#but in the past I always hold these headcanons back cause I was scared people come at me for it
wrathfulmercy · 7 months
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Similarities I found in towl about the way I write Rick part 1
Obviously these are all just my opinions and interpretations but I wanted to share them since I write Rick since 2019 now and had all these things in my head before the series even released. Beware! Spoilers for episode 1 underneath the cut! And tw: heavy topics and long text
- Rick mentions his father was a farmer (what I didn’t expect cause I always imagined him being a sheriff or something too) and that he got disappointed by him as he bluntly lied into Rick’s face. He did it to protect the family in his point of view, but Rick was shocked and hurt by the dishonesty. I always imagined Rick’s father as someone who drastically damaged his general trust and “helped” develop Rick’s trust issues and lack of self esteem cause when he couldn’t trust his father, he wonders if he himself is someone to trust or who will sooner or later be like his father and lets people down. (To be fair I imagined his father as a strict asshole xD but that’s just overdramatizing it for writing purposes and cause it fits to my rick)
- At the beginning of the episode Rick tries to kill himself or at least has suicidal thoughts he doesn’t go through with. I always imagined Rick as someone who struggles or struggled with some kind of self harm (simply because I feel so similar to him that it would fit) and that for him it was more or less a blessing as the world fell to change his auto aggression into external aggression he could let out on the walkers or someone else. Many of you know I studied psychology and know a lot about it from myself as well and in the past self harm was often mistaken with suicide attempts in treatment. It’s not the same! People who self harm often don’t want to die, they self harm because they want to keep themselves under control so they don’t kill themselves. Self harm and suicidal tendencies are not the same! Some people self harm to feel alive again, to feel themselves again (that’s why mindfulness in therapy is such a big topic), to control their overwhelming feelings or to feel the pain in a physical way instead of the emotional way (cause you can somehow control physical pain by treating it - a wound for example that’s why many people who self harm take extra good self care of it - but you can’t control emotional pain. I describe Rick often as a control freak and even if I think that in this scene his suicidal tendencies were indeed real, it showed definitely a part of him I always expected while others often told me like “what Rick? Never would he think about suicide or self harm”. Oh yes he does. He likes the pain and thrives from it cause it makes him feel alive. Thats why he goes absolutely savage without a second thought cause he can let it out there and fight like a monster and it doesn’t even bother him cause he only feels alive then. You can even see how his look changes and he comes back to life after he cut himself and realizes what he was doing. Great acting as well! Cause often you end a dissociative moment where you could easily unalive yourself by inflicting pain so you come back to reality then and often you can’t even remember how you got there. Thats why people who blame others for suicide cause “it’s selfish” are absolutely in the wrong too cause no one in the right mind would do it if they would be able to think that far in that moment. You’re not cause you’re in an absolute exceptional circumstance where your brain chemicals are not working anymore. Pain or the caused adrenaline after it can help bringing it back. Sorry for the Ted talk.
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- he writes (love) letters to Michonne and I always imagined him as a reader and writer who likes poetry and wouldn’t only write beautiful letters but also nice poems for the ones he loves. He’s a romantic and I’m glad they showed that. (And yes again I feel so connected to him that since I write, I thought he has to write too haha)
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- He admits to Michonne in the dream sequence that he’s late and I always imagined him as an over sleeper due to his insomnia and someone who sometimes is a bit tardy. Even if he tries desperately to be a morning person to get things done, he needs a lot of strong coffee and some time to pass before he functions and talks properly (and yes he loves staying in bed all day). He’s still super reliable and will always be there when you need him, but it might happen he is a bit late 🤣 and the insomnia and nightmares from his ptsd? Also well represented.
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- In my head he always was a sweet tooth and a junk food lover and surprise: we got the pizza quote and how much he loves that xD
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Also do I have to mention how I imagined the crm working with the ranks and everything years ago with my partners already? Also the A and B thing? My first verse for my OC Alex was the crm and I created her when I first wrote Rick in that world, imagining a character like her fitting there perfectly and teaming up with him. How funny that Thorne exactly fits that badass female character and how she is played by the love interest actress of the face I used for Alex. 🤣 damn I was so close with getting her actress right as well.
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iid-smile · 14 days
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#02 for ୨ৎ ⸝⸝ @whispytrees ⋆
hi! thank you for your order! i see you got yourself 5, 10 and 21, a little bit of everything. also you love what i write omg???? got me squealing, giggling, kicking my feet just a bit... (i screamed) you're so sweet <3 no pun intended here hehe. dazai we shall! went with headcanons since you didn't specify, i hope that's okay!
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#5 🍰 | having kids together
dazai is either a suspiciously good girl dad, or the type to scare his kid whenever he can
would use the time between pregnancy or adoption process as an "excuse" to get off work, except he's actually doing a lot to make sure the little girl has the best environment to grow up with
wants to give her the childhood he never got, so he'll say yes to everything she wants unless it'll get her harmed or in danger
has no filter around your daughter, so please beware and stay close at all times!! he can and will go into deep depth about... multiple not-so-safe-for-kids topics and cause her to cry, so make sure you're ready to give her a big hug
anyways! he loves dancing with her more than anything. will buy his daughter all sorts of cute dresses no matter the age (big skirts are the best!) may even get her into dance classes; most likely ballet or ballroom. it's always cute to catch them in the act
sasses his teenage daughter back. NOTHING is getting past him. he takes treat people how you want to be treated seriously in this household
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#10 🍓 | cuddling during the morning / night
quite often, dazai is too lazy to get up (especially if it's for work) if you have to get up too, then you're not. keeping you in bed is most effective when he's the big spoon, because he holds you tight and squishes his cheek against your nap
tickles you because he knows his fingers get really cold sometimes. actually, he's just a really cold guy in general, it's weird.
mumbles about random things as if he's drunk. it's just him ranting about how much he love you and how much his life has changed for the better since he met you.
sleepy dazai is just clingy overall. every single one of his body parts has to be touching yours
you have to hold hands! it's a requirement. facing each other, spooning, on top of each other, upside down or whatever, his hand is always linked with yours
if you're already asleep, he'd quietly yap about how his day went, making sure to whisper so you wouldn't wake up.
eventually goes quiet, and just stares at you. every single detail on your face. he's not picky about looks, but you're the most attractive person he's ever seen
gently nudges your head towards his chest and tucks it under his chin, falling asleep while smiling. his biggest fear is not sleeping by your side after all.
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#21 🍦 | where they like to kiss you
we all know dazai loves hands.
the back of your hand and knuckles are obvious ones, but he kisses your fingertips and wrists a lot too. fingertips are his favourite! he does this thing where he'll kiss your middle and index finger, and pulls your hand over to place them on his heart.
lips, but it's not really a kiss. it's just pressing your lips together, no smooches </3 he mostly does this to tease you, because you can always feel the small smirk he has.
shoulders too because why not? shoulder blade is where he loves to kiss you. no particular reason, it's just a nice spot for when he's behind you.
your neck would be another spot where he loves to tease, and he does the same thing where he just presses his lips against it, not kissing. sometimes just ghosts his lips over your skin to feel you shiver.
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event masterlist
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macsimagines · 11 months
Could I ask for Kisaki, Rindou, and Draken with partners that are insecure? Like they truly believe that their boyfriend/husband could do so much better than them
I've done this one already for Kisaki and Draken here but I can def do one for Rindou!! this is kind of like a part two to my EX! Ran Haitani headcanon set!! also idk why text colors are being weird i'll try to fix it later on
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Yandere!Rindou Haitani
He loves you, adores you even. You're so soft and kind compared to his hard and mean. Rindou has always taken pride in being who he is. He's a Haitani brother, feared allover Tokyo and a ruler in charge of Roppongi.
But for you? Just you- He's Rin. Your loving boyfriend that is never too busy to spend time with you and never lacking in affection. He'll hold your hand gladly or throw a reassuring arm over your shoulder.
All the love in the world can't stop the thoughts in your head though. He's so much more than you'll ever be. You've seen him in action and his strength and overwhelming capabilities compared to your...to your anything just made you feel so dull in comparison.
Rin is beautiful, he catches the eye of every woman you walk past on the street. Rin is strong, he can beat men without breaking a sweat. Rin is powerful, he has people that flock to him at his beck and call and you are nothing.
"I just... I just think I'm holding you back," you tell him, over the phone because you're too much of coward to say it to his face, "I want... I want what's best for you-!" "What the fuck are you talkin' about, you're what's best for me! Baby-please-!" "I can't! I'm not enough, I'm sorry Rin."
And you hang up the phone, block his number. Its better this way, you're sure by this time next week he'll have moved onto someone else, someone better that could keep up with someone as amazing as him.
But then something unexpected happens. His brother comes looking for you. Rin warned you about him once, said that after a bad breakup with his girlfriend he hadn't been the same.
"I thought they got back together though?" you had asked him confused after he had told you. He never answered you back, just got this weird look on his face before giving you a warning; "Try not to get too close. And try not to piss him off."
Yet here he was, at your doorstep staring you down like you were the scum of the earth. Apparently you hadn't heeded the warning.
"Havin' fun?" he asks, not even blinking while he towers over you, and your voice is caught in your throat, too scared to even make a sound at the older Haitani. "Cause I'm sure fuckin' not."
And suddenly he's grabbing you by the hair so tight you're scared he's going to rip it from your skull, but no, he's dragging you out the door and down the steps of your apartment ignoring your cries and screams for help.
