS IS INTUITIVE TO MEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....!#ok dramatics over its out of my system! for now!!!#this is all easily explained bc i just. draw a lot more than i talk to people. so like. OBVIOUSLY i have more practice drawing#so drawing comes natural! talking does not! subsequently dialogue is Hard! No FUCKING Shit Sherlock!!!!! (affectionate)#so yeah. im using y'all (the tumblr void) as practice! hi!!! words at you!!!!!!!!!!#so yeah thanks for baring with me while passing by my corner of the internet#i do love self indulgence this is fun check out my navel gazing actually no do not look at my belly button#anyway i just think this is mildly interesting. some of my writer buds have the same “not good enough” allergy towards visuals#but they use it to be mean2me >:( same bitch that “omg i cant i suck at drawing i can't do this-” does the “uhm. just write? lol.” 2 meeee#we could have peace and love on planet earth and a common experience and yet you KICK miette for being bad at words!!!1!!! </3 heartbreak!!#what the fuck was i talking about even#oh yeah. perfectionism within creatives i guess. LMAO JK i am talking about NOTHIN!!!!G i am just putting Words Out Here ehehehehehe#its practice >;)c#all this bc ive been doodling comics for myself again and im V!! PROUD OF THE ART!!!! wanna share- but DIALOGUE!*⚡sfx!!*....... so! options#a) leaving it blank. no there are NO microphones in the budget. b) leaving blank *balloons* so that the Rythm is there. implied convo!!!#c) ...doing it badly. (tragic)(heartwrenching)(teeny tiny bruise 2 the ego) *dramatic single tear cleches fists * its the only way.........#...we shall see! literally none of this is all that serious i am procrastinating!! <3 playing with my tuoys!!!!!!!! silly time!!!#/all lh! am reaching 30 tags so that is all for THIS episode of the maiora bitches about dialogue saga thank you for joining me!!okilyBuhBY
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lowkeyremi · 9 months
Hey there! was looking through your stuff and realized you’ve never written about Iida before. So guess what? IM gonna be the change…
Could you possibly write a scenario of Iida going through the motions of proposing to the reader? How he’s super meticulous and everything has to go according to plan to where things just…don’t? lol.
But things work out anyways because of course it’s Tenya Iida.
You can do gender neutral or fem, I really don’t care. Thanks!
— lovelyiida ❤︎︎
Perfection t. iida x gn!reader
remi's note: hiiiii!!! i do need to branch out on who i write about don't i? lolll anyway i was super happy to see you requested. you're one of my fav writers on here and it's an honor to write for u!! this is such a cute idea too bc he's def an over thinker and needs everything to go 100% his way. also. wow. this was wayyyy longer than i intended for it to be <3
cw: fluff, slight angst in the beginning, things don't quite go as planned, tenya goes to his big bro for advice, silliness, a little bit of swearing.
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He's tense of course, sitting in his office as the time ticks by. He wants to call his brother just one more time but he knows exactly what he's going to say, "Tenya, you're stressing this too much, they're going to say yes." Which is not what he wants to hear. He needs an absolute fool proof plan and then some.
As he's sitting there thinking his secretary walks in, she looks tired and Tenya pities making her stay a little after her shift finished. "Sir, don't you think it's about time for you to head out? I don't mean to intrude but your partner did get off of work about two hours ago, correct?" She asks looking at her watch.
Two hours? He looks back at the clock. His stomach drops automatically, you must be worried about him. Tenya's never more than an hour late from work, except on nights he tells you he'll be working late.
"Oh my, I suppose I should get home.. I didn't realize how much time has passed by." Truth is, he's not ready to go home. There are already about twenty five different failed scenarios he can think of at the top of his head.
The secretary notices this and she gives him a soft smile, "I'm sure they'll say yes, sir. You guys have been together for six years now and for as long as I've worked for you I haven't seen your partner's love waver." He should be comforted by her words but he's too caught up in his thoughts to feel any comfort.
"I can't do it tonight. I wanted to take them out for dinner and do it afterwards but it's too late tonight. I think I'll aim for this weekend." He sighs quietly. This is the 8th time he's failed to propose to you. He really has been trying, but it's so.. hard.
You're amazing in so many ways and such a kind hearted person. At the same time you can be strict and helpful. You're absolutely everything Tenya's wanted and needed in his life, so it's hard. He doesn't want to propose to you only for you to deny him.
These thoughts shouldn't consume him because he knows you love him. You've given him plenty of your firsts, and him the same. That ugly little voice in the back of his mind won't leave him alone though. It's the same voice that made him think avenging his brother for Stain's wrong doing was okay. The same voice that told him it was okay to dress up as a civilian in order to save Bakugo. The same voice that gets him into so much trouble.
"Good night, Ms. Suzuki." He says waving in her direction as he packs every thing in his brief case.
"Good night, Sir, you've got this." She says, and he sucks in a breath as her heels click away from his office.
Does he have this?
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He doesn't remember much, doesn't even remember driving home. Yet here he is unlocking the door. Upon opening it he can see the soft glow of the TV in the living room. The smell of take out reaches his nose and he immediately relaxes.
"I'm home, baby." He says loud enough for you to hear. His eyes soften as you jump up off the couch to greet him.
"And where were you at mister?" There's a smirk covering your face and he opens his arms to embrace you in a hug.
"Work," he sighs before continuing, "I didn't notice the time until Ms. Suzuki mentioned it." He hears you click your tongue. He feels so at home with your arms wrapped around his neck.
"If you keep overworking that poor lady she might just quit." He smiles at your lecture.
"I know, I know. Tell me about your day? I'm not feeling too good." He says quietly.
"Sick?" You ask checking his forehead. He shakes his head 'no'.
"I just feel like shit right now." He slumps slightly. Your eyes soften and you lead him to the table for some dinner.
He listens to you talk about your promotion and how one of your co workers pulled you aside to tell you that you did not deserve your new position.
"Congratulations, my dear. I wish I could have bought you some flowers. I didn't receive your messages, because I had my personal phone off today. Also don't take their word to heart, they're just jealous of you." He picks up some noodles with his chopsticks.
"It's nothing to worry about Tenya, I promise. Also I know they were jealous but it's still hard to ignore. What about you? How was your day?" He wants to tell you, he really does. He wants to tell you about how much he's struggled to propose to you these last few weeks but he doesn't.
"Nothing really interesting happened today, just the usual." You can tell there's something he's not telling you but instead of prying you nod your head. If he wants to tell you he will.
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It's been about four days since then and Tenya is sitting in his brother's home holding his nephew.
"Uncle Tenya?" The small child asks.
"Yes, Hachiro?" He looks just like his mother Tenya thinks. The only feature the little boy did get from Tensei was his red eyes.
"When will you marry [name]? I want a cousin." Tenya's first question is does he know how kids are made?
"Well, um. I'm not sure. I haven't asked them yet. What do you mean you want a cousin?" He asks the child to elaborate.
