#but my dad told me one halloween he and i were planning to make a gaige costume . just a fun fact i recently learned
mrsriddlenott · 11 months
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~ Caught VI ~
Mattheo Riddle x fem!Reader
[masterlist][last part]
This is gonna be Christmas centered(gift giving and such)even though it’s almost Halloween😭🤷‍♀️thought it was cute.
I’m sorry if this is a bit long, I’m tryna get in some real plot with this chapter🤞🥰
Warnings: A Lil Angst(in the beginning), VeryFluffy,SweetSmut,Unprotected PinV, DaddyKink. Sex Toys Mentioned&Alludes to Bondage(future pt😉)
“Are you sure we’re allowed to be in here?” Mattheo asked in a hushed whisper as you pushed the heavy door of your manor’s library shut behind you both.
“I’m the only one who ever comes in here, they won’t even hear us talking all the way in the back.” You sighed out, the ball had just ended and your father had unsurprisingly pulled your mother into his study, likely to “brief” her on his plans.
“I know I should have told you ages ago and it was wrong of me to keep it from you….and all of our friends. But I just couldn’t, I couldn’t even form the words to tell you he was a Death Eater, let alone what he’s been planning since….he went into hiding.” Mattheo listened to your hushed words intently, wincing slightly at your mention of his father as you led him to a small leather loveseat in the far back corner of the large, dusty library.
“I knew I’d tell you eventually….I guess I just got so caught up in everything else that I never decided to try. Or maybe I was just too scared you’d never talk to me again. Honestly I don’t know.” You shook your head as you sat on the cold leather, Mattheo remained hovering, standing in front of you as you avoided his eyes.
“I had a half-brother, Will. He died before I was born in the First Wizarding War. My dad tried to run with his first wife, so his wife and son were killed. He married my mom for the money that marrying into my grandfather’s family promised, and then had me to make sure he got the inheritance.” You didn’t notice when you started crying or when Mattheo joined you on the seat to comfort you. The story was clear in your mind as though it happened to you, you grew up under your fathers hatred, and knew every small detail of his obsession.
Your father was one of very few people who knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that the Dark Lord did not die on Halloween of ‘81, and when he inevitably came back to power almost 3 years ago, it all was meant to fall into action. Your father played the dutiful follower as he weaseled his way into his inner circle. Your mother was to play the innocent housewife as she absorbed all information from the wives and husbands of the other Death Eaters. And you….you were to get their children to tell you anything they knew of their parents assignments. However, you threw a wrench in that plan before it even began, you’d never hurt your friends, and once you started dating Mattheo it was solidified.
And your father hated you for it.
It only took one year at Hogwarts for your love of your friends to overpower your love for your father. You fed him lies and misinformation or avoided home all together, but somehow could never come out and tell your friends why you introduced yourself to them in the first place. By the time you realized you should have, they were your new family, you couldn’t imagine them turning around and hating you just because of this mistake. So whether consciously or not you weren’t sure, but you hid it, for almost 6 years, you hid it. Even as your father approached his goal, even knowing all of their families would be caught in the crossfire when he succeeded.
“You don’t need to tell me it all tonight,” Mattheo whispered in a small voice nothing like his usual cocky tone. Your bloodshot eyes met his in a pleading look as you tried to speak.
“No I do, I….I should have told you years ago, I should have told all of you years ago.” Mattheo was a smart person, he’d already guessed what your role in this was, and considering him and his father were still very much alive, he also guessed you didn’t quite play the role you were given correctly. Despite the pit in his stomach about what he’s going to have to do to protect you, he was soaring over your loyalty. The fact that you were here in front of him, and not in your fathers study, had his heart hammering in his chest. If he hadn’t already planned to marry you, he certainly would have decided to right here.
“No Gorgeous, you really don’t….I think….I think I already know.” He sighed with a soft smile as he took your chin in his thumb and forefinger, turning you to look at him with your bloodshot, teary eyes. Mattheo delicately brought the thumb of his other hand to wipe your tears away, like you were a piece of art he was preserving. His lips followed suit, pampering light kisses down both your cheeks as he whisperered, “It’s okay y/n, I know and I’m still here, I’m always going to be here.”
Your body practically fell into him as you collapsed into sobs of gratitude and relief. Mattheo’s arms wrapped around you as though it was what they were made to do, pulling you into his lap as he settled into the loveseat further. He let you sob into his neck, brushing tangles from your hair with his fingers and speaking softly of your future together in your ear until you were silently breathing deeply and lightly snoring into him.
“You’re safe Baby, you’ll never have to come back here I promise you that.” Mattheo listened to your breathing deepen as you fell into a dreamless sleep in his arms, but continued to speak, “You’re the only part of this world that matters Darling,” He nuzzled his nose into your hair as his eyelids fell, content right here with you, “I will let it all burn just for you my beautiful Angel” He let out a deep sigh as though finally stripping himself of a great burden on his shoulders, “You’re all that matters to me,” His fingers curled into you hair deeper as his hand on your waist pulled your sleeping form in closer in a protective hold.
He stayed holding you for what felt like an eternity while so short at the same time before gently rising with you in his arms, carrying you bridal style as he maneuvered through the dusty bookshelves to the door. He found your room easily, he’d been there before as a child, you and the rest of the boys had spent practically all of Winter, Spring, and Summer Holiday your First Year there. He’d never understood why you’d never invited them again, but now he saw it clearly as a form of protection. Your father likely loved the idea of the sons of all of Voldemorts best followers, and his own son, coming around his manor with their guards down.
It was much different now, the large circular bed in front of the arched window was now covered in shades of red with black pillows instead of the purples he’d remembered from years ago. The vanity directly across the bed was new as well, it’s large mirror sparkled with the reflection of the stars behind the headboard of your bed as he placed you on it. He swore you looked like a princess, the color of your dress clashing with the bed only drawing his attention to you more while he retreated to remove your heels, struggling to unclip them before tossing them aside with a huff of annoyance.
You stirred slightly as he untied the strings on the back of your dress and began softly pulling it down. He wasn’t quite sure what to do with it so just draped it across a fuzzy chair in the corner with a shrug before ridding himself of his tie, suit jacket, and pants. He unbuttoned his shirt as he crawled slowly onto the bed behind you, trying his hardest to let you sleep while attempting to get his shirt on over your arms. You woke up only for a second, allowing him to slip you into his shirt as you voiced your annoyance in a few grumbled sentences before slipping back into your dreams, snuggling into his scent and giving him a warm feeling in his chest.
He found it easy to fall into a dreamless sleep, something he was never used to until you were a constant in his life. Under your blankets surrounded by your scent, he felt safe, he felt you were safe, he pulled you into his chest with a content sigh. He’d been waiting weeks to sleep beside you again, and he didn’t plan to be sleeping alone anytime soon.
The next morning Mattheo woke you with kisses to your neck and face, allowing you to adjust to the early morning light before ushering you to get dressed and ready to go. “We’re going back to Hogwarts….or anywhere you want…” Just not here, he thought, wanting more than anything to have you out of this house before your father even realized he planned to.
Repacking your trunk was much faster with Mattheo grabbing things and throwing them in before yanking it up and escorting you out of your own house. Before you recognized what was happening you were being Apparated to right outside the Hogwarts grounds and tugged through a tunnel you had no idea existed.
“Matty what is this?” The tunnel was cramped, barley enough space for the both of you as he guided you around as though he’d been there before.
“It’s a tunnel he made when he went here, not even Harry or the Weasleys know about it so we’ll be safe in here while we get back to the castle.” You didn’t need to ask who he meant by he and you definitely didn’t need to ask why he seemed to know it like the back of his hand.
“Oh” Your voice was small and meek as you started to realize he was keeping things from you too, you didn’t know whether to feel relieved that you weren’t the only one keeping secrets or worried about what he felt was too dangerous to inform you about. You knew he had unavoidable meetings with his father, you knew he had to do things to stay alive and you didn’t blame him, but it hurt you to think about the fact that you’d never really thought about what must be happening.
You’d seen his scars and fresh wounds every month, but he’d always say he had it under control and for some reason you always listened. A part if you wanted to know everything right then, while the other, much larger part, was wishing you’d run away with Mattheo when you had the chance.
After what felt like hours you emerged from behind a statue in a dimly lit corridor somewhere in the dungeons. Mattheo took your hand like it was second nature, allowing your trunk to float along behind him while escorting you to his dorm. The corridors were empty and cold, most of the remaining student body gone on holiday, the castle that used to bring comfort to generations of young witches and wizards, now held a lingering sense of danger, like something wrong was hiding just behind the corner.
And as you watched Mattheo’s focused eyes, clenched jaw, and possessive hand, you thought there just might be.
Christmas at Hogwarts was always worth looking forward to, it gave even the most damaged of us a chance to let loose. But as you looked around the Slytherin Common room, realizing it was almost midnight on December 24th and not a single person seemed to care, you decided that just for the next 24 hours, there wasn’t a single thing wrong. You would tell everyone the truth on the 26th and everything would be okay. You were sure of it.
Even if it was just you and Mattheo, you were celebrating Christmas like you did every year. Huddled up in the boys dorm, drinking spiked hot chocolate, fighting over the best Christmas songs, and giving each other presents.
Mattheo wasn’t shocked to see you sauntering through his door with a bottle of firewhiskey and wrapped boxes as you had for the past 5 years. His heart sank slightly as he watched your eyes swivel around the un-decorated and empty dorm room.
“Wh-,” They had decorated their dorm room every year, at first it started with you bringing them little ornaments from a village by your manor your first Christmas together. By your second Christmas, Mattheo took it upon himself to buy a miniature Christmas tree. A memory you could never forget, a chilly December evening organizing only 5 ornaments along it. Arguing slightly all the way until Mattheo told the boys to just listen to you. It was one of the first moments you even realized you liked the curly headed boy.
From that year on, every member of the friend group was ensured to get at least one gift, a new ornament for the dorm tree. Which was still stuffed in it’s box under Mattheo’s nightstand. Mattheo followed your eyes to it and sighed, “I’m sorry Baby, I completely forgot to decorate this year and all the boys got an owl to come home so I did-“
“It’s okay Matty,” You gave him a soft smile as you set your bottle and packages on his bed and took your seat beside them.
“I’ll set it up now and we can decorate it together, Enzo and Blaise left some gifts behind so w-“ He stopped abruptly as you flopped backward further onto his bed with an exaggerated sigh.
“What a shame, all of your dorm mates gone and no way to be caught in the act, the horror,” You giggled slightly as your sarcasm began to settle in his mind and a smile tugged on his lip.
“Don’t act like you don’t absolutely love when we’re almost caught, I can feel how you clench around me Princess,” He stalked towards you as he leant himself against the bedposts at the end of the frame, eyeing the way you bit back a laugh and sat yourself up on your elbows.
“Okay Mr. “Scream My Name,” Your voice held an unusual mix of teasing and dominance that Mattheo wasn’t quite used to as you swayed your leg and watched while his tongue subconsciously wet his lips.
“Mmm, don’t tempt me Princess. I wanted to open presents first.” He faked a pout, watching your skirt slide up your moving thigh as your fingers moved to slowly unbutton your shirt.
“Am I not a present fit to be unwrapped Mr.Riddle?” You teased as you licked across you teeth and played at the second button on your shirt. Mattheo groaned from deep in his chest as his head fell backwards, his jaw clenched as he tried to collect himself.
“Baby, I have a plan and if you call me that again you’re gonna miss out. You don’t wanna miss out do you Gorgeous?” His eyes met yours, the dark spark you knew meant he was in control having you bite at your smile and shake your head, still slightly playing with the buttons on your shirt.
“Good girl, now come here,” Mattheo suddenly pushed off the bedposts and motioned for you to follow with a wiggle of two of his fingers.
“I thought I’d have to give these to you late but since you’re here,” Mattheo sighed happily as he pulled out a trunk from under his bed, “Sit on the edge….now.” You were slightly confused but after a second followed his orders, swaying your feet and waiting patiently as he unlocked the trunk with two loud clicks.
“Your first set,” You narrowed your eyes at him as he set two neatly wrapped black boxes beside you, both tied with a red bow. “First….set?” Mattheo only nodded his head with a happy little smile before urging you to open them with his outstretched hands. The first and smallest was expected, a delicate glass snowflake ornament hanging from a silver ribbon.
“Perfect, I can hang it on the tree when it’s set up,” You said happily as you gently set it back in it’s box, “Actually that’s gonna be the first to go on our tree.” Mattheo interjected, making you giggle up at him before realizing he was entirely serious.
“It may collect some dust while I find the perfect cottage for you,” He said with a wave of his hands, “but that’s the first place it’s going, nowhere else”
“Okay Matty, it’s decided,” You laughed as you grabbed at your, significantly less neat, golden wrapped package. Mattheo’s hand dramatically shot to his chest as his mouth dropped open, “For me?” he gasped sarcastically, ripping it from your hands as he opened it.
“Oh fuck Baby, is this the one we saw in Diagon Alley?” Mattheo’s voice was filled with excitement you rarely got to hear as he pulled out the thick silver ring with a snake tangled around the front. He haphazardly shoved it on each of his fingers before ultimately settling on his right pointer finger.
“How does it look Gorgeous?” He held up his pointer and middle finger, letting the others fall beside them as he watched you bite at your lip. “Can’t wait to find out what it’ll look like halfway inside of you…mm” He seemed to be in his own world as he eyed the ring, fitting perfectly with the other two he already wore on that hand, before shaking his head slightly, “Guess we’ll have to wait and see, your turn again.”
You shook your head, blinking rapidly with a shocked smile before reaching for the next box, his eyes lighting up to follow as though he’d just remembered what was hidden behind the wrapping paper. It was was longer and thinner than the last box, opening on a hinge to reveal a golden necklace with a heart shaped ruby dangling in the middle.
“Gods Matty….” You whispered, feeling across the necklace delicately with your fingertips. “It’s beautiful,”
“Can I put it on for you Princess?” Mattheo asked as he crawled on the bed around you, reaching for the necklace before you could answer. Clasping it quickly and leaving a kiss on the base of your neck, whispering with a confident smirk, “It has my initials carved in the middle of the heart.”
You chuckled as you felt at the pendent hanging between your collarbones, grabbing at the next package while Mattheo began kissing up and down the back of your neck, sending shivers down your spine as his breath fanned against your cold skin. You turned in his arms, handing him his hext gift with a smile. “And here’s your ornament,” Mattheo gasped as though he was offended, snatching the package mumbling, “Don’t ruin my surprise Baby,”
“I get you one every year, besides you don’t know what’s on it, now open it,” He huffed while ripping at the messily placed tape, halting slightly, staring down at a handmade ornament in the shape of a gingerbread house. A moving picture of you and him from almost two years ago sat where the door would have been, a picture that was taken only days after he realized he was madly in love with you, something he wasn’t sure you knew. Making it ten times better.
“I’ve changed my mind, your snowflake will be the second ornament on our tree.” His gaze met yours as a smile grew on his face, laughing while gently placing it into it’s box and leaning back to set it on his nightstand. “I wanna open my last one before you get more.”
Mattheo’s voice was stern and matter of factly, taking his last present from beside you as you nervously chewed the insides of your cheek. He wasted no time ripping into it, looking between you and the box as his brows bunched together, delicately pulling out a silk red tie, “Now, no offense Darling, but red isn’t really my color,”
“No….but it is mine.” Mattheo watched as you bit your lip before looking back at the box, realization settling in as he clutched the tie hard in his hand, closing his eyes as he groaned slightly.
“You know they say great minds think alike….” He spoke after a second of gathering himself, kissing your cheek before slipping off the bed and reaching back into the trunk, retreating with two larger wrapped boxes.
“This one first,” He all but shoved the box at you, watching you intently as he bounced in front of you. You slowly unwrapped the box, delicately removing each piece of tape as Mattheo narrowed his eyes at you threateningly. “I’m gonna open it myself if you don’t hurry up.”
“Okay okay” You giggled, tearing through the rest of the paper and throwing off the lid of a deep red box. Your breath caught in your throat as you stared down at its contents, a black blindfold neatly wrapped around a set of fuzzy handcuffs, a vibrator, and a collar on a chain. Your face burned as you looked up to a now very nervous Mattheo.
“Is it too much? Do you not like the idea? We can just move on to the next one if-“ He rambled as you looked up at him with a smile, reaching into the box as he spoke.
“Is this a remote Mattheo?” You asked teasingly, biting your lip at Mattheo’s sigh of relief from your demeanor. “Hell yeah it is Baby, that’s more for me though,” He was immediately back to his regular cocky self as he snatched the remote and slipped it into his pocket.
“Saved the best for last.” Mattheo sighed, handing you the largest of the four and watching you intently. He knew exactly which would he your favorite, and knew exactly which one to save for last. You smiled brightly up to him as you pulled out the red, loose weight thigh length dress from it’s box.
“Matty! I love it, thank you,” You practically screamed as you jumped up to hug him, laughing as he lifted you up by your waist. He chuckled in your ear, wrapping your legs around him, pulling you back to look at your face.
“Anything for you Gorgeous,” He said breathlessly as he smashed his lips into yours in a passionate kiss, stealing the breath from your lungs while his tongue began exploring your mouth immediately.
“Fucking hell I love you, you’re the best thing to ever happen to me ya know that,” He growled, kissing down your neck, nipping at it aggressively as he mindlessly cleared the bed of presents, papers, and boxes before laying you down softly and crawling up your body to meet your lips again. Mattheo quickly rid himself of his shirt, pulling at yours as you slid your skirt and panties off, Mattheo cursed as he jumped from the bed to shove his sweats and boxers off. Tripping over them in a rush to join you back on the bed, falling on you slightly as you fell into a fit of laughter.
“Yeah yeah whatever, come here,” He huffed, pulling your face in to an aggressive kiss. He nipped at your lips and battled your tongue with his, your teeth knocking together as you breathed heavily into each other’s mouths. His hands trailed slowly down your sides, stopping at your hips to tug you forward, plowing into without warning, a whine of a moan fell from you as Mattheo sighed and fell into you, holding himself up on his forearms as he began softly fucking into you.
Mattheo’s lips trailed along your shoulder, stoping only to moan as you circled your hips to his slow thrusts. Your fingers found themselves tangled his hair, tugging slightly as the others trailed down his toned back with a teasing scratch. He groaned in your ear, picking up his pace only slightly as he rocked his hips into yours. He lifted his head to meet your eyes as you clenched around him, steadying himself with a hand on your hip, increasing his pace further as he watched your head fall back with a moan of appreciation.
Mattheo felt himself twitch inside you as your nails dug into his back and tugged at his hair, he wasn’t gonna last long after not having you for weeks, but he wanted you to come first. He slowed himself down to an agonizingly slow pace as you whined under him, he balanced himself on a hand beside your head as he brushed his free hand from your hip down your thigh before suddenly bringing it to rush fast circles onto your clit. Picking up his pace and falling back into your neck, licking a stripe from the base of your neck to your ear, whisperering against it’s shell as you shivered, “You like that Princess? Do you like being fucked after I spoil you?”
