#but jesus fucking christ my boys in purple
livingprophecy · 2 years
the way that the vikings can beat the bills in overtime against nearly impossible odds but then lose to the lions despite being the favored victors is why i’m gonna have heart problems before i turn 30
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ghost-of-you · 2 years
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5sos meme: 1/8 favorite outfits.
That damn green flannel.
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nickeverdeen · 9 months
hello! I really enjoy reading ur work, so I’m wondering if I could request a TUA (the umbrella academy) preference where the reader confesses their feelings during an argument (they aren’t dating yet) no pressure ofc <3 thank u sm for being a good writer!!
Thanks for requesting!!! And thanks for those words, I might be slower at writing considering I have school tests everyday, well I mean I’m in law school so what was I expecting-
Anyway, thanks a lot for everything 🫶
Confessing your feelings to Umbrella Academy members during an argument
TW: Cussing, mention of injury, drugs, sometimes cliché
You = white text
Luther = blue text
Diego = red text
Allison = pink text
Klaus = orange text
Five = green text
Ben = also green text, but cursive (‘cause I’m running out of colors)
Viktor = purple text
Luther Hargreeves
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This takes place in season 1
The argument was pretty simple
You just wanted him to shut up for like 5 seconds about the moon and stop defending Reginald and digging into his death
You two were currently standing in the “meeting room” in the Umbrella Academy along with others discussing how Reginald died. Sure you weren’t part of this family, but you were invited anyway. Why you had no idea, maybe ‘cause you were a family friend?
“Jesus Christ Luther, stop digging into it so much. It was a heartattack, calm down” you rolled your eyes sighing as you agreed along with others that Reginald died of a heart attack.
“Oh so you’re on their side now? Even my best friend, great” he chuckled at the irony rolling his eyes. “Well I wonder why” Diego sneered. Soon the whole room started arguing about it, you’ve had enough of this. They were adults so they should act like it
Standing up from your seat you shook your head whistling which only caught Viktor’s and Allison’s attention… not what you wanted.
“Shut the fuck up!” You finally yelled and they all grew silent except for Diego who insulted his brother and you before storming off. “We’re all adults yet you all act like kids. Get your shit together” you sighed frustrated.
With that Luther got up and took few steps towards you “You don’t have a say in this. Dad was murdured, and last time I checked I was on the Moon to-“ Luther started but got cut off by you
“Luther, for the love of god, as much as I love you, shut up about the Moon and stop defending him” You rolled your eyes making Viktor raise his eyebrows suprised
Luther stood there kidna offended at first before realizing what you said “Wait what?” You just cussed under your breath. This is gonna be a long day.
At first Allison was kidna jealous for sure, but slowly joined Klaus with sometimes teasing you. You had a lot of explaining to do.
Diego Hargreeves
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This takes place in season 2
Along woth others you had enough of Diego thinking about J. F. Keneddy 24/7
It was another night at Elliot’s and here you were, sitting in a corner across the room from Diego with Five between the two of you. You all were watching a tape Hazel gave Five before dying, a man on a grassfield was standing there when the president is getting shot.
To be honest you rightfully along with Lila who was sitting near you had no idea who this is unlike the two boys who seemed shocked at it
“Uh guys? Wanna also tell us who that is?” You asked awkwardly with Lila nodding slightly only to hear a whisper “dad” escape their mouths at the same time.
“Do you see this? That’s dad and he is the one who killed the president” Diego turned to you with a serious expression “Oh here we go” You rolled your eyes crossing your arms. “How can you know for sure that it was him? It doesn’t look like he’s holding a gun” you just shrugged leaving Diego frowning
“Do you even listen to me? That’s a proof that he is the killer!” Diego stood up pacing around the room
“And you know that how? He-“ you get cut off as he looks at you sharply, if you didn’t know him you’d think he’s crazy
“Take it easy, Diego” Five said calmly trying to ease the situation, but of course it didn’t help. “He is the killer! Don’t you hear me?! The evidence is right here!” Diego yells at you pointing at the tape
“Oh for fuck’s sake, you don’t wanna tell me that I fell for a madman” You scoffed crossing your arms taking a step towards him and he took a small step back as he processed what you said
“Well that’s an awkward silence” Lila said chuckling slightly, but none of you spoke until Five told you both that there’s no time for these things right now and you both followed him out to wherever you guys are going
“We’re not done with this conversation” Diego said, but not so agressively, more calmly yet of course not softly as it ain’t in his nature.
Allison Hargreeves
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This takes place in season 3
You were starting to get really annoyed with her, but when you caught her trying to rumor herself in the mirror to be happy you couldn’t be angry or upset with her at that moment
You and other Hargreeves siblings were just miding your own businesses, but you did notice that Allison was missing. At first you didn’t make a big deal out of it, she was being really annoying, but still that didn’t mean that you didn’t care about her. You were on this crazy Hargreeves rollecoster since the very beggining and they were all very dear to you.
So here you were looking through the whole hotel for her, you were starting to give up before you heard a glass break in the bathroom.
Slowly you stepped in and that’s when you witnessed it. “I heard a rumor that you were happy” Allison said trying to rumor herself through the mirror you weren’t sure if it’d work, but you sure as hell were concerned by now, you were aware that she had a hard time, but this was really bad.
“Allison?” You stepped in properly after seeing that it doesn’t work
Allison slightly jumped at the sudden voice, she didn’t need to turn around to know that it’s you “What do you want?”
Her words were sharp, but you tried to ignore the feeling and took few steps closer, your eyes inspecting her bloody hand from the distance. “Are you okay…?” You asked slowly unsure if she wants to open up
She just scoffed rolling her eyes as she faced you “Since when do you care?” You didn’t like this defensive side of her, but you knew that loving her means loving her even at her worst
“I always cared, Al-“ getting cut off Allison stood up properly frowning “No you didn’t. You don’t care that Claire’s dead, you don’t care that both my husbands are dead! You don’t care at all!”
She shouted obviously getting irritated by your words even though they were honest. “Allison that’s not true!” You tried to argue back “I care about you and mainly your wellbeing! You need help-“ “I don’t need help! Now get out!” She cut you off once again taking few steps towards you, but you didn’t really take any steps back and stood your ground
“Yes you do! You’re even rumoring yourself to be happy! You’re not alright at all!” You took a deep breath taking few steps towards her as well “Just let me help you!” You looked up at her, but she wasn’t calming down any time soon and you knew that. “And why would you want that?! To impress others with your comforting skills?! Make me feel even worse?!”
She shouted, she knew damn well that she doesn’t mean it and knew that she’s being a bitch right now, but she couldn’t stop. She was hiding her pain and anger deep down inside of her for too long and even though she didn’t want to, she just had to let it out on you. Not ‘cause she wanted to, but ‘cause you were closest and she knew you’d forgive her overtime, plus you understood her and she just had to let everything out despite knowing it’s not heathly for neither of you.
“No! Of course not! Allison I love you and don’t want you to suffer! Please…”
You were more calm at the end, but got confused when she shut up and just stared at you in shock before it hit you that you just confessed
“What?” She asked blinking in confusion, but also a neutral voice “Allison… I love you” you repeated making sure she knows you don’t mean just as friends
“Please don’t… I’ll just lose you too. Stop” she mumbled shaking her head, she couldn’t take another loss
“You won’t lose me” you stood up on your tip-toes and kissed her just shortly and slightly of course, you didn’t wanna scare her. “Now let me help you with your hand” you took her bloody hand and started tending it knowing that Allison isn’t ready for a relationship just yet so you didn’t expect her to say it back right now, but you knew that she did love you.
Klaus Hargreeves
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This takes place in season 1
You catch Klaus stealing in the Academy from his father on the funeral day
“Klaus? Wha- what are you doing?” You laughed seeing him under his father’s table where Reginald kept all his work
“Oh Y/N! How nice it is to see youuuuu” He sounded high and he probably was, but then again he had every reason to get high, but that doesn’t mean you approved of it
Klaus quickly reached for a hug which you with a sigh accepted “Klaus you’re high again” you crossed your arms rolling your eyes. “We talked about this”
“But those bitches are everywhere and it’s just so much better” he smiled amd you had to chuckle at his silliness “Give me the drugs” you held out your hand raising eyebrows “Oh you want it too????”
He asked and gave it to you and you just threw it out of the window “What’re you doing?!” He exclaimed with wide eyes “Helping you. Now go wash your face.”
You said clearly pissed off by his behaivor “Y/n! I need those!!!” He whined making you roll your eyes “No, you don’t. You need therapy, along with this whole family of yours” you stated clearly
“Y/N, Y/N, Y/N…” He whined “You don’t understand what I’m going through when I’m clean!” He suddenly yelled at you making you raise your eyebrows
“No Klaus, you don’t understand what I’m going through when I see the man I love somewhere begging for drugs instead of trying to get a real help!”
You argued back, but he stopped “What?”
Five Hargreeves
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This takes place in season 3
You both didn’t pick the same side when Reginald asked you all who’s for saving the world and who’s against it - you voted for saving the world while he didn’t
“Are you serious?” You looked at Five frowning confused as he stood on the other side. “Five, after all this time of trying to save the world you’re just gonna give up on the only chance we have ‘cause your older you told you so?”
You scoffed shaking your head and he frowned stepping closer to you “Y/N I am doing the right thing. Right, we’ve been trying to save the world this whole time and did we manage to change something? Nein! It’s over and over the same” Five frowned stepping closer to you
Unaware of the small distance between you two you stepped closer too and looked down at him “I’m not just gonna sit here and wait for the world to end with a boy I fell for and see him die. Five just come on and try this! One more time”
You sighed and tried to plea him, but to no vail as he didn’t budge “”Boy I love”? Please don’t bring that cocky shit-” “Maybe we should all calm down, alright?” Viktor tried to diescelate the situation, but failed as you and Five ignored him and kept arguing.
“You think you’re always right, hm? You are a child, you-” However you cut him off with a sneer “A child? That’s rich coming from you” Five took a deep breath and looked up at you his height making it impossible for him to look you straight in the eyes without looking up. “Y/N I love you, but you’re starting to seriously piss me off-“ He shut up as you all realized that another wave of Kugablitz is coming and had to run. Sure you two were gonna have to sort things out
Ben Hargreeves
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This takes place in season 2
He got angry ‘cause you keep diapproving of him possesing Klaus’ body
(Btw Y/N can see Ben here)
“Am I talking to Ben or Klaus?” You asked annoyed not seeing Ben anywhere so you just assumed that he posessed Klaus’ body which was sitting on the floor
“Hey Y/N! It’s Ben! God I’m so glad you came I couldn’t find you at the courtyard” he got up and hugged you tightly, but you could still feel that it’s Klaus’ body which wasn’t ideal at all. You didn’t like it and you were over this conversation many times
“Ben… you do realize that I can see you just like Klaus can, right?” You sighed shaking your head in disapproval “But it’s not the same! In a body-“ he starts but you just cut him off
“In any body I can’t see you, but the person whose body it is, Ben” you sighed shaking your head “But Y/N, you don’t understand… being ghost.. it’s as if I’m nothing” He took few steps closer to you, but you just backed up
“Y/N, please just listen… you don’t know what it’s like!” Suddenly he snaps. That’s very out of character of him. “God, Ben. You don’t get it do you?! I don’t love the body you are in, I love you when you’re yourself, Ben!”
You shook your head frowning and andead silence falls in the room and you soon hear him parting from Klaus’ body
“Aw man, I feel like I’ll throw up” Klaus moans and backs up. You ignore him whimpering and just focus on Ben who’s too stunned to speak.
It’s gonna be a long day…
Viktor Hargreeves
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This takes place in season 2
Y/N is helping Five look for others so they’d get them all to the suitcase in time, but Viktor insists to go back for Sissy and Harlan
You kept driving around couple of blocks looking for your best friend - Viktor - literally everywhere
Driving on a road leading away from Sissy’s farm you were slowly losing all hope, but for Viktor’s sake and your mental stability’s sake you kept going, you had to find him.
Driving away you saw another car passing by you and Viktor in it. Immediately you stopped in a way that your car - well a stolen car that you claim to be yours - died. Viktor on the other hand stopped slowly
“Viktor? Thank God, where were you?!” You were quick to hug him before he even had a chance to get out of the car properly
“Jesus! Y/N what are you doing here?” Obviously strandled a bit Viktor pulled away and rubbed your shoulder a bit “What’s going on?”
“Five found a way to get back home! No apocalypse or anything like that, we can go back!” You quickly explained and started walking towards your car, but stopped when you realized he wasn’t following “Viktor?” He shifted in his place thinking “I hate to tell you this, but we only have fifteen minutes-“ you started, but he cut you off
“I’m taking Sissy and Harlan” Viktor practically stated “What? Viktor you can’t do that, their disappearance could have major concequences” you shook your head looking back at your watch. 13 minutes.
“What consequences would it create if we’d just take a farm boy and woman with us?” Viktor obviously had enough and he headed back to his car “We don’t have time for that Viktor!” You pulled him by his arm back and he only snatched it away “Viktor don’t” you warned him shaking your head, true you don’t have powers, but he doesn’t have to know that
“What’s so wrong about this? I love Sissy and am not leaving her!” You knew he did. He loves Sissy, but you kidna were in denial. “What?” He looked at you still angry, but more confused now that you’re silent. 2 minutes.
“Sissy isn’t the only one who loves you, you idiot” you said and got into your car, but Viktor stopped you by your hand
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hyunsvngs · 11 months
JUNO BABY LOVE. i see your "losing your virginity to skz" AND I NEED YOUR 🧅 ON THE BOYS. I seen you made han and jeongins virgins as well🥴
But what are the boys like if THEY lose it to YOU. The concept is so🤤.
