#but it’s Not what she had with daniel or jack because she’s interested in him outside of gaining his approval
carefulfears · 1 year
do you have a headcanon of when mulder caught feelings for scully? i’m on the same page w you that scully has had it bad since day one, but i can never make up my mind about mulder
yeah i’ve always said that i think he was aware of the connection between them since her abduction, but i think specifically 3.
ascension is very frantic, it’s rooted in so much trauma and desperation. very few moments are about scully, as a person, really. it’s about getting there in time. it’s about rewriting history. it’s about failure, and standing alone in the end.
in 3, he is surrounded in her absence. her badge. her file, marked with her name. her necklace, which he slips around his own neck, carries with him.
dana scully was farrrrr gone from day one, humming against him in the rain and telling her friends how cute he is, but mulder is more single-minded.
he’s so very fond of her, in the beginning. he knocks on her door to invite her on his run, when he knows she’s just supposed to be discrediting him. he lowers himself beneath her every time he has bad news or a vulnerable conversation. he says “dana,” softly, and checks in on how she’s doing. he believes she’ll be head of the bureau someday.
so much of that is just who he is (trusting, passionate, kind), and she’s the only person who has ever valued that, taken him seriously.
but he’s also internalizing who she is, the consistency and the curiosity and the quiet intensity.
that moment in the rain, before she laughs, before she asks where they’re going and follows: he says “you think i’m crazy,” and turns away. it’s the first time in the series (and remains rare) where you can see that there is a weight to it all. he plays into being “spooky mulder,” but part of him is really disappointed to think that this new partner won’t believe him either.
she thinks about what he said, and she meets him on his level. she questions it, she combats it, she adds to it.
when they both burst out laughing, it’s in pure joy and excitement. it’s the moment that spurs the rest of their lives.
that means a lot to him, to be listened to. to be held to a standard, not just dismissed.
but mulder only knows how to conceptualize love in absence, in the search, so when he’s left listening to her scream: he knows. it feels like the worst thing that could ever happen, because it feels like his closest person disappearing, and that’s the experience he’s most familiar with and enmeshed in.
i believe there’s a script note in ascension that mentions that he’s doubting if he had failed his “closest friend.” it’s the loss being so great, so unbearable, that makes it unavoidable.
(thinking of him smiling at diana, telling her, “i’ve done alright without you.”)
i see a lot of people describe msr as a “fell first/fell harder” trope, but i think most things just hit mulder harder. it’s their natures.
but by the time he hangs her cross around his neck, by the time he abandons the truth to sit and hold her hand, he knows.
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impyssadobsessions · 6 months
DP × DC where Daniel is adopted by the Fenton's, but he isn't a Wayne/al Ghul, but rather, he's Cassandra Cain's older brother who managed to slip his leash and escape. Before his biological donor could find and recover him, Daniel Cain is instead found by Jazmine Fenton, who brings Daniel to her parents and tells them she wants him to be her little brother. Madeline does not ask about Daniel's family as she can see the damage, and Jack shows off his talent for seeing the good in eople to see that the kid needs a good home.
All it takes is one call to Vlad, who is in a trifecta relationship with the Fenton adults, to make the arrangements. Gone is Daniel Cain, and in his place is Daniel Vladimir Fenton.
Danny tries to forget much of his past until some encouragement from Jazz makes Danny decide to track down his past, using his connections to he Infinite Realms and his status as the Kind Benevolent Ghost King he begins his search. Eventually, the ghosts point him towards Gotham, where he meets a girl who reminds him of Dani.
This is in a scenario where Madeline and Jack accept that their adopted son is Phantom. They also accept that Plasmius is Vlad's other half and welcome both parts with open arms, mostly Jack's open arms via the Fenton Bear Hug.
Danny is now searching Gorham for his past, unaware that the girl he first met was, in fact, the little sister he never knew of nor that his biological donor, David Cain is also in Gotham.
Ooo interesting setup~ Wonder how Cassandra would handle all this. I can see her not believing it at first- then perhaps confused/hurt why he never tried to find her. But essentially can see her being happy to have another brother. Especially as I can see Danny getting protective. Ahh Bruce be upset, this ones taken- jk. But oof yeah they probably run into their father.
This one too I had sitting in my box because I didn't know what to add~ >w< but it is a cool start up to a fic.
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adventuringblind · 9 months
Oscar the Matchmaker: Chapter Three
Oscar Jack Piastri x Reader x Max Verstappen
Summary: Jos overhear a conversation and the trio finds themselves in a confrontation
Warnings: Jos being Jos, Oscar throwing hands, implied homophobia and slurs
Notes: I definitely wasn’t listening to eye of the tiger while writing this…
Previous <-
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It’s was only a matter of time until someone noticed. Max had been more then smiley as of late and it wasn’t just because he was dominating the sport. He’d fallen head over heal and looked like a love sick puppy.
His smile tends to grow a little extra when someone brings up either of his partners. He just blamed on the fact he thought they were doing well and had become friends with both.
Christian didn’t fall for it. He wasn’t team principal for nothing. He’s an observant man and had seen it in the way Max moved, his he talked, even in his driving.
Max found himself being pulled aside by Christian into a space where the people either didn’t bother them or didn’t care what they were talking about.
“Care to tell me what has you so happy lately?”
Max panics and stutters, then ends up just shrugging his shoulders. “The weather.” He mentally face palms at the terrible lie.
Christian laughs at him and grabs his shoulders. “It’s a miracle you can make it through interviews sometimes.” He releases him again before continuing. “Are you going to tell me the truth now.”
“First promise me you won’t be mad and that you won’t judge.”
“Would you like me to pinky swear it?”
Max rolls his eyes but continues one. “I’m in a relationship.”
“Well I already knew that part.” A skirt tugs on Christian’s lips. “Who is the lucky lass? Or is it a lad?” The playful eyebrow raise puts Max oddly at ease.
“Both actually.” His hands get clams and he wants nothing more to disappear at the confession. The fear of judgement giving him nervous energy.
“… Like two partners or gender-fluid?” The genuine curiosity in the older males voice made him relax. He wanted to know and was supportive it seems.
“Two Partners. Y/N and Oscar, actually.” He is hopeless. He can’t even say their names without smiling.
Christian is also smiling widely. “I’m so happy for you! Remember this is a safe space and if anyone says anything please let me know. If not afraid to tell someone off.”
Max feels the tension leave his body. His initial panic evaporating into think air. “Thank you, it means a lot really.”
“Are you three going to go public? If so then please tell me sooner rather then later so the team is prepared.”
“No plans for that right now, just figuring things out. But I’ll make sure to let you know.”
Despite their plans to not go public or let more people into their secret, someone was ,siting just around the corner.
Max texted them immediately after the conversation. They still had a few hours before the race so he wasn’t to worried about time.
Max: Christian knows
Y/N: … is he upset?
Max: No, he’s actually really supportive
Oscar: interesting turn of events
Max: you two aren’t mad with me?
Y/N: why would we be mad? Christian is basically your dad!
Oscar: we made a decision that we are disowning Jos
Max: I don’t think that’s how that works
Y/N: don’t care. He’s disowned.
Max chuckles at their comments. They are both younger then him but neither would hesitate to protect him from anything. Including his aggressive father.
He didn’t notice a problem at first. He thought it was normal until he got up to formula 1 and Daniel told him that it’s not. Christian and Seb followed after him. Soon Max was in a position where he had to come to terms with his childhood.
He’d yet to do that because despite it all, Jos is still his father and he loves him.
All that to say he wouldn’t be surprised if the female in their trio ended up punching him one day.
It had been an absolutely shitty race for her. She’s on the verge of tears when she’s getting ready to leave until Yuki comes sliding around the corner. “They have more stuff to talk about.” She can hear the annoyance in her his voice.
“What if we just run away.”
“I may be fast, but my legs are short. We’d never make it.”
She groans and sends a quick text to the boys telling them she is going to be late and they can leave without her. Instead of the response she was expecting, they said they’d wait for her by the paddock entrance.
She smiled reading the text, then locked her phone again.
Her legs feel heavy as she walks through the dark and almost deserted paddock. Her brain has already shut off and she wants nothing more then to curl up with her lovers and sleep until next year.
A pair of heavy footsteps fall in line behind her. She assumes it’s just leftover staff and continues her journey. That is, until she hears the thick Dutch accent of Jos Verstappen. The last person on the planet she wants to see.
“Can we talk for a moment?” He yells out to her.
“I’m late for something, sorry.” She doesn’t look at him. She fears if she does she might not be able to hold her tongue or hands and the last thing she wants to do it get in trouble.
It doesn’t take long for him to catch up. She blames her uncooperative appendages.
“We need to talk.” He grabs her bicep and she yelps in surprise.
“I really am la-“
“You and the Australian keep away from my son.”
She panics. Her breathing gets labored faster then she would’ve liked. Questions fill her mind of how he knows. She tries to yank her arms away but he tightens his grip.
“Never.” She spits. He used his free hand to wipe his face. She can feel him heating with anger as his movements become jagged. She readies herself for the possibility of a swing. At least if he hits her first then she can hit him back.
“Hey! Leave her alone!” The much more soothing Dutch accent yells from behind her.
“Is it true? You’re really lumping yourself in with this nonsense?” Max had almost forgotten why he doesn’t tell his father things. He’d had to relearn everything when he was finally able to spend time with people who wanted him to understand that the internalized homophobia that he’d grown up with was not okay in any sense.
“Yeah, I am.” Max keeps his distance. His father is prone to aggression and Max fears for the girl currently in his hold.
The fear and simultaneous relief flood through him as he pushes her straight to the ground. The look of pain and exhaustion in her eyes is hard to look at.
She doesn’t move. She can’t find the energy to do so.
“Your no son of mine. My son would never be a fa-“ He does not get the chance to finish his sentence. Oscar had connected his fist to the Dutch’s face and sent him stumbling backwards.
She could feel Oscar seething. She’d never seen him lose his temper. Ever. Since she’d known him. He could be cold and calculated but this was a whole new level.
She looked at Max who was now gently hugging Oscar from behind and trying to calm the anger behind the Australians eyes. He also looked at her for some sort of understanding. Neither of them had any clue what to do.
“Say it again. I fucking dare you.” Oscar held his gaze on the older man. It felt as if time had frozen around them. “You have no right to say such things.”
Oh. It clicked for her then. He’d done this before with one of her exes. A few of them actually.
It’s not like she’d never been with a female before. She’d been called that F slur before and it definitely didn’t feel right. Oscar had also punched them. There was no hesitation behind his swing either.
Jos just stares back at them and Max had no other ideas except to get Oscar away before he gets himself in trouble. She watches as he starts tugging him back towards the entrance. Stopping to give you a hand up. Then she held Oscars hand in hers the entire way back to the hotel. Despite his earlier anger, he held her hand so gently and occasionally placed kisses on her knuckles. Reciprocating the action to Max when they came to a stop sign or red light.
He’d still not settled down when they got to the hotel room. His frantic pacing and angry rant seemed to help, but only so much.
“Love, pretty sure there are other ways to help you get some of this energy out.” She purrs. Had she noticed max is turned on? Yes. Is she also turned on? Yes. Have both of them been whispering about the rage fueled Aussie being turned on? Again, yes.
He freezes and eyes both of them with a rather lustful gaze.
Sometimes the best cure to pent up energy is really good sex.
Max wakes up to the awful sound of his phone buzzing. The blissful feeling of his lovers tangled in the sheets with him now ruined by the terrible sound.
Still he looks at the caller ID and almost chokes when he sees Christian’s name on his phone.