Muttering something the whole way to his car. Something like "...You bitches and the games you like to play. Fuck with our heads, you and my girl always got make fuckin' problems for us-"
Then he's shoving you into the passenger seat making sure you can't get out. One moment you feel like you've found your voice again and then the next it leaves you because Ran has a gun pointed right at you only seconds later.
"Your gonna fix this you ungrateful bitch," he spits, eyes so full of hate it makes you want to curl in on yourself, "Put my baby brother back together and act like you like it. Like you fuckin' love it. Or I'll kill you my damn self and make you regret makin' a fool out of the Haitanis. Do you understand, Y/N?"
You're not sure if you say yes or if you even or in affirmation before he's pulling out of the parking lot and speeding dangeroulsy to some unknown destination.
And you are crying, silently shaking and sobbing because you're so scared of what he's going to do and he's still holding the gun right at your head, muttering to himself yet again.
"I'll make it right- I'll fix him and he'll be ok- fuckin' women making us loose our goddamn minds-,"
Finally you pull into a warehouse, abandoned by the looks of it and new found fear arises in you- Is this where Ran is going to kill you? But no.... This is where Rin is.
You see him first, his eyes are dark and he looks so tired from his usual self, and his expression is so empty, so emotionless that you're worried for a split second but then you see...the man. At least that's what he used to be.
His face is beaten in, and his body is contorted in such a mangled way you're sure his limbs had been broken, and Rin is on top of him. Pummeling away at the already red and mangled face.
You can't help the small gasp that leaves you and you probably would've ran out there screaming had Ran not been holding you by the neck.
But your scream was enough to alert the younger Haitani, and he turns to look at you with eyes wild like an animals. "Y-Y/N?" he whispers standing on shaking legs, "B-baby is that you?"
It didn't matter how hard you tried you couldn't make out a single sound, too shocked by the scenes unfolding around you. Thankfully, Ran wasn't short on words....
"Ya, I brought Y/N here 'cause she has somethin' to say," Ran shoves you forward, making sure that the gun at his side is always within your view. A silent reminder of what he made you promise...
Rin doesn't let you get any words our before he's embracing you with bloodied hands, smearing another persons bodily fluid all over you... "Oh baby, please tell me you're back, please? Its been hell, I can't do this without you, I'm loosin' my fuckin' mind."
Its like your brain suddenly catches up with you. You have to say yes or else... "I-I'm back," you nod, hugging him back with shaking hands, "I'm... I'm sorry Rin."
And suddenly he's sobbing, pulling you away only so he could hold your face in his bloody hands to look into your eyes, "How could you do this to me, I love you so much,"
Ran once again, speaks. "You need to keep her in line," he tells his younger brother, much to your dismay, "Like I keep my girl. Don't worry. I'll teach you."
You could never leave Rin Haitani. Shame on you for even trying.
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plush-rabbit · 1 year
Dating Headcanons for Himiko Toga
Request: Could you possibly write headcanons for Toga with a fem civilian s/o?
A/N: I love her design so much!! I love her fangs and bangs and her eyes!! She’s so cute!!
Himiko loves with her entire being. She never meant it to be twisted or malicious, but certain upbringings and repression has made it out to be so. Having her as a partner is a dangerous one, she’s a villain- a young one at that. She is unstable, but she never means for her own obsession to hurt you with malicious intent. She can’t control it, she loves too much- too wholeheartedly. 
Perhaps she has a type looking at her past two most obvious crushes. She likes to think that she doesn’t- that she loves people and all that they are, but she likes convictions. That’s what attracted her to the young two promising heroes, how far they were willing to go for the other, but you aren’t a hero. You’re a civilian, and it's been a long time since she actually liked anyone like you. But she becomes lovestruck when she sees how kind you are. 
There’s a panic around the area caused by her and the others- people push past one another and somehow she’s been caught in the middle of it, pushed to the ground where her bare knees become scraped. The crowd disperses as soon as she's in the ground, and she’s not astanger to scrapes and cuts, but the knee injury hurts just a bit too much, and any pressure on her ankle makes her think that she might have twisted it. She’s taken in a sharp breath, ready to brace herself and move forward when a hand is held out in front of her. You must know who she is, when you hold out your hand to her when she’s fallen, there’s no doubt that even with her attire, there has to be some common sense in your head telling you to run the other way. Instead of doing the most logical option, you help her up, and hold her hand in yours for just a moment too long, until you pull away and mumble an apology, running the other, leaving her in the middle of the desolate plaza, with her heart beating against her chest. Late at night, she lays awake thinking of you, fisting the hand that you held and covering it protectively with her free hand. 
She wishes that it were more of a challenge to find you- you’re too predictable, too easy and unaware of your surroundings, especially after an attack where you happened to be at. Fortunately for her, you walk home alone for a few blocks and that’s when she makes herself known, grabbing at your hand, and pulling you close to her. You’re startled, but not scared, and you let her lead you into an alleyway where you certainly don’t belong. She’s infatuated. Lovestruck. Obsessed. You aren’t scared of her. You’re letting her hold your hand. She already knows you’re kindhearted. She knows your name. She knows your schedule. She introduces herself, and when you reply back with your own name, she wraps her arms around you, already giving you a nickname, one dripped in sugar and everything nice.
There’s only so many places the two of you can be together without raising suspicions, and your family has already started to wonder why you keep going to the playground at night, so that location has to be shelved until further notice. Other than that, you often go wherever she leads you to which happens to be the current location of the League hideout. They didn’t take too kindly to you at first- Twice, or Jin- being the most harsh in wanting to keep you out of any type of League affairs. You later learn that he and Himiko have a rather close relationship, so you understand the brash behavior and reservations that he may have about you. The both of you usually meet up together after school. While you do your homework, she likes to peer over your shoulder and help with whatever she can. When you have passages to read, you like to read them outloud to her. She’s always happy when she gets to hear you read to her no matter how boring the story may be because she can rest her head on your shoulder.
No matter how sweet she can be, she’s still obsessive. Her questions always start off innocent enough- how did your day go? What did you learn? How was gym class? Who were you with during lunch? You’re not getting bothered are you? Is that teacher still giving you a hard time about your grades? She needs to know how your day went, and when she doesn’t know, that has her worrying her bottom lip. She cares too strongly, loves too fiercely. When she notices that you’ve had a particularly draining day, she holds off on the questions, instead taking you into her arms and resting her cheek over the top of your head. 
It comes to no surprise that she’s an affectionate person. She loves to have her hand on you in some type of way. Your hand will be in hers, and she;ll press her palm against yours, comparing the size and slowly intertwine your hand with hers. Whenever you do your homework there at the hideout, she sits next to you, mumbling about how she always hated homework, and what subject she was the worst at. Sometimes, she’ll get a forlorn look in her eyes, and when she realizes that you;ve been staring at her, she’ll press her lips against your cheek and rest her head on your lap, asking you to read her the chapter of the day. 
The rest of the League- once they get used to you and agree with each other that you probably won’t rat them out- do they actually tease the young member. It did take a while for the rest of the League to become comfortable with you and while you won’t admit it to your partner, you’re positive that they each gave you their own version of a shovel talk. During the threats, a part of you thinks that it’s nice that she found a family within them, how they all care for each other without actively saying it. Most of them didn’t even actually have a full conversation with you, only showcasing their quirks in front of you and you quickly understood that that was a threat. 
With her quirk, she feels the need to have to suck on blood. And being around you can be a struggle. There has to be restraint, especially since she doesn’t want to scare you away from her. There’s been a handful of times where you’ve gotten a cut in front of her, and each and every time, she watched you with unblinking eyes. The scent of iron is thick in the air no matter how little the cut was, and there’s a heavy flush that reddens her face. She hardly makes a sound, and it reminds you of a predator watching their prey, with how her pupils dilate and how silently she moves. She leaves the room for a few minutes and returns as if nothing has happened, asking you if you’re okay and giving the bandaged wound a kiss.
Whether you give her a taste of your blood or not, she understands both decisions and she doesn’t press. She won’t ask for a drop of your blood. She’s loyal to you, and she just likes to be around you- more than she would have ever realized. If you were to offer your blood to drink to Himiko, she takes it as a great show of your relationship with her. She’ll take your arm and ask how you would like to do it. She could give you a little cut, or bite down, or press her needle into the soft of your elbow- whatever it is that you choose, she’s fine with that fact. Either way, she takes your hand in hers, twisting it around and kissing at every inch of skin that she can, mumbling how she's thankful for having met you. There’s still red beads of scarlet that prick from your skin, and watching you, she swipes the tip of her tongue across the wound, pressing a kiss into it and mumbling how she has to clean you up now. There’s a lovely look in her eyes when she glances up to you, her pink dusted in pink, and only deepening when you kiss her.
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DMC5 Guys Crushing On A Self-Conscious Half Devil FemReader Headcanons
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Requested by @danielle-marie​
(A/N:) This one hit a little closer to home though I am not half devil. 🤣 I am a very self-conscious person and I’m trying to work on myself. Don’t get down on yourselves girlies y’all are made perfectly and who you are for a reason. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. ❤️ Until next time happy reading! ~Countess
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Dante X FemReader
Dante didn’t believe in love at first sight, until he met you.
You couldn’t figure out why Dante was giving you so much attention.