I am the shrek to your 🧅's babe
hello. sorry this has been rotting in my inbox but also creds to miss ems aka @cbini aka my wife bc we had an in depth discord conversation deciding what this would be like
jeongin & jisung are here!!
chan: virgin big dick chan. virgin big dick chan who's so freaking excited to finally lose his virginity!! he's always so busy and so stressed that he has become well acquainted with his hand, and now he has this insanely pretty girlfriend. you've told him you're ready when he's ready, that there's no rush, you can take it slow.
chan decides fuck taking it slow when you're laying on his bed, sexy body illuminated in purple from his led lights and your pussy glistening even in the low lighting that he's set. he's only kissed you, but now you've got him wondering - do you get this wet every time you kiss? have you been teasing yourself just to make sure he's ready? the thought has him hardening even further in his boxer briefs, and he finally yanks them down, heavy cock hanging thick between toned thighs. you giggle, eyes focusing between his legs.
"oh, channie. you're big," you coo, hand wrapping around his shaft. the tight ring you form makes him groan, his plush lips parting as he just lets you. "is that good? my pussy's tighter, y'know."
"don't," chan gasps, his hips canting into your hand. you smile again, hand speeding up on his cock. "don't- don't tell me that, jesus christ. i need- please, can i? god, you're fuckin' insane-"
you let your hand fall from his cock, dainty and soft. your hands are so soft that his mind feels fuzzy from the few movements you gave him. you move upwards on your forearms, tits jiggling on your chest. chan wants to press his face in between them even if he can't breathe.
it's when you move your legs, feet planted either side of your hips and pussy fully exposed to him that he finally springs into action. "can i? can i, can i? baby, i'm really fuckin' hard, i need to- need to finally feel it. finally."
"of course, channie," you murmur, pulling him in by his broad shoulders. the movement has his chest pressing against yours, toned chest against your sensitive pebbled nipples and you sigh in bliss. chan looks like he's about to die, eyes blown wide and heavy pants falling from his lips. his cockhead is right against your hole, not quite breaching but very present. "d'ya wanna push in now? i'm wet enough."
chan nods, huffing, and then he's pushing in. his cockhead is thick, flared mushroom head pressing past the tightness of your hole and he gasps with the feeling around his cock. it makes him jolt, thighs clenching and unclenching on top of you, and before he can process it, he's moving. his hips are fluid against yours from years of dance practice, and you see his eyes roll back into his head.
you simper with the feeling, his cock massive and weighty inside of you. it feels so good, but - you count one, two, three full thrusts, and then his hips stop moving. his fingertips dig into your waist, and he's gasping before letting out a deep groan, eyes fluttering shut. oh.
"baby, did you cum?" you smile, running your hands through his messy hair. he huffs in disapproval, head drooping to rub his nose against the crook of your neck. "awh, that's okay, baby. we can do it again later, yeah? did you have fun?"
he hums, scratching the back of his neck. you can feel how bad his cheeks are blushing on your skin. "i am so fucking embarrassed."
(he's still thinking about it five years later when you're married with kids by the way!! he rocks your world every night at that point, but he still scratches his neck and blushes awkwardly everytime he thinks about filling you up so quickly.)
minho: he always kisses you so passionately. he's fucking insane, you realise, this virgin boy who should be blushing and embarrassed from the way his hips grind sinuously into your throbbing core. he should be nervous, but he smirks down at you with his eyes half-lidded every single time you whimper for him.
"is that good?" he murmurs, and you can hear his voice dripping in faux sympathy. "let me fuck you, then. it'll feel better, yeah?"
the gusset of your panties is positively dripping, no doubt marking minho's tight, too-expensive boxers with your slick. you whine, canting your hips up against him. he's hard. he's hard, and you can feel it - thick, long, everything you could've ever wanted. you just don't want to rush him.
you're babbling before you can even stop it, as if he doesn't have you naked from the waist up in his bed. with the boys in the other room, nonetheless. "minho, minho, are you sure? i-"
"let me get my cock in you, pretty," he leans down, bunny teeth nipping your ear. "i think i have a natural talent, y'know. all that dancing, i think i can fuck you just right even though i've never done it. what do you think?"
he punctuates his words with another few thrusts into your core, and you gasp, hands coming to rest on his shoulders. he's shirtless too, planes of milky skin stretched tight across dancer's muscles. he's so yummy. "i want it," you whine, nodding. "i want it, i want it. are you ready? are you?"
you find out that yes, he really is ready, especially when he strips you both of your underwear and finally, finally pushes inside. it pisses you off that he doesn't even react, fully calm and collected despite you writhing and squirming beneath him. he really does have a natural talent, you decide. the slide is so smooth, your pussy so slick and consistently gushing around his cock.
"so wet for me," he mumbles, one thumb coming to rub over your clit. it makes you whimper, eyes watering at the overstimulation. his resolve is faltering, you realise, his eyes struggling to stay open and his teeth biting into his plush lower lip. "i need you to cum, kitty. need you to cum for me, okay? i can't hold on much longer, you're- kitty cat, remember it's my first time, 'kay?"
"so confident before," you huff, but you let him bring you to the edge anyway. he giggles, biting your earlobe again.
"that's before you got so fuckin' wet for me, minx. c'mon, feel my cock and cum."
changbin: definitely climbs through your window trying to be all sexy and mysterious at like 2am. he woke up with a start, and then decided that tonight he was going to fuck you. or try to, at least. he knew you'd had sex before him, knew you were waiting for him to be ready, and coming through your window just seemed like a great fucking idea at the start.
he rolled through onto the windowsill and landed on the floor with a thud. he only looks at you, where you're still awake and shoving crisps into your mouth except now staring at him with wide eyes. he puts a hand on his hip, quirking an eyebrow. "was that sexy?"
"no," you answer honestly. "you want some crisps?" changbin nods and clambers onto your bed, but it's only after a few mouthfuls does he propose the idea to you.
he wants you on top, he says, letting you decide the pace. "you can jump off when i'm gonna cum, y'know," he mumbles. he's nervous, still doing that cute little downturned smile but he's blushing. "if i'm on top, i think i'll just cum inside."
"makes sense," you hum, and then you're sinking down onto him. he's thick, short in length but girthy enough that it makes you whine out desperately. it feels good. he's perfectly sized for you, and his broad hands go to your hips almost immediately. his biceps are tensing, jaw dropped in a silent moan.
"jesus, is this- does it feel this good every time?" he whines, and you hear his feet thudding against the mattress as he thrashes around. you giggle, starting to rock your hips against his, but his hands grip you even tighter. you might have bruises afterwards. you want to have bruises afterwards. "i can't. i can't, don't move, i'll cum!"
you soothe him with a hand over his pec, thumb brushing over his nipple. it unfortunately makes him buck his hips with an even louder noise. "binnie, it's really okay if you cum. it's your first time."
"hnnfmg," he manages, head falling back against your pillows. his hands go to your ass, and before he can even process what he's doing, he's thrusting up into you. the movement makes you gasp, jolting forward with your hands over both of his pecs, fleshy and delicious where your fingers dig into him. "ah, ah, ah. binnie's pussy now, okay? it's mine, please, let it be mine. it's so fuckin' good, so wet, jesus-"
"yours," you whine, nodding. "all yours, all yours. forever. i love you, binnie, i love you so much."
this makes him let out a garbled, choked out noise, and then he's tapping your ass frantically. you jump off of him like you said you would, thighs splayed over his, and watch in shock as his cock spurts white hot liquid all over his own body. it drenches the smattering of hair at his base and sprays all the way up to his shoulder and he gasps, hips bucking into nothing.
"oh," you say, giggling. "messy, huh?"
changbin huffs, thrashing his feet again. it's hard to take him seriously, cum covering his entire upper body and his cheeks blushing fervently. "shut up!" he turns to you then, grinning as if he's not got his own seed on his shoulder. "love you."
you smile, shaking your head fondly. "i love you too, baby."
hyunjin: definitely gets way too excited. he's fucking vibrating when he finally lays you down on his bed, and hyune is a romantic - you walked into his room to see multiple candles lit and god damn rose petals on the bed.
"my love," he coos, plump lips brushing over your shoulder. his hair tickles your neck, newly dyed dark and soft against your skin. "my first love, only love. thank you for letting me have you like this."
he wants you on top, too. his cock is curved perfectly to hit your g-spot and okay, maybe you get a little too excited at the thought of having that inside you while you're on top. it's gonna stretch you so perfectly, fill you up with his long length and you get to see that man looking so beautiful beneath you. you can't wait.
when you finally lower yourself onto his length, one of hyunjin's hands grips a bunch of rose petals and the other one knocks the lamp off the bedside table. "shit!" he exclaims, leaning over to try and look at the damage. you can see it's shattered on the floor because of course hyunjin's got one of those expensive, brittle ones on his bedside table. he shakes his head anyway, returning to his position laying flat and his hands going to your waist. "i don't care. continue, my love."
"hyunjin, the lamp..?" you question, but your hips are already grinding against his. you were right. his cockhead presses deliciously against that spongey spot inside of you, and it's so sweet the way his lips form a blissed out smile, tongue licking over his teeth. "is it- do you like it, baby? do i feel okay?"
hyunjin nods quickly, a bead of sweat forming at his temple. your pace is slow, and you were worried he wasn't enjoying from how quiet he was, but when you look into his eyes you can see the truth. "i'm just- i'm trying not to get too excited, or i might hurt myself. i'm literally trying so hard not to like, backflip right now."
"please don't backflip when you're inside me," you admonish, and hyunjin giggles. you let him flip you over, his forearms holding him up over you, and then he's moving inside of you. his cock is so long it feels neverending everytime he pushes back inside, breaching your drippy hole over and over to the point you feel you might be going insane.
hyunjin's chain drops into your face, and you find your eyes crossing as your gaze follows it with every thrust. you're whining, fully pliant on the bed for your boyfriend's cock for the first time, and you can't help yourself when you take his chain into your mouth.
hyunjin halts, gasping, and then his eyes are rolling back into his head. you feel his cock spurting warmth inside of you, and as he tries to ride his orgasm out with desperate, jerking movements, his head thuds into the headboard.
"ah!" he squeaks, head dropping to your chest. he's stopped moving now, and you giggle, rubbing your hand over his head. "i'm so embarrassing. that was so fucking good though, next time i'll try not to destroy the room."
"try not to give yourself concussion next time, too, baby."
felix: honestly, you're surprised it took so long. felix has gotten embarrasingly rock solid in his trousers every single time you've made out or even just sat on his lap. he's so horny you know he fucks his fist multiple times a day, you've heard it. you just didn't want to rush him into sex before he was ready.
turns out he'd been ready the whole time, especially when he's now rutting into your core desperately. it also turns out lee felix was a bonafide freak, begging you to let him fuck you raw so he could feel every inch of you around his cock. his cock isn't too big, a nice, easy size to take, and when he'd pushed in you'd been moaning easily for him.
his hips slap against yours now, years of dance practice leading him into an easy, slick slide. his forearms clench either side of your head, and his heart shaped lips are parted, unabashed deep groans falling for them.
"i'm gonna- i'm gonna cum, i'm sorry, it's early, i need to," felix grunts, and you coo at him, pushing his messy hair out of his eyes. he moves to kiss your thumb where you rested it on his face, and then he sucks the digit into his mouth. it makes your pussy gush even more, adding to the wet noises of skin on skin between your legs, and felix whines around your thumb at the addition of slick on his cock. your thumb drops from his mouth, wet with spit. "gonna- g'na fuckin' blow, baby, baby, princess, i'm cumming-"
his hips stop, and you feel the cum spurt inside of you. the abundance of it oozes out of your hole, warm and thick around his cock, and you realise felix has started to move again.
"want more," he whines, licking into your mouth. his breath is heavy against your lips. "do you want more? i want more, it's so good, i can't stop. i'm still fuckin' hard, baby."
"gimme more, lixie," you nod, nipping at his bottom lip. "give my pussy more. you like it? wet enough?"
"fuckin' soaked, gonna- gonna fill you up loads, gonna fuckin- you're gonna be dripping with me for days, and then i'll just do it again."
seungmin: it's shocking to see your cool, calm and collected, almost reserved boyfriend fall apart beneath you. you've been grinding on his naked cock for a while now, and he can't help his hips canting while he tries to slip into you. your folds are soaked, gliding on his cock with the most pleasurable slide you've ever felt.
"babe, i think- i think i wanna put it in now," seungmin mumbles, cheeks burning red. he's so cute like this, fully naked on your bed with his cock flat against his tummy for you to use.
"yeah, i know," you giggle, and he swats at your thigh playfully. "you're rock hard, seungmin. you think i don't realise?"
"well- put it in, then, god," he huffs, and when you just raise an eyebrow at him, he's lifting you up by your waist. he positions his cockhead at your hole, the slit just as drippy as your pussy is, and then he's lowering you down. seungmin keeps eye contact with you as you lower onto his shaft, thick and stretching you with a gasp.
"that's big, seungmin," you murmur, and seungmin grins.
"yeah? big enough for you?" it's your turn to slap him playfully, and then you're grinding along his cock. you consider briefly that you may be getting addicted to it, the way his cockhead presses deep against your cervix in this position.
seungmin isn't fairing too well, either. all cocky comments he had in his head have disappeared, mind going fuzzy at the feeling of you on his cock. this is what he's been waiting for? it's been fucking worth it, definitely. you're going to have trouble getting his cock out of you from now on.
"god, how has- how has no one sat on this before? it's fucking- it's so good, seungmin," you huff, and despite feeling the burn in your thighs, you start to bounce. the sudden movement has his fingertips digging into your hips painfully, and with one thrust of his hips meeting yours, he's cumming. you feel it before you recognise it, but you giggle anyway, bouncing just a bit more to let him ride out his orgasm.
he fills you up to the point it starts to drip back out onto his pubic hair, and then he yanks you down to lay on his chest. "give me five minutes," he yawns, hand threading into your hair. he's still inside you, cock softening but still feeling so, so full. "give me five minutes, and i'll fuck you properly, nice and dirty. i'll make you cum."