“Hey Max… I was wondering if you could shed some light on why your father called to tell me not to let, and I quote, ‘the deranged McLaren Australian’ anywhere near out garage?”
Max laughs. It’s probably not the right time and the other two are now awake and trying to tug him down into the bed, but he can’t help it. “Oscar punched him last night because he used the F word.”
“The F word? Doesn’t Oscar say fuck? I’ve heard him before I think.”
“I should clarify: the F slur.”
Silence falls from the other end of the line. For a moment Max things he lost connection until he hears Christian grumbling. “Tell Oscar he’s allowed in anytime he wants and your father will be receiving a strongly worded letter about how he’s not welcome back.”
Again, Max can only laugh at the situation and how it’s unfolded. He’s not complaining though. It’s nice knowing that he doesn’t always have to fight for himself.
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rowretro · 2 months
𝓜𝔂 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮
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✧warnings: drug addiction, alcohol, angst, heartbreak, somewhat suicide(?)
❁synopsis: read to find out
They always warn us in movies that the usage of cigarettes and alcohol will have a harshly negative impact on our health.... but never warned us that Love will have such a painful impact on our lives. Y/n sat there, looking down at the glistening depths of the water, ashes from her roll up disappearing as they fell. All she had was a crush, on who seemed to be a sweet boy. but no. She lost a friend whom she thought was trustworthy, and her only chance to be happy.
Is it too much to ask for to be in love? to have a small crush that could possibly blossom into something beautiful? She knows she must move on. But it hurts, her heart is aching, her tears never stop, she's mad, she's sad. All because of a boy. Her eyes darted to the moon, above her. Taking a swing of her Jack Daniels, she cursed god for her existence. There, where hope, love, happiness and so many sweet feelings were, was replaced by pain, sadness, grief. That painful feeling of emptiness that only drugs could fill the space of.
Not too far off, was a very handsome man, He sworn to never fall in love again. The girl he trusted with his love, vulnerability and trust, left him hurt and humiliated. She was showing interest, leading him on, just to humiliate him in front of the whole school. Mad, he smashed his cherry Soda bottle, making poor y/n flinch. "Sorry..." he trailed off, a little guilty, as he lit up a cigarette. The girl just nodded, taking more heavy swigs of her JD.
"Love hurt you too?" He suddenly asked, as he sat beside the girl, new cigarette in his mouth. "hmm." she simply said, too high to function. "Same... u got a lighter?" he asked again as Y/n pulled one out of her pocket and handed it to him. The male lit his cigarette as he stared at her. She looked exhausted, way more worse than him. "he' not worth it." he simply said, eyes wanderring off into a distance as he regretted his attempt at comforting a stranger.
It would be weird if they were complete strangers, but he knows her, she's in his class. The girl who was always smiling, buying sweets for her crush, and snacks for everyone in the class because she was just like that. It was kind of disheartening to see her so... hurt. "You... Riki?" she asked as he nodded. She remembers him as the handsome cool boy who has a great taste in style, heck she would've fallen for him if it wasn't for her crush being a seemingly sweet guy.
"And you're a god person. Someone who can do way better than... whoever the guy is" he smiled as y/n also tried to force a smile. "It hurts now but it'll get better I swear... also drinking too much is really bad for you- plus we have school tomorrow... right sorry- not my place to say anything- I'll leave you be-" he said as he got up.
"Wait... stay-" she said. She didn't know why, or what got over her... but she needed the comfort of someone's presence. Riki silently sat beside her, letting her head rest against his shoulder, as they stared off into a distance... a constellation of stars, decorating the night sky, a passer-by would assume they were a sweet, young couple.
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norrisreads · 1 year
Love Again #LN4
PAIRING: lando norris x wolff reader! Daniel Ricciardo x wolff reader! platonic only
SUMMARY: part 2 to sweetest pie, lando norris and y/n wolff a step closer to a newly found friendship but what does lando know about her?
WARNING: just fluff + more (see for yourself)
FC: lalalalisa_m on ig
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‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵
after monaco grand prix
you are currently packing up your things to head home, the event was done and dusted, another verstappen win of course, it did not fazed you at all.
of course, you didn’t bring much but accompanying your family out here for 3 straight days, you had to bring your laptop along to sneak in some edits on your on-going projects.
daniel had gone back with heidi as he plans to attend the after party, of course he invited you, but you weren’t really interested in that life and knowing you’re their opponent team principal daughter, it probably will not be a good image.
Though, your dad did tell you multiple times whatever you’re doing it will never affect him as he does not intend to prohibit you to do things just because you’re his daughter.
“y/n, your phone keeps beeping. you should check it” george walked towards you with your phone in hand. you had to borrow george’s charger as your phone had died mid researching.
“oh, thanks George! heading home straight away?”
“yeah, carmen booked a 4 star restaurant for dinner, will probably need that after today’s result”
“you did great by the way, don’t dwell too much.” you tapped his shoulder and smiled
george smiled , bid his goodbye and made his way towards carmen, which she waved towards you and you did the same
you looked at the notifications you’ve received and laughed, of course a text from norris. ever-since, the interaction the both of you had, you’ve gotten closer even though that literally happened 2 days ago.
he is closer to your age, which is a pros because the both of you had similar humour and would share unfunny memes to each other which ONLY the both of you are able to understand.
you’ve finished packing, and was currently just waiting for your dad to finish his briefing towards the engineers. susie and jack had went off earlier, you agreed on waiting for your dad, though agreeing on that means he’ll be the one riding your motorbike and you’ll be a pillion (which you hate).
thus, while waiting for your dad, you took the time to respond to lando’s texts.
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a/n : i don’t know why the emojis aren’t showing up 😭
Great, now you have a party to attend to.
“done with the packing?” you heard your dad’s voice
“yeah, taking my bike?” you asked while walking behind your dad following his pace
“of course honey, keys please”
you gave your dad your keys and walked towards your motorbike.
“the colour’s great, what’s the colour of your cafe racer back in singapore?”
“of course, you’re always getting the ugly colour papa. you have to let me know on the colours availability next time, it’s black, the other choices they had weren’t my taste. it’s probably yours though, silver just like the vintage cruiser triumph back home.”
your dad had a motorbike back home kept for you in any case you’re interested of inheriting it from him, but it wasn’t really up to your taste. A royal enfield, though is up to your taste.
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danielricciardo: FOUL. y/nwolff not trusting toto wolff????????
georgerussell63: bossman reminiscing youth
landonorris: i’m next
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‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵
“someone’s here for you darling” you heard susie voice came from the kitchen
it’s only 1045, why the fuck is lando here already. you’re literally still doing your makeup, leaving with blusher and setting your face.
“i’m still not done yet, can you let him know?” you shouted
“yeah about that, too late y/n” your door swing open, with lando showing up in your childhood room
“you’re early? did you speak to my dad? pissed your pants, yet?”
“ha ha funny. he’s not as scary as I thought of him to be” he took a seat on the edge of your bed
“he’s a great person norris, just team principle things huh?” shifting your chair towards him
“you look great, are you done though?” lando asked you while looking around your room
“yeah just left to set my makeup, don’t touch that” you quickly stood up and snatched the box away from Lando’s grip
“woah woah, what’s that about?”
“nothing it’s just something, thought i threw it away”
lando nodded but in his head, he was deadly curious on the reaction that you gave him, it was just a plain box with the letter m graving, what could the content in the box even possibly be?
“let’s get going, i’m done. my ride or yours?” you turned to lando, holding your keys.
“mine of course, i’m a gentleman”
“yeah, in that fiat jolly of yours?”
“fine, yours then” great.
you went into your dad office, took a extra helmet and gave to lando
“you’ll need this, you’re behind.”
and with that gesture, you made lando’s heart beat faster
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‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵
you were currently downing your whatever number of shots, while laughing at lando’s dance move with Carl’s
lando of course, didn’t drink much, prob a glass or two but you, you had quite a lot. Though, you’ll wanna thank your best friend for regularly having drinking sessions in the both of your apartment because this did improve your alcohol intake.
“you go to parties regularly?” heidi sat beside you, and questioned you
you shooked your head
“the alcohol intake speaks otherwise” the both of you laughed
“well, school stress helps ALOT”
you weren’t that close to any of the wags except heidi, she’s literally like a elder sister to you, checking up on you regularly and more. She’s the exact form of daniel just in a female form
“hey, you okay? feeling tipsy?” Lando approached you, taking a seat beside you which led to some of the drivers eyeing each other at the close contact the both of you had
“I’m Okay, slightly tipsy. You okay with riding the bike home, i’ll probably be better pillioned, if you aren’t, i’ll just let my dad know, he’ll probably pick us up”
“ woah, i’m okay with riding home. much better, i do not want toto to think badly of myself. just try and sober up a-bit alright, i’ll get a glass of water for you, stay here”
you agreed and leaned your head back but you then realised the stares you had from daniel, heidi, carlos and the others.
“is something going on between the two of you?” charles questioned with that accent of his
“just friends”
“he picked you up today? toto did not say anything to lando?” this time, daniel
you shooked your head, “what’s wrong guys? is there’s something wrong?”
all of them shooked their head and laughed, “we’re just shocked, you’re not that easy to talk to. I’m amazed lando got you smitten over him”
carlos, said out loud handing you a shot.
“me? smitten?” rolling your eyes, downing the shot
before you’re able to down the shot, someone snatched the shot glass away from you
“what the fu-mick?” this time heidi held your hand tightly.
“hey, am i late? sorry y/n, promised toto you shouldn’t drink too much“ there stood in front you was Mick Schumacher smiling widely at you and lando arriving to the scene feeling the tense air between you and mick.
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—✩࿐ end note: that’s all for part 2 of sweetest pie, if you haven’t read part one please do!!!!! i’ll do a part three soon, but in the mean time i hope you enjoy this ♥️
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buckysgrace · 27 days
Gator Tillman Headcanons
Just some random thoughts I had about baby boy tonight <3
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I for sure think he was born premature? A teeny tiny little baby with big brown eyes lol.
Definitely got doted on because of his huge eyes and messy hair. Very hyper kid too, always needed to be doing something. Probably a biter tbh (spanked a lot sadly smh)
Threw an absolute fit when he was itty bitty and they were weening him off of the pacifier. That was his paci damn it!
Grew to love snakes because his mom hated them and he was quick to remove them from her garden. He thought it was funny to chase her while holding them
Roy use to make Linda keep it in a buzz cut because he hated how long it was on Gator. Thus, leaving Gator to find his own style when he was old enough.
He definitely showed cattle when he was younger. His favorite cow was named Rosie and he won several ribbons for how well kept she was <3
Knows how to ride a horse but doesn't have a desire to do so. Plus his lower back and hips are always so sore after
Prefers dogs over cats, but you best believe any time a cat is around him they're all up in his business
I also think he struggled with asthma when he was little too?? He hasn't had an attack in years but still carries an inhaler around
(don't bring up him vaping while having asthma, he gets very defensive and irritated lol)
Never been out of his hometown unless he needed to travel for competitions or for work. Probably never been on a real vacation before either.
I think he was always tall and lanky but stopped growing his sophomore year of high school?? He always wanted to be taller tho
Was in the FFA obviously.
Being an all-state quarter back I'm sure he had a ton of college offers? I imagine he was fairly average in school, probably enjoyed science more than anything else
Had a really hard time after his mom "left". I think he had a lot of anger issues at this time
His leg injury blew away any chances of him really believing that he could do better for himself, so he followed in Roys footsteps
He gets cold easy, so he always bundles up into layers and layers.
