#but it's so rare to find anyone who shares this hc
Dating Sunday Affection hc's
I have now played 2.2, no spoilers though
If you're the kind of person that really likes spontaneity, Sunday probably isn't the person for you...
He's got about five itineraries going at once
What meals are being prepared, the clothing you'll wear through the week, exactly what days chores need to be done on, all on top of his meetings and other droning work
So, pretty much all dates and outings are preplanned down to the most insignificant details, ensuring everything runs perfectly
Sunday needs control of his environment
Any little hitch could be a potential threat to your safety!
Chances are, most of the outings and time spent together outside of your shared home, is done in the dreamscape, where he has complete control
Lovely little picnics with the most exquisite view of the beautiful dreamscape sky, or any view you want really, will be off limits to everyone else (except maybe a few trusted dreamweavers, in order to ensure nothing happens)
He's an anxious mess, though he hides it well, every time anyone else approaches you for any reason, his arm around you always, pulling you right into him so he's prepared
That being said, he does truly enjoy going out with you
Walking around the dreamscape, holding your hand or linking arms as he watches all of your perfect reactions with a soft smile, tightening his hold a little when he worries you might run off...
His eyes rarely leave your face in those moments, as if trying to memorize every little micro expression
"I'm merely curious on what you find most pleasing. We're always looking for guest feedback, love." He'll tell you with a reassuring little quirk of his lips, as if his eyes don't soften every time you smile
He's partly true to his word, taking mental notes of everything you like to implement it further, and maybe even make a particular little slice of the dreamscape all for you
One where you can live happily forever, with every little thing you could ever want... It consumes his mind most waking hours
Affection wise he's always very reserved in public, and even embarrassed easily in private at the beginning
That fades soon enough, with him happily taking every opportunity to remind you how much he loves your sweet smile
He unconsciously covers the two of you kissing with his wings, as if creating a little shield, even in private
His wings in particular are known to show his emotions far more than his practiced expressions, twitching and fluttering and even flapping right in front of his face when surprised
When annoyed they'll fluff a little, and when really angry they look as sharp as blades
In public he usually kisses your hand, looking up into your eyes while doing so in a way that feels far too intimate
A lot of his public acts are subtle, adopting your walking pace, keeping a close eyes on your heart rate, gently guiding you when you stray a bit, glaring at anyone who gets too close
He'll probably always default to big spoon, to holding you and comforting you and dote on you
He just wants your happiness, your satisfaction, your safety...
Everything he does is for you
During the beginning of your relationship, he tenses at every little unexpected noise
Being the partner of a powerful figure can be dangerous!
It's not his fault he lays awake at night, watching your breath with unblinking eyes, grappling with these horribly overwhelming feeling of desperation
You need to be safe. You need to be safe.
He's not particularly fond of having his eyes off of you, but the eyes of trusted bodyguards will have to suffice for when he has no choice...
This is especially true with the fear of "death" in the dreamscape at it's peak... You won't spend a single second out of his sight, if he lets you enter the dreamscape at all
The strong should protect the weak, it's his responsible to protect you, in every way possible, no matter what, forever...
He loves you, an overwhelming amount, a truly heartbreakingly tragic amount
No matter what, he hopes you'll love him too
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soapyghostie · 4 months
hii ^_^ can you do slasher hcs, can be anyone you choose, with a child!Reader (platonic ofc) suddenly saying a bad word infront of them? Lol idk i just thought that it would be a funny scenario, you dont have to do it if u dont want to btw :3 have a nice day!
Since this was a free-bee, I took the chance to write for a couple slashers I haven’t gotten a chance to write for yet. One of them is one I’ve written for multiple times already, but I know how y'all are and that Michael Myers content. Y’all will eat that shit up. Well anyway, enjoy!
Charles ‘Chucky’ Lee Ray
Chucky, known for his foul-mouthed and sarcastic personality, would most definitely burst into a fit of maniacal laughter upon hearing the inappropriate language that just came out of your mouth. He finds the situation very amusing, secretly proud of your choice of words. He used to think you were a deadbeat child, but it seems you are starting to take after him in terms of mischief and a devil-may-care attitude. Maybe he’ll give you a shot.
He’d playfully scold you for stealing the spotlight, jokingly reminding you that he’s the only one allowed to say those kinds of words while giving you a wink. He’s pretending to act like a normal parent would if their child cursed so Tiffany doesn’t throw dishes at his head again for god knows what he did beforehand. Anyways, besides the friendly reminder to be careful about where and when to use foul language, Chucky feels a sense of camaraderie in their rebellious spirit that he’s never expressed before. Is this care and kindness he feels? It can’t be! He’s an evil serial killer with no feelings for anyone! Just between you and me, he did care about you in his own way from the beginning. He just hates to admit it and ignored the feeling for a long time. 
Chucky giving you lessons in creative cursing is a must: in a private setting of course. He doesn’t want to have to deal with Tiffany’s scolding about encouraging and, even worse, teaching you such bad behavior. However, if the language goes too far (cursing Tiffany out), Chucky will actually draw a line and sternly explain the importance of knowing when and where such language is appropriate.
Stu Macher
Stu, being the laid-back and humorous person he is, most likely burst out into a fit of laughter initially, thinking it’s just a child’s innocent mistake. However, he’s taken aback. He was not expecting to hear such foul language come out of your mouth and especially wasn’t ready for it since he’s normally making the crude jokes himself rather than hearing it from a child. 
Stu would exchange an amused glance and playfully scold you, reminding you that it’s not appropriate to use such language, especially in front of company. However, Stu may share a few inappropriate jokes of his own, trying to bond with you through your humor. God dammit Stu! Don’t be a bad influence like Chucky is! 
If you continue to use inappropriate language, Stu will employ a more serious tone and discuss the consequences of your behavior. If you don’t listen to him after that (I don’t know how you could not because Stu never serious), Stu will probably be like, “Well what the fuck! Who cares?” and will join in and playfully participate with you. 
Michael Myers
Michael would remain expressionless and unreactive to hearing you say the inappropriate word. He will convey his disapproval through his body language though, such as a stern gaze or a slow shake of his head. You pick up on these cues, going from comical and bright to eerie and uncomfortable, understanding that your words are unacceptable.
Michael does expect immediate compliance, and you are expected to correct your behavior under his imposing presence. In rare cases, Michael will intervene if your behavior becomes continuous and punish you, such as grounding you or giving you a whoopin, to teach you a lesson about the consequences of your behavior. 
Once Michael decides you’ve been punished long enough, if you got the ‘your grounded to your room’ punishment, he’ll make his way to your room and have a conversation with you to instill the importance of respectful behavior. You two end up having a good talk, ending with you promising to use more appropriate language from here on out and Michael promising to get you a tub of ice cream on his next outing if you have good behavior.
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chrollohearttags · 1 year
hmm for the hc request how about shy football player!reiner and nerd!reader meeting in college because of a shared class? I would think he would be so shy to talk to her because shes sooo sweet and pretty and thick. and he doesnt want to drive her away because of the popularity being a football player.
omg this is literally how I imagine him being! like this is so adorable 🥺
!football player reiner, one of the most popular guys on campus and the star quarterback of the college football team is extremely well liked and loved by the ladies. Despite this, he is very shy and anxious. So he doesn’t talk much.
!football player reiner, who rarely paid attention to anyone because his social anxiety was through the roof first saw you in his math class and couldn’t take his eyes off of you. He was enamored because you were the most beautiful girl he had ever seen.
considering that he had cheerleaders and sorority girls practically throwing themselves his way, it was a bit of a shock as to why he would be fixated on you but with those cute kinky curls, round glasses on that pretty face, big doe brown eyes and gorgeous dark complexion. Not to mention the jiggle that your stacked features done when you walked out of the classroom…it was his dream. But you’d probably never know that!