All you could do to respond was nod weakly as he groaned against your bruised neck, “Do you like it when Daddy treats you like a Princess?” For a second Mattheo stalled, as though he didn’t mean to let the name slip, but quickly picked up his pace as you wiggled below him with a whine of “Yes”
He looked down at you with a wild, daring smile as his eyes darkened further, “Yes what?” He growled, thrusting into you harder as you tried to speak, jumbling your words as you began to lose focus.
“Daddy, ye- Oh fuck, Yes Dadd-“ Mattheo cut you off with a wicked smile as he ruthlessly pounded into you, you were shaking with the bed as his thrusts became irregular and his fingers slowed. Your head felt dizzy as you clamped around him, feeling his cum spill inside you sending you over the edge as you screamed his name.
You came together as Mattheo collapsed on top of you. “That’s much better than our past Christmas traditions,” You sighed in a breathless voice as Mattheo’s arms snaked around your naked waist, cuddling you into him while still inside.
“I love you, and I plan to spend every Christmas I have left with you,” Mattheo whispered in a suddenly very serious tone.
Caught VII
I hope this Isn’t weird or anything because I absolutely love it🥰🥰
-HP Taglist-
@timmytime17 @talia-scar123 @spencer-reids-wife @ttsbaby01 @animorose @whydoireadanymore @thievin-stealing @spiderman-stilinski @evycloudberry @shady-the-simp @ashisabitgay @porterport @callsignwidow @cicicicicisstuff @mattheoriddleswifee @junebugin-july @moonlightreader649 @devotedlyshadowytheorist @rubyliquor @perverteddsdreams @mildly-delulu @fairydimples07 @shadowmoonlight0604 @80scinemvasworld @nevillescomslut @annaisabookworm @abaker74 @athenalikethegoddess
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tetsunabouquet · 2 months
The Sakamaki Brothers with a Witch S/O
A/N: I can hardly make a Mukami version without dedicating one to the Sakamaki brothers!
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-Nothing impresses this boy, so he reacted calmly to the news. -Constantly begs you to turn his brothers into frogs. -He also often asks you if you can turn Reiji into a pig. -You found out a great way to motivate Shu to do something is to create a reward system with sleeping potions as they give him the best of naps. -He's surprisingly touchy about speaking of you powers in public. Once when his brothers fed him drunk, he confessed to you that he's scared of people burning you on a stake if they ever find out.
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-Reacted to the news with polite interest. -Loves making potions with you. -Which is something his brothers absolutely loathe, because now the Sakamaki mansion is permanently filled with all kinds of smells stemming from the ingredients. Kanato especially, is tired of the mushroom and toad smell. -Refrains from asking you to enchant his brothers, even though he does harbor the desire to have them be turnt into the cockroaches he thinks they are. -Except for when it's Shu. He'd love to see his brother be turnt into an insect, and finds it a bummer that you always refuse.
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-Was shocked when you told him. -Though he found it pleasing to be dating a witch, obviously Yours Truly would never date a regular human. -Often pouts a you that you won't put a curse on one of his brothers. "Why not? Yours Truly is demanding it of you!" -Wouldn't dare to comment on your chest because he knows you would turn him into a pancake. -"Are witches really so light that they can't drown?"
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-Found it amazing with the same childish delight as he would have had if you told him you owned a toy store. -Because Kanato actually has an affinity for magic, you like teaching him some tricks. -You refrain from teaching him any curses he can put on his brothers because you don't want to get in trouble with their father. -Wants to live in a candy cabin similar as the one of the witch in Hansel & Gretel together with you. He said, "Since you won't help me get rid of my brothers, how about we devote the rest of our lives to each other in the candy cabin? -Once the two of you are ready to settle down for good, you give into his wishes of living in a candy cabin.
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-When you told him, he found it amusing. -He is the one who comes up with the most weird curse requests like if you could transform his brothers into girls. -You always tell him no with a smile on your face because you do think its funny. -Interested in which magical herbs he can use to make the ultimate aphrodisiac. "No Laito, just no. You're a horny menace, you know?" -As a Halloween prank, Laito and you planned to enchant the piano in the Sakamaki mansion to play a creepy tune out of itself. His brothers weren't amused.
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-"So you have a magic wand?" was the first thing he said to you when you told him you were a witch. -As the youngest, most of the innocent questions come from Subaru. "So, do you ride a broom?" -"Are you powerful enough to kill my dad?" -He is secretly very happy to be dating a girl who's tough enough to handle his dysfunctional family and can defend herself. -Because he's got no hobbies or anything, he just often watches you practise magic to kill time. He honestly finds it fascinating to watch you fuss over a potion or pout out of frustration at an ancient tome.
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swappingbryn · 1 year
Contest Winning Halloween Costume
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My name is Derek, and I everyone around here knows my name and gives me as much space as I demand.
Halloween was coming up and I had secured an invitation to a highly exclusive party, obviously invite only, filled with hot chicks, free drinks, and the best part was the costume contest with a $10,000 prize. The rules were simple, “Best Costume Wins, No Holds Barred.” I had an idea, I’d need my buddy’s help, but he wasn’t invited to the party and I’d cut him in on the prize money if it work.
My plan was to go to the party in a different body, the ultimate costume. My buddy’s dad worked for a government research company that had perfected the technology. Before I even started looking for a body, I made sure all the body swap trope shit wouldn’t be a problem, like it wasn’t a one way trip, there wasn’t an issue with a body swapping back with itself, if the machine was destroyed we wouldn’t be trapped and there were other machines capable of doing the swap in case one malfunctioned.
Satisfied, I went about finding the best, most different than my own, body. I found it as I was leaving the gas station, he was a guy asking for change on the side of the road. He had to be close to sixty, his clothes were dirty and looked greasy, and I could smell him as I approached. I gave him a $20 and asked if he wanted to make more. He thanked me, but looked suspicious and asked what I meant. I explained my plan and offered him $200 to swap, and an extra $250 if I won using his body. I explained that it was safe, that all the safety protocols were in place, that there was no risk. He just laughed and said “it seems like if anything happens, I don’t need to worry about being safe, I’d be making out pretty well.” I guess he was right haha.
We went to the lab and initiated the swap, and it went off without a hitch. I walked out of the room in his old, smelly, dirty body. When I got to the party, I was stopped at the door (which is a good sign that I’d be winning the contest, since no one recognized me), but I presented the invite and explained who I was, so I was let in. I was definitely in a great position to win, no one recognized me, and when the host questioned me, I pointed out he specifically said “no holds barred,” which made him laugh and reply “you’re right bro, you’re right.” I spent the night drinking (which didn’t do much to me since I guess this hobo has a high tolerance), hitting on chicks, who weren’t into it since I looked gross. When the contest winner was announced, it was no surprise I won. The host even said “I know it’s seems like a cheat, but I did say ‘no holds barred,’ which I meant to mean much less drastic measures, but still, his WAS the best costume, no one would ever guess it was him.”
I collected my winnings and decided to leave soon after. Chicks were ignoring me, alcohol didn’t work, other guys avoided me saying I smelled, and this body ached all over with age and years of abuse on the streets. I went back to meet my body and swap back. He wasn’t where we agreed to meet and I freaked out, he was supposed to wait for me and not leave. However my fear subsided as he walked over, saying he didn’t expect me back for a while. Turns out while I was gone, he’d gone to the gym with my buddy who had helped us swap, my body said on their way back he stopped to get a drink from the store, and apologized for using $5 from my wallet. I was so relieved and just laughed, I told him not to worry about the $5.
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We went back to the lab and got ready. I gave my body the money and kept his $250 in his pants, and he placed my money in my jacket pocket, since after the swap we’d both have our money. The machine whirled and flashed, but nothing happened. We tried it again, I felt it working, but nothing happened. I asked what the fuck was wrong, and my buddy’s dad said there was a problem with my body, it was resisting the swap. This homeless fuck was preventing us from getting back. He promised he wasn’t doing anything, he was ready to swap back, he knew it was only fair.
My buddy’s dad ran some tests and said he figured out the problem, turned to me and said “it doesn’t look good,” before looking at my body and asking “do you want to swap back?” “Of course, I have to give him his body back, it’s only right,” my body replied. “That’s not what I asked. Do you WANT to swap back or would you rather stay like that?” “Well, I mean, I obviously like this body more. I’m younger, better looking, I don’t smell, and people don’t walk away from me to avoid me. But I know I can’t keep it.” “See Luke, that’s the problem. He is willing to return your body, he’s consenting to it, but he doesn’t WANT to swap back. The machine wasn’t calibrated for a forced swap, and we can’t change that mid swap. Since his mind doesn’t want to swap, the machine won’t do it.”
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That was almost a year ago. That fucker has been in my body all that time. He has been living as Luke Potter, the hot jock, the big man on campus. He has been hooking up with everyone he can find, guy or girl, he’s been doing a little modeling and even became an OF star and gay findom.
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And I’m stuck as Derek Grainger, the old, fat, drunk hobo. I developed a huge reputation at the homeless camp under the bridge. I’m ready and willing to fight any motherfucker that gets in my way. No one believes me about some swap, they think I’m just an old alcoholic that imagined it.
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xxbimbobunnyxx · 1 year
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Purple Houses and Paranorman
(Single!Dad Eddie Munson x Single!Mom Reader)
Summary: Eddie asks you and Oliver to go to a special screening of Paranorman with him and Charlotte. WK: 3.9K
Series Masterlist My Masterlist
Warnings: Basically none, modern AU, mention of a dead family member (readers aunt), There’s like one second where Eddie is checking reader out and his thoughts get a little carried away, readers son has a speech delay, reader is implied to be alternative and have tattoos but I don’t talk about it much besides her outfits, fluff fluff and moreee fluff. But as always my blog is 18+MNDI
A/N: So I might have gotten a tiny bit carried away talking about the house, it wasn’t something I originally planned out but it kind of just came to me as I was writing, I’d like for them to all live there together eventually. I’m trying to make it a lil slow burn but I suck at that so hard so we will see how much longer I can go without making them kiss LOL. Also I said these were blurbs and this is almost 4K sooo Oopsie. As always my requests for these guys are open and feedback is greatly appreciated.💜💚
Your phone vibrated and the screen lit up, the contact reading “Eddie🎸🦇” you smiled to yourself before pushing the green accept button.
“Helloooo Edward, what can I do for you on this fine autumn morning?”
“Hey weirdo” He let out a laugh, one you’ve grown to find comfort in over these last few weeks. “What are you and Oli up to today? The theater is doing a special showing of Paranorman and I was wondering if you guys would wanna go with us later?”
“What’s in it for me?” You joked.
“Ummm you get to spend time with your bestfriend and do something Halloween related, which I know you love.”
“Bold of you to assume you’re my bestfriend.” You laughed, knowing he definitely had become the best friend you have but still wanting to fuck with him a little.
“Me? I’m talking about Charlotte, you are her new self proclaimed bestfriend and also you do her hair better than me, apparently. Can’t believe my own daughter likes you more than me.” He sighed dramatically and you could practically see him faux fainting.
“Awww I love her, she’s my new bestfriend too. Verdict is still out on her dad though.”
“WOW I can’t believe you would betray me like this, I thought you loved me.”
“Don’t worry, you’re better at playing monster than me apparently sooo I think we are even. What time do you want to go?”
“I guess we can call it even, for now. How about around two? Gives us a few hours to get the goblins fed and ready to go.”
Jokingly teasing each other had become the norm for you and Eddie, easily falling into flirty banter since the day you met.
“Okay, perfect.”
“Want to meet us there? Or I can come get you guys and we can ride together.”
Something you had noticed about Eddie is how perceptive he was. He picked up early on that you’d avoid going places you’d have to drive especially if you’d never been there before, which in those first few weeks was essentially everywhere. So he always offered to pick you and Oliver up whenever you all did something together.
“Could you pick us up? If that’s okay.”
“I wouldn’t have offered it if it wasn’t okay, babe.” Babe, was something he only started calling you recently but it made you giddy every time.
He was also constantly reassuring you that he didn’t mind helping you when you needed it. He knows how hard it is to do this alone so he was always offering to do anything to make things easier on you. Even if it was something as small as picking you and your son up for a movie. At first you declined his help every chance he offered, used to doing things alone, not wanting to burden him. But he’s told you over and over how he doesn’t mind, that it makes him happy to be able to help you.
So who could blame you if you had developed a not so small crush on him? You tried not to, but he was all kind gestures, big brown eyes and chunky jewelry. So how could you not? It’s not your fault it was like he was your dream come to life. You weren’t positive but you were pretty sure he felt the same. Hugs started lingering just a little longer than they should have, hands started brushing when you followed behind your rowdy children on evening walks, the cute little pet names he would always call you that made your stomach flip, the kisses on the cheek you had started giving each other.
So after you got Oli ready you gave him his tablet and spent a little extra time getting ready. You did your hair in your favorite style and added just a tiny bit more makeup than usual, both turned out perfect. But now you were standing in front of your open closet, staring at it like the perfect outfit was just going to jump out at you.
The October chill had set in throughout Hawkins, the days still sunny but the breeze cold, not quite bone chilling like in mid December, but cold enough that you needed some layers. You were also going to be sitting in a movie seat for two hours even if they were the reclining ones you didn’t want to spend that amount of time sitting in jeans.
After trying on several outfits, you ended up deciding on a black long sleeve skater dress, the neckline scooped just enough to make your boobs look nice. You layered some thigh high socks and leg warmers before pulling on your boots. You grabbed a plain zip-up just in case you got cold in the theater and gave yourself a once over in the mirror.
You couldn’t deny the fact that you looked good, and you hoped Eddie would think so too. He had never seen you this dolled up, usually wearing more comfortable clothes and simpler make-up.
You felt butterflies erupt in your stomach, a mixture of emotions going through you. Excitement to see Eddie was in the forefront, but the nervousness was lingering in the background. Are you reading things wrong? Is it smart to get involved with someone that your son has already started to form an attachment to? You took a deep breath, checking your hair one last time before shaking your head as if it would erase those feelings like an etch-a-sketch, willing yourself to enjoy something for once.
When you decided you were as ready as you’d ever be you got on Oliver’s shoes and jacket before grabbing your purse and taking him outside on the porch to wait on the swing. You smiled to yourself as you looked at the porch you spent many summers drinking lemonade with your aunt. The various wind chimes that hung moons and stars and zodiac symbols chime in the mid October breeze.
You loved this house, it belonged to your late aunt who left it to you in her will when she died. It was beautiful but eccentric, kind of like your aunt herself. It stuck out among the many suburban style houses in your neighborhood. It was a late 1800s Victorian style home, with beautiful arches and various types of windows, a wrap-around porch, and a beautiful backyard with a garden that your aunt cared for until the day she couldn’t anymore. You and Eddie had planted pumpkins back there with the kids in her honor, she’s the reason you love them so much after all. They were almost ready to be harvested and carved, a Halloween movie on in the background and the smell of pumpkin seeds baking in the oven.
But what really made the house stand out was that your aunt had it painted a deep purple color, the shutters and roof black, matching the porch. The door was black but it had a beautiful stained glass window in the middle of it, depicting the same kind of crescent moon and stars that dangled from the wind chimes. Inside there were four bedrooms, two bathrooms, a living and family room that held a mixture of her old and your new furniture, and your favorite part, the kitchen. It had been updated since the house was built, but still held a vintage feel. Your aunt had the cabinets and drawers all painted the same purple as the outside of the house, wallpaper with those same moons and stars adorned the walls. The only modern thing about it being the fact that she had replaced all the appliances with shiny new ones.
It was a lot of space, too much for just you and Oliver. But you couldn’t bring yourself to sell it, some of your happiest memories were spent here. So you decided you’d take this opportunity and get the fresh start you’ve been needing. You didn’t have much keeping you back home anyways. You and your mom weren’t particularly close but when she found out your aunt left you everything, not just the house, but her money too, she was furious.
Now that you’ve settled you know it was the right choice. Oli started school and despite his struggles with communication he was thriving in class, you got a job at a local diner where you made pretty decent tips, you had this beautiful house, and last but not least you had Eddie and Charlotte.
A large smile stretched across Eddie’s face when he turned down your long driveway and saw you and your son sitting on the porch. He loves your house, he used to drive by it when he would deal to the rich kids in highschool and always admired it. But when you stood up his jaw actually dropped. He had never seen you in a dress before, you always looked beautiful but right now you were fucking radiant.
He got out of his SUV to help you get Oliver’s seat in and you were even more breathtaking up close.
“Wow. You look… wow.” Eddie shamelessly lets his eyes wander your form for a moment, his cheeks turning red when he reaches that little sliver of skin between your socks and your dress.
“Thanks, babe. You’re not so bad yourself, I guess.” You repeated his words from earlier back to him and he cackled.
“Ha ha veeerry funny, brat.” He stuck his tongue out at you.
“Reaaaal mature, nerd.”
“Hi Eddie!” Oli ran over to hug Eddie’s legs and smiled triumphantly, having recently gotten his new friend's name down.
“Hey little dude! How’s a going?” He gave your son a wide smile while he affectionately ruffled his hair.
“Where Char?” He tilted his head to the side, more concerned with where his friend was than answering Eddie’s question.
“She’s in the car buddy, you wanna to say hi to her while I get your seat in?”
He just nodded, grabbing your hand and dragging you around to the other side of the car where Charlotte was, knowing he’s not supposed to walk down the driveway without holding hands.
Eddie couldn’t help but watch you walk away, internally groaning when he saw that same sliver of skin from the back. The dress is long enough to cover your ass, but not by much and he can’t help but imagine flipping the skirt of it up and-
“Eddie? Are you gonna put the seat in the car or are you just gonna stand there and ogle me?”
You couldn’t help but tease him when you turned around and he was just standing there holding the car seat with his mouth hanging open.
“Huh? Oh! Uh, yeah- yeah sorry.” His face turned beat red and he turned his back to put the seat in to try and hide it, but you saw it. At least you know he thinks you look cute, mission accomplished.
Once the kids were all buckled and ready to go you got in the passenger seat and flashed him a smile. He turned towards you and reached under your seat, his leather jacket covered arm going across your thighs where your dress rode up. You tried to act like your heart wasn’t beating a thousand miles a minute whenever you were this close to him, hopefully succeeding.
But Eddie caught the tiniest little squeak that came out of the back of your throat when he first touched you. Feeling satisfied with himself that he had any kind of affect on you because you made him feel like he was in highschool with a crush on a girl he didn’t have a chance with. But you were constantly showing him that maybe he did have a chance with you.
He pulled a bag from under your seat, plopping it in your lap.