Sucks at cooking. Could not boil water to save his life. I think that he'd take cooking lessons later in life (or learn from someone hehe)
Has a surprisingly good green thumb if he'd keep up with it
Enjoys drawing in his free time and is actually really good at it.
Cannot survive anywhere where it gets too hot. He burns easily
He's in church every Sunday (sometimes Wednesday nights too, depending on his shifts) but it doesn't stop his potty mouth
Car lover of course. Likes to work on vehicles too. Occasionally welds I believe.
Loves going to car shows, or to tractor pulls lol
Most of his tattoos were random, little afterthoughts or done while he was drunk. I think he bought his own tattoo kit but opted out of it.
Flirts like a middle school boy. Will poke and prod at you, lots and lots of teasing. If you meet at a bar you best believe he's gonna be showing you all of his cool drinking tricks lol
A surprisingly good big brother, although Karen thinks he's a bad influence so he doesn't get to spend much time with them
Big fan of Game of Thrones but also loves Golden Girls lmao. And Westerns.
Does that thing where he acts like he's not interested in what's on TV but then he stands there with his hands on his hips watching the whole time lol
Do not ask him to pick you up something for the store, he will not find it
When he's high on weed he's very giggly; thinks everything is hilarious. Will absolutely lay underneath the stars and try to explain the way the universe works. Very snuggly and has the worst munchies (devours a bag of Cool Ranch Doritos in one sitting smh)
Will drink coffee (usually with a protein shake mixed in) but he 100% prefers energy drinks
Jack Daniels and PBR are obviously his drinks of choice hehe. Although he does love a good margarita occasionally
Absolutely devours some Taco Bell after he gets off the night shift. He always gets a box with a chalupa, beefy 5-layer burrito, and the fiesta potatoes but he's also getting a cheesy gordita crunch and the Cinnabon delights. And a Baja Blast. Mans has worked hard and he's hungry lmao
Hates ankle socks
For a late night snack he is breaking open something sweet. I imagine he prefers Heath bars and 100 Grand Bars.
He also loves carrot cake
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ghostofskywalker · 8 months
Workplaces Are Not For Kissing
Peggy Carter/Fem!Reader
Fictober Day 15 of 31
Words: 1,149
Summary: A bout of jealousy (and some meddling from Daniel) finally pushes Peggy to make a move on you, who she's been (not so) secretly pining for. 
Peggy Carter Masterlist
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Peggy watched through the slats in the blinds of the chief’s office as you spoke to one of the agents in the bullpen, and he was obviously flirting with you. It didn’t seem like you were showing any interest back, but she still didn’t like the sight. But even if you were flirting with Agent Wilner, it wouldn’t matter, because you and Peggy weren’t together.
She could feel her jaw tighten as the agent slipped you a piece of paper, clearly with his phone number on it, and she didn’t even notice the door open. “You’re staring at Y/N again.” A pink tinge crossed her cheeks as she looked up to see Daniel standing in the doorway, an eyebrow raised as he looked at her.
She straightened her posture, trying not to let her embarrassment show. “I’m not.”
“Sure Peggy, and my name is Jack Thompson,” Daniel said as he stepped further into the room and closed the door. “You know that if you just asked her out, you wouldn’t have to stare at her all the time like that.”
“I know,” she said, finally tearing her eyes away from you in the bullpen. “But-”
“But what?” Daniel cut him off. “It’s not like she works at the SSR, even though she’s here pretty often. And I happen to know for a fact that despite the fact that she’s his personal assistant, she has no interest in Howard.”
She opened her mouth to respond, but didn’t get a chance to before the door opened once more, and you walked in. “I have some files that Howard asked me to give to you guys,” you said. “I was going to just file them myself so I didn’t bother anyone, but Agent Wilner informed me I couldn’t do that.”
“Peggy can help you with those!” Daniel said brightly, and Peggy shot him a glare that (thankfully) you didn’t seem to notice.
“Oh I don’t want to be a bother,” you said. “I can also come back if this isn’t a good time.”
“Don’t worry, now is the perfect time,” Daniel said, a smile on his face that Peggy wanted to make disappear. He was being way too obvious, and soon you were going to start asking questions if he didn’t tone it down.
You smiled, stepping back outside the office to collect the stacks of paperwork that had been left on a table, and Peggy turned back to Daniel. “You’re so ridiculous.”
“And you’re so lovesick. I’m just trying to help,” he said, and she just playfully rolled her eyes in response. She knew his intentions were pure, she just wanted to not rush things with you. And yeah, maybe she was a little nervous about actually acting on her feelings. People around her sometimes found themselves in situations that were dangerous and even fatal, and in no way did she want to potentially put you in that kind of trouble.
Peggy stepped back out into the bullpen and took half of the files from your arms. The two of you fell into step beside each other as you made your way to the back of the office. The setup of the LA office was a little different than it had been in New York, and their collection of older files was a little farther away. The files in your arms were full of information about Howard’s brush with the law (and the thankfully avoided mass destruction) that took place last year, and it would be joining all of the other information the SSR had obtained about the incident, which now was up to three boxes. Since Howard moved out to LA, all files regarding him and that incident were moved to the LA SSR, and the collection was still growing.
The file room’s shelves were full of perfectly labeled boxes sitting on them, some collecting more dust than others. The actual putting away of the files took almost no time at all, and soon an awkward silence had blanketed the small space as the two of you worked on putting the boxes back where they had previously been.
And that silence only grew when her hand brushed yours, before you pulled it away. “I’m sorry,” she heard you say, likely because you thought you had gotten too close to Peggy.
“Don’t be,” Peggy said, hoping that she didn’t look nervous either. “This is a small space.”
“Yeah,” you agreed, a short laugh escaping your mouth. “Secluded too. Howard would have a field day if his office had somewhere like this.”
This was clearly an attempt to lighten the mood, and Peggy smiled. “Really?”
“Of course,” you said. “We would have to clean it daily.”
Now Peggy laughed for real, and you joined in. “I’m glad we don’t have any of that here,” she said.
“No scandal at the SSR?” you said playfully, and suddenly Peggy realized how close she was to you. She shook her head, and you laughed. “Want to be the first?”
You were really close now, and she was not unhappy about it. Despite your forward words, it was her that made the first move physically, and she reached down to take your hand. Clearly you felt the same way about her that she did about you, and she was not going to let this opportunity pass her by.
Your eyes did all the talking for a brief moment, and then your lips pressed to hers as everything in the entire world stopped (for Peggy at least). Ignoring the fact that anyone could walk into this room right now and see you two, Peggy allowed herself to get lost in the moment.
It was over much too soon for her liking, and you just smiled at her as you placed the last box of Howard’s files back where it had been on the shelf. “Do you want to go out for dinner with me?” you asked, a hopeful look on your face breaking through your cool exterior.
In response, Peggy leaned in and placed a soft peck on your lips. “Of course,” she said.
“Pick you up at seven? I already know where you live.”
Peggy laughed at the idea of you showing up to Howard’s house, and an image of Howard and the Jarvises acting like protective older siblings accompanied it. She knew that Ana and Edwin loved and cared for you as much as they did her, so no amount of false intimidation would get through, and no you would probably smile at their attempt to make you worry about what might happen to you if you brought Peggy back too late. “That sounds lovely,” she said.
She would probably have to thank Daniel for practically forcing her into the room with you, but that would happen in due time. Right now, she just wanted to enjoy the memory of your lips on hers. 
- the end -
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creedslove · 11 months
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Agent Whiskey (Jack Daniels) x f!reader
Summary: having a date next to your ex is quite embarrassing, even more so when he happens to leave with his own date for the night, which makes you mortified to realize you were actually jealous of Jack
(This is the tenth chapter of the HEARTLESS 💔 series)
Warnings: angst, hurt, fluff, jealousy, mom!reader, sad!jack, incorrect kingsman plot (actually I fixed it)
A/N: Well besties, I hope you all enjoy this chapter, I know I did while writing it and hopefully you will like it too!!! Remember that no matter what side you are on, I can't please everybody and for my Frankie girls remember this isn't a reader x Frankie story, so don't be too disappointed ❤️
3.9k words
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You stared into Frankie's eyes as he told you the story of how he joined the military. It was probably very interesting and it would help you get to know more about the man you've been seeing for the past few weeks, though you'd been on a few dates and you had already… Well, had sex a couple of times, it felt like you didn't know an awful lot about each other. You knew he used to be in the military but he was currently on a leave after a few personal problems - mental health issues related to the job, you quickly assumed -, you knew he had a daughter, she was nearly a year older than Wyatt, and Frankie had splitted you from his wife a year before. What you knew about him was that he was a really nice person, he was a sweet guy and he always did everything in his power to treat you like a princess. And what did he know about you? Well, Frankie knew you had a son, a bit younger than his baby girl, that your ex and father of your kid wasn't in the picture, never been actually, and the two of you weren't on speaking terms. He didn't know exactly what had happened between the two of you, but he could tell it was bad. 
He also knew other trivial things, such as information on your education and what you did for a living, and that was more than enough for the level of intimacy you two had: things were evolving, he was enjoying it a lot, of course, but they were still too recent, so Frankie thought it was safe to leave some things unspoken. You certainly had your little secrets and well, he had his own.
The lasagna you were chewing on was delicious and the wine was definitely worth paying that much for one bottle. The man you had a date with was handsome and though some of your friends told you he looked a lot like Jack, you just couldn't see it. Okay, maybe, just maybe, the brown eyes; the two of them had such expressive brown eyes, they reminded you of a child's eyes - your own son's for instance - because they had that glow that could go from innocent to sweet and also sad, making you often oblige to their desire by melting your heart. However, when it came to the rest, Frankie was so not Jack, you could probably write a book about it. Jack was a well-groomed man, he always dressed in fancy - cowboy - clothes, his hair was always combed to the side, and he would never let it grow enough to show his curls, and you didn't even need to get started on his mustache. Frankie on the other hand, was scruffy… but in a way you really liked it. It wasn't like he wasted too much of his time getting ready, he wore simple, practical clothes, always throwing a cap over his head which added a boyish tone to his overall look and you'd be lying if you didn't think that was cute and made him more handsome. The two of them had their similarities but they were so different and they each got to your heart in a diverse way; Frankie was cool and knew how to talk to a woman, charm them and make her giggle - because that's what he did to you. 
Jack was… himself. He had his cheesy pickup lines which were both amusing and pathetic but the way he smiled at a girl was enough to melt her heart. How his southern manners and accent could make you flustered and the moment he called you sugar for the first time, he had you on a silver platter. You blushed at your own memories lightly and shook your head, staring at Frankie and trying to pay attention to what he was saying, it was already a hard enough task to completely ignore Jack and his date so close to you; you didn't care about him one bit, but you were so curious about what was going on, what they were talking about. You had already heard Jack used the same pickup line he did on you when you first met, it was ridiculous you knew it, but some people just fell for it, you mostly but apparently also that Taylor girl. 
You saw how she giggled and smiled each time he said something and felt the slightest annoyance. He was probably feeling good about himself, getting the attention from a hot young girl, especially because you didn't let him get closer anymore. It wasn't your fault though, it was his fault, he was the one who barged into your life treating you like absolute shit for no reason. If anything, you were the one who had all the right to be cruel to the man who broke your heart, who kicked you out of your house with a baby inside. If Jack had been a decent man when he returned, if he had been honest like he did when he finally confessed what was happening to him, maybe you could have been on this date together. 