!football player reiner, who’s struggling in class seeks out a tutor to avoid losing his spot on the team but he’s too scared to ask for help.
“I’d be more than happy to help you, Reiner.”
shocked to learn that you’re the math tutor and comforted all the same. Only problem is, not freezing up when he speaks! Which is impossible when he gets close to you.
!football player reiner, who’s face is literally plastered all over the campus and the tv every Saturday is blushing like a schoolgirl as he sits across from you. You can’t figure out why he’s being so quiet but you try to push your own boundaries and speak first.
you ask him if he’s okay and if he’s ready to start? Mans starts stuttering and laughing all nervously. The sound of your sweet, innocent voice is driving him crazy. He wants to talk but he’s so afraid of embarrassing himself and saying the wrong thing.
“I-uh. Yes. I’m ready to start. Sorry, I’m just a little nervous.”
“The school quarterback nervous? Please, you’re probably just saying that. No need to be shy around someone like me.”
!football player reiner, who loves downplaying his popularity swears that he’s no big deal and that he’s just glad you decided to help a dummy like him.
“Aww, don’t speak about yourself like that! You’re really smart, we just all need help sometimes and that’s okay. You’ll pass this test in no time, I promise.”
literally this man wants to melt hearing you talk to him like that.
eventually though, he’s able to get through the session and you’re able to teach him a lot. As does the next five or so before your next exam.
he loves stealing glances of you; just staring in awe of your beauty as you explain away equations and formulas. You’re just so damn pretty, he can’t help himself.
!football player reiner, who could be at practice, a party with his teammates or in a room full of Barbie dolls wouldn’t care in the slightest about any of them because you’re on the front of his mind. That smile, that cute laugh and pretty face..it’s all he thinks about!
!football player reiner, who thanks to your help, passes his test with flying colors and he’s so relieved!
!football player reiner, who immediately comes find you to tell the good news and say thanks is a blundering mess when he sees the adorable outfit you’re wearing that day and your makeup done.
“I just uh—wanted to say thank you..for helping me. I appreciate it so much.”
totally just stands there all nervous, still not finished but unable to get his words out to ask you the question he’s been dying to: which is would you get coffee or go to lunch with him as a token of gratitude.
“Is that what you were trying to ask me? That’s so sweet, thank you Reiner!”
he’s so expecting you turn him down because he knows how people are and would think that the two of you shouldn’t be in the same vicinity.
“Of course I’ll go, I’d like that a lot.”
mans heart is about to beat out of his chest thinking about it but he’s so happy you accepted. Smiling like he’s just hit the lottery.
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ruh--roh-raggy · 5 months
*heavy breathing* pr-professor Afton au? (Would you like to share any headcanons about the au that might not get mentioned in the fic?)
Hello hello, lovely Anon! Thank you for the ask! I've been doing nothing but act strange and be insane about this man over the weekend, so I have a lot of headcanons to share about our dear Professor Afton. All SFW, if you'd like a NSFW version please let me know! Some might be included in the fic, they might not, we'll see. If you would like to be tagged in posts like this don't hesitate to reach out, thank you so much for reading!
Professor Afton is treated like an elusive cryptid around the University campus.
There's always a different rumor going around about him every semester. From him sleeping in the closet in his office because he's a homeless vampire to him stealing the dining hall's entire supply of eggs, he's heard it all.
He has a secondary Master's Degree in English with a concentration in Folklore.
He'll only tell you if he really, really likes you but he even has a favorite mythological creature, a Scottish/English fairy known as a Brownie.
If you're lucky enough to learn about the Brownie's from him he'll often crack jokes about his "close encounters" with them in his workshop.
"They get upset when things are in disarray, and I don't think you can get much messier than my tool bench."
He only drinks his coffee black.
He occasionally has tea, but it's very rare, he always sneaks a bit of honey in without anyone knowing.
He is left handed
He still actively wears the tongue piercing he got in college.
He's very good at hiding it.
You're one of the few people that have ever caught sight of it.
He asked you to keep it in between the two of you. (And how could you possibly have said no when he gave you such a sweet smile along with the wink he shot you)
He has an enormous bag of caramel hard candies in his desk at all times.
Now onto a couple cuter things...
It is absolutely no secret to anyone besides you that you are Professor Afton's favorite.
That being said, it gives you some pretty nice scary dog privileges.
Caught working after hours in the work shop? "Oh, Professor Afton gave me his keys."
Need a particularly hard to get a hold of resource? Well, if it's for Professor Afton's class they'll make sure he has it.
He keeps an extra mug in his office specifically for when you come by his office for help.
He always pours you a cup of his favorite hand blended tea without asking, the mug always a nice comforting warmth in your hands as you chatted with him.
I definitely have a lot more HC's for all of my variants of Will and the DCA's, but this is all I put for now. It's my first time making a list like this so maybe I completely missed the mark, who knows, I hope you find this fun anyways lol. If you would like to see more posts like this or would like to be tagged in my posts, please let me know!!
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akutasoda · 9 months
Hello! I’m new to your blog but I love it sm! Id like to request hcs or possibly short fics for Nikolai, Poe, and possibly Akutagawa (separately) x fem!reader who is really nice but rarely ever talks (also this is a romantic request btw 😭)
sincerely of silence
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synopsis - preferring not to talk to people but still be nice was a difficult balance, only one person saw both at the same time
includes - akutagawa, nikolai, poe
warnings - fem!reader - however not specified just thought of while writing, fluff, wc - 404
a/n: hello anon! im glad you enjoy it!
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akutagawa ryunosuke ★↷
↪when he first had met you, he thought not much of you. yes you were quiet and he did like that but other than that he had no other options on you.
↪but after you two had gotten vloser he realised that beneath all the silence you were actually a genuine nice person. someone that supported him and always tried to help him. a small part of him was feeling quite smug that he would receive your kind nature because you two were close.
↪nothing changed that much when you two had started dating. if anything you only became nicer towards him but still remained quite silent when anyone else was around, rarely speaking to others of your own choice.
↪wouldn't really push you into being more talkative, he isn't really himself, but would be content with knowing that you are hapoy talking to him and secretly revels in the niceties you show him.
nikolai gogol ★↷
↪complete opposite ends of thr spectrum. most people wiuld be shocked initially that you two would get along but they do say opposites attract. would want to find out why you are so silent but quickly realises he's not going to get anywhere without you willingly telling him.
↪but as you got closer, and eventually together, would absolutely love that you were a nice person deep down. also revels in the fact that your incredibly nice to him and actually talk to him.
↪would try at first to push you into talking more, but if you're uncomfortable or unwilling to he eould stop and just let you do your thing.
↪very much the definition of that one trend of 'lalala' and 'okokok'
edgar allan poe ★↷
↪you two had gotten on surprisingly well upon first meeting. you shared a few similarities and that meant you two understood why the other was like the way they were. although you were much less likely to talk to people than he was.
↪but as you two got closer he noticed that you were a very genuine person and just either struggled or didn't like talking to people. and as you got even closer and more comfortable around each other he truly realised you were a very nice person.
↪again wouldn't push you into becoming more talkative, kind of would be hypocritical of him. and definitely would understand whatever reason you have for being so silent despite being one of the nicest people talk to.
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Hey can I request something with judd birch I don't really have a prompt can you just make something fluffy and cute I need some soft love in my life lol
I literally had a dream about this last night, so here you go lol sorry it’s not like super soft, it’s just school hc’s
Tags: gn! Reader, kinda?, leaning towards fem, mentions of s e x 🫣, and alcohol, Judd’s driving, school should be an actual warning tbh
Summary: the one day a month when Judd show’s up to school.