“Me and the princess stopped at the dollar store and got your guys’ favorite candy. I figured since the movie theater candy is like crazy expensive we could get the candy before and get popcorn and drinks at the theater.” He said it so casually, like it wasn’t a big deal that he remembered you and your son’s favorite treats. But to you, it was. Every single time you saw him he gave you another reason to fall for him.
“Wow, thank you Eds. That’s really thoughtful of you.” You smiled at him sweetly, the kind of smile that made him feel like he was going to melt into a puddle in the driver's seat.
“Of course Darlin’ anything for my favorite dude and my favorite girl.” He smiled back at you, the kind of smile that reminds you of sunshine that you wanted to bottle up for a rainy day.
He put the car in reverse and of course he had to put his hand on the headrest of the passenger seat while he pulled out. You just wanted to tilt your head up and kiss his wrist where his jacket rode up. You wanted to be close to him so badly, you’ve been trying to find the courage to ask him to hang out, just the two of you but you keep psyching yourself out. You didn’t have anyone to watch Oli anyways and if he wanted that he never hinted at it. Always suggesting things for you to do with the kids. Which you love, having someone think of both of you the way Eddie does is something you’ve never really had. But what you wouldn’t give for just a few hours alone with him, no kids, just being yourselves. But maybe he didn’t want that?
Eddie glanced over at you as he turned onto your street, you were staring out the window, chewing your lip that way you always did when you were thinking hard about something. Usually something that was upsetting you, so he did what any good friend would do and reached across the center counsel to grab your hand.
You whipped your head around at the feeling of his larger hand engulfing yours.
“You okay?” He ran his thumb over the top of it before intertwining your fingers. He had never held your hand before, and you felt your insides grow warm at the feeling. His palm was surprisingly soft against yours, but his fingers were calloused from years of playing guitar and working on cars. The juxtaposition of rough and smooth was more soothing than you ever could’ve imagined.
“Yeah, I’m okay. Just got lost in thought for a second. Thank you for checking on me.”
You smiled at him sweetly, squeezing his hand in yours. Expecting him to let go after he knew you were alright but he just held on tighter. One hand on the wheel, the other in yours, hidden from the kids by the center console.
“DADDYYYYY! I want an icee, a blue oneeee!” Charlotte said in a sing-song voice.
“Okay baby, we can get a blue icee.” Eddie smiled at her in the rearview mirror and she clapped her hands in triumph.
“Oli, do you want an icee?” His eyes moved over to the other side of the backseat as he addressed your son.
“Yuuppp! Blueeee!” He said in the same sing song tone as his friend. He was always parroting her and saying things she said back to her and it warms your heart. He’s come so far with his communication skills since he started school and started spending so much time with Charlotte, you couldn’t be more proud of him.
Eddie held your hand up until he parked the car and took the keys out of the ignition. Squeezing it before placing a quick and sneaky kiss on the back of your hand, giving you one of those goofy smiles you love so much and exiting the car like he didn’t just make a bomb filled with butterflies go off in your stomach.
You got the kids out of their seats and walked into the movie theater, Charlotte and Oliver insisting on being in the middle so they could hold hands too. Eddie showed the guy at the ticket booth the barcode on his phone that had the tickets on it since he insisted on paying for everyone.
“Icee! Icee! Blue!” Oli jumped up and down as he pointed at the machine spinning the different colored slushy ice.
“Yeah baby, I’m gonna get you an Icee.” You chuckled at how cute his excitement was, letting him drag you toward the concession stand with Eddie and Charlotte in tow.
You ordered two small and two large blue Icees and a large popcorn. You go to pull your wallet out of your purse to pay since Eddie bought the tickets but you feel a large hand on yours, pushing it back down.
He already had his card out before you even open your purse, handing it to the woman behind the counter.
“Eddie… you paid for the tickets, it's the least I can do.”
“Nope. My treat.” A triumphant smile spread across his lips and he sent you a wink.
He always did this, paid for you, drove you, brought you little things he saw in the store that reminded him of you or Oli. It’s not like you didn’t have money, your aunt left you plenty of it and you had your job at the diner. But you knew Eddie did well for himself, he had told you some about his childhood, how he grew up with very little and he didn’t want his daughter to ever feel like he did as a kid. So after he finally graduated he and his uncle opened their own mechanic shop. It was fairly successful, their lower prices and more efficient work times drawing in and catering to the less wealthy people of Hawkins.
“Dada I have to go potty!” Charlotte tugged on Eddie’s hand, pouting toward the bathroom sign that was on the way to your designated theater.
“Alright sweets, let’s go potty. Oli and your bestie will go get our seats.”
She shook her head and pouted, looking at you with big round brown eyes, asking without verbalizing, something you’ve became an expert at understanding after having Oliver. Ever since you had all started going on outings together more often she had been asking you to take her to the bathroom. She had hardly ever gone in the girls room, always having to have her dad take her, so after you took her that first time, she always asked.
“Do you want me to take you potty honey?” You smiled at her sweetly, titling your head toward the bathroom.
“Yes! Please! I like going to the girl potty room!”
“Alright little dude, looks like it’s you and me with the snacks and the seats. They have lady business to attend to.” He grabbed the drink carrier from your hand, guiding Oli to walk in front of him into the bright colored double doors that led to dimly lit theater.
You stood outside the stall while Charlotte used the restroom, “standing guard” as she called it.
“Have you ever seen Paranorman before?” You asked her as you helped her wash her hands.
“No but my daddy said it’s a lot like Coraline and I love Coraline so I hope I will like this one too!” She smiled at you in the mirror.
“I’m sure you will, Oli loves it!” You helped her dry her hands before leading her out of the bathroom and into the theater to find the boys.
“Mommmmyyyy! Sit!” Oliver patted the seat on his left, signaling for you to sit down next to him. Charlotte sat to his right and to her right sat Eddie.
You knew you wouldn’t be able to sit by him before you even got here. But he felt like he was a world away with two reclining seats between you, it made you miss the old movie seats, at least then you’d be close enough to reach behind the kids to hold his hand over their heads. You missed his hand in yours the minute he let go, it still felt empty now even as you held the large cup filled with sugary blue slush in your hand.
The movie went as smoothly as it could’ve with two five year olds. You had to shush them both more than a few times and twenty minutes in, Oliver had to go to the bathroom, Eddie took him, he liked going in the boys bathroom just as much as Char liked going in the girls.
When it ended you corralled the kids back into the car, Eddie offering to drive through McDonald’s on the way to your house to get the kids happy meals and they cheered.
The ride was filled with small talk, jokes, and all four of you singing along to different songs on your playlist because Eddie even let you pick the music in his car. He never let anyone pick the music, it didn’t hurt that you had good taste.
When you were a few minutes from your house, just like before Eddie reached over to grab your hand. You took it instantly, intertwining your fingers and looking over at him with a shy smile.
“I had a lot of fun today, thanks for coming with us.” He glanced over at you at a stop sign, his smile sweet and his eyes filled with affection.
“I did too, thank you for inviting us. Next time I’m paying though.” You ran your thumb along his, the soft gesture contradicting the teasing tone in your voice.
“Yeah, we will see about that sweetheart.” He sent you a wink as he turned onto your street, giving your hand one last squeeze before getting out of the car to help you with the seat.
He got Oliver and his seat out of his car, you grabbed your son's hand and he held onto the car seat as he walked you a few feet to your door. He sits the seat down on the porch before turning to Oli and asking him for a high five, he happily obliged, even offering to bump knuckles with him in return.
“I really did have fun today, I love hanging out with you guys, it’s nice… to have someone else to do things with.” Eddie rocked on the balls of his feet with a bashful look on his face.
“It is nice, I’m glad we have you guys. I love spending time with you, both of you.” You were sure the smile on your face was lovesick and dopey but you couldn’t bring it in yourself to care. “The pumpkins are almost ready to harvest, would you guys want to come over and carve them next weekend? We can put a Halloween movie on, make some popcorn, make a whole thing of it.”
“I’d love that, and I’m sure she would too. It’s a date.” His eyes widen as he realizes his choice of words and you can tell he's about to correct himself so you cut him off.
“It’s a date.” You nod, wrapping your arms around his neck to pull him into a hug that he immediately reciprocates, his arms wrapping tightly around your waist, his chin resting on the top of your head. You give him a final squeeze before pulling away and placing a gentle kiss on his cheek.
“Goodnight Eddie, get home safe.”
He was beat red with a flustered look on his face, you had kissed him on the cheek a few times now, but something about this felt different, more intimate.
“Goodnight sweetheart, sleep tight little dude!!” He waved at Oli before giving your forearm a squeeze and walking back towards his car. You sigh as you watch him drive away, knowing you’ll be counting down the days until next weekend.
Taglist: @comic-harley @yujyujj @witchwolflea @ali-r3n @bmunson86 @ineedtosusoutmyreadinglist @sheneedsrocknroll92 @melodymunson
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ilyasorokinn · 11 months
thank the donkey , ross macdonald
note, okay, originally, there was going to be a big halloween series, but i couldn't think of anything that really spoke to me and i wasn't inspired, but i was inspired to write for ross. so, this is my contribution to the holiday. this is my new personality trait, get used to it. also, lmk if you like this little family because i do and would like to write more if you'd want to see it :) another note, i tried to find photos of the costumes but couldn't so please just use your imagination :) last note, dedicating this to vee (@abiiors)! i was inspired by your dad!ross, so in my world, ross is also a girl dad and names his daughters after flowers lol love ya <3 pair, ross macdonald x reader summary, poppy macdonald is upset her dad is working on halloween. her dad is even more upset he has to work. so, he does the best he can to make the night special for her. warnings, kids/children word count, 1240 words (a little short, i know. but i promise it's sweet!)
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(gif not mine)
Halloween, no matter how old you were, was your favorite holiday. When you were growing up, most of the other kid's favorite holiday was Christmas, not you. Maybe it was that your parents went all out, or maybe it was that they let you eat all the candy you wanted, but it left a lasting mark on you.
So, when you had your first daughter, her second Halloween (the first you really celebrated with her), you went all out. You and Ross dressed up as poppies and Poppy was a gardener. She had no idea what was going on but she found it hilarious that her parents were wearing weird big flower things on their heads.
Now, Poppy was four, and her little sister, Willow, was 10 months old. Poppy had inherited your love for Halloween and by August had her Halloween costume planned. She wanted to match with you and Ross which made you a little sad, knowing that Ross would have to work on Halloween.
When you did tell her he was working, she was sad but her mood brightened a little when you told her she could still dress up for the show.
She was very adamant about being Donkey from Shrek, so you did your best to make that happen. The band loved the idea of Shrek, so they each decided to follow in your daughter's footsteps and dress up as a different character and assigned themself different characters.
Poppy was Donkey, Willow would be Puss in Boots, Gabbriette would be the Fiona to your Shrek, Matty would be Lord Farquaad while George, Adam, and Ross would be the Three Blind Mice. John would be the Dragon, Jamie would be Pinocchio, Polly would be the Big Bad Wolf and Gabrielle would be the Fairy Godmother.
Poppy was completely oblivious to everyone's costumes and was just excited to get to dress up and eat candy all night.
On the day, you walked around Detroit and got her some candy from a couple of stores that were handing it out before you headed over to the arena for soundcheck, one of Poppy's favorite parts of the concerts. She got to go on stage and dance around with her uncle and dad.
Before the show, after Ross helped you dress the girls, and after he'd left to get himself ready, Gabbriette came in and watched the girls briefly while you got ready, and took pictures of you and the girls before Willow started to cry. You soothed her then slipped headphones onto both her and Poppy. Poppy's headphones had a pair of donkey ears glued on and Willow's had a pair of cat ears.
You heard the intro to the opening song and held Poppy's hand as you walked to the side of the stage where you watched the show. Willow sat in the baby Bjorn comfortably and watched from the stage with wide eyes.
"Mommy." Poppy gasped when she saw the band dressed up as the characters from her favorite movie.
"I know." You gasped with the same enthusiasm as you bent down to her level, "Look at Uncle Matty." You giggled with her when she saw what he was wearing.
Ross looked over to the side of the stage and waved at Poppy, who giggled and waved back shyly. Poppy couldn't stop smiling as she looked at the band's costumes.
Somewhere in the middle of the set, Matty finally addressed the crowd and addressed their crazy costumes, "Now, I know we look a little crazy right because we're missing our main characters, but I'll have you know this idea was formed because of my little goddaughter. She loves Shrek, and I mean, who doesn't?" The crowd cheered at that.
"So, the littlest MacDonald is Donkey and her mom is Shrek. Strange, I don't know how we got there, but here we are." He shrugged, keeping everything about your daughter vague because he knew you and Ross didn't want people knowing too much about Poppy or Willow, "So, anyways, everyone thank Donkey for this genius idea." Matty and Ross looked over to the side of the stage where Poppy was beaming at the sound of the cheers.
The rest of the show went on as normal and right before Ross turned off the lights, Poppy ran onto the stage and over to her dad, which sent the crowd into a frenzy because Little MacDonald, Donkey herself, was on stage. The lights were strobing so there wasn't a clear image of her face which was why she was on the stage in the first place.
Ross picked her up and carried her over to the giant light switch that would turn off the lights on the stage. He waited a few seconds before he gave her a nod and she pulled the lever, shutting the lights off on the stage.
He carried her offstage and once she was in the safety wings, she was off and running to greet her uncles and godfather. Ross removed Willow from the Bjorn, surprised that she was still awake because it was way past her bedtime.
Now baby-free, you gladly accepted the drink Gabbriette was handing you, "She's gonna be up a while, isn't she?" Ross asked.
"I'm hoping for a sugar crash," You smiled, watching George pick up Poppy and run around with her like an airplane, "You did amazing tonight, by the way." You nudged him.
"Yeah, I had a donkey and an ogre to impress." He teased.
"I'm gonna save the smack in the head for later because you're holding my baby." You narrowed your eyes at him.
"I love you, too." He wrapped an arm around your shoulder as you followed everyone else into whichever room would be used as the afterparty room.
You rolled your eyes, "I love you, too, even if you're mean to me sometimes." In response, he placed a kiss on your head.
When you made it to the room, Matty was standing outside with Poppy, who was pouting, "Why can't I go in?" She whined.
"It'll ruin the surprise, Pop." He explained, tapping her on the head, "You like surprises, don't you?" She nodded her head enthusiastically, "Then just wait a second." Poppy turned to you and frowned.
"Listen to your uncle, flower," Ross told her. She frowned and crossed her arms, "Just wait a second." He laughed.
A few seconds later, Matty opened the door and nodded over to Poppy, "Cmere." She skipped over to him, gasping when she saw what was in the room.
The best part of Halloween, in any kid's eyes, was trick-or-treating, and everyone knew that Poppy was a little upset she was missing it, so in the biggest room in the arena, everyone spread out with little bags of candy, creating a makeshift version trick-or-treating.
"Here's your bag." Matty handed her a big bag before tapping her on the head once more. She didn't need to be told twice before she was running into the room from person to person, gathering candy.
You looked over at Ross, who was smiling with pride, "You planned this, didn't you?"
"Halloween's her favorite." He shrugged, before producing your favorite candy bar from his pocket, "Like her mother's." He kissed your head again, smiling as Poppy giggled.
"You're amazing, Ross MacDonald, you know that?" You smiled up at him.
"Says you." He nudged you, smiling equally as big and squeezing your shoulder.
my taglist: @romanticingheroin @sadqn1 @befrwime @mattymybeloved @zzzhealy @fanaticalfantasist @thefrontofmymind @scooby-doodoo @because-she-goes @imogennjordan
add yourself to my taglist!
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courtingchaos · 2 years
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Rent the Space Inside My Mind
1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I 6
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Female!Reader
Summary: Man, remember that picture you found? I wonder how you two decide to deal with that little hiccup...
A/N: I've finally come to the realization that this little fic is a labor of love for me. It's my baby so it isn't ever really going to have a real updating schedule. All of that to say, thank you for sticking around and reading you guys! Not a spoiler but just so you know, the end kind of reads like An End, but I have a lot more planned for theses two. This is just like, and end to the pining.
Also, I know others are reading this, but I'm giving a whole shoutout to @fracturedarkness who has been the best cheerleader for me with this story from essentially day one. Literally a ray of sunshine 😘😘😘
(If y'all want a soundtrack at all, just listen to Hozier's Wasteland! Baby. Seriously it's basically all I listened to.)
Warnings: SMUT! There's smut! Halleluiah! 18+ NSFW Minors GTFO
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In sixth grade Eddie had caught mono. It was the first serious illness that Wayne had to deal with since taking guardianship four years earlier. Eddie had moaned around the trailer for two weeks, unable to stay awake for more than a few hours at a time. He’d been exhausted and couldn’t swallow right. The fever he’d get at night made him nauseous those first few days and that’s the only thing he can compare this sick twist in his gut to. 
Between the picture clutched in your fingers and the intense look on your face, Eddie thinks he might just turn inside out. 
It sounds like an accusation in his ears. You’ve found him out, evidence catching the light where it waves around between the two of you. Forget trying to tell you his feelings, he’s got a date with  buckshot later. 
He takes it back actually, this feels the same as the day you accidentally met his dad. The sudden visit on a rare stint between prison stays. The lead weight of fear and sadness and pure fucking rage making him go cold and numb.
Eddie is so tired of shit going wrong in his life. 
“Eddie?” How do you sound so soft when he has clearly screwed up so bad?
Also, he went for one shower after making a stupid mess and you decided to what, go through his shit?
Don’t start 
There’s a black mood he gets in sometimes. It creeps up his insides, stains him dark. It makes him mean and he doesn’t want to be mean, not to you. Not to anyone really. 
He knows on a deeper level this is his fault, it was only a matter of time before you found the picture. Tucked in books and forgotten in his sheets he’s honestly surprised it’s taken this long.  
“Eddie!” The sharpness of his name jerks his head out of the haze he’s in. Sees your eyes clearly and you’re not mad, in fact he thinks that might be a smile hidden under all the confusion. 
“Where did you get this?” Even and calm. Could you lend him some of that? His throat clicks when he tries to swallow. 
“I think uh, I think I took it. On ha-Halloween. Last year.” He doesn’t recognize his own voice, the deep scratch of it. “We were drunk at Hagan’s. I don’t know wh-“
“You took this?” Another wiggle of the polaroid. Your grip on the box of weed is still white knuckled. Okay, maybe that wasn’t a smile. He can’t really tell anymore, the panic settling in firing off all his alarm bells. 
“You weren’t supposed to find it.” He’s so quiet, hasn’t been quiet like this in a long time. Wasn’t even this quiet sneaking into bedrooms. 
You take a step forward and he launches back. Head hits the door frame and if god is real he would let the paneling swallow him whole right now. 
“Why do you have this? Why all the-” you gesture behind you, “why all my shit? You told me you hadn’t seen my Theo figure anywhere and she’s in the drawer with all my shit!” Your voice gets tight, face scrunching up in complete confusion. “I thought I was loosing my stuff but you’re just stealing all of it! My zippo! Eddie what the fuck?!” No, right, there’s the anger. He’s pressed so firmly against the door jam it’s guaranteed to leave marks for a week. You take another step forward and he has nowhere to go, pinned under your scrutiny and words and the waving hand holding his shame. But where your voice was rising in anger, it drops suddenly, slides into something softer. “Why do you have this?”