What? No! You couldn't believe yourself for even thinking that! You and senior Agent Whiskey would never go on a date together! He had blew his chances, all of those and you would never be around him again, if it weren't for co-parenting your son and perhaps being friends if he behaved like a man, not a dick towards you, and that seemed to be like a long stretch, because you didn't trust him at all. 
You sighed and smiled at Frankie again, having no idea what he was talking about, something to do with killing a mule during a mission? You didn't know, and you felt bad you were having dinner with such a handsome and amazing man and yet, all you could think of was your ex. It hurt you, you felt so awful and disappointed in yourself to see you still had feelings for a man who did nothing but hurt you, and no matter how hard you tried to fight it, it was still there. 
Jack, on the other hand, was probably experiencing the weirdest date of his life. He's had plenty of these, when he first started asking girls out. Then, he asked his high school sweetheart and he thought he would never need to go on a date again, he'd found the love of his life and he intended to spend the rest of his life with her, she would be the only one he'd take out on cute dates. But destiny happened and after he was brutally taken away from the life he dreamed of, several years later you came along. He didn't plan on falling for you, of course you'd caught his attention immediately, he hadn't seen someone as gorgeous as you in so long, but still, he had to pretend you weren't in the room, as against all odds Whiskey happened to find the second love of his life in the middle of a mission. 
Too bad it took him too long to realize his first wife had become a beautiful, loving memory, he loved the time they spent together, he would always cherish those moments, but he managed to let her go but not before making a promise to his late wife he would try his best to be happy again, because that's what she would've wanted. Jack knew you were the love of his life, the one who was meant to give you a family, but he had lost you and he didn't know if he would ever get you back.
At first, he was pretty excited about the cute thing that arrived kissing his lips and seemed just so eager to be around him, but as the thrill subdued, he began wondering what the heck that girl was doing. And that cowboy got suspicious soon. He was a spy after all and knew damn well how to recognize the moment to be wary. So he kept his southern charm but deflected any personal question Taylor asked him. He just smiled, winked and flattered her, but kept his emotional distance, wanting to know what was up with her. 
"So, Tay, darling… tell me again why you decided to make this old man's night by having dinner with me?" His voice wasn't much more than a purr as she giggled and shrugged 
"Well, as I told you, I had never seen a cowboy in real life before, and the minute you walked in my eyes were on you, Jack…I mean it… there's something about a cowboy, something primal, raw that I just couldn't look away and then you waited, waited and waited some more for your date and when it was clear you'd been stood up, I decided to introduce myself but then that bitch showed up with that guy and I could see you were uncomfortable an-" 
"Take that back" Jack interrupted her immediately through his gritted teeth as his eyes suddenly went dark, anger pooling in his body "you fucking take that back right now, she ain't no bitch" he stared daggers at Taylor "if there's a bitch here, that's definitely you, sugar, and not only that, you're a bitch and a lousy one at your job" he smirked, taking Taylor's hands in his and analyzing her ring. The symbol of the Kingsman made it clear why she was so interested in Jack all of the sudden. She was just another trick pulled by the fucking butterfly guy. Jack let out a dry laugh "I'll pay for fucking dinner and you will walk out this restaurant with me with a fucking big smile on your face as if I had just proposed to you, got it? Either that or I'll slice your pretty legs off with my lasso, and don't you fuck dare look towards that table" he instructed Taylor who gladly obeyed, being caught red handed by Jack. 
You smiled at Frankie, he was so sweet and handsome, throwing charms at you which always made you blush and giggle. 
"I think we should get ourselves another bottle, what do you say?" The man asked, winking softly at you as he killed his own. He'd been discreet about your awkward encounter with Jack and didn't ask you anything other than if you were okay. 
You'd agreed and moved on with your dinner date - that's what Frankie thought, at least, to him you were acting just a tiny bit off, but he was understanding, if he had had a date next to his ex-wife he would also be tense and embarrassed. You agreed to his idea of asking for another bottle of wine and turned around ever so slightly just to get the waiter's attention but instead, you caught the moment Jack held Taylor's hand and your guts churned. They were both very close and speaking in a low tone, but you could tell Jack was smirking.
You swallowed hard, trying to ignore that feeling as much as you could, but it felt almost impossible, especially when you saw Jack handing the waiter his credit card and walking out the restaurant with Taylor in his arms. Only when the waiter stood in front of you, you were able to take your eyes away from the cowboy, he hadn't said goodbye. Of course he wouldn't, you reminded yourself; he was going to get laid with another chick, he wouldn't take his time to say goodbye and make things even more awkward for all of you. 
Taylor winced in pain as Jack's grip was strong on her arm, dragging her to the alley behind the restaurant "where's he? He's here, isn't he?" He asked her who just nodded and groaned. Yes, she was a new agent and she'd been assured it would be an easy mission, they'd told us Jack Daniels was a clueless man, a smart and experienced agent, but his ego really got the best of him, hence what happened in the last mission, things got even easier when the Kingsman intelligence found Jack's profile on Tinder, it was like the guy was trying to be fooled, so they selected the hottest new agent they could get and flew her to the cowboy, then, she had a simple mission: investigate him. 
"Let her go, Jack" Eggsy's heavy accent cut the tension as he stepped out of the shadows and walked calmly to the couple "there's no reason to hurt her" he added which made Jack's blood boil even more. He wouldn't just hurt a girl, even if she was an annoying little bitch like her, but Jack did want his answers.
"What the fuck Eggsy?! Don't you have more important things to do? Why the fuck is she trying to pull a spy card on me? Is my family in danger?" He raised his voice without even noticing, but just the thought of Wyatt and his sugar being in danger were enough to drive him mad.
"No man… don't worry about your family, I can explain everything to you, just let her go" Jack licked his bottom lip and finally loosened his grip on the grip, as she rushed to Eggsy and stared at the Cowboy with anger. Jack placed his hand on his hips and waited for Eggsy to explain. 
"Listen Jack… I didn't mean to cause you trouble, but according to Kingsman's rules I had to investigate you. You see, after the last mission, we learned you were also suspended from Statesma-" 
"It's temporary, Eggsy, I'm returning it as soon as my therapi-" he interrupted himself feeling embarrassed though they probably knew all that already "-none of your business… but I'll be back soon" he folded his arms "you still haven't explained why she was all over me" 
"It's just a standard procedure Jack… we wanted to make sure you weren't planning on taking revenge on us" he sighed "it was supposed to be an investigation mission, but we came across your profile and the intelligence came up with the plan, but you're clear, man, don't worry. You and your family are safe" he cleared his throat. 
Jack felt a blush spreading through his cheeks, the thought of a whole agency laughing at him was too much, he felt small, stupid, ridiculous.
"So… Clara? Was she even real or…?" 
Taylor laughed out loud "oh no honey, Clara was me… and trust me, I had every bit of fun catfishing you, I'm sorry Mr.Senior Agent Whiskey but you are painfully embarrassing… It was so easy to just get your attention and then I got to the restaurant and saw you… God!!! I cringed so hard!" 
Jack frowned, shaking his head and looking at the younger woman "why are you doing this?" 
"Please Jack, you're a grown man pushing middle age and you dress up like a cowboy! And then that woman walked in and she seemed bothered you had a date so I thought it would be funny to mess with the two of you… but please, it was just a mission, and thank God I was caught before I had to actually force myself into sleeping with you because honestly, I-" 
"Enough, Agent!" Eggsy yelled at Taylor, being so annoyed at her, she was a real bad agent and she couldn't get any of the Kingsman's rules right. 
"I'm sorry about all that Jack, I really am… listen, I didn't want the mission to go like that, I like you, I know we've had our differences but I think you're a good man, if you weren't, I wouldn't have pulled out of the meat grinder…Just take your time, go back to your family and be happy, man." 
When Frankie's phone rang and he informed he had an emergency with his ex, you could've been angry. Maybe you should have been angry with him for ending your date and going to her rescue, but in reality, all you felt was relief. At least you'd have some time alone to process what you were feeling, because you tried looking for answers to that irrational jealousy that took over your body, running through your veins and making your heart pound so hard. If you felt jealous when Jack started his date, by the time you saw him leave with that woman you were burning with jealousy, but then, eventually, you noticed that feeling was replaced by sadness. You felt utterly upset, as if someone had taken your heart in their hands and clenched it until there was nothing left. Perhaps that was a sign that going out with guys here and there wasn't as effective to make you forget about Jack as you thought it would. 
As Frankie said goodbye, you pecked his lips and assured him you'd drive home, but instead you got the bottle the waiter had just brought in and drove somewhere else, a place that reminded you of Jack, maybe facing your old memories would help you heal somehow. 
Jack was at the bar, downing his third scotch - from the ones he'd ordered there, because if he added the ones he had at the restaurant he wouldn't be able to tell how many he'd had - and sighed. He looked around and smiled sadly at the memories. That was the bar he'd take you for drinks, before registering at the hotel and spend the night with you, whenever you two went out for dates or just felt like doing something fancy. He sighed again, he used to be so happy and he wasn't even aware of it, it pained him how he had taken everything for granted and now, he spent his evening alone, after being catfished by a girl for days with no end. He was there, drinking, sulking and seeing how incapable of being loved he was because the woman who loved him, which happened to also be the woman he loved dearly, had moved on, and of course she was probably in the arms of another man.
"Jack?!" You asked in shock, not expecting to see him there. You figured that maybe he would be at the hotel, if he were going to spend the night with that… Skank, he would definitely take her there, but you didn't think he would be drinking alone. 
He frowned at first, taking him a split second to acknowledge you were really yourself, thinking that maybe it was just a delusion that was haunting him. He couldn't help but chuckle at the irony, that was definitely the one thing he didn't need: running into you and your new man again. 
"Sugar? What are you doing here? Where's your guy?" He asked and offered you the next stool, as you just shrugged.
And for the next half and hour you and Jack went from lovers to enemies, and now to drinking buddies, as he told you about his disastrous date with Taylor and how she turned out to be just a Kingsman agent and you told him about how Frankie was a nice guy but you weren't there yet, not without Jack being the papa bear he was quickly turning into and seeming worried about Wyatt's whereabouts, and you explained him he was having a sleepover at his grandma's.
You didn't actually understand why the Kingsman went after Jack in the first place, so he patiently told you about the mission he was shot at, detail by detail, and how after the incident, he just took off in his jet to seek revenge and nearly ended up inside of a meat grinder. Though you two were laughing as Jack was giving you the account, you felt shivers down your spine at the mere thought of him suffering a painful, horrible death like that. Of course there were days you wanted to kill him, you wanted to hurt him, to make him feel at least a small percentage of what he made you feel, but you never, never, wanted to him to die like that, you weren't ready to lose him. 
"Jack… please, don't be offended, but you're saying that you were shot and you nearly got inside a meat grinder on the same mission… it seems to me you were getting a little reckless" 
He saw the worry and the sadness in your eye and couldn't help but feel a warmth inside his heart. After the horrible night he had, it comforted him to see you cared about him, though you and him were being nothing but honest with each other and even if it was just the alcohol talking, he felt he owned you his true, raw thoughts 
"Yes, I was reckless actually… I think I might've been on purpose though, not consciously of course but still… I was watching you and Wyatt from afar very often back then, and I was just feeling worse and worse facing the real piece of shit of a man I was. Well, I still am, but I swear I'm trying to improve; anyway, at that time I also began having nightmares, sometimes it was about my first wife and sometimes it was about you, but it always ended the same way: either of you would ask me for help but I couldn't help and I'd lose you" he sighed and stared into your eyes "I couldn't sleep, I couldn't think straight, I didn't feel like eating or doing anything at all, so I kinda went on that mission with nothing to lose you know? I had nothing to live for, so I just called my lawyer, made a will in which I left you and Wyatt everything and figured if I'd died at least something good would come out of it, you and our son wouldn't be out in the open" he shrugged and faced his empty glass, too ashamed to look at you, as you could barely register the words he'd told you, feeling a lump in your throat, you couldn't believe that. You knew Jack felt regret for what he did to you and Wyatt and he was also never able to properly handle his grief, but knowing for a fact he just dwelled onto those dark feelings broke your heart. That's not how you wanted things to end for him, you wanted him to be happy, to be there for your son, having a father was much more precious than any amount of money he could leave Wyatt, and you wanted him to see that. Though now Jack had his son to fight for, you never wanted him to even think of something like that again. 