You never had the confidence in your looks and you honestly didn’t think any guy would ever want to even look your direction.
Especially if they figured out about you being a half blooded devil.
You hid that side of you well, but at times when your temper flares it’s harder to hide it.
One time you lost control causing your fingers to grow into claws and horns to sprout from your head.
Little kids screamed and parents chased you away.
It had been your worst nightmare and you didn’t go back out into public for months.
Now you avoided crowds and tried your best to steer clear of any human interaction.
Then Dante walked into your life and he kept striding past your barriers.
Then it happened, your half devil reappeared as you lost control in front of Dante.
You just knew he would abandon you after the incident but he only grew closer.
“Babe, I’m half devil. You think some claws and horns will drive me away? Buckle in toots you ain’t getting rid of me.”
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Vergil X FemReader
Vergil is more aloof than his brother but he can’t deny the crush he has on you, though he doesn’t admit it out loud.
He doesn’t understand why you can’t see yourself the way he sees you.
Of course he still hasn’t admitted how he truly feels about you.
He can sense there’s something different about you, but you’re so good at hiding things that he can’t pinpoint it.
He doesn’t pry either.
You can’t tell people your true heritage. It would send most people packing that you have devil blood running through your veins.
Though you are only half it doesn’t take much for your other features to take over. 
With scaly wings, horns, claws, and fangs that transform every time you feel threatened.
You knew that Vergil out of everyone would understand, but you just can’t accept that side of yourself.
Then that fateful day happened, Vergil sensed a devil near by and it attacked you both.
Your devil blood sensing the danger caused you to transform.
After dispatching it Vergil really saw the part you were afraid of, where your self-conscious side came from and he was floored.
“You do know that I’m part devil too? I don’t like you hiding the side that gives you strength. Be proud of who you are.”
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Nero X FemReader
Nero can tell that you are unsure of yourself. You hardly smile or let anyone in.
You keep everyone at arms length. Even him.
He stays up most nights wishing you could see yourself through his eyes, as you are perfect.
He’s the one with problems not you.
So what could you possibly hide from him that would make you feel like you aren’t worth anyone’s time?
He compliments you, but it just makes you retreat further.
You know Nero has seen everything horrible in life, you just can’t be that one thing that makes him say that’s enough and leaves.
You didn’t ask to be part devil. You didn’t ask for the claws that refused to transform back into human hands.
You didn’t ask for the small fangs that never seemed to go away.
You had such a hard time keeping the monster at bay and people could sense the danger whenever you were near.
You couldn’t bring yourself to make friends and then Nero barged in.
He could tell something was different about you and he hated that you never smiled and you always kept yourself covered.
He really hated it when you flinched if he tried to hold your hand.
Then he found out. He hadn’t meant to scare you or find out this way it just happened that way.
You were ashamed and Nero was not going to let you stay that way.
“I’m quarter devil, my dad is the ultimate jerk. But I know exactly how you feel. I once had an arm I thought I had to hide until I learned that it wasn’t that big of a deal. It doesn’t define who you are. I think it’s awesome and I think you’re beautiful just the way you are.”
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V X FemReader
V doesn’t understand how you can feel so self-conscious. To him you’re absolutely perfect.
He tells you so as well but you just brush his compliments off.
How could anyone like him like someone that has tainted devil blood flowing through her veins?
You’re really good at hiding the side you don’t want others to see but at times you can lose control.
So far you have kept it well hidden as you don’t really go out in public much.
You don’t want to be known as the freak to anyone else, your horrified by yourself enough.
You don’t want complete strangers to find your devil blood appalling.
And you definitely don’t want V to know, you couldn’t deal with him leaving you just because of who you are.
The claws, scaly skin, and fangs that only seemed to come out when you were scared or angry would make even the toughest person cower.
Then one day V found out.
You had lost your temper and transformed right in front of him.
You waited for the screaming or cursing.
But none ever came.
V took your hand, careful of the sharp nails that had taken over and he smiled gently.
“Don’t think you can scare me with such beauty as this? Don’t hide your true nature from me. It hurts me more that you don’t accept yourself than any other painful wound a man can gain.”
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fieldofdaisiies · 9 months
hi hi i love your writing so much so i was rereading the beauty of intimacy and i was wondering how you think azriel would react if it was because she’s been touched without wanting it?
it’s totally okay if you don’t feel comfortable writing this please ignore and delete it🫶🏼
I decided to do headcanons/drabble style for this; thank you for sending in this idea💛
First of all, Azriel and you will have many talks. Sometimes you will talk for hours, sometimes he will only listen, letting you tell him everything. You feel comfortable enough to open up to him, but not you don't feel ready to tell him everything from the beginning on.
He will hold you in his arms, if you want to, making even providing a protective cocoon with his wings wrapped around the both of you.
He will gently stroke your back, offerings words of comfort.
"No one will ever harm you again." His voice is gentle, soothing and brings you comfort. "I will always protect you. I love you, and you are always safe with me."
Azriel will always give you enough space and time to share everything about your past and what happened to you with him, but not won't pressure you into sharing it.
He will also promise to cause the people who hurt you, touched you without you giving your consent, a very slow and painful death.
"You tell me whenever you are ready." He kisses your brow. "I love you and whatever you will share with me won’t change anything about how much I love you."
Once you have opened up, he lets you decide when you want to discuss intimacy.
It takes you some time.
But once you feel comfortable to talk about it, you will sit down together and discuss it, everything.
Azriel will listen, holding your hand, not omce letting go.
He assures you that you will commence at your pace, whenever ypu are ready.
And will also tell you that you will have control. Always. If you want to do something, you will do so, if you want to stop, he will stop immediately.
"It is your choice. Always." Azriel gives your hand a gentle squeeze. "We commence whenever you are ready. And if you tell me to stop I will stop immediately."
You also want Azriel to share the things he likes in bed. At first, he will be a bit reluctant about it, hesitant, unsure if he can truly share those things.
But you assure him that it is alright, and so he will open up and let you in, telling you that he is into certain things. 
You are happy that he trusts you and let you in, and though he doesn’t expect you to try out those things, you think with time you will maybe be ready for them.
But not yet.
Now everything is about love making and you being able to enjoy intimacy.
You are unsure - what if you are never able to enjoy intimacy again? What if you are always worried? Scared?
Azriel assures you that you will enjoy it, that he will do everything in his power to make you feel good, for you to find it enjoyable
He won’t undress you until you tell him you would like it, and when you do, he will be so careful and gentle it makes your eyes fill with tears.
"Breathtaking," Azriel whispers into the silence of the room and runs a finger over your cleavage, before kissing your forehaed. "You are beautiful, my love." He slowly peels off the last pieces of clothing and then lets you decide if you want to close the distance between the two of or if you need so space. You slowly move closet to him, and kiss him.
He lets you have control, ypu are the one guiding the two of you to the bed. And he lets you undress him, explore his body.
Azriel also gives you the choice if you want to be on top or he should be.
You let him be, knowing he will be soft and gentle and most importantly careful.
Only after asking for permission and your consent once again does he place the tip of his cock against your entrance, slowly pushing in, only the tip. He gives you time to adjust to the feel of him, the slight painful stretch.
He always offers you words of comfort and sweet compliments.
"You are perfect," Azriel whispes and kisses your brow, easing into you a bit more. "My wonderful mate, I couldn’t love any more."
When he hears you whimper, he stops, letting you decide when he should continue.
Once fully seated, he pulls out, and pushes back in, then makes love to you, slowly gently, mouth never leaving yours, fingers stroking your skin.
He won’t be rough or fast the first time you sleep together.
He wants to bring you pleasure, show you how beautiful intimacy is. Wants to find comfort in and love for this beautiful act of two souls connecting. 
When you come he guides you through your high.
And before he comes he will of course ask you where.
Later, he will help you clean up and then dress you in soft pyjamas, before tucking you in bed with him, kissing your head softly.
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hollowwrites · 1 year
Ominis Headcanons
🔥 This is my dumpster fire of Ominis 🔥
Burn with me.
I’ll refer to MC as Evelyn throughout this cause she’s my ship with Omi. This is basically my notes page. Things my conflict. Who cares? If anything grabs you please ask about it. You guys inspire me for way too much of my stuff 💚
I’m just gonna mix NSFW stuff in with this so 🔞MINORS DNI🔞
Fifth Year Ominis is too caught up in Sebastian’s bullshit to notice if he was going too far. He clings to any niceties afforded to him. You need help finding your class? Sure you can hold onto his arm. You’re aching from the Crucio ordeal? You can lean against him and have a nap with him. You become his coping method of losing Anne and Sebastian. He can forgive himself for opening up a little too much…he’s gone through a lot.
Sixth Year Ominis is straight denial. No they’ve always been this close they had to be because of Sebastian. Not that anyone else knows that. You just showed up and you’ve both been inseparable ever since. You’re just very good friends.
Seventh Year Ominis is determined, will stop at nothing until Evelyn is his (See Blindsided for evidence!!!)
Can touch his wand to things to see colour. Found out after he fell into Sebastian one time and jabbed him in the ribs. The Olive green of his waistcoat flashed across his eyes. Only discovered it that late in his life because by the time he’d gotten his wand he’d already become estranged from his family so kept away from them.