"Well I mean my mommy and daddy had me somehow so you and [name] can get me a cousin, right? I want someone to play with." He sounds sincere and it makes his heart tug a little bit. Hachiro is absolutely adorable.
"Don't bother your uncle with such questions, your friend is here for your playdate." Tensei says to Hachiro who immediately hops out of Tenya's lap to run down the stairs where his mother and best friend await him.
"That kid, he's something alright." Tensei chuckles sitting down with two cups of tea.
"Thank you for letting me come over on such short notice." Tenya's stressed because he believes tomorrow is the day he will actually ask the question.
"Of course, what's up little bro?" Tensei sips at his tea.
"I think tomorrow- tomorrow I'm going to do it. For real this time." His breathing becomes shaky and his brother's eyes light up.
"You can do it, Tenya. Let me tell you from experience, it won't be a perfect fairytale proposal but in the end it will work out. When I decided to marry Maria it was so awkward because I had to have our translator there to tell her what I was saying. Since then, I've been learning english. She loves to look back and laugh at our engagement though." He says with a smile.
Tenya thinks to the day his brother called him and told him that he asked Maria to marry him. Tenya asked him if he learned the phrase in english to which he responded with "um... our translator was there to tell her what I was saying and vice versa." He thought it was the silliest thing he'd ever heard.
"Basically my proposal can't be worse than yours?" Tenya asks with a smirk to which is brother playfully punches his shoulder.
"That is not what I said you little brat." The two break into laughter and Tenya feels much lighter.
"I've got to go get things set up." He responds standing up. His brother also stands up and the two hug each other.
"Call me and tell me how it goes afterward!" He nods and on the way out he tells his nephew and sister in law goodbye.
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You were still at work by the time Tenya got home. He calls your favorite restaurant. In order to ask of a special request. He knows they don't do reservations but he wants to know if he can make an exception for this special moment.
"Sorry sir, we don't do reservations. It's a policy." The woman over the phone says and he's crushed.
Suddenly he has the idea to order out, "Can I call back tomorrow and place an order for pick up?"
"You most certainly can, Sir!" Her voice has no hatred just pure kindness.
"Alright, thank you. Goodbye." As soon as she says bye back to him he hangs up quickly forming a plan. He'll order your favorite food to go and set up a cute date at your favorite park, then when you're finished eating, the two of you will walk over to the water fountain you met at and he'll get down on one knee for you.
It's simple, he'd really love to go all out but he can't bear the stress of something potentially going wrong.
He hopes you'll like it.
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He asked you to meet up at the park you used to frequent when you guys first started dating.
He's shaking slightly, while looking at the placement of the rose petals and candles. He'd sent a picture to his brother and Midoriya for assurance. Both told him it looked really good.
He's dressed in a blue button down and black slacks, not too fancy but not plain.
He sees you walk up to the table, a smile finds its way to your face and your eyes sparkle.
"What's all of this?" You ask. He helps you sit down on the wooden bench. You take in the beautifully set table. It's slightly windy but you don't mind.
"Um. I- i uh you know. Felt like we haven't been on a proper date in awhile so decided to set up a little something."
"Well you've out done yourself, baby. This looks so pretty." A little bit of stress is lifted off his shoulders. He's happy to hear you compliment his work.
The two of you eat your favorite food. You happen to notice another white box that sits closer to the end of the table.
"Ooooo, is that the cake I like from that place?" You ask pointing at the box. He nods quickly. His face flushes slightly when he sees you smile. It warms his heart.
"It is." You look into his red eyes trying to find the true meaning of this date, but your boyfriend is good at keeping his composure.
You won't give up much to his dismay, "This must be a very special dinner if you got me this cake." He shakes his head and shrugs.
"I promise it's nothing out of the ordinary." He calmly baits you into a different topic of some of your favorite foods which you go on about for twenty seven minutes. Yes, he was counting.
"Are you ready for cake?" He shouldn't even have to ask because he already knows the answer but he asks anyway.
"Of course I want cake! Can I cut it?" Tenya's calm demeanor drops right at that moment. He's starting to panic because he didn't bring a knife for the cake. It's only a minor inconvenience but still causes him to doubt himself.
"I'm guessing you didn't bring a knife, huh? It's alright, I'll cut it with the end of the fork!" You scooch over to grab the box, mouth watering at the thought of your favorite cake.
"You sure? I could run down to the nearest convenience store and-"
"Relax, honey, you're over thinking this. We won't die, I promise." Your words ground him. He takes deep breathes until he's calm again.
"Right. Sorry my love." The disappointment on his face causes you to frown.
"Aw come on, don't apologize. I promise it's fine." You cup his chin with your free hand and he leans into the touch with a small smile.
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"Are we walking to the fountain? I'm stuffed, I don't wanna walk too far." He nods at your question. He's smiling like a teenaged boy and you're wondering what he's up too.
With your hands intertwined and the cool wind hitting your face, you feel content. There's no place on earth you'd rather be than right here.
The beautiful fountain where you met Tenya was close in sight. You could see the lights that were placed inside of it shining brightly.
There's a small thunk that reaches your ears and you turn around thinking you might have dropped something.
When you stop to turn around, you notice a small velvety box that had fallen to the ground.. it must be Tenya's.
"Tenya, wait. You dropped something." He turns around to see what it is and when he does all the color drains from his face.
"Fuck... fuck! The one time everything needs to be perfect I fuck it up." He says cursing himself. You realize what the box is and a giddy feeling takes over.
"Tenya, please calm down. It's okay I'll pretend I didn't see it." You say closing your eyes. It makes him chuckle a little bit to see you act so innocent.
"I appreciate the effort but the surprise is ruined..." He sighs and rubs his face roughly.
"Tenyaaaa. Were you going to take me where we first met and propose?" You ask with a wobbly smile.
"Mhm." You can tell he's upset over it being "ruined" but this is about the happiest day of your life. He's so sweet and thoughtful and knowing him he's probably been stressing this for a long time.
"My poor boyfriend stressing this moment, oh come here baby." You stretch your arms out for a hug and he doesn't hesitate to hug you back.
"Yes, by the way." You whisper into his ear and he scoffs playfully.
"I can I ask the question first?" You roll your eyes the stray tears falling onto his shirt.
"[name], I can't even lie I've been stressing this moment for the past couple of weeks. Let me tell you it has NOT been easy. I've consulted to my brother and Midoriya countless times in order to ensure a perfect proposal and if I'm being honest I should have taken Tensei's advice of 'it won't be perfect' it would have saved me a lot of stress.... but, would you do the honor of marrying me, being my equal, and staying with me through any and everything?" His voice is shaky and he's blushing so hard that you want a picture to show to everyone.
"Yes! Yes I will. WOOP WOOP. He likes it so he's about to put a ring on it!!!" You yell in excitement to no one in particular.
He's crying and laughing at how silly you are.
"I don't know what I was so afraid of."
"Me either!" You agree.
