#but james believed in him
birlwrites · 2 years
naturally sirius plays electric guitar there's no way he could NOT play electric guitar. however he is also a classically trained singer. this made him a very welcome addition to the marauders because they were in desperate need of a lead singer who could surpass 'decent'
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my-heart-of-heart · 6 months
So normal about Jon being like I don’t remember what you looked like but the man who let you die is going to suffer for what he did to you. If only Sasha coulda seen that.
So normal about Jon being like you died hating me and wanting me dead but I’m still gonna make sure this man knows I’m ending him in your name. Sure wish Tim coulda seen that.
So normal about the fact that everyone believed Jon was losing his humanity but no one got to see the ways his love and compassion for the people he lost or who hurt him drove him to that final moment.
So normal about the fact that even after everything Jonah’s done to Jon, the only person he never thinks to get justice for is himself.
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thankstothe · 1 year
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gay sex
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ecstarry · 2 months
the one where james has to bath a tipsy regulus prompt by @star4daisy
“Please stay still.” James laughed at his very tipsy lover.
Regulus had his eyes closed and swayed slowly from side to side. James attempted to steady him by holding his arms. “Love, I’m going to undress you and then get you in the shower, is that okay?”
A sweet and quiet "mhm" left Regulus' lips. He fumbled with his shirt buttons, but after a minute of struggling to undo the first one, James intervened.
“You are so smart and good with buttons,” Regulus declared. “Too good, actually. Have you done this many times?
“What, unbutton your shirt?” James gladly responded to Regulus' drunken questioning.
"Yessss," Regulus drawled, his words elongated in that unmistakable tipsy way he'd always denied once sober. James finished unbuttoning the shirt, gently sliding it off one arm at a time. He leaned in, placing a soft kiss on Regulus' chest, then started unzipping his pants.
"Wow, Potter. You should buy me dinner first," Regulus quipped, laughing at his own joke.
"I have done exactly that, and apparently, more than enough wine too," James replied with a chuckle.
Once Regulus was undressed, James gently guided him into the bathtub, the water set to the exact temperature he knew Regulus liked. Taking care of Regulus came naturally to him. Every new detail that Regulus shared, James attentively listened, making sure he will always love him correctly. 
Carefully, James began washing Regulus' hair, his movements tender and delicate. He softened as he watched Regulus relax under his touch.
"You're good at this too, Jamie," Regulus murmured.
"Thank you, love," James replied, rinsing his hands and delicately wiping away the shampoo threatening to drip into Regulus' eyes. Regulus purred contentedly at the gesture.
Then, he took Regulus' favorite shower gel and began scrubbing him softly. As he worked, James pressed soft kisses all over Regulus' body, unfazed by the taste of soap on his lips. There were moments when Regulus would chuckle and tell him that his kisses tickled, prompting James to kiss him even more until the chuckles turned into full laughter, filling their bathroom.
As James turned to reach for the towel, Regulus grabbed his shirt and pulled him back.
“Baby, wha—” James started, but it was too late. He tumbled into the bathtub, fully clothed. Regulus burst into laughter and playfully splashed water to ensure James was completely soaked. James stared at him, taking in the sight of the dark, wet curls, the droplets of water on Regulus' face, the curve of his mouth, the veins in his neck, and the pink of his lips. He allowed himself to savor every detail of the moment.
Regulus' cheeks flushed under James' lustful gaze. James extended his arm and gently touched Regulus' lips, tracing them with his index finger before slowly moving his hand to hold his chin. Regulus melted under his touch, leaning into James' palm with a contented sigh.
“You’re a bit wet,” Regulus pointed out, chuckling to himself at the understatement.
James laughed with him and leaned in closer to whisper, “Now it’s time for you to shampoo my hair.” 
Regulus pouted. “But I’m drunk.”
“You should’ve thought about that before pulling me to the bath with you, love.” James’ voice was tender. 
“Okay, I’ll try my best.” He promised.