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ch6sos · 4 months
𖤐⭒๋࣭ ⭑ teen!nanami headcanons
love my emo king so i decided to make headcanons for him because love himso sosooo MUCH <3 I am obsessed with nanami I am sorry guys for the amount of nanami but he is my beloved and my hyperfixation wooooooooooo
lmk if i should make an emo teen nanami as ur bf headcanon ill gladly do it sweetie pies
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He is much quieter as a child and rarely speaks. I believe he will be more reserved as a teenager, not because he is shy, but because he dislikes talking to strangers. He is distant, but not unfriendly.
Haibara is the only person who is allowed in his room, and I do not make the rules. 
Owned an iPod/iPod touch (even though Nanami is the Samsung king) and he would stream his little emo bands.
As a teenager, he appears to be more immature and irrational, displaying difficulty in controlling his emotions sometimes. Despite his calm exterior, he is still a teenage boy so he has regular outbursts here and there.
HATED IT when he tried one of Shoko’s cigarettes; he most likely took one puff and began to cough as though he was going to die.
Sassy king who rolls his eyes and emo hair flips at least 7 times per second, 24/7.
“Nanami, can you do that thing?”
"Do not bother me at this time, Gojo." 
"What did I do."
"The hair flip thing... hahaha you need to cut your bangs."
"I prefer to keep it this way so I can focus on you with one eye and spare the other from seeing more of your face."
Haibara is an extrovert who encourages him to attend events and socialize with others. 
His backpack is tidy. His books are neatly organized, and his papers are not crammed together.
 He was forced to go to karaoke rooms with Shoko, Geto, Gojo, and Haibara, where he would sit and listen to them sing loudly.
"C'mon, Nanami... sing!" 
It turns out he was singing all along, albeit softly and quietly, while they sang along loudly to the screen lyrics.
He spaces out a lot when people talk to him because he just wants to go home.
Haibara is subtly affectionate towards him, wrapping his arm around his shoulder like many guys do. He doesn't push him off, but the other guy freezes and maintains some distance.
He once woke up from a nap and found himself wearing eyeliner, black nail polish, and eyeshadow. He immediately ran out to scold Gojo (it wasn't just him) (but he secretly liked it).
"Gojo, what the fuck is this?"
"This is your culture!" 
"Please refrain from touching me while I am sleeping."
“Hey! Who said it was only me?”
“Jesus Christ.”
Probably got a double helix piercing (that eventually healed when he became an adult) (sorry guys).
(Though he still has his earlobe piercings as an adult, he just never really wears earrings anymore. Though you can see the various holes.)
Geto accompanied him to get piercings, and despite feeling nervous at first, he ended up loving the experience and feeling badass.
"It feels good, right?"
"Oh, yeah, I suppose," he mumbled, trying to suppress a broad smile. As he arrived at his dorm, a dorky grin spread across his face. He stood in front of the mirror for several hours, hyping himself up.
Listens to My Chemical Romance, Nirvana, Van Halen, Metallica, Guns N' Roses, AC/DC, Linkin Park, Green Day, Foo Fighters, The Strokes, and Paramore. And more. :)
He would probably like gothic characters from cartoons or shows, like Raven from Teen Titans.
If you quietly make your way into his dorm room while he's listening to music, you'll catch him singing out the lyrics to his beloved emo songs. As the music moves him, he'll start air guitaring and air drumming with fervor. However, if he catches you witnessing his private performance, you'll see a flicker of embarrassment cross his face.
Gojo once tried to dye one of his hair strands purple or blue, but he failed. Instead of turning the strand the desired color, it only lightened his hair slightly, resulting in a lighter shade of blonde that looked like gray hair.
"Gojo, you made me look like a grandfather. I should've done it myself.”
"Looks great on you, Nanami! Fits you too since you kind of act like a grandpa.”
"Oh you, son of a—"
He secretly owns a Tamagotchi named Helena after remembering it is a My Chemical Romance song.
Wept when they split up.
Has secretly attended several concerts, raves, and gatherings, enjoying the kindness and energy of the events.
Has previously used an Ouija board with Gojo, Geto, and Haibara, and the "spirit" liked him.
He goes to the Japanese equivalent of a Hot Topic to get his clothes.
He smells earthy and musky because he is emo, and he probably has a cologne fragrance bottle shaped like a skull.
He rarely posted on MySpace, and when he did, it was only about his music and book reviews.
Likely wore a fake lip piercing, a silver skull necklace, and one of those spikey emo bracelets.
Read Scott Pilgrim comics for a while. 
He was not too dry, so he used emoticons like "-_-" "-.-" "._. ".-." "^_^"
In his spare time, he enjoys reading books about horror and mystery. 
Owned a black Nintendo DS and always handed it to Haibara so he could play with it. Was not upset when Haibara accidentally dropped it in the water, but was sad that he lost his Pokemon progress.
Never had a genuine crush on someone, though when he does he becomes shy and awkward around the person he has a crush on, often finding himself avoiding them like the plague. Whenever he catches sight of them, uncertainty clouds his mind, nerves all over the place.
Despite his efforts to suppress his feelings, they only seem to intensify. This is his first experience with a serious crush, and his initial reaction is to try to shake off the emotions, but he soon realizes that he can't - he's simply head over heels in love.
Whenever he sees them, he does a cute, dorky thing - he goes to his mirror, fixes his bangs, and hypes himself up. He sprayed more cologne than usual, coughed a little, and made sure his skull necklace, helix piercings, and slight eyeshadow looked good. He gives himself several minutes for a pep talk because he still gets so nervous.
He fidgets a lot, constantly finding ways to occupy his hands even when he appears outwardly calm. It's as if he can't help but engage in some form of repetitive movement, whether it's tapping his fingers, twirling a pen, or adjusting his sleeves.
He also stammers a bit sometimes especially when talking to someone he likes.
Talks to Haibara about how he feels most of the time. Out of everyone he trusts Haibara.
He draws on himself when he is bored. He intended to get a tattoo, so he drew on himself to see how it would look.
He has a journal, emphasizing that it's not a diary, where he writes down his emotions. He finds solace in jotting down his innermost feelings as he often struggles to express them verbally.
In his journal, not a diary, he vents a lot. He is frustrated with himself because he is so bad at expressing his emotions. When he wants to, he can't, and he just pushes people away, which he despises.
"Sometimes I wonder why. Why do I have to be like this? I do want to talk to people and express my emotions to them, but I could never. It genuinely scares me, and that is something I want to fix about myself."
Owns several band shirts and wears them to bed. When he is older, they're smaller on him. I wonder why.
When he's out with Haibara and the group, he always wears his headphones and drifts off while listening to music.
*pretends not to hear gojo*
In the modern world, he would be the quiet student who consistently gets top grades, sits at the back of the class, and rarely participates.
When someone shares the same interests as him he tries not to look too excited but ultimately fails.
As a teenager, he adamantly refuses to pursue a romantic relationship but secretly desires one to fulfill his need for affection.
Thus, he spends his time reading romantic novels, gaining insights into how the male protagonists treat their significant others. This newfound knowledge inspires him to learn how to treat his future significant other.
Even though he is mature for his age, he sometimes wishes he had been raised differently. He genuinely feels like he is wasting his youth by not spending more time being a teenager.
Converse + Vans are his specialty and they’re all beat up.
He sees Geto as a fashion inspiration because he is another emo king.
When he's not in uniform, he enjoys wearing oversized, tucked-in T-shirts paired with sleek black pants and a studded belt. His fingers are adorned with multiple rings, and he complements this look with a sleek black watch.
He always spends an extra dollar to buy someone something from the vending machine. Need a soda? He gotcha.
He always seems to be munching on something, whether it's the crunch of Doritos or potato chips. However, he doesn't seem to have as much of a sweet tooth.
an emo king who deserves the world
a/n: i love my goat
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loveshotzz · 2 years
Strange Love with Rockstar! Eddie or Punk!Steve!
reader has a love/hate relationship with him. total enemies to lovers type trope. reader is caught hate fucking one of them in a car or bathroom and when asked about it she simply says the iconic line “I don’t have to fucking tell you anything”
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Rockstar Eddie x fem!rockstar reader
summary: You and Eddie seem to hate each other, so why can’t you keep your hands to yourself?
warnings: 18 + ! cocky eddie, mean reader, switch eddie and switch reader, oral (m receiving), unprotected p in v sex (wrap it up!), cream pie, semi public sex.
word count: 3.3k
A/N: another blurb (aka one shot 🙄) for my follower celebration and to break steve streak with some eddie! I hope you enjoy. Comments, likes, and reblogs are always super appreciated if you enjoy 💕
“Jesus Christ how have you not sucked that fucking thing to the center yet?!” Throwing his notebook down on the table his clipped tone breaks you out of your pre-show warm up.
Twirling one of your drumsticks in between your fingers with ease, you bring your attention to the fuming metal head making sure to slurp down the sugary build up in your mouth as loud as you can.
“Jealous I’m not sucking something else Munson?” Pulling the remains of the lollipop out of your mouth you watch his eyes follow the string of spit that connects to your red tinted lips. Batting your eyelashes at him, you smirk at the eye roll it earns you.
“In your fucking dreams.” He growls but you know damn well that’s exactly what he wants.
Barry and Jeff’s eyes widen from across the room, knowing exactly where this was headed. Gareth had handed over his drumsticks to you temporarily while he nursed a broken wrist, and despite Eddie’s protest here you were.
It always started this way, bickering before every show throwing insults at each other desperate to bruise the others' ego before hitting the stage. Creating a tension so thick it could only ever end one way once the adrenaline started coursing through your veins.
With purple and green bruises painted across your kneecaps and a slight limp in your walk from the last time you ran your mouth, you were ready to take no prisoners tonight. Especially when he stepped off the stage looking like that.
His tattooed skin glowed with a sheen of sweat under the lights in the back, his sleeveless white Iron Maiden shirt clung to what seemed like every muscle flexing underneath. Your eyes following the salty droplets falling from his bangs, you hate that you want to catch them with your tongue.
“You were off on the count down tonight.” Eddie’s critique sends rage down your spine as he brushes past you to high five Jeff. The temporary haze his body had you in quickly fading.
“I wasn’t off on dick, you came in too early.” Quick to snap back, you try to ignore the bulge growing in his pants. He was picking a fight on purpose. The menacing glint in his chocolate eyes gave himself away the moment they connected with yours.
“Sweetheart, I think you and I both know I don’t come early.” The cocky grin that spreads big across his face makes your hands twitch, fingers wrapping tightly around your drum sticks you will yourself not to chuck one at him. His face starting to look more and more like an easy shot when he throws you a wink.
Snorting loudly, you don’t give him the satisfaction. Your reaction only making it worse, as he narrows his eyes at you, shooting daggers at your knowing smirk. Insulting his sexual performance in front of his friends was always the quickest way to get under his skin.
“No shame in coming early Eddie, at least one of us gets too.” Your eyes catch the women’s restroom as you near the end of the hall. Flipping him the double bird, you push the bathroom door open with your back making sure to throw him the nastiest look you could muster before disappearing from his view. The boys “ohhh’s” filling your chest with pride at your victory.
Taking a shaking breath, you curse the amount of slick already ruining your underwear. Thighs pressing together in search for friction when you think about the way you just made his jaw clench. Thankful that the two stalls in the bathroom were empty, you set your drum sticks down on top of the soap dispenser before running a stream of cold water for yourself. Splashing some against your chest and neck it’s almost enough to calm the fire Eddie set ablaze inside of you.
The loud creak of the door opening snaps your head up, eyes watching from the mirror the sound of the lock clicking into place is followed by heavy footsteps. His heavy footsteps.
Rounding the corner Eddie Munson looked like he wanted to eat you alive.
“Real funny joke back there.” Big black boots stopping a few feet away from you, he crosses his arms over his chest before leaning against the wall. “Like I don’t make you cum screaming my name every other night.”
“Oh fuck off.” Rolling your eyes at him through the reflection you shut the water off, turning around to face him you make sure to mimic his stance pushing up your tits in the process. Plush lips twitching, he was onto you.
“I think you love saying my name actually.” Tapping a ringed finger on his full lower lip he pushes himself off the wall. Long legs making it easy to close the little space that was between you. The tobacco, weed, and sweat that dripped from his pores only added to your mess.
Crowding your space, he cages you in with both hands gripping the sink behind you. Ducking his head down till his lips brush against the shell of your ear, you can’t stop the shudder that runs through your body when you feel him smile against it before continuing.
“I think you dream about all the different ways I make you say my name, I know I dream about all those pretty little noises that I get from you.” Nipping at your ear lobe, his new sweetness has your resolve starting to break already as your arms start to come undone. Hands finding a new home on the button of his jeans.
“But then you start actually talking and my dick goes soft.” Dimples poking through his cheeks he pulls back to catch your reaction, more than proud of himself for thinking he got the upper hand. He’d almost gotten you to fold already.
The sting of his words sink in at the same time you feel his growing erection press against the top of your thigh. Meeting his gaze, the smug look on his face quickly turns into confusion when you give him a Cheshire smile.
“This doesn’t feel very soft to me baby.” Cupping his junk he hisses when you give it a good squeeze, feeling it twitch under his zipper you knew he was lying through his teeth.
His hands leave their place on the sink to grab at your hips, bruising fingers digging into your soft flesh adding to the almond shaped clusters already there from the nights before. Regaining control you continue to palm him, his heavy breathing becoming music to your ears. Reaching up on your tippy toes it's your turn to press your lips to his ear, relishing in the way you make him shudder just the same.
“You know what I think Eddie?” Nudging your nose into the dampness of his curls you suck his earlobe in your mouth, hollowing out your cheeks till he moans. His grip on you almost becomes painful.
Releasing it with a pop your fingers work at the button of his jeans stopping at the zipper when you don’t get an answer.