You gently took your hand to his cheek, moving his head so you could see where the bullet had hit him, right next to his eye and you caressed it gently, feeling the small scar under your fingertip. He leaned into your touch, closing his eyes and enjoying the sweet moment of affection, knowing it wouldn't last very long and unsure of when or if he would ever receive such lovely act from you. 
"Jack?" You called him with and saw as he opened his eyes, looking at you and leaning towards you even more, your faces just inches from each other's "I'm definitely happy you're not dead, please, keep yourself alive for Wyatt and for me" you asked him and leaned forward too, your lips so close to his, it would only take you a small movement to finally kiss each other. 
And that's what would happen if your phone hadn't rang. 
"Shit, it's my mom" you told him before picking it up. His heart was still racing at the moment you just had when you hung up "Wyatt had a bad dream and can't calm down, come on, Jack… let's pick up our son"
A/N: so yeah, I hope you guys enjoy it and let me know what you think ❤️ I love Jack so much (and also, no gifs because there's a fucking cyclone in my city and that caused a power outage and my date is not working properly lmao fml)
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heavyhitterheaux · 11 months
fl getting turned on by jack being stern with one of the triplets
It was two in the morning and both of you were fuming. Autumn had taken it upon herself to sneak out knowing that just about the entire house was filled with security cameras and as soon as she had gotten in the car with whoever at the end of the driveway, it immediately alerted you since it had detected movement.
“She’s going to be grounded until she’s 50.” Jack muttered. You wanted to laugh, but you knew that right now he was one hundred percent serious. 
“Babe, 50? Really?” You asked with your arms crossed.
“Make that 70 if she has an attitude when she walks through that door.”
“Ohh can’t wait for this. I’m interested to see what her explanation is going to be.” You said as you played on your phone. 
Both of you were sitting in the dark in the living room knowing that it would catch her off guard when you finally heard the door open.
She had her heels in her hand and was trying to make her way towards the steps when Jack promptly turned on the brightest light in the living room startling her.
“Oh.. umm.” She started to say, but Jack immediately cut her off. 
“This gentle parenting thing has me fighting for my spot in heaven on a daily basis. Autumn Danielle, get over here, NOW.”
“Did I give you permission to speak?” Jack asked and this completely caught her off guard.
“Strike two and don’t you dare ‘daddy’ me. Where were you? I’m giving you one chance to answer and you better not lie.”
“I went out with Jaden.” She quietly said and before you even had a chance to respond, Jack let her have it.
“How many times do we have to tell you to stay away from him? Was Ax beating his ass for the way that he talked about you not enough?”
“There is not a good enough explanation in the world right now for how you’ve been acting. You were already grounded, but now you’ve tacked on another month. Skipping school, failing your classes, and now we can add sneaking out to the list. And we’re now definitely taking your car away.”
“A month?! That is so unfair! Mommy! Don’t tell me you agree with him?!”
“Autumn, all I’m going to say is that we raised you better than this.” You said while sitting back and letting Jack handle it because truth be told you were tired of the way she had been acting and didn’t have the energy to deal with it. This blindsided her because Jack was usually the easy going parent and now the tables had been turned. 
“EXCUSE ME?” You said, but Jack looked at you and shook his head.
“I got it, baby. Oh. Oh really? Okay from this day forward, Autumn is going to get a part-time job, officially will not get an allowance anymore until I say so, will have no car, no phone, no laptop, will go to tutoring multiple times a week to get her grades up, will not be allowed to perform with the dance team, and will take care of her younger siblings without getting an attitude. And better not under any circumstances be around Jaden. Do I make myself clear or do I need to repeat myself?” Jack said in a calm manner while you were in the corner with your mouth hanging wide open. 
“Wifey, do you have anything else to add?” Jack asked as he turned to look at you.
“Autumn Danielle Harlow, do I make myself clear?” He asked her once again and she had now began to cry but slowly nodded her head.
“Speak up because I can’t hear you.”
“Good now go and get every single electronic device and put it in our room as well as your car keys. Do it with a smile because if I sense any more attitude out of you, I’ll add not only another month but the entire summer and you won’t be able to go on our annual family vacation. Try me, Autumn. I dare you. And don’t you ever fix your mouth to cuss at us ever again in your life.”
“Okay, I’m sorry but…”
“No, what I said still stands. Don’t try to apologize now. You should’ve thought about it before you did what you did. Goodnight.”
Without another word Autumn made her way upstairs and all you were doing was smiling when Jack turned around to look at you.
“What? Was I too hard on her?” He asked immediately starting to get nervous.
“No, not at all because that’s exactly what I would have done. I… just…. love to see you when you get like that.” You answered while wrapping your legs around him to bring him closer to you.
“Get like what?”
“When that alpha persona comes out of you. I mean we all know it’s really me who runs this household, but you get it.” 
“Oh, so do I need to take care of something for you?” Jack asked as he leaned down to begin kissing along your neck. You moved to the side to give him better access and immediately nodded. 
“I think that you do.” You quietly said before Jack picked you up bridal style with you letting out a yelp.  
“Hmm, whatever my wife wants, she gets.” Jack said while leaning down to kiss you which you quickly accepted.
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picturejasper20 · 21 days
Lets talk about Vlad and Danielle's relationship (and Danielle's character as a whole)
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Danielle/Dani Phantom is a character that was introduced in the Season 2 episode ¨Kindred Spirits¨. She shows up in Danny's house and later reveals to be a half ghost just as Danny. Around half of the episode we get the twist that she is a clone made by Vlad and she is his ¨daughter¨.
We know how the rest goes, with help of Danny, Danielle realizes that Vlad is using her and in reality he doesn't care about her because she isn't the ¨perfect human-ghost hybrid clone son¨ that Vlad wanted. Dani helps Danny fighting against Vlad and she runs away after seeing how her ¨father¨ didn't exactly love her.
The episode as whole is very entertaining to watch and Vlad and Danielle's manipulative relationship is interesting to analyse. It shows how Vlad is so obsessed with his plans that he can't see that he has what he wished for so much (someone who sees him as a father figure) and screws it up. Danny gains a new ¨relative¨- someone who is just like him, human-ghost included.
The problem for me is that a lot of what happens in this episode doesn't feel ¨earned¨: The same episode that introduces Danielle it is the same one she rebels herself against her own father figure. We don't know enough about Dani aside from the fact she is more energetic and likes to eat a lot, is a girl and younger than Danny. This is one of the reasons of why some fans couldn't bring themselves to care about her or prefer to ignore her existence as character.
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If this series had been more serialized, what i would have preferred was for Danielle to have her own character arc in which she grows to befriend Danny and others from his social circle and learn that she was fed with lies about the Fenton family from Vlad. Maybe how Jack isn't this terrible man Vlad told her about or just not as bad. That Jack and Maddie really love each other, etc.
We could have seen more of how Vlad and Dani's father-daughter relationship worked and how Vlad acted as a father figure to her. It would have helped a lot with giving characterization to Vlad and Danielle (specially the later). Their relationship in the series previous Kindred Spirits is ambitious, not leaving clear how Dani was raised by Masters.
In result we could have had a more interesting character than who is Dani in the series and her having a proper arc that builds to her realizing Vlad's true nature and her rebelling against him, being a better payoff than Kindred Spirits.
Leaving that aside, lets talk about the relationship they have in Kindred Spirits and some extent D-Stabilized and what could happen between the two if she shows up in AGIT sequel and Vlad wants to keep making amends.
In Kindred Spirits what we see is that Vlad sees Danielle as his ¨pawn¨. He calls her his daughter a few times, yes, and he still does after this episode. What i'm trying to say is that Vlad cares about how useful Dani can be to him and when he got his perfect clone, she would probably turn into a ¨mess he wouldn't clean up¨.
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One thing i want to discuss, based on what the episode shows, is that Vlad in general doesn't raise his voice nor threatens with hurting Danielle during the episode. Most of the time he speaks to Danielle in his usual ¨normal¨ manipulative way, similar to how he talks to Valerie. He fakes caring about Dani and ¨acts nicely¨ around her, leading her to believe that he does love her as a father would.
When he notices that Danielle had been listening to everything him and Danny had been talking about the clones, he manipulates Dani by telling her she misheard what he was saying and he wants to save her from her destabilization (gaslighting)
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So when Danielle goes to capture Danny and returns to Vlad, Vlad talks about how still needs to extract the mid-morph DNA example. He asks Dani to force Danny's transformation by overshadowing him. Dani points out that the other clones that did that melted and she could get hurt because of that. Vlad insists in saying that is fine, Dani questions him again and that is when Vlad loses his patience and reveals his true nature to Danielle.
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As i talked about earlier, Vlad ¨cared¨ about Danielle as how useful she could be to him. Vlad believes that Dani exists to follow his own orders, seeing her as a pawn. This is a whole theme with Vlad and how he sees people, but i don't want to get too off topic.
Dani, at hearing this, she cries for a moment before getting angry and freeing Danny from his prison and helps Danny with fight against Vlad, making the perfect clone getting destroyed in the fight. She later punches Vlad (human form) in his face, telling to stay away from Danny and some hours after she says goodbye to Danny, going around to explore the world.
The fact that Dani decided to change sides for Vlad just snapping at her makes me believe that, again, he probably didn't threaten her that way before and he mostly used subtle emotional manipulation towards her as how he does through the episode. In my personal interpretation, i think Vlad was mostly very emotionally neglectful of Dani while raising her. He likely filled her basic needs like giving her a place to sleep and food but he would ignore her most of the time, avoiding to get attached to her and his focus being in the ¨perfect¨ clone. It is what makes sense to me the most me based on their interactions in Kindred Spirits
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For months Vlad acted as an absent father, not caring what happened to Danielle as, again, she wasn't useful to him. Dani would go from one place to the other, having to steal food to survive on her own. It wasn't until around the events of ¨D-stabilized¨ he looked for Dani to study her ghost-hybrid structure, since she hadn't melted and lasted longer than the other clones did.
In here Vlad sees Danielle more as ¨object¨ he is looking for to get what he wants. He doesn't care about melting down Danielle and if this destroys her completely, since his goal is to study the remains of her DNA. He refers to her as his ¨daughter¨, in way like she is his own possession and he can do whatever he pleases with her.
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An interesting detail is that there is a moment that Dani hints at still seeing Vlad as her parent figure, since she asks him if he is planning on looking for something that could stabilize her structure. It is a sad moment to see because part of her still cares about Vlad in spite of how he treated her.
What Vlad does in ¨D-Stabilized¨ is where he messed up the most in his relationship with Dani. All that happened previous this episode was terrible, but this is where is at its most twisted, putting Dani in danger on purpose to get DNA from her. It is a whole different level to snapping, threaten her and being manipulative.