Yeah Eddie, why do you have it?
It’s a total accumulation of, let’s be real, two years of unrepentant pining. Two years of being a dick and going after easy girls because you were off limits in his own doctrine. Too good a friend to ruin the relationship, and too good a person to ruin with himself. It’s nights spent at the bookstore waiting for you to get off, watching with a burning in his gut as the dipshit college guy you work with tries to edge his way into a date. Blunts and cigarettes shared like kisses between lips he isn’t allowed to taste otherwise. It’s the grappling like two idiots fighting, breathless giggles and rough shoves that end in headlock hugs and usually him tapping out first, unable to stand being in your embrace if it isn’t for keeps. 
“I…” the space in his room is somehow bigger than it’s ever been, leaving him adrift in the chaos of his things and your things and the too thin air that you’re somehow breathing in just fine. There’s a stutter in his chest where he’s not catching his breath, the familiar heat behind his eyes where the tears are trying to rush forward. “It’s just-fuck! It’s such a creep…move I know and I just didn’t want to l-let it go because it was a good night and-and a good picture and your hand…” he’d dropped his eyes to stare at your feet, unable to say his half-assed explanation to your face. “Your hand. On my leg.” Just a whisper. Swings his hand limply toward you. “I just, it was a nice thought.”  His throat is tight and he’s afraid if you keep looking at him he might cry. 
He’s watched you take enough steps forward so you’re practically toe to toe with him. In his peripheral he watches you toss the box behind you onto the bed, your other clutching the evidence lightly taps against his chest and rests there. 
He looks up through his lashes and his hair, keeping his sight obscured like it’ll protect him from whatever you’re about to say. 
“I can’t believe-“ you cut off with a laugh and a shake of your head, that small smile he thought he saw turning back up. “I feel so fucking stupid.”
Eddie’s stomach has disappeared along with the rest of his insides. There’s never been a real foundation of proof for him, just stolen glances he’s caught you in. That lingering look you’d give him, the way you’d hang onto him longer during a hug sometimes. Mostly just blind hope and his own low simmering ego to egg him on. 
“Do you want to know what I did this morning?” He nods, he really does want to know. There’s the smallest drip of warmth trickling down his back with your words. 
“I woke up and I thought about you. First thought of the day.” A deep breath and he can see the pink blooming up out of the collar of his shirt you’re wearing. “I thought about you and I felt so stupid after, for sitting in the dark and pretending that you’d ever-“ You stop yourself again and drop your eyes to stare at your hand on his chest. 
“You thought about me?” He asks and you nod slowly. He’s got an idea about what that might mean. “Do you maybe also have a secret polaroid?”
A break in the tension and you take a step back, laughing. A real one he knows, warm and happy. The photo hits him in the chest where your hand just was, where you’ve just flicked it at him. “How long Eddie?” 
“What?” He grabs for the photo but it flutters to the ground. 
“How long have you liked me?” Your wide eyes and breathless question challenge him. When he doesn’t respond fast enough for you, you reach out and push his bangs away from his face, smoothing them back. His wispy armor is gone and with it, surprisingly, some of his fear. Your eyes are clear and waiting, smile still pulling at your lips. 
“I don’t, I don’t have like, a date. Like, a-awhile.” Eddie stutters like he’s never spoken these words before. Nerves replacing fear when it starts to finally dawn on him: this isn’t going to end in flames.
The hand at his forehead slides down and rests on his cheek. He hasn’t taken a full breath in since you pushed his hair back, never mind now that your cradling his face, but the fear has been slowly melting off his shoulders while you’ve been staring at him and when your eyes trail down his face, it and the sudden nerves all just disappear. 
He feels your fingers flex along his jaw and he finally takes that breath. 
“I’m not reading this wrong am I?” Barely a whisper but he hears you. Shakes his head and opens his mouth to talk but you cut him off, just as quiet, “I don’t want us to make a mistake.” 
“You think this’d be mistake?” The hurt leaks through without his meaning to. 
“God no, Eddie I-“
There’s a bloom of confidence he hasn’t felt before, something that twist up through his ribs and around his spine. “Good.” 
Reaching out for you feels natural. He’s reached out to you a hundred times before but he’s never slid his hands into your hair. Tucked them up behind your ears and pulled you in close, felt you gasp when he brushes his lips against yours. Your hands pull at his shirt where they’re both fisted in the thin material, keeping him close. When you push into him he feels your mouth open, tongue grazing along his bottom lip; white static across his thoughts. 
It’s 10pm on a Thursday night and your kissing him in his room. Wearing his t-shirt and pushing him against the wall while your kissing him. He feels one of your hands flatten against his chest and his heart rockets off and your still kissing him. There’s your tongue again begging entrance and he yields, feels that barbell slide across his own tongue and he’s done for. It’s better than he could ever fantasize. He wants more of it but you just aren’t close enough. He grips at your hair to pull you in, to try and deepen the kiss but there’s no where else to go. You mumble something against his lips but he just swallows the sound and slides a hand down your back till he can get his fingers up under the hem of the shirt, palm laid flat against the small of your back. 
“Eddie.” You sigh his name and he makes it a personal goal right then to get you to do it again. Your hands wander down his chest and he starts his own wandering down your neck, lips finding any open skin he can kiss. “Hold on, Eddie-“
“I’m not holding on for shit.” He says in between kisses. “I’ve been thinking about doing this for months.” Your laugh vibrates under his mouth and it makes his eyes roll. “Do you want me to stop?” He pauses under your ear, panting against you. 
“No.” You sigh and shake your head, leaning into his hand still in your hair. “No I don’t.” 
He spends a few more minutes pulling little sounds out of you that he’s filing away for later. Nipping at your skin when you run your hands under his shirt and push it up. 
“Can I?” The question isn’t even finished before he pulls the shirt over his head and throws it behind you on the dresser. “Oh!” A giggle when he lays his hands back on you, hands rucking up your own shirt where he can run his palms over your midriff. There’s no finesse to his kisses anymore, just laying them wherever he can, anything to make you giggle again. He moves his hands higher, pushing your shirt up so he can finally see your tits again. It’s been a whole ass year since your wore your dress and he’s dreamt about this every day since. He kisses the tops of them and is mesmerized by the way they bounce back under his touch. 
“Hello old friends.”
“Old friends?!” When you laugh they move with you and he has to force himself to look back up at you. 
“Yeah, you saw the picture. We’re well acquainted.” He buries his face down in your cleavage and you hear him take a deep breath. “How do you always smell so good?” He’s layering kisses again and you’re trying to move around until you can pull your own shirt off. “Hey don’t rush this, I have this perfectly planned.” 
“Oh, so you left the drawer open on purpose?”
“Absolutely, it’s been my months long plan.” He takes a step forward to force you back one. Eyebrows scrunched together he scoffs, “I almost let you catch me for a while and then it happens by mistakeand I act like it’s the biggest fuck up ever and now I’ve got you shirtless. Listen, I plan campaigns babe. You know I can write ten steps ahead.” He’s walking you backwards till your legs hit his bed, fingers holding onto your belt loops to keep you close. 
“Eddie?” You hook your fingers into the waistband of his flannel pants, pulling down till they shift off his hips. 
“What?” He’s distracted by your fingers sliding around his hips. 
“You’re so full of shit.” He laughs when steps out of his pants and sees you look down, an immediate tilt to your head. Your fingers still against his skin, skimming the elastic of his boxers but he knows you’re staring at the growing bulge. The clever remark he had ready dies in the back of his throat when he hears the quiet ‘hmm’, watches your tongue poke out to swipe across your lips.
“If you keep staring I’m gonna get self conscious.” One hand covers his mouth to muffle the end of his sentence while the other lightly rubs up against his dick through the thin cotton. Somehow he stays upright, mouth falling open under your hand to pant against your palm. 
“You got any other surprises for me Munson?”
Are you talking to him? He can’t get a braincell to function with the heat of your hand pressed against him, barely moving at all. The button on your jeans is about all he can fathom, getting them opened and remembering how a zipper works is next. Your breath bouncing off of his chest makes him shiver and kind of brings some of his brain back up and running. 
“I uh, I got a few tricks up my sleeve.” He tips you back till you sit and he follows close, making you lay down. You laugh when your back hits the bed and you keep laughing, body shaking as he works your jeans down your legs. 
“What’s so funny, giggles?”
“I’m just…this is the first time I’ve had sex in a bed.”
Eddie stops moving and looks up at you from your feet. “I’m sorry, what?” He hopes he’s just hearing wrong, on account of his brain short circuiting a moment ago.  
“Yeah, it’s just always been in the back of cars.” You say it so flippantly, like it’s just a thing that happened to you. “I mean, It’s whatever. I just realized no one’s ever pushed me back on a bed before.” Your grin is hazy when you look down your body at him but he’s stone sober now. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to any of those assholes and he knows it. You’re the best thing to happen to him, and somehow you’ve gone this long with shitty car hookups. 
“No.” He shakes his head and pulls your jeans off fully. Slides your socks off and tosses them in the pile of your clothes. “You’re lying, please tell me your lying.” 
“I’m not! There’s so much more room!” You wave your arms next to you like you’re making a snow angle in his sheets. You sit up quick, bracing yourself on one hand to reach behind yourself to undo your bra when he stops you. 
“You don’t have to do that, I can help.” He’s crowded up against your legs where you’ve dropped them both sideways. 
“I know that, I was just making it easier.” His face must drop because you huff at him. “Look, I’m not stupid Eddie. I just, haven’t had the best track record I guess. I just assumed-“
“That I was gonna be like the other guys.”
You shrug. “Yeah, Hawkin’s finest. You know.” 
That’s a little bit of a blow, he won’t lie, but watching you slam up your walls when they’ve been nonexistent all night makes him switch tactics. 
“You deserve better than that.” He swings his legs to the side so he can lean over you, one arm braced against your hip, the other tilting your chin to look at him. He doesn’t think he’s ever seen you pout before, your bottom lip sticking out pink and wet and he wants to bite it. “I’m serious.” He leans in close, lips brushing yours. “Can I be nice to you?” He whispers against you and your face flushes immediately, eyes darting down to stare at the bed. He can’t stop the grin spreading across his face, delighted with how flustered you get. 
“I-you’re always nice.” You mumble, chin fighting to get away from his hand holding you still. 
“I can be nicer.” He closes the small gap and kisses you again, still holding your chin. He can feel your breathing speed up when it ghosts over his cheek where you’re nose is pressed. When he’s certain you won’t pull away he moves his hand to your back, unhooking the clasps one by one. Eddie pulls back to look at you properly, fingers lightly pulling the straps down your arms. “Can I?”
“You don’t have to ask.” You say, still nodding your head at him anyways. 
“It’s good manners.” He says simply, wiggling your bra off of you, tossing it to join the growing pile. You’ve shifted back to your elbows, further away from him but giving him a better view. None of his fantasies are measuring up to real life. Just watching the way your tits lay when you shift has him practically drooling. He runs a fingertip from between them and down to your navel, marveling at the softness of your skin. Runs that same fingertip over to a hip and you jump just a little. “Ticklish?”
“Maybe.” Your voice is wobbly, chest rising and falling faster. He lays his palm flat against your stomach and runs it up your side, thumb brushing the underside of your breast and you sigh, letting your head fall back between your shoulders. 
“You are so fucking pretty.” Eddie means it. Even before all the crushing and jealously he could see it. With your head back he can watch the blush creep down your chest and he marvels at that too. 
“Eddie you can’t just say shit like that.” You sound strained from the angle your at. He runs his thumb under the swell of your breast again just to watch you shudder. 
“What, that your pretty?” He leans down to place a kiss on your chest, can feel your heartbeat tick up faster. He’s only got so much restraint before he grabs you up into his lap but he’s trying hard to be a gentleman about it. You deserve that much for your first time. Well, not overall but with him? Eddie’s determined to make you forget about every other guy who’s even looked at you. 
“Look at me.” He’s dropping kisses along your collarbone trying to get you to lift your head up. His hands have been itching to grab your tits but he wants you to stop being shy for a minute. “Please.” He’s trying to kiss up your neck when you finally lift your head. “Can you scoot up for me?” He asks and you oblige. As soon as your head hits his pillow he’s leaned back, pulling your knees back up so he wedge himself between them. He grabs your hand and pulls it up to kiss your open palm and you close your fingers around his cheeks, making him laugh. 
“Will you stop being cute and just touch me?” 
“How?” He kisses down your wrist, watching you get more flustered. 
“I don’t know, whatever you normally do?”
“No, that was with them, they don’t matter anymore.” He makes it to the crook of your elbow before he lets go and crawls over the top of you, getting in your face to stare you down. “What’d you think about this morning, hm?” He’s keeping track of all the little whimpers your making, the way you bite your lip when he makes you nervous. You won’t meet his eye so he follows your line of sight and you huff at him. 
“Stuff, Eddie. Oh my god.” You cover your face with your hands and he thinks he can feel the heat radiating off of you. It’s driving him crazy in the best way, he doesn’t think he’s ever had this effect on anyone before. 
“Aw c’mon. Tell me.” He kisses each finger before moving down to your knuckles and honestly, he just can’t help himself anymore when he brings a hand up to knead at your tits, a quick pinch of a hardened nipple and you gasp into your hands. “Was it this?” He pinches again and you wiggle under him, hips jumping up against him and he drops his head. You’re hot everywhere, and the core of you pressed up against him through his boxers is going to do him in if he’s not careful. “If you don’t tell me I’m gonna have to guess and this could be a long night.” He rolls his hips into you to try to get his point across and to try to get some relief. 
“Is that such a bad thing?” You ask, pulling your hands down to just cover your mouth. Your eyes are wide and glassy, pupils big and dark. 
“No, but I want to know what I do in these dreams of yours.” He moves back to your neck to make a path to your chest where he laps at your nipple. “Something like this?” He asks before wrapping his lips around and sucking, tongue flicking over sensitive skin. You arch your chest up and there’s a laugh caught in your moan. He moves over to your other side, nipping at you before mouthing at your other nipple, hand teasing at your hip. He snaps your underwear against you and you let out a quiet ‘ow’ and try to swat at his hand. “Or was I somewhere else?” His fingertips graze under the band and inch down. Your knees pull up tight around him and he’s so close to saying fuck it to his own game. 
“You were-fuck Eddie, you were going down on me.” You get so quiet, the one hand still on your mouth muffling your voice. 
“Oh?” He lets your nipple go with a wet sound, big grin already set in place. 
“If your gonna make fun of me…”
“Absolutely not.” 
You watch him over your hand place a scattering of kisses down till he hits your underwear, giving you one last questioning look before he hooks his fingers in and pulls them down. You’re also starting to feel a little self conscious when you realize he hasn’t taken his eyes off you. 
“Ed.” He just runs his hands up your legs, big palms warm against your thighs. He pulls your knees out a little further before leaning down and re-situating himself between your thighs, leaving open mouthed kisses along the inside. You’re torn between wanting to watch him and wanting to cover your face in embarrassment when he makes the decision for you, pulling at your elbow to drag your hand down to his head. He’s got that lazy smirk on his face and you can feel his breath skipping across too sensitive skin. 
“Give you something to hold on to.” You want to laugh but he’s too quick, fingers moving in to hold you open for him. Your head drops into the pillow when he licks a broad tongue from your center right up to your clit, your back arching up and Eddie’s laugh vibrates through you. 
“Oh fuck.”
“I haven’t even started yet.” You can hear the proud smirk in his voice and if you’d like to say something smart back you won’t, too focused on his mouth working you over. His tongue is soft, even when he points it, uses it to prod at your opening and you forget any remarks you might have had for him. 
“Eddie.” You pull at his hair when he wraps his lips around your clit and he groans. You’re stuck concentrating on his mouth until he slides one finger in and you choke on a gasp. He pulls his mouth away and lays his head against your leg, watching you from under his wet hair. 
“Is this what you thought about?” He can see you nod into the pillow, hand twisted next to your head in the fabric while he pumps his hand slowly. 
“It’s what I thought about.” He hooks his finger up, trying to find that soft spot to make you melt. “I think about it all the time.” The grip on your thigh is tight, keeping it close against his cheek. “Ever since you told me about those shitty dates.” 
“Seriously?” You lift your head, eyes half lidded and face scrunched up. 
“I should have nutted up and said something. They didn’t deserve you.” He pulls his finger out and you watch him suck it into his mouth, watch his eyes roll in his head. You groan and he adds his middle finger before he pulls his hand out, spit slick fingers running up over your clit, teasing you before he slides both back in. He leans in to run his tongue through your folds, watching you from under his lashes while you wriggle around and clutch at the pillow. The hand in his hair grips tighter and your legs squeeze up around his ears and he’s surrounded by you, the low chanting of his name keeping him planted in place. He finally finds that spot, feels you shudder under him before you moan, tilting your hips up to chase his touch. 
“Eddie Eddie Eddie fuck!” You keep rolling your hips against his face and he can’t help himself. He’s been pathetically rutting into the mattress listening to you whine and he can’t take it anymore. He taps under your thigh to get your attention, really gets it when he fully pulls away and you look down at him all concerned. “Why are you stopping?” 
“Good reason.” He stands up and pulls off his boxers, rooting around his nightstand for the condoms he knows are in there. He’s oblivious to you on the bed, sitting all the way up now and staring. Of course they’re not where he left them, instead tucked behind his lamp but he grabs one and climbs back on the bed before he realizes what he’s done. “Oh.” Eddie feels his face heat up when he looks down at himself. “I probably should have done that better.” He’s expecting you to laugh or sigh or say something witty but you just snatch the foil out of his hand and tear it open. You only pause for second before wrapping your hand around him and he’s positive this isn’t going to last as long as he’d hopped. When you roll the condom down he hisses and drops, head falling into your shoulder. 
“You okay champ?” 
He just nods and whines when you give him a few easy strokes, watching your hand move up and down his cock. You’re so much more gentle with him than he is with himself. Eyes half open and mouth hanging he’s sure he looks fucking stupid but he doesn’t care, doesn’t want you to stop touching him. When you scoot closer and pull his face up it takes him a moment to realize you’re kissing him, for him to react and do something. 
“C’mere.” He shakes out of his haze enough to move back between your knees, pulling your hips so your ass is flush against his thighs. He pulls your leg up to hook over his hip, placing a quick kiss on your knee before lining himself up.  He rubs the tip of cock against you, catching on your clit twice and making you whimper. 