“I think the only reason you didn’t want me covering for Gareth is because of how bad you wanted to fuck me and you didn’t think I’d feel the same.” You’re not gentle when you pull the zipper down, almost feeling bad when Eddie sinks his teeth into the crook of your neck to hide the broken groan.
Stuffing your hand down his pants you’re quickly met with the stickiness of his precum that already covered the inside of his boxers. Smirking against his ear he wasn’t so tough hunched over you like this. Completely at the mercy of your hand as it wraps around the thick base of his shaft pulling him free from his confines with a quick pump.
“And now that I’ve fucked you.” Eddie’s blown out eyes watch you spit in your hand before wrapping it around his length again. Gliding across him with ease his hips meet your pump when your thumb swipes over his leaking tip. “You don’t know how to handle it cause you want me to be yours huh?”
Stroking him with purpose all you get is a nod a low whimper. Biting your lip you suppress your own moan seeing him like this.
Sinking down, your fishnet covered knees hit the ground in front of him. Ringed hands finding their way back to the sink as he looks down at you from between his arms. The warm chestnut in his eyes turned onyx, you had all the control right now.
Making a show of stroking his length with both hands, you look up at him from underneath the hood of your lashes making sure his eyes are on you before you take him in your eager mouth. You were gonna make him eat his words from earlier just for fun.
Flattening your tongue you lick a long stripe up the side humming in satisfaction when he twitches in your hand. Taking his tip between your lips, your tongue is greedy to lap up the pearly white liquid leaking from the top. Eyes rolling in the back of your head when the saltiness of it hits your taste buds, you take as much of him as you can into the heat of your mouth without warning.
“Holy fucking shit.” Moaning loud enough to echo off the walls, his hands grip the sink is tight enough to see the milk of his knuckles.
Your hands hold the back of his thighs pulling him closer, relaxing enough to take him till tears threaten to spill from the corners of your eyes. You hollow out your cheeks till his ruddy tip hits the back of your throat, his coarse pubic hairs brush against the tip of of your nose. Vision going white behind closed eyes. His brain short circuits under the quick work of your mouth, unable to even register what’s happening till the heaviness in his balls warn him of his impending release.
“Wait - shit - fuck - you’re - you’re trying to make me cum aren’t you?” Your taunting words from earlier ring loud in his head, he knew this was too good to be true.
Humming in response the vibration is almost enough to have him shooting down your throat. Mustering enough strength to regain control, he tries to pull away from you but your grip on his thighs only tightens, relaxing your throat even more.
Groaning when you take him even deeper than before you hear the metal of his rings clank loudly against the porcelain of the sink, holding it hard enough to break as he tries to fight off his orgasm.
“You’re done.” His tone is final when his fingers tangle themselves in your hair, pulling he rips you away from him with enough force for him to fall from your mouth with a slick pop.
Chest heaving as he tries to regain his breath, he looks like a man driven insane when the blacks of his eyes look down at you on your knees. Lips red and swollen from sucking his cock like your life depended on it, he would never get sick of seeing you like this.
“Now stand up and bend over the sink for me like I know you want to.” Voice dripping with want, your underwear was becoming almost uncomfortable from soaking through them all night.
Wiping your mouth with the back of your hand, you use his hips as leverage to pull yourself up letting the length of your body rub against his painfully hard erection in the process. Hissing with the extra sensitivity he grips your cheeks with one hand when you're finally back on your feet.
“I’m not cumming quick and you’re gonna cum first. You got that?” Nodding between his fingers, his lips turn up in the same cocky grin from before knowing he finally had you where he wanted you. He always knew when your eyes glazed over like this.
Pressing a chaste kiss to your lips he nudges your nose with his before whispering “Turn around.”
Following his instructions you face towards the mirror again, your hands finding purchase on the sink where his just were. Leaning forward to give him the access he wanted, your eyes meet your own in the reflection. The person staring back to you is almost unrecognizable. A needy tear streaked mess you watch him flip your skirt up over your hips, his eyes darkening even more when he sees the insides of your thighs coated with your own arousal.
“Always so fucking wet for me.” The strain in his voice didn’t go unnoticed, but you were too needy to be an asshole now. Wiggling your hips to taunt him, you look back over your shoulder. Blown out eyes meeting yours the expression on his face is enough to have you flutter around nothing.
His big hands grab at the doughy flesh of your ass. Watching the way it jiggles when he smacks it, the sting of his rings going straight to your cunt. FIngers curling around the tops of your tights he pulls them down with your underwear to your ankles. The cool air of the bathroom making you shiver when it hits your soaked folds, your body begging for more.
Running two fingers through your slit, he rubs a few small circles with pointed pressure to your bundle of nerves before collecting more of your slick to use as lube. The squelching noises at just his small touches has your cheeks burning hot, your body betraying your cocky words from before.
Coating himself enough to slide in easily, you feel his mushroom top spread through your folds. Rubbing himself down the length of you he chuckles darkly when you chase more with your hips.
“God, you’re gonna take me so well baby. You’re already such a mess.” Pressing himself to your entrance, you brace yourself tighter against the sink preparing for the stretch. You always had to get used to the feeling of him splitting you in two.
Nodding dumbly your neck goes slack when you feel him finally push himself in, walls stinging as he slowly makes himself fit.
“She’s sucking me in so good, so fucking tight. This all mine? Tell me it’s mine.” Pussy drunk already, Eddie didn’t care to put on his usual front anymore. You felt like heaven around his dick and he wanted you for himself.
He doesn’t give you enough time to answer or adjust before he pulls himself almost all the way out before abruptly shoving himself back in. The burn of his harsh thrusts making you cry out in a mixture of pleasure and pain, the pleasure slowly becoming more prominent when he starts hitting your g spot with every deep stroke.
His hands grip your hips to keep you close, the sound of skin against skin filling the empty stalls as he keeps up with his punishing pace.
“I asked who’s pussy this is baby.” One hand snaking between your jiggling thighs, two fingers quickly find your more than needy clit. Rubbing harsh figure eights he bends over so his chest presses against your back, somehow pushing himself even deeper. You swear you can feel him in your stomach like this.
“Answer me.”
Jaw slack and eyes scrunched close, the familiar tightness in your gut is getting closer and closer to letting go. Stopping the motion of his hips when you don’t give him what he wants, your eyes snap open as a strangled whine leaves your throat.
“I’ll give you what you want princess just tell me who your cunt belongs to.” his tone is full with dominance when he whispers in your ear, you muster enough brain power to find your voice.
“Yours.” Barely above a whisper when it leaves your mouth, he adds pressure to your bundle of nerves but just enough to tease.
“Louder.” Pressing his hips deeper into you, it’s enough to have you claw at the sink.
“YOURS” Too desperate to care about how he was going to hold this moment over your head, the need to cum was becoming overpowering after the day of relentless teasing. This is how it always was, the dynamic switching almost every time.
“Good. Fucking. Girl.” Each word coming out with a punch of his hips, his fingers make quick work against your clit obsessed with the way it makes your eyes roll in the back of your head.
Being able to watch your face from the reflection of the mirror while he railed you from behind with everything he had only made it that much harder not to spill deep inside your velvet walls. Fingers working overtime on your swollen nub, the furrow of your brows and the way you start to tighten around him tells him all he needs to know.
“Come on baby, make a mess of me.” His thrusts became more deliberate in your undoing, each one hitting deeper than the last.
“God - Eddie!” It’s overwhelming when it hits you, seeing stars behind your closed eyes as your walls constrict tight enough to earn a loud drawn out ‘fuck’ as your release washes over him.
“That’s it, that’s fucking it.” The blunt ends of his nails dig into the soft bruised skin of your hips as you feel him twitch inside of you.
Warmth filling your belly as he paints your insides white, you’re left a panting mess while he shudders on top of you. His orgasm hitting him in waves with the way your walls continue to milk him long after yours is done.
Keeping himself inside till he’s soft enough to slip out on his own, your soft moans fill the quiet at the loss of contact. The fullness that had you a trembling mess was replaced with that familiar dull throb of the after effects.
“You gonna be nice to me now or what Munson?” Putting himself away his eyes meet yours in the mirror. Their soft brown returned to their normal warm state, catching the beginnings of a small smile playing across his lips, his cheeks flush crimson.
“Depends on if you’re gonna be nice to me.”
Pulling your tights and underwear back up, the fact that you were keeping his seed inside like it was normal had his cock almost kick up again. You made him insatiable.
“I think I’ve proven to be very nice.” Biting your lip into a smile you lean back against the sink batting your eyelashes at him for good measure, your flirting only making him blush harder despite everything.
“I think we can work something out, who knows I might not even want Gareth back at the end of this.” The laugh he earns quickly becomes his new favorite sound.
Slinging his arm around you, he pulls you deep into his side before both of you make your exit out of the bathroom together. The boys all waiting around the hallway with knowing looks all over their faces. Taking in your more than chummy body language Barry’s the first to speak up.
“So does this mean you two are together or something?”
Jeff refuses to look you in the eyes, making it more than obvious they had gotten a little show, neither one of you really trying to be quiet.
“We don’t have to fucking tell you.” Eddie snaps scared that their questions will sabotage what he just got.
“Calm down man.” Raising his hands in defense Barry backs off “Just trying not to get whiplash with this sudden change of heart.”
Squeezing your shoulders tighter you reach up on your tippy toes to press a kiss to his cheek earning a unified groan from everyone, and a satisfied hum from the one that’s still dripping down your thighs.
eddie tag list: @munsonology @munsonmunster @bimbobaggins69 @elthreetimes
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azumasoroshi · 9 months
happy 12/24-25! i think too often about the “gege hates gojo” jokes because holy shit it is PERSONAL with gege
like yeah he sealed him and killed him but like. every aspect of gojo’s character is just so. gege really said “i’m going to make you the strongest character in the history of ever and you’re going to be cool and attractive and funny and your fans will love you, BUT:
The entire point of your character is that no matter how much power you have, you are helpless to save the people you truly care about
You’re so powerful that the only way you can narratively exist without destroying every enemy in jjk other than Sukuna is to get snatched away, sealed, get your powers taken away, or die (even in the fucking video game you only get a certain number of turns to act before you get yoinked)
You can never escape the system you were born into because your power has become your character
You’ll think you’re changing the system for the better but end up perpetuating the system anyway in allowing children to go on dangerous missions
You cannot supervise said children on dangerous missions because you’re running around Japan like a headless chicken at the whims of the higher ups
You never got the chance to fully grow up because a part of you died when Toji killed you and a part of you died when Suguru left you and what else is there left
Your own desire for power blinded you to your best friend’s depression and it’s one of your greatest regrets yet a part of you still thinks Suguru wasn’t strong enough to keep up which is why you keep saying you want strong allies who can keep up with you and you are just terribly equipped to handle your students’ emotional challenges and insecurities even though you try your best
You will never make any emotional connections as lovely as the one from your youth which you still cry about on the rare occasions you actually sleep
You will only be able to tell Suguru you love him right before you KILL HIM
No matter whether Suguru was your best friend, ex-boyfriend, crush that you never confessed to, or boy you only realized you were in love with after he left you, you will NEVER be able to get over him and an evil brain will use this against you and several people you care about will get fucked over because you cared too much
Even though your students/coworkers sometimes like you the first thing 99% of them think of when they think of you is “The Strongest” and even in your breakup arc Suguru, the one person you wanted to stand by your side and share the title, began to think of you in that way as well and distanced himself from you because of it.
The narrative requires that you be lonely at the top as a direct consequence of your power - even metaphorically, infinity separates you from the rest of the world and your wide range of destruction makes it so allies are a hindrance in battle and you could destroy the people you dare about in seconds (see: thank fuck todo stopped yuuji from stepping into range of purple)
You are going to fight the boy you may or may not have raised from childhood because of the other boy with Sukuna inside him that he asked you to save and you can’t hesitate because the last time you hesitated about someone you cared about you got sealed and people died
You may or may not have died to the strongest curse of all time and are left forever unsatisfied even in death because not only was your culty/cunty best friend not there to cheer you on, but you think Sukuna couldn’t even go all out against you, the strongest sorcerer of your time, despite strength being your whole thing
and as a bonus, you also “died” after cockily saying “Nah I’d win” which will get extensively memed on the internet at your expense”
like not to woobify gojo or anything but oh my god jesus fucking christ gege
he was like “ill make you hot as a treat mostly for myself because i like drawing hot men but you’re going to be so incredibly fucking doomed by the narrative in every possible way”
like he loves drawing shirtless men but he never drew gojo shirtless like gege!! GEGE!!!! what did he DO to deserve this level of narrative ire omfg
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gaymurdersalad · 8 months
Hey Jack! I think Dave is.. looking for you. You should probably check on him-
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>Looking for me?
>The bastard practically wanted me dead on Monday when I refused his little kid-killing scheme. Straight up left the restaurant and didn’t show his face again, he was so mad.
>Why in the hell would he suddenly be looking for me?
>Even if he was, I wouldn’t know the first place to fucking—
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>Mmmmyyy body lies overrr the ocean, my boooody lies over the seaaaaa—
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>I’mmm no gooood at astraaaaal projectionnnn, so brrriiiing back my bodddyyyyy to meeeee!
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>Oh, holy fuck, I’vvvve nevvvver felt ssssooooooo… Un-Coporeal. Wuwuuuuugghh, what issss… Within it me is outside o’ me… And whaasss inside of mmmmeeeee is SOOOOOOOO much LSD.
>Hooooow’d I even ennnndup here? What the hell did you get yourself int’, you big clown? I’m not surrrre, I just woke up out hereeee, again… What would Henry think? Who cares! He hates mmmmeeee!! He pushed me aside he did, he did! How’d he do that, then? He says “Get ouuuuutta here, you purple menace you, and leave me the hell alone for as long as your pitiful life stays clinging to this wretched Earth!” Why’d he say such a thing? I duunnoooooo! Was it something you did? You’re always getting yourself into trouble, you. Please leaaaave me alone, leave me to rot here, you… Yew… Schtewpid bastard, you caaaan’t stop bothering me, both you AND him…
>I’ve never done nothing to warrant this! I’m yer friend, Davey! Yer nothin’ but some bassard keepin’ me angry, you rotten fuck you, I wish you’d both fuck off hand ‘n hand and go… Go stuff yourselves in a waterlogged springlock suit, fuck you!