Author’s note: I skipped my math class to write this,, 🤷🏻‍♀️ yk you gotta think like your characters when you write about them lmfao
Surviving a day in school with Judd
Word count; 1,1K
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so, let’s say your boyfriend has one of those rare days where he decides to actually show up to school
He’s so, so tired in the morning
I’m talking slow blinking, yawning and constantly leaning his forehead on stuff to try and catch a quick nap in class or while standing up
He’s also constantly complaining, acts like it’s your fault he has to be there
He will be following you around the entire time too
No one will talk to you willingly the whole day because Judd is just always standing broodingly behind you
You’re getting something from your locker? Judd is standing there, scowling and leaning against the lockers besides yours so no one except you can get to their stuff
You’re talking to your friends? Judd will still just stand there a bit behind you, glaring at your friends or using his whole body weight to lean on you
Even if you’re talking to his friends, he’s not that talkative, he prefers just to let you lead the conversation
He does actually have those, friends I mean, like people he can hang out with if you’re not available, or people who host parties
You’re definitely getting initiated into his friend group as soon as you start dating, they’re all kinda like him anyways so you’d fit right in lol
But omg he’s so clingy at school
He just misses you between classes, yk? ),:
After the first classes, he’ll be more awake
You can’t tell if that’s good or bad tbh
It’s not like he actively goes out of his way to disturb classes or anything, but he’s definitely not an ideal student either
Like, he’s not one of those annoying kids who purposely talk really loudly or throw stuff or whatever
but he will sit with his feet up on his desk if he feels like it, doesn’t respond when he gets called on, will call the teacher a colourful variety of curse words and ends up getting kicked out and send to the office
Maybe just don’t call on him and he won’t insult you? 🤷🏻‍♀️
(He’s also literally the worst partner for assignments ever)
That’s in his own classes at least,, let’s say you share a PE class with him and it will very quickly turn into “hey let’s skip and go fuck in the bathroom”
The days were Judd shows up to school is definitely the days you get in trouble/ and/ or detention
Okay but that’s another thing, the other half of the day he will just show up outside of your classes
Either because he got kicked out of his or he has a break or something, he’ll just stand outside and wait for you to come out so he can drag you somewhere and yk,, get all the horny out of his system
Maury also straight up refuses to deal with Judd’s school, as soon as he enters he’s doing his best to convince Judd to find you and have sex or something instead
Omg,, the many, many, poor people you’ve traumatised in the school bathroom or parking lot
(He will also fuck you in his car in front of the school lmfao)
You usually eat lunch with Leah or your respective group of friends, but when Judd’s there you’ll eat with him
(You probably have to pay for his lunch🧍🏻)
Sometimes, though, he’ll drive you two out to get McDonald’s or something
Leah will sit with you at lunch too, so she can bully Judd for showing up or rant to him about something or whatever
Also if anyone’s bothering her, Judd is the best way for her to get out of talking to them
After lunch, you have a class with Leah so he’s once again left to his own devices
He reluctantly goes to his own class because he doesn’t have anything else to do lol
Unless it’s a teacher that’s really really nice, he gets kicked out again
The man literally spends the entire school day just roaming around because he keeps getting send to the office lmfao
He would probably try to get into the school’s vents as well? He’ll crawl over to where your class is and bother you by throwing paper or something through the vent
You’re just sitting in class, and suddenly a bunch of small paper scraps falls from the ceiling and lands in your hair
You look up, only to see your boyfriend grinning and gesturing with his head for you to leave the room
Leah sees it too and has to do her best not to burst out laughing 🫣
Surprisingly, he shows up to after school detention
Definitely not because you dragged him there and told him it was his fault for getting you roped into it as well—
You two sit in the back, and you try to do your homework while Judd naps
Sometimes you’ll share headphones or Judd will steal some of your notebook paper and draw on it
Judd is super distracting literally by just existing, he’s the loudest quiet person ever if that makes sense
When you’re finally out of school, Judd is by default expecting yet another rendezvous in the back of his van
It’s actually kinda fascinating how much the guy can go in just one day—
But anyways, he’ll drive you home or to his house or wherever you wanna go
Sometimes you come with him to pick up Nick from school
Okay so here’s one of Judd’s secrets
He can actually drive like a normal person 😮
I mean, sure he’s always a bit above the speed limit and a bit too close to hitting ppl walking close to the road, but he almost only drives like a race car driver when Nick’s in the car
Because he knows Nick hates it lol
You would have gotten used to it by now, because you know he isn’t actually gonna hit someone
But Nick doesn’t know that
Driving really, really fast is probably also a way for Judd to destress or wind down after a long, and boring, school day
He’ll pass the fuck out when he gets home from school
Well, he’ll knock back half a Jack daniels and raid the fridge and then pass out
You’re more than welcome to anything in the birches fridge yourself, so if you’re feeling particularly nice pls make him something sustainable
His idea of a proper meal is literally a bag of chips— I’m so stressed
Anyways, congrats. You made it through a whole school day with Judd lol
Don’t expect him to show up again tomorrow, though 🤷🏻‍♀️
I love doing Judd headcannons 🤭🤭
Tags: @dlfvrr , @bxbyyyjocelyn
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liannelara-dracula · 1 year
Shu Sakamaki in Real Life HCS
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Requests are open
🎻I probably won’t have much to say because I find his character to be ugh sometimes but I can’t imagine not creating hcs abt this mf.
🎻But it is difficult to come up with things about him, ngl.
🎻Anyhow, if you guys have seen these irl hcs before you’ll know I’m mostly sharing with you my general thoughts, and formulated opinions on this character so here we go!
🎻Okay, so I’m sure we all know he’s the heir and a prince of the vampire kingdom (I know its weird.) And I just have to say this because I don’t say it enough, I really feel like he acts differently in the demon world because he knows his dad will be mad.
🎻So you can expect Shu to be much more expressive as he is the heir, he represents his father and so he needs to be “lively”.
🎻 That being said, he attends gatherings, banquets, and many other events that his father may want him to.
🎻I will say that when he is in the demon world it is much different as he doesn’t act like himself.
🎻Apart from him is still the same in the sense that he is still a pervert.
🎻I mean we know he’ll be with low-ranking vampires or whatever just to get some.
🎻 After all, he has somewhat of an ego even if he doesn’t show it.
🎻So you know he most definitely does believe that because he is the heir he can move from one girl to the next with no strings attached.
🎻All for his advantage of course.
🎻Also speaking of his royalty life I really want to mention the fact that he is very annoyed by all the attention the girls give him.
🎻He literally can’t wait till he goes back to the human world where it's much quieter.
🎻However as a royal he does enjoy the theatre because he can hear classical music.
🎻In fact, he loves it most when he can watch the ballet performances.
🎻If there’s one thing he loves most it’s watching girls do ballet.
🎻He loves watching them practice especially because you know he’s a thigh guy. Apart from being an ass man.
🎻This is honestly where he might take an interest in a girl who's probably a dancer.
🎻I’ve literally made an aesthetic about this here.
🎻And you can read a lot about how he is at school in the demon world here. 
🎻Oh btw he sleeps in only his underwear, that’s just how I see it. (and it's actually canon, I was laughing when I found out I was right.)
🎻I will say that he doesn’t laugh very often, he’ll just have a chuckle that makes anyone uncomfortable but when he full-on laughs it's so fucking rare.
🎻And it freaks out almost anyone, it even got Yui.
🎻He is such an ass I feel like he trolls anyone in, anyway, he can.
🎻His hair is so tangled and I bet he doesn’t wash it that often because he’s lazy
🎻He smells like cotton/linen and a bit of dust.
🎻The best actor to play him would be Toby Regbo.
🎻However the model I found on Pinterest is also a great representation of what he’d look like.
🎻In terms of attitude he really reminds me of Robert Pattinson because he trolls so much. 
🎻The best way to bribe him is with steak, I swear it works every time. 
🎻And I bet my entire ass that Reiji uses it for when he needs big favors.