If you were to ask me, i think Vlad's worst sin in the series is how he treated Dani. As she is his own daughter and was someone that actually loved Vlad. He really screwed up his chance to have something he looked for so long, because of his own obsession of how the clone should be ¨perfect¨.
Having all this in mind, how them meeting again and Vlad trying to make amends with her in A Glitch in Time sequel could go?
Well, for one i think Vlad should be the one looking for Danielle if he wants to make amends with her. It would be a good idea if someone else went with him, like Danny. That way Dani could feel more sure that she isn't being lead into a trap and the other person could explain the situation to her. She could feel more secure having the word of someone who she trusts rather from Vlad's and she may give him a chance to talk to her.
From there it is rather complicated to guess what could happen. The two most common brought up options is that Dani goes to live with Vlad in his mansion or she goes to live with the Fentons (if in this context Danny's secret is out to his parents).
If it is the first option, i think it would be suitable for Vlad's character if he wants to make up for how he negleted Dani all that time post Kindred Spirits. As i have talked in other post, Danielle is Vlad's daughter and it would fit hi give a place to Dani since she is his own responsibility. Of course, this is something that she herself would have to choose, since she would have a roof and a place to stay, but also she would have to coexist with the same parent figure who mistreated her so poorly. This could lead to a lot of complicated feelings and things she probably would rather forget for a long time. It wouldn't be something easy for her to deal with.
In case of the second option, she would have to live with strangers she doesn't know about, but they would be people that she doesn't exactly have a bad history with and she would feel more secure of herself rather than living with Vlad. Danny would also be there along with maybe Jazz, so she would be with someone she considers family at least. In all, i believe she would feel more happy than staying with Masters. However, i think before she fully moved in, Jazz and Danny would have to make their parents do some changes. Jack and Maddie can be... chaotic when it comes to raising their kids, unintentionally negletful and prone to playing around with their gadgets. It would be a good idea for both of them to change some habits for Dani to be safer around the house and pay the proper enough attention to her.
Another third option some people have brought up is Dani staying with someone else, usually the Grays being a possibility. I do agree with this idea, because then Dani could live with someone she doesn't have a bad history like she does with Vlad with nor they would have a not exactly safe environment like the Fentons do. If she stays with the Grays, she would be with Valerie, who is someone she is familiar with.
If Dani chooses staying with someone else that isn't Vlad, then Vlad could help with paying the things she needs (food, education) and maybe do some visits every once in a while to check on Dani, depending if she feels like it. He would still making amends with her but keep his distance if Dani wishes for him to stay away.
One thing i think it would be good is that Dani didn't forgive Vlad or she doesn't it for a long time. If there is one character that is more entitled than anybody else to not forgive Vlad, that would be Danielle. I think it would be more than fair for her to do that and it would be great for Vlad to understand that some people won't forget the things he has done to them and he has to live with that.
In all, Vlad and Danielle's relationship has to be the most messed up of the dynamics Vlad has with other characters. I already explained that my reasoning behind this is because he is supposed to be Dani's father since he created her. If Dani shows up in AGIT sequel, it is going to be interesting to see how the two could interact and how Dani is going to react to Vlad apologizing to her for his actions. It is definitely one of the things it would cost the most for Vlad to make amends for, considering how badly he screw it up with her.
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pinkielord · 1 year
Vlad: Now listen here Daniel, I only wish to-
Danny: Yeah, yeah, you want to date my mom, whatever. What I want to know is why do you keep going after my mom?! Like, if you want to be with one of your college roommates, why not go for the one who actually likes you?
Vlad: Excuse me?!
Danny: I meant what I said. Go for my dad! He's practically gay for you anyways, so go for him instead of pining uselessly for my mom if you have to date one of my parents! I would still hate it either way, but at least my dad actually likes you!
Vlad: Daniel, this is ridiculous of course I'm not going to date Jack of all people, what would even lead you to such a preposterous idea?!
Danny: I! Have had two hours of sleep studying for this stupid test from Mr. Lancer! Because you can't help but keep hitting on my mom weirdly when SHE'S NOT EVEN INTERESTED IN YOU! SO IF YOU HAD TO DATE ANYONE, IT MIGHT AS WELL BE THE PERSON WHO ACTUALLY LIKES YOU IN THE FIRST PLACE-
Vlad: I- no! I am not going to be in a relationship with Jack! Stop this preposterous line of thinking!
Jazz, who came over to get Danny home Just in time to see this whole thing go down: *sighs* Please, don't date any of our parents.
Jazz: No, you're not. However, you still need sleep. Now come on.
Vlad: I will do no such thing!
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callmewrinkles3 · 1 year
December 2022
Em really didn’t want to be out. She was constantly tired and still felt stressed, but Blake insisted. Her cast was off and she’d finished physical therapy so “cmon Timmy, the two of you are coming out for dinner and drinks.”
So she did what he told her and got dressed, the three of them sitting at a table and chatting. It was good food and relaxing and she actually enjoyed herself. Dan spotted where Blake’s attention was being drawn, a woman standing at the bar turning down a guy. She’d glanced over at Blake a few times but kept looking away.
“Have a crush, Blake?” He asked and their friend shook his head and pushed his glasses up.
“She’s cute. But you know me.” Em looked at him and stood while pointing at their glasses.
“Same again?”
“Yeah, please.”
Going up for drinks was just the first excuse that Em could find to go up to the bar and stand beside the pretty brunette Blake kept making eyes at. She’d deal with him being annoyed at her later, her friend deserved some happiness for once. As much as he tried to hide it she could hear the sadness when he said “you know me”. He’d put his personal life on the back burner for them.
It wasn’t that Blake didn’t want to meet anyone and settle down and be happy, but he didn’t have time. And it was entirely because of her and Dan. The thin walls between her old apartment and his worked both ways and she knew he’d stopped bringing anyone home over lockdown and never did again. Between how 2021 started, the mess of that year and how it ended, and the hell that had been 2022 he didn’t stand a chance. Instead he kept an eye on them, half brother, half parent, all Blake.
Officially his job was to be Dan’s manager but after everything he became a professional third wheel to make sure they were ok. He’d spent the last year keeping his barely functioning best friends going and ignored his own happiness. So for once Em - helped by the g&ts she’d drank already - was ignoring how shy she could be and telling the girl that Blake was interested if she was too. Em couldn’t even remember the last time she’d seen Blake’s eyes light up at seeing someone. It’d be worth his annoyance to make him happy. He’d put her happiness first, it was her turn to do that for him.
“Can I get a gin and tonic, a Jack and Coke, and another pint please? And whatever her next drink is too? Thanks so much.” Em pointed to the girl beside her as she ordered once she’d stepped into a free spot before turning and holding her hand out. “Hey, I’m Em.”
She saw the surprise on the woman’s face the second Em introduced herself. If someone ever did that to Em in a bar one night she’d probably run away, and definitely run back to Dan, but the woman didn’t. She had skinny jeans and converse on with a tank top and a flannel shirt over it. The woman stood there with her nearly empty glass for a second before speaking.”
“Hi. I’m Charlotte. Can I help you?”
“This sounds insane, but yeah, you can. I mean not exactly me but my friend. See the cute one over there with glasses? His name is Blake. He thinks you’re cute.” Charlotte glanced over and back carefully, but Em saw the “oh fuck” expression on Blake’s face.
“He does?”
“Yeah. I’m sorry about his face, he’s mad at me for telling you because he wasn’t going to say anything. But I promise, he’s a sunshine. The sweetest man in the universe after my husband. So I figured if you think he’s cute you can come sit with us and say hi. And if you don’t that’s fine, enjoy the drink. We won’t bother you.”
“You actually want me to say hi to someone at Daniel Ricciardo’s table? Really?”
“Sometimes I forget my h-boyfriend is a celebrity. But seriously, don’t think of him like that. Dan’s a regular guy, and Blake’s even more normal. So if you feel like it come say hi?” The drinks were out down beside her and Em tapped her card on the machine to pay. “I haven’t touched your drink, it’s all yours. It was really nice to talk to you, Charlotte.”
Em walked away from the bar barely balancing the three glasses in her hands, dropping them down on the table in front of her two favourite men barely spilling a drop. Her favourite part about getting back was how their jaws dropped slightly. She was never the one who did those things. She was the introvert, the one who hated talking to people. Especially talking to strangers. But three gin and tonics and a margarita meant she wasn’t thinking about how uncomfortable it was to talk to people. All she was thinking about was Blake being happy, even if it was just for one night.
“What did you just do?” Blake asked, staring at her as if she was an alien and not one of his best friends and his adopted sister.
“You mean to say “thank you”, right Blakey?”
“Where’s my sweet baby girl and what have you done with her?” Dan joked, trying to keep it together and not burst out laughing at what his wife had done.
“What did you tell her?” Blake sounded frantic so Em took pity on him.
“That my very sweet, handsome bestie thinks she’s cute. And then I paid for her drink and told her to come say hi if she thinks you’re cute too. She’d just said no to that other guy and I saw her checking you out, so I think she’ll come over. You’re welcome in advance.” Em took a sip of her drink. “When you get married I get dibs on maid of honour duties and to be godmother for your first child.” She shrugged and scooted closer into Dan. It was the least her thing she had ever done, but she owed it to Blake.
“You’re never gonna drink again. Ever.” She wanted to laugh as she watched Blake blush even harder, but she didn’t want to make things worse. Instead she smiled and snuggled into Dan as he wrapped an arm around her. “Seriously. I’m never letting you drink again.
“And you’ve never seen her when she starts drinking rose. That’s when she really says the weird stuff.”
“You know it’s true!”
“Weirdos,” Blake murmured under his breath and Em could see how he was beginning to regret not only coming up with the idea to go out that night, but for Em to start drinking again after a few months off alcohol.
“I might be a weirdo, but I’ll have you know Charlotte’s looking over here.” She could see how Charlotte was trying to act normal while looking at their table and checking out their friend. It was a small smile half hidden behind a glass that she was trying to finish for some extra courage. It was the table where hometown hero Daniel Ricciardo was sitting with his girl and his best friend.
“She told you her name and you weren’t even going to tell me? Seriously, Timmy?”
“Sometimes you’re so annoy-shit she’s coming over.”
If Blake’s cheeks were read before, his entire face may as well have been an apple. Em couldn’t remember seeing him so nervous I’m all the years she’d known him. He was always the composed one, especially at work, so seeing him blushing like a school kid with his first crush was the most adorable thing in the world.
“Hey, Charlotte, you joined us!” Em welcomed her happily, gesturing to the free seat beside Blake when she saw her standing next to their table.
“Is that alright?”
“I invited you over for a reason, right?” She smiled and gave a wink to make the other woman feel welcome and able to relax, even if for a moment. “Introductions, this is my h-boyfriend, Dan. Ignore if he tries to impress you and be fancy.”
“Nice to meet you, don’t believe a word Em says about me.” Dan held his hand out to shake like the polite man he was.
“And this is my best friend, Blake Friend. Yes it’s his actual name, and yes I tell him regularly it’s ridiculous. Blakey, this is Charlotte.”
“Hi. Call me Charlie, Charlotte is for strangers or when my parents want to ask something. It’s nice to meet you.”
“Hey Charlie, it’s nice to meet you too.” Blake smiled and offered his hand for her to grab like Dan had, but it was nothing like when Dan introduced himself to Charlie. Em could nearly see the sparks. This was the night she’d met Dan for her best friend and this new girl, she knew it.
“I need some air. Come out with me, Love?” She whispered to Dan and grabbed his hand to give the other two some privacy.