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>A VISSSSITOR. Who— Who arrives?!
>… Dave?
>Sportsy! Old Jack! Whateerrr yoooouuu doin’ here?! You smell different. Yer wearin’ that coat!
>… Jesus Christ, dude. I’ve never seen you this bad.
>Aannnnnd I’ve never seen yew so good lookin’, handsome.
>Alright… Let’s… Let’s get you up, it’s freezing out here, man.
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>Ohhhh, yer sooooo warm, Sportsy… I juuuusssss wanna crawl inside yer skinnn and wear ya as a jacket… Heh! Jack-et!
>… Thank… You…? I’m going to ignore you for a bit, is that alright dude?
>Yew can do whateeeeeever yew want, cowboy, I juss love ya soooo much…
>We’re gonna go back to my place, okay buddy? Get you under some covers and make sure you don’t accidentally… Hurt yourself. Let you sit the rest of this out someplace comfortable.
>Yer… Yer takin’ care of me, baby?
>Only ‘cause I know you won’t remember it.
>Yer… Yer sucha nice boy, sucha sweet sweet tangerine, you…
>Y’know, I wus… I’ve been… feeling preeeety rancid lately, Sportsy. Henry… Kicked me to the curb again, said I don’t wantcha here, and I wus… wanted… spend time with ya, Sportsy, like old times, I wanted t’… I missed… yew. ‘Nd yer dumb stupid clementine face, that schtewpid beard— If… If Henry don’t want me, then I know… I wus always thinking, I thought— Sportsy’s there! There’ll alllllways be Sportsy! B— Because there ain’t Sportsy, it’s just me, and just me makes me wanna die. I don’t wanna die. I don’t wanna die when yer holdin’ me.
>I’m… It’s pretty fuckin’ radical… that yew still care. Still the… same rotten orange I knew and loved.
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>… I…
>I still care. It’s okay.
>It is?
>It’s okay.
>… Let’s… Get you home. Try and relax, we’re only a block away from my car. You can sleep when we’re on the road.
>Gnnaaaaarly… Road trip with Old Sport!
>Yeah, man, sure. Gnarly.
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sadhornyygirl · 11 months
Day 31: Halloween Party (michael myers)
For the children, Halloween was already over. And while the party for them ended, young people from all the neighborhoods left their homes and took to the streets; the celebration for them was just beginning. Boys with pockets full of cocaine and half-naked girls headed for the nearest nightclubs. For the new generation of young people in Illinois, Halloween had stopped being just "trick or treating" and became something more wild and liberal. Alcohol, unbridled sex and drugs were then the only bases that solidified the most anticipated night of the year.
And that's how you ended up on top of the handsome masked man, trying to save his life
"Please.' He murmurs in a tone of voice that is difficult to understand, 'I've never been...'
‘Never been fucked?’ You ask, already knowing the answer. ‘That’s obvious, my dear.’
The man is looking at you like you are a wonder, ‘How?’ hisses
‘All these years, and no one loved you like this? No one bothers to show you how you should be treated, how to deal with your own desires.’ You’re not saying this to be cruel, when a drop falls on your face and you look up. Michael’s eyes are fixed ahead, he monitors his breathing as you pull away from the hickey you left on him. You catch his tear and give him a gentle kiss. 'You are handsome.' You remind him: 'Breathtaking.' He gives you a shy smile at your compliment, 'You can have it,' you promise, and his hands hit the neckline of your purple dress. ‘If you tell me your name.’
He takes his time, with with your fingers roaming his body as he explores new territory. You can't understand how no one went out of their way to arrest and catch him sooner. Maybe he built his walls too well? What made him move away from everyone but you? Are you the only one bold enough to break it up? He seems to be weighing his options, wondering wondering whether it's worth giving in to his sexual desire to reveal something more about himself, something he can't take back. And then he whispers: ‘Michael’.
You step forward and pull him onto the nearest couch. Michael follows you obediently, and you make him sit down. Michael watches, completely placid, as you run your fingers over the bulge in his pants and his hips thrust into your palm. You check to see if he's dealing with his newfound feelings, if it's not too much, but Michael's waves you on. The sound of the zipper echoes in the silence as he begins to pant, the mere thought of what's to come mixed with his repression makes him melt under your touch. ‘Michael’, you repeat his name, palming him. ‘So sweet under all that power, all that facade.’
He's hard, leaking and panting for more when you run your finger over the tip of his cock, over the slit and gather the pre-cum there, 'Hurry.' He begs, but Michael is trying to maintain some of his dignity despite his hips rising up on the couch as his other hand begins to pump up and down his length. His eyes close and his mouth opens as Michael loses himself in the sensations you are providing him. It's the most exciting sexual experience you've ever had. Being the one who takes something so precious from him, the disposition.
His first orgasm crashes over him, boyish and spurting copious amounts of cum all over his hand, staining his pants, shirt and jacket. Michael shoves his fist in his mouth to mask his screams, his hips shaking with the intensity as you go faster, jerking him off until Michael can't form words, his orgasm a blinding collision of sensation and freedom. ‘Jesus, fucking Christ.’ He hisses, his his eyes falling on you as you watch him descend. You're dripping in your pants at the sight of him. He's never looked more stunning than when he's on the verge of orgasm, like a god with his sharp features and heaving chest.
'It was good?'
He is already starting to glow with sex. Michael is still hard when he starts to go down, much to your pleasure. He has stamina and reaches for you, holding your waist as you push your pants to the side and slide down on his cock. He's filthy and wet when you impale yourself on him. Michael’s moan is guttural; your hips are already lifted as you set a rhythm, keeping your hands on his chest for support. You lie down, enjoying every inch of him, determined to get as much pleasure out of taking his virginity, from ruining him. ‘That’s it.’ You encourage: ‘Just like that. Then, when you're ready, you'll cum inside me. I'm going to let go, I'm coming with you.
That's all he needs to hear, his grip and his long, thick length already pushing you over the edge as Michael bites down harder on your hand, his rings glistening in the darkness of the room, his face scrunched up in orgasm. It's the best feeling in the world, watching him come undone beneath you, watching his muscles contract and relax beneath your fingertips as you bend down to kiss wherever you can reach. He lasted longer than you expected, and it hurts when you pull away from him. He cries as his cum drips from his core, pulling on his chest, staining more of his black shirt. Michael is completely fucked, eyes open just enough to see the cum dripping onto his stomach and he reaches out to scoop up some, wondering as you slide your pants back into place.
— I believe you won't kill me now??
You smooth out his dress, the wetness and remnants of Michael's cum soaking your pants. Michael sits up, his eyes still wide, but he's more relaxed than you've ever seen him, 'How did this happen?'
You plant a kiss on his lips, and Michael kisses back: ‘Do I have a place in your life now, Michael?’
He nods, ‘If you do that again,’
You smile at his boldness and reward him with another kiss. You straighten up and head to his door, Michael watching you go. 'Tonight, when the others are asleep. My room this time.
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vampire-matcha · 2 years
Blood in the Wine-3
Chapter Three: Nightcap
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A/N: It's finally here! Thank yall, for being patient, I appreciate all the support of the last two chapters. Shoutout to @asterionex for being a baller. As always, ask box is open xoxo
Reader x Vampire!141
Word count: 2.9k (a little shorter, sorry)
Warnings: blood, biting, suggestive elements, vampirism, mild dubcon but nothing explicit. Soap being a jackass.
Songs for this chapter: West Coast Smoker by Fall Out Boy, actually pretty much the whole Folie a Deux album. Feel free to send song recs or let me know if yall'd want a playlist.
You flinched as Soap strutted towards you, closing your eyes and mentally preparing for the sensation of his teeth sinking into you. But then… his footsteps kept going. He walked right past you and you opened your eyes to see him sitting down at the end of your bed.
"C'mere," he said, patting the spot next to him. "Let me take a look at your bites, see how you're healing up." You hesitated, still wary of a trap. "Listen, bonnie, I'm no' gonna bite you 'til I have your permission. Now come here and let me see." He seemed genuine enough. But then again, so had Kyle. You were skeptical, but you figured you didn't have much else to lose. So you walked over and sat next to him rigidly. He held a hand out. "Give me your arm." You reached across, slowly, cautiously to present your arm to him.
He took it ever so gently into his hands, fingers barely grazing over the marks that had faded even more since you'd woken up. He studied it with raised eyebrows.
"Wow, you're healing faster than most. Fucking miracle, that is." He lifted the arm up to his mouth and you jerked away, but he caught your wrist in a vice-like grip. "I already said I'm not gonna bite. Just gonna work some magic," he said with a wink and leaned down to close the gap. You watched as he lapped at your healing wound, slow and sensual, and pulled away with a kiss. "There, that's better."
You couldn't believe your eyes. The bite had healed completely. Maybe he really was magic. He leaned closer while you looked at your arm, baffled. He swept your hair away from your neck and looked at you, silently waiting for approval. You looked into his eyes- those beautiful ocean eyes- and nodded almost imperceptibly.
He grinned as he licked and kissed your neck, painting healing wet strokes across your skin. You were breathing heavily now. You couldn't deny the way his mouth felt against your skin.
"Heartrate's pickin' up," he whispered against your skin. He chuckled under his breath, the sound of it rippling down your spine. "Turn around, let me see your shoulder." His hands made their way to your waist to guide you to face him fully, and you molded to his movements like putty. He pulled the sleeve of your shirt up to see the mark Ghost had left on you, a shocked expression replacing the one of relaxation that had been there a moment before.
"Jesus Christ, Ghost really did a number on ya, eh? Look at that!" He was laughing. His hands brushed over the bruise in an almost fascinated way. You were rudely awakened to the fact that you were in the arms of a man who had tried to kill you only a few days before. You shot off the bed and out of his grasp, hands moving to cover yourself. You felt naked under his eyes even though you were fully clothed.
"Ah come on, lass, I was only joking. Sit back down." You didn't budge. "You wanna keep that big purple spot on your shoulder or not?" You hesitated. "Please, just sit back down. I don't want to have to make you, but I will if I have to," he threatened with a regretful look in his eye. The last thing you needed was to be lost in the fog of compulsion. You couldn't stand to lose control like that again. So, step by wobbly step, you sat down with Soap once more, presenting your discolored shoulder to him.
"There's my girl," he said grinning, once again wrapping his arms around your middle to pull you close to him.
"I'm not your girl," you protested. He scoffed.
"Then what, exactly, do you think you agreed to tonight? Hmm?" He stared deep into your eyes, and you swear you could feel them piercing into your soul. "You think we're just 'roommates' or something?" He kissed your cheek. "Friends who get to chow down on you from time to time?" He kissed your neck. "No, dearie." He kissed your collarbone. "You're ours." He lapped at your sore shoulder, all open-mouthed kisses and lithe tongue smoothing over your soft, abused flesh.
You choked back a moan at the feeling. It was so wrong to be enjoying this- the feeling of your captor's mouth on your body. But it was oh so soothing. You could already feel the soreness dissipating. He pulled back, admiring his handiwork with a grin of satisfaction. "It's not perfect, but then again, Ghost did getcha pretty good. It'll take time to heal properly." He surveyed the other bites. "The rest of you is perfect, though, I must say," he said with a wink, letting his eyes wander...
"Where was he tonight, anyway?" You asked. You still had yet to meet, or even catch a glimpse of the man who had basically mauled you.
"You didn't see him?" Soap responded. Your blood ran cold.
"What do you mean…?"
"He was there tonight, standin' in the corner like a bleedin' creep," he laughed at his own joke. You didn't laugh. "He's a spooky lad, ain't he?" He noticed how tense you were and wrapped a massive arm around you. "Ah, don't worry too much about it, you'll meet him eventually."
"That's what I'm afraid of…" you muttered. He paused, and you could practically hear the gears turning in his head.
"Tell you what," he started. "You tell me whatever you want fer your room, and tomorrow I'll go out and get it. I'll go back to your flat and get whatever you need. I'll even get paint fer the walls if you like." His hand wandered, gently stroking your arm and coaxing you closer into him. "Just let me have a wee taste of that pretty little neck and we'll call it a night, aye?" He was so close now, his lips brushing against your ear as he spoke, hot breath sending goosebumps across your body in waves. Wait.
"You went in my apartment?" You asked. He tensed up next to you but didn't move.
"You went through my underwear drawer," you mentioned lightly. You let out a breath that was almost a laugh. You turned to look at his face, so close you were sharing oxygen. The ghost of a smile crept up on you when you saw his guilty expression. Like a deer in headlights. His eyes were wide, a sheepish smile making its way across his lips.
You laughed. For the first time in days you laughed. Soap looked like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Then he laughed with you. And for the first time since this whole thing started, you felt at ease.
"You pervert!" You joked.
"Oi, I was just trying ta get you something to wear! Figured you didn't want to be wearing the same clothes forever." His arm tightened around you and he shook you gently. You slapped a hand against his chest and he caught it with his own.
The laughter between you two tampered out and you sat comfortably in his arms, his hand holding yours against his muscular chest. You stared up into his eyes and once again you felt like you could drown in them. A part of you wanted to. He looked at you like you were art in a museum. It was different from the way he looked at you the other night. The hunger was still there, yes, but there was an admiration in them now that wasn't there before.
"Christ, you are a beauty, aren't you," he murmured. He brought up his hand to stroke against your cheek. Your hand remained pressed to his chest. "Like a bloody angel sent from heaven just for us…" His lips were so close to yours now. "Please…" His nose nudged yours. You were taken back to that night. It seemed so familiar and yet so different. There was no malice. Soap was tender with you. You found yourself nodding your head on your own this time.