Regulus got closer and began undressing him. James was delighted to be touched by Regulus—he always was. His boyfriend was attentive in his own way. He didn’t quite catch the shampoo before it got into his eyes, but he was gentle when untangling James' hair.
After his drunken attempt to shower James, they stayed there, their laughter prompted simply by silly looks.
“You look quite good naked, has anyone told you that before?” Regulus teased. 
“Okay, love, time for bed,” James announced as he stood up. He grabbed a towel for Regulus and wrapped him. He looked like an angel, a precious being that James had the honor of taking care of. 
James dried himself up and pulled the human burrito close to him, his arms wrapped around him. 
“Thank you, Jamie.” Regulus whispered into his chest. 
“It was my pleasure, love.” He meant it. He always did.
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jvneeyres · 5 days
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There's treasure inside that box, a handful of which could provide a lifetime of prosperity. Facing that kind of temptation, there are few men I would trust to self-deny. But it is not the treasure that concerns me most. Charles Vane's sacrifice is in that box. If your man is unsuccessful in seeing to his rescue, Charles Vane's death is inside that box. Along with my good name. Along with her lost love. Along with your late quartermaster's life. All the awful sacrifices made to assemble that box are now part of its contents, and those things are sacred things that I trust in no man's hands.
Black Sails, chapter XXVII.
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I can't believe people think Wilson is the sane one when he literally first met House because House BAILED HIM OUT OF JAIL. I want to say he's just better at hiding it, but if I'm being honest, he's really not LMAO
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houseswife · 9 months
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parallels that deal me +10 psychic damage for every second I spend pondering them
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fandom-geek · 8 months
btw, the violinist in tmp 4? he's probably james smithson, of "founder of the smithsonian institute" fame
so what do we know about our violinist? he grew up in alnwick abbey, he was illegitimate and had legitimate full siblings, a father "certain of his celestial significance", and he has a nephew to whom he leaves his violin
and smithson? well, his father restored alnwick abbey in the 1750s, which was in ruins up until then. smithson was the only illegitimate child of any of the dukes there in the 1700s, which is when the statement is set
smithson also left his estate to his nephew after his death, with the condition that his fortune would establish the smithsonian institute if his nephew died without any children.
here's a point of divergence, however. in our timeline, smithson was a chemist and mineralogist. in tmagp's timeline, he was a violinist. however, as u/New_Helicopter836 pointed out to me on reddit, when smithson's body was disinterred by andrew graham bell, his right little finger was such that it suggests he played "the harpsichord, the piano, or a stringed instrument such as a violin"
looking at smithson's life, he left for university in 1782, so it's likely that tmagp 4 is set around the same time. it might be a bit earlier since the royal court orchestra moved from mannheim to munich in 1778 (putting smithson at about 13), it might be another point of divergence, or smithson is describing it this way to call back to its earlier significance. i'm not sure, but it's weird either way.
all that said, i'm not terribly sure why smithson describes his father (sir hugh smithson/percy, duke of northumberland) as "certain of his celestial significance", especially when the only other time he says celestial is to describe the violin's music. the user i mentioned before found that sir hugh, a major patron of architectural projects, had an observatory built, but i find smithson's language too specific. is his father an avatar too? mannheim is only a bit north of schwartzwald, after all, and this is about thirty years before tmag 23 where albrecht writes to jonah magnus.
let's look a little at smithson's bequest to found the smithsonian institute in the first place. smithson asked for it to be "an establishment for the increase and diffusion of knowledge among men". the magnus institute, notably, is described in the arg as a place of education, and it was founded in 1818. although smithson died in 1829 and his nephew in 1835, the original smithsonian (the columbian institute) was granted a charter by the us government in 1818.
the letter is strangely absent of any names for the violinist or his family, and i can't help but wonder if this is why. and if it is because this is smithson - is this related to why the magnus institute exists instead of the magnus archives? the smithsonian, before it was renamed, was originally granted a charter by the us govt in 1818 - the same year that the magnus institute was founded in tmagp.
this is set 30 years before we know anything of jonah magnus, at least in tmag, so is it possible that he persuaded smithson to fund his educational institute focusing on the supernatural? the changed course of smithson's life from scientist to supernatural violinist would certainly be conducive for that, not least to mention the strange absence of his fortune from his letter to his nephew.