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headkiss · 1 year
annaaa im rewatching cm again and reentering my hotch phase and u are my ultimate favorite hotch writer so may i please beg for something sweet with him? maybe like making dinner or doing some other activity together? of course this is totally absolutely no pressure at all thank u i love u <33
kait my love angel bae i am so honoured to be ur fav hotch writer 😭🫶 this one’s for u and i hope u like it!!! | 0.6k of fluff
Aaron can hear you moving about in the kitchen when he gets home.
It’s something he’s had a hard time getting used to, the intimacy of it all. The sound of pots clanging and spoons scraping dishes as you stir things. It’s the reminder of having someone there, of never really being alone. Sure, he’s not used to it, but he wouldn’t have it any other way.
He’s good at being quiet, has to be for his job, so he shuts the door softly behind him and toes off his shoes. Sneaking down the hall, he spots you through the doorway of the kitchen, your hair up, back of your neck exposed.
Hotch leans a shoulder against the doorframe and watches you cook for a little, the stress of the day sort of melting away as he does.
You only catch him when you turn around, jumping and dropping the spoon you’d been holding onto the counter. “Aaron!” His name is dragged out in a whine, “you’ve gotta stop doing that.”
“Watching you cook?”
“Using your agent feet on me.”
He huffs a laugh at that one, a smile spreading over his face freely the way they seem to spread around you.
“Whatcha making?”
“Just some pasta. You wanna help?”
You offer him an apron, the neck dangling from your fingertips. Aaron takes it easily, tossing it over his button up that he’d worn to work. It’s a funny juxtaposition, the crisp state of his shirt and the stained canvas he wears over it.
“Where do you want me, chef?”
Whenever Aaron’s gone, you tend to worry and worry. That he’ll get hurt, that he’ll get tired of juggling you and his work. Then, he comes home to you, putting on your apron without complaining, and you’re not so worried anymore, because it makes sense. Having him beside you makes sense.
You grin at him over your shoulder, now turned back to the boiling water on the stove, “there’s some veggies in the fridge if you wanna cut those?”
As he walks behind you to get to the fridge, he pauses to push a kiss into the side of your neck, his arms weaving around your waist. You lean into his touch like an instinct, like there’s a string that shortens whenever he’s near, tugging the two of you towards each other.
You’re lucky to get him this way. Where everyone else sees Hotch, you only see Aaron.
Conversation comes easy as you cook together, Hotch getting a cutting board and setting himself up at the counter next to the stovetop. Not the most functional spot, but it’s the one closest to you, so he chooses it anyway.
Aaron’s not one to open up quickly. He doubts himself, questions whether he’ll be too much for the other person, worries that they’ll get fed up with his scattered schedule and leave. And then he met you and things were different.
He’d had to cancel your second date because of a case, and you’d barely blinked, telling him on the phone that the anticipation will only make it so much better, that it isn’t his fault and you’d be there when he got back. You said all of the right things and he sent you flowers and that was the start of the best thing that’s ever happened to him.
Now, you live together and your toothbrushes share the same countertop and it might not be perfect all of the time but it’s as close as possible, he thinks.
“Hey. Try this for me?” You’re holding out a spoon, a little bit of pasta sauce on the end, your free hand cupped underneath it to catch any that might fall. “Please?”
You never need to say please with him, Aaron thinks, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t like the way it sounds in your voice.
He leans towards you, bending to taste what you’re offering him.
“It’s perfect, sweetheart.”
Hotch isn’t lying, but even if it wasn’t perfect, he’d still tell you it was. If only to see the way your face lights up with your smile, the way you bounce a little on your feet.
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starcrossedreaders · 1 year
im literally fiending for a leon x reader fic inspired by stargirl interlude i just love that song sm and i cannot stop thinking of leon when i hear it!! like maybe reader is making dinner for leon for when he comes home from work, but the food isnt what hes craving when he gets home!?! youve done leon so much justice with ur fics and ur my fav leon writer so i figured i would send this request to u!!!
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Authors Note: heheheh Thank you so much I hope you enjoy this beauty.
Warnings: Leon and reader fighting, ANGRY SEX p in v (wrap it before you tap it) Leon being MEAN, name calling,
Ungrateful bitch.
That's what Leon was to you right now; ungrateful.
But in this moment all of those thoughts crashed out of your head.
"You aren't the only one with a tiring job. I didn't have to make you dinner. So you either eat it or you don't."
I had a vision
A vision of my nails in the kitchen
Scratching counter tops, I was screaming.
"This is the third week we have had pasta now. I'm tired of it." Leon uncrossed is arms to put of three fingers to make a point.
"And I'm tired of you being ungrateful!" You raised your voice.
That one sentence is what had you in your position now. You were bent over your kitchen counter.
The edge of the counter bit into your tummy as Leon relentlessly rammed into you over and over again. There was no mercy in his thrusts, in fact, he wanted it to hurt.
My back arched like a cat
My position couldn't stop
You were hitting it
His hot breath fanned over your neck as he tangeld his fingers in your hair pulling your head up.
"Who's ungrateful now huh?" His cold dark words sent a shiver down your spine.
And I shouldn't cry, but I love it, starboy
And I shouldn't cry, but I love it (I love it), starboy
And I shouldn't cry, but I love it, starboy
Leon watched as fat salty tears ran down your cheeks the harder his hips rammed into you. He even leaned over and licked a few of them away with a smirk. Your eyes were squeezed shut as your mind was clouded by lust. It hurt so good. The way he was kissing into your cervix, his harsh grip on your hair, and the screams that left your throat.
Drool leaked out of the corner of your mouth as your babbled incoherent words.
"I fucked you stupid," Leon huffed out a laugh. "Gonna let me cum in this pussy?" His voice was husky as he whispered in your ear.
You could only shake your head as broken pleas fell from your mouth.
"no no no." Each word came out punched with each thrust.
"Too fucking bad, you're going to take my load and be grateful." His thrusts turned erratic and sloppy the closer he got to the edge.
I just wanna see you shine 'cause I know you are a stargirl
I just wanna see you shine 'cause I know you are a stargirl
I just wanna see you shine 'cause I know you are a stargirl
With one last thrust, and the loud sound of skin slapping Leon finally let go. He pushed himself as far as possible kissing your cervix. You clenched around him as you felt his cock throb and paint your walls.
Leon let go of your hair causing you to fall forward to lean on the counter. Your legs were shaking as he slowly pulled out of you. He hissed as he watch his seed drip down your leg. Bending down he pulled your pants up giving your aching pussy a slap.
Leaning into your body he whispered. "Who's ungreatful now?"
He took his cold plate of food and walked to his office leaving you there with is cum oozing out of you. Taking a deep breath you laid your head on your arms.
He didn't even let you finish.