Has advanced Proprioception, the sense of knowing where your body is in relation to it parts. It extends to people around him so when he’s sat with his friends he doesn’t always need to have his wand out to know if they’re moving around. His wand extends and enhances it
His favourite subject is Defence Against the Dark Arts. He’s ridiculously good at it. I’ve wrote about good of a duelist I think he is here but I think it extends past that. He’s overheard so much at home he knows how to combat a lot of it. Good knowledge of curse both Unforgivable and otherwise. Probably caused a lot of tension in fifth year between him and Seb. Contributing factor to their iffy relationship because let’s face it they don’t really act like best friends.
Was an UNREAL seeker in third year. Won every match because he could hear the snitch from across the pitch. Imelda banned him after matches ended too quickly. Was completely unbothered, only joined because Seb begged him to
Tallest of the boys but doesn’t look it due to his posture being awful (Seriously why does he slouch so badly) (Does mean when he fully stands up he’s HELLA TALL)
Has little crescent moon shaped scars along his palm from clenching his fists in his sleep.
Really good friends with Garreth. I’ve wrote so much for those two I just can’t help it. He reminds him of Sebastian before his sister was cursed.
Has a really good relationship with Hecat. She told him stories in First Year about Professor Black from back in Hogwarts so he wouldn’t be scared of him telling his parents things. Probably why he’s not scared to talk to him.
Only speaks Parseltongue when he can’t control himself. When he’s angry, or in Pain or…other times 👀
Only uses terms of endearment as an insult. King of the ‘Oh Sweetheart’ in a smarmy way…still kinda hot
I don’t imagine he calls anyone by anything other than their full name. Sebastian is always Sebastian Never Seb.
Except Evelyn, she is everything but her full name. Unless he’s mad at her. Eve, Ev, V, Evie.
He’ll only call her pet names if the time calls for it i.e. I saw someone’s fic where he calls her Hummingbird and I LOOOOVE that (Sorry can’t remember who that was but THANK YOU!)
‘Be honest with me, Little Hummingbird. Your heart is so fast, I know you’re lying’
Liberal use of ‘Good Girl’ in the bedroom but only after they’re comfortable with each other.
‘Be a Good Girl and get on your knees for me’
🔞 NSFW Headcanons 🔞
He’d be the best to lose your virginity to. He would absolutely be tender and sweet. I love Dominis as much as the next gal but he would be so sweet
He’s either planed the whole thing and everything perfect (Undercroft all lit up with candles and blankets and VERY STRONG locking charm on the gate) or it’s the most wonderful spontaneous event (piled up breathless on the floor of the prefects bathroom)
Speaking of one or the other, Ominis is either the sweetest most gentle man on the planet or he is absolutely insatiable ravenous filth.
Likes choking, spanking and biting. Like pulling the little gasps and moans and hisses from her.
FOREPLAY KING he cannot see! You cannot tell me he doesn’t love hearing how worked up she gets until she’s begging for him (Loves begging too)
No guy is good at fingering but…👀 he is. It just touching and fingers THATS HOW HE GETS AROUND ON A DAY TO DAY BASIS HE IS GOOD AT THAT SHIT!!
Hates whenever you have to be quiet. Almost makes it a game to see if he can force her to make a noise.
Other posts where I spout waffle about Ominis here and here and here
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kimbap-r0ll · 1 year
What if reader flinches whenever the twist boys argues/moves suddenly/makes a movement towards them because their ex was very toxic and abusive. How'd they react? Sorry if this makes oyu uncomfortable, feel free to ignore this request if you want. Just want some comfort headcanons with the twist characters because I had a very crappy break up with a recent abusive boyfriend of mine...Also, I love your work!!
Hi! Sorry I'm getting to this so late ;-; I'm glad you like my writing! I hope you're doing better too, and for anyone who is going through a toxic relationship or had experience with it I hope you are/will be in a better place now. I'll put this under the cut in case this is sensitive to anyone, but I'll choose the characters as Floyd, Riddle, Sebek, and Deuce.
tw: implications of an abusive relationship
Floyd, Riddle, Sebek, Deuce with an s/o who experienced an abusive relationship
At first he didn't think much about his aggressive even dangerous behavior around people. He thought it was funny to see people look scared when he threatened to squeeze them and things like that. Even with his behavior, you two somehow started dating (perhaps it was your love of basketball or maybe similar interests in the sea).
He once punched the wall more or less because he was annoyed at someone (it was not you at all) and was muttering to himself about the said person. However, when he looked up to see you (who was there studying with him in his room), you were frozen in place and just staring at him.
This caused a different emotion from him to rise up: fear. It was the fear that he scared you, caused you to see someone that hurt you for so long and so much. His usual grin or threatening aura disappeared immediately and he carefully approached you. However, you backed away, flinching when he tried to reach out his hand to you
Floyd and you end up having a long talk that day about your past relationship. If anything, Floyd was ready to find whoever your ex was and beat the shit out of him. However, what you needed from Floyd the most was comfort, which he did by giving you what felt like the softest hug you had ever received in your life. He didn't have the words to comfort you as he was not experienced in softness, but he listened to everything you had to say, told himself what he needs to do to help you heal.
Floyd is extremely attentive, even for someone that may seem so careless. He never again acts violently in front of you, rather opting to give you surprise (gentle) hugs and joking around with you. Seeing you laugh and smile always made his heart flutter. However, seeing you smile after hearing your past makes him want to protect you more. You're in safe arms, he tells himself that when your with him. He'll make sure of that
For someone who grew up in a strict, painful childhood, Riddle thought he would understand how to not make people cry. However, the habits he learned from his mother seemed to replicate in his actions as a dorm leader. You and Riddle seemed like an unlikely match with how kind you were, but somehow you two quickly became friends and started dating
Riddle never raised his voice at you, he was the complete opposite of the way he acted to his peers. However, Riddle one day raised his voice at you when you came back to the dorms late. He yelled at how worried he was as it was storming outside, that you could get hurt and how you had to fix that habit. The next thing he knew, he was looking at you holding yourself away from him, almost like you were scared
It was as though he was seeing a reflection of himself from his childhood, one that was frightened but unable to move. HIs heart felt sudden pain, especially when he tried to talk to you but you turned your face away from him. Riddle softly said an apology, swearing he would never do that again and that he would listen to you if you wanted to talk about it
When Riddle learns about your abusive past relationship, he can't help but wish to slap himself back when he yelled at you. He wished he had known, perhaps then he could have worked harder to make you feel safe with him and never worry about being pulled into something so traumatic again. Riddle tells you he's grateful you let him know about your past and that he would do everything he can to help you and protect you. For the first time, you see your uptight boyfriend loosen up, hugging you gently and placing a kiss on your head
He will speak softly to you as he usually did (Ace and Deuce may ask you how you accomplished this) and will always be there when you need comfort. He has warm tea when you call him over because you just need someone to talk to, and he's happy you trust him. He knows it can be hard to open up to people after such a horrible experience, but if anything, Riddle will make sure the two of you walk together and that you are safe with him
As uptight as he is, he was never one to throw hands (though the threats of doing so are much more common). He prefered being classy, almost professional in school. Perhaps that was how he met you, either through opposites attract or through similar interests. Either way, he quickly fell in love and the next thing you knew it the two of you were dating (and Lilia thought it was the cutest thing ever)
Though it seemed like you two were very close, there was one thing that always stuck to the back of your mind: his voice. It was handsome when he spoke to you gently, but there were times when it would scare you. One day, the two of you had a heated argument and he yelled your name, perhaps in a vain attempt to get his point across. However, this resulted in you freezing up, feeling tears well up in your eyes and just holding your breath, perhaps waiting for something to hit you
Sebek saw this, and he immediately knew what he did wrong. He knew his impulses were horrible, but the last thing he wanted was for you to be affected by it. All the fiery anger diminished, his voice was almost a whisper when he said 'sorry' and asked if you were alright, saying he was in the wrong for raising his voice like that.
Sebek will give you time to calm down and talk to him about what happened. He has a feeling it was something traumatic, but what he hears makes his heart break. How could someone hurt you like that? Who could do such a thing to someone so kind, so amazing, that you had to live with that fear in the back of your mind? Sebek will tell you he never wants you to be afraid of him and that he's grateful you told him about your abusive ex. If anything, it will be a promise for life that he will protect you rather than harm you
Sebek isn't the best at comfort, but he can be surprisingly gentle when he wants to be. Quiet dates around the forest or reading in the Diasomnia lounge is common with the two of you. He will try his best not to raise his voice, and he can be overprotective of you. If he ever runs into your ex, he may have the urge to beat him up. However, you come first to him, he will make sure you are safe.