🎻He loves to be comfortable so I feel like American Eagle, Hollister, Old Navy, and H&M are his go to.
🎻I know he loves cardigans so much so he’s probably extremely picky about the kind he buys.
🎻That’s why he only has three, this is actually canon, I believe it was in one of the game translations in Reiji’s route where he was looking for his jacket and asked Reiji. And Reiji told him it can’t be that hard to find since he has only three, lol.
🎻And idk why but I just feel like he miss places them all around the house.
🎻I also think he keeps so much junk under his bed.
🎻“Huh, I don’t remember that being there.”
🎻If he gets really hot, he just throws his cardigan under the bed.
🎻He once owned a cat, it's not that he went out of his way and bought one. It sorta followed him and so he started to take care of it a little. It lived outside mostly because Reiji wouldn’t tolerate it, but occasionally Shu kept the cat in his room.
🎻He has no idea where the cat went and whether or not it's alive since he hardly kept watch of it.
🎻Although he sometimes wonders where it went, and I think he liked the cat since she sometimes got into Reiji’s things. It was amusing to say the least.
🎻Forgets he puts his music sheets on his bed and ends up sitting on them.
🎻That’s why they’re always somewhat crumbled and folded.
🎻Never makes his bed, he just throws the blanket on and thanks to the butler the room is kept clean.
🎻Otherwise it’d end up like Ayato’s room, to which the butler can never keep up with.
🎻Because he loves music he has vinyl records, and countless CDs in some boxes he keeps under his bed.
🎻He keeps a couple of his favorite books which are in Latin.
🎻Something also tells me if he had a journal, he’d write only Latin because none of his brothers can.
🎻Because he used to be a cashier, he still has his name tag from then and his worker vest.
🎻He keeps in hidden in a corner of his closet.
🎻Speaking of which his closet is so empty and he literally has repeats of the same pants and shirts.
🎻It’s mostly because they were on a good sale.
🎻He will wear the same clothes for like three days or more and not even change out of them.
🎻Doesn’t brush his hair, just goes to school with bed head.
🎻Keeps his door locked so triplets don’t think about pranking him with some clown-related things since he has a fear of them. It's mostly because he’s learned that the hard way.
🎻It's also because he fears they may bring in a caterpillar.
🎻I could totally see Yui trying to feed a caterpillar and he’d flip out in panic and leave immediately. 
🎻He never will admit to his fears and covers them up quite well because he wants no one to know that, especially a girl. lol.
˗ˏˋ 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑚𝑦 𝑤𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑖𝑠 𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝐼 𝑑𝑜 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑜𝑤𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠 ˎˊ˗ ©𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟔~Present
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lxdymoon0357 · 1 year
Can you do hcs for yandere! Unmarried queens? Like yandere! Navier?
(I don't know what to do in this world.....I love this! I missed this.... Yandere! Rashta)
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Yandere! Unmarried Queens
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❤ Navier met Rashta in the garden and though Rashta greeted her informally and inappropriately, something about the concubine made Navier curious about her, as she invited Rashta to have tea with her.
❤ Navier there asked her if she would like to study etiquettes and learn about how to be a lady, to which Rashta hesitantly agree, Navier immediately who would help Rashta with etiquettes, manners, talking skills and more.
❤ Navier would often find Rashta in the garden with a few of her maids who were given to Rashta by the emperor, Navier went to the emperor to ask if he was truly in love with Rashta, to which the emperor got mad and dismissed her…
❤ Navier would still talk with Rashta and send her tiny and tiny gifts to her as a friendship token and allow her to call Navier “sister” even though she hated that word from Rashta’s mouth, not realizing how she was getting obsessed with Rashta…
❤ Soon all the things with Heinry happened, where Navier then asked if he would allow Navier to reveal a few things about herself, Navier then told Heinry about how Navier liked this lady, not revealing it was Rashta, Heinry promised to her wingman.
❤ Navier was absolutely transfixed on Rashta during the ball seeing her dance and even invited her to dance with her later on in the night seeing her look so pretty, she had the urges to kiss her and take her right then and there, but she couldn’t she is an empress. And Rashta is a concubine.
❤ Navier slowly and slowly had some of her maids planted in as Rashta’s maid, who gave Navier every single information about every motion done by Rashta. They were also very much sure to treat Rashta nicely because if a single cut or a single tear from her eye would result in them wishing they would die.
❤ Navier in all honestly would send her gifts and love letters telling her how she was the most beautiful person in this world, the one who would bring happiness to her face, how she should be the one to rule over them with kindness and all that, but would never send it to her.
❤ Whenever Rashta would do classes with her, Navier would be touching her to show her how it’s supposed to be done and how she should be doing it and how a single thing could completely change the meaning of her gesture.
❤ Navier upon kidnapping Rashta and killing everyone who defied her (Sovieshu/ heinrey/Kosair/others) , she’s hellishly touchy and loving to Rashta, doesn’t care that everyone can see her kiss, hug or love the new second empress of the empire…
❤ Navier wouldn’t ever let anyone see Rashta with their eyes, if they look wrongly at her, she will get their eyes gouged out, don’t worry she will never show anything to Rashta, Rashta rarely ever sees anything, she’s lucky if she even gets to go to the garden of the castle or she gets out of her and Navier’s shared room…
❤ Rashta doesn’t usually see many people other than a few chosen maids, who get changed every day, but she doesn’t mind she’s happy to receive so any gifts from her wife, he one who spoils her and her daughter rotten, RimWell are all dead and Ahn is back with her because Rashta tells Navier of her past on their wedding night…
❤ Navier hates when Rashta disobeys her, but nothing one hard slap from Navier to Rashta can’t solve, Navier’s anger does scare everyone including Rashta, who cries herself to sleep those types of night, but always forgives Navier the next day…
❤ Navier is very adamant on the behavior she accepts from people around her, including Rashta, her punishments aren’t too hard, just enough to engrave a lesson on Rashta’s head. Just some slapping, starving and locking up nothing too bloody
❤ Navier will 100% engrave her name in Rashta’s body somewhere, while she’s knocked out as to stop her from whining, crying, wailing and sobbing so loudly, also to slow down the bloodshed from Navier’s side…
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uchihaharlot · 2 months
Heyooo, how are you, bro?
I hope your health is better now!
I have one innocent request.
"How would all Uchiha act if they finds out that you are self-harming?" (Mostly Madara pls😏)
I don't know if it's allowed topic... but yeah.
NSFW; TW self harm; minor mentions of injury; small prologue;
Before I go into this hc, I want to expressly tell anyone who reads this; whether we are mutuals or not. Whether you like my writing, like me or don’t or whatever.
My blog is a safe haven. You can openly message me, befriend me on discord (ask for my handle) or interact in the comments. If you feel like there are people who don’t care enough as they should. I just want to say that, I do. I don’t know who you are, what you’re doing. But I love you. Do not think for a single iota that your existence is merely coincidence, I’m not by any means a holier than thou individual and I’ve had my fair share of this isn’t worth living for: but trust me; it is and then some.
Madara comes from an era where you put your best fist forward when things aren’t right. His level of resolve is steel cut and unwavering…but seeing you hurt yourself as an outlet, doesn’t sit well with Madara. And he’s into good old fashioned methods of healing…sorta. Expect to be tied up to his bed; not in the way you’d like either. For days he will keep you there, turning your body so you won’t get bed sores. Feeding you and letting you up to the toilet fa few times a day, and once at night if needed. All of this until you finally talk it out with him, and agree to find a better solution to figuring out how to express your feelings/pain. Insists on being around you every second of the day.
I won’t lie, seeing you hurt yourself this way; it makes him cry. Do you want Obito to cry!? He’s inconsolable when you won’t even consider him as a vent source. And, while he won’t selfishly make it about him. He will openly admit most (ok all) of his faults in the hopes you would share your own. Whatever it is, Obito is sure that there are far better way to convey the message you want to share. Suffering in silence is only so fool proof.