“Please Ed.” He doesn’t need to be begged twice, grabs the base of his dick and sinks in slow. Sees your breath catch and your eyes roll, “Oh fuck it.” He bottoms out, can feel you clenching around him tight and hot and gasping and laughing and he looses all composure. Fingers dug into your leg wrapped around him he snaps his hips back and into you, punching out a sharp peal of laughter. He does it again, loves the way he can hear the choked off gasp in your throat. When he picks up his pace you grab at the sheets, twisting them up off his bed. 
“Fucking th-thank you-u!” It’s stuttered out between thrust, your face flushed and twisted up in a smile. 
“You know how many times I thought about this?” He has to talk, if he doesn’t talk he’s going to blow his load and he refuses to let your first time together end before a full minute passes. “Every time I looked at that picture I thought about it. I should have fucked you in that bathroom.” Your nails scratch at his thigh where they try to find purchase. “All the rides out to the lake oh fuck- I should have done this sooner, yeah?” He licks his thumb before bringing it down on your clit, running tight circles around it. Your back arches off the bed and he feels you clench around him. “Is that it? Right there-ohmygod.” It almost sounds like you’re crying his name just before you come, nails digging into his thigh when it crashes into you. He watches you tense up and then collapse against the bed, pliant under him where he starts to loose his rhythm. The heat that reached up fast burns up his spine while he watches you revel in your aftershocks, already trying to grab him down to you. The hazy look in your eyes and that grin you’re flashing him send him over the edge, burying himself with a deep groan, your name scattered between curses. He’s whited out until he can catch his breath, gripping your thigh until he can see straight. In the distant ringing in his ears he can hear your giggle under him, soft like the hands trying to pull him closer. 
“Hey.” Your eyes find his in his own haze, slowly coming back down to earth. “Come here.” Gentle tugs to get him to lay down but he shakes his head, asks for minute. He pulls out to get rid of the condom and disappears into the bathroom for minute, leaving you to roll around his bed. When he comes back he turns off his light. Sees that you’ve pulled the blankets up under your chin, one finger poking out to beckon him back in. “I’m cold.” 
Eddie would like to pinch himself just to make sure this is real. In all of his imaginings he never let himself have this part. The sex was easy to think about but this hurt too much to ever linger on. He finds his pants first before crawling back into bed, snaking a hand around your middle and pulling you into him. He wedges his nose up under your jaw and hums, leaving a few soft kisses in his wake. 
“Are you always this cuddly?” 
“I don’t normally get to cuddle.” You’re both quiet in the dark, hushed tones under the blankets. 
“Huh.” Your fingers tangle up in his hair, nails lightly scratching over his scalp. It sends a deep shiver down his spine and he has a split second where he feels like crying. “Their loss.” He feels the kiss you leave on his forehead and just buries his head further into your neck. You smell like you always do, sweet and deep and now a little like him. He drifts off without meaning to. 
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It’s not daylight yet, but his room is lighter. There’s no alarm clock going off next to his head so he looks around, trying to find whatever it is that pulled him out of his warm cocoon. 
Bleary vision in the dark, he can barely make out your form jumping quietly into your jeans. He’s peering at you from under the covers, watching you get dressed. You stop mid jump to pick something up, staring at it before padding over to his dresser and tucking it into his mirror. He’s basically awake when you turn to open his door and he quietly asks you where you’re going. 
“Jesus fucking Christ you’re gonna give me a heart attack.” You clutch you chest and try to search through the dark for his eyes, finally see him when he pulls the sheets back a bit. 
“Seriously, where are you goin’?”
“It’s almost 5. I figured Wayne was gonna be home soon so I cleaned up the living room and like, I didn’t know if I should hang around?”
“You sleep over here all the time.” He slides a hand out from under the covers to make a grabby hand at you. “He won’t care.”
“Well I mean, I’m not usually naked in your bed dude.”
“Then leave your shirt on.” Eddie doesn’t understand what you’re not understanding. “I mean it, Wayne isn’t gonna care. If anything he’ll be happy I stopped bitching about you.”
“You bitch about me?”
“No, I bitched about not having you. There’s a difference. Now come here, I’m cold.” He lifts the blankets up quick, making a sweeping motion for you to get back in. “Plus, he won’t say anything unless you do. He likes you too much to embarrass you.” You’re out of your jeans again and crawling over him, trying to avoid kneeing him. 
“Aww, he likes me?”
“Well I like you too.” You’re barely settled before he’s wrapped around you, leg hitched over your thighs and pinning you down. “What’s that get me?” He’s nosing along your jaw again. 
“Depends what you’re looking for.” 
“Mm. Concert tickets to see Ozzy in Indy.”
“Oh that’s a big ask.”
“I see. How about a kiss?” He pulls back to smile lazily up at you. 
“I can do that.”
❣Tag List❣
@edsforehead @fracturedarkness @munsonsguitarpick @bebe07011 @ali-r3n @cantreadbutcute @eddiethesexy @emma77645
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idontplaytrack · 4 months
can you write an aj fic, college au, when r bring her home for the holidays but her parents arent approving of it…and the end can be like r’s cousins or siblings taking r and aj out to a gay bar or something, a mostly happy ending
It’s Not Christmas Without You
AJ Campos x fem! reader
Warnings: coarse language, homophobia, quarrelling, underage drinking mentions, sexual assault mentions
In which reader’s parents do not approve of their relationship so the siblings and cousins make their holidays better by taking them out instead
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“So they know I’m coming?”
“Yeah, I told them I was bringing my partner home.”
“They probably think I’m a guy.”
“Yeah, but screw it. If they kick me out, we still have a place to go, baby.” You told her, “We’ll be fine.”
And to be completely honest, you and AJ had discussed this. This visit back home for the holidays was out of courtesy. No matter how they reacted, you’d still be telling them that you’d be moving out. But if they didn’t approve, you’d never be coming home again, ever. You weren’t going to give your parents the upper hand and satisfaction of kicking you out. Never.
Your sister was picking you and AJ up from the airport. And for a little bit of a background on your family, you were the youngest of three. Your older brother, Theo and older sister Patricia were well into their twenties, both married. Patricia had two children— your darling niece and nephew, Aurora and Austin. As for Theo, he’d just gotten hitched on halloween with his boyfriend. That’d be Robin. Wanna make a guess which one of your siblings had a better relationship with your parents?
Patricia did. They were only okay with Theo having a boyfriend (at the time) because he was bi. So to them, that meant that he’d still be able to start a family if he wanted. Boy, did Theo shut them down so quickly. But they were still in denial. So far, Theo was the only one in your family that you were out to. You figured that only he truly understood your fear. But in a matter of minutes, Patricia would know as well.
Immediately, you spotted Patricia thanks to her distinctive voice over buzzing chatter of the swarm of people in the arrival hall. You rushed up to her, still holding onto AJ’s hand. “Hi, Trishy.” You hugged her back.
“Let me guess, AJ?”
“That’s me.” AJ chuckles lightly, “Were you expecting a guy too?”
“Not exactly.” Your sister admits, “Let me help you with your bag.”
“Explain.” You gasped, looking at her with wide eyes.
“I just don’t really care who you’re dating unless they treat you right. I wasn’t expecting anybody specific.”
“Oh.” You nodded, “Thanks?”
“Let’s go, Theo’s waiting in the car. And your precious niece and nephew are waiting at home.”
Getting into your sister’s car, you sat in the middle seat between AJ and Theo. “Good to finally meet ya and put a face to your name.” Theo commented, “She’s very secretive, this one.”
AJ chuckles. “She had her reasons, which I get. But I have nothing to hide, ask me whatever you want.”
“Oh, no, no.” Theo laughed similarly, “I trust you. She’s happy, she’s safe, she’s clearly so loved by you. I’m not the least bit worried.”
“I am,” You stared at him, “Mom and Dad are one hundred percent expecting AJ to be a guy,”
“Well…she can look the part.” Theo jokes. AJ snorted, “We’ll just leave the bags in your car because we’re almost certain they’ll want her outta there. We’re planning to leave either way. I’m not bi, so they will definitely go off on me.”
“Honey.” Patricia turned her head to look over her shoulder, “We got you. We get it— courtesy visit. Because they’ve been asking and asking, and asking. You’d think after two years of you not coming home, they’d at least start to get the hint, noooo, they’ve been painfully oblivious.”
“We’re home.” Theo announces, letting out an inevitable sigh. Aurora and Austin dropped their toys and ran over first, tackling you with a hug. AJ? She stood right behind you. “Hi, auntieeeee.” They squealed. “Hey, goofballs. Wow you guys are so tall.”
They giggle happily. “I’m taller.” Aurora grins.
“Sure are, sweetie.” You chuckle, ruffling with her hair.
“Who is this?” The seven year old girl asked.
“I’m AJ,” She smiled.
“You’re really pretty.” Aurora says. “Are you y/n’s friend?”
“Uh, girlfriend.” You answered honestly.
“Oh. Hello, AJ!” The kid shrugged, pulling Austin away to go play again.
And then, your parents. “Girlfriend, Rory, don’t be silly. I’m sure your aunt’s just kidding.”
“Kidding for what?” You asked, almost a little too harshly.
Your mother’s mouth hung open, “You…watch your mouth.”
“Watch my mouth?” You wanted to scoff so badly, “I’ve graduated from college this year. I don’t need to be treated like a child.”
“This is AJ?” Your dad chimed in.
“Oh, yeah. This is AJ and she’s great.” Theo spoke on your behalf, sensing your anger building up to a close peak.
“So are you bisexual too, like Theo?”
“No, Mom.” You stated, “I’m a lesbian,”
“Oh, God. What have I done?”
You were so ready to leave. It was clear AJ was thinking the same thing. “Nothing. You have done nothing. I have always been this way— nothing has changed and nothing needs to change. Why does it matter to you that I’m in love with a woman?”
“Mommy, why are you all mad at auntie? She didn’t do anything wrong.” Aurora appeared again. Shit, you’d forgotten in the moment that the kids were around. You should’ve just turned and left with AJ.
“Baby, come over here. Let’s get back to our movie, hm?” Ezra, her dad, came up to the foyer soon enough.
“No, gramma’s mad at auntie y/n. That’s not nice of her.”
“I’m gonna go, baby. But I’m okay, I promise.”
“Aw.” The kid sulked. “Whyyy.”
“Aurora, they need to talk— let’s let them finish talking first, okay?”
“Ezra, there’s no use talking to them. They’re so stuck in their narrow minds that only what they think, is correct. We’re leaving after we hand the gifts over to the kids.”
“Okay, dinner’s canceled.” Your mom announces.
“Way ahead of you.” Patricia looks up from her phone. “This family hasn’t felt like a family in years. It’s ridiculous that a child knows better than you two do. Ezra, let’s go. We’re moving the dinner to ours— I’ve already texted the rest of them. You two can stuff yourselves for all I care. y/n’s being very kind to come back here when she’s made it pretty clear she doesn’t want to be back here several years ago.”
Not wanting to escalate the situation, all of you left. You sat in Theo’s car with AJ. While Patricia, Ezra and the kids were in their own. With that, the bunch of you were on your way to Patricia and Ezra’s house. “y/n, AJ. The guesthouse is all yours. Make yourselves at home.” Ezra told you both while Patricia got the kids settled and freshened up.
“Wow, thanks.” You replied, then made your way over to the guesthouse through the backyard.
“Rest of the family’s coming by at 8. We have a few hours, so you guys just…chill.” Patricia eventually poked her head into the front doorway of the guesthouse. You hear Aurora and Austin playing in the pool, squealing.
“Well, can we help any way at all?”
“AJ, relax.” Patricia laughs, “I got this, you two just do whatever you want. Let me worry about the cooking.”
“You wanna go for a swim, then?” You glanced at AJ to ask.
“Sure.” AJ beamed, “Let’s do it.”
The moment you and AJ got inside the pool, Austin sprayed you with the water gun, then AJ became the target. Eventually, it became a little bit of a fight. You let the kids win, just because. They’re kids. It was just a game, everyone had fun. After an hour or so, Aurora and Austin wanted to get back inside so Ezra took them, leaving you and AJ alone.
“Are you okay?” AJ asks, pushing herself up to sit down on the edge of the pool.
“What? Yeah, I am.”
“No, I mean, really.” AJ continues.
“Babe, come on. It’s Christmas eve— I don’t want to talk about it.”
She looks at you, you look at her. AJ wasn’t going to give it up. “I don’t wanna talk about it here.” You stood up and led her back into the guesthouse.
“Me and my parents were very close. Until— okay, remember in high school, junior year? After my volleyball team won a big game.”
“Yeah.” She nods, sitting right before you, “Right before summer.”
“That night, we all got wasted at the hotel and some guy ended up…I dunno. Touching me while I was pretty much blacked out. I woke up to him hovering over me, kissing my neck and just— it was horrifying to have that be the first thing I saw and felt after getting sober from the drinking.”
AJ’s facial expression was indistinguishable, but you continue. “I didn’t known who to tell, so I ended up telling my Mom. Who, told my Dad without my permission. Then, the police showed up at the door, it was a whole mess that week. I know who did it— I always have. The memory started coming back and I knew that guy. But he got away with it. He pleaded not guilty, went to trial. I lost. My parents blamed me for drinking and getting myself into trouble. Since then, everything just kinda spiralled. At the time, Theo and Trish were the only two people in my corner. No one else knew what happened. They’re really just unrelated matters but since that happened, they changed. My parents simply hated me, it’s like they’re disgusted by me. But the drifting apart was pretty gradual so I got used to it. I just hate that they’re that way towards me even though I look at it from their point of view and I get it. But it’s been weighing on my mind, and you deserve to know.”
“Was that why you lived with them senior year?”
“Oh, yeah. Theo already started working and Trish was a senior in college. With both their incomes, they took me out of our parents’ home and let me live with them.” You explained, “It was so much more complicated in my head, but now that that’s out of the way…I just need a few days to forget about that. Work through that, you know? It’s not use being all upset about it now. I don’t want to be caring so much about them that I let them affect my mood when clearly, they couldn’t care less about me.”
“That is just…terrible of them to practically wash their hands off you.” AJ scoffs.
“Baby, don’t get yourself all angry over those two. There’s no point. Let’s just focus on ourselves and those that actually do care.”
“You’re right.” She smooches you on the cheek. “You’ve come a long way and done a lot of work. I’m very proud of you for that. Thank you for trusting me enough to tell me that. It’s not an easy thing at all to be sharing.”
You cracked a smile. “Thanks, baby.”
Seeing some of your family members clicking with AJ so well, so quickly, it seriously made you so happy— the relief you felt was impeccable. “AJ, will you read me a bedtime story?” Aurora comes running up to AJ— and you.
“Sweetie, they’re watching a movie—”
“It’s alright, Trish.” You assured.
You and AJ shared a look before she smiled and agreed. “Yay!” Aurora exclaimed and dragged the two of you by the hand upstairs to her bedroom.
“Good night, sweetie!” Patricia laughs, as did Ezra.
“Night, Mommy. Night, Daddy!”
A good twenty minutes later, Aurora reluctantly agreed to finally sleep. You walked back downstairs with AJ and were met with Theo immediately suggesting that the few of you should go out for the night. “Come on. We’ve been keeping it PG for the whole evening. Let’s go party it up.” Theo laughs.
“Hey, don’t need to look at me. You guys are adults. No curfew over here.” Patricia bit back a laugh, “Go. Have fun.”
“Alright, alright.” You gave in. Theo cheered quietly, gesturing for his husband Dylan to join you all and leave the house.
The destination? A gay bar. Ever since that night in high school, you were very careful around alcohol. So much so that you flat out didn’t drink alcohol in chaotic settings like these. Not all of them knew why, but they didn’t force you— you had two glasses and that was it.
“Which one of you people wants to take the mic tonight, party people?”
“Let’s go do that. Let’s sing.” You grabbed AJ by the arm, causing her to look at you, laughing.
“Sure.” AJ giggles, looking over to the guys.
“y/n, you know I cannot sing.” Your brother pointed at you, “Dylan— you can.”
“Hell yeah.” Dylan agrees and hopped off the stool, heading for the stage with you and AJ.
“Alright, alright! Here we go. First daring ones of the evening. Dylan, AJ and y/n singing ‘It’s Not Christmas Without You’, everyone!”
“So if you feel it comin'
On this special day
Just trust your heart
'Cause I can't wait to hear you say
That it's Christmas
And the start of something new
Well, it's Christmas
And I hope you'll feel it too
Everyone together, sing
Silver bells and golden rings
But all of it means nothing
Without you
No, no no
It's not Christmas (Christmas)
Without you, you, you
It's not Christmas
Without you, you, you
It's not Christmas
Without you, you, you
It's not Christmas without you”
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bunnyyamor · 2 years
daddy kink
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[ OCTOBER 27TH ] TOJI FUSHIGURO x fem! reader (step-dad au)
synopsis; you had wanted to trick or treat with your whole family but your mom was busy on halloween night. so instead you were stuck trick or treating with your step dad. wk; 3k
warnings; mdni, smut 18+, heavy smut, dark content, daddy kink, pseudo-incest, age gaps, pet-names, public sex, unprotected sex, fingering, enemies-to-lovers, jealous! toji, over protective! toji, dirty talk, beta read!
notes; so i changed the layout a wee bit, but this is by far my fav fic i think ive written. idk its my style aesthetic and i love her lol. also toji is one of my favs cuz he is so fine so enjoy bbys. pls remember to unhide mature posts in tumblr settings and comment, like and reblog!
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“so i’m thinking we’ll hit up the neighbors house, then maybe go egg some houses.” your mother raised her brow with a glare. “then we can come back home and eat all our candy while watching spoooooky movies,” you moved your fingers in a scary way. “that’s the plan. so what are you going to wear this year?”
“actually, honey. i’m not going.”
“what?” your mouth widened in shock. you were looking forward to this day for a whole year. “but you had your whole outfit picked out and everything.”
your mother rolled her eyes, annoyed, “i know. look, it’s not like i chose to not go. they have me wanting to come in for another shift.”
you were texting on your phone, pissed. “then tell them no. literally i got this day off for this, so can you.”
“it’s not that simple. i don’t know why you can’t do anything on your own?  i already told you i tried, enough, what do you want from me?”
“you never hang out with me anymore,” you pouted. “it’s always work or that man.”
your mother snapped at your face, “watch yourself. that is your step-father.”
“he is nothing to me,” you crossed your arms. “he is just a dude you’ve been with for a while that stays at our house.”
“i want you to respect him, y/n. he is a good man.”
footsteps boomed down the stairs. there he was. the man that was with your mother for almost 2 years now. toji fushiguro. it looked as if he had just come out of the shower. he was wearing gray sweatpants without a shirt and his hair dripped on his shoulders. “hey baby,” his voice was raspy as he kissed your mom. 
“jesus fucking christ. put on a shirt dude.” you shouldered him as you walked by. 
“y/n!” your mom shouted. 
you saw in your peripheral vision toji’s face darkened in anger. but you didn’t care if he was angry. he could suck it!