“What’s that for?” He asked when they got to a dark corner across the bar.
“Give them some privacy.” She leaned against Dan and gave him a kiss, hoping that it was going as well as it looked for the two.
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gnpwdrnwhiskey · 1 year
Write This Down
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Pairing- Jack Daniels x f!reader SunDrop
Word Count- 1100-ish
Warnings- dunno? my usual.....cheese, sap, foul language, bickering, two idiots in love. reader has a nickname but no physical description.
Author's Note- hey look, I've actually written something in chronological order, lol! this is where Jack & SunDrop are at a month or so after Roadside Confrontation....
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It starts towards the end of what had up until then been a normal early shift at the bakery. First it's the Baptist Women's group, shaking their heads sadly and patting your hand as you pass them their coffees and danishes. There's even a few 'bless your heart' sprinkled in there but you don't have time to ponder it, you just want to keep the line moving.
Then it's the yoga moms and you swear they're staring at you a little harder and whispering just a little bit more animatedly than usual, laughing just a little bit louder. You and Maddie exchange confused glances and shrugs and just keep on working. Whatever the gossip is, it'll make its way through the doors of the bakery eventually.
It's Clayton that finally drops the bomb. Because of course it is. Your ex-boyfriend from highschool still hasn't quite forgiven you for leaving town and moving on. Or for not being interested in him when you came back, like a twice divorced father of three all before 40 was supposed to be a catch. Whatever.
"Looks like Candace finally got her claws into the new guy. Billy said they were looking mighty cozy over at the diner at lunch today."
He says it to the other deputy he's come in with but you know his words are directed at you and your hands freeze on the espresso machine as it all clicks. All the looks and the whispers and the bless your hearts. It all makes sense now.
And Candace.
At the diner.
You know exactly how it would've played out. How many times have you seen it before- the way she leans across the table to best show off her cleavage, the lingering touches to a forearm, the 'accidental' brushes of legs under the table- and laughed at whatever poor fool she'd latched on to? Never once in a million years did you expect the fool to be yours.
Jack's not exactly surprised to find your Jeep in his driveway when he gets home that evening, in fact he's pretty pleased- he likes it when you're at his place, likes that you feel comfortable enough to be in his space even when he's not around. That pleased feeling changes to one of wariness when he walks in the front door and finds you leaning in the doorway between the living room and kitchen glaring daggers at him.
"Hey there, SunnyD. Fancy meeting you here," he drawls as he locks up his service weapon and empties all the crap in his pockets onto the little table by the door before crossing the living room to kiss you but you turn your head at the last second and the kiss ends up landing somewhere on your cheek.
"Hi, honey. How was your day?" You chirp, placing a hand over his mouth to stop him when he starts to reply. "You know what, on second thought, I've already heard enough about your day, why don't I tell you about my day? Come on in the kitchen, I'll tell you all about it over dinner."
Jack hesitantly follows you and watches as you stomp around his kitchen, angrily setting the little breakfast nook up for dinner- steak, salad, baked potatoes, tall glasses of sweet iced tea. He's still watching when you take a seat and smile coldly at him as you place your napkin across your lap.
"C'mon, eat up. I even made a French silk pie for dessert, that's your favorite right? Heard you had some at the diner today. Promise mine's better."
"Am I gonna live til dessert?" He asks as he joins you at the table.
"Guess you'll have to take your chances, cowboy. Oh- Ginger says hi, by the way."
Alight, he thinks. Game on.
"Do you realize what you've done?" You ask as you bring slices of pie back to the table. "You've got the whole town thinking you're cheating on me or you left me or that I just can't keep a fucking man!"
"Well now, darlin," Jack smirks across the table at you. "I thought we were on the same page after that whole showdown on Main Street the other month but then you said you didn't want to put a label on things, so how was I supposed to know you wanted to be exclusive?"
"Oh my God Jack, saying I didn't want to label things meant 'we're old enough that calling you my boyfriend sounds kinda lame' not 'yes, please feel free to take the town bicycle out to lunch!'"
"I'm a real simple man, honey, you know you gotta spell these things out for me."
Jack's trying really hard to keep a straight face, but he's failing miserably. And for the second time today, everything just clicks and you feel like you can take your first full breath in hours.
"You asshole," you laugh, throwing your napkin at him. "You absolute fucking asshole! You did this shit on purpose, didn't you?"
"Aww, c'mere sweetheart," Jack says as he rounds the table and pulls you up and into his arms. "You know I'm a one woman man and Candace is a real nice lady, but she's not you. I'm head over heels in love with you, SunnyD. And you can write that down."
"You're such a dork. I love you too, but don't do that shit again," you mutter, wrapping your arms around his waist and laying your head on his shoulder, content to let him hold you and sway to the George Strait playing softly on the radio in the background.
"You know there's options right?" Jack asks a few minutes later. "To the whole boyfriend dilemma you seem to be having- partner, spouse, lover. Husband's got a real nice ring to it. I think that's my favorite."
"Jack...." You tip your head back to look up at him and find him smiling down at you, chocolate brown eyes warm and soft.
"That's not a proposal, darlin. But one day. When you're ready."
"Well, in the meantime, I'm not going around town introducing you as my lover," you snort, nestling your head back on his shoulder.
"I might be pushing my luck here, sugar, but while we're talking about labels, how do you feel about roommate? You wanna move in with me, SunnyD? Give living in sin a whirl? I think we'd have a lot of fun."
"Roommate, huh?" You think about it- it's probably too soon, it's only been a few months, but it's not like you don't already spend most nights here anyway. And then you think about waking up with him every morning, going to bed with him every night, and everything in-between and you smile up at him. "Yeah, I think I can handle that."
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the-blind-assassin-12 · 2 months
• Friday Five •
Hi friends! I hope everyone’s weekend is off to a fantastic start! Mine is starting with indecision! (Not that this is a surprise or different from any other day, it just happens to be Friday.) Want to help me pick what to work on this weekend?
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Here are snippets from 5 of the wips I’ve been working on lately. If any of them seem particularly interesting to you, please do feel free to weigh in or ask about them!
Petrichor - long overdue follow-up to Point of No Return - Ezra x OFC Clara - the rainy season is here.
Leaning her temple against the cool pane of glass, she looked out and up at the sky, at the endless churning of slate gray and deep purple clouds. The occasional rumble of thunder tumbled down as one cluster crashed into another. Sometimes it was low and distant, drumming out a slow beat. Other times it sounded like it was right over their heads, shaking the walls and rattling things on shelves. The first truly loud boom had made her jump and gasp, her eyes widening before they rushed to find Ezra’s across the table, frightened for a second that the roof might cave in or the ground would collapse.
“Not to worry, little bird.” He’d said it with a wink. “We’re safe and sound in here, I guarantee it.”
Recall - Part 3: Un(f*cking)believable - Jack Daniels x F!Reader - Jack finally opens his big brown eyes in this one.
A metallic taste filled your mouth as you glanced over at him and finished your thought. I don’t know how yet but it’s connected. It has to be.
“When did you last hear from Merlin and the Galahads?” Champ asked. “And what’s the status of their mission?”
Their mission. Right.
In the chaos of dealing with Jack you’d almost forgotten what had preceded his arrival in the lab
Unfinished - Part 3: They Haunt Me in The Night - Marcus Pike x F!Reader - Ghost AU - taking on a trope I’ve never done in this one.
You turned into the hallway just in time to see Marcus open the door to the guest room. As he froze in place, head cocked to the side in confusion, you realized you’d forgotten to address the one logistical hang up of his visit. He spoke your name, a hint of amusement in his tone. “Am I missing something?”
“Shit.” You winced, fingertips coming up to rub at your closed eyelid before dragging your palm down over your face. I completely forgot about - you groaned. “I’m sorry, Marcus. I forgot to tell you. Bill took the guest bed when he moved out.” You gave a pathetic little shrug. “It was technically his, so…”
Trailing off, your eyes widened as another realization hit you. Oh, fuck. Because of how the night had gone, the sheets for the pullout couch that you’d thrown in the wash that afternoon had never made it into the dryer. “Shit!” You half sighed, half hissed through another wince. “I fucked up, Marcus. I left the sheets for the pullout mattress in the wash and now-“ You clicked your tongue and threw up your hands.
Untitled ACR one shot - Nico x F!Reader - angst x comfort - a dinner party goes a little sideways in this one.
Since you’d been reunited, the tether rarely stretched farther than the confines of your home. When it did, when Nico had to go into the office for work or when you had meetings with your editor, it didn’t ache like it did when you had no idea where to find him or if you ever would again. You felt it, sure. But you knew that by the end of the day he’d be right beside you. That you’d fall asleep coiled in his arms with the tether so relaxed that the hook in your ribs could latch right onto his without the elastic between them.
Now, as he finished closing the distance from the house to the pool’s edge, the hum of his proximity soothed the unease leftover from Petra’s comment at dinner. Somewhat, anyway.
“Mind if I join you?”
You didn’t look up as he spoke, your eyes cast down at the water as you watched the way it shimmered in the beams from the submerged light. “Sure.”
Aphelion - Part 12 - cowritten with @something-tofightfor - Oberyn Martell x F!Reader - Vampire AU - girl’s night feat. Toban
The past two weeks had been surreal in every way. Just fourteen days ago you were at Golden Lion’s Halloween party, and the biggest shock had been the fact that Oscar, the alluring and attractive stranger you met in a chance encounter a few days prior, was also in attendance. Since then you’d been attacked, watched that same stranger wield what you thought had been a prop blade in fight in an alley as he saved your life while risking his own, and learned that his name was not Oscar but Oberyn Martell - Prince of Dorne and one of the immortals known as Others that you always assumed were just the stuff of ancient folklore.
All of that would have been enough to fill your Bingo card of things you never even dreamed were possible. But it was only the beginning.
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tryan-a-bex · 6 months
Writing patterns meme
Rules: Share the opening of your last ten published works or as many as you are able and see if there are any patterns!
From this post by @dancinbutterfly https://www.tumblr.com/dancinbutterfly/735744268412534784?source=share
I'll mull about patterns here because I put the last two after the cut due to warnings. So, about half of them start with dialogue, which is how I started writing--a lot of dialogue, minimal else things. The other half start by getting inside someone's head--internal dialogue, basically, so not that different I guess. Also I try to start with something funny or at least interesting, to hook the reader? I don't know if it works.
Endless Family Trick or Treating
“It’s not a sphere!” argued Dream, swinging his jack-o’-lantern trick-or-treat bucket against the leg of his vampire costume. “It is a sphere!” insisted Desire, twirling the tail of their demon costume in their hand again. “I learned it in school and it’s round like a ball so it’s a sphere.”
2. Velma Meets the Family
Velma stared at the gently lapping water of the river, leaning her elbows on the railing. The rest of the gang was fast asleep in their motel, but she hadn’t been able to sleep so she’d come outside to think. The water sounds were restful, but her mind refused to stop whirling. 
3. Freddy the Robot Vacuum
It was amazing what a person could get used to. Hob had enjoyed his first robot vacuum. It was nice, and not a very difficult adjustment, to get used to the vacuuming being done automatically for him while he was out. The little phone app notifications were cute, and he was only human so he anthropomorphized his vacuum, naming it Freddy. Getting used to the anthropomorphic personification of dreams hanging around in his flat… took a bit more time.
4. Life is but a Dream
Rose put her head down on the desk. Why? Why would the words come in the middle of the night, and never when she had her laptop out and on? She’d even tried writing her thoughts down, but found that she actually couldn’t make out her sleepy handwriting in the morning. She looked at the tumblr icon on her desktop, sighed, and got up to get a cup of tea instead. That would be a shorter distraction. Probably.