Taglist: @hermizery @alewesker @ballorawan740 @lastaceylia00 @chunnies @d10nsaint @darklinxx
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heliumshorns · 2 months
anyways, i rlly can't stop thinking ab soft Gojo :(
just him getting super emotional while cuddling cus he's thinking ab just how much he adores and appreciates having someone in his life, who loves and sees him for who he truly is cus he's always just percieved as the strongest and not as Satoru </3 (Sugurus "Are you the strongest because you're Gojo Satoru, or are you Gojo Satoru because you're the strongest" HURTS)
it's just softness and fluff everywhere as he slowly traces his hands all over his lovers body; squeezing, caressing, tracing, overall just trying to get himself to believe: "You're here, you're real, i have you."
A tear leaving his eye as he makes eye contact with his love, and they kiss it away whilist caressing his cheeks and whispering sweet nothings into his ear, but also reassuring and reminding him that yes, you deserve to be more than a weapon, you deserve to be you.
I'm so emotional ab him :((, this can also count as a request btw, i was mostly sharing brainrot cus im very much despising the jjk manga and am actively living in delusions :)
you can add some soft sex or keep it fluffy and bittersweet (if you wanna ofc, no pressure<3)
I fucking LOOOVE a soft Satoru I DONT CAREEEE
He's so adorable and it HURTS MEEE
tiny drabble under the cut because HDGSHHSHSH
(i didn't write smut but I am planning on working with that 😩)
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The way his gentle eyes meet yours isn't enough to put into words. Or maybe it's too much. Words are complicated sometimes.
So it's understandable why Satoru doesn't speak when he gets home like this. Tired. Exhausted. Feeling like his headache is so bad not even a box of panadol can fix. Hell, he feels the pain in his soul.
But the second your soothing voice reaches his ears, it's like all of the turmoil is gone. The world reduces itself to the warmth of your skin and the smoothness of your voice. It becomes the simple moments of intimacy, where you just hold him to soothe his six eyes.
Where they can all, truly, fall shut and rest.
Like a safe space of some sorts. With your careful hands caressing his hair as you both lay, cuddling, all of the lights out. No music. No noise. Just your shared breathing, and heartbeats. How his hands rest on your back, his full weight on top of you, hair tousled and messy. His breaths deep and slow, making him slowly melt more and more into your embrace.
With gentle words and gentler touches.
"I missed you."
"I missed you too, my love."
Even being called that makes tears prickle his eyes. My love. Not Satoru. Not Gojo. Not the strongest nor a weapon. Just... someone. A random guy, who met the most amazing person, and just happens to be loved. It's like when he's with you, all worries vanish. You're the calm to his storm.
Even if it isn't visible.
That's the funny thing about storms, right? If you're in the eye of the hurricane, you won't notice until you open your eyes. And he, sadly, has six of them to remind him how he's constantly fighting for his life.
Sadly, some people are born to fight. His heart yearns for the gentleness of a lover, and his body is used to fight the toughest battles. All while putting up the facade that he's the strongest. As if being referred to as such doesn't hurt him more than anyone can. Words, sadly, go through his infinity.
Something he absolutely turns off whenever near you.
It's like you manage to calm even the deepest, most obscure parts of his brain. You make him forget instinct. When he's in your arms, he doesn't need to protect himself from anything. He's safe. Your lips to his dampened cheeks that serve as a reminder that maybe he does deserve love. He deserves to not having to be The Strongest all of the fime.
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"Such a funny thought to wrap you up in cloth
Do you find it all right, my dragonfly?"
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lilacmilkshakesx · 9 months
i’m bored so thoughts on episode 5 of pjo !
spoilers possibly (?)
omg the hug was actually insane like and the way percy relaxed when annabeth hugged him omgsjgdhd
was screaming for him to hug her back, like why r u js standing there 😣
grover has to be tired of them like genuinely
”it doesn’t have to be a thing, you know. that you hugged me.” it’s embarrassing how i cackled at that
their heads peeking up behind the barrier on the side of the road, they’re so cute
ares twitter beef is realest ever
annabeth saying she never watched a movie (did chuckle, icl) and percy basically offering for them to go to see one, oh em gee
”why would hephaestus make an amusement park?” “maybe he finds them amusing?” annabeth, the comedian u are 🫶🏻
annabeth getting distracted by the gears, i luv her
i must be stupid bc i will be so serious, i was lowk lost w the grover and ares interrogation stuff 😭 like its not that i didn’t like it bc aryan is such a good actor and edge is a good fit for ares, but the dots were not connecting in my head to how we got from point a to b
props to grover tho, he was sherlock holmes fr
[“What is Love” starts playing] i screamed.
the ride had me scared w them 😭
the entire scene before the golden throne, i sobbed. annabeth calling him ‘seaweed brain’ for the first time, them fighting back and forth
”you’re better at this than me. you just are. and you know it.” sick.
annabeth promising to save his mother and him asking for her to come back for him and HER SAYING HE DIDNT EVEN NEED TO ASK IM SO ILL I CANT ANYMORE OH MY GOSH
leah and walker r such good actors omg
”it’s okay. it’s okay.” percy reassuring himself and annabeth, the amount of emotion put into it, u would think its final season and he’s at his last breath and tbh, wouldn’t have it any other way ! anyways percabeth soulmatism and best at making me sob !
lowk had me fooled bc i thought in the silence, it would pan back to percy js like not being affected for some reason but then it pans back and he’s fully gold, i was bamboozled
annabeth’s speech omg
even the gods know athena was sick for allowing echidna and the chimera to go after annabeth
”he isn’t that way. he’s better than that.” oh so i’m in a ball on the floor
lowk thought she was abt to solve that thing, mechanic annabeth realness
after that whole tunnel of love thing, i can say these writers r sick and i was ripping my hair out whilst sobbing ☺️
oh em gee does grover know who stole the bolt ?!?! 😧
cannot wait for next week omgg, this show has not disappointed me yet and every new episode becomes my fav
also.. if this is what tlt season is like.. tlo is gonna leave me in shambles
side note: what is it w this show and flights of stairs metaphors or whatever ?? #foreshadowing..?? /j
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moonchildstyles · 1 year
prosecco is always on my mind despite all the new writings (and bodyguardrry is so good so far I can’t wait to see how it all pans out esp with him staring at her thinking she’s so pretty :(( my fav writer forever) so thinking about harry having a bad day at work and he texts pretty girl about it off and on because he just wants to leave the office and get to her and maybe he had to go in on the weekend so it’s a Saturday evening and she’s in the bath filled with vanilla scented bubbles and she knows Harry’s coming over soon but she still has a couple hours since he’s swamped, but her ears perk at the sound of him calling her name since he has a key to her place, and she tells him where she is and when he appears in the doorway he looks absolutely knackered, his eyes are heavy and tired and his hair isn’t styled anymore just pushed lazily out of his face but she still smiles when she sees him and he can’t help but do the same as he greets her softly and doesn’t hesitate in plopping down beside the tub and giving her a kiss and he’s telling he somehow managed to get everything done earlier than expected and she rests her arms on the side of the tub to undo the tie around his neck as he talks and he takes one of her arms in his hands and presses soft kisses to her skin, up to her shoulder snd nuzzles his face into her neck murmuring about how warm she is and she lets him pull her up just a bit to wrap her arms around him completely, her chest pressed to the side of the cold tub but she doesn’t care as he falls into her hold when she scratches her nails over his scalp and asking ‘wanna still do our movie tonight? or just bed?’ and he takes a few seconds to respond before pulling away and saying their movie because they’ve both been wanting to see this one for a while, and he stays with her for the rest of her bath before he leaves to get changed and get some blankets set up in the living room and when she’s all finished and changed into her pjs she finds H in the kitchen making popcorn on the stove and she pours herself a glass of her favourite wine and makes his favourite drink and they meet each other in the living room and he’s just soft when she hands him the drink like ‘thank you darling’ :( and they just curl up together and eat their snacks and have their drinks and about an hour into the film, Harry is curled up against her with his head in her lap and she knows he’s a goner when he turns to nuzzle his face into the blanket on her thighs completely turned away from the film playing so she’s turning everything off for another night and coaxing him awake and he’s so sleepy slumping against her as she takes him to her bedroom and he flops down on the bed once she’s pulled the covers down and waits until she’s next to him to get comfy, wrapped around her with his head on her chest and of course never forgetting to give her her goodnight kisses and tell her how much he loves her and he’s so thankful for the relaxing evening she gave him and he’s passed out in her arms before she can even reply :( - 🍓
omg first of all im so excited that you love bodyguard h thank you so much for reading!!! I cannot wait to share more of ti w you and see what you think!!!!