“what mom? i’m being a good girl.” you slid over your couch and laid there, upside down, texting on your phone, trying to make late plans. “maybe i’ll ask my friend if i can go to a party. aye, that’ll do it. i can go get wasted.” you chuckled. 
you knew your mother was probably rubbing her temple and your ‘step-father’ was consoling her. he literally made you want to vomit. he made you angry and his presence was a nuisance to you.      
“y/n, you know how we feel about you going to those parties. besides i don’t really like your friends,” toji crossed his arms. he had a way of making your mother think exactly like him. even if she was half on your side and thinking she would immediately turn her morals to his. your mother treated your step-father as if he was all knowing. she listened and did everything he told her. it bothered you so much. 
you jumped up from the couch and made your way to toji’s huge form. he was humongous, broad shoulders, muscles galore, he almost touched your house's ceiling. he was a huge man. that didn’t intimidate you one bit. “you can’t tell me what to do. this is my house, my mom, and my life.”
toji smirked, “that’s true but i also am your step-father.” he took one step closer to you. the air shifting between you two. his arms were crossed over his chest. you never realized how thick he was on his chest area. they literally protruded under his arms. still, even with his size, you didn’t want him to think he won. 
“i know who you really are. you can’t fool me. and you will never be my father,” you uttered the words so that only you and toji could hear. you thought that would break him but instead it grew a gleam in his eyes. something shined within him that made him break the smirk into a toothy grin. he was playing your game. “whatever. i’ll just call megumi and hang out with him. we’ll go trick-or-treating.”
“megumi texted me. he’s going with yuji itadori actually. so, it looks like it’s just you and me sweetheart.” toji winked. 
you threw your hands up in the air frustrated. “yay,” your mom clapped her hands, “daddy and daughter time.”
you went upstairs and got changed in your ballerina costume. maybe you could separate from him and hang out with your friends. this was supposed to be a family gathering but of course, your mother had to ruin it. 
you came downstairs and as you came down you noticed your mom was gone and instead toji sat on the couch. something was different with him. “you done?” he called out. 
you stood at the top of the stairs, waiting for him to turn around. he stood up and turned and you knew that something was different. you felt different with your step-dad. toji smirked as he showed up in a nightwing costume. each muscle outlined, his hair disheveled, and he was wearing the eye mask. he leaned against the couch, you couldn't help it but divert your eyes to his cock. it was outlined as well, and…huge. you gulped. “wow you look-”
“cool?” he slowly walked over to the end of the stairs. “not so boring?” his eyes slowly made their way from your legs up to your face. “ballerina?”
you did your makeup pink themed and you wore a cute gloss over your lips. your lips were pursed out, all innocent looking. you were all pink and girly. super feminine. even painting your nails red. you wore a pink leotard with a sheer pink skirt. the leotard was tight, showing all your curves and ass. you looked like a cake topper, a cute pink macaroon. any man would want to take a bite. 
“sweetheart, you look so beautiful. so perfect, delicate.” he whispered as his hands traveled up your legs. you didn’t have a snappy comeback. instead he made you flustered. his eyes held some kind of villainy within him. his neck curved, his adam's apple bobbing up and down as he stared up at you as if you were an angel. he looked guilty and wanting at the same time. his eyes were half-lidded. you noticed the way he sniffed the air, sniffing you. his big, calloused hands looked so gigantic against your legs, covering your entire calf as he rubbed it lightly and squeezed it gently. “you ready?” his voice was hoarse. 
you covered your face, wanting to hide your emotions and feelings. you were only human. “yeah, whatever. let’s just get this over with, old man.” you pushed him aside as you walked in front of him. you realized he was staring at your ass. 
what was wrong with your step-father? he was your mother’s boyfriend! and yet why did you feel dirty? why did you feel that if something happened today you would let him do whatever he wanted to you? why did you want him to do something to you? why was he acting this way all of a sudden? 
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everyone was out. the night was young as so many families walked around the neighborhood in their costumes, wanting candy. you knew the town, knew the houses, the streets so you walked around like you knew everyone, it was true you did. toji looked at you with pride. the way you walked around, not afraid, acting like you were the main character. a part of him was irked by your rudeness but also he couldn't help but stare at you. he couldn’t help but be attracted to you. 
“let’s pause here,” you said. you had put a spray around your hair and neck that was sparkles. it twinkled in the moonlight. this caught toji’s attention. you smelled like vanilla and looked like a diamond. all your sparkles catching his eye. you whipped your phone out and leaned your head against toji’s shoulder. “let’s take a selfie and send it to mom. she wants one.” you lied through your teeth. you looked away as you said this lie. 
toji grinned evilly. “mom? or more like you?” his face dipped to your height. he pushed you against a fence, caging your small body with his. you winced, finally breaking, he was winning. your tiny hands pressed against his chest, strong and plump. you were hot. toji was pinning you against the fence. his face was only centimeters away from yours. “c’mon baby. you can tell daddy the truth.”
“i-i-it’s. okay fine. doesn’t matter. mom will like it.” you shouted, hiding your face. you were never bashful or shy! why were you becoming like this? he made you this way!
“okay, let’s send her a selfie.” toji all of a sudden picked you up, arm under your ass as his big hands gripped your plump thighs. “what the fuck?” your body was placed on his shoulder. the sides of your leotard rising higher from the movement. your heart was beating faster than ever before. “toji, what are you doing-”
“toji? angel, i’m your step-father. call me daddy.”
you gulped, “f-fine. what are you doing, daddy?” you felt the heat rush to your cheeks. you also felt wetness down at the name. 
“i’m taking a picture with my sweet baby girl. alright, say cheese!”
you hated him. hated him more than ever in this moment. he was playing with you and your mom. he was messing with your mind. you knew it wasn’t because he actually liked you, it was because he wanted to get back at you for earlier. “n-no! i don’t have to listen to you.” you crossed your arms. the side of your ass was pressed next to toji’s face. toji raised his brow and shook his head, “good girls listen.” his mouth then turned to bite a piece of your ass peeking from the leotard. it was a light bite and then his tongue peaked out and licked the bite. “c’mon, smile.” 
you jumped but was held still by toji. “toji-i mean, daddy!” your step-father just bit your ass. and you liked it. you liked it so much. you wiggled on his shoulder. finally, you smiled and toji took the selfie. he came out so attractive. his jawline was prominent in the photo, he looked like a model. his smirk making his scar above his lip prominent. you were wide eyed looking innocent in the camera. more from what toji just did seconds ago and from where you were seated. toji carried you like you weighed nothing.
he put you back down and you felt dizzy from everything. what were you feeling? “send me that picture,” toji’s hands landed on your shoulder then traveled up to around your neck, caressing your skin there. “i think you look so beautiful in it.”
why were you so quiet? you decided, toji wasn’t going to win. you were going to give him a taste of his own medicine. 
you both went to a door. you knew who lived there. it was a guy that you knew had a crush on you from when you both were in high school. of course, you never liked him but you wanted toji to realize you didn’t care about him and his actions. 
toji knocked the door for you. he was behind you most of the day, keeping an eye out since it was night. you weren’t going to lie, you did like how protective he was over you. you felt safe with him. he always had a shoulder wrapped around you or his hand on you to make sure you were always with him. always standing behind you, close by, so close you can smell his cologne. 
“thank you daddy.” you smiled wide. excited for what was gonna happen. the door opened and low and behold it was the guy that had a crush on you. “y/n? wow, welcome! damn, you look good.” he eyed you up and down. you felt a hand on your shoulder. it was toji’s and it was tightening around you. you looked up behind you and saw his face. if looks could kill! he looked so scary! he wore a scowl and his eyes were dark, full of anger. 
you rolled your eyes and popped your butt out to the side, placing your hands on your hips, posing. “you think so baby? aww thank you, love!”
the guy leaned against the door frame, coming closer to you. toji pulled you back so you fell back against his chest. “i’m her boyfriend.”
“wh-what?” you were about to fight toji. trying to turn around to protest but toji held you in place. “so, back off.” he threatened with a glare. 
the guy backed off, throwing his hands up, surrendering. “damn, sorry man. i didn’t know. well, here’s some candy. enjoy your trick or treat y/n.”
you rolled your eyes and said a quiet “thank you.” you bent down to pick up the candy in the plastic jack o'lantern bucket. you noticed the guy backed away to look at your breasts almost spilling over. you knew toji would not like it. you heard toji grumble in the back of you. but you also noticed that when you bent over your ass by accidently grazed against toji’s dick, you felt it was hard! “c’mon baby. let’s go.” he grabbed your arm, dragging you away. 
you both walked without saying a word. most of the streets were empty, people heading home. toji acted weird, walking in front of you this time, which was something he didn’t do this whole time. 
“daddy?” you called out to him. 
“i can’t believe how you acted. the way he looked at you.” you saw toji rub his temple and bang the fence beside him with his fist. 
“it wasn’t my fault! he was the one all up on me. i was an innocent bystander. what was with the whole, oh i’m her boyfriend?” you imitated him. 
toji turned around, anger evident on his face. “sweetheart, i saw the way he looked at you, daddy knows that look. when a man wants to ravage a sweet girl. the way he looked at you made me so angry, so disgusted.” toji’s jaw clenched. “if i said i was your boyfriend, i knew he would leave you alone.”
you were so done. you shook your head and resumed to walk, wanting to be ahead of him and by yourself. you shoved against him, “whatever. i can’t stand you! i try to like you! try to give you a chance! you think you can play with my feelings and emotions. the way i feel!”
toji grabbed you and picked you up to press you against the fence, like earlier. caging your body. 
“not again with this!” you tried to push him away from you. 
toji clenched the sides of your head and dipped his head to press his feverishly lips against yours. the kiss was passionate, heated. the smacking of lips. you tried to not move your mouth but you couldn't help it. you needed to kiss him. you wrapped your tiny arms, compared to his, around his head to deepen the kiss. 
“daddy, i want you.” you moaned in the kiss. 
“i know baby. i know.” his tongue dragged into your mouth. fighting with your tongue. both breaths hot. moaning and groaning. teeth gnashing. your fingers tangled themselves in his hair. your body was automatically attracted to his, wanting to be pressed against him. 
“we shouldn't do this.” you said. 
“i know.” toji agreed. but then his lips went to your neck. you suck in the air as his plump lips touched the vein on your neck. he could feel your pulse, how rapid it was. you were excited. you wanted this so bad now. 
“you know i hate you so much,” you pushed toji’s head closer so he was licking all your neck. 
“i never hated you. i’ve tried to fight this feeling. but you are so stubborn, such a bad girl.”
you dragged his head back to your lips. you bit his lip. the flesh between your teeth as you dragged it out. eyes directly on his. 
toji picked you up, desperately, his hands under your ass, groping and squeezing your flesh. “you in this outfit. fuck. you really were testing me baby. daddy wanted to fuck you really bad.”
you grinded on his hands. loving how thick they were and veiny. he was very handsome as much as you hated him. “please daddy, fuck me. make me yours.” your eyes were innocent.
toji finally ripped his eye mask off, so his face was plain. you wanted to see his real, raw emotions while he fucked you. he held you with one hand, kissing you sloppily, while the other hand was starting to rip your leotard. “daddy, i’m not wearing underwear! everyone is gonna see me.”
“over my dead body,” he growled. “i’ll rip my costume and wrap it around you.” he ripped the fabric of the leotard that covered your pussy. 
when it was finally gone, you shivered slightly from the cool october air hitting your wet pussy. “i’m cold.” you pouted. 
“don’t worry. daddy, will make you all warm.” toji smirked as his thick fingers slowly touched your cunt. you gasped from the touch then hummed at the feeling. he knew what he was doing. “just like that.”
“baby likes this?”
“i would like it more if it was daddy’s cock.”
toji played with your wetness between his fingers then he lifted the fingers into his mouth. eye contact never leaving as he sucked his fingers dry. “wow, sweetheart. you taste so delicious. does this pussy belong to me?”
you nodded, so hot. his fingers circled your clit, making your legs shake from the nerves. he played with your folds, stretching them slightly. “you ready?”
you looked down at his pent up frustration. it was huge and it wasn’t even uncovered. “yes,” you said low. you were scared. you never fucked someone so big as him. 
“don’t worry baby, daddy will go slow for his angel.” he kissed your forehead as he unzipped. he took his swollen cock out. it was super thick, dripping already with need. he saw you that way as well. he was very much attracted to you. 
toji lifted your legs over his arms. your pussy wide and displayed for him. “look at that pretty pussy. all for daddy. it is so beautiful.”
he was wet and you were soaked. his cock slid it slowly into you. it was perfect. he fit you like a puzzle piece. it went in, inch by inch. “that’s it. take it.” his breath was shaky. you knew he wanted to fuck you hard, wanting to dive into you. but he took it slow. finally he bottomed out. 
“oh my god,” you moaned. moving your hips for him to go fast. 
“already baby! i just put it in. you naughty girl.” toji’s hips went back and forward. both of you getting wetter and squelching. skin sticking. “but if that’s what you want, my baby gets what she wants.” suddenly, toji’s hips started going quicker. he was humping up inside your cunt, your juice dripping down his cock. 
“yesss right there. fuck! yes daddy! right there daddy!” you hugged onto him. your grip tight. his balls slapped against your cunt. his thick cock was dragging in and out. this was not making love, this was pure, straight up, fucking you. he was feral. biting onto your shoulder. 
toji grunted, pounding inside you. nonstop. he was holding you and fucking you. sweat was dripping down his temple. you were pinned against someones fence, being fucked out of your mind. toji kissed you again while he fucked your brains out. loving how you clenched around him. how tight you were. 
“god i feel so full, daddy,” you cried. 
“that’s okay. take it. take it.” toji noticed how you pulsed around his dick. he loved how every time his cock came peeking out of you it was covered, drenched with your cream. you looked so perfect. so angelic. breathing harshly, trying to take all of him. lips puffy, eyelashes thick with tears from the stimulation. your hair was starting to stick to your skin from the sweat. you looked like his favorite vision. he wanted to remember this moment. paint a picture of you this way. his tongue licked inside your mouth, opened mouths making out. his cock and pounding didn’t stop. it went faster, fervently. needing. it was unstoppable. he was unstoppable. if someone was watching let them. you were worth it. he didn’t care in that moment about your mother, he wanted you. wanted to take you to a lair and fuck you everyday every second. you were his drug. 
“daddy, i don’t think i can last longer. i’m gonna cum!”
“go ahead baby. cum for daddy.” he growled as his forehead rested against yours. wanting to see your face. wanting to see how you looked as you took all his seed. 
“ahhhhh!” you shook, grasping onto toji’s shoulders. 
toji didn’t stop. he loved to feel your goopy-ness drip on his cock. it was warm and felt like a  velvet blanket of a waterfall onto him. 
“i’m so fucking lucky,” he whispered to you. “shittt, fuck,” he grunted as he finally came. not able to last because your pussy walls pulsed against his shaft, milking him for everything he was worth. 
“i love you daddy. thank you daddy, fuck,” you kissed him again. it was sloppy, disgusting. saliva everywhere. but you wanted him to know you were his but if he could be yours. 
“i know. i know.” he moaned against your lips. he was still into you and when you both calmed down he slipped out of you. before you could even ask him anything, he ripped his top in half and wrapped it around your hips. he held onto your hand to walk with you but you tripped. you were too weak and held still on the fence.
“i got you.” toji picked you up bridal style. “how bout we cuddle on the couch and watch spooky movies?
your tiny hands touched his face in a feather like touch, “okay. also, i don’t hate you as much.”
toji walked with you cuddled in his arms, he was smirking. “i know.”
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ravennaortiz · 1 year
Halloween SOA Day 8: Dolls
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Summary: Little joke gets played on our sweet Tig
“What do you think?” questioned Juice as the two of you finished walking your dads place while he told you his plan. “First, I think it’s great. Second, I hope you realize he will want revenge. Third, keep my name out of your confession” you replied with a laugh. “Yeah, yeah” replied Juice with a shrug of his shoulders as he shot you a goofy grin. “The opportunity is too good to pass up” he added as the two of you moved to the front of the house. “Uh-Huh. Well I will go pick him up from the clubhouse and leave you to your plan. Text me if you need more time but I’ll have him here by 11pm if I don’t hear different” you replied before kissing his cheek and walking out the door. Juice smiled to himself as he started opening boxes and sorting his electronic equipment. This was gonna be his most epic prank.
11pm the next night
“Thanks for joining me dad” you stated as you pulled your car into the driveway of his house. “Anything for you baby girl. I had a fun time. We need to do more father daughter things” stated Tig as he kissed your forehead before getting out of the car. “Agreed Dad, love ya” you replied before watching him make his way into his house. Once he was inside you backed out and drove around the block before parking behind Juices motorcycle. “You shouldn’t have your doors unlocked at night” stated Juice as he hopping into your passenger seat with his laptop. “Really?” you replied as you rolled your eyes and laughed. “All kinds of wierdos lurk in the dark” replied Juice with a grin as you playfully smacked his arm. “Lets just get the footage up Ortiz” you  replied as you shook your head.
Inside the house
Tig walked though his house without turning any lights on. He dropped his keys by the door, kicked his boots off there and hung his kutte on the hook before making his way to his bathroom for a shower. Tig was washing off when he thought he heard a childlike laughter. He paused before shaking his head at the idea. As he stepped out he screamed as two dolls popped out from under his sink laughing. He fell back into the shower pulling his curtain down around him. Once he had recovered he muttered angrily to himself. He knew he shouldn’t have told Opie about his fear of dolls at the wax museum a couple of weeks ago. It had become all the club could talk about and he had been fining dolls and such since but so far no one had had the nerve to desecrate his home with them. Grabbing his robe he wrapped himself in it before moving to his bedroom where he was greeted by dolls everywhere. They hung from his fan, were tucked into his bed, peeking out from drawers. Tig sighed heavily as he rubbed his face before heading to his kitchen for trash bags.
“Him not changing will be a fatal mistake for the finale” laughed Juice as the two of you watched your dad start to toss dolls into a trash bag. “This is better than I imagined” you chuckled.
1 hour later
“Fuck this” muttered Tig for the hundredth time as he tossed what he hoped was the last bag of dolls out of his house. He had been amazed at how many different sizes there had been and the fact they had not only been in the bedroom but also the kitchen and living room. His nerves were frayed from the lifelike movements, spontaneous giggles they emitted and the jump scares some had performed. Before Tig could close the door he thought he heard footsteps. “Hello” he called cautiously as he turned around. He instantly regretted leaving his gun in his room. “Help” called a woman’s voice weakly making him step outside to look around. As he did so his back porch light dimmed some. Not seeing anything or hearing anything else Tig shook his head and went to go back inside. “Here’s Dolly” called a high pitched voice as he turned coming face to face with a life sized doll. Tig screamed and stumbled back as the Doll dropped to all fours and started running at him laughing. He scrambled backwards on his hands and ass before finally getting up and running towards his front yard. Once he rounded the front he was confronted by two more dolls and as he turned towards the street he saw three more. Tig was so invested in running for his life and trying to keep his robe closed e didn’t even notice his daughter car or Juices bike as he ran past them trying to get to help.