The arm he'd had wrapped around you pulled onto his lap, your calves on either side of his enormous thighs. His mouth was now pressing feathery kisses along your neck. You sighed at the feeling and relaxed into his hold. There was something about his mouth that just made your head spin. His mouth reached your collarbone and he stopped. What was he waiting for?
"Gonna bite you now, alright?" He asked. You answered by sliding your fingers into the strip of hair that lined the center of his head. You felt him shudder beneath you, and then his teeth sunk into the hollow point right behind your clavicle. Your eyes rolled back on instinct.
God, it felt so different when you had a clear mind. Your body felt hot, tingling rushing down to your toes, your fingers twitching in his hair and tightening into a fist. He grunted at the feeling. His breathing picked up as the taste of you overwhelmed his senses. You were at his will and mercy in this moment, but if his words tonight were true- and you had no reason so far to believe otherwise- then you knew you could trust him. After all, Soap wasn't the one who had lied to you.
The hand that held your face so gingerly moved downward, fingers pressing into your pulse point. You gathered that he was monitoring your heart rate, making sure he didn't take too much from you.
Just as you were beginning to feel that telltale dizziness, he pulled himself off of you with a wet smack of his lips, closely followed by that magnificent tongue of his. He pulled back to catch his breath, muttering astonished curses under his breath. You could feel his eyes on you.
"You alright hen?" He asked. You didn't respond right away, head a little fuzzy from the feeling he'd given you. "Hey," he shook you. "Are you alright?" He sounded a bit more worried this time. Your eyes fluttered open to meet his staring up at you. You both stared at one another for a moment, both heavy-lidded and comfortable. He brought his forehead to rest on yours.
"Don't know what the hell you're made of, but you sure are somethin' else," he remarked. You were floating on cloud nine. You felt your world shift as his strong arms lowered you onto your back on the bed. You looked up at him with tired eyes. You weren't about to pass out, not like last time, but you were feeling significantly more lethargic.
Soap laid on his side next to you. He brushed your hair away from your face and threaded his fingers in your hair, just as you had done moments before. His fingers expertly massaged your scalp, lulling you even further towards sleep.
"Now," he started, "why don't you tell me what you need?" Your eyes widened at that. "Oh, no no! Not like that!" He corrected himself quickly. "I meant what we talked about earlier. For your room.
"This is your home now, for better or worse, so it should feel like it. At least a little bit. So tell me whatever you want, we'll get it for you. Television, new sofa, a damned diamond necklace- name it, it's yours."
You pondered his question for a moment. You weren't sure what they could do for you at this point. In this moment you felt safe lying in Soaps protective arms, but you knew as soon as he left you, that creeping feeling would come back again. This wasn't your home. You didn't know how it ever could be.
Soap could sense you retreating into yourself. He jostled your head ever so slightly.
"Hey, you still with me?" he checked.
"Yeah, yeah just… thinking…" you trailed off again. You thought back through the day. What did you need…? Then you thought of something. "A shower head," you offered. "Baths are nice and all, but I'd like to be able to take a shower, too. Just to have the option to." He nodded.
"Done. Anything else?"
"The rest of my clothes would be nice, too. And yeah, maybe a T.V.," you responded, "something with Netflix or something." He made a mental note of your requests.
"I can get you the T.V., but I can't guarantee internet."
"Why not?" You wondered.
"Same reason we can't give your phone back." Oh.
Because you'd call for help.
You were suddenly reminded of the grave situation you were in. You were being held captive here. They weren't just going to let you go that easily. These men were smart, you weren't going to catch them slipping up over something like internet access. If you wanted out you'd have to plan very carefully. But how… Soap's voice pulled you from your thoughts once again.
"If you want, we can get DVDs of whatever movies you want. Twilight, Nosferatu…" he trailed off with a laugh again. You couldn't help but join him. As your laughter settled down again, Soap sighed.
"You should get some sleep, bonnie. You'll need it," he spoke as he withdrew his arms from your body. He stood and tugged the comforter from under the weight of your body with ease and placed it over your body. You passively wondered if it was Soap that had tucked you into this bed the first time around.
"You'll have tomorrow to recover and get your strength back. When you wake up, I'll give you a proper tour of the house, and we'll get you something to eat then." Then he paused for a moment. "Wait, when was the last time you ate…?" He wondered out loud. Then his face went blank in a moment of realization. "Oh, shit! I'll be back!"
And before you could say another word, he was out the door. You heard the sound of the lock turning. How had you only just now realized how hungry you were? You supposed it must've been the anxiety of the day's events that had kept your stomach in knots. You'd been so concerned about becoming a meal that you hadn't even thought of having one for yourself!
But as you waited for Soap to return, presumably with food, you felt your eyelids getting heavier and heavier. And then they were closed. And then you were asleep. And then a gentle hand at your shoulder was waking you up. You opened your eyes to see Soap standing over you, holding a dinner tray in his hands.
“Sit up,” he said. You did as he said, rubbing your eyes. “Sorry, this was all I could find, we’re not used to having human… guests over.” He stumbled over the last part. Both of you knew you weren’t a guest here. Guests had the freedom to leave. He set the tray on your lap for you. On the tray sat a lump of aged cheese and a handful of crackers. You didn't want to know how old they were, but you could tell just from looking that they were stale as rocks.
You brought one of the crackers to your mouth and nearly chipped a tooth. Both of you winced. You dropped it back down on the plate with a clatter and moved to the cheese. Thankfully it was edible. You choked it down and handed the tray back to Soap.
"I'm sorry, it's all we had-"
"It's fine," you snapped. It seemed that eating had only made the pit in your stomach deeper. You were hungry. You were tired. You were scared. And Soap was honestly just pissing you off.
"Well, someone's hangry…" he muttered to himself.
"Just get out," you commanded. Honestly you don't know what had gotten into you earlier. Why were you being so friendly with him? Maybe your head hadn't been as clear as you had thought.
"Excuse me?" Soap interjected. He dropped the tray on the nightstand beside you rather roughly and loomed over you. You were in awe of the size of him, acutely aware of the fact that he could snap you in half without breaking a sweat. He'd been so gentle tonight, you had all but forgotten how terrifying he'd been the night you'd met.
"You should remember who you're talking to, sweetheart," he growled, voice close to animalistic. "I go through the trouble to find human food for you and you just-" He closed his eyes and took a deep breath to calm himself. He opened his eyes to see yours watering.
"No, no, don't do that, pretty girl," he cooed, sitting on the edge of the bed next to you, reaching to dry your tears, but you jerked away. Your wide, teary eyes watched as he didn't back down, instead holding your face with an impossibly strong hand. "Don't cry." You felt the knot in your chest dissipate. His thumbs wiped away your years. "There we go, bonnie. That's it. Smile for me." And so you smiled. "There's a good pet." He chuckled, and you felt your own laughter bubble up again. You couldn't tear your eyes away from his. "Now lie back down," You did. "And go to sleep." And you slept.
Tags: @cherry-slushee @iimfae @newcomernewcums @cowboybxtch @quiurifam @sad--pigeon @desert-fern @grizzers @the-wandering-pan-ace @quiurifam @wasteland-babe @obi-wansorrow @tbrfic @tdurmi @xespresso-depressox @mauveserpent @bloodyknucklesforme @330bpm-whiplash @grizzersmama @amazingpandaz-blog
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georgies-ftts · 1 year
my genuine thoughts and reactions watching One Piece as someone who has never consumed a different piece of One Piece media before
spoilers… obviously…
Episode 1:
thick glaswegian accent straight away you’ve won me over
this guys moustache is immaculate kinda looks like every version of captain hook ever mushed into one
i recognise the scottish guy
random guy #374’s sideburns are… definitely there
slay drop a bomb before you’re executed horribly
cracker opening theme actually 9/10 should’ve been longer
fourth wall break?
nope he’s talking to a bird
okay funky trouser man you shout into the abyss
this birds got better drip than me
‘Mutiny’ funny actually
he’s not having a good time
what the actual fuck is that ship
aldiva? love of my life?
Koby needs a fresh trim… probably… idk
love me some cheeky windmills
i recognise red hair hat man too
that kids fully gonna die
luffy is fuckin nuts
is he eating… raw??? steak???
australian pink haired harrypotter is about to shit himself
dudes about to get his shit rocked
funky hat man??? is fucking??? elastic
rope burn doesn’t exist in this universe
elastic head is genuinely fuckin horrific
but also slay
think i’m gonna like depressed green hair man
Mr 7 is wearing two ruffs….
‘My favourite is number 1’ fuck him up emotionally i like it
and then fuck him physically this is going grand actually
sword fights that are choreographed immaculately and with fluid camera movements truly do hold a very special place in my heart
oh wait is the luffy kid funky straw hat man
“your mug” yes get that slang in there
wait but luffy has a steady american accent with no twangs
purple orb i’d eat it
oh so would he apparently
what the fuck it’s green
who the fuck is red haired hat man i can’t be bothered to pull up imdb
don’t kill shanks he treats the bar staff with respect
he was in ‘fresh meat’ i found him
he’s so gonna die
i’d slap man bun guy so fuckin hard
luffy needs to like… have a nap or something
woah luffy straight in there with the insults
he had a munch and now he’s a bit bendy
now i recognise koby jesus christ
didn’t need to slap the poor guy jesus
koby is cute i like them
ginger woman floating in the sea
“sweetheart” fucking get rid of them
is she gonna fuck em up
slay queen found a new love of my life and she’s wearing funky socks
‘where’s my face?’ bruvva i could squish your cheeks like a toddler that wall is not for you
it’s green haired sword guy love him
“one for my friend” dude that is a body. in a sack.
it’s ginger sock girl, marry me
blonde british man is gonna catch these fists, sir that is a child leave her alone
lucious malfoy looking ass
yes Zoro (the subtitles are the only reason i know what’s goi-)
did he just eat that off the floor.
blonde british man is fucking terrifying
another sword fight???????
kolby you are me actually
fuck them up fuck them up fuck them up
i’m a lesbian but i do think green haired man just turned me bisexual
“my father” jesus fuckin christ they hired draco malfoy
like the rum???
jesus christ daddy’s boy needs a fuckin gag or some shit
i want Zoro’s earrings please
why does this man have a metal plate bolted into his face
“where does it even go” i think you know
koby realising not everything that’s made out to be ‘good’ is always good slay, we love a little bit of depth
i love a cgi sewer pipe
jesus chrrriiiiiiist draco malfoy is back
kick him in the balls
“when i get down” dude you are literally half on the floor already….
my wife ginger socks girl is back everything is good
she’s gone again, devastated
luffy kinda has the percy jackson cockiness yknow?
luffy 10/10 would do a phycology gcse
fucking english bastards ruining everything
it’s fine she fucked em up again
what is the grand line may i ask
her eyes are stunning
i think she just shat herself
draco malfoy needs to go what the-
that’s his bare arse
chop his dick off
i beg you
i think luffy just wants some friends
she’s a pickpocket too holy fuck-
“i’m never joining” yuh huh sure
why’s she searching the papers on the desk surely they would be in a draw or some shit or like a secret message or something
win for luffy
153rd marines really doesn’t sound all that threatening
so he’s like… hench as fuck too?
protect the hat luffy as you should
green haired man’s just pitched up c’mon
slay, literally and figuratively
is he wearing zebra trousers?
not where i thought the sword went…
yeaaahhh fuck him up
that kick was fucking immaculate
so green man is also fuckin hench???
oi listen to the queen
zoro smiled that’s it life is good
koby no don’t
okay koby you slay love you
you keep them massive fuck off glasses safe
do they meet again? please tell my they meet again and they both live and are happy i will cry-
ooo action music my favourite kind of tv music
what the fuck is that snail and why is it also a phone
they took your mum actually
a pirate in a straw hat who’s skin is made of rubber thankyou
ooo new emo green haired man
they infact we’re not planning anything ever
that’s that one guy from agents of shield
jesus he’s fuckin creepy
oh that’s terrifying actually
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judethejudas · 2 years
COD MW2 Ghost x Stripper! Male! Reader
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It’s my first time writing in a longtime and my first ever Tumblr account, so why not make some disrespectful smut as a first using the latest eye candy to hit the gamestore.�� And I'm sorry if there are any spelling errors, it's 5 am and I'm too lazy to proof read. I am also a man, have no fear, or do.
WARNING: contains sexual themes, degrading, male insert only MINORS AND FEM ALIGNED DNI.
(s/n) = Stripper Name
“Jesus fuck, what the hell are we doing here, Soap?” 
The scot let out a laugh, knowing he had left out an important detail concerning their entertainment for the evening. Ghost was told that this night was to consist of booze, his buddies, and pretty girls dancing on a pole. 
Well, there was going to be booze and his buddies. 
But pretty girls on a pole? 
“I’m not gay.” 
“Well neither are we but we figured we just had to treat you to one of the best clubs in town.. And besides, it’s not just men in there. Sometimes girls go in there too.”
“You’re all as good as dead.” He grumbled out as the rest of 141 laughed. 
“Get in there already, don't keep 'em waiting.” Price laughed, leading the men to the entrance. 
With Ghost, there wasn’t too much to see out in public. He still preferred his privacy, especially when he was out with his team. He wasn’t wearing his balaclava, but he had a black mask to cover his mouth and nose.
Kept the mystery and he thought it would work like a charm with the women he would’ve met. 
Fucking Mactavish the fruit king himself had to ruin it. 
After the men passed the bouncer, they were in the club. 
Hm. It looked like your average strip joint. 
Nothing too out of the ordinary. 
Oh, except, there were scantily dressed men with their ding dongs just nearly ripping out of their undies.
“Jesus fucking Christ.”
“After a few drinks it won’t be so bad.. and who knows? Maybe you’ll find someone you like.” Soap winked at his friend before heading off to the bar to sit. Ghost quickly followed after, not wanting a male stripper to set his target on him. They could probably sense how awkward he was feeling and try to ‘comfort’ him. 