5. Death is not easy to cheat
Unity poured tea in both cups and sat down across from Rose, pushing the plate of cookies toward her. “How are you doing, dear? You look tired.” “Oh, Unity! It’s been so stressful lately! I can’t seem to think of the right words when I sit down to work on my novel, but then they keep me awake in the middle of the night, you know? And during the day Lyta is either freaking out about Daniel being with Uncle Morpheus and Hob, or freaking out about him being so white and growing up so fast.
6. Trials of a Shapeshifter in Love
“Lucienne has been working so hard lately,” Gault explained to the Dream King’s head cook. “I’d like to do something nice for her. I was thinking a surprise romantic dinner over candlelight in the library.” “Ah, yes, I think she would appreciate that very much.” They put their heads together to plan the meal when suddenly Gault heard a familiar voice from the hallway.  “So, what have you already tried?” Lucienne asked. “Hell, all the normal plunging and clawing didn’t fucking fix the goddamned blockage, and it’s a fucking hassle taking the whole damned drain apart all the way back into the fucking wall.” 
7. Naga No-Go
“Lucienne.” Lucienne’s head popped up from the book she was studying. Lord Morpheus’ summons sounded just a little bit more… strained than usual. She turned her head, using her raven senses to triangulate the direction of the summons. His chambers??? This… could not be good.
8. Which Witch (Okay I'm cheating here because this isn't published yet. but if you want more, let me know and I'll post it on ao3 or send you a link.)
“You can’t just come in here without a warrant.” The cantankerous old witch put her hands on her hips and stood squarely in the doorway. Eldie sighed and rubbed the shaved hair at the nape of her neck. “Please let me come in, ma’am. Your daughter hired me to clean and cook and help you out, and I can’t help if you don’t let me in.” “I don’t need help, you shameless hussy! Who does she think she is, that gossiping busy-body! I’m fine here by myself. You can go now!”
Okay, under the cut are mentions of spiders, and non-con body horror. (The fic is not bad, the backstory from canon is, and that's where I started.)
9. Arachnophilia (mentions of spiders)
Zelda stared down at the cafeteria mac and cheese on her plate. The only thing appetizing about the middle school cafeteria food was that her mother wasn’t glaring at her and criticizing how she did or didn’t eat it. Instead, everyone ignored her, tucked into a corner. She would feel hurt about being shunned if she had any desire at all to interact with the other children. She didn’t. She closed her eyes and shoved a forkful into her mouth, thinking about her science project to distract herself from the taste. Spider webs were actually incredibly strong for the size of the filament, and they came in such an extraordinary variety of shapes and sizes. She couldn’t wait to get back to the library for more research. She opened her eyes as she swallowed, scooping up more food and quickly scanning the room. 
10. The Order of the Knights of the Dreaming (the actual fic I wrote is pretty sweet without much actual violence, but Alice's backstory from InCryptids is intense, so skip this next paragraph if you don't like mentions of non-con and body horror)
Alice closed her eyes and felt her memories and skin being ripped from her once again. It hadn’t actually been like that. In real life, she hadn’t figured out her memories were being adjusted for years, and she’d undergone the flensing willingly. But once she learned that her mind had been altered without her knowledge and that removing her skin had not been necessary but was done for the profit of her “uncle,” well, the nightmares about being violated had been unceasing. 
If you made it this far, congratulations, consider yourself no-pressure tagged!
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sapphire-weapon · 1 year
Leon getting into a relationship with Ashley would be one of the greatest things in the world to ever happen to him if he took up her offer.
She is the ray of sunlight that cuts through his dark nights, she's salvation for a damned man, and someone who is careful and attentive to his sensitive heart.
I honestly feel that Ashley is the only one who could give him the clearest cut path to getting back to himself. To where he can leave himself unarmed and drop his defenses, and be okay with that again.
Capcom has a golden opportunity to make this happen if they make good on Ashley's interest in becoming an agent, herself, wanting to be Leon's partner.
Imagine how bright a future Leon would have if he allowed himself to be happy with someone who's all in it for him.
I agree with you 100% until the agent part.
I don't think Ashley will become an agent, and I don't think she should, either. Even ignoring the inherent tragedy that exists when a non-violent person turns to violence, if she heads down that road, at some point, the truth about Leon is going to come out -- and once she finds out that he's doing this all against his will, she won't want anything to do with it.
If anything, I see her being stricken by Sherry's story and the tragedy of the found family that never was, and I see Ashley turning to civil service, instead. It might be too late to reunite Sherry and Leon in a meaningful way, but she can work towards making sure that situation never happens again.
But I also don't think that she was serious about wanting to become an agent in the first place. I think she was just spitballing ideas for ways that she and Leon can continue a relationship once this mission is over. And when he's less than enthused with -- and even kind of bothered by -- her suggestion, she lets it drop immediately without a fight with a "you're no fun."
What I do actually think could happen is that, at some point in the probably near future after President Graham resigns, Ashley reaches out to Leon in an attempt to join the fight against bioterrorism -- and he'd probably set her up to meet with Claire. Even though Claire and Leon are traveling down different paths in this fight, and sometimes their objectives clash with one another (see: the ending of Infinite Darkness), he recognizes the work that she's doing as being vital -- and, most importantly, it's non-violent work (though, Claire, being a Redfield, puts herself in dangerous situations anyway but that's beside the point lmao).
Of course, this is all just theoretical "what-ifs" assuming that the remakes are a completely new timeline and will do something different from the storyline of OG canon -- which, they won't, because they're just remakes and not a separate series, and Capcom is still building onto the OG story. We know, of course, that Ashley just falls away from the story and out of Leon's life, and that's the end of it. And it'd be weird to bring her back into the story out of nowhere after being completely absent from it for 11 years canonically (Death Island takes places in 2015). She's not Rebecca Chambers or Barry Burton; she's not a main character that they'd be willing to bring back suddenly after a long absence. (We'll see Billy Coen show up again before Ashley Graham makes another appearance.) So we'll very likely never see her again, and none of this matters anyway. But it's still fun to think about.
I do think that you can make a case for a direct correlation between Ashley disappearing from Leon's life and his gradual descent into a bottle of Jack Daniels, though. Everyone in the RE universe is so wrapped up in their own bullshit that they don't take the time to check in with each other the way they probably should. The only two people who stay close to each other and take care of one another are Chris and Jill, and that's because of the partnership they'd already had before everything went to shit.
But let's take a look at Leon's "partners" throughout the years: Ada, Hunnigan, Luis, Krauser, Ashley, and Helena. Luis and Krauser are self-explanatory lmao you can't be in someone's life if you're dead (and also fucking insane, in Krauser's case). Helena and Leon work in two separate branches of federal law enforcement, so their partnership is over after RE6 ends. Leon and Hunnigan seem to have a relationship that's so professional that I'd be willing to bet they've only met in person a handful of times. Ada is... Ada. That's a whole fuckin can of worms we won't go into as much as I'd like to go off on a rant about how Damnation confirming that he fucked her at some point prior to that movie is the most egregious act of self-harm he ever engaged in and absolutely sped up his downward spiral into full-blown alcoholism.
And then there's Ashley. The only person on this list who could have theoretically stayed in Leon's life after their ordeal together, because there really is nothing tangible actually keeping them apart, but... doesn't. And there is absolutely nothing in her character that indicates that she was the one who pulled away from him. In fact, I'd be willing to bet that she fought like hell to try to stay in his life. But he pushed her away. And, because it's Leon, he probably didn't do it maliciously; it was probably done out of a sense of professionalism paired with an unconscious self-destructive reaction tendency born from a lifetime of trauma.
But, even in OG? Leon's interactions with Ashley are the most "normal" he seems to feel and act after RE2. After RE4, he's never that warm, playful, or expressive again. Leon becomes more and more emotionally closed off until, eventually, Chris Redfield is screaming at his drunk ass in an empty bar in the middle of the day because he's too hammered to properly follow a conversation, and the only emotions he ever shows outwardly anymore are frustration and sorrow.
Ashley was an anchor to reality for him. She was arguably the first and only one since Sherry to make him feel like he was actually a person and not just a sophisticated weapon in the US's arsenal to be pulled out and used when necessary until broken.
And that probably scared the shit out of him. For multiple reasons. So he pushed her away, and that was the end of that. (It was an unfortunate side effect from the dramatic change he underwent between RE2 and RE4.)
But imagine a version of events where he didn't do that -- where he was brave enough to be vulnerable enough to actually keep her in his life. Do you really think he still would've developed a drinking habit that eventually turned into a full-blown problem? Because I don't. Sometimes, all it takes is just that one person -- that one person who loves you, that one person who inspires you to keep going. And Ashley believed in him more than anyone. He would've kept his head above water for her sake, and he'd have been better off for it.
I honestly believe, especially after RE4make, that Ashley was/could've been the love of Leon's life, but he was just too fucking scared and up his own asshole in his misery to even think to give it a chance. She brings out the best in him in ways that literally no one else does in the entire rest of the series. And they have a relationship unlike any other that Leon has with anyone else -- it's one that was built on a foundation of explicit trust and only grew from there.
Leon and Ashley trust each other on the same level that Chris and Jill do. Maybe even more. They had to, in order to make it out of Spain that unnamed European country alive. And, at no point ever, is that trust ever tarnished, damaged, or betrayed. To even just call them "partners" feels like an understatement. In remake, by the end of the game, they're two parts of the same machine working in tandem towards the same goal.
He would've kept lifting her up, and she would've kept him honest if they'd stayed in contact after RE4. And, having her to come home to, he would've been able to breathe a little easier between missions. The weight wouldn't feel as crushing. She'd be a constant reminder that he wasn't a complete failure, and that there are still things in this world worth fighting for. There was a potential for happiness there that he threw away, because he simply couldn't see it at the time.
Because, here's the thing. By the time of Vendetta, Leon has become so beaten down and mired in his own failures that he's started to believe that his only legacy is death. But that's not true. Ashley is his legacy. Everything she does, and everything she is, and every act that she performs to make the world a better place (and you gotta believe she's actively doing her part), is only possible because of him. And he loses sight of that, the same way he lost sight of it with Sherry (do nOT GET ME STARTED ON HIM FUCKING ADMITTING HE HADN'T TALKED TO HER IN AT LEAST 3 YEARS BY THE START OF RE6 ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME LEON).
And, don't get me wrong. I get why he did it. I understand why he wanted to pull away from Ashley, especially right after returning home -- but to not go back to her -- to purposefully make the conscious decision to keep her out of his life? Is to also purposefully leave the "What're you, my mother?"/"I knew you'd be fine if you landed on your butt" part of him behind.
I've long since said that Leon never actually truly escaped Raccoon City -- that some part of him did bleed to death in the sewers after being shot and was left there forever. And I think that's true for his relationship with Ashley, too. Cutting her out of his life also forced him to cut a piece of himself off in order to create that break, and she's still carrying it with her.
And if he'd just pick up the phone and fucking call her, she might bring that little piece of him back with her. And maybe, for the first time in a long time, he'd remember how to take a moment and breathe and laugh at some dumb bullshit, and it'd allow him to see a world and a life outside of the constant horror show of bioterrorism. Maybe he'd remember what it was like to actually feel sexy, and maybe he'd start to feel like a person again. And maybe -- just maybe -- he'd finally see that "home" isn't the country that he slavishly (literally) serves to thanklessly protect -- but that it's a person, and her name is Ashley Graham.
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