second omg:((((((((( literalt:(((((( very enamored with the idea of taking care of him having a long day like ti think I write alot about him taking care of her but th idea of him having a bad day and immediately coming home to find her and getting to finally relax and decompress w her like :( very in love w the idea of her helping him take his tie off as hes sitting next to her on the floor and just talking about his day:( and I can see her even trying to get him into the bath w her just so she can wash his hair or even just rub his back for him so he can relax w her:( and him :( so clearly tired :( still wanting to watch the movie w her and she even knows that thats not going to last :( and him literalyl curling up in her lap and nuzzling into her like barely having drank any of his wine after dinner just bc hes so tired :( love her having to wake him up and take him to bed but he still gives her some little kisses even if they’re super sleepy and a little messy :( and hes just asleep in the middle of saying I love you:(((( like I need to be alone thats sooooo sweet :(
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pancho-pinto · 2 months
here to tell you that sweet talk is AMAZING and its my roman empire, very well written and though my brain DID get lost at a few parts (maybe its because im reading very late at night and woke up very early in the morning and i've been tired all day-) it was still amazing and thank you so much for writing it
you're a great writer and i hope this inspires you to write more fics in the future (going to check your other works after sending this ask because i havent yet)
your fic was exactly what i needed after a breakup, which i'll admit sounds a little odd because it was very romancy and i dont think it makes a lot of sense to anyone else but in my brain it does- idk it was my first relationship, plus i'm autistic so maybe some of that plays a role? im rambling its 1am and i've been awake since 6am- this is probably really hard to read- ANYWAYS love love loved and still love your fic, you're officially on the list of my top 2 fics (which isn't saying a lot as i havent read many) and i cant choose between yours and the first fic i ever read
i feel like i've rambled too much but i needed to gush about your fic somewhere and i deleted discord off this device a few days ago and have yet to reinstall it and cant be bothered, plus i cant log into ao3 right now to leave a comment i'm too cozy (even though the password book is literally 3 meters away)
aaand somehow after saying i rambled too much i rambled more.. oops
keep being you and keep being awesome!! (and mayhaps write more.. stares at you with beady little eyes /nf /pos)
-anon (they/them)
my response under the cut because i dont want to subject my friends to my rambling. they already deal with it plenty xp
THANK YOU SO MUCH. sweet talk is really gotten to be my 'that one fic' lol adored it though. it was such a fun yet stressful experience. one day i will learn to write multi-chapter fics i swear!!!
and yes, i dont blame you if you didnt understand some parts. honestly, i have plenty times i could still work on for my writing. but hey! we all start somewhere, and im very proud of how it turned out either way.
and this was my reaction when i saw your ask
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so yes. yes very much going to motivate me to write more. ya have no idea. i thrive on validation. dopamine rushes make brain and writing go brrrrrrr.
anon, sweet anon, i love rambling too. you are at home here! and i hope you feel better after that breakup. there are more fishes in the sea, and if you dont fancy fishing, there are more things to do like swimming, kayaking, walking on the beach and such. you will be fine. i believe you will because you kick-ass!!!!
and and and whoa!!! if i had a nickel for every person who told me im one of their fav writers, id have a couple nickels. which, crazy ngl. thank you. genuinely. that means so fucking much
you keep being plenty awesome yourself<3!!!
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cuddl3s4shur1 · 1 year
I’m asking all of my fav writers this because im so stuck. How do you become motivated to write stories all the time. How do you know that they sound ok and people will like them. I have so many ideas in my brain, but I like can’t write them out. I can have amazing pen when I want to but I can’t when I’m trying to hard. Are there any tips you can give me??
Hiii , here are my writing tips
Number one when it comes to making your stories or making them come alive him either write it down like in a spreadsheet of like your ideas for each character or just start writing the exact time you have the idea 
For example when it comes to me and making my stories:
What I like to do is , I see a idea I think about the character on who I want it to be about .
Once I do that I write down the idea In my notes app or docs and then I comeback to the document from time to time
I start writing the story in my head . I proceeded to make the whole story in my head, including dialogue and scenery. then when it comes to me, wanting to write the story and post it, I add more scenery, more dialogue, more descriptive words .
Number 2 : when it comes to posting your stories, you always have a audience on your stories. My audience right now is across the spider verse fans and black panther Wakanda forever fans you could just like use those hashtags under your post and somebody will find it.
Number 3: I actually don’t really post consistently. I usually just have a bunch ideas come to my mind every single day all the time and I just write them right on right on and then I just get tired of riding I get tired of making stories doing everything that I need to do to make him so then I stop then I’ll come back and is a endlessly. 
Number 4: just go for it there will be somebody who will like your stories and there will be tons of people who will come along and like your stories, writing and your work.
Number 5: don’t be so hard on yourself if your story doesn’t do as well as you wanted it to because overall someone l will like it
Number 6 : if you end making the stories please tag me I would leave to see your work 👍🏾
I don’t know if this helped anything but continue with your ideas and I would to be your biggest fan and or supporter.