No. No, no. No. Shisui one hundred percent won’t stand for it, and despite your protests of him almost catapulting himself off a cliff, he will tell you the error of his ways. Undoubtedly will make sure that you understand that even his own potential sacrifice would have been fruitless, and that you shouldn’t compare apples to oranges. And from there, Shisui will spend countless hours, days and nights proving to you just how sacred human life is. He inadvertently blames himself for some of this, you mentioning his almost demise opens old wounds and Shisui takes the opportunity for you both to grow and evolve. He wants to be a role model; not the reason you justify it.
In a way; he’s bereaved. This is highly unusual for you, and Itachi’s keen eyes (and new prescription glasses) catch a glimpse of your fresh wounds as he lightly snatches your arm. ‘Why would you do this?’ and ‘that’s not a logical reason to purposely harm yourself.’ Are a few of his stern words to you. Itachi is a no nonsense man, and he won’t tolerate you hurt yourself. If he was a true jerk, like he tricked many to believe for the longest time; he’d put you in Tsukuyomi and really give you something to think about. But instead, he inundated you day in and day out with his concern. Hoping that if you see one person who cares; you will eventually open up.
Sasuke, traumatized by his older brother—not once but twice and more, lived in excruciating detail his own parents death, several times over. In the matter of three seconds; he understands your grief. Whatever you might be going through, I think when it comes to seeing other people suffering—especially as adult Sasuke, he can’t cope with it, and rarely did for himself. Which is sort of mkes him the besy person for this. He also doesn’t mince words and tells you straight out that you’re only causing yourself more harm in the long run. His method of cut and dry reality checks come in waves, when you think he’s not watching you, he’s right there. Don’t under estimate his capabilities. You’re on his radar and Sasuke won’t hesitate to use his techniques to get you talking; the sooner you find the root cause of your problems. The better, take it from someone who let their pain fester until it boiled over, it’s not worth it.
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manofthepipis · 2 months
Hoooiii!!!! Do you have any deltarune hc? Like for the Fun Gang, Addison’s, Chaos Duo? Just wondering 🙃
For me, Jevil has a soft spot for kids (ex, Lancer)
aaaa i have so many, though not much for the fun gang as we approach more dr chapters, but i've mainly thrown headcanons onto the darkners here
for the addisons, i feel like all of them are night owls/never getting much sleep. They work a lot, but the transition to castle town has given them a bit of a break. Spamton, out of all of them, never/barely sleeps, being kept up by his own plan-making and next attempt at getting his sales to skyrocket, though always to fail. This only got worse in his post-big-shot years where constant attempts on the mansion kept him endlessly busy. He doesn't rest, and so he'll work himself until he crashes.
jevil is the opposite, at least to me! i'd like to imagine his time in the card kingdom (prior to his imprisonment) he would sleep often, since the joker card isn't used in many games (if at all). He'd sleep in the scarlet forest mainly, where i headcanon he got approached by the same being that helped spamton out. Seam set him up a little hammock near the ceiling so that he could sleep while they worked on mage-type stuff. Post-imprisonment, it was entertaining himself with solo-led games, perfecting his fighting patterns, and sleeping a lot. It would be kind of cool if, in contrast to spamton meeting their shared benefactor over the phone, jevil met him in a dream, until waking up and finding the dream was real.
Though i do like that headcanon that jevil has a soft spot for kids, i feel it's incredibly rare nowadays as he doesn't care much for anything anymore, rather than pure fun and chaos (he did try to kill three of them after all, and not out of desperation like spamton had but just because of the game). Like, his mind has cracked since his imprisonment, but he sees the potential for others to see past their own imprisonment and stir up some trouble for the nature of things. I feel he'd really like Susie especially, and Noelle for her ability to disrupt the narrative (like her objecting the player's snowgrave command at first). Though i do like the idea prior-imprisonment him trying to play games with Lancer, and Seam joining in. Though Jevil does not care for rouxls whatsoever and pities his existence above anyone else's. Something about being tied to "Rules" just doesn't sit well with him.
I definitely side on jevil knowing about the roaring, and the knight, but telling us would spoil the fun of the player finding out before the real fun has began. On the other hand, spamton desperately wants to tell Kris, to help them get an upper hand on us controlling them, but can't. I feel he's been conditioned in his time being puppeted to short out mentally whenever bringing such a topic up as seen in-game.
speaking of jevil, i headcanon he took a liking to spamton immediately, seeing how different he was from the other addisons and wanted to see what route his fate would start to go down as they both discovered more and more about what was really going on in their universe. Spamton was too focused on everything else to bother to care what jevil was or what his purpose was, but Jevil would return home to excitedly tell Seam everything about the puppeted salesman from the digital world.
onto darkners from the digital world, i feel like swatch took the brunt of the work preventing spamton from getting too close to neo, so when they physically couldn't take his wacky antics anymore, they reached out to Tasque manager, who helped them set up all the traps in the basement. She's dealt with spamton a handful of times, and one time had him captured so Swatch could try and talk to him and make one final attempt to reason with him, but he was too far gone at that point, deadset on neo.
that's all i got so far! just a few that have been swirling around in my brain for awhile lol, ! it keeps this 2+ year time without a new chapter just a little more fun :D
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loadedberetta · 1 year
the CoD boys react - !141 Reader new tattoo
rating: M
warning/content: tattoo pain; tattoo healing; fresh tattoo getting hurt
[new series with random headcanons about specific situations involving the reader and how CoD characters would react to them; mostly the 141, but Alejandro and Rudy, Laswell, Farah, König, and others will make appearances too]
other parts: [pregnancy] [knife tricks] [drawing] [coming soon]
find me on ao3 // MASTERLIST
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"'least you'd be easier to identify"
it's one of those rare times the's joking
"I'm joking now show me the whole thing"
likes it a shit ton
doesn't ask to touch it, just looks at it
compares it to his own on his arm and he lets you observe, offers you to touch it
(personal hc that he has a shit ton more, mostly his back)
soul sisters from then on
"did it hurt?"
he makes a bunch of jokes about you passing out on the table
mostly self-depreciation cause it may or may not have happened
he wants to get even more now that he's involved with yours
wants to touch it but doesn't ask (doesn't touch it either)
bonds with Ghost out of all people over this
asks for aftercare tips
he grazes it/hurts it once while it's healing during training, profusely apologizes, and offers you easy wins over the coming weeks
"how was it?"
shuts down Soap's jokes
shows you the tiny ones he has (matching one with a friend, one for a fallen brother, a design he liked)
recommends you places, and is actually very knowledgeable about tattoo stuff
you get matching ones soon after
"Bloody Nora, you too?"
secretly loves it and tries stealing glances at it until you cave in and show him
he glares at it for solid 10 seconds before deciding he will "tolerate it"
asks if you can do everything with the others
considerate, brings it up for everyone to pay attention to you in the coming weeks (after asking you if he can share of course)
gets nauseous when you talk about the details to the others
"so that's why your bloodwork was compromised"
rolls her eyes but only to hide how impressed she is
will fight anyone who dislikes it
she likes the design and tries to draw it for her wife to show her
eventually just asks if she can get a photo of it or a reference
sends you a random photo message with "reminded me of u" with a picture that resembles the aesthetic of the tattoo
"it's very... you"
offers you a bunch of shit like soothing cream, anti-inflammatory medicine, and clear foil to wrap it
hyperfocuses but in an innocent way
spars with you fairly, avoiding the spot
asks the story behind it and listens thoroughly
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ryuichirou · 6 months
But I gotta thank you for the lovely food, I was literally waiting hours to be able to look at it in a more appropriate setting (not kidding it took 5 hours) and my goodness gracious me like always there's so much to the illustration to appreciate I'm a sucker for your LiliMal art 💕💕💕
(In other news I know you did LiliMal headcanons a bit ago but anything else hot n spicy sex specific you also got in mind for the two?)