“Ten dolls Juice?” you laughed as you watched the pack of dolls chase you r dad down the street and around the next corner. Juice shrugged as he had the dolls turn away as Tig darted up to Clay and Gemma’s front door. “I mean it could have been more” he laughed as he texted a prospect to pick the dolls up while you two drove to the clubhouse to show the others.
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yourmomni · 7 months
A/N: I was going through my draft and found some stuff from 2 years ago so since they didn't past the cut from past Ni I'm going to post them now.
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When i tell you jungwon knows the soundtrack to moana back to back because of your daughter he literally sings it to you while your in the kitchen making lunch
Jungwon, I swear if you say “coconut one more time i'm going to scream.”
For halloween he was hei hei while your daughter was Obviously moana while they made you go as te fiti because “ momma you re just like her.” you didn't know if you should take that as an insult or as a compliment.
Were they calling you a beautiful goddess or a fiery killing monster?
Jungwon who will defend his daughter no matter what even if she's in the wrong
“Honey i don't get the problem.” “ won she was only supposed to have 1 fruit snack today and healthy snacks the rest of the day.” Your daughter stood their eating her 4th pack of welch's fruit snacks.
“ She asked for more so I provided . I don't see the problem, baby do you see the problem?” your daughter shook her head and you glared at her.
“ fine then no snack time for the next 4 days and daddy is taking you to dance class for the next week.”
Jungwon smile immediately dropped
“ wait no, babe we talked about this. You're supposed to take her, me and the boys we are planning to fly to jeju.”
You shrugged. “ should of thought of that before giving our daughter cavities”
Jungwon the type of father to fall asleep while watching your daughter
You come home late from a girls night to find your daughter's eyes glued to the t.v. watching the simpsons in her P.J’s while jungwon is sprawled out on the couch knocked out
All you could do was shake your head and pick your daughter up taking her to her room where she immediately passed out
Jung won was going to get a ear full when he woke the next morning
Jungwon is the type of dad who actually enjoys playing dress up and tea party with your
While he was putting together her toy kitchen he repeatedly told you that she was never going to use it and it was a complete waste of money. But turns out your daughter loved to use her imagination and have dinner parties for her stuff animals every other day. “Daddy would you like me to make you a sandwich?” she asked. Jungwon was squeezed in one of her tiny wooden chairs jay build for her on her 3rd birthday. “ Yes please, I'm starving.” she smiled happily running to her toy fridge and pulling out bread,meat,lettuce, and cheese.
She and him had been playing for over 4 hours now and she was nowhere near tired.
Jungwon who tried to teacher to to dance but ended up at the hospital instead
Your daughter is crying standing beside his hospital bed while he holds an ice bag on his private area . “ I don't wanna say I told you so but….” you motioned to his broken leg. “ told you so woonie.” The tutu he wore was now in your hands ripped from when he fell after tripping over one of your daughters toys. “ Should've cleaned up before dancing”
Jungwon would make an amazing father
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royalsy-queen · 8 months
Okay absolute crackpost time, bear with me
Recently I made a lil post about how the party would react to the classic "when life gives you lemons" situation but even before I wrote that there's a super silly idea that's been on my mind forever.
I desperately want some Wheeler siblings interactions that include Holly now that she's a bit older, so an idea came to me.
Halloween of '87, Karen and Ted had allowed Holly to go trick or treating without them, as long as she stayed close to Mike and Nancy. Mike really didn't wanna babysit his sister, especially not on halloween, when he had plans to watch some scary movies with the party (and maybe use it as an excuse to get close to Will when he got scared), but deep down he loves his sisters and he has a soft spot for Holly. He's her big brother, so it's his mission to always be there to protect her, so he eventually agrees to go with them and Holly gets super excited about it, she can't and won't stop talking about it.
Holly is the Wheeler's little princess, and she's a sucker for dressing up and putting on her fake tiaras and make up that barely has any pigment. Nancy was a bit to old to play dress up, but in some occasions she did her make up with her real products, it was a nice bonding moment when her plastic fake family felt a little more real, after Holly went downstairs to show how pretty she looked, with barely any reaction from their father and a small photo session by Karen Wheeler.
She had managed to pull both Nancy and Mike into her dress up moment, and she was gonna take that opportunity and run with it. Holly had her costume planned months ago, she was gonna be Sleeping Beauty with that pretty and sparkly pink costume dress her Nana got her for her birthday, and she was decided to keep up her theme. She talked with Nancy about how they should be the trio of Disney Princesses, and since she was the going as the most recent princess it only made sense for her big sister to go as the first princess ever, and that's how Nancy Wheeler ended up dressed as Snow White as a twenty year old. Jonathan found it pretty adorable when she told him, reminiscing how he also had some matching costumes with Will when he was little.
But convincing her sister to dress up like a princess with her was easy. Now came the hardest part of her little master plan. She and Nancy went to talk to Mike, who was in his basement, as usual. Holly started explaining her idea, and while cheesy, Mike thought that dressing up as a prince for her little sister wasn't the worst thing that could happen to him.
But Holly didn't want a prince. She wanted her trio of princesses. And the second princess' spot was reserved for the second child.
"Absolutely not!" Mike's response was immediate. He wasn't gonna go around Hawkins, trick or treating with his sisters in a ballgown dress. No way. But Holly didn't fret, she expected that reaction.
"But Nancy is dressing up too! We need the middle princess!" Holly begged. Mike was still shaking his head. "...And I know blue is your favorite color, so I kept that one for you."
Ouch. Holly was using her puppy eyes stare, the one that melted mom and dad even in the toughest situations. Mike knew it was on purpose and he didn't wanna back down, but he'd be damned if he was gonna let his baby sister be sad on halloween night. Her first proper halloween night. Some of Mike's fondest memories were of previous halloweens, laughing with his friends and having way too much sugar in one night. But dressing up in a sparkly blue dress all night? It was too much.
"Do you remember that time I dressed up as an elf for one of your D&D games? I did that in front of your friends, and I stayed in character the whole time. If I could do that for a whole day, you can spend less than three hours in a princess dress." Touché. This was Holly's second weapon, Nancy making sassy remarks right into Mike's ego. If one thing was clear is that Mike never backed down from that. Making sassy comments was his thing, and both girls knew how to use that in their advantage. For a seven year old, Holly was suspiciously smart and skilled in getting her way, she knew exactly where to hit, and that tiny soft spot Mike had for her eventually made him surrender.
"Fffffffine... I'll do it. Just for one night though." Holly's smile was huge, and Nancy had a smirk on her face. "You only need one night. After that your carriage is back into being a pumpkin." Nancy laughed, going up the stairs. "Hilarious, Nance. Really funny." Mike's voice was monotone, knowing this was only the first of many jokes to come. Holly went up to Mike and gave him a hug, planting a small kiss on his cheek. "Thanks, Mike! This is gonna be so much fun!" Holly went up the stairs too, with a skip in her step. Mike heard how she immediatly went to tell their mom, clearly not trying to keep her voice down.
He let a out a defeated sigh, collapsing back into the sofa. And that is how Mike Wheeler ended up dressing up as Cinderella as a sixteen year old.
Wow okay this was supposed to be just a silly idea but ended up as a whole ficlet but tbh I'm kinda proud of how it turned out.
This was barely scratching the surface, I still have the idea of the party's reaction after they find out Mike is dressing up as a princess for halloween, and how in an attemp to definetly not miss that glorious moment they decide to scrap their costume ideas and do something Disney related so they can blend in with Holly and also laugh at Mike right to his face (affectionately). But I'm having waaay too much fun with this so I'm pretty sure I'm just gonna pick this idea and run, turning it into a proper fanfic because I desperately wanna write the dialoge of Max, Lucas and Dustin laughing their asses off, Eleven being geniuenly excited to dress up as something Disney as I imagine Max introduced her recently to the classics, and most of all I wanna write Will's internal struggle of realising the boy he likes is about to dress up as a princess and how insanely funny that is, but also not wanting to laugh too much about it so that Mike isn't too upset about it. Mike is already regretting the moment he opened his mouth suggesting to accompany Holly and the party CANNOT wait for halloween night to come, because they already know it's gonna be one of their best ones.
Yeah so that's it, if you managed to reach all the way down here hi omg ily <3 and it would mean the world to me if you reply or tag this saying what you thought about it, it's the first time I actually upload any of my fanfics and I don't expect many people to see it but still, ily <3
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numinousmysteries · 8 months
Dancing the Tandava (7/10)
[on Ao3] @today-in-fic
Washington, DC 1993
Since William has no identification, money, or place of residence in 1993, Mulder lets him stay at his apartment while they figure out what to do next. As he accompanies his parents on the drive to the airport and the shuttle flight from New York back to DC, he’s tickled by how different they were years before he was born. He only knows them as his happily married, domesticated parents, not these young FBI agents who barely know each other.
Even though they aren’t together together yet, he can see the sparks flying between them. It oddly reminds him of his relationship with Hannah. They’ve stayed up all night talking but have never done more than hug. She’s beautiful and makes him think. He’s considered telling her how he feels about her, but he was scared it would ruin their friendship. Watching his parents now, he doesn’t feel as afraid. As his dad unlocks the door to his apartment, William decides if he makes it back to 2023 he’s going to tell Hannah about his feelings.
Seeing his father’s old apartment thrills William. There’s the leather couch covered by a Navajo blanket and the fish tank from the basement of his childhood home. He tries not to think about it, but he suspects there’s a chance he was conceived on that couch based on the way his parents lock eyes over it. He glances over at the bookshelf and sees familiar titles on parapsychology, cryptozoology, and mythology. Some of these made the cut and are still in his parents’ house in Virginia, but others he’s never seen. He imagines his parents going through the bookshelf two decades ago, deciding which ones were still relevant and which ones they should give away.
Everything else in the apartment is the stuff of legends. This is the setting of all the stories his parents told him of late nights poring crime scene photos trying to break a case or watching old movies and debating the patriotic merits of butter on popcorn.
“This is so cool,” he says, unable to suppress a grin. “I’ve heard so much about this place.”
“About my apartment?” His dad sounds skeptical.
“Yeah,” he says. “This is where you lived before I was born, right? And then we all lived at mom’s old apartment for a little bit before moving into our house. Can we go see mom’s place? I’ve seen pictures from when I was a baby, but I don’t remember it.”
“Um, sure. We’ll see when she’s around. William, can I ask you something?”
“Are Agent Scully and I a couple in your time?”
“Of course,” William laughs. “You’re crazy about each other. It’s actually kind of gross sometimes.”
“Are we married?”
“Yeah. You didn’t get married until after I was born, but you told me that you’d been together for a while beforehand.”
Mulder’s quiet as he takes this all in.
“I really shouldn’t say anything else, you know, Back to the Future and everything. Don’t want to accidentally scrub myself out of existence. Remember we used to watch that all the time when I was a kid?”
“I—” his dad starts.
“Oh yeah,” William says, dejected. “Sorry, I keep forgetting.”
“It’s okay, buddy,” his dad says. Buddy. It’s what his dad always calls him. “I don’t remember. But I can imagine if I had a kid I’d want to watch that with him. What about Plan 9 From Outer Space? The Wrath of Khan?”
“Yup,” William says, smiling. “I was Spock for Halloween three years in a row when I was little. None of the other kids had any idea who I was. That was before the J.J. Abrams reboot and everything.”
“They did a reboot? Was it any good?”
“It was okay,” William says. “I liked it. But you said there was too much action.”
His dad grins as he sits down on the couch and invites William to sit next to him. The leather feels squeaky, not as soft and broken-in as he remembers it.
“Mom doesn’t believe me, does she?” William asks.
“She’s coming around to it,” Mulder says.
William shouldn’t be surprised. His mother, the doctor and scientist, has always been the skeptical one but it still crushes him whenever she gives him a cold stare without any recognition. Where’s the mom who read him stories, soothed his nightmares, and helped him with his homework? The one who learned all the rules of baseball and basketball so she could cheer him on during his high school games and listened excitedly when he talked about everything he was learning in his college physics classes? He’s glad his dad, at least, believes him, even though he has no memories of his entire life.
“Am I a good father?” His dad asks hesitantly, and William turns back to face him.
The question confuses him. He always thought fatherhood came naturally to his dad. He remembers hours of playing with Star Trek action figures and building Legos on the floor of their living room as a kid, playing catch and practicing fielding ground balls in their backyard until sunset.
“You’re the best,” he says as if he’s confirming the sky is blue.
His dad turns away and he thinks he sees tears in the corner of his eyes.
“Does that surprise you?” William asks. Growing up, his dad was his hero. He never suspected he had any doubts about being a father.
“Honestly, a little,” Mulder says. “You mentioned my sister, Samantha. I can’t imagine myself settling down and living this life with Scully, and with you, unless I found out what happened to her. Do I ever find her?”
William knows this part of the story—how, a little over a year before he was born, his parents learned Samantha died at 14 years old—but now he starts putting together the pieces. His father needed to get closure before allowing himself to commit fully to his mother and, eventually, to him.
“You’ll find out what happened,” he promises. “You’ll get your answers.”
He sees the pain in his dad’s eyes, how he wants so badly to ask William to tell him the truth, but William can’t bring himself to do it.
“Back to the Future, right?” William says. “I can’t mess up the past.”
“Alright, Marty McFly,” his dad says, his mood lightened. “Let’s work on figuring out how you got here. And how to get you back where you belong. You mentioned this Dr. Bellona. Any hint where he might be working now?”
“I don’t know,” William says. “We can Google him.”
“What’s a Google?” His dad’s puzzled face makes William laugh.
“Sorry,” he says. “I keep forgetting it’s not 2023 anymore. It’s a search engine on the internet. Do you even have internet access?”
“Not personally, but I know some guys who do.”
“The Gunmen?” William perks up. He loved spending time with his dad’s trio of offbeat friends growing up. They always let him play with their latest piece of technology and shared wild stories about his parents from before he was born.
“You know them?”
“Frohike, Langly, and Byers are basically my uncles,” he says and his dad smiles. “They’re awesome.”
“Want to go pay them a visit in 1993?”
The Gunmen’s headquarters hasn’t changed much in thirty years. The technology has evolved but it’s just as grungy, overstuffed with audiovisual equipment, and somewhat malodorous as he remembers. Apparently, none of the three have updated their wardrobes in decades either. William recognizes Frohike’s leather jacket and fingerless gloves, Langly’s Dead Kennedys t-shirt, and Byers’s funereal suit.
“Guys, this is William,” his dad says as they come inside. “William, you know the guys.”
The three men look around at each other and then back at William.
“He knows us?” Byers asks Mulder.
“Tell them,” Mulder says, nodding at William. “They’ll believe you.”
“I’m Mulder’s son. And Scully’s. I’m from the year 2023.”
Despite Mulder’s assurance, all three Gunmen start laughing nervously.
“I don’t know what’s harder to believe,” Frohike says. “That Mulder knocked up Scully or that you’re from the future.”
“He appeared at Camp Hero,” Mulder says and the guys stop laughing.
“No way,” Langly says. “Did you see the Delta T antenna? That’s what they use to bend time. It’s supposed to have technology the military stole from extraterrestrials from the Orion constellation.”
“Well, the Delta T antenna can bend time,” Byers adds, “but it’s probably not what allowed you to travel back from the future. That was likely the Phoenix III tunnel.”
“Yeah,” says Frohike. “Do you remember a tunnel that descended deep underground? The CIA has supposedly been throwing homeless people down there just to see what happens, and they come back saying they walked out onto Civil War battlegrounds.”
“He’s a little hazy on how exactly he got here, but we think we know who’s behind this,” Mulder interjects.
“Dr. Vincent Bellona,” William says. “He’s at CERN now. That’s where I was working before I came here, but I think if we find where he is now we might be able to figure out what happened to me.”
“You’re working at CERN?” Byers asks. “Impressive. Must be Agent Scully’s influence.”
“Think you guys could look him up on the ‘net?” Mulder asks.
“On it,” Frohike says as he rolls a chair over to a desktop computer. “Vincent Bellona. Looks like he’s a post-doc at Princeton, specializing in high-energy physics. And—this is interesting—he’s got a hot wife who’s even more accomplished than he is.”
“Oh, let’s see the wife,” Langly says.
“Samita Shah,” Frohike reads off the computer screen. William looks and sees a photo of a younger version of Bellona (with a full-head of hair) next to a pretty South Asian woman with long, dark hair cascading over one shoulder. They’re both in lab coats. The picture is above an article titled “Quantum Leap of Love: Meet the Physics Department’s New Power Couple.” Skimming the article, he learns that Bellona and his wife came to Princeton together to research W and Z bosons, although Shah’s list of publications appears to be twice as long as her husband’s.
“Did Bellona ever mention his wife to you?” Mulder asks.
“No,” William says. “I didn’t think he had one. He doesn’t wear a ring anyway. They must not be together anymore.”
“Frohike, can you print this out?” Mulder says, then turns to William. “What do you say we pick up Scully and then go see what Bellona’s up to at Princeton?”
On the drive to Scully’s apartment, William sneaks glances at his father from the passenger seat. While his mom’s face has thinned out over the years, his father seems narrower in 1993, less solid. They’re both free of wrinkles and the gray hair that he knows his mom dyes to hide, and look more like his peers than his parents. He imagines how worried they must be in 2023 when they come to visit him. Hopefully, they’re able to get in touch with Hannah. He told her what he saw Dr. Bellona doing at the Shiva statue and she knows that Bellona called him in last night, so he hopes she’s making the same logical leaps.
More than anything, he wants to talk to Hannah. He knows they could figure out what’s going on. But she doesn’t exist yet. He doesn’t know if her parents have even met. If he doesn’t get back to 2023, he’ll be 30 when she’s born—if he doesn’t manage to screw up the space-time continuum so much that she’s never born at all. The thought of a world without her in it doesn’t feel worth returning to.
William’s dad knocks on the door of his mom’s apartment. She opens the door in jeans, a flannel shirt, and small, round glasses. She looks like she could’ve been in one of his classes at MIT.
“Scully, we have a lead on Dr. Bellona. He’s teaching at Princeton currently. We have to go see him.”
“Mulder, slow down,” his mom says, her face scrunched in concern. “Can we have a word alone?”
William watches as his dad follows his mom into the kitchen. Her apartment is much more familiar than his dad’s. Even though they moved out when he was a few months old, he’s seen photos of his dad holding him in front of the wood bookshelf in the living room, and one of himself as a chubby-cheeked infant with both his parents on the same sofa he sits on now.
His parents are speaking softly, but he can still hear them from where he sits.
“The preliminary DNA test results came back and they’re surprising, to say the least.” William hears his mother opening an envelope and handling papers. “They appear to confirm William’s claims.”
“Scully, you know how accurate these tests are. What’s the likelihood that we aren’t his parents with these results? Less than 10 percent?”