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cherrywhite · 2 months
Paige and hayward dynamic makes me sooooooo [smashes my fist against a brick wall]. My prophet and me. The prophet and her paladin. Do you trust him? Strangely enough..more than anyone. That a wedding band? You thought I was married? Maybe divorced. Why divorced??? And I wanted you to know, when we looked back on today, that we waited for him as long as we possibly could. If I never failed, I wouldn't be here. Winning at skimming stones. I'll put my faith in Paige, if I have to put it in anyone. Give me the gift of watching you walk away.
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melandrops · 2 months
thinking about how one of hayward's first lines of the show is "everyone wants a personal relationship with a god, but none of us are equipped to actually deal with that." how he only ever prayed out of routine, how he never devoted himself properly to any god, and even the cloak was just a bad attempt and making himself feel less alone. how he wished that he could have a real partner with him on his cases but all he has is a god. how he couldn't even try to make himself believe that worshipping a god would save him. and then how he found his purpose serving alongside and loving a woman who bore a godchild beneath her skin. how he birthed a god with this woman and he threw his whole self into The Cause. but it was never about the god it was always about the cause and about the person he loves. and he said that if he had to put his faith in anyone he would put it in paige. and then he died refusing to offer a prayer to a god and whispering to the gods that he was going to die on his own terms. he would never bend the knee for a god, but he would call it a gift to sacrifice his life for just a chance that paige will be safe. thinking about how he died and the only faith he ever had was in the woman he loved
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moonlightdancer26 · 1 month
One thing that never fails to shock me is how many Marauder stans I’ve seen hating on Draco for saying this line to Hermione in GoF:
“Granger, they’re after Muggles,” said Malfoy. “D’you want to be showing off your knickers in midair? Because if you do, hang around . . . they’re moving this way, and it would give us all a laugh.”
Yet somehow they can’t apply that same logic to what happened in SWM:
James whirled about; a second flash of light later, Snape was hanging upside down in the air, his robes falling over his head to reveal skinny, pallid legs and a pair of graying underpants.
Many people in the small crowd watching cheered. Sirius, James, and Wormtail roared with laughter.
I’ve seen Marauder stans who bash Draco and call him horrible for “making a SA joke,” but then go ahead and defend what the Marauders did (which was ACTUAL SA, not just a gross joke) in SWM as if that’s not much worse. The irony is ridiculous.
That’s always confused me because… they can clearly see the harm in a character making a SA joke, but they gloss over or even justify their favourites characters actually doing what said character joked about??? Make it make sense.
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fexiled · 3 months
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you know what time it is: manhandle that man monday wednesday
lovingly dedicated to @muirmarie bc we were of a singular mind upon seeing this outfit
ref pic courtesy of @autistic-spirk, from the book The Art of Star Trek by Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens:
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evilroachindustrial · 10 months
A bunch of creators knowing Hbomberguy was working on a James Somerton plagiarism video throws a lot of new context on the spats James got into with Dan Olson and Todd in the Shadows over the last year.
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221-apt-b · 3 months
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James Evan Wilson, better known as J.E.W
Love this guy
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theinvisiblemuseum · 4 months
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what are you thinking of, potter?
ITS YAZ DAYYYY AND WHAT A BETTER WAY TO CELEBRATE THAN COMPLETING THE ‘what are you thinking of, potter?’ WYWM TRIOOOO 💘💘💘 2 years ago i manipulated u into being my soulmate with birthday wywm art, and some things never change. i love u 5ever yaz ill be waiting for u at the ******* 🫁✂️ @sequinhaze happy birthday whore !!!
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"Deep inside, Wilson believes that if he cares enough, he'll never have to die."
What the fuck were the House writers on
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