He's never had the best reputation, he knows. That's why when he went to NRC he decided to completely change his ways and become an honor student. What he didn't expect was for him to fall in love with you and ask you out (in what you could say was the cheesiest way possible). You two went on dates right away, often causing Ace to complain about being a third wheel (though he thought you two were super cute together)
You knew about Deuce's past as a delinquent because he told you about it. However you never really thought about seeing it happen until one day when he ran across some rowdy people at the seashore you two were hanging out at. The men not only catcalled you but tried to grab you, causing you to flinch. Deuce didn't think before throwing a punch at them, telling them in the most aggressive way ever to stay away, and eventually scaring them away enough for them to run. When he turned to you, he didn't see you smiling, rather you were burying your face in your arms, crouched down and trying to hide your tears
Deuce gently crouches down too, telling you it's alright and that the guys are gone. However you ask him about the violent reaction, and he realizes something's wrong. You were scared of him too. Whispering your name, he slowly pulls you into a hug and lets you cry, whispering you'll be alright and that he's sorry for scaring you like that. If you want to talk about it at a later time, he'll wait and listen when you do
If anything, Deuce would want to punch the living shit out of your ex for causing so much pain. At the same time, Deuce will want to be even more protective of you, wanting you to feel safe with him and making happy memories together. He'll make sure of that by promising to not act out violently with you around and to protect you from harassers. He'll give you a warm smile and pinky promise it too
Deuce is a bit awkward and cheesy when it comes to comfort and hugs, but it's what makes you smile. He loves seeing you happy, it's like walking through a sunny day to him, and he'll do everything he can to protect your smile. He will listen to you if you need to talk to him, and sometimes the two of you go on a magical wheel ride (as that is a way he de-stresses). If anything, he will be protective of you, but super comforting at the same time
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wntrmelts · 2 months
Learning to love someone was tough.
Between keeping up with his duties as a harbinger and keeping his affections a secret, Ajax did not know what was the heavier burden. Getting swallowed up by work and forgetting was easy. Coming back and pretending like he did not see the hurt he had caused was not.
Hidden away in their own little world, his beloved cavalry captain spoke in gentle whispers and lazy smiles. He would nudge his face in the crook of his neck, a loving gesture Ajax did not know how to return.
He hoped that, in another universe, he could dream of titillating banter and stolen kisses where one’s biggest worry was whether the ‘love-me’s or the ‘love-me-not’s rang true.
It felt strange when people said that true love was warm. Perhaps something was wrong with him as he felt himself freezing the longer this went on. As he further approached the core of his affections. His mind told him no, yet he could not help but hold onto that piercing sensation, that feeling, that emotion so unfamiliar to him that it scared him. His frostbitten, barely functioning fingers clutched onto his love, and he accepted that he would shatter upon letting go.
There was something frightening about the mutuality of it all. His brutish hands were machines of war, made to take and destroy, yet he was entrusted with something— no, someone so fragile it left him wondering how someone like him could be enough. It sat with him after every kiss goodbye where he could see the strain in his lover’s eye. It was a growing fear that had become a weight so heavy as it lay upon his chest that he may as well forget how to
Breathe in, and breathe out.
Learning to love someone was tough, but Ajax was willing to go through hell if it meant he could love Kaeya.
I think that Childe has a hard time coping with the actual FEELING of love. He was thrown into the abyss at a young age and became a soldier not long after. He recognizes familial love but romantic love is new and scary to him.
OKAY so this was a short threadfic I had written out for Twitter but I liked it enough to post it here. I also had some headcanons and explanations that I posted shortly after so HERE THEY ARE (copy pasted):
He's never had the chance to learn how to love and be a teenager and the abyss has definitely messed him up. Although he is good at masking, I think he struggles with it internally. (I personally like it most if Childe is aware of his flaws and wishes he was normal)
He knows how he's 'supposed to' express it according to societal standards but I feel like he has a need to express it differently that he logically cannot do.
My man is all about fighting and violence. You can't convince me that this doesn't affect other parts of his psyche.
Kaeya on the other hand HAS experienced love but is unwilling to receive it. He is afraid of getting hurt after getting attached to something again, especially after he has come to terms with the possibility that he will always be alone.
Once you actually get through to that man, I think he gets super clingy but doesn't like to outwardly show it or communicate it. He'll pretend he's okay with being apart, but he's a liar!!!
Kaeya in my head is a self-fulfilling prophecy and has probably (subconsciously) attempted to make people leave him to prove to himself and others that 'he is not worth it' since everyone always leaves him.
So I gotta add that if I ever write Kaeya in a loving relationship ACTUALLY getting broken up with
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twirlyeyebrows · 2 years
Hiiiiii 🤗 I hope your doing well I was thinking about some ideas for one piece and maybe headcanons for the straw hats (mainly luffy) with a child/teenage cremate who is shy and fearful but loves the crew
They will stutter hide behind them l
Go on adventures with them
And we could see the strawhats fight over them occasionally
they don’t talk about their past but they were scared of people before due to issues but they have hope in humans but are kind and help out with things like strategies I just think it would a wholesome yet fun idea to work with
Also if you want it to be more interesting you can make them overprotective or maybe yanderish the possibilities are endless!
Feel free to ignore!
this is such a cute request omg !! tysm <3 i had a ton of fun writing these and i hope you enjoy { sorry i just chose a few of the straw hats, if you want the rest shoot me another request and i can do the whole crew :) }
✶ Shy Crewmate w/ Straw Hat Pirates Headcanons ✶
♡ Content Warnings: N/A
♡ GN Reader
♡ Word Count: 1.3k
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♡ Luffy ♡
✶ Luffy has always been your favorite member of the crew, but you'd never tell the others that.
✶ You find yourself clinging to him the most. His carefree way of life amazes you and you wonder what it feels like to have no fears. This wonder draws you to him more than anyone else.
✶ When enemies (or anyone, really) get too close, you find yourself getting angry and jealous. You try to suppress the feelings but they always cause your blood to boil until you lash out at the opposer. Sometimes it ends well, sometimes it doesn't, but Luffy always gives you a pat on the back that makes it feel worth it.
✶ You see him as the hilarious older brother you never had growing up. He helps calm you down in times of need and he tries his best to be patient with you, even if he often fails. It's the thought that counts.
✶ During heated battles you (very reluctantly) stay away from him. He’s always facing the danger head on and you know you can't let yourself get too involved with the fighting… Though sometimes if there's not enough time for you to make a safe escape, you'll end up with your arms wrapped around his neck holding on for dear life as he punches his way to victory. These are secretly some of your favorite moments. It gives you the sense of adventure you crave but are too fearful to seek out on your own.
✶ Luffy always saves a spot right next to him for you at the dining table. More often than not he'll unintentionally eat a good portion of your meal, but you're too timid to point it out to him. Plus, you're more than happy with what Sanji provides anyways!
✶ It may take a while (a long while) for you to come out of your shell a little bit, but once you do it's non stop goofy duets between you and the rubber man.
✶ He’ll never leave you out of the crowd. Even if you're trying to cower behind him, he'll pull you into the group huddle and make sure your voice is heard. It can be overwhelming at times, but you know it'll be helpful in the long run.
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♡ Zoro ♡
✶ You don't talk to Zoro all the much. He's a muscular, straight-faced, sword wielding “pirate hunter” and all of those traits mixed together scares the hell out of you. Despite this, every interaction you've had with him as been nice, so you know deep down he's a kind soul (even if appearances make that hard to believe).
✶ Most of your interactions with him include trying not to trip over him while he's sleeping on the deck in the middle of the day.
✶ The other times mostly consist of his insanely quick reflexes saving you from falling off of high buildings or into the water.
✶ You can recall one time early on in your induction to the crew where he was on night watch and you sleepily stumbled onto the deck, still trying to get the hang of being on the ship. He bluntly invited you up and with a little bit of hesitation, you agreed. The two of you mostly sat in silence and simply looked at the stars in the night sky, but you remember feeling an odd sense of comfort from the man. Since this time, you often think about asking to do the night watch with him again, though your nerves get the best of you and you can never seem to spit out the words you want to. Maybe one day you'll have another nice night in the crow’s nest…
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♡ Sanji ♡
✶ Sanji always makes it a point to make sure you're feeling as comfortable as you possibly can.
✶ He’ll bring you special snacks when you don't ask for them, he'll cook you extra servings since he knows Luffy always takes yours and you won't tell him to stop, and he’ll always makes sure you're full before you leave the table after every meal.
✶ You feel as though you can confide in Sanji a little more than the others. You don't know much of his past and he doesn't know yours, but you can tell you both have something in common, even if it's unspoken.
✶ His presence is calming and you never feel pressured to change while you're around him. He doesn't mind your stuttering or fumbling over words- he's always patient and caring.
✶ You'll never understand his crazy obsession with women and quite frankly, you never want to. It's something you've learned to block out and you try your best to avoid him when he's making a fool of himself.
✶ He’s always the first to rush to try to help you out of a sticky situation, he'd never be able to live with himself if something bad happened to you. He feels almost a parental sense of responsibility for you. Because he was cheated out of his childhood, he doesn't want you to be cheated out of yours.
✶ You view Sanji as your more responsible “older brother” or maybe even a little bit of a father figure. You've never had someone care for you so much and it makes you feel so welcomed.
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♡ Usopp ♡
✶ You and Usopp are kindred spirits. You two always try to stay out of trouble and are probably the two most conscious people on the crew.
✶ You both notice the tiniest details in everything that's going on. An enemy mysteriously moved from one place to another? Both you and Usopp are keenly aware of it. The group split off into smaller groups to divide and conquer? This chills you and him to your bones. Everything that goes unnoticed by the rest of the crew in battle, is spotted out immediately by the both of you.
✶ You find comfort in Usopp’s nearly irrational fear of everything. Him making up fake illness names to try to explain these fears never fails to make you crack a small smile even when you're terrified. Him being scared of everything makes you feel less alone.
✶ In your free time he'd try to teach you how to draw if you wanted. You accept the offer every once in a while and even though it can be stressful learning to do something new. Luckily, he’s extremely understanding and doesn't mind going over one step multiple times until you've got it down. Many of these drawings end up being pinned up in the kitchen or in various Straw Hat’s rooms.