He doesn’t feel quite ready for that. 
Once the men took their seats, they ordered their poison of choice. Ghost ordered a particularly strong drink and downed it all in one go.
He would need it. 
“So, Simon, we have just one more little surprise for you. You don’t even have to pay for it.” Price snickered, as did the other men. All except Ghost, of course. 
Dear god no. 
Ghost was about to seriously protest the little game Soap was playing but then he felt a hand hold onto his shoulder. He quickly turned to see who it was.
Oh boy. 
It was a man. A stripper man. Wearing nothing but black, short briefs and suspenders across his chest connected to his underwear. A bow tie around his neck and… bunny ears. 
“I was hired to entertain a glum looking man tonight by your friends. You feel like coming with me to the back, sweetheart?”
“Oh yes he would like that very much indeed.” Soap gave his poor friend a nudge off his seat and into the welcoming arm of the playboy bunny— to which his hand was then taken and lead to the back rooms for a private dance. 
There was hellfire in Ghost’s eyes that was burning directly to Soap as he was taken away— to which the Scottish man only raised his glass to his teammate with a laugh.
Entering the neon purple lit door, Ghost’s ears were met with different beats of music coming from the closed rooms they passed and very dim lighting. He assumed that the strippers and their clients were having their private parties, and now it was his turn. 
Fucking Soap was going to regret this. 
“Hey— listen, I’m not.. like anyone else here, alright? This isn’t my line.” Ghost muttered in embarrassment, attempting to cling onto what dignity he had left before coming into this place. 
“Of course, if you’re comfortable with your sexuality then what do you have to worry about, huh? It’s just a little dance.” You giggled, turning into your own private room. There was a sofa that hugged against the walls of the small room and nothing else. 
Just you and him. 
“Oh, my name is (s/n) by the way. I know your team calls you Ghost but if you wanna go by anything else, let me know.”
You made your way to the digital screen on the wall to put on your music of choice. The light was better in here so Simon could also get a better look at what he was about to get into. 
He honestly thought you’d be one of those tight, little dainty looking men he saw out in the front of the club.. but no.
You were taller. Taller than he was. Possibly 6’4 and very well built. Like you hadn’t skipped even one day at the gym. You didn’t look like a stripper at all. If anything they should have hired you as the bouncer. 
Ghost couldn’t help but wonder if the rest of you was just as big. 
Was that gay of him to think about your dick size or just natural curiosity?
“You ever had a lap dance before, lieutenant?”
“Well, not by a man, and definitely not one that looks like you I can tell ya that.”
You chuckled, your hand coming up to rest on your hip. 
“I get that a lot actually. Sometimes I think I’m in the wrong profession but..”
You took a few steps closer to Ghost, backing him up towards the sofa and getting very close to his body— where just an inch of air separated you. 
“Sometimes I can’t help but enjoy it.” You mumbled in his ear, before pushing him down gently to sit on the sofa. 
“But I do have to lay down some rules, big boy. Number one, no touching me. That’s my job. Number two, don’t ask me to marry you or tell me you’re going to take me away from all this. I’m fine right where I am. And number three..” You said the last part as your leg was propped up just beside Ghost’s, revealing your crotch a lot more. 
“Don’t take your eyes off me.” You winked, getting closer to him to the point you were sitting on his lap, legs on either side of him. 
Ghost held in his breath as your hands came up to roam his body. They touched from his sides and travelled upwards to his pecs and shoulders, giving his solid body parts a massage. 
“So tense.. you should try relaxing a little more.” Your voice was just below a whisper and eyes darkening with lust. Ghost definitely wasn’t taking his eyes off you now, especially since you were literally on top of him.
“You can understand why that might be difficult for me, yeah?” He replied, which made you chuckle. 
“Just breathe for me, baby.” 
Then you started your dance. Grinding against him to the beat of the music while your hands came up to teasingly play with your suspenders. 
You would caress his body and whisper dirty things in his ear. Even slide off his lap to be kneeling in front of his crotch. Your hands would spread his legs and you’d give him such a pretty, horny stare that made Ghost’s breathing hitch. 
Thank god for the mask hiding most of his reactions to you.
“Fucking hell.” He mumbled under his breath. 
You stood up, snapping the suspenders off and tossing them to the side while Ghost could only sit there and watch you intensely. 
You turned around, showing your ass to him and giving it a few shakes and slaps. Your head looked back at him and smirked, before sitting on him again with your back to his chest and grinding again. 
“You in the military then? I know the men you came in here with but this is my first time meeting you.. so cruel of you to keep me waiting for so long, Ghost.” You breathed out sensually, your hand coming up to cup his masked cheek. He had to admit, the way his code name came off your tongue made his blood rush somewhere.. 
“Believe me. If I knew you were here then I would’ve come here myself.” 
Now there was a change in attitude. 
“Mmm, I would’ve loved to have all that time with you. You’re making me feel so hot.”
“Does that mean I get to touch you then?” 
Your eyes looked back to him and found his own staring back at you, just as dimmed with a longing that couldn’t be satisfied with just a dance. 
Not once have you ever let a man touch you in this club. You were very strict about your rules and the bouncers definitely were too. You two could get in quite a bit of trouble. 
“Touch me.” 
His arms immediately went to circle around your waist, his hand touching your half hard cock through your underwear. Then he started rubbing it.
You moaned, pulling his mask down to give him a deep kiss as you kept grinding on him.
Any other time Ghost wouldn’t allow some stranger to look at his face, but when he felt your tongue touch his, he simply couldn’t find a reason to care.
He turned you around so you were facing him again and you resumed the rutting against each other. Your tongues clashed together and the breathing got much heavier. You couldn’t help yourself anymore, he was just so hot and his voice was doing so much to you. How could you resist? 
“Fuck.. fuck, Ghost. Please..” you moaned out in between kisses, your cock fully hard and erect. Ghost was feeling the pressure in his pants as well and went to unzip his own trousers. 
“Call me Simon.” He panted, then took your cock out of the confines of your briefs and started stroking it. So, you were big down there after all. A whole 10 inches with pre cum already coming out from the tip. 
You grunted, pushing into his touch and immediately losing yourself in the pleasure he gave you. His hand felt so much better than your own, and you wanted to return the favor. 
Your hand went down to take his dick out too, and what an impressive size he was as well. About 9 inches long and so very hard. 
“You look so pretty like this.. touching my cock and grinding against me like a little submissive slut.” Ghost groaned out, still not believing how such a large man like you could be acting like a whore. For him. It was so hot. 
You whimpered, feeling yourself get closer and closer to release as his strokes became more erratic. 
“I’m gonna cum.” You squealed out, pushing into his hand more quickly and panting like a bitch in heat. 
Then he suddenly took his hand away and took yours off of his own length. 
“What.. no, S-Simon please, I wanna cum..!” You cried out, trying desperately to grind against him again to get more friction. 
“Get on your hands and knees right now, I wanna fuck you from behind.” Ghost demanded as you bit your lip, trying to contain your excitement as you got into his desired position on the couch and pulled down your underwear. 
His hand came down to give you a slap on your ass and you gasped. 
“You’ll have to forgive me since I’ve never done it with a man, but I have a feeling I’ll get the hang of it real soon. Just be a good boy for me and keep that pretty ass in the air.” 
“Yes, sir.” You breathed out, and graciously accepted his two fingers that were going into your mouth. Your tongue swirled around his digits to coat them in spit. 
Once they felt ready, Ghost took his fingers out and immediately started prodding your asshole. 
You gasped, feeling one finger slip in as well as the other. 
“Oh fuck..” You moaned, pushing back against his fingers to make them go deeper. Ghost groaned at the sight and started fingering and scissoring you, prepping you for something much larger. 
“Mmhhh Simon, I want it. Please put it in, I can’t wait anymore.” You begged for his cock, looking back at him with desperation. Ghost could just cum at the sight of you right now. 
“You got it, baby.” 
He spit in his hand and started stroking his cock, lubing it to the best of his ability as to not hurt you. 
You were practically drooling at the sight of his dick behind you, all wet with saliva and rock hard. 
You felt his tip enter you and you groaned, before feeling a few more inches sliding in. 
“Fuck.. you’re so tight.” The British man sucked a breath in between his teeth, this was a squeeze he never felt in his life. And it was incredible. 
The rest of his length was pushed in until you were completely bottomed out. God, it’s been so long since you were filled like this. 
You felt a slap on your ass and you moaned out loudly, hiding your face in the couch. 
“Start moving, bitch.” 
And you listened to him. Your ass moved back and forth obediently to push against his dick. You felt his hands holding onto your  hips and helping out by thrusting in and out of you. 
“It feels so good..” You moaned and squealed whenever he hit your prostate, your back arching so your ass was more in the air and Ghost gave it another slap. 
“You like my cock, huh? I’m practically a fuckin’ stranger and you’re taking in my dick so easily.” He talked down at you in such a sexy way it made your heart race. He was grunting as his pace started to speed up and you nodded profusely, mumbling about how you were his little slut and his only. 
“That’s right. There’s no one else who’s going to fuck you as good as this.” 
The sound of skin against slapping skin was getting louder and louder. The breathing only got heavier and your moans mixed with his deep grunts were much more common. Before, he would hit your prostate on occasion but he was ramming into it dead on now. 
“I’m close.. come on and show me your face, pretty boy.” Ghost panted pulling his cock out and stroking himself quickly, standing up on the floor so he towered over you. 
You got onto the floor and on your knees, jerking yourself off as well as you stared at him with tear soaked lashes. 
What a gorgeous sight you were. 
It was enough to make Ghost’s cock spurt with warm cum and right on your face. You gasped and moaned, feeling your own sticky release coating your fingers and dripping onto the floor. 
The two of you were out of breath but knew you had limited time before the bouncers would be checking. 
You both spruced yourselves up and Ghost helped you clean the mess off your face, giggling as he apologized. 
“Don’t be sorry, I had a lot of fun.. and I hope to see you sometime again.” You smiled as he put his mask back on. 
“You can count on that, love.” 
:)))) hope you guys enjoyed it
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lewmagoo · 10 days
i have a divine vision of “take it like a good girl and stop whining” + jordan except it’s “take it like a good boy”…. do with that what you will. 🫶🏻 — mearslot
he was pathetic. truly, it was a sight to behold. jordan talked a big game, but when it came down to it and he was face down ass up with your thickest silicone strap inside him, he was a a sniveling mess. his mouth was open and drooling against the sheets, eyes screwed shut, hands clawing at the covers for purchase. “oh my god. jesus fucking christ. it’s so fucking — ah! — big!” he yelped, voice growing higher in pitch. you reached forward, threading your fingers through his hair and yanking his head up. “it’s barely even in yet. are you that much of a baby that you can’t even take my entire cock?” you reprimanded him. “n-no, no, i can take it!” he promised, unable to stomach the thought of you pulling out. “that’s what i thought.”
you let go of his hair and took hold of his narrow hips, keeping him steady as you continued to inch inside him, his pretty hole stretching to accomodate the purple toy. he moaned brokenly against the bed, growing louder the deeper you went. “fuck!” be cried, leg kicking slightly beneath him. “shit! oh my fu—” before he could finish, you’d bottomed out entirely, and he buried his face into the mattress, letting out a moan that sounded more like a wail. he was putting on a show, you realized. over dramatizing his reaction. so, with a sharp slap to his ass and yet another yank of his hair, you growled out, “oh my god, jordan. take it like a good boy and stop fucking whining!”
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chubbycelebs · 1 year
The Factory of Fatties (Part 2)
Following the exciting fattening of Sam, the group proceeded down a new corridor still as dark and inconspicuous as the first one. They then reach a large round door, about 10 feet high. "This is the fruit section of my factory. I have a lot of fruity sweets and we need as many berries as we can get. And from those berries we need the juice." The round door then opened and revealed a large room filled with pipes and machinery. The pipes were filled with different coloured liquids; blue, purple, red, green, orange etc. "This is my juice concentration room." The group slowly started to walk into the room, looking around the juice filled room. "Here is where we take the juice from the juicing room and concentrate it to get the most flavour out of it possible. It makes all my fruity sweets taste so juicy." The group was looking around the room watching the juice in the pipes fly over their heads. It smelt amazing in there, so sweet and fruity. "Now boys there's some taps around the room to taste the juice so go and have a taste of these fruit juices. They really are amazing."
Henry and Charlie went off to the apple pipe and found the tap over there. They both had mouthfuls of apples juice and was blown away by the flavour. "Oh Jesus Christ this is amazing" Henry said as Wonka walked up to these two. Charlie went in for another mouthful when Wonka put a hand on his shoulder.
"I wouldn't go crazy drinking these juices my boy. They are incredibly concentrated. They can fill you up with juice in seconds and we don't want another fat boy on our hands now do we?" Wonka said patting Charlie's exposed lower belly which was already full of sweets from the last room.
Over on the other side of the room, Will and Matt were by the blueberry tap. Matt had a mouthful and was blown away by the flavour. "Will come here you got to have some of this." Will had a mouthful and couldn't believe how juicy it was. "I bet you can't drink straight from the tap for a minute straight Will" Matt said daringly to his buddy. The competitive nature of Will took over him.
"Oh yeah? Just watch and weep" and with that Will put his lips to the tap and turned it on. He was gulping the juice being filled up with the sweet blueberry juice. It was the best thing he'd ever tasted in his life. Matt was watching his friend and saw that it was approaching a minute and he was going to lose the bet. He also saw how the juice filled Will's belly and he needed to see his grow bigger so he went over to the tap and held it down. Will looked at his friend panicked now. He was slapping him to try and get him off the tap so he could breathe. Matt was just laughing at him watching his big bulky friend get bloated off blueberry juice. Will then hit Matt in the balls and Matt stumbled back and Will fell to the ground gasping for air. "What the fuck did you do that for dickhead!?"