I already replied to this ask about a week ago, but I promised to get back to it when I have headcanons to share, so today’s the day! I feel like some of the things I’m saying in this post are kind of similar to the ones that I mentioned in my previous one, but I tried to elaborate on those if that’s the case. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it.
Thank you very much for your kindness once again, and thank you for asking about these two <3
So, here are some more spicy LiliMal hcs~
When comparing the way Malleus behaves with Lilia and with other potential lovers, there is a clear difference: he allows Lilia to be a bit more disrespectful to him. Malleus tends to be provoking and teasing in general, but with Lilia he is straight-up bratty sometimes, and Lilia is the only one who is allowed to tame him, to grab him and even to punish him a little bit. It’s because Lilia knows exactly when to stop not to sour Malleus’ mood. So it’s not unusual for him to grab Malleus by his neck, his horns or his tail, to bite his skin as a warning or to even smack his butt (the last one is pretty rare though). Also, Malleus is more clingy with Lilia than with anyone else: to Lilia it’s very obvious that despite being powerful and proud, Malleus still desperately craves his attention.
Sometimes there are situations when they argue very passionately and end up having sex. Usually it happens either because Malleus enters that pouty and capricious state that could only be fixed by Lilia kissing him and pacifying him with affection, or because Lilia gets genuinely irritated by Malleus’ selfish and stubborn nature and just wants to teach him a lesson.
Malleus is very used to his lover being small but agile, and he loves the fact that Lilia’s bites are subtle but stingy, and also quite unpredictable. And being a powerful fae that he is, Malleus could’ve easily healed all the marks that Lilia leaves on him in seconds, but he doesn’t do it all the time. When he is alone (especially when Lilia used to get very busy and disappear for weeks), he likes to admire these marks and smirk to himself, remembering how Lilia was all over him, touching and biting him everywhere like a tiny predator. Malleus’ beautiful pale neck is usually the part that suffers the most from Lilia’s little vampire moments.
There are times when these two get way too passionate and intense. Sometimes they find themselves having sex mid-air, bumping into the ceiling, breaking walls + Malleus starts shooting lightnings at some point just because of how aroused and overwhelmed he is. They completely ruined an abandoned building once… “I am too old to do something this irresponsible” Lilia said that day, with absolutely no remorse in his voice – it was too much fun.
Lilia adores Malleus’ tail. He loves it when Malleus thumps his tail on the ground when he’s a bit irritated due to sexual frustration and impatience. He loves that Malleus is so well-trained by him that he pulls his tail up and exposes the sensitive spots when Lilia touches him. And Lilia knows all those spots even better than Malleus does: he always triggers all the right nerves that make Malleus’ lower half of the body shiver. At the same time, when Malleus is either playing hard to get or just changed his mind about wanting to have sex, he slaps Lilia’s face with his tail and pushes Lilia away with an annoyed expression on his face.
Malleus does suck Lilia’s dick sometimes, but it’s an unusual occasion: he doesn’t really like how it feels, especially when he touches Lilia with his teeth on accident. It kind of hurts his ego a little bit… But it’s all good, because he squeezes Lilia’s dick with his breasts instead, and Lilia loves it even more~
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seasoned-siffrin · 5 months
Toby Rodgers hcs!!!! Jay merrick hcs!!!!!!! Tim Wright hcs!!!!!!!!!!! If u are feeling up for it!!!!!!!!!!
It’s taken me a million years to get to this but here we are. I have so many Toby headcanons that I’m going to dedicate this post to him solely, and I might do some Jay and Tim headcanons later— hopefully that’s okay!! <3
Toby Rogers Headcanons
• I headcanon him to be around 22-24 years old, this is usually the age where I write/portray him as
• He’s 5’9 if he fixed his back, but has a worst slouch known to man so he’s closer to 5’6-5’7
• Demiromantic bisexual
• He/him pronouns but doesn’t mind the others— he’s still cis, he’s just comfortable with his gender
• Hazel-green eyes! On the subject of his eyes, he’s partially blind in his left eye— the same side where he has the gash in his face.
• I’ve always imagined him to have wavy/curly hair! His curl pattern is kinda fucked because he can’t take care of his hair the way he should so it’s mostly just a mess.. it has the potential to be more curly
• It was his step-father, not his actual father, who abused him
• Rather than dying in car crash, Lyra was murdered by their step-dad after a failed attempt to run away together. She was run off the road and killed in a ditch, brought back, and buried in the cellar with the help of their mom. (I took some inspo from David Near’s Toby Adams for this one)
• He ended up killing both of his parents, not just his step-dad, because they both assisted in the death and cover up of said death of Lyra
• The gash in his cheek was initially caused by a broke beer bottle to the face, courtesy of his step father, and due to a lack of proper treatment and his terrible habit of chewing on himself, it is what it is now
• He has rosacea flare ups a lot, giving his normally pale skin a pinkish-red color in his face
• Wears feminine clothing sometimes cuz he’s a pretty boy
• Has some moderate burn scars on his legs, arms, and back from the fire. They would be worse if Slenderman didn’t heal him some to keep him alive
• The reason his hood is blue is because the original hood of his hoodie was ripped off during a quarrel with his bullies in high school, so Lyra cut off the hood off one of her own hoodies to replace his
• His clothing style is a weird mix between cottagecore, goblincore, and grunge— however, he considers himself goth!
• He writes poetry, but, he rarely shares it with anyone
• He eats Crustables RELIGOUSLY
• He refers to his parents by their first names, but slips up with “mom” occasionally
• He has a loooot of piercings. Bro can’t feel it— what’s stopping him?
• His guy has one FUCKED sense of humor. He credits it to his trauma
• He’s got some severe abandonment issues, causing him to cling onto people who have a more mature/guardian contrast to himself, he finds comfort in guidance— but he is still a stubborn little prick
• He doesn’t have a horrible relationship with Slenderman, methinks… he may even see the thing like a twisted father figure, and feels almost in-debt to it for revealing the truth about his sister’s death to him
• Due to his CIPA and the fact that Slenderman doesn’t let him stay dead, Toby does not fear death, and he often acts recklessly and senselessly because of this
• He definitely has AuDHD cuz I said so
• He either can’t get a god damn word out of his mouth, OR he can’t shut the fuck up. It depends on the day and the environment
I definitely have more but this is where I’m stopping for now… I love this freak
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in-flvx · 6 months
Helloo! ok this has nothing to do with the aks game but since you happen to be one of my favourites for Sirius hcs I have to ask you. I can't recall Sirius and Harry ever hugging in the books, though they're really close. What do you think about it? Is it just because Harry isn't so much into physical touch anyway, bc I doubt that Sirius knew. I only remember Molly and Hermine once hugged him to comfort him. But if I am correct Harry not even hugs Sirius when they have to say goodbye or they haven't seen each other for a long while although Harry misses him so much. It only happens in the movies. What do you think says that about their relationship and their characters? What could be the reason and so on?
Hello, dear!!! That was a very interesting question, and I now spent my time rereading the Sirius and Harry moments throughout the books (and having a few very emotional moments because of it).
Hugging, and generally bodily contact is something dealt out rarely in the books, and like you said Mrs Weasley and Hermione are most likely to do so. Both hug Harry on a pretty regular basis, both for comfort and just in greeting and saying goodbye.
My reply is going to be a bit longer, and I haven't looked up everything so, many things are just from my memory, just a fair warning.
Alright, so.
The men in Harry Potter don't typically share a lot of positive physicality. They shake hands, they punch each other, and then theres the Quidditch celebrations, in which everyone hugs and cries. All very acceptable and heterosexual ways for men to share physicality, especially in the 90s, I'd say.