✶ During most adventures and fights, you try to stick with Usopp as much as possible. Though he may not be the most reliable in combat, you know his intelligence and slingshot can get him far. As a bonus, you know he's always going to try to stay away from trouble as much as you are. And it never hurts to have a like minded rational person around!
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♡ Robin ♡
✶ Robin has essentially adopted you as her own child.
✶ Much like how she thinks of Chopper, she thinks you're absolutely adorable and will go to any length necessary to protect you at any cost.
✶ She has a talent for getting you to a place of serenity when things get extra overwhelming and she'll always take the time to work things out with you.
✶ She’s extremely analytical in her ways which can be frustrating at times when her points clash with your emotions, but the majority of her advice is extremely valuable to you. You never take her help for granted even if sometimes it's unwanted.
✶ After Usopp, you try to stay glued to Robin the most. You know she can and will protect you with her life, though the danger that comes with her name scares you a little too much for comfort. You know that following her will lead to trouble, but sometimes it's worth it.
✶ You love sitting on the deck and watching sunsets with her as she reads you a book or lists off random facts about whatever it is she wants to teach you. Before joining the Straw Hats, you hadn't learned much about the world and Robin has become your personal teacher.
✶ Most of your survival skills (excluding the ones you learned on your own before joining the crew) come from Robin and her well rounded knowledge. Her intelligence amazes you and you often ask her for help with common practices, to which she cheerfully provides.
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With the Random Hobie HCs Post, I'd like to add that he probably advocates heavily for education in general. He absolutely holds little meets for students where they can learn history that they'll never find in the textbooks.
He would absolutely make sure students get the uncensored version of history. He's absolutely a strong believer of "if you don't know history, you're bound to repeat it"
He also makes sure to include the good parts of history as though to say "this is what it could be".
Overall you got my brain smiling at the idea of Hobie being a reader tySM
Teacher!Hobie Headcanons
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No wonder he's so good with MayDay.
Like imagine, Hobie is strolling along and hear Peter foreloin that MayDay is having trouble with her shapes and colors. And MJ really wants to start her ahead on early pre-k. Get the big Parker brain going and all. And Peter's so frustrated and is he doing this dad thing right and maybe- Then he walks past a room while complaining to Miguel, only to see Hobie and MayDay sitting there with cards, practicing shapes and colors. She's delighted, it's like a game to her, and she's bright eyed and reacting. Hobie doesn't stop to acknowledge Peter and Peter doesn't interrupt, but he's so incredibly happy. He later tries to thank Hobie, but Hobie is like 'My pleasure, mate. Great kid."
He probably gets it from back home in 138, where he's more often 'Hobie'. I could see him in his time off, hanging out with local organizers.
Spider-punk sneaks in and steals books that are set to be burned or destroyed, and Hobie passes the books on to them.
I HC he tells the best stories, so the kids will sit around and hear stories of revolution, and indigenous people fighting for their land. Or about hippies protecting old forests. Or Black Panthers on the steps of the court house (*cough* Di *cough*)
But of course their favorite stories are the ones about Spider-punk. Hobie has told him that Spider-punk is his best friend and 'not to tell anyone'. And they make sure to keep his secret locked tight.
He tells them heroic stories of Spider-punk kicking the cops asses, and the kids all cheer - because it makes them a little less afraid when they see the pigs in the streets.
Some stuff can be hard to explain to them, or tell them - because history isn't always pretty. But they know they can ask questions and Hobie will always be kind. He always has an answer, never an 'I don't know', instead a 'I hope to learn that one day too'.
They really admire him. Sometimes hanging around the organizations and communist groups he'll read by himself, and the kids will see and run and grab their own. Sitting around him for impromptu reading time.
Even the teenagers the pass off to him. Kids like Gwen.
13 - 16 year olds, runaways looking for a better life, kids who lost their parents and are angry, ready to fight for the cause. Or sometimes, kids of cops, disgusted enough to wake up and leave.
Sometimes they're scared or quiet. Hobie always helps them open up, always figures out what they're willing to fight for. And some of them are angry, loud, some don't trust them. But he can get on anyone's good side. He understands the anger, he knows how to direct it.
Soon they just follow him because he leads by example. Everyday he comes in and ten different people are ready to talk to him about the recent developments on the fight for freedom in South America, or a recent anarchist rally over in Ireland.
Hobie loves it, because he loves people and he loves being a teacher.
Even at Society
Pavi probably didn't know much when he joined. He knew Gwen and Hobie very well, and he's been Spider-man 6 months, so he had to have joined maybe 3-4 months into being Spider-man, or even earlier.
He was probably so green, now look at him. How many 'bits of advice-' do you think he gave Pav?
If you're a new recruit with mechanical webshooters, he'll casually ask to see them - compliment their worksmanship, give you some new ideas. Or try to help out in little ways. Sewing kit in his vest for patches and rips in Spidey-suits.
Imagine learning how to Spidey-quip from Hobie!!! And having him be your hype-man during jokes in battle!
Just like he throws Pav in ATSV, Hobie throwing a Spider-person so they can get the last attack in.
Or even just helping around campus. He'll walk people to the food court if they're lost and looking for it. Or stop and talk to people who look like they need help with something.
Pulling others aside and asking if they need someone to practice training with, telling them 'Don't worry, you'll get it'.
I BET HES A MENTOR like Jess or Peter! Having him as a mentor would be so cool. Him lazily checking in on your during missions from his houseboat cause - hey he gets to work from home? cool.
Always defends you to Miguel.
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elvisabutler · 1 year
peekaboo, i see you ( a spark snapshot )
fandom: elvis presley | elvis ( 2022 ) rating: g pairing: elvis presley ( fameless big daddy electrician/handyman ) x female original character ( lilly ) word count: 978 warnings: babies and toddlers being toddlers. a bit of baby talk. brief references to the past. this is tame, y'all. this is me being attacked by pictures and then oopsies i wrote it. author's note: welcome to what happens when people send me pictures of people with babies and i have fluff on the brain. as always special thanks to marina, christi and birdy for being my wives who made this possible in the first place. though this fic is a surprise to everyone today. but this is what you have to look forward to once i get the headcanons up. me just doing this sort of thing. special additional thanks to my baby girl bri who provided the first pic in the moodboard that caused this little snapshot. and thank you bee who gave me a quick read and reassured me it's not spoilers if i already mentioned in an ask that they have babies.
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They're going to be late again.
Somehow, some way they're going to be late again. It ought to be embarrassing, Elvis thinks, how he's gone from a mostly punctual bachelor to a married man who can't be on time to save his or anyone else's life. Except, he figures that's what having kids does to you. He figures that's what happens when you have complete and utter joy in your life for the first time in so long. Figures it's what happens when your wife is a natural born mother, a maternal figure meant to have her own babies. Meant to cook as many buns as the lord sees fit to give them or as many buns as she wants. Corralling Jesse and Garon for church is not an easy task for Lilly as her belly swells more and more with their latest little bun- one Lilly swears is a girl that they're going to name Samantha- and Elvis takes it upon himself to deal with his two boys leaving yittle Miss Gladys in her capable hands. What he always forgets week after week until he hears the coos and the giggles from the front room of his little house is that his yittle Gladys and his lil darlin is that they're a force to be reckoned with when it comes to distraction. At least today Gladys has on shoes, a step up from last week when his girls were both showing off their little sooties to each other and giggling high pitched squeals of delight.
Gladys being able to stand as well as she can is a new thing for them but even as she's slowly mastered the art she still needs to hold onto something, too scared of falling on her little behind. When it comes to today she's chosen the curtain as both her item to steady her and her item to tease her mother with. The boys are quiet for once as their daddy stops in the doorway of the room to watch their mother and their sister play on the window sill.
"Where's my wittle Gladdy? Where's my glad wittle baby girl?" Lilly coos as Gladys moves the curtain over to hide behind it. "Oh no! I lost my baby girl! Maybe wittle Garon knows where his sissy went."
As if that's the cue, Gladys pops up from behind the curtain with a semi toothy grin and a noise that sounds like a giggle and a kiss all in one. "Mmm!"
Lilly feigns shock, before planting a kiss on Gladys's forehead and tickling her sides. "There you are! You hiding from Mommy? Hiding from mmmm?"
A nod with giggles is the only answer she gets back with a headbutt and more mmm's and kisses being given by Gladys. Lilly swears her heart is fit to burst the more kisses her first born daughter gives her and the more she hears her try and get out that first syllable to say mama. This is- she can't believe she thought this dream was as forgone as it was. Sometimes she can't believe that after everything with her and Elvis that they have what they have. That she had that first little boy of theirs and her twins and now this little one coming sooner rather than later. It makes her feel so warm from more than just the sunlight beaming on her through the window. As if to remind her that she's there, their latest child- their latest bun to be cooking inside her rolls, seemingly wishing they could play with their sibling.
"Calm down Samantha. You'll be here soon enough. I'll play peekaboo with you too. I'll lose both my wittle girls." Lilly murmurs rubbing her belly as Gladys tries to headbutt her only for Lilly to catch her and stand her back upright, grabbing the curtain in her own hands and hiding behind it. "Oh no, Gladys, where did mama go? Can you find me?"
Elvis takes a look at his watch and sighs, noticing they'll be at least ten minutes late and heaving himself off the wall, Jesse and Garon toddling along behind him, hands interlocked. Elvis grabs Jesse's hand to make a bit of a line and walks slowly to Lilly. Her giggles make sneaking up on her easy until he places a kiss to her hair and the boys grab at her legs.