"It's just funny innit. Plus you won the bet big boy" Matt said giving him a tap on his belly. Will didn't look happy at all and was angry at Matt for doing that but he was pleased he won the bet. However this momentary joy turned to worry when he saw Matt's face of confusion when looking at him.
"What's wrong?" Will asked, now worried.
"Your face Will... it's turning like blue..." Will's nose was a bright blue colour and this began to spread across his cheeks and forehead making its way down his chin and neck.
"What do you mean?" Will said now more panicked looking down at his body. He saw his arms and hands turn a deep blue colour now. He pulled off his hoodie and shirt and he saw that his soft belly and big pecs had also turned blue. "What have you done to me Matt?" Will now said with anger rather than panic.
Just then a rumble came from his soft belly. It even shook the fat that was already sitting on his blue gut. Will then felt a filling sensation, his stomach became so full and it wasn't stopping. He could see his belly begin to expand outwards, filling him up round pushing the waist line of his joggers down. The filling sensation then seemed to spread. He turned around and saw his ass inflate with juice, his thighs and arms following now getting bigger and bigger. His once slightly loose joggers now were skin tight across his thickening body. Will then felt his dick and balls fill up making him go hard. He became aroused by his filling body and his dick pressed hard against his tight joggers. It began to leak juice soaking his already stained trousers. His body was now filling up faster and faster. His round belly and chest growing further and further out requiring him to move his legs further apart and his arms to move to the side. His neck became engulfed into his massive double chin and his face rounded out now filling his cheeks with juice. His joggers couldn't contain his fat lower body and they split apart into shreds on the floor. His thin underwear left nothing to the imagination as they were soaked by his leaking arse and dick. He was getting so big and round now that his groin hit the floor making the blueberry boy moan loudly. He kept filling further and further upwards now. Already round he just grew bigger and bigger wobbling back and fourth. His large balls filled with so much juice and his pulsating dick oozing so much juice. He was about 10 foot tall by the time he stopped growing. He was so round and big and filled with juice. With one more pulse of juice his boxers ripped apart and his dick hit the floor causing him to moan once again.
Matt was stood speechless. He looked up at his huge friend and couldn't believe it. Matt was so horny right now, his own dick pulsating and leaking his own liquid. He was so excited seeing his friend get so big. Matt took off his top and went up to his friend and felt his round belly. It was slightly soft meaning he was perfectly ripe. He pressed his body against his belly feeling the juicy skin against his own. "What are you doin?" Will mumbled above him confused by his friends actions. Matt didn't reply straight away instead looking over at Wills big soaking wet cock. Matt put his hands on it followed by Wills moans.
"Are you horny big boy?" Matt asked as he started to rub his friends juicy member. He was answered with just muffled moans which was the only answer Matt needed. Matt began to stroke his friend's cock faster and fast. He stripped fully naked, exposing just how horny and hard he also was, and began rubbing up against it, his juice covering his body. Matt could feel his friend get closer and closer to climax. Matt became very excited and put his lips around the tip of his friend's cock sucking him off. Will couldn't hold it any longer and moaned loudly as he let out the biggest load he'd ever done before. Matt gulped down his friend's sweet juice every last drop which filled his belly. It was so much even his own toned stomach began to resemble a round belly.
"What is all that- oh jesus christ..." Wonka and the other two boys had ran round the corner to see what all that noise was. They were met with the sight of two naked blue boys. One round and 10 feet tall leaking juice from his nipples cock and arse hole and the other a bloated boy displaying his hard dick to the group whilst covered head to toe and his friends juice.
"We didn't know the juice would do this and he just drank loads and then this happened and yeah" Matt tried to explain. The rest of the group were just shocked by this sight.
"That doesn't explain why you're naked and covered in his juice, boy" Wonka said already knowing the answer.
"I couldn't help it Wonka. He was so horny and so big I just had to-" Matt was cut off by the sound of gurgling coming from his own bloated gut.
"Yes well I'm afraid you follow the same fate as your berry boyfriend here then. Probably best you stripped down then it makes this process much more comfortable." Just then, as it did with Will, Matt's belly lunged forward. All presence of muscles were gone. His belly jiggled as it rounded out and the rest of his body filled with sweet blueberry juice. Wonka went over to one of his workers as Charlie and Henry looked on in shock as the once very fit and attractive Matt blew up into a fat round blueberry. "Could I have two of you roll these fat boys down to the juicing room please." Wonka then looked back at Matt, who was now getting taller and taller whilst also getting rounder and rounder. He showed no sign of stopping any time soon, soon matching Will's height and then some. "Actually we might need more than two workers."
Four workers marched up to the two large berry boys and began to roll them towards the large round doors they entered. Matt had gotten so big that he could barely squeeze through the door. He got stuck and four other workers had to come and push him through. "Who's the fat hog now" Will said mockingly even tho he also struggled to fit through the same doors. The two boys got rolled to the juicing room and was promptly squeezed. However they couldn't squeeze all the juice out of them leaving both of the boys still looking like 300lbs fat blue men still naked left exposed for everyone to laugh at. Wonka went to visit them with the other boys once they had finished being squeezed.
"Well boys, look at the state of you. I'm afraid there's no way to reverse this. You two will be stuck being jiggly blueberry boys for life now as you couldn't help being competitive and keeping it in your pants." Matt looked down embarrassed by what he had done. "You two will have to stay here in the factory. We will find you a room together where you two can enjoy each other's company more privately." The two boys looked at each other and smiled. They were happy to be together now. There was always some sexual tension between these two so they were happy to freely explore there new bodies together. "As for the two boys remaining, shall we carry on the tour?" Wonka then marched out of the juicing room followed by Henry and Charlie as Will and Matt both started making out with each other, exploring their new fat blueberry bodies.
Heres part 2 to my series. Please let me know i you guys are enjoying this series so far. Im really enjoying writing it and already cant wait to write the next part. Thank you!
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notanerdyprude · 9 months
fun things i noticed rewatching npmd act 1:
sam sweetly was investigating richies death
richie messed with his fingers absentmindedly
everyone pronounces stephs last name correctly (law-ter) except the teacher (low-ter) because teachers cant pronounce peoples names correctly
pete is almost always curled into himself while steph is almost always sat more like. outward. i dont know how to describe it.
petes plaid on his suspenders and bowtie matches stephs flannel
stephanie wears a lot of jewellery
ruth and richie hold on to pete at the end of “literal monster”’s first chorus
the literal monster choreogrophy fucking SLAPS byw
richie is such a bitch “its LIPSCHITZ 🙄🙄” “i never intended to walk through your hallway”
richie keeps his hands under his armpits most of the time
graces little “mhm. mhm.” after she says “his name is jesus christ” >>>
max and grace nodding at eachother is never not going to be funny to me
kyle is max’s biggest hype-man. homosexual activity if you ask me.
ruth and the nerd in purple enter the stage hiding behind the bleachers during max’s verse
“next time youre going to cheat do it like a lauter and dont get caught” so solomon most likely got to his position illegally
“somebody WALKS to the office with STEPHANIE LAUTER 🙄” richie is a Bitch
ruth cares very deeply about library rules
she immediately stops caring about them as soon as stephanie lauter calls him
ruth rolls her eyes when richie starts his “aot > star wars shit”, so shes clearly heard this a shit ton before
petes jumper also matches stephanies foannel
pete is in the shadows for a good part of cooler than i think i am because he keeps walking through them
as soon as the bridge is done he goes from being in the light to beingbik the shadows again
peter can also be a bitch
max doesnt come from money
max started being a prick in 4th grade
jason seems to be an actually good dude.
max has a major god complex obviously but like. it is bad. it is BAD.
mark, despite being married to her, calls graces mom ‘mother’
graces mom also wears butterfly clips
richies side eye the second steph walks over im DECEASED.
richie looks so horrified by steph touching him
cooler than him tune plays when they walk into the boys bathroom
richie side-eyes people a lot
pete’s “grace 🙄” i love him hes so bitchy
hatchet town tune plays in the bg a lot
richie naruto runs into the waylon place
richie is VERY excited by the plan “WE’LL MAKE HIM SHIT HIS PANTS 😁”
petes a marvel nerd. he does both the hulk and spidermans gestures
richie is ruths wingman confirmed
richie fiddles with the little tassles on petes jacket
max is very good at puns
will is scarily good at sounding like blood is coming out of his mouth
pete has a very short temper
grace actively cheers for ruth after she cuts off max’s nips
stacy calls richie “mr. lipschitz”. for some reason.
richie calls jason jace :(( /pos
“theyre my bros for life” they said ONE nice thing to you get some standards i BEG
richies face immeidately dropping as soon as max says “richieee”
richies wearing 4 layers on top and a pair of shorts. transgender.
max’s blood is sparkly.
max shakes his hand after touching richie
max thinks people in the smoke club are cool
max locks the door on richie
he does the choreo from thriller by michael jackson
richies squeal after max makes him fall
max is heavy projecting onto richie
max seems genuinely pissed when richie says ‘im not a loser.’ he only chills when richie says ‘please don’t kill me’.
he taunts richie by calling him his actual name. he never called richie his real name, only shit-lips. false sense of security type shit.
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greenteabelle · 8 months
hc that billy is a weird fucking dude ( affectionate ) that's like super possessive , especially over stu . i also hc that stu bruises easily , so billy views that as a way to sorta mark his ownership over stu but like , discreetly . and stu just goes with it because he's like , it's billy . he knows he's weird .
“Holy fuck, Macher. what's that on your hips?”
“Huh?” Stu asks distractedly, following his gaze to where randy is pointing with a horrified expression. belatedly, he realises that his shirt was, in fact, too small and had ridden up to reveal a smattering of purple and yellow bruises all over his hips. “Oh.”
Before Stu can tug his shirt back down, Randy already has his hand on the hem, pulling it further up. It reveals more discoloured spots around his waist. Randy doesn't notice how the marks can line up to form handprints. “Dude, what the fuck? Did you get beat up or something?”
Stu laughs and swats Randy's hand away, tucking his shirt in properly. “Of course not, dipshit. Who the fuck aims for the waist?”
“I don't know! How else could you explain these?”
In any other case, Stu would tease Randy relentlessly, but seeing the genuine concern in his eyes makes him reconsider. Randy looks like he doesn't know where to put his hands, yet he hovers closely, fretting over him like a mom. Instead, Stu just messes up his hair, cackling at the indignant squawks that follow.
“Look, man. Don't ask questions you don't want answers to, if you know what I'm saying.” Stu says, waggling his eyebrows exaggeratedly to further cement the implications. “But if you really want to know…”
As expected, Randy gags and shoves him away, though his touch still remains careful. “Ew, gross dude! I don't wanna hear about your weird sex life, but man. You're into this shit?”
It takes a few moments to consider the alternatives, whether it's worth going along with it, but Stu shrugs with an easy smile. “There's nothing more sexy than a possessive woman, let me tell you that, Meeks. When you finally stop being a loser and get a girl, you'll understand.”
“I-I do get girls, I just,” Randy splutters, his cheeks reddening, “I haven't found the right one yet…”
“Uh huh, good luck with that buddy.” Stu grins wolfishly, pinching the boy's cheek for extra measure. Randy scowls, slapping his hand away. “Maybe if you actually got some practice you'd find your true love by now.”
“Oh yeah?” Randy scoffs, rubbing at his cheek. “And who am I supposed to practise with? You?”
Again, Stu shrugs. He leans in conspiratorially, lowering his voice into a whisper.
“For a good price, I'd do- Jesus fucking Christ, Billy!” Stu jumps at the sensation of a hand snaking around his waist to grip his hip, his back suddenly pressed against another very warm, very familiar body. He instinctively tries to move, only to be pressed firmly in place by the punishing hold at the crook of his waist. “When the fuck did you get here?”
“Just now.” Billy smirks. “Hey, Randy. What were you two talking about?”
That seems to reignite the life in Randy, who looked moments from passing out thanks to the scare. He snaps out of it and points at Stu's waist or, rather, Billy's hand. “Have you seen Stu's bruises? They look crazy, man.”
“What bruises?”
“These ones.” Stu says, immediately tugging his shirt up and angling his body so Billy can have a better view. It's a bit of a bad idea, because Billy doesn't have time to react. So instead of letting go, his fingers end up caressing Stu's skin, the contact both unfamiliar yet electrifying. He barely suppresses a shiver from it, though it probably doesn't escape Billy's notice even as he lets go. “Randy caught a peek because my shirt fucking shrunk, no thanks to my sister.”
Something akin to satisfaction flashes in Billy's eyes, but that could also be Stu hallucinating. “Oh, those bruises?”
“You've known about the sex bruises?”
Billy laughs, his thumb circling the sharp angle of the hip bone discreetly. Stu is honestly surprised that Randy doesn't see it. “Of course I've seen them. We literally change in front of each other.” Billy carefully pulls Stu's shirt down, not before leaving another longing caress to those marks before adjusting the sling of his bag. “Anyway, school's fucking over. If y'all wanna stay here, be my guest.”
Randy whips up his wrist to check the time and curses, quickly shrugging on his backpack. “Shit, my mom's gonna kill me! See you tomorrow!”
As soon as Randy disappears out the door, Billy casually steps in front of Stu. Placing both hands on the desk he’s sitting on, Stu is caged in. “So.”
Stu tilts his head, slightly confused. “So?”
“Sex bruises, huh?”
“What else was I gonna say?” Stu laughs, swatting at Billy's wandering hands. “That you're so fucking strong that you leave bruises on me? That's gonna sound even weirder man.”
Randy already thinks that Billy is creepy. If he hears that he also likes leaving bruises and on Stu out of all people? They'll be lucky if he doesn't just bolt to the police for that.
Stu slings on his bag and moves to leave, raising an eyebrow when Billy doesn't budge. “Anyway. We still watching Nightmare on Elm Street or no?”
Billy stares into his eyes for a few more lingering moments, before he huffs a laugh and steps back.
“Of course we are.”
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