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commanderquinn · 1 year
im quinn!! a fandom ancient baby-stepping back into posting because i missed writing. you can find the most up-to-date versions of my work on ao3, but i will Attempt to keep tumblr updated as well
this is gonna be a fandom blog for the duration, with the occasional ao3 links and such. if you dont want my personal/rant posts block #quinn speaks & #quinns rant tag. im a slut for that one-armed grouch, bucko barnes, so most content is probably gonna revolve around him. i do get distracted with other fandoms from time to time tho
and i do have a bg3 side blog
tag nav:
my masterlists/oneshots
metas ive written for fandoms AND metas written by others
the inspo tag for all my ammunition plot device needs
posts that are My Vibe
my favs is a junk drawer tag at the moment. i will eventually refine it into multiples
free serotonin (post abt my doggo)
my current writing projects:
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-Good Space (12/40 chapters posted) / masterpost: a bucky/reader fic! reader is named (Ava) bc i cant write a fic that long without one. i need Something, but physical description is left purposely vague (well. okay. refs to ava being Curvy and having glasses, you're welcome to picture Whatever You Want). plot is fully mapped, it'll just take me a bit to write something That Big
-Kinktober '23: the posting has begun! ive mapped all 31 days and they're focused on my MCU canon that you can find in good space. i dont consider the end of october the cutoff. im a writer in this for Good Vibes, not a time crunch. all fics will eventually be posted
fandoms i vibe with/write for:
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im not gonna sit here and list every single fandom i know bc i have adhd and that'd be a Bad Idea, so if you wanna know if im down to write for your fandom but dont see me blogging about it, you can go ahead and shoot me an ask. that said, here's the fandoms i like/intend to write for on my own end at the moment:
-marvel -bg3 -mass effect -dragon age -outer worlds -starfield -fallout
writing requests:
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i am open to taking writing requests!! you're welcome to submit them through my inbox or you can leave 'em on posts. up to you how descriptive you wanna get. seriously, any detail you can think of, go for it. you're not offending me by getting specific by any means
Some Blanket Rules:
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-you can ask me to tw tag my posts. you can ask me to tw tag my fics. you have, at all times, my ACTIVE ENCOURAGEMENT to try to make my work safe for you. im happy to help in any way that i can, you're NOT bothering me by asking to put up warnings for things, its okay bb.
-however. please try to respect that im still A Person With Feelings. more importantly, to you, i am a stranger on the internet. acting like you've got some weird kind of authority over what kind of content im allowed to post is Really Fucked Up. please keep that attitude away from me. id recommend a therapist, but that's your call.
-i can, and will without hesitation, block anyone at the DROP of a hat if i catch bad vibes. im old. this is my house. i will make it a house i want to be in, anyone who fucks with that is no concern of mine. im just gonna block you and move on with my day.
-this is an anti-fandom-wank zone. i. am. old. (im not even 30 yet i should really stop saying that but i AM) and. tired. i cannot begin to describe to y'all how much i do not care about an internet stranger's biased view of something. leave me alone. im busy writing smut.
-in this house we believe in comfort fic supremacy
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leviathans-watching · 2 years
hey!! you're one of my fav fic writer for obey me, so I'd like to make a request! Could you write a confort Mammon x reader fic, where the mc is sick and gets tired easily, like its hard for them to even speak or walk sometimes? Im in need of some Mammon fluff, hes so perfect 🤧 tyy
mammon and sick!mc
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includes: mammon x gn!reader (no pronouns mentioned)
wc: .3k | rated g | m.list
warnings: implied/shown sickness/illness
a/n: aww ty!! ugh he's the cutest, as was this ask. i hope you enjoy!! my inbox is open to req, talk, or leave feedback, so come say hello <333
please reblog =^._.^= ∫
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“jeez, maybe this’ll teach you not to overwork yourself,” mammon says, wiping a cool washcloth across your forehead. though his words are harsh, his tone is gentle, and you can feel the genuine concern he feels for you in them.
“sorry,” you mutter, throat scratchy, and he gives you a sharp look.
“hey, what did i say about talkin’? save your voice, okay?”
you manage a smile, and he shakes his head, wringing out the washcloth in the basin he’d set on your bedside table. “i’m serious,” he insists, pulling up the covers slightly so they’re covering more of your upper body. “if you just took a break or let us help, this would have been avoided. none of us like seeing you like this, especially me.”
you feel a little bad; he was right, you had been pushing yourself hard, and that, along with your weaker immune system, had led you to coming down with a nasty virus. “i’ll do better,” you promise, ignoring his earlier order to save your voice. you reach to take his hand, sliding your fingers through his. he lets you do as you please, indulging you even if he’s not happy about it. “thank you for all of your help, mammon. it means a lot.”
“well,” mammon says, turning his face away from you, “i just want ya to get better. so focus on that, okay? i can’t play nursemaid forever.”
(you both know he’ll be by your side as long as you have the slightest fever, and probably for a while after that too.)
“okay,” you agree. “i love you.”
“love you too,” mammon says, raising your joint hands to his lips so he can press a kiss to the back of yours. “so get better soon, okay?”
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leviathans-watching's work - please do not copy, repost, or claim as your own
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noona96n · 2 years
Omggg my feelings about the guest are so big idk if I can manage to be coherent TT but you did ask for a vomit after all hahah
So true tho aroace gilyoung!!! Honestly when I first watched the show I interpreted their (all 3) relationship as like found family like they're siblings they're best friends they're each others most important person they bicker they care SO MUCH
I was a little disappointed when I saw most if not all the fics about their relationship were romantic but like I take what I can get but your qpr version is sooo appealing yes please
[Slaps roof of Yoon] this guy can fit so much religious conflict/trauma in him!! I love how he fights with his faith and himself and his feelings like OOF and and
And the way when Hwapyung untangled their hands in the water he kept the rosary??? 🥺 like he wanted to take a reminder of what he's leaving/who he's doing this for with him? And then he keeps it when he survives?? Soft.
And Gilyoung so good so true she was probably my favourite from the three she's so headstrong and so caring and at the end she WILL get these guys to take care of themselves if it kills her
And the relationship development between all three, and just the general vibe of the show and the horror. I just love this show so much
omg yah! Gil Young is my absolute fav, hands down.
i love the trio a fckn lot and Choi Yoon will always have a soft spot in my heart (see: poetic suffering) but Gil Young takes the cake. Gil Young is everything! i admire her tenacity so much, the way she persevere and willing to do what's right, even if the law disagrees with her. she's just… S H E ! ! !