"We're gonna be late, Lil," his voice is a murmur and should be admonishing but he can't keep the love and fondness out of it. "We can play later."
Gladys and Lilly both look up at him with nearly identical pouts and Elvis almost breaks then and there before shaking his head, "oh no you two don't. I ain't fallin' for those eyes from the both o'ya."
Lilly manages a sigh and turns her pout to Gladys, "we tried Gladdy, didn't we? Daddy's just being silly. We'll get him back won't we. When he's asleep."
It occurs to Elvis that he should be terrified of the way Gladys grins at Lilly, like they've hatched some nefarious plot to murder him in his sleep and instead all he does smile back at her. "Death by a baby and m'wife. Can think o'worse ways to go." Elvis lifts Gladys off the sill and sets her down on the ground before holding out his free hand to hoist Lilly up out of the chair. "Come on you three, let's get going. Already got the boys lined up. Grab Garon's hand, Gladdy."
As they watch Gladys toddle to her twin, Lilly gives Elvis a soft kiss and grabs Elvis's hand. "And I get to grab Daddy's?"
A hum is all that leaves Elvis mouth as he smiles, squeezing Lilly's hand once they leave the house. "Still gonna be ten minutes late. Gotta good reason t'give 'em this time, darlin'?"
taglist: @ab4eva, @blurredcolour, @butlersxbirdy, @precious-little-scoundrel, @eliseinmemphis, @prompted-wordsmith, @missmaywemeetagain, @lookingforrainbows, @thatbanditqueen, @ellie-24, @be-my-ally,  @austinbutlersgirl67, @heartbrake-hotel, @ccab, @18lkpeters, @slutforsomegoodlettuce, @dkayfixates, @kendralavon7, @chasingwildflowers, @notstefaniepresley, @wanderingelvis, @kxnnxy, @powerofelvis, @stylespresleyhearted, @marriedtopresley, @memphis-menace, @steph-speaks, @doll-elvis, @vintageshanny,  @j-v-9-2, @sexystarfish, @duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, @jessicarcates, @chirssycrumble9456789, @shantellescrivener, @yomammalolha, @honey6578, @urmom11111111111119, @myradiaz, @elvispresleyxoxo, @elvisssweetheart, @joegramoe, @rainblue-art, @fav-fanficssss, @moodyblueriver, @misspresley, @fallinlovewithurlove, @ash-omalley, @yynneessmons i think i got everyone including name changes?
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mushroomjeremy · 7 months
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I have been holding on to this design for a little while now. Thinking about how best to deliver how I changed the character and if I did enough.
I really want to get to clearing my 'to post' folder out. So I guess its better now than never.
This is Dr. Jair Shimmer a rewrite for SCP 963. Ignore that this is almost the exact same design in my Clight artwork; I liked the design so I kept it.
His main gimmick is that he study cursed object not just 963. He wears many curse object regardless of moral or ethical reasons against it. His office is chalk full of them, enter at your own caution.
SCP 963 isnt to much changed from base one, only thing is the souls in the amulet can be retrieve. Very hard thing to do and Shimmer needs to do that action all on there own and he kinda does not care to do that.
I do want to make more bodies for Shimmer but Im very busy and Im scared to draw women.
Past Keep Reading is just headcanons (do I even call them that at this point?)
The amulet is made of out silver, Red Beryl/Bixbite, and different colored sapphires.
While I am using He/Him in this post, Shimmer is a genderfluid, pansexual, panromantic with any pronouns as long as your not taking the piss out of him
Despite shipping war, Shimmer is with Glass, Clef, and Kondraki. Sometime all at once.
He use to be cautious around cursed objects, but after 963 he started to become reckless knowing he'd always come back after the Foundation found him
963 works a little differently on how is possess someone. All it needed was an initial soul trap and the next person to pick it up will be possessed. If Shimmer kills themselves the curse is kinda broken, he would just be in the amulet and the next person to pick it up is the knew host.
So Able is out of the story.
Shimmer just touched it and became the host.
How he found out about SCP 963 abilities is a informant apart of a different GoI stabbed him in the back cause they thought Shimmer was getting to close to figuring out why they were in the Foundation in the first place
Shimmer went to Deer College to get a degree in Magic and Curses
Shimmer can see, read, and understand magic in objects and crystals but he himself is not a wizard/witch/Type Blue/ect.
He's a lot calmer here with a stern voice, though he still tells jokes when he feel in danger. Force of habit.
I wanted to keep this as I think it gives some good worldbuilding to the Foundation daily life. He does facilitate a betting ring for literally anything. You could put a bet on if the kitchen will be destroyed in the next breach or not.
Shimmer likes to see the personnel fight when bets don't go their way.
Where is Shimmer get money to pay back people? Who knows.
Shimmer has yet to see the gravity of immortality. He's in the phase of getting sick of dying but still careless with his bodies and "clones."
Oh yeah the Clones! How the amulet after a month could be taken off and put on another person? Well the Foundation uses that to their benefit instead of killing them. More bodies that can work on higher clearance levels stuff.
Shimmer can take of the amulet before the end of the month and still retain his body.
I also wanted to keep the Personnel Director position. I like him having all the information on the Personnel of the Sites he is place in. It could cause tension between characters if they fine out about Shimmer knowing those things or it could show how much they care about friends with this information. Example for both: Clef
I want to do the rest of the Family as well but its still a wip. But I will say I wanted to explore ableism as a defining problem for the family in its dysfunction
If I remember or figure out anymore I'll come back here maybe.
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kaspenhoward · 2 months
Six The Musical Headcanons - Catherine Parr (Cathy Parr):
Wooo saved our most intriguing, best blue queen for last 💙💙💙
-Cathy at the start of reincarnation, like Anne struggled to open up to the queens but seemed to beat Anne to it and had different reasons. Cathy was not struggling mentally to the degree Anne was or struggling to adapt to modern day, Cathy merely was just observing and taking notes to deem the people around her to be safe to open up to. This due to her past experiences with Henry where she had to hide all the religious and gender equality schemes she had while being threatened with her life. As always it seems that Kat was the one to draw her into the group, albeit unintentionally. Kat had a bad day and a nightmare the night before, being on edge, she got set off and blew up towards the group about how she hates men and went on a tangent about gender equality and the unfairness of misogyny and the queens comforted her and agreed. This allowed Cathy to acknowledge that the group as a safe space.
-Speaking of taking notes, Cathy enjoys writing everything down she finds special about the queens in this notebook calling it the “6Q”. In there she’s writes down past traumatic events, general habits, likes, dislikes, things they’ve said, things they’ve done, personality traits and interactions she’s had with them. This can range from “Anne tries to hide her intelligence behind a bubbly ditz facade cause she’s scared showing her smarts will lead to another untimely death again” to “Anna is addicted to the least interesting thing since we’ve came back: water” to “Kat jumped off a high rock with a balloon in hand because she thought it’d make her fly”.
-Cathy has a special bag she always takes with her, it’s small and made to hold two books and a book light. She never leaves the house without it.
-Cathy reads when she’s overwhelmed, meaning if the queens take her to a bar, it’s likely she’ll be drinking a soda and reading instead of getting into “the party mood” as Anne calls it.
-If you prompt Cathy about what she’s reading or writing you will be then held captive for hours listening about stories. Her story telling is amazing and enticing although she’s a bit shy about it because of how many times she was told to be quiet in her past life.
-I’m all for coffee addict Cathy but the queens eventually do stage an intervention when she needs a swing to replace her on stage mid show because she near passes out during the haus of holbein. It’s officially made a queen house rule that Cathy can only have one coffee a day.
-You disturb Cathy’s reading and it’s not important, you pay the price of receiving the silent treatment from her for the rest of the day.
-Cathy loves her queens so much she accidentally started crying happy tears thinking about them once. Everyone was really concerned but all she could say was “I love you guys so much”.
-Cathy actually has no preference to which queen she spends time with, as long as it’s one of her queens, she loves story time with Anna who’s always invested and listens, having educated debates and book races with Anne, teaching Jane how to read and picking at all the interesting thoughts and opinions Jane has on certain topics, getting mothered by Catalina, or trying out as many modern day things as possible with Kat. She loves her queens and any time with any of them makes her happy.
-Cathy does not find any enjoyment in leaving the house alone cause according to her “when I say in the show, all I need is six, I mean it, I don’t want anything to do with other people or anything else with the outside world” to say she’s a introvert and only loves her family of queens would be a gross understatement.
-Blunt. Cathy can be very blunt sometimes, she doesn’t find the need in sugarcoating things at all, she maintains so much information that lots of times her thoughts just fly out of her mouth before she can think about what said words could imply.
-One time the queens all went to a bar together and Cathy was minding her own business when a guy walks up to her to ask if she wants a drink, before he can even speak though she tells him “I have four dead husbands.” Stoically and the guy immediately runs away. She found no need to mention their deaths occurred around 500 years ago.
-Cathy likes the winter season more because it’s more of an excuse to stay inside more.
-During Megasix Cathy has taken a few phones to record closer for the audience members. Once a fan took this opportunity to also hand Cathy a fanart of her. Cathy cried tears of happiness and it always hangs next to her mirror in the dressing room. Forever vowing to remember the name of that fan.