Other moments when people, men in particular, become physical, Harry considers those oversteps, and usually feed into his dislike of them - Rita, Lockhart, Slughorn and Barty Jr (still looking like Moody) come to mind for this. And these moments stand out, because Harry doesn't often touch people, and doesn't often has people touch him, much less people he doesn't know.
Sirius is an outlier. As he ought to be, and always is.
Sirius is first introduced to us, in the Shack, with an extraordinary amount of physicality. He of course mauls Ron - but it doesn't stop there. Harry attacks him with his hands, punching and strangling him, while thinking how much he wants to cause him harm with his hands. This is followed by Crookshanks, who uses Sirius' chest as a couch in his attempt to shield him, and then Remus, who pulls Sirius into a hug. This right there is more physicality than we see ever again between such a small group of people and animals.
Srius also holds onto Harry the entire time that Harry tells Dumbledore about the happenings of the Graveyard, and even when Harry describes the grip as painful, he never expresses discomfort with it. He pats Padfoot as well. They share physicality for comfort at least sometimes. And generally more often than Harry does with anyone else.
Still, their meetings and partings are often very tumultuous - first in the shack, then they barely have time to say goodbye because Sirius has to flee and Harry and Hermione have to get back to the hospital wing. Then, they meet while Sirius is a dog in Hogsmeade, and part when Harry is in the hospital wing. Sirius gets sent into war, basically right there, where all the Weasleys, Snape and Dumbledore surround them. When they meet again in GP12, Sirius is coming from a meeting and quiets his mothers portrait. Also not ideal. What I find interesting here, is that Harry is highly disappointed about this welcome. He had hoped for more, for warmth, had even expected it. So when Sirius is stressed out and depressed, it confuses and disappoints Harry.
I actually think that Sirius realises that in a second, because thereafter he doesn't hold back - where he can. Which is obviously not much because he is in yet another depression prison from hell.
But there are two moments in which they actually do hug. One time at Kings Cross - Padfoot gets on his hindlegs to put his forepaws on Harry's shoulders; and then at the end of the Christmas holidays - in what is described as a quick side-hug.
So that is a small compilations of all the moments of hugs and physicality between them I could find, which might be more than you remember, possibly because they're far more touchy in the movies, but in general I do think they have a pretty positive and touch forward relationship, in comparison to what Harry has with other people...
So, I think there's my answer. I hope this makes sense? <3
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turbulentscrawl · 6 months
Margaretha Zelle General HCs
I had to format and post this via my phone, so apologies if it ends up not looking as clean as usual!
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-She’s a real Daisy Buchanan sort. That is, she's in this performance-based mental place where she covers up her unmet emotional needs by building her persona on her unmet financial desires. Obtaining wealth and glamor is her primary focus, and she’s willing to take any number of avenues to get to it, be it abandoning her only family and eloping, or traveling to a mysterious manor that promises nothing but some vague, grand prize. On some level, she is aware of her self-deception, but she pushes that acknowledgement down too.
-She does not admit to much of the pain or neglect in her life, regardless of whether she was receiving or dealing it. (And there has been plenty of both.) Her aunt and uncle would make do without her. Sergei hurting her was a phase, it would pass, they would make it big. Even now, the manor will someday provide wealth and escape. Someday, one day…. She survives on a bit of delusion, on thick, choking, toxic optimism, and the shine of gold in her eye.
-Underneath all the superficialness, Margaretha genuinely desires to be loved. Sergei loved her (or so she believed) and it doesn’t seem to have mattered to her whether she loved him back. He was mostly another opportunity for her to escape her old life, to try and find freedom from a poor fishmonger’s life. She even says in her undelivered letter home that she doesn’t trust him. Whether that’s because some part of her suspected what he really was, or because she planned not to stick around long enough for trust to matter, I can’t say. But him loving her was a nice bonus regardless.
-She might have some actual feelings for Joker, but she hasn’t let herself develop any real emotional attachment to him. What he’s capable of offering her is gentle comfort, a helping hand, but he can’t provide the high-life she desires, can’t help bury her feelings under jewelry and gold, so she doesn’t allow him be an option. But his feelings for her do continue to be useful and she’s not entirely ashamed to use that.
-If Margaretha ever reached the place of wealth and comfort she desires, I think she would look back and feel a sense of regret for everything that it took to get there. She’d never admit it aloud, never apologize to anyone, but she would spend the rest of her life quietly choking down regrets and wondering about her own morality, her own worth as a person.
-She’s the kind of person to give “little things” away, but hoard the big to herself. A gentle touch, a kind word, and kiss on the cheek, these things are easy and harmless to give. They make people feel better without detracting from her own goals. Physical Affection and Acts of Service are therefore her preferred love languages to give. To receive, she of course likes Gifts, and is rather fond of Acts of Service as well. Physical affection is alright, but because she gives it easily, she tends to think other people do as well and doesn’t place as much worth in it. Someone who makes her feel safe gets some extra points in that category, though.
-Partially due to the above, she’s very good with children. She’s never been sure if she wants her own, but she finds them cute and relatively easy to deal with. It helps that children rarely have any malice in their hearts, too, so she can forego a lot of her subconscious fears.
-She’s a fast learner, at least in regards to physical skills. She’s had to pick up a lot of new talents and adjust to things quickly since leaving home, I order to pull her own weight in the various communities she joins, and that quick-learning mindset has stuck with her. She’s fairly athletic as well, though she’s not really doing any heavy lifting.
-Due to Sergei having been a belligerent drunk, she’s a bit nervous around the combination of men and alcohol. She’s got no reservations about sharing a nice glass of wine with the other ladies in the manor, though!
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almost-a-class-act · 8 months
Please share some givenson HCs I've been loving the Justified posting
It's like you knew I'm watching Justified and not studying! RIP.
Okay, bear in mind I'm on season 5 so I haven't seen it all, and I'm a bitch who thinks canon is a suggestion, so anything that doesn't make sense with canon? We get what we get and we don't get upset. Lmao.
Also, I have no idea if @cenyiere wants us to acknowledge that she was party to this but she was and so she must take responsibility for her crimes get credit. Anything particularly funny is all her.
Raylan is the one who drifts through life getting attached and not being particularly great at it but it's obviously something he wants, while Tim is not That Guy, traditionally. But now there's Raylan, unexpectedly, and Tim isn't sure what to do with it. Is he insecure about himself? No, rarely, but he's insecure about this nebulous thing they haven't named, that he's trying to fit into a life and routine that has been tightly regimented since the army.
So what I'm saying is, Raylan saying/doing soft romantic shit out of the blue to this man who has never, either expressly or by the way he presents himself, invited anyone to speak to him like that and accordingly doesn't know what the hell to do with it, is like a grenade in poor Tim's mental landscape but it's also how I figure they get beyond just being coworkers who fuck after a long day at the office.
2. Thinking about that time Tim was babysitting Raylan and stayed over at the motel, and Raylan woke up to just find Tim sitting there reading. Like this man had time to get up, shower, shave & brush his teeth, put that bucket of gel in his hair, get dressed, put his sleeping bag away, and settle in with his book, and apparently did it quietly enough that it didn't wake Raylan. This has implications for their morning routine when they live together.
Picture it: Raylan wakes up one morning at 6 to pee and Tim's side of the bed is not only empty, but not even warm anymore and it's been made (as well as a person can make one side of a bed when there's someone else in it). When Raylan's sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee later on while Tim does the exact same shit he does every morning whether Raylan is there or not because this man loves a routine (makes coffee, then eggs - sometimes enough for Raylan if he's not being a pain in the ass - then washes his dishes) Raylan is like, "I thought you said you get up at 6:30."
Tim is like, "No, I said I can't sleep past 6:30. If I want to run, shower, and drink my coffee like a civilized person before work, I set an alarm for 5." This is how Raylan finds out things about Tim, like that he runs and fucking hates being rushed through his coffee.