i haven't loved a female character so fully and wholeheartedly like this in a while 🥺 she has my heart and my admiration 💖
and, honestly, same… it's kinda sad that romantic fics are so predominant in the fandom… i also see them as found family. like, LITERALLY found each other. like wow… found each other in the first ep and found each other again in the last ep… full circle. fantastic metaphor ✨
anyway, as i said, i label their relationship as qpr only bcs conventional society would demand that they name their relations to one another and people would be like 'u aren't family, y'all aren't in the same family registry' or whatever tf bcs ive come to realize that a lot of people need to process all sort of relationships in relation to romance bcs they don't really understand that love doesn't only refer to romantic love smh
(also, sorry for the mini rant on love… i just hate how allos are dominating the discussion on love and refuse to see love beyond the romantic lense)
then again, i also understand the hetero ships bcs the writer and director be dropping subtle hints of possible Hwa Pyung/Gil Young and Choi Yoon/Gil Young here and there. and Hwa Pyung/Choi Yoon too lol so i can see why they ship Gil Young with the boys but nah, for me she's a kickass aroace that's just tired of all the allos around her haha
and the rosary… the fckn rosary *pterodactyl screeching* HWA PYUNG WEARS THE ROSARY!!!!!!!! i dont think rosaries are meant to be worn but Hwa Pyung just… wearing it??? around his neck????? and it sits over his chest??????? the chest where his heart is meant to be????????? F E E L S P A I N
(also, shameless self promo but i made this gifset of their hands bcs fckn PAIN)
i love Choi Yoon, a massive soft spot for him and, as my fav, i want him to ✨SUFFER✨ i wanna read a fic/meta where the Catholic side of him is explored and explained. im so fascinated by the internal conflict that's caused by his religion but im not educated or aware enough to really understand. i really wanna write a character study fic that explores Choi Yoon as a person but im not well-versed enough in catholicism 🥲 i especially wanna explore his relationship with his hyung bcs i can tell how much he loves his hyung and how much his hyung loves him as well… his hyung was somewhat lucid enough to ask if he was at cram school before he went apeshit and murdered their parents. his hyung still remembered to care for him despite everything. his hyung loves him and im reminded of the way Itachi annihilated the entire Uchiha clan but kept Sasuke alive bcs he couldn't find it in him to killed Sasuke. (sorry about the Naruto segue rip im a weeb can u tell?)
anyway, a question just pops up into my head and that is: how tf does Hwa Pyung managed to still be sane and kind after all the shit Park Il Do put him thru? he's truly such a 'vast' and kind and beautiful character.
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ac3id · 4 years
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pairings: shinso hitoshi x cat girl reader 
warnings : slight bondage in the end, sfwish, yn is a cat girl guess thats it ahahah. all characters are in their third years thus they are 18 and plus!!
a/n: ahaha so i fnally uploaded this!! i swear shinso is one of my favs so im so happy you requested this! so important noteeee if u’re updated w the manga ya prolly know shinchan will start in the hero class (i think he’s going to be in class B) by his second year. so this scenario takes place in the third year so both him n reader chan r in the hero course :]]]] enjooy!!
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hitoshi couldn’t lie to himself, he was genuinely amused by your quirk. a literal cat girl!? seriously? even though, he was aware that in this supernatural world, where anything and everything is possible, and that there might’ve been at least a million catgirls, around the globe; it still came as a surprise. 
he likes cats, they are adorable and what not; but a human as a cat? is he allowed to like them? wouldn’t that just be a weird fetish? hitoshi had been struggling with the answer to that question ever since he found out you could lewd cat girls which was since middle school. 
the next thing he knew was that there was one sitting two feet away from him. the universe was playing a cruel, cruel joke on him. 
at first, he thought you were shy; afraid to talk to others. he noticed that you kept to yourself, yeah you had friends alright. he had seen you hanging out with kendo and tetsutetsu before but you were quite introverted. that being said, he was shocked to find you bickering with the infamous angry blond of the other class; apparently he had insulted your quirk- deeming it vain and the only use of it was being an eye candy. you sure did give bakugou katsuki a piece of your mind that day, the teachers had to stop both of you from tearing each other’s faces off. 
hitoshi found himself thinking about you. a lot.  he figured he was crushing on you. yes, he definitely was. sometimes, he’d see others petting your head and scratching your ears like,  you know, how you would do to a cat...it was so hard not running up to you and doing the same. it was hard, very hard but he managed self-control until he slipped up.
you were standing next to him and his hand ventured on its own and landed on top of your head, petting it and scratching your ears like he had seen your friends do. usually, you would let out a purr but now, you froze. out of the blue hitoshi had started patting and rubbing your head. on top of that he didn’t even realize it, he continued with his actions until you practically bit him. he swiftly pulled his hand away and looked down at your smaller figure which was fuming with rage. 
your face was on fire, eyebrows scrunched together, and fangs baring out, you growled at him. “what the fuck?” you spit shoving a finger to his chest, “take your weird fucking fetish away from me!” one could say you were livid. you proceeded to threaten the life out of hitoshi, promising him that you’d make him call for his mama the next time he pulls something like that up. he apologizes and promises he wouldn’t do something like that ever again. 
well, he lied. he does it again and again until it becomes a hobby of his, reaching out petting your head and scratching your ears while you stand there with a raging blush across your face. you like it, secretly but you’d never admit. hitoshi seems to get bolder over time. one day in class he just, straight out  grabs your tail tugging on it, feeling the soft fur between his fingers. you almost ripped his face off that day. 
surprisingly, both of you become friends. training together, hanging out from time to time, and yes. the teasing hitoshi pulls you through. the friendship that grows between the two of you is beautiful but the sexual tension? it’s frustrating. hitoshi wants you to beg for it but you know your dignity is not going to allow it ever. 
“you look cute..all tied up like this.” hitoshi grins tugging on your tail as he watches you struggle in his binds with your face bright red and ears twitching.  you both had been training till a minute ago but now, you were all tangled up in his capture weapon suspending in midair held together by the thick straps of his scarf-like equipment.
he stalks around you stopping right in front of your face. His fingers gilded under your chin, tugging your face up. “not funny..shinso, let go!” you struggle around the capture weapon hoping it would loosen the string but instead, it only gripped around you tighter.  “you know,” he calls out to you, his eyes a shade darker than the beautiful purple he always wore. “you’re always such a brat and i am tired.” he is petting your head again, “tell me,” he says your name sending shivers down your spine and desire through your veins. “do you want me as i want you?” his nose touches yours as he waits for your reply, you let out a meek yes which makes him lose all the self restrain he had. 
he smashes his lips onto yours kissing you with passion. he nibbles on your lip, grazing his tongue over it before slipping it into your mouth. moans leave your throat as the kiss gets heated, it’s as if hitoshi doesn’t want to let go but the growing need for oxygen takes over him, he pulls away locking his eyes with your cat-like pupils, thinking of what all he could do with you for the rest of the night. 
taglist under the cut!!
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feedback is greatly appreciated <3 <taglist!!dm us if ya wanna get added or removed !!!>
  @amahzing004 @thoughtfulpandazine2  @ the-one-who-ate-god @bat-eclecticwolfbouquet-love   @annimalq @reader-stash @rcjackie @leeladebris @expn @vocaloidinlove @edgycactus @neon-tries-writing @shiggydiggydicked @yandereguysgalsandmonsterpals @lady-tokugawa-of-mikawa @chxrryvibes @yanderesmemory @purple-rabanito @sakianimeworld @the-grimm-writer @n4dhii @imkumichan  @akura-ous-lady @dabicakes @leeknowstoomuch @nereida19 @sahrafinee @uwubba @anime-girl-nikki  @badtimechara @peachyashell @weirdr-artiest  @prince-zukohere   @deliciousstar   @murderfesto  @alunafort  @mrsllawliet  @supernaturaldreamergirl1130  @hawkgirl27845   @kat-su-ki​  @the-official-yeehaw​
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koishua · 3 years
ofc i get excited seeing you on my dash !! you’re one of my fav writers on tumblr ever and i simply get soo excited when i see you 🥰 NAUR i could never get suck and tired of seeing you :(( you’re one of my fav presences on this hellsite i’m so glad you’re here!