-Cathy has a library of books to all the queens histories and their children’s and has read them all, she allows the other queens to come in and read them and fix all the inaccurate details but in order to receive the books you have to go to Cathy first so she knows what books to check when they are returned to read the “proper version”
-Sexuality wise, I’m simply saying Bi, I really don’t think Cathy is one to care, but as stated in other versions I really don’t think any of the queens should date post-reincarnation because of all the trauma they have to work out and the family they’re busy forming
-Whenever the queens actually manage to convince Cathy of drink at the bar, Cathy becomes a full on Riot. When her and Anna both have had too many drinks they are so difficult to talk down. Once to stay longer, Cathy and Anna made a fame out of hiding from the queens, none of them were the least amused when they found the two hiding under someone else’s table.
-After the coffee confrontation, you can now simply find Cathy sleeping around the house at any random time or place during the day, usually cuddled up with another queen
-Cathy like Jane, is incredibly scared of illness due their deaths. Not only because of the reliving a traumatic experience but also because it reminds her of what she lost, even if Thomas Seymour was an a*s, Cathy did lose her Mae like Jane her Edward.
-Cathy sometimes stays up at night wishing Elizabeth could be reincarnated too, so she could say sorry. The guilt she holds towards the girl is always very strong even after Anne forgave her. Cathy read up on the girl’s life and sometimes and no matter how proud she is, wonders how much better it could have been for the girl only Anne was alive to protect her.
-Cathy tried to cut I don’t need your love from six multiple times but Anne to everyone’s surprise, wouldn’t have it, not wanting the venerable side of Elizabeth to be sung on stage.
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cleverchildblizzard · 2 months
Dating Liam Williams [general headcanons+romantical stuff]
@myvirtuallove for u pookie 😊 eat up!!
For those who dont know,Liam is my creepypasta oc! I just did this for funziesssss and I hope you like it!
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How you two met:
I feel like the two of you would meet in the forest or somewhere dark and secluded! That's where Liam is usually found so if you where to look around there you'd most likely catch sight of him!
When Liam spots you walking around the dark and eerie forest,he's confused.What in God's name where you doing walking in a place like this? At NIGHT? You must have a death wish.
He would probably try to scare you off since he doesn't believe in killing innocent people,if he did he's no better than the one who ended his own life...
But anyways,he would try scaring you of by making things move by themselves,making himself invisible then tapping your shoulder or something,just anything to get you away.
If you decide to keep going,he gives up.But as he floats of,he hears a small gasp.
The man whips his head around to find you standing there,gobsmacked as you take in his appearance.Dark grey skin,a battered jaw,as well as an injury at his head,a bit of his brain on display too.
If you guys are wondering what he looks like [haven't don't full body yet but expect it eventually!! For now have the small doodle]
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He legit expects you to scream,or just be afraid and run off! If you do,he won't chase you,instead watching your rapidly retreating form with a solemn sigh.He can't blame you,but it still hurts.
BUTTTTTTT....if you don't end up running away,instead fascinated by the ghost standing in front of you,he'll just stand there dumbfounded.
Where's the screaming? The look of terror in your eyes? He didn't expect...you to actually not be scared,but then again everyone had different limits!
He'd probably back away if you stepped closer,the slight smell of blood and dirt mixed with vanilla filling your nose as you draw closer to the man.
Just flat out nervous,but also curious himself.It's been so long since he's been in contact with another human who won't run away,but it's still nerve-wracking for him.
To start off:Liam would get whiplash the second he finds out you had feelings for him.
Like wow,you really having feeling to a zombie like ghost?? Good for you I guess?
He would wait for a confession [which he HEAVILY doubts will happen] cause he's to quiet and kinda shy,also in heavy denial at the idea of you liking him back.
If your also to shy,leave a sign,he would feel more confident if he saw a hint that you liked him and would confess to you! Or else he won't confess at all.lol
But nevertheless he's kinda excited,but nervous,he's always nervous.But is still happy you feel the same!
Though he's kinda worried about your safety,there are loads of things in the forest and over members like Jeff,or EJ,who could probably kill you or something! He doesn't want you getting hurt.
Dating him:
Dating Liam is pretty chill,he makes sure your happy and likes to hear your laugh.Takes you on walks through the forest and might take you stargazing!
On problem though: physical affection is gonna need some work.
Liam HATES physical affection due to past trauma and his death,he's really hesitant when it comes to physical affection.But,he might be able to do some hand holding and [maybe] some kisses but you'll need to initiate it cause he sure isn't.
Also oblivious to flirting,he doesn't really know the whole deal with flirting and you'll probably need to be more obvious when flirting with him.
But when you do fluster him,he blushes.Hard.His body is kinda cold from you know,being dead,but the blush with maybe be an even darker shade of gray along his cheeks.
Will stand there like an idiot,before just covering his face.He has no idea how to react [god forbid you flirt with him even more once he's in this state,he just gets overwhelmed with embarrassment,it's too much for him <3]
He will get you gifts,which are usually flowers he picked of the ground,he did his best to get rid of the roots! He also tries to go out [at night] to get you some jewellery,he wants to make sure you feel special!
If someone messes with you,unlike the other creepypastas,he won't kill them,but will instead comfort you.But if the person was that disrespectful,he might take...bigger measures to make sure they don't do it again.
Sometimes gets insecrue,please reassure him that you love him :[
overall cares for and loves you like the world :3
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jinxed-lemon · 7 months
I’ve seen a lot of peoples characterization about Future!Leo meeting Present!Leo and while I am a sucker for the whole “Future!Leo giving Present!Leo a hard time bc of angst” trope let me also present: F!Leo being kind and understanding to P!Leo:
However you wanna headcanon why F!Leo is suddenly back in the past, he somehow is and it’s after the the whole Krang situation has been dealt with and of course everyone is freaking out bc “oh god did something else bad happen that another time branch opened up just to warn us about something?”. Skip ahead and everyone is welcoming him in bc of course they would and we pan over to P!Leo and the kid is obviously freaking out and going through the 5 stages of grief.
He spends the next week absolutely avoiding future him- ducking corners, making excuses to be out of the lair, straight up just pretending that F!Leo isn’t there. Everyone is confused bc they thought ‘Leo would have LOVED to meet a cooler, older more experienced version of him from the future’ but apparently not. F!Leo is kinda fed up with it cause he really wanted to meet the younger version of him and ask about how they defeated the Krang so he finally corners him one day.
It’s totally awkward at first but F!Leo just sighs and decides that there’s no beating around the bush and directly asks P!Leo if there was a problem. He thinks that the younger version of him must hold some type of anger or animosity for how the future went- and he’s fully expecting to ease the tension if true but before he can continue P!Leo just starts sobbing his eyes out and F!Leo is standing there like 🧍 thinking ‘holy shit did I scare him??’.
P!Leo: I thought that you would hate me for what I did. I’m so sorry that I’m like this- I’ll be better, I swear.”
F!Leo: …Kid what are you talking about…?😨”
F!Leo is just absolutely stunned when P!Leo starts explaining about how he thought he’d hate him. About how he was fully expecting his future self to absolutely loath and despise him for getting their world destroyed in another life and before he can finish his rant F!Leo is putting an arm around him and going ‘Kid what are you saying??? I would never hate you? Why would you think that?? :(‘
P!Leo: I thought you’d be mad at me? I messed up everything and-
F!Leo: But you didn’t though? That was me from another timeline, not you. Sure you messed up a little but everyone does- you still saved the world.
F!Leo- the same guy who raised Casey in war and raised him with love despite the battle and loss? The one who made Casey feel appreciated and trusted enough to help change the future for the better?? I’m sorry, but I can’t see him looking down at self-sacrificial, sad version of himself with a newly born martyr complex and not immediately imagine another kid like Casey that needs to be protected.
Like yeah, of course he has regrets, had those moments during the war where he was at an all time low of depression and doubt. But that was him, not P!Leo. F!Leo is the adult and more than aware that there’s nothing he can do to change what happened to him in his timeline. What happened- happened, you know? Why would he be mad that the younger version of him still had the opportunity to grow up and be a kid without worrying about the death and destruction of his world?
P!Leo: ..Are you sure you’re not even a little angry with me?? You don’t have to lie you can hit me if it’ll make you feel better-
Give me F!Leo always reassuring P!Leo. P!Leo messing up a move during training and expecting to be berated but instead hears ‘You almost had it! Here let me show you how to do it-‘. F!Leo insisting that P!Leo keep his little childish hobbies and to treasure them while he still can.
P!Leo: *Talking about his collection* I should really stop reading these. It’s kind of babyish for a leader to have Jupiter Jim comics-
F!Leo: Jupiter Jim will never be babyish!!1!/j 😡
I want F!Leo begging P!Leo about the newest editions- the movies and lore and merch he missed out on. I want him to still have the same, corny humor and the wide shit-eating grin he gets when people dramatically sigh at his jokes. I want him to put a comforting shoulder on P!Leo’s shoulder and assuring him that he made the same mistakes. I need P!Leo feeling comfortable enough to individually seek out F!Leo and feeling confident to ask him for help first.
P!Leo: I feel bad
F!Leo: How come?
P!Leo: Bc you lost an arm and I didn’t. Maybe if I lost a limb during the battle then we could be matching and-
F!Leo: Kid I cannot express enough how glad I am that you didn’t become an amputee ☠️
I need them to be a weird father/son duo
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