Related: Tim's mom sends him new high-end sheets every year for Christmas because I just want him to have nice things, okay? Raylan does not grasp this at all. "Always sheets?" "Yeah." "It's not really a surprise." "Why does it need to be a surprise?" "...I guess!"
In that vein, Raylan's always learning things about Tim deeply piecemeal, because Tim is not a closed book if you ask him a direct question but he's not like, volunteering personal information.
"I didn't know you had a mom." "Did you think I just sprang up out of the ground?" "No, I mean - you never talk about her." "...She thinks your hat is stupid."
(Raylan can't decide if he's offended by the remark or charmed to have been brought up in conversation.)
(It's both.)
3. Tim has an LOTR tattoo. (It's an Evenstar trampstamp.)
4. I know everyone is in love with Gold Star Gay Tim but I'm not mad at the idea of him being bi? His Very Extremely Hetero comments about Victoria's Secret models and Sigourney Weaver could well be a product of DADT-era Tim super accustomed to trying to fit in, but picture this: His ex-girlfriend rolls into town (the FBI agent he had an in with, maybe? Tim likes smart women but dumb men, it's his toxic trait) and shenanigans ensue. She walks right up to Raylan and eyes him up like, "...this one?" And Raylan suddenly gets the uncomfortable sense that he's being appraised by two versions of Tim. (Will I write this fic? Don't rule it out.)
5. Tim loves crackers. It came to me in a dream. He keeps a box in his desk and another one in the car for cracker-related emergencies. Raylan looks up during a serious moment when they're talking to a fugitive in the conference room just in time to see Tim quietly wedge an entire cracker into his mouth and then panic about how he's going to chew it quietly. Raylan's chasing down a fugitive and he's in a convenience store and on his way out, but he doubles back and grabs a particular box of crackers. Art is like, did I see you pause and waste 20 second grabbing crackers? Raylan's like, .........those ones are hard to find in Lexington.
6. I'm sure this particular smut has been written a million times but don't tell me Raylan isn't super into the idea of Tim wearing his hat while they smash.
7. It's the sad verse, everybody: Tim's dad pointed at gun at him a time or two when he was a kid and that's why he got a little attached to the idea of killing him with a gun.
8. Tim feels like his value is tied up in his job, which gets established early. When he's babysitting Raylan (in season 2 I think?) he says something like "will you give me some credit, I'm a professional", and when Raylan asks how he knows about Gary it's "because I'm good at my job?" And then of course: "I can't carry a tune etc but I don't miss." And when he's reluctant to help Raylan with the FBI thing it's because he doesn't want Raylan "going all Raylan" and burning his contact. I have feelings about this because flash forward if you will to established relationship Givenson, when Tim must know that a big part of the reason why Raylan and Winona didn't work out and he got a shot in the first place is because of the job they do. Something to stare at the wall about!
9. Two nights ago I watched that part in season 4 where Callie remarks on the fact that Tim held back with Bad Haircut Fuckface because "you had empathy for him" and Tim's like, when I take him down, his eyes will be clear. Thinking about the fact that he's probably lost a few friends to drugs, wasn't just avoiding the question when he told Bad Haircut Fuckface about joining the Marshals, understands that impulse to get fucked up and not think about it and the only thing that helps is having something to do that feels like it matters.
Also thinking about when he rolls up to help Raylan get into the veterans bar half in the bag and Raylan sounds vaguely incredulous when he asks, "are you drunk?" There's also the time when Art is talking to the guy who wants his job and says Tim "probably has ptsd, probably an alcoholic" and like, he's obviously just trying to scare this guy off but he clearly knows it's a possibility. Crucially, he doesn't know for sure.
All to say that I think maybe Tim walks a tricky line with alcoholism. When he drinks, he drinks HARD. He goes through times when it's too many nights a week. Never at cop bars or anywhere people might know him, sometimes alone. But since he doesn't drink at work and always gets up and does his morning routine and comes in seeming okay, no one notices.
10. Re: later on, established Givenson: Tim's emotionally aware enough to know that he could certainly look after someone else's kids - smash cut to the precious montage of him doing cute shit with Raylan's daughter - but he can't be someone's dad. He dragged himself out of a shitty childhood and made the best of a brutal military career where half his friends couldn't hack it in civilian life but there's no room in that carefully constructed stability, wherein he's carved out a productive adulthood and held his ground but he has to work at it, to figure out how to be a good parent and get up and do it every day. And I doubt he sees himself as the marrying type, either. I bet it's a long time before eventually Raylan is the one who suggests they move in together. There's an undercurrent of Tim like a caged tiger at first, having to share space he's unaccustomed to sharing and altering routines he's never altered. (I have the feeling Tim does a lot of work in the background, mentally, that people don't see. Raylan gets the hang of looking for it after a while.)
11. A happier one: Tim and Raylan can't remember which flannel is whose anymore. People are surprised to find out about them and then Rachel's like, are you kidding? Raylan's worn that green flannel four times in the last two weeks and it is NOT his. (Rachel Is The Best At Her Job Agenda 2k23. Tim just keeping tabs on Gary for??? What reason?? That's boyfriend behaviour. Raylan is just oblivious. You know Rachel knew!)
12. Tim I-Am-Not-Coming-Down-From-This-Car Gutterson is a cat guy. He's going to have a cat in any fic I write, sorry or you're welcome in advance. His cat's a hater, as well; Mittens and Raylan have a healthy wariness of each other.
13. There are these lyrics in the Fallout Boy song I put on my Givenson playlist (lol, you already know I'm wearing a full face of clown makeup, might as well tell you all the sorry details):
'Cause you're the last of a dying breed Write our names in the wet concrete I wonder if your therapist knows everything about me
HC: Tim has a therapist through the VA. Mentions it once (Art makes some comment about something and Tim's like, "my therapist did say I should work on that"). Raylan isn't sure if he's joking and asks about it later. "You have a therapist?" Tim looks up from step 4 of his unhingedly detailed morning routine like, "Can't you tell by how well-adjusted I am?" Raylan honestly still can't tell if he's joking.
14. Re: Tim and Winona: On Tim's part, once Givenson becomes a thing, there might be that surface level, like. That's the gorgeous woman who is always going to be in Raylan's life as his baby mama insecurity but it's not a real visceral jealousy. He almost feels a little sympathy because damn, it's clear that both parties got their hearts broken over that not working even though it was never going to. Could picture a conversation where Tim and Winona are trying to feel each other out when Raylan isn't in the room for whatever reason and neither of them are bullshitters so it's just like. "Are you worried you have something to worry about with me?" "Nope. If it were going to work, it would have." (I do think they'd be friends eventually because Winona is too much like Raylan for Tim not to come over fond, honestly. Lol.)
15. Raylan's daughter headcanons? Here we go!
Eventually the kiddo asks Tim what she should call him and he's just like "...Tim?" Because what else would it be? She draws a picture at school and it's labeled "my mom" "my daddy" "my Tim". Baffled to discover other kids don't have a Tim. Tim's only comment when he sees the drawing is: "Look, Raylan, she got your giant head right." But he puts it on the fridge and it stays there through moves and whatever else.
He definitely teaches this kid how to shoot when she's older because he doesn't want her learning bad habits. He explains it to Raylan like, "I have one marketable skill and it has served me very well so I'm passing it on." Raylan's like, "you have two, but one you can't teach her."
16. To circle back to Tim not considering himself to be the marrying type:
They've been together for years when Raylan makes some throwaway comment related to like, work benefits or something similarly unromantic: "I'd ask you to marry me tomorrow if I thought you'd say yes."
Tim gets that zeroed-in look like he does whenever Raylan says something that actually for-real pulls his focus: "What makes you think I wouldn't say yes?"
"Would you?"
"I don't do jewelry or contracts that don't expire."
"It's almost like I know you."
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