“Even smaller,” she says. “Mulder, this is completely impossible.”
“At this point, it’s more impossible that he’s not telling the truth. You’re a scientist. If you had to testify in court, wouldn’t you say this objectively proves we’re his parents?”
“If I didn’t know the context, sure,” she says. “But this is actually not possible. It has to be a statistical anomaly.”
“A walking, talking statistical anomaly with your eyes and my nose?”
“Mulder, it’s easy to see patterns when you’re looking for them. A lot of people have blue eyes and, well, distinguished profiles.”
“Distinguished? Thanks, Scully.”
“You know what I mean.”
“Come on Scully, talk to him. He knows things about us. I think he’s a little upset you don’t believe him. You’re his mom after all.”
He hears her sigh and then they both come back to join him in the living room.
“William,” his mom starts. She’s turned towards him but her eyes are on the envelope in her hands and not him. “According to the preliminary DNA analysis, what you’re saying is true. Agent Mulder is your father and I, somehow, am your mother. I don’t know how to explain that, but these tests are extremely unlikely to be wrong.”
“I know,” William says. “I told you I was telling the truth.”
She finally faces him and he can see the bewilderment in her eyes. He has to remind himself that this is his mother in 1993. There’s so much she has neither seen nor experienced yet. He knows about her abduction and about Emily. By the time his parents left the X-Files, her name was attached to one of the thickest files in the office, but at this moment he worries that his being here feels like a violation to her.
“It’s a lot to take in,” Mulder says, filling the silence as Scully continues to stare at William, examining him.
“Maybe if we talk to Dr. Bellona, we can find out how to get me back where I belong. I realize this must be weird for both of you.”
His mother nods sadly, looking down at her hands interlaced in front of her. “I think that would be for the best.”
He smiles with his lips tightly shut and nods in agreement, but inside his stomach churns. He wants to reach out and hug her, let her smooth his hair down with her gentle touch like she did when he was little and not feeling well. His heart aches knowing he’s little more than a stranger to her.
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reigningqueenofwords · 2 months
Part 4 of Dad’s Back
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You were absolutely livid when John talked to you about staying with Ellen. Yes, you loved Ellen, and had a lot of fun with Jo, but you loved being with your father and brothers more! John tried to appeal to you, pointing out that you could make friends, go to a dance class, no more traveling a lot, etc. If looks could kill, your glare would have dropped John dead. Finally, he ended up making you a deal. You would try to stay with Ellen, and if you didn’t like it come Christmas time, you could leave with John and the boys. You’d caved, agreeing to at leas that. 
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You started kindergarten in August, along with dance lessons. You didn’t mind school so much, but loved those dance lessons. John made sure that you had anything you needed for it, wiring Ellen money when he could. Two months later, you had your first dance recital. There was no way the three Winchester men would miss it. They arrived two days before, and you’d squealed when you saw them. It was a Halloween themed recital, and you couldn’t wait for them to see your costume. 
John watched you dance, beaming with pride. You seemed to flourish at Ellen’s, and while he missed you like crazy…it was worth it. “Daddy!” You ran to him after you’d changed backstage, letting him scoop you up. 
“You were great, princess!” He beamed. “I’m glad you’re liking your dance classes.” 
“Y/N/N is a natural.” Your dance teacher came over. “She picks things up extremely quickly.” 
“She’s a smart one.” Dean grinned. 
“That’s Dean.” You told her. “And that’s Sammy.” You pointed, as she had met John, but not the boys. 
She smiled. “So these are the famous big brothers.” She chuckled as they looked a tad bashful. “She speaks very fondly of both of you.”
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Instead of going off with John and the boys the following summer as planned, you’d stayed with Ellen. You were taking dance classes two days a week, and then gymnastics one day a week. You didn’t want to get behind. John understood, but had been looking forward to having you around for a couple months. 
When it came time for a gymnastics competition right before school started, you were confused to see only John and Dean. “Where’s Sammy?” You asked, worried. “Did something happen?” 
John crouched. “We got into a fight, princess.” He explained. “He left. He’s in California for college.” He refused to repeat what he’d told his son, not wanting that on your shoulders.
“He won’t get to see my first competition?” You asked sadly. “I was so excited!” The last time you’d seen him was for your 6th birthday.
Dean could tell you were getting upset. “Hey, Jo told me you got some new nail polish. Wanna show me? I’ll even let you do my nails.” He tried. 
You still looked extremely disappointed that Sammy wasn’t there, and John felt guilty. “Me, too.” He offered, making Dean look surprised. “Anything for Y/N/N.” He tapped your nose. 
“K.” You agreed. While it didn’t make up for Sam missing your competition, you were looking forward painting their nails. “Ellen and Jo let me practice on them.” You weren’t the best at it, but you enjoyed it anyway. “I’ll go get my nail polish!” You told them before taking off to your room. 
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They left three days after your competition, nails still painted. Dean’s were blue with glitter, and John’s were multi-colored (blue, purple, pink, and orange). “I’m surprised you didn’t ask Ellen for nail polish remover.” Dean noted. 
“Neither did you.” John pointed out, smirking. 
“Hey, she did a good job.” Dean looked at his hands. “And she had a blast. Who knows if we’ll be out here to see her in a couple weeks, or a couple months. This way she’s kind of with us.” He said fondly. “I’m glad that she liked things enough to stay here.” 
John nodded. “I am, too.” He agreed. “I’m terrified about when the other shoe falls. She’s been here, living a normal life, for a year. You never got that. You got months. I’m scared I’ll get a call in the middle of the night that something happened.” 
“I get it.” He felt the same way. “At least she’ll have at least a year of not worrying about traveling, and seeing us come back to motel rooms all beat up.” That was something in his mind. 
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Tagging: @ilovetaquitosmmmm
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ughgoaway · 11 months
I feel like equally he would also spend a MASSIVE amount of time on making Annie an elaborate costume and then not have time to make himself one.
Also have you seen bluey?? It’s my favorite kids show and I imagine that Annie could convince him to be dad while she dresses up as either bluey or bingo 🥹 Oh gosh the brainrot is really strong rn help help help
OR OR OR what if Annie convinces both Matty AND reader to dress up with her. Perhaps Annie as piglet, Matty as tigger, and reader as Pooh?
Or! Matty as Mario, reader as princess peach, and Annie as toad 🥹 okay okay I gotta stop now
literally matty as sully and little Annie as boo. perhaps they even dress up mayhem as Mike so they have a full family costume??? PLEASE IM SOBBING TOO
as a sewer, I am now imagining matty hunched over a sewing machine at 3am and eventually giving up and hot glueing Annie's costume bc the shop bought one "wasn't nearly good enough for my little girl"
matty has severe hot glue burns all over his hands the next day, you question the number of plasters at drop off and he says "ah you'll see why on Halloween, sacrifice for the best costume!"
DONT EVEN BRING UP BLUEY OHMYGODDDDD YES. I am obsessed with bluey (depressed people who watch bluey rise), but the idea of Annie as bluey is just... everything. AND MATTY AS BANDIT??? it's PERFECT. you are literally a genius bff. she has face paint and shows up to school telling everyone how her daddy did her makeup and they're matching. maybe there's a little after-school party and annie drags matty around to all her friends to show that they're matching because she's just so excited. "look!!! I told you!! my daddy is bandit and I'm bluey!! our doggy mayhem is bingo. daddy doesn't have a wife so there's no mummy chilli yet." (she says this whilst side eyeing you)
Annie being a mastermind and setting up a group costume. yes. WINNIE THE POOH IS PERFECT. you decide to go as winnie because its an easy costume, you just wear a red top with a cute yellow skirt and some ears. Little did you know when Annie was asking what you were being, she had a plan.
"miss y/n what are you being on Halloween? my daddy can't decide our costumes. he keeps on saying 'but that's not cute enough'" you are like "okay I will tell you Annie but it is a secret, just between us? yeah?" she is BUZZING because hello she's being trusted with an adult secret??? she's basically an adult.
she finds out and sets up a little plan... asks to read her winnie the pooh book at bedtime that night and matty "has a great idea." he thinks Annie will want to be pooh, but NO, she is instant she is piglet. matty is obviously tigger because... hello?? hyperactive and just wants to talk all the time to his group of friends? that is textbook Matthew healy.
cut to halloween at school you are greeting everyone, and you look up to see them walking in, and your face just lights up. not suspecting Annie setting anything up just immediately just being over the moon. matty sees you, and he literally feels his heart squeeze and skip a beat. he just stands and stares in awe, Annie is bouncing and giggling, but he just can't believe you have a joint costume. it's like you're a real family. WAIT, NO HE CANT THINK THAT. NO. PROFESSIONAL THOUGHTS. just a fun coincidence. totally not life altering day-dream material.
ANNIE AS TOAD IS KILLING ME. but also maybe this costume for the first Halloween they're officially together.... IDKKKK 🤭
olive please literally never stop. this is MWUAH.
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up-to-some-good · 11 months
31 October 1981
It's been a while since I last posted....whoops. Anyway, written for @wolfstarmicrofic - 1981 (872 words)
Something was wrong. Sirius didn't know what, or where to start looking, but he knew something was off.
It was almost noon. He was waiting for Remus to arrive back from his latest mission so they could go to the Potters' house to surprise Harry for a Halloween dinner. But something was wrong and plans needed to change.
His first instinct was Remus. He had found out a month before that he had been spending time in werewolf packs, trying to convince them to switch sides. It was the most obvious place for disaster to strike. It didn't feel right, though. Remus was due back that afternoon. He hadn't sent anything to indicate that anything had gone awry, and the full had already come and gone. If anything had happened, Sirius would have heard about it already.
His gut was telling him it was something else. Someone else.
Peter. He needed to check on Peter.
Only himself, James and Remus knew where Peter was. The Order had trusted the marauders to keep the Potters' safe, and hadn't asked for information regarding the identity or location of the secret keeper. The less who knew, the better. They weren't supposed to seek him out either. The odds of leading the Death Eaters right to him were too high.
But something was wrong and Sirius needed to make sure he was safe.
He was gone within minutes, stopping only to leave a note for Remus and put on his jacket. He apparated, knowing the bike would draw too much attention and cost him too much time.
Peter's safe house was empty when he got there. There were no wards up, no charms to deter intruders. The door wasn't even locked. There were notes scattered over the kitchen counters, details of Order missions going back six months in Peter's messy handwriting. Missions he hadn't been on and shouldn't have known about. Missions that had been compromised.
His Patronus to Remus had barely left his wand when he disapparated, landing in Godric's Hollow with his wand drawn. He was hours early. The sun hadn't even set, the trick-or-treaters weren't in the street, but he didn't have time to waste.
James and Harry were in the front garden when he arrived, invisible to everyone except Sirius. Harry was laughing wildly, chasing his dad on his tiny broomstick, James jogging ahead and pretending to narrowly escape the toddler. He stopped and looked up as the gate creaked open.
"Pads, you're early!" he exclaimed, picking up Harry and pulling Sirius into a quick hug. "What's up? Is Remus not with you?"
"Where's Lily?" Sirius asked, ignoring James and heading straight to the front door.
"She's inside, doing some research for Moody. Why?" James matched his pace, following him into the house with Harry in his arms.
"Peter's gone. His house wasn't warded and there was no sign of a struggle. I think he's the spy," Sirius answered quickly. "We need to go. Now. Lily!"
She appeared from the study as he called her, taking Harry into her arms with raised eyebrows.
"What's going on, love?"
"Peter's the spy, Pads says. We're leaving," James answered immediately.
Lily nodded and handed Harry back with a quick kiss to his head. "I'll get our bags packed. Where are we going?"
"My place," Sirius responded. "It was Alphard's before he died. It's warded against Dark magic, unplottable, the works. Even my parents couldn't find him there. I told Remus to meet us there and to add whatever protections he could think of in the meantime. No one will be able to leave, but we'll be safe."
Lily nodded again and ran upstairs to pack bags. James passed Harry on to Sirius and headed to the kitchen, grabbing various baby bottles and groceries, and shoving them into a grocery bag.
"Hey, Prongslet," Sirius cooed. "You wanna come stay with me for a bit?"
"Padda!" Harry shrieked in response, reaching out and pulling his godfather's hair.
Sirius conjured bubbles to entertain him while they waited, his heartrate slowing as he watched the boy giggle and play.
Lily appeared from the upper floor with a backpack, grabbing a few last minute things - including James's wand - as she came to stand next to Sirius.
As soon as James was ready, they stepped through the Floo one at a time; first James, then Lily with Harry, and finally Sirius, sealing the fireplace behind him.
The flat was warm as the stepped into he living room. The lamps lit and curtains closed, making it feel much later than it was. Remus was standing by the coffee table, having already directed James and Lily to the second bedroom to get set up.
His arms were warm when Sirius fell into them. He locked his arms around Remus's neck and breathed in the smell of him, freshly showered and safely home.
"You got my message?" Sirius whispered.
"As soon as I got home," Remus responded. "I contacted Dumbledore, let him know what happened and to expect an attack on Godric's Hollow. We'll be safe here, love. You kept us all safe."
Sirius relaxed into his arms as Remus gently ran his hands up his back. He tilted his head up slightly, Remus immediately obliging by leaning down for a chaste kiss.
"Welcome home, Moons. You okay to be stuck here with me for a while?"
Remus pulled him closer, hugging him tightly and speaking into his hair as Sirius buried his face in his neck.
"I'd stay here with you forever."
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final-girl96 · 6 months
“It's a good song, honey. If I knew you could write like this I would have had you write all our songs,” my dad said, chuckling at the end. I rolled my eyes, a laugh escaping me. “Thanks, dad. I don't know, after everything that happened…with him…it just sort of came to me and I opened my notebook and started writing.”
Fragments of Love
(Verse 1)
I once believed in the words you whispered in the night
But now I see they were just empty promises, not quite
You said forever, but forever seems so far
Now I'm left with these broken pieces of my heart
Fragments of love, scattered on the ground
Each shattered dream, lost and never found
You promised me the world, but all I got was pain
Now I'm left picking up the pieces, trying to remain
(Verse 2)
I held onto your words like they were precious gold
But now I see the lies that your stories told
You said you'd never leave, but now you're gone
Leaving me stranded in a world so cold and alone
Fragments of love, scattered on the ground
Each shattered dream, lost and never found
You promised me the world, but all I got was pain
Now I'm left picking up the pieces, trying to remain
I believed in you, I trusted in your name
But now I see the truth behind this cruel game
Promises broken, like fragile glass
Leaving me stranded in this broken past
Fragments of love, scattered on the ground
Each shattered dream, lost and never found
You promised me the world, but all I got was pain
Now I'm left picking up the pieces, trying to remain
Fragments of love, echoes of a broken vow
But I'll gather the pieces, some day, someway, somehow
“I still make him disappear…” I snorted at that. “I think I'll be just fine. It still hurts but not as bad as it did,” I said. Dad hummed on the other side of the line. “Well, I may or may not have looked into what he's been up to. He went to rehab and just got out a couple weeks ago.” I cleared my throat and moved around on the couch to fold my legs under me. “Yeah, I saw him the other day in town. He's been sending me flowers for the past six fucking months. The greeting card always has a different way to apologize. I didn't know there were so many different ways but he found them.”
“That's what fame does to you, sweetheart. It makes it easier for you. You can have all the drugs and alcohol at your fingertips. Eddie was used to always being the laughing stalk. High school was hell for him; he got bullied. Now everyone loves him. Men want to be him. Women want to be with him. Girls are going to be jealous of you and hate you because you are with…were with him. Everyone wants to party because nobody is going to tell them to stop. The only way you can get help is if you want it. This was his breaking point; losing you completely opened his eyes. Don't be too hard on him.”
My dad gave me a lot to think about after I got off the phone with him. I could see Eddie was trying to get better, but I'm still working on healing myself. Right now my priority was to get to work on time. I don't need to work but I want to. I want to make my own money and not live off my dad's money. So I got a job at Hawkings Rockin’ Records. It was a small record store in town at the little plaza beside the video store. Robin and Steve Harrington used to work at the video store.
I grabbed my jacket, slipping my arms into the sleeves. It was a little chilly in Hawkins; being the end of October; only one more days until it's Hallowen. I love autumn, it's my favorite season. The leaves are changing and falling, Halloween and scary movies, everything is all spooky. The weather was perfect. It was still kind of warm but there was chill in the air. I had Billy help me decorate the house inside and out. He hated every moment of it but it still helped me. I was planning a small get together for Halloween.
I've grown close with not just Billy but his sister Max and her boyfriend Lucas and their friends Dustin, Will, El, and Mike. I also invited Steve and Robin, along with Nancy, Mike's older sister, and Will's older brother Jonathan. They have all known each other and were close for years, so it was a little awkward at first but they've accepted me into their group with open arms. Now we're all close and frequently hang out.
I went to work, did Inventory, and restalked some stuff. Everything that my dad had said to me was replaying over and over in my mind. Eddie had gone to rehab and seemed like he was cleaning his life up. He's been sending me flowers for six months straight. Yesterday flowers were believed with a simple apology note. “I'm sorry. Happy Halloween. Love E.” He was trying. He wasn't giving up. Not on himself or me. The flowers were fucking gorgeous as always.
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This bouquet was made up of black and orange roses with sunflowers mixed in. The top of the flowers was covered with a thin layer of fake spider web and had a couple little spiders on top. They were wrapped in black paper with a ribbon tied around the stems. The ribbon was black with white skulls on it. This was hands down my favorite bouquet he has sent me. I mean, all the flowers he's sent are absolutely beautiful, but this one was my favorite. Halloween is my favorite holiday and the flowers were perfect. I have them in a vase in the middle of the kitchen island.
After work I went to Benny's to meet everyone. We were going to be planning out tomorrow night. We wanted to have a small get together with just the twelve of us. Pizza, snacks and drinks, music, games, horror movies. We just had to figure out what movies we were going to watch and what everyone wanted on their pizza and what kind of drinks to get. It was going to be a fun time. It's something I've needed. Having these guys in my life has helped so much.
I was grateful to have them. I didn't mind living in a small town. It was way better than always being on the road and having paparazzi following you everywhere you went and having your whole life plastered all over the place. Now, I'm not saying paparazzi haven't tried to come here, because they have. But my dad had put a stop to it. He's taken all the attention away from Eddie and I's relationship issues and put it on himself. Plus it helped that El's dad, Hopper, was the Chief of police. So if I have a problem I just have to call him up and he comes to take care of it.
When I walked onto Benny's everyone was already there. “Took you long enough,” Billy said, walking up to me. I rolled my eyes at him. “Left me with these idiots.” I elbowed him in the side. “Be nice. You're lucky to have people like them in your life. Even if you were an asshole in the past.” He scoffed and we walked to the table. Everyone ordered what they wanted, we talked while we waited, and planned everything out while we ate. Then we left ten minutes before Benny had to close.
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