AND YES!! omg jihoon is so,, AKSDNHD in this cb i can’t !! breathe !! but he’s so cute and so annoying at times 🙄 but honestly that’s what makes him so funny and charming AHHH also can you tell i’ve been binging treasure videos all day today 💀 it’s not my fault okay!! they’re just so,, URGH irresistible
but i’ve watched eps 39 and 47 of treasure map and i feel like it’ll also become some of my fav eps of treasure map!! they made me so soft AHH and the little family that asahi and haruto had going on with eunseo :(( so adorable 🥺 and asahi saying that them seeing eunseo brings back old memories of their younger sisters made me tear up too ☹️ and yewon’s so eccentric and cute AHHH yeah i loved watching the two eps so much !! thanku for the rec (do you have any more 👀)
hope you have a great day/night ahead!
- 🎧 anon
p.s. i saw what the hate anon said, but i didn’t want to bring too much negativity back since i saw that happened a few hours ago alr,, but i just wanted to tell you that your work, and your blog is NOT overhyped and will never be. you deserve every bit of attention and every note you get and that’s literally the end of the discussion. your opinion is not needed here, hate anon. you can just leave the blog if you dislike it so much, but do NOT discredit someone’s hard work.
dawwww ;-; you're simply too sweet i adore you 🤧🤧 very honored to be one of your favourite writers too omg ;-;
PARK JIHOON!! THAT MENACE!! he is SO annoying but like, the kind where you wanna tear your hair but also can't hold back a smile bc he is that cheeky 🙁🙁 you're so right that's what give him that charm ugh and he has such a boyish smile despite his buff af body lmao bye AND YESS!! YOU WATCHED THE KIDDO EPISODES!! i watch them every three days or so to replenish my energy and make myself feel better when im down ;-;
harusahi the two pretty best friend parents ;-; DO YOU KNOW HOW DEVASTATED I WAS WHEN I FIRST SAW HIM ASK IF EUNSEO COULDN'T EAT SOMETHING TO HER MOM?? bye he is so considerate im gonna cry right here right now and sahi carrying her and making her fly up on the trampolines like *sobs* ;-;-;-; i feel so sad for them too bc like ;-; homesickness and all ;-; and and and ;-;
AND YOSHI AND BEOMHA MY TWO QUIET SWEETHEARTS THE DUO THAT MADE ME BURY MY FACE IN MY KNEES AND WAIL 😭😭 the fact that yoshi wanted to become a kindergarten teacher just makes so much sense to me ;-;-;
and yes lmao the neverending jeongwoo x yewon heartbreak saga xbbcbc she is so random i love that kid so much 😭😭 but i'd also probably cry if i had to look after her ngl my feelings are too fragile to be played with by her </3 and ofc i have some new recs!! don't mind me giving you my personal fav episodes 🏃🏃
ep 53 is all about ball sports!! they play soccer, basketball and bowling and omfl that ep bias wrecked every teume ever bc mashi KILLS it 😩😩 it's also super entertaining hehe and ep 51 is where they go to a military training bxbcbx it's HILARIOUS 😭😭 ep 32 is where they're divided into two teams and they have to live through hyunsuk and junkyu's polar opposite lifestyles!!
this got longer than i expected oml sorry anyways!! thank you so much for your considerate words :(( truly, im not at all offended or affected by the anon at all!! ik i worked hard for it haha i just like to kid around saying that i feel hurt 😔 but your words still hold true!! with the rise of the messages again, it's nice to remind everyone that hate anons do not determine your (or your craft's) worth!!
it must be late there i think?? or maybe im mixing up timezones again but yes anyways thank you!! have a great day/night wherever you are as well and stay safe <3
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fitfmybeloved · 3 years
thank you for the tag @loulovehome, @quelsentiment and @chironmybeloved 💕💗💕
fav genre? oh maybe like pop, indie, soft rock??
fav artist? ok this is a list idc: louis, sam fender, awfultune, cavetown, zayn, måneskin..theres more but yeah, for now these are the top
fav song? ok right now i want to say neptune by sleeping at last or cigar by tamino
5 fav lyrics? ohhh ok here we go - 
I'm only honest when it rains// An open book, with a torn out page// And my inks run out// I wanna love you but I don't know how (the entire song honestly but anyway this is Neptune)
Mom, would you wash my back?// This once, and then we can forget// And I'll leave what I'm chasing// For the other girls to pursue - class of 2013
patroclus, dont be stupid i’m not falling down// i am growing wings and flying away - achilles’ response (it counts)
And I'm too tired to be tough// Just wanna be loved by you - defenceless (this shit man...)
Your lips, my lips, apocalypse  - apocalypse (just this)
radio or your own playlist | solo artists or bands | pop or indie | loud or silent volume I slow or fast songs | music video or lyrics video | speakers or headset | riding a bus in silence or while listening to music | driving in silence or with radio on
fav book genre? uhh i guess like dystopian but also ya??? oh and fantasy too 
fav writer? madeline miller, cecelia ahern
fav book? oof, maybe the song of achilles? 
fav book series? anne of green gables, dude i really want ot go reread all of it now
comfort book? thank you for the memories by cecelia ahern
perfect book to read on a rainy day? any mystery book
5 quotes from your fav book that you know by heart? i dont know any quotes by heart :/
hardcover or paperback | buy or rent | standalone novels or book series | ebook or physical copy | reading at night or during the day | reading at home or in nature | listening to music while reading or reading in silence | reading in order or reading the ending first | reliable or unreliable narrator | realism or fantasy | one or multiple POVS | judging by the covers or by the summary | rereading or reading just once
fav tv/movie genre? for movies i prefer action, for tv shows, horror/thriller or romcom 
fav movie? i want to say how to train your dragon but im sure there’s something else that i cant think of right now
comfort movie? real steel!
movie you watch every year?probably real steel
fav tv show? either the untamed or stranger things
comfort tv show? i dont think i have one?
most rewatched tv show? ok im not counting all the disney channel ones that come on tv all the time, so it’s the untamed
ultimate otp? wangxian
5 fav characters? lan wangji, wei wuxian, steve harrington, hiccup, and jake peralta (ive watched only a few seasons but yeah) 
tv shows or movies | short seasons (8-13 episodes) or full seasons (22 episodes or more) | one episode a week or binging | one season or multiple seasons | one part or saga | half hour or one hour long episodes | subtitles on or off | rewatching or watching just once | downloads or watches online
thank you again!! this was so much fun!!! im tagging @zaynsclitoris, @purpleflicker, @fivescrews, @lousfaerie, @finexbright, @lostintranslationbut1d and @hometothecanyonmoon (feel free to ignore if you dont want to or have already done it!!)
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